Class 7: Drude Model: Electrical Conductivity

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Class 7: Drude Model: Electrical Conductivity

We are familiar with Ohms law written as an equation in the form:

Since resistance experienced by electrons arises due to collisions with other electrons, it
is not surprising that the resistance increases as the length of the conductor increases,
since that increases the number of collisions that the electron will experience. Similarly,
the resistance is seen to decrease as the cross sectional area of the conductor increases,
since the increased area provides parallel paths for the electron to travel.

Therefore, if the resistivity of the sample is , the resistance of the sample is given by

Substituting into Ohms law, we get:



where is the electric field,


where is the current density,


Since the resistivity is the inverse of conductivity , we can rewrite the above as:

The above equation is simply another way to state the Ohms law. We will use the above
expression in the discussion that follows since we will be able to more readily relate it to
the phenomena in the material.

We will now examine how electrons move when they experience an electric field. In this
process we will get a relation between and , and this will have another quantity which
we will then associate with the conductivity
In this exercise, we will use the free electron theory to arrive at an expression for of a
metal. This approach is credited to Drude and Lorenz and treats the free electrons in a
solid in a manner similar to atoms of an ideal gas.

Assume a 1 Dimensional sample of length , across which we apply a potential

difference .

The field generated due to this is given by:

The force , experienced by the electrons is given by:

Where , is the charge of an electron

Dimensionally, we can check that the above is correct since the RHS has the dimensions
Coloumb Volt / meter, which is Joules/m, which is equal to Newtons.

The force , is mass times acceleration, therefore

Since the applied field, charge of the electron, and mass of the electron are constant, the
above equation implies that the electrons will experience constant acceleration. Constant
acceleration will result in a continuously increasing velocity of the electrons and hence a
continuously increasing current. In reality this is not observed the current reaches a
steady state value.

As the electrons move within the conductor, they collide with other electrons present, and
the faster they move, the more likely it is that they will undergo such a collision.
Therefore there is some form of a general resistive term that becomes more prevalent as
the velocity of the electron increases.

In the assumptions that we listed at the end of the last class, in order to extend the ideal
gas theory to free electrons, we mentioned the need to introduce an approximate term
that accounts for the interaction between the electrons and between the electrons and the
ionic cores as a whole. We will now introduce this approximate term.
We will list the resistive term as

Such that as increases, the resistive force increases.

Therefore, the net force experienced by the electron can now be written as:
In the above equation, the accelerating force is constant, while the resistive force
increases with the velocity of the electrons. Therefore, with the passage of time, as the
velocity of the electrons increases, the net force on the electrons drops to zero, and the
electrons attain a constant final velocity , known as the drift velocity.

Rearranging, we get:

Substituting back we get:

Here, the velocity is a variable, while is a constant. It is relevant to note here, that
even in the absence of an applied electric field, the free electrons in a metal are in
constant random motion at any temperature above absolute zero. However, in the absence
of an applied field, the net velocity is zero. This is consistent with the fact that we do not
see current in the absence of an applied potential or electric field. When an electric field
is applied, a net velocity consistent with the direction of the applied field, is observed.
Therefore the net velocity is a quantity that is initially zero, and then increases in a given
direction in response to an applied field in that direction.

Incidentally the ratio , represents the velocity attained by the species per unit driving
force and is referred to as mobility, , of the species. Mobility is a more general concept
and appears in the treatment of other phenomena such as diffusion.

We can now rearrange the above equation as follows:

* +

[ ]
The above can be integrated with varying from 0 to , while varies from 0 to

[ ]

* +
LHS of the equation above evaluates to zero, when . And when
therefore the in the equation above is also zero.
Rearranging, we get:
* +

The term has the dimensions of (time)-1 since it is acceleration (force/mass) divided
by velocity. Let us denote the time indicated by this term as and examine what can be
associated with. Assuming an electron starts with a velocity zero, and is subject to an
acceleration , then from Newtons first law, the velocity it will attain after time is as

Looking at the expression for , we see that , therefore

Therefore we can associate with the time taken to attain if there is no change in the
acceleration within this time, implying that there are no collisions within this time. We
can therefore consider the time as the mean time between collisions. In reality the
typical electron may encounter a few collisions before it reaches , we are looking at
one possible scenario in the discussion above.

Therefore, we can now write the equation as below:

* +
This equation can be rearranged as follows:
( )

( )

[ ( )]
This implies that at and at

A plot of this equation is shown in Figure 7.1 below. is of the order of 10-14 seconds.
Therefore, when we switch on a circuit, it takes approximately 5X10-14 seconds for the
current to stabilize, which is virtually instantaneous from our perspective.





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 7.1: Variation of as a function of

Looking at the system from a different perspective, it is of interest to identify the charge
carriers and to identify the number of charge carriers that are moving, since this is what
causes the current. In the system we are examining, electrons are the charge carriers and
the number of free electrons per unit volume, , is the quantity of interest with respect
to the current that is flowing in the system. The speed with which the electrons move is
the drift velocity, .

Therefore, the current density is given by:

The RHS of the equation has the units Coloumbs per square meter per second, which is
the units of the current density.

As indicated earlier,


Substituting in the expression for current density, we have


Comparing with

We have

In this equation,

The above is a reasonably good prediction since metallic systems display conductivity
values of the order of 107 (m)-1. As indicated in our earlier discussions, we are more
interested in getting the correct order of magnitude for the predictions, rather than the
exact value.

Here we have assumed a unit valency for the metal. The valency we assume will affect
the value since higher the valency, greater will be the value. At the same time, if
increases, we can reasonably expect to decrease since the electrons will now be more
likely to collide with each other.

Correct prediction of the electronic conductivity of metallic systems is therefore a success

for the free electron theory of metals or the Drude model. In the next class we will use the
same set of assumptions and try to predict the thermal conductivity of metallic systems.
We will also examine how well the Drude model predicts the relationship between
electrical and thermal conductivities of metals.

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