BSC Biotechnology Syllabus

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Academic Council/07/2016

Item No: 4.51


Syllabus for F.Y.B.Sc.


Programme : B.Sc.
Course: Biotechnology

with effect from the academic year

2016 2017

Twenty First Century is known as the Century of Biotechnology.

Biotechnology is one of the youngest branches of Life Science, whichhas
expanded and established as an advanced interdisciplinary applied science in
last few years. Biotechnology at the core envisages the comprehensive study of
Life and the Interdisciplinary potential of Biotechnology has led to aunique
status for Biotechnology in Research and Industry.

The socio-economic potential of Biotechnology is well established which has

almost become synonymous withmodern development. Biotechnology has its
applications in almost every field touching practically every human activity.
The applied aspect of Biotechnology is now getting established with its
applications in Industry, Agriculture, Health and Environment, Biotechnology is
the lead science expanding exponentially.

Biotechnology demands a trained, skilled human resource to establish the

Industry and Research sectors. The field is novel and still expanding which
demands inputs in Infrastructure and Technology. The global and local focus is
on developing new technological applications isfast growing. Biotechnology
sector in Research and Industry is expanding which is set to augur the next
major revolution in the world.

The demand for trained workforce in Biotechnology is ever growing in

Fundamental Research and Industry Sector. Academic and Research Sectors
also require interdisciplinary trained manpower to further the Biotechnology

The need of the hour is to design appropriate syllabi which keeps pace with
changing times and technology with emphasizes on applications while
elucidating technology in depth. The present Syllabi is Restructured anticipating
the future needs of Biotechnology Sector with more emphasis on imparting
hands-on skills. The main thrust is laid on making syllabus compatible with
developments in Education, Research and Industrial sectors. The Theory and
Practical course in new restructured course will lead to impart skill-set
essentials to further Biotechnology Sector.

The restructured syllabus combines basic principals of Physical, Chemical and

Biological sciences in light of advancements in technology. The curriculum
aims to impart basic knowledge with emphasis on its applications to make the
students industry ready.
Semester I
Course Code Course Type Course Title Credits Lectures/Week

USBT101 Core Subject Basic Chemistry-I 2 3

USBT102 Core Subject Basic Chemistry-II 2 3

USBT103 Core Subject Basic Life Sciences-I : Biodiversity and Cell Biology 2 3

USBT104 Core Subject Basic Life Sciences-II : Microbial Techniques 2 3

USBT105 Core Subject Basic Biotechnology-I : Introduction to Biotechnology 2 3

USBT106 Core Subject Basic Biotechnology-II : Molecular Biology 2 3

USBT107 Societal Awareness 2 3
Course 1 (FC I)
USBTP102, Core Subject Practicals of USBT101, USBT102, USBT103, 6 18
USBTP103 Practicals USBT104, USBT105 and USBT106

Semester II
Course Code Course Type Course Title Credits Lectures/Week

USBT201 Core Subject Chemistry-I : Bioorganic Chemistry 2 3

USBT202 Core Subject Chemistry-II : Physical Chemistry 2 3

USBT203 Core Subject Life Sciences-I : Physiology and Ecology 2 3

USBT204 Core Subject Life Sciences-II : Genetics 2 3

USBT205 Core Subject Biotechnology-I : Tissue Culture & 2 3

Scientific Writing and Communication Skills
USBT206 Core Subject Biotechnology-II : Enzymology, Immunology 2 3
and Biostatistics
USBT207 Globalization, Ecology and Sustainable Development 2 3
Course 2 (FC II)
USBTP202, Core Subject Practicals of USBT201, USBT202, USBT203, 6 18
USBTP203 Practicals USBT204, USBT205 and USBT206

Basic Chemistry-I


USBT 101 Basic Chemistry I 2
Course Objective : To aquaint the students with basic concepts of Chemistylike Classification and
Nomenclature of Chemical compounds
Learning Outcome : To impart hands-on skills in preparation of Bufferes and Solutions
Nomenclature and Classification of 15 Lectures 30 hrs
Unit I Inorganic Compounds:
Nomenclature and Oxides, Salts, Acids, Bases, Ionic,
Classification Molecular and Coordination Compounds

Nomenclature andClassification of
Organic Compounds: Alkanes,Alkenes,
Alkynes, Cyclic Hydrocarbons, Aromatic
Compounds, Alcohols and Ethers,
Aldehydes and Ketones, Carboxylic Acids
and its derivatives, Amines, Amides, Alkyl
Halides and Heterocylic Compounds
Chemical Bonds: 15 Lectures 30 hrs
Unit II Ionic Bond: Nature of Ionic Bond, Structur
Chemical Bonds eof NaCl, KCl and CsCl, factors influencing
the formation of Ionic Bond.

Covalent Bond: Nature of Covalent Bond,

Structure of CH4, NH3, H2O, Shapes of
BeCl2, BF3

Coordinate Bond: Nature of Coordinate


Non Covalent Bonds: Van Der Waals

forces: dipole - dipole, dipole
induced dipole.

Hydrogen Bond: Theory of Hydrogen

Bonding and Types of Hydrogen Bonding
(with examples of RCOOH, ROH,
Salicylaldehyde, Amides and Polyamides).
Chemistry of Water: 15 lectures 30 hrs
Unit III Properties of Water, Interaction of Water
Water and Buffers with Solutes (Polar, Non-Polar, Charged),
Non-Polar Compounds in Water Change
in its Structure and the Hydrophobic Effect,
Role of Water in Biomolecular Structure
and Function and Water as a Medium for
Solutions: Normality, Molarity, Molality,
Mole fraction, Mole concept, Solubility,
Weight ratio, Volume ratio, Weight to
Volume ratio, ppb, ppm, millimoles,
milliequivalents (Numericals expected).

Primary and Secondary Standards:

Preparation of Standard Solutions, Principle
of Volumetric Analysis.

Acids and Bases: Lowry-Bronsted and

Lewis Concepts. Strong and Weak Acids
and Bases - Ionic Product of Water -
pH,pKa, pKb. Hydrolysis of Salts.

Buffer solutions Concept of Buffers,Types

of Buffers, Derivation of Henderson
equation for Acidic and Basic buffers,Buffer
pH of Buffer Solution.


Basic Chemistry-II


USBT 102 Basic Chemistry II 2
Course Objective : To aquaint students with Concepts of Steriochemisty
Learning Outcome : To impart knowledge of Titrimetic and Volumetric Estimations and handling of basic
Analytical Techniques like Chromatography and Colorimetry
Isomerism Types of Isomerism: 15 Lectures 30 hrs
Unit I Constitutional Isomerism (Chain, Position
Stereochemistry and Functional) and Stereoisomerism,

Geometric Isomerism and Optical

Isomerism:Enantiomers, Diastereomers,
and Racemic mixtures Cis-Trans, Threo,
Erythro and Meso isomers.Diastereomerism
(Cis-Trans Isomerism) in Alkenes and
Cycloalkanes (3 and 4 membered ring)

Conformation: Conformations of Ethane.

Difference between Configuration and

Configuration, Asymmetric Carbon Atom,

Stereogenic/ Chiral Centers, Chirality,
Representation of Configuration by Flying
Wedge Formula

Projection formulae Fischer, Newman

and Sawhorse. The Interconversion of the

Titrimetric Analysis: Titration, Titrant, 15 Lectures 30 hrs

Unit II Titrand, End Point, Equivalence Point,
Titrimetry and Gravimetry Titration Error, Indicator, Primary and
Secondary Standards, Characteristics and

Types of Titration Acid Base, Redox.

Precipitation, Complexometric Titration.
Acid Base Titration.-Strong Acid Vs
Strong Base -Theoretical aspects of
Titration Curve and End Point Evaluation.
Theory of Acid Base Indicators, Choice
and Suitability of Indicators.

Gravimetric Analysis:
Solubility and Precipitation, Factors
affecting Solubility, Nucleation, Particle
Size, Crystal Growth, Colloidal State,
Ageing/Digestion of Precipitate.
Co-Precipitation and Post-Precipitation.
Washing, Drying and Ignition of Precipitate.
(Numericals Expected).
Methods of Seperation 15 Lectures 30 hrs
Unit III Precipitation, Filtration, Distillation and
Analytical Techniques Solvent Extraction.
Analytical Techniques
Definition, Principles, Types
Introduction to Paper Chromatography,
Thin Layer Chromatography, Column
Chromatography and its
Principle, Beer-Lamberts Law,
Measurement of Extinction, Derivation of
E = kcl, Limitations of Beer-Lambarts
Law, Filter Selection

Basic Life Sciences-I : Biodiversity and Cell Biology


USBT 103 Biodiversity and Cell Biology 2
Course Objectives : To aquint students with concept of Biodiversity and Cell Biology
Learning Outcome : To impart skill in handling and culture of Microorganisms
Origin of Life, Chemical and Biological 15Lectures 30 hrs
Unit I Evolution, Origin of Eukaryotic Cell.
Origin of Life and
Biodiversity Concept of Biodiversity, Taxonomical,
(Animal,Plant, Ecological and Genetic Diversity & its
Microorganisms) Significance

Introduction to Plant Diversity:

Algae, Fungi, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta,
Gymnosperms and Angiosperms (with
one example each)

Introduction to Animal
Diversity:Non-Chordates and
Chordates {with at least one
representative example.)

Introduction to Microbial Diversity

Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, Blue-green
Algae, Actinomycetes, Eumycota-
Habitats, Examples and Applications.
Ultrastructure of Prokaryotic Cell: 15Lectures 30 hrs
Unit II Concept of Cell Shape and Size.Detail
Ultra Structure of Prokaryotic Structure of Slime Layer, Capsule,
and Eukaryotic Cell. Flagella, Pilli, Cell Wall(Gram Positive
and Negative), Cell Membrane,
Cytoplasm and Genetic Material
Storage Bodies and Spores

Ultrastructure of Eukaryotic Cell:

Plasma membrane,
Cytoplasmic Matrix, Microfilaments,
Intermediate Filaments, and
Organelles of the Biosynthetic-
Endoplasmic Reticulum & Golgi
Lysosome, Endocytosis, Phagocytosis,
Autophagy, Proteasome
Eucaryotic Ribosomes, Mitochondria
and Chloroplasts
Nucleus Nuclear Structure, Nucleolus

External Cell Coverings: Cilia And

Comparison of Prokaryotic And
Eukaryotic Cells

Bacteria : Classification, Types, 15Lectures 30 hrs

Unit III Morphology (Size, Shape and
Bacteria and Viruses Arrangement) Cultivation of Bacteria.
Reproduction and Growth (Binary
Fission, Conjugation and Endospore
formation) Growth Kinetics, Isolation
and Preservation. Significance of

Viruses :General Characters,

Classification (Plant, Animal and
Bacterial Viruses) Structure and
Characterization of Viruses and


Basic Life Sciences-II : Microbial Techniques


USBT 104 Microbial Techniques 2
Course Objectives : To aquaint students with basic techniques in Staining and Sterilization
Learning Outcome :To impart the knowledge of growth of microorganisms
Microscopy and Stains 15 lectures 30 hrs
Unit I Microscope- Simple and Compound:
Microscopy and Stains Principle. Parts, Functions and
Dark Field and Phase Contrast
Stains and Staining Solutions-
Definition of Dye and Chromogen.
Structure of Dye and Chromophore.
Functions of Mordant and Fixative.
Natural and Synthetic Dyes. Simple
Staining, Differential Staining and Acid
Fast Staining with specific examples

Definition : Sterilization and 15 lectures 30 hrs

Unit II Disinfection.
Sterilization Techniques Types and Applications
Dry Heat, Steam under pressure,
Gases, Radiation and Filteration
Chemical Agents and their Mode of
Action - Aldehydes, Halogens,
Quaternary Ammonium Compounds,
Phenol and Phenolic Compounds,
Heavy Metals, Alcohol, Dyes, and

Ideal Disinfectant. Examples of

Disinfectants and Evaluation of
Nutrition and Cultivation of 15 lectures 30 hrs
Unit III Microorganisms
Nutrition, Cultivation and Nutritional Requirements : Carbon,
Enumeration of Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen,
Microorganisms Phosphorus, Sulphur and Growth
Classification of Different Nutritional
Trypes of Organisms.
Design and Types of Culture Media.
Simple Medium, Differential, Selective
and Enrichem Media
Concept of Isolation and Methods of
Isolation. Pure Culture Techniques
Growth and Enumeration
Growth Phases, Growth Curve.
Arithmatic Growth and Growth Yield.
Measurement of Growth. Chemostat
and Turbidostat
Enumeration of Microorganisms- Direct
and Indirect Methods
Preservation of Cultures- Principle and
Methods. Cryogenic Preservation
Advantages and Limitations


Basic Biotechnology-I : Introduction to Biotechnology


USBT 105 Introduction to Biotechnology 2
Corse Objectives : To auaint students with various fields of Biotechnology and their applications
Learining Outcome : To impart the knowledge of Food Technology and Fermetation Techniques
History & Introduction toBiotechnology 15 lectures 30 hrs
Unit I What is Biotechnology?
Scope and Introduction to Definition of Biotechnology,
Biotechnology Traditional and Modern Biotechnology,
Branches of Biotechnology-
Plant, Animal Biotechnology, Marine
Biotechnology, Agriculture, Healthcare,
Industrial Biotechnology, Pharmaceuti
cal Biotechnology, Environmental
Biotechnology Research in India.
Biotechnology Institutions in India (Pub
lic and Private Sector)
Biotech Suceess Stories
Biotech Policy Initiatives
Biotechnology in context of Developing
Public Perception of Biotechnology

Applications of Biotechnology in 15 lectures 30 hrs

Unit II Agriculture : GM Food,
Applications Biotechnology GM Papaya, GM Tomato,
Fungal and Insect Resistant Plants
BT Crops, BT Cotton and BT Brinjal
Pros and Cons
Biotechnological applications in Crop
and Livestock Improvements
Modifications in Plant Quality
Golden Rice,
Molecular Pharming, Plant Based
Ethics in Biotechnology and IPR
Food Biotechnology 15 lectures 30 hrs
Unit III Biotechnological applicationsin
Food and Fermentation enhancement of Food Quality
Biotechnology Unit Operation in Food Processing
Quality Factors in Preprocessed Food
Food Deterioration and its Control
Rheology of Food Products
Microbial role in food products Yeast,
Bacterial and other Microorganisms
based process and products
Modern Biotechnological Regulatory
Aspects in Food Industries
Biotechnology and Food - Social
Fermentation Technology
Defination, Applications of
Fermetation Technology
Microbial Fermentations
Overview of Industrial Production of
Chemicals (Acetic Acid, Citric Acid
and Ethanol), Antibiotics,
Enzymes and Beverages

Basic Biotechnology-II : Molecular Biology


USBT 106 Molecular Biology 2
Corse Objectives : To aquint students with DNA Replication, Repair and Genetic Engineering
Learning Outcome :Impart the knowledge of molecular Biology Techniques
DNA Replication in Prokaryotes and 15 lectures 30 hrs
Unit I Eukaryotes-
Replication Semi-conservative DNA replication,
DNA Polymerases and its role,
E.coli Chromosome Replication,
BidirectionalReplication of Circular
DNA molecules.
Rolling Circle Replication, DNA
Replication in Eukaryotes
DNA Recombination
Holliday Model for Recombination
Definition and Types of Mutations. 15 lectures 30 hrs
Unit II Mutagenesis and Mutagens.( Examples
Mutation and DNA Repair of Physical, Chemical and Biological
Types of Point Mutations,
Photoreversal, Base Excision Repair,
Nucleotide Excision Repair, Mismatch
Repair, SOS Repair and Recombination

Experimental evidences forDNA and 15 lectures 30 hrs

Unit III RNA as Genetic Material.
Genetic Engineering Genetic Engineering in Ecoli and other
Prokaryotes, Yeast, Fungi and
Mammalian Cells
Cloning Vectors-Plasmids ( pBR 322,
Vectors for Plant and Animal Cells,
Shuttle Vectors, YAC Vectors,
Expression Vectors
Enzymes- DNA Polymerases,
Restriction Endonucleases, Ligases,
Reverse Transcriptases, Nucleases,
Terminal Transferases, Phosphatases
Isolation and Purification of DNA
(Genomic, Plasmid) and RNA,,
Identification of Recombinant Clones
Semester I
Basic Chemistry
USBTP 101 Basic Chemistry 2 30 hrs
1. Safety Measures and Practices in Chemistry Laboratory, Working and use of a Digital Balance,
Functioning and Standardization of pH Meter, Optical Activity of a Chemical Compounds by
2. Preparation of Standard (Molar, Molal and Normal solutions) and Buffer Solutions
Determination of strength of HCl in commercial sample
3. Qualitative Analysis of Inorganic Compounds - Three experiments
4. Characterization of Organic Compounds containing only C, H, O elements (no element test) -
Compounds belonging to the following classes: Carboxylic Acid, Phenol, Aldehyde/Ketone,
Ester, Alcohol, Hydrocarbon and Characterization of Organic Compounds containing C, H, O,
N, S, Halogen Elements (element tests to be done) Compounds belonging to the following
classes: Amine, Amide, Nitro Compounds, Thiamide, Haloalkane, Haloarene
5. To Standardize commercial sample of NaOH using KHP (Potassium hydrogen pthalate) and
sample of HCl using borax.
6. Dissociation Constant of Weak Acids by Incomplete Titration Method using pH Meterand
determination of Acetic acid in Vinegar by Titrimetric Method
7. Determination of the amount of Fe (II) present in the given solution Titrimetrically
8. Determination of amount of NaHCO3 + Na2CO3 in the given solid mixture Titrimetrcially
9. Determination of the amount of Mg (II) present in the given solution complexometrically
10. Determination of percent composition of BaSO4 and NH4Cl in the given mixture
11. Separation of Cu, Ni and Fe using Paper Chromatographyand amino acids - paper
12. Determination of fluoride ion using Colorimetry and Fe (III) by using Salicylic Acid by
Colorimetric Titration
Basic Life Sciences
USBTP 102 Basic Life Science 2 30 hrs
1. Components and workingof Simple, Compound, Dark Field, Fluorescent and Phase Contrast
2. Staining of Plant and Animal Tissues using Single and Double Staining Techniques
3. Special Staining Technique for Cell Wall, Capsule and Endospores and Fungal Staining
4. Monochrome Staining, Differential Staining, Gram Staining, and Acid Fast Staining and
Romonowsky Staining
5. Study of Plant, Animal and Microbial Groups with at least one examples from each x 3
6. Study of Photomicrographs of Cell Organelles
7. Sterilization of Laboratory Glassware and Media using Autoclave
8. Preparation of Media- Nutrient broth and Agar, MacConkey Agar, Sabourauds Agar
9. Isolation of Organisms : T-streak, Polygon method
10. Enumeration of microorganisms by Serial Dilution, Pour Plate, Spread Plate Method
11. Colony Characteristics of Microorganisms, Enumeration by Breeds count
12. Growth Curve of E.Coli
Basic Biotechnology
USBTP 103 Basic Biotechnology 2 30 hrs
1. Assignment- Study of any branch of biotechnology and its applications
2. Microbial examination of food and detection of Pathogenic Bacteria from Food Samples
3. Isolation of organisms causing Food Spoilage
4. Microscopic determination of Microbial flora from Yoghurt and Lactic Acid Determination
5. Analysis of Milk- Methylene Blue, Resazurin Test, Phosphatase Test
6. Extraction of Caesin from Milk
7. Meat Tenderization using Papain
8. Fermentative production of Alcohol
9. Determination of Alcohol content
10. Isolation and purification of DNA (genomic, plasmid)
11. Restriction Digestion
12. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of the genomic and plasmid DNA

Chemistry-I : Bioorganic Chemistry


USBT 201 Bioorganic Chemistry 2
Course Objectives : To aquint students with Bioorganic Molecules
Learning Outcome : To impart the knowledge of Classification, Strucure and Characterization of
Carbohydrates: Structure, Function, 15 lectures 30 hrs
Unit I Classification, Characteristic
Biomolecules: Reactions, Physical and Chemical
Carbohydrates and Lipids Properties, D & L Glyceraldehydes,
structure of Monosaccharide,
Disaccharides, and Polysaccharides.
Isomers of Monosaccharides,
Chemical/Physical Properties of
Carbohydrate, Chemical Reactions for
Detection of Mono., Di and
Lipids:Classification of Lipids,
Properties of Saturated, Unsaturated
Fatty Acids, Rancidity, and
Hydrogenation of Oils
Phospholipids: Lecithin Cephalin,
Triacylglycerol-Structure and Functio
Sterols: Cholesterol: Structure and Fu
nction , Lipoproteins: Structure and Fu
nction, Storage Lipids, Structural Lipi
ds, Action of Phospholipases, Steroids
Proteins and Amino Acids: 15 lectures 30 hrs
Unit II Classification, Preparation and Propert
Biomolecules: ies, Isoelectric Point, Peptide Synthesi
Proteins and Amino Acids s
Proteins: Classification based on Struc
ture and Functions, Primary Structure,
N-terminal (Sanger and Edmans Meth
od) and C-terminal Analysis (Enzyme)
Reactions of Amino Acids, Sorenson
s Titration, Ninhydrin Test.
Denaturation of protein Structure of
Titration Curve of Amino Acids.
Concept of Isoelectric pH, Zwitter ion.
Nucleic Acids: Structure, Function of 15 lectures 30 hrs
Unit III Nucleic Acids, Properties and Typesof
Biomolecules: DNA, RNA. Structure of Purine and
Nucleic Acids Pyrimidine Bases Hydrogen Bonding
between Nitrogeneous Bases in DNA
Differences between DNA and RNA,
Structure of Nucleosides, Nucleotides
and Polynucleotides.

Chemistry-II : Physical Chemistry
USBT 202 Physical Chemistry 2
Course Objectives : To aquaint students with concepts in Thermodynamics, Kinetics and Redox
Learning Outcome : To impart skills in Kinetics and Chemical Reactions
Thermodynamics: 15 lectures 30 hrs
Unit I System, Surrounding, Boundaries
Thermodynamics Sign Conventions, State Functions,
Internal Energy and Enthalpy:
Significance, examples, (Numericals
Laws of Thermodynamics and its
Limitations, Mathematical expression.
Qualitative discussion of Carnot Cycle
for ideal Gas and Mechanical
Efficiency. Laws of Thermodynamics
as applied to Biochemical Systems.
Concept of Entropy, Entropy for
Isobaric, Isochoric and Isothermal
Reaction Kinetics: 15 lectures 30 hrs
Unit II Rate of Reaction, Rate Constant,
Chemical Kinetics Measurement of Reaction Rates Order
& Molecularity of Reaction,
Integrated Rate Equation of First and
Second order reactions (with equal
initial concentration of reactants).
(Numericals expected)
Determination of Order of Reaction
by a) Integration Method b) Graphical
Method c) Ostwalds Isolation Method
d) Half Time Method. (Numericals
Principals of Oxidation & Reductio 15 lectures 30 hrs
Unit III n Reactions
Oxidation Reduction Oxidising and Reducing Agents, Oxid
reactions ation Number,
Rules to assign Oxidation Numbers wi
th examples Ions like
Oxalate, Permanganate and Dichromat
e. Balancing Redox Reactions by Ion
Electron Method
Oxidation, Reduction, Addition and
Substitution & Elimination Reactions.

Life Sciences-I : Physiology and Ecology
USBT 203 Physiology and Ecology 2
Course Objectives: To aquaint studetns with Physiological Processes in Plants and Animals
Learning Objectives : To impart the knowledge of Physiology and Ecology
Photosynthesis, Intracellular 15 lectures 30 hrs
Unit I Organization of Photosynthetic
Plant Physiology System. Fundamental Reactions of
Photosynthesis, Photosynthetic
Pigments, Role of Light. Hill Reaction
and its Significance, Light Reactions,
Cyclic and Non-Cyclic Photo induced
Electron Flow, Energetics of
Photosynthesis, Photorespiration,
Dark Phase of Photosynthesis, Calvin
Cycle, C-3, C-4 pathways

Plant hormones - Auxin ,Gibbrellins,

Cytokinins, Ethylene, Abscissic acid
Introduction to Secondary Metabolites
Physiology of Digestion 15 lectures 30 hrs
Unit II
Animal Physiology Movement of Food and Absorption,
Secretary functions of Alimentary
Canal, Digestion and
Absorption,assimilation in Gut of

Anatomy of Mammalian Kidney,

Structure of Nephron, Physiology of
Urine Formation and Role of Kidney
in Excretion and Osmoregulation

Physiology of Respiration,
Mechanism of Respiration
Principles of Gaseous Exchange in the
Blood and Body Fluids

Blood and Circulation : Blood

Composition, Structure and Function
of its Constituents
Blood Coagulation and Anti-
Hemoglobin and its Polymorphism
Regulation of the Circulation
Mechanism and working of Heart in
Ecology and Biogeography. 15 lectures 30 hrs
Unit III Ecosystems, Definition and Compone
Ecosystem and Interactions nts,
Structure and Function of Ecosystems.
Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems,
Biotic and Abiotic Factors, Trophic
Levels, Food Chain and Food Web,
Ecological Pyramids (Energy,Biomass
and Number)
Nutrient Cycle and Biogeochemical
Cycles: Water, Carbon, Oxygen,
Nitrogen and Sulphur.
Interactions, Commensalism,
Mutualism, Predation and Antibiosis,

Life Sciences-II : Genetics
USBT 204 Genetics 2
Course Objectives : To aquaint students with concepts in Genetics
Learning Objectives : To impart skills in Techniques in Genetic Analysis and Population Genetics
Mendels Laws of Heredity 15 lectures 30 hrs
Unit I Monohybrid Cross: Principle
Genetics Fundamentals of Dominance and Segregation.
Dihybrid Cross: Principle of
Independent Assortment.
Application of Mendels
Punnett Square.
Mendels Principle in Human
Incomplete Dominance and
Multiple Alleles.Allelic series.
Variations among the effect of the
Genotype andPhenotype.
Environmental effect on the
expression of the Human Genes.
Gene Interaction.
Genetic analysis in Bacteria- Prototrop 15 lectures 30 hrs
Unit II hs, Auxotrophs.
Microbial Genetics Bacteriophages: Lytic and Lysogenic
Development of Phage.
Mechanism of Genetic Exchange in
Conjugation; Transformation; Transd
uction; (Generalized Transduction,
Specialized Transduction)
Bacterial Transposable Elements.
Genetic Structure of Populations 15 lectures 30 hrs
Unit III Genotypic Frequencies and Allelic
Population Genetics Frequencies,
Hardy- Weinberg Law and its
Genetic Variations in Populations-
Measuring Genetic Variation at Protei
n Level and measuring Genetic
Variations at DNA level
Natural Selection.
Genetic Drift
Role of Population Genetics in
Consevation Biology

Biotechnology-I : Tissue Culture &Scientific Writing and Communication Skills


TS Hours
USBT 205 Tissue Culture & Scientific Writing 2
and Communication Skills
Course Objectives : To aquaint students with Techniques of Plant and Animal Tissue Culture
Learning Outcome :To impart the skills of PTC, ATC and Science Communication
Cell Theory, Concept of Cell Culture, 15 30 hrs
Unit I Cellular Totipotency, lectures
Plant Tissue Culture Organization of Plant Tissue Culture
Laboratory :
Equipments and Instruments
Aseptic Techniques: Washing of
Glassware, Media Sterilization,
Aseptic Workstation, Precautions to
maintain Aseptic Conditions.

Culture Medium: Nutritional

requirements of the explants, PGRs and
their in-vitro roles, Media Preparation
Callus Culture Technique: Introduction,
Principle and Protocols
Basics of Animal Tissue Culture 15 30 hrs
Unit II Introduction lectures
Animal Tissue Culture Cell Culture Techniques,
Equipment and Sterilization
Introduction to Animal Cell
Cultures:Nutritional and Physiological:
Growth Factors and Growth
Parameters. General Metabolism and
Growth Kinetics
Primary Cell Cultures : Establishment
and Maintenance of Primary Cell
Cultures of Adherent and Non-Adherent
Cell Lines with examples.
Application of Cell Cultures
Communication Skills 15 30 hrs
Unit III Introduction to Communication -- lectures
Scientific Writing and Elements, Definitions, Scope of
Communication Skills Communication and Communication as
part of Science
Communication Elements --Verbal and
Non-Verbal Communications.
Principles of Effective Communication,
Oral Presentations
Scientific Reading, Writing &
Scientific Writing
Process of Scientific Writing: Thinking,
Planning, Rough Drafts
and Revising Contents.
Introduction to Scientific Reports and
Compilation of Experimental Data,
Communication Methods in Science,
Examples of Scientific and Unscientific
Writing Papers, Reviews, Bibliography
Plagiarism--Introduction to Plagiarism ,
Examples of Plagiarism.

Biotechnology-II : Enzymology, Immunology and Biostatistics
TS Hours
USBT 206 Enzymology, Immunology and Biostatics 2
Course Objectives : To aquaint students with concepts in Enzymology, Immunology and
Learning Outcome : To impart the skills in Enzyme Kinetics, Immunological Techniques and
Definition, Classification, Nomenclatu 15 30 hrs
Unit I re, Chemical Nature, Properties of lectures
Enzymes Enzymes,
Mechanism of Enzyme Action,
Active Sites, Enzyme Specificity,
Effect of pH, Temperature, Substrate
Concentration on Enzyme Activity,
Enzyme Kinetics, Michelis-Menten
Types of Enzyme Inhibitions-Competi
tive, Uncompetitive, Non-Competitive
Allosteric Modulators Co-Factors,Zym
Overview of Immune Systems, Cell and 15 30 hrs
Unit II Organs involved, T and B cells. lectures
Immunology Innate Immunity, Acquired Immunity,
Local and Herd Immunity, Humoral
and Cellular Immunity - Factors
Influencing and Mechanisms of each.
Antigens and Antibodies: Types of
Antigens, General Properties of
Antigens, Haptens and Superantigens
Discovery and Structure of Antibodies
(Framework region) Classes of
Immunoglobulins, Antigenic
Antigen-Antibody Interactions
Monoclonal Antibodies,
Vaccines (Live, Killed) and Toxoid.
Problems with Traditional Vaccines,
Impact of Biotechnology on Vaccine
Defination &Importance of Statistics i 15 30 hrs
Unit III n Biology lectures
Biostatistics Types of Data, Normal and Frequency
Representation of Data and Graphs
(Bar Diagrams, Pie Charts and
Histogram, Polygon and Curve)
Types of Population Sampling
Measures of Central Tendency
(For Raw,Ungroup & Group Data)
Measures of Dispersion
Range, Variance, Coefficient of
Standard Derivation.
Standard Error.
Semester II
USBTP 201 Chemistry 2 30 hrs
1. Spot test for Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins and Amino Acids and Nucleic Acids
2. Standardization of Colorimeter and Estimation of Reducing sugar by DNSA method
3. Estimation of Protein by Biuret method and Lowry method
4. Saponification of Fats, Saponification Value of Oil or Fat, Iodine value of Oiland determine the
rate constant for the saponification reaction between ethyl acetate and NaOH by back titration
5. To determine enthalpy of dissolution of salt like KNO3
6. Determine the rate constant for hydrolysis of ester using HCl as a catalyst
7. Study the kinetics of reaction between Thiosulphate ion and HCl
8. Study reaction between potassium Persulphate and Potassium Iodide kinetically and hence to
determine order of reaction
9. Study the reaction between NaHSO3 and KMnO4 and balancing the reaction in acidic, alkaline
and neutral medium
10. Study transfer of electrons (Titration of sodium thiosulphate with potassium dichromate)
11. Determination of the volume strength of hydrogen peroxide solution by titration with
standardised potassium permagnate solution
12. Determination of amount of K oxalate and oxalic acid in the given solution Titrimetrcially

Life Sciences
USBTP 202 Life Sciences 2 30 hrs
1. Study of Hills reaction
2. Colorimetric study of Absorption Spectrum of Photosynthetic Pigments
3. Movemnt of Food in Paramoecium
4. Activity of Salivary Amylase on Starch
5. Analysis of Urine
6. Study of Mammalian Blood, Blood count using Haemocytometer and estimation of
Haemoglobin in Mammalian Blood
7. Study of Human Blood Groups
8. Study of Mammalian Kidney and Heart
9. Problems in Mandelian Genetics
10. Study of Mitosis and Meiosis
11. Study of Karyotypes Normal Male and Normal Female
12. Study of Interactions Commensalism, Mutualism, Predation and Antibiosis, Parasitism.
USBTP 203 Biotechnology 2 30 hrs
1. Working and use of various Instruments used in Biotechnology Laboratory (Autoclave, Hot air Oven,
Centrifuge, Incubator, Rotary Shaker, Filter Assembly, LAF, pH meter and Colorimeter)

2. Laboratory Organization and Layout for Plant and Animal Tissue Culture Laboratory
3. Preparation of Stock Solutions and Preparation of Media for PTC
4. Aseptic Transfer Technique, Surface Sterilization and Innoculation for Callus Culture
5. Media Preparation and Sterilization (ATC)
6. Trypsinization of Tissue and Viability Count
7. Qualitative Assay of Enzyme Amylase. Lipase, Protease, Urease, Catalase and Dehydrogenease
8. Enzyme Kinetics : Study of the effect of pH, Temperature on activity of Enzyme
9. Study of Effect of Substrate Concentration on enzyme activity and determination of Vmax and
10. Study of antigen antibody interaction by Ouchterlony method
11. Biometric Analysis for Mean, Median, Mode and Standard Deviation and Data representation
using frequency Polygon, Histogram and Pie Diagram
12. Preparation of review reports of 5 Scientific Papers and Presentation (last 5 years)
Semester I and II
Ability Enhancement Course 1 (FC I)
Ability Enhancement Course 2 (FC II)
Ability Enhancement Course 1 (FC I)
Societal Awareness
USBT 107 Societal Awareness 2
Course Objective : To aquaint the students with concepts of Societal Awarness
Learning Outcome : To impart knowledge of Society and make students aware about the Problems in Society
Understand the multi-cultural diversity of Indian 15 Lectures 30 hrs
Unit I society through its demographic composition:
population distribution according to religion,
Overview of Indian Society caste, and gender; Appreciate the concept of
linguistic diversity in relation to the Indian
situation; Understand regional variations
according to rural, urban and tribal
characteristics; Understanding the concept of
diversity as difference
Concept of Disparity- I 15 Lectures 30 hrs
Unit II Understand the concept of disparity as arising out
of stratification and inequality;
Concept of Disparity Explore the disparities arising out of gender with
special reference to violence against women,
female foeticide (declining sex ratio), and
portrayal of women in media;Appreciate the
inequalities faced by people with disabilities and
understand the issues of people with physical and
mental disabilities
Concept of Disparity-II
Examine inequalities manifested due to the caste
system and inter-group conflicts arising thereof;
Understand inter-group conflicts arising out of
communalism; Examine the causes and effects of
conflicts arising out of regionalism and linguistic
The Indian Constitution 15 lectures 30 hrs
Unit III Philosophy of the Constitution as set out in the
The Indian Constitution and Preamble; The structure of the Constitution-the
Preamble, Main Body and Schedules;
Significant Aspects of Fundamental Duties of the Indian Citizen;
Political Processes tolerance, peace and communal harmony as
crucial values in strengthening the social fabric of
Indian society; Basic features of the Constitution
Significant Aspects of Political Processes
The party system in Indian politics; Local self-
government in urban and rural areas; the 73rd
and 74th Amendments and their implications for
inclusive politics; Role and significance of women
in politics
Topics for Project Guidance: Growing Social Problems in India:
Substance abuse impact on youth & challenges for the future
HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention, treatment and services
Problems of the elderly causes, implications and response
Issue of child labour magnitude, causes, effects and response
Child abuse effects and ways to prevent
Trafficking of women causes, effects and response
Ability Enhancement Course 2 (FC II)
Globalization, Ecology and Sustainable Development
USBT 207 Globalization, Ecology and Sustainable 2
Course Objective : To aquaint the students with concepts of Globalization, Ecology and Environment
Learning Outcome : To impart knowledge of Globalization make students aware about the Problems in Society
Globalisation and Indian Society Understanding the 15 Lectures 30 hrs
Unit I concepts of liberalization, privatization and
Globalisation and Indian globalization;Growth of information technology and
communication and its impact manifested in
Society and
everyday life; Impact of globalization on industry:
Human Rights
changes in employment and increasing migration;
Changes in agrarian sector due to globalization; rise
in corporate farming and increase in farmers
Human Rights
Concept of Human Rights; origin and evolution of
the concept; The Universal Declaration of Human
Rights;Human Rights constituents with special
reference to Fundamental Rights stated in the
Ecologyand Sustainbale Development 15 Lectures 30 hrs
Unit II Importance of Environment Studies in the current
developmental context; Understanding concepts of
Environment, Ecology and their interconnectedness;
and Environment as natural capital and connection to
Sustainbale Development quality of human life; Environmental Degradation
causes and impact on human life; Sustainable
development, concept and components; poverty and
Understanding Stress and Conflict 15 lectures 30 hrs
Unit III Causes of stress and conflict in individuals and
Understanding and Managing society; Agents of socialization and the role played
by them in developing the individual; Significance of
Stress and Conflict in
values, ethics and prejudices in developing the
Contemporary Society
individual; Stereotyping and prejudice as significant
factors in causing conflicts in society. Aggression and
violence as the public expression of conflict
Managing Stress and Conflict in Society
Types of conflicts and use of coping mechanisms for
managing individual stress; Maslows theory of
selfactualisation;Different methods of responding
to conflicts in society; Conflictresolution and efforts
towards building peace and harmony in society
Topics for Project Guidance: Growing Social Problems in India:
Increasing urbanization, problems of housing, health and sanitation;
Changing lifestyles and impact on culture.
Farmers suicides and agrarian distress.
Debate regarding Genetically Modified Crops.
Development projects and Human Rights violations.
Increasing crime/suicides among youth.
Evaluation Scheme
The performance of the learners shall be evaluated into TWO Parts.
The learners performance shall be assessed by Internal Assessment with 25 marks & by conducting the
Semester End Examinations with 75 marks .
Practical Training will have Practical Examination for 50 marks at the end of Semester.
The allocation of marks for the Internal Assessment and Semester End Examinations are as follows:-
I. Internal Exam-25 Marks
(i) Test 20 Marks
(ii) Activities - 5 Marks
II. External Examination- 75 Marks
(i) Theory Question Paper Pattern:-
All questions areCompulsory.
Question Based on Marks
Q.1 Unit I 20
Q.2 Unit II 20
Q.3 Unit III 20
Q.4 Unit I,II and III 15
All questions shall be compulsory with internal choice within the questions.
Each Question may be sub-divided into sub questions as a, b, c, d &e, etc & the
allocation of Marks depends on the weightage of the topic.
III. Practical Examination 300 marks (50 marks x 6 core papers)
Each Core Subject Carries 50 Marks
Chemistry : 30 marks + 10 marks (Journal)+ 10 marks(Viva-voce)
Life Sciences and Biotechnology : Major (20 marks), Minor (10 marks), Identification /Spots (10
marks), Viva-voce (5 marks), Journal (5 marks)
IV. Ability Enhancement Course
V. Internal Exam-25 Marks
(iii)Project 20 Marks
(iv) Activities - 5 Marks
VI. External Examination- 75 Marks

Question Paper Pattern

Maximum Marks: 75, Questions to be set:04, Duration: 02 and 1/2 Hrs.
All Questions are Compulsory
Q-1 Objective Questions - 20Marks
A) Sub Questions to be asked 12 and to be answered any 10
B) Sub Questions to be asked 12 and to be answered any 10
(*Multiple choice / True or False / Match the columns/Fill in the blanks)
Q-2 Full Length Question 20 Marks
Full Length Question
Q-3 Full Length Question 20 Marks
Full Length Question
Q-4 Short Notes 15 Marks (To be asked 06 To be answered 03)
Note: Theory question of 15 marks may be divided into two sub questions of 7/8 and 10/5Marks.
1. University General Chemistry , 1 edition (2000), C.N. R. Rao, Macmillan Publishers, India ,
2. Physical Chemistry University for biological sciences, 1 edition, (2005), Chang R., Science Books,
3. Essentials of Physical Chemistry, 24 edition, (2000), B S Bahl, G D Tuli, Arun Bahl, S. Chand
Limited, India.
4. Concise Inorganic Chemistry .5 edition (2008), Author: J. D. Lee, John Wiley & Sons, USA.
5. Organic Chemistry, 6 edition, (1992), Morrison Robert Thornton, Pearson Publication, Dorling
Kindersley (India Pvt. Ltd.)
6. Jordan, E.L. and Verma P.S. 1978, (i) Chordate Zoology S. Chand & Company Ltd. Ram Nagar. New
7. Jordan, E.L. and Verma P.S. 1978 (ii) Invertebrate Zoology. S. Chand & Company Ltd. Ram Nagar.
New Delhi.
8. Modern Text Book of Zoology: Invertebrates., R.L.Kotpal. Publisher, Rastogi Publications, 2012.
9. Guyton, Text book of Medical Physiology
10. Concise Medical Physiology- Sujit K Chaudhari
11. Human Physiology- Guyton International Edition
12. Human Anatomy- Marieb
13. Devlin R.M. (1983) - Fundamentals of Plant Physiology (Mac. Millan, New York)
14. Dutta A.C. (2000) A Classbook of Botany (Oxford University Press, UK)
15. Ganguli, Das Dutta (2011) College Botany Vol I, II and III (New Central Book Agency, Kolkata)
16. Ecology P.S. Verma and Agarwaal- S. Chand Publications
17. Biotechnology: Environmental Processes- Rehm and Reed- Wiley
18. Molecular Biotechnology- Glick and Pasterman ASM Press
19. Food Microbiology- Frazier
20. Industrial Microbiology- A. H. Patel
21. Industrial Microbiology- L. E. Casida- John Wiley & Sons
22. Introductory Biostatistics. 1 edition. (2003), Chap T. Le. John Wiley, USA
23. Methods in Biostatistics- B. K. Mahajan Jaypee Brothers
24. Outlines of Biochemistry: 5 Edition, (2009), Erice Conn & Paul Stumpf ; John Wiley and Sons, USA

25. Principles of Biochemistry, 4 edition (1997), Jeffory Zubey, McGraw-Hill College, USA
26. Lehninger , Principles of Biochemistry. 5 Edition (2008), David Nelson & Michael Cox, W.H.
Freeman and company, NY.
27. Fundamentals of Biochemistry. 3 Edition (2008), Donald Voet & Judith Voet , John Wiley and
Sons, Inc. USA
28. Biochemistry: 7 Edition, (2012), Jeremy Berg, Lubert Stryer, W.H.Freeman and company, NY
29. An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry.3 Edition, (2001), David Plummer, Tata McGraw Hill
Edu.Pvt.Ltd. New Delhi, India
30. Biochemical Methods.1 , (1995), S.Sadashivam, A.Manickam, New Age International Publishers,
31. Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations, 7th Edition, Thomas M. Devlin, January 2010,
32. Proteins: biotechnology and biochemistry, 1 edition (2001), Gary Walsch, Wiley, USA
33. Biochemical Calculations, 2nd Ed., (1997) Segel Irvin H., Publisher: John Wiley and Sons, New
34. Enzymes: Biochemistry, Biotechnology & Clinical chemistry, (2001) Palmer Trevor, Publisher:
Horwood Pub. Co., England.
35. Analytical Biochemistry, 3 edition, (1998), David Holmes, H.Peck , Prentice Hall, UK.
36. Culture of Animal cells- Ian Freshney -- John Wiley & Sons
37. Principles and Practice of Animal Tissue culture- Sudha Gangal - University Press
38. Plant Biotechnology- K. G. Ramavat S.Chand Publications
39. Experiments in Plant tissue culture- Dodds and Roberts- Cambridge University Press
40. Microbiology6 Edition (2006), Pelczar M.J., Chan E.C.S., Krieg N.R., The McGraw Hill
Companies Inc. NY
41. Presscotts Microbiology, 8 edition (2010), Joanne M Willey, Joanne Willey, Linda Sherwood, Linda
M Sherwood, Christopher J Woolverton, Chris Woolverton, McGrawHil Science Enginering, USA
42. Text book of Medical Microbiology, Anantnarayan
43. Microbiology- Frobisher
44. General Principles of Microbiology- Stanier
45. Fundamental Principles of Bacteriology - A. J. Salle McGraw Hill
46. Genetics, (2006) Strickberger MW - (Prentice Hall, India)
47. Human Genetics- A. M. Winchester MacMillan Press
48. Kuby immunology, Judy Owen , Jenni Punt , Sharon Stranford., 7 edition (2012), Freeman and Co.,
49. Textbook of basic and clinical immunology, 1 edition (2013), Sudha Gangal and Shubhangi
Sontakke, University Press, India
50. Immunology, 7 edition (2006), David Male, Jonathan Brostoff, David Roth, Ivan Roitt, Mosby,
51. Introduction to Immunology- C V Rao- Narosa Publishing House
52. Cell and Molecular Biology De Robertis- Lippincott Williams& Wilkins
53. Cell and Molecular Biology- Concepts and ExperimentsKarp Wiley International
54. Essential iGenetics- Peter Russell -Pearson Education

55. Microbial Genetics- Freifelder Narosa Publishing House

56. Genes XI, 11 edition (2012), Benjamin Lewin, Publisher - Jones and Barlett Inc. USA
57. Molecular Biology of the Gene, 6th Edition (2008), James D. Watson, Pearson Education, Inc. and
Dorling Kindersley Publishing, Inc. USA
58. Molecular Biology, 5th Edition (2011), Weaver R., McGraw Hill Science. USA
59. Fundamentals of Molecular Biology, (2009), Pal J.K. and Saroj Ghaskadbi, Oxford University Press.
60. Molecular Biology: genes to proteins, 4 edition (2011), Burton E Tropp Jones& Bartlett Learning,

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