How The World Is Run - Nwo

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How The World Is Run

- NWO - In it's right context

Writtren By ANON

NWO , So there is many conspiracy theories around a "New World Order"

and it will be shown in it's right context today!

What is a "NWO or New World Order" - The New World Order or NWO is
claimed to be an emerging clandestine totalitarian world government by
various conspiracy theories, the aim is to show you this in a factual context,
given to us by the source it's self and factual statistics.

The results are accurate, correct, verifiable, faithful, and true, The
discussion of this, is that "YES" its true and factual, also it's been happening
majorly since the assembly at Goose and Gridiron, in St. Paul's Churchyard,
on, 24 June 1717, England.

So the reason for this short book or paper is to explain the factual truth
behind NWO and not the various conspiracy theories that may mis-inform
you to what is actually going on and how it really works.

Who control's the world ?, The illuminati... NO, they dont, thats a myth and
have no structural group that can do this or factual evidence of this, and the
group that calls themself The illuminati is not genuine it's a counterfeit
group "" they are making people believe that they
are The illuminati, this so called group that never existed in the first place
would sure do a lawsuit on copyright or trademark if they actually existed in
the first place but for a fee you can join this fake group , so who actaully
runs the world ?, world leaders "YES", business leaders "YES", but under
freemasonry or freemasons, that control evrything and here is the

Not going deep into history but, at Goose and Gridiron, in St. Paul's
Churchyard, on, 24 June 1717 The United Grand Lodge of England founded
and is the sole controller of all Recognised Grand Lodges in the world as
seen here "" so any order or
any command they must obay, because UGLE is the worshipful master of all
grand lodges worldwide, period , they will tell you this themselfs, just ask

How does it work ?

The Grand Lodge control's the lodges in there jurisdiction "A Grand Lodge
(or Grand Orient or other similar title) is the overarching governing body of
a fraternal or other similarly organized group in a given area, usually a city,
state, or country." - and The United Grand Lodge of England control's all
Grand Lodges worldwide , they also hold major meetings called the "Annual
Conference" that are held all over the world where master masons from all
nations meet up and disscus issues "" , so how do
they control the world, for example The United Grand Lodge of England
wants to get rid of gun's or order something else or an issue that may
concern the body of freemasonry so they for example , will send a message
to every Grand Lodge in america "Shot a minority race to spark conflict" or
order another major event so they can fly in with a proposal of change to
make the world a safer place but in fact they are carrying out there order or
plan to freemasonry, just so that you know thats alot of Grand Lodges that
get the message. 52 Grand Lodges in fact, Then the Grand Lodge will pass
that message down to its Lodges in that state or city or country so the order
or mission or plan can be carryed out, for example in Texas alone it has
2000 lodges in that state under the Grand Lodge of Texas, here is the list,

They will get a someone to do the work for them and thats easy with a
estimated member count of over 2 million Masons in North America alone,
to carry out the order or the plan they need to happen to make events
swing in there favour.

They use there member's to carry out the work thats untraceable and then
use the media to publicise the event, and thats easy with so called
members like Rupert Murdoch - Knight of Malta - head of largest media
corporations, as listed here, "Chairman and CEO of News Corporation
(19792013),Executive Chairman of News Corp (2013present),Chairman
and CEO of 21st Century Fox (20132015),Executive Co-Chairman of 21st
Century Fox (2015present),Chairman and Acting CEO of Fox News (2016
present)" and then use members that are politician's to change laws that
meet with the goal's of masonry or freemasonry.

So why would a member carry out an event ?

Every freemason has taken a oath to the fraternity, and must obay its
worshipful master in that lodge may it be a blue lodge or a Grand Lodge and
many do, the order is passed down, but now and again you get ex
member's that speak out, but never in a negative light because this is
punishable by death, and that symbol can be found in freemasonry as the
coffin, the symbols of freemasonry are the keys to uncover masonry or
freemasonry itself and if they do speak out in a negative light it's always
"They worship satan..." Because these members have only made it to a blue
lodge and have been deceived to what is actually going on, most high
members that are at Grand Lodge stage that do leave die in accident's or
natural death's.

What do they want ?

They are looking to change the world through masonry or Freemasonry and
it's memebrs plus humanity, and there actually doing it! Freemasonry has
always been about making good men better. "Really?" Individuals aim to
shape their lives round our principles.

Integrity "We say what we mean and we keep our promises" - secrecy

Kindness "our families come first, we believe in playing a key role in our
communities" - If you look good on the outside, how then can they judge
the inside.

Your obedience for the order to carry out orders basically.

Who becomes freemasons

Freemasons love to gain members that are all in the right places so the
order can grow, they hardly accept the hard working man despite what they
say, here is a member that will wont shock you.

Steve Wozniak

Best known as: Co-founder of Apple Computers

Initiated: 1980

Member of: Charity Lodge No. 362, Campbell, CA

Freemasons are mostly sucessful people in the right place at the right time
to carry out the right orders.

If you have an influence in the public eye or private eye then you will be
invited, and if you dont want to join they call you an honourable member, in
which your notice many people around you are members and wont push
you in masonry put they will persuade you to do something maybe an act
that benefits freemasonry or masonry with a good argument or reason that
may seem true and just, but dont be fooled.


Freemasons are very proud so, there projects, there music, there art or if
they own businesses and are above master mason degree they can add
masonic symbols to there businesses and logo's so watch out, its not
illuminati programing its masonry at its best trying to gain sucessful
members to there ever going empire, by saying , look what i can do "Add a
symbol in a movie or in a music video or even on a product" masonry
sysmbols can be found everywhere, period , they dont call themself
builders of the caft for no reason.

What can i do ?

To be 100% honest there is nothing anyone can do, apart from expose it,
it's to far progressed to even fight it, just simply watch it come to light,
and see if they truly going to make the world a better place, the worldly
world is over run now.

Kind Regards


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