ITT American Electric NEMA Head Series 11 & 12 Spec Sheet 9-81
ITT American Electric NEMA Head Series 11 & 12 Spec Sheet 9-81
ITT American Electric NEMA Head Series 11 & 12 Spec Sheet 9-81
A unitoi the Liqht ns Fixt!re Dvsion
Cleaning is not required with the open-bottom
ref ractor and lamp replacement is easy-insects
are neveT a problem! Closed-bottom refractor
optionallv available.
Toggle latches provide posiiive-lock between Prismatic Acrylic Ref ractor
optical assembly and head. Slipfitier accommo-
dates 1%" mast arms, securing luminaire with two BFFBACTOE SELECTION
cap screws and one levelinq bolt. (For two inch Glass, acrylic or polycarbonate ref ractors wiih pris-
slipfitter contact factory.) Terminal boa.d with matic construction assure precise distribution;
pressure connectors accommodate wire sizes available in LE.S. Types l, ll, ll-4 way, lll, lV,* and V
to #8. Fully insulated glazed porcelain mogul- light distribution patterns. A hydroformed alumi-
base:amp socket has nickle plated brass contacts num reflector gives maximum efficiency from ihe
with sprinq-loaded center contact. lighi source. *Acrylic or polycarbonaie only.
mens ons
Luminaire shall be ITT Outdoor Liqhtinq NEN/IA Center contact shall bespring-loaded Socket base
head, cataloq nurnber for shall be fully glazed porcelaln.
watt (high pressure sodium, mercury vapor, low 'nsulated
Terminal Board shall have pressure connectors to
pressure sodium) lamp, (12O 24O) voit operation.
accommodate wire srzes to #8.
Luminaire housing shall be of die cast alumrnum. Ballast shall be (high pressure sodium, mercury
Housing shall meet interior NEN/lA dimension vapor, low pressure sodiumJ type rated
siandards. Housing shall include a single-bolt watts.
leveling device operating in coniunction with
sl pfitter mounting screws. Sliplitter mounting shall be for use with 12" pipe
size mast arm.
Reflector shall be hydroformed from sheet alumi-
n u m and shall conform to all d imensions as outl ned Finish on head shall be aluminum.
in applicable NEMA standards. Reflector is
attached to the luminaire hous ng by means of two
toggle latches.
Photoelectric control receptacle shall be NEMA
Relractor shall be made of {acrylic, polycarbonate
standard, three-terminal polarized, f riction-lock
borosilicate giass) and shall be {open, closed)
type, for use with ITT Outdoor Lighting Phoio-
bottom design with straight sides effecting LE.S.
electric Control. No. 8060-4 Luminaire shall be
light distributlon patiern:Type (1, ll, ll-4 way with
glass refractor, lll, lll-P lV, Vl. (Acrylic, Polycar- connected to provide l20voltstothe photoelectric
control. This connection shall requlre a three-wire
bonate) refractor shall be attached to the reflector
supply for 240 volt un ts.
by rollJorming the reflector. INote: Acrylic
refractors have a maximurr ratinq of 175 watts 240 volt NEMA HEAD shall be provided with a 240
mercury vapor; polycarbonate refractors have a volt control and 2 wire supply.
maximurn rating of 250 watts mercury vapor.J.
Slipf itter mou nting shall be for use with 2" pipe size
Socket shall have nickel-plated brass contacts. mast arm.
ordering data
witho ut Photocont rol
Heru ba ast
' aHilil";1i "J;#1"?1ffiili:',:.:i.j 3: IIT P,BE?P*
Seclriiy L ght ng Sect on io io 81
Revised g/81