The Woman at The Well English

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The story highlights Jesus' interaction with a Samaritan woman at a well, where he reveals himself as the Messiah and offers her living water. It also describes how the people of Sychar came to believe in Jesus after hearing the woman's testimony.

Jesus told the woman that whoever drinks the water he offers will never thirst again, and it will become in them a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.

The woman was surprised that Jesus knew details about her personal life, such as having been married five times previously.

Bible for Children


Written by: Edward Hughes

Illustrated by: Lazarus

Adapted by: Ruth Klassen

Produced by: Bible for Children

2007 Bible for Children, Inc.

License: You have the right to copy or print this story,
as long as you do not sell it.
Jesus and His disciples were traveling through the
land of Samaria. They came to a city called Sychar.
There was a well there, where the people of Sychar
drew their drinking water. Jacob, the father of
the Israelites, had dug the well long ago.
The early afternoon was probably sunny and hot.
Wearily, Jesus sat down by the well while the
disciples went into Sychar to buy food.
Jesus was all alone
- but not for long.
A woman who lived
in Sychar came to
draw water. "Give
me a drink," Jesus
said to her.
The woman was surprised. "How is it that you,
being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan
woman?" she said. In those
days, Jews had no dealings
with Samaritans!
She was probably
even more surprised
when Jesus said, "If
you knew Who I am,
you would ask Me for
living water."
The woman said to
Jesus, "Sir, You have
nothing to draw with,
and the well is deep.
Where then do You get
that living water? Are
you greater than our
father, Jacob, who gave
us the well . . . ?"
"Whoever drinks of this
water will thirst again,"
Jesus told the woman.
"But whoever drinks of the
water that I shall give him
will never thirst. The
water that I shall give...
will become in him a
fountain of water
springing up into
everlasting life." "Sir,
give me this water... "
the woman said.
Jesus asked the woman to go and call her husband.
"I have no husband," the woman answered. "You
have had five husbands," said Jesus. "And the one
whom you now have is not your husband."
The woman recognized that Jesus was a prophet.
She tried to get Him to argue about where to
worship God: Jerusalem or the Samaritans' holy
mountain. Jesus said true worshipers worship the
Father in spirit and in truth.
"I know that Messiah is coming," the woman said to
Jesus. "When He comes, He will tell us all things."
"I who speak to you am He," Jesus told her. Just
then, the disciples came back. The woman left her
expensive waterpot there by the well and returned
to the city.
"Come, see a
Man who told
me all things
that I ever
did," the woman
told the men of
Sychar. "Could
this be the
Christ?" The
men left the
city to go and
see Jesus for
Meanwhile, the disciples told Jesus to eat. But
Jesus said, "My food is to do the will of Him who
sent Me, and to finish His work. His work was to
bring people to God.
Many of the
believed in Him
because of the
word of the
woman. They
asked Jesus to
stay with
them; and He
stayed there
two days.
Many more
because of
Jesus' own
word. They
said, ". . . we
have heard for
ourselves and
know that this
is indeed the
Christ, the
Savior of the
The Woman at the Well

A story from God's Word, the Bible,

is found in

John 4

"The entrance of Your Words gives light."

Psalm 119:130
The End
This Bible story tells us about our wonderful God who
made us and who wants us to know Him.
God knows we have done bad things, which He calls sin.
The punishment for sin is death, but God loves us so
much He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on a Cross and be
punished for our sins. Then Jesus came back to life and
went home to Heaven! If you believe in Jesus and ask
Him to forgive your sins, He will do it! He will come and
live in you now, and you will live with Him forever.
If you want to turn from your sins, say this to God:
Dear God, I believe that Jesus died for me and
now lives again. Please come into my life and
forgive my sins, so that I can have new life now,
and one day go to be with You forever. Help me
to live for You as Your child. Amen.
Read the Bible and talk with God every day! John 3:16

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