Technical Theatre Syllabus

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Poly High School Theater

Home of the Jesters and

Thespian Troupe 2543
Leesa Rankins
Chris MarkerMorse

Poly High School

5450 Victoria Ave, Riverside, CA 92506
Poly- (951) 788-7203 Ex 64110
[email protected]
[email protected]
Remind @polytheate to (567) 302-2980 or 81010

Technical Theater 2017-2018

Leesa Rankins and Chris MarkerMorse, Instructors
Riverside Poly High School

COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course is a general survey in theatre arts technical production. Students will learn to think
critically concerning theatrical productions and production technique. Each student will demonstrate knowledge of the
operation of an assortment of hand tools and power tools, and be able to use them independently in a production situation.
Furthermore, students will grasp the basic principles of theatrical design, and begin to demonstrate basic makeup,
costumes, set design and lighting design in a theatrical context. Each student will also gain knowledge and have practical
experience as a stage technician, building sets, hanging and manipulating lighting instruments, applying and designing
makeup, basic costuming, and the skills necessary for running a production.


1. Do now and notes
a. Keep your notes on paper (Rankins) or text/email (MarkerMorse) your notes.
2. Projects and Stage Work
i. Drawings
ii. Set Pieces
iii. Costume design and application
iv. Makeup design and application
3. Seeing Shows
a. See Each Poly Mainstage show. There are 5 shows this year, two first semester and three second
4. Working on a Production
4 or more hours per semester doing building and/or production work, (Acting, Tech/Running Crew, Ushering,

1. Final Exam
a. Project
b. Multiple Choice/Fill In The Blank Written Final

SAFETY TRAINING: All tech students are required to attend a district mandated safety training. Any student not attending
the training will not be allowed to use power tools, ladders or lifts, or perform most of the activities that make up the class
activities, severely hampering a students ability to earn a good grade. The safety training is during school hours on the Poly
campus. Students must attend all safety training sessions in order to take the final test. Make-up classes TBA. They may be
at Poly or they may be at one of our other high school theaters in RUSD. Make-up sessions may be on a Saturday.
All tech students MUST get a signed release form to utilize the tools AFTER they have been through the training.

FOOD- Please do not eat inside the theater or classroom.

DO NOW ACTIVITY Each day will begin with a Do Now activity on the board. At the bell each student is to be at their
seat with their smart phone, tablet or notes open and ready to work on their Do Now. Any activity other than Do Now at the
beginning of class will result in detention. Lacking Do Nows for any of the weeks of the term will result in a loss of points.

LIVE PERFORMANCES Each student must attend four (5) Poly shows a year, and write a play report for each show they
attend. There are various forms for our theater reports, with an A format, a B: format and a C format. There are four main
stage shows each year, as well as Comedy Sportz shows and showcases. Poly students also do community performances
such as Ghost Walk, Festival of Lights and Dickens Festival.

LAB/PRODUCTION HOURS This course is a review and application of technical theatre design and production. Hours
outside of class are required for a grade of C or higher.
A. 4 hours each semester
B. 3 hours each semester
C. 2 or less hours each semester
D. No hours

IN CLASS PROJECTS/PARTICIPATION: You will be given projects and designs to be completed in class time. If you
cannot stay to complete your project the day of the assignment, you must complete the project on your own time by the end
of the week. Projects will be graded on skill demonstrated, willingness to participate, and improvement. All students must be
engaged in the learning activities of the day. Any student causing a distraction for the instructor or other students is
dangerous and will be sent to the discipline office for the safety of their classmates.

DISCIPLINE: Any student unwilling to be engaged in the learning activity can quickly become a danger to themselves and
others and must be removed from the learning environment. Any student engaged in horse-play, or creating an unsafe
situation or work environment, will be immediately removed from the class and sent to the office for the safety of all .
Students outside of the supervised area will also face disciplinary action.

GRADING: Grades will be based on projects, designs, participation in class and stage, production hours, play attendance
and reports.

RESOURCES Please go to for updates assignments, projects, and links

to relevant website for theatrical design.

Also, see Riverside Poly Theater Thespian Troupe 2543 page on Facebook,
Remind/Text service- Text @polytheate to 81010

Ms. Leesa Rankins

[email protected]
(951) 788-7203 Ex 64043

Mr. Chris MarkerMorse

[email protected]
(951) 788-7203 Ex 64110

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