Anglo Saxon Performance Task Preveiw

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Comparative Essay Narrative Essay

I can I can
Write an effective argumentative essay Write an effective and engaging narrative (W3)
(W1) Incorporate characteristics of a specific genre
Discuss characteristics of a specific genre of literature (the epic) into a new piece of
of literature (the epic) across multiple literature (RL9)
sources (Beowulf and the modern day)

Must have Must haves

Introduction 100-500 lines
Attention grabber/Hook Media Res
Background/Context Genealogy
Overall Claim/Thesis At least three generations
stating which hero (Beowulf Formal Speeches
or the one of your choice) is Usually in challenge and introduction
the superior epic hero based Similes
on the criteria from the hero You must have at least one every 30
traits. lines
No less than three, but no more than five Epithets
body paragraphs You must have at least one every 3
Topic Sentences examples every 30 lines
Supporting Sentences Kennings
Detail/Example Sentences You must have at least one every 30
Explanation/Analysis Sentences lines
Conclusion Sentences Alliteration
You must have at least one every 3
Criteria to base your argument examples every 30 lines
Ideal man of a culture Cesura
Royalty Every line should have one
Great Warrior--Strong, Courageous, and Descriptions of places, characters, and
mightier than normal people weapons
Quests Correctly punctuated dialogue
National Symbol Motif
Humility Biblical
Supernatural help Pagan
Supernatural enemies Heroic

Counter Argument/Rebuttal Paragraph PROTAGONISTS

Introduce the Opposing Argument You should have 5 of 8 of these
Acknowledge parts of the opposition Ideal man of a culture
that are valid Royalty
Counter the Argument Great Warrior--Strong, Courageous,
Introduce the Conclusion and mightier than normal people
Conclusion National Symbol
Remind readers of the essential Humility
point of your thesis Supernatural help
Summarize the arguments Supernatural enemies
presented in this essay as they PLOT
relate to your central argument. Conflict
End with a memorable idea or Your hero should fight a supernatural
sentence that supports the ideas enemy
presented in this essaythis relates Rising Action
to the relevance of your topic Your hero should prepare for some of
Addresses the bigger picture (In battle
other words, answers the question, There should be a moment of suspense
So What?Why does the change Climax
in minimum wage matter?) A moment where the hero proves
his/her hero status
See the three battles from
Falling Action
Return the hero home after the question
See the return from the battle
with Grendels mother
End the story in a creative way that
allows for legacy

Comparative Essay Narrative

Rubrics coming soon!!

Current Due Date window-- September 8-15

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