Megawatt Station Flyer 3AUA0000081847 RevH EN Lowres PDF
Megawatt Station Flyer 3AUA0000081847 RevH EN Lowres PDF
Megawatt Station Flyer 3AUA0000081847 RevH EN Lowres PDF
The ABB megawatt station is a easily and rapidly. To meet the PV power Highlights
turnkey solution designed for large- plants demanded capacity, several ABB Proven technology and reliable
scale solar power generation. It megawatt stations can be combined. components
houses all the electrical equipment Compact and robust design
that is needed to rapidly connect Compact design eases transportation High total efficiency
a photovoltaic (PV) power plant to The steel-framed insulated container Modular and serviceable system
a medium voltage (MV) electricity comes complete with a concrete Double-stage air pre-filtering for
grid. All the components within the foundation. A thermally insulated inverter reduced maintenance
megawatt station are from ABBs compartment enables operation in harsh Global life cycle services and support
product portfolio. temperature and humidity environments
and is designed for at least 25 years of
Turnkey-solution for PV power plants operation.
The ABB megawatt station design
capitalizes on ABBs long experience in The hollow concrete foundation has
developing and manufacturing secondary a double floor within the inverter
substations for utilities and major end- compartment. This provides easy access
users worldwide in conventional power for cabling. Additionally the small inverter
transmission installations. footprint makes the container compact
and easy to lift via a standard crane,
A station houses two ABB central thereby simplifying transportation.
inverters, an optimized transformer,
MV switchgear, a monitoring system The complete ABB megawatt station
and DC connections from solar array. weighs only 20 tons. At 50 m3, the
The station is used to connect a PV containers volume is some 15 percent
power plant to a MV electricity grid, smaller than equivalent solutions.
ABB megawatt station
Solar inverters The transformer is environmentally safe, A sealed steel tank with constant
ABB solar inverters are the result of having no volatile liquids that can leak, atmospheric conditions ensures a high
decades of industry experience and and it carries no fire or explosion risk. level of reliability as well as personnel
the use of proven frequency converter It provides excellent mechanical and safety. The virtually maintenance-free
technology. As such the solar inverters short-circuit characteristics. system comes in a compact and flexible
provide a highly efficient and cost- design that allows for a versatile
effective way to convert the direct As a major global transformer switchgear configuration. As an option
current, generated by solar modules, manufacturer, ABB offers a wide range ABBs gas-insulated SafePlus and air-
into high-quality and CO2 -free of liquid-filled and dry-type transformers. insulated Unisec switchgear are also
alternating current. Two ABB central Alternate power transformers are available.
inverters are used in the ABB megawatt available to meet customer requirements.
station. The inverters provide high All ABBs transformers are manufactured
efficiency conversion with low auxiliary in accordance with the most demanding
power consumption. industry and international standards.
Transformer Switchgear
The ABB megawatt station features ABB offers a complete range of medium
an ABB vacuum cast coil dry-type voltage switchgear for secondary
transformer. The transformer is designed distribution, including air-insulated and
to meet the reliability, durability, and gas-insulated switchgear.
efficiency required in PV applications.
It is specifically designed and optimized The ABB megawatt station is equipped,
for ABB solar inverters to provide as standard, with the widely proven
the best performance throughout the ABB SafeRing, SF6-insulated switchgear.
lifetime of the plant.
If DC voltage is > 1000 V, the inverter will not be damaged, but will not start
Voltages between 6 and 24 kV available as an option
At nominal power
Other ABB transformer types available as an option
Other ABB switchgear types available as an option
Efficiency without auxiliary power consumption, at lowest DC voltage
Without options and heating
EMC filter
EMC filter
EMC filter
EMC filter
20 kV
2: PVS800-MWS
MV grid
EMC filter
EMC filter
EMC filter
EMC filter
20 kV
Power derating after 40 C
Power derating above 1000 m. Above 2000 m special requirements.