Architecture of Exile Alessandro Petti

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Architecture of Exile

Alessandro Petti

Refugee camps are meant to be the materialization of temporary architecture. Usually

constituted of tents and shelters, they are designed for quick and easy assembly in order
to respond to emergencies. A short-term form of architecture, they are not built to last.
Although the establishment of refugee camps is rhetorically justified by humanitarian
intent and technocratic design discourse, they remain an essentially political issue.
Whether they serve temporarily or become more permanent is ultimately not decided by
the humanitarian bodies tasked with managing and controlling them, but rather by
political conflicts. The prolonged exceptional temporality of the refugee camps could
paradoxically create the condition for its transformation: from a pure humanitarian space
to an active political space, the embodiment and the expression of the right of return.

The more than ten million refugees currently registered worldwide by the UNHCR
(Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the
five million Palestinian refugees registered by the UNRWA (The United Nations Relief
and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East,in some
sixty camps across the Middle East, give only a partial idea of a widespread
phenomenon. The radical economical and social transformations currently being
experienced throughout the world have produced a proliferation of the camp condition
that is, a space suspended from the surrounding legal, social and political order. There
are now innumerable places in suspension in megalopolises around the world, where
internally displaced people and new immigrants take refuge. Whether they are camps that
precede or follow wars, encampments set up after natural catastrophe, or refugee camps,
they often become places where people are born and die waiting to go home.

At the same time, the camp condition has opened a new horizon of political and social
configurations, and new ways of understanding the relation of the population to space and
territory. The permanent temporality of refugee camps have produced spatio-political
configurations that call into question the very idea of nation-state. And despite the fact
that the camp form in origin has been used as a tool for regulating the excess of its
political dimension, the camp as an exceptional space could also be seen as a counter-
site for emerging political practices and a new form of urbanism. In the following pages,
we will move between these two interetaleted aspects: between camp as site of discipline
and control and camp as site of struggle and inventive practices.

The Camp as Site of Discipline and Control

Although states and non-governmental organizations have at length been, and still are,
actively conceiving and managing camps, we are just beginning to understand how the
camp form has problematized the very idea of a city as a functional political community
and democratic space. If a citizens political identity is played out in the public space of
the city, what is found in the camp is its inverse: here, a citizen is stripped of his or her
political rights. In this sense, the camp represents a sort of anti-city, a constitutive void of
a political order. But what effect does this anti-city produce on the public and political
space of the city? If the city has historically represented the place where the rights of
citizens (seem to) be recognizedoften by excluding one part of the population kept
outside its wallsthe invention of the camp is a new mechanism of exclusion. The camp
system goes beyond the inclusion-exclusion dichotomy that defines relations between
citizens and non-citizens mediated by the borders of nation-states. The camp, in fact,
excludes through its inclusion. It marks the degradation of conventional political
organizational systems. It is a desperate attempt to preserve an outdated political order
through constructing a space of suspension within which to confine all those who do not
belong. It is crucial that the space of the camp is no longer inside or outside, rather, it
represents a sort of third area, a place in suspension, where an increasing number of
individuals excluded from the polis are shut away. Here, spatial segregation takes on an
added dimension, becoming a strict confinement under armed surveillance: once inside
these spaces, the lives of the inhabitants may be at stake. The camp signals the
breakdown of any political relationship between territory and people, becoming the form
of localization for those who do not belong. The camp is a space in suspension, a place
in limbo, held within the normal spatial and social order of a territory.

These spaces in suspension, summoned into being by security concerns, usually become
powerful forms of social and spatial control. They emerge every time the relationship
between the territorial space and the population enters a state of crisis. They first made
their appearance in the colonial context as a temporary measure for controlling local
populations, and later reemerged in Europe at a time when the imperial spatial order was
collapsing. Camps are once more becoming visible today, as the connection between
territory, state, and citizenship has once again entered a crisis due to the disintegrative
effects of migrations and the globalization of economies and communications. Called for
as an exceptional means for preserving the established order, as a measure required to
deal with temporary, short term geo-political crises (migrations, wars, terrorism), over
time these spaces are often, in fact, transformed into more or less permanent expressions
of political ideology and power.

The Camp as a Site of Political Invention

Although most recent scholarly work highlights the refugee as an emblematic figure of
our contemporary political economy, these same conceptualizations tend to reduce the
refugee to a passive subject, lacking autonomous identity or agency. Certainly, emerging
social and political practices in the West Banks refugee camps challenge the idea of
refugees as passive subjects. In our work as architects, we aim to invert the
conceptualization of the everyday practices of refugees as a reaction or resistance to an
absolute sovereign power. We argue that in order to do this, one needs to consider the
political agency available to refugees through everyday practice, as opposed to the
military, statutory and legal apparatus used by authorities to repress their activities and
expropriate what they produce.
The Palestinian refugee camps, which first appeared after the 1948 Nakba, were
conceived as an emergency assistance to the massive expulsion, operated by Jewish
militias, of almost the entire Palestinian population of that time. The first pictures of
these camps, in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, showed small villages made of tents,
arranged according to the same regular grids used for military encampments.

Dheisheh Camp, 1952

In 1948/49, the UN general assembly established two main bodies: the UN Conciliation
Committee for Palestine (UNCCP) with a mandate to find a political solution for the
Palestinian refugees, and the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) with an exclusive
humanitarian mandate. This created the conceptual and operational distinction that still
undermines UNRWA interventions in the eyes of Palestinian refugees. When in 1966 the
UNCCP ceased operations, having failed to mediate between newly established Israel,
Arab States and the Palestinians, UNRWA was pushed by the refugee community to
assume a more clear political role even though it had no political mandate.
Dheisheh Camp, 1968

As the years passed, and no political solution was found for the plight of the displaced
Palestinians, tents were substituted with shelters in an attempt to respond to the growing
needs of the camp population without undermining the temporary condition of the camp,
and therefore undermining the right to return. However, with a growing population, the
condition in the camps worsened. The terrible situations in which Palestinian refugees
where forced to live was used by the Palestinian political leadership to pressure Israel and
the international community in terms of the urgency of the refugees right to return. The
precariousness and temporariness of the camp structure was not simply a technical
problem, but also the material-symbolic embodiment of the principle that its inhabitants
be allowed to return as soon as possible to their place of origin.

Dheisheh, 2012 (photo: Brave New Alps for Campus in Camps)

Israel refuses the international recognized right of return of Palestinian refugees. For this
reason, Palestinian refugee camps have become a magnetic force field in which
competing and unequally matched political entities the host states, international
governmental and non-governmental agencies, and the refugees themselves attempt to
exercise influence. Every single banal act, from building a roof to opening a new street,
becomes a political statement concerning the right of return. Nothing in the camp can be
considered without political implications.

However, during the Nineties and within the framework of the peace process, which
subsequently led to the creation of an interim Palestinian Authority, the right of return
was increasingly marginalized under the pressure of successive Israeli governments who
have never been willing to acknowledge Israels responsibility in the Palestinian Nakba.
At the same time, the withdrawal of the Israeli army from most Palestinian urban areas
created the conditions for some West Bank camps to become relatively autonomous and
independent socio-political communities.

For decades, the political discourse around the right of return, and the associated
imperative to stagnate living conditions, imposed by the Palestinian political leadership to
reaffirm the camps ephemerality, forced refugees to live in terrible conditions. From
1948-49 to the present day, official political discourse has sought to prohibit any
development in, or formalization of, the refugee camps. The fear was that any
trasformation of the camps would bring about an integration of the refugee community
with the local environment and thus the political motivation for the right to return would
be lost. This discourse was also based on the assumption that as long as refugees were
living in appalling conditions, their suffering would pressure the international community
to enact their right to return. Thus, any improvement to camp infrastructure and housing
was seen as a direct erosion of the right to return.

Today this imperative is being reconsidered: it is argued that improved living conditions
in refugee camps do not necessarily conflict with the right to return. No longer a simple
recipient of humanitarian intervention, the refugee is seen as an active political subject,
through his or her participation in the development of autonomous governance for the
camp. Today, refugees are re-inventing social and political practices that improve their
everyday life; the refugee camp has been transformed from a marginalized holding area
to an interconnected center of social and political life. It is however crucial that this
radical transformation has not normalized the political condition of being exiled.

What follows are projects articulated as an architecture of exile which aim through its
spatial and programmatic configuration to actively engage the camp urbanization
produced by over sixty-four years of forced exile. Perhaps fragments constituting
a different idea of a city.

Alessandro Petti for Campus in Camps Dheisheh refugee camp, January 2015

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