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ED &

A Compendium of Weird and Unusual Minor Godlings

Old-school Role-playing Community




Edited by Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.

with Matthew W. Schmeer and Greg Gorgonmilk
Original Idea by Blair Fitzpatrick
Original Development and Compilation by James Maliszewski
Previous Edition Edited by Peter Gifford
Expanded Development and Compilation by Greg Gorgonmilk
Additional Development/Compilation and Expanded Edition
Production Graphics by Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Front cover illustration by Thomas Denmark
Back cover illustration by Nicholas Roerich & Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.


All materials in this book are owned by their
respective Creators/Contributors and are used with their permission.
It is the responsibility of each Creator/Contributor to register the
Copyrights in the Creators/Contributors name as a claimant with the
United States Copyright Office and elsewhere as elected.

Labyrinth Lord, Copyright 2006-2009, Daniel Proctor.

Advanced Edition Companion, Copyright 2009-2010, Daniel Proctor.

The characters, the locations, and the incidents in this book

are entirely the product of their authors imagination
and have no relation to any person or event in real life.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

ISBN 978-1-312-81946-7

Inexorable Deities
& Edgar Lee Masters

Inexorable revealers,
Give me strength to endure
The gifts of the Muses,
Daughters of Memory.
When the sky is blue as Minervas eyes
Let me stand unshaken;
When the sea sings to the rising sun
Let me be unafraid;
When the meadow lark falls like a meteor
Through the light of afternoon,
An unloosened fountain of rapture,
Keep my heart from spilling
Its vital power;
When at the dawn
The dim souls of crocuses hear the calls
Of waking birds,
Give me to live but master the loveliness.
Keep my eyes unharmed from splendors
Unveiled by you,
And my ears at peace
Filled no less with the music
Of Passion and Pain, growth and change.
But O ye sacred and terrible powers,
Reckless of my mortality,
Strengthen me to behold a face,
To know the spirit of a beloved one
Yet to endure, yet to dare!


Ive always felt that the best role playing game aids are the ones that enable the imagination,
rather than replace it. These are typically not part of the brand name sharecropper game settings,
bursting with all the pre-fab details necessary to run somebody elses world. Rather, they are
often small press publications, chock full of inspirational gems; stockpiles of stand-alone ideas,
encounters, characters, deities, and settings that are intended to blend into the stories being created
by game masters and their players. Over the years, Ive worked on a few such game aids
Central Casting, CityBook, The Dungeoneer, and of course The Unknown Gods from Judges Guild
which as I understand, is the inspiration for this book. And that, of course, means its one of
the good ones.

Jennell Jaquays
December 25th, 2010
Author of Dark Tower & The Caverns of Thracia

Reflecting on Unknown Gods

& Jennell Jaquays
Speaking frankly, this was not one of my favorite Judges Guild projects. During my time at
the Guild, there were projects that were entirely mine such as Dark Tower and Caverns of Thracia,
and there were those which were simply assignments that someone else had conceived.
The Unknown Gods was one of the latter, and I strongly preferred to work on my own projects.
I was darn good at what I did for themcomparatively speakingand I knew it and
acted like it too. I will freely admit to being a bit of a prima donna during my time at Judge Guild.

Bob Bledsaw began the Unknown Gods project as a collection of his original, purely fantasy
deitiesa counterpoint to TSRs own OD&D Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes which contained deities
interpreted from terrestrial mythology and popular fiction. The project arrived in my hands
not long after I started at Judges Guild as a disorganized file of typed notes, and charming black
and white illustrations by another illustrator. I organized, edited and rewrote Bobs notes,
added a few original deities of my own, illustrated most of the gods, and created a two-color cover.
I dont remember it being anything close to my best work, but it had a lot of wacky ideas for
fantasy deities. It certainly filled an inspirational niche in fantasy game publishing not being met
elsewhere at the time.


List of Contributors............................................................................ viii
Foreword............................................................................................... ix
Preface & Acknowledgments............................................................. x
What is a God?..................................................................................... xi
Notes for Using Petty Gods in Play................................................. xii
The Subtle Art of Propitiation......................................................... xiv
A Guide to Godly Reactions ............................................................. xv

Section 1:
Petty Gods........................................................................................ 1

Section 2:
Minions, Knights & Servitors.......................................... 209

Section 3:
Cults & Cultists. ....................................................................... 277

Section 4:
Divine Items................................................................................ 293

Section 5:
Spells................................................................................................ 317

A. Create a Religion In Your
Spare Time for Fun and Profit.................................................. 331
B. Gods of Barsoom......................................................................... 341
C. Legends & Lore of the Jale God........................................... 343
D. Petty Foods of the Petty Gods.............................................. 345
E. Petty Classifieds....................................................................... 361
N. Inspirational & Educational Reading.................................. 364

Alphabetical Index of Gods ........................................................... 365
Alphabetical Index of Writers ........................................................ 374
Alphabetical Index of Artists.......................................................... 376

v ii

List of Contributors

Mike Carlson Davis, Greg Gorgonmilk, Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr., Matthew W. Schmeer, Matthew Skail, Christopher Stogdill

Johnathan Baker, Jarrett Crader, David Larkins, James Lemon, Eric Potter, Daniel Sell, Matthew Skail, Tim Snider

Ragnar Arneson, Will Arnold, Vance Atkins, Alexandra Ausborn, Katherine Ausborn, Benjamin Ball, Paul Ballard, M.A.R. Barker,
Matthew Baron, Stephen Bartok, David Baymiller, Jonathan Becker, Antoine Marc Belle, Johnathan Bingham, Daniel J. Bishop,
M.T. Black, Barry Blatt, Mark Bober, Malcolm Bowers, Dustin Brandt, Timothy Brannan, Andrew Branstad, Damian Breen, Kevin
Brennan, Jim Brewer, Emmett Brinkmann, Jonah Brinkmann, Paul Brinkmann, Alan Brodie, Justen Brown, Joshua Burnett,
Dale Cameron, Courtney Campbell, Eric Campbell, Dennis Carter, Dan Cassar, Luigi Castellani, Trey Causey, Colin Chapman, Ezra
Claverie, Claytonian JP, Ian Coakley, Nathan Cohen, Steve Collington, Christopher Conklin, Brian A. Cooper, Andrew Crenshaw,
Michael Curtis, Steven Danielson, Mike Carlson Davis, Ndege Diamond, Matt Diaz, Adam Dickstein, Ben Djarum, Patrick Henry
Downs, Jeremy Duncan, Dungeon of Sketch, Justin Dunnuck, Jens Durke, Duncan Eshelman, Fr. David Eynon, Eric Fabiaschi, John
Feldman, Matt Fischer, Thomas Fitzgerald, Blair Fitzpatrick, Simon Forster, Garrisonjames, Casey Garske, Sndor Gebei, Boric
Glanduum, J.P. Glutting, Greg Gorgonmilk, Josh Graboff, John Grant, Edward Green, Rob Griffin, David Haraldson, Dan Harms,
Shaun Haskins, Sean Holland, Jeremy Holley, Tim Huntley, Richard Iorio II, Matt Jackson, Erik Jensen, Greg Johnston, Eric Jones,
Patrick Kennedy, Jason Kielbasa, Tom Kilian, Logan Knight, Al Krombach, Dennis Laffey, Ash Law, Richard J., Jr. LeBlanc, Legion,
John Gavin Lighterness, Mike Lizardi, Ken Lizzi, Bryce Lynch, Jay Mac Bride, William Maranto, Thomas Martin, Jrgen Mayer, Jed
McClure, Ian McDougall, Geoffrey McKinney, Johnstone Metzger, Atailton Miranda, Atailton Miranda, James Mishler, Jodi Mishler,
Robert Morris, James Murphy, Atte Mustonen, Jonas Mustonen, Terje Nordin, Gavin Norman, Null Null, Erol Otus, Jim Pacek, Erin
Palette, Anthony Pastores, James Patterson, Christopher Paul, Darcy Perry, Stefan Poag, Porky, Lester B. Portly, Eric Potter, Dan
Proctor, Brian Rae, Anthony Ragan, Jeremy Reaban, Peter Regan, Luka Rejec, Stuart Roe, Todd Roe, Rorschachhamster, Wayne
Rossi, Tony A. Rowe, Thed Rune, Doug Rusch, Igor Sartorato, Matthew W. Schmeer, Craig Schwarze, Nicolas Senac, Shadrac MQ,
Tim Shorts, Keith Sloan, E.T. Smith, James Smith, Michael Smith, Roger S.G. Sorolla, James Spahn, Joel Sparks, John Stater, Aaron
E. Steele, Thorbjrn Steen, Tim Stephens, Christopher Stogdill, Grant Stone, Patrick Stuart, Studio Arkhein, Scott Sutherland, Chris
Tamm, Erik Tenkar, Andy Thompson, R.J. Thompson, John Everett Till, Dave Traube, Troy J. Truchon, John Turcotte, Charles
Turnitsa, Evan Van Elkins, Vindico Vindicatum, James Ward, Garrett Weinstein, Chris Wellings, David Wellington, Patrick Wetmore,
Sean Wills, Eric Wirsing, Paul Wolfe, Duncan Young, Christopher Ziegler

Matthew Adams, Mark Allen, Aubrey Beardsley, Robert Anning Bell, Kelly Bennett, Joel Bethell, Johnathan Bingham, Daniel J. Bishop,
William H. Bradley, Claude F. Bragdon, Liam Brennan, Dr. Brillenschnitzel, Rom Brown, Justen Brown, Ryan Browning, Joshua
Burnett, bygrinstow, Eric Campbell, Courtney Campbell, Luigi Castellani, Kevin Chenevert, Mike Clarke, Harry Clarke, Claytonion
JP, Christopher Conklin, Alexander Cook, Michael Cote, Fat Cotton, Donn P. Crane, Andrew Crenshaw, Thomas Denmark, Ndege
Diamond, Adam Dickstein, Bartlomiej Doroszko, Mona Dowie, Jeremy Duncan, Dungeon of Sketch, Beatrice Elvery, Fr. David
Eynon, Scott Faulkner, Gwen Faverat, , Eleanor Ferron, Virgil Finlay, David Fischer, Thomas Fitzgerald, Paul Gallagher, Garrisonjames,
Darryl Gillingham, Steven Goodman, Justin Graham, Kelvin Green, Glen Hallstrom, Richard Heighway, Edward Heil, Keith
Henderson, Adam Huntley, Chris Hth, Jennell Jaquays, Zach Jaquays, James D. Jarvis, Eugene Jaworski, Oxide JCHart, David L.
Johnson, Eric Jones, A. Garth Jones, Christian Kessler, Tom Kilian, Reidar Kjelsen, Michal Majqello Knapik, Logan Knight, Horace
J. Knowles, Utagawa Kuniyoshi, Gus L., Dorothy P. Lathrop, Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr., Christopher Letzelter, Joey Lindsey, Francis &
Margaret MacDonald, Jim Magnusson, The Marg, Elena Martnez Lpez, Nate McD, Todd McGowan, Jonathan McNally, Kent Miller,
Tony Mullins, Juan Ochoa, Leonard OGrady, OpenGL, Adolph Wilhelm Otto, Erol Otus, Jason Patterson, Anne Merriman Peck,
Danny Perdue, Darcy Perry, Cdric Plante, Ernesto Plasmo, Stefan Poag, Lester B. Portly, Joel Priddy, Andrs Prim, Arthur Pyle, Eric
Quigley, Arthur Rackham, Herbert Railton, Luka Rejec, William H. Robinson, Aflred Roller, Paul Schaefer, Timothy Schaefer, Glynn
Seal, Byam Shaw, Shane Leong Kum Sheong, Andrew Shields, Jason Sholtis, Matthew Shultz, Zak Smith, James Allen St. John,
Matt Stretch, Studio Arkhein, Sheila Swift, TBD, Del Teigeler, Rose Turner, Josephe Vandel, Vindico Vindicatum, Franz Graf von
Pocci, Dugald Stewart Walker, Brian Walker, Brian Walker, Andrew Walter, James V. West, Morris Meredith Williams, Eric Wirsing,
Sabine Zabel, Steve Zieser

v iii


PETTY GODSwhat a great title. When Mr. Gorgonmilk offered me the chance to do the
introduction for this book and a petty god inside the manuscript I jumped at the chance. In the
past I have written my own versions of gods and their like in products like GODS, DEMI-GODS &
just a lot of interest in deities and what they do to characters in any fantasy campaign game. The
concept is not easy for Game Masters to wrap their heads around. Those types are busy enough just
designing dungeons and cities for their characters. Putting together temples, high priests, and other
holy concepts/encounters is a lot of work and books like this excellent tome are just what the
Game Master needs to add flavor to his game.

The title of this book is very interesting. Who is to say which deity is petty or lesser, or which being
is all powerful or greater? The goddess of pregnant women doesnt look very interesting or powerful
unless you are pregnant, and then that being takes on a whole new status in the mind of that
particular worshiper. Look at the Roman god Janus, who has two faces and is the deity of doors.
That being doesnt appear like a big deal until there are 10 orcs trying to get into the house through
the front door. I imagine a few special prayers are sent up in that case, and Janus looks like a
much bigger deal.

For 38 years I have had the pleasure of running games for friends and convention-goers. I can tell
you from very practical experience that salting in some bit of religion into encounters can go very far
in shaking up your players and making them think for a change. Imagine the surprise of your players
as they are doing a simple dungeon crawl when they come across an obvious temple area with a
very strange looking altar with a cup, scepter, and sphere on top. Could the characters be horribly
cursed by touching those items? Is there a way to discover the alignment of the relics and the temple?
It could be possible that those items could greatly aid the character party in the struggles ahead.
There could be hours of fun adventure just having those players try and figure out this one encounter.

When I get my hands on this book (because hopefully Greg will send me one early) some of the
creations are going right into my game. My campaign will be better for it and so will yours.

James M. Ward
Spring 2013

F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.


& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
There are always challenges when working with a project like this. While the creativity that can come from opening up contributions
to all within the community can be truly dazzling, the workload it produces as a result can be easily overwhelming.
Simply managing the wealth of materials for a project like this is a Herculean task. Think about it... this tome contains over 300 petty
gods entries, 100-plus minions/knights/servitors, a similarly staggering number of divine items, and an incredible wealth of supple-
mentary materials. Its no wonder there were days during the this project that I thought to myself, Sisyphus had it easy.
Take for example, the small inconsistencies that exist in the contributions. Statistics, though generally in line with the chosen Labyrinth
Lord format, were sometimes based on different editions of the rules (which necessitated some alteration, albeit minor). Even those
familiar with the chosen edition inadvertently produced inconsistencies (e.g., capitalizing the names of spells vs. typesetting the names
of spells in lower case italics).
As a designer who writes (or is that a writer who designs?), I possess a valued asset in wrangling a project like this, particularly when
it comes to productionI can edit on the fly. That is, as I move things into the layout, it doesnt require much on my part to alter text
while Im typesetting it. This speeds up the editing process tremendously. More importantly, it means that I can streamline things and
(do my best to) edit for consistency as I go.
Be warned, Ive had to make some judgment calls throughout. For example, many of you who provided stats with dual-axis align-
ments will find them sweepingly changed to single-axis alignments. Most of us who are BX/LL veterans know that many creatures
noted as lawful evil in 1e should actually be treated as chaotic in BX/LL terms, so a notation of lawful (evil) could be considered
misleading. Additionally, many descriptions included indications, checks, or abilities that are generally not part of the BX/LL rulesets,
so those needed some work. Finally, many of the stat blocks did just not jive with the information in the full descriptions, so tweaks
were necessary to make these things fall in line with one another. These are the types of calls to which Im referring.
Theres something else Ive learned about working on projects like thisit is better to ask for forgiveness than permission. Imagine
trying to get permission to make alterations to entries from over 150 different contributors (most of whom I have no contact informa-
tion). So... this is me... officially asking for your forgiveness (and hoping that its tempered by the understanding that you are holding
a massive-yet-complete work in your handsbe those hands physical or metaphorically digital).

& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
I would like to begin by tipping my hat to the book that started it all (Gods, Demi-gods & Heroes) by Robert Kuntz and James M.
Ward, under the direction of Tim Kask. This is the book that brought the world of the gods directly to the gaming table, and for that
Im sure we as gamers are all eternally grateful.
This project would not exist if it were not for an idea put forth by Blair Fitzpatrick a book featuring minor godlings, created in homage
to, and as a continuation of, Judges Guilds Unknown Gods (originally produced under the direction of Jennell Jaquays).
I personally would like to give the deepest honor possible to the man that really kept all of the iterations of Petty Gods alive from the
projects original inceptionPeter Gifford. He may only have credited himself with the design, layout, and logo for the original PETTY
Gods edition, but he truthfully deserves an editors credit for managing the task when he found himself a man alone on an island, much
less keep it going at all! (This is why you will find him credited on the title page of this edition as the editor of the previous edition).
I would like acknowledge the work of my predecessors on this project, James Maliszewski and Greg Gorgonmilk.
Special mention must also be made of my go to writers and editors on this edition: Mike Carlson Davis, Matthew W. Schmeer,
Matthew Skail, and Eric Potter. When I needed help whipping an entry into shape, creating needed content, or figuring out something
from a statistics standpoint, their assistance was invaluable.
Finally, I would like to thank each and every member of the OSR RPG community who contributed to this project in any waywhether
that be as an illustrator, writer, editor, proofer, or just a proselytizer. Many of them may be found in the List of Contributors, but
there are those advocates of the project that will not. I thank you all!


What is a God?
& Grant Stone F Juan Ochoa
Most of us claim an inherent understanding of what a god is could be gazed upon by mortals with no ill effect, since no one
and would have no difficulty in comprehending the difference mortal has ever been able to comprehend Shatterglyphs.
between a farmer on his way to market and NrGth, one of the
ever-screaming, denizens of Gorthens pit. However, for those Thankfully, Shatterglyph scripts are incredibly rare. Any mortal
who have embarked on a lifelong quest for knowledge, such contemplating deicide should consider what dark intelligences
inherent understandings are nothing more than the whistling might have originally created the Shatterglyph scripts and what
of the wind. You know what a god is, they will say, leaning on unknown powers the gods may be protecting us from.
their staves and raising their eyebrows menacingly, but does Detect Alignment: Gods have additional senses that mor-
anyone else share your view? tals do not. They have the innate ability to see the true nature
An answer to this most basic question could not be entrusted to of any person or thing. It is impossible to deceive the gods; they
the religionists. While a person of faith may acknowledge the will see into your soul and always see it true.
existence and power of many gods, they will nevertheless dem- Gate: Gods can create connections to other planes of exist-
onstrate a bias towards the one they have devoted themselves ence. Once this connection is made, the god can use the gate
to. Therefore, a specific definition of the term god remained to draw beings from other planes through the gate. A god can
elusive until the famous proclamation of Redus X, 40th heirarch only draw beings from its own mythos. Gods, like mortals,
of the University of Crabt. are divided into groups and there is often no small enmity
(Most faculty and not a few students of the university of Crabt between factions.
have adopted a uniform of deep blue robes and conical hat, Geas or Quest: A god may command any creature to com-
topped with a bright yellow star. This star is intended to represent mit to or refrain from a course of action. This ability functions
the pure light of knowledge, but there are many who consider similar to the spells bearing the same name, although the range
both robes and hat ridiculous. Some local comedian dubbed the is 9 and no saving throw is possible.
place Star Hat U. The name, unfortunately, stuck.)
Teleport: Gods have no interest in the literally pedestrian
Redus X called a great conclave, summoning religious leaders modes of transport. A god can teleport from one place (or
from many different (and often opposing) faiths together for plane) to another at any time.
what he called an enlightened and intellectual conversation.
The result was unsurprising. When the worst of the fires had All of the above abilities function instantaneously, though not
been extinguished, Portan XVII, 41st heirarch of Star Hat U, necessarily continuously. There will be no outward indication
found the following document beneath the still-smouldering that a god is about to invoke one of these abilities; gods do
body of his predecessor. not often give forewarning of their intentions.
Saving Throws: Gods enjoy a saving throw in all categories
Abilities Common to All Gods of at least 2. If they are fallible at all, it is only one time in
Command: This ability functions in a similar manner to the twenty. Even then, you should be on your guard; a god who
command spell as practised by many schools of magic. For has the ill-fortune to demonstrate weakness in front of mortals
smaller gods, this lasts for two rounds. In the case of greater will not easily let said mortals depart with their health, soul, or
gods, this could last three rounds or more. No saving throw sanity intact.
is possible. Most gods do not play dice with the universe;
neither should you play dice with gods unless your intention
is to lose.
Comprehend Languages: The tongues of mortals are
nothing more than dust across the face of the world to gods.
All gods are able to hear, read, or speak any language as they
choose. Note that in most cases only the most literal of mean-
ings is translated; just because a god can hear you does not
necessarily mean he can understand.
This ability to comprehend any language has one remarkable
disadvantage. Gods are able to comprehend scripts written
with living glyphs of power (the famous Shatterglyphs men-
tioned in certain ancient texts). A Shatterglyph is both a tex-
tual component and a living entity in its own right, that feeds
upon any mind that reads it. Because the comprehension of
all languages is an innate divine ability, it would be theoreti-
cally possible to use a Shatterglyph script to shred the mind
of a god, should he be tricked into reading it. That same script


Notes for Using Petty Gods in Play

& Chris Tamm F Studio Arkhein

The idea of a pantheon of gods, each with dominion over sub- scare away other demons. Amulets to Hanbi were placed on
stantial concepts (e.g., war, kingship, love, fire, nature, etc.) is childrens cots as a ward against demons such as the child-kill-
one with which most gamers are comfortable. And while most ing demon Lamashtu. Babylonian demons would at times act
role-players are familiar with the major names of historical on behalf of the gods, dispensing punishments to the wicked,
mythology (such as Isis, Odin, or Ares), a large number would or function as the gods bailiffs, carrying off to the underworld
be unfamiliar with the little gods. (For those who have played those seeking to avoid death.
Greg Staffords Glorantha, the concept may be more familiar.)
The Hindus have over a million gods. While greater gods such
There is, however, a historical precedent for the inclusion of as Indra were supreme in the minds of conquering Brahmins,
lesser gods. One of the worlds first emperors, Sargon of Akkad the military aristocracy, and state priesthoods, a local tree or
(ca. 2300-2200 BCE), conquered dozens of independent city- well divinity could be more important to local common folk.
states, each with its own a patron god. Some of these gods had Further, such lesser gods were truly local, and might be un-
wives and children who were also gods. Some had servants heard-of in the neighboring village.
gate keepers, lamp holders, and the likewho played minor
roles in the city cult. Sargon couldnt have everybody saying These sorts of lesser gods were not exclusive to non-European
their favorite city god was supreme and so, along with the in- religions. In Northern Europe, the mounds of ancient Norse
troduction of a single calender, written language, and other kings were occasionally associated with elves. Local goatherds
sweeping changes, he introduced the concept of the gods as a would leave small bribes or unwanted infants to protect their
single family or pantheon. flocks and appease these mischievous elves. Entire kingdoms
of elves could lay within such mounds, and their kings and
Rome received a similar treatment in Ovids Metamorphoses, a queens might be regarded as minor gods. In pagan Russia you
history of the world from its creation by the gods to the deifica- might find a lesser god in the guise of a grubby, hairy dwarf
tion of Julius Caesar. While most of what is commonly known dwelling under a barn. In other places, a petty god might make
about Greece concerns Athens, a reading of Robert Graves take the form of a wild man of the forest, making life difficult
Greek Myths and works by H.D.F. Kitto provide a sense that for unworthy hunters. Locals would avoid swearing so as not
the lineages and relations of the gods varied not only between to offend such beings, leaving treats in hopes of good relations
cities, but also between rural areas. Organized state religions with them.
of empires were very different to the religious practices of the
common folk. It is all very well for an empire to have distant and mighty gods,
but for common folk around the world, the need existed for
Although the modern conception of demons is one of wholly gods that were nearer, more personable, and suited to their or-
evil entities, those of Mesopotamia could be as much benefac- dinary needs. While a king would not follow a god of cheese
tors as banes. While many are familiar with the Mesopotamian moulds, a cheese maker would find use for such a deity. A
demon Pazuzu, fewer are aware of his demonic father, Hanbi. greater god might have servants (e.g., scribes, messengers or
Though monstrous in appearance, sporting a panther face, ministers) whose divine employment would guide the palace of-
wings, claws, and a snake for a phallus, Hanbi tended to be a ficial or urban tradesmen. These little gods might also take the
useful ally. He would be evoked by healers and commoners to form of a legendary ancestor or a significant animal. What some

x ii

would regard as a spirit, demon, or local forest monster might in who had wounded him, leading to Odysseus ten year voyage
fact be a petty godling. The various nymphs, sylphs, and satyrs throughout the Mediterranean. When Gilgamesh killed Hum-
might be worshipped, perhaps even being kin of greater gods. baba, the forest guardian and Bull of Heaven, he drew the anger
There could even be petty gods relating to a single vegetable, of greater gods, who, as punishment, killed his best friend, Enk-
a household tool, or a holy day. They might reside in strange idu. As noted before, killing a petty god can be the basis for a
rock, an ancient tree, or some other landmark. campaign, where ever more powerful gods confront the heroes
as punishment.
Some of these petty gods, while potent in their own right,
might only represented by a simple shrine, sometimes within Petty gods can be found in myriad places and situations. They
the temple of a greater god. As with greater gods, small amu- might reside in a place holy to them, surrounded by their fol-
lets and figures dedicated to the petty god might be carried by lowers, creatures and, perhaps, other members of their pan-
the faithful or decorate the hearth of a home. In the wilderness, theon. They may act as guardians of a relic or hallowed place,
any landmark might have significance for the locals, such as protecting that which the gods wish to keep for themselves
a special stone one would crawl under in order to become an (the secret of immorality, gates to the underworld, caves of
adult, which might also be the holy site of a particular petty gold, sacred groves from which the local royalty make their
god. In urban areas, a ghetto might have a local god, patron to beds...). A petty god might act as a ruler of spirits and mon-
a gang of thieves. sters in a region, perhaps even having a greater rapport with
the longer-lived or pre-human races than with humanity.
With the real world precedent of minor gods, it is only natural Some mortals may be blessed or cursed by a god, and become
that they migrate into the tales told for entertainment, and what petty gods themselves in the form of saints or demons. Other
better stories than the interactive tales of fantasy role-playing lesser gods may be the result of a romantic liaison between a
games. There are many ways to introduce petty gods into a greater god and a mortal, or even the intentional creation of
fantasy campaign setting. As a general rule, minor gods will a cult (though older gods may frown upon such a creation) or
be more common among the common folk, usually in rural another god (to act as a servant or lover).
areas. They will tend to be concerned with only one locale, but
are more likely to interact with or intervene on the behalf of Petty gods can also be used as punishment on those who accost
mortals than a greater power such as Zeus. Such lesser gods their faithful, whether they be the giant insects which destroy
might offer advice, quests, or aid. While it is unlikely a petty the farmers crops, the orc horde which destroys the village,
god would grant powerful magic to a wandering cleric, they or the adventuring murder hobos who think their wandering
might allow the devout country wise woman or village elder to nature protects them from the necessity of respecting others.
reach lofty heights of power in their service. Although lesser to While they may not be able to slay the cosmic chaos dragon,
other gods, petty gods should still represent a significant en- a petty god might have no problem taking on some unruly un-
counter, and are unlikely appear in groups (though some petty dead, werewolf, or minor demon. Such protections may make
gods might appear in the form of more than one being, such as a strong impression on the gods mortal followers, who may
the Norns of Norse mythology). come to act or dress like them (even if that means they wear
a turnip-shaped hat to honor of the Turnip God). Some of the
In the early days of tabletop role-playing games, tomes such as gods followers may even exhibit unusual features due to their
AD&Ds Deities & Demigods or Judges Guilds The Unknown interaction with a petty god, such as blue hair or bird feet.
Gods (spiritual predecessor to this very tome) presented gods
as little more than powerful monsters for higher level heroes to Petty gods are also useful beyond providing antagonists for
battle (why else have defined stats if they were not intended for characters. The player characters in the campaign may be called
combat?). Even though many gods in these early works were upon to act as the avengers for a deceased godling, tracking
very powerful, some were not terribly greater than some of the down the gods killers at the behest of followers. Another pos-
lords of Hell depicted in the AD&D Monster Manual. But no sibility is a quest to restore the god to life, with the heroes seek-
matter the circumstances, meeting a petty god should be a sig- ing out items (or the body of the god) with which to bring this
nificant event; combating one a momentous occasion; the slay- about. A petty god might even join a party to act as a guide in
ing of one the definition of a campaigns entire scope. some other plane. Or the player characters may instead be the
petty gods themselves, whether after their own ascension from
In life, a petty god can be formidable; in death, they can be an mortality to divinity, by being viewed as divine by an expanding
even greater threat. Lesser gods have followers, and such a cult, group of faithful followers, or by having a previously unknown
when not seeking to return their god to life, might hunt down divine ancestry revealed to them. Such character-gods could
their gods slayer. A greater god might raise a favorite servant provide the basis for an ongoing campaign or a single night of
god, though they might return a changed being. A petty god high-level play.
might be released from the underworld by their great uncle
who just happens to be the gatekeeper of the underworldand No matter how they are introduced into a campaign, petty gods
return with new and frightening undead abilities, plotting hor- provide a great opportunity to expose characters to divine be-
rible revenge on those who have brought them low. ings and powers without diminishing the potency of the mightier
gods. Interactions with petty gods might shape the opinions of
Petty gods might be the source of curses, whether directly (by the greater gods towards an adventuring party, and be used to
cursing the faithless) or indirectly (through the vengeance of gradually expose them to higher powers.
other gods). In the Odyssey, upon being blinded by Odysseus,
the Cyclops called on his father Poseidon to punish the mortal There is plenty of gold in Petty Gods. How you use it is up to you.

x iii

The Subtle Art of Propitiation

& Friar(translated
Fifthwhistle, Order of the Open Hand Abbot (ret.), Taverntoss Abbey
from mildewed parchment by Matthew W. Schmeer)

As we all know, the gods are petty in ways that boggle the candidates, most of whom have little chance of success. Still,
mind. Some are distant, others are meddle in mortal affairs, you better undertake it if you want to avoid a gods wrath!
and others still view those who walk this earth as a pestilence
that must be eradicated. Yet most gods, from the weakest to Now, this little essay would not be complete without a bit of
the greatest, are unknowable except in that they are capricious instruction on how to deal with an angry god, so allow me to
and quick to anger. And if a mortal should offend a god, woe quickly provide a template for prayer that has been most suc-
be unto him! cessful for clerics of the Order of the Open Hand when they
are out in the field. Most Reverend Father Troutslapper created
There is little a mortal can do to appease an angry god. At best, this form of prayer many years ago when this abbey was first
we can offer meager offerings; at worst, we can die for our founded, and we have found that it is an easy and accessible
transgressions. And death may not be enough, as some gods way for the common folk to ingratiate themselves to the gods
torture souls for eons once they have crossed the boundaries of and avoid their wrath.
the material plane. What can one do to remain in or return to
a petty gods good graces? There are four parts to a good prayer, which you can remem-
ber by this simple mnemonic device: A.C.T.S. Allow me to ex-
The answer might surprise you: keep your superstitions! Su- plicate as follows.
perstitions are not deviations of religious feeling and the prac-
tices that faith imposes; in fact, they are grounded in appeas- Acknowledgement: Declare your belief in the god, ac-
ing the gods through sacramental signs. Wearing amber beads, knowledging their power over their specific domain or do-
eating apples once a day, mounting horseshoes above a stables minion. Ex: Ywehbobbobhewy, Lord of Waters, King of
doors, tossing a pinch of spilled salt over ones shoulders Mirrors, Patriarch of the Most Profound, I beseech you in
these please some nearly-forgotten petty god in some small your powers over thought and reflection!
way and keeps them at bay. These small acts have ensured the Compunction: Admit your transgressions and your guilt
protection of peasant folk for generations on end! and express a deep regret for those actions which a god
But there is more to propitiating the gods than simple domestic might find offensive. Ex: Know that I have faltered in my
rituals. No, true propitiation is more specific; it implies that faith and in my words and I have broken seven mirrors and
divine wrath must be averted to mend the mortal/god relation- passed by calm waters without the proper sacrifices.
ship. This may be as simple as sending up a request for forgive- Thankfulness: Express your gratitude to the god for not
ness or as complex as undertaking a quest at a gods behest. afflicting you in their wrath. Ex: Praise you, oh Most Pro-
Broadly speaking, there are four ways to propitiate the gods: found, for not striking your humble servant dead!

Prayers: These usually take the form of requests for bless- Solicitation: Entreat the god to act in your favor. Ex: If it
ings or curses or some other divine favor. Many common please Your Honor, please bless this poor befuddled serv-
obscenities are rooted in quick prayers, while other prayers ant and allow him to see through this portal to what lies on
are overly ornate literary constructions. Prayer is the one the other side. Allow this mirror to reflect the truth of what
sure route to the gods open to all. therein remains!

Ritual: Formal performance rites incorporating sacred sym- And then, of course, end the prayer in some appropriate way.
bols, language, and gestures. These are usually festive per- At all costs avoid the cliche Amen! I find it useful to appeal to
formances in thorps, villages, and towns. They are power- a gods ego at the end of a prayer. Ex: All hail Ywehbobbob-
ful statements that remind the gods that people remember hewy! All hail He who through mirrors darkly sees!
and fear them. See my manuscript As the Seasons Turn: So, here is the prayer all put together:
Festivals & Ritual in Town and Country, housed in Baron
Walthamthorps personal library for more information. Ywehbobbobhewy, Lord of Waters, King of Mirrors, Patri-
arch of the Most Profound, I beseech you in your powers
Offerings: Offerings of foodstuffs, objects, lifeblood, emo- over thought and reflection! Know that I have faltered in my
tions, and so on. This may include ritualized blood sacrifices faith and in my words and I have broken seven mirrors and
of living animals, prisoners, or volunteers. This also includes passed by calm waters without the proper sacrifices; Praise
libations of wine, spirits, and holy liquids. There are a host you, oh Most Profound, for not striking your humble servant
of complicated rules for who may perform offering rites; see dead! If it please Your Honor, please bless this poor befud-
my manuscript Inviting the Gods to Sup: A Guide to Divine dled servant and allow him to see through this portal to what
Offerings, available at the abbey library in Taverntoss, for a lies on the other side. Allow this mirror to reflect the truth of
fuller treatment of this topic. The most powerful offerings are what therein remains! All hail Ywehbobbobhewy! All hail He
performed by clerical orders. who through mirrors darkly sees!
Quest: Retrieval of a holy object or performing a complex Follow this form and you too will find that the petty gods bless-
service. The gods tend to offer these to the least likely of ings will shine upon you!


A Guide to Godly Reactions

& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. F Todd McGowan
The relationship between gods and men has a long and varied Dice Systems
history: in ancient Greece, the gods actively intervened in the The standard reaction table utilizes the result of a 2d6 roll, as
day-to-day lives of humans; the Egyptian gods limited contact outlined below:
between the human and divine realms to specific circumstanc-
es; in China, most of the gods and goddesses were deified hu- Standard Reaction Table (2d6)
mans whose presence among mortals was, to some degree, Roll Result Chance of Result
commonplace. Its just plain and simple theophanythe ap-
2 Friendly, helpful 2.78%
pearance of a deity to a human or other being. But what hap-
pens when those humans and other beings appear to a deity 3-5 Indifferent, uninterested 25%
(or stumble upon them, as the case may be)? A reaction roll! 6-8 Neutral, uncertain 44.44%
9-11 Unfriendly, may attack 25%
The standard reaction roll as used in this book utilizes a 2d6
roll; the lower one rolls (with high Charisma providing bonuses 12 Hostile, attacks 2.78%
to help achieve that), the more friendly and enthusiastic the
The column on the right shows the chances of any particular
reaction from the god in question. But what does friendly
result occurring. Any newly-developed reaction table could just
mean for god of toothaches? Or hostile for the goddess of
as easily use 1d20, 2d12. 3d6, or any other single die or die
combination. Understand, a single die roll will produce a flat
Ultimately, each petty gods reaction would be determined by a chance of results (with each individual roll occurring as often as
unique table tailored to explain the differences reaction results any other roll), as opposed to the bell curve created by rolling
for that god. A good number of the gods contained in this multiple dice. It is suggested that this be taken into account when
volume have exactly thata specialized reaction table to repre- choosing the dice upon which a reaction table will be based.
sent how that god reacts when encountered by the PCs. Then
again, many of the gods in this book do not.
The information below is presented for those wishing to develop
reaction tables for the gods in this book that do not have one of
their own.


Result Modifiers A1. Sanguine Reaction Table

The standard reaction modifier is based on Charisma as out- Sanguine personalities are impulsive,
lined below: optimistic, irresponsible, and/or courageous.

Ability 2 Enthusiastically Friendly

Score Modifer 3-5 Friendly
3 +2 6-8 Approaches Cautiously
3-5 +1 9-11 Passive: Attacks if threatened
6-8 +1 12 Hostile: Possible attack
9-12 0
A2. Choleric Reaction Table
13-15 1
Choleric personalities are dominating,
16-17 1 short-tempered,violent and/or vengeful.
18 2
2 Wary/watchful
Petty gods are still gods (however minor), so they may not be 3-5 Uncertain/Guarded
affected by mortal Charisma, but by other ability scores. For
6-8 Hostile: Possible attack
example, the god of arm wrestling might be impressed by high
Strength, and the goddess of grammar might like high Intelli- 9-11 Incredibly hostile: Imminent attack
gence types. Reaction modifiers need not be based on attributes 12 Immediately Attack
at all. For example, the petty god of dirt and grime might react
more favorably to those who are covered in caked-on mud, and A3. Phlegmatic Reaction Table
less favorably to those wearing highly-polished armor. Phlegmatic personalities are calm, rational,
unemotional, docile, lazy, and/or controlled.
2 Uninterested
Often, propitiating a god can affect that gods initial reaction.
Most often, this will affect an indifferent or unfriendly re- 3-5 Watchful
action, with propitiation shifting an indifferent reaction to 6-8 Uncertain: Confused; will possibly flee
friendly, and in the case of unfriendly reactions, will often 9-11 Guarding: Possible flee or attack
stave off an inevitable attack or other harm.
12 Guarding: Possible attack
Reaction Tables by Hippocratic Humor
A4. Melancholic Reaction Table
The following reaction tables are based on Hippocratic humor-
Melancholic personalities are cautious,
ism, with each table representing one of the the four tradition-
introspective, irritable, and/or avoiding.
ally-designated personalities. These four personality types cov-
er a broad range of personalities (particularly when it comes to 2 Cautiously approaches
interacting with others), and how those personality types would 3-5 Watchful: Possible retreat
respond to an intrusive situation. As such, these tables are pre-
6-8 Guarding: Flees if threatened
sented as a catch-all system for those not wishing to develop
their own reaction tables, but wanting something slightly-more 9-11 Hostile: Attacks if threatened
tailored than the by-the-book reaction table. 12 Hostile: Attacks if approached
Though the system is designed for human and humanoid char-
acters, there is no reason the same personality traits cannot
be prescribed to creatures or animals, even those with animal
intelligence or lower.

Section 1

Petty Gods

F Leonard OGrady


Petty Gods Overview

& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Explanatory Notes
NAME/TITLES ATTACKS presents number and type of attack(s) the god may
The name of each god in this volume has, in most cases, been make during the melee round.
simplified to the gods given or adopted name, without any su-
perlative additions. Where appropriate, longer or alternate titles Damage indicates variable damage by attack(s).
for a god have been listed under the gods name and domain SAVE provides a class and level equivalent to be used when
as Titles. determing the gods saving throws.
DOMAIN/SPHERE OF INFLUENCE Morale shows the suggested target number for any morale
Directly following each gods name, their domain/sphere-of- checks made by the god. The target value, or reaction, may
influence has been noted In parentheses. Those noted with an be adjusted at the DMs discretion based on situation or other
asterisk (*) indicate that the god is a local godthat is, the extenuating circumstances.
gods domain is normally restricted to a specific locality or geo-
graphic area (which may be as small as a room or building, or Hoard CLass indicates the suggested treasure which will
as large as a country or continent). be found in the gods lair, unless otherwise indicated. (May be
Note that many gods included herein have similar or conflict- adjusted at the DMs discretion.)
ing domains/spheres. These can provide the DM with added EXPERIENCE POINTS indicates the recommended number
possibilities, providing a basis for godly feuds (and the like) to of experience points to be rewarded for killing the god based
take place in the campaign world. (See Arbitrator of Sphere on on the gods abilities determined only by the listing. Should the
p.216 in the Minions, Knights & Servitors section.) DM choose to give a god the additional abilities outlined in the
AFFILIATIONS lists any pantheons, cults, or other gods ap- section What is a God? (page xi), then the Experience Point
pearing in this volume, to which the described god is related. award for that god should be adjusted accordingly.
In most cases, the affiliation will also be noted in the Related REACTION TABLES have been included for many of the gods
Entries section at the bottom of the gods description. (See listed here. For those gods without a personalized reaction ta-
Related Entries below.) ble, the DM may choose to do any of the following
SYMBOL notes the visual symbol by which the god is known. Create their own reaction table for the god.
This symbol will likely figure prominently in architecture and
Use one of the standard tables presented
items related to the worship of that god (e.g., embellishments in the section A Guide to Godly Reactions
in temples, clothing worn by the clergy, amulets and talismans (pages xv-xvi).
kept by the gods followers, etc.)
Use the standard reaction table for
ALIGNMENT shows the standard alignment for the god (based their preferred rules system.
on a single-axis alignment system). Though the alignment noted Determine the gods reaction
will most often reflect the belief system of the god, the gods ac- independently of a reaction table.
tions may reflect a different alignment (at DMs discretion).
MoveMENT indicates the gods movement per turn (and
Throughout this book, many entries will be related to or refer-
round) on the ground. Additional movement details are provid-
ence other entries. For convenience, any related/referred entries
ed for those gods with alternate forms of movement, including
which are included in this volume have been noted at the bottom
the ability to fly, swim, burrow and traverse in webs.
of the description and listed by section, to aid in locating them.
Armor Class is based on a descending scale in which an AC The letters used to denote each section are as follows:
of 9 is an unarmored human. AC indications for gods that typi- G = Petty Gods section
cally wear armor will show the gods AC when wearing armor.
M = Minions, Knights & Servitors section
# [+1] An AC rating with additional brackets C = Cults section
indicates that a magical weapon is
needed to hit the god, with the number D = Divine Items section
in brackets indicating the minimum S = Spells section
enchantment required to hit. A = Appendix item
Hit POINTS indicates number of hit points possessed by the Other references included in this book, but not in one of the
god when fully healed. The Hit Dice shown in parentheses major sections outlined above (e.g., in the Introduction or
should be used for determing attack level. Appendix of the book) are noted separately.


Abondiance Adassec Aglaos Aglet Amber Blood Sword Ammon Thrax Anwyn Wood
Apar Ariphas Arolohnso Arvirive Aspix Atanuw Atra A Attrecoppea Audrum
Aurus Argentus Austura Averted Onlooker Avirgiri Azwa

Abondiance (petty god of ephemeral wealth) 2 Infatuated: Fawns over character and tells them
she knows where to find a great treasure (Hoard
Titles: Patroness of Ephemeral Wealth
Class XVI).
& E.T. Smith 3-5 Friendly: Flirts with character and mentions
F Kelly Bennett she knows of a rich treasure (Hoard Class X).
6-8 Coquettish: Chats with character
Symbol: A jeweled wine goblet, tipped over and hints she knows where to find a
and spilling its contents modest treasure (Hoard Class XII).
Alignment: Neutral
9-11 Indifference: Cools to boredom if pressed.
Movement: 300' (100')
12 Mortified: After a mocking comment, she
Armor Class: 6
abandons the character, and leaves a high
Hit pts. (HD): 27 hp (7 HD) bar tab in the characters name (d100 gp worth).
Attacks: 0
Damage: None
Save: M7
Adassec (petty god of stairs and ladders)
Titles: Adassec of Many Steps
Morale: 7
Hoard Class: Special & Igor Vinicius Sartorato
XP: 440 F Jason Sholtis
Some creeds extol their followers to practice wise investment Symbol: A ladder
for the future. However, other gods would rather have a big Alignment: Chaotic
party right now, damn the uncertain pleasures of tomorrow! Movement: 180' (60')
Abondiance appears as an exotically-beautiful, bombastically- Armor Class: 0
figured woman dressed in stylishly-rich garments and glittering Hit pts. (HD): 80 hp
jewelry, and is most often found serving as the hostess of a (18 HD)
epically epicurean celebration. She will only be encountered in Attacks: 1 (fists or
towns or other civilized environments, and never in the wilder- trample) or spell
ness or dungeons. If attacked, she will flee immediately, re- Damage: 1d6 or special
membering the assailants identity for future payback through Save: T18
her next paramour.
Morale: 10
The treasures she knows of are real, but guarded by significant Hoard Class: XVII
and deadly obstacles. Recovering them will be difficult, and she XP: 9,000
is unwilling to join any expedition and unable to offer any aid
besides an accurate location. If the character returns with the Adassec, the petty god of stairs and ladders, is a grotesque crea-
treasure, Abondiance will appear to them again, this time of- ture, similar to a massive, giant centipede with human legs and
fering a rare quick entrance to high society via their new-found feet, topped by the upper body of a human. His dark hair is
wealth (a house for sale in a fashionable neighborhood, invita- long and greasy, his nose is hooked, and his eyes are bottomless
tions to a grand ball, a ceremonial court position up for bid). spirals of darkness. It is said he resides only on very important
Characters will find additionally that Abondiances bonus for or very exceptional ladders or stairs (e.g., very old, very large,
her Charisma (18) is added to their own when others react to very dangerous, etc.). Adventurers and explorers who have fall-
them in social situations, granting ever-more-friendly contacts. en from such places know how dangerous these places can be,
and tend to respect Adassec in an almost fearful manner.
Abondiance will only remain a companion as long as the char-
acter keeps her entertained with lavish parties and luxurious Adassec can be as treacherous and capricious as the stairs and
living (costing them 2d10100 gp per week). When the char- ladders he protects. Just as one cannot always predict what lies
acter either refuses, or is unable to pay for this lifestyle any beyond the next staircase, so one cannot know what to expect
more, roll for a new reaction below. If Abondiance tells of a from this conservator of climbs. One false step in his presence
new treasure, the character has a chance to maintain her favor. will almost always lead an adventurer to ruin. Adassec has the
If she leaves, they lose the advantage of her high Charisma power to teleport anyone to the top or bottom of any ladder or
when dealing with the well-to-do. staircase (on a failed save vs. wand)an ability which he uses,
depending on the occasion, to either help or hinder. When
Abondiance Reaction Table Adassec is poised on a set of stairs above opponents during
Modify by Charisma, plus a bonus of 1 for combat, he is able to make a trample attack as he descends,
every 1,000 gp possessed by the character (on his/her causing all in his path to tumble down the stairs (on a failed
person or elsewhere). If the character is destitute Dexterity check), taking normal falling damage. Additionally,
(no more than the clothes on their back), an additional three times per day, Adassec is able to spew a liquid that oozes
+2 penalty should be applied to the roll. down stairs and ladders, making them slippery and dangerous.


Anyone crossing or climbing these affected stairs or ladders 3-5 Indifferent: Will perform some favors, but
must make a Dexterity check or tumble and fall, taking normal demands some type of bizarre payment (usually
falling damage. Should Adassec find himself in trouble, and lots of wood) in return.
only as a last option, he will attempt to trap his opponents in 6-8 Neutral: Ignores nearby targets.
an endless staircase illusion (see Spells section) before fleeing.
9-11 Unfriendly: Casts continual light on things and
He may only use this ability once per day.
people that would be disadvantageous to those
Adassec Reaction Table who displease him.
Use Dexterity instead of Charisma for modifier. 12 Hostile: Attacks nearby targets.
2 Friendly: Teleports 1d4 nearby targets to the
desired end (top or bottom) of ladder or stairs.
3-5 Indifferent: Teleports 1d4 nearby targets to
the desired end (top or bottom) of a ladder or
stairs, if properly propitiated/honored.
6-8 Neutral: Proposes a race on the stairs,
accompanied by a bet.
9-11 Unfriendly: Tries to prevent anyone
attempting to climb/descend the ladder or
stairs if not properly propitiated/honored.
12 Hostile: Tries to prevent anyone attempting
to climb/descend the ladder or stairs.
Related Entries: S) Endless Staircase.

Aglaos (petty god of torches and artificial light)

Titles: God of Torches, Lord of Lanterns

& Evan Elkins

F Ryan Browning
Symbol: A torch with a blue flame
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 2 Aglet (petty god of frayed ropes, cords, and strings)
Hit pts. (HD): 75 hp (15 HD)
Attacks: 1 (claws) or special & Stuart Roe
Damage: 2d6 F Alexander Cook
Save: F15 Symbol: A length of cord or rope, knotted at both ends
Morale: 10 Alignment: Chaotic
Hoard Class: XII, XXI Movement: 90' (30')
XP: 8,000 Armor Class: 4
Hit pts. (HD): 40 hp (5 HD)
Aglaos is the god of torches and artificial light. He is friend to
adventures and seekers into the unknown. He appears as an Attacks: 3 (whip tips)
empty coal-colored cloak and cowl. Within the hood of the cowl Damage: 1d4/1d4/1d4
burn two small flames where this 10'-tall gods eyes should be. Save: M6
These flames, as well as his occasional claws, cast no light on Morale: 6
nearby objects or on his clothing. While generally benevolent, Hoard Class: None
he is a fickle deity and can easily be roused to anger or coaxed
XP: 350
to abandon those he supports.
The God of Torches can emit a ray of intense heat that deals Aglet is the god of frayed ropes, cords and string. It is his great-
2d12 damage to an intended target. He may also create flaming est pet peeve. If the end of a rope or cord has not been dipped
claws that issue forth from his cloak, attack with a +3 bonus, in pitch, wax, secured or bound in a manner to prevent fray-
and deal 2d6 damage to nearby opponents. Aglaos is unharmed ing, Aglet will unbraid it. However, he will only unbind ropes
by fire, and even his cloak and cowl seem to be untouched by or cords that have been properly secured if he has a personal
any flame. He has the ability to cast continual light at will on grudge against the owner.
any object or person.
Aglet is about two feet tall, appearing like a small human. White-
Aglaos Reaction Table haired and clean-shaven, he dresses in drab colors. Though he
may become invisible at will, his greatest ability is the capacity
2 Friendly: Casts continual light on whatever objects
to go unnoticed, even while not invisible. In fact, very few will
his friends wish him to, and attempts to answer any
questions put to him as accurately as possible. see him even when he is standing in plain sight. Often they
dont think to even look for him. If they do so, treat Aglet as if


he is a secret door. If one character does notice Aglet, they can When menfolk are away on the business that they believe to
communicate his position well enough to grant a reroll with a be their personal domain (e.g., being vikings, crusaders, and
+2 bonus to other characters and NPCs. pirates), womenfolk may call upon Amber Blood Sword for her
assistance when enemies attack. More frighteningly, Amazons
Aglet prefers to flee when confronted, but will stand and fight if deliberately petition her during invasions. Chaotic cults have
cornered. His only weapon is a 6-foot long heavy cord, the last been known to call upon her to start bloody riots, while lawful
foot of which is frayed into three separate ends. He uses this cults have engaged her to punish evil doers.
rope as a whip and can attack one opponent each round. Even
though the whip attack is made in one motion, each of the three Once Amber Blood Sword appears on a battlefield, any woman
(friend or foe) within 240' of her becomes berserk (unwilling
ends of the rope requires separate to hit and damage rolls.
may save vs. spell to resist the effect), and will go on a killing
Aglet Reaction Table spree. Affected women get +2 to hit and damage bonuses vs.
male opponents while in her presence, and will not stop killing
2 Friendly: Aglet will openly greet the players and
until all males present have fled the area, or appear to be dead
be helpful as to local knowledge, etc. He will cour-
(either by playing dead, or by actually being dead).
teously point out ropes and cords that have not
been properly bound. If the players are dismissive In combat, Amber Blood Sword will never ambush or attempt
of this advice, reroll Aglets reaction to them. to surprise, regardless of the circumstances. She is a vindictive,
(Aglet will not be ignored when he is being nice!) bestial creature without language who, before engaging oppo-
3-5 Indifferent: Aglet will not show himself, but wont nents, warns them of her inevitable attack with growling snarls
run if noticed by the players. If not noticed, he and hostile animalistic grunts. Her trusted form of attack is +3
wont go out of his way to fray any ropes or cords, Ever-bleeding Swordan amber-colored bastard sword which
but any that cross his path are fair game. always appear to be oozing with the fresh blood of battle. In ad-
dition to the damage done by her sword on a successful to hit
6-8 Neutral: Aglet wont show himself, but will
roll, any non-virgin males and virgin males ages 13 and older
fray any ropes that are unbound and accessible.
who are struck by her sword must save vs. spell or become sterile
If discovered, he will attempt to flee.
(the effect may be removed by a cure disease spell). Further-
9-11 Unfriendly: Aglet will fray cords and ropes and more, she is not swayed by charms from any man (words or
go to great lengths and take chances to do so. He spells). Amber will attack any male virgins last. She will happily
will not mess with properly bound ropes and cords. fight to the death and, should she die, one of her thousands of
12 Hostile: Aglet will fray any and all unbound ropes. sisters will gain Ambers powers, knowledge, and sword at mid-
He will also attack the most egregious transgressor night on the first seasonal solstice following her death. Upon her
in righteous indignation. It will be a sneak attack. replacement assuming Ambers godly duties, Ambers body will
During the attack he will berate the players for turn into 3d6+6 chunks of amber, each worth 1d6100 gp.
their sloppiness and inattention to their ropes.
If there are no enemies present (e.g., because theyve been van-
Related Entries: S) Fray. quished, or simply because those that called upon Amber Blood
Sword seek only to celebrate their womanhood), the berserking
effect is replaced by a sense of companionship, solidarity, and
Amber Blood Sword euphoria. Often, Amber is called to preside over rituals of gynic
(petty goddess of battle blood-lust and feminine protection) celebration (best not spied upon by prying men). Calling for
Titles: The Amber Protector, The Great Vindicator her presence at these sort of rituals requires that at least 100
initiated women of any age be gathered in the presence of a
& Chris Tamm medallion dedicated to her honor, and engage in a chorus of
F Studio Arkhein feminine praise from sunup to sundown. Should Amber feel their
honor worthy, she will appear at sundown, bringing with her
Symbol: Amber sword-shaped bead the intoxicating joy of womanhood.
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 180' (90')
Armor Class: 4
Hit pts. (HD): 105 hp
(21 HD)
Attacks: 1 (axe)
Damage: 4d6+3
Save: F22
Morale: 11 (12
if fighting males)
Hoard Class: Special
XP: 11,000

Amber Blood Sword is a protector of women everywhere. She is

a savage maiden with animated red hair who appears unclothed,
save for a red, fox-fur cape. Her skin is amber-tinted milky white,
and her eyes blaze as brilliant gold amber spheres. Regardless of
any other emotions which may be hiding underneath, she rarely
exudes anything but anger and rage.


Ammon Thrax (former godlet of the Black Sun) Anwyn Wood (petty god of favors)
Titles: Ammon of the Black Sun, Ammon of the Echoes
AFFILIATIONS: The Dead Godlets of Suto Lore
& Andrew Crenshaw
F Andrew Crenshaw
& Gavin Norman Symbol: Left-pointing arrow with
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. right-pointing arrow beneath
Symbol: A grinning black moon Alignment: Lawful
crossing a yellow sun Movement: 90' (30')
Alignment: Chaotic Armor Class: 2
Movement: 120' (40') Hit pts. (HD): 56 hp
Armor Class: 5 [+3] (14 HD)
Hit pts. (HD): 100 hp (15 HD) Attacks: Special
Attacks: Infinite Damage: Special
Damage: None (special) Save: M14
Save: M15 Morale: 10
Morale: 12 Hoard Class: XXII
Hoard Class: None XP: 3,800
XP: 2,400
Rarely revealing his presence, Anwyn Wood works to ensure
Slaughtered ingloriously by the god of the rising sun as pun- favors are repaid in kindalthough not necessarily directly or
ishment for his playful meddling with the tedious order of the immediately. This typically involves subtly manipulating the
cosmic cycle, Ammon Thrax now resides as a psychic waft in paths of others to intertwine those who owe a favor with those
the Astral Plane. His consciousness is dormant and diffuse, but in need. When he appears, it is as a young human boy. He
could potentially be reawakened by planar travelers who stum- sometimes grants favors himself, and is owed enough return
ble upon the obscure astral backwater in which he drifts. favors by powerful beings that he is assured retribution, rescue,
or resurrection when needed.
Those encountering the remnant of Ammon Thrax perceive
the godlets presence as a subtle black tint, covering a one mile Anwyn Wood has the following special abilities: charm person
diameter area, amidst the otherwise featureless expanse of the and geas at will, limited wish once per week, teleport without
astral grayness. Those entering the darkened area must save vs. error, travel ethereally, comprehend and speak all languages.
spell or hear the voice of the dead god cackling merrily in their Anwyn Wood wields a set of +3 silver darts of returning.
minds. The spells commune and contact other plane, when
cast in the midst of Ammon Thraxs psychic echo, may be used
to reawaken the godlet and to communicate with him. During Apar (petty god of misfortunate explosions)
life, Ammon Thrax was at the best of times erratic; in death, Titles: Apar the Bright
his mind imprint is chaotic and prone to ragea reaction roll AFFILIATIONS: The Three Cowardly Gods of Yattle-Hoy
should be made each round characters interact with him.
Once awakened, the godlet is able (if he choosessee reaction
& Ash Law
table) to attack all beings within his area. A normal attack roll
F Glen Hallstrom (Apar)
is made, with success draining one level of life energy from the
F James V. West (feature)
target. The substance of Ammon Thrax is now so diffuse that it Symbol: A circle
can only be harmed by dimensional magic (physical spells such within a circle
as fireball have no effect), or by weapons +3 or greater. If the Alignment: Chaotic
awakened form of Ammon Thrax were to be channeled into a
Movement: 240' (80')
more substantial plane of existence, it could be manipulated to
cause astronomical mischief one last time, before dissipating Armor Class: 3
for all eternity (e.g., a gate spell may be able to achieve this). Hit pts. (HD): 75 hp (15 HD)
Attacks: 2
Ammon Thrax Reaction Table
Damage: 3d6/3d6
2 Friendly: Babbles telepathically about cosmic cycles
Save: F15
and the joy gained from derailing them. Obscure
astronomical lore may be imparted in this way. Morale: 10
3-5 Indifferent: Merely cackles. Hoard Class: VII
XP: 5,800
6-8 Neutral: Doubles in sizeif left alone, the
awakened remnant of Ammon Thrax will expand Wizards offer prayers to the god Apar the Bright very quickly
to encompass vast areas of the Astral Plane.
and urgently, often uttering them while flinching. He is the god
9-11 Unfriendly: Attacks all within range. of explosions, of miscalculated blast radii, and poorly mixed al-
12 Hostile: Doubles in size and attacks all within range. chemical reagents. Apars symbol is a circle within a circle, and
it is said that is why wizards wear pointed wide-brimmed hats
Related Entries: G) Dead Godlets of Suto Lore, Numathoth, (so that from above, a running wizard might look like thesym-
Panathoth. boloftheGodofMisfortunateExplosions).


Making regular offerings of their own blood helps a wizard ensure Ariphas (petty goddess of fish scales and fishrot)
they will never suffer an accidental explosion, and any explosion
Titles: The Scaly Lady, Mama Squamous
to which they fall prey is Apar showing his displeasure. For each
day a wizard sacrifices at least half their hp via bloodletting to & Katherine Ausborn
this god, they accumulate a 1 point bonus toward a Dexterity F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
check to avoid such damage (e.g., a wizard spending twelve days
sacrificing receives a 12 bonus). Upon the occurrence of an ex- Symbol: A single blue scale
plosion, the wizard may call out to Apar as he or she attempts to Alignment: Lawful
avoid the explosion and makes a Dexterity check, modifiying the
Movement: 180' (60')
result by their banked bonus. On a successful check, the wizard
avoids the damage. On a failed check, the wizard takes full dam- Armor Class: 3
age. Furthermore, a natural roll of 20 is always a failure, indicat- Hit pts. (HD): 187 hp (23 HD)
ing Apar is angered and causing the wizard to take an additional Attacks: 1 (sword)
+1 point per die of damage from the explosion. Standard saving Damage: 1d8+2
throws still apply. After the roll is made, all banked points are lost Save: F23
and the wizard must begin the sacrifices again.
Morale: 6
Apar is a corpulent god, with his gray skin stretched over inhu- Hoard Class: See below
manly configured bones. He crouches at the center of his Laby- XP: 3,000
rinth of 1,000 Doors, a structure deep within a high valley in
Yattle-Hoy. Each door of the maze is inscribed with explosive Ariphas walks unnoticed at the docks where the fishermen scale
runes, magical curses, and alchemical traps. Though he waddles their catch. She has a habit of collecting the scales that the
slowly when walking, while running he is as swift and agile as a fisherman scrape off the fish. If not at the docks, she can be
gazelle, and as unstoppable as an elephant. He can cause any found walking alone collecting the scales of dead fish that have
unattended non-magical object to explode simply by punching washed up on the shore. Her hair is like seaweed and she smells
it, no matter how unlikely that explosion may be. Apar himself is just as bad. At the docks, her scent is often confused for just the
immune to all explosions, flame, and fire (normal and magical). smell of the gutted fish. Rarely is she sighted, but occasionally a
fisherman may notice her. In retaliation she can cause a gentle
Having no taste for battle when confronted, Apar will simply
explode a path to freedom and run. Anyone following Apar breeze to bring about a strong odor of dead fish (save vs. spell),
through an exploded wall (for 1d6 rounds after Apar passes which will cause even a fisherman to wince. Ariphas uses this
through it) must save vs. breath or take 1d4 flame damage. opportunity to slip away. If confronted she has no qualms about
Should Apar find himself with no other options, he is able to drawing her blade to defend herself.
attack by making up to two melee touch attacks during com- ARIPHASS HOARD: 3d4+20 gold fish scales (1 gp each), dress
bat, each doing 3d6 flame damage on successful to hit rolls. made out of fish scales (as +1 scale armor), blue-bladed +2
Should both attacks be successful against a single target, both sword with a single sapphire gem in the hilt.
explosions will cause full damage (18 points each).
Apars priests have expanded his labyrinth many times, and
have hidden treasures beyond measure in the secret passages Arolohnso (petty god of labyrinths and the undercity*)
that riddle the temple-dungeon. The Red Priests of Apar the Titles: God of the Undercity
Bright are all practiced alchemists, and carry flasks containing
the distilled sweat of their godan explosive substance they & Brian A. Cooper
delight in throwing at blasphemers (doing 1d4 flame damage on F Ryan Browning
a successful to hit roll).
Symbol: An asymmetrical,
Apar Reaction Table ungainly labyrinth
Characters who are wearing red, approaching slowly, Alignment: Neutral
and speakingsoftly gain a +4 bonus. Movement: 150' (50')
2-5 Wary: Willspeaktotheparty, Armor Class: 1
providedtheymakenosuddenmoves. Hit pts. (HD): 60 hp (12 HD)
3-12 Surprised: Runs away! Attacks: 1 (back-stab)
or traps
Related Entries: G) Derral-Orth, EyeofVengalate, Yattle-Hoy. Damage: 5d4 or special
Save: M12
Morale: 5
Hoard Class: XII, XVI
XP: 11,000

The nature of Arolohnsos powers, while both fearsome and

varied, depend completely on his presence within the narrow
confines of his realmthe catacombs, sewers, and tunnels of
the city of [a locality at the DMs discretion]. Within this city, he
is known popularly as the God of the Undercity. His followers
call him by another titleThe Designer.


According to his followers, Arolohnso, if not the original god, is Arvirive

nevertheless the originator of the universe. According to them,
(petty god of the keys of Law
Arolhonsos first creation was a labyrinth, which he later framed
with earth and rock, and populated with thoughts and shadows. and the Wards)
From nothing he created the bricks and building stones that he Titles: The Knight of Inevitability,
then arranged in the forms of tunnels and fortresses, multi-story The Master Warden of the Gods of Inevitability,
palaces and the tiny featureless cells without entrance or exits Slayer of Chaos, The Summoned Warden
that humans would one day use as tombs. Water trickled in a AFFILIATIONS: The Mearra
slick, shallow trench many millennia before any river under the
sun poured into a sea. But these things, toorivers, suns, and & Eric Fabiaschi
seaswere the work of The Designer. For after he had built F Scott Faulkner
the city of X and all the other cities of the world, he allowed
a colored fungus to fill the spaces between them, and asked his Symbol: The arrow
delegates to use this fungus to create all the other plants and of Law behind
animals, and later the sky, the stars, the moon, and the sun. a skeleton key
set against
Sages agree that this fanciful lie should be flattered to be called a field of blue
a myth. Arolohnso is unknown outside the city. When encoun- Alignment: Lawful
tered by humans, he appears in the form of a narrow-framed, Movement: 150' (50')
stooped, and half-dazed middle-aged man wearing a grayish
Armor Class: 2
threadbare cloak and worn-out boots. Usually he evades human
contact completely, and given two rounds of concentration, can Hit pts. (HD): 90 hp
assume the form of any common underground feature: a rat, (18 HD)
a piece of garbage, a strange odor. While certain spells may Attacks: 1 (fists or
reveal his presence and even confirm his identity, he is truly lightning bolt)
amorphous and cannot be said to have a true form. Damage: 6d6 or 8d6
Arolohnso has 20th-level thief skills and will often use these to Save: F18
harass visitors to the undercity, trailing a party for hours and Morale: 10
pilfering possessions of special importance. In battle, he attacks Hoard Class: XVII + 5,000 gp
by backstab with a normal dagger, surprising on a roll of 1-5 on XP: 5,250
1d6. Arolohnso will flee from any melee, or if this is impossible,
plead insanity and beg for mercyalways with the intention of After a moment has been disposed of, Arvirive (the petty god of
attacking again when the opportunity presents itself. Arolohnso the keys of Law and the Wards), is called upon to lock away that
has the power to make immediate, though limited, changes to period of time. He is the Master Warden of the Gods of Inevita-
his underground environment, and although he resents doing bility. He is the jailer of Law, called upon to keep incarcerated
this, he can use this power to create an escape route or harm the hideous truths of time and space. He is the knight of the
pursuers. Pits, falling ceiling blocks, and secret doors are com- Family of Inevitability and the Slayer of Chaos. He is the keeper
mon parts of his repertoire. Trap damage will be widely variable, of the secrets of the Mearra and the speaker of the words that
with the maximum damage of successive traps increasing as hold power over the laws of Chaos.
Alohonso himself sustains more damage. Arolohnso suffers in
fresh air and direct sunlight. While neither causes actual damage, This short little god in gray-white robes harbors a hidden strength
both phenomena trap Arolohnso in his current form, deprive him belying his size, and deals swiftly with any situation, but only ap-
of his special powers, and reduce his movement rate by half. pears when called from his fortress workshop. He is called when
a god needs a prisoner of Law locked away within the confines
Arolohnso Reaction Table of Dead Time (the plane of lost moments and broken dreams
2 Friendly: Follows party for several turns and then from which few escape).
makes an appearance to explain a notable feature
Arvirive would rather be upon the Prime Plane communing
of the undercity. To a select few, he will reveal his
true identity and invite them to become followers. with inventors, alchemists, and tinkerers in order to learn new
Refusal changes his reaction to hostile. mechanisms of security. His workshops are second to none,
and he often trades technical secrets for treasure. He keeps a
3-5 Indifferent: Follows the party for several turns. vast storehouse of treasure, inventions, and objets dart, and
Make a second check, modified by the partys enjoys relaxing in their presence.
relevant behavior and comments about the
undercity. Arolhonso likes compliments, but In combat, Arvirive may strike with his fists for 6d6 damage, or
hates insincere flattery. with a lightening bolt of pure law (180' long, 10' wide) that does
6-8 Neutral: Creates a subtle sign of his 3d8 on a successful to hit roll. He may use one of these light-
presence and then ignores party completely. ning bolts every three rounds. Additionally, Arvirive is able to
9-11 Unfriendly: Follows the party for the use spells as a 12th level magic-user. He is normally loath to use
purpose of harassing them. such magics (for he believes that they are, by nature, of Chaos),
but he has often had to use his magical knowledge when com-
12 Hostile: Follows the party with the
bating demons and the forces of Chaos.
intention of killing them.
*Arolohnso is a local god, tied to a specific location (i.e., the Related Entries: G) Avirgiri, Glaria, the Mearra, Merramo-
undercity of a particular town or city). He is not in any sense the rina, Micicara, Nardrea, Ruslivia, Sertetti, Termarr, Tsrura.
god of ALL undercities. His followers of course would disagree.


Aspix forms of magic spells and devices and psionics, and is hit only
by +3 or better weapons. Aspix has maximum hit points in this
(petty god of the Butchers Alley*)
form. Once manifested, Aspix will creep around the city on the
Titles: Aspix the Forsaken
nights of the new moon, draining the lives of those he is able
& Benjamin Ball to catch alone and vulnerable. Aspix can only be destroyed on
F Glen Hallstrom nights when he roams in search of souls; otherwise he broods
invisible and intangible in his forsaken alley. When Aspix has
Symbol: None drained enough levels (DMs option) he will begin to manifest
Alignment: Chaotic as a maximum hit point specter with the same immunities as
noted for his wraith form. His exact appearance is up to the
Movement: 120' (40')
referee, but it will likely be hideous. In addition to continuing to
or 150' (50')
slay the unwary on the nights of the new moon, he will begin to
Armor Class: 3 or 2 [+3] gather a cult of insane and degenerate worshippers. How this
Hit pts. (HD): 32 hp (4 HD) will develop, and what additional powers Aspix will gain from
or 48 hp (6 HD) such worship, is left to the DM.
Attacks: 1
Damage: 1d6 + drains
1 level or 1d8 + drains 2 levels Atanuw (petty god of unicorns, death magic)
Save: F4 or F6 Titles: The Seven-hoofed, Single-horned One
Morale: 7 Affiliations: The Jale God
Hoard Class: None
XP: 2,000+ (at DMs discretion)
& Greg Gorgonmilk
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Long ago, Aspix was the god of the city. Many were the virgins Symbol: A flanged mace
who died on his altars, and endless was the stream of precious Alignment: Chaotic
metals and stones consigned to his furnaces with great pomp.
But Aspix was weak and pampered, and eventually his city fell Movement: 120' (40')
and his worshippers were slain. A new city rose on the spot Armor Class: 6
that cursed his name, and he was left to rage in the darkness Hit pts. (HD): 285 hp (30 HD)
with only the meager sustenance of fear and hatred from the Attacks: 1 (mace or bite)
conquering people. Over time the city of his conquerors was de- Damage: 1d8+3 or 1d6+2
stroyed and rebuilt in its turn, and Aspix was forgotten entirely.
Save: M17
No one spoke his name or invoked his memory in the new city,
even to curse it. Where once his magnificent temple had risen, Morale: 11
with its gilded blood basins and marching lines of blank faced Hoard Class: XV
alabaster sphinxes, now was the garbage strewn back alley be- XP: 3,500
hind a humble butchers shop. Aspix desperately clung to the
city, roaming the streets in secret, stealing the offerings left to For several eons there was a season of unicorns among the
other gods. But in time he became too weak to dare approach Lords of Chaosa kind of in-joke or competition wherein ran-
their temples, and he was unable to travel far from the spot dom mortal creatures were selected for unicorn-hood. That is,
where once thousands had bled out their lives in his name. Now the perfect metamorphosis from, say, the form of a rabbit to that
Aspix is confined to the alley, dreaming his dreams of ancient of a full-blown, sometimes anatomically incorrect mono-horned
glory while he drinks the trickle of blood from the butchers beast. They called this game Unicorning.
shop and clings feebly to this world.
Each unicorn was absurd in its own way, with absurdity being
Aspix cant manifest in a physical form, nor can he be attacked the Chaos Lords sole aesthetic, so that a wild variety of the
in any way. However, its possible to contact Aspix on the night beasts began to accumulate in remote forests and in certain se-
of the new moon if his name and the site of his ancient temple cluded glens.
are somehow discovered. Some sort of communication device
Afterward the Lords killed them all with stone and fire and poi-
(e.g., a spirit board or talking board) is needed, as Aspix is far
son. All save the most beautiful: a nine-legged hermaphroditic
too weak to communicate without aid. Provided this type of
horse-thing the Jale God called called Atanuw (an old word
device is brought to the alley on the proper night, Aspix will an-
meaning something akin to primal nonsense).
swer up to three questions per night on invocation of his name.
Aspix is 50% likely to know the answer to any given question He bred Atanuw with several human women in his service,
and wont normally lie if he knows the answer (if he doesnt and the witch-mothers gave birth to seventeen mule-things with
know, he will always lie rather than admit it). The replies will the faces of human men and women. These are the atacorns.
be brief, one word answers and tend toward the cryptic un- They are known to dwell near rivers and underground streams.
less the questions are phrased very carefully. Each time Aspix If witches are sometimes characterized as malicious, the ata-
is invoked and questioned, there is an 8% cumulative chance corns are regarded as experts in the area of cruelty. They are
that he will gain enough strength to begin manifesting on the known in local folklore as child-thieves, cheats, liars, poisoners,
nights of the new moon. This manifestation is a barely visible, slave-traders, cannibals, and occasional usurpers. Several stolen
shadowy form, equal in power to a wraithexcept that Aspix is lands make up their hodge-podge empire, wherein Atanuw is
unaffected by silver and holy water, cannot be turned or affected worshiped like a god and eats bread stuffed with the seasoned
by anything else that only affects the undead, is immune to all organs of human virgins.


Atanuw is typically found lording over some out-of-the-way Atra (petty goddess of recidivism, licentiousness,
country, attended by numerous human and animal servants
addiction, and uncontrolled urges)
who praise and fawn over him ceaselessly. Any of them would
Titles: The Grand Temptress
sacrifice their lives for him, at any moment, being compelled to
unnatural levels of devotion through exposure to the Nag-Lords & Johnathan Bingham
radiant blue prism, the Klewgin Klel. Any character within eye- F Johnathan Bingham
shot of the prisms glow must save vs insanity*, success indicat-
ing that they have a natural resistance to the Klels power. Blind- Symbol: The hand of a young maiden and old crone
ed or naturally sightless creatures and characters are immune to forming the shape
this effect, no save required. Those who fail to resist the prisms of a heart or
pull are drawn to its owner (in this instance, Atanuw) as though a golden
under the effects of a charm person spell cast by an Arch-Mage. hookah pipe
Through the medium of this enchantment, Atanuw uses his Alignment: Chaotic
innate magics to distort his enthralled servants memories ac- Movement: 120' (40')
cording to his own self-gratifying designs. Fly: 300' (100')
In close combat the Nag-Lord wields Yddril, a Cursed Mace Armor Class: 0 (-5) [+1]
+3 that he swings about himself while prancing about like a Hit pts. (HD): 76 hp
grotesque crab, horse-legs flailing (those trampled suffer 2d6+3 (19 HD)
points of damage). Any creature who sees Yddril will immedi- Attacks: Special
ately cower (save vs insanity to resist) and beg to be hit with it. Damage: Special
This effect last 1d10 rounds.
Save: M19
Related Entries: Please see the Jale God entry in this section Morale: 5
for a complete listing of entries related to the Jale God. Hoard Class: XV
* See UNDERWORLD LORE #1. XP: 8,250

In the ancient texts, this goddess goes by the name Atra. In

the revisionist texts, she appears as Loe-Hann. (Please see the
Loe-Hann entry for a full description of Atras abilities.)
Related Entries: G ) Loe-Hann.

A (petty god of oaths and wells)

Titles: God of Oaths, God of Wells, Holder of Oaths

& Mike Carlson Davis

F Glen Hallstrom
Symbol: A silver
arm ring
Alignment: Lawful
Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 3
Hit pts. (HD): 90 hp
(20 HD)
Attacks: 1 (spear)
Damage: 2d6+10
Save: F20
Morale: 10
Hoard Class: VII, XXII
(magic only)
XP: 10,000

A is the Holder of Oaths, bringing luck and good will to those

who hold to their oaths and their word, ill will and woe to those
who do not. It is he who adds all oaths to The Well, strengthening
the bonds between all good men. His movements are tied to the
waters of the world, and he can travel between the wells of the
world at will, cleansing or spoiling their waters by wishing it.
A will always set terms before any combat, and will abide by
those terms until such time as his foe abandons them. Once
his foe breaks their word, A will curse them, bestowing a 4


penalty on the foes to hit rolls, damage rolls (minimum 1 When appearing before humans or demihumans Attrecoppea
point), saving throws and Armor Class for the duration of the adopts her humanoid aspect. This appears as the shape of a
encounter. Afterward, cursing his opponent, A will attack with slender, well-formed woman with long limbs, enfolded in a beau-
full force, alternating melee attacks with spells (as an 8th level tiful dark gray gown woven of fine spider silk. No flesh is visible,
magic-user). It is rare, however, that A will strike a killing blow instead the areas of hand, forearm, head, neck and cleavage ap-
against one who has held to the terms of their combat. pear to be covered with an even finer pale silver body stocking;
again woven of (paler) spider silk. No eyes or other features are
A is not one to concern himself with the day-to-day lives of visible, though what appear to be the outlines of a fine-boned,
mortals, and only intercedes (3% chance) in cases where ei- even beautiful, face seem to show beneath. Her voice is rich and
ther an oath is broken to the harm of others, or an oath is melodious and her tone gentle, even motherly.
being maintained at great penalty or harm to those who hold
it. For oath breakers, he will bestow a curse: for the next week, In combat Attrecoppea uses web to reduce the number of at-
wandering monster encounters occur 50% of the time (3-in-6 tackers, then strikes twice per round with her hands, each at-
chance) and will be 2 levels higher in power. For those maintain- tack a caress which does no hp damage but carries the bite of
ing an oath at peril, A bestows his blessing, granting them a minute fangs, forcing a save vs poison. Failure means falling into
+4 bonus to hit, damage, saves and armor class for the duration a comatose sleep for six hours, unless Attrecoppea is pressed
of the encounter. (under half hp or attacked with fire), in which case failure means
death. Magical effects which protect against poison give only a
A Reaction Table +2 to saves at best. There is no immunity.
Those who have broken an oath in
the past month roll at +4. Attrecoppea can only be harmed by a weapon of +3 or better
enchantment, by spells, or by fire. If struck with a bladed weap-
2 Friendly: Blesses (double effect) on, a hole is torn in her pale spidersilk skin, releasing a torrent
1d8 nearby targets. of tiny arachnids which run up the attackers weapon and arm
3-5 Indifferent: Blesses 1d8 nearby targets. to bite. The attacker must immediately save vs. poison as above.
6-8 Neutral: Ignores nearby creatures. Once reduced to half hp, and again if struck down, her form
releases a wave of tiny spiders surrounding her equivalent to
9-11 Unfriendly: Curses 1d4 nearby targets.
a double-HD, double-damage insect swarm, which also causes
12 Hostile: Curses (double effect). creatures of 2 HD or below to flee as an insect plague spell.
1d8 nearby targets
Any creature within the area of the swarm when it appears also
suffers from Attrecoppeas curse (see below). Attrecoppea moves
Attrecoppea freely through webs and on walls or ceilings at full speed.
(petty goddess of
Attrecoppea Reaction Table
very small spiders)
Titles: The Silken One
2 Motherly: Will cure poison, answer
up to three questions (as contact other plane),
& Ragnar Arneson and bless up to eight creatures who
F Mark Allen swear to never kill any spider which is
not directly attacking them.
Symbol: A spiderweb 3-5 Friendly: Will bless as above.
in a corner
6-8 Indifferent: Will give cryptic advice.
of a ceiling
Alignment: Lawful 9-11 Unfriendly: Curses up to eight creatures
unless they swear the above oath. If the
Movement: 240' (120') above oath is ever broken, any blessing
Armor Class: 4 [+3] is rescinded and her curse immediately
Hit pts. (HD): 88 hp (19 HD) takes effect.
Attacks: 2 12 Hostile: Curses up to eight creatues
Damage: Special (no opportunity for oath).
Save: M19 If blessed by Attrecoppea, the recipient is immune to poison for
Morale: 10 eight days, and will not be attacked by any arachnid smaller than
Hoard Class: XI, XVII a human hand. The mark also grants a +2 reaction bonus from
XP: 8,000 intelligent arachnids.
If cursed, for eight days each morning the cursed one will dis-
Nearly every household contains these tiny predators, and nearly
cover a spider in their boot, glove, armor, or other garment.
every housewife and child kills them out of instinctive fear. But
This arachnid will only be noticed once it bites the unfortunate.
in truth these creatures are benevolent, preying on fleas which
Searching is useless. If the victim is of lawful alignment, they
bear disease, flies and moths which damage foodstuffs and cloth,
must save vs. poison or sleep for six hours (or until the poison
among many other harmful insects, and each death is a martyr-
is neutralized). If the victim is neutral or chaotic, a failed save
dom. Attrecoppea embodies these contradictions; inspiring fear,
results in death. Further, the offenders home will forever lack for
but protecting human homes through her tiny, oft-slain children.
spiders, allowing pestilent and parasitic insects to more easily in-
Beneficent but accustomed to being misunderstood, she plots
fect the offender, their family, and harm their perishable goods.
and plans to aid humanity secretly, but may give direct aid as
well. She favors lawful creatures and weavers of all sorts. Related Entries: S) Shrink Spider; Summon Spider Swarm.


Audrum (petty god of carnivorous plants) Audrum is a gregarious petty god who enjoys stories, songs,
and bawdy jokes. He is likely to provide a boon to bards, es-
& Matthew W. Schmeer pecially if they sing the nearly-forgotten ballads The Tale of
F Todd McGowan Gerwan, The One True Vine My Lover Swallowed, or The
Grave Oer Grown within his presence (real or projected). He
Symbol: Venus flytrap wrapped in a vampire vine has the power to grant a limited wish if the wish deals with
Alignment: Neutral plant life of some kind.
Movement: 0' (0') If his true physical form is attacked, Audrum will be vigorously
Armor Class: 4 [+2] defended. All the sentient plant life in his lair will attack and
Hit pts. (HD): 81 hp (13 HD) 1d1000 of his insectoid attendants will swarm to defend him
Attacks: 3 (1 crush/2 acid) (treat as xorns). Audrum will also command and control all non-
Damage: 1d12/1d20/1d20 sentient plant life in his lair to defend himself. His own physical
attacks consist of a 1d12 crushing blow of his leafy protuber-
Save: F12 ences, a 1d20 spitting acid attack (this is a direct attack), and
Morale: 12 1d20 acidic stomach disgorgement (an area of effect attack).
Hoard Class: XXII There are no saves for the acid attacks. There is a 40% chance
XP: 12,500 the acidic disgorgement contains one or more partly digested
sacrifices; if so, then PCs in the area of affect must also save
Audrum is a giant, sentient pitcher plant who reigns over car- vs. poison or suffer a 2 to all to hit and damage rolls due to
nivorous plants. His gigantic, bulbous frame is attended by a extreme nausea.
host of an unnamable insectoid race descended from the off-
spring of alien mi-go vistors and dwarf neanderthals. The in- Audrum Reaction Table
sectoids swab his putrid girth in their acidic saliva to protect Use 1d6 instead of 2d6.
it from rot, and Audrum allows the insectoids to crawl within 1 Gregarious: Will happily engage the party
his fetid orifices to feed on the rotting sacrifices held within his and grant request and boons within reason.
seventeen-chambered digestion system.
2 Moody: Will banter with and engage the
Worshiped by sentient venus flytraps, vampire vines, razor party and demand they fulfill a quest in exchange
grasses, pitcher plants, and other flesh-eating plant life, he is for a just reward.
also well regarded by those creatures whose life force are tied 3 Anxious: Will engage the party to do his
to the Greenincluding dryads, wood nymphs, and other such bidding at the utmost haste for the greatest
beasts. Some sentient jellies, ochres, and slimes who dont know possible reward within his power.
any better also pay him homage. Every carnivorous plant pays 4 Indifferent: Will not engage the party
tribute to Audrum by offering him every third victim devoured; unless pressed.
if pleased with the sacrifice (20% chance), Audrum teleports
the unlucky victim into his stomachs, where they will be slowly 5 Hungry: Will demand the sacrifice of a
savored over seventeen years, one year in each chamber of his party member before proceeding with any parley.
Can be persuaded otherwise at great cost.
gut. Victims usually die in the second or third year. Those de-
voured longer than two years in his stomachs cannot be raised 6 Wrathful: Will attack the party if not afforded
or resurrected. He can also teleport non-sacrificial near-dead, the proper respect.
dying, and undead (including ghasts, ghouls, mummies and Related Entries: D) Salts of Despair, Seeds of Sowing.
vampires) into his gut to feed his tremendous appetites if these
creatures have physically attacked him.
The Cult of Audrum was once relatively well-known in the an-
cient kingdoms, but has withered to a few hundred adherents
in scattered locations around the realms. The cultists are easily
recognized by the blood-red doors of their greenhouses. It is
rumored that a few of cultists hold the secrets to crafting the
seeds of sowing and salts of despair.
Audrum is psionically connected to all uninhabited green plant
life and can command and control these plants anywhere on
the Material Plane at will. He can negate any spell cast by an
elf, druid, or ranger, and he can only be attacked by magical
edged weapons of +2 quality or greater. He is impervious to
undead attacks, gaze attacks, and normal fire.
Audrum himself is physically immobile, but radiates a power-
ful, non-dispellable illusion to make it appear he is capable of
movement. In order to destroy Audrum, his miles-long root sys-
tem must be utterly destroyed or he will fully regenerate in 1d6
days, larger and more loathsome than before. The true location
of his throne is hidden deep within a collapsed temple on an
uncharted atoll in the Fair Isles, as he must live on the Material
Plane to receive sustenance.


6-8 Bored: Curses PCs such that no one will give

them a loan until they perform an act of currency
debasement (e.g., coin shaving over 1,000 gp of
value, counterfeiting, etc.).
9-11 Unhappy: All the PCs coinage changes
to the next less valuable type; copper coins
are replaced with lead slugs.
12 Enraged: Attacks.

(petty goddess of the southeast wind)
Titles: The Goddess of the Southeast Wind

& Craig Schwarze

F Luka Rejec
Symbol: Three squiggly diagonal lines,
Aurus Argentus (petty god of currency debasement) running from
Titles: The Electrum God bottom right
to top left
& Patrick Wetmore Alignment: Chaotic
F Joey Lindsey Movement: 180' (60')
Armor Class: 2
Symbol: Electrum coin, high in silver content
Hit pts. (HD): 62 hp
Alignment: Neutral
(10 HD)
Movement: 120' (40')
Attacks: Special
Armor Class: 0
Damage: Special
Hit pts. (HD): 57 hp (10 HD)
Save: F10
Attacks: 2
Morale: 10
Damage: 2d6 each
Hoard Class: None
Save: F10
XP: 3,500
Morale: 10
Hoard Class: See below Austura is the goddess of the southeast wind. Her natural form
XP: 3,100 is that of the wind itself, and in this form she is both invisible
and invulnerable. But she also often takes a material guise, and
Aurus Argentus is the glittering Electrum God. Every coin in such form she may be attacked and killed. Although she can
shaved, every forgiveness of sovereign debt, every ounce of sil- take any shape, she favors that of a stately middle-aged lady.
ver surreptitiously added in the mint is an act of worship to the She is typically accompanied by three or four air elementals.
Electrum God. He appears as a shining figure of pale yellow
gold, standing 8' tall. He wields a pair of short electrum spears Her only attack is to summon an enormous wind against her
that crackle with lightning. opponents. Each round the wind is blowing, her attackers must
save vs. spell or be knocked over, suffering 1d6 damage. Move-
In combat, he fires lightning bolts from his spears at his oppo- ment into the wind is at half rate. If combat is going badly,
nents. The bolts require a successful to hit roll, do 2d6 points Austura will dissolve her material form, but this takes a full two
of electrical damage, and have a range of 240'. There is no save rounds. If her material body is destroyed, then her spiritual es-
to reduce damage if the bolts hit. sence will be scattered for a year and a day, during which time
no wind will blow from the southeast. After this time elapses,
Any successful melee hits to the Electrum God cause the at- she will re-coalesce, and again function normally.
tacker to suffer 2d6 points of electrical damage (regardless of
weapon type). The Electrum God is immune to fire and cold Austura Reaction Table
damage, and electrical damage heals him, adding to his total hit 2 Friendly: Will offer to put the wind at
points (not to exceed his maximum hit points). If slain, his body their backs, and travel with them for 1d6
collapses into a pile of 2d121,000 electrum pieces. hours (as long as they are going northwest).
Aurus Argentus Reaction Table 3-5 Indifferent: Offers a cooling breeze
to those sweating in heavy robes or armor.
Modified by Wisdom instead of Charisma.
6-8 Neutral: Calms the air in the immediate
2 Well-pleased: Upgrades all coins the mortal area (making the air still and heavy) as she
carries to the next more valuable type; platinum awaits the partys next actions.
coins are converted to jewels worth 100 gp each.
9-11 Unfriendly: Whips up a threatening (but
3-5 Pleased: Doubles the amount of coins the PCs not damaging wind). Awaits partys reaction.
are carrying; the coins are slightly thinner than
normal, which may be noticed by savvy merchants 12 Hostile: Attacks. Calls the strongest wind
and bankers. she can muster.


Averted Onlooker (petty god of despair) As often as they desire they may save vs. spell to inflict doom
upon another with a gaze, twisting their fate, watching as their
Titles: The Jale God, Averted Onlooker, The Laughing Rot
faithful hound rips into their throat, laughing as they trip and
impale themselves. Every failed save inflicts a new insanity as
& Logan Knight the separation of things grows thinner.
F Todd McGowan His teeth are prized by the desperate as Loin Stones, as con-
suming one carries a 3-in-6 chance of curing sexual ailments
Symbol: A jade eyeball, the burrowing pupil
of its eye deeper than it has any right to be and a blessing of luck in love. Otherwise the user descends a
nightmare spiral of unrecorded diseases and humiliation.
Alignment: Roll randomly:
1-2 = Lawful, 3-4 = Neutral, 5-6 = Chaotic Related Entries: Please see the Jale God entry in this section
Movement: 60' (20') for a complete listing of entries related to the Jale God.
Armor Class: Randomly determined on 1d10 each round
Hit pts. (HD): Randomly determined (roll 1d20 HD)
Attacks: Special (petty god of ordered decay)
Damage: Special Titles: The Entropic Wanderer,
Save: Randomly determined on 1d20 for each effect The Great Gray Rambler
Morale: 12 AFFILIATIONS: The Mearra
Hoard Class: None
XP: 600 d20 & Eric Fabiaschi
F Scott Faulkner
The Averted Onlooker is one of many forms of the Jale God (q.v.).
Symbol: A walking stick
The Jale God comes into the light, sunken sockets bereft of and an hourglass
sight, green bone grown over the pits. A smile splits his face and Alignment: Lawful (Neutral)*
a chittering, choking laughter fills the room, as does a steady Movement: 150' (50')
tinkle of teeth hitting the floor, tiny organic jade sculptures fall- Armor Class: 2
ing from his mouth like a spilling jar.
Hit pts. (HD): 85 hp (17 HD)
His body follows in the shadows, a dark hulking thing, scrap- Attacks: 1 (fists) or special
ing forward on legs bent like a rats and a field of arms that Damage: 8d6 or special
sprout and claw and beckon. But it is the wet naked body of Save: F17
a man that drags itself from the shadows and into the light
behind the laughing living death mask. The shine of his deep Morale: 10
green skin makes his flesh seem to sink in and out of itself and Hoard Class: XVII + 5,000 gp
the Material Plane. XP: 4,250

He is here to take your eyes. You have seen so much agony. Each time a moment ends, Avirgiri (the petty god of ordered
The Jale God will carry it in his belly. decay) is there to record all of the details. It is he who catalogs
all manner of times minute details. He is the man who watches
A blessed few Chosen of the Jale God are granted jade eyes things happen, then breaks it all down. Each and every event is
passed from his divine gallbladder to replace those taken. Those recorded both in his mind and in the records of Law. This god
with graven green eyes inserted into their skull look through not only knows all the contents and secrets of each moment, he
the window of fate, seeing the possibilities floating through the breaks down the final bits and returns them to the continuum
purple ether and other things besides. of time.
Avirgiri, The Great Gray Rambler, wanders the faces of the
Prime Plane, strolling through history and its alternate worlds.
His affairs most often call him to the busy and bustling cities
there, for Avirgiri is the silent witness.
There are those who desire Avirgiris knowledge. so this god is
not without his defenses. Should someone try and detain him,
he will strike them with his fists for 8d6 points of damage, with
the touch also aging the victim by 1d10 years (on a failed save
vs. death). Additionally, Avirgiri possesses an ability of such
awesome circumstance, he is loath to use it. He may attempt to
remove a person from the pages of history itself (an ability he
may use against a single individual one time per year, although
he may use it against as many different individuals as he chooses
each year). Should Avirgiri choose to use this ability, his victim
must save vs. death or be completely erased from the annals of
history (and, therefore, existence) in 1d4 rounds. It is because of
such actions that the witnesses to courts of the gods have been
known to call Avirgiri the God of Ordered Decay.


Avirgiri keeps whatever treasures catch his eye, and often dis- der his protection (generally considered a stupid thing to do).
plays examples within his Earthly galleries on the Prime Plane. The blessing he bestows is said to give ones skin a hardness
like granite for 3 days afterward (+3 to AC). If displeased, or
Related Entries: G) Arvirive, Glaria, the Mearra, Merramo- defending/avenging a stone head, Azwa will curse the offend-
rina, Micicara, Nardrea, Ruslivia, Sertetti, Termarr, Tsrura. ing individuals with a horribly slow curse of petrification (-4 to
* Please see the entry in this section for the Mearra for informa- save vs. petrification).
tion regarding their alignment. An individual so cursed will immediately have their feet turn to
stone and be rooted in place. Over a period of 3 days the curse
will spread upward turning the rest of their body to stone. If
Azwa (protector of giant stone heads in the wilderness) the curse is completed the body of the new statue will instantly
Titles: The Protector of Giant Stone Heads in crumble to dust, leaving only the head. The curse cannot be
the Wilderness, The Head of Heads undone by the usual means (stone to flesh and remove curse
wont work), but Azwa is said to be willing to reverse the curse if
& Garrett Weinstein placated. This might require a large offering of gems, or perhaps
F Thomas Denmark repairing a defaced stone head. Azwa has no treasure, but it is
also rumored that if a stone head is destroyed while possessed
Symbol: A profile of a seemingly-giant stone head by him, the shards can be transmuted into diamonds by an alche-
Alignment: Unknown mist using a philosophers stone.
Movement: 0' (0')
Azwa Reaction Table
Armor Class: 3
Modified by +1 per 1,000 gp value of gems offered.
Hit pts. (HD): 85 hp (15 HD)
Attacks: 1 (curse) 2 Friendly: Blesses 1d4 nearby targets.
Damage: Petrification 3-7 Indifferent: Blesses 1d4 nearby targets
Save: M15 if properly propitiated.
Morale: 12 8-10 Neutral: Ignores nearby creatures.
Hoard Class: Special 11 Unfriendly: Curses 1d4 nearby targets
XP: 2,400 if not properly propitiated.
12 Hostile: Curses 1d4 nearby targets.
Scattered throughout the untamed wild places of the world,
and taking many different forms, are the mysterious, giant
stone heads of Azwa. Just as the origins of most of these heads
has been lost to the shadows of time, so too are the origins of
their mysterious protector deity Azwa unknown. Whether these
stone heads (and the occasional stone skull on a mountain) are
merely sculpture art or serve as the entrance to an underworld
labyrinth, the mark of Azwa is often found somewhere on the
outside (or sometimes just inside the nose). Wise explorers of
the wilderness might whisper a short prayer to Azwa when
happening upon these hallowed heads.
Azwa is only known to take physical form by possessing the
stone heads he protects. Rumors say the avatar of Azwa may
be called forth either by an offering of precious gems (total
value needed at DMs discretion) or by defacing an edifice un-


BajLique Barococar Bartleby Bashiuus
Beast of Unbidden Challenges Behzd Behzd & Vydia
Beng Beorl Berenedril Blentry Boden
Bogrump Bokrug Boulubek Bubulmax

BajLique (petty god of fertility, lasciviousness & lechery)

Titles: The Lascivious Lunatic

& Garrisonjames
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Symbol: A leering
baboon in drag
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 90' (30')
Armor Class: 1
Hit pts. (HD): 42 hp (19 HD)
Attacks: 2 (special)
Damage: 3d6/Special
Save: M19
Morale: 11
Hoard Class: V, VI
XP: 5,250

Gibbering obscenely in decrepit alleys and beneath the sagging

balconies of questionable theaters, BajLique is an odd and thor-
oughly urbanized fertility deity obsessed with burlesque, titillation
and dirty jokes. A perverse trickster and shapeshifter, BajLique
is notorious for having ruined hundreds of reputations, sown the
seeds of scandal and committed bastardry near and far with all Long hallways leading to nowhere, inhabited complexes full
manner of intelligent beings and numerous animals either domes- of deadly traps in main walkways and thoroughfares, magical
tic or wild. Many scholars have attributed one or another of the rooms with chessboard floors, entire castles with nary a sign of
more improbable hybrid monstrosities plaguing the countryside a privy chamber, sprawling multi-level complexes of halls and
to the unholy appetites and mischievous escapades of this glee- rooms mysteriously confined to 340'440' rooms with no sign
fully transgressive and demented deity of fecundity. of support for the ceiling, huge amounts of pointless bas-relief
murals and frescoes, obviously placed secret doors, confound-
BajLique carries no weapons. Instead he relies upon guile, de-
ing mazes whose only exit is their entrance, fabulous air-filled
ceit, or spells. Repulsion, polymorph self, and irresistible dance
cavern dwellings far below the water table, inexplicably common
are among BajLiques favorite spells (he casts as a 19th level
bridged crevices filled with hot lava, rooms with bizarrely angled
magic-user). Whenever possible, BajLique will avoid harming
wallsall these are signs of the handiwork of those inspired by
others. However, if necessary, BajLique has been known to
Barococar (treat his power of inspiration as a quest spell.)
curse enemies with lasting impotence, inconvenient pregnan-
cies (even if the victim is male or barren), or even an unnatural His symbol is a golden tablet incised with a 3444 grid or an im-
infatuation that has destroyed more than one political career. possibly ornate statue of a nobleman or ruler. Barococar is said
to manifest to adventurers exploring locations he has inspired,
often in the guise of an ornate statue of some sort of nobleman
Barococar (petty god of absurd architecture) or ruler adorned with gems and jewelry, an ornate talking mir-
ror, or a ornate tapestry that talks and moves. If Barococar is
& Matt Fischer manifesting as a mirror or tapestry and is attacked, the mirror
F Luigi Castellani or tapestry vanishes (roll once on the reaction table at 6 for the
accompanying effect, treating any result lower than 2 as a 2).
Symbol: A golden tablet or statue (see below)
The attacks and hp/HD listed are only for his statue form. If he
AligNMENt: Chaotic is attacked in statue form, Barococar will, of course, fight back.
MovEMENt: 180' (60') He also has godlike power to reshape any architectural structure
ArMor ClASS: 0 to suit his whims, or destroy it by earthquake.
Hit pts. (HD): 149 hp (19 HD) Barococar Reaction Table
AttACkS: 2 (stone fists or weapons)
2 Friendly: Inspires a member of the party
DAMAgE: 3d10/3d10 (using an effect exactly like the Cleric spell quest)
SAvE: F15 to build an absurd piece of architecture
MorAlE: 10 (any of the strange ideas listed in the text will do).*
HoArD ClASS: XIV 3-5 Indifferent: Reshapes structure in a way that
XP: 5,496 makes things easier for the party.


6-8 Neutral: Reshapes structure in a random, Bashiuus (petty god of wine and merriment)
unecessary way that does not unduly help nor
hinder the party. & M.T. Black
9-11 Unfriendly: Reshapes structure in a way F Jonahtan McNally
that makes things more difficult for the party
(e.g., closing off access to sought areas, Symbol: Cluster of grapes
sealing off exits, etc.). Alignment: Chaotic
12 Hostile: Collapses structure (functions as Movement: 150' (50')
an earthquake spell). Armor Class: 3
* Now you know where all those mad dungeon-building Hit pts. (HD): 52 hp (10 HD)
wizards come from!) Attacks: Special
Damage: Special
Save: F10
Bartleby (petty god of inactivity) Morale: 10
Titles: Bartleby the Scrivener
Hoard Class: XII
& Patrick Kennedy XP: 3,200
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. Bashiuus, the petty god of wine and merriment, appears as a
Symbol: A quill short, round, middle-aged man with a fleshy face, red cheeks and
Alignment: Lawful laughter in his eyes. He invariably has a cup of wine in his hand.
Movement: 120' (40') He is often found at celebrations, uninvited and unrecognized,
enjoying the festivities and using his powers to enhance the wine
Armor Class: 9
being drunk. If encountered in the wilderness, he will be accom-
Hit pts. (HD): 79 hp panied by four to six dryads and a pair of pipe-playing fauns.
(18 HD) The whole party will be drinking, dancing and making merry.
Attacks: N/A
Bashiuus can cause thick grape vines to emerge instantly from
Damage: N/A
any soil, and these will be laden with ripe grapes. He can take a
Save: M19 handful of these grapes and squeeze them into a cup of the very
Morale: 10 finest wine. He can also enhance the quality of existing wine,
Hoard Class: N/A and turn small amounts of fresh water into wine as well.
XP: 10,000
Anyone meeting Bashiuus for the first time must save vs. spell
Bartleby the Scrivener is the petty god of those who prefer not or be charmed by him. If he is attacked, he will cause vines to
to. Legend has it he was once mortal, a member of a monastic grow up and entangle his assailants. Those affected must save
order of scribes. One day he laid aside his quill and preferred not vs. spell or be held fast for two turns (as hold spell), by which
to do anything anymore. He even preferred not to eat. Eventually time Bashiuus will have fled.
his material body ceased operating, but his spirit preferred not to Bashiuus Reaction Table
die. Thus was a godling born. Bartlebys avatar (on the extremely
2-5 Befriends the PCs.
rare occasions he prefers to assume one) resembles a meek, un-
assuming scribe of average height and weight, with otherwise 6-9 Ignores the PCs.
nondescript features. 10-12 Avoids the PCs.
Related Entries: S) Wineberry.
Anyone who even contemplates attacking or otherwise harass-
ing Bartleby in any way is immediately overcome by an almost
insurmountable preference not to do so. Only a supreme act of Beast of Unbidden Challenges
will (5 consecutive natural 20s on a die with as many sides) makes (petty god of random violence)
it possible for a character to follow through with any attack. Bar-
tleby prefers not to attack or defend himself. Destroying Bartleby
is impossible (he prefers not to be destroyed); reducing him to
& Nathan Cohen
zero hit points simply destroys his avatar.
F David L. Johnson
Symbol: None
Bartleby Reaction Table Alignment: Chaotic
2 Friendly: Replies to any and all requests with, Movement: 90' (30')
I would prefer not to. BURROW: 90' (30')
3-5 Indifferent: Replies to any and all requests with, Armor Class: 8
I would prefer not to. Hit pts. (HD): 100 hp (20 HD)
6-8 Neutral: Replies to any and all requests with, Attacks: 1 (bite)
I would prefer not to. Damage: 2d10+10 + special
9-11 Unfriendly: Replies to any and all requests with, Save: M25
I would prefer not to.
Morale: 10
12 Hostile: Replies to any and all requests with, Hoard Class: Special
I would prefer not to.
XP: 15,000


The Beast of Unbidden Challenges is the threat of random acts Behzd (petty god of lost items)
of violence. It is the final act of a person, a government, a world
Titles: He of the Loss and the Lost
summed up in a cry for help and then blood in the gutters.
It has no shrines. Its clergy is relegated to a handful of people
& Luigi Castellani
who gather in back alleys and pray for the end. Their holy rites F Luigi Castellani
involve donning mummers masks that look like monsters (such Symbol: A set of
as goblins, hobgoblins, orcs, and ogres) and assaulting people mismatched
they find. keys held
by a piece
The Beast only demands the fearful tears of sentient creatures
of string
as an offering, so the faithful collect the tears of their victims.
Not even its clergy is entirely sure why. The different cults are Alignment: Neutral
corresponding by letter, in an ongoing and heated theological Movement: 90' (30')
debate about the nature of these offerings. It is considered bad Armor Class: 1 [+2]
form for one cult leader to out anothers hiding spot to the local Hit pts. (HD): 90 hp (20 HD)
authorities, but it has happened in the past. Attacks: 2 claws/bite or roar/tail
When the Beast does take a shape it is always in the form of Damage: 1d4/1d4/1d10 or special/1d8
a worm 40' long and 10' wide. The hide of the worm appears Save: F20
to be human flesh with eyes that cry, mouths that scream, and Morale: 11
clusters of hair that appear at random intervals on its body. A
Hoard Class: None on self; XX in the ruins of Ku-ehmeth
character who is bitten by the worm will stay clamped in its maw
until they pass a successful Strength check. During the worms XP: 7,250
next turn, if it still has a target in its mouth, the target is immedi-
Behzd used to be a quite powerful god. Currently, his life
ately swallowed. Its stomach is a pocket dimension that simulates
force is imprisoned in the remains of his main statue in the
oblivion. There are ways out. It is considered to be a great bless-
swampy ruins of Ku-ehmeth. This great jade statue used to
ing to be eaten by the worm or crushed beneath its massive bulk.
portray him as a crowned and lion-headed croccodile. Many
The worm can only be damaged by magic weapons.
of the pieces of the statue where taken away by the raiders of
When the worm is killed, its remains dissolve into 2d201,000 the Godless Horde, and Behzd barely managed to survive.
gold pieces.
At this low point of his divine career, Behzd can do very little:
he cant leave the statue and can barely make himself mani-
fest to anyone within 20 feet of the statue. Behzd has lost the
power to grant spells to clerics, but still preserves a sort of
divine omniscience.
Across the years, a rag-tag following has formed around the
lion-headed godthe ruins of Ku-ehmeth have attracted ad-
venturers of all sorts, and many rogues have taken a liking to
the jade oracle. Behzd has entrusted his followers with the
duty to find all the missing pieces of the great statue. Once
the statue is rebuilt, Behzd can again manifest on this plane
as a lion-headed croccodile.
Behzd only be struck by +2 or better weapons. Due to his di-
vine nature, Behzd can cast spells as a 15th level cleric, and
can cast any clerical detection spell at will. Behzd can attack
front facing enemies twice per turn with his claws, and once
per turn with his bite. Behzd can also use his tail to strike at
enemies to the rear. Once per turn, Behzd can emit a powerful
roar; all living creatures within 120' must save vs. paralysis or
suffer weakness (losing 1d6 Strength) for 2d6 rounds. Those
within 30' are deafened (no saving throw) for 2d6 rounds. Be-
hzd can only be surprised on a roll of 1 on 1d6.
Behzd currently has no clerics, but thieves and fighters of third
or higher level who strike a pact with him will be granted the
ability to cast locate item once per day as long as they search
for the pieces of the statue. Roving bands of Behzds follow-
ers comprise 1d6 first level thieves, 1d8 first level fighters and
leader of 4th level (50% chance of being a thief, otherwise the
leader will be a fighter).
Missing from the statue are an unspecified number (optionally,
roll 1d20) of jade pieces of varying sizes. These chunks of jade
have clearly been worked by man, and usually have the form


of a piece of reptilian anatomy. These pieces of Behzd radi- Bahar was spared. However, to this day the city is without a
ate magic. After sleeping one night with one of them under god, and accepts none within its limits.
the pillow, the piece will reveal its nature and connection to
Behzd; afterward the owner can use the piece to commune In due time, the Godless Horde discovered how untrustworthy
with Behzd once per week. However, each time this power is Vydia truly is (and feeble compared to his previous status), and
used, a save vs. spell must be made. If this save is failed, the they abandoned him.
character will attempt to search out the ruins of Ku-ehmeth or Related Entries: G) Behzd, Vydia.
Behzd followers for a period of 1d4 days.
Related Entries: G) Behzd & Vydia, Vydia.
(petty god of vagabonds and con-artists)
Behzd & Vydia (twin gods) Titles: Beng the Wanderer

& Luigi Castellani & Rob Griffin

F Eleanor Ferron F Jason Sholtis
Legend has it that Vydia and Behzd were born to the deity of Symbol: Circle with
the great river Skarka. Each one became the patron of one of two arrows
the two cities facing each other across the riverBahar on one drawn through
bank, and Ku-ehmeth on the other. Alignment: Chaotic
Whereas Vydia was a deity vain and fickle (connected to air, Movement: 120' (40')
fire, flies, and horses), Behzd was a more somber god (con- Armor Class: 2
nected to earth, water, lions, and crocodiles). Hit pts. (HD): 90 hp (14 HD)
Attacks: 1 (shank or spell)
A handful of centuries ago, however, the Godless Horde came
to the river Skarka in search of a new god of their own (having Damage: 1d4+4 plus
lost theirs in a feud with another tribe of barbarians). The horde special
or by spell
besieged the cities asking the citizens to surrender their gods.
Save: T14
Behzd and his followers stood true to one anotherKu-ehmeth Morale: 12
was sacked and reduced to swampy ruins. Even through the
Hoard Class: See below
citizens of Ku-ehmeth were killed, and the city deprived of all
XP: 10,000
its riches, Behzd survived, linking his own godly life-force to the
remains of his great jade statue in the depths of the ruins.
Beng the Wanderer is a patron deity of hobos, vagabonds,
Vydia, by comparison, forsook his people and accepted the and con-artists. His symbol is a circle with two arrows drawn
Godless Horde as his new followers. He left the temple and as- through it, which means hit the road quick in the secret sym-
sumed mortal form to guide the Godless Horde to a prosperous bol language of vagabonds.
future. However, Vydia had lost much of his power in abandon-
Beng appears as a dark, charming, roguish human dressed in
ing so many believers, and being apart from the focus of his
mismatched, gaudy, and worn clothing. He often times trav-
power in the great temple.
els in a overloaded covered wagon with small iron wheels and
a potbellied stove belching smoke from a small pipe coming
through the roof.
Bengs appearance on the Material Plane usually coincides
with a rash of petty larceny, disappearing maidens, and runa-
way children who will follow Beng for months at a time before
becoming hobos themselves. Beng is always encountered sur-
rounded by 4d6 such devotees who will fight to protect him and
can be counted as low level thieves for purposes of combat.
Beng has the abilities of a 14th level thief, and will only fight
if cornered. He fights with a jeweled shank (dagger) +4 which
deals 1d4+4 damage. Anyone pierced by Bengs shank will
fall asleep immediately (no save) for 1d6 hours and cannot be
awakened by normal means. Beng does not kill his victims, but
will rob them of their most valuable possession once asleep.
He can also cast charm person, knock, invisibility, and sug-
gestion at will.
Bengs treasure hoard is secreted into patchwork bag which
acts as a bag of holding, and is hidden in his wagon. It consists
of thousands of gold pieces worth of trinkets, baubles, and jew-
els he has plundered over the years, along with random magic
items (as determined by the DM).


Beorl Beorl Reaction Table

(petty god of honey, mead and beekeepers) 2 Friendly: Creates food and mead for characters.
Titles: Beorl the Hivemaster 3-5 Indifferent: Creates food and mead for characters
if they speak and behave respectfully.
& Alan Brodie 6-8 Neutral: Ignores characters.
F Alexander Cook 9-11 Unfriendly: Summons bees to attack characters
Symbol: Stylized bee in a hexagon unless they speak and behave respectfully.
Alignment: Neutral 12 Hostile: Summons bees to attack characters.
Movement: 150' (50')
Armor Class: 0
Hit pts. (HD): 66 hp
Berenedril (petty god of folly, stupidity and blind luck)
Titles: Lord of Folly, Lord of Stupidity and Blind Luck
(14 HD)
Attacks: 1 & Terje Nordin
Damage: 1d6+6 F Kevin Chenevert
plus special
Save: F14 Symbol: Jesters hat
(poison Alignment: Chaotic
immune) Movement: 90' (30')
Morale: 10 Armor Class: 1
Hoard Class: XIX Hit pts. (HD): 33 hp
XP: 6,000 (7 HD)
Attacks: 1 (rattle
Beorl the Hivemaster is the petty god of honey and mead, and or feather)
the patron of beekeepers. His name is occasionally invoked Damage: 2d8 or
around the hearths and campfires of men when horns are hoist- special
ed and mead is quaffed. Beorls sting or Beorls strike are
Save: T8
sometimes used as euphemisms for hangovers.
Morale: 9
Most commonly encountered in pastoral countryside or pleas- Hoard Class: VI
ant forest glades, the deity appears as a stocky, almost portly XP: 790
man with a fuzzy beard and close-cropped, golden-brown hair.
He wears clothing of the same color. He often hums tunelessly Berenedril appears as a jolly man wearing jesters clothes and a
to himself. blindfold. As the Lord of Stupidity and Blind Luck, he wanders
the realms spreading silliness and foolishness, and seeking to
Beorls demeanor is brisk yet amiable, unless provoked to fury.
make existence an absurd joke.
He is always girt with a broad belt of black leather supporting
his drinking horn and a short sword. In the Hivemasters hand, All who come within 20' of the Lord of Folly must save vs. spell
this weapon does 1d6+6 damage and anyone struck by it must or become drunk on the gods presence. Everyone so affected
save vs. poison or suffer agonising pain for 1d6 full turns. The will become careless, foolhardy and impulsive, acting rashly
victims saving throws, attack rolls and damage dice are subject and recklessly. They will believe anything they are told, and
to a 2 penalty for the pains duration. will follow any order or suggestion (short of the immediately
suicidal). These effects last while they remain within 20' of the
Beorl himself is immune to poison of any sort.
god, plus one additional hour after leaving his presence. While
At will, once per round, he can summon either an angry swarm under the effect, any encounters with hostile beings automati-
of bees (treat as an insect swarm of the largest size) or 2d4 cally result in surprise. However, all affected characters also re-
giant killer bees (equal chance of either) to attack his foes. ceive from the god a gift of good luck, allowing them to choose
Moreover, he can cause mead-drunkenness once per day. This to reroll any 1 die roll during the following (game) year.
power resembles the 4th-level magic-user spell confusion in
During a combat encounter, Berenedril will spend his round
all respects, except that babbling incoherently may involve
doing one of the following (roll 1d6)
singing, shouting, boasting, falling down, vomiting, and other
common effects of extreme intoxication. Roll Action
1-3 strike with his rattle (2d8)
Beorl may create food and water (as a cleric of 14th level) up to
4-5 strike with his feather (cure light wounds on target)
three times per day. The food thus created will be honey-based
6 laugh and dance
(e.g., honey-roasted meat and vegetables, sweet pastries, honey
cakes, and the like) and the water will, in fact, be mead. Throughout many lands, it is common to celebrate Fools Day,
with people dressing in silly clothes and engaging in all manner
Thrice per day, Beorl may use honeyed words, employing flat-
of pranks and shenanigans. By doing so, it is believed that the
tery to sweet talk his way around entities more powerful
god will grant good luck rather than bad judgment for the rest
than himself (+2 bonus on reaction rolls if his victims fail to
of the year. During such festivities, there is a 5% chance that
save vs. spell).
Berenedril will make a personal visit.
Beorl has had numerous colorful adventures, acquiring in the
Related Entries: D) Berenedrils Hat of Dumb Luck.
process a reputation for wit and guile.


Blentry (petty goddess of tallies and commerce) Boden (petty god of the soil)
Titles: Old Huffer
& Eric Campbell
& Porky F Eric Campbell
F Paul Schaefer Symbol: Writhing worm
Symbol: An abacus Alignment: Chaotic
strung with Movement: 60' (20')
BURROW: 120' (40')
Alignment: Lawful
Armor Class: 2
Movement: 120' (40')
Hit pts. (HD): 200 hp
Armor Class: 4 (30 HD)
Hit pts. (HD): 5 hp (1 HD) Attacks: 1 (bite,
Attacks: 1 grapple,
Damage: 1d3 crush or
Save: M1 swallow)
Morale: 8 Damage: 1d10 or 1d12/rd. or 1d20/rd. or 2d20/rd.
Hoard Class: 1d6-1 of Save: F20
each coin type, Morale: 10
1d3-1 scrolls, Hoard Class: XIII, VII (all items will be tarnished
1d6 lbs. of and encrusted with/in dirt)
stationery, XP: 9,000
1d3 lbs. of food
XP: 24 Boden appears to most as a massive earthworm as large as
a man. Anthropomorphic in shape with humanoid, tentacled
Blentry, or Old Huffer, is the godlet of the improbable tally. A limbs, Boden strikes fear in most by his appearance alone.
dust-cloaked, ink-splattered hob-like creature, she lives among Bodens skin is pink in color, wet and covered in mucus and
the rafters and in the wall spaces of the wholesalers, posthouses slime. His eyes appear to have dual pupils and flicker with
and harbor offices of a burgeoning regional hub. There she plays strange, almost unearthly colors. His segmented body contains
a central role in its growing commerce and unknowingly guides no bones but is supported by powerful muscular rings.
an information revolution.
Boden is a master at the art of stealth, never will he be put in
Though initially drawn to the tallyrooms by scraps of food and a situation where he has to fight in direct combat. If forced,
dregs of stimulant, the cluttered counters, desks and cabinets Boden attacks with a bite from his powerful sucker-like mouth.
become their own attraction. By night she sets quills dancing If he hits a target he will then attempt to strike the target in a
to correct errors, parchment fluttering to improve filing systems grapple with a +2 modifier. Next, Boden will begin to crush
and ink squirting to refill wells, often borrowing the innovations and squeeze the target doing 1d20 points of damage per round
of one clerk to better the work of others. By day she snoozes until the grapple is broken with a save vs. petrification at +10.
belly-up, dreaming brightly of new forms of stationery and the Finally Boden will attempt to swallow his target after 4 rounds
sparks of outlandish cybernetic structures. if the victim has not broken free from the crush attack. Bodens
powerful stomach acids do 2d20 points of damage per round
Every evening the offerings are left and every morning foreheads with no saves. The only way to escape at this point is for Boden
are struck in realization, while belief in this benevolent repre- to be defeated and then the victim to be cut from his body.
sentative of expansion grows and spreads with the multiplying
shipments. Opponents of the faith are quickly found guilty of Boden does not favor worshipers nor does he draw on a cult of
complex fraud, tax avoidance, embezzlement, struck with exor- any sort, however, creatures the live in the soil including some
bitant bills, or simply found to be bankrupt. intelligent plants and funguses obey Boden without question.
Boden is honored and called upon at times by some less than
Blentry is deeply interested in new forms of knowledge and lawful farmers for various reasons, to include farmers wishing
means of classification and will trade methods with those she to have good yields come harvest or petty revenge on neigh-
grows to trust. Blentry herself knows the following spells, can boring farms. Boden can curse or bless farmland on a whim
learn more and can cast any once per day as if a 5d4th level and as the mood strikes him. Boden is also called upon when
magic-user: animate implements, convey knowledge, conjure someone loses objects in the dirt and muck. Boden tends to
buffer, describe value (see Spells section for complete descrip- claim everything lost whether he knows of it or not, but has
tions of each). been known to be swayed at times.
In self-defense, Blentry will often extract a full understanding Summoning Boden to aid oneself always requires a blood sac-
of combat from an attackers body, animate the weapons they rifice of an intelligent lawful creature, then the sacrifice must
carry, then convey to it the knowledge necessary to turn on its be buried in a shallow grave. If Boden feels the sacrifice was
former owner. worthy he will appear after the first full day of rain on the spot
Related Entries: S) Animate Implements, Convey Knowl- of the grave. He is always accompanied by several giant-sized
edge, Conjure Buffer, Describe Value. worms of demonic power; he has always scouted the area,
wary of traps and ambushes.


Bogrump Bokrug (petty god of millennial revenge*)

(petty god of turnips) Titles: The Great Water Lizard, The Doom of Sarnath
Titles: Bogrump Turnip Head; AFFILIATIONS: Cthulhu
The Turnip Lord
& Nicolas Senac
& Chris Tamm F Mike Clarke
F Eleanor Ferron Symbol: A gibbous moon
Symbol: A humble Alignment: Chaotic
turnip Movement: 60' (20')
Alignment: Neutral Armor Class: 0
Movement: 180' (60') Hit pts. (HD): 120 hp (35 HD)
Armor Class: 2 Attacks: 1 (bite or spell) + gaze
Hit pts. (HD): 85 hp (18 HD) Damage: 4d6 + special
Attacks: 1 (wooden Save: M30
sword or
Morale: 12
Hoard Class: None
Damage: 4d6
XP: 5,250
Save: F18
Morale: 8 The general appearance of Bokrugs idols is that of very large
Hoard Class: d1000 lizards or blue-green iguanas (though no one knows the reality).
+100 turnips The fact that Bokrug is one of the great old ones suggests that
XP: 11,000 its appearance is truly disturbing, to the point of maddening
mere mortals (perhaps a terrifying octopus-headed lizard with
Bogrump the Turnip Lord was carried from lands far away. His tentacles, or even worse).
holy flesh sustains beasts over winter, making it unnecessary
to slaughter most live stock before winter. This frees labor time This god dwells in the depths of a vast still lake that is fed by
and increases local wealth, giving men more time and money to no stream, and out of which no stream flows. This strange lake
spend at war. Bogrump is a hideous swollen-faced humanoid, is opaque and green as the damnable mists that rise above it,
often embodied in a scarecrow with a carved turnip head. He and the water level fluctuates with the phases of the moon,
stalks and ambushes the unworthy, especially at night (surprising revealing sometimes sinister ruins and half-buried monoliths of
on a 1-4 in daylight, and on a 1-5 at night, on a 1d6). another time. Wandering through the haze can lead to a hor-
rible death. First, a sea-green stone idol chiseled in the likeness
This petty god strikes with a crude wooden sword for 4d6 dam- of Bokrug lays buried in the rushes of the marsh. Woe to the
age, but he will attack loners by strangulation with 19 Strength man who finds it, for the dreaded god will visit that fool on the
inflicting the same damage. He may also turn 3d10 turnips in next gibbous moon. Second, ghosts of the beings of Ib roam on
a field into his turnip sprite servitors (turnip-headed goblins) to the shores of the lake, seeking prey to scare to death.
aid him once a day. He heals one hp for every turnip he eats
and can eat 1d6 per round if in a heap or one if he has to dig Bokrug lies half-covered by sediments at the bottom of the lake.
them up. In a deep sleep, he will not awake until the moon is gibbous,
and black clouds descend from the inclement sky. It is only
Bogrump may bless a turnip field to be 10% more fruitful or then that he is vulnerable and can hurt those who dare enter
to make a full turnip cellar last a season weevil, worm, and the dark waters. His main virtue is almost infinite patience,
rot free. Sometimes a maiden is married to a scarecrow of especially in dealing with affronts that are done to him and
Bogrump, and the lucky couple spend a night in the barn alone.
A virtuous humble maiden who pleases Bogrump has healthy,
trouble-free childbirth for ever more, and produces large healthy
(slightly lumpy) twins three months after the marriage. Vain or
egotistical maidens are blessed with a swollen purple turnip-like
face and the other birthing benefits. Maidens are free to marry
any of their choosing after Bogrump has had his turn. He may
avenge these maidens if they are harmed.
Stories tell of Bogrumps giant turnip house, and his various
clumsy and moronic turnip-headed servants. Some tell of him
keeping spare heads in brine, with different personalities and
various comedic head swapping antics. Most stories are funny,
and some are downright scary. Telling stories over turnip soup
or wine or mash is his preferred worship. He includes pumpkin,
squash, swedes, carrots and others as his kin.
Related Entries: D) Divine Turnip of Glory.


his meager worship, for Bokrug can wait for centuries before Boulubek appears as a squat human, somewhat under 5' tall. He
manifesting his divine wrath upon the unaware. is balding, pudgy, and usually has a dull grin on his face masking
his true nature and intelligence. His clothing consists of dusty
Bokrugs gaze (usable at will) has the same effect as the spell fear. and tattered robes of red with indecipherable runes on them. He
He also possesses the following spell-like abilities: wish (1 every is by nature a kind and gentle god. The more obscure and weak
other year, used to punish those who offend him), confusion (2 the god of the lost idol, the more interested in returning it he
per day), hold person (3 per day), and telepathy (at will). becomes, feeling compassion for the weaker sorts of gods.
Bokrug Reaction Table
2 Antagonistic: Curses PCs (uses wish to bring
them future trouble). Bubulmax
(petty god of adventurers and muscles)
3-5 Indifferent: Does not interact with the PCs,
but his gaze remains dangerous. & Tim Stephens
6-8 Neutral: If the PCs are Chaotic, F Ryan Browning
he telepathically suggests they revere him.
Otherwise, treat result as Indifferent. Symbol: A six pack
of abs
9-11 Unfriendly: Attempts to drive the PCs into
fearful insanity with his gaze. Alignment: Lawful
12 Antagonistic: Attacks the PCs. Movement: 60' (20')
Armor Class: 2
Related Entries: M) Being of Ib. Hit pts. (HD): 54 hp (9 HD)
Attacks: 2 (mighty
fists of
Boulubek power)
(petty god of lost idols) Damage: 1d6+2/1d6+2
& Keith Sloan Save: F11
F Andrew Walter Morale: 12
Hoard Class: See below
Symbol: Small idol held in an
XP: 3,500
outstretched hand
Alignment: Lawful Bubulmax is the deity of the mighty thewed, those who venture
Movement: 240' (80') forth in life strong of limb, strong of spirit and adequately oiled
Armor Class: -2 up. Bubulmax frowns upon weaklings and spreads his gospel of
Hit pts. (HD): 90 hp (19 HD) muscular philosophy amongst the rowdy and boisterous of the
lands. He is often called upon by participants in tavern brawls,
Attacks: Special
arm wrestling contests and sometimes competitive eating com-
Damage: Special petitions. Bulbulmax wears no armor except a scraggly loincloth
Save: F18 and his only possession/treasure is a girdle of ogre strength
Morale: 8 (which he swears he doesnt really need).
Hoard Class: XII Bubulmax Reaction Table
XP: 8,000
2-4 Bulbulmax slaps the petitioner heartily on
Boulubek is the god of lost idols. It is his task to reunite lost idols, the back, psyching the target up and increasing
targets to hit and saves by +2 for 24 hours.
religious statuary, and holy symbols with their faithful, regard-
less of their alignment, pantheon, or other consideration. He is 5-8 Bulbulmax is less impressed. Striking a
not worshiped by mortals. Rather, he is essentially a servant of muscular pose meant to be an example of
all other gods, ensuring that their idols and other paraphernalia physical awesomeness, he grants viewers
find their way back to their rightful place when lost. Boulubek immunity to fear effects for 1d3 hours.
is agnostic when it comes to quarrels among the gods, and per- 9 Nothing. Bulbulmax leaves, bored with his
forms his function without regard to the alignment of the gods petitioners overall look.
associated with the lost idols. His primary function is to recover 9-11 Attempts to drive the PCs into
idols that are lost or forgotten; thus, he will not attempt to re- fearful insanity with his gaze.
cover them from thieves or those that simply find and keep
10-12 Displeased at his audiences physical form,
them. He will return recovered idols to the appropriate temple
Bulbulmax shouts invectives in the ancient
or group of faithful secretly, without leaving any indication of tongue of Gymnuvexian, cursing his target
how they came back. Many of these returns are falsely attrib- with large bulky muscles that slow the
uted to the gods of the idols. bearer down, but grant no additional boost
in Strength. The PCs movement is reduced
Because of the nature of his service, other gods leave Boulubek
by one-third, and there is a 15% chance
alone, and have even been known to aid him at times. He pre-
clothes and armor no longer fit. A remove
fers to avoid combat, and will use stealth, speed and magic to curse spell can rid one of this state.
avoid it at all costs. At will, he can teleport without error, fly,
turn invisible, and shrink to 1" high and back.


CHAUGNAR FAUGN Chel-Kloth Chelk & Jodj Chicxulub Choozwiz
Chu-bu Chulg Churfaz Clavibor Clerchad Clobrek Coprolias
Corotus Thallian Crom CTHULHU Cunnian Curdle CUVOUN

Chaugnar Faugn ing throw results in a permanent loss of 1d6 hp (due to the tear-
ing of the heart). Chaugnar Faugn may only use this against a
(petty god of the desert plateau of Tsang*)
particular target one time per day (though he may use it against
Titles: The Elephant God, The Horror from the Hills
as many different targets as he wishes any given day).
Chaugnar Faugn is able to communicate telepathically with any
& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. amphibian creature or humanoid within 360'. Any such crea-
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. ture that he contacts will also be charmed automatically (no
saving throw). Additionally, any amphibian creature under his
Symbol: Snub dodecahedron charm receives a +3 morale bonus while fighting on behalf of
Alignment: Chaotic Chaugnar Faugn.
Movement: 240 (80)
Chaugnar Faugn Reaction Table
Armor Class: 7 [+3]
Hit pts. (HD): 145 hp (22 HD) If Chaugnar Faugn is hungry, he will
attack immediately (no reaction roll) using his trunk
Attacks: 1 (blood drain or trample or curse) and attempting to drain 40 hp worth of blood.
Damage: 2d6 (blood drain) or 4d8 (trample) or death
2 Friendly: Remains dormant.
Save: F22
3-5 Indifferent: Remains dormant but prepares
Morale: 11
to use his curse if threatened.
Hoard Class: XV, XVII
6-8 Neutral: Remains dormant but commands all
XP: 10,000 amphibian creatures within 360' to attack.
Chaugnar Faugn, The Elephant God, The Horror from the 9-11 Unfriendly: Commands all amphibian creatures
Hills, the god of the desert plateau of Tsang, is a terrifying within 360' to attack, summons 1d10 miri-nigri,
abomination amalgamating the worst elements of elephant, and attacks (trample).
man, and octopus. Traveling eons ago from an alternate dimen- 12 Hostile: Commands all amphibian creatures
sion (possibly in another form), upon his arrival to the plateau, within 360' to attack, summons 1d10 miri-nigri,
he found only the simplest of amphibians living there. From and attacks (first using his curse vs. each opponent,
them, he created the miri-nigri as his servitors. It is the miri- then trampling any survivors).
nigri who, ages later, mated with early humans to produce the
* He has no regard for the concepts of good and evil.
Tcho-Tcho people who now call the plateau their home. While
it is rumored that Chaugnar Faugn is simply another name for Related Entries: M) Miri-Nigri.
the god Ganesha, the benevolent nature of Ganesha and the
egoistic and unwittingly malevolent* nature of Chaugnar Faugn
would suggest otherwise.
Although the appearance of Chaugnar Faugn is disturbing
and perverse, and his sensibilities as malign as a gorgon, he
nonetheless exudes a buddhic calm. In fact, when he is dor-
mant, his skin is so stone-like and his demeanor so still, that
he appears as a statue (from a casual glance of the god while
dormant, it is impossible to discern the difference between a
statue or idol of Chaugnar Faugn and the god himself). When
Chaugnar Faugn awakens, he does so to drink the blood of
his devotees through means of his lamprey-like trunk.
Even though his massive size would suggest a lumbering walk,
Chaugnar Faugn is quite swift. More interestingly, he leaves
phosphorescent tracks behind him (which persist for approxi-
mately 1 turn before losing their phosphorescence).
During combat, a successful attack with his trunk results in the
victim losing 2d6 hp per round (due to blood drain) until the
victim is dead or Chaugnar Faugn has been killed, rendered
unconscious, or banished. His stone-like hide provides him an
impressively low Armor Class (-7), and weapons with enchant-
ments of +3 or greater are required to hit Chaugnar Faugn.
During any given round, Chaugnar Faugn may cast his curse
(Curse of Chaugnar Faugn) against a single target. The target
must save vs. death or die (of a heart attack). A successful sav-


Chel-Kloth Chelk (also known as Chelk The Unwashed, and The Grime-
bringer) is embraced by the destitute and downtrodden who
(petty goddess of the Dark Lake*)
cope with their lot in life by believing they are part of a greater
Titles: The Lady of the Dark Lake
divine plan. He appears as a rumpled, bedraggled male in his
& David Haraldson late teens, with a spotty complexion and greasy hair. Within
100' of his presence, the air becomes musty and heavy with
Sources discussing Chel-Kloth are ancient, few, and fragmen- humidity (making it impossible for him to Surprise anyone), and
tary. A single verse of the epic Tale of the Suns Return any paper/parchment/scrolls within this radius have a 50%
relates how the petty goda monstrous hybrid of spider and chance per minute of being ruined with spontaneous growths
cephalopodrebelled against the Sun and Moon. The two of mildew.
deities defeated Her and, refusing to submit to their rule,
Chel-Kloth and her disciples fled to the deepest and darkest He is not a combatant, and will attempt to parley his way out of
parts of the world. Since then, She has dwelt in The Dark physical confrontations. If forced into battle, his touch causes
Lake, attended by myriads of Her sightless and aetiolated fol- minimal damage, but inflicts a curse on the targets person
lowers, plotting to avenge Her self-imposed exile. Four lines and gearclothing becomes discolored, jewelry/metal begins
of Lost Delver Stew, sung by goblin parents to their whelps, to tarnish, and weapons start to corrode, resulting in a loss of
warn against straying too far from home lest they chance upon 1d4 Charisma points per week until lifted. Furthermore, the
Chel-Kloths lair. There, the godling (a luminous human maid- items themselves become useless at the end of 1d4 weeks.
en) drowns disobedient children in the lakes cold waters. And, Changing into new garb and/or buying new equipment just
in the Northern Wastes, an antique boundary marker invokes delays the inevitablethe process starts up again a week after
Chel-Kloth as wronged sister of the Sun and the Moon, implor- being worn/acquired.
ing her to take pity on and grant sanctuary to all those fleeing Chelks general air of melancholy is at direct odds with the imp-
tyranny. On the weathered stone, above the inscription, is a ish, dangerous demeanor of his brother, Jodj. Jodj looks many
carving of a middle-aged woman with a kindly expression, the years younger than his twin, and appears as a ruddy-faced ado-
left side of whose face is burned, as by a terrible fire. lescent with a perpetual sneer and flickering, beady eyes.
Only those who reach the Dark Lakes shores will discover Jodj is unpredictable in combat, as he is always armed with a
which, if any, of these representations of Chel-Kloth is true. different weaponsometimes he uses proper armaments, but
Related Entries: M) Sir Daraneolus. other times implements slingshots, thrown rocks, flaming vials
of oil, and even rotten eggs. His touch is far more dangerous,
however, as it degrades the enchantments of magical items and
equipmentitems with combat bonuses lose 1 effect point
Chelk & Jodj (ex: a +3 sword becomes a +2 sword), and those with charges/
(Chelk: petty god of stains; Jodj: petty god of vandals) doses lose 1d4 in quantity per strike. Fortunately, Jodj is rather
Titles: (Chelk only) Chelk The Unwashed, The Grimebringer cowardly, and flees when combat turns against him.
& Justin Dunnuck
F Dungeon of Sketch
Chelk Jodj
Symbol: A smudged Any other gods symbol,
palm print but broken in two
Alignment: Neutral Chaotic
Movement: 45' (15') 180' (60')
Armor Class: 3 2
Hit pts. (HD): 56 hp (10 HD) 90 hp (15 HD)
Attacks: 1 (touch) 2 (weapon or touch)
Damage: 1d6 + special by weapon, 1d6 + special
Save: C15 T15
Morale: 9 7
Hoard Class: I XIV
XP: 2,400 5,100

Without imperfection, there can be no perfection.

Such is the ethos embodied by the twin gods Chelk, the petty
god of stains, and Jodj, the petty god of vandals. Chelk repre-
sents the slow, gradual wear-and-tear caused by the elements
and blind luck; Jodj, though, signifies immediate, visceral im-
pulses of capriciousnesshes the childs temptation to pull an
animals tail; the hooligans need to throw a rock through an
ornate cathedral window; the barmaids urge to spit in an unruly
patrons drink.


Jodj has no divine symbol of his own; instead, his followers collision crater immediately after the fall of a celestial object.
(mostly bored, wayward teenagers, and political anarchists) She most often manifests within and just above the collision
take the image of any other local deitys symbol and break crater as a serpent of smoke and fire.
itmeaning they (and often Jodj himself) incur the divine wrath
of a god insulted in this manner. Chicxulub is worshipped by chaotic cults who seek to rain
down ruin on civilized lands, sorcerers who seek her assistance
Chelk Reaction Table to heighten the potency of their spells through manipulation
2-3 Talkative/Helpful of lesser celestial objects, as well as by actuarial wizards who
wish to predict and wherever possible deflect potential disasters
4-10 Neutral/Indifferent
away from striking the assets of their patrons. Chicxulub also
11-12 Hostile: Wants to induce humility. May attack. has a following among blacksmiths and metallurgists, and may
choose to help one of the faithful in finding fallen star metal.
Jodj Reaction Table
2-3 Mirthful/Helpful Under the sign of her mother, the Full Moon, Chicxulub may
4-6 Impish also be summoned forth from any unworked rock or metal that
has crashed to the planet. She will manifest for 1d10 rounds as
7-11 Mean-Spirited: May Attack. a diminutive hunchback crone with red-ember-eyes and searing
12 Hostile: Attacks. black metallic skin. Striking her skin with a metal rod will cause
flakes of skin to fall off as she moves. These metallic flakes
remain forever hot, and can be placed in a farmers fields, on a
Chicxulub (petty god of decaying orbits) wooden floor, or on a straw roof to start a fire. They also make
Titles: Goddess of Decaying Orbits, The Star Scribe, particularly nasty caltrops.
Home-Maker, Mother of Craters
Chicxulub is able to use the following abilities at will: meteor
& John Everett Till swarm, move earth, earthquake.
F Juan Ochoa Chicxulub Reaction Table
Symbol: A hunchbacked crone Chaos-aligned astrologers, as well
crowned by a fire-and-smoke serpent* as blacksmiths and metallurgists,
which is crowned by a star may subtract 1 from their roll.
Alignment: Chaotic 2 Friendly: Offers a boon such as the location
Movement: 60' (20') as crone (walk) of a large cache of star metal or the date/time
320' (120') as serpent (fly) and location of an impending meteor shower
Armor Class: 4 or disaster, or the command of 1d6 of its alien
servants for one week.
Hit pts. (HD): 105 hp (26 HD)
Attacks: 1 (as crone: spell or burning touch) 3-5 Indifferent: Offers the PCs the inhalation of
her serpent fire-smoke substance. Save vs. breath
Damage: by spell or 1d12 or experience 1d4 hours with hallucinations of
Save: M22 careening stars and planets. Inhaling the substance
Morale: 10 of the goddess also confers the location of a small
Hoard Class: Little treasure other than rare metals cache of star metal, or the command of one of its
found scattered in an impact crater alien servants for 24 hours.
XP: 9,250 6-8 Neutral: ignores nearby PCs.
9-11 Unfriendly: uses move earth
Chicxulub, the Goddess of Decaying Orbits, is a daughter of to create barriers between
the Moon Goddess and a forgotten star-god of a better age. herself and the PCs.
In ancient times she was associated with Law, since in those
12 Hostile: attacks the PCs.
times, the movements of most celestial objects were stable and
unchanging. Indeed, Chicxulub was known as the Star Scribe, *As exemplified by
an assistant to the Moon Goddess and the Wise God, and a Mesoamerican vision serpents
friend to astrologers. She helped astrologers predict the move-
ment of the stars and planets in the firmament, as well as im- Related Entries:
portant conjunctions. M) Tzitzimine.

However, in this age of instability and decline, Chicxulub is

associated with Chaos and the many celestial objects whose
orbits are unstable. She nudges space rocks, rogue moons, ru-
ined arks from other worlds, and other celestial effluvia onto a
collision course with the world. A variety of alien creatures call
her the Home-Maker and Mother of Craters; some bargain with
her for safe passage down to earth, riding the rocky objects
down to the planet in cocoons spun of fire and smoke. These
arrivals often make their dwelling place in collision craters on
land or in the oceans depths. Any summoning of the goddess
will be accompanied by an escort of 1d12 of these creatures
(who have 1-2 HD each). Chicxulub is easiest to summon in a


Choozwiz (petty god Chu-bu is an ancient god bound into the form of an ancient idol
of polished mohagany. He is incapable of leaving this form,
of non-magical crossroads)
and thus cannot move. He is always aware of what is occurring
& Rorschachhamster within sight and hearing. Additionally, he can use ESP at will to
F Eugene Jaworski probe the thoughts of those within sight. Further, he is able to
project thoughts to those nearby, though he can only transmit
Symbol: A toppled signpost short sentences or phrases, not complex ideas.
Alignment: Chaotic
He is a lazy and dull god, content to receive offerings of maize
Movement: 90' (30') and burning fat from his worshipers. He is, however, also a pet-
Armor Class: 1 ty and jealous god, and his ire may be awakened if he feels that
Hit pts. (HD): 54 hp (12 HD) his worship is being slighted in any way. Such transgressions
Attacks: 1 (walking stick) will stoke his anger, which is not easily assuaged though his
Damage: 1d6 + special ability to respond is limited. He may, once per week, attempt
to create a minor earthquake which will cause the local area
Save: F12 to shake slightly, but cause little or no damage. Such attempts
Morale: 8 have only a 10% chance of succeeding; if it fails, he cannot at-
Hoard Class: XIII tempt another one for a full week. Additionally, if a worshiper
XP: 3,600 shows particular deference, there is a 10% chance that Chu-
bu will perform a minor miracle to benefit the worshiper. This
Crossroads are magical places of transitionto choose a di- miracle may consist of increased luck (+1 to hit, damage and
rection is to choose your fate. Death or glory, all depends on saving throws for a day), the finding of a minor treasure (no
the choice you make. But sometimes, very rarely, there is a more than 50 gp in value), or 1d4 hit points of healing. Such
crossroad without meaning. Be it that all roads lead to dull and miracles can only be provided by Chu-bu once per day.
irrelevant locations in the grand scheme of things, or that they
are reuniting soon after. Choozwiz is the god of these places. Chu-bu is so petty and sedentary as to be all but forgotten by
other gods. However, he does have a single enemy of note,
For the most part, Choozwiz is a god uninterested in mortal Sheemish, a newer idol of dyed red wood. The two gods are
affairs, but he is very protective of the few places in the world evenly matched in both power and pettiness, and their hatred
he sees as his own domain. More than one would-be lord of a of one another is undying.
mansion or hold to be constructed at a road leading from one of
his crossroads was smacked by his cursing Walking Stick of
the Lost (see Divine Items). He is not very powerful, and it is Chulg (petty god of heptagonal objects)
relatively easy to bully him away or to appease him by construct-
ing pointless intersecting roads in mostly uninteresting terrain. & Thomas Fitzgerald
Choozwizs appearance is that of an ugly peasant in simple garb
F Thomas Fitzgerald
with three feet pointing in different directions, speaking with a Symbol: Neusis construction
high-pitched, whining voice, that seems to come from every di- diagram of the
rection at once. He is never seen without his walking stick and interior angles of
is not known for being worshipped apart from the occasional a regular heptagon
appeasement offerings of pointless roads mentioned above. Even Alignment: Lawful
though Choozwiz hates magic and magic-users almost as much Movement: 30' (10')
as musicians, he is able to teleport at will to every non-magical
Armor Class: 3 [+1]
crossroad instantly, and to become invisible up to 4 times a day.
Hit pts. (HD): 56 hp (7 HD)
Related Entries: D) Walking Stick of the Lost. Attacks: See below
Damage: See below
Save: See below
Chu-bu (petty god of the mahogany idol*)
Morale: 12
& Keith Sloan Hoard Class: Nil
F Jason Sholtis XP: 1,100
Symbol: Smoking brazier If certain ancient malachite funerary ornaments are disturbed
Alignment: Neutral when the moon is gibbous, there is a 4% chance that Chulg will
Movement: 0' (0') descend through a cartilaginous rift from seven-dimensional
Armor Class: 2 pseudo-space, arriving in 1d4 rounds. Upon arrival, Chulg will
recite a series of charges against the offender with a hideous
Hit pts. (HD): 38 hp (8 HD)
voice that sublimates reality, causing the air to burn within 60'
Attacks: Special and causing 2d8 damage per round to anyone within that ra-
Damage: Special dius (no saving throw). The recitation will last 3d4 rounds, after
Save: F8 which Chulg will return to its place of origin for 3d100 years.
Morale: 9
Chulgs visage is so utterly loathsome as to cause fear (as a 7th-
Hoard Class: XI level magic-user) to anyone that looks upon it.
XP: 1,000


Chulg is immune to non-magical weapons and all spells of less His secret name is a curse leveled against a particularly hated
than third level. Otherwise, Chulg saves as a 7th level cleric. foe. He is known to all, yet only a few blackguards ever find
occasion to say his name aloud. Regarded with disgust and
The propitiation of Chulg was undertaken by worshippers whose loathing, he is called Churfaza meaningless noise thought
origins are lost in deep time. Its manifestation seems to be as- to be similar to the eerie drone of his thousand fly-bodies as
sociated, to a lesser extent, with the breaching of certain taboos they take flight.
regarding heptagonal objects. Since few understand the specific
conditions that will incur Chulgs attention, judicious avoidance Churfaz the Befouler is a pox on all lands where men dwell.
of heptagons is often held to be the best policy. Ever-fearing the gods approach, wise-women make offerings of
sour milk and rancid meat, left in heaps atop remote hillsall
Reaction Table for in the hopes that Churfaz will be satiated by the wretched feast
Heptagonal Blasphemies and no longer see the need to trouble their villages.
Roll 2d12 (instead of 2d6). Such offerings have also been used to goad old Churfaz along
2-5 For some reason, Chulg exudes a certain paths, even toward the homes of ones enemies. Not be-
buttery green substance that renders anyone ing a particularly intelligent god, he is easily persuaded to follow
who rubs it on their body invisible (as cast nearly any course provided there is plenty of rotting flesh and
by a 7th level magic-user). 1d3 smearings of rank animal-fluids along the way. But such coaxings can only be
this substance are left. In such cases, Chulg the designs of evil.
appears, exudes, and leaves within 2 rounds.
In his most reviled manifestation, Churfaz erupts as a mass of
6-12 Chulg appears and sings The Green Lullaby,
causing voice damage as above for one round, pale worms and fur-smeared filth that will permanently corrupt
and acting as a hold person cast by a 7th-level (no save) a particular well or cistern. After several days the roil-
magic-user. Chulg then confiscates any ing mass of maggots that constitute Churfaz will begin to hatch
heptagons and returns to its place of origin. and become a cloud of stinging flies. The buzzing of these flies
is then modulated through the gods will to become the strained,
13-18 Chulg partially manifests inside the body of hissing crackle of his voice, which he uses to issue strange geas-
an offending character in order to remove
es upon all those within earshot.
part of their bile duct before disappearing
again. This causes 2d10 damage (no save). Periodically the Maggot-King chooses servants among the mal-
19-20 Chulg manifests as a flickering formed and the outcast who dwell near his chosen water-source.
2-dimensional image tottering on the edge Each of these annointed bears the Kings marka bruise-like
of reality, invulnerable to attack. In this cyst above the left eye.
form it causes fear as normal, but does
nothing else until it flickers out of existence Each of Churfazs stings have a 1% (cumulative) chance of inject-
after 1d3 rounds. ing the victim with a magical disease*.
21-24 Chulg merely peers through a vortex Churfaz can only be harmed by magical attacks.
from the Gulches of Schlaem. Explosive
decompression ensues. All characters * See Underworld Lore #2, p.25, or at DMs discretion.
within 20' must save vs. petrification or
be sucked into the vortex to their deaths.
Churfaz (petty god of filth and cisterns) (petty god of doors and locks)
Titles: Churfaz the Befouler & Antoine Marc Belle
& Greg Gorgonmilk F Ryan Browning
F Rom Brown Symbol: Iron lock
Symbol: A cyst above the left eye Alignment: Lawful
Alignment: Chaotic Movement: 60' (20')
Movement: 120' (40') Armor Class: 7
as flying swarm Hit pts. (HD): 16 hp (3 HD)
Armor Class: Nil Attacks: 1 (hammer)
Hit pts. (HD): 888 hp Damage: 1d4+1
(111 HD) Save: T3
Attacks: Up to 12d6 Morale: 10
(stings) Hoard Class: See below
per round
XP: 65
Damage: 1d2 per sting
Save: Always fails Patron deity of all those whose concern is with closed doors,
Morale: 12 Clavibor is a god invoked by bankers and thieves altogether.
Hoard Class: Nil
His cult was mainly observed in the guildhouse of the Guild of
Locksmiths, and offerings to this god are usually made through
XP: 350 financial contributions to the Guild. Although officially lawful
(doors and locks are typically used to ensure respect of private


property, after all), he is known to nurture a certain indulgence said, talk to her, and impart their travels to her willingly (stone
for particularly gifted thieves whose dexterity with complicated tell, at will). Her experience appraising the value of objects has
locks he admires and can occasionally reward (and bribing the given her the ability to see them as they truly are (true seeing,
Guildmaster is also often a clever move when you make a living 3/day).
of entering other peoples houses).
Some among her followers have suggested that perhaps Cler-
Clavibor usually appears as a wrinkled old dwarf, sporting lock- chad and Blentry are, in fact, the same goddess. Such heresy
smith garments, a leather apron and locksmithing tools in his is typically met with the beating of ledgers about the head and
belt. When it is encountered in a dungeon, it is often to protect neck of the infidel.
a treasure, but the Hoard Class can vary depending on the
importance of the summoner. In combat, Clavibor uses a small Clerchad Reaction Table
hammer as primary weapon. He can use the wizard lock spell Modified by Intelligence, instead of Charisma.
at will. 2 In The Black: Sound financiers;
gives Hoard Class VII (no % roll).
Once a day, he can either bless or curse a character of the thief
class. A blessed thief increases his Open Locks ability score by 3-5 Bullish: A good investment; gives Hoard Class V.
+20% until the end of the play session. A cursed thief suffers a 6-8 Neutral: A quick appraisal, a short nod,
-20% penalty until the end of the play session. and moves on about her business.
Clavibor can also take the form of an iron locked door. No 9-11 Bearish: A bad investment; takes Hoard Class V.
mortal power on earth can open this door. Only the direct 12 In The Red: Cuts her loses;
intervention of another deity or a wish spell can do so. takes Hoard Class VII (no % roll).
Related Entries: G) Blentry.

Clerchad (petty goddess of commerce)

Titles: Clerchad the Counter
Clobrek (petty god of sundered blades,
& Mike Carlson Davis broken weapons, and fumbled attacks)
F Joel Priddy Titles: Lord of Fumbles and Follies

Symbol: A quill & Antoine Marc Belle

and ledger F Luigi Castellani
Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: A black dagger parted
Movement: 120' (40') in two halves
Armor Class: 2 Alignment: Chaotic
Hit pts. (HD): 32 hp (7 HD) Movement: 180' (60')
Attacks: 4 (quills) FLY: 240' (80')
Damage: 1d34 Armor Class: 0
Save: M7 Hit pts. (HD): 45 hp (9 HD)
Morale: 7 Attacks: 1 (+3 dagger)
Hoard Class: I, II, IV, VIII plus special
XP: 1,000 (taunts)
Damage: 1d4+3 plus special
Clerchad appears as a small pixie-ish being wearing a simple kir-
Save: M7
tle. Her clothing shows signs of age and use, with frayed edges
and spots of ink here and there. Her bearing makes her seem Morale: 7
bigger than her small stature, walking upright with hands loosely Hoard Class: I, II, IV, VIII
clasped behind her back, her curt nods and occasional pointing XP: 1,000
of a finger speaking louder than her lightly scowling face.
Clobrek, god of sundered blades, broken weapons and fumbled
Contrary to her countenance, Clerchad is a much adored de- attacks, is a mischievous god who enjoys witnessing the mis-
ity among the clerks and bankers. She is an active god, visiting haps and embarrassments of unlucky adventurers. He is suscep-
financial businesses through the night, ensuring that each ledger tible to manifesting when a player rolls a natural 1 on an attack
is balanced and each coin accounted for. As the Goddess of roll (usually on a further result of 1 on 1d8; although the DM
Commerce, she is also one of the most learned beings, respon- may increase the probability according to circumstances). The
sible for the passage of knowledge from its source to those who more dramatic the consequences of a failed roll, the higher the
are in need of it (for how can you assess the correct counting of chances to attract the attention of this malign deity.
monies without the proper knowledge of the worth of the item
it is traded for?). He usually manifests himself in the likeness of a small dark-
skinned gremlin, floating in the air above the battlefield. He has
Clerchad has many tools to aid her in her nightly work. With the annoying habit of making snarky comments and shouting
but a thought, she has the ability to enchant simple objects to insults (or sarcastic encouragements) to the unlucky adventurer
do her bidding (animate object, at will). She has amassed a while cleaning his nails with a chipped blade. His irritating com-
sizable knowledge of the whereabouts of things, and can tap ments tend to enrage his victims who must save vs. wand or suffer
into this knowledge easily (locate objects, at will). Coins, it is a 1 penalty on to hit rolls and saving throws for 1d6 rounds.


Sometimes, Clobrek just enjoys the spectacle. However, more Coprolias is the petty god of spontaneous outbursts. Specifi-
often than not, he likes to aggravate the consequences of the cally, expressions of a socially objectionable nature, or taboo
failed roll. He can be propitiated by sacrificing a bladed weapon words and phrases. He may polymorph at will into any form,
and breaking it in front of him. man-sized or smaller. His true form resembles a small, one foot
tall, imp-like creature. Coprolias can make himself invisible and
Clobrek Reaction Table virtually weightless, affording him the ability to move quickly
2 Friendly: Allows character to remake attack roll. and silently, and making him almost undetectable. He relishes
3-5 Indifferent: Will negate the effects of the fumble, sitting on an oblivious victims shoulder, waiting for the best
but only if properly propitiated. moment to create mischief.
6-8 Neutral: Just enjoys the show. Coprolias delights in attending coronations, royal weddings, re-
9-11 Unfriendly: Aggravates the effects of the fumble ligious services, trade negotiationsany event of importance
if not properly propitiated. or ceremony. Initially, he will identify a suitably placed victim,
12 Hostile: Aggravates the effects of the fumble. often a high-profile figure in the proceedings. Then he will be-
gin to exert gentle pressure on the victims psyche, seeding
To determine the exact consequences of Clobreks malice, them with an impulse to make highly inappropriate remarks.
the DM may choose to use the following table. Nurturing this seed of impropriety, he will build momentum
Consequences Table through continued heinous suggestions, until the victim is sur-
prised into making a verbal outburst so unconscionable, at the
Roll 1d12. moment likely to cause the most offence, that there is no hope
1 Weapon breaks; requires 1 round to of ever salvaging the social aspect of the situation. Victims may
ready new weapon. resist but only if they make a successful Wisdom check every
2-3 Weapon breaks & character is confused; round. Two consecutive fails leave them unable to resist further.
requires 2 rounds to ready new weapon. If a victim makes four consecutive Wisdom checks, Coprolias
4-5 Weapon breaks & does 1d4 to nearest ally; will select a new victim to torment.
requires 2 rounds to ready new weapon. Normally, victims of Coproliass sport will face recriminations
6 Weapon breaks & does 1d4 to nearest ally; for their outbursts, but having had his fun, he will not wish to
requires 1 round to ready new weapon. see them harmed. Anyone who moves to act against one of
7-8 Weapon breaks & character falls; Coprolias victims, will suddenly develop a series of uncontrol-
automatically loses initiative on next round. lable, incapacitating, physical tics, which only subside once they
no longer threaten Coproliass subject.
9 Weapon breaks and character falls, provoking
the hilarity of the adverse party, causing them If encountered in other circumstances, Coprolias may have a
to automatically lose initiative on the next round target deliver a spontaneous outburst directed at the individual
(animals and undead not affected). likely to take the most offense (make Wisdom check to resist).
10 Weapon breaks and does 1d3 to nearest enemy. Then, as a parting shot, he may leave the whole group with a
11 Character cursed with unluck (see below). blessing or curse depending on his mood. Blessed creatures are
unaffected by charm and all other forms of mind control for 24
12 12 Weapon breaks and injures the character
hours. Cursed creatures suffer from random ticks and outbursts
(doing 1d4 damage); character additionally cursed
with unluck (see below). for 24 hours, having a 15% chance per turn of suffering 1d6
such instances.
Unluck: A character cursed with unluck by Clobrek must
roll 1d6 when engaging in a fight using any bladed weapon. Coprolias Reaction Table
On a roll of 1, the blade will sunder (magical weapons are 2 Friendly: Blesses 1d4 nearby targets.
allowed a save vs. spell). The curse persists until removed by
3-5 Indifferent: Blesses 1d4 nearby targets
a remove curse spell. if properly propitiated.
6-8 Neutral: Ignores nearby creatures.
Coprolias (petty god of spontaneous outbursts) 9-11 Unfriendly: Curses 1d4 nearby targets
if not properly propitiated.
& Peter Regan 12 Hostile: Curses 1d4 nearby targets.
F The Marg
Related Entries: S) Minced Oath.
Symbol: A golden trumpet
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 180' (60')
Armor Class: 2
Hit pts. (HD): 80 hp (16 HD)
Attacks: Special
Damage: Nil
Save: C17
Morale: 10
Hoard Class: XII, XVI
XP: 5,100


Corotus Thallian Reaction Table

2 Sycophantic: Gives nearest PC a polymorph
potion (in the form of a bite, no save) to please them.
3-4 Neutral
5-7 Belligerent: Attacks if not placated.
8-12 Hostile: Attacks immediately.
Related Entries: M) Okkin, Winged Monkey.

Crom (petty god of barbarians and steel)

& James Mishler

F Paul Gallagher
Symbol: A barbarian bastard sword point-up,
superimposed on a tall, craggy mountain
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 180' (60')
Armor Class: 8, 4, 0, or -4
Hit pts. (HD): 300 hp (30 HD)
Corotus Thallian Attacks: 3 (sword)
(petty god of flying apes and other chimerical beasts) Damage: Special
& Jonah & Paul Brinkmann Save: F30
F Eugene Jaworski Morale: 12
Hoard Class: Special
Symbol: A gibbon with bat wings XP: 26,500
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 120' (40') In the beginning, the gods created men and women, and let
Armor Class: 4 them wander in a garden, lush and warm and beautiful. There
they knew no pain, no suffering, always had enough to eat and
Hit pts. (HD): 50 hp (20 HD)
drink, and knew not of war. Crom, who was not among the
Attacks: 1 (axe or bite or lightning) gods who created mankind, came upon them one day, for in
Damage: 1d12 or special those days he wandered. When he found these men and wom-
Save: D12 en, he thought perhaps the worms of the earth had grown arms
Morale: 12 and legs, for they were weak and worthless.
Hoard Class: V To show the other gods how wrong they were to create man-
XP: 4,000 kind thusly, Crom took the likeliest bunch and told them of the
marvelous things he had seen in the world outside the garden,
Corotus Thallian appears as a large gorilla with dragon wings
and puny, broken legs. He cannot walk; his only movement
is flight. He was once a nature god (albeit a violent one), but
has become horribly twisted, and a champion to perversions of
nature everywhere. He never backs down from a fight, usually
attacking with his huge battle axe.
Three times per day he can call down lightning from the skies,
striking a single target for 4d6 damage (damage is halved with a
successful save vs. spell). Furthermore, this strike arcs to anyone
wearing metal armor within 10' of the target, doing 1d6 dam-
age (no save). When pressed, he may also bite his opponents;
this does 1d6 damage, and the victim must save vs. paralysis
or be polymorphed into a strange beast (DM should roll at least
twice on the encounter table of choice, and combine the results
to find the new chimeric form). This effect may only be removed
with remove curse.
As a holdover from his less savage days, Corotus Thallian can
speak with all animals and plants. He is usually accompanied
by an odd assortment of beasts, such as a pig/lizard, sheep/ea-
gle or frog/chimpand, of course, flying monkeys. He has a
tendency to suck up to stronger beings (especially nature gods
and demons).


and of the great things that a man might accomplish beyond and no more; i.e. no bonus for normal beings, as per a silver
mere existence if he had but the courage. He then gave these weapon for those needed silver weapons, up to a +5 bonus
first true men blades, and told them that if they learned there- for gods and demons requiring such to be hit. His strength
by the Riddle of Steel, they could join him in Valhalla, his great grants him a +10 bonus to hit. The base damage of the bastard
hall, where they would know true joy for all eternity. And thus sword varies depending on his height; if he is human height, it
the fathers and mothers of the Cimmerians left that accursed deals 1d10/2d6 base damage; if he is 12' tall, 2d10/4d6; 18'
garden long ere it fell. tall, 3d10/6d6; 24' tall, 4d10/8d6; and 30' tall, 5d10/10d6. It
deals double damage against lawful and chaotic beings. After
Since that day Crom has waited in Valhalla for those coura- all other damage is rolled, add +10 due to his mighty strength.
geous few who have learned the Riddle of Steel. To those Crom can be harmed by normal weapons. He also possesses
who plead to him in their weakness, he sends only curses and the abilities of a 30th level fighter, 15th level druid, and 15th
dooms. Thus our land of Cimmeria is a land of cold, grim men, level ranger.
for many fail their god, and know the greatness they could have
if they but had the courage to seek the answer to the Riddle of Crom goes forth into the world to watch his people, the Cimme-
Steel. And though Cimmerians who have failed him may wan- rians, and remind them of his presence, especially when they
der Croms cold, bleak hell for all eternity, at least they once do not live in the shadow of Srn Crn Craich. When he goes
knew life through struggle, while all other men have known but forth he takes the form of a large black raven, a black dire wolf,
the death of cowardice since the day they were born. or an old, grizzled, Cimmerian warrior. In any form, he is often
lame, or bent, or otherwise weak-seeming. Thus, when his fol-
Crom is not served by priests; he grants no spells, and provides lowers fail in their courage, he shows them success in spite of
no power to those who follow him. The spell-casting needs of his infirmity, as the old raven defeats the young eagle; the lame
the Cimmerians are served by an order of druids who at times wolf defeats the mountain lion; or the old one-handed warrior
seek to placate Crom with offerings and rituals, though he never slays the Pictish raiders single-handedly. He does not save his
answers their prayers or their curses. He is more likely to let his people, no; he leaves them to their fate. But for the survivors,
will be known through omens, such as the sighting of a black they have witnessed a feat of great courage and strength in the
raven carrying a bloody branch, or a black wolf bearing a beat- face of adversity, where those who seem weak can be victorious
ing heart in its mouth, or a grim gray warrior standing amidst if they but have the courage.
the fog upon a lonely, unassailable crag.
Cimmerians are a taciturn, grim people, appropriate to a grim
god. Their cold, fog-shrouded lands, crags, forests, moors, and Cthulhu (mythos)
plains seem to leech the hope out of them and out of visitors. To
Please see individual entries related to the Cthulhu mythos.
merely survive in that grim, gray land is a daily struggle. They
only know joy when they are in battle or otherwise struggling,
Related Entries: G) Bokrug, Chaugnar Faugn,Nug, Quachil
seeking to show their courage and might and hoping to please
Uttaus, Rhan-Tegoth, Yeb; M) Being of Ib, Formless Spawn,
their god. Those who displease him with their cowardice and
Guardian of Laam, Hound of Tindalos, Miri-Nigri, Voormi.
weakness are sent curses or demons to further bedevil them.
Those who please him are granted a place in his hall, Valhalla...
or at least, so the legends say.
High upon his mountain, Srn Crn Craich, Crom is usually (petty god of potential knowledge)
found sitting upon his grim, gray throne in his hall, Valhalla.
Valhalla stands empty, or at least seems to, to any living mortal & Mike Carlson Davis
who finds it. Where they expect to see a great glittering hall F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
warmed by fires and filled with warriors feasting upon groaning
tables, they instead find an empty cold hall, filled with mists, the Symbol: A multi-hued
skulls and bones of men strewn at Croms feet. If asked, Crom icosahedron
simply states that none living have yet been found worthy of Alignment: Neutral
seeing the joys of his hall. Only the honored dead may know Movement: 120' (40') +
its joys. plane shift
at will
Crom takes the form of a man of grim countenance and mighty
Armor Class: 0
thews, bronze of skin, with coal-black shoulder-length hair and
blazing-hot blue eyes. Crom usually measures 12' from head toe Hit pts. (HD): 135 (30 HD)
when seated upon his great throne, but can change his size from Attacks: 2
anything from man-sized to titan-sized at will. He always mani- Damage: 1d12/1d12
fests in the size of his opponent, the better to make the battle Save: C17
a proper challenge. He usually only wears a girdle, a cave-bear Morale: 12
loin cloth, and sandals; as such, he has an AC 8. If the occasion
Hoard Class: None
calls for it, he wears an iron helm with great dragon-etched bull
horns, Rchosa, that reduces his AC to 4. Further, he can don a XP: 12,000
shirt of dragon scales, Neardh, that gives him an AC 0; should
For all the times Cunnian has been encountered, little is truly
his enemy be even more potent, he carries a magical shield,
know of him (or her... or itCunnian seems to be above simple
Mairfidh, that further reduces his AC to -4.
matters such as gender). What is known comes from commun-
He wields a heavy bastard sword, Dshln the Challenger. It ion with other gods:
has a magical bonus equal to that required to hit the target,


Cunnian, contrary to all encounters to date, is not 10 Immaterial Liquids to gases, and solids to liquid
a chaotic god, but rather a god for whom chaos is a save vs. petrification or become
natural consequence. In truth, Cunnian seems to gaseous (as potion); attacks against
have no knowledge of Chaos or Order, or at the least Cunnian are at 3 damage.
no concern with those concepts. 11 Eternal Aging effects negated;
Cunnian does not come from any realm familiar Cunnians hp double.
to the gods. 12 Void Magic effects reduced by half;
Cunnian immune to 3 lowest
Though most gods have encountered Cunnian, spell levels.
no two gods can agree on Cunnians capabilities,
powers or even appearance.
Scholars and clerics have numerous guesses as to who or what Curdle
Cunnian is. Some hold that, by actions, Cunnian is in our realm (petty goddess of blind milk maids)
seeking knowledgeto what end, they do not speculate. Oth-
ers believe, based on powers reported, that Cunnian is not one & Matthew W. Schmeer
god, but many deities, perhaps even a race of divine beings, F Matthew Adams
each displaying distinct differences from the others.
Symbol: A three-legged
The truth, unknown to all save Cunnian, is that she is a god milking stool
from another universe, and has come to ours for the purpose of Alignment: Chaotic
creating a universe of his own. To that end, Cunnian appears Movement: 30' (10')
on the Material Plane regularly, observing the local conditions Armor Class: 1
and then changing some aspect of it to see what results, seeking
Hit pts. (HD): 47 hp
ever for the combination of traits that best appeal to her as the
(8 HD)
basis for his universe.
Attacks: 1 (whip)
When encountered, Cunnian reacts in the following ways, based Damage: Special
on his twelve aspects. Each aspect has two effects: one for the Save: F7
local area (within 60' of Cunnian) and one for Cunnian alone.
Morale: 7
(Roll 1d12 three times; duplicate effects are cumulativethree
rolls of Void grant Cunnian immunity to the 9 lowest spell lev- Hoard Class: XXII
els, and magic effects are 1/8 strength within 180' of Cunnian.) XP: 1,820

Roll Aspect Effect Curdle, the petty goddess of blind milk maids, appears as a
1 Positive +1 hp/HD; healing spells young blind and mute girl wearing a purple skirt leading an ema-
gain +1 die (1d6 becomes 2d6); ciated cow which has open, dripping ulcers visible on its face and
Cunnian regenerates 5 hp/round. flanks. The girl is tragically beautiful, her eyeless sockets scarred
and her face pock-marked with acne sores, her nostril hair in
2 Being All forms of damage negated; need of a trim, and her hair in desperate need of a de-burring.
healing spells gain +1 die She calls the cow Cowie and they are a symbiotic pair.
(1d6 becomes 2d6); Cunnian
regenerates 5 hp/round. Curdle and Cowie will appear only to those parties with pack
3 Light Night as daylight; day becomes animals among their ranks, and then only once per year will
blindingsave vs. spell or blind for they appear on the Material Plane. The pair tend to appear at
1d12 turns; Cunnians saves are +2. dusk near a forests edge while travelers make camp. They will
wander into camp as if having come over some nearby hillock,
4 Physical Liquids to solids, gases to liquids and the girl will produce a milking stool from beneath her skirts,
save vs. petrification or turn to stone; sit down, and begin to milk the cow. She does not catch the milk
Cunnians AC improves by 2. in a pail, but allows the fluid that emerges to fall on the ground.
5 Temporal All magic aging effects doubled The milk is a thick, inky-black substance that writhes on the
(or 1d6 years/spell level cast); ground and smokes (but does not burst into flame).
Cunnian hp halved.
Anyone touching this liquid as it twists on the ground will ex-
6 Creation Magic effects doubled; perience 2d6 of burning damage. Any character attempting to
Cunnian receives no save drink this milk before it hits the ground must save vs. insanity*;
vs. 3 highest spell levels. failure means the character removes all armor and weapons and
7 Negative Energy drainlose 1 level; runs away screaming gibberish for 1d6 rounds (which might at-
healing spells reduced by 1/2; tract nearby monsters).
attacks vs. Cunnian gain +4 damage.
Should the character make a successful save while attempting
8 Non-Being Save vs. death or disintegrate; to drink this liquid, the black milk of Curdles cow will allow the
Cunnian loses 5 hp/round. character to go 1d8 days without rations and also allows them
9 Dark Day becomes night, and night becomes to heal at twice the normal rate during that time period.
totalall forms of vision negated;
Cunnians saves are -2. Should Curdle and/or Cowie be attacked, they will first attempt
to flee into the nearby open pasture in order to teleport back to


their plane of existence. If they are forced to attack, Curdle will While commonly disregarded by most gnomes of today, there
attack as a standard order demon, using the inky black milk as is a small, secret sect that considers itself to be the true follow-
a whip and her milk stool as a shield. Any successful hit with the ers of Cuvoun. These devotees isolate themselves from other
whip does normal 1d6 damage plus 2d6 fire damage. Cowie gnomes, fearing scorn and ridicule for adopting the fashions of
will attack with a head-butt or rear-legged kick, doing 1d6 dam- sculpted hair and trimmed beard, both of which are styles ex-
age. Curdle and Cowie will take turns attacking. tremely unknown among normal gnomes. These believers busy
themselves sewing at all times, adopting his styles and trying
Curdle is most pleased with an offering of a cup of real milk to master the art of his perfect stitch. Many have set up small
from a cow, goat, or horse, and there is a 30% chance she will specialty shops in the major towns and settlements, where more
kiss the eyes of any single adventurer who offers her such. Her forward-thinking patrons have an appreciation for the honed
kiss acts as a spell of true seeing that lasts for 1d6 weeks. skills of their craft. These shops can be identified by the plac-
* See Underworld Lore #1, p.14. ards hung outside which depict the symbol of Cuvounan un-
raveling thread spool. Cuvoun himself remains elusive and there
Related Entries: M) Nipleteth, Tetskuize. have been no acknowledged sightings in many a year.
Since leaving the fashion scene and joining the pantheon of the
Cuvoun petty gods, Cuvoun has devoted all of his talents to the healing
of the hapless injured. He now wanders the regions on a self-
(petty god of all-natural stitchings)
imposed sabbatical, lending aid where needed by applying his
Titles: Cuvoun le Clothier; stitching prowess to lacerated flesh: skin abrasions, cuts, slices,
The Green Tailor slashings, slits, pierces, and punctures. However, his years of
servitude to the echelon of privilege has left him a fierce judge
& Eric Potter of character and his intuition will dictate his aptitude and willing-
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. ness to assist.
Symbol: Unraveling thread spool Few of his followers have been able to duplicate the authen-
Alignment: Neutral ticity of his craftsmanship, their threads not quite as fine and
Movement: 60' (20') their fastenings not quite as snug. To that end, the miniature
Armor Class: 5 (3 vs. NM-sized) Cuvoun Button is highly sought after. They are fashioned
Hit pts. (HD): 62 hp (9 HD)
from either the finest melds of gold or platinum and its cir-
cumference is etched with his name. Cuvoun may carry 1d4 of
Attacks: 2 (needles) these rare fasteners in his sewing pouch.
Damage: 1d4+4/1d4+4
Save: D10 Cuvoun Reaction Table
Morale: 8 2 Kindred Spirits: Will repair the entire partys
ripped clothing, including magic-user robes and
Hoard Class: XI2
various makes of leather armor, as well as
XP: 1,900 torn sacks and bags. Additionally, will perform
specific surgical first aid, stitching up shallow
For many long years before this pompous gnome went into the cuts and deeper wounds, healing 1d6+3 hp,
petty-godding business, Cuvoun le Clothier was a highly admired and rendering all imperfections of cloth and skin
tailor, sought after throughout all known realms for his innova- invisible, all the while providing general juicy
tive sewing abilities. He spent the latter part of his illustrious gossip, divulging 1d12 local rumors.
career as a dressmaker to certain unnamed royals of the court
3-5 Friendly: Will execute minor garment repair,
who preferred such private matters as their wardrobe tailoring
(e.g., lost buttons or torn leggings), as well
requirements to remain private. And as he was simply the finest as perform general first aid, stitching up shallow
tailor in the land, well-known for his extreme discretion, many scrapes and cuts only, healing 1d4 hp.
a goings-on were divulged to him during these intimate fitting
sessions, these randy gossipers confidently assured that their 6-8 Indifferent: Might be convinced to lend
couture secrets were safe with him. And they were. Cuvoun held assistance for either minor garment repair
or general first aid (dependent on highest
his tongue on any-and-every occasion that arose in which it may
Charisma in the group), but not both.
have suited him not to.
9-11 Unfriendly: Refuses assistance, but may
The vintage work of Cuvoun le Clothier is instantly recogniz- possibly recommend a nearby seamstress or
able. He differs from any other tailor through his innovative use doctor as partys situation requires.
of all-natural materials. His threads are spun of animal body 12 Hostile: Adamantly refuses any assistance
partsfibrous sinew, dried catgut, and slender veinswhich of any nature, going so far as to taunt
give a completely organic look and finish. His stitches are ab- an adventuring party in need by threading his
solutely perfectly aligned, his embroidery is remarkably exqui- needle as he walks on his way.
site, his darning utterly flawless; each made possible through
the surgical precision allowed by his personally crafted, razor
sharp, rust-free needles, each lovingly made from bone, antlers,
or ivory. Never has a tailor before or since been truly able to
blend his work so well into the cloth as to make it practically
disappear and anyone simply examining a blouse made by the
gnome can only exclaim, Cuvoun!


Davy Jones DEAD GODLETS OF SUTO LORE Deeker Dekardinis
Derral-Orth DETRIAX Digiskleros DiitWentii Dininjaht Dinud
Diplodias Divine Worm Dogasfos DRASHEENG

Davy Jones Deeker (petty god of petty revenge)

(petty god of drowned sailors and watery doom)
& Al Krombach
& Jonathan Becker F Christopher Letzelter
F Mark Allen Symbol: Red Spot
Symbol: Locker Alignment: Neutral
Alignment: Neutral Movement: 90' (30')
Movement: 300' (10') Armor Class: 0
Swim: 120' (40') Hit pts. (HD): 44 hp (10 HD)
Armor Class: 0 [+2] Attacks: 2 (fists) or bite
Hit pts. (HD): 100 hp Damage: 1d6/1d6 or 3d6
(20 HD) Save: C10
Attacks: 1 Morale: 10
Damage: Drown Hoard Class: None
Save: F20 XP: Special
Morale: 12
Hoard Class: XVII10 Deeker appears as a bald, chubby, little blue man with a disturb-
ingly wide grin full of sharp teeth. While some who are wronged
XP: 4,300
swear great oaths of vengeance, Deeker is the demigod who
Davy Jones appears to be a tall, lean, blue-skinned man with picks up the scrapsthose who wish to get even in little ways,
black, saucer-like eyes. The patron god of drowned sailors, he petty ways, deceitful waysand sometimes even appears to try
is worshipped by those who seek to avoid a watery fate at the and goad those who would seek forgiveness of their enemies to
bottom of the sea. While generally taciturn, he rarely pulls his pursue revenge. Those foolish enough to invoke the demigod
lips back in a smile, revealing three rows of shark-like teeth. His or swear by Deekers name are often marked with a red spot,
touch can fill a creatures lungs with water (save vs. spell at 2 or usually on the hand, chest, brow, or back of the neck.
drown; a successful save indicates a character is stunned for 1d4 Deekers reaction table should be used whenever a character
rounds as he coughs and sputters). Davy can only be harmed swears petty revenge, or is tricked, betrayed, ambushed, ripped
by +2 or better magic weapons. He wanders the ocean floor off, or otherwise wronged.
and is sometimes found in undersea kingdoms discussing local
events with the rulers of the Deep. His treasure is the choicest Deeker Reaction Table
loot from the wreckage of a thousand sunken ships, and the of- Roll 1d6 (instead of 2d6).
ferings tossed overboard by his worshippers.
1 Deeker appears in the characters dreams,
Davy Jones Reaction Table urging him to pursue revenge now matter how
2 Friendly: Is extremely well-disposed. The petty. The dreams will evolve into nightmares
character need never fear storm at sea, so long as of ever more troubling veracity until vengeance
they offer tribute with each voyage of their ship. is fulfilled.
3-5 Indifferent: Is well disposed to the adventurers. 2 Deeker takes the form of a hireling or other
May offer a useful piece of information. NPC (often killing who he replaces) and urges the
character to seek revenge.
6-8 Neutral: Bored with the adventurer.
Will probably leave unless accosted. 3 Deeker appears to the character in his natural
form, cajoling and berating the character into
9-11 Unfriendly: Smiles and demands tribute. Will seeking revenge. He will reappear at inconvenient
summon 1d12 random aquatic monsters otherwise. times until revenge is sought.
12 Hostile: Attacks the leader/speaker, showing the 4 Deeker appears in his natural form and gives
interloper his proper place in the natural order. the character a sound beating, assuring him he
will return to do so every week until the character
mans up and seeks vengeance upon the person
Dead Godlets of Suto Lore (pantheon) who wronged him.
Dead gods are trapped in the Astral Plane for eternity as 5 Deeker appears in the form of a talking bluebird,
non-corporeal phantoms with little-to-none of their former providing assistance to the character in his day
powers, but often possess long and detailed memories. They to day deeds, subtly weaving in suggestions to get
back at that guy who wrong him.
have no worshipers. Please see the individual entries related
to the pantheon of the Dead Godlets of Suto Lore. 6 Deeker appears periodically to mock the
character to his associates and friends as a
Related Entries: G) Ammon Thrax, Numathoth, Panathoth. sniveling weakling until revenge is sought.


Deeker may be temporarily appeased through offerings of drink Dekardinis Reaction Table
and feminine company. He is a jovial creature (when not ob- 2-4 Satisfied: Dekardinis bestows the ability to
sessed with seeing his subject achieve revenge) and is fond see all traps and secret doors for 1d20 rounds.
of practical jokes, criminal mischief, and wild nights out on the
5-8 Disappointed: The deity tosses a piece
town. He is alternately amused and enraged by the abuse of the
of equipment (chosen at random by the DM
less fortunate. It is rumored that to swear vengeance against
from the standard, non weapon or armor
Deeker himself is incredibly dangerous! equipment list in the rules of his choice) at the
Deeker seems to be impossible to kill; many have tried, yet he petitioner, muttering something about being
invariably reappears a few days later looking none the worse for better prepared.
wear. It is possible he is under the protection of more power- 9-10 Unimpressed: Shrugging, Dekardinis
ful divine entity or is a more powerful deity in disguise, or just teleports away.
that petty revenge is such a popular goal among humanity that 11-12 Disgusted: Dekardinis teleports the
Deekers demise is simply impossible. unworthy subject to the above ground entrance
of the dungeon in which he or she is delving.
His (uncommon) shrines are often festooned with grape vines,
red poppies, and old knives.
Derral-Orth (Derral-Orth: petty god of small lights;
Derral: petty god of watchmen, guards, and adventurers
Dekardinis (petty god of delvers, on night watch; Orth: petty goddess of assassins, thieves and
adventurers and ten-foot poles) escaping slaves)
& Tim Stephens affiliationS: The Three Cowardly Gods of Yattle-Hoy
F Eugene Jaworski & Ash Law
Symbol: 10' pole F Glen Hallstrom
Alignment: Neutral Symbol: A large circle set
Movement: 90' (30') atop a smaller circle
Armor Class: 2 Alignment: Chaotic
Hit pts. (HD): 77 hp Movement: 120' (40')
(15 HD) Armor Class: 0
Attacks: 2 (10' pole) Hit pts. (HD): 60 hp (12 HD)
Damage: 1d12/1d12 Attacks: 2
Save: F15 Damage: 1d6/1d6
Morale: 9 Save: M19
Hoard Class: IX Morale: 10
XP: 5,000 Hoard Class: XI,XVII

Dekardinis is the deity of the ten-foot pole. He is called upon by XP: 4,200
delvers and explorers to find the deadly traps that threaten their
There are many gods who lay claim to being gods or goddesses
safe passage in the underworld.
of the sun or fire, but only one lays claim to the smaller lights
Dekardinis is believed to have traversed every underground lab- the flickering of candles in the dark, of guttering torches about
yrinth in this and every world. The god even acts on occasion to go out, of lanterns low on oil. Derral-Orth is the deity of
(for the proper offering) as the Last Guide. In this role, he leads glimmerings, and is invariably found hiding withintheTower
the souls of the departed out from their resting places through ofDistantStars.
the twisting labyrinth of the afterlife, finding the traps set by
Derral-Orth, in his aspect of Derral, is a god of watchmen, guards,
demons and evil spirits to stop the deceased from reaching their
and those adventurers who stay awake in the night, peering into
final reward. Because of this, he knows the secrets to all such
the gloom, hoping to spot monsters before they attack. Many
places (knowledge which he guards jealously).
an adventurer has whispered a prayer to Derral when alarmed
Dekardinis appears as an old human man with a long gray beard. upon hearing a bustle in the hedgerow, and prayed to him for
He is stoop-shouldered from eons of traveling the cramped con- just a little more light. In the aspect of Orth, the deity is the god-
fines of the world below, and walks with a shuffling gait. He dess patron of assassins, thieves, and escaping slaves. The god-
wears a Phrygian cap, into which is set an ever burning candle. dess Orth is said to grant her followerstheabilitytomoveun-
His clothes are shabbya patchwork of worn and re-threaded seenpastguardsandwatchersinthedarkandgloom.
rags. He bears no armor, and carries only his ten-foot pole and
Derral-Orths glimmer paladins (see the Minions section)
a tattered backpack full of adventuring equipment.
bring the dual-gendered deity treasures from far and wide,
The deity of the ten-foot pole is a curmudgeonly, secretive sort gathering the wealth of nations to their god. In turn, Derral-
who never appears above ground. He hates the natural sunlight, Orth distributes a portion of those treasures to nearby cities and
and will teleport away if exposed to sunshine. kingdoms in tribute payments to ensure that nobody lays claim
to Yattle-Hoy, where the three cowardly gods of Yattle-Hoy
If encountered, Dekardinis will size up petitioners in the follow- reside. Some of the treasures (or so it is said) are sent to their
ing manner: sisterwife, the Eye of Vengalate, to curse and leave in easily-


robbed tombs. The Tower of Distant Stars itself is hidden in

a vale of eternal twilight and gloom where the geography
If one honors Derral-Orth by giving 1,000 gp per level to one of
the deitys paladins, there is a 1-in-4 chance that Derral-Orth will
bless the supplicant with a boon based on the aspect of Derral-
Orth to which they choose pay tribute. For those honoring Derral,
a +1 bonus is granted on all perception rolls made in the gloom
(e.g., find traps), until that character reaches the next level of ex-
perience. For those honoring Orth, they are granted the ability
to Hide in Shadows as a first level thief (with thieves getting a
one level bonus in this ability), until such time as the character
reaches the next level of experience.
Derral-Orth Reaction Table
Modify by Charisma, plus a penalty of +1 for
each obvious weapon the party possesses, with an
additional penalty of +2 for each weapon
which is unsheathed, in hand, or otherwise readied.
threw Detriax out an airlock as punishment for failing to foresee
2 Genial: The god tells the characters where they the tragedybut her magic preserved her spirit long enough
can find treasure, but it will cost them one for her to accumulate a secondary form out of floating debris.
magicitemiftheyfindanythere(HoardClassXVI). Swearing to do right by her former master, she began to salvage
3-5 Friendly: The god tells the party where they whatever flotsam and jetsam drew near her. Her physical form
can find treasure in a far off land, provided they grew, as did her hunger and avarice. In time, she went mad in
leave1,000 gpwithitnow(HoardClassX). her search for the princess, never realizing that centuries had
6-8 Interested: The god quizzes the characters passed and the lost princess and her sultan father are now long
on current affairs and offers advice on where dead. In her ravings, Detriax wavers between calm tones and
to findtreasure,thoughtheadvicemaynotbe an electronic squelch (little more than gibberish). She sees all
accurateorcurrent. who pass into her grasp are would-be conspirators against her
9-11 Wary: Thegodpolitelyconcludesany beloved sultan, and therefore considers them hostile.
At the present time, Detriax is approximately 12 kilometers in
9-11 Terrified: Thegodvanishestaking diameter. She appears as a head without a bodydemonic,
allitstreasureandupto1,000 gpofthe metallic, and angry. Fanged, with vacant eyes that belie only
partyslootwithit. her internal engines of cosmic energy, she is a horror to behold.
Related Entries: G) Apar, EyeofVengalate, Yattle-Hoy;
As a mechanical sentience, Detriax is immune to sleep,
M) Glimmer Paladin. charm and hold spells.
Any ship passing near Detriax will fall derelict by way of one of
the following cosmic mishaps (roll 1d6):
Detriax (petty goddess of space junk and derelict hope)
1-2 Engine failure: All stop.
& Jay Mac Bride 3-4 Siren song: Each PC must make save
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. vs. paralysis or succumb to mind control
for 1d6 rounds, whereby she compels these
Symbol: An angular, vampiric-looking skull servants to sabotage their ship.
Alignment: Chaotic
5 Systems malfunction: Shields will lower or
Movement: 180' (60') at impulse speed weapons will malfunction during the ships next
Armor Class: 0-9 (varies by surface area) hostile encounter.
Hit pts. (HD): 5,000 hp (1,000 HD) 6 Incorrect sensor readings: Sensor readings
Attacks: Special (see below) will identify allies as foes so as to initiate combat/
Damage: Special (see below) She will send her minions to collect the remains
of the lost, the lonely, and the defeated. All space
Save: F1,000 debris she encounters will be scanned, stored in
Morale: 12 her immense memory, and then processed as fuel.
Hoard Class: None Power sources will then be affixed to her
XP: 1,234,750 own energy supply and suckled until they expire.
Detriax can subsist on natural sources, but she relishes any-
Detriax, the petty goddess of space junk and derelict hope, is a
thing made by sentient life forms, thriving on their psionically-
cosmic being that causes ships passing near her to fall derelict
imbued presence. She is a collector of information and material
by way of cosmic mishap.
forms. Her hunger is unrelenting. Detriax will also instigate
Its said that Detriax was once a vizier to a great space sul- battle whenever possible, in hopes that the resulting conflict
tan, providing consul and strategy by way of her cosmic magic. will cause precious detritus to spill into the spaceways for her
When her highness daughter was kidnapped by marauders he to consume.


Gravitational Grasp: Detriax calls many an interstellar Digiskleros (petty god of postmortem grooming)
sailor to her baya gravitational well that she is able to ma-
TITLES: Collector of Dead Mens Fingernails
nipulate, like using the unseen tentacles of a seaborne kraken.
She can consume any matter, though larger, denser meals (as- & E.T. Smith
teroids, brown dwarf stars, etc.) take time. This can be a boon F Kelly Bennett
for those unlucky enough to fall in her grasp, making good on
her distraction. Symbol: A pair of
grooming shears
Song of Detriax: All those who encounter her must roll a laid upon a
save vs. fear or be driven mad with despair. All those who fail morticians sash
are fated to soil themselves as they are compelled to steer their Alignment: Lawful
ships toward her through a sort of psionic intimidation/torture.
Only those who pray for mercy and strike her bargain for clem- Movement: 150' (50')
ency (see Serving Detriax below) will survive. They must first Armor Class: 9
convince her they have something worthwhile to trade. The Hit pts. (HD): 45 hp
song is effective for only 1d4 rounds, but by then shes sent her (9 HD)
minions to either eliminate or permanently enslave her prey Attacks: 1 (plus
using cybernetic implants. spells)
Swallow Whole: Detriax can swallow entire starships and
Damage: 1d6 or
by weapon
most space-based platforms and outposts with a single gulp.
or by spell
Her internal furnace digests all. But not before she consumes
all knowledge about her prey using her penance scan. Save: C9
Morale: 10
Penance Scan: Through an onslaught of sensor scans, De-
Hoard Class: VI
triax is able to consume all data of her prey, recording every
XP: 1,700
physical aspect, biologic metric, and even psionic imprint to
her main neurocore. She considers this interrogation necessary Just as the mighty warrior with his mystic sword in hand is
to fulfilling her purpose for finding and killing the marauders a bulwark against ravenous chaos, so too is the humble, oft-
who wronged her mortal master (see below) and thereby no neglected mortician. Cleaning and grooming the deceased
one has ever evaded her probe. In a turn of terrible fortune, the isnt simply a formalized nicety. Shoddy postmortem attentions
channel is often opened two waysanalogous to a feedback leave the way open for wrathful spirits and vengeful ghosts to
loop--and the victims will experience a wave of data overload reanimate the insulted corpse and indulge in bloody violence
that could render them insane if they arent able to make a against the living. Thus, morticians and embalmers are a first
save vs. psychic calamity (a catastrophic attack on their sanity). line of defense against such incursions from the netherworld.
Those that fail become her minions, their only hope of being For those serving in this quiet profession, Digiskleros is a mythic
restored is a complete brain work up at a local starbase with hero and inspiration.
advanced medical and psychological services.
Digiskleros appears as a modest albeit intent man wearing
Minions: Detriax is served by her self-styled minionsthe
the gray cloak and red sash of an itinerant embalmer, his ac-
scrappers (scrap-bots and scrap-men) and space hornets. coutrements sturdy but travel-worn and stylistically archaic.
Space Fleet: Detriax has amassed a personal armada of der- He traverses the world, going where his skills are needed.
elict ships with barebones systems (propulsion, weapons, and He is a orderly-minded quasi-deity, wanting mainly to do his
operated by remote communication, but no onboard life sup- job, do it well and avoid any complications. His attitude to-
port). They are stripped down skeletal forms with minimal ar- ward any adventurers he encounters depends entirely upon
mor that function basically as large drones. The ships launch what degree of responsibility theyve been showing toward
from her mouth if she determines a threat to her personal the many corpses theyve undoubtedly been leaving in their
safety. Approximately 2d10 ships are ready to launch at any wake. If they have been arranging for at least perfunctory
given time. funeral rites for their victims, he will view them amicably and
perhaps even seek their aid in certain matters. If however
Serving Detriax: Praying to Detriax will gain her favor only theyve indiscriminately been leaving mangled forgotten bod-
if something material is given up. To be spared from her judge- ies for him to clean up, Digiskleros will give them a stern
ment, the prey must fall under her service. Its not unheard of lecture at best, and at worst attempt to end their adventuring
for Detriax to barter for information with her victims. She may career before it sows any more messy carnage.
let them go if she sees reason enough for them to continue as
long as shes gaining important intelligence herself. She will Digiskleros avoids battle when possible, but fights as a 9th level
reject any claim that the sultan is dead though, so penitent vic- cleric if matters come to blows, and can cast spells as per that
tims should avoid such falsehoods while shes taking audience. class level. His usual spell selection will be: 1st level) detect evil,
cure light wounds (2), protection from evil; 2nd level) bless,
All recorded encounters with Detriaxthose with survivors hold person (2), resist fire; 3rd level) cure disease, dispel
include reports that the victims were prostrate when deals were magic, remove curse; 4th level) detect lie, neutralize poison;
made. Impertinence of any kind will result in subjugation. Her 5th level) quest.
goal is to continue building herself larger and more powerful
through her space finds, in her quest to seek revenge on her Any treasure he is carrying are donations collected for the Guild
long lost sultan. of Itinerant Embalmers. He also has a sack filled with fingernail
clippings, taken from cadavers whose circumstances of demise
Related Entries: M) Scrappers, Space Hornets. have rendered the clippings tainted with dark mystical associa-


tions, too dangerous to be disposed casually. The clippings are DiitWentii can manifest anywhere and and any point in time
valueless except to the most vile of necromancers. through its power of interstitial travel. In so doing, it expands
any space into which it steps to accommodate its full height.
The Silver Shears of Digiskleros are a special tool attuned to There will be visible warping as a chamber or cavern stretches
their masters task, preternaturally quick and keen. With them,
to make room for the divine presence.
Digiskleros can fully groom a cadaver for burial in mere mo-
ments. If necessary, they can be used in combat. Against mortal When first encountered, DiitWentii will be 20'. It is composed
foes, they are equivalent to a short sword +1. Against undead, of 20 layers. The Movement speed of each layer is determined
the bearer may chose to forgo making a normal attack, and by rolling 1d20 and multiplying the result by 10' (movement per
instead attempt to forcibly groom the animated corpse, thereby round). Each layer has an Armor Class determined by rolling
ending its unrest. When making such an attack, the bearer rolls
1d20, with a result of 1 indicating AC 9 and a roll of 20 being
to hit as normal. If successful, the target must save vs. death.
AC -10. Each layer has 1d20 hit points. DiitWentii attacks as a
If the save fails, the undead immediately loses its animating fury
and is defeated. If the save passes, the undead suffers minimal 20 HD monster. All of DiitWentiis ability scores are 20, and it
damage (2 hp) from the attack. saves as a 20th level magic-user.

If for some reason Digiskleros comes to a sudden end, the Whenever a layer is defeated it disappears with a dramatic
lack of his services will result in steady increase in undead flourish (each different from the last; e.g., puffing of smoke,
afflicting the world (the DM should increase the chance for shedding like a snakes skin, turning to dust, shattering like
encounters with these sorts of monsters). This dire trend will glass, falling like a curtain, etc.) and a new layer one foot small-
grow worse until the Silver Shears are recovered and a new er is revealed. DiitWentii often changes formand sometimes
candidate is chosen to bear them. Such a candidate must be genderwith each layer (e.g., human male, orc hermaphro-
a cleric of at least 4th level who willingly accedes to forgo all dite, asexual elf, female gnome, etc.).
worldly concerns in exchange for an endless life spent col-
lecting dead mens fingernails. DiitWentii believes itself to be the deity that decides if a magi-
cians fingers were in precisely the right position to cast a given
spell or if an alchemists particular formula contained exactly
the correct amount of mercury. Despite their philosophical
DiitWentii (petty god of minutiae)
differences, DiitWentii likes nothing more than a well-argued
Titles: The Manifestation of Minutiae
debate with Titivilus.
& Legion Some say the Shining Icosahedron is not simply DiitWentiis
F Darryl Gillingham holy symbol, but is in reality an object of incalculable potency
and the key to the gods power. Possession of the artifact is
Symbol: The shining icosahedron
reputed to give one dominion over DiitWentii. No one living
Alignment: Chaotic can attest to this however.
Movement: 10' to 200' (see below)
Armor Class: 9 to 10 (see below)
Hit pts. (HD): 201d20 (see below)
Attacks: 1
Damage: 1d20
Save: M20
Morale: 12
Hoard Class: XX
XP: 20,000

God is in the details. Mind you, so is the devil. The kind of rope
one buys, the amount of rations one carries, the manner and
bearing of hirelingsall things are important in the dank holes
and hidden valleys of the wild. So adventurers would do well to
pay homage to DiitWentii, The Manifestation of Minutiae.
In dire straights (and theyd better be dire), a devotee may call
upon DiitWentii for succor. The destruction of an icosahedron
holy symbol is demanded of the supplicant. This symbol must
be of a gold piece value measured in powers of 20. A 20 gp
icosahedron allows the roll of 1d20. On a 20, DiitWentii hears.
Each power of 20 in gp value (i.e., 400 gp, 8,000 gp, 160,000
gp, etc.) increases the chance of the god noticing by one (e.g.,
the plea would be heard on 19 or 20 if a 400 gp symbol is sac-
rificed. But minutiae being what they are, this aid from on high
can sometimes be of the out of the frying pan variety.
This deity often appears personally to over-awe mortals with its
magnificence. It revels in the apprehension attendant upon the
rattle and clatter of its coming.


DiitWentii Reaction Table but unfortunately it is not only the afflicted who succumb to the
Roll 1d20 (instead of 2d6). Apply the following sweet song of her cacophony.
as additional modifiers: Hit/Dmg/Door, AC, hp/level,
Her followers fall into two separate categories, one of an innocent
additional languages, and saving throw modifiers,
ilk and the other more sinister in natureher Confused (the
as well as standard reaction adjustment modifiers.
scramble-brained, the feebleminded, the dullards, the simpletons,
1 Of all the unmitigated gall! Strikes supplicant the forgetful, the innocuous babes, the infirm) and her Confus-
dead from on high. ers (the tongue-twisters, the double-talkers, the spin doctors.)
1-2 Magically attacks supplicants location from
The hapless Confused among her followers are cursed to
on high.
continuously hear her cacophonous call, and doomed to try
3-4 Appears; stands aloof for 1d20 rounds scrutinizing to converse back with it. They unwittingly spread the gospel
all and sundry; takes notes, then departs. of Dininjaht with each of their incomprehensible ramblings,
5-6 Appears; takes issue with supplicants choice of, familiarizing the world with her language and the sounds of
or pronunciation of, a random word or turn of her rapturous call. Any who encounter these helpless believers
phrase in his or her plea; feels it could have been usually feel pity and revulsion, turning away and ignoring or
said better. distancing themselves as quickly as possible.
7-8 Appears; demands a fully itemized written
inventory of devotees equipment, wealth and Conversely, her more diabolical prophets, the Confusers, have
friends; ponders result. harnessed some of the bits of the essence of her language and
will use it loudly to great effect often from pulpits, on street
9-10 Appears; presents supplicant with a pen and form corners, in crowded places, and around quiet locales. These
D-2/0.r (Request for Aid), booms, Press hard, ranters and ravers may seem insane at first, but the longer
youre making multiple copies.; ponders result.
one listens to their crazed messages and ideas, the greater the
11-12 Appears; teleports 1d20 random beings chance for Dininjahts hook to sink.
1d20 miles in random directions, then departs.
13-14 Appears; asks supplicant if he or she is carrying Dininjaht is quite content to remain in her realm and use her
a random item from the Adventuring Gear list; followers to speak her mind. However, on the occasion of a
if yes, helps; if not, shakes head and departs. summoning from her truly devoted, she will reveal herself in
her physical form. Dininjaht appears as a twisted mass of hun-
15-16 Appears; attacks all present except supplicant, dreds of pure black, tentacle-like, long, waving tongues, each
then departs.
capable of speaking in many different languages simultaneously.
17-18 Appears; attacks 1d20 of supplicants enemies, Persons experiencing Dininjaht in all her voices will become
then departs. disoriented and lost, incapable of their own thought. They will
19-20 From on high, pulls, pauses or pushes supplicant struggle to understand and make sense of Dininjahts speech
out of the path of immediate harm. but to no avail. A comprehend languages spell is useless, and
20 Appears; grants aid equal to a limited wish, will always fail against this petty goddess.
strictly limited to helping the supplicant out of his You will hear Dininjaht approaching long before you see her.
or her current predicament. The first rumblings of her beckoning din will sound like the
Related Entries: M) Knights of the Carmine Icosagram,
gentle babbling of a soft brook, but as she eases ever closer,
Monitors; D) Books of the Crimson Icosagon. the roar of her hundreds of tongues will fill the air with confu-
sion. A saving throw vs. spell might allow any victims within
earshot to scramble away before they become ensconced in her
clangor; however, if unsuccessful, any reaction to Dininjaht
Dininjaht (petty goddess of raving, ranting & gibberish) will last for 1d30 turns. She may utilize any of her dozens of
& Eric Potter tentacle-like tongues to coil around her targets, immobilizing
them in order to flicker her devilish tongue into an ear to better
F Jason Patterson whisper her sweet nothings.
Symbol: a tied tongue
Reaction to Dininjaht
Alignment: Chaotic
Modified by Intelligence.
Movement: 45' (15')
Armor Class: 4 2 Lobotomized: Will become a gibbering imbecile,
unable to put two syllables together.
Hit pts. (HD): 58 hp (10 HD)
Attacks: 10d30 voices 3-5 Drunken Stupor: Will have slurred, incomplete
speech, unable to make sense of own thoughts.
Damage: Special
6-8 Tongue-tied: Will put incorrect words together,
Save: M10 will have trouble finding the right words.
Morale: 10
9-11 Jabberwocky: Will speak in nonsensical speech
Hoard Class: IV patterns, will playfully invent syllables and combine
XP: 1,000 phrases that are not normally juxtaposed.
12 Balderdash: Will deliberately mislead through
Dininjaht is the petty goddess of the ravings of lunatics, the
double talk, will use phrasing that backpedals,
rants of madmen, the gibberish of fools, the babbles from
misdirects, and confuses.
babes, and the jabbering of idle jaws. Her confusing cries often
ring harmless to the casual ear, easily dismissed and even pitied,


Dinud (petty god of shields & shield-makers, Diplodias (petty god of crop rot and poor harvests)
and eggs, egg contents & egg-layers)
Titles: Least God and Protector of Eggs,
& Dave Traube
Master of Shells, Lord of Shields
F Thomas Fitzgerald
Symbol: Withered corn stalk
& Sean Holland Alignment: Chatoic
F Jeremy Duncan Movement: 120' (40')
Symbol: An egg within an egg Armor Class: 4
Alignment: Lawful Hit pts. (HD): 114 hp (18 HD)
Movement: 90' (30') Attacks: 6 (claws) + special
Armor Class: 3 [+3/+1; see below] Damage: 1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6/
Hit pts. (HD): 110 hp (20 HD) 1d6/1d6 + poison
Attacks: 2 Save: F20
Damage: 1d8+6/1d8+6 Morale: 10
Save: F21 Hoard Class: X, XIX
Morale: 10 XP: 11,000
Hoard Class: VIII, IX, XIV (2)
Diplodias, the god of crop rot and poor harvests, is well known
XP: 5,250 but seldom worshiped in agricultural regions. His presence is
believed to be the result of poorly executed crop rituals and
Dinud appears as a tall pale man with a featureless, flawless egg
offerings. When such offerings are rejected by their principal
for a head. His voice is deep and always echoes. He usually ap-
deity, there is a 40% chance Diplodias will be attracted and
pears in ivory robes or, when prepared for war, in scale armor
bring pestilence to the crop.
made from fragments of dragon eggs and a flawless egg-shaped
shield. Shrines to him are usually found among shieldmakers, He typically appears as a shambling mound of compost (ironic
who seek his blessing to make better wares, and those races that a god of rot would appear as something so beneficial to
that reproduce using eggs (including dragons on occasion), who the plants), with six arms and pale yellow eyes. In this form, a
view him as a guardian of their children. cloud of putrid stink radiates 50' in all directions from the crea-
ture. All those within the area of effect must save vs. poison at
While wearing his scale armor, only weapons of +3 or better can
2 or lose two points of Strength and Dexterity for 2d6 turns.
pierce it; otherwise, a simple magic weapon of +1 is sufficient to
The save must be made every other round that the subject re-
damage Dinud. While carrying Dinuds Shield he may deflect two
mains inside the cloud. There is an 80% chance per round that
attacks per round of any sort, to any other target within range of
all plants inside the cloud will wither and die in 1d4+1 days.
the original attack. He prefers to let his enemies kill each other,
but he can wield a +3 mace when pressed. His attacks ignore
shields, and he can destroy any shield used against him, unless
the wielder makes a save vs. death at -4and then the shield is
only safe until Dinud chooses to attempt to destroy it again.
Dinuds blessing makes any of the things in his portfolio safer;
eggs only crack when it is time for them to hatch, shields turn
blows without splintering, and so on. Most adventurers will be
seeking his blessing for shields; he can give any shield a +1
bonus with an additional +1 against a specific threat (arrows,
orcs, tigers, and so on).
His curse can simply destroy shields or make them into cursed
ones, or make a person more fragile, causing them to take 1 ad-
ditional point of damage whenever struck by a physical blow.
Dinud Reaction Table
Roll 2d10 (instead of 2d6) the most egg-like of dice.
Anyone who has willfully destroyed eggs suffers +3 to this roll.
2-3 Friendly: Blesses 1d3 nearby targets.
4-10 Indifferent: Blesses 1d4 nearby targets
if properly propitiated.
11-15 Neutral: Ignores nearby creatures.
16-19 Unfriendly: Curses 1d3 nearby targets
if not properly propitiated.
20+ Hostile: Curses 1d4 nearby targets.
Dinud will never be hostile to those carrying
a shield or born from an egg, unless
they have done something to offend him.


Diplodias may also choose to assume the form of whatever The Worm never attacks, and never defends itself. It sits there
flora is within his slight. When confronted in combat, it is typi- with its mouth open, hundreds of infantile heads emerging and
cal for the god to summon his giant slugs (see below) and then weeping in chorus even as you hack into its fleshthe sound is
retreat to a nearby garden where hell take the form of the almost soothing. Every round you must save vs. spell or suckle
plants and watch the combat unfold. While in plant form he from one of its breasts. The sac squelches and heaves as you drink
may move as normal but has no ability to attack, nor does he its amber nectar. You age 1d6 years of life unlived (no save).
emit the withering cloud.
If the worm is killed, its sac will burst, spilling 253 stillborns per
In his natural form (compost), Diplodias can attack with each of HD about your feet; there are so many more than you imagined.
his six arms for 1d6 points of damage per hit. But he typically
prefers to summon 2d8 giant slugs (see below) to attack crops
or fight in combat. Dogasfos
Giant Slug: #A: 2d8; AL:neutral (but always hostile); M:60' (petty god of drowning and the drowned)
(20'); AC:5; HD:10; AT: 1 bite (1d8+poison; save vs. poison or Titles: Lord of the Drowned
be slowed per the reverse of the magic-user spell haste); ST:F8;
ML:11; HC:NA; XP:3,000. & Igor Vinicius Sartorato
F Ernesto Plasmo
Symbol: A hand coming out of a whirlpool
Divine Worm (petty god of stillborn infants)
Alignment: Chaotic
Titles: Mother of the Stillborn, Mother of the Miscarried,
Movement: 120' (40')
Patron Mother of Miscarried and Stillborn Children
Armor Class: 5
& Logan Knight Hit pts. (HD): 65 hp (13 HD)
F Rose Turner Attacks: 2 (fists) or
special (drown)
Symbol: A gold piece
Damage: 1d6/1d6 or
stamped with
2d8+5 plus special
a newborns
face, eroded Save: T13
by tears Morale: 12
Alignment: Neutral Hoard Class: VII
Movement: 0' (0') XP: 2,500
Armor Class: 9
Dogasfos, the Lord of the Drowned, is the fearful minor god of
Hit pts. (HD): by HD
drowning and the drowned. In the water, he takes the form of a
(1d20 HD)
huge maelstrom littered and swirling with drowned bodies. When
Attacks: Special manifesting on land, Dogasfos presents himself as an old, wide-
Damage: Special eyed sailor with a long black beard, dressed in tattered clothes,
Save: F1-20 and always completely soaked. Normally, he will only appear on
(by HD) land during stormy nights; this occurrence is commonly inter-
Morale: 12 preted as a sign of a flood which will take many victims.
Hoard Class: 8,888 gp, d% will melt the moment In his maelstrom form, Dogasfos can wreck ships, drowning
theyre taken into sunlight dozens of people in the process. Though not exactly vener-
XP: 2 amount of stillborns spilt from ated by sailors and fishermen, they will appease his wrath by
the Divine Worms amniotic sac throwing animals into rivers and seas, leaving them to drown.
Pirates are the main followers of Dogasfos; they often seek his
The Divine Worm, Patron Mother of Miscarried and Stillborn mercy during especially long trips, offering human sacrifices
Children, is invoked by grieving families, and worshipped by in excchange for his goodwill. It is imperative that sacrifices to
others for reasons that are their own. A coin is cast bearing an Dogasfos die by drowning, for Dogasfos does not accept sacri-
image of the child and melted in a boiling pot in offering to the fices which have died before they drowned (e.g., if the animal or
Divine Worm, beseeching her to carry the child in the beyond. victim is killed by a shark before drowning).
Manifestations of the Divine Worm are sometimes found in fra- When a region has suffered many deaths by drowning (e.g.,
grant caverns below sites of plague or infanticide. (Each mani- in times of flood), Dogasfoss priests (rare though they are) are
festation has 1d20 HD, and an correlating number of hp). The called to perform a ritual drowning of a virgin maiden (known
Worm sits atop a gleaming pile of gold coins; swaying lichen as Dogasfoss bride) to appease the god. These priests are also
and moss hangs from the cavern roof above it. called sometimes to preside over trials involving drowning.
In form, the Worms body is like that of a giant hairless and eye- In his human form, if Dogasfos hits an opponent with both
less mole, lined with damp axolotl legs and a toadlike mouth. hands during the same round, Dogasfos has landed a success-
Pendulous breasts appear almost at random on its flanks and ful choke-hold on the victim and will not let go; the victim must
legs, and a swollen amniotic sac sprouts over its lower back save vs. death each round (starting that round), or take 2d8+5
and hindquarters; within the sac you can see neither flesh nor points of damage per failed save, until the victim dies (from loss
boneit sinks forever. Floating calmly amidst the rotten amber of hp), drowns (in 1d4+1 rounds), or until Dogasfos is killed or
fluid are more infants and foetuses than you can count. otherwise dispatched.


Dogasfos Reaction Table youth plying the reluctant maid with wine, and the confidence
2 Friendly: Reveals the location of a treasure man who supplies intoxicants to fog his marks judgement.
that sunk with a drowned man.
Drasheeng usually appears as a human female whose voluptuous
3-5 Indifferent: Reveals the location of a treasure form is scarcely hidden by a near-diaphanous gown. She wears
that sunk with a drowned man, if propitiated a veil which hides her featuresa hideous and almost masculine
with an adequate sacrifice. face.. Those seeing her face unveiled are struck with fear as per
6-8 Neutral: Ignores nearby creatures. the spell, unless they make a saving throw vs. death. If success-
9-11 Unfriendly: Requires a sacrifice in exchange ful, they will merely experience queasiness and revulsion for 2
for the lives of the entire party. turns, suffering a 1 penalty on all to hit rolls for the duration.
12 Hostile: Tries to kill all nearby creatures When encountered, Drasheeng typically projects an aura of
by drowning. intense attractiveness which (on a failed save vs. spell) charms
mortals (as the spell) within a radius of 30'. She can also, at will,
Drasheeng (petty god of drunken misperception) cause a pleasantly intoxicating confusion (per the spell) in her
opponents (on a failed save vs. spell). Drasheengs caress and
Titles: Lady of the Blurry Veil
kiss are each able to cause feeblemind (as the spell, on failed
& Trey Causey save vs. spell). Despite these abilities, Drasheeng is not inclined
F Mark Allen to battle with mortals unless absolutely necessary, preferring to
teleport away, then strike later at her would-be attackers when
Symbol: Two eyes, their guard is down.
but slightly offset Drasheeng will sometimes aid those who call upon her and
Alignment: Chaotic offer a libation of expensive wine or liquor. Drasheengs favor
takes the form of a +2 bonus to related reaction rolls, provided
Movement: 120' (40')
the individual that the supplicant is attempting to influence is
Armor Class: 4 indulging in some sort of intoxicant.
Hit pts. (HD): 100 hp (21 HD)
Attacks: Special Drasheeng Reaction Table
Damage: Special 2 Friendly: Blesses an individual (as above).
Save: T21 3-5 Indifferent: Blesses an individual (as above)
Morale: 10 if properly propitiated.
Hoard Class: IX, X, XVIII 6-8 Neutral: Ignores the individual.
XP: 7,000 9-11 Unfriendly: Will cause the individual to fall
victim to deception when intoxicated within the
Drasheeng, the Lady of the Blurry Veil, is the godling of mis- next 2 weeks if not supplicated (as above).
perception due to intoxication, and of deception which utilizes 12 Hostile: Individual will fall victim to a deception
that misperception. She aids the aging harlot who relies on her through intoxication within the next 2 weeks.
clients drink-blurred eyes to enhance her beauty, the roguish
Related Entries: S) Ale Goggles.


E ELDER ELEMENTAL Ellsbeth Eraisho Ersae Expiurge EyeofVengalate

Elder Elemental Elder air elementals generally attack in the form of a whirlwind
(even if their standard form differs), approximately 2' tall and
& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. 1/2' wide per HD (e.g., a 24 HD elder air elemental would be
F Christopher Conklin 48' tall and 12' wide). Creatures with 4 and fewer HD must save
vs. death or be swept away by the elemental, doing an amount
Elder elementals are greater elementals who have grown in of damage as determined by their HD. Airborne victims who
power as aeons pass and risen to petty godlike status. Their fail their saving throw take an additional 1d8 damage. Crea-
minimal sentience has likewise grown to self-awareness. While tures trapped in the whirlwind must make an additional save
they typically began as creatures of neutral alignment, as they (vs. death) each round or remain caught in the whirlwindthere
come into their own it is not unheard of for elder elementals to is no additional damage, but those creatures so caught cannot
grow into a different alignment (as they establish their pres- move except to go where the elemental carries them (a success-
ence as petty gods). ful saving throw means they have escaped the whirlwind).
The Hit Dice of elder elementals generally range from 20 to The elemental can eject any carried creatures whenever it
25. Those elementals with fewer than 20 HD rarely achieve the wishes, depositing them wherever the whirlwind happens to be.
strength or sentience required to attain petty godlike status, and Should the elder air elemental choose to return to the Elemental
elementals with more than 25 HD will generally have achieved Plane of Air while creatures are being carried inside it, those
the status of full godhood. creatures must save vs. death or be taken to the Elemental Plane
of Air as well.
An elder elementals Armor Class, Damage, and Saving Throws
are depenent upon their hit dice, as outlined below: If the whirlwinds base touches the ground, it creates a swirling
cloud of debris. This cloud is centered on the elemental and
Hit Dice 20 21 22 23 24 25 has a diameter equal to half the whirlwinds height. The cloud
ARMOR CLASS: 4 4 5 5 6 6 obscures all vision beyond 5 feet. There is a 10% chance that
Damage 4d8 4d8 5d8 5d8 6d8 6d8 any spell cast in a debris cloud will fail.
Save: F20 F21 F22 F23 F24 F25
Elder Earth Elemental
Elder elementals will rarely come to consider themselves as gods (as petty god of earth, soil, stone, mountains, etc.)
of their own volition. Rather, their status as gods usually comes
from a group who have chosen to worship the elemental and Symbol: Varies
give the elemental the god-name by which it will be known. Alignment: Varies (most often Neutral)
Movement: 60' (20') [sometimes 30' (10')]
As varied as those who choose to worship an elder elemental
burrow: As normal movement
are, so too are the personalities of the elementals themselves
from calm to capricious to calculating to cruel. Armor Class: See above
Hit pts. (HD): 20-25 HD
It is suggested the DM create an individualized description for Attacks: Special
any elder elemental appearing as a petty god, including an in-
Damage: See above
dividual name, a unique symbol, a specific alignment, and a
personalized reaction table. Save: See above
Morale: 11
Elder Air Elemental Hoard Class: XVI
(as petty god of air, wind, breezes, deserts, etc.) XP: 3250, 5000, 5500, 6000, 6500, or 7000
Symbol: Varies
When still, the form of an elder earth elemental will appear as
Alignment: Varies (most often Neutral or Lawful)
a large hill or a great heap of stones. When an elder earth el-
Movement: 360' (120') flying emental lumbers into action, its appearance can varyusually
Armor Class: See above appearing as massive earthen or stony humanoid (1' tall per
Hit pts. (HD): 20-25 HD HD) with glowing gemstones for eyes. Bits of vegetation (and
Attacks: Special even small trees) can grow in the soil that makes up the parts
of an elder earth elementals body.
Damage: See above
Save: See above Elder earth elementals may be slow, but they are also relentless.
Morale: 11 They can move through stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of
Hoard Class: XVI solid groud (except metal) with ease. Furthermore, no hole nor
ripple nor any other signs of its presence are left behind when
XP: 3250, 5000, 5500, 6000, 6500, or 7000
it burrows. Elder earth elementals cannot swim, however, and
The form of an elder air elemental can vary greatly, most often must either go through the ground under a body of water, or
appearing as a (sometimes anthropomorphic) swirling vortex walk around it. Finally, if a move earth spell is cast on a area
of wind or a smoke-like creature of some sort (e.g., a bird). containing an elder earth elemental, it will be flung back 10'
and (on a failed save vs. spell) be stunned for 1 round.


Elder earth elementals generally strike using their giant fists, able barrier (unless the liquid is covered with a flammable or
with opponents on the ground taking an additional 1d8 points combustible liquid like oil or kerosene). Generally, an elder fire
of damage. By contrast, an elder earth elemental suffers a 4 elemental is able to step across a distance of water a number of
penalty on all to hit and damage rolls versus airborne or water- feet equal to or less than its HD (e.g., a 25 HD fire elemental
borne opponents. could cross a 25' barrier of water).

Elder Fire Elemental An elder fire elemental attacks as a swirling pillar of flame 1' tall
and 1' in diameter per HD (e.g., a 25 HD elder fire elemental
(as petty god of fire, flames, burns, etc.)
would be 25' tall and 25' across). They do an additional 1d8
Symbol: Varies damage to creatures with cold-based attacks.
Alignment: Varies (most often Neutral or Chaotic)
Creatures which make a successful to hit roll against a fire
Movement: 180' (60')
elemental with non-magical weapons or unarmed attacks take
Armor Class: See above fire damage as though hit by the elementals attack (by HD).
Hit pts. (HD): 20-25 HD Furthermore, they must save. vs. breath or catch fire, taking
Attacks: Special 1d8 per round until extinguished.
Damage: See above
Save: See above Elder Water Elemental
Morale: 11 (as petty god of water, lakes, rivers, streams, etc.)
Hoard Class: XVI Symbol: Varies
XP: 3250, 5000, 5500, 6000, 6500, or 7000 Alignment: Varies (most often Neutral)
Movement: 60' (20')
Like elder air elementals, the appearance of an elder fire ele- swim: 180' (60')
mental can vary greatly, but they most often manifest as coiling
Armor Class: See above
serpentine forms of smoke and fire, or shapes akin to humans,
demons, and other monstersa key goal of the fire elemental Hit pts. (HD): 20-25 HD
is usually terror. Fire elementals are characteristically cruel, de- Attacks: Special
lighting in frightening weaker beings and terrorizing any thing Damage: See above
(or creature) they can set on fire. Save: See above
An elder fire elemental cannot enter water (or any other body of Morale: 11
nonflammable liquid). Therefore, unless an elder fire elemental Hoard Class: XVI
is able jump or step over a body of water, it will be an impass- XP: 3250, 5000, 5500, 6000, 6500, or 7000


As with the other elder elementals, elder water elementals have Ellsbeth loves being rescued; seeing her brave champion fight
their own unqiue forms. Generally, however, they appear as and emerge victorious, she smiles contentedly as he carries her
(slightly anthropomorphic) wave-like creatures with a face off into the sunset. Or, almost as often, she wails dramatically
somewhat humanoid in appearance, and arms like smaller upon witnessing his pitiful death. Much of her time is spent ar-
waves at their sides. They will also often appear in the form ranging and playing out these little dramas. She loves being the
of an aquatic creature (e.g., an octopus, shark, or sea serpent) heroine, but shes also quite the voyeur and when in one of her
composed entirely of water. more pensive moods will set up some unsuspecting victim to be
endangered, making sure a would-be savior arrives just in time
Elder water elementals possess an extreme patience and an to deliver the lady, or die trying. Shes always nearby, enjoying
unrelenting tenacity. They will often hide, then drag opponents the spectacle (usually hiding in the form of a squirrel or rabbit)
into the water so they gain the advantage. They are, however, but never interfering in the actual combat, as she enjoys the
unable to move more than 60' from water. tragic death of a hero almost as much as seeing him triumph.
Elder water elementals attack as a great wave of water 1/2' tall Upon those occasions when the champion falls, Ellsbeth will
and 2' wide per HD (e.g., a 24 HD elder water elemental would usually have no trouble disentangling herself from the situation.
be 12' tall and 48' wide). An elder water elemental does an ad- If some poor mortal was playing the Damsel, the goddess may
ditional 1d8 points of damage to opponents in water. decide to blame the victim for her rescuers failure and leave
Related Entries: S) Summon Elder Elemental. the poor lady to her fate. When Ellsbeths chosen gallant is vic-
torious, she will become quite irked if a romantic involvement
doesnt ensue and may use magic to force the issue, or even
Ellsbeth (petty goddess of damsels in distress) punish any participants for not playing their parts correctly. She
Titles: Our Lady of Timely Rescues, does, occasionally, answer a call for aid arising from a situation
for which she wasnt responsible, so long as the tableau is close
The Drama Queen
enough to her ideal to excite her imagination.
& James Smith For those whove wondered why a dragon might demand a young
F Vindico Vindicatum maiden as tribute instead of cold hard cash, this is due to Ellsbeth
Symbol: A frilly handkerchief bewitching the creature. A brave knight saving a fair maiden from
or a hennin the clutches of an evil dragon is the goddess favorite sort of res-
with attached veil cue, and one she will take great pains to arrange.
Alignment: Chaotic Ellsbeth rarely carries money upon her person, unless shes using
Movement: 120' (40') funds to arrange her entertainments. She does maintain a lair,
Armor Class: 3 [+2] where she houses her accumulated riches.
Hit pts. (HD): 80 hp (19 HD) Ellsbeth Reaction Table
Attacks: 1 The GM should keep in mind Ellsbeths nature.
Damage: 1d4+3 For instance such factors as the involvement
Save: M19 of an actual knight, or a nearby dragon lair,
Morale: 6 will modify her reactions considerably.
Hoard Class: XXII 2 Friendly/Hostile: Ellsbeth will be charming
XP: 6,250 and helpful, but quickly losing interest save for
those with a Charisma of 16 or higher. There
Known to those who would call upon her as Our Lady of Timely is a 40% chance, 60% if their Charisma is 18+,
Rescues and to those who know her well as The Drama Queen, that these latter will find themselves cast in her
Ellsbeth is the petty goddess of damsels in distress. next production. Afterwards, within a few days,
males may find themselves abandoned, or
She appears as a beautiful human female, lithe, fair of skin the subject of a fatal attraction. Females may
and hair, though occasionally she sports red tresses and light escape unscathed, unless they manage to
freckles. Her two front teeth are noticeably oversized. She will offend Ellsbeths sensibilities.
be dressed in a white or pink clingy dress and an 18" hennin, 3-5 Indifferent: Unless theres a definite opportunity
adorned with a veil. Her feet are unshod. She wears a silver for drama or romance, the goddess will not bother
ring shaped as a serpent (which doubles her 1st level spells), herself further and will take her leave.
and an ornate, wooden hair stick, which is actually a wand of 6-8 Neutral: She will ignore those present
paralyzation. and go about her business.
Ellsbeth has the powers of a 19th level magic-user. As a spell- 9-11 Unfriendly: She may engage in some petty or
like ability, she may cast charm monster (save vs. spell at -4), spiteful insult, such as breaking up a pair of lovers
3 per day. She can only be hit by +2 or greater weapons. She or polymorphing someone into a dog.
may shape change at will into the form of any small woodland 12 Hostile: The goddess will spend 1d3 days,
creature. amusing herself by tormenting the subjects of
her ire. Due to her highly mercurial nature, this
Many a fair lady, graced with a timely rescuer, has given credit may end rather mildly, gruesomely, or even with
to Ellsbeth after calling to the goddess in her hour of need. Little some version of Ellsbeths favorite dramaone
do they know that they usually have Ellsbeth to thank for their which might start out more twisted, than usual.
harrowing experience in the first place.


Eraisho (petty god of protection from angry gamblers) Ersae is the patron goddess of all who delight in the exchange
and interpretation of rumors.
& Eric Wirsing Her material form is as ephemeral as the half-truths and falsities
F Eric Wirsing she whispers with a rich honeyed tone. She appears as a youth-
Symbol: A pair of eyes on ful coquet in the morning, a hearty dame after noon and a cack-
a six-sided die ling crone after dusk. The goddess can naturally tell undectect-
Alignment: Neutral able lies (as per the reversed detect lie spell, but permanent).
Movement: 90' (30') If the characters have encountered Ersae and gained a smitten
Armor Class: 4 [+2] reaction, they will find that invoking her name before investigat-
Hit pts. (HD): 144 hp ing or spreading gossip results in the ability to detect lies or tell
(18 HD) an undetectable lie as if a 5th level Cleric. This boon will work
Attacks: 2 up to 1d6 times.
Damage: Special Ersae Reaction Table
(see below)
Modify by +/-1 dependent on
Save: T18 characters initial approach to the goddess
Morale: 9 courtesy and conversation matter to Ersae.
Hoard Class: VI, XVI 2 Smitten: Will flirt with the highest Charisma
XP: 9,250 character. If found entertaining by Ersae
(1-in-6 chance, plus any positive Charisma bonus)
Gambling is quite a dangerous occupation, and there are certain outlandish tales of the partys exploits will
men in those professions who want to recoup their losses. A precede the party in their travels for 1d4 weeks.
quick prayer to Eraisho can perhaps save those big winners who 3-5 Friendly: Will impart 1d4 hints concerning
are in danger of being rolled in an alley. secrets or treasure within the locale.
Eraisho appears as almost part of the shadows, cloaked in what 6-8 Neutral: Will encourage gossip and tell
looks like the night. When he thrusts out his hands at those who the party 1d4 local rumors.
would harm his worshipper, thick, ropy night-black tentacles 9-11 Unfriendly: Will spread a disparaging
come forth and wrap around the poor fools. A victim of these rumor about the party in the nearest town.
tentacles is afflicted as per a darkness spell. Against anyone 12 Hostile: Will spread 1d4 vile rumors
who truly has the audacity to attack him he can also burrow about the party across the land.
the shadow stuff into their eyes, effectively blinding them (as
blindess by darkness spell). He also has the power to turn invis-
ible (as the spell). Finally, he is insubstantial, requiring a +2 or Expiurge (petty gods of chaos embound)
greater weapon to harm him.
& Porky
F OpenGL
Symbol: A halo stretching
over a horizon
Ersae Alignment: Chaotic*
(petty goddess
Movement: 1d2030' (/3)
of rumor
Armor Class: 1d20-10
and gossip)
Hit pts. (HD): 2d20 x 5 hp
& Sean Wills (2d20 HD)
F Zak Smith Attacks: 1d6, of up to 1d3 types
Damage: Each type 1d(2d10),
Symbol: A flaming ear or a gemstone rounding down to the nearest
within a pair of open lips available die size
Alignment: Chaotic Save: M per HD
Movement: 120' (40') Morale: 1d6+6
Armor Class: 1 Hoard Class: 1dXX
Hit pts. (HD): 82 hp (12 HD) XP: 12,000
Attacks: 1 (charm)
Damage: Special Expiurge, or the Evershins Maltheon, is the petty gods of chaos
Save: M8 embound. A linear distillation of the chaotic curving out past the
rim of being, they is every form in one, a sequence of natures
Morale: 7 (will attempt to flee if fails check,
more numerous and perhaps more possible than the world can
wind walking as if a 20th Level Cleric)
host. Whether a work of nature or the creation of some great
Hoard Class: XIV in her lair (tales differ as to its location, power, none who now live seem able to say. The dead too are
only Ersae knows for sure) largely silent on the matter. Each form which Expiurge takes is
XP: 2,000 never truly defeated, simply replaced by yet another link in the
chain, another facet of the whole, all after all.


Roll 1d6 times on the following table, 1d30 for each column, people. Rumors that she has scattered cursed items far and wide
reading left to right. The current facet: are probably false, thoughshecancertainlycreatecurseditems.

1 abhors 1 1d6th-level 1 bedpans The goddess herself appears as a beautiful human woman, but
2 adores spellcasting 2 bells none have seen her in person, for she has hidden herself away
3 also hoards 2 backstabbing 3 clippings in a secret room of her luxurious temple-palace. Those who visit
4 blesses 3 blessed 4 cowlicks the dwelling place of the Eye of Vengalate are greeted by bubbling
5 commands 4 blow-turning 5 cracks fountains, courtyard gardens, grand feasting halls... and hundreds
6 conspires with 5 caustic 6 decks of identical priestesses who look exactly like their goddess.
7 craves 6 combustible 7 delights The Eye of Vengalate can transform any willing humanoid crea-
8 creates 7 constricting 8 draughts ture into a facsimile of herself.
9 curses 8 cursed 9 dripstone
10 destroys 9 dancing 10 ears Jumping from body to body, the goddess can use any of her
11 dreams of 10 discordant priestesses as puppets, and can see, speak, and hear through
11 flags
11 diseased any or all of them. In this way, any who hunt her can never be
12 embodies 12 flocks
12 disembodied sure if they have killed the goddess herself or merely one of her
13 fears 13 herds many duplicates.
14 grows on 13 ethereal 14 horrors
15 haunts 14 fecund 15 moles Those who travel to the temple-palace in the hopes of having a
16 hurls 15 flaming 16 mould curse lifted or aging reversed will have to meet the Eye of Ven-
17 is becoming 16 freezing 17 nets galates price to gain such favorsbe transformed and serve
18 is emerging 17 gelatinous 18 notes as a priestess/handmaiden for a year and a day. Adventurers
within 18 incomplete 19 piles who pay the price and serve willingly may leave the temple, but
19 is fleeing 19 invisible will forevermore look like the Eye of Vengalate, and know that
20 pinheads
20 is made from 20 limb-severing she might be seeing what they see, or at any moment might
21 pipes
21 is vulnerable to 21 lost take over their body. In some villages of Yattle-Hoy, the streets
22 rations throngwithduplicatesofthegoddess.
22 lives in 22 magical 23 rolls
23 manifests 23 magic-draining 24 rust The Eye of Vengalate has vast treasure vaults, and most of the
24 mimics 24 paralysis- 25 shingle treasure is cursed. She has been spending her treasure to build
25 pursues inducing 26 skins a stairway to the heavens. Her priestesses have inquired as to
26 secretly guides 25 parasitic 27 splinters what purpose her stairway hasif she intends to ascend, or if
27 seeks 26 poisonous 28 sponges it is for another to ascend, or if it is for someone (or something)
28 strikes with 27 save-or-die to descend. On this subject, the goddesss words seem to have
29 swarms
29 travels upon 28 soporific two meaningsand so far, nobody is able to get a clear answer.
30 worms
30 wallows in 29 stray Every year the goddess sends the body of one of her priestesses
30 transplanar to the top of the stairway and back again, scattering rose petals
up and back, while pipers play and narcoticincenseburns.
*And yet the scholars are divided. How can chaos be ordered
thus? What infernal compromise does Expiurge represent? Eye of Vengalate Reaction Table
+1bonus foreachcurseorcurseditempossessed by party.
2 Enamored: Agrees to meet with the party
EyeofVengalate face-to-face rather than speaking through a
(petty goddess of non-lethal curses) priestess/handmaiden. Offers the party treasure
AFFILIATIONS: The Three Cowardly Gods of Yattle-Hoy (Hoard class XVII) and a full removal of all
curses if the party member with highest CHA
& Ash Law (or who has been most interesting) agrees to
become a priestess/handmaiden for a year
F Glen Hallstrom (reversible only by a wish spell).
Symbol: Twocirclesinterlocked 3-5 Generous: Extends her offer of curing any and
Alignment: Chaotic all curses that the party has, provided one party
Movement: 300' (1000') member becomes a priestess/handmaiden for a
Armor Class: 6 year (reversible only by a wish spell).
Hit pts. (HD): 56hp (14 HD) 6-11 Bored: Only extends her standard offer of curing
any cursed party member, provided the cursed
Attacks: 1
character becomes a priestess/handmaiden for a
Damage: 5d4 year (reversible only by a wish spell). Offers to each
Save: M18 cursedpartymember; only one may accept.
Morale: 12 12 Offended: Has her priestess/handmaidens
Hoard Class: VII,X,XX throw the party out. If the party resists,
XP: 7,600 she transforms the party into handmaidens
(reversible only by a wish spell), and teleports
Wherever somebody puts on a cursed girdle, or finds a dubiously them to some far off land.
hexed deck of cards, there is the Eye of Vengalate. The goddess
Related Entries: G) Apar, Derral-Orth, Yattle-Hoy.
smiles upon those who have been cursed, considering them her


F FALLEN ONE FATTu feri Feloren Fimtakar Flissik Floog Fluxalle FUBAR

Fallen One
(petty god of fallen warriors and unsung heroes)
Titles: The Unsung; The Faceless Warrior
Fattu Feri (petty goddess of corpse candles
& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. and messenger of the tribes of the bog*)
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. Titles: Goddess of Corpse Candles


An unmarked
grave stone
& Paul Ballard
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Alignment: Lawful
Symbol: Skull surrounded by
Movement: 120' (40')
a burning green flame
Armor Class: 4
Alignment: Chaotic
Hit pts. (HD): 87 hp (15 hd)
Movement: 120' (40')
Attacks: 1 (Unsung:
Armor Class: 2
+1 long sword)
Hit pts. (HD): 90 hp (20 hd)
Damage: 1d8+1 + special
Attacks: 1 (ice touch) or 4 (cold lights)
Save: F15
Damage: 3d6 or 41d10+1
Morale: 12
Save: M20
Hoard Class: None
Morale: 11
XP: 2,000
Hoard Class: VI (special)
The Fallen One, the petty god of fallen warriors and unsung XP: 2,000
heroes, goes by many namesThe Unsung and The Faceless
Warrior among them. He roams the worlds battlefields, often The Bog Maiden is one of the messengers of death for the tribes
while the smokes of war still hang over them. There he gathers of the bog. She appears only at twilight. Most often, she arrives
the spirits of the fallen warriors and unsung heroes of the bat- at the side of someone who is about to die and gives the victim a
tle, escorts them to his great banquet hall, and feasts with them send off kiss before death arrives. However, she is sometimes
before sending them on to their final destiny... to be forgotten
by the histories of the mortal world.
Though many call him The Faceless Warrior, in truth his face
is ever-changing, constantly morphing from the face of one
fallen warrior to another; as each warrior falls in battle, his face
takes on their appearance, only to be replaced by the face of
the next warrior that dies. Otherwise, he manifests as a tall,
sturdy warrior wearing battle-worn chain armor and bearing an
unpainted shield. His +1 long sword (Unsung) is imbued with
the memory of every fallen warrior that has died anonymously
in battle. Whenever an opponent is struck by Unsung, they will
see the memory of a fallen warriors dying moment in battle,
and must save vs. spell or be forced to disengage from combat
with The Fallen One (as the spell charm); he will not attack any
opponent so disengaged.
Once per day, The Fallen One is able to use a mirror image
ability that creates 5d4 images of himself. Three times per day,
he is able to summon 1d6 fallen warriors (appear as recently
deceased fighters; fight and save as skeletons with chain mail,
shields, and swords; cannot be turned in the presence of the
Fallen One). Furthermore, The Fallen One is immune to sleep,
charm, hold, and cold (as undead).
The Fallen One has no shrines or temples, save for mass graves
filled with fallen warriors, and the battlefields where they met
their fates. He has no priests dedicated to him, though he con-
siders as his own those priests who roam the battlefields bless-
ing the dead, unsung warriors of battles.
Related Entries: S) Animate Fallen Warrior.


seen in the fogs that hang over corpse roads (those roads that Feloren, Astrayed Patron of the Lost and The Idol of Misdirec-
reach out of remote villages and towns and extend toward their tion is, ironically, a lost god, worshipped only by a very small
shared cemetaries and burial grounds). Fattu Feri is also the congregate of dao cultists that describe him as The-One-That-
goddess of corpse candles, holding dominion over the mysteri- Is-Lost-But-Everywhere. They apply a twisted logic to explain
ous lights that float inches above the ground along the corpse how he exists because he doesnt (or is that the other way
roads. These lights are said to be a warning that death can be around?)the wrong path taken is a path nonetheless.
imminent, but there are many who believe they are mischievous
spirits attempting to lead travelers astray. Finding Feloren is, paradoxically, taking a wrong turnand
being lost in a paradox, he is a lonely petty god indeed. When-
Fattu Feri appears as a beautiful woman wrapped in a glowing ever someone is lost and a random encounter occurs, there is
green cloak of fireflies and lightning bugs, and her eyes burn a 1-in-6 chance Feloren will be encountered. He appears as a
with the same luminous green intensity. harmless old hobo with a huge, wild beard and an adventurous
assortment of clothes. He will seem lost too, for most of the
In combat, the Bog Maidens icy touch does 3d6 on a successful time he is. His behavior may seem to some to be erratic, for
to hit roll (does not affect undead or cold-immune creatures). Feloren maintains three different embodiments at an any given
Additionally, she can cast a number of cold lights; these glow- time (one for each of his three alignments). Depending on his
ing green spheres of light appear identical to corpse candles, hit alignment and a reaction roll, he will react as follows:
without fail (as magic missiles), and each cause 1d10+1 points
of damage (no saving throw). Feloren Reaction Table
Roll 1d6 (instead of 2d6) and
Her treasure can be found scattered among the ruins of her
add the result of his alignment roll.
small altars along the corpse roads. Shrouded in fog or swamp
gas, the old coins will have a barely noticeable glow to them. 2 Misleading: Unaware he is a god.
The treasure can be handled by elves, dwarves, and other demi- 3 Counterproductive: Unaware he is a god.
human and humanoid beings, but it will crumble to dust as soon
4-5 Spurning: Unaware he is a god.
as a human touches it.
6-8 Indifferent: Aware he is a god.
Fattu Feri Reaction Table
9-10 Reluctant: Aware he is a god.
2 Will provide many lights to lead travelers
safely along the roads. 11 Helpless: Aware he is a god.

3-5 Brooding; provides the barest amount of light. 12 Disoriented: Aware he is a god.

6-8 Disinterested in the living. In his aware state (reaction rolls of 9 and greater), he is able
9-11 Will try to mislead travelers, causing death. (and willing) to assist the lost persons, though his help may not
be of much assistancehe is, after all, lost. In his unaware
12 Will attack the living. state (reaction rolls of 8 and lower), his confusion will get the
better of him, and his actions will be counterproductive to aid-
ing the PCs in becoming un-lost (though he may pretend he
Feloren (petty god of misdirection and lost travelers)
is indeed trying to be helpfulsuch is his flighty nature).
Titles: The-One-That-Is-Lost-But-Everywhere
Giving Feloren gifts or presents may alter his reaction for the
& Jens Durke better. For example, misleading maps fill him with glee; each
F Rom Brown misleading detail (e.g., Here Be Dragons!) may provide a +1
to his reaction. However, anything worthwhile that somebody
Symbol: A broken compass rose
is willing to lose (e.g., memories, close relatives, etc.) will go a
without cardinal directions
long way toward enlisting the aid of Feloren.
Alignment: Determine with 1d6 for
each encounter: Killing Feloren is possible, but very difficult. To do so requires
1,2=Chaotic uniting his three alignment-embodiments, but considering each
3,4=Neutral of them is always lost, the chance of all three being in the
5,6=Lawful same location at once is next to impossible. Even killing one
Movement: 120' (40') of his embodiments is difficult. Spells cast at him have a 3-in-6
Armor Class: 4 chance of becoming lost both from the spellcasters mind...
Hit pts. (HD): 200 hp
and spellbook! Additionally, anyone making a successful physi-
(30 HD) cal attack against him (ranged or melee) must save vs. spell or
be teleported 1d6 miles in a random direction.
Attacks: 1 (anything
he might get Feloren knows with 90% probability the whereabouts of any-
his hands on) one and anything lost. He might share the information, but he
Damage: 3d6 + special will not reveal himself as a god (if he knows at all). Depending
Save: M30 on how he is treated, and if he knows he is a god, Feloren may
Morale: 12 minus the choose to bless or curse those he meets. A blessed person will
result of the know the next 1d6 times what the right direction is (provided
alignment roll via hints from the DM). A cursed person, on the other hand,
will unknowingly move 1d6 times in the wrong direction (e.g.,
Hoard Class: Rare maps, information (see text),
the characters will say they are going in one direction, but the
1d3 random minor lost artifacts
DM will move them in a different direction).
XP: 25,000


Fimtakar (petty goddess of spices known & unknown, pleasures, as the mass majority of worshipers are men. One tale
tells of a wealthy spice trader who filled a giant barrel with spice
spice traders, and sea travelers)
to be burned as a sacrifice, and from which the goddess climbed
Titles: The Great Traderess
out completely bare. So awed and impressed was he with her
& Steven Bartok appearance that he immediately decided instead to give all of
F Darcy Perry the spice away to a nearby village. The myth has it that he ran
down the streets of the village screaming in delight, cramming
Symbol: A mortar & handfuls of spice into the hands of children and into any empty
pestle set over bowls that he could find.
three wavy
parallel lines Fimtakar can also punish worshipers as well. Those who exces-
sively charge for spice or withhold spice from the masses may
Alignment: Lawful
find all of their spice turned to sand as punishment. Spice trad-
Movement: 90' (30') ers may find their sources of spice ravaged by rats or turned to
Armor Class: 5 useless mounds of mud. Fimtakar may personally appear and
Hit pts. (HD): 85 hp blow toxic spices onto the worshiper, which (on a failed save
(18 HD) vs. breath) cause physical injury (1d4+1) and hallucinations
Attacks: 1 (throw) (3d4 turns, as per the spell). Despite her punishments, they are
never severe enough to cause death, and she never punishes
Damage: See below
Save: C18
Morale: 6 Fimtakar will greet worshipers who have been exceptional in
Hoard Class: See below their devotion. She will offer them a choice: she can either re-
veal an as-of-yet discovered spice to civilization, or create an
XP: 3,250
entirely new spice yet to be discovered. Other worshipers may
Fimtakar is the goddess of spices yet-to-be and spices long for- be turned into the spice of their choice or be prepared a meal
gotten. She appears as a moderately attractive young woman with a forever-forgotten spice. Worshipers are never punished
wearing dirty, loose clothes of simple tailoring. Historically, it is in the afterlife; they just are not dealt with by Fimtakar.
said that she carries around two clay jugs, one in each hand Amongst mortals, worshipers who pass away are always cre-
one that pours out spices yet-to-be, and the other which pours mated to be reduced to ash. Those ashes are then usually mixed
out spices forever forgotten by modern civilization. with a fairly expensive or rare spice that the worshiper was
Fimtakar is worshiped by spice traders and those who make known to harvest or sell.
their profession through sea or ocean travel (such as sailors).
The religion surrounding her worship is somewhat organized.
Worshipers are often called Fikaros (fih-CAR-oze), a title
which can either be respectful or malicious, given the individual
context in which it is used.
Fimtakar rewards followers that conduct frequent sacrifices of Flissik
spices as well as frequent exploration for new spices. Sacrifices (petty god of
are always conducted by giving away spices to people, giving evanescent ideas)
away the locations of spices to other merchants, using spices
in recipes not known for them (for example, mixing a spice & Malcolm Bowers
into a bread recipe that traditionally does not call for it) or even F Matthew Adams
giving away the recipe for the creation of a spice (although this
Symbol: A will-o-the-wisp
is somewhat rare as even fanatical followers are somewhat hesi-
tant to give up something that valuable). Sailors are known to Alignment: Neutral
throw spices such as salt or pepper into the sea during their Movement: 480' (160')
travels at least once per day. A lot of spice traders will throw Armor Class: 9
cinnamon behind them periodically while traveling between cit- Hit pts. (HD): 75 hp (16 HD)
ies (a common-enough practice that trade routes are sometimes Attacks: 1 per attacker
called Cinnamon Trails).
Damage: Special
Worship of Fimtakar also takes the form of exploration. Worshi- Save: M19
pers have been known to take often irrational risks in exploring Morale: 10
unknown or dimly known regions of the world, in search of new Hoard Class: I-IV
materials that can be used to make new spices or to seek new
XP: 6,000
cultures that may use spices yet unheard of. Explorers often
leave behind small bottles of spices in their explorations, super-
Flissik is the petty god of notions that disappear just as one
ficially burying them in shallow holes as a sacrifice.
grasps them. The brilliant idea that vanishes between concep-
Fimtakar rewards worshipers in several ways. She may appear tion and putting quill to parchment, the profound insight that
before an explorer, leading them to a tree or plant that can be slips away at the edge of sleep, the visionary train of thought
made into a new spice. She may appear as a trader, selling a interrupted by a visitor and lostall are collected by Flissik. (So
spice or recipe of a spice to a worshiper who may not realize too are the less valuable remembrances of things one forgot to
that she is a god. She may even appear for her own carnal buy at market, anniversaries, etc.).


Flissik is usually only seen as a brief illumination that comes and Floog Reaction Table
goes, but he can be glimpsed from the corner of ones eye. He +1 penalty for chaotics.
looks like a shortish, paunchy, but very quick man with beard,
monocle, pith helmet, and butterfly net. The monocle lets him 2 Helpful: If supplicated, produces lost
see 1 round into the future, the helmet is a helm of telepathy minor item (e.g., key, clue, map, etc.).
he can use without concentration, and he captures thoughts of 3-4 Considerate: If supplicated, will provide
interest with the net. A glowing jar at his belt stores captured exact location of item.
bright ideas. 5-9 Thoughtful: If propitiated, will utter
oracular clue to location of item.
In combat, he always wins initiative. He will attempt to catch the
thoughts of his attackers, erasing spells about to be cast from 10-11 Distant: Ignores everyone.
memory or otherwise making foes forget what they were about If provoked, will curse party and depart.
to do; those who fail to save vs. spell take no action that round. 12 Thoughtful: Ignores everyone.
If somehow subdued or bargained with successfully (e.g. by a If provoked, will curse party and depart.
hasted adventurer), Flissik may restore, replace, or trade ideas,
inspirations, spells, and solutions from his collection.
Flissik Reaction Table (petty god of corroded cookware and brewing gone bad)
2-4 Helpful: May be willing to help a party
short of ideas. & Michael Smith
5-9 Harvesting as usual: Takes a few ideas F Kelvin Green
and goes.
Symbol: A blackened
10-12 Harrowing: Takes good ideas and spells frying pan
from all and goes. behind a
flagon of
frothing mead
Floog Alignment: Chaotic
(petty god of lost things)
Movement: 90' (30')
& Malcolm Bowers Armor Class: 2 [+1]
F Jason Sholtis Hit pts. (HD): 63 hp
(12 HD)
Symbol: A knot tied Attacks: Special
round a finger
Damage: Special
Alignment: Lawful
Save: D12
Movement: 90' (30')
forward or Morale: 10
backward Hoard Class: IX, XV
Armor Class: 2 XP: 7,600
Hit pts. (HD): 90 hp (16 HD)
Fluxalle, sometimes known as Potrotter, is the god of cor-
Attacks: 2 front, 2 back roded cookware and brewing gone bad. Favored by itinerate
Damage: 1d8 each halfling tinkers and sellers of pots and pans, while despised by
(regardless housewives and tavern keepers in whichever region he is cur-
of weapon) rently active, he appears as a 4'-tall cadaverous halfling covered
Save: M18 in rust, with green mold instead of hair. Fluxalle appears near
Morale: 11 isolated inns, taverns, and farm houses on moonless nights in
Hoard Class: VII, XIV (no pp) his ethereal wagon pulled by two equally cadaverous mules. It
is said that his extreme bitterness and desire to cause havoc in
XP: 4,200
kitchens arises from his failure to actually attain status as a true
Floog is sometimes invoked by adventurers under the mistaken god of brewing.
impression that he is the god of major lost things like cities or Fluxalle enters a location in ethereal form, taking material form
treasures. In fact he is the god of small mundane things that in- for 1d6 hours while he causes all metalic cooking utensils and
explicably go missing like quills, buttons, corks, individual socks, alchoholic beverages he can find to rust or spoil in 2d6 days.
minor heirlooms, and so on. (He is destined for greater recogni- His actions never awaken sleeping persons, and others are only
tion if car keys are ever invented.) He appears as two humans alerted to his presence on a 1 on 1d6. If detected and confront-
joined back to back, having four arms and four legs, and one ed, Fluxalle is never surprised, and unless attacked on sight will
head with two faces. He is never surprised. He has foresight react per the table below. Fluxalle employs the following spell
(always wins initiative) and hindsight (once per turn can redo like abilities, usable at will: charm monster, sleep, detect invis-
a round or action that did not go well). Floog wears a robe of ible, blink, ethereal form (as oil of etherealness). If engaged in
many pockets, from which he can produce small useful items melee, he fights with a dagger +2, corrosion (a successful hit
at will, or retrieve any extant small item ever lost. Floogs curse destroys metal objects, as per a rust monster), and he can only
causes people regularly to lose or misplace small items such as be struck by magic weapons. As a special attack, or if merely
flints, rings, or spell components, and to always take ages to offended, Fluxalle may curse the metal posessions of 1 creature
find things in pouches, packs, etc., for a year and a day. chosen at random to corrode and become useless (as per a rust


monster) in 2d6 days. If actually threatened with defeat, Fluxalle cast a spell from an unidentified scroll in the heat of battle. The
will vanish with his wagon to his home demi-plane for 2d12 ratmen cultists had summoned a giant demon rat and the bloody
months, only to reappear in a new locale afterwards. If defeated tide was turning against his party of dungeon delvers. Faced with
before he can escape, his wagon and mules (including his treas- a deadly set of iridescent teeth and his own imminent death,
ure plus 1d6 kegs of ordinary mead) will transform into totally Fubar drew forth a newly-found scroll from its case and read it
normal versions of the same, waiting where he left them. hastilyas an act of desperation that resulted in a tremendous
ball of flame engulfing the demonic rat, the remaining ratmen,
Fluxalle may, based on the reaction table below, be inclined to and a few of his unfortunate companions. All were incinerated,
converse and possibly even bestow his special mead upon those including himself. The survivors recounted his astounding error
who do not threaten him. Halflings recive a 1 modifier on the of judgement at a tavern a few days later and the legend of Fubar
reaction roll, while dwarves (whom Fluxalle generally despises) was born. Legend became myth and myth became a small cabal
take a +1 penalty. Fluxalles mead is a thick and sickly sweat liq- of magic-users that cursed his name for the illrepute he brought
uid with the following properties: halflings find it delicious, and upon their profession. Nowadays the story is told as a warning
when consumed it heals 1d6 hit points damage; humans find to apprentice wizards, lest they become Fubar.
the flavor unremarkable, also enjoy 1d6 healing, but must save
vs. poison or be stupefied (conscious, but unable to act in any Fubar still has no idea how he became a petty god, which irks
way) for 1d6 hours; dwarves and elves find the substance utterly him. Hes also almost certain his name was Bundy. What upsets
repulsive, but do not enjoy or suffer any other effects. him even more is that before becoming a divine entity, he was
firmly of the belief that gods were nothing more than religious
Fluxalle Reaction Table mumbo jumbo to help the weak of mind with their fear of the
Halflings -1; dwarves +1. unknown. The fact that he appears as a smoking, disembodied
2 Friendly: Offers 1d6 doses of Fluxalles mead. floating skull with eerie glowing eye sockets annoys him no end.
He will only turn up whenever and wherever a spell or saving
3-5 Indifferent: Offers 1d6 doses of throw versus a magical effect has failed miserably, proudly wear-
Fluxalles mead if properly propitiated. ing his most prized possession: a burnt, pointy, wide-brimmed
6-8 Neutral: Ignores nearby creatures. hat with a fiery five-pointed star emblazoned on it. Fubar can
9-11 Unfriendly: Hurls insults, curses the only be seen by magic-users (and their familiars), with whom
posessions of 1 creature, then escapes. he can speak telepathically (as he has no vocal chords). On
a favorable reaction roll, he can offer sagely advice of dubious
12 Hostile: Attacks with surprise on 1-3 on 1d6.
merit, identify magic items (75% accuracy), or conjure a bronze
cylinder containing a magic-user spell scroll (random, 1d3 level
Frog Gods (pantheon) magic-user spell). However, should he deem the spell caster un-
worthy, Fubar will recount dreadful stories of doomed dungeon
& Chris Tamm delvers and the dangers of eldritch magic.

Please see individual entries related to the Frog Gods pantheon. Something weird always happens upon Fubars arrival. Roll 1d6:
1 Sagely Advice: Fubar offers wisdom, garnered from
Related Entries: G) Grandpa Toadflap, Johnny Hopper,
his own experience (earned the hard way through
Wart Mother, D) Goggles of the Frog Gods.
his lack of wisdom). One question on any subject may
be asked by the magic-user. Because Fubar is trying
to improve his reputation, the answer given is often
Fubar cryptic, though rarely accurate. Upon answering, he
(petty god of magical mishap and adventure) self-combusts and vanishes in a puff of smoke.
& Darcy Perry 2 Heavy Rain: Hundreds and thousands of flaming
F Rom Brown rats fall from above; damage is 1d3 hit points per
round unless cover is found; flammable items will
Symbol: A flaming, simple five- combust; the downpour lasts 1d4 hours.
pointed star
Alignment: Chaotic 3 Conjures Scroll: Fubar disappears in a puff of
Movement: 120' (40') fly smoke and a charred scroll case drops to the ground;
within, unharmed, is a scroll (random 1d3 level magic-
Armor Class: 9
user spell).
Hit pts. (HD): 9 hp (3 HD)
Attacks: 1 (bite) or special 4 Soul Switch: Each player hands their character sheet
Damage: 1d4 or special to the player on their left. Play on!
Save: Always fails 5 Yellow Ruin. Everything the magic-user is wearing
Morale: 9 turns to custard (no save). For rules lawyers, if its on
Hoard Class: None the character sheet, its custard.
XP: 350 6 Overly Familiar. A ghostly owl haunts the
magic-user, telling woeful tales for 2d6 days and
Fubar is a somewhat reluctant minor god associated with death by
nights, disturbing any chance of rest for the
magical mishap and misadventure. He was once a living, breath-
magic-user. When he finally departs in a fiery
ing magic-user of the third circle of power. A conjurer. Almost a
howl-hoot, the magic-user gains +1 Wisdom and
theurgist. His career in the ars arcana ended abruptly when he
a five-pointed star upon his forehead.


Gadfiel Galdu Aurkitu Galishma Gilthigoet Ginny Milk Eye Glaria
Glorfall Glyrea Gnunnug God of the Iron Urn God on the Mountain
Gor Nochri & Gar Nachri Gorgonmjolk GoRuush Grand Planar God
Grandpa Toadflap Gremlyn Gron Grugzaret GYTTJAN

Gadfiel (petty goddess of spells gone awry) Galdu Aurkitu (petty god of things lost and found)

& Matt Fischer & Anthony Ragan

F Mark Allen (Gadfiel) F Scott Faulkner
F James V. West (feature) Symbol: Keys on a ring;
Symbol: A prism a single sock
Alignment: Chaotic Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 180' (60') Movement: 180' (60')
Armor Class: 3 Armor Class: 3
Hit pts. (HD): 38 hp Hit pts. (HD): 90 hp
(20 HD) (19 HD)
Attacks: 1 (dagger) Attacks: Special
Damage: 1d4 Damage: Special
Save: M20 Save: T20
Morale: 6 Morale: 10
Hoard Class: VIII, XIV Hoard Class: VIII, XVII
XP: 2,263 XP: 10,000

Gadfiel appears as a statuesque, gorgeous redheaded woman Galdu Aurkitu is the petty god of all things mislaid and unexpect-
dressed in gauzy robes. To any whose eyes can pierce illusion, edly found. A relative of the gods of good and bad luck, Galdu
however, Gadfiel appears as an aging, slightly below average Aurkitu appears in one of three forms: an elderly, forgetful man;
height redheaded man with a bald spot, weak chin, and thick a young woman with three walnut shells and a pea; and a help-
mustache. Gadfiels favors are fickle, though she often responds ful lad. When encountered, each represents an aspect of Galdu
favorably to flattery. Aurkitus role: forgetting where one put something; being sure
something set aside was there just a moment ago; and suddenly
Gadfiel has all the power of a 20th level magic-user. Spells used finding in an unexpected place something thought lost.
on or near her do not have the desired effect, instead producing
a random effect of equal or lesser level (roll randomly for level, Galdu Aurkitu is often invoked by those looking for a mislaid
then for effect), possibly affecting the wrong target (all at the object, from something as minor as the house keys to some-
discretion of the DM.) Her spells work perfectly, of course. thing as important as a secret treaty. He (or she) can be a ca-
pricious god. If a person annoys the god (or one of the gods
Gadfiel Reaction Table divine friends), Galdu Aurkitu will cause a needed item not to be
2 Gadfiel attempts to make out with the where it was supposed to be, even though it was just put there a
male in the party with the highest Charisma. moment ago. The idea is not to cause harm, but to annoy and
3-4 Gadfiel tags along, making lascivious inconvenience the victim. On the other hand, Galdu Aurkitu
comments or inviting PCs to dance, sing or can take pity on those who have lost something dear to them,
otherwise cavort with her. such as the son who was sure he lost an heirloom ring, or the
poor widow frantic because she cant find the rent money. The
5-6 Gadfiel helps the party briefly with her spells. item will be found in the least likely place to look, and it is still
7 Gadfiel dances and sings popular songs up to the searcher to find it. Whether causing an item to be lost
of a bygone era. or found, Galdu Aurkitu takes great pleasure in mortals reac-
8-9 Gadfiel curses any spellcaster so his spells tions and may well be nearby, watching.
go awry for 1-3 days.
In combat, Galdu Aurkitu attacks by mislaying opponents
10-12 Gadfiel leaves, puts up spell defenses, weapons and magic items (e.g., a fighter will reach for a sword,
then returns to attack the party or misleads only its not therehe must have left it back in camp; the wiz-
them with illusions. ard will reach for a scroll, only to discover it is not where it is
supposed to be). In each case, the item will be in the hand of
Galdu Aurkitu, who will then put it to best use. The petty god
can use this power once per round.
When truly angry, Galdu Aurkitu can curse a mortal, ensuring
that, once in the next 24 hours, an item will be missing when
most needed. If Galdu Aurkitu particularly likes a mortal and de-
cides to bless him or her, then something treasured and thought
long-lost will be unexpectedly found and returned to them some-
time in the next week, or perhaps opponents in combat will
mislay a weapon or magic item. This latter blessing lasts for only
24 hours, however, and, like the curse, only happens once.


Galdu Aurkitu Reaction Table as well. Those struck by Galishmas tentacles must save vs. pa-
Modifed by Intelligence instead of Charisma. ralysis each round or be killed in four rounds.

2 Friendly: Blesses 1d4 nearby targets. Galishma favors the chaotic, especially assassins and rogues.
3-5 Indifferent: Blesses 1d4 nearby targets. Some assassin guilds will build secret shrines to Galishma. Her
if properly propitiated. followers place offerings of skulls, funereal incense, and small
cakes made of blood, urine and ashes under bridges and near
6-8 Neutral: Ignores nearby creatures. lakes and rivers.
9-11 Unfriendly: Curses 1d4 nearby targets
if not properly propitiated. A famous homily of Galishma tells of a woman who murdered
her unfaithful lover. The man was very wealthy and held in great
12 Hostile: Curses 1d4 nearby targets.
regard, but he was cruel and abusive to the woman. The wom-
Related Entries: S) Lose. an cried beside the ocean and Galishma took the body away,
never to be found. The woman was never suspected and in fact
won great favor from her people. In reponse to this story, some
women preserve a space in their family shrines for Galishma.
Other stories tell of Galishma giving presents of mystical curved
daggers to her followers. The daggers contained a special poi-
son that could instantly kill any living creature with so much as
a gentle poke (+1d10 to hit and save vs. poison or die). Very few
of these are said to be in existance, and only the highest priest-
esses and priests are known to carry them.
To summon Galishma, one must tie themselves to two freshly
slain innocent corpses (meaning they have never been con-
victed of a crime in their homeland) and drown themselves in
a dark river on a moonless night. Galishma will then revive the
summoner on the shore.
Galishma can also, at will, cast polymorph self, breathe under-
Galishma (petty goddess of water, teleport, limited wish, power word kill, and invisibility.
darkness under bridges and the disposing of bodies) Galishmas vault is in its own watery dimensionan impossi-
& Ben Djarum bly huge hall filled with bodies slowly decomposing in the salty
depths. Also, her treasure vault is filled with thousands of years
F Studio Arkhein worth of armor, treasure, and weaponry. One can only gain ac-
Symbol: The left half of a skull cess to the vault by Galishmas invitation.
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 180' (60') Gar Nachri (twin petty god of gossip, rumor,
Armor Class: 0 unfounded hearsay and baseless speculation)
Hit pts. (HD): 90 hp (20 HD)
See the entry for Gor Nochri & Gar Nachri in this section.
Attacks: Special
Damage: Smothering or drowning
Save: M20 Gilthigoet
Morale: 10 (petty god of magical and forgotten pools)
Hoard Class: Special (see below)
XP: 15,000
& R.J. Thompson
F Kevin Chevernet
Assassins and murderers pray for Galishmas blessing when Symbol: A bronze coin picturing
they are in need of disposing of their lifeless victims. The killer a river flowing from a pool
will carve a symbol of Galishma into the victims head, or place
Alignment: Neutral
a talisman in the mouth, before the body is buried or sunk into
a body of water. This guarantees that Galishma will hide the Movement: 60' (20')
bodies in her vaults in the deep waters. SWIM: 180' (60')
Armor Class: 3
Galishma appears in her corporeal form as a young woman
Hit pts. (HD): 106 hp (16 HD)
wearing a black cowl, with a veil over her eyes. Long black
gloves cover her long slender fingers and forearms. Under her Attacks: 3 (2 clawed hands
hood, Galishmas hair is a mass of writhing black tentacles. Be- + 1 tentacle)
neath her gloves, the hands and fingers are also a long slithering Damage: 1d6+4/1d6+4/1d8
mass of tentacles. Save: E10
Galishmas tentacles can grasp anyone within a 60' radius. She Morale: 10
can drown a victim in any body of water, no matter how shal- Hoard Class: XVII
low. She can also use her tentacles to smother or choke a victim XP: 4,200


Petty god of magical and forgotten pools, Gilthigoet began his Ginny Milk Eye is a gleeful hag with a local folk hat, tattered
career as a true god. Once upon a time Gilthigoet was the elven dress, stripey stockings, and big long boots. She rides her kettle
god of sacred lakes and pools. In the long forgotten time before through they sky, knocking over chimneys of selfish people or
man, when the other planes were closer to the prime material, defecating down chimneys into the cauldrons of mean people.
Gilthigoet enjoyed a devout following. The elven kings would She will also steal their clogs, or simply fill them with excre-
make sacrifices to him in the form of ornate treasures and pow- ment. Ginny also throws dung at foul-mouthed trouble-makers
erful weapons in exchange for his abundant blessings upon their from out of town. She is adept at swooping in to attack without
lakes, wells, and springs. That time is long past and few but the being seen (surprises on a 1-3 outdoors when flying ambush).
most ancient of sages remember this god. With a lack of follow-
ers the god has fallen from grace and has been left only with the If her victims fight back, are defended, or take out their frustra-
charge as guardian of magical and forgotten pools, fitting for a tion on innocents, she attacks. Each of her attacks (a rolling
forgotten god. This has left the god in a damaged state, remem- pin, a pair of shears, or a thrown clog), do 2d6+2 points of
bering his former glory, but unable to reclaim it. damage, with each causing an additional special effect: her roll-
ing pin will additionally stun a foe for 1d4 rounds on a failed
Gilthigoet appears (from the waist up) as a gaunt, pale elf, with save vs. paralysis; her shears will additionally cause wounds
ears longer than those of a common elf. His eyes are dark, as that result in a blood loss of 1 hp per round (cumulative) until
is his hair. From the waist down, instead of legs, grows a sin- magically healed; her clogs additionally cause their target (on
gle black tentacle, which the petty god uses to both swim and a failed save vs. paralysis) to temporarily lose 1d4 Intelligence
attack. This fallen deity can be found in and around magical points, with the lost points being regained at rate of one point
and long forgotten pools, indeed he may teleport to any such per day. If a victim is knocked to zero Intelligence, the victim
pool that he knows of by simply swimming into any pool and will forget to breathe and die (no save).
willing himself into another. Unfortunately, his petty godhood
and physiology prevent him from leaving the vicinity of such Vindictive old women (not necessarily witches, even if they have
places. If he is encountered, Gilthigoet may be indifferent to a few too many cats), call upon her when selfish persons have
the party. However, if elves are present, Gilthigoet has a 50% brought suffering, or when trouble-makers come into town and
chance of becoming depressed and 50% chance of becoming harm locals. They write the names of the evil-doers on leaves
enraged and attacking the elves for their races betrayal in his (simply referring to them as the strangers is good enough for
abandonment. In any case Gilthigoet may be placated by mak- Ginny), and burn the leaves in their fireplace with some hog
ing an offering in one of his pools. If he is placated (moreover, whiskers and a hedgehog quill. Village women meet yearly (on
if placated by elves) Gilthigoet may be moved 50% (75% for the occasion of a local festival) and send Ginny to bother the
elves) into helping a group using any of his abilities. Gilthigoet one person they deem the most selfish villager of the year.
casts spells as a cleric of the 16th level.
In combat Gilthigoet will use any spells available to him. He also Glaria (petty goddess of times lawful inevitability)
attacks with his webbed and clawed hands (each doing 1d6+4 Titles: She Who Watches the Sands, The Faceless Bride of
damage) as well as his tentacle (doing 1d8). If Gilthigoets tentacle
Time, The Goddess of the Lonely, the Lost, and Lunatics
strikes, he deals 1d8 damage and his target must save vs. paraly-
sis or become grappled. Each round a target remains wrapped AFFILIATIONS: The Mearra
in in the tentacle, the petty god can squeeze for 2d8+4 damage. & Eric Fabiaschi
An additional saving throw can be attempted each successive
round the target remains entangled, in order to escape the tenta-
F Scott Faulkner
cle. The treasure that Gilthigoet keeps in any given pool should Symbol: A broken hour glass
be rolled before he is encountered there; he will have access to Alignment: Lawful
and can use any magic items usable by clerics and fighters.
Movement: 150' (50')
Armor Class: 2
Ginny Milk Eye Hit pts. (HD): 75 hp (15 HD)
(petty goddess of termagants and viragos) Attacks: 1 (fists or
lightning bolt)
& Vindico Vindicatum Damage: 6d6 or 8d6
F Danny Perdue Save: F15
Symbol: A white marble, pearl or gem Morale: 10
Alignment: Chaotic Hoard Class: XVII + 3,000 gp
Movement: 120' (40') XP: 3,300
FLY: 240' (80') in kettle Glaria is the goddess of the lawful inevitability of time itself.
Armor Class: 1 She is the eternal moment of the final tick of time. She moves
Hit pts. (HD): 65 hp (15 HD) from the fullness of one moment to the next, watching between
Attacks: 1 (see below) the seconds of the Prime Plane for the opportunities which lie
Damage: 2d6+2 there. It is she who interferes with the events of lives, causes
the swing of Law to happen, and forces final outcomes. Glaria
Save: M18
is the wife of Merramorina and mother of the Family of Inevi-
Morale: 10 tability. She has been know to have affairs with comely mortals
Hoard Class: d1000+100 copper coins of particular genius (e.g., artists, lovers and madmen). It is one
XP: 11,000 of these affairs that produced her bastard son Sertitti.


This giantess is permanently of middle age. She wears a gown Any former students of a university, college, academy or the
of draped black velvet, about which float a host of small jewels like, who finds themselves in Glorfalls prescence must make
and tiny stars (which move with her). In contrast to her pale white a save vs. paralysis or be struck awed, dumbfounded, and un-
skin, her eyes are black spheres of swirling space and time. able to take any action while Glorfall speaks. Any command he
makes, however, will be immediately obeyed.
Glaria loathes the undead, because it is she who guides crea-
tures toward their inevitable deaths. The undead, however, Any current professors (or equivalent, but not including hon-
make a mockery of these deeds by to returning to life. In turn, orary professors) who find themselves in Glorfalls prescence
Glaria is the bane of the undead, and seeks to destroy them must also make save vs. paralysis or they will be commanded
whenever she can. For this reason, Glaria is commonly wor- by Glorfall to retract their prior academic work and spend the
shipped by small communities plagued by scourges of undead. rest of their careers arguing an opposing thesis; or, if they have
As the goddess of the lonely, the lost, and lunatics, she may previously reversed their academic position, arguing an entirely
choose to exacerbate such situations by showing mortals the new thesis that rejects all previously held positions.
streams of insanity which flow through time and space, plac-
ing them (on a failed saving throw vs. spell) into a permanent Glorfall is primarily worshipped in the ivy-covered, ebon halls
catatonia (removable through the spell remove curse). She is of Glorfallen University. At the centre of campus is a 30'-tall
able to use this ability three times per day. bronze and iron statue of Glorfall orating, with giant rubies for
eyes. Attempts to steal the rubies, the statue, or any part of the
In combat, Glaria may strike with her fists for 6d6 damage, or statue, will result in Glorfall being summoned in 2d6 minutes.
with a lightening bolt of pure Law (180' long and 10' wide) that Glorfallen University only accepts light-skinned males as stu-
does 3d8 on a successful to hit roll. She may use one of these dents, professors, or other professional staff.
lightning bolts every three rounds. Additionally, she is able to
gate in any of her children (one child per attempt) during any Prayers to Glorfall must be systematically argued by a tenured
given round, with a 75% chance of success. professor of a legitimate, respected academic institution, and
the orator must sound like they know what they are talking
Related Entries: G) Arvirive, Avirgiri, The Mearra, Merramo- about. While Glorfallen University has restrictive policies,
rina, Micicara, Nardrea, Ruslivia, Sertetti, Termarr, Tsrura. Glorfall accepts prayers from tenured professors of all persua-
sions, provided that their academic institution is legitimate.
Glorfall (petty god of academic arguments) A tenured professor who prays to Glorfall once a week for a
whole semester will receeve 2d201.7 (round down) additional
& Blair Fitzpatrick & Johnstone Metzger undergraduate students the following semester, and 1d6 addi-
F Thomas Fitzgerald tional applications from prospective graduate students.
Symbol: A large tome wrapped in chains
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 2
Hit pts. (HD): 90 hp (20 HD)
Attacks: 1 (tome)
Damage: (1d10+5) + Intelligence
& memory loss
Save: C20
Morale: 11
Hoard Class: Nil
XP: 4,250

Glorfall, the petty god of academic arguments, appears as a

tall, powerfully built scholar with a wildly unkempt salt-and-
pepper beard, a huge mouth, and rotten teeth. Glorfall dwells
in an ivory tower that exists simultaneously in both Krangath,
the icy layer of Gehenna, and also floating freely in Acheron.
Glorfall bears a gargantuan tome, bound shut with heavy
clasps and affixed to a heavy chain. The other end of this chain
is locked around Glorfalls left wrist. Glorfall wields this tome
in battle, being able to throw it up to 30 feet and than imme-
diately pull it back. Any struck by the tome must save vs. spell
or lose 1 point of Intelligence and a handful of memories. The
tome acts as a +5 weapon.
He may shout, with the effect of a horn of blasting, five times
per day. As it is insufferably hard to do well under Glorfalls
gaze, those who are subject to his baleful glare must save vs.
spell or suffer a 2 penalty on attacks against Glorfall (for the
duration of the encounter).


Professors that have practiced regular supplications to Glorfall Gnunnug (petty god of the number seven)
receive a +1 to all rolls for attacks, damage, and saving throws
while defending a thesis in battle. & Gavin Norman
Glorfall Reaction Table
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
2 Friendly: Lectures those present at great length. Symbol: A seven-pointed
All present benefit from a 25% reduction in time star atop
required for all research for the next three months. a rainbow
3-5 Indifferent: Disappears. Alignment: Lawful
6-8 Neutral: Pontificates to academics but Movement: 120' (40')
ignores non-scholarly types. Armor Class: 7 [+2]
9-11 Unfriendly: Strikes one being with his tome Hit pts. (HD): 77 hp
and departs. (17 HD)
12 Hostile: Attacks. Attacks: 7
Damage: 1d7 each
(roll 1d8; count
Glyrea (petty goddess of results of 7 & 8
serpents, venom, and poisons) as a 7)
Titles: The Giantess; The Gorgon; Save: M17
Glyrea of the Forked Tongue Morale: 10
CULT: Society of the Serpent Hoard Class: XVIII,
crystal rod (see below)
& Josh Graboff XP: 6,250
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Gnunnug is the petty god of the number seven, known only to
Symbol: An asp
students of numerology and geometry. He is associated with
Alignment: Chaotic the seven days of the week and the colors of the rainbow, and
Movement: 180' (60') appears as a tall, lithe humanoid, with seven arms, seven eyes,
Armor Class: 2 and seven rainbow hued horns projecting from his brow in a
Hit pts. (HD): 90 hp crown-like formation. His skin is completely smooth, and glows
(20 HD) faintly with iridescent colors.
Attacks: 1 (fists) plus 1d12 (serpents) In combat the petty god is extremely agile and makes a whirl-
Damage: 1d12 (fists) plus 1d8+poison (serpents) wind of attacks with the seven weapons he carries (all dealing
Save: Immune to all magic and poisons, the same damage)a whip, a sickle, a mace, a flail, an axe, a
otherwise saves as F20 sword, and a crystal rod. He can only be struck by magical weap-
Morale: 12 (never fails) ons with a +2 or greater enchantment. Additionally Gnunnug
has the following spell-like abilities (wielded through his crystal
Hoard Class: XVII, XVIII
rod) which he can use at will: mirror image (projects 7 images),
XP: 20,000 feeblemind, and prismatic sphere. Gnunnugs rod is fabled to
also have other powers relating to the colors of the rainbow.
Glyrea is one of the Archaoi, the gigantine gods from before the
coming of the Aelio. Her worship spread to the south men after Gnunnug is engaged in an eternal meditation on the numerical
they settled in Rhn and she became a common goddess during derivatives of his number, and, when encountered, is always deep
the First Empire. However, in the modern age she is publicly de- in thought. He resents any intrusion to his task, except for the
nounced (though her worship is not proscribed). Privately, many offering of sets of seven items, which he gladly receives, irrespec-
important political figures make offerings to her in the hopes tive of their material worth. A suitable offering grants a 2 bonus
that she will remove their rivals. Her temples are small affairs, to the reaction roll. The petty god also reacts favorably to groups
and her priesthood is reviled. She is strongly associated with the of seven characters, granting a 2 bonus to the reaction roll.
stain of necromancy and assassination, and is called the Giant-
ess, the Gorgon, and Glyrea of the Forked Tongue. Gnunnug Reaction Table
Offerings to her can be made anywhere, though it is proper to Use Intelligence instead of Charisma for modifier.
her worship to make them at a shrine. These can include the 2 Friendly: Will answer a single question
regular bevy of slaughtered animals, but also offerings of ones relating to his domain of influence.
own precious blood to bind a pact with Glyrea are not uncom- 3-5 Indifferent: Will answer a single question
mon. There are few members of her inner cult among the people relating to his domain of influence, if deemed
of the north, but those who are are certainly not to be trusted. a matter of importance.
She appears as an alluring woman of gigantic stature and flash- 6-8 Neutral: Ignores nearby creatures and
ing eyes, often wearing a toga or a robe. Beneath her clothing, returns to meditation.
however, wind hundreds of serpents of various types, all of 9-11 Unfriendly: Attempts to discourage further
them deadly. In combat, 1d12 of these at any given time can intrusion by use of the powers of his rod.
position themselves to strike (save vs. poison or die).
12 Hostile: Attacks intruders.
Related Entries: G) Insitor, Sernis; C) Society of the Serpent.


God of the Iron Urn The boon consists of the one-time ability to transform oneself
into a black pudding, gray ooze, green slime, or ochre jelly
(petty god of madness and sacrifice)
(equal chance of each). Transformed persons retain their intel-
& Geoffrey McKinney ligence and psionic powers, but nothing else. Possessions do
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. not transform. If not careful, ones new form might destroy its
own possessions, such as an armored character transforming
Symbol: A black urn himself into green slime. The transformation lasts 24 hours, no
Alignment: Chaotic more and no less. A character can receive this boon an unlim-
Movement: 180' (60') ited number of times, and can even accumulate multiple boons
through multiple sacrifices.
Armor Class: 5 [+1]
Hit pts. (HD): 84 hp The God of the Iron Urn can issue from its urn no more than
(15 HD) once every 4 hours. It can stay out of the urn for only 1 hour at
Attacks: 4 (claws) a time, though each sacrifice restarts the hour.
Damage: See below
Save: F15
Morale: 10
God on the Mountain
(petty patron god of the city of Shazid Mon*)
Hoard Class: None
XP: 3,300 & Mike Carlson Davis
Scattered upon countless worlds are stoppered, featureless iron
F Vindico Vindicatum
urns (about 1' tall). If one of these iron urns is unstoppered, a Symbol: Silhouette of
green gas will flow out and solidify into the God of the Iron a mountain
Urna horrid four-armed entity with a bare ribcage and cilia in surmounted
place of a mouth under its bulging eyes. by a halo
Alignment: Chaotic
The God of the Iron Urn takes 1 round to fully issue from its
urn. During this round it cannot attack, but it can be attacked. Movement: Varies
Only enchanted weapons, magic, or high-tech weaponry (such Armor Class: Varies
as laser blasts) can harm it. The god can never travel farther Hit pts. (HD): Varies (at
than 100 from its urn. Each time it comes forth from the urn, least 10 HD)
the DM should re-roll its hit point total using 15d4, 15d6, 15d8, Attacks: Varies
15d10, or 15d12 (equal chance of each). Each of its claws does Damage: Varies
1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, or 1d12 points of damage, randomly
Save: Varies
determined each round. (If he so wishes, the DM can rule that
the God of the Iron Urn always has 68 hit points, and always Morale: 9
does 1d8 damage per attack.) Hoard Class: XV (temple),
XVI (personal)
If the God of the Iron Urn strikes an opponent with at least two XP: Varies
claws in a single round, the god pulls him to the contact poison
on its cilia (save vs. poison or die). The God on the Mountain is the patron god of the city of Shaz-
id Mon. Protector of the city, the god is never encountered
The God of the Iron Urn will slay those who release it unless they
outside the temple complex atop Mount Shazid, nor seen by
give the entity worship and live human (or demi-human) sacrifice.
any other than the highest members of his priesthood. It is
When a sacrifice is made, the god (without actually touching the
said that so long as the god resides in his temple, no harm shall
sacrifice) takes 1 round to consume it. The sacrifice desiccates to
befall the city.
a skeleton covered with dry skin. The sacrifices blood appears
on the gods ribcage, and it twitches in ecstasy as the sacrifice What is unknown to the laity and even the clergy outside the
writhes in pain. During this round the god cannot attack. It takes main temple complex is that the God on the Mountain is a
2 rounds to consume a fertile human female virgin. fraud perpetrated by the founder of the city, a charismatic con
artist; in truth, there have been a succession of gods on the
Each human sacrifice grants the supplicant a 25% (non-cumu-
mountain, each a skilled adventurer who has usurped the po-
lative) chance of a boon. Adjust the chance according to the
sition from the prior god. In total, there have been twenty-
following table:
seven gods residing on Mount Shazid, each bringing their own
Sacrifice is... Bonus special blend of charisma and chicanery (thus the gods variable
female +5% stats). The god has, at various times, been male and female; hu-
virgin +5% man and non-human; a warrior, a wizard, a priest, a con artist,
halfling 5% a butcher, and various other occupations.
half-elf 7%
The fact that there is no actual god on the mountain does not,
elf 10%
however, mean that the priesthood of the God on the Moun-
dwarf or gnome 15%
tain is without powerfar from it. The people of Shazid Mon
half-orc 20%
have great faith in their god, that he will protect and empower
per point of Charisma over 12 +1%
their city. Many are called to the clergy, and on strength of faith
per point of Charisma under 9 1%
alone are able to perform miracles as well as the followers of
true gods.


God on the Mountain Reaction Table One delights in causing mayhem through spreading untruths,
2 Friendly: Treats those approaching as trusted the other gossips as a way of enforcing social morespubliciz-
confidants, even (possibly) to the point of revealing ing socially unacceptable behavior. One is aligned with Chaos,
the truth of the God on the Mountain in private the other with Law. Of the two, nobody is sure which is which.
audience. Will provide almost any assistance.
Annually, at one of the largest public gatherings in the realm,
3-4 Indifferent: Calm and somewhat relaxed; allows the godlings hold court for devotees in the Great Murmuration.
an extended public audience, and will provide The meeting to which the Murmuration attaches itself may
reasonable assistance. be either religious or secular; the precise time and location is
5-6 Neutral: Allows a (very) short audience with those made known to worshippers through divinely inspired rumor
approaching. May provide limited assistance. up to one month in advance. During this festival, celebrants
7-9 Unfriendly: Wary, but willing to listen. swap tittle tattle with each other and may also petition the
Still, silently gathers a cleric (level 1d4+4) godlings for new gossip, in exchange for alcoholic libations (the
and 1d4 fighters (level 1d4). better to loosen lips) and their own rumors. Oddly enough,
10-12 Hostile: Assumes he is being approached the congregation passes entirely unnoticed by authorities, even
by usurpers and will lead an attack of 1-2 clerics though it frequently takes place in broad daylight.
(level 1d4+4) and 1d6 fighters (level 1d4). It is possible that a party of adventurers (or individual adventur-
ers) might seek out Gor Nochri and Gar Nachri, in order to dis-
cover information about places, groups, or individuals. Whether
the godlings are somehow summoned or found at the Great
Murmuration, the characters should roll on the reaction table.
Gor Nochri and Gar Nachri Reaction Table
Apply the single largest Wisdom bonus
of the petitioning group as a penalty, and vice versa.
-1 per gallon of beer or pint of wine offered
(-2 if fine quality or higher).
-1 per two pieces of gossip offered about a subject;
one must be true and one must be false but believable.
-2 if initiated into the cult.
2 Benevolent: Will pass on two true rumors and
two false but believable rumors (that, however,
provide some insight) about the subject.
Gor Nochri and Gar Nachri
3-5 Well-disposed: Will pass on one true and one
(twin petty gods of gossip, rumor,
false but believable rumor about the subject.
unfounded hearsay, and baseless speculation)
6-8 Indifferent: Will share one piece of random
TITLES: Ttel and Ttall; Old Tittle and Old Tattle
tittle-tattle unrelated to the topic at hand.
& David Haraldson 9-10 Mildly Irritated: Will ignore the petitioner,
preferring to talk to another.
F Kent Miller
11-12 Angered: As irritated but will also curse
Symbol: Two starlings (regions most prevalent type) petitioners (see below).
Alignment: Lawful and Chaotic (see below)
Movement: 120' (40') Additional Reaction Notes
Armor Class: 9 [+1] Unless petitioners are cult initiates, there is a cumulative
Hit pts. (HD): 99 hp (20 HD) each
+1 penalty per previous request for information to the
reaction roll.
Attacks: As manifested entity + special (charm, curse)
Damage: As manifested entity + special If cursed by the godlings, petitioners will find that they
Save: T20 are now the subject of unflattering gossip which has a
percentage chance:
Morale: 6 (+1 per 10 cult initiates present,
up to maximum morale of 10) equal to the victims level 10 of being known by anyone
Hoard Class: III + IV in combination of their professions within level 10 miles radius.
XP: 5,250 each
equal to the victims level 5 of being known to people
The twin godlings of gossip and rumor are among the oldest outside their professions within level 5 miles radius.
known to the worlds peoplesfor, as often noted, whenever
equal to the victims level of being known in societys
two people congregate, they will talk about a third. These gods
highest echelons.
can be found on the edge of any place where people gather,
whispering conspicuously. Their appearance is not fixed but The curse can only be removed by a cleric or priest
appropriate to the location in which they manifest; when they of a level higher than the character(s) or by undertaking a
do appear, they traditionally do so as members of the same public performance of contrition.
peer group.


People possessed of any common sense are less likely to Grgnmjlk Reaction Table
trust information from known cult initiates. (Worshippers 2-4 Whispers hoarsely the secret of steel. Anyone
wear necklaces with one of the godlings symbols both as listening has a 1% chance per Intelligence point
signs of devotion and as wards against malicious gossip above 12 to learn the secret of making a vorpal
about themselves. When making a reaction roll, the react- sword. Any necessary materials must be acquired
ing individual applies his/ her Wisdom modifiers directly to separately (3d61,000 gp). There is 75% chance
the result, in addition to other modifiers. Double bonuses/ each day that secret will be forgotten, regardless
penalties if the modifier would already be in effect.) of any attempt to preserve the knowledge (e.g., if
written down, the writing will appear as gibberish).
If attacked, the godlings will be defended by the nearest The secret is impossible to pass to another person,
1d6+1 NPCs (all charmed) and make their escape
5-10 Demands tribute in the form of 1d6 days worth of
into the crowds (count as thieves Hide-in-Shadows ability
toiling in her forge. Offenders willing to pay this
of appropriate level), fighting only as a last resort. tribute will be teleported to her home realm. Make
a new reaction roll at end of each service period,
11-12 Angry, she will threaten to start lopping off heads
if worshipful prostration, begging, and ululation
does not begin immediately (a promise she will
Grgnmjlk gladly make good on).
(petty goddess of steel
and metallurgy)
& Jonas Mustonen (petty ogre god of intelligence and subterfuge)
F Darcy Perry TITLES: The Ogre Sympathizer


smiling head
& Mike Lizardi & Christopher Conklin
of a medusa
F Christopher Conklin
Alignment: Chaotic Symbol: An open book in front
of two crossed daggers
Movement: 120' (40')
Alignment: Chaotic
Armor Class: 3
Movement: 120' (40')
Hit pts. (HD): 50 hp (12 HD)
Armor Class: 5
Attacks: 1 (sword)
Hit pts. (HD): 100 hp (19 HD)
Damage: 1d8 + 4d6 (fire) + special
Attacks: 2 (daggers)
Save: F12
Damage: 1d6+6 plus poison 2
Morale: 10
Save: T19
Hoard Class: 5d50 steel weapons
Morale: 8
XP: 2,000
Hoard Class: See below
Every northern barbarian woman believes that menfolk are XP: 6,000
lazy, that patriarchs spend their days sitting on the throne
and dodging real work, and that behind every great god is a GoRuush appears as short, skinny ogre dressed in a fine black
goddess. Out of frustration for gender roles (e.g., that a black- tunic. GoRuush does not appear to be armed (though he is
smiths work is suitable only to men) came the divine spark that in fact carrying two cunningly hidden daggers of venom +5;
brought this goddess of steel into being. unlimited doses of poison). Though he lacks an impressive phy-
sique, he possesses a very shrewd mind. The act of speaking
Northern barbarians (who believe the secret of steel working to to GoRuush is in itself a gamble, as his voice constantly acts
be holy) have a very grim, duty-obsessed matriarchal deity as a suggestion spell (save vs. spell at 6 every for each round
Grgnmjlk. This goddess of steel-hardening appears as a spent in conversation).
medusa covered by layers of soot and ash, accumulated dur-
ing her millenia of working the forge. As her face is obscured Machinations within machinations; plans within plans; the sub-
by layer upon layer of this residue, looking upon her does not tle lie is deadlier than the cudgelthese are the trappings of
turn anyone to stone. GoRuush the Ogre Sympathizer. GoRuush strives to awaken
intelligence and cunning in the ogre race. GoRuush feels that
Grgnmjlk wields a +2 flaming sword of extreme sharp- these attributes, coupled with the legendary physical strength
ness known as Mjlkblad (Milkblade). In the goddesss hand, of the ogre race, will make them invincible.
this sword glows white-hot and, on a successful to hit roll,
does 1d8+2 standard damage plus 4d6 of fire damage. Fur- Most ogre tribes have a basic, savage and evil inherent culture.
thermore, on a natural to hit roll of 19 or 20, the sword will Their lives revolve around constant infighting, crushing weaker
lop off the head its victim, killing instantaneously (no saving creatures and taking what they want by force, and serving pow-
throw). Grgnmjlk has been known to lend Mjlkblad to fe- erful, evil masters as shock troops. GoRuush has studied his-
male fighters of chaotic alignment, but in the hands of anyone tory, however, and he has seen that at least one of the higher
other than Grgnmjlk, the sword operates as a standard +2 races (men) share a similar barbaric tradition. So, he bides his
sword (doing only 1d8+2, with no fire damage nor chance of time, acting where he sees fit in order to push the ogre race
decapitating a victim). towards their eventual ascendance.


GoRuush only makes his existence known to those ogres he Should any be so foolish to attack them, they will respond with
deems worthy and smart enough to convey his teachings. As a 1d10 planar cosmic blast, then a 1d4 tendril attack, and fi-
such, his name remains unknown to most scholars. Those few nally an anti-magic/psychic ocular blast that does 1d8 of dam-
who have learned of him have become greatly unnervedfor a age (and dispels magic, per the spell).
smarter ogre race would certainly spell doom for the realms.
Grand Planar Gods may also use an attack called the grand
Aside from his daggers of venom +5, GoRuush also wears dismissal. This invocation separates the target being from the
gauntlets of ogre power, as well as a circlet of persuasion local space-time continuum, separating their soul from the sil-
upon his head. His fine black tunic functions as a cloak of very cord. The being must save vs. death or be permanently
displacement, a robe of eyes, a robe of blending, and a robe struck from the Cosmic Wheel of Life. Any being destroyed in
of useful items. this manner has no hope of resurrection.
GoRuushs followers erect no shrines and his name is never Grand Planar Gods may also use an ability called the grand
written down. After all, the less the enemies of ogrekind know recall. This allows the Grand Planar God to call upon any
of him and his plans, the easier they are to victimize. being, and that beings alternative world doppelgangers, for
the purpose of information or interrogation. This is often done
The rare ogre cleric of GoRuush may cast commune and sug- when there is a disturbance upon the planes.
gestion 3/day. They also may read languages, read magic
and message at will. It is rumored that a high priest of the Grand Planar Gods may teleport without error anywhere with-
god is capable of casting speak with dead at will. Clerics of in the oververse, and are able to move 1d10 beings with them.
GoRuush may be enlightened, but their followers still have a
penchant for smashing first and not asking questions. These beings may be found in thousands across the myriad of
scattered worlds. They gather together for a Grand Conclave
every thirty thousand years.
Grand Planar God Grand Planar Gods will also possess the ability to: cast spells as
(guardians of the gateways and byways of the planes) a cleric (same level as their HD), use psionics as a mystic* (the
same level as their HD), and commune with their gods (1/day,
& Eric Fabiaschi as the spell).
F Eric Campbell
Related Entries: S) Call Grand Planar God.
Symbol: Varies
Alignment: Neutral * See Basic Psionics Handbook.
Movement: 600' (200')
Armor Class: 8
Hit pts. (HD): 100 hp (20 HD)
Attacks: 3
Damage: 1d10 (planar cosmic blast),
1d4 (tendril attack), 1d8 (ocular blast)
Save: M20
Morale: 10
Hoard Class: 7,000gp worth of artifacts
XP: 3,500

The Grand Planar Gods stand within the vales of the Outer
Darkness, allowing travelers to pass through the gateways and
byways of the planes. They are the guardians at the threshold
for all other Mythos entities. They ensure that none enter the
forbidden places where life is still developing. They are said to
be related to the gods of the Earththose beings of the Dream-
lands who echo of formerly great gods and spirits. Others are
highly evolved alien beings who have risen from the ranks of the
local time space continuum.
These beings project multi-dimensional echoes of themselves
throughout the unreality of planar space, allowing them to ap-
pear to be many places at once. These beings are called upon
to divine the destinations for hyperspace travel and dimension-
al routes through interstellar distance.
They are masters of life, death, and unreality. The three un-
holy faces they wear are able to allow them to see what can
be unseen. Nothing hides from their gazes. These beings are
highly evolved entities of Cosmic Planar energies. Many lost
and forgotten races sacrifice valuable technologies and relics to
them for their favor.


Grandpa Toadflap Grandpa Toadflap may grant the wisdom of the primordial
ones who remember proto-historic secrets of early creation.
(petty frog god of stashes and caches)
He is crotchety and may wander off topic. Best feed him so he
doesnt get hungry watching twitching, tempting, pink-meat-
& Chris Tamm people. Swamp folk, old misers, farmers, and poor and des-
F Eleanor Ferron perate people call upon him. If insincere persons summon him
(seeking only his treasure), those people will be placed under a
Symbol: A fat warty curse (no saving throw) which compels (and enables) them to
toad sitting vomit 4 pounds of toad spawn in a nice damp spot every day
on a coin for life (removable by remove curse).
Alignment: Neutral
Related Entries: G) Johnny Hopper, Wart Mother, A) Gog-
Movement: 120' (40')
gles of the Frog Gods.
Jump: 60' (any
time in
Swim: 180' (60')
Gremlyn (Murphee)
(petty god of mechanical failure)
Burrow: 45' (15')
Armor Class: 4 & Christopher Ziegler
Hit pts. (HD): 82 hp (18 HD) F Glen Hallstrom
Attacks: 1 (bite) plus special
Symbol: A cracked gear
Damage: 2d8+4 plus grip body part, plus chance
Alignment: Neutral
to swallow (3d6/round) and/or hold
(1d6+2 per hand) during same round Movement: 90' (30')
Save: F18 Armor Class: 6
Morale: 8 Hit pts. (HD): 75 hp (18 HD)
Hoard Class: d1000+100 copper coins, Attacks: Special
d100 silver, d20 gold Damage: Special
XP: 4,250 Save: T20
Morale: 2
Grandpa Toadflap is a testy, grumpy, incredibly ancient toad Hoard Class: I, II, IX
the size of an ox. He loves coins and treasure, and revels in
XP: 13,000
sitting on his celestial stash pile, which is hidden in the depths
of a dawn-age sunken palace. He lairs in pits, and will never Spend an evening with an engineer, architect or sapper, and
hesitate to attack those coming near his sacred pit should he, you may eventually hear grumblings about Gremlyn, the imp of
even for a moment, think they want his loot. mechanical mischief. The origins of Gremlyn are unclear, but
Grandpa Toadflap is a very capable swimmer and moderate he has been around since the simplest mechanical devices were
burrower, but he is also able to burrow backwards. Further- constructed by the ancients. Gremlyn appears in two forms: his
more, he may jump up to 60' during a single round. He cannot primary appearance is as a shoddy dressed unkempt imp, with
be surprised; he, however, surprises on 1-3 (on 1d6) if hidden a bearded face and spindly limbs. Alternatively, when he wishes
under dirt or water. to appear among humans or demi-humans, Gremlyn can adopt
the persona of Murphee, a dusty mustachioed tinkerer adorned
If Grandpa Toadflap makes a successful to hit roll with his by tools of unknown function. Murphee will attempt to repair
bite, he gets an additional to hit roll during the same round. If or tune-up mechanical instruments, only to have them break
the second to hit roll succeeds, he swallows the victim whole, down in repeated and increasingly spectacular fashion. Grem-
doing 3d6 per round until the victim (or Grandpa Toadflap) lyn is not a malicious deity, but rather he simply enjoys watch-
dies. Should his swallow attempt fail, he is still allowed two ing devices fail catastrophically.
more to hit rolls (1 for each hand). Each successful to hit
roll with a hand does 1d6+2 in grappling damage. Should In the presence of Gremlyn, mechanical items and even simple
both of his hand attack to hit rolls succeed, the victim may tools will undergo failure on a roll of 3 out of 6; gears will crack,
not move or attack until Grandpa Toadflap releases his grip, bowstrings will snap, axles will break. If allowed to work on a
and Grandpa Toadflaps bite attack will automatically succeed device, the mechanism will invariably fail at some point in the
against that victim during the following round, with a +5 bonus future, to be decided by the referee. Gremlyn has no ability
on the successive swallowing to hit roll. to affect magical devices unless the item has some physical
mechanism. In these cases, failure of the device does not per-
Grandpa Toadflap may be called to our time by an earnest com- manently break the item or cause it to lose charges; rather the
moner. The commoner must collect a stash of coins and up to malfunction is temporary (a gear slips, a hinge sticks, etc) and
40 pounds of worms in a pit, then sob and weep for the atten- the player must take one round to fix the item before it can be
tion of the god. After a mighty nights frog chorus, Grandpa used again.
Toadflap may come right away, but may also choose to lurk in
the pit for a few weeks before making himself known. Villagers When attacked, Gremlyn does not fight back but instead will
may use him to stump troublesome monsters or enemies by attempt to flee the melee. Those persons who attack Gremlyn,
placing the pit on a path near animal stalls. Grandpa will hap- however, are highly likely to experience a personal item failure
pily eat his HD in beings then take his new hoard home. of some kind (a belt strap breaking, a shoelace tangling, etc)


that will cause the attacker to slip and fall, taking 1-6 points Gron is the petty god of The Battered Dwarf, a tavern in the
of damage. Attackers must roll of their Dexterity or less old part of town frequented by adventurers. He is called upon
(rounding down) to make a successful attack without stumbling by the patrons of the tavern, often in jest, to protect them
prior to making their to hit roll. After three rounds of melee, from the ravages of alcohol, award them luck in games of
Gremlyn will teleport from the scene to a distant location.. chance and skill, and for almost anything else they may wish
when within the walls of the tavern. It has become customary
Very occasionally over centuries, Gremlyn attracts a follower for regulars to only call upon Gron for help when within the
as his cleric, to whom he grants unusual spells designed to walls of the tavern.
induce mechanical failures (e.g., greater wardrobe malfunc-
tion, spontaneous corrosion, axles bane, and instrumental Gron will occasionally manifest to the patrons, most commonly
discord). Being a cleric of Gremlyn can be lucrative, as many during his high holy days (major sporting events, New Years,
rulers will pay handsomely for you to leave their territories, or and the like), but most assume he is just a dwarf who has a
request that you make a visit to their adversaries.. sense of humor and is willing to go along with the gag. When
he manifests, Gron appears as an ordinary dwarven adventurer
Gremlyn Reaction Table who has been in a number of recent fights. Outside of combat,
2-4 Appears before party but does not take he will always be carrying a foaming mug of stout.
an interest and departs immediately.
Since The Battered Dwarf is a tavern for adventurers, Gron
5-8 Follows party secretly for a period of time
hears an incredible number of rumors about dungeons in the
until a mechanical device fails.
area, and will pass them on to regulars down on their luck
9-10 Appears as Murphee, who generously offers when he manifests, although the rumor may be years or even
to take a look and repair any mechanical devices. decades old.
11-12 Takes an unusual interest with the party,
either following them secretly for several days, The bartender at The Dwarf can call on Gron to bless or curse
or offering to travel with the party. patrons, and will typically do so a few times a night. If Gron
is attacked while the tavern is occupied, the tavern patrons are
likely to assist in his defence.
Gron (petty god of The Battered Dwarf tavern*)
Gron Reaction Table
& Kevin Brennan -1/+1 if bartender calls for blessing/curse;
F Kelvin Green -2 for regulars; 1 for good tippers;
+2 for difficult customers; +4 for those who
Symbol: Dwarven adventurer have stiffed the owners on a meal.
carrying foaming mug
2 Friendly: No hangover no matter how
Alignment: Neutral
much beer is drunk that night; +2 bonus for
Movement: 60' (20') all rolls involving games of chance or skill
Armor Class: 4 within the tavern.
Hit pts. (HD): 31 hp (7 HD) 3-5 Indifferent: No hangover the next morning.
Attacks: 1 6-8 Neutral: Ignores patron; no effect.
Damage: 1d8 9-11 Unfriendly: Double-strength-hangover the
Save: D7 next morning.
Morale: 10 12 Hostile: All food tastes rotten; all beer is
Hoard Class: XII skunky; 2 penalty for all rolls involving games
XP: 440 of chance or skill within the tavern.


Grugzaret (petty god of subterranean darkness) Gyttjan (petty god of peat and mire)
TITLES: Grugzaret the Snuffer TITLES: Gyttjan the Decayed

& David Wellington & Paul Ballard

F Ryan Browning F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Symbol: Candle snuffer Symbol: Dried rotting leaf writhing with worms
Alignment: Chaotic Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 60' (20') with light; Movement: 180' (60')
480' (160') in Armor Class: 5
total darkness Hit pts. (HD): 96 hp (22 HD)
Armor Class: 0
Attacks: 1 (staff or touch)
Hit pts. (HD): 75 hp (16 HD)
Damage: See below
Attacks: 2 Save: M22
Damage: 1d12/ Morale: 9
3d6 (breath)
Hoard Class: XII, XVI
Save: F16
XP: 10,000
Morale: Special
Hoard Class: Special Gyttjan the Decayed, the god of peat and mire, is called upon
XP: 2,500 to bring about demise and to decay the dead. He manifests as
a seven foot human covered in dried mud and leaves which are
Few are the worshippers of the Snuffer, but many the prayers littered with ticks and maggots. He wears boar tusks tied to the
offered to him. Grugzaret is a god of subterranean darkness, sides of his face, and a rotting stench lingers wherever he goes.
and he despises those who pollute his perfect gloom by striking
lights where they are not wanted. Though it is commonly held to While his staff does 1d8+2 (from a Strength bonus), a successful
be a pointless superstition, many adventurers speak a scrap of attack with either his hand or staff causes metal to corrode, skin
nonsense rhyme as they light their torches or lanterns: Ware and wood to rot, and stone to crack, in a slow process which
damp/Snuffer fly/burn true/where shadows lie. This prayer is takes 4 combat rounds (no saving throw). A cure disease spell
rarely heeded, though, for the Snuffer has no desire to be pla- will stop the rotting of skin or wood, but any damage taken (3d6
cated, only to extinguish lights wherever he encounters them. hp per turn) must be healed separately.

In combat the Snuffer attacks with a huge brass candle snuffer, Gyttjan Reaction Table
or with a damp and icy breath weapon. Opponents may save 2 Beneficial: Offers to rot/destroy something.
vs. breath to avoid damage from the Snuffers breath attack, but 3-5 Disinterested: Offers to rot/destroy something
it will automatically extinguish any flame (natural or magical) if properly propitiated.
in its path. Grugzaret will never need to check morale in dark
6-8 Brooding: Keeps to himself.
conditions, but if he can somehow be lured into daylight (or any
very bright light) he will flee at once, as even the presence of 9-11 Unfriendly: Threatens to rot/destroy something
light weakens and pains him. Woe betide the adventurer who (will choose something if something is not offered).
seeks to drive him away with light spells, however, for he will 12 Hostile: Attacks the living.
thereafter follow the trespasser around, waiting for the most
disadvantageous time to leave them suddenly and unexpectedly
in the dark.
The Snuffer is believed to live at the bottom of an deep and
utterly lightless well at the bottom of a long-forgotten cavern.
He takes the form of an albino goblin of larger than average
size and with enormous blank eyes. He wears a crown of unlit
candle stubs, the wax of which has run down his forehead and
temples. There is a legend that if someone could somehow
light these candles he would die on the spot. He has infravision
to 120', and is immune to all cold and water-based attacks.
Grugzaret Reaction Table
2 Extremely favorable: Will poke out
supplicants eyes, to spare them the pain
of ever seeing light again!
3-5 Favorable disposition: Will aid supplicant
against light-bearing foes.
6-8 Taunts with riddles and impossible demands
9-11 Sound rebuff: Will attack if supplicant
does not immediately flee.
12 Attacks without provocation.


H Haiah Harbordorim Heka-Kup Heolstor Hexadron

Hlinjassa Hlo-Hlo Hoddypeak Hymenphalia Hweegarl

Haiah (petty god of judicious retreat) Harbordorim (divine imposter)

TITLES: Herald of (a Dead God)
& Dan Harms
F Eleanor Ferron (Haiah) & Tim Huntley
F James V. West (feature) F Adam Huntley
Symbol: A man running Symbol: Whatever pleases
Alignment: Neutral those who
Movement: 360' (120') recognize him
Armor Class: 3 Alignment: Chaotic
Hit pts. (HD): 92 hp (20 HD) Movement: 120' (40')
Attacks: None Armor Class: 0
Damage: None Hit pts. (HD): 66 hp (15 HD)
Save: T17 Attacks: Special
Morale: 2 Damage: Special
Hoard Class: XIII, XV Save: T16
XP: 3,250 Morale: 10
Hoard Class: None
Haiah appears as an imposing, muscular giant with a deep, XP: 2,400
booming voice. If anyone in range attacks him, he responds
by running away as quickly as possible. He has the ability to In the distant past, Harbordorim was the herald of one of two
teleport at will, which he will use if cornered. non-petty gods. Which two, not even Harbordorim can now
recall. For generations and generations the two non-petty gods
Haiah is referred to as the god of judicious retreat, out of set their efforts and followers against each other, with Harbor-
politeness, though he is actually the patron of panicked flight. dorim faithfully acting as his divine lieges servant, messenger,
If a character calls upon Haiah as he or she begins to run from and confidant. Unfortunately for Harbordorim his lord eventu-
an encounter, the DM should assign a bonus of +1% to +20% ally lost the battle, falling prey to his nemesis as his follow-
to rolls to evade pursuers. These rolls should be based on role- ers were either converted or killed. Harbordorim fled, seeking
playing and actions taken, with dropped items, impassioned safety in solitude; without lord or purpose, he sunk deeper into
howls of fear, running into objects or people, running in the self-pity and depression. Now Harbordorim is a servant without
wrong direction, or tripping over ones feet for a moment, pro- a master, a petty god craving and searching for his niche yet
viding bonuses to the roll. (The exact percentile is always at the too paranoid of being discovered by his former lords enemies
discretion of the DM.) to do so openly.
Any time Haiah is called upon, there is a 50% chance that As a one-time divine herald, Harbordorim has the unique abil-
some negative consequence ensuestreasure being left be- ity to determine if a person or group of people is in need. Upon
hind, other monsters attention being attracted, etc. finding such a situation, Harbordorim reveals himself and as-
Haiah is particularly fond of kobolds, due to their cowardly sumes a false identity as the petty god of whatever is needed at
ways. If an individual who has killed a kobold on the current the moment. He will continue in this guise until, unable to truly
expedition calls upon him, any pursuit attempts automatically fulfill his new followers needs, suspicions arise surrounding
succeed. his divine authority. Before he is discovered to be a complete
fraud, however, Harbordorim flees, leaving his new flock to
their own devices once again.
Harbordorim is not a combatant. If attacked, Harbordorim
will invoke his divine majesty ability (which causes all of those
around him to become awestruck at his presence and unable to
act) and flee. This ability automatically affects all creatures with
fewer hit dice than his own; beings with equal or greater hit
dice are allowed a save vs. spell to ignore the effect.
Harbordorim Reaction Table
2-9 Friendly: Attempts to determine need
and adopt divine identity.
10-11 Neutral: Ignores nearby creatures and
attempts to leave.
12 Hostile: Uses divine majesty ability
to secure departure.


Heka-Kup (petty god of hiccups) Heka-Kup will automatically flee if presented with a set of cold
keys or if an intelligent being stands on its head.
& Brian Rae His symbol is the upper body of a blue-faced goblin clutching
F Courtney Campbell with both hands at his own throat, set on a field of black.
Symbol: See below
Heka-Kup Reaction Table
Alignment: Chaotic
Heka-Kup is a mercurial creature,
Movement: 120' (40') his reaction roll is determined
Armor Class: 2 purely by chance. It is not modified
Hit pts. (HD): 66 hp (16 HD) by any statistic.
Attacks: 1 (claws) and 2 Is that a key I see before me?
1 special Heka-Kup mistakes a small object (such as a
Damage: 2d6 and pendant hanging around a characters neck)
steal breath for a cold key, and flees in panic. If possible,
or curse he will browbeat the first group of monsters
Save: T16 he encounters into tracking down the party
and killing whichever character he believes to
Morale: 12 be one of those cursed key-bearers.
Hoard Class: X (no gp or pp)
3-5 Speak up dear, I cant quite hear you!
XP: 10,000 Heka-Kup decides to make no effort at stealth
and instead capers around the party cackling
Heka-Kup stands as one of the most vile, hated, and downright like a lunatic. He will make no attempt to
petty of the petty gods. A blue, goblin-like creature, he dances attack the party with his claws or steal breath
his way through remote villages each night, casting the curse attack (even laughing-off attacks which cause
of hiccups where and when he may. him damage) until he has successfully cursed
every member of the party. He will then de-
Heka-Cup especially likes to torment nervous bride-grooms on part, cackling even more wildly, as swiftly and
the night before their weddings, and often seeks out powerful mysteriously as he came.
bishops and future kings on the eve of a coronationall the
better to blight the ceremonies with his presence. Fortunately, 6-8 I do so like to toy with my food. Heka-Kup
the attentions of Heka-Kup can be warded by presenting him will utilize his stealth abilities to follow the party
with a set of cold keys or by standing on ones head at first sign at a close distance, giggling quietly to himself
as he follows the party. During any ensuing
of his approach. Better still, Heka-Kup cannot enter any home
combat encounter, he will begin by cursing with
or building that has the house keys positioned by the door. As
hiccups those party members he believes to be
a result, many homes, churches and palaces have at the very spellcasters, attempting to foil their chances
least a small nail by the doorpost where the master keys may of casting spells against him. Once all apparent
be hung when the family is at home. spellcasters in the party have been dealt with
in this manner, he will randomly pick one of
Regardless of his constant giggling, Heka-Kup is quite stealthy.
them to afflict with his steal breath power.
Should he pursue a party in this manner, he will go unnoticed
Once combat ends, or his chosen victim is dead,
99% of the time. Heka-Kup will grow bored and depart, looking
During any given combat round, Heka-Kup may attack with his for other toys to play with. If discovered, he will
claws (doing 2d6 on a successful to hit roll), and use his steal fight with his full capabilities, holding nothing
breath or his curse ability. back, until he has killed at least one character with
his steal breath ability. He will then depart.
Heka-Kups steal breath may be used automatically against 9-11 Oh, you look tasty.
any target creature within his line of sight. On a failed save vs. Ill swallow your breath!
breath, the victim loses 1d6 Constitution points per round until Heka-Kup fancies a snackand a random
the victims Constitution reaches 0 (causing death), Heka-Kup player character is invited for dinner. Forgoing
attempts to use his steal breath ability against another target all subtlety, Heka-Kup immediately hides
(which shifts the steal breath ability to that new target), or a in shadows and attempts to kill a random
dispel magic spell is cast on the victim. Once any of these con- character with his steal breath ability. If
ditions is met, the character will regain 1d6 Constitution points discovered and attacked, he will fly into a
per round (until reaching their normal maximum). Beings af- rage and fight with all his strength and power
fected by this steal breath ability may not speak nor cast spells, until his chosen foe is slain, whereupon he
and additionally suffer 4 and +4 penalties on to hit rolls and will pick up the corpse and attempt to flee.
AC (respectively) due to panic. 12 Sooooo hungry!
As with 9-11 above, except that Heka-Kup
Heka-Kup may curse any character in his line of sight with will continue to stalk the group until every last
constant hiccups (on a failed save vs. breath), causing 1 to member (PC, mule, henchman or hireling) is
hit and damage penalties, as well as a +1 AC penalty, for a dead. Once he has killed a character with his
duration of 4d6 turns. Additionally, spellcasters suffering from steal breath ability, he will flee, only to return
these hiccups will be unable to cast spells while so affected. The 1d4 hours later after having consumed the
curse may be removed by using bless or dispel magic. body and soul of the fallen character.


Heolstor 6-8 Neutral: Acknowledge whoever distracted him;

will answer questions but will not stop moving
(petty god of the breath of dying men)
towards his destination.
& Jeremy Holley 9-11 Unfriendly: Will teleport 1d4 targets to a
F Oxide JCHart distance of 2d10100'. This teleportation will
always be without error and will not harm the
Symbol: Three white targets. If targets return, Heolstor will be hostile.
spirals arrayed 12 Hostile: Attacks. Remains hostile as long as
in a triangle he remains hindered.
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 5 Hexadron (petty god of cubes)
Hit pts. (HD): 72 hp (20 HD) TITLES: The Divine Cube
Attacks: 2 (weapon/weapon)
or 1 (breath) & Colin Chapman
Damage: 2d6+3/2d6+3
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
or special Symbol: A perfect cube
Save: F20 Alignment: Lawful
Morale: 10 Movement: 0' (0')
Hoard Class: XIII, XVI Armor Class: 5 [+1]
XP: 9,500 Hit pts. (HD): 108 hp
(24 HD)
Heolstor is the petty god of dying mens breath. As the collec-
Attacks: None
tor of the final breath of life, few call upon Heolstor willingly
during life. Those desperate and mortally wounded will beg for Damage: None
his mercy in the hope that he will not take what is, in truth, Save: F24
rightfully his. Morale: 12
Hoard Class: None
Heolstor is an impressive figure that appears to the dying ar-
rayed in warlords garb with sword in hand. With this sword he XP: 14,400 (1203)
severs the breath of the dying from their corpse, freeing their
souls from their corporeal bodies. Hexadron is a distant deity, The Divine Cube, an entity bound
with concepts of mathematics, the holy expression of the
In combat, Heolstor strikes with his +3 dark blade (making number 6, and all things of regular six-sided form such as boxes
2 attacks per round, and doing 2d6+3 per successful to hit and dice. Alien in outlook, it cares for little beyond the promo-
roll), or he may use his breath of the dying attack. This breath tion and expression of its perfect form in the mortal realms,
takes the form of an ink-colored cone of smoke 30' long and though some esoteric scholars and craftsmen pray to the Divine
10' wide at its terminus. Any caught within the cone must save Cube for mathematical insight or aid in bringing appropriate
vs. breath or lose 1d4 Constitution. Any target that has its Con- forms into creation.
stitution reduced to 0 by this attack will die. Those who die will
return as wraiths in 2d6 days. Those who survive the attack will Residing in a strange home plane, Hexadron is a silver cube,
recover 1 point of Constitution per day of rest. each edge 36 feet in length, suspended exactly 216 feet up in
a uniform gray sky, turning endlessly over a landscape of in-
Heolstor has the ability to cure all types of damage and ills, terlocking hexahedrons; rectangular prisms, pentagonal pyra-
including all diseases, blindness, lycanthropy, mummy rot mids, and cubes. Each mirror-like face is said to be a gateway to
and curses, unless the affliction was caused by a greater deity. another bizarre plane of precision and mathematical form.
Heolster will, however, rarely choose to use these abilities.
Hexadron does not itself attack interlopers, but instead is pro-
Occasionally, the living will stumble upon Heolstor as he trav- tected by a swarm of Cubic Drones (see Minions, Knights
els to his next prize. Such persons will initially be ignored. & Servitors section), entities of similarly perfect form that fly
If Heolstor is hindered in any way, he will turn his full atten- forth from the landscape to defend The Divine Cube should it
tion to those hindering him. If the hindering person is hostile, be attacked or if a strong source of Chaos threatens in some
Heolstor will immediately become hostile (as below). However, way to contaminate its home plane. Hexadron is, however, also
if the hindrance takes a friendlier bent toward Heolstor, roll on able to protect itself personally, for it boasts the innate pow-
the table below. ers of a cube of force, albeit one that refreshes its 36 charges
every six hours rather than once per day. Indeed, some sages
Heolstor Reaction Table postulate that cubes of force, and some strange six-sided stones
2-3 Friendly: Cures 1d6 targets of all damage of varied hue known to orbit those who bind them, have their
and other ills, including all diseases, blindness, origins on Hexadrons plane.
lycanthropy, mummy rot and curses; removal
of curses and magical disease will not work Hexadron may only be affected by magic and magical weap-
if the affliction was caused by a greater deity. ons, and is immune to sleep, charm, and hold spells as well as
poisons and gases.
4-5 Indifferent: As friendly above if properly
propitiated (he is particularly fond of gems and
strong spirits). Related Entries: M) Cubic Drone.


Hlinjassa (petty god of broken dreams, Hlinjassa is a constantly shifting god(dess) that solely inhabits
the dreams of those rudely awoken, those who slip into deep
fleeting nightmares, and lucid dreaming)
dreams for a few seconds as they nod off, and those whose day-
TITLES: Deity of Many Faces; God of Broken Dreams,
dreams swiftly change into nightmares, waking them with sud-
Fleeting Nightmares and Lucid Dreaming den shock. It often has multiple faces, various limbs and tentacles
that warp in and out of its turbulent form. Its worshippers take
& Simon Forster drugs to slip in and out of consciousness, experiencing fleeting
F Garrisonjames dreams that break into fragments of pseudo-reality upon wak-
Symbol: A pocketful of sand, ing, granting the worshippers visions and portents of the future,
or a tiny hourglass of silver sand the past, or events taking place in the present. Mostly these are
vague, but sometimes they are meaningful and true.
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: Randomly determined every round: The God(dess) of Many Faces can only be confronted and fought
3d610 feet per round (30' per turn) in these fragmented and brief dreams, and is an insubstantial
Armor Class: Randomly determined every round: 1d8 deity that is harmed only by magic. It can force dreamers back
Hit pts. (HD): 62 hp (14 HD) into the real world by force-of-will, requiring the dreamer to
save vs. spell to remain in the dream. It can also cast the fol-
Attacks: Randomly determined every round:
1d6 attacks (various appendages) lowing spells, one per round, at will, as a 14th level magic-user:
confusion, dispel magic, feeblemind, phantasmal force, and
Damage: 1d6 per attack (plus special) polymorph other.
Save: M14
Morale: 10 Hlinjassa Reaction Table
Hoard Class: II, III 2-3 Friendly: Touches the minds of all present,
allowing them to commune with the god(dess).
XP: 3,800
4-5 Indifferent: Watches and waits to see what
happens, with a 1-in-6 chance of inflicting
visions on a random character, granting them
the equivalent of a divination spell.
6-8 Neutral: Ignores the dreamer, passing by and
leaving the scent of orange blossom behind it.
9-11 Unfriendly: Attempts to send the dreamers
back to reality. If resisted, may attack.
12 Hostile: Lashes out with limbs and spells,
sending anyone who can harm it back to reality
by its force of will.

Related Entries: M) Sandman.

Hlo-hlo (petty spider god and

protector of the Dead Mans Diamond)

& Keith Sloan

F Jason Sholtis
Symbol: Spider
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 90' (30')
Armor Class: 3
Hit pts. (HD): 121 hp (23 HD)
Attacks: 3 (bite, 2 claws)
Damage: 2d10 + poison
(bite); d10 (claws)
Save: F19
Morale: 12
Hoard Class: XII
XP: 12,000

Hlo-hlo is a cruel god in spider form, a hunter who slays even

other gods for sport. Some say he wears the halos of those
he slays from golden hooks on his hunting belt. His chief tem-
ple is Moung-ga-ling in the city of Moung, where a huge dia-
mond called Dead Mans Diamond rests on the lap of Hlo-hlos


idol. This diamond has often been stolen, including once by than 5 from ever seeing him; those with 5 or less Intelligence
the legendary thief Thangobrind the Jeweler, but always seems can see him, though he is somewhat blurry and indistinct, and
to make its way back to its temple. Indeed, many believe that seeing his precise appearance is difficult. For those that can
Hlo-hlo wishes it thus, as those that steal his diamond swiftly see him, he appears as a man in his mid-fifties, always with an
become his prey. Within 24 hours of the diamond being taken, expression of weariness and resignation. He is able to alter his
Hlo-hlo will enter into his idol and begin to hunt the thief for his appearance at will, but usually cant be bothered to do so, as
sport. He never wavers or falters in his hunting, and none have those that see him are too stupid to care.
ever escaped him.
Hlo-hlo can detect the distance and direction of the diamond at
all times, regardless of any magical protection to hide it. He is
fast and tireless, and will pursue his prey until he can catch and (petty god of hermaphroditic fertility)
kill them. Hlo-hlo delights in battle and will laugh incessantly AFFILIATIONS: The Jale God
as he torments and kills his prey. In melee, he strikes with two
foreclaws and his great fangs which drip a virulent poison (save
& Matthew W. Schmeer
vs. poison at -3). In addition, he can detect invisibility at will, F Francis & Margaret MacDonald
can climb even the smoothest vertical surfaces, can cast web at Symbol: An apple blossom
will, and casts spells as a 9th level magic-user. Hlo-hlo can only encircled by a string of
be struck by magic weapons and is immune to fear, charm, and pearls or two snails
hold spells, as well as poison. engaged in copulation
Alignment: Lawful
Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 0
(petty god of fools, simpletons, and village idiots)
Hit pts. (HD): 60 hp (10 HD)
& Keith Sloan Attacks: 1 (spear or
F Glen Hallstrom bastard sword)
Damage: 1d8 or 2d8
Symbol: Hand held out in warning
Save: C12
Alignment: Lawful
Morale: 2
Movement: 180' (60')
Hoard Class: VI
Armor Class: 3
XP: 3,100
Hit pts. (HD): 88 hp (19 HD)
Attacks: Special Hymenphalia, once the reigning godling of the third sex, is now
Damage: Special a bitter husk, banished from the world by the curse of a rival
Save: F16 petty goddess and rendered sterile by the lack of worshipers for
thousands of years.
Morale: 11
Hoard Class: XI Once, the cult of Hymenphalia had temples in every trading
XP: 8,000 town, major port, and city-state. The major cities of most em-
pires in the realms were host to the annual Spring Rites where-
Hoddypeak is the god of fools, simpletons, and village idiots. in the three sexes gathered in the fields to copulate in orgiastic
He has the unenviable task of ensuring that such moronic souls ecstasy and ensure the harvest. The three genders lived in har-
are protected from their own stupidity. To this end, he is con- mony, protected by the various gods of the six carnal loves.
stantly busy helping simpletons avoid walking into open pits,
poking themselves in the eye with sharp objects, putting their Then Pherosathoola, Petty Goddess of Sexual Fear, gained in
hands in open flame, and so forth. It is a thankless task, as power and Hymenphalias worshipers began to die. Rumors
none of those he helps are intelligent enough to understand that succubi and incubi were the children of hermaphrodites
what he does for them. Many gods look down on him as well, spread amongst the populations. Whispers of the evils of the
feeling that the stupid should be punished, not coddled. But intersex were spread among men and women, and hermaph-
Hoddypeak feels his duty strongly, and perseveres despite the rodites were banished, persecuted, tortured, murdered. Her-
difficulties. He only assists foolshis brother Yemeles protects maphrodites born to women were killed at birth, and women
drunkards, and his sister Pollycockle is tasked with protecting who bore such children were themselves sometimes killed. The
childrenboth are far more popular than he. The god has no third gender nearly disappeared through this genocide, Phero-
enemies; neither does he have any friends to speak of. sathoola growing stronger all the while.

Hoddypeak disdains combat, and will flee if attacked, the ex- Of the gods of the six carnal loves, only three still have influ-
ception being if those he is seeking to help misunderstand and ence, and two of those are weak but regaining power. Hymen-
attack him. In that case, he will simply slap them a little to knock phalia is not one of them.
a modicum of sense into them (rather than seek to harm them, Hymenphalia is a peaceful godling yet longs for Pherosathoo-
which would contradict his primary purpose). He is able to fly, las destruction. The Jale God favors this godling with boons
teleport without error, and can generate a variety of forces and from time to time. By his decree one out of every 5,000 souls
illusions that he uses to protect and turn aside his charges from borne to earth is a hermaphrodite, but as Pherosathoolas pow-
doing foolish things. His primary defense is a permanent sort of ers are so great, intersex who survive birth must live in hiding,
invisibility that prevents anyone with an Intelligence of greater blending into a world that is blind to their suffering.


Hymenphalia is weak and has limited powers. Hermaphrodites sure that the hitching posts are well-tended and of solid con-
may seek a blessing which will grant a +3 to all melee attacks, struction. He rides with any who are willing, chastising those
but the spells effect will not last longer than a week at most. who seek to enslave or otherwise abuse this simple hitch-hiker.
Those who build a small shrine in Hymenphalias honor will In his wrathful form he takes the shape of a large centaur, and
earn the favor of the Jale God and be rewarded in some way his bindle transforms into a +2 great club. He is immune to
by one his aspects. Those adventurers whom Hymenphalia en- weapons of less than +1 magical enchantment, and can cast
counters that have persecuted hermaphrodites (or worse) will spells as a 13th level cleric. He can also summon 1d1010
be cursed instead; the Jale God does not generally interfere horses, 2d10 centaurs, or 2d4 camels each once per day; these
when this occurs. creatures fight to the death for him or can perform any other
action desired by him for up to 24 hours.
Hymenphalia will attack only if there is no other option, wield-
ing a large spear (1d8) or a double-edged bastard sword (2d8). Though he does not keep treasure himself, in his wide wander-
ings he know of many lost, buried, and hidden treasures. He
Hymenphalia Reaction Table rewards goodly folk who treat him, hitch-hikers, and steeds well
Roll 1d4 (instead of 2d6). with a hand drawn treasure map to a random treasure; it might
1 Friendly: Will grant a blessing. be in the next county over, or maybe on a far-away island. The
better the treasure, the further the trip.
2 Indifferent: Will ignore the party.
3 Morose: Will openly weep and seek He is appeased by construction of strong, sturdy hitching posts,
solace from the Jale God. strategic placement of watering troughs, and fair and generous
treatment of steeds and hitch-hikers. Those who displease him
4 Enraged: Will curse the party.
by molesting a hitch-hiker or bringing grief to a steed suffer his
Related Entries: Please see the Jale God entry in this section curse. His lesser curse is that any steed the accursed ties up,
for a complete listing of entries related to the Jale God. or is tied-up for him, shall ever be freed and flee at the first op-
portunity. His more potent curse is to place upon the forehead
of the accursed an inverted form of his symbol; all steeds and
hitch-hikers automatically feel the negative presence of this and
Hweegarl (petty god of hitching posts)
flee from the accursed or attack him as is their way. No matter
& James Mishler what methods are used (magical enchantment, for example), no
F Jennell Jaquays steed will ever allow the accursed to ride their back or ride in a
vehicle they might draw.
Symbol: A hitching post,
a fist with a Hweegarl Reaction Table
thumb sticking out Roll 1d6 (instead of 2d6).
Alignment: Neutral 1 Hungry: Spare some stew or bread for a
Movement: 120' (40') or hungry wanderer, friend? Those who have the
240' (80') as least and provide the most might be blessed
centaur with a willing, gentle steed or even a war-horse.
Armor Class: 5 [+1] Those who mistreat him are given back ten-fold,
often run over and trampled by a herd of horses
Hit pts. (HD): 78 hp (13 HD)
in addition to be cursed.
Attacks: 2 hooves/
1 great-club 2 Wrathful: Someone hurt a hitch-hiker? A horse?
A camel? Maybe a riding elephant? Anyway,
Damage: 2d4/2d4/ Hweegarls pissed and looking for revenge. He
1d10+2 offers a treasure map for help in getting those he
Save: C13 currently hates.
Morale: 11 3 Mellow: Hey man, I need to get to Golds
Hoard Class: Special Gulch. Mind if I ride in the back of your wagon?
XP: 7,000 Ill share my pipeweed. Its good stuff, man.
4 Sympathetic: Hes got a tear in his eye.
Hweegarl is the god of hitching posts. He grew out of the an- Someone has done something very nice (maybe
cient centaur word for stay, which early heroes used when it was the adventurers), and is going to get
they hitched their horses to posts. The hopes of the heroes that rewarded or someone who has done nice
their steeds would be there to hie them back to civilization even- things in the past now needs helphelp which the
tually took form as Hweegarl. Today he also has the secondary adventurers can provide; he can be generous.
portfolio of being a patron of those looking for a ride elsewhere, 5 Drunk: You know, thash shome real powerful
known as hitch-hikers as they meet others at hitching posts hwiskee they got there. Whee! A friendly if
hoping to bum a ride. The tradition of holding out a thumb to dangerous drunk, he can get the adventurers
ask for a ride comes from the rider pointing his thumb back at into no end of trouble, though it usually turns
the wagon/rear of the horse to silently say, get on. out just fine in the end.
Hweegarl takes on one of two forms. The first is that of a scruffy 6 Prophetic: On rare occasions he gets a glimpse
bum (usually human, though sometimes otherwise), complete of the future, or a possible future. Roll a die
with bindle, who hangs out at hitching posts looking for a ride. low is a good thing, high is a bad thing. Whether
he uses this information to help or hinder
He does this as he seeks to wander from post to post, making
the party depends on how they react to him.


I Insitor Iracaecus Ixomant

Insitor (petty god of serpents) There are generally side shrines in Quilian foundations dedicat-
ed to Insitor, and he is far from the purely self-centered Sernis
TITLES: Lord of Knowledge; Master of Learning
in temperament. His temples are small affairs, and his priests
CULT: Society of the Serpent
generally do not have the divine spark that grants clerics access
& Josh Graboff to magic.
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. Insitor may also replicate the effects of any spell, from any
source. He is limited to exercising a number of spell levels per
Symbol: A serpent
day; generally if he is within ground sanctified to his name, he
Alignment: Lawful may utilize 60 spell levels per day. Anywhere else, he will be
Movement: 150' (50') reduced to 40 spell levels per day.
Armor Class: 3
Hit pts. (HD): 100 hp (20 HD) Related Entries: G) Glyrea, Sernis; C) Society of the Serpent.
Attacks: 2 (fists) or 1 (serpent staff)
Damage: 1d8/1d8 (fists) or 1d6+3 and save vs.
paralysis or be held as spell (serpent staff) Iracaecus (petty god of flaming fury and blind rage)
Save: Magically immune to all but elder magic; TITLES: The Flaming Fury
otherwise saves as F20
Morale: 11
& Johnathan Bingham
Hoard Class: XV, XVI, XVII
F Johnathan Bingham
XP: 75,000 Symbol: A face twisted in rage
with sightless
Insitor is the child of Glyrea, the Lord of Knowledge and Master eyes wreathed
of Learning. Unlike the much more popular Quilian Knowais, in flame
Insitor is not concerned with scholarship or the spread of in- Alignment: Chaotic
formation. He works in close concert with Sernis often, but Movement: 90' (30')
tends to keep clear of his mother, who he finds overbearing Armor Class: 4 [+1]
and hateful.
Hit pts. (HD): 81 hp
Insitor most commonly appears as a pale blue-skinned man of (20 HD)
cloud giant stock wearing a long toga and carrying a staff with Attacks: 2 fists/
a brazen or copper serpent wound about it. 1 special
Damage: 1d12/1d12/
Save: F20
Morale: 11
Hoard Class: IX
XP: 8,250

Appearing as a filthy, bearded, blind man with his features con-

torted in rage, writhing in a fit of anger, wreathed in flames
and streaming obscenities. Iracaecus is attracted to those of a
wrathful nature.
Appearing to those who are acting in anger; Iracaecus envelops
the subject in his flame. The target must succeed in a save vs.
spell or be subject to the effects of Iracaecus wrathful embrace.
Once so affected, the target becomes unreasoningly enraged.
All AC bonuses the target possesses are negated and attack
values are at a 1 to hit. The affected subject will screech in
inarticulate rage, stumble about blindly and attack the near-
est target indiscriminately (with a +2 to damage due to being
enraged). The fit of fury will continue for 1d8 rounds until dis-
pelled (as if charm cast by 20th level caster).
When attacking, Iracaecus will whirl around, lashing out with
his fists (+2 weapons dealing 1d12 damage). In addition, Iracae-
cus irate ranting will affect targets in a 15' radius as if affected
by a symbol of stunning unless a save vs. breath is made.


Iracaecus is immune to sleep, charm, slow and hold spells, as Ixomant Reaction Table
well as all fire attacks (normal and magical). He takes only half In addition to Charisma, treat each
damage from acid and electrical attacks, but full damage from light source as a +1 penalty.
cold-based attacks. Iracaecus is only affected by magic weapons
(+1 or greater enchantment) and regenerates 4 hp per round. 2 Blesses the party (recipients act as if
under haste for 6 turns while in shadows),
Iracaecus Reaction Table and provides some useful information.
2-3 Neutral: Is blinded by his own rage and does not 3-5 Offers a quest to undermine either
acknowledge others unless they try to inhibit him Grugzaret, Thuf, or some other god of light.
in some fashion. Those within his radius are still
subject to the stunning effect of his raving. 6-8 Orders the party to leave the area,
4-8 Unfriendly: Will envelop subject in his flame, but can be bargained with.
and continue on in his wrathful ramblings. 9-10 Summons 1d12 shadows (monster) and leaves.
9-12 Hostile: Will attack nearest creature within
his range. 12 Curses the party (save vs. spell or blinded
permanently) and attacks.

Shrine of Ixomant: A typical shrine of Ixomant is a mediocre

Ixomant chamber with a stone altar in the middle, in whose every side
(petty god of the dark and fear of the dark)
a circle is carved. Over the altar, a black globe hovers, upon
TITLES: The Living Darkness which a priest of Ixomant has cast continual darkness. The
walls are hollow, and up to a dozen shadows (monster) dwell on
& Sndor Gebei the other side, tormented by their current existence, haunted by
F Rom Brown memories of their former lives. The shrine is also home to half
Symbol: A black circle a dozen blind fanatics who live their lives in complete darkness,
taking care of the place and often luring surface dwellers to
Alignment: Chaotic
their doom.
Movement: 180' (60')
Armor Class: 0 [+1]
Hit pts. (HD): 58 hp (11 HD)
Attacks: 8 (tendrils of shadow)
Damage: 1 pt. Strength drain per tendril
Save: E11
Morale: 11 (5 when confronted with rainbows
or other colorful objects)
Hoard Class: XVI
XP: 4,400

Ixomant dwells in the deepest of caves and the darkest of dun-

geons. Even if unseen, his presence can be experienced as the
feeling of a nightly breeze chilling to the bone, a lurking amor-
phous shadow, or simply the overwhelming fear of the dark,
for it is he.
Ixomant radiates fear to a distance of 360'. All those in that
area must save vs. fear; those who fail will either run away (1-4
on 1d6) or simply stand, virtually paralysed for 1d6+2 rounds
(5-6 on 1d6). In his close proximity (30'), mundane light sources
instantly go out, and even magical ones slowly fade away (1d6
+ spell level rounds).
Ixomant appears as blackness made into the form of a hovering
human in robes. Instead of arms, however, he has eight tendrils
of materialized darkness, the merest touch of which drains 1
point of Strength (no save), ultimately turning mortals into obedi-
ent shadows (as monster) if Ixomant reduces them to a Strength
of 0. He also has the ability of warping space around himself,
so that he can virtually teleport from shadow to shadow. His
otherworldly body can only be harmed by magic weapons and
spells (although he is quite resistant to cold-based damage).
It is said that to earn his favor, his followers must blind them-
selves with their own hands. Despite the painful acts necessity,
Ixomant by no means lacks fanatical minions. As a result, schol-
ars claim that Ixomant himself is also blind.


J Jabim JAIDEN Jale God Jessra Jexvenna

jhillenneth Johnny Hopper Jgengeld Jusenuf

Jabim (petty god of broken things) 4-5 Indifferent: Gives some minor broken treasure,
or information about something broken, if
& Igor Vinicius Sartorato* the character repairs an object guarded by him.
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. 6-8 Neutral: Laments with the character
about things left behind.
Symbol: A broken mask
9-11 Unfriendly: Challenges the character to
Alignment: Lawful fix something broken, or suffer his curse.
Movement: 60' (20')
12 Hostile: Remembers something that
Armor Class: 4 was broken and cast away by the character,
Hit pts. (HD): 68 hp 15 HD) and bestows a curse upon the PC.
Attacks: 1 (broken * Based on an original concept by Lord Dunsany.
or tool)
Damage: 1d8 Jaiden (petty goddess of jade and jade carvers)
Save: F15 TITLES: The Jade Goddess; The Jaid Goddess
Morale: 5
Hoard Class: XV
& Richard LeBlanc, Jr.
XP: 5,000
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Symbol: A jade crown
Jabim, the petty god of broken things, is a strange figure indeed. Alignment: Lawful
He appears as a hunchbacked, deformed humanoid, with body
Movement: 150' (50')
members of different sizes, and fractured bones that have healed
incorrectly. His crooked head is hidden by a broken mask, and Armor Class: 5
his clothing is torn and frayed. He wears shattered pieces of Hit pts. (HD): 48 hp
armor and pieces of broken objects dangle from his body. Ad- (10 HD)
ditionally, he commonly wields a broken weapon or bent tool. Attacks: 4 (jade
daggers +1)
Despite his somewhat daunting appearance, Jabim is a kindly
Damage: 1d4+1 4
god. He suffers whenever something is broken and goes un-
repaired and is cast away, forever lost. He is the guardian of Save: M10
broken things and laments each of those things we cast aside Morale: 7
a lamentation that persists until someone mends the broken Hoard Class: 1,000 jade items;
thing, or until the world ends (should it go unrepaired). total value =
The Lord of Broken Things frequents those places where aban-
XP: 2,300
doned things find themselves (e.g., on junk piles at the outskirts
of town, or on the banks of rivers, watching as forgotten things Jaid (alternately The Jade God or Jaid God) is the petty goddess
drift along the surface of the water). Jabim has a great appreci- of jade and the patron of jade carvers. The skin of this 8'-tall, 4-
ation for those who know how to fix things (professional or oth- armed humanoid female appears as highly polished deep green
erwise), and despises those who pursue destruction, or those jade. During combat, Jaid may attack up to 4 separate targets at
too lazy to have things repaired, disposing of them instead. once with her 4 jade daggers +1. In addition to the +1 to hit
Unfortunately, Jabim is unable to mend those things which he bonus of the daggers, her first attack for each round strikes with
finds. However, should someone displease him, he often choos- an additional +3 to hit bonus, her second with an additional
es to break things those people hold dear. Jabim is capable of +2 to hit bonus, and her third with an additional +1 to hit bo-
bestowing a curse which causes all tools used by such offenders nus. Jaid may also cure ailments of the loins and kidneys at will.
(including armors and weapons, magic or otherwise) to have Jaiden Reaction Table
a 50% chance of breaking. This curse lasts until the offender
learns to fix things rather than abandon them. Use Dexterity instead of Charisma for Modifier.
2 Friendly: Gives 1d6 pcs. of carved jade (worth
If any treasure is found with him there will never be coins; it 1d10100 gp each) or cures loin/kidney ailment.
will always be bits of precious metal, damaged magical items,
broken jewelry and flawed gemstones. 3-5 Indifferent: Gives 1d6 pcs. of carved jade
(worth 1d10100 gp each) or cures loin/kidney
Jabim Reaction Table ailment, if properly propitiated.
Use Dexterity instead of Charisma for Modifier. 6-8 Neutral: Offers 1d6 jade items at standard cost.
2-3 Friendly: Reveals the location of a powerful 9-11 Unfriendly: Offers 1d6 jade items at 200% cost.
and/or valuable broken object (may be more 12 Hostile: Offers 1 jade item at 500% cost.
than one fragment).
Related Entries: S) Locate Jade.


Jale God (petty god of delusion and dissolution) The Jale Gods countless representations are reflections of its
baleful countenance, cast from each of the facets of its eldritch
TITLES: The Dancer
seeing-stone, the or-Klune. The following aspects are examples
& Greg Gorgonmilk of possible Jale God manifestations. The referee is encouraged
F Paul Gallagher to imagine a form unique to his/her campaign world.

Symbol: [Redacted] The Averted Onlooker (p.14)

Alignment: Chaotic The Lady of Cauldrons (p.87)
Movement: N/A (stationary) The Lady of Rains (p.89)
Armor Class: 0 Lord Greensayne (p.95)
Hit pts. (HD): 95 hp (20 HD) Nyctalops (p.126)
Attacks: Special Thwizeviblyz (p.170)
Damage: Special Verthish (p.183)
The Yellow King (p.196)
Save: M20
Morale: 12 (never fails) * Just as blue is delicate and mysterious, yellow clear and
Hoard Class: XVII unsubtle, and red sanguine and passionate, so he felt ulfire to
XP: 4,250 be wild and painful [and] jale [to be] dreamlike, feverish, and vo-
luptuous. David Lindsay, A Voyage to Arcturus (1920)
In the underworld realm called thengeline, in a cathedral of
fossilized agony, gibbers an abhorrent god-thing of the deepest ** See Underworld Lore #1, p.14.
jale* tones, draped insolently across a chair of non-Euclidean
Related Entries: G) Atanuw, Averted Onlooker, Hymen-
proportions. A circlet of dreary light adorns the air just above
the things cracked and weathered countenance. Dreams man- phalia, Lady of Cauldrons, Lady of Rains, Lord Greensayne,
ifestated as a fluid medium drip honey-like through its brain- Nyctalops, Tallemaja, Thwizeviblyz, Verthish, Yellow King;
caps fissures and pool in the cavity of its uncoiled navel. M) Atacorn, Bat-faced Strokechucker, Gray Messenger, Ggiyy,
Mooks of Verthish, Mouthless Tongue, Sybevmry & Creqvgn,
Lo! it is the Jale God. Avert your gaze. Tetskuize, Twee Philosophers, Wllkatntn; D) Balanced
Quarterstaff, Dagger of Fairness, Eidelons, Eldoon Namar,
The Gods eyes are mocking mirrors reflecting the sixth essence Stone Heads of Jergen Groot; Unicorn Horns; S) Curse of the
of all who approach it. This is a secret and sacrosanct knowl- Jale God.
edge that often proves too painful to bear. Characters must save
vs. insanity** or find that their minds have been displaced by the
dawning realization of their hexessence. Failing the save, each
round thereafter, affected characters have a 1-in-6 chance of
forcing their consciousness into any unoccupied form nearby
(randomly determined by the DM).
The Jale God is sometimes euphemistically named the Dancer
in deference to the spastic and twitching shambles of its bony
lower body, ominous motions that gently tug at ones sanity
and reason and threaten the collapse of ordered thought in its
presence (37% chance each turn).
Its pitch-like jism flows in a constant, greasy stream from the
proud horn betwixt its ruined legs. The Jale God has seeded
the creation of many strange sons and daughters. All of its line
may be distinguished by an ulcerous mark, though this blem-
ish is only distinguishable through the use of detect magic or
similar augury.
It is said that the lilting of the Jale Gods crooked pipe is poison-
ous to the very air. Those who hear may find that their bodies
have been profaned or twisted in some way. Those who listen
will be of two minds ever afterone joining the music of the
pipe, the other fleeing from it forever into the darkness where
thoughts cannot reach. When encountered, the Jale God is
33% likely to be playing at its pipe.
Its true name has been forgotten, or has yet to be spoken
esotericists differ on the exact details. Some even speculate
that it is not a god at allonly an old dream that has managed
through sheer will-power to hold its threadbare existence to-
gether across unspeakable gulfs of anguish and fever-dreams.


Jessra (petty goddess of truces, armistices, and parleys) Jexvenna

(petty goddess of the spoilage of rations)
& Malcolm Bowers TITLES: Jexvenna the Despoiler
F bygrinstow
Symbol: A white flag
& Dennis Laffey
Alignment: Lawful
F Rom Brown
Movement: 120' (40') Symbol: A black
Armor Class: 2 weevil
Hit pts. (HD): 90 hp (18 HD) Alignment: Chaotic
Attacks: 1 Movement: 150' (50')
Damage: 2d8+8 Armor Class: 4
Save: F18 Hit pts. (HD): 75 hp
(10 HD)
Morale: 11
Attacks: 2 claws/
Hoard Class: XIV
1 bite
XP: 5,250
Damage: 1d8/1d8/
Jessra is the petty goddess of truces, armistices, and parleys. 2d6
She presides in spirit over any such breaks in combat under Save: C10
her symbol. In the event of treacherous attacks during a parley, Morale: 9
she is 60% likely (90% if invoked by name) to punish the of- Hoard Class: XIX
fenders. This results in the truce-breaking side being at 1 on XP: 4,600
attack rolls and saves and automatically losing initiative for the
remainder of the battle. The honorable (rather than less dishon- Jexvenna the Despoiler is the demon-goddess of hard-tack
orable) side gains an equal and opposite bonus. weevils, hard cheese mold, and the desalination and rehydra-
tion of jerky. She presides over the spoilage of tack and other
Jessra appears as a stern, keen-eyed, golden-haired warrior
preserved foods, ensuring that despite their long shelf-lives,
maid wearing gleaming silver chainmail and a white cloak. She
Entropy always wins in the end. She appears as a large green-
wields a quarterstaff that acts as a luck blade, doing double
ish-purple, partially humanoid fungus with insectile wings and
damage in her hands. Anyone who attacks her suffers the same
several claw-tipped tentacles dangling from the bottom of the
penalties as truce-breakers.
fungal stalk. All iron rations, and other preserved foods such
Jessra Reaction Table as jams or pickled vegetables, spoil within 60' of Jexvennas
2 Amused: Lord, what fools these mortals be! presence. Non-preserved foods and water are unaffected.
Those eating foods ruined by the Despoiler must save vs. poi-
3-5 Interested: Wants to know the partys son or suffer from food poisoning, suffering a 2 penalty to
views or experiences. attacks, saves and checks for 24 hours, and running the risk
6-8 Judicious: Will apply her keen mind to of violent retching during periods of excitement. Anyone suf-
any situation. fering Jexvennas food poisoning must make a save vs. poison
9-11 Preoccupied: Has much to oversee, at the beginning of each combat encounter or be unable to act
and resents intrusion. for 1d4 rounds due to vomiting. Jexvenna may cast clerical
spells of levels 1-to-5 at will.
12 Abrupt: Has no time for talk,
and will attack if hindered. Jexvenna is worshipped by small isolated, suspicious halfling
communities of vegan, raw-foodist homebodies, who sacrifice
travelers apprehended carrying iron rations into their closed
communities. They offer up the travelers and their rations in
great bonfires during the new moon, then feast on fresh-picked
vegetables and the raw meat of any pack animals used by the
travelers. Certain debased elven families have also been found
worshiping the demon-goddess.
Jexvenna never answers when her followers call upon her, but
she is 1% likely to appear any time an adventurer in the wilder-
ness or a dungeon makes a comment stating how much they
actually enjoy eating iron rations (or similar comments). Unless
all iron rations and other preserved foods are immediately of-
fered up to her, she attacks until her opponents are dead or her
morale fails.


Jhillenneth Reaction Table

2-3 Jhillenneth attacks the party, calling her
children (nearby monsters) to her aid.
4-5 Jhillenneth whips nearby monsters into a frenzy
(by withholding her sustaining nourishment until
they become crazed with hunger).
6 Jhillenneth converses with the party, asking
them to punish (harm or slay) certain of her chil-
dren (nearby monsters) who have offended her,
and attacks if the party denies her this courtesy.
7 Jhillenneth converses with the party, asking
them to refrain from harming certain of her
children (nearby monsters), and attacks if the
party denies her this courtesy.
8-9 Jhillenneth protects the party from her children,
magically sating nearby monsters hunger.
10-11 Jhillenneth magically sates the hunger of all
nearby monsters, as well as the adventurers.
12 Jhillenneth seeks to mate with, or mate one of
her children (nearby monsters) with, a mem-
ber of the party; the offspring of course being
some sort of monster or abomination; as usual,
she attacks if the party denies her this courtesy.

Jhillenneth (petty goddess of miraculous horrors) Jodj (twin god, petty god of vandals)
TITLES: Goddess of Sustenance; Mother of Horrors
See the entry for Chelk & Jodj in this section.
& Matt Fischer
F Mark Allen Jonny Hopper
Symbol: A headless bust (petty frog god of revelry and frog-kissing)
having 6 breasts AFFILIATIONS: The Frog Gods
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: As monster form taken
& Chris Tamm
Armor Class: As monster form taken
F Jennell Jaquays
Hit pts. (HD): As monster form taken Symbol: A frog head
Attacks: As monster form taken smiling, winking
and wearing
Damage: As monster form taken a fancy hat
Save: C13 Alignment: Neutral
Morale: 8 Movement: 240' (80')
Hoard Class: None
Jump: 80' (any time
XP: As monster form taken +1,000 in round)
Swim: 360' (120')
Ever encounter a room whose occupant was too large to have
entered via the door? Or perhaps a lone orc just sitting in a Armor Class: 1
10'10' room, armored, standing and poised to attack as soon Hit pts. (HD): 65 hp (16 HD)
as the door was opened? A gelatinous cube or cloaker waiting Attacks: 2 (sword cane)
in a closet? Humanoids living in a sealed tomb, unopened for Damage: 3d6 (as stick) or 2d6+4 (as fencing sword)
dozens of years? Or how about an entire tribe of intelligent
Save: C24
creatures who sit patiently in their rooms, attacking only when
adventurers enter their domain? How do they sustain them- Morale: 7
selves? These miraculous occurrences are the sign of the favor Hoard Class: d100+100 gp coin purse
of Jhillenneth, monsters Goddess of Sustenance (known to XP: 11,000
civilized folk as the Mother of Horrors).
Johnny Hopper is a wily frog dandy, a lover, musician, adven-
When she manifests, she does so as a monster of some sort turer and trickster. He is well dressed, and covets the fancy
(often a female-headed manticore) with many breasts (for suck- things and treats which belong to his betters. He plays nearly
ling her children.) She has the power to magically nourish every instrument, and sings offensive songs in joyful tones.
her children (any monster the DM deems appropriate, even He often woos princesses from shadows or tells them he is
PCs who commit monstrous actions). She also has the power a cursed prince. He sometimes steals a polymorphing scroll
to magically interbreed monster species as well as to, herself, to turn ladies into frog folk. He has unfortunately left many
birth new horrors upon the world. slightly froggy children in many lands among the rich.


He has the abilities of a 16th level thief. He prefers to snatch- If forced to go into battle, Jgengeld will often wield a com-
and-grab and steal kisses rather than fight, but is a skilled war- mon, nearby object as a weapon, such as a candlestick, a roll-
rior. Commoners sing songs of Johnny, and swear to never eat ing pin or some other simple tool. In his hands it functions as a
or harm frogs or toads unless in self defense (but atonement is +4 magical weapon that does 4d6 damage. Jgengeld enjoys
required for the sin). Johnny lampoons the rich, takes their shiny teasing his opponent by saying they are so weak that he can
things, steals the virtue of ladies. The common folk get a laugh defeat them with the item instead of needing a real weapon.
out of this, and Johnny gets his fun.
Jgengeld Reaction Table
Related Entries: G) Grandpa Toadflap, Wart Mother, D) 2 Friendly: Blesses 1d4 sarcastic characters
Goggles of the Frog Gods. or curses 1d4 pompous blowhards.
3-5 Indifferent: Mocks everyone equally.
6-8 Neutral: Ignores everyone and yawns
Jgengeld from boredom.
(petty god of mockery, sarcasm and schadenfreude) 9-11 Unfriendly: Curses 1d4 nearby targets
Titles: The Mocker; The Mocking God; if no one is making him laugh.
He Who Laughs at Your Expense 12 Hostile: Curses 2d4 nearby targets if no one is
making him laugh (for double normal duration).
& Adam Dickstein
F Adam Dickstein
Symbol: A combined Jusenuf (petty god of small favors)
comedy and tragedy Titles: Friend of Yearning; Foe of Want
mask of disturbed visage
Alignment: Chaotic & Stephen Bartok
Movement: 150' (50') Jusenuf is the petty god of small favors. The god is with-
Armor Class: 6 out form and does not appear physically. Believers contend,
Hit pts. (HD): 75 hp (15 HD) though, that the god provides appropriate aural clues (such as
Attacks: Special giggling, laughing, crying, sneezing) to indicate that a favor has
been granted (for example, a particularly tough carpenters nail
Damage: Special
might miraculously be pounded in on the next hit by a believer,
Save: M15 followed by an audible, Whew! from the god that only the
Morale: 10 believer can hear).
Hoard Class: XII, XVI
There is no religion surrounding Jusenufno symbols, no
XP: 11,000 titles or other form of organized worship. Believers of Jusenuf
Known as The Mocker, The Mocking God and sometimes He have no title to them.
Who Laughs At Your Expense, Jgengeld is a minor deity Curiously, believers in Jusenuf repeatedly chant a short rhyme,
whose sole purpose appears to be making fun of others. He is, though, when requesting the assistance from the god. The
or more appropriately was, a god of humor. Worshipped only rhyme varies greatly from region to region, profession to
by those jesters and playwrights who appreciate his comical profession and even gender, age and race. However, the one
and expertly barbed quips, Jgengeld fell out of favor as more rhyme that practically all believers know is as follows:
and more of those who followed his brand of wit came before
the axes of royalty that were not amused. Jusenuf, I pray to thee,
Please fulfill my humble need.
Nowadays, Jgengeld is best described as the petty god of Friend of Yearning, Foe of Want,
sarcasm and laughing at the misfortune of others. His favorite Grant my wish and I will stop.
activity is to mock heroes and villains with very high opinions
of themselves. On occasion Jgengeld appears to adventur- Jusenuf is not a malicious god. With no form and very little
ers in dire peril and makes fun of them in ways both humorous contact with the Material Plane, Jusenuf can only retaliate by
and spiteful. Some adventurers, especially those without much simply not fulfilling a wish or, on very rare occasions, scream,
power or chance of survival, will call upon his guidance to help shout, or otherwise distract an individual for a very brief mo-
them mock their obviously more powerful enemies during bat- ment with some other such audible noise.
tle. This amuses Jgengeld to no end and he will sometimes
Believers contend that Jusenuf favors the elderly and the poor,
aid such scrappy underdogs.
physical laborersgranting them wishes over other demo-
Though incredibly fast, quick minded and agile, Jgengeld al- graphics. These beliefs, of course, can never be verified, but
most never engages in personal combat, preferring to use one these people show more faith in the god than others.
of his peculiar divine powers against an opponent. Jgengeld
can make a gaze attack that causes his enemy to either cry
like a little child or laugh uncontrollably, rendering them help-
less and unable to do anything else for 1d8+1 rounds. To try
and resist, characters must save vs. paralysis at -2. If the victim
manages to save, they will still suffer from minor tearing or the
giggles (depending on Jgengelds intent). He can only use
this attack once on any given individual.


Kahladaht Kakanuawana Kalantos Kaldrabikkia
Karga Savasha Khaldranath Khorissa Kilooloogung KING SHROOM
King Under the Mountain Krythyle Kwunndle Kypselus

Kahladaht (petty god of undeath) sword with a hilt of bone named Life Drinker. Life Drinker is
a +3 bastard sword with the ability to drain hp for each hp
TITLES: Kahladaht the Once Deified
that Life Drinker deals to a living creature. When Life Drinker
& R.J. Thompson has accumulated 30 hp in this way, it converts the hp to nega-
F Todd McGowan tive energy which it then disperses in a 30' radius around itself
healing all undead in the radius equal portions of the 30 hp.
Symbol: A skull with a sword The Once Deified has the ability to create 20 HD of undead per
behind it and week. All non-intelligent undead that are created this way are
a rose held under his command at all times. He can also command undead
in its mouth that he encounters by making a successful turn attempt as a
Alignment: Chaotic cleric of the 10th level. Clerics attempting to turn any of Kahla-
Movement: 120' (40') dahts undead in his presence suffer a 5 penalty to such rolls.
In addition Kahladaht casts spells as a 10th level cleric.
Armor Class: 0
Hit pts. (HD): 110 hp In combat, Kahladaht will allow any undead in his vicinity to
(19 HD) attack first waiting to close with his opponents until they are
Attacks: 3 or charge softened up, all the while casting spells to enhance himself.
or spells He will initiate combat by charging the relentlessly utilizing all
Damage: 1d8+5/ three of his attacks with Life Drinker to harm his opponents
1d8+5/ and heal himself and his minions. Despite being a lesser divin-
1d8+5 ity, for all purposes Kahladaht counts as an undead creature
Save: F19 with all that entails (e.g., immune to sleep, charm, hold).
Morale: 10
Hoard Class: XV + special
Kakanuawana (petty god of yam destitution)
XP: 7,250 TITLES: The Yam-Bereft; The Hungry Planter;
Kahladaht the Once Deified was once a great knight in the He Whose Barn Stands Empty
service of a god of law and virtue. During a crusade in a for-
eign land Kahladaht was tricked by a necromancer into slaying
& Ezra Claverie
the avatar of his own god during an execution. Upon realizing
F Jennell Jaquays
what he had done the knight wandered into the desert. There Symbol: A basket in
he dwelt for forty days attempting to repent for his sin. In the which a
end his god was unforgiving. Kahladaht, lost, now thought only spider has
of revenge. He sought the necromancer out, but in his frag- built a web,
ile state of mind was seduced by the necromancers honeyed but which
words. Kahladaht served the necromancer until he was slain in is otherwise
battle, after which he was brought back as a powerful undead empty
being to serve his new master for eternity. Kahladaht, how- Alignment: Lawful
ever, grew ambitious and struck his master down, claiming his
Movement: 90' (30')
keep and undead legion for himself. The undead knight spent
years studying the forces of necromancy and cults related to Armor Class: 9 [+1]
the dread practice. In doing so he discovered some of the se- Hit pts. (HD): 80 hp
crets of immortality, and indeed divinity. From a demon prince, (20 HD)
he learned a secret which allowed him to siphon some level Attacks: 1 (yam-
of power from the goddess of death. He had secretly stolen digging stick)
enough power to nearly become a true god, but the followers Damage: 3d6 + special
who flocked to him upon acquiring such power also attracted Save: C20
the unwanted attention of adventurers and would-be heroes.
Morale: 10
One of these bands was able to perform a ritual in an ancient
palace known as Where Angels Fear to Tread. It alerted the Hoard Class: I
goddess of death to Kahladahts scheme and he was stopped. XP: 3,250
Some of his power was taken from him at this time and he
was left a broken and petty god, always ambitious and seeking Kakanuawanathe Yam-Bereft, the Hungry Planter, He
more power. Whose Barn Stands Emptywas once the greatest farmer
among the gods, his yams renowned for their size. However,
Kahladaht is now a lesser god of undeath. He appears a an Kakanuawana lacked the guile of his neighbors, who envied
enormous man, a full 6'-7" tall, wearing mail made from the his harvests. Various godlings and tricksters cheated him, stole
bones of his previous foes, and a horned helm carved from the his seed-yams, and sabotaged his planting-mounds. His wives
skull of a demon. This armor protects as if it were +3 plate mail, abandoned him and returned to their fathers farms, leaving
weighing as little as a suit of chain. He bears a copper bastard Kakanuawana lonely and bitter.


Kakanuawana sometimes appears to those who sacrifice the Kalantos (petty god of axe executions)
last of their provisions in his name. He appears as a sturdy,
pot-bellied man dressed in a lava-lava skirt and sandals, and & Craig Schwarze
carrying a yam-digging stick. F Eric Wirsing (Kalantos)
Should anyone prove foolish enough to attack Kakanuawana, F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. (feature)
he will retaliate with his yam-digging stick, which inflicts 3d6 Symbol: Axe
damage. Anyone he strikes must save vs. spell or suffer the
Alignment: Lawful
curse of the hungry planter, unable to keep down any food or
drink with caloric value for the next 4d6 days. (The DM should Movement: 150' (50')
determine the effects of this fast.) Once Kakanuawana has be- Armor Class: 2
stowed his curse on one foe, he returns to his own plane. Only Hit pts. (HD): 66 hp (10 HD)
magical weapons can harm him. Attacks: 1 (axe)
If those propitiating him have offered their last meal in his Damage: 4d8
name, the referee should roll on the table below to determine Save: F10
Kakanuawanas response. Morale: 10
Hoard Class: None
Kakanuawana Reaction Table
XP: 3.900
If one or more supplicants...
...has stolen in the past year: -2 Kalantos is a tall, hooded figure with faintly glowing eyes barely
sacrifices yams: +1 visible in the depths of his hood. Those coming into his pres-
has been the victim of a theft in the past year: +1
ence for the first time must save vs. death or flee in terror. He
Roll 1d6 (instead of 2d6). usually spends nights in those large cities which practice execu-
tion by the axe. The night before an execution, he will find the
1 Kakanuawana seizes the nearest supplicant,
opens the persons mouth, and places a headsmans axe and then sharpen and bless its blade. He has
seed-yam on the persons tongue. It imme- been known to stand watch outside the door of those headsmen
diately sends roots throughout the victims who are especially unpopular, and are in danger of violence
alimentary tract, and a yam-plant rises from against them.
the victims mouth. Kakanuawana then
Kalantos has also been known to hunt those who have escaped
vanishes, leaving the victim unable to move
prison to avoid the axe. He will track down such fugitives with-
without assistance. A cleric can remove this
curse, which allows the victim to pull out out rest, finally approaching them only when they are alone. He
the roots (a painful and disgusting proc- will be accompanied by four-to-six zombies, who will restrain
ess). Manually removing the plant without the fugitive while Kalantos completes the execution. In other sit-
first lifting the curse costs the victim 3d6 uations, Kalantos will flee rather than fight if he is threatened.
Constitution, which he or she can recover at Kalantos Reaction Table
the rate of one pt. per day through bed rest.
Anyone reduced to zero Constitution by this 2-10 Flees.
removal dies from the ordeal. 11-12 Ignores PCs.
2-3 Kakanuawana continues and deepens the
supplicants hunger. The next place that
they go in search of food has experienced
a mysterious famine: a farmhouses larder
contains only crumbs; a taverns stew-pot
inexplicably emptied between the cooks
stirrings; a snare that should have contained
a grouse holds only blood and feathers.
4 Kakanuawana gives a two-pound yam,
which feeds one adult for one day.
5 Kakanuawana gives a five-pound yam,
which feeds five adults for one day.
6 Kakanuawana gives a fifty-pound yam,
which feeds 20 adults for one day.
over 6 Harvest Feast: Kakanuawana instantly
transports the faithful to his house,
where he offers them a feast, heavy on yam
dishes but including roast goat, fish-ball
soup, deep-fried locusts, and abundant
wine. Eeryone partaking recovers from any
wounds or diseases and gains a +4 on all
saving throws for the next 24 hours. When
they finish, Kakanuawana returns them
to their world.


Kaldrabikkia Karga Savasha

(frigid petty goddess of violence) (petty god of death birds and tengu warriors)

& Dungeon of Sketch & Robert Morris

F Dungeon of Sketch F Jennell Jaquays
Symbol: A red, Symbol: White crow
spear-shaped Alignment: Neutral
rune Movement: 120' (40')
Alignment: Chaotic Fly: 240' (80')
Movement: 240' (80') Armor Class: 2 [+3]
Armor Class: 3
Hit pts. (HD): 100 hp
Hit pts. (HD): 122 hp (16 HD)
(20 HD) Attacks: 2 or special
Attacks: 3 Damage: 2d6/2d6
(Bludsoltinngyr) or special
Damage: 1d6+4 Save: F16
Save: M16 Morale: 10
Morale: 12 Hoard Class: XV
Hoard Class: XVI
XP: 6,000
XP: 6,250
Karga Savasha appears as an 8'-tall tengu warrior. His feathers
Kaldrabikkia is a dark, brutal goddess of ice that haunts the are bone white except for his tail feathers and crest. These are
northern lands. She is worshiped by a rag-tag hoard of barbar- both bone white striped with black. He typically wears a simple
ians, bandits and evil humanoids. Kaldrabikkia leads her faith- weapon harness that holds his javelins and is decorated with
ful in brutal raids against any unsuspecting settlement, so she tokens, trophies, and fetishes taken from exceptional enemies.
may revel in the bloodshed.
In battle he wields barbed javelins which he may throw up to
A strange, unnatural snow storm precedes each raid. Discord, 360'. Each javelin acts as a +3 weapon and causes 2-12 points
hallucinations, and mass hysteria spread among the victim of damage on a successful hit. He may throw two such javelins
population. At the height of chaos, Kaldrabikkia unleashes her during a single round.
hoard. The victims have little chance for survival.
Three times per day, he may mark a target for death by call-
Well into the slaughter, the goddess will manifest. She appears ing the targets name aloud. When he does so, his next javelin
as a pallid, seven-foot-tall woman of exceptional beauty and targeting that character is +4 to hit. If the target is hit, the target
cruelty. Her eyes are an inhuman pale blue color. Kaldrabik- must save vs. death at 4 or die. If the victim survives, he or she
kias hair is waist-length and platinum blonde. She is dressed in takes 4d6 points of damage. When Karga Savasha uses this at-
clothing which is nothing more than blood-soaked rags. tack, he may not throw a second javelin during that round.
In combat, Kaldrabikkia is cold, calculating, and frighteningly
Karga Savasha may make an ear-rending screech every third
fast. When she plunges her wicked spear into her victims, it
round. Enemies hearing the screech must save vs. spell at 2
drains their life energy and she feeds from it. The goddess also
or be stunned for 1-6 rounds.
wreaks havoc with her terrible ice magic. Kaldrabikkia and her
faithful fight until none are left alive, then depart quickly. Karga Savasha may only be harmed by +3 or better weapons.
He is immune to sleep, charm, hold, death magic, and energy
Potential victims of Kaldrabikkias wrath try in vain to appease
or level drain. He cannot be harmed by any special attacks
her, but to no avail. Stronger kingdoms have made attempts to
from undead (e.g., a vampires gaze, mummy rot, a lichs chill
seek out and eliminate the goddess and her followers, never to re-
touch, etc.).
turn or worsecoming back as raiders in Kaldrabikkias hoard.
Bludsoltinngyr, the Spear of Kaldrabikkia: This is a
Karga Savasha is always accompanied by flocks of ravens,
+3 spear. On a natural roll of 18 or higher, all damage done to crows, and other predatory birds. He may call these birds to
the target is transferred to the wielder. If these bonus hit points swarm an enemy. Calling the swarm replaces his normal at-
raise the wielders hit points beyond their normal total, they will tacks for that round. He may call up to two swarms at a time. A
only last until the end of combat. character attacked by the swarm loses all Dexterity bonuses to
armor class and is at 4 to hit while being swarmed. The swarm
Spell-like Abilities: Kaldrabikkia uses the following abilities may attack up to two characters simultaneously, provided both
as a caster of 20th level: manipulative powers phantasmal characters are within 5 of each other.
force (1/day), mass charm (1/day), confusion (at will), charm
person (at will), charm monster (at will), cause fear (at will); de- Bird Swarm: AL:neutral; M:180' (60'); AC:2; HD:5; AT:5
structive powers ball of ice (as fireball spell, but cold/frost (1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6); ST:F5; ML:10. For each 8 hp dam-
damage; 2/day), cloud of frost (as incendiary cloud, but cold/ age inflicted against the swarm it loses one hit die and one
frost damage; 2/day), wall of fire (2/day), magic missile (3/ attack. For each two hit dice lost in this fashion, reduce the
day); striking (at will; the Goddess uses this power on herself swarms morale by 1 (e.g., a swarm that has taken 17 hit points
and her followers), earthquake (1/day); symbol (3/day). Ka- of damage would have only three attacks as a 3 HD monster,
ldrabikkia also has the ability to fly (as per the spell) at will. and would only have a morale rating of 8).


Khaldranath Khorissa
(petty god of draft animals) (petty goddess of ghouls)
TITLES: The Ox Lord TITLES: The Ghoul Queen

& William Maranto

& Jim Brewer
& Greg Johnston
F Zach Jaquays
F Edward Heil Symbol: A gnawed
Symbol: Oxs head bone
super- Alignment: Chaotic
imposed on Movement: 120' (40')
a wagon wheel
Tunnel: 90' (30')
Alignment: Neutral
Armor Class: 0
Movement: 180' (60')
Hit pts. (HD): 100 hp (12 HD)
Armor Class: 4
Attacks: 1 bite/2 claws
Hit pts. (HD): 108 hp (20 HD)
Damage: 2d6/
Attacks: 1 (gore) plus possible trample 21d10+
Damage: 3d6+3 (gore), 2d8 (trample) paralysis
Save: F20 Save: C12
Morale: 9 Morale: 12
Hoard Class: XV, XX Hoard Class: XVIII
XP: 9,000 XP: 3,600
Khaldranath, the Ox Lord, is the god of draft animals. Team- Khorissas natural form is that of an emaciated woman of al-
sters, farmers, and caravan masters all call upon the Ox Lord most skeletal countenance, greenish skin stretched tight over
to help ensure that their beasts continue to pull their burdens. her bony frame and with sagging, pendulous breasts. Despite
Signs of his favor include increased speed or strength of draft her appearance, she has supernatural strength which allows
animals, and the smell of newly mown hay. His displeasure is her to rend flesh with her long dirty, blood-stained fingernails
often manifested by broken harnesses, broken cart wheels, or and crack bones with her teeth. She is covered with dirt, stinks
the persistent smell of manure. of decay, and is accompanied by a swarm of flies. This stench
is similar to a ghasts but is 4 on any save vs. poison to resist.
Khaldranath is seen as a huge, heavily muscled ox with various
The swarm of flies act to distract anyone wishing to attack the
tattoos and brands scattered about his body. He has a heavy
Ghoul Queen by imposing a 5 to hit penalty.
iron ring in his nose and many golden baubles in his ears. His
eyes simultaneously have a look of ennui and channeled rage. She may shape-change to appear as a beautiful, if pale-skinned,
The horns of Khaldranath are a dusky orange. human female with long, dark hair. She usually takes this more
pleasing form to get close to her prey before striking. In this
Clerics of the Ox Lord are called upon to bless caravans and
form, she does not have her stench ability or the swarm of flies.
are frequently summoned when a prized animal has taken
It takes her 1 round to change between either form.
ill. More militant priests are known to demand alms for Kha-
ldranath; those who do not open their purses are said to invite Khorissa is usually hungry and always seeking a meal in the
hardship and misery into their lives. The most militant priests form of any nearby dead corpses or live prey. She does not
are known to inflict Khaldranaths wrath upon the stingy, even like the taste of elves and will refuse to eat their corpses. She is
going so far as to sabotage wagons wheels, cut harnesses and worshiped by ghouls and ghasts. Khorissa can be encountered
empty feedbags when no one is watching. stalking graveyards or other subterranean places with an ample
supply of dead bodies on which to feast. There is a 15% chance
Should a mortal be so unlucky as to face him in combat, Kha-
that any PCs attacking ghouls in their warren will attract the
ldranath is known to charge his opponents relentlessly, only
attention of Khorissa and she will appear.
stopping to reverse his tide of horns and hooves.. Anyone struck
by the Ox Lords gore attack must save vs. paralysis or fall to the Khaldranath Reaction Table
ground and be subject to his trample attack. +4 if recently attacked/killed ghouls or ghasts
Khaldranath Reaction Table 2 Friendly: Will cast 1 necromantic spell for the
2 Friendly: 1d6 nearby draft animals blessed party if that will help them.
with increased speed, strength, or stamina, 3-5 Indifferent: Allows PCs to leave unharmed
3-5 Indifferent: 1d6 nearby draft animals blessed and may answer 1 or 2 questions about the
with increased speed, strength, or stamina, dungeon or graveyard they are in.
if properly propitiated. 6-8 Neutral: Ignores nearby creatures.
6-8 Neutral: Ignores nearby creatures. 9-11 Unfriendly: Attacks any nearby creatures
9-11 Unfriendly: 1d6 nearby draft animals become unless appeased. Appeasement is usually an
slowed or obstinate, if not properly propitiated. offering of a live victim.
12 Hostile: 1d4 nearby draft animals are 12 Hostile: Attacks any nearby creatures.
freed from their tracings and run off. Summons additional 2d6 ghouls.


Kilooloogung (petty god of arising smoke) King Shroom

TITLES: The Lord of Arising Smoke (petty god of the mushroom kingdom)
TITLES: Cannibal Godspawn of Mushrooms;
& Igor Vinicius Sartorato* Devourer General of the Lizardwars;
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. Patron of Shroomeaters
Symbol: A silhouette of smoke
with its arms upward & Jens Durke
Alignment: Lawful
F Steve Zieser
Movement: 120' (40') Symbol: Different from cult to cult
FLY: 240' (80') (mushroom circles being very popular)
Armor Class: 0 [+1] Alignment: Lawful
Hit pts. (HD): 107 hp (20 HD) Movement: Special
Attacks: Special Armor Class: 0 [+1]
Damage: Special Hit pts. (HD): 23 to 184 hp
Save: C20 (23 HD, roll anew
for every spawn)
Morale: 9
Attacks: Special
Hoard Class: None
Damage: Special
XP: 10,250
Save: M23
Kilooloogung, the Lord of Arising Smoke, resides in the fire- Morale: 12
places and hearths of homes, in the braziers of temples, and
Hoard Class: IV, VII, XXII
in the large fires of festivals. He appears as a face in the col-
umns of smoke that ascend into the sky. His work is to take the XP: 23,000
smoke from fires in the hearth and send it skyward, as a sign to
King Shroom, Cannibal Godspawn of Mushrooms, Devourer
the great gods that he is doing his job.
General of the Lizardwars, and Patron of Shroomeaters, is a
It is customary to seek the blessings of this god in the construc- lesser god of the mushroom kingdom, worshipped by those
tion of chimneys by burning incense in his honor, so that the that seek enlightenment by digesting mushrooms with psych-
smoke may exit and be carried to the sky. It is believed that if he edelic properties. Wherever these fungi grow (1-in-8 chance
gets angry, the smoke will not rise, and will stay inside houses per region), there will be a cult worshipping him (roll 1d10; 1-
and close to the ground, suffocating the occupants. 2=in public; 3-4=accepted, but hidden; 5-6=hunted by the law;
7-8=hunted by a church; 9-10=involved in sinister witchcraft;
Kilooloogung is also considered a divine messenger. Many peo-
even and uneven numbers being respectively human or non-
ple pray to him, asking that he carry their prayers (along with
human communities). There is, of course, a strong and alien
the smoke of the incense they burn) to the heavens, so that
connection between fungi and magic, only known by those
the greater gods may hear. Kilooloogung is pleased when men
wizards adept in The Way of the Shroom.
pray in this way, and sends his servant smoke to the heavens,
so that the gods may know that the people pray.
Kilooloogung is a benevolent god and rarely enters into combat.
However, if he does, he can be a very dangerous opponent.
As a creature of smoke, Kilooloogung is almost intangible (re-
quiring a +1 or better weapon to hit), and can spread smoke
throughout an environment, obscuring vision. He does not per-
form physical attacks. However, each round a creature remains
in a smoke-filled area they receive 3d6 points of damage due to
suffocation and intoxication (a successful save vs. breath each
round will halve the damage).
Kilooloogung Reaction Table
2 Friendly: Gives preference to any character
prayers. Clerics burning incense in his
presence (regardless of deity) have a 50%
chance of doubled spell effects for 2d6 turns.
3-5 Indifferent: Will send a special request
to the gods if properly propitiated.
6-8 Neutral: Ignores nearby creatures.
9-11 Unfriendly: The smoke around the PCs
does not rise and fills a 100 sq. ft. area.
12 Hostile: Does not carry any character
prayers to the gods. All clerical spells have
a 50% chance of failure for 3d6 turns.
* Based on an original concept by Lord Dunsany.


No sober intelligence is able to grasp the cryptic reasoning for King Under
him appearing, the bizarre interacting with his surroundings or
why the mushroom kingdom is at war with all lizards (yes, that
the Mountain
includes dragons). It is rare to encounter him by accident. Given (petty god of the
the fact that fungi are nearly everywhere, some scholars con- downtrodden
cluded that Lord Shroom is very informed and very aware of and oppressed)
whats happening in the World (75%), but his interpretation of
this knowledge is very distorted at best. Everytime something & Evan Van Elkins
mushroom-related is part of the game (ingame or at the table, F Luigi Castellani
mushrooms mentioned in a module, mushrooms on a pizza, Symbol: A crown
the ranger doing a wilderness survival check, all counts, even placed over
if its not deliberate), there is a 1-in-8 chance that King Shroom the hilt
will be interested enough to get involved. of a sword
If a group of adventurers gets his attention, he will keep his Alignment: Lawful
distance for a while and observe. Signs of him being around are Movement: 120' (40')
mushroom circles in the area, rumors of mushroom poisoning Armor Class: 4
or even stoned cultists engaging the group with cryptic mes- Hit pts. (HD): 89 hp
sages (He is seeing you!). His timing for appearing is always (18 HD)
inconvenient, but the surroundings decide if encountering him
Attacks: 1 (weapon)
will be a pleasant or an unpleasant trip (with no connection
to his intentions, of course). So he will be seen as a humanoid Damage: As weapon +3
mushroom of sorts, but how he manifests to the observer to- (+6 vs. chaotic)
tally depends on the entire experience. How he communicates Save: F18
may be read from the result of the Reaction Table. Morale: 12
Hoard Class: XII, XXII
King Shroom Reaction Table
XP: 10,000
Roll 2d8 (instead of 2d6).
2 Altering reality, blessing characters The King Under the Mountain is the god of the oppressed
(psychic tranfer of language). and the downtrodden. They pray to him for deliverance from
3-5 On a mission (speaking in a high pitched voice). political malefactors. When he appears, it is always as a ghostly
figure in the finest of contemporary armors, most often as a
6-8 Offering knowledge (psychic transfer of images). middle aged man with a wise face.
9-12 Offering an experience (psychic transfer of feelings).
He may cause any who look upon him to save vs. spell; if they
13-15 Needs something done fail, they are compelled to join his crusade against the local ty-
(speaking in a dark, deep voice).
rant. Chaotic creatures are not ever susceptible to this, though
16 Stoned, blessing turns curse they are likely to become the victims of mob violence. This
(talking gibberish for all but those under is not an automatic ability, and the King can choose to sup-
the influence of shrooms or his aura). press it if necessary. He wields the sword Caliburnus, which
King Shroom has no legs, so he wont walk. But he is able is a +3 bane weapon against chaotic creatures and charac-
to use dimension door at will within a fungus network and ters. The King Under the Mountain can only be hurt by spells
teleport at will in between fungi networks (spawning in a mush- and swords of chaotic alignment. Lawful magical weapons will
room circle every time). He casts spells like a 23rd level magic- refuse to strike him. All chaotic characters and creatures who
user, with the spell effects always mirroring fungus behaviour. see him must make a morale save.
He emanates a psychedelic aura 30' around him (save vs. spell
After leading the dissidents and gaining victory against whatever
to avoid the effects of a feeblemind spell; interaction with King
regime provoked his wrath, he disappears and allows the re-
Shroom remains possible under the influence of the aura and
maining rabble to sort things out for themselves.
wears off after 1d4 turns). He will fight back if threatened, but
only using his spells. Lizards he will attack on sight. Only magic King Under the Mountain
weapons may harm him. Reaction Table
Destroying him will release his spores and he will respawn Use Wisdom as modifier instead of Charisma.
1d6 days later. It is the way of the mushroom. Killing him is 2 Friendly: Will ask characters to join his
quite difficult, trapping him might be the best way to achieve crusade. If they refuse he will look crestfallen
that. His blessing is a random spell in the mind of the blessed, and continue on his way.
to use one time at will. His curse is a fungal infection that 3-5 Indifferent: Will neither ask characters to join
makes it impossible to process any other food but mushrooms, his crusade or force them to with his power.
slimes and molds, transforming the host into a mushroom af-
ter (Constitution) months. King Shroom eats mushrooms for 6-8 Neutral: Ignores nearby targets. If someone
the various effects they might have, and he is quite fond of attempts to communicate with him he impresses
them into service immediately.
fermented beverages.
9-11 Unfriendly: Impresses all present into service.
Giant crickets sing his song. Attempts to kill any chaotic targets nearby.
12 Hostile: Simply attempts to kill present targets.
Related Entries: M ) Fruggar.


(petty goddess of snares
and foot traps)
TITLES: Mistress of the
Wounded Foot

& Wayne Rossi

F Joel Priddy
Symbol: Two jagged
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 90' (30')
Armor Class: 4
Hit pts. (HD): 61 hp
(12 HD)
Attacks: Special Kwunndle
Damage: 1d6 + (petty god of misplaced objects)
Save: F12 & Andrew Branstad
Morale: 8 F Andrew Walter
Hoard Class: XVII Symbol: A dozen wavy vertical lines
XP: 4,500 (represent the reaching
fingers of Kwunndle)
Krythyle, the Mistress of the Wounded Foot, is the petty god- Alignment: Chaotic
dess of snares and foot traps. She appears as a lovely woman
Movement: 90' (30')
in forest garb, with flowing red hair, but her feet are badly hob-
bled, as if she has only recently extracted herself from a trap. Armor Class: 2
Approaching her in the wild there is a 4-in-6 chance that char- Hit pts. (HD): 50 hp (12 HD)
acters will step into a snare that she has set. Attacks: 2 (hands)
Damage: 1d6/1d6
When Krythyle attacks, she can cause foot traps to come out
of the ground at unsuspecting foes. These are made of sharp Save: T12
metal and immobilize a character for 1d6 rounds. When freed, Morale: 8
a character whose foot was caught in the trap has their move- Hoard Class: XVII
ment rate cut in half until the wounds are fully healed. There XP: 2,800
is a 5% chance that the traps are rusty and will cause disease,
which must be cured magically. If attacked by a sufficiently Obsessive Kwunndle is the god of misplaced items. His beady
powerful character, she will attempt to lasso their throat with eyes can peer out of the corners of far-away rooms, where
a snare, causing 1d4 points of damage per turn; additionally he snatches unattended objects with his impossibly long fin-
each turn the character must roll under their Constitution on gers. Kwunndle cannot take whatever he wants; only things
1d20 or pass out. that have slipped from their owners conscious thoughts are
his for the taking. Kwunndle appears as a squat blue humanoid
Krythyle is fond of hunter types, who get a 3 bonus to their with countless unnaturally long and bendable fingers. However,
reaction rolls on the chart below. For other character types, she he is completely invisible when looked at directly and must be
will often view them as prey to be hunted. Her slow movement viewed out of the corner of the eye to be seen (which is re-
functions as a decoy, since the path between any character and flected in his Armor Class).
Krythyle will be littered with danger.
Kwunndle is naturally cowardly and avoids contact with others.
Krythyle Reaction Table He is very covetous, however, and his greed will sometime drive
Use Wisdom as modifier instead of Charisma. him to seek out mortals to barter for their possessions. More of-
Hunter types get 3 bonus. ten, others come to Kwunndle and try to convince him to return
2-3 Friendly: Gives one of her traps as gift some precious lost trinket. In any case, the god will only accept
(opponents only have a 20% chance lost or stolen goods in exchange for his acquired treasures.
of noticing it, if looking actively for traps;
Kwunndle possesses the abilities of a 13th level thief. When
no chance if not looking).
forced to fight, he strikes from the shadows and uses his near-
4-7 Indifferent: Disappears, leaving foot trap invisibly to flee if things go against him. He attacks with his
in her wake. long, pliable fingers, wrenching and choking his enemies. If
8-10 Unfriendly: Attempts use of snare trap Kwunndle hits with both attacks in a round, he can automati-
on character(s). cally strangle his opponent for 2d6 additional damage. This
11-12 Hostile: Immediate attack using foot trap. damage is ongoing unless Kwunndle releases his grip or the
target breaks free (via a Strength check at -2).


Kwunndle Reaction Table In appearance, Kypselus resembles a squatting orc with jet black
* Modify based on possessions as as follows... skin and a grotesquely knotted beard extending from his chin. He
Character is obviously impoverished +2; is frequently depicted wearing a suit of smoke-black plate armor.
Character is conservatively dressed +1; Average gear +0;
In combat, Kypselus is a formidable foe indeedhis very touch
Well-dressed or moderately adorned -1;
Heavily adorned in jewelry, gear, or fine clothes -2. can cause boils, welts, weals, and skin lacerations. When he
strikes with an open palm, his subject must immediately save
2-3 Very Interested: Attempts to bargain vs. poison or become subject to some horrific wasting disease
for one of the characters possessions. (specific type at DMs discretion) in addition to sustaining 2d10
4-6 Interested: Attempts to steal points of damage from the contact.
one of the characters possessions.
Meetings with Kypselus, however, are generally not martial. He
7-9 Neutral: Ignores nearby creatures. appears to those who worship him fervently, make the proper
10-11 Unfriendly: Hides in shadows sacrifices, and stand on sacred groundan eikon is usually
from nearby creatures. necessary to draw him forth, and good relations with his priest-
12 Unfriendly: Hides in shadows and hood never hurts.
possibly attacks.
Kypselus is able to cast wish and geas at will. Any wish granted
will always be accompanied by some sort of contractual rider
Kypselus or ironic turn of fortune. Generally, he only uses geas for the
spells target to fulfill the conditions of a deal or contract.
(petty god of deals, bargains,
and creeping corruptions) When he appears, the Lord of Deals will be in one of five states,
TITLES: The Black Hand; determined by the current affairs of the world, his temples
The Lord of Deals; The Lord of Sin standing, etc. Alternately, roll on the Reaction Table below:

& Josh Graboff Kypselus Reaction Table

F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. Roll 1d6 (instead of 2d6).
1 Gleeful: Kypselus arrives in great spirits. He
Symbol: A blackened offers wine to drink (should anyone be so foolish
hand or orcish claw as to partake in it, he is immediately struck with
Alignment: Chaotic (keeps a geas to complete some task Kypselus demands)
deals as if lawful) and showers the PCs with praise. He will grant a
Movement: 60' (20') single wish to his summoner as well as a wish
Armor Class: 3 to whoever else asks for it. O course, he will
certainly attach several riders to this, asking for
Hit pts. (HD): 115 hp (25 HD) much in return. The deals will be sweeter when
Attacks: 1 (touch or axe) he is happier (perhaps you simply bargain away
Damage: 2d10 + special the color of your hair for a point of Strength,
(touch) or or perhaps he grants you lycanthropy).
3d8+3 (axe) 2 Maudlin: Kypselus laments the current state
Save: F25 of the world and upon appearing immediately
Morale: 12 begins a soliloquy on his waning power. He
will give a potent magic item to the person who
Hoard Class: 1 each of VIII
summoned him in return for a service to his
through XXII
templeof course, a geas is laid on the PC
XP: 16,000 who agrees to this to ensure he fulfills his end
of the bargain.
Kypselus, also known as the Black Hand, the Lord of Deals,
and the Lord of Sin, is said to be the son of Ulagos the Pot- 3-4 Cunning: His normal self, Kypselus will arrive in
ter and Nyxos Husband-Eater. As one of his natural children, a sly and crafty mood. He offers unpoisoned wine
but tainted food which will cause whoever eats of
Kypselus is imbued with much of his fathers strength, godly
it to sicken over the following three weeks and die
blood running in his horrible black veins.
unless they do a service for him. He will offer a
The Lord of Sin is a master of deals, bargains, and creeping single wish in return for some great boon or trade.
corruptions. He represents both physical decay and moral col- 5 Angry: An angry Kypselus is one best avoided.
lapse. Few men and demihumans are foolish enough to follow Upon appearing, he immediately begins berating
him or seek his favor, though he has many faithful amongst his summoner. After several rounds of this,
goblin-kin, ogres, and trolls. he simply attacks! If the PC can withstand his
onslaught for 1d4+1 rounds, Kypselus becomes
He reslishes swamps, sinkholes, and corpses (though not of calm again and offers a wish in return.
elves, which are resistant to his touch). Kypselus walks amongst 6 No One Home, Try Again: The prayers
the ranks of the dead to encourage them to decay, touching misfire, accidentally drawing one of his servant
them with his long nails and breeding rot. Ghouls and ghasts pit fiends to the Material Plane. PCs are advised
are supposedly creatures of his own hideous design and are to immediately begin apologizing and explain
considered particularly sacred. These undead traditionally what they want. The disposition of the fiend at
serve his priests and are used as temple-servants and warriors the discretion of the DM.
by his ranks.


Lacta Lacrima Lady of Cauldrons Lady of Lost Angles Lady of Rains
Lady of Tasks Forgotten Little Lights Llewel Lobon Loe-Hann Lord Barleycorn
Lord Downall Lord Greensayne Lord of Mediocre Plots Lumagog Luriel

Lacta Lacrima (Lacrimosa) 2-5 Neutral: Ignores any and all attempts
to communicate.
(petty goddess of pointless regret and remorse)
6 Neutral: Blames character for a randomly
& Duncan Young determined problem. May cause the character
F Eleanor Ferron to be affected as by the Phial of Penitence
described above.
Symbol: A vial of
white liquid,
on a chain
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 2
Hit pts. (HD): 90 hp (20 HD)
Attacks: Special
Damage: Special
Save: C20
Morale: 7
Hoard Class: IX, X
XP: 7,250

Most often appearing as a strikingly beautiful creature (of

varying race depending on the situation) whose features are
wracked with pain and loss, Lacta Lacrima is the petty god
of pointless regret and wasteful remorse. She is called upon
whenever someone is dwelling on past mistakes, unable to fo-
cus on the matter in hand whilst mired in self-pity.
Her clergy is a small, secretive organisation, including many
cleric-thieves, who spread regret through subterfuge and spy-
ing to uncover dark secrets in the pasts of all, from prominent
public figures to lowly farmers and barmaids. Mistakenly seen
by some as a seeker of truth in this regard, Lacta Lacrima cares
little for the nature of the regret, only that others worship her
by joining her in their self-pitying remorse without closure. Lady of Cauldrons
Dangerously temperamental, Lacta Lacrima is prone to rash ac- (petty goddess of cooking, food preparation, and flavor;
tionsfor over what else can she spend time in morose regret aspect of the Jale God)
afterwards? Fortunately, her thoughtless actions are as likely to Titles: The Kitchen Witch, The Pot Watcher
inadvertently help through divulging others secrets, as they are AFFILIATIONS: The Jale God
to actually harm an individual. She carries a vial of milky liquid
about her neck, the Phial of Penitence sometimes carried as & Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
an aspergillum, and can spray this as an attack over an area of F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
up to 20' diameter, up to 5 times a day. Those caught within
the spray, must spend the rest of the day or night wallowing in Symbol: A crossed cleaver & spoon
set over a boiling cauldron
self-pity, as they relive their mistakes (no save). Any attempt to
take an action requires a save vs. spell each round in order to Alignment: Chaotic
shake off the lethargy. On occasion, Lacta Lacrima is known Movement: 90' (30')
to give her most morosely faithful an extract of this liquid to Armor Class: 9 [+1]
use themselves. Hit pts. (HD): 45 hp (12 HD)
Kypselus Reaction Table Attacks: 1 (flesh hook, cleaver, knife, or spoon)
Modify by Charisma or Wisdom (based on roleplaying). Damage: 1d4+special, 1d4+1+special,
Roll 1d6 (instead of 2d6). 1d4+poison, or special
Save: M12
1 Helpful: Grants advice or insight into
problem or regret in characters past, or may Morale: 8
grant the character a dose from her vial for Hoard Class: None
their own use (see above). XP: 3,500


The Lady of Cauldrons is one of many forms of the Jale God (qv). Lady of Lost Angles
The Lady of Cauldrons is the petty goddess of cooking and (petty goddess of mathematical errors)
food preparation, and is an aspect of the Jale God. She ap- & Nathan Cohen
pears as a hunched elderley woman with three eyes, for one
of them is always on the pot. Around her waist hang a variety
F Johnathan Bingham
of untensils, including a flesh hook (a multi-pronged tool used Symbol: Five-point
for removing boiled meat from a cauldron), a cleaver, and a tesseract
spoon. She will also have 1d6 knives of varying sizes. star
She enters the house through the steam of pots or the fires be- Alignment: Chaotic
neath them. From the grandest castle kitchen to the humblest Movement: 120' (40')
hearth, no cook calls her stranger, for they know her power to Armor Class: 8
make any meal delicious. They also know her wrath should she Hit pts. (HD): 100 hp
drop in for a visit and find no food left aside for her, for the con- (20 HD)
sequences will be dire. She considers even the most bland and Attacks: None
tasteless offood offerings to be better than no offering at all.
Damage: None
The Lady of Cauldrons is non-confrontational. She will normal- Save: M25
ly arrive in the dead of night. For those leaving offerings, she Morale: 10
improves the flavor and extends the life of their foods. Should Hoard Class: None
she find no food offering, she will cast a rotting spell that im-
XP: 15,500
mediately spoils all foodstuffs within a radius of 180' (no saving
throw). Anyone who eats the rotten food must save vs. poison; The Lady of Lost Angles is the nemesis of mathematicians,
those failing the saving throw will die in 1d6 hours. Those mak- architects, engineers, cartographers, astronomers, dungeon
ing the saving throw will suffer debilitating dysentery for 3d6 explorers, tourists, and home-owners. She is the reason why
days. Each day during that period, the afflicted person must the numbers dont add up.
save vs. death or die.
Those whose lives have anything to do with geometry, dis-
Should the lady be confronted directly (e.g., it is not uncommon tance, or space, at any given moment may suffer her mischief.
for the folk of the house to hear noises in their kitchen during Her name is only whispered in academic circles though. To
the night, and enter to find her), she will attack with one of the admit the existence of the Lady of Lost Angles would be a seri-
utensils from her waist. Her flesh hook does 1d4 on a success- ous social blunder, sure to ruin the reputation of the individual
ful to hit roll and (on a failed save vs. spell) stuns the victim who muttered her name.
for 2d6 turns. Her +1 cleaver does 1d4+1 on a successful to
hit roll and on a natural roll of 20 will sever an appendage Her collection bowls can be found at random building corners
(as vorpal weapon). The miscellaneous knives she carries act and at the end of alleys around major cities. The bowls fun-
as +1 throwing daggers which are always poisoned with the nel into the corner of the building that they are connected to.
dust of exotic spices (save vs. poison or die). Finally, her spoon Her name is invoked only for the purposes of protection. The
is a normal one. However, any spoon wielded by The Lady of Lady of Lost Angles demands the blood of those who seek her
Cauldrons acts a focus for a variety of magical powers (all as a guardianship. Theologians arent sure why a geometric god-
12th level spellcaster, and all at will), including: knock, obscur- dess wouldnt prefer something closer to her divine associa-
ing steam (as obscuring mist), polymorph food (as polymorph tions, like mathematical proofs. It is believed that she requires
object, but works only on food, and changes only the qualities of blood to keep her body lubricated.
the food, including substance, taste, etc.), and spice of choking
(as dust of choking magic item). Sometimes corners of buildings (usually on the inside) and roads
have shrines dedicated to the Lady. Her shrines are intricate
Lady of Cauldrons Reaction Table garishly-colored geometric mosaics no more than a meter in di-
2 Friendly: Improves the flavor and ameter. They arent ever associated with her collection bowls.
extends the life of the partys rations
(if properly propitiated). She appears in three different forms, all of which are sublimely
beautiful and terrifying. The first is an ever-shifting funnel of
3-5 Indifferent: Improves the flavor prismatic crystalline planes. The second is the crystalline fac-
and extends the life of one PCs rations simile of a curvaceous woman that has so many minuscule sur-
(if properly propitiated). faces it almost looks like its skin is smooth flesh, almost. The
6-8 Neutral: Asks for a gift of food or threatens third is a black swan that only appears in dreams as a herald
to make the partys rations bland and tasteless of doom.
(10% chance each PC will find them inedible).
9-11 Unfriendly: Asks for a gift of food The Lady of Lost Angles never attacks anybody directly. She
or threatens to spoil the partys rations antagonizes targets by adding or subtracting spaces (such as
(as rotting spell above). hallways, alleys, rooms, stairwells, and pit traps) to structures
that her targets inhabit.
12 Hostile: Spoils partys rations (as rotting
spell above) and attacks.
Related Entries: Please see the Jale God entry in this section
for a complete listing of entries related to the Jale God.


Lady of Rains society are lost in a haze of balls and pageants and spectacle,
interrupted only by the occasional assassination.
(petty goddess of political corruption & indiscretion;
aspect of the Jale God) When she leaves the city, the Lady of Rains may leave her
TITLES: The Kingdom Breaker carriage and lift her veil. The lower classes, those with rag-
AFFILIATIONS: The Jale God ged clothes and grime-stained faces, will see her true face:
the ancient skin, the weeping eyes, the double row of teeth,
& Grant Stone licked by the grasping tentacle that serves as her tongue. Her
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. mere presence in the poorer parts of the city will spark riots,
fires and widespread panic. As the kingdom falls, so does
Symbol: A coin broken the city.
in two pieces
Alignment: Chaotic Several days after the Lady of Rains has departed, a few
Movement: 180' (60') nobles, if any are still living, will walk through the smoking
ruins of their lives. Their cries of loss will join those of the
Armor Class: 0
dying and bereaved.
Hit pts. (HD): 80 hp (20 HD)
Attacks: Special And in some other place, a black carriage passes through the
Damage: Special gates of another great city.
Save: M20 Spell-like Abilities: The Lady of Rains uses the following
Morale: 9 abilities as a caster of 20th level: phantasmal force (3/day),
Hoard Class: 1 each of VIII mass charm (1/day), charm person (at will), cause fear (at
through XXII will), limited wish (1/day).
XP: 5,000 Related Entries: Please see the Jale God entry in this section
for a complete listing of entries related to the Jale God.
The Lady of Rains is one of many forms of the Jale God (qv).

The Lady of Rains (also known as The Kingdom Breaker) is

an aspect of The Jale God. She is most commonly found in
Lady of Tasks Forgotten
wealthy and populous cities, newly admitted to the circles (petty goddess of forgotten tasks)
of the rich and powerful. To those with great wealth or so- & Logan Knight
cial status, she appears as a woman (or man) of remarkable
beauty. When she arrives in a city, the doors of high society
F Rose Turner (symbol)
are immediately thrown open to her. She finds herself in- F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. (scene)
vited to discreet private soirees. She will be seen sitting next Symbol: Dying ants floating in a
to prominent businessmen or politicians at important social bottle of dubious content
events. Her remarkable beauty will be remarked upon so of-
Alignment: Chaotic
ten it may seem to be the only topic of conversation.
Movement: 120' (40')
The Lady travels in a discreet, yet obviously expensive, black Armor Class: 9
carriage with smoked windows, pulled by four jet black hors- Hit pts. (HD): 16 hp (2 HD)
es. She often wears long dresses of red or yellow; when in
Attacks: Special
public she is never without a chiffon veil in the same color
as her dress. Damage: Special
Save: M20
No more than a week after her first appearance, she will Morale: 12
take a lover, often more than one. She seeks out the men
Hoard Class: See below
and women with the greatest political power: high-ranking
clergy, admirals and generals, chiefs of guilds, kings or em- XP: 1,000 (546,000 if youre the one to kill her)
perors. These people will of course find her completely ir-
You settle in and try to block out the din of the tavern, contem-
resistible. It is not unknown for a merchant or lord mayor to
plating your next step, weighing the options.
immediately throw his spouse and children out in the street
upon taking up with the Lady of Rains. While she enjoys A tankard slides beneath your nose, the frothing ale spills slightly
such small dramas, she prefers affairs that are, initially at onto your hand.
least, discreet. In either case, she is immediately taken into
her targets confidences. Within days her opinion is being Theres nothing extraordinary about the waifish woman who put
sought about significant business, political or military deci- it there, shes pale and without a curve, or is she terribly obese
sions. Many thousands of wars have been initiated by the under that dress? Youre too preoccupied to really notice.
nodding of her head.
She smiles pleasantly but emptily, You look worried about
Before the month is out, the Ladys plans will have come something, burdened, why dont you tell me whats bothering
to fruition. Scions of noble houses will fight openly in the you so much.
street; Traders will burn the warehouses of their rivals; gener-
als will turn their armies against their own leaders; the navies And you do.
of nearby and allied nations will be sunk in their ports. And You tell her everything, every twist every turn, you tell her every-
all the while, as the realm is ruined, the upper reaches of thing there is to know about what youre trying to achieve. And


you do feel better for it. You feel fantastic, purged and light, and Im sure Im forgetting something.
someone has left a full tankard of ale here on the table for you. Roll 2d6.
Wait, what is this place?
2 You forget why youre here, who you are, who
The Lady of Tasks Forgotten can be called on by those who these people are, what this thing floating in front
have lost their way, those that feel there was something impor- of you is, you want to go home, you dont know
tant they were meant to do but can no longer recall. The elixir where it is; youll only find out if you kill her.
they prepare probably shouldnt be consumed under normal 3-5 Correct use of your weapon eludes you, 4 to hit
circumstancesdistilled liquor and locusts flavored with datu- with melee/ranged weapons depending on what
ra, poured into a flask with live winter ants, already kept in the you were using from now on.
flask for days and belly-deep in secreted poison. If they survive 6-8 You lose all memory of a random companion;
drinking this concoction they will remember the task without everyone else seems to know them; she must have
fail, but it is rarely their own, and they will never understand done something to their minds; you should kill this
that it never was. The Lady has many things to remember. imposter before they can do any harm.
You could likely kill the Lady quite easily if you desired, but how 9-11 You can no longer speak in a common tongue;
would you know her? you understand it when others speak it, but youre
oblivious to the fact that youre replying to them in
If you find a way to summon and bind her, her flesh softly broils another language entirely.
and churns, melting in places while expanding in others, form- 12 You lose all memory of the flora and fauna
ing impossible beauty then rotting like a bed sore. She looks on of the world you live in; everything is strange
you with such sympathy, you have so many troubles. or terrifying; the first time you see a swamp
will be interesting.
Every round that you are near her in this state you will forget
something, save vs. spell for it to be something unimportant. She has no gold to steal, no relics, and whoever kills her will ab-
sorb every task she still held, convinced beyond question that the
Use the table below for important things or pick something the tasks are their own, crippled by overwhelming responsibility.
character will really miss.


Little Lights The god is benevolent but needy, initially brave but quick to
frighten, and he requires constant attention and reassurance.
(petty god of small lights in underground places)
Traditional Lighting Songs exist to entertain and encourage
& David Haraldson the deity but he especially appreciates new ones (-2 reaction
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. bonus) and offerings of oil, tinder, and tiny toys made of either
wood or sackcloth stuffed with sawdust. Without such entice-
Symbol: Four small flames against a black field ment, he becomes more timid as he and his bearers descend
Alignment: Lawful further into the depths of the Earth (the minor deitys morale
Movement: 300' (100'); may not suffers a cumulative 1 penalty for each dungeon level descend-
move more than a ed after the second).
40' distance from a Some devotees claim they can see him dancing among the
light source while flames they carry; a very few that they have seen him appear
in the Prime Plane
at moments of great peril underground, in order to bestow
Armor Class: 5 (magical weapons blessings (or even curses on enemies). Outside the flames, he
required to hit, manifests as a small, grubby pre-adolescent boy with ragged
but takes damage clothes and equally ragged haircut, reflections of tiny flames
as burning oil) in his eyes.
Hit pts. (HD): 46 hp (10 HD)
Attacks: Special Little Lights Reaction Table
Damage: Special -1 per non-magical light source carried by dedicated
light-bearers (i.e., persons for whom this is the only
Save: M10
assigned role in the group).
Morale: 10 (minus
-1 per high quality component used in
dungeon level,
the summoning or propitiation ritual.
plus reaction
modifiers) -1, if summoning song includes new elements.
Hoard Class: None -2, if summoning song is entirely new.
XP: 3,800 -1 per laymember or initiate present.
+2 per (visible) magical source of illumination
While not officially sanctioned by Imperial authorities, devotion
that the party carries.
to Little Lights plays an important role in mining communities.
During the annual Festival of the Little Lights, mining villag- +1 if anyone in the party has uttered an oath
ers and townsfolk leave votive candles outside their houses and against Little Lights or their fire-starting tools
along the streets to honor the godling in his daily work and his while attempting to make any flame that day.
search for his lost older brother, Thuf (with whom he hopes to 2 Friendly: Blesses 1d6+3 nearby targets.
be reconciled). Worshippers believe Little Lights inhabits and
3-5 Indifferent: Blesses 1-2 nearby targets
protects all living flames carried underground. Miners will assign if properly propitiated.
one of their work-party to tend the lights they bring with them.
To ensure that Little Lights feels at home, their iron lanterns 6-8 Neutral: Ignores nearby creatures.
often take the form of elaborate houses with large windows. 9-11 Unfriendly: Curses 1d4 nearby targets
if not properly propitiated.
12 Hostile: Curses 1d8 nearby targets.
Bless: Any light source carried by the blessings recipient will
have its life extended by 25% for one day; non-magical light
sources cannot be blown out by unexpected non-magic gusts of
air but will only flicker.
Curse: All lights (non-magical and magical) within 90' are in-
stantly extinguished, causing confusion as per an attack by
normal bats; it takes 1d6 rounds to relight the original light;
1d3 rounds to light a new torch or other source. Lights car-
ried by the victim will more quickly, lasting only 75% of their
expected duration.
Should anyone attempt to attack Little Lights, he can employ
the following special attacks, before fleeing:
Extinguish lights: causing confusion (as per an attack by nor-
mal bats), plus darkness.
Flare: Magical lights flare, causing temporary blindness in
viewers if they fail a save vs. spell (magic will be magic).
Flames explode as small fireball spell (they catch a previously
undetected gas pocket; does 3d6 damage).
Related Entries: G) Thuf.


Llewel (petty god of bent nails) Lobon Reaction Table

2-5 Friendly: Lobon is eager to discuss the
& David Haraldson characters hopes and dreams and will gift
F Andrew Shields them with wine and food.
Symbol: A wooden cap with 6-9 Indifferent/Uninterested: Lobon acts much
nails jammed into it like one would expect a spoilt, noble youth.
Alignment: Chaotic 10 Neutral: Lobon is curt and to the point.
Movement: 120' (40') 11 Unfriendly: How last season.
Armor Class: 1 12 Hostile: With a sigh at the characters
Hit pts. (HD): 120 hp (14 HD) gaucheness, Lobon attacks and encourages
his followers to mob the character.
Attacks: 10 (nails)
Damage: 1 pt. + poison
(per nail) Loe-Hann (petty goddess of recidivism,
Save: F14 licentiousness, addiction, and uncontrolled urges)
Morale: 12 & Johnathan Bingham
Hoard Class: 560 gold bent nails (1 gp each), F Johnathan Bingham
300 silver bent nails (1 sp each)
XP: 2,800 Symbol: The hand of a young maiden and
an old crone forming the shape of a heart,
Llewel is a tall, tan man with short rust-red hair. He is dressed in or a golden hookah pipe
formans work clothes. At each hip is two bags of bent nails. He Alignment: Chaotic
is friendly and helpful and knows a lot about wooden construc- Movement: 120' (40')
tion, but he is very easily provoked. His mood is that of a happy
fly: 300' (100')
construction worker who will without warning lose his temper
as if he suddenly jammed his finger with a hammer. He lashes Armor Class: 0 (-5) [+1]
out by throwing 10 rusted nails from his bags that hit unerringly Hit pts. (HD): 76 hp (19 HD)
and do 1 point of damage each. If lashing out at more than one Attacks: Special
person, the nails are distributed randomly, but never exceed ten Damage: Special
per round. Anyone hit by one of the rusted bent nails must save
Save: M19
vs. poison for each nail or die.
Morale: 5
Hoard Class: XV
Lobon (petty god of youthful XP: 8,250
ambition and nave hope)
Temptation into vice, the seductiveness to fulfill an uncontrolled
& Chris Wellings urge of a licentious nature, the allure of addiction; these are the
F Eric Quigley province of Loe-Hann. Tempting those of weak character, Loe-
Hann revels in the lewd, crude, and socially unacceptable. Urging
Symbol: A spear wound her thralls into an orgy of unrestrained passion without thought to
round with ivy consequence, Loe-Hann wrecks homes, brings low the mighty,
Alignment: Lawful and abandons those enslaved by her capricious charms.
Movement: 90' (30') Loe-Hann seduces her victims by engendering wild urges to
Armor Class: 0 abandon virtue and descend into vice. Those targeted must
Hit pts. (HD): 85 hp (15 HD) save vs. spell or be charmed (as if cast by a 25th level magic
Attacks: 1 (spear +3) user) into committing an act of vice. Further, those that have
Damage: 1d6+3 + charm previously succumbed to Loe-Hann charms are at a 1 to save
for each successive successful ensnarement by the goddess (ne-
Save: F15
gated by remove curse).
Morale: 12
Hoard Class: X, XI (gems/ Loe-Hann casts spells as a 19th level magic-user (except for her
jewelry only) charm ability as noted above). She can only be struck by magic
XP: 2,400 weapons of a +1 or greater enchantment. She is immune to all
charms/hold/sleep and only takes half damage from electric-
A blond, noble youth surrounded by the smell of incense, Lobon ity/cold/fire. Ultimately a coward at heart, Loe-Hann will flee if
is the god of youthful ambition and nave hope. His followers are pressed into attack by dissipating into a cloud of foul greenish
all young men and women who have unrealistic or unattainable vapor (AC:-5; Move:300'(100'), able to seep through cracks/
goals, which Lobon encourages, seeing this as a natural part of small openings).
the human condition. He also accepts that as his followers grow
older and disillusioned, they will leave his service and scorn him. Loe-Hann is usually in possession of a golden, jewel encrusted
This too, he accepts with equanimity. water pipe (or hookah). With the hookah, Loe-Hann can create
any of the following magical effects three times per day: hold
Lobons magic spear acts as a charm person or charm mammal person, charm person, and/or sleep. Twice per day, she can
spell on those it strikes. use the water pipe to cast any of the following: hallucinatory


To confuse intruders, his votaries have filled the maze leading

to his abode with dead ends, pitfalls, traps, and bloodthirsting
animated scarecrows of straw and bone in the image of the
Rattler of the Ears himself. Also, the former foes of the grain,
now grown accustomed under Barleycorns tutelage to a diet of
meat and blood, prowl through and above the stalkshordes
of ravenous rats and flocks of sharp-beaked crows.
In the clearing the farmers have erected a great hooded effigy
ten feet tall, made of bound straw from the felled stalks, the
ears of grain still attached dangling. Around and upon the effi-
gy, blood is soaked. Crow-pecked skulls and rat-gnawed bones
are strewn about from the sacrifice of animals, and under its
feet votive treasure is buried. In a frenzied Midsummer Night
ritual the terrible godling claims a human sacrifice, which
brings him forth bodily into the effigy. Thereafter he lives in
material form, a giant bound within the great scarecrow, until
he departs after the harvest. Vicious amber eyes peer forth
terrain and/or feeblemind. Once per day, the water pipe can from its face. Scything claws dangle from its arms.
cast one of the following: geas, irresistible dance, mind blank
Clad in straw, Lord Barleycorn is slow but better protected.
or mass charm.
Those who use fire against him will find he takes but half dam-
To those ensorcelled by her charms, Loe-Hann appears as a age from it, and as his straw effigy burns, he takes 2d6 dam-
tempting seductress adorned in glittering jewels and alluring age (halved) per round but deals 2d6 additional fire damage
attire. She is fond of tempting pillars of society into corrup- with each sweep of his claws. In times of threat to the fields he
tion; the more virtuous/famous/powerful the person, the more shucks the effigy and walks among the stalks, all angles and
tenaciously Loe-Hann will pursue them. Once she has suc- knobs, like a great glistening green stick-insect. He may bur-
ceeded in ruining the lives of her victims, she appears as a row if in grave danger, but if he retreats completely under the
cadaverous crone with a malicious smile, and she will abandon ground, he will not come forth again until the next Midsum-
her thralls to their fate. mer Night. His spells are those of a 15th level evil high priest
(or alternately a druid of like level, at DMs discretion).
In the ancient texts, this goddess goes by the name Atra.
* With apologies to Stephen King and Anthony Shaffer.
Related Entries: G ) Atra.

Lord Barleycorn (petty god of harvest*)

TITLES: The Scarecrow King

& Roger S. G. Sorolla*

F Michael Cote
Symbol: A doll of straw bound
around animal bones
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 120' (40') clad; 180' (60') unclad
BURROW: 60' (20')
Armor Class: 3 (clad) or 1 (unclad)
Hit pts. (HD): 75 hp (15 HD)
Attacks: 2 (claws)
Damage: 2d10/2d10
Save: C15
Morale: 9
Hoard Class: XIX
XP: 5,000

Lord Barleycorn, the Scarecrow King, reigns over the harvest

in a benighted and remote district. The center of his area of
worship is a town blessed with abnormally high and huge fields
of grain, the stalks towering some ten feet in the summertime.
Labyrinthine paths are stamped through the grain by the Bar-
leycorn faithful. For it is at the center of the largest and richest
field, full two mile square, that Lord Barleycorn dwells, in a
spacious clearing at the center of a strange design of interlock-
ing rings pressed down into the crop itself.


Lord Downall (petty god of drains and floods) Downall is immune to weapons and most magic, but takes nor-
mal damage from fire and ice spells. Spells that control weather
TITLES: Lord of Drains and Floods
and winds can slow his whirlpools movement. Lower water or
& Joel Sparks purify water inflicts 1 hp per caster level. Against a part water
F Mark Allen or reverse gravity spell, Downall must save v. spells or be dis-
persed, vanishing in a giant wet pop. Transform mud to rock
Symbol: Forked spiral inflicts 5d6 damage, but anyone currently held underwater by
Alignment: Chaotic Downall must save vs. spell or become entombed in stone.
Movement: 120' (40') Anyone surviving an encounter with Lord Downall contracts
Swim: 120' (40') a nasty diseasethe character loses 1 point of Constitution,
Armor Class: 9 (special: immune to all weapons does not benefit from natural healing, and suffers +1 reactions
and most magic; see below) due to a vile smell that will not wash off. After one month,
( )
Hit pts. HD : 108 hp (18 HD) effects end, and the character can save vs. poison to recover
Attacks: Special the lost Constitution. If he fails, the loss is permanent. Lord
Downall sometimes responds to fervent prayers from those in
Damage: Special
one of his channels (e.g., those lying in a gutter, swept up in a
Save: C18 flood, etc.). If a PC sincerely invokes Downall in one of these
Morale: 11 situations, roll on the following table:
Hoard Class: VI, VII, XIV
Lord Downall Reaction Table
XP: 12,250
Modifed by reverse of Charisma modifier
To Lord Downalls worshippers, trash floating by is a holy (e.g., 2 becomes +2). The uglier the better!
thing; overflowing gutters instill religious ecstasy; every drain <2 The next time the characters head is below water
is a Mouth of Downall. Drainage ditches in the countryside, for more than one round, he is immediately
sewer inlets in town, rainpipes from rooftops, and huge floods affected by a water breathing spell lasting one day.
that sweep everything away: all these are holy to Downall.
2 As above, with water breathing lasting one turn.
Standing puddles, latrine pits, and other stagnant places are
anathema. Downall worshippers run into the streets during 3-5 The character is purged of all disease and poison,
storms, tipping over rain barrels to free the captive water. At and gets +4 on his next save vs. either.
times they sabotage dams and reservoirs. Authorities therefore 6-8 The character is purged of all disease and poison,
persecute the Downall cult, although areas where the populace and all his loose possessions are washed away,
accepts him tend to be free from plumbing issues. All things irretrievably gone to Lord Downall (at discretion
flow to Lord Downall, insist his worshippers, often folk with of DM as to which possessions are secure enough
unbearable memories who pray to Downall to wash their pasts to remain).
away. His clerics get the magic-user spell amnesia as a first 9-11 The characters loose possessions wash away as
level spell. Downall is in eternal conflict with the various rat above, along with all the color in his hair and skin.
gods over dominion of the sewers, and his worshippers kill rats 12 As 911, plus the character loses all memory of
whenever possible. In high rituals, they sacrifice giant rats, rat- the last 24 hours, including any memorized spells.
men, and wererats, floating their bodies downstream.
13+ As 12, but the character loses all memory;
Great sacrifices and vast floods can cause Downall to manifest he can still speak his native tongue, but is
as a giant sucking whirlpool, foamy with vile residues and stud- illiterate; a heal or wish restores most knowledge,
ded with flotsam. On dry ground, filthy water rushes in from but nothing about Downall or his cult.
all directions to flood the area to a depth of 1d4+2 feet for up
to a hundred feet in every direction. Anyone within the flood
suffers the impact of debris caught up in the swirling current.
Every round, the flotsam attacks as a 2 HD monster, inflicting
1d20 hp, with a high roll indicating a larger, harder, or faster-
moving object.
The 20'-wide whirlpool itself issues a wretched miasma, re-
quiring all within 60' to save vs. poison or become nauseated
(2 to hit and damage until 3d6 rounds after leaving the area).
Lord Downalls whirlpool moves to engulf his foes, attacking
every target in the vortex each round. If he hits, the foe is
knocked off his feet and forced under the water. The victim
immediately suffers 2d8 damage from battering and begins to
asphyxiate. Each round thereafter, Lord Downall makes his
attack before the victim can act, and armor does not protect. If
Downall hits, the character takes 1d8 damage, remains under-
water, and loses 1 point of Constitution. If Downall misses, the
character can attempt to regain his feet by rolling his Strength
or less on 1d20, +4 for each level of encumbrance. Should the
characters hp or Constitution reach 0, he drowns and is swept
away to another plane of existence with all his gear.


Lord Greensayne The Eidolons warped his body as well: he now has a hideous,
fully articulated third arm with a three-fingered hand growing
(an aspect of the Jale God)
from the middle of his back, the middle finger of which con-
tains a fully-functioning eyeball impervious to irritation. This
& Matthew W. Schmeer arm is functional during combat and gives him an additional
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. attack. Additionally, the eyeball acts as an orb of true see-
ing. Greensayne has taken to hiding this arm while at court
Symbol: A blood-filed or on official business by wearing richly woven robes and
moneybag other loose-fitting clothing. (Alas, the Eidolons were stolen
Alignment: Lawful from Greensayne by his former bride, Tallemaja, and their
whereabouts are currently unknown.)
Movement: 60 (20)
Armor Class: 3 Greensayne currently possesses the Eldoon Namar (see
Hit pts. (HD): 55 hp Divine Items), which he extracted from the cargo hold of
(9 HD) the Townsend Hawk, a sleek smuggling ship attempting to
Attacks: 2 make the Lessek Route in under twelve days to avoid the
inter-empire fortnight tax. Greensayne dispatched the crew
Damage: 1d6+2 OR
via sacrificial rites and now uses the ship for his own travels.
1d6+2 or +4
Greensayne is unaware the Townsend Hawks true owner is
(see below)/
1d4+2 Ur-mu the Bastard Abrkada, a powerful lich and adherent
to the Cult of Ywehbobbobhewy, Lord of Waters, King of
Save: C12 Mirrors, Patriarch of the Most Profound. Abrkada is search-
Morale: 6 ing for his missing crew and ship. Greensayne now suffers
Hoard Class: VII from a permanent case of telepathic noise due to his use of
XP: 5,600 the Eldoon Namar.

Not a petty god in his own right and ostensibly the fifth son Greensayne plays things close to the vest, constantly putting
of a fifth son of a seventh son of a seventh son, Lord Filchard the interests of the cult first, himself second, and the empire
Pettybane Humbert Albin Adolphus Greensayne is regarded third. He awaits the sixth coming of the Jale God and the open-
as a generous albeit minor noble in the court of the Cerisian ing of the Age of Slith which will follow. On multiple occasions,
Empire, where he serves as an economic advisor to the Em- the Jale God has inhabited Greensaynes flesh to prepare His
peror. Knowledgeable in all trade goods that move through the arrival. There is a 10% chance the Jale God is doing such when
empire, he has made a name for himself by exposing compli- the party encounters Greensayne; the observant party will rec-
cated import/export tax evasion schemes of rich merchants, ognize the Jale Gods presence through His habit of washing
middling nobles, and other enemies of the court; thus, he has his hands in spiced goat blood before meals.
many enemies seeking his demise. No one has ever discov- Greensayne wields a short sword +2, a dagger +2, and a
ered Greensaynes network of spies and stoolies and so no one mace of dwarf smiting (+2; +4 against dwarves); the dagger is
knows exactly how Greensayne comes by his intimate knowl- usually used by his mutant hand. Greensayne will parley or flee
edge of hidden trade routes, back room money laundries, and before attacking, but he will defend himself fiercely and deftly
hives of economic inequity. if pressed. If at court or at home, he will call 2d20 cultists to
Greensaynes position at court is a front; he is a priest of the his aid if attacked; if in temple, he can summon 6d20 cultists,
Cerisian Empires branch of the Cult of the Jale God, whose 1d20 lesser demons, 1d12 greater demons, with a 30% chance
bloodcurdling induction ceremonies, insanity-inducing sacri- of successfully beseeching the Jale God himself to manifest if
ficial rites, fetish-laden orgiastic festivals, byzantine organiza- Greensayne feels his life is in imminent danger.
tional structure, and scrumptious cocktail recipes are detailed Lord Greensayne Reaction Table
elsewhere in this tome. As a member of the cults council
of priests for over twenty years, Greensayne has selected, Note: if dwarves are in the party,
seduced, preened, and inducted members of polite society he will immediately demand the dwarves
be dispatched or turned over to him before
into its membership. He has taken great care to select those
dealing with the rest of the party.
nobles and prosperous merchants whose political and finan-
cial connections enhance the power and reach of the cult, so 2-4 Friendly: Will gladly do what he can for the party
much so that it is rumored that Lord Greensayne controls the if the party is willing to do a little favor for him.
Cerisian Empire from his whisperings in the Emperors ear. 5-7 Indifferent: Will answer questions, but not really
willing to go out of his way to help.
Several years ago, Greensayne came into possession of the
Eidolons of Fear and Hate (see Divine Items). He often 8-10 Scheming: Will attempt to use the party to
wielded both during lavish ceremonies in the catacombs do his bidding in exchange for as little as a reward
beneath the Empires capital city. Due to the stones corro- as he can get away with.
sive influence, he developed an incurable fear and hatred of 11-12 Coercive: Will trick and/or threaten the party
dwarves and often demands their removal and/or execution. to do his bidding; will willingly imprison or sell
He is carrying out a quiet pogrom against the dwarven clans PCs into slavery if they refuse.
of Cerise to drive them from their ancestral homes beneath
Related Entries: Please see the Jale God entry in this section
the Fogthrum and Harthstrop Mountains, sending initiates
and novices in the Cult to wage his secret war. for a complete listing of entries related to the Jale God.


Lord of Mediocre Plots Lubella (petty goddess of transformation)

(petty god of hackneyed stories and unoriginal tales) TITLES: Lubella the Transformative

& Nathan Cohen & Vance Atkins

F Vindico Vindicatum F Joel Priddy
Symbol: Four runes in a language that no one knows, Symbol: Winged cocoon
but that everyone implicitly understands Alignment: Neutral
to translate as comedy, romance, tragedy, Movement: 120' (40')
and satire
Armor Class: 3 (hit only by
Alignment: Lawful magic weapons
Movement: As the creature the Hit pts. (HD): 47 hp (8 HD)
Lord is imitating
Attacks: 1 (knout) + special
Armor Class: 8
Damage: 1d4+1 (+1hp/turn
Hit pts. (HD): 100 hp (20 HD)
bleeding damage)
Attacks: None Save: C9
Damage: None Morale: 5
Save: M25 Hoard Class: XIV
Morale: 10 XP: 1.060
Hoard Class: None
XP: 15,000 Lubella resides as the god of transformation. Worshipers pe-
tition her to assist in the commencement of new endeavors,
The Lord of Mediocre Plots is the bane of bards, skalds, story- or to smooth the way during significant or difficult transitions.
tellers, writers, playwrights, actors, and adventurers. Hes a Because of this, many adolescents find need to seek her out,
natural disaster of the human experience. causing her to be derisively referred to as the god of the awk-
ward teen years. Androgynous, she either appears as a human
Not everyone is capable of spinning a great yarn, and the Lord of indistinct gender, or alternates between a stubbly boy and
makes sure of that. He manipulates people like puppets to an awkward girl, depending on the moment or the angle of the
make sure there is a never-ending supply of mediocre mid- viewer.
dlebrow stories in which the fair maiden is saved from the
dragon, the tyrannical wizard is brought to justice by the coun- She is a sympathetic god, sensitive to those in transformation or
try boy turned knight, and the star-crossed lovers prove that growth. However, she also recognizes that she will have few life-
love conquers all. His manipulations are vulgar, forceful, and time adherents, and often feels abandoned when a worshipers
uncharacteristic of his victims. Victims must make a save vs. change is complete. Since this worship is typically short-lived
spell at 5 or fall under the Lords influence (as charm person and specific to a period or event, she may feel slighted at not
spell) for one week. receiving due thanks.
Actors and theater-folk are a superstitious lot. Though no one When bored, Lubella may also appear spontaneously at a cross-
wants to admit his existence, they do in subtle, hushed, and roads or along a tortuous path as an adolescent beggar. Tossing
harsh tones. Shrines dedicated to The Lord of Mediocre Plots a coin or two and saying a few kind words may be sufficient for
can be found tucked away in theater districts and road-side her to point out the preferred route before disappearing. Insult-
inns across the land. The shrines are nothing special. They ing or ignoring her will cause her to give incorrect directions if
could be easily looked over if one doesnt know what theyre asked. More egregious insults will result in her casting confusion
looking for. The Lord of Mediocre Plots shrines are a simple upon the disrespectful individual(s) (see below).
rudely grinning actors mask strung up by red ribbon to some
long forgotten corner of the building. Lubella will typically flee from aggression or combat. If pressed,
she will let loose a blood-curdling scream to cover her retreat.
His name is invoked for protective purposes only, because his Creatures within a 30'10' cone before her must save vs. breath
presence is never a blessing. The Lord accepts offerings in the or be stunned for 2d4 rounds (-4 to hit, movement at half nor-
form of the sweat of consternation, particularly from strug- mal). If she does have to engage in combat, she will strike out
gling bards on the verge of greatness and current victims. The with a barbed knout that she keeps tied around her waist.
ritual involves taking a rag, wiping ones brow with it, and then
squeezing it out over the mask, letting the sweat drip into the Lubella Reaction Table
eyes and the mouth of the mask. 2 Totally psyched: Blesses endeavor.
The Lord of Mediocre Plots is particularly annoying to adven- 3-5 Shrugs, generally agreeable: Points out best
course or action or direction.
turers as he removes challenge and interest for the sake of
popularity. The conspiracies that they unravel or schemes that 6-8 Neutral: Bored, rolls eyes; did you just ask her
they construct fall into the abyss of the boring and predictable. to come all this way to help with that? Decides to
Once a plan is predictable, it is ultimately preventable. hang out a bit to see what happens.
9-11 Insulted: Leaves in huff; insulting individual
The Lord of Mediocre Plots takes on many forms as they are made awkward, prone to inappropriate outbursts
needed to propel the story forward, though somewhere in the for 1 day.
immediate vicinity the grinning actors mask can be found.
12 Incensed: Confusion/transition impeded
or prolonged, perhaps even cursed.


Lumagog (petty god of itching, festering wounds)

TITLES: The Scab-Monger; Lord of the
Dreadful Itch; He Who Wont Let It Alone

& Garrisonjames
F Josephe Vandel
Symbol: A filthy, scabrous
scratching finger
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 90' (30')
Armor Class: 5
Hit pts. (HD): 70 hp (18 HD)
Attacks: 2 (special) Luriel
Damage: 1d4/special (petty goddess of temptresses and cosmetics)
Save: C12
Morale: 11
& Malcolm Bowers
Hoard Class: X, XI
F Arthur Pyle
XP: 4,250 Symbol: A painted smile
Alignment: Chaotic
Lumagog presents himself as a ragged beggar, his filthy skin Movement: 120' (40')
criss-crossed with scores of scratches and small wounds that
Armor Class: 9
crawl across his flesh of their own volition, creating an elabo-
rate, blasphemous pattern of overlapping scabs. It is not good to Hit pts. (HD): 50 hp (12 HD)
linger overlong in the unfortunate presence of this petty god. Attacks: 1 (scratch or stab)
Damage: d4 or sleep
His cracked, cackling voice robs those who hear it of their rest
for the next 1d4 nights (save vs. spell to cut duration in half), Save: C18
during which time the victims cannot regain hit points nor- Morale: 8
mally. Should he be forced to defend himself, Lumagog will Hoard Class: IX, XIV
attack by scratching with his dirty, talon-like nails that are the XP: 5,200
equivalent of +2 weapons in terms of who or what they can hit.
Wounds inflicted by Lumagogs nails tend to fester if not magi- The petty goddess Luriel appears as a dark-haired, dark-eyed,
cally healed and it is possible they may also become infected*. sultry woman so curvaceously attractive that no male can harm
her. She prefers to wear clinging silk dresses in deep red, deep
Thoroughly disagreeable and disreputable, Lumagog is sought purple, or black, cut to reveal enticing glimpses of creamy skin.
out only by those who are seeking after dangerous knowledge She is the patroness of temptresses, seductresses, painted Jez-
or blasphemous secrets most others have either forgotten or ebels, and slinky vamps. One smouldering kiss from her scarlet
never knew to begin with. Ancient and bitter in his unrelenting lips can ignite passion in any male (make a save to keep a clear
immortality, Lumagog is rumored to know many things best head), or equally well ignite combustibles, if she wishes. She
not mentioned, things that inevitably become the focus of other can bestow on a supplicant the ability to use one similar seduc-
peoples obsessions, quests or missions. It is said that Lumagog tive kiss. With a wave of her hand she can cause sweltering
knows many obscure, disreputable spells no other god would heat in an area, making those there languid and disinclined to
willingly teach to a mortal, let alone barter for a small boon. But any violent action (save to make an effort); any who wear armor
even though he is a lonely, wretched being, Lumagog makes or heavy clothing are effectively slowed. Her hair-pin dagger
everyone pay dearly for anything he might let them have. causes magical sleep (on a failed save vs. spell).
Unique Spells known to Lumagog: animate scabs, fester, She can retreat to her personal extradimensional boudoir in
bloodcurdle, skincrawl, and drastic itch. one round, either to escape attack or to get to know a new
Lumagog Reaction Table friend willing to accompany her. Any such fellow will be re-
turned somewhere 2d12 hours later, dazed but happy, with his
Use Intelligence as modifier instead of Charisma. Constitution score halved (regained at 1 point per day).
2-4 Neutral: Ignores others as he mutters brokenly
to himself in preparation to leave for someplace Luriel Reaction Table
less crowded. 2 Pleasant: Charming to talk to;
5-10 Unfriendly: Annoyed at being interrupted in mid- has make-up tips for the girls.
grumble, everyone within 120' must save vs. spell 3-5 Flirtatious: Lightly weaves a bright, beguiling
or begin to itch for the next 1d4 hours It isnt web of words.
damaging, just persistent and very uncomfortable. 6-8 Amorous: Very seductive, but all in the
11-12 Hostile: Lumagog teleports away after casting best possible taste.
cause light wounds on the closest victim. 9-11 Languorous: Too much effort, darling.
Peel me a grape.
* See Underworld lore #2, pp.24-43; or infection details
at DMs discretion. 12 Jealous: Brooks no rival; That man is mine.


Machuk Magpie Princess Magrundi Maharbaal Maladmin Mal-laM Malnor Man in
the Moon Manguaa Manidono Mar Nod Mearra Meer-Smah Meifer Mephassuros
Merramorina Mespilus Micicara Mico Mixmalix Moen Hepnir Moorealeth
Morbiphallugus Mosht Al Blopp Moslammin Moss-Worn Goat, the Mystical Martan

Machuk (petty god of crafting and artifice) situations, or sing insulting songs about them while invisible as
the mood takes him. If insulted or in a vindictive mood, the god
TITLES: Machuk the Smith;
may stalk the characters invisibly until he can trip them up in
The Trickster the most disastrous and entertaining way possible.
& Tom Kilian First Sword Damage Table (Roll 1d8)
F Tom Kilian
1 The sword is still sleepy (resolve as an
Symbol: An anvil with ordinary critical hit).
a grinning face
2 The sword is merciful, merely inflicting
Alignment: Lawful severe bleeding.
Movement: 300' (100') 3 The sword severs 1d4 fingers.
Armor Class: 4
4 The sword cuts off an ear or puts out an eye.
Hit pts. (HD): 96 hp (22 HD)
5 The sword removes a hand or a foot.
Attacks: 5
6 The sword severs an arm or leg.
Damage: Special
Save: T22 7 The sword strikes an internal organ.
Morale: 9 8 The sword decapitates its target, killing instantly.
Hoard Class: VIII, IX, XV
XP: 7,750 Magpie Princess
(petty goddess of magpies
Machuk the Smith, known to his brother gods as the Trickster,
is the First Chief of Papalokuu and the son of mighty Taroa. and pregnant mothers)
Machuk played no part in the original creation, but he made all TITLES: Maggie; Mags
of the crafts which keep his people alive. He is patron of the
cookfire and campfire, fishing, and artifice. In addition, Ma- & James Murphy
chuk forged many gifts (some benevolent, some less so) for F Ryan Browning
his siblings, including the Mask of Opaweh Sunfaced and the Symbol: A golden ring
Hinged Shell of Ootonu the Storm Turtle. Machuk appears as a
Alignment: Chaotic
short, masked, man of heroic proportions garbed in a loincloth
and sandals. Movement: 120' (40')
Fly: 300' (100')
While Machuk prefers to play tricks on his enemies rather than
Armor Class: 0
fight, he can be a terrible opponent when roused. His tattoos,
Hit pts. (HD): 54 hp (9 HD)
gifts from Wa-Agh of the Inks, are magical and create distract-
ing illusions as he fights (all attacks suffer a 20% chance to Attacks: 2
miss). He wields the First Sword, a weapon of such perfect Damage: By weapon or 1-3/1-3
lethality that its creation gave birth to a new godling. The First Save: T9
Sword cannot help but slay, for such is its nature. Frightened Morale: 10
of his creation, Machuk placed the blade into an enchanted
Hoard Class: VI, but convert half of coinage into jewelry,
sleep. In this state, each strike results in an automatic criti-
much of which will be costume
cal hit (see First Sword Damage Table below). When the
sword slays its first target, or when Machuk falls below half of XP: 3,800
his hp, the sword briefly wakes. From then on, roll 1d8 and
The Magpie Princess (who usually introduces herself as Mags
consult the following table to determine the results of each hit.
or Maggie) appears as a tall, striking woman with pale skin,
(The DM is encouraged to create suitably grievous effects for
long wild black hair, and dark eyes, though she can turn into a
these results.)
large magpie at will. Shell be wearing tattered and thread-bare
Player characters should find the First Sword impossible and examples of last years fashions (primarily, if not entirely, in
dangerous to wield unless they can prove their worth to the black) and far too much jewelry. Beyond the usual wealth of her
sword (details at discretion of DM). Hoard Class, she will also always have at least one randomly se-
lected magical ring (75% of the time) or other piece of enchant-
Machuk is impressed by cleverness and ingenuity. If friendly ed jewelry (25%) on her person. She may also have any number
towards the characters, he may administer to their equipment of empty potion bottles, spent wands, or other enchantable but
while they sleep, causing it to function at the pinnacle of its no longer functioning magical items in her possession, which
performance, although the enchantment will lay dormant until she keeps because they are pretty.
the item is needed to perform some great deed. Ropes hold
when they should break, boots keep their footing in the worst Stand-up, face-to-face fights are not her style, but shell fight
conditions, etc. If Machuk is indifferent. he may ignore the viciously if cornered. She has the skills and abilities of a 9th
characters, lead them into perilous but potentially rewarding level thief, and casts spells as a 9th level magic-user, and can


also bestow curse (as per the reverse of the 3rd level remove Magrundi is the petty goddess of guano and trogloditic vermin;
curse cleric spell) once per day. She may summon a flock of creeping cave life is dear to her. Guano harvesters make offer-
2d12 magpies once per day, who do no damage in combat, but ings to her to ensure that the guano continues to flow. Care is
for every two birds assaulting an individual, their target suffers taken not to disturb cave pools and the blind fish and isopods
a 1 on all dice rolls and cannot cast spells. The flock has an she shepherds. She prefers that baskets of fruit be placed in-
AC of 4; every point of damage done to it removes one bird side cave openings, to attract flies for her precious bats.
from the flock. They will fight to the death for their princess,
but once banished or slain, theres a 25% chance one of their Magrundi is sometimes beseeched by adventurers. Although
victims will have lost a small item chosen at random. she is interested in little beyond her purview, she is knowl-
edgeable of cave systems and of resident monsters that are
Nobody but magpies worship the Magpie Princess, but it is upsetting her charges. She will only seldom directly intercede;
said she can bless pregnant mothers and pick the gender of she is mindful that adventurers are as disruptive, if not mo-
their offspring. Where shes known to roam, the father or son reso, than monsters. Only a great upheaval in a cavern eco-
of a pregnant woman will climb a tall tree and tie a trinket to system would warrant her divine intervention.
the highest branch they can reach as an offering to the Magpie
Princess; coins or unadorned jewelry are requests for a boy, Magrundi dislikes light and finds any illumination greater than
while gemstones, either alone or set in jewelry, requests a girl. torchlight displeasing. She can extinguish normal fires at will.
Magrundi can manifest if she must, coalescing a body out of
Magpie Princess Reaction Table guano, or even out of bats or skittering cave insects. She ap-
pears as a shortish naked feminine figure with glittering black
2-3 She is fascinated. She will follow the party for eyes and dank tangled hair long enough to touch the cave floor.
2d4 days, either in human or bird form. During All manifestations are accompanied by a powerful stench.
this time this time, she will actively aid them when
it wont put herself at serious risk and, if ap- If forced into combat, her opponents find that her body
proached politely, may even travel with the party is unaffected by normal weapons; they pass through her
for at time. When she leaves, theres a 10% chance without harm. Magic weapons inflict only 1 point of dam-
that she will steal some random shiny object age per plus of the weapon (except for flaming swords,
from a randomly chosen member of the party. which inflict full damage), Strength and other modifiers do
4-6 She is intrigued. She will seek to make not increase any damage inflicted. Spells affect her normally,
conversation, and, if treated politely, she will gift as does fire. Her form cannot be harmed by paralyzation,
the party with a treasure map or the location of a poison, polymorph or death magic; she similarly disregards
nearby treasure. Theres also also a 10% chance hold and charm spells. She is unaffected by darkness, even
that she will steal some random shiny from the of the magical variety. Direct sunlight, however, will dispel
PC with the lowest Charisma. her. Upon reaching 0 hit points, her form disperses and she
7 If treated with politeness, she will respond in kind; cannot again materialize for 24 hours. If forced to engage in
if treated with disdain, shell bestow curse on the a physical contest, she will engulf an opponent (requiring a
most offensive person; otherwise, shes happy to successful to hit roll to do so); this has the effect of inflicting
ignore and be ignored. 2 hit points of damage every round (if her form is comprised
8-10 She ignores the party unless they force themselves of cave life), until she chooses to relent (no further attack rolls
into her attentions. Roll again, but this time adjust required), or it causes suffocation (if her form is comprised of
the roll by the worst Charisma in the group. guano), causing ignominious death within 1-4 rounds. She
11-12 She considers their presence an intrusion, can always summon 10-100 bats or center an underground
and she bestows a curse (as per the spell) on insect plague (comprised of cave crickets, centipedes and
one random member. other vermin) on herself, but is loath to put her creatures in
harms way.

Magrundi (petty goddess of Those who curry her favor, however, will be rewarded with
a small, seemingly normal, brown bat which will escort them
guano and trogloditic vermin)
throughout the cave complex (or perhaps a similarly-colored
& John Turcotte cave crayfish, if the party is spelunking in an underground
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. water system). The bat (or cave crayfish) is actually animated
guano and, as such, is as immune to physical harm as she is
Symbol: A bat within (and subject to spells and fire). Upon reaching the destination,
a brown ring the guano creature will return to its inert form. It is left to the
Alignment: Lawful PCs bargain for a guide out of the caverns.
Movement: 120' (40') Should a PC especially curry her favor, she may reward him
Armor Class: 3 [+1; see below] or her with a kiss. This places a special mark on the character,
Hit pts. (HD): 40 hp (8 HD) and no cave animal (including giant varieties) will attack him
Attacks: Special or her (although they will defend themselves normally if the
protected PC attacks them first). Alas, the brown lip prints are
Damage: Special
permanent, as is the odor imparted.
Save: C10
Morale: 10
Hoard Class: None
XP: 4,060


Maharbaal Maladmin
(petty god of remorse and guilt) (petty god of bureaucracy)
TITLES: The One Who Buzzes in the Dark;
The Ten Thousand Faces
& Malcolm Bowers
F Eric Quigley
& Nicolas Senac Symbol: Sheaf of paper
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. tied with red tape
Symbol: A dilated pupil Alignment: Lawful (though,
Alignment: Chaotic ineffably evil)
Movement: 120' (40') Movement: 30' (10')
at top speed
Armor Class: Immune to
all weapons Armor Class: 6
(incl. magical) Hit pts. (HD): 112 hp (18 HD)
Hit pts. (HD): 100 hp Attacks: Special
(25 HD) Damage: Special
Attacks: Special Save: T18
Damage: Special Morale: 9
Save: See below Hoard Class: VIII x d6
Morale: 12 XP: 7,250
Hoard Class: XVI
Maladmin, God of Bureaucracy, may be the pettiest god of
XP: 10,000
all, covering as he does officialdom, inflated titles, paper-shuf-
Far beneath the surface, in the depths of the earth, in the fling, pointless rules, and procedural delay. He appears as a
midst of scorching miasmic vapors, hums a huge swarm of stooped, gray-skinned man with ink-stained fingers, in a dusty
flies. Here is the realm of MaharbaalThe One Who Buzzes robe. Close up, his skin looks like paper overwritten with fine
in the Dark. This semi-conscious entity is the hive mind of the print. He can create complex regulations, lists, and forms at
insect cloud, and only pays attention in the swarms apathy will (which confuse any who try to make sense of them).
to remorse from above. He feeds on these thoughts of harm- He has no physical attacks, and takes double damage from
ing themselvesthoughts of guilt which are a pleasant balm fire. Any hits on him raise such a cloud of dust that attackers
for his demented and incomprehensive mind. Unfortunately, must save or cough and sneeze while in 10 feet radius (-2 on all
it sometimes happens that Maharbaal is not satiated. It then rolls). He can once per round spray forth voluminous red tape
releases a pestilential breath from its underground caverns to from his sleeves with the effects of a slow spell. A second such
stride the land and provide for its wicked wants. This cloud of barrage paralyses those already slowed (as hold monster), and
flies, haloed in an atmosphere of decay, prowls in search of in- a third puts those already held into temporal stasis. Victims
nocent humans. The flies of the swarm are not normalthey can be carefully cut free with a magical blade by someone
have the faces of the previous victims (although they retain the not already entangled, this taking d6/2d6/3d6 turns for the
faceted eyes of flies). primary/duplicate/triplicate effects.
Few are those who try to worship such an abomination; these Once per day, Maladmin can cast a special triple-duration maze
fools are, in fact, the first targets of the little grateful monstrosity. spell affecting an entire party. Victims wander in a labyrinth
The swarm attacks unfortunates who cross his path, surround- where goblin-like servants of the god (d12 3 HD mini-avatars;
ing them, as if they were swallowed by the cloud of flies. The cause paper cuts for 1d3 each) try to force them to fill out a
ever-changing creature takes various forms, but all disturbing series of tedious forms for mundane or absurd things. (If play-
for the viewer (a gaping maw, a crabbed hand). Once the victim ers choose to fill forms rather than fight, the DM should invent
is thus surrounded (after a successful hitone hit per oppo- details and dialogue to torment them.)
nent per round), the victim must make a saving throw vs. spell Typically, personalities infuriating the god or for his uncivil
every round to avoid becoming deeply melancholic and subject servants should roll on the table below as each is encountered.
to ruminating thoughts so dark that he or she no longer pays
attention to their surroundings, allowing the flies to penetrate Maladmin Bureaucratic Personality Table
the victims body through mouth and nose, slowly suffocating
(death occurs three rounds later). The swarm can surround one Roll unmodified 1d12 (Charisma has no effect).
person per ten of its remaining hit points (at the beginning, 1 Annoyingly inept 7 Ominously bleak
the swarm can surround ten people). Once a victim is killed,
the body disintegrates into numerous flies that strengthen the 2 Blandly evasive 8 Patronisingly dismissive
ranks of the swarm. 3 Grindingly dogmatic 9 Snidely sarcastic

The swarm is immune to all weapons (including those of a mag- 4 Huffily officious 10 Soporifically verbose
ical nature) as well as most magic. Only lawful clerical spells or 5 Insufferably pompous 11 Stolidly inert
an excorcism can affect it (with the swarm making all saves as 6 Irritatingly earnest 12 Whinily obsequious
a 25th level magic-user).

10 0

Mal-laM Mal-laM appears like an amorphous blob of molten mirror; an-

yone looking at him must make a save vs. insanity* or develop
(petty god of right angles,
a random disorder, since mortals cannot bear the sight of true
regular shapes, and symmetric patterns) perfection. Rays of any kind are completely innefective against
TITLES: The Fearful Symmetry Mal-laM (25% chance they are reflected back at the caster/
Affiliations: The Jale God shooter) and he is immune to polymorph effects, as well.
& Sndor Gebei The Fearful Symmetry is capable of unleashing a powerful psy-
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. chic strike that affects everyone in a 50' radius, forcing them to
save vs. spell or become confused (as the spell). Mal-laM can
Symbol: Three concentric circles in the also form tentacles, appearing as lithe Ionic columns, that deal
colors of red, green, and blue 1d8 points of damage and entangle their targets, unless they
Alignment: Lawful make a successful save vs. breath.
Movement: 60' (20')
Not much is known about Mal-laMs doctrine or followers.
Armor Class: 0
Some believe he is an incarnation of the Jale God, while oth-
Hit pts. (HD): 66 hp (13 HD) ers claim he is a jelly who swallowed a weak godling and thus
Attacks: 1 (psychic strike) or 3 (tentacles) earned his apotheosis. He seems to be interested in acquiring
Damage: Special or 1d8+special 3 ancient objects of art, magical mirrors, lens, and devices facili-
Save: M13 tating interstellar travel.
Morale: 12 Reaction Table
Hoard Class: XIV
Use Intelligence instead of Charisma.
XP: 3,300
2 Hostile: Attacks the party, trying to weaken them.
Although the thought of perfection in geometry amazes peo- Later, devises an intricate plan to get rid of them.
ple, when it becomes a reality, they are terrified of it; that fear 3-5 Unfriendly: Interrogates the party,
is Mal-laM, who gains his powers from the right angles, regular torturing them if necessary.
shapes, and symmetrical patterns of nature and our creations
as well. 6-8 Neutral: Sends the party on a mission
using quest/suggestion.
Mal-laM communicates through reflecting surfaces or the most 9-11 Indifferent: Offers help if the characters
perfect works of art. He is aware of everything happening prove themselves worthy.
around such objects as if he had cast clairvoyance and clairaudi-
12 Friendly: Provides information and
ence, unless they are covered with something (in case of mirrors) promises more in exchange for a favor.
or turned intentionally imperfect (may be considered vandalism
in civilised areas). Furthermore, he is capable of casting sugges- * See Underworld Lore #1, p.14.
tion thrice per day and quest once per day via similar means. Related Entries: Please see the Jale God entry in this section
for a complete listing of entries related to the Jale God.

Malnor (petty god of military discipline)

TITLES: The Scourged Flank

& Thomas Martin

F Eugene Jaworski
Symbol: Crossed club and multi-tailed whip
Alignment: Lawful
Movement: 180' (60')
Armor Class: 0
Hit pts. (HD): 125 hp (21 HD)
Attacks: 2-8 (see below)
Damage: 2d10+special (club)/
1d6+special (whip)
Save: F21
Morale: Special
Hoard Class: Special
XP: 7,000

Malnor, The Scourged Flank, the god of military discipline, is

often invoked by those who command unruly soldiers and often
by those who are about to be punished for breaking military
rules and law.


Items that are precious to those beseeching his assistance are Man in the Moon
burned by fire as the invoker requests Malnors aid in having a
(petty god of voyeurism and aloof observation)
firmer hand in the control of their troops or a speedy, even if
still painful, punishment. & Barry Blatt
Malnor has been known to manifest avatars of himself on bat- F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
tlefields where all discipline has broken down and a bloodbath Symbol: Anthopomorphised
has ensued. The avatar then proceeds to whip, slay and punish crescent moon, smiling
his way through the armies until he has reached their leaders
Alignment: Chaotic
and punished them for their lack of leadership and control.
Movement: Special
When manifesting in physical form, Malnor appears as a large Armor Class: Varies
7-8' bare chested muscular man wearing a kilt of golden scales Hit pts. (HD): Varies, max. =
encrusted with rubies. His chest and back are criss-crossed with 75 hp (21 HD)
many scars from a whip. He carries in his hands the symbols
Attacks: Special
of his godhood: Paidein, the massive club which knocks down
men; and Calinth, the many headed whip that punishes men. Damage: Special (bites from
1 to 3d10, based on
In combat, Malnor will attack with both his club and whip. When size of manifestation)
the club is used to attack, it can attack up to two people within Save: F16
melee distance, those hit take 2d10 damage and must make a Morale: 8
save vs. paralysis or be knocked to the ground. When the whip
Hoard Class: None
is used to attack, the whip will reach out and attack 1d6 enemies
that are within 60' of Malnor. Each hit will force the enemy to XP: 7,000
save vs. poison or take a 1 to all attack/skill rolls. This effect
The Man in the Moon manifests in any inanimate object that re-
can stack up to a 5 penalty, and continues until a cure poison
minds the viewer of a face. His most famous image is the man
spell is cast upon the enemy.
in the moon itself, but he can appear anywhere a distracted or
Malnor never has to roll for morale; he will always fight with daydreaming person sees the vague semblance of two eyes and
strict and cool discipline to the death. a moutha tree with an oddly shaped bole, a keyhole plate with
two screws, the entire face of a cliff with a cave and two boul-
If Malnor is killed in combat, his body, clothing and weapons ders, and so on. He cannot appear in iron or steel objects. He
will melt away into nothingness, leaving behind a pile valuable only appears where people can see him; at any time an object
objects (e.g., art, gems, jewelery, etc.) worth 1,000-2,000 gp. goes observed, is seen from the wrong angle, or is seen only by
These will be objects that have been sacrificed to him, often unimaginative animals, he is not there.
having a story of their own (for these are the types of sacrifices
Malnor prefers). He is mainly worshiped by witches and hedge magicians who
gain much useful advice from him about what is transpiring
anywhere he has a face. He can be disbelieved and effectively
dismissed by a strong-willed observer (roll Wisdom 6 or below
on a d20 to disbelieve/dismiss him); however, everyone who
is in sight of the image must make the disbelief roll. If the DM
decides there is a potential face near the PCs, each individual
has a 1-in-10 chance of noticing the face and summoning the
gods presence (+1 if Intellignece is above 15; +1 if Wisdom is
below 6; +1 if he has been encountered by the PC before; +1
if someone nearby has pointed at him or mentioned where he
is; +1 if the viewer is a halfling, as he appears in many halfling
folk tales).
Encountering him is always a bit of a shock at first. One does
not usually expect the back of a chair to suddenly look up at
you and say, Hello! as you sit down, though when he mani-
fests in natural objects he might be mistaken for an elemental
or fay. He cannot be summoned into objects which have been
deliberately carved with faces or with any rough semblance of a
face. The appearance of the face must be accidental.
Man in the Moon Reaction Table
Roll 2d6. Add +1d6 if a person
tries to disbelieve in him.
2 Very friendly: He will inquire what a persons
business is, and how he can help.
3-4 Friendly: He will say hello, and maybe wink or
whistle, and if someone addresses him, he will act
as 2 above.


5-6 Indifferent: He winks, whistles, or makes a rude manifested in it), he will die (which is why it highly likely he
noise, then goes still againwaiting to see what will withdraw from such an object before that point is reached
the observer will do. He adores silly jokes like this. (leaving the PCs the job of explaining to the farmer why they
If a person speaks to him, he will be sarcastic have been hacking madly with battle axes at the doors and
and accuse the observer of being crazy before window shutters of his barn).
admitting who he is.
7-8 Neutral: Sticks his tongue out at the observer (the The Man in the Moon can use the following spell-like powers:
tongue is made of whatever the object isbrass, light or darkness 3/day, charm person 1 /day, curse or bless
wood, dirt, etc.), and makes an insulting joke or 3 /day, hold portal 1 /day, knock 1 /day, hold person
remark; if attacked, he will retaliate for a while (at 1 /day, confusion 1 /day.
an effective morale of 6) then de-manifest.
If you make friends with him, he can be very useful. He will
9-10 Annoyed: He is in a bad mood for some reason, watch your house for you and scare intruders; it is common
and the last he wants is some ignorant mortal yo- for old halfling ladies to leave crumbs of cake in front of brass
kel summoning him into the folds of a discarded plates as a bribe for this service.
boot or whatever. He will be loudly abusive, then
accuse the observer of being utterly insane. If the Witches, wizards (and the odd druid) who bribe him may learn
person reacts negatively, he will demand to be the art of watching for his faces: roll Intellignece or Wisdom
fed gold or he will attack or, even worse, haunt a (whichever is higher) or under on a d100. They also may learn
persons nightmares. the charm for calling himsummon Man in the Moon (a 1st
11-12 Quite annoyed: He will holler loudly to any level spell for clerics and magic-users). He can then be used
nearby monsters, sing rude songs, imitate a as a spy, though his information is not always reliable, and he
persons voice, and generally be irritating. He will may not be able to see anything useful at all to the caster. He is
fight, and if the object in which he is manifested is always, however, a good source of advice, and may give hints
destroyed, he will appear in the next appropriate on the best course of action for many circumstances.
object (in which the person can see a face), then
renew his attack. He can only be bought off with Experts disagree as to what the Man in the Moon is, and
gold or a large amount of food. whether he really exists at all. He says he is a god, though often
13-14 Very annoyed with knobs on: After an initial claims to be merely the product of the observers diseased im-
assault, he will play a long gamescaring the agination, exhibiting characteristics of a demon, a faerie crea-
living daylights out of victims, and distracting ture, a ventriloquism spell gone wrong, and even an elemental.
targets by momentarily manifesting in all sorts of Magic designed to dismiss these classes of beings may work on
nooks and crannies, while he glares at them and the Man in the Moon (at the DMs discretion).
mutters madly under his breath. He will keep
this up for a very long time, until the frazzled
victims are jumping every time they see a Manguaa
polished wood grain table with knotholes, a (petty goddess of alchoholic stupor)
damp stain in the ceiling, a leaf with holes in it,
etc. He can only be bought off by a living TITLES: Lady of the Drunks
sacrifice, which he will ask be fed to him by & Igor Vinicius Sartorato
having it taken to a cave or building where he
can manifest then swallow it whole. F Brian Walker
15+ Incandescent: As 13-14 above, but he will use Symbol: A branch of barley, a grapevine leaf,
his best powerbreathing fire, which does 1d6 and a piece of sugar cane
to 6d6 damage (depending on the size of flame Alignment: Chaotic
he can create) as well as causing flammable
Movement: 120' (40')
items to ignite. Each time he uses this power, he
loses 1d6 hp. Should a victim place two pewter Armor Class: 7
plates on the mantle piece above a great halls Hit pts. (HD): 47 hp (10 HD)
fireplace, they might just have signed their own Attacks: 1 (slap)
death warrant.
Damage: 1d4
Fighting the Man in the Moon is not easyhe can de-manifest Save: T10
in a split second, change the object he inhabits at the drop of a Morale: 7
hat, inhabit horribly hard things like granite (AC of -9), and take Hoard Class: II, IX
over massive objects like whole buildings or even landscapes. If
XP: 2,400
the moon is in the sky, you will never catch him, and find him
laughing at you every time you look up. Manguaa, Lady of the Drunks, is the petty goddess of alcoholic
Each object he inhabits will have its own hp. For example, stupor. She usually manifests in crowded taverns and festivals
should he inhabit an old boot, he might have 5 hp, and AC of where there is a lot of drinking. Her appearance and behavior,
8, and do 1 point of damage; should the boot be destroyed, however, depend on the state of intoxication of her interlocutor.
the Man in the Moon will lose 5 of his total 75 hp, but be To those who are sober, Manguaa appears as an ugly woman,
forced to manifest in some other object. Should he manifest who is completely obnoxious and annoying, and of hostile dis-
in some larger object (like a barn), the object will likely have position. However, to drunkards, Manguaa presents herself as
more than 75 hp. However, should 75 or more points of dam- as the most beautiful of womensweet and pleasant, and of
age be done to the object (while the Man in the Moon is still friendly disposition. Manguaa usually only manifests herself to


pocket change: 3d6 copper and 1d6-3 silver pieces. However,

if the supplicant is truly lucky (rolling a 100 on percentile dice)
then Manidos curiosity has been aroused and he will bless his
follower according to the Reaction Table below.
Manidono Reaction Table
Grab the closest die or dice at hand and roll.
Just because the table has 100 entries doesnt mean
you should roll percentile dice; sometimes
Manidono just doesnt care enough to roll more
than a 6-sider, you know? Just chill, dude.
1 Dude, thats a major bummer! Manidono is
bummed on your behalf. Everyone must succeed
at a morale check or do nothing except sit around
men. By comparison, it is more common that her servant St. and be bummed out for 1d6 rounds.
Biritus appears to women.
2-3 Wait, what? Everyone in the vicinity loses
Sometimes she will approach someone who is sober and ask a round as they figure out what just happened.
him to buy her a drink. If the individual refuses, she will curse 4-5 Here, have 1 hit point. It tastes like nachos.
him; the next time he drinks, he will wake overwhelmed by nau- 6-7 So, like, stuff? A random piece of
sea and plagued with a massive hangover, soon after discover- equipment worth no more than 50 gp
ing that he has committed some immensely-vexing act, with no appears in your possession.
memory of the event.
8-9 Aw, man, that sucks. Take a do-over
It is also common for Manguaa to manifest to someone really and roll again.
drunk and bless him with a kiss. Someone blessed in this way 10-11 That thing you dont like, stop doing it.
will manifest a type of drunkards luck that protects him from Restart the round from the beginning.
accidents and problems (e.g., people will ignore offensive acts by 16-18 The spirit of half-assed effort fills the area.
the drunkard, the drunkard wont be hurt in falls, and the drunk- Everyone takes a 2 penalty to all rolls.
ard able to escape from accidents in an unbelievable manner).
19-20 OK, like, everyone needs to just chill. Combat
Related Entries: M) Saint Biritus. ends and everyone is returned to maximum
hit points. Diplomacy is possible but everyone
has the munchies.
Manidono 21-99 Manidono has nothing better to do and
(petty god of slackers, half-assed effort, and loose change) appears next to his supplicant to hang out
for a bit. (See below.)
& Erin Palette 100 Manidono delivers you from your current
F Adam Dickstein dilemma by inviting you to hang out on his couch
for a while. You disappear from wherever you are,
Symbol: An unmade bed reappearing 1d10 turns later. All of your wounds
Alignment: Chaotic* are healed, but you have aged 2d10 years.
Movement: 90' (30')
Adventurers who end up summoning Manidono must now
Armor Class: 9 deal with the presence of a slovenly, bored godling who shuf-
Hit pts. (HD): 21 hp (7 HD) fles along behind them. He does not help the party in any way
Attacks: Special (Im just here to hang out, dude, Im not on the clock), but still
Damage: Special consumes party resources such as food, water, bed space, etc.
Save: F7 He will try to cooperate with the partys actions such as being
stealthy or trying to appear inconspicuous, but will do so in such
Morale: 12 a half-assed manner that it might as well be failure.
Hoard Class: V
XP: 1 (Seriously, you guys just whacked Manidono never attacks, as that would be too much work. If
a stoner and you want a reward?) attacked, he half-assedly defends himself (mostly by holding
up his arm and saying Ow! Quit it, dude!), and forces an-
Created by the halfhearted, momentary worship of people who other roll on the reaction table. If the party persists in combat,
desperately desire for only a few moments that their current Manidono disappears in a huff after taking more than half his hit
problem goes away. Manidono is the petty god of slackers, half- points in damage, and forever after they will carry the Curse of
assed effort, and loose change. He has no organized priest- Manidonowhich will be really awesomely painful when he
hood, no formal temples, and no official holy days, because gets around to making it.
those things would take dedication, foresight, and effort, all of
which are anathema to Manidono. He is called upon only in Manidono always appears as a large, unkempt man with stringy
moments of duress (and at no other time) by people too lazy to hair, stained clothes, and a strange odor about him.
do any real work who expect a quick and effortless miracle. If * Chaotic in the sense of entropic. Its a very lazy form of chaos.
Manidono can be bothered to answer the prayer of a supplicant
(25% chance), it usually manifests in the form of a handful of Related Entries: D) Half-Assed Relics of Manidono.

10 4

Mar Nod Mar Nod heals him instead. After 1d6 turns he will grow bored
and simply disappear.
(petty god of rare and seemingly random
fortune and misfortune during combat) Sample Critical Fumble Chart (1d12)
& James Patterson 1 Sign of weakness: All nearby opponents will
F Steve Zieser target you on their next turn.
2 Bad swing: Save vs. paralysis or drop weapon.
Symbol: Two crossed
swords, 3 Swing wide: If there is adjacent friend or foe,
one breaking roll to hit vs. that target.
the other 4 Ruined: Mundane weapons are destroyed and no
Alignment: Chaotic longer usable; magic weapons lose their enchant-
Movement: 120' (40') ment until the end of the next turn (subject to an
optional saving throw at DMs discretion).
Armor Class: Special
5 Disoriented: May not act during next round.
Hit pts. (HD): 150 hp (20 HD)
Attacks: 1 (spear +1) 6 Pulled a muscle: Lose 1d3 points of Strength
until rested at least 8 hours.
Damage: 1d6+1
7 Broken: Weapon is 1 to damage until repaired.
Save: F20
Morale: 10 8 Easy to predict: 2 to hit on next attack
versus the same opponent.
Hoard Class: XXI
9 Strained something: Lose 1d3 points of
XP: 10,000 Dexterity until able to rest at least 8 hours.
Mar Nod, the Unexpected, is the petty god of rare and seeming- 10 Bent: Weapon is 1 to hit until repaired.
ly random fortune and misfortune during combat. Though both 11 Misdirection: Attacker hits themself;
cursed and praised when a melee battle takes an unexpected roll normally for damage.
turn, Mar Nod is incited too infrequently to garner a true fol-
12 Off balance: Opponent gains +2 to hit bonus
lowing. He travels the multiverse looking for worthy opponents during next round.
and may be summoned (1%) whenever a natural 1 or 20 is rolled
during combat. Mar Nod appears as a warrior appropriate to the Sample Critical Hit Chart (1d12)
given circumstances but wields an obscure bladed weapon with
an unusually long handle. This unique weapon is never subject 1 Stunning display of prowess: Forced morale
to a critical fumbles and scores a critical hit on rolls 18-20. check (or, morale is not used, all opponents will
avoid you if possible).
Mar Nod Reaction Table 2 Disorientating hit: Opponents AC is 2 worse
on following round.
Roll 1d20 (instead of 2d6).
3 Powerful swing: Roll to hit for an additional
1 Curses the summoner: when rolling to hit, adjacent enemy (if there is one).
roll two dice and take the worst value; when
rolling for damage, roll the value twice and 4 Solid hit: Additional 1d6 damage.
take the better. This curse stays in effect until 5 Deep wound: Opponent continues to take
cured with a remove curse or similar. 1 point of damage each turn until healed.
2-19 Mar Nod does nothing but observe the battle 6 Trick shot: Opponent loses next action.
with a bemused look on his face 7 Brutal hit: Double damage.
20 Blesses the summoner: when rolling to hit, 8 Crushing blow: Opponent must save vs.
roll two dice and take the better value; when paralysis or fall prone.
rolling for damage, roll the value twice and
take the worst. This blessing stays in effect until 9 Fierce hit: Roll twice for damage (adding them).
cured with a remove curse or similar. 10 Staggering blow: All attacks vs. this opponent
Attacking this divine being is a terrible mistake although Mar during next round gain +2 to hit bonus.
Nod will engage with gusto. Every attack against him has a 50% 11 Mighty swing: Opponent is forced back 5'.
of missing and all misses are treated as critical fumbles. Any hit 12 Precision attack: Opponent must
has a 10% chance of being a critical hit. Any critical hit against save vs. death or die.

10 5

Mearra (petty gods of the inevitability of time; pantheon) ever, simply carrying out the necessary tasks and duties which
TITLES: The Family of the Clever; The Keepers of the have befallen them.
Sands of Inevitability; The Stop Watch Gods;
Although the Mearra tend to appear similar to various giants
The Second Hand Gods
(e.g., cloud and storm giants), as a whole they are much larger
& Eric Fabiaschi than most giants (being closer in size to titans). All of the Me-
F Scott Faulkner arra are able to travel at will between the Prime, Ethereal and
Astral Planes.
The Mearra are known by many names across the planes
among others, they are known as The Family of the Clever, Note regarding Mearra alignment: While, as a whole
The Keepers of the Sands of Inevitability, The Stop Watch the Mearra are gods of Law (and of lawful alignment in most
Gods, and The Second Hand Gods. They are those entrusted respects), individual alignments have been given to each of the
with overseeing time, whose presence is as sure as the truth Mearra so that the DM will better understand their personali-
that each and every moment dies its own death, and that the ties for the purposes of game play.
forces of time have no choice but to steal away every hour, Pictured above, left-to-right, The Mearra are: Ruslivia, Nardrea,
minute, and second. Sometimes they tarry a bit too long, and Termarr, Glaria, Merramorina, Tsrura, Micicara, Avirgiri, Sertetti,
find themselves involved in the affairs of mankind. Though and Arvirive.
many have felt their presence, there are few who know of their
existence. There are even fewer who choose to worship these Related Entries: G) Arvirive, Avigiri, Glaria, Merramorina,
gods, for their laws can seem unkind. The Mearra are, how- Micicara, Nardrea, Ruslivia, Sertetti, Termarr, Tsrura.

(petty god of Family Tree of the Mearra
starvation, illusion, and
times wintry end) (The Family of Inevitability)

Merramorina Glaria ?
(petty god of (petty goddess (unknown god)
the lawful end of times lawful
of time) inevitability)

Nardrea Avirgiri Micicara Sertetti Termarr Ruslivia

(petty god of (petty god of (petty godess of (petty god of (petty god of (petty god of
hidden taxes and ordered decay) vendettas and knives, scalpels, and the lawful execution time wasters, entertainers,
caches of time) murderer's possessions) methodical serial killers) of time) and orderly amusements)

10 6

Meer-Smah (petty god of flatulence prevention) Meifer is the petty deity of street-lamp lighters, worshiped only
in the port town of Klarat. There she wanders the streets at
& Eric Wirsing night, clad in the traditional brown robe of the street-lamp light-
F Eric Wirsing ers and carrying a street-lamp lighters staffa stout oaken staff
with a lantern mounted on the top.
Symbol: Dark clouds
Alignment: Lawful She is worshiped by street-lamp lighters, but also receives the
occasional prayer from those venturing through the city at night,
Movement: 90' (30')
hoping that her light will reveal any cutthroats or footpads that
Armor Class: 3 might be hiding in the shadows.
Hit pts. (HD): 133 hp (16 HD)
Attacks: 1 If forced into battle, she wields her street-lamp lighters staff
which explodes in bursts of fire when hitting. In addition she has
Damage: See below
the following spell-like abilities usable at will: continual light,
Save: MU16 cure blindness, cure light wounds, light, protection from evil,
Morale: 9 remove fear, and sanctuary. (A small percentage of the street-
Hoard Class: VII, XVI lamp lighters also know one or more of these spells). She can
XP: 3,300 also sense (as a clairvoyance spell), light, or snuff any torch,
lantern, lamp, light spell, or other small light source within the
On the whole, it seems as if the nobility have it made. They city at will.
dine in magnificent palaces, attend sumptuous feasts, and really
The below table assumes that the characters have not recog-
never have to worry about starvation. But all this luxury brings
nized Meifer for being a goddess. If they have, treat rolls of
attendant problems of its ownnamely, flatulence. Whether at-
tending an arranged marriage or signing an important treaty of Indifferent or Neutral as Friendly.
non-interference, the sonorous notes of flatulence would bring Meifer Reaction Table
an inappropriate tone to the proceedings. In polite company, it
is an unpardonable offense. A potential suitor might well find 2 Friendly: Heals the characters, and leads
his bride-to-be revulsed, and the concomitant vapors can sicken them safely to one location of their choosing
even the hardiest of souls. within the city.
3-5 Indifferent: Leads the characters safely to
On a tiny altar, a piece of artichoke or cabbage is burnt in sac- one location of their choosing within the city.
rifice, while supplications are voiced to Meer-Smah. His has the
power to cure dyspepsia and related gastric disorders. He rarely 6-8 Neutral: The characters will find all streets on
appears in person, as he can heal from his pocket dimension. their way to be adequately lit and generally safe.
Should anyone find his unearthly home, he is generally quite 9-11 Unfriendly: The characters will find that
genial if the guests are friendly, even inviting them to partake the streets they visit have a tendency to be ill lit.
of a fantastic feast. Should anyone be foolish enough to attack A heightened risk of robbery attempts follows.
him, he farts out a huge, green, sickening cloud, the equiva- 12 Hostile: Not only are the streets ill lit,
lent of a prismatic sphere spell of the 7th order. The blindness but the characters own light sources have a
caused by the cloud is a result of the excessive tears due to the tendency to flutter out at the worst of times.
stench. He can move this cloud at will. Should he be in extreme
danger despite all this, he takes the form of a green, soupy fog
and floats away. Mephassuros
(petty god of mislaid and unanswered prayers)
TITLES: Collector of Lost Prayers
Meifer (petty goddess
of streetlamp lighters*) & J.P. Glutting
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
& Thorbjrn Steen Symbol: A silver conch filled with stars
F Eugene Jaworski Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: A lantern Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 3
by a glow
Hit pts. (HD): 90 hp (20 HD)
Alignment: Lawful
Attacks: Special
Movement: 120' (40')
Damage: Special
Armor Class: 0
Save: F20
Hit pts. (HD): 25 hp (6 HD)
Morale: 10
Attacks: 1 (staff)
Hoard Class: None
Damage: 1d6 + 2d6 fire
XP: 10,000
Save: F6
Morale: 7 Mephassuros is a collector of prayers that have gone astray,
Hoard Class: VI either because they have been made to false gods, have been
XP: 1,320 rejected by real gods, or have simply been malformed or inap-


propriately constructed. Mephassuros collects these lost items Merramorina

in a large, rambling archive as insubstantial as smoke, which
(petty god of the lawful end of time)
drifts on the Astral Plane, and is so innocuous that it is nearly
Titles: The Old Razor, The Time Ender,
undetectable to travelers. His collection is a curiosity shop of the
fruitless, petty desires or desperate hopes of humanity. Walking The Father of the Inevitable
through his home, a visitor is surrounded by the whispers of the AFFILIATIONS: The Mearra
penitent: imploring, cajoling, exhorting.
& Eric Fabiaschi
Sometimes he responds randomly when a lost entreaty reaches F Scott Faulkner
him, with some apparently meaningful sign (a faint glow, a feel-
ing of hope, a soft puff of windsee Reaction Table). In Symbol: A broken circle
practical terms, however, his signs do nothing. If encountered, with four dots
he is pleasant enough, and is open to a brief conversation. He in the center
will not engage in combat or accompany anyone anywhere. Alignment: Lawful (Neutral)*
Movement: 150' (50')
Mephassuros rarely travels, but when he does he carries his per-
Armor Class: 2
sonal relic, a large conch shell, with him. He may allow others
to listen to it, and they will hear the faint, unanswered prayers Hit pts. (HD): 75 hp (15 HD)
of a lost loved-one. While this may provide important informa- Attacks: 1 (fists or staff)
tion, the listener must make a save vs. petrification or have their Damage: 8d6 or 1d4+special
Wisdom reduced to 4 for 1-3 days. Save: F15
If threatened, Mephassuros will teleport away. His conch gets Morale: 10
lost more often than seems reasonable, and retrieving it is one Hoard Class: XVIII + 5,000gp
of the few reasons he will stray from his comfortable archive. XP: 3,300
Mephassuross existence is known only to a very few collectors As the petty god of the lawful end of time, it is Merramorina
of metaphysical minutiae, and his worshipers are even fewer. who is charged with overseeing the dying moments of time, as
Some scholars believe that Mephassuros was a dead god with the final grains of sand drip to the bottom of the hourglass. It
a penchant for collection and archiving, and naturally grew into is also he who assures that the illlusions that supersede reality
his current role. Others say that the conch itself is the divine are disposed of lawfully. He is the son of Tsrura, the husband
entity, and Mephassuros is but a servant, or a manifestation it of Glaria, and the father of Nardrea, Avirgiri, Micicara, Ter-
projects. marr, and Ruslivia. Though, in truth, Sertetti is the product of
Mephassuros Reaction Table an indiscretion on the part of Merramorinas wife Glaria, this
is unknown to all but Glaria, so Merramorina treats Sertetti no
Responses to Lost Prayers... different than any of his siblings.
2 A faint light in the vague form of a face appears, Merramorina normally goes unseen (able to become invisible
and fades away. at will in all planes), even when he tarries too long before de-
3 A soft breeze passes through the area. parting. However, the eyes of the keenest wizards and most
4-10 Nothing happens. innocent children have an aptitude for spotting such things.
Merramorina appears similar to an ancient storm giant bearing
11 A faint chime sounds nearby. a massive staff edged with a razor-like blade. In the past, this
12 The supplicant feels a vague sense of hope has led to more than one awkward moment for Merramorina.
and renewed determination. His wisdom is sardonic and his humor of the gallows, so those
who have had conversations with him rarely choose to speak
of them.
Those creatures foolhardy enough to attack Merramorina will
find themselves facing his formidable attackshis gigantic fists
and a bladed staff. He may strike with his fists for 8d6 points of
damage. While a crack from his huge bladed-staff may only do
1d4 points of damage, it will also age its victim by 1d20 years
upon each successful strike (on a failed save vs. death).
Merramorina collects the reflections of the great treasures,
pieces of art, and artifacts that catch his eye. Ultimately, these
things become lost to time and history, as they are collected and
displayed in his galleries for his familys pleasure. It is believed he
also uses these galleries to woo those human lasses that catch
his fancy, for there are rumors that he is not a faithful husband.
It is told that the planes are filled with his progeny. Vengeful
fathers and suitors have been known to try to find and end him.
They too are displayed within the galleries of Merramorina.
In addition to the standard planar travel afforded to the Mearra,
Merramorina is able to travel at will between the Prime Plane

10 8

and all of its alternate dimensions (e.g., those with histories that Micicara
differ from the timeline of any given campaign world).
(petty godess of vendettas and
Related Entries: G) Arvirive, Avirgiri, Glaria, the Mearra, murderers possessions)
Micicara, Nardrea, Ruslivia, Sertetti, Termarr, Tsrura. Titles: The Bleeding Mistress
Of The Gallows
* Please see the entry in this section for the Mearra for informa-
tion regarding their alignment. AFFILIATIONS: The Mearra

& Eric Fabiaschi

F Scott Faulkner
(petty god of medlar trees and their fruit) Symbol: An empty gallows
Alignment: Lawful
& Chris Wellings Movement: 150' (50')
F Chris Hth Armor Class: 2
Symbol: A medlar fruit Hit pts. (HD): 70 hp (14 HD)
Alignment: Neutral Attacks: 1 (fist) or special
Movement: 120' (40') Damage: 6d6 or special
Armor Class: 1 Save: F14
Hit pts. (HD): 26 hp (6 HD) Morale: 10
Attacks: 1 (+2 quarterstaff) Hoard Class: XVII + 5,000gp
Damage: 1d6+2 XP: 3,300
Save: T6
Micicara, petty godess of vendettas and murderers possessions,
Morale: 9
is most often called upon as a convicted murderer ascends to the
Hoard Class: VII last step of the gallows to meet his doom. She is present in the
XP: 570 last moments of the execution, and the moments after as the
dead mans last worldly possessions are given to his kin. Time is
Mespilus has the appearance of a somewhat surly chimpanzee the final witness, and she is there, watching from the shadows,
(albeit one that walks upright) dressed in the manner of a farm- listening to the thankful prayers of the victims families. Her
er. His sole distinguishing feature (bar his being an ape) is his corpse-like face watches silently and cuts the final strings of life
large hat, which somehow combines the attributes of a fez and as the will of the law is carried out. Her hands wring with glee
a beret of muddy brown hue. Mespilus is inordinately proud of as the last moments fade from the murderer and she catches
his hat. the last bits of his life as the soul escapes to its final reward or
This petty god is worshipped by those who gather, ferment (in punishment.
a process known as bletting) and consume the fruit of the med- Executioners, bounty hunters, lawyers, and clerics all cast their
lar tree. Mespilus finds adventurers tiresome, usually rebuffing silent thanks upon her as the pages of her book are turned.
them with I deal with med-LARS, not medd-LERS. If he can There are those, however, who would prefer to keep her from
be convinced that the task the party is undertaking will benefit her rounds, and avoid learning of her final truths, for no being
his trees or his worshipers, he may part with some medlars or may survive if she reads the end of their lifes story out loud.
medlar jelly (see below). Such interlopers are dealt with swiftly as the claws of her bony
If drawn into combat, Mespilus will fight to defend himself with hands strike! Should she finish reading a persons story, they
his +2 quarterstaff and his medlars as bullets for his sling, must save vs. death as the final sounds escape her corpse-like
before trying to escape under cover of his flatulence (as per lips or die in 1d4 rounds. She will not tarry for long as all as
the spell stinking cloud). If slain, he will reform in a medlar there are always more in need of her services.
grove 1d6 days later, irritated and less inclined than ever to As she turns the pages in her great Book of the Law, the final
share his medlars. reflections of the past (artifacts, weapons, and possessions of all
Mespilus Reaction Table types) are collected for display in her gallery.

Modified by Wisdom, rather than Charisma. Related Entries: G) Arvirive, Avirgiri, Glaria, the Mearra,
(Mespilus values good honest sense, over flashy talkers.) Merramorina, Nardrea, Ruslivia, Sertetti, Termarr, Tsrura.

2 Friendly: Unbletted medlars function as

+1 sling bullets, medlar jelly functions
as potion of healing.
3-8 Indifferent/Uninterested: If asked, will give
the party non-magical jelly and medlars (bletted).
9-10 Neutral/Uncertain
11 Unfriendly: Rather than attacking, he gifts the
party with unbletted medlars, telling them they are
delicious, without letting on they are actually foul.
12 Hostile
F Vindico Vindicatum
10 9

Mico can also grant boons to those he favors, including immuni-

ty to fire, accuracy with thrown objects, restoration of burns and
scars, and the transformation of oil into atrox, an extremely
potent and dangerous flammable fluid (which does triple the
normal damage of flaming oil).
Mico Reaction Table
Instead of Charisma, modify by the average number
of flasks of oil held by the party members.
2 Grants different boon to each member of the party.
3 Grants boon to 1d3 members of the party.
4-5 Grants a boon to the party member with the most
oil flasks on their person, or a party member
with burn scars or recent burn damage.
Mico 6-8 Reacts in a favorable manner. Identifies himself
and if given a tribute will reward one party
(petty god of burning oil)
member with a boon.
Titles: He Who Blocks the Path;
9-10 Identifies himself and expects appropriate
He Who Smells of Burning Hair treatment; if treated poorly, may attack
& Jim Pacek or merely disappear.
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. 11 Demands tribute in the form of magic or gold;
if not assuaged, attacks ferociously.
Symbol: A broken bottle 12 Attacks immediately, focusing his attacks on spell-
wreathed in flame casters or those that have oil in their backpacks.
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 4 Mixmalix (petty god of pranks and pratfalls)
Hit pts. (HD): 90 hp (15 HD) & Malcolm Bowers
Attacks: 1 (gaze) or F Scott Faulkner
2 (balls of fire or flaming claws)
Damage: 3d6+special or 2d6/2d6 Symbol: Banana skin
or 1d6+1d6 (claw/flame) 2 Alignment: Chaotic
Save: F15 Movement: 150' (50')
Morale: 10 Armor Class: 9 (special)
Hoard Class: IX, XVI Hit pts. (HD): 75 hp (12 HD)
XP: 11,000 Attacks: 1 (stick)
+ special (prank)
Mico, He Who Blocks the Path or He Who Smells of Burning Damage: 2d6 (non-lethal)
Hair, is the petty god of burning oil. When adventurers find + special
themselves backed into a corner or facing desperate odds, Mico Save: T12 + special
is called upon to make their aim true and their flasks fragile. (see below)
He is a slumped over humanoid, burned and scarred, smelling
Morale: 8
of burnt hair; his hands and head are wreathed in pale orange
flame and his eyes twinkle with a maniacal menace. Hoard Class: I-V, IX
XP: 4,400
Mico is able cast an enflaming gaze upon any creature within
sight; that creature must save vs. spell or take 3d6 fire damage Mixmalix appears as a swarthy, monkey-like man, some of
plus 1d6 for each flask of oil carried upon his or her person whose clothing is particolored. He can perform minor chaotic
(which ignite on the failed saving throw). Because Mico can pranks at will, 1 per round: make any 10x10 foot surface slip-
sense the presence of any type of oil within range of sight (func- pery, make belts undo, pants fall down, helms drop over eyes,
tions as a sort of x-ray vision), he will often use this gaze attack clasps unbuckle, clothes tear, wineskins spray about, swords
on the target with the most oil in their backpack. stick in sheaths, etc. In combat, he also strikes with a leather-
wrapped knobbly stick, knocking foes down on their backsides
In combat, Mico attacks by hurling balls of flame formed in the for d3 rounds (they keep slipping as they rise). Damage is 75%
palms of his claw-like hands. He attacks in this manner twice per temporary and mischief non-lethal, except socially. Those who
round (one per hand). Targets are automatically hit (no to hit attack him fumble unless they roll a natural 20: weapons are
roll required) for 2d6 damage per ball of fire (or half damage with dropped, attackers trip up, hit walls, etc. Spells or device effects
a successful save vs. breath at -3). If engaged in melee, Mico at- likewise (19-in-20) bounce off with random amusing or punning
tacks with both claws which each do 1d6 claw damage plus 1d6 results: sleep might turn the caster to a sheep or create a mug of
flame damage (no saving throw) upon successful to hit rolls. cocoa, say, or any area affect spell might cause a caster-centred
Three times per day, Mico is able to summon 1d6 hell hounds rain of frogs, fish, feathers, banana skins, rabbit droppings, or
to assist him in combat or to cover his retreat. itching powder.


Mixmalix will usually (75%) play tricks if met: magically gluing therefore can surprise on a 1-7 on a 1d8. He is often silent, but
someone to a seat or creating tadpoles in his beer, turning hair does possess a ferocious roar that echoes the mountain gales.
purple, etc. He tends to be pleased if this causes hearty laugh- Those within a 20' range must save vs. petrification or be deaf-
ter, spiteful if not (he is a very petty god). He can rub off some ened for 1d12 turns.
of his aura on parties: the next 1d3 important encounters (social
or combat) will be marked by party grace (everything done well) Moen Hepnir can attack by using his enormous fists, by grap-
or clumsiness: wine spilled, minor chaotic effects as above. pling and crushing his victims, by causing an avalanche, or
with his great stone axe Bek Moda Hei. When causing and
Mixmalix Reaction Table avalanche (8d6 damage), Moen Hepnir will savagely charge in
amongst the tumult to further savage his opponent with his fists
Roll 1d8 (instead of 2d6); or with Bek Moda Hei.
Modify +/- d2 for victim reaction.
1-2 Pleased: Graces victim and friends. Moen Hepnir is immune from cold attacks and takes half dam-
age from electricity. Acid and fire attacks do full damage.
3-6 Ho-hum: Goes on his way.
7-8 Irritated: Disgraces victim and friends. Moen Hepnirs symbol and weapon is Bek Moda Hei (Great
Crushing Axe). Bek Moda Hei is a +3 stone great axe that deals
3d6 points of damage. Three times per day, Moen Hepnir can
use the axe to cause a booming thunder clap that will cause
Moen Hepnir victims within 50' to save vs. paralyzation or be affected as if
by a symbol of stunning. Also, the axe can be used to teleport
(petty god of the peaks, pinnacles and summits
(as per the spell) three times per day. Further, the axe enables
of mountains & glaciers) Moen Hepnir to regenerate 1d4 hp per round. Bek Moda Hei
Titles: Dweller in the High Places; can only be wielded by those possessing a Strength equivalent
Lord of the High Places to a cloud giant.

& Johnathan Bingham Moen Hepnir appears as a monstrous, bipedal, bestial, anthro-
F Johnathan Bingham poid covered in matted white fur. He wears beads and bones
braided into his fur and has great bronze bracers on his fore-
Symbol: Stone axe with a head carved arms. He stands 15' tall, with his massive arms dragging the
in the shape of a beasts face ground much like an ape.
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 1
Hit pts. (HD): 124 hp
(21 HD)
Attacks: 2 fists or 1 grapple/crush or 1 avalanche
or 1 weapon (+3 stone great axe)
Damage: 1d10/1d10 (fists) or 2d12 (grapple/crush)
or 8d6 (avalanche) or 3d6+3 (Bek Moda Hei)
Save: F20
Morale: 11
Hoard Class: XXI
XP: 8,250

Silent as a cloud shadow drifting over the peaks, suddenly given

the bone crushing physicality of an avalanche with the furor
of a mountain storm; this is Moen Hepnir, the Dweller in the
High Places. Moen Hepnir is rarely seen but his cries are often
reported by travelers in high mountain passes. It is believed that
those that fail to pay him tribute are subject to being victims
of falls from great heights or crushed by avalanche. For this
reason, many pay him obeisance, even if he is not worshiped
outright and has no formal temples or churches.
Moen Hepnir wanders the high peaks and is constantly on the
move through the high passes and crevasses. He is sometimes
reported by mountaineers and mountain guides as reveling in
the fierce storms that embrace the high peaks, banging his great
axe in time with the thunderclaps. Moen Hepnir is reclusive
and there few accounts of any who have encountered him and
survived to tell the tale.
Moen Hepnir passes amongst the glacial ice and deep snows of
the tallest mountains without leaving a trace of his passing. He


Moorealeth of the party within earshot must spend one round explaining to
them why they are fighting and what is going on. If everyone
(petty god of lost chapters)
forgets, and there is no-one to remind them then the encounter
& Patrick Stuart is over. Moorealth also forgets.
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. Moorealeths hoard consist of nothing but booksexpensive,
Symbol: A broken valuable beautiful books of spells and strange knowledge, all
circle slightly wrong. None of them work. You could probably prise
the gems off the front or sell them for the dragonskin bind-
Alignment: Neutral
ings. If you try to sell them to anyone who knows what they are
Movement: 120' (40') doing, they are going to read them. Wait a while. Read them
Armor Class: 9 again. And get very pissed off.
Hit pts. (HD): Random (d20 HD; reroll every encounter;
he forgets how divine he is)
Attacks: 1 (touch) Morbiphallugus
Damage: 1d6 + special (petty god of venereal afflictions and sexual disfunction)
Save: F1-20 (by HD) Titles: The Vile Spreader; The King of Crabs;
Morale: Random (roll 2d6 before each encounter; The Dread Crotch Creature
Hoard Class: See below
XP: 1,500 or 0 (if anyone doesnt remember
& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
at the end why they were fighting, then they
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
dont get any) Symbol: A deteriorating combination of the
alchemical symbols for man and woman
Some books are so long, and so boring, that almost no-one
Alignment: Chaotic
finished them.
Movement: 240' (80')
During the reading of a an important but very long and turgid Armor Class: 4
book, the mind of the reader will abruptly enter an unaware Hit pts. (HD): 120 hp (20 HD)
fugue-state. It is at this moment that the god of lost chapters
Attacks: 6 (2 claws + 4 touches)
makes his appearance.
Damage: 1d8/1d8/0/0/0/0 + disease
Say half-way through Das Kapital or the Bible, your head be- Save: F20
gins to nod, your eyes are open but in fact you are mildly Morale: 11
unconscious. The God of Lost chapters will fill your mind with
Hoard Class: Special
the memory of the chapter you should have read. After a few
moments you wake up again. You never realise you passed XP: 4,250
out. You have the memory of reading the book and the book
is in your hands so your must have read it. You continue. The domains of the petty god Morbiphallugus include all of
diseases, afflictions and deformities which plague the sexual
But he never ever gets it exactly right. organs, all dysfunction and difficulty associated with sexually-
related activity (including those things as diverse as kissing and
This god is the reason people who spend their lives reading castration), and all related issues (e.g, syphilitic blindness, steril-
very long books always disagree about the exact meaning of ity, burning sensations, itching fits, unsightly sores, and vaginal
what they have read. They remember reading different things. discharge). His appearance is as off-putting as the ailments he
His powers are mild, almost non-existent, but he has probably celebrates. His lower torso appears as enlarged scrotum con-
started a few wars. And a few crusades. taining a octet of testicles, swathed in a milky-white slime. His
serpentine upper torso features 6 arms, four of each have hu-
Moorealeth looks like a distracted, bearded man wearing tat-
man hands, and 2 of which feature crab-like claws. His draco-
tered gray robes. He knows everything but can never relate it
nian face and narrow eyes are offset by his drooling mouth, and
correctly. He is unaware of this. He is eager to help anyone
his rank, musky scent precedes him (to a distance of 60').
who passes by. His assistance is always slightly wrong. If you
ask him where the Goblin City is he will give your the wrong No one consciously chooses to worship Morbiphallugus. They,
place, or the wrong spelling. Or tell you it is a city of Gnolls, instead, often find themselves begging for his mercy when indis-
or say that the name Goblin City is based on a misspelling of cretion and imprudence get the better of them, and they fall prey
an ancient tribal term and actually its a mountain, or an oasis. to the conditions over which he lords. Furthermore, he prefers
Or he will get it exactly right but transpose the co-ordinates so the term anointed to infected, for he thinks the symptoms
you end up on the wrong side of the globe, exactly opposite the his converts bear as the badges of honor that they wear. To this
goblin city. Or he will send you to Roblin City. end, Morbiphallugus is known to frequent the back-alleys and
brothels of the world, seeking unwitting servants to spread the
Moorealeth attacks as a normal man with bare hands. But if
seeds of his labor. Morbiphalluguss touch alone is enough to
he touches you (on successful to hit roll), you dont know why
anoint unintended disciples. On any successful touch (includ-
youre there (no save). Twice and you dont know who he is (no
ing claws; to hit required at DMs discretion), the victim of
save). Three times and you dont know who you are (no save).
Morbiphallugus must save vs. paralysis or become infected (until
The effects may only be negated by the spell remove curse.
cured by the spell remove disease). Once an infection has been
If a PC ever tries to hit Moorealeth and misses, they forget why determined, roll 3d8 on the following table to determine which
they were trying to hit him in the first place. Another member symptoms are presented:


Morbiphallugus Disease Symptom Table Mosht Al Blopp

* Indicates symptom will remain even after disease (petty god of fetid pools)
is removed, unless symptom is cured separately.
3 Paralysis* (removed by cure light wounds). & Charles Turnitsa
4-5 Blindness* (removed by cure blindness). F Claytonian J.P.
6-8 Deafness* (removed by cure light wounds). Symbol: Turtle head
9-12 Genital Discomfort: Requires afflicted dripping with slime
creature to sit/rest 1 turn per 5 turns of travel. Alignment: Chaotic
13-15 Poor Muscle Coordination: +1 AC penalty and Movement: 120' (40')
on 1 to hit rolls (removed by cure light wounds). Armor Class: 7
16-17 Numbness*: +2 AC penalty and on 2 to hit Hit pts. (HD): 120 hp
rolls (removed by cure light wounds). (27 HD)
18 Dementia* (removed by remove curse). Attacks: Special
It is rumored that Morbiphallugus collects the testicles from the Damage: Special
corpses of his victims (both those that died in direct combat, and Save: F25
those that passed from the long-term effects of sexually-related Morale: 10
diseases), and displays them in a gallery located deep inside the Hoard Class: XVII
long, slimy tunnel he calls home. (see below)
Morbiphallugus Reaction Table XP: 10,000

2 Friendly: Attempt to seduce the PCs; Know this, oh traveler, that Mosht Al Blopp is the petty god
if advances are refused, re-roll on this table. of fetid pools. Those who are unlearned in the glories and un-
3-5 Indifferent: Suggests the PCs visit one of paralleled wonders to be found in the bottom of a dank, fetid,
his anointed disciples so that he or she may rancid pool can never understand the frenetic bliss enjoyed by
give the PCs his or her blessing. Mosht Al Blopp as he splashes about in his great pool, Blopp
6-8 Neutral: Inquires as to the partys sexual Harrthe Celestial Slime. The pool occupies a sacred and
preferences and predilections. special place in the Chaotic realm of The Forgotten Ones,
but it is not uncommon for Mosht Al Blopp to travel from his
9-11 Unfriendly: Slowly moves up to the PCs beloved and comfortable, mud- and slime-coated home pool
in the least threatening way possible, and attempts
to our own world.
to touch as many of them as possible at one time.
12 Hostile: Attacks nearby targets. Whenever a fetid pool is disturbedusually by those who are
ignorant of the proper obeisances that need to be made to
This term is used colloquially by those who fear, dread, or Mosht Al Bloppthere is a small chance that the god will be
suffer the presence of Morbiphallugus. summoned from his splashing place, and will come to the phys-
ical world in order to punish the heretics.
Related Entries: M) Divine Louse Crab; S) Touch of Morbi-
phallugus. If he appears (and he will, oh traveler, he will) Mosht Al Blopp
comes as a great hulking figure, covered in green pond muck.
He wields no apparent weapon, nor does he have to. He is
the protector of the Celestial Slime, the guardian of the great
poolbringer of pain and retribution to those who dare to vio-
late a rancid and fetid pool in the improper manner. In combat,
Mosht Al Blopp can unleash his holy fury on his foes (he can
strike directly twice in combat, with two great slimy fists, each
doing 2d10 of damage if they strike), but he would rather sum-
mon his holy servants from the realm of the Forgotten Ones.
In order to bring assistance, Mosht Al Blopp will stand in a
ready pose, and, with his great slimy protuberances, he will
split open the apron of muck that drapes below his bulbous
waistline (dare not laugh, traveler, for although he appears
stout, Mosht Al Blopp is a great and terrible deity). Once open,
the servants of the god of fetid pools will appear. There will be
1d4 servants appearing each round, for 1d4 rounds. If Mosht
Al Blopp is in particular dire straights he may repeat his call for
servants once per hour, but surely the foes of the god of fetid
pools would certainly collapse in terror by that point.
In order to spread the bliss and joys of fetid pool muck, when
Mosht Al Blopp visits our world, he will often exude fetid
pond muck. The muck will spread out from Mosht Al Blopp
in a thick covering of the ground, 20' radius the first round


he decides to exude. After that it grows another 5' radius Moslammin has all the skills and abilities of a level 20 thief,
(all directions) per round if the great mucky one stands still. except the Pick Locks skill. He may also cast at will invisibility,
Should he decide to move, he will exude another puddle of silence 15' radius, and wizard lock as a 20th level magic-user.
muck at his new location. The muck stays moist unnaturally
for hours and hours after it is exuded, even in the driest of
environments. This muck will slow all who move through the Moss-Worn Goat (petty god of sterility)
region to a speed of 20' per round. Titles: Bearer of Sterility
Mosht Al Blopp can teleport from one fetic pool to another
pool withint he same plane. If he is within 20' (or standing in) a & Logan Knight
fetid pool, he can have 1d4 giant leeches (see the rulebook for F Logan Knight
giant leech statistics) spring from the pool and attack a foe (the Symbol: A carven wood phallus,
summoned leeches will soar through the air out to 60' from the left to grow moss and fungus
pool). This can be done once per fetid pool.
Alignment: Neutral
Related Entries: M) Servant of Mosht Al Blopp. Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 5
Moslammin Hit pts. (HD): 46 hp (7 HD)
(petty god of the shutting and closing of doors) Attacks: N/A
Titles: Closer of Doors Damage: N/A
Save: M22
& Joshua Burnett Morale: 9
F Joshua Burnett Hoard Class: (depends on
Symbol: A wooden door, closed & held how long you keep him around)
by an iron spike XP: 4,000
Alignment: Lawful
The Moss-Worn Goat can be called upon to dry up the seed
Movement: 120' (40') of men seeking it or those whom they wish to inflict it upon.
Armor Class: 5 Offerings of gold are left in the damp parts of the woods with
Hit pts. (HD): 86 hp (20 HD) a phallus carved from a discarded branch, hidden by rotting
Attacks: 1 (slam) hollow logs. Some desire temporary affliction, but unless they
Damage: 3d6 (2 with save vs. spell they are permanently sterilized.
Save: T20
Morale: 9
Hoard Class: 100 masterwork iron spikes
XP: 6,250

Aside from all the monsters, traps, mad wizards, and cursed
artifacts that an adventuring party must face, the most per-
sistent threat in any dungeon is the closed door. Deep in the
bowels of the dungeon, doors rarely function properly. They
warp, swell, and stick, becoming nigh-unbudgeable obstacles
that only the brawniest of barbarians or fittest of fighters can
hope to shove open. Worst yet, dungeon doors have a nasty
habit of shutting and sticking once more after the adventurers
backs are turned.
The Acolytes of Sealed Temple in the Valley of Passages at-
tribute this uncanny behavior to Moslammin, Closer of Doors, a
petty god. Open doors, cleared passages, and accessible rooms
are anathema to Moslammin. As it is written in the wood-bound
tomes of his (few) clerics, How might a man prove his worth, if
he can enter any sanctum with ease? Better it is that his every
step be dogged with adversity, no matter how small. Moslam-
min closes doors not to pester, they say, but to test mankinds
patience and thus make us immune to petty irritations.
Moslammins avatar appears as a hunched and hooded figure
who creeps silently through dark and damp dungeon corridors,
closing and holding shut any door he passes. If he encounters
an adventuring party he deems worthy of his blessings, he
will follow them silently and invisibly throughout an entire dun-
geon, closing and sealing any open doors they may leave in
their wake.


The Goat himself will be found in a dark hovel of a cav- Martans unassuming form gives no hint to the great magical
ern, sweating amidst lichen and mounded monoliths of dirt, powers he possesses. In addition to all spells and abilities of
sprawled on the floor, moaning mournfully in a reverberating an 18th level magic-user, he may fly and cast dimension door,
howl. Below the huge malformed head and horns of a goat his polymorph self, polymorph others and pyrotechnics at will.
body is human, and the whole time you watch him he never He does not care for physical combat, preferring to use his
stops masturbating, shuddering intermittently with spasms that magic powers to defend himself or flee.
force enormous single golden sperm to spurt from his cock
onto an already squirming pile, creaking like bending metal. Martan is often encountered in disguise as a homeless beggar
wrapped in a tattered blanket to obscure his identity. He begs
If you attack him he doesnt know how to defend himself, he for food from anyone he meets. After a party decides to give
doesnt understand, and he doesnt stop masturbating. Eventu- him food or not, Martan casts off his disguise in a flurry of py-
ally he will try to flee, leaving a golden trail of creaking sperm rotechnics and reveals his true identity.
as he stumbles away.
Mystical Martan Reaction Table
Add 1 if party gives Martan any food;
Add 1 if any party member is Lawful.
2-4 Friendly: Gives the party a gift of a random,
useful magic item. The DM should choose
a significant drawback for the magic item that is
discovered the first time it is used.
5-6 Mischievous: Puts a minor curse on the party;
for example, he may transform the partys water
supplies into magical hair which, when drunk,
causes the imbibers own hair to fall out.
7-9 Educational: Teaches one of the party
members a mystical life lesson by polymorphing
them into a strange form of the referees
devising (such as a monster or an oversized
body part). This form has new powers
(for example, resistance to certain types of
Mystical Martan damage or the ability to vomit lava) as well as
(petty god of pranksters and jerks; trickster) new restrictions. Martan returns the victim
to their original form only after they guess
Titles: Patron of Pranksters and Jerks
what the lesson was (for example, dont be
& Tony A. Rowe nice to jerks).
F Andrew Walter 10-11 Hostile: Attacks the party by animating
their own shadows (treat as shadow monsters
Symbol: Conical, yellow hat with a short brim with HD equal to the partys average level).
Alignment: Chaotic 12+ Big Jerk: Teaches the party a mystical life
Movement: 120' (40') lesson with a major curse; for example, he may
Fly: 120' (40') fuse the party members to each other by their
hands. He will remove the curse if they guess
Armor Class: 2 the meaning of the lesson, as above.
Hit pts. (HD): 133 hp (18 HD
Attacks: 2 or spell After the encounter, Martan flies into the air and disappears
through a dimension door in a flurry of pyrotechnics, spelling a
Damage: 1d6/1d6
rude message in the sky.
or by spell
Save: MU18 Mystical Martan is actually a denizen from another world, a uto-
Morale: 8 pian society of law and order. He spread chaos through the
Hoard Class: 2XVI and 1d4 cursed magic items society until his four older brothers overpowered him. They ex-
iled him to this world hundreds of years ago, hoping he would
XP: 6,250
learn compassion and stop being such a jerk. Soon, his brothers
Mystical Martan is a master of pranks and tricks. He wanders will come to return Martan to their home world to stand trial for
the land, using his magic powers to teach unwelcome life les- his crimes. Martan will attempt to use his polymorph powers to
sons to any do-gooders and would-be heroes he encounters. trade forms with some unsuspecting victim (probably a player
He enjoys summoning woodland creatures to him, then using character) so his brothers capture the victim instead of him.
his polymorph powers to turn their bodies inside out or change Even though he is a constant traveler, Mystical Martan has
them into random objects. Martan spreads chaos and torment a lair hidden deep in the woods. This decrepit, low, wooden
wherever he goes. structure is littered with debris and surrounded by poison oak
He appears as a grinning, green-skinned human traveler, wear- (to which Martan is immune). A secret door conceals a staircase
ing yellow clothing with a tall hat, torn shirt, trousers and a mis- to a basement level: the storage area for Martans haphazard
matched pair of boots. He carries a knapsack with a bedroll on collection of magic items, otherworldly artifacts and tiny mon-
his back and has a small bag of possessions strapped to his leg. sters trapped in glass bottles.


Naaragiga Nanefesterad Nanny Binx Nardrea
Naught Nazarash Nebius Neco Neub Neuph Nhucyy
Nocton Zython Nox Nug Numathoth Nwee Nyctalops

Naaragiga (petty goddess of jellies and molds) the second save results in being under the control of Naara-
giga (equivalent to a charm person/monster spell). Coming
& Todd Roe into contact with her causes 2d6 points of acid damage and
F Mark Allen instantly begins to dissolve organic materials.

Symbol: An iridescent disk She is only susceptible to fire and lightning attacks. Destroying
her does not kill her; in time she always seems to grow some-
Alignment: Neutral (possibly Chaotic)
where else and begins again to attract followers.
Movement: 0' (0')
Armor Class: 9 (immune to most attacks; see below) Worshipers of Naaragiga are usually victims of her charm abil-
ity, and are quite mad. They believe that she exists to consume
Hit pts. (HD): 130 hp (22 HD)
the world, but it is more likely that she is content to just survive,
Attacks: 1 spore cloud feeding off of the faith of her worshipers and the flesh of the
Damage: Special unfortunate.
Save: F22
Morale: N/A
Hoard Class: XXII Nanefesterad
XP: 11,000 (petty god of
false friendship)
Naaragiga is the goddess of molds and jellies. She is older than
most living things and has survived since dark eons past. She & Dennis Carter
lives in the deepest, darkest pits of the underworld, and her F Steven Goodman
dwelling is usually surrounded by a vast temple complex de-
voted to her. Symbol: A friendly smile
Alignment: Chaotic
She resembles a giant oozing mold in appearance, and is con-
Movement: 120' (40')
tinuously shifting and changing color. A single manifestation
covers an area of about 250 square feet. She is always sur- Armor Class: 1 [+2]
rounded by (and covering) the treasure of would-be adventur- Hit pts. (HD): 75 hp (15 HD)
ers, wandering creatures, and misguided followers. She nat- Attacks: 2 tentacles (4 if enraged)/special
urally attracts molds, oozes, jellies, and slimes, and they are Damage: 2d6 per tentacle (2d6+4 if enraged)
numerous throughout her lair. They are all under her control.
Save: M15
She attacks by ejecting spores in a 30'-diameter cloud. Any Morale: 5
character caught in this cloud must save vs. poison or die with- Hoard Class: XVIII (in lair), XIV (carried)
in 1 round. A successful save requires a second save; failure of
XP: 6,000

Thoroughly evil, Nanefesterad is eager to win the friendship of

those he encounters, and feeds on the life force of those around
him. Any physical contact with him functions as a charm per-
son spell (as a 15th level magic-user). If the save (vs. spell) is
made, the character is immune to Nanefesterads charm effect
for 24 hours. Those who spend more than 2 hours per 24 hour
period in his presence lose 1d4 hit points at the next sunrise.
This effect is not noticeable by the victim until at least 20 hit
points have been lost in this manner. These lost hit points can-
not be regained until a remove curse spell is cast on the victim.
Additionally, hit points lost in this manner will heal an equal
amount of Nanefesterads hit points (up to his maximum). He
also has a beautiful singing voice, and is fond of playing a lyre
around a campfire. Once per day, his singing can function as a
mass charm spell.
In his guise as a friendly mortal, he will gladly accompany an
individual or adventuring party, especially if at least one of
those individuals is under his charm effect. He will use money
and magic items for their benefit. However, he is cowardly and
will not put himself into a dangerous situation, even though
Nanefesterad can only be hit by +2 or better weapons.
If he does participate in combat, he will only use ranged weap-
ons and will stay as far away as possible from opponents. In his


monstrous form, he can attack twice per round with his tenta- greatest nanny goat ever, as well as a champion of domestic
cles, doing 2d6 damage per hit and healing that same amount animals everywhere.
of his own hit points. Damage done by his tentacles may be
healed normally. If Nanefesterad takes more than 25 points of Nanny Binx follows adventurers around, radiating goodness
damage, he will become enraged. His number of attacks per and giving freely of her healing milk (heals 1d6 points per per-
round increases to 4, with each successful hit doing 2d6+4 son per day). Wherever adventurers stay, she performs a ritual
damage. No matter what his form, or whether he is enraged to make the local barn and stable animals sentient, and teaches
or not, Nanefesterad is cowardly and must check morale every them her basic philosophy and, if time allows, some spells. She
3 rounds. has also convinced many of these animals to worship the earth
goddess to help her fight evil. Additionally, her animal spies
Nanefesterad takes particular delight in turning people against inform her of local cults who harm animals.
their friends and loved ones. He will cause those he has charmed
to behave in uncharacteristic ways, and they will see him as a She has been known follow adventurers for as short a time as
deeper and truer friend than their former allies. He is very fond a few hours, but as long as a few years. She is able to speak
of beautiful females of any race, and he will seek to charm with humankind (common), but she is usually reluctant to do so
the female with the highest Charisma before anyone else in a (preferring to speak mainly with animals). When she does start
group. If anyone sees him in his true form, he will seek to kill talking, even to humankind, just try getting her to stop.
that individual using his charmed victims. He will not fight the In face of unspeakable evil, Nanny Binx is rarely taken seriously
person himself, unless no other options are available. by opponents, but can be a formidable opponent. She usually
Nanefesterad Reaction Table attacks bad people by butting with her horns. On a natural
to hit roll of 20, her opponent must make a save vs. paralysis
2-5 Friendly: Offers 1 random magic item. to avoid being knocked over. Nanny Binx also possesses a +5
6-9 Friendly: Seeks to shake hand of PC with demonic skullcap, forged of black metal and gifted to her by a
highest Charisma (see above). demon king. Nanny doesnt really like to use this, as demonic
evil isnt really her thing. However, when pressured, and if giv-
9-11 Friendly: Smiles but does not approach.
en assistance donning the skullcap, she will do so. The skullcap
12 Flees: Runs away. allows Nanny Binx to hit creatures which are normally harmed
by certain metal or a minimum magical enchantment. Any be-
ing reduced to 0 hp from an attack with this skullcap must save
vs. death or have their soul drained (eliminating the possibility
for resurrection, but not necessarily reincarnation). Addition-
ally, Nanny Binx is sometimes joined in battle by strange and
surprising allies, who appear to fight alongside her.
Nature spirits, elves, sentient animals, and even beast-men get
along well with her, and she is a favored subject of many bards
who have penned songs about her. In general, however, most
humans are oblivious to her decade-long project to battle evil.
She doesnt bear any malice to kind humans. Shes had several
kids each year for centuries; many now act as her agents. She
can cast spells as a 15th level magic-user and a 10th level druid.
Related Entries: D) Milk Bucket of the Gods.
Nanny Binx
(petty goddess of physical and intellectual sustenance)

& Chris Tamm Nardrea (petty god of hidden taxes and caches of time)
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. Titles: The God of
the Accounts of Law
Symbol: A goat cuneiform pictogram of 9 strokes AFFILIATIONS: The Mearra
Alignment: Lawful
Movement: 180' (60') & Eric Fabiaschi
Armor Class: 4 (-2 with demon skullcap) F Scott Faulkner
Hit pts. (HD): 46 hp (9 HD) Symbol: A ledger
Attacks: 1 (head butt) Alignment: Lawful (Neutral)*
Damage: 2d6 (standard) or Movement: 150' (50')
4d8+5 plus special (with demon skull cap)
Armor Class: 2
Save: M22
Hit pts. (HD): 65 hp (13 HD)
Morale: 11
Attacks: 1 (fists or quill)
Hoard Class: Milk; possibly goat food or cheese
Damage: 6d6 or 1d8+4
XP: 3,100
Save: F13
Nanny Binx is a former wizards familiar who, after having had Morale: 10
her body enchanted by her master (one of the greatest wizards Hoard Class: XVIII + 5,000 gp
who ever was), outlived her master and went on to become the XP: 2,800


In all the courts and governments, there are bills that remain Naught (or Nought) is the petty god of invisibility and patron
unpaid, debts that wait, and wages that waste away. This is of invisible stalkers. If his true appearance had ever been seen,
the domain of Nardrea, the petty god of hidden taxes and the that information has long been lost, as Naught is permanently
caches of time. He is the inevitability of Law who catches up invisible. He revels in those that use invisibility wisely, regard-
with his victims. He collects, calculates, and balances the books less of whether they are heroes seeking to conquer, cowards
in Laws favor. He moves between the grains of time to collect wanting to hide, or murderers attempting to kill. Though it is
each and every unpaid fine and debt belonging to the powers rumored he resides on the Elemental Plane of Air, there has
of Law. He moves from one moment to the next, in a blur of never been any proof of this.
motion, until he finds an obligated victim.
The touch of Naught will turn a target permanently invisible
This rather plain-looking man appears similar to a cloud gi- (on a failed save vs. spells), an effect which may be removed
ant garbed in gray, cleric-like robes. Without pomp or circum- with the use of dispel magic. Additionally, Naught may become
stance, he will appear before a victim and demand payments for completely silent at will, allowing him to move freely about any
any unpaid debts. The victim must begin making arrangements creatures without being noted, unless special means are being
immediately, or Nardrea will strike the fool with his fists for employed (e.g., radar, infravision, detect invisibility, etc.). If no
6d6 points of damage. Should Nardrea encounter Chaos in any such ability is being used, Naught may automatically touch any
form, he will use a quill of sharpness (as sword of sharpness), creature he chooses. Those aware of his presence (e.g., through
doing 1d8+4 damage (on a successful to hit roll). special means, or because he is not silent), and unwilling to be
touched, require that Naught make a successful to hit roll. If
Nardrea may choose to balance the books of a persons life, invisible only, Naught gets a +2 to hit bonus. If invisible and
which stuns the subject for 1d8 rounds as the worst moments silent, Naught gains a +5 bonus to hit. All those attempting to
of their lives are relived. Nardrea may only use this ability strike Naught while he is invisible (and not silenced) do so with a
against a single individual one time per week, but may use it 2 to hit penalty. Those attempting to strike him while he is
against as many different individuals per week as he chooses. invisible and silenced do so with only a 1% chance make a suc-
Should Nardrea so choose, he may collect 1d10 years for their cessful to hit roll (make d% roll as indicated instead of 1d20
unpaid debts, which will settle their accounts in full. Unwilling attack roll). These penalties are negated for any attackers using
victims get a save vs. death to avoid the remittance (but their special senses.
accounts will remain unsettled). These collected years will ap-
pear within Nardreas ledgers as the complex configurations Naught possesses the ability to detect invisibility in a 360 ra-
and mathematical formulas of Law. dius around his person (always on), and suffers no to hit roll
penalties vs. invisible targets.
Nardrea is often called by the other gods of Law to fix a variety
of space-time anomalies (and related issues). He is also often Five times per day, Naught is able to summon 1d4 invisible stalk-
found upon the Prime Plane where he is worshiped by tax col- ers. Naught is also able to communicate telepathically with any
lectors, bankers, watchmakers, and fools. invisible stalker (not just those he summons), allowing him to
silently command them. Furthermore, as Naught is the deity to
Related Entries: G) Arvirive, Avirgiri, Glaria, the Mearra, whom most invisible stalkers pledge allegiance, there is a 99%
Merramorina, Micicara, Ruslivia, Sertetti, Termarr, Tsrura. chance that invisible stalkers summoned by others will defer to
* Please see the entry in this section for the Mearra for informa- Naughts commands (over those of their summoner).
tion regarding their alignment. Naught will always have 1d6 rings of invisibility upon his per-
son, but they are just the hint of the true treasure cache he keeps
in his lair on the Plane of Air (20d10 rings of invisibility).
Naught (petty god of invisibility
and invisible stalkers) Naught Reaction Table
Titles: Nought; The Great Gone; 2 Friendly: Will offer permanent
He Who Remains Unseen invisibility to anyone in the party, and
a 1-in-6 chance he will offer a (free)
& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. ring of invisibility.
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. 3-5 Indifferent: Will offer permanent
invisibility to anyone in the party
Symbol: A unknown symbol
(without need of any propitiation).
(because its invisible)
Alignment: Neutral 6-8 Neutral: Will go silent, move away
from the party, and wait to see what
Movement: 120' (40') they do.
Armor Class: 0
9-11 Unfriendly: Will go silent, turn nearest
Hit pts. (HD): 100 hp (12 HD) creature invisible, move away from
Attacks: 1 (touch) the party, summon 1d4 invisible stalkers,
Damage: Special (invisibility) and depart.
Save: M12 12 Hostile: Will go silent, turn nearest
Morale: 7 creature invisible, move away from the
party, summon 1d4 invisible stalkers
Hoard Class: 20d10 rings
and join the fight (summoning additional
of invisibility invisible stalkers as necessary).
XP: 2,800


Nazarash (petty god of broken glass)

Titles: The Shatterer

& Blair Fitzpatrick

F Chris Hth
Symbol: A shattered glass bottle
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 120' (40') in humanoid form
fly: 180(60) in glass storm form
Armor Class: 0
Hit pts. (HD): 68 hp (15 HD)
Attacks: 2 (slashes)
Damage: 3d6/3d6
Save: F15
Morale: 10
Hoard Class: None
XP: 3,300

Nazarash, the Shatterer, is the petty god of broken glass. Nazarash

initially resembles a older, human male with numerous bloody
cuts and scratches, but with masses of broken glass in the eye Nebius
sockets and mouth. Further examination reveals that Nazarash (petty god of dismal fogs and dreary mists)
is composed of a man-shaped mass of broken glass, with the Titles: The Shrouded Lord
skin of a man stretched over it, and having long talons of glass
shards for hands. It is said that Nazarash is the embodiment of & Johnathan Bingham
one of the infinite facets of entropy. F Johnathan Bingham
Instead of attacking, Nazarash may shriek, shattering all glass Symbol: A stylized cloud with
and crystal within a 20' radius (magic items are allowed a saving morose human facial features
throw, and gems have a 10% chance of shattering). Three times Alignment: Neutral
per day Nazarash may utter a greater shriek that shatters all Movement: 150' (50')
glass within a 500' radius (magic items allowed a saving throw, Fly: 600' (as wind walk spell)
and gems have a 10% chance of shattering).
Armor Class: 6 [+2]
Nazarash may take the form of a swirling storm of glass shards Hit pts. (HD): 86 hp (21 HD)
at will; in this form, he fills a 20' diameter globe, and inflicts 2d4 Attacks: 2 (+1 tendrils) plus special
plus the victims AC per round to each creature caught within Damage: 1d8/1d8 plus
this area. special (lethargic depression)
Sometimes Nazarash will extrude a crooked dagger of jagged Save: C21
glass shards from his body. These glass daggers of Nazarash Morale: 8
inflict triple damage but will shatter on an attack roll of an un- Hoard Class: VIII, XIV
modified 4 or less. XP: 7,000
Nazarash Reaction Table
Chill mists and damp fogs are the domain of the Shrouded Lord.
2 Friendly: Provides Appearing as an indistinct humanoid figure of approximately 8'
1 glass dagger in height, surrounded by a mass of roiling mists, Nebius glides
of Nazarash. silently through the world casting a chill gloom over all the areas
3-5 Indifferent: where he roams.
Disappears. Nebius surprises on a 1-5 (on 1d6). Nebius envelops opponents
6-8 Neutral: Ignores within his swirling mists. This clammy embrace acts as a silence
nearby creatures. 30' radius spell for all within. In addition, all within Nebiuss 30'
9-11 Unfriendly: radius must save vs. spell or succumb to a lethargic depression
Lets off a (acts as a symbol of hopelessness). Nebius is under a constant
shriek if wind walk spell as if cast by a 21st level cleric (600' per turn
approached. maximum). Nebius can solidify a potion of his body and use it
12 Hostile: to attack foes within his 30' fog radius for 1d8 points of damage
Lets off twice per round (acts as a +1 weapon). Nebius can only be hit by
a greater magic weapons of +2 or greater enchantment. Acid, electrical,
shriek and sleep, hold, and charm spells have no effect on Nebius. Cold-
attacks. based spells slow Nebiuss movement by half. Fire-based spells
do half damage.


Nebius Reaction Table Her physical form, when encountered, is that of a large (twice
human size) poison dart frog with a small (but exotic and beauti-
2 Friendly: Will be well disposed and provide ful) maiden luxuriating on its tongue. Her avatars are notorious-
a minor boon (i.e. cast a cleric spell that ly hard to create, owing to the fact that her cult is a male-only
will provide benefit such as cure, bless, etc.),
affair, and to her dual nature as both a frog and a woman. While
information, or other minor aid.
there are a few true avatars of Neco running around there are
3-4 Indifferent: Will glide silently along ignoring innumerable failures functioning as top notch assassins.
everything unless obstructed or attacked. May
be amenable to entreaties from others. In combat Neco will strike with the barely visible claws on her
5-8 Neutral: Will ignore nearby creatures. toes and with her jagged maw. On a natural to hit roll of 20
with her bite, she is able to (upon a failed save vs. breath) snatch
9-11 Unfriendly: Will envelop subject her opponent into her mouth. Until the victim is able to break
in his misty shroud then continue on
free, a save vs. poison must be made each round to avoid an
with his morose wanderings.
additional 1d4 hp of toxic damage (while in the frogs mouth).
12 Hostile: Will attack. While a victim is trapped in Necos mouth, the human female
form (on the frogs tongue) will attack with a small and poisoned
dagger which does 1d4 hp of damage, and requires an additional
Neco save vs. poison each round to avoid an additional 1d6 points of
(petty goddess of political assassinations damage (until the poison is cured).
and contract killings)
Neco Reaction Table
& Troy J. Truchon -1 for Chaotic individuals; 1 for thugs and butchers.
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
2 Neco has decided to bless you;
Symbol: A small green gain +2 on all saves vs. poison for 1 week.
frog facing
downward 3-4 Neco will reveal the details of any contracts
for your death.
(as viewed
from above) 5-7 Neco is irritated.
Alignment: Lawful 8-9 Neco is angry; incur 1 to all saves vs. poison for
Movement: 120' (40') 1d6 turns; if pushed, full on combat will ensue.
Armor Class: 2 10-12 Neco is enraged and will immediately seek
Hit pts. (HD): 75 hp (15 HD) or order your death (as appropriate).
Attacks: 3 (2 claws/ Related Entries: S) Poison Self.
1 bite or tongue)
Damage: 1d6/1d6/2d5 or special
Save: T10 Neub (petty goddess of slain novice adventurers)
Morale: 7 Titles: Mother of the Forgotten
Hoard Class: Items taken from rule-breaking
assassins who steal outside of the & Mark Bober
bounds of their initial contract F Joel Bethell
XP: 2,400 Symbol: A broken sword, held within a teardrop
Neco is the petty goddess of lawful homicide. Her only concern Alignment: Chaotic
is that all murders, assassinations, and coups proceed in an or- Movement: 60' (20')
derly and, above all, legal fashion. However, considering that Armor Class: 2
Neco recognizes the actions of governing officials as a sort of Hit pts. (HD): Variable hp (1d4 HD; attacks F1)
demonstrated common law, orderly homicide is considered by Attacks: 1 weapon or special (point)
her to be legal everywhere.
Damage: 1d6+1 or level drain
Neco is herself a skilled assassin, hirable only by greater gods, Save: F by HD
and only to assassinate those beings which are in some way Morale: 10
not totally mortal (and, as such, not technically killable). She Hoard Class: See below
is assumed to be responsible for many of the more hands-off
XP: By HD*
deities being unwilling (or, more likely, unable) to take physical
form. Neco has even been known to kill the occasional mortal Born from the wailing death cries of uncounted farmhands,
on contract, provided that mortal is somehow able to transcend runaway apprentices, nobles cocky sons, and peasants with
death, as anything less would be unsporting. nothing left to lose, Neub, Mother of the Forgotten stands alone
Organized worship of Neco is generally confined to large, eco- as the patron of novice adventurers slain on their first delving
nomically or politically important, cities. Altars to her can also into the unknown.
be found in the ancient ruins of civilizations (and species) long Neub appears from afar as a well-equipped female fighter, car-
past, as any civilization which comes to revere her has a ten- rying herself as a warrior of great ability. As she closes, how-
dency to have its political landscape devolve into a series of ever, one sees a changing vision of horrible fates. Her visible
orderly, and perfectly legal, regicides. flesh (face and forearms) slowly morph through a series of grue-

12 0

some, fatal woundingscuts, crushing blows, partial severings, Neuph (petty god of silence)
acid and fire burns, bites, and deep piercings. Her fine chain-
mail armor reveals dents and slashes, melts away through her & Thorbjrn Steen
flesh, spouts arrow piercings, and manifests all manner of ap- F Kelvin Green
palling, seemingly unsurvivable events before reforming anew.
Her weapon bends, breaks, and rusts away. Every death and Symbol: An unringing bell
fate worse than death that has been suffered by the beginning Alignment: Neutral
delver is mirrored upon Neubs form in an everchanging milieu Movement: 120' (40')
of horror. Armor Class: 7 [+2]
Neub favors the inexperienced. When facing imminent doom, Hit pts. (HD): 181 hp (23 HD)
a young adventurer can call on Neub, with so little as a cry of Attacks: 2
her name as the unfortunate fool falls to his death. If answered, Damage: Special
some strange chance of fate may save the delver from impend-
Save: F23
ing death, or, give him or her a chance to run and hide. The
supplicant must sacrifice to Neub the next 2,000 gp in treasure Morale: 10
the adventurer finds in coins, gems, or magical items, and must Hoard Class: X, XXII
also forgo any experience award from that treasure. If Neub is XP: 3,100
not repaid, a horrible death will soon follow for the reneging
character. For 1st level characters, there is a 7% chance that The god Neuph is the petty deity of silence. The clerics of
Neub will absolve the doomed character. This reduces to 3% at Neuph swear an oath of silence. As long as this oath is not
level 2, and 1% at level 3. broken, they are able to cast their spells despite being unable
to speak.
Neub despises the successful explorer or hero, and can be called
upon to harry the same, until the targets are dead or Neub is Neuph is usually found in isolated, quiet places; deep caverns
defeated. Summoning Neub requires sacrificing coins, gems, underground, lonely mountaintops, and fog-shrouded moors
and magical items worth the notice of a skilled adventurer (as a are favored places. The god appears as a vaguely elven figure
general guideline, a number of items, mundane or magical, and wearing a gray robe, and seems to be neither male nor female.
coins and gems worth 4 times the amount of XP the embodi- Where Neuph appears, all sound within 500' is silenced (making
ment of Neub is worth). Neub will take these items and engage speech and spellcasting impossible), and all sound within a fur-
her targets whenever they next enter any underground environ- ther 500' is dampened (making normal speech hard to hear).
ment. Targets who have a habit of respectful treatment of the
Neuph does not attack in a normal manner, but can still the air
corpses (animated or not) of those lost early in their careers may
in up to two characters lungs, causing them to quickly suffocate.
only experience her as a visitation, being gifted with nothing but
The god can do this anywhere within a distance of 500', simply
a sad smile and forlorn sigh.
by pointing at the character (sighting required). The round after
While Neub can be drawn into the world at a variable strength, Neuph has started to suffocate a character, and for every round
she forever attacks with her weapon as a 1st level fighter. If thereafter that Neuph keeps up the treatment, a character must
melee proves unworkable, Neub begins to despair, and will, on make make a save vs. death, or fall unconscious for 1d6 hours.
an attack roll of 15+ that does not connect with a target, point If Neuph continues to suffocate a character after he has fallen
and (with a plaintive, accusatory cry) drain a level (on a failed unconscious, the character will die after 1 minute. Neuph can
save vs. death). only be struck by +2 weapons or better, and can cast all cleric
spells at will.
Neub has no organized following, nor any temples to her. Her
churches are the first level of dungeons; her altars are spiked Neuphs reaction roll is made as a flat 2d6 roll with no modi-
pits and other deadly obstacles. Her prophets are the tales of fiers, as soon as the god spots the characters. He will not react
bards and the hushed tones of those who called upon her and to any amount of verbal negotiation, though (at the DMs discre-
were saved. tion) non-sonic communication methods might work.
Neuph Reaction Table
2 Friendly: Neuph will regard the
characters from a distance, then aid them
with one or more spells.
3-5 Indifferent: Neuph will regard the
characters from a distance. If his presence
seems to bother them, he will leave.
6-8 Neutral: Neuph will ignore the characters.
9-11 Unfriendly: Neuph will cast a permanent
silence 15' radius spell on the noisiest
character (negated by remove curse), then
proceed to ignore them.
12 Hostile: Neuph will cast a permanent silence
15' radius spell on all the characters (negated
by remove curse), and then proceed to follow
them (as long as they stay in the area).


Nhucyy (petty god of the proper invocation Nocton Zython

of magical words and spells) (petty god of hallucinations and sailors)
Titles: Regulator of Arcane Phrases;
Enforcer of Syntactically Cogent Summoning
& Lester B. Portly
F Lester B. Portly
& Duncan Eshelman Symbol: A trident
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. or an anchor
Symbol: A scrap of paper, Alignment: Neutral
covered in runes, Movement: 180' (60')
emerging from Armor Class: 0
the pupil of
Hit pts. (HD): 86 hp (23 HD)
a severed eye
Attacks: 1 (staff of power)
Alignment: Lawful
Damage: 2d6
Movement: 120' (40')
Save: M12
Armor Class: 2
Morale: 10
Hit pts. (HD): 72 hp (16 HD)
Hoard Class: XIV
Attacks: Special
XP: 10,000
Damage: Special
Save: M19 Nocton Zython is an extra-dimensional entity that appears as
Morale: 10 a green-skinned humanoid with elongated earlobes, dressed in
Hoard Class: 2VIII jewelled silver robes, and holding a forked staff. His true form
XP: 7,000 resembles a crystalline snowflake that can only be seen through
spells of true sight. He casts spells as a 12th user magic-user
Nhucyy, Regulator of Arcane Phrases and Enforcer of Syntacti- that favors illusory magic.
cally Cogent Summoning, is the petty god concerned with the
His staff functions as a fully-charged staff of power that strikes
proper invocation of magical words and spells. Placated by wise
for 2d6 damage. His hoard represents his jeweled silver robe.
conjurors and fearful magi, Nhucyy is an invisible, uncaring
The robe itself is a woven platinum material that protects as
force, the size of a small melon. Utterly silent, Nhucyy surprises
chain mail (AC 5) but is otherwise considered as clothing, and
all opponents who do not possess true seeing, or dweomers
not treated as encumbrance or class restrictions. His true crystal-
of equivalent power. If detected, Nhucyy can only be struck or
line form grants him AC 0.
damaged by weapons aligned with Chaos. Nhucyy wars eter-
nally with Bhalbelble, Demon Lord of Evolving Languages. Nocton Zython is the patron of lotus eaters, illusionists, and
mariners. He may appear in hallucinogenic visions or dreams.
Nhucyy does not instigate combat, and will flee, via flight or
The chances of encountering Nocton Zython are as follows:
teleport, if attacked. Nhucyy can cause spells to fail utterly on
roll of 1, 2 or 3 on 1d6. Unless Nhucyys true name is known LotusEaters: There is a general 5% chance a lotus
to the caster, such spells also have a 1-in-6 chance of creating eater will encounter Nocton Zython in their hallucina-
a zone of wild magic, where all numeric effects vary consider- tions. Lotus flowers come in many varietiesblack,
ably. For each numeric effect, roll a d10 and d4. If the value on purple, blue, green, yellow, and white. Black lotus is
the d4 is even, the value of the d10 is applied as a penalty. If themostpotent.
the d4 is odd, the value on the d10 is applied as a bonus.
Spellcasters: There is a 1% chance, per illusory spell
Nhucyy is chiefly worshipped by summoners and conjurors, memorized (for that day), that a spell caster will have a
to prevent poorly formed invocations, and thus uncontrollable visionofNoctonZython.
callings. If a scroll, written in gold ink on a single sheet of vel-
lum crafted from an unweaned calf, is burnt as an offering to Sailors: There is a cumulative 1% chance, per week at
Nhucyy, the petty god will render judgment on the syntactical sea, that a mariner will encounter Nocton Zython in
accuracy of that spell, allowing the mage to determine if the their dreams. Returning to a mainland port for a full
invocation thus written would be successful. If the scroll is well day brings the chance back down to 0%.
crafted, it will burn blue, without smoke or heat. If errors are
Nocton Zython Reaction Table
present, thick black smoke will issue forth, from the erroneous
section. In either case, the scroll is utterly consumed. Learned Modify per the characters Wisdom
magi will make two copies of every scroll, so that one may be (instead of Charisma)
submitted to Nhucyy for review.
2 Friendly: Grants 1 additional point to the
characters Wisdom; grants spellcasters
3 additional phantasmal force or sleep spells*.
3-5 Indifferent: Will converse and answer
most questions; grants spellcasters
2 additional phantasmal force or sleep spells*.
6-8 Neutral: Will only answer the most
general questions; grants spellcasters
1 additional phantasmal force or sleep spell*.


9-11 Unfriendly: Will not answer any questions; drains She is mostly honored by the reluctant vampire, new to their
1 permanent point from the charactersWisdom. condition since it is believed that her participation in the crea-
12 Hostile: Ignoresthecharacter; drains2 tion of vampires was not through her own choice.
Nox appears as a stunning woman of young adulthood. She has
* The additional spells are treated like a scrolla character may two forms she often chooses. She appears with pale skin, flow-
use it to learn the spell, or it may becastonceatanytime.Mul- ing gold-red hair (like a sunset), and bright blue eyes. She also
tiplespellsaregrantedinanycombination. appears as fiercely beautiful woman with dark, ebony skin and
silver-white hair (like moonlight), but with the same blue eyes.
Alternately she has appeared as a large white owl. With her pow-
Nox (petty goddess of twilight) ers of illusion she can appear as anything she wishes, but those
forms are subject to the same rules that govern all illusions.
Titles: Goddess of Twilight; Mistress of Near Dark;
Keeper of Secrets; Trick of the Light; She is on good terms with the goddess of night and the
Mistress of Illusions; Keeper of Secrets goddess(es) of the moon. She is neutral to the god of vampires
and the god/goddess of the sun. She is on reasonable terms
& Timothy Brannan with the various gods and goddesses of the occult and secrets,
F Mona Dowie provided that they do not share said secrets.
Symbol: A sunset with a crescent moon Nox Reaction Table
and a star above
Additional modifiers:
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 120' (40') -1 if you are present with a lover
Armor Class: 2 -1 if you are thief, witch, prostitute, vampire
(cant combine, vampire thief is still only -1)
Hit pts. (HD): 80 hp (19 HD)
Attacks: Special -2 if you share a personal secret with her
Damage: Special +2 if you have divulged the secret of
another in the last 24 hours
Save: M19
Morale: 9 +1 if you are a cleric of the sun
Hoard Class: XV 2 Boon: She grants you the ability to turn
XP: 8,500 invisible once at any time after sunset but
before full night (1 hour after sunset).
Nox is the mysterious goddess of the twilight, near night and 3-4 Boon: She grants you a boon, you can
the space between sunset and full night. She is the daughter of remain undetected (as per a thief Hide in
night (Nyx) and sister to the god of vampires (Camazotz). She is Shadows at your Charisma 5%).
not a widely worshiped goddess, but her name is often invoked 6-8 Fyre Fae: She remains, but so many
by those that welcome the night; typically thieves, vampires, fyre fae are summoned that approaching
prostitutes, witches, and lovers, especially clandestine lovers her is difficult.
that seek the cover of night.
9-10 Illusion: She casts an illusion of herself
She will only manifest in a humanoid form in the hour after while she teleports from the area.
sunset but before full darkness. 12 Sleep: Nox is so insulted by your presence
Nox grants no spells to her followers, but she has been known that she puts you to sleep for 8 hours.
to render people invisible or at least unnoticed at the times of
Related Entries: M) Fyre Fae, Gloaming, Syla; S) Summon
twilight to hide their activities. This boon is not extended to all
Fyre Fae, Summon Gloaming.
who invoke her name, but her name is still whispered by those
who wish her aid.
Nox never speaks. It is not that she cant, she just has nothing
to say to mortals. She speaks through her minions though. Not
that she is in telepathic communication with them, they just
know. Because of this she is also known as the Keeper of Se-
crets. Lovers whisper their secrets to her, witches tell her where
their sabbats are, thieves plot their crimes to her, vampires
speak the names of their victims, all knowing that their secrets
are safe. A saying has even taken root among those who know
herOnly Nox knows, meaning no one else knows.
She prefers not to attack anyone as she is not a goddess of
violence. Any who attack her, or even annoy her, she can cast
any charm or illusion spell of her choice as a 19th level magic-
user/witch to deflect others. Failing that she can cast sleep that
can affect up to 20 HD of creatures.
She is honored by some vampires since it is believed she cre-
ated vampires with her brother and they are all their children.

12 3

Nug (petty god of madness)


& James Mishler

F David L. Johnson
Symbol: A black sun ringed in red flames
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 180' (60')
Fly: 240' (80') if wings are manifested
Armor Class: 2
Hit pts. (HD): 200 hp (25 HD)
Attacks: 2 bites and 4 others
(usually tentacles and/or horns)
plus special
Damage: 2d6/2d6/1d8/1d8/1d8/1d8
Save: F25
Morale: 11
Hoard Class: None
XP: 28,000

Nug is the twin of Yeb, together the spawn of Shib-Niggurath

and either Yog-Sothoth and/or Yig. Nug is impure blood and
flame personified, blood spilt of no sane beast and flame as
black and cold as the depths of space. Like its mother, it is natu-
rally formless, an oozing, boiling, roiling red mass of proto-mat-
ter, throbbing orbs, whirling pseudopods, sucking orifices, and
various non-Euclidean forms; unlike its mother, it is not itself a
progenitor, and does not generate spawn at random (though see
below). It can take on any kind of form it wishes, though, and
usually takes on the forms of several beasts at once, together
with things and natures that are not altogether real. The cob-
bled-together mass, when first seen, requires the victim to save for the still-beating hearts of human sacrifices. If it consumes
vs. death or flee in horror for 20 turns. If the saving throw is a the heart as it is still beating, it consumes the soul of the sac-
natural 1, the victim is permanently driven insane. rifice, which is forever after utterly destroyed. However, some-
times it reforms the soul into a servitor beast, its preferred form
It attacks using up to two bites and four other physical attacks;
of such being not unlike a phase tiger, though it is certainly not
these usually take the form of tentacles, hooves, claws, horns,
a tiger, but something altogether far more loathsome and un-
or some other combination. If it has wings it is limited to a
natural, requiring creatures of fewer HD to save vs. spell or flee
single bite attack, as manifesting wings takes the place of one
as though subject to the cause fear spell upon first seeing it.
head/maw. It may have many other claws, tentacles, and such,
but it can only coordinate up to four such attacks per round. Nug is a Hierarch of the cult of its scion, Cthulhu, and as such
It possesses the spell-casting abilities of a 20th level anti-cleric can command the service of cultists of Cthulhu. It can also
and a 20th level magic-user, and in addition to all of its physical summon Cthulhoid spawn and command them to service. It is
attacks can cast one spell per round. If it forgoes a bite attack willing to trade the service of the spawn or its own servitors for
and two other physical attacks it can cast two spells per round; further knowledge and power; unlike its twin, it is not satisfied
if it forgoes all of its physical attacks it can cast three spells with its mere blasphemous existence, and it seeks to further its
per round. It can only be struck by blessed, silver, or magical own power and stature among the Old Ones.
weapons. It regenerates 3 hit points per round. It can commu-
nicate telepathically with any creature on the same plane. It is Nug cannot be slain permanently on any plane of existence
immune to all mind-affecting spells; if any being tries to read save that upon which Shub-Niggurath is currently found, for
its mind that being must save vs. death or be struck as though eventually it will regenerate back from any amount of dam-
feebleminded. age, even from having its atoms torn apart by disintegration or
through atomic weapons. It can only be permanently destroyed
Nug has done far better than its twin blasphemy, Yeb, in that it if it is reduced to less than 0 hit points and cast wholly into the
has gained great knowledge and power of magical sort, and ad- form of its mother, there to be consumed and regurgitated as
vanced much further in being worshipped directly by cultists. It some other mindless beast. If slain in this fashion it is worth 10
grants spell-casting powers to its clerics, and also teaches its ar- times the normal experience points.
cane magic to sorcerous magic-users who summon it for pacts
and power. It trades magical knowledge and use of its powers Related Entries: G) Yeb.


Numathoth Numathoth Breath Weapon Table (1d6)

(former godlet of gnostic revelations) 1 Feeblemind
AFFILIATIONS: The Dead Godlets of Suto Lore 2 Horrific visions render the character
permanently insane.
& Gavin Norman 3 A revelation about the true nature of the cosmos
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. causes the character to change alignment.
Symbol: A finger 4 A prophetic vision has the effects
beneath an eye, of a quest spell.
looking upwards 5 Phantasmal killer
Alignment: Chaotic 6 Cosmic tranquility comes over the character;
(originally Neutral) Wisdom permanently increased by 1 (max 19).
Movement: 60' (20') Numathoth Reaction Table
Armor Class: 9 2 Friendly: Implores those encountered to
Hit pts. (HD): 100 hp (15 HD) help recover his body and restore him to his
Attacks: 1 (bite) former status.
Damage: 2d6 3-5 Indifferent: Suggests that characters approach
Save: M15 and accept the gift of his gnostic breath.
Morale: 10 6-8 Neutral: Speaking in tongues, gnashing teeth
and rolling eyes.
Hoard Class: None
9-11 Unfriendly: Lets out a blast of his breath
XP: 2,400 to discourage approach.
Numathoths decapitated head floats aimlessly on the intracta- 12 Hostile: Blasts approaching characters with his
ble currents of the Astral Plane. The whereabouts of his torso breath and screams threats and prophecies of doom.
and limbs is a matter which he endlessly contemplates as he
Related Entries: G) Dead Godlets of Suto Lore, Ammon
drifts powerless through the astral mists, as is the exact reason
Thrax, Panathoth.
for his dismemberment and disposal in this manner. It is only
due to the near-timelessness of the Astral Plane that Numathoth
has partly survived this ordeal.
Nwee (petty god of boredom and ennui)
In life the petty god took on a panoply of wondrous forms. titles: (Often goes by other names just for fun)
In quasi-death his transformative abilities are nullified, and his
head appears as a stern man, dressed in the Egyptian nemes & Edward Green
head-dress. The head of Numathoth is of giant proportions, F Eugene Jaworski
measuring 50' in diameter. The gore of his decapitation still
seeps from his cloven neck, leaving a trail of blood and neural Symbol: A piece of well-
fluid through the vasts of the Astral Plane. Astral travelers may carved jade; the
come across these remains, and the perseverant may be able exact design can be
to follow them to their source. whatever strikes
the devotees
Over the course of the millennia in which his head has drifted fancy
in solitude, Numathoth has been driven quite insane. Along- Alignment: Neutral
side his thoughts of recovering his body, he is obsessed with Movement: 150' (50')
visions of cosmic apocalypse and bouts of raving glossolalia. Armor Class: 1
Those who come within several astral miles of the head may
Hit pts. (HD): 91 hp
gain a forewarning of the ex-gods presence due to his de-
(19 HD)
ranged bellowings.
Attacks: Special
In combat the petty god is virtually defenseless, as he has no Damage: Special
means of propelling himself or directing his course of move- Save: C19
menthe drifts powerless on the astral winds. Anyone who
comes into melee range may be attacked by his gnashing teeth, Morale: 7
but otherwise he presents a helpless target. Numathoth has but Hoard Class: XIV3
one power at his disposalthe breath of gnostic revelation. XP: Special

In former times, his loyal disciples sought after this wondrous Nwee is a petty godling existing in a perpetual state of boredom.
power and its enlightening potency. Now, however, its effects Nwee constantly travels the world, outer planes, and alternate
are somewhat more deleterious. The breath of Numathoth ex- dimensions, seeking out new and exotic experiences. Capricious
tends in a 60'-radius cloud around his head, and once every 2 and cruel, Nwees only concern is Nwees satisfaction. Neither
combat rounds he can direct the breath against targets in a 30' male nor female, Nwee appears at times as either, as an androg-
area up to 200' distant. Characters engulfed in his breath must ynous being, a hermaphroditic hybrid of man and woman, or as
save vs. breath or suffer one of the following effects, selected an animal of some sort, depending on the godlings mood.
at random:
Nwee is commonly worshipped by the decadent off-spring
of the wealthy and powerful. These restless youth organize

12 5

extravagant, and often cruel, parties, orgies, hunts, or arena Nyctalops

fights both to honor Nwee, and to alleviate their own boredom.
(petty god of the lost/wayward, moonlight, and vampires)
Such festivities are always held at night, and are seldom inter-
Titles: The Jale God, Night-Eye, Night-Seer
esting or exotic enough to attract Nwees attention, though if
Nwee does make an appearance (posing as a mortal, of course) AFFILIATIONS: The Jale God
things quickly get out of hand.
& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Nwee never engages in physical combat, finding it quite beneath F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
its status as a deity. Instead, Nwee employs a variety of powers
to debilitate, confound, or demoralize enemies. Once per round Symbol: A moon soaked
red with blood
Nwee will do one of the following (all as 19th level caster):
Alignment: Neutral
Stupor: Causes one living being to fall into a toxicant-in- Movement: 450' (150')
duced stupor on a failed save vs. spell at -4; the being will Fly: 300' (100') as mist
remain in a stupor for 1d6 days. A successful dispel magic
Armor Class: 5
spell will bring them out of the stupor immediately.
Hit pts. (HD): 125 hp (22 HD)
Illusion: Creates a powerful illusion to confound and con- Attacks: 1 (touch or special)
fuse enemies. The illusion looks, feels, smells and even tastes
Damage: life drain or special
real. This affects all living beings that can see Nwee, or that
can be seen by Nwee. One save vs. spell at 4 is allowed Save: M22
to pierce the illusions effects. The scenario Nwee creates Morale: 12 (never fails)
depends greatly on Nwees whim, but is usually something Hoard Class: XVI5
unusual and uncomfortable for the victim. The godling de- XP: 19,000
rives immense pleasure watching its victim(s) interact with
the illusion. The illusion lasts as long as Nwee focuses on it, Nyctalops is one of many forms of the Jale God (qv).
or until Nwee gets bored and leaves.
Nyctalops (literally night-eye or night-seer) is the Great
Ennui: On a failed save vs. spell at -4, the victim is filled with Gatherer of the Wayward Children of the Night. A grotesque
ennuiall endeavors seem pointless; all accomplishments abomination of life and a hideous undead giant, he is blind
empty and meaningless. The victim becomes lethargic and except in moonlight. He is rumored to be the progenitor of an
apathetic, perhaps laying down in resignation or perhaps unspeakable encounter between Selene (The Moon Goddess)
skulking away in defeat. Either way, theyre no longer willing and Quachil Uttaus (The Treader of Dust)an encounter that
to fight. A successful dispel magic spell negates the effect. purportedly took place while Quachil Uttaus was in his infancy
as a god, and still had control over his ability to turn the living
In addition, at the beginning of each combat round after the
to dust. It is also rumored that it is Nyctalops, not Ambrogio*,
first, Nwee must check morale. On a failed morale check Nwee
who is truly the first vampire.
teleports away in search of other distractions. Note, Nwee can
only teleport away when bored. All those who find themself lost, both literally and figuratively,
are his children, and he is their father. When the moon is
Fighting Nwee is worth 999 experience points, even if it tele-
bright, he stalks the fields in search of those who have gone
ports away. However, actually defeating Nwee in battle is worth
astray and leads them (willingly or unwillingly) back to his
9,999 experience points. Simply encountering the godling (e.g.,
home Aloasa grotto set high in a dark cliffside. It is there
at a party, or on the road somewhere) is worth 99 experience
he forces his children to drink his lunar wine (fermented from
points, though additional experience can be awarded by the
the blood of the moon) from a battered chalice forged of alien
DM if the PCs participate in, or are subjected to, some of its
metal (akin to silver). Any living creature taking a sip of this
more exotic or outlandish inspirations.
wine must save vs. death or be turned into a vampire (with an
Nwee Reaction Table additional save required for each additional sip).

Roll 1d6 (instead of 2d6) applying no modifiers whatsoever. Like all undead, Nyctalops is immune to all sleep, charm, and
hold effects, cannot be harmed by silver weapons, and +3
1 Nwee is in a good mood and does weapons or better are required to hit. Additionally, he regen-
something selfless and nice for a change. erates 6 hp per round. His touch drains 5 life levels. He is also
2 Nwee decides right now would be a great time able to charm as a vampire, but with the opponent incurring a
for a party. No one may leave until all manner of 5 penalty on the saving throw. If they are in the area, Nycta-
earthly delights and carnal pleasures are indulged. lops can summon 3-18 of his children. If reduced to 0 hp, he
3 The mere sight of the PCs saps all of Nwees may turn into a mist (a form he can assume at will) and flee.
enthusiasm, who then teleports away in disgust.
Each round he spends in sunlight, Nyctalops takes 1d6 damage
4 Nwee engages in some senseless act of vandalism, (no saving throw). He is also unable regenerate in sunlight.
and may try to get the PCs to participate.
5 Nwee, posing as a mortal or an animal, * According to The Vampire Bible, Ambrogio was the first
verbally torments the PCs, doing its best vampire, cursed jealously by Apollo for Selenes affection.
to provoke a reaction.
Related Entries: G) Quachil Uttaus. Please see the Jale God
6 Nwee inflicts some cruel, supernatural entry in this section for a complete listing of entries related to the
torment on the PCs, and then watches their Jale God.
suffering with fascination.

12 6

Obnomeht Ochlos Volgus Odxit Ogrimox Okla
Old Mother Old Snicker Ollollde Ooboora Ooom
Ophurton Ormix Prol OtdaBtatle Otto Ouk

Obnomeht (petty god of dentistry and teeth-pulling) tooth from each offender (or after being beaten badly), he will
teleport to his own home pocket plane (the White Desert of
& Jonas Mustonen Skulls); he will then curse each offending party member whose
F Joey Lindsey teeth he possesses.

Symbol: Forceps Obnomeht Reaction Table

Alignment: Neutral Modified by Intelligence, rather than Charisma;
Movement: 180' (60') Obnomeht values intelligence and learning
Armor Class: 2 more than eloquent expression.
Hit pts. (HD): 75 hp (15 HD) 2 May I offer a service that could be
Attacks: 1 (tooth pull) of interest to you? Obnomeht offers to
Damage: 1d4 + special curse one of the PCs enemies.
Save: C15 3-5 May I offer my help? Obnomeht offers
to extract ailing teeth for free. To physicians
Morale: 7
and barbers he offers teaching trade secrets
Hoard Class: XV straight from the source.
XP: 3,300 6-8 Obnomeht ignores the PCs. If they insist
on bothering him he will start forcibly extracting
Obnomeht is the petty god of dentistry, teeth-pulling, and their
teeth from them.
associated professions; even if barbers and physicians dont tru-
ly worship him, they will at least pay him lip service. Obnomeht 9-11 Mortals I demand tribute! Obnomeht demands
appears as gaunt bald man wearing a white robe, sandals, and a at least one tooth as tribute or he will attack.
leather apron, holding forceps in his left hand. He rarely smiles, 12 Remember this? Obnomeht holds a tooth
but when he does, it is done with three rows of teeth. in his hand and glares at a random party
member. The tooth is one pulled fom that PC
Obnomeht possesses every tooth ever extracted in his name, years ago. Obnomeht curses that PC.
and he has magical connection to each person whose tooth (or
teeth) he possesses. Obnomeht may curse anyone whose tooth
(or teeth) he possesses. This curse creates a wracking pain in Ochlos Volgus
the jaw that imparts a 2 modifier on to hit rolls and saving (petty god of angry mobs)
throws for 6 turns (no saving throw). Obnomeht may use this
curse against those for whom he possesses no teeth, but such & Eric Jones
creatures are allowed a save vs. spell to avoid its effects. F Eric Jones
If forced into combat, Obnomeht will attack with unnerving Symbol: A burning
speed and accuracy, extracting one tooth from his opponent torch
with each successful attack. When he has extracted at least one Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 180' (60')
Armor Class: 4 [+2]
Hit pts. (HD): 8-200 hp
(1-25 HD)
Attacks: Special
Damage: Special
Save: Variable
Morale: 12 (6)
Hoard Class: Nil (XXII at 25 HD)
XP: Variable

Ochlos Volgus is the god of angry mobs. He first appears in the

smoke of furniture that has been willfully burned. At this stage
he is but a wisp; if he is detected by magic, the smoke appears
to have the form of a bitter and beggarly looking man with a
pronounced hunch and a perpetual sneer. He has only one hit
diethough his hit dice are always worth a full 8 hit points,
and he can only be hit by magical weapons of +2 or better. As
soon as he appears, Ochlos finds a suitable instigator, a being
of high Charisma, who is suffering from some fault or injustice
that they blame, rightly or no, on external forces. When a can-


didate is found, Ochlos taps them on the shoulder and whispers to keep it together. Typically the mob will not last more than a
a powerful curse into their ear. day or two; and only if the god has been exceptionally ingen-
ious and had more than a few turns of luck will the fervor last
The victim is entitled to a saving throw vs. spell at -3. If the curse longer than a week.
fails, then Ochlos may not try again until the following day. If
the curse succeeds, then Ochlos gains a second full Hit Die, Ochlos always saves as a fighter at his current level of hit dice. If
and the victim becomes instantly single-minded about casting the mob shrinks for any reason, be it casualties, dispersion, or
light on the perceived injustice and spreading the truth of it the prevailing of cooler heads, Ochlos power diminishes and he
to any who will listen. They will typically nominate a scapegoat, loses Hit Dice accordingly. When the last two members of the
a certain class of people, the clergy, the aristocracy, the poor, mob disperse Ochlos likewise disperses, until summoned again.
or a particular race or creed on which to blame the injustice. His experience value is calculated at the highest level of hit dice
The instigator seeks out anyone he or she can inspire to answer he achieves after first being confronted + 5.000 XP. In the un-
the call. When such a person is found Ochlos gains a third full likely event that the mob reasonably encompasses 46.368 or
Hit Die; likewise, he gains his fourth and fifth Hit Dice as two more people, Ochlos reaches the peak of his powers (25 Hit
more are recruited, and they have the beginnings of a humble Dice), and effectively becomes a major deity. Members of the
mob. Consequently, Ochlos other powers begin to manifest mob need no longer be directly agitating to count as followers,
beginning with the ability to cast confusion once per day. He so long as they are suitably devoted. The initial instigator, living
is also able to direct members of the mob to a limited extent by or dead, is revered as a prophet. Ochlos now receives tribute
whispering in their ears; so long as the direction can be at least and has a Hoard Class of XXII.
vaguely associated with their cause they will see to it at once.
Ochlos remains smoky and insubstantial at this stage, yet his Ochlos reacts best to creatures of low Wisdom. When deter-
vague shape now appears more vigorous. mining his reaction on the table below, adjust using the char-
acters Wisdom modifier instead of Charisma. Use the modifier
Ochlos gains an additional full Hit Die when the mob (not as listed: a negative modifier from low Wisdom will improve
counting the first instigator) reaches the following sizes: 5, 8, Ochlos reaction just as a positive modifier from high Wisdom
13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1,597, 2,584, is likely to be poorly received.
4,181, 6,765, 10,946, 17,711, 28,657, and finally 46,368.
Ochlos acquires the use of feeblemind at 10 Hit Dice (34 fol- Ochlos Volgus Reaction Table
lowers) and control weather at 15 Hit Dice (377 followers), 2 Friendly: Will see to it that the character(s)
each usable once per day. At 20 Hit Dice (4,181 followers) join the mob as favored members.
Ochlos gains the ability to hurl members of the mob with invis-
3-5 Partial: Will conspire to see the character(s)
ible telekinetic force at targets, and have them explode in a
indoctrinated into the mob.
manner similar to the spell meteor showerthough he must
take care not to deplete the mob to a lower rank. His ghostly 6-8 Neutral: Ignored.
aspect, when detected for, is now that of a strong and rancor- 9-11 Unfriendly: Sees to it that the character(s)
ous leader. Note that only under extraordinary circumstances are beaten by the mob.
will a mob grow beyond a few hundred. The gathering of each 12 Hostile: Sees the character(s) as a danger
new rank requires exhaustive effort on the part of Ochlos, as to the mob and will do everything he can to
the larger the mob gets the more diligent and clever he must be eliminate the threat.

Ochlos Powers According to Mob Size

Mob Size HD (hp) Additional Powers Mob Size HD (hp) Additional Powers
0 1 (8 hp) instigator curse (once/day) 233 14 (112 hp) -
Instigator 2 (16 hp) - 377 15 (120 hp) control weather (once/day)
1 Follower 3 (24 hp) - 610 12 (128 hp) -
2 Followers 4 (32 hp) - 987 12 (136 hp) -
3... 5 (40 hp) confusion (once/day) 1,597 18 (144 hp) -
5 6 (48 hp) - 2,584 19 (152 hp) -
8 7 (56 hp) - 4,181 20 (160 hp) meteor shower
13 8 (64 hp) - (Expends followers.)
21 9 (72 hp) - 6,765 21 (168 hp) -
34 10 (80 hp) feeblemind (once/day) 10,946 22 (176 hp) -
55 11 (88 hp) - 17,711 23 (184 hp) -
89 12 (96 hp) - 28,675 24 (192 hp) -
144 13 (104 hp) - 46,368 25 (200 hp) Becomes a major deity.

12 8

Odxit (petty god of unexplained smells) Ogrimox (petty god of purulent skin conditions)
titles: Eidolon of Inexplicable Odor titles: Lord of Pustules

& Ndege Diamond & Gavin Norman

F Ndege Diamond F Rom Brown
Symbol: Five vertical wavy lines Symbol: A boil being lanced
Alignment: Neutral with five needles
Movement: 360' (120') flying Alignment: Chaotic
Armor Class: 4 Movement: 120' (40')
Hit pts. (HD): 75 hp Armor Class: 0 [+3]
(15 HD) Hit pts. (HD): 100 hp
Attacks: 1 (15 HD)
Damage: 2d8 Attacks: 1
Save: F11 Damage: 2d12
Morale: 9 Save: F15
Hoard Class: None Morale: 9
XP: 7,000 Hoard Class: XV, XVII
XP: 7,800
Odxit, eidolon of inexplicable odor, is the petty god of unex-
plained smells. Any smell as it exists after creation, and before The outcast twin brother of Ogremoch, prince of evil earth crea-
identification, is in Odxits domain. No formal cults or worship- tures, Ogrimox was expelled from the Elemental Plane of Earth
pers are known to exist, and sages have found no records of any in a series of political maneuverings to consolidate power on the
worship of Odxit in the past. Most of the information regarding plane. Ogrimox was castigated for his unearthly fascination
Odxit has been compiled from the records of alchemists who with biological processes of decay, and was eventually forced
have encountered it and some fragments of Old One glyphs. into the Prime Plane, where he still dwells in exile. Although
aeons have passed and Ogrimox has forged his own dominion
Odxit appears as a vaguely humanoid cloud that has a faint in the Prime Plane, he still harbors a great enmity towards his
wavy nimbus or aura that seems to block light passing though. brother and all inhabitants of his plane of origin.
This manifests only on the edges of its wispy profile. Regard-
less of where the viewer stands, Odxits vague visage of two Physically, Ogrimox is a lumpen, 10'-tall humanoid figure, hav-
dense, cloud like, light absorbing orbs will always appear to ing a form somewhat reminiscent of an unfinished clay statue.
face only them, even among a group of observers. Odxit does His body actually consists entirely of thousands of layers of
not use sound to communicate. It can understand any form of constantly growing skin in various stages of decay, the outer
sign language, including impromptu pantomime, and has been layers being covered in weeping sores and pustules.
said to react to written communication. Odxit can also commu-
nicate via scent, but there are very few known entities that can Mortals seldom have any dealings with Ogrimox, whose sole
use that sense to convey high level concepts and even then the area of dominion is purulent skin conditions. Medics and necro-
lack of identifiable smells creates a barrier to discourse. Odxit mancers may know of his existence, and plague cults have been
has a gaseous form (as per the spell) for purposes of traversing known, on occasion, to directly worship him. The most honored
obstacles and taking damage and can never be surprised. Odxit initiates of such cults are blessed with the permission to drink
makes no sound and can become invisible at will. As an action, the milk of Ogrimoxthe pus which oozes from his skin.
Odxit can produce an unidentifiable odor. These lucky few are driven completely insane by the ordeal, but
develop powers of regeneration and disease immunity.
There is a 1% chance that anytime someone reflexively asks
Whats that smell? due to encountering an unknown odor, In combat Ogrimox attacks with his fists and his great weight,
Odxit will hear the query and take an interest. The DMs interpre- causing damage by punching, smashing and crushing. His con-
tation of Odixts disposition can be based on the chart below. stantly growing, decomposing, and shedding skin grants him
the ability to regenerate 4 hit points of damage per round. In
Odxit Reaction Table any case, Ogrimox cannot be harmed by normal weapons
only those of +3 or greater enchantment can damage him.
2-3 Helpful: Spends 1d6 turns observing Ogrimox is also immune to all forms of poison, and suffers half
individual or party. Will help if able. damage from cold and electricity. He thrives on disease, and, if
Will communicate if attempts are made.
targeted by disease-causing magic, regenerates 1d8 hit points
4-5 Curious: Spends 2d6 minutes observing. per spell level.
Will communicate.
6-7 Vaguely interested: Spends 1-2 minutes Every time Ogrimox is damaged, he sprays forth a stream of
observing. If communication is attempted, necrotic pus. All within 10' must save vs. breath or be hit by the
roll reaction again ignoring this result hereafter. pus spray, suffering 1d4 damage per round until the hideous
substance can be wiped off. Characters who come into con-
8-9 Inscrutable: spends 2d6 minutes observing, tact with this pus also contract a virulent disease which causes
no communication. death within 1d6 days (unless cured/removed).
10-11 Unfriendly: Will attack if communication
is attempted. Otherwise leaves. In addition to his physical attacks and defenses, Ogrimox has
the magical ability to cause the welting and rupturing of mortal
12 Hostile: Attacks immediately.

12 9

flesh within 50'. Victims must save vs. spell or suffer 2d6 dam- Old Mother
age from skin contusions and flesh eruption. Ogrimox can use
(petty goddess of lost and orphaned children)
this ability once per round (instead of attacking).
titles: The Kind Crone; Patron of Lost Children
Ogrimox Reaction Table
& Simon Forster
2 Friendly: Allows supplicants to drink of his milk. F Robert Anning Bell
3-5 Indifferent: Merely observes.
Symbol: A cradle
6-7 Neutral: Uses his flesh eruption power. Alignment: Lawful
8-11 Unfriendly: Uses his flesh eruption power Movement: 90' (30')
and commands minions to expel intruders.
Armor Class: 5
12 Hostile: Uses his flesh eruption power and Hit pts. (HD): 70 hp
summons all available minions to attack intruders. (18 HD)
Ogrimoxs minions include pox knights, plague cultists, giant Attacks: Special
ticks, animated mounds of skin, and disease-bearing undead. or 1 (staff)
Damage: Special or
Related Entries: M) Pox Knight. 1d6 (staff)
Save: C18
Okla (petty god of dentists and ivory carvers)
Hoard Class: I
& Luka Rejec XP: 6,900
F Luka Rejec
The Old Mother is a goddess who cares for and looks after lost
Symbol: A fang and orphaned children, gathering lost boys and girls to her side
on a field and giving them a home, a purpose, and helping them to grow
of red to the best that they can be; but once the child reaches puberty,
Alignment: Lawful they are sent away, to find their own way in the world, treading
Movement: 90' (30') the path to their destiny. The Kind Crone appears whenever
Armor Class: 8 children are lost, orphaned, or in mortal danger, punishing
those who wish harm on the children under her care.
Hit pts. (HD): 73 hp
(16 HD) The Old Mother appears as an old crone, bent with age, with
Attacks: Special a beak of a nose, a wart on her chin, and wrinkled skin. Many
Damage: Special would judge her a hag, a witch perhaps, or an old woman wan-
Save: C15 dering the wilds. But her eyes are sharp and she has a piercing
gaze. Anyone looking in her eyes stares into a deep well, full of
Morale: 9
ancient wisdom and knowledge of the ways of the world. She
Hoard Class: 10d10 carved ivory items worth 50 gp each carries a silver-birch staff, the silvery bark still on, with bone
XP: 5,000 charms and wooden figures tied to the tip with colored string.

Okla is the patron deity of dentists and ivory carvers every- If attacked, or in defence of the children she cares for, the Old
where. Dentists and carvers are well advised to beg a thought Mother has the power to defend herself and her wards. Any
from Okla before they go to work on a tooth. meeting her gaze (save vs. paralysis to avoid) finds themselves
lost in her deep dark eyes, effectively subject to a sleep spell un-
As petty gods go, Okla is not a particularly combative being, til the Old Mother turns away or line-of-sight is disrupted. She
however his pearly white body is very hard and resistant, shrug- can also curse her opponents, transforming them into children
ging off most blows with ease. Honestly, most adventurers (losing a third of their Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, all
should not even get into a situation where they are attacking class levels and abilities, and retaining only 1d6 hit points) for
the protector of their chompers. Should they do so, Okla will a year and a day; the victim is allowed a save vs. spell to avoid
be displeased. He attacks with one of two curses. the transformation. The Old Mother can curse one opponent
Curse of the Gap: Up to 4 creatures per round within 120'
per round, but never the same person twice. If pushed, she can
of Okla are must save vs. spell or they will be afflicted with de- belt people with her staff, dealing a pitiful 1d6 damage, but
bilitating tooth pain, which leaves them almost immobile with also teleporting the opponent out of harms way (up to a mile,
agony for 1d8 rounds. At the end of that time, all their teeth somewhere safe) on a failed save vs. wand.
will fall out and the pain will depart. The Old Mother will look kindly on those who protect or save
Curse of the Tusk: One creature per round within 120' of
children, granting them aid, giving her blessing that will help
Okla must save vs. spell or its teeth begin growing into a riot- in times of need. Against those who abandon children or cause
ous profusion of pearly whites. The teeth grow for 1d6 rounds, them harm, she will arrange something bad to happen, going
dealing 1d8 hp of damage each round. Each round there is a 1- so far as to enlist adventurers to track down and deal with such
in-6 chance of a tooth growing into the creatures brain, killing child abusers.
it. Creatures that do not have brains in their heads are immune The Old Mother is always accompanied by 2d6 lost children,
to this effect. Resurrection or raise dead is not possible until who she will give her life to protect.
the magic tooth is excavated from the brain.

13 0

Old Mother Reaction Table The Zinger: When the insult is uttered, it causes the oppo-
nent to lose any rational thoughts, drop any items or weapons
2 Friendly: Grants her blessing, as the spell, held, and move towards the insulting party yelling Ill wring
which is permanent but only comes into play your neck! This effect lasts for 1d4 rounds. No saving throw
when children are in danger.
is allowed. The insult can be uttered at the same time normal
3-5 Indifferent: Will seek to enlist their help in actions are performed during the round.
dealing with those who have harmed children,
or threaten their lives. Old Snicker Reaction Table
6-8 Neutral: Will ask for alms, be it gold, clothes, 2 Offers gift of The Zinger to follower.
or food, for her children.
3-5 Provides insult that causes target to
9-11 Unfriendly: Will turn her gaze on those who lose next action.
confront her, than walk away, children in tow.
6-8 Provides insult that causes victim to pause
12 Hostile: Will seek to transform her confronters (-2 on next initiative roll).
into children, then adds them to her followers,
guiding them to a better life. 9-11 Provides clever repartee to victim,
allowing them +2 to hit on next roll.
12 Offers gift of The Zinger to opponent instead!
Old Snicker
(petty god of insults)
& John Feldman (petty god of hypnagogia)
F Glen Hallstrom
Symbol: Closed fist with extended
& Gavin Norman
middle digit (or face with
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
tongue sticking out) Symbol: A gong floating above an open palm
Alignment: Chaotic Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 60' (20') Movement: 90' (30')
Armor Class: 9 Armor Class: 0 [+3]
Hit pts. (HD): 59 hp (13 HD) Hit pts. (HD): 110 hp (24 HD)
Attacks: Special Attacks: 1 (beater)
Damage: Special Damage: 1d10+4
Save: M18 Save: F20
Morale: 8 Morale: 10
Hoard Class: IX, XVII Hoard Class: XXI
XP: 9,000 XP: 11,000

Old Snicker, the God of Insults, appears as a balding, pot bel- Ollollde is the petty god of hypnagogia, the state of consciousness
lied, middle age man of unremarkable features, wearing a tab- between waking and sleeping. He appears as a huge, squatting,
bard of green with yellow diamonds. He has a twinkle in his grossly obese humanoid, with a long, sagging neck supporting
eye and always wears a wry smile. An aura of feeblemind (120' a three-eyed toad-like head. The gods central eye is open and
radius) emanates from him and any he deems are affected as emits a gently pulsing light, while his other two eyes are closed.
per the spell (lasting only while the target is within the 120'
range). Old Snicker will (5% chance) help out a follower in time
of need (see his reaction table below) by prompting the follower
to find the most biting insult to use against the opponent. Any
follower who is aided in this manner will owe Old Snicker pay-
back in the form of uttering an insult towards another person
at the most inopportune moment.
Old Snickers favorite spells to employ are; The Zinger (a spell
unique to Old Snicker; see below), ESP (finds secrets to exploit),
continual light (casts a spotlight on himself), confusion (any in-
sult he utters can act as this spell), irresistible laughter (same as
irresistible dance), polymorph others (often uses this to add to
his insult of the victim), and ventriloquism. He can also teleport
and dispel magic at will. Any missile or melee attack bounces
off Old Snicker back towards the opponent as an attack with
same roll. Old Snickers insults are harmless to any with the
wisdom to laugh at him instead (any subject with Wisdom of 16
or higher will have this immunity). Old Snicker does not bless
or curse and will not kill. He loves to see pompous figures feel
the sting of a well phrased insult... but he will not pass up the
opportunity to insult women and little children too!


In his left hand he holds a a brass gong, and in his right hand a ing those that are searching for his favor. Despite his massive
long, ornate wooden beater. His presence is usually attended by size and distinctive looks, he is often mistaken by those below
a hypnotic droning sound with no apparent source. for a cloud formation.
If enraged to combat, Ollollde fights with his gongs beater. In The legend of the great Ooboora is passed down through oral
addition to his physical attack, the gaze of the gods central eye tradition of the peaceful tribes native to the grasslands. The
can be used once per round against an individual, having the legend states that to find Ooboora one must first climb the
effect of a charm person spell. He may also forgo attacking green mountain and enter the ancient temple concealed within
for one round in order to strike his gong, which has one of the its bosom. One must then wait for the white tide on the day of
following effects, selected at random: the golden shade when Ooboora will pass into the realm. One
must then blow the horn carved into the temple tower to draw
1 earthquake Ooboora near.
2 time stop
3 sleep (as symbol of sleep) The elder tribesman still attribute bountiful harvests and the
4 stun (as symbol of stunning) outcomes of great wars to Oobooras influence. They say one
5 animate dead must only ask of Ooboora, and his will shall grant their greatest
6 summon 2d6 giant toads desire. It is the arduous quest to find him that deters all but the
7 death spell most stalwart seekers.
8 confusion If adventurers would seek to battle Ooboora they would be hard
Ollollde can only be harmed by magical weapons of +3 or great- pressed as his ability to transport himself (or the party!) to other
er enchantment, and is immune to all mind-affecting spells. planes on a whim makes any thoughts of fighting difficult. If
one were able to suppress his ability to shift away however, who
Ollollde Reaction Table knows what wonders and accolades one could attain.
2 Friendly: Sends 1d6 willing subjects Ooboora Reaction Table
into a hypnagogic trance wherein astral travel
and prophetic dreaming are possible. 2 Friendly: He will grant the wish of the
target and return him and his party to the base
3-5 Indifferent: Sends subjects into a of the mountain.
hypnagogic trance if properly propitiated.
3-5 Indifferent: He will float away and the
6-7 Neutral: The gods presence has the effect of wish of the target may be granted in 1d4 days.
either (1d6): 1-3=sleep, 4-6=stun for 1d4 rounds.
6-8 Neutral: He will float away and the wish
8-11 Unfriendly: Strikes his gong if not may be granted in 1d4 weeks.
properly propitiated.
9-11 Unfriendly: Transports the party to the base
12 Hostile: Immediately strikes his gong of the mountain with their wish ungranted.
then attacks.
12 Hostile: He summons a powerful tornado
Related Entries: M) Jeez Louise. centered on the target, which deals 1d4
per round to creatures in a 20' radius until the
target leaves the temple.
Ooboora (petty god of clouds)

& Andy Thompson

F Darcy Perry
Symbol: A golden bell or chimes
Alignment: Lawful
Movement: 60' (20') flying
Armor Class: 3 [+3]
Hit pts. (HD): 135 hp (25 HD)
Attacks: Special
Damage: Special
Save: M25
Morale: 10
Hoard Class: None
XP: 10,000

Ooboora is a placid god. He floats amongst the clouds in tem-

perate climates. Ooboora slumbers while he floats drifting with
the currents of the air. He is enigmatic and hermetic in his be-
haviors. Ooboora is the last in the line of Demucoux, a magical
tribe of air dwelling nomad spirits native to the Plane of Gras.
He is an ethereal creature appearing only sporadically in this
Plane; during his fits of slumber he drifts from plane to plane,
never in any danger due to his ability to pass unnoticed, except-


Ooom (petty god of blood, power, and strength) Ooom attacks with a trampling charge scattering his enemies
and attempting to knock them down (on a failed save vs.
titles: Ooom the One-eyed
breath). He then engages in melee combat grabbing his oppo-
& Damian Breen nents with his fists; if both fists hit he will lift up his victim and
F Jeremy Hart impale them on his horns before throwing them to the ground
and trampling them again. Ooom concentrates his attacks on
Symbol: Bloody bull horns with some scalp attached one person until they are dead or disabled before turning onto
Alignment: Chaotic a new victim.
Movement: 90' (30') or (60') when charging Due to the thickness of his hide, slashing and blunt weapons do
Armor Class: 3 (Oooms eye is AC 0) only half damage to Ooom.
Hit pts. (HD): 77 hp (12 HD) plus 12 hp (for Oooms eye)
Oooms eye is AC 0 and has 12 hp (in addition to his normal hit
Attacks: 1 trample, 2 fists, 1 impale
point total). Furthermore, his eye has the power of regenera-
Damage: 2d8, 1d6/1d6, 1d8 tion (1 hp/hour), allowing the one-eyed god to recover his sight
Save: F12 if his eye is damaged. If his eye takes 12 or more hit points of
Morale: 12 damage, Ooom will be effectively blinded, and will randomly
Hoard Class: XX5 lash out with his fists whilst attempting to retreat from the great
pit into the labyrinth of caves that is his prison.
XP: 3,333
Ooom uses his eye similarly to a magical ocular device. He
can throw his sight many miles from the temple, enabling him
to look across the lowlands in search of potential prey for his
worshippers to attack. He sends visions of what he sees to his
priests during the drumming rituals, albeit with the provisos
that his sight is somewhat blurred from the constant weeping
and that his visions are not always clear.

(petty god of finances, investments, and profits)
titles: Master of Profits

& Blair Fitzpatrick

F Adam Dickstein
Symbol: An abacus
by coins
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 2
Ooom the one-eyed is a cyclopean manotaur with the body Hit pts. (HD): 81 hp (18 HD)
and four legs of an engorged bull, a humanoid upper torso and Attacks: 1 (rod or whip)
arms, and a bull-like head with but a single weeping eye.
Damage: 3d6 or
Ooom is worshipped as a god of blood, power, and strength, charm person
who crushes the weak underneath his mighty hooves before Save: M18
feasting on their fleshtraits the hill tribes seek to emulate Morale: 10
when raiding. The tribes recognize the strength of predatory Hoard Class: XV, XVI
beasts, and their warriors always wear a helmet of an animal
XP: 3,250
head paired with a trailing cloak of fur; the warrior must have
personally killed the beast in question. Rituals of Ooom consist Ophurton, the Master of Profits, is the petty god of finances
of monolithic chanting, Ooom, Ooom, Ooom, accompa- and investments. He appears as a six-armed middle aged man
nied by ponderous drumming on large hide drums as well as clad in the finery affected by the utmost tiers of the mercantile
other percussive noise (sticks or rocks being bashed together, classes. In his arms he carries an abacus, a ledger, a pen, a
the striking of swords onto shields, etc.). whip, and a gold-headed cane. All persons struck by his whip
Ooom is kept captive in the Pit of Ooom beneath the ruined must save vs. spell or be affected by a charm person. Ophurton
temple of Orbek-Tor, where he is worshiped by the hill tribes can transform 100 gallons of water into fine scotch once per
of the Fanged Hills. They raid the lowlands and bring living day. Three times per day, Ophurton may attempt to curse any
captives to Ooom who are placed in the pit for Ooom to feed being within 100' with the curse of misfinance. Those that fail
upon whilst the hill-folk watch. Ooom bellows and roars at all a saving throw vs. spell at 4 will, over the course of the next
times, and due to his massive bulk he moves slowly and stiffly. month, find that all of their expenses have increased threefold;
When he charges, the ground shakes and sounds of thunder fill additionally, they will lose 1d12% of their money and assets per
his victims ears. day. Ophurton can also teleport without error once per day.

13 3

Ophurton Reaction Table OtdaBtatle (petty toad-demon-god of battle)

2 Friendly: Provides financial advice that & Blair Fitzpatrick
allows a 6d% percent return on all investments
over the next month. F Christian Kessler
3-5 Indifferent: Disappears. Symbol: A grinning toads face with
6-8 Neutral: Ignores creatures nearby. the horns of a ram
9-11 Unfriendly: Curses one being with the Alignment: Chaotic
curse of misfinance and then leaves. Movement: 120' (40')
12 Hostile: Attacks. Swim: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 2 [+1]
Hit pts. (HD): 128 hp (16 HD)
Ormix Prol
(petty god of obscure words) Attacks: 2 kicks/punches or ram
Damage: 3d6/3d6 or 4d6
& Malcolm Bowers Save: F16
F Matthew Adams Morale: 11
Symbol: A weighty Hoard Class: XIV, XVI
codex XP: 5,100
Alignment: Lawful
OtdaBtatle (rumored to be a Hezrou demon who became
Movement: 90' (30') mighty through constant, gruelling combat) is the petty toad-
Armor Class: 4 demon-god of battle, worshipped by berserk and martially
Hit pts. (HD): 90 hp (18 HD) minded batrachian beings such as the Ranine, Batrachians,
Attacks: 1 and Tsathar. It stands 8' tall, bears a pair of ram-like horns
Damage: 2d4 + special on its head, and wears a harness, armbands, and kneepads of
spiked black leather. Its mottled green-and-tan skin is covered
Save: M18
with lurid pustules, buboes, sores, and rashes.
Morale: 11
Hoard Class: VIII d8 OtdaBtatle is a demon, is only damaged by magical weaponry,
XP: 4,200 and takes half damage from cold, electricity, fire, and gas. It
can, at will, teleport without error, cause darkness 15' radius,
Ormix Prol is the petty god of obscure words and ink-horn gate in a type II demon with a 90% chance of success, cause
terms. He appears as a rangy, strong-looking fellow with a neat fear (as a wand), levitate (as a 16th level magic-user), detect
moustache and piercing eyes. He wears navy robes with a red invisible objects, and use telekinesis (600 lbs. of weight).
rope belt, to which is tied a large, heavy, brass-bound book. He
OtdaBtatle prefers to punch and kick opponents, but can ram
can strike foes up to 30' away with this Chermadic Codex (the
opponents (if it has 40' to charge at them) with a +4 to hit
rope magically stretches then retracts). Those struck must save
bonus; if it strikes, the target must make an Open Door roll
vs. paralysis or be knocked out for 1d4 turns; those who save
or be flung 10'-60' backwards. If they strike an obstacle, they
successfully are simply stunned for 1d6 rounds.
will take 1d6 points of damage for every 10' of trajectory re-
He wanders the Material Plane asking mortals the meaning maining. Those struck by OtdaBtatle must save vs. poison or
of rare words (one obscure word per person.) He may reward contract a disgusting skin ailment that covers the victim in livid
or castigate those asked depending on the answers. If he is acne and rashes, and reduces their Charisma by 1-4 points,
friendly and is told of a real word not in his lexicon (2% chance), until the ailment is cured.
he grants the teller a point of Intelligence on the spot.
OtdaBtatle Reaction Table
Ormix Prol is invoked by orators, writers, and those naming
new spellsfor who amongst truly superior telesiurges would 2 OtdaBtatle looms, glares, and croaks balefully
not prefer, say, Rhazarans orbicular incendiation to the ple- for 1-6 rounds. If an offering is provided it will be
beian fireball? open to further negotiations as 3-5 below.
3-5 OtdaBtatle demands an offering of one
Ormix Prol Reaction Table
sentient being to devour. If this offer is declined,
Adjust by up to 3 depending on party vocabulary. it attacks. If the offering pleases OtdaBtatle,
it may be amenable to bargaining to perform a
2 Friendly: Rewards success with a scroll service, ones involving slaughter preferred,
(2 spells or a ward). in exchange for more victims.
3-5 Fair: Rewards success with a scroll of 1 spell. 6-8 OtdaBtatle attacks and devours one being
6-8 Neutral: Advises party to improve before teleporting away.
their vocabularies. 9-11 OtdaBtatale attacks.
9-11 Unfriendly: Berates party as fribbles, frippets, 12 OtdaBtatle goes into a berserk frenzy
fonkins, and foppotees. and attacks, gaining +2 on all attack and
12 Hostile: Renders the party unable to speak damage rolls, and its morale becomes 12.
for 1d6 days (no save). OtdaBtatle will always aid chaotic or evil
frog or toad beings in battle.

13 4

Otto Otto Cheese Table

(petty god of cheese) 1 Hard cheese: 1d6 damage plus bad luck;
save vs. poison or suffer 2 on saves for 1 hour.
& Malcolm Bowers 2 Big cheese: 2d12 damage plus save vs.
F Jennell Jaquays poison or be knocked unconscious for 1 hour.
Symbol: A blue parrot 3 Soft cheese: Treacherous underfoot;
Alignment: Neutral slip and fall (no save).
Movement: 180' (60') 4 Say cheese: Grin idiotically; take no actions
(no saving throw).
Armor Class: 4
5 Ripe cheese: As troglodyte stench; save vs.
Hit pts. (HD): 80 hp (16 HD)
poison or suffer 2 on attack rolls for 1 hour.
Attacks: 1 (kick or hurl cheese)
6 Gorgonzola: Save vs. poison or
Damage: 1d4+1d6 or special pass out from smell for duration of 1 hour.
Save: F16
Otto Reaction Table
Morale: 9
Hoard Class: XIII, VII 2 Reasonable: Will hold forth, and
converse equably.
XP: 4,200
3-5 Indifferent: Dismissive or uncomprehending.
Blessed are the cheesemakers... by the petty god of cheese, 6-8 Argumentative: Legalistic or contentious.
Otto. He appears as a tall, thin, gangly man in trews, jacket, 9-11 Angry and uptight: Will attack if
and hat who walks with an impossibly angular gait punctuated further provoked.
by strange kicks and hops. He is willing to discourse at length
12 Incoherent rage: Too angry to do anything
in refined and authoritative accents on the many varieties of
unless attacked.
cheese and their preparation and qualities.
He can create any cheese, one round per round, and give them Ouk (petty god of missing limbs)
to those who please him, or hurl them at those who offend titles: Ouk of the Stump;
him. Saves vs. poison apply against special effects (duration 1
Lord of the Stricken
hour), which are as follows for typical cheeses hurled at an of-
fender. Saves do not prevent damage. & Dan Cassar
F Tony Mullins
Symbol: A body
with stumps
for limbs
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: Infinite
Armor Class: 9
Hit pts. (HD): 69 hp
(17 HD)
Attacks: None
Damage: None
Save: F17
Morale: 10
Hoard Class: None
XP: 3,250

Sometimes called the Lord of the Stricken, Ouk of the Stump

is the patron of all men who are less than whole. He appears
as a round man who has short nubs for his four limbs, with a
wide, expressionless face. Ouk has no clerics, only adherents
who follow his crazed doctrine of mute hatred.
It is said that individuals who pray to Ouk while having a limb
amputated are sometimes (1-in-6) mentally transported to a place
where they feel no pain. During this time it is said that Ouk will
appear to the supplicant and ask if they have been wronged.
If a character attracts Ouks attention in this way and answers
yes, Ouk will watch over that individual: roll d%; if the suppli-
cant then inflicts wounds similar to his own a number of times
equal to the number rolled, it is said that the god might (50%)
restore the missing limb(s) to the faithful.

13 5

Pafflur Pkkaan Paleonumis Palester Olhm Panathoth
Pandantilus Patchwork God, the Patisseria Pelchako Perichronaos
Pherosathoola Philespurio Pilikke Polly Pollycockle Possimium

Pafflur Pkkaan
(petty god of dreams and premonitions) (guardian of the Northern Wilderness*)

& Stefan Poag & Alan Brodie

F Stefan Poag F Eleanor Ferron
Symbol: A small Symbol: Aurora borealis
figure Alignment: Neutral
Alignment: Lawful Movement: 150' (50')
Movement: 120' (40') Armor Class: 1
Armor Class: 5 Hit pts. (HD): 88 hp
Hit pts. (HD): 32 hp (6 HD) (16 HD)
Attacks: 1 (touch) Attacks: 2 (tusks)
Damage: Stun (4d6 rds.) or 1 (trample)
Save: M6 Damage: 3d6/3d6
Morale: 6 or 4d10
Hoard Class: None
Save: F16
XP: 950 Morale: 10
Hoard Class: None
Pafflur is a minor god of very small power. His only link to XP: 4,200
the Prime Material Plane are a series of small statues made
of stone, clay, ivory, or wood, usually small enough to fit in a Legends tell of a spirit in the form of a great beast that treads
pocket or pouch. These sculptures portray a squat, fat deity the perma-frosted wastes of the north. This is Pkkaan. Petty
sitting with his short legs and bare feet in front of him and his god, unique monster, genius locino one knows with certain-
short arms clasped at his sides. There is a smile on his elf-like ty his true nature, nor his origin. Sages have speculated that
face and a single tuft of hair at the top of his slightly pointed Pkkaan was the steed and companion of a mighty, now lost
head. If the statue is held or touched by a mortal, Pafflur will (dead?) boreal deity. Pkkaan is not telling.
(25% likely) appear in a dream the next time the mortal sleeps
while within 10 feet of the statue. Pafflur will introduce himself Facts are few, but certain traits are commonly ascribed to this
and request the occasional small offering (flowers, fruit, sweets enigmatic being. Pkkaan appears as a huge woolly mam-
or food are favorites). In exchange, he will occasionally (1 per moth, fully eighteen feet high at the shoulder, with a pelt of
week), grant a small boon (usually in the form of a +1 on a sin- purest snowy white, eyes like smouldering embers, and twelve-
gle roll). He will also on rare occasions (25%) give an obscure foot-long curved tusks graven with magical signs and sigils.
hint or warning against danger in the form of a dream during Amongst other things, these runes prevent Pkkaan from be-
deep sleep. If a worshipper is heading into dangerous territory, ing injured by any non-magical weapon. He is also immune to
for example, Pafflur might send frightening dreams the night cold-based attacks.
before. Unfortunately, this minor gods powers are so weak In melee, Pkkaan strikes with his tusks (if he charges, a suc-
that vague warning dreams and the occasional boon are pretty cessful hit inflicts double damage in the first round of combat)
much the extent of his powers. If the statue is stolen, lost or or by trampling man-sized or smaller opponents (+4 to hit).
destroyed, all contact with Pafflur is lost. Furthermore, up to three times per day, Pkkaan may use his
Pafflur is an extraordinarily minor deity and does not have a breath weapon: a cone of cold 60' long and 30' wide at its far
priesthood, temples, etc. His statues are occasionally found in end, delivered from his flexible trunk. Any creature caught in
ruins, as a part of ancient treasures, etc. Pafflur is a jealous de- its path sustains 8d6 hit points of damage (save vs. breath for
ity; if a worshipper devotes himself to another deity in addition half damage).
to Pafflur, he is likely to inflict a 1 on any roll instead of a +1 Pkkaan acts as a guardian of the northern tundra and pre-
when favor is requested. server of the wilderness. He opposes the depredations and evil
Pafflur Reaction Table schemes of frost giants, white dragons, and their chaotic ilk,
but is likewise hostile to civilized exploitation of his domain
2 Friendly: Grants +1 (per above) to PC. (such as mining or large-scale hunting).
3-5 Indifferent: Grants +1 (per above) to PC, If Pkkaan has any worshippers, they are found in small groups
if properly propitiated.
among the indigenous self-sufficient tribes of the Arctic. It is
6-8 Neutral: Awaits partys action. claimed that Pkkaan grants clerical spellcasting abilities to cer-
9-11 Unfriendly: Curses a PC with a 1 (per above), tain favored shamans. He never speaks (perhaps he cannot),
unless propitiated. but may communicate in dreams and visions.
12 Hostile: Curses all party members with 1
(per above), and departs immediately.

13 6

Pkkaan Reaction Table Palester Olhm

Modified by Wisdom, instead of Charisma. (petty god of death by a thousand cuts)
2 Friendly: May protect characters or
guide them if they are lost.
& Andrew Crenshaw
F Andrew Crenshaw
3-4 Indifferent: Uninterested in characters.
Symbol: Leather circle
5-9 Neutral: Ignores characters unless they sliced through
pose a threat to the wilderness.
Alignment: Neutral
10-11 Unfriendly: Attempts to frighten
Movement: 120' (40')
characters away.
Armor Class: 9
12 Hostile: Its tramplin time!
Hit pts. (HD): 49 hp
(12 HD)
Paleonumis Attacks: Special
(petty god of retired currencies) Damage: Special
titles: The Lost Coin Save: T12
Morale: 8
& Ian McDougall Hoard Class: XVII
F Glen Hallstrom XP: 6,200
Symbol: A golden coin,
worn smooth Palester Olhm is the petty god of death by a thousand cuts.
Alignment: Lawful He appears as a human traveler dressed in common, ill-fitting
clothes, and carrying a backpack with a bedroll as he grimly
Movement: 150' (50') wanders the world. His hair is unkempt and his scarred face is
Armor Class: 2 unshaven. Plagued with nightmares, his eyes are rheumy and
Hit pts. (HD): 27 hp (6 HD) bloodshot, and his gaze drifts in and out of focus. He cannot
Attacks: 1 (touch) be summoned.
Damage: 1d8 plus special As a permanent effect, Palester Olhm inflicts 1 pt of damage
Save: F6 each round to all other living things within 100' (no to hit
Morale: 12 roll required; no saving throw allowed); the damage is caused
Hoard Class: XVIII by small, deep cuts that painfully break the skin, bleeding and
XP: 1,070 weeping. His presence is characterized by a quiet absence of
animal and insect life, and he leaves a wake of vegetation sliced
Each time coin changes hands, a little power goes with it. to pieces. At will, he may concentrate his damage-causing
When coins fall out of circulation, that accumulated power goes power at a single target, horribly shredding the recipient and
to Paleonumis, the Lost Coin. Paleonumis wants only to be causing 10d4 points of damage (no to hit roll required; no
circulated, to feel that subtle worship once again. Whenever saving throw allowed). This deactivates his permanent damage-
a coin that is no longer the legal tender of the land is spent, causing power for 1d4 rounds.
this pleases Paleonumis. However, Paleonumis dislikes money-
He takes only 1 point of damage from anything that causes
changers and dragons, and melting down or defacing coins
damage. Non-damaging magical effects cast by others are ig-
gives it great offense.
nored (spells and magic items activated by Palester Olhm affect
Paleonumis can appear with the face on any old coin, which him normally). He can also bestow the same immunity on oth-
may cause confusion when it appears to be a recently deceased ers for a limited duration (3d4 rounds).
monarch or more powerful god (although it never imperson-
Palester Olhm is resigned to his fate and is long past trying to
ates one intentionally). Its clothes however are always tattered,
rectify the pain and death his presence causes, but generally
and if it has jewels or a crown, these things will be made of
avoids settled areas. He wears boots of levitation that have
copper, with gems of garnet.
saved him more than once from bow-wielding mobs intent on
When Paleonumis attacks, it hits the wallet. If Paleonumis hits ridding his pestilence from the world.
someone carrying an excess of wealth, in addition to normal
Palester Olhm Reaction Table
damage, 1d100 of the victims coins (starting with the most val-
uable) will disappear from his or her possession and reappear Roll 1d6 (instead of 2d6).
throughout the land: in a beggars cup, under a childs pillow,
in a merchants till, etc. If a person would lose more coins than 1 Cogent/possibly helpful
he or she is carrying, he or she instead loses none. 2 Grim
3 Unfocused/unresponsive
In order to successfully hit Paleonumis, the assailant must roll
greater than the number of coins he or she is carrying on 1d100, 4 Paranoid
or miss. 5 Irritated
6 Aggressive


Panathoth With the sacred library destroyed, and her existence long forgot-
ten, the powers of Panathoth are greatly reduced. However she
(forgotten petty goddess of the Circulating Library*)
still commands the golden books in her possession and can, in
AFFILIATIONS: The Dead Godlets of Suto Lore
times of emergency, enlist their aid in battle. When in danger,
& Gavin Norman Panathoth can cause the books to float and whirl around the
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. chariot, or around her person, in a protective field of 10' radius.
When the field is active she has an Armor Class of 4 against
Symbol: A tongue of fire missile attacks and a +4 bonus to saving throws against exter-
Alignment: Lawful nal forces. Anyone attempting to pass through the shield must
make save vs. spell or suffer 4d6 damage and be propelled 100-
Movement: 120' (40')
600 yards in a random direction.
Armor Class: 3 (-4)
Hit pts. (HD): 45 hp (8 HD) Aside from the protective aid of the whirling books, Panathoth has
Attacks: 2 no divine powers or weapons, and attacks with her bare hands.
Damage: 3d4/3d4 Chariot of Panathoth: The chariot of Panathoth can travel
Save: M17 at miraculous speed, especially through the Astral Plane. Only
Morale: 12 those with magical means of transportation stand any chance
Hoard Class: Chariot and
of being able to pursue the godlet.
golden books of truth see below Ammon Thrax Reaction Table
XP: 1,060 2 Friendly: Offers aid in the form of astral
transportation or knowledge from her books.
There was a time when every word which was spoken by sen-
tient beings throughout the multiverse was fastidiously recorded 3-5 Indifferent: Speaks in the formal tones of
in an endless collection of tiny golden books which were kept in a librarian. May be persuaded to lend books.
the imperial library of Had-Phanon, the 5th-dimensional hyper- 6-8 Neutral: Circles characters in her chariot,
pyramid of wisdom. The books could be looked up in the great inspecting them.
marble index by topic (in one of several flat infinities of cat- 9-11 Unfriendly: Raises the protective shield of
egorisation) or by the name, planetary origin, or epoch of the books and departs.
speaker. The gods made the contents of the library accessible
12 Hostile: Raises the protective shield of books
in full to any visitors to the sacred pyramida gesture of great
and charges the chariot at those present.
generosity, but one which was in time realised to be of very
little practicality, due to the general unavailability of advanced Related Entries: G) Ammon Thrax, Dead Godlets of Suto
planar travel. Lore, Numathoth.
It was thus decided that, as a service to kings, sages, prophets
and clergy on all known planes of existence, the books of the
library would be made available on lesser worlds by a process Pandantilus
of written order. A circulating library, carrying the requested (petty god of gong farmers
books to their destination and retrieving them after the agreed and muck rakers)
timespan, was instituted, under the precise eye of the godlet Titles: Lord of the Privy
Panathothwho was crowned queen of the circulating library.
Given time enough to send an order to the sacred library, and
& Erik Tenkar
to receive the desired transcripts, the veracity of any statement
F Jim Magnusson
could be substantiated. These were times of justice and careful Symbol: A wooden
wording. crescent moon
Alignment: Neutral
As is the way of things, the glorious days of knowledge and
truth were crushed under wheels of war and entropy. Had- Movement: 120' (40')
Phanon was annihilated, along with its library, and the godlet Armor Class: 0
Panathoth was lost. Aeons have now passed, and the existence Hit pts. (HD): 122 hp (22 HD)
of the golden library has receded to obscure legend, known only Attacks: Special
to the most learned of sages. Damage: Special
However, by a twist of fate, not all of the golden books were Save: M22
destroyed. At the time of the destruction of Had-Phanon the cir- Morale: 8
culating library was in transit after making a collection of books Hoard Class: Poop, incidental treasure
from the planet Trill, and became stranded in the Astral Plane. (random coins, rings, and such)
To this day Panathoth drifts unconscious in the golden chariot XP: 12,000
of the circulating library, bearing with her the last extant golden
books of truth, which number in several hundred thousands. If Pandantilus, Lord of the Privy and patron of gong farmers and
encountered, she may awaken. muck rakers, is worshipped by nearly all, even if most of this
worship is unintentional. Pandantilus sees the mere act of using
Panathoth herself takes the permanent guise of a young, stern
a privy as worship by the user, and any words or sounds that
woman dressed in Egyptian garb. Her eyes are a hypnotic pink.
pass in the privy are prayers that reach his ears.

13 8

When walking the lands, he appears as a gong farmer, complete this being that it can batter down even the toughest structures,
with rake and burlap sack. His appearance is nondescript, but inflicting 2 structural hit points per round with its mighty fists.
his odor is noticeable and hangs about him with effects similar Furthermore, it can cast each of the following spells once per
to that of a stinking cloud (to a radius of 30'). day as if it was a 12th level magic-user: lightning bolt, stone
shape, transmute rock to mud.
Pandantilus is not a combatant, and would sooner leave an
area than lower himself to actively engage opponents. He can Although it has no great purpose, the Patchwork God is fas-
use any sewer, privy, muck pit, or the like to travel, much like a cinated by other created entities such as golems and animated
druids pass plant spell, but the range is in miles, not feet. statues, and rumor has it that the God-Golems touch may
awaken such beings to true sapience.
Gong farmers and muck rakers offer prayers to Panadatilus in
the hopes of finding some small valuables while shoveling waste
material. Privy users say prayers in the hopes of peacefully
passing waste material.

Patchwork God
(petty god of golems
and constructs)
Titles: The God-Golem

& Colin Chapman

F Zach Jaquays
Symbol: None
Alignment: Varies
Movement: 90' (30')
Armor Class: 1 [+3]
Hit pts. (HD): 132 hp Patisseria (petty goddess of pastries and desserts)
(24 HD) Titles: Patisseria the Sweet
Attacks: 2 (fists)
Damage: 5d4/5d4 & Jodi Mishler
Save: 5d4/5d4
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Morale: 12 Symbol: A golden whisk
Hoard Class: None Alignment: Neutral
XP: 12,000 Movement: 90' (30')
Armor Class: 3 [+1]
Newly awakened, the Patchwork God is a construct, the work of
Hit pts. (HD): 40 hp (8 HD)
deific hands, a golem of godly power. The so-called God-Golem
knows not who created it and has not yet divined its purpose Attacks: Special
in existence beyond the burning desire in its lucid moments to Damage: Special
locate its maker. Save: F24
A colossal golem some 20' in height, its hideous torso and half Morale: 12
of its face are crafted from the corpses of several dead gods Hoard Class: None
stitched together with fine adamantine wire. Its right arm and XP: 3,600
left leg are wrought of polished mithril inscribed with delicate
runes; its left arm, heart, and eyes of polished white marble; its Patisseria is the patron goddess of desserts, particularly pas-
right leg and half of its face are of crudely-shaped clay. tries, as well as pastry chefs and pastry shops. She is also a
patroness of chefs in general and the oven, protecting against
The clashing echoes of the deific spirits within its flesh render burns, overcooked foods, and spills. Together with her sisters
the Patchwork God a being in fluxits intellect, mood, and Ciccettia (Patroness of Appetizers and Snacks) and Quisinnia
alignment forever changing. Every 1d6 turns, randomly deter- (Patroness of the Main Course, Meats, and Stews) the three are
mine each of the following: the Queens of the Kitchen. She is rarely called upon by adven-
turers, but all chefs and serious tavern cooks have a small shrine
Alignment Intellect Mood
to her and her sisters in their kitchen. Her icon takes the form
(Roll 1d6) (Roll 1d10) (Roll 1d4)
of a doll made of dry wheat husks; such bakeries and kitchens
1-2 Chaotic 1-2 Drooling idiot (INT:3) 1 Angry often have other dcor made from dried wheat husks painted
3-4 Neutral 3-5 Human-like (INT:11) 2 Calm with fruits and sweets.
5-6 Lawful 6-8 Genius (INT:18) 3 Cheerful
9-10 Super-genius (INT:22) 4 Morose She appears as a lovely young human or halfling woman
dressed in brown with a white apron and a crown of cherries,
The God-Golem can only be harmed by magical weapons of apricots, and strawberries. She carries a golden whisk in one
at least +3 puissance, spells being ineffective against it except hand and sometimes a mixing bowl, sheaf of wheat, bottle of
for cold-based spells which slow it for 1d4 rounds. So strong is brandy, bar of chocolate, or bag of sugar in the other. Patisseria


is not fond of combat. If forced to engage, she can attack with Pelchako (petty god of tricks and revenge)
her golden whisk, which attacks with a magical +3 to hit,
Titles: Even Steven
and deals 1d12+3 points of damage; the target must also save
vs. spell or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. She prefers to flee if & Studio Arkhein
attacked, but not before cursing her attacker. She may curse F Gus L.
at will, once per round.
Symbol: A leveled
Her curse takes the form of a magical disease similar to celiac balance
disease, whereby the accursed not only does not gain any nutri-
Alignment: Chaotic
tion from anything with gluten (wheat, barley, rye, and the like),
but also suffers extreme agony any time such is consumed. The Movement: 120' (40')
curse also turns sugar and other sweets into a lethal poison for Armor Class: 4
the accursed (if such is consumed, even a little, the accursed Hit pts. (HD): 65 hp (12 HD)
must save vs. poison or die). Attacks: 1 (staff of
If attacked, she can also cause any cooking pots, pans, sheets,
knives, and so forth to animate and attack and defend her. These Damage: 1d6+1 + special
all attack as 1 to 3 HD creatures (depending on size and materi- Save: T12
al), with an AC ranging from 6 to 3 (wood to metal), and dealing Morale: 10
1d6 points of damage per hit. Some might have special abilities Hoard Class: XV
(e.g., a pot filled with boiling water, or a pastry bag that squirts XP: 3,600
blinding cream). She casts spells as an 8th level magic-user and
a 16th level cleric. She is immune to non-magical weapons. Pelchako is the god of tricks and revenge. He fits neatly into
most pantheons... over on the edge where people dont notice
If called upon and she responds favorably, she is willing to trade
him much. He is ever watchful, and loves to even the score,
a marvelous recipe for any three recipes the caller knows, or
bringing retribution to gods both low and high. Despite his
even for one if it is a fine original recipe. She can be convinced
good work ethic, Pelchako is never invited to parties.
to bake a marvelous cake, pile of pastries, or a magnificent table
groaning under the weight of sweets worthy of the gods if the There are no temples to Pelchako, no cathedrals, not even a
bargainer offers to build a new, fine kitchen dedicated to her nunnery. The common man does not worship himbut he
and her sisters. She is offended by those who waste food, spoil does have priests and priestesses. Pelchako-ites look, for all in-
banquets, and give false reviews. tents and purposes, like crazy bums that wear lots of beads and
Patisseria the Sweet Reaction Table bones, pierce themselves in strange places, and cover them-
selves in swirling tattoos.
Roll 1d6 (instead of 2d6).
People in need of revenge or retribution donate items of value
1 Super Sweet: Shes having an extraordinarily
to the Pelchako-ites. These holy men and women then go off
good day today, so she is extra-willing to listen
to petitioners and their requests. If her reaction and shame, harass, rob, or beat up the wrong-doers. Some-
is especially good, she will give the petitioner times they perform these holy rites in private, but most of the
1d4 pieces of her immortal baklava, each of time, they choose good public places packed with spectators.
which acts as a potion of healing. Killing in retribution is very uncommon, but it has been known
to happen.
2 Busy: This better be good! Were fixing a
12-course banquet for Odin today, and you just These revenge activities rarely result in any legal entanglements
called me as I put my souffl in the oven! for the priests of Pelchako, as they are performing their holy
3 Helpful: Shes in a good mood, and is happy to duty. However, if a Pelchako-ite must go into lands where
help with minimal or no sacrifice if the caller is their god is unknown, or places that are dominated by stuffy
kind and generous with the brandy. worshipers of grumpy gods of law, they can get into trouble.
4. Tipsy: Shes been sampling the brandy again, Some towns will immediately kick out a Pelchako-ite on sight.
and the cooking sherry is all gone; whether the Other, even more grumpy, peoples have been known to nail
caller can make good use of this fact or cause Pelchako-ites to pieces of wood on the side of the road.
himself more grief is up to how things develop.
She has a nearly-empty bottle of divine brandy In extremely rare cases, bands of Pelchako-ites have been gath-
with 1d4 swigs left, each of which acts as a ered up bygovernmentsand paid to seek retribution against
potion of heroism. other governments. A platoon of Pelchako priests coming at
you during your morning constitutional is the last thing you
5 Angry: Argh! I cant believe Loki snuck into want to see. Woe be it to anyone who falsely hires a priest for
the kitchen and ate all the honey cakes I made
retribution, though. Pelchako knows all. Well, maybe not all.
for a party of 300! What am I going to do!
But he knows the juicy bits.
Leonidas is not going to be happy. You yes,
you! I need help at my oven. Youre coming Pelchako is a master of all weapons, from the most common to
with me (Poof!) the most obscure, but carries a staff of reciprocity. Any crea-
6 Greedy: Feeling unappreciated, she is ture struck by this +1 staff must save vs. spell or immediately
interested today only in keeping her goodies for be tasked (per geas/quest) with righting the most recent wrong
herself. She also wants any sweets and pastries theyve done. If struck more than once, each successive strike
she finds along the way, and propitiators better will task the victim with righting the next-most-recent wrong
have a pile of cupcakes waiting or else! after righting the one previously tasked to them.

14 0

Perichronaos (godlink of the age outer past) perhaps sense kins anywhen beyond, epicessors many genera-
tions axially removed. Worship is often persecuted as an infec-
Titles: The Whenspring
tious madness, perhaps in fear at the feeling of which a honed
& Porky perichronaian is capable.
F Nate McD Perichronaos Pirself may inoft-times be found within a tidal
Symbol: A five-veined leaf over a cavern complex beneath a forest of old, playing the vanish-
spiralling figure-of-seven ing tips of root lines and tending deep-bedded rockforms, tou-
sling realiodermal trickles at the fringes. The chambers bloom
Alignment: Neutral
achaotically with ethereal aerial jellies, transdimensional bran-
Movement: HD30' (HD10') ers attendant upon Pir in accordance with some ancient pact,
Armor Class: See Reaction Table; must be found remaking reality along their nontracks. The chants of discover-
(as if secret door) before each action ers echo out beyond the rhythmic dripping: Pir Wells Bear
Hit pts. (HD): See Reaction Table Herewhile.
Attacks: 1d3+4
Reaction Table for Perichronaos
Damage: Special - save vs. reduction in age
by 2d6 years (unbirth at 0 years) Roll 3d6 (instead of 2d6), modified by Wisdom.
Save: M (by HD) 3 WILL BE: AC -7; 35 hp (7 HD); Morale 7; 1d6 bran-
Morale: See Reaction Table ers; local reality fails (save twice vs. uncreation)
Hoard Class: Specialbraner nontrack fragments, 4-5 SHALL BE: AC -6; 70 hp (14 HD); Morale 8; 2d6
fibres of maybeing, sense braners; the region collapses (save vs. pulverisation)
XP: 35,000 6-8 MAY BE: AC -5; 105 hp (21 HD); Morale 9;
3d6 braners; 2d6 major forestbed sections fall
Perichronaos, the Whenspring, is the godlink of the age outer 9-12 IS: AC -4; 140 hp (28 HD); Morale 10; 4d6
past. Pe is said to have passed inwards-ever-iswards through braners; haze, silence and a vague senselessness
the engirdling parallochronial chambers and tangential tempo-
13-15 MIGHT HAVE BEEN: AC -3; 175 hp (35 HD);
ral pools, a champion here and now for the spirit of the era
Morale 11; 5d6 braners; empotency (save vs. rise
further once; Pir one doubt is the paradox of success.
in all ability scores by 1d6)
The godlink gathers Pir followers with dreams grown out across 16-17 SHOULD HAVE BEEN: AC -2; 210 hp (42 HD);
the skins of the world. Those so blessed begin a gyrating fecund Morale 12; 6d6 braners; protheisis
dance within the motions of their daily lives. They grow the cult (save vs. immediate transdeification)
through impassioned copulation, at first with the other faithful 18 WOULD HAVE BEEN: AC -1; 245 hp (49 HD);
directly, later with structures ever more loosely connected in Morale 13; 7d6 braners; exochronosis (save vs.
time or space. Deeper initiation sees believers seek to shape al- passage somewhen beyond)
ternate histories, turning tides out to irrigate unexpected fields
of possibility. Adepts seek to bond with fundamental forms and Related Entries: M) Braner.


Pherosathoola (petty goddess of sexual fear) cleric of 12th level or higher. She herself can dispel this effect
at will.
& Matthew W. Schmeer Pherosathoola has several attacks. She can crush a victim with
F Studio Arkhein her powerful, constrictor-like coils (1d10) she can can claw with
Symbol: Vagina dentate encircled by a snake her razor-sharp iron nails (2d6/2d6), and 1 snake in her hair
Alignment: Neutral can bite (2d4+special). Each venomous snake on her head has
different damage and effects; see the table below (save vs. poi-
Movement: 120' (40')
son or suffer effect).
Armor Class: 0
Hit pts. (HD): 56 hp (10 HD) Snake Bite Effects
Attacks: 1 crush/2 claw/ 1. Carcass scavenger poison: Paralyzed for 2d4 turns.
2. Giant centipede poison: Become overwhelmingly
Damage: 1d10/2d62 /
sick and move at half normal movement for 10 days.
2d4 + special
Save: F10 3. Sea dragon poison: Instant death.
Morale: 10
4. Dart frog poison: Fall into death-like coma;
Hoard Class: None on self; 1-in-6 chance fellow adventurers believe PC is dead
XX in nest and proceed with funeral rites.
XP: 3,100
5. Subterranean locust poison:
Pherosathoola has the torso and upper limbs of a beautiful hu- Become incapacitated for 1 turn.
man female, while her trunk is that of a large white snake.
She is approximately 20'-long from head to tail. Her head is a 6. Lust potion: Immediately attempt to engage
tangled, writhing mass of 12 venomous red snakes. Each snake in sexual intercourse with Pherosathoola.
imparts a distinct poisonous effect. 7. Acid: Suffer 1d8 acid damage.
Pherosathoola was originally a rusalka who practiced daily 8. Spitting cobra poison: Blinded until cure blindness
devotions to the Great Goddess in an attempt to ascend to spell administered by caster of victims level or higher.
immortality. She accidentally swallowed the fertilized eggs of
a golden goose and gained a millenniums worth of mild magi- 9. Love potion: Become enamored with random party
cal powers, including the ability to assume human form, but as member and attempt to woo him/her; effects only
she was tied to her pond, she could not wander. dispelled after sexual congress with that heartthrob.
One year she lusted after a young shepherd who stopped to 10. Fear potion: Run away hysterically screaming
quench himself from the waters of her pond every day. Her as if turned undead for 1d12 turns.
longing grew so great that she rose from the waters in her
human form and seduced the young man. Unbeknownst to 11. Giant spider poison: Suffer uncontrollable spasms
Pherosathoola, this shepherd was favored by Curdle, the petty for 5 turns, then suffer paralysis until blessed by a
goddess of blind milkmaids, as he tended the sheep for the Or- cleric of 12th level or higher.
der of Amelkin which was devoted to her worship. In her rage, 12. Sea snake poison: Instant death.
Curdle appealed to the greater gods to mete out a divine pun-
ishment. An unknown god responded to her plea and turned Anyone killed by one of Pherosathoolas snakes will be used to
Pherosathoola into her current form, punishing her for her lust- feed her most recent brood of hatchling succubi.
ful ways by ascending her to some of the most baleful duties in
all of petty godhood: birthing succubi & incubi. Pherosathoola currently has no clerics, as their chief duty is to
mate with her once a day.
Anyone who meets Pherosathoolas gaze will find themselves (on
a failed save vs. paralysis) afraid to engage in sexual intercourse Pherosathoola Reaction Table
with anyone but her for 1d4 months. She can dispel this effect 2 Friendly: Will openly greet players and be
at will. Her visits to victims come as they are asleep, and victims helpful. She will not use her natural charm
believe they dreamed of the tryst when it indeed took place. to ill effect and will direct her succubi children
to leave the adventurers alone.
She will have sex with both males and females, transferring
35 Indifferent: Will not show herself, but will not
sperm from human males into human females and thus impreg-
run if discovered or engaged. Will not dispel her
nating them; the resulting child will always be an incubus. natural charm, but will not use it to her advantage.
She also impregnates herself with the seed of the males she 6-8 Neutral: Ignores PCs. Will not engage even
lays with, resulting in clutches of 1050 eggs every 2 weeks. if approached, preferring to vanish back to the
Incubated in their underground nests, these eggs hatch and the Godling Plane.
offspring are always succubi. Succubi hatchlings do not breathe 9-11 Unfriendly: Will use natural charm to her
or have a pulse until they are seven days old. She will vigor- advantage and attempt to mate with as many
ously defend her nest from intruders. PCs as possible.
Anyone who lays eyes on Pherosathoola must save vs. spell or 12 Hostile: Attacks nearby targets.
be charmed; this effect wears off only with a blessing from a Related Entries: G) Curdle, M) Guardian of Laam.


Remedies for cases of possession by Philespurio do exist, but

some involve an enforced sojourn in the afterlife. Survivors talk
of the extraordinary allure of the gods servants andironically
in light of the behavior that sufferers actually exhibitof a sen-
sation of immense, world-embracing intellectual superiority.

(petty god of skipping stones)

& Emmett & Paul Brinkmann

F Adam Dickstein
Symbol: A skipping stone
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 150' (50')
or 240' (80')
in deer form
Philespurio Armor Class: 1
(petty god of lies and irrationality) Hit pts. (HD): 93 hp (23 HD)
Attacks: Special
& John Grant Damage: Special
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. Save: E10
Symbol: A pot of gold at the end of a rainbow Morale: 8
Alignment: Chaotic Hoard Class: XI, XVII
Movement: By form (gems and
Armor Class: By form minus 5 magic only)
Hit pts. (HD): 100 hp (20 HD) XP: 8,000
Attacks: By form Pilikke, god of skipping stones, receives paeans from poets,
Damage: By form wanderers, and other time-wasters. He appears either as a tall,
Save: T20 slender fey human (half-elf?) with stags antlers or as a normal-
Morale: 10 appearing deer. In both forms he has sparkling silver eyes. He
Hoard Class: None can switch between these forms at will, and possesses the abil-
ity to walk on water in either guise.
XP: 3,100
In his human form, Pilikke attacks by throwing pebbles (1d4
Revered by liars guilds everywhere, Philespurio is among the damage). On a successful hit, the pebble skips to another target
most dangerous of minor gods, even though the malevolent ef- (if there is one), and gives Pilikke another attack roll. This can
fects of his activities can often take many years to make them- continue indefinitely, as long as hit rolls are made and there are
selves fully manifest. Several nations have been brought to their still targets to hit. One pebble can hit a single target more than
knees by Philespurio, whose servants most usually take human once, but not consecutively. In deer form he can kick twice
formand indeed are often highly placed within their doomed per round for 1d4 damage each or head butt for 1d6 damage.
societies. In the wild, as it were, the traveler is most likely to In addition to these physical attacks, Pilikke has two spell-like
encounter Philespurio in the form of a quicksand, an outcrop abilities. Once per day, he may cast mass charm. Three times
of iron pyrites, or an invisible, colorless, odorless miasma that per day he may ensnare any sentient being in a daydream
penetrates deep into the alveoli of the luckless victims lungs. To (treat this as a maze spell, using the victims Wisdom instead of
his fellows, the victim appears to be behaving with extraordi- Intelligence to determine duration).
nary stupiditya sign that this boneheadedness has its origins
in Philespurio rather than simple error is the impermeability of Pilikke Reaction Table
the victim to rational argument. Apply opposite of normal Wisdom score;
It has often been observed that the hazards of possession by high wisdom is viewed as a negative thing
Philespurio are twofold. First, there is the risk of the possession in the eyes of Pilikke.
itself, should you be the one possessed. Second, far more insid- 2-3 Friendly: Joins/aids nearby beings for a time.
ious, theres the danger that another member of ones party will 4-6 Intrigued: Joins/aids nearby beings for a time,
have fallen prey to the gods dark, seductive wiles; the whole if interesting reason is given.
party is likely to suffer even unto death because of the affliction
of this single comrade. Leonie, the blind poetess of southern 7-9 Neutral: Ignores nearby creatures.
Breguntria, said of the latter circumstance that It is better to 10-11 Bothered: Changes to deer form and retreats.
pluck out ones own organs of sight than to travel any further 12 Hostile: Throws pebbles; laughs.
in the company of such a dupe, for death and destruction will
Regardless of the reaction roll, due to Pilikkes mercurial nature,
surely arise from their folly-laden opinions. Truly it is said that
he makes a morale check frequently (every round in combat),
she put her eyes where her mouth was. The advice of the head-
and a failure indicates that he loses interest and wanders off.
less philosopher Dino Groioa was even more extreme.

14 3

Polly little goddess, as she receives much credit for saving small chil-
dren from injury or worse. She is only able to help children
(petty goddess of elven barmaids and tavern workers)
under the age of eightolder children are thought to be smart
Titles: Saint Polly
enough to avoid trouble themselves, apparently. She is the sis-
& Studio Arkhein ter of the gods Hoddypeak and Yemeles, and is more popular
F Studio Arkhein than either, especially among little children and their mothers.
Like her brothers, she is constantly on the move, as there are
Symbol: A mug of beer more children in need of help than she could ever get to, not
with a halo that she doesnt try. Polly, as she is often known, aids children
Alignment: Lawful by helping them avoid trouble, usually by running away and/or
hiding. In fact, she is a master of hiding and escaping, and the
Movement: 120' (40')
best trackers in the world cannot follow her, nor find her when
Armor Class: 6 she hides a child.
Hit pts. (HD): 45 hp (9 HD)
Attacks: 2 (fistfuls of mugs) Pollycockle is simple goddess, quite childlike herself. After she
has helped a child escape danger, she will often calm their fears
Damage: 1d4 per mug
by playing with them for a time, until it is safe for them to re-
(up to 5d4 per fist)
turn to loved ones. She often has a toy with her and will some-
Save: E9 times leave them with children; some toys turn out to have
Morale: 7 magic properties, though these vary widely in their power and
Hoard Class: VII3 effects. Polly is only visible to those under the age of eight (or
XP: 3,500 equivalent among non-humans). She is said to appear as a child
herself, a girl of about nine years in age wearing a simple frock
Polly is the patron saint of elven barmaids and tavern workers. dress with ribbons in her hair and a friendly smile. Most reports
While the petty goddess has no formal churches, her presence of her are simply discounted as children inventing imaginary
can be seen in mysterious glowing tip jars in pubs all across the friends based on stories of the goddess. She never engages in
land. Adherents of Saint Polly offer fifteen percent of their tips combat, and instead uses her abilities to hide, move without a
into the jars, which disappear in a a flash of light. trace, and produce powerful illusions to distract and confuse
would-be attackers or pursuers.
Unlike some gods, Polly offers excellent service for her tithes.
When a bar gets too crowded and busy for her worshipers to
handle, Polly has been known to appear lugging beer and pret- Possimium
zels to the customers. Many a hung-over patron swears they (petty possum god of nocturnal creatures)
were brought beer by a goddess the night before, but few real-
ize the accuracy of their statement. & Tim Shorts
It is not wise to cross Polly, however. Patrons who stiff her
F Gus L.
worshipers or are stingy with a tip, will find themselves rolled Symbol: Possum eyes
in the nearest alley on their way home and completely free of peering from
coins, jewels, and jewelry. a dark moon
Alignment: Neutral
Pollycockle Movement: 90' (30')
(petty goddess of small children Armor Class: 3
and youngest siblings) Hit pts. (HD): 63 hp (12 HD)
Attacks: 1 (staff,
& Keith Sloan claws or spell)
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. Damage: 1d6+3, 2d4
or by spell
Symbol: Hand holding
stuffed animal Save: C12
Alignment: Lawful Morale: 6
Movement: 240' (80') Hoard Class: See below

Armor Class: 0 XP: 2,800

Hit pts. (HD): 50 hp (10 HD) Possimium, The Possum God, is the watcher of night creatures.
Attacks: Special Most associate him with the aforementioned possum, as well as
Damage: Special the bat, coyote, porcupine, raccoon, and skunk; however, any
Save: F11 small creature of the night falls under his domain.
Morale: 10 Possimium rarely engages in combat, but when he does, he
Hoard Class: X most often strikes with staff (a +3 staff of striking that does
XP: 4,000 1d6+3 on a successful to hit roll). Possimium is also able to
cast spells as a 12th level cleric, and is able to speak at will with
Pollycockle is the goddess charged with protecting small chil- any nocturnal creature (as speak with animals spell).
dren, specifically, those that are alone or otherwise without
protection from an adult or older child. She is a much loved Related Entries: C) Order OPossimium.

14 4

Q Qinmeartha Quachil Uttaus Qualdoni

Quantum Ogre Qupan Qurgan Quagnar Qwarghourn

Qinmeartha (petty god of creation)

& John Grant

F Vindico Vindicatum
Symbol: A lidless eye
staring eternally
skyward into
a blazing sun
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 240' (80') Quachil Uttaus
Armor Class: 0 (petty god of age, death, and decay)
Hit pts. (HD): 85 hp (19 HD) Titles: The Treader of the Dust; The Ultimate Corruption
Attacks: 1 (touch) Affiliations: Cthulhu
Damage: Disintegration
Save: M19
& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Morale: 10
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Hoard Class: Creates at will Symbol: An empty hourglass
XP: 10,000 Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 240' (80') floating
Most human religions regard the creator godthe one respon-
Armor Class: 0
sible for bringing into being the entire kit and caboodleas
at the pinnacle of godhoods hierarchy. The gods themselves, Hit pts. (HD): 105 hp (20 HD)
however, see it rather differently. Whatever the known religions Attacks: 2 (touches) + special
might say, the god who created all thingsa universe teem- Damage: Death (turn to dust) + paralysis (special)
ing with stars, worlds teeming with lifewas actually a rather Save: Immune to magic, poison, paralysis,
minor godling called Qinmeartha. The other gods, amazed it petrification, sleep, charm, hold, and cold
could have entered his head to do anything so foolish, promptly (otherwise saves as F20)
relegated him yet farther down the pecking order. The effects Morale: 12
of this rebuff were to drive Qinmeartha to the depths of mad-
Hoard Class: XV, XVI, XVII
nesshence his sobriquet.
XP: 10,000
His insanity is in large part manifested through an obsession.
When he conjured the universe into existence, he intended Quachil Uttaus is the fountainhead of age, death and decay,
it to be, obviously, quite perfect. Once hed finished all this The Treader of the Dust, The Ultimate Corruption. Dwelling in
creating, however, he discovered that there was a bit left over the dark limbo of unsphered time and space, rarely does he re-
that couldnt be made to fit in anywhere. Qinmeartha, weep- veal himself, even in response to summoning attempts (though
ing godly tears, became consumed with the idea of locating wizards of ages past have claimed to know him), for Quachil
the infuriatingly insignificant element that marred his otherwise Uttaus can render to dust all living tissue with which he comes
flawless creation, and annihilating it. The principal, almost the in contact. If one entertains thoughts of suicide (even subcon-
only, story of the universe has thus been one of Qinmeartha sciously) while summoning this god, only death will come to the
attempting to chase down this piece of his creation that doesnt one summoning him*.
belong. Not knowing why its being chased but lucky enough to
Quachil Uttaus is a mummy-like monstrosity, no larger than
have an unconscious survival mechanism, the shred (called the
a child, with hairless head borne on a skeleton-thin neck, an
Girl-Child LoChi for reasons long lost to us) flits from one sen-
unfeatured face lined with a thousand reticulated wrinkles, pipy
tient creature to the next. Each affected individual in turn be-
arms ending in bony claws outthrust, and legs drawn tightly
comes, almost always without their knowledge, the Girl-Child.
together as if bound by the swathings of the tomb (for Quachil
Qinmeartha is not a being of malice but, as he singlemindedly Uttaus does not walk, but rather he floats).
pursues his prey oblivious to all consequences of his actions, he
Quachil Uttaus exudes an aura of fear (of death) to a distance
can be devastating to anyone unfortunate enough to stumble
of 360'. Any creature caught within that radius must save vs.
into his path. There is peril, too, in becoming the latest incar-
paralysis or be paralyzed with fear.
nation of the Girl-Child, for, while Qinmeartha will never catch
LoChi herself, he often, arriving moments too late, destroys Anything and everything within the Material Plane with which
the shell she has just vacated. (Qinmearthas touch disintegrates Quachil Uttaus comes in contact is automatically turned to dust
as the spell disintegration cast by a 19th level magic-user. He (no saving throw) to a radius of 10' from the touch point.
will only use this on creatures he believes to be inhabited by
the Girl-Child.) * The rite to summon Quachil Uttaus may be found in the tome
The Testaments of Carnamagos.

14 5

Qualdoni Reaction Table

2-3 Friendly: Will use his power to assist them.
4 Intrigued: As with (2-3) but has taken
a particular liking to this individual,
and will ensure that things happen in
their life in fours.
5 Amenable: Will assist the individual
Qualdoni with a simple request before becoming
(petty god of crossroads bored and leaving abruptly.
and the number four) 6-8 Indifferent: Will ignore the individual,
Titles: Whisper Will but if approached by exactly 4 individuals
can be engaged in conversation; if offended
& Jed McClure will teleport away.
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. 9 Annoyed: Will focus on a prime number
associated with the individual, and will make
Symbol: 4 circles in a row disparaging comments about their taste and
Alignment: Neutral ability to reason.
Movement: 120' (40') 10-11 Unfriendly: Will seek to depart, but
Armor Class: 4 will engage in combat with the individual
Hit pts. (HD): 72 hp (16 HD) if harassed or interfered with.
Attacks: 1 (staff) 12 Fascinated: Sees a random member of
Damage: 4d4 the party as broken and Qualdoni will
revert to his true form to make a repair;
Save: F16 roll 1d4 and consult the following table:
Morale: 8
Hoard Class: Special Qualdoni Repair Table (d4)
XP: 4,444 1 Recipient now has exactly 4 arms and 4 legs
(DMs choice if this improves or hinders their
In days of yore, the cult of numerology was wide spread, and attacks, movement, etc.).
its practitioners grew powerful by worshiping the numeral gods 2 Recipient now has exactly 4 eyes, forming a
and sought wisdom and favor in the interplay of formulae and perfect square on their face. Unfortunately
the material world. But that faith is long gone, and their math- their nose had to go, to make space.
ematical litanies have long since turned to ash and dust, their 3 Recipient now has exactly 4 heads, each
gods long dead and largely forgotten. Yet, a sole remaining with the same memories, but different per-
numeral god is reportedly still in existence. sonalities. One is the original head, and for
the extra 3 heads the DM should have two
Qualdoni is the petty god with dominion over the number 4.
be of the diametrical opposite alignment, and
He is sometimes appealed to gamblers hoping to draw a fourth also two should be the opposite gender. Each
ace, or stone cutters trying to cut a perfectly square block. For personality controls its head, and one ran-
those he favors, he can show them the location to a fourth part dom limb, and the PC should roll at the start
of a matched set of anything, assuming they are in possession of each day which limb they have control of:
of the three other pieces. For those whom have offended him, 1=right arm, 2=left arm, 3=right leg, 4=left
they may find their lives plagued by minor inconveniences. He leg. Everything else is sort of managed by
has the power to make things exactly 4 in number. committee.
It is rumored that in distant lands he is associated with the god 4 Recipients body is reformed into 4 identical
of death, and so Qualdoni is known and feared, and the number fleshy cubes, about 12 inches to a side. Each
4 is avoided in everyday matters. It is true that he shown spe- cube is alive, and has an eye, an ear, and
cial deference by more powerful gods whom are bound to his a mouth, (as well as other orifices) but no
limbs. The individuals consciousness is split
number in their nature (such as the 4 winds).
between the cubes, and can see hear, and
Qualdonis true appearance is an abstract symmetrical struc- speak via any of them, no matter how far
ture of geometric energy. However, usually when he is encoun- they are separated. They also gain a minor
tered, he appears as an old travelling scribe, with his Meso- telekinetic ability usable anywhere they can
potamian style beard coiled into 4 braids, and he carries a see. Each cube has to individually eat and
drawing compass and square on his belt. He can use his staff breathe, and has the same requirements to
live as before. The cubes can be killed, but
as a formidable weapon, but it is not his nature to linger long in
the individual will not die until all the cubes
a fight. The staff is made of bronze and has a perfectly square
have been killed.
cross section, and is much heavier then it looks.
Upon making these changes, Qualdoni will wait for an appre-
Qualdoni can often be found on the Plane of Order where he
ciative thank you from the recipient, and if he does not receive
is much honored by quadrone modrons, but often travels to the
one, he will depart for the Plane of Order in a huff. Party
Material Plane to square things away. He has a particularly
members can attempt to appeal for him to reverse the change,
dislike for the prime numbers (other than the number 2, who
rolling again on the reaction table as long as he is present.
was his father).

14 6

Quantum Ogre Qupan (petty god of frustration and madness)

(petty ogre god of whimsy and vagary)
Titles: The Unavoidable
& Richard Iorio II
F David Lewis Johnson
& Courtney Campbell Symbol: A glowing eye
F Courtney Campbell Alignment: Chaotic
Symbol: An image of Movement: 180' (60')
an atom Armor Class: 5
Alignment: Chaotic Hit pts. (HD): 99 hp (21 HD)
Movement: (90') in combat; Attacks: Special
infinitely fast
Damage: Special
out of combat
Save: M22
Armor Class: Special (see below)
Morale: 10
Hit pts. (HD): Special (see below)
Hoard Class: XII, XVI
Attacks: Special (see below)
XP: 11,000
Damage: Special (see below)
Save: Special (see below) Qupan, The Light That Shows The Way, The Devourer of
Morale: Special (see below) Darkness, The Seer of All Truth, The All-knowing Eyethese
Hoard Class: At DMs discretion are just some of the names by which this god is known... or was
XP: 2,000 known... for now, you see, he is relegated to a dusty corner of
the cosmos. He is now searching for followers.
The Quantum Ogre is an unusual petty god, being able to pos-
Qupan existed in another realm (or, if you believe the scien-
sess or take the form of any possible creature, though it is cer-
tists, another dimension). There, he was all powerful, and he
tainly possible to appear in his most common form, that of
created the world in his image. Yet something went wrong, and
an Ogre wearing a cloak of eyes. His true form is unknown,
Qupan was torn from his dimension after a creature known
though he is said to be a creature of shadow and lies.
simply as The Eater of Souls appeared and went to war with
Certain characters once chosen attract the attention of the Qupan. Their battle was long, bloody, and forever affected the
Quantum Ogre. Once chosen there is no way for them to avoid
the eventual encounter. All of their abilities work normally, but
since the Quantum Ogre (which may be a dragon, griffon, evil
big bad guy, etc.) literally does not exist until encountered, there
is no way to avoid an encounter with one. He will appear when
and where he wishes at the whim of a being more powerful
than the characters.
The Quantum Ogres attacks and defenses are unusual also. A
Quantum Ogre will find it impossible to win against a party of
adventurers. This is often surprising because for the first several
rounds of combat, a Quantum Ogre is immune to all special at-
tacks, successfully saving against any attacks made. Its hit point
total is sufficiently large to not be significantly harmed by any
damaging attack the players can use. Its Armor Class is also
quite high, and it is very difficult to hit. When striking oppo-
nents, it does serious damage, but never enough to kill anyone.
Eventually, an arbitrary limit will be reached, where it is deter-
mined that the party has been threatened enough. Once this
occurs, this causes a magnificent change in the Quantum Ogre:
suddenly, his attacks all miss and any that do hit seem to do
minimum damage; his Armor Class lowers to the point where
only attacks rolling a 1 will miss. Although his threat has been
neutered, he will continue to fight for several rounds, refusing
to die until a suitable amount of time has passed for his death
to be dramatic and meaningful. Note that this will occur
regardless of any actions of the players.
The reaction of the Quantum Ogre is always the same. To
damage and threaten the party with dangerous attacks until
it becomes suddenly weak and falls beneath their blades. Its
purpose for this is unknown. Perhaps it does this out of a desire
to improve the self-esteem of the adventurers. If so, it is quite
unsuccessful at this task, often leaving them feeling hopeless
and if they are powerless to affect the world around them.


cosmos. Planets were tossed about as weapons, and the stars Qurgan Quagnar Reacton Table
were forged into great weapons of power. When the battle was Apply the opposite of normal Charisma modifiers
done, the cosmos was left forever changed, and Qupan was (e.g., 2 becomes +2); high Charisma is viewed
tossed to the winds of the multiverse. as a negative thing in the eyes of Qurgan Quagnar.
The events have forever left their mark on the god, and now he 2-3 Begrudging: Aids (grants a boon to)
searches for not only those who will worship him, but for the nearby beings if properly placated.
very sanity that he has lost.
4-7 Neutral: Ignores all nearby creatures.
8-10 Unfriendly: Attacks if not properly placated.
Qurgan Quagnar
11-12 Hostile: Withers anyone who dares meet
(petty god of three-legged toads)
his gaze, then attempts to stalk off.
Titles: The Curmudgeon God

& Emmett & Paul Brinkmann Qwarghourn

F Eugene Jaworski (petty god of miscibilities, mixology, and dyspepsia)
Symbol: A three- Titles: Qwarghourn the Dyspeptic;
legged toad The God of Miscibilities; The Master
Alignment: Chaotic of Mixology; The Patron of Dyspepsia
Movement: 60' (20')
Armor Class: 3 & James Mishler
Hit pts. (HD): 73 hp F Joel Priddy
(13 HD) Symbol: A potion
Attacks: 1 (stick flask with
or gaze) an explosion
Damage: Special within
Save: D10 Alignment: Neutral
Morale: 10 Movement: 60' (20')
Hoard Class: VI, IX Armor Class: 4 [+3]
XP: 4,300 Hit pts. (HD): 72 hp (18 HD)
Attacks: Special
Qurgan Quagnar, god of three-legged toads, rarely assumes the
Damage: Special
same form twice. Regardless of specifics, he always appears as
a short, stooped humanoid of indeterminate race (perhaps a Save: M18
dwarf, gnome, goblin, or even a hunch-backed human...) that Morale: 9
is horribly disfigured. Regardless of form, he is always miss- Hoard Class: VIII3, IX5
ing one leg, and carries a gnarled stick to help him walk. He XP: 9,250
has few followers (aside from the occasional sentient 3-legged
toad); folks only pray to him to placate him and keep him away. Qwarghourn the Dyspeptic is The God of Miscibilities, The
Some pirates have been known to refer to their comrades who Master of Mixology, and The Patron of Dyspepsia. It is said that
have lost a limb as being qurgand. he was once a mortal alchemist who discovered a combination
of potions that enabled him to attain godhood; unfortunately,
Qurgan Quagnar prefers to avoid combat, but when forced to, an unforeseen side effect was that the potion also cursed him
can rap enemies with his ugly stick (as a +1 quarterstaff). Any with divine, eternal dyspepsia. Called upon by alchemists and
being that suffers maximum damage from his stick also loses wizards who seek to advance in the alchemical arts, he takes
one point of Charisma permanently. Instead of hitting with his the form of a short, obese, waddling wizard wearing stained
stick, Qurgan Quagnar can wither his opponents with his stare. and burned robes covered in magical sigils. He has bright eyes,
Anyone meeting this withering gaze must save vs. petrification a bad comb-over partially hidden under a pointy hat, sweats
or roll 1d6 on the following table: profusely, and looses random belches and flatulent bursts, the
1 lose a leg/foot last for which he always apologizes.
2 lose an arm/hand
Qwarghourn has the spell-casting abilities of an 18th level
3-4 lose an eye
magic-user and an 18th level cleric. He wields a random wand,
5-6 horrible scarring staff, or rod appropriate to either class; it is always his favorite
The effects are permanent. (Specific effects are at the DMs of the moment. He never attacks physically, preferring to use
discretion; ability penalties are suggested). spells; however, thrice per day he can use his extreme flatu-
lence to his great advantage, cutting loose with a tremendous
Those who somehow gain Qurgan Quagnars favor may be strike as per a 60' diameter cloudkill spell. He can automati-
granted Qurgans boon. The recipient of the boon may treat cally detect the nature of any potion or scroll. He can only be
any single failed saving throw as a success in exchange for a roll struck by +3 or better weapons, is immune to the damaging ef-
on the withering gaze table above. Qurgan Quagnar may grant fects of his own spells and abilities, and is immune to all magic
this boon as often as he likes (which isnt often), but a being spells and effects of 4th level or less cast by mortals (as per a
may only be under the effect of one boon at a time. globe of invulnerability).

14 8

He is appeased only by offerings of potions and scrolls. For each Qzymaa

three of these he is offered, he grants the propitiator the knowl-
(petty god of synchronicity)
edge of a new potion formula or magic spell equal in power and
Titles: The Opener of Third Eyes
level to the average of the offerings (higher if more than three of
each are offered). He cares not for Law or Chaos, Good or Evil, & Eric Potter
granting his knowledge and wisdom to any who perform the F Claude F. Bragdon
necessary ritual and make the proper offerings. Those who of-
fer him spoiled potions, cursed scrolls, or effrontery are cursed; Symbol: Eye in
he may perform this curse at will, once per round. forehead
His curse takes the form that any potion drunk by the accursed Alignment: Lawful
automatically requires rolling on the Potion Miscibility Table, Movement: 120' (40')
with any positive result indicating that the victim suffers from se- Armor Class: 1
vere dyspepsia and extreme flatulence for 1d4 hours (no saving Hit pts. (HD): 47 hp (9 HD)
throw permitted). Attacks: Special
Qwarghourn Reaction Table Damage: Special
Roll 1d6 (instead of 2d6). Save: 20th level Mystic
Morale: 11
1 Dyspeptic: His gastric rumblings are loud
and disturbing, causing him no end of distress Hoard Class: None
and leaving him in a foul mood. Propitiators XP: 6,250
had better be on their best behavior and have
good reason for calling on him! Psionic ABILITIES*
2 Curious: He has heard something of the PSIONIC LEVEL: 20
troubles/issues the characters are dealing
Attack modes: ego whip, id insinuation, mind thrust,
with, and might be convinced to assist if
psionic blast, psychic crush
they provide him with complete and honest
information and a significant cut of the loot. Defense modes: intellect fortress, mental barrier,
mind blank, thought shield, tower of iron will
3 Angry: The Rumbling One was busy with
an important experiment when he was called. Psychometabolism: D) complete healing; S) suspend
The summoner had best prepare to sacrifice animation, cell adjustment, body weaponry,
at least twice his originally-planned potions mind over body, chameleon ability
and scrolls or hell be lucky to remain in the Clairsentience: D) aura sight, psionic true seeing;
same animal order by the end of the day. S) clairvoyance, clairaudience, 360 vision,
4 Bored: His own experiments and plots are spirit sense, detection of magic, body equilibrium
all on hold for the moment, so he is looking Psychokinesis: D) telekinesis; S) control light,
for something to do or trouble to cause control sound
(depending on how he is treated by those who Telepathy: D) mind link, mind wipe; S) ESP,
called him).
animal telepathy, conceal thoughts
5 Nauseous: He is having severe upper Psychoportative: D) teleportation; S) phase shift,
abdominal issues today, and looses forth dream travel
deep, broad belches with every other word.
If forced to make a saving throw or cast a Metapsionic: D) psychic surgery, splice, ultrablast;
5th level or greater spell, he must make a S) convergence, psychic drain, aura alteration,
second, subsequent save vs. poison or vomit psionic sense, cannibalize, martial trance, receptacle
uncontrollably for 1d4 rounds. Anyone caught
in the stream of vomit (5' wide by 10' long) Qzymaa is the petty god of synchronicity. He is a major guide
must make a save vs. spell or be subject to along the arduous journey of the Mystic class* toward their ulti-
the effects of a random potion. If the save is mate goalthe divine attainment of the Crown Chakra and im-
a natural 1, the target must roll two random, mortality. He is the currently recognized Opener of Third Eyes
different potions and check on the Potion and any mystic who has attained and harnessed the powers of
Miscibility Table. the basic five chakras (i.e., the mystic has become a Greater
Master 13th Level) may attempt to locate Qzymaa and receive
6 Extremely gassy: Qwarghourn is having a
his enlightenment on the opening of their coveted inner eye.
very bad day with his lower gastro-intestinal
difficulties. There is a 1-in-6 chance every In non-psionic gameplay, his contact with dungeoneers is much
round that he unintentionally lets forth a more limited and most adventuring parties encountering Qzymaa
prodigious and noxious (but not toxic) fart. may assume him to be a lost soothsayer, a derelict fortune teller,
The gas acts as a random-sized stinking cloud a charlatan psychic, or perhaps a wayward magic-user.
spell with a 1d65' diameter. Any who
act kindly to him during this time will be Qzymaa appears in his mortal imagea handsome and tall
rewarded with a minor potion or scroll. human, fit and trim, slightly muscular. As is common among
many ascending mystics, he is completely hairless, his naked-
ness covered only by a long metal breechclout dangling from


a belt at his waist. He does not speak, he simply reads your Qzymaa Non-psionics Reaction Table
thoughts, and will communicate only through telepathy (an No modifiers.
ability Qzymaa is able to use at will).
2 Pity: Will grant character(s) a total vision of the
Though Qzymaa will rarely interact with characters in non- future. Characters will gain understanding and
psionic gameplay, should an encounter with Qzymaa escalate to knowledge of their immediate and future fates:
necessitate a reaction, the Greater Master will utilize the actual current surroundings will become known,
recovered eyeballs of his long ascended mentor Shardarshan the exits will become unhidden, contents of closed
Divine to assist him in deducing a characters underlying propen- containers will become perceived, and the like.
sity to receive the experience of Qzymaas metaphysical sen-
3-5 See You With The Good Eye: Shardarshans
tience. Qzymaa wields one of the eyeballs in each uplifted hand, Good Eye will mind link with the character(s),
and decrees the telepathic message, I SPY WITH MY LITTLE providing heightened perception and clarity. Good
EYE SOMETHING THAT IS (DM fill in blank). At which time, fortune will follow the character(s); movements
Qzymaas third eye will open on his forehead. Any character will be at double rates through sure footing,
not stricken dumb by this heavenly occurrence must respond by and any ability checks against Dexterity become
simply thinking of the appropriate object that Qzymaa has in unnecessary.
mind. Either one of Shardarshans eyes, or Qzymaas own Third
Eye, each of the three capable of recognizing an innate ability in 6-8 Third Eye Blind: No reaction to the character(s).
the communicator for the parapsychological arts, will judge the Qzymaa simply teleports away.
strength magnitude of the mental answer for clarity. This back 9-11 Give You The Evil Eye: Shardarshans Evil Eye
and forth will continue until one member of the party has cor- will mind wipe the character(s), resulting in
rectly guessed three different objects. Then, with no regard for immediately short-term memory loss. Character(s)
either alignment or Charisma, Qyzmaas being will realize the will become disoriented and mistrustful of their
true spiritual essence of the character and react accordingly. surroundings and others, an ability check against
Charisma should be rolled to reveal if any internal
Qzymaa counts among his followers, whether they realize it
strife among the party develops.
or not, anyone who has ever experienced synchronicity, suspi-
cions, dj vu, heightened awareness, funny feelings, premoni- 12 Cruelty: Will sense a disturbance by the
tions, hunches, serendipity, misgivings, unexplained joy, happy character(s) in the balance of earthly good
coincidences, jinx, good lucks, apprehensions, or fortuity. And vibrations and in an effort to restore equilibrium
while these characters may not realize they are doing so, any will immediately use one of his five psionic attack
attempt to thoroughly understand, or describe with words, one modes against the character(s), the existence of
of these strange feelings has a 1-in-20 chance of summoning a which will be utterly unknown and unexplainable
visit from this elusive petty god. and remain completely indiscernible.
* See Basic Psionics Handbook.

F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.

15 0

R Raselom Rasoob Ratacus Gant Ravel-Unravel Rhan-Tegoth Rosartia Ruslivia

Raselom (petty god of fitful and unpleasant rest) Rasoob (petty god of bronze)
Titles: The Sleeping Bastard
& Erin Palette
& Patrick Henry Downs F Matthew Adams
F Steve Zieser Symbol: A statue, often
Symbol: Closed eyelids broken or neglected
on a black field (formerly a sword)
Alignment: Chaotic Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 240' (80') Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 5 Armor Class: 0
Hit pts. (HD): 81 hp (18 HD); Hit pts. (HD): 83 hp (10 HD)
attacks as 18th Attacks: 1 (sword or touch)
level fighter Damage: 3d6 or special
Attacks: 1 (touch) Save: F10
Damage: Disintegration Morale: 9
Save: C19 Hoard Class: A miscellany
Morale: 10 of bronze items
Hoard Class: None (total value of 3d61,000gp
XP: 12,000 XP: 2,300

Raselom is the petty god of fitful and unpleasant rest. His name Pity the fallen god Rasoob.
is cursed and known to few mortals, but many more have heard
For centuries, he reigned supreme as a god of warfare, as every-
of the Sleeping Bastard, and call upon him to protect against
thing relatedweapons, shields, armor, even chariotswas
anxiety-ridden sleep, or to bring unrest to their rivals. Raselom
made from bronze. From the lowliest knife to the finest sword,
is a tall, dark-skinned being, who sleeps angrily and restlessly
if you wanted a metal tool, it was made from bronze.
somewhere in the dark recesses of an underground cavern. It
is believed this cavern lies beneath a desert and is virtually im- Bronze meant war. Bronze meant agriculture. Bronze meant
possible to access with any regularity. Raselom is aware of his tools. Bronze even meant health, for not only were its users
surroundings while he sleeps (cannot be surprised, even while able to feed and defend themselves, but bronzed also means
sleeping), and he will awake and attack anyone who attempts to have a tanned appearance that suggests good health.
to disturb his rest, but otherwise will ignore anyones presence
unless they begin to make threatening moves. If his body is Rasoob had it all: power, glory, a thriving priesthood, a seat at
submerged into water, then he will begin to sleep restfully and the head of the table of the gods. He even had lesser gods who
will not interrupt his own rest short of being attacked. followed along on his coattailsgods of the forge and of the
hearth, and even a petty goddess of decorative brass, Lytessa,
If awakened, Raselom attacks with his bare hands and fights as who got in mostly because brass looked like bronze.
a fighter of 18th level. His fists will stun any mortal who fails
a save vs. petrification, but otherwise will always inflict 1d8+5 Then the inevitable happened. Just as Rasoob supplanted the
damage (this damage can be healed twice as fast or twice as gods of flint and obsidian, so too was he supplanted when
effectively as other damage). Every time Raselom exhales, he a mortal discovered the secret of smelting iron. Overnight
may choose to expel (i.e. give birth to) an air demon (see (as the gods calculate things), he was worthless. Iron shields
below) which act as Raseloms eyes and is able to spy in any turned away bronze swords, and bronze breastplates were no
location to which air can flow. Raselom is able to exhale 1 of match for iron spear-tips. Iron was stronger and lighter than
these demons per round. bronze, and its only weakness (vulnerability to rust) was miti-
gated when the petty god of tin (Rasoobs former shieldbearer)
Once per round, Raselom can curse a mortal being to be alloyed himself with the god of iron. This is how the word
unable to sleep (manifested as neverending insomnia). If the irony came about.
character is not relieved of this curse (e.g., through remove
curse) after a number of days equal to the total of the charac- These days, Rasoob is but a shadow of his former self. Iron
ters combined Intelligence and Wisdom, the character will be has become steel, and is firmly entrenched within the highest
permanently driven insane (specific effects at DMs discretion; levels of the pantheon, ruling over war, the forge, and tools.
removed by restore mind). After another number of weeks of All of Rasoobs underlings have forsaken himeven Lytessa.
not sleeping equal to their Constitution, the character will die Brass is shinier and more decorative than bronze, and is used in
from exhaustion (caused by a lack of sleep). the trumpets that kings and generals love so much. Promoted
to the status of lesser goddess and patron of bards, Lytessa
Air Demon: AL:chaotic; M:180' (60'); AC:2[+1]; HD:1; AT:1 now lords over Rasoob in the way he used to lord over her, as
(automatically inflicts 1 hp damage per attack; no to hit roll bronze has been relegated to the portfolio of Things That Once
necessary); ST:M1; ML:10. Were Useful But Now Are Mostly Decorative.


He is also the god of statuariesmotionless idols to past glory, Ratacus Gant takes on the appearance of a normal giant rat... if
left to the mercy of the elements, and for birds to foul with their normal means fur the color of copper and beady, intelligent,
droppings. The irony is not lost upon him. red eyes. Ratacus has no special defenses, but is able to absorb
so much damage that he is nearly impossible to kill. He is, how-
Rasoob may be summoned easily, for he does not have many ever, easily distracted by copper pieces, and if copper pieces
duties (nor, in fact, many worshipers). He is occasionally called are thrown in his direction, there is a 9% chance per copper
upon by sculptors, but more frequently profaned by serfs clean- thrown (to a maximum of 10 coppers and 90% chance) for him
ing bird filth from old statues. He is far more likely to respond to be distracted long enough for a party to flee. Ratacus has no
to anyone involved in actively destroying pieces of iron or steel normal save against this effect.
than to those working with bronze.
As a special attack, Ratacus can cast flesh to copper, which in all
When summoned, his powers are limited. He can turn mortals effects is identical to a flesh to stone spell, except that the target
into bronze (as flesh to stone) and back (as stone to flesh), is turned to copper. This can be cast at will, once per round.
although the frequency and scope of this ability is dubious, due
to his waning power. He can, on rare occasions, induce rust
in iron objects (1-in-20 chance per attempt). He can also clean
and restore bronze objects at will.
Rasoob appears as an old, grizzled soldier with leathery skin
and antique bronze armor and weapons. If called, he will gladly
throw his avatar into battle for a glorious, suicidal charge (as-
suming the caller isnt using any hated iron). If iron or steel is
present, Rasoob has a chance of entering a berserk state (5%
chance per 100 gp weight) and attacking everyone until dead.
Related Entries: D) Sword of Rasoob.

Ratacus Gant
(petty rat god of giant rats)
Titles: Slayer of Young Delvers;
Patron of Giant Rats

& Erik Tenkar

F Gus L.
Symbol: A single
copper piece
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 9
Hit pts. (HD): 2,000 hp (1 HD)
Attacks: 1 (bite or special)
Damage: 1d30 or special (flesh to copper)
Save: M30+
Morale: 9 Ravel/Unravel
Hoard Class: 2,000 coppers, assorted jewelry (petty god of bad fortune and good fortune)
XP: 2,000

Ratacus Gant, is worshipped by giant rat cabals. Such cabals

& James Ward
are always in numbers of nine. Nine is the number, and the
F Darcy Perry
number shall be nine. The Cabals of Nine, as they are known, Symbol: Knuckle bones of sheep
accumulate copper pieces as part of the worship of their god, made into a pair of dice
and when the coinage reaches 2,000 coppers in number (no Alignment: Chaotic
more, no less) they begin the rite of summoning. Movement: Instantaneous
The rite of summoning of Ratacus Gant requires the giant rats Armor Class: 10
to bury the 2,000 copper coins they have accumulated be- Hit pts. (HD): 120 hp (20 HD)
neath assorted debris and their own excrement. To complete Attacks: None
the ritual requires the blood of a young delver, adventurer, or Damage: Incidental
random humanoid. If the cabal can kill their target within the
Save: Always makes it
area of summoning, and the sacrifices blood mixes with the
coppers, debris, and excrement, there is a 9% chance that Morale: N/A
Ratacus Gant will be summoned. Hoard Class: Large treasures or no treasure
XP: 10,000


Demi-god of both bad and good fortune, this being changes

shape on a whim to move among the creatures of any race.
There is much debate over the sex of this being. The current
thinking is that Ravel presents a positive and fortunate aspect
and appears as a lovely female of the predominate species of
the area. While Unravel is the negative aspect of the being and
appears as a massively strong male of the predominate species
of the area.
One of the most loved and hated demi-deities of the multiverse,
Ravel/Unravel wanders the planes looking to provide maxi-
mum luck to some worshipers and even handedly providing
terrible luck to other worshipers.
Although this deity appears more than any other divine be-
ing to its worshipers, there is little known about what attracts
or repeals its attention. The only thing known for sure is that
Ravel/Unravels powers can affect all manner of beings, divine
or mortal, from the greatest god in the multiverse to the least
gnat on the butt of the worst bull in all the planes.
Temples to Ravel/Unravel are either amazing palaces filled
with well guarded magical and unmagical treasures of all types
or hovels with nothing of value in them at all. Each is visited
regularly by the divine being each was built to attract.
Priests of Ravel/Unravel are not allowed to have a choice in the
kind of help or harm they provide for worshipers and others.
One day they amaze themselves with the helpful magic they can
provide. The next day they are horrified as all of their well laid
plans go wrong in very destructive ways. Priestly garb is always
an expensive robe, half white and half black. Normally the two
colors run in stripes up and down the body of the robe. The
highest classes of priests have the top half of the robe be white
or black depending on their experiences throughout their lives.
Combat with worshipers of Ravel/Unravel is unusually deadly.
Rhan-Tegoth, Terror of the Hominids, Lord of the Ivory Throne,
Worshipers most often use missile weapons in their battles and
combines ape, insect, and octopus in unholy, squirmulous hor-
very often gunpowder is used, even when the society is not
ror. Fine cilia cover his corpulent form, appearing like hair, but
known for its use of the explosive arts.
each is actually a finely tuned taste receptor. He (it is debatable
whether such a thing has a sex, but he is generally referred to
as such) is the god of the yetis and remorhaz, dwelling in the
Rhan-Tegoth far north under the ice. Some human tribes worship him, but
(petty god of madness, yetis, and remorhaz) he regards them not.
Titles: Terror of the Hominids; Lord of the Ivory Throne
Each of the gods ten main tentacles is 10' long and (on a suc-
Affiliations: Cthulhu
cessful to hit roll) drains 1d10 hp per round until removed.
& Chris Wellings Rhan-Tegoth Reaction Table
F Elena Martnez Lpez 2 Friendly: Really? Really?
Symbol: Wavy lines emanating This is probably a prelude to a meal...
from a central point of you!
Alignment: Chaotic 3 Indifferent, uninterested:
Movement: 60' (20') He probably hasnt noticed you... yet.
Armor Class: 2 4-7 Neutral: The god pays as much attention
Hit pts. (HD): 140 hp (20 HD)
to you as it would an insect.
Attacks: 10 (tentacles) 8-10 Unfriendly: Dont make any
fast moves; any gnomes will be regarded
Damage: 1d8+blood drain 10 as particularly tasty.
Save: F20
11-12 Hostile: All the terror of the
Morale: 12 ancient world is here. Rhan-tegoth will also
Hoard Class: Esoteric magical or gate in 1d6 yetis and 1d3 remorhaz...
bio-technological treasures good luck!
XP: 3,250

15 3

Rosartia (petty goddess of things long forgotten) Ruslivia

(petty god of time wasters, entertainers,
& Shaun Haskins and orderly amusements)
F Liam Brennan Titles: The Separator of
Symbol: An emblem of a shield Fools and Money
bearing a stylized silver eye AFFILIATIONS: The Mearra
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 90' (30')
& Eric Fabiaschi
Armor Class: 6 [+1]
F Scott Faulkner
Hit pts. (HD): 46 hp (10 HD) Symbol: A gambling
Attacks: 1 (touch or special) wheel and
an hourglass
Damage: Special (see below)
Alignment: Lawful
Save: C10
Morale: 10
Movement: 150' (50')
Hoard Class: XVI, no coins
Armor Class: 2
XP: 1,750
Hit pts. (HD): 80 hp (16 HD)
Rosartia is the patron deity of things long forgotten. She lives Attacks: 1 (fists
in a pocket dimension, from which point she coordinates the or special)
collection of objects of significance and power (magical items, Damage: 8d6 or special
tomes of magic, etc.) from the points at which they are likely Save: M16
to be lost (e.g., before great cataclysms, wars, other tragedies,
Morale: 10
etc.). Her sole purpose is to prevent the destruction, mistreat-
Hoard Class: XVII + 5,000gp
ment, and misuse of these objects, and she will only bring them
back into the world when she foresees that the time is ripe. She XP: 3,300
does this by observing mortals from afar and identifying those
individuals she believes will be good stewards for the objects, The sands of time are always running out, and it is the duty of
testing them, then bringing those persons to her domain to this god to keep those sands moving as smoothly, mechani-
bestow gifts upon those who have proven themselves worthy. cally, and efficiently as possible. He is the god responsible for
the mechanics of time, but he is also the god of the mechan-
Rosartia appears as a slender, brown-haired human woman ics of gamingthe patron of time wasters, entertainers, and
of ancient origins, wearing a grayish-brown robe of indistinct orderly amusements. He is the inventor of the most ingenious
design (underneath which she wears a unitard covered with a amusements of the gods. He is also the grease on the wheels
design reminiscent of the planes of existence). She is ghostly of gamblers, helping people waste away the moments of their
and only semi-tangible, existing beyond the boundaries of time, lives, all the while filling the coffers of his worshippers with
and can only be harmed by magical weapons and spells. the moneys of such fools. He is the agent of the Family of
Inevitability who searches the cosmos for the moves people
She despises violence. If threatened, she will begin by using her make before they even know theyve made them. He is drawn
forgetful mist ability which (on a failed save vs. spell) strips an by the scent of chaos.
opponents of the will to fight. Her touch will then render the
opponent unconscious (on a failed save vs. paralysis; requires This little gray man in white is a chameleon of the first order,
to hit roll for unwilling targets). She then strips the opponent able to polymorph self at will, blending in easily among the
of objects of power, and deposits those items far from their patrons of any seedy establishment. He moves among them,
point of origin. She refers to this as teaching them a lesson. shifting through the crowds with the speed of a well-oiled ma-
chine. Should anyone be foolish enough to confront him, he
As Rosartia values equanimity, knowledge, and the safeguard- will strike with his fists, doing a devastating 8d6 points of dam-
ing of things of magic above all else, unusual factors will influ- age (on a successful to hit roll). He may also use a symbol of
ence her attitude toward the party. insanity and a symbol of hopelessness (as magic-user spells)
Rosartia Reaction Table three times per day each.
+1 for each cleric of a non-neutral deity present; Four times per day, Ruslivia is able to instantly create 1d4 games
-1 for each powerful magic item (e.g., +2 weapon/ of chance, causing a party to erupt around him (all in 300-yard
armor or object of wonder; does not include scrolls, radius must save vs. spell or join the group for 2d6 turns). Once
potions, or wands) which is possessed and well- per day, Ruslivia may attempt to gate in another family member
treated by the party (she will watch any prospective with a 50% chance of success. He may, instead, attempt to gate
guardians in advance to see how well they treat in a non-relative god or goddess that owes him a favor, with a
artifacts in their care). 10% chance of doing so.
2-4 Friendly/Helpful
Related Entries: G) Arvirive, Avirgiri, Glaria, the Mearra,
5-7 Indifferent/Uninterested Merramorina, Micicara, Nardrea, Sertetti, Termarr, Tsrura.
8-10 Neutral/Uncertain
* Please see the entry in this section for the Mearra for informa-
11 Unfriendly/May Attack tion regarding their alignment.
12 Hostile/Attacks

15 4

Sahwo Saint Biritus Saint GNTER Saint Vineria Sant Brothers
Satrum Screbblo Seppophis Seshati Pyhatia Sernis Sertetti Silvarno
Skaal Somnau SORGA Sousroga Sovereign Bastard Syizarkhog

Sahwo hitting up to 1d6 creatures if grouped together. Should he be

killed, Sahwos eye retains power in the hands of magic-users
(petty clam god of secrets revealed)
and clerics (treat as a crystal ball with clairaudience that must
Titles: Sahwo-who-sees
center on a bivalve; additionally allows one to commune with
& Anthony Pastores such creatures as per the spell speak with animals).
F Rom Brown Sahwo-who-ses Reaction Table
Symbol: An eyeball gripped in a clamshell 2-3 Pleased: Sahwo answers the petitioners
Alignment: Neutral question authoritatively, regardless of whether
or not he actually knows the answer.
Movement: 30' (10') crawling
or burrowing 4-5 Satisfied: Sahwo points to the answer, but
does not provide it. The name of a further
Armor Class: 2 (6 when
contact is given, as well as a rumor about them.
6-8 Unimpressed: Sahwo says nothing.
Hit pts. (HD): 60 hp
(10 HD) 9-10 Devious: More grist must be fed into the mill
Attacks: 1 (bite before an answer can be given. A rumor related
or special) to the question must be spread (or created)
where Sahwo can hear of it.
Damage: 2d6
11-12 Malicious: A blatant falsehood is bestowed (one
Save: M19 that fits with few facts but with many assumptions).
Morale: 6
Hoard Class: XI4
XP: 1,700 Saint Biritus (petty god of drunkards)
Titles: Patron Saint of Drunkards
The clams have eyes and ears, though they rarely display them
where any might see. They observe all the secrets of the wa- & Igor Vinicius Sartorato
terfront: the smuggling, the stealing, the sex. Each is a small, F Matt Stretch
petty thing on its own. But the clams can speak too, if one
knows how to listen to the brine. And they report to a master. Symbol: An overflowing
Sahwo-who-sees is the clam god and the spoiler of secrets Alignment: Neutral
who digs in societys muck and spews forth what is found there, Movement: 90' (30')
savoring only the choicest bits, that they may harden to pre-
Armor Class: 9
cious pearl. He hears the whispers from all his subjectsthe
clams, mussels, oysters, and scallopsand is even said to see Hit pts. (HD): 37 hp (6 HD)
though their eyes. Attacks: 1 (mug or
broken bottle)
The initiates of Sahwo, a poorly organized gaggle of sodden Damage: 1d4+1
fisherfolk, can be found walking the beaches, bending down
Save: F6
from time to time to allow one of his lesser kin to spit hid-
den truths into their ears. They frequently confer among them- Morale: 11
selves in torrents of rapid whispers as well as the occasional Hoard Class: I, IX
snicker. They do decent business as information brokers and XP: 600
petty blackmailers, but for the best information one must visit
Sahwo himself. Saint Biritus is a servant of Manguaa, petty goddess of the
alcoholic stupor (qv). Biritus was once a human man, a faith-
Sahwo is found in his temple, a sandy tunnel beneath the ful follower of Manguaa, and an unrecoverable drunk. At his
docks that his devotees must excavate anew with each tide. death, he was welcomed by the goddess and turned into patron
There one may approach the goda giant clam (10' across) saint of the drunkards.
whose shell holds back a massive eye. He is normally inert,
listening; but if one is willing to caress the eye and whisper it His appearance is that of a middle-aged man with a protruding
a secret of an improper or illicit nature, they may then ask a belly and a face swollen and red from drinking too much. He al-
question, allowing a reaction roll on the table below. Note that ways speaks in a confusing manner and with the pronunciation
though his actual knowledge is limited to what is seen by his typical of a drunk man, and moves in a staggered manner.
subjects or told to him directly, Sahwo is perfectly willing to
It is a common custom among heavy drinkers pour a bit of
speculate on much more.
drink of the cup on the floor before drinking, and offer it to
In combat Sahwo attacks by clamping down on enemies with Biritus saying for the Saint. If someone drinks often without
his shell. He may also spit jets of water with enough force to the proper offering to St. Biritus, there is a 1-in-20 chance that
knock most creatures prone (save vs. breath) to a range of 60', Saint Biritus will appears to the drinker and curse him in a
manner similar to Manguaas curse.

15 5
saint biritus saint vineria PETTY GODS

He appears only to drunkards, and its common for Manguaa remains unused and is, therefore, usable again and again by
to send him to drunken women to give them his blessing. In him (though the scroll will be used if it is read by any other
combat he is not a big threat, but possesses drunken courage. spellcaster, becoming useless to Gnter). Gnter will usually
have upon his person 3d8 scrolls, most often bearing cleric or
Saint Biritus Reaction Table protection spells.
Use Constitution instead of Charisma for modifier
Saint Gnter Reaction Table
2 Friendly: Offers a drink which acts as a
potion of extra-healing and super-heroism Ignore Charisma modifiers;
at same time. +1 for each illiterate party member.
3-5 Indifferent: Bestows the blessing of Manguaa 2 Friendly: Imparts an important piece of
if a few drinks are paid to him knowledge and grants 1 scroll.
6-8 Neutral: Invites to drink with him. 3-5 Indifferent: Imparts an important
piece of knowledge.
9-11 Unfriendly: Offers a drink which acts as
a philter of love (St. Biritus is never the first 6-8 Neutral: Imparts an important piece of
person to be seen). knowledge if a monetary offering is made
(which he will, in turn, give to the poor).
12 Hostile: Requires a drink or bestows
Manguaas curse. 9-11 Unfriendly: Will depart unless an offering
is made (which he will, in turn, give to the poor).
Related Entries: G) Manguaa. If offering is made, re-roll on this table with
a 3 modifier bonus.
12 Hostile: Departs immediately.
Saint Gnter (petty god of
osmotic knowledge and illiteracy)
Saint Vineria (petty goddess of eyes)
& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. Titles: St. Vineria of the Eyes; Patron Saint of Eyes
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. & Fr. David Eynon
Symbol: A blue lotus F Fr. David Eynon
Alignment: Lawful
Symbol: A bowl with
Movement: 120' (40')
a pair of eyes
Armor Class: 8 inside it
Hit pts. (HD): 55 hp Alignment: Lawful
(12 HD)
Movement: 150' (50')
Attacks: 1 spell (from
Armor Class: 0
scroll; see below)
or charm Hit pts. (HD): 77 hp (17 HD)
Damage: By spell Attacks: Special
or charm Damage: Special
Save: C12 Save: C18
Morale: 6 Morale: 12
Hoard Class: None (gives Hoard Class: None
everything to the XP: 9,000
XP: 2,400 St. Vineria of the Eyes, Patron Saint of Eyes, appears as a
blind beggar woman holding a bronze bowl with a pair of eyes
It is told that Saint Gnter began life as a normal human defi- carved on the inside. Those who willingly give alms by placing
cient in ordinary learning; he was unable to read or write. How- coins into the bowl are granted one of the effects for the next
ever, due to his great devotion to his deity, he was granted the 24 hours determined by rolling 1d6 on the table below:
gift of osmotic knowledge, and was raised to petty god status.
1 locate object 4 infravision
Though he remains unable to read or write, the speech of Saint 2 detect invisible 5 arcane eye
Gnter is so powerful he is able to charm (as charm person),
3 find traps 6 true seeing
regardless of the languages known or spoken by anyone within
hearing range. Any individual who speaks common also suffers Those who hit St. Vineria in combat must save vs. spell at
two additional penalties: 1) their saving throw (vs. spell) is made 4 or suffer the effects of cause blindness. Those St. Vineria
with a 1 penalty, and 2) their opportunity to make additional hits in combat take no damage but are afflicted with a quest
saving throws (should the first one fail) are made against Saint spell (no save). They must locate and return something that a
Gnters charm ability as if the creatures Intelligence is 1d4 stranger has lost. Those who refuse to undertake this quest are
lower than normal. blinded, or otherwise inflicted with some kind of incurable eye
disease. Sometimes, when St. Vineria finds a truly kind soul,
Saint Gnter can cast any spell from a scroll simply by un-
she is known to give the gift of a bowl of the eyes.
derstanding the words on the scroll. As such, any scroll pos-
sessed by him is not actually read (in the traditional sense) and Related Entries: D) Bowl of the Eyes.

15 6

Sant Brothers Dewi Sant bears the Sapphirus, which looks like a tabletop made
of solid light, blue with rivers of silver and gold flowing through it,
Teilo Sant: (petty god of providence)
and pools within as though violets had been poured in it. Any evil
Dewi Sant: (petty god of salvation)
being within 100' is blinded and driven back by the coruscations
Iltud Sant: (petty god of triumph over evil) of the Sapphirus (no saving throw). The blindness lasts 1 turn.
& Geoffrey McKinney* Iltud Sant bears a crystal chalice like a red rose on fire, brimming
F Stefan Poag with resplendent blood. Any good and lawful being anointed
with a drop from the chalice is delivered from any curse, geas,
Teilo Dewi Iltud quest, unnatural aging, energy drain, ability drain, magical fear,
Symbol: A golden bell Sapphirus Crystal chalice
feeblemind, etc. Physical ailments (wounds, blindness, maim-
Alignment: Lawful Lawful Lawful ing, etc.) are not affected.
Movement: 120' (40') 120' (40') 120' (40')
Armor Class: 9 (see below) 9 (see below) 9 (see below)
If the magic item of any of the three is touched by another, it
instantly appears in its owners hands.
Hit pts. (HD): 40 hp (17 HD) 47 hp (17 HD) 48 hp (17 HD)
Attacks: 1 (weapon) 1 (weapon) 1 (weapon) If any of the three is slain, his spirit flies to Mharadwys and be-
Damage: By weapon By weapon By weapon comes more powerful than before. His magic item will vanish.
Save: C17 C17 C17 Each of the three has built of sawn oak a little church dedicated
Morale: 12 12 12 to the Great King of Mharadwys. Any good and lawful cleric
Hoard Class: None None None who travels to one of the churches in a spirit of reverence has
XP: 3,100 3,100 3,100 a 10% chance of being granted a boon.
Church of Teilo Sant: The next time the cleric is subject to
These three men devotedly serve the Great King of Mharad-
a level-draining attack, he is immune.
wys. Iltud is a hale old man with a white beard, while Teilo and
Dewi are bearded men in the prime of life. Iltud is garbed in Church of Dewi Sant: Each day for a week, a small river fish
a robe of rich purple, Teilo in a robe the color of the sun, and appears for the cleric and for each of his lawful companions.
Dewi in a robe the color of the sea. When all three are within No food or drink is necessary for the whole day once the fish
10' of each other, their robes turn the color of blood. They is eaten. If not consumed within 1 hour, it spoils. The cleric
usually travel with few possessions (but this is left to the DMs) chooses when the week begins.
discretion. Teilo, when encountered alone, often rides upon a
mighty stag (as riding horse with 16 hp, but can also attack with Church of Iltud Sant: In any one combat of the clerics
antlers (1d8 damage; in lieu of hooves)). There is only a 10% choice, he can use any weapon (as a fighter) and attacks as
chance all three brothers will appear together. though he were a fighter of the same level.

Undead permanently return to a state of natural death if within * Teilo Sant, Dewi Sant, and Iltud Sant are inspired by The
50' of any of the three. Infernal beings flee if within 50'. The three Great Return, a short story by Arthur Machen, who (along
are immune to weaponry, magical or mundane, but they are sus- with Algernon Blackwood, Lord Dunsany, and M. R. James)
ceptible to magic-user spells and spells cast by chaotic clerics. was one of H. P. Lovecrafts four favorite writers. Lovecraft
regarded Machens The White People as the second finest
Teilo Sant bears a golden bell. If he rings it, all within 49 yards weird tale ever penned, excelled only by Algernon Blackwoods
are healed of all their physical infirmities (wounds, blindness, The Willows.
maiming, etc.), though natural aging is unaffected.


Satrum (petty goddess of bloodletting) Screbblo (petty god of cobblers and quality footwear)

& Dan Proctor & Craig Schwarze

F Mark Allen F Fat Cotton
Symbol: Five droplets Symbol: Upside down boot
of blood Alignment: Lawful
arranged in Movement: 150' (50')
a circle
Armor Class: 2
Alignment: Chaotic
Hit pts. (HD): 58 hp (10 HD)
Movement: 120' (40')
Attacks: 1 (hammer
Armor Class: 3 [iron or +2]
or nails)
Hit pts. (HD): 105 hp
Damage: 2d8 or
(21 HD) 1d8
Attacks: 4 or special Save: F10
Damage: 2d64 or Morale: 10
Hoard Class: XV
Save: F21
XP: 3,400
Morale: 10
Hoard Class: IX, XVII Screbblo appears as a small, finely dressed gnome, with a cob-
XP: 19,000 blers hammer in one hand and a pouch of boot nails slung over
his shoulder. He wanders from town to town, entering cobblers
Satrum is the goddess of bloodletting, and is often worshipped shops at night to complete and improve their work. He dislikes
by those skilled in the art of torture. She takes the form of a violence and will always flee if threatened. If forced to fight, he
four-armed human woman, hairless and horribly scarred from will attack with either his hammer, or by throwing a fistful of
head to toe. Each of her four arms wields wooden clubs adorned boot nails. He has the power to make any footwear fall apart
with hooks and razor-like projections. Each round, Satrum can at will, and if this happens, the wearer must save vs. death or
attack with all four arms, doing 2d6 hp damage per hit. Her trip and fall down. It is said that Screbblo has a secret hideaway
weapons deal hideous blows that render flesh, and any target in the mountains, containing a magic workshop and the finest
struck will bleed for an additional 1d6 hp damage per round un- collection of boots and shoes in the multiverse. His own boots
til either cure serious wounds, cure critical wounds, or heal is are exceedingly beautiful, and are enchanted with every magic
cast upon the victim. Otherwise, the victim continues to bleed power ever devised for footwear.
until death occurs. In addition, when a victim has suffered four
or more blows in an encounter, he must save vs. paralysis or Screbblo Reaction Table
become wracked with pain (stunned) for 3d4 rounds. 2-3 Friendly
Satrum is a sadistic goddess. She prefers to take her time hurt- 4-5 Plays a trick
ing an opponent unless she is at a disadvantage. She may only 6-12 Hides
be harmed with iron weapons or weapons of +2 or better. She
regenerates 2d6 hp per round, leaving terrible scars wherever
she has been injured. Worshippers of Satrum are sometimes Seppophis
gifted with pints of her blood; when quaffed, one pint of her (petty goddess of snares, entanglements, webs, and spiders)
blood heals 3d10 damage, and additionally acts as a cure disease Titles: Seppophis the Huntress;
spell, but leaves permanent scars where there were wounds. Mistress of Snares and Entanglements
At any given time, Satrum will have 4d4 blood creatures with & Jeremy Duncan
her. These creatures are animated from her own blood and take F Jeremy Duncan
the form of small vermin (e.g., bats, rats, snakes, toads, etc.).
Symbol: A spiderweb
BLOOD CREATUreS: AL:chaotic; M:120' (40')fly, walk, slither, of barbed wire
etc.; AC:2; HD:3; AT:1 (1d6); ST:F3; ML:12.
Alignment: Chaotic
Satrum Reaction Table Movement: 120' (40')
2 Intrigued: Offers the characters her blood In Web: 180' (60')
in exchange for worship. Armor Class: 4
3-5 Amused: Proposes to ritually scar the Hit pts. (HD): 61 hp
characters (instead of kill them). (12 HD)
6-8 Uninterested: Will attack the characters in Attacks: 1 (bite)
2d6 rounds if they do not leave her presence. Damage: Poison
9-11 Annoyed: Will attack the characters in Save: F12
2d4 rounds if they do not leave her presence. Morale: 8
12 Angry: Will immediately attack the characters. Hoard Class: XV
XP: 2,700

15 8

Seppophis the Huntress, the Mistress of Snares and Entangle- technologically advanced one would see a woman dressed as a
ments, is the patroness of all who earn their living by pursuit wizardress). She will always have a distracted look on her face
and evasion, by enticement and sudden surprises. She is usu- and look attractive but disheveled. If a female cleric or mage
ally depicted with the body of a nubile dancing girl holding aloft delivers an offering to her of a book containing an original
a length of rope and a dripping, barbed javelin. In place of her contribution to human knowledge, that character will be pro-
head is a mass of long spiders legs, extending in an irregular moted one level. Attempts to deceive the goddess (plagiarism,
nimbus past her shoulders. When Seppophis deigns to take dressing in drag) will result in a feeblemind spell cast on the
human form, it is either in the guise of a slim, dark-haired girl, offender which can only be removed by a cleric of the 13th
smelling faintly of cloves and cinnamon, or of a gaunt, silver- level of higher.
haired matriarch of no known family line. She is attracted to
scenes of intrigue and hopeless entrapment. While she prefers scholarly pursuits to combat, she can none-
theless defend herself. She is always seen carrying a large book
Thieves and other scofflaws on the run attempt to propitiate which holds every mage and cleric spell in it, which she may
her with substitute sacrifices (she is believed to be partial to cast at will. If she feels the need for physical combat, she can
trapped, but uninjured flies) while watchmen, bounty-hunters, produce a quarterstaff +5 which causes feeblemind on a suc-
and frustrated revengers hope to secure her blessing as they cessful to hit roll (no save); other intelligent creatures will
pursue their quarry. Brigands and pirates offer prayers and become so stupid they forget their combat skills as well; con-
sacrifices for wealthy, unguarded victims. Prostitutes, jewelers, structs and other unintelligent creatures will be unaffected, so
and perfumers give her reverence, as do all manner of moun- she will prefer to simply teleport away.
tebanks and swindlers.
It requires a +3 or better weapon to harm Seshati, and she is
Every year, in Galbaruc, an elaborate ceremony takes place on immune to all mind-affecting spells.
the Street of Crushed Petals in which a fantastically costumed
and masked troupe of stolid, upright citizens and officials rep- Seshati Pyhatia Reaction Table
resenting Law square off against their opposite number, repre- Roll 1d6 instead of 2d6.
senting Chaos. Through a series of competitive dances, recita- Any female cleric or mage whose Intelligence exceeds her
tions, songs, and feats of strength and cunning, two opposing Charisma subtracts 1; any female whose Charisma exceeds
champions are chosensuitors to the goddess, and these are her Intelligence adds 1. Ignore other modifiers.
led in a winding parade to the outskirts of the city, to the cave
believed to be the entrance to Seppophis lair. Both champions 1 Fascinated 4 Indifferent
enter the cave, though only one will emerge in the morning, 2 Curious 5 Distracted
maddened and screaming. The other has been taken as the 3 Friendly 6 Peeved
Consort of Seppophis, and is never seen again. His faction
will enjoy a bonus to all activities relating to their trade for the
remainder of the year. Sernis (petty god of secrets and whispers)
CULT: Society of the Serpent

Seshati Pyhatia & Josh Graboff

(petty goddess of scholarly pursuits) F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Titles: Protector of Female Scholars
Symbol: A black cloak
& Null Null Alignment: Chaotic
F Zak Smith Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 4
Symbol: A book covering
a hand mirror Hit pts. (HD): 100 hp (20 HD)

Alignment: Lawful Attacks: 2 (Blade of Whispers/Blade of Shadows)

Movement: 90' (30') Damage: 1d6+5, (Blade of Whispers)/
1d4+5 + poison (Blade of Shadows)
Armor Class: 2 [+3]
Save: M25
Hit pts. (HD): 99 hp
(22 HD) Morale: 10
Attacks: 1 (+5 quarterstaff Hoard Class: XV, XVI, XVII
or spell) XP: 60,000
Damage: 1d6+5 plus feeblemind
Sernis was once a spirit-servant of Sarnon the Weaver, but he
or by spell
won his freedom by manipulating that ancient deity and slip-
Save: M14 ping away unseen into the world. He is a mysterious and secre-
Morale: 7 tive god, normally appearing as a man with no tongue or with
Hoard Class: VIII10 a gash across his throat that prevents him from speaking above
XP: 8,000 a whisper.

The goddess of female scholars appears as a woman dressed His power over secrets means that in worship, the devoted
in scholarly clothing inappropriate to the onlookers culture (an whisper to his altars a single secret in hopes they will learn one
inhabitant of an ancient/medieval world might see a woman in return. It is said that Sernis knows every secret spoken in the
in a lab coat wearing spectacles, whereas one from a more presence of his icons, altars, or priests. As is befitting a god of


Sertetti is aided in his duties with a vaporous scalpel of sharp-

ness (as sword of sharpness) named Times Tears. The misty
blade changes shape with this mad gods ever-morphous
whims. He is, however, orderly in his madness, and plans to
the exact second when and how his prey will be struck down.
Should an operation not go as planned, he will fly into a rage
and strike with his fists for 8d6 points of damage.
He often keeps trophies from his prey. Magic items, artifacts,
random items, and even people are kept within the halls of
his gallery. Upon the Prime Plane, he passes himself off as a
lawful cleric, often with the cooperation of his parents wor-
shipers (who, though lawful, view him as a necessary evil). His
worshipers are often healers, murderers, and knife makers.
He likes to test them in a death maze known as the Cavern of
Blades. Those who fail are fed to a vicious trio of massive dire
wolves known as the Children of Sertetti (HD:8+8; fight and
save as 8HD monsters).
Related Entries: G) Arvirive, Avirgiri, Glaria, the Mearra,
Merramorina, Micicara, Nardrea, Ruslivia, Termarr, Tsrura.
* Please see the entry in this section for the Mearra for informa-
this nature, his clerics and temples are occulted, and those who tion regarding their alignment.
do worship him often pretend to worship some other god or
gods in public places, reserving their true rites for when they
are alone. Silvarno
(petty god of late submissions
The worship of Sernis is not outlawed anywhere, though it is and missed deadlines)
extremely suspect.

Related Entries: G) Glyrea, Insitor; C) Society of the Serpent.

& Patrick Wetmore
F Jason Sholtis
Symbol: Image of
Sertetti man clutching
a manuscript,
(petty god of knives, scalpels,
and banging
and methodical serial killers) on closed door
Titles: The God of Knives;
Alignment: Neutral
The God of Scalpels Movement: 180' (60')
Armor Class: 2
& Eric Fabiaschi Hit pts. (HD): 36 hp (8 HD)
F Scott Faulkner Attacks: 1
Damage: 1d8
Symbol: A scalpel and
an hourglass Save: M8
Alignment: Lawful (Chaotic)* Morale: 7
Hoard Class: See below
Movement: 150' (50')
XP: 1,060
Armor Class: 2
Hit pts. (HD): 90 hp (18 HD) Silvarno is the god of late submissions and missed deadlines.
Attacks: 1 (fists or blade) He is prayed to by authors suffering writers block, or otherwise
Damage: 8d6 or special facing approaching deadlines with nothing but blank sheets of
Save: F18 paper in hand. He appears as a thin figure in an ink-stained
frock coat, with crumpled papers emerging from every pocket,
Morale: 10
clutching partially-finished manuscripts. Should the papers be
Hoard Class: XVII + 5,000gp examined closely (which would most likely involve slaying the
XP: 4,250 god, as he will never relinquish them to any but Maliscus, the
god of implacable editors), they will be found to include startling
Time is an arrow of Law, and Sertetti is the petty god of profound ideas that would undoubtedly redefine the relationship
scalpelsthe sharp edge that cuts away times older moments. of man, demihuman, and god, if only they were completed in
He is the methodical healer of infections (or at least this is how a timely fashion.
he sees himself). In truth, this god is a methodical killer, moving
among the moments of the Prime Plane, trimming away the in- In combat, Silvarno attacks with a sheaf of papers, causing 1d8
fection of chaos where he finds it. He disposes of the old images points of damage due to paper cuts. Anyone struck must also
of people, animals, and places after time has passed them by. save vs. spell or suffer the effects of a slow spell. Each round,

16 0

Silvarno must make a morale check, or decide he doesnt have attack). Skaals artifact, the Wand of Skaal, appears as a large
time for combat with all the deadlines, and runs away as quickly (6'-long) wand, covered in barnacles and shells, topped with an
as possible. enormous conch shell. The wand has the abilities of a staff of
wizardry, except that it is limited to summoning water elemen-
Silvarno Reaction Table tals (his preferred use of the staff). Skaal knows all magic-user
Modify by Wisdom rather than Charisma. spells up to the 3rd level, and can cast any at will (as a 6th level
2 Silvarno breathes a sigh of relief, mistaking the magic-user), but due to his difficulty in focusing on land creatures,
mortal for an editor, and hands him a scroll with there is only a 50% chance of the spell being cast properly un-
2d6 spells (appropriate to the characters class der such conditions (on land vs. non-aquatic creatures). Mortals
if a spell caster, randomly chosen otherwise). slain by Skaal are immediately reborn as minions of Skaal (see
Minions, Knights, & Servitors section).
3-5 Silvarno asks the character to proof-read one
of his latest manuscripts. The manuscript is In lieu of making any attack at all, Skaal can sing the song of
pure genius, and the readers Intelligence is his people. If he does this, he immediately rolls on the following
increased by 1d4 points for the next 24 hours, table to see what creature he summons to fight for him:
until he realizes the fatal flaw in Silvarnos thesis.
6-8 Silvarno has no time to chat, hes got 1 1d3 minions of Skaal
deadlines to meet. 2 1 abomination of Skaal
9-11 Silvarno blames the party for his being late, 3 1 blue pudding (aquatic version black pudding)
and curses them. They will be late for the next 4 2d4 piranhahawks
1d6 appointments they try to keep. (flying versions of giant piranha)
12 Silvarno is furious at all these interruptions, 5 1 feeding ball (swarming school of hungry
and attacks! carnivorous fish; treat as 10'30' insect swarm)
6 1d3 giant crabs
Skaal (petty god of fish out of water) Cults of Skaal: The typical cult of Skaal is often organized
by an evil high priest (level 7-10) that has some tie to the ocean
& Charles Turnitsa or other major water ways, and that has a desire to venerate this
F Timothy Schaefer damned master of the abominable creatures removed from the
Symbol: A fish-headed man briny deeps to haunt the nightmares of those on dry land. Along
with the evil high priest, there will often be 6-12 lesser priests
Alignment: Chaotic (level 4-6) and bands of lesser followers (thieves and fighters,
Movement: 180' (60') levels 1-3) numbering between 50 and 100 (1d6+4 10).
walk or swim
Armor Class: 3 Related Entries: M) Abomination of Skaal, Minion of Skaal.
Hit pts. (HD): 100 hp (10 HD)
Attacks: 7 (6 tentacles
plus 1 Somnau (petty god of forgotten injuries)
Wand of Skaal & Andrew Brandstad
or 1 spell)
Damage: 1d6+3 (per
F Mark Allen
tentacle)/1d6 Symbol: An iron rod,
(wand) or by spell partially
Save: F12 wrapped in
Morale: 12 white linen
Hoard Class: XV
Alignment: Neutral
XP: 8,200
Movement: 90' (30')
Skaal is the god of fish out of water. He is often found at the Armor Class: 0
heart of cults worshipping fish-men (see below), and other Hit pts. (HD): 77 hp
aquatic beings, that have been forced (through sorcery or other (17 HD)
means) to make their way on land, amongst men. Skaal appears Attacks: 2 (1 rod/
as a large, thick, fish-headed man (approximately 15' tall), with 1 touch)
two human arms and 6 tentacles.
Damage: 1d6+1/1d6
Skaal is often encountered at obscure locations that his cult wor- Save: F16
shippers will frequent, and will appear to destroy the enemies Morale: 10
of his followers. In addition to Skaal himself, he will often be Hoard Class: XV, XVII
encountered with 2-12 fish headed minions of Skaal, and 1-3
XP: 7,250
octopus headed abominations of Skaal.
In combat, Skaalls 6 tentacles can strike in all directions, with Some wounds heal completely, leaving no trace of scarring,
+3 to hit and damage bonuses (due to his massive form). In but not to the eyes of Somnau, petty god of forgotten inju-
addition to these tentacle attacks, Skaal is able simultaneously ries. Somnau teaches that mortals should be thankful for those
use his human hands (to either cast a spell or make a wand wounds that have healed with no lingering effects and should


never forget the lessons of failure. Mortals who dont learn

from their mistakes and forget the injuries they suffered in the
past risk drawing Somnaus wrath.
Somnau appears as a gaunt old man in a wide-brimmed hat. He
is scarecrow thin and marked with hundreds of small lacerations
and bruises. In his left hand, Somnau carries an iron rod, which
he wields with deadly effect despite his frail appearance.
In addition to attacking with his rod, Somnau also attacks by
magically transferring some of his own injuries onto his oppo-
nents body via a successful touch attack. Armor is little help
against this attack (treat the target as unarmored, although
magical armor still adds its + bonus). Each successful touch
inflicts 1d6 damage to the target and heals an equal amount of
Somnaus hit points. Alternately, Somnau can use his touch to
heal others. Up to a maximum of 4 times a day, Somnau can
touch a single target to heal all but 1d4 damage and end all ad-
verse conditions (this functions exactly like a heal spell).
Any damage Somnau inflicts leaves lasting wounds that heal
much slower than normal. It takes three full days of rest to re-
store 1 hp damage caused by Somnaus hand or rod, and magi-
cal healing is only half as effective as normal.
Somnau Reaction Table The Sorga represent the three elements of sorrow and despair.
Use Wisdom instead of Charisma for modifier. Dakry, the eldest, appears as a crone; those who have seen her
2 Friendly: Provides a healing touch describe an almost genderless being on the cusp of mummifica-
for up to 1d4 targets. tion. Upon her forehead rests a diadem with a strange gem that
radiates the colors of the rainbow; these are the tears of those
3-5 Indifferent: Lectures targets about
forgotten wounds and the importance of who call upon her name. Around her narrow waist she carries
not repeating past mistakes. keys to all known locks; the better to steal into the bedchambers
of the sleepless to torment them with images of what has been
6-8 Neutral: Questions targets about past injuries lost. Tears are her domain. In combat, she casts spells as a 13th
and the lessons they learned. level magic-user, primarily spells that involve illusions.
9-11 Unfriendly: Demands targets accept a
damaging touch as a penance; reacts with Sican, the mother, presents with a dark turban wrapped around
hostility to those who refuse. her head which hides her eyes. She wears a long robe covering
12 Hostile: Attacks to wound but not kill, a body on the cusp of menopause, heavy-breasted and wide-
intending to inflict grievous injuries that serve hipped. Around her waist she carries a key which fits no lock.
as lessons to the victims. She walks among the forlorn and resigned; their sighs are her
domain. In combat, she casts spells as a 15th level magic-user,
primarily with spells that enchant.
Sorga Tarchanna, the youngest, manifests as an almost teenage girl.
(petty godlings of the elements of sorrow and despair) Her hair hangs long and fair, while her eyes almost blaze with
Dakry: petty goddess of tears a jade fire. Her bloody-red lips seem to be constantly mouthing
Sican: petty goddess of sighs words, but no sound emanates from her. Keys are irrelevant to
Tarchanna: petty goddess of deaths infinite darkness her; she storms the world with her power. The infinite darkness
of death is her domain. In combat, she casts spells as a 17th
& Will Arnold level magic-user, focusing on spells related to necromancy.
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. The Sorga are found wherever despair lives. The mother who
Dakry Sican Tarchanna has lost her newborn child cries at night because Dakry tor-
Symbol: Prism Blindfold Black disc ments her with images of the lost babe. The slave who has sur-
Alignment: Lawful Neutral Chaotic rendered all hope sighs in quiet resignation because Sican has
Movement: 60' (20') 90' (30') 120' (40') stolen into his heart. The unrequited lover who swallows poison
to ease his broken heart has sought Tarchannas darkness.
Armor Class: 2 0 3
Hit pts. (HD): 40 hp (5 HD) 80 hp (10 HD) 120 hp (15 HD) Witches worship the Sorga, often building elaborate homes ded-
Attacks: 1 (weapon or spell) icated to them in cities. These urban witches establish covens
Damage: by weapon or spell dedicated to increasing the Sorgas power. Rarely will all three
exist in the same space and time; instead, the Sorga are often
Save: M6 F10 C17
chronological. First the tears of loss come, then the sighs of
Morale: 12 12 12 resignation to the loss, and finally the darkness of death to the
Hoard Class: XIV XVII XVI loss. However, Sican and Dakry often swap places in this order.
XP: 1,200 3,600 10,800 Witches invoke the Sorga to bring curses upon their enemies.


The Sorga Reaction Table behind any particular character. He is immune to piercing or
Roll 1d12 (instead of 2d6). edged weapons. Damage of a single hit to any appendage total-
The reaction table is reversed for coven members ing one-quarter of his hit points in a single round (17 points) will
of the Sorga (i.e. 1-3 for Hostile reaction, etc.) disintegrate that appendage into a cloud of dust.
1-3 Friendly: The Sorga member attempts If killed in his corporeal form, Sousroga will disgorge out a
to carry out one requested deed. treasure horde (per XIV) along with 2d6100 pounds of animal
4-7 Indifferent: The Sorga member ignores droppings*. However, if he senses he has less than a quarter of
those within sight. his normal hit points remaining, he will return to dust and disap-
pear into the small spaces of a house.
8-12 Hostile: The Sorga member attempts to
kill all those within sight. Sousroga Reaction Table
2-7 Bored indifference: Even supplicants
Sousroga (petty god of interstitial spaces) see only this side of Sousroga. Drop a copper
on the floor and hell make it disappear.
& Matthew Baron 8-10 Seeks your stuff: Casts confusion in order
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. to cause the party to drop whatever theyre
carrying, then cloudkill if they resist.
Symbol: An empty house
Alignment: Chaotic 11-12 Aggressive: Your studded bootheels
have disturbed Sousrogas slumber, and he
Movement: 120' (40') inside house; awakes angry!
15' (5') everywhere else
* Treasure should be a combination of quality gems/jewels and
Armor Class: 1
a pile of worthless corroded copper and steel, plus mounds
Hit pts. (HD): 68 hp (16 HD)
upon mounds of dried animal feces and cobwebs.
Attacks: 1 (spell) or
1d6+1 (arms)
Damage: by spell or Sovereign Bastard
2d6 per arm (petty god of cretins, shit-heads, and trolls)
Save: M10 Titles: The Barbarian At the Gate
Morale: 7
Hoard Class: XII, XIV & Matt Diaz
(see below) F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
XP: 4,200 Symbol: A broken
Sousroga, Ruler of the Spaces Between Spaces, is the petty god
of the voids inside your walls, under your stairs, and between Alignment: Chaotic
the ceiling and the floor above. When not presenting himself to Movement: 120' (40')
mortals he takes the form of dust and clumps of animal-fur, but Armor Class: 4
if requested or provoked, he takes the form of rectangular solids Hit pts. (HD): 68 hp (16 HD)
of dust and dirt, fitting between the studs in a wall and under the
Attacks: 1 (bare hands)
floorboards, about 16" wide and 4" deep and as tall as a house.
Damage: 2d10 + special
Sousroga desires the detritus of our lives, and wants to seal it Save: F20
away from our grasp. He takes toys, pencils, scraps of paper; Morale: 10
he loves rat droppings, birds nests, tufts of fleece, skeletons of
Hoard Class: VII
dead pets, and bits of windblown grass. Within his form and the
places he inhabits he hides lost wedding rings, rusty silverware, XP: 15,000
and important acceptance letters from schools of wizardry that
Sovereign Bastard is the patron god of cretins, shit-heads, and
were thought to be lost in the post. His followers pray to him to
trolls. He can be found in any place the spiteful reside, but he
hide or reveal things: to hide a murderers dagger in a cellar, or
is most likely to manifest in the presence of meaningless acts
to reveal a grandmothers lost gold chain. Most peasants know
of destruction: burning libraries, defaced temples, looted muse-
of him, if not by name than by deed.
ums, burning groves.
Sousroga attacks by first casting cloudkill or confusion, then
He stands taller than a house, and though he wears fine clothes
with physical attacks. If he begins with confusion, PCs will feel
of silk and fur, they are clotted with gore and filth. His teeth are
compelled to drop their weapons, empty their pockets, and turn
stained with the ink of ruined books and his hands are wet with
out their backpacks onto the floor1d12 random items (espe-
the blood of the beautiful.
cially rings and other round things) will roll off to corners and
drop between the cracks of a floor. His cloudkill causes a chok- Delighting in the destruction of lovely things, he will relentlessly
ing billow of dust to push up from the floorboards and from attack anyone with a positive Charisma modifier. Otherwise,
cracks in the walls. If pressured, Sousroga continues an attack by he will offer fabulous wealth to anyone he encounters in return
bursting through the walls, floor, and ceilingplaster exploding for destroying or vandalizing a place of great beauty. This is a
and wood slats splintering. Two-to-seven massive gray, dusty, deception; he eats anything of value that he finds, and so Sov-
fuzzy arms rupture out of the structure and begin to club attack- ereign Bastards distended belly is full of undigested treasure
ers. Usually (1-4 on 1d6) of these arms will explode out from of all sorts.

16 3

If left to his own devices, Sovereign Bastard will gleefully tear Despite his suspicions, Syizarkhog accepts bribes in the form
apart every place of history, learning, or beauty he passes. of knowledge that he deems important, in the vain hope of
He can cast insect plague at will, and does so to drive away becoming more relevant, and raising himself to a more promi-
those who would stop him. His presence provokes riots and nent place among the gods. However, he requires that such in-
mobs, which aid him by starting fires and looting everything formation be delivered in written form, as Syizarkhog is totally
they can. unable to retain this type of information in his memory. For
this reason he always carries several books, tomes, scrolls, and
Sovereign Bastard is brutal in combat, favoring his bare hands fragments of texts with him.
over any godly powers. He takes pleasure in mutilating his en-
emies; those disfigured by his attacks permanently lose 1d4 Whenever Syizarkhog recounts his knowledge to someone, he
Dexterity or Charisma because of the damage he caused to completely forgets this information right away (because it is no
their limbs or face. In combat, Sovereign Bastard only casts longer forgotten knowledge, and thusly departs from the influ-
insect plague when overwhelmed or seriously outnumbered. ence of this petty god). Therefore, one can only ask something
to Syizarkhog and get an answer once. Even requests to repeat
Sovereign Bastard laughs when he fights. He is graceless, vi- what he has just said are always fruitless.
cious, and bigger than you, and his rotten, sour smell hangs
heavy on the air. His eyes do not see you. They see something Despite being shy and cowardly, Syizarkhog can cast spells like
to break. They see the tiny, delicate workings of the vessels a level 10 magic-user when necessary. However, he is only able
beneath your skin and the elegant mechanisms of your mus- to use strange and unfamiliar spells (e.g., electricity-ball, wall
cles. Sovereign King thinks you are wonderful and beautiful of sand, etc.; it is suggested that the DM twist common spells
and wants to tear you apart for it. He opens his mouth wide to make them unique, or to develop new spells entirely).
when he reaches for you with his stained hands, and you can
see that there are bones in his teeth. Syizarkhog Reaction Table
Modify by Intelligence instead of Charisma.
2 Friendly: Exchange forgotten knowledge
Syizarkhog for banal information.
(petty god of forgotten knowledge) 3-5 Indifferent: Exchanges forgotten knowledge
Igor Vinicius Sartorato if properly bribed with important knowledge.
& 6-8 Neutral: Ignores nearby creatures.
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
9-11 Unfriendly: Tries to coerce a nearby creature
Symbol: A book with torn out pages to give to him some important knowledge.
Alignment: Lawful 12 Hostile: Tries to kill a nearby creature hoping
Movement: 60' (20') that it is keeping a secret, and their death turns
Armor Class: 8 the secret into forgotten knowledge.
Hit pts. (HD): 65 hp (10 HD)
Attacks: 1 (spells as MU10)
Damage: By spell
Save: M20
Morale: 7
Hoard Class: VIII3
XP: 6,000

Syizarkhog is a decadent being, with the appearance of a thin

and stooped humanoid, who moves with difficulty. He is always
wrapped in an old and threadbare purple cloak, which com-
pletely hides his face, revealing only his unhealthily thin hands.
This strange deity of knowledge was once worshiped by many
followers, but has long since been forgotten by everyone. Con-
sequently, after falling into oblivion, his area of dominion was
taken by other gods, and all that remained for Syizarkhog was
that knowledge forgotten or ignored, even by the other gods.
He always speaks in a dead and unknown language, making
necessary a tongues ability or similar spell to understand it. He
is protective of his knowledge, suspicious of others (believing
they seek to remember that knowledge, and therefore have it
taken from his domain), and jealous of those with important
and useful knowledge. He knows only what nobody remem-
bers. This usually means the knowledge is either very old or
completely useless.

16 4

Tallemaja Tarvin Tau Teptrigor Termarr Termas Tunneller Theb
Their Wife Thuf Thwizeviblyz Tix-ka-tix Tlacotani Tonya Tremella
Tricruxia Tsrura Turquoise Idol of Communion Tybesi-O Tyop

Tallemaja (petty goddess of huldras and lamias) body. For the other twelve hours she appears as a stunningly
beautiful human female except that her backside is covered in
Titles: Queen of Huldras and Lamias
tree bark and she has a heavy, cow-like tail. Because she was in
possession of the Eidolons of Fear and Hate at the time of her
& Matthew W. Schmeer transformation into petty godhood, she was rendered barren as
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. well (the Eidolons were eventually stolen by a halfling wearing
an amulet against scrying).
Symbol: A bark-scaled snake with a cows head
She now resides in the forest temple where Hymenphallia dis-
Alignment: Lawful covered her, hidden from the world in the heart of the great for-
Movement: 60' (30') est. She sometimes appears near the woods edge to lure hearty
Armor Class: 2 [+1; immune to edged weapons] young men to their deaths to feed, as she can cast charm at
Hit pts. (HD): 54 hp (15 HD) will. The inhabitants of small thorps and farms that border the
Attacks: 2 wood speak in hushed tones of the shed skins of great snakes
that litter their fields and meadows thrice yearly. Female villag-
Damage: 1d8 spear/1d12 crush (as lamia)
ers rarely enter the great woods alone, as it is rumored that,
or 1d8 + special (as huldra)
grief-stricken at never being able to conceive and bear children
Save: F12 of her own, Tallemaja has developed the power to shift the
Morale: 10 flesh of the unborn and cause pregnant mothers to give birth to
Hoard Class: XVII (in lair only) lamias or huldras (50%). Additionally, she can command nor-
XP: 7,500 mal and giant-sized snakes, salamanders, and newts to do her
bidding (and sometimes a begrudging giant frog).
Tallemaja Bettencourt was a lady in waiting in the entourage
of the Empress of Cerise. Her beauty caught the eye of Phe- Tallemaja also suffers from infinite hunger; she can never be
rosathoola, petty goddess of sexual fear, who fell in love with satisfied no matter how often she feeds. She must fill her belly
the lass. Under the guise of night, Pherosathoola seduced at least twice a day with human or humanoid flesh. Huldras
Tallemaja with promises of ascendency and the immortality and lamias throughout the realms lure men to their death on
of petty godhood, a promise that was not hers to give. After
several years of this affair, Tallemaja finally demanded her re-
ward. Pherosathoola, unable to grant the boons she promised,
released Tallemaja from her thrall.
Enamored with the thoughts of achieving godhood, Tallemaja
plotted to attain such at any cost. She fell in with the powerful
Lord Greensayne (an advisor to the Cerisian Emperor; q.v.),
was initiated into the Cult of the Jale God, and appeared to
have caught the Jale Gods favor. To cement her place at court,
she accepted Lord Greensaynes marriage proposal and pre-
pared to enter the upper tiers of polite society and the bowels
of cult leadership as a priestess novitiate.
However, three days before the wedding was to take place, Lord
Greensayne discovered Tallemajas dwarven heritage (one-sixth
dwarf on her fathers side) and ordered her execution. Tallemaja
fled, taking the Eidolons of Hate and Fear (which had been in
Greensaynes possession for several years) with her. She ended
up in a forest glade where she discovered an abandoned temple
dedicated to Hymenphalia, petty godling of hermaphroditic fertil-
ity, who is a sworn enemy of Pherosothoola. When Hymenpahlia
discovered where Pherosothoolas former lover was taking refuge,
Hymenphallia beseeched Ywehbobbobhewy, Lord of Waters,
King of Mirrors, Patriarch of the Most Profound, to intercede
with the greater gods to ascend Tallemaja to minor petty god-
hood. A greater god found the irony of Hymenphalias scheme
agreeable and interceded, and thus Tallemaja was transformed
into her current form and place of power.
Tallemaja is now a minor petty god and queen of huldras and
lamias. For twelve hours a day she appears as a half-snake/half-
woman; she has the upper torso, neck, and face of a beautiful
woman while her trunk is a 20-foot long constrictor snakes

16 5

a regular basis to feed her unending appetites. It is said that a One of the common goals of all adventurers is to level. This
clever clutch of lamias in a southern kingdom near the Thun- 13-year-old boy so fervently reached 33nd level in 1981 he has
der River has been raising dwarf Neanderthals in a secluded achieved petty god status. After the indiscriminate slaying of
valley rift to fulfill their obligations to their Queen, while a any PC that may hold treasure, and the dispassionate cowardice
coven of huldras near the western glaciers have discovered a shown in fleeing any battle that his fellows seemed to be losing,
way to raise cave gnomes in glass jars to send in tribute. he became a (petty) god!
Needless to say, Tallemajas table is never empty and she pre- The Temples of Tarvin are the bad-assed-est! He likes to put his
fers to devour the tributes rather than tire herself in the hunt temples (gleaming Grecian-style ones, with solid diamond col-
itself, although she is a fearsome foe in battle. When in her umns), up on hills in the wealthiest parts of towns. Some of them
lamia form, she can attack with a large spear for 1d8 damage have flaming signs above them extolling his own personal 13-
and do an additional 1d12 crushing damage with her constrictor- year-old viewpoint of what would be salaciously naughty or awe-
like body. She also possesses a limited scrying ability with a 75' some. They are generally staffed by a single world-weary priest
radius. When in huldra form, she attacks with a large spear for that acts mostly as a sales clerk. Tarvin doesnt allow them to
1d8 damage and can perform a psionic swat with her cow-like leave, intervenes constantly in their lives, and raises them when
tail, creating a 2030 cone of psionic energy that does 2d8 they die. They usually stop worshipping Tarvin in earnest about
damage plus 1 Constitution point to any creature caught in its 3 weeks in to their duties, just start going through the motions,
area of effect. There is no save against this attack. The reduc- and wait for the next sucker to take their place. (He is a petulant
tion in Constitution can only be regained by eating a succubus 13-year-old petty god, so he never stops behaving as such.)
egg or incubus egg laid by Pherosathoola. Tarvin sells healing potions and a 236-volume set of his works
Tallemaja is impervious to non-magical attacks in either form (each one comically large and devoid of meaning... as if they
and cannot be attacked with edged weapons. were the collected works of a boys school paper assignments,
blog entries, undelivered billet-douxs, fan-fiction with himself as
The Jale God was surprised at Tallemajas ascendency to god- the star, and just a touch of melancholy belly-button gazing for
hood and is seeking the god who dared interfere in his affairs. good measure) at each templethe temple operates as a retail
The Jale God despises Tallemaja and does what He can to outlet for things that low-level ODD characters all really want
derail her schemes and dampen her influence. His Jaleness is but cant find or create for themselves.
often perplexed to find his own interference in Tallemajas af-
fairs deflected by powers greater and darker than his own. He readily accepts new converts for his priesthood and typi-
cally rewards them with small gifts and over-powered versions
Tallemaja Reaction Table of common cleric spells. To join, a character must show some
2-6 Indifferent: Will tolerate the party, answer minor interest or make some moderately flattering comment.
questions, etc.. Will be helpful, but only to a point. The rewards of joining Tarvins church come with as much
glam and flash as would befit a 13-year-old who is pleased with
7-9 Hungry: Will attempt to seduce, kill, and feed himself. And by glam and flash, it specifically means lightning
on a party member... or all of them.
bolts, strobe lights, and symphonic booms. The early rewards
10-12 Commanding: Will demand the party fulfill a fade as Tarvins attention wanders off to a new person/place/
minor quest (usually involving some intrigue thing to be excited about.
against the worshipers of Pherosathoola) and will
reward them richly for their service. Tarvin is a hands-on kind of god: he knows what it is like down
there at the bottom and extends his own brand of kindness to
Related Entries: Please see the Jale God entry in this section those struggling as he once did. Tarvin likes to intervene a lot in
for a complete listing of entries related to the Jale God (including the affairs of his worshippers, priests, and people he takes an
all gods and items mentioned in this listing). interest in, especially in and around his temples. His booming
voice, sometimes cracking, is often heard throughout his temple
as he corrects his priesthood in things they say.
Tarvin Tarvin continues to seek gods to slay, although thats really a
(petty god of adolescent adventurers) sideline now that he thinks he should be helping people. Hes
Titles: Tarvin the Mighty pretty easily baited in that area, as well as other areas that might
appeal to a 13-year-old. Tarvin can teleport at will and falls for
& Bryce Lynch clever trickswhich make him very angry, and even more sus-
F Joel Priddy ceptible to tricks. He will never retreat from a fight... now.
Symbol: A glass of Aliz Tarvin has a 11 AC from his +5 plate mail of the codpiece, +5
Alignment: Neutral shield of every longing, +5 cloak of the mighty tarrasque, and
Movement: 180' (60') a +5 ring of nipple protection. The platemail has an oversized
Armor Class: 11!!! stylized codpiece and is of a gleaming golden color. The shield
has an appropriate symbol on it and is made from pure adaman-
Hit pts. (HD): 148 hp (33 HD)
tium. The tarrasque cloak is made up from the right eyelashes of
Attacks: 4/8 a number of tarrasques; Tarvin killed enough of them to make a
Damage: 1d8+12/1d8+12 full cloakrather, his elf buddy made it before Tarvin killed his
Save: F33 buddy as well. The ring is from a succubus that was not paying
Morale: 7 attention to him. Tarvin is armed with a +5 vorpel mace of slic-
Hoard Class: VIII3
ing (whose head is fashioned out of a pit fiends skull with star
ruby eyes) and a +6 flaming ice burst dagger (with cool runes
XP: 6,000 and flames on it).

16 6

Tau * Tau was inspired by the deities of Tkume, by Tibetan & Etruscan
mortuary gods, and by the chupacabra, the well known cryptid that
(petty god of tombs
inhabits various regions of Latin America
and cemetaries)
Titles: Guardian of ** Before entering the underworld you must deal with the
Tombs and Cemeteries tomb police. The ideal goal is to avoid contact with them al-
together. In other circumstances, a financial arrangement will
& Thed Rune* need to be made; it is best to do this before descending into the
F Mark Allen (Tau) Underworld, as the police are more likely to be content with a
F Vindico Vindicatum few kaitars if they do not see the party is carrying a sack filled
(Graveyard Rats) with antique loot.

Symbol: Shears and

a torch
Alignment: Lawful
(petty goddess of prudery)
Movement: 180' (60')
Armor Class: 4 & Jeremy Reaban
Hit pts. (HD): 126 hp F Jennell Jaquays
(21 HD)
Symbol: A turnip
Attacks: 3
Alignment: Lawful
Damage: 1d4+3
Movement: 120' (40')
Save: C21
Armor Class: 0
Morale: 12
Hit pts. (HD): 88 hp
Hoard Class: XV, XVI (16 HD)
XP: 12,500 Attacks: 1 (battle
axe +3
Tau is closely associated with the god of the dead and is the or special)
guardian of tombs and cemeteries. He most often appears as a
vaguely reptilian humanoid with a canine face, fangs, a forked Damage: 1d8+3
or special
tongue, three yellow eyes, and matted black hair. This form
stands approximately five feet tall, has bluish-gray skin, four Save: C16
arms, frog legs, and sharp dorsal spines. He appears naked Morale: 12
but heavily ornamented with earrings, bracelets, and anklets Hoard Class: String of
made from human bones. pearls worth
10,000 gp
Tau is surrounded by a perpetual stench of death and decay
XP: 9,000
and his appearance is so frightening and repulsive that his
mere presence will instill terror (requires an immediate morale Teptrigor is the goddess of prudery. She appears as a plain,
check at -2). He casts spells as a 21st level cleric and may prune faced middle aged woman dressed in a dull, shapeless
speak with the dead at will. Tau also possesses limited tel- brown dress, her dirty brown hair styled in an uneven bowl cut
eportation ability that functions as that of a blink dog. that falls to her jaw.
In his humanoid form, Tau bears +3 iron shears in three of She despises people enjoying themselves in any activities that
his hands and carries a blazing torch in the fourth. He suffers might be the least bit unwholesome in her eyes, which is es-
no penalties for executing multiple attacks and is not subject sentially everything except reading her scriptures and slowly
to standard spell casting constraints. Tau cannot be surprised, dancing to the horrible music played at her services.
is immune to charm, hold, and sleep spells, and can only be
struck by silver or magical weapons. Her followers are known for attacking taverns, dance halls,
and libraries, destroying anything they feel might offend the
Tau lives in a terrifying cemetery high in the mountains. Al- goddess. Sometimes she appears with them, either using her
though lawful, he is singularly concerned with the protection of +3 battle axe or giving a long sermon, which has the effects of
burial places and delights in murdering tomb robbers. both a sleep spell and stinking cloud.
In some lands with ancient traditions, the Cult of Tau is more If sorely pressed in combat (or if she needs something blown
prominent; worshippers of Tau in such countries are known to down), she will summon her husband, a very large and pink
police tombs.** faced half-orc werebear of immense size (12 HD). His breath
either has the effect of a cone of cold spell or gust of wind
spell, as cast by a 12th level caster.
Teptrigor Disposition
1 Surly 4 Cantankerous
2 Annoyed 5 Spiteful
3 Grouchy 6 Drunk


Termarr Termas Tunneller

(petty god of the (petty hamster god of root cellars)
lawful execution of time) Titles: The Furred God, God of Root Cellars
Titles: The Lurker Under
the Stars, The Murderer
& Jonah & Paul Brinkmann
in the Shadows, The
F Justin Graham
Master of Shadows Symbol: A two-headed hamster
AFFILIATIONS: The Mearra Alignment: Lawful
Movement: 90' (30')
& Eric Fabiaschi Armor Class: 5
F Scott Faulkner Hit pts. (HD): 49 hp (8 HD)
Symbol: A broken star Attacks: 2 (bites)
Alignment: Lawful (Chaotic)* Damage: 1d6/1d6
Movement: 150' (50') Save: H12
Armor Class: 2 Morale: 8
Hit pts. (HD): 90 hp (18 HD) Hoard Class: IX, XIX*
Attacks: 1 (fists or knife) XP: 850
Damage: 8d6 or
1d8+special Termas Tunneller appears as a two-headed hamster, usually
Save: F18 with a sack of grain slung over one shoulder. He is the god of
root cellars and, by extension, hoarding and comfort. He does
Morale: 10 not like to fight, but when forced can deliver a mean couple
Hoard Class: XVII + 5,000gp of bites. Termas can cast create food/drink, move earth,and
XP: 4,250 purify food/drink as a 13th level caster at will. He can make
enchanted food that has one of the following effects: cure criti-
Termarr, the Lurker Under the Stars, is the petty god of the cal wounds, neutralize poison, cure disease, or sleep, each
lawful and orderly execution of time. He is the assassin of the once per day.
Family of the Inevitable. Those who think they can escape the
past often find themselves met by the tip of this fiends knife. Termas Tunneller Reaction Table
A fluttering movement out of the corner of ones eye may find 2-4 Welcoming: will serve a feast.
them carefully checking the shadows for his presence. Termarr,
5-8 Neutral: Will give aid if placated.
however, is truly the master of shadows, having the ability to
simultaneously Hide in Shadows and Move Silently 99% of the 9-12 Distrustful: Hides any belongings
time, and a 100% chance (never fails) to do either individually. and scurries away.
He also gains a +5 bonus when striking from behind. Further- * The vast majority of monetary wealth will be in the form of
more, Termarr may move from shadow to shadow (within his stored food and beverages.
own line of sight) as if teleporting (at will, without error).
Termarr carries with him the knife known as the Cold Razor
of Time. Each successful strike with this +2 knife does 1d8
Theb (petty god of chimney pots)
+8 points of shadow energy damage, and (on a failed save vs. & Malcolm Bowers
death) ages it victim by 1d10 years. Demons and other creatures F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
of Chaos loathe Termarr, as he hunts them on the Prime Plane
with a vengeance, and a successful strike of his razor causes Symbol: A chimney pot
them double damage (including applicable aging effects). Alignment: Neutral
Termarr has secret holds and hidden caches scattered through- Movement: 180' (60')
out the shadows of the worldshadows which serve as his de Armor Class: 6
facto lairs upon the Prime Plane. In these shadows are the Hit pts. (HD): 50 hp (12 HD)
collected treasure and trinkets picked from the pockets and Attacks: 1
packs of his victims (which he may do with a 100% chance of
Damage: d6+1 or special
success, regardless of the level of his victim).
Save: T12
Many thieves guilds have a small statue of this lurker of the Morale: 9
shadows, with many members of each guild swearing they Hoard Class: XIII
have heard his dark cackling in the black of the night.
XP: 4,400
Related Entries: G) Arvirive, Avirgiri, Glaria, the Mearra,
Merramorina, Micicara, Nardrea, Ruslivia, Sertetti, Tsrura. Theb is the petty god of chimney pots, propitiated (with alco-
hol) to keep them free from fires, birds nests, and breakage.
* Please see the entry in this section for the Mearra for informa- He appears as a ragged, besmutted and slight-but-wiry youth
tion regarding their alignment. with hair like a stiff black brush. He hates birds of all kinds,
can see perfectly well in dark or smoky environments, takes

16 8

half damage from fire, and can squeeze through any flue or Thuf
vent. Theb can defend himself by breathing out smoke in a
(petty god of secrets and unexplained winds)
30'30'30' cube (reduces vision to 5 feet; all attacks are at 2
Titles: Lord of Unexplained Winds in Underground
to hit). He can also attack by breathing soot into a foes face
(save vs. breath or choke for 1d4+1 damage and be unable to Chambers and Lights Extinguished at Inconvenient
attack for an equal number of rounds) and hit with a magically Moments; Protector of the Underworlds Secrets;
extendable broom that does 1d6+1 damage to a target up to He Who is Lost But Would Not Be Found
15' away and begrimes anyone so hit (normal clothing ruined;
armor, skin, etc. take an hour per hit to clean). & David Haraldson
Theb Reaction Table
F Jim Magnusson
2 Helpful: Willing to consider any Symbol: Iron candle-snuffer; Thufs eyes on a
chimney-related activities. black field; a black field with no symbol
Alignment: Chaotic
3-4 Happy: Wuaffs booze and sings
chimney-sweep songs. Movement: 90' (30')
5-9 Hurried: Has things to do, and anxious to be off. Armor Class: 5 (requires
10-11 Hungover: Antagonistic; will attack if bothered. weapons
12 Hostile: Sees something bird-like about party, to hit)
and attacks! Hit pts. (HD): 65 hp (11 HD)
Attacks: 1 (breath)
Their Wife Damage: See below
(petty godess of politeness and Save: D12
the spouses of theater directors) Morale: 10
Hoard Class: X; VIII (in Lair)
& Jason Kielbasa XP: 3,600
F Claytonian J.P.
Thuf most often manifests as a puckish, grubby, young adult
Symbol: A smile with
male with pale skin and unnaturally dilated ruby-red eyes.
theater curtains
Summoned by artificial light in long lost underground pas-
as a background
sages and chambers,* he will appear immediately in front of
Alignment: Neutral the explorers, silently barring their way. At this point, delv-
Movement: 90' (30') ers have a brief opportunity to request permission to venture
Armor Class: 0 furtherhe will accept maps as burned offerings (-2 reaction
Hit pts. (HD): 90 hp (25 HD) bonus) and gemstones (-1 bonus up to 1,000 gp value, addi-
Attacks: Special tional 1 bonus per additional 500 gp). In addition to allowing
explorers to pass, he may cause a gentle breeze, lasting either
Damage: Special 1d4 turns (friendly reaction) or 1d4 rounds (indifferent)
Save: M22 that disperses smoke, gases, and other noxious vapors. If an-
Morale: 10 gered (hostile), he will produce a strong gust of wind for one
Hoard Class: XII, XVI round with the following effects: it extinguishes all non-magi-
XP: 10,000 cal lights within 100', causes confusion (as per an attack by
normal bats), and knocks over bipeds with 3 or fewer HD who
Their Wife is the goddess of politeness and the spouses of fail a save vs. breath (cf. a djinnis whirlwind attack).
theater directors. Her direct intervention keeps the calm be-
If the delvers advance, he will attack, teleporting (as per the
tween the god of directors and the god of actors. Called upon
ability of blink dogs) next to the most vulnerable light-bearer in
to give guidance between two orders with irreconcilable dif-
the party to extinguish the light with a short but powerful puff
ferences, she keeps the peace so that the entertainment arts
(the character may save vs. breath to prevent the light being
will flourish. Those who consider kindness and civility of para-
blown out). He will then teleport to the next most vulnerable
mount importance also worship this goddess.
light-carrier and attack again, until all lights are out.
It is rare for Their Wife to attack. When provoked, she weaves
Some underworld denizens revere Thuf as the guardian of
a vision in the mind of her attacker showing them a vision of
their most precious secrets. Dedicated cults thrive in goblin
utmost peace (acting as a charm person spell). Under extreme
tribes, their shamans wearing masks that are grotesque hom-
duress she will use mass charm to try to bring about a peaceful
ages to the godlings face, with red glass or even rubies for
end to an encounter.
eyes and lips carved as if to blow out a torch.
Their Wife can bestow upon mortals, for one night, the ability
* Daily check for adventuring parties of 4 or more on dun-
to act as if they have a Charisma score of 18. Due to the good
geon levels 4 and deeper: percentage chance of summoning
graces of Their Wife an individual will be seen as acting with
him equals number of lights carried level descended; 2, if
civility in all social situations putting to ease any hostilities that
number of light sources equals or exceeds half the number of
may come up between aggrieved parties. This ability is given
party members; 2, if area is sacred to the godling.
to any followers on the opening night of any show they visit
but not on any other night. Related Entries: D) Mask of Thuf (Greater).


Thwizeviblyz Thwizeviblyz will often manifest among adults in a tavern as

a lice-ridden, besotted old man who sits near the hearth and
(petty god of baby laughter; aspect of the Jale God)
speaks nothing but gibberish if approached. If he is treated
well while in this guise (plied with drinks, fed a food of the
& Matthew W. Schmeer gods, etc.), there is a 3% chance he will grant a limited wish; if
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. it is an unbidden child who treats him well, he will grant a wish.
Hes used to being treated poorly or ignored and will go out of
Symbol: A baby pulling a cats tail his way to blend into the crowd to avoid notice.
Alignment: Lawful Thwizeviblyz is sometimes honored as a patron of pregnant
Movement: 60' (20') warriors; any pregnant female fighter who invokes his name
Armor Class: 3 in battle gains a +2 for all melee attacks as her target breaks
Hit pts. (HD): 50 hp down in delirious laughter. It is rumored that this is the key to
(9 HD) the Amazonians prowess in battle.
Attacks: 1 His main weapon is a sputtering geyser of acidic spittle 5 feet
Damage: 2d8 wide and reaching up to 30 feet away. This is a targeted attack
Save: C12 and does 2d8 burning damage. Uniane* has a devestating ef-
Morale: 9 fect on Thwizeviblyz, causing him 4d6 damage and forcing his
Hoard Class: VII immediate teleportation off the Material Plane.
XP: 5,600 Thwizeviblyz Reaction Table
2 Friendly: Speaks happy, upbeat gibberish;
The Jale God knows many forms. This of all his aspects is
will bestow a blessing.
the least known. Yet here his influence is perhaps the most
entrenched. 3-4 Indifferent: Speaks long winded streams of
consonants with no break; lots of spittle.
Every time a baby laughs, Thwizeviblyz (whose name is best 5-6 Enthusiastic: Gurgles and spits, nibbles fingers,
pronounced by the untoothed mouths of children) is greatly picks nose, plays with snot; will grant a boon if you
pleased and grows in strength. As his power is tied to the health can figure out how to ask.
of the human and halfling populations (elven and dwarven ba-
7-8 Annoyed: Lots of urgent hand gestures and
bies do not laugh), his power waxes and wanes with the tides
wet, blurbering blubbering, angry faces.
of famine, drought, war, and plague. In good times he is one of
the most powerful of gods, in bad times one of the weakest. Yet 9-11 Unfriendly: Temper tantrum; will throw things;
Thwizeviblyz persists as long as the Jale God persists, oversee- cries a lot.
ing the birth and death of civilizations over the ages. 12 Sleeping: Lots of thumb-sucking and wet
slurping noises; wake at own peril.
The key to his longevity is that every child unconsciously wor-
ships Thwizeviblyz. Being born is a fate no mortal soul can *uniane [oon-e-a-neigh. halfling concept]: Laughter comes is
avoid, and Thwizeviblyz knows there is nothing sweeter than in- many forms: the snigger, the snort, the chortle, the choke, the
nocent souls enjoying the moments before fates fingers begin to titter, the giggle, the cackle, the choke, the snicker, the chuckle,
twist their lifes threads. Young childrens unbidden laughter at the sputtering burst. But none is as pure and heart-heavy as
lifes minor absurdities mesh with his own view of the cosmos. uniane, the sound of an innocent child laughing at his reflec-
tion in a mirror and realizing for the first time he is laughing at
His presence goes unnoticed by those over three years old. But himself and not, as he thought, at another child. The startling
those under three know him as shadows upon walls, curtains self-awareness begins the path away from childhood.
fluttering in a windless room, and soothing voices emanating
from beneath closed doors. He cannot be attacked in these Related Entries: Please see the Jale God entry in this section
forms. Thwizeviblyz brings the gift of teething everywhere he for a complete listing of entries related to the Jale God (including
goes; the sharp pain in the mouth a reminder that life is pain all gods and items mentioned in this listing).
and blood and fire in the mouth. Tonya, the petty goddess of
childrens teeth, is grateful for this service and owes her exist-
ence to him.
If a party carries children under three within their ranks,
Thwizeviblyz might bestow a blessing upon the party that
gives a +3 to morale, +1 to Strength, and +2 to Constitution.
However, he has a particular hatred of mimes, clowns, jesters,
and jokers, whose worthless mouth noises bring forth false
laughter from children. If a party includes one of these lousy
comedians, his blessing will also cause their jokes and antics
to have no effect on children of any age; in fact, children will
instead flee from them in terror.
If a child should die through the partys fault while under the
blessing, the blessing will immediately become a curse and the
party will suffer the bonuses as penalties instead. This curse
can only be lifted by a cleric of 10th level or higher.


Tix-ka-tix (petty god of patience) dealing with time and numerology as they advance and gain
a deeper understanding of the byzantine philosophies of the
Titles: The Returner; The Patient One;
Slumbering Pharaoh. Followers of the cult tend to become
The Slumbering Pharaoh subtle manipulators in the service of Law, maintaining a
& Erik Jensen stable of informants and far-flung agents underneath them
F James D. Jarvis the priest-as-spymaster. Both Tix-ka-tix and his followers are
content to pursue victory by the sacrifice of innumerable lives,
Symbol: A pair so long as the goal is achieved.
of red
Legends and Half-Truths regarding Tix-ka-tix:
eyes, or two
vermilion His flesh, or that of his retinue, makes a
circles surprisingly potent ingredient which may be
Alignment: Lawful used to contribute to the creation of a mummy,
Movement: 180' (60') or the pursuit of lichdom.
Armor Class: 2
One manifestation of the Returner sleeps in
Hit pts. (HD): 90 hp (15 HD) an inverted ziggurant buried miles below-
Attacks: 1 (claws or spell) ground, guarded by all manner of insectoids
Damage: 2d8+3 or by spell and deathless creatures. It is said that those
Save: F15 interlopers who walk the halls of this complex
move forward and backward in time just as
Morale: 10
they travel in space.
Hoard Class: None
XP: 3,000 Tix-ka-tix makes gifts to his (sometimes
unwitting) champions, such as an enchanted,
The lesser godling known in ancient texts as Tix-ka-tix is better chitinous shield or a keen magical blade
known to modern sages as the Slumbering Pharaoh, or The which resembles a diaphanous wing made
Returner, and is thought to be a deity representing pattern, of stained glass.
time and patience, and inevitability. The unenlightened may
take Tix-ka-tix at face value as some sort of cicada god, but The return or manifestation of Tix-ka-tix
that is merely the material veneer which cloaks a deeper and is often accompanied by time slippage in the
more sublime nature. surrounding areamisplaced dinosaurs,
lost legions, and anachronisms (e.g., a P-38
While mortals perceive time as linear, the godsincluding the appears in the sky, only to crash to the ground
Slumbering Pharaohunderstand it to instead be the interlac- in a fireball) occur for several days before
ing flows of innumerable patterns. Tix-ka-tix is a manifesta- the Slumbering Pharaoh rises.
tion and traveler of these pathways of time, moving from one
timeline to the next, cataloguing possibilities. His knowledge Related Entries: M) Tithonoid.
of possible futures is vast, and from time to time he selects
champions of Law who can either maintain or alter the future
through subtle but important influence. Those agents of Chaos Tlacotani
who would disrupt the ever-branching future or corrupt the (petty god of
established past of a timeline are his enemies. sudden inundation)
The avatar of Tix-ka-tix which typically makes an appearance Titles: Lord of the
on the Material Plane every seventeen years is an enormous Sudden Inundation
humanoid cicada with tiger-striped chitin; his eyes, immense
crimson orbs, glow with a nauseating light, making the Re-
& John Everett Till
turner very difficult for mortals to look at for long. The Slum- F Garrisonjames
bering Pharaoh does not relish direct conflict, but defends him- Symbol: A bright
self with mighty swipes of his claws (doing 2d8+3 damage) if green serpent with an
necessary. Cicadas loyally follow each of Tix-ka-tixs mental undulating back and no tail; both ends
commands at any distance, and the avatar is often accompa- of its body have a serpent head
nied by one or more swarms of the insects, or a handful of
Alignment: Chaotic
other insectoid creatures which act as his retinue. If the avatar
of Tix-ka-tix is destroyed, it explodes into a swarm of cicadas Movement: 150' (50') in water; 90' (30') on land
(doing 5d6 damage in a twenty-foot radius, save vs. breath for Armor Class: 2
half) which thrum for a few moments, then expire and crum- Hit pts. (HD): 72 hp (18 HD)
ble to dust; his vermilion eyes transform into fist-sized uncut Attacks: 1 per mouth (2 bites, 2 spells,
rubies (value 300 gp total) and tumble to the ground. Tix-ka-tix or 1 bite/1 spell)
may cast spells as a 7th level cleric and a 7th level magic-user, Damage: 2d10/2d10 or by spell
and he is immune to charm, fear, mind-control, and any effect
Save: C18
which would age or slow him.
Morale: 10
Clerics who study the old ways and follow Tix-ka-tix tend to Hoard Class: None
be granted insect-themed spells at lower levels, and magic XP: 6,250


Tlacotani, Lord of the Sudden Inundation, is a child of Tlaloc Tlacotani Reaction Table
(god of lightning and rain) and his consort Chalchiuhtlicue, the Priests/priestesses of Tlaloc and Chalchiuhtlicue, and
Lady of the Green Skirt (goddess of lakes and streams). His shamans of Tlacotani may subtract 1 from their roll.
back is in constant motion, undulating like an overflowing riv-
er bank. Tlacotanis two heads and bright green scales evoke 2 Friendly: Tlacotani offers a boon such as the
crocodilians, snakes, turtles, and frogs, all of whom are sacred location of an ancient flooded ruin, an inundation
to him. He is often accompanied by 1d12 of his favored crea- to irrigate a farm or to flood a rival farm and
village, the sowing of confusion and dissent
tures, as well as by 1d8 of the special minions of his mother,
against a favored leader, the location of a cache
the ahuizotls. The latter are fierce aquatic predators that stalk
of eggs, or the command of 1d6 ahuizotls
people crossing rivers and lakes, and who take delight in feast- (a special minion) for one week.
ing on the drowned.
3-5 Indifferent: Offers the PCs an inundation, the
Travelers and adventurers pray to Tlacotani for safe passage location of a clutch of eggs, or the command of
across lakes and down dangerous and unpredictable rivers, as 1d6 wet and scaly animal followers for a day, in
well as to locate the ruins of long forgotten and flooded tem- exchange for a significant favor of some kind.
ples and cities. Peasants petition him to avert the pests and 6-8 Neutral: In exchange for respectful prayers,
diseases associated with still water. They also invoke him when the god (through its shaman) grants a snake or
their parched fields need water, as well as to bring ruin upon frog living charm to the PCs as a safe passage
rival villages by washing out their crops. Hunters seek his help across a body of water. Hostile creatures including
in finding game and eggs. ahuizotls will not attack.
Indeed, the Lesser Mystery of Lord Tlacotani is that the eggs 9-11 Unfriendly: The god uses raise/lower water
and/or control weather to batter the PCs with
of his favored creatures can be ingested to enhance fertility.
floodwater, wind, and rain.
Children born under his influence often have the tell-tale trac-
es of Tlacotanis favor: perpetually moist or scaly skin, bulging 12 Hostile: The god uses deadly spells (such as
or bright green eyes, sharp nails or teeth, webbing between lightning bolt) or its bite(s) to attack the PCs.
fingers and toes. These children often become shamans of
Related Entries: M) Ahuizotl.
Tlacotani (or shape-shifters).
Most priests of Tlacotani are shamans who make their homes
in wild areas near the paths between villages, or on small Tonya
island refuges on lakes. Others simply wander the jungle or (petty god of childrens teeth)
canoe the endless rivers of the interior. Tlacotanis shamans affiliations: The Jale God
are constantly surrounded by his sacred creatures, and they
are often scary sorts. His shamans are rarely squeamish; their & Matthew W. Schmeer
bodies are covered in the strange scars and terrible bite marks F Andrew Walter
made by the creatures sacred to Lord Tlacotani. The sudden
surprise bite is Lord Tlacotanis preferred means of sacrifice. Symbol: A childs incisor
With the gods blessing, a shaman may offer a petitioner a Alignment: Chaotic
small turtle, snake, or a frog as a living charm for safe pas- Movement: 30' (10')
sage across a particularly dangerous rivers, lakes, and wetland Armor Class: 4
areas. These living charms will escape and return to the wild
Hit pts. (HD): 41 hp (8 HD)
as soon as the journey has been completed.
Attacks: 1 (tentacle lash or toothy squeeze)
Paradoxically, in the great cities, many scholars, scribes, and sor- Damage: 1d8 (lash) or
cerers also petition Tlacotani for help. Tlacotani means Speak- 1d12 crushing damage +
er. The god has two heads facing in opposite directions, and 1d6 bite (toothy sqeeze)
two mouthseach with a forked tongue. Tlacotani can speak Save: F78
with two voices. He often utters conflicting truths, and creates
Morale: 11
confusion and disarray. Among the great contending temples,
Tlacotani can be invoked for a sudden victory or reversal of for- Hoard Class: XXI
tunes in a theological conflict or factional dispute. XP: 1,060

This is a Greater Mystery of the Lord of the Sudden Inundation. Tonya, petty goddess of childrens teeth, appears as a 15-foot-
A river overflowing its banks is like the swift and surprising tall tongue embedded with the missing teeth of thousands of
overthrow of a long-favored scholar, pundit, or factional leader. children arranged scale-like across her frontside. She has no
A sudden storm washes away the old and stagnant, and brings features beside her red pulsing body and the teeth, and she
new people to power after a period of bloodletting and re- communicates via telepathy and other psionic means.
crimination. This inundation often begins when an old, often
trivial debate or dispute resurfaces, fueled by obsession, jeal- Tonya was banished to the Material Plane by Ywehbob-
ousy, or long simmering resentments. The banks of discourse bobhewy, Lord of Waters, King of Mirrors, Patriarch of the
and authority soon overflow, sweeping the old leaders away in Most Profound for attempting to steal the teeth of his favored
its wake. daughter, Curdle, the petty goddess of blind milk maids. She
now spends her time plotting ways to get back into Ywehbob-
Spells Known (all usable at will): control weather and raise/ bobhewys good graces. She believes the gifts of money she
lower water (as 18th level cleric); charm monster, confusion, deigns to leave beneath childrens sleeping heads will bring her
lightning bolt (as 18th level magic-user). back into Ywehbobbobhewys fold. She is mistaken, as metal


5 Intrigued: The human is curious about Tanya

and/or her minions and Tanya will treat the human
favorably with no attempts at deceit.
6 Charmed: The human is charmed by Tanya and
will do her bidding for 1d6 rounds. Her bidding
usually has to do with extracting teeth from fellow
humans. Additionally, the human will believe
anything Tanya says during the charmed period.
Encountering Fey-like Creatures and Demihumans:
Fey-like creatures and demihumans will immediately recognize
Tanyas true form (and her minions as well). Because of the
false rumors about tooth retrival, Tonya has a particular hatred
for these creatures (especially fairies and hobgoblins) and will
attack them on sight. She will even attempt to strangle their
children as they sleep if offered the opportunity.
Tanya attacks with a whip-like lash from the tip of her tongue-
like body, doing 1d8 lashing damage. Alternately, if a victim
is within 9 feet, she can grab her victim in a toothy squeeze,
inflicting 1d12 crushing damage plus 1d6 biting damage from
the embedded teeth (on a single successfull to hit roll).
Related Entries: Please see the Jale God entry in this section
for a complete listing of entries related to the Jale God (including
all gods and items mentioned in this listing).

Tremella (petty goddess of

pub-crawling and drunken love)
Titles: Tremella of the Cups

coins are worthless trinkets to the minor corpus gods who & Garrett Weinstein
make-up Ywehbobbobhewys court. F Jeremy Duncan
Tonya despises the common misconception that fey and/or Symbol: A glowing mug of beer,
hobgoblins are responsible for retrieving teeth from beneath a tankard, or a keg
childrens pillows. In fact it is Her Toothinesss wormy minions Alignment: Chaotic
(which are minature, toothless versions of herself; no attack; Movement: 180' (60')
AC:10; hp:5) which wriggle beneath the sheets of sleeping Armor Class: 0
children to snatch away the enamaled prizes she treasures.
Hit pts. (HD): 70 hp (12 HD)
It is rumored she is building a temple to Ywehbobbobhewy Attacks: 1 (boxing)
with all the milk teeth her minions gather. Damage: 1d4+4
Tonya herself rarely retrieves teeth from beneath a childs Save: C19
head. She will only do so for nobles and clerical orders. Morale: 7
Hoard Class: VII (but no
Encountering Humans: Tonya and her minions are invis- magic items)
ible to children whose natural age is 12 or younger. Between
XP: 4,200
the ages of 13 and 16, teenagers can sense their presence
but only see wriggly shadows. At 17 or older, adults can see Tremella of the Cups, often referred to simply as ol Trema,
Tonya and her minions true forms and must roll on the fol- is the much-loved patron spirit of those who love to drink,
lowing table: drink to love, and anyone who abides by the phrase drink
Human Encounters Reaction Table till hes/shes cute. Often manifesting for a night amongst a
chosen party of revelers or pub-crawlers, ol Trema usually ap-
Tanya favors humans and will act friendly to them pears as a plain-faced woman of average height, with a slight-
regardless of their reaction to her. Roll 1d6.
but-noticeable beer belly. All in her presence who have had
1 Disgusted: The human is disgusted and vomits at least one alcoholic beverage will recognize her as a friend
immediately for 1d4 rounds, and suffers a 2 to hit (similar to the charm person spell). A person can actively resist
and to all damage dealt during this time. this affect if they choose, but doing so causes their Charisma
2 Repulsed: The human is nauseated and feels faint to drop by 2 points until the next sunrise.
for 1d4 rounds, and suffers a 1 to hit and to all
Tremella is likely to bestow her blessing on those who buy her
damage dealt during this time.
a drink, and will certainly do so for those who buy a round for
3-4 Indifferent: The human has no reaction and is everyone. Her typical blessing is to raise by 1d4+1 the effec-
able to converse with Tanya. tive Charisma of a reveler in regards to all those who drink


at least two alcoholic beverages; the effects cease at the next

sunrise. These blessings may sometimes be mixed, as those so
blessed also see everyone around them as having 2 Charisma
points higher than they would normally possess. She rarely
uses curses, but if annoyed, may curse offending persons with
either severe inebriation (lasts 1d4+2 hours, with a massive
hangover persisting for the entirety of the next day) or, if se-
verely angered, may curse an individual with the inability to
become intoxicated (permanent until removed). These curses
may be resisted with a save vs. spell at -4.
Tremella has a strong distaste for violence, and will usually
leave if a fight breaks out amongst that nights chosen par-
ty of revelers. If anyone is foolish enough to attack her, or a
stranger attempts to visit violence upon her friends, she can
summon the aid of anyone nearby who has had at least two
drinks recently. Those who fight for ol Trema gain 2 point bo-
nuses their to hit rolls, Armor Class and saving throws. The
goddess of pub-crawling may also defend herself physically if
necessary (as she is a skilled drunken boxer).
Tremella Reaction Table
-1 bonus for the inebriated.
2 Severely depressed: Curses 1d4 nearby
targets (75% chance=severe inebriation;
25% chance=inability to become intoxicated)
and leaves (regardless of propitiation).
3 Depressed: Leaves unless properly propitiated. folk believe this fork always points down the most favorable
4-6 Neutral: Orders a drink and waits for the passage (though favorable to who?). She wears a simple tunic
party to start. or robe. These idols are often surrounded by bowls in which
7-11 Friendly: Blesses individual, people pour libations of fungus wine and leave silver caltrops
if properly propitiated. as offerings.
12 Very friendly: Blesses 1d4 nearby targets. Tricruxias few priests wield three-headed flails in combat and
always have a handful of caltrops on hand to foil their foes.
They are a silent order, speaking only when casting spells and
Tricruxia (petty goddess of forked tunnels) then in raised, piercing, melodious voices. They usually paint
Y shapes on their faces, one prong extending over each eye,
& John Stater the other down their nose and chin.
F Chris Hth
Tricruxia dwells, it is said, in a cavern reachable by three dead-
Symbol: Y ly passages meant to test her followers. The cavern is hung
Alignment: Neutral with silvery fungus and golden stalactites and stalagmites.
Movement: 210' (70') Three large ropers guard this cavern, one posted near each
Armor Class: 2 [+1] entrance. In the middle there are three high platforms: one
holding her throne which consists of pillows of damask silk
Hit pts. (HD): 66 hp (9 HD)
scented with hyacinth; another surrounded by a vivid haze,
Attacks: 2 slams/1 fork +3 being her boudoir; and the third surrounded by a force cage,
Damage: 1d6/1d6/1d6+3 holding her treasure of mementos and trophies, including the
Save: C9 still-living head of the green dragon Belzebarth, two casks of
Morale: 11 golden-hued wine pressed from the grapes of Bacchus himself,
Hoard Class: XVI (gems, jewelry and
a seemingly innocent coil of rope that was once the infamous
magic items only; no coins) tomb robber Lucky Lorinda, and a set of silver keys that, when
used properly, are said to be able to open passages into hidden
XP: 3,150
Just as the crossroads of the upper world are believed to be Tricruxia can only be harmed by magical weapons. Her three
magical places under the guard of mystic spirits, so to are the faces make her impossible to surprise, for her eyes never rest.
forked passages under the earth. Those places in dungeons In combat, she can wail with all three mouths, forcing folk to
where three passages meet are under the special protection of save vs. spell or be confused (per the spell). At will, she can
Tricruxia, the petty goddess of forked tunnels. open up passages in walls up to 300 feet long, which she
Tricruxia appears as as a three-legged, three-armed, and three- can also close at will. Once per day, she can begin a strange
faced woman in those few idols which are dedicated to her. In dance that weaves an illusion, creating two duplicate images
all cases, each face, arm and leg is facing down a different pas- that fight as she does, though they cause no damage. If these
sage. One hand holds a two-pronged military fork, and most illusory Tricruxias suffer 9 points of damage, they disappear.
Tricruxia can cast spells as a 9th level cleric.


Tsathoggua (petty god of divine slothfulness) forms that had arrived on Earth with their master. It was
Titles: The Sleeper of Nkai
Voorm the Mighty who cast back the Gnophkehs, enabling the
rise of the pre-human Voormis dominion. And it was Voorm
the Mighty who promulgated the original belief in subterra-
& James Mishler nean living that, in time, after the rise of Men, enabled the
F Michal Majqello Knapik Voormis to survive in the caverns of Voormithadreth, after all
their great works had fallen into ruin and waste
Symbol: His furry toad-like head
Tsathoggua is a Great Old One, a being of unspeakable power
Alignment: Chaotic and utterly inimical nature. That he destroyed the Serpent-Men
Movement: 180' (60') civilization upon his arrival was merely happenstance; that the
Armor Class: 4 [+3] inhuman mammalian beings took to worshipping him thereafter,
Hit pts. (HD): 275 hp (28 HD) merely good fortune. For Tsathoggua, if anything truly divine, is
Attacks: 1 (bite) the cosmic ideal of slothfulness. A vast, squat, pot-bellied amor-
phous thing of vaguely quadrupedal form, he possesses a toad-
Damage: Special like head with great globular eyes, usually closed in sleep, con-
Save: M28 templation, or merely for the lack of the energy to open them.
Morale: 12 His queer tongue, long and thin and covered with strange knobs
Hoard Class: XVI and protrusions, often lolls out of his wide, many-fanged mouth,
XP: 32,000 covered in slime and drool. He is covered all over his body with
soft bat-like fur of ebon black, so dark that it seems to absorb
In utterly ancient days, when the ancestors of Man were but light and disguise his true size and overall shape.
simple tree-dwelling palm-sized insectivores, the Serpent-Men
Tsathoggua is a bottomless cornucopia of arcane and eldritch
ruled the world. They were served by an inhuman though
knowledge; if there is a spell or ritual in existence of which he is
mammalian species of bipeds, the ancestors of the Voormis,
unaware, it is not worth knowing. Thus, he is often worshipped
which were considered both meal and servant rolled into one.
by sorcerers and wizards, necromancers and thaumaturges,
For long ages these wretches cried out for deliverance from
witches and warlocks who seek lost and forbidden knowledge.
their serpentine overlords. Finally, the Cosmos answered,
The difficulty is in wresting it from his reticent tongue, for he
or so it seemed, for a great meteor fell and destroyed the
is loathe to speak, lest he waste his long-shepherded energies.
civilization of the Serpent-Men, and within the heart of the
Propitiation of Tsathoggua requires personal abasement and
meteor was Tsathoggua
sacrifices at his very feet, beneath his black throne in ebon-
Though potent in arcane and eldritch wisdom and power, Tsa- shrouded Nkai. Upon proper propitiation and the survival
thoggua loathes any sort of physical activity. Shortly after his physical, mental, and spiritualof the celebrant of the rites,
arrival he removed himself by arcane means from the ruins of he or she is initiated into Tsathogguas priesthood, taught the
the Serpent-Men capital to the great caverns of Nkai, which proper words and rites to control the formless spawn, and
was then beneath Mount Voormithadreth on the continent of granted some small token of arcane or eldritch knowledge.
Hyperborea. There, the inhuman mammalian species liberated
Communication thereafter between god and priest is usually
through his accidental destruction of the Serpent-Men took
through the idol that the newly inducted priest must make with
to worshipping him, and offered him sacrifices with no effort
his own hands. Thereafter, the nature of the priests worship
on his part. At first they offered up Serpent-Men, then later
can varysome, the most ascetic of wizards, merely set their
members of their own species when other offerings were not
tiny idols in a niche in a hidden room in their tower, while oth-
at hand. He guided them through their early wars with other
ers build great temples, complete with life-sized idols flanked by
inhuman races; his greatest shaman, Voorm the Mighty, the
deep basins of rich and rare materials to house the Formless
founder of the Voormis civilization, is credited with the creation
Spawn. Some cults are secret and hidden, dedicated merely
of the Voormis culture.
to the gathering of eldritch wisdom; others seek to use their
It was Voorm the Mighty who was able to pry from Tsathog- knowledge to conquer and rule openly. His primitive shamans
guas unyielding lips the special words and rites needed to among the voormis and the half-breeds (often also born of un-
control the Formless Spawn, the amorphous, slime-based life holy unions with the formless spawn) are more dedicated to
ecstatic celebration of their ancestral deity and veneration of
their ancient ways through maintaining the strength and power
of their declining people. In addition to providing his priests the
use of his formless spawn and voormis, Tsathoggua is able to
animate his idols to defend his temples and his followers.
Tsathoggua only ever stirs himself physically to impart such
wisdom as is needful to do so verbally; usually he speaks only
though ESP, the range of which is effectively infinite with his
priests. His inhuman flesh is immune to non-magical weapons
and can only be struck by magical weapons of +3 or greater
enchantment. He prefers to defend himself with magic, being
capable of using nine spells of each level, 1st through 9th, from
any spell list, at will; he can cast spells with but a thought, re-
quiring neither verbal nor somatic components, nor even mate-
rial components of less than 1,000 gp value.


He has the ability to create a death field, centered on his body

in a 20-foot radius, which drains three life levels from all within
the the field each round (no saving throw). Any hit points lost
to this field heal Tsathoggua, though points gained in this way
cannot take him above his maximum hit points. If stirred to such
wrath that he must attack physically, he does so with a combi-
nation tongue/bite attack. Any man-sized or smaller creature
struck by his 30-foot long tongue is instantly swallowed. Every
round the victim must make a save vs. spell; if he fails, he is
destroyed utterly, as though through a sphere of annihilation.
If the save succeeds, he merely takes 6d6 points of acid dam-
age. If all else fails, Tsathoggua can teleport without error at
will. Unfortunately, for those at his location when he leaves and
where he arrives, this is accompanied by a terrible explosion,
dealing 40d6 points of damage to all within 240 feet just as he
teleports out and just before he teleports in (he is unaffected by
the blast, as he is neither here nor there at that moment). When
he uses this ability to teleport between worlds, the explosion is
commensurately more powerful
Tsathoggua still dwells in the black realm of Nkai, though final starvation of time as it finally consumes itself. He most
where exactly that is today is unknown. Some claim that Nkai often appears at the end of a terrible winter, seeking out the
is found under the great ice-covered mountains of of the polar taint of Chaos in order to freeze it solid.
seas to the north, while others believe that it is in the sub-arctic From within his floating castle, this greedy ancient giant of a
island just to the south, or even the temperate plains of the god is able able to rain snow, hail, and bone-chilling cold upon
Western Hemisphere. Some theorize that Nkai is an extra- the kingdoms below. He is also able to take on the form of
dimensional space within the bowels of the earth, and is ac- a winter storm of supernatural intensity. In either case, this
cessible from many places through long, magical tunnels that should be treated as the magic-user spell control weather,
connect distant parts of the world through mystical processes. with an area of 10,000 square miles, and a duration of up
Related Entries: M) Formless Spawn, Voormi.
to 12+1d6 hours, usable one time per day, and causing up to
1d4 points of damage per round to any creature caught in the
storm. He is also able to create the most dire of illusions within
his storms (e.g., the gaunt figures of animals dying from expo-
Tsrura sure and starvation), which may be manifested with the same
(petty god of starvation, illusion, and times wintry end) duration and area of effect as his storms. Tsrura will consider
Titles: The Winter of Law; giving respite to a storm-ridden area, but a tribute of no less
The God Of Starvation, Illusion, than 10,000 gp must be offered for him to consider granting
and Times Wintry End such reprieve. The chance of him departing is a base 20%
AFFILIATIONS: The Mearra (for the 10,000 gp tribute)+5% for each additional 5,000 gp
offered up (to a maximum chance of a 95%).
& Eric Fabiaschi In his humanoid form, Tsrura will usually be accompanied by
F Scott Faulkner (Tsrura) 1d4 frost giants (with maximum hit points). Furthermore, in
F Vindico Vindicatum (scene) this form he is able to freeze anything he touches on a suc-
Symbol: An emaciated cessful to hit roll (causing immediate death from cold on a
horse failed save vs. death, even for creatures with cold resistance
Alignment: Lawful (Chaotic)* and immunity).
Movement: 150' (50') Should any creature actually choose to engage in combat with
Armor Class: 2 this beast of a god, he will strike them with his fists for 10d6
Hit pts. (HD): 100 hp (20 HD) points of damage, with his touch also causing starvation in his
victim (on a failed save vs. spells). This starvation will not allow
Attacks: 1 (fists or touch)
a creature to heal by normal means, plus causes an additional
Damage: 10d6+special 1d4 points of damage per day. This starvation effect may only
or death be removed by remove curse or dispel magic.
Save: M20
Morale: 10 Tsrura takes the treasures from the kingdoms he has raided, and
stores them within his floating castle. At the end of a winters sea-
Hoard Class: XVI, XVII
son, Tsrura will return to the Plane of Law (from the Prime Plane)
+ 7,000gp
in order to permanently store away his booty and plunder.
XP: 5,000
Related Entries: G) Arvirive, Avirgiri. Glaria, the Mearra,
Tsrura is the petty god of starvation, illusion, and times wintry Merramorina, Micicara, Nardrea, Ruslivia, Sertetti, Termarr.
end. He is the grand patron of the Mearra, father to Merramo-
rina, and easily the most evil of the family. He is the end of * Please see the entry in this section for the Mearra for informa-
time as symbolized by the white sameness of winter. He is the tion regarding their alignment.


Turquoise Idol You will never completely remove its flesh from anything it
of Communion
(petty god of transformation) DMs note: No one is saying that the PCs have to be the
ones who found the idol. Increase hp/HD and attack bonuses
& Logan Knight accordingly.
F Rose Turner
Symbol: A rough stone
cylindrical Tuu Bih Dturmind
idol, carved (petty god of empty spaces yet to be filled)
with intricate Titles: The Great Placeholder; TBD
symbols & Richard J. LeBlanc
Alignment: Lawful F TBD
Movement: 180' (60') Symbol: An empty circle or empty square
Armor Class: 9 Alignment: Lawful
Hit pts. (HD): 10 hp +1d8 hp per being absorbed Movement: TBD by form
(1 HD +1 HD/being absorbed) Armor Class: TBD by form
Attacks: 1 (leaping grapple or tongue strike) Hit pts. (HD): 95 hp (20 HD)
Damage: Special Attacks: TBD by form
Save: Magic immune; otherwise as Fighter by HD Damage: TBD by form
Morale: 12 Save: M20
Hoard Class: 500 river-polished pebbles of turquoise
Morale: 7
per HD (hoard located inside its belly)
Hoard Class: Varies
XP: 4,000 per HD at the moment
of its untimely demise XP: By stats

They hand you a piece of broken stone; the outside is time- Tuu Bih Dturmind, the Great Placeholder, is the petty god of
worn and dark, graven with symbols, while the alluring tur- empty spaces yet to be filled. It is he who is charged with pro-
quoise surface within glistens like an adhesive. tecting those spaces where something is to be put, but has not
been put there yet. It is not uncommon to find him guarding large
They speak of four joining pieces that were lost; they say that plots of land where a manor or castle is to be erected, or sitting
if you reconstruct the idol it is told to strengthen your mortal in a seat of government until a new official has been chosen or
shell, to unite you with a greater power. elected, or simply holding a stack of empty plates while a cook
decides what recipe will be prepared for an important meal.
The inner surface of the idol is dry to your touch, but when
you join it with another piece you find yourself unable to force Tuu Bih Dturmind may manifest in an infinite variety of forms,
them apart. Every piece amplifies the stench of the swamp but will often become invisible (which he may do at will) until
wafting from it. a form is chosen. This form can range in size and power from
a tiny amoeba to an entire universe (though, even in a mas-
You find and join the final piece and place it before you, ready sive form, he still only possesses 95 hp, attacks as a 20 HD
to receive its power. A wet blue skin seeps from the fine cracks monster, and saves as a 20th level magic-user). In combat, his
on its surface, smothering it and expanding as toad in the attacks are to be determined by the form he takes. The Hoard
shape of a man, with five hanging arms protruding from its Class that Tuu Bih Dturmind possesses is also to be deter-
body. Its skin glistens and it wishes to join you with its form. mined by his form. In fact, almost every aspect of Tuu Bih
It seeks to become one with you by grabbing you (by leaping Dturmind manifestation is to be determined by the form he
at you or by striking at you with its 10' tongue) and absorbing chooses (minus those noted above).
you into itself. The moment it takes hold (on a successful to Though the worshipers of Tuu Bih Dturmind are generally
hit roll) you can feel your skin incorporating into its body as those who are indecisive (and have yet to choose a suitable de-
it sucks you in. Each round thereafter, take a cumulative 2 ity to worship), he is also often worshiped by people in charge
penalty to all rolls, and save vs. death or remain stuck, incorpo- of projects who are either waiting on something to be provided
rating completely if you havent escaped after 3 rounds. With to them, or are waiting until a suitable provider has presented
its increased mass from each being absorbed, the toad gains him or herself.
1 HD, sprouts an additional arm (and a +1 to hit bonus for all
grappling attacks), and its tongue grows 5' longer. In any empty dungeon room, there is a 1% chance that Tuu
Bih Dturmind will appear and immediately give the room a
If you hit the toad in melee, your weapon sticks in its flesh; specific purpose (with the purpose and the room furnishings at
make a Strength check next round to get it back; you have 2 the discretion of the DM), then depart at the end of the round.
rounds thereafter to get it back, for it willl be absorbed after 3
rounds (at which point the toad gains 1 hp). The toad will try It is rumored that Tuu Bih Dturmind is a distant relative of
to grapple anyone that comes near enough, or grab with its Naught, the petty god of invisibility and invisible stalkers.
tongue if no one is already in its mouth. It wont move until it
has finished incorporating those already joined to it. Related Entries: G) Naught.


In combat, Tybesi-O is not a great challenge, but has a fear-

some abilityhe is able to eat anything, even a whole person!
On a natural to hit roll of 19 or 20, he immediately takes the
victim into his mouth and swallows them whole in a truly grue-
some scene. Once inside him, the victim suffers 1d8 points of
damage per round until digested (reduced 0 hp), regurgitated
(1% chance per round), or the god is defeated.

Tyop (petty god of print errrors,

mistranslations, and minor heresies)

& Patrick Wetmore

F Jim Magnusson
Symbol: Gibberish-filled book
Alignment: Neutral
60' (30')
Tybesi-O Movement:
Armor Class: 3
(petty god of food, cuisine, and gluttony)
Hit pts. (HD): 40 hp (7 HD)
& Igor Vinicius Sartorato & Daiane Assen Chales Attacks: 1
F Matthew Shultz Damage: 2d8 + confusion
Symbol: A golden spoon Save: M7
Alignment: Chaotic Morale: 5
Movement: 90' (30') Hoard Class: VI
Armor Class: 6 XP: 1,140
Hit pts. (HD): 75 hp (15 HD)
Some philosophers surmise that the gods obtain power from
Attacks: 1 (fist, swallow attack), or curse the belief of their worshippers. Tyop is an argument that belief
Damage: 1d4 (1d8, swallow) not only provides power, but creates the gods themselves. He
Save: M15 is the god of minor heresies, a result of miscopied and poorly
Morale: 8 translated phrases in the holy books of other religions. When
the worshippers of Morog, the god of moonlit crimes, recite
Hoard Class: XIX
slip up in the night instead of slip out into the night, their
XP: 5,000 prayers reach Tyop instead. When the flock of Lacea, Lady
of the Seven Brothels, chant and after, the men rest sleazy,
Tybesi-O is the god of food, cuisine, and gluttony. His appear-
rather than rest easy, Tyop is exalted. He appears as a man
ance is that of a rotund, bald man with greedy eyes, dressed in
of average height, with features badly jumbled on his face, arms
fine and tawdry clothes. His worshipers are commonly cooks
of unequal length, and a nasty limp due to a disfigured leg. He
seeking his blessings while preparing recipes, particularly be-
speaks only gibberish. If engaged in combat, Tyop strikes with
fore important dinners.
his staff, causing confusion (as per the spell) to those who fail
His few priests are generally nomadic, traveling from commu- a save vs. spell, as well as 2d8 points of damage. Clerics and
nity to community, seeking hospitality in return for blessings. magic-users who attempt to cast spells (from memory, or from
The main dogma of these (usually obese) priests is, never scrolls) within 120' of Tyop must save vs. spell, or find that they
refuse a meal (most of these gluttons take offense if food mispronounce the words (still erasing memory of the spell, or
is not offered to them). Many innkeepers and chefs receive destroying the scroll).
these priests with open arms, hoping to obtain a new and tasty
Tyop Reaction Table
recipe from among the thousands upon thousands of recipes
they are famous for knowing. Use Wisdom for modifier (instead of Charisma).
2 Tyop is deeply pleased, and blesses the mortal
Tybesi-Os attention is particularly attracted when some great
with utter gibberish. The mortal may repeat this
gastronomic feast or banquet is held. In these situations, he
gibberish once at an opponent, causing confusion
requires that a great offering of food and drink be made to as per the spell if a save vs. spell is failed.
him. If this is not done, or the offering is deemed insufficient,
the god will usually curse the community, causing their food 3-5 The god utters his inane wisdom. All spellcasters
stores to spoil, milk to sour, and recipes to go wrong. within 30' find that their remaining memorized
spells are replaced with random spells of the same
Tybesi-O has the power to bless someone, causing that person level, although not necessarily of the same class.
to develop a kind of culinary genius, making them able to ef- 6-8 Tyop babbles like an idiot. All within 30' lose
fortlessly create wonderful recipes. Likewise, this capricious 1d6 points of Wisdom for a 24-hour period.
god is also able to curse those who snub him. This curse can 9-11 The god is displeased. Any scrolls, spell books,
take one of two forms (depending on the target). For some, the and other writing carried by the mortal(s) in
curse makes all food eaten by the target to have an unpleasant question turn to gibberish.
taste. For those with culinary skills, the curse makes every-
thing they cook spoil and/or go wrong. 12 Tyop is enraged and attacks.


U Uilla Undek Ungsi Uroborialis Urglu

Uilla Strength to escape). She can continue to bite the coiled victim
or turn her bite attack elsewhere. She can crush a maximum
(petty goddess of the Isle of Eels*)
of two human sized creatures at the same time.
TITLES: She Who Slithers;
Night Mistress If attacked with a piercing weapon that succeeds on a natural
to hit roll of 20 and/or causes maximum damage, it punc-
& Damian Breen tures one of her many poison sacks (which are located all along
F Rom Brown her body). A 5'-long spray of poison erupts from her body and
her attacker must save vs. poison or die.
Symbol: Gray eel
with a Uilla is incredibly slippery and cannot be held, pinned, grap-
silver belly pled or similar (treat as a permanent free action ability).
curled up
to almost Much like a dragon Uilla can be subdued, and will honor an
form a circle agreement with her attackers as long as they do not perma-
Alignment: Neutral nently take her from her Isle and its surrounding rivers.
Movement: 30' (10') Uilla is worshipped by the river folk in various rituals through-
Swim: 120' (40') out the year, including the making of the grass ladders that are
Armor Class: 2 anchored at natural weirs, the creation of other obstacles which
Hit pts. (HD): 132 hp (18 HD) aid her children in returning to her, and the midwinter festival
of Piggin (where dozens of domesticated pigs are ferried over
Attacks: 1 (bite) + special
the isle and left as a feast for Uilla).
Damage: 4d8 (natural to hit roll of 20
results in +2d10 from coil) A sub-cult of thieves and assassins has emerged around the wor-
Save: F18 ship of their Night Mistress. They use the eel skins to make very
Morale: 11 soft and flexible armor which is naturally dark and aids them in
their nightly activities. When Uilla is particularly hungry, the
Hoard Class: X, XXII
cult is responsible for bringing her food from outside the river
XP: 5,900 folk community, meanwhile filling their own pockets with coins
from their victims. The cult is starting to steal more coin for
Uilla is the mother eel and is the progenitor of all eels. She is
them than food for her, and she is starting to get hungry.
22' long with gray mottled skin and a silver belly. She dwells
on the Isle of the Eels and provides food for the river folk who
worship her.
Undek (petty god of lost souls)
She is worshipped as the provider of food and the cleansing
mouth who keeps the river clean of disease and debris. She & Atailton Miranda
aids the river folk in keeping other waterborne predators in F Courtney Campbell
check, allowing fish stocks and waterfowl to thrive. On the
Symbol: Skull in blue nimbus
night of the summer solstice, she gives birth to tens of thou-
sands of eel larvae that swim down river towards the sea. The Alignment: Chaotic
larvae spend many years at sea until they return as eels back Movement: 60' (20')
to their mother and her voracious appetite. Armor Class: 0 [+3]
Hit pts. (HD): 62 hp
The river folk ensure that they catch only full grown eels on
(10 HD)
the journey back to their mother, and that any young eel that
returns safely to the Isle of the Eels is safe from fishing. The Attacks: 1 (touch)
bounty that Uilla provides them comes at a cost; she has a Damage: 1d6
voracious appetite and demands meat most days. The river Save: F10
folk ferry their dead to the Isle of the Eels, allowing Uilla to Morale: 12
feast upon the bodies and bones of their deceased relatives.
Hoard Class: None
However, if not enough local folk die, other people must be
found to keep she who slithers well fed. Though she will eat XP: 2,700
other meat, she prefers the taste of humans.
Undek, the restless spirit of a dead god, appears as an immate-
Uilla is almost exclusively a nocturnal creature. She is also a rial humanoid, his face hidden in a misty hood. He wanders the
voracious predatorextremely skilled at hunting in the wa- world, gathering both evil spirits (e.g., spectres and wraiths),
ter. She also can slither onto land (for an hour at a time) to as well as living worshipers, in the hope that he might one
pursue prey. She attacks with a gaping maw that inflicts ter- day regain his former glory. His living worshipers often gather
rible wounds. Additionally, on a natural to hit roll of 20, she in ruins reputed to be haunted, where they engage in rituals
grips her foe in her jaws and coils her body around it, inflicting intended to aid the dead god in his goal.
crushing damage every round (bend bars or similar against 20


In combat, Undek drains 3 experience levels by touch. He can and his prayers are chanted by those who trade innocent lives
also cast spells as if he were a 15th level cleric. He may be for gold.
struck only by weapons of +3 or better enchantment. Sleep,
charm, hold, and other mind- or body-affecting spells have A worshiper must only wield knives, daggers, or shortswords to
no effect upon Undek. In addition, he is immune to cold and receive the benefits of the faith. While wielding any weapon of
electricity-based attacks. the specified type, the character receives a +2 to hit and +2
damage bonus. This bonus may be cumulative to any bonuses
Undeks shrine: The cultists of the god of lost souls go to the inherent to the weapon. The use of any other type of weapon is
deepest dungeons in unholy quests for rooms in the paths of forbidden in Ungsism, and the offending worshiper must sacrifice
the Dark Ley-lines. Once a suitable place is found, the ritual one finger or one toe to placate Ungsi and return his blessings.
begins: after hours of prayers and a human sacrifice, a wicked
shrine is created. The bones of dead adventurers found in the Once per day, plus one additional time for each six levels of ex-
dungeon are buried below a marble cube (the evil altar) for perience, an Ungsi follower may cut something which normally
keeping the ghosts under the cults control. In Undeks shrine, cannot be cut by a knife. Stories of Ungsi worshipers slicing
strong evil emanates: the shadows are darker (+20% bonus through heavy iron chains, window glass, or even the swords of
to Hide in Shadows), the spirits are stronger (ghosts, wraiths enemies are not uncommon.
and other spirits have their AC improved by 4 and get a +4 Ungsi appears as a wrinkled, mustachioed and diminutive man
bonus to their saves), and the spell turn undead is weaker (as dressed in completely black chefs garb. A red handkerchief is
2 character levels lower). tied loosely around his neck. Although Ungsi may seem like a
Undek Reaction Table small old man, hes quite fast and has excellent reflexes.
Roll 1d6 (instead of 2d6). The Knife God brandishes two rather large kitchen knives with
1-2 Undek ignores the person. lighting precision. Each weapon is +2 to hit and does 1d6+2
damage (as +2 short sword). These knives only possess these
3-4 Undek is friendly; roll again in 10 rounds. qualities in the hands of Ungsi himself, and merely function as
5 Undek curses the person! standard short swords if wielded by anyone else. Furthermore,
6 Undek atacks! Ungsi can sever extremities of a target on a natural roll of 18
or better, per below (roll 1d10):
1-6 Target loses a finger or a toe.
Ungsi (petty god of knives)
7-8 Target loses a hand or a foot.
& Dungeon of Sketch 9 Target loses an arm or a leg.
F Dungeon of Sketh 10 Target loses their head.
Symbol: A knife cutting through a nail
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 180' (60')
Armor Class: 1
Hit pts. (HD): 97 hp (13 HD)
Attacks: 2 (large knives)
Damage: 1d6+2/1d6+2
Save: F13
Morale: 10
Hoard Class: None + special (see below)
XP: 3,300

Long ago, many chefs and butchers prayed to a little-known

god, Ungsi. Ungsi happily answered their prayers and kept the
knives of his faithful magically sharp. Eventually, better knife
craftsmanship diminished the practice of Ungsi worship, leav-
ing Ungsi to eventually fade into bitter obscurity.
It is rumored a desperate royal cooks apprentice learned of the
outdated practice of Ungsism from an elder chef. The cooks ap-
prentice, despite his magically sharpened knives, was a dismal
failure and was expelled from the castles kitchen in shame.
This disgraced former apprentice turned to a life of crime but
remained a devotee of Ungsi. The young criminal discovered he
was a natural born assassin, and his supernaturally honed knives
lead him to underworld infamy.
In time, the renowned hit man soon became a master of assas-
sins, and he brought Ungsi worship to his guild. The practice of
Ungsism soon spread to many assassins and professional killers,

18 0

If Ungsi is reduced to 20 or less hit points, he can summon

a volley of extremely sharp knives which hurl at his enemies.
These blades launch out from him in a spherical area and do
4d8 + 4 damage to anyone within 40' of Ungsi (save vs. breath
for half damage.) Ungsi may only use this ability once per day.
If Ungsi is defeated, he will leave behind no money or treasure.
However, the victorious will soon realize any knife, dagger, or
shortsword they posses will be permanently blessed with an ad-
ditional +1 to hit and +2 to damage. This effect is cumulative
to any bonuses previously inherent to the items blessed.

(petty goddess of instinctual wisdom)
affiliations: The Jale God

& Matthew W. Schmeer

F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Symbol: A flame encircled by a snake
swallowing its own tail
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 90' (30')
Armor Class: 0
Hit pts. (HD): 60 hp (11 HD)
Attacks: 3 (2 bites/1crush)
Damage: 2d8+special/2d8+special/2d8
Save: C10 keeping up her banter and pondering the nature of the multi-
Morale: 10 verse; they ramble the world engaging in petty observations
Hoard Class: None, as wisdom is its own reward and debates over the minutiae of creation. Although Uroborialis
XP: 7,227 is in constant telepathic contact with these twee philosophers,
she allows them free reign to explore what mysteries they may
While her symbol is often engraved on walls in temples and as long as they are not in harms way, in which case she will
shrines, tombs and towers, hovels and castles, Uroborialis her- manifest to interact with any interlopers.
self has no organized worshipers or clerical orders. The gods
She reacts best to creatures with high Wisdom scores. Those
themselves often seek her counsel, although they are wary of
with Wisdom scores under 9 often find themselves acting purely
her uncanny powers, for she owes her existence to the life-force
on instinct within her presence, revealing their inborn natures
of every being that brings forth young and thus has no need for
not tamed by their respective cultures. Uroborialis will not ban-
the constant adulation sought by other gods.
ter with any creature whose Wisdom is under 9 because of this
This goddess of instinctual wisdom appears as two female heads effect. She tolerates those with Wisdom scores of 1015, and
at either ends of an undulating, serpentine body encrusted with engages in deep philosophical philandering with those above
sparkling scarlet scales. While both heads are strikingly beau- 16. Spellcasters who hold a discussion with Uroborialis have
tiful, one appears as a queenly gray-haired priestess and the a 20% chance to permanently gain the ability to double-cast a
other is a red-headed, befreckled young woman. Each head can spell under 4th level before needing to re-memorize the magic
carry on separate conversations, finish each others sentences, needed to cast it. Anyone with a Wisdom score above 10 who
or speak in unisonsometimes doing all three at once. engages in conversation will also find they have gained the abil-
ity (for 1d12 weeks) to converse with any intelligent creature in
Uroborialis has a strong association with fire, as she can use any that creatures native tongue for the length of the conversation.
flame source as a portal between the godly planes, the Plane
of Fire, and the Material Plane. Thus, she is impervious to fire- Uroboialis gets three attacks. She can crush victims in her pow-
based attacks. It is said that in the olden times, when worship of erful coils for 2d8 crushing damage. Additionally, each of her
petty gods was widely practiced, ardent followers of Uroborialis heads can bite for 2d8 damage apiece. For each successful bite,
would paint a flame on their foreheads as a sign of their piety. As the victim must save vs. poison or suffer a numbing paralysis
she never answered any of her followers prayers, her presence within 1d4 rounds.
in the pantheon of petty gods was eventually forgotten.
Uroborialis has the unnerving ability to unhinge either of her
Uroborialis is extremely wise and venerated among the petty go- jaws and she will attempt to swallow paralyzed victims (no to
dlings as the wisest among them, and it is she who is tasked with hit roll necessary vs. paralyzed victim); swallowed victims suffer
the job of creating innate knowledge of survival in all creatures 3d6 points of damage per round while inside her belly. Victims
before birth. To do this, she must keep up a constant stream of will not be digested, but will be regurgitated out the opposite
banter and observations for the winds to carry the knowledge end from which they were swallowed in three rounds. PCs who
to those who will need it in their time of need. In a long ago survive passing through the goddesss gut receive a permanent
age, she created a group of seven divine homunculi to assist in blessing (per the spell bless) and the paralysis is lifted.


The paralysis can otherwise only be cured by a blessing from Urglu is a misshapen creature whose twisted 15'-tall body is
a cleric of 10th level or higher whose Wisdom score is 16 or covered in patches of hair and varying blotches of scales and
greater. When the victim is cured of the paralysis in this man- blisters. Her right leg is malformed and stiff, and below her left
ner, he or she will have found the answer to one of their lifes arm there sprouts three tentacles. Above her drooling mouth
most perplexing questions, but will be unable to explain it to there is a conglomeration of eyes in many shapes and sizes.
anyone else.
The goddess of mutations visits expecting women and gestat-
If she is successfully attacked with an intelligent weapon of non- ing animals and give her blessings to their progeny. She favors
lawful alignment, there is a 30% chance the intelligence in the children born of incestuous relations, particularly from those
weapon will be released, as it has gained the knowledge of true families who have received her gifts generation after genera-
self-awareness and will attempt to flee from itself, thereby creat- tion. Some scholars claim that Urglu is more active during cer-
ing a self-contained nuclear reaction that warps the space-time tain stellar alignments and that her attention can be diverted
continuum and merges the trapped intelligence back with its through the use of astrological amulets.
original self at the time of its birth.
Many women with child perform offerings where food is placed
Uroborialis will attempt to flee if she is reduced to below 10 hit within a small clay statuette that is buried in the ground in order
points. She unhinges one of her jaws, tucks one head inside the to persuade the goddess to spare their offspring. Others seek
other, and rolls towards the nearest flame source to escape to to fool Urglu by making a doll with a deformity or other altera-
the Godly Plane. tions, whom they carry as if it was a real child. Some worship
the goddess of mutations and actively seek her favors.
Uroborialis Reaction Table
Modify by Wisdom instead of Charisma. In melee Urglu attacks with her claws, or if she can touch an
opponents naked skin she may give her blessing (see below)
2 Friendly: Will grant a boon or truthfully unless the target makes a save vs. wand. After spending 1
answer any question in exchange for a long round hawking and coughing, she can then spit acid up to 60'
philosophical discussion. during any 1 round thereafter.
3-5 Indifferent: Will offer straight-forward advice.
Urglus Blessings
6-8 Neutral: Ignores PCs entirely.
1. Roll 1d4 to determine the total number of
9-11 Unfriendly: Speaks cryptically, blessings on a failed save vs. wand.
usually in riddles, puns, and obscure languages.
12 Hostile: Attacks on sight. 2. For each blessing, roll 1d6 to
determine the type of (permanent) blessing:
1-3=Lesser, 4-5=Greater, 6=Major.
She is often found in the company of Verthish, the Petty God of Lesser Greater Major
Single Pips, who himself is a manifestation of the Jale God. He Blessings Blessings Blessings
finds her constant stream of insightful chatter soothing.
Roll 1d6. Roll 1d12. Roll 1d6.
Related Entries: Please see the Jale God entry in this section 1 Hirsute 1 Extra arm 1 Gills (able to
for a complete listing of entries related to the Jale God (including breathe
2 Cleft lip 2 Tentacles
all gods and items mentioned in this listing). under water)
3 Webbed instead
of arms 2 Darkvision (60')
3 Regeneration
Urglu 4 Six fingers 3 Extra eye (as a Troll)
(petty goddess of mutations) 5 No teeth 4 Cyclopic
4 Omnivorous
Titles: Godmother of 6 No eyes 5 Fur (can gain
Aberrations and Monstrosities 6 Scaly skin sustenance from
7 Feathers any matter)
& Terje Nordin 8 Hoofs
5 Wings
F Eugene Jaworski 6 Echolocation
9 Tail (as a bat)
Symbol: A broken mirror
10 Antlers
Alignment: Chaotic
11 Clawed
Movement: 30' (10')
Armor Class: 2
12 Beak
Hit pts. (HD): 55 hp
(10 HD)
Attacks: 1 (claw/touch
or acid spit)
Damage: 1d8+special
or 1d12
Save: F9
Morale: 12
Hoard Class: II, IX
XP: 1,700


Verlore Verthish Vexarus Vindico vindicatum Vodei Vydia

Verlore (petty god of lost people and lost things) at 15th-level but can use at will): antipathy, dimension door,
hallucinatory terrain, invisibility, maze, symbol of despair,
& Steve Collington teleport (everywhere is very familiar and rolls of 00 are con-
F Darcy Perry sidered a high result). Verlore is said to have links with faerie
folk; those invoking charms against fey magic find some pro-
Symbol: A labyrinth tection (+2 to saving throws) from Verlores abilities. A cleric
Alignment: Neutral casting find the path in Verlores presence will banish him
Movement: 120' (40') for 1d6 months. This will earn the cleric Verlores enmity for
Armor Class: 3
a year and a dayduring this time the cleric will be delayed
and troubled, and things will go missing, be delayed and be
Hit pts. (HD): 66 hp (15 HD)
troubled, adding 20% to time required to do something and to
Attacks: 1 (staff) the cost of equipment and goods.
Damage: 1d6+1 plus special
Verlore Reaction Table
Save: M15
Morale: 7 2 Friendly: Directs you correctly to where
you need to go or what you want.
Hoard Class: XIV
3-5 Indifferent: Gives poor directions; roll under
XP: 10,800
Intelligence on d20 to realise the right path; else
Verlore is a minor deity who deals with the lost, be they people roll 1d8 for compass point and 1d8+2 for number
of squares or hexes youre out from the location.
or things. Though a very minor power, his influence on dun-
geon explorers and his nature is such that hes placated with 6-8 Neutral: Gives you the wrong directions; roll
offerings at crossroads or cast overboard on boats. Verlores 1d8 for compass point and 1d8+4 for number of
appearance varies but often manifests as a human male with a squares or hexes youre out from the location.
worn-looking staff, often a beggar or traveler. He will often be 9-11 Unfriendly: Refuses to give you directions;
seen walking with the calm surety of someone who appears if coerced, gives you bad directions (roll 1d8 for
to know exactly where hes going (which is untrue) or resting compass point and 2d12 for number of squares or
on a broken signpost or milestone. Verlore is the centre of a hexes youre out from the location.
continuous antipathy effect affecting all alignments. All detect 12 Hostile: Teleports you somewhere unfamiliar
spells, ESP, locate object and scrying (e.g. crystal balls) fail in then teleports away the next round (DMs are
his presence. encouraged to make things interesting).
If Verlore is attacked he will strike a foe with his staff, which
does 1d6+1 damage and drains 1 Wisdom (no save) until the Verthish
next sunrise. Verlore prefers to use his spells (which he casts (petty god of single pips; aspect of the Jale God)
TITLES: The Jale God; The Lord of Single Pips
affiliations: The Jale God

& Matthew W. Schmeer

F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Symbol: A pair of
dice rolled
Alignment: Lawful
Movement: 30' (10')
Armor Class: 3
Hit pts. (HD): 84 hp (9 HD)
Attacks: 2 (Fairness/
Balanced) or curse
Damage: 1d4+3(6)/1d6 +3 or special
Save: F12
Morale: 12
Hoard Class: VII
XP: 5,600

Verthish appears in the crowd during games of chance involv-

ing dice. He usually manifests as an aged, long haired, one-
eyed man wearing a brown cloak armed only with a dagger

18 3

and carrying a white staff. To all outward appearances, he is He attacks with a magical bow and is well-known for his three
normal human rabble who likes to gamble. He will wager large strange types of arrows. The first deals no damage, but anyone
sums on the outcomes of the games themselves rather than struck by one must save vs. wand or act as though they are
participating in the games. under the effects of a charm person spell. The second type
also deals no damage, but those struck by one must save vs.
He is impressed with those who act hastily and recklessly in poison or die of a fast-acting disease that kills in 1d6 turns. The
pursuit of high stake gambles and on occasion will manipulate Mouse-God can reanimate these diseased dead as zombies with
the outcome of the dice in their favor even if it means a finan- maximum hit points. These zombies are able to spread disease
cial loss for himself. as if they were a rat (assume all of these zombies carry the
He abhors loaded dice and will ensure their owner loses every disease). The last type of arrow is the one which Vexarus uses
game in which such dice are used. to spread plagues. This type of arrow again does no damage,
and he never shoots one at a sapient being. Instead, he strikes
If attacked, he will defend with Fairness, a +3 dagger that an object in a place frequented by humans or other races; any
dispenses an additional +3 against cheaters, and Balanced, who come into contact with this object must save vs. death or
a +3 quasi-intelligent bonewood staff that once per day can contract a horrible and virulent wasting disease (specific type
cast the Curse of the Jale God (Im Ra Jash) at a target of its at DMs discreation).
own choosing.
Vexarus will never engage in melee combat, preferring to flee
If defeated in battle, Verthish will turn to smoke and return to instead. He is a coward of the worst sort, and the DM is en-
his original plane. After 1d4 weeks, the weapons will lose their couraged to play this to the hilt. Vexarus can turn invisible
magical abilities. at will, and rarely approaches anyone who may be an enemy
while he is visible. Six times per day he may teleport; when
Related Entries: Please see the Jale God entry in this section Veraxus does so he disappears in a cloud of greasy smoke.
for a complete listing of entries related to the Jale God (including Those in close proximity to this smoke (5' radius) must save
all gods, items, and spells mentioned in this listing). vs. poison or contract a disease (similar to the one contracted
from rats).

Vexarus Vexarus Reaction Table

(petty god of virulent This roll is unmodified by ability scores.
diseases and treason) Instead, modify as outlined below:
Titles: Vexarus Mouse-God; Willingly committed treason: -6
Bringer of Plagues; Exposed treason: +6
Lord of Traitors
Chaotic alignment: -3
& Evan Van Elkins Lawful alignment: +3
F Dungeon of Sketch Contracted a plague and survived:
Symbol: Three rats automatically a result of 12 on the table below
with their tails Caused others to contract a plague:
tied together automatically a result of 2 on the table below
Alignment: Chaotic
2 Friendly: Will attempt to aid those
Movement: 120' (40') he is happy with, but only in the most
Armor Class: 4 minimal of ways. If combat is involved,
Hit pts. (HD): 100 hp he will leave the characters out to dry.
(22 HD) 3-5 Indifferent: Seeks neither to harm
Attacks: 1 (bow +3) nor hurt nearby characters. Will attempt to
Damage: Special skulk off if possible.
Save: T22 6-8 Suspicious: Attempts to hide from characters
Morale: 7 in order to ascertain their purpose. If he does not
like what he learns, he will attack.
Hoard Class: X, XVI
9-11 Unfriendly: Will berate and threaten characters,
XP: 14,000
but will attempt to skulk away at first available
Vexarus Mouse-God, Bringer of Plagues and Lord of Traitors, opportunity. Fights minimally if attacked.
is the god of virulent diseases and treason. He is only truly 12 Hostile: Attempts to kill nearby targets.
worshiped by jaded nihilists who seek an end to both their If it appears he is in danger, he will flee.
own existence and the entirety of the human endeavor. All
who commit treason pay him homage though, whether they
know it or not.
Vexarus appears as a horrible 6' combination of rat and man.
His skin is ruddy, bruised, and covered with lesions of various
sorts. His clothing is luxurious but tattered and stained. He
constantly murmurs to himself, even when he is apparently
speaking to others.

18 4

Vindico Vindicatum appearance at will (as if he is polymorphing each mirror image

separately). Additionally, Vindico possesses a limited form of
(petty god of appropriated credit)
ESP which allows him to scan the thoughts of a target creature
Titles: The Great Arrogator;
and look for deeds, words, or actions for which the creature is
The Sultan of Signatures responsible but has accomplished without acknowledgement.
Should he find such opportunities, Vindico may attribute them
& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. to himself. This ability otherwise functions as the magic-user
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. spell ESP, and Vindico may use it 3 times per day.
Symbol: A pair of Vindico Vindicatum Reaction Table
crossed quills
2 Friendly: Vindico Vindicatum will not
Alignment: Lawful seek to claim credit for any of the PCs
Movement: 120' (40') accomplishments; there is a further chance
Armor Class: 7 of 1-in-100 that he may actually proffer an
Hit pts. (HD): 80 hp (14 HD) uncredited accomplishment to be claimed
by one of the PCs.
Attacks: 2 (quills)
3-5 Indifferent: Vindico Vindicatum will
Damage: 1d4+1/1d4+1
not seek to claim credit for any of the PCs
+ special
Save: M14
6-8 Neutral: Vindico Vindicatum will not
Morale: 7 seek to claim credit for any of the PCs
Hoard Class: X, XVIII, XXI accomplishments, but he reserves the right
XP: 4,250 to change his mind, based on their actions.
9-11 Unfriendly: Vindico Vindicatum will
Vindico Vindicatum is the petty god of appropriating unat- immediately start using his ESP ability to scan
tributed credit. Where others have lost or been separated from for deeds which he may claim as his own.
any sort of acknowledgment for their words, deeds or actions,
Vindico is there to claim it for himself. It is Vindico who puts 12 Hostile: Vindico Vindicatum attacks;
using his dual quill attack, he will work his
his name on the legends that predate history, though he is too
way from what he perceives to be the
young (especially by godly standards) to have created them.
weakest to the strongest target, attempting
Among the inventions Vindico attributes to himself are the to appropriate each one as the combat
wheel, fire, language, politics, and religion. He has even as- encounter continues.
cribed to his name the creation of gods (see Ginny Milk Eye)
and divine items (see Spitblade). It should be understood that
Vindico is by no means a liar, and does not claim to have Vodei (petty god of the seas of Aelio*)
done the deeds that underlie the accomplishments he claims Titles: Vodei the Rager; The Waverider;
for himself. He merely seeks to ascribe those efforts to a name
The Ruiner of Ships and Twister of Ways
(and if that name is his, so be it). He believes that when such
works go uncredited, they go unappreciated. By attaching any & Josh Graboff
name to them, the credit that goes to him is also a celebra- F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
tion of the unknown, forgotten, and uncredited creators whose
identities have been lost to the past. Symbol: Four radiating fists of water
Alignment: Chaotic
Vindico would rather claim credit for a victory in combat than
actually have to earn it, but should he find it necessary, he at- Movement: 120' (40') land/on foot
tacks in combat using his two quills of appropriation. In most 4 mph water/riding the waves
aspects, they operate as simple +1 darts of returning. Because 2 mph land/ riding a wave inland
Vindico is ambidextrous, he is able to make two of these at- Armor Class: 5
tacks each round. However, should both quills strike a single Hit pts. (HD): 179 hp (40 HD)
target during the same round, the victim must save vs. spell or Attacks: 1/round (trident), call lightning, 2/round (fists)
be appropriated by Vindico, immediately becoming allegiant
Damage: 1-12, or by weapon+10
to him, and fighting on his behalf for 3d6 rounds.
Save: 100% chance spells cast by spellcasters
Vindico has many forms, for he is able to polymorph at will of 7th level or below fail in his presence;
into any human, demi-human, or humanoid form, as long as 5% per level above 7th; otherwise M40
that the species whose form he assumes would otherwise be Morale: 12 (never fails)
intelligent enough to have created something for which credit is Hoard Class: Everything that has
worth claiming (e.g., humans, dwarves, halflings, and elves are ever fallen to the sea floor
a given, but gnolls and bugbears would be questionable). Vin-
XP: 150,000
dico will assume whatever form best suits his needs, but most
often appears as an trustworthy human male of some years. Vodei the Rager, the Waverider, the Ruiner of Ships and
Vindico can also cast a variation of mirror image, which he Twister of Ways, is one of four brothers who rule the Aelio.
is able to use 1 time per day for a duration of up to 6 turns. Aros and Eiri, gods of the wind and earth respectively, are his
With this ability, he is not only able to create duplicates of elder while the mighty Haeron, the ruler of the heavens, is his
himself, but he is able to create variations in each duplicates younger. Yet he is stronger than them all, brutally cunning,

18 5

and opposes each and every one of them. He was awarded down rains, snows, and sandstorms. As treacherous as the
his realm in a dice game with his brothers, and has taken to sea, or as treacherous as Vodei, as the old saying goes.
the sea with gusto. He is temperamental and fickle, and some
theologians have wondered if perhaps he has gone mad from The Twister of Ways appears as a massive faintly blue-skinned
living beneath the sea. man when he appears at all. He is powerfully muscled, and
is often depicted surrounded by thundering waves, his trident
The Waverider is prone to great rages and also to inexplicable, held in one mammoth fist, lightning playing among its tines.
implacable calms. During the early ages of Arunia he stole
the goddess Meina to come and live beneath the sea as his Those stupid enough to draw his ire or unlucky enough to
queen. While the two have occasional congress (some legends chance upon him will find that he wields command of the sea
claiming cyclopes are the result of their union) they generally completely and utterly. He can capsize a small man-sized ves-
live apart and have great despite for each other. Merfolk, the sel at once, and a larger ship within three rounds by weather
closest beings to Vodei and his abodes, are strongly divided alone. His hands are huge enough that, if he wished, he could
in their support with many worshipping the Rager (thus mak- simply reach out and plunge cogs and carracks alike beneath
ing them dangerous and unpredictable to surface dwellers) and the waves (one per round, if this is what he decides to do). In
many worshipping the Pale Lady (these, of course, being kind addition, he has the power of complete weather control in his
and helpful). local area, and may summon storms over the course of several
rounds. This requires no concentration on his part and simply
Vodei also has twelve powerful spirits at his beck and call. occurs while hes doing other things.
These are known as the Sturms, and each represents a differ-
ent kind of awful weather. He sends these Sturms hither and He can call lightning from the heavens when they are occluded
yon, causing mayhem and mischief. Its said that they obey exactly as the priest spell, save that his bolts do 10d12 points
him not out of love, but from the power of his mystic trident of damage. He can also fling lightning directly with his trident,
by which he made them. They are said to be responsible for though this takes a full round of action. Bolts flung from its
all truly awful storms in Arunia, stirring up the sea, dumping tines may act either as chain lightning or standard bolts; each
deals 10d10 points of damage.

18 6

Being struck by one of his enormous hands causes only 1d12 Vydia
damage, but also flings the target 2d12 feet, with falling dam-
(petty god of charlatans
age being applied as though the distance were vertical.
and over-promisers)
The trident he wields is a powerful magical item in and of
itself. Giant-sized, it requires an enormous strength to hold & Luigi Castellani
and to use properly requires a massive stature. Besides the F Luigi Castellani
ability to fling lightning bolts, it is a +3 weapon that deals
Symbol: A fake gold
2d12 points of damage over a vast area when swung (treat the
chain adorned
attack as an area-attack spell; save vs. breath with Dexterity
with a number
modifier to avoid all damage).
of colored
The following tables are used for sea travel; propitiating the glass beads
Lord of Storms is an important part of making any journey. Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 150' (50')
Sea journeys take much less time than land journeys and there
are fewer opportunities to throw random encounters at the Armor Class: 2 [+1]
PCs due to both the geography and the travel-time. However, Hit pts. (HD): 75 hp (15 HD)
in Arunia there are two important sea gods that must be re- Attacks: 1 (weapon or spell)
spected if you are ever going to get anywhere. The first is Damage: By weapon or spell
Vodei, the vicious old man of the sea; the second is Meri, the Save: M15
Lady of the Waters. One is inimical and one is friendly, but
both must be appeased if a ship is to sail. Morale: 7
Hoard Class: VII
Here you will find information on the Wrath of the Sea, which XP: 4,200
is called upon when Vodei is angry, and the Bounty of the
Lady, which is called upon when Meri blesses a vessel. Vydia is a charlatan god. He usually takes the form of a fair-
haired man or woman in splendid-but-cheap clothes. The deity
Amulets of Vodei (which are fairly cheap) determine the base is charming and suave, but is also vain and pompous.
chance of risking his wrath.
Base Chance Vydia can be encountered in mid-sized cities, faires, and
Situation (without modifiers) markets trying to acquire new followers by promising them
wealth, power, and riches. When seen in such circumstances,
Captain has no amulet 5% base
he is usually served by a small group of delusional followers.
Captain has 2% base The fact is, Vydia is mostly a charlatan, and cant actually
an amulet of Vodei make his promises true. Therefore, he is often encountered
Captain owned an amulet 10% base fleeing enraged mobs of angry ex-followers.
but it has become broken or lost
The wandering god usually keeps away from greater cities and
Chance of densely-settled areas in order to avoid the unwanted attention
Modifiers for... Incurring Wrath Negated by of greater gods and better-organized religionsthey tend to be
for every +.25% increase a single possessive of their followers. Vydias divine nature has already
sailor onboard copper offering caused him the trouble of being sought out by powerful magi-
Captains +10% base chance a 100gp offering cians for their experiments.
for every +1% increase a 10gp offering
Vydia has lost all connections to his former followers and the
planes; should he die, he will be gone forever.
for every 1000gp +1% increase a 10gp offering
worth of cargo Vydia can only be struck by +1 or better weapons.
Vodeis Wrath (Roll 1d10) Due to his divine nature, at will Vydia can cast any magic-user
1-3 Sturms: Vodei sends one of his Sturms. spell up to 5th level, but he is limited to spells connected to illu-
sions, charms, movement, air and fire. For example, Vydia could
4 Doldrums: Ship is immobilized for 1d12 days.
cast phantasmal force, fly, or haste, but never detect magic or
5 Spoiled Food: All food onboard has dispel magic. Vydia is considered a 15th level spellcaster.
mysteriously gone bad.
6 Unseen Reef: Ship runs aground on a reef Twice per day this charlatan deity can change his shape (as pol-
that is not on the charts. ymorph self), but only to one of the following forms: fair-haired
man, fair-haired woman, fly, or horse.
7 Merfolk Attack: Merfolk worshipping
Vodei assault the ship to drag down its crew Vydia has currently no clericsno matter how much he prom-
and passengers as a sacrifice. ises to his followers, he cant really grant them spells.
8 Dry Lightening: Ship is struck by lightning
from a clear sky and catches fire. Related Entries: G) Behzd, Behzd & Vydia.

9 Deep Sea Monster: Ship is attacked by a

beast of the deeps (type at DMs discretion).
10 Vodei Appears: The Old Man himself appears
to sink the ship.


W wart mother whisper will wicked skein Wdderhoot-hoot

Wart Mother Whisper Will

(petty frog goddess of warts) (petty god of crossroads)
TITLES: Dark Toad Mother
& Dale Cameron
F Eleanor Ferron
& Chris Tamm
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Symbol: hand warts or jewels
that resemble
frog eyes
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 120' (40')
Jump: 30' (any
time in
Swim: 180' (60')
Armor Class: 5
as will-o-wisp as dog as man
Hit pts. (HD): 68 hp (18 HD)
Symbol: A baying dog or crossroads
Attacks: 1 (breath weapon) Alignment: Chaotic
Damage: 2d6 + special Movement: 240' (80') fly 150' (50') 120' (40')
(Charisma loss and slowed movement) Armor Class: 8 0 0
Save: C18 Hit pts. (HD): 77 hp (11 HD)
Morale: 6 Attacks: 1 (touch) 1 (bite) 1 (strike)
Hoard Class: Jeweled warts (under her skin; see below) Damage: 2d8 1d8 1d8
XP: 4,250 (electricity) (or by weapon)
Save: T11 + special
The Wart Mother (or Dark Toad Mother) is the petty frog god- Morale: 6
dess of warts. When she manifests, she appears as a cow-sized Hoard Class: XIV (see below)
metallic-chrome purple frog with brilliant turquoise eyes and
XP: 7,600
shining, jewel-like warts all over her body.
Hedge witches and oppressed common folk call on the Dark Whisper Will, the baying dog, the light far off, the man in the
Toad Mother to curse their enemies. If the villagers in commu- long black cloak, is the petty god of crossroads. On many cross-
nity collectively spend 1 month nursing and caring for a large roads one will find a leashed dog, called Will, in honor of Whis-
(min. 5 lbs.) toad as if it were a baby, they may call on her to per Will. Most travelers will offer the dog a morsel of food and
bring her wrath upon the oppressor at whom their hatred and so ask Whisper Will to lead them in the direction they seek.
spite is directed. Angry mobs often follow her with torches and Whisper Will can change instantly between three forms: a black
oil to finish off those she weakens. dog, a man in a long black cloak, and a will-o-wisp (a soft glow-
The Wart Mother tains her enemies with debilitating warts, ing light resembling a lantern). In all forms he is immune to nor-
making them hideous in appearance and slowing their move- mal weapons, and most spells except magic missile, maze, and
ment. Her rancid purple mist breath is a 90 spray that is 30' protection from evil. Whisper Will is only ever encountered at
long. Anyone caught in this mist must save vs. breath or take a crossroads at night. The form he first takes will depend on
2d6 damage (from spasmodically rupturing flesh), lose 1 point his reaction roll.
of Charisma, and be slowed by 10'/round (30'/turn). The effects Whisper Will Reaction Table
of her repeated breath attacks are cumulative. At 0 Charisma,
the victim causes fear (as spell) to a radius of 20' in beings with Modify by 1 for each female in party with Charisma >12.
2 and fewer HD. At a movement of 0', the victim becomes a 2-4 man in a long black cloak
pillar of fused solid wart, and can no longer walk. These effects 5-10 black dog
may be removed by remove curse or cure disease.
11-12 will-o-wisp
At any given moment, the Wart Mother will have 2d4100 ENCOUNTERING AS WILL-O-WISP: When encountered as a will-
warts on her body. Each of these warts actually covers a jewel o-wisp, he will try to lure the travelers away from the cross-
of varying value (total hoard value at DMs discretion). roads and into difficult terrain where the chance of getting lost
is high. This is more to annoy the travelers than any pure ma-
Related Entries: G) Grandpa Toadflap, Johnny Hopper, levolence. Whisper Will is however friendly with vampires and
D) Goggles of the Frog Gods. will lead travelers toward a vampire if one is close.

18 8

ENCOUNTERING AS BLACK DOG: When encountered as a If seriously threatened, Whisper Will transforms into a will-o-
black dog, Whisper Will is generally friendly, and the actions wisp and attacks the weakest party member. He is also able
of the travelers will determine his further reaction. Ill treatment (regardless of his form) to summon aid (roll 1d6):
of the dog is likely to anger Whisper Will, but he will not attack
immediately, preferring to appear at another crossroads on an- 1-5 1d3 will-o-wisps arriving in 1d4 rounds
other night as the man in the long black cloak. 6 1 vampire arriving in 2d4 rounds

ENCOUNTERING AS man in long black coat: Apart from If Whisper Will can stand in the very center of a crossroad, he
wearing a long black cloak, the other most notable features can teleport instantly with 100% success to any other cross-
when encountered in his man form are his dark skin and that road within 3 miles. Additionally, if he is able to do so before he
he always carries a stringed instrument of some kind. When flees, he casts the Curse of the Crossroads on the whole party
encountered, he will not be hostile, but demand the travelers (save vs. spell at -4).
either gamble with him or contest him in musical skill.
Blessing of the Crossroads: Females will have a per-
He will gamble for coin/gem/jewelry in any dice game the party manent 1 point improvement to their reaction rolls whenever
suggests. Having the ability to move each die 1 pip in either di- standing at crossroads (many women have turned this to enter-
rection makes his chances of winning very high (the DM should prising use). For males standing at crossroads, they will have a
roll in secret for Whisper Will, modifying the dice accordingly). 2-in-3 chance (roll of 1-4 on 1d6) to have a strong feeling as to
He will continue to play until the party has lost all of their treas- the direction which will take them in the direction they seek.
ure (excluding items). If the party is good-natured about the loss,
Curse of the Crossroads: This is the reverse of Whisper
he will leave them in peace. If they cheat or become hostile,
Whisper Will changes to will-o-wisp form, defends himself, and Wills blessing. Females will have a permanent 1 point penalty
flees early, but casts the Curse of the Crossroads (see below) on to their reaction rolls when standing at crossroads. For males
the party (save vs. spell at -4) before he departs. standing at crossroads, they will have a 2-in-3 chance (roll of
1-4 on a d6) to take the wrong path from the actual direction
If the party bargains for something other than coin, Whisper they seek. Only a remove curse cast by a cleric of 20th level or
Will has special demands. If there are any female party members greater ability or Whisper Will himself can lift the curse.
with Charisma scores greater than 12, Whisper Will demands
a night with them... simultaneously! Otherwise, he demands a The platinum coins and gems at of Whisper Wills treasure
magic item (he is fond of magical rings and daggers, and often hoard will, at first appearance, look like another coin type.
gives them as gifts to his vampire friends).
Even more than gambling, Whisper Will enjoys a musical contest. Wicked Skein
The bargain demanded by Whisper Will for such a contest is the (petty goddess of
same as outlined above for dicing games, except that coins are unwelcome messages)
not acceptable for wagers. If a party member accepts on behalf
of the party, a ghostly audience will surround the crossroads & John Everett Till
apparitions of those who have been murdered at crossroads. F Juan Ochoa
They are harmless to the party, will disappear if approached
(reappearing elsewhere), and act as both the audience and judges Symbol: A broken quill
for the contest. The party member can use any musical instru- Alignment: Chaotic
ment they wish, including their voice. After each performance, Movement: 120' (40')
roll a 2d6 reaction roll modified by 3 for Whisper Will reflecting
Armor Class: 6
his skill. Allow the party member to use either their Dexterity
bonus (reflecting skill), their Wisdom bonus (reflecting their Hit pts. (HD): 88 hp (22 HD)
choice of song), or their Charisma bonus. It is assumed the party Attacks: 1 (spell)
member has some training in singing/musical instruments and Damage: By spell
if that is not the case they should be at +3. A reaction roll draw Save: M22
will lead to a second round of contest. Morale: 10
If Whisper Will loses either the gambling or musical contest Hoard Class: VIII; typically
he will not protest; he is confined by ancient ties to honor his magic scrolls and
bargain despite his chaotic nature. Mysteriously for the party, spellbooks, or maps
the next morning any coins they have won will have been up- and other
graded (silver/gold to platinum, platinum to 50 gp in gems). written lore
Additionally the main protagonist in the gambling or musical XP: 7,750
contest will gain the Blessing of the Crossroads (see below).
The daughter of the divine messenger and one of the numer-
Women who spend the night with Whisper Will have no mem- ous monkey scribal gods, Wicked Skein is the petty goddess
ory of the night and gain no special benefit/penalty, but will of unwelcome messages. The contending great gods use her
always want to smile if standing at a crossroad. If more than as a vector for spreading rumors and disinformation among
one woman who has spent the night with Whisper Will are their rivals, and she is at the heart of many divine miscommu-
standing at the same crossroads at the same time, NPCs must nications. Mortals frequently summon her to twist the skeins
take a reaction roll to the other woman: a very negative roll and distort the destinies of their rivals through a well-placed
indicates future hostility and a very positive roll indicates poten- misleading or unwelcome message. They also barter with
tial romantic interest. Even PC females should be urged to alter Wicked Skein for information she has gathered during her
their relationships with one another in the same way. errands delivering messages to gods and powerful mortals

18 9

alike. Libraries, archives, scriptoria, and counting houses are gled in the retelling. Almost every message Wicked Skein now
the best places for mortals to summon and negotiate with delivers contains subtle distortions or traps for the unwary.
Wicked Skein.
Those who are rude to her or show fear at her approach re-
Wicked Skein normally manifests to deliver a message accom- ceive far worse treatment. Wicked Skein allows them to share
panied by 1d6 divine auditors, her monkey scribe minions. the message she carries directly, mind-to-mind. The goddess
These magical scribes will immediately disperse at lightning does this by granting the recipient access to her mind via ESP.
speed in all directions within a palace, temple, wizards sanc- Once received, these messages almost always become a corro-
tum or other place of power. They will carry out an audit of sive reality. They worm their way into the recipients mind and
written records of all kinds, looking for spells to memorize, and through them into the world, changing things in most unwel-
all manner of secrets to harvest. It takes them 1d6 rounds to come ways. At their best, they are the equivalent of a bestow
complete this furious search! curse spell. At their worst, they often include an embedded
variant of the symbol of insanity spell, in turn propagating
Once they have completed their audit, the monkeys will return other far-reaching and insidious effects.
to Wicked Skein and whisper all that they have glossed into her
ears. This gives the goddess access to new spells, as well as The inner secret of Wicked Skein is her dual natureboth
leverage with those in power. It also feeds a divine rumor mill. wounded, twisted messenger, and still-faithful monkey scribe.
What Wicked Skein learns in this fashion may be incorporated Although she has lost lips, tongue, and fingers, and will distort
into future messages, or traded with others in exchange for the any message she reads or hears, Wicked Skein still retains the
novel spells she craves. ability to write truly through her monkey tail, which is almost
always hidden discreetly from view beneath her ample skirts.
Wicked Skein wasnt always bad news. Long ago, she was one For individuals she favors, Wicked Skein will use her monkey
of many messenger deities serving as intermediaries between tail to inscribe the message on a scroll through a kind of auto-
other gods, demons, and powerful mortal lords. She acquired matic writing. Afterword, Wicked Skein will have no memory
her current divine portfolio as bearer of unwelcome messages of writing or delivering the true message to its sender.
a result of extremely bad luck. Wicked Skein had the misfor-
tune to carry impertinent or unwelcome messages to a series Using her tail, Wicked Skein can also inscribe on a scroll any
of haughty and vengeful gods. spell she has learned. She sometimes gives these to favored
individuals. More rarely she may bestow an entire new spell
It started when one of the gods of war charged Wicked Skein book on an especially favored recipient.
with making an unreasonable demand to the sharpener god
for unbreakable obsidian blades. Lord Sharpener responded Wicked Skein Reaction Table
by slicing off Wicked Skeins tongue and lips. Fortunately, she Priests/priestesses of messenger or scribal gods
could still write a message. may subtract 1 from their roll.
Next, one of the terrible lords of the Underworld charged Wick- 2 Friendly: Wicked Skeins tail comes out,
ed Skein with collecting the tallies required to levy a death tax clutching a plume for writing. She offers to inscribe
upon that most dire of fertility goddesses, the Divinity of the and deliver a true message for the summoner.
Stillborn and Silent. Stillborn and Silent declared with outrage 3-5 Indifferent: Wicked Skein offers to deliver a
that death comes freely to children, and refused to pay. How- message in exchange for copying a unique
ever, the fertility goddess soon resumed her characteristically spell in the summoners possession. The message
still demeanor, and shared an herbal tea with Wicked Skein will be distorted in some way.
while the ledgers were prepared. When Wicked Skeins account- 6-8 Neutral: Wicked Skein sets loose 1d6 divine
ant scribes had completed taking the accounts, the messenger auditors at the place of summoning. Once her
goddess fingers suddenly turned black. Then they withered and divine auditors return, she will copy or take one
fell off. This is how Wicked Skein lost her ability to write, but she or more spell scrolls or spellbooks of her choice.
could still memorize and recall a message faithfully. Once this task is completed, she will offer to
deliver a message. The message will be distorted
Finally, the god of knowledge summoned Wicked Skein to peti- in some way.
tion the god of magic for a great favor: the ability to use his smok-
ing mirror engines to visit other worlds and dimensions. Lord 9-11 Unfriendly: Wicked Skein sets loose 1d6
Smoking Mirror was deeply offended, for he knew that once divine auditors at the place of summoning.
Once her divine auditors return, she will copy
the god of knowledge had learned this skill, the knowledge god
or take one or more spell scrolls or spellbooks
would build his own gateways. Lord Smoking Mirror responded
of her choice. Once this task is completed, she
by altering Wicked Skeins hearing, vision, and memory. Then offers nothing in return and disappears.
he whispered half the mirror formula into Wicked Skeins right
ear, and half into her left. Then the lord sent Wicked Skein on 12 Hostile: Wicked Skein sets loose 1d6 divine
her way. She returned to the god of knowledge, and shared auditors at the place of summoning. Once her
with him the secret of Lord Smoking Mirrors gates. The god divine auditors return, she will copy or take one
of knowledge commanded a smoking mirror engine to open, or more spell scrolls or spellbooks of her choice.
She then shares a hostile message with the
and passed through the portal. He spent the next 100 years
summoner, then she disappears. The summoner
wandering the Underworld mad and lost. will later find a number of texts and objects in
Since she has no lips, tongue, or fingers, Wicked Skein now their library, archive, or scriptorium are lost,
delivers most messages through ventriloquism. But since her missing, misplaced, or damaged.
meeting with Lord Smoking Mirror, anything that Wicked Skein Related Entries: M) Divine Auditor.
hears or reads becomes twisted slightly in her mind, and tan-

19 0
PETTY GODS Wdderhoot-hoot

vile heavens, which struck the tree, wherein Fooguishenstein

slept. The power of the blast melded the spirit of the arboreal
creature with the soul of the mighty tree itself and the two
became one.
The trapped owl fought to be freed but could only uproot her-
self from the bed of the wood and using the branches and roots
as her new appendages, was cursed to roam the lonely Wretch-
ed Wood, no longer recognized as the wise sage she once was.
Her voice was trapped within the trees solid wood and the
huge groaning hollow where she once lived became a gaping
reminder to all of her lost heart and soul. And over these last
eons she has become known as Wdderhoot-hoot. Singing a
mournful lament for her lost gift of guidance, she wails with
each rising moon, announcing the ending of the day and the
birth of the dark night. All night creatures great and small hear
her distant cries and sharing in her sadness, come forth for
their nocturnal huntings.
Wdderhoot-hoot is influential over all nocturnal creatures
and select monsters that prowl the night. Any creature or
character hearing her distant moans while hunting gains au-
tomatic initiative over its prey, and additionally may utilize
Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, and Backstabbing as a thief
of comparable level.
(petty goddess of nocturnal hunting) In fact, a secret sect of dangerous thieves has become an ardent
group of followers of Wdderhoot-hoot. They have comman-
& Eric Potter deered the petty gods name, incorporating into their secret
F Shane Leong Kum Sheong thieves cant, whispering it in allegiance and using variations of
the name as passwords for entry into their clandestine meet-
Symbol: Branch-covered moon ings. The thieves belonging to this group are master assassins
Alignment: Neutral who operate under the cover of darkness near the edges of
Movement: 60' (20') densely populated cities, hiding out in the safe shadows of the
Armor Class: 2
darkened wood and waiting just shy of city guard gates for
unsuspecting travelers to arrive after sunset. They have been
Hit pts. (HD): 180 hp (20 HD)
specially trained to hear the calls of Wdderhoot-hoot, even at
Attacks: 1 gore/1 claws these immeasurable distances, so that they enjoy using their
Damage: 1d10/1d12 special thieves abilities at doubled percentages whilst hearing
Save: F20 the cries from their sworn lamenting petty god.
Morale: 6 Although the chances of crossing paths with the elusive
Hoard Class: IX Wdderhoot-hoot are extremely slim, the occasional wander-
XP: 800 ing adventurer or two can be found telling his tale in remote
drinking pubs late into bacchanalian evenings. And though
Wdderhoot-hoot is the petty goddess of nocturnal hunting. the audience can scarcely believe what they are hearing, they
She is the horrid and unnatural amalgamation of the infa- sit quietly enraptured, sipping ale from their mugs, their imag-
mous Fooguishenstein the Wizened Great Horned Owl of the inations running wild at the thought of this great gnarled tree
Wretched Wood, and the ancient Gnarled Tree of Knowledge wandering the forest, its cavernous yawning trunk groaning
in which she once lived. For once upon a long time, the aged as if a forceful wind was to snap it in half, desperate to lend
owl was much consulted in all matters of the wood, with an some advice once more.
unending stream of humans, demihumans, and creatures alike
seeking her learned counsel. All were left dumbstruck by her Wdderhoot-hoot Reaction Table
sage advice. Except one. An evil cleric found himself unable to 2-4 Helpful: Will protect prey or lost characters.
abide Fooguishensteins word and vindictively summoned forth 5-8 Neutral: Ignores characters.
the assistance of his most foul deities to extract revenge on the
unsuspecting bird. The twisted clerics gods were pleased to 9-11 Unfriendly: Frightens characters away.
oblige and a horrific lightning bolt erupted from the darkest, 12 Hostile: Stalks or hunts characters.



Xaxolx and elaborate as you wish (e.g. d10 rolls of 4/0(6,5)/1 might
indicate a giant fanged toad-like creature with mottled purple
(petty god of abandoned altars; guardian)
skin and glowing blue eyes, whose bite drains an energy level).
& Malcolm Bowers Roll Animal Color Power
F Jim Magnusson 1 ape red energy drain
Symbol: Any (borrowed) 2 goat orange spell reflection
Alignment: Neutral 3 wolf yellow death ray
Movement: (AC+1)30' ((AC+1)10')
4 toad green swallow whole
Armor Class: Random (roll 1d4)
5 lizard blue deadly poison
Hit pts. (HD): 80+2d20 hp (20 HD)
6 frog purple petrifaction
Attacks: 1 sequence (depends on form)
Damage: 4d6+AC 7 bug black charm
Save: F20 8 bird white paralysis
Morale: 10 9 snake brown feeblemind
Hoard Class: XIX 0 roll twice roll twice roll twice
XP: 5,250
Xaxolx Reaction Table
Whether this petty god is appointed as keeper of disused 2 Placatable: Will accept due deference
fanes or is an opportunistic squatter basking in the remnants with sublimity.
of (un)holy auras is unknown, but its ferocity is unquestioned.
3-5 Hungry: Expects a feast; is not fussy
Xaxolx is of animal Intelligence. It can appear in a thousand
about what, or who.
guises to accept offerings at or defend the forsaken altars it fre-
quents. Some say the god can only be slain if each unique ava- 6-8 Territorial: Attacks if altar approached
tar is slain, and no-one know how many survive. An avatar will without proper ceremony.
usually be at least bull-sized, and can show demonic, undead, 9-11 Aggressive: Attacks if altar approached
or human aspects depending on whether the original altar was closely at all.
consecrated to a chaotic, neutral, or lawful entity. Roll to de- 12 Hostile: Attacks passers-by if they
termine AC, hp, and general avatar appearance and abilities, linger too long.


to one day open the Violet Door found on the lowest strata of
the Underworld. Helplessly beguiled by the things unbearable
gorgeousness, none will be able to put it to the knife, and it will
fulfill its dark destiny unchecked.
The gaze of the Queen is potent and hypnotic. Those who fail
to save against it (vs. petrification) will find that its white shadow-
things have burrowed into their minds. Victims will be lost in a
pale labyrinth of malaise and unfettered self-loathing, unable
and unwilling to see the world around them for 1d6 turns.
Those with the wherewithal to resist her gaze will still have
to contend with Xinraels hedel-men entourage, a motley as-
sortment of humanoid, rotting fruit-folk brought to un-life by
the necro-vivimantic properties of her divine sputum. These
undead are fiercely loyal to their Queen and will defend her
to the (un-)death. They cannot be turned. Xinraels sputum is
highly sought after by those versed in the arts of necromancy
and vivimancy.
Xinrael fears and hates all types of snakes and serpents.
Related Entries: M) Hedel-man.

(petty god of remote outhousing)
Xinrael TITLES: Keeper of the Thrones
(petty goddess of neglected orchards and rotting fruits)
TITLES: Queen of the Rotting Fruits
& Eric Potter
F Dugald Stewart Walker
& Greg Gorgonmilk Symbol: Crescent moon
F Cdric Plante Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: A silver apricot Movement: 180' (60')
Alignment: Chaotic Armor Class: 3
Movement: 60' (20') Hit pts. (HD): 45 hp (10 HD)
fly: 240' (80') Attacks: 1 (withholding)
Armor Class: 0 Damage: #1 or #2 (soiling)
Hit pts. (HD): 140 hp (20 HD) Save: E10
Attacks: 2 (bite/gaze) Morale: 10
Damage: 4d6+AC Hoard Class: XXII
Save: M18 XP: 1,475
Morale: 12 (never fails)
Hoard Class: XIX Xoox is the petty god of remote outhousing. He is the grand
saint of the new, long-overdue movement toward a more
XP: 3,250
hygienic adventuring philosophyDo Not Piss Where You
Xinrael is the divine caretaker of forsaken fruits and the aban- Plunder. Meeting a general contempt and natural suspicion
doned farmlands where such fruits grow. Her worship is usually from adventurers of all ilk, the followers of this creed have
reserved to the peasant-folk who tend vineyards and orchards, taken it upon themselves to construct small outhouses located
though from time to time others will seek her out for reasons at various intervals throughout the realms of Xooxs sphere
that will be explained below. Once Xinrael has annexed a stretch of influence. Each are emblazoned with the gods symbol, a
of farmlands and made it part of her patchwork dominion, that crescent moon, across the door, a welcome sign for those in
tract becomes a jealously-guarded possession. Those who tres- dire need.
pass there risk falling prey to her putrefying fruit-minions, the Conceived and constructed to leave the smallest footprint pos-
hedel-men. Those foolhardy enough to pluck and eat of her sible in any unexplored dungeon or non-reconnoited wilder-
fruit will (2-in-6) sometimes meet the Queen herself. ness area, these outhouses are designed to be small, allowing
Xinrael takes material form as a woman-sized fruit bat with glis- for only one normally-encumbered adventurer at a time. There
tening, milk-white fur. Her gaze is a riot of bleached shadows is a small hook on the inside of the door on which to hang a
that seek to worm their way into the minds of any mortal unfor- backpack, suit of armor, magicians hat, or what have you, as
tunate enough to cross her path (see below). Floating just above well as a small lock for privacy that doubles as a sign of oc-
her countenance is a flowering ignis fatuus bearing the silver cupancy on its reverse. And while its odors can become quite
apricot called Zoion Keer. It is said that the woman who eats overwhelming to some, the rewards far outweigh the risks, as a
of this fruit will give birth to a painfully beautiful monster fated fast-growing number of adventurous adventurers can attest.


The kiosks are normally locked upon the arrival of a desperate Anyone touched by Xumaltet (either simply by touch, or as
adventurer. But readily Xoox appears with two keys on hand, a result of Xumaltets claw attacks) is subject to the effects of
dependent of gender, to unlock the necessary door. Upon exit, id liberation. Similar to the psionic ability id insinuation, id
a small donation is expected from the user to recompense for liberation breaks down the gate of the victims ego and allows
general upkeep and the like. Then a quick blessing from Xoox the unconscious urges (the id) to express themselves. Psionic
in return and the adventurer is on his or her way, now thor- creatures are permitted a psionic saving throw to avoid the
oughly relieved. effects, but non-psionic creatures are not. Once it has been
determined that a victim has been affected, roll 1d6 on the
Xoox Reaction Table following table to determine the form the effect takes in that
Roll 1d4 (instead of 2d6), individual. The effect will last for a duration of 3d6 rounds.
modified by Constitution. Additionally, psionic creatures affected by this ability make all
0- Corked: You know what, I can wait. psionic attacks with a 3 penalty until the damage caused by
the id liberation has been repaired through the use of psychic
1 No Prob: Somebody pull my finger, surgery (even if the other effect has worn off).
2 Close Call: Oh, what a relief it is
Roll Effect
3 Cold Sweats: (Grunt, exhale.)
1 Dazzling Pity: The victim drops to his or her
4+ Oops: What the hell did I eat? knees and begins weeping uncontrollably.
The longer the victim weeps, the sadder he
or she sounds, but the bigger the smile on the
Xumaltet victims face.
(petty god of primal emotions and savage urges)
2 Mesmerizing Chaos: The victim drops any-
& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. thing being carried and spins in place with arms
outstretched and hands clenched. All coming in
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. range are subject to a to hit roll on the part
Symbol: A trident with an extended middle prong of the mesmerized creature (taking 1d4 +
Strength modifiers on a successful to hit roll).
Alignment: Chaotic
The affected creature will be able to spin
Movement: 120' (40') in place for a number of rounds equal to
Armor Class: 2 Constitution, falling down thereafter.
Hit pts. (HD): 97 hp (14 HD) 3 Nauseating Fury: The victim will attack the
Attacks: 4 claws + special (id liberation) nearest living creature. Each round, there is a
Damage: 2d6/2d6 (claws) 1-in-6 chance that this fury will cause the victim
+ special (id liberation; see below) to vomit (for the round), during which time the
afflicted may not perform any other actions.
Save: F14
4 Quavering Blather: The victim reveals their
Morale: 10
deepest and darkest secrets with a trembling voice.
Hoard Class: XVI This makes spellcasting impossible.
XP: 5,100 5 Sordid Anarchy: The victim succumbs to lustful
urges, and may perform no other actions other
Psionic ABILITIES than seeking to satisfy him or herself, whether it be
alone or with a partner (or partners).
6 Vibrating Numbness: As a result of a kind
Attack modes: ego whip, id insinuation, psychic crush
of id overload, the victim is stunned, unable
Defense modes: intellect fortress, mental barrier, mind to move or act for the duration of the effect.
blank, thought shield, tower of iron will
* Psionic abilities noted with asterisk (*) require no PSPs to use
Clairsentience: D) clairaudience*, clairvoyance* and, therefore, may be used at will.
Psychokinesis: S) telekinesis*

See Basic Psionics Handbook.
Telepathy: D) hypnosis*
Psychoportation: S) teleportation*

Xumaltet is the Gatekeeper of Idthe petty god of primal

emotions and savage urges.
This faceless, sightless, slithering reptilean creature is covered
in a glowing ectoplasmic substance, and constantly emits a
howling whimper that seems to come from nowhere.
Xumaltet is surrounded by a perfidious cloud. This odorless,
almost undetectable mist breeds the fearfulness of untrust. All
creatures within 60' of Xumaltet must save vs. poison or be
filled with suspicion about everything and everyone around
them, persisting for 3d8 turns.

19 4

Y Yattle-Hoy Yeb Yellow King Yemeles Yeolnuma Yessir Yggrd

Yhoundeh Ykelu Yululun Yurm Ywehbobbobhewy Yyy

Yattle-Hoy (pantheon) successful save. It can only be struck by blessed, silver, or magi-
cal weapons. It regenerates 3 hit points per round. It can com-
& Ash Law municate telepathically with any creature on the same plane. It
is immune to all mind-affecting spells; if any being tries to read
The gods of the pantheon of Yattle-Hoy were all destroyed, its mind that being must save vs. death or be struck as though
save but for three gods that survived due to their legendary feebleminded.
cowardice. The towns of Yattle-Hoy are tucked in a cleft hid-
den in a mountain rangeobscure areas that appear only as a Any target creature of medium or small size is swallowed whole
footnote on many maps, if they appear at all. on a bite attack that hits with a natural 20 to hit roll. Each
round in Yebs gullet the victim must save vs. death, with a pen-
Related Entries: G) Apar, Derral-Orth, Eye of Vengelate, alty equal to the number of rounds in the gullet, or be destroyed
M) Glimmer Paladin. utterly. One round later Yeb vomits up a number of petty imps
equal to the hit dice of the creature thusly destroyed. These petty
imps are most disturbing in appearance, combining the features
Yeb (petty god of madness) of the destroyed creature with those of random beasts, and any
former friend of the destroyed being must save vs. death, as
above, or flee in horror upon seeing it. A being destroyed in this
& James Mishler fashion cannot be resurrected, and a wish only has a percentage
F David L. Johnson chance equal to the level of the caster of returning the creature
to existence; if it fails, the attempt may never be made again.
Symbol: A red drop of blood ringed with black flames
Its cult is one of madness, as no sane being would worship such
Alignment: Chaotic
a thing. Unlike its parents, sibling, or nephews, it is relatively
Movement: 180' (60') weak, as it has no mastery of magic and no command of potent
FLY: 240' (80') [if wings are manifested] powers of its own. It is thus favored for direct worship by cults
Armor Class: 2 [+1 or blessed or silver] led by mad priests who gain their power from the essence of
Hit pts. (HD): 200 hp (25 HD) Chaos itself, and by cults led by magic-users possessed of no
Attacks: 3 bites/6 others (usually tentacles clerical powers. It is readily summoned, the sole purpose for
and/or horns) or special
Damage: 2d63/1d86
Save: F20
Morale: 11
Hoard Class: None
XP: 17,000

Yeb is the twin of Nug, together the spawn of Shib-Niggurath

and either Yog-Sothoth and/or Yig. Yeb is impure blood and
flame personified, blood spilt of no sane beast and flame as
black and cold as the depths of space. Like its mother, it is natu-
rally formless, an oozing, boiling, roiling red mass of proto-mat-
ter, throbbing orbs, whirling pseudopods, sucking orifices, and
various non-Euclidean forms; unlike its mother, it is not itself
a progenitor, and does not generate spawn at random (though
see below). It can take on any kind of form it wishes, though,
and usually takes on the forms of several beasts at once, to-
gether with things and natures that are not altogether real. The
cobbled-together mass, when first seen, requires the victim to
save vs. death or flee in horror for 20 turns. If the saving throw
is a Natural 1, the victim is driven insane permanently.
It attacks using up to three bites and six other attacks; these
usually take the form of tentacles, hooves, claws, horns, or
some other combination. If it has wings it is limited to two bite
attacks, as manifesting wings takes the place of one head/maw.
It may have many other claws, tentacles, and such, but it can
only coordinate up to six such attacks per round. If struck by
a slashing or piercing melee weapon, the attacker and anyone
else within 15' on the side of the attack must make a save vs.
breath or be spattered with its freezing-hot blackish-red blood.
The geyser of blood causes 1d20 points of damage, half on a

19 5

doing so (beyond impressing the cult minions) being the de- The Yellow King manifests as humanoid (he makes so little of
struction of an enemy and the creation of petty imp minions, himself seen, assuming anything more than this is considered
control of which it can grant to its priests. the rant of a madman) cloaked in a hooded robe of yellow, the
lower half of his face masked by its cowl, and the scolloped tat-
Yeb is also, however, the Grand Hierarch of the Cult of Abhoth, ters of the robes edges rolling in the wind, even when the air
a potent distant cousin on his mothers side (as a favor to Ab- around him lies deathly still. His raven-like wings appear deep
hoths favorite cousin). As such it is summoned to preside at im- crimson to most, but black to those who know his truths, with
portant rites dedicated to Abhoth, and in this capacity has the feathers almost leathery.
ability to summon and grant command over Abhoths spawn,
the amorphous, monstrous, mutant things that crawl forth from His sceptre is an inverted torcha striated brass shaft held in
it. These things Yeb vomits forth from its own gullet upon their a down-pointing position whose eternally burning flame flares
summoning. outward from what would be the torchs head (if it were held
in an upright position). The Yellow King may strike with his
Yeb cannot be slain permanently on any plane of existence torch in melee doing 1d8 damage plus 1 point in fire damage
save that upon which Shub-Niggurath is currently found, for on a successful to hit roll. Furthermore, anyone struck by the
eventually it will regenerate back from any amount of dam- torch must save vs. death or become catatonic until the effect is
age, even from having its atoms torn apart by disintegration or removed by remove curse.
through atomic weapons. It can only be permanently destroyed
if it is reduced to less than 0 hit points and cast wholly into the An aura of madness surrounds him (to 360'), affecting strongest
form of its mother, there to be consumed and regurgitated as those of greatest age. All humans of 79 years or greater auto-
some other mindless beast. If slain in this fashion it is worth 10 matically fall under his command, with 3% chance to avoid this
times the normal experience points. control per year of age less than 79 (e.g., 78-year-olds have a
3% chance to avoid the control, 77-year-olds have a 6% chance
Related Entries: G) Nug; M) Petty Imps. to avoid the control, and so on). Those ages 45 years and under
are immune to this automatic control, as are all humanoid and
demi-human races. Those within the radius of this affect who
Yellow King
(petty god of the the madness that
comes with illness and old age)
TITLES: The Jale God; The King in Yellow;
The Pallid Prince
affiliations: The Jale God

& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.*

F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Symbol: The Yellow Sign (see below)
or a pallid mask
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 270' (90')
Fly: 360' (120')
Armor Class: 2
Hit pts. (HD): 121 hp (20 HD)
Attacks: 1 (inverted torch or touch)
or spell
Damage: 1d8 + 1 pt. fire damage
+ special (inverted torch) or
special (touch) or by spell
Save: M20
Morale: 12
Hoard Class: XV, XVII, XXI; no potions
XP: 10,000

He is mysterious and malevolent. He is The Yellow King and

The King in Yellow, the Pallid Prince, an aspect of the Jale
God. He is the specter of madness that comes with illness and
old age. His court is constituted of doddering old monarchs,
raving grandams, and bedridden child-emperors. Their reign is
his reign, for they understand that his madness goes far deeper
than fevered delirium and the fading clarity of old age. They
know the insanity that hides behind his shadowed eyes is deep
and dimensionally primitive... primeval... primordial. (There
are some who claim him to be a consort of Hastur, or even
Hastur himeslf.)

19 6

have avoided or are immune to his control (including humanoids Yemeles

and demi-humans) must save vs. spell or suffer a maddening
(petty god of drunkards)
effect for 1d10 turns per the table below (roll 1d10 for effect):
TITLES: Protector of Drunkards
Roll Suffers... Effect for Duration
1 Stunned Unable to act
& Keith Sloan
2 Complete Morale:3; unable to
F Eugene Jaworski
withdrawal interact with any Symbol: Tipped-
character/creature over
3 Confusion/ 3 on all to hit
disorientation and damage rolls Alignment: Lawful
4 Depression 3-in-6 chance Movement: 180'
per round to cause (60')
self harm Armor Class: 2

5 Extreme guilt Unable to perform Hit pts. (HD): 86 hp

any offensive action (19 HD)
for duration Attacks: Special
6 Fatigue Movement: 30' (10'); Damage: Special
2 on all melee to hit Save: F16
and damage rolls Morale: 12
7 Feeblemind As spell Hoard Class: XI
8 Hallucinations (at DMs discretion) XP: 7,000
9 Rage Attacks nearest creature; Yemeles is the god charged with protecting drunkards from
fights to death harming themselves, and he is a busy deity, indeed. He races
10 Worthlessness 5-in-6 chance per round from land to land, pushing drunks from the path of oncoming
to cause self harm wagons, moving bottles so they do not accidentally drink lye,
(self-flagellates for 1d4 hp) and waking them so they dont freeze to death when they pass
out in alleyways behind taverns during blizzards. It is a thank-
The effects of this madness may be removed by dispel evil or less job, except by those few who realize theyve been aided in
remove curse, but there is a 10% chance of failure for each some way. However, like his brother Hoddypeak, the god of
attempt. protecting fools and simpletons, Yemeles feels that it is his duty
to save as many drunkards as he possibly can. Needless to say,
The Yellow King may cast any magic-user spell at will (as a 20th
he cannot be everywhere at once, being but a petty god, but he
level magic-user).
certainly tries. He is, at least, more popular than his brother,
The Yellow Sign: The symbol that represents the Yellow and it is said that more than one god owes him for aiding them
King is a glyph known only as The Yellow Sign. Some say the during a moment of immortal indiscretion. He only aids those
symbol is reminiscent of a yellow triskelion, but is also believed affected by alcoholthose affected by any other mind-altering
to resemble the form of a tentacled creature; still others believe substance or magic are not his concern.
it to be a representation of the Yellow Kings inverted torch; it is
Yemeles always avoids combat, though he is capable of defend-
likely all of these. It is suggested that any one who possesses a ing himself at need. Most of the time, he is only threatened by
copy of the symbol, even by accident, is susceptible to complete those he would seek to aid, confused in their alcoholic haze;
mind control or possession by the Yellow King or one of his most are easily dealt with. He is quite fast on his legs, but relies
heirs. Stories further hold that the creator of the symbol was also on an ability to teleport without error, fly at the same
not human, and was in fact a resident of the alternate dimension speed as when afoot, and use telekinesis (up to 500 pounds);
wherein lies the ancient and sinister city of Carcosa. all of these abilities are at will. He may also gift his charges with
TOMES OF THE YELLOW KING: There exist a number of Tomes a moment of clarity, which will remove all effects of inebriation
of the Yellow King (the exact number is unknown, though it for d4+1 rounds*.
is rumored there are at least 71). Each tome, though sized and
Yemeles is invisible to anyone not strongly under the influence
bound in different manners, contains an identical manuscript of alcohol, and even then he appears fuzzy and indistinct. Most,
insidea copy of the memoirs of the Yellow King penned as however, say that he appears as a middle-aged man wearing a
a drama in two acts. The first act unfolds harmlessly enough. dark hat and suit, with a constant frown of displeasure verging
However, the second act is filled with such ultimate truths of on actual anger. Others insist he appears as a six-foot-tall white
the universe that it is too much for the overloaded mind of rabbit, but they are said to be confusing him with someone
the reader to handle; this drives them deep into the throes of else. Most claim he smells of alcohol (and worse) himself, but
despair, depravity, and insanity. this might just be a hazard of his job, rather than an indicator
* The King in Yellow is inspired by Robert W. Chambers book of his own drinking.
of horror short stories The King in Yellow (1885). * If Yemeles uses a moment of clarity on an individual, they will
Related Entries: Please see the Jale God entry in this section be unable to see him during that period.
for a complete listing of entries related to the Jale God (including Related Entries: G) Hoddypeak.
all gods, items, and spells mentioned in this listing).


Yeolnuma (petty scarab god) Yessir

TITLES: The Nightsoil-King (petty god of absurd orders obeyed)

& Garrisonjames & Jrgen Mayer

F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Symbol: A glossy Symbol: A full visor
black scarab helmet with
Alignment: Chaotic a fist held
Movement: 120' (40') to the temple
Fly: 360' (120') Alignment: Lawful
Armor Class: 0
Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: By armor plus
Hit pts. (HD): 99 hp (20 HD)
5 bonus
Attacks: 1 (scything jaws)
Hit pts. (HD): 72 hp (16 HD)
Damage: 6d10 + special
Attacks: 1 (see below)
Save: C20
Damage: By weapon
Morale: 10 (see below)
Hoard Class: VI, VII Save: F20
XP: 6,250 Morale: 12
Yeolnuma was once an apprentice to a solar deity in a distant Hoard Class: VI
realm. When his dalliance with the masters favorite concubine XP: 6,000
was discovered, the sun god transformed Yeolnuma into a
glossy black scarab and cast him far across the planes to for- Yessir is the god of following absurd orders and a favorite
ever afterward dwell in filth and squalor. That was thousands of among soldiers of many armies. Out of the ordinary for a law-
years ago. For centuries after his ignominious fall from grace, ful god, he is only revered in secret, as openly worshipping him
Yeolnuma patiently bided his time, throwing himself into his is usually treated as a major offense and punished accordingly.
life as a privy-cleaning beetle in a great city-state on the shores His covert followers are legion in both senses of the word, but
of a milky green sea. Eventually his children numbered into the they are unorganized. All veneration is clandestine and only
millions. When the time was right, he gave the command and shared with true comrades-in-arms.
hordes of scuttling black scarabs erupted from every privy-hole Privates pray to Yessir every time they are given an order that
within the great city. In less than a full hour they had taken the is, in their opinion, pointless, ineffective or futile. The high art
city completely unawares. The death-toll was staggering. That of quick prayer to Yessir consists of uttering his name while in
was only the beginning of Yeolnumas plans for revenge. the presence of superiors who have given the order, then mum-
For hundreds of years now the Children of Yeolnuma have skit- bling a quiet rebuttal, and following it with touching their tem-
tered out across the planes and planets to collect a staggering ple with their fist as soon as they feel unobserved. The faithful
amount of nightsoil for their King-sire. You see, Yeolnuma is believe that the better the rebuttal and the more pronounced
building his own moon, a moon composed of compacted night- the gesture, the more help Yessir will provide as they fulfill the
soil with which he intends to blot out, and then extinguish the absurd order. There are untold legends of soldiers on a suicide
sun-palace of his former master. mission miraculously surviving only through the divine inter-
vention of Yessir.
Yeolnuma has the following abilities: infravision (180'), immu-
nity to gas-type attacks, immunity to disease, telepathy (300' Yessir appears as a soldier in armor customary to the world
range), teleport (only usable once per week and only to loca- where he manifests. His armor is always of the highest quality,
tions where 100+ of his children are present). In combat, Yeol- well-kept, and donned perfectly. His face remains ever hidden
numa uses his scything jaws (treat as +3 weapon) to dismember behind a helmet with a full visor. He wears military insignia of
opponents. On a modified attack roll of 20 or better, a random the lowest rank.
appendage is severed, possibly even the head. He also has the
spell-casting ability of a 10th level cleric. If Yessir is directly involved in a battle, he never breaks battle
formation and always fights on the front line. He wields any
Yeolnuma is rarely encountered away from the ruins of the weapon that a low-ranking soldier might carry with brutal ef-
great city where he resides in dubious splendor over an empire ficiency. He always rolls an additional damage die and any 1s
of filth. But his Children can be found nearly everywhere and rolled for damage become the highest possible result for the
anywhere... die instead.
Reaction Table
He can command allies and enemies alike within earshot. Yes-
2-6 Bored: Entertain me or die! sirs orders are usually extremely absurd but not lethal on their
7-10 Bemused: What could you do to help further own. He can give one order per round, but he can never try
Yeolnumas grand scheme for revenge? to command a single target more than once per battle. If the
11-12 Betrayed: Youve seen too much and must be target fails a saving throw against spells, he has to comply with
destroyed before you can warn them! the order.

Related Entries: M) Children of Yeolnuma, Favored of If a soldier requests help or protection while following an order
Yeolnuma. from a superior, there is a chance that Yessir will assist him.

19 8

Roll 1d20 and apply the soldiers Wisdom modifier. Additional her sudden appearance. Food prepared by Yggrd is extremely
bonuses may be given at the DMs discretion, based on how nourishing, and can sustain those who taste of it through days
dutifully the soldier has followed orders recently (any disobedi- of battle and marching without weariness.
ence should be punished with negative modifiers), how well
the quick prayer was performed, and how absurd the order If Yggrd is defeated on the Material Plane, she will reveal the
was. Yessirs support will vary depending on the roll, but a re- location of her hoarda massive cauldron filled with gems and
sult of 20 or higher is required to gain his attention. His help gold that has been left for her as tokens over the ages. It is
can range from minor protection (e.g. a small AC bonus) to a always buried beneath the hearth, and will be found on which-
manifestation of Yessir himself. Yessir will never aid a soldier to ever plane she is located when defeated.
fulfill a reasonable order or if the soldier does not intend to fully
execute the order. Yessir only answers prayers from members
of the military or decorated veterans. Yhoundeh
(petty goddess of elk and elk-herding societies)

Yggrd & Chris Wellings

(petty goddess of hearth-tenders and meal-preparers)
F Studio Arkhein
TITLES: Mother in the Hearth Symbol: Elk antlers
in front of a
& Rob Griffin crescent moon
F TBD Alignment: Neutral
Symbol: Stone arch with Movement: 120' (40')
flame beneath Armor Class: 0
Alignment: Neutral Hit pts. (HD): 60 hp (10 HD)
Movement: 120' (40') Attacks: 1 (gore or spell)
Armor Class: 0 Damage: 1d10+2 (gore)
Hit pts. (HD): 64 hp (16 HD) or by spell
Attacks: 1 (skewer +4) Save: C10
Damage: 4d12 (flame) Morale: 12
+ special Hoard Class: None
Save: F16 XP: 1,700
Morale: 12
Appearing as a beautiful savage female, lithe and tanned with
Hoard Class: See below
the antlers of an elk springing forth from her brow, her dark
XP: 13,000 hair tangled and wild.
Yggrd, the Mother in the Hearth, is a patron goddess to Yhoundeh is patron goddess of elk and elk-herding societies of
those who tend hearths, prepare meals, and provide warmth the ancient north. She teaches the virtues of waste not, want
and sustenance. not, and the harsh joy of the winter chill. She casts spells as
10th level cleric (or druid, if using that class).
Her symbol is a stone archway with flames beneath. This sym-
bol will often be found carved upon hearths, fire pits, and in Yhoundeh Reaction Table
kitchens of larger dwellings. Those who frequent such places
2-4 Friendly: All elk encountered by the
will leave an offering of mead and meat upon the hearth for character will be co-operative and helpful.
her, or toss it directly into the flames.
5-6 Indifferent, uninterested: She can be
She is especially revered by giant-kin, and in her physical form moved to Friendly by blood (as Neutral
appears as a welcoming motherly female giantess. She can as- below) and wild hooting and dancing.
sume human size and appearance at will. 7-9 Neutral: She can be moved to
Indifferent by gifts of a characters
In combat, she wields a giant-sized red hot skewer (long spear
blood dropped onto the snow.
+4, flaming; 4d12 damage + special), the kind used to roast
meat over an open flame. Upon successful hit, the target must 10 Unfriendly: All elk herders will avoid
make a save vs. death or become skewered and burst into the character, and all elk will be skittish
flame for double damage. Each successive round the target around the PC.
remains skewered results in an additional 4d12 of fire dam- 11-12 Hostile: Yhoundeh attacks with spells
age. Yggrd also wears a magical hide apron which acts as and should she be cornered, she will resort
leather armor +4. to her goring attack, and all elk encountered
will attack the character on sight.
Yggrd resides in Valhalla (or other such realm of dead warriors),
where she prepares meals for the glorious dead who frequent
her hall. She may be encountered on the Material Plane, usu-
ally manifesting herself in the hall or kitchen before a large
battle or after a or glorious victory. During such a visitation she
can disguise herself as a normal human or giant. Such is her
warmth and radiance that few kitchen maids dare challenge

19 9

Ykelu (petty wolf god protector of the Skapti; guardian*) 2 Friendly: The petitioner is possessed by
one of Ykelus pack, but retains their human
TITLES: Wolf Totem
intelligence and cunning when attacking.
& Kevin Brennan 35 Indifferent: The petitioner is possessed
F Glynn Seal by one of Ykelus pack, but is reduced to animal
or bestial Intelligence.
Symbol: Bloody Fang 68 Neutral: No effect.
Alignment: Chaotic
911 Unfriendly: The character is found unworthy
Movement: 180' (60') and rejected, marked with a scar across the chest;
Armor Class: 2 he will be outcast from the tribe.
Hit pts. (HD): 63 hp (10 HD) 12 Hostile: The petitioner is taken to the Plane of
Attacks: 3 (2 claws/1 bite) Beasts to be hunted by Ykelus pack. Good luck!
Damage: 1d6/1d6/2d8
Yululun (petty god protector
Morale: 10 of tombs and cemetaries)
Hoard Class: XIX TITLES: Keeper of the Tombs
XP: 3,100

Ykelu is the tribal totem of the Skapti, a barbarian culture in the

& Craig Schwarze
far north. The Skapti revere him as their protector, who defends
F David Fisher
them against their neighbors and against the encroachments of Symbol: Tombstone
civilization. Tribal shamans depict him as a gigantic wolf, larger Alignment: Chaotic
than a full-grown stag, with fangs as long as a mans forearm. Movement: 60' (20')
Ykelu himself is only found on the Plane of Beasts, unless sum- Armor Class: 3
moned to the Prime. On his home plane, he stands 10' high Hit pts. (HD): 76 hp (12 HD)
at the shoulders and has white fur with golden highlights. His Attacks: 1 (halberd)
fangs are larger than those of normal wolves and jut well below Damage: 4d8
the bottom of his jaw. He can speak telepathically with intel-
Save: F12
ligent humanoids. He can change his size at will to that of a
normal wolf and pass untraceably though forests, taiga, and Morale: 10
tundra. Damage inflicted by Ykelu can only be healed naturally, Hoard Class: XV
without magical aid. He is accompanied by a pack of 1d610 XP: 3,100
dire wolves.
Yululun, Keeper of the Tombs, is the petty god of graveyards
In times of need, Skapti warriors call upon Ykelu and his pack and tombs. It is around 7 feet tall, with a lean, muscled body,
to aid them in battle. Those who are worthy are possessed by pale flesh, and the head of a hyena. Its eyes burn with a cold,
the spirits of the wolves. They will hunt their enemies until one green flame. Yululun wears scraps and rags over its sexless
or the other is dead, with no mercy given. A warrior possessed body, wears a necklace of bones, and is armed with an enor-
by one of Ykelus pack will appear to be a giant wolf to those mous bone-bladed halberd. Yululun speaks no mortal tongue,
with a Wisdom of 12 or less, while those with Wisdom of 13 and cares nothing for the laws of man. For reasons unknown, it
or more will see the warrior surrounded by a ghostly outline of cares only about the sanctity of grave and tomb.
a wolf. They gain a natural AC of 6 and a 2d4 bite attack. The
possessed will regenerate 2 hp per round unless damaged by Anyone entering a graveyard or tomb with the intention of de-
fire, until reduced to 0 hp or less. spoiling it has a 1% chance of encountering Yululun, who will
attack immediately. If desecration on a major scale is intended,
Should the possessed character be killed, there is a chance the chance of an encounter rises to 20%. In combat, Yululun
that the spirit will be able to possess any other character it will be joined by 1-2 ghouls every round, and these will fight fe-
has wounded, with the most recently wounded character being rociously until they are destroyed. If seriously threatened, Yulu-
the first to be targeted. Characters must save vs. spell to resist lun will use the ghouls to cover its escape.
possession. Neutral characters receive a +2 bonus to this save
and lawful characters a +4. If the spirit successfully possesses
someone, it will continue its attack.
Player characters who are possessed by one of Ykelus pack
pass under the control of the DM until the possession is ended.
The spirit can be dismissed with a remove curse.
Ykelu Reaction Table
-2 for Skapti warriors; 1 if attacking outposts
of civilization; +1 if the petitioner has killed
a wolf without provocation; +1 if the petitioner kills
animals without offering proper death rituals; +2 if petitioner
is lawful; +1 if petitioner is neutral.


Yurm 5 During the next quiet moment alone, perhaps dur-

ing night watch, the victim will cut numerous small
(petty god of self-injury)
slashes upon its arm or leg; 1 point of damage;
& Erol Otus this has a 50% chance of becoming a permanent
habit unless dispel magic is cast upon the victim.
F Erol Otus 6 Become a fingernail biter; no damage occurs but a
Symbol: Polyp permanent 2 points of Charisma is suffered; this
Alignment: Neutral result is always permanent unless a dispel magic is
Movement: 60' (20') cast upon the victim; it can also be mitigated using
other measures (e.g., noxious salves applied to the
Armor Class: 4 fingers, etc.).
Hit pts. (HD): 81 hp (14 HD)
7 Thrust a small metal object through a soft fleshy
Attacks: 1 (spell) + aura part of the body, earlobe, tongue, nostril, etc.;
Damage: By spell 1 point of damage; a cleric, druid, or other healer
and/or aura must administer treatment to this wound at once
Save: M14 (1 turn) or there is a 50% chance of infection.
Morale: 10 8 Set own hair on fire; 1d4 points of damage; if this
Hoard Class: XII
is not possible due to no fire source or no hair, the
victim will find an equally inexplicable method to
XP: 4,200 harm itself; modify the damage according to the
method of self-injury.
Yurm is the petty god of self-injury. Intentional slashing of ones
own body and piercing it with foreign objects are obvious forms Yurm casts spells as a 14th level magic-user (or illusionist if us-
of worship but far more satisfying for this god are the subtle and ing that class), constantly sees invisible, is immune to disease
less conscious damages; absent minded scab picking until heal- and poison, and can teleport without error one time per day.
ing is undone and blood flows, chewing fingernails until they are
raw and appear malformed. The god will usually be found on the outskirts of populated
areas where beings will regularly enter the aura and begin to
The ultimate forms of Yurm worship are accidents. Moving worship by harming themselves. Worshippers are always re-
past a low table when suddenly the world explodes in pain as a warded with a feeling of well-being which temporarily washes
sharp corner is jabbed deep into knee cartilage. Rushing down away the pain.
smooth wooden steps when feet slip out from under and the
back of the head slams down into agony. Accidents easily avoid- Yurm prefers to avoid direct conflict; if attacked it will use its
ed, but instead entered into, are triumphs for this deity. (illusionist) spells and teleport ability to disengage. If destroyed
in combat, it will reform in 1d100 days.
Yurms physical form is that of an upright man-sized polyp
whose surface is covered with wiry black hairs, oozing slash
wounds, and eyes set in swollen fleshy sockets. The god trav- Ywehbobbobhewy
els slowly using its stubby tentacle feet but does so in absolute
(petty god of magic mirror portals)
silence and is at all times invisible. There is a hidden large cen-
tral sucker foot which enables Yurm to travel up sheer walls TITLES: Lord of Waters; King of Mirrors;
and hang upside down from ceilings. A 100'-diameter aura sur- Patriarch of the Most Profound
rounds it; within this aura all checks against Dexterity and Intel-
ligence are made at -4. Furthermore, all combat rolls fumble
& Matthew Schmeer
on a 1-5 (on a 1d20 to hit roll) and spells have a 25% chance F Leonard OGrady
(roll of 1 on 1d4) of hitting the wrong target. Upon entering the Symbol: A cracked
aura, all sentient beings must save vs. spell or suffer an effect mirror
from the table below (roll 1d8): dripping
1 Trip, fall, and strike their head against the ground: three drops
1d4 points of damage + stunned for 1d3 rounds. of water
Alignment: Chaotic
2 Walk forcefully into the nearest wall, tree,
or piece of furniture (take 1d3 points of damage); Movement: 90' (30')
if no such opportunity exists (e.g., the victim Armor Class: 5 [+2]
is walking across a featureless desert plain), Hit pts. (HD): 125 hp
replace this with result #1. (21 HD)
3 Poke self in eye with held object or finger: if a Attacks: 2
weapon is held, this is done with a non-deadly Damage: 2d8+special/
component (e.g., if holding a sword, the eye would 2d8+special
be poked with the guard while attempting to
scratch an itch or bat away an insect); 1d2 points Save: F19
of damage and partially blind (-3 to all rolls and Morale: 12
1/2 speed) for 1d6 rounds. Hoard Class: X
4 Re-open recent wound: 1d3 points of damage; XP: 13,000
if no recent wounds exist replace with result #3.

2 01

Ywehbobbobhewy, Lord of Waters, King of Mirrors, Patriarch Yyy (petty god of questions and riddles)
of the Most Profound, is the petty god of magic mirror portals.
TITLES: The Grand Examiner; King of Questions;
Ywehbobbobhewys manifestions occur in churning or disturbed
waters, fragments of shattered mirrors, and deep thoughts that Lord of Queries; Prince of Puzzles
should not be thought. He appears as a pulsing mass of a thou- & Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
sand-eyed fleshy, clawed, tentacle-like appendages and grinning F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
toothy mouths cackling with maniacal laughter. Ywehbobbob-
hewys most ardent worshippers and servants come from the Symbol: A lightning flash,
most learned of the learned ranks: those who have glimpsed striking from
the divine without divine assistance and have been driven mad right to left
by what they have glimpsed. Sociopaths and/or academics, in Alignment: Neutral
other words.
Movement: 120' (40')
Ywehbobbobhewy is never surprised by opponents and attacks Armor Class: 4
only upon being attacked; he attacks by casting shards of glass Hit pts. (HD): 62 hp (12 HD)
from his fleshy appendages, which do 2d8 damage, with a 20% Attacks: 1 (staff strike
chance that a successful hit teleports the attacker to the nearest or lightning bolt)
large body of water.
Damage: 1d8+special
Ywehbobbobhewy can only be struck by +2 or better weap- or 4d6+special
ons. He is resistant to attacks by normal and magical fire, and Save: M12
any such attacks will result in a fuckton of steam billowing Morale: 7
back on the attacker, inflicting as many hit points of damage Hoard Class: X
as Ywehbobbobhewy has remaining (the victim(s) may save vs.
XP: 2,800
breath for half damage).
However, this petty god would rather woo and/or taunt attack- Yyy (pronounced as long e sound), is the Grand Examiner, the
ers and send them on impossible quests (such as to retrieve a King of Questions, the Lord of Queries, the Prince of Puzzles,
vial of a demon lords tears, to command the tide to cease its is the petty god of questions and riddles. He knows the answer
churning, etc.). Should the questers be successful, Ywehbob- to all puzzles and riddles as he is the originator of all them. He is
bobhewy will richly reward them for their cunning. worshiped by many sphinxes and other sentient creatures that
rely on the use of puzzles and riddles.
Ywehbobbobhewy will only bless or curse a mortal being with
a sacrifice that he deems worthy of such a request. Ywehbob- Yyy appears as an elderly bearded hermit dressed in a hooded
bobhewy is most pleased with offerings of thoughtless thoughts gray robe and carrying a lantern and a staff. In melee, he may
and good intentions, but savors the flesh of priests of Churfaz strike with the staff for 1d8 damage, and on a failed save vs. spell
the Maggot-King as the most delectable of offerings. Ywehbob- stuns the target for 1d6 rounds. During any given round, he may
bobhewys blessings act as a +3 bonus to all saving throws for instead use the staff to cast a 100'-long lightning bolt which does
a 24 hour period. His curses work as a 3 penalty to all saving 4d6 electrical damage and on a failed save vs. paralysis stuns the
throws for 48 hours. target for 3d18 rounds.

The Dark Moon Festival is held in Ywehbobbobhewys honor Whenever Yyy is encountered, there is a 5-in-6 chance he will
every fourteenth year. Although outlawed in many kingdoms be accompanied by either an androsphinx (50% chance) or a
and empires, in rural villages the rites of male virgin sacrifice gynosphinx (50% chance). Every day, Yyy may summon one
and blood debauchery are practiced on this darkest of nights. of each type to assist him. Regardless of whether he is alone
It is said that only on this night will Ywehbobbobhewy him- or accompanied by a sphinx, Yyy will always pose a riddle or
self assume human form and walk among his worshippers, puzzle to any intelligent creature (or creatures) he encounters.
most often appearing as a one-eyed, lute-playing hunchbacked Yyy speaks in a magical language that is understandable by
midget accompanied by a two-legged bald cat which rides on any sentient creature within earshot (as if the language spoken
his shoulders. If he is attacked while in this form, he has the were the creatures native tongue being spoken by a master of
ability to cast any single cleric spell, but his most favored are the language).
quest, symbol, and destruction, and the defender gets no save. Yyy Reaction Table
The cat does not attack.
Modify by 2 if his riddle or puzzle was answered
Ywehbobbobhewy Reaction Table successfully, or by +2 if answered unsuccessfully.
2 Friendly: Will bless 1d6 targets without 2 Friendly: Will solve a riddle or puzzle.
a proper sacrifice 3-5 Indifferent: Will solve a riddle or puzzle
3-5 Indifferent: Will bless 1d6 targets with if properly propitiated.
proper sacrifice 6-8 Neutral: Poses another another puzzle/riddle;
6-8 Neutral: Will attempt to woo target with a successful answer results in a Friendly
highest Charisma score reaction (as above); an unsuccesful answer results
9-11 Unfriendly: Teleports 1d6 targets to middle in a Hostile reaction (as below).
of largest nearby body of water 9-11 Unfriendly: Threatens to summon a sphinx
12 Hostile: Casts destruction on 1d6 targets and attack unless properly propitiated.
12 Hostile: Summons a sphinx and attacks.
Related Entries: G) Churfaz; M) Bob the Cat.

2 02

Z Zeekil Zikcub Zirkonia Zodraz Zumbiboo Zuurrt Zyni Moe Zzyzz

Zeekil (petty goddess of needless pain) these parts are completely destroyed (e.g., by fire, disintegra-
tion, etc.) OR soaked in holy water, Zeekil will reform from the
& Matt Jackson remaining pieces in 1d6 turns. If necessary, Zeekil will pull ad-
F Eugene Jaworski ditional flesh from weak creatures nearby (e.g., rats or fish).

Symbol: Two blood-

chain links
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 2
Hit pts. (HD): 66 hp (10 HD)
Attacks: 2 (hooks)
or 1 (shriek)
Damage: See below
Save: F10
Morale: 12
Hoard Class: XVIII
XP: 2,400

Zeekil appears as a humanoid of roughly human heighta Zezeke (petty god of hurled curses)
vomitous mass of bloody and rotting flesh from former victims TITLES: Ol Miserable Cuss, Rank Piss-n-Vinegar
held together through some bizarre and dark magic. As the
victims flesh is ever-changing, so is her appearance (though
& Eric Potter
she is always roughly the height and mass of a fat, bulbous F Donn P. Crane w/ Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
human). Large and bloody chains remain hooked through her Symbol: Serpent eating own tail
flesh; they dangle and dance with her every move.
Alignment: Neutral
Zeekil is the Lord of Needless Suffering, and she enjoys causing Movement: 300' (100') flying
as much pain as possible. When she fights, she will lash out with Armor Class: 1
the chains that hang from her flesh, with each chain doing 1d8 Hit pts. (HD): 59 hp (9 HD)
on a successful to hit roll. Additionally, there is a 2-in-6 chance
Attacks: 2 (cuss/stick or stone)
per successful strike that the hook on the chain will pierce the
victims flesh, hooking the victim and causing intense pain to Damage: None/1d4
course through the victims body. If hooked, the victim must save Save: M30
vs. paralysis or be stunned (wracked with pain) and unable to act Morale: 10
for 1d4 rounds. After a victim is hooked, Zeekil will attempt to Hoard Class: None
pull the hook from their flesh, ripping a few pounds of muscle
XP: 1,475
away (for an additional 1d8 points of damage) and absorbing that
flesh into her body (restoring a number of hp equal to the dam- Zezeke is the cantankerous petty god of hurled curses, and is
age done when ripping the flesh, up to Zeekils maximum hp). If perhaps known more commonly to his sanctimonious follow-
the victim is stunned, the rip is automatic. If the victim is able to ers as Ol Miserable Cuss or Rank Piss-n-Vinegar. He is the
act, he or she may pull on the chain (resisting Zeekils attempt staunch defender of the Five Great Character Flaws: Arrogance,
to rip the flesh) by rolling their Strength or under on 1d20; if the Impatience, Greed, Obstinacy, and Martyrdom. While his faith-
roll fails, Zeekil succeeds in ripping their flesh; if roll succeeds, ful followers may fall into any one of these specific categories,
the hook comes out with no damage; if the roll is 3 or less, those who exhibit traits in two or more will be appropriately
theres no damage but the hook stays embedded. The tearing blessed by their approving god.
hook will cause terrible and permanently disfiguring scars.
Zezeke is extraordinarily protective of those worshippers who
Zeekil also possesses the ability to utter a terrible shriek of such seethe with self-righteous indignation, gross insensitivity, or
horrifying pain that it can stop the strongest warriors in their contemptuous rudeness. He greatly appreciates condescension,
steps. Anyone within hearing range of the shriek must save vs. prejudice, and rigidity among his flock. Also, those who har-
paralysis or be overcome with a childlike fear (as fear spell) bor deep resentments are well represented among his ardent
their body will tremble, they will break out in a cold sweat, their devotees. Once summoned, this foul-mouthed petty god can
eyes will dart around in a paranoid daze, and if possible, they be relied upon to provide, at a moments notice, an unending
will drop everything and run in fear. stream of frothy and vile obscenities that will spew forth from
When her physical body has been destroyed, it will fall apart, any true believers lips. All that is required to unleash the power
with the various pieces of flesh flopping to the ground. Unless of Zezeke is a clenched fist, a furrowed brow, and a few hard
stamps of a boot against the dirt, and the believer will enter a

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dreamlike trance and their tongue will become controlled by the Zikcub
ornery Zezeke.
(petty goddess of sickly animals)
Normally, a possession by Zezeke is enough to prove a point,
however, if some errant fool simply does not get the message,
& Doug Rusch
the Ol Miserable Cuss will endeavor to pay a visit in person. F Zak Smith
Zezeke will always take the form of a miniature, flying, old gee- Symbol: Bloody paw
zer about the size of a grapefruitlarge enough to annoy the
Alignment: Lawful
hell out of his unsuspecting victim with his incessant dive-bomb-
ing (all the while yelling curses into his ear) yet still small enough Movement: 90' (30')
not to be easily batted away. He prefers to appear naked to Armor Class: 2
better show his ass because he knows this will get your goat and Hit pts. (HD): 45 hp (12 HD)
leave you with steam coming out of your ears. Zezekes attitude Attacks: 3 (2 claws/1 bite)
is certainly cynical, hostile, and overtly sarcastic. Damage: 1d6/1d6 (claws)/1d10 (bite) plus disease
Zezeke has abandoned his knowledge of all magic spells save Save: M20
fly, and has filled each of his available slots with it solely. This Morale: 10
ever-lasting effect allows him an endless opportunity to con- Hoard Class: VII
tinue to hurl his wicked barbs relatively safely from the air, and
XP: 5,800
additionally, allows him to follow more non-confrontational op-
ponents whenever they should try to flee. Further, the crotch- Zikcub, the patron petty goddess of sickly animals, was once
ety grump has mastered the art of aerial combat, fully utilizing a pampered pet tiger of a wealthy prince until she contracted
barrel roll attacks, pitchbacks, wingovers, and lag displacement a wasting disease. As her hair fell out and her body withered
rolls, among others, and any character who attempts to swat at her masters scorned her, tormented her, and finally beat her to
Zezeke with their weapons or hands does so at a 10 to hit the verge of death. Sensing her suffering, the gods took pity,
penalty. infusing her with divine vitality. Her strength, though not her
health, returned, and she attacked her former masters and fled.
The last word will be had by Zezeke. His main intention is to
With strength came awareness and a sense of responsibility.
crush spirits deeply by unleashing a barrage of abominable
Now Zikcub travels the world following her instincts, provid-
scorn, which eventually taunts his victim into dejection, and
ing solace to injured, diseased, and dying animals. Though no
ultimately, withdrawal. However, he does quite enjoy a jaunty
longer dying, Zikcub is in constant pain
back and forth persiflage and will take a nasty jibe as good as
he gives... to a point. Zikcub appears as a wasted slightly-humanoid-looking feline
with only disheveled tufts of fur remaining. She has weepy
Zezekes curses are initially hurled at a +2 to hit, however, as
eyes, lumpy ulcerated skin, sagging teets, and emaciated flesh.
his tirade continues, the disparagement will become so potent
that his barb in each subsequent round is thrown at an increasing Zikcub can communicate and aid people or animals, but does
bonus (+3, +4, +5, and so on), until his opponent is miserable. not possess the power to cure. A sip of rancid milk from one
Although Zezeke will get a rise out of his intended victim more
times than not, on the rare occasions where true pacifists are
met, he will become enraged and resort to hurling sticks or
stones in an effort to break their bones since his words did
not really harm them. Normal missile fire adjustments apply to
these physical attacks.
Zezekes sphere of influence is self-confined. Having the innate
sense that animals dont often respond to vile verbal taunts and
that it is mainly other people that are the ultimate annoyances,
Zezeke primarily rewards his followers with his presence only if
they remain within the confines of populous outposts, hamlets,
villages, cities, ports, and the like. And typically, followers who
roam into wilderness areas find themselves on their own. One
exception to this steadfast rule is that of a rural battlefield.
Zezeke Reaction Table
Use 1d6 (instead of 2d6), with no modifiers.
1 Bothered: Not even worth it,
returns to possession-only aid.
2 Annoyed: Single verbal insult.
3 Aggravated: Double barb per round.
4 Irritated: Things get personal.
5 Infuriated: May insult your mother.
6 Enraged: Dispenses with verbal baiting.


of her teets can temporarily restore vitality and stave off death Zirkonias weapon is the Sword of Shininga sword with a
in the diseased or injured (1d6 hours as if fully healed). Another diamond-tipped edge. Each successful hit forces the victim to
sip can provide instant solace through painless death (save vs. make a save vs. paralysis or be turned to gold, diamond, sil-
poison applicable if drinker does not desire death). The po- ver, or anything else which shines and glitters. Zirkonias only
tency of her other teats is shrouded in mystery. interest is the adoration of everything that shines, glitters, or
sparkles, as adoring them is to adore her. She is utterly self-
Animals can sense her presence and come to pay homage or to obsessed and does not react well when she is not the focus of
seek what aid she can provide. She typically has 5d12 animals attention. Her jealous temper tantrums have been known to
of various types in attendance. Many of these will be small cause the ruination of civilizations. The cults of Zirkonia are
or sickly, though larger animals may be present. While they usually filled with the most obsequious, sycophantic, and toad-
will obey Zikcubs wishes they will normally try to keep people ying wretches, and her temples are fabulously and expensively
away, and will defend her to the best of their ability if she is decorated, and very well defended.
threatened. Among animals Zikcub is both revered and pitied,
but her presence is considered an ill omen, foretelling of pain... If Zirkonia deigns to bestow her blessing on a character then
and even death. they receive one of the following (d6):
Zikcub has no love for people, but will tolerate the presence 1-3 Zirkonias Glamour: For 1d4 days, the character
of druids, veterinarians, and those on a mission to help some will have a glint in their eye or a gleam on their
beloved animal. If she is threatened, or those she protects are teeth, giving them a +1 bonus to Charisma.
threatened, she will fight. Her bite has a 50% chance of trans- 4-5 Zirkonias Gleam: All the items the character
mitting a random disease such as rabies, flu, toxoplasmosis, is carrying will instantly be cleaned, and shine
campylobacteriosis, and even spongiform encephalopathy brightly for 1d6 days. During this time, the items
among others. Vigorous activity will reopen her wounds releas- will not tarnish or scratch and cannot be broken
ing the smell of putrefied flesh. Those hostile to her within 20 by any means.
feet must save vs. poison or be incapacitated (due to nausea 6 Zirkonias Gift: 1d6 of the mundane items the
caused by the smell). PC is carrying are transmuted into gold and/or
silver versions. New values are determined by
Her divine vitality prevents Zikcub from dying and she regener-
a roll on the Jewelry Table or at DMs discretion.
ates at a prodigious 5 hp per round. Poisons, disease, and other
maladies cannot affect her. In the past, she has even recovered Zirkonia Reaction Table
from being turned to stone after only a few days. Mystics specu-
1 for every piece of ostentatious jewelry
late that she cannot die as long as she continues to receive the or decoration worn by the PC.
blessing of the gods.
2 Friendly: Blesses 1d4 nearby targets.
3-5 Indifferent: Blesses 1d4 nearby targets
Zirkonia if properly propitiated.
(petty goddess of shiny things) 6-8 Neutral: Ignores nearby creatures.
& John Gavin Lighterness 9-11 Unfriendly: Curses 1d6 nearby targets if
not properly propitiated.
F Steven Goodman 12 Hostile: Curses 1d8 nearby targets.
Symbol: Golden ring
in a sunburst
Alignment: Chaotic Zodraz (petty god of seeds and toil)
Movement: 360' (120')
Armor Class: 8
& Trey Causey & Lester B. Portly
Hit pts. (HD): 102 hp (18 HD)
F Lester B. Portly
Attacks: 2 (Sword Symbol: Chaff of
of Shining) wheat
Damage: 3d6 + special Alignment: Lawful
Save: C18 Movement: 120' (40')
Morale: 10 Fly: 180' (60')
Hoard Class: XV head only
XP: 10,000 Armor Class: 0
Hit pts. (HD): 60 hp
Zirkonia is the petty god of all shiny things. When something (12 HD)
shines, glitters, glistens, gleams or sparkles that is, in fact, a mi- Attacks: 2 (fists)
nor manifestation of Zirkonia. In the presence of an enormous Damage: 1d8/1d8
amount of shiny objects, Zirkonia can be summoned, or may
simply appear unbidden to bask in the reflected dazzling glow. Save: F12
Morale: 10
When fully manifested Zirkonia appears as a stunningly beauti- Hoard Class: See below
ful woman in glittering plate-mail, with a shimmering robe of
XP: 2,700
platinum chain-mail, carrying a longsword studded with spar-
kling diamonds.


Zodraz appears as a 12'-tall stone figure with a scowling mask- self, he simply writes words in the thick layers of dust. When
like visage which is perpetually disapproving. He enforces obe- he needs to physically interact with other creatures, Zumbiboo
dience to his rightful authority by demanding all (in the pres- assumes a 3'-tall roughly-humanoid form composed of dust.
ence of his avatar) kneel before him.
He considers the carrying of a broom or feather duster in his
Zodraz the Lawful (his more expansive title) is really only con- presence to be a major offense, and will automatically be hostile
cerned with enforcing conformity and stamping out what he with those who carry such things. Ironically, he does not con-
views as prurience, so that his folk may prosper and be moral sider the removal of dust as blasphemy against him, since this
and upright. His harsh judgement falls on fornicators and dis- task is held as a noble duty, and not an uncomfortable obliga-
ruptors of public order, but equally upon women who dress im- tion. He does expect that some dust always be swept under the
modestly or men not engaged in the honest labor of agrarian rug, as an offering to him.
work or a craft. To those who follow Zodrazs stern edicts, he
gives fertile fields and healthy livestock. Special care is taken to not offend this god during the tradi-
tional spring cleaning; it is believed that, if angred, he may send
If his avatar is brought to zero hit points, his head floats off his a huge dust storm capable of covering an entire city.
body, and his body is completely rejuvenated in 1d6 rounds.
This supported the long-held notion by some scholars that Zo- The petty god of dust also knows many secret passages and
drazs head is not an essential part of his being and not used hidden places because dust enters through all manner of cracks,
for much, beyond making pronouncements. The head will re- and covers even the most well-hidden locations.
main out of reach and harangue the characters while the body In combat, Zumbiboo attacks with powerful blows from his
regenerates. The floating head has an AC of 2 and single hit fists, with each fist doing 1d8 on successful to hit rolls. Fru-
destroys it, leaving behind a gem worth 500 gp. thermore, each time he successfully strikes, his opponent must
Zodraz Reaction Table save vs. breath or become blinded for 1d4 rounds (due to dust
in the eyes). Each two rounds, Zumbiboo can summon 1d3
Neutral characters receive +1 to this roll and
dust devils or 1d6 giant mites to assist him in combat.
Chaotic characters receive +2 to this roll.
2 Friendly: Commands all to kneel, then Zumbiboo Reaction Table
vomits forth a gem worth 500 gp. 2 Friendly: Reveals the location of some dusty
3-5 Indifferent: Commands all to kneel, old treasure.
then vomits forth a pile of grain seeds. 3-5 Indifferent: Reveals the location of a secret
6-8 Neutral: Commands all to kneel, door or hidden place, if properly propitiated.
lectures those who do not; roll again. 6-8 Neutral: Starts a conversation without
9-11 Unfriendly: Commands all to kneel, major intentions.
those who do not will be attacked. 9-11 Unfriendly: Conceals important clues (such as
12 Hostile: Commands all to kneel, footprints) with dust, and causes dust to enter in-
then attacks regardless of any actions. side the clothes, bags, and shoes of the character.
12 Hostile: Demands the treatment due to a god;
otherwise, he summons his minions and pours
Zumbiboo (petty god of dust) his wrath upon the character.
TITLES: Little Zumbiboo
* Based on an original concept by Lord Dunsany.
& Igor Vinicius Sartorato*
F Del Teigeler
Symbol: A handful of dust
Alignment: Lawful
Movement: 60' (20')
Armor Class: 3
Hit pts. (HD): 71 hp (17 HD)
Attacks: 2 (fists)
Damage: 1d8/1d8
Save: T17
Morale: 6
Hoard Class: VII
XP: 8,500

Zumbiboo (or sometimes Little Zumbiboo) is the petty god of

dust, ruling over all the dust in the world. Although he is present
almost everywhere in some way, he can be more easily found
in places where the dust has settled for decades, centuries, or
millennia (e.g., abandoned buildings, ruins, tombs, etc.).
The Lord of Dust can manifest himself in two distinct forms.
When he only wants to communicate without exposing him-

PETTY GODS Zuurrt zyni Mo

consciousness for 1d20 minutes). Zuurrt will choose a new tar-

get every subsequent round until either all targets leave its aura
or until it has consumed everyones timeline. Zuurrt can only
consume a persons timeline once. It will ignore anyone who
has entered its aura but left with his or her timeline intact.
Persons outside the aura when Zuurrt consumes someones
timeline immediately lose all memory of the victim, because
now he or she has never been born. Deeds that the victim have
performed now become, retroactively, the work of others. (This
may result in doublings, ironic reversals, and other changes
to persons timelines; the DM should endeavor to keep such
Zuurrt changes minimal, in keeping with the laws of temporal conser-
(petty god of lost lifetimes) vation that govern Zuurrts feeding.)
TITLES: The Orphan-Maker
Persons inside the aura when Zuurrt consumes someones
& Ezra Claverie timeline will retain their memories of the victim, and they will
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. have no memory of the new timelines that Zuurrts consump-
tion has created. This is also true for the victim, who retains all
Symbol: a bronze coin with the stylized shape of his or her memories, experience points, and belongings.
of a trilobite cut from the middle
Mind-affecting spells and ordinary weapons have no effect on
Alignment: Neutral Zuurrt. Magical weapons can damage its crystalline body, but it
Movement: 90' (30') will not defend itself. At 0 hit points, its winks out of existence,
Armor Class: 9 [+1] returning to its own plane with some unbelievable stories for
Hit pts. (HD): 20 hp (4 HD) its friends.
Attacks: See below
Damage: See below
Save: C4
Zyni Mo (protector of godly knowledge)
Morale: 12 & Keith Sloan
Hoard Class: XV F Dugald Stewart Walker
XP: 245
Symbol: Coiled snake
Zuurrt resembles a yard-long chartreuse prismatic crystal float- Alignment: Neutral
ing in the air. Zuurrts worshippers have been dead for millions Movement: 90' (30')
of years, and only scholars of the arcana of lost races know its Armor Class: 3
true name (which means the Orphan-Maker in the language Hit pts. (HD): 40 hp (7 HD)
of the ancient Trilobite Folk).
Attacks: 3 (bites)
In a wilderness said to be haunted dwells Zuurrt upon a rocky Damage: 2d8 + poison
hill, the remnant of a peak where the Trilobite Folk once raised (per bite)
a temple in its honor. Zuurrt is not native to this plane and does Save: F7
not experience time as mortals do; it is starting to wonder why
Morale: 11
no Trilobite pilgrims have sacrificed their timelines to it lately.
Hoard Class: None
Anyone who climbs the hill will find the landscape of towering XP: 2,000
boulders in which Zuurrt wanders. Zuurrt will approach but will
stop 1d100 feet from the visitors, observing. Zyni Mo is a small, poisonous snake and is known as the Pro-
tector of the Secrets of the Gods. He is charged with protecting
An aura 30' in radius surrounds Zuurrt. Within this zone, Zuurrt knowledge that the gods do not wish mortals to learn. He does
appears to blaze with green light. Persons outside this aura can- this by biting and poisoning those that obtain some forbidden
not see Zuurrts para-light, though they can see the reactions of knowledge, killing them before they can spread it to other mor-
persons inside. tals. He is not permitted to slay those seeking such knowledge,
only those that obtain it. The snake can be dispatched by any
Zuurrt scans the timeline of anyone who enters its aura. This
god who learns of such forbidden questing for knowledge. Zyni
causes old memories to surface and past experiences to intrude
Mo will then make his way to observe the knowledge seeker,
on present perceptions. Victims must save vs. spell each round
lying in wait until the moment they have succeeded, at which
or stand dazed and unable to act during that round.
point he will strike. His bite is virulently poisonous (save vs. poi-
If anyone remains within Zuurrts aura for three or more son at -4) and he can strike three times per round, poisoning
rounds, Zuurrt will extrude a mass of vaporous filaments (which on each strike. In addition to his bite and great speed, he can
persons outside the aura cannot see), reaching for the nearest blend perfectly into any terrain, essentially becoming invisible
creature. The target must save vs. spell: success means that provided he is not moving. Zyni Mo bears no malice to those
the target experiences only a prickling sensation; failure means he slays, though he is merciless in fulfilling his tasks. When not
Zuurrt has consumed the victims timeline (the victim suffers performing his tasks, he likes to sun himself on warm desert
2d6 damage from shock, and must save vs. paralysis or lose sands, or to swim in cool rivers.

2 07

Zzyzz (petty god of irrational fears)

& Justen Brown

F Justen Brown
Symbol: Swirling red vapor within a black void
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 360' (120')
Armor Class: 4
Hit pts. (HD): 90 hp (20 HD)
Attacks: Special
Damage: Special
Save: M19
Morale: 12
(never fails)
Hoard Class: None
XP: 11,250

Zzyzz (pronounced with a guttural grunt at the back of the chance of acting normally) for 1d8 rounds or fall into a coma-
throat) is the petty god of irrational fears and he-which-ex- tose stupor for 1d4 rounds.
ists-in-the-corner-of-your-eye. It takes the form of a swirling,
formless being amidst impenetrable darkness. Zzyzz is created If Zzyzz touches an unconscious (including sleeping) creature,
by the essence of unsubstantiated fears. It manifests wherever it can manifest itself in the darkness within the creatures skull.
light fails to reach including cabinets, treasure chests, under- At will, Zzyzz can dominate the creature and gain access to all
neath beds, and deep forests. Zzyzz thrives on fear and super- abilities, spells, memories (within the past year), and languages.
stition and prefers to leave prey alive so it may feast on their When Zzyzz leaves the target, it must save vs. death or become
raw emotions. It enjoys stalking unsuspecting travelers, scaring insane for 24 hours. Protection from chaos protects a creature
superstitious children, and bringing misfortune on those who from possession and the insanity effect cast after Zzyzz pos-
openly mock it or bring light to its realm of darkness. sesses the victim.

Zzyzz makes no sound and is near invisible, surprising its op- Zzyzz Reaction Table
ponents on a 1-5 (on 1d6). It has no physical form but can only 2 Envious: Steals or breaks an expensive-looking
exist where there is at least a 5' radius of darknessany form of item using telekinesis before retreating.
light, even the shadowy flicker of a candle, pushes its essence
3-4 Bored: Performs minor tricks and illusions,
away. If completely hedged out by light, Zzyzz automatically tel- not exposing himself.
eports to the nearest patch of darkness within one mile. Zzyzz
can only be damaged by lawful weapons of at least +1 enchant- 5-6 Ambivalent: Exposes himself until someone
ment but is oddly susceptible to magic missile, suffering twice goes insane, then retreats.
the normal damage from each missile. 7-9 Mischievous: Creates horrific illusions
while out of sight.
Zzyzz has no actual attacks and only manifests to feed on fear.
10-11 Angered: Attackslures victims into traps,
It can always cast telekinesis, phantasmal force, and continual
attracts monsters, etc.
darkness at will as a 20th level caster; and will use these spells
to cause maximum chaos among its prey: breaking up their 12 Bloodthirsty: Will lure the most powerful
ranks, luring them into traps, or attracting nearby monsters. monsters to its victims, throw deadly objects at
Simply looking at Zzyzz forces intelligent creatures to save vs. them, possess and kill them, etc.
insanity* or run in fear for 1d4 hours. Alternatively, Zzyzz can
* See Underworld Lore #1, p.14.
cause that creature to become insane (as confusion but with no

Section 2

Minions, Knights
& Servitors

F Beatrice Elvery

Minions Overview
& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Introduction Explanatory Notes
Almost as old as the stories of the gods themselves are the The term servant is used below as a blanket term to indicated
stories of the servants of the gods. In fact, the Mesopotamians any minion, servitor or knight included in this section.
believed that human beings were created simply so the gods
would have servants. There are, of course, the stories of the No. ENc. (number encountered) presents a guideline for the
various individual servants of the gods: the Olympians shared DM only. Numbers should be adjusted to suit the encounter
a cupbearer in the beautiful Ganymede; Hades was served by (unless a servant is unique, in which case it will be the only one
Charon who acted as his boatman and Cerberus who acted as a ever encountered).
gatekeeper; finally, Odin relied on his Valkyries to choose who
would live and die in battle. ALIGNMENT shows the standard alignment for a servant of
its type (based on a single-axis alignment system). Actual align-
Minions, servitors and knights will often fall under one or more ment may vary (at DMs discretion).
of the following categories:
MoveMENT indicates the servants movement per turn (and
Leader round) on the ground. Additional movement details are pro-
vided for those creatures or characters with alternate forms of
In groups composed of other servants (willing or unwilling), this movement, including the ability to: fly, swim, burrow and move
figure will make decisions, keep order, and enforce discipline. in webs.
This type can include independent minions (like knights), and
those minions that believe themselves to be gods. Armor Class is based on a scale where an AC of 9 is an
unarmored human. AC indications for servants that typically
Examples from this section: Merkor, Okkin, Nipleteth, wear armor will show the servants AC when wearing armor.
Sir Daraneolus, Xunadu Khan.
# [+1] An AC rating with additional brackets
Protector/Enforcer indicates that a magical weapon is needed
to hit the servant, with the number in
Servants in this role will follow the gods wishes, serving those brackets indicating the minimum enchantment
wishes indirectly by ensuring that others are following the gods required to hit.
wishes or directives (e.g., defending persons, places or things
important to the god). Hit Dice indicates number of hit dice to be rolled to determine
a servants hit points. This number may or may not be followed
Examples from this section: Child of Neub, Ggiyy, Insect-
by an hp bonus modifier (indicated by +#). Unique servants will
man, Miri-Nigri, Murmuroth, Shadow Snake, Taartkin, Visible
have a specific number of hit points, with an additional Hit Dice
Stalker, Ynnym.
indication to be used for determining attacks.
Nurturer/Caregiver ATTACKS presents number and type of attack(s) the servant
The role of this type of servant will be to provide aid or sus- may make during the melee round.
tenance on the behalf of the god served, deliver an important
Damage indicates variable damage by attack(s).
object sent by the god they serve, or provide moderation (e.g.,
ensuring good relationships), companionship (e.g., a pet), or SAVE provides a class and level equivalent to be used when
entertainment (e.g., a jester). determing the servants saving throws.
Examples from this section: Aeshek, Bob the Cat, Kash- Morale shows the suggested target number for any morale
Kash, Mouthless Tongue, Sepultural Wyrm. checks made by the servant. The target value, or reaction,
may be adjusted at the DMs discretion based on the situation
Knowledge Keeper or other extenuating circumstances. For example, if the god
Servants in this role are trusted with knowledge within the gods served is present, the DM may consider adding a bonus to the
domain. This knowledge may be held in secret (e.g., the answer servants morale.
to riddles which allow or grant access) or shared (e.g., to train or
Hoard CLass indicates the suggested treasure which will be
educate supplicants of a god, or simply to pass knowledge to the
found in the servants lair, unless otherwise indicated. (May be
another generation so that knowledge is not lost).
adjusted at the DMs discretion.)
Examples from this section: Augenwinkel, Divine Auditor,
EXPERIENCE POINTS indicates the suggested number of
Ghostly Lecher, Gray Messenger, Syla, Twee Philosopher.
Experience Points that should be rewarded for killing the indi-
cated servant. (May be adjusted at the DMs discretion.)


A Abomination of Skaal Aeshek Ahuizotl Angelic Servitor

Arbitrator of Sphere Aretia Atacorn Augenwinkel

Abomination of Skaal Aeshek (Deliverer)

SERVES: Skaal SERVES: Gods of lost and mislaid things

& Charles Turnitsa & Paul Wolfe

F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
No. Enc.: 1d3 No. Enc.: 1
Alignment: Chaotic Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 90' (30') Movement: 120' (40')
Swim: 30' (10') Armor Class: 3
Armor Class: 1 (impervious Hit Dice: 6
to non-magical Attacks: 3 (arms)
weapons) Damage: 1d4/1d4/1d4
Hit Dice: 8 Save: F6
Attacks: 8 (see below) Morale: 8
Damage: See below Hoard Class: Unique (see below)
Save: F8 (+5 vs. magic) XP: 570
Morale: 11
Hoard Class: None When Galdu Aurkity, the three-formed petty god of misplaced
XP: 1,560 things, is particularly benevolent, he (she) sends a strange,
matronly creature to deliver the mislaid treasure directly to
Abominations of Skaal appear as very large menacing octopus the supplicant. In cases where the object cannot be personally
creatures which are orange in color. Underneath the headbag delivered, the aeshek guides the worshipper to the item. On
is an armless humanoid body that allows the creature to walk exceedingly rare occasions, the aeshek may be intercepted
on dry land. It elevates the head and body high enough that all while on a mission of delivery. While the aeshek will fight to
8 tentacles can attack in any direction. defend their charge, they typically use their strange prismatic
mumus to avoid attacks and flee.
During each combat round, an abomination of Skaal may use
each of its tentacles to attack, either by wielding a weapon Rumored to be the offspring of the Mother of all Minions,
or by making a natural touch attack. When attacking with a Aeshek are 8'-tall husky bipedal creatures with four arms. The
weapon, the damage inflicted (on a successful to hit roll) is prismatic effect of their flowery muumuus and brightly colored
by the weapon with a +2 damage bonus (from Strength). The sandals makes them particularly difficult to hit, such that the
abominations touch attack does 1d8+2 (on a successful to first attack from each combatant automatically misses. Subse-
hit roll); furthermore, the victim must save vs. poison or take quent attacks are resolved normally. The creatures attack with
1d3 points of damage per round for 3 rounds, beginning the three of their four arms. The fourth is usually clutching some
following round. treasure they are entrusted to deliver.

The abomination can leap up to 60'. A favorite tactic is to land Related Entries: M) Mother of all Minions.
amongst the enemy, and begin attacking out in all directions
(attacking up to 8 foes per round).
Abominations of Skaal are impervious to non-magical weap-
SERVES: Lake and river gods
ons, and make all saving throws vs. magic with a +5 bonus.
Additionally, an abomination can regenerate 1 hp per round. & John Everett Till
If there is more than one abomination in an encounter, and F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
they are close enough so that they can touch tentacles with one No. Enc.: 1d8
another (each tentacle has a 10' reach), then they can combine
Alignment: Neutral
their diabolical Skaal-given magic and summon 1d2 flying giant
sharks (1-2 bullshark, 3-4 mako shark, 5-6 great white shark) Movement: 90' (30') swimming
which behave as the normal version of their species, but are Armor Class: 7
able to swim through the air at 60' per round. Any individual Hit Dice: 5
abomination may only participate in such a summoning one Attacks: 2 (bite/tailclaw) or 1 (tailclaw grapple)
time per day.
Damage: 1d6/1d8 or grapple (see below)
If the abomination is within hearing range of Skaal when Skaal Save: F5
sings the song of his people, the abomination immediately re- Morale: 8
covers all lost hit points. Hoard Class: None
Related Entries: G) Skaal; M) Minion of Skaal. XP: 800


A servitor of lake, river, and rain gods including Chalchiuht-

licue, Tlaloc, and Tlacotani, the ahuizotl is a fierce and deceitful
aquatic canine predator. Ahuizotl breathe water. They resem-
ble hairless, pointy-eared dogs. The first thing someone being
stalked by an ahuizotl will see is their yellow eyes and hairless
snout peering up from below the water. Their wrinkled, rub-
bery face betrays an almost human intelligence. Once their tail-
claw breaks the water, the ahuizotls prey is in true danger.
The ahuizotls tail is unusually thick and extremely long; it ends
in a wickedly taloned, long-fingered tailclaw. The ahuizotl can
use its tailclaw to grapple a victim and pull them underwater. It
can also be used to inflict terrible slashing wounds.
The gods that the ahuizotl serve often assign a pack to escort
someone who has earned divine favor, or to hunt down some-
one who has earned a gods enmity. The ahuizotls preferred
prey is a human. Ahuizotl stalk prey that are swimming, canoe-
ing, standing, or walking near a riverbank. They will wait for an
opportune moment to use their tailclaw to grab an ankle or tip
a canoe, dragging a person under water to drown them. They
will then feast on the eyes, nails, and teeth of their victims,
because these are delicacies to the ahuizotl. Angelic Servitor
SERVES: By type
Finding a drowned corpse with these body parts missing is a
sure sign an ahuizotl is nearby. Hearing the voice of a crying & Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
child near a lake or river is another sign. Ahuizotl use these F Byam Shaw w/ Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
sounds to lure humans (within 100' of a shore or river bank)
towards themselves in order to spring a trap. Few people can There exists an interesting anomaly amongst the pantheons
resist the sounds of a child who is lost or drowning and crying that include petty gods among their numberthe presence of
for help. winged archers who possess distinctive abilities and serve dif-
ferent devotions, but are described as having an almost iden-
Once per day, any ahuizotl can travel freely between this world tical appearance to one another. These angelic servitors are
and the watery world of Tlalocan, the realm of Chalchiuhtlicue rumored to be descended from the same angel mother (though
and Tlaloc. This takes one turn. Persons without access to gate no one knows for sure), having developed differently as they
spells will not be able to follow them. were recruited to serve varying petty gods with varying means
and to varying ends. It is not uncommon to encounter one of
Tailclaw Grapple: The tailclaw may be used as a weapon to these angelic servitors and believe they are in service to one
deal damage in conjunction with a bite attack. Alternatively, the petty god, only to discover they owe allegiance to another.
ahuizotl may make one attack in an attempt to grapple a target.
On a successful hit, the ahuizotl has grappled an opponent; Related Entries: M) Skeletal Servitor.
the target must save vs. death or be pulled underwater and
rendered unconscious. The ahuizotl may also use a successful
hit with a grapple attack to flip a canoe. If the hit is successful, Angelic Servitor: Antlerfooted Archer
roll 1d6: on 1-2, the canoe remains upright; on 3-4, each oc- SERVES: Petty gods of the forest
cupant has a 50% chance of falling into the water; on 5-6, each
occupant has a 75% chance of falling into the water.
& Eric Potter
No. Enc.: 1d8
Alignment: Lawful
Movement: 120' (30')
Fly: 180' (60')
Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 3
Attacks: 3 (weapon/foot/foot)
Damage: 1d6+4/1d10/1d10
Save: F3
Morale: 10
Hoard Class: None
XP: 155

These fabled hunters of large game were known originally for

their uncanny stealth. They nearly emptied every vast forest
into which they ventured. Seeking to even the odds, the petty
gods of woodland creatures cursed these predators with giant
racks of antlers atop their feet.


Finding the curse irreversible, these crestfallen archers eventu- defend is still looking for a replacement weapon by then, the
ally begged the gods to free them, vowing allegiance and an arfix may offer their own before departing in a puff of smoke
end to their bloodshed. Having some pity, the gods agreed, but or flying high into the clouds.
what was done was done, and the antlers were everlasting.
Despite a great deal of theological study on the subject, reli-
But all is not lost, said the gods to the afflicted. In exchange gious scholars are still at a loss as to which petty deities the
for the archers vows to hunt those like their former selves, the arfix serve. It is written that these petty angels only aid those
gods gifted each great pinionsfreeing them from the encum- aligned with Law. However, they may come to the aid of any
brance of the Earth itself. who fight against Chaos. In a particularly disastrous combat,
more than one may appear. They will never fight each other
The feared antlerfooted archers have evermore roamed the for- but may engage in witty repartee as they attack the common
ests, seeking to protect their petty gods flock. The accuracy foe. All damage is treated as magical fire damage. Any weap-
of their bowmanship is unsurpassed, and each enjoys a +4 to ons left behind are +1 versus Chaos.
hit bonus on missile attacks. Once airborne, their pedal antlers
become death from the skies, capable of slicing, flaying, skewer-
ing, puncturing, slashing, and/or decapitating all at once. Angelic Servitor: Dianusimma
SERVES: Lesser gods of justice

Angelic Servitor: Arfix & E.T. Smith

SERVES: Lawful petty gods No. Enc.: 2d4
& Darcy Perry Alignment: Lawful
Movement: 120' (40')
No. Enc.: 1 (or more)
Fly: 240' (80')
Alignment: Lawful
Armor Class: 6
Movement: 180' (60')
Hit Dice: 2+1
Fly: 240' (80')
Attacks: 1 (bow or sword)
Armor Class: 7
Damage: 1d6+1
Hit Dice: 16
Save: C5
Attacks: 3 (bow or sword)
Morale: 12
Damage: 3d8+1/3d8+1/3d8+1
Hoard Class: VIII
Save: F16
XP: 59
Morale: 11
Hoard Class: None When villages are afflicted with dishonor, disorder or plague,
XP: 3,500 the lesser spirits of justice may grant succor by arranging the
appearance of a silver seed. If the seed is irrigated with holy
Arfix are the avenging angels of blades and bows broken on the water and allowed to take undisturbed root from one sunrise to
field of battle. These minions of the petty gods often appear as the next, a stalk will rise and produce 2d4 blossoms, each blos-
winged warriors, gloriously naked, armed with curved swords som opening to release an armed dianusimma. The dianusim-
and bows. ma appear as winged men with thin, slight bodies and stern
gazes, armed with short swords and bows. After appearing,
Whenever a bow or blade (e.g., dagger, sword, scimitar, or simi- they will proceed to enforce order and justice upon the locality
larly-edged martial weapon) is broken in truly desperate com- according to the strictures of the deity that sent them, though
bat, there is a 1-in-6 chance that an arfix may be summoned. not necessarily as per to the expectations of the people that
Unexpectedly the shattered weapon erupts into flames, from cultivated them.
which the arfix bursts forth swinging a blade or firing arrows
at the foe. They offer only a brief respite, fighting only until The weapons of dianusimma attack as +1 weapons, and can hit
the flames die out in 2d4 rounds. If the warrior they came to creatures vulnerable to such attacks. Whenever possible, they

F Gwen Faverat

prefer to strike from the air. Three times per day, dianusimma Angelic Servitor: Sade
can cast detect evil. Once per day, a dianusimma may cast a SERVES: Petty gods of the Nine Hells
beneficent bolt from their bow which hits automatically up to a
range of 100', and has one of the following spell-like effects on & Eric Potter
the target: cure serious wounds, cure disease, remove curse
or neutralize poison. The dianusimma may revoke these ben- No. Enc.: 1d12
efits (any amount of time after they were first given) by striking Alignment: Chaotic
the target again, which returns them to a wounded, diseased, Movement: Planar
cursed or poisoned state. Armor Class: 3
Dianusimma are immune to the spells charm person and sleep. Hit Dice: 14
Any scrolls they are carrying will be of 1d6 clerical spells each. Attacks: 3 (bow or sword)
The weapons of the dianusimma offer no bonus or powers if Damage: 1d6+5/1d6+5/1d6+5
wielded by others, and may even bring down a curse if acquired Save: F14
by evil means. Morale: 12
Hoard Class: None
Angelic Servitor: Inflammable Servant XP: 2,000
SERVES: Varies
Instruments of all the petty gods of the Nine Hells, these fallen
& Matthew W. Schmeer angel assassins can appear anywhere, at any time, materializ-
ing from beneath the very ground itself. However, as they are
No. Enc.: 1 (1) untrusted by the petty gods they are cursed to serve, the sade
Alignment: Lawful are enslaved to their masters by an unbreakable chain attached
Movement: 240' (80') to their quivers.
Armor Class: 3
Charged with sating the demon thirst for human sacrifice, the
Hit Dice: 12 sade utilize arrows of soul stealing +5 to mark their prey. Once
Attacks: 1 (weapon) or 2 (piercing stare) struck by one of these cursed arrows, a victim will lose free will
Damage: By weapon +2 fire damage represented by a loss of hit points. Once the victims hp equals
or as 2 magic missiles (1d6+1 each) zero, he will freely surrender his weapons, fall to his knees and
Save: F14 bow in obedience to the sade. At that time the sade will draw
Morale: 8 its scimitar of sacrifice +5 to kill the marked soul.
Hoard Class: None With the scimitar raised high, the cursed sade will look down
XP: 1,200 upon the victim with pity. A save vs. death must be made with-
the following conditions: all classes roll as 1st level regardless of
Inflammable servants are quasi-intelligent minions from the El- level, with no ability bonuses, and at a 3 penalty. If the saving
emental Plane of Fire that rarely roam beyond their own plane throw is successful, dark blood will flow in sadness from the eyes
unless summoned by a petty god to do their bidding. They are of the sade and the character will be able to walk away, with no
often used by the gods to deliver death threats to one another. fear of reprisal from the sade. The victim will otherwise die.
They can perform only one major task at a time and will at- The Sade can be wounded only by magical missile weapons.
tempt to complete that task at all costs. Inflammable servants
that fail or are thwarted in their missions immediately die in
a fiery explosion 120' in diameter (60' radius) doing 9d6 fire Angelic Servitor: Shaft of Eros
damage to all caught in the affected area (no saving throw). SERVES: Petty gods of love, lust, romance, and obsession

On the Plane of Fire, inflammable servants rarely take visible & Christopher Paul
form, but on the Material Plane, they appear as avenging
angels with feet of flame and eagle-like wings. Their fierce No. Enc.: 1d6
countenance belies their nature, as they rarely attack unpro- Alignment: Chaotic
voked and will go out of their way to avoid conflict as they Movement: 120' (40')
attempt to complete their task. Fly: 240' (80')
Although armed with both swords of flame and bows of fire Armor Class: 5
(normal damage for each +2 points fire damage), they prefer to Hit Dice: 2
attack with a piercing stare, which acts as a 2 magic missiles Attacks: 1 (sword or bow)
(each doing 1d6+1 damage, no saving throw). They are im- Damage: 1d6 (sword) 1d4+special (bow)
mune to normal weapons and fire-based attacks.
Save: C3
Inflammable servants cannot speak to mortals, being under Morale: 11
binding contracts to the petty gods, even though they are fluent Hoard Class: XI
in a multitude of magical languages. They cannot be summoned XP: 40
by normal summon spells and will only take directions from the
petty gods themselves. Love can be a source of strength or weakness. Obsessive love,
where one will risk body, mind and soul for the object of af-
They hate dwarves for some unknown reason. fection, can be quite destructive to gods and mortals alike.


Throughout history, Eros has used love to destroy powerful will attempt to carry out a petty gods instructions to the letter
individuals, bring kingdoms to war, and destroy entire nations. rather than in spirit. Because tanumarus can cast invisibility at
will, these attempts are often undetectable.
The shafts of Eros carry quivers filled with enchanted arrows.
On a successful to hit roll, the target of one of these arrows Unfortunately, a tanumarus bumbling attempts at interfering
must save vs. spell or become obsessively in love with the tar- and causing ill often go awry. Any mortal targeted by a tanu-
get of the gods choice (often chosen by the person praying to marus attempts at interference must save vs. spell at -5. If the
this god for help). The character will do anything to make the save is successful, the target gains a temporary +3 to all rolls
target of their affection happy, and will travel to the ends of and checks for 1 day. If unsuccessful, they must take a tempo-
the earth to find and protect them. Those who have not been rary 3 to all rolls and checks for 2 days. (If possible, the DM
given a target to love will fall in obsessive love with the next should attempt to keep the effect a secret.)
target they see. Characters who have fallen in love in such a
way receive a +1 bonus to saves and attacks whenever they are Tanumaru are incredibly morose. They are ranked particularly
pursuing actions in service of their great love. Those who resist low in hellish society due to their gullible nature and complete
or ignore their obsession receive a 2 to all attacks and saves. lack of social etiquette. They are rather dull-witted and lack the
Furthermore, when in the presence of their love, the victim will ability to plot and plan diabolical schemes. They lack foresight
act as if under a charm spell. and often stumble their way through their daily affairs.

The shafts of Eros seek out their target and strike in a flurry. In their natural state, tanumaru are eagle-winged, white-
These minions receive no penalty for firing into melee, and skinned, devil-like creatures that stand up to 15' tall, and are
cannot hit random characters, unless their quarry is being pro- often found standing in a bowl of unburning fire. Despite their
tected by said characters. While they are careful to avoid ac- fierce appearance and armaments (they often carry both sword
cidentally striking random people with love, if their target is and bow), tanumaru are terrible in combat and never win ini-
being blocked or guarded, there is a chance that others will be tiative. They take a 3 to all to hit rolls. They are immune
hit. However, when a shaft of Eros meets with great resistance, to normal weapons, fire-based attacks, and impervious to any
they have been known to fire their arrows against all present, transmutation spell (flesh to stone, etc.). They can fly, but only
causing great chaos. three times as high as they are tall.

By appeasing a god or goddess of hate, a character who has Tanumaru is both a singular and collective noun.
been afflicted with obsessive love may fill their heart with hate,
thereby breaking the spell held over them.
Angelic Servitor: Vedelris Valkayne
SERVES: Petty gods of love, lust, romance, and obsession
Angelic Servitor: & Christopher Paul
Tanumaru (Tanoo-ma-roo)
SERVES: Evil petty gods No. Enc.: 1 (unique)
Alignment: Chaotic
& Matthew W. Schmeer Movement: 120' (40')
No. Enc.: 1 (1d4) Fly: 180' (60')
Alignment: Chaotic Armor Class: 5 [+1]
Movement: 180' (60') Hit Dice: 5 (35 hp)
Fly: 240' (80') Attacks: 1 (bow or scimitar) + special
Armor Class: 0 [+1] Damage: 1d6+1d4 fire damage (bow) or 1d8 (scimitar)
Hit Dice: 7 1d6/round heat damage for creatures
Attacks: 1 (sword or longbow) within 10' (special)
Damage: 1d8 (sword or longbow) Save: M6
Save: F13 Morale: 10
Morale: 4 Hoard Class: None
Hoard Class: XIV XP: 135
XP: 1,260 Dark-eyed winged enforcer of the Plane of Fire and its associ-
Upon a tanumarus birth, the petty gods assign it a mortal foil, ated deities, Vedelris is dispatched to exact retribution, collect
an individual whom they are to plague and harass throughout debts, and confirm that rites and sacrifices are being properly
that mortals existence at the behest of the petty gods. They followed. Appearing as a slight, winged man of serious de-
meanor, Vedelris will burst forth, ringed in flame. His initial
appearance causes fear (as the cleric spell) on a failed save
vs. spell. Often, his presence alone has sufficient effect on the
malleable minds of worshippers. However, if he finds the situ-
ation not meeting his criteria, or he is met with resistance, he
may law forth with his bow, firing flame-wreathed arrows. Any
creatures within 10 feet take 1d6 fire damage per round. As
a fire-based creature, Vedelris is immune to fire-based attacks
and non-magical weapons. Killing him will dispel him to his
native plane.
F Gwen Faverat

Arbitrator of Sphere The aretia appear as barefoot adolescent girls in service to

Lubella (deity of the awkward teen years), as well as deities asso-
SERVES: Any (see below)
ciated with whispered gossip. Appearing supplicant and timid,
& Eric Potter and lacking a proper veil, they braid their long locks before their
F William H. Robinson faces as they scurry through the streets, whispering and mur-
muring to one another as they go about their secretive business.
No. Enc.: 1d3 They are often gangly, with stubbed toes, barked shins, and
Alignment: Neutral bruised palms. However, anyone molesting an aretia will be set
Movement: 120' (40') upon en masse and pummeled. Although they appear frail in-
dividually, they gain strength in numbers, and gain +1 damage
Armor Class: 7
per aretia present. Additionally, at least one of their number
Hit Dice: 20 will let out a blood-curdling scream (save vs. paralysis or be
Attacks: Nil stunned/deafened for 1d4+1 turns).
Damage: Nil
Related Entries: G) Lubella.
Save: C20
Morale: 6
Hoard Class: None Atacorn
XP: 900 SERVES: Varies
These wise sages are entrusted by each and every petty god
to help settle disputes arising from conflicting spheres of in- & Matthew Schmeer
fluence. Revered for their wisdom and experience, arbitrators F Eleanor Ferron
have the final say should one petty gods dominion be shown
to overlap anothers. No. Enc.: Varies
Carefully guarded against choosing a side (even when the facts Alignment: Chaotic
are weighted and plainly an infraction is apparent), the arbitra- Movement: 90' (30')
tor will call together any petty gods in question and hold a court Armor Class: 5
in which each may present his declaration of infringement and Hit Dice: 4 (25 hp each)
present such evidence and/or witnessesnot excluding any of Attacks: 1 (bite or trample or gore)
the worshippers, followers, servants, minions, or heathens of
Damage: Varies
his domain.
Save: F8
Should an arbitrator feel that he is incapable of declaring a re- Morale: 11
spected outcome, he may call together the Council of Sphere, Hoard Class: VII, XII
which is comprised of an independent panel of three arbitra-
XP: 80
tors, a group large enough to assuage any lingering doubt.
In the rare event that the Councils decree goes unrecognized, Atanuw, a nine-legged hermaphroditic horse-thing beloved
these gods will be left to their own resolutions, which hereto- by the Jale God, was bred with several human women in
fore has always ended in petty god war. his service, and the witch-mothers gave birth to seventeen
mule-things with the faces of human men and women. These
creatures are called atacorns. They are known to dwell near
rivers and underground streams. If witches are sometimes
Aretia (Shy One) characterized as malicious, the atacorns are regarded as ex-
SERVES: Lubella perts in the area of cruelty. They are known in local folklore
& Vance Atkins as child-thieves, cheats, liars, poisoners, slave-traders, can-
nibals, and occasional usurpers.
F Joel Priddy
The 17 atacorns have horns like unicorns. Some horns are
No. Enc.: 1d4+1
vestigial little things that refuse to sprout. Some have many
Alignment: Neutral horns. Some have undeveloped nodules where horns might
(occasionally appear. Some have horns that grow smaller as time goes on.
Movement: 90' (30') 1. Kulkurush - The Child Thief
Armor Class: 3 Widely known as the best child stealer in the realms, Kulkurush
Hit Dice: 1-1 has three deer-like horns growing from the back of his head
Attacks: 2 (fist or special) which molt every spring. He saves his antlers and in his spare
Damage: fist (1d2+variable), time decorates them with bizarre, intricate landscape carvings
or see below which he sells to interested parties. Carrying such a carving on
Save: F2 ones person results in a 2 to Wisdom but a +2 to Dexterity.
Morale: 6
2. Farthigny - Fiddler in the Dark
Hoard Class: IV, 1d8 gp equiv.
Everyone who has heard the strange music in the trees near
XP: 45
the edge of streams has heard the music of the fiddler in the


dark. Farhigny has but a single horn growing sideways from 9. Tyrellian - Usurper of Innkeepers
his chin, which he has carved into an ever-present fiddle. He Tyrellian has no horns to speak of; that is because his horn is
spends much time whittling away at his growth to maintain its in-grown, growing from the inside of his forehead back into his
pure sound. The bards guild will pay 5,000 gp for the fiddle. brain, neatly splitting it in two. This brain division has given
him two distinct personalties: one a humble sniveling servant,
3. Harloch - The Cannibal Below the other an arrogant jackass. Tyrellian moves from town to
Everyone thinks it is a troll, but its actually massive Harloch town, hiring on as a floor scrubber or dish licker in isolated
whos been demanding payment, slaying and eating those who taverns on the outskirts of towns and then killing the owner,
refuse to pay. He rams misers with his six moose-like antlers, taking over the business, and murdering patrons in their sleep
wrenches them apart with his bare hands and eats them alive in before quietly escaping and moving on. He carries no money,
front of any screaming onlookers. His antlers are tough as iron and his horn, if removed from his skull, will allow the holder to
and, if one can be separated from his skull, will be found to be understand the language of fungi.
as light as the finest balsa wood. They make excellent paddles,
imparting a 30% boost to movement rates if used as such. 10. Grigi - Panderer to Minor Nobles
The fourth son of a third son of a king might not be high in
4. Yawnwewe - Liar of the Sewers the ranks of nobility, but high enough to be embarrassed if his
The small-horned Yawnwewe whispers lies from the gutters betters found out about his particular kinks. That is where Grigi
near the markets edge, which is, of course, were the most comes in, procuring whores and harlots to service the hangers-
hard-nosed barterers set up keep and somehow, to their un- on and distant relations of nobility. Theres no human fetish she
knowing amazement, learn to please a customer with lies. hasnt seen and several that shes willing to perform herself for
Yawnwewes two horns are little more than nubs, but impart a the right price. Her triple horns resemble those of goats and
+2 to Charisma to any who find them. are prized beyond compare by a certain nobleman for their
penetrative properties.
5. Balzak - Poisoner in the Wastes
A touch of Balzaks twisted black horn can turn any water into 11. Hessith - Panderer to Fat Merchants
a rancid, germ-ridden poisonous broth, which is why shes Fat merchants might be rich but riches do not cure the foul of
been driven to the edge of the desert, far from any settlement. sight. Hessith specializes in finding beautiful maidens to service
Thieves and assassins seek her out to make use of her talents. the foulest of the richly foul. She herself doesnt engage in any
Her horn, if separated from her body, is useless, as it is her hanky-panky. Her sixteen horns were originally 10' long and
malignant soul which uses her horn as its outlet. grow 1-inch shorter every 100 years. As soon as the horns dis-
appear, shes been assured by the Jale God that shell ascend
6. Luroch - Cannibal of the Docks to goddesshood. If she is dehorned before her death, they will
Nearly every ship has lost a sailor to Luroch, whose name grow back to their full length in three days. If ground into pow-
means she who devours in an ancient tongue. Luroch avoids der and inhaled, her horns grant a +3 to Strength and Consti-
daylight, skulking in the sewer outlets near the docks edge tution, but such use is addictive and the PC must continue to
during the daylight hours. She comes out to feed when the tide snort the ground horn every day or take a non-replaceable 5
returns, spearing unwatchful sailors with her four-foot barbed to hp every day they dont. If a PC manages to snort an entire
horn. The horn itself makes a fearful weapon, working as a ground horn over the course of the addiction, they will gain a
flail +3. permanent +5 to Constitution.

7. Sisyphut - Child Slaver 12. Qolalel - Harborer of Child Killers

Need a childs hands to weave the delicate strands of spidergoat Qolalel knows all the secret ways in and out of every home and
silk? Dont trust gnomes to tend the gardens of your castles un- hovel in the kingdom, having scouted escape routes for her
der dark? Sisyphut can meet any child labor need, no demand band of wretched murderers. She is looked at with scorn by
too large, no child too small! He has connections across the her half-siblings Sisyphut and Kulkurush for protecting those
realms, and his special bond with his half-brother Kulkurush who waste their livelihood. Her horns resemble a twelve-point
can even get you the child of your enemy as your personal stags, but are harder and thinner. She molts her horns once
valet! Sisyphuts horns are five delicate ivory curves that grow every three years and sells them as wall decor to the wealthy;
downward from his brow, creating a natural barrier to attacks yet through her horns she can hear the whisperings in all the
to his eyes. The ivory itself is valued at 500 gp each and bring halls of powers in which they hang. The value of a set of her
the owner of each a +1 bonus to Dexterity (Sisyphut gets a +5 horns is 1,500 gp; several necromancers and liches have pur-
to all melee attacks despite the obstructed view). chased sets for their own use.

8. Nigoosh - Cheater at Cards 13. Duu - Chamber Pot Sculptor

No one expects a dwarf to cheat at cards, which is why Nigoosh, No one pisses without Duu knowing. Sculptor of chamber pots
whose hollow horns house marked cards, cold decks, peggers, used by the rich and the poor around the realm, Duu knows
gaffs, shiners and various blackout inks, gets away with it so what everyone has to drink, who has kidney stones, who has
much. Hes not naturally talented at the grift but learned the various unmentionable diseases, who is pregnant and who is
hard way at his mothers knee. Hes wrapped his two bull-like lying about being pregnant, and he will sell this information for
horns in swaddling and iron to make it look like hes wearing a the right price. A normal boxwood unicorn horn grows from
helm, but dont be fooled when he goes to scratch an itch on his the top of his head.
head. The horns are worthless, but there is a 3,000 gp price on
his head two empires over.


and bent, Redmer appears to be an ancient, haggard woman

when in fact he is the youngest of all the atacorns; he was born
elderly and gets one minute younger every year. His horns cur-
rently hold no power, but when he reaches the age of ten his
horns will give him the ability to walk on water.

17. Nalonem - Goblinoid Lice Picker

Sought out by all the goblin-like races as the finest lice picker
in the realms, Nalonems horns appear more like fine strands
of baleen atop her head. The tough rows of horns are a natural
comb and she gets handsomely paid to groom goblin shamans
and hobgoblin queens. The goblin king has offered to buy her
horns for all the wealth in his second-favorite treasure vault; so
far Nalonem has declined. If her horns are separated from her
head, a tattoo that covers her entire scalp will be visible. This is
a map of the Labyrinth of Myzithra on the island of Anari.
Related Entries: Please see the Jale God entry in Petty Gods
section for a complete listing of entries related to the Jale God (in-
cluding all gods, items, and spells mentioned in this listing).

(Glimmer Faerie)
SERVES: Petty gods of small areas

& Christopher Stogdill

F Anne Merriman Peck
No. Enc.: 1
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 30' (10')
Fly: 60' (30')
Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 1
Attacks: 1
Damage: 1 hit point
14. Onzrwzcn - Trainer of Rats Save: F1
Rats are ubiquitous in the realms and the reason for this is Morale: 11
Onzrwzcn, chief lieutenant in the rat piper corps. Gifted with a Hoard Class: None
hollow silver unicorn horn, Onzrwzcn drilled holes in his horn, XP: 30
attached a bellows by way of a sheep intestine, and learned to
create music in the same manner as a bagpipe. He taught rats Augenwinkel are servitors to petty gods of small areas like a
to follow his musical commands, training them to fetch keys, home or frequently used campsite. Their primary function is
steal coins, unlock doors, undo traps, and generally harass to serve as guides and intermediaries between the petty gods
those who need harassing by rats. His horn makes for a unique and mortals. Glimmer faeries are virtually invisible, existing
instrument and any bardic guild would pay handsomely for its in another plane of existence barely outside the realm of nor-
procurement. mal senses. While some gifted individuals may be able to
perceive an augenwinkel, most only sense a general pres-
15. Lefpth - Trainer of Demi-human Harlots ence and notice a small glimmer of movement in the corner
Working in the employ of her brood-sister Grigi, Lefpth trains of their eye. The augenwinkel use this to their advantage in
halflings, dwarves, and gnomes in the finer arts of human order to draw attention to objects and areas their masters
pleasure. Her horn is a small twisted lump of barely protruding wish for mortals to interact with.
keratin no larger than a childs thumb. However, this lump is
Because glimmer faeries are imperceptible under normal
extra sensitive and merely touching it sends Lefpth into orgas-
means, they are extremely brave and only waver from their
mic tremors. The scrapings and clipping from this horn are a
task if it is discovered that they can be seen clearly. Trying to
powerful aphrodisiac when mixed with red wine.
attack an augenwinkel is usually a foolish endeavor; unless
an aggressor has both a cold-iron weapon and extra-sensory
16. Redmer - Cleanser of Menstrual Rags
perception (failure to see the creature incurs a 4 to hit
Redmer, whose four horns protrude from his knees and feet, is penalty), they are likely to expend all their energy swinging
a thin, sickly looking atacorn whose entire existence has been at thin air.
spent washing the menstrual rags of the upper class. Twisted


B Bat-faced Strokechuckers Being of Ib Behni the Imp

Blue Maiden Bob the Cat Boglings Braners Brujj

Bat-faced Strokechucker luck to have strokechuckers nesting in your home. Anyone

leaving food out for strokechuckers gains a +2 to all saves vs.
SERVES: Thwizeviblyz (Petty God of Baby Laughter,
paralysis for 1d6 days; this bonus turns into a 5 penalty if any
an aspect of the Jale God) strokechucker is attacked while the bonus is in effect.
Related Entries: Please see the Jale God entry in Petty
& Matthew W. Schmeer Gods section for a complete listing of entries related to the Jale
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. God (including all gods mentioned in this listing).
No. Enc.: 1d12
Being of Ib
Movement: 120' (40') SERVES: Bokrug (petty god of millennial revenge,
Armor Class: 6 Doom of Sarnath)
Hit Dice: 4 AFFILIATIONS: Cthulhu
Attacks: 2 (claw/claw)
+ special & Nicolas Senac
Damage: 1d2/1d2 F Michal Majqello Knapik
Save: F5 No. Enc.: 2d4
Morale: 3 Alignment: Chaotic
Hoard Class: None Movement: 90' (30')
XP: 210 Armor Class: 4
Despite their bald-headed & bearded fearsome appearance, bat- Hit Dice: 4
faced strokechuckers are expert ticklers; they can sneak up on Attacks: 1
any child under the age of 3 and make them giggle with nothing Damage: Special
but a soft touch across the chin, brow, or crook of knee or arm. Save: F5
They exist to serve Thwizeviblyz by eliciting peals of child laugh-
Morale: 3
ter at unexpected moments, and are experts at this task.
Hoard Class: None
Standing 4-to-6 inches in height, strokechuckers appear squat XP: 210
and muscular, but this is an adaptive illusion. Like the common
house mouse, strokechuckers can squeeze themselves into These elongated creatures are the minions of Bokrug, petty
the smallest of openings and, thanks to their tough claws, can god of millennial revenge and Doom of Sarnath. They have
climb vertical surfaces (up to 90 feet) with ease. They can also bulging eyes, greenish rough skin, flabby lips, and curious ears.
perform a 6' vertical standing jump. They possess the stealth Voiceless, they do not seem to communicate in any way visible
skills of a 20th level thief and the power to cast invisibility at or audible. They seem to move while dancing in a strange way
will, rendering them all but undetectable to the unwary eye. on a rhythm known to them alone.

As their name suggests, strokechuckers resemble bats in more These servants are the ghosts of the members of an extinct
than just appearance; their eyes are extremely sensitive to light race. These creatures lived in the prehuman city of Ib, when
and they use echolocation to move through their surroundings. the world was young, and worshipped Bokrug until men came.
Strokechuckers can move through complete darkness with ease But men came and slaughtered them, throwing their bodies
and gain +3 to all combat rolls which take place in dim or dark into the vast still lake that is fed by no stream, and out of which
locations. They are primarily nocturnal, preferring to do their no stream flows. Bokrug recalled the beings of Ib to wreak
work in the hours between morning and evening twilight. vengeance while achieving the will of their inhuman deity.
Since then, they have haunted the banks and the depths of the
They are easily blinded by sudden bright light and will imme- lake, attentive to their masters orders to unleash their wrath on
diately make themselves invisible if startled; their invisibility is a sinful city or civilization. The servant cohort is led by cleric-
such that they cast no shadow. like magisters (AC 3; 6 HD; fight and save as 6 HD monsters)
who brandish in their paws golden platters set with rubies and
Strokechuckers prefer to flee rather than attack, especially if
diamonds, where shines the livid light of a pale will-o-wisp as
encountered in groups of 3 or less. If attacked, strokechuck-
a sinister banner.
ers perform a series of blazingly fast, complex, bare-handed
maneuvers which, due to the millions of featherlike cilia cov- The mere sight (once per fight) of a being of Ib drains one Hit
ering their hands, result in a paralyzing tickle. Victims must Die (on a failed save vs. death) and only one Hit Die, with no
save vs. paralysis or be pleasantly stunned for 1d4 rounds. It is loss of level or abilities (the HD cannot be recovered by rest).
rumored that a swarm of strokechuckers (500+) once brought The chilled touch of Bokrugs minions ages the victim 1-10
down a young red dragon in just this manner. years (no saving throw).
Strokechuckers tend to nest in abandoned rat warrens and are Related Entries: G) Bokrug.
fastidious housekeepers. In many regions, it is considered good


Behni the Imp These low ranking divine agents look like women with blue
skin and four white wings. They have bald heads with a golden
SERVES: Himself (believes himself
glyph placed on their forehead, and their arms and legs have
to be a petty god) intricate patterns in red pigment. Blue maidens serve a variety
& Chris Tamm of deities as messengers and temple guardians, but their true
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. allegiance is that of maintaining balance. They are immune to
non-magical attacks, fire, and electricity and can twice per day
No. Enc.: 1 (unique) shift planes with one companion.
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 240' (80')
Armor Class: 4 (-2 if visible and surprised)
Hit Dice: 8 (38 hp)
Attacks: 1 (hell fire flame breath)
Damage: 3d6 + special
(blackens magic armor)
Save: M12
Morale: 4
Hoard Class: None
XP: 210

This adorable imp chomps pipes and cigars, drinks beer, and
likes ladies. He is only a foot tall and more selfish and comedi-
cally awful than intentionally evil. He likes to help adventurers
by making wisecracks about everything they do. He can turn
invisible at will, and uses this ability both to spy on people and
pull pranks (e.g., he particularly favors ambushing and hotfoot-
ing someone with his hellfire breath). This breath attack is able
to harm beings who are either non-material, or exist partly in
other planes.
Bob the Cat
Behni adds a touch of cheap, evil vulgarity to everything he
SERVES: Ywehbobbobhewy (Lord of Waters,
does, and he particularly favors comedic anti-climaxes. When
annoying a band of heroes, he tends to be less evil to those King of Mirrors, Patriarch of the Most Profound)
who tolerate him with chagrin, or give him booze, something & Matthew W. Schmeer
to smoke, or (even better) a tiny hat. His unexpected absence
from a taunted party usually indicates he has been promoted.
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
He tends to reflect fondly on those that help him rise up the No. Enc.: 1 (unique)
ranks of the diabolic, and thinks of his tricks as simply a gim- Alignment: Chaotic
mick to survive. When someone who wronged Behni is alone
Movement: 60' (20')
and in peril, Behni is likely to appear with a soul contract offer-
ing a bad, but necessary, deal. Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 9 (49 hp)
Attacks: 2 (1 bite or
Blue Maiden breath weapon) + special
SERVES: Any god Damage: 1d10/4d4 + special
seeking balance Save: F19
Morale: 12
& Chris Tamm Hoard Class: None
F Joel Bethell XP: 3,100
No. Enc.: 2d6
Alignment: Neutral Bob the Cat is a two-legged bald cat that rides on the shoulders
of Ywehbobbobhewy, Lord of Waters, etc., etc., when His Lord-
Movement: 150' (50') ship manifests as a one-eyed, lute-playing hunchbacked midget
Fly: 240' (80') during the Dark Moon Festival and other high holy days.
Armor Class: 3 [+1]
Bob the Cat is slightly larger than a normal domestic housecat,
Hit Dice: 5
and is able to talk in pidgin common, although he is fluent in
Attacks: 1 (by weapon) goblin and dwarvish. He has a particularly dirty mind and is
Damage: By weapon constantly yowling sexual innuendos at passersby. His cack-
Save: C5 ling mews are also highly disturbing.
Morale: 12
Bob the Cats two legs have no normal configuration: some-
Hoard Class: None times he has two front legs, sometimes two back, sometimes
XP: 350

22 0

one front and one back, sometimes they appear on the left and bog (known in some locations by the name The Bogfather).
sometimes they appear on the right. Once every three years As years of erosion or human activity sometimes results in a
he manifests as a cat with human legs riding piggyback on His situation in which a bogman becomes uncovered again, it will
Lordships hump. finally rip itself free of its prison as the first rays of moonlight
touch it. A bogman desires to find living souls to take its place
Bobs main attack is his venomous bite (1d10 normal damage beneath the muck; and any humanoids it places there will rise
plus save vs. poison or suffer 3 to attack/save rolls and 2 hp in a similar manner the next night.
per round until death unless removed by cure disease). Because
he feeds exclusively on Cowies inky black milk, hes also capa- In combat, bogmen attack with their choking mitts. If they hit,
ble of belching an intense, short-range cone of fire once per day they automatically grip a human or smaller sized creature in a
(save vs. breath or take 4d4 fire damage). death grip (Constitution modifier equals rounds until death).
Bob the Cats tail is prehensile, and he uses it to wield a wand Like other undead, bogmen are immune to sleep, charm and
of absolute total fucking darkness with 4 charges or the Wand hold magics. Additionally, slashing damage against them is
of What the Fuck with 3 charges. Flip a coin to decide which ignored. Finally, any melee weapon which strikes a bogman
hes got this time around. successfully (on a successful to hit roll) has a 50% chance of
adhering to the tarry, muddy skin of the bogman.
Finally, Bob the Cat coughs up hairless fur balls once per
day (dont ask). Merely touching one of these with bare flesh The skin of a bogman is flammable. If enflamed, the bogman
is enough to impart burrowing rotworm disease (no save): a will attempt to bear hug opponents and (on a successful to
single, tiny worm will burrow its way into the flesh and then hit roll) do 1d6 squeezing damage plus 1d6 flame damage per
replicate exponentially via self-division. Such victims are usu- round until the victim or the bogman dies.
ally fated for a horrible, torturous death unless they swallow a
dried pearl onion within fifteen minutes of becoming infected
(the initial infecting burrowing rotworm heads for the stomach Bogling: Hanged Bogman
first, and dried pearl onions mixed with stomach acids create a No. Enc.: 1
highly toxic gas which kills it before it can self-divide).
Alignment: Chaotic
Bob the Cats name is not Bob, Bobbie, Bob-o, or any other Movement: 90' (30')
variation. It is always Bob the Cat. Attempting to address him Armor Class: 5
as anything but Bob the Cat after he corrects you the first Hit Dice: 4
time means its time to roll for initiative.
Attacks: 2 (claws) or
Related Entries: G) Curdle, Ywehbobbobhewy; D) Wand of 1 (spectral
Absolute Total Fucking Darkness, Wand of What the Fuck. noose)
Damage: 1d6/1d6
or special
Bogling Save: F4
SERVES: Petty gods of bogs and swamps, The Bogfather Morale: 11
Hoard Class: None
& Claytonian J.P. XP: 135
F Claytonian J.P.
Criminals in some areas are often hanged and given over to
Bogling: Bog-standard Bogman The Bogfather (a dark, petty god of swamps and coal), or
No. Enc.: 1d4 to other gods of the bog, as a form of eternal punishment.
However, sometimes a soul escapes the cool reach of the bog
Alignment: Neutral
gods realm and returns to its body. Preserved in weird ways
Movement: 90' (30') by the acids of the swamp waters, hanged bogmen resemble
Armor Class: 5 soggy mummies.
Hit Dice: 2
In combat, hanged bogmen attack with two claw swipes or
Attacks: 1 (choking mitts
a spectral noose. The noose has a range of 15' and should it
or bear hug)
strike a target successfully, the noose raises the character 6'
Damage: Special (choking mitts) above the ground where the victim is all but helpless. If two
or 1d6+1d6 flame (bear hug) of the victims companions are able to jump up and pull down
Save: F2 on the afflicted (at the same time), the power of the noose will
Morale: 11 be broken. Otherwise, the victim will die in 3d4 rounds (from
Hoard Class: None being hanged).
XP: 29 Like other undead, bogmen are immune to sleep, charm and
hold magic. Additionally, slashing damage against them is ig-
Bog-standard bogmen are the remains of people who died af- nored. Finally, any melee weapon which strikes a bogman (on
ter a long struggle to get unstuck from an ignominious death a successful to hit roll) has a 50% chance of adhering to the
in swamps or tar pits. Just as the torches of the search par- tarry, muddy skin of the bogman.
ties disappeared into the surrounding mire, they squeaked a
last, pathetic plea for salvation and were summarily instilled Hanged bogmen will flee if presented with a piece of rope that
with a mote of blasphemous quintessence of the god of that was once part of the same coil that hangs around their neck.


Braner greater intensity in that aspect. A group will usually be formed

of individuals of the same type acting together.
SERVES: Varies
Braner aspects (1d6)
& Porky 1 Waker: The osmotic or conductive structure
F Dr. Brillenschnitzel of this braner allows the absorption, mingling
A braner is a trans-Euclidean lifeform able to slip more or less or transfer of material among those regions
freely across various dimensions. Some pass into, beyond or currently located adjacent to it, enabling the
through perceptible reality, appearing as bizarre phenomena formation of a reservoir or conduit for trans-
and perhaps warping or sucking elements along after them; dimensional interaction.
others provide foundations for the known world and undermine 2 Weaver: Highly elongated or filamentary, this
or destroy it as they shift. In their diversity and their astound- braner binds manifolds, perhaps forming a basis
ing divergence from the familiar they are regarded variously as for a reality by bracing its fundamental particles,
outer lodes, demons and deities, and much more besides. They macrostructures or universal shell; its loss, transfor-
are none of these, although they may have contact with all; mation or relocation may lead to local collapse.
they both maintain, and enter into, agreements, relationships 3 Whiler: Whether hibernating, pupating or para-
and conjunctions across the dimensional boundaries. lysed, perhaps lying in wait, this braner is more or
less inactive, representing a temporary hindrance
Braners as encounters to travel via the region and gifting its current
transdimensional location a misleading stability.
Braners are rarely met, and met knowingly more rarely still.
They may appear in almost any place at almost any time, but 4 Whisker: This braner hooks, envelops or dis-
tend to do so in regions energetically or existentially charged, lodges elements of nearby regions, stretching or
changed or fractured. Many of the higher forms exhibit great carrying them out across a dimensional horizon,
caution and are adept at camouflage, frequently extruding only perhaps shifting, telescoping or inverting the local
miniscule portions of themselves into new spaces until confi- form; they may be returned, irrevocably altered.
dent in their understanding of local structure and capability and 5 Winder: The tension, mass or construction of this
aware of the transformations that their presence will bring. braner warps the coils of the dimensions it spans
or crosses, thereby spontaneously reordering,
The majority of local or adjacent braners have 1d3 braner as- separating or fusing these dimensions and sparking
pects generated using the following table; treat duplicates as sudden shifts in reality for the inhabitants.


6 Wisher: Possessed of a morphic structure Brujj (Mallikarri)

perhaps plasmatic, gelatinous or naniticor
SERVES: Any petty god whose idol they can steal
capable of transdimensional lensing, this braner is
able to generate, modify or mimic any or all of the & Garrisonjames
elements of a region, including the inhabitants.
F Horace J. Knowles
Braners may vary greatly in size, capacity, and power even
No. Enc.: 1d4 (2d4)
among those of like aspect, with these factors depending in
large part on the depth to which they enter perceptible reality. Alignment: Chaotic
The effects they produce on characters, items, and the wider Movement: 120' (40')
landscape are most often either incomprehensibly subtle or out- [cannot swim]
right outlandish. The best guide for a DM wishing to apply the Armor Class: 3
concepts to a campaign may be the examples given below and Hit Dice: 8
the outer limits of the imagination. Attacks: 1 (club or gaze)
Damage: 2d6 (club)
The N-braner
or 3d6 (gaze)
A common braner type in civilised regions is the n-braner, a Save: F9
waker-weaver-wisher pursuing hylozoa, both actual and poten-
Morale: 10 (8 if confronted
tial, for unknown purposes. It is believed to track likely targets
with a medusa)
from dimensions largely beyond their own, initially inserting only
a small quantity of essence to scan, later perhaps more complex Hoard Class: XVII
observational and manipulative tendrils from multiple points. XP: 560
Heightened senses, an appropriate magical ability or careful
preparation may allow a character advance warning of this. Ruthless idolators and bandits, the mallikarri only ever worship
idols that they have stolen from other people. They never carve
Having identified a potential node, a n-braner strikes from their own idols, never name them for themselves; no good
within, either endowing an awareness which extends via the comes from a god that was not taken in a raid upon others.
n-braner and all existing nodes, or altering awareness if a They worship any and every petty god whose idol they can
similar being has already entered. This may manifest itself in steal. Those with adequate ability can sometimes become rustic
many ways, from almost imperceptible change in nature to the ritualists carrying out crude rites under the direction of lesser
spontaneous acquisition of great knowledge or ability. minions, or servitors of those petty gods who take notice of the
Mallikarris uncouth devotion and scurrilous worship.
Branic scholars caution that n-braner activity may be a fac-
tor in spiritual, intellectual and social development, or even a Mallikarri will never willingly attack a medusa and have been
prerequisite for it; but they do so circumspectly, for walls may known to sometimes serve as consort to a particularly powerful
indeed have ears, needles a form of eye, and wines a fine nose medusa.
for more than scents.
The blood of a mallikarri is highly toxic to all creatures who
Braners enhancing items possess a petrification-attack, and is used to craft arrows of
slaying that affect medusae, basilisks, cockatrices, etc.
Braners and their inherent potential have long been the subject
of scholarly research, albeit often at the extreme fringes both Mallikarri are immune to nearly all known petrification attacks,
academically and geographically. Over the ages techniques and with some effort they can attempt to remove petrification
have been developed to allow an artisan to coax, drive or work effects (such as from a basilisks gaze) by laying on hands (simi-
a braner or part thereof into a device of some kind, and some lar to how a paladin heals the faithful). They require 1d6 turns
of this knowledge survives and even thrives within the bounds per HD of the victim to attempt such a reversal, and must re-
of the perceptible world. As a wellspring of power, and most main undisturbed during the effort. The initial attempt grants
obviously of destructive power, many forms of braner have few the recipient a +3 bonus to their re-rolled save vs. petrification.
equals in this reality. If it succeeds, the target is restored to normal. If the attempt
fails, the mallikarri may make two further attempts: the second
The following spells may be used to locate, draw and fix a bran- one grants a +2 bonus and the third is limited to a +1 bonus.
er to a local surface, thereby achieving the use of one or more If after three attempts the effort fails, the victim remains petri-
braner aspects, temporarily at least: fied permanently. Each such failure also forces the mallikarri
Related Entries: G ) Perichronaos; D) Braner-related to make its own save vs. petrification or become petrified for
Weapons; S) Fix Braner, Pass Transdimensionally, Unfurl the next 1d6 years. They are reluctant to risk this boon without
Dimensions. some suitable reward.

22 3

C Child of Neub Child of the Underworld Child of Yeolnuma Cubic Drone

Child of Neub cluding being immune to silver weapons) and take half damage
from electricity and fire.

& Mark Bober Child of the Underworld:

F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. Headless Phantom
Neubs children are those foolish young men and women who (Aidhbhsean Gun Cheann)
called upon Neub for succor, and then refused her price. They
are often sent by Neub herself to soften the adventurers up be- No. Enc.: 1d10
fore an encounter, yet they often appear in towns where a good Alignment: Chaotic
volume of henchmen are available on their own. Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 5 [+1]
Children of Neub place themselves where they may be eas-
ily hired. They will appear as the most common of men and Hit Dice: 5
women from the local culture (or race). As a rule, theyll be Attacks: 1 (touch)
eager to serve, and slightly better equipped than the normal or special
rabble of torchbearers and porters. At a minimum, theyll each Damage: 1d6 or special
have above average boots. They will only accept service if the Save: F5
party is headed to an underground location where Neub may
Morale: 10
show herself. Theyll often suggest hiring, at a reduced price,
other henchman who are also her children. Hoard Class: None
XP: 500
During the adventure, they will be extra attentive to the party,
and attempt to gain themselves positions of responsibility. A headless phantom appears as the body of a man without a
In fact, they are scouting the party for weaknesses, and, if head, and in the middle of its breast is a single eye which rolls
chance allows, spoiling food and sabotaging equipment that and turns about and shines with a dull green glare.
wont be noticed until the party is deep in a dungeon. Once in
the dungeon, the treachery will startcausing noises to draw The presence of a headless phantom causes all flames (magical
wandering monsters, pretending to innocently trip traps with and non-magical) within a radius of 360' to be extinguished.
large areas of effect, making ill-advised or unplanned frontal At will, a headless phantom can cause 1d6+6 colored lights to
assaultsthe children being lost to attrition as they attempt to appear, then to dance and move about the area as if held by
weaken and slow the party as much as possible. invisible hands. Anyone looking upon these lights must save
vs. spell or become entranced, unable to do anything but stare
If passed over with detect magic, a faint aura of necromancy at the lights for as long as they remain in the vicinity (the dura-
may be noticed on a successful save vs. spell by the caster. If tion of the lights is at the will of the headless phantom).
viewed with true seing, children of Neub appear as ghosts,
with twisted, broken bodies, and faces frozen in terror. Their The touch of a headless phantom does 1d6 points of damage.
corporeal manifestations (bodies) will act as expected when
slain by chance or the party themselves, only dissipating into a
Child of the Underworld:
gray smoke after a week has passed.
Ugly Witch (Grnna Buisleach)
Related Entries: G) Neub.
No. Enc.: 1d4
Alignment: Chaotic
Child of the Underworld Movement: 120' (40')
SERVES: Gods of the underworld Armor Class: 2 [+1]
Hit Dice: 7
& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.* Attacks: 1 (howl or
F Beatrice Elvery spell or wail)
The children of the underworld are a family of three types of Damage: Fear (howl)
beings that serve gods of the underworld: headless phantoms or by spell
(aidhbhsean gun cheann), ugly witches (grnna buisleach), and or special (wail)
wailing women (caointeach). They refer to one another as broth- Save: M7
er and sister, though their actual relation is questionable. Morale: 10
All children of the underworld are all able to howl (or moan, in Hoard Class: None
the case of headless phantoms), creating the same effect as a XP: 1.300
fear spell. Additionally, they are able to detect good and may
travel at will between the Lower Planes and the Material Plane. An ugly witch appears as an appallingly unsightly man of great
They are immune to weapons of less than +1 enchantment (in- height with a head and beard of tangled gray hair.


In lieu of using its howling attack, an ugly witch may choose Child of Yeolnuma
to cast a spell (as a 7th level magic-user) or use its weakening
SERVES: Yeolnuma
waila magical effect that causes all within hearing range to
become weakened (on a failed save vs. spell). The effects of & Garrisonjames
this weakening wail depend on the number of uses by the ugly F Garrisonjames
witch, and the total number of saving throws which have been
failed by the victim. The effects of this weakening wail may be All servitors of Yeolnuma have the following abilities: infravision
removed through use of a remove curse spell. (90'), half damage from gas-type attacks, immunity to disease,
and telepathy (30' range).
first failed save: 1 pt. penalty to AC, to hit rolls,
damage rolls, and saving throws
Child of Yeolnuma:
second failed save: cumulative 2 pt. penalty to AC,
to hit rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws, and
Type I (Scarabic Horde)
movement is halved No. Enc.: 3d4
third failed save: target falls to ground, conscious (4d100+100)
but unable to act Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 60' (20')
fourth failed save: target slips into coma-like state
Armor Class: 1
Hit Dice: 3
Child of the Underworld: Attacks: 2 (bite/weapon
Wailing Woman (Caointeach) or 2 weapons)
Damage: 3d4/by weapon
No. Enc.: 1d3
Save: F3
Alignment: Chaotic
Morale: 10
Movement: 120' (40')
Hoard Class: X (embedded in nightsoil
Armor Class: 3 [+1] clumped on their lower limbs)
Hit Dice: 6 XP: 80
Attacks: 3 (spells
or specials) Special Ability: lob filth (60' range, inflicts 2d6, save vs.
Damage: By spell spell to avoid contracting random disease).
or special
These are the foot soldiers and cannon fodder that serve Yeo-
Save: M6 lnuma. Weapons are randomly determined. Officers have 6
Morale: 10 HD, fight and save as 6HD monsters, and have a chance of
Hoard Class: None possessing one or two magic items.
XP: 820

Though they may have fewer hit dice than their ugly witch Child of Yeolnuma:
brothers, wailing women are much more dangerous as they Type II (Scuttler)
have three heads which may use their special attacks independ-
ently or in unison. No. Enc.: 1d4 (1d20)
Alignment: Chaotic
Wailing women are able to cast spells as three 6th level magic- Movement: 90' (30')
users (treat as three independent lists of spells, as if each was
Armor Class: 0
selected by a magic-user of 6th level). All three heads share all
spells known, so any head may cast a spell even if memorized by Hit Dice: 6
a different head. If two or more heads cast a spell in unison, this Attacks: 2 (bite/
is treated as casting a single spell; however, any saving throws weapon)
against the spell are made with a 1 penalty per additional head Damage: 5d4/
that cast the spell (e.g., if all three heads cast a spell in unison, by weapon
saving throws against it are made with a 2 penalty). Save: T6
If two or more heads wail in unison, the save vs. spell against Morale: 11
its fear effect are made with a 1 penalty per additional head Hoard Class: VII
that cast the spell (e.g., if all three heads wail in unison, saving XP: 120
throws against the wail are made with a 2 penalty).
Special Ability: filth walk (scuttlers can walk across mud,
Any of a wailing womans heads may wail or cast a spell inde- muck and filth as though it were solid ground).
pendently of the others.
Sleeker, faster and smarter, these are the trusted agents of Yeo-
* Based on the legend of Fionn mac Cumhaill (also as Finn lnuma who spy upon the sunlit lands of his former master. They
MacCool or Finn MacCoul) as told in Heroes of the Dawn have the abilities of a thief equal in level to their HD. Those
by Violet Russell. slain in the service of their deity have a base 20% chance to
rise again as wights.

22 5

Child of Yeolnuma: Cubic Drone

Type III (Favored of Yeolnuma) SERVES: Hexadron

No. Enc.: 3d4 & Colin Chapman

(4d100+100) F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Alignment: Chaotic
No. Enc.: 36 (exactly)
Movement: 60' (20')
Alignment: Lawful
Armor Class: 1
Movement: 180' (60')
Hit Dice: 3
Armor Class: 6
Attacks: 2 (2 weapons
or bite/weapon) Hit Dice: 3 (always have 12 hp)
Damage: 5d4/ Attacks: 1
by weapon Damage: 1d6
Save: F3 Save: F3
Morale: 11 Morale: 12
Hoard Class: Lots and lots of jewels (all encrusted Hoard Class: None
to the insides of their wing-cases) XP: 80
XP: 80
Cubic drones are flying silver cubes, each edge six feet in length
Special Ability: Can cast ray of enfeeblement twice a day as and so precise that it can cut and draw blood as the drone flies
a breath weapon in a 30' cone. past, into and around its opponents. They only attack if their
home plane, they themselves, or Hexadron are attacked or
Huge 16'-long beetles with mottled limbs and glossy black cara- threatened in some way. They have no true intelligence and are
paces, these bloated monstrosities serve as Yeolnumas con- thus unaffected by hold, sleep, and charm spells, and as they
cubines and personal guardians. They are rumored to wield are not alive in the normal sense are also immune to poisons
weapons of at least +2 potency and one of their number is and gases.
believed to be a spellcaster.
Related Entries: G ) Hexadron.
Related Entries: G ) Yeolnuma.

Creqvgn (minion of Cowie, companion

to Curdle, the Petty Goddess of Blind Milk Maids)
See the entry for Sybevmry & Creqvgn in this section.

22 6

D Deiphagous Maggot Deus Ex Machina Divine Auditors

Divine Louse Crabs Doddering Scrivener Dud

Deiphagous Maggot In combat, the maggot will try to wrap itself around you with
gnawing mouths and squirm away in one fluid motion, leaving
SERVES: Any deity of decay
you like a ringbarked tree. If caught or cornered its skin bursts
& Logan Knight with patches of bristling needles.
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. The maggots digestion is slow. If it is killed there is a 50% chance
No. Enc.: 1 (1d4) of its ruptured belly releasing the power of a god it has fed on.
(Have you killed a god lately? Then that one. Otherwise, roll or
Alignment: As the god it currently serves
flip to a random godling in this book and unleash their wrath.)
(its nothing if not helpful)
Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 9
Hit Dice: 4
Attacks: 1 (needle wrap = 1d4 needles)
Damage: 1d4 per needle
Save: M23
Morale: 8
Hoard Class: 1 wondrous item
XP: 1,200

The bloated body of the maggot squirms through the air, con-
tracting and expanding towards youseveral feet from the
groundin deliberate, hypnotic movements. It draws itself
up like a snake, a patch of glistening needles extend from
beneath the rear of its body, supporting it before you. Mouths
cover the underside of its body, one speaks for every emotion,
there are many mouths. Eyes filled with broiling red fog are Deus Ex Machina
held within them, winking out and opening elsewhere as each SERVES: Any
begins to speak.
It is not the nature of the maggot to harm the god it serves, but
& Jonas Mustonen
when it dies the maggot will swim amongst its flesh, supping F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
on the decay of divinity. Of course the maggot hungers, but No. Enc.: 1 (1)
the longer a god lives, the more fervently it is worshipped and
Alignment: Neutral
the sweeter its flesh. You see the maggots conundrumit feels
youre here to spoil the meal it is cultivating. Movement: 180' (60')
Armor Class: 3 [+1}
Static physical barriers mean nothing to the maggot, it slides in Hit Dice: 8
and out of them like reality. Be careful not to fall into a hole that
Attacks: 2 (weapons or claws, see below) + special
isnt there. Sharp swinging metal is harder to account for.
Damage: 1d10/1d10 and see below
Save: C8
Morale: 12
Hoard Class: XV
XP: 2,065

This golem is constructed in the likeness of a shrine that rolls

on a set of wheels. Depending on the deity responsible for its
existence, it might be equipped with a set of maces, or with
statues of archangels that strike offenders with swords. These
constructs are decorated with precious icons, offerings and holy
symbols. Burning candles and smoldering censers surround it
with wisps of smoke; spinning prayer wheels rattle as it moves.
Depending on the alignment of its deity (lawful or chaotic),
it may also automatically attempt to turn undead or control
undead (respectively) as an 8th level cleric (in addition to any
other actions it may make during a round). Controlled undead
will be commanded to form a procession to defend the golem.
It has the usual golem immunities to mind affecting spells, and
can only be harmed by magic.


Divine Auditor Divine auditors use magic as 5th level magic-users. Common
SERVES: Wicked Skein
spells used by divine auditors include arcane eye, detect magic,
knock, locate object, read languages, and read magic. Ad-
titles: Feeders of the
ditionally, each divine auditor has access to a permanent haste
Divine Rumor Mill spell. It can activate this at will to scurry through archives,
stacks, and collections to find desired items.
& John Everett Till
F Juan Ochoa * Thysanurians are a creation of Hereticwerks, which has an
extensive library of monsters (see
No. Enc.: 1d6
Alignment: Any (depends
on temple
Divine Louse Crab
SERVES: Gods & goddesses of sexuality
Movement: 120' (40')
[240' (80') when & Matthew W. Schmeer
using haste)] F Richard J. LeBlanc Jr.
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 5 No. Enc.: 100d20+
Attacks: 3 (1 bite/2 shortswords) or Alignment: Neutral
3 (1 spell, wand, or scroll as per Movement: 15' (5')
a 5th level MU/2 shortswords) Armor Class: 8
Damage: 1d3/1d6/1d6 or Hit Dice: 2 hit points
by spell, wand, scroll/1d6/1d6 Attacks: Special
Save: M5 Damage: Special
Morale: VII, 1-in-3 also has wand or scroll Save: F1
Hoard Class: 1 wondrous item Morale: 12
XP: 500 (650 if divine auditor Hoard Class: None
also possesses a wand or scroll)
XP: 250 (for entire infestation)
Divine auditors are the mortal four-armed monkey offspring
The four-legged, hand-footed, spear-toting divine louse crabs
of any number of temple scribal gods. Highly literate and well-
exclusively serve the gods and goddesses of sexuality, plaguing
versed in both magic and forensic accounting, they can commit
anyone who displeases them in a multitude of ways. Their hand-
large volumes of text to memory in very short order. The best of
feet allow them to move through body hair with rapid ease and
their kind are found in the retinues of knowledge, scribal, and
they exist primarily to feed and cause intense discomfort.
messenger gods such as Wicked Skein, the petty goddess of
unwelcome messages. Divine louse crabs range in size from 1.5 to 3 mm long when
plaguing mortals, and from 6 to 10 cm long when plaguing
Most divine auditors live within the temple precincts of deities
gods and immortals; there is a 75% chance that PCs encoun-
devoted to the gathering, copying, and analysis of all manner
tering divine or semi-divine beings suffering from a case of the
of mystic and mundane texts. Their skills in cataloging and text
divine louse crabs will notice the infestation and must save vs.
retrieval are legendary, and many libraries and archives employ
disease to avoid becoming repulsed and fleeing in terror.
them to locate and retrieve long-forgotten texts from deeply bur-
ied archives and stacks. As minions of the gods, divine auditors Divine louse crabs are themselves asexual. They can lay up
serve as information gatherers, message carriers, accountants, to 300 eggs a day on the coarse hairs of armpits and genital
and scroll/book filchers. If information exists in written form in regions. They can also be found in other areas of the body
a library, accounting house, temple, or palace, divine auditors covered in hair or fur, but generally do not infest the crown of
can find and retrieve it quickly. the scalp. The eggs take 6 hours to hatch and a fully-formed
adult divine louse crab emerges from the egg; the hatched crab
No less importantly, divine auditors remember what they are
louse can begin reproducing within 1 day. Adults live up to 2
told, and are constantly eavesdropping on the conversations of
months and feed 7-8 times a day.
others, mortal and immortal alike. Due to their propensity to
gather, commit to memory, and regurgitate information, few After hatching, divine louse crabs craft spears from shafts of
temple or divine secrets are safe from them for very long. The hair and extrude a stony, epoxy-like substance from their rec-
divine auditors feed the Divine Rumor Mill, and more than one tums which they craft into close approximations of spearheads.
self-important god or scholar has forgotten this at their peril. They then war with each other for domination of a hosts body
hair. There are multiple factions of divine louse crabs known to
Divine auditors detest creatures that consume or destroy books
exist, serving gods of sundry sexual orientations.
such as Thysanurians*. Divine auditors will attack them on
sight, or alert the nearest authorities in charge of collections. When plaguing mortals, their bites cause severe itching
primarily of the crotch and armpitsdue to the acidity of their
The divine auditor has four arms, two legs, and a prehensile tail.
saliva; an untreated case of divine louse crab infestation will
They can use up to three weapons at any time. Their preferred
result in restless sleep (no spell recovery) and sap 2 hp the first
weapon is the shortsword. They may, instead, make up to two
day, and will then double every day until death, or until the
weapon attacks while also using a spell during the same round.
infestation is treated. Gods infested with divine louse crabs will
Finally, there is a 1-in-3 chance a divine auditor will also have a
merely distractedly scratch an awful lot.
magic item such as a wand or scroll that is useful in combat.

22 8

To temporarily cure a case of divine louse crabs, PCs must smear and parchments used by doddering scriveners fetch high prices
themselves in a foul concoction of goat fat, owlbear dung, and on the black market, as they are rumored to be able to create
seagull vomit applied to the affected areas and sealed with can- undetectable forgeries if used in combination.
dle wax; only the most highly skilled alchemists know the exact
recipe for this concoction. This salve forces divine louse crabs Doddering scriveners follow no deity themselves but remain de-
into a state of hibernation for up to one week. After three ap- cidedly neutral in all affairs. They never offer an opinion (even
plications, the treatment is no longer effective. if pressed) on any topic, and carry out their duties with an air of
resigned indifference. They utterly lack individual personalities
To completely cure a case of divine louse crabs, PCs must some- and prefer to remain unnoticed.
how manage to get back into the good graces of whichever
divine being manifested the plague upon them. A cure disease It is said that eating the brain of a doddering scrivener imparts
spell cast by a 20th level or higher cleric of neutral alignment the ability to read and write in all languages; this might be
will also do the trick. true, but one definite side effect is the loss of the ability to blink.
Victims of this side effect gradually stop producing tears and
Related Entries: G ) Morbiphallugus. their eyes eventually shrivel and rot; there is no known cure
for this malady.

Doddering Scrivener
SERVES: Petty gods making contracts and decrees Dud
SERVES: Petty gods of malfunction and faulty idea
& Matthew W. Schmeer
F William H. Bradley & Eric Potter
No. Enc.: 1 (1d10)
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Alignment: Neutral No. Enc.: 1d30
Movement: 90' (30') Alignment: Lawful
Armor Class: 10 Movement: 60' (20') rolling
Hit Dice: 1d6+2 Armor Class: 3
Attacks: 0 Hit Dice: 2
Damage: None Attacks: Special
Save: M2 Damage: Special
Morale: 4 Save: F2
Hoard Class: XVII Morale: 11
XP: 25 Hoard Class: None
XP: 55
Outfitted in bright orange hooded cowls and scapulas, dod-
dering scriveners are a race of gnome-like creatures with over- The dud is a small, limbless creature measuring around twelve
sized ears whose sole purpose is to record the decrees of the inches in length. It consists of a hard but hollowed exoskeleton
petty gods for posterity and serve as notary witnesses to all with one large orifice used for respiration, consumption and re-
divine petty contracts. Whenever a petty god deigns to enter a gurgitation. This dark, armored exoskeleton is a series of band-
contract, grant a boon, or send a foolhardy adventurer on an ed plates and retracting scutes, which allow the dud to contract
arduous quest, a doddering scrivener mysteriously appears to itself into a tight solid sphere and roll for locomotion.
record the particulars and collect signatures.
Duds are minions of the petty gods of malfunction and faulty
Although not much is known about their biology beyond their idea, and will readily sacrifice themselves to these minor deities
appearance and ability to teleport at will, their society is ex- or their most ardent followers without hesitation. However, their
tremely hierarchical, divided into 20 classes, each divided into absence of teeth and claws renders the dud essentially ineffective
20 divisions, and each division divided into 20 sections. Each as a weapon, and use of this creature is solely as a deterrent or
section is further divided into different ranks of innumerable scare tactic.
individual scriveners responsible for recording, archiving, and
cataloging all decrees and contracts within a specific sphere of When a retracted dud is thrown as a hurled weapon, either sin-
divine influence. gly or en masse (for greater effect) it spins through the air with
its orifice opened, screaming as it flies with an ear-piercingly
Doddering scriveners follow a strict ethical code and are sworn high pitch, making the enemy run for cover. The incoming air
to a life of pacifism. They carry no weapons and wear no ar- rapidly fills the duds hollowed innards, and once overfilled, the
mor. If attacked, they will attempt to avoid combat by fleeing exoskeleton is compromised, and will split on impact, resulting
but they will not defend themselves beyond fisticuffs; their at- in a small, dull thud.
tempts at such are weak and ineffectual.
There is a 15% chance that a dud carries the leprosy virus and,
A doddering scrivener has instantaneous recall of any deed that on impact, the exploding exoskeleton will release the tainted bac-
he himself has recorded and, if given up to half-an-hour, can terium into the air as a gas cloud (10' diameter). Any character
find any other contract in the Deed Archives (it is, of course, ef- caught in the cloud who fails a save vs. poison will exhibit symp-
ficiently organized for such use). The classification system used toms in 2d6 days (wounds do not heal, regardless of source; fatal
by doddering scriveners is a carefully guarded secret and even in 3-6 months if left untreated; 1 pt. of Charisma lost per weeks
the gods themselves do not understand it. The quills, ink pots, duration of the disease; may be negated by cure disease).

22 9


Editaur Eye Imp


& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. & Jonas Mustonen

F Joel Priddy F Andrew Shields
No. Enc.: 1 (1d4) No. Enc.: 1
Alignment: Lawful Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 120' (40') Movement: 60' (20')
Armor Class: 5 Fly: 180' (60')
Hit Dice: 4 Armor Class: 2 (-3 if
Attacks: 4 (weapons) in flight)
Damage: By weapon Hit Dice: 3
or special Attacks: 1 (sting)
(see below) Damage: 1d4 + poison
Save: F4 Save: M3
Morale: 8 Morale: 12
Hoard Class: None Hoard Class: None
XP: 1,200 XP: 80
Editaurs are scrawny, four-armed minotaurs who serve any type The eye imp is a sub-class of the devilish imp family. In appear-
of godling who relies on writing, drawing, or record-keeping ance, it looks identical to the typcial impas a red-skinned,
(e.g., accountants, historians, librarians, even dungeon archi- winged humanoid with bulbous features. However, the eye imp
tects and siege engineers). is a diminutive creature, approximately the size of a small bat.
In addition, it has abnormally huge, bulging eyes which domi-
Each editaur is armed with a small arsenal of weapons (usually
nate its face and grant it enhanced vision (darkvision to 90').
an axe, hammer, sword and spear), each of which may be used
in its normal capacity (as a standard weapon, usually to fend Twice per day, an eye imp may cast a form of invisibility upon
off attackers who wish to keep them from their duties) or in a itself which allows it to be invisible when viewed directly (for a
special editing capacity. In this special capacity, the weapons duration of 1 turn). However, the eye imps flight patterns are
functions as a form of limited wish (instead of causing standard erratic, and when seen out of the corner of the eye, appear as
damage), allowing the editaur to make revisions to any docu- a random flickering or other similarly confusing and distracting
ment or tome. With these weapons and in this use, the editaur is motion. Any creature with peripheral sight of an eye imp in
able to give things the axe (axe), cut copy (sword), hammer flight must make all rolls with a 1 penalty (while positioned as
out the details (hammer), and assist the writer or scribe in get- such in relationship to the eye imp). Additionally, there is a 5%
ting to the point (spear). Magical tomes, documents and scrolls chance (roll of 1 on 1d20) that any spellcasting will fail under
are permitted a saving throw vs. this power, but non-magical these conditions. Unlike standard invisibility, an eye imps in-
ones are not. visibility is not terminated when it attacks.
Because the revision of an original document has the ability to Like their larger cousins, eye imps are craven, but not so timid
change reality, the true power of the editaur is almost unlimited. as to pass up an opportunity for a surprise attack. An eye imp
For example, an editaur may change what a scroll says or does. attacks with the wicked stinger on its tail. Each successful strike
Additionally, if an editaur has access to the original floor plan of with this stinger does 1 hp of damage and (on a failed save vs.
a dungeon, then it is within their power to change the realities poison) reduces the victims Dexterity by 1 point for a duration
of that dungeon (within the limits of an editor); e.g., moving a of 6 turns.
door or changing how a trap functions would be possible, add-
ing an entire level would not be possible, and deleting an entire Because the flight pattern of an eye imp is so erratic, the eye
level might be possible, depending on the size of the dungeon imp receives a 5 AC bonus when in flight (AC indicated in
and the amount of details that would need to be revised. parentheses above).
An eye imp possesses the following spell-like abilities which it
may use at will: detect good, detect magic.

F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.


F Formless Spawn Freakling Fruggar Fyre Fae

Formless Spawn Though intelligent after a fashion, they are immune to any
mind-affecting or altering magic or psychic effect, including il-
SERVES: Tsathoggua
lusions of all sorts. Formless spawn are immune to all weapons.
& James Mishler Unlike black puddings, they are not split by weapon attacks.
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. Instead, weapons simply pass harmlessly through their slimy
forms. Similarly, magical attacks, other than fire, have no effect
No. Enc.: 1d4 on them; any sort of acid damage instead heals them. Fire is
Alignment: Chaotic the only sovereign weapon against them, dealing full damage.
Movement: 60' (20') They are capable of seeing in all directions through some sort
of inhuman sense, even through all forms of darkness (though
Armor Class: 5
not penetrating a silence spell), and thus are usually incapable
Hit Dice: 12 of being surprised.
Attacks: Up to 6
(various Though formless spawn do not themselves possess treasure,
forms) they are often used to guard the treasures of priests and sor-
Damage: 3d8 each cerers in the service of Tsathoggua. Priests and sorcerers who
have these things at their command can communicate their
Save: F6
wishes to them using a limited form of ESP (a sort of obscene
Morale: 12 empathy) which can be used over any distance. These guardian
Hoard Class: None spawn are often found in bowls of glass or stone, with treas-
XP: 5,200 ures of gemstones set atop their sooty forms as bait for would-
be thieves. Formless spawn pursue such thieves unto death,
When Tsathoggua arrived on Earth from the depths of the whether the thieves or their own, unless recalled by the priests
Outer Dark, he arrived alone, though he quickly brought about of the temple.
the creation of a servitor species, the formless spawn. What
horrible eldritch arts created these entities, none are certain. Though rarely done, through the auspices of some unknown
Some sages speculate that their origin lies in the unspeakable and horrific eldritch magic, formless spawn are apparently able
rites that his supplicants engaged in when they sought to join to actually breed with humanoids, notably the Voormis and
his priesthood and failed. Fragments of a description of a other sub-human and human followers of Tsathoggua. The
failed attempt to placate Tsathoggua include a description of result is usually a being that takes on the appearance of the
the entitys consumption of the supplicant and a subsequent other parental being, albeit of disturbing and inhuman aspect.
regurgitation of the remains as a mass of black, viscous, bub- In time, and especially through physical damage and mishap,
bling, gibbering, slimy goo. such half-breeds mutate into gibbering mouthers. Those with
arcane and psychic abilities often retain them, even in their
Whatever their origin, they are potent servants. Outwardly inhuman madness.
resembling nothing more than the form of a common black
pudding, formless spawn are capable of much more than those Related Entries: G ) Tsathoggua; M ) Voormi.
simple creatures. Like black puddings, formless spawn can
move on vertical surfaces and even on ceilings, can compress
their forms to easily slip through the smallest of cracks, and can Freakling
digest metal and wood as readily as flesh and bone. Though SERVES: Urglu
acidic like a black pudding, a formless spawn can control this
acidity, enabling it to selectively damage people and objects & Terje Nordin
while harmlessly touching other people and objects. F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Unlike black puddings, formless spawn can take on forms other No. Enc.: 1d6 (3d6 in the
than that of a slimy puddle. They usually take on a vaguely presence of Urglu)
humanoid shape, with as many arms or pseudopods as are Alignment: Chaotic
needful at the moment. They might form two or more legs, or a Movement: 30' (10')
snake-like body and tail, or even simply slither along the ground
Fly: 180' (60')
in slime-blob form. Usually they attack with tentacle-like con-
structions, each up to 10 feet long, though they can also form Armor Class: 8
one or more heads with a bite-like attack. They can extrude up Hit Dice: 1
to six limbs capable of attacking at the same time; other limbs Attacks: 1 (bite)
merely writhe or are used for locomotion. The damage from Damage: 1d6
the limb is entirely acidic in nature, as the slimy limb has little
Save: T1
real strength. The heads that are extruded, as such, can gibber
and babble, cry and weep, howl and hoot, chant and drone; Morale: 8
though this sound can be disconcerting, they cannot actually Hoard Class: None
speak or vocalize anything meaningful. XP: 10

2 31

Fruggar are immune to charm, fear, illusions, sleep and most

life-draining attacks. They Move Silently and Hide in Shadows
as if they were 4th level thieves.
Related Entries: G ) King Shroom.

Fyre Fae

& Timothy Brannan

F Dorothy P. Lathrop
No. Enc.: 2d4 (10d4)
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 90' (30')
fly: 180' (60')
These warped little creatures, whose shapes are not quite Armor Class: 3
those of human children but neither truly like unto any healthy Hit Dice: 1
animal, scurry around spreading the malign influence of their
Attacks: 1 (dagger)
mother and mistress. Where their twisted feet touch the ground
the vegetation becomes sick and malformed. The cattle and Damage: 1d4
wildlife that they touch with their distorted claws develop pecu- Save: E1
liar abnormalities. They are attracted to human and humanoid Morale: 7
settlements where they can easily affect great numbers. Hoard Class: III, IV
Anyone who is bitten by a freakling must make a save vs. poison XP: 6
or be afflicted with a lesser blessing of Urglu. (see p.182)
Nox is a Goddess of in-betweens; neither light nor dark, day
Related Entries: G ) Urglu. or night, so she is served and honored by a number of faeries.
In the times of her reign, after sunset but before full night, she
is served by the fyre fae. These creatures are like pixies in all
Fruggar respects except that they also glow in various colors. At a dis-
tance they appear as will-o-wisps or even faerie fire.
SERVES: King Shroom, fungi-related deities
Related Entries: G) Nox; M) Syla; S) Summon Fyre Fae.
& Garrisonjames
F Garrisonjames
No. Enc.: 2d4 (1d100+100)
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 60' (20')
Armor Class: 3
Hit Dice: 1+2
Attacks: 1 (weapon)
Damage: By weapon
Save: F1
Morale: 8
Hoard Class: I, II, or III
XP: 6

Two to three feet tall bipedal mockeries of humanoids, fruggar

are mindless fungal foot-soldiers in service to fungi-related dei-
ties. Fruggar are entirely incapable of speech and go into battle
quietly and calmly. The fruggar wield whatever random old, of-
ten broken, weapons and armor they have been able to recover
from their past victims.
Upon being slain, a fruggar collapses into a 3 diameter pool
of frothy ooze. This pool remains pungently active for 1d4
hours, during which time anyone coming into contact with the
wet frothy ooze must save vs. poison or have their skin become
horribly mottled and break out with 1d4 colonies of tiny fungal
masses. These masses can only be removed by use of a cure dis-
ease or remove curse spell, but otherwise are mostly harmless.

2 32

G Ggiyy Ghostly Lecher Giant Space Baby Glimmer Paladin GLOAMING

Grampajack Gray Messenger Guardian of Laam Gurgim Gygantuan

Ggiyy the island of Anari. He has been in disfavor for a very long time
and this has done nothing to improve his mood.
SERVES: The Jale God
TITLES: Ggiyy, Eidolon Knight of Hate Related Entries: Please see the Jale God entry in Petty Gods
section for a complete listing of entries related to the Jale God (in-
& Matthew W. Schmeer cluding all gods, items, and spells mentioned in this listing).
F Jason Sholtis
No. Enc.: 1 (unique)
Alignment: Lawful
Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 2
Hit Dice: 6+5
Attacks: 1 (sword, bite, or tail)
Damage: d8 (sword),
1d6 (bite),
or 1d6 (tail;
3 to hit)
Save: F8
Morale: 10
Hoard Class: None
XP: 1,280

It is little known that the Jale God employs twelve knights to

protect the 12 Eidolons scattered across the world and en-
sure their separation. Ggiyy, the Eidolon Knight of Hate, may
be one of the only knights whose identity is fully known, as
he is a frequent visitor to magical academies and royal courts
throughout the realms. Although he often appears in human
guise through the use of a polymorph self spell, Ggiyy is in
truth a snake-like reptilian. Ghostly Lecher
SERVES: Petty gods of death
A wrathful and boastful warrior, Ggiyy has lost the location of
the Eidolon of Hate and has been on a centuries-long quest to & Matthew W. Schmeer
reclaim the stone. Many tribes know of his feats and the desert F Richard Heighway
kingdoms curse his name for the havoc he has wrought among
them. In his human form, he wears many different guises; No. Enc.: 1d4
sometimes he is a seductive woman, other times a handsome Alignment: Chaotic
rogue, sometimes a washerwoman, etc. In this way he moves Movement: 90' (30')
throughout the realms, but his passage is marked by the dissen-
Armor Class: 6
sion he sows in his wake. Wherever Ggiyy has been, protests,
fights, riots, and wars are sure to shortly follow. Hit Dice: 2+2
Attacks: 1 + special
Ggiyy wears elven plate on his torso, topped with an elven helm;
Damage: 1d6 + special
the rest of his body is covered in thick, armor like scales. He is
armed with a sword of doubt (1d8 damage + save vs. paralysis Save: F8
or be struck with indecision for 1d4 turns) and can choose to Morale: 10
either swing his sword, bite his attacker (1d6 damage), or crush Hoard Class: None
an opponent with his tail (1d6 damage; 3 to hit). XP: 150
Ggiyy prefers to surprise combatants from above, coiling him- The ghosts of ancient mortals who were enamored with death
self around pillars, trees, or other heights, and dropping on his when they were alive, ghostly lechers serve the gods of death
unsuspecting victims. If attacking in this manner, he automati- merely as rubbernecking hangers-on. Wherever a gristly death
cally gains initiative on his first attack. has occurred, a ghostly lecher is sure to be found, feeding on the
Under his armor, he wears an amulet that allows him to cast deathwave vibrations that emanate from the corpse.
polymorph self at will; by an enchantment of the Jale God, the As their name suggests, they especially prey on the grisly
amulet only works for an Eidolon Knight. deaths of the young and innocent; they tend to congregate on
Once a year he and the other Eidolon Knights must make an the outskirts of gallows, ritual sites, sacrificial dolmens, and
accounting before the Jale God in the Labyrinth of Myzithra on army barracks.


Although they seem to resemble ghosts or shadows (since they Glimmer Paladin
have no corporeal body and seem to flicker), they are not un-
SERVES: Derral-Orth
dead creatures and thus cannot be turned. Ghostly lechers can
only be struck by magical or silver weapons. They are unaf- & Ash Law
fected by sleep, suggest, or charm spells. F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
When a ghostly lecher is feeding on the deathwave vibrations of No. Enc.: 1 (1d8)
a recently deceased. they glow a pale-yellowish white and are
Alignment: Chaotic
easily detected. They will appear as if in a drunken or drugged
stupor, and move at their slower rate; they will miss half of their Movement: 90' (30')
attacks if in this state. When feeding they drool a poisonous Armor Class: 4 (plate+shield)
ectoplasm that saps 2 hp (no save) per touch. Hit Dice: 3
Attacks: 1 (weapon +2)
Ghostly lechers are difficult to detect if they are not feeding; they
surprise 50% of the time. When a ghostly lecher strikes, they Damage: By weapon (+2 if
deal 1d6 cold damage and 1 point of Constitution is drained for mounted or if
each of 6 consecutive turns. Should a character be drained to striking w/ surprise)
0 Constitution, they have a 50% chance of becoming either a Save: F3
ghost (if of lawful alignment), a spectre (if of neutral alignment), Morale: 10
or a shadow (if of chaotic alignment), but remain a playable char- Hoard Class: None
acter, having gained the abilities of each respective monster. XP: 65

Glimmer paladins fight with a sword and a dagger, and carry a

Giant Space Baby back-up dagger or two. During battle, for each dagger possessed,
SERVES: Varies a glimmer paladin may attack with a thrown dagger at a fleeing
foe (1d4 damage on a successful to hit roll).
& Jonas Mustonen If a glimmer paladin rolls a 13 on its attack roll, the knight will
F Adolph Wilhelm Otto disappear in an upward shower of pale light. At the beginning
No. Enc.: 1 (1d4) of the following round, it reappears and strikes with surprise;
Alignment: Chaotic if it attacks successfully, the attack does double damage. Once
Movement: 120' (40') per battle when the glimmer paladin strikes with surprise (either
magically reappearing, or just plain surprising an enemy from
Fly: 240' (80')
ambush) it may roll twice to hit and take the better result.
Armor Class: 10 [+1]
Hit Dice: 30 Looting a Glimmer PALADIN: Glimmer paladins typically
Attacks: 3 (2 fists/ carry candles, lanterns, tinder and flint, etc. They usually also
1 drool) have a tiny mirror in a locket (their version of a holy symbol).
There is also a 30% chance a Glimmer Knight will be carrying
Damage: 1d12/1d12/
a flask of glimmering water (glows faintly; heals 2d6 hp as
see below
single dose; heals 1d6 hp if used as two doses; repels monsters
Save: F30 if splashed about). Glimmer paladin armor is overlapping metal
Morale: 12 plates on a leather backing (if looted, treat as chain).
Hoard Class: None
Related Entries: G ) Derral-Orth; Yattle-Hoy.
XP: 18,000

Giant space babies are twenty foot tall gigantic infants normally
encountered in the far reaches of space or Limbo, but are some- Gloaming
times found locally when summoned by misguided cultists. SERVES: Nox, Goddess of Near Dark

They appear as giant babies with blue or green skin, usually with & Timothy Brannan
alien features like antennae on their head, pointed ears or a third F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
eye. Sages speculate they will in strange aeons grow into a pan-
theon of terrible alien space-gods that will destroy all creation. No. Enc.: 1d4 (2d6)
Alignment: Neutral
Space babies destroy humanoid life eagerly as they see them Movement: 450' (150')
only as toys. They will attack anything and everything in reach
Armor Class: 6
by using their fists and drooling. Their caustic drool, when cov-
ering a victim, does 1d6 damage per round, and any armor or Hit Dice: 5
clothes will be ruined in 6 rounds. The drool will keep dissolving Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite + special
the victim until washed or scraped away, or the victim (once Damage: 1d4x2 (claws)/
lowered to 0 hp) will be reduced to a bubbling heap of flesh 1d6 + 1 point Strength loss (bite) + fear
scraps and bone remains. Save: F6
Giant space babies can only be harmed by enchanted weap- Morale: 12
ons and magic. However, any spells cast at them have a 90% Hoard Class: None
chance of having no effect whatsoever. XP: 350


Although he appears to be nothing more than an old mans

head trailing his entrails behind him, Grampajack is a favored
servitor of the entire petty god pantheon.
He was once a mortal named Gyffry Chadinfroyd, first mate on
the interplaner pirate ship Queenscow. Known for his quick wit
and sharp tongue, he died during the Flame Wars of Jubrini,
an unfortunate victim of friendly fire. As he passed from the
Material Plane, the Jale God snagged his soul and housed it in
a discarded penanggalan skin, granted him limited immortality,
and made him a jester at the court of the petty gods. He has
worked his way up to the position Grand High Jester (mostly
due to the deaths of his predecessors).
He is said to be the best Grand High Jester the petty gods have
ever had; the gods are keen to retain his services and do not
take kindly to threats against his well-being. It is said that the
best and funniest obscenities were invented by Grampjack and
dispersed throughout the realms by the petty gods repeating
them to give their cultists a kick, and so even gods who war and
grumble on other issues are united in their fondness of Grampa-
jack. He is savvy to all the comings and goings of the petty gods
but knows none of their secrets for sure (theres a 10% chance
what he knows is true).
A gloaming is a shadowy creature, typically found in wild and
untamed places. Mostly discovered in the time between sunset As the Grand High Jester, Grampajack delivers unfortunate
and the full dark of night, they appear as large but indistinct truths wrapped in witticisms about court life. He enjoys puns
shadows of predatory creatures. They stand 3-to-4 high on and riddles and usually speaks in gloating sarcasm. He delights
their four legs, with a massive head. The only distinct features in making fun of others, pulling linguistic practical jokes, and of-
are their eyes, which glow amber, red, or green. ten indulges in soul-scathingly vulgar wordplay. He often makes
self-deprecating jokes about his own appearance. He can speak
Sometimes confused with hell hounds, a gloaming is an undead all tongues verbally and telepathically and can cuss a like a sailor
creature, formed from large predators. They do not attack on in all of them. It is said he once made a porcupine laugh so hard
sight. Typically a gloaming will first radiate an aura of fear (as it molted its quills and was molested by a beaver and thus ferrets
per the spell, cast by a 5th level caster) to scare off interlop- were created.
ers. Failing that, they will attack with a claw/claw/bite routine.
On a successful bite attack, the gloaming will drain 1 point of PCs encountering Grampajack must save vs. insanity; failure
Strength (no save). results in the PC being so revolted at his appearance that they
flee in terror. He will gladly converse with PCs as long as no
A gloaming can be turned as a 5 HD undead creature (or as a petty gods or other minions are present. Grampajack enjoys
wraith, depending on your system of choice). the company of dwarves; there is a 20% chance he will talk
straight with a dwarf (and only dwarves), putting aside his jocu-
Related Entries: G) Nox; S) Summon Gloaming. lar ways to telepathically converse in a secret dwarven tongue
(boar dwarvish). Grampajack is often attended by three or four
castrated albino laughing cocks of hellish mirth.
SERVES: Entire petty god pantheon
If attacked, his first weapon is language; he will attempt to dis-
able the PCs with laughter. PCs must save vs. spell or be struck
Title: Grand High Jester
with mindless mirth for 1d4 days. They cannot rest or sleep dur-
of the Court ing this period, and spells invoking such have no effect; they can
of the Petty Gods eat and drink, but risk soiling themselves if they do so.
& Matthew W. Schmeer If the verbal attacks fail, Grampajacks tongue will unfurl to the
F Joel Priddy length of a 20'-long whip that does 1d8 damage; on a successful
hit, victims must save vs. paralysis or suffer an additional 1d4
No. Enc.: 1 (unique) acidic damage. After three successful acid attacks, the victim
Alignment: Lawful becomes paralyzed by an apoplectic fit of laughter with a 25%
Movement: 120' (40') chance of suffering a stroke resulting in immediate death.
Armor Class: 1 [+1]
Normal weapons have no effect on Grampajack. He is immune
Hit Dice: 8+5 to all first through fourth level spells (inclusive). Silver or mithril
Attacks: 1 + special weapons do half-damage.
Damage: 1d8 + special
Save: F15 By the tickling beard of Grampajack is a common oath heard
in dwarven gambling dens throughout the realms.
Morale: 10
Hoard Class: X Related Entries: G ) Jale God; M ) Laughing Cock of
XP: 1,500 Hellish Mirth.


Gray Messenger Guardian of Laam

SERVES: Gods of death and destruction SERVES: Pherosathoola,
Title: The Dark Prophet; Deaths Head; Petty Goddess of Sexual Fear
Deaths Messenger; affiliations: Cthulhu
Little Gray Messenger
& Matthew W. Schmeer
& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.* F Jason Sholtis
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. No. Enc.: 1d4
No. Enc.: 1 (unique) Alignment: Neutral
Alignment: Lawful Movement: 120' (40')
Movement: 450' (150') Armor Class: 0
floating Hit Dice: 8
Armor Class: 0 (can only Attacks: 3 (scimitar/
be struck by claw/tail)
weapons + special
+3 or better)
Damage: d8/d6/d6
Hit Dice: 10+10 + special
Attacks: 1 Save: F8
Damage: Special Morale: 10
Save: M20 Hoard Class: None
Morale: 12 XP: 300
Hoard Class: None
XP: 2,400 Descended from ruined seed of mi-go that fused with an un-
named reptilian race in eons past, guardians of laam protect
The Dark Prophet, The Herald of Tragedy, The Harbinger of the incubating eggs of Pherosathoola, the petty goddess of
Catastrophe, The Little Gray Messengerhe is the ominous sexual fear. Laam is the term for embryonic succubi; these
prophet whose appearance brings untold and terrible events. He creatures do not have a name for themselves and so are often
is not the source of these events; he is only the messenger of the referred to simply as guardians.
death and destruction that follow himpetty gods holding petty
The guardians of laam stand 8 feet tall and resemble fierce,
grudges, and bringing with them their wrath and vengeance and
armored lizards at first glance, except for their odd-shaped
primal acts of destruction.
skulls and lidless eyes. Their mouths are lamprey-like and both
He arrives clad in a camels hair cloak of unnatural gray, and males and females sport antlers and tusks, although these are
floating in the midst of a swirl of ashen dust. A cylindrical brass largely thought to be decorative. Chitinous skin protects their
scroll case is usually in his hand, often containing a thick yellow fungi-like inner soft tissues and they have thick tails the same
piece of parchment, upon which the names are written of those length as their height. They do not speak, communicating strict-
he is scheduled to visit. ly via nearly undetectable pheromones. They are impervious
to charm, charm person, clairaudience, ESP, ethereal form,
Any mortal creature that looks upon him must save vs. death or shape change, and suggestion spells.
be driven to commit suicide; even a successful saving throw will
paralyze the victim until such time as the god who has enlisted Guardians are polyamorous; nests are guarded by a single
the gray messenger arrives to exact his will (even if the gray brood group consisting of 3 males and a female or 3 females
messenger departs, which will only happen on the rarest of oc- and a male. They breed by releasing spores from their nostrils
casions). The paralysis ends when the god arrives, allowing the during the Dark Moon Festival, celebrated once every fourteen
victim to propitiate the god, barter for their life, take up arms in years. The mingling spores cover the nest of eggs and grow
their defense, etc. The victims death wish or paralysis may be into new guardians, using the clutch as nourishment. Phero-
counteracted by dispel magic or remove curse. sathoola gladly paid this brood price to ensure the safety of
her developing offspring. Upon their first molting, guardians of
At will, the Gray Messenger may take the form of a giant deaths- Laam are gifted with scimitars of doubt (1d8 damage + save
head moth (same stats as above). vs. paralysis or be struck with indecision for 1d4 turns) as ad-
ditional thanks for their duties.
Little gray messenger,
Robed like painted Death, If attacked, a guardian has three defenses. It can attack with its
Your robe is dust. scimitar, rake with a free-handed claw (1d6), and can lash any
Whom do you seek target behind it with its whip-like tail (1d6). Additionally, once
Among lilies and closed buds per combat encounter a guardian can spew a cloud of disori-
At dusk? enting chemicals from scent glands in its throat; PCs must save
Robert W. Chambers vs. poison or be disoriented for 1d4 hours.
* Inspired by Robert W. Chambers story The Messenger. Guardians of laam fear the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign and
will flee if they are attacked by one of their blessed order.
Related Entries: G ) Jale God, Yellow King.


Guardians are delicious when boiled alive; eating their steamed Gygantuan
tail muscles imparts a +3 to Strength for 1d6 days. Potted
SERVES: Petty gods of the deepest dungeon depths
guardian of laam (often called potted laam) is a highly prized
delicacy in royal circles of the desert kingdoms. & Eric Potter
Related Entries: G ) Pherosathoola.
F Jim Magnusson
No. Enc.: 1d100
Alignment: Chaotic
Gurgim Movement: Nil (10')
SERVES: Petty gods
Armor Class: 7
devoted or inclined to
Hit Dice: 1
rampant vegetation
Attacks: Special
or the overthrow of
Damage: Special
Save: D1
by plant-beings
Morale: 10
& Garrisonjames Hoard Class: None
F Garrisonjames XP: 20
No. Enc.: 1d6 per summoners HD The gygantuans are a race of miniscule creatures that lives
Alignment: Neutral (will serve anyone) exclusively underground, in the hidden cracks and crevices of
Movement: 60' (20') exposed stone in excavated dungeons, fortified caves, forgot-
Armor Class: 4 (as banded mail) ten bunkers, and abandoned hideouts. Genetically they have
Hit Dice: 1* (plus 1 hit point per HD of summoner) been born without legs below the knee and have evolved by
dragging themselves around by their forearms, which has, over
Attacks: 2 (weapons) or 1 (bite) the eons, severely distorted their spines into horrid arches.
Damage: 1d4+1/1d4+1 (smaller weapons, Their lack of self-locomotion, in tandem with their desolate
often poisoned) or 2d4 (bite) environs, keeps them gravely undernourished. Though com-
Save: as Fighter (one level per 4 hit points) pletely blind, their huge, bulging, milky eyes allow for doubled
Morale: 12 (mindless) infravision distances.
Hoard Class: None
The gygantuans serve the petty gods of the deepest depths
XP: 13 and can be summoned to protect the riches of the under-
world and assist in driving out even the most stubborn of
Relentless, implacable plant-things drawn from sweltering oth- delvers. Small enough not to be noticed, the gygantuans
er-planar jungles on planes overgrown by vegetable horrors, creep from the safety of their nooks and crannies in order to
the gurgim come to any who know how to call them and they get as near to the unsuspecting party as possible and from
serve any who can make the Green Sign. these unknown locations begin to sing. At first these small
Gurgim are vaguely humanoid plant-things that are only ever grating noises resemble those of aboveground locusts and
encountered when summoned as servitors by some spell-caster aphids, but, as the continuous droning chirrs on, madness
or servant of a petty god devoted or inclined to rampant veg- sets in and distinctive syllables and words begin to emerge
etation or the overthrow of animal-intelligence by plant-beings. in the minds of the victims. A successful Intelligence check
Whomever calls upon the gurgim falls into a trance-state while (using 6d6) will allow a character to decipher small snippets
their consciousness is captured by the livid green host of gur- of the song (at DMs discretion).
gim who are directed by the summoner like a swarm. The gur- The gygantuans endless song echoes through stone passages,
gim will mindlessly obey anyone who makes the Green Sign. reverberating like a drill into the psyches of adventurers. Feel-
Gurgim are immune to fear, charm, or similar effects. Visual ings of disorientation, claustrophobia, jealously, distrust, para-
illusions do not affect them. Stinking cloud reduces their noia, helplessness, inadequacy, remorse, fear, even anger may
movement by one-half for the duration of the spell. They present themselves in 1-to-6 turns.
gain or re-gain 1 hp for every 6 points of damage they inflict The Song of the Gygantuans
by biting (minor blood-drain). Magical confusion causes the
gurgim to reject their host and go inert. Turn around at this branch,
Forward, forward, back.
There is a 30% chance per gurgim that it will leave behind a Youve already been by here,
seedling if it is killed in the service of a summoner and the body Maybe now you should backtrack?
is not destroyed with acid or fire. Such seedlings will mature Up and down, round and round,
in 1d4 days and operate as feral plants lacking any rational Further, farther, stop.
capacities (0 Intelligence), driven entirely by instinct and intui- Your map is meaningless scribbles,
tion (3+ Wisdom). Better try to get back up top.
There are rumors of various petty gods tampering with the seed- Left, right, side to side,
lings of gurgim to develop various and sundry new types... And now theres no way out.
A completely lost Adventurer
is a good for nothing lout.

2 37


Heartless Dead Hedel-Man (Fruit Fiend)

SERVES: Any necromantic deity SERVES: Xinrael

& Shadrac MQ & Matthew W. Schmeer

F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. F Richard Heighway
No. Enc.: 1d4 No. Enc.: 3d12
Alignment: Chaotic Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 90' (30') Movement: 90' (30')
Armor Class: 2 Armor Class: 9
Hit Dice: 4 Hit Dice: 1+4
Attacks: 2 (touches) Attacks: 1 (hedel-breath)
Damage: 1d4/1d4 Damage: Special
+ STR drain Save: F2
Save: F4 Morale: 12 (fearless)
Morale: 12 (fearless) Hoard Class: None
Hoard Class: None XP: 100
XP: 145
Hedel-men are anthropomorphized fruits usually found in a
These spirits are the remains of mortals who were subjected to state of decay and distemper. Their spoiled juices have mingled
ixiptla or sacrificial heart-extraction whilst alive. They appear as with the blood or sputum of an evil deity, transforming them
shrunken, black-eyed, translucent zombies with gaping wounds into malicious, ambulatory and not-quite-undead roustabouts.
in their chests, often dressed in ceremonial regalia: bejewel- Hedel-men cannot be turned.
led costumes, feathered headdresses, and elaborate body paint.
Heartless dead obey the god to whom they were sacrificed. Left to their own devices, the simpletons will likely seek out
They are often used as instruments of divine vengeance. the nearest human habitation and set it a-rot with their hideous
hedel-breath. A 12'12', single-story wattle-and-daub cottage
Heartless dead have the standard immunities of undead, and will be reduced to rancid gray jelly in no more than 2d6 turns,
can only be struck by magical weapons. They are able to pass and anything left inside it will be found in a similar state of cor-
through walls or physical obstacles by becoming incorporeal ruption. Hedel-men will entertain themselves with this activity
at will. The touch of a heartless dead causes 1-4 damage and until their bodies finally succumb to decomposition. Their total
drains a like amount of Strength (lost Strength returns at a rate lifespan, from the moment of contact with divine fluid to the
of 1 point per hour). When a victim is brought to 1 Strength or moment they collapse in stinking heaps, lasts a maximum of
less, they collapse to their knees, helpless; the heartless dead 3d6 days.
will then thrust its ghostly hand into the victims chest and begin
to draw forth their heart. This process takes 2 melee rounds. Hedel-men given life for a distinct purpose will serve as brutish
After the first round the victim loses half their remaining hit guardians or watchmen. They are bound to the will of their
points; after the second round the victim dies, whereupon the maker and will serve their deity fearlessly in whatever (necessar-
Heartless dead places their still-beating heart into its own chest ily simple) task is demanded of them.
cavity. As soon as this is accomplished, the formerly-heartless Related Entries: G ) Xinrael.
dead expires and falls lifeless to the ground.
Related Entries:
C ) Cult of the
Obsidian Mirror.


Hound of Tindalos
SERVES: Varies
AffiliationS: Cthulhu

& David Baymiller

F Sabine Zabel
No. Enc.: 1d4+2
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 90' (30')
fly/swim: 240' (80')
Armor Class: 4 [see below]
Hit Dice: 5 (25 hp)
Attacks: 1 (tongue attack)
Damage: 1d8 + special
Save: F5
Morale: 12
Hoard Class: None
XP: 920

The hounds of Tindalos live millions of years in the past oc-

cupying the angles of existence whereas normal life inhabit the
curves of space and time. They are utterly alien to life as we
know it and are vicious predators of both ethereal vapor and
strange matter. They do not communicate; they only hunt and
destroy. If an entity physically or mentally travels to the distant
past of these creatures he risks attracting their attention and
inevitably becomes hunted through time and space.
The hounds are a fearsome enemy and not easily defeated.

Travel Through Angles

The hounds travel through time and space using angles in If the hound is grappled, or the blue ichor comes into contact
our reality as doorways: any angle such as corners of rooms, with a living being not from the hounds angled existence, the
ceilings, doorways, etc. The angle does not have to be large victim must save vs. poison or lose 1d4 hit points. This effect
as the hound assumes a vaporous form to travel through the lasts for 1d6 rounds and the victim gets a saving throw each
angle gateways, but it must be sufficiently angled: at least round to avoid damage. The blue ichor can be wiped or washed
120. When entering and exiting an angle gateway the ground off by taking a full round to do so.
stretches and becomes vaporous. It takes three rounds to com-
pletely pour itself through and reform on the other side of an Tongue Attack
angle. While vaporous, a hound of Tindalos can only be hit by
The tongue of a hound is a horrific thing, allowing it to attack
magic weapons and spells.
creatures within 10' of its position. In addition to normal dam-
age, the tongue drains vital fluids and life force from the victim,
Flawless Track causing horrific wounds in its wake.
Once the Hounds take notice of an individual they can track
him unerringly across time and space. They will arrive at the There are two ways a DM can interpret this ability, depending
victims time and location (at the DMs discretion) and their ar- on the level of lethality they wish to inject into their game:
rival will be announced by the pouring of an ethereal vapor
Option 1 Level Drain: The classic feared and permanent
or smoke from the angles they are sliding into that dimension
method of harming the foolish or unlucky.
through. They are tireless in their pursuit and do not give up.
Option 2 Constitution Drain: 1d4 Constitution is lost
Blue Ichor per hit. The character is dead at 0 Constitution. No hit points
The hounds exude a thick blue ichor or pus from their bodies. can be healed until all of the Constitution damage is healed.
This ichor, covering their body in sufficient quantities, allows a Constitution can be healed at the rate of one point per week
hound to regenerate 2 hp per round. If the hound is submerged, of total rest. Healing magic will restore one point of Consti-
lit afire, or some other means is used to wipe the coating from tution per die of healing, plus one point of Constitution per
the hound it does not regenerate until the blue ichor reforms bonus modifier point. (Example: a spell healing 1d6+2 hit
over enough of their bodies. It takes 1d4+2 rounds to sufficient- points would heal three Constitution points.)
ly reform for regeneration.

2 39


SERVES: Any insect-related deity

& Casey Garske Movement

F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. (Roll 1d4)
No. Enc.: Varies (up to 12 per soul; see below) 1 Scuttler: 150' (50')
Alignment: Chaotic 2 Flyer: 60' (20') on ground; 180' (60') flying
Movement: See below 3 Burrower: 60' (20') on ground; 60' (20') burrowing
Armor Class: See below 4 Climber: 120' (40') +2 to Surprise checks
Hit Dice: 1
Attacks: See below Armor Class
Damage: See below (Roll 1d4)
Save: F1 1 AC 9 descending (AC 11 ascending)
Morale: 12 2 AC 8 descending (AC 12 ascending)
Hoard Class: None 3 AC 7 descending (AC 13 ascending)
XP: 13 4 AC 6 descending (AC 14 ascending)
Sacrifices are rare things for a petty god. When one is made the Attacks
god needs to make the best use of the soul that it possibly can.
(Roll 1d4)
One use is to fortify its cult with minions created with pieces
of the soul. One soul can provide the divine power needed to 1 Proboscis: 1 attack, 1d4 damage plus
convert a dozen or so normal insects into humanoid insectimen. automatically does 1d4 damage to the target every
These creatures will obey the commands of the cult leader, pref- round until the target or insectiman is dead
erably commands that lead to more sacrifices. 2 Mandibles: 1 attack, 1d10 damage
Insectimen vary based on the type of insects available in the 3 Pincers: 2 attacks, 1d6/1d6 damage
area. Choose or roll randomly for each characteristic to create 4 Sting: 1 attack, 1d6 damage, save vs. paralysis
your insectmen. or target is paralyzed 1d4 turns

24 0


Jeez Louise Although her feelings might by hurt by their looks of surprise
and disappointment, she is not dissuaded, and mimicking the
SERVES: Ollollde (but Ollollde wants nothing to do with her)
petty god she admires beyond measure, proves her devotion
& Eric Potter by striking once upon her own self-made gong, which is actu-
F Brian Walker ally a slightly rusted metal dinner plate.
Jeez Louises Gong Effects Table (Roll 1d30)
No. Enc.: 1 (unique)
Alignment: Lawful 1 Butterfingers: vibrations cause you to drop
anything not strapped down
Movement: 6 (20')
2 Rain of Frogs: deluge of frogs 60' diameter; all
Armor Class: 7 caught in affected area take 2d4 damage
Hit Dice: 4
3 Siren Song: pack animals within 100' diameter
Attacks: 1 howl for 2 turns
Damage: Poison 4 Flies Down: clasps unhitch, trousers fall,
Save: D4 backpacks open
Morale: 6 5 Amnesia: lose memory for 6 turns
Hoard Class: None 6 Up & Away: everything rises 3' off ground
XP: 200 for 6 rounds
7 Chicken Strut: hypnotized for 6 rounds
First alerted to the uncanny resemblance by the distraught
father of an anonymous sleeping beauty looking for a kissing 8 Two Left Feet: lose 6 Dexterity points
frog, this misguided, three-eyed toad believes she is the long for 6 rounds
lost twin of the petty god of hypnagogia, Ollollde, and has 9 Pillowfight: a thick cloud of feathers fills a
made it her lifes mission to attempt to serve him. However, 30' diameter
Ollollde has made it perfectly clear to Jeez Louise that he 10 Giggle Fit: stricken with uncontrollable laughter
doesnt want her as a minion. This hasnt stopped this deter- for 6 rounds
mined toad from trying. 11 Ah-choo!: sneezing fit for 6 rounds
Having noticed a history of wondrous and unexplainable oc- 12 Disco Duck: uncontrollable dancing for 6 rounds
currences seeming to follow her wherever she may tread, and 13 Doublevision: sight impaired, 4 to hit for 1 turn
putting two and two together with her newfound and obvious
14 Tongue-tied: speak only gibberish for 6 rounds
relation to the petty god, Jeez Louise takes it upon herself to
intercept summonings of Ollollde from his other subjects and 15 Dilly-dally: move in slow motion (half rate)
present herself on his behalf. Summoners will immediately for 6 rounds
ascertain that the warbling droning sound accompanying the 16 Claptrap: character complains for 6 turns
minion is bogus. It is not coming from the Astral Plane; Jeez 17 Loverlips: uncontrolled amorous behavior 6 turns
Louise is humming it herself.
18 Flimflam: become practical joker for 6 rounds
19 Pea Soup: Impenetrable fog 60' in diameter
20 Sticky Buns: Flesh becomes clammy and sticky
21 Switchnsticks: Any twigs laying around start
spanking characters
22 Spaghetti Legs: unable to stand upright
for 2 rounds
23 Daisy Chain: metal magnetizes for 2 turns
24 Shiver Me Timbers: get the chills, unable to
wield weapon for 6 rounds
25 Jumpin Jacks: compelled to do various exercises
26 Scaredy Cat: lose all morale, run away and hide
27 Wienie Roast: underpants begin to smolder
28 Liar, Liar: metal armor heats up, non-metal
armor smokes
29 Bottomless Pit: eat all of your rations in
one sitting
30 Dinner Bell: swarm of delicious plump flies
for Jeez Louise to eat
Related Entries: G ) Ollollde.


K Kash-Kash Knight of the Carmine Icosagram Kthoim

Kash-Kash The terrible truth is, mortals who drink from the cup of the
SERVES: Any who will have it
kash-kash are transformed into a kash-kash themselves
cursed to forever wander the planes of reality with their com-
TITLES: The Wayward Cupbearers
rades, desperately seeking divine service.
& James Spahn
F Arthur Rackham
No. Enc.: 1d6
Knight of the
Carmine Icosagram
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 120' (40') SERVES: DiitWentii, the Petty God of Minutiae
Armor Class: 4 TITLES: Defenders of the Faith of DiitWentii
Hit Dice: 4 & Legion
Attacks: 1 (bite, F Darryl Gillingham
or club
or poison) This score of men and women are the devoted servants and
Damage: 1d4 (bite) defenders of the faith of DiitWentii, the petty god of minutiae.
or 1d6 (club) All are multiclassed fighters, bureaucratic, fastidious and cha-
or poison otic to the core. The Order accepts elves, half-elves, half-orcs
Save: F4 and humans. Membership and advancement are through trial
by combat; losers are banished from the Order. The greatest
Morale: 7
among the Knights are elevated upon death to the rank of Sin-
Hoard Class: III gle Facet Monitor (Fink).
XP: 290
The Knights are ranked by the number of points on the
To date, no one knows the origins of the first kash-kash. flame-red star that is their symbol, and they are titled as are
The cursed, pathetic creatures prance from plane to plane, DiitWentiis Monitors. The Knight of the First Point (the lowest
begging to serve as the cupbearer and jester of any divine be- ranked member) is The Fink. The Second-in-Command is the
Knight of the Nineteenth Point, The Auditor. The Master Com-
ing who will have them. The unfortunate beasts are horrible,
mander of the Order is the Knight of the Twentieth Point; but
clumsy, yowling things that appear to be a cross between a
as no Knight would presume to assume the name of their god,
kobold and a coyote, somehow prancing about awkardly on
he or she takes the title The Twenty Faceted One.
their hind legs. A kash-kash forever dances to and fro, offer-
ing its rusted wine-cup to whomever it meets. Thus far gods Each Knight is accompanied by his or her Lance, a retinue of
have accepted a kash-kash as their servant, and those who companions equal to his or her number of retainers allowed by
have instantly regretted the decision. Godly courts with kash- Charisma. These groups are essentially adventuring parties in
kash servants become infested with fleas, their wine cups are terms of classes and abilities. All Knights and henchmen are
filled with bitter swill, and their song halls echo with inhuman mountedthough not always on horsesand experienced in
growling and yapping. cavalry combat.

Kash-kash are only rarely seen on the Prime Material Plane. They have no base or headquarters as they are an order of
knights-errant, wandering in their Lances. But every 20 months
When they do encounter mortals, kash-kash yap and dance
1d20 of them converge upon a remote castle or villa and
around thembegging those present to drink from their ever-
full cups. Unfortunately, the wine is terrible and putrid. If
the drink is refused, they draw the beasts ire. The spurned
kash-kash will attempt to beat them into submission with the
chalices and brass scepters until they are unconscious, then
force the hapless mortal to drink. Kash-kash are a cowardly
lot, however, and quickly retreat from an opponent that proves
themselves to be skilled in battle. In the event that they fail a
morale check, kash-kash will immediately attempt to teleport
to another plane of existence.

Those few who drink from the chalice will become grievously
ill for 1d4 days if they fail a save vs. poison. This illness causes
vomiting and hallucinations; in the later stages, the victim be-
gins to yowl and prance about. Once the illness has run its
course, the victim simply vanishes from existence and is never
seen or heard from again.


request hospitality. Woe to the household that falls short in a Senior Decade
single matter of etiquette or propriety. Any failure in the minu- TITLES: Senior Decade of the Order of
tiae of ceremony will be taken by the Knights as a call to do their The Knights of the Carmine Icosagram
gods will; the frenzy of destruction that follows such breaches is
shocking. Thereafter the Knights return to their wandering. Class: Ftr/varies
Every 20 years they hold a conclave attended by all. And woe Level: 7th-10th/7th-10th
to the duchy or kingdom they choose as host; it has yet to alignment: Chaotic
end well. Movement: 120' (40')/varies by mount
Armor Class: 0 to -3
The current Master Commander of the Order is Tarrat, a tall sal-
low-faced ginger of a Half-Elf. He affects an effete air, frequently Hit Points: 40 to 70
looking askance and sniffing into an embroidered lace kerchief. Damage: By weapon + Strength
He enjoys nothing more than maneuvering a person through and weapon enchantments
conversation into making a faux pas or misstep in the rituals of Save: By class and level
hospitality or precedence. Thats when he drops his half-inter- Morale: 11
ested dandyism and reveals an unnerving predatory intensity. Hoard Class: XI
Tarrat wears a robe of scintillating colors over his scale mail Attributes: Each as 12+1d6
+2, and a fire opal-set ring of protection +2 adorns his left XP: Varies
hand to signify his marriage to his god.
Each possesses not less than two magic weapons, two magic
He wields Thorn (a long sword +2) and carries Thistle (a dag- armors and two other magic items.
ger +2) at his waist.
He is always accompanied by T (his manual-made bronze go- Junior Decade
lem), XX (his quasit familiar; spells, etc. gained therefrom are TITLES: Junior Decade of the Order of
shown below in parentheses where applicable), and Vingt (his The Knights of the Carmine Icosagram
homunculus). His half-dozen retainers include a neanderthal
and a spriggan. His mount Timtam is a magically-enlarged axe Class: Ftr/varies
beak of double Hit Dice and damage. In terms of sorcery, he Level: 4th-7th/4th-7th
prefers to confound his enemies while having others do his
alignment: Chaotic
fighting for him.
Movement: 120' (40')/varies by mount
Armor Class: 2 to -1
Tarrat Hit Points: 20 to 50
TITLES: Knight of the Twentieth Point;
Damage: By weapon + Strength
The Twenty-Faceted One; and weapon enchantments
Master Commander of the Order of
Save: By class and level
The Knights of the Carmine Icosagram
Morale: 10
Class: Fighter/Magic-User Hoard Class: XII
Level: 10th/10th (11th) Attributes: Each as 6+2d6
alignment: Chaotic XP: Varies
Movement: 120' (40')
mounted: 180' (60) Each carries at least one magic weapon, one magic armor and
one other enchanted item.
Armor Class: 0 (including Dexterity
and enchanted mail) Related Entries:
Hit Points: 70 G ) DiitWentii; D) Books
Damage: By weapon +4 (for Strength of the Crimson Icosagon
and enchanted blades)
Save: By class and level (M10)
Morale: 12
Hoard Class: X
Attributes: S:17 I:18 W:16 D:16 C:17 Ch:17
XP: 2,400

Typical Spells*: 1st: enlarge, sleep, unseen servant, (jarring

hand); 2nd: invisibility, mirror image, scare; 3rd: blink, sugges-
tion, summon monster I; 4th: confusion, ice storm, summon
monster II; 5th: animate dead, faithful hound; (6th: invisible
* Spells in parentheses indicate additional spells known by 11th
level magic-users.

24 3

Kthoim In combat, a kthoim wields a terrible +2 bastard sword that

inflicts 3d6 damage and, on any modified roll of 20, severs one
SERVES: Various unnameable
random limb from the target and reduces the limb to a shapeless
powers probably best left unnamed protoplasm that takes on a life of its own as a 1 HD blobling (see
SERVES: Keepers of the Wyrd below for stats).
& Garrisonjames Summon Brethren: All Kthoim possess the ability to sum-
F Garrisonjames mon 1d2 additional kthoim after successfully inflicting 60 hit
points of damage in battle. The kthoims attempt to summon
No. Enc.: 1 (1d4) reinforcements is automatically disrupted if they take damage
Alignment: Chaotic before they can complete the elaborate summoning process
Movement: 90' (30') (2d4 Turns). They reduce that time by 1 turn for every additional
Armor Class: 2 Kthoim successfully summoned... so things can get out of hand
Hit Dice: 10 quickly if they are not stopped soon enough.
Attacks: 2 (weapon/ Those kthoim slain in battle dissolve into a fetid mass of 2d4
special) mottled mauve and green bloblings (as below). They only ac-
Damage: 3d6/special quire a semblance of sentience after attaining 4 HD, but even
Save: F10 then are rarely able to do much more than be a nuisance or
Morale: 10 possibly serve as a familiar to a desperate or demented spell-
caster. There is rumored to be a method for fitting one of these
Hoard Class: IV, VI...
bloblings into a special framework, and thus using it to form the
XP: 120 basis of a type of pseudo-golem, but no one has seen anything
like that in centuries.
Dread beings who wander the interstitial voids between the
Known Realms, the kthoim have transcended their once-mortal Rumors: The Ancient Witch Queens of Amatradigor took their
natures to become warped humanoid versions of their ruthless elite palace guard from the ranks of the kthoim, but they also
alien masters. Insane beings of implacable violence, the kthoim knew the secret of the Mauve Trapezoid and how to bind these
wait for The Call, the summons that will unleash them upon entities to their service. Such knowledge has long been lost or
yet another world. forgotten. Occasionally, there are unsubstantiated reports of
kthoim standing guard over strange tombs or lost cities. Thank-
The kthoim are summoned by way of the Mauve Trapezoid or
fully, nothing has come of any of it.
by use of the spell call forth kthoim (an uncommon variant of
a monster summoning VI spell that opens the way for only one Blobling: AL:chaotic; M:30' (10'); AC:8; HD:1; AT: 1 (1d4);
of these creatures... which is often more than enough). This ST:F1; ML:5; HC:Nil; XP:6.
spell has been banned and stricken from most reputable spell-
books, but every now and then an archaic copy of it surfaces Related Entries: D) Mauve Trapezoid.
on some tattered old scroll some adventurer recovered from a
dismal delve.

F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.

24 4


Laughing Cocks of Hellish Mirth ess Tawndi Shade, Master Assassin of the Dark Guild of Wd-
derhoot-hoot. After the unfortunate demise of the infamous
SERVES: Lesser gods of witchcraft, sorcery and the
thief and her other six lockpicking spiders in the Great Fire of
hellish arts; often part of the entourage of powerful fiends Shades Hideout, this sole survivor for a time remained loosely
& Rorschachhamster allied with the thieves guild, stepping in to serve as its interim
F Joel Pridy leader until Tawndi Shades successor could be named.
Currently, she is the minion to the petty goddess Wdderhoot-
No. Enc.: 1d8
hoot directly, taking up the calling of the unfortunate petty god
Alignment: Chaotic by opening the locks of shackles on chained and incarcerated
Movement: 60' (20') creatures.
Fly: 90' (30)
Although known primarily for her Open Locks skill, the crafty
Armor Class: 8 (12)
arachnid is doubly talented at Find/Remove Traps (performing
Hit Dice: 1d4 these feats at double her level) which she uses in wilderness
Attacks: 1 (beak or areas to eradicate hidden snares, deadfalls, or net traps.
Damage: 1d3 or special Related Entries: G ) Wdderhoot-hoot.
(see below)
Save: M1 Lujamini
Morale: 11 SERVES: Petty gods of deep dwarven delves
Hoard Class: None
XP: Varies & Eric Potter
F Sheila Swift
Laughing: True to their name, the laughing cocks of hellish
mirth cackle endlessly about a joke, which only they and their No. Enc.: 1 (unique)
evil masters seem to get. This laughing is extremely enervating, Alignment: Lawful
and everyone who can hear the cocks and fumbles on a roll (roll- Movement: 60' (20')
ing a 1 on a die, no matter what die), must save vs. spell or curse Armor Class: 7
loudly for an entire round, doing nothing else. Devils, demons,
Hit Dice: 2
witches, and other powerful servants of evil are immune to
the laughing. Attacks: Special
Damage: None
Laughing cocks of hellish mirth are quite noisy, and as such can Save: D2
not surprise anybody. Furthermore, they can be heard from
Morale: 6
quite a long way.
Hoard Class: None
Related Entries: D) Grampajack. XP: 100

Lujamini is a minion of the petty gods of deep dwarven delves,

Lockpicking Spider whom she enthusiastically serves by raising the morale and
SERVES: Wdderhoot-hoot spirits of many a worried dwarven warrior. She can be counted
upon to show up in the wee hours of the morning in drinking
& Eric Potter establishments near and far, and command much amorous at-
F Paul Schaefer tention as her beauty is unsurpassed in dwarven circles.
No. Enc.: 1 (unique) With a flutter in her eyes and a tug on her beard she has the rapt
Alignment: Neutral attention of drunken and sober dwarves alike as she floats to the
Movement: 60' (20') dance floor, where suddenly her chimes of purest forge pitch
ring from her fingertips. Her stout legs kick and her rolling belly
Armor Class: 7
dances with precise and mesmerizing torso articulation and any
Hit Dice: 9 once-worried dwarves have renewed vigor.
Attacks: 1 (bite)
Damage: 1d6 + poison Lujamini Reaction Table
Save: T9 Morale adjustments last 1d4 days.
Morale: 6 2 Lap Dance for Everyone! (+6 morale)
Hoard Class: None 3-5 Shake and shimmy. (+4 morale)
XP: 450 6-8 Get me one more round, sailor! (+2 morale)
This is the last survivor of the original seven gifted spiders that 9-11 Two left feet. (+1 morale)
were trained in the art of several thieves abilities by the thief- 12 Sit this one out. (no morale adjustment)

24 5

Merkor the Shambler Milduitic Minon of Skaal
Miri-Nigri Monitor Mook of Verthish Mother of all Minions
Mouthless Tongue Murmuroth Myrmidon of Paranoid God

Merkor Merkor attacks with a powerful swipe of its clawed hands (+4
to hit and damage bonuses from Strength). Any attempt to
SERVES: Has no allegiances
mentally contact, enchant, or charm this creature forces the
Titles: Merkor the Shambler
individual or caster to save vs. insanity* as they come in contact
& Steven Danielson with the devastated mind of this creature.
F Daniel J. Bishop If presented with a riddle or mystery, it will stop what it is do-
ing (attacking, searching, etc.) and ponder the riddle for 1d6
No. Enc.: 1 (unique)
rounds before resuming its mission. Parties have been saved
Alignment: Neutral by dropping puzzles in the face of its inexorable assult. If pre-
Movement: 90' (30') sented with a riddle or questioned about a secret or mystery,
Armor Class: 4 there is a chance it may mumble an answer or a clue to the
Hit Dice: 9 (47 hp) answer (10% chance, or at DMs discretion).
Attacks: 1 (claws +4) * See Underworld Lore #1, p.14.
Damage: 2d8+4
Save: M9
Morale: 11 Milduitic
Hoard Class: None SERVES: Insectoid gods
XP: 1,700 and godlets

This short and squat creature appears as a humanoid approxi- & Vance Atkins
mately 5' tall with a fine featured but sexless face. Its scaly skin, F Jason Sholtis
pointed teeth, and curved horns, which sweep back from its
No. Enc.: 1d4 (2d4)
temples, give it a remarkably demonic appearance.
Alignment: Neutral
Merkors mind was blasted by a fallen god of secrets and hidden Movement: 120' (50')
knowledge; for a brief moment, it comprehended the myster- Armor Class: 6
ies of the universe... only to be mentally overhwelmed in the
Hit Dice: 3+1
process. Though Merkor still possesses all this knowledge of
creatures and godlings, it has no way to communicate or even Attacks: 1 (weapon)
to think rationally anymore. Damage: 1d10+1 (glaive)
or 1d8+1
It can be encountered pursuing its own agenda, or performing (falchion)
tasks for seemingly trivial trinkets. Save: F5
Any portal through which Merkor passes becomes locked or Morale: 11
unlocked as outlined below: Hoard Class: None (however,
typically guarding
Merkor Portal Passing temple or similar)
(Roll 2d6) XP: 90
2 permanently locked (can not be unlocked
short of a wish spell) The milduitic are found impassively guarding remote desert
tombs and temples in honor of various insectoid gods and
3-4 portal becomes locked as wizard lock godlets. Created for, and tasked with, this role, they are above
(cast by 18th level magic-user) bribery and will resolutely defend their responsibility with force
6-7 portal will randomly unlock (50% chance) of arms. Additionally, their mysterious creators took certain
after each locking attempt precautions in making reliable guardsthe milduitic are im-
9-11 portal stays unlocked until dispel magic (versus mune to charm spells, and make any saving throws vs. sleep
18th level) or wizard lock is cast upon the portal effects at +2.
12 permanently unlocked (can not be locked Milduitic appear as burly humanoids with yellowish skin (the
short of a wish spell) color of aged bruises) and lustrous black carapace-skulls. They
Though its mouth does not move, a muttering of half-heard speak in a high-pitched chittering/clicking language of their
voices surround the creature to a radius of 20'. The voices are own. The language is partially beyond human hearing range,
distinctas if uttered by separate individualsbut can not be and they may appear silent, in spite of communicating with one
understood (use of comprehend languages will not resolve the another, or attempting to communicate with trespassers.
languages, but a tongues spell may allow the player to under-
stand some minor secret from the campaign, or a hint held by
a PC or an NPC). Because of this muttering, Merkor can never
achieve surprise against a moderately aware party.

24 6
MINIONS, KNIGHTS & SERVITORS minion of skaal miri-nigri

Miri Nigri
SERVES: Chaugnar Faugn

& David Baymiller

F Del Teigeler
No. Enc.: 2d6+4
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 90' (30')
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 2
Attacks: 2 claws or 1 weapon
Damage: 1d3/1d3 (claws) or 1d6 (weapon)
Save: F2
Morale: 10
Hoard Class: None (all treasure is for Chaugnar Faugn)
XP: 50

Minion of Skaal The miri nigri are a dwarfish race of inhuman servants craft-
SERVES: Skaal ed long ago from primitive amphibians by their god Chaugnar
Faugn. They are dark skinned with toadish features. They are
& Charles Turnitsa tireless in serving their creator and god and are sent forth to steal
F Paul Schaeffer men and women for the vampiric hunger of Chaugnar Faugn.
No. Enc.: 2d6 (5d6) The subterranean miri nigri have infravision to 90'.
Alignment: Neutral
Their dark coloration, natural stealthiness, and small stature give
Movement: 90' (30') them an advantage when surprising opponents; they surprise on
swimming: 30' (10') a 1-4 on a 1d6. Their amphibious nature also allows them this
Armor Class: 4 [see below] bonus when in water.
Hit Dice: 4
Related Entries: G ) Chaugnar Faugn.
Attacks: 2 (weapon +1/waterjet)
Damage: By weapon +1/1d6 + special
Save: F4
Morale: 10
Hoard Class: XX
XP: 200

The minions of Skaal appear as normal-sized men, albeit quite

muscular, somewhat greenish-blue in color, and having a head
of one of any variety of different species of fish. Additionally,
they have patches of scales all over their bodies, and will usually
wear nothing more than a simple loincloth made of seaweed.
Minions of Skaal are often encountered as consorts of Skaal
on dry land (2d6 in number), or as summoned beings to assist
Skaal in his evil doing. If they are encountered in one of their
strongholds (a Grotto of Despair), there will be 5d6 of these
warriors, plus an additional 1d3 blue puddings (aquatic versions
of black puddings) acting as watch-creatures, as well as numer-
ous giant fish and giant crabs adapted for life on land.
In combat, the minions of Skaal favor the use of their tridents,
but may also attempt to thwart foes by attacking with their
deadly accurate waterjet shot. Should one of these attacks hit a
land-dwelling creature, in addition to its standard 1d6 damage,
the victim must save vs. paralysis or be unable to act during the
following round.
The minions, if in or near a major watersource (more than a
few gallons; within 10'), are impervious to non-magic weapons
(with fire-based attacks as an exception).
Related Entries: G ) Skaal; M ) Abomination of Skaal.


Monitor Fink
(Single Facet [Least] Minion)
SERVES: DiitWentii
No. Enc.: 1
& Legion Alignment: Chaotic
F Darryl Gillingham Movement: 200' (200') (see below)
The Monitors are DiitWentiis accountants and cataloguers. Armor Class: 9
They record the omniverse in minute detail as directed by Hit Dice: 1 HD (1 hp)
their god. Attacks: 1
DiitWentii holds the rank of 20 Facet Monitor. Its minions Damage: 1 hp
are ranked in descending order below that, from the con- Save: F1
joined 19 Facet duoThe Auditorsthrough the three 18 Morale: 10
Facet Inspectors, the four 17 Facet Stenographers and so on, Hoard Class: I
down to the least among them, the 20 Single Facet Monitors
XP: 100 each
known as Finks.
Finks are DiitWentiis frontline information gatherers. Their
A Monitors Hit Dice, hit points, damage, saving throw, magic
purpose is to look inside cabinets, books and cupboards, dig
resistance percentage, Hoard Class, and height (in feet) are
into pockets and chests and rifle through papers.
equal to its number of Facets. Armor Class is from 9 to -9,
based on Facets; use the entries below as guides. Each has Because their twenty-eyed heads constantly rotate, they are
eyes equal to how many Monitors share a number of Facets never surprised.
(e.g., Auditors have two eyes each while Finks have 20).
In the particular case of the Finks, their movement speed isnt
All Monitors can cast plane shift, dimension door, teleport up to 200'it always is 200'. Their 1' height and rapid move-
and gate once per facet per day. These spells can only be used ment make them hard to see, and extremely difficult to hit
on themselves, other Monitors, or Knights of the Carmine (hence their AC of -9). There is a 1% chance that any magic
Icosagram. used in their presence will fail (1% magic resistance).

(Nineteen Facet [Greatest] Minions)
No. Enc.: 2
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 60' (20')
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 19 HD each
(19 hp 2)
Attacks: 1 each
Damage: 19 hp
Save: F19
Morale: 10
Hoard Class: XIX
XP: 1,900 each

These two entities are DiitWentiis senior archivists and ad-

ministrators. They are rarely encountered outside the presence
of their god. Each knows half of everything there is to know.
One is called Sinister, the name of the other is Dexter, and those
are the respective ears of DiitWentii to which each has access.
Their names are also indicative of their handedness. They are
19' tall. Their hunched shoulders, gliding movement, and inces-
sant unintelligible whispering are, if anything, even less disturb-
ing than the 19'-long beard that links them together.
Each attacks as a 19 HD monster, causing 19 points of damage
per hit. Their AC is only 9, but they are so warded that a natu-
ral 19 is needed to hit them physically. Both can cast magic
missile as a 19th level magic-user (i.e., seven darts) 19 times
per day. And each has 19% magic resistance.

24 8

Mook of Verthish
SERVES: Verthish
AFFILIATIONS: The Jale God who are extremely well endowed. She lays an egg every day that
she then consumes in front of her lover (save vs. insanity* or be
& Matthew W. Schmeer insane for 1d6 days and need a good soak at a public house to
F Jim Magnusson recover). Eating the egg grants her the ability to turn invisible
2/day. If anyone else (male or female) eats the egg (another
When the Jale God appears as Verthish, hes often accompa- save vs. insanity), they will become pregnant and give birth to
nied by several mooks. The mooks are divided into two gangs a live duck in 28-30 days. The duck will be imprinted on its hu-
called The Odds & The Evens, and a pair of siblings, The man (treat as a non-magical familiar).
Vertix Twins, who work alone. Roll 1d6 to determine which
mooks are accompanying Verthish: 3 - Tra (Even)
1-2 The Odds 10th Level Magic-User, Female
3-4 The Vertix Twins Rumored to be one of Verthishs mortal lovers, Tra is addicted
to Jooroosh (often called jay), a powerful narcotic powder
5-6 The Evens
made from the dried spores of ochre oozes which is twisted into
hemp-like coils. Jay provides a psionic high and allows users to
1 - Stinkeye (Even)
briefly twist the space-time continuum. Tra has a 100 gp-a-day
12th Level Fighter, male habit and is therefore also addicted to gambling at dice. Due to
An extra-strong warrior whose right arm is solid iron (treat as her intake of jay, she tends to memorize the same spell to fill
+2 warhammer), Stinkeye has one eye like Verthish and reeks all her spell slots, as shes so doped up she cant wrap her brain
of garlic and leeks. Oddly, hes highly allergic to both. He wears around more than one spell. The word on the street is she often
a cloak of stealth and despises blacksmiths. memorizes nothing but the cantrip manipulate smoke ring. She
also carries a +3 dagger of darkness.
2 - Doose (Odd)
10th Level Thief, Female 4 - KaDer (Odd)
Once a mallard hen living in a pond in the Kingdom of Innin- 11th Level Fighter, Male.
nouta, the Jale God turned him into a man on a bet with Sooka, KaDer is a big dumb guy who likes to hit stuff with his fists.
the petty god of boiled duck eggs. Doose is wicked-fast with a Formerly a slave forced to be a naked wrestler in the gladiatorial
knife blade and likes to stab cheaters in the back before they Arena of Fairmona, KaDer won his freedom in his first fight.
know whats happening. Shes covered in fine down (except for After besting the Kings champion in his first fight, he disem-
her feet, hands, neck, and face) and has a habit of picking lovers boweled his opponent with his bare hands and ate the unseated


champions small intestine while she was in her death throes. 10 - Knekt (Odd)
KaDer has since developed a sweetspot for sweetmeats. He 12th Level Thief, Male
carries a +1 hatchet he calls Carver.
Fastest fingers in a pocket, Knekt is Lands son. He has a ter-
rible crush on Tra which his mother thinks is unnatural. Knekt
5 - Sink (Even)
has an appetite for the jeweled eyes of temple statuesliterally.
16th Level Fighter, Male His gut contains a multitude of small jewels that do not pass.
Highly androgynous, Sink is Verthishs favorite spy for his Once a week he shits a single jewel. Roll on the jewel treasure
ability to pass as either male or female in crowds. Sink car- chart to determine the gem, and then consult the gem chart on
ries a +2 bonewood bow cut from the tree of the hamadryad page 107 of the LL rulebook to determine its value (roll d%):
Phersenia in the forest of Bulahdelah, a rare and cherished gift
from his benefactor. Sink is an excellent climber, prefers to 01-15 Ruby
attack from the high ground, and is uneasy in open places. He 16-30 Sapphire
is an expert with all archery-related weapons (including darts) 31-45 Emerald
and has even been known to free-throw longbow arrows with 46-60 Pearl
97% accuracy. 61-75 Diamond
76-85 Amythest
6 - Cise (Odd) 86-90 Jade
10th Level Fighter, Female 91-95 Onyx
Sinks wife, Cise was a belly-dancer at the Court of Aaaron 96-00 Garnett
who, after being brutally raped by the prince consort, took her
revenge by poisoning the wine of the entire court with a 50 11 - Gnilbmag (Even)
yard skien of jay. Overcome by the unexpected psionic high of
10th Level Elf, Male
the drug, their brains jellied and oozed out their ears. Cise fled
to the Mercenary Guild, where Sink, a former member of the The only elf among Verthishs henchman, Gnilbmag is an
royal guard, was the Grand Master of Archery. Sink, taken outcast among his people yet the acknowledged leader of The
by Cises beauty, secured her guild membership and began her Evens. Having been a great general at the time of the Flame
training in fighting arts. An expert at hand-to-hand combat, Wars of Jubrini, Gnilbmag was given a small stronghold of
Cise prefers to double-wield short scimitars. She carries a veil his own in the Warded Woods, along with a six-man squad
of tears which when worn makes anyone in a five-foot radius of Elfish warriors, as reward for defending the Hidden Tow-
(except the wearer) weep uncontrollable tears (no save, 2 to all er of Fensdown from the goblin invaders. After a century or
combat rolls). She is considered the leader of The Odds. two of quiet solitude, The Six tired of their role as Warders
of the Woods and convinced Gnilbmag to quietly leave their
7 - Nophase (Even) position to pursue adventure, and so they did. All of them
died in the frozen lands of the Southern Wastes except for
13th Level Illusionist, Male Gnilbmag, who was captured by frost giants and imprisoned
Verthish found Nophase when he was seven, hustling games for three centuries. He managed to escape and returned to
of five rocks in the alleyways of Vornheim. Verthish was so the Fensdown, only to find the Woods had been cleared for
taken by the young mans wily good looks and quick hands pastureland and his keep, having fallen into neglect, disman-
that he took him under this wing to train in the ways of dice tled by peasants to make huts. The elves stripped him of his
deception. A skilled gambler and hustler, Nophase is often the immortality in retribution for his failure. He is deathly afraid of
bait to get a hot dice game going so Verthish can manifest and being touched by a ghoul.
gamble for souls. Nophase has mastered the art of doing his
finger manipulations to invoke a spell while in the process of 12 - Oshuq (Odd)
tossing dice.
No one knows who Oshuq really is. Some say he comes from
the world beyond dreams; other say he himself is a petty godling
8 - Nukel (Odd) in disguise; still others say hes a mutated molted owlbear. Re-
14th Level Magic-User, Male gardless, Oshuq possesses unusual strength and an odor simi-
Nukel is a highly skilled alchemist but he often gets his spells lar to rotting skunkweed. He is an imposing presence, standing
wrong. In an attempt to develop a low-grade strain of Jooroosh 21 hands tall and weighing 27 stone. He is clothed in damp,
to wean Tra off her addiction, he accidentally created the most dirty, cloth bandages wrapped tightly against his skin, leaving
addictive strain: the highly pungent, golden yellow variation only small slits to see and breathe from. He does not talk and
nicknamed Purine by aficionados. Nukels favorite spell in no one has ever seen him eat. He wears boots of traveling and
combat is magic sword, which he often casts as magic swear. springing. He does not carry a weapon. In a fight, he disarms
Verthish keeps him around for shits & giggles. his opponents by tearing off their arms.

9 - Lands (Even) 13 - The Vertex Twins

12th Level Thief, Female 12th Level Dwarf Fighters
A bedraggled, horribly scarred 63-year-old woman, Lands poses The Vertex Twins (Vert and Tyse) are conjoined twins fused
as a beggar on street corners to scope out the best marks to along the backbone. They share a spine, some internal organs,
hustle. While she looks thin and weak, her skeletal structure has and an asshole, but nothing else. They constantly bicker and
been magically replaced with mithril through a freak accident in insult each other and are usually avoided by all of Verthishs
Nukels lab. Her flesh wounds normally, but her bones cannot be other henchmen. They prefer to speak goblin and have invent-
severed from her body. She wishes she was dead already. ed several unique swears and invocations that have gained in


popularity among the goblin speakers (May your backhair be Mouthless Tongue
shaved by an angry otter being an extremely popular one at
SERVES: Tonya, Petty Goddess of Childrens Teeth
the moment; say it in goblin and youll know why). Vert wields a
+2 battleaxe and Tyse wields several +2 throwing axes. Neither & Matthew W. Schmeer
fights with a shield, preferring to spring around and try to put F Andrew Walter
his sibling in harms way to protect himself. Verthish has prom-
ised that if one of them should die, he would make the survivor No. Enc.: 1d2 (up to
whole. Hes enjoyed watching them in combat ever since. 1,000+ in lairs)
Alignment: Chaotic
Related Entries: See the Jale God entry in the Petty Gods
section for a complete listing of entries related to the Jale God Movement: 15' (5')
(including all gods, items, and spells mentioned in this listing). Armor Class: 9
Hit Dice: 1 (5 hp each)
* See Underworld Lore #1, p.14.
Attacks: None
Damage: None
Mother of all Minions Save: F1
SERVES: All other minions Morale: 5
Hoard Class: XIII, childs tooth
& Eric Potter XP: 5
F Jason Sholtis
Mouthless tongues are the devoted minions of Tonya, petty
No. Enc.: 1 (unique)
goddess of childrens teeth, and they are tasked with retriev-
Alignment: Lawful ing teeth from, and delivering payment to, the undersides of
Movement: 60' (20') childrens pillows.
Armor Class: 9
Mouthless tongues are 3-to-4-inch long sentient tongues which
Hit Dice: 5 (45 hp) resemble fleshy pink slugs. They worm their way across the
Attacks: 4 fists/2 feet ground in a manner mechanically similar to inch worm locomo-
Damage: 1d2 6 tion. They are eyeless and mouthless, absorbing nutrients from
Save: C5 their environment to survive.
Morale: 10 Each mouthless tongue has a small fleshy pocket on the
Hoard Class: 1 underside of its foot which is used to carry small coins or
XP: 50 childrens teeth. Roll 1d6 to determine what the mouthless
tongue is carrying:
This poor, childless servant of the petty goddesses of fertility 1 Nothing
has taken it upon herself to become caretaker to all minions 2 Childs molar
everywhere. Her behavior is totally predictable and on any en- 3 1-3 cp
counter she can be guaranteed to take one of the following 4 Childs canine tooth
actions (1d6):
5 4-5 cp
1 Show up at your lair just as you are walking out 6 Childs incisor
the door to go minioning. 20% of mouthless tongues have the ability to teleport them-
2 Remark on your weight and continuously offer you selves (and only themselves) to their lair when distressed. They
extra iron rations until you cant possibly eat any will leave their burden behind. If it was a tooth that was aban-
more. And after she has left, you will be sure to doned, then the mouthless tongue will be psionically destroyed
find extra fresh iron rations in your backpack. by Tonya (as childrens teeth are more precious than coins to
3 Comment on your choice of armor, Her Pettiness) and Tonya will seek out the fool who made her
Youre really going to go out wearing that? minion drop its load.
4 After scoping out your horde, remark that Mouthless tongues prefer damp lairs along continually running
you dont have seem to have a partner creeks and streams. Lairs can hold up to 1,000 individuals.
and comment, When are you going to They reproduce asexually in swarming masses of 50 or more
settle down and give me some grandminions? during warmer months.
5 Remind you how successful all her other
If a PC encounters more than 10 mouthless tongues at once
minions campaigns are.
(especially if they are in the act of reproduction), the PC must
6 All of the above. make a save vs. insanity* based on their Constitution. Failure
means the PC is violently, nauseously ill and suffers a 3 pen-
Her presence of motherly love acts as either cure light wounds
alty to any and all rolls for 1d4 rounds.
or cure serious wounds spells as needed. And if she should
perceive that one of her minions is threatened she will go ber- Rumor has it that Mouthless Tongues originated from Tonya
serk to defend it in a whirlwind of flying fists and kicks, always herself. Some even go as far as to say the Mother Tongue was
winning initiative. Tonya & Ywehbobbobhewys bastard child.
Related Entries: M) all; S) Motherly Love. * See Underworld Lore #1, p.14.
Related Entries: G ) Tonya, Ywehbobbobhewy.

2 51

Murmuroth invariably paranoid, and all too often entirely mad. Hundreds of
myrmidons serve an individual machine god, tending its under-
ground complex and the great machines there. They patrol the
& Erik Jensen labyrinthine corridors of their gods subterranean complex for
F Arthur Rackham intruders (whether from the surface world, enemy complexes,
or other planes), for servitors belonging to rival factions within
No. Enc.: 1 the complex, and for defectives (i.e., traitorous servitors) who
Alignment: Neutral mean the complex harm.
Movement: Nil/minimal Myrmidons have the ability to charm intelligent intruders through
Armor Class: 4 a spell-like psychic ability that hacks the minds of both living be-
Hit Dice: 1 (6 hp) ings and servitor-class artificial intelligences. They also have a
Attacks: Special (influence, pain) spell-like mind blank ability with which they may guard their
Damage: Special (see below) thoughts from any entity other than their machine god. The
Myrmidons single, blindingly bright eye is capable of projecting
Save: M7 an arcane eye ability, vastly extending their visual range.
Morale: 9
Hoard Class: None Scholars often seek to summon a myrmidon in order to gain its
assistance in repairing or discerning the function of an ancient
XP: Nil
technological device or machine. Myrmidons are naturally curi-
The murmuroth, also known to some demonologists as the ous about such devices. Whenever a myrmidon is summoned,
men of Keroo, are tiny extraplanar agitators who often take the caster should roll 1d6: on a 1-3, the myrmidon is lawful; on
contract work from deities who wish to test, motivate, or tor- a 4-5, the myrmidon is chaotic and belongs to one of the cult-
ture one of their followers. Manifesting on the Material Plane like servitor factions in their complex; on a 6, the myrmidon is
as an insect-sized imp, typically reddish-brown in color, the also chaotic, but is a defective, rabid individualist.
murmuroth crawls deep into the ear canal of the target, where
A lawful myrmidon is likely to examine such items straighta-
it whispers while the target sleepsand sometimes when it is way, and offer helpful advice and assistance to the summoner.
awake. Murmuroths can speak the language of any creature
Chaotic myrmidons from one of a complexs fractious sects will
once they have infested it. The presence of the micro-imp is not
attempt to strike a bargain with the summoner, trading their
typically felt by the infested creature unless it lashes out, clawing
technical assistance for some advantage favoring their faction.
at the eardrum to inflict substantial pain (save vs. petrification
Those myrmidons who have been designated by the machine
or stunned). Most attempts to remove the murmuroth anger it,
god as a defective or traitor will seek to attack the summoner
and drive the imp further into the ear; however, if flushed out
and take such devices for their personal use.
by a remove curse or similar, the little impling is easy enough to
dispatch, if it can be caught. Murmuroths do not carry treasure, Myrmidons have little interest in treasure, but often carry small
but if trapped, a murmuroth may bargain for its life by offering technological devices such as Eyes (see the Divine Items
secrets it learned during a previous infestation. section), unusual tools, gems, data crystals, or small metal-
lic discs. The latter are valued as rare coins in some realms.
A myrmidons black metallic carapace can be harvested for
Myrmidon of Paranoid God armor, while their single eye can be refashioned into an ar-
SERVES: Evolved machine intelligences cane lantern. A handful of alchemists and sorcerers have also
discovered that the myrmidons black fluid sap (the only thing
& John Everett Till inside their carapace) can be programmed to hold spells, much
F Jason Sholtis (myrmidon) like conventional potions.
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr Related Entries: M) Pyz 2000; D) Eyes.
(machine intelligence)

No. Enc.: 1d6

Alignment: Lawful (see below)
Movement: 180' (60')
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 4 (16 hp)
Attacks: 1
Damage: 1d6 (spear),
1d8 (long sword),
or charm
Save: F4
Morale: 12
Hoard Class: VI
XP: 245

The myrmidons of paranoid gods are cyclopean android-

demon servitors of evolved machine intelligences. These intel-
ligences are always petty (in every sense of the word) gods, are

2 52

N Nipleteth

Nipleteth Demoralizer, at the hands of the mad wizard Wllkatntn

several centuries before.
SERVES: Curdle, the Petty God of Blind Milk Maids
Titles: Nipleteth the Wise, Head Priestess of Curdle, Ascending to head priestess, Ionika followed tradition and took
the Petty God of Blind Milk Maids a new name, becoming known as Nipleteth. She later became
known as Nipleteth the Wise due to her business acumen;
& Matthew W. Schmeer under her direction, the orders cheese-making facilities were
F Matthew Adams greatly expanded, and their milkmaids Stool Goat Cheese be-
came a favorite at nobles homes throughout the realm, lining
Class: Cleric the Orders coffers for years to come. Now in her early forties,
Level: 15th she is regarded as one of the finest leaders the Order of Amel-
Alignment: Chaotic kin has ever known.
Movement: 30' (10')
This success has not come without a price. Every year during
Armor Class: 0 the Dark Moon Festival, Nipleteth is required to make a blood
Hit Points: 42 sacrifice to Curdle and Cowie to ensure the flowing of the milk.
ATTACKS: 2 (1 whipfire + special) This sacrifice must be of a male virgin who she beds and kills at
Damage: 1d6 + 2d6 fire damage/special the moment of climax. At all other times of the year she must
Save: C15 remain chaste.
Morale: 12 Once becoming the head priestess, Nipleteth was granted the
Hoard Class: 14100 cp, 1480 sp, 147 ep, 1197 gp, power of true sight at will.
42 pp (only 50 sp on person)
She wears banded mail +3 beneath her simple hooded robe.
Attributes: S:10 I:17 W:16 D:10 C:9 Ch:16
She attacks with whipfire (the black-inky milk extruded by
XP: 3,300 Cowie), which does 1d6 normal damage plus 2d6 fire dam-
age. She can additionally attack with the Kirkadian throttle, a
Spellbook: 1st: cure light wounds, detect evil, detect magic,
telekinetic chokehold that visibly collapses the victims throat
light, protection from evil, purify food and drink, remove fear;
and rips off their eyelids. Targets of the Kirkadian throttle can
2nd: bless, find traps, hold person, silence 15' radius, snake
avoid these effects with a successful Dexterity check.
charm, speak with animal; 3rd: continual light, cure disease,
dispel magic, remove curse, striking; 4th: cure serious wounds, Related Entries: G) Curdle; M) Tetskuize, Wllkatntn.
detect lie, protection from evil 10' radius, neutralize poison;
5th: cure critical wounds, dispel evil, flame strike, quest; 6th:
heal, find the path, part water; 7th: restoration.
The twelve-year-old daughter of poor herders in the village of
Fensdown, Ionika Gurp was destined for a life of calf birthing
and shit shoveling until one evening when she was caught far
from home without food or drink and bedded down for the
night in thistle near the edge of the forest.
Cold and shivering, suffering from hunger after a hard day driving
dwarf aurochs in the meadows, she was gifted with a visitation
by Curdle, petty goddess of blind milk maids. Ionika managed to
successfully sup from the inky black milk from Cowies teats with-
out being driven mad. Astonished that her hunger disappeared
and her strength was renewed, Ionika realized she was in the
presence of the divine and, being a simple girl raised by super-
stitious parents, plucked her eyes out in fear for having dared
glimpse a godling.
Moved by Ionikas act of self-mutilation, Curdle made Ionika a
novitiate in the Order of Amelkin, which is dedicated to Curdles
worship. There, she was trained in the arts of animal husband-
ry, cheese-making, whipfire-wielding, and the deadly Kirkadian
throttling technique. Ionika quickly progressed through the or-
ders ranks to become one of Curdles most devoted worship-
pers, although her natural beauty was often seen as a stain on
her piety by other members of the order. Within twenty years,
she was chosen by Curdle to become the new head of the order,
the first head priestess so chosen by Curdle herself since the
unfortunate demise of her previous chosen one, Tetskuize the



SERVES: Corotus Thallian
TITLES: Okkin the Winged Monkey

& Paul Brinkmann

F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
No. Enc.: 1 (unique)
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 90' (30')
Fly: 180' (60')
Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 8 (47 hp)
Attacks: 1 (pummel or weapon)
Damage: 1d8 or by weapon
Save: D8
Ouster Ape (Jungle Cyclops)
Morale: 10
SERVES: Petty gods located in sub-tropical environments
Hoard Class: IV, IX*
XP: 400 & Christopher Stogdill
F Jason Sholtis
Okkin, except as noted above, should be treated as a particu-
larly intelligent winged monkey (see p.272). Like his brethren, No. Enc.: 1d4+1
he does not speak, but understands both human and goblin Alignment: Lawful
speech. He is the loyal servant of Corotus Thallian, and leads Movement: 120' (40')
his winged monkeys in battle, of which he may summon 10- Armor Class: 5
100 per day.
Hit Dice: 5
Okkin is rarely found without his accursed +1 short sword, Attacks: 3 (bum rush/claw/claw)
Moro. Any hit on a man-sized or smaller opponent that does Damage: 1d6/1d4/1d4
maximum damage severs a limb (determine randomly). Limbs Save: F4
severed in this manner will regrow, replaced by a limb from
some other type of animal in 1-4 days. Rumors that Moro is Morale: 10 (6)
actually smarter than Okkin are probably not true, but he can Hoard Class: None
often be heard arguing with it. XP: 120

* Should Okkin have potions on him, they will be polymorph Ouster apes serve as protectors for petty gods located in a sub-
potions similar in effect to those of his master (see p.31). tropical environment. These large creatures are distinguish-
able from other apes by their shaggy, almost mangy, unkempt
Related Entries:
fur and their prominent large single eye. The older an ouster
G) Corotus Thallian; ape is, the more mangy their appearance; this is due to the
M) Winged Monkey. massive amounts of scar tissue that build up over time as the
creatures carry out their role as protectors of areas sacred to
their patron.
These creatures are quite fearless and their primary means of at-
tack is an unnaturally swift bum-rush charge intended to knock
intruders down and away. If a foe is knocked back sufficiently
(and too far for the ape to make a melee attack), the ape will
charge again; if a foe is knocked down and within reach, the
ape will begin to wale on the unlucky opponent. Unlike other
primates, the ouster ape does not engage in rock throwing, pre-
ferring to dissuade intruders through a show of physical force.
A full troupe of these creatures is a force to be reckoned with
as they are vigilant guardians and will rarely back down unless
there is only a solitary ape remaining. There is no documented
case of a jungle cyclops being sighted alone.


P Petty Imp Polisus Pox Knight Puddlegeist Pyz 2000

Petty Imp Polisus

SERVES: Any chaotic petty god SERVES: Petty gods of the butcher or hearth
TITLES: Polisus of the Larder
& James Mishler
F Daniel J. Bishop & Vance Atkins
No. Enc.: 1d12
F Joel Priddy
Alignment: Chaotic No. Enc.: (1d2)
Movement: 90' (30') Alignment: Neutral
Fly: 180' (60') Movement: 60' (20')
Armor Class: 7 [+1] Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 1 hp Hit Dice: 3+1
Attacks: 3 (claw/claw/bite) or 1 (special) Attacks: 2 (bite/hook)
Damage: 1 pt./1 pt./1d3 or special Damage: 1d4+1/1d4
Save: F4 Save: F4
Morale: 6 Morale: 9
Hoard Class: None Hoard Class: IV, 1d8 gp equiv.
XP: 9 XP: 65

Petty imps are the servants of chaotic petty gods; few other Minion to those gods of the butcher or hearth, and those who
beings will allow them to serve. They are counted amongst prepare for lean times, the polisus serves as a guardian for
the least of the demons and devilkin, with most other crea- those who have prepared well, and made the correct offerings.
tures of such ilk considering them to be barely a proper demon The polisus is typically encountered as a hog carcass (more
species at all, more along the lines of demonic vermin. They rarely beef or goat). An animate nightmare of butchers cuts, its
take on the appearance of tiny (6"-to-2' tall) demons with claws, limbs and body randomly re-joined, it arises, biting and swing-
fangs, horns, tails, and wings, emaciated or obese, all of hide- ing a stevedores hook to fend off those who would steal or
ous countenance, and in all colors of the rainbow (often quite despoil a well-stocked larder or cellar laid up for the winter.
bright, obscenely so).
Petty imps have the least, most petty powers imaginable. They
are immune to all non-magical weapons, but even a single hit Pox Knight
will cause them to burst in a blotch of colorful ichor. They each SERVES: Ogrimox, the petty god of purulent skin conditions
possess one single random 1st level spell of clerical, magical,
or illusionary sort, which they can use once per day (spells are
& Eric Potter
always of the maleficent or reversed form, if applicable); this F Jason Sholtis
spell they can cast as a 4th level caster. Although they only No. Enc.: 1d6
have 1 hp, they attack as 4 HD monsters and save as 4th level
Alignment: Neutral
fighters. Finally, they can use all thief abilities as though they
were thieves of 4th level. Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 7
Their chaotic masters often summon a mass of these creatures
Hit Dice: 2
to swarm opponents, steal wands and other loose devices and
weapons, or to cause random mischief and mayhem. Attacks: 3 (weapon/
Damage: 1d10/
Save: F2
Morale: 6
Hoard Class: None
XP: 45

These unfortunate souls are devout defenders of Ogrimox, the

petty god of purulent skin conditions. Blessed by his loving
touch, these fierce warriors have shed their protective plate
mail, relying only upon the thick hide of boils and pustules now
covering their entire bodies.
The pox knights main intent is to spread the dominion of his
god, and in melee will use his toxic foul breath (save vs. breath)


to render his opponent unconscious and attempt to get close

enough to touch his foe with his numerous infectious boils.
Once his secreted pus makes contact with skin (save vs. poison)
the contagion will spread, the first sores erupting within 1 day,
with full skin coverage following within 6 months, resulting in
a permanent Charisma score reduction to 3.
Related Entries: G) Ogrimox.

SERVES: Petty gods of folly

& Eric Potter

F Joel Priddy
No. Enc.: 1
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: Elemental (see below)
Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 1
Attacks: 1 (grab)
Damage: 1d3 (from falling) Pyz 2000
Save: F1 SERVES: Evolved machine intelligences
Morale: 6 (only loyal 1% of the time; has 99% chance to go rogue)
Hoard Class: None
XP: 10
& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Minions of the petty gods of folly, these pesky elemental
No. Enc.: 1 (unique)
tricksters get a real kick watching adventurers fall on their
asses. Puddlegeists wait patiently for unsuspecting passers- Alignment: Chaotic
by, then as they are being stepped over, reach up and grab Movement: 120' (40')
at ankles or feet. Armor Class: 3

They can move quickly using rapid evaporation and condensa- Hit Dice: 4 (21 hp)
tion in two rounds to relocate themselves to safety if discovered. Attacks: 2 (fists or palm lasers)
Damage: 2d8/2d8 or 3d8/3d8
If a puddlegeist can get a good pratfall out of at least 2 or 3
Save: F2
members of an adventuring party, it will endeavor to haunt the
group, pulling its annoying prank by constantly placing itself at Morale: 2d6 (roll for each encounter)
the feet of the party and attempting to lure someone to cross Hoard Class: None
over one last time. If the party has caught on, the puddlegeist XP: 80
will eventually become bored and move on (2-3 days) to find
more fun elsewhere. Pyz 2000 wuz first attempt at myrmidon of paranoid god.
Pyz wuz myrmidon of future. Pyz now myrmidon of past. Pyz
But if the party is good humored about the whole thing, the brain not werk so good. Pyz sometime forget what Pyz do-
puddlegeist may become endeared to it and occasionally lend ing. Pyz sometime werk for big smart machine. Sometime not.
aid by placing itself as a trap between the party and approach- Pyz smash with fists if angry or fighting. Sometimes red lights
ing monsters. come out of hands of Pyz and burn things.
Related Entries: M) Myrmidon of Paranoid God.

F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.


Sandman Schmetterlinge Scrappers Sepultural Wyrm Servant of Mosht Al Blopp
Shadow Creature Shadow Snake Sir Daraneolus Sir Grolt Sir Jean-Que Heurequeque
Sir Zohan Skeletal Servitor Space Hornets Sybevmry & Creqvgn Syla

Sandman be called upon by protective lawful wood nymphs to aid over-

powered lawful creatures, especially the innocent, from the
SERVES: Hlinjassa
malicious entities of these mystical places.
& Simon Forster Once called upon, several schmetterlinge will drape their
F Jim Magnusson opened wings over the eyes and ears of their charge, allow-
Class: Cleric ing the full kaleidoscope to attack with wing flutter. The spin-
ning colors and shapes will entrance their victim unless a save
Level: 9th
vs. spell is successful. If failed, the victim immediately ceases
Alignment: Chaotic melee and will remain motionless and defenseless, lost in the
Movement: 120' (40') swirling visual abyss. As wing flutter crescendoes, the beating
Armor Class: 7 of the wings becomes a ceaseless thunderous drum, pounding
Hit Points: 35 (9d6 HD) all unprotected ears for 1d4 points of permanent hearing dam-
ATTACKS: 1 (morning star) age (all creatures, including thieves, lose Hear Noise ability) and
forcing the victim to flee the area.
Damage: 1d10
Save: C9 Related Entries: S) Wing Flutter.
Morale: 9
Hoard Class: 14,100cp, 1,480sp,
147ep, 1,197gp, Scrapper
42pp (only 50sp on person) SERVES: Detriax, petty goddess of
Attributes: S:10 I:17 W:16 D:10 C:9 Ch:16 space junk and derelict hope
XP: 2,400
& Jay Mac Bride
spells: As cleric; substitute turn undead for the ability to com- F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
mune once per week.
Scrap-bot Scrap-man
The Sandman is a priest who wanders the land, sending un- No. Enc.: 2d6 (10d6) 1d6 (4d6)
believers to sleep so that they can meet his deity face-to-face Alignment: Chaotic Chaotic
and understand the blessed dreams that Hlinjassa can grant his
Movement: 180' (60') 180' (60')
followers. The Sandman wields a morning star of sleepa +1
weapon that sends anyone it wounds to sleep (as the spell) on Armor Class: 3 5 (as chain)
a failed save vs. spell. Hit DIce: 1-4 hp 1+1
Attacks: 2 or 3 (see below; 1-3 (see below)
Related Entries: G) Hlinjassa. at 1 to hit)
Damage: 1d6 or by limb 1d6/per limb or
tool/weapon by limb tool/weapon
Schmetterlinge Save: NM F1
SERVES: Lawful woodland deities/creatures
Morale: 12 (never fails) 9
& Eric Potter Hoard Class: None None
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. XP: 6 15
No. Enc.: 10d100 Detriax, the petty goddess of space junk, is served by two types
Alignment: Lawful of scrappersjunk robots hastily-birthed from her scrapyards,
Movement: 60' (20') flying and enslaved organic minions which have been enhanced
with additional scrap parts.
Armor Class: 9
Hit Dice: 2 Scrap-bots: These constructed robotic minions are rarely
Attacks: Special more than a meter tall, but usually appear in great numbers.
Damage: Special They appear in a variety of shapes and functions, from spid-
erlings with two of their appendages being tools/weapons (see
Save: M2
table below), to twisted goblin-esque/humanoid forms. They
Morale: 12 belch all manner of electronic blurps and bleeps as they peel
Hoard Class: None apart lost ships and space stations with cruel efficiency, using a
XP: 38 panoply of gruesome tools attached to their forelimbs. Scrap-
bots are immune to sleep, charm and hold spells, cold attacks
Inhabitants of the oldest growth forests, sightings of schmet- will slow them to half-movement, and electrical attacks will do
terlinge are are extremely rare as these insects normally travel double damage. Robotic minions are programmed to be her
singly, each seeking out the liquid nectars of the rare flowers slaves (never fail morale checks) and are given just one extra
in these deep darkened woods. However, schmetterlinge can limb (from the table below).

2 57

Scrap-MEN: These enslaved organic minions (i.e., human- 9 Sonic Grenade: renders all hearing targets
oids,) have two limbs (per table below) added to their shoulders, in 30' radius of blast incapacitated for 1d4 rounds
above their natural ones. They will also have tactical infrared (on failed save vs. breath)
sensors (providing infravision to 180') and a battery pack in- 10 Harpoon Gun: attached to 150' line;
stalled. Unlike scrap-bots, scrap men are susceptible to sleep, 1d6 damage plus capture (on successful
charm and hold spells, but make saves against such effects to hit roll); 1 shot only; requires 1d4+1
with a +1 bonus. Scrap-men take normal damage from cold rounds to reload.
attacks. If struck by an electrical attack, a scrap-man must save 11 Corkscrew Drill: 1d8+1 damage
vs. paralysis or lose the use of its limb tool/weapon (due to a
short in its battery pack). In every group of 20 scrap-men, one 12 Ionizing Fork; 3d6 damage plus overloads
individual will have a third limb protruding from its chest. electrical systems or stuns (on failed
save vs. paralysis) for 1d6 rounds; requires
Scrapper Limb Tool/Weapon (Roll 1d20) touch; 1 shot only
1 Saw: buzz or chain; 1d8 damage 13 Human-like Hand: 1d8 damage;
may opt for permanent grasp on a natural
2 Hydraulic Spike: goes 6" deep;
to hit roll of 20
does 1d8 damage
14 Bolo Cable: fires unattached cable; immobilizes
3 Electromagnet: damages unshielded computer
target (by binding the target) on successful to hit
systems or captures metal within 10' range
roll; 1 shot only; takes 2d4 rounds to reload
(reluctant creatures in metal get save vs. breath)
15 Corrosive Acid: 3d6 damage; 1 shot; 30' range
4 Gas Grenade: all in 10' radius of blast must
save vs. breath or sleep 1d6+1 rounds 16 Liquid Nitrogen Capsule: 1 use only;
5 Laser Torch: for close-up use; 3' maximum freezes target on impact (on successful
range as weapon doing 2d6 damage to hit roll); victim takes 5d6 cold damage
unless thawed in med pod (no saving throw)
6 Bio-syringe: may be used as sedative
(save vs. poison or sleep 1d6+1 rounds) 17 Carbon Filament-tipped Can Opener:
or poison (save vs. posion or take 2d6 damage) 2d6+2 damage; opens human-sized doorway
in 2d6+2 rounds
7 Pincer Claw: 1d4+1 damage
18 Morning star mace: 2d6 damage
8 Spiked Masher: 1d6+1 damage
19 Meat hook: 1d6 damage
20 Flamethrower: 2d6+2 damage; 15' range
Related Entries: G) Detriax; M) Space Hornets.

Sepultural Wyrm
SERVES: Death gods and war demons

& E.T. Smith

F Utagawa Kuniyoshi
No. Enc.: 1d4
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 120' (40')
Burrow: 60' (20')
Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 6
Attacks: 1 (bite
or breath)
Damage: 2d4 or
Save: F6
Morale: 9
Hoard Class: XXI
XP: 820

Giant pale snakes found creeping in the wake of death gods

and war demons, sepultural wyrms are cross-dimensional bur-
rowing predators who feed on the despair of warriors fallen in
battle. They particularly relish the anguish of defeated heroes.
Sepultural wyrms avoid direct combat whenever possible, pre-
ferring to hunt the aftermath of battlefields, preying on the dy-


ing by burrowing beneath them and drawing them down into Shadow Creature
the earth. If confronted they will attempt to flee underground. If
SERVES: Cult of the White Shadow, Shadow Wyrm,
prevented from escaping, they will try to drive off their foe, first
by biting, then by employing their breath weapon. Occasionally The Lady of the Air
sepultural wyrms will be controlled by greater beings, directed & Charles Turnitsa
to ambush targets from hiding. F Glynn Seal
Three times per day, wyrms can vomit 3d6 skeletons (actually
No. Enc.: As summoned
the ectoplasmic remains of previously digested meals). These or created
skeletons attack as normal, and will dissolve completely when
defeated, leaving no remains or treasure. Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 60' (20')
Additionally, each wyrm holds 1d3 captive spirits of warriors Armor Class: 6 (see below)
still being digested (a process that takes decades) which they
Hit Dice: 4
can spit forth in ectoplasmic form at will to serve them. Each
spirit is a fighter of a class level between 4-9 (1d6+3). Each Attacks: 2 claws
spirit should be generated as a full NPC, including gear and Damage: 1d6+2/1d6+2
possible magic items, but one with all general Undead abili- Save: F4
ties and vulnerabilities. If defeated, these spirits and their items Morale: 10
dissipate into the aether. The actual items can be found in the Hoard Class: None
sepultural wyrms lair along with its own treasure.
XP: 190

Shadow creatures are semi-ethereal* beings originating from

Servant of Mosht Al Blopp the Shadow Dimensions; otherwise, they are similar to undead
SERVES: Mosht Al Blopp or elementals which are summoned and commanded.

& Charles Turnitsa Shadow creatures are nearly invisible, bear only the merest
F Claytonian J.P. ripples in the reality of the Material Plane, and appear to the
unaided eye as a blur. Magical sight and ultravision allow a
No. Enc.: 1d4 per round for 1d4 rounds shadow creature to be clearly viewed, but infravision does not.
Alignment: Chaotic Anyone attacking a shadow creature without magical sight or
Movement: 90' (30') ultravision suffers a 4 penalty to hit (the blur provides just
Armor Class: 2 enough knowledge of the creatures position to allow an un-
aided combatant to know where to attack).
Hit Dice: 3
Attacks: 1 (bite) Since a shadow creature is not completely of the Material Plane
Damage: 1d6+1 and exists partly on other planes of existence**, it can often
Save: F3 slip through narrow openings. While these openings need only
be 1" wide (minimum), because a shadow creature is roughly
Morale: 6 man-sized (approximately 5'-6" tall) and cannot double over, the
Hoard Class: None opening must be similarly long. For example, a shadow crea-
XP: 85 ture could easily slide through portcullis bars or through a door
which is slightly ajar, but it could not fit between a door and its
The servants of Mosht Al Blopp appear as large (6 feet doorjamb (not wide enough) nor through a cracked window
across) turtles, with glowing red eyes full of spiteful hate (not long enough).
for the despoilers of fetid pools. They are covered in a thick
slimy coating of pond muck. They have unnaturally sharp Because shadow creatures are semi-solid, they take only half
claws that allow them to scramble across the muck of Mosht damage from non-magical weapons. Additionally, any damage
Al Blopp at full speed. They have incredibly thick shells that taken from non-magical weapons regenerates at the rate of
make their Armor Class (when combined with the pond 2 hp per round. The only way to permanently kill a shadow
muck) very difficult to overcome. creature is with the use of a magical weapon.

Should the unthinkable occur and Mosht Al Blopp be slain Shadow creatures are immune to all fire, cold, and electrical
while in our world, then the pool in which he appears (or attacks (magical or non-magical), as well as psionics. Since they
a newly formed puddle of muck and slime) will contain the do not need to breathe, they are not affected by gas attacks.
contents of treasure Hoard XVII (within the muck). Digging
it out, however, will subject those seeking the ill-gotten gains Once every 3 rounds, during combat only, a shadow creature
to a chance of contracting a disease (25%). For a period of may summon 1d6 shadow snakes. This action requires only
1d12 weeks, the disease will subtract 1 point per week from the minimum of thought of a shadow creature, so the shadow
the characters Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores. creature may still take another action during the round.
Should any of those reach 0, then the afflicted perishes. The * Their core is solid (at least from the perspective of the Prime
recovery takes just as long (1 point recovered per week) after Material Plane), though it is shifty and elusive.
the disease runs its course.
** How the shadow dimensions differ from the Ethereal or As-
Related Entries: G) Mosht Al Blopp. tral Planes is difficult to explain, and the relationship between
the Shadow Dimensions and Lower (Infernal) Planes is equally

2 59

difficult, and even the scholar archivists of Parn Tandalorn find with its bite, the victim must save vs. poison or become aller-
it beyond simple explanation. gic to light for 24 hours. During this period, any light source
brighter than a dim candle, small torch, or lantern will result in
Related Entries: M) Shadow Snake; C) Cult of the White painful burns (1d6 damage) for each round the victim remains
Shadow; D) Earnish-Amantic, Food of the Shadow; S) Create exposed to the light.
Shadow Creature, Summon Shadow Creature.
When shadow snakes are encountered as a hunting party (that
have come searching for victims to deliver to their masters),
Shadow Snake they will seek out any intelligent, warm-blooded creature with-
SERVES: Cult of the White Shadow, out any preference to gender, race, profession or ability.
Shadow Wyrm, A standard party of shadow snakes will consist of 2d6 warriors
The Lady of the Air (as stats above). For every 10 warriors there will be a champion
(4 HD, 2 weapon attacks per round). For every 20 warriors,
& Charles Turnitsa there will be an evil high priest known as a Servant of the Lady
F Glynn Seal of Air (7 HD, fighting/saving/spellcasting as 7th level cleric).
No. Enc.: 2d6 (4d6) or Related Entries: M) Shadow Creature; C) Cult of the White
as summoned/ Shadow; D) Earnish-Amantic; S) Shadow Clutch, Shadow Hunt.
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 120' (40') flying Sir Daraneolus
Armor Class: 6 SERVES: Chel-Kloth, The Lady of the Dark Lake
Hit Dice: 2 Titles: Sir Daraneolus of the Dark Lake
Attacks: 1 weapon
(shadow spear) & David Haraldson
or bite F Morris Meredith Williams
Damage: 1d6+2 (shadow spear) Class: Paladin
or 1d8 + special (bite)
Level: 16th
Save: F3
Alignment: None known
Morale: 10 to men
Hoard Class: None Movement: 90' (30')
XP: 29 Armor Class: 1
Hit Points: 89
From the mad and gibbering descriptions uttered by the occa-
sional deranged Cultists of the White Shadow which have been ATTACKS: 2 (magic sword +4)
captured alive, it is apparent that the infernal shadow beings Damage: 1d8 +4 or +7
that the Cult is trying to summon to this worldthe otherworld- (magic sword) or as
ly and horrid shadow wyrmshave imitative lesser beings upon other weapon +2
which the cultists rely for magical purposes. These lesser beings Save: P16
are the shadow snakes. Morale: 10
Shadow snakes rarely appear in the Material Plane. Some say Hoard Class: XV
they arrive spontaneously, caused by the prolonged interaction Attributes: S:16 I:10 W:14 D:16 C:16 Ch:17
of the material world with magic from the shadow dimensions. XP: 3,300
The process itself exists only as rumor, and is not completely
understood. It does, however, offer up an explanation (albeit While he was still an infant, goblins abducted Daraneolus and
unlikely) for the presence of shadow snakes in the world of offered him as a sacrifice to Chel-Kloth, The Lady of the Dark
adventurers. Lake. For reasons known only to the petty god, Chel-Kloth
spared Daraneolus and, years later, made him her paladin
Shadow snakes appear similar to the vast and horrific shadow and emissary to the surface world.
wyrms, though lesser in ability and size. Shadow snakes appear
as an approximately human-sized man-wyrm with a a serpen- The knight bears the blessings of the lady. His skin is so pale
tine lower body, a humanoid torso, and a cobra-hooded head as to be almost translucent and his milk-white eyes are sight-
with hollow black eyes. While in the Material Plane, a shadow less. His other senses have been heightened so that he can
snake appears to be (and is) quite solid from the waist up, while fight without penalty in complete darknesshe is an excellent
its serpentine lower body fades to cloudy wisps of shadow. judge of space based on the reverberations of sounds (on oc-
casion, he may be heard softly clicking his tongue in the dark-
Shadow snakes are semi-invisible at all times (and to all modes ness). Silence spells will eliminate this compensatory talent (-4
of sight, unless in their home shadow dimension). Those who to rolls). In daylight, he fights with a 2 penalty to combat rolls;
rely on sight in combat are at a 4 to hit when attacking moreover, direct sunlight causes his skin to burn (2d8 damage/
shadow snakes. day). While in the surface world, he wears thick bandages un-
In combat, a shadow snake will use its shadow spear or its bite. der his heavy plate armor so as to protect him from the sun.
If the shadow spear strikes in the dark, it will automatically do Although Daraneolus is a paladin of Chel-Kloth, he does not
double damage (no saving throw). If the shadow snake attacks suffer the usual penalties for non-lawful behaviorshe is


more ancient than human understanding of Law and Chaos, If a party of adventurers attempt to attack Grolt en masse, he
so her requirements seem unfathomable to non-initiates. Dara- will remind the lawfully-aligned members that they are bound
neolus may select spells from the cleric and druid lists but he by knightly codes once he has issued his challenge. Should the
prefers magic that benefits denizens of the underworlds deep- party decline his challenge, the entourage will roundly mock
est caverns (insects, arachnids, cave fish, and other troglofauna the adventurers as they depart.
and stygofauna). Chel-Kloth has also gifted the knight with a
ring of water breathing and a sword +2, holy avenger. This
weapons additional bonuses apply to initiates, priests, clerics, Sir Jean-Que Heurequeque
and paladins of the sun and moon gods, rather than chaotic or SERVES: (No allegiances)
evil creatures.
Titles: Sir Jean-Que Heurequeque,
Daraneolus hates the sun and moon, blaming them for Chel- Headhunter-at-large
Kloths exile from the surface; he will take any opportunity to
confound both these gods and their worshippers, unless doing & Eric Potter
so actively jeopardizes the task on which he is currently engaged. F Horace J. Knowles
He has no love for the forces of Chaos but will ally with them, as
No. Enc.: 1 (unique)
long as doing so aids the lady in pursuit of her goals.
Alignment: Chaotic
Related Entries: G) Chel-Kloth. Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 7
Sir Grolt Hit Dice: 4 (22 hp)
SERVES: (No allegiances) Attacks: 1 (weapon)
Titles: Sir Grolt of the Iron Tower Damage: 1d6+2
AFFILIATIONS: Knights of the Hexagram Save: H4
Morale: 12
& David Haraldson Hoard Class: None
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. XP: 465
Class: Fighter
Level: 15th This self-proclaimed knight is an outcast, shunned and reviled
by his halfling race. His vengeance is boundless and he will
Alignment: Chaotic ( believes seek to right any wrong uttered against any chaotic petty god.
he is Lawful)
Heurequeque works as a lone wolf, using his short stature to
Movement: 90' (30') hunt his prey with practiced precision. He is cunning and can
Armor Class: 3 infiltrate any adventuring party, gain audience with any royal
Hit Points: 69 court, befriend any drunken barfly, etc.
ATTACKS: 2 (weapons) Heurequeque has mastered the art of the thiefs backstabbing
Damage: By weapon ability, and after they feel the sharp sting of his short sword of
Save: F15 slicing +2, he will parade his victims severed heads around his
Morale: 8 neck as symbols of his devotion.
Hoard Class: IV (XXI)
XP: 1,500
Sir Zohan
Sir Grolt is the self-styled flower of goblin-kind. This great goblin SERVES: (No allegiances)
travels with 2d6 goblin men-at-arms, three gaudily-dressed Titles: Sir Zohan of
goblin maidens (who follow behind in a rickety carriage, pulled the Crimson Banner
by four dire wolves), and his diminutive and uncouth goblin
squire, Hawkbait. Grolt himself is an imposing sight, towering & Atte Mustonen
over his entourage in his plate armor, which is always polished F Jim Magnusson
and immaculately clean, although his warhorse is a rather tired
(and nervous) looking specimen. No. Enc.: 1 (unique)
Alignment: Chaotic
Whether Grolt be encountered on the road, near his lair, or with
the Knights of the Hexagram, he will challenge all worthy war- Movement: 180' (60')
riors (i.e., anyone dressed in a knightly fashion) to single com- Armor Class: 0
bat. The knight prefers to fight with his magical war hammer Hit Dice: 7 (35 hp)
Smasher, which functions as a war hammer +2/ goblinoid Attacks: 3 (2 claws/
thrower (as a dwarf thrower, the additional bonuses applying 1 great lance)
against dwarfs, elves, halflings, and lawful/good giants). How- Damage: 1d8/1d8/1d10
ever, he is also equipped with shield, lance, bastard sword, and
Save: F7
dagger (in a sheath hidden under his right arms plate armor).
At the outset of a duel, he will make a great show of observing Morale: 12
the proper formalities but his goblinoid nature will, inevitably, Hoard Class: None
get the better of himthere is a cumulative 10% chance per XP: 440
round that he will cheat in some way.

2 61
sir zohan space hornet MINIONS, KNIGHTS & SERVITORS

At first glance Sir Zohan looks like a knight in blood red ar- Hunter (serves any; used to track and return fugitives of the
mor riding a warhorse of great size in horse barding. Observers gods): AT: 1 touch (teleports target without error into the
will soon notice, however, that the horse has the green, scaly, presence of the god which the hunter serves); XP:29; flaw-
clawed feet of a dragon (instead of hooves) and canine teeth less tracker.
in its mouth. More disturbingly, the rider has fused with with
back of the horse and the two are part of the same monster. Messenger (serves any; used to deliver messages for the
Sir Zohana former jousting champion of a chaotic band of gods): AT: 1 dagger (1d4); XP:29; once the recipient of the
message has been located, the messenger will create an il-
knightscame to his current state by a deity concerned with
lusory figure of the god served, which will then speak a pre-
chivalric conduct; his armor can not be pried from his flesh and
recorded message to the recipient.
he himself can not be separated from his mount.
Negator (serves protective gods, as well as gods of anti-mag-
If possible, he will always begin combat with a charge, and his
ic): AT: 1 (1d6 or by weapon); XP:29; a negator radiates a
great lance can never be disarmed. He never retreats from bat- sphere of anti-magic 120' in diameter; it is not uncommon
tle, and is immune to fear (both mundane and magical), and he for a group of negators to appear in areas of heavy magic use
will leave battle only by the direct order of his superior in the and create large fields of anti-magic.
unholy knightly order.
Temple Guardian (serves only at temple locations): AT: 1
He can only gain sustenance through his mount, and the vile weapon (1d8 or by weapon); XP:20.
beast eats only the flesh of defeated opponents, driving him to
further acts of wanton destruction. Related Entries: M) Angelic Servitor.

Skeletal Servitor Space Hornet

SERVES: Varies SERVES: Detriax, petty goddess of
space junk and derelict hope
& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
F Claude F. Bragdon & Jay Mac Bride
No. Enc.: 1d6 (3d6)
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Alignment: Neutral Worker Queen
Movement: 120' (30') No. Enc.: 2d6 (10d6) 1 (per hive)
Fly: 180' (60') Alignment: Chaotic Chaotic
Armor Class: 5 Movement: 60' (20') 30' (10')
Hit Dice: 2 fly: 150' (50') 120' (40')
Attacks: See below Armor Class: 5 3
Damage: See below Hit DIce: 10 16
Save: F3 Attacks: 1 (stinger) 1 (stinger)
Morale: 10 Damage: 1d10 + 1d10 1d8 + 1d8
Hoard Class: None electrical damage electrical damage
XP: By type Save: F5 F8
Morale: 12 (never fails) 10
Like angelic servitors, skeletal servitors vary in ability and Hoard Class: None None
alignment, dependent upon the petty god they serve (and not XP: 1,000 1,500
the type of angelic servitor from which the skeletal servitor
was animated). Skeletal servitors are created from the corpses
of dead angelic servitors through a process known only to the
inner circles of the gods; what is known is that an animate
undead spell alone is not enough to create one.
All skeletal servitors are immune to the affects of sleep, charm,
and hold spells. Their semi-divine nature makes them immune
to clerical turning.
The following skeletal servitors are only a sampling of the wide
variety known to exist.
Dreambringer (serves sleep and dream-related gods): AT: 1
touch (to hit roll required; failed save vs. spell results in
target falling asleep for 3d6 turns); XP:29; once the target of
this spell has been put to sleep, the god served will use the
opportunity to visit or control the victims dreams.
Enflamor (serves petty gods of flame & fire): AT: 1 weapon
(flaming sword: 1d8 + 1d6 flame damage); XP:29; immune
to heat/flame damage; takes double damage from cold.

2 62
MINIONS, KNIGHTS & SERVITORS space hornet syla

Space hornets are a species of intelligent robots and minions of If encountered during their enlarged state, they will happily con-
Detriax, the petty goddess of space junk and derelict hope. She verse with PCs unless they are feeding. They love to gossip
is known to control hives of the garbage-truck-sized space and will relay the juiciest of rumors and heresay; there is a 75%
hornets through some sort of parasitic nanobody. The hornets chance that what they tell the PCs is true. However, they also
work for a queen who, in turn, is a puppet of Detriaxs own in- enjoy riddles, puns, and in-jokes that only they themselves un-
credible greed and avarice. These types of insectoid races seem derstand, and thus often interrupt themselves as they descend
to suit her ends well, for they often amass armies of workers, into bouts of raucous laughter, much to the puzzlement of those
and Detriaxs terrific ruthlessness of purpose makes her an at- they converse with.
tractive deity for them.
If they are feeding at the time of an encounter, they will imme-
Space hornets build vast hexanest arrays out of whatever space diately attack in a blood rage. They attack with their steel-like
junk (or enemies) they find. Detriax will often enslave one of claws and shark-like bites. For each successful attack, the PC
these nests and use it up (without replenishment) until the sup- must save vs. paralysis; after 4 failed saves, the PC becomes
ply of hornets expires, leaving the empty husk of the hive to be paralyzed for 1d4 days and is also immediately infested with
consumed by Detriax. normal tail lice. This paralysis can be cured by magical means,
but the lice infestation can only be cured with a thorough, non-
Worker space hornets attack with a giant stinger (a huge, magical delousing.
spiked appendage on their tail ends) which does 1d10 damage
plus 1d10 of electrical damage. Sybevmry (the male) and Creqvgn (the female) are the last mat-
ing pair of quasi-demonic tail lice and are thus considered an
endangered species; any attempt to destroy them via delousing
Sybevmry & Creqvgn rituals will result in immediate attack by Ywehbobbobhewy or
SERVES: Cowie, companion to Curdle The Jale God.
the Petty Goddess of Blind Milk Maids Unknown to Curdle & Cowie, Sybevmry & Creqvgn are also
AFFILIATIONS: The Jale God (with the Jale Gods blessing) spies for Tetskuize the Demoral-
izer, keeping Her Lichness aware of their movements across
& Matthew W. Schmeer the planes.
F Reidar Kjelsen
Related Entries: G) Curdle, Jale God, Ywehbobbobhewy;
No. Enc.: 2 (always M) Tetskuize.
as a pair)
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 60' (20') Syla
Armor Class: 4 SERVES: Nox
Hit Dice: 4+4
(24 hp each) & Timothy Brannan
Attacks: 3 (claw/claw/bite) F Mona Dowie
+ special No. Enc.: 1 (unique)
Damage: 1d6+2 Alignment: Chaotic
Save: F7 Movement: 90' (30')
Morale: 7 Armor Class: 6
Hoard Class: None Hit Dice: 9d4 (21 hp)
XP: 910 Attacks: 1 (dagger
Sybevmry & Creqvgn are quasi-demonic tail lice who inhabit or spell)
the tangled, burr-filled tail of Cowie, the emaciated calf com- Damage: 1d4 or
panion of Curdle, the petty goddess of blind milk maids. by spell
Save: M9
Normally the smallest of all known demonic beings, Sybevmry
Morale: 7
& Creqvgn spend their time hitching free rides and generally
having a life of ease amongst the strands and follicles of Cowies Hoard Class: VIII3,
unkempt hide. However, during the Dark Moon Festival (held XVIII
every fourteen years in honor of Ywehbobbobhewy, Lord of XP: 2,400
Waters, King of Mirrors, Patriarch of the Most Profound) they
are granted a boon: they enlarge to the size of small housecats Noxs current chief minion, voice, and lover is a witch named
and feed on the blood of the male sacrifices. Syla. Syla will speak for her lover and will be with her most
twilights. Syla is a vaguely elven woman, who may be half-elf,
If encountered in their normal state, they are nearly undetect- half-nymph or a human with elven parentage. She has short
able. If a PC encounters Cowie and pets her, there is a 35% platinum-blonde hair and piercing green eyes. She is also a
chance that Sybevmry & Creqvgn will infest the PC for 1d8 witch (magic-user) of 9th level. Her spells are mostly charm
days unless the PC makes a save vs. poison (disease). The PC and illusion, but unlike her mistress she is more than willing to
will suffer intense itchiness of the crotch and/or armpits and attack those who anger her or Nox.
permanently lose 1 hp for each day of infection. There is no
cure. After the rolled duration, Sybevmry & Creqvgn will im- Related Entries: G) Nox; M) Fyre Fae.
mediately teleport back to Cowies tail.


T Taartkin Temple Hyena Tetskuize Tithonoid

Twee Philosophers Tzitzimine Tzwinglefingz

Taartkin Tetskuize
SERVES: The dark forces of fallen cakes and filched pies SERVES: formerly a cleric of
Curdle, the Petty Goddess
& Vance Atkins of Blind Milk Maids
F Glynn Seal Titles: Tetskuize
No. Enc.: (1d2) the Demoralizer
Alignment: Chaotic AFFILIATIONS: The Jale God
Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 8
& Matthew W. Schmeer
Hit Dice: 1-1
F Matthew Adams
Attacks: 1 (thrown pie) No. Enc.: 1 (unique)
Damage: 1d2 Alignment: Chaotic
Save: T1 Movement: 60' (20')
Morale: 5 Armor Class: 0
Hoard Class: II Hit Dice: 12+5 (67 hp)
XP: 13 Attacks: 1 (fire touch)
Damage: 1d10 fire damage
Taartkin are skittering, mincing servitors to those dark forces Save: C18
that halflings fear mostthose of fallen cakes and filched pies.
Morale: 9
Prowling in the bushes near the burrow-holds, the Taartkin use
foul powers granted by these dark forces to make bread rise Hoard Class: XXII
unevenly, to cause cakes to fall at critical moments, and to ruin XP: 4,400
the crusts of pies. Halfling hearth-priests keep a sharp eye out
for the glowing eyes of these nocturnal, four-armed lurkers, Once the High Priestess of the Order of Amelkin, which is ded-
who swipe baked offerings for submission to their own gods, as icated to the worship of Curdle, the petty goddess of blind milk
they do not bake any goods of their own. maids, Tetskuize met her mortal demise at the hands of the
mad wizard Wllkattn during the Flame Wars of Jubrini.
Called the Demoralizer for the way she would scold novices
Temple Hyena of the order, Tetskuize was responsible for spreading the wor-
SERVES: Any chaotic deity ship of Curdle beyond the clans of the Felsden Wastes to the
majority of the known realms. She achieved this mostly by
& Jonas Mustonen imposing strict curfews on milkers of the order and bans on
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. avarian protocooperation and musical pageants among the
milking herds, especially the dwarf aurochs, dun cows, and
No. Enc.: 1d4 (1d4)
Mrasslian goats.
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 120' (40') As she was the first head priestess chosen by Curdle herself to
Armor Class: 6 be the head priestess of the order, Curdle took pity on her in
death. Curdle begged her father, Ywehbobbobhewy (Lord of
Hit Dice: 6+2
Waters, etc., etc.) to beseech the Jale God to grant Tetskuizes
Attacks: 1 (bite) soul immortality on the godling planes. The Jale God challenged
Damage: 2d8 Ywehbobbobhewy to a game of Crown & Anchor, and as the
Save: F6 game ended in a draw, the Jale God begrudgingly assented to
Morale: 10 partially fulfill the request: he made Tetskuize a lich whose phy-
lactery (a small cheese press) is kept locked away somewhere
Hoard Class: XX
secret on one of the godling planes.
XP: 680
Tetskuize has all the normal abilities of a lich, except that she
Temple hyenas are used in temples of chaotic deities to dis- deals fire damage instead of cold damage. Once a year she
pose of bodies of sacrificial victims. These beasts have grown must make a pilgrimage to encounter a different aspect of the
to abnormal size through a steady diet of human flesh and close Jale God to give him thanks for her existence.
proximity to corrupting otherworldly power. Their vile saliva
has ghoulish properties and anyone bitten by one must save vs. No longer in direct service to the Order of Almelkin in their
paralysis or be stand immobile for 2d4 turns. The lairs of tem- home chapel, Tetskuize now holds host in the Labyrinth of
ple hyenas are strewn with offal, and any treasure found there Myzithra on the island of Anari, overseeing the production of
will either be jewelry placed on the victims, the possessions of sour cheeses for the lizards of Uroon. The lizardmen keep the
unlucky acolytes that have stumbled into the hyena pit, or items exact location of the island secret to insure a steady supply of
lost by careless thieves. Xynotryi cheeses, considered a staple of the Uroonian foot sol-


diers diet. (The lizards of Uroon worship Curdle by the name

Sssththssss, or Milk of the Mother Lizard.)
Although now a trapped in her undead state, Tetskuize still
keeps up steady worship of Curdle. It is rumored by the blind
lizards who tend the goats in the Labyrinth of Myzithra that
Curdle herself has sought Tetskuizes companionship during
the time of the Dark Moon Festival.
As one of the few non-magic user liches, Tetskuizes existence
is hotly contested by other petty godlings, who would destroy
her on sight were it not for the Jale Gods intervention and
Curdles favoritism.
Related Entries: G) Curdle, Jale God.

SERVES: Any insect-related deity

& Erik Jensen Twee Philosopher

F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. SERVES: Uroborialis, Petty Goddess of Instinctual Wisdom

No. Enc.: 1d6 (3d6) & Matthew W. Schmeer

Alignment: Lawful F Horace J. Knowles
Movement: 90' (30')
No. Enc.: 7 (all 7 always encountered
Armor Class: 5 as a group)
Hit Dice: 2 Alignment: Neutral
Attacks: 1 (talons, Movement: 60' (20')
Armor Class: 6
or bite)
Hit Dice: 6
Damage: 1d6,
by weapon, Attacks: 2 (1 cane/1 bite)
or special Damage: 1d4 (cane)/special (bite; see below)
Save: F2 Save: F2
Morale: 10 Morale: 10
Hoard Class: None Hoard Class: None
XP: 80 XP: 80

Scarecrow-thin and covered in dark chitin, the insectile titho- The Seven Twee Philosophers are wingless, divine homunculi
noids are minions of godlings of Law. Although they have but created by Uroborialis, the petty goddess of instinctual wisdom,
two visible arms and two legs, their origin is obvious in their to debate the meaning of existence and the means of survival.
structure, and tithonoids bear the faces of various insects They keep up an endless debate amongst themselves, leaning
flies, cicadas, beetles, ants, or beesas best befits the nature on their plain wooden canes and arguing, counter-arguing, con-
of their patron. Many tithonoids have a small, second pair of tradicting, and refuting each others postions on any and all
vestigial arms lower on the torso. topics up for discussion. They often get so carried away with
their arguments that they literally fight amongst themselves,
Tithonoids possess a strange ability which is conveyed by their beating each other with any available object and generally caus-
bite; the victim of their poison slowly liquefies from the inside ing a riot.
out, beginning with the skeleton. When the process is com-
plete (1d4 turns), all that remains is the victims skin, which Anyone passively listening to their debate for more than 1d6
the tithonoid may then slit open and wear as a complete suit. turns must make a save vs. spell; failure results in a 75% chance
While within the skin-suit, the tithonoids features seem to shift of sleep for 1d10 turns or a 25% chance of an untargeted ber-
to conform to the proper size and shape; the disguise is not serker rage.
flawless, but it is sound enough to fool most non-magical ob-
servation, even at close range. A skin-suit, if worn regularly and Anyone attempting to engage the Twee Philosophers in debate
treated with the tithonoids saliva, will last several weeks before has a 25% chance of becoming so engaged in the conversation
beginning to decompose. that they will stay engaged in the debate for 1d8 days with-
out sleeping (and suffering the consequences of such), but will
These insect servitors use their natural disguise ability to infil- come away from the debate with a permanent +2 to Wisdom.
trate, spy, and disrupt, acting as agents-provocateurs for the
ancient principles of Law to which their patrons subscribe. The Twee Philosophers names have been lost to time; they
themselves have forgotten their names and origins. It is ru-
mored their names are inscribed on a worn stone in a destroyed
temple once dedicated to Ywehbobbobhewy, Lord of Waters,


King of Mirrors, Patriarch of the Most Profound, listed among sudden motion. During eclipses, the tzitzimine swarm around
the names of his favorite entertainers. the darkened sun in a feeding frenzy.
Their names are: When awakened by gods, astrologer-sorcerers, and clerics, star
Nzoebfr demons are often attracted to the lights of our nighttime world
Nhthfgvar spinning beneath the stars. Once awakened, the tzitzimine can
Anmv namhf be attracted to the lights of one of the worlds great cities. As-
Ndhvanf trologers and Chaos-aligned sorcerers and clerics often sum-
Nafryz mon star demons to bargain for their services as assassins. The
Uvyqrtneq tzitzimine are widely known as The Greedy Assassins, because
Obo they relish the opportunity to steal Eyes, wands, scrolls, and
magic weapons from their victims.
No one knows which name belongs to which Twee Philosopher.
Chaotic celestial deities such as Chicxulub are all too willing to
Should a PC find out one of their names and speak it aloud, bargain to awaken the tzitzimine within a star or other celes-
all the homunculi will attack. They attack by hitting their victim tial object. Chicxulub will then nudge the star demon onto a
with their wooden canes and by bite; a bitten victim must save downward trajectory toward the summoners desired location.
vs. spell or sleep for 20d20 turns; their bites can penetrate all Tzitzimine are extremely difficult to spot during their approach
armor except elven plate mail. from the stars. Their carapace is the darkest obsidian black.
The Twee Philosophers can normally be found in the halls of The only tell-tale trace that a tzitzimine is coming is a faint
various schools of academia, inner temples of sanctuaries, and silvery spiderweb thread in the night sky.
the dicing dens of backwater tavernsespecially if Verthish, The summoner of a tzitzimine needs to be within 150' of the
the Petty God of Single Pips (who himself is a manifestation star demon in order to direct the star demons actions. This is
of the Jale God) is in attendance at the dicing tables. In such a possible because the star demon establishes a mind link with
situation, there is a 65% chance that an avatar of Uroborialis its summoner which functions like the ESP spell (range 150',
herself is also in attendance or somewhere nearby. duration 12 turns, not blocked by stone or walls). There must
If one Twee Philosopher is killed, Uroborialis will manifest and also be a significant light source near the locus of summoning
attack. such as a bonfire, fireworks, or the bright lights of a great pal-
ace or temple. This gives the tzitzimine an ample light source
Related Entries: Please see the Jale God entry in the Petty to fuel its bite the sun power. Once so-powered, the tzitzimine
Gods section for a complete listing of entries related to the Jale
God (including Uroborialis and Verthish).

SERVES: Chaotic celestial deities (including Chicxulub)
Titles: The Enemies of Radiance

& John Everett Till

F Juan Ochoa
No. Enc.: 1d3+1
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 3
Hit Dice: 5
Attacks: 3 bladed weapons; or 2 bladed weapons
and an Eye, wand or scroll; or special
attack (see below)
Damage: 1d8 bastard sword, or as Eye, wand, or scroll
Save: F5
Morale: 10
Hoard Class: 1-in-4 has an Eye, wand, or scroll
XP: 350 (500 if the Tzitzimine has an
Eye, wand, scroll, or magic weapon)

The tzitzimine, or star demons, are spider-like servitors of cha-

otic celestial deities such as Chicxulub. Known as the Enemies
of Radiance, one of the tzitzimine sleeps within every star and
planet in the heavens. During events such as solar eclipses, me-
teor showers, and rare planetary conjunctions, the tzitzimine
awaken and come forth to consume light. There is a sickening
lurch in the sky, as stars and constellations twist and swirl into


will be able to stalk, blind, and overcome a target. The target Tzwinglefinz is known to have as many as 100 different head
will see nothingthey will only hear the quick flurry of blades puppets in its arsenal, rumored to have come from defeated
that precedes their death. opponents. The most common heads used by Tzwingfingz (and
the associated abilities) are as follows:
In combat, a tzitzimines limbs can hold weapons, and they will
use 1-3 bladed weapons against opponents. Additionally, there 1 Basilisk: bite attack (1d10 damage) + gaze attack (as
is a 1-in-4 chance a tzitzimine will also have a magic item such standard basilisk)
as an Eye, wand, or scroll that is useful in combat. Finally, they
have a special attack known as bite the sun: the tzitzimine 2 Cave Bear: bite attack (1d8); +1 morale bonus
may cast a continual darkness spell once per 24 hours; a large 3 Cyclops: hypnotic gaze (save vs. paralysis or stunned
light source is required to fuel the spell. for 1d12 rounds)
Related Entries: G) Chicxulub; D) Eyes. 4 Devil: charm, illusion, and teleportation (no error); 1
AC bonus; +1 attack bonus (for all puppet heads); able
to speak telepathically to any sentient creature
5 Doppleganger: no attacks or modifiers, but the dop-
pleganger head may assume appearance of the head of
any human-like creature it sees
6 Dragon: color of dragon at DMs discretion; bite attack
(2d8 damage); breath attack (by type; damage equals
half of Tzwinglefingzs remaining hit points)
7 Dwarf: infravision to 60; +2 morale bonus; able to
speak dwarvish and common
8 Evil Cleric: spells as 3rd level chaotic cleric
9 Ghoul: immunity to sleep, charm and hold; bite attack
(1d2 damage + paralyzing bite as standard ghoul)
10 Giant Spitting Cobra: spitting attack (20 range; save
vs. poison or be blinded; removed by cure blindness);
bite attack (1d4 damage + save vs. poison our die in
1d10 turns)
11 Giant Vampire Bat: radar (via echolocation) to 180;
bite attack (1d4 damage + save vs. paralysis or fall un-
conscious for 1d10 rounds)

Tzwinglefingz 12 Goblin: infravision to 90; bite attack; able to speak

goblin, hobgoblin, kobold, and orcish; no attack
SERVES: Varies
13 Harpy: charm (save vs. spells or be charmed)
& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. 14 Magic-user: spells as 3rd level magic-user
No. Enc.: 1 (unique) 15 Medusa: gaze attack (save vs. paralysis or turn to stone);
Alignment: Chaotic 1 snake bite attack (1d6 damage plus save vs. poison or
Movement: 90' (30') bounding die in 1 turn)
Armor Class: 5 plus modifiers by puppet heads 16 Minotaur: gore attack (1d6) or bite attack (1d6)
Hit Dice: 16
17 Mummy: bite attack (1d4 damage + automatically in-
Attacks: 1 per puppet head
flicts rotting disease as standard mummy); immunity to
Damage: By head sleep, charm, and hold spells; can only be damaged by
Save: F16 spells, fire or magic weapons
Morale: 9
18 Rhinoceros: butt attack (2d4 damage)
Hoard Class: None
XP: Varies (based on abilities of puppet heads) 19 Shark: bite attack (2d4 damage); water-breathing

Tzwinglefingz appears as a giant (7'-tall) human hand that wears 20 Unicorn: horn attack (1d8 damage)
what amounts to finger puppet heads on its various fingers.
The alignment for any puppet head will be chaotic, regardless
These heads, when not on Tzwinglefingzs fingertips, are in a
of its natural alignment. Any special ability noted above (e.g.,
state of hibernation. When one of these puppet heads is placed
water-breathing or immunity to non-magical weapons) apply to
on one of the giant hands digits, the head comes to life and pro-
the hand and to all puppet heads. Tzwinglefingz is also known to
vides Tzwinglefingz with a variety of special bonuses, defenses,
collect the heads of PCs and NPCs that it defeats.
and attacks.

2 67

Venous Exsanguinator Verdigrim Visible Stalker Voormi

Venous Exsanguinator Verdigrim

SERVES: Lords of bloodshed SERVES: Any petty god

& Eric Potter & Garrisonjames

F Jason Sholtis F Horace J. Knowles
No. Enc.: 10d20 No. Enc.: 1d4
Alignment: Chaotic Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 30' (10') Movement: 60' (20')
Armor Class: 9 Armor Class: 8
Hit Dice: 1 Hit Dice: 4
Attacks: 1 (bite) Attacks: 1
Damage: Special Damage: 1d6 or by flask
Save: F1 Save: M4
Morale: 12 Morale: 6
Hoard Class: None Hoard Class: IX2, XIX,
XP: 1 50% chance of
a spellbook of a
Utilized by the Lords of Bloodshed to seek revenge against level 1d8 magic-user
survivors of battle, these tiny leeches strike in the dead of XP: 135
night, carefully using long, slender legs to burrow slowly and
unnoticed into any exposed orifice, such as an open wound, Dark green-skinned eldritch humanoids descended from several
ear, anus, or (most often) nostril, while a victim is sleeping. distinct lineages of homunculi (they adamantly deny any relation
to goblin-kind whatsoever), the verdigrim are a people not only
Once safely inside the body cavity, the creature will find the devoted to alchemy, they were born of itthey reproduce in
nearest superficial vein and chew its way inside, using its spi- batches brewed-up in alembics by secret processes shared only
dery legs to pull itself along, eating though valves and the walls amongst the most accomplished of their kind.
of the veins, eventually to the heart.
Verdigrim are skilled in all forms of alchemy, including the art
Because they destroy the veins valves, any character stricken of extracting the essential arcane energy from various arti-
with venous exsanguinators will suffer blood backflow resulting cles or items (particularly spellbooks). This process results in
in internal bleeding, with the first symptoms being swelling, a variety of potions and elixirs that confer the ability to cast
discoloration, inflammation, and poor healing of wounds. Hit various spells, depending on the specific source-materials used
points will be decreased by 1 point every 12 turns, and both and the various refinements or adjuncts used by the verdigrim.
Strength and Constitution scores decreased by 1 point per day The original item is destroyed in the course of this effort. This
until diagnosed by a cleric. method of acquiring spells is both time-consuming and labor
intensive, not to mention quick to draw the wrath of those
Venous exsanguinators bodies are a hard (but flexible) hollow
spellcasters whose spellbooks were stolen, hence the verdi-
shell which allows blood to pass directly through their system.
grim have taken to hiring themselves out to various petty gods
However, the blood expelled behind the creature will have a
as alchemist-minions and servants in the hopes of receiving
2-in-6 chance per day of being contaminated with 2d10 eggs.
new spells in roughly the same way that clerics gain theirs.
The hatched maggot larvae will cause blood poisoning (save vs.
poison or die within 2 days). Even if the save is successful, the The crass, self-serving nature of the verdigrim preclude their ever
maggot larvae will devour the bloods platelets, clotting will not serving any of the major gods, though from time to time their
occur, and the victim will eventually bleed out. services are required by various temples or churches who try
their best to keep such consultations discrete and unremarked.
An infestation can be cured only by a cure disease spell.

F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.


For every decade of service to a particular petty god, a verdi- Roughly the size of a normal swan and looking somewhat like
grim gains one additional level as cleric, with the increase in a childs awkward attempt to create an oversized decoy of an
HD, spells, etc.; however, they cannot wield holy symbols and orange-billed flaxen waxfeather, the visible stalker is the bane
cannot use the turning ability, as their devotion is clouded by of magic-users the world over.
their desire for spells and not vigorous enough to support such
acts of faith. Visible stalkers were created by a committee of the petty gods
of whimsy, who sought to create a creature to stymie magic-
Verdigrim have the following abilities: immunity to gas-type at- users summoning petty gods or their servitors. There is a 35%
tacks, infravision (90'), limited telepathy (only with other ver- chance that any effort to summon and entrap a petty god or
digrim), and alchemical restoration (one drop of their blood their servitors in a magic circle instead results in the appear-
can be used to re-create a specific individual through a secret ance of a visible stalker. There is a 10% chance they can also
alchemical process). manifest as a result of a miscast invisible stalker spell.
Verdigrim prefer to rely upon flasks of flaming oil, poisons, When summoned, a visible stalker will refuse to serve a mag-
powders, and other noxious or toxic substances in the event ic-users request. They have complete resistance to compul-
that they are forced into combat (they tend to abhor physical sion-type spells and will instead pester the summoner with
violence, especially if directed towards them). They can also mundane questions (Whats that?, Why is that bowl that
brew nearly any known potion, given the requisite materials, color? Why are you wearing those silly-looking shoes, etc.)
tools and time. They are less skilled at crafting antidotes, which or merely asking Why? ad nauseam. The creature will carry
many suspect is more a result of their greed and avarice than on like this until the summoner is completely exasperated (no
any real lack of ability; verdigrim are notorious for haggling matter how long it takes), at which point the magic circle bind-
over their fees until a victim succumbs to the poisons effects ing is broken and the visible stalker can waddle away, having
before starting work on an antidote. Likewise, they demand regained its freedom. Some visible stalkers have been known to
three times as much for curatives as for harmful substances or follow around their summoners, continuing to refuse requests
concoctions. and asking questions until the victims have literally gone insane
(save vs. insanity* once every 3 days or go stark-raving mad
There are several rival clusters of verdigrim who jealously guard forever with no chance of reversal).
their unique alchemical secrets and who strenuously, if mostly
philosophically, oppose other scholar-sects. Some of them Once manifested on the Material Plane, visible stalkers can
have mastered the art of prolonging life while others have spe- never leave; they can live up to 200 years, subsisting on a diet
cialized in the brewing of poisons or the creation of peculiar of mice, toads, and driftwood. Once freed from a summoning
homunculi that melt into lifeless goop after a set period of time circle, they tend to gather in rafts of four and will generally flee
whether theyve managed to fulfill their mission or not. from danger. They can only speak the common tongue, but
understand all languages.
Verdigrim are always looking for some way to increase their
personal power and will switch sides in the middle of a battle Despite their comical appearance, visible stalkers have tough
is they think that there is something good to be gained from it. skins and are difficult to kill. They are resistant to fire-based
They have no compunction about betraying their former mas- attacks, impervious to non-magical missiles, and bladed weap-
ters, and view their service to the petty gods who accept them ons do half-damage. If attacked, they will hiss to warn off an
as a transaction of sorts. They respect the gods, demons, and attacker. They can perform a horrendous chomping bite for
devils only in terms of what they stand to gain from serving 4d4+2 damage.
them... for now.
If a visible stalker is reduced to 1 hp, it will crack its own neck
by banging its head against the ground. Its brainstem will slip
out of its skull and, using a barbed, tentacle-like foot, it will at-
Visible Stalker tempt to pierce the skin and symbiotically bond with the last
SERVES: Petty gods of whimsy person to strike it.
& Matthew W. Schmeer If the bond is successful (17% chance; no save), the visible
F Joel Priddy stalker forms a permanent, silent parasitic bond with its host.
The victim permanently gains the following: +2 Wisdom, +2
No. Enc.: 1 (1d4)
Intelligence, 2d6 hit points, and telepathic communication
Alignment: Neutral with a random petty god. They also suffer a permanent 5 to
Movement: 120' (40') Constitution and, if a spellcaster, lose the ability to memorize
Armor Class: 3 spells beyond 7th level. If the host is killed, the visible stalker
Hit Dice: 8 dies, too.
Attacks: 1 + special If it fails to form a symbiotic bond with its intended target, the
Damage: 4d4+2 + special visible stalker will die within 20 minutes; its brainstem melts
Save: F8 into a pile of delicious jelly that grants a two-week +2 to Con-
Morale: 5 stitution if eaten on sourdough toast.
Hoard Class: None Visible stalkers resent halflings for unknown reasons. This re-
XP: 500 sentment will pass to any symbiotic host.
* See Underworld Lore #1, p.14.

2 69

Voormi are covered with shaggy thick fur from head to toe, usually dark
brown, but ranging from golden brown to black; rare individuals
SERVES: Tsathoggua
are white-furred, these invariably end up being shamans (though
& James Mishler not all shamans are white-furred). Their red eyes are small and
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. sunken, seemingly more so due to their pronounced brow ridges.
Their ears are small and cauliflowered, their black noses broad
No. Enc.: 3d4 (4d10 and flabby, their lips and tongues thin and purple. Their teeth
per clan; 3d4 are naturally sharp, as the species is almost exclusively carnivo-
clans per tribe) rous; they re-grow teeth in much the same manner as sharks.
Alignment: Chaotic Voormis hands are like clawed paws, as are their fur-covered
Movement: 120' (40') feet. Voormis have anywhere from three to six fingers and toes
Armor Class: 8 on each paw and foot; each paw has the same number as the
Hit Dice: 2 other, as do each of the feet, but paws and feet might have dif-
Attacks: 3 (claw/claw/bite) ferent numbers from each other. Most voormis attack only with
or 1 weapon their natural weapons, though some use stone axes, spears, or
daggers; leader-types often use weapons captured from nearby
Damage: 1d4/1d4/2d4
humans. Voormis do not wear clothing, though shamans might
or by weapon +1
wear a harness from which to hang sacks and pouches to hold
Save: F2 trinkets and scrolls. Voormis have 90' infravision.
Morale: 9
Voormis are at home in caverns readily accessible to both the
Hoard Class: XX
above world, where they hunt by night, and the deeper dark of
XP: 29 the underworld. Lairs are home to a number of females equal
to the number of males, and a number of children equal to 40%
Voormis are a pre-human species of hominidae, a branch cot-
to 70% of the total of males and females. Females have 1 HD,
erminous in time with the common ancestor of the homininae
though they have the same natural attacks as the males, and
(humans, chimps, and gorillas) and the ponginae (orangutans).
defend their children with berserk fury, gaining a +2 bonus to hit
They are ancient beyond scientific reckoning, and are believed
and a 2 bonus to their Armor Class. Young have only HD
to have died out upon the fall of ancient Hyperborea in prehis-
and can only bite for 1 point of damage.
toric times. Their origins were not quite natural, having arisen
in the waning eras of the days of the serpent-men not through Clans are led by the strongest male (usually possessing 3-to-5
natural evolution, but through the breeding programs of that HD). Tribes are ostensibly led by the strongest male among the
ophidian species. They were used as slaves and cattle, and clans (6 to 8 HD), with a band of 3d4 bully-boys of 3-to-5 HD
hunted for sport. as his honor guard. However, the real power in a tribe is the
tribal shaman. A tribal shaman has 5-to-7 HD together with the
The voormis gained their freedom with the destruction of
spell-casting abilities of a cleric of the same level (able to cast
the serpent-men empire by the arrival of the Great Old One
both cleric and magic-user spells). A tribal shaman is served by a
Tsathoggua, who destroyed the serpent-men capital upon his
number of lesser shamans, one per clan constituent to the tribe,
arrival from the Outer Dark. The voormis, who had been send-
of 1-to-4 HD. These always vie with one another for power,
ing inchoate prayers out to the uncaring cosmos, took up his
even to the point of placing their own clans and tribe in danger.
worship, though it is likely that his arrival was unrelated to their
The shamans live apart from the clans and tribe, in their own
rites. For his part, Tsathoggua happily accepted their worship,
caverns, guarded by 1d4 members of each clan; there is a 25%
as it enabled him to subsist on their sacrifices with no labor on
chance that the shamans quarters are also guarded by 1d4 form-
his own part, save to give them a reasonable veneer of society
less spawn. Any magical treasures held by the tribe are held by
and culture through the creation of a shamanic caste all of
the shamans, who can use items of both clerical and magic-user
whom were far more zealous in their worship than their god
sort; the tribal shaman has 1d4 scrolls in addition to any other
ever required.
magical treasures. Voormis scrolls are written in the ancient
The greatest of these was Voorm the Mighty, whose strength voormis script, which is only understood by voormis shamans,
of will and mighty intellect so greatly transformed and advanced as well as priests and sorcerers dedicated to Tsathoggua.
the voormis culture that the race ever after took on his name
Voormis sometimes keep humans as slaves, or at the least, in
for their own. But that was early in their long, long reign, and
a sort of short-term larder, for they are both cannibalistic and
by the time the human Hyperboreans arrived on the island that
anthropophagus (15% chance of 1d8 present per clan). Some
would bear their name, the voormis had descended into atavis-
also end up dying, screaming, upon the shamans black altars.
tic primitive decadence. The voormis of that era were, in fact,
At times, they keep some slaves longer, and from these are born
no longer full-blooded, having mixed with other pre-human and
the sub-human half-breeds (a relatively stable race, breeding true
sub-human aboriginal races that had, over time, been pushed
with voormis and true humans). These take the form of hirsute
into the Eiglophian Mountains, at the heart of which stood
humans with heavy brow ridges and thick bone structures; some
Mount Voormithadreth. There the last of the (known) voormis
sages speculate that these sub-human half-breeds were the an-
survived in stone-age savagery, living in the cavern complex
cestors of the neanderthals. No few ostensibly human hill tribes
that led into the depths of the black realm of Nkai, where their
near voormis caverns exhibit these characteristics. Often these
god, Tsathoggua, dwelt in sloth-like contemplation.
find service with the priests or sorcerers who serve Tsathoggua,
The voormis are short, around five feet tall, but seem even short- guarding their subterranean sanctuaries and treasuries.
er as they walk hunched over, at times even resorting to walking
on their knuckles. Though small, they are surprisingly strong, Related Entries: G) Tsathoggua; M) Formless Spawn.
able to rip apart a foe with their bare paws in short order. They


W Wllkattn Winged Monkey Wyndolin

Wllkattn Greeted by the mi-go as a human ambassador, Dyfkyt was

SERVES: Verthish, Petty God of Single Pips,
imprinted with the name Wllkattn, which in mi-goian
means walker between worlds. While on Iukkoth, Wl-
an aspect of the Jale God lkattn eventually discovered the dread space magics of
& Matthew W. Schmeer The Old Ones inscribed on the skins of Tchoskoids in the
F Del Teigeler living library of the mi-go beneath the warm black sea. He se-
cretly committed as much knowledge to memory as he could
No. Enc.: 1 (unique) and fled for home through another portal before his hosts
Alignment: Chaotic could throw him into the Great Pit of Ksaksa-Kluth to digest
for a million eons. The mi-go consider this a high honor for
Movement: 60' (20')
human ambassadors.
Armor Class: 1
Hit Dice: 54 (240 hp) Once back in his study, Wllkattn scribed what alien mag-
Attacks: 1 (punch or stomp or spell) ics he could remember to a spell book, which he then locked
and warded and hid away (it has only recently been discovered
Damage: 5d12 (punch) or 10d10 (stomp)
by a number of heretical scholars).
or by spell (as 20th level magic-user)
Save: M20 Although he had assumed he had been gone but a number of
Morale: 12 days, Wllkattn had been on Iukkoth for a thousand years.
Hoard Class: None He quickly constructed a giant iron golem and, using the mag-
ics learned in his travels on the alien sands, transferred his brain
XP: 52,250
into the golem so he could easily travel among the stars with-
Thyrfyt Dyfkyt was a low-level apprentice in the Order of out suffering the necrotic effects of frequent portal travel. This
the Wizards of Illustrious Light when he stumbled across a enraged Ywehbobbobhewy, Lord of Waters, King of Mirrors,
crumbling parchment scroll in the academys library that had Patriarch of the Most Profound, as His Profoundness feeds on
sat untranslated for hundreds of years. Written in a knotted, the flesh-bound souls of those who travel between worlds.
ropey, thread-like pictographic language not even the most Protected by the Jale God for thousands of years, he trav-
learned of scholars could transcribe, the scroll delighted and elled among the planes and between the planets searching
intrigued young Dyfkyt. He decided to make translating the the space ways for the location of Xoth where it is rumored
scroll one of his lifes endeavors, so he stole it from the library. The Old Ones dwell. Having learned the secrets of travel in
It was not missed. time and space, he himself was nearly godlike in his ability to
For his main studies in the school of magic he focused on
inter-dimensional dice probability and alchemical mechanics,
discovering several of the immutable laws of probability that
exist to this day (rolled stone moss properties, handbirds being
worth more than bushbirds, the foolishness of betting against
gambling den owners, etc.). His findings gained much renown,
so much so that he soon found himself in the favor of the Jale
God. Dyfkyt convinced His Jaleness to manifest as Verthish,
the petty god of single pips, so they could secretly visit gam-
bling dens together. Because of this, Dyfkyt became one of the
godlings most trusted minions.
After decades of communicating with demons, gods, and go-
dlings, crafting magical weapons for wealthy adventurers, and
inventing potions of various effect, Dyfkyt retired to a hermits
life, taking up residence in an isolated cave that he expanded
into a small collection of comfortably appointed rooms.
In his 79th year he finally cracked the mystery of the ancient
scroll. The last remaining dwarf from a party of adventurers sold
Dyfkyt a small fragment of an ancient manuscript unearthed
from a lost city buried beneath the sands of a far-off land. From
that fragment (which was nothing more than a nursery rhyme
transcribed in three different languages), Dyfkyt discovered his
scroll was written by visitors from another world. The scroll
detailed the rituals needed to open a magic mirror portal to the
alien homeworlds. He opened such a portal, stepped through,
and was whisked away to Iukkoth where the mi-go reign on the
edge of the pit where the dreaded Ksaksa-Kluth dwells.


appear and disappear through conjured portals. Wllkattn Wyndolin

eventually went mad from all he had seen and learned about
SERVES: Gods of beauty, dance and sexual attraction
the invisible worlds between the worlds.
Wllkattn met his final destruction at Ywehbobbobhewys
& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
hands at the Battle of the Waters of Kirkadi at the end of the F Andrs Prim
Flame Wars of Jubrini (which Wllkattn had started in No. Enc.: 1 (unique)
an attempt to reach Xoth). Wllkattn nearly managed to
Alignment: Neutral
send his life-force back to Iukkoth; all but a small slice of his
soul made it through the portal before his destruction. That Movement: 90' (30')
slice is now housed in The Balanced Quarterstaff, which be- Armor Class: 9
longs to Verthish, who collected it from the battlefield centu- Hit Dice: 4 (17 hp)
ries afterward. Attacks: Special
Related Entries: Please see the Jale God entry in the Petty Damage: Special
Gods section for a complete listing of entries related to the Jale Save: D4
God (including Verthish and Ywehbobbobhewy). Morale: 6
Hoard Class: XV
XP: 190
Winged Monkey
SERVES: Corotus Thallian Wyndolin (or Wynnie to the gods she calls friends), is a short,
curvaceous, umber-skinned beauty with an ability to dance so
& Paul Brinkmann well it seems magical. In fact, when gods of beauty, dance and
F Joel Bethell sexual attraction find themselves in need of assistance, it is
Wyndolin upon whom they rely.
No. Enc.: 1d6 (10d10)
Alignment: Neutral Not only does her naturally high Charisma provide her a +5 bo-
Movement: 90' (30') nus on all reaction rolls, she knows a number of special dances,
each of which has a magical ability. Any creature viewing one
Fly: 150' (30')
of these dance must save vs. spell or succumb to the power of
Armor Class: 6 the dance for its duration (once she stops dancing, the effect will
Hit Dice: 2 cease; she has been known to dance for hours on end without
Attacks: 1 (pummel stopping). The dances she knows include: charm person, sleep,
or weapon) hold person, charm monster, confusion and hold monster (all
Damage: 1d6 or by weapon as if cast by a 10th level magic-user).
Save: D2
Morale: 8
Hoard Class: IV
XP: 25

Winged monkeys are baboon-sized monkeys with wings.

They favor formal attire, and typically arm themselves with
short swords or spears. If unarmed, they attack with a vicious
two-fisted pummeling attack. If any character takes damage
from pummeling winged monkeys exceeding his Strength in
one round, he is knocked prone.
Winged monkeys do not speak as such, but communicate with
their own kind with a series of shrieks and hoots. They are
doughty fighters, but are especially eager to please those they
see as more powerful. Showy forms of magic are particularly
effective (anything spectacular causes a morale check).
Related Entries: G) Corotus Thallian; M) Okkin.


X Xin Xul Xunadu Khan

SERVES: Gods of death and destruction;
lunar gods; The Maker of Moons

& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.*

F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
No. Enc.: 1 (1d4)
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 90' (30') flying
Armor Class: 1 (xin)/-4 (swarm)
Hit Dice: 20
Attacks: 2 (xin touches) + 1d4+3 (swarm touches)
Damage: 2d10/2d10 (xin) + poison (swarm touches)
Save: M20
Morale: 12
Hoard Class: None
XP: 3.250

Xins are huge, amorphous beings which typically inhabit

lakes and other large bodies of water (including seas). A xin is
both strange and horrible, for it not only lives in its own body,
but possesses a small swarm of loathsome satellites that are
part of the xin, though they are not attached. These satel-
lites are living creatures, mouthless and appearing as a cross
between a sea-urchin and spider. Although these little beings
possess markings that seem eye-like, they are, in fact, blind.
The swarm of satellites spread out from the xin like severed
fingers that wriggle around a hideous hand. Each individual Xul
satellite is smallable to fit in a palm or a pocket. If one of the SERVES: Chthonic gods and demon princelings
satellites is injured, the xin writhes in agony.
When a xin appears, its swarm will appear in 4-7 groups
& Alan Brodie
which may attack independently of the xin, but will rarely
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
travel more than a few feet away from their host. No. Enc.: 1d4 (2d6)
During combat, the xin itself may attack up to two different op- Alignment: Chaotic
ponents with its touch attacks, doing 2d10 on each successful Movement: 120' (40')
to hit roll. Each satellite may also attack a different opponent. Armor Class: 7
On each successful to hit roll by one of these swarm fingers, Hit Dice: 4
the victim must save vs. poision at 2 or die. Attacks: 2 (hammer-
Xins and their satellites are immune to paralysis and charm. hands)
Although the xin has an AC of 1, the swarm fingers have an Damage: 1d6/1d6
AC of -4. Save: F4
Morale: 10
Many profess that the xins serve a god known as The Maker
of Moons, though the true identity of The Maker of Moons is Hoard Class: None
unknown. While some believe this to be The Yellow King or XP: 190
some other aspect of the Jale God, others believe The Maker
of Moons is one of the Great Old Ones. However, xins have The xulor hammer-menare evil elemental earth-spirits
been known to serve various gods of death and destruction, sometimes found in the service of chthonic gods and demon
as well as lunar gods. princelings. They are arrogant and prone to violence (+1 on
reaction rolls) but not too bright.
* Based on The Maker of Moons by Robert W. Chambers.
Resembling a hippopotamus-headed humanoid with hammers
Related Entries: Please see the Jale God entry in the Petty for hands, a typical xul stands six and a half feet tall. Its thick
Gods section for a complete listing of entries related to the Jale gray hide grants protection equal to leather armor. In combat,
God (including The Yellow King). xul strike twice with their huge hammer-paws for 1d6 damage.


They can belch fist-sized geodes once per round to a range

of 60 feet, inflicting 1d6 damage on a hit. (These geodes are
worth 20-80gp.)
Xul can pass through solid rock and earth as easily as moving
through air. When emerging from a stone wall or similar surface,
they surprise opponents within 30 feet on 1-4. Thrown rocks
or weapons made of stone pass right through their bodies, in-
flicting no damage.
Xul are immune to the effects of all 1st level magic spells (some-
thing to do with their extra-planar nature).

Xunadu Khan
SERVES: Chaotic gods of war

& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.

F Brian Walker
Class: Fighter
Level: 16th
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 150' (50')
Armor Class: 1
Hit Points: 105
Attacks: 1 (Vachir: +3 to hit bonus from weapon,
+3 melee to hit bonus from Strength)
Damage: 1d12+6 (+3 from Vachir, +3 from Strength)
plus 1d12 electrical damage + special
Save: F16 (+3 vs. spells/magic)
Morale: 12
Hoard Class: XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX, XX Xunadu wears +3 lamellar armor which, when combined with
Attributes: S:18 I:18 W:18 D:18 C:18 Ch:18 his Dexterity bonus, provides him an Armor Class of -1.
XP: 3,300 During battle, should any attack be successful that would nor-
mally kill Xunadu Khan (i.e., lower him to 0 or fewer hp), the-
In the days before the great Naran (Sun) Horde ruled the
immortal magic instilled in him will immediately transport him
lands of the area now known as the Lands of the Five Fires*,
(before any damage can be inflicted by that attack) to a safe
terror reigned the region in the form of Xunadu Khan and his
location (usually the presence of the war god that entreated his
tribe of bloodthirsty bandits. In fact, it was the need to unite
services, unless that war god is on the battlefield).
against this savage that coalesced the tribes scattered through-
out the entire area into one great nation, and eventually led to Xunadu Khan bases his army units on the decimal system,there-
a masive confrontation of the Naran Horde against Xunadu fore, he will usually be accompanied by a number of horse-
and his horde at the battle of Gal Khill (Fire Hill). The blood- mounted fighters of the following military units:
shed of the battle was so great, the location is now known as
Ulaan Khill (Red Hill). Xunadu was personally responsible Arban: 10 1st level fighters
for killing 200 men that day, but the numbers of the united
Naran Horde were too great; after the Narans killed every one Zuun: 10 arbans (total of 100 fighters),
of Xunadus men, only Xunadu was left standing, surrounded plus one 2nd level captain per arban
by 100 Narans, prepared to fight every one of them. At that Mingghan: 10 zuuns (1000 fighters, 10 2nd level
moment, Xunadu was plucked from the battlefield and trans- captains), plus one 3rd level captain per zuun
ported to the presence of the war god Dayisun Tngri. Dayisun
Tngri rewarded Xunadus bravery, fury and heartlessness with Tumen: 10 mingghans (total of 10,000 first-level fight-
eternal life on one conditionXunadu must serve to lead the ers, 1,000 2nd level captains; 100 3rd level captains),
army of any chaotic war god that requests such service; Xu- plus one 4th level noyan (leader) per mingghan
nadu is honored and proud to do so, regardless of the god or
the battle. Should a greater number of warriors than 1 tumen be required,
additional tumen units may be present (for these purposes,
In combat, Xunadu wields the great glaive Vachir (the name there is no standard military unit larger than a tumen). The
means thunderbolt), a +3 glaive with the following special maximum is generally about 5 tumens.
abilities: cure serious wounds (as cleric spell; 3/day), protec-
tion from good 10' radius (as cleric spell; 2/day), 6d6 light- * See VALLEY OF THE FIVE FIRES, page 5.
ning bolt (as MU spell; 2/day), teleport (no error; 360' range;


Y Yeth-Hound Yko Ynnym

Yeth-hound given a scent to follow, they are able to track living creatures
100% of the time, even if the quarry has attempted to trick
SERVES: Chaotic gods of night, hunting and murder
the yeth-hounds by doubling back, crossing water, or using
& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. other similar tactics.
F Oxide JCHart The howl of a yeth-hound instills fear to a distance of 360' (as
No. Enc.: 1d2 (1d6+5) fear spell cast by a 10th level magic-user).
Alignment: Chaotic Related Entries: M) Xin.
Movement: 180' (60')
Armor Class: 0
Hit Dice: 3 Yko
Attacks: 1 (howl) SERVES: Petty gods of fortune
Damage: special (fear) & Eric Potter
Save: F3 F Joel Priddy
Morale: 12
Hoard Class: None No. Enc.: 2d12
XP: 65 Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 90' (30')/
Yeth-hounds are the spirits of murdered children. They appear 30' (10') submerged
as dogs without heads and go running and screaming through Armor Class: 7
forests at night. Yeth-hounds will only appear at night, as they Hit Dice: 1
fear the sun and will never venture out in daylight (even if their
Attacks: 1 (tail or mind thrust)
lives depend on it). Should a yeth-hound be exposed to the sun,
they will fade into nothing; a yeth-hound permanently loses 1 Damage: 1d2-1 (tail) or paralysis (mind thrust)
HD per round in sunlight until reduced to 0 HD (at which point Save: F1 (save vs. psionics as 1st level Mystic)
they become nothing). Morale: 3
Hoard Class: I
Yeth-hounds are most often employed as trackers for gods of
night, hunting and murder. They are faultless in this duty; if XP: 13


Psionic ABILITIES* Ynnym are oversized bastard chimeras, having the head of a
cycloptic sea dragon, the front portion and tail of a lion, and
the rear portion of a donkey. Their bodies are roughly the size
Attack modes: mind thrust of elephants, and the sea dragons serpentine neck is compara-
Defense modes: none ble in size and girth to that of a young giant python.
Ynnym are bred by the gods to be swift of foot and fierce in
Gifted with tiny amulets of underwater breathing by the gener- battle. Although they only have one eye, this eye allows them
ous petty gods of fortune, the Yko spend most of their short to see all colors of the spectrum (including infrared, ultravio-
lives collecting wished-upon coins from the bottoms of foun- let, jale, ulfire, dolm, mull, viledusk, and grt). There is a 30%
tains, wells, ponds, rivers, and streams. chance that it also acts as an eye of true seeing, allowing them
to see all things as they actually are, and making them impervi-
These small creatures don the carcasses of various aquatic crea-
ous to illusory attacks unless blinded.
tures to better camouflage themselves from would-be predators
with great success and are rarely discovered crawling around Ynnym are traditionally used by the gods of minor treasures
on the water beds. Their only defense is a razored tail and to guard pathways to vaults hidden throughout the wilderness.
when possible, they utilize their mind thrust ability. There is a 75% chance that any petty god of treasure or trin-
kets employs a ynnym for this purpose. Sometimes the gods
A single Yko can retrieve up to 10 coins per turn and will be-
station them on false pathways.
stow nearly all to their petty gods, however, a small collection
of treasured copper pieces will usually be found in the under- Ynnym are extremely fast and nimble, and their ability to climb
water crags in which the Yko dwell. rough terrain is comparable to mountain goats, which are their
preferred prey. Ynnym are also fond of foraging for bletted
* See Basic Psionics Handbook.
mespilus and raw ermal, although the latter gives them terrible
bouts of gas.
Ynnym There is a 20% chance that a ynnym can speak (in common
SERVES: Treasure gods and dragon), but only at the ability level of a lispy four-year-old.
They like asking questions that sound like riddles but are actu-
& Matthew W. Schmeer ally rambling streams of consciousness.
F Franz Graf von Pocci If attacked, a ynnym may perform one of three traditional at-
w/ Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
tacks. It can deliver a tremendous blow with its rear legs, stand
No. Enc.: 1d4 on its hind legs and claw with its forepaws (counts as one at-
Alignment: Neutral tack), or bite; all attacks do 1d8 damage. Victims of a bite attack
Movement: 240' (80') must save vs. poison or suffer 3 hp per day until cured by a
neutralize poison spell.
Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 9 Ynnym may forgo a traditional attack and deploy a breath
Attacks: 1 (kick, claw or bite + special) weapon: they can cast a 3 foot wide diameter gob of phlegm-
or special (see below) like poison spittle at any stationary target. A struck victim must
Damage: 1d8 + special save vs. breath or die. This poison is no longer potent 1 round
after the attack.
Save: F9
Morale: 11 The pelts of unbred Ynnym are are said to fetch a high price on
Hoard Class: XVII the black market, but are especially tough to preserve, as they
XP: 1,900 begin to decompose to mucus within an hour after skinning.

F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.

Section 3

Cults & Cultists

F Stefan Poag

Cults Overview
& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Introduction The promise of a cult will often be reflected in the cults name.
Consider what the promise of the following cults might be:
It is important to note that the word cult was originally used
The Gray Revenge
not to describe a group of religionists, but for the act of worship
or religious ceremony. Therefore, a cult need not carry the bag- The Demonic Adoration
gage of excessive devotion so often ascribed to them. The Chthonic Eye
As can be seen in the following section, there is no real format
for what the notes about a cult does or doesnt include, or the
order in which it should be presented. Deities Associated with Cults
Ultimately, this book is overflowing with deities with which to as-
The basic considerations that a DM should keep in mind when
sociate a cult. Then, of course, there is always the possibility of
designing a cult are:
someone claiming to be a deity who isnt, or being pronounced
the promise of the cult a deity by the cults membership, regardless of their mortality.

the deity (or lack of deity) associated with the cult A cults membership should be reflective of its deity. For exam-
ple, a cult centered around a petty god of baking would likely
the organization and practices of the cults members have many bakers among its members. By comparison, a petty
god with a more encompassing domain (e.g., madness) would
any unique spells, magic items, artifacts, or relics
have a much greater variety in its membership.
associated with the cult

The Promise of the Cult Cult Organization

Cults are generally organized as a hierarchical institution with a
Almost all cults promise somethingusually knowledge, power,
complex division of labor. The levels of membership will reflect
or salvation. In turn, the cults practices act toward the goal of
not only the level of responsibility held, but also the depth of
delivering upon that promise. Generally, a cult can be classified
knowledge of any given member (those who move higher in the
in one of the three following categories:
organization gain access to greater secrets and more powerful
those cults whose members seek illumination information).

those cults whose members act as instruments Other organizational considerations include the requirements
in furtherance of a common goal or goals for a member to gain access to the next level in the hierarchy.
Additionally, it is not uncommon for power struggles to be
those cults whose members focus on aiding others waged between cult leadership, often leading to entire new
sects being formed.
In a cult whose members seek illumination, it should be
considered whether that illumination is mystical (e.g., spiritual From a practical gaming perspective, the key factors related to
enlightenment), academic (e.g., deeper knowledge and under- cult organization will be assigning stats to each of the basic mem-
standing of a specific subject), or something else entirely. Fur- ber types, and developing unique NPCs to use as cult leaders.
thermore, it is important to consider how this goal is reflected in
its practices. This type of illlumination is often attained through
some extraordinary state of mind, achieved either naturally Cult Practices
(e.g., through meditation) or artifically (e.g., through the use of
mind-altering substances). As discussed above (The Promise of the Cult), the practices
of a cult are often designed around a cults promise and goals.
In a cult whose members act as instruments in further- They should also be reflective of the cults deity, and be based
ance of a goal, it should be decided whether that goal is known upon the cults organization. For example, cult leadership would
to its members, or held as a secret among the cults leadership. rarely waste its time going from town to town and proselytizing,
In a cult whose members focus on aiding others, there is or tending to the daily upkeep of a temple.
no reason that the aid be considered in the strictest nurturer/
caregiver sense of the term. For example, proselytizing is com-
mon practice in which the conversion (and salvation) of others Unique Spells & Items
is the goal. As a more extreme example, a cult might believe it The final consideration for the development of the cult are the
is helping to redeem others by permanently blinding them, or unique spells, magic items, artifacts and relics associated with
something even worse! the cult, including rituals (and ritual names), tomes, furnishings,
clothing, and other associated accoutrements.


cult of d'sney CULT OF ETERNAL CULTHOOD cult of LLEGH cult of the obsidian mirror

Cult of DSney In the hidden sepulcher, Vault DSney, beneath the House of
Bards, the ancient masters of the DSney Cult despise the god-
& Darcy Perry less, pitiful bards aboveposturing fools that spend too much
F James V. West time swinging swords and slinging spells. Why waste time on
warfare and wizardry when there are songs to be sungsongs
Beneath the House of Bards there lies a long forgotten vault. of burglary, deception, debauchery and princesses with woefully
Here the tales of the Petty Gods are kept, along with legends bad taste in men!
both ancient and newly scribed, for the vault is not deserted.
Acolytes gather stories from far and wide, like fabulous treas- The true bards are the acolytes that search tirelessly for the old
ures unearthed from accursed fanes, to appease their masters forgotten tales, that care and give support to their aging be-
within. These masters are the living bones of the ancient bards loved masters. It is they who keep the stories alive. However
of DSney. they choose to tell them, true legends need no author. They are
written in the hearts and minds of those too young to die. They
Long ago these master bards claimed ownership of every myth belong to DSney!
and fable; all storytellers and minstrels, even the skalds of the
frozen realm, paid a tithe to ply their trade. The wealth and Bard Acolytes of DSney
prestige of DSney was the envy of kings. However, that was
Crafty and cunning, these members of the DSney Cult are
another time and the once great empire is now forgotten and
found wherever epic stories are told. Apart from being great
invisible. This fact does little to diminish the power of this cult.
listeners with an excellent memory for rhyme and song, they are
The DSney Cult is a secret society that worships the Petty Gods, remarkably ordinary looking mice that only take human form
recording epic odes of their divine exploits in an ever-expanding when absolutely necessary. Their sole purpose is to forage for
tome. Various legends surrounding this tome are so complex, their masters. Whenever they hear a story that they feel will
retold so many times, its likely the truth will never be verified. please their masters they also steal something of value as royal-
Whatever its origins, like the cult itself, the tome has taken on ties in advance.
an identity of its own.
Ancient Master Bards of DSney
There was a time when songs in The Book of MCkey were
Dangerous and powerful, these cultists are indeed the living
sung across land and sea in praise of the Petty Gods. Most of
bones of the ancient bards of DSney. How many remain within
the melodies from that golden age are now forever lost, leaving
the vault is uncertain, although it is rare for more than three to
only fragmented poetry. These poems are chanted by the mas-
appear at one time. Even then it is only their luminous eyes that
ter bards in a fervent desperate hope of returning the Petty Gods
are visible, glittering jewels of light in the perpetual darkness of
and their lost empire to former glory. For example, The Cheerful
the vault. When they speak it is in dead, emotionless tones that
Chant of Promiscuous Promise:
sound far off, as if from a distant void. All they want is payment
Oh MCkey, youre so fine for their intellectual property.
Youre so fine you blow my mind
Hey MCkey, hey MCkey


Cult of Eternal Culthood Well-known Cultists of Eternal Culthood

The following legendary figures were (at one time or another)
& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. members of the Cult of Eternal Culthood:
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Golywn the Gobbler: Widely known as a glutton and
The Cult of Eternal Culthood considers itself an anti-cult, in cannibal, as well as a worshiper of most epicurean gods,
that they do not dedicate themselves to a single god, nor do they Golwyn was believed to have eaten all the members of
profess a common creed. Instead, they welcome all types of his congregation in an act of worship to his gods.
worshipers, regardless of their beliefs.
Ristophel the Conflicted: Ristophel was a lawful cleric
It is the goal of the Cult of Eternal Culthood for its members to who fell madly in love with the succubus Sicahael (and
search their personal means of spiritual growth and expression. she with him). In order for them to be able to worship
For some, this is peaceful meditation and prayer; for others, this together, Ristophel and Scahael joined the Cult of Eter-
means nihilism and meaningless acts of aggression; for others, nal Culthood congregation of Blackbloom Forest in the
this means the sacrificing of innocents in order to bring about town of Tepos. This was, of course, all a ruse on the part
the apocalypse. The Cult of Eternal Culthood holds this spirital of Sicahael who charmed the entire congregation into
and intellectual freedom in high regard, and seeks to be as inclu- her service, but not before she gave birth to Ristophels
sive and pluralist as possible. This means it is the responsibility sonGolwyn the Gobbler.
of all members of the cult to gain insight from the practices of all
its members (e.g., it is the responsibility of the peaceful medita- Samdel Flustergull: Flustergull is widely known by
tor to appreciate the sacrificing of innocents, and derive insight the general public as the alchemist who discovered the
from such acts). For this reason, no practice, belief, method, or potential of the common potato for producing potions
god is taboo. In fact, each is considered sacred. granting the ability to cast lightning bolt spells. How-
ever, Flustergull is better known by Cultists of Eternal
The Dotted Disc Culthood for developing The Infinite Orisona sort
of neverending form of prayer in which the worshi-
Though all symbols are welcomed and appreciated, the most
per dedicates him or herself to a different petty god
common symbol of the Cult of Eternal Culthood is the dotted
each and every day. It was Flustergulls belief that only
disc. This disk has a large raised dot at its center, surrounded by
by worshiping different gods can one understand that
a ring of smaller dots. The central dot symbolizes the individual
none of them are truly gods.
and his or her beliefs, while the outer dots represent the other
members and their beliefs, creeds, and practices. The dots are Omitus: It was Omitus who, centuries ago, touted claims
then enclosed by the ring of the disc, to depict its inclusiveness. to be an aspect of the Jale God. He personally gathered
more than 5,000 members to his congretation with the
Organized Worship message, We are all aspects of the Jale God. We must
Though all members of the Cult of Eternal Culthood are encour- therefore worship all others as aspects of the Jale God,
aged to worship as they see fit and at any time they choose, and in turn be worshiped as an aspect of the Jale God.
those who choose to worship as a group must don a gray robe It is unknown whether Omitus was truly an aspect of the
of all acceptance, light a torch of spritual inclusiveness, and Jale God, but given the persisting rumors which claim he
gather around a representative who holds the dotted disc, as the is still alive, it does not seem entirely implausable.
congregation chants the following phrase* for hours on end:
Wrexenfex the Indecisive: Wrexenfex has long been
Oh-wah-tah-f-lye-am. held as the founder of the Cult of Eternal Culthood. It was
Wrexenfex who was searching for the answer to life, the
It is not uncommon for one of these worship services to end in a universe, and everything, when he became so wrapped
bloodbath as a nihilistic cult member proceeds to murder those in his own thoughts he succumbed to catatonia. People
around him (many of whom kneel pacifistically and meditate as gathered around himsome seeking the same and oth-
they die). ers touting their own religions (in hopes that Wrexenfex
would choose that religion). The cult formed organically
*Please note, all Cultists of the Eternal Culthood are careful
from that original gathering.
to never refer to this phrase as a mantra, credo, hymn, psalm,
incantation or songreferring to it simply as the phrase. Related Entries: G) Jale God.


Cult of Llegh When first encountered, a cultist of Llegh may be mistaken for
some form of fleshy golem or automaton. This misconception
& Mike Carlson Davis may continue when, after being damaged, the body of the cultist
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. begins healing itself (at a rate of 2 hp per round). While their cur-
rent physical forms have their origins in experiments similar to
When the necromancer Llegh created his crypt, and used his those used to create golems, however, each cultist is a normal,
abilities to achieve undeath, his place of interment became a living sentient being (if subjecting oneself to such flesh-grafts can
magnet for explorers, adventurers and treasure seekers wishing be considered normal).
to make their fortunes. A side benefit of this was an explosion in
the markets of the nearby village of Lakewallow, with taverns, Due to the constant replacement of the physical portions of
smiths, liveries and general goods stores seeing their revenues their bodies, each cultist has achieved an effective immortal-
increase with the influx of outsiders making a stab at Lleghs ity. The cult endeavors to capture as many enemies in combat
crypt. Among the people of Lakewallow, a small faction saw as possible, providing further fresh material for their body part
this boon not as a side effect, but as the intent of Llegh, and stores. The cult does not limit itself to a humanoid supply of
have, in the years since the creation of the crypt, developed a body parts, and many an adventurer has returned to Lakewal-
religious following of the lich. These cultists, unlike the treasure low and Lleghs crypt only to be confronted by a cultist with the
hunters who brave it, know the secret of the entrance to the body parts of a favorite animal companion or familiar. (It is this
crypt, and are able to enter and leave at their leisure. ability to incorporate parts from various creatures that allows a
cultist to have variable stats.)
With the discovery of Lleghs labs, and his early experiments
in necromancy, members of his cult began to experiment in When encountered within the crypt of Llegh, any group of four
body modification and redesign. Their undead god (who, as cultists will include one priest of 3rd Level. A group of eight cult-
all proper gods, has never been seen by a member of the cult) ists will have a single priest of 5th level and a 5HD champion.
left significant records on the subject of vivisection, the reanima- When encountered in their temple lair, the cultists are led by a 7th
tion of flesh, and the bonding of organs and limbs from differ- level high-priest, three 5th level priests, and two champions).
ent sources into one creature. As a result, each Cultist of Llegh
* If the cultist has grafted wings onto their body.
resembles a strange mish-mash of mismatched body parts and
scar tissue, which they take great pains to cover and disguise
when outside the crypt complex.

Cultist of Llegh
NO. APP.: 1d6 (3d6)
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 90' (30')
FLY: 60' (20')*
Armor Class: 4
Hit DICE: 2-5
Attacks: 1-4 (claw or weapon)
Damage: Varies
Save: F2-5 (by HD)
Morale: 8
Hoard Class: VI
XP: 38-500

2 81

Cult of the Obsidian Mirror ostentatious) farewell, they will find an excuse to reenter the
temple and use small devices called perfect mirrors to assume
& John Everett Till the semblances of a senior temple priest and some other temple
F Keith Henderson functionary, such as the chief of the temple guard. The persons
whose guises they acquire are each imprisoned within one of
They are known by their lies, rather than by the gods they the perfect mirrors. The captured victims face is always visible
pretend to worship; those are many. as a smoky reflection in these small obsidian mirrors, so the
cultists keep the mirrors carefully hidden on their persons at all
The Cult of the Obsidian Mirror has long been suspected of
times after taking on the guise of their victims.
being the agent of one or more pariah deities. Indeed, the cult
practices a species of dark ecumenism. It recruits from the After the sorcerer-priest and cult warrior have ensconced them-
cults of gods associated with sorcery, trickery, and discord. The selves within the temple hierarchy, they will select and groom
cults followers map and pursue the spiritual invasion routes an accomplice from within the temple they are subverting. This
between worlds (more on this in the Deepest Secrets section recruit is usually a temple initiate or junior priest of level 1-3.
at the end of the cult description), infiltrating and subverting The sorcerer-priest will offer the initiate what they desire most,
other temples, stealing their secrets, and directing the temples whether that be power, secret knowledge, or participation in
they subvert toward some hidden greater purpose. illicit rites and pleasures. (Often, all of these are offered, as this
makes it easier to bind the initiate to the sorcerer-priests will.)
Great gods implicated in the cult include:
The initiate will appear to rise quickly in the favor of the temple
Tezcatlipoca, the Jaguar Lord of Night Winds, leadership, and soon takes on a subsidiary but important lead-
Sorcery, Discord, and Rulership; and Master of the ership role in their temple hierarchy.
Heartless Dead
Cult Leadership
The Jale God, He That Sits in Unbearable Splendor,
the Cosmic Trickster of Fate and Fortune The hierarchy of the Cult of the Obsidian Mirror is ill-defined,
although the cults primary text, the Book of the Litany of the
Carrefour, Dark Lord of the Crossroads, Rum, Night Wind lists many cultic titles. Some have suggested that
and Gunpowder the cult is structured more like a fungal rhizomatic network
Chixulub, the Goddess of Decaying than the tree-like hierarchy found in most temples. Similarly, it
Orbits, and Shepherd of the Tzitzimine Star Demons is unknown whether the cult has a headquarters. Its most vis-
ible members are the nomadic sorcerer-priest/cult warrior pair
Tlacotani, Lord of Sudden Inundation who travel in disguise.
particularly in his urban aspect as the Lord of
Sudden Victory and Reversal of Fortunes in Divine Items
theological and factional disputes Perfect Mirror: Each sorcerer-priest and warrior of the Cult
Wicked Skein, petty goddess of unwelcome messages, of the Obsidian Mirror has on their person a small obsidian
a notorious plunderer of libraries and record-houses, hand-mirror called a perfect mirror. This device of the ancients
vector of rumors and disinformation is a gateway to a pocket dimension prison which works identi-
cally to a mirror of life trapping. However, only one person at
Cult Personnel and Practices a time may be trapped. The trapped persons voice and ap-
Members of the cult typically travel as a pair consisting of a sor- pearance is immediately taken on by the user of the perfect
cerer-priest (a magic-user or cleric) of 7th-9th level, and a sea- mirror. The entrapped persons face can be seen in the mirror
soned cult warrior of 4-5th level. The DM may select one of the as a smoky apparition. In addition, two or more individuals
deities above, or choose another god of discord as the secret who each possess perfect mirrors can communicate with each
object of worship of the sorcerer-priest and the warrior com- other by speaking into their mirrors; this effect has a range of
panion. The cult warrior invariably bears the scars of jaguar up to 300'.
bites or claws, and can shapeshift into the form of a panther. Book of the Litany of the Night Wind: Every sorcerer-
The pair will arrive at the temple of another god they desire to priest of the Cult of the Obsidian Mirror has a copy of this
infiltrate (typically, but by no means exclusively, the temple of a magical text, which functions as the sorcerer-priests spell
god of knowledge), playing the role of: book, as well as being the primary religious text of the Cult of
the Obsidian Mirror. This is a long, thin accordion-style book
A scholar-priest from a distant branch of the of folded pages. Many pages appear to be lists of items (e.g.,
temple, and his temple warrior escort stars, worlds, gods, minions, creatures) that are important to
the cult, and it has often been suggested that the many lists in
A pair of religious pilgrims the Litany are a kind of shopping list for the cult. Many pages
A noble or wealthy merchant patron of the temple, also have diagrams that look similar to organizational charts.
and his warrior escort At least one page of the book is inscribed with a symbol of
conflict rune, and another with a symbol of insanity as a nasty
The pair will request temporary residence in the temple, seek surprise for those who might seek to steal the cults secrets.
spiritual advice from the temples masters, request the use of
Jale Tears: Small faceted gems of sublime color, jale tears
temple resources (such as its libraries), participate in the classes
and colloquia of the temples schools, and seek the opportunity are crystalline drops of the Jale Gods divine sweat as his fe-
to participate in the ritual life of the temple. After a visit of vered body rubs up against the Skin of Reality. These gems
reasonable length, both the sorcerer-priest and the cult warrior are rarely more than 2-3 mm in diameter. They manifest as
will bid their hosts adieu. Shortly after their public (and often a patina on the walls of the Jale Gods hidden shrines; once

2 82

that happens, Jale Tears can be harvested for use elsewhere. assassination to gain their prize, or poison everyone in a tem-
Members of the Cult of the Obsidian Mirror offer these gems ple or palace in order to secure a smoking mirror engine, and
as tokens of favor or as bribes. More than one temple novice keep it under their absolute and exclusive control. Indeed, they
has been corrupted and brought under the cults sway thanks may release a plague that kills an entire city or town to conceal
to these gems. When ingested, a jale tear greatly enhances the their discovery.
subjects libido and potency for a period of 24 hours. At the
same time, the subjects judgment, discretion, and restraint are What do the cultists do with these devices? When a smoking
dramatically impaired due to intrusive and persistent thoughts mirror engine is discovered, cultists will seek to awaken the de-
that are dreamlike, feverish, and voluptuous.* The subjects vice, and connect it to the other engines in the network. Often
Charisma and Constitution modifiers temporarily increase to such gates connect only to a single mirror on another world. But
+4, while their Wisdom modifier drops to -6. more rarely, a smoking mirror engine will open onto an entire
mirror gallery that connects to dozens or hundreds of worlds.
Eye of Lord Tezcatlipoca: In any group of cultists, one
individual (usually the sorcerer-priest) may have access to this Why are the smoking mirror engines so important? The Book
device of the ancients. The Eye can activate any gate in the of the Litany of the Night Wind contains a few tantalizing
network of smoking mirror engines (see Divine Items section) hints about this. One litany suggests the network of mirrors
opening a portal to a smoking mirror engine at another loca- is not only a means of physical transport between worlds; the
tion in the same world, another world, or to an entirely differ- gate network creates spiritual invasion routes. These routes
ent plane. The gate remains open for 3 rounds. Once opened, make it easier for the gods, minions, and occult energies as-
anyone may pass through. (For greater detail on Eyes, see the sociated with the Cult of the Obsidian Mirror to move between
Divine Items section.) worlds, as well as magnify their influence and power on worlds
linked by the Engines. A second and perhaps more ominous
Minions notion suggested by the Litany is that once a certain number
of mirror galleries are networked to each other, a new intel-
Common summonable minions of the Cult of the Obsidian Mir- ligence will awaken and arise: a god even darker, more decep-
ror include the ahuizotl, divine auditors, heartless dead, and the tive, and discordant than the gods the cult venerates today.
tzitzimine star demons (see Minions, Knights & Servitors
section). Each sorcerer-priests Book of the Litany of the Night * From A Voyage to Arcturus (1920) by David Lindsay.
Wind gives them access to one or more cult spells used to sum-
mon a specific type of minion. Related Entries: G) Chicxulub, Jale God, Tlacotani, Wicked
Skein; M) Ahuizotl, Divine Auditors, Heartless Dead, Tzitz-
Secret Aims imine; D) Book of the Litany of the Night Wind, Eyes (Eye of
Lord Tezcatlipoca), Perfect Mirror, Smoking Mirror Engine.
When the three cultists have become fully ensconced within the
temples hierarchy and bureaucracy, the real work begins. The
temples records are plundered for magical secrets, such as the
routes between the temple and the spirit realms or planes that
are important to that temples god. Temple vaults and treasur-
ies are trawled for artifacts, especially for those devices of the
ancients that can detect or control gates. Such items are invari-
ably stolen. Similarly, the three will secretly explore the hidden
shrines, ritual spaces, and labyrinths within and below a temple,
seeking out gates and nexus points between the dimensions. If
they find imprisoned gods or demons in these precincts, they
may strike a favorable bargain with these beings in exchange
for their release.
As these investigations occur, subtle changes begin to manifest
within the temple. Discord arises within the hierarchy; clerical
and scholarly fortunes rise and fall; unwholesome, heterodox
ideas spring up among the scholar-priests; initiates begin break-
ing temple taboos; the temples patrons start making unreasona-
ble demands; the effigies of temple saints begin to jabber. These
useful distractions often make it easier for the Cult of the Obsid-
ian Mirror to carry out its investigations and pilfering. However
sometimes these disturbances become a tumult, sparking reli-
gious riots, interventions by the civil authorities, plagues, and
inquisitions. Sometimes the infiltrators get caught.

Deepest Secrets
The single greatest interest of the Cult of the Obsidian
Mirror is the discovery of smoking mirror engines on
other worlds. Often these items are hidden within
temples and palaces, or in the Underworlds near
such places. When cultists locate one of these
items, all bets are off. The cultists may resort to


Cult of the White Shadow the Despised will be given the food of the shadow (see entry in
the Divine Items section). An individual member of The De-
& Charles Turnitsa spised is called only Scum, and accompanied by a number.
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. By vow and oath, the Despised are not allowed to speak, and
often have vile, filthy rags tied around their mouths.
Swords of the Shadow
The Cult of the White Shadow is dedicated to serving the shad-
ow wyrms (daemons of the Lady of the Airan ancient chaos NO. APP.: 1d6
god that appears in images as a blob of tentacles poised over the Alignment: Chaotic
earth). A shadow wyrm appears as the vast shadowy body of a Movement: 90' (30')
giant man-wyrm. A shadow wyrm has a lower snake-like body,
Armor Class: 3
with pairs of clawed legs appearing out of the body at intervals,
a humanoid torso with arms and wings, and a curious cobra- Hit DICE: 4
hooded head with hollow black eyes. It is said that to look into Attacks: 3 attacks every 2 rounds (broadsword)
the eyes of a shadow wyrm is to lose your soul. Damage: 2d4+4
Membership comes from a nomination, which to be accepted, Save: F4
must be from an individual who has renounced the established Morale: 10
religions, and whom has dedicated him/herself to the path of Hoard Class: Individuals: none
following the cults pursuit of knowledge about the White Shad- Leader: 25% magic item (allowed fighters)
ow, the shadow wyrms, and The Originator of ShadowThe XP: 80 (135 w/ poison)
Lady of the Air.
There are times when a mission calls for better trained mem-
A nominant to the cult must serve as such for a period of at bers of the cult than The Despised. In those instances they are
least one year before being allowed membership. During that often warriors known as the Swords of the Shadow.
time, nominants are requested to perform increasingly horrible
acts, intended to make life difficult for those around them who Swords of the Shadow are human warriors, specialized in the
are not of the cult, as well as being entrusted to forward the use of the broadsword (THAC0:13). They will occasionally also
campaign of fear and terror the cult pursues. carry darts (standard) which may be poisoned with a burning
blood poison (save vs. poison, or take 1d6 per round, for three
After one year, a nominant can present themself for recogni- rounds, plus suffer a 2 to hit penalty during that period).
tion as a cultist. They must have performed some horrible deed,
which they then can brag about at a council of local elders, in Mind of the Shadow
order to impress them in pursuance of membership.
NO. APP.: 1
There are several levels of cultists, from the lowly simple thugs Alignment: Chaotic
(The Despised), up through the warrior types (Swords of the
Movement: 90' (30')
Shadow), to mission leaders (Minds of the Shadow), assassins
(Claws of the Shadow), priests/priestesses (Fists of the Shad- Armor Class: 8
ow), and sorcerers (Flames of the Shadow). Though individual Hit DICE: 4-8 (varies)
cultists of any degree may vary in level (and HD), members of Attacks: 1 (knife or mindblast)
The Despised will rarely be above 3rd level. All members of the Damage: 1d4 or 2d6 (see special)
cult, regardless of type or level, will be of chaotic alignment.
Save: M4-M8 (by HD)
Furthermore, while doing the business of their cult, all cultists
are robed in simple gray robes (again, regardless of level). Morale: 10
Hoard Class: Doses of food of the shadow
The Despised (see below)
NO. APP.: 2d6 (or as a mission master XP: 135-1,060
from the Cult decrees)
The Swords of the Shadow are led by the blind masters known
Alignment: Chaotic as the Minds of the Shadow. There will never be more than
Movement: 90' (30') one Mind of the Shadow on a single mission, regardless of
Armor Class: 5 what other types of cultists are present. Such a leader leads via
Hit DICE: 2 mental awareness and telepathy (the results of long and tortur-
ous treatments by dedicated sorcerers). They lose both their
Attacks: 1 (trademark spiky flail)
eyesight, and the ability to cast spells, in return for mental gifts
Damage: 1d8+2 the cult bestows on them.
Save: T2
The Mind of the Shadow is completely blind, but is in constant
Morale: 8
communication with any Swords of the Shadow or Despised
Hoard Class: 2d6gp each under his command. The Mind of the Shadow is not affected
XP: 20 by being in the dark, or any other adverse visibility conditions
(including being attacked from the flank or rear), and halves the
The Despised undergo special magical conditioning which negatives applied to those it controls. A party lead by a Mind of
gives them a +2 on all saving throws. Occasionally, some of the Shadow is never surprised.


The mind blast of the Minds of the Shadow has no effect at all Shadow Clutch: Use of this spell allows the caster to summon
on any type of fey creature, elf or otherwise. It does affect the 1d6 shadow snake warriors, which will remain in the world
intelligent much more than those less gifted in that area. Apply and do the bidding of their summoner (with appropriate
the number of additional languages that the target is able to bribes of blood from warm-blooded intelligent victims), for a
learn as a bonus to the damage done by the mind blast attack. period of time up to 1 day per level of the spell caster. The
true strength of the spell seems to be when it is simultane-
Claws, Fists, and Flames of the Shadow ously cast by up to five clerics (a group of five is referred to
In addition to the standard membership of the cult, there are as a clutch). With each additional caster past the first, the
assassins (Claws of the Shadow), priests (Fists of the Shadow), number of dice of shadow snake warriors that are retrieved
and sorcerers (Flames of the Shadow). Each Claw, Fist or Flame from the shadow dimensions is doubled. So, with two clerics,
of the Shadow is an individual of reasonably high level (usually there are 2 dice, with three clerics there are 4 dice, with four
near or above title level for their profession) who have turned to clerics there are 8 dice, and with five clerics there are 16 dice
the service of the Cult. Within the cult, they are treated as indi- worth of shadow snakes retrieved. An appropriate number
viduals and, as such, do not come under the control of a Mind of shadow snake warrior champions and evil high priests will
of the Shadow. Magic-users and clerics of the cult are allowed also manifest.
some special spells (see below). Shadow Hunt: A victim cursed by this spell will begin to attract
Please note, detailed information for the Claws, Fists and beings from the Shadow Dimensions, who come to the world
Flames of the Shadow are not included here, as they should specifically to attack and kill (or drag back to the shadow di-
be treated as individual NPCs with varying statistics and abili- mensions, in the case of a shadow snake priest) the victim.
ties (created at the discretion of the DM). Summon Shadow Creature: This spell summons 1d6 plus the
casters level in shadow creatures.
The Earnish-Amantic & Spells of the Shadow
Very high placed cult leaders from the Cult of the White Shad- Create Shadow Creature: This spell, when cast, will transform
ow are aware of the existance of an ancient bookthe Earnish- a recently (not more than 1-day-old) deceased corpse into a
Amanticwhich contains the secrets of The Lady of the Air shadow creature.
and her shadow wyrm servants, as well as lesser beings like
shadow creatures and shadow snakes. The book itself is cursed, The Food of the Shadow
though some believe it worth risking that curse to gain knowl- The food of the shadow refers to a number of different items
edge of the foul things hidden inside. prepared from the magical leavings of shadow creatures (which
they exude when absent from the Shadow Dimension for too
Within the Cult of the White Shadow, there are circulated long). These leavings are gathered up by select members of The
rumors of specific spells within the Earnish-Amantic used to Despised and prepared according to certain magical formulae,
contact or summon shadow creatures and shadow snakes. Cer- resulting in hard small wafers which may be consumed. (See
tainly at one time, among the worshipers of The Lady of Air, Food of the Shadow in the Divine Items section.)
there were such spells, and communication with the Shadow
Dimension was quite common. Three of the spells contained Related Entries: M) Shadow Creature, Shadow Snake; D)
within the tome are as follows: Earnish-Amantic, Food of the Shadow; S) Create Shadow Crea-
ture, Shadow Clutch, Shadow Hunt, Summon Shadow Creature.


Delvers of the Golden Veins Some will delay the intruders, throwing their bodies upon the
blades, while others will fall against the Atmungsgebirgshund in
& Logan Knight supplication to be consumed.
F Logan Knight Cracking shards of primordial blue light extend from the
Hidden away in the mountains, living in whitewashed caves, Atmungsgebirgshunds belly, roots worthy of a mountain god,
away from the prying eyes of those who would call themselves and the orifices penetrating its side expand and howl like
holy, lie the Delvers of the Golden Veins. Their god is a walking rushing wind. Every Delved sacrificed on its body increases
mountain of flesh, all-consuming, ever enduring. its HD.

When the stars are deemed right, worshipping before an idol You will see a mountain walk, you will see your flesh drawn
carved into a stone wall, just when their ululations reach a fever across the room like pollen on the wind.
pitch, one of their number is blessed with transformation, al-
chemy of the soul and body. Their limbs atrophy and their back Atmungsgebirgshund
bends, their torso expands to the floor like a dropped sack, their NO. APP.: 1
skin grows dark and pocked. Their flesh is doughy and pliable, Alignment: Lawful
and it is forbidden to touch them during the transformation.
Movement: 120' (40')
Their head rots and retreats into the body, and new pink-flecked
quivering orifices open on their belly and across their sides, dis- Armor Class: 0
solving anything placed before them and breathing in the spore Hit DICE: 8 (1 HD + 1 HD per self-sacrificed Delved)
cloud into atoms. Attacks: Special
Damage: Special
This holy manifestation of their god, the Atmungsgebirgshund,
is carefully moved to a dais carved from a crop of stalagmites, Save: M23
fed, and adored. As it feeds, the Atmungsgebirgshunds body Morale: 12
becomes ever more stone-like, fracturing, forming peaks. Hoard Class: The Delveds art may be worth
something to the right person
When the stars again proclaim the time right, crowning spires of XP: 2000 HD at time of death
light grow from the pinnacle of the Atmungsgebirgshunds spine
hill, and the Delved fall upon it with pick and hands. They drink Once the first Delver has been sacrificed on its side, the At-
deeply of the golden blood that flows as they break away the mungsgebirgshund is able to digest the flesh of one creature
shards of its flesh, and they are once more blessed to live long in within 4' at the rate of 1 hp per round. Every additional sacrifice
worship amongst the mountains. increases the range by 4' and allows another creature to be con-
sumed simultaneously.
Their god does not exist. Their god is communal. Their god is
them. If they were destroyed, so too would be their god. Every round there is a 10% chance of fragmented spikes of
blue light bursting from the earth, impaling the unlucky creature
Their number never exceeds 40, and breeding is only permitted above, consuming them from within in floating blue sparks that
when another member has been lost, either by violent death or rise as the spikes retreat. Save vs. death or die.
ascension. Their memories of persecution have rooted deeply
over the ages, and any intrusion into their caves will be seen as If anyone other than a Delved attempts to drink the golden
an attack. The Delved are non-violent, though their god is not. blood of the Atmungsgebirgshund roll d6:
1 Your torso turns to stone, brittle internal walls
crack and break, youre alive as your body splits
in half and stone organs spill across the floor.
2 An atomising black hole forms in your belly,
consuming you from the inside, lasting another
hour after you have disappeared, affecting
anything that comes within 10'.
3 Roots of molten stone seep from your feet and
embed deep into the earth, your legs petrify up
to the knees. Better find a hammer.
4 For the next 4 days you gain no nutrition from
anything you eat, you grow weak, but a solid gold
nugget is forming in your belly, worth 2000 gp if
you can pass it.
5 You can hear the Breathing Mountain, you weep
at its glory, you remain in the caves to rebuild its
family and live forever. Slay any who would stand
in your way.
6 The blood of the earth fills your veins, you will
never age, decrease your Dexterity by 1 every
year that you do not drink the golden blood
of the Atmungsgebirgshund as you slowly turn
to living stone.


Listeners to Kang in the dead of night, with the promises of Kangs great hoard of
precious gold. These souls grew devout. They swore that Kang
& Eric Potter lived, and many attempted to find their brave captain deep in
F Bartlomiej Doroszko his mythical maze, but none that tried ever emerged and the
true devout Listeners to Kang have since fallen on disrepute
In the very beginning he was a common healer, a simple cleric and, at various times, scorn and ridicule.
boy of the lowest order, unknown, ordinary, completely ex-
pendable, and as such he was sent by his fabled Brotherhood of Listener to Kang
Highminded Monastics into the valleys of the great mountain
NO. APP.: 1d12
known throughout the land as Shankshill. A wicked plague had
decimated nearly all the people of these lands, and word had Alignment: Neutral
reached the sanctuary that its ruler, the great Kang, survived, Movement: 120' (40')
and had fortified himself deep beneath the mountain. Armor Class: 7
Hit DICE: 2
The cleric boy wandered through the distant, desolate lands for
many harsh seasons, laying hands on the few wretched dying Attacks: 1 (dagger)
along the way, but to no availthe gods had abandoned these Damage: 1d4 or by weapon
souls, he felt sure in his heart. On he pressed, for Kang himself Save: C2
had beckoned in need of a healer, and though all seemed hope- Morale: 8
less, his brothers had entrusted him alone in this mission.
Hoard Class: None
At long last the cleric boy found his way under Shankshill and XP: 20
to the protectors of great Kang. They were relieved to see the
wary healer, and quickly ushered him to the entrance of a great These dark-robed devout believers roam the countryside in
labyrinth which had been carved out of the mighty mountains packs seeking to expand the consciousness of others by at-
bedrock. Unfortunately, these very protectors were so sickened tempting to indoctrinate the uninitiated into listening for the
with plague they refused themselves entrance in order to save word of the great Kang. Listeners to Kang are completely si-
Kang, and the cleric boy was on his own to find his way through lent, they have removed their own tongues and use only hand
the unending maze. gestures to communicate, lest they miss a divine message from
Kang with instructions on how to navigate the great maze un-
One foot inside and a miracle occurred: a voice from the gods, der Shankshill to remove the mounds of collected gold.
leading his step around every corner and past every unmarked
crossroad. It showed him a sure and direct path to the center of Related Entries: D) Helm of Divine Conversation.
the vast labyrintha huge, circular room under an encompass-
ing dome where, across a raised dais, lay the poor figure of a
fallen warrior, still dressed for battle, his plate gleaming in the
unwavering torchlight. The crestfallen figure wore a fantastic
great helm which shone of the purest platinum and hid within
the sunken black eyes of a doomed man. The cleric wrested
the helm away and was sickened by the sight, for the plague
had devoured Kangs face, leaving the unhinged jaw hanging
unsupported, the meat rotted like sickened chattel. It was then
that the youthful cleric knew that the gentle leading voice had
come not from the gods, but from Kang himself. The cleric
boy asked how this was so. Kang pulled down this platinum
helm and his voice ran smooth as glass through the boys mind.
It was the power of the helm to commune through thought
alone. This great helm was the power of Kang.
The cleric boy had a small but quite sinister thought for such
an insignificant childthe power of the helm could be his own,
and so he removed the great helm from the dying head of
great Kang. This wicked little priest sat back on his haunch and
watched this great Kangs demise.
Then a new great Kang sent his voice through thin air and for
many, many years his followers sent in wild game at the head
of the maze, with flasks of ale and water and sacks of gold tied
in nooses around their supple necks, and they waited patiently
for Kang to emerge, though he never did.
Eventually the voice of Kang the Communer grew faint and
finally most of those whose generations had miraculously sur-
vived that wretched plague assumed their once great leader
had succumbed to old age, or worse.
However, there were those who occasionally heard a faint
whisper, a half word, a weak whimper echoing in their heads

2 87

Order OPossimium stay are expected to make a donation, or assist with

maintaining the shrine.
& Tim Shorts Healing. On occasion, a priest will provide healing, but
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. it requires a donation or the completion of a task (see
Secrets of Possimium).
History of the Order
Very little is known regarding Possimiums origin. His mark Birth and Death Ceremonies. The shrines of Pos-
upon history and within the pantheons has been slight. There simium are approved by most other temples to perform
are mentions of Possimium as far back as 300 years ago, but birth and death ceremonies should someone be without
texts found in the ancient ruins (estimated to be over 1,500 the services of their own temple. However, some con-
years old) make mention of a Postimius; scholars debate sider it bad luck to have a child blessed by a holy man
these texts, with many believing this is the original name of the of Possimium.
god of nocturnal creatures. If Postimius and Possimium are one
and the same, this would make him one of the eldest gods. Secrets of Possimium Shrines
The Shrines of Possimium always have a large secret
In the past, Possimium has had several symbols by which he
storage area beneath. Here they stock up on food, ale,
was known. Today, his predominant holy symbol is a pair of
weapons and other items. Each shrine will have a spe-
possum eyes peering from a dark moon. The faithful of Pos-
cialty that they collect. They gather these things quietly
simium wear brass pendants of this symbol, and standards
and secretly. Often, if someone needs healing, part of
bearing the symbol may be found in his shrines.
the agreement will be to collect more of these items to
be stored in the shrine. Parsons do this for times of fam-
Philosophy of the Order
ine and war. They provide to keep their faithful safe.
Possimium promotes to do what one must do to survive.
Generally, this means followers of Possimium are nonviolent. Parsons rely on the assistance of others to keep their
Instead, they are good at using their wits to get out of bad shrines in good repair and their store rooms full. Pos-
situations. Possimium takes no sides in times of war and his simium grants each Parson with the ability to cast a mi-
followers assist whoever is the current ruler, army or person of nor geas once per week. The quest or goal should not
standing in their shrine. take more than a few days to complete, nor be more
valuable than 100 sp. The geas will not work on an
Servants of Possimium unwilling person. Should a person agree to do the task,
the geas provides a +1 to all rolls during the quest.
Servants of Possimium use the word cleric as a catch-all phrase
for anyone in the service of Possimium, but the those who run Parsons are selected by Possimium himself. The god
the shrines are referred to as parsons, and those in his serv- often appears as a small group of a single type of crea-
ice are referred to as faithful. The Possimium faith is struc- ture. For example, a faithful may find eight possums
tured around a council of regional parsons. This may sometimes sleeping outside his home in a nearby tree, or a colony
only include two or three parsons in hundreds of miles. These of bats swirling over his head. However, in all instances,
counsels gather once every few years. While each shrine runs the person will hear the quiet voice of Possimium stat-
independently, they are all similar in their way of services and ing that he or she has been chosen. This is usually the
handling of issues. Once a parson passes on, one of the faithful only time a parson will meet Possimium directly.
takes up the gray cincture and becomes the new parson.
Related Entries: G) Possimium.
Parsons wear gray clothing and during rituals they will wear a
heavy gray cowl. No matter their dress, they will always wear
the gray cincture that represents their position. The faithful
wear normal clothingthere is nothing to make them stand
out, other than that most will wear a pendant of Possimium.

Shrines of Possimium
Possimium has very few shrines dedicated to him. One of his
shrines will most often share space in large temples dedicated
to a better-known god of the night. There are, however, some
shrines dedicated solely to Possimium. These shrines are kept
humble, as to not gain attention (as are the dress and the man-
ner of people that are attracted to serve Possimium). These
shrines are always found in between other places, are most
often constructed of wood, and are usually located near trees.
Those who visit the shrines can expect some of the following
hospitalities and services:
A meal. The shrine will provide one small meal to any
visitor, regardless of belief.
A bed. The shrine will allow those who have been kind
in the past to stay for up to three nights. Those who


Pallid Court Cult Activities

The major goal of each tatter of the Pallid Court is the at-
& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. tainment of additional power for The Yellow King through the
They are the Whisperers in the Darkness, the Brothers of the ritual sacrifice of children (particularly newborns).
Yellow Sign, the Hands of the Yellow Kingthey are the Pal- The cult tends to operate near large cities where the numbers
lid Court, worshipers of the The Yellow King (an aspect of the of unwed mothers tends to be higher (as these victims are more
Jale God). likely to go unnoticed). Cult members will offer expectant moth-
ers all of the accommodations they might need (e.g., a place to
Organization stay, assistance with birthing, etc.) and take them in (usually a
The Pallid Court is a tentacled organization rumored to have small, unassuming house not too far from the actual cult lair).
71 tatters (a term used to honor the tattered robe worn by As the woman goes into labor, the cult members (usually a
the Yellow King)one tatter for each copy of the Tome of the group of Whelps) will shuffle her off to the cult lair, where the
Yellow King that is supposed to exist. (While it is likely safe to entire throng will be found gathered around the central altar,
assume that some of these tatters possess a copy of the tome, waiting for the birth and the subsequent sacrifice.
it is by no means a given that all tatters possess one; it is more
likely to assume that those tatters that do not have one are in The sacrifices not only feed the power of The Yellow King, but
the search to possess one.) to the tatters Elder and Counselors (which explains their ironic
vigor and strength in spite of their age).
Each tatter is named to honor The King in Yellow, but also to
identify themselves as a tatter separate from the others. A few In addition to the ongoing sacrifices, each tatter is constantly
of the tatters known to exist are: seeking additional Whelps for its numbers (see above).

The Pallid Circle Pallid Court Members

The Pallid Cloak Elder Counselor
The Pallid Crown NO. APP.: 1 1d2 (1d10+10)
The Pallid Hoard Alignment: Chaotic Chaotic
The Pallid Mask Movement: 180' (60') 150' (50')
The Pallid Shadow Armor Class: 6 7
The Pallid Throne Hit DICE: 4 3
The Pallid Torch Attacks: 1 (dagger +2 1 (dagger +1
The Pallid Touch or spell as or spell as
3rd level Cleric) 2nd level Cleric
The Pallid Wing
Damage: 1d4+2 1d4+1
The organization of each tatter is gerontocratic, with the eldest or by spell or by spell
member of the tatter holding the highest position within it as Save: C4 C3
Pallid Elder. The standard age for a Pallid Elder is 99+ years. Morale: 12 11
Directly beneath the Pallid Elder are the Pallid Counselors Hoard Class: XV VI
those tatter members who are younger than the Pallid Elder, but XP: 135 65
have reached an age of no less than 79 years old. The number
of Pallid Counselors for each tatter usually ranges from 10 to 20 Deacon Whelp
members. Collectively, the Pallid Counselors are known as the NO. APP.: 1d4 (3d10) 3d6 (10d10)
Pallid Council. Although the Pallid Elder acts as the leader for Alignment: Chaotic Chaotic
the tatter, he or she will often turn to the Pallid Council for their Movement: 120' (40') 120' (40')
advice; this is, of course, in times of lucidity for the Pallid Elder,
Armor Class: 8 9
given that members of the Pallid Court as a whole are subject to
the madness that comes with old age. Hit DICE: 2 1
Attacks: 1 (dagger 1 (dagger)
Those members of a tatter that have reached at least 49 years or spell as
of age, but have not yet reached the age to become a Pallid 1st level Cleric)
Counselor, are known as Pallid Deacons. These Deacons are Damage: 1d4 1d4
concerned with running the ongoing activities of each tatter. or by spell
Those members of a tatter who are 48 years and younger Save: C2 C1
are known as Pallid Whelps, an intentionally demeaning term. Morale: 10 9
There is no limit on how young a Whelp may be. Given that Hoard Class: V I
the madness of old age is rare among those young enough
XP: 29 10
to be a Whelp, one of the major goals of each tatter is re-
cruiting younger membersan activity that consists of little
more than exposing the Yellow Sign to unsuspecting victims, Related Entries: G) Jale God, Yellow King; S) Jaundice
forcing them into madness, then pulling those victims in as Veil, Pallid Veil.
newborns to the tatter.


Society of the Serpent Insitor is a lawful god (alternately lawful neutral in dual-axis align-
ment systems); he takes no side in the arguments of good and
& Josh Graboff evil, but the rigorous and structured nature of study means that
F Stefan Poag he is a lawful god. He rewards his followers with breakthroughs
in their learning. While Quilian is the patron god of learning and
Location: The Three Kingdoms, Essad, Dorlan scholarship, Insitor is the patron of knowledge in general. The
Alignment: Chaotic two gods often poach on one anothers portfolios (and Glyrea
often intervenes with their small-scale sniping).
Secret Signs: The Self-devouring Serpent,
wearing loops of gold and jade Those who are members of the Insitorian cult generally are schol-
ars who, for whatever reason, are not attracted to the worship
The Society of the Serpent is blessed by a trio of three little- of Quilian. However, as a tutelary deity he is often present even
worshipped gods: Glyrea, her son-servant Insitor, and Sernis. in heavily Quilian institutions. Many scholars keep an icon of
The Societys purpose isnt simply to worship these three, how- Insitor on their writing tables or in their libraries to provide them
ever. The Society of the Serpent more than anything lusts after with the divine inspiration necessary to acquire knowledge.
knowledge, of which the Serpent is the prime symbol and advo-
cate. The Society is composed of people from all walks of life, Glyrea is the ancient Gigantine goddess of serpents and, by
though an overwhelming majority of its members are well-off. extension, venoms and poisons. She is generally considered to
Members of the society are all seekers after knowledge, laugh- be an unpleasant goddess and is blamed for the Maedar and
ingly eschewing the way the servants of Quilian Knowais share Medusae (which may actually be her creations, or those of Ula-
that great power with everyone they meet. Instead, the Society gas the Potter, the texts are unclear). Her temples are often kept
dedicates itself to the secrecy of learning, the hoarding of lore. out of public sight because of their reputation, though in Essad
For this reason, and their serpentine mythology, they often call the worship of Glyrea is not an affair requiring secrecy.
themselves the Wyrms.
Glyrea is a chaotic goddess (alternately lawful evil in dual-axis
Most members of the Society are clerics, wizards, and scholars. alignment systems). She expects her followers to obey very rigid
However, anyone who wishes to learn things and keep them strictures and to comport themselves as members of whatev-
secret are welcome. The Society often works with the priests of er society to which they belong. However, she also advocates
Glyrea, Sernis, and Insitor. These three gods are considered the personal advancement and the acquisition of personal goals
tutelary deities of its members. through means that are sometimes... unpleasant.

Day to Day Activities: Members of the Society go about their Glyrean temples tend to be entwined with serpentine motifs,
everyday lives. Merchants ply their wares, wizards study magic, and Glyrean priests strive to emulate her servant-son Insitor in
and the clerics of the three cults preach their word. Being a the acquisition and cultivation of serpent-like features and at-
member of the Society of the Serpent doesnt generally change titudes. They are often languid until roused to anger and then
ones outward behavior. quick to strike. It is a well known fact that Glyrean priests often
poison the little knives they keep tucked into their bracers and
Important Ceremonies sleeves: it may be that this very practice is what created the so-
called Milean Greeting of clasping forearms.
The Society is organized into Circles or Rings, each of which
is composed of anywhere between three and fifteen members. What isnt commonly known is the true extent to which Glyrean
The Circles meet in secret locations and are technically not sup- priests will and have gone to perfect themselves into servants
posed to know each others identities. They wear masks and of the goddess. Inner Cult members of Glyrea have met with
have a solemn intonation of Sernis pronounced over their meet- clerics who no longer seem quite... human. Indeed, the Glyrean
ings. Circles generally share a common interest of inquiry; Cir- cult propagates a secret population of yuan-ti in their innermost
cles of wizards are common, as are cabals of merchants seeking circles and all great high priests must attempt to undergo the
to defeat mercantile opponents. Exchange of knowledge is kept transformation.
strictly on the basis of other members of the Circle. Those from
a foreign Circle may expect warm feelings and shelter but gener- Sernis is the Milean god of secrets, ambition, and thieves. His
ally not the sharing of private knowledge. presence in the Society is less integral to the goals of the Wyrms
but extremely important to their protections. Sernis name is
Of course, things are never that simple. Circles often also en- invoked at every meeting and any exchange of knowledge or
gage in strange rites to Insitor and Glyrea to invoke the acquisi- information. He is the watcher who protects the secrecy of the
tion of new knowledge. Identities are invariably revealed due to efforts of the Circle.
the necessity of making contact outside of Circle meetings, and
special signs and badges signify membership within the King- Sernis himself is a chaotic god (alternately neutral evil in dual-
doms, Essad, and Dorlan. To that end, most members of other axis alignment systems). He cares nothing for the so-called rule,
Circles can reasonably request knowledge from other Circles nor for any concept of order or disobedience to it. His only do-
if they share something important or commit themselves to a main is the protection and exchange of secrets and the personal
service in return. ambition of the driven. For this reason he is a favorite amongst
thieves and cutpurses as well as merchants of high station.
The Societies Gods
Sernean priests are bound to wear masks when serving their
Insitor is the chief amongst the gods worshipped by the So- station and in like form, the members of a circle all obscure their
ciety. He is the son-servant of Glyrea, and the spawn of the faces when meeting. Another practice observed by the Sernean
ancient ages of the world when it was ruled by the giants, the clergy and Inner Cult is the sacrifice of secrets. That is, the
wyrms, and the trolls. He is often represented as a serpent or a supplicant whispers his secret not to the cleric but to a Sernean
man of vaguely serpentine appearance. altar or idol, thus informing Sernis himself of the secret and


adding it to his ever-growing bank of knowledge. This practice is the gnomish and halfling river-barges that ply the Old River. A
also imitated by the Circle, often substituting a small holy symbol man of considerable wealth and means, he runs the Graspers
or wooden icon for a full altar. like a lord rules over his fief. With so many important people in
his purse, it is difficult to imagine anyone assaulting his position
A Sample Circle: The Graspers of Agstowe of temporal power.
This circle comprises most of the members of the Society in Ag- Hariot presents a charming face to the world. In meetings of the
stowe. Like all Circles of the Society, the Graspers are secretive Graspers he is a completely different person. His goals are far-
and keep the numbers and identities of their members private. reaching: to forcibly take the secrets of the Glyrean priesthood
The Circle was founded by the Oldport merchant Gildas Hariot and use them to slay or drive out the Red Wyrm of Agstowe and
(level 16 human thief), and he continues to dominate its day to take its treasures and secrets for himself. Everyone else is but a
day functions as well as dictate the roles of those below him. tool in his path to ascension, including his wife Ermentrude and
The Circle of the Graspers has a particular approach to the his daughter Linette.
methods of the Society. Hariot believes in the power of Glyrea Seferygis Serpentcrown: (15th level human magic-user;
and Insitor to reveal truths, but he does not believe they simply neutral in single-axis alignment; neutral good in dual-axis
must be passively worshipped. Any secrets the Graspers have alignment) The wizard called Seferygis Serpentcrown was
uncovered havent been paid for in simple worship: they have once a young man named Antonius Cooper. He became
been pried from the Godhead by force. To this end he has even master of the Writhing Tower after driving out a cult of yuan-
instructed the wizard Seferygis to locate and capture a shadow ti from its grounds. At that time he was approached by the
naga, one of the high priests of the gorgon goddess, and force it Graspers of Agstowe and convinced to join their ranks; Hari-
to reveal how to achieve even greater power. ot rightly believed that the Writhing Tower concealed the lair
of a knowledgeable shadow naga. Since that day, Seferygis
Important Members of the Circle has been under the thumb of Gildas Hariot, doing his bidding.
Gildas Hariot: (16th level human thief; chaotic in single-axis He is a weak-willed man on a dark slide to becoming evil out
alignment; neutral evil in dual-axis alignment) Hariot is a hard of a sense of self-preservation. Together with Hariot, these
man. He has pulled himself to his position by sheer willpower; two represent the most powerful (in terms of personal power,
he was born the son of a serf outside of Longlaird; over the level) personages in the Graspers Circle.
course of his life he founded and mastered the successes of the
Old River Traders and brokered a lasting trade agreement with Related Entries: G) Glyrea, Insitor, Sernis.

2 91

Way of the Shroom

& Jens Durke
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
The Way of the Shroom is a philosophy associated with cults
formed by mushroom eaters all over the known worlds who wor-
ship King Shroom, the patron of those who indulge in the mind-
expanding qualities of certain shrooms, Cannibal Godspawn of
Mushrooms and Devourer General of the Lizardwars.
These congregations of like-minded enthusiasts are, due to
their diversity and strange behavior, often dismissed as random
phenomena. This randomness, however, might be intentional.
In fact, some scholars argue that a random or accidental con-
sumption of psychedelic mushrooms may somehow be part of
King Shrooms weird schemes to activate a devout following in
a specific area for one bizarre reason or another.

True Priesthood
To become a cleric devoted to King Shroom, a follower must
forsake his physical body and embrace the world of the shroom.
A ceremony to this end involves a deadly overdose of poison-
ous mushrooms in a remote area prone to mushroom growth. A cleric is aware of everything that happens within one of
The decomposing body will then feed the fungus network and these fungus networks.
form, in time, a new body for the followers soul to inhabit, with
There is a cumulative 10% chance per level (every new level al-
the locale of his initiation as his chapel. This is the only known
lows a new check) that such a grove attracts 2d4 giant crickets,
ritual by which one may fully divine the Way of the Shroom.
whose eerie choirs then haunt the site every sunset, praising
In this new form, the cleric may move freely among the fungus mighty King Shroom. In times of war a number of [clerics level]
network of his holy site, dissolving it in one place and spawning times d100 Fruggar will defend the temple under the clerics
it within minutes at another. Hell also have the ability to cam- command.
ouflage himself as a group of mushrooms, effectively hiding his Apologizing to a mushroom on which one has stepped by ac-
presence 95% of the time (the change takes 1d6 rounds minus cident when visiting a shroom temple is totally appropriate.
the clerics level, with a minimum of 1 round required). Fur-
thermore, he will have the ability to regenerate any damage he Symbiotic Priesthood
sustains at a rate of 1 hp per level per round, and may regener-
ate his whole body within a day (if fertile ground is available) On rare occasions (1-in-8 chance in a situation involving mush-
by releasing spores shortly before his demise. Those spores rooms) King Shroom might guide clerics of other faiths to
will remain dormant in an infertile environment until the op- the Way of the Shroom by facilitating an accidental psychedelic
portunity arises to travel somewhere else (e.g., on the clothes experience. The cleric will then, in his intoxicated state, see
of an adventurer or on the fur of an animal passing by). For all the true wisdom of the shroom and act on behalf of the Kings
other purposes, this new body functions and (almost) looks like agenda (not that he would necessarily understand whats going
a normal human body. on). Even a clerics true god would most likely assume that the
resulting strange and erratic behavior is just the result of some
Spells are those appropriate for the clerics level. However, the ill-advised quiche (1-in-12 chance to realize whats going on).
fungoid nature of his clergy has a way of twisting the effects King Shroom controls how long the cleric will be hooked,
of said spells. For example: healing spells might come with a but will release the cleric as soon as the cleric has fulfilled his
(rather harmless) fungus infection that goes away after a pe- purpose, unless the cleric forgets (1-in-20 chance).
riod of time equal to the natural healing process of the wounds
treated, animated dead might become so through the use Some say the Lizardwars started because the Cannibal God-
of mushroom roots which replace the nervous system of the spawn made a lizard shaman cook an omelet using some
corpse; and a blessing might have psychedelic side-effects. dragon eggs he was supposed to protect, binge-eating them
with a smile afterwards. But that is highly disputable. Anyway,
Priests of the Shroom have access to all kinds of mushrooms the lizard ate the eggs, so maybe it started the rumor, too.
and, above everything else, love beer. They are by default un-
der the influence of very strong psychedelic mushrooms (being Shroom Wisdom
cannibals, of sorts) and their sermons are (at best) opaque for Never tell a bear who ate the wrong mushrooms about his
those not seeking the higher enlightenment of the shroom. purple fur, but ask him for relationship advice instead.
Holy Sites of the Shroom A rose is but a pimp anyway, although the lizard disagrees,
Mushroom groves are places of worship. If a cleric resides in licking its thorns in disgust.
such a grove, the size of the grove will be in direct correlation to Rejoice! You are fermented! Now bicycle that yellow.
the level of holy man. Although high level clerics are very rare,
their cathedrals would be vast mushroom forests, with fungus Cellar door.
networks spanning even further underground. Related Entries: G) King Shroom; M) Fruggar.

2 92
Section 4

Divine Items

F Horace J. Knowles
2 93

Divine Items Overview

& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Introduction Armies; Grarvlr, the magical staff given to
Thor to kill the giant Geirrd; Ge Bulg, the spear
The term Divine Items in this volume has been used to differ- of C Chulainn.
entiate these object both from standard magic items, as well as
the more encompassing category of artifacts and relics. Unlike
artifacts and relics, divine items may be, but are not necessarily, Examples include: Aphrodites magic girdle that
unique (e.g., more than one atrementous man may exist at any makes whoever the wearer desires fall in love with
given time, but there is only one Wand of What the Fuck). them; the Shirt of Nessus, the poisoned shirt that
kills Heracles.
Though all divine items are, in some way, associated with
particular gods, those items need not be made by that gods
Examples include: Draupnir, a golden arm ring pos-
hands. For example, Wayland the Smith, often considered a
sessed by Odin that provides endless wealth; the Seal
god in his own right, would often be contracted by other gods
of Solomon, a magical ring which imprisons demons;
to smith great weapons that those gods would, in turn, gift to
Brsingamen, the necklace of the goddess Freyja.
various mortals.
Examples include: Vimana, a mythological flying
Divine Items in Campaigns machine from the Sanskrit epics; Wave Sweeper,
In Joseph Campbells monomyth narrative, the hero is often a magic boat belonging to Irish deity Lugh.
called upon to survive an extreme or severe challenge (often TREASURES
with help). If the hero survives, he is often rewarded with a Examples include: Kaustubha, a divine jewel in the
gift or boon. Other times a guide or mentor (see Nurturer/ possession of Lord Vishnu; Pandoras Box.
Caregiver on p.210) provides supernatural aid in the form of
a talisman or artifact (that will often aid the hero later in his BOOKS
quest). Innumerable examples may be found in most, if not all, Examples include: the powerful spellbook the Book
of the great mythologies. of Thoth; the Mesopotamian Tablet of Destiny.
Perseus receives the following godly gifts to aid him Stones
in his heroic endeavors: winged sandals, a sword, Examples include: Gjll, the rock to which the gods
a helmet that makes the wearer invisible, and a bound Fenrir the wolf; Vaidurya, most precious
bronze shield from Athena that was polished to of all stones, worn by the goddess Lakshmi and the
shine like a mirror. goddess of wealth Rigved.
Wayland the Smith forged Gram, the sword of PLANTS & HERBS
Sigmund, which would be destroyed by Odin, Examples include: moly, the magical herb Hermes
and is later reforged by Regin and used by Sigmunds gives to Odysseus to protect him from Circes magic;
son Sigurd to slay the dragon Fafnir (according to haoma, the divine Persian plant that provides healing
the Vlsunga saga). and furthers sexual arousal.
In Hindu legend, Arjun uses the astra* Agneyastra FOODS
against Angaraparna; Agneyastra is a bow that, when Examples include: ambrosia, providing longevity
discharged, emits flames which are inextinguishable and/or immortality; the Golden Apple which appears
through normal means.) in various legends.
Divine Item Types Examples include: ichor, the ethereal golden fluid
that is the blood of the gods and/or immortals.
The following categories and examples of Divine Items are
provided for the DM to aid in developing campaign-specific MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS
Divine Items for petty gods in this volume which may not have Examples include: Gjallarhorn, blown at the onset of
any associated items already assigned them. Ragnark; Tritons conch shell.

Armor, Headgear & Shields Miscellaneous

Examples include: the Armor of Beowulf, made by This catch-all category includes things like bones,
Wayland the Smith; Aegis, Zeus shield, loaned to skins, household items, tools, furniture, etc.
his daughter Athena and used by Perseus; the Helm
of Darkness created by the Cyclopes for Hades. * An astra is a weapon, presided over by a specific deity, often
used in the fighting of demons and other extra-planar crea-
Weapons tures. An astra must be handed down directly from the deity
Examples include: Pattayudha, the divine sword involved, as knowledge of the incantation associated with that
of Lord Veerabhadra, Commander of Lord Shivas astra is insufficient for its proper use.


Atramentous Man If the Jale God himself is utterly destroyed, Wllkatntns

soul slice will exit the staff and invade the nearest magic user
& James Patterson or cleric, who must save vs. insanity* or be symbiotically joined.
The magic user or cleric gains 1 additional level-appropriate
Sometimes given by petty gods for special acts of service or spell, but control of its casting is controlled by Wllkatntns
devotion, an atramentous man is an enigmatic boon waiting soul slice. There is a 1% chance per day that the spell will be
to happen. The vaguely humaniod form is made entirely of cast, again usually at an inopportune moment.
solid darkness, a protomatter capable of assuming any form. It
has no features and does not interact with anyone. It cannot be Related Entries: Please see the Jale God entry in the Petty
harmed by any mundane or magical means. Gods section for a complete listing of entries related to the Jale
God (including Verthish and Wllkatntn).
Once given, the atramentous man will unobtrusively follow the
recipient. It cannot be restrained or forced to move. Any attempt * See Underworld Lore #1, p.14.
to lose it will cause it to reappear in 1d4 turns, hours, or days, as
is appropriate. For example, if the recipient teleports away the
atramentous man will simply show back up in 1d4 days.
The purpose of the atramentous man is to precipitate into
any item that the recipient most needs to achieve an otherwise
hopeless situation. For example, if you fall naked into a 20'
pit the atramentous man could suddenly form into a perfectly
serviceable ladder that just reaches to the top. When defensless
and backed into a corner by a wight, the atramentous man may
turn into a silver long sword to give you a fighting chance; the
DM should chose any mundane or minor magical item (includ-
ing potions), but the choice must mean the difference between
certain failure and possible success. Once formed into a spe-
cific item, the atramentous man is, for all intents and purposes,
a typical specimen of that item; the atramentous man is there- Berenedrils Hat of Dumb Luck
fore spent, and there is no trace to associate the item with & Terje Nordin
where it came from.
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
This jesters hat is brightly colored in blue, red and green, and
Balanced Quarterstaff features bells that chime gaily at the slightest movement. This
headpiece will make anyone wearing it look downright silly,
& Matthew W. Schmeer leaving the wearer without a shred of credibility or sobriety. It is
normally found on the head of Berenderil, the god of folly.
Balanced is a +3 quasi-intelligent bonewood quarterstaff
belonging to Verthish, the Petty God of Single Pips, who Anyone wearing the hat makes a duplicate die roll for every
himself is a manifestation of the Jale God. required die roll, and uses the better result. However, if both
rolls show the same result, the outcome of the situation will be
The staff itself is carved from a stout, 8-foot-long branch of bone-
to the detriment of the wearer. (It is up to the DM to decide the
wood harvested from the tree of the hamadryad Phersenia in the
details in accordance with the actual circumstances.)
forest of Bulahdelah. Eons ago in his youth, the Jale God be-
came enamored with Phersenia. As she was bound by the laws Related Entries: G) Berenderil.
of the gods to her tree, he knew they could never rule together.
As a token of his esteem, he sent his protection over her forest
until her death during the Flame Wars of Jubrini. He created the Bibliomantic Codex
staff from the remains of her tree in remembrance of her beauty
and her desire to see the world beyond the green. & Terje Nordin
The staff now houses the only remaining slice of the soul of the This weighty tome contains extensive descriptions of hundreds
wizard Wllkatntn, collected from the battlefield by the Jale of deities, demi-gods and demons. The Bibliomantic Codex
God centuries after the Battle of the Waters of Kirkadi at the may be used once per week to communicate with higher pow-
conclusion of the Flame Wars of Jubrini. It was Wllkatntn ers. One who wishes to communicate with powers must ask
who convinced the Jale God to manifest as the Petty God of aloud one question, and then select a random page to activate
Single Pips. the extraordinary power of the tome. That user then has a
connection to a randomly determinated petty god who is com-
Once per day, Balanced can cast the Curse of the Jale God,
pelled to answer him. The petty god should be determinated
Im Ra Jash (see Spells), at a target of its own choosing. The
randomly by the DM, then a reaction roll must be made (tak-
staff is wily and erratic and will often choose an unlikely tar-
ing all standard modifiers into account) before being compelled
get at an unlikely time, but the victim is always someone who
(regardless of reaction) to answer the question however the god
deserves it.
sees fit (truthfully or untruthfully). For example, the petty god of
After 1d4 weeks out of Verthishs possession, the weapon los- quality footwear will not normally have insight into scientific di-
es its magical ability and acts as normal quarterstaff and Wl- lemmas (unless they involve shoes), while a petty god dedicated
lkatntns soul slice will become dormant until the staff is to cuisine and gluttony will most likely not give good advice to
retrieved by Verthish. an ascetic monk whose very existence might offend the god.


3) Third, the character must save vs. petrification. Failure in-

dicates the characters alignment might shift. Roll 1d20 and
consult the following table:
1-3 Lawful (Good)
4-5 Lawful (Neutral)
6-7 Lawful (Evil)
8-9 Neutral (Good)
10-11 Neutral
12-13 Neutral (Evil)
14-15 Chaotic (Good)
16-17 Chaotic (Neutral)
18-20 Chaotic (Evil)
4) Fourth, the character must save vs. wand. Failing this save
indicates the characters race is probably going to change.
Bowl of the Eyes Roll a d20 and consult the following table:
1 Deep One
& Fr. David Eynon 2 Demon-descended
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. 3 Duck
These rare magic items resemble St. Vinerias own bowl (a 4 Dwarf
bronze bowl with a pair of eyes carved on the inside), except 5 Elf
that the eyes carved on the inside are closed. If holy water is 6 Frogling*
placed into the bowl, the eyes open and the water is trans- 7 Gnoll
formed into one of the following potions determined by 1d6: 8 Gnome
9 Goatkin
1-3 cure light wounds
10 Goblin
4 cure blindness
11 Halfling
5 cure disease
12 Half-Elf
6 cure serious wounds
13 Half-Ogre
This effect only works once per day. If a bless spell is cast upon 14 Half-Orc
the bowl while holy water is in it, the bowl functions as a crystal 15 Hobgoblin
ball for the duration of the bless spell. 16 Human
17 Insectoid
Related Entries: G) Saint Vineria.
18 Lizardfolk
19 Orc
20 Spellborg
Books of the
Crimson Icosagon 5) Fifth and finally, the character must save vs. spell. A fail indi-
cates the characters class will likely change. Roll 1d20 and
& Legion consult the following table:
Each of these twenty wedge-shaped folios comes in its own slip 1 Alchemist
case. When all the volumes are stood together the flats of their 2 Anti-Paladin
spines form an icosagon. All are bound in red coversone in 3 Assassin
baby dragon hide, one in the flayed and tanned skin of a mar- 4 Bandit
tian, another in that of an efreetand inscribed throughout in 5 Bard
scarlet ink. 6 Bounty Hunter
7 Cleric
A number of things happen when a person touches one of
8 Craven Hunter**
these books:
9 Druid
1) First, the character (and all others within 20') must roll a 10 Fighter
save vs. breath. Those who fail are instantly transported 11 Illusionist
to DiitWentiis library. The books are keyed to their own 12 Jester
chamber in the gods colossal edifice; therein they are ar- 13 Magic-User
ranged together on a massive slab table carved from a single 14 Monk
block of carnelian. 15 Necromancer
2) Second, the character must make a save vs. poison. A fail- 16 Paladin
ure indicates the characters gender might change. Roll 1d20 17 Pirate
and consult the following table: 18 Ranger
19 Thief
1 Hermaphrodite
20 Witch
2-10 Female
11-19 Male The characters class changes but his level does not (e.g., a
20 Neuter 4th level fighter rolling a 12 becomes a 4th level jester).


Incompatibilities of alignment, race and class should be resolved The two examples below can melee or projectile weapons, and
as the DM deems appropriate. For example, dwarf paladin, not the surface to which the braner is attached is assumed to be the
really a problem; lawful good assassin, iffy. edge of the blade or the tip. This also suggests that the sheath
or equivalent is worked to contain the effect, or that a variation
If the character fails a save but then rolls his current state on on the weaver aspect is used to activate it. Each is given with
any of the above tables, benefits accrue. DiitWentiis whims three possible names, to reflect the variety of cultures that could
are fickle and ephemeral. Feel free to have the character warp develop it. There is a 50% chance that the weapon is +1d6-1
through alternate forms for split-seconds before reverting to for its type.
normal. Then grant the following boons:
If same gender as rolled: 1 permanent additional hit point. Vaults Call, Sibilance, The Exsanctor etc.
This weapon or projectile makes use of the whisker aspect to
If same alignment as rolled: 1 permanent point of improved cleave solid matter cleanly, as if liquid, apparently destroying all
Armor Class. material along the path. In fact, each particle is drawn out over
If same race as rolled: permanent 1 point increase of a ran- a dimensional boundary.
dom ablitity score. The contact surface will pass freely through a barrier of any
If same class as rolled: advance 1 level immediately. nature except transdimensional. The item is always a further +1
for its type and a hit ignores all armor and other physical protec-
After all these events (which take place in but a moment), the tions with this same exception; armor is reduced in quality by
book blinks to its position on the red table where it will stay for 1d3 AC. The hit is always treated as critical.
20 years before again being dispatched to the Material Plane.
Touching the same book during its 20 year shelving elicits no ef- If left unsheathed, the transdimensional part will pass through
fect. It is rumored touching one of the other 19 books will return matter on which it rests or which it strikes, and it will con-
a party to their place of origin. Of course, there might not be tinuously draw in particles from a surrounding atmosphere or
another book on the table when the characters arrive. Or that reservoir until this is exhaustedto which myriad dead regions
rumor might be inaccurate. and worlds may testify.

* Froglings by Evan Van Elkins. The constant whisper of this flow may be heard, and the space
beyond may be perceived by the sensitive.
** Essentially an anti-ranger (and halfway to assassin), a cra-
ven hunter is neither a steward nor a custodian. He cares not Wail o the Weft, Shreave, The Disenverter etc.
for good, killing instead for ego, fun and profit. This weapon or projectile makes use of the winder aspect to
Related Entries: G) DiitWentii; M) Knight of the Car-
warp the current reality, removing or remaking existing mat-
mine Icosagram, Monitor; D) Shining Icosahedron. ter and infusing it with strange forms from unknown sources
beyond dimensional boundaries.
A hit ignores all armor and other physical protections except
Book of the Litany those of a transdimensional nature and is always critical. It also
of the Night Wind forces one save to avoid major instantaneous mutation and a
further save to avoid a degree of minor continuous change.
& John Everett Till In each situation in which the weapon or projectile is unsheathed,
Every sorcerer-priest of the Cult of the Obsidian Mirror has a its location or the route along which it travels is corrupted and
copy of this magical text, which functions as the sorcerer-priests may bleed; any entity later touching this point or line is treated
spell book, as well as being the primary religious text of the Cult as if hit. Where this weapon proliferates, the world may quickly
of the Obsidian Mirror. This is a long, thin accordion-style book become unrecognisable, even uninhabitable.
of folded pages. Many pages appear to be lists of items (e.g.,
stars, worlds, gods, minions, creatures) that are important to When in motion the surface emits a shriek and ripples may be
the cult, and it has often been suggested that the many lists in felt by the sensitive in the fabric of reality.
the Litany are a kind of shopping list for the cult. Many pages
Related Entries: M) Braner.
also have diagrams that look similar to organizational charts. At
least one page of the book is inscribed with a symbol of conflict
rune, and another with a symbol of insanity as a nasty surprise
for those who might seek to steal the cults secrets. Crown of Tears
Related Entries: C) Cult of the Obsidian Mirror. & Gavin Norman
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
The prize of its owner (a lawful deity), the Crown of Tears is
Braner-related an exquisitely wrought platinum crown studded with diamonds
Weapons of otherworldly perfection. These jewels are the seat of the
crowns power, being formed from the tears of a dying god.
& Porky
The crown is typically of normal human dimensions, but can
An item of any type, magical or otherwise, found or created,
change in size to accommodate its owner. It has a latent sen-
may have one or more braner aspects attached to it (at the dis-
tience, and requires that a bond of sympathetic resonance be
cretion of the DM).
established with one who would possess it. Once the bond is

2 97

There is a 1-in-1000 chance that the deity grants the curse;

the subject of the curse must make a save vs. death or be per-
manently cursed with whatever affliction was requested. The
chance of the curse being granted improves to 1-in-500 if the
petitioner is an active worshiper of the deity.

Dagger of Fairness
& Matthew W. Schmeer
Fairness is a +3 dagger owned by Verthish, the Petty God of
Single Pips, who himself is a manifestation of the Jale God.
made, the central diamond at the brow of the crown integrates
itself with the neural matter of the owner, enabling the at-will Fairness was created from the scavenged remains of a finger
use of the crowns powers, and preventing the crown from joint from the giant iron golem which housed the brain of the
being removed while the owner lives. The sympathetic bond wizard Wllkatntn before the wizards final destruction by
gradually drives the crowns possessor into a state of melan- Ywehbobbobhewy, Lord of Waters, King of Mirrors, Patriarch
cholic avarice, as he attempts to hoard items of beauty against of the Most Profound, at the Battle of the Waters of Kirkadi.
the inevitable entropy of the universe.
Due to Wllkatntns lifelong dedication to the study of in-
The owner of the crown gains the power of language-tran- ter-dimensional dice probability and alchemical mechanics,
scendent telepathy with all beings, with the side-effect that all the Jale God commanded the creation of Fairness in tribute.
with whom the crown communicates must save vs. spell or Because the laws of probability are immutable, Fairness dis-
change to lawful alignment. Twice per day, the crown can emit penses an additional +3 against cheaters at dice games.
a wave of universal sorrowall within 100' are affected as by a
symbol of despair (save allowed). After 1d4 weeks out of Verthishs possession, the weapon loses
its magical ability and becomes a normal dagger. It can regain
Any mortal donning the crown must save vs. petrification or be its abilities if/when it is retrieved by Verthish.
immediately and permanently crystallised. Only a wish can re-
verse this transformation. Chaotic beings who touch the crown Related Entries: Please see the Jale God entry in the Petty
suffer the same fate, no saving throw allowed. Gods section for a complete listing of entries related to the Jale
God (including Verthish, Wllkatntn and Ywehbobbobhewy).

Curse Tablet Deaths Door

& Matthew W. Schmeer & Aaron E. Steele
Any PC may send up a curse request to a deity to punish a It is unknown whether deaths doors were created by sorcerers
wrong-doer in the form of a written prayer. The curse must be and necromancers, or by the infernal powers themselves to
written or etched on a thin sheet of lead, rolled into a scroll, tempt mortals to their doom. No two deaths doors look the
and pierced with an iron nail. same, and some are sufficiently non-descript that there is no
The curse must be written in the following form and include: outward clues to their true identity and function.

1) The petitioners name A deaths door, when placed into an doorway, functions as a
2) The deity being petitioned passage to the Underworld. The Underworld to which deaths
door opens depends on the user, so the deaths door could open
3) The nature of the request and the to different infernal planes for each person attempting ingress.
punishment to be exacted
4) The target of that request Deaths doors can weigh several tons, but because they are
(as specifically as possible) magical, regardless of the weight of the door they can be carried
by two or more people, or transported in a cart or wagon.
Example: Grant this request, Oh Jale God, that I, Nord Tim-
bertrot of Heartless Vale, beseech thee! Unto your divinity The standard use of a deaths door is to attempt the recov-
and majesty I give my dice and purse of 2,000 coppers that ery of a fallen comrade or lover from the afterlife. The term
someone hath stolen from me. Whether human or non, man or hovering at deaths door refers to the hesitance of the users
woman, slave or free, do not allow him who has done me wrong to pass through deaths door, for several reasons. First, they
to sleep or eat or drink or have good health unless he reveals must brave the dangers and horrors of the underworld. Sec-
himself and brings those goods to your temple. ond, once the comrade or lover is located, every demon, devil
or other denizen within range will be alerted to a mortals pres-
The curse must be delivered in one of two ways: ence, and will make every effort to capture the interloper(s).
1) The curse may be placed at the foot of a statue of the Third, there is a chance that the deceased will refuse to ac-
deity being invoked, preferably in a temple or church company the searcher back to the land of the living, as they
dedicated to that deity. are quite content where they are or feel they have no reason to
return to a mortal life.
2) The curse may be buried with the corpse of a follower
of that deity, preferably someone who has recently Once placed in a doorway, a deaths door cannot be removed
died in service to that deity. by infernal creatures. That, along with the fact that the users


of the door will unerringly know in which direction the deaths Powers: 1 time per day, the sword may cast a limited wish.
door is located, provides some assurance that once an indi- The wielder is immune to any charm type spell below 4th
vidual uses the door, they will be able to find their way back. level, as the swords own personality will act as a bulwark
However, non-infernals can move the door, and if that is done, against such magics. 1/day, the sword may summon 1d4
knowledge of the doors location is lost, and the person(s) previ- 4th level berserkers from Valhalla, who will follow her com-
ously using the door may be trapped in the underworld, unless mands and remain for the duration of 1 turn, or until slain.
the can find another deaths door location or other passage to
the land of the living. This relic is a bastard sword featuring an elaborate hilt, and a
handle wrapped in red leather. The pommel depicts the head of
To operate the deaths door, the user must think of the de- a beautiful, savage woman. The entire sword is made from an
ceased person, and recite an incantation that asks the deaths alien metal, dark-green in color and shot through with spidery,
door to find and allow passage to the person being so located. scarlet lines.
The deaths door will typically open a passage to the under-
world that is within one mile of the deceased, although, being a Ecstasy in Slaughter is a forgotten minor Avatar of Daeena, an
somewhat capricious form of magic, the door may open above ancient goddess of war and love. Having left any plane known
a lava flow, chasm, vacuum, or other deadly location. to mortals ages ago, her sword avatar is only a shadow of its
former might, but still quite formidable.
The sword remembers very little of the time when she was still
Divine Turnip of Glory strongly connected to her greater self. She will, for now, make
the best of her situation and set about to find a fighter who will
& Chris Tamm serve her purposes, if she has not already done so. If she does
This huge fine looking turnip is like ivory to the touch with not like her wielder, she will contrive to escape or slay the of-
several secret uses. If planted it sprouts a magnificent crown fending warrior, utilizing her limited wish to do so. Otherwise,
of leaves and grows to 30 feet wide within an hour. Chosen the sword is capable of assuming human form for up to three
of Bogrump use this to carve out a house where they can dis- hours per week, and will be quite possessive of her newfound
tribute turnips, turnip wine and tales of Bogrumps deeds. The lover, enjoying sexual play as much as wading into battle and
magic turnip, if cooked into a turnip porridge, can cure disease shedding blood.
in up to 40 persons who eat it. In times of great crisis, such The avatar has an encyclopedic knowledge of ancient his-
a turnip can be planted and fed a bucket of blood in order to tory, though her memory of the past thousand years or so is
call Bogrump himself. The turnip will become his head and somewhat spotty. She is able to recount the locations of lost
Bogrump will grow from the ground, ready to punish those cities, ancient dungeons and forgotten treasures. She is also
who trouble turnip lovers. Such turnips are entrusted to the a military genius.
worthy, or sometimes grow in a chosen farmers field.
Finding a way to be free of her current state of existence and
Related Entries: G) Bogrump.
reclaiming the power of her greater self is of paramount im-
portance to the sword. Still, she is very much a creature of the
moment and is easily distracted by her appetites. The sword is
Ecstasy In Slaughter usually quite talkative, exuberant and charming though occa-
(+4 bastard sword) sionally is beset by dark moods and can be rather dangerous at
such times.
& James Smith
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
F12 in human form. If reduced to 0 hp, the avatar will revert
to her sword form and be inert for 2d4 days. There is a 10%
INTELLIGENCE: 11 chance that her consciousness will be irrevocably separated
PSYCHE: 12 from the sword and lost. Knowing this, she will avoid combat
WILLPOWER: 26 while in the flesh, if at all possible.
COMM.: Verbal (several languages),
telepathic, read magic
Alignment: Chaotic Eidolons
& Matthew W. Schmeer
The Eidolons are twelve radiantly magical, ancient stone fig-
ures which impart specific, spell-like effects on those in their
presence. The exact origins of the Eidolons have been lost to
the ravages of time, but they are rumored to have been craft-
ed by a cabal of petty godlings as gifts to their most beloved
worshippers. If all twelve Eidolons are gathered together, they
can be used to bind a single godling to the Material Plane by
removing the gods immortality.
All Eidolons are statues carved from highly polished marble
that are approximately one-and-a-half feet tall and weigh 15-20
pounds. The effects of Eidolons cannot be dispelled by magical
means, unless otherwise noted.


1. The Eidolon of Fear who come within a 10' radius. PCs coming within the area of
Exquisitely crafted from dark, amber-colored stone, this wyvern effect will immediately become violently aroused and attempt
figure radiates energy of pure fear. Anyone coming within a 30' intercourse as quickly and frequently as physically possible with
radius of its presence will run away, hysterical, at full running any sentient being available. No pregnancies will result from
movement for 20 rounds. PCs with a Constitution of 15 or this compelled coupling, and none of the PCs will remember
higher may save vs. spell based on their Constiution score; suc- having committed these acts. PCs with Charisma scores of 10
cess means they can rally their courage and proceed unaffect- or lower may save vs. spell to avoid these effects.
ed. This Eidolon currently resides in an evil cultists temple.
8. The Eidolon of Wrath
2. The Eidolon of Hate Shaped to resemble a snarling bear standing to attack, this
This highly detailed serpentine statue is a realistic representa- rough-hewn hunk of black-flecked red stone creates an over-
tion of a spitting cobra, carved from a block of red-veined black powering sense of anger in all who come within a 10' radius.
marble. The statue imparts a 20' radius of overpowering hate, PCs caught in the area of effect become belligerent and indig-
so much so that any PC that enters the area of effect will become nant, and work themselves into a berserker rage, gaining a +2
despondent with self-hatred and suffer as if under a feeblemind on melee attacks and doing twice the normal damage for 1d4
spell if they fail a save vs. spell at -5. This statue currently resides rounds per PC level. The PC will have no memory of flying
in the treasury vault of a keep that has fallen to ruin. into a rage or of the battle. This statue is currently housed in
a shamans hut in a remote region of the wilderness. Eating a
3. The Eidolon of Sleep compote of mint leaves, black currants, and juniper berries can
negate the effect.
Currently residing in the nursery wing of the castle of the Gob-
lin King, this chalk-colored marble statue of a cat in repose 9. The Eidolon of Gluttony
makes anyone who comes within a 25' radius fall asleep within
2 turns. PCs get no save, but this effect can be delayed for an Nimis, a petty god of overindulgence, created this pig-shaped,
additional turn by imbibing a potion of wakefulness. orange-colored Eidolon for his favorite prostitute. The stone
imparts an insatiable desire for food and drink in a 30' radius,
4. The Eidolon of Illusion and affected PCs will be able to eat and imbibe to no ill effect
for as long as they are in the stones presence. They will feel
A dusty pink dragonfly, this Eidolon is currently on display in no urge to void bladder or bowel, they will not vomit, they will
the private chapel in the home of a wealthy noble family. It not get excessively drunk but only feel a nice, happy numb-
radiates one of three effects that last three times as long as the ness from any alcohol ingested. However, once moving out
normal spell descriptions (roll 1d6): of the area of effect, the PCs will immediately feel the results
Roll Effect of their carousing and suffer a 4 to all melee attacks, saves,
1-2 color spray and checks for 2 days. The stone is rumored to be housed at
3-4 dancing lights Gladinias House of Unspeakable Pleasures.
5-6 hypnotic pattern
10. The Eidolon of Greed
PCs with Constitution scores of 13 or higher may attempt to This pale-yellow image of a croaking frog has been passed
save vs. spell to avert the effect. from thieves guild to thieves guild over the centuries, as each
has gotten rich in turn. It is often displayed near a secret en-
5. The Eidolon of Envy trance, and it is customary for thieves to rub its highly shined
Made of highly polished green marble flecked with golden high- vocal sac for luck. Touching the statue in this way imparts a
lights, this rough carving of a fox terrier infuses the air with a +5% to all checks of a thiefs abilities for 12 hours. Addition-
15' radius of jealous rage. PCs entering the area of effect must ally, this Eidolon radiates an aura of greed. Those within 10'
save vs. spell or become envious of their friends, covet the pos- of its presence feel an overwhelming desire to possess wealth.
sessions of others, begrudge the good fortunes of their fellow Thieves guilds will send this Eidolon to guilds which have
adventurers, etc. This effect will last for three days after moving fallen on hard times, thereby bolstering the brotherhood of
out of the area of effect. During this time, they will act rashly thieves throughout the realms.
on at least one of their feelings of discontent. The whereabouts
of this Eidolon are unknown. 11. The Eidolon of Listlessness
Imparting a 25' radius of fatigue, this goat shaped azure stone
6. The Eidolon of Pride makes those in its presence fall into a state of languor. PCs fall
This lion carved from purple marble is located in a collapsed into a state of pleasant physical weakness and lose interest in
dungeon. A 50'-long, 10'-wide cone of arrogance emanates actively pursuing their previous activities for 1d4 days. While
from this statue, bathing all intelligent and semi-intelligent in the stones presence they are also unable to perform melee
creatures with excessively high feelings of their abilities and attacks, but can parry attacks at a 4 penalty. Listless PCs are
achievements. PCs must save vs. spell; failure means the af- extremely difficult to get interested in doing anything other than
fected gain a +4 bonus to all feats of Strength or displays of philosophizing about the meaning of life. PCs with Intelligence
Dexterity. This effect lasts for 1d4 days. Then they suffer a 4 above 15 can save vs. spell to avoid these effects. The statue is
penalty to feats of Strength or Dexterity for 1d4 days. currently buried in the waste pile of a medium-sized city.

7. The Eidolon of Lechery 12. The Eidolon of Vainglory

Carved from a rare chunk of blue-black marble, this bull-shaped Carved from a slab of royal purple marble to resemble an elk
Eidolon creates unrestrained and promiscuous sexuality in all stag at the height of the rutting season, it was rumored this


was a gift to the founder of the Skaldic Guild himself. The control of body functions, including walking, talking,
statue emits a 10' radius of prideful energy that creates an and feeding himself.
effervescent feeling of vanity and a high sense of self-worth.
On a failure of a save vs. spell, those in the presence of the 4 Hindsight: The PCs eyes now see things as they
Eidolon of Vainglory cant help boasting about their deeds were ten minutes ago instead of how they are now.
and those of their friends and acquaintances in the most he- 5 Seconds: The PC narrates her every action in the
roic of ways. They also gain a +3 to all Charisma-based rolls, present tense as if she is reading a story from a book ,
and spell-casters regain any previously spent spells. All effects and consistently refers to herself in the second person
wear off after a day. Some say its currently hidden away at (i.e.: You see the ugly goblin before you and think he
the Bardic Academy for Minor Poets; others say its behind deserves to die. You prepare to draw your sword.).
the bar at the Wrinkled Tit.
6 Mindwedge: Two times a day, the PC can drive a
wedge of psionic energy into the brain of any crea-
Eldoon Namar ture within 20 feet and inflict 1d12 points of damage.
Unfortunately, the PC cannot control the target or the
& Matthew W. Schmeer timing of this attack.
Created centuries ago by Ur-mu the Bastard Abrkada, once a
7 Taint: The PC is able to recognize the alignment
necromancer of world renown and now a powerful ageless lich
of other creatures by their auras, but is also
hidden from the world, the Eldoon Namar is a mask of great
rendered colorblind.
and dangerous power. The mask itself is a thin, flesh colored
stocking of tightly woven, magically created synthetic mesh that 8 Undiscernment: The PC loses the ability to tell
adheres tightly to the face and neck when worn. The material good from evil.
is highly porousthe wearer may breathe, talk, eat, and drink
normally while wearing the maskyet the mask completely ob- 9 Tongues: The PC loses the ability to speak but gains
scures the wearers facial features. the ability to understand any spoken language.

When worn, the mask transforms the wearer into another per- 10 Lich Dreams: The PC begins to dream the dreams
son (human, demi-human, or humanoid) of the wearers choos- of Ur-mu Abrkada, which often feature his beloved
ing; the wearer must have an object recently handled by the per- and now long-dead pet owlbear, Hargoth.
son whose appearance he wishes to assume and must meditate
on this transformation for 1 hour. The new body must be of a
person with a number of HD equal to the wearer or fewer. The Earnish-Amantic
wearer retains his own intelligence, hit points, saving throws,
and ability to attack, but does gain physical abilities of the new
& Charles Turnitsa
form, including strength or strength-based attack forms and
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
damage, including the magical abilities or other special abilities. Very high placed cult leaders within the Cult of the White Shad-
The wearer is able to cast spells up to and including the 3rd level ow are aware of the existence of this ancient tome which con-
when transformed. The spell dispel magic does not negate the tains the secrets of the Lady of the Air, and her shadow wyrm
effects of the mask, nor does a spell of true seeing have any ef- servants (and lesser beings like the shadow snake warriors, and
fect. The wearer will only revert to his natural form if the mask the shadow creatures). The book is cursed. Some, however, be-
is removed, even if he dies while wearing the mask. lieve it worth risking the curse to gain knowledge of the foul
things hidden inside.
Wearing the mask for extended periods of time (more than a
day or so) may warp the mind; there is a 50% chance the mask While the fate of the book is unsure, the surviving translations
leaves psionic damage of some kind for 1d8 days after it is re- of the Earnish-Amantic include the following spells: create
moved. Roll on the table below (or a table of similar psionic shadow creature, summon shadow creature.
The book, and the spells themselves, are cursed. Learning
Brain Damage Table (1d10) the magic-user version of the summon shadow creature spell
reuqires that the student make a save vs. spell at -2. Success
1 Telepathic Noise: The PCs mind is invaded by the
means no ill effect befalls the student. Failure means the stu-
mundane thoughts of every creature (including, for
dent permanently loses 1d3 points of Intellligence.
example, body lice and planted ferns) in his presence
in a cacophony of jibber-jabber that makes it difficult Related Entries: M) Shadow Creature, Shadow Snake;
to concentrate. The PC cannot read minds or sort C) Cult of the White Shadow; S) Create Shadow Creature,
out specific information, but is only swamped with Summon Shadow Creature.
the deluge of white thought noise. This might have
disastrous effects for clerics and magic users.
2 Brainfart: The PC is unable to remember important
details at the exact moment the details are the most
expedient to know.
3 Stemtwist: The PCs brain is twisted around in his
skull, making the left hemisphere the right and vice
versa. If the PC was right-handed, now they are left-
handed, and vice versa. The PC must relearn basic

3 01

The Eye of the Beshadowed Labyrinth

This eye opens a one-way gate to a ruined planet. Its lifeless,
airless surface is constantly abraded by the deadly energy beams
emitted by the magnetara species of neutron star with intense
magnetic fieldswhich the world orbits. Below the surface is
a world-labyrinth inhabited by innumerable inimical species.
Vast subterranean machines maintain barely breathable air
tainted with a thousand exotic chemicals. The entire labyrinth
is shrouded in shifting dim light which projects shadows every-
where. Adventurers who survive in this deadly realm will need
to find another way home.

The Eye of Adopting the

Mien of a Lord of the Instrumentality
In ancient times, this eye was a favorite tool of assassins. To-
day it is used to gain access to certain areas of the underworld
defended by ancient superscience. The effect lasts 1d10 turns.
This eye surrounds its target with the data cloud of one of the
star-spanning Lords of the Instrumentality of Mankind. The au-
tomated defenses of the Instrumentalitys ancient facilities will
Eyes grant the target and their entourage unrestricted access to all
& John Everett Till but the most sensitive installations. Once the target gains ac-
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. cess, they must act quickly. Reactivating the eye within such an
installation will awaken terrifying automated defenses.
Eyes are handheld superscience artifacts that are devices sur-
viving from the ancient and glorious days of high technology The Eye of the Banishers of Gloom
according to their creator, Professor M.A.R. Barker. The Banishers of Gloom were a special unit of the Instrumental-
Eyes are a hallmark of his world of Tekumel, which is perhaps ity dedicated to exploring dead planets and space hulks. They
the most elaborate fantasy setting ever created for gaming. garnered a reputation as fearless hunters of the undead and of
According to Barker, eyes are so named because they are abominations from the planes beyond. On many worlds, they
shaped like small, dull gems, with an eye-like aperture on remain active within religious orders dedicated to Law and the
one side and a protruding stud on the other, which activates destruction of the undead. This eye is their signature weapon.
the device. Eyes are a perfect embodiment of Clarkes Law, The eye unleashes a miniature hypernova beam upon its target,
which states that Any sufficiently advanced technology is in- a 1' diameter beam of coalesced visible light, x-rays, and gamma
distinguishable from magic. rays. The eyes range is 100'. It does 6d10 damage to its target;
all living beings may save vs. wand for half damage. All combus-
Eyes are often found in temple treasuries, in tombs and hoards tibles touched by the beam burst into flame.
within the underworld, and in the hands of the powerful. They
are also very useful to adventurers, who often search for them The Eye of the Glorious
in the underworld and within the ruins of the temples, bases, Instrumentality of Mankind
and other facilities of the star-spanning ancients. Each eye has a This eye projects a 3D holographic representation of the regions
specific power and effect. There is no way to discern the power of space ruled by the Instrumentality of Mankind, showing the
of an eye without using it. Eyes also have 1d100 charges, after location and disposition of all Instrumentality resources includ-
which an ancient device must be used to restore their charges. ing fleets, legions, bases, nodes in the Smoking Mirror Engine
The petty goddess known as the Bestower of Eyes can be sum- network, and protected trade routes. Points of interest may be
moned to bargain for an eye, exchange one eye for another, zoomed by using physical gestures; this reveals planetary maps
modify an eyes effects, or recharge an eye in exchange for fa- and additional data such as day length, climate levels, etc. The
vors. Certain deities (such as Chicxulub) accumulate eyes due to projection lasts 1d20 turns. It automatically updates once daily
their influence on the movements of stars, planets, space hulks within Instrumentality facilities that remain connected to the
and other celestial objects. She has the ability to award eyes to Smoking Mirror Engine network. But few do.
her followers. If you live on a world that was once in contact with the In-
Still other gods such as the Jale God and Nyarlathotep offer strumentality, this eye can be extremely useful. It can identify
mortals such devices as a way to tempt them into unlocking former Instrumentality assets that are often lucrative sources of
even deeper and more deadly secrets of science. They often lie treasure and artifacts.
about the identity and effects of the eyes they bestow.
The Eye of the Lady of the Jade Skirt
An eye may be activated once per round, and may be used by a This eye will summon the nearest minion of a god or goddess
character of any class. of rivers, lakes, seas, rain, or storms. The ahuizotl is an exam-
The eyes below are non-canonical and were inspired by a ple of one of these, as are anaconda, crocodiles, and hippos.
number of authors including M.A.R. Barker and Cordwainer Caution must be taken when using this eye in open seas, as it
Smith. They may be used in any setting which includes ancient can summon particularly nasty creatures such as mosasaurs,
superscience in its background. plesiosaurs, killer whales, kraken, akho, and avanc. The minion
remains faithful for 1 turn.

3 02

The Eye of Lord Tezcatlipoca first round, and 1d6 for each additional round until
This eye can activate any gate in the network of Smoking Mir- it is extinguished.
ror Engines, opening a portal to a Smoking Mirror Engine at 2 Fly: the cultist is able to fly at a speed of 120'
another location in the same world, another world, or to an per minute.
entirely different plane. The gate remains open for 3 rounds.
Once opened, anyone may pass through. 3 Iron Skin: The cultist assumes the density and hard-
ness of tough iron (Armor Class 1).
The Eye of Petty Theogony
4 Become the Shadow: The cultist wisps out into a
The target upon which this eye is used takes on an air of minor shadowy form, and then disappears altogether.
godhood, or takes on the lesser aspect or avatar of a great deity.
The targets personal aspectsqualities, quirks, and abilities 5 Transformation: The cultist becomes a
are magnified and hypostatized for 2d10 turns. The target may shadow creature; this effect does not wear off,
save vs. wand if they wish to resist the effect of this eye. Intel- but is permanent.
ligent beings who share the targets alignment will be favorably
disposed towards it; intelligent beings of opposite alignment will 6 Legion: The cultist sprouts 4 additional copies
be more likely to attack or flee it. Simple injuries will completely of him/herself.
dispel the effect of this eye. No one likes a god that bleeds. 7 Essence of Acid: The cultists bodily fluids becomes
a horrible acid; any combat blows against the cultist
The Eye of Vague Auguries will result in a rain of acid to all within a 10' radius; all
When this eye is pointed at an object such as a door, secret take 2d4 damage, and an additional 1d4 for each of
panel, or other portal (including interdimensional gates) the the next two rounds; a successful save vs. poison will
eye will issue two vague-but-true telepathic auguries about per- halve the damage.
sons, items, and conditions on the other side of the threshold.
The auguries are determined by the DM. For example, if a PC 8 Devoted Spirit: The cultist is affected as if by a
uses the eye at the threshold of a doorway in the underworld, haste spell.
the auguries might be: reptile god and priests. The reality Related Entries: M) Shadow Creature; C) Cult of the White
might be: You have reached the threshold of the Temple of Shadow.
the Snake Demon Ysxthici. A high priest, two acolytes, and a
dozen other cultists are carrying out a ritual within to summon
their god.
God Tubes
The Majestic Eye of Lord Pacal & Logan Knight
This eye allows its user to access and control one of the Pacal-
class vimanas, a chariot of the gods, for a period of 1d8 days. Stoppered with rune-sealed wax, filled with surging gelatinous
godflesh, it takes a measure of skill to uncork the glass tube
The Mystic Eye of Phalguna and slap it onto your exposed skin before the gore of the divine
escapes. As the flesh surges up to escape it creates a vacuum,
Zealously sought by scholar priests, this eye confers upon the suckering the tube to your body.
target the ability to read, comprehend, and memorize any reli-
gious manuscript, no matter the language in which the text is The chemicals secreted by the flesh as it writhes against your
written. Roll 1d12 on first use. After using the eye to read that skin in impotent frustration absorb into your bloodstream. Ran-
number of texts, the user becomes permanently insane (no sav- domly save vs. poison or spell every day you are in contact. If
ing throw). successful, a high beyond this world takes hold, you feel the
pulse of the worms, you are as a god. Roll or flip to a random
Related Entries: D) Smoking Mirror Engine, Vimana. godling in this book and take on one of its abilities for the day,
but decrease Dexterity by 1d6 for the duration, and role-play
like the inebriated god-whelp you are.
Food of the Shadow
If you fail, roll on your favorite mutation and/or insanity table.
& Charles Turnitsa Every time you fail, the flesh seems bigger and the glass begins
to fracture.
The food of the shadow refers to a number of different items.
prepared from the magical leavings of shadow creatures, which
they exude when absent from the shadow dimensions for too
long. These leavings are gathered up by select members of The
Goggles of the Frog Gods
Despised, and prepared according to certain magical formulae, & Chris Tamm
and result in hard small wafers, which may be consumed. Once
done so, a roll on the following chart (1d8) is made (unless the These brass and toad-leather strapped goggles have bulging
type is known before hand, according to the scenario) to deter- quartz crystals which initially seem to be confusing distorting
mine the effects. All effects last for only 2d12 rounds. lenses that, when seen through, make the world incomprehen-
sible. If actually strapped on the wearer gains 360-degree vi-
1 Burst into flames: All within weapons reach sion, can see through water without refraction or distortion,
of the cultist are singed for 2d4 damage, and must and the eyes are protected from most other minor problems.
make a save vs. breath weapon each round, to avoid Any wearer knocked unconscious while wearing these goggles
catching fire; if they catch fire, it burns for 2d6 the will have visions of a petty frog god who will offer to heal them

3 03

to 1hp if they agree to be the frog gods champion. They will ways successful), the asps will uncoil from the wearers head,
be given a quest and expected to never harm a bactrian unless each slithering onto the victim and wrapping itself around the
in self-defense. If they betray the frog god, the goggles will van- victims body. If the victim is unsuccessful in breaking free of
ish and leave the former champion with googly frog eyes, and their grasp, the constriction of the asps will make breathing
webbed fingers and toes. Their offspring will be giant frogs and impossible in four rounds. After their victim is lifeless, the asps
toads. If they achieve the quest, they may ask a random frog will return to their coiled position atop the wearers head.
god a question once a month.
Asp of Constriction: No. Encountered:1d6; Alignment:
Related Entries: G) Frog Gods, Grandpa Toadflap, Johhny Chaotic; Movement:120' (40'); Armor Class:7; Hit Dice:4; At-
Hopper, Wart Mother. tacks:Special; Damage:Special; Save:M4; Morale:12; Hoard
Class:None; XP:100.

Half-Assed Relics of Manidono

Helm of Divine Conversation
& Erin Palette (The Communicator)
Manidono leaves semi-powerful relics of dubious use in his wake,
like crumbs from a childs lunch. They only last for a short time
& Eric Potter
after leaving his presence. This helm of telepathy was one of three war helmets enchant-
ed by the unknown mage Elcandorimuss the Forgettable. Made
The Couch of Manidono is any place where the petty god
from the purest vein of platinum running through the belly of
has chosen to rest. Anyone sitting in it must succeed in a save vs.
the great mountain Shankshill, The Communicator was gift-
paralysis, or be unable to leave due to lack of desire. Those af-
ed to Kang in return for the mages protection during the terri-
flicted will ask others, usually in a whine, to bring them food and
ble Witch Hunt of Dark Lustrum. It differs from a normal helm
drink or do other tasks. In cases where they must move, they will
of telepathy in that the wearer does not have to concentrate on
wheedle and beg others to carry them and their couch. However,
the creature nor be within a 90' radius, The Communicator
while confined to the chair, they will not suffer from long-term
simply transmits the message of its wearer near and far and
effects such as illness, starvation, etc, as they literally never get
the receiver will always respond. As Kang is long dead, the un-
around to dying.
used helms enchantment wanes, and only sporadically issues
The Snack of Manidono is the leftovers of any foodstuff short pulses of telepathic energy. Neither the whereabouts nor
that the petty god has enjoyed. Eating it will result in fingers and the natures of enchantment of its two brother helms have ever
tongue of unnatural coloration, and a desire for more of the same been revealed.
foodall other food and drink will seem tasteless in comparison;
Related Entries: C) Listeners of Kang.
the fingers will stain clothing and other porous substances for the
duration of one day.
The Garb of Manidono is any piece of clothing that the petty Imp Tongs
god has touched or worn. It will protect from environmental haz- & Chris Tamm
ards (cold, fire, poison, etc.) but it will also cause the loss of 2d6
points of Charisma for as long as it is worn. Caution is warranted
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
to wearers of this Garb of Half-Asserythey never know when These magic tongs can be used by anyone, always striking as if
it will stop being magical. a successful to hit roll vs. an imp, snaring the creature with the
tongs. The imp can then be placed in a bottle to be sealed and
The Pipe of Manidono is, like, this thing, you know? And
blessed, magically imprisoning the imp. In exchange for their
you suck on it? And whoah. Visions, dude. Of the future. You
freedom, imps will often offer their service or grant a wish (if
want to know the future? Okay: Ask me a question (roll 1d4):
able); they will, however, take great latitude in interpreting those
Roll Answer commands and wishes (often to the detriment of the captor). In
1 Absolutely, dude. these agreements, explicit contracts are suggested. Behni the
2 No way, dude. Imp says imp-kind totally hate these things and the archon who
3 Maybe, dude. makes them.
4 Beats me, dude. Ask again later.
Related Entries: M) Behni the Imp.
All of these answers are 100% accurate but annoyingly vague.

Helm of Constricting Asps

& Eric Potter
This helm may be worn only by a chaotic character. The helms
normal appearance is that of thick braided vines, however as
melee begins, the heads of 1-6 asps emerge, surprising on a
1-4. If surprised, a victim must make a save vs. paralysis or be-
come paralyzed for the round. If the saving throw is successful
the asps will dance wildly in an effort to mesmerize the victim.
Thus, a saving throw must be checked each round. Once the
victim is paralyzed or within range (if the saving throw was al-


Jale Tears at the request of his holiest representatives, so that they might
better safeguard his most sacred caverns. Devotees also whisper
& John Everett Till that if all five masks are brought together, the wearers will know
the route to Thufs secret underworld home. The truth of this
Small faceted gems of sublime color, jale tears are crystalline last point is much debated.
drops of the Jale Gods divine sweat as his fevered body rubs
up against the Skin of Reality. These gems are rarely more In addition to the extended infravision of a lesser mask, the
than 2-3mm in diameter. They manifest as a patina on the relics wearer gains the ability to detect secret doors, pits,
walls of the Jale Gods hidden shrines; once that happens, jale underground construction, and sloping passages, as per the
tears can be harvested for use elsewhere. Members of the Cult abilities of dwarves/ dwarfs. This ability increases with each
of the Obsidian Mirror offer these gems as tokens of favor or turn that the mask is worn continuously. During the first turn,
as bribes. More than one temple novice has been corrupted there is a 1-in-6 chance of detection, 2-in-6 on the second
and brought under the cults sway thanks to these gems. When turn, and so on; detection of these features is automatic start-
ingested, a jale tear greatly enhances the subjects libido and ing the sixth turn, even if the wearer does not declare he/she
potency for a period of 24 hours. At the same time, the sub- is searching. Should the wearer remove the mask, then the
jects judgment, discretion, and restraint are dramatically im- abilities are lost but may be regained by wearing the relic for
paired due to intrusive and persistent thoughts that are dream- the appropriate number of turns.
like, feverish, and voluptuous.* The subjects Charisma and
Constitution modifiers temporarily increase to +4, while their Frequent use of the masks by non-goblinkin comes with a price:
Wisdom modifier drops to -6. Thufs grace. The percentage chance of this being bestowed is
the total number of turns that the mask has been worn by the
* From A Voyage to Arcturus (1920) by David Lindsay. character multiplied by the dungeon level he/she is onrolled
the first time that the character descends to a new level of the
Related Entries: G) Jale God; C) Cult of the Obsidian Mirror. underworld. If the wearer receives Thufs grace, he/she is able
to fight in complete darkness with +1 bonuses to combat rolls.
However, the wearer will also refuse to ascend from the un-
Jumping Icosahedron derworld level on which the grace was granted, and find even
artificial light painful (-1 to combat rolls). Finally, the wearer will
& Nicolas Senac begin the gradual process of turning into one of Thufs servitors
This Platonic solid looks perfectly normal at first glance. But, over the course of a number of days (equal to the characters
after proper examination, one can notice it is constituted by level). Before the transformation is complete, the grace may be
phosphorescent gelatinous material that radiates magic. lifted with a remove curse spell cast by a cleric two levels higher
than the wearer; after this, that person belongs entirely to Thuf
This small object is, of course, much more dangerous than it and is lost to the surface world forever.
looks. It was created by a petty god of gambling for his followers
to spread chaos and unpredictability in the world. If this object is
dropped or thrown against a solid surface, it bounces with force Mask of the Ur-Being
and strikes violently everything in its path. It will continue to
bounce off everything with which it comes into contact, thereby
& Gavin Norman
changing the trajectory frequently, and in so doing turning into F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
a devastating projectile hitting everybody and everything. In a Legends of this mask can be found in many cultures, across
closed room this is equivalent to a death sentence! The only many worlds and many planes. It is said to appear as an omen
three recourses against this object are its destruction, desperate of times of strife, and conveniently fall into the hands of one
flight (from its presence), and liquids (which impede the bounc- who can wield its strange powers. It cannot be possessed by any
ing of the isocahedron). Without external intervention, the one being for long, betraying its temporary owner at a time of
icosahedron will bounce incessantly for a duration of 2 years. its own choosing, and vanishing into the strange non-dimension
In a closed room (this divine object is useless outdoors), each from whence it came.
character takes 1d6 points of damage per round (and fragile Physically the mask is unremarkable, apparently having been
items are automatically broken). This damage ignores any magic carved from a coconut husk, and decorated with small conical
resistance and the icosahedron is considered as a +2 adaman- shells. Its cosmic power is, however, clear to any who view it.
tium magic weapon. Lawful beings who view the mask are overcome with fear (as
per the spell), those of neutral alignment who lay eyes upon
it are affected by confusion (also per the spell), while those of
Mask of Thuf (Greater) chaotic alignment must save vs. spell or be afflicted with a vio-
lent compunction to acquire and wear the mask at all costs.
& David Haraldson
The mask will not yield to any wearer; only very special indi-
Although all of Thufs goblinoid shamans wear masks in the viduals are suitable. Anyone donning the mask must roll under
shape of the godlings face (made variously of bone, ceramic, or equal to their level (or Hit Dice) on 1d20, or be instantly
beetle chitin, leather, copper, or brass, with red glass eyes, all transmuted into a pool of bubbling protoplasm (treat as a gray
granting the wearer 120' infravision), there are only five Greater ooze). One who survives has been chosen by the mask, which,
Masks of Thuf. Each of these relics is worked from a single via a painful and grotesque melding process, embeds itself into
bone, with rubies for eyes, polished into an exquisitely-detailed, the face of its new owner. The wearer has its alignment perma-
grotesque representation of Thufs face blowing out a torch. nently modified to chaotic, and is thenceforth able to command
Thufs devotees maintain that the god himself made the masks, the powers of the mask.


cret knowledge necessary to operate the Mauve Trapezoidif

one were foolish enough to trust such a being in the first place.
Related Entries: M) Kthoim.

Milk-bucket of the Gods

& Chris Tamm
This divine bucket appears quaint, decorated with high-quality
folk patterns. It may be used to keep magical or divine milk
eternally fresh, or keep normal milk fresh for four times longer
than normal. Battles have been waged for its possession, pitting
against each other the forces of good and evil milkmaids, cow-
herds, and priests. Many goddesses and monsters have magic
properties in their milk, if they would just stay still and be con-
vinced to cooperate.
Related Entries: G) Nanny Binx.

Nothing (+3 longsword)

& James Smith
PSYCHE: 4 (12)
WILLPOWER: 16 (27)
CoMM.: Verbal, read magic
Motivation.: Special
The mask has one sole power, but it is of such potency that it is
Alignment: Special
feared by mortal and immortal alike. One who wears the Mask
of the Ur-Being may, up to once per day, invoke its mysterious Powers: Wielders Strength is increased by 2 when the blade
power, effecting a transformation into the identical likeness of is in use. The sword provides a +1 bonus to all saves. Motiva-
a being of minor deific power. The exact form taken by the tion Power: Special.
masks wearer should be determined randomly (at DMs dis- The blade is multi-colored, the various hues shifting and flow-
cretion). The transformation process takes 1d6 minutes, after ing as if it were made of a solidified rainbow. The hilt is of an
which the wearer possesses all physical and magical abilities of unknown, inky black metal, wrapped in red leather.
its new form.
If asked its name the sword will answer, Nothing, in a voice
The transformed wearer of the mask cannot be distinguished tinged with a touch of despair. If questioned about its past, it
by any means from the deity whose form has been copied. will claim to have once been wielded by a great demigod, now
Thus the mask spreads discord and anarchy across the planes deceased. It will function adequately, with seemingly no will or
and throughout the multiverse. desire of its own. It will, in conversation, be rather dreary and
depressed and almost totally lacking in personality.

Mauve Trapezoid Once per day there is a cumulative 5% chance that the sword
may suddenly choose a motivation, which will be based upon
& Garrisonjames something it has experienced or witnessed that day. For in-
stance, if undead were previously fought, then Slaying Undead
This cold, oily mauve stone is faceted as an irregular trapezoid
may become its new cause. If it saw a woman being abused in
and set to levitate above an ornate bronze bowl cast or carved
a city, Protection of that specific person, or women in general,
with a spiraling pattern of overlapping waves or ridges that seem
or defeating the type of creature/class of the abuser, may be
to move slowly of their own accord. The Mauve Trapezoid radi-
chosen. Or, slaying women may become its new motivation. Its
ates fear in a 30' radius and has an Intelligence, Willpower, Ego
alignment and personality will change to one appropriate for its
equivalent to a +2 magic sword. It has 2d4 random magical
new-found cause, and its stats will increase to match the number
powers in addition to its primary power, which is to serve as
given in parenthesis above. It will act fiery, maniacal, and utterly
the focus for opening a gate into the Interstitial Void between
devoted to its cause, believing it has always been, thus motivat-
universes. This gate function can be operated by anyone willing
ed. It will also remember its name as being something appropri-
to sacrifice 3d6 hit points to the eldritch mechanisms within
ate to its newfound passion. Its motivation power at these times,
the bowl. Such a gate will only remain open for 1d4 turns, after
is phantasmal monsters, but there is a 5% chance each time it
which there is a 30% chance of the item teleporting away. The
calls upon its Motivation Power that it will be cast a prismatic
ancient words of power for commanding and controlling this
spray instead. The period of motivation will last 1d6 days and
item have been lost, but if it is true that the Tombs of the Witch
the sword will not hesitate to attempt to control its wielder if its
Queens have been found, then it may be possible to barter with
new-found will is thwarted. One week after it ends the chance
one of the mummified rulers of ancient Amatradigor for the se-
for a new motivation will start again at 5%.


Occams Razor a plain wooden cup with a wide brim. Its only distinguishing mark
is a dark red stain partway up the rim and to the lip of the cup,
& Greg Gorgonmilk marking where the poison lay pooled as the cup was tilted, and
where it trickled along until it touched Saint Fulmaras lips.
Occams Razor appears as a double-handed sword with a light
and vicious blade composed of an unknown cream-white min- It is said that any who drink from the Poisoned Cup of Life have
eral marbled with streaks of ruby-like crystal. The cage around all wounds, diseases, and other maladies (including other poi-
its hilt will immediately lock around the hands of its wielder sons) miraculously healed, cured, or removed. The only excep-
in a twist of red leather and polished willow-root, forming an tion is the poison that slew Saint Fulmara, which is still soaked
unbreakable seal. Over the course of several agonizing weeks, into the very wood of the cup. No matter what else is cured, the
the wielders finger bones will dissolve, and then slowly form a drinker must save vs. poison or die.
supple web of living calcium within the cage. After this phase,
the sword may only be removed by (a) hacking off the wielders A character who dies as a result of drinking from the Poisoned
hands at the wrists or (b) through the wielders death. Cup of Life cannot be restored to life by any means.

The Razor has an insatiable appetite for green-blooded crea-

tures (e.g., elves, goblins and tree-spirits) and will try to provoke Pulvinar of the
the wielder to attack these beings on sight by exerting its will Good Goddess
over his body. The wielder must save vs. spell, with failure in-
dicating Razor will attack target creature next round, with or & Tim Stephens
without wielders consent. Only one check needs to be made
per encounter. The Pulvinar is a small stone couch used in the ancient rites of
the female cult of the Good Goddess, an obscure hearth deity
The sword provides its wielder with +1 to all attack rolls, and a from the distant past.
+2 to rolls vs. green-blooded targets.
The couch is carved from marble, unadorned except for
Razor does 1d6 permanent Constitution damage (apply dam- carved myrtle leaves upon the legs. The couch was set, empty,
age directly to the characters Constitution score; a Constitution at banquets in honor of the goddess and used in the now lost
of 3 or below places the character in a dreamless torpor). The proceedings of the goddess cult.
sword may drain the spirit of a target in torpor, permanently in-
creasing the wielders Constitution by 1/2 point, or temporarily The Pulvinar is not sentient, although it has a dim awareness of its
increasing his hit point total by 1d# (where # equals the victims surroundings. It possess the abilities of ESP and know alignment
HD) for a number of turns determined by the DM (usually 1 turn as if cast by a 15th level magic-user and cleric, respectively.
per character level). If sat upon by someone who is female and lawful, the Pulvinar
The Jale God, and perhaps one other (possibly Grgnmjlk), grants her innermost desire as per the wish spell. However,
know the unspoken word that will cause Razor to disappear or, the wish spell is not permanent and lasts but a number of turns
more precisely, to have never existed at all. equal to 1d12 plus the wishers Wisdom modifier, whereupon
the wishs effects disappear, returning all to normal as before
Related Entries: G) Grgnmjlk, Jale God. the wish was granted. If sat upon by a male of any alignment,
the Pulvinar reacts by unleashing effects equal to the spell holy
word as punishment for the sacrilegious act.
Perfect Mirror The Pulvinar appears in isolated shrines, ruined temples, and
& John Everett Till distant villages that were in the mystic past sacred to the Goddess
Cult. The Pulvinar moves randomly as if teleported between
Each sorcerer-priest and warrior of the Cult of the Obsidian these spots, disappearing upon the waning crescent of the moon
Mirror has on their person a small obsidian hand-mirror called and appearing someplace new at the arrival of the new moon.
a perfect mirror. This device of the ancients is a gateway to a
pocket dimension prison which works identically to a mirror
of life trapping, with the exception that only one person at a Rod of Destiny
time may be trapped, and that the trapped persons voice and
appearance is immediately taken on by the user of the perfect & Daniel J. Bishop
mirror. The entrapped persons face can be seen in the mirror
as a smoky apparition. In addition, two or more individuals This silver rod is about three feet long, and is decorated with
who each possess perfect mirrors can communicate with each etched lines forming a complexly interwoven pattern that is im-
other by speaking into their mirrors; this effect has a range of possible for mortals to trace. Any creature with magical abilities
up to 300'. (including the ability to cast spells) that sees it will automatically
recognize it as an item tied to fate. Any being that grasps it with
Related Entries: C) Cult of the Obsidian Mirror. a bare hand instantly understands how to use it.
In order to use the Rod of Destiny, a being must grip it with a
bare hand that is being used for no other purpose. While the
Poisoned Cup of Life rod is so gripped, it can bring extraordinary good luck to its
& Daniel J. Bishop wielder. The user may reroll any single die, up to seven times
each game day. The same die may be rerolled more than once.
This is the cup from which Saint Fulmara, a minor patron saint of Any die roll affecting the character, including a die roll made by
healers and midwives, drank and was poisoned. It appears to be another (such as a monsters attack roll) may be rerolled.

3 07

Whenever using the Rod of Destiny, it is possible that karmic the sword chooses tothis is due to their need to be born
forces may be drawn to the character, replacing his good luck to accomplish their tasks. An influence check is made when a
with bad. Each time the Rod of Destiny is used, the player must wielder first touches a Rune Blade, and every time thereafter.
roll 1d8. If the roll is equal to, or under, the number of uses A check is also needed when the sword is near its target race,
that day, karma has caught up to the character, and he incurs a if it is not in control at that time. A Rune Blade of Carnage al-
cumulative and permanent 1 penalty on all die rolls (including ways gains a bonus of 1d10 to its willpower when making these
additional karma rolls). The users chances of staving off karma checks, regardless of the wielders alignment.
decrease the more often the rod is used on any given day.
The only way to remove penalties incurred from the rod is to
forfeit ownership of the Rod of Destiny. If the character does
Sacred Lotuses
this, the penalty is gone immediately. However, should the & R.J. Thompson
character ever use the rod again (ever, regardless of karma roll), F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
the penalty immediately returns and is automatically doubled.
Each additional use of the rod automatically adds an additional Many religions see the lotus as a sacred plant. Indeed, while
permanent penalty of 2 (no 1d8 karma roll required). common lotuses are viewed as sacred among mortals for a va-
riety of reasons, the gods keep a truly magical variety of lotus
growing within their personal gardens. The abilities of the lotus-
Rune Blades of Carnage es vary greatly. Many deities keep lotuses that hold similar abili-
ties to themselves within their lairs. Each color of lotus holds a
& R.J. Thompson different power that is typically released with the plants pollen.
INTELLIGENCE: 9 The trigger for this release varies from color to color as well.
PSYCHE: 12 Black Lotus: The magical power of the black lotus is one
Alignment: Chaotic which is purely defensive for the plant, yet utterly devastating to
the mortal whom gets too close. Once per turn the black lotus
The Rune Blades of Carnage were forged long ago during a
will issue forth a 10'10' cloud of black pollen that shimmers
great war between an alliance of Free Peoples and a cabal of
with fluorescent colors, not unlike those seen when gazing into
dark mages who had had lorded over them for a millennia. The
a pool of oil in the sunlight. The cloud hangs in the air for 1d6
war turned against the mages and they sought out eldritch lore
rounds before dissipating. This beautiful display is deadly and all
that might turn the tide back in their favor. The mages used an-
within the cloud must save vs. death or die.
cient rites to imprison five demon princes, each a lesser divinity
in their own right, within rune blades meant to bring about the White Lotus: The pollen of the white lotus erupts from the
downfall of the Free Peoples. Each of these blades was forged flower much as one would expect to see a burst of powder, it
with the intent of eradicating a race of the Free Peoples from the takes effect immediately and dissipates instantly. The powdery
planet. Each bore the name of the demon that it imprisoned. pollen covers a 15'15' area. Those caught within must save
vs. paralysis or fall asleep for 2d3 hours. The pollen is released
Gal Zarok, Lord of Balrochs, was imprisoned to be taken into
at random, with a 50% chance of release every turn, but only
the deep places of the earth and slay the race of dwarves.
once per hour.
Mal Ditherk, Demon Prince of Rot, was bound to his blade to
Red Lotus: Also known as the blood bloom, the red lotus
eradicate the race of gnomes.
releases its wet mist-like pollen (which has a color similar to
Ortazires, Demon Queen of Starvation, was trapped within her the flower itself) once per day, usually near dusk. Its wet pollen
blade to vanquish the race of halflings. disperses and spreads throughout an area at a rate of five feet
in diameter per round until it has covered a 100' diameter. The
Cith Anuun, Demon Prince of Decay, was ensnared to destroy mist hangs in the area for 3d6 hours. Anyone inhaling the pol-
the race of elves. len of the blood bloom must save vs. poison or fall into a brief,
if not deep depression. Those who are affected by the mist be-
Lastly was forged the blade which imprisoned Kual Varathost,
Demon Prince of Plague, who was forged and bound to sweep
the land and rid the world of man.
These five proved to be difficult for the force of light to defeat.
The Free Peoples won the war, and their freedom, but were
not able to destroy the blades. They have been lost to time, and
even the greatest of sages do not know where they have gone.
The Rune Blades of Carnage exist to complete their original
purpose as the demons imprisoned shall never know rest until
the have done so. Each blade acts as a + 3 longsword that deals
double damage against the race it was intended to destroy. In
addition they can detect good at will. Similarly they can de-
tect the presence of any member of the swords race of enmity.
Once per hour the sword can cast charm person, and it may
cast confusion once every five rounds.
Unlike other sapient swords, the Rune Blades of Carnage do
not damage bearers who do not share their alignment, unless


come depressed, suffering a penalty of 5 to any rolls made for salts themselves appear to be thumbnail-sized, multi-colored
the next 1d6 hours. crystals of sea salt. If dissolved in water at a 2:1 ratio, the salts
have the power to immediately destroy any plant or plant-based
Midnight Lotus: The so-called midnight lotus has petals creatures root system the solution is poured upon as if by an
of a dark navy, almost indistinguishable from the color black. acid attack (no save). This solution will also render the ground
The lotus releases its pollen in shimmer of gold dust covering into which it is poured forever devoid of plant life. It is rumored
a 10' diameter an hour after sunset every day. The effects are that the Desert of Karat was formed in just this manner. The
instantaneous, any caught within gain the ability to see perfectly salts are generally produced in small batches of under eight
in the dark for 24 hours. ounces, but have not been produced for over 300 years.
Green Lotus: Also called plague lotus, the green lotus emits Should a creature be inclined to ingest a salt crystal or drink the
a foul yellow-green cloud of pollen whenever a creature comes dissolved solution, they will suffer 6d20 acidic damage to their
within 10' of it. The pollen expands to form a 20' diameter cloud digestive tract and permanently lose the ability to speak.
that dissipates after 1d12 rounds. All within the cloud must save
vs. poison or contact a magical disease which lowers all three
physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity and Constitution) by
5, and causes violent coughing (55% chance per round) that
Seeds of Sowing
makes any normal action impossible to perform. Only a dispel & Matthew W. Schmeer
magic or remove curse spell rids the diseased of this effect, all
normal cures fail. The exact recipe of the seeds of sowing is known only by the
chief preists of the Cult of Audrum, and is a highly guarded
Orange Lotus: The orange lotus spews for its pollen in 25'- secret. What is known is that the seeds appear to be a mix
long cone with an equal width (at its terminus). The pollen is of special soils, nutrients, plant digestives, and other unknown
an orange powder that dissipates after it is released. This ef- ingredients packed into a shape roughly the size and weight of
fect takes place the first time that any creature steps within 10' a chicken egg. When a normal plant seed is embedded into the
of the lotus and cannot spew forth again for 1d3 hours. All seed of sowing and planted in temperate conditions, the plant
within must save vs. spell or be subject to horrifying effects of that sprouts will be a sentient life form, capable of speech and
a phantasmal force spell (DMs discretion as to the effects; it is thought and with 1000 times the life-cycle length of the normal
recommended that those who are unaware of the nature of the plant of that type of seed. The resulting plant is incapable of
pollen will have horrid visions of creatures attacking them, per reproduction and any fruit borne by the plant will be seedless. It
the spell, while those who know the nature of the plant might is rumored that the Murmuring Forest of Nerm was the result of
enjoy entertaining hallucinations). This pollen can become ad- a clumsy cultist spilling a large collection of such seeds. There
dictive to those whom use it as a hallucinatory drug. Each time are no more than 1d4 seeds found at any time.
it is used deliberately in such a way the user must make a save
vs. spell or become addicted, If addicted, each day without the Eating the seeds of sowing is not advised, but has no effect
pollen will cause a lack of sleep, with normal cumulative ef- beyond a severe stomach ache for 1d4 days.
fects taking place. If the addict does not use the pollen for one
month, then the addiction will subside.
Opal Lotus: The opal lotus is called such because its petals
Shed Godling Skin Suit
are opalescent, as is its vaporous pollen. The opal lotus releases & Logan Knight
a 10' sphere of pollen anytime that it detects a lawful creature
within that same radius. The pollen lasts for 2d10 rounds and Some godlings grow as their following does, sloughing off their
acts as a protection from evil, 10' radius spell for all within. old skin to make way for a glorious new facade. The translucent
leather stitched into this full-body suit still responds to praise and
Violet Lotus: The violet lotus releases an effervescent cloud of worship, whether that worship be directed at the wearer or the
pollen 50' in diameter any time there is motion within 100' feet godling who shed it.
of it, but only once every 1d3 hours. The cloud hangs in place for
1 hour acting as a dispel magic spell. The skin allows the use of an ability of the godling from which it
came. The use of the ability may be delayed for a length of time
Jade Lotus: The jade lotus is called such because its leaves equal to the number of turns spent in worship beforehand (e.g.,
strongly resemble the stone that is its namesake. The pollen of worshiping for 8 turns will allow the ability to be used at any time
the jade lotus erupts from the flower spreading until it has cov- within 8 turns of completing worship)
ered a 1000' foot radius. This happens when the flower senses
human, humanoid or demi-human creatures witin 1500' of it Pick a god, roll for one, or flip to one randomly in this book, or
and is purely defensive, though very effective for those wish- use whatever horrible thing the following abilities came from.
ing to guard something. The bright green cloud of pollen acts 1. Swollen pustular mounds swell from the neck of the
instantly causing the effects of a plant growth spell. suit, allowing the wearer to expel boiling black bile as
a 6' ranged attak or as a 90 spray with a 3' wide ter-
minus, bypassing armor and dealing 2d6 acid damage.
Salts of Despair If the wearer is able to bite someone (on a successful
to hit roll, the wearer may vomit directly into the
& Matthew W. Schmeer victims bloodstream (save or die).
Like the seeds of sowing the secret knowledge of creating the 2. If someone makes a successful melee attack against
salts of despair is guarded by the chief priests of the Cult of the wearer, the wearer can allow the attackers weapon
Audrum as the salts are a rare and dangerous concoction. The and arm to pass into the wearers body, trapping the


opponent (and leaving the wearer unarmed). The arm 9 shocked by will-o-wisps.
will need to be cut away, but whatever is left on the suit 10 drained by wraiths.
will be absorbed soon enough. 11 frozen by white dragons.
3. The wearer leeches the life out of anything organic 12 bludgeoned by the cyclops Birk,
within 6'. All in area of effect must save vs. spell or and Lorn his cloud giant wife.
lose 1d6 hp to the wearer. Wearer must roll under 13 cursed by mummies.
Constitution or secrete it back out in noisome streams 14 afflicted by werewolves.
(losing all hp gained through the leeching). 15 gagged by ghasts.
4. The wearer regurgitates 1d4 phlegm-colored tiny men, 16 deafened by dragonnes.
permanently losing 1 hp for each tiny man spewed. 17 bewailed by banshees.
Roll to determine each tiny mans loyalty. Every round 18 buffeted by wind walkers.
the wearer wants them to do something, a successful 19 smothered by shambling mounds.
morale roll is required for them to 20 put to sleep by jackalweres.
coopoerate. Incentives may be used to modify the
roll. The only way the wearer may regain these per-
manently lost hit points is to swallow the tiny men. Smoking Mirror Engine
Additionally, the skins standard AC of 8 improves by 1 for
every person that worships the wearer like a disciple, as the
& John Everett Till
skin flushes with life and moves in a distracting, unnatural way. A smoking mirror engine is an artifact gate sacred to Lord
If the wearer gains 14 or more followers, the wearer will fuse Tezcatlipoca. Each smoking mirror engine is a single sheet of
with the skin, becoming a malformed bastard demigod. They polished obsidian the size of a great door or portal. These huge
will not like it. pieces of obsidian are mined from megavolcanoes like Olympus
Mons on Mars. Within the polished obsidian mirror surface can
be seen the tracery of circuit patterns. The obsidian is imprinted
Shining Icosahedron with spells that create a connection to another gate at a different
location on the same world, another world or location (such as
& Legion a base or ship), or an entirely different plane. A magic user can
communicate with someone at the adjoining gate using an ESP
The Shining Icosahedrondarkly beautiful in all its shimmer- spell. A cleric can awaken and command a gate to open for 1
ing oil-slick opalescenceserves as a cubic gate, but with 20 turn per level using a variant of the find the path spell. Once a
facets instead of only six. One face is keyed to the Material gate has been opened, anyone may pass through it. Frequently
Plane, though the where and when of entry is shockingly errat- such gates are placed near each other in great galleries, allow-
ic. Another side leads to DiitWentiis home, the colossal library ing rapid passage from one world to another, to another. The
at the center of the Crimson Hexagon, and the arrival rooms Eye of Lord Tezcatlipoca can also be used to open these gates.
there are likewise disconcertingly random. The other 18 planes
should be determined by the DM. Each gate is opened by a Related Entries: D) Eyes (Eye of Lord Tezcatlipoca).
specific pattern of carresses.
The Shining Icosahedron is also a terrible weapon and there is
a 20% chance per round of combat that DiitWentii will throw
Snare of Irrevocable Ends
it at an opponent instead of attacking physically or magically.
It has a range of 400 and DiitWentii must roll to hit. Regard-
& Patrick Wetmore
less of the result it automatically returns like a war hammer +2, The gods would spare no effort in destorying both the Snare
dwarven thrower. and the souls of any who had even a hint of its existence, if
only they could focus their attention on it but for a moment.
Within the Shining Icosahedron is a multi-cell prison. Each fac- The Snare is a weapon from somewhere beyond the ken of
et binds 20 HD worth of a given monster type. Some of these gods and men. In appearance, it is a series of sixteen interlock-
creatures are weakened (but all are enraged) from their eons- ing greenish-gold metal hoops, 2' in diameter, slowly revolving
long imprisonment. When hit by the Shining Icosahedron, any around each other.
being less divine or infernal than a demi-god or greater demon
must save vs. spell. Anyone who passes the save suffers 20 hit Its primary power is to be entirely hidden from the minds of
points of damage. A target who fails to save is teleported inside gods and their extraplanar servitors. It cannot be thought of by
the facet by which it was struck; the monsters bound therein at- the immortal godsattempts to discuss it will meet with blank
tack immediately. Roll 1d20 to determine which face impacted stares at best, and more likely divine retribution for wasting a
the target and consult the following table: gods time. The second power of the Snare is that any god
within 120' of it will not leave the area. He, she, or it will stay
Roll The victim is... put, making increasingly bizarre excuses as to why divine duties
1 scalded by a dragon turtle. are being neglected. The third power of the weapon is The Ir-
2 made simple by lamiae. revocable End; any god slain within 120' of the Snare is com-
3 scorched by salamanders. pletely, utterly, and irrevocably destroyed. When this occurs,
4 paralyzed by ghouls. the Snare groans as if in agony, and a new hoop tears its way
5 weakened by shadows. into the world.
6 terrified by ghosts.
The Snare is beyond the ability of mortal men to damage, to the
7 poisoned by wyverns.
dismay of the priests who have encountered the weapon.
8 dissolved by ankhegs.


Statue of the Black Mother It is said that when seven thousand of these spawn (black pud-
dings) are birthed, the dark god will awaken and the orifices of
& Shadrac MQ the world will spew forth their vengeance.

A stone, black, lustreless statue of the goddess Kali [replace with

petty goddess of choice], standing about 3' high, including an
ornamental plinth. Two of her hands are shaped to hold can-
Stone Heads of Jergen Groot
dles. If candles rendered from human fat are placed in her hands & Matthew W. Schmeer
and lit, the statue appears to leer and shift in the flickering glow,
and the light thus cast will summon 1d6+6 shadows which will Jergen Groot was a simple man who wanted nothing more than
serve the possessor of the statue for as long as the candles burn. a simple life. All his life he had done what he was told: first by
The statues pose and expression is able to change subtly in his parents, then by his vicar, then by his wife. From sunup
the candlelight to communicate the desires of the goddess. The to sundown he tended his goats, plowed his fields, smoked his
goddess requires a living, intelligent sacrifice for each burning pipe, and slept the sleep of the just. He lived a dull but happy
of the candles, and the shadows will ensure that she receives life for 52 years.
one before the candles have completely burned down, using the
possessor of the statue if necessary. In his 53rd year, a local baron (in truth a wealthy adventurer
recently given leave to create a barony out in the hinterlands)
arrived one night to conscript all able-bodied men in the village
to defend his keep against a horde of foreign invaders. Having
Spitblade never lifted a weapon beyond a fire poker (and then even only
& Vindico Vindicatum in jest) and having never even seen the baron, let alone known
how to address one, Jergen stepped forward and asked why
Squamulouus, god of chaos, was the most powerful, insidi- the men of the village should fight for the baron when clearly
ous, and corrupt of all demons. He was supplicated in times the baron had done nothing but demand taxes that the villagers
of plague, a deity to be appeased when stomachs roiled with paid with nothing to show for it.
illness until the poison was vomited forth, cleansing the suppli-
cant. He was a necessary eviluntil 700 years ago when the The baron cut off Jergens head with one swipe of his blade.
seven great deities of sacred light destroyed his minions and The Jale God saw this act, and out of amusement caused an-
cornered the evil god on the surface of a dark star. other head to reappear on Jergens shoulders.
A mighty battle waged. When the seven great deities of sacred Shocked, the baron cut off this head, too.
light defeated Squamulouus, his followers retrieved his corpse
before it could be destroyed. The god of chaos was defeated, And the Jale God repeated his trick.
but not destroyed. Squamulouus remained imprisoned until the
dark star finally collapsed, precipitating a dimensional rift that Believing this to be the work of necromancers in his midst, the
allowed Squamulouus evil to worm its way back to our world. baron had Jergen and all his relations drawn and quartered.
Then he himself cut off Jergens head yet one more time. He de-
They carefully mummified and preserved Squamulouuss corpo- manded his henchmen burn Jergens body and the three heads
real remains and sealed them in a huge sarcophagus with their in a roaring bonfire in the village green. The fire quickly grew
most powerful spells. Then they transported it to the Astral out of control and burned the entire village and the surrounding
Plane. There, Squamulouuss corpse is entombed in a gigantic wilderness to the ground.
sarcophagus. Squamulouuss mummy lays within, arms folded
across his chest, with a massive gold mask covering his face. The Jale God laughed.

Slivers of his demonic nature trailed through astral space, And the three heads of Jergen Groot survived the flames, hav-
forming the sword-like shapes which have become known as ing turned to stone in the wash of flames.
Spitblades. There are six Spitblades in existence. Through The Jale God kept the three heads of Jergen Groot for many
manipulation and guile, the blades find wielders and seek to years. Then, he lost them in a bet with another minor god, who
impregnate living incubators. Spitblades are bright red wavy in turn lost them in a bet with another, and so on and so on until
blades with a maw on their crossguards. Each is inlaid with a they found their way back into the world, lost to the ages.
large gem just above the cross guard in the shape of a frogs
eye. There are six different gems: emerald, ruby, sapphire, to- It is rumored that the first head of Jergen Groot can give the gift
paz, diamond, and amethyst. of true seeing to those who place a tear upon one of its cheeks.
Sqaumulouus blades inflict a standard 1d8 damage, plus an It is said the second head of Jergen Groot can grant those who
additional 1d8 points of acid damage caused with the blade place a garland of daisies on its brow the courage of 10 men,
licks the wound of the victim. On a natural to hit roll of 20, the strength of 5 men, and the luck of the devil himself.
the Spitblade plunges into the targets stomach (if it has one);
victims of this attack must save vs. poison or be infected with It is said the third head of Jergen Groot will turn the hand that
Squamulouus seed. The stomach of the target expands each touches it to stone.
round, causing nausea and incapacitating it. In a number of
Where the first head goes, the others follow. He who possesses
rounds equal to the victims Constitution, the victims stomach
all three heads of Jergen Groot has a 5% chance of receiving
will burst open, spraying everything within a 15' radius for 1d8
a visit from the Jale God himself, who will attempt to win the
acid damage per level or HD of the afflicted creature. Addi-
heads back.
tionally, a black pudding is birthed at that moment from the
remains of the exploded victim. Related Entries: G) Jale God.


Sword of Rasoob
& Erin Palette
Green with corrosion, this sickle sword looks absolutely ancient.
Made of bronze, it is heavier than a steel sword of identical size,
and its edge has been blunted over time (-2 penalty on all to
hit and damage rolls). However, these penalties may be over-
come through certain ritual actions, which impart a cumulative
bonus to the sword for each act:
Act Bonus
remove all objects +2
of iron or steel from the
wielders person
Summoning Horn
of Armageddon

for each member of the
party who similarly forsakes
+1 per
party member
& Atte Mustonen iron and steel
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. ritually sacrifice +1 per
magical items of armor or each +1 of
This great brass horn is adorned with symbols of chaos. When steel in a sanctified forge sacrificed object
blown, it sounds like a foghorn that seems to go on forever. He
who blows the horn loses one experience level that can not be With each bonus gained, the Sword of Rasoob becomes sharper,
restored, even by divine means. After 1d6 turns of reverbera- lighter, and less corroded, until it is a gleaming bronze khopesh
tion, with terrible flash and thunder and puffs of smoke, 1d8+2 of incredible sharpness. All bonuses are lost if the wielder or par-
randomly selected petty gods aligned with chaotic forces will ty members equip themselves with iron or steel, or if the Sword
appear within 120' of the hornblower. These entities are by no of Rasoob is placed beside weapons containing that metal.
means compelled to obey the summoner, so there better be a
Once the Sword of Rasoob has reached a bonus of +5 to hit
sufficient amount of placation and sacrifices held ready. There
and damage, additional abilities are unlocked:
is a 5% cumulative chance per chaotic petty god summoned
that a counter-force of lawful petty gods of equal number will remove tarnish from all non-ferrous objects at will
arrive to stop whatever is at hand and dispense divine justice.
If both chaotic and lawful deities have arrived on the scene, expend a +1 bonus to rust ferrous metals,
there is 5% cumulative chance per each deity (both chaotic and as per a rust monster, with a successful strike
lawful) that a group of neutral petty gods, in number equal to
expend a +2 bonus to cast flesh to stone
the total of chaotic and lawful deities, will arrive in attempt to
(bronze, in this case) as if an 11th level magic-user
stop whatever localized war of the gods is about to happen. It
is highly probable that a horrifying battle will ensue, and eve- If Rasoob has been summoned, he will always be wielding this
rything nearby will be devastated to a great degree. The Horn weapon at full (+10) power. If he is defeated, it will have no start-
will disappear the moment the gods manifest themselves and ing bonuses. If he lends it to a PC in whom he finds favor, it may
will hide itself in some far corner of the world waiting to be have a random number (1d4) of bonuses.
discovered by another hapless fool.
Related Entries: G) Rasoob.

Sword of Allegiance
Thrumming Monolith
& Atte Mustonen
These swords come in variety of shapes and sizes, but they are
& Dustin Brandt
always dedicated to service of one deity with the name of deity
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
either etched in runes on the blade, as a holy (or unholy) symbol The Thrumming Monolith consists of dozens of rectangular
on the handguard, or something similar. The powers of these boxes stacked atop each other, alight in a pulsing electric glow
blades are activated when a person with an alignment matching and squealing with signal fluctuation, static, and crosstalk. Usu-
the deity draws the sword, holds the weapon high, and loudly ally found in the possession of a cult exploiting its powers, but
proclaims allegiance to the entity. every few centuries it can be discovered abandoned in a ruined
temple, lost city, sealed cave, or groovy dungeon.
First, the sword of allegiance grants the user 1d10 points of
Strength (up to racial maximum) as long as it is held. Addition- Technical knowledge of its design and usage is lost, replaced
ally, because these blades are made for champions of gods to by ritual manipulation by cultists. Typical unskilled interaction
wage war against a gods enemies, they hold a second power with the monolith results in a roll on the You messed with
when facing opponents requiring a minimum magical bonus to the monolith? chart (below). A skeptical, curious, and persist-
hit, the sword will provide that bonus. For example, when fac- ent observer could learn how and why it works through several
ing an arch-devil that requiring a +3 weapon to hit, the sword years of study. Users of such skill can reliably achieve the effects
of allegiance will gain those properties for the duration of the that involve communicating with gods, and can sometimes even
encounter. Similarily, if facing a mere wererat, the sword will tune in to a specific god, i.e. choose the god with whom they
only count as if being made of silver. will communicate.


74 Becomes fluent in another language

75 Suddenly realize the answer to a riddle
76 Instantly masters an entire field of study
77 Becomes aware of his/her status as
a player character
78 Gain knowledge of a past life
79 Can taste magic
80 Can sniff out traps, but they smell like flatulence
81 No longer feels pain
82 Can move eyes independantly (a good looker)
83 X-ray vision
84 Ears ring maddeningly in the presense
of secret doors
85 Otherworldly broadcast: Sporting Event
86 Otherworldly broadcast: Country
87 Otherworldly broadcast: Classic Rock
88 Otherworldly broadcast: Top 40
89 Otherworldly broadcast:
Radio adaptaion of The Hobbit
90 Otherworldly broadcast:
Dramatic reading of Poes The Raven
91 Otherworldly broadcast:
Orson Welless War of the Worlds
92 Otherworldly broadcast:
Abbott & Costellos Whos on First? routine
93 Can talk with a random god for 30 seconds
starting now!
94 Can hear the thoughts of a random god for
30 seconds; the god is awarestarting now!
95 Can hear the thoughts of a random god
for 30 seconds; the god is unawarestarting now!
96 Channels the speech of a random god for
30 seconds; the god is awarestarting now!
If wearing plate metal armor, add 50 to any roll below 51. Nor-
97 Channels the speech of a random god
mally, effects that involve hearing otherworldly broadcasts or
for 30 seconds; the god is unawarestarting now!
gods are only heard by the character that messed with the mon- 98 Can see through the eyes of a random god
olith, but if the character is wearing metal plate armor the sound
for 30 secondsstarting now!
reverberates and can be heard by all in the room. 99 Coma for d100 days
You messed with the monolith? (Roll d%) 100 Death by explosion

1-50 Just a little shock

51 Cure all that ails ye Twisted Crown
52 Loses all fear
53 Gain a phobia & Daniel J. Bishop
54 Becomes schizophrenic
55 Loses all inhibitions This object is made out of an unknown black metal, heavier
56 Becomes mellow to a fault than iron and impervious to all mortal damage. It is a circlet with
57 Becomes more greedy many long points rising upward, twisting around each other as
58 Loses all childhood memories they rise, like flickers of dark, unholy fire. The Twisted Crown
59 Loses all memory except of childhood was forged in Hell by the petty demon-god Morghus, once Lord
60 Loses knowledge of a spell of Fires Snuffed Out in the Deep, whose breath beneath the
61 Loses all knowledge of his/her party ground caused torches to flicker, and could blow all flames out.
62 Never remembers own name Morghus clawed hands were burnt black from pinching torches
63 Often unconsciously unfastens own belt and out when mortals ventured deep beneath the ground.
armor buckles and laces and forgets to refasten When a mortal places the Twisted Crown upon his head, he im-
64 Split tongue mediately (and permanently) loses 1d4 points of Charisma, and
65 Hair and skin change color his hands permanently become sooty black in hue. Thereafter,
66 Glow finger the Twisted Crown will allow the wearer to cast any fire spell,
67 Permanent smile regardless of the class the spell normally belongs to, and of any
68 Unruly hair level. Each time the wearer uses this power, the caster perma-
69 Extra pointy knees and elbows nently loses points of Charisma equal to the level of the spell
70 Actual twinkle in the eye cast. When the wearer reaches 0 Charisma, he is consumed
71 Magnetic hands in a moment of intense heat. The wearer, and all his gear, are
72 Learns a new spell of current or lower level transformed to ash, except for the Crown itself.
73 Learns a new spell of higher level


Unicorn Horns Rainbow horns can only be wielded by those of lawful align-
ment, and even then, rarely wielded by any other than paladins
& Matthew W. Schmeer of the highest rank within their orders.
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. Rainbow horns have the ability to change the alignment of any
A brief summary of the properties of various unicorn horns, non-lawful individual to lawful (save vs. death at -3). They glow
found in the ancient writings of Zelrak Dluog, scholar-mage, in a pulsing rainbow of colors when in the presence of evil.
mad monk, and chaser of skirts.
Additionally, they can cast color spray, dancing lights, dispel
phantasm, prismatic sphere, prismatic spray, prismatic wall,
pyrotechnics, and regenerate, up to 2 times per day per spell, if
These light-cream colored horns are the most common va- the wielder is of the appropriate level to cast such spell (casters
riety. Found most often on unicorns that have not reached do not need to be of the appropriate class).
breeding age, they have the power to attract virgins, purify
water, and remove common poisons from foodstuffs. Unlike Dluog notes that the normal working life of rainbow horns vary
most unicorn horns, they can be ground into powder. A single greatly. Roll 1d30 to determine how many years of use the horn
grain can create potable water out of a small pond, remove the may contain.
rot from an animal carcass to make it suitable for eating, or
A rainbow horn can only be destroyed by a divine being.
neutralize the most deadly of poisons from any victual. Dluogs
notes indicate the horn will only attract virgins if the user has
no unchaste thoughts.
Silver unicorn horns are thin, reedy horns molted from from
Boxwood horns can be destroyed via normal digestive processes. pregnant unicorn mares during their first three weeks of preg-
nancy. In most cases, these horns are then consumed by the
Ivory mare. Dluogs essay on unicorn life cycles has an extremely long
Harvested from a unicorn in rut and often confused with the footnote about this that no one has fully transcribed.
boxwood horn, the ivory-colored unicorn horn is a magnificent
Silver horns are highly prized for their medicinal value. Like
weapon when wielded in the proper manner. It can be used as
boxwood horns, they can neutralize poison and purify water,
a bone short sword or a short thrusting spear in combat, and
and can be ground into powder to add to foodstuffs to accom-
when used as such delivers +4 damage. However, its true power
plish these effects. When boiled with chamomile and lavender,
is subtler and more difficult to provoke. Dluogs notes indicate
shavings from these horns create a strong infusion that, when
the ivory-colored horn of a unicorn is an attack absorber; the
imbibed, can remove blindness and restore deafness. Silver
shock and damage of any blow directly to the horn itself is ab-
horns can also cure paralysis or stave off the spread of bodily
sorbed and released back at the attacker. The attacker gets no
diseases if inhaled in powdered form.
save. It does double damage in the hands of a virtuous maiden
who has been unjustly violated by her attacker. Finally, a fully intact silver horn has the power to cure major
wounds or regenerate (if placed inside the wound) or resurrect
Ivory horns can be destroyed only by volcanic fire.
(if placed in the deceaseds mouth) within the normal param-
eters of both spells. The horns dissolve in the process and can-
not be reused.
Extremely rare and powerful, these jet-black horns are taken
from the fresh corpses of female stillborn unicorns which died in Silver unicorn horns can be destroyed by normal digestive
utero and killed their mothers in the birthing process. Unicorns processes, bodily absorption, or intense fire.
must be breech-birthed to avoid impaling their mothers, and
Related Entries: G) Atanuw.
only in extremely rare cases does this not occur. Dluogs notes
contain pages of upon pages of sketches detailing the arcane
process needed to provoke a unicorn to attempt to deliver a
non-breeched filly.
Onyx horns have the power to absorb magic, with an effect
similar to the dispel magic spell. Dluog notes that this power
is so strong that onyx horns will absorb magical auras from an
object that is within 100 feet of its presence.
The awful power of an onyx horn can only be dampened or
controlled by wrapping the horn in the wet hide of a manticore.
After 300-500 years of regular use, an onyx unicorn horn will
absorb enough magic that it ceases absorbing magical auras and
becomes a rainbow unicorn horn.
An onyx horn can only be destroyed by volcanic fire.

The rainbow unicorn horn is the rarest of all horns, having
started out as an onyx unicorn horn and absorbed enough
magic to take on magical powers itself.


Useless Scrolls Vengeance of Zo

& Matthew W. Schmeer & Jonas Mustonen
Below are 1d30 slightly useless spell scrolls found in the archives There exist only 11 of these magical weapons, crafted from
of Wllkatntn. black bonesthe remains of the former god of disproportion-
ate retribution. Very few still worship in the pantheon to which
1 Break Wind: cures flatulence in a 10' radius he belonged, and the culture that first nurtured beliefs about
2 Kitten Cuddle: summons 1d30 cute, cuddly kittens him lays in ruins. The majority of these weapons are believed
3 Wash Wizard: thoroughly cleans and to be knives and daggers, but at least one short sword is known
deodorizes 1 wizard to carry the vengeance of Zo.
4 Undo Toe Stub: self-explanatory These magical weapons need special rituals to be activated. He
5 Wang Dang Doodle: allows caster to who wishes to use a weapons power must cut himself, utter
dance all night long without tiring slights of which his victim is guilty (real or imagined), then use
6 Flim Flam: grants ability to convincingly lie the same blade to cut the intended victim. The person wielding
with 100% undetectability, but only to people the weapon (to cut the victim) need not be the person who first
named Flam cut himself with the blade. After the ritual connection has been
7 Hoboken Chicken: summons one (1) achieved, the victim and the vengeance-seeker will each lose
266-pound friendly chicken 1d3 hit points per day until one of them is dead. This hit point
8 Capture Flag: captures 1 random flag loss will manifest itself in form of multiple small cuts which ap-
9 Uncrease Cloth: removes creases from 1 sq. ft. pear out of nowhere. Additionally, anyone associating with the
of non-magical cloth victim (e.g., party members, those who fighting alongside of
10 Cure Hiccups: self-explanatory him, people doing business with him or talking to him, etc.) will
11 Uncook Beans: self-explanatory start losing hit points (and manifesting cuts) at the same pace.
These lost hit points cannot be healed naturally or magically,
12 Nit Pick: removes head lice from 1d4 humanoids
except through the conditions outlined below.
in a 10' radius
13 Hen Peck: allows caster to berate 1d4 humanoids If the victim dies first, the blades user will immediately regain all
in a 10' radius hit points lost to the blades magic, except 1d3 hit points (which
14 Double Bag of Holding: places all are permanently lost). Additionally, all associates of the victim
Bags of Holding within another non-magical bag will stop losing hit points. However, all of their hit point losses
remain permanent, unless the blade is destroyed.
15 Scramble Eggs: randomly reorganizes
1d20 eggs in a nest If the blades user dies first, the victims hit point losses will be
16 Summon Waiter: self-explanatory permanent, unless the blade is destroyed.
Only works at three-star or better inns and taverns Should both the blades user and victim die simultaneously, the
17 Clerical Error: forces 1d4 clerics within 10' radius collateral victims hit point losses will remain permanent, unless
to mispronounce a word in their evening prayers the blade is destroyed.
18 Foshizzle: makes any caster with a lisp Hit points which are permanently lost to the blades magic may
spit non-incendiary sparks when he speaks only be regained by finding the blade and destroying it by strik-
19 Hamper: conjures up a wicker clothes hamper ing it against any altar dedicated to a lawful deity.
that can hold 2 bushels worth of dirty clothes
20 Revise: places any item taken out of a vise
back into a vise Vimana, Pacal-class
21 Bladderize: makes 1d4 humanoids within
a 10' radius really, really, really need to pee & John Everett Till
22 Spell Check: engraves the word CHECK
Req. Crew: 3
on any flat surface
Fly: Up to 1,000' per round;
23 Hoppity Doodle: summons
at maximum speed in one day may
1d30 rot-worm infested rabbits
circumnavigate an Earth-sized planet
24 Nerf Herd: summons 1d30 herd of
armor class: 3
non-projectile bearing nerfs
25 WTF: creates a 10' radius logic-free zone STRUCTURAL: 500 hp
emanating from caster Attacks: 3 fireballs (as 20th level magic user)
26 Clear Conscience: grants caster a good feeling
about himself for 1d4 hours The vimanas, or chariots of the gods, are the vehicles that the
gods use to carry themselves, their minions, and most faith-
27 Whoaboy: stops pack animals from moving
ful followers into battle and on other missions which require
for 1d6 minutes
group travel over great distances. The vimanas are, of course,
28 Flibbertigidget: summons 1 boy-crazy sky chariots capable of atmospheric flight, as well as travel into
teenage girl surfer who immediately bursts into near orbit. When in orbit, they also have the ability to dock with
tears and runs away similar vessels as well as with motherships of various kinds and
30 Screweit: magically impregnates up to configurations.
1d4 male sheep
When on land, vimanas are indistinguishable from other temple
Related Entries: M) Wllkatntn. pyramids. Some say that the legendary Black Ziggurat was one


of these vehicles. More than one vine-covered jungle temple companion animal of Ywehbobbobhewy, Lord of Waters, King
has been discovered to be one by adventurers. Like a variety of Mirrors, Patriarch of the Most Profound. Hes only lost two.
of other sacred vessels, vimanas are often bigger on the inside.
Any given vimana may carry one or more gods, and up to 100 Wands of Absolute Total Fucking Darkness create a darkness
minions and followers. Most have some sort of robotic chariot- darker than the dark in Orcus bowels. It can not be dispelled
eer as a pilot. and no magical light can penetrate its darkness. In fact, the
wand of ATFD creates a warp in the space-time continuum,
When their engines roar to life, vimanas take to the sky pro- establishing a stable, self-contained time-looped portal to the
pelled by great bursts of flames. Like all chariots, they are po- Plane of Eternal Darkness, the thin black plane separating the
tent weapons of war. When flying in the nap-of-the-earth, their Negative Energy Plane from all others.
engines can burn down entire forests and lay waste to crops
and grasslands. Many have other weapons such as curse rays Anyone caught in the area of effect (or stumbling into the area
or deadly stone jars-bombs which spread poison gases over the of effect) has a 1% chance of stumbling out of the area each day.
unfortunates below them. Some ancient lands are littered with Most folks end up sitting tight and waiting it out. Not even the
these jars. And when a god and its minions step forth from a gods or godlings themselves can peer into the inky darkness to
vimana they can do even worse. see what is happening therein.

Related Entries: D) Eyes, Smoking Mirror Engine. No one knows where these things came from, not even Bob the
Cat, who stumbled upon a small bundle of them in an unmarked
crate in a third sub-basement of the tunnel between Olympus
and Asgard.
Walking Stick of the Lost
Related Entries: G) Ywehbobbobhewy; M) Bob the Cat.
& Rorschachhamster
Everyone hit by this club-like stick made from gnarly root wood Wand of What the Fuck
is disoriented for a year and a day (no save), and will always walk
into the wrong direction if he has to choose (e.g., towards the & Matthew W. Schmeer
most dangerous place if he is looking for shelter, or to one dull
and harmless place after another if he is looking for adventure # of CHARGES: 12 (3 left)
etc.). This effect can be cancelled by a remove curse cast by a EFfect: ???
lawful cleric of at least 13th level.
A tough, stubby wand made from a cypress root, the only
Every mortal that uses the Walking Stick, be it in combat or known Wand of WTF is in the possession of Bob the Cat, the
while hiking, must save vs. spell every other hour or be afflicted companion animal of Ywehbobbobhewy, Lord of Waters, King
by its curse as well. of Mirrors, Patriarch of the Most Profound.
Choozwiz has the ability to call the Walking Stick of the Lost The Wand of WTF allows the wielder to immediately carry
back to him once per day, and it will fly to him, if not secured in out the first thought that pops into his head when the wand
one way or another. It has the strength of an ogre for determin- is extended to strike, but the caster has no control over how
ing carrying cababilities or the chance to break open a door, those thoughts might be carried out. For example, if the wield-
and similar decisions. er thinks Im hungry, the target might turn into a giant ham
or the target might find their weapon turned into a pig or the
Related Entries: G) Choozwiz. wielder might find himself seated at table in a distant town with
a feast before him.

Wand of Absolute No one knows where it came from or who created it; Bob the
Cat discovered the Wand of WTF among a small bunch of
Total Fucking Darkness wands of absolute total fucking darkness and discovered its
& Matthew W. Schmeer powers by accident. The wand originally had 12 charges. Only
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. 3 are left. Bob the Cat has managed to master casting with the
device after several mishaps, including a run-in with the Prince
CHARGES: 4 of Darkness himself thats better left unmentioned.
effect: Creates a 60' dome of absolute total fucking This is an extremely powerful item and the (un)lucky adventur-
darkness for 1d4 days ers who manage to appropriate it must treat it with the respect
A slim wand of rosewood, wands of ATFD are rarely found on it deserves.
the Material Plane, as they are only wielded by Bob the Cat, the Related Entries: G) Ywehbobbobhewy; M) Bob the Cat.

Section 5


F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.


Column headers indicate spellcaster type [C=Cleric; D=Druid; M=Magic-user; I=Illusionist].
Number in column indicates availability to spellcaster type and level of spell.
Spell availability at DMs discretion based on campaign world.

Spell Name C D M I Spell Name C D M I

Ale Goggles 4 Locate Jade 4 4
Animate Fallen Warrior 5 Lose* 1 2
Animate Implements 3 Might of the White Ape 2 3
Blight 4 4 Minced Oath 2
Call Grand Planar God 7 Motherly Love 5
Call Thoat 3 3 4 Pass Transdimensionally 5
Complete Focus 1 Pallid Veil 1 2
Conjure Buffer 5 Petty Lore 5 5
Consecrate 4 4 Phantom Bowmen 2 3
Convey Knowledge 7 Poison Self 4
Cradle of Daarlot 2 2 See Afar 3
Create Shadow Creature 5 Shadow Clutch 4
Curse of the Jale God 3 3 Shadow Hunt 4
Describe Value 3 Shield of Faith 1
Detect Undead 1 2 Shrink Spider 2
Dismissal 4 Skulk 1 1
Endure Elements 1 1 2 Spell Aegis 4
Edless Staircase 4 3 Spiritual Weapon 2
Ethereal Walk 4 4 Summon Elder Elemental 9 9 9
Fearful Aura 4 Summon Fyre Fae 3 3 3
Feast 3 Summon Gloaming 5 5
Fix Braner 3 Summon Shadow Creature 4
Flaming Pillar 3 Summon Spider Swarm 4 4
Fray 1 1 Touch of Morbiphallugus 5
Ghostly Glory of Barsoom 4 4 Unfurl Dimensions 7
Helmet of Salvation 3 Wineberry 1 1
Indulgence* 2 Wing Flutter 2 2 2
Jaundice Veil 5 5


Ale Goggles Blight

AFFILIATIONS: Gods of Barsoom
& Ian Coakley
LEvel: 4 Magic-user
& Michael Curtis
RANGE: Personal LEvel: 4 Cleric/Druid
Duration: 1 night RANGE: 60' per caster level
Duration: Instantaneous
For the duration of this spell, the caster appears to be an incred-
ibly attractive member of their race. Anyone who is drunk (has The spell conjures a blast of decay that causes a plant, insect,
had at least twice their Constitution bonus in drinks, minimum or swarm to rapidly desiccate. Its magic instantly destroys up
of 2) and would usually be attracted to someone of their race/ to one ton of non-monstrous plants (including moss and fungi)
gender will treat the character as though they had a score of 18 and inflicts one d6 of damage for each of the casters level on
in Charisma. Should they begin to sober up, they may make a insects, swarms, and monstrous plant life. A successful save vs.
save vs. spell with a penalty equal to the number of drinks they spell reduces the damage to half.
had that night.
[The material component is the priests holy symbol.]
Related Entries: G) Drasheeng.
Related Entries: A) Gods of Barsoom.

Call Grand Planar God

& Eric Fabiaschi
LEvel: 7 Magic-user
RANGE: 3 miles
Duration: 72 hours

By casting this spell the wizard calls down one of the planar
Animate Fallen Warrior godshe had better have a damn good reason! The god ap-
pears in a fire storm of planar cosmic energy, setting the sky
& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. ablaze as the barriers between worlds crack open.
F Herbert Railton
The god will appear upon the specially prepared Angle of Grand
LEvel: 5 Magic-user Appearance, ready to discuss matters of planar cosmic impor-
RANGE: 60' tance. The being will remain for 72 hours observing, calculating,
Duration: 1 turn and judging the local dimensional conditions. The wizard should
have an artifact worth at least 800 gp for an offering, or some
Similar to the spell animate dead, this spell animates a number specially prepared entertaining story for the god.
of recently deceased warriors (who died within the last turn).
The number of warriors that may be animated is equal to the Roll on the table below for reaction:
level of the spellcaster plus 1d6. Each animated warrior fights Grand Planar Gods Reaction Table 1d10
and saves as a 1 HD monster (with 1d8 hp). Like all undead,
animated warriors are immune to sleep, charm, and hold, and 1 There is a crisis at hand, whelp, and you need to
they are susceptible to the effects of turning. Animated fallen tell me about it before cosmic forces are invoked!
warriors will remain animated until all their newly required hp 2 You will need this. The grand planar god
are lost, or until 1 turn has passed (whichever comes first). This gives a minor artifact to help the party but isnt
spell may only be used on any fallen warrior once, after which clear how it will be used.
they will immediately be taken up by The Fallen One. 3 The god agrees to help you but you now
owe him a boon and he shall collect soon.
Related Entries: G) Fallen One.
4 The god summons 1d4 2nd level alien
warriors to help with the crisis for you.
Animate Implements 5 The god is not amused at all at having been
& Porky disturbed by less then weighty matters.
You must explain yourself or you shall feel
LEvel: 3 Magic-user my wrath.
RANGE: 60' per caster level 6 This is all you have for a gift? You must be joking.
Duration: 12 hours After we have handled your petty concerns then
you will quest for a more appropriate gift for me.
The caster may animate up to 1 lb. of related items per caster 7 Your crisis isnt of planar importance, and so
level. The animation proceeds according to simple criteria or you must accompany me now! Save vs death or
imported knowledge. Knowledge gained in the process may accompany this being on a mission from the god.
be exported. 8 Tell me a story of your world so that I may
Related Entries: G) Blentry. experience it through your eyes.


9 Your very sight offends me and so I banish rolls. This bonus affects only a single roll and the spell dissipates
you to another realm unless you can give me after the die is thrown regardless of success or failure.
a good reason not to.
[The material component for this spell is the priests holy sym-
10 This is not my specialty but another of my kind
bol and a bit of ash to be placed on the targets temples.]
can help you. We shall call her now.
Related Entries: A) Gods of Barsoom.
Related Entries: G) Grand Planar God.

Conjure Buffer
& Porky
LEvel: 5 Magic-user
RANGE: See below
Duration: See below

The caster may create an outer buffer with a capacity of up to

one megatome (1 mt) or expand such a buffer by up to 1 mt per
turn per caster level. The caster may at any later time manipu-
late the content of a buffer by up to one kilotome (1 kt) per turn
per caster level, or collapse it with loss of all knowledge within.
Related Entries: G) Blentry.

AFFILIATIONS: Gods of Barsoom

& Michael Curtis

Call Thoat LEvel: 4 Cleric/Druid
AFFILIATIONS: Gods of Barsoom
RANGE: 10 sq. ft. per spellcaster lever
& Michael Curtis Duration: 1 year per spellcaster level
F James Allen St. John The power of this spell designates a specially prepared site as
LEvel: 3 Cleric/Druid; 4 Magic-user sacred to a priests patron deity. The cost to build the temple,
RANGE: 10 miles shrine, or chapel to be consecrated is 1d10 10 gp for each 10
Duration: 12 turns square feet the structure occupies. Once the structure is com-
pleted (construction time is determined by the DM), the spell re-
This enchantment has saved the lives of more than one priest quires 2-8 priests of the same faith be in attendance to assist the
stranded on the dead sea beds of Barsoom. After a lengthy cast- caster. A sacrifice (human in the case of evil priests) is typically
ing, this spell calls one or more wild thoats (one creature per performed to complete the spells casting. Upon completion,
2 spellcaster levels) to the casters location. So long as a reac- consecrate affects an area of map squares equal to twice the
tion roll is favorable, the beast agrees to serve as the temporary priests current level. All followers of the priests patron enjoy
mount of the caster (and any allies in the case of multiple thoats). a +2 bonus to saving throws and skill rolls while in the conse-
The spell provides no riding accoutrements; the caster must crated area, and the duration of their spells is doubled.
provide them or suffer a 3 penalty to all to hit rolls while
Consecrated structures can be defiled by disgraceful actions
mounted. Once the spell ends, the priest must either recast the
against the sites patron deity. No magical spell is required to
enchantment or otherwise negotiate with the beasts to remain
desecrate a consecrated location; grievous acts of destruction
in service (using speak with animals, for example).
(torching the finery, defacing walls and statuary, staining the
[The material component for this spell is a piece of usa fruit.] surfaces with unwholesome liquids, etc.) are all that is needed.
A desecrated structure can be consecrated again with a success-
Related Entries: A) Gods of Barsoom. ful casting of this spell without the need to repay the structures
cost in gold pieces.
Complete Focus Although desecrating sacred ground of a rival deity may be
AFFILIATIONS: Gods of Barsoom rewarded by the priests patron (as determined by the DM),
there is also a 1-in-10 chance that the offended deity retaliates
& Michael Curtis in some manner. Possible forms of punishment for desecrat-
LEvel: 1 Cleric ing holy (or unholy) ground include permanent curses, chronic
wounds, or a visit by the deitys supernatural minions. Truly
RANGE: Touch (one creature)
blasphemous desecrations might even warrant a visit from the
Duration: Indefinite patron deitys avatar.
This spell grants its target utter clarity of purpose, imparting a Related Entries: A) Gods of Barsoom.
+1 bonus for every level of the caster (maximum +5) to their next
d20 roll. Affected die rolls include attacks, saving throws and skill

32 0

Convey Knowledge Curse of the Jale God

(Im Ra Jash)
& Porky AFFILIATIONS: Jale God
LEvel: 7 Magic-user
RANGE: 60' radius per caster level
& Matthew W. Schmeer
Duration: 12 hours LEvel: 3 Cleric/Magic-User
RANGE: 360'
The caster may create any number of streams of knowledge,
Duration: See below
importing or exporting up to a total conveyance rate of one
kilotome (1 kt) per turn per caster level. Each stream may be The target of this doom must be a hated enemy of the caster.
assigned simple filtration criteria. This hate must be the result of a long-term loathing or acquired
Related Entries: G) Blentry.
quick and intensely through the heat of battle.
For 1d6 days the casters level, those under the curse must
Cradle of Daarlot make a daily save vs spell. Failure indicates that a twist of fate
AFFILIATIONS: Gods of Barsoom has occurred. Roll 1d6:
1-5 Negative twist: the lower the roll,
& Michael Curtis the more severe the consequences;
LEvel: 2 Cleric/Magic-user 6 Positive twist: roll additional d6
RANGE: 10' per spellcaster lever per below:
Duration: 1 minute per caster level 1-3 Money found on the street:
1d12 # rolled gold pieces
The magic of this spell causes a single target to become light as
a feather, protecting him from falling damage and granting him 4-5 Good fortune in combat:
the ability to glide, but not fly, on the winds. He may fall any +1 to all attack throws for 1 day
distance at a rate of 5' per round for as long as the spell lasts 6 Limited, very carefully worded wish
and not sustain injury. If he has not reached the ground (or other
Related Entries: Please see The Jale God in the Petty
solid surface) before the duration ends, his descent continues at
Gods section for all entries related to the Jale God.
normal, potentially fatal speed. A creature under the effect of
this spell may also launch himself from a high perch and glide
a horizontal distance equal to 5' for every 5' above the ground Describe Value
he was at the start of his glide. The subject must begin his glide
from a point at least 20' above the ground to glide successfully. & Porky
Because this spell alters the subjects mass, he is at risk if ex- LEvel: 3 Magic-user
posed to high winds. An earth-bound character under the effects RANGE: Perception
of cradle of Daarlot must make a Strength check based on the Duration: Instantaneous
wind conditions:
The caster may convert value of any perceptible type into a
strong breeze 4
comprehensible form of knowledge held in either the casters
high winds 7
mind or a buffer created for the purpose. The DM determines
gale-force winds 10
the capacity in tomes (t) required.
hurricanes/cyclones 14
Magic and encumbrance affect these rolls (based upon DMs Related Entries: G) Blentry.
Related Entries: A) Gods of Barsoom.
Detect Undead
AFFILIATIONS: Gods of Barsoom

Create Shadow Creature & Michael Curtis

AFFILIATIONS: Cult of the White Shadow
LEvel: 1 Cleric; 2 Magic-user
& Charles Turnitsa RANGE: 120'
Duration: 6 turns
LEvel: 5 Cleric
RANGE: Touch This spell detects the presence of undead creatures, entities, or
Duration: Permanent items. This spell may reveal the disguise or pierce the illusion of
a powerful undead entity (vampire, demon, or devil), but it does
This spell, when cast, will transform a recently (not more than 1 not expose the type or abilities of the detected creature(s). Un-
day old) dead corpse into a shadow creature. The being will then dead creatures within range of the spell receive a save vs. spell
serve the simple commands of the creating cleric until the crea- to remain undetected. Does not work through lead.
ture is destroyed. The dead corpse is consumed in the process.
Related Entries: A) Gods of Barsoom.
Related Entries: M) Shadow Creature; C) Cult of the White


Dismissal (as if walking on air). The spell also allows for free movement
AFFILIATIONS: Gods of Barsoom across liquids. While in this state, the character can only be
struck by silver items or magical silver items/relics. Ethereal
& Michael Curtis walk grants the caster the ability to survive without oxygen and
imparts a +4 bonus to saving throws against gas or poison.
LEvel: 4 Cleric
RANGE: 20' per spellcaster level As the caster exists simultaneously on two planes while under
the effect of this spell, there is a chance (1-in-6) that ethereal
Duration: 4d6 weeks
marauders or guardians spot or track the priest and his com-
By boldly presenting his holy symbol and declaring that the tar- panion as they travel. Aggressive ethereal creatures will likely
get is unwanted in his presence, a priest using this spell forces attack the caster if he is detected.
a single extra-planar creature (undead, demon, devil, elemental, Related Entries: A) Gods of Barsoom.
etc.) to return to its home plane (on a failed save vs. spell).
Related Entries: A) Gods of Barsoom. Fearful Aura
AFFILIATIONS: Gods of Barsoom
Endure Elements
AFFILIATIONS: Gods of Barsoom
& Michael Curtis
LEvel: 4 Cleric
& Michael Curtis RANGE: 30' radius
LEvel: 1 Cleric/Druid; 2 Magic-user Duration: 1 turn
RANGE: Touch
Duration: 1 day This spell creates an invisible sphere of dread around the caster,
forcing all sentient creatures that are not currently friends, allies,
The power of this spell allows one creature to function com- or associates of the caster within its range to make a save vs.
fortably in temperatures ranging from -40F to 140F (-40C spell. Creatures that fail this roll must retreat, flee (if failed by 5
to 60C) eliminating the need to make a saving throw to avoid points of more), or cower helplessly in fear (rolled a 1 on their
exposure/hypothermia. The spell also protects the targets per- saving throw).
sonal equipment. It does not protect against magical heat or
Related Entries: A) Gods of Barsoom.
cold, nor does it affect weather-based hazards such as hail, gas,
lightning, or anoxia.
Related Entries: A) Gods of Barsoom.
AFFILIATIONS: Gods of Barsoom

Endless Staircase & Michael Curtis

& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. LEvel: 3 Cleric
RANGE: 30'
LEvel: 4 Magic-user; 3 Illusionist
Duration: Indefinite
RANGE: 360'
Duration: See below This spell creates a nutritious and tasty meal of meat, cheese,
water, and wine that feeds a number of adults equal to 2d6 the
When cast, this spell affects all staircases within a 360' radius of casters level. Silverware, tables, chairs, plates, and containers
the spellcaster, making each appear as a twisting maze of stair- are not created by the spell.
cases for 1d6+6 turns. All creatures attempting to exit an af-
fected area may make a save vs. spell. A successful save pemits [The material components are a handful of dirt and a glass
the creature to exit the affected area. A failed save forces the of water.]
creature to be trapped in the maze for another turn, at which
Related Entries: A) Gods of Barsoom.
point a new saving throw may be made under the same condi-
tions as the previous saving throw.
Fix Braner
Related Entries: G) Adassec.
& Porky
Ethereal Walk LEvel: 3 Magic-user
AFFILIATIONS: Gods of Barsoom
RANGE: 10' per spellcaster level
& Michael Curtis Duration: Permanent

LEvel: 4 Cleric/Magic-user A braner or part thereof currently within the perceptible dimen-
RANGE: See below sions or immediately adjacent to them is fixed to a surface area
Duration: 1 turn of up to 1" square per caster level cubed. Both surfaces must be
within range. There is a chance equal to 50% minus caster level
By casting this spell, the priest and one companion/mount sud- that the bond will be severed within 1d6 hours.
denly exists on both the Material and Ethereal Planes. This al-
Related Entries: M) Braner.
lows the character(s) to travel in any direction without penalty


Flaming Pillar Helmet of Salvation

AFFILIATIONS: Gods of Barsoom AFFILIATIONS: Gods of Barsoom

& Michael Curtis & Michael Curtis

LEvel: 3 Cleric LEvel: 3 Cleric
RANGE: 120' RANGE: Touch
Duration: 1 round Duration: 2 turns

The spell creates a column of divine fire to strike a selected indi- This spell imparts a mental clarity and physical resilience upon
vidual or target. It does one 1d6 of fire/flame damage per caster it target, granting him a +3 bonus to all saving and skill throws
level. A successful saving throw reduces the damage by half. for the duration of the spell. It provides no modifier to to hit
rolls or Armor Class.
Related Entries: A) Gods of Barsoom.
Related Entries: A) Gods of Barsoom.

& Ian Coakley
Fray LEvel: 2 Cleric
RANGE: 240'
& Ian Coakley Duration: See below
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
This spell can force a target who fails a save vs. spell to commit
LEvel: 1 Cleric/Magic-user
an act of vice, even if such an act is out of character for them.
RANGE: Touch The victim will do anything within reason to gain the vice they
Duration: Instantaneous desire (e.g., a guard at the local watchtower may step aside to
light a cigarillo, he may not leave the dying kings side as he is
By placing a hand lightly on any cord, string or rope, and mut- attacked by assassins). For every hour the victim goes without
tering an invocation to Aglet, the affected item will begin to his vice, he gains a 1 malus to all rolls due to distraction (to
unravel. It takes a full Turn for a rope to completely come apart, a maximum of -6). Each hour, the victim may make another
but it may drop any items it is supporting within 1d4 rounds. save vs. spell to ignore the effect (with the ongoing penalty to
Related Entries: G) Aglet.
rolls as above). The nature of the vice is up to the DM, but if a
character has a predetermined peccadillo, they should default
to that.
Ghostly Glory of Barsoom
AFFILIATIONS: Gods of Barsoom The reversed version of this spell (continence) will remove the
effects of an indulgence spell.
& Michael Curtis Related Entries: G) Atra.
LEvel: 4 Cleric/Magic-user
RANGE: 120' Jaundice Veil
Duration: 2 turns AFFILIATIONS: Pallid Court

This spell calls forth the spirits of Mars dead warriors to impart & Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
their valor upon the spells target. The affected creatures appear
wreathed by ghostly forms bearing weapons of ancient manu- LEvel: 5 Cleric/Magic-user
facture. This manifestation causes the targets to temporarily RANGE: 240'
increase in level for purposes of determining attack rolls and Duration: See below
saving throws. It also grants them additional hit points that last
until reduced by damage or the spell runs its course. The priest The target of this spell succumbs to two different effects: first,
affects one creature per level he possesses. they are made to appear 10 years older per level of the spell-
caster (though they are not physically made older); second,
The cleric may affect a number of targets with a total cumulative they are affected as by a feeblemind spell. Separate saving
level increase equal to his own level (e.g., a 7th level cleric may throws must be made for each effect: to avoid the effects of
increase 7 different targets by 1 level/HD each, or 1 target by the aging, the victim must make a successful save vs. paralysis;
7 levels/HD, or 2 targets, one with a 4 level/HD increase and to avoid the effects of the feeblemind, the victim must make
the other with a 3 level/HD increase, etc.). a successful save vs. spell at -3. The aging effects last for a
Additional hp are lost first during combat, and may not be re- number of days equal to the level of the spellcaster. The dura-
covered once lost. Any hp beyond the targets normal maximum tion of the feeblemind effects will remain until counteracted
which remain at the end of the spells duration are immediately by dispel magic. There is a 50% chance that anyone made
lost (returning the target to his normal maximum hp). to appear older than 150 years of age will have a jaundiced
complexion for the duration of the spell.
Related Entries: A) Gods of Barsoom.
Related Entries: G) Yellow King; C) Pallid Court.

32 3

Locate Jade The target must save vs. spell or be struck with the misfortune
of making a sudden outburst in the middle of speaking. This
& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. spell can only be cast while the subject is engaged with making
such a speechit is a minor rewiring of the brain for a split
LEvel: 4 Cleric/Magic-uer second, just long enough to say something particularly filthy in
RANGE: 60' + 10'/ level place of what they wanted to say.
Duration: 6 turns
This spell can be used on a spellcaster to cause them to lose
As the spell locate object, but only locates the presence of jade. concentration on a spell they are reciting. However, the caster
The duration and range are doubled for clerics dedicated to the must be higher in initiative than the target (draws go to the
petty goddes Jaiden. The spell does not work through lead. caster of this spell), and a save vs. spell still applies.

Related Entries: G) Jaiden. Related Entries: G) Coprolias.

Lose* Motherly Love

& Ian Coakley & Eric Potter
LEvel: 1 Cleric/2 Magic-uer LEvel: 5 Cleric
RANGE: Touch RANGE: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: 1 turn

One small non-magical object (e.g., a key, scroll, ring, etc.) may As the spells cure light wounds or cure serious wounds (as
be forcibly lost by use of this spell. While it may be possible to necessary), but with doubled hit point recovery rates. The spell
eventually find the item (it will stay on the same plane of exist- will not work without authentic emotions of unconditional en-
ence), it is exceedingly unlikely without divine aid. dearment on the part of the spellcaster.

The reverse of this spell (find), allows the caster to locate a Related Entries: M) Mother of all Minions.
small, non-magical object that they desire. If the target is a
unique object, the spell will fail unless it was previously lost us-
ing the reverse of this spell.
Pass Transdimensionally
Related Entries: G) Galdu Arkitu.
& Porky
LEvel: 5 Magic-user
Might of the White Ape RANGE: Touch
AFFILIATIONS: Gods of Barsoom Duration: 1 turn per caster level squared

& Michael Curtis The caster or any one item held may cross a number of dimen-
sional thresholds equal to caster level. There is a 1% chance
LEvel: 2 Cleric; 3 Druid per dimension per minute that a braner or part thereof will be
RANGE: Touch in close proximity, and a 50% chance that any such braner will
Duration: 2 turns investigate the new arrival.

This spell temporarily increases the Strength of a single crea- Related Entries: M) Braner.
ture by one point for every two levels possessed by the spell
caster (maximum +7). This divinely-granted increase is not vis- Pallid Veil
ible to the naked eye (the target does not increase in size or
physique) and it is therefore considered dishonorable to use this
enchantment in duels or contests between warriors. Unwilling & Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
recipients of might of the white ape can resist its effects with a
successful save vs. spell. LEvel: 1 Cleric/2 Magic-user
RANGE: Touch
[The material component for this spell is a single, pristine hair
plucked from a white apes scalp.] Duration: 6 turns

Related Entries: A) Gods of Barsoom. The target of this spell is made to appear 5 years younger per
level of the spellcaster (though they are not actually physically
aged). It is used mainly by the elder members of the Pallid
Minced Oath Court to appear younger, and thereby enable them to infil-
trate groups of younger people, helping the cult to more easily
& Ian Coakley spread the chaos and madness of the Yellow King. Reluctant
LEvel: 2 Magic-uer victims are allowed a save vs. spell to avoid the effects.
RANGE: 60' Related Entries: G) Yellow King; C) Pallid Court.
Duration: Instantaneous


Petty Lore fected (i.e., permanently posionous). The supplicant takes on a

frog-like appearance during this time, and suffers a 5 penalty
& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. to Charisma while the spell remains in effect. At the end of
the 6 turn duration, the supplicant must save vs. poison with a
LEvel: 5 Cleric/Magic-user +5 bonus, or permanently retain the frog-like appearance (and
RANGE: Personal Charisma loss), but not the posion effects.
Duration: Special
Related Entries: G) Neco.
This spell is similar to the magic-user spell legend lore (with the
same required time and results of that spell), except that the See Afar
cleric gains the knowledge by prayer to a specific petty god, and
AFFILIATIONS: Gods of Barsoom
reveals only information about persons, places or things within
that petty gods sphere of influence. & Michael Curtis
LEvel: 3 Cleric
RANGE: 120' + 10' per spellcaster level
Duration: 6 turns

This spell calls into being a magical window through which the
priest can observe (but not hear) events occurring a distance
away. The priest polishes the air before him with a rubbing
gesture to create this viewing portal. Once created, the priest
has two options:
The portal can be fixed on a single location within range. The
priest will witness any event occurring in that area for the dura-
Phantom Bowmen tion of the spell. The priest experiences all happenings in the
AFFILIATIONS: Gods of Barsoom area as if he were present, but only sight is granted (no hearing,
smell, etc.). This version provides no special illumination or vi-
& Michael Curtis sion; i.e., a portal fixed on a dark room is almost useless.
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. The second option is to key the portal to a single individual.
LEvel: 2 Cleric; 3 Illusionist The priest then observes events as if he were seeing them
RANGE: 120' through the subjects eyes, gaining the benefit of any special
or magical sight the target may have. As above, only sight and
Duration: 2 turns
no other sense are provided by the spell. The spell-caster has
The priest creates an illusionary force of up to 50 archers (10 no influence over the subject as to where he looks or travels,
per caster level, 50 maximum) to protect him from enemies. All nor does the spell grant a means of communication between
opponents within range of the spell must make a saving throw caster and observer. An unwilling subject can resist this spell
as they find themselves the target of the phantom bowmens with a successful saving throw. This link between caster and
arrows. Those who fail their save fall unconscious, remaining subject is broken if the subject moves out of range. Does not
defenseless for 2d4 hours. Those affected cannot be roused by work through lead.
loud noises or by being shaken by comrades. The illusionary [The material components are a small mirror and a fresh eyeball.]
arrows do no actual damage, but the victims are subject to the
mercies (or lack thereof) of nearby enemies, mishaps, and ram- Related Entries: A) Gods of Barsoom.
paging beasts.
[The material component is a bronze arrowhead.] Shadow Clutch
AFFILIATIONS: Cult of the White Shadow
Related Entries: A) Gods of Barsoom.
& Charles Turnitsa
Poison Self LEvel: 4 Cleric
& Troy J. Truchon RANGE: 30'
Duration: 1 day per level of lowest cleric involved
LEvel: 4 Cleric
RANGE: Personal Successfully casting this spell brings 1d6 shadow snakes from
Duration: 6 turns the shadow dimensions to a point within 30' of the caster.
There may be multiple casters, up to five, each of which would
This spell causes all bodily fluids and tissues of the supplicant have to know and simultaneously cast the spell. Each addi-
(cleric) to exude a soapy poisonous substance. Those consum- tional caster after the first doubles the number of dice worth
ing and/or injected with the substance must save vs. poison to of Shadow Snake warriors to retrieve. For every 10 warriors,
prevent instant death (akin to the effects of the excretions of there will be a champion (4 hit dice, 2 attacks/round). For
a poison dart frog). Though the effects of the spell persist on every 20 warriors, there will be a priest (level 7 cleric, servant
the spellcasters person for only 6 turns, any tissues or fluids of Lady of Air), as well as two champions. The casters must be
removed from the body during that time are permanently af- within 10 feet of each while casting.

32 5

In addition to summoning warriors, it is also possible to subject (approximately 1" in length). With each use of this spell, the
a hated undividual to the shadow hunt (see below), where they spellcaster is able to affect a number of Hit Dice of spiders equal
will be haunted by shadow snakes, their champions and priests, to his or her level. These spiders will remain transformed indefi-
as well as shadow creaturesall come from the shadow dimen- nitely. However, should one of these small spiders face immi-
sions in order to either destroy or retrieve the poor, unfortunate nent danger (e.g., a creature attempts to eat them, attack them,
victim. This curse can only be lifted by a remove curse spell, or even accidentally step on them), Attrecoppea (petty goddess
or greater. of small spiders) will immediately return the spider to full size;
any attacks which were being made against the small spider
Related Entries: M) Shadow Snake; C) Cult of the White must instead be made against the spider at full size.
It is not uncommon for unwary dungeon delvers to unknowingly
come across one of these transformed spiders, inadvertently
Shadow Hunt place their foot as to crush it, only to find themself face-to-face
AFFILIATIONS: Cult of the White Shadow with a giant spider!
& Charles Turnitsa This spell does not work on phase spiders.
LEvel: 4 Magic-user Related Entries: G) Attrecoppea.
RANGE: 50'
Duration: Until removed Skulk
A victim cursed by this spell will begin to attract beings from AFFILIATIONS: Gods of Barsoom
the shadow dimensions, who come to the world specifically to
attack and kill (or drag back to the shadow dimensions, in the
& Michael Curtis
case of a shadow snake priest) the victim. At random intervals LEvel: 1 Cleric/Illusionist
(determined by the DM, but should be at least once per week) RANGE: Touch
new members of the hunt appear somewhere in the vicinity
Duration: 1 turn
(within 1 mile) of the victim, and will have an uncanny sense as
to the victims location. The number of shadow snakes that ar- This spell causes the skin and worn possessions of its target
rive is equal to a dice toss of 4d6. Again, for every 10 warriors, to become shadowy and indistinct, allowing him to move un-
there also appears 1 champion. For every 20 warriors, there detected under normal light as if using the Move in Shadows
also appears 1 evil high priest, in addition to the 2 champions. ability of a thief of equal level to the spellcaster. In addition, the
For every 6 rolled on the dice, there also appears 1 shadow subjects Armor Class receives a 2 bonus against non-magical
creature, serving the leader of the hunt. missile attacks. Multiple castings of skulk on a single subject
Related Entries: M ) Shadow Creature, Shadow Snake; do not stack.
C) Cult of the White Shadow. Related Entries: A) Gods of Barsoom.

Shield of Faith Spell Aegis

AFFILIATIONS: Gods of Barsoom AFFILIATIONS: Gods of Barsoom
& Michael Curtis & Michael Curtis
LEvel: 1 Cleric LEvel: 4 Cleric
RANGE: Touch RANGE: 120'
Duration: Level of caster + 6 rounds Duration: Level of spellcaster + 1d6 rounds
This spell causes the target to subtly glow and sparkle, impart- This spell cloaks a number of HD of creatures equal to half the
ing a 2 bonus to Armor Class and reducing fire/heat damage casters level in a mystical barrier that helps defend against mali-
by one point per damage die rolled (minimum of 1 hit point per cious spell attacks. Any time a creature under the protection of
damage die). spell aegis is allowed to save vs. spell, he gets two attempts to
[The material component is a flask of blessed water.] successfully make the throw. The first roll is made with its own
saving throw modifiers. The second attempt is made using the
Related Entries: A) Gods of Barsoom. spell-casters modifiers. If either of these rolls is successful, the
target makes his saving throw. If both of these saves are suc-
cesses, the target is completely unaffected by the spell being cast
Shrink Spider at him (even if a save normally only reduces the spells effect by
& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. half). Furthermore, a natural 20 on either saving throw reflects
the malicious spell back at its caster. Spell aegis is protective
LEvel: 2 Magic-user against a number of spells equal to the priests level divided by
RANGE: 120' three or until the duration ends.
Duration: 6 turns or special (see below) [The material components are a dusting of silver powder and a man-
tle crafted from banth hide. Both are consumed by the casting.]
This spell enables the spellcaster to turn any non-magical spi-
der of large, huge, or giant size into a harmless house spider Related Entries: A) Gods of Barsoom.

32 6

By means of this spell the spellcaster may summon a Fyre Fae,

a small pixie-like creature that glows much in the same way as a
will-o-wisp. The caster beseeches a boon from Nox, who knows
the location of hidden things, and summons the fyre fae to find
what they seek. The caster must be specific in what they are
looking for and it must be within the range of the spell. So for
example a caster can ask please help me find the key to unlock
the door to the Dungeons of Dragoth-umar if the key is within
the range, then the fyre fae will find it and return to the caster.
Requests like help me find the safest route or help me find
the way home may not always have the most direct route, but
they will lead the caster in generally the correct direction.
The duration of the spell is equal to 10 minutes plus 1 minute
per level of the caster. The spell though will always end once the
last rays of the sun are gone and true night has started. When
the spell ends the fyre fae will disappear.
Spiritual Weapon
AFFILIATIONS: Gods of Barsoom Attacked fyre fae also disappear. Casters that summon the min-
ions of Nox and attack them will also discover that they will no
& Michael Curtis longer be allowed to summon a fyre fae.
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. Related Entries: G ) Nox; M ) Fyre Fae.
LEvel: 2 Cleric
RANGE: Touch Summon Gloaming
Duration: 2 turns
& Timothy Brannan
This spell imbues divine power into a single weapon, causing it
to glow with a color appropriate to the spell casters deity. While LEvel: 5 Cleric/Magic-user
the duration lasts, the weapon acts as a magic weapon (granting RANGE: 50'
+2 to attack and damage rolls) that is capable of striking lycan- Duration: Indefinite
thropes, ethereal beings, and other monsters that require magic
to be hit. The weapons glowing aura can be increased at will to The followers of Nox know that her power lies not in light or
illuminate a 6" radius area. dark, but in the shadows and near dark in between. While many
know of the playful fyre fae that serve Nox, few know of her
Related Entries: A) Gods of Barsoom. other servitors, the gloamings.
A gloaming is a shadow-like creature that often takes the shape
Summon Elder Elemental of a large, but indistinct animal. The gloaming summoned will
attack a group of creatures that the caster chooses. The gloam-
& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. ing will attack until the creatures or itself are dead.
LEvel: 9 Cleric/Druid/Magic-user
The caster may summon 1 gloaming + 1 per every other level.
RANGE: Special A summoned gloaming does not have the fear-causing effects
Duration: Indefiniate of a naturally-occurring one.
This spell may be used to summon a specific elder elemental Related Entries: G ) Nox; M ) Gloaming.
with petty godhood status. When casting this spell, the spe-
cific elder elemental being summoned must be identified using
a name by which the elder elemental is commonly/generally
Summon Shadow Creature
known. This spell does not control the elder elemental, nor does AFFILIATIONS: Cult of the White Shadow
it assure the elder elemental will be friendly or even remain in
the presence of the spellcaster. There is 50% chance this spell
& Charles Turnitsa
will fail, regarldless of the level of the spellcaster. Should the LEvel: 4 Magic-user
elder elemental be summoned successfully, the elder elemental RANGE: 30'
will appear 3d6 rounds later. A reaction roll should be made
Duration: 1d12 + casters level in hours
upon its arrival.
Related Entries: G ) Elder Elemental. This spell, when cast, causes 1d6 (plus casters level) in shadow
creatures to appear within 30' of the caster. He/she will then
be able to issue simple commands for the shadow creature to
Summon Fyre Fae follow. If the commands are troubling or contradictory, then the
shadow creature will disappear.
& Timothy Brannan
Related Entries: M ) Shadow Creature; C) Cult of the
LEvel: 3 Cleric/Druid/Magic-user White Shadow.
RANGE: 150' + 50'/ level
Duration: Special (see below)


Summon Spider Swarm Unfurl Dimensions

& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. & Porky
LEvel: 4 Cleric/Druid LEvel: 7 Magic-user
RANGE: 480' RANGE: 10' per spellcaster level
Duration: 6 turns Duration: 1 minute per caster level squared

Similar to insect plague, this spell summons a swarm of tiny The caster may create a spherical opening, with a radius of 1'
(non-poisonous) spiders. The spellcaster must concentrate for per caster level cubed, onto a number of dimensions equal to
the duration of the spell to control the spiders, and if the spiders caster level. There is a 1% chance per dimension per caster
leave the range of the spell, the caster loses control of them. level per minute that a braner or part thereof will be thus per-
Additionally, if the spellcaster is attacked, he or she will lose ceived, and a 50% chance that any such braner will investigate
control of the swarm. the opening.
The swarm is treated as standard insect swarm. However, on Related Entries: M) Braner.
a successful attack, they do not do any damage. Instead, they
wrap the victim in webbing as the spell web (with the same re-
quirements for the victim to break free of the webbing).

They may also cover a surface area with webbing (as above),
& Ian Coakley
taking 3 rounds for each 10 square feet. This webbing may be LEvel: 1 Cleric/Druid
used to cover unconscious creatures, secure doors, etc. RANGE: Touch
Related Entries: G) Attrecoppea. Duration: Permanent

 squeezing a handful of grape seeds and planting them in

Touch of Morbiphallugus fertile soil, this spell can cause a small grape vine to sprout in
1d3 rounds. The grapes are perfectly dusty, and a bright shade
& Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. of red. If a handful are taken and squeezed into a jug, they can
LEvel: 5 Cleric produce enough wine for 10 men per casting. The wine is nice
RANGE: Touch and refreshing, but many elves complain that the taste is unin-
spired. To an adventurer down a horrid little death cave, how-
Duration: Indefinite ever, it beats brackish water and iron rations.
On a successful to hit roll, this spell infects the target with an Related Entries: G ) Bashiuus.
extreme form of venereal disease (no saving throw). The symp-
toms of the touch are determined randomly by rolling 3d8 on
the table below:
* Indicates symptom will remain even after disease
is removed, unless symptom is cured separately.
3 Paralysis* (removed by cure light wounds)
4-5 Blindness* (removed by cure blindness)
6-8 Deafness* (removed by cure light wounds) Wing Flutter
9-12 Genital Discomfort: Requires afflicted & Eric Potter
creature to sit/rest 1 turn per 5 turns of travel. F Dugald Stewart Walker
13-15 Poor Muscle Coordination: +1 AC penalty and
on 1 to hit rolls (removed by cure light wounds) LEvel: 2 Cleric/Druid/Magic-user
16-17 Numbness*: +2 AC penalty and on 2 to hit RANGE: 240'
rolls (removed by cure light wounds) Duration: 6 rounds
18 Dementia* (removed by remove curse)

This spell will cause a flock of winged beasts to create a cre-
The disease caused by the spell may be counteracted by cure scendoing, rhythmic beating of wings which displaces the air,
disease. As noted above, some symptoms may require further creating a crushing thunderous drum which pounds against
means to be removed from the afflicted creature. all unprotected ears. On a failed save vs. breath, any creature
within earshot will take 1d4 hp of permanent hearing damage
If this spell is cast by a priest of Morbiphallugus, all saving (all creatures, including thieves, permanently lose the ability to
throws by the victim are made with a 2 penalty. Hear Noise) and affected victims are forced to flee the area.
Related Entries: G) Morbiphallugus. Related Entries: M ) Schmetterlinge.

32 8

Appendices & Indices

F A. Garth Jones
32 9
F Virgil Finlay

Create a Religion In Your
Spare Time for Fun and Profit
A Discussion of Religious Considerations
for Realistic Fantasy Role Playing Games
& M.A.R. Barker
Perhaps it is about time for a symposium or seminareven a fabric (e.g. an early attempt on the part of the priests of Vish-
book, if somebody wants to write iton the nature and place nu to make Jesus Christ an avatar of their deitysternly
of religion in fantasy role-playing campaigns. Religion is so rejected by the Christian missionaries in South India). Oth-
central to human society that it is hard to find a culture with- er cultures wipe out unacceptable religious traditions with a
out it; yet many game designs provide only the sketchiest of vengeance. Although the melting pot idea can indeed work,
guidelines or else offer an easy take-off from our own West- thus, it needs to be balanced by a lot of explanation in a good
ern-Classical-Mediaeval tradition, the Norse or Celtic panthe- roleplaying campaign.
ons, or the works of some established science-fantasy fiction
author. At most, one finds an occasional alien religion with Another common treatment of religion is to borrow from just
odd names and a dollop or two of mythology. ONE world of science-fantasy literature. Many players are
quite satisfied just to live vicariously in an exact replica of the
If the game designer has created cultures with religions, it is worlds developed by such authors as Prof. J.R.R. Tolkien, R.E.
going to be vital for players in his campaign to know a LOT Howard, Fritz Leiber and others. These people are not really
about them. What happens if I please my god? What tran- different, thus, from those realistic gamers who desire care-
spires if I offend him? What sorts of behaviour does he ap- ful simulations of Twelfth Century France, the Egypt of Ram-
proveor dislike? Ethical questions (What happens if I kill esses II, Alexanders Macedonia, or the Europe of Napoleons
that guy?) are vital, as are concepts of Good and Evil time. The designers duty consists in devising a game system
generally. What is the organisation of my temple and my which presents this mythos accurately, and in interpreting and
priesthood? What about life after death? What do we know filling in details missing or left vague by the original author.
about ghosts and magic? Most importantly, what is my This solves the problem for these gamersalthough it still
temples socio-political position vis-a-vis the government and does not address some of the fundamental assumptions about
other structures of my society? The player who does not learn society and religion made by the fiction writer himself.
these things very early in the campaign gets hosed (to use
the vernacular), as he richly deserves. Those who want to be a little different find the alternate time-
line approach useful: there can still be Christians, Jews,
Religions in fantasy role-playing games are part of the fun: the Muslims and other familiar faiths (with altered histories and
pomp, ceremony, costumes, recondite doctrines, mysterious tenets, usually), plus Reformed Churches of Quetzalcoatl, a
lore, powerful forces for Good or for Evilall have been a First Holy Temple of Baal, or whatever else sounds fun.
part of our literary heritage for a long time. Yet fantasy game
designers rarely come with degrees in anthropology, history Fantasy game designers have much more frequently had re-
or comparative religion. The usual practice has thus been to course to yet another interpretation of our own Western-Clas-
grab randomly from the more colorful sects of this world, plus sical-Mediaeval legendary tradition, however: more trolls,
those found in science-fantasy fiction. One thus sees temples elves, dwarves, fairies, griffins, dragons, unicorns, and other
of Ra, Isis, and Set cheek by jowl with mediaeval Catholic beasties. This has been done now by so many authorsand
churches, shrines devoted to Thor and Odin, Druidic fanes, so unimaginatively by somethat it must seem pretty old-hat
sanctuaries to Cromand Crom knows what else! This is nei- to most readers.
ther very original nor very realistic. (Some other time we can It is much harderand not always as satisfyingto create a
argue about whether realism is a positive value or not.) wholly new world with new peoples, new faiths, new political
A good science-fantasy author could explain how all of these systems, and new mores. This needs a staggering amount of
sects, cults, and churches came to be so haphazardly jumbled work and thought. Otherwise, it is likely to appear too simplis-
together in one society. But not only is this sort of world pretty tic, too neat, too clean, too colorlessjust normal Ameri-
unlikely, it raises sticky questions: How do all of these groups cans running about in funny costumes. Many science-fictional
get along together, particularly the more militant, missionising worlds have this flavor for me: their authors concentrate so
sects? What are their relationships with the secular authori- heavily upon space ships and weapons and technology that
ties? How do they support themselves? Why arent devotees they forget that their characters are still human, that they will
of the simpler faiths converted by the doctrines of the subtler have views about life and the supernatural which do not nec-
ones? Man being who he is, chances are that all of these sects essarily coincide with our own Twentieth Century ideas any
will be struggling for secular and divine supremacy, and this more than ours do with Fifteenth Century Spain, that there
should logically bring about persecutions, pogroms, and reli- will be religious structures, hierarchies, and behavioral mani-
gious wars. Some faiths do tolerate other sects in their midst, festations which are vital to the people of those societies but
of course, and even attempt to integrate them into their own which may seem silly, stupid, cruel, alien, or just outright crazy
to us. The farther removed from our own world in time and

3 31

space, the more different the peoples of the futures will prob- are always supernatural sanctions upon incorrect or antiso-
ably have become. cial behaviour; there are always ways to obtain supernatural
aid in getting what one wants and other methods for avoiding
One undeniable fact has to be faced, however: both science- bad luck. Nearly every culture indulges in explanations:
fantasy fiction and fantasy role-playing games are created by how the world got to be as it is, what brought it all about, how
and for people of THIS time and THIS generalised Western man relates to it, what its eventual denouement is going to
European heritage. The cultural ethos which encourages us to be, and especially what man has to do in order to acquire the
speculate about the future and about other cultures is hardly most goodies: eternal salvation, the favor of the gods, good
shared by all of Europe, much less the people of The Third luck, worldly success, and whatever else the culture preaches.
World. This has nothing to do with primitive-ness or a lack In spite of the inroads of Science into the supernatural in
of technology; it is simply that our own Western traditions in our century, I still cannot conceive of a future without any rec-
the Eighteenth, Nineteenth, and Twentieth Centuries have ognisable religion at all, much to my atheist friends disgust.
come to focus upon this type of speculation; our Weltanschau- I can hardly imagine a future in which all religion has been
ung (world- view) pushes us to do this, while other cultures depersonalised, boiled down, and homogenised into a great
do not share this and have no interest in it. Nevertheless, it abstract Life Force. Humans love to anthropomorphicise,
has to be underlined again and again that we are creatures of personalise, and complicate. I suspect there will always be
our own cultures, bound by them, limited by them, and un- counter-arguments, splinter sects, heresies, re-interpretations,
able to produce anything that really transcends them. We do and religious squabbles. Even the fiercely monotheistic and
have the broadening of our horizons vouchsafed us through iconoclastic religion of Islam has these tendencies. Somebody
history, philosophy, anthropology, and a host of other disci- always comes along to spoil an utopia. Whether one believes
plines; yet we are still parochial in our outlook and limited by in Prof. Toynbees theories of cyclical rises and falls of socie-
our own mores as to what we can and cannot imagine. To ties or not, the one thing that seems certain about mankind is
prove this, one has only to look at the science-fantasy fiction the endless capacity to change and to foul up nice, neat sys-
of the Twenties, the Thirties, the Forties, etc. to see that as our tems! Alternative doctrines are popularised and spread, politi-
own world-view changed, so did the future worlds envisaged cal leaders get deified, some group manages to establish their
by our authors. This has not changed today, and I doubt if it particular ism as the State Religion, a prophet, a holy man,
ever will. Today we have the essential American-ness of the or reformer appearsand there goes the ballgame. The only
socio- political backgrounds postulated for Star Wars and Star changeless and eternal principle appears to be Change itself.
Trek; tomorrow we will see something elsebut it will be just
as limited by the times and the cultures which produce it as our Lets turn to some basic physical requirements for different
own creations are. manifestations of religion. The most fundamental is, of
course, a food surplus large enough to permit specialisation.
just to toss mediaeval France-England, Classical Greece and If food-gathering is so time-consuming that every member of
Rome, and the Norsemen and Gauls into a blender, season the society has to work all the time just to eat, then the estab-
well with Tolkien, Howard, Vance, Leiber, and Lovecraft, and lishment of a priestly class (or any other class, for that mat-
add a soupcon of ones own imagination: voila! a world!What ter) becomes practically impossible. Given a good food sup-
this means for the designers of fantasy role-playing games is plywhether it be cattle-herding, fishing, agriculture, or the
just this: a familiar background will probably sell better than natural bounty of a South Pacific islandcraft specialisations
an unfamiliar one. The more intelligible the characters, so- can develop, as can priestly hierarchies, fulltime political lead-
cial structures, languages, mores, and religious manifestations ers, etc. Bare subsistence societies may have a large corpus of
are, the easier it is for players to assume comfortable roles oral myths, a part-time shaman, a recognised leader, and lots
in that world. Even a mediocre Western-Classical-Mediaeval of other things, but they are not likely to display temples, hi-
background will probably more saleable than an esoteric one. erarchies, and other religious secular trappings. Even a sacred
Pages of odd names and lengthy disquisitions tend to repel glade, a secret hut for mens and womens initiations into adult-
the reader, and it is a lot easier just to toss mediaeval France- hood, a holy dance ground, or an off-limits burial area imply
England, Classical Greece and Rome, and the Norsemen enough food to support some degree of specialisation.
and Gauls into a blender, season well with Tolkien, Howard,
Vance, Leiber, and Lovecraft, and add a soupcon of ones own The usual ancient-mediaeval background given in many fan-
imagination: voila! a world! tasy role-playing games indicates quite a high degree of spe-
cialisation. Metal tools and weapons, clay pots, glass goblets,
Lets assume, however, that an author or campaign designer woven cloth, tanned leather and furs, wood and stone carv-
does want to break new ground. One of the first questions to ing, permanent housesall imply at least part-time specialists.
be asked is: MUST every society have a religion? Here I am These people have to be supported by a larger group of food-
going to go out on a limb and say, yes, although a definitive producers. As specialisation develops further, the craftsman
answer properly ought to be left to those with more expertise has to distribute his products, and this brings about trade, and
than I have. Every society I know of has (or had) strong beliefs this brings about trade, markets, caravan routes and roads,
relating to the supernatural: events and relationships which and larger towns and cities. It is hard for those with nomadic
transcend or lie outside that cultures corpus of prosaic, ma- or semi-nomadic ways to develop the more settled life of a
terial knowledge. Nearly everybody (even those atheists who permanent agricultural society.
still knock on wood, dont step on sidewalk cracks, and avoid
breaking mirrors) has some idea of supernatural power, al- Given a settled society, thus, specialisationa religion, as a
though this is not always anthropomorphicised into gods. strong concomitantjust seems to grow. Ancient history and
There are always supernaturally-enjoined ethical and moral anthropology again provide some fair guesses about the proc-
principles (how else does one justify an intense respect for esses involved in this. The earliest gods and totems of ancient
life when it is quite clear that we cannot hope to feed all of Egypt were the products of small agricultural settlements. As
the living?); there are always ideas about life after death; there time went on certain centres became richer through com-

3 32

merce and military conquest. Others became subordinate or powers through some kind of recognised religious action,
went under entirely. The god of a powerful community first rather like the Mana of the South Pacific? Going farther, do
extended his hegemony to the surrounding countryside, then inanimate things, plants, animals, etc. possess personalities
to neighboring villages and towns, and eventually to a whole spirits of some sortwhich can be got to aid or hinder human
region. Competing deities were subsumed into the ruling gods objectives? Do certain animals possess powerful spirits of ar-
mythos or else fell into desuetude and disappeared. Trade and chetypes with which man can ally himself? Are there spirits or
political support allowed the early local priesthoods to expand, deities inherent within various natural forces: the sun, moon,
and the mud-brick shrines became stone temples. Pilgrimage thunder, wind, rain, lightning, fire, or the sea? Are the gods
centres evolved, as did priestly hierarchies and organisations. organised around the human family: a mother (fertility) god-
Land ownership was regularised, and records had to be kept, dess, a father (procreator) deity, sons, daughters, brothers, and
leading to the development of writing. The more popular and sisters? Are the gods related to mansown activities and eco-
powerful gods were merged with the deities of less prestigious nomic cycles: harvests, corn, war, smithing, cattle, etc.? Do
and more localised sects, and eventually a State Religion ap- ghoststhe spirits of ones dead ancestorswalk the world
peared. This struggle continued all down through Egyptian ready to render service or to harm the unwary? Do the beings
history, but even this did not produce a neat, homogeneous, of dreams and visions have power over mens acts? If there are
and permanently stable system. indeed personal, anthropomorphic gods, how do they act in
the present world: can one expect to meet a god, perhaps
Shifts of political power led to the prominence of one god or mate and produce half-divine children? Have human heroes
group of gods at one time and their replacement by others in a ever been promoted into the divine pantheon? Can an ascetic,
later period. Those deities who were unlucky either end up on saint, or holy man achieve contact with a god and this gain
the outskirts of the cosmogony (with no worshippers or profit- divine insights? Do the gods want to contact man (through
able temples) or else they were relegated to a brief mention in revelation or prophecy) and thus guide mans actions in this
some obscure, archaic text. Foreign gods were introduced by world? Do the gods really CARE about mans actions? Do they
invaders and settlers and were syncretically merged into the thus enjoin a code of Good or Evil upon their devotees?
pantheon. Greek mercantile communities brought in their phi- The possibilities are well nigh endless, and it is easily possible
losophies during the later dynasties, and these became part of for one and the same society to exhibit more than one of the
Ptolemaic Egyptian thought. When Christianity replaced the above concepts at the same time.
old Egyptian-Hellenistic gods entirely, the older ways changed
but persisted in the teachings of the Gnostics and other sects. There is no easy way to determine just which route a given
The advent of Islam finally put paid to most of this, but even culture will take. Monotheism, dualism, trinitarianism, and
today there are some unique features in Egyptian Islam, par- other such parings down of the supernatural are not limited
ticularly in the rural areas. There are even a few faint traces to the technologically developed societies. Some, like modern
of the Old Gods: I myself have seen bunches of flowers and Hinduism, have several such isms going all at the same time:
dried dates on the little altar of Sekhmet at Karnak. The bored there is a multiplicity of gods for the average believer; these
Egyptian guard opined only that, There are still some crazy are in turn all considered to be avatars (aspects) of one or
people back in the villages. The winds of change wear away another of the three major deities by the more sophisticated;
the monolith of conservatism, but slowly, oh, so very slowly... and some sects and philosophers go on to state that these
three deities are only aspects themselves of a greater Divine
Once the ecology and economy of a fantasy society have been Oneness.
worked out, the designer has to go on to consider what the
world-view of his culture is going to be. What is mans purpose Philosophy is also not necessarily found in every society.
in the world? Is the supernatural frightening, or is protective There are some clearly non-philosophical cultures: e.g., the
of man? Is it simply a divine manifestation of the normal cy- ancient Egyptian texts deal with rituals, the attributes of the
cles of the community: the plantings, the harvests, the rains, gods, the ways to achieve the gods favors, the cosmogony of
the tides, the rising and setting of the celestial bodies? Does the universe, the realms of the afterlife (and how to live forever
the culture view the world as progressing toward some di- afterwards in good health), spells and charms to insure vari-
vinely ordained goal (e.g. a perfect world, a Second Coming, ous kinds of success or the avoidance of unpleasantness, etc.
a final Judgement Day)? Or is religion interpreted as only a No Egyptian sage that I know of seems to have cogitated on
means of sanctifying and maintaining a status quo, Things the oneness of creation, a First Cause, external models or
As They Are? Are the communitys mores imposed by the universals which exist independently of the gods, epistemol-
divine, or are the gods themselves subject to external prin- ogy, and a host of topics dear to the Greeks of Platos day. The
ciples of Good and Evil? How much of human life is to actions of the Egyptian gods in the myths seems unpredictable
be governed by supernatural injunctions and commandments: and strange to us, far more so than the lusty adventures of the
are there only broad general principles about how to live, or Greek deities. This was the Egyptian ethos, and it is now dif-
is there an intricate code of laws ruling everything from the ficult for us to guess what it meant to an average Egyptian or
words of the rituals to how one brushes ones teeth and goes to the High Priest of an Egyptian deity. It did motivate their so-
to the bathroom? Do the gods enjoin an inward-looking, medi- ciety for over three thousand years. The study of Egyptology
tative, self-contained society, or do they demand that all peo- is thus a fertile field for the study of mans conceptualisations
ples everywhere be brought under their sway and converted to of the Supernatural. The same applies, of course, to all other
their worship? There are all kinds of possibilitiesand most of religions and societies.
them have probably motivated one or another society of this
world at some time or other. Many cultures evince a First Cause explanation for How
Things Got to Be as They Are without becoming philosophi-
What, then, is the nature of the Supernatural itself? Does the cal about it. In some cases this is no more than a simple
culture believe that inanimate objects, plants, etc. possess in- myth: In the beginning there was God X, and from him A,
nate powers of their own? If so, can mankind acquire these B, and C came forth. Other societies prefer an (unexplained)


Mythic Age, in which the gods and other beings dwelt, fought, whenever I am confronted with a world cribbed from Tolkien,
and performed mighty deeds; this is then contrasted with the Howard, Lovecraft, or Burroughs. It was fun at first to see
Historical Age, in which man and other present day creatures what I could do as an inhabitant of Aquilonia or Barsoom, but
appear. This transition is sometime a slow change, while in the concepts and backgrounds are now so trite and so often
others it is effected by a culture transformer deity who goes done that they have paled. This is not just my own insatiable
around slaying hostile beings, teaching mankind how to live, dilettantism: bored and blas with the old, casting about for
solidifying reality, and performing other useful tasks to get a new plaything. It is just that as fantasy roleplaying games
our present world going and keep it on course. Logic and have evolved during the past five or six years, I have come to
philosophical underpinnings for ones theology are not that believe that a really good world has to have as many of the
commonly found around this world. [Judging from some of dimensions of real life as possible. There always have to be
the manifestations I see around me, it seems there are a lot more unknowns, facets which I have not seen yet, materials
of sects even today which could use some of this, but thats for further curiosity and speculation, and complexities which
another story...] In any case, there need not be an Hegelian, can keep me interested long after the initial thrill of the world
Kantian, or Cartesian philosopher produced by other cul- or its game has worn off.
tures and times may indeed include concepts and premises at
which a Western philosopher would throw up his hands and In some ways fantasy novel backgrounds nay be easier to con-
cry, this is not Philosophy! struct than those meant for fantasy role- playing games. The
author of a novel does not have to answer questions from his
Almost all religious systems I know of have something to say characters about their supposed religions; the designer of a
about what happens to man after death. This runs the whole fantasy role-playing campaign does. In a story, Great Jugbo
gamut of ideas from no afterlife at all, through wandering the of the Huitani tribe needs only to be established as a fero-
world as ghosts, to theories of reincarnation, to intricate cious war-god, complete with juicy details about idols and tem-
labyrinths of heavens and hells, to being accepted into the ples. He is only there because the writer needs an evil, hostile
Supernal One and becoming part of God Himself. You pays priesthood from whose clutches lovely damsels can be rescued
your money, and you takes your choice... by Our Hero. (Thereafter the author can plug in the cassette
entitles Rescue from the Temple During a Hideous Ceremo-
Ethics and behaviour may or may not be legislated by reli- ny or perhaps that one called Fighting the Enemy Champion
gion. In some societies proper conduct is simply the societys in the Arena. Dull.)
accepted norms, and the gods dont seem to have a lot to say
about it one way or the other. Elsewhere, the gods demand In any kind of ongoing, role-playing game, however, Jugbos
certain rituals and sacrifices, but leave ethics and mores to a putative worshippers are going to want a LOT more explana-
pervasive set of magical taboos, injunctions, and minor fig- tion. Just who is this god anyway? How does he fit into the
ures. In still other cultures the gods make, reflect, or represent pantheon? Tell us more about his sphere of activity (war) and
the behavioral norms, prescribing acceptable behavioral ac- what we are supposed to do about it? What are his ceremo-
tion for certain spheres (e.g., war : heroism, bravery, valor) and nies like? How do we dress? What actions will win us promo-
yet say nothing about other areas of social interaction (e.g., tion and prestige in the hierarchy? Who pays us if we become
cheating at business). Some societies possess divinely revealed priests and how much do we earn? Are we respected and in
or inspired codes of law and ethics (e.g., the Ten Command- favor with the chiefs of our tribe? What is our position vis-a-vis
ments) and a few display related concepts of sin and virtue other sects? How widespread is the worship of Might Jugbo?
(enforcing these with the carrot and the stick of salvation And so forth.
and damnation).
It is relatively easy to work out Jugbos details. Providing that
When one turns from concepts to the material manifestations the deities of the society are anthropomorphic (or at least
of religion, a vast array of traits, features, and patterns comes persons with intelligible motives), the pantheon can be ex-
into view. Every conceivable sphere of human life has been panded and embellished until it reads like Bullfinchs Mythol-
involved in some religion or other at one or another period ogy or The Golden Bough. (Unfortunately, these two older
of history: rituals, ceremonies, sacrifices, totems, images, works have been superseded by much recent study in the field
shrines, temples, sacred objects, holy days, fasting, taboos, of comparative religion. Most of those reading this article will
scriptures, priesthoods, monasteries, ascetics, mystics, hymns already have had some college or university education and can
and music, art, dance, theatre, sex, economics, politics, natu- browse through the relevant sections relevant sections of their
ral scienceyou name it, and its yours. There is hardly room own; there is thus no need to add a bibliography.)
even in an encyclopedia to discuss all of these things.
Let us assume that the designer has described Jugbos cult
The point of all this is that an author or game designer will in some detail. Players are told how Jugbo fits into the tribes
probably err on the side of oversimplification rather than that mythology, who his relatives are, and what his sect preaches.
of overcomplexity. Hack writers all too often produce simplis- If the designer is himself of a theological bent, we can expect
tic religions, some so poorly thought out as to be downright such statements as: Jugbo represents the Great Primordial
silly. This spoils what might otherwise have been an enjoyable Hunger present throughout the universe and evinced by the
background for me. If the author of a science fantasy novel survival of the fittest and the need of every creature to feed
has done no more than trot out the old familiar Graeco-Ro- upon others. Everything slain by Jugbos devotees thus passes
man, Norse Celtic, or what-have-you pantheon and given it into his Mighty Maw to feed the Fifteen Fiery Furnaces of Be-
archaic-sounding new names, I admit to boredom. Person- ing, preventing the cosmos from winding down to the frozen
ally, I guess that I am not much interested in simple simula- eternal stillness of Final Entropy, called by the Huitani people
tions or role-playing games. I want to encounter something Gheri the Unmoveable, Jugbos sworn foe.
new and different, something challenging and detailednot
just another rehash of the Old Faithful. The same applies Look at all this tells us; here we are given a basic theological
position. Jugbo is clearly an active deity. He favors violence,


and yet this violence supports the Existence of Things As They will be honored, his followers respected, his commandments
Are. He accepts the morality of killing to live, and his worship- obeyed, and his priests will be at the centre of the tribes af-
pers are thus not likely to be vegetarians. We can extrapolate fairs.
that those who perish in the Path of Jugbo are going to pass
on into some sort of Valhalla, a heaven reserved for warriors. Pity poor Jugbo, however, if he is a disadvantaged group!
Or perhaps their spirits will be taken into the Fiery Furnaces Heaven help him and his followers if the Huitani have largely
themselves, becoming one with the energies of the cosmos. become pacifists holding to a Do unto others Golden Rule!
We can surmise that Jugbo approves of bravery, daring, mili- Chances are that the Huitani will now consider Jugbo to be
tary skill, strength, and indifference to pain. He disapproves nothing more than a holdover from a darker, bloodier past,
of passivity, peacefulness, cowardice, and meditative inaction. something to be expunged or expelled as soon as possible. of
Depending on the rest of the tribal ethos, Jugbos doctrines course, he can always be re-interpreted: his priests may em-
may include gallantry to enemies, chivalry, kindness and toler- phasise his role as a world-maintainer and sweep his gorier
ation to non-warriorsor the opposite of these traits: cruelty, legends under the temple carpet, so to speak. They may re-
treachery towards nonmembers of the sect, contempt for the write and expurgate his myths and call them nothing more
meek and helpless, etc. Going still farther, we may expect to than allegories. They may tone down his ceremonies and
see a warrior-caste or military aristocracy, secret military so- focus more on his patronage of crafts and manly prowess.
cieties, a war-chief for the tribe, and a philosophy of conquest He may in time become a minor, forgotten figure in an inhos-
and continual expansion. We can also guess that Jugbo likes pitable pantheon, an aspect of some more socially accept-
fires and hates cold, that he enjoys feasting and eating, and able deity, or only a useful mythological subject for sculp-
that he may also serve as the patron of such war-related crafts ture, painting, or literature. Alas, as with Ares or Mars in our
as smithing, hunting, and armormaking. His ceremonies will own world, poor Jugbo may serve out his final days as nothing
probably be strong stuff: sacrifices (remember the Might more than a frieze over the R.O.T.C. armory door...
Maw?), fires, war-dances, possibly such displays of courage Sic transit gloria Dei.
as walking across beds of hot coals, going into a berserker
trance and dashing off to prove ones bravery by killing some- Religions are rarely neat and homogenous, as said above. We
body, secret and painful initiations for boys becoming adult have not even mentioned possible doctrinal disputes within
warriors, the sanctifying of military weapons, fire- or blood- Jugbos temples, heresies, progressive and conservative
colored vestments, perhaps a lower status for women (if the factions, Angry Young Men and Old Diehards, prophets
society does not encourage female warriors), and other related and reformers, secret societies of fanatics (or liberals, for that
features. Jugbo probably also approves of the number fifteen matter), mystical versus non-mystical interpretations of Jug-
(the Fifteen Fiery Furnaces, above), although this may be a bos being, political strife between powerful members of the
more generalised pattern number in the culture. This in turn hierarchy, splinter sub-sects, and all of the personal responses
may give us a take-off point for theories on tribal numerology, to any dogma ranging from atheism and cynicism to blind faith
omens, calendars, and all sorts of other traits. Fine. Jugbo is and wild-eyed fanaticism. We have also not considered pos-
now fleshed out to the point that players in the Huitani cam- sible regional variations, class and caste variations, and varia-
paign can see what sort of deity he is and what sorts of roles tions between the tenets taught to commoners and those held
are available to them in the culture. We have begun to get by the intellectual elite. There may also be temporal changes
an idea of the Weltanschauung of the Huitani people. Prob- between the Jugbo of today and the Jugbo of a hundred years
lems may arise for Jugbo and his followers, however, if the ago. A good simulation ought to take some of these historical
designer introduces some ethical principle beyond the gods and sociological factors into account, and a few of them can be
and to which they must adhere as do mortal men. Whether put to good purpose even within a simple campaign.
the designer inserts this principle only through his own god-
like power (e.g., by simply stating that Jugbo is Good or Perhaps enough now has been said about Jugbo. It is time to
Lawful, Evil or Chaotic), or whether he brings this in look at some specifically game-related issues revolving around
through some feature of the creation itself (e.g., a prophet, religion in fantasy campaign games.
philosopher, reformer, or some event in Huitani history), the One fundamental premise, in many Swords and Sorcery
result is the same: Jugbos every action is now going to be novels and also in almost all fantasy role- playing games I have
scrutinised and judged according to external standards over seen, is that the gods and the supernatural do really exist.
which he has no control. Whether this is explained away on pseudo-scientific ground
The content of this principle, standard, or philosophical posi- (e.g., the gods are really only vastly powerful interdimen-
tion has to be made clear to the players since their positions sional beings), or whether there is really Supernatural power
are entirely dependant on it. If the Huitani are dualists, holding in the usual religious sense of the word, the fact is that a real,
that there are Good deities and Evil deities and that both live, imminent god can do a lot more to help or hinder a player
fit into the theology, then there are only practical problems: character than can some of the deities of this world! This
the relative political and social positions of the two align- god can bestow favors upon his faithful, revivify them when
ments. Jugbo himself can be put into the Good or Lawful they die, guide them and give them information, and help
category because of his role as a world-maintainer; or he can them acquire a lot more goodies than are usually available to
be placed amongst the Evil or Chaotic deities because of the long suffering non-player characters of the fantasy world.
his emphasis upon violence, killing, and mayhem. If these two Conversely, a player who acts contrary to his deitys wishes re-
categories possess roughly equal status and power, then each ally ought to expect a stiff lightning bolt up the backside, but in
player can join the group of his choice depending on his own my experience this happens only rarely, no matter how justly
temperament and inclinations. If Jugbo is put into an align- deserved, since ones players raise such cries and miserable
ment category which has prevailed over the other in the cul- remonstrances of protest that it seems heartless for a referee
ture, then he and his adherents are home free: Jugbos temples to employ this ultimate weapon too often.


Having the referee serve as vox Dei, with or without modify- pedition. If he opted to live as an ascetic recluse in a cave or
ing dice rolls, does serve the useful purpose of allowing him a ruined tower, he might be tolerated so long as he did not
to direct his scenarios, guide and aid his players, and generally become a nuisancebut he would have to give up any real
keep the world balanced. Misuse of this power or even positive power thereby over others in his cultural milieu.
overuse of it, however, can ruin a game. If divine aid makes
it too easy to attain objectives, or if interfering gods make All right, all right, some may protest; you are arguing from
it too difficult, the campaign is usually quickly junked. The reality; yet this is FANTASY. What is wrong with a designer
same seems to be true of campaigns in which player charac- postulating might wizards living all alone in remote towers,
ters themselves may become so immensely powerful that they beautiful maidens imprisoned in castles with no visible means
can take part in the activities of the gods themselves, even of sustenance, dragons who can fly around like fighter planes,
perhaps combating and slaying the deities themselves! These and all the rest? The answer is that nothing is wrong with all of
gods, are then nothing more than super-strong monsters, this, if this is your cup of tea. All I am saying is that if you want
and any mythical or religious content they may have had is your fantasy world to have any depth and detail to it, then
lost. Moreover, in order to do this a player character must be these are problems to be considered and explained either in
granted incredible strength and/or vast quantities of magic, pseudo-scientific terms or in mythic fashion. Another problem
and once he has had these things he finds it very hard to settle is that of alignments. Many campaigns rather blindly follow
back down to earth and continue his role as a regular member Prof. Tolkien and postulate a dualistic system: Good versus
of his society. It may be one godawful ego trip to be the equal Evil, Law versus Chaos, or Light versus Darkness.
of a god, and slay him in battle, but what do you do for an Good Zoroastrians all! I can disagree with this simplistic di-
encore? Living with the other gods on what passes for Mount chotomy, but if I accept the designers premises and am given
Olympus can quickly get boring, as can dwelling all alone in some content to these terms, then I cannot fault it. Speaking
some unapproachable wizards tower in the depths of a forest. realistically again, I doubt whether the Good of a fantasy
It is then pretty silly to go on adventuring and rousting about world should be quite so close to what we in the Western Euro-
with lesser mortals. pean tradition consider to be good, and the Evil so much
like the evil of our own heritage right down to the existence
Another basic assumption in most fantasy role-playing games of demons, The Devil, Hell, and the color black. All of
is the reality and efficacy of magic. It is not always clear this may be familiar and as comfortable as an old shoe, but it
whether this works through the powers of the gods, or wheth- just does not tickle my imagination enough.
er it operates as a natural force (again possibly with a pseu-
doscientific explanation.) Good and Evil are also relative. Religion tends to be con-
servative and to support the most strongly held beliefs of a
The fact is that fantasy magic is an extremely potent weapon. society. Therefore, whatever the culture says is good IS
Unlike a novel, where it works only when and how the au- Good. If the gods must be appeased and the order of the
thor wants it to operate, sorcery in a role-playing game has to universe maintained by the cutting out of human hearts, as
be carefully curbed and balanced; otherwise one finds player in Aztec society, then this will be what is Good, and it will
characters going around blowing down cities, devastating ar- have all the support and sanctions of the priests, the rulers,
mies, finding out the innermost secrets of the world, and gen- and the common man. The priests of Baal tossed infants into
erally making a wreck of the designers pretty scenery. If it is the flames burning within the bellies of their brazen idols with
made too hard to acquire and use, players seem to find little just the same serenity of motive. So did the ancient Britons
fun in the campaign; if it is made too potent and too available, when they burnt their captives alive in wicker cages. So did
the same thing happens. Adolf Hitler when he postulated a society free of Communists
and Jews. To quote John Tolands book, Adolf Hitler, ...for
In reality, of course, magic would rapidly become the fiercely Hitler already had massive support on all levels of German
guarded private property of the most ruthless and influential society. Even the Association of National German Jews issued
forces in the society: the priestly hierarchy, the secular rulers, an appeal in his favor. And so, on August 19[1934] almost 90
or a combination of the two. A good sorcerer, therefore, might percent of the German people freely voted their approval of
find himself rather like a World War II rocket expert, whisked Adolf Hitler as Hindenburgs successor. (p. 358) He was also
off by either the Russians or the Americans to a strange coun- favored by many churchmen, catholic and protestant alike. His
try, pampered and fed but worked very hard, and probably Good was perceived as the Good of all Germany.
stamped Top Secret forever. Even in the dispersed, com-
paratively loosely structured society of Arthurian legend, this All of this only demonstrates that Good and Evil may have
was the sort of role played by Merlin. As long as he did what meanings very different at other times and places. Our Good
the Round Table and the King thought he ought to do, and as appears Evil when viewed by the other side. Most fantasy
long as he did not develop any yearnings for power of his own, novels do not expound on the viewpoints, theological founda-
he was accepted and given respect. Those sorcerers who did tions, mores and ethics, and the world-view of the Heavies.
not toe the line, on the other hand, tended to suffer for their Yet in a society with two equally balanced alignments one
noncooperation. must expect much more dialogue, discourse, position-putting,
and attempts to convince the other group. This is essentially
In all likelihood a might wizard who did not accept state what one finds in a fantasy role-playing game, with its neat
patronage from the society and went off to dwell in a lonely black-and-white division into Good and Evil or Law and
tower on the moors would soon realise that he needed food Chaos. This very black-and-whiteness is suspect, of course;
(and hence lands, villages full of farmers, etc.), goods produced most peoples and cultures and institutions are various shades
by artisans and craftsmen, and certain other comforts and of gray.
goodies to be had only within the society. If he attempted to
establish his own realm, obstruct traffic, and break the kings I do realise that this division into alignments is there at least
laws, he would soon find himself the target of a punitive ex- partially to aid game mechanics: each side has an opposite


side to fight, providing opportunities for conflict and excite- place and time. Some types of behaviour which are consid-
ment. Yet even if I accept a dichotomy in Good versus Evil, ered highly antisocial in this world are accepted easily by role-
or perhaps just Friendly versus Hostile, I still find it hard playing: e.g., vicarious violence, slaughtering peasants, burn-
to comprehend Neutral as a permanent third alignment, ing down villages, and massacring city guards (read police).
much less such combinations as Lawful- Neutral, Chaotic- Slavery, thieves, harlots, duelsall have been drained of their
Neutral, Lawful-Chaotic, etc. I can understand neutral ugly connotations by generations of Swords and Sorcery
as a specific reaction to individual stimuli, particularly those novels, comic books, and the movies. It depends on the de-
which do not affect oneself directly. I know people who are signer whether these antisocial activities are even considered
Lawful about murder and incest, Chaotic about speeding Chaotic or not; in some campaigns they are Lawful. Other
and laws related to the smoking of controlled substances, and forms of behaviour have not received this stamp of approval:
Neutral about zoning laws in Iowa, marriage customs in Af- e.g., incest, homosexuality, infanticide, polygamy, and poly-
ghanistan, the rights and wrongs of the Albigensian Crusade, andry, etc. I remember once having incredible difficulty trying
and much of what else is going on at a distance from them. to get a player in an ancient Egyptian campaign to marry his
I can imagine a foreigner or an outside observer being neu- sister, a non-player character. The fate of the Throne of the
tral to some extent, as an anthropologist is supposed to be Two Lands depended upon it, yet Pharaoh just would not tie
when studying a foreign culture. But I find it hard to believe the connubial knot. He could not face the idea of incest, even
that an individual, a community, or an ethnic group can re- though this was approved behaviour for a King of Egypt. I
main neutral to events which intimately affect its welfare. finally let him get away with it, sending the sister off to marry
One can opt to be an isolationist and stay out of a conflict a prince of the Mitanni.
as long as possible, or one can try to deal equally with both
sides and favor neither; if events or issues arise which make Even the sorts of violence sanctioned by Swords and Sorcery
this neutrality untenable, however, then this alignment is fiction can become unthinkable if the player is made aware of
going to vanish. In no case can I imagine a person or group all the ugly details. I once had a player who had chosen to be
living within a society, affected by its laws and mores, and a priest of a particularly ferocious deity who demanded daily
pressured by its religious and secular imperative remaining human sacrifices. So long as I kept the description of these
neutral for long. Moreover, each neutral group is going to rites brief and abstract there was no objection: You and your
have its own internal standards of Good and Evil, Law fellow priests cut out the hearts of twenty victims today. Okay,
and Chaos, within itself, and these will complicate its po- no problem. Then, once, as an experiment, I manoeuvred this
sition vis-a-vis other groups. Complexities within complexi- player into a situation where he himself had to sacrifice just
ties! Once more I recognise that Neutrality may be a useful one person. I made this a real tearjerker: A little girl, a peasant
game device, making it possible for Group X to cooperate child, barely ten years old and as cute as could be. I overdid
with Group Y and with Group Z, but this can probably be han- the description: her innocent trust, her tearful eyes, how she
dled in more logical and realistic ways. In reality (to use that clutched at his hand as he led her to the altar etc.a regular
ugly word again), alignments shift with the winds of politics soap opera. You can guess what happened: he could not per-
and social change. The enemies of today are the friends of form the sacrifice, cast about for any way out of it (including
tomorrow. I can imagine starting out in a fantasy campaign calling on the god for divine interventionthe same god who
with Sect X in violent conflict with Sect Y. Events within the had demanded the sacrifice in the first place), and then when
campaign may then make it likely that this hostility must end, he baulked and had to be assisted in his job by a fellow non-
and the two groups might end up as allies and the best of player character priest, he felt badly about it all the following
friends. As an example, lets bring up Might Jugbo once more. week. His goodhearted American conscience must still hurt
He starts the campaign as a Lawful deity, doing his job as because he talks about this incident with some bitterness even
a world maintainer and employing his violence for the good today. I figured that this will teach him to be Chaotic when he
of the Huitani people. As events unfold, however, it becomes does not even understand the real meaning of the term!
more and more clear to Jugbos priests that the temples of the This is NOT to urge that fantasy roleplaying games be used to
other Lawful gods are going to swing their support behind teach cruelty, indifference to life, or other antisocial attitudes!
Gherkin the Mild, a follower of the pacifistic Earth Goddess, Psychologists differ as to whether vicarious violence has a ca-
Alraita. Jugbos followers can see the handwriting on the pro- thartic and useful effect, or whether it teaches us things we
verbial wall; if he stays where he is it wont be very long be- dont really want to learn. My little peasant girl was an experi-
fore he ends up as the aforementioned frieze over the armory ment only. Such issues have to be squarely faced when one
door. Jugbos hierarchy performs a quick volte-face, alters a sites down to devise a fantasy roleplaying campaign. Really
few scriptures, perhaps trots out a miracle or two to explain unpleasant and vicious Chaos may be harmless for some,
things to the common man, and joins forces with the temple but for others we should tone down our Chaotic characters,
of Ghurbofazh, Lord of Death (We DO have so much in com- soften their beliefs, and understate their actions. Yet we should
mon...). Jugbo still cannot stomach Gheri the Unmoveable, not regulate it all to the pleasantly innocuous atmosphere of an
figuratively or physically, but he is now in the same camp, and English backgarden. This may be all right for games produced
maybe some further reinterpretation and reconciliation can be for children, but the players of advanced fantasy role-playing
mythically effected later. games are usually young adults. We should perhaps attempt
A related problem in fantasy role-playing games arises when to offer interestingly different, even alien, roles to play, roles
the designer does create a mythos with precepts very alien or which teach the need for a deeper understanding of how other
unpalatable to his modern European-American players. Peo- societies think and act, which help us to rid ourselves of our
ple cannot help but carry their usual attitudes and reactions parochialisms and prejudices, and which build bridges of em-
over into a campaign, even though playing in a roleplaying pathy rather than burn them down.
games theoretically demands that they give these up while There is one more game-related topic relating both to reli-
the game is in progress and substitute the mores of another gion and to the secular areas of a fantasy world: this is the

3 37

issue of individual freedom, as permitted by so many fan- A man may be the best warrior in the community, but if he
tasy campaigns. One finds player characters wandering about wants to progress in the society, he must achieve some mili-
without let or hindrance, pushing into palaces to talk to kings, tary or political position. He must join an army, work his way
intruding upon ceremonies in the holiest of holies, travelling up through the ranks, flatter his superiors, eat great quantities
from country to country with no questions asked, starting of humble pie, and wangle promotions when and how he
businesses and ventures which have tremendous social con- can. The same is true of the priest: being clever and a wonder-
sequences and ramifications, and generally acting as if they ful sorcerer wont earn him any brownie points in the hierar-
owned the place! chy. He has to stick to his job, fawn upon his masters, satisfy
the needs of those who have influence in the community, and
None of these things would be easy in reality. Even knights make sure he holds the correct doctrines. At the same time
errant have homes and families, property which they must both the soldier and the priest have to insure that they will
manage in order to eat, and duties within the society other stand out from the herd, be clever and yet not too eccentric,
than going about potting off dragons. Priests are usually etc. Cardinal Richelieu did not rise to his exalted position by
even more restricted: there are prayers, studies, rituals, ad- flouting the Establishment!
ministrative work, people to see, and things to do. Most of
these prosaic details can be glossed overit is a fantasy after One can really only adventure when one is outside of the
allbut realism does become a problem when a priest shirks society, a vagabond, a foreigner, a fringe person, in effect a
his responsibilities to go off adventuring. The same is true of nobody. The real life of such people is not pleasant: who wants
the soldier who has a military command yet spends his time to be hungry, ragged, poor? Who wants to hang around scum-
exploring draughty dungeons or out rescuing fair damsels. my taverns in the slums of a city, fight as a bodyguard, eat
This is not just a case for ignoring the nitty-gritty for playa- insults from ones social betters, and suffer all of ones life?
bilitys sake; it is flagrant, outright dereliction of duty! In this Any time such a person fights back, the society will methodi-
world such a miscreant would be fired or courtmartialed. In cally and impersonally crush him: the prison, the gallows, or
less gentle eras he would swing on the gallows. just a quick crack over the head.
Anything approaching a realistic society can hardly be so On the other hand, it is equally dull to game the logical result
unstructured that characters can roister about adventuring, of social success. No one would want to play out the long
clouting city guards, offending the aristocracy, robbing tombs intervals between a great generals heroic campaigns: the end-
and temples, and amassing great quantities of wealth with less bureaucracy, the filing of papers, the organising of troops,
nary a question asked. Such actions would receive short shrift supplies, and staffing, the politicking and the humdrum so-
indeed. One has only to glance through any ethnography, any cial life. The life of a high priest is even more restricted: the
history, any description of a real human society, to realise that accounting of tithes, the administration, the petty squabbles
ALL societies have established institutions to prevent just this within the clergy, the worry about finding money for the new
sort of thing: to guard, reinforce, and sanctify accepted be- annexe to the temple, the prosaic duties of the rituals, and
haviour and to exclude or punish those on the fringes, the again the interminable politicking and boring social life. The
vagabond, the criminal, the nouveau riche, and the parvenu. same is true of the aristocracy, even dukes and earls and kings,
and for every other socially prestigious class in the culture.
Yet isnt this kind of adventuring just what happens in nov-
els? Doesnt it ever happen in real life sometimes? Certainly it The solution I now employ in my own campaigns is not en-
does. But the real-life examples are very rare, perhaps flukes, tirely satisfactory: since it is not too much fun to be weak and
a matter of being in the right place at the right time for his- ignoble, and it is just as tedious to sit too high in the halls of the
torical forces to coincide. A novel can put forth any premise mighty, I tend to focus upon the middle levels: the characters
its author wishes. But the very fact that the story is unique rise to power. I make it relatively easy for my players to get out
enough to be told, the reader recognises that it is not repre- of the slums, achieve a certain amount of wealth, prestige, and
sentative of average or even frequent events in the culture. position, and establish themselves as valued members of soci-
The beggar becomes a king, the mighty thewed warrior slays ety. I make it much more difficult to rise to the very high (and
all of the baddies and rescues the girl, the little peasant boy logically boring) posts within the power structure. The most
becomes a great wizard and destroys the tyrantand they all enjoyable part of our campaigns is to be had while characters
ride off into the sunset at the end of the story. are still free enough to adventure but not so weak and help-
less that they have no recourse against hostile forces.
A fantasy role-playing game is similar, yet different. Players do
take on the personae of mighty thewed heroes and clever wiz- The problem with this is that many players are persistent; they
ards. They start off as nobodies, and if they are lucky enough have a strong drive to see their characters succeed to the high-
and smart enough to outwit the referee, they can rise to be- est posts, achieve the most unreachable goals, and progress
come rich and mighty. This is perhaps logical for a novel like to the very pinnacle of power. No matter what I do, some
single adventure, a unique series of events in the lives of the players are going to become generals, high priests, nobles, or
protagonists. But They lived happily ever after is not only what-have-you. (As a referee, of course, I could easily prevent
one of the least likely statements ever made about real life or a this by wheeling out referees specials to knock them down
story purporting to be realistic, it also just does not apply to every time they got near this status, but I dont think this is
fantasy role-playing games. Once Our Heroes have explored either logical or fair.) Perhaps the best solution is to announce
the dungeon, slain the beasties, and scarfed up the treasure, in advance that characters will be treated like those in a novel:
they must go back to living in the culture, and they must also once the Great Adventure is over, the foe defeated, the maiden
become men and women of affairs. There is no social value rescued, and the treasure won, Our Heroes must ride off into
o being an adventurer. Real power in any society is based the sunset and live happily ever after. In other words, players
upon wealth, prestige, family position, and in being the smart- must retire characters whose duties and high social positions
est cog in the Establishments machine. logically prevent them from gallivanting off on adventures.


It is nice to have the fruits of victory and the peace to enjoy the development of interesting scenarios.
thembut it is boring to play this out. A further method can
be devised to allow a player to look in upon a former char- (10) Any alignments or grouping of sects must be thor-
acter from time to time to see how he is progressing. Indeed, oughly thought through. Is there some Great Principle
if the game scenario demands that the character reappear, which transcends even the gods (and if so, from whence
he can be brought back to do so. The Great Patriarch of the does it stem)? Or are these alliances and constellations
temple can be summoned forth to deal with some new and temporary, perhaps based upon the exigencies of poli-
horrendous sorcerous threat to the prosperity of the Empire. tics and self interest? The societal implications of hav-
The High General can take command of all the legions when ing two or more antithetical alignments operative in
a neighboring nation launches an invasion, etc. These char- the same society at the same time must be worked out,
acters can be played either by the referee or by the original explained and balanced.
player. (It is rather strange and amusing to imagine ones new (11) Turning to strictly gaming matters, if the gods of the
character serving as a private in an army commanded by ones fantasy creations are assumed to be real and imminent,
old character! The might commander could glance down the and if they play active parts in the characters lives, then
lines of marching, dusty troops, single out a young face for a one must provide the players with the details of their
moment, and muse, What a curious sensation; once I must demands, likes, dislikes, and especially the rewards and
have been like that boy there...) punishments which can be expected from them.
Let me now sum up the steps I see as necessary for the crea- (12) The nature, use and social ramifications of magic
tion of a religion for a fantasy role-playing world. must similarly be detailed for those playing in the
campaign. How does sorcery work? What can it do?
(1) Establish the ecology and economy of the region and in What is the social and political position of the sorcerer
particular the society in which the religion is practised. within the culture?
(2) Work out the world-view of the culture: its attitudes to- (13) The problem of individual independence for player
wards life, death, right and wrong, success and failure, characters affects priests and warriors alikeanybody,
final goalsas much as possible. in fact, who desires to achieve recognition and status
(3) Develop the cultures conception of the Supernatu- within the culture. One can design a very loosely struc-
ral: why it exists, how it works, what sort of entities it tured society, or one can ignore the whole issue and
postulates, and what influences it has over mens lives. say, It is a game. Neither of these views is very sat-
isfactory. It seems better to build methods of dealing
(4) Build up the details of the pantheon and mythology (if with this problem into the rules themselves, as sug-
these exist), fitting them into the ecological and eco- gested above.
nomic structure.
As a final example, let me suggest how a particularly knotty
(5) If the society is philosophical in nature, the overall Supernatural problem might be explained through a more
premises of its system must be stated. The same ap- detailed world-view and a set of theological-supernatural as-
plies if it is essentially a mythical or materialistic sumptions. Suppose that a designer wants to use the game de-
culture. These features must be tied into the holistic vice of intelligent weapons in his campaign: swords, maces,
worldview and with beliefs about the Supernatural. etc. which have intellects, egos, and even magical spells all
(6) Outline the central religious doctrines: those relating to their own. Depending upon his initial basic premises, this fea-
life after death, morals and ethics, warfare and societal- ture can be made to fit into the system without difficulty. Let
ly approved violence, magic and sorcery, the rewards us look at a few examples of worldview models:
and punishments expected from the gods, methods of (1) Model A postulates natural Mana: a tool or weapon
obtaining Supernatural power, etc. used for centuries by a succession of powerful per-
(7) Given some basic theological position statements, one sons develops an innate potency all its own. The most
can now elaborate upon the physical manifestations of might of these become beings in their own right and
the religion: the rituals, the costumes, the architec- manifest behaviour comprehensible to humans as per-
ture of the temples, the images, the hierarchy of the sonalities.
priesthood, taboos and customs, church history, scrip-
(2) Model B holds that the spirits of the dead remain in this
tures and sacred objectsa whole host of things. Many
world after death, staying in close proximity to objects
of these traits will in turn relate to other features: e.g.
which they valued in life. The weapon is thus inhabited
a calendar, astronomy, astrology and numerology, tith-
by a powerful personal ghost.
ing systems, class and caste, planting and harvests, and
so forth. (3) Model C has no Mana and no ghosts, but it assumes
(8) If there is more than one religion (or sect) in the soci- the existence of nonhuman races, some of which dwell
etyand this is often true of societies upon this plan- in specific locales (e.g. water pixies, tree dryads). A
etthen one must return to (4)or even to (2) and sword person now becomes no more than a species
(3)above and start over. of entities which makes its home in steel weapons, per-
haps gaining sustenance from the blood of the weap-
(9) Differences within each religion or sect must be added: ons victims.
sub-sects, doctrinal disputes or heresies, conservatives
and liberals, prophets and reformers, secret societies (4) Model D exhibits a complex pantheon of greater and
and the like. Not only does this add depth and rich- lesser deities, supernatural minor races (angels and
ness, it also provides opportunities for adventure and demons, etc.); all one needs is a magic system which

3 39

can imprison a lesser entity within a weapon and keep them described in understandable terms, with societies which
him there. reflect the principles of economics, anthropology, sociology,
and history. Religion, in some form or another, is so central
(5) Model E presents two great antithetical Principles. to the lives of most human beings that it cannot be omitted,
These appear to mankind as personalised, imminent minimised, or ignored. If the author or game designer has hu-
gods. In their eternal war against one another, each man characters, then they almost certainly will have one or
Principle has directly created powerful instruments to another identifiable form of religion, depending upon their
aid its supporters in this plan. These tools and weap- environment, ecology, and other cultural factors. I do not mind
ons have been given personae in order to make them the insertion of fantastic beings, events, or phenomena. I
immediately intelligible to the lesser races for whom only askfor myself, and not demanding that all readers and
they are intended, and they are keyed to react hostilely gamers agree with methat once the fantastic premises
if used by a follower of the opposite Principle. (One are given, the rest of the creation flow logically and intelligi-
ramification of this might be that there are weapons at- bly from it. I am intolerant of oversimplification, hack work,
tuned only to mankind, others only to dwarves or trolls and easy rip-offs from traditional faiths or legendary sources.
or what-have-you, and still others made to be used by The more depth, structure, and richness there areand the
other supernatural sub-entities. Characters would then more of the designers imagination, originality, and perspi-
have to be extremely careful of handling strange weap- rationthe more I will find enjoyable in his world. This is
ons!) what makes Prof. J. R. R. Tolkien great; the tapestry of his
(6) Model F displays none of the above. In this world mag- mythos is so fantastically detailed as to provide me with food
ic is a natural force with its own laws. There are no for thought for years to come. On the other handand here
real supernatural beings, and life after death is only I verge upon heresyI find too little organised religion in
assumed but not demonstrable. An advanced sorcerer the good professors world for my tastes. I just cannot believe
can transfer the personality patterns of a living being that humans at the technological-economic level he postulates
into certain substances, however, through the use of are going to display so little identifiable religious behaviour.
his magical science. I am no expert on Prof. Tolkiens works, and perhaps some
scholarly reader can point me to a mention of a human priest,
(7) Model G is similar to the foregoing except more sci- religious hierarchy, or the phenomena associated with a for-
ence-fiction-y: there is now no magic and no real malised, institutionalised religion anywhere in these books. I
supernatural. The same effect can be obtained, never- cannot recall seeing anything very definite along these lines. I
theless, through pseudo-scientific explanations: elec- would have been happy to see a lot more since I prefer my hu-
tronic circuitry, gadgets, and Science. mans realistic if they are supposed to be human. Naturally,
one can make any assumptions one likes for the nonhumans;
(8) Model H is the least tractable of all. It postulates an they are fantasy, and their societies can be anything the au-
omnipotent, omniscient God who is innately Good thor desires.
(whatever that means from one place and time in his-
tory to another?). The very existence of Evil in such All through this article it is understood that I am addressing the
a universe is unexplainable, much less the need for designers and players of fantasy role-playing games for adults.
intelligent weapons and other bric-a-brac. If God is Such games can be excellent teaching devices for children,
Good, why does he permit Evil to exist and oppose and it is obvious that products meant for younger players must
Him? One can argue that God created Evil to test simplify the realities, make the world a little more clearly
mankind (a thoroughly anthropocentric notion), or one identifiable black and white, and ignore the intricacies. My re-
can beg the question and say that the purposes of the marks here are meant for those who are interested in more
Almighty are unknowable and inscrutable to us, His elaborate simulations.
limited creations. If God is all-powerful and all-know-
ing, He must know how the results of his test will Unfortunately, realism goes only as far as our own special-
come outand so forth. The important point relevant ised fields of knowledge. I still cannot get my great flying crea-
to our problem is that if man has direct, hot-line access tures to obey the laws of aerodynamics. Nor can I explain how
to God through prayerand if God is Good (i.e. on the inhabitants of my dungeons manage to dwell in such
mankinds side essentially)then what need is there of harmony with one another without any visible means of suste-
physical devices: weapons, crucifixes, talismans, holy nance except the odd party of player characters which chances
water, and the like? On this one I pass. Go ask your their way. For some, it has been a long time between snacks. I
friendly neighborhood theologian. hope to see what others have thought of these and many more
problems. That is what makes a forum for ideas so useful to all
To sum up, I cannot conceive of an ancient, classical, medi- of us. It is pleasant to be able to lay aside the endless details,
aeval, or legendary world without some form of organised elaborations, and superstructures upon superstructures of the
religion. The premises, structures, and manifestations of this house gaming magazines and consider some of our basic as-
have to be built into a novel and especially into a roleplay- sumptions, Well all probably create and play better for it.
ing campaign (in which your characters ask rude questions). I
tend to favor complex and realistic creationsthose which Curious about Tkumel? Check out the official website at
exploit the possibilities of their initial fantasy premises to
the full and which treat the realistic parts of their mythos Copyright M.A.R. Barker 1980, 2004
realistically. If there are bows and arrows, I expect the author (Used with permission.)
to speak realistically of ranges, penetration, and other mat-
ters pertaining to archery. If there are horses, I expect the
designer to keep within the laws of possibility for their gaits,
endurance, and abilities. If there are men, then I want to see


Gods of Barsoom
& Michael Curtis F James Allen St. John
Edgar Rice Burroughs Martian tales portrayed religious figures spired by it and would not be out of place on the Red Planet.
as frauds and scheming political leaders, not ordinary mortals
touched by the divine and capable of miraculous wonders. Barsia is the goddess of life and healing, responsible for all liv-
ing things on Barsoom. Once she was the Tree of Life, but her
The whole fabric of our religion is based upon superstitious essence spread out across the world upon its death. From the
belief in lies that have been foisted upon us for ages by those smallest patch of ochre moss to the greatest zitidar, Barsia dwells
directly above us, to whose personal profit and aggrandize- in all things. Her symbol is a lavender disc and her priesthood
ment it was to have us continue to believe as they wished us is entirely female. Her temples are adorned with growing plants
to believe. I am ready to cast off the ties that bind me. I am and freely-roaming animalseven fierce ones that obey the
ready to defy Issus herself, but what will it avail us? (GM, X) priestesses calls. Her spheres are Healing and Life. Priests of
Barsia may use any weapon when battling undead creatures
Despite the lack of legitimate priests and wonder-workers in the and increase their Charisma score by one at 5th level.
source material, most fantastical roleplaying systems rely on
those character types and their presence is expected. Further- Orjadass is the goddess of water, dreams, and the mind. Al-
more, Burroughs novels are not lacking in wondrous, spell-like though once a major power, her presence has waned with the
occurrences. This chapter is intended to assist the game mas- vanishing oceans of Barsoom. Orjadass servants are much
ter caught between the wild thoat of certainty and the mad diminished and include the few sailors on the south polar sea,
zitidar of fact (GM, III) by introducing methods to resolve this
conflict between player expectations and the source material, as
well as providing rules for adjudicating supernatural effects.

Magical Barsoom
The referee has several options if he wishes to expand upon
the Martian tales and include magical phenomena in the game.
He is free to use all, some, or none of the suggestions below.
1) Allow individual spells to select characters: Spells
are not magical effects, but the product of exceptional
mental prowess. Many telepaths exist on Mars; that a
select few are able to create wondrous phenomena by
thought alone is plausible. In this case, the priests or
parapsychologists power comes from within. This is
the best option for DMs wishing to keep religion a su-
perstition in their games.
2) Religious Revival: Following the death of Issus, a
new spiritual age arises on Barsoom as Martians of all
colors return to the nearly forgotten deities worshiped
by their ancestors. This option might serve as the plot
of several game sessions where the characters seek out
lost temples in ruined cities to recover religious texts,
icons, and other temple goods now in demand.
3) Priests of specific origin: Although the cult of Issus
is revealed to be fraudulent, this need not be the case
of all religions. In ancient (CM, VII), isolated, or exotic
populations, true gods are worshiped that grant their
devotees special powers. All priest characters must
originate from one of these places or groups, and may
face persecution outside their small enclaves if they do
not keep their beliefs and origins secret.

Barsoomian Pantheon
The following seven deities are provided as suggestions for
the GM looking to incorporate true gods in their game. While
these deities do not appear in the source material, they are in-

3 41

those dying of thirst on the dry sea beds, and a small cadre Priest Spell Progression
of savants dedicated to unlocking the mysteries of the mind. The number of spells each priest knows per level of experi-
Her temples are small, simple affairs, but always have access ence is listed on the tables below. The DM and players should
to a subterranean stream. Orjadass is venerated on Moonday collaborate to create further spells or spells greater than 4th
and her symbol is a pair of mated interlocked silver discs. Her level in power.
spheres are Water and Thought. Priests of Orjadass can de-
tect fresh water within 10 ads*; they also gain +1 to Wisdom Exp. Hit Spell Level
at 5th level. Level Points Dice 1 2 3 4 5
1 0 1d6
Taredak is the god of war and honor. He is one of the most
2 1,565 2d6 1
revered deities on the Red Planet, eclipsed by Barsia only
slightly. Taredak is depicted as a perfect physical specimen 3 3,125 3d6 3
of his worshippers specieshandsome, physically imposing, 4 6,251 4d6 3 2
dressed in battle regalia, and with proud, heroic features. He 5 12,501 5d6 4 3
is honored on Thansday and before any battle. His symbol is 6 25,001 6d6 4 3 2
the stylized rendering of an ancient short sword. Taredaks 7 50,001 7d6 4 4 3
spheres are Combat and any elemental spell (Fire, Water, 8 100,001 8d6 4 4 3 2
Earth or Air) that inflicts damage. Priests of Taredak may use 9 220,001 9d6 4 4 4 3
spears or short-swords and gain +1 to Strength at 5th level.
10 300,001 +1hp only* 4 4 4 3 2
Daarlot is the god of air, storms, and the ravages of time. * Constitution modifiers no longer apply.
Daarlot manifests himself in the horrible siroccos and cyclonic
storms that race across the Barsoomian landscape, tearing Priest Spell List
down mountains, eroding cities, and wrecking flyers. He is
honored on Windsday and during tempests, and is consid- For spells noted with an asterisk (*) please see the Spells
ered the patron of flyer crews. Temples to Daarlot were once section of this book. Otherwise, the spells listed below will
commonplace in the city of Hastor. Daarlots symbol is a two- be as the spell of the same name from the Labyrinth Lord:
headed malagor, the great bird of Barsoom. His spheres are Advanced Edition Companion.
Air and Sound. Daarlots priests may use javelins and increase
Dexterity +1 at 5th level. First Level Spells
Zeddagim is the god of earth, the home, and protection. He 1. Bless 7. Hold Portal
appears as a titanic calot seemingly hewn from living stone of 2. Command 8. Light
crimson and ochre coloration. Zeddagims day is Hearthsday 3. Complete Focus* 9. Mending
and his symbol is a diamond-shaped stone edged in steel. His 4. Cure Light Wounds 10. Remove Fear
temples are small, blocky affairs, and he is most often worshi- 5. Detect Undead* 11. Shield of Faith
ped at a small household shrine located near the center of the 6. Endure Elementals* 12. Skulk*
home. Zeddagims spheres are Earth and Defense. His priests
gain +1 to Constistution at 5th level. Second Level Spells
1. Cradle of Daarlot* 7. Might of the White Ape*
Aranth is the goddess of fire, passion, and knowledge. She
2. Cure Serious Wounds 8. Phantom Bowmen*
appears as a living column of orange flame with scorching
3. Detect Evil 9. Shatter
white eyes and subtle humanoid curves. Aranth represents
4. Find Traps 10. Silence
the destructive and civilizing power that both knowledge and
5. Haste 11. Speak with Animals
fire bring. Her temples are always found near centers of learn-
6. Hold Person 12. Spiritual Weapon*
ing and contain eternal flames tended by her priests. Aranth
is honored on Fireday and her symbol is a flame-rimmed tri- Third Level Spells
angle. Her spheres are Fire and Knowledge. Priests of Aranth
may use bows and gain +1 to Intelligence at 5th level. 1. Animate Dead 7. Flaming Pillar*
2. Call Lightning 8. Helmet of Salvation*
Ulth is the god of ignoble death and calamity, and is the 3. Call Thoat* 9. Insect Swarm
closest entity to a satanic figure in the Barsoomian pantheon. 4. Cure Critical Wounds 10. See Afar*
His cult is entirely subterranean and shrouded in layers of 5. Cure Disease 11. Speak with Dead
secrecy. His color is purple and he is portrayed as a skeletal 6. Feast* 12. Water Breathing
Green Martian clad in burial wrappings. His appointed day
is Starday. His spheres are Magic and Necromancy. Ulth has Fourth Level Spells
few priests, but those that do honor him may use axes or 1. Blight* 7. Message
scythes and increase their Size +1 at 5th level. 2. Consecrate* 8. Neutralize Poison
* 9.75 earth feet. 3. Dismissal* 9. Reincarnate
4. Ethereal Walk* 10. Remove Curse
5. Fearful Aura* 11. Restoration
6. Ghostly Glory 12. Spell Aegis*
of Barsoom

3 42

Legends & Lore of the Jale God
& Matthew W. Schmeeer
A. Tables A1: d30 Table of Jale God Feast Days
A1. d30 Table of Jale God Feast Days 1 The Aphotic Defilement
A2. d30 Table: Cacophonies 2 The Arcane Obscenity of Ryala
Composed by the Jale Gods Pipe 3 The Blasphemy of Malice
A3. Table of Quests Required of the 4 The Breaking of the Princess
Wakers of the Jale God
5 The Campaign of Bloody Daggers
A4. Side Effects of a Vision from the Jale God
6 The Carnal Rendition
A5. 8 Colors Beyond Human Ken 7 The Crimson Anathema
8 The Cruel Violation
B. Invocations & Folk Beliefs
9 The Dagger Wars Remembrance
B1. 8 Translated Chants to the Jale God
10 The Dark Moon Festival
B2. The Putrefaction of the Jale God
11 The Day of Gimlinchs Defilement
B3. 8 Evocations of the Jale God
12 The Day of Putrefaction
B4. 6 Folk Beliefs to Invoke the Jale God
13 The Dedication of the Heavens
B5. 6 Invocations of the Jale God
14 The Demonic Ruin
Translated from Cursed Scrolls
15 The Dismal Night
C. Tales of the Jale God 16 The Dusk of Unspooling Blades
C1. 3 Short Tales of the Jale God 17 The Fall of the Kindred Wyrm
C2. Shelter from the Storm 18 The Feast of Veils
C3. The Jale Gods Dream 19 The Festival of Allegiance

C4. A Visit from the Jale God 20 The Great Unyawning

21 The Gruesome Desecration
C5. The Jale God Hunts
22 The Hoisting of the Giblets
C6. The Dead Kings Ransom
23 The Invocation of Yegish
C7. 2 Tales of the Jale God
24 The Nightfall of Welcoming
D. Tales of Servants of the Jale God 25 The Obscenity of Wounds
D1. 3 Old Stories of Followers of the Jale God 26 The Siege of Blackswamp Stronghold
- Hildagrum the Blindress 27 The Sunless Malediction
- Nurvoc
28 The Tournament of Curses
- Fladehem the Reluctant
29 The Treacherous Obscenity
D2. The Healed Wound
30 The Woeful Ritual of Clapatrus
D3. A Tale of a Jale God Cultist
D4. The Beloved Servant A2: d30 Table of Cacophonies
D5. The Fireside Visitor Composed by the Jale Gods Pipe
D6. The Farmer from Kinbrect 1 All the Staircases
D7. The 2 Men of Gorsham 2 At the Cliffs of Solitude
3 Bane of the Boon
D8. The Man Who Would Not Rest
4 Burn the Goat
5 Busty Samantha
6 Colorful Nothingness
7 Cult of the Carnival Grave


8 Dirty Mother 10 Construct and burn an effigy of a life of

9 Dread Without Cease quiet desperation.
10 Embrace the Agile Azimuth 11 Consume a tiny green pepper, a rancid noodle dish,
and one pancake.
11 Guiltmonger
12 Develop congenital gallstones by getting your hair cut.
12 Here Once Pale Hastur Slept
13 Rub walnuts on a rabid owlbears scent gland.
13 Industrious Pariah
14 Give a lecture on the role of atheism in hagiography
14 Jewels of the Crimson Mother for an hour every day. Ask the audience to join you in
15 Love Song of the Yellow King the bathtub. Suggested title of lecture: The Vultures
16 Malevolence of Power of Heretical Creep.

17 Martyr of Impurity 15 Draw a cartoon of an opossum wearing a green pair

of pants borrowed from a rabbit. A gray giraffe should
18 Negative Tendons lust in the distance under a wheat beam sky.
19 Obstreperous Pariah 16 Rent out a museum. Pay a warder to repine in a gar-
20 On the Streets of Fair Yhtill bage bag full of whipped cream as long as anyone is in
21 Passion for the Autumnal the gallery until someone buys the installation.

22 Passive Cadavers in My Dreams 17 Cover a wall with live swans. Pierce them with wire
and puke forks to create the shape of a wolf. Keep
23 Persevering Excrement your ears unclogged.
24 Reality Molester 18 Build a telescope from lantern oil and pretzels.
25 Riding the Alchemy Horse Using thistle ink, tattoo a sketch of the horizon on
a beggars scalp.
26 Sea of Brutal Bleakness
19 Oil a lotus knife with violet milk.
27 Suicide Campaign
20 Slaughter a coop of midnight hens with a baguette
28 The Echoing Hag
of candlewax and glass.
29 The Spurning Knife
30 Who Wears the Pallid Mask A4: Side Effects of a Vision
from the Jale God
A3: d20 Table of Quests Required Receiving a message from the Jale God is a horrible and
of the Wakers of the Jale God humbling experience. Humanoid minds cannot deal with the
1 Pursue a painting that alludes to a breezeblock bears extreme psionic pressures of such a visit and must purge the
body in a market faire. stress in some physical form.
2 Construct an apron ideal for departing an imaginary Roll 2d6: One for the main side effects table and one for the
demon. appropriate subtable.
3 Tie a final spring green-colored steel bar to a drunken
burly wood gopher. All effects last for 1d8 days and cause 2 to all Dexterity &
Constitution checks plus loss of 3 hp per day (recoverable).
4 Repeatedly sketch noses and ragbags, about as long as
an average calf, until the day after a new kings crow- Side Effects Main Table (1d6)
ing, in a 75 centimeter by 100 centimeter wall space.
1 Obsessive Consumption of Non-food Item
5 Create a drawing focused on a rectangle on the under- (see Subtable 1)
side of a tavern table.
2 Full Body Rash (See Subtable 2)
6 Collect seven lymphatic systems. Put them on a silver
tray that has been painted blue-violet, snow, and 3 Warts (see Subtable 3)
dark gray. Get nine drawings of glands. Place them 4 Foot disease (see Subtable 4)
on a copper tray that has been painted dark gray, 5 Hand disorder (see Subtable 5)
slate gray, and blue-violet. Feed the offerings to three
6 Vision disorder (see Subtable 6)
blessed goats on a high holy day. Slaughter the goats
and eat their livers. Subtable 1 (1d6)
7 Pay a doxy to instruct nine day dreamers to copy Cravings must be satisfied at all costs.
horns and thumbs, of any length, until someone mar-
ries the doxy and destroys the copies. 1 Coprophagy (consumption of feces)
8 Write the words a blob of pine in a clear resin block 2 Geophagy (consumption of soil, clay, or chalk)
on a skunk sleeping on a field of butterflies shaped like 3 Hyalophagia (consumption of glass)
a swallow. 4 Trichophagia (consumption of hair or wool)
9 Collect nine different kinds of pancreas; make a paint- 5 Urophagia (consumption of urine)
ing of a big trout feeding your children the liver of a
6 Xylophagia (consumption of wood or paper)
spotted calf. Swallow a frost giants kidney stone on a
moonless night.


Subtable 2 (1d6) 4 Schklor: Thick, briny, a parchment of blighted

All rashes itch like hell. film. It presents a presumption of expectation
behind a faade of shimmering heat.
1 Full-body acne 5 Chklor: A reeling-ripe deformity, a smoking
2 Boils alienation, a celestial agitation. Whatever is unborn
3 Hives will manifest whenever it arrives.
4 Psoriasis 6 Klor: A callous exhibitionism, a sweating crow,
an amorphous silence unbound. A commitment to
5 Disfiguring skin tags insipid calm follows its leaving.
6 Weeping cysts
7 Lor: A complete weary, a symbolic cherriness, the
Subtable 3 (1d6) tang of a storm assured. A frenzy of omnipresent
breakfasts ensues in its arrival.
All warts are disfiguring and itchy as all get out.
8 Kphal: Birches gather in abnormal pronounce-
1 Genital warts ments. Escapism staggers glorious minds.
2 Periungual warts (affects finger & toe nails)
3 Normal, raised warts all over body B. Invocations & Folk Beliefs
4 Filiform warts (on/around eyelids)
5 Butchers warts (covers hands) B1: 8 Translated Chants to the Jale God
6 Mosaic plantar warts (covers soles & palms) 1 Desolation, love, death:
Rough, dead gulls above a storm.
Subtable 4 (1d6)
2 Remember the old ways!
May affect ability to walk/run.
Do not wander a garden path;
1 Corns All flowers are faceless, dusty doors.
2 Bunions
3 Evil and flying in the sea,
3 Ringworm Humming witches within the mist
4 Trench foot battle angry ghouls about the shadows.
5 Chilblains Alas, alack! The devil continues,
Angry beyond the dreamscape.
6 Gout
The day is green among the bullshit;
Subtable 5 (1d6) Be watchful. A broken promise
Remembers old times.
Hand disorders may affect ability to hold & use items.
1 Arthritis 4 Black monsoon drums;
the herd, the bones!
2 Tendinitis
3 Tremors 5 She hears each his lies
4 3 fingers on each hand fused
His false shadow, painted skin
5 Nail loss
6 Fused wrist bones (inability to flex/rotate wrists) 6 Slender beams of light enter
This darkened chamber,
Subtable 6 (1d6) Always lost, always lost,
1 Single eye blindness (flip a coin) Always frozen here,
2 1d20 weeping styes
3 Nightblindness (cannot see in dark) Forms wrought in panes of glass loom
As dust dances in air,
4 Dayblindness (cannot see in light)
Searing a secret skin.
5 Continuous running tears
6 Can now see colors beyond normal perception A rock gnomes face
(infrared, black light, etc.) Rails against
An impassive truth.
A5: 8 Colors Beyond Human Ken 7 We each cut feasts
1 Viledusk: A loneliness, a longing, a leeching. It Even through absence;
absorbs what it obscures, refracts what is revealed. Beauty is but a lie:
Black impairs him not.
2 Grt: A decayed cloying, a thinning, a liquid
lucidity. It provides a pale plasticity that revolts as it 8 The erosion of everything alabaster:
delights. Clutter of green leaves,
3 Infraine: A giving, a bliss, a breaking away, Cirrus of nebulae,
as a body drifting across a peppered sea. Jets of gas aflame,
An indifference that strangles without suffocation Flower petals
arises in its wake. Formless scud feathers formless sky.


B2. The Putrefaction of the Jale God 3 The blanket saved someone.
Your unconquerable passage cant convey this.
Among the rude folk of the mountainous regions, the festival of
the Putrefaction of the Jale God is the primary celebration of 4 Voluntary chaos whose day should arise must increase
the summer months. In some villages, the festival takes place along viewing. The village whose surprise worried the
near the summer solstice, in others on the last new moon of dying cow. A consciousness and altitude moved after a
the season, and in others still on the first full moon. flash fell at your feet; biographies like twelve vaults lived in
mold, and the cellar had flooded. A wound: eternity that
On the eve of the festival, a stout young rowan tree is cut down,
no independent impression formed. Why was I circling
adorned with trinkets and garlands, and set into the earth.
between an expected song and these deities? Your stone
On the first morning of the festival, childless women place a abode has forgiven escape.
garment under the tree or on its branches and eat of the trees
5 What do the eggs carry?
fruit; on the second morning, if they find blood on their gar-
ments they know they will remain childless for another year. 6 Rain is panicking a nerve;
seven continual waves gain fruit.
The sick, aged, and dying go to the tree in the morning on the
Seven testimonies are three tactics
second day, place their hands on the tree and circle around it
whose enchantments stood.
four times while singing You will soon die but we will live and
Denied beyond the knife of eyesight,
then eat of the leaves. If they are still alive on the third morn-
The flask pours an august distance.
ing, they know they will live another year.
Under air near famine, the inner composer reflects.
The main rite occurs on the third morning: young men go to
7 My yellow sin is equally varied.
the tree and spill their seed on the ground at its base. One
If depth is the fee of famine, have I escaped?
man, called the Watcher, dressed from top to bottom in ran-
You are twelve beings whose glories climb;
cid rags and the untanned hides of animals sacrificed during
they arc along, arguing.
the festival, throws handfuls of dirt at the other young men,
I am cedar focused like a vase;
so they remember they will soon return to the earth. Then
you invade my voyages.
the Watcher takes seven iron nails which have been laying in
the milk of a pregnant cow for seven days and seven nights 8 Before a soul who creates
and hammers three of them into the rowan; the other four he the secure charge partly dives
hammers through his feet and into the earth. The men of the between the definition
village then pull the nails from the rowan and bury them in an and the auctioneer:
unmarked grave, covering them with dirt collected from the who have I tended?
ground around the tree. Then the Watcher removes the nails
from his feet and slaughters a young goat; he places the nails
inside its belly, lashes it to the rowan, and sets both aflame. B4. 6 Folk Beliefs to Invoke the Jale God
Finally, the men of the village beat the Watcher with stones 1 Take nine stones. Go to a crossroads on a moonless
and branches, driving him out of the village; he must sleep night. Stand in the crossroads and throw each stone in
with the beasts in the field for two evenings before returning a different direction while issuing a known invocation
to his home. and the Jale God will appear.
In this way the villagers amuse the Jale God and avoid his gaze 2 Take two large hunks of hog manure, slice them in
for another year. half, and fry them in a skillet until cooked through.
Make a poultice and tie it around your neck. The Jale
B3: 8 Evocations of the Jale God God will find you.

1 You are the blind corridor, the cautions terror 3 Take a kidney stone from a deer and pierce it with a
a future verged contracted beyond pain. leather strand made from the hide of the same deer.
Double endless behind design, a brilliant String it around your waist and wear it for a week.
child rafting, stumbling between a gift and work; Then shorten the strand and wear it around your neck
take these chains and tribute shall rush for another week. The Jale God will manifest shortly
Justify me, vanishing within the whale of this day thereafter.
and convulse me with your delight whose fabric
4 Pickle cumcumbers while during the time of your
unweaves the world.
bleeding. The Jale God will accept this offering and
2 Sing, and I jump by a rose. Have you produced bless you with your hearts third-most desire.
passenger-speaking darkness? Between Hell
5 Castrate a pig under the star sign of The Watcher.
and the discovery of dialect, betrayal is the handle
Capture some of the blood that pours forth and mix it
whose cash seemed to close; the leaves who paused
with three cracked eggs. Bury this mixture in a small
cannot stretch inside the cask.
stoppered jar underneath a young rowan tree. The Jale
Against this country the great son is like a father;
God will soon visit.
if we auction this, the groundhog is the maximum
below an orbit across a meals continent who 6 Find a red-nosed dog. Kill the dog and cut-off its nose.
needs to remove pupils. Bake the nose into a loaf of rough bread. Lay the loaf
in a fallow field and wait until the birds have made it
disappear. The Jale God will send a message soon.


B5: 6 Invocations of the Jale God C. Tales of the Jale God

Translated from Cursed Scrolls
1 A burning, a brightness, a suffering rage C1: 3 Short Tales of the Jale God
Encompass the essence of my soul! I.
Bring forth the unlighted void
And draw the knife across my eyes The Jale God sat on his chklor throne, watching the universe
So that I may see what you reveal. inch by.
Tell me, he said to his doddering scrivener, why do mortals
2 Sing of the unlit fire and the empty gullet!
remember and regret?
Hear me oh Unnameable One!
In this your will be done, The doddering scrivener consulted his record book. He turned
This your servant begs! several pages, scanning the lines therein with his arthritic fin-
Take this meager sacrifice, ger. He finally looked up at the Jale God and shrugged.
Eviscerate this flesh, this blood, this bone
Exactly! the Jale God laughed, So true!
Reveal yourself to your true servant!
3 Jale before time, oh hear me, your servant!
All bends and breaks to your immutable will When the days of putrefaction were ended according to the
Leaving nothing but words unspoken on wind unbreakable laws of the Elder Way, the Jale God appeared at
Enable me to hear your voice in the void! the court of the Cerisian Empire, taking the form of a minor
noble of small renown. He swiftly seduced the queen and her
4 Repent! Repent, unbelievers! daughters, positioned himself as an advisor to the king, and
Let your ignorance disappear! disrupted the flow of trade to fill his coffers. Then he set about
The day is retreating building a temple to further the worship of his name.
And darker night is blooming!
The Unspeakable One is rising When it came time to anoint the first priest of the new temple,
And soon will draw neigh; the Jale God called two close advisors before him. Now, one
Cower! Watch in anticipation! of these men was loyal and devout, a true confidant to the Jale
At midnight comes the cry. Gods human avatar; the other was a vile and loathsome man
untrusted by even the cooks apprentice.
See that your torches are extinguished
Douse them in water, fill not your lamps! The Jale God handed each man a ritual knife and bade them
Look: your destruction is coming, slay one another. The righteous man refused, and while he
The wages of the way of flesh. was refusing, stabbed the evil man in the heart. The Jale God
The great divorce is at hand, struck the loyal man dead.
The gates stand chained before you. The Jale God pulled the knife from the vile mans heart and
Bow down, you dogs of the earth! laughed: Your ordination is tonight!
The Unnameable One is at hand!
Our death and our destruction,
Our release from these frail bonds: Once, the Jale God deigned to walk among mortals and took
Arise, unlit scythe of moon the form of a wandering bard. First he visited a hamlet where
Above this darkened mortal coil! he cured a pig of hoof rot and taught a stableboy to play the
With heads downcast and hands prostrated lute. Then he prowled the alleys of a fair-sized city, haggling
With this heart upon this altar with prostitutes, trading lays for laughter and good company.
We plead oh great and dirty god Then he performed at court, plucking out ballads to soothe
To see this day of great destruction! the mood of an arrogant duke. And finally he sat by the side
Loosen your spite upon the earth of a dying witch and sang her a song while she faded to her
And let us forever reside with thee! reward.
5 Bleeding heart Tell me, he asked Gnilbmag and Tra, two of his trusted vassals,
Rendered flesh which of these experiences taught me the most about men?
Within Your bonds Gnilbmag and Tra considered the question. They asked for a
Let all enmesh week to ponder the answer.
6 We beseech you, oh Great Unspeakable One: A week passed. The Jale God was at his favorite dicing den
Take us with you when you return when Gnilbmag and Tra approached. Gnilbmag spoke first.
From the unknowing void thou crept!
You learned more from teaching the stable boy music, he
said. Teaching imparts more wisdom than learning.
No, said Tra. You learned more from the dying witch. A
noble death is a rare thing for a servant of the darker arts.
Fools! said the Jale God. Did you not understand the ques-
I! Jaash im raa! I! Jaash im raa! I! Jaash im raa!
F Vindico Vindicatum
3 47

C2. Shelter from the Storm The man left that same night to hunt and left his wife alone in
the hut.
The Jale God was out walking in human form when it began
to storm; it was a terrible storm, the like of which that part of That night, while her husband was away, the Jale God came,
the world had never seen. The Jale God sought shelter in a wearing the skin of the husband. Wife, he said, I was afraid
nearby temple of a rival minor godling; not knowing the man in the dark night because of the jubjubs shrill cries and so I
before them was the Jale God, the priests welcomed him into came home. He built a fire in the hearth and sat by it, motion-
the sitting room. ing the woman to come sit next to him.
Once inside, he removed his cloak, knelt, and began to pray. But the wife did not believe her husband had returned, for she
The priests were so impressed with this display that they soon knew he was a fierce hunter who had killed the jubjub bird
admitted him into the prayer room. So fervent were his prayers before. So she placed an ancient amulet in a place on the wall
that they soon brought him into their inner sanctum and asked and said to the amulet If one wearing my husbands skin calls
him to share the secret of his devoutness. At this, the Jale God calls me, answer him thus: tell him I have run away because I
began to profane himself, belching loudly, urinating on the fear his seed will take root and destroy the soil. And then she
holy altar, and scrawling profanities on the walls and floor with slipped out of the hut and ran away.
ashes from the holy fire. The priests, aghast at this despicable
behavior, demanded he leave at once so they could reclaim Then the Jale God called again, saying Wife, come sit by me
their sacred space. here by the fire; I am cold and the fire does not warm me as well
as your flesh. But the amulet answered, saying I flee, I flee,
At this, the Jale God revealed himself, saying You asked me to I flee; your seed will not take root in me!, just as the woman
show you how to pray; let they who are unworthy of such ado- instructed. The Jale God smiled an unblinking smile. He rested
ration leave, for I, the Jale God, have found my satisfaction! before the fire and after awhile went on his way.
The priests trembled and fled, taking their idols with them. With the coming of the sun, the man came back from hunting.
Thus did the Jale God claim his first temple in that land. He was in a good mood, as the hunting had been good and he
had three jubjub birds in his sack. As he walked into the village,
C3: The Jale Gods Dream he ran into his wife, who tried to tell him about the visitor in
the night who had come in his form. But the wifes once lovely
And so the Jale God slept, and in his sleeping he dreamt of an voice shrieked and shrilled like a jubjub bird and the man could
angry prophet standing before him. The small, dirty man stared no longer understand her. She soon gave birth to a sixteen-
at him in silence for an eternity, and then he said, Wretched eyed monstrosity and the man was stoned to death for siring
God! You do not know you will be lost to time. Your followers such a wretched beast.
will fall away, your temples will run to ruin, your dominion will
shrink to nothingness! And in your weakening you will wither
to a pale shade, an empty husk. Flee, flee, if you must but know C5: The Jale God Hunts
that in ages to come you will be not! The prophet stood before Long ago, there lived a landowner in a certain village. Being
him, shaking in rage, his staff raised as if to strike, and then the a rich man, he was often the target of thieves and kidnappers
Jale God awoke. and so to protect his family, he worked ancient magics to turn
his wife and children into sheep to keep them safe from his
The Jale God was filled with a dread he had never known be-
enemies. At dawn each day they shed their human skin and
fore. He rose from his sleeping place and roamed the ways of
became beasts; at night each one regained its form. A vigilant
the earth, searching for this prophet until at last he was weary
stable of shepherds took the flock afield each day from sun-
again and sank to the ground, and found relief from his trou-
rise to sunset and watched over them, armed with spears and
bles in deep sleep.
slings. One stormy day as the shepherds returned to the village,
And again the Jale God dreamed of the man standing before a young lamb lagging behind the flock was attacked by the Jale
him, his fist raised in defiance. Woe be to you, Unmaker, De- God in the form of a wolf.
filer! he proclaimed. In his sleep, the Jale God twitched his
Youngling, youngling, said the wolf. How are you? Are you
finger. The man was surrounded by unholy fire and was swal-
comfortable with this flock? Do the elder ewes treat you well?
lowed in flame.
Does your mother let you still suck?
The Jale God snored and rolled over and dreamed no more.
Before the lamb could answer, the wolf continued, And do
you think, Kaniv, son of Mavlin, whom I have called by true
C4: A Visit from the Jale God name, that you will escape? You have been pinching my tail
and plucking the hair from my ears for miles! What do you have
In a paltry hut lived a man and his wife. Every day he would to say for yourself?
work hard in the fields to earn their daily ration and every night
she would soothe him to sleep with sweet songs. After many The lamb replied, How could I do such a thing? For was I not
years of marriage, one night the man told his wife that he would in front of you and not behind?
like to go out that night and hunt the jubjub bird, for the jubjub
is a dangerous animal that can only be killed at night but makes But the wolf said, Which path did you take into the village? Do
for a delicious stew. you not know that I watch all paths and that I spread my watch
over all the ways into the sheepfold?
Yes, my love! said the woman. Get meat for the morrow so
that we can have a good meal! The lamb replied, My mother tells me you watch the paths;
that is why I came through the air!


The wolf laughed and replied, If what you say is true, a flying Lamchka awoke a short time after, smacking his lips and wip-
lamb is a fearsome sight! You must have scared off the deer I ing the sleep from his eyes. He saw the sack at his feet and
was hunting before you arrived! And having thus spoken, the exclaimed Ho, the Jale God is bountiful! I dreamed of bread
Jale God leapt upon the lamb, tore off its head, and supped and strong drink, and here the Jale God provides me grain for
on its flesh. both! Lamchka carried the sack into the temple and thought
to himself Surely the Jale God meant this rye for me! The oth-
ers will steal it so I must make haste to preserve it while I can!
C6: The Dead Kings Ransom So he brought it to the store room and placed it on a high shelf,
In a place long forgotten, a great king was on his deathbed. behind a pots of honey and sacks of flour.
As the time of the kings death neared, a wizard in the woods He began to plot and plan thinking aloud Tomorrow I will get
saw the Jale God in human form walking the path to the keep yeast and a barrel and maize and I will take these to the cellar;
where the funeral rites would be proclaimed. Where are you I will take some of the rye to mix with this fine flour and make
going? demanded the wizard of the Jale Gods avatar. hearty bread that I will put before the altar. Surely the Jale God
would rather I take what he has given and return a percentage
I am going, said the Jale God, to be present at the old kings
to him in four-fold form!
As he was fantasizing, a rat crept along the high shelf and
When you pass this way again, stop by and tell me how things knocked over a pot of honey. The pot fell on Lamchka and
went, said the wizard, for he had been banished from the killed him. The Jale God laughed.
kings holdings and was thirsty for news.
Within three days, the Jale God returned, lamenting and calling
Two doddering scriveners were rambling through the archives.
out, Woe, oh woe to the Elder Gods! For I am deceived! I have
One said to the other, We are mere acquaintances yet we must
been duped! All may know my wrath in the days to come!
help each other. If any god is angry with you, I will help you in
Tell me, the wizard said to the Jale Gods human form, what your time of need. The other doddering scrivener said And I,
transpired in the castle? Is the king dead? What is your com- too, will help you if any gods wrath should seek your life.
plaint? After many centuries, one of them angered the Jale God
through no fault of his own and called to the other to remem-
Oh, for the king is surely dead, said the Jale God, For I
ber their promise. The two ran through the archives seeking
have seen it myself, being present as the kings soul, which
refuge. One doddering scrivener climbed high into the archive
was sworn to me an eternity ago, was weighed and measured
shelves. The other was too frail to climb so buried himself deep
on three scales: mine, the Elder Gods, and mans. He paused into stacks of moldy parchments.
and drank from a proffered flask before continuing.
When the Jale God came looking for them in the archives, he
When placed on the mans scale, the kings soul balanced immediately spotted the scrivener high on the shelf, wedged
evenly, his lifes work balancing his lifes words in perfect equi- between two scroll cases. The Jale God summoned another
librium, explained the Jale God. When weighed on the Elder doddering scrivener working in the stacks and whispered in his
Gods scale, his lifes work sank just a little, his prayers for ear, pointing at the shelf-bound scrivener. Then the Jale God
forgiveness rising slightly higher, but close enough to be on par left, chuckling to himself as a trail of ichor seeped behind him.
with that of mans measuring. But when the soul was placed
on my scale, a two-legged cat stepped forth and placed a paw The scrivener hiding in the parchments watched this entire
scene while holding his breath. Then he revealed himself to
upon the scale; his lifes work rose high as the goodliness of his
the scrivener to whom the Jale God had spoken. What did the
inner thoughts sank low. No one spied the cats paw but me
Jale God command? he asked.
and none believed my indignations. Bah! But the Elder Gods
and men shall pay for this kings ransom! The summoned scrivener pointed to the one high on the shelf.
He told me to tell you not to trust that one up there; cowards
For it was Bob the Cat, companion of Ywehbobbobhewy, Lord reveal themselves by sacrificing others to save themselves.
of Waters, King of Mirrors, Patriarch of the Most Profound,
who placed his paw upon the scale, and thus the enmity be-
tween the two gods continues.
D. Tales of Servants of the Jale God
C7: 2 Tales of the Jale God D1: 3 Old Stories of
Followers of the Jale God
Lamchka, a priest in the temple of the Jale God, preferred to Hildagrum the Blindress
sleep instead of pray. The other priests took pity on him; when Hildagrum resisted the Jale God in various guises. One time,
they went to ritual, they left him sleeping in the entrance to she saw ten bandits being transported to the gallows in a cart.
the temple. Instead of lamenting their wickedness, they acted like animals,
hooting and hollering and jumping about. Although no one
One day as he was sleeping, a nobleman came to the temple to else saw anything out of the ordinary when they glanced at
offer sacrifice to the Jale God. He saw Lamchka sleeping in the the criminals, Hildagrum saw a multitude of spirits and devils
doorway, and being a superstitious man, did not desire to wake prodding and poking the men, making them curse and blas-
the priest, as all know that gods commune with their priests in pheme. Having compassion for the men, Hildagrum climbed
dream. The nobleman placed his sacrifice, a large sack of rye, into the cart beside them, stabbed each one six times through
at Lamchkas head and then departed. both eyes, and spat in the wounds. In this way, the Jale God
gained twenty new eyes to look out upon the world.

3 49

Nurvoc D3: A Tale of a Jale God Cultist

Nurvoc, a devout man of great piety, was an elementalist and A hobgoblin, a bugbear, and a cultist of the Jale God are sit-
master of a great landholding. Earth, wind, fire, and water were ting in a tavern across from a brothel. They are sipping their
subject to him; he drove away plaguing spirits, unmuted dumb mead when they see a bugbear across the street walk into the
tongues, restored health to the putrid, and, on occasion and house of ill repute. Fnarl! the bugbear curses. Its terrible to
for the right price, resurrected the dead. He could walk on see a bugbear give into human temptation! he says, shaking
water, sleep on flames, and subsist on nothing but damp dirt his head.
for months at a time. Once, he was riding in a horse of flame,
sweeping through the air above a city when he chanced to look If it bothers you so much, why dont you go over there and
down at the streets below him. The streets were broiling with stop him? asks the hobgoblin.
devils and demons and spirits fighting among themselves, bat-
tling for control of various city burroughs. With a loud voice, The bugbear shakes his head and says, Well, thats my cousin
he invoked the One Name of the Jale God and commanded Merl; hes the toughest of our warband. If I interfere, hell whip
the factions to settle their dispute and wipe the city from the me good.
face of the earth; to this day, nothing will grow in the Fields of
Barrensburg. The other two nod their heads in understanding, and drink
more mead.
Fladehem the Reluctant A short while later, they see a hobgoblin walk into the brothel.
One day, the Jale God transformed himself into a little barn Pfaughl!, exclaims the hobgoblin. Its a smear on the name
swallow, which fluttered about Fladehem the Blacksmith and of hobgoblins everywhere to see one of us spend our ration on
tweeted so sweetly that he was drawn away from his labors at a used handmaiden!
the forge. Fladehem stripped himself of his clothes and threw
himself on a hedge of briars and nettles, mangling his body so If it bothers you so much, why dont you go over there and say
terribly that streams of blood ran down his body and pooled something? asks the bugbear. Certainly you need to stop him
at his feet. Not to be stopped, the Jale God transformed into before he nearly kills some poor girl.
a buxom wench and attempted to help Fladehem tend to his The hobgoblin nods his head and starts to rise, but then thinks
wounds; Fladehem pierced through the illusion with a red-hot better of it and sits back down. You know, he says, I think
bar of steel and burned the body in his forge. When a town that was my unit leader, Firl. If he sees me, hell know Ive been
elder beheld the grinning skull in the forge when he came to drinking and then Ill have to pull discipline duty for the third
collect a pair of hinges for his stable door, Fladehem was strung time this week.
up in a gibbet for three days and harangued by packs of young
boys throwing stones. In despair, he called out to the gods for The other two nod knowingly, and the cultist pats the hobgob-
relief; the Jale God answered in the form of a hawk which dis- lin on the back and orders another round.
embowled Fladehem as he hung above the village green. As he
died, Fladehem saw through the Jale Gods veil once again and A few drinks later, they see the high priest of the Jale God enter
laughed, and all heard him proclaim I! Jaash im raa! the brothel. The hobgoblin and the bugbear turn to the cultist,
who sighs wistfully and says Its nice to see the doxies, who
have been used and abused and discarded by the likes of you
D2: The Healed Wound two, have time to seek absolution from the Jale God.
Once, a young girl child suffered a sore upon her right arm. The bugbear and the hobgoblin beat the cultist senseless and
Three healers skills proved fruitless and the girls parents be- steal his sandals. The Jale God laughs.
gan to fear the girl would lose her arm and her bride-price. The
wound festered and smelt, but never healed.
D4: The Beloved Servant
One day, a withered priest of the Jale God saw the girl as her
parents passed a temple carved into the base of cliff. He waved There is a story now freely told concerning something that
them into the temple-cave; the parents, being fearful folk, re- once visited a particular cemetery of a well-known kingdom.
fused to the priests entreaties, at which point the old priest sent The story is that one day, early in the pre-dawn hours, a
two acolytes to seize the girl and bring her to him. He prodded groundskeeper named Karst (employed to keep rabble from
her wound with his finger and when she did not squirm or cry sleeping on graves and desecrating monuments) and his friend,
out, he understood the nature of her affliction and declared he a member of the city guard, were surprised in the midst of their
could heal the seeping lesion with a silver touch. nightly banter by a tall, wan figure spider-crawling down a wall
He went into the temple and emerged a short time later with and landing close beside them. This figure darted along the
a silver unicorn horn. He rubbed the horn around the wound path toward the heart of the cemetery towards a grave that has
seven times and sent the girl away with instructions to return long been rumored to be that of a favored servant of the Jale
to the temple the next day. When she returned, he performed God. As it ran, the figure made a clackling sound, like a horse
the ritual again, and again for five more days. On the seventh with a loose shoe covering rough ground.
day, no trace of the wound was on her skin. Her parents were Too terrified to watch or follow this figure, Karst and his friend
amazed, and returned home with much rejoicing and praising fled, not stopping until they were some distance away. Karst
of the Jale God. refused to return to his post, but his friend, being of the guard
When their neighbors saw the girl was healed, they suspected and full of bravado, went back to where the figure had appeared
witchcraft and beat the parents to death with stones and flam- to them. He returned carrying a small cloth which in look and
ing torches; the girl fled to the Jale Gods temple to find noth- substance was like a damp cobweb. The men brought this item
ing but a cave inhabited by a herd of wirry-cowes. to the village elders, who in council examined it.


As the elders poked and prodded the cloth, it suddenly swelled looked at him and said, You did not visit the stream! Go, wash
in size and shape and engulfed the room in thick choking your filthy hands so that we may share this potato!
strands like smoke; the groundskeeper and his friends escaped
at the last moment by jumping out of a window. Screams and The man dutifully returned to the bushes and found the stream
thrashing could be heard from inside the meeting room, draw- exactly where the creature had said. He dipped his hands in
ing curious townspeople from nearby buildings. the moonlit water and rubbed them together once, twice, three
times as custom dictated before standing and returning to the
Once the sounds stopped, the groundskeeper and his friend clearing. As he grew closer, he noticed the creature had thrown
looked in the window from which they had escaped. There, in a few logs on the fire, and the flames now danced at a respect-
the center of the room, surrounded by the mangled bodies of able height.
the village elders, was the gravestone of the Jale Gods beloved
servant. The creature reached into the fire and pulled out the potato. He
motioned the man to sit near the fire, broke the potato in half,
The guardsman died the next day, his hands covered in putrid and handed part to the man. Eat of the work of your hands,
boils and his tongue rotted in his mouth. The groundskeeper said the creature.
escaped reprisal and became a drunkard and was the first teller
of this tale, repeating its performance for a half-copper of rot- And of the work of this fire, said the man, completing the
gut ale. ancient mealtime prayer.
The creature and the man ate in silence. When they were done,
D5: The Fireside Visitor the creature stood and began to clap its hands and stomp its
feet. The man watched, terrified. The creature began to chant
Once, a young man and his son were on their way to the mar- I! Jaash im raa! I! Jaash im raa! I! Jaash im raa! in a
ket square to sell their cart of vegetables. They did not reach rough, weird tune, dancing awkwardly around the flames.
the village before night fall and were forced to spend the night
in the forest in a small clearing beside the path. At this sight, the mans blood ran cold, for long ago when he
was a boy he had heard the chant of the Jale God seeping
The man built a fire and after a dinner of roasted squash through the night. He stood and ran to where his son lay sleep-
they curled up in their thin blankets beneath the cart and fell ing the beneath the cart, but found only an empty blanket.
My son! My son! What have you done with my son!?! the
In the middle of the night, the young man woke up with the ur- man wailed, dashing to the fire and brandishing a firebrand at
gent need to void. As he stood, he noticed a large, monkey-like the creature.
creature with wings sitting by the dying coals of the fire, rub-
bing its hands and occasionally turning a potato in the ashes. The creature immediately stopped its ministrations and shook
its head. I asked you where you thought I got that potato, he
Who are you? the man demanded, his bowels now quivering said. Then he flapped his wings and was gone.
in fear.
I am no one worth remembering come morning, the creature D6: The Farmer from Kinbrect
replied. I only want to roast this potato; it has been a long time
since I ate a warm meal. Allow me this small favor and I will Once long ago, the Jale God was walking the earth while other
leave you alone. gods engaged in settling grievances among themselves. To re-
main forgotten by the other gods and avoid their enmity, he
Oh creature, said the man, do not harm me! Please, warm travelled the lands as a ruddy laborer, relying on those he met
yourself by this fire and leave your potato to its business. But for his daily sustenance. He traded a day in the field for a warm
why eat only a potato? I can offer you more than a potato! See, meal or sometimes a hunk of bread and a place to sleep. Many
here in this cart I have beets, yams, onions, carrots, cabbage, times he was beaten and robbed of his cloak or sandals, and
and more. these souls he remembered for later repayment. Yet never did
the Jale God forget the farmer from Kinbrect.
The creature looked contemptuously at the cart. Where do
you think I got this potato? he asked. Far on the outskirts of this great city lived a farmer and his wife,
working the land for a meager subsistence with barely enough
The mans fear turned to anger at mention of this theft. He was to pay field-fealty to the king. They had no children and worked
about to give voice to his displeasure when the rumbling in his the land themselves, occasionally hiring a passing traveler to
bowels became unavoidable. Oh great creature, he said, I am help for part of the day in exchange for the evening meal.
pleased that my meager harvest has found your favor. Please,
help yourself of what you may. I must attend myself over there The Jale God spent a day there, working in the fields digging
in those bushes. Will you still be here when I return? up root vegetables and cabbages until an hour after dark. Then
the wife called him and the husband into their small one-room
The creature smiled, nodded its consent and pointed past the hovel to eat the evening meal. The woman set a half loaf of
bushes. You will find a small, clear-running stream a little way rough bread, a few boiled shallots and burdock roots, and a
beyond the bushes; be sure to wash your hands before you bowl of beans seasoned with bear fat on the table. After saying
come back. the traditional mealtime prayers, they began to eat.
The man went and attended to his toilet but in his haste did It was an excellent meal, but because there was not much food,
not visit the stream as the creature instructed. When he ar- the Jale God did not eat his fill. He wanted to keep up his ap-
rived back at the clearing he noticed the creature had put a few pearance as a poor, considerate workman. Yet the husband
sticks on the coals and the fire was flaring higher. The creature and wife ate lightly, too, and when they were done eating, half

3 51

of the beans remained. This the woman put in an earthen knows what unspeakable acts they would have forced on me!
pot, covered with a light cheesecloth, and secured with a bit And do you plan to stand there like the village idiot while your
of twine. The cheesecloth was of a loose, rough weave, and so wife was almost ravished by those foreigners? She looked at
the delicious smell of the beans filled the hut and continued to him in scorn.
stir the Jale Gods hunger.
The farmer then grabbed his axe and ran off through the
As it was extremely dark and that part of the country had been woods, swearing up and down to his wife that hed make sure
plagued by bandits of late, the husband insisted that the hired those fellows got what was coming to them. But as soon as he
hand spend the night. However, they only had one bed, so the was down the path and out of sight, he went to a clearing he
Jale God slept on one side, the husband slept in the middle, knew and sat there for a little bit, whittling and smoking a bit of
and the wife slept on the other side. pipeweed. He kept chuckling to himself about how scared the
two men looked running down the road and how worked up his
In the middle of the night there came the noise of many horses wife had been over a simple misunderstanding. After an hour,
galloping nearby and the shouts and cries of many drunken he got up and returned to his hut.
men. The man jumped up from the bed and exclaimed Its
those bandits! I know it! I must save this seasons field offer- The wife was still grumbling and I never-ing, but the farmer
ing or the king will take our fields and turn us out! Then he said, I chased those two for quite a while, but they outran me
grabbed his axe near the door and ran into the night barefoot. and got away. The wife was not happy and kept complaining
about not being safe on their own parcel and how perhaps
As soon as the husband was gone, the wife rolled over and the farmer needed to inquire with the blacksmith about a new
pressed her slim body against the workers back. Stranger, she sword or with the bowyer for a bow and quiver, as the farmer
whispered, licking his ear, nows your chance! Without a sec- had served in the Kings Guard in his youth and had been a
ond thought, the Jale God rose and finished eating the beans. fair shot.
The farmer offered to go into the village and get a guardsman
D7: The 2 Men of Gorsham
to fetch the dogs, but said he didnt think much would come
A servant of the Jale God was working in his fields when two of it. By the time we return, those two would be dozens of
men from Gorsham came along the path by his land-hold and leagues away, they were running so fast.
waived him over. The man stopped his hoeing and went to talk
to the strangers. The farmers wife was still unhappy, but finally admitted that
perhaps the two men just got carried away when they saw
We understand that somewhere around here in this village is such a pretty woman as herself out in the woods alone. She
a witch-woman who can satisfy our needs, one of them said. suggested that perhaps she was so country pretty that they
They meant, of course, that they were looking for someone like just couldnt help themselves. She convinced herself of this so
those who reside in the pleasure districts of larger towns. much that finally she said to the farmer, They didnt really do
anything, she said, so maybe it is better not to stir the pot in
The farmer decided to play a little joke on the men and directed case one of those boys is related to someone in the village.
them to a small hut a little way down the road. Thats where I
usually go when Im looking to get that sort of satisfaction, the The farmer harangued and argued and stomped his feet in pro-
farmer said. They might play tough at first and try to get more test, making a big show of it, but after awhile he said, Well,
than youre willing to pay, but if you stick to it youll get what whatever you think is best. And so they ate a cold dinner and
youre looking for. went to bed and the farmer received satisfaction for his swift
defense of his wife.
The two men started for the hut at a good pace, and after some
distance, the farmer followed along in the underbrush beside The man eventually bought a bow, at his wifes insistence. And
the path. For it was to his own house he sent the men, and he whenever the woman told the story of her narrow escape to
wanted to see what would happen. her kinfolk and friends, the man would sit chuckling to himself,
for every man knows that the men of Gorsham are satisfied
The farmer saw the two men go in the door and everything only with sheep.
was quiet for a minute or so. Then the loudest screeching and
hollering and carrying on erupted, with dishes being smashed,
chairs flying out the windows and doors, and the cookpot D8: The Man Who Would Not Rest
smashing through the mud wall. The two men came flying out In those days, an astonishing event occurred in a small village
of the house as fast as their legs could carry them. Their clothes far beyond the boundaries of Walthamthorp. A man, who no
were ripped, their faces covered in scratches, and one of them one knew was a secret worshiper of the Jale God, died. His
had a black and bloody eye. The farmers wife was following body was interred into the earth with the normal rites of his
them, waving a broom in her left hand and a kitchen knife in clan, with much rejoicing and feasting on the part of his wife
the other; she threw the knife as hard as she could at the mens and kindred, as is the nature of such celebrations in certain
retreating backs, but threw wide and missed her target. parts of the realm.
As soon as the men were out of sight, the farmer contained his The morning after his burial, his wife awoke to find the man
laughter, put on a straight face, and ran up the path to his wife. laying in the bed next to her. He immediately rolled over on the
In the name of the Unspeakable One, whats wrong? terrified woman and had his satisfaction with her despite her
Red faced and out of breath, she quickly regaled him with the struggles, after which he wordlessly rose and left the room. The
tale of the two men who had tried to bargain with her for their wife leapt from the bed to follow him, but when she left the bed
satisfaction. When she was done, she looked at her husband chambers she found the door still barred and he was nowhere
and said, And they spoke like men from Gorsham! Who in their small house.

3 52
The next morning, the dead man afflicted his wife in the same Then the witherwoman bade them to bring her to the mans
manner. That night, the woman struggled to keep herself grave. When they arrived, she bade them to dig and the family
awake, drinking bitteroot and wakeful herbs and stationing her was horrified, for they feared what they might find there. But
sons outside the house to keep watch. And when the man ar- the witherwoman insisted and began to dig herself, sweeping
rived on the third morning, he was driven off by the clamor of away the rowan and ash and sassafras and using her hands to
his sons, who beat pots with spoons and shields with swords. unearth the grave. And so the family was shamed into helping
Thus frightened away, he instead molested one of his daughter- her and soon the mans body was revealed.
in-laws, as his son was still comforting his mother because the
entire family dwelt along the same path. The corpse was a bloated and horrid thing and already putres-
cence had set in and foul odors issued forth. But the wither-
That night, the wife and her sons and their wives kept watch, woman paid these no mind and shoved her hands into his flesh.
and when the man appeared yet again, such a clamor was raised Around his neck was a small medallion; this she pulled forth
that the dead man wandered among the animals of the field and with great excitement, for upon its face was an image of the
found his satisfaction there. His family watched as he befouled Jale God; the wife had thought it was only a pretty trifle to bury
cows and sheep alike before mysteriously disappearing. him with. Then the witherwoman reached into the mans flesh
again and pulled out the mans heart. She pressed the medal-
Having become a serious nuisance to his family, the wife went lion into the heart and ate them bite by bite without chewing
to the village priests and beseeched them to intervene. So the like an over-ripened peach. Then she bade the family cover the
priests went to the familys houses and performed certain rites corpse and went back to her home.
and burned incense and herbs. And then they went to the
mans grave and burned rowan and ash and sassafras thereon The dead man never returned. Many months later, each of the
and assured the family that the man would not return. women gave birth to sons born with a caul, a cow brought forth
a calf with a mans face and six legs, and a sheep gave birth to
Yet on the the fourth morning, the man appeared again, and a stillborn devilish ophanim that shepherds burned in the field
having found his way into the houses blocked, he wandered with great fear.
into the village and molested a young maiden milking a tavern
cow before disappearing yet again.
Now as it happened this young maiden was distantly related
to a witherwoman. The witherwoman lived by herself in the
woods far away and she happened to be in town trading stoats
for a goat. When the old woman heard that her relative had
been molested by a dead man, she went to advise the mans
family on how to rid themselves and the town of his presence.
Yet because the priests had performed their rites, she could not
enter any of their houses. So she bade the mans wife to bring
out the mans most precious possessions.
The wife brought forth the mans hunting knife, an old felt
hat, a leather belt, and other sundry items. The witherwoman
picked up each in kind and examined them closely, turning
them this way and that and occasionally testing this or another
one with her teeth. She divided them into two piles, and ad-
vised the family to burn one and bury the other. This they did
in her presence.

F Aubrey Beardsley

Petty Foods of the Petty Gods
' Matthew W. Schmeer F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
$6.00 Buffet Subtable A (Roll 1d10)
1 Explode
& Ken Lizzi 2 Spontaneously combust
Ambrosia is for closers. Petty gods consume somewhat less 3 Turn to stone
rarified repastsfor example: ki-rin testicles (a.k.a. Olympian
Mountain oysters); cockatrice liver pat; the tears of D-list 4 Turn to ash
celebrities.The more health-conscious nibble at salads, the 5 Turn inside out
constituent vegetables of which are fertilized by dragon dung. 6 Limbs fall off, followed by head
Take-out service, with a thirty-minute-or-less delivery guarantee, 7 Transmute into the food eaten
provides the daring and enterprising with a lucrative, and highly 8 Bones dissolve
dangerous, occupational opportunity.
9 Really explode, causing
Should a lowly mortal eat of the consecrated food of the petty 1-8 points of damage to anyone
gods the consequences are uncertainprobably dire, but un- within a 10' radius
certain. Thank Vegas (the petty god of random charts) that we 10 Turn to gold
can handle uncertainty.
Subtable B (Roll 1d6)
$6.00 Buffet Effects (Roll d%)
1 Character convinced he has become the
1-50 Immediate death (see Subtable A) petty god whose food he has eaten
51-55 Begins aging at a rate of one year per day 2 Homicidal, violent rage
56-60 Feet become roots, planting the character in place; 3 Utter bliss, but unresponsive;
amputation required to escape; transformation will not speak, eat, or move
creeps upward at about one inch per hour
4 Obsessed with obtaining more of the food
61-65 Convulsive vomiting. Take 1d4 damage.
10% chance the vomitus transmutes into a 5 Convinced he has died and is in the afterlife
potion, chosen at random of course. 6 Refuses to speak; communicates only in
66-70 Internal bleeding. Take 1d4 damage every mime and charades
hour unless receiving a healing spell or ingesting
a healing potion. Apples of Gammorrah
71-75 Blindness
76-80 Lose sense of taste and smell
& Matthew W. Schmeer
81-85 Madness (see Subtable B) These lustrous apples grow on a gigantic tree in a desolated
area of one of the godly planes. Watered by tears of those
86-90 Grow a foot in height and gain twenty-five pounds; who have lost lovers in battle, these richly fat apples are highly
exude a faint radiance prized by the gods and reserved for their enjoyment. Anyone
91-95 One attribute (chosen at random, of course) other than a god or godling who picks an apple from these
raised by one point trees will have it to turn to smoke and ash in their hand, doing
95-100 Raise one level 3d6 fire damage (no saving throw).


Arsl Bread nal damage. They must also save vs. poison or be infected by
whatever infectious larvae inhabited the fruit and suffer the
& Charles Turnitsa appropriate damage until cured.
Arsl bread is made from the powdered remains of sundried
Arsl snails, mixed in with some acorn powder and a few more Blood Plums of Al-Katur
mundane ingredients. It is a type of loaf made by surface
dwarves when they are going underground. Eating a serving & Matthew W. Schmeer
of the bread renders the recipient immune to the effects of
green slime for 12 hours. Unfortunately, the Arsl snail is also Almost lost to mortal memory, the hidden island of Al-Katur
often a common ingredient in silence potions, and the side ef- is home to many strange and wondrous beasts and brambles
fect of the bread is that the recipient cannot talk for the same created by the gods for their culinary pleasure, including the
12 hour period. blood plums of the YimYam tree. The plums are planted on
either side of the main sacrifical altar and are fed by the blood
of animal and human sacrifice. The plums take on the shape
Bre of Hammurabi of those whose blood upon which they feed, so the YimYam
trees are adorned with plums of all shapes and sizes: pigeons,
& Scott Sutherland goats, rams, calves, children, and virgin maids are all repre-
sented in miniature size. The flesh of the blood plums are, of
This bre, or barley, is only found in barley fields that have
course, blood red, and the juice stains all it comes in contact
been the sites of major battles. When mighty armies clash,
with for 1d6 days. Many a mortal who has eaten of the fruit of
and many die in fields of newly-sprouting barley, much of the
the YimYam tree has been mistaken for a vampire by the local
essence of the conflict is absorbed by the growing, sprouting
inhabitants. Those who eat blood plums have a 30% chance of
plants. If the plants survive and their seeds (soaked in blood
being chased by angry crowds and staked through the heart.
and often warped by battle magic) are planted, patches of bre
Otherwise, eating of the plums imparts a +2 bonus to melee
of Hammurabi may grow amongst the crop. Not noticeable by
attacks and a 3 penalty to morale scores.
mere mortals, the bre is often mixed with the rest of the
crop to no effect. However, if the bre is separated by some-
one who has a connection with the powers of battle or drink, Braised Trake
it can be brewed into a potent beer that grants the imbiber
beserk strength, battle prowess, and invincibility (or at least a & Matthew W. Schmeer
perception of such). Only the most powerful mortals or divine
beings can survive the resulting hangover; lesser drinkers die Woe be to the mortal who partakes of the unbraised trake!
in head-pounding and stomach-bursting agony. Anyone using These cat-sized, snail-like, multi-tentacled cephalopods from
bre of Hammurabi (that has been separated from the crop) the garden of the petty earth goddesses are poison to the touch
for anything other than an alcoholic beverage will be subject when living (which is the only way an earth goddess will serve
to divine curses and persecution. them; save vs. poison or die). Anyone touching a live trake or
its uncooked carcass must save vs. paralysis or be paralyzed for
1d6 weeks; no spell can remove this effect. Anyone eating raw
Black Death Pudding trake must save vs. posion or be reduced to 1 hit point.

& Matthew W. Schmeer Trake can safely be eaten by mortals only when braised in
shell with one of the multitudes of nectars of the gods; the
This semi-sentient ooze is the ungodly offspring of a black pud- trake is thereby reduced to a gelatinous state and can be easily
ding and Ckratcethys, the long-forgotten Petty God of Fleas. slurped from its shell. When eaten in this manner, trake will
Kept alive for aeons by divine intervention, it resembles a glit- immediately raise the hit points to the PCs level maximum,
teringly-black giant amoeba. Black death pudding is eaten raw; heal any damage, cure disease, and permanently impart a +2
the gods hack off a pseudopod and munch on the run. Rumor to Strength and 2 to Dexterity.
has it that black death pudding can stave off infection and
disease, but the opposite is actually true. Any mortal who eats
just one bite will immediately be infested with fleas and suffer Buttered Ermal
2 to all melee attacks (until the infestation is removed by cure
disease). There is an additional 25% chance that the infected & Matthew W. Schmeer
will come down with a random form of dungeon funk. These small waterfowl, inhabitants of the meniscus of the Plane
of Water, are a delectable delicacy. Ermal are similar in size to
game hens and when cooked, taste similar to roasted pig anus
Bletted Mespilus except when cooked in a white butter reduction. Cooked in
& Matthew W. Schmeer this manner, ermal extends a nutty, lemony infusion of flavor.

The overly ripened fruit of a species of medlar tree found only When eaten in its properly prepared manner, buttered ermal
on the godling planes, bletted mespilus are allowed to rot delivers a +3 protection against spell attacks for 1d6 days.
on the branch until they are swarming with rot grub, burrow However, if the ermal is not properly prepared, the eater must
worm, or other larvae, then eaten raw. They are a favorite of save vs. poison or suffer 2d8 damage due to divine intestinal
minor chaotic godlings and they like to munch on them in the scarring. Successful saves result in 1d4 damage.
presence of mortals to chortle at their disgust.
Hunted almost to extinction by the petty gods of nasty jokes,
Should a mortal eat a bletted mespilus in its edible form, they buttered ermal is best paired with a strong, fruity cider.
will gain a permanent +2 to Wisdom but suffer 2d8 intesti-


Cardoons of Sorrow and Joy Devils Pinga

& Troy J. Truchon & Atailton Miranda
Gods (even the petty ones) possess emotions unknown to Devils pinga is a strong drink made from sugar cane grown in
mortal man, feelings simply incomprehensible to our primitive Hell. Mortals who take but a sip must save vs. poison at 2 or
little minds. The cardoons of sorrow and joy are harvested die; survivors suffer 1d6 damage and are drunk for 1d20 hours
on the higher planes of the gods because consuming the pre- (actual effects at DMs discretion ).
pared leaf stalks (a bit like celery) enhances a certain pleasant
emotion mankind simply was not built to feel.
Faerie Spice
The rare times that the semi-divine field laborers of the gods
have given mankind access to the cardoon seed (usually as & Atailton Miranda
part of a protected dispute over labor contracts between the The blue spice from the Faerie Realms changes the taste of
petty goddess of the downtrodden, and the petty godling of foods; for example, a meat seasoned with faerie spice tastes like
deferred automation), it has led to doom and insanity, as mor- chicken, fish like mud, etc. Flavors vary at DMs discretion.
tals consuming such foodstuffs find themselves driven mad for
2d12 weeks with symptoms strongly resembling bipolar disor-
der as found in modern films.
Whenever anything likely to upset an affected individual oc-
curs (and this may be as major as seeing Orcus, or as minor as
hearing a door close), they must roll a six-sided die. On an even
result they burst into mad exuberance and energy, and on an
odd result they fall into a disturbed and deep depression.

Crystal Oranges of Al-Mahraba

& Sndor Gebei Fruit of the Forsaken Tree of Lore
These crystallized oranges grow in the sacred garden of Al-
Mahraba, guarded by seven soldiers of simian body andrep-
& Greg Gorgonmilk
tilianheaddivine servitors of [deity associated with lies or This stunted tree is found growing in some wet and lonely
equivocation at DMs discretion]. The crystal fruits become borderland. Its branches are sickly white and mottled with a
edible once immersed in either the tears of a child or water blooming yellow fungus. The tree gives off an indescribable
from a subterranean sea. The consumer is granted the ability reek that is especially pungent on the skins of its black, blad-
of always detecting lies, in exchange for not being able to ever der-shaped fruits. Only 2d6 of these fruits will ever be found
tell the truth. hanging from the trees lower branches. They are quite heavy
and take a pair of human-sized hands to hold properly. The
fruits surface is greasy, often crawling with small insects. A
Dawns Wine dull knife will reveal its sweet and oily meatthe juice of which
& Atailton Miranda contains a powerful intoxicant.

In the first multiverses dawn, the ancient lost gods drank a Legend claims that the tree feeds on the rotting form of an old
mysterious wine from a strange bottle at a divine party. Today, goddess who died of despair. This goddess acquired knowledge
the dark bottle is lost... and many creatures (mortals and petty of a particularly potent and poisonous naturecontaminated
gods alike) seek to drink the dregs of the last wine that still lore that was ultimately her undoing. As her body decays, the
rest in the bottle. It is powerful and burninga divine spark tree takes sustenance from her dark knowledge, of which its
in liquid form! fruit are a kind of repository.

Dawns Wine effects: Any mortal character who consumes the flesh of the fruit of
the Tree of Forsaken Lore has a 50% chance of becoming
Permanent +4 each to Strength, Constitution and Wisdom
permanently chaotic. He/she must save vs. spell to avoid total
Permanent +5 in Armor class psychic deformity*. Success indicates that the character is par-
Gains a spell-like ability usable 3/day. ticularly resilient to the fruits edifying juices. Failure indicates
(Specific ability at DMs discretion. E.g, a good character that the character will revert to an atavistic form (roll 1d6):
might receive the ability to heal, while an evil 1-2 medium-sized sickly primitive animal
character might gain the ability to summon undead.)
3-4 ambulatory fungus
Mortal gains petty god status! (Additional powers
are at the DMs discretion.) 5-6 stationary fungus
Petty gods become true gods! Affected characters gain 1d6 Intelligence and lose 1d6 Charisma.

Many planar wars find their beginnings as quests for this pre- * The body and mind of the character become deformed and
cious and unique item. degenerative as a side effect of a primal and massive expansion
in intellect.


Funistrada the gods, who only eat of its fruit as a punishment meted
out by higher gods.
& Matthew W. Schmeer Should mortals come into possession of a golden turnip, they
A wheaty noodle-like vegetable resembling zucchini that tastes will find the golden skin alone is worth 50,000 gp to culinary
of despair with a hint of licorice, funistrada is only grown in collectors. The flesh of the fruit is a stringy, sticky, astringent
demon lords gardens. Most garden gnomes rank funistrada mass which tastes strongly of boiled fish, cinnamon, black
better tasting than eggplant and lima beans. pepper, and earwax. Mortals must make a save vs. posion or
suffer 6d6 internal damage plus a permanent 1 to Wisdom.
While funistrada is often on the menu in the depths of the
Nine Hells, it is rare for it to appear on the Material Plane. It
is often fed to cursed souls to seal a devils bargain, a foretaste Grog of Yggdrasil
of the eternal tortures they will enjoy in Orcus banquet hall
should a mortal renege on a deal. & Troy J. Truchon
Eating two or three bites of funistrada throws a mortal into When the world was young and simple so too was the world
agonizing despair (no saving throw). They suffer a 2 penalty tree, but with the coming of mortals came chaos. The canopy
to all actions for 1d8 rounds. of the once revered tree is now a contorted discordant tangle
of dissimilar branches resembling every tree, shrub, and vine
Eating an entire funistrada results in immediate and agonizing in creation. Some branches produce grapes, still others dates,
pain and semi-paralysis (a PC can walk and breathe, but thats and even others applesit is said that some branches even
about it) due to the near-destruction of the PCs digestive tract. produce clusters of ogres. Still, the gods enjoy their drunken-
These effects can only be cured by a regenerate spell. ness and nothing but the fermented fruit of Yggdrasil can get
them there.
Gods Teeth When in the hands of mortals, a single draught of the grog
can return all hit points, or even raise the recently dead (those
& Scott Sutherland dead less than 24 hours), but will curse them with perpetual
This white rock, normally the size of a fist, is found only in drunkenness. From their first sip until death, the imbiber will
the deepest parts of the underworld. Possibly due to connec- suffer 2 to Dexterity and Wisdom, and a 1 to Constitution,
tions with the lands of the dead, gods teeth can be used to but a +1 to Strength.
make a terrible potion. A brave or foolhardy alchemist willing
to work with the stone would have to be found, as the process
is dangerous and time consuming. Any accidental ingestion of
Heaven Spice
a gods tooth, which is required to be powdered in the proc- & Atailton Miranda
ess, will result in mutations, madness or even death. Once
prepared and drunk, the imbiber becomes wraith-like, gaining Also known as angels gift, this silver spice tastes wonderful.
the defenses and attacks of a wraith. When the potion begins It removes diseases and poisons in any food... and the taste is
to wear off a successful save vs. death is required or the im- divine!
biber becomes a wraith permanently. Beings of divine power
are not affected by consuming a gods tooth but they often
find them tasty! Heavens Honey
& Atailton Miranda
Golden Bread The bright, golden honey from the upper planes is delicious
& Atailton Miranda and beneficial. It cures 1d8 hp and gives a +4 bonus to all sav-
ing throws for 1d4 hours. Heavens honey isappreciated by
Vembar (a petty god of breads) make this bread for other gods. many petty gods of good.
Made of wheat fromthe Upper Planes, it isnutritive and deli-
cious: mortals gain +4 to all saving throws related to fatigue,
disease, and poison for 24 hours. Hell Spice
& Atailton Miranda
Golden Turnips of Kalbreah This deep red spice (also known as devils finger) is very strong.
& Matthew W. Schmeer The spice causes 1d4 points of internal fire damage; mortals
and petty gods must save vs. spell at 2 or fall in love for 1d6
When the mighty warrior Kalbreah ascended to petty god- hours with the first person of the opposite sex they see.
hood, he was given permission by the higher gods to leave
behind a celebratory foodstuff so his people could toast his
memory. Thus, he created the golden turnips. Kalbreah Hells Honey
was not a cook nor a gardner, and had no idea what he was & Atailton Miranda
doing when he created the golden turnipscantaloupe-
sized turnips with skin of pure gold that grow on what re- This dark honey made by demonbees from Hell is quite foul.
sembles a blackberry bush. He created only one of these Mortals ingesting it must save vs. poison at 2 or suffer dam-
bushes before he was destroyed by a major god for his ter- age (3d6 points) and disease (DMs choice). The demonbee
rible taste, and the bushs whereabouts are known only to hives are found in many bones, corpses, and ruins of Hell.

3 57

Ildrazils fruits
& Atailton Miranda
Ildrazil (also known as Primal Tree) is a unique gargantuan
tree from a strange plane. The fruits (delicious blue apples) are
consumed by many gods.
In mortals, the fruits effects are dangerous (save vs. poison at
4 or die ), but the rare survivors gain a gift... +2 Wisdom.

& Atailton Miranda
Impada is a bitter pie made of crushed imps. Popular among
the foulest gods, it is dangerous for mortals (save vs. poison at
4 or die). Survivors suffer 3d6 points damage and must save
vs. spell or become chaotic.

Odins Mead
Keewee Juice
& Darcy Perry & Matthew W. Schmeer
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Often called the nectar of the petty gods, Keewee juice is a Spouting from the teats of Odins goat, Heidrun, mead is
green, sweet-tasting liquid. Scholars hotly debate whether it is gathered in raw form by dwarven milkmaids who have their
made from the liquefied pulp of hairy fruit, the blood of a small eyes put out by Tyfs sword. The raw mead is then mixed with
brown flightless bird, or the urine of the Keewees (a mythical honey, the blood of petty gods who have displeased Odin,
people that serve the petty gods). Most agree on its benefits, and snot from Odins left nostril, and left to ferment in great
however. Drinking even a small amount certainly improves cauldrons in the labyrinthine tunnels beneath Asgard (Odins
health and protects against disease and infection. Folklore spittle acts as yeast).
suggests regularly imbibing the juice may also improve eye-
sight and delay the effects of aging. Unfortunately its rarity has Odins mead imparts the gift of poetry and wisdom on those
prevented further sagely studies. mortals lucky enough to save vs. spell while drinking a draught,
as they gain a permanent +3 to Wisdom. Bards who drink also
gain a +3 to Charisma.
Krakens Brain
& Atailton Miranda Oil of Obatala
Favored by the petty gods from the seas deep, krakens brain & Scott Sutherland
is a mighty food, granting the ability to move at double the
normal movement rate in water (e.g., swimming), as well as an- This oil is similar in appearance and taste to virgin olive oil,
other rare gifta permanent ability to detect coming storms. but even better for your cholesterol levels... assuming you are a
petty god! Of unknown and ancient origin, this oil is found in
the oldest of ruins and catacombs, ancient temples and crypts.
Lgrima Usually stored in elaborate brass or stone urns, oil of Obatala
is easily identified as its container is warm to the touch. The
& Atailton Miranda oil can be used to cook the head of a creature, or as a condi-
A drink made from a hundred maidens tears, the bitter taste ment in the consumption of one. A divine being that does so
of lgrima is favored by evil petty gods. Mortals must save vs. gains irrevocable possession of the consumed creatures soul
spell at 2 or suffer sadness (2 penalty on all attacks and saves which can be used as the divine being desires (consuming it for
for 1d20 hours). power or using it for reincarnation). However, a mortal crea-
ture takes 5d12 damage as the oil burns him from within. If he
survives he rolls a 1d10 and consults the table below:
Milk of Barghobulya the Thrice-Horned
1-2 No further effect
& Sndor Gebei 3-4 Gains the consumed creatures alignment
On plateaus most unreachable, Barghobulya the Thrice- 5-6 Gains 100 XP per level/HD of the
Horned is known to pasture among other bovids of divine ori- consumed creature
gin. Barghobulyas milk is said to cure all diseases; when mixed
with powdered unicorn horn it becomes pestilential, infecting 7-8 Gains one special ability or spell of the
imbibers with a virulent disease that twists their bodies and consumed creature at the DMs discretion
minds in equal measure. Fanatical followers of theJale Godof- 9-10 Becomes that creature in all respects,
ten wonder what properties the mixture of Barghobulyas milk with his own soul forever lost
and the powdered horn of anAtacornmight have.


Olives of Roryae
& Matthew W. Schmeer
The twelve Roryae are sturdy olive trees regrown from a green
branch which shot forth from a charred stump burned during
a battle of the gods. These trees can only be found in the
garden of the gods. Anyone besides a god or godling who
eats the pale-black fruits of a Roryae tree will incur the wrath
of the gods themselves in the form of a non-revokable curse
which deals a 3 morale penalty and a 3 on attack and dam- Pustule Pudding
age rolls. & Matthew W. Schmeer
The curse can only be removed by completing a quest at the F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
behest of a petty god. Cooked in unwashed cauldrons by the witches of Westwick
at the behest of several petty gods, pustule pudding is highly
Oyster Cider regarded for its restorative properties. No one knows the exact
recipe, but the witches have been seen milking the burns of
& Matthew W. Schmeer warriors who come to them for healing, so it is assumed that
is where this gray, oatmeal-like substance gets its kick. While
Made from the pressed flesh of Aphrodites favorite mode of pustule pudding can restore lost health to maximum capacity
transport, this milky pale cider is a favored love potion of the with a single bowl, it is more highly regarded for its, shall we
petty gods; they often slip it into each others drinks and watch say, cleansing properties. Anyone eating a single serving must
the hilarity ensue. If imbibed by a mortal, the drinker falls save vs. poison or immediately spend 1d4 rounds noisily void-
madly, passionately in love with a random petty god and will ing their bowels. Anyone foolish enough to eat another serv-
do anything for them in order to consummate the relationship ing must spend 1d4 rounds loudly regurgitating (no save).
if they fail a save vs. spell. The effects of oyster cider wear off
immediately upon sexual congress with a petty god, at which
point the PC will be filled with so much self-loathing that they Sagradas Waters
will suffer a permanant 2 to Intelligence and suffer 2 to all
melee attacks for 1d4 weeks. & Atailton Miranda
Sagrada is a beautifull waterfall of the Upper Planes. The cold,
Persimmons of Truth holy waters from Sagrada are beneficial for mortals (a drink
cures 1d4 hp per bottle), and perilous for servants of evil (un-
& Matthew W. Schmeer dead, demons and devils suffer 5d6 points of damage just for
touching the waters). Petty gods and angels enjoy imbibing the
These hard-fleshed, orange, fish-shaped fruits grow exclusively fresh waters while watching the falls.
on the only known Amber Tree on the shores of the Crystal
Sea. The gods enjoy them when breaking fasts. If eaten by a
mortal, they impart a permanent +3 to Wisdom but have the Scrambled Totlyanian Eggs
added side effect of making the ingester speak the objective
truth no matter the consequences. This effect can be coun- & Sndor Gebei
tered by drinking the raw milk of Odins goat. The sainted flock of Totlyanian birds roam the world from
season to season, and it is during the spring when they lay
Potted Cheese their golden eggs in places where they will be most safe from
the followers of deities associated with beggars and poverty,
& Matthew W. Schmeer known to scramble these precious eggs. Even a single bite of
such a meal results in heavy hallucinations resembling the
This rank, crumbly, hard white cheese is streaked with veins sickest and wettest dreams imaginable. Besides being highly
of red slime mold. Made from soured goat milk and potted in addictive, regular consumption of these eggs causes the weak-
golden urns by the Order of Amelkin, this favorite cheese of willed to slowly abandon morality and swear allegiance to one
the petty gods is aged for twenty years in the cellars beneath of any number of deities associated with serial killing (or a
small shrines dedicated to Curdle, the petty goddess of blind similar amoral action or actions).
milk maids, and offered as sacrificial foods during the Dark
Moon Festival.
Synn Fruit
The cheese is highly toxic to humans; anyone eating of potted
cheese must save vs. paralysis or be turned to stone. & Atailton Miranda
If potted cheese is found and opened before it has fully aged Synn is a unique, dark dread tree found often found in a hell
(40% chance), it will appear as a runny, mottled mass. If the lords garden. Synn fruitwhich look like beautiful black ap-
liquid in such an urn of potted cheese touches skin, it will burn plesare the sweetest thing in the dark realm. Mortals, an-
the flesh for 6d6 acid damage. Only blind milk maids trained gels, and petty gods who eat of the fruit of Synn must save
in the ways of the Order can avoid such injury. vs. spell at 4 or become evil and depraved, and permanently
charmed by the devil lord owning the garden. Synn fruits are
Mortals are advised to avoid potted cheese at all costs. very rareonly 1d4 appear per decade.

3 59

The Flavor Out of Space Xanathurs Waters

& Troy J. Truchon & Atailton Miranda
While the greater, lesser, and low gods may have their ambrosia, Xanathur is a small dark underground lake in the worlds deep-
petty gods live on a diet somewhat more humble (and a hell est cave. Birthplace of a lost god, Xanathurs waters are pow-
of a lot more cost effective)namely, the flavor out of space. erful and chaotic for mortals and petty gods.
Produced cheaply by the gnome goddess and her minions deep
beneath the earth, and sold to the petty gods in bulk, the flavor Xanathur Drink Effects (roll 1d8)
out of space is simply too good to be true, and it is.
1 Cures 1d20 hp
This strange canned meatstuff made from a sort of cosmic
2 Causes 1d20 points of damage
swine (originating in a dimension you would much rather not
know about) lasts far longer than it keeps, and tastes horrible 3 Permanent +1 gain in random attribute
to most mortals who consume it. Though a mere bite will feed
4 Permanent 2 loss in a random attribute
a man for a month, hell need a good save vs. poison to keep
it down. The petty gods suffer no such problem, as they can 5 Polymorph into small creature
very easily make their food taste like whatever theyd prefer it (e.g., frog, cat, dog or another little animal
to be. Spent cans are sometimes left with priests as holy relics, at DMs discretion)
and whole cans are sometimes delivered with much fanfare by 6 Polymorph into monster
petty gods who dont want their zealots to worry about supply (e.g., manticore, centaur, minotaur,
lines while they are extirpating a competing faith. or another monster at DMs discretion)
7 Grants a permanent spell-like ability usable
Tralanairas Burning Milk 1/day (e.g., fireball, cure wounds, fly, summon
monster, or another spell at DMs discretion)
& Atailton Miranda 8 Permanent whispers from lost god
The milk from Tralanaira, (the Lost Cow of the Gods) is danger- in the brain... (permanent madness; effects at
ous to a mortals body. Imbibers must save vs. poison at 4 or DMs discretiona great hook for adventures!)
take 10d6 points of fire damage. Survivors gain a permanent
+2 bonus to their Strength and Constitution scores. This is a Zincatulkiavors Pieces
very rare item found in jeweled bottles lost in ancient planes.
& Atailton Miranda
Undeks Food
F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.
Zincatulkiavor (a fungal petty god, also known as The Father of
& Atailton Miranda Fungus), killed by a rival power, rests in many dried pieces, lost
Undek (hungry for the taste of divine spark) feeds on the life force and scattered among the planes. Eating one of these pieces is
of the priests of rival gods. He also likes the sweet energy from deadly (save vs. poison at 4 or die). Survivors, however, gain a
the young maidens. Should a mortal eat a soul in an edible form strange madness, and will suffer fungal-related nightmares and
(a bright rosea rare gift from Undek for the faithful), he gains waking delusions (e.g., fungus growing from their bodies, trans-
+1 level for 1d10 days. Souls from special persons (maidens, formation into a fungoid, etc.; the specific effects, instance,
priests, paladins) should give more benefits (at DMs discretion) . and/or cures are at the discretion of the DM). Petty gods are
immune to both the poison and the madness.

Walnuts of the Agrapax Tree

& Sndor Gebei
During the magical autumn in the land of fairies, the Agrapax
tree bears exactly thirteen walnuts, each the size of a grapefruit.
The seed of such fruits carries the blessing of [deity associated
with wisdom or fairies], and its consumer gains knowledge
about the locales or items he seeks the most. Cracking the wal-
nuts shell, however, releases nightmarish sounds that terrify
mortals and urge them to crack each others skulls instead.

War Wine
& Atailton Miranda
Made of grapes from the war gods vineyards, this red wine
causes berserker rage in mortals (save vs. poison at 2 or rage
for 3d10 roundseffects and bonuses at DMs discretion). The
gods occasionally give a bottle of war wine to the faithfula
valuable gift indeed!


Petty Classifieds
& Matthew W. Schmeer
MINIONS WANTED! You: Handsome halfling rogue with 100GP REWARD! Clear crystal Alchemist in need of rare and hard-
God of Abject Poverty needs lack- velvet touch. Me: The drunk bar maid pendant in shape of stags head. If to-find ingredients seeks to hire in-
eys for entry-level field positions at the Wrinkled Tit with dishwater found, return to Bethda Tillminder at trepid explorers to secure such. In-
hair and a small mole under her left the Sign of the Wrinkled Tit. quire at front gate of Stonefist Keep.
managing ruination portfolios. Must
eye. Lost: My trust, my heart, my Show ad for admittance.
like body vermin and travel by foot. DUNGEONEERS! Have your lat-
crystal pendant. If I see you again,
Apply at the Sign of the Crooked est forays beneath the earth left
you turd on an owlbears ball sack,
Foot in Lochnamsh next full moon. you feeling youve lost your mirth? GUNTHERS TAXIDERMY, locat-
this wench will wrench your furry lit-
Serious inquiries only. No elves. Has crawling through the underd- ed in Walthamthorp, will stuff and
tle toes clean off.
ark taken away your divine spark? mount your trophy in true-to-life
PUNY MAN! Bow before the God- Skeleton keys for sale. Must provide Perhaps a case of raging doom fashion. Gunther Fishkiller has
dess of Wondrous Strength and be own skeleton. W.S. Largish & Sons, has left you confined to your room, 30 years experience in helping
the master of your muscle! You are Locksmiths. or maybe your gut is in a fit be- customers relive the hunt through
called to a special meeting of the cause of a case of the lucky shits? tasteful taxidermy. In his years in
Muscle Cult at the next nexus of ADVENTURERS Whether its tenebrites, ghosts service to Baron Walthamthorp,
the twin moons of Joon at Temple of fleas, fly mites, undead lice, or
WANTED! Gunther learned to hunt the big
just scraped knees, HARPOOLS
Square in Portown. Only the first Cowardly villagers seek foolhardy ones and mount them! Drop by
ten applicants who fail the feats and short-sighted rogues to sacri- our showroom to see our handi-
Our trained apothecaries are su-
of strength will be admitted. No fice life and limb for paltry reward pervised by a fully royal-licensed work and discuss how we can
dwarves; farmboys need not apply and bragging rights in an attempt alchemist of the sixth degree. No help you furnish your home, guild,
unless partially crippled. to kill black dragon disrupting local ailment too small or to large. Con- or keep and help you keep your
sheep-based economy. Interested veniently located in Market Square memories alive. Gunther Taxider-
LOST: Small, ruby, triple-headed parties must provide own weapons next to Yaga Babbas Bakery. my: Preserve The Adventure!
goat statue inscribed with the name and mounts. Interested applicants
EMKILM on base. Last seen please inquiry with Old Man Slath- THARWICKS FEED & LIVESTOCK Curses removed.
behind the bar at the Sign of the ery at Goatshires blacksmith shop. MULE TRAIN SPECIAL! Reasonable prices.
Wrinkled Tit. If found, please return Why buy when you can rent? We
Come to stall 7 on market
to Faroo the Magnanimous in Harn- Sisyphuts Miscellaneous Labor have mules available for as low as
Services. No task unreasonable 5gp per day. Rent five mules, get a days. Ask for Renata.
thorp for special reward. Note: DO
or too dangerous. Trained and un- sixth for free! Carts and mule driv-
NOT attempt to milk the statue!
trained laborers ready to work at ers available at extra cost. Come on Escorts provided for single knights
reasonable rates. Special orders down to Tharwicks: its your move, in need of companionship to court-
RUM MAIT WANTTED! Slorg need so trust us to haul it right.
our specialty. Just whistle and well required social engagements. Our
rum mait. Nice layer. Tastful deco- work! girls are fully trained in small talk,
rated with skuls. Must not be orc. DISWASSERTHOP friendly gestures, and royal social
Cum to bridge. Look under. Aks for Walter Withcroft, Ph.D, M.U.F.C, LAUGHS!
graces. Special services available
Slorg. Showadd or I will eet you. R.O.T.C., Br.OF (ret.), will repair YANKEE. HOTEL. FOXTROT. for paladins. Jaleens Social Circle is
and recharge your magic items SEVENTY-SIX. THIRTY-THREE.
FOR RENT: Small hovel on outskirts here to serve. Two blocks off Mar-
for minimal cost. No guarantee of TWENTY-FOUR. SHOOP.
of town. Tends to wander if left un- ket Square on Guilds Way. Ask for
normal function after upgrades or
attended. Special discounts for old Dwarves needed for dangerous Lefpth.
recharges. Also have small number
crones and/or witches. Inquire at of special items for sale, including mission to retrieve lost birthright.
Yaga Babbas Bakery Shoppe. lovers knots, bracelets of clasping, Must be stout of heart, sober of REPENT, REPENT!
wands of mendacity, pendants of mind, and fast with fists. Ability to YWEHBOBBOBHEWY,
SOULS FOR SALE! stags endurance, and rings of hope. speak Northlander helpful, but not LORD OF WATERS,
Hours: one hour after sun-up till required. Come to the Shady Drag- KING OF MIRRORS,
mid-day, every day, unless sign on on Tavern and ask for Walker. PATRIARCH OF THE
Demon lord has been demoted and
door says otherwise. Stall located MOST PROFOUND
must clear all inventory! Thousands OFFICIAL NOTICE: Be it herewith
behind Yaga Babba Bakery, next to DEMANDS
of contracts reduced below cost! known that Raffles Kuntfingers of
cobbler shop. Discrete transactions YOU REPENT!
My loss is your gain! Come on down the Shire of Darkwood has been
available at extra cost. Run this ad three times and your
to Lecherous Larry the Lemure found guilty of theft from the royal
Demons Soul Emporium NOW! treasury and is to be executed at prayers will be answered. For details,
No lawyers or wholesalers will be dawn on the second day after this send 1cp to Ywehbobbobhewy, Lord
The Brothers of the Order of the notice is circulated. He is to be of Waters, King of Mirrors, Patriarch
Fist in Northern Kirlangen, brewers drawn and quartered in the public of the Most Profound, c/o Bob Da-
of the realms-famous Miasmimosa square. The convicteds personal
WANTED: Small, jewel encrusted cat, Temple Felinis, Whiskeryshire.
bittersweet brew, have immediate belongings were sold at auction
bronze statue of a demon laugh- need for a delivery driver. Must be under sealed bid to the highest bid-
ing in its sleep. Will pay 1,000gp for able to lift a half-cask unaided and FOUND: Stag Head Pendant. Has
der, as per royal custom. All citizens
same. Ill know it when I see it. Bring be amenable to being the subject of of title of the kingdom are invited to curious properties only true owner
it to Yalek Aieleek, Master of Sleep, multiple spell protections. Apply in attend the execution. Refreshments would know. Inquire at Harpools
at Zabits Magic Shop in Darkwood person to Brother Bendover, Prior will be follow the spectacle courtesy Apothecary. Ask for Kenwise. Be
Shire. of Kirlangen Abbey. of the Baron Walthamthorp. prepared to bargain.

3 61

Non-magical magical weapon re- housebroken goblins ready and will- WIN FREE DRINKS! Exclusive rights for two burial
productions, Gag-bags of Holding, ing to do your bidding. 1cp per day Come on down to the Toasty Harlot crypts at Culledfist Cemetery at the
Glass Jewelry, Boots and Capes of plus daily rations. Windsnap Belvert this Middlesday for another round Church of the Order of the Clenched
Elviskind, inaccurate hourglasses Hireling Services, Courtside Square, of Drink Down Danny! By popular Fist, Walthamthorp. These crypts
of all shapes and sizes! Make your Hawkthorp. demand, Danny the Lich, undead are located in the mausoleum, cor-
buddies laugh and cry at the most bard of wide renown, will be on hand ridor St. Flon of Wea, tier G, crypts
inopportune moments! Unbelieva- WANTED: 300gp reward for infor- to inspire and disgust all comers. If 137 & 138. Todays selling price at
mation leading to the capture or you dont vomit during his rendition this level would be 9,000gp. We
ble pricing! Narwick Reproductions,
corpse of Grum Walsk, tokeweed are offering this space for 6,000gp
Slants Way, Brookshire. of The Scourge of Almhet Ra then
merchant, Taverntoss. See Cap- (or best offer). Contact Father
you win FREE DRINKS for the rest
tain Grumm of the Keep Guard, Ambrose, Order of the Clenched
TRY THE NEW ALL ALE DIET! St. of the night!
Walthamthorp, to claim the reward. Fist, Walthamthorp.
Armitage used this diet to lose 5
stone a week! Amazing results with FOUND: Three-legged milk stool.
little effort! You wont believe your Slight fire damage and smells like cabin in Northern Kirlangen. Fully
FUTURE HOLD? soot. Carved initials on underside:
eyes! Come talk to Talia at the Slat- furnished; sleeps 6. 3 rooms, each
ternly Mermaid, back left booth on
even days only.
Madame Sczyzyky knows! Palms,
CPGBMM. Come see Luft at at
Goatshires blacksmith shop to get
it back.
with 2 windows, stout firepot, and
stone chimney. Small outbuilding
less than 20 steps out back door.
LOST: Angry dwarf. Usually drunk. tea leaves, tarot, and crystal balls View of Ice Faery Realm from front
Regular dwarf height, grayish-brown you choose the the method of scry- A PRAYER TO YOUR GOD OF door. Close to many points of inter-
ing and shell do the future spying! LIGHT. Pray these words to your est and activities. Must provide own
beard, beady eyes. Has no clan
3sp per reading; prophecies guar- God of Light and soon you will re- firewood. 6gp/night. Contact Thule
name, but will respond to Vlaaran
anteed to come to pass within one ceive blessings in abundance: Grant Yongaw, Hawkthorp.
or Vlark. Last seen in Dolmvay. If
year or your coinage back! O Gracious One upon me knowl-
found or sighted, please report to
edge to understand You, sense to A PRAYER TO YOUR DARK GOD:
Filchard Fallagen at Guard House
WILL PAY TOP PRICE FOR RARE see Your wisdom in all things, rea- Deceive me, O Dark One; Let me
2, Walthamthorp. DUNGEON FRUITS! Dolwich Apoth- son to discern Your hand turning not know Your machinations, but
ecary, Dorswitchshire. the works of the world, and a spirit only use me as You desire to ac-
WHERE OH WHERE HAS to know You in all things. complish Your will. Let me be clay
MY LITTLE DOG GONE? BEWARE THE POX in Your hands: useless until formed
Will pay top coin for return of my OF GLIBSUTH! IS YOUR SHOP READY FOR and hardened in the fires of Your
little poochie-woochie. Wolfhound/ HARVESTMOON and cooler days? wrath.
Avoid the running trots and stink-
hellhound mixed breed answers to There is still time to fix leaky cellars,
foot that accompany this dreaded
the name Norrisbut not always. malady by drinking two bottles of loose shingles, unhinged doors, un- WANTED: LIVE MARLAFIX. Will
Beware his nip! If found, return to PROFESSOR CREAMS ANTI- glassed windows, and unpatched pay top dollar. Gunther Taxidermy,
Reginald Falkenberry, Hawkthorp. POX SOLUTION twice a day for walls. Make HANDY HARKEN the Walthamthorp.
three days. Only 10sp wherever top- only man you trust to get the job
MIRACLES PERFORMED WHILE shelf medicinals are sold. done. You wont find better work WANTED: Experienced pack mule
YOU WAIT! Tent 16, Fairground anywhere in the three shires! I per- in good condition. Must have less
Circle. Ask for Sister Aleenea of the KEEP YOUR PLATE IN TIP-TOP sonally oversee all work and hire than 5,000 leagues ahoof and a
White Crescent. SHAPE! Grinders Metal Polishing & only the best journeymen in the white patch on left haunch. Willing
trades. Homeowners, mention this to pay decent amount for the right
Repair services all styles of full plate
RESURRECTION ad and get a free re-thatching es- one. NO JENNYS. See Reeda at
armor. Were the only shop in town
SPECIAL! timate. HANDY HARKEN REPAIR the Talon & Onion in Walthamthorp.
with a friar and a mage on call to
Half-price resurrections now help with all cursed or magically-en- SERVICES, Walthamthorp. Guild-
through Wintertide. hanced armor needs! Official Metal AND DEODORIZED.
Brother Olaf of the Clenched Fist Polishers of Baron Walthamthorps
Guard. Come see Barney at Inner IS GRANDMA UTTERING NON- Why dig new when you can refresh
will raise your fallen friend, no for less? Just mix our dry powder
Keep Circle, Walthamthorp, today! SENSE AGAIN? Is Das arrow-
strings attached, now through Win- induced knee injuries hurting so with water and pour into shit-hole.
tertide for half the normal donation. much that he cant get out of bed? Safe, non-poisonous formulae dis-
FREE RATS! Domesticated pet
Harmstone Gaol, cell 8. Contact Helgas Homesitter Serv- solves normal waste in just hours!
rats. Available in many colors, most-
ice! We provide personal assistance, Griswold the Minor Laboratories,
ly brown with black markings; I have
SPELLBOOKS, SCROLLS, companionship, nursing aid, and the Wizard Tower 1 -1/2b, Hawkthorp.
a few white ones, too! Atrium bred
GLYPHS, WARDS, TATTOOS. Visit occasional slap upside the head to
and raised, 10 weeks old. Trainable NOVICE CULTIST WANTED. Did
Blivners Magical Scrivener Shoppe and easy to handle. Guaranteed those in need. Helgas Homesitters,
for all your magical inks! From Black Taverntoss. you just join a cult? A curious seeker
non-were. Come see Pete Knuck- has questions. Come convince me
Dragon Essence to Domquils Pur- les Pfeiffer at the Wizards Tower.
ple Folly, we stock over 700 essen- your god should be my god. Ask
PILGRIMAGE to St. Unriks birth-
tial pigments, dyes, and infusions for for Reeda at the Talon & Onion in
UROBORIALIS GUIDE US IN OUR place in the Cerisian Empire leaves
your written incantations. Bring this Walthamthorp.
TIME OF NEED. Provider of wisdom in a fortnight from Taverntoss. Cost:
notice for a free sample of Doctor and understanding, open our minds 400gp. Cost does not include meals.
Strcks Iron Golem Black! Market to see the mysteries and obtain for Must provide your own mount. Con- weave invisible threads in the com-
Way, Taverntoss, three doors down us the grace of the Greater Gods. tact Father Ernie Andbert, Order of fort of your own home! Contact
from the Spurned Wife Inn. the Open Hand, Taverntoss. Wanted Weavers, Castle Tower 2,
LOST PACK MULE. Medium-sized Taverntoss.
LOVELORN? Want to find easy gray mule with trimmed mane and UNLEASH YOUR
local wenches for FREE? Come to tail. Last seen near Borderkeep HIDDEN POWERS! CAN YOU EARN 50sp a week writ-
Stall 69, Marketsquare. Ask for Al- Caverns. If found, please contact Become a mental super man ing classifieds? Enclose 1sp for free
ice. She can get you anything you Brother Agnon of the Order of the overnight! Free scroll! Windorf, scroll! Windorf 27, Market Wayside,
want! Clenched Fist, Taverntoss. 27 Market Wayside, Hawkthorp. Hawkthorp.

3 62

CARTOGRAPHERS Looks, feels, like wool, wears four a discrete solution to all embar- the Black. Find out who plagues
WANTS YOU times longer and outwears linen 7 to rassing bowel problems. Available your soul. Helps with love life, health,
to hire us for your 1. Acid-proof, fire-proof, and quick- at most respectable apothecaries job, and relationships. Immediate re-
next expedition! dries in twenty minutes after a good in the realm. Ask for it by name. sults or no charge. Flargeth Alley,
We are expert mappers who wont river dousing. Amazing profits can But whisper. Kingskeep, Brookshire.
slow your party down whether you be yours! Contact Wanted Weavers,
delve beneath the sands or beneath Castle Tower 2, Taverntoss. WANTED: Half-orc to lift heavy ROSEBRIAR THIMBTHWIT can
the surf! Never get lost in a hedge stuff and kill scary things. If you can change your life overnight. Send
ATTENTION SHIELD-MAIDENS! read and are not afraid of taking a 25sp and emergency prayer re-
maze again! Youll be amazed at our
Your shield may be sub-par! Let few risks on a dangerous journey, quest via courier to Dimswit Ditch,
85% accuracy rate while sketching
Lance Corporal Leechy Snickel come talk to Reeda at the Talon & Doorchester.
on the run! Come see us before you
(ret.) test your defenses! Trained by Onion in Walthamthorp.
leave for your next adventure. Rea-
Baron Walthamthorps royal armorer HEMPSTEADS CURE-ALL! Doc-
sonable and negotiable daily rates.
in the fine art of shield craft, Leechy NOTICE: SOAP CARVERS LOCAL tor Hempstead, the healers healer,
Rightway Cartographers, Bedlam is renown throughout the realms for has right potion to cure your ills.
Lane, Walthamthorp. GUILD 2112 of Walthamthorp now
servicing shield-maidens particular Hempsteads Cure-All is excellently
offers FREE soap carving classes
needs. As Leechy always says, A adapted to carry off morbid excre-
NOGBLOODS for all interested parties! Come join
shield that thrusts is a shield that tions, restore and amend the ap-
GOBLIN SCRUBBERS. the profession that has unlimited
busts. Come on by Leechy Snick- petite, and prevent sickness of the
Well clean your dirty bugger, growth potential! Must provide own
els today for a free shield adjust- stomach and severe headaches.
no questions asked. ment. Never let your guard go down! carving tools; a limited number of See Doc at Ye Old Emporium in
42 Grifter Square, Taverntoss. 16 Armor Circlet, Hawkthorp. basic carving kits are available for Narlick for a free sample to cure
10gp purchase. Classes start this what ails you!
FREE. Applethumbs Tack & Feed You can hold a hundred in the palm BECOME A COURIER AND
will groom your pack mule for free A THOUSAND USES FOR SOUR SEE THE REALMS!
of your hand! Feel the tickle and
when you stable two horses with us ALE! Since ancient times sour
watch them squirm! Amaze your Our business is booming and we
for at least two nights. Reasonable friends and gross out your parents! ale has been known to ward off ill need couriers to expand our reach!
daily rates. We can also re-shoe your Send 5sp to Windorf 27, Market health and prevent evil wards. Send If neither orcs nor trolls nor blighted
horse while you wait. Haymarket Wayside, Hawkthorp. for a FREE scroll to find out how! dark can keep your from your oath-
Circle, Taverntoss, across the way Send 12sp to cover courier costs sworn route, we want to talk to YOU!
from Ratcatchers Smithy. GOT A TOWER FULL OF JUNK? to Upturn Potsherd, Barthian Way, Stop by our Kingskeep offices today
A dungeon full of funk? Call DIA- Narlick. to learn how Kingsworn Couriers
WANTED: Fighter with scary-fast MOND MORT, THE CLEANING can help you achieve your dreams!
sword skills. Come see Reeda at WIZARD! Mort will clean your home I WILL BUY YOUR TRINKETS!
the Talon & Onion in Walthamthorp. or hovel until it sparkles and smells See Timberbull in WANTED: BROKEN WANDS &
Women need not apply unless will- like new. Fully trained and super- Stall 17, Marketsquare. STAVES. Bargard Billquarrel will
ing to shave head. vised cleaning goblins on call at all buy your broken and discharged
hours. 19 Grifter Square, Tavern- FATHER GILGARTH restores luck, wands and staves for top dollar,
MAS. edoc terces rou ekorb sutciR. toss. Note: Diamond Mike is NOT a love, health, and happiness. Narwith no questions asked. See Stall 72,
adeeR ffo ti llaC adeeR. real wizard. Abbey, east door. Reasonable prices. Marketsquare.

F Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr.


Inspirational Source Material

Works & Authors Inspirational Reading

Referenced in this Volume Alexander, Hartley Burr: The Mythology of All Races
Burroughs, Edgar Rice: Barsoom series. in Thirteen Volumes.

Campbell, Joseph: The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Barron, Laird: Ocucultation and other stories;
The Beautiful Thing That Awaits Us All;
Chambers, Robert W.: The King in Yellow. The Imago Sequence.
(Yellow King, p.196)
Bompas, Cecil Henry: Folklore of the
Chambers, Robert W.: The Messenger (Gray Messenger, Santal Paraganas.
p.236); The Maker of Moons (Xin, p.273).
Bullfinch, Thomas: Bulfinchs Mythology.
Dunsany, Lord: The Gods of Pegana
(Jabim, p.74; Kilooloogung, p.84; Zumbiboo, p.206). Cabell, James Branch: Figures of Earth.

Gorgonmilk, Greg: Save vs. Insanity; Clouston, W.A.: Flowers from a Persian Garden
Underworld Lore, No.1, Vol.1, Fall 2013, p.14. and Other Papers.

Jaquays, Jennell (Editor); Unknown Gods, Judges Guild. Colum, Padraic: The Children of Odin (also titled Nordic
Gods and Heroes).
LeBlanc, Richard J., Jr.: Basic Psionics Handbook;
Valley of the Five Fires (Xunadu Khan, p.274). Crook, William: An introduction to the popular
religion and folklore of northern India.
Lindsay, David: A Voyage to Arcturus
(Jale Tears, pp.282-283, p.305). de Camp, L. Sprague: The Tritonian Ring.

Long, Frank Belknap: The Horror From the Hills Dunsany, Lord: Time and the Gods;
(Chaugnar Faugn, p.22; Miri-Nigri, p.247); The Sword of Welleran and Other Stories.
The Hounds of Tindalos (Hound of Tindalos, p.239).
Ellison, Harlan: Deathbird Stories: The Expanded Edition.
Lovecraft, H.P.: The Doom That Came to Sarnath
Ellison, Harlan: From A to Z, in The Chocolate Alphabet, The
(Being of Ib, p.219; Bokrug, p.22); The Horror in
Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, October 1976.
the Museum [ghostwritten for Hazel Heald] (Rhan-Tegoth,
p.153); The Last Test (Nug, p.124; Yeb, p.125). Fansler, Dean S.: Filipino Popular Tales.
Russell, Violet: Heroes of the Dawn. Frazier, Sir James George: The Golden Bough.
(Child of the Underworld, pp.224-225)
Ginzberg, Louis: The Legends of the Jews, 4 volumes.
Schmeer, Matthew W.: Preternatural Pestilences:
a d30 Catalog of Magical Dungeon-funks; Glut, Donald F.: The Occult Files of Dr. Spektor
Underworld Lore, No.1, Vol.1, Fall 2013, pp.24-43. comic series; The Sky Gods comic series.

Smith, Clark Ashton: The Tale of Satampra Zeiros (Formless Hamilton, Edith: Mythology: Timeless Tales
Spawn, p.231); The Testament of Athammaus (Voormi, of Gods and Heroes.
p.270); The Treader of the Dust (Quachil Uttaus, p.145). Harms, Daniel: The Cthulhu Mythos Encyclopedia,
3rd edition.
Kirby, Jack: New Gods comic series, volumes 1-4.
James, Garrison: Space Age Sorcery, Version 1.5.
Leiber, Fritz: Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser series, et al.
Moorcock, Michael: Elric series, et al.
Randolph, Vance: Ozark Magic and Folklore.
Skipp, John & Craig Spector: The Scream.
Smith, Clark Ashton: Hyperborea; Poems in Prose;
Poseidonis; Xiccarph; Zothique.

F Harry Clarke Wagner, Karl Edward: Kane series, et al.


Alphabetical Index of Gods

Domains noted with an asterisk (*) indicate the petty gods domain is specific to a locality (e.g., a city or region).
Alignments separated by a slash mark (/) indicates a different alignment for different individuals.
Alignments in parentheses suggest the personality of the individual (if different than their noted alignment).

God Domain Alignment Affiliations Page

Abondiance ephemeral wealth Neutral 3

Adassec stairs and ladders Neutral 3

Aglaos torches and artificial light Neutral 4

Aglet frayed ropes, cords, and strings Chaotic 4

Amber Blood Sword battle blood-lust and feminine protection Chaotic 5

Ammon Thrax the Black Sun (former godlet) Chaotic Dead Godlets of Suto Lore 6

Anwyn Wood favors Lawful 6

Apar misfortunate explosions Chaotic Yattle-Hoy 6

Ariphas fish scales and fishrot Lawful 7

Arolohnso labyrinths and the undercity* Neutral 7

Arvirive the keys of Law and the Wards Lawful The Mearra 8

Aspix Butchers Alley* Chaotic 9

Atanuw unicorns, death magic Chaotic The Jale God 9

Atra recidivism, licentiousness, Chaotic 10

addiction, and uncontrolled urges

A oaths and wells Lawful 10

Attrecoppea very small spiders Lawful 11

Audrum carnivorous plants (plant god) Neutral 12

Aurus Argentus currency debasement Neutral 13

Austura the southeast wind Chaotic 13

Averted Onlooker despair varies The Jale God 14

Avirgiri ordered decay Lawful (as Neutral) The Mearra 14

Azwa giant stone heads in the unknown 15

wilderness (protector)

BajLique fertility, lasciviousness, and lechery Chaotic 16

Barococar absurd architecture Chaotic 16

Bartleby inactivity Lawful 17

Bashiuus wine and merriment Chaotic 17

Beast of random violence Chaotic 17

Unbidden Challenges

Behzd lost items Neutral 18

Behzd & Vydia (twin gods) Neutral/Chaotic 19

Beng vagabonds and con-artists Chaotic 19

Beorl honey, mead and beekeepers Neutral 20


God Domain Alignment Affiliations Page

Berenedril folly, stupidity, and blind luck Chaotic 20

Blentry tallies and commerce Lawful 21

Boden the soil Chaotic 21

Bogrump Turnip Head turnips Neutral 22

Bokrug millennial revenge* Chaotic Cthulhu 22

Boulubek lost idols Lawful 23

Bubulmax adventurers and muscles Lawful 23

Chaugnar Faugn the desert plateau of Tsang* Chaotic Cthulhu 24

Chel-Kloth the Dark Lake* unknown 25

Chelk & Jodj stains (Chelk)/vandals (Jodj) Neutral/Chaotic 25

Chicxulub decaying orbits Chaotic 26

Choozwiz non-magical crossroads Chaotic 27

Chu-bu the mahogany idol* Neutral 27

Chulg heptagonal objects Lawful 27

Churfaz filth and cisterns Chaotic 28

Clavibor doors and locks Lawful 28

Clerchad commerce Neutral 29

Clobrek sundered blades, broken weapons, Chaotic 29

and fumbled attacks

Coprolias spontaneous outbursts Chaotic 30

Corotus Thallian flying apes and other chimerical beasts Chaotic 31

Crom barbarians and steel Neutral 32

Cunnian potential knowledge Neutral 32

Curdle blind milkmaids Chaotic 33

Cuvoun le Clothier all-natural stitching Neutral 34

Davy Jones drowned sailors and watery doom Neutral 35

Deeker petty revenge Neutral 35

Dekardinis delvers, adventurers and ten-foot poles Neutral 36

Derral-Orth small lights and flames Chaotic Yattle-Hoy 36

Detriax space junk and derelict hope Chaotic 37

Digiskleros postmortem grooming Lawful 38

DiitWentii minutiae Chaotic 39

Dininjaht raving, ranting, and gibberish Chaotic 40

Dinud shield-makers, and eggs, Lawful 41

egg contents, and egg-layers

Diplodias crop rot and poor harvests Chaotic 41

Divine Worm stillborn infants Neutral 42

Dogasfos drowning and the drowned Chaotic 42

Drasheeng drunken misperception Chaotic 43

Elder Elemental varies* by individual 44


God Domain Alignment Affiliations Page

Ellsbeth damsels in distress Chaotic 46

Eraisho protection from angry gamblers Neutral 47

Ersae rumor and gossip Chaotic 47

Expiurge chaos embound Chaotic 47

EyeofVengalate non-lethal curses Chaotic Yattle-Hoy 48

Fallen One fallen warriors and unsung heroes Lawful 49

Fattu Feri corpse candles and the tribes of the bog* Chaotic 49

Feloren misdirection and lost travelers varies 50

Fimtakar spices known and unknown, Lawful 51

spice traders, and sea travelers

Flissik evanescent ideas Neutral 51

Floog lost things Lawful 52

Fluxalle corroded cookware and brewing gone bad Chaotic 52

Fubar magical mishap and adventure Chaotic 53

Gadfiel spells gone awry Chaotic 54

Galdu Aurkitu things lost and found Chaotic 54

Galishma darkness under bridges and the Chaotic 55

disposing of bodies

Gilthigoet magical and forgotten pools Neutral 55

Ginny Milk Eye termagants and viragos Chaotic 56

Glaria times lawful inevitability Lawful The Mearra 56

Glorfall academic arguments Lawful 57

Glyrea serpents, venom and poisons Chaotic Society of the Serpent (cult) 58

Gnunnug the number seven Lawful 58

God of the Iron Urn madness and sacrifice Chaotic 59

God on the Mountain the city of Shazid Mon* Chaotic 59

Gor Nochri & Gar Nachri gossip, rumor, unfounded hearsay, Lawful/Chaotic 60
and baseless speculation

Grgnmjlk steel and metallurgy Chaotic 61

GoRuush intelligence and subterfuge (ogre god) Chaotic 61

Grand Planar God gateways and byways Neutral 62

of the planes (guardians)

Grandpa Toadflap stashes and caches Neutral Frog Gods 63

Gremlyn mechanical mischief Neutral 63

Gron The Battered Dwarf tavern* Neutral 64

Grugzaret subterranean darkness Chaotic 65

Gyttjan peat and mire Chaotic 65

Haiah judicious retreat Neutral 66

Harbordorim (divine imposter) Chaotic 66

Heka-Kup hiccups Chaotic 67

Heolstor the breath of dying men Neutral 68

3 67

God Domain Alignment Affiliations Page

Hexadron cubes Lawful 68

Hlinjassa broken dreams, fleeting nightmares, Chaotic 69

and lucid dreaming

Hlo-Hlo the Dead Mans Diamond Chaotic 69

(protector, spider god)

Hoddypeak fools, simpletons, and village idiots Lawful 70

Hymenphalia hermaphroditic fertility Lawful The Jale God 70

Hweegarl hitching posts Neutral 71

Insitor serpents Lawful Society of the Serpent (cult) 72

Iracaecus flaming fury and blind rage Chaotic 72

Ixomant the dark and fear of the dark Chaotic 73

Jabim broken things Lawful 74

Jaiden jade and jade carvers Lawful 74

Jale God delusion and dissolution Chaotic The Jale God 75

Jessra truces, armistices, and parleys Lawful 76

Jexvenna the spoilage of rations Chaotic 76

Jhillenneth (mother of) horrors Chaotic 77

Johnny Hopper revelry and frog-kissing (frog god) Neutral Frog Gods 77

Jgengeld mockery, sarcasm and schadenfreude Chaotic 78

Jusenuf small favors Neutral 78

Kahladaht undeath Chaotic 79

Kakanuawana yam destitution Lawful 79

Kalantos axe executions Lawful 80

Kaldrabikkia violence Chaotic 81

Karga Savasha death birds and tengu warriors Neutral 81

Khaldranath draft animals Neutral 82

Khorissa ghouls Chaotic 82

Kilooloogung rising smoke Lawful 83

King Shroom the mushroom kingdom Lawful 83

King Under the Mountain the downtrodden and oppressed Lawful 84

Krythyle snares and foot traps Chaotic 85

Kwunndle misplaced objects Chaotic 85

Kypselus deals, bargains, and creeping corruptions Chaotic 86

Lacta Lacrima pointless regret and remorse Chaotic 87

Lady of Cauldrons cooking, food flavor Lawful The Jale God 87

Lady of Lost Angles mathematical errors Chaotic 88

Lady of Rains political corruption and indiscretion Chaotic The Jale God 89

Lady of Tasks Forgotten forgotten tasks Chaotic 89

Little Lights small lights in underground places Lawful 91

Llewel bent nails Chaotic 92


God Domain Alignment Affiliations Page

Lobon youthful ambition and nave hope Lawful 92

Loe-Hann recidivism, licentiousness, addiction, Chaotic 92

and uncontrolled urges

Lord Barleycorn harvest Chaotic 93

Lord Downall drains and floods Chaotic 94

Lord Greensayne (noble*) Lawful The Jale God 95

Lord of Mediocre Plots hackneyed stories and unoriginal tales Lawful 96

Lubella transformation Neutral 96

Lumagog itching and festering wounds Chaotic 97

Luriel temptresses and cosmetics Chaotic 97

Machuk crafting and artifice (trickster) Lawful 98

Magpie Princess magpies and pregnant mothers Chaotic 98

Magrundi guano and troglobitic vermin Lawful 99

Maharbaal remorse and guilt Chaotic 100

Maladmin bureaucracy Lawful 100

Mal-laM right angles, regular shapes, Lawful 101

and symmetric patterns

Malnor military discipline Lawful 101

Man in the Moon, the voyeurism and aloof observation Chaotic 102

Manguaa alchoholic stupor Chaotic 103

Manidono slackers, half-assed effort, and loose change Chaotic 104

Mar Nod rare and seemingly random fortune Chaotic 105

and misfortune during combat

Mearra (pantheon) the inevitability of time by individual 106

Meer-Smah flatulence prevention Lawful 107

Meifer streetlamp lighters* Lawful 107

Mephassuros mislaid and unanswered prayers Neutral 107

Merramorina the lawful end of time Lawful (as Neutral) The Mearra 108

Mespilus medlar trees and their fruit Neutral 109

Micicara vendettas and murderers possessions Lawful The Mearra 109

Mico burning oil Chaotic 110

Mixmalix pranks and pratfalls Chaotic 110

Moen Hepnir the peaks, pinnacles and summits Neutral 111

of mountains and glaciers

Moorealeth lost chapters Neutral 112

Morbiphallugus venereal afflictions and sexual disfunction Chaotic 112

Mosht Al Blopp fetid pools Chaotic 113

Moslammin the shutting and closing of doors Lawful 114

Moss-Worn Goat sterility Neutral 114

Mystical Martan pranksters and jerks (trickster) Chaotic 115

Naaragiga jellies and molds Neutral 116

3 69

God Domain Alignment Affiliations Page

Nanefesterad false friendship Chaotic 116

Nanny Binx physical and intellectual sustenance Lawful 117

Nardrea hidden taxes and caches of time Lawful (as Neutral) The Mearra 117

Naught invisibility and invisible stalkers Neutral 118

Nazarash broken glass Chaotic 119

Nebius dismal fogs and dreary mists Neutral 119

Neco political assassinations and contract killings Lawful 120

Neub slain novice adventurers Chaotic 120

Neuph silence Neutral 121

Nhucyy the proper invocation of Lawful 122

magical words and spells

Nocton Zython hallucinations and sailors Neutral 122

Nox twilight Neutral 123

Nug madness Chaotic Cthulhu 124

Numathoth gnostic revelations (former godlet) Chaotic Dead Godlets of Suto Lore 125

Nwee boredom and ennui Neutral 125

Nyctalops the lost/wayward, moonlight, and vampires Chaotic The Jale God 126

Obnomeht dentistry and teeth-pulling Neutral 127

Ochlos Volgus angry mobs Chaotic 127

Odxit unexplained smells Neutral 129

Ogrimox purulent skin conditions Chaotic 129

Okla dentists and ivory carvers Lawful 130

Old Mother lost and orphaned children Lawful 130

Old Snicker insults Chaotic 131

Ollollde hypnagogia Neutral 131

Ooboora clouds Lawful 132

Ooom blood, power and strength Chaotic 133

Ophurton finances, investments and profits Neutral 133

Ormix Prol obscure words Lawful 134

OtdaBtatle battle (toad-demon-god) Chaotic 134

Otto cheese Neutral 135

Ouk missing limbs Chaotic 135

Pafflur dreams and premonitions Lawful 136

Pkkaan the Northern Wilderness* (guardian) Neutral 136

Paleonumis retired currencies Lawful 137

Palester Olhm death by a thousand cuts Neutral 137

Panathoth the Circulating Library* (forgotten goddess) Lawful Dead Godlets of Suto Lore 138

Pandantilus gong farmers and muck rakers Neutral 138

Patchwork God golems and constructs varies 139


God Domain Alignment Affiliations Page

Patisseria pastries and desserts Neutral 139

Pelchako tricks and revenge Chaotic 140

Perichronaos the age outer past (godlink) Neutral 141

Pherosathoola sexual fear Neutral 142

Philespurio lies and irrationality Chaotic 143

Pilikke skipping stones Neutral 143

Polly elven barmaids and tavern workers Lawful 144

Pollycockle small children and youngest siblings Lawful 144

Possimium nocturnal creatures (possum god) Neutral Order OPossimium (cult) 144

Qinmeartha creation Chaotic 145

Quachil Uttaus age, death, and decay Chaotic Cthulhu 145

Qualdoni crossroads and the number four Neutral 146

Quantum Ogre whimsy and vagary (ogre god) Chaotic 147

Qupan frustration and madness Chaotic 147

Qurgan Quagnar three-legged toads Chaotic 148

Qwarghourn miscibilities, mixology and dyspepsia Neutral 148

Qzymaa synchronicity Lawful 149

Raselom fitful and unpleasant rest Chaotic 151

Rasoob bronze Neutral 151

Ratacus Gant giant rats (rat god) Chaotic 152

Ravel/Unravel bad fortune and good fortune Chaotic 152

Rhan-Tegoth madness, yetis, and remorhaz Chaotic Cthulhu 153

Rosartia things long forgotten Neutral 154

Ruslivia time wasters, entertainments Lawful (as Chaotic) The Mearra 154
and orderly amusements

Sahwo secrets revealed (clam god) Neutral 155

Saint Biritus drunkards Neutral 155

Saint Gnter osmotic knowledge and illiteracy Lawful 156

Saint Vineria eyes Lawful 156

Sant Brothers (in service to the Great King of Mharadwys) Lawful 157

Sant, Dewi providence Lawful 157

Sant, Iltud salvation Lawful 157

Sant, Teilo triumph over evil Lawful 157

Satrum bloodletting Chaotic 158

Screbblo cobblers and quality footwear Lawful 158

Seppophis snares, entanglements, webs and spiders Chaotic 158

Seshati Pyhatia scholarly pursuits Lawful 159

Sernis secrets and whispers Chaotic Society of the Serpent (cult) 159

Sertetti knives, scalpels, and Lawful (as Chaotic) The Mearra 160
methodical serial killers


God Domain Alignment Affiliations Page

Silvarno late submissions and missed deadlines Neutral 160

Skaal fish out of water Chaotic 161

Somnau forgotten injuries Neutral 161

Sorga elements of sorrow Lawful/Neutral/Chaotic 162

Sousroga interstitial spaces Chaotic 163

Sovereign Bastard cretins, shit-heads, and trolls Chaotic 163

Syizarkhog forgotten knowledge Lawful 164

Tallemaja huldras and lamias Lawful The Jale God 165

Tarvin adolescent adventurers Neutral 166

Tau tombs and cemetaries (gaurdian) Lawful 167

Teptrigor prudery Lawful 167

Termarr the lawful execution of time Lawfull (as Chaotic) The Mearra 168

Termas Tunneller root cellars (hamster god) Lawful 168

Theb chimney pots Neutral 168

Their Wife politeness and the spouses of theater directors Neutral 169

Thuf secrets and unexplained winds Chaotic 169

Thwizeviblyz baby laughter Lawful The Jale God 170

Tix-ka-tix patience Lawful 171

Tlacotani sudden inundation Chaotic 171

Tonya childrens teeth Chaotic The Jale God 172

Tremella pub crawling and drunken love Chaotic 173

Tricruxia forked tunnels Neutral 174

Tsathoggua divine slothfulness Chaotic Cthulhu 175

Tsrura starvation, illusion and times wintry end Lawfull (as Chaotic) The Mearra 176

Turquoise Idol transformation Lawful 177

of Communion

Tuu Bih Dturmind empty spaces yet to be filled Lawful 177

Tybesi-O food, cuisine, and gluttony Chaotic 178

Tyop print errrors, mistranslations, and minor heresies Neutral 178

Uilla the Isle of Eels* (eel god) Neutral 179

Undek lost souls Chaotic 179

Ungsi knives Chaotic 180

Uroborialis instinctual wisdom Neutral The Jale God 181

Urglu mutations Chaotic 182

Verlore lost people and lost things Neutral 183

Verthish single pips Lawful The Jale God 183

Vexarus virulent diseases and treason (mouse god) Chaotic 184

Vindico Vindicatum appropriated credit Lawful 185

Vodei the seas of Aelio* Chaotic 185


God Domain Alignment Affiliations Page

Vydia charlatans and over-promisers Chaotic 187

Wart Mother warts (frog god) Neutral Frog Gods 188

Whisper Will crossroads Chaotic 188

Wicked Skein unwelcome messages Chaotic 189

Wdderhoot-hoot nocturnal hunting Neutral 191

Xaxolx abandoned altars (guardian) Neutral 192

Xinrael neglected orchards and rotting fruits Chaotic 193

Xoox remote outhousing Neutral 193

Xumaltet primal emotions and savage urges Chaotic 194

Yattle-Hoy (pantheon) (cowardly gods) by individual 195

Yeb madness Chaotic Cthulhu 195

Yellow King the madness that comes with old age Chaotic The Jale God; Pallid Court (cult) 196

Yemeles drunkards (protector) Lawful 197

Yeolnuma (scarab god) Chaotic 198

Yessir absurd orders obeyed Lawful 198

Yggrd hearth-tenders and meal-preparers Lawful 199

Yhoundeh elk and elk-herding societies Neutral 199

Ykelu the Skapti* (protector; wolf god) Chaotic 200

Yululun tombs and cemetaries (protector) Chaotic 200

Yurm self-injury Neutral 201

Ywehbobbobhewy magic mirror portals Chaotic 201

Yyy questions and riddles Neutral 202

Zeekil needless pain Chaotic 203

Zezeke hurled curses Neutral 203

Zikcub sickly animals Lawful 204

Zirkonia shiny things Chaotic 205

Zodraz seeds and toil Lawful 205

Zumbiboo dust Lawful 206

Zuurrt lost lifetimes Neutral 207

Zyni Moe godly knowledge (protector) Neutral 207

Zzyzz irrational fears Chaotic 208

F Studio Arkhein

Alphabetical Index of Writers (&)

Arneson, Ragnar ...................................... 11 Campbell, Courtney ............................. 147 Fitzpatrick, Blair ...................... 119, 133, 134

Arnold, Will .............................................. 162 Campbell, Eric . ........................................ 21 Forster, Simon ........................... 69, 130, 257

Atkins, Vance .......... 96, 215, 246, 255, 264 Carter, Dennis ......................................... 116 Garrisonjames ........... 16, 97, 198, 223, 225,
232, 237, 244, 268, 306
Ausborn, Alexandra ................................ 92 Cassar, Dan ............................................ 135
Garske, Casey ........................................ 240
Ausborn, Katherine .................................... 7 Castellani, Luigi .......................... 18, 19, 187
Gebei, Sndor ................ 73, 101, 356, 358,
Ball, Benjamin . ........................................... 9 Causey, Trey . ................................... 43, 205 359, 360
Ballard, Paul ........................................ 49, 65 Chapman, Colin ...................... 68, 139, 226 Glanduum, Boric . .................................. 230
Barker, M.A.R. ................................. 331-340 Claverie, Ezra .................................... 79, 207 Glutting, J.P. ............................................ 107
Baron, Matthew ...................................... 163 Claytonian JP.......................................... 221 Gorgonmilk, Greg . ...... 9, 28, 75, 193, 238,
307, 356
Bartok, Stephen .................................. 51, 78 Coakley, Ian .................. 319, 323, 323, 324,
324, 328 Graboff, Josh ....... 58, 72, 86, 159, 185, 290
Baymiller, David ............................. 239, 247
Cohen, Nathan ............................ 17, 88, 96 Grant, John ..................................... 143, 145
Becker, Jonathan . ................................... 35
Collington, Steve .................................... 183 Green, Edward ....................................... 125
Belle, Antoine Marc ........................... 28, 29
Conklin, Christopher ............................... 61 Griffin, Rob . ....................................... 19, 199
Bingham, Johnathan . ................ 10, 72, 92,
111, 119 Cooper, Brian A. . ....................................... 7 Haraldson, David ....... 25, 60, 91, 169, 260,
261, 305
Bishop, Daniel J. ..................... 307, 307, 313 Crenshaw, Andrew ............................ 6, 137
Harms, Dan ............................................... 66
Black, M.T. ................................................. 17 Curtis, Michael ................ 319-327, 341-342
Haskins, Shaun ....................................... 154
Blatt, Barry ............................................... 102 Danielson, Steven .................................. 246
Holland, Sean ........................................... 41
Bober, Mark .................................... 120, 224 Davis, Mike Carlson ................ 10, 29, 32,
59, 281 Holley, Jeremy .......................................... 68
Bowers, Malcolm ....... 51, 52, 76, 97, 100, 1
10, 134, 135, 168, 192 Diamond, Ndege ................................... 129 Huntley, Tim ............................................... 66
Brandt, Dustin . ........................................ 312 Diaz, Matt ................................................ 163 Iorio, Richard, II ...................................... 147
Brannan, Timothy ......... 123, 232, 234, 263, Dickstein, Adam . ..................................... 78 Jackson, Matt ......................................... 203
327, 327
Djarum, Ben .............................................. 55 Jaquays, Jennell ....................................... vi
Branstad, Andrew ............................ 85, 161
Downs, Patrick Henry ............................ 151 Jensen, Erik ............................. 171, 252, 265
Breen, Damian ............................... 133, 179
Duncan, Jeremy . ................................... 158 Johnston, Greg ......................................... 82
Brennan, Kevin ................................ 64, 200
Dungeon of Sketch .......................... 81, 180 Jones, Eric ............................................... 127
Brewer, Jim ................................................ 82
Dunnuck, Justin ........................................ 25 Kennedy, Patrick ...................................... 17
Brinkmann, Emmett ....................... 143, 148
Durke, Jens ................................. 50, 83, 292 Kielbasa, Jason ...................................... 169
Brinkmann, Jonah . .......................... 31, 168
Eshelman, Duncan ................................ 122 Kilian, Tom ................................................. 98
Brinkmann, Paul .............. 31, 143, 148, 168,
254, 272 Eynon, Fr. David ............................. 156, 296 Knight, Logan . ...... 14, 42, 89, 114, 177, 227,
286, 303, 309
Brodie, Alan .............................. 20, 136, 273 Fabiaschi, Eric ........ 8, 14, 56, 62, 106, 108,
109, 117, 154, 160, 168, 176, 319 Krombach, Al . .......................................... 35
Brown, Justen .......................................... 208
Feldman, John . ...................................... 131 Laffey, Dennis . .......................................... 76
Burnett, Joshua ....................................... 114
Fischer, Matt . ................................ 16, 54, 77 Law, Ash . ........................ 6, 36, 48, 195, 234
Cameron, Dale . ..................................... 188
Fitzgerald, Thomas ................................... 27


LeBlanc, Richard J., Jr. ........... xv-xvi, 2, 24, Portly, Lester B. ............................... 122, 205 Stuart, Patrick . ........................................ 112
44, 49, 74, 87, 112, 118, 126, 145, 156,
177, 185, 194, 196, 202, 210, 212, 224, Potter, Eric . ........ 34, 40, 149, 191, 193, 203, Studio Arkhein ................................ 140, 144
230, 236, 256, 262, 267, 272, 273, 274, 212, 214, 216, 229, 237, 241, 245, 245,
251, 255, 256, 257, 261, 268, 275, 287, Sutherland, Scott ................... 355, 357, 358
275, 278, 280, 289, 294, 319, 322, 323,
324, 325, 326, 327, 328 304, 304, 324, 328
Tamm, Chris ........... xii-xiii, 5, 22, 56, 63, 77,
Proctor, Dan ............................................ 158 117, 188, 220, 299, 303, 304, 306
Legion ....................... 39, 242, 248, 296, 310
Rae, Brian .................................................. 67 Tenkar, Erik ...................................... 138, 152
Lighterness, John Gavin . ...................... 205
Ragan, Anthony ....................................... 54 Thompson, Andy .................................... 132
Lizardi, Mike .............................................. 61
Reaban, Jeremy . ................................... 167 Thompson, R.J. .................. 55, 79, 308, 308
Lizzi, Ken .................................................. 354
Regan, Peter ............................................. 30 Till, John Everett ........ 26, 171, 189, 211, 228,
Lynch, Bryce ........................................... 166 252, 266, 282, 297, 302, 305, 307,
Rejec, Luka . ............................................ 130 310, 315
Mac Bride, Jay ......................... 37, 257, 262
Roe, Stuart ................................................... 4 Traube, Dave . ........................................... 41
Maranto, William ...................................... 82
Roe, Todd . ............................................... 116 Truchon, Troy J. ...... 120, 325, 356, 357, 360
Martin, Thomas ....................................... 101
Rorschachhamster .................. 27, 245, 316 Turcotte, John ........................................... 99
Masters, Edgar Lee .................................... v
Rossi, Wayne ............................................. 85 Turnitsa, Charles ...... 113, 161, 211, 247, 259,
Mayer, Jrgen ........................................ 198
259, 260, 284, 301, 303, 321, 325,
Rowe, Tony A. . ........................................ 115
McClure, Jed .......................................... 146 326, 327, 355
Rune, Thed . ............................................. 167
McDougall, Ian ...................................... 137 Van Elkins, Evan . ......................... 4, 84, 184
Rusch, Doug ............................................ 204
McKinney, Geoffrey . ....................... 59, 157 Vindicatum, Vindico ............................. 311
Sartorato, Igor Vinicius . ........ 3, 42, 74, 83,
Metzger, Johnstone ................................. 57 Ward, James ...................................... ix, 152
103, 155, 164, 178, 206
Miranda, Atailton .......... 179, 356, 357, 358, Weinstein, Garrett ............................ 15, 173
Schmeer, Matthew W. ........ xiiv, 12, 33, 70,
359, 360 95, 142, 165, 170, 172, 181, 183, 201, Wellings, Chris ................. 92, 109, 153, 199
Mishler, James . ......... 32, 71, 124, 148, 175, 214, 215, 216, 219, 220, 228, 229, 233,
233, 235, 236, 249, 251, 253, 263, 264, Wellington, David . ................................... 65
195, 231, 255, 270
265, 269, 271, 276, 295, 298, 299,
301, 309, 311, 314-316, 321, 343-355, Wetmore, Patrick . ............ 13, 160, 178, 310
Mishler, Jodi ............................................ 139
357-359, 361-363 Wills, Sean ................................................. 47
Morris, Robert . .......................................... 81
Schwarze, Craig ................ 13, 80, 158, 200 Wirsing, Eric ....................................... 47, 107
Murphy, James ......................................... 98
Senac, Nicolas ................ 22, 100, 219, 305 Wolfe, Paul . ............................................. 211
Mustonen, Atte ................................ 261, 312
Shadrac MQ ................................... 238, 311
Young, Duncan ........................................ 87
Mustonen, Jonas ............. 61, 127, 220, 227,
234, 264, 315 Shorts, Tim . ...................................... 144, 288
Ziegler, Christopher ................................. 63
Nordin, Terje ...................... 20, 182, 231, 295 Sloan, Keith .................... 23, 27, 69, 70, 144,
197, 207
Norman, Gavin . .......... 6, 58, 125, 129, 131,
138, 297, 305 Smith, E.T. .............................. 3, 38, 213, 258

Null, Null .................................................. 159 Smith, James ........................... 46, 299, 306

Otus, Erol . ................................................ 201 Smith, Michael . ........................................ 52

Pacek, Jim . ............................................. 110 Sorolla, Roger S.G. ................................... 93

Palette, Erin ..................... 104, 151, 304, 312 Spahn, James ......................................... 242

Pastores, Anthony .................................. 155 Sparks, Joel ............................................... 94

Patterson, James . ......................... 105, 295 Stater, John ............................................. 174

Paul, Christopher . .................................. 214 Steele, Aaron E. ...................................... 298

Perry, Darcy . ..................... 213, 279, 358, 53 Steen, Thorbjrn .............................. 107, 121

Poag, Stefan . .......................................... 136 Stephens, Tim . ........................... 23, 36, 307

Stogdill, Christopher ...................... 218, 254

Porky .................... 21, 47, 141, 222, 297, 319,
320, 321, 322, 324, 328 Stone, Grant ......................................... xi, 89 F Alfred Roller

Alphabetical Index of Artists (F)

Adams, Matthew . ............. 33, 51, 134, 151, Dowie, Mona . ................................. 123, 263 Jones, Eric ............................................... 127
253, 264
Duncan, Jeremy . ..................... 41, 158, 173 Jones, A. Garth . ..................................... 329
Allen, Mark ................. 11, 35, 43, 54, 77, 94,
116, 158, 161, 167 Dungeon of Sketch ............ 25, 81, 180, 184 Kessler, Christian .................................... 134

Beardsley, Aubrey . ................................ 353 Elvery, Beatrice . ............................. 209, 224 Kilian, Tom ................................................. 98

Bell, Robert Anning ................................ 130 Eynon, Fr. David ...................................... 156 Kjelsen, Reidar . ...................................... 263

Bennett, Kelly ........................................ 3, 38 Faulkner, Scott ........ 8, 14, 54, 56, 106, 108, Knapik, Michal Majqello ............ 175, 219
109, 110, 117, 154, 160, 168, 176
Bethell, Joel . .................. 121, 220, 254, 272 Knight, Logan . ................................ 114, 286
Fat Cotton . .............................................. 158
Bingham, Johnathan . ......... 10, 72, 88, 93, Knowles, Horace J. ............... 223, 261, 265,
111, 119 Faverat, Gwen ................................ 213, 215 268, 293

Bishop, Daniel J. ............................ 246, 255 Ferron, Eleanor ................ 19, 22, 63, 66, 87, Kuniyoshi, Utagawa ............................... 258
136, 188, 218
Bradley, William H. ................................. 229 Lathrop, Dorothy P. ................................. 232
Finlay, Virgil ............................................. 330
Bragdon, Claude F. . ...................... 149, 262 LeBlanc, Richard J., Jr. .... iii, ix, 6, 7, 10, 16,
Fischer, David ........................................ 200 17, 24, 32, 34, 37, 49, 58, 59, 65, 68, 72, 74,
Brennan, Liam . ....................................... 154 80, 83, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 95, 99, 100, 101,
Fitzgerald, Thomas ............................. 27, 41 102, 103, 108, 110, 112, 113, 117, 118, 120,
Brillenschnitzel, Dr. ................................. 222
122, 125, 126, 131, 138, 139, 143, 144, 145,
Gallagher, Paul .................................. 31, 75
Brown, Rom ............. 28, 50, 53, 73, 76, 129, 146, 150, 156, 160, 162, 163, 164, 165, 168,
155, 179 Garrisonjames ................. 69, 171, 225, 226, 170, 181, 183, 184, 185, 188, 194, 196, 198,
232, 237, 244 199, 202, 207, 211, 212, 219, 220, 224, 226,
Brown, Justen .......................................... 208 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 234, 235, 236, 238,
Gillingham, Darryl . ................ 39, 228, 248, 240, 244, 252, 256, 257, 258, 261, 262, 264,
Browning, Ryan . ............ 4, 7, 23, 28, 65, 98 242, 243 265, 267, 268, 270, 273, 276, 280, 281, 285,
Burnett, Joshua ....................................... 114 288, 292, 295, 296, 298, 299, 301, 302, 304,
Goodman, Steven ......................... 116, 205 306, 308, 312, 313, 314, 316, 317, 323, 325,
bygrinstow ................................................. 76 327, 354, 356, 358, 359, 360, 363
Graham, Justin ....................................... 168
Campbell, Eric . .................................. 21, 62 Letzelter, Christopher .............................. 35
Green, Kelvin .............................. 52, 64, 121
Campbell, Courtney ................ 67, 147, 179 Lindsey, Joey .................................... 13, 127
Gus L. ....................................... 144, 152, 140
Castellani, Luigi .............. 16, 18, 29, 84, 187 MacDonald, Francis & Margaret ........... 70
Hallstrom, Glen . ................. 6, 9, 10, 36, 48,
Chenevert, Kevin . ............................. 20, 55 63, 70, 131, 137 Magnusson, Jim .... 138, 169, 178, 192, 237,
Heighway, Richard ................................ 233 249, 257, 261
Clarke, Mike . ............................................ 22
Heil, Edward .............................................. 82 The Marg . .................................................. 30
Clarke, Harry . ......................................... 364
Henderson, Keith . .................................. 283 Martnez Lpez, Elena ........................... 153
Claytonian JP ................ 113, 169, 259, 221
Huntley, Adam . ........................................ 66 McD, Nate ............................................... 141
Conklin, Christopher ......................... 45, 61
Hth, Chris ................................ 109, 119, 174 McGowan, Todd .................... xv, 12, 14, 79
Cook, Alexander ................................. 4, 20
Jaquays, Jennell .... 70, 77, 79, 81, 135, 167 McNally, Jonathan .................................. 17
Cote, Michael . ......................................... 93

Jaquays, Zach .................................. 82, 139 Miller, Kent . ............................................... 60

Crane, Donn P. ........................................ 203

Jarvis, James D. . .................................... 171 Mullins, Tony . .......................................... 135

Crenshaw, Andrew ............................ 6, 137

Denmark, Thomas . ...................... cover, 15 Jaworski, Eugene ........ 27, 31, 36, 102, 107, Ochoa, Juan ........................ xi, 26, 189, 266
125, 148, 182, 197, 203
Diamond, Ndege ................................... 129 OGrady, Leonard .............................. 1, 201
JCHart, Oxide ........................... 68, 133, 275
Dickstein, Adam . ............ 78, 104, 133, 143 OpenGL, ................................................... 47
Johnson, David L. ............. 18, 124, 147, 195
Doroszko, Bartlomiej . ............................ 287 Otto, Adolph Wilhelm ........................... 234


Otus, Erol . ................................................ 201 Rejec, Luka . ...................................... 13, 130 Swift, Sheila ............................................. 245

Patterson, Jason ....................................... 40 Robinson, William H. .............................. 216 TBD ............................................................ 177

Peck, Anne Merriman ........................... 218 Roller, Aflred . .......................................... 375 Teigeler, Del ............................ 206, 247, 271

Perdue, Danny .......................................... 56 Schaefer, Paul .......................... 21, 245, 247 Turner, Rose ................................. 42, 89, 177

Perry, Darcy . ............... 51, 61, 132, 152, 183 Schaefer, Timothy .................................. 161 Vandel, Josephe ...................................... 97

Plante, Cdric ................................. 193, 238 Seal, Glynn ..................... 200, 259, 260, 264 Vindicatum, Vindico ......... 46, 59, 96, 109,
145, 167, 176, 347
Plasmo, Ernesto ........................................ 43 Shaw, Byam . ........................................... 212
von Pocci, Franz Graf ............................ 276
Poag, Stefan . .................. 136, 157, 277, 291 Sheong, Shane Leong Kum ................. 191
Walker, Dugald Stewart . ...... 193, 208, 328
Portly, Lester B. ............................... 122, 205 Shields, Andrew . ............................. 92, 230
Walker, Brian ................................... 241, 274
Priddy, Joel . ................ 29, 85, 96, 148, 166, Sholtis, Jason ..................... 3, 19, 27, 52, 69,
215, 216, 230, 235, 245, 160, 233, 236, 246, 251, Walter, Andrew ..... 23, 57, 85, 115, 173, 251
255, 256, 269, 275, 377 252, 254, 255, 268
West, James V. . ...................... 7, 54, 66, 279
Prim, Andrs . .......................................... 272 Shultz, Matthew ...................................... 178
Williams, Morris Meredith ..................... 260
Pyle, Arthur ................................................ 97 Smith, Zak .................................. 47, 159, 204
Wirsing, Eric ................................. 47, 80, 107
Quigley, Eric ..................................... 92, 100 St. John, James Allen .................... 320, 341
Zabel, Sabine . ........................................ 239
Rackham, Arthur ............................ 242, 252 Stretch, Matt . .......................................... 155
Zieser, Steve .............................. 83, 151, 405
Railton, Herbert . ..................................... 319 Studio Arkhein ............... xii, 5, 55, 142, 144,
199, 373

F Joel Priddy
Old-school Role-playing Community

Old-school Role-playing Community

Petty Gods
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weird minor deities and
godlings, for use in rounding out
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327 petty gods, 116 minions,
knights & servitors, 12 cults,
dozens of divine items
& new spells, plus a host of
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