ESSA Framework

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Issue Brief

Analyzing State ESSA Plans for

English Learner Accountability:
A Framework for Community Stakeholders
By Delia Pompa and Leslie Villegas

August 2017

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), signed into law in 2015 and still in the midst of
implementation, requires states to develop and submit to the U.S. Department of Education
a state education accountability plan. Compared to the previous federal education law, the
No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), ESSA mandates that states provide greater information to
the public regarding English proficiency progress and academic achievement for English
Learners (ELs). In addition, the new law reauthorizing federal education policy for the
coming years encourages states to engage with a variety of community stakeholders during
the development of their accountability plans to ensure community needs are reflected.

In crafting their accountability plans, many states are using the federal governments re-
vised template for consolidated state plans,1 which allows them in one document to inform
the U.S. Department of Education how they intend to meet the requirements of the various
ESSA titles. States may also use the template released under the previous administration or
use an alternative template developed in partnership with the Council of Chief State School
Officers (CCSSO) that addresses each requirement.2 Regardless of the format used, the
framework provided in this Migration Policy Institute (MPI) issue brief is intended to facili-
tate the users evaluation of state plans for EL accountability elements required by law.3

ESSA mandates that states provide greater information to the public

regarding English proficiency progress and academic achievement
for English Learners.

The framework is a tool to help stakeholders review state plans to ensure that the policy
choices expressed in them advance accountability for EL achievement in K-12 education.
This brief provides a general description of each element stakeholders should be looking
for, and leaves it to readers to contextualize the issues in their respective states. The over-
arching themes represent sections in state plans where EL accountability components have
been identified. The questions posed in each section provide guidance on what these key
elements might look like and direct readers to find the elements in their respective state
plans for further analysis. The information collected using this framework may be used to
monitor implementation and adherence to state plans and to evaluate the efficacy of poli-
cies chosen by the state.
EL Subgroup Long-Term Goals

1. What long-term goals does the plan establish for ELs?

Long-term goals may be expressed in terms of increasing the number of students

who reach a proficiency target or reducing the number of students who do not reach
proficiency on annual state assessments by a certain percentage, within a specific
timeline. These goals must apply to all students and each subgroup (e.g., ELs, racial and
ethnic groups, children with disabilities, and the economically disadvantaged).

The state is not permitted to set different goals for ELs than for other subgroups. For
example, if the goal is to halve the number of students who do not meet proficiency on
the state annual assessments, that 50 percent reduction should be the criteria for all

At a minimum, the state plan should include ELs as a subgroup in the long-term goals
for academic achievement in math and reading/language arts. Some states have gone
beyond this requirement and set goals for other subjects, such as science, as well.

In addition, states are required to develop an additional academic indicator for elementary
and middle schools, and a graduation rate indicator for high schools.

Note: As part of the scoring process, student raw scores are sorted into levels (usually four or five); typically
the second-highest level represents achieving proficiency, with the highest level reserved for top performers.

2. What are the measurements of interim progress toward achieving long-term goals that
are applied to ELs?

Measurements of interim progress are often referred to as targets or short-term goals; it

is important to note that these are different concepts than the long-term goals discussed
above. Subgroups may have different targets for interim periods between the enactment
of the state plan and the end of the long-range timeline because groups may be working
from a different baseline. The long-term goal, however, should be the same across

A baseline represents the starting point from where measurements of interim progress will
be measured. Baselines provide a snapshot of student performance in a given subject at
a specific point in time.

3. Do these short-term goals reflect a pattern of progress that is in keeping with the
language instruction approach used in the state?

Analyzing State ESSA Plans for English Learner Accountability
Issue Brief

English Language Proficiency Long-Term Goals

1. What are the long-term goals for English language proficiency?

These long-term goals should be separate from those established for academic
achievement and should have a baseline identified.

States are required to describe how their long-term goals are ambitious. (Whether a
states long-term goals for English proficiency can be viewed as ambitious depends
on historical improvement trends and attainment data that may not be provided in the
accountability plan. For more information on how to access this type of information, see
EdTrust, New Accountability for English Learner Outcomes in ESSA State Plans, May

2. What English language proficiency assessment does the state use?

Commonly used English language proficiency assessments include, but are not limited
to the ELPA21, LAS Links, and WIDA ACCESS. States are also allowed to develop their
own, such as the Arizona English Learner Assessment (AZELLA).

3. What is the state-determined maximum number of years for a student to reach English

4. What are the short-term goals (or measurements of interim progress) for English
proficiency? Do they take into account the students initial language level? What about
other student characteristics? Does the state provide a rationale for its selection of
interim goals?

If the state has a significant population of students with limited or interrupted formal
education, are they incorporated into the timeline to proficiency? How about long-term

5. Does the plan describe how it will use these goals and timelines to determine whether a
school is on track for meeting statewide English proficiency goals?

Note: Although this section on English language proficiency long-term goals and measures of interim
progress is related to the next section on how the state will measure progress for the EL population, the
information on these two topics is not usually found in the same section in state plans. Therefore, this
framework analyzes each topic separately.

Migration Policy Institute
Progress in Achieving English Language Proficiency Indicator

Every state is required to have an English proficiency indicator for all ELs in grades 3-8, and those
who are assessed in grades 9-12. The indicator should have two main components:

1. A statewide annual English proficiency assessment taken by all ELs, which is often
referred to as the measure or annual measure of progress towards English language
proficiency; and

2. A way to measure individual student performance on this assessment across years,

which is often referred to as the model. Common models include, but are not limited to:
o Value tables
o Proficiency rates
o Gain scores
o Growth rates
o Student growth percentiles
o Value-added models
o Growth-to-target

Does the plan describe why/how the state chose the English proficiency model?

Does the plan detail whether there is a connection between the model and the short- and
long-term English language proficiency goals mentioned in the previous section?

3. Does the plan describe how the scores produced by the model will be included in
accountability calculations?

4. Is the indicator aligned with the state-determined timeline for proficiency?

5. Does the state describe how the indicator can be used to compare performance
between schools?

Note: For more guidance on how to analyze a state English language proficiency indicator and model, see
Susan Lyons and Nathan Dadey, Considering English Language Proficiency within Systems of Accountability
under the Every Student Succeeds Act (Chicago and Dover, NH: Latino Policy Forum and Center for
Assessment, 2017),

Analyzing State ESSA Plans for English Learner Accountability
Issue Brief

School Quality and Student Success Indicators

1. What school quality and student success indicators did the state choose?

States must choose at least one additional indicator to measure school quality or student
success. Examples include but are not limited to: chronic absenteeism, promotion rate,
student participation in and performance on college entrance and/or college placement
exams, school climate, and student access to or participation in arts education.

Do these indicators have a disparate impact on ELs?

2. Does the plan describe how the additional indicator(s) will be used to compare
performance between schools? As well as how the indicator(s) is valid, reliable,
and statewide? And does the plan show how each indicator measures performance
annually for all students as well as broken down for each subgroup of students?


1. Does the plan list which stakeholders the state consulted during the development

Were EL/immigrant groups consulted during the crafting of the plan?

In particular, was input sought from EL/immigrant advocates on critical issues such as
the English proficiency long-term goals and indicator weight, N size, and EL academic
achievement goals?

2. Does the plan explain how stakeholder feedback was incorporated?

If EL/immigrant groups were consulted, to what extent was their feedback included in
the plan? This can be determined by looking at stakeholder comments and letters and
identifying whether the concerns raised are addressed in the plan.

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Native Language Assessments and Other Testing Accommodations

1. Does the plan define what it means for a language other than English to be present to
a significant extent in the participating student population?

2. Does the plan identify the specific languages that meet the definition?

3. Does the plan identify existing assessments in languages other than English and if so,
does it specify for which grades and content areas those assessments are available?

States may utilize this space to list other accommodations they provide ELs, such as
translations, adaptations, glossaries, or dictionaries.

4. Does the state plan envision developing assessments, at a minimum, in languages

other than English that are present to a significant extent in the participating student
population? If so, in which languages, for which grades, and what content areas?

If the state intends to develop assessments in languages other than English, the plan must
include an outline and timeline for doing so. The plan must address how the state intends
to gather meaningful input from stakeholders, including educators, parents and families of
ELs, and students. The state must also collect and respond to public comment.


1. Does the plan combine the EL subgroup with other subgroups?

Although ESSA requires groups to be disaggregated, some states have grouped

historically underserved populations such as economically disadvantaged students,
students with disabilities, ELs, and racial-minority students such as Blacks, Hispanics, and
Native Americans to create what is often described as a super subgroup.
If the state plan includes a super subgroup, does it provide a rationale for doing so and
does it explain what such a grouping means for EL accountability?

Analyzing State ESSA Plans for English Learner Accountability
Issue Brief

Former ELs

1. Will the state include the results of former ELs on statewide math and reading/language
arts assessments for accountability and/or reporting purposes? If so, for how long?

States are allowed to include former ELs for up to four years after they have reached
English proficiency. However, depending on the states past performance data the
inclusion of former ELs for one year may have a different impact on EL accountability than
if included for four years. Does the state describe its rationale or the impact adding former
EL results on math and reading/language arts statewide assessments will have on current
EL students?

2. Does the state address whether including former ELs will obscure analysis of how
current ELs are progressing in academic indicators?

To mitigate potential impacts, some have advocated for creating a separate subgroup for
former ELs for accountability.

Note: For more information about whether the option of a separate subgroup for former ELs is appropriate,
see Karen Cadiero-Kaplan, EdSource blog post comment, accessed May 18, 2017, https://edsource.

Recently Arrived ELs and State Standardized Achievement Tests

Recently arrived ELs are students who have been enrolled in a U.S. school for less than 12
months. The state can choose to test and report on all EL students regardless of how much time
they have been in the country, or choose one of the following exceptions for recently arrived ELs:

1. Option one: the state will exclude recently arrived ELs from one administration of the reading/
language arts statewide assessment, and exclude their results from the math, science, and
English proficiency statewide accountability assessments for one year.

2) Option two: the state will assess and report their performance on reading/language arts and
math assessments required in each year of the students enrollment.

For purposes of the state-determined accountability system: for the first year of the
students enrollment, the state will exclude his or her results on such assessments, in
the second year of enrollment, the state will include a measure of student growth on the
assessments, and in the third year and each year thereafter, will include proficiency on the

3) Option three: the state will apply either option 1 or option 2 to different subgroups of recently
arrived ELs depending on their characteristics.

This does not mean that the state can blend the two options.

4) Which option did the state chose and did they explain how they came to this decision?

Migration Policy Institute
N Size

States are required to establish a minimum number of students, or N size, for which schools are
required to report.

1. What is the minimum number of students that schools are required to report on and for
whom they will be held accountable?

This number is most frequently referred to as the N size and some states have
provided an explanation for the implications their chosen N size will have on historically
marginalized student groups, such as ELs.

2. Does the state provide the number of students who will not be accounted for under the
chosen N size? If so, does the state indicate how it will hold schools accountable for EL
progress in schools where there are too few ELs to report subgroup results?

Annual Meaningful Differentiation

States are required to create a system to meaningfully differentiate, that is compare

performance, between all public schools in the state on an annual basis using all indicators
in the states accountability system for all students and for each subgroup. This system
is important because the ratings generated will be used to identify schools that may need
additional support.

1. Is the English proficiency indicator clearly accounted for in the methodology used for
the school rating system?

2. What is the weight attached to the English proficiency indicator in relation to other

Does the state articulate a rationale for its decision and explain how the weight fairly
represents ELs in the accountability system?

3. Are school ratings based on the performance of all students and each subgroup of

Many states have been using the All Students group when evaluating school

Analyzing State ESSA Plans for English Learner Accountability
Issue Brief

Identification of Schools for Comprehensive and Targeted Support and Improvement

States are required to describe how they will identify and intervene when schools and student
subgroups are underperforming. This accountability system is made up of two categories of
schools: 1) those that need comprehensive support and improvement; and 2) those that need
targeted support and improvement. States are also required to establish the criteria schools must
meet to no longer require intervention under both categories.

1. Comprehensive support and improvement schools will be identified based on whether

they fall under a state-established performance threshold. The minimum bar that can be
set is the bottom 5 percent of all schools based on overall student performance.

What minimum performance threshold did the state establish?

How will the state calculate and compare school performance to identify which ones fall
below the established threshold? Are the English proficiency indicator and EL subgroup
results on academic achievement, graduation rates, and other indicators included?

Does the plan describe the types of comprehensive supports that will be offered to
schools to help them improve performance?

What are the exit criteria that will determine when a school no longer needs
comprehensive support services?

2. Schools identified for targeted support and improvement will be selected based on
individual subgroup performance and whether at least one subgroup falls under the
states definition of consistently underperforming.

How does the state define consistently underperforming subgroups? This often includes
subgroups performing below a certain standard for a specific amount of time.

Does the plan link interventions or strategies to the specific needs of subgroups that are
underperforming, including ELs?

What are the exit criteria that will determine when a school no longer qualifies as a
targeted support and improvement school? For example, what are the expectations for
subgroups, such as ELs, to no longer need support services and for how long do they
have to meet that threshold?

3. Does the plan specify how it will provide technical assistance regarding evidence-
based interventions for each local education agency in the state serving a significant
number or share of schools identified for comprehensive or targeted support and

4. What is the states methodology for identifying schools for additional targeted support
(in other words those in which the low performance of any individual student subgroup,
such as ELs, would cause it to be identified for support and intervention).

Migration Policy Institute
Title III: Language Instruction for English Learners and Immigrant Students

1. Does the plan define English proficiency within the parameters of the states annual
English proficiency assessment?

2. What are the standardized entrance and exit procedures for ELs?

How does the plan ensure these procedures are based upon valid, reliable, and objective
criteria that are applied consistently across the state?

Do the plans exit criteria reflect an expectation for proficiency? Did the state review past
performance data to determine whether its exit criteria are appropriate?

Does the plan describe whether these procedures differ from prior practice?

3. Does the plan describe the states intentions for using Title III funds to support schools
and districts serving ELs, including how it will provide monitoring and technical
assistance for schools and districts that are not effective?

1 U.S. Department of Education, ESSA Consolidated State Plans, last modified May 30, 2017,
2 Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), Developing a Comprehensive State Plan pursuant to the
Every Student Succeeds Act: A Tool for Structuring Your Plan, updated March 2017,
3 For an in-depth review of English Learner (EL) accountability elements included in the Every Student
Succeeds Act (ESSA), see CCSSO, Major Provisions of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Related to the
Education of English Learners, February 2016,

Analyzing State ESSA Plans for English Learner Accountability
Issue Brief

About the Authors

Delia Pompa is Senior Fellow for Education Policy at the Migration Policy
Institutes National Center on Immigrant Integration Policy, where her work
focuses onresearch andpolicy analysis related to improving educational
services for immigrant students and English Learners (ELs).

Ms. Pompa came to MPI from the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), where
she was Senior Vice President for Programs, overseeing its education, health,
housing, workforce development, and immigrant integration work, and where
she previously served as Vice President of Education. She has had a key role in shaping federal ed-
ucation policy through her positions as Director of the Office of Bilingual Education and Minority
Languages Affairs in the U.S. Department of Education, and as Executive Director of the National
Association for Bilingual Education.

Ms. Pompa came to Washington, DC to serve as Director of Education for the Childrens Defense
Fund after serving as Assistant Commissioner for Program Development at the Texas Education
Agency. Her previous experience as Executive Director for Bilingual and Migrant Education in the
Houston Independent School District and as a bilingual classroom teacher and instructor to pro-
spective teachers at the graduate level has anchored her work.

Leslie Villegas is an MPI Associate Policy Analyst, where she works with the
National Center on Immigrant Integration Policy on K-12 education issues
affecting immigrant children and their families. She is conducting research on
implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and working with a
network of organizations in seven states that ensure English Learners are
provided with equitable and accountable public education services.

Previously, Ms. Villegas worked for the California Legislature in various ca-
pacities, including public policy researcher, analyst, and advisor, as well as government relations
and community outreach representative for various elected officials. While studying in Scotland,
she consulted on a project to create a Scottish National Action Plan for Responsible Business,
where she assisted with the creation of a Leadership Group of Scottish businesses and the Scot-
tish government. Through this project she conducted research for her masters dissertation on
public-private partnership best practice and how to utilize the private sector as a tool for poverty

She holds a masters degree in international development from the University of Edinburgh, and a
bachelors of arts degree in political science from California State University, Sacramento.

Migration Policy Institute
The authors would like to acknowledge partners at the Education Trust, as well as Migration Policy
Institute (MPI) colleague Julie Sugarman for providing input on this framework.

This work was supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Walton Family Foundation,
and the McKnight Foundation.

2017 Migration Policy Institute.

All Rights Reserved.

Design: April Siruno, MPI

Layout: Liz Heimann, MPI

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Information for reproducing excerpts from this report can be found at
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Suggested citation: Pompa, Delia and Leslie Villegas. Analyzing State ESSA Plans for English Learner Accountability: A
Framework for Community Stakeholders. Washington, DC: Migration Policy Institute.

Analyzing State ESSA Plans for English Learner Accountability
The Migration Policy Institute (MPI) is an independent,
nonpartisan, nonprofit think tank dedicated to the study of the
movement of people worldwide. The Institute provides analysis,
development, and evaluation of migration and refugee policies at the local,
national, and international levels. It aims to meet the rising demand for prag-
matic responses to the challenges and opportunities that migration presents
in an ever more integrated world.

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