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The Forum of Constantine in

Constantinople: What do we know about

its original architecture and adornment?
Anthony Kaldellis


inaugurated on 11 May 330, the forum of Con-
stantine was the single most important space in it for
focalizing and articulating that emperors image and the sym-
bolic ambitions of his regime.1 Only the central column sur-
vives today, but originally the forum featured many structures
and selected specimens of classical art that were all arranged in
a particular spatial relation to each other. However, scholar-
ship on the forum tends to be fragmented, consisting of sep-
arate studies of the column, the statue that it bore, the Senate
House, and the other statues arrayed around the forum. Each
of these studies has different goals, follows its own meth-
odology, and approaches the sources in different ways, from
skepticism (sometimes excessive) to acceptance (sometimes
nave).2 For example, one may be an archaeological study,
another approaches a building from the standpoint of political
history, and a third takes an art-historical approach to the
statues. As exceptions to this pattern of fragmentation, one may
cite two useful architectural-archaeological surveys of the

1 A. Cameron and J. Herrin, Constantinople in the Early Eighth Century: The

Parastaseis Syntomoi Chronikai (Leiden 1984) 220: the most important Con-
stantinian public space in Constantinople.
2 These studies will be cited below. The unsurpassed study of early Con-

stantinople is G. Dagron, Naissance dune capitale: Constantinople et ses institutions

de 330 451 (Paris 1974); for the built city see C. Mango, Le dveloppement
urbain de Constantinople (IVeVIIe sicles) (Paris 1990).

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56 (2016) 714739
2016 Anthony Kaldellis

forum in German.3 Although they were published twenty years

ago, they have not sparked as much discussion as one might
have hoped. Why, then, is another survey necessary?
First, some elements can still be added to what we know.
Second, the goal of existing surveys is not necessarily to assess
whether the elements that we know from the later sources can
be attributed to Constantines original design, or to interrogate
the reports concerning their provenance. And third, they do
not weigh the reliability of those later sources for each item that
they report. Except for the column (which still survives) and
some minor archaeological finds, the forum is known entirely
through reports in Byzantine texts, which must be examined
and assessed anew and separately in each instance. Discussions
with colleagues have revealed a widespread and deep skepti-
cism of the testimony of the sources, which are inevitably later,
as almost none survive from the first century of the citys
existence. The present article will argue that this skepticism is
usually unwarranted. My ultimate goal (in a separate study) will
be to understand the forums original symbolic logic, but before
that labor of interpretation can begin we need to know what
the forum looked like and what its furniture was exactly when
it was unveiled. The focus is therefore firmly on its original
architecture and adornment, not the ways in which the space
was used (though aspects of that will inevitably come up) or the
changes and damages that the space experienced in its long
journey through Byzantine history. In the language of her-
meneutics, my concern is original intent and not reception.
The historian Zosimos provides our first reference to the
forum that rises to the level of an actual description, and so we

3 F. A. Bauer, Stadt, Platz und Denkmal in der Sptantike: Untersuchungen zur

Ausstattung des ffentlichen Raums in den sptantiken Stdten Rom, Konstantinopel und
Ephesos (Mainz am Rhein 1996) 167187; M. Jordan-Ruwe, Das Sulen-
monument: Zur Geschichte der erhhten Aufstelllung antiker Portrtstatuen (Bonn 1995)
126140, and more briefly in E. Mayer, Rom ist dort, wo der Kaiser ist:
Untersuchungen zu den Staatsdenkmlern des dezentralisierten Reiches von Diocletian bis
zu Theodosius II. (Mainz 2002) 9397.

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56 (2016) 714739

may begin with that. In a few words (2.30.4), he says that

Constantine built his forum (agora) at what used to be the gate
of the ancient city of Byzantion; the forum was circular in
shape, enclosed by a two-story colonnade, and had two facing
arches of Prokonnesian marble that led into and out of the old
city. Zosimos is usually dated to ca. 500, though he could be
moved a few decades earlier or later. He lived in the city and
had seen the forum countless times. While he was biased
against Constantine, he had no reason to lie about these
aspects of the forum (though it is interesting that he does not
mention the column and statue). The historian and patri-
dographer Hesychios of Miletos (early sixth century) also says
that Constantine endowed his forum with two arches.4 There is
no reason to doubt that the forum was circular, and this is con-
firmed by the tenth-century poem of Konstantinos of Rhodes
on the wonders of Constantinople. He adds that its columns
were white.5 Another text that confirms the shape of the forum
is the tenth-century Patria of Constantinople. This is a collection of
stories about the city and its monuments that must be treated
with great caution, and will be discussed below. But while it
offers curious interpretations of monuments and stories that are
often incredible or wrong, many of its banal factual reports are
reliable, such as that the forum was a circle or in the shape
of a circle.6
In fact, we have pictorial confirmation of the circular shape
of the forum that dates from the early fifth century. The
column of Arcadius (395408) in the forum of that emperor

4 Hesych. Patria 41, ed. T. Preger, Scriptores originum Constantinopolitanarum

(Leipzig 19011907) I 118, here 17; see A. Kaldellis, The Works and
Days of Hesychios the Illoustrios of Miletos, GRBS 45 (2005) 381403.
5 Konstantinos of Rhodes On Constantinople 120, ed. and transl. I. Vassis

and L. James, Constantine of Rhodes: On Constantinople and the Church of the Holy
Apostles (Ashgate 2012).
6 Patria of Constantinople 2.45, 3.11 (ed. Preger, Scriptores II). The standard

commentary is A. Berger, Untersuchungen zu den Patria Konstantinupoleos (Bonn


Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56 (2016) 714739

celebrated Arcadius victory over the Goths in 400 and was

finished by ca. 421, under his son Theodosius II (408450).
Part of the fighting in that war took place in Constantinople.
The column is lost today, but before it was destroyed its spiral
relief was drawn in 1574 (in the Freshfield Album, Trinity
College Library, Cambridge). On the bottom register is a clear
representation of the circular forum of Constantine.7
Unfortunately, we do not know the diameter of the forum. If
the foundations found 70 meters to the east of the column
belonged to one of the two arches, then the forum had a
diameter of 140 meters, but this identification is not certain.8 It
is safer to locate its elements only in relation to each other and
not at their exact distance from the column, which stood at its
center.9 A circle, after all, was a distinctive shape for a forum.
The imperial forums of Rome were rectangular (or close
enough). Jerash was one city that had an oval forum, about 80
meters long, though incomplete at one end. It was built ca.
300, an approximate date that can probably be moved con-
siderably in either direction (so we cannot know if it was a
precedent or in imitation of the one in Constantinople).10
Toward the end of the fifth century, Dyrrachion (Epidamnos,
mod. Durrs) was also endowed with a circular forum about 40
meters in diameter, which was likewise surrounded by a
colonnade. This may have alluded to the forum of Constantine
and may have been built by the emperor Anastasios (491518),

7 P. Stephenson, The Serpent Column: A Cultural Biography (Oxford 2016) 125

n.93; see the image in S. Bassett, The Urban Topography of Late Antique Con-
stantinople (Cambridge 2004) 228. For the column in general see G. Giglioli,
La colonna di Arcadio a Constantinopoli (Naples 1953); G. Becatti, La colonna
coclide istoriata (Rome 1960); J. Matthews, Viewing the Column of Arcadius
at Constantinople, in D. Brakke (ed.), Shifting Cultural Frontiers in Late An-
tiquity (Ashgate 2012) 211224, with the relevant image at 220.
8 Bauer, Stadt 168.

9 Chron.Pasch. s.a. 328 (p.528 Dindorf): .

10 I. Browning, Jerash and the Decapolis (London 1982) 8088, 131134.

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56 (2016) 714739

a native of Dyrrachion.11
The forum of Constantine is said in later sources to have
been paved in stone paving-slabs, and was accordingly known
as or (plaka is a paving-slab).12 Limited
excavations in the forum area in 19291930 discovered paving-
slabs of Prokonessian marble.13
Many sources refer to a Senate House as forming part of the
forum complex. The city had two Senate Houses (Senata or
Sinata), one at the forum and another adjacent to the palace.
The earliest reference to the one by the forum is probably that
in the Notitia urbis Constantinopolitanae (early fifth century, but
probably based on a late fourth-century draft). This is an early
list of the regions, monuments, and amenities of the city. This
Senate House is located in the sixth region of the city (where
the forum also was), specifically in the same place (eiusdem loci)
as the porphyry column of Constantine.14 Hesychios claims
that Constantine built two Senata, presumably the one in his
forum and the other by the palace (Patria 41). The one by the
forum was severely damaged by a fire during the reign of Leon
I (457474), in 464 (or 465). This fire ruined a large part of the
city and is mentioned in all the chronicles. Extant reports begin

11 A. Hoti, E. Metalla, B. Shkodra, and J. Wilkes, The Early Byzantine

Circular Forum in Dyrrachium (Durrs, Albania) in 2002 and 20042005:

Recent Recording and Excavation, BSA 103 (2008) 367397.
12 E.g. Zonaras Chron. 13.3, 17.4, ed. M. Pinder and T. Bttner-Wobst,

Ioannis Zonarae Epitomae historiarum (Berlin 18411897); Life of Andreas the Fool
31 (line 1920), ed. and transl. L. Rydn, The Life of St. Andrew the Fool
(Uppsala 1995).
13 E. Mamboury, Le Forum de Constantin, la chapelle de St. Constantin

et les mystres de la Colonne Brule: Resultats des sondages oprs en 1929

et 1930, in S. Kyriakides et al. (eds.), -
, 1953 I (Thessalonike 1955) 275288,
here 276.
14 O. Seeck, Notitia dignitatum (Berlin 1876) 227243, here 234; transl. and

discussion J. Matthews, The Notitia Urbis Constantinopolitanae, in L. Grig

and G. Kelly (eds.), Two Romes: Rome and Constantinople in Late Antiquity (Ox-
ford 2012) 81115, here 90.

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56 (2016) 714739

only in the early sixth century, but they were based on fifth-
century information and indicate that the area of the forum
was hit hard.15 The most detailed accounts of the areas de-
stroyed by the fire, however, come from two later chroniclers,
Ioannes Zonaras (twelfth century) and Georgios Kedrenos (late
eleventh or twelfth century). Their ultimate common source,
which they probably used independently albeit through un-
known intermediaries, likely antedated the extant sixth-century
reports that we have as it is more detailed. The passage of time
and this sources reuse by later writers have not, in this case, di-
minished the credibility of its testimony. Zonaras was a serious
historian and Kedrenos a mere copyist: neither was in the habit
of elaborating history with fantastic elements. Everything about
their almost identical report of the fire could have come, and
likely did come, from a lost fifth-century source, possibly Mal-
chos of Philadelpheia, a late fifth-century historian mentioned
as a source for that fire by Zonaras and the Souda.16 Regarding
the forum, Zonaras says that the fire burned a great house
called the Senaton, a glorious and superbly brilliant building,
where the Senate and leading men would deliberate, along
with the emperor, when he donned consular regalia. Ke-
drenos version is the same, only in place of the phrase a
glorious and superbly brilliant construction he has instead
adorned with bronze images and porphyry stone elements.17

15 Marcellinus Comes Chron. s.a. 465, ed. and transl. B. Croke (Sydney
1995), argues (at 99) for September 464; Malalas Chron. 14.43, ed. I. Thurn,
Ioannis Malalae Chronographia (Berlin/New York 2000); Euagrios HE 2.13, ed.
J. Bidez and L. Parmentier, The Ecclesiastical History of Evagrius (London
1898); Chron.Pasch. s.a. 465 (p.595), with a possibly duplicate entry s.a. 469
(p.598); Theophanes Chron. p.112 de Boor. R. C. Blockley tentatively at-
tributed Euagrios information to Priskos of Panion fr.42, who finished his
work in the later 470s: The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman
Empire II (Liverpool 1983) 350.
16 T. Stevenson, What Happened to the Zeus of Olympia? AHB 22

(2007) 6588, at 7679, for a discussion of the issue.

17 Zonaras Chron. 14.1 (III 125); Kedrenos Comp.Hist. I 610 Bekker. For

both authors, their sources, and working habits, see A. Karpozilos, -

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56 (2016) 714739

(Zonaras and Kedrenos also mention the destruction of a

Nymphaion in the forum, which we will examine below.)
The damaged Senaton was seen and described by the poet
Konstantinos of Rhodes in the tenth century. His poem, On
Constantinople and on the Church of the Holy Apostles, does not sur-
vive in great shape. In fact, what we have may include pieces
from different (possibly interlinked) works or from a longer
poem. His project, dedicated to the emperor Konstantinos VII
Porphyrogennetos (d. 959), was to celebrate the monuments of
Constantinople along the lines of the ancient Wonders of the
World. But he was not writing from book-knowledge alone: he
had clearly seen what he describes (and is one of few Byzan-
tines known to have climbed to the top of the spiral column of
Theodosius I to see the view). Concerning the Senaton in the
forum of Constantine (89118), he repeatedly notes the visible
damage caused by the flames, which he dates correctly to the
reign of Leon I. The building had apparently not been com-
pletely destroyed by the fire, or had been somewhat restored. It
is not clear from Konstantinos account whether we are dealing
with an abandoned ruin or a still-functioning building. He de-
scribes it as an apsis rising up into the air and an upright wall
holding up a roof supported on beams. An apsis can be a dome,
an apse, or a curved wall. The buildings porch opened onto
the forum to the south and still had its four original porphyry
columns. These were damaged but still standing, unlike the
mosaics and marble slabs that once adorned the walls, Kon-
stantinos adds. References to the forum Senaton in the tenth-
century Book of Ceremonies compiled at the court of the poets
patron Konstantinos VII also do not reveal whether the
building was functional. It is there used as a reference point for
staging events in the forum, as a kind of background prop, but
it does not seem that anyone went inside it.18
III (Athens 2009) 331355 (esp. 333338),
18 Book of Ceremonies 1.30, 2.19, ed. and transl. A. Moffatt and M. Tall,

Constantine Porphyrogennetos: The Book of Ceremonies (Canberra 2012).

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56 (2016) 714739

The existence of the Senaton cannot be doubted, nor the fact

that it was built (or at least initiated) by Constantine. But was it
originally a Senate House? Albrecht Berger has proposed that
it was not; instead, it was a temple of the Fortuna Constantini,
intended to house a portable statue of the emperor in the guise
of Apollo or the Sun, which was processed on a chariot from
the forum to the hippodrome on the occasion of the citys
anniversary celebration on 11 May.19 But the one interpreta-
tion need not rule out the other. A Senaton could well contain
a statue of the citys founder intended for use in the annual
celebration. If we must choose between the two, we have to opt
for the Senate House. That is the unanimous testimony of the
sources, starting in the early fifth century (the Notitia), whereas
not a single text calls the building a temple for the Fortuna
Constantini. Also, while the general form of this anniversary
procession is known from many texts,20 the information that
the statue of Constantine was stored in the Senaton during the
rest of the year appears only in the single most unreliable of
them, the quasi-fictitious Parastaseis Syntomoi Chronikai (eighth
century).21 Its testimony is problematic and, even if it were not,
it should still not become the basis for rejecting the unanimous
testimony of all the other sources.
A word must be said here about the Parastaseis, as its testi-
mony will be cited repeatedly below. This is a collection of
notes and stories about the citys statues, the latest of which
refer to individuals of the eighth century. Some of these stories
are clearly erroneous, others are preposterous, romanticized, or

19 A. Berger, Die Senate von Konstantinopel, Boreas 18 (1995) 131

143, and Konstantinopel: Geschichte, Topographie, Religion (Stuttgart 2011) 15.

20 Hesych. Patria 42; Malalas Chron. 13.8; Chron.Pasch. s.a. 330 (pp.529

530); and Parastaseis Syntomoi Chronikai 5, 38, 56 (ed. Preger, Scriptores I 1973;
also ed. and transl. Cameron and Herrin, Constantinople). It was probably
from the Parastaseis that the notice passed to the Patria of Constantinople 1.57;
cf. Theodoretos HE 1.32.
21 Parastaseis 38 (Preger I 42); see the commentary in Cameron and

Herrin, Constantinople 215218.

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56 (2016) 714739

supernatural, and they make obvious historical blunders, so

that in the past the Parastaseis was seen as an example of Byzan-
tine cultural and intellectual decline in the eighth century.
After that it was (predictably) rehabilitated as making (improb-
ably) profound statements about imperial power, the power of
images, or metatextuality. More recently Paolo Odorico has
pointed out that it may not be a text to be begin with, but
rather a series of notes drawn from a variety of prior texts and
collected in one manuscript to serve as material for a larger
composition. Its editor, Preger, took these notes and assembled
them into a unitary text, though the different sources from
which they are drawn are highlighted even in his own edition.22
To be frank, we still do not know what this thing is that we
have been calling the Parastaseis, or how to use it. And I am still
drawn to Alexander Kazhdans proposal that these notes are a
deliberately unserious mixture of fact and fiction, akinand
these are my comparisons, not Kazhdansto the Historia
Augusta or the majority of the chronicle of Malalas.23
As it happens, many of the stories in the Parastaseis end in the
destruction of a particular statue that is not attested elsewhere,
and in those cases we may suspect that both the story and the
monument may be invented and that the statues destruction is
a way for the text to cover its tracks. It would therefore be
safest not to accept any of its claims that are not corroborated
by other sources. But this approach effectively excludes the text
from the discussion, and perhaps goes too far. The Parastaseis
seems to invent mostly when it comes to back-stories and
interpretation, and often uses actual monuments (sometimes
known from other sources) to specify the locations of its
vanished statues. What if those background locators are not
attested elsewhere? For example, the text mentions an astro-
nomikon organon in the forum of Constantine only to use it to

22 P. Odorico, Du recueil linvention du texte: le cas des Parastaseis

Syntomoi Chronikai, BZ 107 (2014) 755783.

23 A. Kazhdan, A History of Byzantine Literature (650850) (Athens 1999)


Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56 (2016) 714739

define the location of some other statues. It is a brief, casual

reference, which assumes that its readers knew what that was
(even if we do not).24
In the case of the Senate House statue, the Parastaseis says
that in pre-Constantinian Byzantion there was a statue of the
Sun in his chariot, at a place where Constantine was acclaimed
for his victory over Azotios (a confusion). After equipping this
Sun with a small statue of the Tyche of Constantinople and
parading it in the hippodrome, Constantine then stored it in
the Senaton until the next years celebrations. Yet the (pagan)
emperor Julian buried the statue because of the cross that was
carved upon it. That last bit, and likely the entire report as
well, is fantasy, relying on the fact that the statue no longer
existed when the text was written: the story about Julian con-
veniently explains the disappearance of the statue. And yet we
know from other texts that the anniversary celebration of 11
May did involve a statue of Constantine-Helios that held a
Tyche of Constantinople and was conveyed to the hippo-
drome. It is not clear how long this form of the commemora-
tion endured, whether to the end of the fourth century or the
sixth century, but the statue must have been stored somewhere
other than the hippodrome for the rest of the year.25 Con-
stantines forum is the likeliest place, even if the back-story in
the Parastaseis is bogus. It is possible, then, that the forum
Senaton originally held a gilded statue of Constantine, but this
is by no means certain.
By contrast, we have detailed and reliable information about
the doors of the forum Senaton. Konstantinos of Rhodes
claims that its huge bronze doors originally came from the
temple of Artemis at Ephesos, one of the canonical Seven
Wonders of the ancient world. The doors were sculpted with a
frightening scene from the war between the gods and the
24 Parastaseis 8 (I 25). I will discuss this instrument in a separate study.
25 N. Lenksi, Constantine and the Tyche of Constantinople, in J.
Wienand (ed.), Contested Monarchy: Integrating the Roman Empire in the Fourth
Century (Oxford 2015) 330352.

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56 (2016) 714739

Giants (the Gigantomachy). Konstantinos provides a poetic ek-

phrasis of it all, dwelling on the serpentine legs and monstrous
aspects of the Giants. He asserts that it was Constantine who
had these doors brought to his forum, adding Eusebios (false)
interpretation of the emperors action, namely that his purpose
was to expose pagan statuary to public ridicule.26 This inter-
pretation of Constantines motives should be dismissed, but the
factual report is credible and corroborated. Konstantinos does
not invent city landmarks in his poem. The sculpted doors are
described also by Kedrenos (twelfth century). This is not fully
independent evidence, as Kedrenos had access to Konstan-
tinos poem (some of his entries read like prose versions of it),
but he also had an early source on the antiquities of Con-
stantinople that appears to be sober and focuses on fourth-
century monuments. Kedrenos adds that the doors originally
had been given to the temple of Artemis in Ephesos by the em-
peror Trajan (98117) as an offering for his Skythian war.27
In addition, the writhing serpent-legged Giants are mentioned
in connection with the forum Senaton in the tenth-century Life
of Andreas the Fool.28
Given that these are later sources, and that Konstantinos and
Kedrenos were likely relying on the same antiquarian tradition,
it is theoretically possible to doubt (a) that the doors were in
fact brought from the Artemision at Ephesos (Konstantinos
theme, after all, was the Wonders of Constantinople, so he
would naturally want to link Constantinople to one of the
ancient Seven Wonders); and (b) that the doors were brought
and installed in the Senaton by Constantine. But little is gained

26 Konstantinos On Constantinople 125152, relying for the interpretation

on Eusebios Life of Constantine 3.54.
27 Kedrenos Comp.Hist. I 565, part of the antiquarian topographical

excursus at 563568 that does not come from Konstantinos of Rhodes; see
Karpozilos, III 346347.
28 Life of Andreas the Fool 31 (lines 19191933); see P. Stephenson, Staring

at Serpents in Tenth-Century Constantinople, Byzantinska Sllskapet Bulletin

28 (2010) 5981.

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56 (2016) 714739

by doubting these claims, especially the second. As it happens,

the Giants first attestation is likely much earlier than the tenth
century. I mentioned above that the column of Arcadius (early
fifth century) depicted the forum of Constantine on the lower
register of its spiral relief of the battle in 400. It also included
images of the statues in and around the forum. Directly to the
left of the forum circle it shows a figure holding a club in a
position to strike. This has been interpreted as a Hercules or a
Skylla, but it cannot be either of those: it is a muscled male
torso with coiling serpent legs, exactly the type of figure de-
scribed by Konstantinos of Rhodes and the Life of Andreas the
Fool, and exactly that which is depicted in ancient images of the
Giants in the Gigantomachy (e.g. the frieze in the Istanbul
Archaeological Museum, the Pergamon altar frieze, and many
others).29 The column of Arcadius clearly depicts a club-
wielding Giant adjacent to the forum, just as we know the
Senate House was adjacent to the forum. Finally, even if
Konstantinos had not told us that it was Constantine who
brought those sculptures to Constantinople, that is still the
likeliest scenario: these were the doors for his Senate House, in
his own forum, in his city. There is no problem with that
scenario, and no evidence or reason to postulate that the doors
were a later addition.
Were the doors truly from the Artemision in Ephesos? This
we cannot say with certainty. The safest thing to say is that this
was believed later, certainly by the tenth century but probably
much earlier, namely by the date of the antiquarian source
used by Kedrenos. From its contents, it would appear to be a
fifth-century work, as the last event it mentions is the fire of 464
under Leon I, and it focuses largely on monuments built or
imported during the first century of the citys existence. After
all, the huge sculpted bronze doors of the Senaton were not
made in Constantinople. They were taken from some pre-

29 Stephenson, The Serpent Column 125 n.93; Skylla: Bassett, The Urban

Topography 228; Hercules: Matthews, in Shifting Cultural Frontiers 220.

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56 (2016) 714739

existing pagan monument somewhere else in the Aegean

region, as was much of Constantines city, including the Ser-
pent Column in the hippodrome and the founders statue on
top of the forum column (see below). If the doors did not come
from Ephesos, they came from a comparable city, and by
definition we cannot allow skepticism to rule them all out.
Kedrenos claim that the doors had originally been given to the
Artemision by Trajan can be neither questioned nor supported
by outside evidence (we have few and patchy narrative ac-
counts of that emperors reign). While proconsul of Asia in 79,
Trajans father had rebuilt the enclosure wall of the temple,
and in the ancient city one can still see the remains of the
fountain of Trajan, which was dedicated to the emperor by a
local citizen. In 114, the city built a gate in Trajans honor near
the fountain, possibly on the occasion of his visit to Ephesos
during his Parthian campaign, in conjunction with a whole
complex of monuments in his honor. An ivory relief of his
Parthian campaign has been found at Ephesos, possibly from a
magistrates seat.30 A set of monumental bronze doors would
therefore be appropriate in the context of such a close relation-
ship between a city and this emperor. The report in Kedrenos
is therefore credible because it attributes the doors to a Roman
emperor and notas one might have imagined had the report
been invented wholesaleto a famous artist of old, and also
because that emperor is known through inscriptions (and not
literary sources) to have had a close relationship with the city of
The temple of Artemis was apparently destroyed by fire
during a Gothic attack in 262, but it was partially restored
afterward. If the doors were part of its complex, they might
well have survived that fire just as they survived the fire of 464,
when they were part of the forum Senaton in Constantinople.

30 Enclosure: J. Bennett, Trajan Optimus Princeps (London 1997) 19, citing

ILS 8797; fountains: G. M. Rogers, The Mysteries of Artemis of Ephesos (New
Haven 2012) 194; gate: Rogers 196; ivory: Rogers 389 n.7 and Bennett pl.
13A and 13B.

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56 (2016) 714739

The temple of Artemis was closed again and despoiled by John

Chrysostom in 401, and thereafter was used locally as a source
for materials.31 As it happens, the Parastaseis and Patria of
Constantinople record many other elements from the Ephesian
Artemision that were brought to and reused in Constan-
tinople.32 We should not take these reports at face value. But it
would be wrong to doubt or deny that the designers of Con-
stantinople brought specific ancient monuments to their new
city, or that our sources did not know, or forgot, where their
monuments had come from and had to make up stories about
them later. For example, texts tell us about the transfer of the
Delphic tripod base to Constantinople,33 and there it still is, the
very thing. It is standing right next to an actual Egyptian
obelisk, brought from Karnak. Similar texts also tell us that the
chryselephantine statue of Olympian Zeus was brought to
Constantinople in the early fifth century: according to the latest
discussion, that remains the likeliest scenario.34 These monu-
ments should function as control-cases that limit our propensity
to skepticism. There is nothing inherently implausible in the
claim that Constantines designers transported the doors of the
Ephesian Artemision to his forum.
Moving from the Senate House to the arches on either end
of the forum,35 we have no specific information about them
other than that the western one bore two bronze female statues
by the twelfth century (see below). However, in the courtyard
of the Istanbul Archaeological Museum there sits a massive ar-

31 C. Foss, Ephesus after Antiquity (Cambridge 1979) 3, 3235, 8687 (esp.

n.84), 113.
32 Parastaseis 44a, 78; Patria of Constantinople 2.28.

33 Eusebios Life of Constantine 3.54.

34 For the statues brought to Constantinople and the claims made about

them in Byzantine sources, see, both in general and individually, Bassett,

The Urban Topography, esp. 232238 for the Lausos collection; for Olympian
Zeus specifically, see Stevenson, AHB 22 (2007) 6588.
35 See Bauer, Stadt 168, for possible archaeological remains of the arches


Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56 (2016) 714739

chivoltthe keystone of an archfeaturing a large face of a

Gorgon (Medusa) on both sides ( fig. 1). It is recorded in the
early catalogues as coming from the vicinity of Constantines
forum, so possibly from one of the two arches leading into and
out of it.36 I suspect, moreover, that its twin (from the facing
arch) is currently resting in two pieces at the bottom of the
Basilica Cistern (Yerebatan Sarnc), with one of its Gorgon
heads lying on its side ( fig. 2) and the other upside-down ( fig. 3).
Conversations with colleagues (e.g., Jim Crow, in Istanbul,
June 2016) have confirmed that this suspicion is shared by
others, but has not to my knowledge been published. The
colossal Medusa heads are identical in style and appearance,
and their size is roughly comparable too. The two dimensions
that I measured (approximately) were the width of the eyes and
the length of the face from eyebrows to chin.37 A pair of match-
ing arches would be an ideal provenance for them (whether
made for use in the forum or appropriated from a previous
arrangement). If these capstones did come from the forum of
Constantine, it would mean that at least one of the arches lay
in ruins by the time of Justinian, who built the current version
of the Basilica Cistern between 528 and 541,38 and who (for
whatever reason) placed the two Medusa heads at the bottom.
36 N. Firatl, La sculpture byzantine figure au muse archologique dIstanbul (Paris
1990) 132, no. 259, citing earlier reports (it was brought to the museum in
1916); accepted by C. Mango as coming from the forum: Dveloppement 25
26. C. Barsanti, Note archeologiche su Bisanzio romana, Milion 2 (1990)
1172, here 3738, guesses that they came from a Severan monument, but
the two proposals are not incompatible. Cf. the Medusa medallion that pos-
sibly also came from the forum: G. Mendel, Catalogue des sculptures grecques,
romaines et byzantines des muses impriaux ottomans I (Istanbul 1912) 361362,
no. 145. For Medusa medallions elsewhere in Constantinople see C.
Mango, The Brazen House: A Study of the Vestibule of the Imperial Palace of Constan-
tinople (Copenhagen 1959) 100; Bassett, The Urban Topography 186.
37 Museum courtyard: 78 x 92 cm; cistern upside-down: 65 x 76; cistern

on its side: 71 x 65. We must not forget that, if the Medusa heads came
from the forum arches, the latter were separated by a great expanse and
may not have been of exactly the same size to begin with.
38 Malalas Chron. 18.17, 18.91; cf. Prokopios Buildings 1.11.1215.

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56 (2016) 714739

Figure 1 Figure 2

Figure 3
There is an alternative possibility regarding the Gorgon
heads. A corrupt section of Parastaseis (40) notes the existence of
two Gorgons sculpted from marble at or near the Artopoleion,
or Bread Market, the one Gorgon on the left and the other on
the right, facing each other, a work of Constantine. The Ar-
topoleion was near the forum of Constantine, so our surviving
Gorgons may have come from there, except that the Parastaseis
is clearly referring to two heads, not two pairs of two heads that
faced in opposite directions. The notice at least reinforces the
idea that Constantine used Medusas as imagery in his mon-
In their related accounts of the destructive fire of 464 under
Leon I (discussed above), Zonaras and Kedrenos also mention

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56 (2016) 714739

among the buildings that it destroyed a Nymphaion (i.e.,

fountain), located at the southern end of the forum, opposite
the Senate House. They note that this Nymphaion was used for
wedding celebrations by people who did not have houses big
enough to fit all their guests.39 As we noted, Zonaras and
Kedrenos were not inventing the architecture or history of the
citys monuments, but were following more detailed late
antique notices that are now lost. If the Nymphaion was truly
destroyed in the fire of 464, then the notice about weddings will
likely date to soon after that event, within living memory of a
custom that was no longer performed. This strengthens the
hypothesis that the ultimate source behind Zonaras-Kedrenos
was of the later fifth century (Malchos?). A rescue excavation in
1963 in the area of the forum turned up the remains of a
marble dolphin, an image suitable for a Nymphaion.40 And the
Parastaseis says that the right side of the eastern half of the
forum originally featured statues of twelve Sirens, each
upon its own porphyry column, though they are described
more like hippocamps. It adds that only seven can be seen at
the present time, three of which were moved by the emperor
(unknown) to another part of town.41 The text unfortunately
does not say in which direction we must be facing to see them
on our right. They would be in the southern half of the
forum, i.e. by the Nymphaion, if we were looking toward the
palace. Now, as discussed above, the Parastaseis is an unreliable
text, but it is here mentioning a prominent set of statues that
any resident of Constantinople would have seen hundreds of
times. I am inclined to accept that they were there. The forum,
therefore, had an aquatic architectural theme.

39 Zonaras Chron. 14.1 (III 125); Kedrenos Comp.Hist. I 610. For Nym-

phaia in late antiquity see I. Jacobs and J. Richard, We Surpass the

Beautiful Waters of Other Cities by the Abundance of Ours: Reconciling
Function and Decoration in Late Antique Fountains, Journal of Late An-
tiquity 5 (2012) 371.
40 Bassett, The Urban Topography 204.

41 Parastaseis 15; cf. Bassett, The Urban Topography 204205.

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56 (2016) 714739

The Chronicle of Marcellinus Comes (early sixth century)

states that in 407 a cistern was dug next to the porphyry
column of Constantine in his forum under the street-crossing of
the open space.42 This is, unfortunately, our sole evidence for
this cistern, and is likely to remain so until such a time as
excavations are possible. The cistern was probably hooked up
to the same system that supplied the Nymphaion with water.
We come to the porphyry column, which is the only part of
the forum that still survives in situ, and its colossal bronze
statue of Constantine-Apollo, which does not. The column
(with the base) was approximately 37 meters tall,43 and the
colossal statue may have added another six or more meters on
top of that. This is not the place to rehearse the problems
surrounding the exact appearance of the statue. A plausible
reconstruction has been made by Jonathan Bardill, who con-
cludes that it was probably a reused ancient statue of Apollo
with a radiate crown, spear, and orb, whose face was reworked
to resemble the emperor.44 The statue evoked both Constan-
tine and the Sun-Apollo, and is attributed in the sources to
both, in various combinations. Moreover, it was probably a
nude. These facts taken together in part explain why the statue,
the most visible and symbolically important monument in
Constantines city, is never mentioned by Eusebios. It spoiled
his fictional image of Constantine as a purely Christian em-
peror and could not be explained by his theory that Constan-
tine brought ancient statues to the city to have them ridiculed.
Robert Ousterhout has recently proposed (albeit in cautiously
speculative way) that the statue may have faced west rather
than east, but this is unlikely.45 The princess-historian Anna

42 Marcellinus Comes Chron. s.a. 407; see J. Crow, J. Bardill, and R. Bay-

liss, The Water Supply of Byzantine Constantinople ( JRS Monogr. 11 [2008]) 15.
43 C. Mango, Studies on Constantinople (Aldershot 1993) II, 313.

44 J. Bardill, Constantine: Divine Emperor of the Christian Golden Age (Cambridge

2012) 2836; cf. Bassett, The Urban Topography 201204.

45 R. Ousterhout, The Life and Afterlife of Constantines Column, JRA

27 (2014) 304326.

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56 (2016) 714739

Komnene states explicitly that it faced east. She was twenty-

three when it was toppled by a gale in 1106. Also, Ousterhout
does not consider the implication of the name by which the
people of Constantinople colloquially called the statue:
Anthelios, Opposite the Sun or Facing the Sun, though con-
ceivably it could mean In Place of the Sun.46
The original Apollo statue was also brought from somewhere
else. In the sixth century, Malalas says that it came from Troy
in Phrygia. Troy is not in Phrygia proper, but ancient and
Byzantine authors used such geographical labels loosely. Tro-
jans and Phrygians had become interchangeable since at least
early classical times.47 We are not in a position to deny or
support this provenance, but it established important symbolic
associations, so if the claim about the statues Trojan origin was
invented, it could just as well have been invented by
Constantine as by later writers.48 The tradition that the statue
was a work of Pheidias and brought from Athens appears much
later, in 1013.49
The base and lowest drum of the column has been encased
in an Ottoman sheath since 1779. Among the many accounts
and drawings of the monument made before then, only one, a
1561 drawing by the generally reliable Melchior Lorck, depicts
a sculpted scene on one side of the base. Cyril Mango has
made a tentative case that it should be considered reliable
(there is evidence that this side of the base might have been

46 Attaleiates History 310, ed. and transl. A. Kaldellis and D. Krallis,

Michael Attaleiates: The History (Cambridge [Mass.]/London 2012); Anna
Komnene Alexiad 12.4.5, ed. D. R. Reinsch and A. Kambylis, Annae Com-
nenae Alexias (Berlin/New York 2001); Ioannes Tzetzes Histories (Chiliades)
8.192, ed. P. A. M. Leone, Historiae (Naples 1968).
Malalas Chron. 4.15; see K. Rigsby, Phocians in Sicily: Thucydides
6.2, CQ 37 (1987) 332335, here 334335; cf. Verg. Aen. 9.617620.
48 Cf. A. Erskine, Troy between Greece and Rome: Local Tradition and Imperial

Power (Oxford 2001).

49 Leon Grammatikos Chron. p.87 Bekker (a scribe copying and em-

bellishing the Chronicle of Symeon).

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56 (2016) 714739

covered up at other times).50 Not every aspect of the drawing

need be entirely accurate, of course. We discern in the center
top a bust of the emperor wearing a radiate crown and sur-
rounded by a wreath. This replicates the imagery of the
column (which is wrapped around by many laurel wreaths) as
well as of the colossal statue. The emperor is flanked by two
winged Victory figures who are holding up military trophies
and admitting tribute-bearers from either side to him and to an
enthroned woman in the center, who is likely the Tyche of
The base is presumably still there, though it has not been
seen in centuries. The column of Constantine allegedly had
other, hidden accoutrements in Byzantine times. The only
people who might have seen these, if they were real, were those
present at Constantines inauguration ceremonies, but un-
fortunately we have no comptemporary accounts of them.
Starting in the sixth century, a host of pagan and Christian
authors claim that Constantine transferred the Palladium from
Rome to Constantinople and placed it beneath his column in
his forum. The Palladium was the protective talisman of Troy
and then of Rome, and it had the shape of a small statue of
Athena.52 The belief that Constantine had done this is an in-

50 C. Mango, Studies on Constantinople (Aldershot 1993) II, 308310; III; cf.

Bauer, Stadt 173175. In support of Lorcks reliability see also N. West-

brook, K. R. Dark, and R. Van Meeuen, Constructing Melchior Lorichss
Panorama of Constantinople, Journal of the American Society of Architectural
Historians 69 (2010) 6287.
51 Various interpretations are discussed by J. Engemann, Melchior

Lorichs Zeichnung eines Sulensockels in Konstantinopel, in Quaeritur,

inventus colitur. Miscellanea in onore di U. M. Fasola I (Vatican City 1989) 249
265, here 249, 258261. Engemanns reattribution of the base to a later em-
peror was refuted by Mango (see n.49 above). For representations of per-
sonified Rome and Constantinople see G. Bhl, Constantinopolis und Roma:
Stadtpersonifikationen der Sptantike (Zurich 1995).
52 Malalas Chron. 13.7; Prokopios Wars 5.15.814; Chron.Pasch. s.a. 328;

Patria of Constantinople 2.45; see Bassett, The Urban Topography 205206; J.

Wortley, Studies on the Cult of Relics in Byzantium up to 1204 (Farnham/Bur-

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56 (2016) 714739

teresting cultural artifact in itself, however: it appears after the

fall of the western empire (so of Elder Rome) and at precisely a
time when Constantinople needed that kind of ideological vali-
dation. Hesychios attests that eastern writers in the early sixth
century felt that Elder Rome had somehow reached its limit,
therefore a translatio of the Palladium made for good symbolic
logic.53 It was, moreover, a claim that could not be refuted by
simple observation. A brief excavation of the forum in the
1930s proved only that it was built directly on top of an old
Graeco-Roman necropolis, which (obviously) stood outside the
walls of ancient Byzantion.54 Meanwhile, along a completely
different line of thinking, the Patria of Constantinople claim
plausibly that Constantine provided his city with drains and
sewers that were as deep as the porticoed streets above were
tall, and that one of the main arteries passed directly beneath
his forum.55 There is only limited archaeological evidence for
these cloacae,56 but what is interesting is that the author of the
Patria of Constantinople made no attempt to reconcile this aspect
of the subterranean city with the existence of the Palladium
under the column in the forum, which he also mentions, albeit
in a different context. What a discordant combination of
images that would have been, the Palladium, an ancient
lington 2009) III, 492496.
53 Hesych. Patria 1; cf. K. Olbrich, Constantiniana Daphne: Die

Grundungsmythen eines anderen Rom? Klio 88 (2006) 483509, and Die

Grundung Konstantinopels zwischen Sagenkreisen und Zeitzyklen, Klio 97
(2015) 176228.
54 E. Mamboury, Les fouilles byzantines Istanbul et dans sa banlieue

immdiate aux XIXe et XXe sicles, Byzantion 11 (1936) 229283, here

55 Patria of Constantinople 1.69, cf. 2.45; Crow, Bardill, and Bayliss, Water

Supply 143 (where the text abruptly cuts off).

56 J. Crow, Ruling the Waters: Managing the Water Supply of Constan-

tinople, Water History 4 (2012) 3555, here 44; K. Dark and F. zgm,
Constantinople: Archaeology of a Byzantine Megapolis. Final Report on the Istanbul
Rescue Archaeology Project 19982004 (Oxford/Oakville 2013) 2425 and

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56 (2016) 714739

necropolis, and the citys sewer lines, had they been super-
imposed. There is potential for a Gothic novel in all this.
Moreover, Christian writers began already in the fifth cen-
tury to imagine that various Christian and Old Testament
relics were incorporated into the column and statue ensemble.
The number and variety of these claims grew over the cen-
turies,57 but it is probably safe to say that none of them could
be verified, in fact that none of them were truenot only in
the literal sense, but also in the sense that Constantine himself
probably did not set them into circulation, so we need not
dwell on them here. These legends, the product of views of the
Christian past that postdated Constantine, were a Byzantine
way of Christianizing a monument whose imagery was ob-
viously rooted in the Graeco-Roman past, in some respects
uncomfortably so.
Was there an inscription associated with the statue? Later
Byzantine sources assert that there was, and they quote
different versions of it. This appears, however, to have been a
misunderstanding. The historian Hesychios in the sixth century
wrote that, in the forum statue, we see Constantine shining
forth over the citizens like the sun.58 Later authors took this
claim, probably from Hesychios and certainly wrongly, as
being an inscription carved upon the statue itself, or specifically
upon the rays of its head.59 The Christian imagination invented
a different epigram that was supposedly inscribed upon the
statue.60 These claims could be made and could endure be-
cause no one could see what was written upon a gilded statue
almost fifty meters up in the air.
We come, finally, to the statues that were positioned around

57 Wortley, Studies III and IV.

58 Hesych. Patria 41; copied by Patria of Constantinople 2.45.
59 Leon Grammatikos Chron. p.87, Kedrenos Comp.Hist. I 518; see A.

Frolow, La ddicace de Constantinople dans la tradition byzantine, RHR

127 (1944) 61127, here 6568.
60 Konstantinos of Rhodes On Constantinople 7074; Kedrenos Comp.Hist. I

564565; see Dagron, Naissance 3839; Bauer, Stadt 176177.

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56 (2016) 714739

the forum and that should have been visible to all who passed
through it. Most of the information and sources about them
have been admirably gathered and discussed by Sarah Bassett,
though she treats all sources as equal and does not delve into
the more problematic reports in the Parastaseis.61 The statue
that captured the most attention and is most reliably attested
was a colossal bronze Athena standing outside the Senate
House, to the left of the porch as one went in. It is mentioned
by many authors, including Arethas (early tenth century), Kon-
stantinos of Rhodes, and the historian Niketas Choniates (early
thirteenth century, and highly reliable on this topic). The
precise identification of this Athena used to exercise scholars.
Was she the Promachos from the acropolis at Athens, the
Parthenos, orthe position that has the most support in the
Byzantine sourcesthe Athena of Lindos (on Rhodes)? The
most recent proposal, by Titos Papamastorakis, is that Cho-
niates detailed description of the statue best matches the
Minerva dArezzo type.62 Facing Athena near the Senate
House was a Thetis or Amphitrite, reported by Kedrenos and
Arethas, and apparently identified on the basis of her crown of
crabs. Choniates is also our sole witnessthough we need no
otherfor a statue group of the Judgment of Paris: he men-
tions Paris, Hera, Aphrodite, and the golden apple, but not
Athena as part of this group. This ensemble suggests an interest
in the history of Troy, a theme that Sarah Bassett highlights in
her analysis of the forums mythological repertoire.63
There were certainly more statues on display in the forum.
But the evidence that we have for them beyond this point is
difficult or problematic. Choniates, for example, mentions two
bronze female statues that stood on the forums western arch
and that were popularly identified in the twelfth century as

61 Bassett, The Urban Topography 188208; cf. Bauer, Stadt 177179.

62 T. Papamastorakis, Interpreting the De Signis of Niketas Choniates,
in A. Simpson and S. Efthymiadis (eds.), Niketas Choniates: A Historian and a
Writer (Geneva 2009) 209223, here 219.
63 Bassett, The Urban Topography, 6871.

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56 (2016) 714739

the Hungarian and the Roman.64 This is the first we hear

of them, and we cannot tell their original identities from these
folk names, attested almost nine hundred years after the forum
was built. The Freshfield drawing of the spiral relief on the
column of Arcadius depicts several statues standing around the
forum of Constantine, in addition to the column and statue of
Constantine himself. One appears to be an equestrian statue,
another seems to be a dog, horse, or pig, but it cannot be an
elephant.65 The Parastaseis, however, does mention an impres-
sive statue of an elephant to the left of the column of Con-
stantine. Even if the tale that the text recounts about it is, as so
often, rather unlikely, it probably would not have invented the
existence of a large elephant in the citys most frequented
place. The Patria of Constantinople then lifts the note about the
elephant from the Parastaseis and adds to it a statue of a pig, a
naked statue, and slabs with reliefs placed in the middle of the
forum (allegedly prophesying the citys future).66 The Parastaseis
also vaguely mentions inscriptions in the forum.67 In another
passage that is garbled both grammatically and topographi-
cally, it mentions two statues of angels (or winged figures)
flanking statues of Constantine and Helene, along with crosses
(which were probably later additions to the forum), and images
of Constantine and his sons.68 In sum, it is safe to say that the
forum featured many statues, even if they were variously

64 Choniates History 151 (not discussed by Bassett), ed. J.-L. van Dieten,

Nicetae Choniatae Historia (Berlin/New York 1975).

65 See the image at Bassett, The Urban Topography 228 (who does not grasp

its potential for the forum); and (in more detail) Matthews, in Shifting Cultural
Frontiers 220. Elephant: J. H. W. G. Liebeschuetz, Barbarians and Bishops:
Army, Church, and State in the Age of Arcadius and Chrysostom (Oxford 1990) 275.
66 Parastaseis 17; Patria of Constantinople 2.103.

67 Parastaseis 38 (end).

68 Parastaseis 16; cf. Cameron and Herrin, Constantinople 192193. This

chapter of the Parastaseis seems to be the basis of Patria of Constantinople 2.102

and its shortened doublet at 2.16; cf. 2.18 for the cross (another one?).

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56 (2016) 714739

identified in later centuries.69

Two further problems should be mentioned here. The first is
the portability of statues, especially of the smaller ones. A small
head of Tiberius I was found in the area of the forum in
1963,70 but we cannot be sure that it formed part of the origi-
nal ensemble. The second is the ambiguity of references to the
Senata. The Parastaseis mentions statues of Artemis and Aphro-
dite that stood in or by the Senate House, but it is not clear
which one is meant. Scholars prefer the one in the forum
rather than the one by the Augoustaion/palace, but the
grounds for this preference are weak.71 Likewise, when He-
sychios says that Constantine founded two Senate Houses, he
adds that the emperor placed a statue of Dodonian Zeus in
thembut in which one?along with two statues of Athena
Pallasagain, in which one?72
The goal of this study was to reconstruct the shape and
contents of the forum of Constantine, its basic architectural
and artistic furniture, as a prolegomenon to a study of its sym-
bolic import. The following general conclusions emerge from
it. First, it is a mistake to reject the testimony of the Byzantine
literary sources just because they are late. Choniates, writing in
the early thirteenth century, is one of the most reliable and
trustworthy when it comes to what was destroyed in the fires
and plunder of 12031204. Zonaras and Kedrenos reflect
earlier antiquarian traditions, especially when they are discuss-
ing the fire of 464 and the contents of the city at that point.
Scholars who reject the explicit testimony of the sources, even

69 Parastaseis 39 and 43 contain especially bizarre material.

70 Bassett, Urban Topography 207208.
71 Parastaseis 8; see Cameron and Herrin, Constantinople 184 (the statues

stood where a murder/execution allegedly took place, which may indicate

proximity to the city praitorion, which was near the forum); Bassett, The Urban
Topography 188. Parastaseis 8 also refers to the statues of two charioteers that
were buried by an unspecified emperor Theodosios, more legend.
72 Hesych. Patria 41; Bassett, The Urban Topography 188, places the two

Athenas in the Augoustaion Senate.

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56 (2016) 714739

when it is not inherently implausible, may end up inventing

alternatives of their own. Second, we cannot expect Byzantine
sources to give us comprehensive coverage of the forum. A
single sixteenth-century drawing may reveal central reliefs on
the column base that are mentioned in no literary text and
revealed in no other early modern drawings. Third, as for the
forum itself, its original configuration seems to have decayed
quickly, especially with the loss of the Nymphaion and partial
destruction of the Senate House in the fire of 464. We do not
know if the latter building was ever restored or used again after
that. It is possible that at least one of the arches was ruined by
the early sixth century, if the Cistern Medusas came from it.
Finally, it is noteworthy that the forum reveals no Christian
associations. Its language was that of Roman imperial power
and pagan mythology. But the precise symbolic message of that
language remains to be explored.73
June, 2016 Department of Classics
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH 43210-1319
[email protected]

73 I thank the anonymous reader appointed by the editor for valuable

comments and corrections.

Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 56 (2016) 714739

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