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The document provides information about the 3rd International Conference on Performance-based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (PBD-III) being held in Vancouver in 2017. Some of the key details provided include the dates of the conference, organizing committees, sponsors, and the overall conference program.

The conference aims to provide a platform for international experts and professionals to interact and advance the field of performance-based design in earthquake geotechnical engineering.

Related conferences have previously been held in Tokyo (1995), Lisbon (1999), Berkeley (2004), Thessaloniki (2007), Santiago (2011) and Christchurch (2015).


3rd International Conference on Performance-based
Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering

JULY 16 - 19, 2017

Vancouver, BC, Canada

After the successful conferences held in Tokyo (1995),
Lisbon (1999), Berkeley (2004), Thessaloniki (2007),
Santiago (2011) and Christchurch (2015)...
the Italian Geotechnical Society (AGI)
and ISSMGE Technical Committee 203
(Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering and Associated Problems)
are delighted to announce that the city of

will host the
in June 2019.

Looking forward to meeting you in Rome

June 17-20 2019!

Ross W. Boulanger (TC203 Chairman)

Nicola Moraci (AGI President)
Francesco Silvestri (Conference Chairman)
Greetings from the Chairs.................................. 2

PBD-III 2017 Organizing Committee .................. 3

Acknowledgements........................................... 4

Sponsors........................................................... 6

Exhibitors........................................................ 12

Hotel Floor Plan............................................... 15

Social Program................................................ 16

Technical Tour.................................................. 17

Conference Program & Timetable.................... 18

Sunday Program At a Glance......................... 21

Monday Program At a Glance....................... 22

Tuesday Program At a Glance....................... 25

Wednesday Program At a Glance.................. 28

Plenary Keynote Speakers............................... 31

Abstract Table of Contents............................... 43

Abstracts......................................................... 44

Program accurate as of printing - July 6, 2017


Welcome to PBD-III Vancouver 2017
It is our pleasure to welcome you to the 3rd International Con-
ference on Performance-based Design in Earthquake Geotech-
nical Engineering (PBD-III) in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. The
PBD-III Conference is organized under the auspices of the In-
ternational Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engi-
neering - Technical Committee TC203 on Earthquake Geotech-
nical Engineering and Associated Problems (ISSMGE-TC203).
The PBD-I and PBD-II events in Japan (2009) and Italy (2012),
respectively, were highly successful events for the internation-
al earthquake geotechnical engineering community. The PBD
events have been excellent companions to the International Con-
ference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (ICEGE) se-
ries that TC203 has held in Japan (1995), Portugal (1999), USA
(2004), Greece (2007), Chile (2011), and New Zealand (2015).
where delegates can interact with their international counterparts
toward advancing performance-based design practices for earth-
quake geotechnical engineering. The technical program is diverse,
including case histories and practice-oriented papers, recent research findings, innovative
technologies, and emerging arts from across the world. The delegates are equally diverse,
representing a broad international mix of professional engineers, researchers, specialty con-
tractors, educators, and students. We look forward to hearing lively discussions throughout
the sessions, breaks, and social events in a beautiful water-front venue!
We hope your trip is memorable and that youll be glad to have visited beautiful British
Columbia! We also hope you have been able to extend your stay and treat yourself to the
diverse attractions of vibrant Vancouver and the vast natural beauties of the surrounding
mountains and ocean.
Everyone involved with PBD-III is excited to be hosting this international event here
in Vancouver. The technical and social programs are only possible though the hard work
and dedication of many individuals, including all the conference committee members,
local organizing committee members, reviewers, and TC203 members, and of course,
the enthusiastic support received from our sponsors and exhibitors. Together, we all look
forward to a rewarding experience interacting with our international friends and fellow
Ross W. Boulanger, Ph.D., P.E. Dharma Wijewickreme, Ph.D., P.Eng.
University of California at Davis, USA University of British Columbia, Canada
Co-Chair, PBD-III Co-Chair, PBD-III


Conference Co-chairs
Ross W. Boulanger, University of California at Davis
Dharma Wijewickreme, University of British Columbia

Technical Program Committee

Ross W. Boulanger, University of California at Davis
Jonathan D. Bray, University of California at Berkeley
Atilla Ansal, Ozyegin University, Turkey
I.M. Idriss, University of California at Davis
Takaji Kokusho, formerly Chuo University, Japan
Dharma Wijewickreme, University of British Columbia

Technical Proceedings Committee

Mahdi Taiebat, University of British Columbia
Dharma Wijewickreme, University of British Columbia
Adda Athanasopoulos-Zekkos, University of Michigan
Ross W. Boulanger, University of California at Davis

Local Organizing Committee

Ali Amini, Naesgaard-Amini Geotechnical, North Vancouver
W.D. Liam Finn, University of British Columbia
Adrian Wightman, BGC Engineering, Vancouver
Alex Sy, Klohn Crippen Berger, Vancouver

Conference Management Team

Wayne Gibson, Gibson Group Management Inc.
Lisa McJunkin, Gibson Group Management Inc.
Emily Fournier, Gibson Group Management Inc.


The abstract and paper review process was made possible by the dedicated contributions
of numerous individuals:

Paper Review Coordinators

Ross Boulanger Kevin Franke Dan Wilson
Jonathan Bray Jim Gingery Dharma Wijewickreme
Craig Davis Jack Montgomery Adda Zekkos
Jason DeJong Ernest Naesgaard
Lijun Deng Mahdi Taiebat

Paper Reviewers
Sam Abbaszadeh Elnaz Esmaeilzadeh Arash Khosravifar
Sean Ahdi Michael Fraser Peter Kirkwood
Abdullah Almutairi Sarah Gaib Tadahiro Kishida
Ali Amini Sivapalan Gajan Jonathan Knappett
Atilla Anasal Vahid Galavi Katsuhiko Koizumi
Donald Anderson Estefan Garcia Takaji Kokusho
Ron Andrus Andreas Gavras Mandy Korff
Richard Armstrong Fani Gelagoti Rallis Kourkoulis
Domniki Asimaki Mason Ghafghazi Chris Krage
Georgios Athanasopoulos Majid Ghayoomi Steve Kramer
Ali Azizian Andreas Giannakogiorgos Henrik Kristiansen
Ariya Balakrishnan Donald Gillespie Dong Youp Kwak
Kasgin Banab Michael Gomez Oh-Sung Kwon
Andres Barrero Christine Goulet Christian Ledezma
Mike Beaty Russell Green Anne Lemnitzer
Christine Beyzaei Rambod Hadidi Erin Leung
Michael Boone Manny Hakhamaneshi Liyun Li
Ross Boulanger Junji Hamada Weidong Li
Scott Brandenberg Bill Hansmire Abbie Liel
Jon Bray Youssef Hashash Wang Lin
Ronald Brinkgreve Bipul Hawlader Bret Lingwall
Ashly Cabas Joe Heavin Jinyuan Liu
Phoebe Cheng George Hu Tong Liu
Brady Cox Jianping Hu Weian Liu
Behrang Dadfar Fiona Hughes Jerry Luo
Karina Dahl Kai-Sing Hui Jorge Macedo
Kate Darby Daniel Hutabarat Andrew Makdisi
Shideh Dashti Koji Ichii Lee Martin
Craig Davis Frederick Jackson Armin Masroor
Lijun Deng Chao Kang Brett Maurer
Ashutosh Dhar Tadashi Kawai Paul Mayne
Andrew Dinsick Amir Kaynia John McCartney
Jennifer Donahue Richard Kelly Christopher McGann
Hesham El Naggar Ali Khosravi Mike Mehrain
Turgut Ersoy Mohammad Khosravi Kami Mohammadi


Gonzalo Montalva Mark Stringer Dimitrios Zekkos
Jack Montgomery Mark Styler Mustapha Zergoun
Robb Moss John Sully Barry Zheng
Ramin Motamed Alex Sy Yanguo Zhou
Diane Moug Mahdi Taiebat Youwei Zhou
Sean Munter Takefumi Takuma Paolo Zimmaro
Ernie Naesgaard Sabanayagam Katerina Ziotopoulou
Charles Ng Thevanayagam Vasiliki Zontanou
Hamidreza Nouri Howard Thomas
Michael Olsen Tetsuo Tobita
Rolando Orense Joe Tom Jr.
Tom ORourke Thaleia Travasarou
Farhang Ostadan Chi-Chin Tsai
Bishnu Pandey Vasiliki Tsaparli
Gislaine Pardo Yoshimichi Tsukamoto
Ender Parra Kyohei Ueda
Nick Paull Uthaya Uthayakumar
Mick Pender Ryosuke Uzuoka
Adam Price Shahriar Vahdani
Amin Rahmani Mathilde Vernay
Ellen Rathje Doug Wahl
Deepak Rayamajhi Kazue Wakamatsu
Mohammad Rayhani Douglas Wallis
Mike Reimer Rui Wang
Adrian Rodriguez-Marek Joe Weber
Cassandra Rutherford Lalinda Weerasekara
Abouzar Sadrekarimi James Wetherill
James Schneider Adrian Wightman
Gaziz Seidalinov Patrick Wilson
Brian Shams Clinton Wood
Lisheng Shao Liam Wotherspoon
Keshab Sharma Li Yan
Jian Shi Dan Yang
Masahiro Shinoda Susumu Yasuda
Sonny Singha Samuel Yniesta
David Siu Nozomu Yoshida
Kumar Sriskandakumar Zia Zafir
Kevin Stanton Saman Zarnani
Jonathan Stewart Adda Zekkos




ConeTec is a full-service geotechnical, environmental, and mining site investigation contractor.
We provide geophysics, CPTu, in-situ testing, drilling, instrumentation, and final data
reporting services. ConeTec has the largest fleet of modern, purpose built deployment
equipment in the industry. All field investigations are performed by specially trained
personnel and supported by experienced site investigation professionals in order to provide
the highest quality site investigation.
We safely solve problems by generating high quality subsurface information used in
geotechnical, environmental, and mining geotechnique. Our team of experts are dedicated to
safe, quality, and efficient site investigations using the best people and equipment.
ConeTec is proud to partner with Mud Bay Drilling and California Push Technologies as
part of the ConeTec family of companies.
Since 1972, Mud Bay Drilling has built a strong reputation with clients in the field of
geotechnical drilling, environmental drilling, and in-situ testing by providing high quality
services in a safe, reliable, and cost effective manner.
Mud Bay Drilling has knowledgeable staff who are experienced with geotechnical and
environmental sampling and decontamination protocols along with the installation of
Mud Bay Drilling joined the ConeTec family of companies in 2015.
Founded in 2006, California Push Technologies (CPT Inc.) uses advanced in-situ
testing equipment including a wide range of seismic cone penetration testing (SCPTu)
probes, soil and groundwater sampling systems, environmental and geophysical tools,
and a fleet of purpose built in-situ testing platforms capable of operating on land,
over water, and in amphibious environments. All field investigations are performed by
specially trained personnel and supported by experienced site investigation engineers
and geologists.
Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, in 2015 CPT Inc. joined the ConeTec family
of companies.
Better Information, Better Decisions




Menard Canada is a nationally renowned specialty contractor, offering proven expertise
in the design and execution of ground improvement and geotechnical solutions since
1971. With offices in Montreal, Vancouver and Toronto, Menard Canada is recognized
as a leader and innovator in the Canadian geotechnical construction industry and has
been in operation for more than four decades.
We pride ourselves on our ability to consistently provide our clients with innovative, high-
quality ground improvement solutions for projects of varying size and complexity. We
also work with owners and foundation / geotechnical consultants to provide packaged
foundation or design-build solutions when suitable for the project.
Design & build is a speciality of ours, with our engineers providing the most cost effective
solutions to optimize the soil-structure interaction.
In 2007, Menard Canada joined the Menard group, a worldwide pioneer in ground
improvement foundation solutions.
Menard is well-known for several innovations in the ground improvement / foundation
industry, which include:
1. Invention of the Pressuremeter in 1957,
2. Dynamic Compaction in 1965,
3. Dynamic Replacement in 1969,
4. Menard Vacuum in 1988
5. Controlled Modulus Columns in 1994.
Today, Menard Canada helps owners, engineers and contractors develop and implement
tailored geotechnical solutions to each projects specific requirements. Our inventive
solutions are custom-designed to respond to environmental and civil engineering challenges
involving soil, structures and ground water.
We strive to exceed the expectations of our clients by proposing solutions with high
technological value to help improve the performance and durability of each structure.
Our goal has been & will always be to bridge the gap between problems & solutions.
Our innovative engineers are at your service providing clients with value engineering in
all sectors.



Tonkin + Taylor (T+T) is a multi-disciplinary consultancy specialising in geotechnical
earthquake engineering, operating across New Zealand and the Asia-Pacific region.
The Canterbury Earthquake Sequence (CES) and last years Hurunui/Kaikoura
earthquake demonstrate New Zealands seismic complexity. Major fault lines run the
length of the country: Our largest fault, the Hikurangi subduction zone, lies east of the
North Island at the convergence of the Pacific tectonic and Australian plates.
Coupled with complex geology, unstable slopes and extensive areas of liquefaction-
susceptible alluvial deposits, New Zealands seismic challenges present consistent
opportunities. T+Ts expanding team of highly specialised geotechnical engineers are
able to unleash their creativity and innovation in the design of the geotechnical aspects
of buildings, as well as new and replacement infrastructure. Their contributions to
earthquake science are substantial.
T+Ts largest client is the Earthquake Commission (EQC), the countrys largest
insurer of land. Our CES work for EQC allowed T+T geotechnical engineers to closely
collaborate with top NZ and US academics to create a pioneering body of work around
liquefaction. That experience continues to influence our principles of natural hazards
resilient infrastructure planning and design, while driving an on-going exploration of
new techniques and technologies.
Exciting times lie ahead for T+T and New Zealand at large. The economic future looks
bright: Treasury expects average GDP growth of 3.1% a year over the next five years.
This is reflected in the New Zealand Governments 30-year infrastructure plan, which
predicts unprecedented investment in infrastructure over the next 10 years.
There will be many geotechnical challenges and opportunities, including clients fiscal
constraints and evolving requirements. To meet and exceed those needs will require
inspired thinking from the T+T team.
T+T is honoured to be a platinum sponsor of the Vancouver PBD III Conference. We
hope that you will find our representatives engineering contributions both informative
and useful.




BGC Engineering Inc. (BGC) is an international consulting firm that provides
professional services in applied earth sciences. Our practice was established in 1990,
based on a specialized appreciation of the impacts of geology on engineered structures.
This continues to be our foundation today, enabling us to address a broad spectrum of
engineering and environmental issues related to development in challenging terrain.
BGC is composed of over 350 professional engineers, geoscientists, technicians and
support staff who provide a full range of investigation, design, and construction review
services in the applied earth sciences. We currently operate from seven Canadian offices
in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia; two US offices
in Colorado; and one South American office in Chile.
BGCs assignments range from pre-feasibility level studies and routing evaluations to
detailed design, construction inspection and independent third-party review. We also
provide services supporting and coordinating environmental impact studies, permitting
and financial agency review.
BGC is a private, employee owned company with a flat management structure. All of
BGC works together as one team, with coordination and integration of all offices and
technical disciplines. This One Team approach gives every client access to all of BGCs
resources, and allows us to assemble the best team of professional and support staff for
each and every project, regardless of the project location.


Exp Services Inc., a Canadian operating company, is one of North Americas largest
engineering and consulting firms. Its 3000 employees in 80 offices provide professional,
technical and strategic engineering services in six key practice areas: Earth & Environment,
Buildings, Energy, Industrial, Infrastructure, and Sustainability. The E & E practice provides
comprehensive geotechnical, environmental and materials testing services to Clients, ranging
from field explorations, laboratory testing to engineering analysis, design recommendations
and construction review services for transportation, infrastructure, dams/dikes, marine,
resource developments and building projects.
Our vision is to create vibrant, sustainable communities. We are an integrated, motivated
team working together with all types of clients, on projects big and small; locally, regionally,
nationally, globally. We offer services from strategic advice, through planning and design,
to construction and beyond to asset support, decommissioning and renewal. Whatever
stage a project is in, were the long-term partner that our Client can count on.


Klohn Crippen Berger Ltd. (KCB) is an international engineering, geoscience and envi-
ronmental consulting firm with its head office in Vancouver and nine offices in strategic
locations in Canada, Australia, Peru and Brazil. We have a strong reputation for quality
and technical excellence in a range of services including mining, power and transportation,
water resources, oil sands, environmental, and oil and gas. Since forming in 1951, we have
a long history of participation in local projects, as well as a strong international reputation
and are working on some of the largest, most challenging engineering projects, both na-
tionally and internationally.
KCB has over 65 years of participation in some of the largest and most challenging engi-
neering projects in the world and we are currently working on projects in over 20 countries.
Our commitment to excellence is the driving force behind everything we do and, as a
result, we are the recipient of over 50 national and international awards for major projects.



Knight Pisold is a global, multidisciplinary consulting firm that provides comprehensive
geotechnical engineering services, from investigations and design to construction and
operations, for the mining, power, water resources, and infrastructure industries. We
tailor investigations to the unique geotechnical conditions of each project site and
provide an appropriate level of planning and design for the requirements of each client.
We have an integrated, technically strong geotechnical team that is ready to support
clients wherever their projects are located.






ConeTec is a full-service geotechnical and environmental site
investigation contractor. We safely solve problems by utilizing
the best people and equipment to generate high quality
subsurface information used in geotechnical, environmental,
and mining geotechnique.


Since 1972 Foundex has provided specialty drilling services
to the geotechnical, construction, environmental, resource
and ground improvement industries. Offering a full range of
truck, track and heli-portable drilling, in-situ sampling, testing
methods, with exceptional crews.


The FLIP programs (Finite Element Analysis Program of
Liquefaction Process) are comprehensive computer codes
for evaluating seismic performance of soil-structure systems,
including liquefaction. Those who want to use the FLIP
programs, apply for the Membership.


GEO-SLOPE has been developing state-of-the-art software
for geotechnical and geo-environmental modeling since 1977
for small engineering firms, large multi-national corporations,
government agencies, regulatory commissions and universities
from our head office in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

GeoStabilization focuses on bringing new technologies to the
geohazard repair industry to reduce project time, cost, and
minimize environmental impact. Through training, experience,
and this founding philosophy, we are most qualified and
experienced in the industry.


Geotech Group of Companies (Geotech Drilling Services Ltd.,
and Gregg Drilling and Testing Canada Ltd.), has extensive
experience in onshore and offshore drilling and CPT investigations
with over 45 years of combined experience throughout the world.


Itasca is an engineering consulting and software firm, focusing
on geomechanical, hydrogeological, and microseismics
projects. Itascas software (3DEC, FLAC, FLAC3D, Griddle,
UDEC, and PFC) are among the most widely used and
respected software available.

Keller is the worlds leading geotechnical solutions provider.
Our industry leadership is driven by our strategically connected
network of outstanding companies, including Hayward
Baker and Geo-Foundations who specialize in earthquake
engineering solutions.


Menard Canada, previously known as Geopac, is renowned for
its design and execution of soil improvement and geotechnical
solutions. With over four decades of distinguished ground
improvement experience, Menard offers technical expertise
throughout each phase of project development. Menard
Canadas solutions are specialized in techniques and extensive
in applications.


Mobile Augers and Research Ltd. is a leading geotechnical /
environmental site investigation firm, providing a full range of
professional series, including sonic, limited-access, auger, rotary/
coring, held-portable and horizontal drilling. Outstanding
service you can rely on.


Since 1972, Mud Bay Drilling has built a strong reputation
with our clients in geotechnical drilling, environmental
drilling and in-situ testing by providing high quality services
in a timely, reliable, and cost effective manner.


PLAXIS is industry-leading software for design and analysis
in geotechnical engineering. PLAXIS is unique as it combines
versatility, sophistication, and user-friendliness. PLAXIS
has a dedicated module for dynamic analysis and earthquake
engineering, including liquefaction.


POLY-MOR employs a number expanding polymer resin
systems to (a) Void-Fill; (b)) Slab-Lift; (c) Stabilize weak base
soils; (d) Leak-Seal; (e) Thermal Reinforced Polymer bases; (f )
Retro-Fit hollow core block walls against seismic activity.


Main Building, Lobby Level



In addition to the comprehensive plenary and technical program, PBD-III Vancouver 2017
will provide opportunities for delegates to meet, mingle and get to know their professional
colleagues in a relaxed setting, outside of the technical and business streams.
Be sure to join us at the following:

Ice Breaker and Exhibitor Reception

Sunday, July 16, 17:00 - 19:00
The Westin Bayshore Bayshore Grand Foyer
Join us for cocktails and hors doeuvres while catching up with old colleagues and meeting
new acquaintances. Held in the Trade Show Hall, the Sunday Ice Breaker is the perfect
opportunity to meet both local and international conference delegates and exhibitors!

Local Fun Night at the Vancouver Aquarium

Tuesday, July 18, 19:00 - 22:00
Vancouver Aquarium (Continuous shuttle service begins at
18:45 running from/to the Westin Bayshore lobby entrance)
The PBD-III Vancouver 2017 featured social evening will
be held at the Vancouver Aquarium situated in Vancouvers
iconic Stanley Park. Delegates will be able to mingle with
friends and colleagues while experiencing one of Canadas
premier marine and freshwater aquaria venues. Cocktails and
canaps will be served throughout the evening as guests are
encouraged to explore the diverse range of interactive exhib-
its, displays, and interpretation centres that have made the
aquarium a renowned Vancouver destination.


Geotechnical Engineering in Mountainous Terrain
Opportunities and Hazards
Thursday, July 20, 7:00 - 17:30
Departure Point The Westin Bayshore Lobby (please arrive by 6:45)
We still have space available for Thursdays
technical tour that will explore the engineer-
ing opportunities and hazards associated with
living in, or even just travelling through, BCs
mountainous terrain.
The spectacular Sea to Sky Highway winds its
way through British Columbias Coast Moun-
tains from Vancouver to Pemberton, passing
through Squamish and Whistler. The highway
travels along precariously steep rock slopes above Howe Sound, then along the raging
Squamish and Cheakamus Rivers, past stunning waterfalls and glacier capped peaks.
Historically, the highway corridor has been susceptible to frequent landslides, chan-
nelized debris flows, and structurally controlled rockslides, sometimes with devastating
consequences, prior to recent highway upgrades. The tour will include stops at several
landslide mitigation features, including a debris flow flume, retaining structures, sections
of extensive rock slope stabilization and drapes. Well also take the beautiful Sea to Sky
Gondola to gain a wider perspective on the regional geomorphology, as well as majestic
views of the Howe Sound fjord.
In recent years, significant highway improvements were undertaken to widen sections of
the highway from two lanes to four and to improve safety. Given the extreme topogra-
phy, much of the highway was built on steep slopes along Howe Sound. Innovative foun-
dation solutions were required to overcome the constraints of steep rock slopes above the
road, steep slopes below, and the existence of a CN railway line at the base of the slope.
On top of all that, the road had to remain open to traffic throughout construction.
Our tour will include stops at several points along the highway illustrating typical foun-
dation solutions, including rock anchorages for piers founded on steep rock to support
cantilevered sections of road deck, concrete starter walls anchored to the steep rock to
support MSE walls, and MSE walls founded directly over existing rock fill slopes.
At our turn-around point in Whistler, well stop at the Fitzsimmons Creek Debris Barrier
and the Fitzsimmons Creek Hydroelectric Project, both innovative designs incorporating
a number of fascinating solutions to geotechnical hazards and hydroelectric opportunities.
If you want your fill of beautiful, natural British Columbia all in one day, this is the
tour for you.


Sunday, July 16, 2017
Delegate Registration: 11:00 - 19:00 (Bayshore Grand Foyer - North)
Speaker Presentation Desk: 12:00 - 18:00 (Fraser)
Opening Remarks: 14:00 - 14:30 (Salon D/E)
Ross W. Boulanger and Dharma Wijewickreme
Plenary Keynotes: 14:30 - 15:30 (Salon D/E)
Peter Robertson - Evaluation of Flow Liquefaction: Influence of High Stress
George Gazetas - The 2014 Cephalonia Twin Earthquake: Source Mechanics and Soil
Effects on Monuments and Quay Walls
Perspectives Interview: 16:00 - 17:00 (Salon D/E)
Moderator: Scott Ashford with Professors W.D.L. Finn, I.M. Idriss, & K. Ishihara
Ice Breaker & Exhibitor Reception: 17:00 - 19:00
(Trade Show Hall - Bayshore Grand Foyer)
TC-203 Committee Meeting: 19:00 - 19:30 (Mackenzie)

Monday, July 17, 2017

Delegate Registration: 7:30 - 18:00 (Bayshore Grand Foyer - North)
Speaker Presentation Desk: 7:30 - 18:00 (Fraser)
Delegate Continental Breakfast: 7:30 - 8:15 (Salon A/B & Trade Show Hall -
Bayshore Grand Foyer)
Plenary Keynotes: 8:30 - 10:00 (Salon D/E)
Susumu Iai - Performance of Port Structures during Earthquakes
Steve Kramer - Applicability of Sliding Block Analyses to Lateral Spreading Problems
Misko Cubrinovski - System Response of Liquefiable Deposits
Trade Show: 10:00 - 17:45 (Bayshore Grand Foyer)
Monday AM Technical Sessions: 10:30 - 12:30
Liquefaction I (Salon D/E)
Ground Motions & Site Effects I (Salon C)
Retaining & Underground Structures (Salon F)
Numerical Analyses (Mackenzie)
Challenging Deposits (Seymour)
Delegate Lunch: 12:30 - 13:45 (Salon A/B & Trade Show Hall - Bayshore Grand Foyer)
Monday PM Technical Sessions: 13:45 - 15:45
Liquefaction II (Salon D/E)
Ground Motions & Site Effects II (Salon C)
Underground Structures I (Salon F)
Dynamic Analyses (Mackenzie)
Challenging Soils (Seymour)
Poster Session & Exhibitor Reception: 15:45 - 17:45 (Salon A/B & Trade Show Hall -
Bayshore Grand Foyer)


Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Delegate Registration: 7:30 - 18:00 (Bayshore Grand Foyer - North)
Speaker Presentation Desk: 7:30 - 18:00 (Fraser)
Delegate Continental Breakfast: 7:30 - 8:15 (Salon A/B & Trade Show Hall -
Bayshore Grand Foyer)
Plenary Keynotes: 8:30 - 10:00 (Salon D/E)
Ross W. Boulanger - Remediation of Liquefaction Effects for an Embankment using
Soil-cement Walls: Centrifuge and Numerical Modeling
Kohji Tokimatsu - Liquefaction-induced Settlement and Tilting of Buildings with Spread
Foundation based on Field Observation and Laboratory Experiments
Jonathan D. Bray - Key Trends in Assessing Liquefaction-Induced Building Settlement
Trade Show: 10:00 - 17:45 (Bayshore Grand Foyer)
Tuesday AM Technical Sessions: 10:30 - 12:30
Liquefaction III (Salon D/E)
Ground Motions & Site Effects III (Salon C)
Underground Structures II (Salon F)
Offshore & Nearshore (Mackenzie)
Embankments, Levees & Slopes I (Seymour)
Delegate Lunch: 12:30 - 13:45 (Salon A/B & Trade Show Hall - Bayshore Grand Foyer)
Tuesday PM Technical Sessions: 13:45 - 15:45
Liquefaction Case Histories (Salon D/E)
Seismic Hazard Assessments (Salon C)
Soil-structure Interaction I (Salon F)
GeoSystems (Mackenzie)
Embankments, Levees & Slopes II (Seymour)
Plenary Keynote: 16:15 - 16:45 (Salon D/E)
Kenneth Stokoe - Dynamic Properties of Soils: In situ and Laboratory Testing Developments
Plenary Panel & Discussion: 16:45 - 17:45 (Salon D/E)
Moderator: Steve Kramer with Panelists Amir Kaynia, Alex Sy, Ikuo Towhata,
Thaleia Travasarou, & Sjoerd van Ballegooy - Challenges for Performance Based Design
Local Fun Night at the Vancouver Aquarium: 19:00 - 22:00
Shuttle service from the Westin Bayshore commences at 18:45


Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Delegate Registration: 7:30 - 18:00 (Bayshore Grand Foyer - North)
Speaker Presentation Desk: 7:30 - 13:30 (Bayshore Grand Foyer - North)
Delegate Continental Breakfast: 7:30 - 8:15 (Salon A/B & Bayshore Grand Foyer)
Plenary Keynotes: 8:30 - 10:00 (Salon D/E)
Ellen Rathje - Ground Motion Models for Earthquake Events in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas
Ramon Verdugo - Seismic Site Classification
Takaji Kokusho - Liquefaction Evaluation Directly Comparing Upward Wave Energy
with Dissipated Energy
Wednesday AM Technical Sessions: 10:30 - 12:30
Liquefaction Procedures I (Salon D/E)
Resiliency, Mapping & Assessment (Salon C)
Soil-structure Interaction II (Salon F)
Shallow Foundations I (Mackenzie)
Ground Improvement (Seymour)
Delegate Lunch: 12:30 - 13:45 (Salon A/B & Bayshore Grand Foyer)
Wednesday PM Technical Sessions: 13:45 - 15:45
Liquefaction Procedures II (Salon D/E)
PBD Codes & Guidance (Salon C)
Soil-structure Interaction III (Salon F)
Shallow Foundations II (Mackenzie)
Waterfront Structures (Seymour)
Plenary Keynotes: 16:15 - 17:45 (Salon D/E)
Brady R. Cox - Realistically accounting for Vs uncertainty in seismic site response analyses
using the experimental site signature: A case study of the Garner Valley downhole array
Dharma Wijewickreme - Response of Natural Fine-grained Soils for Seismic Design
Practice: A Collection of Research Findings from British Columbia, Canada
Thomas ORourke - Retrofitting Utilities for Earthquake-Induced Ground Deformations
Closing Remarks: 17:45 - 18:00 (Salon D/E)
Ross W. Boulanger and Dharma Wijewickreme


Time Sunday July 16, 2017

Opening Remarks
14:00 - 14:30 Ross Boulanger & Dharma Wijewickreme
Salon D/E

Plenary Keynote - Peter Robertson

Evaluation of Flow Liquefaction: Influence of High Stress
Salon D/E

14:30 - 15:30

Plenary Keynote - George Gazetas

The 2014 Cephalonia Twin Earthquake: Source Mechanics and Soil Effects on Monuments and Quay Walls
Salon D/E

Perspectives Interview
Moderator: Scott Ashford
16:00 - 17:00
W.D.L. Finn, I.M. Idriss, & K. Ishihara
Salon D/E

17:00 - 19:00 Ice Breaker & Exhibitor Reception - Bayshore Grand Foyer

19:00 - 19:30 TC203 Committee Meeting - Salon D/E



Time Monday July 17, 2017
Plenary Keynote - Susumu Iai
Performance of Port Structures during Earthquakes
Salon D/E
Plenary Keynote - Steve Kramer
8:30 - 10:00 Applicability of Sliding Block Analyses to Lateral Spreading Problems
Salon D/E
Plenary Keynote - Misko Cubrinovski
System Response of Liquefiable Deposits
Salon D/E
10:00 - 10:30 Refreshment Break - Bayshore Grand Foyer


Salon D/E Salon C Salon F Mackenzie Seymour

Ground Motions Retaining & Underground

10:30 - 12:30 Liquefaction I Numerical Analyses Challenging Deposits
& Site Effects I Structures

12:30 - 13:45 Lunch - Salon A/B & Bayshore Grand Foyer

Ground Motions
13:45 - 15:45 Liquefaction II Underground Structures I Dynamic Analyses Challenging Soils
& Site Effects II

15:45 - 16:15 Refreshment Break - Bayshore Grand Foyer

15:45 - 17:45 Poster Session & Reception - Salon A/B & Bayshore Grand Foyer
Time Monday July 17, 2017
Salon D/E Salon C Salon F Mackenzie Seymour

Ground Motions Retaining & Underground

Liquefaction I Numerical Analyses Challenging Deposits
& Site Effects I Structures
(pp 44 - 47) (pp 53 - 57) (pp 57 - 61)
(pp 47 - 50) (pp 51 - 53)

489 - Gang Wang 523 - Mahdi Taiebat 528 - Lanmin Wang

519 - Mitsu Okamura Nick Sitar
10:30 - 11:00 Large-scale simulation of ground motion Multi-directional cyclic shearing of clays and A Performance-Based Design Method of
Liquefaction resistance of sand with
Theme Speakers amplification considering 3D topography sands: evaluation of two bounding surface Loess Slopes under the Coupling Effects of
preshaking history Seismic performance of MSE walls
and subsurface soils plasticity models Earthquakes and Rainfalls

366 - Liquefaction susceptibility and

534 - Effect of multiple shaking events on 257 - Optimized performance of MSE
290 - 3-D simulation of hanging wall effect 479 - Cyclic Response of Clay Deposits: triggering potential of the Wakatipu varved
11:00 - 11:18 cone penetration resistances in saturated retaining walls subjected to extreme ground
at dam site Developing a Constitutive Model lake sediments in Queenstown, New
sand shaking

251 - Is There a Basin Effect in Mexico City? 458 - A study on the fundamental
462 - Analysis vs Centrifuge Seismic 209 - Geologic and geomorphic influences
214 - Liquefaction Hazard of Reclaimed Land Validation of Three Urban Lakebed Sites performance of a new constitutive model
11:18 - 11:36 Experiments for U-shaped Cantilever on the spatial extent of lateral spreading in
in a Low to Moderate Seismicity Region Using Nonlinear Site Response Analysis for clay based on the framework of the
Retaining Walls Christchurch, New Zealand
Provides the Clue strain space multiple mechanism model

208 - Incorporating Soil Nonlinearity into

396 - Effects of soil stratigraphy on dynamic 169 - Swamp Depositional Environment
428 - Liquefaction Evidence in the Chilean Physics-Based Ground Motion Simulation 104 - A double-hyperbolic model and shear
11:36 - 11:54 soil-structure interaction behavior of large Effects on Liquefaction Performance in
Subduction Zone through Site-Specific Ground Response strength of soil for seismic response analysis
underground structures Christchurch, New Zealand

353 - Numerical simulation of unsaturated 216 - Influence of geometric, geologic,

233 - Liquefaction modelling of a strong 121 - Ground motion site amplification 310 - Limit states determination for a
cyclic triaxial test considering effect of void geomorphic and subsurface ground
11:54 - 12:12 motion station in Christchurch, New factors for deep soil deposits sites in Indo- subway station structure by incremental
change and scanning soil water conditions on the accuracy of empirical
Zealand Gangetic Basin dynamic analysis
characteristic curve models for prediction of lateral spreading

203 - Influence of age on liquefaction

510 - A numerical study of the effect of 145 - 3D Numerical Simulation of Seismic 289 - Comparison of several non-linear soil
268 - Performance of Chilean sites under resistance of Holocene alluvial and marine
12:12 - 12:30 moisture content on induced ground Characteristics of Atrium-style Metro models in a ground response analysis for a
strong earthquake shaking soils in Christchurch and Kaiapoi, New
vibration during dynamic compaction Station typical sand and clay profile



Time Monday July 17, 2017
Salon D/E Salon C Salon F Mackenzie Seymour

Ground Motions
Liquefaction II Underground Structures I Dynamic Analyses Challenging Soils
& Site Effects II
(pp 61 - 64) (pp 69 - 74) (pp 74 - 77) (pp 78 - 81)
(pp 65 - 68)

514 - Yoshimichi Tsukamoto 527 - Kyriazis Pitilakis 546 - Ernest Naesgaard 404 - Kyle Rollins
529 - Domniki Asimaki
13:45 - 14:15 Influence of degree of saturation on On the transversal seismic response and UBCSAND1 An effective stress model for Liquefaction Evaluation at a Gravel Site
On the complexity of seismic waves trapped
Theme Speakers liquefaction resistance and undrained shear analysis of shallow rectangular and circular sand and clays subjected to earthquake using the Dynamic Penetration Test and the
in non-flat geologic features
strength of silty sands tunnels loading Becker Penetration Test


416 - Two-dimensional effective stress
384 - Influence of Misfit of Desired Damping 373 - Dynamic SSI Analyses of the 471 - Effects of stress state on the cyclic
132 - Influence of saturation degree on soil analyses of consolidation and
14:15 - 14:33 Response in Nonlinear Ground Response Headworks Reservoir West Using 2.5D response of mine tailings and its impact on
liquefaction behavior corresponding seismic responses of clay
Analysis Computational Procedure expanding a tailings impoundment

455 - Effects of soil stiffness and depth on 409 - Performance Based Design with 3D 469 - Pore Pressure Generation of Pea
361 - Performance of various granular soils 494 - Nonlinear seismic response analysis of
14:33 - 14:51 the seismic response of sites in total and dynamic SSI and FSI analysis for large buried Gravel, Sand, and Gravel-Sand Mixtures in
in most dense state single pile in sand
effective stress analyses water storage reservoirs Constant Volume Simple Shear

499 - Aging Effect on Liquefaction 270 - Evergreen Line Rapid Transit Project:
158 - Liquefaction resistance of sand
Resistance versus S-wave velocity by means 482 - Proxy-Based VS30 Prediction in Alaska 393 - Seismic earth pressures Experiments Seismic analysis of the ground improved by
14:51 - 15:09 improved with calcite precipitation at
of Laboratory Triaxial Tests with Bender Accounting for Limited Regional Data and Analyses timber piles for support of an MSE
different degree of saturation
Element embankment

297 - A comparison of CPT-VS correlations 335 - Nonlinear Soil-Pile Foundation-

127 - Effect of surface layer condition using
using a liquefaction case history database 103 - Centrifuge modeling of racking Structure Interaction in Liquefied and 120 - Field trial benchmark of shell
15:09 - 15:27 grid-wall soil improvement as liquefaction
from the 2010-2011 Canterbury Earthquake deformations of box culverts Laterally Spreading Ground during correction factor for Dubai calcareous sand
Sequence Earthquakes

181 - Application of the P-Wave

386 - Dynamic Centrifuge Test of an 198 - Numerical study for performance- 136 - Comparison of CPT-Vs Relations
Seismogram Method for VS30 382 - Lateral pressures on underground stiff
15:27 - 15:45 Embankment on Liquefiable Soil Reinforced based design of piled raft with grid-form Developed for Loess and General
Characterization of Texas, Oklahoma, and box structures from sinusoidal motions
with SoilCement Walls DMWs under large earthquake load Christchurch New Zealand Soils Using SCPTu
Time Tuesday July 18, 2017
Plenary Keynote - Ross Boulanger
Remediation of Liquefaction Effects for an Embankment using Soil-cement Walls: Centrifuge and Numerical Modeling
Salon D/E
Plenary Keynote - Kohji Tokimatsu
8:30 - 10:00 Liquefaction-induced Settlement and Tilting of Buildings with Spread Foundation based on Field Observation and Laboratory Experiments
Salon D/E
Plenary Keynote - Jonathan D. Bray
Key Trends in Assessing Liquefaction-Induced Building Settlement
Salon D/E
10:00 - 10:30 Refreshment Break - Bayshore Grand Foyer
Salon D/E Salon C Salon F Mackenzie Seymour

Ground Motions Embankments,

10:30 - 12:30 Liquefaction III Underground Structures II Offshore & Nearshore
& Site Effects III Levees & Slopes I

12:30 - 13:45 Lunch - Salon A/B & Bayshore Grand Foyer

13:45 - 15:45 Liquefaction Case Histories Seismic Hazard Assessments Soil-structure Interaction I GeoSystems
Levees & Slopes II

15:45 - 16:15 Refreshment Break - Bayshore Grand Foyer

Plenary Keynote - Kenneth Stokoe
16:15 - 16:45 Dynamic Properties of Soils: In situ and Laboratory Testing Developments
Salon D/E
Plenary Panel & Discussion - Challenges for Performance Based Design
Moderator: Steve Kramer
16:45 - 17:45

Amir Kaynia, Alex Sy, Ikuo Towhata, Thaleia Travasarou, & Sjoerd van Ballegooy
Salon D/E

19:00 - 22:00 Local Fun Night at the Vancouver Aquarium


Time Tuesday July 18, 2017
Salon D/E Salon C Salon F Mackenzie Seymour

Ground Motions Embankments,

Liquefaction III Underground Structures II Offshore & Nearshore
& Site Effects III Levees & Slopes I
(pp 113 - 116) (pp 120 - 121) (pp 121 - 124)
(pp 116 - 119) (pp 125 - 129)

200 - Panagiota Tasiopoulou 305 - Youssef Hashash 165 - Francesco Silvestri

531 - Atilla Ansal 517 - Amir M. Kaynia
10:30 - 11:00 Evaluation of Liquefaction Triggering Seismic Performance Evaluation of Interpreting the deformation phenomena of
2D Site Response Analysis of the Istanbul Earthquake response of offshore wind
Theme Speakers Resistance and Deformation Accumulation Underground Structures Past Practice and a levee damaged during the 2012 Emilia
Rapid Response Network turbines
in Laminated Sand and Clay Deposits Future Trends earthquake


138 - Seismic Soil-Structure Interaction
144 - Examining the assumption of 431 - Post-Cyclic Settlements of a Levee
106 - Comparison of liquefaction triggering Analysis of Steel Gravity Structure
11:00 - 11:18 homogeneous horizontal layers within Structure on Organic Soil during Centrifuge
curves with laboratory and in-situ tests Considering Nonlinear Foundation
seismic site response analysis Testing
Panel & Discussion Response
Moderator: Craig Davis
Panelists: C. Davis, S. Dashti,
S. Brandeburg, Y. Hashash,
K. Pitilakis, & N. Sitar 311 - Finite-Element Modeling of Axial
137 - Shear strength and liquefaction 179 - Field trials on soft grouting barriers to 402 - Mine Tailings Dams from Seismic
11:18 - 11:36 Cyclic Loads on Piles for Offshore Wind
resistance of sand mixed with biochar mitigate vibrations effects Ground Motions
Turbine Foundations

118 - Evaluation of applicability for 247 - Ground motion amplification for 249 - Numerical Analysis of Hybrid 110 - Characterization and Seismic
11:36 - 11:54 liquefaction research method using various canyon topographies with different input Foundation for Next Generation Offshore Performance Evaluation of Bouquet Canyon
types of sounding equipment motions Wind Turbines in Deep Waters Dam No. 1

436 - Evaluation of the trench backfill

475 - Empirical and numerical analyses of 530 - Reliability of Simplified Newmark-Type
particle size effects on the development of 412 - Estimating ground motions from past
11:54 - 12:12 soil liquefaction around buried offshore Methods in Performance-based Seismic
soil restraints on buried pipelines subjected earthquakes for levees founded on soft soils
pipelines Design of Embankments
to relative ground movement

141 - Liquefaction Induced Uplift of 368 - A performance based design for the
227 - Evaluating and reporting uncertainty 403 - Seismic Deformation Analyses of the
12:12 - 12:30 Pipelines: Numerical Modeling and Deira Islands coastal structures and
in downhole shear wave velocities Existing Shoreline at Treasure Island
Parametric Analyses breakwaters, Dubai
Time Tuesday July 18, 2017
Salon D/E Salon C Salon F Mackenzie Seymour
Liquefaction Case Histories Seismic Hazard Assessments Soil-structure Interaction I GeoSystems
Levees & Slopes II
(pp 129 - 132) (pp 132 - 135) (pp 136 - 139) (pp 139 - 142)
(pp 143 - 146)

541 - Brendon Bradley

On-going challenges in physics-based 449 - Juan M. Mayoral 542 - Adda A-Zekkos
13:45 - 14:15 Sjoerd van Ballegooy 432 - Jonathan Paul Stewart
ground motion prediction and insights from Regional subsidence effects on seismic soil- Laboratory and In-Situ Assessment of
Theme Speakers Liquefaction Lessons from Christchurch System Reliability of Flood Control Levees
the 2010-2011 Canterbury and 2016 structure interaction in soft clay Liquefaction of Gravelly Soils
Kaikoura, New Zealand earthquakes

276 - Hazard mapping of earthquake-

171 - Assessment of Liquefaction in 454 - Influence area on the end bearing
271 - Rapid Automation of Performance- 115 - Uplift resistance of buried pipes with induced landslides for three scenario
14:15 - 14:33 Residential Areas During The 2016 Mw6.4 capacity of a pile in three-dimensional
Based GeoSeismic Analysis in the Digital Age varied cross sections earthquakes by using Lidar DEM and
Meinong Earthquake in Taiwan analysis under various soil conditions
airborne resistivity data

213 - Liquefaction-induced damage to 262 - Dynamic Soil Structure Interaction

143 - Shaking Table Test of Deep Buried 304 - Reliability-based seismic stability
houses and site characterization in Urayasu 256 - An Updated Probabilistic Seismic Analysis of A Large Number of Buildings due
14:33 - 14:51 Pipeline under Multi-support and Multi- analysis of reinforced slopes with
City during the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, Hazard Assessment for Mexico City to Induced Seismicity in The Groningen
dimensional Earthquake Excitations noncircular slip surface
Japan Region

279 - Mechanism of liquefaction-induced

211 - Ground motion selection and 421 - Earthquake Induced Lateral
settlement of wooden houses based on 109 - Insight into dynamic soil-pile-structure 495 - Seismic performance of slopes in
14:51 - 15:09 acceptance criteria when multiple seismic deformation of a Pile-Supported System in
depth distribution of liquefaction strength interaction analysis of an industrial facility northern Canada
sources contribute to MCE ground motions Unsaturated Sand
of reclaimed land

261 - A Rupture to Rafters Approach using

516 - Case History: Observed Liquefaction 226 - Investigation on wing resistance of a 123 - Distributed tilt sensors for an early
172 - PSHA-based scenario earthquakes and Advanced Nonlinear Soil-Structure-
15:09 - 15:27 and its Evaluation after the April 16, 2016, pile with a wing plate based on centrifuge warning monitoring of earthquake-induced
earthquake weighting factors Interaction Analysis for Performance-Based
Mw7.8 Muisne, Pedernales Earthquake model tests landslides and slope failures
Earthquake Design

134 - Liquefaction-induced river levee 376 - Simplified procedure for estimating

202 - A practical study on the induced 317 - Centrifuge Shaking Table Test on Pile
failure during 2011 Great East Japan 113 - Displacement-Based Downdrag seismic permanent displacements of
15:27 - 15:45 seismicity in Groningen and the seismic Foundation Combined with Soil-cement
Earthquake: case history with Swedish Analysis for Pile Design engineered slopes on liquefiable soils with
response of a masonry structure Mixing Walls as Permanent Pile
weight sounding tests stone columns


Time Wednesday July 19, 2017
Plenary Keynote - Ellen Rathje
Ground Motion Models for Earthquake Events in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas
Salon D/E
Plenary Keynote - Ramon Verdugo
8:30 - 10:00 Seismic Site Classification
Salon D/E
Plenary Keynote - Takaji Kokusho
Liquefaction Evaluation Directly Comparing Upward Wave Energy with Dissipated Energy
Salon D/E
10:00 - 10:30 Refreshment Break - Bayshore Grand Foyer


Salon D/E Salon C Salon F Mackenzie Seymour

Resiliency, Mapping Soil-structure Interaction

10:30 - 12:30 Liquefaction Procedures I Shallow Foundations I Ground Improvement
& Assessment II

12:30 - 13:45 Lunch - Salon A/B & Bayshore Grand Foyer

Soil-structure Interaction
13:45 - 15:45 Liquefaction Procedures II PBD Codes & Guidance Shallow Foundations II Waterfront Structures

15:45 - 16:15 Refreshment Break - Bayshore Grand Foyer

Plenary Keynote - Brady R. Cox (Young Researcher Award Presentation)
Realistically accounting for Vs uncertainty in seismic site response analyses using the experimental site signature: A case study of the Garner Valley downhole array
Salon D/E
Plenary Keynote - Dharma Wijewickreme
16:15 - 17:45 Response of Natural Fine-grained Soils for Seismic Design Practice: A Collection of Research Findings from British Columbia, Canada
Salon D/E
Plenary Keynote - Thomas O'Rourke
Retrofitting Utilities for Earthquake-Induced Ground Deformations

Salon D/E

17:45 - 18:00 Closing Remarks

Time Wednesday July 19, 2017
Salon D/E Salon C Salon F Mackenzie Seymour

Resiliency, Mapping Soil-structure Interaction

Liquefaction Procedures I Shallow Foundations I Ground Improvement
& Assessment II
(pp 147 - 150) (pp 158 - 161) (pp 162 - 166)
(pp 150 - 155) (pp 155 - 158)

320 - Jason DeJong 355 - Ikuo Towhata 332 - Michael John Pender 273 - Susumu Yasuda
Ahmed Elgamal
10:30 - 11:00 Comparison of Becker Penetration Test Application of Geotechnical Experience for One dimensional moment-rotation Appropriate measures to prevent the
Nonlinear dynamic analysis of soil-structure
Theme Speakers Interpretation Methods in Characterization of People Activities after 2011 Tohoku macroelement for performance based liquefaction-induced inclination of existing
Gravelly Soil Deposits Earthquake design of shallow foundations houses

512 - Tools for rapid seismic response

394 - Comparison of rocking behavior 230 - Mitigation of liquefaction disaster by
481 - Soil Liquefaction Screening using CPT assessment of strategic facilities under GIS 252 - Seismic demand on piles in sites prone
11:00 - 11:18 between conventional and new-type of grid-wall soil improvement in Urayasu City,
Effect of non-plastic silt content environment: applications to Italian to liquefaction-induced lateral spreading
shallow foundations via centrifuge tests Japan
seaports and embankment dams

215 - Performance of Rammed Aggregate

193 - A Study of Seismic Behavior of 241 - 1-g Shaking Table Tests and Numerical
282 - CRR Versus N Curve For Liquefaction 417 - Fragility functions for performance- Piers as a soil densification method in sandy
11:18 - 11:36 Transmission Tower Foundations During the Simulation of Rocking Phenomenon of
Assessment Of Clean Sands based ground failure due to soil liquefaction and silty soils: experience from the
2011 Tohoku Earthquake Shallow Foundation on Liquefiable Soils
Christchurch rebuild

185 - Liquefaction Hazard Mapping 204 - Bearing Capacity of Strip Footings in

533 - Effects of spatial variability on the Liquefaction Vulnerability Mapping for a 163 - Partitioning the displacement Regions of Medium Seismicity: Reappraisal 180 - Simplified Modeling of Driven
11:36 - 11:54 seismic response of the Wildlife Liquefaction Given Return Period versus Return Period components of seismic demand due to soil- of the Pseudostatic Approach in Code-based Displacement Pile-Improved Ground
Array Mapping for a Given Severity of structure interaction Design in Light of Recent Computational Subjected to Controlled Blasting
Liquefaction Vulnerability Results

340 - Recovery and Resilient Design for the 246 - Derivation of equivalent-linear 346 - Identification of Dynamic 275 - Performance of a stone column
170 - SDS-based liquefaction prediction using
11:54 - 12:12 Future a Case Study from Christchurch, impedance functions for pile-supported Characteristics of a Rocking Foundation foundation system subjected to severe
artificial neural network
New Zealand bridges from continuum model Model on Shaking Table Testing earthquake shaking

124 - SPLiq: A New Performance-Based 532 - Methodology for developing 442 - Effect of deck support on reinforced 488 - Helical Piles Foundation for Wind
472 - Full-Scale Densification Testing
12:12 - 12:30 Assessment Tool for Liquefaction Triggering microzonation maps of predicted soil bridge abutments response subjected to Turbines: Full-Scale Testing of a Single
Program at Treasure Island
and its Associated Hazards using the SPT liquefaction vulnerability severity seismic loading Helical Pile in Sand


Time Wednesday July 19, 2017
Salon D/E Salon C Salon F Mackenzie Seymour

Soil-structure Interaction
Liquefaction Procedures II PBD Codes & Guidance Shallow Foundations II Waterfront Structures
(pp 166 - 170) (pp 170 - 174) (pp 178 - 182) (pp 182 - 186)
(pp 174 - 178)

536 - Ioannis Anastopoulous 296 - Shideh Dashti 545 - Alex Sy

316 - Russell A. Green 269 - Liam W.D. Finn
13:45 - 14:15 Design of foundationstructure systems Influence of Soil and Structural Parameters Challenges of ground improvement for
Assessing Liquefaction Susceptibility Using Performance based design in geotechnical
Theme Speakers against faulting: new developments and on Liquefaction-Induced Settlement of seismic upgrade of bridges in the Fraser
the CPT Soil Behavior Type Index earthquake engineering
mitigation techniques Foundations Delta


408 - Probabilistic Simplified Seismic 306 - Seismic Design of 1350 mm Diameter 288 - Effects of Drains on the Performance 312 - Seismic Design of the Te Bay
321 - Evaluation of contraction potential of
14:15 - 14:33 Performance Assessment of Earth Slopes Water Pipeline Crossing Fault Using and Damage Potential of Shallow-Founded Reclamation of the Lyttelton Port of
silty soils based on the minimum void ratio
and Structures Earthquake Resistant Ductile Iron Pipe Structures Christchurch

205 - Performance-based earthquake 237 - 3D numerical analysis of motorway 149 - Parametric Study on Liquefaction- 199 - Crucial aspects for the design and
334 - Undrained cyclic and post-liquefaction
14:33 - 14:51 assessment of multi-span bridge systems overpass bridge subjected to strike-slip Induced Building Settlements using 1-g performance of anchored steel sheet pile
behaviour of natural pumiceous soils
including soil-pile-structure interaction faulting Shake Table Experiments walls in seismic regions

219 - Analysis of damaged and undamaged

148 - A framework of seismic design for soil 508 - Framework for a System-Wide Dam 242 - Control of liquefaction induced
197 - Seismic failure mechanism of shallow steel pipe sheet pile type quay walls during
14:51 - 15:09 liquefaction based on the energy concept Risk Reduction Program in Northern settlement of buildings using basement
cut-and-cover tunnels the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku
utilizing the ductility performance of soils California structures

234 - Liquefaction Mapping for Induced 250 - Advances in Geotechnical 159 - Seismic response investigation of 125 - Influence of vertical prefabricated 418 - A comparative study on response
15:09 - 15:27 Seismicity based on geological and Performance-Based Seismic Design for Tall retaining structures by using lightweight drains on the response of two adjacent spectrum analysis and dynamic analysis for
geotechnical features Buildings mixtures as backfill material structures founded on liquefiable ground seismic design of pile-supported wharf

466 - RARE System for real-time seismic 397 - Case Study of the Performance Based 212 - Dynamic centrifuge model test for 486 - Dynamic analysis of a pile-supported
372 - Liquefaction susceptibility underneath a
15:27 - 15:45 damage assessment of Bridges Pilot Analysis and Design of Bridge Foundations performance-based design of grid-form wharf utilizing a three-dimensional
large storage tank: a CPT based methodology
application Intersected by Active Faulting deep mixing walls supporting a tall building numerical method
Sunday July 16, 2017 | 14:30 - 17:00
Chair: Kyriazis Pitilakis
Room: Salon D/E

14:30 - 15:00
Evaluation of Flow Liquefaction:
influence of high stresses
P.K. Robertson
Gregg Drilling & Testing Inc., CA, United States
Flow liquefaction can be triggered by either cyclic or static loading and
is a major issue for major geotechnical structures such as tailings dams.
Flow liquefaction can occur in any saturated or near saturated contrac-
tive soil such as very loose sands and silts as well as very sensitive clays.
For failure of a soil structure, such as a slope or embankment, a sufficient
volume of material must strain soften and show strength loss. Case his-
tories have shown that when significant strength loss occurs in critical
sections of a soil structure, failures are often rapid, occur with little warn-
ing, and the resulting deformations are often very large. Case histories
also show that most flow liquefaction failures occur in young, uncement-
ed non-plastic or low-plastic soils that have a brittle strain softening re-
sponse where peak strength is reached at small strains followed by rapid
strength loss. Methods have been developed to evaluate if soils are ei-
ther dilative or contractive at large strains (e.g. Robertson, 2010) based
on Critical State concepts. However, not all contractive soils are strain
softening and not all soils that are strain softening have high brittleness.
Laboratory data, supported by field observations, shows that contractive
sand-like soils become progressively more ductile with increasing stress

15:00 - 15:30
The 2014 Cephalonia twin earthquakes: the seismic
failure of memorial columns verify the strong
directivity effect
George Gazetas
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece
A twin event earthquake sequence of an Mw6.1 on January 26th and
an Mw6.0 on February 3rd shook the island of Cephalonia, triggering
damage mostly in monuments and harbor quaywalls. The strongest two
recordings of the double event are analyzed in this paper: the Chavriata
and Lixouri accelerograms. As it has been shown in a recent publication
(Garini et al. 2017) the Lixouri record bears the effects of near-fault
forward-rupture directivity, containing acceleration pulses in its normal
to the fault (EW) component. The most extensive damage occurred in
the numerous cemeteries of the region, with tombstone topplings and


large slippages being the most conspicuous. By contrast, buildings be-
haved very well. Some specific rigid block failure case histories, from
the cemeteries of Lixouri and Chavriata, are explored in the paper. The
systems are modeled in 3D, as rigid blocks resting through Coulomb
friction on horizontal base. The latter is excited by the three components
of each accelerogram. The rocking, sliding, twisting and overturning of
such rigid systems offer ample evidence of the destructiveness potential
of ground motions affected by directivity.

16:00 - 17:00
Perspectives Interview Session
Moderator: Scott Ashford
Panel: K. Ishihara, W.D.L. Finn, & I.M. Idriss
Professor Scott Ashford will interview three living legends in earthquake
geotechnical engineering Professors W.D.L. Finn, I.M. Idriss, and K.
Ishihara to gain their perspectives on issues related to the advancement
of performance based design (PBD) in our field. What have been the
greatest accomplishments in the past decade for PBD in earthquake ge-
otechnical engineering? What are the greatest limitations to fully adopt-
ing PBD in earthquake geotechnical engineering? What is the most
pressing need for advancing PBD in the coming decades? What is the
role of engineering judgment in PBD? Scott will lead our panelists in
discussing and debating the answers to these and other questions about
the future directions of our field.


Monday July 17, 2017 | 8:30 - 10:00
Chair: Mahdi Taiebat
Room: Salon D/E

8:30 - 9:00
Performance of port structures during earthquakes
Susumu Iai
Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto, Japan
The paper gives an overview of recent developments in evaluating seis-
mic performance of geotechnical structures in port areas, including quay
walls, coastal embankments, reclaimed land, and buildings. Evaluation
of the seismic performance of geotechnical structures affected by soil
liquefaction was based on conventional procedures for simulating the
undrained cyclic behavior of sandy soil. Recent developments and paths
forward in evaluating seismic performance of geotechnical structures are
based on additional cyclic and post-cyclic soil behavior, such as the ef-
fects of steady state (residual strength) and combination of cyclic and
steady state effects, and effects of void redistribution. In addition, com-
bined geotechnical hazards due to soil-structure-fluid interaction are
recognized as challenges in geotechnical engineering as exemplified by
the toppling of a four-story steel frame building with pile-foundation
due to tsunami impact during 2011 East Japan earthquake.

9:00 - 9:30
Applicability of Sliding Block Analyses to Lateral
Spreading Problems
Steven L. Kramer
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Washington, WA, United States
Liquefaction-induced lateral spreading deformations can significantly af-
fect the seismic performance of bridges, dams, pipelines, and other infra-
structure located on, near, or beneath sloping ground. Current approaches
for predicting lateral spreading deformations consist primarily of empirical
and strain potential methods that largely neglect the complex and critical
factors that influence such deformations. The response of liquefiable soils
and the deformations they produce are influenced by such factors as non-
linear dynamic site response, dilation pulses, void redistribution, and water
film formation, as well as complex two- or three-dimensional topographic
effects. It has also been proposed that lateral spreading deformations can
be estimated using Newmark-type sliding block analyses. From a qual-
itative standpoint, certain fundamental assumptions of the sliding block
method (discrete failure surface, rigid perfectly-plastic behavior, constant
shearing resistance, etc.) are inconsistent with the mechanics of lateral
spreading. Such inconsistencies can affect the accuracy of back-calcu-


lated shear strengths from documented case histories, and consequently
displacements predicted using those strengths. The specific sliding block
procedure most commonly used in practice makes the further assumption
that lateral spreading deformations can be computed with yield accelera-
tions based on the shear strength that the liquefied soil would be expected
to mobilize during flow liquefaction failure.
The applicability of the sliding block framework for lateral spreading
problems was assessed in this study. A common sliding block-based pro-
cedure was evaluated probabilistically for two well-documented lateral
spreading case histories, in both the back-analysis and forward-prediction
frameworks. The results indicate that significant uncertainties, primarily
related to characterization of the liquefied soil, ground motion amplitude,
and record-to-record variability resulted in low precision of back-calculat-
ed shear strength and extremely low precision in predicted displacements.
The high uncertainty in sliding block displacements has a strong adverse
effect on estimation of lateral spreading hazards in a modern perfor-
mance-based framework.

9:30 - 10:00
System response of liquefiable deposits
Misko Cubrinovski
Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering, University of
Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Detailed geotechnical characterization and in-depth assessment using
seismic effective stress analyses are presented for 55 liquefaction case
histories (level ground sites) from Christchurch. 15 of the sites mani-
fested liquefaction in the two major earthquakes during the 2010-2011
Canterbury earthquake sequence (YY-sites), while 17 sites did not man-
ifest liquefaction in either event (NN-sites). The YY- and NN-sites are
shown to have practically identical critical layer characteristics, with low
CPT resistance (qc1Ncs = 80 - 85), and shallow location of the critical
layer at approximately 2 m depth. However, there are significant differ-
ences between the YY- and NN-sites with regard to the thickness and
vertical continuity of their critical zones and liquefiable materials.
Effective stress analyses are used to demonstrate key mechanisms of sys-
tem-response of liquefying deposits that either intensify (YY-sites) or
mitigate (NN-sites) liquefaction manifestation. The study illustrates the
need to consider systemresponse of liquefying soils in the simplified liq-
uefaction evaluation procedure, as a principal factor in the assessment of
liquefaction manifestation and severity of liquefaction-induced damage.


Tuesday July 18, 2017 | 8:30 - 10:00
Chair: Takaji Kokusho
Room: Salon D/E

8:30 - 9:00
Remediation of liquefaction effects for an
embankment using soil-cement walls: Centrifuge
and numerical modeling
Ross W. Boulanger
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of
California, Davis, CA, United States
Numerical simulations of a centrifuge model test of an embankment
on a liquefiable foundation layer treated with soilcement walls are pre-
sented. The centrifuge model was tested on a 9-m radius centrifuge and
corresponded to a 28 m tall embankment underlain by a 9 m thick sat-
urated loose sand layer. Soil-cement walls were constructed through the
loose sand layer over a 30 m long section near the toe of the embank-
ment and covered with a 7.5 m tall berm. The model was shaken with
a scaled earthquake motion having peak horizontal base accelerations
of 0.05 g, 0.26 g, 0.54 g in the first, second, and third events, respec-
tively. The latter two shaking events caused liquefaction in the loose
sand layer. The soilcement walls sheared through their full length in the
last shaking event. The results of the centrifuge model test and twod-
imensional nonlinear dynamic simulations are compared. Capabilities
and limitations in the two-dimensional simulations of soil-cement wall
reinforcement systems, with both liquefaction and soil-cement cracking
effects, are discussed. Implications for practice are discussed.

9:00 - 9:30
Liquefaction-induced Settlement and Tilting of
Buildings with Spread Foundation based on Field
Observation and Laboratory Experiments
Kohji Tokimatsu
Tokyo Soil Research, Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
Earthquake reconnaissance studies and centrifuge experiments were
made and their results were compared with those of previous studies,
to examine relative importance of key parameters affecting not only the
settlement but also the tilt of buildings with shallow foundations. The
field observation suggested that: (1) There is a general trend in which
liquefaction-induced relative settlement and tilting of shallow founda-
tion increase with increasing number of story and aspect ratio of building
but the settlement trend was likely to be site dependent; (2) When the
settlement is normalized with respect to the thickness of liquefied layer,


there is a general trend in which it increases with increasing number of
story and aspect ratio, regardless of the site-specific conditions; and (3)
The overturning of building occurred only at buildings with more than
3 stories and an aspect ratio more than about 2. The centrifuge exper-
iments suggested that: (1) The liquefaction-induced relative settlement
and tilt of shallow foundations tend to increase with increasing contact
pressure and ground settlement as well as decreasing groundwater ta-
ble and thickness of non-liquefied crust. The tilt angle of the building
also tends to increase with increasing eccentric mass and distance ratio;
and (2) The safety factors against vertical load and overturning moment
are key indicators to estimate liquefaction-induced damage to building
founded on rigid spread foundation.

9:30 - 10:00
Key Trends in Assessing Liquefaction-Induced
Building Settlement
Jonathan D. Bray
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering UC Berkeley,
Berkeley, CA, United States
Several buildings in recent earthquakes settled differentially and were
damaged due to soil liquefaction. Case histories of field performance
provide important insights. Additional insights are developed through
examination of the trends in the results of fully nonlinear dynamic
soil-structure interaction (SSI) effective stress analyses. In this paper,
key trends from the performance of dynamic SSI effective stress anal-
yses of buildings with shallow foundations located at sites with lique-
faction are examined. The analyses provide salient insights regarding
the mechanisms contributing to building movements. Shear strains in
the foundation soils developed in several cases due to shaking-induced
ratcheting of buildings into cyclically softened soil or due to a tran-
sient loss of bearing capacity due to cyclic softening. The shear-in-
duced mechanisms led to a significant part of the liquefaction-induced
building settlement. Damaging building settlement due to volumetric
strains in the foundation soils were largely due to liquefaction of shal-
low soils, if they were present. The dynamic SSI effective stress anal-
yses captured these mechanisms of nonlinear soil response. However,
the influence of the loss of ground due to sediment ejecta, which was
another important factor in some cases, was not captured with this
continuum-based approach. Engineers should employ experience and
judgment to assess this key mechanism.


Tuesday July 18, 2017 | 16:15 - 17:45
Chair: George Gazetas
Room: Salon D/E

16:15 - 16:45
Dynamic Properties of Soils: In situ and Laboratory
Testing Developments
Kenneth Stokoe
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, United States

16:45 - 17:45
Panel & Discussion Challenges for Performance
Based Design
Moderator: S. Kramer
Panel: Amir Kaynia (NGI, Norway), Alex Sy (KCB, Canada),
Ikuo Towhata (UT, Japan), Thaleia Travasarou (Fugro, USA),
& Sjoerd van Ballegooy (T+T, New Zealand)
In this session, we will have an international panel examine key challenges
to implementing and advancing performance based design in earthquake
geotechnical engineering practice. The five distinguished panel members
represent a range of practices and challenges from around the globe. What
is the primary impediment to advancing performance based design in
earthquake geotechnical engineering practice? What do you consider best
practices for incorporating the effects of geologic depositional environ-
ments in liquefaction assessments? Do you see any common problems in
the use or misuse of seismic site response analyses? How have you seen in-
consistencies in liquefaction evaluations based on CPT, SPT and Vs data
resolved? Should nonlinear dynamic effective stress analyses of ground
failure problems be used more routinely in engineering practice, and what
is the biggest barrier to these tools becoming more reliable? The mod-
erator will lead the panelists in discussing and debating these and other
challenges to the future of performance based design.


Wednesday July 19, 2017 | 8:30 - 10:00
Chair: Atilla Ansal
Room: Salon D/E

8:30 - 9:00
Ground Motion Models for Earthquake Events in
Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas
Ellen M. Rathje
Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, United States
The observed increase in seismicity in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas during
the last 10 years has made the evaluation of the seismic hazard in these States
increasingly pertinent. Such evaluation requires the development of ground
motion prediction equations (GMPEs) that are tuned to the characteris-
tics of the observed, and potentially induced, seismicity. Accordingly, we use
4,815 ground motions recorded during M>3.0 events in Texas, Oklahoma,
and Kansas, to develop a GMPE for this region. The GMPE updates the
Hassani and Atkinson (2015) Central and Eastern United States (CEUS)
GMPE based on identified differences between the regional ground mo-
tion observations and the predictions by the reference CEUS GMPE. The
developed model includes site effects based on updated VS30 values derived
from the Pwave seismogram method (Zalachoris et al., 2017) or regional
geologic-slope proxies (Parker et al. 2017). The predicted response spectral
accelerations at short distances (R 20 km) for Texas, Oklahoma, and Kan-
sas can be up to 2 times larger than those predicted by the reference GMPE.
The VS30 scaling for the newly developed model predicts less amplification
at VS30 < 200 m/s than the reference GMPE, about 50% less at T < 0.3 s
and about 70% less at T = 1.0 s. This effect is likely due to the generally thin-
ner sediments in the study area. Finally, for M>4.5 events and T<0.5 s, the
new model predicts spectral accelerations about 50% smaller than those pre-
dicted by the reference GMPE, possibly due to lower stress drops associated
with the potentially induced seismicity in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas.

9:00 - 9:30
Seismic Site Classification
Ramon Verdugo
CMGI Ltda., Santiago, Chile
The economic losses left by large recent earthquakes are still consider-
able, and modern society is wanting not only life protection; it is also
demanding that buildings can be immediately occupied after a strong
earthquake. The performance based seismic design allows engineers
to design structures with a desired seismic performance for a specified
level of hazard. This requires a high standard in the different items
involved in the seismic design. One of the key factors is associated with


the seismic loads, which are strongly dependent on the local ground
conditions. Accordingly, an alternative seismic site classification is pro-
posed, which is based on two dynamic parameters of the ground: the
equivalent shear wave velocity, VS30-E, that reproduces the dynamic
lateral stiffness of the upper 30 m of the ground, and the predominant
period of the site, which is proposed to be estimated via the H/V spec-
tral ratio of ambient vibration measurements. All the details of this site
classification are explained in the paper.

9:30 - 10:00
Liquefaction evaluation directly comparing upward
wave energy with dissipated energy
Takaji Kokusho
Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan
The author already proposed an energy-based liquefaction evaluation
method (EBM), wherein upward wave energy as the energy demand is
directly compared with the energy capacity or dissipated energy in soil
deposits. The proposed EBM are characterized here in terms of how to
evaluate the energy demand by upward earthquake waves, how close-
ly the dissipated energy determines residual strains for different earth-
quake motions, and how to compare the demand and capacity simply
and reasonably. The EBM procedures and evaluation examples are also
described in comparison with the conventional Stress-Based Method
(SBM). The comparative studies have demonstrated that, for a normal
ground motion, EBM tends to give basically similar results to SBM.
However, disparities appear between them for ground motions with
small peak accelerations and high energy or high accelerations and low
energy. Considering that the dissipated energy controls liquefaction
mechanism as lab tests indicate, it is recommended to employ the EBM
to supplement SBM for various earthquake motions, wherein engineers
can grasp the energy demand of design motion at a glance.


Wednesday July 19, 2017 | 16:15 - 17:45
Chair: Jonathan Bray
Room: Salon D/E
16:15 - 16:45
Realistically Accounting for Vs Uncertainty
in Seismic Site Response Analyses Using the
Experimental Site Signature: A Case Study of the
Garner Valley Downhole Array
Brady. R. Cox
Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering
University of Texas, Austin, TX, United States
This presentation compares measured and predicted seismic site re-
sponse at the Garner Valley Downhole Array (GVDA) using a wide
range of shear wave velocity (Vs) profiles developed from both bore-
hole methods and inversion of surface wave data. Only low amplitude
ground motions (GMs), resulting in approximately linear-elastic site
response between the downhole accelerometer (reference rock con-
dition) and the three surface accelerometers, were considered in this
study. Thus, uncertainties associated with the small-strain Vs profiles
used to obtain site response predictions play a considerable role in at-
tempting to match the recorded site response and its associated vari-
ability. Prior to our study, two borehole Vs profiles extending into rock
were available for the site: one derived from seismic downhole testing
and one derived from PS logging. These Vs profiles were fairly similar
over the top 60 m, but varied considerably in the ultimate depth and
stiffness of the underlying rock. As such, their predicted/theoretical
transfer functions (TTFs) were quite different and in poor agreement
with the measured/empirical transfer functions (ETFs). Furthermore,
attempts to address Vs uncertainty based on commonly-used statistical
methods of accounting for epistemic uncertainty and aleatory variabil-
ity in Vs were also found to yield TTFs that poorly matched ETFs.
These differences provided motivation to collect and interpret an ex-
tensive set of active-source and passive-wavefield surface wave mea-
surements in an attempt to develop deep Vs profiles for the site that
might be used to more accurately model the measured site response
and its associated variability. Non-unique Vs profiles developed from
joint inversion of surface wave dispersion data and horizontal-to-ver-
tical spectral ratios (HVSR) experimentally-measured at the GVDA
visually exhibited considerable differences. However, TTFs predicted
form these non-unique Vs profiles matched the measured ETFs much
better than those obtained from borehole Vs profiles and typical meth-
ods used to account for Vs uncertainty. We propose that experimental-
ly-measured dispersion data and HVSR curves can be used to establish
a site signature that is extremely helpful when attempting to realis-


tically account for Vs uncertainty in site response. Furthermore, non-
unique Vs profiles derived from surface wave inversion, while visually
variable, tend to yield accurate estimates of site response provided their
theoretical dispersion curves and TTFs well-match the site signature.

16:45 - 17:15
Response of Natural Fine-grained Soils for Seismic
Design Practice: A Collection of Research Findings
from British Columbia, Canada
Dharma Wijewickreme
Department of Civil Engineering University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, BC, Canada
This paper summarizes the results from a comprehensive laboratory
experimental research program conducted at the University of British
Columbia, Canada to study the mechanical behavior of natural fine-
grained soils. Constant-volume direct simple shear (DSS) tests were
performed on natural silt samples collected from various locations in
British Columbia to investigate the monotonic and cyclic shear load-
ing response of these materials. Influencing factors such as effective
confining stress, over-consolidation ratio, coarse-grained fraction of
natural silts, initial static shear bias, cyclic polarity, soil plasticity, and
soil fabric/micro-structure on the mechanical behavior of silts were
systematically investigated using a series of controlled laboratory tests.
The key observations arising from these examinations are presented
and discussed to serve as input for the development and/or refinement
of design practice approaches for sesimic geotechnical design. New
directions to be considered to advance the current state of understand-
ing and knowledge on the mechanical behavior of natural fine-grained
soils are identified.

17:15 - 17:45
Retrofitting Utilities for Earthquake-Induced Ground
Thomas D. ORourke
School of Civil and Environmental Engr., Cornell University,
Ithaca, NY, United States
An important opportunity exists for using cured-in-place linings and
pipes (CIPLs and CIPPs, respectively) to retrofit underground utilities
against earthquake-induced ground movements. CIPLs and CIPPs
are used to rehabilitate pipelines in situ, thereby achieving greater lon-
gevity of aging utilities by trenchless construction. Such techniques


can strengthen utilities against both transient and permanent ground deformation
caused by earthquakes. This paper reviews the different modes of pipeline deformation
caused by ground shaking and shows that the predominant mode is in the axial direc-
tion of the pipe. Simplified analytical and finite element (FE) models are described
for the evaluation of underground utility response to seismic ground waves. Full-scale
static, quasi-static and dynamic test results for pipelines lined with CIPLs and CIPPs
are presented and compared with FE model results. Full-scale test results are presented
to characterize the de-bonding and axial force vs. displacement performance of pipelines
with round cracks and weak joints that are strengthened with CIPLs under variable in-
ternal water pressure. A numerical model is presented for de-bonding of the lining and
associated force vs. displacement behavior, the results of which are compared with exper-
imental measurements. Recommendations are made for applying the modeling and ex-
perimental results for in situ strengthening of underground utilities against earthquakes.


Monday July 17, 2017
Liquefaction I...............................................................................................................44
Ground Motions & Site Effects I...................................................................................47
Retaining & Underground Structures...........................................................................51
Numerical Analyses.....................................................................................................53
Challenging Deposits...................................................................................................57
Liquefaction II..............................................................................................................61
Ground Motions & Site Effects II..................................................................................65
Underground StructuresI............................................................................................69
Dynamic Analyses.......................................................................................................74
Challenging Soils.........................................................................................................78

Tuesday July 18, 2017

Liquefaction III........................................................................................................... 113
Ground Motions & Site Effects III............................................................................... 116
Underground StructuresII.........................................................................................120
Offshore & Nearshore................................................................................................121
Embankments, Levees & Slopes................................................................................125
Liquefaction Case Histories.......................................................................................129
Seismic Hazard Assessments...................................................................................132
Soil-structure Interaction I.........................................................................................136
Embankments, Levees & Slopes II.............................................................................143

Wednesday July 19, 2017

Liquefaction Procedures I..........................................................................................147
Resiliency, Mapping & Assessment............................................................................150
Soil-structure Interaction II........................................................................................155
Shallow Foundations I................................................................................................158
Ground Improvement.................................................................................................162
Liquefaction Procedures II.........................................................................................166
PBD Codes & Guidance..............................................................................................170
Soil-structure Interaction III....................................................................................... 174
Shallow Foundations II...............................................................................................178
Waterfront Structures................................................................................................182


Monday July 17, 2017 | 10:30 - 12:30
Chair: Susumu Yasuda
Room: Salon D/E

519 - Liquefaction resistance of sand with preshaking history

Mitsu Okamura, Shota Watanabe, & Fred Nelson
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Ehime University, Matsuyama, Ehime, Japan
Repeated small shakings due to earthquakes significantly enhance liquefaction resistance
of soils. Analyses of liquefaction case histories shows that aged soils in seismically active
zones tend to be less vulnerable to liquefaction despite having similar index parameters
as SPT N values and shear wave velocities to young soils. Significant efforts have been
devoted to better understand the effects of the cyclic pre-shearing on the liquefaction re-
sistance and have found that the preshearing effect on liquefaction resistance depends on
the number of cycles and cyclic stress ratio. However, none of these parameters quantify
the improvement of the liquefaction resistance due to pre-shaking. This study investigates
the preshearing effects on liquefaction resistance through laboratory tests and centrifuge
tests. An attempt is made to explain the effects quantitatively with the single index pa-
rameter of the volumetric strain caused by pre-sharing. It was confirmed from triaxial
tests that the liquefaction resistance of pre-sheared sand uniquely increased with increasing
volumetric strain regardless of the cyclic shear stress ratio and the number of cycles in the
pre-shearing. Centrifuge tests were conducted in this study to examine the pre-shaking
effects on liquefaction strength of sand in a field condition. Models were subjected to
small shaking events repeatedly, which were weak enough not to liquefy the model. It was
observed that changes in the index parameters of the models including the soil density
(volumetric strain), the shear wave velocity and the horizontal earth pressure during the
course of the pre-shaking events were very small. A strong shaking event was imparted to
liquefy the sand near the end of the test. Models which had gone through the pre-shaking
events needed larger shaking acceleration to liquefy. Liquefaction resistance was derived
from acceleration records with the aid of the cumulative damage theory. The relationship
between liquefaction resistance ratio and volumetric strain that had occurred in the pre-
shaking events coincides to the relation obtained from the triaxial tests. After the extensive
liquefaction event, all the index parameters excluding soil density, (K0, Vs, liquefaction
resistance), tended to return to their original values before the preshaking.

534 - Effect of multiple shaking events on cone penetration

resistances in saturated sand
Kathleen M. Darby, Ross W. Boulanger, & Jason T. DeJong
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering - University of CA,
Davis, CA, United States
This paper examines the effect of shaking history on cone penetration resistances. A pair
of saturated Ottawa sand models, with initial relative densities of 25-30% and 75-80%,


were subjected to repeated shaking events using the UC Davis 9-m radius geotechnical
centrifuge. The initially loose model was subjected to 24 shaking events and the initially
dense model was subjected to 17 shaking events. Multiple cone soundings were performed
during each test to track changes in penetration resistance as shaking progressed; eight
cone soundings were performed in the initially loose model and eleven cone soundings
were performed in the initially dense model. Cone penetration resistances were found
to increase after repeated shaking in both the initially loose and initially dense models.
Changes in relative density estimated from cone penetration correlations tracked reason-
ably well with changes in relative density estimated from settlements.

214 - Liquefaction Hazard of Reclaimed Land in a Low to

Moderate Seismicity Region
E.H.Y. Leung
Arup, Hong Kong
J.W. Pappin
Arup, Australia
Liquefaction is one of the major hazards in an earthquake event. Hong Kong, as a low- to
moderate-seismicity region, is not well known for earthquake-induced liquefaction case
histories. An evaluation of the liquefaction hazard is, nevertheless, worthwhile in a view
to enhancing the citys disaster preparedness. It is also a key step in a performance-based
earthquake-resistant design. In this study, the evaluation is based on the results of the
latest probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for Hong Kong and the use of an up-to-date
liquefaction assessment method. The critical SPT N-values for the onset of liquefaction in
the form of liquefaction triggering chart are derived with respect to the concerned seismic
hazard and their sensitivity to the groundwater level is examined. Preliminary screening
procedures of the liquefaction potential have been proposed. The sites considered suscep-
tible to liquefaction can be selected for site-specific assessments. The proposal gives a new
perspective for geotechnical practitioners to undertake liquefaction susceptibility screening
before considering to proceed with a detailed liquefaction assessment.

428 - Liquefaction Evidence in the Chilean Subduction Zone

Gonzalo Montalva
Department of Civil Engineering University of Concepcion, Concepcin, Bio-Bio, Chile
Francisco Ruz
R y V Ingenieros, Santiago, RM, Chile
Recent megathrust events in Chile have provided the engineering community, with case
studies that allow the evaluation of current state of practice regarding liquefaction surface
manifestation. A liquefaction triggering assessment is conducted using several of the most
widely used methodologies, to analyze how well the current state of the art matches the
observed evidence in subduction earthquakes that have long duration and high intensities.
Field observations of more than 60 sites show a mismatch between observed and predicted
liquefaction behavior during the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule and the recent 2015 Illapel Mw 8.3


earthquakes. Results show that Shear Wave velocity methodologies are worst than SPT
methodologies. We speculate on the reasons for these differences. Partial drainage during
the strong shaking could lead to a frequency dependence of the liquefaction behavior, we
concur with studies that suggest that soil stiffness (i.e. shear-wave velocity or site period)
are relevant parameters to be included. For the case of large megathrust events and the sites
within this dataset, existing methodologies have a tendency to overpredict liquefaction
triggering. A simplified methodology to assess the surface manifestation of liquefaction in
Concepcin is presented as an alternative for subduction induced liquefaction triggering
assessment. We conclude that more research is needed in this relevant issue.

233 - Liquefaction modelling of a strong motion station in

Christchurch, New Zealand
Vasiliki Tsaparli, Stavroula Kontoe, David M.G. Taborda, & David M. Potts
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London,
London, United Kingdom
Advanced constitutive models can replicate several aspects of soil behaviour, but, due to
their complexity and number of parameters, they need more sophisticated and realistic
validation under general loading conditions. When modelling liquefaction phenomena,
the lack of field monitoring data means that model testing, such as centrifuge experi-
ments, is often used as benchmark for the numerical analyses. The 2010-2011 Canterbury
earthquake sequence in New Zealand was recorded by a number of strong motion stations
at various distances from the earthquake epicentre. Additionally, an extensive field and
laboratory programme has since become available, adequately describing the geological,
geotechnical and hydrogeological conditions in the area. As such, the performance of a
two-surface bounding surface plasticity constitutive model for sands, calibrated based on
site-specific laboratory data, is assessed using field evidence of a strong motion station in
fully-coupled effective stress-based finite element analyses. As the real stratigraphy is com-
plex, with layers of silts and clays between the sandy strata, a simpler cyclic non-linear elas-
tic model, which can adequately incorporate the basic aspects of dynamic soil behaviour,
is also used to model the non-liquefiable strata. To specify the input ground motion at
the base of the deposit, the recorded ground surface motion at a site with no evidence of
liquefaction is deconvolved and compared with the outcrop predictions of a New Zea-
land-specific ground motion prediction equation. The numerical results are compared with
the recorded horizontal ground surface acceleration time-history of the 22nd February 2011
seismic event, exhibiting very good agreement.


510 - A numerical study of the effect of moisture content on
induced ground vibration during dynamic compaction
Javad Ghorbani
School of Civil Engineering The University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW, Australia
Majidreza Nazem
School of Engineering RMIT, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
John P. Carter
ARC Centre of Excellence for Geotechnical Science and Engineering University of
Newcastle, NSW, Australia
David W. Airey
School of Civil Engineering The University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW, Australia
This paper presents a numerical study of the effect of soil moisture content on induced
vibration during the application of dynamic compaction. Dynamic Compaction (DC) is
known as one of the most cost-effective ground improvement techniques because it can
provide rapid improvement of the geotechnical properties of soils, and because it does not
usually need any off-site disposal of excess materials. However, DC may not be econom-
ically advantageous due to the induced vibrations undesirably affecting other structures
near the compaction zone. The inability to accurately predict the magnitude and properties
of the generated waves in the design phase of dynamic compaction can mean restricted
application of dynamic compaction or may result in unnecessary reduction of its efficiency.
As a response to the demand for a more reliable predictive method, in this paper a numeri-
cal framework is chosen based on the theory of mixtures, which considers the simultaneous
existence of the air, water and solid phases of the soil. This provides an analysis of the
dynamic compaction of soils at different moisture contents. It is shown that while the peak
particle velocity (PPV) generally follows an inverse relationship with moisture content it
can be affected by characteristic parameters of the soil.


Monday July 17, 2017 | 10:30 - 12:30
Chair: Jennifer Donahue
Room: Salon C

489 - Large-scale simulation of ground motion amplification

considering 3D topography and subsurface soils
Gang Wang & Chunyang Du
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology, Hong Kong
Duruo Huang
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Institute for Advanced Study, The
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong


Amplification of seismic waves due to surface topography and subsurface soils has of-
ten been observed to cause intensive damage in past earthquakes. However, due to its
complexity, topographic amplification has not yet been considered in most seismic design
codes. In this study, we simulate ground-motion amplification based on 3D Spectral Ele-
ment Method, using Hong Kong island as a local testbed site. The analyses revealed that
topography amplification of ground motions is frequency dependent. By assuming the
site is made of homogenous rock, the amplification factor can be parameterized using a
scale-dependent topographic feature -- the smoothed curvature. Amplification of high
frequency wave is correlated with curvature smoothed over a small length scale. On the
other hand, amplification of long-period waves is correlated with large-scale topography
features. The maximum topography amplification generally ranges from 1.6 to 2.0 in the
protruded areas. Moreover, the influence of subsurface soils on the ground-motion ampli-
fication is studied. It is found that the ground-motion amplification pattern is significantly
influenced by the thickness of the soil layer. Compared with the homogeneous rock case,
the amplification pattern becomes closely correlated to smaller-scale topographic features
as well as slope angles. Finally, a unified prediction model is proposed to account for differ-
ent soil depths and input wave frequencies. Out study shows that the prediction model can
give accurate results with a standard deviation of residuals less than 0.15.

290 - 3-D simulation of hanging wall effect at dam site

Lei Zhang, Jin-Ting Wang, Yan-Jie Xu, & Chu-Han Zhang
Department of Hydraulic Engineering Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Chun-Hui He
Chengdu Engineering Corporation Limited, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Hanging wall effect is one of the near fault effects. This paper focuses on the difference
between the ground motions on the hanging wall side and the footwall side of the fault.
For this purpose, 3-D ground motions are numerically simulated by the spectrum element
method (SEM), which takes into account the physical mechanism of generation and prop-
agation of seismic waves. With Dagangshan region located in China as an example, several
seismogenic finite faults with different dip angle are simulated to investigate the hanging
wall effect. The simulation shows that only when the dip is less than 70 does the hanging
wall effect deserve attention to the engineering design.

251 - Is There a Basin Effect in Mexico City? Validation of Three

Urban Lakebed Sites Using Nonlinear Site Response Analysis
Provides the Clue
Pawan Kumar, Kirk Ellison, Nicole Paul, Jongwon Lee, Ibrahim Almufti, & Kevin Stanton
Arup, San Francisco, CA, United States
This paper presents a series of validation exercises for seismic site response analysis using
the recordings from three well-instrumented, urban lakebed seismograph stations in Mex-
ico City (CAO, SCT and TXS2). The dynamic behavior of Mexico City Clay has long
been a topic of great interest among geo-seismic researchers due to the lack of consensus as


to the cause of the unusually high site amplifications and long durations of ground motion
measured in the lakebed. While some researchers have postulated that trapped waves in the
basin of Mexico City are the cause, others have attempted to disprove this theory through
validation of one-dimensional site response analysis with mixed degrees of success. The
current study concludes that the cause lies both in the response of the deep basin and the
unique properties of Mexico City Clay (including low damping and shear wave velocity).
This study demonstrates that nonlinear site response analysis with bi-directional excitation
using LS-DYNA results in comparable site amplifications and surface acceleration spectra
to the recorded data, provided that the base input motion appropriately accounts for the
deep basin (either directly through downhole array measurements or via GMPEs specifi-
cally developed for Mexico City rock or hard layer). The site response analysis proposed
herein explicitly incorporates the unusual properties of Mexico City Clay in the time-do-
main nonlinear approach (low damping, strain rate effects, cyclic degradation). This study
also indicates that the surface response is highly sensitive to the assumed shear wave veloc-
ities, requiring consideration of modifications to in situ geophysical measurements due to
phenomena such as the thixotropy of the clays.

208 - Incorporating Soil Nonlinearity into Physics-Based Ground

Motion Simulation through Site-Specific Ground Response Analysis
Chris A. de la Torre, Brendon A. Bradley, Seokho Jeong, & Christopher R. McGann
Department of Civil & Natural Resources Engineering University of Canterbury,
Christchurch, New Zealand
In this study, we explicitly model nonlinear surficial soil site response via conventional
one-dimensional (1D) wave propagation analyses in conjunction with hybrid broadband
ground motion simulations of the 2010-2011 Canterbury, New Zealand earthquakes. The
coupling of these two methodologies in ground motion simulation enables the explicit
consideration of regional three-dimensional (3D) ground motion phenomena, and specific
soil conditions at the site of interest. We discuss several approaches by which the nonlin-
ear response of surficial soils can be explicitly modelled in physics-based ground motion
simulations, outlining the relative advantages and limitations of the various methodologies.
With a large dataset of recorded strong ground motions, we are able to compare observed
ground motions from 10 events of the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence to the ground
motion simulations based on wave propagation site response analyses as well as empirical
site effects modeling via 30 m time-averaged shear wave velocity (VS30).

121 - Ground motion site amplification factors for deep soil

deposits sites in Indo- Gangetic Basin
Ketan Bajaj & Panjamani Anbazhagan
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
The high level of seismicity associated with the Himalayan tectonic province results in
the site amplification of the deep Indo-Gangetic Basin (IGB) alluvial deposits. IGB had
experienced catastrophic earthquake damages due to the presence of thick soil depth of


0.05 km to about 4 km. However, very few studies have been carried out to characterize
the IGB soil up to shallow depth and limited attempts have been made to measure the
dynamic properties of the deep soil column. Hence, in this study, shear velocity profile
(Vs) up to 200 m depth is measured using combined active and passive multichannel
analysis of surface wave (MASW) survey in 75 selected locations in IGB. Further, these
sites are classified and characterized based on time-averaged Vs in the upper 30 m depth
as per NEHRP seismic site classification. The measured Vs profiles are further used
to estimate the site-specific response parameters at different locations by carrying out
non -linear site response analysis. Input ground motions (GMs) are selected from the
worldwide-recorded database based on the seismicity of the region. Recorded GMs used
in this study are taken from both global as well as local Indian network. The first time,
representative site response for deep soil column and amplification factors for the dif-
ferent periods are estimated for IGB. Finally, the study presents the site amplification
factor for different seismic site class, which would be further useful in developing a new
ground motion equation considering the site amplification model and design response
spectra for deep deposits in India.

268 - Performance of Chilean sites under strong earthquake shaking

Francisco Ruz
R y V Ingenieros, Santiago, RM, Chile
W.D. Liam Finn
Department of Civil Engineering University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
An important contributor to effective performance based seismic design in a given re-
gion is a good understanding of what contributes to the distribution of damage in past
earthquakes. This paper presents a detailed study damage distribution in Chile from
earthquakes over the past 5 years. Chile has been affected by several strong subduction
earthquakes such as Coquimbo Mw8.4 (2015) and Iquique Mw8.2 (2014). These would
be expected to cause significant damage but no significant damage was observed. In con-
trast the Maule Mw8.8 (2010) earthquake caused severe damage. The difference can be
attributed to soil conditions. Coquimbo and Iquique earthquakes occurred in the north of
Chile where stiff soils are encountered but the Maule Mw8.8 (2010) earthquake occurred
in the south of Chile where soft soils exist. To document these important differences in
damage, twenty-six sites in Chile were studied. Each site has recorded ground motions
from different subduction earthquakes. At each site Vs profile, soil period (T) calculated
with Nakamura methodology (H/V) and a 30m borehole stratigraphy are available. The
study showed that in addition to soil type, the Nakamura site period can be a useful indi-
cator of damage potential.


Monday July 17, 2017 | 10:30 - 12:30
Chair: Ben Hushmand
Room: Salon F

257 - Optimized performance of MSE retaining walls subjected to

extreme ground shaking
Rallis Kourkoulis & Fani Gelagoti
Grid Engineers, Athens, Greece
Irene Georgiou & George Gazetas
School of Civil Engineering, NTUA, Athens, Greece
The need to shift geotechnical design from a factor of safety to a performance based
design (PBD) approach has increased rapidly in the past years. According to the PBD phi-
losophy, designers seek for sustainable engineered systems that may result in more rational
and less conservative solutions. In the case of retaining walls, the concept of mechanically
stabilized earth (MSE) systems has received considerable attention for being a system that
combines the above attributes while demonstrating a remarkable performance when sub-
jected to extreme ground shaking. Indeed, MSE walls have performed very satisfactorily
during catastrophic recent earthquakes that have caused conventional concrete walls to fail.
In this paper the authors attempt a quantification of the factors affecting the superiority
of MSE systems when subjected to severe ground shaking. Emphasis is on the role of
dilatancy as the main factor determining the optimization of grids spacing and hence their
economic apart from technical- efficiency. Specific examples demonstrate how the proper
design may enhance the overall wall-soil system to be able to sustain seismic excitations
well beyond the design earthquake due to the inherent redundancies of such systems.

462 - Analysis vs Centrifuge Seismic Experiments for U-shaped

Cantilever Retaining Walls
L. Tsantilas, E. Garini, & G. Gazetas
Soil Mechanics Laboratory, National Technical University, Athens, Greece
A numerical analysis of the seismic response of a U-shaped non-displacing cantilever wall in
a two-layered sand stratum is performed, properly modeling the wall-soil interface, to allow
separation and sliding. The results are compared with the centrifuge results of Mikola and Si-
tar (2013). A parametric numerical study gives further insight in the dynamics of the system.
Both the test and our analyses employ several near-fault ground motions recorded in Ko-
caeli 1999, Kobe 1995 and Loma Prieta 1989, such as Yarimca, Takatori, Santa Cruz, and
Saratoga West Valley College. Results are presented in terms of acceleration time histories,
acceleration, velocity and displacement spectra, dimensionless wall moment distributions,
and dynamic soil pressures. Comparison with the Mononobe-Okabe method is performed
as well, and practically significant conclusions are drawn.


396 - Effects of soil stratigraphy on dynamic soil-structure
interaction behavior of large underground structures
W. Zhang, E. Esmaeilzadeh Seylabi, & E. Taciroglu
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering University of California at
Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Numerous experiments and prior analyses have confirmed that soil stratigraphy (under-
ground topography) of a site can significantly affect dynamic soil-structure interaction
(SSI) behavior. These attributes cause reflections, refractions, and interference, and lead
to complex wave propagation and scattering patterns. Another key factor in dynamic
SSI is soil nonlinearity, which is known to come into effect even at very low strain
levels. To date, only a few studies were able to consider multi-axial wave propagation
problems with appropriate models of soil nonlinearity. Most existing works are limit-
ed to either homogeneous soil configurations or equivalent linear soil models. In this
study, we explore the effects of soil stratigraphy on dynamic SSI behavior by creating
detailed two-dimensional finite element models of a large water reservoir that is built
underground and near a sloping ground. The soil nonlinearity in this present study is
represented by a veritable multiaxial viscoplastic soil model, which was calibrated and
validated against centrifuge test data. Parametric studies are then conducted to explore
the kinematic and inertial SSI effects.

310 - Limit states determination for a subway station structure by

incremental dynamic analysis
Tong Liu
Department of Geotechnical Engineering Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Yong Yuan
State Key Laboratory of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Department of
Geotechnical Engineering Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Limit states constitute the basis in seismic performance evaluation and seismic vulnera-
bility assessment. In this paper, the limit state of a subway station structure is investigated
using incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) method. A typical two-story three-span subway
station structure is selected as an example structure and its seismic responses are modeled
according to the nonlinear incremental dynamic analysis procedure. Peak Ground Acceler-
ation (PGA) is adopted as the intensity measure (IM) for IDA while maximum story drift
angle is selected as damage measure (DM) in this study. Four limit states (i.e. operational,
slight damage, life safety, and collapse prevention) are defined in terms of the deformation
and waterproof performance of the subway station structure. The thresholds of DM corre-
sponding to each limit state are determined based on the central column drift angle and the
structural tension damage distribution obtained from IDA. The thresholds of maximum
story drift angle provided in this study can be a basis for further study on seismic design for
underground structural systems.


145 - 3D Numerical Simulation of Seismic Characteristics of
Atrium-style Metro Station
Zhiming Zhang, Haitao Yu, & Yong Yuan
Department of Geotechnical Engineering Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Huiling Zhao
Department of Civil Engineering Shanghai University, Shanghai, China
In order to get natural lighting, some subway station structures design atriums on the
waiting hall floor and platform floor. There are no columns on the waiting hall floor and
on the platform floor. The width/height ratio of columns is 7.5. The burial depth of the
station is zero. Due to these features, the load transfer mechanisms and failure character-
istics of an atrium-style metro station are very different from those of traditional subway
stations. Under such circumstances, it is essential to conduct numerical simulation of seis-
mic characteristics of atrium-style metro station. In this study, dynamic numerical analyses
were conducted by using equivalent linear model for soil and plastic-damage model for
concrete. Rayleigh damping was used to simulate the energy dissipation of soil subjected
to earthquake ground motions. A series of results are obtained. Peak acceleration ampli-
fication factor decreases along with the increase of peak acceleration are detectable. As
peak acceleration of input ground motion increases, the peak acceleration of station, the
peak dynamic soil pressure and the maximum story drift angles will increase. The peak
acceleration of roof is much bigger than those of middle plate and baseplate. The largest
soil pressure is at the bottom of the sidewall. When the peak acceleration is 0.26 g, the
station has damaged in terms of seismic deformation check. When considering the vertical
motion, the amplification of soil, the peak acceleration of middle plate and baseplate and
peak dynamic soil pressure increase. On the contrary, maximum story drift angles of sta-
tion hall and platform decrease. The amplification of soil produced by El Centro motion is
larger than that produced by Shanghai artificial or Kobe motions. The peak acceleration of
station produced by Shanghai artificial and Kobe motions are very close. The results pro-
duced by El Centro motion are very different from the former two. The peak dynamic soil
pressure produced by three motions are different especially at the top and bottom of the
sidewall. The maximum story drift angles produced by El Centro motion are the largest.
The maximum story drift angles produced by Kobe motion are the smallest.

Monday July 17, 2017 | 10:30 - 12:30
Chair: Ali Amini
Room: Mackenzie

523 - Multi-directional cyclic shearing of clays and sands:

evaluation of two bounding surface plasticity models
Gaziz Seidalinov, Ming Yang, & Mahdi Taiebat
Department of Civil Engineering University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada


Seismic site response analysis (SSRA) is typically performed considering only one hori-
zontal component of earthquake excitation. In many cases, however, two or three compo-
nents are needed for the analysis to properly account for true multi-directional nature of
seismic loading. In this type of analysis, it is essential to use multi-axial constitutive models
that can realistically describe the stress-strain response of soils. A large quantity of exper-
imental data from multidirectional cyclic shear tests is available and can provide physical
bases for validating such models. This paper focuses on evaluation of two members of the
SANICLAY and SANISAND family of constitutive models for simulating the response
of clay and sand, respectively, when subjected to multi-directional cyclic shearing. These
are two classes of simple anisotropic clay and sand plasticity models, both developed in the
framework of critical state soil mechanics and bounding surface plasticity, for simulation of
monotonic and cyclic responses of soils. The models are calibrated and evaluated against
experimental data on Gulf of Mexico clay and Monterey No. 0/30 sand in undrained
multi-directional cyclic shear tests, including linear, circular/oval, and figure-8 loading
paths. This study provides bases for the evaluation of the capability of these models in
reproducing the response of clays and sands subjected to multi-directional loading, thereby
paving the way towards future applications in multi-directional SSRA.

479 - Cyclic Response of Clay Deposits: Developing a

Constitutive Model
Hamidreza Nouri
Golder Associates Inc., Redmond, WA, United States
Giovanna Biscontin
Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
This study aims at developing a generalized elasto-plastic constitutive model for clays able
to describe stress-strain response, accumulation of permanent deformations, and excess
pore pressure in monotonic and cyclic loading. This constitutive model takes advantage
of the nonlinear elasticity and bounding surface plasticity concepts to mimic generation
of excess pore pressure and plastic deformation within the yield surface upon cycles of un-
loading and reloading during cyclic excitation. The generalized formulation of the model
also facilitates the prediction of multi-directional cyclic response of the fine-grained ma-
terial. Capabilities of the model are evaluated using the available experimental database on
Boston Blue Clay (BBC). The model is successful to mimic a wide range of monotonic
drained and undrained stress paths as well as the complicated cyclic response of clays. Im-
plementation of the model in numerical packages will facilitate the simulation of different
boundary value problems under various loading conditions.


458 - A study on the fundamental performance of a new
constitutive model for clay based on the framework of the strain
space multiple mechanism model
Tomohiro Nakahara
Penta-Ocean Construction Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
Susumu Iai & Kyohei Ueda
Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto, Japan
Koji Ichii
Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan
Osamu Ozutsumi
Meisosha Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
A new constitutive model (cookie model) for clay was proposed by Iai, et al. (2015) based
on the framework of the strain space multiple mechanism model of granular materials.
This model has been developed as an extension of a model for liquefiable sandy soil, also
proposed by Iai, et al. (2011). These models have been installed in a two-dimensional dy-
namic effective stress analysis program FLIP.
The proposed model has advantages over the conventional elasto-plastic models for clay.
For example, Seismic response analysis of multi-layered soil with both sandy layers and
clayey layers can be done precisely with the consideration of the consolidation of clay layers
before the earthquake. Performance of the proposed model is demonstrated through simu-
lation of drained/undrained behavior of clay under monotonic and cyclic loading. Primary
findings on the performance of the proposed model are: (1) An arbitrary initial K0 state
can be analyzed by static gravity analysis; (2) Stress induced anisotropy in the steady state
can be analyzed based on Shibatas dilatancy model (1963); (3) Over-consolidated clay can
be analyzed by defining the dilatancy at the steady state based on over-consolidation ratio;
(4) Strain rate effects for monotonic and cyclic shear can be analyzed based on Isotach
models proposed by Tatsuoka et al (2002); (5) These advantages of the proposed model
were confirmed by the seismic response analysis after a consolidation settlement analysis.
The application of the proposed model is expected to open the door to solve challenging
problems of combined geotechnical hazard.

104 - A double-hyperbolic model and shear strength of soil for

seismic response analysis
Nozomu Yoshida
Research Advancement and Management Org., Kanto Gakuin University, Yokohama,
Kanagawa, Japan
A new stress-strain model, which is named a double hyperbolic model (DHP model) is
proposed for the seismic response analysis. This model is composed of two hyperbolic
models; one is for small strains and the other is for large strains. Therefore, it uses only
two independent parameters, i.e., reference strain gr (shear modulus ratio = 0.5) and shear
stress ratio k (ratio of shear strength to gr). Performance of this model is compared with
the frequently used two models, hyperbolic and Ramberg-Osgood models, by using about


500 cyclic shear test results, and it is shown the error of the DHP model is significantly
smaller than that of these models. Relationships between the new parameter k and soil
parameters such as plasticity index, fines contents, confining stress, and SPT-N value are
examined but good correlation is not found. Then shear strength is examined, but this
again failed. In this process, conventional method to obtain in-situ stress-strain curve from
in-situ shear modulus and laboratory stress-strain curve is found not good; shear stress is
significantly overestimated at large strains in many cases. The reason is proved through
detailed investigation of laboratory test that effect of disturbance during sampling does not
affects behavior at large strains although it affects laboratory shear modulus and behavior
at small strains.

353 - Numerical simulation of unsaturated cyclic triaxial test

considering effect of void change and scanning soil water
characteristic curve
Takaki Matsumaru
Railway Technical Research Institute, Kokubunji, Tokyo, Japan
Ryosuke Uzuoka
Disaster Prevention Research Institute Kyoto University, Uji, Tokushima, Japan
In order to increase the accuracy of predicting the dynamic behavior of the unsaturated
soil, the method was proposed in which the change of void during cyclic loading was
considered in the constitutive model of the soil skeleton and the soil water characteristic
curve. Moreover, the scanning curve that aims at the main wetting curve was also prepared.
These methods were employed in the governing equations of the cyclic triaxial test under
undrained water and air conditions. For the validation of the methods, the simulations of
the cyclic unsaturated triaxial tests were performed. It was revealed that the simulations
in consideration of these methods could successfully describe the decrease of suction and
skeleton stress and the amount of deviatoric stress observed in the experiments.

289 - Comparison of several non-linear soil models in a ground

response analysis for a typical sand and clay profile
B.A. Yogatama
Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS Pavia, Italy
H.J. Lengkeek
Witteveen+Bos Consulting Engineers, Deventer, The Netherlands
A study to compare the performance of several time domain non-linear soil models for
two simple single-layered 1D profiles of sand and clay is performed. Typical properties and
parameters of sand and clay are selected along with the small strain shear modulus. The
normalized shear modulus reduction and damping curves are selected based on Seed and
Idriss (1970) and Darendeli (2001) for the sand and clay model, respectively. The models
are set to be 20 meters overlying a rigid bedrock, each subjected to a cosine-tapered sinu-
soidal loading with varied amplitudes. Six constitutive non-linear soil models are used: four
soil models included in DEEPSOIL (Hashash et al. 2016), NOAH (Bonilla, 2001), and


PLAXIS Hardening Soil Small strain (HSS) model. The result shows that the variability
of the responses due to nonlinearity is stronger with increasing amplitudes of the input
motion. Different response at high strain region is observed due to different characteristics
from each non-linear model. The major advantages and disadvantages of each soil model
and its consequences in terms of site response analysis results are addressed and discussed.
Since validation with a real measurement data has not been made for this study, there is no
conclusion on which model is the best for a site response analysis. However, there is a clear
difference on the results between models without damping control (Masing) and models
with damping control (Non Masing). The ability and inability of the models to capture the
plasticity based on Mohr-Coulomb criterion also introduce a significant difference. Fur-
thermore, the behaviour of the generated hysteretic damping in HSS model is investigated
and compared with the theoretical formula as given in Brinkgreve et al. (2007).

Monday July 17, 2017 | 10:30 - 12:30
Chair: Liam Wotherspoon
Room: Seymour

528 - A Performance-Based Design Method of Loess Slopes under

the Coupling Effects of Earthquakes and Rainfalls
Wang Lanmin, Pu Xiaowu, Wang Qian, Wang Ping, & Chai Shaofeng
Lanzhou Institute of Seismology, China Earthquake Administration, Lanzhou, Gansu, China
Large landslides are frequently induced by both earthquakes and rainfalls in the Loess
Plateau of China. However, only the safety of loess slopes under the effect of either earth-
quakes or rainfalls is considered in the traditional design methods. In this paper, the range
of water content in a loess slope under heavy, moderate and light rainfalls in the Loess
Plateau was investigated through an artificial field raining test. The static and dynamic
strength parameters of loess influenced by water content were found based on static and
dynamic triaxial tests under different water contents. Furthermore, a series of shaking table
(4m x 6m) tests were performed on the models of loess slopes to study the seismic stabil-
ity, dynamic response characteristics, and failure mechanism of loess slopes with different
rainfalls. Stability and safety factors of loess slopes with different shapes under the coupling
effect of earthquakes and rainfalls were analyzed using strength reduction method of finite
element analysis. Finally, a performance-based design method of loess slopes under the
coupling effect of earthquakes and rainfalls was proposed based on these tests and analyses.


366 - Liquefaction susceptibility and triggering potential of the
Wakatipu varved lake sediments in Queenstown, New Zealand
Andreas Giannakogiorgos
Miyamoto International NZ Ltd, Christchurch, New Zealand
Andrew Awad
Coffey Services (NZ) Ltd, Christchurch, New Zealand
Katerina Ziotopoulou
University of California Davis, CA, United States
Queenstown, New Zealand, is a known seismically-active area. A major soil type overlying
the flat lands in and around the city is the varved micaceous clayey silt / sandy silt lami-
nated lake sediment overlying the schist bedrock. The authors carried out in-situ (bore-
holes, CPTu, sCPTu, DMT, Vs and Vp downhole testing) and laboratory investigations
(including XRay Diffraction mineralogy tests) on these soils to evaluate the liquefaction
potential in the area of interest. However, despite the comprehensive list of assessment
methods used, the factual data are not converging at one definitive conclusion and engi-
neering judgement was needed to better interpret the body of data. To clarify the matter,
further samples have been collected and monotonic and cyclic triaxial tests were performed
to explore and determine the liquefaction resistance that will enable a comparison to the
empirical correlations based on case-history data. In this paper, the authors present the
findings of the liquefaction assessment and the influence of various soil parameters, such
as the strain level, confining stress, undrained shear strength, void ratio, plasticity index,
cementation and ageing are also discussed.

209 - Geologic and geomorphic influences on the spatial extent of

lateral spreading in Christchurch, New Zealand
Sarah Bastin
QuakeCoRE, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Misko Cubrinovski
Civil and Natural Resources Engineering University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Sjoerd van Ballegooy & James Russell
Tonkin + Taylor, Newmarket, Auckland, New Zealand
Widespread and severe lateral spreading occurred proximal to waterways during the 2010
to 2011 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence (CES). Published models for predicting lateral
spread displacements have been shown to produce displacement estimates that varied by
a factor of less than 0.5, to greater than 2, from those measured in parts of Christchurch
following the CES. Comprehensive post-CES studies have clearly indicated that the
spatial extent of lateral spreading and associated distribution of horizontal displacements
along the Avon River, in eastern Christchurch, were strongly influenced by geologic and
topographic features. The effect of these features is not explicitly accounted for in the cur-
rent predictive models and likely contributes to some of the significant variation between
predicted and measured displacements. In this study, the extent of lateral spread displace-
ments greater than 0.5 m is derived for a study area along the Avon River from LiDAR


survey and satellite imagery derived horizontal displacements. The result is cross-checked
with mapped ground surface cracking, ground surveying derived horizontal displacements,
liquefaction related vertical ground surface subsidence derived from LiDAR surveys, and
field inspections of recorded land damage. Combining observations from each dataset
enables the extent of lateral spreading to be derived while considering the measurement
errors and associated limitations of each dataset. In this study, zones of lateral spreading
ranging from 0 to 300 m inland from the Avon River are identified and are shown to be
strongly influenced by local geomorphic features. Detailed geotechnical characterization of
the subsurface soil profiles indicates that the thickness and lateral extent of the critical lay-
ers predicted to liquefy using simplified liquefaction triggering analyses directly influences
the extent of lateral spreading.

169 - Swamp Depositional Environment Effects on Liquefaction

Performance in Christchurch, New Zealand
Christine Z. Beyzaei & Jonathan D. Bray
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States
Sjoerd van Ballegooy
Tonkin + Taylor, Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand
Misko Cubrinovski
Civil and Natural Resources Engineering University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Sarah Bastin
QuakeCoRE NZ Centre for Earthquake Resilience, Christchurch, New Zealand
Liquefaction-induced ground failure from the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake se-
quence damaged much of the built environment in Christchurch, New Zealand. State-
of-practice liquefaction triggering procedures generally worked well across much of
Christchurch. However, there are important cases where liquefaction assessment methods
indicate that severe liquefaction-induced ground failure should have occurred, yet none
was observed. Surface manifestations of liquefaction damage were not observed frequently
in southwestern Christchurch, an area known for its silty soil conditions. While it is likely
that several factors may contribute to the discrepancies identified in some areas of Christ-
church following the Canterbury earthquakes, a potentially important factor that has not
been explored fully is the role of shallow geology and the differing depositional environ-
ments that exist across the Canterbury Plains in which Christchurch was built. In this
paper, discrepancies between surface manifestations of liquefaction and estimates using
simplified liquefaction assessment procedures are explored at silty soil sites in the context
of depositional environment. Soil stratigraphy, soil type, and groundwater table fluctuation
are evaluated as potential influences on liquefaction potential at a site and detailed evalua-
tions of stratigraphy are compared for the cone penetration test (CPT), sonic boring, and
high quality continuous sampling. Site-specific assessments are supplemented by regional
analysis. Differing surficial geology and depositional environments were found to explain,
in part, the limitations of simplified liquefaction triggering procedures at stratified, silty
soil sites. Silty back-swamp-type deposits are shown to have mitigating effects on liquefac-
tion potential in southwestern Christchurch relative to what can be currently characterized


and quantified by simplified CPT-based liquefaction assessment methods. Continuous
high-quality sampling and detailed logging provide important insights beyond what can
be captured with the CPT at these sites that contain highly stratified, variable deposits of
silty sand and sandy silt.

216 - Influence of geometric, geologic, geomorphic and

subsurface ground conditions on the accuracy of empirical
models for prediction of lateral spreading
J. Russell, S. van Ballegooy, & M. Ogden
Tonkin + Taylor, Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand
S. Bastin & M. Cubrinovski
Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering University of Canterbury,
Christchurch, New Zealand
Liquefaction-induced lateral spreading can result in significant damage to the built envi-
ronment, as observed in Christchurch during the 2010 to 2011 Canterbury Earthquake
Sequence (CES). Predicted Lateral Displacements (LD) from published empirical models
have been shown to vary from those measured in parts of Christchurch during the CES by
a factor of <0.5 to >2. A widely used empirical method for predicting LD is that proposed
by Zhang et al. (2004). Based on a few selected transects along the Avon River in Christ-
church, the Zhang et al. (2004) model has been shown by some researchers to provide
better agreement between the measured and predicted magnitude and extent of lateral
spreading compared to other LD prediction models. Conversely, based on a different set of
selected transects along the Avon River, other researchers have shown that the Zhang et al.
(2004) empirical model does not provide a good fit between the measured and predicted
LD compared to other LD prediction models. The reasons for these apparent contradic-
tory conclusions may result from the varied transect locations and associated geometric,
geologic, geomorphic variability and subsurface ground conditions. The objective of this
study is to evaluate the combinations of these factors for which the Zhang et al. (2004) em-
pirical model predicts the LD reasonably well and also the conditions for which it does not
predict the LD very well. Combining the available datasets outlining horizontal ground
surface displacements during the CES, the maximum extent of lateral spreading and the
magnitude of maximum displacement has been estimated along the Avon River. By using
the extensive Cone Penetration Test (CPT) dataset available, a regional lateral spreading
assessment has been undertaken, based on the Zhang et al. (2004) empirical model, to
assess the predicted LD along a reach of the Avon River eastward of the Central Business
District (CBD). The results have been compared to the measured LD that occurred for the
22 February 2011 earthquake. The results show that the Zhang et al. (2004) model tends
to over predict LD more in the older river terrace deposits when compared to the younger
reworked river floodplain deposits


203 - Influence of age on liquefaction resistance of Holocene
alluvial and marine soils in Christchurch and Kaiapoi, New Zealand
Barnabas Bwambale & Ronald D. Andrus
Glenn Department of Civil Engineering, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, United States
Misko Cubrinovski
Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering, University of Canterbury,
Christchurch, New Zealand
The influence of age on liquefaction resistance of Holocene alluvial and marine soils in
Christchurch and Kaiapoi, New Zealand is characterized in this paper using published
results of investigations in four areas (i.e., Kilmore Street, Gainsborough Reserve, Riccar-
ton Road, and Kaiapoi). Much of Christchurch and Kaiapoi experienced minor to severe
liquefaction during the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence. Ratios of measured
small-strain shear wave velocity to estimated small-strain shear wave velocity based on
penetration resistance (MEVR) determined for the critical layers in the four areas agree
well with the study by McGann et al., and are similar to ratios computed for recently liq-
uefied deposits in other areas of the world. Deposit resistance correction factors to account
for aging processes (KDR) determined for the four areas also compared well with factors de-
termined for deposits in other areas of the world. These findings support the use of MEVR
and KDR for accurate site-specific liquefaction assessment and performance-based design.

Monday July 17, 2017 | 13:45 - 15:45
Chair: Tetsuo Tobita
Room: Salon D/E

514 - Influence of degree of saturation on liquefaction resistance

and undrained shear strength of silty sands
Yoshimichi Tsukamoto
Department of Civil Engineering, Tokyo University of Science, Noda, Chiba, Japan
The undrained shear strength and liquefaction cyclic resistance of silty sands are exam-
ined based on a large number of laboratory triaxial test results. The influence of satura-
tion on the liquefaction triggering and occurrence of liquefaction-induced flow slides is
highlighted. The laboratory triaxial tests are conducted separately in the three phases of
full saturation, partial saturation and unsaturation. The past studies of the authors are
first reviewed and some new data are added where appropriate. The different responses of
silty sands in those three phases of saturation are discussed in detail. In addition, the use
of volume-constant direct shear tests is examined to determine shear strength and cyclic
resistance of unsaturated sand. The total stress paths achieved by this testing method are
found to resemble well the effective stress paths of undrained triaxial tests, and the shear
strength and cyclic resistance inferred from this testing method are found to be comparable
with those from saturated undrained triaxial tests.


132 - Influence of saturation degree on soil liquefaction behavior
Mathilde Vernay, Mathilde Morvan, & Pierre Breul
Institut Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Department of Civil Engineering Universit Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Among damages potentially caused by an earthquake, liquefaction is one of the most dan-
gerous. Many authors have already studied soil liquefaction. However, many damages are
still caused by this phenomenon, showing that some parameters are not fully controlled nor
understood yet. For instance, according to the normative acts, if the soil is not fully saturated,
the risk of liquefaction should not be considered. Some studies have already shown that a soil
could liquefy, even when its saturation degree is below 100%. However, those studies are few,
and most of them only take into account the pore fluid compressibility of the unsaturated
soil. Effects of suction are most of the time neglected. The aim of the present experimental
work is to study mechanical behavior of sand under cyclic loading, considering variation of
initial saturation state. What are the factors involved in those complex mechanism? Influ-
ence of initial suction value and distribution pattern of the air phase is of interest. Cyclic
triaxial tests have been performed on Fontainebleau sand samples, under various initial state
of saturation. A special equipment was developed in the laboratory to study unsaturated soil
behavior. A high air entry porous stone and a water column device were added to the classical
Bishop and Wesley cell. These experimental devices enable suctions control and measure-
ment. The soil-water characteristic curve was obtained in the laboratory using the filter paper
method. It was then used to connect suction to saturation degree. Local LVDT sensors allow
a complete volumetric strain monitoring during cyclic loading. The first results confirm that
liquefaction can arise even when the soil is not fully saturated. Although the presence of air
enhances the materials mechanical properties, it does not prevent the liquefaction to occur.

361 - Performance of various granular soils in most dense state

Tadashi Kawai, Kim Jongkwan, & Motoki Kazama
Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan
For performance based design, it is considered sufficient to evaluate the likelihood that
loose sand will undergo liquefaction during an earthquake, whereas in the case of dense
sand, the amount of displacement also needs to be estimated. That is, the deformation
characteristics of granular soils in a dense state are important in performance based design.
However, it is difficult to denote whether soils with a fines content of over five percent are
in a dense state or a loose state. This is because the fines contents exceeds the limitation of
the JIS A1224 method for obtaining maximum density, rendering it impossible to obtain
the relative density of that soil. In this study, the challenge was to determine maximum
density to evaluate deformation characteristics for liquefied soils with a relatively high fines
content. The liquefaction resistance and deformation characteristics of various soils w/wo a
fines over five percent were determined and compared with particular attention paid to the
increments of shear strain amplitude after each loading cycle. The results indicate that the
liquefaction resistance of all the granular soils, regardless of their fines content, is sufficient
in their most dense state prepared by a wet tamping method. This finding applies even
when the fines content exceeds twenty percent.


499 - Aging Effect on Liquefaction Resistance versus S-wave
velocity by means of Laboratory Triaxial Tests with Bender Element
Sasaoka, R.
Kajima Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
Kokusho, T.
Department of Civil & Environment Engineering Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan
Previous studies about liquefaction resistance have indicated that soil fabric in natural sand
deposit is stabilized due to aging effect: chemical reaction of minerals and various loading
history, leading to an increase of in situ liquefaction resistance. It is thus significant to take
aging effect into account in evaluating liquefaction potential in engineering design. For
that goal, shear-wave velocity is supposed to be promising to serve as a convenient in situ
index. In this research, liquefaction resistance RL versus shear-wave velocity Vs relation-
ships of sand are investigated by a series of triaxial liquefaction tests and bender element
tests on the same specimens.
A series of experimental study by means of bender element tests and subsequent undrained
cyclic loading liquefaction tests in the same triaxial test specimens were carried out. Test re-
sults on reconstituted sands indicated that the cyclic resistance ratio RL is not uniquely but
differently correlated with shear-wave velocity Vs for different soils. Accelerated tests by
mixing a small amount of cement to simulate the geological aging effect by cementation on
liquefaction resistance in a short time demonstrated that Vs, though not being a sensitive
indicator, can serve as a convenient parameter to roughly evaluate RL for an individual soil.
It was also found that not only the geological age but also the fines content and chemical
properties are the keys of the aging effect on RL, which was also demonstrated by a series
of tests using intact samples recovered from several sites.

127 - Effect of surface layer condition using grid-wall soil

improvement as liquefaction countermeasure
Shoichi Tsukuni, Tatsuya Noguchi, & Kazuo Konishi
Takenaka Civil Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd., Koto-ku, Tokyo,Japan
Akihiko Uchida
Takenaka Corporation, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan
The grid-wall soil improvement technique has been adopted in Japan to prevent liquefaction
near levees and buildings bases. The spacing between grid walls is an important design pa-
rameter for grid-wall soil improvement. A decrease in this spacing improves liquefaction pre-
vention in a grid-wall soil improvement design, the spacing between grid walls is determined
by the following two methods. (1) Based on the experimental results of shaking-table tests,
the spacing between grid walls is restricted such that L/H 0.8, where L is the spacing be-
tween grid walls and H is the thickness of the liquefaction layer. (2) Using a seismic response
analysis with an equivalent linear method, the shear stress generated in the ground is calcu-
lated. Consequently, the safety factor against liquefaction, FL, is calculated; L is set such that
FL > 1.0 in all liquefied layers. These two methods are based on the design specifications.
However, when the gridwall soil improvement technique was used to mitigate liquefaction


for residential houses that had suffered severe damage owing to liquefaction during the 2011
Tohoku earthquake, it proved difficult to use L/H and FL as design guidelines because grid-
wall soil improvement had to be applied under existing houses in this case. If the spacing be-
tween grid walls is increased, the settlement of residential houses can be adopted as a suitable
design guideline to allow partial liquefaction. Here, dynamic centrifuge model tests, which
the experimental conditions changed the surface ground profile, were conducted to study the
performance-based design of grid-wall soil improvement focusing on the relation between
the surface ground profile and the subsidence of residential houses. We found that grid-wall
soil improvement could be used at locations where there is a non-liquefied compacted layer
of sufficient thickness. Although partial liquefaction occurred in deep regions, the subsidence
of residential houses was mitigated.

386 - Dynamic Centrifuge Test of an Embankment on Liquefiable

Soil Reinforced with SoilCement Walls
Ali Khosravi, Mohammad Khosravi, Ross W. Boulanger, Daniel W. Wilson, &
Amber Pulido
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California,
Davis, CA, United States
This paper describes the model construction procedure and presents example results and
preliminary observations for a centrifuge test of an embankment on a liquefiable founda-
tion layer treated with soil-cement walls and subjected to seismic loads. The centrifuge
experiment was carried out on the 9-m radius centrifuge at the Center for Geotechnical
Modeling at UC Davis. The model corresponded to, in prototype units, a 28-m tall em-
bankment of coarse medium dense Monterey sand (relative density, Dr 85%) underlain
by a 9-m thick saturated loose Ottawa sand layer with Dr of about 42%. Soilcement walls
were constructed through the loose sand layer over a 30-m long section near the toe of
the embankment and covered with a 7.5-m tall berm. The soil-cement had an average
unconfined compressive strength of 2.0 MPa and the walls had an area replacement ratio
of 24% over the width of the embankment. The model was shaken with a series of scaled
earthquakes having peak horizontal base accelerations ranging from 0.05g to 0.54 g. This
paper describes the model construction procedure (e.g. sand pluviation, soil-cement wall
construction, instrumentation), and presents some preliminary results and observations of
the performance of the soil, embankment, and soil-cement walls.


Monday July 17, 2017 | 13:45 - 15:45
Chair: Rambod Hadidi
Room: Salon C

529 - On the complexity of seismic waves trapped in non-flat

geologic features
Domniki Asimaki & Kami Mohammadi
Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, CA, United States
Most earthquake engineering and seismological models make the sweeping assumption
that the world is flat. The ground surface topography, however, has been repeatedly shown
to strongly affect the amplitude, frequency, duration and damage induced by earthquake
shaking, effects mostly ignored in earthquake simulations and engineering design. In this
talk, I will show a collection of examples that highlight the effects of topography on seismic
ground shaking, and I will point out what these results suggest in the context of the current
state-of-earthquake engineering practice. Examples will range from semi-analytical solu-
tions of wave propagation in infinite wedge to three-dimensional numerical simulations
of topography effects using digital elevation map-generated models and layered geologic
features. I will conclude by demonstrating that topography effects vary strongly with the
stratigraphy and inelastic behavior of the underlying geologic materials, and thus cannot be
accurately predicted by studying the effects of ground surface geometry alone.

384 - Influence of Misfit of Desired Damping Response in

Nonlinear Ground Response Analysis
Samuel Yniesta
Department of Civil, Geological, and Mining Engineering Ecole Polytechnique of
Montral, Montral, QC, Canada
Scott J. Brandenberg
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California Los
Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Constitutive models for 1D ground response analysis typically include a modulus reduc-
tion and damping curve as input parameters, which represent the desired behavior of the
soil. Most of the models use modified Masing rules to define unload/reload behavior, based
on the input damping curve; however, this kind of unloading/reloading rules typically in-
troduce a misfit of the input damping curve, resulting in a mismatch of the desired behav-
ior. The extent to which this mismatch affects the results of a ground response analysis was
previously hard to assess because of the lack of models able to provide a perfect fit of both
the damping and the modulus reduction curves.
This paper presents a comparison of nonlinear ground response analyses using different
models, providing different levels of goodness of fit of the input damping curve. A perfect


fit of the input curve is obtained with the authors recently developed model. This model
provides a perfect match of both input curves by using a coordinate transformation tech-
nique, and controlling the soils response in the transformed coordinate system. The results
of the nonlinear ground response analyses are then used to assess the site conditions and
the ground motion characteristics for which a mismatch of the damping curve can yield a
significant difference in the results of a ground response analysis.

455 - Effects of soil stiffness and depth on the seismic response

of sites in total and effective stress analyses
Reza Imam & Danial Ghaffarian
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Amirkabir University of Technology,
Tehran, Iran
Many building codes require site response analysis for the design of buildings on sites un-
derlain by very weak or liquefiable soils. In such cases, response spectra curves and seismic
design parameters are determined based on the response of the site soils to earthquake
loading. Site response is most commonly studied using one-dimensional, effective or total
stress analyses. Various factors that influence results of the analyses should be considered in
order to arrive at design parameters that envelope all possible cases.
In the current study, site response analyses are carried out for a site underlain by liquefiable
soils. A response spectra curve corresponding to maximum considered earthquake (MCE)
is obtained from ground motion seismic hazard analysis. This curve, developed for site
conditions compatible with the base of the soil column used in the site response analysis, is
used for the selection of seven acceleration time history records consistent with the spectra
shape, the site properties, and its seismicity. The records are then spectrally matched to this
target curve, and then applied at the base of the soil column. Effects of variability in soil
stratigraphy and stiffness, and depth of soil column on results of the analyses are exam-
ined. Due to liquefaction potential of the subsoil, effects of pore pressure generation and
dissipation are examined by conducting nonlinear effective stress analyses, and results are
compared to those obtained from total stress analyses. Results indicate that stiffer stratig-
raphy lead to higher spectral accelerations at lower periods, and softer stratigraphy result
in higher accelerations in higher periods. Smaller depth of soil column result in higher
spectral accelerations at ground surface. Moreover, due to inability of liquefiable soils to
transfer shear stresses to the upper layers, smaller spectral accelerations are obtained at
ground surface from effective stress analyses.

482 - Proxy-Based VS30 Prediction in Alaska Accounting for

Limited Regional Data
Sean K. Ahdi & Jonathan P. Stewart
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California,
Los Angeles, CA, United States
Dong Youp Kwak, Timothy D. Ancheta, & Devjyoti Mitra
RMS, Inc., Newark, CA, United States


The time-averaged shear wave velocity in the upper 30 m (VS30) is commonly used as a pa-
rameter representing site conditions for ground motion model development. While it is ideal
for shear wave velocity (VS) profiles to be acquired using in-situ geophysical measurements
and to depths greater than 30 m, often times such information is not available at a particular
site of interest. As part of the NGA-Subduction project, regional proxy-based models for esti-
mating VS30 have been, or are in the process of being, developed for several regions [e.g., the
Pacific Northwest (PNW) of North America, Taiwan, Chile] to facilitate VS30 estimation at
strong-motion accelerometer sites that have recorded subduction-zone earthquakes. The focus
of this paper is VS30 estimation in Alaska, which presents several challenges. Namely, the region
is large and geologically varied, and the available velocity profile data is few in number and
regionally clustered, such that no information is available for some important areas within the
state. As is done elsewhere in NGA-Subduction, we develop prediction models for the natural
log mean and standard deviation of VS30 conditioned on secondary information such as surface
geology, topographic gradient (slope), and geomorphic terrain categories. Alaska VS30 data is
taken from 126 measured VS profiles or VS30 values from university research, most of which
are clustered in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Seward, Valdez, and areas affected by the 2002 Denali
earthquake. As a result of the data sampling problems, we propose alternative approaches for
proxy development, whereby: (1) for geologic conditions for which VS data is available, we val-
idate/calibrate PNW models for application in Alaska; (2) for geologic conditions lacking VS
data, we adopt models for similar geologic conditions from other regions. Sites in Alaska are
classified using a five-class schema developed herein that fall under the umbrella of the two
aforementioned approaches. Uncertainties assigned to VS30 estimates are increased when based
on values adopted from approach 2.

297 - A comparison of CPT-VS correlations using a liquefaction

case history database from the 2010-2011 Canterbury
Earthquake Sequence
Clinton M. Wood
Dept. of Civil Engineering University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, United States
Christopher R. McGann, Brendon A. Bradley, & Misko Cubrinovski
Dept. of Civil & Natural Resources Engineering University of Canterbury, Christchurch,
New Zealand
Brady R. Cox
Dept. of Civil, Architectural, & Environmental Engineering University of Texas at Austin,
Austin, TX, United States
Russell Green
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, United States
Liam Wotherspoon
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering The University of Auckland, Auckland,
New Zealand
This study uses 44 high quality liquefaction case histories taken from 22 locations affected by
the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence to evaluate four commonly used CPT-VS
correlations (i.e., Robertson, 2009; Hegazy and Mayne, 2006; Andrus et al., 2007; McGann et


al., 2015b). Co-located CPT soundings and VS profiles, developed from surface wave testing,
were obtained at 22 locations and case histories were developed for the Mw 7.1, 4 September
2010 Darfield and Mw 6.2, 22 February 2011 Christchurch earthquakes. The CPT soundings
are used to generate VS profiles using each of four CPT-VS correlations. These correlated VS
profiles are used to estimate the factor of safety against liquefaction using the Kayen et al. (2013)
VS-based simplified liquefaction evaluation procedure. An error index is used to quantify the
predictive capabilities of these correlations in relation to the observations of liquefaction (or the
lack thereof). Additionally, the error indices from the CPT-correlated VS profiles are compared
to those obtained using: (1) the Kayen et al. (2013) procedure with surface wave-derived VS
profiles, and (2) the Idriss and Boulanger (2008) CPT-based liquefaction evaluation procedure.
Based on the error indices, the evaluation procedures based on direct measurements of either
CPT or VS provided more accurate liquefaction triggering estimates than those obtained from
any of the CPT-VS correlations. However, the performance of the CPT-VS correlations varied,
with the Robertson (2009) and Hegazy and Mayne (2006) correlations performing relatively
poorly for the Christchurch soils and the Andrus et al. (2007) and McGann et al. (2015b)
correlations performing better. The McGann et al. (2015b) correlation had the lowest error
indices of the CPT-VS correlations tested, however, none of the CPT-VS correlations provided
accurate enough VS predictions to be used for the evaluation of liquefaction triggering using the
VS-based liquefaction evaluation procedures.

181 - Application of the P-Wave Seismogram Method for VS30

Characterization of Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas
Georgios Zalachoris, Ellen M. Rathje, Brady R. Cox, & Tianjian Cheng
Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering University of Texas at
Austin, Austin, TX, United States
The observed increase in seismicity in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas during the last ~5
years, has made the shear wave velocity characterization of these states increasingly perti-
nent. Due to the lack of in-situ shear wave velocity measurements, the P-wave seismogram
method is used to develop estimates of the time averaged shear wave velocity of the up-
per 30 meters (VS30) at several seismic station locations in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas.
Overall, VS30 values are estimated at 251 sites using approximately 2,900 recordings. Based
on the obtained VS30 estimates, a preliminary VS30 map of Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas is
developed. The computed estimates are compared with VS30 proxy values developed by the
Next Generation Attenuation East (NGA-East) project, as well as with a limited num-
ber of in-situ measurements. The P-wave seismogram method generally produces higher
VS30 values than those assigned to the sites by the NGA-East project, particularly for older
rock formations (i.e., Paleozoic). The computed VS30 P-Wave Seismogram estimates agree
well with the mapped geology and with the limited measurements across the study area.


Monday July 17, 2017 | 13:45 - 15:45
Chair: Katerina Ziotopoulou
Room: Salon F

527 - On the transversal seismic response and analysis of shallow

rectangular and circular tunnels
Kyriazis Pitilakis & Grigorios Tsinidis
Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece
Tunnels constitute critical components of the utility and transportation networks of urban ar-
eas. In this context, their seismic design in seismic prone areas is of great importance. Several
features of this type of construction render their seismic behavior distinct compared to that
of above ground structures, while critical issues related to this behavior are still open, calling
for further investigation. The paper summarizes the main findings of an extensive study on
the transversal seismic behavior and analysis of circular and rectangular tunnels, which was
recently carried out at the Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece. The effects of soil-tun-
nel relative stiffness, soil-tunnel interface conditions and soil yielding on (i) the deformed
shapes of tunnels during shaking, (ii) the dynamic lining forces, and (iii) the dynamic earth
pressures and dynamic soil shear stresses developed around rectangular tunnels, are discussed
on the basis of results from recent dynamic centrifuge tests and rigorous numerical analyses.
In parallel, the efficiency of a wide range of simplified analysis methods, which are often
implemented in the tunnelling design practice, is also highlighted and discussed. Particular
emphasis is given on the experimentally and numerically proved coupled racking-rocking
response of shallow rectangular tunnels subjected to transversal ground shaking. A series of
numerical racking ratio - flexibility ratio (R-F) relations are developed for a wide range of
soil-tunnel configurations, quantifying the racking response of rectangular tunnels, while the
rocking response is quantified by means of dimensionless tunnel section rotation - flexibility
ratio (/ff-F) relations. A set of modified racking ratio - flexibility ratio (Rd-F) relations that
account for the effect of the coupled racking-rocking response of tunnels on the actual rack-
ing distortion is finally provided for design purposes, contributing towards the improvement
of the R-F method. The presented results lead to a better understanding of the transversal
seismic response of shallow tunnels in alluvial soil, highlighting the advantages and short-
comings of various analysis methods, hence contributing to increased safety margins of the
seismic design of tunnels.


373 - Dynamic SSI Analyses of the Headworks Reservoir West
Using 2.5D Computational Procedure
Martin B. Hudson, Liangcai He, & Marshall Lew
Amec Foster Wheeler, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Michael Mehrain
Mehrain Naeim International, Inc., Irvine, CA, United States
Alek Harounian
GeoPentech, Irvine, CA, United States
William Lai & Mariam Schahmoradi
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, Los Angeles, CA, United States
The Headworks Reservoir West (HRW), a 60-million-gallon reinforced concrete box res-
ervoir, will be constructed as part of the water supply system of the City of Los Angeles
Department of Water and Power (LADWP), and performance of the water supply system
is crucial in the event of an earthquake. Seismic design of the HRW was performed by
LADWP engineers using Equivalent Lateral Force (ELF) procedures. Seismic perfor-
mance of the HRW was evaluated by performing dynamic nonlinear soil-structure inter-
action (SSI) analyses using computer program FLAC 2D.
Generally, sites with different soil profiles have different responses to earthquake shaking.
The thickness of alluvium underneath the HRW site varies significantly from about 30
feet on the east to over 100 feet on the west. As a result, the reservoir structure may have
differing response across the site. To capture the three-dimensional effect of the site re-
sponse on the structure as well as to model the roof and foundation diaphragm action, a
quasi-three dimensional model, herein called a 2.5D model, was developed in which seven
two-dimensional grids representing parallel sections through the HRW were linked by
beam elements to represent the roof and floor diaphragms of the reservoir. The specifics
used in linking the deformation of several two dimensional models to represent the three
dimensional performance - including torsion - while using a two-dimensional program, is
novel and is the reason for presentation of this paper.
Four design ground motions were introduced to the model and response of key areas of
the model were monitored and analyzed. Outputs included acceleration time histories and
response spectra at key locations, moments and shear forces in the structural elements,
deformation of roof and foundation diaphragm beams, and plastic hinge rotations in loca-
tions where plastic response was allowed.
Results of the dynamic 2.5D analyses show that the extent of plastic yielding is expected to
be small and that damage to the structure is expected to be minor and insignificant in the
event of the design ground motions. Further, the analyses indicated that the structure will
have considerable reserve capacity for handling subsequent earthquake events, allowing for
continuing water service after the earthquake.


409 - Performance Based Design with 3D dynamic SSI and FSI
analysis for large buried water storage reservoirs
Phoebe Cheng & Payman Khalili Tehrani
SC Solutions, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, United States
Michele McHenry
CH2M HILL, Inc., Corvallis, OR, United States
Wally Bennett & Donald Anderson
CH2M HILL Inc., Bellevue, WA, United States
Robert Mitchell
Shannon & Wilson, Inc., Seattle, WA, United States
Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) has four large, buried concrete reservoirs constructed be-
tween 2006 and 2013 and ranging in size from 5MG to 64MG (20 to 240 million li-
tres). These reservoirs are essential for maintaining post-seismic event fire suppression and
domestic water supplies for the City of Seattle, Washington. Three of the reservoirs are
roughly square, with widths between 450ft (137m) and 670ft (204m), depths of 20ft to
30ft (6m to 9m), and 2ft (0.6m) soil cover. The fourth buried reservoir is roughly one-
eighth the plan view size. Areas above the reservoirs provide public parks with sports fields
and recreational facilities.
In response to a notice that these reservoirs might be seismically deficient, SPU decided to
use leading edge threedimensional (3D) nonlinear (NL) Soil-Fluid-Structure Interaction
(SFSI) analysis methods to evaluate their performance. SPU elected SFSI analysis instead
of traditional code-based methods because performance based design principles were key
to addressing the seismic performance and retrofit of these reservoirs, and no off-the-shelf
code-based or simplified methods were directly applicable or technically justified for bur-
ied structures of this type. This is the first time 3D nonlinear time domain SFSI analysis
methods have been applied to structures of this type and size by SPU. The seismic perfor-
mance assessments of these reservoirs show that such advanced analyses produced reduc-
tions in seismic base shears compared to equivalent static design methods, were essential in
identifying the cause and extent of the vulnerability, and were necessary in evaluating and
ultimately meeting the performance objectives of the retrofit.
The reservoirs were evaluated against performance criteria established for life safety and
reliability after a 2,475-year return period Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) and
for serviceability after a 100-year return period Operational Basis Earthquake (OBE). It
was found that deficiencies in the reservoirs structural detailing could potentially lead to
leakage exceeding the performance objectives for both levels of seismic hazard. These defi-
ciencies resulted from: (1) the 3D nature of the seismic loading and the structural response;
(2) the complex interactions between the tiled floor systems (designed to limit cracking
from concrete shrinkage) and the supporting soil; and (3) the interaction between the
walls and the surrounding soil. These interactions were aggravated by slippage below the
wall foundations, intermittent gaps that developed between the soil and the walls, varying
topography, and varying soil stratigraphy.
This paper addresses the utilization of performance-based design principles for the retrofit
design. It discusses seismic hazard, 3D SFSI modeling, structural response and deficien-


cies, and mitigation measures. The paper also addresses applicability of the current United
States (US) design codes and the shortcomings of the code-based methods for the design
of buried water reservoirs in providing a more reliable prediction of performance with
respect to water-tightness.

393 - Seismic earth pressures Experiments and Analyses

Nathaniel Wagner
SAGE Engineers, Inc., Oakland, CA, United States
Gabriel Candia
Facultad de Ingeniera Civil, Universidad del Desarrollo National Research Center for
Integrated Natural Disaster Management, Santiago, Chile
Roozbeh Geraili Mikola
McMillen Jacobs Associates, San Francisco, CA, United States
Nicholas Sitar
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley,
CA, United States
Observations of the performance of basement walls and braced retaining structures in
recent earthquakes show that failures of basement or deep excavation walls in earthquakes
are rare even if the structures were not designed for the actual magnitude of the earthquake
loading. For instance, no significant damage or failures of retaining structures occurred
in the recent Wenchuan earthquake in China (2008) and the subduction earthquakes in
Chile (2010) and Japan (2011). Current design methodologies predict large dynamic loads
due to seismic earth pressure that have not been observed in practice. Additionally, recent
research has acknowledged that embedment effects should be incorporated, yet no specific
provisions have been proposed. The use of the free field peak ground acceleration as a
design parameter appears to be the main culprit for predicting large design dynamic loads,
and as such, an alternative design parameter is investigated.
To develop a better understanding of the distribution and magnitude of the seismic
earth pressures on basement walls and braced retaining structures, a series of centrifuge
experiments were performed on model structures with medium dense cohesionless or
cohesive backfill. Three sets of centrifuge experiments were carried out at the Center
for Geotechnical Modeling at UC Davis. Three different types of prototype structures
were modeled in this research effort, as follows: 1) 6 m deep stiff non-displacing cross
braced retaining structure; 2) 6 m deep flexible non-displacing cross braced retaining
structure and 3) 13 m deep stiff non-displacing basement structure. The experimental
results illustrate that standard design and analysis procedures over-predict the seismic
earth pressures and the necessity for incorporating depth of embedment effects. The
data was reanalyzed using a maximum averaged acceleration over the depth of embed-
ment as the design acceleration for the centrifuge data, resulting in better agreement
between the observed centrifuge data and predicted design loads.


103 - Centrifuge modeling of racking deformations of box culverts
Osama Abuhajar, Hesham El Naggar, & Tim Newson
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Research Center The
University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada
The response of buried structures subjected to destructive earthquakes has increasingly attract-
ed attention over the last two decades. Some infrastructure have suffered collapse or severe
damage in recent earthquakes. Seismic soil-structure interaction is influenced by the relative
stiffness between the soil and the buried structure, which also controls the racking deforma-
tion defined as the differential sideways movement between the top and bottom slabs of box
culverts. The racking ratio between the free field and structural field is of great importance for
seismic design of box culverts. In this paper, several small scale model tests were performed on a
geotechnical centrifuge and a one-dimensional shaker was used to simulate earthquake shaking
events at 60g. These tests were performed to investigate the effect of the box culvert thickness
and hosting soil stiffness on the racking deformations. The tests were performed in dry Ne-
vada sand with two relative densities (50 and 90%). The measured acceleration time histories
were utilized to determine the displacement time histories and the peak ground displacement
(PGD). The calculated displacements were then used to evaluate the racking deformations
of the box culverts. Three different earthquakes with different intensities (peak amplitudes)
and frequencies were used during testing. The results indicate that the soil density and culvert
thickness had significant influence on the observed racking deformations and racking ratios.
Reducing the culvert thickness and the soil density resulted in increased racking ratios by a
considerable amount compared to culverts that have large slab thickness in very dense sand.

382 - Lateral pressures on underground stiff box structures from

sinusoidal motions
Craig A. Davis
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Shideh Dashti
Department of Civil, Environmental, & Arch. Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder,
CO, United States
Ashkaan Hushmand
Hushmand Associates Inc., Irvine, CA, United States
Lateral seismic earth pressures on shallow stiff underground structures are evaluated and
compared between analytical and physical models. An analytical model is presented for
evaluating the dynamic increment of lateral earth pressures on perfectly rigid, unyielding
walls subject to vertically propagating shear waves. In this paper, we compare the analytical
model predictions to physical model measurements obtained from centrifuge testing. Cen-
trifuge experiments evaluated the seismic response of a stiff underground box structure for
base sinusoidal motions of amplitude near 0.3g and primary frequencies of 0.33, 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, and 6 Hz, in addition to other broadband earthquake motions. The response of the stiff
structure used in the physical models approximates the rigid structure assumptions of the
analytical model. Model comparisons are made for the dynamic increment of lateral earth


pressures. Results show the analytical model based on the most dominate modes contrib-
uting to lateral seismic pressures compares well with the experimental measurements for
the conditions and type of underground structure considered in this study. The evaluation
shows maximum seismic lateral stresses on stiff underground structures can be accurately
estimated assuming rigid walls and using the mean contributing frequency fmc with a mode
having equivalent wavelength of four times the structure depth H.

Monday July 17, 2017 | 13:45 - 15:45
Chair: Thaleia Travasarou
Room: Mackenzie

546 - UBCSAND1 An effective stress model for sand and clays

subjected to earthquake loading
Ernest Naesgaard
Naesgaard-Amini Geotechnical Ltd., Bowen Island, BC, Canada
UBCSAND1 is a variant of the UBCSAND constitutive model originally developed at
the University of British Columbia. The original UBCSAND was a fully coupled effective
stress constitutive model developed for analyzing saturated loose to medium dense sands
subjected to earthquake shaking. UBCSAND1 has been modified to be able to capture
the behavior of loose to very dense sands, drained, partially drained or undrained response,
and the behavior of undrained clay or silt soils. The workings of the model are explained,
examples of behavior with various types of loadings and soils conditions are given, and a
case history of its use for dynamic analysis of an embankment dam is given.

416 - Two-dimensional effective stress analyses of consolidation

and corresponding seismic responses of clay layers
Osamu Ozutsumi
Meisosha Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
Susumu Iai
Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto, Japan
Tomohiro Nakahara
Penta-Ocean Construction Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
A new constitutive model (cookie model) for clay was proposed to establish a prediction
method to evaluate damage caused by complex disasters. The model was developed as an
extension of a model (cocktail glass model) for liquefiable sandy soil. The models were
incorporated in a two-dimensional dynamic effective stress analysis program.
The study involved using the stress analysis program to apply the constitutive models to
sandy layers and clay layers under a highway embankment as an example. Self-weight anal-
ysis and long-term consolidation settlement analysis were performed continuously, and the


seismic response analysis was performed within the consolidation settlement analysis process.
The analytical results indicated that earthquakes caused additional instantaneous settlement,
additional long-term settlement, and increase in pore water pressure of the clay layers.

494 - Nonlinear seismic response analysis of single pile in sand

Mehdi Heidari, Moustafa Elsawy, & Hesham El Naggar
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Western Ontario,
London, ON, Canada
Owing to their reasonable accuracy and relative simplicity, beam-on-nonlinear Winkler
foundation (BNWF) models are widely used in the analysis of piles response to different
loading conditions. For performance-based seismic design of piles-supported structures, it
is essential to account for various variables that influence the piles behaviour. In this paper, a
generalized BNWF model recently developed by Heidari and El Naggar (2016) is adopted
for the seismic analysis of pile foundations. The nonlinear model is capable of accounting for
important SSI features including soil nonlinearity, cyclic soil degradation/hardening, gap for-
mation and soil-cave in, and energy dissipation due to radiation damping. Nonlinear behav-
ior of pile material under seismic loading is also incorporated in the analysis by implementing
a fiber technique. In this approach, the element behavior is derived by weighted integration
of the section response while the nonlinearity can occur at any section along the pile element.
Free-field motions obtained from linear and nonlinear time domain analyses are used to
compute the response of excited pile. The accuracy of model predictions is verified by com-
paring the numerical results with full-scale test data. The comparisons show the capability of
the method to predict deflection and internal forces of the piles.

270 - Evergreen Line Rapid Transit Project: Seismic analysis of

the ground improved by timber piles for support of an
MSE embankment
Ali Azizian & Brian Hall
Tetra Tech, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Michael Beaty
Beaty Engineering, Beaverton, OR, United States
Meiric Preece
SNC-Lavalin Inc., Vancouver, BC, Canada
A nearly 1 km section of the Evergreen Line Rapid Transit (ELRT) project in Great Van-
couver, BC, comprised a Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) embankment supported
on ground improved by driving timber piles. This section of the ELRT runs through the
Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) cut in the City of Port Moody. A grade difference of up
to 10m exists between the ELRT and CPR alignments. The subsurface conditions along
the alignment included variable fill, debris fan, marine, glaciomarine and till-like deposits.
The primary geotechnical design and construction issues were: liquefiable soils, settlement
of MSE embankment and track slab, very wet groundwater conditions, obstructions, im-
pact to adjacent CPR tracks, and extremely limited right of way for construction activities.


Performance-based design was specified in the project requirements. Ground improve-
ment by timber piles was selected after a review of several options including deep soil
mixing and densification by stone columns. Performance criteria were the basis of design
parameters such as pile spacing. The majority of the section required ground improvement
except for a portion where soils could be treated by excavation and compaction to provide a
suitably stable subgrade for the MSE embankment supporting the track slab.
Coupled seismic deformation analyses were performed using the program FLAC and
the UBCSAND constitutive model, and were selected as the design basis. Comparisons
were made to analysis results from simplified approaches. The focus of this paper is on
the soil-structure interaction analysis of the ground improvement by timber piles, rather
than the MSE wall internal design.
The timber piles were unpeeled, untreated, and installed on a 1.2 m square grid over
a nominal width of about 10 m. Nominal pile length was about 15 m. Installation of
some of the piles required pre-drilling through dense soil and/or gravel layers. Top of the
piles had to be maintained at a depth of 0.6 m below the permanent groundwater level
to protect against degradation. Laboratory tests were performed to confirm properties
specific to the type of timber used.

335 - Nonlinear Soil-Pile Foundation-Structure Interaction in

Liquefied and Laterally Spreading Ground during Earthquakes
Kheradi Hamayoon & Zhang Feng
Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Showa-ku, Gokiso-cho,
Nagoya, Japan
Statistical data from past-experienced earthquakes like the 1964 Niigata earthquake shows
that the failure of the pile foundation due to the liquefaction-induced lateral spreading
during the strong earthquakes happened frequently. The analysis of the piles in lateral
spreading soil is a complex soil-pile foundation-structure interaction problem. Investigat-
ing the effects of slope angle of the base stratum on the performance of the pile foundation
enlarged the complexity. During the lateral spreading the variation of sectional-force of the
pile concerning different slope angle of the base stratum becomes a serious problem that
needs to be clarified. To investigate the performance of the pile foundation in the lateral
spreading ground during the strong earthquakes a fully nonlinear numerical method with
strong nonlinearity is required. In the present paper, a nonlinear soil-water coupling dy-
namic finite element analysis is conducted to investigate the sectional-force induced in the
pile foundation during the earthquake in the laterally spreading soil. The numerical analy-
sis is carried out for a section of an elevated bridge supported by a 1 2 group pile. Toyoura
sand is considered as the ground material, and the Cyclic Mobility model describes its
nonlinear mechanical behavior. An axial-force dependent model describes the nonlinear
mechanical behavior of the pile foundation. The nonlinear beam elements describe the
behavior of pier and can take into consideration the geometric and material nonlinearities
during the earthquakes. Two different slope angles are considered for the base stratum, and
the sectional-force of the pile during the earthquake is analyzed. The analyses show that
with an increase of base slope angle the axial force, bending moment and shear force will be


increased dramatically. Finally, the numerical analysis proposes that the considering of base
slope angle for the analysis and design of the pile foundation in the sloping and laterally
spreading soil is essential.

198 - Numerical study for performance-based design of piled raft

with grid-form DMWs under large earthquake load
Yoshimasa Shigeno, Kiyoshi Yamashita, & Junji Hamada
Takenaka Research & Development Institute, Takenaka Corporation, Inzai, Chiba, Japan
Seismic performance of a piled raft foundation with grid-form deep mixing walls
(DMWs) in soft ground under large earthquake loads is evaluated numerically. A base-iso-
lated building located in Tokyo is modeled as a detailed threedimensional finite element
groundstructure interaction model. This model has been verified through the numerical
simulation using the medium seismic motion recorded at the site during the 2011 off the
Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake in the previous study. The base input motions, that
are officially notified for a performance design in Japanese building design codes, are used
as large earthquake loads. A nonlinear model with tensile and shear criteria is applied for
the stabilized soil. Numerical cases without the grid-form DMWs are also analyzed to
clarify an effect of the DMWs on the pile behavior. Based on the analysis results, the max-
imum bending moment of the piles in the cases without the DMWs is markedly large. It is
beyond the allowable structural capacity of the pile, and very close to the ultimate capacity
in some cases. In contrast, although the induced stress in the DMWs partially reached the
tensile strength, the maximum bending moment in the case with the grid-form DMWs
is below the allowable structural capacity. Thus, the grid-form DMWs are found to be
quite effective at reducing the sectional force of the piles to an acceptable level under large
earthquake loads, even if partial failure occurs in the DMWs. Consequently, piled rafts
with the gridform DMWs could be designed more rationally following the principles of
performance-based design (PBD) in which a partial failure of the DMWs is accepted
under the performance level required.


Monday July 17, 2017 | 13:45 - 15:45
Chair: Ron Andrus
Room: Seymour

404 - Liquefaction Evaluation at a Gravel Site using the Dynamic

Penetration Test and the Becker Penetration Test
Kyle M. Rollins & T. Leslie Youd
Civil & Environmental Engineering Dept., Brigham Young Univ.,
Provo, UT, United States
Michael Talbot
US Bureau of Reclamation, Provo, UT, United States
In North American practice, the Becker Penetration Test (BPT) has become the primary
field test used to evaluate liquefaction resistance of gravelly soils. However, this test is ex-
pensive and uncertainties exist regarding correlations and corrections for rod friction. As
an alternative, the dynamic cone penetration test (DPT) developed in China has recent-
ly been correlated with liquefaction resistance based on field performance data from the
Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake. The DPT consists of a 74 mm diameter cone tip driven by a
120 kg hammer with a free fall height of 100 cm using a 60 mm drill rod to reduce friction.
In this study, liquefaction resistance was evaluated using both BPT and DPT soundings
at the Pence Ranch site where gravelly soil liquefied during the 1983 Mw6.9 Borah Peak
earthquake. DPT testing in this study was performed using an automatic hammer at two
energy levels; namely the energy specified in the original Chinese standard and the energy
typical of SPT testing which would be easier to use in practice. Correlations suggest that
standard energy corrections developed for the SPT can be used for the DPT. In general,
the liquefaction resistance from the BPT and DPT correlated reasonably well when using
the 30% probability of liquefaction resistance curve developed for the DPT. These results
suggest that the DPT can provide liquefaction hazard evaluations more economically than
the BPT using more direct correlations with field performance.

471 - Effects of stress state on the cyclic response of mine

tailings and its impact on expanding a tailings impoundment
Michael F. Riemer & Jorge Macedo
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California,
Berkeley, CA, United States
Orlando Roman & Solange Paihua
Knight Pisold Consultores, Lima, Peru
In order to increase the capacity of an existing mine tailings impoundment in the Peruvian
Andes, a rockfill dike which will be partially supported on different types of older tailings
is being raised. Achieving adequate performance during and after possible seismic load-
ing requires a thorough understanding of the cyclic (and post-cyclic) response of these


different foundation materials over a range of consolidation stress levels and static shear
conditions. In addition, one or more methods of ground improvement will be assessed to
be applied to limited sections of the foundation to improve the system performance, and
this is expected to play an important role in its seismic stability.
The current paper focuses on the characterization of the two primary tailings deposits.
This includes the cyclic response over a range of stress conditions, the compressibility
and its implications for liquefaction potential after construction of the dike, and the like-
ly settlements to be expected after shaking. The laboratory program performed includes
undrained cyclic simple shear testing under both the current and projected stress condi-
tions after expansion, consolidation testing under conventional and post-cyclic conditions,
and assessment of the steady state relationship of these materials. These results are com-
plemented by cone penetration tests and borings from the field.
Given their current state and the seismic environment, both the coarser, tailings deposit
and a finer-grained deposit are capable of large pore pressure generation and excessive
shear deformations. While the response of the coarser material is much like a conventional
sand, the finer-grained tailings are significantly more compressible, and this appears to
alter the liquefaction potential under differing stress conditions in less predictable ways.
Understanding how these tailings will respond to the elevated confining stresses and static
shear stresses beneath the new dike is critical to analyzing potential designs, and insuring
the safe development of this facility.

469 - Pore Pressure Generation of Pea Gravel, Sand, and Gravel-

Sand Mixtures in Constant Volume Simple Shear
Jonathan F. Hubler, Adda Athanasopoulos-Zekkos, & Dimitrios Zekkos
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, MI, United States
The generation of pore pressures in soils during earthquake loading is important to under-
stand for designing earthquake resistant structures. Pore pressure generation of sands and
sand-silt mixtures has been investigated, however less data is available for gravelly soils. A
large-size cyclic simple shear (CSS) device was utilized in this study to perform constant
volume cyclic simple shear tests of Pea Gravel, Ottawa C109 sand, and mixtures of the two
(80% sand, 60% sand, and 40% sand). In particular, the generation of pore pressures during
each test was investigated to understand the response of gravelly soils during earthquake
loading conditions. The initial vertical effective stress applied to each specimen ranged be-
tween 100 and 400 kPa. Specimens were prepared at two relative densities: loose (47%) and
dense (87%). Results from the CSS liquefaction tests were compared to existing pore pressure
generation models from the literature to highlight the different behavior of gravels compared
to sands. Results show that relative density is an important parameter in the generation of
excess pore pressure for gravel and gravel-sand mixtures. The gradation characteristics of
the gravel is shown to have a significant effect on pore pressure generation, with well-grad-
ed gravelly soils showing higher pore pressure generation in the first few cycles of testing
compared to poorly-graded gravels. Gravel and gravel-sand mixtures tested in this study dis-
played pore pressure generation similar to the gravelly soils tested by Evans and Seed (1987)


158 - Liquefaction resistance of sand improved with calcite
precipitation at different degree of saturation
Minson Simatupang & Mitsu Okamura
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Ehime University, Matsuyama,
Ehime Prefecture, Japan
Currently innovative soil improvement methods utilizing calcite precipitation processes to
bind soil particles as a liquefaction countermeasure have emerged. This process has the po-
tential to be used as an alternative to traditional soil improvement methods which provide
more ecologically friendly solutions. The advantage of those techniques is its nontoxity.
One of such innovative method is enzymatically induced calcite precipitation (EICP) in
which urea is enzymatically hydrolyzed to precipitate calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in the
void spaces and surface of soil grains. In this study, effects of degree of saturation during
curing time on the behaviour of sand treated with EICP are investigated through a series of
triaxial tests. Liquefaction strength for treated and untreated sands on different saturation
degrees during curing are compared. It was found that the lower the degree of saturation
during curing time and the higher the calcite content in the specimen, the higher the liq-
uefaction resistance. This is well explained by the spatial distribution of calcite in the sand
samples microscopically observed by using SEM. At lower degree of saturation during
curing time, the calcite precipitation tended to concentrate at particle contacts as compared
with fully saturated sand. It was confirmed that only about 1% of calcite precipitation at
lower degree of saturation can double the liquefaction resistance. Liquefaction resistance
of the calcite precipitated sand is high at a lower confining pressure showing a clear stress
level dependency. The cyclic stress, not the cyclic stress ratio, to liquefy the treated sand can
be expressed using the intercepts cL. The value cL is additional cyclic strength given by the
calcite precipitation like the cohesion in the Mohr-Coulomb criteria.

120 - Field trial benchmark of shell correction factor for Dubai

calcareous sand
F. van Herpen & W.J. Karreman
Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors B.V., Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Sand used in the construction of marine structures in areas with seismic activity generally
needs to achieve a minimum density, often expressed as relative density, to avoid exces-
sive deformations or flow liquefaction during or after seismic loading. As a consequence,
during construction, verification testing is required to confirm this minimum relative
density is achieved. Due to its advantages these tests are generally cone penetration tests
(CPT). However, the typical correlations cannot be directly applied for calcareous sand. It
is known that the cone resistance in calcareous sand is lower than found in silica sand of
similar density with differences varying with factors between 1.3 to 9.
This study discusses the determination of the performance of a breakwater containing a hy-
draulically placed sand core of calcareous sand. The design of the breakwater was optimized
to require a minimal required relative density of 40% in order to have limited damage during
the design earthquake. Performance testing by CPT required a realistic correlation between
CPT tip resistance and relative density to guarantee the required density was achieved.


From a literature review a relative density correlation in combination with a shell correc-
tion were selected for this project. To determine if the chosen correlations could be safely
applied, a field trial benchmark was conducted. The field trial, consisting of a 6m high
sand body placed at various densities, was designed to have similar stress situations as the
underwater sand core of the breakwater.
From the comparison of the measured field density and the correlated density from the
CPTs a number of observations were made. Although there is a large spreading between
the correlated density and measured field density the trend found using all the measure-
ments led to a reasonable fit with the chosen literature correlations.

136 - Comparison of CPT-VS Relations Developed for Loess and

General Christchurch New Zealand Soils Using SCPTu
Christopher R. McGann, Brendon A. Bradley, & Seokho Jeong
Department of Civil & Natural Resources Engineering University of Canterbury,
Christchurch, New Zealand
Seismic piezocone (SCPTu) data compiled from loess soil sites in the greater Christ-
church, New Zealand area are used with multiple linear regression to develop an empirical
correlation for predicting shear wave velocity (VS) from cone penetration test (CPT) data.
The performance of the model is assessed through analysis of the variation in prediction
bias with different CPT parameters and through comparisons of measured and predicted
Vs profiles. Comparisons with the recently-developed Christchurch-specific general soil
CPT-VS correlation show that this general soil correlation (based on alluvial, marine, estu-
arine, and peat/swamp soils) significantly underpredicts the VS of the loess soils, likely due
to the cemented nature of these deposits, thus demonstrating the need for the loess-spe-
cific correlation presented here.

Monday July 17, 2017 | 15:45 - 17:45
Room: Salon A/B & Bayshore Grand Foyer

107 - Dynamic Behaviors of Silt and Sandy Silt Soils Determined

from Cyclic Ring Shear Tests
Ali El Takch
Hatch Engineering, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada
Abouzar Sadrekarimi & Hesham El Naggar
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Western University,
London, ON, Canada
Despite the large volume of experimental studies on the dynamic behavior of sands and
silty sands, the dynamic undrained characteristics of cohesionless silt and sandy silt soils are
less understood. A comprehensive laboratory testing program is conducted to characterize


the dynamic properties of silt and sandy silt soils with 75% and 50% silt contents. The elas-
tic soil behavior at very small shear strains ( < 10-4%) is investigated through shear wave
velocity (Vs) measurements using bender elements at vertical stresses ranging from 50 to
300 kPa. In addition, strain-controlled constant-volume cyclic ring shear tests are carried
out to establish shear modulus (G) and damping ratio (D) at larger shear strain amplitudes
( > 0.01%) and investigate the influence of silt content and on these parameters. The
results demonstrate that Vs and the maximum shear modulus (Go) increase with increasing
silt content. Vs is also found to vary with the effective overburden stress to the power of
0.33 - 0.38 for all silt and sandy silt mixes. The results further show that while undrained G
decreases with increasing , D increases with increasing only up to < 1%, beyond which
it exhibits a decreasing trend.

108 - Characterization of a Carbonate Sand based on Shear Wave

Velocity Measurement
Keyvan Mirbaha & Abouzar Sadrekarimi
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Western University, London, ON, Canada
Numerous studies have been carried out on the dynamic behavior of sands. However, few
studies have investigated the dynamic characteristics of carbonate sands. This paper pres-
ents series of laboratory simple shear tests on specimens of a local carbonate sand from
London (ON). Besides monotonic and cyclic shearing, the dynamic behavior of the sand
is also characterized by measuring the velocity of shear waves travelling through the speci-
mens. Drained and undrained shearing behavior of specimens with a wide range of relative
density and consolidation stresses are tested. Shear wave velocity is found to vary with
effective overburden stresses by an average power of 0.25. Maximum shear modulus (Gmax)
is also computed from the shear wave velocity measurements and a correlation is developed
between Gmax, effective stress, and void ratio for a carbonate sand. The critical state line of
the carbonate sand established from the simple shear tests is used for determining the state
parameter of each specimen and this is related to the shear wave velocity measured in the
same specimen. Such a relationship can be employed for measuring the in-situ state of this
carbonate sand. Cyclic resistances of the sand specimens are determined from cyclic shear
tests. Combined with shear wave velocity data, these are compared with current liquefac-
tion triggering curves.

122 - Seismic resilience evaluation of an urban overpass foundation

Juan M. Mayoral, Adriana Badillo, & Mauricio Alcaraz
Institute of Engineering at UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico
Geotechnical and Structural Group - National Autonomous University of Mexico,
Mexico City, Mexico
Resilience is the ability of a system to operate in a situation of extreme crisis and then to
recover. In particular, seismic resilience evaluation of strategic infrastructure built in high-
ly populated earthquake prone urban areas, such as Mexico City, is a key step to ensure
earthquake preparedness actions. This paper describes the seismic resilience assessment


of a critical support of a 23.5 km long urban overpass built in stiff soil, in the northeast
Mexico City area. The evaluation was carried out considering both normal and subduction
fault events expressed in terms of uniform hazard spectra for several return periods. Prob-
abilistic site response analyses and site-specific numerically derived fragility curves were
used to assess the critical support probability of failure, considering two foundation types:
a conventional rectangular footing on piles foundation, and a so-called enhanced massive
foundation. The seismic response of each foundation system was characterized using series
of 3-D finite elements models developed with the program SASSI2000 for increasing seis-
mic intensity levels. The effect of both soil conditions and ground motion characteristics
on the structure-system response was accounted for in the analyses. The damage was de-
fined in terms of earthquake induced lateral pier displacements, which was associated with
column cracking, and loss of support of the upper deck. Finally, the increase on seismic
resilience for the foundation alternative was established.

133 - Building up design basis for permeation grouting using

ultra microfine cement to locally countermeasure against
soil liquefaction
Kazuyoshi Hashimoto, Weihong Wang, Taichi Hyodo, & Yoshimichi Tsukamoto
Department of Civil Engineering, Tokyo University of Science, Noda, Chiba, Japan
Satoshi Nishihara, Shusuke Oji, Shunsaku Nishie, & Ichiro Seko
Chuo Kaihatsu Corporation, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan
The authors group has been continuing to develop geotechnology for permeation grouting
using ultra microfine cement for ground improvement to mitigate soil liquefaction. From the
previous studies of laboratory permeation tests, some useful findings are deduced as follows.
(1) More dilute cement grouts with higher values of w/c tend to show longer distances of
permeation, though those with extremely higher values of w/c tend to reduce the distances
of permeation. (2) There is a threshold limiting value of (w/c)o for cement solidification to
take place within soil specimens. (3) There are some useful assisting methods to facilitate
permeation of cement grout. One of them is to alternately inject cement grout and water.
From the previous studies of field permeation tests, it is also found that (4) by measuring the
size of improved soil produced in the field test, the average value of (w/c)is of each improved
soil can be estimated with a help of some penetration tests. Since the value of (w/c)cs for
cement grout is a primary parameter to control permeation grouting from the design point
of view, the diagram showing the relation between (w/c)cs and (w/c)is is produced. Based on
the findings described above, some design basis for permeation grouting is discussed in detail
using the filling ratio , which would assist in implementation of performance-based design
of permeation grouting.

142 - Development and performance of a laminar container for

seismic centrifuge modeling
M. Zayed, L. Luo, K. Kim, J.S. McCartney, A. Elgamal
Department of Structural Engineering University of California San Diego, CA, United States


To simulate the dynamic response of geotechnical models and study soil-structure interac-
tion problems with minimum boundary effects, a new light-weight laminar container has
been designed and constructed at the University of California San Diego (UCSD). The
container consists of individually-mounted aluminum laminates designed to slide inde-
pendently on roller bearings mounted to an external frame. The laminates were designed
to provide a low sliding friction response leading to a soft dynamic boundary condition
necessary to accurately characterize liquefiable soil layers, while still providing a sufficiently
stiff response to maintain at-rest lateral static earth pressures. Although not discussed in
this paper, the container was also designed to provide basal drainage that could be used for
specimen saturation and for testing unsaturated soils. A series of tests on dry sand layers
were performed in this study to evaluate the static and dynamic response of the container
for earthquake simulation, which confirm that the container has satisfactory performance
for characterizing the seismic response of soft liquefiable soils.

146 - Evaluation of ground shaking characteristics based on MSR

value A case of the damaged residential area due to the 2016
Kumamoto earthquake sequence
Yoshiya Hata, Masaki Yamauchi, & Yutaro Okawa
Osaka University, Suita, Japan
Fumihiro Minato
Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Chiba, Japan
Ken-ichi Shibuya
Aero Asahi Corp., Kawagoe, Japan
Mw6.2 earthquake event hit Kumamoto prefecture, Japan, at 21:26, April 14th, 2016. Sec-
ond Mw7.0 earthquake event hit Kumamoto and Oita prefectures at 01:46, April 16th. These
epicenters were estimated in about 10km distance, and the hypocenter depths were 11km and
12km, respectively. Japan Meteorological Agency ( JMA) named the sequence of earthquakes
The 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake. Many human casualties with collapse of wooden houses
were occurred in residential area around Mashiki Town Office due to the 2016 Kumamoto
Earthquake. In particular, the serious damage was concentrated in Sandwich Area between
Prefectural Route 28 and Akitsu River. We carried out temporary earthquake observation in
Sandwich Area based on the serious damage due to the foreshock, and succeeded the observa-
tion of the strong ground motion in the area during the main shock. The value of JMA seismic
intensity of the observation record was 6.9, and was the greatest value in Japanese earthquake
observation history. We also created the aftershock observation site with high density and wide
area data, and evaluated the site amplification factor in the created station sites. In this study,
densely located microtremor measurements were conducted within the residential area of in-
terest (which also includes the sandwich area). Relationship between several indices based on
the calculated microtremor H/V spectral ratio (e.g., Peak frequency, Trough frequency, T/R
frequency ratio and MSR value) and the data of the wooden house damage were also evaluated.
As a result, the distribution of T/R frequency ratio agrees well with the concentration sites of
the serious damage of the wooden house. The high correlation will be useful for conventional
safety assessment in a residential land nearby an active fault.


151 - Liquefaction of Unsaturated Sandy Soil Considering Non-
plastic Fines Fraction and the Water State
Toshiyasu Unno, Afifah Yasmin Binti Zakaria, & Taro Kumamoto
Utsunomiya University, Utsunomiya, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan
The scale of 2011 earthquake off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Japan was not the only thing
that surprised geologists. The quake caused severe soil collapse and mudflow type slope
failures. It has been suspected that most of the soil of the failed slopes was under unsat-
urated condition. So far, the unsaturated condition has been assumed tacitly safe when
subjected to cyclic shear because of the high compressibility of the pore air. Therefore,
little attention has been given to determining the shear strength reduction of unsaturated
soils subjected to cyclic shear in practical engineering. However, even under unsaturated
condition, specimens with a highly compressible soil particle structure may lose effective
stress due to cyclic shear and may reach the liquefaction state. In previous research of one
of the authors, the possibility of soil liquefaction triggering in unsaturated clean fine sand
was discussed in relation to the developments of pore air and pore water pressures as well
as volumetric strain. It was concluded that even when the degree of saturation is small,
the pore air and pore water pressures develop to become equal to the initial confining
stress during cyclic loading, which then defined as the occurrence of soil liquefaction in
unsaturated soils.

161 - Analysis of pile response in liquefied laterally spreading soil

with a crust
Yannis K. Chaloulos, George D. Bouckovalas, & Babis I. Tsifis
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
This paper presents a 3-D numerical investigation regarding the response of piles in
laterally spreading ground, for the common case where the liquefied soil is covered by
a non-liquefiable clay crust. Emphasis is given to two basic issues: (a) the kinematic
interaction between the pile and the overlying crust, and (b) crust effects on excess pore
pressure generation and subgrade reaction of the liquefied soil. Interpretation of the
numerical predictions with respect to the first issue revealed that the mode of pile de-
formation depends on the relative pile-crust stiffness: for a strong crust and/or a flexible
pile, the response resembles that of a fixed (at both ends) beam, while for a weak crust
and/or a stiff pile the response resembles that of a cantilever. The above deformation
modes can be readily foreseen with the aid of either of two proposed response indices,
one rotational and the other translational, which are defined in terms of common crust
and pile properties. In addition, with regard to the second issue, it is shown that the pres-
ence of the crust affects the subgrade reaction (ultimate pressures) of the liquefied soil,
by controlling the excess pore pressure generation. More specifically, the severe dilation
that may be observed in soil profiles without a crust is now suppressed, while excess pore
pressures below the crust may be up to 50% different (larger or lower) than those for the
reference (no crust) case. Nevertheless, additional pseudo-static p-y analyses revealed
that the above differences in liquefied soil pressures are overshadowed by the kinematic


pile-crust interaction, so that their overall effect on computed pile head displacements
and associated maximum bending moments is minor (10% or less).

174 - An orientation-independent estimation of the earthquake-

induced sliding displacement of slopes
Jian Song & Yufeng Gao
Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Geomechanics and Embankment Engineering,
Hohai University, Nanjing, China
Adrian Rodriguez-Marek
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech,
Blacksburg, VA, United States
Empirical predictive relationships of sliding displacement are commonly used in the seis-
mic hazard assessment of slopes. However, the current relationships were developed by
computing the displacements from a set of selected ground motions, and then correlating
these displacements with optimal ground motion parameters of the ground motion time
histories. The ground motion parameters associated with the particular time histories are
different from those for directionally-dependent parameters that are generally used in the
ground motion prediction equations. In this paper, the rigid sliding displacements of slopes
are computed for a set of ground motion records by rotating the horizontal components
through all angles. It is found that the sliding displacement can be dependent on the orien-
tation of ground motions. The distribution of sliding displacements in various orientations,
and the orientations in which the maximum sliding displacements occur are examined.
The predictive relationships developed using the computed sliding displacement at various
orientations are compared. Finally, an orientation-independent estimation of the earth-
quake-induced sliding displacement of slopes is provided to connect to the directional-
ly-dependent shaking parameters in the latest ground motion prediction equations.

175 - Analysis of multiple liquefaction characteristics of Toyoura

sand based on dissipated energy
Yudai Aoyagi & Junichi Koseki
Department of Civil Engineering University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Multiple-liquefaction phenomenon gained much attention after the 2011 off the Pacific
coast of Tohoku earthquake in Japan and the 2010/2011 Canterbury earthquakes in New
Zealand. It was found that liquefaction can appear multiple times at the same sites. In the
previous study, Finn et al. (1970) and Ishihara et al. (1978) among others found that the
pre-liquefaction history of sand affects the liquefaction characteristics of the next liquefac-
tion stage. However, there are few researches to evaluate its mechanism quantitatively, and
most of those studies are limited mostly up to two stages of subsequent liquefaction due
to the limitation of test apparatus. In order to study the multiple-liquefaction properties, a
stacked-ring shear apparatus was newly developed by Wahyudi et al. (2015). This appara-
tus is capable of investigating the soil behavior during multiple liquefactions. By using the
apparatus, in this study, a series of cyclic simple shear tests were conducted on dry Toyoura


sand. After a hollow cylindrical specimen was consolidated one-dimensionally up to 200
kPa, it was subjected to several stages of liquefaction with cyclic shear stress of 25 kPa up
to pre-fixed levels of double amplitude shear strain. Note that during the shearing process,
no vertical movement of the top cap was allowed. In order to investigate how the previous
liquefaction history may affect the liquefaction properties on future earthquake, the energy
dissipated during cyclic loading at the previous stage was evaluated from the observed
shear stress-strain relationship. As a result, dissipated energy from shear stress and shear
strain relationship (r-) cannot yield a unique relationship between the combination of en-
ergy components and liquefaction resistance in the future after applying high value of shear
strain histories, while normalized dissipated energy method can by more reasonably evalu-
ated irrespective of different shear strain amplitude, liquefaction stage and relative density.

178 - A numerical study on seismic vulnerability of tunnel linings

Stefania Fabozzi & Emilio Bilotta
Dept. of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, University of Napoli Federico
II, Naples, Italy
Giovanni Lanzano
National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Milan, Italy
The seismic vulnerability assessment of tunnels is generally based on empirical fragility
curves. They are derived from the statistical analysis of observed damages in past earth-
quakes. Some authors have calculated fragility curves based on the results of numerical
analyses, defining the damage index in terms of ratio between the flexural demand and
capacity of the structural section of the tunnel lining. However, the tunnel lining is gener-
ally assumed as a continuous ring, while in the case of mechanized tunneling it is made of
jointed segments. Recent studies modeling with FEA the non-linear dynamic interaction
between the segmental lining and the soil have shown the significant effect of the jointed
pattern of a segmental lining. On one hand, it implies a lower structural demand than
a continuous ring, due to its larger flexibility and compressibility in the transverse sec-
tion; on the other hand, permanent rotations of the joints are often calculated at the end
of the earthquake, that may represent a further structural fragility of a segmental lining,
since they may produce dislocation of sealing gaskets among segments. Limited available
post-earthquake reconnaissance, would seem to indicate that in some cases damage at
the segments joints has been observed. In this study, a set of FEA was carried out using a
strain hardening elastic-plastic model with small strain overlay. Several input signals were
used and different ground conditions were modelled in order to define fragility curves for
damage associated to joint permanent rotation in a segmental tunnel lining. The results are
presented and discussed in the paper.

195 - Substructure based Numerical Simulation of Seismic

Response of a Piled Raft System
Ramon Varghese, A. Boominathan, & Subhadeep Banerjee
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India


Piled raft foundations have gained acceptance as an economic foundation system for high
rise buildings and heavy structures. The composite nature of a soil-piled raft system results
in complex soil structure interaction phenomena that has been subjected to intense study
in the past decade. Numerical simulation of seismic SSI of such foundation systems are
often performed using approximate beam on Winkler spring methods, direct approach
using finite elements or finite difference schemes or substructure based methods. Substruc-
ture based methods have been accepted particularly by the nuclear industry over the past
few decades. However, the linear nature of substructure methods that employ equivalent
linear iterative techniques for dynamic soil parameters, have to be validated to build confi-
dence on its applicability. In the present study, a centrifuge test on a piled raft foundation
system in kaolin clay, is simulated using the substructure based SASSI program. A 3D
finite element based model is developed for analysis using the flexible volume substructure
method. Two techniques of modelling piles have been studied, one that includes pile-soil-
pile interaction and one that does not. Results from the simulation are in agreement with
experimental results. It is found that pile-soil-pile interaction does not play a major role in
the piled raft system studied.

196 - Seismic wave amplification studies for shallow basins

considering basin edge effects
Vijaya R. & A. Boominathan
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
Prantik Mandal
National Geophysical Research Institute-CSIR, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
The variation observed in ground motion of most earthquakes is due to various site effects
like local soil condition, basin effect and effect of surface topography. Influence of two di-
mensional sedimentary basin structures on ground motions, including wave reflections and
surface wave generation at basin edges; known as basin effect, are found to have significant
effect on seismic ground response. In the first part of present study, a basin medium 2km
wide and 100 m deep reported in Khanbabazadeh (2014) subjected to 1999 Koceali earth-
quake is analysed using the finite difference programme FLAC 2D. The effect of basin
edge and the variation of soil types on the amplification of seismic waves is investigated
and the results are found to be comparable with the results published in Khanbabazadeh
(2014). In the second part of the study, the basin response studies are carried out for typical
shallow basins of Bhuj region of India, 1km wide and 50m deep. The bedrock inclination is
varied from 10 to 30. The soil profile is modelled using the measured shear wave velocity
of Bhuj area which ranges from 200 to 500 m/s. The basin response analysis is carried out
for four different type of input motions: Bhuj (2006), Kobe (1995), Imperial (1979) and
Koceali (1999). From the computed time history of acceleration at the surface, the varia-
tion of peak ground acceleration along the surface of the basin is established. The effect of
the input motion on the response of basins is analysed. It is found that the shallow basins
of all bedrock inclinations amplify significantly for the Kobe input motion. Whereas for
Bhuj input motion, significant amplification occurs for shallow basin with 10 inclination.


201 - Evaluation of performance of analytical and numerical
methods to account for liquefaction effects on the seismic
response of anchored quay walls
W.A. van Elscker, F. Besseling, & H.J. Lengkeek
Witteveen+Bos Consulting Engineers, Deventer The Netherlands
R.B.J. Brinkgreve
Delft University of Technology and PLAXIS B.V., Delft, The Netherlands
J.G. De Gijt & S.N. Jonkman
Department of Hydraulic Engineering - Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
Liquefaction induced by earthquakes has shown to have potential devastating influence
on seismic performance of anchored quay walls. Therefore, measures to mitigate liq-
uefaction are commonly part of the design of quay walls in seismically active regions.
Such mitigation measures are costly. Moreover, these measures are difficult to implement
for existing structures in operation. For these reasons, proper tools that can accurately
predict the effects of liquefaction on anchored quay walls are valuable for engineering
purposes. Numerical tools like finite element analysis can potentially replace simplified
code based methods, such as the Mononobe-Okabe method. However, performance of
numerical models that account for liquefaction and pore pressure accumulation is crucial
towards the use of numerical tools for this purpose. Initial stress states influence both the
liquefaction resistance of the soil as well as the performance of the constitutive model.
This study proposed a new calibration procedure in order to deal with the influence of
static shear and overburden stress in the model. Zones around the structure with specific
corresponding stress states are defined for which the stress state dependent constitutive
model behaviour is calibrated based on laboratory results and literature.This study eval-
uates the performance of finite element calculations with the UBC3D-PLM soil con-
stitutive model based on a reported case study of two quay walls in Akita Port, Japan for
the 1983 Nihonkai Chubu earthquake. It also evaluates to what extent Mononobe-Ok-
abe calculations with code-based corrections for liquefaction effects could reproduce the
observed performance of the Akita Port quay walls. The results shown by the analysis
employing the new developed calibration procedure indicate good correspondence with
observations in the field. On the other hand, Mononobe-Okabe methods including cor-
rections for liquefaction effects give a poor fit to the observed behaviour. The response
indicates that dynamic analysis with the UBC3D-PLM model using the proposed cal-
ibration procedure is capable to give insight in effects of excess pore pressures on the
seismic performance of an anchored quay wall. This study mainly only focussed on liq-
uefaction triggering as a function of stress state and the post-liquefaction stress-strain
behaviour predicted by UBC3D-PLM was only evaluated at a basic level.

206 - Liquefaction resistance of Pleistocene loess- colluvium

deposits near Christchurch, New Zealand
Barnabas Bwambale & Ronald D. Andrus
Glenn Department of Civil Engineering, Clemson University, Clemson, SC, United States


The liquefaction resistance of Pleistocene loess-colluvium deposits near Christchurch,
New Zealand is evaluated in this paper. Permanent horizontal ground displacements up
to 0.35 m occurred at several locations in these moderately sloping deposits during the
22 February 2011 Christchurch earthquake. Although sand/silt boils formed in the ad-
jacent level-ground Holocene alluvium, none has been connected to the loess-colluvium.
Computed ratios of measured shear wave velocity to estimated shear wave velocity based
on penetration resistance (MEVR) are generally much greater than 1.0 for the loess-col-
luvium, which is higher than ratios obtained for the Holocene alluvial/marine sediments
beneath Christchurch. Liquefaction resistance is evaluated using the liquefaction poten-
tial index (LPI) method. Computed values of LPI without correction for aging processes
range from 25 to 48, which incorrectly suggest severe liquefaction in the loess-colluvium.
The correction factor necessary to match predicted and observed ground behavior ranges
from 2.4 to 3.4. These results are in good agreement with the MEVR-based correction
relationship developed by Hayati and Andrus from a global database.

210 - Liquefaction case histories from Whakatane, New Zealand

as a result of the 1987 Edgecumbe Earthquake Insights from an
extensive CPT dataset and paleo-liquefaction trenching
Sarah Bastin
QuakeCoRE, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Sjoerd van Ballegooy & Nick Mellsop
Tonkin + Taylor, Newmarket, Auckland, New Zealand
Liam Wotherspoon
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Auckland,
Auckland, New Zealand
The 1987 ML 6.3 Edgecumbe earthquake triggered liquefaction and associated lateral
spreading within localized areas of the Whakatane township in the North Island of New
Zealand. Recent studies utilizing extensive Cone Penetration Test (CPT) investigations
indicate that much of the township, including the Central Business District (CBD), is
underlain by sediments with a low cyclic resistance to liquefaction. Analysis of the ex-
tensive CPT database indicates that widespread liquefaction and lateral spreading was
predicted within Whakatane during the Edgecumbe earthquake based on modelled Peak
Ground Accelerations (PGA) and depth to groundwater models. Collated post-event ac-
counts indicate that localized liquefaction and lateral spreading occurred proximal to the
Whakatane River during the Edgecumbe earthquake, while no liquefaction was observed
in the Whakatane CBD. Trenching at selected sites within the CBD revealed subsurface
sediment comprising fine sand to silt inter-bedded with inter-mixed layers of medium to
coarse quartz-rich sand and pumice granules. The CPT does not capture the fine-scale
inter-layering within the sediment, nor are the simplified CPT-based methods developed
for pumice soils. These limitations of the current methodologies may account for some
of the discrepancy between predicted and observed liquefaction at these sites during the
Edgecumbe earthquake. No subsurface liquefaction features were observed in the trench-
es at these sites, indicating that the subsurface sediments have not liquefied since their


deposition. Additional trenching at sites known to have liquefied during the Edgecumbe
earthquake revealed lateral-spreading fissures in-filled with silty fine sand that are inferred
to have formed during the Edgecumbe event. No evidence of pre-historic liquefaction
(i.e. pre 1987) was observed, indicating that the sediments had not liquefied since their
deposition and prior to the Edgecumbe earthquake. This paper documents the case history
sites, both where liquefaction did and did not occur, and highlights potential reasoning for
the inconsistencies between the predicted and observed distribution of liquefaction within
Whakatane during the Edgecumbe earthquake.

222 - Parameter identification for effective stress analysis from a

multi-stage cyclic loading test
Koji Ichii
Kansai University, Takatsuki, Osaka, Japan
Toshiki Murakami
Hiroshima University, Higashi-hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan
Takeko Mikami
Maeda Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
In this paper, we challenged parameter calibration of an effective stress analysis from multi-
stage cyclic loading test result. Different from a standard multi-stage cyclic loading test as
indicated in JGS 0543-2009 Method for Cyclic Torsional Shear Test on Hollow Cylindrical
Specimens to Determine Deformation Properties of Soils, pore water pressure during the
test was recorded in the test. The recorded pore water pressure clarified the drawback of the
multi-stage test such as the densification of the specimen due to the drainage between the
loading stages. With the recorded pore water pressure increase in the test, parameters for
an effective stress analysis program: FLIP ROSE (strain space multi-spring model) can be
obtained. The validation of the obtained parameter sets was examined by the comparison of
liquefaction resistance curve by the test and analysis. The example of parameter identification
in this paper may be a useful reference in the practice, especially in the case with insufficient
number of undisturbed in-situ samples to obtain the liquefaction resistance curve.

223 - Physical Modelling of Liquefiable Soils in Micro Shaking Table

Fausto Molina-Gmez
Department of Civil Engineering Military University Nueva Granada, Cajica, Colombia
Bernardo Caicedo
Department of Civil and Environment Engineering University of Los Andes,
Bogota D.C., Colombia
The dynamic models are widely used to estimate the soil behavior during earthquake.
These models are useful to validate numerical data or to understand failure mechanisms
induced in that kind of events. During the quake are generated additional stress and in
some cases the extra load can reduce the shear strength of the material. Besides, in sat-
urated sandy soils is generated an excess pore pressure which could induce a failure by
liquefaction. The liquefaction can be evaluated through several laboratory methods, but no


all techniques represent totally the phenomenon. This research work addresses the design,
construction and implementation of a flexible container capable to simulate the lique-
faction phenomena by shaking table at 1 g. The equipment has dimensions of 80 mm x
60 mm x 60 mm, and ensures an undrained condition. Additionally, it was instrumented
with a one pore pressure sensor, one displacement transducer, two accelerometers and one
piezoelectric actuator. An experimental program was developed, which incorporated three
different size particles of Guamo sand. The soil was tested in the device with the purpose
to evaluate the liquefaction susceptibility. Moreover, the experimental program also in-
cluded the application of three fundamental frequencies from representative earthquakes
in Colombia at three different amplitudes for a scaling of 1, 50 and 80 g. The experimental
results show that the liquefaction susceptibility is higher in the fine sands and the parame-
ter which triggered the phenomena is the system acceleration.

228 - PBD of seawalls to prevent tsunami inundation -

Performance criteria and Design example
Katsuhiko Koizumi
Takamatsu Research and Engineering Office for Port and Airport, Ministry of Land,
Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Shikoku Regional Development Bureau, Takamatsu,
Kagawa, Japan
Akito Sone, Toshiyuki Hirai, & Koichi Murakami
NEWJEC Inc., Osaka, Osaka, Japan
Koji Ichii
Kansai University, Takatsuki, Osaka, Japan
Minoru Yamanaka
Kagawa University, Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan
Construction of seawalls along coastal lines is one of the most effective countermeasures
to mitigate tsunami disaster. A seawall constructed for this purpose is expected to survive
seismic ground shaking, which often come to the site prior to the tsunami. Thus, the
seismic design of the seawalls shall be discussed from the viewpoint of the seismic perfor-
mance to prevent tsunami inundation at the site.
The difficulties in PBD in practice are often found in the process to define the per-
formance criteria. In other word, the tradeoff relationship between the cost and the
expected seismic performance is the critical issue in practice. In order to mitigate future
tsunami disaster, the expected seismic performance of seawalls shall be defined by the al-
lowable displacement related to the expected tsunami height. The possibility of tsunami
inundation due to the possible damage to the seawalls is the key issue.
In this paper, a scheme to define the performance criteria of seawalls from the viewpoint
of tsunami disaster mitigation was introduced. The allowable level of displacement of
seawalls, for both horizontal displacement and vertical displacement (settlement), were
discussed with a review of the damage case histories of seawalls in Japan. Especially, the
allowable horizontal displacement was examined in detail from the viewpoint of the
possible gap between consecutive concrete blocks of seawalls. Then, a design example
with the proposed scheme was briefly introduced.


Appropriate construction of seawalls along coastal lines is a quite effective process to mitigate
tsunami disaster, especially for densely populated residential areas and for the areas around
important facilities, such as a factory with hazardous material. The proposed scheme for the
definition of the performance criteria of seawalls and the design example may be a useful
reference for the future construction of coastal protection facilities in the world.

236 - Implications of changes of building use on seismic

performance of adjacent structures
Shengwenjun Qi & Jonathan A. Knappett
School of Science and Engineering, University of Dundee, Dundee, United Kingdom
Reader in Civil Engineering, School of Science and Engineering, University of Dundee,
Dundee, United Kingdom
Widespread damage within urban centres (e.g. in the 2011 Christchurch Earthquake)
and increasing urbanisation are key motivating factors in better understanding the seis-
mic structure-soil-structure interaction (SSSI) between closelyspaced adjacent building
structures. It has been known for some time that SSSI can affect the dynamic response
of adjacent structures either beneficially or detrimentally, on ground which is responding
elastically. More recent work based on geotechnical centrifuge testing has further demon-
strated that SSSI can also strongly influence the postearthquake settlement and rotation of
structures, associated with the foundation behaviour. Although these foundation responses
do not necessarily affect the collapse damage condition (life safety), they can be very dam-
aging in terms of service life of the building. This paper will consider the effects of a change
of use being made by the owners of one building within a small group of initially identical
low-rise structures, with the change resulting in an increase in mass (and hence increase in
natural period and reduction in footing factor of safety). Potential mitigation of any nega-
tive effects induced on any of the structures due to the change will also be considered using
ground modification (densification) and foundation strengthening (extending foundations
from strips to a raft). In urban areas mitigation is complicated by the fact that ownership of
the adjacent structures will most likely be different, and so mitigation will be limited to the
structure with the change of use and the ground beneath it. Numerical simulations using
the Finite Element method will be conducted for the case when the subsoil is non-liquefi-
able, utilising a soil model which has previously been validated for SSSI problems against
dynamic centrifuge testing data. It will be demonstrated that the decision to alter just one
structure in a group may have detrimental effects on its own performance, but will also
affect the response of the adjacent structure, either detrimentally or beneficially, depending
on the type of foundation (strips or raft). Densification beneath the modified structure can
neutralise at least some of these effects to the extent of also protecting the neighbouring
structure. This is in contrast to improving the foundation type by extending the strips to a
raft, where the impact on both structures is always detrimental. It is clear that the effects of
SSSI mean that the performance of neighboring buildings in dense urban areas should be
considered when making decisions about change of use or otherwise modifying the seismic
performance of individual buildings within the group.


238 - Seismic Performance of a Rocking Isolated Overpass Bridge
Antonia Psychari, Athanasios Agalianos, Michalis Vassiliou, Bozidar Stojadinovic,
& Ioannis Anastasopoulos
Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering ETH Zurich,
Zurich, Switzerland
Rocking isolation of structures is evolving as an alternative design concept in earthquake
engineering. The present paper investigates the seismic response of a typical modern
overpass bridge of the Attiki Odos motorway (Athens, Greece), employing two different
concepts of rocking isolation: (a) rocking of the piers over the foundation; and (b) rock-
ing isolation by under-designing the foundation. The examined bridge is an asymmetric
5-span system having a continuous deck and founded on surface foundations on a deep
clay layer. The seismic response of the two rocking isolated bridges are comparatively as-
sessed to the existing bridge, which is conventionally designed according to current seismic
codes. To that end, rigorous 3D numerical models of the bridge-foundation-abutment-soil
system are developed in ABAQUS, and both static pushover and nonlinear time history
analyses are performed. For the latter, two very strong earthquake records that exceed by
far the design limits are selected: the Takatori record from the notorious 1995 Kobe earth-
quake; and the Rinaldi record from the 1994 Northridge earthquake. The conventional
system collapses in all examined cases, while both rocking isolated bridges easily survive,
demonstrating the beneficial aspects of such alternative design concepts. Nevertheless, in
the rockingpiers design alternative high stress concentrations at the rotation pole (pier
base) are developed, indicating the need for special design. This is not the case for the
rockingfootings model, which however is subject to residual settlements. Finally, the ef-
fect of the presence of abutment stoppers in all aforementioned models is examined. It is
shown that while the stoppers reduce the deck displacements for both rocking-isolation
concepts, they are not sufficient to prevent collapse of the conventional system, despite the
significant increase of deck distress.

260 - Site Response Analysis and Liquefaction Potential of a

Calcareous Sand Site from Puerto Rico
Andres F. Villarreal Arango & Alesandra C. Morales-Vlez
Department of Civil Engineering & Survey University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez,
Puerto Rico, United States
Christopher D.P. Baxter
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering University of Rhode Island,
Kingston, RI, United States
Miguel A. Pando-Lpez
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering University of North Carolina at
Charlotte, NC, United States
Assessing the liquefaction potential of calcareous sands is quite challenging given their
unique mineralogy, high content of calcium carbonate, brittleness, particle shape, crushing
susceptibility and very high intraparticle porosity. This type of soil in uncemented state is sus-


ceptible to liquefy under cyclic loading. Puerto Rico has a great amount of calcareous sands,
especially in the coastal areas and is located in a very high seismic zone with frequent tectonic
activity. The island is exposed to frequent dynamic events like high magnitude earthquakes,
landslides, and tsunamis. Historical cases of liquefaction have been registered in the western
side of the island, such as the M 7.3 seismic event in 1918 that was followed by a tsunami.
This study presents a site response analysis and an assessment of the liquefaction potential of
a loose, uncemented calcareous sand site located in the south-west area of the island, more
specifically Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico. As part of the investigation a series of field tests such
as Cone Penetration Tests (CPT) and Dilatometer Tests (DMT) with shear wave velocity
measurements were performed at the site of study. The field tests results were used to esti-
mate the cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) of the calcareous sand. Given the fact that liquefaction
potential depends on specific site conditions, a site response analysis was made to determine
the seismic demand (CSR) of the site. The site response analysis entails of an equivalent
linear one-dimensional analysis incorporated in the program EERA. Also, a seismic de-
sign spectrum that considers site effects is proposed starting from the design spectrum of
the IBC-12 code for a site classification B. A way to define a design spectrum is through
the smooth envelope from the response spectra of various acceleration records. In this study
seven historical records were adapted, each one with different characteristics like frequency
content and peak ground acceleration. The factor of safety against liquefaction indicates that
the calcareous sands at the study site are potentially liquefiable. This study raises questions
about the assessment of liquefaction potential of calcareous sands because of the site effects
obtained in the response analysis. This can be attributed to the substantial differences in the
seismic behavior of calcareous sands compared with terrigenous sands.

265 - In-Situ Investigation of False-Positive Liquefaction Sites in

Christchurch, New Zealand: St. Teresas School Case History
Brady R. Cox & Kaleigh A. McLaughlin
Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering University of Texas,
Austin, TX, United States
Sjoerd van Ballegooy
Tonkin + Taylor Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand
Misko Cubrinovski
Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering University of Canterbury,
Christchurch, New Zealand
Ross Boulanger
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California,
Davis, CA, United States
Liam Wotherspoon
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Auckland,
Auckland, New Zealand
Over 22,000 cone penetration test (CPT) soundings collected in Christchurch, New Zea-
land, in the aftermath of the 20102011 Canterbury earthquake sequence are available on
the New Zealand Geotechnical Database (NZGD). This incredible dataset has allowed


for detailed comparisons between observed land performance and CPT-based retrospective
predictions of liquefaction triggering on an unprecedented spatial scale. Results from these
comparisons indicate a significant number of false positive CPT-based liquefaction trigger-
ing predictions across Christchurch. Meaning, there are some fairly large areas of the city in
which severe liquefaction was predicted based on simplified analyses of CPT soundings but
no, or very minor, surface manifestations of liquefaction were observed. In August of 2015
an in-situ site characterization study was initiated to further investigate the false positive
liquefaction sites in Christchurch. Specifically, 31 sites were identified for a testing program
consisting of: (a) seismic CPT (SCPT), (b) high-resolution compression and shear wave
velocity (VP and VS, respectively) measurements made via direct-push crosshole (DPCH)
testing, and (c) continuous soil sampling via sonic drilling. This paper presents in-situ test
results from one of these case history sites (St. Teresas School) and investigates the impact
of considering additional refined analyses to both the standard Boulanger and Idriss (2015)
deterministic CPT-based liquefaction triggering procedure and the Kayen et al. (2013) de-
terministic VSbased liquefaction triggering procedure as a means to reconcile the over-pre-
diction of liquefaction severity. The additional factors considered in these refined analyses in-
clude: (1) site-specific soil plasticity and fines content data, (2) partial saturation (as indicated
by VP), (3) coarse-to-fine-grained soil interlayering, (4) non-liquefying crust thickness and
(5) microstructure. Adjustments made to basic liquefaction triggering procedures based on
these factors significantly lowered the liquefaction severity parameters at this site, reconciling
the over-prediction of liquefaction severity for the 2010 Darfield earthquake and reducing
the over-prediction in the 2011 Christchurch earthquake from severe to slight.

278 - Study on Pipe-Soil Interaction and Parameters of Trench for

Shallow Buried Pipelines
Liyun Li & Jinlong Li
Key Laboratory of Urban Security and Disaster Engineering
(Beijing University of Technology), Ministry of Education, Beijing, China
Xiuju Li
College of Civil Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
It is well known that the potential ground failures, such as surface faulting, landslide in-
duced permanent ground deformation and liquefaction-induced soil movement, are the
major threats for buried pipeline. The interaction between the pipe and the surrounding
soil is still a research focus, due to the relative movement between pipe and soil will occurs
under these ground failures. In this paper, we studied the lateral pipe-sand interaction with
ABAQUS software package, following the works of Trautmann and ORourke (1985).
Firstly, according to the deformation of soil surface, the classification standard for the shal-
low buried condition and the deep buried condition was proposed, and the failure modes of
the two buried conditions were presented. Then, the earth-pressure at pipe was analyzed,
and a mathematical expression for describing the distribution of the soil pressure around
pipe was suggested. Finally, following the study on the deformation of the soil around the
pipe under shallow buried case, the section parameters of trench were discussed and some
suggestions were proposed in order to reduce the lateral force of the pipeline.


280 - Liquefaction during the M6.5 and M7.3 Kumamoto
Earthquakes on April 14 and 16, 2016
K. Wakamatsu
Department of Civil Engineering, Kanto Gakuin University, Yokohama, Japan
S. Senna & K. Ozawa
Department of Integrated Research on Disaster Prevention, National Research Institute for
Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, Tsukuba, Japan
On April 14 at 21:26 JST, an earthquake with a Japan Metrological Agency Magnitude
(MJMA) of 6.5 struck the Kumamoto Prefecture, Kyushu, in southwestern Japan. This
earthquake was followed by a larger earthquake with a MJMA of 7.3 on April 16, 2016 at
1:25 JST. These were the most severe earthquakes to affect Japan since the Tohoku earth-
quake in 2011. The hypocenters of the strike-slip MJMA 6.5 foreshock and MJMA7.3 main
shock and its aftershocks were widely distributed along the Futagawa-Hinagu active fault.
This paper first presents the distribution of liquefied sites during the earthquakes and their
effects on the buildings and infrastructures. Next, the distance from the epicenter to the
farthest liquefied site is compared with past Japanese earthquakes, followed by a discussion
on the intensities of the ground motion that caused liquefaction. Finally, land conditions
and soil profiles where severe and widespread liquefaction occurred are investigated.

281 - Simulation of centrifuge response of loose and dense sand

using a sand plasticity model
N. Dinesh, Subhadeep Banerjee, & K. Rajagopal
Department of Civil Engineering - Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu, India
The Earthquake Engineering applications require a versatile constitutive model to model
the realistic soil behaviour rather than the model being restricted to the laboratory envi-
ronment. PM4Sand has recently evolved as a constitutive model for examining the char-
acteristics of soil behaviour through the three state surface formulation adopted in it. The
capabilities of the model to reflect the soil response observed in cyclic direct simple shear
were clearly illustrated in several earlier publications. The PM4Sand model (version 3)
is used in FLAC2D 7.0 as a user defined constitutive model. The validity of the model
is demonstrated for its efficiency to predict responses of sand observed during seismic
excitation. The existing test data in the published literature on dynamic centrifuge study
conducted on Nevada 120 sand is utilized in the current paper. The calibration of PM-
4SAND model for Nevada 120 sand and the simulations of centrifuge model are presented
and comparisons are drawn with reference to the respective results from centrifuge study.


313 - 2D Modeling Seismic Responses for Ashigara Valley, Japan
Using Equivalent Linearization Methods in Time Domain
Yang Xiaomei, Lai Qianglin, & Xu Xianyu
Faculty of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology,
Guangzhou, P.R. China
We represented the nonlinear seismic response of a 2D geometric model for Ashigara
Valley in Japan. Using 2D seismic models for in-plane wave propagation, we take into
the non-linear characteristics of the complex soil deposit by implementing an improved
equivalent linearization method in the time domain. In this equivalent linearization model,
the maximum shear strain in 2D plane stress state is replacing the one in 1D stress state
in each element. The lower order lump-mass finite element method with the transmitting
boundary can achieve the explicit numerical procedure. The typical horizontal layered site
is modeled by 2D equivalent linearization procedure in time domain to verify for this nu-
merical procedure. Strong motion EW records observed on the two soft sediment stations
KS1 and KS2 on August 5, in 1990 show the surface waves propagate in Ashigara Valley,
Japan. We try to simulate these seismic responses at KS1 and KS2 using the implemented
2D equivalent linearization model in time domain. Then we also simulate these seismic
responses using 1D equivalent linearization model in frequency domain for comparison.
Comparison with the observation records shows that at the two stations the surface wave
propagation can be simulated better by 2D model than by 1D model. The strength of
simulated seismic responses by 2D model is similar to that by 1D model. The error analysis
of the spectral accelerations shows simulation results at KS2 fit better than at KS1. The
predictions by 2D model compared better with the observation records than by 1D model
in the simulation.

322 - A study on the use of selected ground improvement target

areas to achieve optimal seismic resistance of quay walls
Akito Sone
NEWJEC Inc., Osaka, Osaka, Japan
Susum Iai
Department of Civil and Earth Resources Engineering - Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto, Japan
The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that targetted ground improvement efforts can
substantially improve the overall earthquake-resistant performance of quay wall systems.
Appropriate planning of soil improvement efforts is considered key in performance-based
design, particularly with respect to limited budgets available for seismic retrofit of quay walls.
Two-dimensional effective stress analyses were carried out on selected quay walls known
to be supported on potentially liquefiable soils. A strain space multiple shear mechanism
model was adopted for effective stress analyses. Quay walls commonly used in Japan were
selected for analysis, and these include simple gravity quay walls. In addition, verticalpile
anchored and batter-pile anchored sheet pile quay walls were considered in the study.
Parametric study included varying ground improvement efforts and locations, varying
density contrast of original and improved ground, and varying intensities of the input


earthquake shaking. The findings of the study confirmed that targeting ground improve-
ment efforts can be an effective approach to mitigate earthquake induced damage to
quay wall systems.

331 - Some Remarks on Dynamic Earth Pressure for inverted

T-shape retaining wall via Dynamic Centrifuge
Seong-Bae Jo
K-water Institute, Infrastructure Safety Research Center, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Jeong-Gon Ha & Dong-Soo Kim
Department of Civil and Environmental KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
In recent earthquakes, the failures of retaining walls are rare even if the structures were
not designed for the seismic loading. Mononobe-Okabe (M-O) method, extended from
Coulombs theory assuming earthquake effects are replaced by a pseudo-static inertia force,
derived from model test at 1g shaking table. In order to understand true seismic behavior
during earthquake, this paper demonstrates the discrepancy of dynamic earth pressures
based on between M-Omethod and dynamic centrifuge tests. A series of dynamic centri-
fuge tests were conducted to determine the dynamic earth pressure for inverted T-shape
cantilever retaining wall models subjected to seismic loading. Centrifuge tests were carried
out on reduced-scale models in dry cohesionless soil. In pseudo-static method such as
M-O, dynamic earth pressure was determined by a uniform seismic coefficient (kh) but
acceleration amplified along the height can cause an overestimation for dynamic earth
pressure. The dynamic earth pressure was not synchronized and almost zero at the time of
maximum moment of wall during the earthquake. Moreover, distribution of dynamic earth
pressure is a triangle shape and dynamic thrust is much lower than 0.6H which was used
in practical design of incremental dynamic earth pressure.

333 - Undrained shear strength of Particulate Rubber Sand

Mixture (PRSM) mixed with fly ash
M. Senthen Amuthan, A. Boominathan, & Subhadeep Banerjee
Department of Civil Engineering - Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu, India
Reduction of damages to the structures due to the earthquake is being studied by various
researchers with the help of various sizes of rubber from scrap tires mixed with sand. High-
er content of rubber is required in the mixture to have the better performance against the
earthquake loadings. It is observed from the literature that the higher content of Particu-
late Rubber (PR) of size 0.425 mm to 2 mm mixed with sand possesses low shear strength.
Hence, the present study is intended to find out the effective material which can fully or
partially replace the sand in the Particulate Rubber Sand Mixture (PRSM) to improve
the shear strength of the mixture and to reduce the usage of sand. The mixture containing
PR and sand of each 50% by weight is considered in this study. The sand in PRSM is
progressively replaced by fly ash to obtain the various percentages of fly ash mixtures. Iso-
tropically Consolidated Undrained (ICU) triaxial tests were carried out on the sample of


sand, PR, and those mixtures prepared at 85% relative density with the confining pressure
of 100 kPa and the strain rate of 0.5 mm per minute. The test results are interpreted in
terms of undrained shear strength, stress path, and pore water pressure. It is found that the
undrained shear strength is improved and the pore water pressure is reduced because of the
replacement of sand in PRSM by fly ash. The findings of the performance of the mixtures
are supported with the Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM) images.

338 - Study of the validity and reliability of a static evaluation

method for liquefaction-induced residual deformation
Keisuke Ishikawa, Susumu Yasuda, & Shintaro Nagai
Tokyo Denki University, Hiki-gun, Saitama, Japan
Quantitative evaluation of damage due to liquefaction is still at the research stage. Several
methods have been proposed for predicting the amount of ground deformation due to
liquefaction, including effective stress analysis, which simulates the variations in soil condi-
tions during an earthquake, and residual deformation analysis, where the shear modulus of
the ground is assessed before and after an earthquake. Effective stress analysis is the more
precise method of the two, however, its results vary significantly depending on program
specifications and the technical capability of the user. Furthermore, owing to the large
number of parameters that need to be controlled, it is a difficult technique for general en-
gineering applications. Analysis of liquefaction-induced deformation (ALID) was devised
as an alternative, simpler technique. However, the reliability and validity of the technique
for predicting earthquake damage, or modeling past experimental results, has not yet been
entirely confirmed. In this study, we evaluated the performance of ALID in simulating the
damage caused by four past earthquakes, including the 1964 Niigata event. The results
demonstrated that ALID approximately reproduced the degree of settlement in the test
cases, and confirmed the validity and reliability of ALID.

339 - Numerical Analysis of Settlement of Existing Piled-Raft

Foundation Due To the Seismic Loading and Its Strengthening
with the Partial Ground Improvement
Kheradi Hamayoon & Zhang Feng
Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Showa-ku, Gokiso-cho,
Nagoya, Japan
Piled-raft foundations have been used for many tall buildings as an economic founda-
tion type. Transferring the structural load properly to the ground and controlling the
foundation settlement by optimizing the number of piles are its primary characteristic.
The settlement, however, became a serious problem when the seismic loading was not
considered or simplified in the design of piled-raft foundations. Retrofitting of existing
piled-raft foundations that do not meet the requirement of current seismic design standard
is an important issue. In the present paper, numerical analyses with three-dimensional
dynamic finite element analysis are conducted to study the settlement of existing piled-
raft foundations constructed in an active seismic region. Besides, the effectiveness of the


partial-ground improvement as a seismic countermeasure for the settlement of piled-raft
foundations is investigated. In the numerical analyses a 3 4 piled-raft foundations, which
supports a five-story building located in the soft ground area, is considered. Particular at-
tention is paid to find the optimum pattern of the partial partial-ground improvement for
the mentioned piled-raft foundation. Different patterns of partial-ground improvement
are analyzed and finally, an optimum pattern is proposed that can reduce the settlement in
the most efficient way. In the analysis, the soil, the pile and the structure are modeled with
the proper constitutive equations. Dry Toyoura sand is considered as the ground material,
and the Cyclic Mobility (CM) model describes its nonlinear mechanical behavior. An
axial-force dependent (AFD) model describes the nonlinear mechanical behavior of pile.
Moreover, a trilinear model describes the behavior of the structure.

347 - Large deformation characteristic of loose sand in undrained

cyclic torsional shear tests with initial static shear
Muhammad Umar
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo, Japan
Gabriele Chiaro
Department of Civil and Natural Resources Eng., University of Canterbury,
Christchurch, New Zealand
Takashi Kiyota
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Japan
This paper reports on extremely large strain behaviour of loose (Dr =25-30%) and very
loose (Dr =20-24%) Toyoura sand specimens observed in cyclic undrained torsional shear
tests with initial static shear. In these tests, simple shear conditions were reproduced in
order to apply realistic stress conditions that soil experiences in the field during horizontal
seismic shaking. A number of hollow cylindrical specimens were prepared by air pluviation
method, isotropically consolidated at an effective stress of 100 kPa and then cyclically
sheared under undrained conditions up to a single amplitude shear strain (SA) exceeding
50%. The cyclic strain accumulation resistance at different levels of SA (i.e. 7.5%, 20%
and 40%) and development of post-liquefaction residual deformation accumulation behav-
ior were assessed from the analysis of the effective stress paths and stress-strain responses.
It is confirmed that strain accumulation resistance of loose sand strongly depends on the
combination of static and cyclic shear stresses and, thus, on the type of loading (i.e. reversal
and non-reversal stress): under reversal stress loading, failure could be associated with full
liquefaction (i.e. zero effective mean stress, p) followed by extremely large deformation
during cyclic mobility; while, under non-reversal stress loading, a progressive accumulation
of residual deformation brought specimens to failure although full liquefaction state was
not achieved. Contrarily, in the case of very loose sand, deformation characteristics were
independent of the combined shear stress. In fact, under both reversal stress and non-re-
versal stress loadings, full liquefaction rapidly took place and was accompanied by abrupt
run-away deformation (i.e. flow liquefaction).


354 - Centrifugal test and analysis for study using the Strain Space
Multiple Mechanism Model based on Large Deformation theory
Noriyuki Fujii
OYO Corporation, Tokyo Metropolitan, Japan
Kyohei Ueda
Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan
Naonori Kuwabara
NEWJEC.INC.,Osaka Prefecture, Japan
Jun-ichi Hyodo
Tokyo Electric Power Services Co., Ltd., Tokyo Metropolitan, Japan
Tomonari Imono
Pacific Consultants CO, Ltd., Tokyo Metropolitan, Japan
To accurately estimate the damage of soil-structure systems during earthquakes, reliable
analytical methods and appropriate modeling of soils and structures are necessary. Herein
seismic response analyses are performed on an embankment, a caisson-type composite
breakwater, and a caisson-type quay wall to verify the applicability of the strain space mul-
tiple mechanism model, where both the total and updated Lagrangian (TL/UL) formula-
tions are introduced based on the large deformation (finite strain) theory. Both infinites-
imal and large deformation analyses are performed to examine the effect of geometrical
nonlinearity. All of the computed results (e.g., deformation and excess pore pressure ratio)
indicate that the TL and UL formulations are theoretically and numerically equivalent,
validating the computer program for large deformation analysis. In addition, the large
deformation analyses decrease the amount of deformations compared to the infinitesimal
deformation analysis in these three cases. This tendency becomes more significant as the
amplitude of the input ground motions increases. We also perform a centrifuge model test
to investigate the large deformation mechanism of liquefiable sloping ground and compare
the experimental results with numerical simulations. The comparison indicates that the
large deformation analysis by the UL formulation reasonably simulates the experiment,
whereas the infinitesimal deformation analysis overestimates the deformation.

356 - Urban noises effects on dynamic slope stability: a case study

Fatemeh Tavanaei & Jafar Hassanpour
Department of Engineering Geology School of Geology College of Science
University of Tehran, Iran
Hossein Memarian & Farnaz Kamranzad
School of Mining Engineering College of Engineering University of Tehran, Iran
Slope Stability is one of the main concerns among geotechnical engineers. Many aspects
have been studied to examine their effect on slope stability (e.g. soil weight, soil type,
slope height, etc.). Beside the static stability, the dynamic slope stability analysis has great
importance due to the danger of destructive dynamic stresses such as earthquakes, storms,
etc. On the other hand, urban areas daily encounter numerous construction projects to de-
velop the standard of living, which generate unlimited microseismic noises that are usually


considered ineffective on the dynamic slope stability. In short-term periods of time, these
noises are not able to make impacts on slope stability, however, the long-term effect of the
noises have not been studied sufficiently. In this paper, firstly geological and geotechnical
investigations were done to obtain the soil types, parameters and characterizations of an
excavation located in Tehran. Then, using a microtremor, the noises of the area were re-
corded for 52 minutes. In addition, the seismogram records of two earthquakes which had
occurred in Tehran were taken. These three records (the noises and two earthquakes) were
separately applied to the geotechnical model and the behavior of the soil (caused displace-
ments and changes in factor of safety) were observed. Thereafter, the results were obtained
and the effect of the noises were compared with the two earthquakes. Accordingly, the
displacements of the noises were about half (0.46) of one of the earthquakes displacements
and the noises caused collapse in the slope after about 8 hours. The results confirmed the
effectivity of the urban noises and showed the importance of urban noises.

370 - Dynamic field testing of screw pile foundations to quantify

nonlinear stiffness and damping
L.S. Hogan, M.J. Pender, & L.M Wotherspoon
University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Currently, there exists a limited amount of in situ experimental data to quantify the
non-linear lateral stiffness and damping of screw pile foundations, yet these properties
are key inputs into displacement based design procedures. Presented in this paper are the
outcomes from a large scale experimental field testing program used to characterize these
properties on three screw piles installed in stiff clay soils. The test piles extended 1.25 m
above ground and the supported mass ranged from 1.4 to 3.2 tonnes. Testing was com-
pleted in three phases where the first phase consisted of a monotonic quasi-static lateral
load applied above ground level in order to quantify the nonlinear force-displacement be-
havior of the soil-pile system. Following the maximum load of each static phase, the load
was released suddenly and the pile was allowed to undergo free vibration to quantify the
damping inherent in the system. The maximum static loads were incrementally increased
for each test pile to assess the effect of gap development and compressive failure of the soil
around the pile on the dynamic response. Finally, the piles were subjected to pseudostatic
cyclic loading after the soil was allowed to recover around the pile, and the response was
compared to the initial pullback and snapback testing. A summary of the test setup, load-
ing regime, and results from testing are presented. The most important conclusion from
the paper is that the equivalent viscous damping ratio varies with the magnitude of the
pullback force and is displacement dependent. Although the elastic damping of the piles
was found to be about 3%, even for displacements as small as 1% of the pile shaft diameter
the damping ratio was found to be 10% or more.

379 - Computation of Permanent Sliding Displacements of

Retaining Wall during Seismic Loading
Prajakta Jadhav & Amit Prashant
Civil Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India


A new model, Modified-Zarrabi model, for computing the sliding displacements of re-
taining walls during seismic loading has been proposed in this study that considers the
relative movement between wall and soil wedge such that velocity compatibility is achieved
along with the acceleration compatibility between them. Using a simplified limit equilib-
rium approach, Zarrabi (1979) proposed a procedure to compute sliding displacements
of gravity retaining wall during earthquake motion. This procedure gives different yield
accelerations for wall and soil wedge considering them as distinct rigid bodies unlike New-
marks formulation. It assumes that sliding of soil wedge will occur only tangentially along
the back face of the wall and the rupture plane. Their approach of considering different
yield accelerations during ground motion has resulted into computation of relatively realis-
tic displacements for a gravity wall. However, under certain conditions such as when wall,
soil wedge and ground all are under motion and perfect contact is maintained between soil
wedge and wall, soil wedge in reality can never attain velocities higher than wall since soil
wedge cannot go past wall. Zarrabis model however does not capture this condition. Thus,
the assumptions taken in the Zarrabis model can sometimes violate realistic situations and
may produce unrealistic results. The proposed model has been implemented in a software
code and results are recalculated for the configurations discussed by Zarrabi (1979). It has
also been applied for bridge abutments in the form of cantilever retaining wall by assuming
the soil wedge to slide along the vertical plane passing through the heel of wall. Four case
studies have been discussed and permanent sliding displacement for the same has been
obtained by the proposed model and compared with the actual displacement and those
obtained from conventionally adopted Newmark sliding block model.

391 - Estimation method of waste layer thickness by surface

wave exploration and microtremor measurement
Minoru Yamanaka & Shuichi Hasegawa
Kagawa University, Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan
Yuki Kojo & Tomoaki Hachimura
Japan Environmental Sanitation Center, Fukuoka, Japan
An amount of reclaimed wastes and a thickness of wastes layer can be estimated by various
methods as a waste disposal sites are following the guideline for waste treatment facility
structure. But for disposal sites which were constructed before the Japanese Governments
guideline, most of past construction records are not documented, and an impermeable flex-
ible membrane sheet is not provided correctly at the required depth and so on. Therefore,
the correct total volume of the reclaimed waste could not be estimated.
In this study, the surface wave exploration and the microtremor measurement method were
used to estimate the thickness of waste disposal layer. Site investigation was carried out at
the waste disposal site. The result concluded that the proposed depth of impermeable sheet
and the estimated depth obtained by geophysical method were good correlation.


398 - On dynamic responses of underground box structures
Elnaz Esmaeilzadeh Seylabi, Wenyang Zhang, & Ertugrul Taciroglu
University of California, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Dynamic behavior of buried structures is usually obtained through semi-analytical solu-
tions or simplified numerical models. As these models do not always properly represent the
physics of the problem, even in the elastic regime, more general, and thus computationally
expensive, models are often warranted. In this study, a finite element method is used for
seismic analysis of box-type structures embedded in a soil layer on an elastic bedrock.
Perfectly matched layers (PMLs) are used as the absorbing boundaries to truncate the
semi-infinite extent of soil, and the domain reduction method (DRM) is used to trans-
late the effects of incoming vertically propagating shear waves within the PMLtruncated
computational domain. Using this finite element solver, dynamic characteristics of buried
structures are explored. First, impedance functions as well as kinematic interaction transfer
functions of buried rigid interfaces are computed for a wide range of interface-soil con-
figurations. Second, flexural behaviors of relatively stiff and flexible structures are studied
and compared against those from pseudo-static analyses. It is shown that burial depth of
the underground structure, its dimensions and soil layering affect the impedance functions
and kinematic response of rigid buried structures. Moreover, it is shown that the pattern of
seismically induced demands in buried structures depend on their flexibility and geometry.

399 - Performance evaluation of VSZ-to-VS30 correlation methods

using global VS profile database
Dong Youp Kwak, Timothy D. Ancheta, & Devjyoti Mitra
RMS, Inc., Newark, CA, United States
Sean K. Ahdi, Paolo Zimmaro, Grace A. Parker, Scott J. Brandenberg, & Jonathan P.
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California,
Los Angeles, CA, United States
The time-averaged shear wave velocity in the upper 30 m (VS30) is commonly used as explan-
atory variable for site characterization. Although measuring shear wave velocity (VS) to 30
m or greater depth is the most direct and robust way to compute VS30, oftentimes VS profiles
are shallower than 30 m. For such cases, various methods have been proposed to extrapolate
the time-averaged VS to a specified depth (VSZ) and/or VS at a specified depth to VS30. These
VSZ-to-VS30 extrapolation methods typically provide a greater predictive power than methods
based on geotechnical investigation (e.g., correlations with penetration resistance) and on
proxies (e.g., surface geology, terrain categories, or topographic slope). In this study, we inves-
tigate the functional forms used in five VSZ-to-VS30 extrapolation models: (1) Boore (2004),
(2) Boore et al. (2011), (3) Midorikawa and Nogi (2015), (4) Dai et al. (2013), and (5) Wang
and Wang (2015). We then validate model performances using five regional VS profile data-
sets: (1) Japan - 289 profiles from the KiK-Net and PARI arrays; (2) California - 71 profiles
from Caltrans reports; (3) Oregon and Washington - 450 profiles from reports of state and
federal geologic surveys (Oregon DOGAMI, Washington DNR-GER, USGS, and CGS)


and various studies performed by university research groups; (4) central and eastern North
America - 200 profiles from the reports of Nuclear Regulatory Commission and university
research group studies; (5) Beijing plain, China - 463 profiles from unpublished technical
and research reports. For each selected model, we perform regression analyses developing
model coefficients for those five datasets and then investigate potential regional differences.
Midorikawa and Nogi (2015) and Dai et al. (2013) models provide the lowest model bias
and dispersion relative to measured VS30 values. We also developed non-region-specific mod-
els which provide comparable model bias and dispersion to the region-specific models. The
developed models are applicable to any VS profile for depths < 30 m.

405 - Evaluation of simplified methods to estimate displacement

demands of SDOF structures on rocking shallow foundations
Krishnan Athipotta-Variam, Andreas Gerasimos Gavras, & Bruce L. Kutter
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California,
Davis, CA, United States
Experimental efforts over the last decade have shown that rocking foundations have
beneficial seismic performance features: re-centering and energy dissipation with little
damage. As a result, the concept of a controlled share of ductility demand between the
superstructure and the foundation as a key ingredient for the seismic design of foun-
dations and structures has been gaining acceptance within the research and practicing
earthquake engineering communities. In this paper, two simplified methods to estimate
the maximum inelastic displacement demand of single-degree-offreedom-like structures
supported on rocking shallow foundations are evaluated. The first method is the Direct
Displacement-Based Design approach proposed by Deng et al. (2014). The method
adopts an iterative equivalent linear approach; the maximum displacement is estimated
as the maximum displacement of a linear visco-elastic oscillator that accounts for non-
linearity by elongating the effective secant system period and increasing the equivalent
viscous damping. In the second method, nonlinear dynamic time history analyses are
performed. The superstructure is modeled with a lumped mass at the top of a column
and the soil-foundation interaction is represented by a nonlinear rotational spring and a
nonlinear viscous dashpot. Two moment-rotation relations of the rotational spring were
considered: a bilinear elastic model and a bilinear elastic-perfectly-plastic model. The ac-
curacy of each method is assessed in terms of median correlation, scatter, and bias against
data from a new database of dynamic rocking foundation experiments that is briefly
introduced. The database currently contains 159 event case histories compiled from five
centrifuge and three 1g shaketable test series, spanning a variety of rocking system prop-
erties, soil types and input ground motions. For all methods, 68% of the predictions were
within a factor of 1.5 to 1.6 of the experimental measurements.


415 - 1-G Shaking Table Experiment of Geotechnical Seismic
Isolation System built of Steel Slag and Teflon
Jin Man Kim, Su Won Son, Pouyan Bagheri, Min Jae Ko, In Gu Kang, & Jong Chan Yoon
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Pusan National University,
Busan, Korea
Seismic isolation system is one of the effective methods used to improve the seismic per-
formance of the structures such as buildings and bridges. Typically, seismic isolation sys-
tems are employed to increase the seismic resistance of structures such as bridges and
buildings against earthquake. Structural seismic isolation systems generate sliding in the
bearing in order to reduce the seismic energy transmitted to the upper part of the structure.
However, structural seismic isolation system incurs high costs and permits only small dis-
placement. In this study, the seismic performance of geotechnical seismic isolation system
is investigated. Teflon and steel slag were used as the geotechnical seismic isolation system.
For various seismic input motions, seismic responses were investigated by performing 1-G
shaking table experiments. As a result, Geotechnical seismic isolation system shifts the
natural period of the structure further to a longer period, compared to the conventional
structural type isolation system.

434 - Numerical Modelling of the Seismic Response of a Deep

Excavation Supported by Anchored Diaphragm Walls in Sandy Soils
Mario Colil & Felipe Villalobos
Civil Engineering Department Universidad Catlica de la Santsima Concepcin,
Concepcin, Chile
Rafael Martnez
Constructura Lancuyen, Concepcin, Chile
The analysis of the seismic response of a deep excavation next to a building and supported
by an anchored diaphragm wall in alluvial deposits, is presented. A commercial software
using 2D finite element method FEM is used to analyze a stratified profile representative
of the Concepcion City Centre, Chile. The 2D FEM is used to study the seismic be-
haviour by means of the Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model to obtain horizontal displace-
ments and internal forces in the walls, also the vertical displacement of the retained soil
is evaluated. The 2010 Chile earthquake acceleration recording on outcropping bedrock
in Valparaiso is used as input in the analysis, but scaled to obtain PGA values in free field
of 0.21, 0.34 and 0.41g. To calibrate the 2D FEM model, 1D linear-equivalent analyses
are compared with 2D FEM analysis in free field conditions (without the excavation)
indicating the appropriate horizontal dimension of the 2D FEM model to minimize the
reflection effects of the seismic waves. The soil-structure interaction is evaluated by means
of acceleration profiles and displacement variations in the wall and retained soil. Finally,
estimated anchor force variation versus time in two anchors of different rows is presented.


447 - Determination of Seismic Performance of High Modulus
Columns in Liquefiable Soils
Seluk Demir & Pelin zener
Department of Civil Engineering Yldz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
In this study, a series of numerical studies were carried out to investigate the effectiveness of
high modulus columns in liquefaction mitigation. For this purpose, experimental results of a
dynamic centrifuge test model were investigated through numerical analysis using an effective
stress based model UBC3D-PLM. As a first step in the study in order to understand the reli-
ability of the numerical prediction, numerical simulations were carried out based on published
centrifuge experiment data and comparisons were made between the predicted and measured
results in terms of excess pore water pressures and time histories of accelerations. Secondly,
In order to evaluate the effect of high modulus columns on the reduction of liquefaction risk,
unimproved and improved with high modulus column soil models were analyzed numerically
and subjected to 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake base motion of varying accelerations. The results of
the numerical analysis were evaluated by going through the shear stress sharing mechanism that
generate between high modulus column and surrounding soil. The study provided an insight
into the parameters that influence the ratio of shear stress reduction factor and its practical
values that is widely used for jet grout columns in design practice.

450 - Site Specific Response Analysis of a Soil Deposit With

Different Techniques A Case Study
Sahin aglar Tuna & Selim Altun
Ege University, Izmir, Turkey
Department of Civil Engineering Ege University, Izmir, Turkey
Local site effects play an important role in earthquake resistant design and must be ac-
counted for on a case-by-case basis. Site specific response analysis are becoming to be
widely used in engineering design practice and in taking its place in country design codes.
The site specific response analysis needs time histories as an input at the engineering rock
or seismic rock level. The selected time histories and the geologic and geotechnical charac-
teristics of a site have a strong influence on the nature of the ground shaking experienced
by a structure. There are not enough recorded time histories in many part of the world,
therefore a number of techniques and computer programs have been developed either to
completely synthesize an accelerogram or modify a recorded accelerogram.
In this study, a uniform hazard spectrum is constructed as a target spectrum and ground
motions are simulated for the city. The simulated time histories and the geotechnical site
soil properties are then used to generate the soft soil response of the given site. The site
response and related parameters are then compared with results coming from the recorded
time histories in the same site conditions. Also, the results are compared with the different
type of analysis (One, Two- Dimensional, equivalent linear-nonlinear) used in the study.


467 - Data Fusion of Digital Imagery and Seismic Surface Waves
for a Rock Road Cut in Hawaii
William W. Greenwood, Dimitrios Zekkos, & Jerome Lynch
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, MI, United States
Marin K. Clark
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, MI, United States
The shear wave velocity (Vs) of geomaterials is an important material property. Seismic
surface wave methods, such as the multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) meth-
od, have become popular non-invasive methods for assessing the in situ Vs of soils and
rocks. Developing a Vs profile from surface wave methods requires solving an ill-posed in-
verse problem. Because surface wave methods do not include physical sampling or penetra-
tion into the material, constraining the parametrization of the inversion can prove difficult.
Thus, to reduce uncertainty and improve the reliability of MASW results, it is critical that
all available a priori information be utilized. In this paper, a data fusion methodology for
vision data and seismic surface wave data is implemented. A 2D MASW survey was per-
formed over the outcropping rock of a highway road cut located on the island of Hawaii.
An unconstrained inversion was performed of the MASW data to produce a 2D Vs profile.
Digital imagery was also collected via handheld camera of the outcropping rock and used
to generate a 3D point cloud using structure-from-motion photogrammetry. The 2D im-
agery and 3D point cloud were used to assess the rock structure and interpret stratigraphy.
The Vs model was then constrained based on the visible layering in the vision-based data
and the inversion was repeated. The Vs model with constraints is a more likely result when
compared to the imagery relative to the initial, unconstrained Vs model. Augmenting the
MASW inversion with simple vision-based data increased confidence in the results for the
outcropping rock and therefore for the rock at greater depths as well.

474 - The Role of Non-Invasive Ambient Noise Analysis to

Improve Seismic Microzonation Mapping in Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada
Frederick Jackson & Sheri Molnar
Department of Earth Sciences, Western University, London, ON, Canada
There is renewed interest to improve seismic hazard (urban microzonation) mapping in
Greater Vancouver, British Columbia (BC), the highest seismic risk city in Canada. The
application of non-invasive ambient noise (microtremor) seismic techniques for earthquake
site assessment is popular worldwide due to their rapid and low-cost field methodology. To
highlight the suitability of emerging methods to regional seismic hazard assessment, we
apply them to key high-risk locations in south-western British Columbia.
First we investigate seismic amplification due to local geology as the cause of varying
earthquake shaking in the region from the 2015 M 4.7 Vancouver Island earthquake, by
analysing the peak ground motions at strong-motion stations within ~85 km of the epi-


center. High amplification is observed on both thick sediment sites and on the northern
edge of the Fraser Delta, where the presence of Holocene deltaic sediments are favourable
to amplification, as observed in previous earthquakes. The current regional seismic micro-
zonation map of Vancouver captures gross generalizations of observed variable earthquake
shaking; however, local discrepancies are present and could be readily mapped at a higher
resolution or local/site scale using passive seismic techniques.
We then perform array passive seismic measurements at 10 high-priority risk schools
of the BC school seismic retrofit program primarily in Metro Vancouver, with the aim
of investigating subsurface shear-wave velocity (VS) structure. Preliminary surface wave
dispersion results from array sites are well constrained across all frequencies. Future in-
version of these dispersion estimates will provide one-dimensional VS depth profiles,
required for earthquake site classification. This study is a notable contribution to public
earthquake site assessments in Greater Vancouver; few VS measurements are freely avail-
able in published literature.

480 - Excess pore-water generation of fiber reinforced sand

specimens under cyclic loading
Eyyub Karakan
Department of Civil Engineering, Kilis 7 Aralik University, Kilis, Turkey
Tugba Eskisar & Selim Altun
Department of Civil Engineering, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey
The excess pore-water pressure builds up gradually during the liquefaction tests and
reaches the initially applied confining stress; this buildup of excess pore-water pressure
depends on the magnitude of the cyclic stress ratio as well as the density of the soil. In
addition, the effect of the number of loading cycles on the magnitude of excess pore-water
pressure is essentially a function of the shear strain. Since four decades, an interest has
risen to evaluate the generation of excess pore-water pressure of sand soils considering
the above-mentioned parameters and some numerical models have been proposed in lit-
erature. However, the behavior of reinforced soils is still not clear and requires further
research. This study focuses on the performance of randomly distributed fibers enhancing
the excess pore-water pressure generation of loose and medium dense sand deposits under
cyclic conditions in Izmir, Turkey. A systematic testing program of stress-controlled cyclic
triaxial tests was performed on saturated sand samples with and without fiber reinforce-
ments under undrained conditions. The frequency of testing was held at 0.1Hz and the
confining pressure in all test cases were 100kPa reflecting the actual overburden pressure
in field conditions. The effect of parameters such as fiber content (0.25%, 0.50%, and 1%),
fiber length (6 mm and 12 mm), and relative density (30%, 50%, and 70%) on the excess
pore-water pressure development of unreinforced and reinforced specimens was studied.
Upon increasing the fiber content and fiber length, the number of loading cycles leading to
liquefaction increased. The reinforcement effect in medium dense specimens was found to
be more significant than that of looser specimens. The excess pore-water pressure and cycle
number ratio curves are obtained for the fiber reinforced sands. The boundaries presented
in the literature on clean sands are shown in comparison with the results of fiber reinforced


sands of this study. As a conclusion, the outcomes of this study are useful to develop insight
into the behavior of clean and fiber-reinforced sands under seismic loading conditions.
Based on the test results, it was found that the number of loading cycles has significant
influence on the generation of excess pore pressure of fiber reinforced sands.

485 - Experimental Study on Dynamic Properties of Camkhaleh

and Firuzkuh Sands
Kazem Fakharian & Saina Khoshbakht
Department of Civil Engineering Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
In this experimental study, the shear modulus and damping ratio of two clean sands
are investigated. Stress-strain behavior of both sands under monotonic and cyclic load-
ing conditions has been studied in the past few years in Iran by different investigators.
Chamkhaleh Sand is provided from southwest shorelines of Caspian Sea. The zone ex-
perienced one of the largest and devastating earthquakes in the recorded history of Iran
causing liquefaction in neighboring areas. Previous studies have revealed that Chamkha-
leh Sand dilates even under very loose state. Firuzkuhv Sand has been used as a standard
sand in research studies within the past two decades and is quite well characterized.
Firuzkuh is an artificially crushed quartz sand and is fairly uniform in gradation. This
paper presents the results of 54 cyclic triaxial tests. Test specimens are reconstructed by
wet tamping method at different relative densities and isotropically consolidated under
effective pressures of 100, 200 and 300 kPa. All test specimens remained undrained
during the strain-controlled loading cycles. A macro LVDT sensor with high preci-
sion was mounted at the mid-height of the specimen for accurate measurement of axial
strains. Comparisons are made between results of the two sands and the differences are
discussed. Chamkhaleh Sand is higher shear modulus than Firuzkuh Sand as well as
other well-documented quartz sands in literature due to its dilative response, but the
damping ratio is shown to be more or less within the normal ranges of the other sands.
This specific character of Chamkhaleh Sand is found to be attributed to its unusually
high angularity and probably high surface roughness of the particles.

487 - On the Importance of Coupled Stiffness of Fixed-Head Piles

Zeyad H. Elsherbiny
Amec Foster Wheeler, Calgary, AB, Canada
M. Hesham El Naggar
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Western Ontario,
London, ON, Canada
Oftentimes the design of foundations and structures is governed by serviceability require-
ments such as deformations and vibration amplitudes. These requirements require accurate
modeling of structural stiffness with due consideration of foundation flexibility. For struc-
tures supported by pile foundations, the foundation flexibility is affected by the individual
pile stiffness as well as pile-soil-foundation interaction. Fixed-head piles are frequently used
to increase the lateral stiffness of foundations, which would result in limited lateral displace-


ments and improved performance. Most common modeling techniques simulate fixed-head
pile condition in the form of boundary conditions at the pile head, which tend to ignore the
coupled stiffness components. Consequently, the lateral stiffness could be largely over-esti-
mated, which could lead to inaccurate representation of the actual behavior and may result
in a foundation design that provides unsatisfactory performance. This paper investigates the
common methods for modelling fixed-head piles and their limitations, and the effect of cou-
pled stiffness on the lateral stiffness of the foundation system. In addition, two approaches are
provided to better represent the boundary conditions of fixed-head piles.

505 - A review of seismic soil-pile-superstructure interaction

Ahmad Dehghanpoor, David Thambiratnam, & Tommy Chan
Department of Civil Engineering and Built Environment Queensland University of
Technology, Brisbane City, Queensland, Australia
The role of the Seismic-SoilPileSuperstructure Interaction (SSPSI) is usually assumed
negligible for structural design purposes. This is mainly to avoid the complex task of com-
puting the inertial and kinematic interactions for superstructure- pile and soil-pile systems
respectively. The results obtained from recent earthquakes demonstrate that considering a
fixedbase structure could be misleading, and neglecting the effects of SSPSI could lead to
risky designs mainly for mid-rise and high-rise buildings founded on soft soils. The SSPSI
behavior is predominantly nonlinear and this makes it complicated. The field observations
of pile failures after seismic events have highlighted the importance of incorporating ki-
nematic effects in the design process. Hence, some codes states those kinematic effects
should be considered during the pile design process. In a soil-pile-superstructure system,
the seismic load is resisted by the interaction effects between pile, soil and superstructures,
which in turn depend on soil, pile and superstructure materials and geometry, slenderness
ratio in pile, pile type (vertical or inclined), loading type and its specifications. The diffi-
culty in the accountability of the influencing factors necessitates a detailed investigation on
SSPSI. Reviewing the existing literature reveals that studies on SSPSI effects have been
generally carried out in two different directions: investigation methods and types of pile
foundation. As a result, a SSPSI detailed literature review is presented in this paper.


Tuesday July 18, 2017 | 10:30 - 12:30
Chair: S. Thevanayagam
Room: Salon D/E

200 - Evaluation of Liquefaction Triggering Resistance and

Deformation Accumulation in Laminated Sand and Clay Deposits

Panagiota Tasiopoulou, Amalia Giannakou, & Jacob Chacko
Sjoerd de Wit
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
As part of dynamic stability evaluations of earth embankments founded on laminated sand
and clay deposits, the need to characterize their cyclic resistance became critical for the
assessment of the embankment behavior and subsequent decisions on liquefaction mit-
igation measures. Due to the lack of experimental and case history data on the effective
stress behavior of such deposits, advanced laboratory tests on high quality undisturbed
samples and numerical simulations using advanced constitutive models were performed to
gain insight into liquefaction triggering and post-liquefaction accumulation of deforma-
tions under level and sloping ground conditions of such formations. Results indicated that
the presence of clay laminations within sand deposits tends to increase the liquefaction
triggering resistance of such deposits which are typical of tidal and alluvial depositional
environments. Numerical analyses results also indicated that void redistribution effects,
often related to strain localization effects, tend to be reduced as the thickness of sand layers
decreases, or as the percentage of clay interlayers increases.

106 - Comparison of liquefaction triggering curves with laboratory

and in-situ tests
Abouzar Sadrekarimi
Western University, London, ON, Canada
Liquefaction of saturated loose cohesionless soil deposits has often been the culprit for
ground failures and damage to built structures during past earthquakes. Liquefaction anal-
ysis and design against liquefaction occurring involves comparing cyclic shear stress im-
posed during an earthquake with the cyclic shearing resistance of a saturated soil deposit.
Many difficulties and the enormous cost associated with undisturbed sampling of saturated
cohesionless soils generally prohibit the using of laboratory experiments for measuring soil
cyclic shear strength. Accordingly, in engineering practice cyclic resistance of in-situ soil
deposits are indirectly determined from liquefaction triggering curves with Standard Pen-
etration (SPT) or Cone Penetration (CPT) resistance. The liquefaction triggering curves
are established as boundary lines between field cases where evidences of liquefaction were
observed and those where liquefaction did not appear on the ground surface. In this study,
a database of SPT and CPT penetration resistances are collected at soil depths from which


high-quality frozen samples were retrieved for cyclic triaxial testing. Cyclic resistances of
soil specimens are corrected for the effects of differences in stress anisotropy, multidirec-
tional shearing and mode of shearing between laboratory triaxial testing and field condi-
tions. The comparison of these data with field-based liquefaction triggering boundaries
suggests that the current approach used in engineering practice might overestimate the
cyclic resistance of clean sands and silty sands using SPT blow counts, or overestimate
those of silty sands using cone tip resistance.

137 - Shear strength and liquefaction resistance of sand mixed

with biochar
Gislaine Pardo, Rolando Orense, & Ajit Sarmah
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Auckland,
Auckland, New Zealand
Biochar is a carbonaceous material produced by heating any organic biomass in oxygen-free
environment through pyrolysis process. Given its aromatic nature, biochar is highly re-
calcitrant, so as soil additive, it has been considered to have great potential to sequester
carbon and reduce greenhouse gas emission. Since this material has been produced to be
buried in the ground, it is important to assess its effect on soil properties from geotechnical
point of view. However, to date, little work has been done in this field. A few studies have
shown that biochar could increase the shear strength of clays and desaturate soil particles;
therefore, it may be used to increase the liquefaction resistance of loose sand. In this study,
the effect of adding biochar to sand (3% and 5% by weight) was investigated. Specimens
were tested using simple shear test apparatus. Results of drained monotonic tests indicated
that biochar provided higher shear resistance at lower confinement pressure ( 100 kPa).
These specimens also developed less volumetric deformation. Undrained cyclic test re-
sults showed that the addition of biochar increased the liquefaction resistance of sand by
delaying the generation of excess pore water pressure and restraining the development of
shear strain. To provide an insight on the mechanism of improvement, Fourier Transform
Infra-Red (FTIR) spectrum of biochar surface was measured, and the effect of time on the
interaction between water and biochar was evaluated through rheological measurements.
It is believed that the mechanism of improvement is related to the active functional groups
on the surface and inside the pores of the biochar particles. These volatiles interact with
water by repelling it (hydrophobic) and at times by attracting it, creating a complex net-
work between water and biochar particles that helps delay the increase in excess pore water
pressure and provides some shear resistance.

118 - Evaluation of applicability for liquefaction research method

using various types of sounding equipment
Fusao Rito
OYO Corporation, Saitama City, Saitama prefecture, Japan
Hiroyoshi Kiku
Kanto Gakuin University, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan


In-situ research to evaluate applicability of liquefaction judgment using sounding test
equipment was conducted at Tone dry riverbed in Chiba prefecture where sand boiling
occurred by the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake. Various types of dy-
namic cone penetration, Swedish weight sounding and static cone penetration were used
in this site. Experimental conversion to N value and liquefaction evaluation were handled
using these sounding test results. The converted N value from dynamic cone penetration
and Swedish weight sounding result were slightly larger than N value. But, if the applica-
tion depth and another conversion formula were considered, the results of these sounding

were almost same to the results from N value. Most kinds of dynamic cone penetration
and Swedish weight sounding cannot classify the soil type except some special sounding
method, so sampling and grain size analysis are needed separately. Piezo drive cone (PDC)
and Screw driver sounding (SDS) are new type sounding technology which can measure
the strength and soil classification, with the result that they can judge liquefaction without
sampling. The result of static cone penetration was obtained the almost same judgment of
liquefaction from calculated by N value. The static cone penetration is very useful method
for liquefaction investigation. The validity of the sounding test for liquefaction determi-
nation was confirmed from this in situ experiment, but accumulation of further data will
be needed in the future.

436 - Evaluation of the trench backfill particle size effects on the

development of soil restraints on buried pipelines subjected to
relative ground movement
Sadana Dilrukshi & Dharma Wijewickreme
Department of Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Reduction of soil forces on pipelines during earthquake ground movements is an important
factor in minimizing damage to buried pipelines. One consideration that has found to be
of relevance is the use of suitable pipe trench-backfill materials that would promote reduc-
tion of such soil forces. Full-scale model testing conducted at the UBC Advanced Soil Pipe
Interaction Research (ASPIReTM) facility has revealed that when relatively coarser-grained
soils used as trench backfill, the lateral soil forces on buried pipelines would first reach a
peak value and then reduce with further lateral ground movement. This load-shedding
phenomenon during ground movement appears to be caused by the coarse-grained backfill
matrix disintegrating and flowing as individual particles once the peak load has been
reached. From a soil-pipe interaction viewpoint, mechanisms that would promote such soil
load-shedding during ground movement are preferable. Numerical analyses was under-
taken using discrete element modeling (DEM) to assess the soil failure mechanisms that
would develop when pipelines buried in coarse-grained soil are subject to relative lateral
ground movements, and how these mechanisms would vary with the soil particle size of
the pipe trench backfill. This paper describes the numerical approach and results, along
with a comparison between the numerical findings and the observations from full-scale
model testing. The results from the numerical modeling support the ideas of particle flow
of coarse-grained trench backfill materials hypothesized based on experiment observations.


141 - Liquefaction Induced Uplift of Pipelines: Numerical Modeling
and Parametric Analyses
S.M. Marinatou, V.A. Zontanou, G.D. Bouckovalas, & Y.K. Chaloulos
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Current methodologies for the evaluation of the uplift of pipelines embedded in saturated
soils assume that, upon liquefaction, the soil converts into a viscous fluid with zero shear
resistance. This assumption contradicts recent experimental evidence which indicate the
formation of a non-liquefied soil wedge of considerable shear strength above the pipeline.
Furthermore, no recommendations are provided in design codes and guidelines regard-
ing the quantitative estimation of uplift displacements. The present paper discusses the
development of an advanced numerical methodology for the simulation of the problem,
the verification against published experimental data, and its application on a large para-
metric investigation accounting for the most important soil and excitation parameters. It
is thus shown that, as a result of drainage and/or shear-induced dilation, the soil above the
pipeline does not liquefy and retains a considerable portion of its shear resistance, form-
ing a firm wedge that can significantly contribute to the overall stability of the pipeline.
Furthermore, the accumulation of uplift displacements is finite, and ceases at the end of
shaking even though liquefaction persists in the free field. Extensive comparison of nu-
merical predictions with empirical estimates of uplift displacements with the methodology
proposed by Sasaki & Tamura (2004) shows that the latter, properly modified for the effect
of excitation frequency, may provide reliable estimates for preliminary pipeline design.


Tuesday July 18, 2017 | 10:30 - 12:30
Chair: Clint Wood
Room: Salon C

531 - 2D Site Response Analysis of the Istanbul Rapid

Response Network
Atilla Ansal, zge Fercan, & Asl Kurtulus
Department of Civil Engineering, zyegin University, Istanbul, Turkey
Gke Tnk
Department of Civil Engineering, MEF University, Istanbul, Turkey
Part of the Istanbul Rapid Response Network (IRRN) composed of 55 strong motion
stations and three Istanbul Geotechnical Vertical Arrays (IGVA) are in the European side
of Istanbul where very detailed site investigations were conducted during the first phase of
the Istanbul Microzonation Project. Limited number of local earthquakes, with magnitude
of ML>4.5 and few stronger but more distant earthquakes were recorded by some of these
IRRN and IGVA stations. Even though the level of ground shaking intensity is relatively
low, efforts are made to evaluate the variation of the recorded accelerations based on 1D


and 2D assessment and analysis for some and more specifically for one distant earthquake
ML=6.5 that took place in 2014 with epicentral distance of 160km that produced accel-
erations in the level of 2%g in some IRRN stations and in IGVA stations. The recorded
PGAs as well as spectral accelerations are evaluated in comparison to previously recorded
distant ML=5.9 Ktahya Earthquake with epicentral distance of 185km, and one at a closer
distance, ML=4.8 narck Earthquake with epicentral distance of 44km. The bedrock
motions recorded at the bedrock levels of the IGVA stations are used to conduct 1D and
2D site response equivalent linear analysis to model the recorded peak ground and spectral

accelerations on the ground surface at the triggered IRRN stations.

144 - Examining the assumption of homogeneous horizontal

layers within seismic site response analysis
Carolina Volpini & John Douglas
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Strathclyde,
Glasgow, United Kingdom
One-dimensional analyses can be conducted to estimate the impact of superficial soil lay-
ers on earthquake ground motions. Such analyses are based on the assumption that all
boundaries are horizontal and that the response of a soil deposit is predominantly caused
by horizontal shear waves propagating vertically from the underlying bedrock. This as-
sumption is made even for sites with a relative large surface area, e.g. the footprint of large
infrastructure such as power plants.
An important step then is to create a model of the near subsurface that is representative of
the overall area under analysis. This means it is essential to evaluate geomechanical charac-
teristics of the soil at certain locations and extend these measurements over the whole site.
As a consequence of this, it is assumed that the soil characteristics, which include stratigra-
phy, geometry and geotechnical properties, are homogeneous. Recent observations, how-
ever, have clearly demonstrated that even over a small area (~1km2) ground conditions can
vary greatly. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of relaxing the assumption
of infinite horizontal layers by undertaking a parametric study of the variability in amplifi-
cation across areas with gently dipping subsurface layers. Starting from a 1D approach the
influence of dipping layers is evaluated through simplified but geometrically representative
models. Randomization of shear-wave velocity profiles using the Toro (1995) method,
as implemented in STRATA, is used to compute the variability in site amplification that
would be captured by a standard 1D technique. This provides a baseline for comparison
with the variability introduced by the dipping layers. Subsequently, two-dimensional sim-
ulations are conducted for the same sites with dipping layers to estimate the error made
through the assumption of 1D response. The goal of this study is to understand when the
1D assumption can be used in the presence of dipping layers.


179 - Field trials on soft grouting barriers to mitigate vibrations effects
Valeria Nappa, Emilio Bilotta, & Alessandro Flora
Dept. of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, University of Napoli
Federico II, Naples, Italy
Lucio Amato
Tecno in S.p.A., Naples, Italy
The use of soft buried barriers to mitigate the effects of vibrations has been deeply analysed
in literature, showing that their effectiveness depends on dynamic impedance ratio and on
the barriers geometry. However, most times the problem of the physical and mechanical
properties to be given to the barrier is by-passed. This paper proposes to deal with barriers
made of an innovative material, a special kind of Super Absorbing Polymer (SAP), easy
and cheap to find and environmentally friendly. In particular, a field trial test has been
carried out, in which an inverted pyramid barrier and a linear barrier have been created
with a 100% SAP filling. The site was fully instrumented and carefully investigated, and
vibration tests were carried out. It was shown that the barriers were able to largely attenuate
the vibrations, thanks to their mechanical and physical properties.

247 - Ground motion amplification for canyon topographies with

different input motions
E. Skiada, S. Kontoe, P.J. Stafford, & D.M. Potts
Civil and Environmental Engineering Imperial College London
It is widely known that topographic irregularities influence the surface ground motions,
typically with an enhancement of the response close to convex topographic features,
such as ridges and slope crests. Several studies have investigated the ground motion at
the surface of filled valleys and empty canyons, focusing mainly on the geometry and the
soil characteristics rather than the input excitation. Further investigation of the impact
of the input excitation to the ground surface response is needed in order to modify exist-
ing ground motion prediction models to account for topographic effects. The response
of canyons has been previously examined; but mainly focusing on simple wavelet input.
This paper considers a fully weathered canyon (i.e., without any in-fill material) aiming
to investigate the influence of the input excitation on the surface ground motion through
a parametric time-domain finite element (FE) study. A two-dimensional plane-strain
model of an idealised canyon is considered for vertically propagating SV waves, using
both wavelets and recorded earthquakes as input excitation. The model consists of two
step-like slopes with slope height (H), in a homogeneous linear elastic soil layer over-
lying rigid bedrock. Topographic aggravation is presented for several points along the
canyon ground surface aiming to derive a pattern of its distribution considering input
excitation with different characteristics.


412 - Estimating ground motions from past earthquakes for
levees founded on soft soils
Yi-Tyan Tsai, Scott J. Brandenberg, Robert E. Kayen, & Jonathan P. Stewart
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California,
Los Angeles, CA, United States
Atsushi Mikami
Department of Civil Engineering, Tokai University, Hiratsuka, Kanagawa, Japan

Takashi Sato
Structures Research Team, Civil Engineering Research Institute, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
Levees are earth structures sited along river channels and coastlines for flood control
purposes. We are engaged in a long-term project to evaluate seismic fragility of levees
founded on soft peaty organic soils using case history data from Hokkaido, Japan. As part
of this effort, it is necessary to characterize seismic demands in the form of peak ground
acceleration or velocity using data recorded at regional strong motion recording stations.
Such stations are typically situated on stiffer soils than levees, thereby exhibiting differ-
ent site effects. This paper presents a procedure for spatially interpolating strong motion
recordings while accounting for differences in site conditions. Ground motion models
(GMMs) for subduction earthquakes are first used to compute within-event residuals at
the recording stations. These residuals are then spatially interpolated at levee locations,
and added to the sum of the event term and median GMM prediction (which includes
a nonlinear site term) to estimate ground motions at the softer sites. The procedure is
applied to the data recorded during the 2003 M8.2 Tokachi-oki earthquake from PARI,
JMA and NIED arrays, but not a local array deployed by Obihiro River Management
Office at the Hokkaido levees. This enables validation of the procedure, which amounts
to validation of the nonlinear site term for the peaty soil conditions present at the levees.
The results show an underprediction bias from existing site terms when applied to the
site conditions at the Hokkaido levees.

227 - Evaluating and reporting uncertainty in downhole shear

wave velocities
Mark Anthony Styler & Ilmar Weemees
ConeTec Investigations, Richmond, BC, Canada
Ground response analyses for cyclic motions are sensitive to the in-situ shear wave velocity
(VS). Many design codes require considerations for soil property uncertainty when per-
forming site-specific ground response analyses. In practice, there is no consensus on how
to evaluate VS uncertainty. In this paper, we present a technique to evaluate VS uncertain-
ty from down-hole seismic testing. We characterize the reproducibility and randomness
from repeated seismic traces and propagate the uncertainty through the cross-correlation
function estimate of the shear-wave propagation time. We present results from two seis-
mic cone tests performed using an automatic reproducible seismic source. Characterizing
the uncertainty in VS has implications in improving downhole seismic testing equipment,
procedures, and analysis.


Tuesday July 18, 2017 | 10:30 - 12:30
Chair: Craig Davis
Room: Salon F

305 - Seismic Performance Evaluation of Underground Structures

Past Practice and Future Trends
Youssef M.A. Hashash & Michael Musgrove
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Illinois at
Urbana- Champaign, Urbana, City, IL, United States
Shideh Dashti
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States
Phoebe Cheng
SCSolutions, Walnut Creek, CA, United States
Underground structures are an integral part of civil infrastructure and play an ever-in-
creasing role in a rapidly urbanizing world. Underground structures have generally per-
formed better than aboveground structures during earthquakes when transient motions
are considered. Nevertheless, underground structures are vulnerable to ground failure such
as fault displacement, liquefaction and slope instability. This paper reviews past perfor-
mance of underground structures during earthquakes and available frameworks for seismic
analysis. It covers displacement-based design principles using closed form, pseudo-static
and dynamic soilstructure interaction (SSI) approaches. These approaches are based on
the recognition that system response is primarily driven by the inertia of the surrounding
soils and that the contribution of the inertia of the underground structure is limited. In
the case of closed form solutions and pseudo-static analyses, structure inertial response is
neglected. The paper also discusses approaches to mitigate the impact of ground failure on
underground structures. The paper then describes emerging challenges and opportunities
in the seismic evaluation of underground structures including buried reservoirs, transit
stations, and the interaction with adjacent tall buildings in urban areas. For these complex
structures, the use of pseudo-static approaches is no longer applicable as these approaches
cannot account for significant inertial contributions of structural elements nor complex
kinematic constraints. For example, in the case of large buried reservoirs, the roof structure
is an important driver of forces transmitted into the sidewalls. For underground structures
next to tall buildings, portions of the building inertial load in the form of base shear is
transmitted to the adjacent underground structure. The paper then describes advances in
nonlinear dynamic soil-structure interaction simulations whereby the soil and structure
are equally represented in the numerical model. These dynamic analyses can represent soil
and structure details that have an important impact on the system response and cannot be
captured in simplified procedures. The use of modern analysis software makes accessible
analyses that can take advantage of modern computer hardware and parallelization. It is
possible to run multiple ground motions and rapidly process analysis results within a short


timeframe. Several research projects are underway by the authors to evaluate the results
of numerical models, in a few cases after validation with physical model studies, and to
develop reliable analysis protocols. The emergence of these numerical analysis tools allows
for an important shift to performance based design of underground structures using a suf-
ficient number of ground motions, while capturing important details of the soil-structure
interaction and the underlying uncertainties.

Tuesday July 18, 2017 | 10:30 - 12:30
Chair: Bruce Kutter
Room: Mackenzie

517 - Earthquake response of offshore wind turbines

Amir M. Kaynia
Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo, Norway
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
Interest in renewable and clean energy over the past decade has motivated immense re-
search on wind energy using wind turbines. In particular, offshore wind turbines have
received much attention due to practical and environmental issues despite a greater design
challenge present in environmentally harsh offshore sites. The main issues in design of
offshore wind turbines in regions of recent development, namely Northern and Western
Europe, have been aero- and hydro-dynamic loads; however, earthquake loading appears
to be an issue as wind farms are being developed in seismic areas such as East Asia and
Western United states. While aseismic design of buildings permits minor damages during
earthquakes with low return periods, the strict performance requirements of offshore wind
turbines cannot allow for response beyond almost-linear range.
This paper reviews the state of practice in seismic design of offshore wind turbines. Among
the issues addressed in the paper is the use of foundation macro-elements; that is, gener-
alized nonlinear springs representing foundation response, for earthquake analysis of wind
turbines under lateral earthquake excitation. Previous studies have indicated that wind tur-
bines are in particular vulnerable to vertical earthquake excitation due to their rather high
natural frequencies in vertical direction. It is shown that for such loading conditions, use of
radiation damping could be a key parameter in design that is more economical. Moreover,
it is demonstrated how soil nonlinearity could lead to settlement and permanent tilting
of offshore wind turbines mounted on mono-bucket foundations or tripods. The same
behavior can be observed due to pore-pressure generation. Using these cases, the paper
clearly demonstrates that the design of offshore wind turbines for earthquake loading is
driven by performance-based considerations.


138 - Seismic Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis of Steel Gravity
Structure Considering Nonlinear Foundation Response
Mansour Tabatabaie
MTR & Associates, Lafayette, CA, United States
Frederick Tajirian
Chevron Energy Technology Company, San Ramon, CA, United States
Metocean loads typically govern the design of steel-jacket fixed offshore structures in zones
of moderate seismicity. In contrast, the steel gravity structure (SGS) presented in this paper
is heavy and stiff. The large mass results in foundation forces from seismic events that may
exceed those created by extreme cyclonic storm events. When computing the earthquake
response of such structures, it is essential to account for soil-structure interaction (SSI)
effects incorporating nonlinear soil behavior.
Seismic SSI analysis of the SGS platform was performed using an advanced version of the
SASSI program. A detailed three-dimensional model of the SGS supported on horizon-
tally layered soil was developed. Primary soil nonlinearity in the free field was accounted
for through one-dimensional site response analysis. To account for soil consolidation under
the self-weight of the structure and its secondary nonlinear behavior under an Abnormal
Level Event (ALE) in the SSI analysis, a portion of the soil under the foundation pads was
modeled as part of the structure. An iterative scheme using the equivalent linear method
was used to iterate on the soil properties in the soil block until the soil shear modulus and
damping ratio were compatible with the level of effective shear strain in each soil element.
This paper presents the analytical procedure to develop the initial properties of the consoli-
dated soil block and perform nonlinear SSI analysis with simultaneous application of three
orthogonal components of free-field input motions to develop strain-compatible dynamic
soil properties under ALE. The results of the SSI analysis in terms of the global foundation
demand (base normal and shear forces as well as overturning moment) are compared against
those that do not directly account for the secondary nonlinearities in the SSI analysis.

311 - Finite-Element Modeling of Axial Cyclic Loads on Piles for

Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations
Bao Li Zheng & Bruce L. Kutter
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California,
Davis, CA, United States
Foundations for offshore wind turbine structures are subjected to continuous cyclic loading
due to wind and waves over the course of operation. Cyclic vibration may cause densi-
fication of the soil around the pile and decrease in lateral effective stress; on the other
hand, high-amplitude, monotonic axial loads may cause dilation of the adjacent soil and a
corresponding increase in normal effective stresses. The combination of these mechanisms
leads to complex variations of the soil-pile interaction stiffness, capacity, and pullout rate
that are not fully understood. A centrifuge test program was performed at the University of
California, Davis, to explore the effect of different load combinations on the axial behavior
of model test piles (Allmond et al. 2016; Zheng et al. 2017). Results from the centrifuge


experiments demonstrated the potential for increase and reduction of the axial capacity
and pullout rate depending on load combinations. An axisymmetric finite-element model
is developed in OpenSees (McKenna et al. 2010) to study the evolution of stiffness, capac-
ity and pullout rate. The 2004 Dafalias and Manzari Bounding Surface Plasticity model
is used for soil response. This paper presents the development of the numerical model,
and global and element behaviors under various loading conditions. Globally, the model
predicts reduction in axial capacity and increase in pullout rate with increasing number of
cycles and cyclic amplitudes. Locally, cyclic reloading causes dilation and cyclic unloading

causes contraction. Overall, cyclic loading results in net dilation in the near-field region
and net contraction in the far-field region. Reduction of radial effective stress at the inter-
face and mean effective stresses in all elements are observed, which explains the predicted
reduction in axial capacity. The numerical model is shown to be helpful for understanding
this complex soil-structure-interaction problem.

249 - Numerical Analysis of Hybrid Foundation for Next

Generation Offshore Wind Turbines in Deep Waters
Konstantinos Kassas & Ioannis Anastasopoulos
ETH, Zrich, Switzerland
The exploitation of renewable energy sources (RES) has become a key priority during the
last decade or so. The development of offshore wind farms is of particular importance,
and the installation of larger new generation wind turbines is planned with increasing
frequency. The most common foundation solution for offshore wind turbines (OWT) is
the monopile. However, in the case of larger OWT installed in deep waters, where the
horizontal loading is substantially higher, the solution of a monopile is practically impos-
sible. The length of a conventional monopile for a 10 MW OWT would be 37 m with a
diameter of 8 m, which is not constructible with the current pile driving technology. In
the present study, a hybrid foundation combining a traditional monopile with a surface
footing is studied. The performance of the hybrid foundation is comparatively assessed to
the traditional monopile solution. For this purpose, 3D finite element models of a 10 MW
OWT are developed employing the finite element code ABAQUS. The performance of
the structure is studied under combined wind and wave loading, emphasizing on cyclic
behavior and accumulation of permanent rotations and settlements at the foundation level.
The analyses confirm the efficiency of the hybrid foundation, which is shown to offer cost
savings, as the amount of materials (steel) and the driving length are reduced significantly.
Furthermore, for the case of a new generation 10 MW OWT, which cannot realistically be
founded on a monopile, a feasible hybrid foundation design is proposed.

475 - Empirical and numerical analyses of soil liquefaction around

buried offshore pipelines
Vahid Galavi & Faraz S. Tehrani
Deltares, Department of Geo-Engineering, Delft, South Holland, the Netherlands
Offshore pipelines are strategic lifelines which are normally laid on the sea floor or buried
in shallow trenches. When embedded in loose sand, there is always a chance that the


pipeline undergoes significant displacements due to soil liquefaction induced either by
earthquake or wave actions. Such displacements can endanger the integrity of the pipeline
and imposes a significant risk on the overall stability of the structural system. In this study,
the effect of liquefaction on an offshore pipeline buried in loose sand is studied. The liq-
uefaction analyses are performed using empirical correlations and numerical simulations
using the UBC3D-PLM model and the results are presented.

368 - A performance based design for the Deira Islands coastal

structures and breakwaters, Dubai
J.D. Adrichem & A.G. Wiggers
Royal HaskoningDHV, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Dr. E. Gler
ELC Group Inc. & Bogazii University, Civil Eng. Dept., Istanbul, Turkey
G. Buitenhuis
Royal HaskoningDHV, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
W.J. Karreman
Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors B.V., Rotterdam, The Netherlands
The Deira Islands project is located between Port Rashid and Mamzar Beach, at the
northern border of Dubai, and comprises four islands of sand reclamation. The project
included the finishing of revetments and quay walls, adapting structures into beach and
the construction of a number of new structures including revetments, groynes and break-
waters. In addition, two offshore breakwaters with a total length of 2 kilometers were to
be constructed. As the Dubai region is located in a moderately active seismic zone, seismic
stability was of importance. The generation of excess pore pressures and potential liquefac-
tion of the foundation soils and/or reclamation material, consisting of (siliceous) carbonate
sands, created a challenging environment for which the edge structures and breakwaters
were to be designed.
The revetment and breakwater designs were governed by seismic performance criteria in
terms of allowable deformations. The breakwater designs were particularly challenging, as
their geometries were to include an untreated, hydraulically placed sand core. The perfor-
mance criteria did however allow for large vertical deformation of the breakwater crests,
which could even allow for displacements induced by lateral spreading. By adopting a fit
for purpose performance-based design approach, optimal use was made of the opportuni-
ties provided by the performance criteria to achieve the most economical design.


Tuesday July 18, 2017 | 10:30 - 12:30
Chair: Adrian Wightman
Room: Seymour

165 - Interpreting the deformation phenomena of a levee

damaged during the 2012 Emilia earthquake

Anna Chiaradonna, Anna dOnofrio, & Francesco Silvestri
Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering University of Naples
Federico II, Naples, Italy
Giuseppe Tropeano
Department of Civil, Environmental Engineering and Architecture University of Cagliari,
Cagliari, Italy
The seismic sequence in May 2012 that struck a large area of the river Po Valley (Emil-
ia-Romagna region, Northern Italy) triggered significant fractures, deformations, and liq-
uefaction occurrences in a number of riverbanks located close to the earthquake epicenter.
Among them, one of the most severely damaged structures turned out to be the levee of
an irrigation canal flowing through a small village near the historic town of Ferrara (Italy).
Large, longitudinally-oriented ground cracks were observed along a 3km bank stretch,
causing in turn severe structural damages to approximately one hundred houses and pro-
ductive activities built on the bank crown.
An extensive study, including in-situ and laboratory investigation, was carried out in order
to identify possible damage causes as well as to suggest seismic risk mitigation actions. The
significant depth of the seismic bedrock required a detailed definition of the geotechnical
subsoil model and of the actual input motion on rigid bedrock.
Slope stability and liquefaction susceptibility analyses of the embankment were carried out
adopting approaches with an increasing level of complexity. Effective stress analysis on a ref-
erence soil column highlighted some criticisms on the foundation soils of the dyke, allowing
to better understand the seismic behaviour of the levee during the Emilia 2012 earthquake.


431 - Post-Cyclic Settlements of a Levee Structure on Organic
Soil during Centrifuge Testing
Anne Lemnitzer
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of CA Irvine,
Irvine, CA, United States
Riccardo Cappa
Simpson, Gumpertz & Heger Consulting Engineers, Irvine, CA, United States
Samuel Yniesta
Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique de Montral,
Montral, QC, Canada
Jonathan P. Stewart and Scott J. Brandenberg
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of CA Los Angeles,
Los Angeles, CA, United States
The seismic stability of embankment structures atop organic soils is controlled by the cy-
clic performance of the embankment fill and the response of the underlying foundation
soil. Embankment failure can result from crest settlements (e.g., induced by liquefaction or
immediate seismic deformations) combined with cyclic and post-cyclic volumetric strains
in the soft foundation stratum due to primary consolidation and secondary compression.
Centrifuge testing was executed to study the seismic interaction between a model levee
made of modeling clay and the underlying peat. Subject to different loading conditions,
the levee-peat response was evaluated using extensive model instrumentation consist-
ing of pore pressure sensors, accelerometers, bender elements and external displacement
transducers. Excess pore pressures developed in the peat during shaking were analyzed to
compute secondary compression settlement rates due to cyclic straining. Post-seismic rate
increases in secondary compression settlements were documented directly underneath the
levee and in the free field arrays of the model, respectively. This suggests a strong potential
hazard for accelerated long term crest settlements (i.e. reduction of freeboard) following
seismic events, in particular, for areas with minimal pre-earthquake secondary settlement
rates. Experimental settlements are compared with results obtained through a nonlinear
consolidation software package that follows an implicit finite difference formulation set
to include the secondary compression deformation of soft soils concurrently with prima-
ry consolidation. Results indicate that secondary compression may control settlements in
peat; therefore, the influence of cyclic straining on secondary compression is an important
consideration in design and retrofit of current/future embankment structures.

402 - Mine Tailings Dams from Seismic Ground Motions

Hisham M. Nofal
CH2M, Santa Ana, CA, United States
Donald Anderson
CH2M, Bellevue, CA, United States
The seismic risk for mine tailings dams is largely associated with freeboard loss, particular-
ly for dams constructed on sites or built with potentially liquefiable soils. In this paper the


results from an evaluation are presented, in which a stochasticdeterministic framework was
combined with the explicit finite-difference code FLAC to investigate dam crest vulnera-
bility to earthquake-induced permanent ground deformation. Considerations were given
to geotechnical modeling uncertainties from local site effects associated with statistical
variations in the soil properties. The adopted numerical approach relied on Monte Carlo
(MC) simulations for estimating the probability distribution of the engineering demand
parameter based on ground motions compatible with the probabilistic seismic hazard for
the maximum earthquake at the site. While MC simulations typically require a large sam-

ple size to increase the accuracy at small probability estimate, for this project the critical
local site parameters were determined based on a single parameter, (N1)60 , in order to re-
duce the number of random variables in the MC simulations. The results from a case study
of a selected reference structure are presented to demonstrate the merits of the proposed
approach, from both a theoretical perspective and also through the use of real data obtained
from a mine tailings dam site subjected to earthquake loading.

110 - Characterization and Seismic Performance Evaluation of

Bouquet Canyon Dam No. 1
Rambod Hadidi, Andrew Dinsick & Douglas Wahl
GeoPentech, Inc., Irvine, CA, United States
Jianping Hu & Adam Perez
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, Los Angeles, CA, United States
This paper presents the approach and results of ground motion assessment, field investigation,
material property characterization, and seismic displacement analyses that have been completed
in support of the seismic performance evaluation of Bouquet Canyon Dam No. 1 under design
level seismic loading representing a characteristic earthquake on the nearby San Andreas Fault.
The Bouquet Canyon Reservoir is a strategic domestic water storage facility on the Los
Angeles Basin side of the San Andreas Fault. The retention structures at Bouquet Canyon
Reservoir consist of a 190 ft tall compacted earthfill embankment dam, (Dam No. 1) and a
48 ft tall saddle dam (Dam No. 2) which together provide up to 36,500 acre-ft of the water
storage capacity for the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP). Earlier
studies of Dam No. 1 highlighted an uncertainty in seismic stability due to the presence of
potentially liquefiable alluvium left in place below the downstream portion of the embank-
ment. This uncertainty led to an extensive field investigation, material property characteriza-
tion and seismic displacement analysis effort, which are described in this paper. Instrumented
Becker Penetration Tests (iBPT), along with conventional subsurface investigation methods
such CPT, SPT, Sonic Coring, test pit and geophysical measurement, have been utilized
to characterize the embankment and alluvium materials. The seismic performance of the
dam under design level seismic loading was evaluated using finite difference analyses with
several non-linear soil models (i.e. Mohr-Coulomb, PM4SAND, and UBCSAND). Given
the alluvium and embankment characteristics and the available freeboard at maximum pool
elevation, the results of the evaluation indicate that the dam performance under postulated
shaking conditions would be satisfactory from a dam safety point of view. The numerical
results also provide the initial guidelines to improve the dam stability further in order to meet
the operational performance criteria following an earthquake.


530 - Reliability of Simplified Newmark-Type Methods in
Performance-based Seismic Design of Embankments
Mojtaba E. Kan
School of Civil, Mining & Environmental Engineering, University of Wollongong,
Wollongong, NSW, Australia
Hossein A. Taiebat
School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of New South Wales,
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Mahdi Taiebat
Department of Civil Engineering, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
The simplified Newmark-Type methods are recommended in many technical guidelines
for evaluation of the seismic induced deformations and as a screening tool for perfor-
mance-based seismic design of embankments. These methods are mostly known as a sys-
tematic approach to identify embankments with marginal factor of safety, assuming that
they are always able to provide conservative estimates of displacements. Recent studies,
however, have demonstrated that application of the simplified Newmark-type methods
may not be conservative in some cases, especially when the tuning ratio of a dam is within
a certain range. In this paper, the reliability of the simplified methods is examined based on
the existing thresholds proposed in the literature for tuning ratio, considering the geometry
and type of embankment and the seismic activity characterization. A practical framework
for assessing the reliability of simplified Newmark-type methods is described and its effec-
tiveness is evaluated in the study of seismic behavior of Zipingpu Dam where none of the
simplified methods was able to predict the order of deformation experienced by the dam
under a recent earthquake event.

403 - Seismic Deformation Analyses of the Existing Shoreline at

Treasure Island
Pedro Espinosa
ENGEO Incorporated, San Ramon, CA, United States
Juan Pestana
University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States
Shahriar Vahdani
Applied GeoDynamics Incorporated, El Cerrito, CA, United States
Bahareh Heidarzadeh
ENGEO Incorporated, San Ramon, CA, United States
Treasure Island is located in the central San Francisco Bay, immediately north of Yerba
Buena Island, between the active San Andreas and Hayward faults. Treasure Island was
constructed by placing hydraulic sand fill over natural shoal deposits within perimeter rock
dikes. The natural shoal deposit consists of layers of clean sand, silty sand, and lenses of
highly plastic clay. Full-scale and high-energy in-situ dynamic ground improvement test
results indicated that, unlike the fill material, no appreciable ground improvement (i.e.
densification) was observed within the shoal deposits. From a thorough geologic charac-


terization of the shoal deposit and the results of laboratory cyclic direct simple shear tests
on high-quality samples, it was concluded that the dynamic behavior of the natural shoal
deposit could not be adequately captured by simplified conventional analytical methods, as
the shoal deposit was found to be more resistant to seismically induced lateral deformation
than could be predicted by simplified methods. Therefore, this study was undertaken to
evaluate the seismic deformation of the existing shoreline at Treasure Island through a
nonlinear dynamic deformation analysis. The scope of the study included seismic site re-
sponse analyses, lateral deformation analyses using two-dimensional finite-element models

in PLAXIS, pseudo-static hybrid deformation analyses, and comparisons with observed
seismic performance of similar sites during past earthquakes. The shoal deposit was mod-
eled using the UBC Sand model, with input parameters carefully selected to capture mate-
rial behavior obtained through cyclic simple shear tests. Examination of PLAXIS analysis
results indicates that the magnitude of lateral deformations at the location of the proposed
development (greater than 300 feet from the shoreline) was negligible. In addition, a two-
step simplified hybrid deformation analysis method was developed. The simplified method
consisted of 1) estimating the magnitude of lateral deformation at the shoreline using
conventional deformation analysis methods and 2) a pseudo-static deformation analysis
using PLAXIS. This simplified method was calibrated against two-dimensional, nonlinear
time-history PLAXIS analyses to be used as a screening tool for estimating the potential
for lateral movement at other sites along the Treasure Island shoreline.


Tuesday July 18, 2017 | 13:45 - 15:45
Chair: Kevin Franke
Room: Salon D/E

171 - Assessment of Liquefaction in Residential Areas During The

2016 Mw6.4 Meinong Earthquake in Taiwan
Chi-Chin Tsai
Department of Civil Engineering National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan
Chih-Chieh Lu, Yu-Wei Hwang, & Shang-Yi Hsu
National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan
On February 6, 2016, a moment magnitude (Mw) 6.4 earthquake struck southern Taiwan,
devastating the Tainan area. Widespread damages associated with liquefaction (e.g., set-
tlement and tilt of residential buildings) were observed even when the intensity of ground
shaking was only moderate (peak ground acceleration, ~0.2 g). In this study, liquefaction
in two residential areas during the Meinong earthquake was assessed. Liquefaction trig-
gering analysis using the field measurement (e.g. SPT-N, CPT) was initially performed
to identify the liquefied layer. The comparison between the gradation and color of ejecta
and the in situ soil sample associated with the liquefied layer supported the analysis result.
The liquefied layer is very shallow, and the damage level is highly correlated to the dis-


tance between the footing and the liquefied layer. This study also conducted a numerical
analysis to simulate the interaction between the shallow-footing structure and liquefiable
soil through a simplified approach by reducing the soil strength of the liquefied layer. The
residual strength of the liquefiable soil is recommended based on the comparison between
the analyzed results and the observed consequence.

213 - Liquefaction-induced damage to houses and site

characterization in Urayasu City during the 2011 Tohoku
Earthquake, Japan
Shun-ichi Sawada & Yoshihiro Hamada
OYO Corporation, Saitama, Japan
Ichiro Ishii & Ryouichi Hiradate
Urayasu City Government, Urayasu, Chiba, Japan
Shoichi Nakai & Toru Sekiguchi
Chiba University, Chiba, Japan
Ikuo Towhata
Kanto Gakuin University, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
Sand boiling and liquefaction-induced damage occurred substantially in houses and in-
frastructures in Urayasu City during the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake, Japan. During this
earthquake, the liquefaction-induced damage was concentrated in the areas that had been
constructed by the recent reclamation works. After the earthquake, extensive site investi-
gations were conducted in the affected areas and a newly developed soil sampler called GS
sampler was employed to collect undisturbed samples of liquefiable soils. The collected
samples of good quality were tested in the laboratory to determine the liquefaction resis-
tance. The conducted undrained cyclic triaxial tests on liquefaction resistance was associ-
ated with less expensive and simpler in-situ procedures, such as standard penetration tests
on N value and fines content as well as PS logging on S-wave propagation velocity that
provided a large number of data at many sites. Based on the extensive site investigations in
the affected areas, the present paper discusses the liquefaction resistance of saturated sands
to show that the two kinds of liquefaction resistance obtained by laboratory tests and as-
sessed by in-situ tests, are in good agreement, and thus the use of current design code using
N value and fines content is justified. Furthermore, there is a good correlation between N
value and S-wave velocity if soil type is accurately recognized.

279 - Mechanism of liquefaction-induced settlement of wooden

houses based on depth distribution of liquefaction strength of
reclaimed land
Keisuke Ishikawa & Susumu Yasuda
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tokyo Denki University, Saitama, Japan
During the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake, liquefaction occurred in the reclaimed land
in the Urayasu area of the Tokyo Bay coast, causing significant damage to wooden houses.
The reclaimed land that liquefied can be thought of as having a considerably heteroge-


neous layer structure owing to reclamation methods. Because of this, several problems oc-
cur when studying the mechanism of liquefaction-induced settlement damage to wooden
houses. This study was performed to address two problems affecting the mechanism of
liquefaction-induced settlement damage to wooden houses. Detailed soil investigation was
carried out to determine the depth at which liquefaction of reclaimed land occurred, which
led to an understanding of depth distribution of liquefaction strength. Then, one-dimen-
sional effective-stress analysis was conducted based on the results of the investigation. The
status in the event of an earthquake striking reclaimed land was evaluated, and the mech-

anism leading to damage of wooden houses was studied. The results of a cyclic triaxial
test on an undisturbed sample showed that the liquefaction strength of reclaimed land
varied from 0.22 to 0.43. The depth at which the liquefaction strength was the lowest was
near the boundary between reclaimed soil and Holocene sandy-soil. The results of the
analysis confirmed the increase in excess pore water pressure near the boundary between
the reclaimed soil and Holocene sandy-soil, which resulted in low liquefaction strength.
Excess pore water pressure propagated throughout the upper layer, eventually eliminating
the effective stress near groundwater level. In addition to the propagation of excess pore
water pressure in the layer with poor resistance to liquefaction, when the first aftershock
occurred 30 minutes after the main shock, settlement damage worsened because of loss of
bearing capacity under the foundations of wooden houses.

516 - Case History: Observed Liquefaction and its Evaluation after

the April 16, 2016, Mw7.8 Muisne, Pedernales Earthquake
Xavier Vera-Grunauer, Sebastian Lopez, Oscar Gonzalez, & Danilo Davila
Geoestudios S.A., Guayaquil, Ecuador
Sissy Nikolaou
WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff, New York, United States
Jorge Ordoez
Universidad de Especialidades Espritu Santo, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Alvaro Aviles, Roberto Antn
Escuela Politcnica del Litoral, Guayaquil, Ecuador
The April 16, 2016 Muisne, Pedernales Mw 7.8 Earthquake in Ecuador caused significant
damage to the northwest region of the country and widespread liquefaction through the
Ecuadorian coast. The city of Manta, particularly its main commercial and touristic neigh-
borhood, suffered severe liquefaction, which caused substantial damage to foundations due
to post-liquefaction sand ejecta, shear-induced and volumetric deformations associate with
ground failures, lateral spreading and ground subsidence. This paper presents a liquefaction
evaluations based on SPT and CPTu tests in zones with observed surface manifestations
but with no visible signs of liquefaction. The seismic demand and capacity for the lique-
faction assessment were estimated from non-linear site response analyses based on actual
recordings and soils properties derived from an extensive in-situ geotechnical and geo-
physical exploration program. Well-documented sites with associated damage and overall
performance documentation provide useful information for worldwide geotechnical and
liquefaction databases. The authors make recommendations for liquefaction-triggering


curves specifically for the city of Manta based on the site-specific results and their compar-
ison with the state-of-the-art liquefaction-triggering curves.

134 - Liquefaction-induced river levee failure during 2011 Great

East Japan Earthquake: case history with Swedish weight
sounding tests
Taichi Hyodo & Yoshimichi Tsukamoto
Department of Civil Engineering, Tokyo University of Science, Noda, Chiba, Japan
Hiroaki Katayama
Toho Drilling Equipment, Shinagawa, Tokyo, Japan
A case history of river levee failures observed at Sekiyado of Noda city, Chiba, during the 2011
Great East Japan Earthquake, is introduced. From the first look at the micro landforms of the
area, the portion of the failed river levee is found located at an old river channel, and the other
portions of the non-failed river levee are located at stable terraces. Therefore, it is expected that
the portion of the failed river levee was built upon loose liquefiable sand deposits prevailing
along an old river channel, and so a liquefaction-induced slip failure has occurred consequently.
A series of Swedish weight sounding (SWS) tests were carried out, and soil sampling was also
carried out for acquiring samples from the layer of liquefied natural sand. Based on the results of
SWS tests and soil sampling, the slip failure observed along the river levee is discussed in detail.


Tuesday July 18, 2017 | 13:45 - 15:45
Chair: Jorge Meneses
Room: Salon C

541 - On-going challenges in physics-based ground motion

prediction and insights from the 2010-2011 Canterbury and 2016
Kaikoura, New Zealand earthquakes
Brendon A. Bradley
University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Stanford University, CA, United States
This paper presents on-going challenges in the present paradigm shift of earthquake-in-
duced ground motion prediction from empirical to physics-based simulation methods.
The 2010-2011 Canterbury and 2016 Kaikoura earthquakes are used to illustrate the pre-
dictive potential of the different methods. On-going efforts on simulation validation and
theoretical developments are then presented, as well as the demands associated with the
need for explicit consideration of modeling uncertainties. Finally, discussion is also given
to the tools and databases needed for the efficient utilization of simulated ground motions
both in specific engineering projects as well as for near-real-time impact assessment.


271 - Rapid Automation of Performance-Based GeoSeismic
Analysis in the Digital Age
Nicole Paul, Kevin Stanton, & Jongwon Lee
Arup, San Francisco, CA, United States
As analytical models become more numerous and complex, automation becomes essential
to allow time for critical thought and innovation. This companion paper details a suite of
tools that have been developed to enable advanced nonlinear site response analyses to be

carried out in an automated fashion. These automation tools were built within various
programming environments and have the ability to handle pre and post-processing tasks
as well as interface directly with the finite element analysis program LS-DYNA. Pre-pro-
cessing begins with a program written in Excel Visual Basic for Applications, which gen-
erates data to be fed to the processer (LS-DYNA) with a JavaScript API. After running
the model, JavaScript is again employed to prepare the output data for the post-processor,
which was written in Matlab. The functionality and development of each rapid automation
tool is presented and the resulting time savings are discussed. Altogether, these rapid auto-
mation tools have decreased the required worker hours for pre- and post-processing of site
response analyses from over two days to under half an hour per soil column.

256 - An Updated Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment

for Mexico City
Jongwon Lee, Pawan Kumar & Ibrahim Almufti
Arup, San Francisco, CA, United States
Manuela Villani
Arup, London, United Kingdom
This study presents a probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) carried out for a
confidential high-profile project in Mexico City. The seismic hazard is calculated for the
rock level, where the rock corresponds to a shear wave velocity of approximately 600
m/s. The objective of this study is to develop rock input motions to carry out site-specific
seismic soil response analyses for performance-based design. An up-to-date earthquake
catalogue was developed for the study, which was collated from multiple reliable databas-
es, and processed uniformly. Based on the earthquake catalogue and recent publications,
seismic source zones were developed along with their estimated earthquake recurrence
rates, maximum magnitudes, and hypocentral depth distributions. The major source of
earthquake hazard to Mexico City is the subduction zone of the Pacific Ocean, where the
Cocos plate subducts beneath the North America plate, for which interface and intraslab
plates were separately modelled as subduction source zones. The Trans-Mexican Volcanic
Belt (TMVB) is also modelled even though it has relatively low seismicity. This study
also evaluated the suitability of multiple ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs) in
predicting the spectral shape and amplitude expected from distant subduction earthquakes
against local measurements from past seismic events. It concluded that the global GMPEs
were inappropriate because of the unique characteristics of subduction ground motions
observed in the Mexico City area. Consequently, local subduction GMPEs were employed


for the PSHA, but with the magnitude-scaling term adjusted for very large magnitudes
(MW > ~8.1) due to the lack of local large-magnitude data. The PSHA results show that
the subduction sources contribute predominantly to the hazard at long periods while the
TMVB sources contribute mostly at the short periods. Since the spectral shapes vary con-
siderably depending on the source, scenario spectra (rather than uniform hazard response
spectra) were developed to more realistically characterize the ground motion input.

211 - Ground motion selection and acceptance criteria when

multiple seismic sources contribute to MCE ground motions
Jack W. Baker
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
Marshall Lew
Amec Foster Wheeler, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering (PBEE) has become more common in the
analysis and design of tall buildings that are being planned and constructed using alter-
native means of compliance because of the implementation of structural systems that
provide satisfactory performance but are not allowed by the building codes. Design and
analysis using PBEE in the United States has been advanced by documents from the Tall
Buildings Initiative of the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Center and the Los Angeles
Tall Buildings Structural Design Council. The procedures in these documents rely upon
three-dimensional nonlinear response history analyses to demonstrate a low probability of
collapse when subjected to risk targeted maximum considered earthquake ground motions
as defined by ASCE 7 and adopted in the International Building Code. ASCE 7 provides
a framework to establish the ground motions and the newest edition (ASCE 7-16, 2016)
provides more guidance in the ways ground motions are to be specified in terms of the ac-
ceptable hazard and risk levels as well as criteria for appropriate ground motions to be used
in the response history procedures. ASCE 7-16 now permits the use of ground motions
scaled to scenario spectra (conditional mean spectra) as an alternative to the risk targeted
uniform hazard spectrum. Despite this guidance from ASCE and the PBEE guideline
documents, there are situations that are not yet addressed that could affect the generation
of the scenario spectra and the selection and scaling of appropriate time histories. One
of these situations occurs when the hazard disaggregation from the probabilistic seismic
hazard analysis indicates that there is not a single dominant seismic source, but rather
there may be multiple sources with different predominant magnitudes and distances that
significantly contribute to the ground motion hazard at a site. Approaches to account for
situations such as this are discussed in this paper to properly account for the different
sources and selection and scaling of appropriate time histories.

172 - PSHA-based scenario earthquakes and earthquake

weighting factors
Zhaoliang Wang
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Ottawa, ON, Canada


The nuclear industry in North America has adopted a performance-based approach to de-
fine the site-specific earthquake ground motion. This requires the development of seismic
hazard information base and deaggregation of scenario earthquakes for a site of interest. Ex-
isting seismic hazard deaggregation (SHD) procedures typically determine a single scenario
earthquake towards a specific ground motion level at a particular frequency content. To have
a more complete understanding of the most contributing events towards different ground
motion levels and at different frequencies, multiple SHDs are performed separately.
This paper presents a new SHD procedure to determine a set of scenario earthquakes,

encompassing from small near-field event to large far-field event. A more complete picture
of the contributing events to seismic hazard at the site is provided. To apply a set of sce-
nario earthquakes in seismic analysis, earthquake weighting factor assigned to each earth-
quake scenario is defined. The scenario earthquakes with the associated weighting factors
collectively replicate seismic hazard curve in the probability range of 1E-3~1E-6/yr that
contributes most to seismic risk for nuclear applications. A realistic example is presented
to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed SHD procedure. Useful insights gained
from the SHD results are discussed.

202 - A practical study on the induced seismicity in Groningen

and the seismic response of a masonry structure
S. Panagoulias1, A. Laera1, & R.B.J. Brinkgreve1, 2
Plaxis bv, Delft, the Netherlands
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences Delft University of Technology,
Delft, the Netherlands
In this paper the man-induced earthquakes in Groningen (the Netherlands) are studied
in terms of site response analyses and liquefaction evaluation. A particular soil profile in
Loppersum is employed and soil properties are determined based on available geotech-
nical data. Clayey soil layers are modelled by means of the Generalised Hardening Soil
(GHS) model. Sandy soil layers are modelled either with the GHS model or with the UB-
C3D-PLM model, depending on the purpose of the analysis. The UBC3D-PLM model
is used to assess the liquefaction potential. Numerical results are verified against analytical
formulations. The non-linear site response of the relatively soft soil deposit is captured well
by PLAXIS. Special focus is given to a practical application, considering the response of a
shallow-founded masonry structure under seismic excitation. The masonry is simulated by
means of the Jointed Rock ( JR) model, which constitutes an anisotropic elastic perfectly
plastic constitutive model. Two orthogonal slide planes are used in correspondence with
the horizontal and the vertical joints of the masonry. A Coulomb criterion is used to sim-
ulate failure in each individual plane. Failure mechanisms, such as vertical, horizontal or
shear cracking, developed in the body of the superstructure, are identified.


Tuesday July 18, 2017 | 13:45 - 15:45
Chair: Ioannis Anastasopoulous
Room: Salon F

449 - Regional subsidence effects on seismic soil-structure

interaction in soft clay
Juan M. Mayoral & Ernesto Castaon
Institute of Engineering at UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico
Regional subsidence effects on dynamic soil properties and layering configuration, when
dealing with seismic soil-structure interaction analyses, are often ignored in practice.
These, however, can substantially change the frequency content and spectral accelerations
in both free field and in the soil-structure system. Pore pressure variations over the project
economic life is due to both regional subsidence as well as dissipation of excess pore pres-
sure caused by the structure weight. These variations lead to changes in effective stresses,
which in turn, modify the dynamic properties such as shear wave velocity distribution and
modulus degradation and damping curves, as well as soil layer thickness and configuration.
These changes can be substantial in highly compressible very soft cay, such as that found
in Mexico City valley. This paper presents a numerical study on the seismic response of a
conventional five-story building supported by a compensated box foundation built in soft
clay, considering these effects. Three dimensional finite difference models were developed
with the software FLAC3D. Initially, the evolution of effective stresses with pore pressure
was established based on in-situ piezometer measurements of an instrumented site, and
laboratory data. Then, changes in dynamic properties were taking into account based on
series of resonant column tests conducted for several effective confining stresses and sus-
pension logging tests results. The static behavior of the soil-structure system was assessed.
The free field model response was calibrated comparing the fully no-linear analyses results
with equivalent linear analyses, considering an extreme subduction event associated to a
2475 years return period. Finally, the seismic performance of the soil-structure system was
studied to evaluate the impact of the changes in dynamic properties on the seismic re-
sponse. Insight was gained regarding the complexity of the interplay of the effective stress
history, and static and seismic soil-structure performance during an extreme earthquake.

454 - Influence area on the end bearing capacity of a pile in

three-dimensional analysis under various soil conditions
Junichi Hyodo, Kyohei Sato, & Yukio Tamari
Tokyo Electric Power Services Co. Ltd, Koto, Tokyo, Japan
Osamu Ozutsumi
Meisosha Corporation, Toshima, Tokyo, Japan
Koji Ichii
Hiroshima University, Higashi-hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan


Most of the piles supporting tall buildings reach rigid base. However, there are some cases
where some piles accidentally did not reach the firm base. However, from the viewpoint of
performance-based seismic design, it is not necessary to rebuild all buildings in such con-
dition. If the number of unreached pile is limited, or if the unreached distance to the rigid
base is limited, a certain level of bearing capacity may be expected. Thus, the cost and benefit
analysis for the rebuild the buildings shall be done in the performance-based design concept.
For the accurate estimation of the inclination of these building with unreached pile, ade-
quate modeling of unreached piles is necessary. In addition, the seismic performance of the

unreached pile may be dependent on the balance of the unreached distance and the influence
area around pile tip. In this study, we examine the influence area of soils around the pile bot-
tom as a function of the soil condition. This summary can provide fundamental background
on the application of various techniques to model the unreached pile to the rigid base.

262 - Dynamic Soil Structure Interaction Analysis of A Large Number

of Buildings due to Induced Seismicity in The Groningen Region
Armin Masroor, Iraklis Koutrouvelis, Yuli Huang, & Rob Smith
Arup, San Francisco, CA, United States
Induced seismicity due to gas extraction in the Groningen region of the Netherlands, has
affected a substantial number of buildings. Unreinforced Masonry (URM) and non-duc-
tile concrete structures, which are the most common construction types in this region,
were not designed or constructed with seismic considerations; as a consequence, they are
vulnerable to seismically induced damage. To assess the impact of the induced seismicity
on the seismic performance of these vulnerable buildings in Groningen, Soil-Structure-In-
teraction (SSI) models are developed using the finite element program LS-DYNA. This
paper describes the streamlined process being used to analyze a large number of buildings
while considering the effects of the foundation flexibility, nonlinear site response analysis
and SSI on response of the building.

109 - Insight into dynamic soil-pile-structure interaction analysis

of an industrial facility
E. Bouzoni, F. Besseling, E. Bosman, & H.J. Lengkeek
Witteveen+Bos Consulting Engineers, Deventer, The Netherlands
The effects of soil-structure interaction in seismic areas are proven to have significant in-
fluence on the response of the superstructure during an earthquake. The need of taking
into account these effects is of specific importance for existing structures that require de-
tailed insight in order to predict failure mechanisms, assess seismic capacity and identi-
fy quick win measures. In this study the behavior of gas treatment and storage facilities
founded on prefabricated piles at specific soil conditions in the north of the Netherlands
is investigated. Numerical non-linear 3D soil-structure interaction analyses are performed
with multiple earthquake signals. Multiple different types of structures were investigated.
The present paper focuses on one of them, a horizontal storage vessel. The structural forces
in the substructure and connections of substructure to superstructure in time are extracted


from the numerical analyses and combined towards capacity assessments. By evaluating
the structure response in time, more insight is generated into overall response, internal
forces, capacity exceedance and potential for global collapse of the structure.

261 - A Rupture to Rafters Approach using Advanced Nonlinear

Soil-Structure-Interaction Analysis for Performance-Based
Earthquake Design
Kirk Ellison, Ibrahim Almufti, Armin Masroor, Iraklis Koutrouvelis, & Yuli Huang
Arup, San Francisco, CA, United States
The rupture to rafters approach combines advanced nonlinear soil and building models
in a single analysis, representing the state-of-the-art for predicting the seismic perfor-
mance of structures. This approach was utilized recently by Arup on several high profile
projects around the world in order to better characterize soil-structure interaction effects,
provide higher confidence in anticipated building behavior, and in some cases to provide
an answer where a simplified approach is not appropriate. The ultimate purpose is to mea-
sure the global performance of the building and the force (and deformation) demands in
individual structural components, which can be utilized for design or verification against
acceptance criteria within a typical performance-based framework. This paper describes
a rupture to rafters methodology, as well as the associated challenges and benefits ob-
served from three case studies: 1) an evaluation of the interaction of the Transbay Transit
Center and surrounding high-rises in downtown San Francisco, 2) a back-analysis of the
performance of a friction pile-box foundation for an urban bridge in Mexico City, and 3)
the evaluation of a large number of existing structures in the Netherlands that have been
impacted by induced seismicity due to gas extraction.

317 - Centrifuge Shaking Table Test on Pile Foundation Combined

with Soil-cement Mixing Walls as Permanent Pile
Koji Watanabe, Makoto Arakawa, & Minoru Mizumoto
Technical Research Institute of Obayashi Corporation, Kiyose, Tokyo, Japan
Soil-cement mixing walls are often used for temporary structures as earth retaining walls
when the ground is excavated. However, when soil-cement mixing walls are used as per-
manent piles, they are expected to support foundation structures. A centrifuge shaking
table experiment was conducted on models of pile foundation structures to examine the
effect of the presence of soil-cement mixing walls installed at the external peripherals on
the responses of piles and structures, to understand the characteristics of foundation struc-
tures that use soil-cement mixing walls as permanent piles during earthquakes. This report
describes the findings from the centrifuge shaking table experiment. A shear box was used
for this experiment with a centrifuge acceleration of 50 G and a model scale of 1/50. The
structure models used consisted of Model N that simulated the pile foundation and Model
S that used soil cement column walls arranged on the periphery of the pile foundation. A
sinusoidal wave was used for the input, and four cases of shakings that varied in shaking
frequencies and acceleration amplitudes were performed. Moreover, an earthquake wave


was also used for the input, and shaking that varied in acceleration amplitudes was also
performed. The following findings from the centrifuge shaking table experiment were de-
scribed as follows.
1) There are cases where the shaking response increases for a building with a foundation
structure utilizing soil-cement mixing walls as permanent piles. However, this response
increase is dependent on the shaking characteristics of the input waves.
2) The bending moment and shearing force are confirmed to be reduced by the soil-ce-
ment mixing walls. Finally, appropriately evaluating the impact of the frictional force act-

ing on the soil-cement mixing walls is considered important in order to quantitatively
evaluate the amount of reduction in the pile stress.

Tuesday July 18, 2017 | 13:45 - 15:45
Chair: Rolando Orense
Room: Mackenzie

542 - Laboratory and In-Situ Assessment of Liquefaction of

Gravelly Soils
Adda Athanasopoulos-Zekkos
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States
The response of gravelly soils during earthquake loading is not well understood due to
fewer well documented case histories of field liquefaction as well as the unavailability of
large-scale laboratory test devices that can accurately capture material response of large-
size particles. Results from laboratory and in-situ field tests of gravelly soils will be pre-
sented. A prototype large-size Cyclic Simple Shear (CSS) device was utilized to perform
constant volume monotonic, cyclic, and post-cyclic shear tests of uniform gravels and
gravel-sand mixtures. The field testing component focused on three sites where gravelly
soils were present, including the ports of Lixouri and Argostoli in Cephalonia, Greece and
Millsite Dam in Ferron, Utah. In the case of the ports of Lixouri and Argostoli, lique-
faction of gravelly soils was observed during the 2014 Cephalonia earthquakes. The field
tests that were performed included the Chinese Dynamic Penetration test (DPT) and the
Multi-Channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) test. Furthermore, a new Vs-based
and DPT-based liquefaction triggering chart was developed combining laboratory CSS
test data for uniform gravels and gravel-sand mixtures from this study, field data collected
in this study from the sites in Cephalonia, Greece, and existing data for gravelly soil lique-
faction from the literature.


115 - Uplift resistance of buried pipes with varied cross sections
Tetsuo Tobita
Department of Civil, Environmental and Applied System Engineering, Kansai University,
Suita, Osaka, Japan
Kyohei Ueda & Susumu Iai
Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto, Japan
Jianfei Ren
Former graduate student, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Pipes in a trench often suffer from severe damages due to post liquefaction settlements
of backfill. Pipes near adjacent structure are usually rigidly connected to the building and
the pipe is extended with a flexible joint to absorb differential settlements between the
building and pipes. In the 2011 Tohoku, Japan, earthquake, severe liquefaction occurred
in a water treatment plant. Post liquefaction settlements of backfill caused deformation of
pipes far beyond the extension limit of a flexible joints, and pipes were disconnected. In
this study, instead of having a model pipe settle in liquefied ground, a pipe is uplifted in
the ground of dry, unsaturated and fully saturated conditions to evaluate forces acting on
a pipe during settlements. A pipe made of a steel tube (D=5 cm, D denotes diameter of a
pipe) is buried at the depth of either 1D or 2D from the ground surface. Then it is pulled
up at a constant speed, 3 mm/min. In addition, a pipe with angular roof attached on top of
the pipe is tested for comparison. Deformation patterns are analyzed by the image analysis
(PIV). Then, effective stress analyses are conducted to validate the numerical method. Test
results show that the equation by Trautmann (1985) was only validated for a pipe buried at
shallow depth in dry sand. A new equation to predict the maximum resistance, considering
the inclined slip surface, is derived and validated against the test results. Uplift resistance
of a pipe is increased by suction in unsaturated conditions. For the pipe with angular roof,
uplift resistance is reduced by about 20% which is an advantage on reducing the overbur-
den load during post liquefaction settlement. Numerical analyses successfully predicted the
deformation pattern of the ground.

143 - Shaking Table Test of Deep Buried Pipeline under

Multi-support and Multi-dimensional Earthquake Excitations
Jianjing Zhang, Kongming Yan, Weiming Liao, & Xiao Fu
School of Civil Engineering of Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Zhijia Wang
College of Civil Engineering and Architecture of Hainan University, Haikou, Hainan, China
The seismic response of long buried pipeline under multi-support and multi-dimensional
earthquake excitations is the hot studying field now. However, being restricted by exci-
tation devices, there are few relative test research. Based on built artificial non-uniform
seismic wave generation model, considering dynamic characteristics of model soil, this
paper utilized a large-scale shaking table device with double independent controlled ta-
ble to simulate the response of buried pipeline under non-uniform seismic excitation,
mainly discussed the response of acceleration of pipeline under different three-dimension


and non-uniform seismic excitation. The conclusions get from the test are as follows: (1)
Non-uniform seismic excitation has great influence on the soil and pipeline. (2) Deep
buried pipeline is less impact on ground response acceleration, but is greater impact on
pipeline surrounding soil response acceleration.

421 - Earthquake Induced Lateral deformation of a Pile-

Supported System in Unsaturated Sand

Sahar Ghadirianniari & Ali Khosravi
Department of Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Morteza Mirshekari & Majid Ghayoomi
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New Hampshire,
Durham, NH, United States
Soil-pile-structure interaction and its effects on overall response of infrastructure have been
an active area of research over the last several decades. However, focus has been mostly on
developing methods of quantification for structures interacting with soils in dry or saturated
conditions. In this study, a series of seismic centrifuge tests were conducted in an attempt
to characterize the effects of degree of saturation on lateral response of soil-pile-structure
systems. The scaled physical model tests were carried out on a single pile-mass system em-
bedded in a 11-m layer of Ottawa sand with Dr of about 45%. A steady state infiltration tech-
nique was used inside a laminar box mounted atop an inflight shake table to provide uniform
suction profiles through the sand layer during shaking. In this paper, the model development
and construction procedure are explained followed by comparison of lateral deformation at
different levels. Overall, unsaturated soil layers resulted in lower lateral deformation due to
the presence of suction and higher shear modulus in soil. This difference was more significant
at the superstructure level where more deformations were introduced.

226 - Investigation on wing resistance of a pile with a wing plate

based on centrifuge model tests
Hiroko Suzuki
Chiba Institute of Technology, Chiba, Japan
Kohei Urabe & Kohji Tokimatsu
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
Yoshiharu Asaka
Shimizu Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
Cyclic vertical loading due to the overturning moment of structures may reduce frictional
resistance of piles, which affects their bearing capacity and pull-out resistance. This de-
crease in frictional resistance may tilt a structure. To estimate bearing capacity and pull-out
resistance of piles during cyclic loading, vertical loading tests were conducted on a pile with
a wing plate near its tip and the resistance of a wing (wing resistance) was determined to
be effective against pull-out loading. The objective of this study is to further investigate
the mechanism of the wing resistance development. Vertical loading tests were conducted
on piles with or without a wing plate near the tip under a centrifugal acceleration of 30


g. Monotonic and cyclic loading tests on a pile penetrating into a dry sand deposit were
performed under a displacement-controlled condition. The test results and discussions
show the following. 1) Shaft friction after reaching its ultimate value during cyclic loading,
decreases to approximately 50% in compression and approximately 20% in tension with
respect to that in monotonic loading with the same displacement. 2) Wing piles have high
compression and tension resistances. The tensile resistance of wing piles with a wing ratio
of approximately 1.5 decreases significantly with increasing cyclic vertical displacement.
However, the tensile resistance of wing piles with a wing ratio of approximately 2.0 does
not show a significant decrease. 3) The wing resistance is estimated according to the model
assuming that the earth pressure coefficient above a wing plate changes to that at the pas-
sive state. The estimated wing resistance is generally in agreement with the observed ones.

113 - Displacement-Based Downdrag Analysis for Pile Design

Hubert Law & Patrick Wilson
Earth Mechanics, Inc., Fountain Valley, CA, United States
Liquefaction induced ground settlement can potentially result in downward skin friction,
or downdrag, on piles. This seismic downdrag scenario is one of the required design load
cases for determining suitable pile lengths. Current Load and Resistance Factor Design
(LRFD) practice for bridges is to neglect upward skin friction for all soil within and above
the liquefiable zone, and to include the downdrag as an additional load demand on the
piles. A force-based analysis procedure is currently used, which inherently assumes that
the skin friction acts as a downward force on the pile, regardless of the relative movement
between the pile and soil. However, counter to the force-based method, if the pile moves
downward further than the soil settles, then the skin friction reverses direction and acts as
upward resistance. A relatively simple displacement-based structural beam/column and
nonlinear soil spring analysis approach is presented in this paper to overcome this limita-
tion. The method produces a pile top axial load-displacement relationship that includes
the effects of downdrag loading due to ground settlement. Pile settlements under seismic
load demands are estimated based on the computed axial load-displacement relationship.
Using this approach, pile lengths can be adjusted in order to limit the foundation settle-
ment to a level that the structure can accommodate within a performance-based seismic
design framework. The authors have implemented the displacement-based method on
major bridge projects in California, resulting in cost savings and improved constructability
by reducing excess conservatism.


Tuesday July 18, 2017 | 13:45 - 15:45
Chair: Francesco Silvestri
Room: Seymour

432 - System Reliability of Flood Control Levees

Paolo Zimmaro, Jonathan P. Stewart, & Scott J. Brandenberg

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California, Los
Angeles, CA, United States
Dong Youp Kwak
RMS, Inc., Newark, CA, United States
Ruben Jongejan
Jongejan RMC, The Netherlands
Systems of levees are present in many locations world-wide to provide flood protection
for urban, industrial, and agricultural resources. In risk assessment of levee systems, the
probability of demand (e.g., high water events, earthquakes, waves) exceeding capacity
(e.g., freeboard, erodibility, liquefaction susceptibility) is evaluated across the system. We
describe and compare two levee system reliability analysis frameworks for cases of seismic
and high-water demand types. The first approach considers spatial correlations and distri-
butions of demand and capacity between segments (i.e., elemental levee lengths, nom-
inally 50 m in scale) through Monte-Carlo simulation. The capacity correlation model
considered in this approach is empirically derived from seismic case histories in Japan. The
seismic demand correlation model is also empirical and based on global ground motion
data, whereas the high-water correlation is taken as unity. The second approach, which
was developed and previously applied in the Netherlands, examines the distribution and
correlation of capacities and demands between physics-based reaches (i.e., length of levee
having uniform statistical distributions of capacity and demand, potentially hundreds of m
in length). Statistics and spatial correlation of the limit state function, defined as capacity
minus demand, are computed using a first-order reliability method (FORM) procedure
based on the distribution functions and spatial correlation functions for capacity and de-
mand. Having computed the distribution function and spatial correlation function for the
limit state, the probability of failure of the reach is then computed using level-crossing sta-
tistics. We identify a hurdle in the implementation of the level-crossing statistics approach
that is related to Markov-type correlation functions for levee capacity this is overcome by
developing a similar-performing Gaussian correlation function. We compute system fail-
ure probabilities from reach statistics by assuming statistical independence among reaches.
We illustrate application of both methods for an example levee system subjected to realistic
demand and capacity distributions. Our results show that characteristic lengths (defined
as lengths of levee that can be considered as statistically independent) are comparable for
high-water and seismic demands; our interpretation is that this result is driven by the use
of similar capacity correlation models, whereas the differences in demand correlation mod-
els for the two hazards are not impactful.


276 - Hazard mapping of earthquake-induced landslides for three
scenario earthquakes by using Lidar DEM and airborne resistivity data
Shuichi Hasegawa & Atsuko Nonomura
Kagawa University, Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan
Junjichi Uchida
West Nippon Expressway Engineering Shikoku, Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan
Katsushi Kawato, Ryota Kageura, & Kazuya Kagamihara
Nippon Engineering Consultants, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Tatsuro Chiba & Satoshi Onoda
Asia Air Survey, Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan
Shikoku Island which is located in southwest Japan, has been threatened by great earth-
quakes occurred along the Nankai Trough and the Median Tectonic Line. We proposed a
method to estimate the landslide susceptible slopes by combining estimated looseness of the
bedrocks and topographical effect of amplifying seismic wave. It is named as Index of suscep-
tibility for earthquake-induced landslides (ISEL). We have applied this method to natural
slopes along the Median Tectonic Line in northeast Shikoku. Three susceptibility maps for
earthquake-induced landslides are provided 150 gals for the Nankai Earthquake of magni-
tude 8, 300gal for the Nankai Trough Earthquake of magnitude 9 and 600 gal for the Me-
dian Tectonic Line Earthquake of magnitude 8. These earthquake-induced landslide hazard
maps are useful for estimating damages and risk management for future great earthquake.

304 - Reliability-based seismic stability analysis of reinforced

slopes with noncircular slip surface
Masahiro Shinoda & Yoshihisa Miyata
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National Defense Academy,
Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan
When conducting seismic stability analysis on reinforced slopes, the slip surface must be
determined. To evaluate the stability of reinforced slopes comprising a homogenous foun-
dation material, a seismic stability analysis using the circular slip surface is highly practical;
however, for evaluating the seismic stability of reinforced slopes that have complex stra-
ta with weak layers, the safety factors obtained by using this method are not always the
minimum values. One of the appropriate methods that evaluate the seismic stability of
reinforced slopes is the analysis using a noncircular slip surface. To evaluate the seismic
stability, the constraint conditions need to be set, and the slip surfaces having the min-
imum safety factor need to be determined. However, although reasonable slip surfaces
even for reinforced slopes with complex strata can be obtained using stability analysis via
a noncircular slip surface, there are issues regarding the complexity of its computation
algorithm and the high computation cost for obtaining appropriate solutions. These prob-
lems arise because of the need to solve a multimodal function with slip surface coordinates
as variables for determining the noncircular slip surface of reinforced slopes, resulting in
the optimization of a multimodal function that meets the objective of a minimum safety
factor. This study proposes an efficient stability analysis method using a noncircular slip


surface based on the Spencer method, which is the safety-factor computation method, and
the particle swarm optimization method, which is the slip-surface search algorithm. In
addition, a numerical technique that evaluates the limit state exceedance probability of the
reinforced slopes using a low-discrepancy sequence Monte Carlo method is proposed. The
result of the analysis shows that the proposed method is practically useful and efficient for
performancebased design of reinforced slopes.

495 - Seismic performance of slopes in northern Canada

Behrang Dadfar & M. Hesham El Naggar
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Western University,
London, ON, Canada
Miroslav Nastev
Geological Survey of Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Quebec City, QC, Canada
Infrastructures in northern Canada are potentially exposed to earthquake-induced slope
instabilities requiring assessment of the seismic performance of natural slopes. Active layer
detachments are the most common types of identified landslides, where terrain instabil-
ity and downward movement of the active permafrost layer can be triggered by seismic
excitation. This research aims at developing a framework for probabilistic slope stability
analysis that accounts for the specific geological settings in the permafrost regions. Slope
geometry, soil properties and ground motion uncertainties are incorporated in the model
and the probabilities of weakening and inertial instabilities are investigated.

123 - Distributed tilt sensors for an early warning monitoring of

earthquake-induced landslides and slope failures
Lin Wang, Shunsaku Nishie, & Ling Su
Chuo Kaihatsu Corporation, Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo,Japan
Taro Uchimura & Shangning Tao
Department of Civil Engineering, Saitama University, Saitama, Japan
Ikuo Towhata
Professor emeritus, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Dong Huang & Jianping Qiao
Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Lili Shi & Huajie Zhong
Geological Environment Monitoring Station, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
An early warning monitoring system is one of the most effective ways to reduce disasters
induced by slope instability. The 2008 Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, which occurred in
Sichuan Province, China, induced more than 197,000 slope failures and landslides. More-
over, there are more than 270,000 potential slope failures in Japan. To reduce vulnerabil-
ity to such slope and landslide hazards, it is important to develop a system of low cost,
in comparison with the traditional instrumentation of inclinometers and extensometers,
which can provide effective early warning. For this purpose, a new monitoring method,
developed by the authors, of using distributed tilt sensors has been adopted by the local


governments of Japan and China. This system comprises a simple multipoint method of
monitoring landslides and slope failures, with the intention of developing an early warning
system. Surface tilt angles of slopes are monitored using this method, which incorporates a
Micro Electro Mechanical Systems tilt sensor and a volumetric water content sensor. This
system has been applied recently on many landslides and slopes in both Japan and China.
In several case studies, including a slope failure test conducted on a natural slope using arti-
ficial heavy rainfall, the system detected distinct tilt behavior in the slope in the pre-failure
stages. Based on the detected behaviors and with the adoption of a conservative approach,
it is proposed that a precaution for slope failure be issued at a tilting rate of 0.01/h and
a warning of slope failure be issued at a tilting rate of 0.1/h. The deployment of the de-
veloped system can be achieved at significantly reduced cost compared with current and
comparable monitoring methods.

376 - Simplified procedure for estimating seismic permanent

displacements of engineered slopes on liquefiable soils with
stone columns
Christian Ledezma & Juan Carlos Tiznado
Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering - Pontificia Universidad Catlica de
Chile, Chile
Center for Integrated Natural Disaster Management, Chile
In recent years, a number of ground improvement techniques, such as dynamic compac-
tion, vibro-compaction, and vibro-replacement have been developed and enhanced, with
the purpose of mitigating the effects that liquefaction has on engineered structures. One
common method to improve the seismic behavior of engineered slopes on top of lique-
fiable layers is to reinforce those layers by using vibro-replacement with stone columns,
where a portion of the existing liquefiable soil is substituted by a series of compacted coarse
gravel. Although this technique has been used in a number of projects, their typical design
process still lacks a performance-based approach. In this paper, we propose a simplified
performance-based procedure to evaluate seismic permanent displacements of engineered
slopes underlain by a liquefiable layer that has been reinforced by the use of stone col-
umns. In this procedure, input parameters, such as height and properties of the engineered
fill, pre- and post-improvement properties of the liquefiable layer, magnitude and spectral
accelerations from seismic design codes, and the area replacement ratio of the ground im-
provement are incorporated. Although the proposed procedure was developed for a simple
case, its extension to more general situations should be straightforward.


Wednesday July 19, 2017 | 10:30 - 12:30
Chair: Christian Ledezma
Room: Salon D/E

320 - Comparison of Becker Penetration Test Interpretation

Methods in Characterization of Gravelly Soil Deposits
Alex Sturm, Kevin Kuei, & Jason DeJong
University of California, Davis, CA, United States
Aravinthan Thurairajah & Roberto Olivera
Golder Associates, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Mason Ghafghazi
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
The instrumented Becker Penetration Test (iBPT) system and interpretation method were
utilized in January 2016 during the site investigation phase of a large infrastructure project

in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. One iBPT sounding was conducted at 1.2 - 4.2
m spacing from previously conducted Standard Penetration Test (SPT), Cone Penetration
Test (CPT) and Sonic soundings. The iBPT equivalent N60 values were found to agree
well with those measured in the adjacent SPT soundings which provided a site-specific
verification of the previously developed iBPT-SPT correlation. Additionally, the Beck-
er Penetration Test (BPT) interpretation methods of Harder & Seed (1986) and Sy &
Campanella (1994) were utilized and compared to the iBPT and SPT data. Harder &
Seed (1986) estimated N60 values were consistently lower than both the iBPT estimated
and SPT measured N60 values. The N60 values estimated via the Sy & Campanella (1994)
method either agreed with or were higher than the iBPT estimated and SPT measured N60
values. The overly- and nonconservative driving resistances estimated by the two BPT in-
terpretation methods, respectively, are consistent with the indirect techniques each method
uses to separate the tip resistance from the total driving resistance. Overall, the iBPT data
gathered at the Vancouver project site demonstrates the potential for the iBPT to be em-
ployed as an accurate means of characterizing gravelly soil deposits.

481 - Soil Liquefaction Screening using CPT Effect of non-

plastic silt content
S. Thevanayagam, U. Sivaratnarajah, & Q. Huang
Dept. of Civil, Struct. and Env. Engineering, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States
Assessing liquefaction potential and screening of non-plastic silty soils remains a difficult
problem. How silt content affects the cyclic resistance CRR, consolidation characteristics,
and cone resistance in different ways is highlighted. Recent advances in understanding and
characterizing the behavior of silty soils is reviewed. First part of this paper addresses the
effects of silt content on CRR and coefficient of consolidation cv of silty soils compared to
clean sand. Second part of the paper addresses the effects of silt content and consolidation


characteristics on cone resistance qc1N of silty soils and sand. Recent results from laboratory
CPT tests are presented. The third part presents an inter-relationship between cone resis-
tance qc1N, CRR of sands and silty sands, and a non-dimensional parameter T, capturing
the effects of silt content on qc1N and CRR. Utility of silt content (FC) based and soil type
behavior index Ic based liquefaction screening is discussed.

282 - CRR Versus N Curve For Liquefaction Assessment Of Clean Sands

Saeed-ullah Jan Mandokhail, Jin-Kwon Yoo, & Duhee Park
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
We compile cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) versus number of cycles (N) data measured from
cyclic simple shear tests. The curves are normalized to CRR at the equivalent number of
uniform cycles for a magnitude of 7.5 event (NM=7.5). The curves are fitted to two empirical
equations. It is highlighted that the power law, most often used in engineering practice, un-
derestimates the cyclic resistance at high N. Another empirical model is shown to provide
favorable fits with the measurement for a wide range of N. Based on a comprehensive set of
data, it is demonstrated that the CRR versus N curves widely used are higher than the mean
curve derived in this study at N lower than NM=7.5 and lower at N higher than NM=7.5.

533 - Effects of spatial variability on the seismic response of the

Wildlife Liquefaction Array
Jack Montgomery
Department of Civil Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, United States
Ross W. Boulanger & Katerina Ziotopoulou
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California,
Davis, CA, United States
Nonlinear deformation analyses (NDAs) are increasingly being used to assess the expect-
ed performance of sites affected by earthquake-induced liquefaction. Using the results of
NDAs in performance-based design requires an understanding of the sources and mag-
nitudes of uncertainty in the predicted responses, such as the spatial variability of soil
properties across a site. Stochastic modeling approaches, such as spatially correlated ran-
dom fields, offer a means to directly incorporate spatial variability into NDAs. However,
this approach has not commonly been applied to case histories. This paper describes the
application of stochastic modeling techniques to the Wildlife Liquefaction Array (WLA)
to evaluate the effects of spatial variability on the computed response. WLA is underlain
by young flood plain deposits and the upper silty sand and sandy silt layers liquefied during
the 1987 Superstition Hills Earthquake (Mw = 6.6). The response of the site was recorded
by piezometers, an inclinometer, and an accelerometer array that had been installed prior
to the earthquake. Subsurface investigations at the site show significant heterogeneity in
the cone penetration resistance within the liquefiable layers, which have commonly been
modeled using homogeneous layers in previous studies. In this paper, the response of the
WLA to the 1987 earthquake is simulated with properties of the liquefiable layers repre-
sented using spatially correlated random fields. These random fields are conditioned on


CPT soundings at the site to more closely approximate the field conditions. The results of
the numerical simulations are compared to the recorded response at the site to validate the
approach and identify aspects of the recorded response that are influenced by the inclusion
of spatial variability, such as the rate of pore pressure generation within the liquefiable layer.

170 - SDS-based liquefaction prediction using artificial neural network

S.Y. Mirjafari & R.P. Orense
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Auckland, Auckland,
New Zealand
N. Suemasa
Department of Urban & Civil Engineering, Tokyo City University, Tokyo, Japan
During the 2010-2011 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence (CES), many residential houses
and structures were damaged considerably as a result of the liquefaction of loose, saturat-
ed sands. Correlations based on in-situ tests are widely used in engineering practice to
estimate the liquefaction potential of soil. Screw Driving Sounding (SDS) is a relatively
new method where a machine drills a rod into the ground in several loading steps while

the rod is continuously rotated. Several parameters such as torque, load and speed of pen-
etration are recorded at every rotation of the rod. Previously, a simplified procedure has
been developed by the authors to estimate the liquefaction potential of soils using case
studies of liquefaction/no liquefaction during CES. In this paper, artificial neural network
(ANN) method is used as a supplementary tool to evaluate the liquefaction potential of
soil. ANN method is able to train itself with available data sets and extrapolate the out-
come for unknown scenarios based on the training. In this study, a database containing
50 different sites in Christchurch where SDS has been performed adjacent to CPT sites
was used. For the purpose of analysis, the liquefaction potential of soil along the depth
at each site was evaluated using three different CPT-based methods popularly used in
conventional practice. Next, the ANN model was trained and the results were compared
to the previously developed simplified procedure. In the modelling, 70% of the randomly
selected data points were used for the training phase while the remaining 30% was utilized
for the testing phase. In the ANN model, liquefaction occurrence/ non-occurrence was
correlated with the primary SDS and soil parameters as well as earthquake parameters. As-
suming that the used CPT-based methods for predicting liquefaction of soil are accurate,
the results of the study showed that ANN method achieved a high degree of accuracy in
identifying the liquefaction potential of soil.


124 - SPLiq: A New Performance-Based Assessment Tool for
Liquefaction Triggering and its Associated Hazards using the SPT
K.W. Franke & B. Error
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Brigham Young University, Provo,
UT, United States
K.J. Ulmer
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Virginia Tech University,
Blacksburg, VA, United States
M.L. Astorga
GeoEngineers, Inc. Tacoma, WA, United States
L.T. Ekstrom
S&ME, Inc. Charleston, SC, United States
Performance-based analysis procedures for liquefaction and several of its effects have been
presented in the literature by many researchers in recent years. Unfortunately, these pro-
cedures are difficult for most engineers to implement on routine geotechnical engineering
projects because of their computational rigor in the consideration of the uncertainties asso-
ciated with seismic loading, soil property characterization, liquefaction triggering, and pre-
diction of various liquefaction effects (e.g., lateral spread, free-field settlement). Simplified
performance-based analysis procedures have been developed in recent years as a solution to
this challenge. This paper introduces a new analysis spreadsheet for the standard penetra-
tion test named SPLiq (Simplified Probabilistic Liquefaction Analysis Tool) that incorpo-
rates recently developed simplified performance-based analysis procedures for liquefaction
triggering, lateral spread displacement, free-field post-liquefaction settlement, and seismic
slope stability. When coupled with liquefaction reference parameter maps, SPLiq is a pow-
erful yet convenient analytical resource that can closely approximate the results from a full
performance-based liquefaction hazard assessment at three different return periods. In this
paper, SPLiq is described and the simplified performance-based procedures that it incor-
porates are briefly summarized. An example application of the spreadsheet is presented
and discussed. Limitations of the spreadsheet are also presented and discussed. Directions
for obtaining SPLiq for use in design are also provided.


Wednesday July 19, 2017 | 10:30 - 12:30
Chair: Adda Anthanopoulous-Zekkos
Room: Salon C

355 - Application of Geotechnical Experience for People

Activities after 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
Ikuo Towhata
Kanto Gakuin University, Japan


Construction technology has developed substantially in the past decades but its public image
is not very high. One reason for this is that construction engineering, inclusive of geotechni-
cal engineering, did not show up clearly in front of people by working on topics of peoples
direct concern. It is a pity that not only the ordinary people but also engineers in other fields
have not been aware of the value of geotechnical engineering. The above situation exhibited
unfortunate situations after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake of magnitude=9. One of them was
the significant failure in house foundations that totally destroyed the value of the well-de-
signed super structures. The failure occurred in low-quality fills in residential development in
hilly areas as well as in liquefaction-prone man-made islands. The available design principles
mostly addressed public sectors and big industries who were able to afford costs for soil inves-
tigation, advanced design and construction. Peoples poor knowledge of engineering made it
difficult for them to talk with experts about the way of reconstruction. To solve this adverse
situation, a simplified interpretation of soil investigation was developed and a qualification
of geotechnical engineer for the peoples sake was created under the initiative of the Japanese
Geotechnical Society ( JGS) in collaboration with several other institutions. Nowadays many
geotechnical experts are engaged in soil improvement projects under existing houses that are
prone to future liquefaction. Same situation is repeated after the 2016 Kumamoto earth-

quake. Another important situation is found in the Fukushima No.1 Nuclear Power Plant
where heavy damage was caused by tsunami attack and nuclear fuels melted down. Initially,
efforts were made solely by nuclear experts but gradually it became clear that the solution of
this nationwide problem needs collaboration of many disciplines. JGS is thus trying to apply
geotechnical approach to pave roads to the final solution.

512 - Tools for rapid seismic response assessment of strategic

facilities under GIS environment: applications to Italian seaports
and embankment dams
Francesca Bozzoni
European Centre for Training and Research in Earthquake Engineering (EUCENTRE),
Pavia, Italy
Carlo G. Lai
Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Pavia; EUCENTRE,
Pavia, Italy
The Italian Department of Civil Protection commissioned EUCENTRE to conduct a
national research program on seismic vulnerability and risk assessment of critical facilities
and strategic infrastructure. Projects outcomes are shared with the Civil Protection De-
partment through a complex WebGIS architecture. Although the projects are multi-dis-
ciplinary, this paper focuses on the features of the algorithms purposely developed under
the GIS environment for (near-) real-time assessment of earthquake-related damage to
maritime seaports and embankment dams.
The (near-) real-time procedure is based on a deterministic definition of the seismic haz-
ard. When an earthquake occurs, the user introduces into the system the major seismo-
logical characteristics of the event; epicentral location, magnitude and, if known, the fo-
cal mechanism. Ground shaking at the site of interest is estimated using state-of-the art


ground motion prediction equations (GMPE). The potential damage scenario for each
maritime port is obtained by using fragility functions from the literature, including ones
purposely developed for this project. This simple and rapid analysis procedure provides, in
the immediate aftermath of an earthquake, a first approximation estimate of the expected
damage at crucial seaports. A similar methodology has been developed for rapid damage
assessment of embankment dams. The procedure allows evaluation, in (near-) real-time, of
the seismic response of embankment dams in terms of both global pseudo-static factor of
safety, and expected permanent displacement using standard approaches.
The real-time tools are implemented within a WebGIS platform, which includes a robust,
dynamic engine capable of processing basic information to compute newly-generated data.
This data is then added to pre-existing databases of technical data like bathymetric maps
and expected wave run-up from tsunami hazard assessments. If an earthquake occurs, the
system allows identification of anomalies that may require urgent action during the co-di-
saster and postdisaster management phases. Moreover, during the pre-disaster phase, the
WebGIS platform identifies potentially vulnerable strategic elements, allowing the De-
partment of Civil Protection to develop prevention strategies and intervention plans.

417 - Fragility functions for performance-based ground failure

due to soil liquefaction
Brett W. Maurer
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering University of Washington,
Seattle, WA, United States
Sjoerd van Ballegooy
Tonkin + Taylor Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand
Brendon A. Bradley
Department of Civil & Natural Resources Engineering University of Canterbury,
Christchurch, New Zealand
The severity of liquefaction manifested at the ground surface is a pragmatic proxy of damage
potential for various infrastructure assets, making it particularly useful for hazard mapping,
land-use planning, and preliminary site-assessment. Towards this end, the recent Canter-
bury, New Zealand, earthquakes, in conjunction with others, have resulted in liquefaction
case-history data of unprecedented quantity and quality, presenting a unique opportunity to
rigorously develop fragility-functions for liquefaction-induced ground failure. Accordingly,
this study analyzes nearly 10,000 liquefaction case studies from 23 global earthquakes to de-
velop fragility functions for use in performance-based frameworks. The proposed functions
express the probability of exceeding specific severities of liquefaction surface manifestation as
a function of three different liquefaction damage measures (LDMs), wherein four alternative
liquefaction-triggering models are used. These functions have the same functional form, such
that end-users can easily select the model coefficients for the particular damage state, trig-
gering model, and LDM of their choosing. It should be noted that these functions are not to
be used to predict lateral spreading, which requires LDMs other than those assessed herein.
Lastly, the proposed functions are preliminary and subject to further development. In this
regard, several thrusts of ongoing investigation are discussed.


185 - Liquefaction Hazard Mapping Liquefaction Vulnerability
Mapping for a Given Return Period versus Return Period Mapping
for a Given Severity of Liquefaction Vulnerability
V. Lacrosse, S. van Ballegooy, & M. Ogden
Tonkin + Taylor Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand
Liquefaction hazard maps are typically developed by collating geotechnical investigation
data and undertaking simplified liquefaction analyses. Liquefaction vulnerability param-
eters are commonly calculated using a simplified liquefaction triggering method, a given
groundwater level and a given set of earthquake ground motions, corresponding to a par-
ticular return period of earthquake shaking. The results at each investigation location are
then typically interpolated and subsequently, smoothing might be applied. A more robust
methodology involves dividing a study area into smaller Similar Expected Ground Perfor-
mance (SEGP) areas as a result of earthquake shaking. Liquefaction consequence param-
eter values for a wide range of earthquake scenarios are then calculated using the available
geotechnical investigation data and grouped according to SEGP areas in which they are
located. Each SEGP area then has its own unique liquefaction vulnerability distribution

fitted to the data as a function of earthquake magnitude (Mw) and Peak Ground Accelera-
tion (PGA). Using these functions, a variety of liquefaction hazard maps can be produced.
A typical mapping approach is to present the median or mean liquefaction vulnerability
for each SEGP area for a given level of earthquake shaking. A variant to this approach is
to present the expected spatial variability of liquefaction. This approach provides greater
insight into how a study area is expected to behave spatially, which is especially relevant for
risk modelling. An alternative mapping approach is to determine the level of earthquake
shaking required to attain a given level of liquefaction vulnerability. This approach iden-
tifies SEGP areas where more frequent, smaller levels of earthquake shaking are likely to
result in liquefaction damage and other SEGP areas where less frequent, larger levels of
earthquake shaking are required for liquefaction-related damage to occur. This alternative
approach helps improve the communication of the liquefaction hazard to non-technical
audiences and presents the results in a similar way to other natural hazards that are assessed
for land-use planning and hazard management purposes.

340 - Recovery and Resilient Design for the Future

a Case Study from Christchurch, New Zealand
Camilla Gibbons
Aurecon, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
Brenden Winder
Land Information New Zealand, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
The city of Christchurch on the east coast of New Zealands South Island experienced
multiple major earthquakes starting in 2010 and peaking in 2011 centred on the city.
Widespread damage occurred to properties, infrastructure and roads. In the six years since,
significant work has been undertaken to recover from the disaster, much of which is on-
going. The south of the city extends up the flanks of the extinct Lyttelton Volcano. The


steep north-facing basaltic slopes have various cliffs and many suffered significant collapses
during the earthquakes. Additionally, large quantities of boulders were released from the
many rock outcrops above residential areas. A vast amount of geotechnical information
was gathered, analysed and used by the government in the subsequent hazard zoning of
the land across the city. This paper describes the early emergency response and recovery
work undertaken by the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (an agency formed in
response to the earthquakes by the New Zealand Government) and the engineering com-
munity. The wider recovery efforts are briefly described, particularly the implications of
the land zoning on future events and the robustness of the engineering designs to provide
resilient solutions to withstand future earthquake events. The paper discusses engineering
implications of the zoning using a case study of the key cliff collapse and large mass move-
ment area. Shag Rock Reserve, located in Sumner, is a local reserve area with an 80m high
historic sea cliff, at the western end of which lies the Deans Head landslide comprising
50,000m3 of soil at risk of landslide failure. The basaltic cliff receded approximately 20m
horizontally during the major earthquake events, and the landslide cracks totaled >1.5m.
The project to reduce the risk from cliff collapse and mass movement to the lifeline road
below, required close collaboration between the Christchurch City Council and the Can-
terbury Earthquake Recovery Authority, local iwi (indigenous tribes), engineers, project
managers, the citys infrastructure rebuild team, insurance companies, local businesses and
various other stakeholders.

532 - Methodology for developing microzonation maps of

predicted liquefaction vulnerability severity
L. Storie, C. Every, & S. van Ballegooy
Tonkin + Taylor Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand
There are a range of indices and parameters available for estimating the liquefaction vulnerabil-
ity of a particular site for a particular level of shaking. These indices and parameters are typically
derived from Cone Penetration Test (CPT) investigations and based on simplified liquefaction
triggering frameworks, which have uncertainties associated with them. As such, application of
these indices and parameters to a range of different soil types and stratified soil profiles leads
to uncertainties in the accuracy in assessing liquefaction vulnerability severity. Furthermore, the
simplified frameworks used as the basis for the indices and parameters are typically developed
from case histories where the soil layering is generally more straightforward. This may bias
the simplified frameworks to non-heterogeneous spatial stratigraphy situations where the pore
water pressure dissipation following liquefaction is likely to be one-dimensional. In Canterbury,
New Zealand, where a sequence of earthquake events between 2010 and 2011 had significant
liquefaction effects, there is considerable spatial heterogeneity in some areas, potentially result-
ing in three-dimensional (3D) effects that influence the liquefaction vulnerability severity at a
particular site. Comparison of liquefaction vulnerability indices and parameters with observed
liquefaction-related land damage in a range of earthquake events with varying levels of shaking
in the 2010-2011 Canterbury Earthquake Sequence (CES) show that in some areas the indi-
ces agree with the observations and in other areas there are inconsistencies (e.g. liquefaction is
predicted yet nothing occurred for a given level of shaking).


This paper describes the methodology used for developing microzonation maps of predict-
ed liquefaction vulnerability severity in Canterbury by combining observations of perfor-
mance at particular levels of shaking with an empirically calculated liquefaction parameter.
Liquefaction-related land damage observations from previous earthquake events are com-
bined with analytical predictions while considering other pertinent factors such as geology,
groundwater depth, topography, and stratigraphy to assess liquefaction vulnerability severity.
Examples of applying this methodology for the CES are presented and show that in some
areas liquefaction indices can be used without any need for manual adjustment but in other
areas adjustments are required to predict liquefaction vulnerability severity. The methodol-
ogy utilizes an area-wide assessment approach, as characterizing liquefaction vulnerability
severity should consider surrounding ground investigation data in areas of geologic similarity.
Classifications of liquefaction vulnerability severity are introduced and the implications of a
given severity classification for design of residential buildings are discussed.

Wednesday July 19, 2017 | 10:30 - 12:30

Chair: Juan Mayoral
Room: Salon F

252 - Seismic demand on piles in sites prone to liquefaction-

induced lateral spreading
Christian Barrueto, Esteban Sez, & Christian Ledezma
Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering Pontificia Universidad Catlica de
Chile, Chile
Center for Integrated Natural Disaster Management, Chile
Lateral spreading is one of the most important effects of liquefaction because it can
cause significant ground deformation and damage to existing infrastructure. This paper
studies the effects of this phenomenon in Lo Rojas fishermen port in Coronel, southern
Chile, due to the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule earthquake using a finite element model. The
mechanical characterization of the soil layers at the site was performed by laboratory
tests of the materials extracted during the exploration phase, including monotonic and
cyclic triaxial tests, and resonant column experiments. With the obtained laboratory
curves and literature data, constitutive models for each soil layer were calibrated and
used on a finite-element model on Plaxis software. To properly reproduce the experi-
mental behavior of the liquefiable soil layer, the UBC3D-PLM model was used. Results
of the FEM model reasonably reproduce the actual ground displacements. The seismic
demand on the piles from the FEM model was also compared with those from the sim-
plified methods, comparable results were obtained.


193 - A Study of Seismic Behavior of Transmission Tower
Foundations During the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
Y. Tamari Y. Nakagama, M. Kikuchi, M. Morohashi, T. Kurita, Y. Shingaki, Y.
Hirata, R. Ohnogi, & H. Nakamura
Tokyo Electric Power Services Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan
The massive 11 March 2011 earthquake that occurred off the coast of Tohoku, Japan had a
magnitude of 9.0 with long duration. This caused widespread accidents to occur in the elec-
tric power infrastructure of the Kanto region, which encompasses Tokyo. The cause of the
damage was not easily understood, especially concerning the short-circuit accident, which is
due to contact of electric wires during the earthquake. To clarify the cause of event, Ohta et
al. (2014) conducted numerical analysis using a model of transmission towers with electric
wires. They suggested that the contact of electric wires could occur when difference of earth-
quake response between two foundations are significant. To examine the seismic behavior
of foundations, we took the ground and foundation conditions into account and conducted
soil foundation coupled analysis by the effective stress analysis. It was found that different
earthquake response between foundations in terms of horizontal displacement and rotation
of foundation could occur during the main shock of the earthquake.

163 - Partitioning the displacement components of seismic

demand due to soil-structure interaction
Anna Karatzetzou & Dimitris Pitilakis
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
In the present study, seismic demand of compliant soil-foundation-structure systems
(SFSS) is investigated through numerical time history analyses of the elastic SFSS. Due
to kinematic and inertial interaction effects, structures demand may be substantially
different from the traditionally calculated from the fixed-base structure on free-field
approach. In the first part of this study, we propose appropriate modification factors
of the acceleration demand to account for soilstructure interaction (SSI). Based on the
proposed modification factors, the herein presented methodology is helpful in engineer-
ing practice for calculating the acceleration demand accounting for both inertial and
kinematic interaction effects. The modification factors clearly demonstrate the beneficial
SSI effects on the structure, as the maximum average acceleration at the top of the actual
SFSS can be of about 55% - 82% of the acceleration response in case we consider the
free-field demand. At the second part, we present the components of the displacement
demand when considering SSI. Some of the main conclusions are the following: (i) hor-
izontal displacement demand of the structure is more important for squatty structures,
(ii) the effect of structural mass is more important for slender structures, (iii) when the
structure to soil stiffness ratio 1/ is greater than 0.2-0.3 the structures mass doesnt
play an important role on the horizontal movement of foundation (iv) as the aspect ratio
of the structure increases, the horizontal foundation movement decreases, whereas the
foundation rocking increases and (v) as soil becomes very soft the structure tends to fol-
low the earthquake induced movements like a rigid block. Both acceleration modifica-


tion factors and displacements are presented in terms of dimensionless parameters such
as structure-to-soil stiffness ratio 1/ and aspect ratio h/B (where h is the structures
height and B the half width of foundation), and show remarkable trends.

246 - Derivation of equivalent-linear impedance functions for

pile-supported bridges from continuum model
Hooman Torabi & Mohammad T. Rayhani
Department of Civil and environmental Engineering Carleton University,
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Current equations for determination of pile head dynamic stiffness and damping for use
in substructure analysis of soil-pile interaction are mostly based on linear elastic soil be-
havior and perfect contact at soil-pile interface. This paper presents application of a hybrid
numerical-analytical methodology for equivalent-linear (EL) characterization of pile head
impedance functions under inelastic soil-pile interaction. Inelastic continuum modeling,
frequency-domain substructure formulation and closed-form derivation of impedance
functions, based on Winkler assumption, are ingredients of the proposed approach. Re-

sults from three-dimensional (3D) nonlinear finite element (FE) analyses of single piles
under dynamic pile head loading are used as input to the derivation algorithm. Variation
of the computed impedances with pile head displacement is presented for the static and
dynamic loading cases. The results indicate that gapping at the soil-pile interface and soil
nonlinearity significantly reduce head impedances compared to the pile with rigid soil-pile
connection. The results also demonstrate the capability of the proposed method in cap-
turing the overall foundation damping, especially the vanishing radiation damping as the
hysteretic damping prevails in the system.

442 - Effect of deck support on reinforced soil bridge abutments

response subjected to seismic loading
Kazem Fakharian & Samaneh Nasrolahzadeh
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering Amirkabir University of Technology,
Tehran, Iran
The main objective of this paper is to investigate the influence of base isolators between
bridge deck and deck footing in reinforced bridge abutments subjected to seismic excitations.
In order to evaluate the effects of base isolators, the Founders/Meadows reinforced bridge
abutment in Denver Colorado was adopted as a case study. Numerical modeling is carried
out using finite difference code FLAC v7.0. Based on the previous studies conducted on the
same bridge in which base isolator was not considered in the model between deck and deck
footing, the horizontal inertia forces due to deck movements resulted in excessive rotation
of the deck footing and consequently resulting in backward rotation of upper facing blocks
of the reinforced soil wall (abutment) facing. The results of this study show that placing
the base isolator prevents the bridge deck to hit the footing wall. Moreover, isolation of the
movements of the bridge deck from the reinforced soil abutment prevents occurrence of the
instabilities of the previous model without base isolator. In the model with base isolators, the


vertical movements of bridge deck are reduced significantly during seismic excitations. A
single-abutment model was also previously developed in which the bridge abutment was not
included in the model and its vertical loads were simply inserted as vertical equivalent loading
onto the footing. The overall results show that the behavior of a two-abutment model with
base isolator is closer to a single-abutment model in terms of minimizing the deck footing
rotation, but the wall facing horizontal movement in the single-abutment model is excessive
compared to the real two-abutment model with base isolator.

Wednesday July 19, 2017 | 10:30 - 12:30
Chair: Nozomo Yoshida
Room: Mackenzie

332 - One dimensional moment-rotation macroelement for

performance based design of shallow foundations
Michael J. Pender
University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Thomas B. Algie
Partners in Performance, Sydney, Australia
Luke B. Storie & Ravindranath Salimath
Tonkin & Taylor, Auckland, New Zealand
Recently a number of macro-element models have been formulated for assessing the per-
formance of shallow foundations during earthquake loading. These provide a computa-
tional tool that represents the nonlinear dynamic behavior of the foundation in a manner
much simpler than finite element modelling; consequently, they are useful for preliminary
design. The basis of this paper is the shallow foundation moment-rotation pushover curve,
which is bracketed by the rotational stiffness at small deformations, determined by the
small strain stiffness of the soil, and the moment capacity, which is a function of the soil
shear strength and the vertical load carried by the foundation. Between these two limits
there is a curved transition. The paper argues that when the vertical load carried by the
foundation is a small fraction of the vertical bearing strength, moment-rotation behavior
dominates the response. This means that the structure-foundation system can be reduced
to a single degree of freedom model.
The form of the shallow foundation moment-rotation curve obtained from experimental
and computational modelling is approximately hyperbolic; the nonlinear shape is due in
part to the nonlinear deformation of the soil beneath the foundation but also to gradual
loss of contact between the underside of the foundation and the soil below. The paper pro-
poses a generalization of the pushover curve to give a cyclic moment-rotation relationship
for shallow foundations. The hysteretic damping properties of the model, as a function
of the foundation rotation amplitude, are demonstrated as is the relation between secant
stiffness and foundation rotation.


This paper shows how the model can be applied in numerical simulation using earthquake
time histories and within a pseudo-static capacity spectrum approach. The significance of
the maximum displacement (foundation rotation) in relation to the damping and residual
rotation at the end of the earthquake record is discussed.

394 - Comparison of rocking behavior between conventional and

new-type of shallow foundations via centrifuge tests
Kil-Wan Ko, Jeong-Gon Ha, Heon-Joon Park, & Dong-Soo Kim
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering KAIST, Dajeon, Korea
Rocking foundation or rocking isolation concept has been introduced as attractive seis-
mic design to reduce the seismic load of the structure during strong earthquake. How-
ever, permanent deformations caused by rocking behavior of shallow foundation due to
soil-foundation nonlinear characteristics interrupts the application of rocking foundation
design philosophy to real field. In this study, modified shallow foundation types were sug-
gested to reduce permanent deformations by using short pile placed below the shallow
foundation. Depending on the arrangement of aluminum short-piles, T-shape and horse-

shoe shape were considered for this study. Further, connected and disconnected type of
foundations were also evaluated based on the nature of connection between the aluminum
short-pile and the shallow foundation. By using a geotechnical centrifuge, dynamic shak-
ing table tests and horizontal slow cyclic tests were conducted at 20 g centrifugal acceler-
ation. Through the test results, rocking stiffness and damping ratio of various foundation
models at slow cyclic and dynamic shaking table tests were compared. Also, settlement-ro-
tation curve and moment-rotation curve were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the var-
ious foundation models. The horseshoe shape foundation increased the ultimate moment
capacity of the foundation, however, it caused larger amount of permanent settlement than
the shallow foundation due to rocking behavior. In contrast, disconnected horseshoe shape
foundation had less permanent settlement than the other foundation types.

241 - 1-g Shaking Table Tests and Numerical Simulation of

Rocking Phenomenon of Shallow Foundation on Liquefiable Soils.
Catherine W. Kariuki & Junichi Koseki
Department of Civil Engineering University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Takaki Matsumaru
Railway Technical Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan
Non-linear behaviour at the soil-foundation interface is likely to occur especially during
earthquakes of high acceleration. This non-linear behaviour is characterised by foundation
uplift and soil yielding. Many researchers have observed that this mechanism results in
energy dissipation. The term rocking foundation has been used to refer to foundations that
dissipate energy using this mechanism. Using 1-g shaking table, this study sort to repro-
duce rocking phenomenon on a typical box shaped midrise structure on a shallow foun-
dation. The results were then used to validate a numerical simulation of the phenomenon
and its performance on liquefiable soil predicted. The occurrence of rocking phenomenon


in model structure was first assessed for dry soil case. The effect of rocking phenomenon
in energy dissipation was then assessed by considering the amplification of response mo-
tion in the model structure. The best response in terms of energy dissipation and residual
deformation from the dry soil tests was used to predict performance of the model shallow
foundation on liquefiable soils. 1-g shaking table test data was then used to validate the
numerical simulation. Rocking phenomenon could be reproduced on 1-g shaking table
tests and was observed to occur at frequencies close or equal to the natural frequency of
the model structure. At these frequencies, the resonance frequency was observed to shift
with changing amplitude of input motion. On liquefiable soil, the dominant behaviour
was subsidence, although limited rocking could also be observed. Energy was dissipated
because of soil liquefying, rather than rocking mechanism. The numerical simulation could
qualitatively reproduce the rocking phenomenon of the model structure on both dry soil
and liquefiable soil. However, due to difficulties in accurately modelling uplift of founda-
tion and partial flow of water, the magnitude of deformations in 1-g shaking table could
not be accurately reproduced.

204 - Bearing Capacity of Strip Footings in Regions of Medium

Seismicity: Reappraisal of the Pseudostatic Approach in Code-
based Design in Light of Recent Computational Results
Christos Vrettos & Elisabeth Seibel
Technical University Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany
A considerable number of analytical and numerical solutions have been presented hith-
erto to evaluate the seismic bearing capacity of shallow foundations, including limit
equilibrium methods, limit analysis, method of characteristics, and finite element anal-
yses. Inertia forces applied on the foundation and in the soil mass reduce the static
bearing capacity. Since static design is mostly controlled by settlement, the effective
safety factor is usually much higher, providing justification for the adoption of pseudo-
static approaches. This applies in particular to medium seismicity environments, where
a smooth transition from the static to the seismic case is essential in order to avoid
overdesign. The paper first compares closed-form solutions for inclined and/or eccentric
loading in terms of the resulting dome-shaped bounding surfaces. Recent findings from
computational studies are summarized next. A widely available FEM code incorporating
a Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion is applied to re-calculate typical situations and assess
the suitability of numerical analyses in routine design. Finally, a proposal for code pro-
visions is presented.

346 - Identification of Dynamic Characteristics of a Rocking

Foundation Model on Shaking Table Testing
Jiunn-Shyang Chiou, Yu-Wei Huang, & Louis Ge
Dept. of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
In recent years, rocking foundation mechanism has been suggested to isolate seismic waves
for reducing the seismic demand on superstructure in seismic design. To understand the


influence of this mechanism, shaking table testing of a rocking-dominant column-footing
model has been performed at the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineer-
ing of Taiwan (NCREE). The column-footing model was a column of height 80 cm with
a footing of 40cm40cm. The model was founded on a dense sand layer with a thickness
of 1.2m. Rocking may reduce the contact area between the soil and the footing and fur-
ther changes the footing rotational stiffness. To investigate the influence of this change to
dynamic properties of the rocking foundation system (system frequency and equivalent
damping ratio) during rocking, this study attempts to apply system identification methods
to analyze the acceleration data of the model measured in the shaking table testing. The
methods used include Auto regressive moving average (ARMA) model and Short time
transfer function (STTF) method. These methods are originally applied to linear time
invariant systems. Since the rocking system may be a time varying system, we extend these
models by processing the data segmentally. The results show that the ARMA model is
effective to identify the system predominant frequency and damping ratio and trace their
change during shaking. The dynamic parameters obtained also agreed well with those
identified from the STTF method.

488 - Helical Piles Foundation for Wind Turbines: Full-Scale
Testing of a Single Helical Pile in Sand
Zeyad H. Elsherbiny
Amec Foster Wheeler, Calgary, AB, Canada
M. Hesham El Naggar
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Western Ontario,
London, ON, Canada
Ahmed Elgamal
Department of Structural Engineering University of California San Diego,
San Diego, CA, United States
Helical piles represent an attractive deep foundation system, which can be used to sup-
port wind turbines, solar farms, energy pipelines and telecommunication and transmis-
sion towers. This paper investigates the performance of full-scale single helical piles
installed in sandy soil and subjected to lateral loads similar in characteristics to those in-
duced by wind loads on wind turbine foundations. Three areas are investigated: the stiff-
ness characteristics of the pile under low-strain wind loads; the effect of cyclic loading
on the stiffness of the piles and its impact on serviceability requirements; and the effect
of cyclic loading on the ultimate capacity of the pile foundation. The direct outcome of
the testing program is to develop design tools, which will aid in the performance based
design of helical piles supporting wind turbines.


Wednesday July 19, 2017 | 10:30 - 12:30
Chair: Mark Rohrbach
Room: Seymour

273 - Appropriate measures to prevent the liquefaction-induced

inclination of existing houses
Susumu Yasuda & Keisuke Ishikawa
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Tokyo Denki University,
Hiki-gun, Saitama, Japan
Many wooden houses settled and tilted due to liquefaction during many past earthquakes.
In greatly tilted houses, inhabitants felt giddy, sick and nauseous, and found it difficult to
live in their houses after the earthquakes. According to a new standard announced by the
Japanese Cabinet after the Great East Japan Earthquake, houses tilted at angles of more
than 50/1,000, of 50/1,000 to 16.7/1,000, and of 16.7/1,000 to 10/1,000 were judged
to be totally collapsed, large-scale half collapsed and half collapsed houses, respectively.
According to the authors previous study on the inclination of houses, several factors affect
inclination. Among them, the effect of adjacent houses was dominant during past earth-
quakes in residential areas. If two houses are close to each other, they tilt inward toward
each other, and if four houses are close, they tilt toward their common center. The authors
conducted several analyses to develop appropriate measures to prevent the liquefaction-in-
duced inclination of existing houses. The liquefaction-induced deformation of structures
can be estimated by empirical methods, static analyses (residual deformation method), and
dynamic analyses. In this study, a static method called ALID was used because this method
is simpler than dynamic analyses. Analyses were conducted for three possible countermea-
sures. One countermeasure is to lower the ground water table by placing drain pipes or
shallow wells under roads. ALID analysis results showed that inclination decreases when
the ground water table is lowered.


230 - Mitigation of liquefaction disaster by grid-wall soil
improvement in Urayasu City, Japan
Ichiro Ishii
Deputy Mayor of Urayasu City, Japan
Ikuo Towhata
Collage of Science and Engineering Kanto Gakuin University, Japan
Shigeru Sato
Seismic Technology Center Pacific Consultants CO., Ltd., Japan
Shun-ichi Sawada
Engineering Division Oyo Corporation, Japan
Shoichi Tsukuni
Technology & Production Development Division Takenaka Civil Engineering &
Construction Co., Ltd, Japan
Akihiko Uchida
Ground and Foundation Division Takenaka Corporation, Japan
Hiroaki Tezuka & Takahiro Yamauchi

Civil Engineering Division Maeda Corporation, Japan
This paper addresses one of the on-going soil improvement projects that increase the liq-
uefaction-resilience of urban residential environments after huge seismic disasters in 2011.
Those projects are characterized by the combination of public sectors and residents who are
concerned with the future liquefaction risk. Urayasu City Government decided to install
solid underground walls of square geometry under streets and spaces between houses so that
cyclic deformation of liquefaction-prone sand may be reduced and excess pore water pressure
may not develop significantly. This particular project consists of three parts. The first part
carried out detailed soil investigations in which subsoil was found heterogeneous, having
high fines content but being still within the knowledge of existing technology. The second
part addressed such specifications as size and depth of grid walls. Because of existing houses
at the surface, it was impossible to install grid walls with a traditionally-employed narrow
spacing. This problem was overcome by centrifuge model tests and numerical analyses that
indicated the additional reinforcing effects of the surface unliquefiable soil crust that had not
been considered before. The third part made a practical design of underground walls, nec-
essary technical developments, construction plans and cost estimates. Small machines were
developed to fit into narrow spaces between houses. Field verification was performed for
those machines. Construction plan was elaborated to offer acceptable cost to people. After all
of these, efforts were made to reach the agreement between public sectors and residents who
are liable to financial contributions to this project.


215 - Performance of Rammed Aggregate Piers as a soil
densification method in sandy and silty soils: experience from
the Christchurch rebuild
Elodie Vautherin & Cdric Lambert
Golder Associates (NZ) Limited, Christchurch, New Zealand
David Barry-Macaulay
Atkins Limited, London, United Kingdom
Miriam Smith
Geopier Foundation Co., Davidson, NC, United States
Following the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence (2010-2011), widespread areas with-
in Christchurch, New Zealand were affected by liquefaction. Soil densification using
Rammed Aggregate Piers (RAP) elements were widely used as a liquefaction mitigation
measure on numerous new residential and commercial developments. Cone Penetration
Test (CPT) is commonly used in New Zealand to assess the degree of densification fol-
lowing the installation of all compacted gravel column technologies. In this paper, a large
database of CPT data spread among 80 sites across Christchurch was analyzed, covering a
wide range of ground conditions ranging from clean sandy materials to fine grained soils.
Post RAP installation CPTs are compared to pre RAP installation CPTs to estimate the
degree of ground improvement. Changes in cone resistance qc following RAP installation
were assessed. Correlations with different factors such as soil type, depth, consistency/den-
sity and time were also investigated in an attempt to predict the degree of improvement.

180 - Simplified Modeling of Driven Displacement Pile-Improved

Ground Subjected to Controlled Blasting
Tygh N. Gianella
GeoEngineers, Inc., Portland, OR, United States
Armin W. Stuedlein
School of Civil and Construction Engineering Oregon State University,
Corvallis, OR, United States
Full-scale, controlled blasting field tests on conventional and drained, driven displacement
pile-improved ground were conducted to study the response of densified and reinforced
ground to blast-induced excess pore pressures. This paper describes simplified numerical
models used to simulate the controlled blasting field tests in the unimproved control zone
and improved ground. Coupled, fluid-mechanical finite element analyses were calibrat-
ed to the unimproved control response, assessed by comparison of residual excess pore
pressures and post-blasting settlements. Then, model parameters were altered to reflect
the observed densification and cyclic resistance of the various improved zones to evaluate
the accuracy of calculations of excess pore pressure. The simplified finite element analyses
produced good estimates of the generation and dissipation of excess pore pressures for the
conventional displacement pile-reinforced ground. Simulations of the drained pile-im-
proved ground predicted significant drainage during blasting, but this response was not
physically observed, and the blast-induced excess pore pressure was similar to the conven-


tional piles. The comparison of observed and simulated pore pressure response indicates
that the piles did not deform in a shear strain compatible manner as commonly assumed
in some design approaches.

275 - Performance of a stone column foundation system

subjected to severe earthquake shaking
Gavin Alexander & Jawad Arefi
Beca Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand
Geoffrey R. Martin
Irvine, CA, United States
The Deans Stand at Lancaster Park (formerly AMI Stadium) in Christchurch, New Zea-
land is of modern reinforced concrete design and construction. It is largely supported on a
hybrid foundation system comprising ground beams and stone columns that extend part
way through a relatively thick layer of liquefiable sands and silts. Portions of the structure
were supported on screw piles taken to greater depth. This paper describes the design ob-
jectives and the performance of the foundation system during the Canterbury earthquake

sequence (CES) of 2010-2011. The Canterbury earthquake sequence included several
strong and damaging ground motions, with the most severe shaking being from the 22
February 2011 Mw 6.3 event, which had an epicentral distance of 6km from the stadium.
That event resulted in peak ground accelerations at the stadium of approximately 0.5g
horizontally and 0.7g vertically. Extensive liquefaction and subsequent ground settlement
was recorded in the vicinity of the stadium.
Damage to the Deans Stand included bulging, loosening and contamination of the stone
columns and large global and differential settlement of the structure. The damage sus-
tained during the earthquakes has resulted in the stadium not being used since the Feb-
ruary 2011 earthquake. Physical and numerical investigations of the site and foundation
system performance at Lancaster Park commenced in 2011. The physical investigation
findings have been compared with data obtained before and during stone column con-
struction, providing valuable insights into the behavior of stone columns under strong
earthquake shaking. Evidence of stone column contamination and of the loosening of
densified ground between the columns is presented. Further insights are obtained from
comparison of the performance of an earlier and similar sized stand at Lancaster Park
which was supported on partial depth stone columns with a thick ground floor raft slab
rather than isolated ground beams. The raft slab foundation appears to have performed
much better than the ground beam system during the earthquake sequence.

472 - Full-Scale Densification Testing Program at Treasure Island

Uri Eliahu & Stefanos Papadopulos
ENGEO Incorporated, San Ramon, CA, United States
Treasure Island is located in the central San Francisco Bay, immediately north of Yerba
Buena Island, between the active San Andreas and Hayward faults. Treasure Island was
constructed by placing hydraulic sand fill over natural shoal deposits within perimeter rock


dikes. A full-scale vibro-compaction field test, using Direct Power Compaction (DPC) was
performed to evaluate the improvement potential of sandy soils susceptible to liquefaction,
and to develop a site-specific DPC vibrocompaction method specification for the desired
level of densification. The test was performed at a location where the soil column consisted
of approximately 22 to 25 feet (6.7 to 7.6 meters) of sandy, hydraulically placed fill over 23
to 25 feet (7.0 to 7.6 meters) of natural (Pleistocene-Holocene) shoal deposits. The DPC
equipment used at the test site was configured with a vibratory hammer attached to four
probes consisting of H-beams modified with steel flaps hinged to the web at the base of
each beam. The test program included three intensities of compaction effort and compac-
tion with and without prefabricated vertical drains (PVD). The test site was instrumented
with vibrating-wire piezometers, wireless triaxial vibration monitors, surface settlement
monuments, and reflectorless robotic total-station surveys. Cone penetration test probes
were advanced before and after the DPC process to characterize the subsurface conditions
and to evaluate time-dependent changes in the properties of sandy fill and shoal, or aging
effects. The vibro-compaction field trials, demonstrated that (i) DPC can readily densify
the sandy fill using low intensity compaction effort, (ii) DPC vibro-compaction with and
without PVD exhibit similar increases in post-improvement penetration resistance, and no
measureable changes in time-dependent penetration resistance (aging effects), and (iii) the
underlying shoal deposits exhibit a different response to vibro-compaction than the sandy
fill. The findings of the full-scale densification testing program were incorporated in the
dynamic performance evaluation of the Treasure Island shoreline, and the geotechnical
ground improvement program. The dynamic behavior of the shoal was further investigated
in a separate study by ENGEO.

Wednesday July 19, 2017 | 13:45 - 15:45
Chair: Mitsu Okamura
Room: Salon D/E

316 - Assessing Liquefaction Susceptibility Using the CPT Soil

Behavior Type Index
Brett W. Maurer
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington,
Seattle, WA, United States
Russell A. Green
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA,
United States
Sjoerd van Ballegooy
Tonkin & Taylor Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand
Liam Wotherspoon
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Auckland,
Auckland, New Zealand


Cone Penetration Test (CPT) based simplified liquefaction evaluation procedures offer
significant advantages over variants based on alternative in-situ test indices. However,
the main drawback of CPT-based variants is that soil samples are typically not recovered
during CPT sounding, and as a result, soils are often not characterized directly or tested
further in the laboratory. The need thus arises to infer soil properties from CPT indices
without physical confirmation. Utilizing an unprecedented database of field and laboratory
test data from Christchurch, New Zealand, this study proposes deterministic and proba-
bilistic correlations relating the soil behavior type index (Ic) to liquefaction susceptibility as
defined by published criteria. The findings show that Ic can be used with reasonable accura-
cy as a proxy for laboratory index-test based criteria for assessing liquefaction susceptibility.
Additionally, to assess liquefaction hazards in a fully probabilistic manner, the uncertainty
of Ic for defining liquefaction susceptibility can be accounted for using an approach similar
to that used to create fragility functions for performance-based earthquake engineering.
The approaches used herein to develop deterministic and probabilistic Ic relationships for
liquefaction susceptibility are not limited to soils from New Zealand, but rather, can be
applied worldwide.

321 - Evaluation of contraction potential of silty soils based on
the minimum void ratio
Jongkwan Kim, Tadashi Kawai, & Motoki Kazama
Department of Engineering, Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan
The minimum void ratio is an index that represents the densest state of a soil. The dif-
ference between the present and minimum void ratios determines the volume contrac-
tion potential of a soil, irrespective of its type. Thus, if a reliable minimum void ratio is
estimated, the post-liquefaction contraction of a soil can be evaluated. However, as the
traditional method for determining a minimum void ratio is restricted to soils contain-
ing less than 5% or 15% of fines, the applicability of this method was reconsidered. The
minimum void ratios that resulted from dry, water immersion, repetition of liquefaction
and drainage, and compaction tests were examined using sand, sand-silt mixtures, and
natural silty soils. It was found that the traditional test method may underestimate the
densest state (minimum void ratio) of soils because it is severely affected by the applied
energy and presence of pore water. Considering their examined minimum void ratios,
the post-liquefaction volume contraction of silty soils was discussed based on their vol-
ume contraction potential (e_0-e_(min.c)).

334 - Undrained cyclic and post-liquefaction behaviour of natural

pumiceous soils
M.S. Asadi, M.B. Asadi, R.P. Orense, & M.J. Pender
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Auckland,
Auckland, New Zealand
E. Jacobs
Opus International Consultant Ltd, Hamilton, New Zealand


Sands containing pumice particles are widely distributed over Waikato basin, North Island
in New Zealand. These pumiceous deposits, due to the vesicular nature and presence of
internal voids in the pumice particles, are highly crushable, compressible and lightweight
which make them problematic from engineering point of view. In this paper, in order to
investigate the cyclic behaviour of natural pumiceous soils, the results of several series of
undrained cyclic triaxial tests and post-liquefaction monotonic tests on reconstituted spec-
imens are reported. For comparison purposes, similar tests are performed on specimens of
hard-grained Toyoura sand. The test results illustrate that natural pumicecontaining soils
show significantly different cyclic behaviour when compared to Toyoura sand. For instance,
the liquefaction resistance of pumice soils is considerably higher than that of Toyoura sand
at the same relative density. Dense Toyoura sand has approximately similar resistance to
that of medium dense pumiceous soils. During the cyclic triaxial tests, pumice soils start
to deform from the start of the cyclic loading and axial strain gradually increases to reach
5% double amplitude. In contrast, Toyoura sand initially undergoes a significant number of
cycles with negligible deformation followed by a sudden increase in deformation in a few
cycles to reach 5% double amplitude. Furthermore, undrained post-liquefaction test results
indicate that pumice soils recover their shear strength with the application of shear stress
at smaller axial strain when compared to Toyoura sand. To supplement the triaxial tests,
the materials are sieved before and after the tests to investigate the occurrence of particle
crushing; the results indicate that, indeed, particle crushing occurred. This is complement-
ed by image analyses on both pumice and Toyoura sand particles using scanning electron
microscopy to distinguish the crushable volcanic soils from the hard-grained sands.

148 - A framework of seismic design for soil liquefaction based

on the energy concept utilizing the ductility performance of soils
Motoki Kazama, Tadashi Kawai, Kim Jongkwan, & Masayuki Tomita
Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan
The dissipation energy consumed during cyclic loading is an index to represent the ductility
performance of materials and structural members. This paper introduces a framework of
seismic design for liquefaction based on the energy concept which takes the ductility perfor-
mance of soils into consideration. Firstly, it is explained that the dissipation energy can be
easily applied to the performance based design (PBD) for foundation structures subjected
to liquefaction damage. Secondly, we show the difference in the ductility performance of
brittle failure soils and ductile failure soils. In addition to this, we introduce a new procedure
for evaluating the ductile nature and residual deformation property of soils. This new cyclic
shear testing procedure makes it possible to evaluate the residual deformation properties of
all kinds of soils from the small damage stage to the ultimate damage stage. Thirdly, we ex-
plain a simple method for the evaluation of the input seismic energy in a soil stratum. This
method utilizes the relationship between elastic energy and dissipation energy obtained from
an equivalent linear seismic response analysis. By comparing the dissipation energy obtained
from a laboratory material test with that evaluated from the input seismic motion, it is pos-
sible to assess such design parameters as the subgrade reaction coefficient of soil and the loss
of effective stress for the seismic design of foundation structures.


234 - Liquefaction Mapping for Induced Seismicity based on
geological and geotechnical features
M. Korff, A. Wiersma, P. Meijers, F. Kloosterman, & G. de Lange
Deltares, Delft, The Netherlands
J. van Elk & D. Doornhof
NAM, Assen, The Netherlands
The depletion of the Groningen Gas Field in The Netherlands is known to cause induced
seismicity. Until the end of 2016, the largest magnitude earthquake registered had a mo-
ment magnitude of 3.6. Ongoing production is expected to increase the seismic hazard.
The subsoil in the area consists of several Holocene and Late Pleistocene geological for-
mations, locally containing extensive layers of sand, making this area potentially sensitive
to liquefaction. The mapping of the liquefaction susceptibility for this area is presented in
this paper, based on (a) geological features, (b) an area wide geological model and (c) an
extensive database of site investigations, consisting of exploration boreholes and CPTs.
Large deposits of loose sand are found in the Holocene formations in the northern part of
the province of Groningen (close to the Waddenzee) and around the city of Groningen.

For each of the formations the risk for liquefaction is identified based on the characteristics
of the formation; including the age of the formation, the percentage of fines in the forma-
tion, the occurrence of (multiple) thin layers of cohesive material, the over-consolidation
ratio and the depositional environment. The results presented are used for prioritization of
risk assessments related to buildings and infrastructures with respect to liquefaction.

372 - Liquefaction susceptibility underneath a large storage tank:

a CPT based methodology
J. de Greef, H.J. Lengkeek, M. Brunetti, & F. Besseling
Witteveen+Bos Consulting Engineers, Deventer, The Netherlands
Accurate prediction of the onset of liquefaction and the consequential soil behaviour in
terms of strength and stiffness is in general a difficult topic. In particular when high static
shear stresses are involved, as is the case near the edges of a shallow founded large storage
tank, reliable results obtained from coupled finite element methods (FEM) are lacking.
In this study a practical approach is presented to evaluate the liquefaction susceptibility
underneath a shallow founded large storage tank using Cone Penetration Test (CPT)
data that is obtained prior to installation of the storage tank. The CPT based lique-
faction triggering procedure by Idriss & Boulanger (2008) is adopted. Where deemed
helpful, some additional thought is given to the topics of static shear stress effects and
the estimation of excess pore pressures. In essence the triggering procedure predicts the
liquefaction susceptibility at one specific point, but in spreadsheet analyses it is often
applied to a 1D vertical soil column. From an axisymmetrical FEM model including the
storage tank, all stresses in the subsoil are converted to square grid data points which
allows for a 2D spreadsheet-based liquefaction triggering analysis. With conditional for-
matting various zones in the subsoil with a different susceptibility to liquefaction are in
this way identified graphically.


The consequential strength and stiffness reductions in these zones are fed back to the
FEM model to establish various seismically induced ground deformation scenarios. By
coupling these scenarios to critical structural failure states of the storage tank, the overall
tank redundancy to seismic loading can be improved effectively.


Wednesday July 19, 2017 | 13:45 - 15:45
Chair: Lanmin Wang
Room: Salon C

269 - Performance based design in geotechnical earthquake

W.D. Liam Finn
Department of Civil Engineering University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
The key elements of performance-based design will be illustrated and discussed in the
context of designing cost effective remedial measures for embankment dams with liquefi-
able materials in the foundation. This situation is considered one of the more challenging
areas of performance based design. Some of the key elements that will be considered will
be the selection of performance criteria, selection of an appropriately validated analysis
program and calibrating the constitutive model to represent material properties in the
field.. Major elements of performance based seismic design will be explored using the fol-
lowing case histories from practice: Sardis Dam in Mississippi, Mormon Island Auxiliary
Dam in California, and Flood Protection Dikes in Hokkaido, Japan. A primary source of
concern about performance based design based on the results of finite element or finite
difference methods of analysis is the reliability of the analyses. Reliability is enhanced by
due diligence in the selection of a well-validated program and an appropriately calibrated
constituted constitutive model. These issues are discussed in the paper, but there remains
a residual concern because there is no field response data on large dams by which our real
capability can be assessed.

408 - Probabilistic Simplified Seismic Performance Assessment

of Earth Slopes and Structures
Jorge Macedo, Jonathan Bray, & Norman Abrahamson
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California Berkeley,
Berkeley, CA, United States
Thaleia Travasarou
Fugro Consultants Inc., Oakland, CA, United States
Recently developed fully probabilistic simplified procedures to assess the seismic perfor-
mance of earth structures and natural slopes are presented. The procedures were developed
for a wide range of earth structures and natural slopes for shallow crustal and subduc-


tion zone earthquakes. Seismic slope performance is assessed using the frameworks of
a Newmark-based method to estimate the likely amount of seismic displacement and a
pseudostatic slope stability procedure that estimates a seismic pseudostatic coefficient that
is dependent on key factors, including the seismic hazard. The seismic performance as-
sessment in terms of the calculated slope displacement relies on the estimation of the
displacement hazard curve, which provides the mean annual rate of exceedance of the
seismic displacement. Procedures are proposed and implemented for the estimation of the
displacement hazard curve. The seismic slope displacement estimates calculated with the
recently developed procedures are compared with the results from partially probabilistic
methods. Currently employed partially probabilistic procedures, do not provide consistent-
ly conservative or unconservative assessments of the seismic slope displacement hazard.
The comparison depends on several factors including the seismotectonic setting. The fully
probabilistic approach is preferred, because it is more rigorous than a partially probabilistic
approach. The seismic coefficient used in pseudostatic slope stability analyses should be a
function of the earth system properties, the seismic demand, and the allowable level of seis-
mic displacement. A methodology for a fully probabilistic based estimation of the seismic
coefficient that depends on these factors was developed. Comparisons of the results of the

partially probabilistic procedure proposed by Bray and Travasarou (2009) show consistent
results for the seismic coefficient estimated with the new fully probabilistic procedure.
However, the new fully probabilistic procedure enables the engineer to address directly the
target design level and associated uncertainties. The proposed procedures are applied to
two sites in the United States.

205 - Performance-based earthquake assessment of multi-span

bridge systems including soil-pile-structure interaction
Abdullah S. Almutairi, Jinchi Lu, & Ahmed Elgamal
Department of Structural Engineering University of California,
San Diego, CA, United States
Kevin R. Mackie
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Central Florida,
Orlando, FL, United States
From the earthquake engineering point of view, highway bridges are an integral part of crit-
ical lifelines, and as such have received much research attention. Smooth operation of the
highway system after a major earthquake facilitates critical rescue and recovery efforts. Dis-
ruption of function can also result in substantial, negative wide-scale economic consequences.
In this paper, a performance-based earthquake engineering (PBEE) framework is coupled
with nonlinear time history analysis to generate probabilistic estimates of repair costs and
repair times for multi-span highway bridges. Previous PBEE evaluations of bridge systems
were limited to superstructure response. However, for more reliable estimation of bridge
performance, consideration of the coupled bridge-foundation-ground response is essential.
Therefore, the p-y approach is used to account for lateral stiffness of the underlying pile
foundation and the resulting soil-foundation-structure interaction using nonlinear springs.
Reinforced concrete highway bridges are considered, with multi-column bents founded on


different sites of varying stiffness and strength profiles. The deck, columns, abutments, and
foundation response mechanisms are integrated within a unified framework. Systematic
evaluation of the global system response is conducted under a wide range of expected earth-
quake input shaking scenarios. This study is related to decision-making strategies for evalu-
ating the contribution of different bridge components to overall performance of the bridge
system. The presented results show that the damage state and repair quantities related to the
foundation and abutments are among the most significant parameters.

508 - Framework for a System-Wide Dam Risk Reduction Program

in Northern California
Jennifer L. Donahue
Geosyntec Consultants, San Francisco, CA, United States
Kathryn E. Wooddell
Sr. Seismologist Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Francisco, CA, United States
The need for evaluating and implementing a long-term seismic risk program for a hydro-
electric system includes over 170 dams in California. The program objective is to rank all
dams in the portfolio in terms of risk while simultaneously quantifying the uncertainty
of the risk estimates for each dam and for the full portfolio of dams such that the risk
mitigation projects can be prioritized based on quantitative risk estimates. The approaches
used to capture the uncertainties in the source characterization, ground-motion character-
ization, and dam fragility characterization are summarized. A key issue for use of seismic
risk in risk-informed decision-making is the large epistemic uncertainties in the estimated
risk values due to the large uncertainties in the seismic hazard inputs and the dam fragil-
ity inputs. Examples of methods for showing the sensitivity of the hazard or the risk to
uncertainty in the source characterization, ground-motion characterization, dam response
model, and dam fragility model are shown. Tornado plots are useful for the sensitivity for
individual dams and portfolio sensitivity plots are useful for showing the number of dams
that are affected by a particular parameter of the model. These methods can be used to
quantify the uncertainty and relative importance of each input parameter in terms of its
contribution to the risk at each dam. The parameters can then be ranked in terms of their
overall impact to the risk estimates for the portfolio of dams. The ranked list can be used
to prioritize future seismic research that will lead to the greatest reduction in uncertainty
in seismic risk. Ultimately, the goal is to have quantitative estimates of the seismic risk
with small enough uncertainties such that the risk estimates provide useful information for
prioritizing risk mitigation projects as part of a long-term risk reduction program.

250 - Advances in Geotechnical Performance-Based Seismic

Design for Tall Buildings
Andrew J. Makdisi & Doug Lindquist
Hart Crowser Inc., Seattle, WA, United States
Many of the advances in performance-based seismic design (PBSD) originated in Seattle,
where a community of structural and geotechnical engineers specialize in tall building


design and code development. Seattle features more tall buildings designed using PBSD
than any other city in North America. This paper presents the history and practice of the
geotechnical engineers role in performance-based seismic design of tall buildings in Se-
attle, including the characterization of the seismic hazard in the Puget Sound region and
development of ground motions that are used in nonlinear dynamic structural models. The
standard of practice for geotechnical seismic design continues to evolve with changes to
codes and increased understanding of the seismic hazard and geologic conditions in the
Puget Sound region.
Seismicity in Seattle and the Puget Sound region is dominated by the Cascadia Subduc-
tion Zone, which is associated with three types of earthquakes: crustal, intraslab (deep)
subduction, and interface (Mw8.0 to 9.2) subduction earthquakes. Downtown Seattle is
located in a deep sedimentary basin, within 3 miles of the northern splay of the Seattle
Fault Zone, and about 15 miles southwest of the Southern Whidbey Island fault system.
This paper provides an overview of the conditions under which PBSD is used and the
evolution of building codes (from FEMA 356 through ASCE 7-16) used in practice. A
technical overview is presented regarding the seismic setting in the Seattle area (including
near-source effects of the Seattle Fault and basin amplification effects). Discussion of some

of the technical aspects of PBSD, such as the development of site-specific spectra (uniform
hazard, uniform risk, and conditional mean spectra), and the selection, scaling, and use of
ground motion records for nonlinear response history analysis is included as well.

466 - RARE System for real-time seismic damage assessment of

Bridges Pilot application
L. Sakellariadis, A. Agalianos, & I. Anastasopoulos
Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, ETH, Zrich, Switzerland
P. Anastasopoulos
Dept. of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, University at Buffalo, The State
University of New York; Institute for Sustainable Transportation and Logistics, NY, United States
This paper presents an overview of the proposed RApid REsponse (RARE) system for re-
al-time seismic damage assessment of motorway bridges, along with a pilot application of
this methodology on an existing bridge. The main objective of such a system is to provide
guidance for the motorway administrator after an earthquake. The resulting assessment
may be essential: highlighting areas in need of inspection, or in the decision to partially
close or continue operation of the network. The development of a RARE system requires
an effective means to estimate the seismic damage in real time. For this purpose, a typical
overpass bridge of the Attiki Odos motorway in Athens Greece, was used as a case study.
A Rigorous 3D FE model of this bridge, including the entire bridge-foundation-abut-
ment-soil system, is developed in ABAQUS numerical analysis environment and used as
a benchmark. Furthermore, a Simplified model of the bridge is developed. The latter is
composed of a SDOF system of the pier with lateral and rotational springs and dashpots
connected at the top and bottom, representing the structural components and the nonlin-
ear soil structure interaction respectively. Its efficiency is validated against the Rigorous
one, in terms of nonlinear dynamic time history analysis. The Simplified model is used to


conduct a parametric study using multiple seismic records of different intensities and ki-
nematic characteristics. In total 300 dynamic analyses (based on 30 actual records scaled to
PGA from 0.1g to 1g) are performed in each direction of seismic loading. Based on these
results, nonlinear regression model equations are estimated to express seismic damage as a
function of the statistically significant Intensity Measures. The efficiency of the proposed
multivariate equations is then demonstrated using 5 out-of-sample earthquake records in
the damage assessment of the detailed model. Such equations are easily programmable
and can be employed for real time damage assessment of motorway bridges, as part of an
online expert system.


Wednesday July 19, 2017 | 13:45 - 15:45
Chair: Mason Ghafghazi
Room: Salon F

536 - Design of foundationstructure systems against faulting:

new developments and mitigation techniques
Ioannis Anastasopoulos & Liam Jones
ETH Zrich, Switzerland
Previously developed analysisdesign methods against faulting-induced loading can sig-
nificantly improve life-safety. However, the problem of permanent deformation is yet to
be resolved. This paper proposes a novel mitigation technique, with the aim of protecting
critical infrastructure against tectonic deformation, addressing the issue of post-seismic
serviceability. A smart barrier is employed to divert the fault rupture. Since the rupture
follows a minimum energy path, a weak barrier will act as an attractor of plastic deforma-
tion. This smart barrier consists of two sheet-pile walls, connected to each other with
rows of sacrificial members. The latter are steel rings, the ultimate capacity of which is a
function of geometry. The proposed system can be produced in the form of prefabricated
panels, its performance is largely insensitive to local soil conditions or workmanship. Each
row of rings is designed to have an adequately large factor of safety against static load-
ing, and an adequately small apparent factor of safety against passive conditions. In this
way, the rings can safely sustain static loads, but will yield in a controllable manner when
subjected to thrust faulting. In such a case, the smart barrier is compressed, absorbing
the tectonic deformation. The problem is analyzed employing the FE method, using a
thoroughly validated soil constitutive model with strain softening. The results confirm the
efficiency of the mitigation concept, both in terms of structural integrity, and with respect
to the reduction of permanent deformation. The sacrificial rings can also be used to protect
continuous bridge decks, being installed between the deck and the bearings. Their efficien-
cy is confirmed by 3D FE analysis of an existing motorway bridge.


306 - Seismic Design of 1350 mm Diameter Water Pipeline
Crossing Fault Using Earthquake Resistant Ductile Iron Pipe
Jianping Hu, Craig A. Davis, & Wilson Elias
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Takeshi Hara & Keita Oda
Kubota Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
Scott C. Lindvall
Lettis Consultants International, Inc., Valencia, CA, United States
Large abrupt fault offsets have potential to cause severe pipe damages and disrupt the
water service for a long period of time. With more than 20 identified active surface faults
within the Los Angeles city boundary, this threat is inevitable and creates a significant
challenge to design the water pipelines crossing the fault zones. This paper presents the
seismic design of a critical 1350 mm diameter (54 inch) water transmission pipe crossing
multiple strands of the San Fernando Fault zone, which ruptured during the 1971 San
Fernando earthquake. The design level fault displacement of 3 meters is estimated based
on a determistic fault displacement hazard evaluation and the water service seismic perfor-

mance requirements. The uncertainty of the design fault offset was incorporated by con-
sidering the complex geologic and geomorphic characteristics of individual fault strands,
multiple rupture scenario earthquakes, models of slip distribution among multiple strands,
as well as the 1971 rupture pattern. Earthquake Resistant Ductile Iron Pipe (ERDIP) is
selected to accommodate the large fault offset considering its joint flexibility in terms of
expansion, contraction and deflection. The performance of the ERDIP under the design
fault offset is verified by three-dimensional FEM analysis. The geometric and material
nonlinearities due to the large ground deformation are simulated with the joint spring and
soil spring model. The physical properties of soil spring for both sand-cement slurry and
sand backfill is calibrated by full scale pipe pull out testing. The analysis indicates that the
proposed pipe design meets the allowable axial force and deflection angle of the joint under
the design fault displacement.

237 - 3D numerical analysis of motorway overpass bridge

subjected to strike-slip faulting
Max Sieber, Athanasios Agalianos, & Ioannis Anastasopoulos
Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering ETH Zurich,
Zurich, Switzerland
A variety of relatively recent case histories in major seismic events have demonstrated
the vulnerability of bridges to large tectonic deformation. The paper studies the perfor-
mance of a modern overpass bridge subjected to strike-slip faulting. The studied bridge
is an asymmetric 5-span system with a continuous deck monolithically connected to 2 of
the 4 piers, sitting on bearings at the remaining 2 piers and the abutments. It is founded
on surface foundations on dense sand. An advanced 3D numerical model of the bridge
foundationabutmentsoil system is developed in the ABAQUS finite element simulation
environment. The latter is subjected to quasi-static displacement at its base (bedrock level),


perpendicular to the bridge axis. The analysis shows the development of en echelon shear
failure zones and flower structures, also known Riedel Shears, initiating from the location
of fault rupture application and propagating to the ground surface. The Riedel Shears are
accompanied by significant uplifting, associated with soil dilatancy due to shearing. There-
fore, the bridge superstructure is also subjected to vertical differential deformations, despite
the fact that the strike-slip fault primarily consists of horizontal movements. Subsequently,
a parametric study is conducted considering different fault rupture locations, as the exact
location of the fault outcrop cannot be predicted with accuracy. A very interesting, un-
expected, conclusion is that faulting between the piers leads to more severe pier damage
compared to the case of fault outcropping at the location of one of the piers. The effect of
abutment stoppers is also examined, and it is shown that the distress of the deck increases
with the applied level of restraint at the abutments. Therefore, a design allowing relative
displacements at the abutments can be advantageous.

197 - Seismic failure mechanism of shallow cut-and-cover tunnels

Duy-Duan Nguyen, Tae-Hyung Lee, & Jong-Ho Shin
Dept. of Civil Engineering, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea
Duhee Park
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
The objective of this paper is to study the failure mechanisms and damage states of rect-
angular cut-and-cover tunnels under seismic loading. Single, double, and triple box tunnel
sections are selected from various tunnel sections that are designed and constructed for
subway systems in Seoul, Korea. For each type of tunnel sections, various aspect ratios of
the tunnel opening are considered. Four different soil types are considered to investigate
the effect of the soil stiffness. Tunnel structures are modeled using nonlinear beam-col-
umn elements to simulate an inelastic structural behavior due to the seismic load effect.
Load-displacement relationships in flexural and shear modes are assigned independently
to a nonlinear beam-column element. A series of normal and shear springs are attached to
beam-column elements to consider the soil-structure interaction. Nonlinear static analyses
(pushover) were performed to monitor the development of plastic hinges in flexure or
shear. On the other hand, elastic analyses are also performed to obtain the corresponding
elastic moments at the plastic hinge formation. Four damage states, namely, minor, mod-
erate, extensive, and collapse are defined based on the development of plastic hinges, and
failure mechanisms of box tunnels are identified. A damage index (DI) is proposed as the
ratio of the elastic moment to the yielding moment at a critical cross-section. Each damage
state corresponds to a damage index (DI). The numerical results reveal that single box tun-
nels are vulnerable to a flexural failure, while multiple box tunnels are vulnerable to a shear
failure occurred at the interior columns. DIs of the single box tunnels are slightly changed
with the increment of the aspect ratios, and DI ranges from 1.0 to 2.3. DIs of multiple box
tunnels are significantly varied at which shear plastic hinges occurred with various aspect
ratios, and DIs range from 1.0 to 3.5. The proposed damage states are readily applied for
the performance-based seismic design of shallow rectangular tunnel structures.


159 - Seismic response investigation of retaining structures by
using lightweight mixtures as backfill material
A. Tsinaris, D. Pitilakis, & A. Anastasiadis
Department of Civil Engineering Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
The aim of this paper is the study of the strength parameters and the stress-strain prop-
erties during cycling loading of saturated mixes of natural volcanic coarse material (pum-
ice) with granulated rubber derived from recycled used tires, and the application of the
aforementioned mixtures in the seismic response of a rigid quay wall structure. On this
framework, a set of laboratory tests comprising of monotonic triaxial tests, resonant col-
umn tests and cyclic triaxial tests were performed on identical saturated specimens of high
density (Dr90%) with varying percentage of rubber in the mixtures between 0% and 30%
by mixture weight. The effect of non-linearity of the aforementioned mixtures as material
of the counter-supported soil layer on the dynamic response of a wall/soil system is also
investigated using finite element analysis with the code ABAQUS, along with the question
of how that response can be differentiated by the use of G/G0-DTo curves for volcanic
materials with or without the addition of grained rubber.

397 - Case Study of the Performance Based Analysis and Design
of Bridge Foundations Intersected by Active Faulting
James R. Gingery
Kleinfelder, Inc., San Diego, CA, United States
Bret N. Lingwall
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD, United States
Byron H. Foster
Kleinfelder, Inc., Taylorsville, UT, United States
Jonathan D. Bray
University of California, Berkeley, CA, United States
A case study involving the performance based analysis and design of railroad bridge foun-
dations intersected by active faulting is presented. The basis for the coseismic surface fault
rupture design scenarios is discussed briefly, including paleoseismic field investigations
and deterministic and probabilistic fault displacement hazard analyses. The potential fault
movement was predominantly strike-slip with a minor reverse component on faults dip-
ping 70 degrees and passing through the bridge oblique to its axis. Various foundation
type alternatives were considered, and large (2.13 to 3.35 m) diameter cast-in-drilled-hole
foundations were selected based on their ability to support the required dead loads and
their ductility under fault offset loading. Three-dimensional nonlinear finite difference
numerical models supported design of the bridge for the surface fault rupture loading. The
bridge foundations were modeled using solid continuum elements for concrete, one-di-
mensional structural elements for rebar, and shell elements for steel casing. The explic-
it pile modeling provided refined representation of moment-curvature, plastic hinging,
ductility, and confinement of the concrete core. Interface elements captured slipping and
gapping responses at the soil-pile contact. A nonlinear constitutive model was used for the


soil and rock that incorporated post-peak strain softening behavior where applicable. In-
terfaces with degraded strength were used to model the existing faults planes. Offsets were
applied at the model boundaries pseudo-statically, and the resulting soil and pile responses
were calculated. Pile head displacements differed from free field ground surface displace-
ments because of soil-fault-structure interaction effects. The pile response was sensitive to
the depth at which the fault intersected the pile, with the most severe loading occurring
when the fault offset occurred near the middle of the pile. The analysis showed that the
piles were capable of undergoing significant deformation while maintaining support of the
bridge loads without collapse.

Wednesday July 19, 2017 | 13:45 - 15:45
Chair: Xavier Vera-Grunauer
Room: Mackenzie

296 - Influence of Soil and Structural Parameters on Liquefaction-

Induced Settlement of Foundations
Zana Karimi, Zach Bullock, Shideh Dashti, Abbie Liel, & Keith Porter
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States
Large seismic deformations in liquefiable soils beneath shallow-founded structures have
led to excessive damage and repair cost in previous earthquakes. The existing procedures
for evaluating liquefaction-induced building settlement based on volumetric strains have
repeatedly been shown as unreliable and inaccurate during previous case histories and
physical model studies, as they ignore the key mechanisms of deformation near build-
ings. In this paper, we set the stage for a performance-based predictive approach to assess
the permanent settlement of structures with mat foundations on liquefiable soils. Such an
approach requires a robust database that account for the most important parameters con-
trolling the main mechanisms of settlement. In a numerical parametric plan, the fully-cou-
pled dynamic response of soil-foundation-structure systems is evaluated under a wide
range of soil, structural, and ground motion characteristics. The primary goal is to identify
the key predictors of foundation settlement and quantify their relative importance. The
input parameters evaluated are: the buildings height/width ratio; the foundations bearing
pressure and contact area; the liquefiable layers relative density and thickness; and the
earthquake motions characteristics. Ground motions are selected from different tectonic
environments, covering a wide range of intensity, duration, and frequency content. The
numerical simulations involve fully-coupled, 3-dimensional, nonlinear dynamic analyses
of the soil-foundation-structure system, which was previously validated using centrifuge
experimental results. For the conditions considered, the key predictors of building settle-
ment are identified as the relative density and thickness of the liquefiable layer followed by
foundation contact area and bearing pressure. The structures height/width ratio matters


comparatively less. Most of the parameters become more influential with increasing the
motion intensity and duration, and some become more or less influential when the relative
density of the liquefiable layer increases. These analyses provide the database for develop-
ing future probabilistic predictive models to estimate the settlement of shallow-founded
structures on liquefiable ground.

288 - Effects of Drains on the Performance and Damage Potential

of Shallow-Founded Structures
Balaji Paramasivam, Shideh Dashti, Abbie Liel, & Juan Olarte
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering -
University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States
Prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs) are commonly used in practice to mitigate the liq-
uefaction hazard and its consequences. However, the influence of enhanced drainage on
ground motion characteristics, foundation settlement, building tilt, and the demand im-
posed on the superstructure is not well-understood. This shortcoming hinders the devel-
opment of performance-based procedures for designing liquefaction mitigation strategies.

This paper presents results of three centrifuge experiments conducted at the University
of Colorado Boulder on 3-story and 9-story potentially-inelastic, moment resisting, steel
frame, scaled model structures founded on a layered liquefiable soil deposit. The influence
of enhanced drainage with PVDs on accelerations imposed on the foundation and su-
perstructure, foundation settlement and tilt, roof accelerations, and deformation patterns
within the beam and column fuses was investigated. The results of these tests indicate that
PVDs can be successful in reducing the extent and duration of large excess pore pressures
in the underlying soil and in reducing permanent foundation settlements. However, their
influence on transient and permanent foundation tilt, as well as the seismic demand trans-
ferred to the superstructure and permanent roof drift depend strongly on the dynamic
properties and yield characteristics of the structure. For example, installation of PVDs
significantly reduced the transient and permanent tilt of the 3-story structure designed
to remain essentially elastic, while they amplified foundation accelerations and hence, the
strains on column fuses. On the other hand, when PVDs were employed around a taller
9-story structure designed with a lower yield strength, they greatly amplified inelastic de-
formations in the superstructure, which in turn further amplified foundation rotation in
the direction of permanent roof flexural drift due to the P- effect. The experimental re-
sults presented in this paper point to the importance of considering the combined proper-
ties and response of the soil-foundation-structure system when evaluating the effectiveness
of liquefaction mitigation strategies in design.


149 - Parametric Study on Liquefaction-Induced Building
Settlements using 1-g Shake Table Experiments
Joseph A.W. Toth & Ramin Motamed
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Nevada,
Reno, NV, United States
Liquefaction-induced ground failure has accounted for major damage in structures
and lifelines for several decades (e.g. the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake among others).
Well-documented case histories have provided valuable insight into the mechanisms of
this phenomenon. Recent earthquakes such as the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake se-
quence in New Zealand and the 2011 Great Tohoku earthquake in Japan have document-
ed that settlement of buildings over liquefiable soils can be much greater than predicted
using semi-empirical procedures in common practice to date.
A large number of low-story structures sustained significant damage resulting from lique-
faction-induced settlements in the recent seismic events and reconnaissance of the affected
areas has documented extensive damage to buildings with shallow foundations within liq-
uefaction-prone areas.
The estimation of liquefaction-induced settlement is based on semi-empirical correlations
that evaluate settlement in the free-field conditions whereas observations have shown that
the liquefaction-induced settlement under buildings can be considerably larger.
In this study, an extensive series of 1-g scaled shake table experiments were carried out to
reproduce liquefaction-induced building settlements which included comprehensive para-
metric study to establish the effects of several parameters on the free-field and building
settlements such as building dimensions, ground motion duration, and the liquefiable soil
relative density.
Results of this experimental study are compared to recent centrifuge tests and field mea-
surements and provide valuable insight into the effects of abovementioned parameters on
the liquefaction-induced settlement for both free-field and under building conditions.
The scaled model experiments were fully instrumented using accelerometers, LVDTs, and
pore-water pressure sensors to quantify these effects.

242 - Control of liquefaction induced settlement of buildings

using basement structures
F. Hughes & S.P.G. Madabhushi
Department of Engineering - University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
It is important for geotechnical engineers to design to control settlements of structures.
This point has become more significant with the rapid increase in performance based de-
sign in geotechnical engineering. Presented here are the initial findings of an investigation
looking at controlling the liquefaction induced settlement of buildings using basement
structures. Liquefaction induced uplift of buried structures has been observed in previ-
ous earthquakes, including the uplift of shrimp farm tanks in Pedernales, Ecuador, after
the April 2016 Muisne earthquake. This observation can be used to reduce settlement of


structures with shallow foundations. The basic premise for this research is that it may be
cost effective to include basements for structures, especially in densely populated cities, to
mitigate liquefaction induced settlements. The inclusion of basements can provide uplift
forces during the liquefied period thereby reducing settlement of the structures.
A series of dynamic geotechnical centrifuge tests are currently being conducted at the
University of Cambridge to investigate the effect of the presence of a basement structure
on a building sited on liquefiable soil. The starting point for these tests was to investigate
the behavior of a structure with a total weight equal to the uplift provided by its basement
when the surrounding soil liquefies. By vertical force equilibrium, this structure should
neither settle nor float. A single degree of freedom sway frame rigidly connected to a stiff
basement structure was used. The dynamic response of the structure and the surrounding
soil were monitored in the pre, during, and post liquefaction periods. Data from the first of
these test is presented in this paper.

125 - Influence of vertical prefabricated drains on the response of

two adjacent structures founded on liquefiable ground

Peter Kirkwood & Shideh Dashti
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences University of Colorado Boulder,
Boulder, CO, United States
The current state of practice for estimating liquefaction-induced building settlement is
primarily based on procedures that assume free-field conditions. These relationships are
inadequate for buildings, since a structure changes the stress distribution and flow patterns
in the soil, altering the spatial and temporal occurrence of liquefaction. This in turn affects
the acceleration, settlement, and tilt response of the structure as well as the seismic demand
induced in the superstructure. In dense urban environments, further complications arise
from the interaction of adjacent buildings. Previous studies have shown that buildings
located near one another can interact in earthquakes, affecting ground motions, settle-
ment patterns, and building damage potential. The parameters that control the seismic
performance of building clusters are poorly understood. Thus, mitigation measures that
are currently designed perform poorly, particularly when the performance of a building
is evaluated in the context of its surroundings. To investigate the influence of adjacent
buildings on each other and the effectiveness of pre-fabricated vertical drains (PVDs) for
liquefaction remediation two centrifuge tests were conducted. In each test a pair of struc-
tures placed 3m apart was subjected to a suite of earthquake motions. During the first
test, no mitigation was employed. In the second test, PVDs were added around one of the
structures. The results indicate that adjacent buildings interact during earthquakes through
the underlying soil, and drains placed around a single structure may have detrimental im-
plications on the performance of neighboring structures in terms of settlement, rotation,
and structural demand.


212 - Dynamic centrifuge model test for performance-based
design of grid-form deep mixing walls supporting a tall building
Junji Hamada & Tsuyoshi Honda
Takenaka Research & Development Institute, Takenaka Corporation, Inzai, Chiba, Japan
Dynamic centrifuge model tests in the 50 g field were conducted to investigate a failure
behavior of DMWs in liquefiable sand during large earthquakes. A miniature model of
DMWs was made of soil-cement with an unconfined compressive strength of about 4,000
kPa in order to investigate the behavior/toughness of the DMWs after yield and failure
on seismic performance. The DMWs model that support the superstructures weight of
206 kPa, the natural period of 0.6 second were set in a laminar shear box, and repeatedly
tested by increasing the acceleration level of the input motion recorded at TAFT earth-
quakes. The relationship between shear stress and shear strain of the DMWs, namely the
nonlinearity of the DMWs was investigated. No significant settlement of the structure was
observed even if the normal and shear stresses in the DMWs were assumed to have locally
reached the tensile or shear criteria of soil-cement.

Wednesday July 19, 2017 | 13:45 - 15:45
Chair: David Baska
Room: Seymour

545 - Challenges in geotechnical seismic upgrade of bridges

in the Fraser delta
Alex Sy
Klohn Crippen Berger Ltd., Vancouver, BC, Canada
The Fraser River delta, which occupies much of Metro Vancouver region in the southwest
corner of British Columbia, is one of the most populated areas of significant seismic hazard
in Canada. Located in the area are major transportation facilities, including the Vancouver
International Airport, several long-span bridges, a highway tunnel, ports and a major ferry
terminal. The low-lying delta is underlain by deep unconsolidated Holocene deposits of
deltaic sands and marine silts and clays. These post-glacial deposits exist up to more than
300 m thick. Seismic ground motion amplification and liquefaction are well-recognized
hazards that present significant challenges for infrastructure developments.
Prompted in large part by the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, the BC Ministry of Trans-
portation and Infrastructure and other bridge owners embarked, in the early 1990s, on
an ambitious seismic retrofit program of existing bridges in the region, including many
highway bridges in the Fraser delta. Seismic assessments and retrofit designs relied on
performance-based design criteria, using displacement-based analysis methods. All major
or lifeline bridges in the region have now been seismically upgraded, or replaced, or slated
for replacement.


Seismic upgrade of existing bridges presents special risks and challenges, particularly re-
lated to overhead clearance, protection of existing utilities and structures, and maintaining
the bridge in service during remedial works. Seismic upgrades include both structural and
geotechnical solutions. Various ground improvement techniques have been attempted and
most have worked. However, the mechanism causing ground improvement is not well
understood and more research is needed. This presentation summarizes the key issues and
challenges faced in geotechnical seismic upgrades of bridges in the Fraser delta in the last
two decades. Examples from several seismic bridge retrofits are shown. Lessons learned
from various ground improvement methods are also described.

312 - Seismic Design of the Te Bay Reclamation of the Lyttelton

Port of Christchurch
Ioannis K. Antonopoulos
Coffey Services (NZ) Limited, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
Beng H. Cheah
Coffey Services Australia Limited, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Lyttelton Port of Christchurch New Zealand (LPC) was damaged during the Canterbury
Earthquake Sequence, mainly during the 22 February 2011 event (Mw=6.2, max=0.86g,
NZS 1170.5:2004 Site Soil Class B), the epicentre of which lies less than 7km from the
port facilities. The rebuild is a major program of work that requires extensive repair, res-
toration and reconfiguration of the port assets. A major part of the reconfiguration is the
Te Bay Reclamation of approximately 34ha of new land and a new 700m wharf (400m to
600m from the existing shoreline), to be constructed in two stages. The basis of the con-
cept seismic design of the Te Bay Reclamation Project is the rock response Contingency
Level Earthquake spectrum. During the concept design phase, the 22 February 2011 event
was selected as a prudent input motion.
The effect of the soil deposit (thickness of natural soil with and without the reclamation
fill) on the ground motions at the surface has been analysed with site specific 1dimen-
sional (1D) soil amplification studies. These included the set-up of the 1D site response
analysis using both equivalent linear and nonlinear methods (SHAKE2000 and Deep-
soil) and the comparison with the site response predictions of PLAXIS using both the
Mohr-Coulomb and the Hardening Soil Small Strain constitutive models to establish a
benchmark for the time history analyses. 2D dynamic analyses have also been undertaken
to evaluate the earthquake induced displacements using PLAXIS with the Hardening Soil
Small Strain constitutive model on the typical N-S cross section through the wharf. These
have been used to provide input to the SoilFoundation-Structure-Interaction design to
assess the wharf pile earthquake induced stresses and associated displacements.


199 - Crucial aspects for the design and performance of anchored
steel sheet pile walls in seismic regions
George Gazetas & Evangelia Garini
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Zografou, Athens, Greece
Athanasios Zafeirakos
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Stefano-Franscini-Platz, Zrich, Switzerland
Anne Fagot & Ccile Prm
ArcelorMittal Global R&D, L-4009 Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
The article, after a brief introduction on the state-of-practice in the seismic design of
anchored steel sheet-pile (SSP) walls, investigates the performance of a typical SSP quay-
wall with a free height of 18 m against strong earthquake shaking. Supporting either
moderately dense sand or medium stiff clay, the wall is subjected to various levels of seismic
shaking with a reference PGA at the soft rock-outcrop ranging from 0.15 g to 0.5 g. The
long-established simplified design methods of (i) pseudo-static limit equilibrium (pLEM)
and (ii) beam-on-Winkler-foundation (BWF), in conjunction with the Mononobe-Ok-
abe (MO) method are shown to lead to results for the structural distress that are signifi-
cantly larger than those computed with finite element [FE] codes (ABAQUS, PLAXIS).
Moreover, it is shown that contrary to the pLEM methods, the detailed numerical analyses
with the various codes capture well the physical phenomena of this complex interaction
problem, leading to similar results despite the sensitivity to the soil constitutive model they
use. It is highly stressed at this point that the mere possibility of detrimental pore-water
pressure buildup (that may or may not lead to liquefaction) in the sandy soils must be ex-
cluded or mitigated by suitable soil improvement.

219 - Analysis of damaged and undamaged steel pipe sheet pile type
quay walls during the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku earthquake
Soichi Tashiro & Keiichi Sumiya
Toa Corporation, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Seiji Nishiyama & Takumi Miyazawa
Nikken Sekkei Civil Engineering Ltd., Bunkyou-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Taro Isayama
Dram Engineering Inc., Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Eiji Kohama & Yousuke Ohya
Port and Airport Research Institute, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan
A large number of steel pipe sheet pile type quay walls were severely damaged due to
combination of strong ground motions and a huge tsunami during the 2011 off the
Pacific Coast of Tohoku earthquake. Among those, the damage states of two quay walls
that adjoin at Takasago wharf in Sendai-Shiogama port were not so severe, even though
the tsunami height was estimated to be up to 7.2m. However, one of them was mildly
damaged, where horizontal displacement of less than 20cm at the quay wall head was
observed, hereinafter called the undamaged quay wall. The other was partly damaged,
where horizontal displacement of more than 30cm was observed, hereinafter called the


damaged quay wall. In this study various numerical simulations of the damaged and
undamaged quay walls are performed, using an effective stress, finite element analysis
program called FLIP ROSE, in which soil liquefaction, steel member non-linearity, and
soil-structure interactions can be taken into account. In addition, considering that the
duration of the ground motions is very long, a new strain space multiple mechanism soil
model with permeability, which has been developed by Iai et al. (2011) as a liquefaction
constitutive model, is also used in this analysis. From the results of this study, the main
causes of the different damage states were found to be (1) the volumetric strain of the
crushed rock at the damaged quay wall and (2) the different initial stress states caused
by different construction methods between the damaged and undamaged quay walls. In
addition, it was also found that deformation and cross-sectional force of the quay wall
during earthquake shaking will be appropriately evaluated if an accurate contact condi-
tion between soil and the anchor piles can be applied in analysis.

418 - A comparative study on response spectrum analysis and

dynamic analysis for seismic design of pile-supported wharf
Jung-Won Yun

Department of Geotechnical & Geo-Space Engineering, University of Science & Technology,
Goyang, Gyeonggi, Republic of Korea
Jin-Tae Han
Korea Institute of Civil Engineering & Building Technology, Goyang, Gyeonggi,
Republic of Korea
Inn-Joon Park
Hanseo University, Seosan, Chungnam, Republic of Korea
Jae-Soon Choi
Seokeong University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Generally, for the response spectrum analysis for the seismic design of a pile-supported
wharf, it is suggested that the virtual fixed point be utilized. The virtual fixed point is
known to be useful for static-behavior evaluation, but it is not certain that the results of the
response spectrum analysis utilizing the virtual fixed point are reliable. In this study, the
result of the response spectrum analysis of a pile-supported wharf considering the virtual
fixed point and of the dynamic analysis results not considering the virtual fixed point were
compared to improve the response spectrum design method. A commercial software, MI-
DAS, was used for the analysis of the response spectrum, and a 3D FEM software, PLAX-
IS 3D was used for the dynamic analysis. The results of the response spectrum analysis of
a pile-supported wharf considering the virtual fixed point and of the dynamic analysis of
an actual structure differed depending on the type and depth of the seismic waves. This is
because the response spectrum analysis considering the virtual fixed point does not reflect
the fact that the end condition is different from the actual structure, and does not consider
the ground under the virtual fixed point.


486 - Dynamic analysis of a pile-supported wharf utilizing a
three-dimensional numerical method
Nghiem Xuan Tran, Sung-Ryul Kim
Dept. of Civil Engineering Dong-A University, Busan, South Korea
Jin-Sun Lee
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering WonKwang University, Iksan,
Jeonbuk, South Korea
Aseismic designs of pile-supported wharves are commonly performed utilizing simpli-
fied or simplified dynamic analyses, such as multi-mode spectral or push-over analyses,
respectively. Simplified analyses can be useful for evaluating the limit state of structures.
However, several pile-supported wharves that were damaged during past earthquakes have
shown that soil deformation and soilpile dynamic interaction significantly affect the en-
tire behavior of structures. Such behavior can be captured by performing dynamic analy-
ses, which can properly consider the dynamic interactions among the soil pilestructure.
The present study attempts to investigate the earthquake performance of a pile-support-
ed wharf utilizing a three-dimensional numerical method. The damaged pile-supported
wharf at the Kobe Port during the Hyogo-ken Nambu earthquake (1995) is selected to
understand the seismic behavior of the wharf and the importance of soilstructure dynam-
ic interactions. Analysis results show a suitable agreement with the observations on the
damaged wharf, and the significant effect of pilesoil dynamic interaction on the seismic
performance of the wharf.




Technical Committee 203 on Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering


July 16 - 19, 2017

The Westin Bayshore
1601 Bayshore Drive
Vancouver, BC, CANADA







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