6446 Gibson PBD - HR Web
6446 Gibson PBD - HR Web
6446 Gibson PBD - HR Web
3rd International Conference on Performance-based
Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering
After the successful conferences held in Tokyo (1995),
Lisbon (1999), Berkeley (2004), Thessaloniki (2007),
Santiago (2011) and Christchurch (2015)...
the Italian Geotechnical Society (AGI)
and ISSMGE Technical Committee 203
(Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering and Associated Problems)
are delighted to announce that the city of
will host the
in June 2019.
Acknowledgements........................................... 4
Sponsors........................................................... 6
Exhibitors........................................................ 12
Social Program................................................ 16
Technical Tour.................................................. 17
Abstracts......................................................... 44
Paper Reviewers
Sam Abbaszadeh Elnaz Esmaeilzadeh Arash Khosravifar
Sean Ahdi Michael Fraser Peter Kirkwood
Abdullah Almutairi Sarah Gaib Tadahiro Kishida
Ali Amini Sivapalan Gajan Jonathan Knappett
Atilla Anasal Vahid Galavi Katsuhiko Koizumi
Donald Anderson Estefan Garcia Takaji Kokusho
Ron Andrus Andreas Gavras Mandy Korff
Richard Armstrong Fani Gelagoti Rallis Kourkoulis
Domniki Asimaki Mason Ghafghazi Chris Krage
Georgios Athanasopoulos Majid Ghayoomi Steve Kramer
Ali Azizian Andreas Giannakogiorgos Henrik Kristiansen
Ariya Balakrishnan Donald Gillespie Dong Youp Kwak
Kasgin Banab Michael Gomez Oh-Sung Kwon
Andres Barrero Christine Goulet Christian Ledezma
Mike Beaty Russell Green Anne Lemnitzer
Christine Beyzaei Rambod Hadidi Erin Leung
Michael Boone Manny Hakhamaneshi Liyun Li
Ross Boulanger Junji Hamada Weidong Li
Scott Brandenberg Bill Hansmire Abbie Liel
Jon Bray Youssef Hashash Wang Lin
Ronald Brinkgreve Bipul Hawlader Bret Lingwall
Ashly Cabas Joe Heavin Jinyuan Liu
Phoebe Cheng George Hu Tong Liu
Brady Cox Jianping Hu Weian Liu
Behrang Dadfar Fiona Hughes Jerry Luo
Karina Dahl Kai-Sing Hui Jorge Macedo
Kate Darby Daniel Hutabarat Andrew Makdisi
Shideh Dashti Koji Ichii Lee Martin
Craig Davis Frederick Jackson Armin Masroor
Lijun Deng Chao Kang Brett Maurer
Ashutosh Dhar Tadashi Kawai Paul Mayne
Andrew Dinsick Amir Kaynia John McCartney
Jennifer Donahue Richard Kelly Christopher McGann
Hesham El Naggar Ali Khosravi Mike Mehrain
Turgut Ersoy Mohammad Khosravi Kami Mohammadi
Tonkin + Taylor (T+T) is a multi-disciplinary consultancy specialising in geotechnical
earthquake engineering, operating across New Zealand and the Asia-Pacific region.
The Canterbury Earthquake Sequence (CES) and last years Hurunui/Kaikoura
earthquake demonstrate New Zealands seismic complexity. Major fault lines run the
length of the country: Our largest fault, the Hikurangi subduction zone, lies east of the
North Island at the convergence of the Pacific tectonic and Australian plates.
Coupled with complex geology, unstable slopes and extensive areas of liquefaction-
susceptible alluvial deposits, New Zealands seismic challenges present consistent
opportunities. T+Ts expanding team of highly specialised geotechnical engineers are
able to unleash their creativity and innovation in the design of the geotechnical aspects
of buildings, as well as new and replacement infrastructure. Their contributions to
earthquake science are substantial.
T+Ts largest client is the Earthquake Commission (EQC), the countrys largest
insurer of land. Our CES work for EQC allowed T+T geotechnical engineers to closely
collaborate with top NZ and US academics to create a pioneering body of work around
liquefaction. That experience continues to influence our principles of natural hazards
resilient infrastructure planning and design, while driving an on-going exploration of
new techniques and technologies.
Exciting times lie ahead for T+T and New Zealand at large. The economic future looks
bright: Treasury expects average GDP growth of 3.1% a year over the next five years.
This is reflected in the New Zealand Governments 30-year infrastructure plan, which
predicts unprecedented investment in infrastructure over the next 10 years.
There will be many geotechnical challenges and opportunities, including clients fiscal
constraints and evolving requirements. To meet and exceed those needs will require
inspired thinking from the T+T team.
T+T is honoured to be a platinum sponsor of the Vancouver PBD III Conference. We
hope that you will find our representatives engineering contributions both informative
and useful.
GeoStabilization focuses on bringing new technologies to the
geohazard repair industry to reduce project time, cost, and
minimize environmental impact. Through training, experience,
and this founding philosophy, we are most qualified and
experienced in the industry.
Keller is the worlds leading geotechnical solutions provider.
Our industry leadership is driven by our strategically connected
network of outstanding companies, including Hayward
Baker and Geo-Foundations who specialize in earthquake
engineering solutions.
Opening Remarks
14:00 - 14:30 Ross Boulanger & Dharma Wijewickreme
Salon D/E
14:30 - 15:30
Perspectives Interview
Moderator: Scott Ashford
16:00 - 17:00
W.D.L. Finn, I.M. Idriss, & K. Ishihara
Salon D/E
17:00 - 19:00 Ice Breaker & Exhibitor Reception - Bayshore Grand Foyer
Ground Motions
13:45 - 15:45 Liquefaction II Underground Structures I Dynamic Analyses Challenging Soils
& Site Effects II
15:45 - 17:45 Poster Session & Reception - Salon A/B & Bayshore Grand Foyer
Time Monday July 17, 2017
Salon D/E Salon C Salon F Mackenzie Seymour
251 - Is There a Basin Effect in Mexico City? 458 - A study on the fundamental
462 - Analysis vs Centrifuge Seismic 209 - Geologic and geomorphic influences
214 - Liquefaction Hazard of Reclaimed Land Validation of Three Urban Lakebed Sites performance of a new constitutive model
11:18 - 11:36 Experiments for U-shaped Cantilever on the spatial extent of lateral spreading in
in a Low to Moderate Seismicity Region Using Nonlinear Site Response Analysis for clay based on the framework of the
Retaining Walls Christchurch, New Zealand
Provides the Clue strain space multiple mechanism model
Time Monday July 17, 2017
Salon D/E Salon C Salon F Mackenzie Seymour
Ground Motions
Liquefaction II Underground Structures I Dynamic Analyses Challenging Soils
& Site Effects II
(pp 61 - 64) (pp 69 - 74) (pp 74 - 77) (pp 78 - 81)
(pp 65 - 68)
514 - Yoshimichi Tsukamoto 527 - Kyriazis Pitilakis 546 - Ernest Naesgaard 404 - Kyle Rollins
529 - Domniki Asimaki
13:45 - 14:15 Influence of degree of saturation on On the transversal seismic response and UBCSAND1 An effective stress model for Liquefaction Evaluation at a Gravel Site
On the complexity of seismic waves trapped
Theme Speakers liquefaction resistance and undrained shear analysis of shallow rectangular and circular sand and clays subjected to earthquake using the Dynamic Penetration Test and the
in non-flat geologic features
strength of silty sands tunnels loading Becker Penetration Test
455 - Effects of soil stiffness and depth on 409 - Performance Based Design with 3D 469 - Pore Pressure Generation of Pea
361 - Performance of various granular soils 494 - Nonlinear seismic response analysis of
14:33 - 14:51 the seismic response of sites in total and dynamic SSI and FSI analysis for large buried Gravel, Sand, and Gravel-Sand Mixtures in
in most dense state single pile in sand
effective stress analyses water storage reservoirs Constant Volume Simple Shear
499 - Aging Effect on Liquefaction 270 - Evergreen Line Rapid Transit Project:
158 - Liquefaction resistance of sand
Resistance versus S-wave velocity by means 482 - Proxy-Based VS30 Prediction in Alaska 393 - Seismic earth pressures Experiments Seismic analysis of the ground improved by
14:51 - 15:09 improved with calcite precipitation at
of Laboratory Triaxial Tests with Bender Accounting for Limited Regional Data and Analyses timber piles for support of an MSE
different degree of saturation
Element embankment
13:45 - 15:45 Liquefaction Case Histories Seismic Hazard Assessments Soil-structure Interaction I GeoSystems
Levees & Slopes II
Amir Kaynia, Alex Sy, Ikuo Towhata, Thaleia Travasarou, & Sjoerd van Ballegooy
Salon D/E
118 - Evaluation of applicability for 247 - Ground motion amplification for 249 - Numerical Analysis of Hybrid 110 - Characterization and Seismic
11:36 - 11:54 liquefaction research method using various canyon topographies with different input Foundation for Next Generation Offshore Performance Evaluation of Bouquet Canyon
types of sounding equipment motions Wind Turbines in Deep Waters Dam No. 1
141 - Liquefaction Induced Uplift of 368 - A performance based design for the
227 - Evaluating and reporting uncertainty 403 - Seismic Deformation Analyses of the
12:12 - 12:30 Pipelines: Numerical Modeling and Deira Islands coastal structures and
in downhole shear wave velocities Existing Shoreline at Treasure Island
Parametric Analyses breakwaters, Dubai
Time Tuesday July 18, 2017
Salon D/E Salon C Salon F Mackenzie Seymour
Liquefaction Case Histories Seismic Hazard Assessments Soil-structure Interaction I GeoSystems
Levees & Slopes II
(pp 129 - 132) (pp 132 - 135) (pp 136 - 139) (pp 139 - 142)
(pp 143 - 146)
Soil-structure Interaction
13:45 - 15:45 Liquefaction Procedures II PBD Codes & Guidance Shallow Foundations II Waterfront Structures
Salon D/E
320 - Jason DeJong 355 - Ikuo Towhata 332 - Michael John Pender 273 - Susumu Yasuda
Ahmed Elgamal
10:30 - 11:00 Comparison of Becker Penetration Test Application of Geotechnical Experience for One dimensional moment-rotation Appropriate measures to prevent the
Nonlinear dynamic analysis of soil-structure
Theme Speakers Interpretation Methods in Characterization of People Activities after 2011 Tohoku macroelement for performance based liquefaction-induced inclination of existing
Gravelly Soil Deposits Earthquake design of shallow foundations houses
340 - Recovery and Resilient Design for the 246 - Derivation of equivalent-linear 346 - Identification of Dynamic 275 - Performance of a stone column
170 - SDS-based liquefaction prediction using
11:54 - 12:12 Future a Case Study from Christchurch, impedance functions for pile-supported Characteristics of a Rocking Foundation foundation system subjected to severe
artificial neural network
New Zealand bridges from continuum model Model on Shaking Table Testing earthquake shaking
124 - SPLiq: A New Performance-Based 532 - Methodology for developing 442 - Effect of deck support on reinforced 488 - Helical Piles Foundation for Wind
472 - Full-Scale Densification Testing
12:12 - 12:30 Assessment Tool for Liquefaction Triggering microzonation maps of predicted soil bridge abutments response subjected to Turbines: Full-Scale Testing of a Single
Program at Treasure Island
and its Associated Hazards using the SPT liquefaction vulnerability severity seismic loading Helical Pile in Sand
Soil-structure Interaction
Liquefaction Procedures II PBD Codes & Guidance Shallow Foundations II Waterfront Structures
(pp 166 - 170) (pp 170 - 174) (pp 178 - 182) (pp 182 - 186)
(pp 174 - 178)
205 - Performance-based earthquake 237 - 3D numerical analysis of motorway 149 - Parametric Study on Liquefaction- 199 - Crucial aspects for the design and
334 - Undrained cyclic and post-liquefaction
14:33 - 14:51 assessment of multi-span bridge systems overpass bridge subjected to strike-slip Induced Building Settlements using 1-g performance of anchored steel sheet pile
behaviour of natural pumiceous soils
including soil-pile-structure interaction faulting Shake Table Experiments walls in seismic regions
234 - Liquefaction Mapping for Induced 250 - Advances in Geotechnical 159 - Seismic response investigation of 125 - Influence of vertical prefabricated 418 - A comparative study on response
15:09 - 15:27 Seismicity based on geological and Performance-Based Seismic Design for Tall retaining structures by using lightweight drains on the response of two adjacent spectrum analysis and dynamic analysis for
geotechnical features Buildings mixtures as backfill material structures founded on liquefiable ground seismic design of pile-supported wharf
466 - RARE System for real-time seismic 397 - Case Study of the Performance Based 212 - Dynamic centrifuge model test for 486 - Dynamic analysis of a pile-supported
372 - Liquefaction susceptibility underneath a
15:27 - 15:45 damage assessment of Bridges Pilot Analysis and Design of Bridge Foundations performance-based design of grid-form wharf utilizing a three-dimensional
large storage tank: a CPT based methodology
application Intersected by Active Faulting deep mixing walls supporting a tall building numerical method
Sunday July 16, 2017 | 14:30 - 17:00
Chair: Kyriazis Pitilakis
Room: Salon D/E
14:30 - 15:00
Evaluation of Flow Liquefaction:
influence of high stresses
P.K. Robertson
Gregg Drilling & Testing Inc., CA, United States
Flow liquefaction can be triggered by either cyclic or static loading and
is a major issue for major geotechnical structures such as tailings dams.
Flow liquefaction can occur in any saturated or near saturated contrac-
tive soil such as very loose sands and silts as well as very sensitive clays.
For failure of a soil structure, such as a slope or embankment, a sufficient
volume of material must strain soften and show strength loss. Case his-
tories have shown that when significant strength loss occurs in critical
sections of a soil structure, failures are often rapid, occur with little warn-
ing, and the resulting deformations are often very large. Case histories
also show that most flow liquefaction failures occur in young, uncement-
ed non-plastic or low-plastic soils that have a brittle strain softening re-
sponse where peak strength is reached at small strains followed by rapid
strength loss. Methods have been developed to evaluate if soils are ei-
ther dilative or contractive at large strains (e.g. Robertson, 2010) based
on Critical State concepts. However, not all contractive soils are strain
softening and not all soils that are strain softening have high brittleness.
Laboratory data, supported by field observations, shows that contractive
sand-like soils become progressively more ductile with increasing stress
15:00 - 15:30
The 2014 Cephalonia twin earthquakes: the seismic
failure of memorial columns verify the strong
directivity effect
George Gazetas
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece
A twin event earthquake sequence of an Mw6.1 on January 26th and
an Mw6.0 on February 3rd shook the island of Cephalonia, triggering
damage mostly in monuments and harbor quaywalls. The strongest two
recordings of the double event are analyzed in this paper: the Chavriata
and Lixouri accelerograms. As it has been shown in a recent publication
(Garini et al. 2017) the Lixouri record bears the effects of near-fault
forward-rupture directivity, containing acceleration pulses in its normal
to the fault (EW) component. The most extensive damage occurred in
the numerous cemeteries of the region, with tombstone topplings and
16:00 - 17:00
Perspectives Interview Session
Moderator: Scott Ashford
Panel: K. Ishihara, W.D.L. Finn, & I.M. Idriss
Professor Scott Ashford will interview three living legends in earthquake
geotechnical engineering Professors W.D.L. Finn, I.M. Idriss, and K.
Ishihara to gain their perspectives on issues related to the advancement
of performance based design (PBD) in our field. What have been the
greatest accomplishments in the past decade for PBD in earthquake ge-
otechnical engineering? What are the greatest limitations to fully adopt-
ing PBD in earthquake geotechnical engineering? What is the most
pressing need for advancing PBD in the coming decades? What is the
role of engineering judgment in PBD? Scott will lead our panelists in
discussing and debating the answers to these and other questions about
the future directions of our field.
8:30 - 9:00
Performance of port structures during earthquakes
Susumu Iai
Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto, Japan
The paper gives an overview of recent developments in evaluating seis-
mic performance of geotechnical structures in port areas, including quay
walls, coastal embankments, reclaimed land, and buildings. Evaluation
of the seismic performance of geotechnical structures affected by soil
liquefaction was based on conventional procedures for simulating the
undrained cyclic behavior of sandy soil. Recent developments and paths
forward in evaluating seismic performance of geotechnical structures are
based on additional cyclic and post-cyclic soil behavior, such as the ef-
fects of steady state (residual strength) and combination of cyclic and
steady state effects, and effects of void redistribution. In addition, com-
bined geotechnical hazards due to soil-structure-fluid interaction are
recognized as challenges in geotechnical engineering as exemplified by
the toppling of a four-story steel frame building with pile-foundation
due to tsunami impact during 2011 East Japan earthquake.
9:00 - 9:30
Applicability of Sliding Block Analyses to Lateral
Spreading Problems
Steven L. Kramer
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Washington, WA, United States
Liquefaction-induced lateral spreading deformations can significantly af-
fect the seismic performance of bridges, dams, pipelines, and other infra-
structure located on, near, or beneath sloping ground. Current approaches
for predicting lateral spreading deformations consist primarily of empirical
and strain potential methods that largely neglect the complex and critical
factors that influence such deformations. The response of liquefiable soils
and the deformations they produce are influenced by such factors as non-
linear dynamic site response, dilation pulses, void redistribution, and water
film formation, as well as complex two- or three-dimensional topographic
effects. It has also been proposed that lateral spreading deformations can
be estimated using Newmark-type sliding block analyses. From a qual-
itative standpoint, certain fundamental assumptions of the sliding block
method (discrete failure surface, rigid perfectly-plastic behavior, constant
shearing resistance, etc.) are inconsistent with the mechanics of lateral
spreading. Such inconsistencies can affect the accuracy of back-calcu-
9:30 - 10:00
System response of liquefiable deposits
Misko Cubrinovski
Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering, University of
Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Detailed geotechnical characterization and in-depth assessment using
seismic effective stress analyses are presented for 55 liquefaction case
histories (level ground sites) from Christchurch. 15 of the sites mani-
fested liquefaction in the two major earthquakes during the 2010-2011
Canterbury earthquake sequence (YY-sites), while 17 sites did not man-
ifest liquefaction in either event (NN-sites). The YY- and NN-sites are
shown to have practically identical critical layer characteristics, with low
CPT resistance (qc1Ncs = 80 - 85), and shallow location of the critical
layer at approximately 2 m depth. However, there are significant differ-
ences between the YY- and NN-sites with regard to the thickness and
vertical continuity of their critical zones and liquefiable materials.
Effective stress analyses are used to demonstrate key mechanisms of sys-
tem-response of liquefying deposits that either intensify (YY-sites) or
mitigate (NN-sites) liquefaction manifestation. The study illustrates the
need to consider systemresponse of liquefying soils in the simplified liq-
uefaction evaluation procedure, as a principal factor in the assessment of
liquefaction manifestation and severity of liquefaction-induced damage.
8:30 - 9:00
Remediation of liquefaction effects for an
embankment using soil-cement walls: Centrifuge
and numerical modeling
Ross W. Boulanger
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of
California, Davis, CA, United States
Numerical simulations of a centrifuge model test of an embankment
on a liquefiable foundation layer treated with soilcement walls are pre-
sented. The centrifuge model was tested on a 9-m radius centrifuge and
corresponded to a 28 m tall embankment underlain by a 9 m thick sat-
urated loose sand layer. Soil-cement walls were constructed through the
loose sand layer over a 30 m long section near the toe of the embank-
ment and covered with a 7.5 m tall berm. The model was shaken with
a scaled earthquake motion having peak horizontal base accelerations
of 0.05 g, 0.26 g, 0.54 g in the first, second, and third events, respec-
tively. The latter two shaking events caused liquefaction in the loose
sand layer. The soilcement walls sheared through their full length in the
last shaking event. The results of the centrifuge model test and twod-
imensional nonlinear dynamic simulations are compared. Capabilities
and limitations in the two-dimensional simulations of soil-cement wall
reinforcement systems, with both liquefaction and soil-cement cracking
effects, are discussed. Implications for practice are discussed.
9:00 - 9:30
Liquefaction-induced Settlement and Tilting of
Buildings with Spread Foundation based on Field
Observation and Laboratory Experiments
Kohji Tokimatsu
Tokyo Soil Research, Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
Earthquake reconnaissance studies and centrifuge experiments were
made and their results were compared with those of previous studies,
to examine relative importance of key parameters affecting not only the
settlement but also the tilt of buildings with shallow foundations. The
field observation suggested that: (1) There is a general trend in which
liquefaction-induced relative settlement and tilting of shallow founda-
tion increase with increasing number of story and aspect ratio of building
but the settlement trend was likely to be site dependent; (2) When the
settlement is normalized with respect to the thickness of liquefied layer,
9:30 - 10:00
Key Trends in Assessing Liquefaction-Induced
Building Settlement
Jonathan D. Bray
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering UC Berkeley,
Berkeley, CA, United States
Several buildings in recent earthquakes settled differentially and were
damaged due to soil liquefaction. Case histories of field performance
provide important insights. Additional insights are developed through
examination of the trends in the results of fully nonlinear dynamic
soil-structure interaction (SSI) effective stress analyses. In this paper,
key trends from the performance of dynamic SSI effective stress anal-
yses of buildings with shallow foundations located at sites with lique-
faction are examined. The analyses provide salient insights regarding
the mechanisms contributing to building movements. Shear strains in
the foundation soils developed in several cases due to shaking-induced
ratcheting of buildings into cyclically softened soil or due to a tran-
sient loss of bearing capacity due to cyclic softening. The shear-in-
duced mechanisms led to a significant part of the liquefaction-induced
building settlement. Damaging building settlement due to volumetric
strains in the foundation soils were largely due to liquefaction of shal-
low soils, if they were present. The dynamic SSI effective stress anal-
yses captured these mechanisms of nonlinear soil response. However,
the influence of the loss of ground due to sediment ejecta, which was
another important factor in some cases, was not captured with this
continuum-based approach. Engineers should employ experience and
judgment to assess this key mechanism.
16:15 - 16:45
Dynamic Properties of Soils: In situ and Laboratory
Testing Developments
Kenneth Stokoe
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, United States
16:45 - 17:45
Panel & Discussion Challenges for Performance
Based Design
Moderator: S. Kramer
Panel: Amir Kaynia (NGI, Norway), Alex Sy (KCB, Canada),
Ikuo Towhata (UT, Japan), Thaleia Travasarou (Fugro, USA),
& Sjoerd van Ballegooy (T+T, New Zealand)
In this session, we will have an international panel examine key challenges
to implementing and advancing performance based design in earthquake
geotechnical engineering practice. The five distinguished panel members
represent a range of practices and challenges from around the globe. What
is the primary impediment to advancing performance based design in
earthquake geotechnical engineering practice? What do you consider best
practices for incorporating the effects of geologic depositional environ-
ments in liquefaction assessments? Do you see any common problems in
the use or misuse of seismic site response analyses? How have you seen in-
consistencies in liquefaction evaluations based on CPT, SPT and Vs data
resolved? Should nonlinear dynamic effective stress analyses of ground
failure problems be used more routinely in engineering practice, and what
is the biggest barrier to these tools becoming more reliable? The mod-
erator will lead the panelists in discussing and debating these and other
challenges to the future of performance based design.
8:30 - 9:00
Ground Motion Models for Earthquake Events in
Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas
Ellen M. Rathje
Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, United States
The observed increase in seismicity in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas during
the last 10 years has made the evaluation of the seismic hazard in these States
increasingly pertinent. Such evaluation requires the development of ground
motion prediction equations (GMPEs) that are tuned to the characteris-
tics of the observed, and potentially induced, seismicity. Accordingly, we use
4,815 ground motions recorded during M>3.0 events in Texas, Oklahoma,
and Kansas, to develop a GMPE for this region. The GMPE updates the
Hassani and Atkinson (2015) Central and Eastern United States (CEUS)
GMPE based on identified differences between the regional ground mo-
tion observations and the predictions by the reference CEUS GMPE. The
developed model includes site effects based on updated VS30 values derived
from the Pwave seismogram method (Zalachoris et al., 2017) or regional
geologic-slope proxies (Parker et al. 2017). The predicted response spectral
accelerations at short distances (R 20 km) for Texas, Oklahoma, and Kan-
sas can be up to 2 times larger than those predicted by the reference GMPE.
The VS30 scaling for the newly developed model predicts less amplification
at VS30 < 200 m/s than the reference GMPE, about 50% less at T < 0.3 s
and about 70% less at T = 1.0 s. This effect is likely due to the generally thin-
ner sediments in the study area. Finally, for M>4.5 events and T<0.5 s, the
new model predicts spectral accelerations about 50% smaller than those pre-
dicted by the reference GMPE, possibly due to lower stress drops associated
with the potentially induced seismicity in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas.
9:00 - 9:30
Seismic Site Classification
Ramon Verdugo
CMGI Ltda., Santiago, Chile
The economic losses left by large recent earthquakes are still consider-
able, and modern society is wanting not only life protection; it is also
demanding that buildings can be immediately occupied after a strong
earthquake. The performance based seismic design allows engineers
to design structures with a desired seismic performance for a specified
level of hazard. This requires a high standard in the different items
involved in the seismic design. One of the key factors is associated with
9:30 - 10:00
Liquefaction evaluation directly comparing upward
wave energy with dissipated energy
Takaji Kokusho
Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan
The author already proposed an energy-based liquefaction evaluation
method (EBM), wherein upward wave energy as the energy demand is
directly compared with the energy capacity or dissipated energy in soil
deposits. The proposed EBM are characterized here in terms of how to
evaluate the energy demand by upward earthquake waves, how close-
ly the dissipated energy determines residual strains for different earth-
quake motions, and how to compare the demand and capacity simply
and reasonably. The EBM procedures and evaluation examples are also
described in comparison with the conventional Stress-Based Method
(SBM). The comparative studies have demonstrated that, for a normal
ground motion, EBM tends to give basically similar results to SBM.
However, disparities appear between them for ground motions with
small peak accelerations and high energy or high accelerations and low
energy. Considering that the dissipated energy controls liquefaction
mechanism as lab tests indicate, it is recommended to employ the EBM
to supplement SBM for various earthquake motions, wherein engineers
can grasp the energy demand of design motion at a glance.
16:45 - 17:15
Response of Natural Fine-grained Soils for Seismic
Design Practice: A Collection of Research Findings
from British Columbia, Canada
Dharma Wijewickreme
Department of Civil Engineering University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, BC, Canada
This paper summarizes the results from a comprehensive laboratory
experimental research program conducted at the University of British
Columbia, Canada to study the mechanical behavior of natural fine-
grained soils. Constant-volume direct simple shear (DSS) tests were
performed on natural silt samples collected from various locations in
British Columbia to investigate the monotonic and cyclic shear load-
ing response of these materials. Influencing factors such as effective
confining stress, over-consolidation ratio, coarse-grained fraction of
natural silts, initial static shear bias, cyclic polarity, soil plasticity, and
soil fabric/micro-structure on the mechanical behavior of silts were
systematically investigated using a series of controlled laboratory tests.
The key observations arising from these examinations are presented
and discussed to serve as input for the development and/or refinement
of design practice approaches for sesimic geotechnical design. New
directions to be considered to advance the current state of understand-
ing and knowledge on the mechanical behavior of natural fine-grained
soils are identified.
17:15 - 17:45
Retrofitting Utilities for Earthquake-Induced Ground
Thomas D. ORourke
School of Civil and Environmental Engr., Cornell University,
Ithaca, NY, United States
An important opportunity exists for using cured-in-place linings and
pipes (CIPLs and CIPPs, respectively) to retrofit underground utilities
against earthquake-induced ground movements. CIPLs and CIPPs
are used to rehabilitate pipelines in situ, thereby achieving greater lon-
gevity of aging utilities by trenchless construction. Such techniques
Monday July 17, 2017 | 10:30 - 12:30
Chair: Ali Amini
Room: Mackenzie
Monday July 17, 2017 | 10:30 - 12:30
Chair: Liam Wotherspoon
Room: Seymour
Monday July 17, 2017 | 13:45 - 15:45
Chair: Tetsuo Tobita
Room: Salon D/E
Monday July 17, 2017 | 13:45 - 15:45
Chair: Thaleia Travasarou
Room: Mackenzie
Monday July 17, 2017 | 15:45 - 17:45
Room: Salon A/B & Bayshore Grand Foyer
Panagiota Tasiopoulou, Amalia Giannakou, & Jacob Chacko
Sjoerd de Wit
Shell Global Solutions International B.V.
As part of dynamic stability evaluations of earth embankments founded on laminated sand
and clay deposits, the need to characterize their cyclic resistance became critical for the
assessment of the embankment behavior and subsequent decisions on liquefaction mit-
igation measures. Due to the lack of experimental and case history data on the effective
stress behavior of such deposits, advanced laboratory tests on high quality undisturbed
samples and numerical simulations using advanced constitutive models were performed to
gain insight into liquefaction triggering and post-liquefaction accumulation of deforma-
tions under level and sloping ground conditions of such formations. Results indicated that
the presence of clay laminations within sand deposits tends to increase the liquefaction
triggering resistance of such deposits which are typical of tidal and alluvial depositional
environments. Numerical analyses results also indicated that void redistribution effects,
often related to strain localization effects, tend to be reduced as the thickness of sand layers
decreases, or as the percentage of clay interlayers increases.
were almost same to the results from N value. Most kinds of dynamic cone penetration
and Swedish weight sounding cannot classify the soil type except some special sounding
method, so sampling and grain size analysis are needed separately. Piezo drive cone (PDC)
and Screw driver sounding (SDS) are new type sounding technology which can measure
the strength and soil classification, with the result that they can judge liquefaction without
sampling. The result of static cone penetration was obtained the almost same judgment of
liquefaction from calculated by N value. The static cone penetration is very useful method
for liquefaction investigation. The validity of the sounding test for liquefaction determi-
nation was confirmed from this in situ experiment, but accumulation of further data will
be needed in the future.
accelerations on the ground surface at the triggered IRRN stations.
Takashi Sato
Structures Research Team, Civil Engineering Research Institute, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
Levees are earth structures sited along river channels and coastlines for flood control
purposes. We are engaged in a long-term project to evaluate seismic fragility of levees
founded on soft peaty organic soils using case history data from Hokkaido, Japan. As part
of this effort, it is necessary to characterize seismic demands in the form of peak ground
acceleration or velocity using data recorded at regional strong motion recording stations.
Such stations are typically situated on stiffer soils than levees, thereby exhibiting differ-
ent site effects. This paper presents a procedure for spatially interpolating strong motion
recordings while accounting for differences in site conditions. Ground motion models
(GMMs) for subduction earthquakes are first used to compute within-event residuals at
the recording stations. These residuals are then spatially interpolated at levee locations,
and added to the sum of the event term and median GMM prediction (which includes
a nonlinear site term) to estimate ground motions at the softer sites. The procedure is
applied to the data recorded during the 2003 M8.2 Tokachi-oki earthquake from PARI,
JMA and NIED arrays, but not a local array deployed by Obihiro River Management
Office at the Hokkaido levees. This enables validation of the procedure, which amounts
to validation of the nonlinear site term for the peaty soil conditions present at the levees.
The results show an underprediction bias from existing site terms when applied to the
site conditions at the Hokkaido levees.
Tuesday July 18, 2017 | 10:30 - 12:30
Chair: Bruce Kutter
Room: Mackenzie
causes contraction. Overall, cyclic loading results in net dilation in the near-field region
and net contraction in the far-field region. Reduction of radial effective stress at the inter-
face and mean effective stresses in all elements are observed, which explains the predicted
reduction in axial capacity. The numerical model is shown to be helpful for understanding
this complex soil-structure-interaction problem.
Anna Chiaradonna, Anna dOnofrio, & Francesco Silvestri
Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering University of Naples
Federico II, Naples, Italy
Giuseppe Tropeano
Department of Civil, Environmental Engineering and Architecture University of Cagliari,
Cagliari, Italy
The seismic sequence in May 2012 that struck a large area of the river Po Valley (Emil-
ia-Romagna region, Northern Italy) triggered significant fractures, deformations, and liq-
uefaction occurrences in a number of riverbanks located close to the earthquake epicenter.
Among them, one of the most severely damaged structures turned out to be the levee of
an irrigation canal flowing through a small village near the historic town of Ferrara (Italy).
Large, longitudinally-oriented ground cracks were observed along a 3km bank stretch,
causing in turn severe structural damages to approximately one hundred houses and pro-
ductive activities built on the bank crown.
An extensive study, including in-situ and laboratory investigation, was carried out in order
to identify possible damage causes as well as to suggest seismic risk mitigation actions. The
significant depth of the seismic bedrock required a detailed definition of the geotechnical
subsoil model and of the actual input motion on rigid bedrock.
Slope stability and liquefaction susceptibility analyses of the embankment were carried out
adopting approaches with an increasing level of complexity. Effective stress analysis on a ref-
erence soil column highlighted some criticisms on the foundation soils of the dyke, allowing
to better understand the seismic behaviour of the levee during the Emilia 2012 earthquake.
ple size to increase the accuracy at small probability estimate, for this project the critical
local site parameters were determined based on a single parameter, (N1)60 , in order to re-
duce the number of random variables in the MC simulations. The results from a case study
of a selected reference structure are presented to demonstrate the merits of the proposed
approach, from both a theoretical perspective and also through the use of real data obtained
from a mine tailings dam site subjected to earthquake loading.
in PLAXIS, pseudo-static hybrid deformation analyses, and comparisons with observed
seismic performance of similar sites during past earthquakes. The shoal deposit was mod-
eled using the UBC Sand model, with input parameters carefully selected to capture mate-
rial behavior obtained through cyclic simple shear tests. Examination of PLAXIS analysis
results indicates that the magnitude of lateral deformations at the location of the proposed
development (greater than 300 feet from the shoreline) was negligible. In addition, a two-
step simplified hybrid deformation analysis method was developed. The simplified method
consisted of 1) estimating the magnitude of lateral deformation at the shoreline using
conventional deformation analysis methods and 2) a pseudo-static deformation analysis
using PLAXIS. This simplified method was calibrated against two-dimensional, nonlinear
time-history PLAXIS analyses to be used as a screening tool for estimating the potential
for lateral movement at other sites along the Treasure Island shoreline.
anism leading to damage of wooden houses was studied. The results of a cyclic triaxial
test on an undisturbed sample showed that the liquefaction strength of reclaimed land
varied from 0.22 to 0.43. The depth at which the liquefaction strength was the lowest was
near the boundary between reclaimed soil and Holocene sandy-soil. The results of the
analysis confirmed the increase in excess pore water pressure near the boundary between
the reclaimed soil and Holocene sandy-soil, which resulted in low liquefaction strength.
Excess pore water pressure propagated throughout the upper layer, eventually eliminating
the effective stress near groundwater level. In addition to the propagation of excess pore
water pressure in the layer with poor resistance to liquefaction, when the first aftershock
occurred 30 minutes after the main shock, settlement damage worsened because of loss of
bearing capacity under the foundations of wooden houses.
carried out in an automated fashion. These automation tools were built within various
programming environments and have the ability to handle pre and post-processing tasks
as well as interface directly with the finite element analysis program LS-DYNA. Pre-pro-
cessing begins with a program written in Excel Visual Basic for Applications, which gen-
erates data to be fed to the processer (LS-DYNA) with a JavaScript API. After running
the model, JavaScript is again employed to prepare the output data for the post-processor,
which was written in Matlab. The functionality and development of each rapid automation
tool is presented and the resulting time savings are discussed. Altogether, these rapid auto-
mation tools have decreased the required worker hours for pre- and post-processing of site
response analyses from over two days to under half an hour per soil column.
encompassing from small near-field event to large far-field event. A more complete picture
of the contributing events to seismic hazard at the site is provided. To apply a set of sce-
nario earthquakes in seismic analysis, earthquake weighting factor assigned to each earth-
quake scenario is defined. The scenario earthquakes with the associated weighting factors
collectively replicate seismic hazard curve in the probability range of 1E-3~1E-6/yr that
contributes most to seismic risk for nuclear applications. A realistic example is presented
to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed SHD procedure. Useful insights gained
from the SHD results are discussed.
unreached pile may be dependent on the balance of the unreached distance and the influence
area around pile tip. In this study, we examine the influence area of soils around the pile bot-
tom as a function of the soil condition. This summary can provide fundamental background
on the application of various techniques to model the unreached pile to the rigid base.
ing on the soil-cement mixing walls is considered important in order to quantitatively
evaluate the amount of reduction in the pile stress.
Tuesday July 18, 2017 | 13:45 - 15:45
Chair: Rolando Orense
Room: Mackenzie
Sahar Ghadirianniari & Ali Khosravi
Department of Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Morteza Mirshekari & Majid Ghayoomi
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New Hampshire,
Durham, NH, United States
Soil-pile-structure interaction and its effects on overall response of infrastructure have been
an active area of research over the last several decades. However, focus has been mostly on
developing methods of quantification for structures interacting with soils in dry or saturated
conditions. In this study, a series of seismic centrifuge tests were conducted in an attempt
to characterize the effects of degree of saturation on lateral response of soil-pile-structure
systems. The scaled physical model tests were carried out on a single pile-mass system em-
bedded in a 11-m layer of Ottawa sand with Dr of about 45%. A steady state infiltration tech-
nique was used inside a laminar box mounted atop an inflight shake table to provide uniform
suction profiles through the sand layer during shaking. In this paper, the model development
and construction procedure are explained followed by comparison of lateral deformation at
different levels. Overall, unsaturated soil layers resulted in lower lateral deformation due to
the presence of suction and higher shear modulus in soil. This difference was more significant
at the superstructure level where more deformations were introduced.
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of California, Los
Angeles, CA, United States
Dong Youp Kwak
RMS, Inc., Newark, CA, United States
Ruben Jongejan
Jongejan RMC, The Netherlands
Systems of levees are present in many locations world-wide to provide flood protection
for urban, industrial, and agricultural resources. In risk assessment of levee systems, the
probability of demand (e.g., high water events, earthquakes, waves) exceeding capacity
(e.g., freeboard, erodibility, liquefaction susceptibility) is evaluated across the system. We
describe and compare two levee system reliability analysis frameworks for cases of seismic
and high-water demand types. The first approach considers spatial correlations and distri-
butions of demand and capacity between segments (i.e., elemental levee lengths, nom-
inally 50 m in scale) through Monte-Carlo simulation. The capacity correlation model
considered in this approach is empirically derived from seismic case histories in Japan. The
seismic demand correlation model is also empirical and based on global ground motion
data, whereas the high-water correlation is taken as unity. The second approach, which
was developed and previously applied in the Netherlands, examines the distribution and
correlation of capacities and demands between physics-based reaches (i.e., length of levee
having uniform statistical distributions of capacity and demand, potentially hundreds of m
in length). Statistics and spatial correlation of the limit state function, defined as capacity
minus demand, are computed using a first-order reliability method (FORM) procedure
based on the distribution functions and spatial correlation functions for capacity and de-
mand. Having computed the distribution function and spatial correlation function for the
limit state, the probability of failure of the reach is then computed using level-crossing sta-
tistics. We identify a hurdle in the implementation of the level-crossing statistics approach
that is related to Markov-type correlation functions for levee capacity this is overcome by
developing a similar-performing Gaussian correlation function. We compute system fail-
ure probabilities from reach statistics by assuming statistical independence among reaches.
We illustrate application of both methods for an example levee system subjected to realistic
demand and capacity distributions. Our results show that characteristic lengths (defined
as lengths of levee that can be considered as statistically independent) are comparable for
high-water and seismic demands; our interpretation is that this result is driven by the use
of similar capacity correlation models, whereas the differences in demand correlation mod-
els for the two hazards are not impactful.
Behrang Dadfar & M. Hesham El Naggar
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Western University,
London, ON, Canada
Miroslav Nastev
Geological Survey of Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Quebec City, QC, Canada
Infrastructures in northern Canada are potentially exposed to earthquake-induced slope
instabilities requiring assessment of the seismic performance of natural slopes. Active layer
detachments are the most common types of identified landslides, where terrain instabil-
ity and downward movement of the active permafrost layer can be triggered by seismic
excitation. This research aims at developing a framework for probabilistic slope stability
analysis that accounts for the specific geological settings in the permafrost regions. Slope
geometry, soil properties and ground motion uncertainties are incorporated in the model
and the probabilities of weakening and inertial instabilities are investigated.
in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. One iBPT sounding was conducted at 1.2 - 4.2
m spacing from previously conducted Standard Penetration Test (SPT), Cone Penetration
Test (CPT) and Sonic soundings. The iBPT equivalent N60 values were found to agree
well with those measured in the adjacent SPT soundings which provided a site-specific
verification of the previously developed iBPT-SPT correlation. Additionally, the Beck-
er Penetration Test (BPT) interpretation methods of Harder & Seed (1986) and Sy &
Campanella (1994) were utilized and compared to the iBPT and SPT data. Harder &
Seed (1986) estimated N60 values were consistently lower than both the iBPT estimated
and SPT measured N60 values. The N60 values estimated via the Sy & Campanella (1994)
method either agreed with or were higher than the iBPT estimated and SPT measured N60
values. The overly- and nonconservative driving resistances estimated by the two BPT in-
terpretation methods, respectively, are consistent with the indirect techniques each method
uses to separate the tip resistance from the total driving resistance. Overall, the iBPT data
gathered at the Vancouver project site demonstrates the potential for the iBPT to be em-
ployed as an accurate means of characterizing gravelly soil deposits.
the rod is continuously rotated. Several parameters such as torque, load and speed of pen-
etration are recorded at every rotation of the rod. Previously, a simplified procedure has
been developed by the authors to estimate the liquefaction potential of soils using case
studies of liquefaction/no liquefaction during CES. In this paper, artificial neural network
(ANN) method is used as a supplementary tool to evaluate the liquefaction potential of
soil. ANN method is able to train itself with available data sets and extrapolate the out-
come for unknown scenarios based on the training. In this study, a database containing
50 different sites in Christchurch where SDS has been performed adjacent to CPT sites
was used. For the purpose of analysis, the liquefaction potential of soil along the depth
at each site was evaluated using three different CPT-based methods popularly used in
conventional practice. Next, the ANN model was trained and the results were compared
to the previously developed simplified procedure. In the modelling, 70% of the randomly
selected data points were used for the training phase while the remaining 30% was utilized
for the testing phase. In the ANN model, liquefaction occurrence/ non-occurrence was
correlated with the primary SDS and soil parameters as well as earthquake parameters. As-
suming that the used CPT-based methods for predicting liquefaction of soil are accurate,
the results of the study showed that ANN method achieved a high degree of accuracy in
identifying the liquefaction potential of soil.
quake. Another important situation is found in the Fukushima No.1 Nuclear Power Plant
where heavy damage was caused by tsunami attack and nuclear fuels melted down. Initially,
efforts were made solely by nuclear experts but gradually it became clear that the solution of
this nationwide problem needs collaboration of many disciplines. JGS is thus trying to apply
geotechnical approach to pave roads to the final solution.
fitted to the data as a function of earthquake magnitude (Mw) and Peak Ground Accelera-
tion (PGA). Using these functions, a variety of liquefaction hazard maps can be produced.
A typical mapping approach is to present the median or mean liquefaction vulnerability
for each SEGP area for a given level of earthquake shaking. A variant to this approach is
to present the expected spatial variability of liquefaction. This approach provides greater
insight into how a study area is expected to behave spatially, which is especially relevant for
risk modelling. An alternative mapping approach is to determine the level of earthquake
shaking required to attain a given level of liquefaction vulnerability. This approach iden-
tifies SEGP areas where more frequent, smaller levels of earthquake shaking are likely to
result in liquefaction damage and other SEGP areas where less frequent, larger levels of
earthquake shaking are required for liquefaction-related damage to occur. This alternative
approach helps improve the communication of the liquefaction hazard to non-technical
audiences and presents the results in a similar way to other natural hazards that are assessed
for land-use planning and hazard management purposes.
Wednesday July 19, 2017 | 10:30 - 12:30
Chair: Juan Mayoral
Room: Salon F
sults from three-dimensional (3D) nonlinear finite element (FE) analyses of single piles
under dynamic pile head loading are used as input to the derivation algorithm. Variation
of the computed impedances with pile head displacement is presented for the static and
dynamic loading cases. The results indicate that gapping at the soil-pile interface and soil
nonlinearity significantly reduce head impedances compared to the pile with rigid soil-pile
connection. The results also demonstrate the capability of the proposed method in cap-
turing the overall foundation damping, especially the vanishing radiation damping as the
hysteretic damping prevails in the system.
Wednesday July 19, 2017 | 10:30 - 12:30
Chair: Nozomo Yoshida
Room: Mackenzie
shoe shape were considered for this study. Further, connected and disconnected type of
foundations were also evaluated based on the nature of connection between the aluminum
short-pile and the shallow foundation. By using a geotechnical centrifuge, dynamic shak-
ing table tests and horizontal slow cyclic tests were conducted at 20 g centrifugal acceler-
ation. Through the test results, rocking stiffness and damping ratio of various foundation
models at slow cyclic and dynamic shaking table tests were compared. Also, settlement-ro-
tation curve and moment-rotation curve were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the var-
ious foundation models. The horseshoe shape foundation increased the ultimate moment
capacity of the foundation, however, it caused larger amount of permanent settlement than
the shallow foundation due to rocking behavior. In contrast, disconnected horseshoe shape
foundation had less permanent settlement than the other foundation types.
488 - Helical Piles Foundation for Wind Turbines: Full-Scale
Testing of a Single Helical Pile in Sand
Zeyad H. Elsherbiny
Amec Foster Wheeler, Calgary, AB, Canada
M. Hesham El Naggar
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Western Ontario,
London, ON, Canada
Ahmed Elgamal
Department of Structural Engineering University of California San Diego,
San Diego, CA, United States
Helical piles represent an attractive deep foundation system, which can be used to sup-
port wind turbines, solar farms, energy pipelines and telecommunication and transmis-
sion towers. This paper investigates the performance of full-scale single helical piles
installed in sandy soil and subjected to lateral loads similar in characteristics to those in-
duced by wind loads on wind turbine foundations. Three areas are investigated: the stiff-
ness characteristics of the pile under low-strain wind loads; the effect of cyclic loading
on the stiffness of the piles and its impact on serviceability requirements; and the effect
of cyclic loading on the ultimate capacity of the pile foundation. The direct outcome of
the testing program is to develop design tools, which will aid in the performance based
design of helical piles supporting wind turbines.
Civil Engineering Division Maeda Corporation, Japan
This paper addresses one of the on-going soil improvement projects that increase the liq-
uefaction-resilience of urban residential environments after huge seismic disasters in 2011.
Those projects are characterized by the combination of public sectors and residents who are
concerned with the future liquefaction risk. Urayasu City Government decided to install
solid underground walls of square geometry under streets and spaces between houses so that
cyclic deformation of liquefaction-prone sand may be reduced and excess pore water pressure
may not develop significantly. This particular project consists of three parts. The first part
carried out detailed soil investigations in which subsoil was found heterogeneous, having
high fines content but being still within the knowledge of existing technology. The second
part addressed such specifications as size and depth of grid walls. Because of existing houses
at the surface, it was impossible to install grid walls with a traditionally-employed narrow
spacing. This problem was overcome by centrifuge model tests and numerical analyses that
indicated the additional reinforcing effects of the surface unliquefiable soil crust that had not
been considered before. The third part made a practical design of underground walls, nec-
essary technical developments, construction plans and cost estimates. Small machines were
developed to fit into narrow spaces between houses. Field verification was performed for
those machines. Construction plan was elaborated to offer acceptable cost to people. After all
of these, efforts were made to reach the agreement between public sectors and residents who
are liable to financial contributions to this project.
sequence (CES) of 2010-2011. The Canterbury earthquake sequence included several
strong and damaging ground motions, with the most severe shaking being from the 22
February 2011 Mw 6.3 event, which had an epicentral distance of 6km from the stadium.
That event resulted in peak ground accelerations at the stadium of approximately 0.5g
horizontally and 0.7g vertically. Extensive liquefaction and subsequent ground settlement
was recorded in the vicinity of the stadium.
Damage to the Deans Stand included bulging, loosening and contamination of the stone
columns and large global and differential settlement of the structure. The damage sus-
tained during the earthquakes has resulted in the stadium not being used since the Feb-
ruary 2011 earthquake. Physical and numerical investigations of the site and foundation
system performance at Lancaster Park commenced in 2011. The physical investigation
findings have been compared with data obtained before and during stone column con-
struction, providing valuable insights into the behavior of stone columns under strong
earthquake shaking. Evidence of stone column contamination and of the loosening of
densified ground between the columns is presented. Further insights are obtained from
comparison of the performance of an earlier and similar sized stand at Lancaster Park
which was supported on partial depth stone columns with a thick ground floor raft slab
rather than isolated ground beams. The raft slab foundation appears to have performed
much better than the ground beam system during the earthquake sequence.
Wednesday July 19, 2017 | 13:45 - 15:45
Chair: Mitsu Okamura
Room: Salon D/E
321 - Evaluation of contraction potential of silty soils based on
the minimum void ratio
Jongkwan Kim, Tadashi Kawai, & Motoki Kazama
Department of Engineering, Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan
The minimum void ratio is an index that represents the densest state of a soil. The dif-
ference between the present and minimum void ratios determines the volume contrac-
tion potential of a soil, irrespective of its type. Thus, if a reliable minimum void ratio is
estimated, the post-liquefaction contraction of a soil can be evaluated. However, as the
traditional method for determining a minimum void ratio is restricted to soils contain-
ing less than 5% or 15% of fines, the applicability of this method was reconsidered. The
minimum void ratios that resulted from dry, water immersion, repetition of liquefaction
and drainage, and compaction tests were examined using sand, sand-silt mixtures, and
natural silty soils. It was found that the traditional test method may underestimate the
densest state (minimum void ratio) of soils because it is severely affected by the applied
energy and presence of pore water. Considering their examined minimum void ratios,
the post-liquefaction volume contraction of silty soils was discussed based on their vol-
ume contraction potential (e_0-e_(min.c)).
For each of the formations the risk for liquefaction is identified based on the characteristics
of the formation; including the age of the formation, the percentage of fines in the forma-
tion, the occurrence of (multiple) thin layers of cohesive material, the over-consolidation
ratio and the depositional environment. The results presented are used for prioritization of
risk assessments related to buildings and infrastructures with respect to liquefaction.
partially probabilistic procedure proposed by Bray and Travasarou (2009) show consistent
results for the seismic coefficient estimated with the new fully probabilistic procedure.
However, the new fully probabilistic procedure enables the engineer to address directly the
target design level and associated uncertainties. The proposed procedures are applied to
two sites in the United States.
of the technical aspects of PBSD, such as the development of site-specific spectra (uniform
hazard, uniform risk, and conditional mean spectra), and the selection, scaling, and use of
ground motion records for nonlinear response history analysis is included as well.
mance requirements. The uncertainty of the design fault offset was incorporated by con-
sidering the complex geologic and geomorphic characteristics of individual fault strands,
multiple rupture scenario earthquakes, models of slip distribution among multiple strands,
as well as the 1971 rupture pattern. Earthquake Resistant Ductile Iron Pipe (ERDIP) is
selected to accommodate the large fault offset considering its joint flexibility in terms of
expansion, contraction and deflection. The performance of the ERDIP under the design
fault offset is verified by three-dimensional FEM analysis. The geometric and material
nonlinearities due to the large ground deformation are simulated with the joint spring and
soil spring model. The physical properties of soil spring for both sand-cement slurry and
sand backfill is calibrated by full scale pipe pull out testing. The analysis indicates that the
proposed pipe design meets the allowable axial force and deflection angle of the joint under
the design fault displacement.
397 - Case Study of the Performance Based Analysis and Design
of Bridge Foundations Intersected by Active Faulting
James R. Gingery
Kleinfelder, Inc., San Diego, CA, United States
Bret N. Lingwall
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD, United States
Byron H. Foster
Kleinfelder, Inc., Taylorsville, UT, United States
Jonathan D. Bray
University of California, Berkeley, CA, United States
A case study involving the performance based analysis and design of railroad bridge foun-
dations intersected by active faulting is presented. The basis for the coseismic surface fault
rupture design scenarios is discussed briefly, including paleoseismic field investigations
and deterministic and probabilistic fault displacement hazard analyses. The potential fault
movement was predominantly strike-slip with a minor reverse component on faults dip-
ping 70 degrees and passing through the bridge oblique to its axis. Various foundation
type alternatives were considered, and large (2.13 to 3.35 m) diameter cast-in-drilled-hole
foundations were selected based on their ability to support the required dead loads and
their ductility under fault offset loading. Three-dimensional nonlinear finite difference
numerical models supported design of the bridge for the surface fault rupture loading. The
bridge foundations were modeled using solid continuum elements for concrete, one-di-
mensional structural elements for rebar, and shell elements for steel casing. The explic-
it pile modeling provided refined representation of moment-curvature, plastic hinging,
ductility, and confinement of the concrete core. Interface elements captured slipping and
gapping responses at the soil-pile contact. A nonlinear constitutive model was used for the
Wednesday July 19, 2017 | 13:45 - 15:45
Chair: Xavier Vera-Grunauer
Room: Mackenzie
This paper presents results of three centrifuge experiments conducted at the University
of Colorado Boulder on 3-story and 9-story potentially-inelastic, moment resisting, steel
frame, scaled model structures founded on a layered liquefiable soil deposit. The influence
of enhanced drainage with PVDs on accelerations imposed on the foundation and su-
perstructure, foundation settlement and tilt, roof accelerations, and deformation patterns
within the beam and column fuses was investigated. The results of these tests indicate that
PVDs can be successful in reducing the extent and duration of large excess pore pressures
in the underlying soil and in reducing permanent foundation settlements. However, their
influence on transient and permanent foundation tilt, as well as the seismic demand trans-
ferred to the superstructure and permanent roof drift depend strongly on the dynamic
properties and yield characteristics of the structure. For example, installation of PVDs
significantly reduced the transient and permanent tilt of the 3-story structure designed
to remain essentially elastic, while they amplified foundation accelerations and hence, the
strains on column fuses. On the other hand, when PVDs were employed around a taller
9-story structure designed with a lower yield strength, they greatly amplified inelastic de-
formations in the superstructure, which in turn further amplified foundation rotation in
the direction of permanent roof flexural drift due to the P- effect. The experimental re-
sults presented in this paper point to the importance of considering the combined proper-
ties and response of the soil-foundation-structure system when evaluating the effectiveness
of liquefaction mitigation strategies in design.
Peter Kirkwood & Shideh Dashti
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences University of Colorado Boulder,
Boulder, CO, United States
The current state of practice for estimating liquefaction-induced building settlement is
primarily based on procedures that assume free-field conditions. These relationships are
inadequate for buildings, since a structure changes the stress distribution and flow patterns
in the soil, altering the spatial and temporal occurrence of liquefaction. This in turn affects
the acceleration, settlement, and tilt response of the structure as well as the seismic demand
induced in the superstructure. In dense urban environments, further complications arise
from the interaction of adjacent buildings. Previous studies have shown that buildings
located near one another can interact in earthquakes, affecting ground motions, settle-
ment patterns, and building damage potential. The parameters that control the seismic
performance of building clusters are poorly understood. Thus, mitigation measures that
are currently designed perform poorly, particularly when the performance of a building
is evaluated in the context of its surroundings. To investigate the influence of adjacent
buildings on each other and the effectiveness of pre-fabricated vertical drains (PVDs) for
liquefaction remediation two centrifuge tests were conducted. In each test a pair of struc-
tures placed 3m apart was subjected to a suite of earthquake motions. During the first
test, no mitigation was employed. In the second test, PVDs were added around one of the
structures. The results indicate that adjacent buildings interact during earthquakes through
the underlying soil, and drains placed around a single structure may have detrimental im-
plications on the performance of neighboring structures in terms of settlement, rotation,
and structural demand.
Wednesday July 19, 2017 | 13:45 - 15:45
Chair: David Baska
Room: Seymour
Lyttelton Port of Christchurch New Zealand (LPC) was damaged during the Canterbury
Earthquake Sequence, mainly during the 22 February 2011 event (Mw=6.2, max=0.86g,
NZS 1170.5:2004 Site Soil Class B), the epicentre of which lies less than 7km from the
port facilities. The rebuild is a major program of work that requires extensive repair, res-
toration and reconfiguration of the port assets. A major part of the reconfiguration is the
Te Bay Reclamation of approximately 34ha of new land and a new 700m wharf (400m to
600m from the existing shoreline), to be constructed in two stages. The basis of the con-
cept seismic design of the Te Bay Reclamation Project is the rock response Contingency
Level Earthquake spectrum. During the concept design phase, the 22 February 2011 event
was selected as a prudent input motion.
The effect of the soil deposit (thickness of natural soil with and without the reclamation
fill) on the ground motions at the surface has been analysed with site specific 1dimen-
sional (1D) soil amplification studies. These included the set-up of the 1D site response
analysis using both equivalent linear and nonlinear methods (SHAKE2000 and Deep-
soil) and the comparison with the site response predictions of PLAXIS using both the
Mohr-Coulomb and the Hardening Soil Small Strain constitutive models to establish a
benchmark for the time history analyses. 2D dynamic analyses have also been undertaken
to evaluate the earthquake induced displacements using PLAXIS with the Hardening Soil
Small Strain constitutive model on the typical N-S cross section through the wharf. These
have been used to provide input to the SoilFoundation-Structure-Interaction design to
assess the wharf pile earthquake induced stresses and associated displacements.
219 - Analysis of damaged and undamaged steel pipe sheet pile type
quay walls during the 2011 off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku earthquake
Soichi Tashiro & Keiichi Sumiya
Toa Corporation, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Seiji Nishiyama & Takumi Miyazawa
Nikken Sekkei Civil Engineering Ltd., Bunkyou-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Taro Isayama
Dram Engineering Inc., Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Eiji Kohama & Yousuke Ohya
Port and Airport Research Institute, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan
A large number of steel pipe sheet pile type quay walls were severely damaged due to
combination of strong ground motions and a huge tsunami during the 2011 off the
Pacific Coast of Tohoku earthquake. Among those, the damage states of two quay walls
that adjoin at Takasago wharf in Sendai-Shiogama port were not so severe, even though
the tsunami height was estimated to be up to 7.2m. However, one of them was mildly
damaged, where horizontal displacement of less than 20cm at the quay wall head was
observed, hereinafter called the undamaged quay wall. The other was partly damaged,
where horizontal displacement of more than 30cm was observed, hereinafter called the
Department of Geotechnical & Geo-Space Engineering, University of Science & Technology,
Goyang, Gyeonggi, Republic of Korea
Jin-Tae Han
Korea Institute of Civil Engineering & Building Technology, Goyang, Gyeonggi,
Republic of Korea
Inn-Joon Park
Hanseo University, Seosan, Chungnam, Republic of Korea
Jae-Soon Choi
Seokeong University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Generally, for the response spectrum analysis for the seismic design of a pile-supported
wharf, it is suggested that the virtual fixed point be utilized. The virtual fixed point is
known to be useful for static-behavior evaluation, but it is not certain that the results of the
response spectrum analysis utilizing the virtual fixed point are reliable. In this study, the
result of the response spectrum analysis of a pile-supported wharf considering the virtual
fixed point and of the dynamic analysis results not considering the virtual fixed point were
compared to improve the response spectrum design method. A commercial software, MI-
DAS, was used for the analysis of the response spectrum, and a 3D FEM software, PLAX-
IS 3D was used for the dynamic analysis. The results of the response spectrum analysis of
a pile-supported wharf considering the virtual fixed point and of the dynamic analysis of
an actual structure differed depending on the type and depth of the seismic waves. This is
because the response spectrum analysis considering the virtual fixed point does not reflect
the fact that the end condition is different from the actual structure, and does not consider
the ground under the virtual fixed point.