Discusion - Allowing For Membrane Action in The Plastic Analysis of Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Slabs

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Allowing for membrane action in the plastic analysis of rectangular

reinforced concrete slabs*
by B. Hayes, BSc, PhD

Page 208: In equation 5 the first n should not be Page 209: equation 21 :
squared. 2K 2K
In the equation before equation 6, at the for . .. 3 + go ... read . .. 3(3 - go)
end of each expression in parentheses, sin
equation 22:
([J should be in the denominator of the
fraction. B' B'
for. . . +3 ... read ... 3
Contribution by C. T. Morley, BA, PhD
University of Cambridge: Engineering Department

Dr Hayes has rightly pointed out that the membrane makes clear, beyond some critical deflexion, We, be-
forces which can be developed in reinforced concrete haviour of the type analysed by Dr Hayes will lead to
slabs are limited in magnitude by the strength of por- lower loads, and so supersede the behaviour considered
tions of the slab acting as beams in their own plane. by Kemp (reference 2 of the paper) and others(1,2) in
In the analysis based upon Figure 5, there are some which the membrane forces increase gradually with
puzzling assumptions, which are presumably intro- defiexion.
duced to simplify the algebra. Firstly, element 1 in This explains why "the transverse in-plane bending
plan is effectively a symmetrically loaded beam simply hinges are observed to form after the main pattern of
supported at points somewhere on the inclined yield yield lines is established". Once the slab is cracked
lines; the bending moment in this beam is surely a right through in the centre, these other methods pre-
maximum at mid-span, rather than at section EC? dict load-deflexion curves which tend to a constant
Secondly, at point B the normal membrane forces per finite slope as deflexions become large. The question
unit length on the central and inclined yield lines are arises whether the critical deflexion, We, always exists:
apparently taken to be equal although, as is easily seen it is conceivable that, for some combinations of slab
in the case when the slab is cracked right through, properties, the two plastic load-deflexion curves never
these forces should differ, depending upon the ratio K intersect, and the in-plane bending hinges do not form.
between short-span and long-span steel. Another interesting question is whether or not it is
The membrane forces given by equations 5 and 6 an experimental fact that elastic deflexions are such
(or 18 and 19) are independent of deflexion. The pre- that measured load-deflexion curves first reach the
dicted rigid-plastic load-deflexion curve is not then rigid-plastic curve beyond the critical deflexion, We.
likely to be correct at zero deflexion, when membrane The test results indicate that this may well be so, in
forces, if they do not vanish, will be constant along which case the paper will prove to be of considerable
yield lines because neutral axes will be parallel to the practical importance.
slab surface. As Sawczuk (reference 3 of the paper)

Reply by the author

Dr Morley has raised a number of interesting points and an alternative equilibrium method. Therefore, a
in connexion with the paper. Firstly, it must be mechanism corresponding to that found to be critical
stressed that the analysis was carried out to investigate by Sawczuk has been considered. Alternative mechan-
the correlation between Sawczuk's energy approach isms involving in-plane hinges at the middle of element

*Pages 205 to 213 of Magazine No. 65.


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Magazine of Concrete Research: Vol. 21, No. 69 : December 1969

I could also be investigated by the proposed method. in-plane bending hinges is considered or not. The
Secondly, the simplified in-plane stress distribution results indicate that the concept of the formation of
employed in the analysis leads to close correlation in-plane hinges is useful in predicting the eventual
with experimental results. It is conceded that, for behaviour of the slab, although for some slab pro-
orthotropic reinforcement, the assumed stress distri- perties considerable deflexions are required to reach
bution violates the yield criterion when the slab is even the simple yield-line theory collapsed load.
cracked right through. However, from the experi-
mental results, it appears that this anomaly has only
a marginal effect upon the solution. It would be of REFERENCES
interest to investigate the sensitivity of the solution to 1. CALLADINE,c. R. Simple ideas in the large-deflexion plastic
changes in the assumed in-plane stress distribution. theory of plates and slabs. Engineering Plasticity-papers
The estimation of the point at which measured load- for the Conference held in Cambridge, March 1968.
Cambridge University Press, 1968. pp. 93-127.
deflexion curves first reach the rigid-plastic curve is a 2. MORLEY, C. T. Yield-line theory for reinforced concrete slabs
problem pertinent to all methods of rigid-plastic at moderately large deflexions. Magazine of Concrete
analysis, whether the possibility of the formation of Research. December 1967. Vol. 19, No. 61. pp. 211-222.


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