Grace Notes September 2017

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SS Grace Lutheran Church 1 W. Montgomery Street ~ Johnstown, NY 12095-2409 ‘The Rev. David Almleaf , Pastor ~ September 2017 SS Dear Members and Friends, ‘Some things aren't about politics even if politicians argue about them, Some things are simply about right and wrong. Right and wrong is ofien decided by culture so what people think is right and wrong can change over the decades. However, many right and wrongs are determined by our Christian faith and these do not change. The ten commandments as Jesus said can be summed up as two. Love God and love your neighbor as yourself. If anyone wishes to quibble about who the neighbor is, Jesus told the parable of the good Samaritan in order to answer that question. Our neighbor is anyone we come ross who is in need. IFit were easy to always do the right thing we wouldn't need to start our worship with a confession of Nevertheless, it is not Christian to hate or to treat others as beneath ourselves. People do hate and treat others as though they are inferior, but itis not Christian, itis not right, and itis always wrong. ‘The President, Senate, House of Representatives and most likely the Supreme Court will all weigh in ‘on these things, but our faith is based on the word of God. People may try to bend the word of God to reflect their point of view and judges may from time to time render thoughtful decisions, but in terms of right and wrong in the eyes of God, our standards as Christians are based on Jesus’ words. Jesus’ words lead us to the conclusion that life is precious and that it is God's desire that we treat others as well as we would hopefully want to treat ourselves. Hatred, killing, prejudice, discrimination, greed, lying, stealing and extramarital activities are wrong. ‘They will always be wrong. When we fail to get it right we seek forgiveness. ‘Thank God Jesus has promised that it is God's desire (o forgive By Grace Through Faith, Pot QA Mule Pastor David Almleal “Altar lowers Altar Flowers September/October Sept 03- Karen Ryder Sept 10- Barb Frederick Sept 17- Sandi & Bob Jackson Sept 24- Mary Lou Zambella Oct 01- Maryland Warner Oct 08~- John & Lynette Clo Oct 15 - Nancy Blanchard Oct 22- Bonnie Olendorf Oct 29- Sarah Slingerland Please note: The cost of altar flowers is $38.00 unless you share a Sunday then they would be $19.00 each vase. If you wish to place a “special arrangement” in the Sanctuary the cost would be whatever you would like to spend. Nancy Blanchard (762-4234) and Linda Bumpus (725-1927) are the Altar Flower coordinators, ‘or September/Oct OFFERING CouNTERS 09/03 - Nancy Blanchard, Greta Davis, Bonnie 09/10 - dish to pass dinner 09/17 - Nancy Demarest, Mary Lou Zambella 09/24 - Nancy Demarest, Mary Lou Zambella 10/01 - Darleen Gaugler, Bonnie Olendorf 10/08 - Nancy Blanchard, Greta Davis 10/15 - Naney Demarest, Mary Lou Zambella 10/22 - Nancy Demarest, Mary Lou Zambella 10/29 - Congregational Meeting Dining Room Set ‘The Youth Group has been given a “Carriage House” dining room set consisting of table, 6 arm chairs, dry sink, side board with hutch top and matching lazy susan. Asking $300. If interested, please call the church office @ 518-762-7924 Bi If etober Sept 03- Maryland Warner Sept 24- Jackie Hollenbeck Oct 01- Cindy Walsh Oct 29- Linda Morley Please find someone to replace you if you cannot bake bread the Sunday you are scheduled and whenever possible, tell the church secretary so the bulletin can reflect the change. Thank you, Peggy Niforos Altar Guild (I)- Intinction Sunday (R) - Rail Sunday Sept 03 (R) - Bonnie Olendorf Sept 10 (1) - Carol Hennessey Sept 17 (I) - Darleen Gaugler Sept 24 (R) - Joan Longiritz Oct 01 (R) - Nancy Demarest Oct 08 (1)- Kathy VanValkenbureh Oct 15 (1)- Peggy Niforos Oct 22 (1)- Bonnie Olendorf Oct 29 (R) - Carol Hennessey Please find someone to replace you if you cannot make the Sunday you are scheduled and whenever possible, tell Bonnie so that the bulletin can reflect the change. Peg Niforos, Altar Guild co-ordinator Prayer Chain Ministry Because the prayer chain has increased in volume we need to be better informed about the status of each person placed on the list. We know that prayer is very ecm important in times of need, if you need someone to be placed on the list please cali Nancy Demarest at 725-8704 or Bobbi Nigro at 725-6781 or write the name on a piece of paper with your name included and whether it is to be confidential or not. From now on, the list will be revamped at the first of ‘each month, if someone needs to stay on the list, please let us know. b-% DO YOU HAVE @ @& RETURNABLE BOTTLES AND CANS that are clogging up 4 space in your home? Do you hate SY Bottle the diought of taking them to the 7 store to return? If so, just brins De to sur andee the box located in the corner of the parking lot. Someone from. the Youth Group will return them the cost of their trip to ¢ 2018! ‘Thanks for supporting ther (o help deft THAT TIME AGAIN! day School will begin on September 10" at 9 am. We have cla for 3 year olds right up to adults! Come meet the teachers, the pastor and our Music Director. (There will be donuts or some kind of goodies!!!) Spaghetti ‘Dinner. ‘The Youth Group will serve a spaghetti dinner in the fellowship hall on Sunday September 17th Noon - 2PM Take outs are available Price - $8.00 for Adults $4.00 children 5-12 Children under 5 free ‘There will be sign up sheets in the fellowship hall warthex and Pot A welcome back dish ca to pass dinner will be held after worship on Sunday September 10th CROP Hunger Walk The annual Crop Walk will be held on Sunday September 24", 1:00 p.m. at the Johnstown Reformed Church. Walkers and sponsors are needed, please see jack Schreivogl if you are able to participate. Ushers &¢Greeters De We are in need of ushers and greeters. If you would like to serve in either or both of these capacities please contact Peggy Niforos at 518-725-6146 or email her at [email protected] Peg is the one who schedules ushers and greeters. A iP Spaghetti ‘Dinner SPAGHETTI DINNER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2017 NOON TO 2PM GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH TAKE OUTS ARE AVAILABLE PRICE - $8.00 (ADULTS) $4.00 (CHILDREN 5-12) Children under 5 free Menu includes spaghetti and meatballs, salad, Italian bread, beverage & dessert PROCEEDS WILL HELP DEFRAY THE COST FOR THE GRACE LUTHERAN YOUTH GROUP ‘TO ATTEND THE 2017 ELCA YOUTH. GATHERING IN HOUSTON, TEXAS IN JUNE OF 2018 Come join us for the 500 ANNIVERSARY of the Reformation Saturday October 28, 2017 ~ 500 P.M. In the fellowship Hall Special guests will be Dr. Martin Luther and his parents Hans and Margaret Luther You won’t want to miss the opportunity to hear Dr. Luther speak so, Make your reservations early there is limited seating so reservations must be made sign up in the narthex or call the church office (518-762-7924) to make your reservations by October 15th YOUTH GATHERING BLOG A Lutheran Pilgrimage ~ Mark England Why do we go to the ELCA Youth Gathering? | wonder this as think about all of the time we will spend fundraising, the energy we will spend organizing, and all of the logistics involved in travel The ELCA Youth Gathering is not quite a servant tri. We are not there to save a city. We aren't tourists there for sightseeing. So what is the ELCA Youth Gathering and why do we attend? | would argue that the ELCA Youth Gathering is our opportunity for pilgrimage. A ligrimage is often a journey made to @ holy site such as Jerusalem or Rome. It's just that our holy sites, the cities where we gather in the name of Jesus, are movable. raditionally, pigrimages have been made for ‘answers to specific prayers. In our pilgrimage, we do not seek answer to prayer, but instead, we leave with prayers on our hearts, in our minds, and on our lips. Pilgrims have profound spiritual experiences as a part of their journey. The ELCA Youth Gathering has certainly been one of the places where our youth and adults have experienced the fullness of God's presence and the wideness of the church’s work \When I think of the ELCA Youth Gathering as recovering the lost art of pilgrimage, then I can recognize that i's not just about the destination, butts the whole journey that is holy. In this way, the car washes, the sponsor banquets, and all ofthe planning become sacred parts of the pilgrimage and more than just a means to an end. Some may argue that Wittenberg is the proper destination for a Lutheran pilgrimage. For me, I'l happily join all ofthe other Lutheran pilgrims in candy colored shirts finding our way to our domed stadium destination by ELCA Youth Gathering on May 10, 20 Grace Lutheran Church Council Meeting Highlights for August 10. 2017 Minutes and Committee reports from June & July were read and approved. il Acti Al 1, Summer Free Lunch Program - We prepared and distributed free lunches to school ‘aged children in Johnstown on 6 Wednesdays during July and August. 2. Marty Krempa - pruned, edged, and added mulch to our 2 gardens (around our sign and under Pastor's window). 3. New Camara - Council has approved and appropriated funds for the purchase of a new video camera for our services. 4. Bonnie’s Vacation - Bonnie will be on vacation from September 16 - 25 5. Harvest Dinner Reservations - Reservations will be needed for our Harvest Dinner on Saturday October 28" because it is being catered. There will also be a special program to celebrate the 500" anniversary of Martin Luther. Thrivent Youth Fund - Council has voted to maintain a balance of $5,000 in our Thrivent Fund for youth. The balance is currently greater, so we will create a new account called the “Miscellaneous General Fund” and place the extra ‘money into it. This new fund will be used for expenses beyond budgeted items. If the Thrivent Youth Fund balance drops below $5,000 we will replenish it to maintain a $5,000 balance at all times. Respectfully Submitted, Linda Ferenz, Council Secretary Many thanks to the following people for helping in one way or another with the summer school lunches, Nancy Demarest and Meatland for giving us a good price on the bologna and cheese ~ Alison Martin and Bonnie Olendorf shopped for bargains ~ Kathy VanValkenburgh ~ Linda Ferenz ~ Deb Seward ~ Mary Phelps ~ Pat Carter ~ Derrick McGuinness ~ Heather Rossbach ~ Jennifer Ligon and Karen Ryder for making the sandwiches and packing the lunch bags. Thank you to those who went to the band shell to pass the lunches out to the children ~ Kathy ~ Bonnie ~ Deb ~ Mary ~ Derrick ~ Heather ~ Jennifer ~ Pat and Pastor. Thanks also to the Youth Group and Nancy Blanchard for their monetary donations. Prayer Concerns September 2017 \ t ly ONS Ad) ayer Remember our Shut-ins rayer Concerns: At Home Ron Bell Eleanor Achzet Alex Grandstaff Eileen Spawn Morgan Sandmier Helene Keach Tina Aldonis Shirley Frederick Ronald Pedrick Dan Masi Hom: Kim Achzet Brian Veeder iton Co. Health Tom Frederick Facility Barbara Rhodes Ron Bell Jackie Hollenbeck Michael Nathan Littauer Nancy Blanchard Nursit Angie Longfritz Ruth Brownell Arthur & Marsha Davis Marilyn & Wayne Cole Sarah Jane Sanford Robert Sweet Home Nicole Lent Charlotte Petersen Judy Davis Tom Nigro Willing Helpers Ron Butez Joanne Riccitiello mests Members Serving Our Country + All those who have served and for all those who are now serving in the armed forces. Especially: Brandon Caldwell Tony Clemente Brad Coody John Ferrara Kevin Funk Jordan Keeling Denise & Jacob Lockwood Victor Ralbovsky LCPL Bryant Hernandez (Serving in Afghanistan) PFC Dylan Lanza and for our enemies Please pray for NOAH, Friday’s Table and the food pantries of Johnstown and Gloversville and for those in need of them. CHURCH ACTIVITIES SEPTEMBER 2017 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY FRIDAY. SATURDAY 3 ELW sotting10 | « 5 6 7 8 ° ‘Noon - Communion 9:15 Worship 5:00 - Cable Chan 16, Luncheon 7-00 - Chole Rehearsal 5:30 - Committee meetings 10 ELWsettings | 11 2 8 “ 16 6 9.00 - Sunday Schoo! 10:00 - Bile Study 400 1015 - Worship 5:00 - Cable Chan 16, 7.00-Choir Rebearsal | 6.00- Council Mesting | wedding rebearsal Wedding 10:00 -2100-uit Group neeskernshcront KneeskemiAshcrof 11:30 - dish to pass ‘dinner 100- Couneil of Churenes at Presbytenan Chureh 17 ELWeottings — | 18 1° 20 a 2 2 8:00 - Sunday School 10:15 - Worship, 500-Cable Chan 16} 10:00- Bie Study 7.00 - Choir Rehearsal Noon - 2:09, Youth Group spaghett dinner 24 ELWeettings — | 25 26 a 28 9 30 10.00 - Bile Study 8:00 - Sunday Schoo! 7.00 - Choir Rehearsal 10:15: Worship 5:00 -Cable Chan 18 | 10:00 -2:00- Quit Group 10- u- 12- 13 - 15- 16 - Elizabeth Brown Judi Bryan James Bornt Naney Blanchard Ethan Bradt Brian Subik Frank Longfritz Ryan Robbins Ronald Johnson ITT Shirley Donovan Robert Seiler Patricia Morrison Ashleigh Morrison Noreen Frank Heather Pellegrino Ryan Peck Michael Shafer Noah J Clo Toni Frederick Sharon Unislawski Daniel Martin Wasson John Johnson Roger Seward Carol Cramer Bonnie Olendorf Rebecca Grandstaff Dave Gaugler Penny Pettit Donna Sandner Rulison Lauren Hathaway Frank Young Michelle Bills Victoria Clo Allen Spinks Debbie Seward Robert Morley Esley Miller October 7- 18 - 20- ai- 22- 23- 24- 26- 27- 28 - 29- 31- Betty Harrington Alena Taylor Scott Smith Madison Neri Helen Wicksell Vicki James Gale Dence Beth Jackson Flanger Stacy Keach Jennifer Ligon Terry Shults Cindy Walsh Ralph Bradt ‘Mary Berecka Roger Eckert Ronald Johnson Jay Putman Bobetta Sparks Ethan Ernst Lee Mitchell Richard Goebel Frank Warner Nancy Almleaf ‘Andrew Darling Peyton Petersen Roxanne Baird Martin Carlson Michael Hopkins Sarah Hopkins Jones Shawna Hynd Reformation Sunday Ashley Flanger Kristopher Smith Reformation Day SERVING SCHEDULE SEPTEMBER 2017 ‘Altar Gull - Bread Bakers Counters 3 BONNIE OLENDORF DAVID ALMLEAF NILES LINCOLN NANCY BLANCHARD — | Debbie Seward LW | BONNIE OLENDORF EMILY FRASIER Bread Baker ‘GRETA DAVIS Davis Seward BARB FREDERICK MARYLAND WARNER | BONNIE OLENDORF | Linda Merley 815 | Communion Assistant rucifer Grester Karl Blanchard BONNIE OLENDORF GHRISPeTERSEN | SANDI JACKSON Deliver Flowers NANCY DEMAREST 10 Team #1 NOAH J CLO. Marland Warner LW | SAMARA SMITH rouse SCHUYLER CLAES | CHRIS PETERSEN | CAROLHENNESSEY | DARLEENGAUGLER | Paul Ligon BONNIE OLENDORF | Ciyde Smith 10:18 | Communion Assistant rueitor Greeter Deliver Flowers Samara Smith ‘SAMARA SMITH BONNIE OLENDORF | MARY PHELPS LINDA BUMPUS fig Team #2 ELW | PATVANSLYKE AMBER PELLEGRINO | NANCY BLANCHARD | OARLEENGAUGLER | NANCY DEMAREST Howie Paxton PAUL LIGON ‘THOMAS MARTEN MARY LOU ZAMBELLA | Darleen Gauglr 10:15 | Communion Assistant Greotor Deliver Flowers Derrick McGuinness PAT VANSLYKE Crucifor ELLE WANDEL, SHIRLEY BENDL, Pat VanSiyke NILES LINCOLN 4 Team #3 NANCY DEMAREST Vie Pellegrino uw | sLLHALDEMAN DONOVAN SMITH | JOAN LONGFRITZ JOANLONGFRITZ — | MARY LOUZAMBELLA | Mary Lou Zambella HOWE PAXTON ZACHARY ROPETER oan Longfita 10:15 | Communion Assistant Broad Baker BILL HALOEMAN Cruciter Greeter JACKIE HOLLENBECK CAROL ANN LINCOLN. | SANDI JACKSON Deliver Flowers NANCY DEMAREST ct + NANGY DEMAREST Team #4 JOAN LONGFRITZ, SCHUYLER CLAES | MARYLAND WARNER NANCY BLANCHARD | Kari Blanchard LW DAVID ALMLEAF Bread Baker GRETA DAVIS Hei Repeter ‘Communion Assistant | EMILY FRASIER Grooter ‘INDY WALSH BONNIE OLENDORF —_| Zachary Ropeter 10:15 | CAROL ANNLINCOLN Crucifer MARY PHELPS. CHRIS PETERSEN Deliver Flowers LINDA BUMPUS —— September 7 10- ue 12- 15- 16 - 17- 18- 19- 20- James Calhoun Lawrence Cline Trevor Goderie Miranda Ernst Aiden Rubilotta Pastor Jeff Silvernail David John Ten Eyck, Jr. ‘Storm Cross ‘Shaun Lawton Pam Ralbovsky Linda Silvernail Adria Simonds Town ‘Amy Schreivogl Joyce Haskins Christopher Preston Grant Preston Savannah K. Sparks Kara Dwyer Sidener ‘Mason Walker Michael Morley Kelly Bradt Bobbi Nigro David Pellegrino Michael Smith Kristin Capano Greta Davis Gary Longfritz Greg Niforos Ruth Leach Kyle MeGrattan Ryan Gargiulo Alison Hathaway Martin Thomas Marten ‘Susan Ambrosino Arlene Elzenbeck Connie Siver Lynette Clo Michael Geraghty IIT ai- 22- 23- 25- 27- 28 - 29- Russell Van Alstyne Lori Nellis Warner Albert Backus III Gareth Bobowski James Hopkins Timothy Subik Niles Lincoln Jr, Meredith Lord Shirley Bend ‘Mark Hayes Robert Jackson David Leach Jennifer Petersen Jette Sandy Hammer Lauren Kearney Donna Coonradt Greg Kowalezyk Joel Huntzinger ‘Andrea Edick Mackenzie Geraghty Joan Hathaway Molly Slingerland Philipp Robert Ruggiero Keith Fisher Kelli Lawton Barbara Strait Karen Ryan

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