The FOA Reference For Fiber Optics - Testing Fiber To The Home

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9/3/2017 The FOA Reference For Fiber Optics - Testing Fiber To The Home -

Table of Contents: The FOA Reference

Topic: Testing Fiber To The Home Guide To Fiber Optics

Testing FTTH
New network architectures (PONs or passive optical networks) have been developed that allow
sharing expensive components for FTTH. A passive splitter that takes one input and broadcasts it to
as many as 32 users cuts the cost of the links substantially by sharing, for example, one expensive
laser with up to 32 homes and only requiring an inexpensive laser at each home. However, this
architecture changes the methodology of testing the complete installed cable plant and links for
proper operation. Of course, individual links are tested as usual, it is the PON coupler that creates
the difference.

Each home needs to be connected to the local central office with a single singlemode
fiber, through a local PON splitter (or maybe two if the PON splitters are cascaded.) Every home will
have a singlemode fiber link pulled or strung aerially to the phone company cables running down
the street and a network interface device containing fiber optic transmitters and receivers will be
installed on the outside of the house. The incoming cable needs to be terminated at the house,
tested, connected to the interface and the service tested. See FTTH Architectures for more
information on typical FTTH installations.

FTTx Testing Issues

Testing FTTH network is similar to other OSP testing but the splitter and WDM add complexity.
FTTP PON networks can be more complicated than simple OSP links, with WDM couplers, PON
splitters, etc. in a single link, so complete testing can include some components and installation
issues not familiar to the usual OSP tech. PON couplers add high loss, WDM couplers have
different performance at different wavelengths and connector reflectance, not a problem in most
systems, can be a problem in short links typical in FTTx. Many FTTx systems use APC (angled PC)
connectors to reduce reflectance so test cables for both OLTS and OTDR need to have matching

However, once installed, users on a live network means testing cannot disrupt service. Thus
testing may be as simple as checking power at the ONT on the subscribers house with a calibrated
fiber optic power meter or just seeing if the ONT has a green connection light! The ONT at the
home usually has some intelligence that can be accessed from a remote location, allowing a service
tech to initiate a loopback test to verify connections at any user. If only one user has a problem, a 1/7
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tech to initiate a loopback test to verify connections at any user. If only one user has a problem, a
service tech is then sent there, while if all users are down, the tech is sent to the central office.

As with most fiber optic links, troubleshooting requires knowing the architecture of the system,
expected link losses and optical signal levels and typical problems that may be encountered. As
always, we emphasize the importance of having documentation on the system before testing and

Link Testing
A link is a single run of fiber, e.g.: from CO to FDH or from FDH to ONT. The fiber run may have
connectors or not, depending on whether the links are spliced or use connectors for terminations.
Quite a few now use preterminated cables to speed installation. The loss of the PON splitter must
be included in the loss budget for the link.

See FTTH Architectures for more information on PON splitter losses. If you need to test just the
splitter itself, here are directions.

You must measure loss with OLTS at all wavelengths and bidirectionally to check all operational
modes - similar to how the transmission equipment will use the fiber.

The installer may need to characterize each fiber with an OTDR, verifying fiber attenuation,
termination losses and reflectance and splice quality. The OTDR will also show any bending losses
caused during installation. OTDR traces should be filed for future reference.

Optionally, the installer may test splitters at the FDH or the WDMs at the CO. If these are
pretested, as they should have been, this may not be necessary or advisable, especially since it is
time-consuming and costly. WDMs also require specialized test equipment.

After the link is installed, it needs testing from end to end. The end-to-end loss includes the
connectors on each end, the loss of the fiber in each link, the connectors or splices on the splitter
and the loss of the splitter itself. Since the fibers are being used bi-directionally and connector or
splice loss may be different in each direction if the fiber core diameter (mode field diameter for SM
fiber) is different, testing in both directions is important too. Special FTTx PON OLTS are available
that test the proper wavelengths in each direction, simplifying testing logistics.

Since PON links are generally short (<20km) chromatic dispersion (CD) and polarization mode
dispersion (PMD) are not concerns. CD and PMD are generally only issues on very long links.

Lets consider the most complex version of PON testing, BPON. Its similar to OSP testing but
splitter and WDM add complexity as well as more loss and there are three wavelengths in use.
Tests include each coupler, each link and end-to-end loss. Loss and reflectance are especially
important if systems are using an AM video transmission system at 1550 nm, as it has a maximum
tolerable loss and reflectance before signals are noticeably affected. Tests need to be done at all
three wavelengths of operation: 1310 nm for upstream digital data, 1490 for downstream digital data
and 1550 nm for AM video downstream (BPON). 2/7
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Insertion loss of the cable plant including the loss of the coupler is tested using an optical loss
test set (special test sets for FTTH PONs are available that cover all 3 wavelengths of interest.)
OTDRs can be used if length is adequately long, to determine connection reflectance, fiber
attenuation and troubleshoot problems. Many systems will take OTDR traces and store for
troubleshooting. The splitters can confuse the OTDR so one generally reverses OTDR test, taking
traces from the subscriber upstream.

OTDR Testing PONs

Using an OTDR to test every fiber in an OSP link is traditional, as the OTDR provides a snapshot
of the losses in the fiber, locates loss events (connectors, splices and bending losses from improper
installation), aids installation troubleshooting and provides a trace which can be stored for later
troubleshooting and restoration. On FTTH PON networks, the PON splitter causes some unusual
traces on OTDRs, with the traces looking totally different when tested from each direction. Here are
two traces from an actual system taken in two directions.

This trace is taken downstream from the CO to the subscriber:

This trace is taken upstream from the subscriber toward the CO.

In both traces, you can see the large loss of the PON coupler, best seen in the upstream trace at
the bottom, on the left side of the trace. On the downstream trace, it is the large loss preceding the
multiple peaks of the subscriber fibers, marked with the dashed marker line. Below we will show a
simpler coupler and explain what you are seeing here.

OTDR Testing From CO 3/7
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OTDR Testing From CO

PON systems create problems for OTDRs. Shooting from the input of a PON splitter at the CO, the
OTDR sees and adds together the backscatter traces from all the fibers. As a result, it becomes
impossible to see detail on individual fibers, and an event (connector, splice of bending loss) cannot
be easily assigned to any individual fiber unless the cable plant is carefully documented at

Consider the X shown in the network diagram below. If it was a loss or reflective event, it would
show on the OTDR trace, but the operator would not know if if were in fiber 1,2,3 or 4. The only
unambiguous part of the OTDR trace shown is the end of fiber 4, the longest fiber, beyond the
length of the next longest fiber, #3.

It should be noted that FTTH links, because of their short lengths and the use of some high power
transmitters, usually have APC connectors or fibers prepared to have minimal reflectance. That can
make analyzing downstream OTDR traces very difficult when no reflective end is available to mark
the fiber end and there are 32 fibers in the system.

Here is an illustration of how a real trace can become very complex to analyze. This is an
enlargement of the coupler to subscriber section of the downstream trace above which is outlined in
red on the trace.

As a result of the complexity of downstream traces, OTDRs are generally used on PONs from the
subscriber end toward the CO to characterize the fiber path. However, the OTDR may also be used
from the CO end, because, as you can see from the diagram above, it allows the operator to quickly
characterize the length of each fiber link, providing actual fiber length to add to network diagrams for
future troubleshooting.

Special PON OTDRs will test at 1310, 1490 and 1550 nm. Some also test out of band at 1650 4/7
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Special PON OTDRs will test at 1310, 1490 and 1550 nm. Some also test out of band at 1650
nm, which is more sensitive to bending losses and allows in-service testing with a filter to remove
signal wavelengths. Since PONs are short, the OTDR needs very high resolution, usually obtained
by having the shortest test pulse that will give adequate range.

Testing PONs in the downstream direction is helped with launch and receive cables. The launch
cable allows testing the initial connector on the link as well as allowing the initial overload of the
OTDR to settle down as with any OTDR test. But on the receive end, if a cable of known length is
used, say 100m or 500m, one can look back exactly that distance from the reflective end to see the
loss of the end connector.

OTDR Testing From Subscriber

Testing from the subscriber end is easier. The fiber path will show events on just one fiber, like
the X shown on fiber 3, and a high loss for the coupler. Here a 1:4 coupler will have 6 dB of
splitting loss plus perhaps 1dB excess loss for a total of 7 dB loss.
Using launch and receive cables allow testing connectors on both ends and measuring end to end

Here is a detailed trace from the upstream example above, showing how much simpler the trace
is when the other subscriber links are not shown.

Other FTTx Testing Issues

Network equipment will be tested as the system is turned on or for troubleshooting. Will the
network equipment transmit and receive properly? If the cable plant is installed correctly and tests
within specifications for loss and reflectance, it should. Most FTTx equipment has extensive self-
testing capability and that may prove sufficient for most testing. PON couplers may have a second
port on the upstream side just for testing or unused downstream connectors may be useful for
testing, especially with OTDRs. 5/7
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testing, especially with OTDRs.

The network equipment should be tested for optical power. The transmitter output should be
within specifications, as should the receiver input, when tested with a calibrated optical power meter
set at the proper wavelength(s). If testing is done while all three systems are operating at their
respective wavelengths, a power meter with wavelength selective input is required. Power at the
receiver is critical. Too low and the signal-to-noise ratio will be too low; too high and the receiver will
saturate. Both conditions will cause transmission errors. High power is not uncommon, so
attenuators may be used in these links to reduce power to acceptable levels.

Data transfer testing with a protocol analyzer is the final test. It will be done using specific
protocol testers for the data formats being transmitted. Personnel doing these tests are probably not
the same that test the cable plant as each have specific training and test equipment needs.

Remember that ONTs are generally capable of loopback testing under remote control. This may
mean more sophisticated testing is unnecessary for troubleshooting.

FTTx Safety Issues

FTTx safety issues include all the usual fiber installation issues, for example working with bare
fibers, solvents and adhesives. But FTTx networks have several other potential problems.

Links carrying AM CATV signals will have high power from EDFAs, especially before the splitters.
And links may have multiple equipment transmitting simultaneously. Either case can cause high
optical power that can be dangerous to workers eyes. Care should be taken to not expose eyes to
light from the fibers and to always use microscopes with infrared filters, just in case. Since systems
may have multiple systems transmitting on the same fiber, it is harder to ensure that all systems are
turned off for inspection or testing, also.

And, since up to 32 users may be sharing the CO based network equipment, turning off systems
for troubleshooting is not desirable, so testing may have to be done with equipment in service.
Exercise care. More on fiber optic safety.

Technical Information on FTTX From The FOA Online Reference Guide:

FTTH Architectures, MDUs (Multiple Dwelling Units)
FTTH PON Protocols
FTTH Installation
Customer Premises Installation

Testing FTTH Networks

FTTx Online Tutorial

Here's links for more information on FTTx

Case Studies: Do-It-Yourself FTTH

Training & Certification

Fiber U Online FTTx Self Study Program (free)

FOA Certification Overview

FOA FTTx Certification Requirements
FOA-Approved Training Programs

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(C)2015, The Fiber Optic Association, Inc. 7/7

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