Nursing Care Plan For Camox

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Nursing Diagnosis Client Goals Interventions Evaluation

Risk for other-directed Within 2 weeks, client will 1.) Keep the patient's environment at low 1.) The client verbally expressed stimuli
violence related to refrain from verbal stimulus levels (low lighting, a few, simple that triggered his violence: not being able
irritability, anger and outbursts, and display no decor, low noise level). to get his way, being wrong, having
aggressiveness, history of aggressive activity everyone tell him what to do.
previous violence, and 2.) Established rapport that can lead to trust by
impulsive, explosive patient by assigning a 1-2 nurses to care for 2.) Client will be able to distinguished his
behavior him to observe continuity of care. caregivers, i.e. able to call then by their
3.) Explain procedures or activities to be done
to the patient and ask permission before 3.) Client will be able to participate in
touching the patient. daily activities without assaulting and
disruptive behaviors.
4.) Remove all objects that can harm the
environment around the patient

5.) Established a routine for daily activities for

the patient, i.e. routine time for hygiene,

6.) Allow patient to choose his desired time or

place for any activities, involve patient as much
as possible.

7.) Keep activities simple so as not to frustrate

patient with complex activities.

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