Assessment of Food Intakes For Women Adopting The High Protein Dukan Diet

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Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 2015;66(2):137-142



Joanna Wyka*, Ewa Malczyk, Marta Misiarz, Marzena Zooteka-Synowiec,

Beata Cayniuk, Sandra Baczyska

Institute of Dietetics, University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Ujejskiego street 12, 48-300 Nysa, Poland

Background. Overweight and obesity are metabolic disorders affecting both adults and children. Effective treatment of
these conditions is focused on decreasing the body mass, through individually tailored and well balanced diets, along with
increasing physical activity. Obese persons often, however, choose high protein diets for losing weight. Recently in Poland,
the high-protein Dukan-diet has become very popular.
Objectives. To assess dietary consumption in women adopting the Dukan-diet, including intakes of protein, fat, carbohy-
drate as well as vitamins and minerals.
Materials and Methods. Subjects were 51 women aged 19-64 years on the Dukan-diet, who were surveyed by individu-
ally conducted interview. Women were asked to provide typical menus from each phase of their diets. Quantitative dietary
intake assessment was achieved by an officially used Photograph album of foodstuffs and dishes as custom-designed by
the National Food and Nutrition Institute (IZZ) in Warsaw.
Results. Protein intakes in all subjects were excessive, especially those of animal origin when compared to recommended
nutritional standards. In contrast, dietary carbohydrate intakes were low due to poor consumption of fruit and vegetables.
Mineral and vitamin intakes revealed high potassium, iron and vitamins A, D and B2, but low vitamin C and folates. Womens
average weight reduction after 8-10 weeks of dieting was approximately 15 kilograms.
Conclusions. Many nutritional abnormalities were found in women on the high protein Dukan-diet. Adopting this diet in
the long-term may pose health threats through acquiring kidney and liver disease, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.

Key words: obesity, high protein diet, nutrients

Wprowadzenie. Otyo i nadwaga s chorobami metabolicznymi, ktre dotycz zarwno dorosych, jak i dzieci. Waci-
wym postpowaniem w leczeniu tych chorb jest zmniejszenie masy ciaa poprzez zastosowanie indywidualnej, dobrze
zbilansowanej diety oraz zwikszenie aktywnoci fizycznej. W celu redukcji masy ciaa otyli pacjenci czasami decyduj si
na zastosowanie diety wysokobiakowej. W Polsce, w ostatnich latach, bardzo popularna jest wysokobiakowa dieta Dukana.
Cel. Celem bada bya ocena sposobu ywienia kobiet stosujcych diet wysokobiakow Dukana. Oceniono zawarto
biaek, tuszczw, wglowodanw, a take witamin i skadnikw mineralnych w diecie badanych kobiet.
Materiay i metody. Badanie zostao przeprowadzone za pomoc 24-godzinnego wywiadu przeprowadzonego indywidualnie
z kad respondentk. W badaniu wzio udzia 51 kobiet w wieku 19-64 lat stosujcych wysokobiakow diet Dukana.
Kobiety poproszono o podanie przykadowego jadospisu z kadej fazy diety. Do oszacowania w wielkoci (w gramach)
spoytej ywnoci wykorzystano Album fotografii produktw i potraw opracowany przez Instytut ywnoci i ywienia
w Warszawie.
Wyniki. Kobiety biorce udzia w badaniu spoyway nadmiern ilo biaka, szczeglnie pochodzenia zwierzcego,
wstosunku do zalecanych norm ywieniowych. Zawarto wglowodanw w racjach pokarmowych bya niska i wynikaa
z maej poday warzyw i owocw. Wrd ocenianych skadnikw mineralnych stwierdzono najnisze spoycie potasu
ielaza, a najwysze fosforu i sodu. Wykazano take, e ze stosowan diet niska bya poda witaminy C i folianw, na-
tomiast wysoka witamin A, D i B2. Wrd badanych kobiet, rednia redukcja masy ciaa po 8-10 tygodniach stosowania
diety wynosia okoo 15 kilogramw.
Wnioski. U kobiet stosujcych wysokobiakow diet Dukana stwierdzono wiele nieprawidowoci ywieniowych. Dugo-
trwae stosowanie tej diety moe zwikszy ryzyko zdrowotne zwizane z wystpieniem chorb nerek i wtroby, osteoporozy
oraz chorb sercowo-naczyniowych.

Sowa kluczowe: otyo, dieta wysokobiakowa, skadniki odywcze

*Corresponding author: Joanna Wyka, Institute of Dietetics, University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Ujejskiego street 12,
48-300 Nysa, Poland, phone +48 77409 16 52, e-mail: [email protected]

Copyright by the National Institute of Public Health - National Institute of Hygiene

138 J. Wyka, E. Malczyk, M. Misiarz, et al. No 2

INTRODUCTION tion of glycogen stores from muscle and liver, water is

removed from the body at a rate of 2-3 g water per 1 g
Overweight and obesity are metabolic diseases glycogen [3, 10, 22, 27].
which are an ever rising problem in Poland as well as Within the Polish scientific literature, not much data
the majority of economically developed countries of the has been gathered on the health impact of the long term
world. The WOBASZ study on overweight and obesity adoption of either high protein or high fat diets intended
undertaken in Poland, has shown these symptoms in for losing body mass [2, 20]. Results from the rest of
61.6% men and 50.3% women [1]. Above all, these were the world are from short-term studies that indicate a
found to arise from excess calorific dietary intake rela- clear body weight loss arising from low calorie diets,
tive to its utilization [2]. Effective treatment of obesity vitamin and mineral intake deficiencies as well as in
requires long-term therapy and a cooperation between renal function disorders due to increased glomerular
the patient with a multi-disciplinary team of dietician, filtration of toxic products from nitrogen metabolism
doctor, psychologist, physiotherapist and personal tra- [16, 32]. The long-term adoption of high protein diets
iner. The therapy is based on a multi-tier education of may lead to hyper-filtration, glomerular overload and
the obese person, together with an individualised and proteinuria. Filtered protein damages renal tubules
well balanced diet having a negative energy balance [21, and upon entering the interstitial tissue, inflammation
34]. Patience and being consistent are traits needed for results. Likewise, a diet containing processed meat
keeping to such diets. Obese patients however, usually products, rich in protein, delivers excessive phosphates
wish for quick results in losing weight and they have leading to the development of secondary hyperthyro-
often also tried slimming on several previous occasions idism. Furthermore, a high protein diet causes increased
without any lasting success. metabolic acidosis, a characteristic of advanced renal
Diets of varying nutrient content have become failure [13, 15, 17, 28].
popular in recent times, of which the most well known The study aim was to perform a dietary assessment
are the single component types, with a preponderance of those women on a high protein Dukan-diet, based on
of protein [4, 6, 8]. The popularity of high protein diets surveying their menus from each of the diets 4 phases.
(i.e. >25% of protein derived calories) are because of
their rapid effects and no limits placed on how much MATERIALS AND METHODS
high protein foodstuffs are to be consumed [5]. Such
diets, where high protein is coupled to low carbohy-
The study surveyed 51 women subjects aged 19-64
drate, lead to rapid weight loss where, amongst other
years, that were on the Dukan-diet with no limits placed
things, this is caused by having reduced ghrelin levels;
for food consumption. The Snowball Sampling method
a hormone produced by gastric parietal cells responsible
was used for their recruitment i.e. a non-random sam-
for reducing hunger pangs. Ghrelin concentrations de-
ple selection dependent on existing subjects recruiting
crease mainly due to dietary carbohydrate deficiencies,
others of their acquaintance [26, 29]. An assessment was
followed by protein then fats. A carbohydrate-poor diet
performed by individual interview for each subject on
leads to dehydration, where together with the utiliza-
the nutrition over the last 24 hours.

Table 1. Energy and nutrients in diet of women adopting the high protein Dukan diet according to the diets phase
Calories and Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV
nutrient content x SD (% of standards)
Calories [kcal] 888.0558.0 (44.4%) 1020.0303.7 (51%) 1014.0 407.0 (50.7%) 1008.0 482.0 (50.4%)
Protein [g] 109.0 18.2 (167.6%) 116.0 15.6 (178.4%) 87.0 14.8 (133.8%) 114.0 13.6 (175.3%)
Fat [g] 34.7 27.2 (51.0%) 33.3 16.3 (50,0%) 60.9 21.0 (92.2%) 48.7 19.6 (72.7%)
Carbohydrate [g] 39.7 17.8 (13.6%) 70.3 25.8 (24.5%) 30.8 15.6 (10.5%) 30.7 17.8 (10.7%)
Calcium [mg] 675.0 256.0 (67.5%) 1003.0 311.0 (100.0%) 860.0 311.0 (86.0%) 954.0 372.0 (95.0%)
Iron [mg] 7.8 2.4 (43.3%) 11.7 3.8 (65.0%) 9.3 3.1 (51.6%) 5.3 1.4 (29.4%)
Sodium [mg] 1751.0 572.0 (116.0%) 1862.0 422.0 (124.1%) 1392.0 379.0 (92.8%) 1698.0 497.0 (113.2%)
Potassium [mg] 2129.0 645.0 (45.2%) 3464.0 582.0 (73.0%) 2911.0 602.0 (61,9%) 2335.0 645.0 (49.6%)
Phosphorus [mg] 1670.0 207.0 (238.5%) 1312.0 197.0 (187.4%) 1526.0 251.0 (218.0%) 1706.0 232.0 (243.0%)
A [g] 1386.0 158.0 (198.0%) 1383.0 563.0 (197.0%) 1523.0 488.0 (217.0%) 1331.0 165.0 (190.0%)
D [g] 7.6 3.5 (152.0%) 5.92.5 (118.0%) 5.52.0 (110.0%) 6.33.7 (126.0%)
B2 [mg] 2.00.5 (181.0%) 2.60.7 (236.0%) 1.90.6 (172.0%) 2.10.7 (190.0%)
C [mg] 2.71.7 (3.6%) 4.52.6 (6.0%) 2.51.9 (3.3%) 3.92.3 (5.2%)
Folate [g] 120.053.0 (30.0%) 105.043.0 (26.2%) 155.062.0 (38.7%) 99.039.0 (24.7%)
No 2 Food intakes for women adopting the high protein Dukan diet 139

% energy from macronutriens

Dietary phases

Figure 1. Dietary calories derived from protein, fat and carbohydrate for women adopting a high protein diet according to
the diets phase

Figure 1. Dietary calories derived from protein, fat and carbohydrate for women adopting a
Women subjects were asked
high protein to provide
diet according a typical
to the diets phase BMI could be grouped into the following ranges; 47%
daily menu from the I, II, III and IV phases of their diet. women (25-29.9), 47% (30-34.9) - 1st degree obesity,
In phase I they consumed high protein foodstuffs, whilst and 6% (35-39.9) 2nd degree obesity.
in the ensuing phases, other products could also be
introduced; in phase II some vegetables were allowed,
phase III some fruit and starch products whilst phase IV RESULTS
only permitted high protein foodstuffs with a so called
pure protein day once per week. Quantitative dietary For the phase I, high protein diet, the mean dietary
intakes were determined by using the aforementioned calorific values were 888.0 kcal (Table 1) which cove-
Photograph album of foodstuffs and dishes as custom- red the recommended standards for each subject by an
-designed by the IZZ in Warsaw [30]. average of 44.4%, whilst mean protein intakes were 109
Menus were evaluated by the Dieta 5 computer g making up a mean of 167.7% to the recommended
programme using a data base compiled by Kunachowicz standards. Mean dietary fat intakes of 34.7 g covered
et al., also from the IZZ [14]. Additional information these standards by 51% and those for carbohydrates
was gathered on body mass and height before, during were respectively 39.7 g and only 13.6%. Calcium
and after dieting. The diets calorific value and nutrient intake made up 67.5% of the recommendations. The
content were compared to recommended Polish nutritio- mean body mass loss during phase I was 2.4 kg. In the
nal standards [11] for each subject. From these, calorific following phases, similar nutrient contents were obse-
values were taken as those appropriate to the body mass rved. Phase III showed intakes of 87 g protein and 60
of each subject when there are low levels of physical g fat which are closer to standards set. Because of the
activity and assuming that dietary calories are derived diets low calorific value (1014 kcal), the proportion
from 13% protein, 30% fat and 57% carbohydrate. of calories in this phase that is derived from specific
Dietary vitamin and mineral values were also compared nutrients differs most from the WHO/IZZ recommen-
to either the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) or dations (Figure 1). Calories derived from protein, fat
the Adequate Intake (AI) for adult women. and carbohydrate during phase III are respectively 34%,
Table 1 presents the mean dietary calorific and 54% and 12% (Figure 1). In phase II, the highest body
macronutrient content (i.e. protein, fat and carbohy- mass reduction was found; on average by 10.6 kg. The
drate) along with minerals (calcium, iron, potassium dietary intakes in phase IV demonstrated the greatest
and phosphorus) and vitamins (A, D, B2, C and folates) iron and potassium deficiencies of respectively 29.4%
during each phase of the Dukan diet and the proportion and 49.6% to the standards as well as having the highest
that this covers the recommended standards. Mean excess of phosphorus that covered 243.0% of standards.
dietary calories derived from each macronutrient (i.e. Dietary intakes of vitamin C and folates were very low
protein, fat and carbohydrate), for the average diet of in all phases; being respectively 3-6% and 24-38% of the
each subject were compared to those recommended standards. During dieting after 8-10 weeks, the average
by the IZZ. The subjects were broken down into 3 age body mass loss was by around 15.0 kg.
groups as follows; 40% aged 19-30 years, 47% aged 31
to 51 years and 13% aged 51-64%. Before dieting, the
140 J. Wyka, E. Malczyk, M. Misiarz, et al. No 2

DISCUSSION disorders. The advantages of rapid weight loss of high

protein diets needs to be reconciled with the potential
Despite introducing preventative and therapeutic health threats such as advancing renal and cardiovascu-
programmes of education that deal with obesity each lar disease. Extensive recent studies have compared the
year to the general public worldwide, attempts to global- effectiveness for reducing body mass by adopting diets
ly reduce the adverse increases in body mass have pro- supplying various macronutrients [7].
ved ineffective. Additionally, obesity is recognised to be In summary, the authors stress that the greatest body
a risk factor in many other metabolic diseases, together mass loss was seen after 6 months of adopting each diet
with hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular disease; (arising from a decreased calorie intake) amounting to
all falling into the category of the Metabolic Syndrome around 6 kg. Following 2 years of following a 15% or
(MS). Obesity requires long-term treatment, which at 25% protein diet, the loss of body mass were respec-
present focuses on lifestyle and genotype, but equally tively 3 and 3.6 kg. An approximate 3.3 kg body mass
also extra-nutritional factors such as economic-social loss was observed in those adopting a 20% and 40%
status, education and mental health. The effectiveness fat diet, whilst subjects on 65% and 35% carbohydrate
of a rational and safe reductive diet, as recommended diets lost respectively 2.9 kg and 3.4 kg. When discus-
by WHO/IZZ, is conditional on consistently and thoro- sing the dietary role of protein, Te Morenga and Mann
ughly keeping to its principles. Patients however expect [31] emphasised that body mass loss in those obese
quick outcomes, which directly serves to motivate subjects adopting high protein diets arises from reduced
them in seeking unconventional and fashionable diets. calorific intakes. Taking up such eating habits may lead
Nonetheless, very few are aware of the adverse health to an increased cancer risk through excessive red meat
effects in adopting such dieting. consumption as well as lowering blood pressure and
By reducing carbohydrate intakes, high-calorie evening-out the blood lipid profile.
foodstuffs become excluded, like pizza, pasta or bread The presented study demonstrated a reduced risk of
thereby decreasing a diets calories by around 500 kcal. contracting diabetes for those taking up a high protein
Limiting dietary energy intake forms the basis of all diet through improved glycaemic control and insulin
slimming diets, as does having a normally balanced resistance. Following a 55-60% carbohydrate diet with
diet to achieve body mass loss. During deficiencies in 15% protein or a 40-45% carbohydrate diet with 25-30%
dietary carbohydrate intake, free fatty acids are meta- protein together with taking physical exercise, led to the
bolised from which ketone bodies arise. Ketosis status following to become lowered; insulin resistance index
is an important factor for inhibiting appetite [6]. In by 0.2, BMI by 6.8% and body adipose tissue in studied
the first days of adopting the diet, various processes teenagers by 2.4%. When comparing the health benefits
occur leading to the body losing water, such as glyco- of adopting high carbohydrate, protein and fat diets in 96
gen mobilisation from muscle or the liver; a glycogen women subjects (BMI<27), McAuley et al. [18] found
loss of 400 g reduces water by 1 kg. Another cause of that, after 8 weeks, all 3 diets caused body mass loss,
dehydration is the excretion of ketone bodies in the reduced waistline and decreased serum triglycerides.
urine. Adopting a high protein diet carries the potential Blood insulin was significantly reduced in women
risk for elevated serum homocysteine concentrations, following high protein and high fat diets compared to
which is a sulphur containing amino acid produced by those adopting a high carbohydrate diet.
methionine metabolism present in animal meat protein.
For homocysteine to become adequately metabolised,
then vitamin B group vitamins and folates are required
in sufficient amounts; as delivered through the diet.
Dietary deficiencies of these vitamins are observed in 1. Women taking up high protein diets demonstrated
women adopting high protein diets leading to blood deficient calorific intake which was responsible for
vessel damage and may result in arteriosclerosis [25]. the lowering of body mass.
Studies on healthy subjects eating high protein diets 2. The womens diet had low contents of carbohydrate,
have been unable to show any disorders in glomerular calcium, iron, potassium, vitamin C and folates but
filtration. Nevertheless, an increased excretion of cal- excessive amounts of protein, phosphorus, sodium
cium, urates and phosphates was observed which may along with vitamins A and D.
lead to kidney stone formation [12, 24]. Disturbing the 3. Adopting a high protein diet in the long term may
acid-base balance, as a result of high dietary protein be harmful to health.
intake, also increases the risk of osteoporosis [19, 33].
Excessive consumption of animal derived protein, being Conflict of interest
a rich source of purines, increases serum concentrations The authors declare no conflict of interest.
of uric acid, that leads to hypertension and renal function
No 2 Food intakes for women adopting the high protein Dukan diet 141

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