Upp-Int Progress Test Unit 06 A

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Progress test Unit 6 Test A

Progress Test 6A
Name: ___________________________________________

1 Complete the sentences with appropriate passive forms. Use the words in brackets.

1 Many people ________ into the sea before the ship sank. (now, think, jump)
2 Today the removal of trams from British cities ________ a mistake. (sometimes, feel, be)
3 It ________ that pigs are dirty animals because of their liking for mud. (still, widely, believe)
4 You ________ by lightning walking out in that storm yesterday! (can, kill)
5 At the start of the last century most women ________ at home. (expect, stay)
6 It ________ really bad luck to spill salt. (use to, consider)
7 The accident ________ a failure of the brakes. (suspect, cause)
8 The Spartans believed in their children ________ from a young age. (physically, challenge)
9 It was hoped that young people ________ houses through a government scheme. (will, help,
10 The Romans ________ their wine mixed with water. (say, drink)

Mark __/10

2 Complete the sentences with a/an or the or "x" for no article.

1 It's easier to take __ pedals off your bicycle if you use __ correct tool.
2 As __ forecast was for __ bad weather, we set off home straight away.
3 Mum and Dad spent months trying to find __ suitable house to rent in __ area near my school.
4 The girl who had called __ ambulance climbed in beside __ injured driver.
5 The village stood on __ north bank of __ stream that wasn't marked on our map.
6 Goods are brought to __ Kioni on mules, and sold at stalls in a corner of __ main square.
7 It's a restaurant I go to often, because they make __ great food and __ prices are low.
8 Most of ___ nightclubs in this area of the city are open until very late at __ night.
9 __ eldest of her children wants to be __ fireman when he grows up, as little boys often do.
10 I'm sure that when we were at __ school, none of the teachers had __ sense of humour.

Mark __/10

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Progress test Unit 6 Test A

3 Choose the correct words to complete the text.

We've just stayed in the worst hotel ever! The rooms were dirty and the food wasn't good either - in
fact it was 1 disgusting / detested We ordered scrambled eggs for breakfast and when they arrived,
they were so 2 smoky / runny, they must have been almost 3 ripe / raw . I couldn't eat either the
eggs or the bread that accompanied them, which was 4 stale / tasty. I thought that perhaps lunch
would be better, so I ordered a three-course meal in the hotel restaurant, but that was a huge
mistake. The soup could have been anything, it was absolutely 5 tasteless / mouth-watering. I
ordered steak and chips as a main course, hoping that I would get a nice piece of 6 tender / bland
meat with fresh chips. Instead, I got a dry, 7 strong / chewy steak with 8 greasy / creamy chips.
Honestly, the oil was almost pouring out of them! The dessert, which was chocolate cake with
custard, was no better. It was heavy, 9 smooth / stodgy and far too sweet! And what was worse, the
waiter was so rude! I know he's probably paid 10 beans / peanuts but still, why be so unpleasant? I'll
never stay there again.

Mark __/10

4 Complete the sentences with appropriate food words.

1 I prefer w____________ bread to white bread. It just tastes healthier.

2 Good sources of f____________ include grains and seeds, fruits and vegetables.
3 G_______ m ________ f ___________ have been artificially changed by scientists in a
4 Over the years, the safety of many food a____________, from food dyes to artificial flavours,
has come into question.
5 You could get sick if you eat food after its u____________.

Mark __/5

5 Complete the sentences with a verb or noun formed from the adjectives below.

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Progress test Unit 6 Test A

fictional tight punctual sharp bitter

1 _____________ in coffee is usually caused by the coffee being either too old or incorrectly
2 Could you please _____________ this screw? It's got really loose and I think it might fall out.
3 I wish they hadn't _____________ her life story for the theatre, instead of sticking to the facts.
4 Joe impressed his boss from the start with his ______________ and motivation.
5 We need to ___________ these kitchen knives they hardly cut anything now.

Mark __/5

Use of English
6 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1 Indian curries are often full of chillies and very hot and ____.
a smoky b spicy c sticky
2 The food at the hostel was really _____. It was boring and tasteless.
a bland b smooth c tough
3 Rice is believed ____ originated in China.
a having b that it c to have
4 I really cant stand ____ at.
a to be laughed b laughed c being laughed
5 Our day out began well but soon went ____ Everything went wrong!
a pear-shaped b to a pie in the sky c in a nutshell
6 Check the use-____ date before cooking whats in the tin.
a for b by c to
7 The sauce has been ______ with flour.
a thickened b thicken c thickness
8 The ______ of the project will depend on how hard the participants work.
a succeed b success c successful
9 We decided to go home ______.
a by a taxi b by the taxi c by taxi
10 Hardly ____ the students ate breakfast.
a a few of b none of c any of

Grammar __ /5 Vocabulary __ /5
Mark __/10

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Progress test Unit 6 Test A

7 Listen to the conversation three friends are having about food and eating out and decide
if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

1 Stuart would have ordered steak and chips but the restaurant he went to with his sister didn't
have steak on the menu. ____
2 Stuart disliked the food he had ordered in the health food restaurant because the vegetables
were undercooked and the fruit was unripe. _____
3 Stuart believes that the restaurant Table For Two is very good, but the food isnt always spicy
enough for his taste. ____
4 Nigel's doctor told him that if he eats simple, healthy food he will feel more energetic again. ____
5 Jenny criticises her husbands food because it is heavy and too high in calories. ____

Mark __/5

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Progress test Unit 6 Test A

8 Read the texts. Match the sentences with the correct person AD. There is one person you
need to use twice.
There are many people who are pro-GM food, mainly because producing it has so many advantages, such as
disease resistance, cold tolerance and higher nutrition than non-GM foods. But I have my reservations and
concerns, and I am not the only one. If you research GM food, you will find that there are thousands of
environmental activists, religious groups, scientists and even government officials who criticise it. I think we
all believe in changing a situation where private companies want to make as much profit as possible and do
not care enough about the potential dangers of GM food. Very few conclusive studies have been done on the
possible side effects of GM food on human health they simply havent been around long enough to be sure.
That is the main reason why I try to buy as little GM food as possible.
When I go shopping, I try to buy mostly organic food, and I regularly buy food directly from farmers, such as
fruit and vegetables and free-range eggs and milk. I am on a low carb diet, so I have to eat a wide range of
fresh fruit and vegetables. I never buy white bread, I only eat wholemeal bread and pasta. I always try to avoid
dishes which are too sugary or salty. I believe I eat the right amount of calories per day, which is easier when I
leave out greasy foods like burgers and chips, or drinks that contain vast amounts of sugar, such as coke or
lemonade. So overall, I think I eat a healthy, balanced diet. My cholesterol levels are certainly what they
should be, if that is a reliable indication of my state of health.
When the weather gets cold, I start craving more stodgy food than in the summer months. So I start buying
more of it and eating more of it, and then I start putting on weight. I'm not sure how to change this, as my
cravings for stodgy food are just uncontrollable. I wonder if it is natural for everyone during winter. Perhaps I
need to see a food specialist to recommend me a diet that would help overcome my cravings, otherwise my
weight gain will become a serious health problem.
In my family, we've never bought anything but organic food. We do so due to our belief that organic food is
more sustainable, natural and shows more concern for the welfare of animals. I personally couldn't eat any
meat, poultry, eggs or dairy foods that came from animals that were fed with antibiotics or any other unnatural
additives. I also try to buy food from local farm shops which are government certified. One of the most
important aspects of organic food is the fact that the farmers producing organic food must use sustainable
farming methods which helps conserve soil and water for the next generations. Not only do I strongly dislike
the taste of cheap foods, but I also buy organic food for ethical reasons.

1 _______ doesn't eat fast food as it is too fatty and sugary.

2 _______ eats heavy food because he or she has a strong desire for it .

3 _______ chooses not to consume food that contains added artificial substances.
4 ______ does not buy certain foods due to lack of reliable research on how they might negatively
affect us.
5 _______ is on a special diet that requires them to eat plenty of fresh produce.

Mark __/5

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Progress test Unit 6 Test A

7 Write a description (200-250 words) of a restaurant that would be good for a group of 18-
year-olds celebrating their birthdays. Include the following points in your description:
Describe the location and atmosphere
Describe the type of food they offer
Describe the staff and clientele
Say why this place would be suitable for a birthday celebration

Info 1 Info 2 Info 3 Info 4

/1 /1 /1 /1
Form Vocabulary Grammar Total
/2 /2 /2 /10

Total: ___/70

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