Mental Health Assessment Task - 2017

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Year 10 Health Education

Assessment Task Mental Illness

Background information
Year level 10 Title of assessment Task 14: Mental Health

10HPE Thurs. 21/9 Fri 22/9

Learning area Health & Physical Education Submission date (T3 Wk. 9)

Course/context Mental Health Student Name

Assessment details
Research the various types of Mental Illness and identify the signs and symptoms which are
Background characteristic of these.
information and task Use a variety of (provided) resources to complete a detailed Research Table on Mental Illnesses.
description This table can then be used as a reference document to complete an openbook test.

Name / identify a range of common Mental Illnesses.

Students identify the various signs and symptoms associated with different Mental
Students demonstrate an awareness of attitudes and values towards Mental Illness and
Relevant syllabus
identify influences on these attitudes.
/Can-Do list extract
Students discuss and reflect on their own views towards Mental Illness.
Students identify and discuss stigmas associated with Mental Illness.
Students discuss and understand the various treatments for different types of Mental
There are 4 parts to this assessment:
Multiple choice questions (10 marks) - Test
Short answer questions (40 marks) - Test
Purpose of task
Mental Illness Research Table Part 1 (25 marks)
Mental Illness Booklet Part 2 (75 marks)
Bibliography Included in the Research Notes Table

Your Mental Illness Research Table Part 1 should contain the following information:-

1. A description of each Mental Illness i.e. What is it?

2. How the Mental Illness is diagnosed?
3. What are the symptoms for the various Mental Illnesses?
4. What are the contributing factors or causes?
5. How is it treated medically?

Task details You should complete the following information to your Mental Illness Booklet Part 2:-

1. Answer all questions and complete booklet

2. Note the organisations that are available to provide help and assistance for individuals who may
have a Mental Illness.

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Year 10 Health Education
Assessment Task Mental Illness
Please prepare a correctly structured bibliography for all sources of information used. See page 13 of
your Student Diary for more information about how to correctly reference your sources.
Present your research findings on the Mental Illness Research Table, supplied by your teacher and also
available on SEQTA Learn. The more accurate the information on this chart, the more useful it will be
to you as a reference tool in the test. Your chart and accompanying notes will be submitted with your
test paper and will form part of your assessment.
Click View Videos

General or Multiple Mental Illness Resources:

Behind the News - Mental Health

This week is mental health week and while our physical health is something we all pay close
attention to our mental health can be something we ignore. So today, we want to help out!

My Great Big Adventure - Mental As Special

2014 Duration: 25:53

During this special, Kayne Tremills is joined by friends Steph, Takaya and Nancy, as they try to
understand mental health and what it means to young Australians.

Young Australians share their personal insights into mental health and discuss the big
stimulus/sources questions: What is mental health? Does it mean you're crazy? Who can help? What do I do if
my friends or family members are suffering? And what can I do if it happens to me?

Inspired by their courage and honesty, Kayne sets himself an overarching challenge to break
the silence surrounding mental health and get more young Australians talking about it.

This program is an invaluable resource for bringing the serious topic of mental health into the
classroom. The episode explores the topics that are often avoided or hardly mentioned, such
as who can help, what students can do if someone they know is suffering, and what they can
do if it happens to them. A wonderfully easy and contemporary way to open up the school
environment to mental health issues.

Mental Health - The Basics

"This program aims to examine the mental health issues relevant to young people. It aims to
inform youth of the possible triggers of mental illnesses and the support networks that they
can connect with. It educates teenagers on how they can promote good mental health

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Year 10 Health Education
Assessment Task Mental Illness
personally, while changing perspectives and reducing the stigma of it."

These Days: A Short Film on Youth Suicide

"High school student Chloe is shocked to discover her best friend has taken his own life. She
finds herself and those around her, struggling to cope with the complex, confusing emotions
of grief and loss. The tragedy brings to the surface her own dark troubling thoughts causing
her to withdraw as her life seems to slowly unravel. However, with support and
understanding, theres a way through these dark days. Intended to open up debate and
discussion around this difficult, highly emotive and confronting subject, the drama explores:
what can lead to suicidal thoughts; the warning signs; how to support someone thinking
about suicide, dealing with depression, and coping with tragedy when someone close takes
their own life. An essential resource for teachers wanting to raise awareness about this
difficult topic and encourage student discussions around mental health and emotional well


Dark Days - Shedding Light on Depression

"Every one of us knows what it is to feel sad and depressed occasionally, but there is a
significant difference between this and clinical depression. In this excellent program, we take
an in depth look at the nature and extent of this significant health issue. Featuring recognized
mental health experts from leading mental health charity SANE, and young sufferers as well,
this resource covers the types of depression, who is at risk, signs and symptoms, and myths
and treatments. This program is a comprehensive, straightforward and compassionate
introduction to a major mental health issue."

Dealing with Depression - Youth Mental Health Series

"This program helps to demystify an illness that is increasingly affecting young people and
provides clear guidelines for helping sufferers overcome it."

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Year 10 Health Education
Assessment Task Mental Illness
Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety Disorders
"Humans, like many animals, possess a highly developed sense of danger in our environment.
In its most basic form, our awareness of these threats is anxiety. Our 'fight or flight' response
can be highly beneficial, but in the 21st Century, this state of anxiety in some people can
become a constant state of mind, and a real limitation to a person's ability to function well. In
this program we take a comprehensive look at anxiety disorders including generalised anxiety,
panic, post traumatic, and obsessive compulsive disorders and phobias. With excellent
illustrations and input from leading experts, this is a wide-ranging examination of anxiety


Anxiety Disorders
"Humans, like many animals, possess a highly developed sense of danger in our environment.
In its most basic form, our awareness of these threats is anxiety. Our 'fight or flight' response
can be highly beneficial, but in the 21st Century, this state of anxiety in some people can
become a constant state of mind, and a real limitation to a person's ability to function well. In
this program we take a comprehensive look at anxiety disorders including generalised anxiety,
panic, post traumatic, and obsessive compulsive disorders and phobias. With excellent
illustrations and input from leading experts, this is a wide-ranging examination of anxiety

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Year 10 Health Education
Assessment Task Mental Illness

Web Links

About the Disorders | Australasian Society for Bipolar and Depressive Disorders Ltd

About Low Mood And Sadness Mindspot

Australian Psychological Society : Understanding and managing depression

beyondblue - What is depression

Depression - Black Dog Institute

Depression Lifeline

Depression - SANE Australia

Depression Facts | White Cloud Foundation

Depression Guide for the public

Encyclopaedia Britannica - Depression: Access online via the Library Homepage (log in using your Windows username
and password to access)

Fact sheets | ADAVIC Anxiety Disorders Association of Victoria, Inc
Understanding depression for young people

What is depression? | Australia

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Year 10 Health Education
Assessment Task Mental Illness

World Book Encyclopedia - Depression: Access online via the Library Homepage (log in using your Windows username
and password to access)

Anxiety Disorders

About Anxiety Mindspot

All about anxiety disorders | Australia

Anxiety Disorder - SANE Australia

Anxiety Treatment Australia

Australian Psychological Society : Understanding and managing anxiety

beyondblue Anxiety

Encyclopaedia Britannica - Anxiety disorder: Access online via the Library Homepage (log in using your Windows username
and password to access)

Fact sheets | ADAVIC Anxiety Disorders Association of Victoria, Inc

Understanding anxiety for young people

World Book Encyclopedia - Anxiety disorder: Access online via the Library Homepage (log in using your Windows username
and password to access)

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

beyondblue - Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

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Year 10 Health Education
Assessment Task Mental Illness

Encyclopaedia Britannica - Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) : Access online via the Library
Homepage (log in using your
Windows username and password to access)

Obsessive compulsive disorder - Better Health Channel

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) Healthdirect

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) - Mind Health Connect

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) | myVMC

Obsessive compulsive disorder - SANE Australia

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) | Australia

Obsessive-compulsive disorder: symptoms

Bipolar Disorder

About the Disorders | Australasian Society for Bipolar and Depressive Disorders Ltd

beyondblue - Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder - Better Health Channel

Bipolar disorder - Black Dog Institute

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Year 10 Health Education
Assessment Task Mental Illness

Bipolar disorder - Mind Health Connect

Bipolar disorder - SANE Australia

Bipolar disorder Guide for the public

Encyclopaedia Britannica - Bipolar disorder: Access online via the Library Homepage (log in using your Windows username
and password to access)

Understanding bipolar disorder - for young people

What is bipolar disorder? | Australia

World Book Encyclopedia - Bipolar disorder: Access online via the Library Homepage / (log in using your Windows username
and password to access)


About Schizophrenia - Schizophrenia Research Institute

All about schizophrenia | Australia

Encyclopaedia Britannica - Schizophrenia: Access online via the Library Homepage (log in using your Windows username
and password to access)

Schizophrenia - Better Health Channel

Schizophrenia - Mind Health Connect

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Year 10 Health Education
Assessment Task Mental Illness

Schizophrenia | myVMC

Schizophrenia - SANE Australia

Schizophrenia Fellowship of Australia

Schizophrenia Guide for the public

World Book Encyclopedia - Schizophrenia: Access online via the Library Homepage (log in using your Windows username
and password to access)


Encyclopaedia Britannica - Epilepsy: Access online via the Library Homepage (log in using your Windows username
and password to access)

Epilepsy - Better Health Channel

Epilepsy - Health direct

Information About Epilepsy

What is Epilepsy? | Epilepsy Action Australia

World Book Encyclopedia - Epilepsy: Access online via the Library Homepage (log in using your Windows username
and password to access)

Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia nervosa - Better Health Channel

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Year 10 Health Education
Assessment Task Mental Illness
Anorexia Nervosa - Health direct

Anorexia Nervosa - Mind Health Connect

Australian Psychological Society : Understanding and managing eating disorders

Eating Disorders - SANE Australia

Eating Disorders Victoria

Encyclopaedia Britannica - Anorexia Nervosa: Access online via the Library Homepage (log in using your Windows username
and password to access)

Understanding eating disorders for young people

What is Anorexia Nervosa? Eating Disorders Explained

What is anorexia nervosa? | Australia

World Book Encyclopedia - Anorexia Nervosa: Access online via the Library Homepage (log in using your Windows username
and password to access)

Bulimia Nervosa

Australian Psychological Society : Understanding and managing eating disorders

Bulimia nervosa - Better Health Channel

Bulimia nervosa - health direct

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Year 10 Health Education
Assessment Task Mental Illness

Bulimia nervosa - Mind Health Connect

Eating Disorders - SANE Australia

Eating Disorders Victoria

Encyclopaedia Britannica - Bulimia Nervosa: Access online via the Library Homepage (log in using your Windows username
and password to access)

Understanding eating disorders for young people

What is Bulimia Nervosa? Eating Disorders Explained

What is bulimia nervosa? | Australia

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Year 10 Health Education
Assessment Task Mental Illness

Marking Key

Weighting Total Mark

Key assessment criteria Mark allocation Mark allocation Mark allocation Mark allocation
marking key or rubric
5 marks 3 marks 2 marks 0 marks
Table Information: All Mental Illness 1 2 Mental Illness More than 2 Mental No Mental Illnesses
have been accurately have NOT been Illnesses have NOT have been described
Description of different
described and accurately described been described /little or no
Mental Illnesses info about and / or only basic and/or information Information provided
these is listed. info about these. about these is limited. about these.
3 marks 2 marks 1 mark 0 marks
Table Information: All Mental Illness 1 2 Mental Illness 3 or more Mental No Mental Illness
treatments have treatments have Illness treatments treatments correctly
How is the Mental Illness been correctly listed. been correctly listed. have NOT been listed
Treated? correctly listed.
4 marks 2 marks 1 mark 0 marks
All listed 1 2 Mental Illness More than two No Mental Illness
Table Information:
Mental Illness Symptoms Mental Illness symptoms have been
Mental Illness symptoms are symptoms correctly incorrectly Identified. symptoms have NOT identified.
listed. identified. been identified.
3 marks 2 marks 1 mark 0 marks
Table Information: All listed 1 2 Mental Illness More than two No Mental Illness
Mental Illness contributing factors Mental Illness contributing factors
Contributing factors to contributing factors correctly contributing factors have been identified.
Mental Illness? correctly identified. have NOT been
identified. identified.
5 marks 3 marks 2 marks 0 marks
Table & notes neatly Table & notes neatly Table & notes Table & notes
Quality of Table / Notes typed and typed and handwritten; illegible and messy;
Presentation presented; presented; information impossible to read
information easy to information not easy less easy to locate and locate
locate and read to locate and read and read information
5 marks 3 marks 1 mark 0 marks
All of information All sources of Information sources No bibliography
sources have been information have have been provided.
thoroughly and been referenced acknowledged but
Bibliography correctly referenced with minor omission incorrectly
(as per explicit of details (e.g. date referenced (e.g.
instructions on p13 accessed, author short referencing or
of Student Diary) etc.) only URL address

Research Notes Score _______ / 25

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Year 10 Health Education
Assessment Task Mental Illness
Teacher feedback














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Year 10 Health Education
Assessment Task Mental Illness

Student task Checklist

Starting Date:
TASK Steps you need to take to complete your Year 10 HPE Task 14, [Draft Due] [Date DONE
Mental Illness Completed] ()
Locate the copy of Mental Illness Research Table either from email sent by
your teacher or via SEQTA Learn.
Visit various websites provided (on task sheet) to locate specific information
2 required to complete your Mental Illness Research Table and additional
Transfer information onto table, making sure that only relevant information
is included. Too much information will make the chart difficult to use as a
reference document / find required information in the openbook test at
end of this health unit.
Check the marking key to ensure enough information / detail has been
4 provided in your chart and notes to achieve maximum marks

Make sure you bring your Mental Illness Research Table (+ additional
5 notes) and your Bibliography with you to last health lesson so they can be
submitted with your test paper for marking. No submission = no marks.
Research the information in your Mental Illness Booklet. Answer all
6 questions to complete the booklet and submit for marking.

Student Name: ________________________________

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