Beechcraft b1900d Performance

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The document provides specifications and performance details for the Beechcraft B1900D aircraft.

The maximum ramp weight is 17,230 lbs, maximum take-off weight is 17,120 lbs, and maximum landing weight is 16,765 lbs.

Some important speed references include VMO at 247 KIAS, MMO at Mach 0.48, VLE at 180 KIAS, and VLO at 180 KIAS.

Aircraft Operating Manuals

Beechcraft B1900D
Aircraft Operating Manuals
Aircraft Operating Manuals
Beechcraft B1900D

Specifications 1/4

Max Ramp..................................................... ....................................... 17,230 lb. (7,815 kg.)
Max Takeoff ............ ........................... ................................................. 17,120 lb. (7,766 kg.)
Max Landing............................ ............................................................ 16,765 lb. (7,605 kg.)
Max Zero Fuel............... ...................................................................... 15,165 lb. (6,879 kg.)
Basic Operating* ................................................................................ 10,790 lb. (4,894 kg.)

Payload / Capacities
Max Payload................................................................................. .......... 4,375 lb. (1,984 kg.)
Useful Load ............................................................................. .............. 6,440 lb. (2,921 kg.)
Max Fuel Capacity .................................................................. .......... .......... 4,458 lb. (2,022 kg.)
(6.7 lb./US gal.)...................................................................... .......... .......... .......... 665 US gal.
Fuel w/max payload................................................................... .......... .......... 2,065 lb. (937 kg.)
Includes typical options and two crew at 200lb each

Seating (Crew + Pax) ................................................................ .......... .......... ............. 2 + 19
Wing Loading ............................................................ .......... .......... ................. 54.7 lb./sq. ft.
Power Loading .................... .......... .......... .......... ................................................... 6.63 lb./SHP

External Dimensions
Length ...................... ................................................................................. 57.8 ft. (17.62 m)
Height............. ........................................................................................... 15.5 ft. (4.72 m)
Span ... ........................................................................................................ 57.9 ft. (17.64 m)

Manufacturer ............................................................................. .......... .......... ........... 2 P&WC
Model...................................................................................... .......... .......... ........... PT6A-67D
Output ................................................................................... .......... .......... ............ 1,279 SHP
Inspection Interval ................................................... .......... .......... ........................... 8,000 hrs

Cabin Dimensions
Length .................................................................................. .......... .............. 25 ft 3 in. (7.69 m)
Height .................................................................................... .......... .............. 5 ft 11 in. (1.80 m)
Width................................................................................ .......... ...................... 4 ft 6 in. (1.37 m)

Airport Performance
Takeoff Field Length
Max. TO Wt., SL, ISA ............................................................. .......... ............ 3,813 ft. (1,162 m)
Max. TO Wt., 5,000 ft. elevation, 25C ................................. .......... ........... 5,235 ft. (1,596 m)

Landing Distance
Max Landing Wt., SL, ISA ............................... .......... .................................. 2,790 ft. (850 m)
Vapproach ............................................................................................. .......... .......... ........117 kt

Climb Performance (Max Takeoff Weight)

Time to Climb / Altitude ......................................... .......... .......... .......... ........... 16 min / FL 200
All-engine Climb Rate, flaps up............................................ .......... ......... 2,615 fpm (797 m/min)
Engine-out Rate, T/O flaps ................................................... .......... ........... 650 fpm (198 m/min)
Engine-out Gradient, T/O flaps ..................................... .......... ............... 314 ft/nm (96 m/km)
Aircraft Operating Manuals
Beechcraft B1900D

Specifications 2/4
Certified ............................................................................. ................ 25,000 ft. (7,620 m)
All Engine Service ................................................................. ............. 33,000 ft. (10,058 m)
Engine-out Service ............................................. .......... ................................ 17,200 ft. (5,243 m)

Cruise Performance
High Speed Cruise
Speed ............................................................................. .......... ....... 280 kt/322 mph (518 km/hr)
Fuel Flow......................................................................... .................. 888 lb./hr. (403 kg./hr)
Altitude .......................................................................................... .......... .......... .......... FL 200
Long Range Cruise
Speed .......................................................................... .......... ........... 230 kt/264 mph (425 km/hr)
Fuel Flow.......................................................................... .......... ............. 562 lb./hr. (255 kg./hr)
Altitude ........................................................................... .......... .......... .......... ............... FL 250
Specifications and Performance
Maximum Range with Reserves
Maximum Payload with Available Fuel (4,375 lb. payload)
Range ............................................................................................. 316 nm 585 km
Average Speed ................................................................................ 249 kt. 460 km/hr
Trip Fuel....................................................................................... ............... 1,056 lb. 479 kg.

Maximum Fuel with 19 Passenger Payload (3,800 lb. payload)

Range ..................................................................................... ....................... 527 nm 975 km
Average Speed ........................................................................................... 257 kt. 476 km/hr
Trip Fuel....................................................................................... ............ ......... 1,636 lb. 742 kg.

Ferry (Zero payload)

Range ......................................................................................... ............ 1,245 nm 2,304 km
Average Speed .................................................. ............ .............................. 274 kt. 507 km/hr
Trip Fuel...................................................................................... 3,504 lb. 1,589 kg.

Example Mission: (19 passengers)

100 nm mission
Flight Time .......................................................................... 0 hr. 24 min
Trip Fuel.......................................................................................... 417 lb. 189 kg.
Flight Level .................................................................................... FL 150

300 nm mission
Flight Time .......................................................................... 1 hr. 10 min
Trip Fuel.................................................................................... 1,015 lb. 460 kg.
Flight Level .................................................................................. FL 230

500 nm mission
Flight Time .......................................................................... 1 hr. 56 min
Trip Fuel..................................................................................... 1,551 lb. 703 kg.
Flight Level ................................................................................... FL 250
Aircraft Operating Manuals
Beechcraft B1900D

Specifications 3/4

Flaps 17 (one notch)
Bring power up to 100% Torque
Rotate at 105 KIAS (approx depends on weight)
Use pitch to maintain speed at the blue line on the airspeed indicator
At 500 feet AGL, retract flaps and continue acceleration

At 500 feet AGL, turn Yaw Damp ON.
Set 96% Torque
Reduce propeller RPM to 1550 RPM. (Note: This is the max continuous limit.)
Maintain this thrust setting as closely as possible during the climb.
(Some users will find it easier to use F2 and F3 keys due to joystick insensitivity)

High Speed Cruise:

Adjust power until fuel flow is approximately 450lbs/hr
Resulting Speed will be approximately 280 Knots TRUE AIR SPEED.

Economy Speed Cruise:

Adjust power until fuel flow is approximately 280lbs/hr
Resulting Speed will be approximately 230 Knots TRUE AIR SPEED.

Pitch down to commence descent, but do not initially reduce power.
Allow aircraft to accelerate to the barber pole or 247 KIAS (whichever is higher)
Once reaching maximum speed, adjust power to maintain descent as desired.

Visual Approach to Landing:

Downwind Leg: Select Flaps 17 and slow to 160 KIAS
Base Leg: Select Gear Down and Flaps 35 and Set Propellers to 1700 RPM
Final Approach: Slow to the Blue Line (appx. 123 KIAS) Yaw damp OFF.
Landing: Cross Threshold at 35ft and approximately Vref.

Instrument Approach to Landing:

Before intercepting final approach course: Select Flaps 17 and slow to 160 KIAS
At Final Approach Fix: Select Gear Down and Flaps 35 and Set Propellers to 1700 RPM
Above Decision Altitude: Slow to the Blue Line (appx. 123 KIAS) Yaw damp OFF.
Landing: Cross Threshold at 35ft and approximately Vref.

Bring power to idle as main wheels touch down.
Lower nose gently until contact is made with the runway.
Select propellers to BETA (reverse) as necessary.
Brake as necessary to exit runway safely.
Aircraft Operating Manuals
Beechcraft B1900D

Specifications 4/4

Turboprop Engine Management Notes:

The PT-6 engines are free turbine engines. Occasionally in order to make torque adjustments it
is sometimes necessary to adjust the power levers more than intended, tuning to the desired
setting after torque has begun changing.

It is necessary to manage three limitations when setting power on turboprop engines:

Maximum torque is 100%
Maximum RPM is 1700.
Maximum EGT is 715 C.

While making power adjustments, the normal technique is to bring the engine performance
parameters as closely as possible to the maximum limitations. If, after setting power, one of the
limitations is exceeded, adjust the engine power settings until none of the limitations are

In order to gain the best performance, do not leave the engines at 100% RPM longer than
necessary. This results in only a marginal gain in performance while dramatically increasing fuel

Once reaching cruise altitude set the desired engine performance by using the Fuel Flow as the
primary means of power setting.
Aircraft Operating Manuals
Beechcraft B1900D


Weight Limitations
Maximum Ramp Weight 17230 lbs
Maximum Take-Off Weight 17120 lbs
Maximum Landing Weight 16765 lbs

Take Off/Landing Field Limitations at MTOW / MLW (Distance in feet)

Sea level, ISA+0 3813 / 2790
5000 ft asl, 25 C 5235 / 2790

Speed Reference
VMO - Maximum Operating Speed 247 KIAS
MMO - Maximum Operating Speed Mach .48 Mach
Turbulent Air Penetration Speed 170 KIAS
VLE Maximum Gear Operating Speed 180 KIAS
VLO Maximum Gear Retraction Speed 180 KIAS
VA - Maneuvering Speed 184 KIAS
VMC - Minimum Control Speed 96 KIAS
VS - Stall speed at MTOW (Clean) 104 KIAS
VSO - Stall speed at MTOW (Landing Flaps) 88 KIAS
VX Two-engine Best Angle-of-Climb 123 KIAS
VY Two-engine Best Rate of Climb 135 KIAS
Best Glide Speed both engines inoperative 112 KIAS

Maximum Flap Placard Speeds

Flaps KIAS
Approach (17) 198
Landing (35) 153
Aircraft Operating Manuals
Beechcraft B1900D

Performance 2/2
Take-Off and Initial Climb-Out Speeds (KIAS) dry runway, ISA+0, round up to nearest gross weight

WEIGHT (lbs) Flaps V1 VR V2 Venr

17120 UP 115 116 123 128

17 103 106 112 128

16000 UP 110 111 120 (119)

17 100 102 109 119

15000 UP 107 107 117 (116)

17 100 100 107 116

14000 UP 104 104 114 114

17 100 100 107 114

13000 and UP 103 103 113 113

17 100 100 108 113

Cruise Climb Schedule (Altitude in feet, Speed in KIAS)

Altitude (feet asl)
Sea level to 160
10000 to 15000 150
15000 to 20000 140
20000 to 25000 130

VREF - Landing Speeds (KIAS)

Weight (lbs) Flaps UP Flaps 35

16765 133 118
16000 131 116
15000 128 113
14000 124 111
13000 121 108
12000 117 106
11000 115 104

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