Thumb Rule

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Atkinson, J.

Rules of thumb in geotechnical engineering
Proc. 18th NZGS Geotechnical Symposium on Soil-Structure Interaction. Ed. CY Chin, Auckland

Rules of thumb in geotechnical engineering

John Atkinson.
Senior Principal, Coffey Geotechnics and Professor of Soil Mechanics, City University, London

Keywords: classification, strength, stiffness, parameters, design.


Ground engineers routinely use simple relationships - rules of thumb to obtain soil parameters
and to design ground works. Some of these have a sound theoretical basis and can be applied
generally while some are purely empirical and so should be applied only within the limits of the
observations used to derive them in the first place. A classification for rules of thumb was
suggested by Wroth (1984) and this has been used to examine the theoretical basis or lack of it
for some of the more common empirical rules in geotechnical engineering.


Geotechnical engineering is essentially a mechanical science which has a strong theoretical

basis. Nevertheless many geotechnical engineers use simple relationships rules of thumb in
routine design. Some of these rules of thumb are based on sound theory and so should be
generally applicable; others are purely empirical and so are applicable only within the range of
the data from which they were derived. In this paper I will explore the theory, or lack of it,
behind some of the commonly used rules of thumb what are the rules for a reliable rule of


The origins of the term rule of thumb are obscure. Apparently Roman bricklayers used the tip
of the thumb from the knuckle as a unit of measure. Brewers used their thumb to test the
temperature of fermenting ale. In the Middle Ages a man was permitted to beat his wife with a
cane no thicker than his thumb. Nowadays, rule of thumb implies a rough estimate based on
experience rather than formal calculation.

I conducted an informal survey of colleagues and friends and it is clear that most geotechnical
engineers have their own favourite rules of thumb. Some are trivial never trust the driller
while some the bearing capacity of a shallow foundation is twice the undrained strength of the
soil - are of fundamental importance.

Clearly I cannot cover all the rules of thumb in common use. What I can do is consider the rules
for rules of thumb and so develop an understanding of when these are applicable and when not.


A relationship that links two observations and which is purely empirical can really only be used
with confidence within the limits of the observations upon which it was obtained in the first
place. For example, if a group of engineers find that the drillers they work with give unreliable

Atkinson, J. (2008)
Rules of thumb in geotechnical engineering

information does that mean that all drillers everywhere are unreliable? Is there something basic
in the human condition that links drilling with reliability?

In his Rankine Lecture, Wroth (1984) gave a set of conditions which should be met for a
successful relationship that can be used with confidence outside the immediate context in which
it was established. Wroths rules for a successful relationship are that it should ideally be:

(a) based on physical appreciation of why the properties can be expected to be related

(b) set against a background of theory, however idealised this may be

(c) expressed in terms of dimensionless variables so that advantage can be taken of scaling
laws of continuum mechanics.

Wroth (1984) was writing specifically in the context of interpretation of in situ soil tests but his
rules hold generally.


We now have a framework for classifying rules of thumb.

Class 1. These obey the Wroth rules. They have a sound theoretical basis and are generally
applicable everywhere. They can be derived from theory alone without need for empirical
observations. An example is

q a = 2s u 1

where qa is the allowable bearing capacity of a shallow foundation and su is the undrained
strength of the soil. (I will consider this and other rules of thumb later.)

Class 2. These obey the Wroth rules. They have a sound theoretical basis and are generally
applicable everywhere but they require empirical correlations. An example is;

q a = 10 N 2

where qa in kPa is the allowable bearing capacity of a shallow foundation and N is the SPT blow
count. The relationship in equation 2 is not in dimensionless variables and it is necessary to state
the units of qa which, in this case are kPa. Equation 2 can easily be recast in dimensionless form
by dividing qa by a reference pressure such as pr = 1kPa in which case the units of qa are the
same as those of the reference pressure.

Class 3. These violate the letter and the spirit of the Wroth rules. There is no physical
appreciation, there is no background theory and the relationship is not expressed in dimensionless


There are a number of rules of thumb relating simple test results to soil properties. Here it is
necessary to distinguish between a material property which depends only on the grains and a
state dependent property which depends also on the current water content and effective stress.

Atkinson, J. (2008)
Rules of thumb in geotechnical engineering

5.1 Material Properties

Soil grains are described by their grading and by their shape, texture and mineralogy. There are
a number of fundamental soil properties which depend only on these. The main problem in
relating soil properties to the grains is to quantify descriptions of soil grains. The Atterberg
limits, liquid limit and plastic limit, describe clay mineralogy and d10 (the size of the 10%
fraction) and the coefficient of uniformity quantify grading. However the Atterberg limits are
measured on only part of a well graded soil and then the fraction tested contains silt sized
grains: activity is a better descriptor of clay mineralogy.

Figure 1: A rule of thumb to relate c to plasticity index. (Wood, 1991)

If soil is continuously distorted it must reach a state in which stress and water content no longer
change; this is the critical state and the parameters c Cc and e (as defined by Atkinson, 2007)
which define the critical state are material parameters. Figure 1 shows a relationship between c
and plasticity index given by Wood (1991). For coarse grained soils the value of c can be
taken as about 300 for smooth rounded grains to about 400 for carbonate sand. These
relationships fall into the Wroth class 2. They are entirely empirical and there is some scatter
but there are sound reasons for relating friction to plasticity and both variables are




x 100 log or logsu

Figure 2: Relationship between Atterberg limits and strength.

When a soil is at its liquid limit or its plastic limit it is at its critical state and the Atterberg limits
measure the water contents at which the soil has particular strengths. These are about 1.7kPa
and 170kPa respectively and they conveniently differ by 100 times. Both states lie on the critical

Atkinson, J. (2008)
Rules of thumb in geotechnical engineering

state line and so there is a strong relationship between Cc and plasticity index as shown in
Figure 2. From Figure 2, noting that e = wGs, water content is expressed as a percentage and
su/ at the critical state is constant we have

PI G s
Cc = 3

This falls into Wroth class 1 because the relationship does not depend on an empirical
correlation and it arises purely from the definitions of the Atterberg limits.

Figure 3: Location of the point (Schofield and Wroth, 1968)

Figure 3, from Schofield and Wroth (1968), shows relationships between specific volume (v = 1
+ e) and lnp (where p is the mean effective stress) and so it is similar to Figure 2. The lines
correspond to critical states and they all pass close to a single point denoted with the values
v = 1.2 and p = 1500lb/in2 = 10,000kPa. From e = e + Cclogp we have

e = 0.2 + C c log 10,000 = 0.2 + 4C c 4

Hence the critical state parameters c Cc and e are all related directly to the plasticity index.
These relationships can be considered to be rules of thumb but they are based on sound theory
and the only empiricism involved is the 100 times difference between the strengths at the liquid
and plastic limits and the existence of the point.

Atkinson, J. (2008)
Rules of thumb in geotechnical engineering

5.2 Undrained strength

Many soil properties such as undrained strength and stiffness depend both on the grains and on
the current state described by both the water content and the effective stress; these are state
dependent properties.



1.7 170 log su kPa

Figure 4: Relationship between undrained strength and liquidity index.

Figure 4, which is similar to Figure 2, shows the variation of undrained strength with liquidity
index taking su = 1.7kPa at the liquid limit and su = 170kPa at the plastic limit. This is a
convenient rule of thumb for estimating the undrained strength from the Atterberg limits and the
natural water content. It is in Wroth class 1 because it does not require empirical observations
and it arises from the coincidence that the undrained strengths at the liquid and plastic limits
differ by a factor of 100.

Slope =

(a) Normally consolidated soils (b) Overconsolidated soils

Figure 5: Relationships between undrained strength, state and plasticity index (Wood

Figure 5(a) shows the relationship for normally consolidated soils between su/v and PI: it is
the well known Skempton (1957) relationship
= 0.11 + 0.0037 PI 5
' v

Atkinson, J. (2008)
Rules of thumb in geotechnical engineering

The parameter su/v is the ratio of a strength to an effective stress and so it is related to a
friction angle and to the pore pressure developed during undrained shearing. However Figure 1
shows that friction angle decreases with plasticity so equation 5 implies that undrained pore
pressures increase rapidly with increasing plasticity.

Figure 5(b) shows the relationship between undrained strength and overconsolidation ratio.
Combining Figures 5(a) and (b) we have

= B R 0 6
' v

where B is the expression for PI in equation 5 and has a unique value = 0.8. Equation 6 is a
rule of thumb to estimate undrained strength from the in situ stress and the overconsolidation
ratio. It is dimensionally correct and relies on empirical observations to determine values for the
parameters B and .

5.3 State parameter

While not strictly a rule of thumb, the concept of state and state parameter is fundamental to
interpreting soil behaviour.

e C

c log
Figure 6: State parameters.

Figure 6 shows a normal compression line (NCL) and a critical state line (CSL). Soil at A is
loose or soft and the same soil at B is dense or stiff. Soil at C is loose or soft because, due to the
very high stress, it will compress when sheared. When sheared, soils with states at W (on the
wet side of critical) will all compress by the same amount and soils with states at D (on the dry
side of critical) will all dilate by the same amount.

The behaviour of soil is governed by its initial state and this is represented by a state parameter
which is the distance from some reference line. All soils on the broken line through W behave in
the same way and so do all soils on the broken line through D. The concept of state parameter
was introduced by Schofield and Wroth (1968) and has been used by Been and Jefferies (1985).
For the state at B the state parameter is either (e ec) or /c (Atkinson, 2007).

Atkinson, J. (2008)
Rules of thumb in geotechnical engineering

5.4 Peak strength

The peak strength of soil depends on its state. It can be expressed by either of

p = c' p + ' tan ' p 7

p = A ' ' b

where cp, p, A and b are parameters which depend on the material and on the current state.
There are no reliable rules of thumb for these and none would be expected.

The peak strength of uncemented soil arises from friction and dilation and is given by

= tan(' c + m ) 9
' p

where c is the critical state friction angle and m is the maximum angle of dilation. The value
of m depends on state parameter. This is the basis of the rule of thumb given by Bolton (1986)
for plane strain as

' m = ' c +3I R 10

where Ir is a function of relative density and stress (i.e. a function of state). Equation 10 falls
into the Wroth class 2; it has a sound theoretical basis but requires empirical correlations.

5.5 Stiffness

The stiffness of a soil, either Youngs modulus E, shear modulus G or one-dimensional modulus
M, depends on the grains, the state, on whether the soil is drained or undrained and on the strain.
This means that rules of thumb for soil stiffness will at best be very approximate.

The drained one-dimensional constrained modulus M = 1/mv is related to Cc by

' (1 + e)
M' = 11

The coefficient of compressibility Cc is a material parameter related to the grains by equation 3

and so equation 11 demonstrates how stiffness varies with stress and voids ratio. Youngs
modulus and shear modulus vary with state in a similar way.

The variations of undrained Youngs modulus Eu and undrained strength su with state follow
similar patterns and so the ratio Eu/su should be reasonably constant for many soils. However
soil stiffness is markedly non-linear and the variation of Youngs modulus with strain is now
well documented (Atkinson, 2000). A typical stiffness decay curve is shown in Figure 7(a)
together with typical ranges of strains in the ground near structures. A rule of thumb is the
stiffness should correspond to strains of the order of 0.1% (Atkinson, 2000). Figure 7(b) shows
data from foundations in central London. The values of Eu were found from the observed
settlements using simple elastic analyses and the values of su were found from site
investigation data.

Atkinson, J. (2008)
Rules of thumb in geotechnical engineering

Typical strain ranges

E0 Eu 2000
Retaining walls


Tunnels 1000


0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 0

.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 10
Shear strain s: %
(a) Laboratory tests (b) Field observations
Figure 7: Degredation of stiffness with strain.

A commonly used rule of thumb is to take

= 300 12

From figure 7(b) this corresponds to strains /B of the order of 0.1%. Thus the rule of thumb
given by equation 12 is in Wroth class 2; it has a sound theoretical basis but includes an
empirical stiffness decay curve.


There are several common in situ tests involving penetrometers, expanding cavities, shearing
and so on. For each there are analyses and interpretations most of which require rules of thumb.
To illustrate the general principles I will consider the common probing tests. These are the
standard penetration test (SPT) and the cone penetration test (CPT) usually with measurement
of sleeve friction and sometimes with measurement of pore pressure. There are several rules of
thumb for estimating soil properties from SPT and CPT test results.

6.1 Standard penetration test

The SPT returns a value of N, the number of blows for a given penetration. Often several
corrections are applied and there is a general view that the test is far from standard. Given that a
typical SPT takes a few minutes to complete only very fine grained soils will be undrained and
only very coarse grained soils will be drained and in most cases the soil around the tool will be
partly drained. Leaving these issues aside it is not clear exactly what is being measured and to
what the N-value can be safely correlated.

The value of N must depend on both strength and stiffness but there is no unique relationship
between strength and stiffness, even for soils with the same grains, and the ratio of stiffness to
strength known as rigidity varies with state (Atkinson, 2000). As the SPT tool penetrates it
shears the soil and expands a cavity so both stiffness and strength contribute to penetration
resistance. The best that can be said is that N should be related to state and so a rule of thumb
would give contours of N like those illustrated in Figure 8. This shows liquidity index or
relative density and effective stress or depth in the ground. Low values of N correspond to very
loose shallow soils. Values of N increase with depth and with reducing water content.

Atkinson, J. (2008)
Rules of thumb in geotechnical engineering

Rd or LI


N = 10

N = 30

N = 100
Same density
Normal compression
Same m

Same depth
log or depth

Figure 8: An interpretation of the Standard Penetration Test.

From Figure 8, at a given depth N is a measure of liquidity index or relative density and in a
uniform soil (i.e. one with constant liquidity index) N should increase with depth. The broken
line parallel to the normal compression line is a line of constant state parameter and so it
represents states with the same peak strength and the same stiffness. It is clear from Figure 8
that there are no general relationships between N and relative density or liquidity index and
there cannot be any. This means that N cannot be uniquely related to .

There are several rules of thumb in common use which relate the SPT N value to soil
parameters and a common one is

= 5N 13

where the reference pressure pr is included to make equation dimensionless and the factor 5 is
purely empirical. From Figure 4, soil which has a liquidity index of 0.5 (i.e. its water content is
midway between the liquid and plastic limits) has an undrained strength su = 17kPa. From
equation 13 the soil would have N 3 to 4. From Figure 8 relative density or liquidity index, and
hence strength and stiffness, are related to N at a given depth and so any correlation will be
restricted to a particular depth and the parameter or design criterion derived from a SPT at a
particular depth applies only at that depth.

6.2 Cone penetration test

A standard CPT returns values of cone resistance qc and sleeve shear stress fs and from these a
friction ratio Fr = fs/qc is calculated. In a piezocone pore pressures are measured as well but the
values depend on the exact location at which they are measured. Many of the criticisms of the
SPT apply also to the CPT.. Methods for interpretation of the CPT were given by Lunne et al
(1997). Most of these fall into the Wroth class 2. They have a sound theoretical basis but depend
on empirical correlations.

There are a number of charts which relate CPT observations to soil type and characteristics. A
typical example given by Douglas and Olsen (1981) is in Figure 9. Others are given by Lunne et

Atkinson, J. (2008)
Rules of thumb in geotechnical engineering

al (1997). Regions of each chart represent soils with different gradings and different states.
These rules of thumb are entirely empirical and fall into the Wroth class 3.

Figure 9: Soil classification related to CPT (Douglas and Olsen, 1981)


As well as rules of thumb for estimating soil properties and parameters, there are rules of thumb
for assessing the behaviour of foundations, slopes and walls. Most engineers have their own
personal rules of thumb. They use these for preliminary design and, importantly, as a check that
a full analysis has given reasonable results. As before, I cannot possibly consider all the rules of
thumb routinely used by geotechnical engineers in their daytoday work. Instead I will
consider some common ones for shallow foundations and piles to explore the rules for these
rules of thumb.

7.1 Allowable bearing capacity of foundations

A common rule of thumb for design of shallow foundations is

q a = 2s u 14

where qa is the allowable bearing pressure. The ultimate bearing capacity of a shallow
foundation is

q a = N csu 15

With Nc = 6 for a square foundation and a load factor Lf = 3 we get

qa = Nc = 2s u 16

Atkinson, J. (2008)
Rules of thumb in geotechnical engineering

which is the same as equation 14. (I will consider the rule of thumb for load factor later.) Thus
the rule of thumb in equation 14 is in the Wroth class 1; it has a sound theoretical basis and does
not require empirical observations.

Equation 2 is a rule of thumb for estimating the allowable bearing capacity of a shallow
foundation. It is intended for a foundation which can settle 1 inch (25mm) and for smaller
settlements the bearing pressure should be reduced proportionally.

In dimensionless terms equation 2 becomes

= 10 N 17

Eliminating N from equations 13 and 17 recovers equation 14. Thus the rule of thumb given by
equation 2 has a theoretical basis but this relies on the empirical relationship between su and N
given by equation 13.

7.2 Ultimate capacity of piles

For piles in coarse grained soils rules of thumb relate shaft friction and end bearing to the SPT
N value. Commonly used ones were given by Poulos (1989) for driven piles qs = 2N and qb =
400N and for bored piles qs = N and qb = 100N ( with all stresses in kPa). These rules of thumb
are similar to equation 2. They depend on there being a linear relationship between soil strength
or stiffness and N but the relationship is entirely empirical.

For piles in fine grained soils rules of thumb relate shaft friction and end bearing to the
undrained strength su. The ultimate end bearing capacity is given by

q b = 9s u 18

This is equivalent to taking a bearing capacity factor Nc = 9 for a deep foundation and so this is
in the Wroth class 1, it is theoretically sound and does not require empirical observations. The
shaft resistance is given by

q s = s u 19

where is usually taken to be about 0.5 for both driven and bored piles. The form of equation
19 is sound, the shaft resistance for undrained loading should be related to the undrained
strength, but the factor = 0.5 is empirical and it is interesting that the same value should be
appropriate for both driven and bored piles. It is probable that the loss of strength for a driven
pile is associated with the residual strength while for a bored pile it is associated with softening
and it is fortuitous that the reductions are about the same for each case.

7.3 Factor of safety and load factor

A common method for geotechnical engineering design is to calculate a state of collapse,

usually from a limit equilibrium analysis and then to apply a factor. To prevent collapse at the
ultimate limit state the factor is a factor of safety and this is often taken to be about 1.25. To
prevent excessive movement at the serviceability limit state the factor is a load factor and is
often taken to be about 3 as in the analysis leading to equation 16 above.

Atkinson, J. (2008)
Rules of thumb in geotechnical engineering

A factor of safety to prevent the ultimate limit state of a slope or retaining wall is there to
account for uncertainties and to provide a margin of safety. The number is a purely empirical
rule of thumb. Presumably the value chosen by the designer reflects his confidence in his
analyses and the consequences of failure. This really is an individual rule of thumb.

(a) Laboratory test (b) Foundation settlement

Figure 10: Foundation design for dense and loose soils.

A load factor to prevent excessive movement is there to bring the design point to a place on a
load displacement curve where the movements will be small. Figure 10(a) illustrates
characteristic shear test stress-strain curves for dense and loose samples of the same soil sheared
with the same normal effective stress. They have the same critical state strength but different
peak strengths but these occur at about the same strain and up to the peak the curves are
geometrically similar. This means the peak strength is an indirect measure of stiffness and if the
values of are divided by the same factor the design stresses d occur at the same strain d. Figure
10(b) illustrates characteristic foundation load settlement curves for the same loose and dense
samples of the same soil as that in Figure 10(a). There is an ultimate bearing capacity c and an
allowable design bearing capacity d where the settlements in both cases are the relatively small
allowable design settlements d. Again, if the load settlement curves are geometrically similar
up the point of failure, dividing c by the same load factor will produce allowable bearing
pressures which cause the same settlements d. Inspection of typical stress strain and load
settlement curves demonstrates that a load factor Lf = c/d = 3 leads to settlements of the order
of d/B of the order of 0.1%. The rule of thumb using a load factor of about 3 to design
foundations to limit settlements has a sound theoretical basis: the value of 3 is empirical
although there is some theoretical justification.


A rule of thumb implies a rough estimate based on experience rather than formal calculation. In
geotechnical engineering practice there are very many rules of thumb in common use and most
experienced engineers have their own personal favourites. I could not possibly review all these.
Instead I have examined the rules for rules of thumb using common examples as illustrations.

Some rules of thumb have a sound theoretical basis while others are purely empirical and seem
to have no theoretical basis. I have proposed that rules of thumb can be classified by their
theoretical standing following criteria set by Wroth (1984).

Rules of thumb in class 1 have a sound theoretical basis and do not require empirical
observations. They can be used with confidence in many different circumstances. Rules of

Atkinson, J. (2008)
Rules of thumb in geotechnical engineering

thumb in class 3 have no apparent theoretical basis and are entirely empirical and so should be
used only in the context within which they were developed.


I am grateful to friends and colleagues who gave me examples of the rules of thumb which they
commonly use in their day-to-day work. The analyses and opinions are mine.


Atkinson, J.H. (2000). 40th Rankine Lecture: Non-linear stiffness in routine design.
Geotechnique; Vol. 50, No, 5, pp. 487-508.

Atkinson, J.H. (2007). Peak strength of overconsolidated clays. Geotechnique, Vol. 57, No 2,
pp. 127-135.

Been, K. and Jefferies, M.G. (1985). A state parameter for sands. Geotechnique, Vol. 14, No.1,
pp. 77-101.

Bolton M.D. (1986) The strength and dilatancy of sands. Geotechnique, Vol. 36, No.1, pp. 65-

Douglas, B.J. and Olsen, R.S. (1981). Soil classification using electric cone penetrometer. Cone
Penetration Testing and Experience. Proc. ASCE National Convention, St Louis, pp

Lunne, T. Robertson, P.K.. and Powell, J.J.M. (1997) Cone penetration testing in geotechnical
practice. Blackie Academic and Professional.

Poulos, H.G. (1989). Pile behaviour - theory and application. Geotechnique, Vol. 39, No 3, pp

Schofield, A.N. and Wroth, C.P. (1968). Critical state soil mechanics. McGraw-Hill, London.

Tomlinson, M.J. (1994). Pile design and construction practice. Spon Press (UK).

Wood, D.M.W. (1991). Soil behaviour and critical state soil mechanics. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge.

Wroth, C.P. (1984). 24th Rankine Lecture: The interpretation of in situ soil tests. Geotechnique,
Vol. 34, No 4, pp 449-488.


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