2018 APS Journals Catalog

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2018 Physical Review

Journals Catalog

Published by the
American Physical Society Physical Review Journals 2018 1
2 Physical Review Journals 2018 2017 American Physical Society
2018 Physical Review
Journals Catalog

Founded in 1899, the American Physical Society (APS) strives to advance and
diffuse the knowledge of physics. In support of this objective, APS publishes
primary research and review journals, three of which are open access.

Note from the APS Publisher..............................................................2

Journal Descriptions............................................................................3
Physical Review Letters..........................................................................................................4
Physical Review X...................................................................................................................... 5
Reviews of Modern Physics...................................................................................................6
Physical Review A...................................................................................................................... 7
Physical Review B ......................................................................................................................8
Physical Review C.......................................................................................................................9
Physical Review D.................................................................................................................... 10
Physical Review E......................................................................................................................11
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams.......................................................................12
Physical Review Applied........................................................................................................ 13
Physical Review Fluids........................................................................................................... 14
Physical Review Materials.................................................................................................... 15
Physical Review Physics Education Research.............................................................. 16
PROLA......................................................................................................................................... 18

Publication and Subscription Information..................................... 19

Librarian Portal, Abstracting and Indexing................................................................. 20
Reuse and Permissions, Giving Credit to Your Library............................................21
Creative Commons, RSS Feeds, Email Alerting Service ....................................... 22
Institutional Prices, Online Subscriptions .................................................................... 23
IP Policy, Usage Statistics, CD-ROMs............................................................................. 24

Physical Review Journals 2018

From the APS Publisher:
Celebrating 125 Years of Excellence

t gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the 2018 Physical Review Journals Catalog,
containing details of all the scholarly publications produced by the American Physical Society
(APS). This is a year of special significance for APS, as it marks the 125th Anniversary of the
first publication in 1893 of Physical Review the forerunner of the current suite of journals
published by APS. While over a century has passed since their inception, the Physical Review
journals continue to set the standard for physics publishing in quality, breadth, and depth of
coverage, making APS the leading global society publisher of physics research.
The current portfolio is headed up by APSs flagship journal, Physical Review Letters (PRL),
the worlds premier physics letters journal, and APSs most highly selective journal Physical
Review X (PRX), one of three all-open access journals in the portfolio. PRL and PRX publish
the very best and most important discoveries across the entire arc of physics. These two
broad-scope journals are supported by the outstanding Physical Review series of specialist
journals, which publish high-impact, innovative, and original research. Reviews of Modern Physics
continues to set the standard for comprehensive, in-depth, and authoritative reviews in all areas
of physics.
The 2018 catalog introduces Physical Review Materials (PRMaterials), a new online-only journal
devoted to the publication of high-quality, innovative research on materials. PRMaterials aims
to expand the scope of the existing Physical Review journals beyond the current emphasis on
the physics of materials and offers another publishing option for authors from a wide variety of
materials research fields who may not previously have had a home in the Physical Review journals.
Open access is another area of important development for the Physical Review journals.
In 2018, APS will embark on another experiment in open-access publishing when it joins the
Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP3). Under
this partnership, from January 1, all high-energy physics (HEP) papers meeting the SCOAP3
qualifying criteria appearing in PRL, Physical Review C, and Physical Review D will be made
available in open-access format under a CC-BY 4.0 license.
Finally, 2018 sees the 25th anniversary of Physical Review E (PRE), which was developed out of
Physical Review A in 1993. In the ensuing quarter century, PRE has established itself as a leading
international interdisciplinary journal focused on collective phenomena of many-body systems,
statistical physics, and nonlinear dynamics. We are delighted to mark its silver jubilee here.
The mix of tradition and innovation outlined in the 2018 catalog neatly encompasses the
Physical Review journals - grounded in APSs mission to advance and diffuse physics, while
also engaging with the latest cutting-edge physics research and developments in scholarly
publishing. This drive to serve the scientific research community has remained unchanged for
the past 125 years and will continue to guide APS and the world-class Physical Review portfolio
long into the future.

Matthew Salter, PhD

American Physical Society

2 Physical Review Journals 2018

Physical Review Letters
Physical Review Letters (PRL) is the worlds premier
physics letter journal and the American Physical
@PhysRevLett Societys flagship publication. Since 1958 it has
contributed to APSs mission to advance and diffuse the
knowledge of physics by publishing seminal research
IMPACT AND by Nobel Prize-winning and other distinguished
IMMEDIACY DATA researchers in all fields of physics.
2016 Impact Factor

8.462 PRL publishes short, high-quality reports of the most

influential developments and transformative ideas in
2016 Immediacy Index
the full arc of fundamental and interdisciplinary physics
2.923 research. It is distinctive in the depth and breadth of its
coverage of the broad subfields of physics, including:
JOURNAL METRICS General physics, including statistical and quantum
Total Citations mechanics and quantum information
>6.2 million Gravitation, astrophysics, and cosmology
2016 Published Articles Elementary particles and fields
2,478 Nuclear physics
2016 Published Pages Atomic, molecular, and optical physics
13,121 Nonlinear dynamics, fluid dynamics, and classical
2016 Article Downloads
Plasma and beam physics
>10 million Condensed matter physics
2018 PUBLICATION Polymers, soft matter, biological and interdisciplinary
FREQUENCY physics, including networks
Volumes 120, 121 (52 issues)

0031-9007 (print) From January 1, 2018, PRL will join the SCOAP3 consortium.
1079-7114 (online) All high-energy physics articles meeting the SCOAP3 criteria
1092-0145 (CD-ROM) published after that date in PRL will be made available in open
access format.

Hugues Chat
CEA-Saclay, France
Robert Garisto
American Physical Society
Samindranath Mitra
American Physical Society
Reinhardt B. Schuhmann*
American Physical Society

A full list of editors

Velocity Distribution of a Homogeneously Driven Two-Dimensional
and board members is
Granular Gas
available online. Christian Scholz and Thorsten Pschel
* Managing Editor Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 198003 (2017)

4 Physical Review Journals 2018

Physical Review X
Physical Review X (PRX) is an online-only, fully open-
access journal that places a high value on innovation,
@PhysRevX quality, and long-term impact in the science it publishes.
PRX is highly selective. It seeks to publish papers from
all areas of pure, applied, and interdisciplinary physics
IMPACT AND that have the potential for a long-lasting and profound
IMMEDIACY DATA impact in their relevant fields. PRX provides high visibility
2016 Impact Factor and broad dissemination to its papers.
PRX is renowned for its highly personalized and
2016 Immediacy Index responsive editorial process that brings together authors,
2.589 editors, and referees in an interactive, reasoned dialog to
guide each article through the rigorous selection process
JOURNAL METRICS and produce the best possible outcome. PRX offers
Total Citations flexible article lengths and formats that allow authors
>13.9K to engage and inform a broad audience, while also
providing the scientific substance sought by specialists.
2016 Published Articles

204 Submitted manuscripts should meet one or more of the

following criteria:
2016 Published Pages
Make a fundamental theoretical and/or experimental
2,878 discovery
2016 Article Downloads Create a new paradigm or make a paradigm shift
>400K Establish a fruitful analogy or connection between
different subfields or topical areas of physics, or
2018 PUBLICATION between physics and other scientific disciplines
Volumes 8, (4 issues) Push an established field into a new direction
Significantly advance the state of the art of a field,
ISSN or provide important and substantive follow-up
2160-3308 (online)
developments to path-breaking papers

Jean-Michel Raimond
Universit Pierre et Marie
Curie, France
M. Cristina Marchetti
Syracuse University
Ling Miao*
American Physical Society

A full list of editors Plasma Membrane is Compartmentalized by a Self-Similar Cortical Actin Meshwork
and board members is Sanaz Sadegh, Jenny L. Higgins, Patrick C. Mannion, Michael M. Tamkun,
available online. and Diego Krapf
* Managing Editor Phys. Rev. X 7, 011031 Published 9 March 2017

Physical Review Journals 2018 5

Reviews of Modern Physics
Reviews of Modern Physics (RMP) is the worlds
premier physics review journal and the most highly
cited Physical Review publication. Written by leading
international researchers, RMPs in-depth essays
provide outstanding coverage of a topic and give
IMPACT AND context and background for current research trends.
2016 Impact Factor Since 1929, RMP has provided an unrivalled venue for
36.917 authoritative review papers in all fields of physics.
2016 Immediacy Index
Review articles present the current status of a given
topic, with historical background, a critical distillation
6.634 of research progress, and a summary of possible
future developments.
Colloquia communicate results at the frontiers of
Total Citations
physics, which may impact several subfields.
2016 Published Articles RMP also publishes Nobel Lectures, text of the
addresses given in conjunction with the awards.

2016 Published Pages

2016 Article Downloads

Volume 90 (4 issues)

0034-6861 (print)
1539-0756 (online)
1538-4527 (CD-ROM)


Achim Richter
Technische Universitt
Darmstadt (Emeritus),
A. H. Castro Neto
National University of
Debbie Brodbar
American Physical Society

Experimental soft-matter science

A full list of editors Sidney R. Nagel
and board members is Rev. Mod. Phys. 89, 025002 (2017)
available online.

6 Physical Review Journals 2018

Physical Review A
covering atomic, molecular, and optical physics and quantum information
Physical Review A (PRA) publishes important
developments in the rapidly evolving area of atomic,
@PhysRevA molecular, and optical (AMO) physics, quantum
information, and related fundamental concepts.

IMPACT AND Established in 1970, PRA is the journal of choice for the
2016 Impact Factor
publication of research in AMO physics and quantum
information. Bridging these traditional and emerging
2.925 research areas, PRAs authors and readers benefit from
the widespread synergies between these fields.
2016 Immediacy Index

0.837 Sections Include:


Fundamental concepts
Quantum information
Total Citations
Atomic and molecular structure and dynamics
Atomic and molecular collisions and interactions
2016 Published Articles
Atomic and molecular process in external fields,
2016 Published Pages
including interactions with strong fields and
short pulses
Matter waves and collective properties of cold atoms
24,433 and molecules
2016 Article Downloads

>2.5M d)
Quantum optics, physics of lasers, nonlinear optics,
and classical optics

Volumes 97, 98 (12 issues)


2469-9926 (print)
2469-9934 (online)
2469-9942 (CD-ROM)



Gordon W. F. Drake
University of Windsor,
Thomas Pattard*
American Physical Society

A full list of editors
and board members is
Quantum kicked harmonic oscillator
in contact with a heat bath
available online. M. . Prado Reynoso, P. C. Lpez Vzquez, and T. Gorin
* Managing Editor
Phys. Rev. A 95, 022118 (2017)

Physical Review Journals 2018 7

Physical Review B
covering condensed matter and materials physics
Physical Review B (PRB) is the worlds largest
dedicated physics journal, publishing approximately
@PhysRevB 100 new, high-quality papers each week. The most
highly cited journal in condensed matter physics, PRB
provides outstanding depth and breadth of coverage,
IMPACT AND combined with unrivaled context and background for
IMMEDIACY DATA ongoing research by scientists worldwide.
2016 Impact Factor

3.836 Since 1970, PRB has provided an authoritative venue for

high-quality work in established and emerging topics
2016 Immediacy Index in condensed matter research, making it an essential
1.024 resource for the field.

JOURNAL METRICS Sections Include:

Total Citations Structure and phase transitions
>5.1 million Ferroelectrics and multiferroics
2016 Published Articles Disordered systems and alloys
5,486 Magnetism
2016 Published Pages
Electronic structure, photonics, and metamaterials
Semiconductors and mesoscopic systems
2016 Article Downloads
Surfaces, nanoscience, and 2D materials
>8.9 million Topological states of matter
Volumes 97, 98 (48 issues)

2469-9950 (print)
2469-9969 (online)
2469-9977 (CD-ROM)


Laurens W. Molenkamp
University of Wrzburg

Anthony M. Begley*
American Physical Society

Formation and stability of metastable skyrmionic spin structures

A full list of editors
with various topologies in an ultrathin film
and board members is
Levente Rzsa, Krisztin Palots, Andrs Dek, Eszter Simon, Rocio Yanes,
available online. Lszl Udvardi, Lszl Szunyogh, and Ulrich Nowak
* Managing Editor Phys. Rev. B 95, 094423 (2017)

8 Physical Review Journals 2018

Physical Review C
covering nuclear physics
Physical Review C (PRC) is a leading journal in
theoretical and experimental nuclear physics, publishing
@PhysRevC more than 75% of the research literature in the field.

Established in 1970, PRC is a trusted, essential

IMPACT AND resource for nuclear physics researchers, nuclear
IMMEDIACY DATA data aggregators and evaluators, and others who
2016 Impact Factor use nuclear science research results. PRC provides a
3.820 collegial and proactive environment for researchers
looking to publish in the Physical Review family of
2016 Immediacy Index journals.
Sections Include:
JOURNAL METRICS Nucleon-nucleon interactions, few-body systems
Total Citations
Nuclear structure
>605K Nuclear reactions
2016 Published Articles Relativistic nuclear collisions
1,100 Hadronic physics and QCD
2016 Published Pages Electroweak interaction symmetries
10,519 Nuclear astrophysics
2016 Article Downloads

>685K From January 1, 2018, PRC will join the SCOAP3 consortium.
All high-energy physics articles meeting the SCOAP3 criteria
2018 PUBLICATION published after that date in PRC will be made available in
FREQUENCY open access format.
Volumes 97, 98 (12 issues)

2469-9985 (print)
2469-9993 (online)
2470-0002 (CD-ROM)


Benjamin F. Gibson
Los Alamos National
Christopher Wesselborg*
American Physical Society

A full list of editors

Parking-garage structures in nuclear astrophysics
and board members is
and cellular biophysics
available online. D. K. Berry, M. E. Caplan, C. J. Horowitz, Greg Huber, and A. S. Schneider
* Managing Editor Phys. Rev. C 94, 055801 (2016)

Physical Review Journals 2018 9

Physical Review D
covering particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology
Physical Review D (PRD) is a leading journal in
elementary particle physics, field theory, gravitation,
@PhysRevD and cosmology and is one of the top-cited journals
in high-energy physics.

IMPACT AND Launched in 1970, PRD is one of the longest-established

IMMEDIACY DATA journals dedicated to serving the high-energy physics
2016 Impact Factor community.
Sections Include:
2016 Immediacy Index
Particle physics experiments
1.938 Electroweak interactions
JOURNAL METRICS Strong interactions
Total Citations Lattice field theories, lattice QCD
>1.7M Beyond the standard model physics
2016 Published Articles Phenomenological aspects of field theory,
3,605 general methods
Gravity, cosmology, cosmic rays
2016 Published Pages Astrophysics and astroparticle physics
47,120 General relativity
2016 Article Downloads Formal aspects of field theory, field theory in
>1.2M curved space
String theory, quantum gravity, gauge/gravity duality
Volumes 97, 98 (24 issues)
From January 1, 2018, PRD will join the SCOAP3 consortium.
ISSN All high-energy physics articles meeting the SCOAP3 criteria
2470-0010 (print) published after that date in PRD will be made available in
2470-0029 (online) open access format.
2470-0037 (CD-ROM)





Erick J. Weinberg
Columbia University
Urs M. Heller* 10
American Physical Society

A full list of editors 20 Interference in spectrum of radiation from doubly

and board members is
scattered charged particle
available online.
M.V. Bondarenco and N.F. Shulga
* Managing Editor
30 Phys. Rev. D 95, 056003 (2017)

10 Physical Review Journals 2018

40 20 0 20 40
Physical Review E
covering statistical, nonlinear, biological, and soft matter physics
Physical Review E (PRE) is a broad and interdisciplinary
journal focusing on collective phenomena of many-
@PhysRevE body systems. As the premier journal in the interrelated
areas of statistical, nonlinear, biological, and soft matter
physics, PRE covers recent developments in complex
IMPACT AND fluids, polymers, liquid crystals, and granular materials.
IMMEDIACY DATA The journal also includes sections on solid mechanics,
2016 Impact Factor fluid dynamics, plasma physics, computational physics,
2.366 networks, and complex systems.
2016 Immediacy Index Established in 1993, PRE is distinguished by the breadth
0.556 of the subject areas it covers and its wide distribution and
readership. PRE provides an authoritative venue for high-
JOURNAL METRICS quality work in traditional and emerging research areas,
Total Citations making it an important resource for multiple disciplines.
>890K Sections Include:
2016 Published Articles
Statistical physics
2,390 Nonlinear dynamics and chaos
2016 Published Pages Networks and complex systems
22,879 Biological physics
2016 Article Downloads Polymers
>1.9M Colloids, complex fluids, and active matter
Liquid crystals
FREQUENCY Films and interfaces
Volumes 97, 98 (12 issues) Granular materials
ISSN Solid mechanics
2470-0045 (print) Fluid dynamics
2470-0053 (online)
2470-0061 (CD-ROM) Plasma physics
Computational physics

Eli Ben-Naim
Los Alamos National
Dirk Jan Bukman*
American Physical Society

A full list of editors

Weakly and strongly coupled
and board members is
Belousov-Zhabotinsky patterns
available online. Stephan Weiss and Robert D. Deegan
* Managing Editor Phys. Rev. E 95, 022215 (2017)

Physical Review Journals 2018 11

Physical Review Accelerators and Beams
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams (PRAB) covers
the full spectrum of accelerator science, technology,
@PhysRevAB and applications, including subsystems, component
technologies, beam dynamics, and the design, operation,
and improvement of scientific and industrial accelerators
IMPACT AND of all types.
2016 Impact Factor PRAB is a fully open access journal that is funded by
(Former Title: PRST-AB)
contributions from industrial sponsors, national and
1.444 international laboratories, universities, and other sources.
2016 Immediacy Index
The generous support of sponsors enables the journal to
(Current Title: PRAB) be provided without charge to both authors or readers.
0.266 PRAB covers all topics in accelerator science,
applications, and technology, including:
Total Citations Low- and intermediate-energy accelerators
>20K Pulsed-power accelerators
Synchrotron radiation and free-electron lasers
2016 Published Articles
High-energy accelerators and colliders
207 New acceleration techniques
2016 Published Pages
Radio frequency calculations and technology
2,334 Magnet calculations and technology
2016 Article Downloads Beam control, diagnostics, and feedback
>196K Cryogenics and vacuum technology
Particle-beam sources
FREQUENCY Single-particle dynamics
Volume 21 (12 issues) Low-energy, multiple-particle dynamics
2469-9888 (online)


Frank Zimmermann
CERN, Switzerland
Debbie Brodbar
American Physical Society

Simplified model for fast optimization of a

A full list of editors free-electron laser oscillator
and board members is Kai Li, Minghao Song, and Haixiao Deng
available online. Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 20, 030702 (2017)

12 Physical Review Journals 2018

Physical Review Applied
Physical Review Applied (PRApplied) publishes high-quality
papers that bridge the gap between engineering and physics,
@PhysRevApplied and between current and future technologies. PRApplied
welcomes papers from both the engineering and physics
communities, in academia and industry.
IMMEDIACY DATA PRApplied publishes research with strong and clear ties
2016 Impact Factor to applications, and that offers fresh insight into physical
4.808 phenomena. The editors encourage scientists and engineers
engaged in applied research to consider this journal their home
2016 Immediacy Index for stimulating scholarly publications and discussion.
PRApplied focuses on topics including:
Biophysics, bioelectronics, and biomedical engineering
Total Citations
Device physics
2016 Published Articles
Technology for the harvest, storage, and transmission of
255 energy with a focus on renewable energy technologies
2016 Published Pages Geophysics and space science
2,470 Industrial physics
2016 Article Downloads Magnetism and spintronics
>147K Metamaterials
2018 PUBLICATION Nonlinear dynamics and pattern formation in natural of
Volumes 9, 10 (12 issues)
manufactured systems
Nanoscience and nanotechnology
2331-7019 (online) Optics, optoelectronics, photonics, and photonic devices
2331-7043 (CD-ROM) Quantum information processing, both algorithms and
Soft matter physics, including granular and complex fluids
and active matter

Stephen R. Forrest
University of Michigan
Julie Kim-Zajonz*
American Physical Society

A full list of editors

Superconducting Optoelectronic Circuits for
and board members is
Neuromorphic Computing
available online. Jeffrey M. Shainline, Sonia M. Buckley, Richard P. Mirin, and Sae Woo Nam
* Managing Editor Phys. Rev. Applied 7, 034013 (2017)

Physical Review Journals 2018 13

Physical Review Fluids
Physical Review Fluids (PRFluids) is dedicated to
publishing innovative research that will significantly
@PhysRevFluids advance the fundamental understanding of fluid
dynamics. PRFluids embraces both traditional fluid
dynamics topics and newer areas.
2016 Immediacy Index PRFluids covers all aspects of fluid dynamics research,
0.188 Initial time including:
Biological and biomedical flows
JOURNAL METRICS Combustion fluid mechanics and reacting flows
2016 Published Articles
Complex and non-newtonian fluids
Compressible and rarefied flows, kinetic theory
2016 Published Pages
3,869 Drops, bubbles, capsules and vesicles
2016 Article Downloads Electrokinetic phenomena, electrohydrodynamics,
>53K and magnetohydrodynamics
Geophysical, geological, urban and ecological flows
FREQUENCY Instability, transition, and control
Volumes 3, (12 issues) interfacial phenomena and flows
ISSN Laminar and viscous flows
2469-990X (online) Micro- and nanofluidics
2469-9918 (CD-ROM)
Multiphase, granular and particle-laden flows
CODEN: PRFHBR Nonlinear dynamical systems
Transport and mixing
Turbulent flows
Vortex dynamics
Wave dynamics, free surface flows, stratified and
rotating flows
Final time

John Kim
University of California,
Los Angeles
Gary Leal
University of California,
Santa Barbara
Bradley Rubin

Optimal initial condition of passive tracers for their maximal

A full list of editors mixing in finite time
and board members is Mohammad Farazmand
available online. Phys. Rev. Fluids 2, 054601 Published 1 May 2017

14 Physical Review Journals 2018

Physical Review Materials
Physical Review Materials (PRMaterials) is a broad-scope
journal publishing high-quality, multidisciplinary research on
@PhysRevMater materials. The journal serves the interdisciplinary community
working on the prediction, synthesis, processing, structure,
properties, and modeling of a wide range of materials.

2018 PUBLICATION PRMaterials provides a publication and reference venue to

FREQUENCY the expanding community of physicists, materials scientists,
Volumes 2, (12 issues)
chemists, engineers, and scientists in related disciplines,
ISSN carrying out high-quality, original research in materials.
2475-9953 (Online)
2476-0455 (CD-ROM) PRMaterials covers a wide range of topics on materials
research, including:
CODEN: PRMHAR Prediction, synthesis, design, and modeling of materials
Crystal growth, film growth, crystallization, and kinetics
Magnetic, ferroelectric, multiferroic, and superconducting
Thin films, interfaces, surfaces, and heterostructures
Two-dimensional materials
Metamaterials and plasmonic, optical, and photonic
Materials for energy harvesting, storage, and generation
Glasses and amorphous materials
Soft materials, polymers, self-assembly, biomaterials
Electronic materials; semiconductors, metals, and
dielectrics, including organics
Topological materials
Mechanical properties, materials structure, and phase
Nanostructures, nanocomposites, and nanomaterials

Chris Leighton
University of Minnesota
Athanasios Chantis*
American Physical Society
Mu Wang
American Physical Society

A full list of editors

3(111) grain boundary of body-centered cubic Ti-Mo and Ti-V alloys:
and board members is
First-principles and model calculations
available online. Jia-Yi Yan, Hossein Ehteshami, Pavel A. Korzhavyi, and Annika Borgenstam
* Managing Editor Phys. Rev. Materials 1, 023602 (2017)

Physical Review Journals 2018 15

Physical Review Physics Education Research
Physical Review Physics Education Research (PRPER)
covers the full array of experimental and theoretical
@PhysRevPER research relating to the teaching and learning of
physics and astronomy. PRPER is the only fully open-
access journal for physics education research.
IMMEDIACY DATA PRPER publishes detailed research articles, review
2016 Impact Factor articles, and replication studies. Descriptions of
(Former Title: PRST-PER)
the development and use of new assessment tools,
2.083 presentation of research techniques, and methodology
2016 Immediacy Index
comparisons or critiques are welcomed.
(Current Title PRPER)
PRPER covers all educational levels, from K-12 through
0.830 graduate education. All topics in experimental and
theoretical physics education research are accepted,
including, but not limited to:
Total Citations
Educational policy
>3K Instructional strategies, and materials development
2016 Published Articles
Research methodology
96 Epistemology, attitudes, and beliefs
2016 Published Pages Learning environment
1,335 Scientific reasoning and problem solving
2016 Article Downloads Diversity and inclusion
>150K Learning theory
Student participation
2018 PUBLICATION Faculty and teacher professional development
Volumes 14 (2 issues)

2469-9896 (online)


Charles Henderson
Western Michigan University

Debbie Brodbar
American Physical Society

Test on the effectiveness of the sum over paths approach in favoring the
A full list of editors construction of an integrated knowledge of quantum physics in high school
and board members is Massimiliano Malgieri, Pasquale Onorato, and Anna De Ambrosis
available online. Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 13, 019901 (2017)

16 Physical Review Journals 2018

Physics provides daily online-only news and
commentary about a selection of papers from the
@APSPhysicsEd Physical Review journals. The website is aimed at the
reader who wants to keep up with highlights of physics
research with explanations that dont rely on jargon and
technical detail.

Visitors to Physics will find several types of articles:

Viewpoints: Commentaries on papers written by
prominent experts in a given field
Focus stories: Explanations of papers geared toward
students and non-experts
Synopses: Brief news summaries about papers
Features: Coverage of meetings, interviews with
scientists, and more

Jessica Thomas
American Physical Society
Matteo Rini
American Physical Society
David Ehrenstein
American Physical Society
Ana Lopes
American Physical Society
Katherine Wright
American Physical Society
Michael Schirber
American Physical Society APS/Alan Stonebraker

Physical Review Journals 2018 17

Physical Review Online Archive (PROLA) ensures the
immediate and long-term accessibility of journal
content published by APS.

2018 PROLA, APS-ALL, and PR-ALL package

subscribers will receive online access to the
complete archive of all publications, including:
Physical Review Letters from 19582014
Reviews of Modern Physics from 19292014
Physical Review AD from 19702014
Physical Review E from 19932014
Physical Review Applied from 2014
Physical Review Series I and II, in their entirety

At the end of each calendar year, PROLA adds

another year of content.

PROLA and the current (full-text) content is indexed
in Google and Google Scholar
All PDFs contained in the scanned portion of PROLA
have been refreshed using better compression and
adding searchable text


19582014 19292014 19702014 19702014 19702014 19702014 19932014 2014

18 Physical Review Journals 2018

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Physical Review Journals 2018 19

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20 Physical Review Journals 2018

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Physical Review Journals 2018 21

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Image on the cover, pages 3 and 19:

Boundary conditions at closed edge of bilayer graphene
and energy bands of collapsed nanotubes
[Takeshi Nakanishi and Tsuneya Ando Phys. Rev. B 94,
155401 (2016)]

Physical Review Journals 2018 25

2017 American Physical Society

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