Blessings Lesson 2

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Genesis 1:2631; 2:425

1.3 On the sixth day, God gave the first man the breath
of life. God named him Adam. The Lord saw that it
was not good for man to be alone, so He created
Eve. Adam and Eve lived in a beautiful garden
where they walked and talked with God.


(Insert your childs name), may you

Open a Bible and read always remember that you are
Psalm 139:14a: special, made by God too.
I praise you because I am fearfully and
wonderfully made.

God created man and woman in

His own image.
When Adam and Eve were created,
they walked and talked with God
in perfect relationship.

Read Genesis 2:7; 2:1823. Remind your

children that God made them and loves them.

Your child may enjoy gazing at his own

reflection. As he does so, remind him that
God made him and all of the people in the

Who made you? God made you! What would you say to God if you could walk
with and talk to Him like Adam and Eve did?
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God has given parents the privilege of
being the primary spiritual nurturers Genesis 1:12:3
of their childrens faith. 1.1 In six days, God created our world. Everything from the 1.2
heavens and earth to the animals and people who inhabit
The At Home Weekly is designed to reinforce that
itthe Lord created them all. On the seventh day He rested.
truth by allowing your family to have time in Gods
Word before your child attends church each God has entrusted His creation to our care.
week. It will provide you with ways to introduce The
Big God Story and have age-appropriate
conversations with your little one as you prepare
her for what she will be experiencing in church for GOD MADE
the next four weeks. OUR WORLD

Research has shown that children between the

ages of two and four learn best through repetition.
Because of this, TruBlessings will spend two (Insert your childs name), may you worship
Open a Bible and read Psalm 19:1:
weeks on the same part of The Big God Story and God, remembering that it was He who
the Ponder Point. The heavens declare the glory of God;
created the world and everything in it.
the skies proclaim the work
Each week you will receive a new Blessing. A of his hands.
blessing is a prayer of commission, a portion of
Scripture, or words of encouragement and
guidance. While giving the blessing, you may
desire to lay hands on your child as you speak the
Scripture or pray a prayer over him.

Hamilton the Hedgehog will play a role in your

childs experience in church each weekbe sure
to ask about him. He loves to Dig into Gods During the first six days of creation,
Word. The passage of Scripture provided will God created the world and
assist you as you reinforce the Ponder Point. Did everything in it.
You Know? has fun facts about this part of The Big
God Story for you to share with your child. And Tot On the seventh day of the creation,
Talk is simply a conversation starter to assist you God rested.
as you spiritually parent.

Read Genesis 1:2631. After reading, remind

your child that God created the world and
everything in it.

It may seem that your child wants to touch, smell, or

taste everything he comes in contact with. Sensory
experiences help him learn about the world around him
and remind him that God created the world and
everything in it.

Who made our world? God did! Whose job is it to care for Gods creation? Ours!
2017 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in
partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church and a
national network of family and childrens ministry
leaders. All rights reserved. Reproducible for
church use only.

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