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Tall Clock
Tackling the tricky details
by Robert Effinger

hen I moved to Maine in 1970, I left behind a career
as a tool-and-die maker. Working with wood instead of
metal, I managed to eke out a living selling my turned
bowls and wooden novelties to tourists who drove through town
in the summer. One day a local gentleman stopped in to ask me if
I could make a tall clock. I'd never attempted anything that ambi-
tious before but I took the job. Since then, I've turned out quite a
few. Along the way I've developed some methods that make short
work of the details; I'll explain several of these in this article.
The clock shown is based on an 18th-century mahogany tall
clock attributed to Newport, R.I., cabinetmaker John Goddard
(1745-85). I scaled up the plan from a measured drawing in Wal-
lace Nutting's book, Furniture Treasury: Vol. III (1933, MacMil-
lan Publishing Co.).
I'm not a period purist so my clock isn't built exactly like the
Goddard original. I'll improve on the old construction methods
if I can. For example, unlike many old clocks, mine are built to
allow for seasonal wood movement in places where the old
clocks might have nails, glue blocks and, more often than not,
cracks. The most radical change I've made is in the supports for
the seat boardthe horizontal board that supports the clock-
works. On old clocks, the waist sides extended up into the hood
and the seat board was nailed across them. My adjustable seat-
board assembly slides up or down until the movement's at the
correct height, then screws tight against the waist sides.
The -in. plywood bottom of my clock is another break from
tradition. Old clocks had a thick bottom that was often dove-
tailed to the base sides. This construction works fine until a
weight cable breaks and the cast-iron weight wrecks the bottom,
feet and sides of the clock. A falling weight will smash through
my thin plywood bottom, without damaging the rest of the clock.
Buy the movement and make the dial before you start cutting
anything. The depth of the movement determines the depth of
the case and the dial must be made to fit the hood or vice versa.
It's easier to make your own dial than it is to redesign the God-
dard hood around a store-bought dial. Some of the fancy old en-
graved dials were made from brass, but I cut mine from 16-gauge
sheet steel and sent it out to be hand painted. The sources of
supply on p. 78 lists a few of the many companies that sell move-
ments. The movement I used in this particular clock is a cable-
Built with the aid of 20th-century technology, Effinger's stately
mahogany tall clock captures the graceful proportions and crisp wound, nine nested-bell movement (No. 213) from the Concord
carving of the 18th-century Rhode Island original. The dial face Clock Co., 96 Main St., Plaistow, N.H. 03865.
was hand painted by Judith W. Akey. Think of the clock case as three separate sections: the base,
Fig. 1: Setup for routing hood moldings

waist and hood. Figure 3 (p. 81) and figure 4 (fold-out section) With a square, extend these lines across the width of the blank,
show how these sections are built and how they fit together. The extend the line of the curve over the end of the blank. Fasten the
waist sides screw to the base while the hood just rests on the template to the mahogany with small screws making sure that
waist. The hood slides off the front to allow access to the works. the template marks line up with the lines drawn on the blank.
The -in. pine back ties all three parts together, as shown in fig- Draw the molding profile on the ends of the blank as shown in
ure 4. In general, the waist must be about in. wider inside than the drawing. You'll set your router bit against this profile.
the swing of the pendulum. Most old clock waists measure in. One-quarter-in.-thick wooden discs in increments of -in. in
across the outside and 7 in. to 8 in. from front to back. I in- diameter fit over a pin in the auxiliary drill-press table directly
creased the depth of my clock case because modern musical underneath the bit. With the template side of the blank down on
movements are larger than the old ones. the table, I select a disc that positions the bit where I want it
I made the special one piece hinges for the hood door from against the profile on the blank end, adjust the bit to the right
-in.-thick sheet brass. These hinges screw to the top and bottom height, then guide the template against the disc to make the cut,
of the door and pivot on -in. #2 woodscrews in the scroll board as shown in the photo, p. 77. One pass hogs the straight return
and hood molding. The waist door also requires special hinges moldings, another pass at the same setting cuts the curves. Next I
with an offset to match the -in.-thick lip on the hinge stile as switch to a smaller disc to move the stock closer to the bit or a
shown in the detail, figure 4. Ball and Ball is the only company larger disc to move the stock away. The idea is to rout as close as
I've found that makes these hinges. possible to the molding profile you've drawn on the end of the
blank. I do as much hogging as I can with a -in. straight bit then
The curved goose-neck, or swan-neck moldings at the top of I switch to smaller straight bits followed by whatever curved bit
the hood are often the most intimidating part of a tall clock case. gets closest to the line. After routing, I scrape and sand out any
In the old days they were shaped by carving and scraping, but I imperfections in the molding.
prefer to make them with a pin router. My method of pattern After routing, trace around the template on the back side of
routing cuts both of the curved moldings and both of the return the blank. This line will become the cutting line for the top edge
moldings that run along either side of the hood at the same time, of the molding. Remove the template, set the tablesaw blade to
from the same piece of mahogany. 45 and cut the blank along the miter lines.
To make the moldings, I've converted my drill press into a pin To mark for the rosette, score about in. deep with a -in.-
router (see FWW #37, pp. 26-27). My setup guarantees that the diameter hole saw on the back of the blank. This gives you a
moldings will match up perfectly at the corner miters. definite line to follow later on the bandsaw. Rip the return mold-
Start with a mahogany blank in. thick, 10 in. wide and ing off the blank along the straight template line. Now, with the
31 in. long. Make a template by drawing the molding curves on a back side up, bandsaw along the curved template line that marks
6-in.-wide piece of -in. hardboard, as shown in figure 1 and the top edge of each goose-neck molding, including the radius
bandsawing to shape. On this template, mark off the miter lines marked by the hole saw. Flip the molding over. The cutting line
and the center lines for the rosettes. for the bottom edge of the molding lies at the lowest point of
Place the template on the bottom of the mahogany blank and the radius, as shown in figure 1. If you run a pencil along the
transfer the miter lines and rosette center lines to the blank. bottom of this groove, it's easier to follow with the bandsaw.
With his drill press converted to a pin router, Effinger routs out
the pediment moldings. The template rides against a wooden disc
over a pin under the work. Bit height is adjusted against the mold-
ing profile drawn on the end of the blank (above). After a pass
along the straight molding, the goose-neck molding gets a pass at
the same setting (top right). After sawing the miter, the rosette
location is scored with a hole saw (right), then the goose-neck is
bandsawn from the blank. After sawing the top edge and the ro-
sette, the blank is flipped over and the lower molding edge is
bandsawn free (far right).

Fig. 2: Turning "quarter" columns

The moldings are now ready to glue to the scroll board.
The smaller scroll-board arch moldings can be made using
the same technique, but I find it easier to mount a router on a
cobbled-up pivot to cut the semi-circular part and guide the hand-
held router against a straight edge to cut the straight sections.
You could also turn the semicircular molding on the lathe.

The quarter columns on the waist of old clocks were just that,
of a circle. To my eye, these look sort of flat. I thought that the
effect would be more dramatic if the columns were just slightly
more than of a circle. Here's the method I developed to turn a
"quarter" column that's really a 120 section of a circle.
Make a fixture from two pieces of -in. scrap stock as long as
the column. Rip one piece 2 in. wide and one in. wide and
butt glue them to make an L-shaped fixture, as shown in figure 2.
Cut a -in.-square piece of mahogany for the column. Screw
this square blank into the L-shaped piece as shown. Make sure
that your screws are recessed enough that you don't turn into
them later. Lay out the center on each end, remove the corners
on the tablesaw, if you prefer, and turn the column and the jig to
shape. A new L-shaped jig must be made for each quarter column.
If your lathe has an indexing head, you can rig up a router box
and cut the flutes right on the lathe with a small veining bit in a
router (see FWW #37, p. 34 and #38, p. 40), but I have a differ-
ent method. I have an old indexing jig that holds the column
between centers and allows me to slide it across the drill-press
table against a cutter chucked up in the drill press. My cutter is a
-in. Woodruff key seat cutter that I've ground to a radius as
shown (available unground from Manhattan Supply Co., Inc., 151
Sunnyside Blvd., Plainview, N.Y. 11803). A bronze sleeve over
the shaft acts as a bushing and limits the depth of cut.

Author cuts column flutes with a Woodruff key seat cutter

There are lots of ways to make ogee bracket feet but I think ground to a radius and chucked up in the drill press. Indexing
that my method is the easiest. I cut and glue up the joints while jig rests on drill-press table and slides by cutter. Sleeve on cutter
the stock is still square. By clamping the glued-up foot to a small limits depth of cut.
wooden box for support, as shown in the photo at left, I cut the
ogee curve on the bandsaw.
The front feet are joined with a splined miter. I cut the spline
slot on the tablesaw with the blade at 45. The back feet are
joined with half-blind dovetails. The rear section of the back feet
is made from thinner stock and left flat to allow the clock to sit
closer to a wall.

The flame finials that crown the hood are turned from 3 in.-
square blocks about in. long. Turn the finial in the middle of
the stock leaving about 1 in. of waste on each end, as shown in
the photo. For now, just turn the flame section to shapecarv-
ing comes later. On the bottom of the urn, mark off 24 divisions
for reeding and stop fluting. If your lathe has an indexing head,
you can mark and carve the finial between centers. I carve the
reeds with a V-tool working from larger diameter to smaller di-
ameter. Tipping the tool to the left and right, I take off the
sharp edges to round over the reed. About in. down from the
top of the reeding I mark a line around the circumference and
Ogee bracket feet are glued another line about in. from the first. This designates the
up while square then cut to
shape on the bandsaw. Sup- lengths of the shallow flutes within the reeds. I carve these with
porting the foot over a a small gouge.
wooden box allows the ogee On old clocks, the flames on the outside finials spiral in oppo-
profile to be cut on the site directions. To lay out the flame spiral, I draw lines parallel
bandsaw (left). Finial is to the finial axis that divide the circumference of the cylinder
lathe turned, then flutes are
marked out in indexing jig into six equal sections. Then I draw lines around the circumfer-
and carved by hand. To lay ence, spaced in. apart, to form a grid. I connect the intersec-
out the flame, divide flame tions with diagonal lines to form the spirals. Carve between the
into six longitudinal sec- spiral lines with a small gouge. After the flame has been carved,
tions and five latitudinal cut the waste off and finish to a point. I sand the completed finial
sections to form a grid (be-
with a 220-grit flap sander chucked up in the drill press.
low). Connect points on the
diagonal to form spiral One other detail worth specific mention is the shell carving on
lines. Pencil holder shown the waist door. Some of the old ones were glued onto the'door
marks out axis lines. panel after carving. I like to make the door panel and shell from
one board as thick as the combined thickness of the shell and
panel. I set the thickness planer to remove in. and I stop the
planer before the shell area goes through. The finished shell is
about in. higher than the panel and overhangs each edge by
in. I set the jointer for a -in. cut and joint the panel edge
stopping when I get to the shell area.

Robert Effinger makes period furniture in Fryeburg, Me.

Sources of supply
These firms sell tall-clock movements, clock supplies and hard-
ware, except as noted.
Selva-Borel, 347 T3th St., P.O. Box 796, Oakland, Calif. 94604.
Mason & Sullivan Co., 586 Higgins Crowel Rd., West Yarmouth,
Mass. 02673.
Turncraft Clock Imports Co., 7912 Olson Highway 55, Golden
Valley, Minn. 55427.
Klockit, P.O. Box 629, Highway H, North, Lake Geneva, Wisc.
Craft Products Co., 2200 Dean St., St. Charles, Ill. 60174.
Ball and Ball, 463 West Lincoln Hwy., Exton, Pa. 19341 (au-
thentic reproductions of hood-door hinges, offset waist-door
hinges and clock hardware).
Judith W. Akey, 173 Harbourton Rd., Pennington, N.J. 08534
(hand paints clock dials).
The Dial House, Rt. 7, Box 532, Dallas, Ga. 30132 (custom dials
and hand painting).

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