Alert For New Employee
Alert For New Employee
Alert For New Employee
What are Oracle Alerts?
A: Oracle Alerts monitor your Database information and notify you when the condition that you have
specified is found. You can define Alerts in any Oracle application or custom Oracle application.
Some applications (Purchasing, for example) supply Alerts that Can simply be activated and used.
There are two type of Alerts, Event and Periodic.
Event Based Alerts : These Alerts are fired/triggered based on some change in data in the
Ex: If u want to notify your manager when you create an item in the inventory you can use event
based alerts. When you create an item in the inventory it will cretae a new record in
mtl_system_items_b, here inserting a record in the table is an event so when ever a new record is
inserted it will send the alert.In same alert you can also send the information related to that
particular item
Periodic Alerts : These Alerts are triggered hourly,daily, weekly, monthly or yearly based on your
Ex: If you want to know list of items created on that day at the end of day you can use periodic
alerts repeating periodically by single day.This alert is not based on any chages to database.this
alert will notify you everyday regardless of data exists or not that means even if no items are
created you wil get a blank notification.
Q: Can Alerts be triggered by other Tools? (i.e. other than Oracle Forms and concurrent
A: Oracle Alerts can only be triggered from an application that has been registered in Oracle
Applications. Alerts cannot be triggered via SQL updates or deletes to an Alert activated trigger.
- ORACLE MAIL product (i.e. Oracle Office or InterOffice
1.Study your Business requirement and decide what type of alert you need either periodic alert or
event based alert.
2. If you are going for periodic alert decide the frequency.
3. If you have chosen event based alert then find out on what event(insert,update) you want to fire
the alert.
4. Decide what data need to be included in the alert.
5. Based on the data you want in the alert write a SELECT SQL statement to pull the data.
6. Create a distribution list grouping all the people to whom you want to send the alert.
Defining an Alert :
Name = xxscc_test1
Enable = Selected.
4. Event
select employee_number
into &emp_numfrom
7. Save
TO : Give you email ID here. Note : You can also put here also bind variable with &email if
that taken in select statement.
Now if you Update or Create New Employee you will received notification in given email ID.