Worked Solutions: Exercises

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Worked solutions

Chapter 2
4 N

1 (a) 100 km 100 000 = 27.8 m s1

1 hour 60 60
20 km
(b) 20 000 = 5.6 m s1
1 hour 60 60 4 m s1
2 (a) speed = distance = = 4.2 m s1 W E
time 96
(b) total displacement = 0 m
1 m s1
average velocity = 0 m s1
(c) After 48 s runner will be half way around,
travelling south. The speed is constant,
relative velocity = 42 + 1 = 4.1 ms1
so the magnitude of the velocity will be
tan = 14
4.2 m s1.
= 14
instantaneous velocity = 4.2 m s1 (minus
sign indicates travelling south) 5 5 m s2
(d) After 24 s the runner will be 4 way round v?
6.35 m
100 m
s = 100 m
u = 0 m s1
a = 5 m s2
6.35 m
displacement = 63.52 + 63.52 Use v2 = u2 + 2 as
= 90 m v2 = 2 as = 2 5 100 = 1000
3 bird v = 1000 = 31.6 m s1
10 6 5 m s2
20 m s v?
200 m
10 m s1
s = 200 m
20 m s1
u = 20 m s1
v =?
In this case we must subtract the velocity of
a = 5 m s2
velocity = 202 + 102 = 22.4 m s1
Use v2 = u2 + 2as
tan = 10
20 v2 = 202 + 2 5 200 = 2400
= tan1 0.5 v = 2400 = 49 m s1
= 26.6

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7 u? 10 m s2 20 m s1 v = 20ms1
a = 10ms2
t = 5s t=?
s= Use a = v u
t= vu
v = 20ms1 a
a = 10ms2 20 20
= = 4s
t = 5s
11 a
Use a = v u u = v at = 20 10 5
t 25 m s1
u = 30ms1
t = 10 s
8 t = 2s
v 25
10 m s2
30 m s 1

u = 30ms1 5
a = 10ms2 (acceleration is negative) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
t = 2s
Use s = ut + 12 at2 = 30 2 12 10 22 distance travelled = area = 2 10 25 = 125m
= 60 20 = 40m acceleration = gradient = 25 = 2.5ms2
9 12 velocity/m s1
areas cancel

10 m s2 6.5 cm 9
3 6 time/s

positive acceleration of 10 ms2 for 3s
s = 0.65m
followed by negative acceleration of 10 ms2
u = 0ms1 3
displacement = area under graph = 10 3
a = 10ms2 2
= 15m
Use v2 = u2 + 2as 13 constant acceleration constant acceleration
but lower than 1st part
v2 = 0 2 10 0.65 = 13
constant velocity
v = 13 = 3.6ms1
s, v, a


10 m s2 20 m s1

s = 0m
u = 20ms1
2 t

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14 16 displacement

no vertical motion
s, v, a

still moving
a but positive

t The gradient of the displacementtime graph
starts from zero and gets more negative until it
v reaches a constant value.

s 30 m s1

15 displacement 60
From vertical components
u = 30 sin 60 = 26ms1
v = 26ms1
B D time
a = 10ms2
velocity t=?
Using a = v u , t = v u
t a

A B C D = 26 26 = 5.2s
time 10
From horizontal components
s = vt = 30 cos 60 5.2 = 78m
A The gradient starts from zero and becomes 18 20 m s1
more negative as the ball falls. 5m
B The ball bounces and the velocity suddenly
changes to a positive value with slightly Vertical motion
lessmagnitude. s = 5m
As the ball rises it slows down until it stops atC. u = 20 sin
The velocity then becomes negative as itfalls. v=0
Note the gradient of all the diagonal parts is the a = 10ms2
same; this is because g is constant. t=
The velocity just after the ball leaves the ground
(a) v2 = u2 + 2as
is the same as the velocity just before it hits
0 = u2 2 10 5
u = 100 = 10ms1
20 sin = 10, sin = 12 , = 30

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(b) a = v u time to reach wall t = v u Vertical components cancel, so resultant
t a
= 10N to the right
0 10
t= = 1s
10 (b)
In this time, horizontal displacement = vht
3N 3
= 20 cos 30 1 = 17.3m

19 200 m 5N 5

Resultant = 52 + 32 = 5.8N
y Angle = tan1 3 = 31
200 m s1 5
22 (a) 30 30
Using horizontal components
40 N 40 N
v = d t = d = 200 = 1s
40 N
t v 200 60 N 60 N
Using vertical components
s=y F

Horizontal forces cancel
Convenient to take down as positive in this
F = 40N
a = 10ms1 30 30
t = 1s 40 N 40 N 40 N
s = ut + 12 at2 y = 0 1 + 12 1060N12 60 N
y = 5m F
20 20 m s1

Horizontal forces cancel
Vertical components of upward force
= 2 40 cos 30 = 69N
maximum distance is when = 45 23 (a)
50 N 40 N F
Using vertical components
s=0 20 40 N 60 N

u = 20 sin 45 = 14.14ms1 20 N
v = 20 sin 45 = 14.14ms1 50 N
a = 10ms2
t=? Vertical components cancel:
a= vu t= vu 50 sin 20 50 sin 20 = 0
a t
Horizontal components:
14.14 14.14
= = 2.8s 20 2 50 cos 20 = 74N
Using horizontal components (b)
40 N F
Range = v t = 14.14 2.8 = 39.6m 50 N
20 40 N 60 N

21 (a) 10 N
20 N
50 N Horizontal components: 60 40 = 20N
10 N Resultant = 402 + 202 = 45N
Angle = tan1 40 = 63.4

10 N

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24 (a) 8.66 N (b) F3 20 N



60 N
10 N
Parallel to slope:
F2 = 20 cos 30
Resultant = 10 sin 30 1
F2 = 17.3N
= 5 1 = 4N down slope.
Perpendicular to slope:
F3 + 20 sin 30 = 60
Resultant = 8.66 10 cos 30 = 0
F3 = 60 10 = 50N
Resultant force = 4N down the slope.
(b) 4 N 26
60 T

4N 10 N
Vertical R = 4 cos 30 + 6 cos 60 4
= 3.46 + 3 4 = 2.46N (up)
(a) Since forces are balanced
Horizontal R = 6 sin 60 4 sin 30
horizontal resultant = 0
= 5.20 2 = 3.2N (right)
F = T sin 30
(b) Vertical resultant = 0
2.46 10 = T cos 30
(c) T = = 11.5N
3.2 cos 30

(d) F = 11.5 sin 30 = 5.8N
Resultant = 3.22 + 2.462 = 4N
Angle = tan1 2.46 = 37.6 27 N
3.2 F
25 (a) 6N

45 30
45 50 N

(a) Parallel to ramp

F = 50 sin 30
(b) Perpendicular to ramp
Taking components along the line of F1
N = 50 cos 30
2 6 cos 45 = F1
(c) F = 25N
F1 = 8.49N
N = 43.3N

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28 Resultant F: 1000 F = 2.5 F = 997.5N
80 80 Friction = 997.5N
knot 33 a T = ma = 10 a
10 kg
600 N
(a) Vertical components
2T cos 80 = 600N T
(b) Horizontal components a 50 T = ma = 5a
5 kg T = 50 5a
T sin 80 = T sin 80
600 50 N
(c) T = = 1728N
2 cos 80
0.2 kg (a) Equating the equations for T:
before 10 m s1 10a = 50 5a
15a = 50
after 5 m s1 a = 3.3ms2
momentum before = 0.2 10 = 2Ns (b) Using the equation at the top of the
momentum after = 0.2 5 = 1Ns diagram
impulse = change in momentum T = 10a = 10 3.3 = 33N
= final initial
= 1 2 = 3Ns

30 0.067 kg
10 m s1
12 kN
50 m s1
1000 kg
momentum before = 0.067 10 = 0.67Ns
momentum after = 0.067 50 = 3.35Ns
10 kN
impulse = change in momentum
= 3.35 0.67 Resultant force = 2kN
= 4.02Ns a = F = 2000 = 2ms2
m 1000
31 0.1 N 35

0.5 m s2
W = mg = 65 kg
0.006 10 = 0.06 N

Upward force = 0.1 0.06 650 N

= 0.04N
F = ma = 65 0.5 = 32.5N
F = ma a = F
m Resultant force = 32.5N
= 0.04 = 6.7ms2 N 650 = 32.5
N = 682.5N
32 Acceleration = v u = 0.1 0 = 0.05ms2
t 2

50 kg 1000 N
Resultant F = ma = 50 0.05 = 2.5N

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36 (b) 5 m s1 5 m s1
U m m

v 1 m s1
m m
4000 cm 3

Before collision momentum = 5m + 5m = 0

W = 2.5 N After collision momentum = mv + m
Conservation of momentum 0 = mv + m
(a) U = weight of fluid displaced m = mv
volume displaced = 4000 106m3 v = 1ms1 (Could be + or depending on
mass displaced = U = 1000 0.004 which ball you take.)
= 4kg (c)
Upthrust = 40N 100 kg
Resultant F = 40 2.5 = 37.5N up.
(b) a = F = 37.5 = 150ms2
m 0.25 2 kg
Friction will act against the motion of

37 Must throw the hammer away from


(a) Newton 1: Since the velocity of the gas

changes there must be an unbalanced vm vn
force on the gas.
Newton 3: If the rocket exerts a force on
the gas the gas must exert a force on the
rocket. This force is unbalanced so the
rocket accelerates. Must travel 2m in 2 min
(b) Same as 37(a) but replace gas with water vm = 2 = 0.017ms1
and rocket with boat. 120
momentum before = momentum after
(c) Skateboard replaces rocket, person 0 = 100 0.017 + 2 vh
replaces gas.
vh = 1.7 = 0.85ms1 Sounds possible.
(d) The ball accelerates up due to upthrust. 2
If the water pushes ball up then ball pushes 39 F
water down so the reading on balance

38 (a) 10 m s1
m m
v 1 m s1
0.35 s
Before collision momentum = m 10 + m 0 (a) Impulse = area
After collision momentum = mv + m 1 = 12 5 0.35
Conservation of momentum 10m = mv + m = 0.875Ns
9m = mv
v = 9ms1

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(b) Impulse = change of momentum = mv (c) F
mv = 0.875Ns 8N
so if m = 0.02kg
0.02 v = 0.875
v = 0.875 = 44ms1
40 Impulse = area = 0.5 0.35 5 = 0.875Ns
Change in velocity = mv = 0.875 = 43.75ms1 2 cm 4 cm x
m 0.02
= final velocity since initial was zero (d) Work done = area under graph = 2 42

From conservation of energy 12 mv2 = mgh = 4J

(e) Red area = 2 (4 + 8) = 12J
so h = v = 43.75 = 7.7m
2 2
2g 2 9.8
45 F
41 150 N


10 m
Use 150 since this is the angle between 5 8 10
direction of F and displacement. Area = 12 300 5 + 300 3 + 1
300 2
(a) Work done = 150 cos 150 10m = 750 + 900 + 300
= 1300J = 1950 J
(b) Dog is doing the work. 46 5 m s1
42 Since displacement = 0, no work is done.


150 N
50 m
Work done = 150 cos 180 2 v2
= 300J

44 At top of cliff the stone has

PE + KE = 12 mv12 + mgh
6 cm At the bottom the stone has only KE = 2 mv22
Conservation of energy
8 cm 12 m 52 + m 10 50
= 12 mv22
2 cm
v22 = 2 ( 12 52 + 10 50) = 1025
v2 = 32ms1

(a) Spring is stretched 2cm.

(b) F = kx
F = 2 2 = 4N

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47 49
0.25 kg 2 m s1

0.2 kg h

(a) Original KE = final PE
2 mv = mgh

h= v =
= 0.2m
2g 2 10
h= 4
x (b) If v = 4ms1, = 0.8m
2 10
50 (a) Work done = mgh = 2 9.8 100
(a) When ball hits spring = 1.96kJ
KE = original PE (b) Efficiency = (useful work/work in) 100%
= mgh
= 0.25 10 5 45 = 1.96 103 100
= 12.5J E = 4.36kJ
(b) Ball loses all its energy so work done =
51 (a) Useful work = gain in KE
lossof energy.
Convert velocity to ms1 = 100 1000
Work done = 12.5J (60 60)
= 27.7ms1
(c) Energy given to spring = 12 kx2 KE = 12 mv2 = 12 100 27.72
12.5 = 12 250000 x2 = 3.86 105J
x2 = 0.0001
(b) 60 = 3.86 105 100
x = 0.01m = 1cm E
(Note: We have ignored the loss of PE by E = 6.43 10 J = 0.643MJ

the ball as it squashes the spring; this is (c) 36MJ per litre so 0.643 = 1.8 102l
very small.)
52 0.01 kg 0.01 kg
15 N

0.1 kg
m m
0.05 m

(a) Work done to compress spring = elastic PE

(a) Work done = F d of spring = 12 kx2
= 15 0.05 = 12 0.1 0.052
= 0.75J = 1.25 104J
(b) Work done will increase the PE of the ball (b) KE gained by balls = 1.25 104J
Increase in PE = 0.75J = mgh Since balls are the same must get
2 1.25 10 J each
0.75 = 0.1 10 h
h = 0.75m = 6.25 105J
(c) KE = 2 mv2 = 6.25 105J

v2 = 2 6.25 10

v = 0.1ms1

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53 10 m s1 15 m s1 57 1000 N 20 m s1

1000 N

2 kg 10 kg
If velocity constant, forces are balanced so
forward force = 1000N
In 1s the car moves 20m so work done
v = 1000 20 = 20000J
12 kg
Power = work done per second = 20kW

(a) Momentum before = 2 10 10 15
= 20 150 = 130Ns
Momentum after = 12 v Power in = 100 W 2m
Conservation of momentum: 130 = 12v
v = 10.83ms1
(b) KE before = 1
2 102 + 1
10 152 10 kg
2 2
= 100 + 1125 = 122J
Useful work = mgh = 10 10 2 = 200J
KE after = 12 12 10.832 = 703.7J
Energy loss = 521.3J power = work = 200 = 50W
time 4
power out
54 10 m s1
15 m s
efficiency = 100% = 50 100%
power in 100
15 m s1 10 m s1
59 efficiency = energy out = E = 70
energy in 60 100

If collision is elastic the velocities swap. E = 60 70 = 42kJ

55 60
300 N 300 N

2000 N
(a) Constant velocity forces balanced
forward force = 300N
power = force velocity = 300 80000
= 6.67kW
Work done lifting weight = 2000 2 = 4000J
(b) efficiency = power out = 6.67
= 60
power = work done = 4000 = 800W power in power in 100
time 5
power in = 11.1kW
56 50 kg

50 m

PE loss = mgh = 50 10 50 = 25000J

power = energy = 250000 = 1000W
time 25

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(b) (i) from the gradient a = 0.8 = 1.6ms2
Practice questions (ii) distance = area

= 12 0.5 0.8 + 0.8 11

1 18 m s1 18 m s1 18 m s1
+ 12 0.5 0.8 = 9.2m
S x
uP uP 0.5 s 0.5 s
11.0 s
4.5 m s2 time, 6.0 s time, t 0.80

velocity (m s1)
(a) (i) Car S travels at constant velocity so 0.70
sS=18 t 0.60
(ii) Police car has constant acceleration so 0.50
s=ut + 12 at2 0.40 0.8 m s1
sP = 0 6.0 + 12 4.5 6.02 0.30
= 81m 0.20
(iii) Using a = v u v = at + u 0.10
= 4.5 6.0 + 0 = 27ms 1
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0
Could use v2 = u2 + 2as time (s)
v = 2 4.5 81 = 27ms1 but not
good practice to use s since if you (iii) Minimum work = gain in PE = mgh
calculated it wrong in part (ii) then this = 250 10 9.2
would be wrong. = 23000J
However, since errors are not carried (iv) power = work done = 23000 = 1916W
forward you would not lose marks if you time 12
(v) efficiency = power out 100%
(iv) Police car travels at constant velocity power in
from 6.0s until the cars meet at time t. = 1.9 100% = 38%
So time at constant velocity = (t 6.0) (c) On the original graph, velocity changed
x = 27 (t 6.0) instantly
(b) The police car catches up (draws level) with a = V =
car S when they have travelled the same This cannot happen; the changes happen
distance. over time.
Distance travelled by S in time t = 18t
Distance travelled by P = 81 + 27 (t 6.0) 0.80
velocity (m s1)

So when they meet 18t = 81 + 27 (t 6.0)

18t = 81 + 27t 162
18t 27t = 81 162
t = 9.0s
2 (a) Mass can be defined in two ways: 0.30
1) In terms of the force experienced by a 0.20
mass in a gravitational field
F = mg so m = F gravitational mass
G 0.00
2) In terms of the acceleration 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0
experienced when a constant force is time (s)
exerted on the mass.
F = ma so m = F inertial mass

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(d) (i) Since velocity is constant the force On the way down PE is converted first to
must be balanced. KE then to heat.

T 3 velocity = 0 m s1 at top

8 m s1

10 m s1


(ii) Since elevator is going up and slowing
down acceleration is down so W > T.

(a) (i) Using v2 = u2 + 2as s = v u

2 2

W>T 2a
u = 8ms1
v = 0ms1
a = 10ms2
h = 0 8 = 3.2m
2 2
W should be the same in each diagram, it
2 10
is T that changes. Good idea to write which
(ii) Using a = v u t = v u
force is bigger in case diagram isnt clear. t a
t= = 0.8s
(e) The reading on the scales is the upward 10
force on the person; this is bigger than W (b) (alternative method)
when accelerating up but equal to W when Time to reach sea = 3.0s
velocity is constant. using s = ut + 12 at2
u = 8.0ms1
reading on scales

t = 3.0s
a = 10ms2
s = 8 3 12 10 32
= 24 45
= 21 m
i.e. 21m below start.
So the cliff = 21m high

4 (a) Newtons third law: If body A exerts a force

on body B then body B must exert an equal
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 and opposite force on body A.
time (s)
(b) Law of conservation of momentum: for a
(f) 0 0.5s system of isolated bodies (i.e. no external
Electrical energy changes to PE + KE forces acting) the total momentum is
0.5 11.5s constant.
Electrical energy changes to PE
11.5 12.0s
KE + electrical energy changes to PE

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(c) FBA A B FAB (i) Applying conservation of momentum
momentum before = momentum after
800 5.0 = (800 + 1200) v
4000 = 2000 v
Should be the same length acting through
v = 2.0 m s1
the centre of the spheres.
(ii) Initial KE = 12 800 52 = 10 000 J
(change in mv)B mvB 0
(d) (i) FAB = = Final KE = 12 2000 22 = 4000 J
time t
mvB Loss of KE = 10 000 4000 = 6000 J
v (c) When the trucks collide heat and sound are
Before A B
6 (a) (i) PE = mgh
vA vB mg = weight of man = 700 N
height from A to B = 30 sin 40
After A B
= 19.3 m
(ii) FBA = rate of change of momentum
(change in mv)A mvA mv
= = 30 m
time t
30 sin40
m(vA v)
(e) According to Newtons third law
mvB m(vA v) gain in PE = 700 19.3 = 13 500 J
= =
t t (ii) If 48 people go up per minute the total
mvB = mvA + mv
increase in PE = 48 13 500
mvB + mvA = mv
= 6.48 105 J
(f) If KE conserved then initial KE = final KE (iii) Assume that people stand still on the
1 1 1
2 mv = 2 mvA + 2 mvB
2 2 2
escalator and that they all weigh 700 N.
v2 = vA2 + vB2
(b) (i) power = work done = gain in PE
From conservation of momentum we know time time
that v = vA + vB = 6.2 105
= 1 104 W
If vA is at rest then vA = 0 and B travels at v 60
then vB = v Pout
efficiency = Pin = 15 kW
So v2 = 02 + v2 and v = 0 + v
which means that this is a possible (ii) The escalator is a continuous band; it
outcome goes up on the outside and down on
In fact it is the only solution. the inside.

5 (a) Linear momentum = mass velocity (c) Since the efficiency will be less than 100%
due to friction etc. the power in will be
(b) 5 m s1 1200 kg
800 kg greater than useful work done.
A Unless they are small children running up
immediately before collision the escalator.

immediately after collision 13

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7 (a) The total momentum of a system of isolated
bodies is always constant. Challenge yourself
(b) (i) 58 g
2g 56 g 1 First draw a diagram

140 m s1 v

Conserving momentum
10 m s2
56 0 + 2 140 = 58 v
280 20 m s2
= v = 4.8 m s1
(ii) 58 g 58 g
4.8 m s1

F 30
2.8 m
As block slows work done against
friction = average F distance moved Taking components of the motion
in direction of force Horizontal
Work done against friction will equal the x = 20 sin 30 t
KE lost = 12 mv2 = 12 0.058 4.82 Vertical
= 0.7 J y = 20 cos 30 t 12 10 t2
So average F 2.8 = 0.7 We also know that y = tan (negative because
average force = 0.24 N the value of y is negative)
(c) (i) Assuming vertical component of y
= 20 cos 30 t 0.5 10 t2
= tan 30
velocity is uniform we can use x 20 sin 30 t 20 sin 30 t

s = ut + 12 at2 t = 4.62 s
so x = 46.2 m
u = 0 so 2s = 2 0.85 = 0.41 s
a 10 y = 26.7 m
Horizontal velocity is constant Distance down slope = 46.22 + 26.72 = 53 m
= 4.3 m s1
Horizontal distance = vt = 4.3 0.41 4 m s1
= 1.8 m 6 m s1

table clay block 0.2 kg
0.5 kg
Taking components of the momentum
0.2 6 = 0.2 4 cos 45 + 0.5 v cos
0.85 m
So v cos = 1.27
0.2 4 sin 45 = 0.5 v sin
So v sin = 1.13
v sin
= 1.13 = tan
v cos 1.27
= 41.7
v= = 1.7 m s1

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