Effect of Sugar Solution Characteristics Tomat

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ISSN: 2087-3948 (print)

Vol. 2, No. 2, Pp. 55-61 ISSN: 2087-3956 (electronic)

July 2010 DOI: 10.13057/nusbiosci/n020201

Effect of various sugar solution concentrations on characteristics of

dried candy tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum)


VEDCA/PPPPTK Pertanian Cianjur. Jl. Jangari Km. 14 Sukajadi Karangtengah, Cianjur 43202, West Java, Indonesia. PO Box 138. Tel. :+92-263-
285003, Fax.: +92-263-285026
Bioscience Program, School of Graduates, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta 57126, Central Java, Indonesia

Manuscript received: 14 August 2009. Revision accepted: 15 October 2009.

Abstract. Buntaran W, Astirin PA, Mahajoeno M. 2009. Effect of various sugar solution concentrations on characteristics of dried
candy tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum). Nusantara Bioscience 2: 55-61. The aims of the research were to study the effects of sugar
syrup concentration on dried candy tomato characteristics and to determine the proper sugar solution concentration that gives the best
characteristics of dry candy tomatoes. The research used Randomized Block Design Method with four treatments and six times
repetitions. The treatment that be used was immersing the tomato in sugar solution, with concentration of A (40%), B (50%), C (60%),
and D (70%) group in 18 hours. The variables measured were water content, ash, vitamin C and organoleptic tests include flavor, color,
flavor and texture test. Data were analyzed using ANOVA test (Analysis of Variance) followed by DMRT (Duncan Multiple Range
Test). The result showed that sugar solution concentration had different effect on water content, ash content, vitamin C content, texture,
and organoleptic test for colour, taste, and flavor of the dry candy tomato. The best characteristics of dry tomato candy was obtained on
A (40%) group, with water content of 24.20%, ash content of 0.62%, and vitamin C content of 31.15 mg/100 g. Standar quality of
water content for dry fruit candy was maximal 25% (SII No.0718-2003) and maximal allowed ash content for food materials was 1.0%
(SII 0272.90). Vitamin C content was not much decreased compared with ripe tomato i.e. 30-40 mg/100. Organoleptic tets result
indicated that A (40%) group get the highest score, i.e. 3,98 for taste, 3,89 for flavor, and 3,98 for colour.

Key words: sugar, candy/candied, tomato, Lycopersicum esculentum.

Abstrak. Buntaran W, Astirin PA, Mahajoeno M. 2009. Pengaruh konsentrasi larutan gula terhadap karakteristik manisan kering
tomat (Lycopersicum esculentum). Nusantara Bioscience 2: 55-61. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mempelajari pengaruh perendaman
dalam larutan gula terhadap karakteristik manisan tomat kering dan untuk menetapkan konsentrasi larutan gula yang tepat sehingga
dihasilkan manisan tomat kering dengan karakteristik yang baik. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak
Kelompok (RAK) yang terdiri dari empat perlakuan dengan enam kali ulangan. Perlakuan yang digunakan adalah konsentrasi larutan
gula dimana untuk kelompok A (40%), B (50%), C (60%) dan D (70%), selama 18 jam. Variabel yang diamati adalah kandungan air,
abu, vitamin C dan uji organoleptik meliputi rasa, warna, aroma serta uji tekstur. Data dianalisis menggunakan Anova (Analisis of
Variance) dilanjutkan dengan uji DMRT (Duncan Multiple Range Test). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi larutan gula
berpengaruh terhadap kandungan air, kandungan abu, kandungan vitamin C, tekstur serta warna, rasa dan aroma manisan. Manisan
tomat kering kelompok A (40%) relatif lebih baik dengan kandungan air 24,20%, kandungan abu 0,62% dan vitamin C 31,15 mg/100 g.
Syarat mutu kandungan manisan kering buah-buahan maximal 25% (SII No.0718-2003), kandungan abu bahan makanan maximal 1,0%
(SII 0272.90) dan dan kandungan vitamin C tidak banyak berkurang dimana pada tomat adalah 30-40 mg/100 g. Hasil uji organoleptik
menunjukkan bahwa kelompok A (40%) mendapat nilai tertinggi terhadap rasa (3,98), aroma (3,89) dan warna (3,98).

Kata kunci: larutan gula, manisan, tomat, Lycopersicum esculentum.

INTRODUCTION useful for the health of the body. Vitamins are contained in
tomatoes are vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin C
Fruits and vegetables are agricultural products that (Rismunandar 1984). In Indonesia there are many tomatoes
function as efficient public nutrition support and the source in the markets and the price is relatively cheap at the time
of income for farmers when cultivated intensively. Fruits of harvest. The production centers of tomatoes as
and vegetables are rich in nutrients, namely vitamins and vegetables are generally located in cool climates, such as in
minerals that are needed by the human body because it can West Java are in Ciwidey, Pangalengan, Cipanas, and
launch a regulator of metabolism as well as substances Garut, in there in Wonosobo, Central Java, in Sumatra
needed by the human body such as tomatoes, because there are at Berastagi, Bukittinggi and in eastern Indonesia
tomatoes including the group of fruits and vegetables. there Lombok and others.
Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) Many people Tomatos production in Indonesia is still low compared
love it because it feels good, fresh and slightly acid. In with other countries, that is only 6.3 tons/ha, while Taiwan,
addition, tomatoes contain vitamins and minerals that are Saudi Arabia and India respectively 21 tons/ha, 13.4

56 2 (2): 55-61, July 2010

tons/ha and 9.5 tonnes/ha (Kartapradja and Djuariah 1992). candied mango and barking, the rest is the nutmeg,
In 1998-2002, Indonesias tomato plantation productivity tomatoes and others who predicted every year will
increased from 7.1 tons/ha to 8.0 tons/ha, with total increase.
production increased from 333,729 tons to 396,208 tons or Looking at the prospects of the research about the
about 0.5% of the world tomato crop (Adiyogo 2004). The making of candied dried tomatoes need to be done, this is
low production of tomatoes in Indonesia is probably due to because consumers demand will increase each year of
unsuitable varieties planted, technical culture which is not confectionery products, but the manufacturer has not so
good or eradication of pests/diseases that are less efficient much, so that the necessary result of research or study more
(Wijayani and Widodo 2005). about the candied tomatoes, which in turn results of this
Fruits and vegetables generally do not survive in a long study can be utilized by confectionery manufacturers for
storage, as well as with tomatoes that are vulnerable to both small and large scale. Candied dried tomato products
damage, other problems that often arise is the tomato that already exist in traditional markets as well as Super
fungal growth on the surface of tomatoes. People need to Market is generally made without beans, but it is not intact
make tomatoes more durable. Making candied tomato is forms of sweets, so a tomato fruit divided by two (partial),
one of the alternative processing of tomatoes and the whereas the author of candied dried tomatoes carefully
preservation methods that are easy, no need to use high made in full one fruit and without seeded tomatoes,
technology and can use a simple facility (Apandi 1994). whereas in tomato seeds and gel are enveloped contained
Fresh tomatoes have resistance of 3-4 days, whereas with vitamin C and other substances among licopen Giji and -
made candied the endurance is longer about 3 weeks. This carotene are very beneficial to health. That's what separates
is because the sugar solution can reduce the oxidation candied dried tomato products we make and our perusal.
process so that it will prevent the relationship between fruit This study aims to: (i) Determine the influence of sugar
with external oxygen where oxygen is required for solution on the characteristics of candied dried tomatoes.
necessities of life harmful microbes, other ways sugar can (ii) specify the concentration of sugar solution appropriate
inhibit the growth of plasmolysis of microbial cells with a to produce candied dried tomatoes with good
lower water content is minimized so that the availability of characteristics.
water for the activity of microbial life there.
Candied is one type of snacks that normally use sugar
as a sweetener. to obtain a fairly stable level of hardness, it MATERIALS AND METHODS
is soaking in a solution of calcium chloride (CaCl2) thus
obtained candied tomatoes are not easily damaged, the Time and place of study
color is attractive and meets the quality requirements The research was conducted in August-December 2008,
specified (Ekani 1995). Making candy is done by wet and at the Quality Testing Laboratory, Center for Development,
dry way, wet candied are products made from fresh Empowerment and Education Education Personnel (P4TK)
ingredients and soaked in sugar solution whereas the Agriculture, Cianjur, West Java.
candied dried products made from fresh ingredients, soaked
in a solution of sugar or sugar sprinkled thinly over and Raw tomatoes
over again and then dried (SII 0718-83). The tomatoes used to make candied tomatoes 1 kg so
The utilization of tomatoes made sweets in addition to that each test for each treatment takes 6 kg, where the
be more durable, tomatoes can also add value to materials were purchased from markets around Cipanas,
confectionery manufacturers themselves, for consumers, of Cianjur regency. The tomatoes used were local varieties
course, eat candied dried tomatoes would be more because it is usually a lot on the market and the price is
attractive because it is more practical to live to eat that will relatively cheap. The sampling technique selected ripe
ultimately benefit the health of consumers themselves. tomatoes where a minimum of 80% red color, uniform size,
Today in Indonesia candied tomato processing has not been are still fresh and clean (free from dirt, twigs, soil, dust,
produced on a large scale, however, with increasingly etc.), then weighed for each treatment.
conscious of health by consuming fruits, particularly
tomatoes, the needs of consumers of confectionery Research design
continue to rise. In the year 2010 it is estimated 40% of The experimental design using randomized block
Indonesia's population will consume processed from fruits design (RAK) consists of four treatments and six
including candied, because the Indonesian people are replications: (i) Group A, soaking in sugar solution
generally fond of foods that are practical and instant concentration of 40%. (Ii) Group B, soaking in sugar
(Sutrisno 2007). Candied tomatoes are also required to be solution concentration of 50%. (Iii) Group C, soaking in
exported because there are some overseas countries like sugar solution concentration of 60%. (Iv) Group D, soaking
sweets, such as Japan, Korea and several Middle Eastern in sugar solution concentration of 70%. All the above
countries so they can bring in foreign exchange earnings treatments were given as much as 0.2% CaCl2 as
and profits for the state amid the world economic situation preservatives which can absorb the remaining water.
is not stabilized. According to Director General of
Processing and Marketing of Agricultural Products, Procedures
Department of Agriculture (2007), candied fruit exports in Making candied dried tomatoes. Making candied fruits
2006 amounted to 1024.77 tons, of which 50% were begins by choosing a ripe and fresh tomato, and then wash
BUNTARAN et al. Effect of sugar concentration on candy tomato 57

it to clean the dirt that is still attached, then boiled at a the sample on the basis of the tools, just below the needle
temperature of 70-80oC for 5 minutes, followed by gauge the level of hardness. Gauge needle attached to the
stripping the skin. After that the material is soaked in a right must be ensured on the surface of the sample, then the
solution of calcium chloride 0.2% for 1-2 hours, followed start button is turned to start the measurement,
by washing to rinse the residual calcium chloride solution automatically within 5 seconds the needle will measure the
is still attached to the outside of tomato fruit. Further hardness or texture sample. The texture of the sample can
material soaked in sugar solution, 40%, 50%, 60%, and be read on the scale with units of mm (needle prick them),
70% for 18 hours, followed by draining to reduce water so the texture (hardness and elasticity) material is
attached to the candied tomatoes, then dried at 60 C, to expressed in (mm/50 g/5 sec) (Dixon and Parekh 1980).
obtain the moisture content of certain ( 25%) as a Organoleptic test (hedonic methods). Organoleptic test
condition of candied dried tomatoes. is conducted to determine the level of preference or
Determination of water content (SNI 01-2891-1992). 1- acceptance of products panelists for candied dried
2 g samples were inserted in the cup that has been known tomatoes. This test is performed towards color, flavor and
weight, then dried in an oven temperature of 105 C for 3 aroma. Panelists consisted of 15 persons, the criteria that is
hours, and cooled in exikator for 15-30 minutes, then the measured the level of preference is as listed in Table 1.
cup and its contents were weighed and dried again for 1
hour, and chill in exikator, weigh again. This process is Data analysis
repeated until a constant weight obtained. Water content From the results of chemical analysis of the quantitative
was calculated using the formula: data obtained from each treatment. The data in the form of
quantities of water content, ash content and content of
Water content: W1-W2 x 100% vitamin C. The organoleptic test panelists found the
W0 amount of data is a preference level of taste, color and
aroma, the texture test results by using data obtained well
Cup + W1 = Weight of sample before being dried penerometer magnitude of the level of hardness and
Cup + W2 = Weight of sample after drying tenderness. Next the data were analyzed using ANOVA
W0 = sample weight (Analysis of Variance), followed by a DMRT (Duncan
Multiple Range Test) to determine the real differences
Determination of ash content (SNI 01-2891-1992). 1-2 among the treatments.
g samples were inserted in the cup that has been known to
weigh, and then burnt in the flame until it becomes
charcoal, and burned again in Pengabuan furnace at 550 C RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
to ashes, then cool in exikator for 15-30 minutes and
weighed cup and ashes. Ash content was calculated using The results influence the concentration of sugar solution
the formula: to some of the characteristics of candied dried tomatoes,
where the parameters of observation consists of chemical
Ash content: W2-W1 x 100% analysis (water content, ash, vitamin C) and texture (the
W0 level of hardness and tenderness materials) and
organoleptic test the level of liking for flavor, color and
W0 = Weight of sample aroma. Statistical analysis showed that each of attempted
W1 = Weight empty cup different treatment effects on water content, ash, vitamin C,
W2 = Weight + ash cup and the texture and the organoleptic (color, flavor and
aroma) (Table 2).
Determination of vitamin C (SNI 01-2891-1992). 10-25
g samples were crushed and included in the 250 mL Chemical constituent
measuring flask, then added distilled into water, then Water content
shaken until homogeneous and filtered, then put into a tube Chemical test results of water content followed by
of filtrate of 25 mL, included in Erlenmeyer, added 1-2 mL Anova statistical test for each treatment with six replicates
of starch 1%, then titrated with 0.01 N iodine solution to among treatments showed no effect on the characteristics
obtain blue color. Change is not lost for 10 seconds, where of candied dried tomatoes (Table 2). The highest water
1 mL titar 0.01 N iodine is equivalent to 0.88 mg of content in dried candied tomatoes at 24.20% was obtained
ascorbic acid. Vitamin C content was calculated using the in treatment A (soaking in sugar solution concentration
formula: 40%) and lowest 20.82% was obtained on treatment D
(immersion in sugar solution concentration 70%). Water
Vitamin C content: mL iodine titar x N x 0.88 x Fp x100 content showed significant differences among the
Sampel weight treatments, treatment A with 24.20% moisture content was
significantly different from treatment B and treatment C
Fp = dilution factor 23.25%, 21.36% and 20.82% D treatment.
Determination of texture with a Penetrometer (Model There is a tendency that the higher concentration of
PNR 10). The test sample in the form of a candied tomato sugar that tested the water content decreases (Table 2), it is
fruit for each replication. The Penetromer is set ignited and because tomatoes are soaked in sugar solution will

58 2 (2): 55-61, July 2010

experience osmotic pressure is the pressure of sugar Ash content

molecules on the cell wall (extra cell) fruit until the sugar Chemical Test Results ash content, followed by Anova
solution enter into it, as a result of water within the cells of statistical test for each treatment with six repeated
fruit out. The difference of water flow out and flow of experiments showed no effect among the treatments on the
incoming sugar will cause the cell structure and texture of characteristics of candied dried tomatoes (Table 2). The
the fruit become hard, because of the higher flow of sugar highest ash content on dry candied tomatoes at 0.80% was
into the osmotic pressure and consequently the stronger the obtained at D treatment (soaking in sugar solution
water will more and more that comes out of the material concentration 70%) and the lowest 0.62% obtained in
(Apriyantono 2000). treatment A (soaking in sugar solution concentration 40%).
Water content in food ingredients affects the durability Ash content showed significant differences among
of food against the microbial attack. The higher the water treatments, treatment A with 0.62% ash content was
content, the more likely the food is easily damaged, where significantly different from treatment B and treatment C
the high water content can be utilized by microorganisms, 0.70% 0.75% and 0.80% D treatment. Ash is combustion
especially mold to grow and multiply so as to endanger the of organic substances. Ash content is related to the
health of the body due to poisoning (Fellows and Hampton minerals, including Mg, Na, Ca and phosphorus
1992; Astawan 2007;). Drying of food can lead to impaired (Sudarmadji et al. 1996).
growth of microorganisms decay (Kolawole et al. 2009). The existence of ash content comes from the tomato
In addition, water content in food or food ingredient itself, where according Cahyono (1996), ash content in
may affect the texture, taste, freshness, durability of tomato reached 32.05 mg/100 g. While real differences of
materials and consumer acceptance (Winarno 1981). In various treatments more likely are caused by ash content of
determining the standard of food that is used, water content sugar which contains 92 mg/100 g ash (Brautlecht 1953),
is one of the criteria that usually determines the maximum so it can be assumed that the higher concentration of sugar
and minimum limits for water content of food or processed solution used, the higher ash content will be (Table 2) and
food. on the contrary the lower the concentration of sugar
Determination of water content needs to be done to solution used the lower the ash content contained in these
determine the condition of food or food ingredient that candied dried tomatoes.
compared with standard conditions, for example in terms of Chemical test results showed that ash content in dry
quality dried candied fruits (SII 0525-2008), the maximum candied tomatoes from all treatments are still relatively safe
water content of 25% and was the result of research on the or meets standards based on the SII 0272.90 permitted
manufacture of candied dried tomatoes from all treatment where the ash content of food permitted for a maximum of
showed meets the standards for being in the range of less 1.0%. Ash is the remnant of food that are not needed by the
than 25% after going through the process of drying for 24 body because the ash is a waste, even need to watch out
hours at 60C. because the high ash content in food or food ingredient can
cause damage to the intestine (Riyada 2007).

Table 1. Parameters/criteria for testing the level of preference (Hedonic Method 2000)

Favorite level
Color Flavor Aroma
1= Not like Red charred Less sweet, typical tomato missing The smell of charred
2= Somewhat like Dark red/brown Sweet, typical tomato missing The smell of sugar is still strong
3= Regular Red fade Sweet, typical weak tomato Tomato aroma less
4= Like 90% red tomato Sweet, typical of pristine tomato Moderate tomato aroma, the smell of sugar less
5 = Very like Red tomatoes (original) Sweet, typical of pristine tomato Strong tomato aroma, the scent of sugar or less

Table 2. Water content of dried candied tomatoes

Treatment Chemical constituent Organoleptic

of sugar
Water (%) Ash (%) Vitamin C (%) Flavor Color Aroma (mm/50 g/5 sec)
conc. (%)
A: 40 24.200.01472 d 0.620.01633 a 31.150.16293 d 3.980.14729 d 3.980.12139 c 3.890.06812 c 4.030.09459 d
B: 50 23.250.01871 c 0.700.01472 b 30.170.20047 c 3.550.10488 c 3.850.07941 b 3.790.07118 c 3.810.06314 c
C: 60 21.360.01871 b 0.750.01472 c 28.860.10741 b 3.180.07528 b 3.750.04215 a 3.620.08894 b 2.980.06250 b
D: 70 20.820.02160 a 0.800.01472 d 27.620.08116 a 2.930.08165 a 3.730.04401 a 3.380.10073 a 2.680.07414 a
Note: different letters in the same column indicate significant differences (P 0.05); numbers above are the mean SD.
BUNTARAN et al. Effect of sugar concentration on candy tomato 59

Vitamin C content (soaking in sugar solution concentration 40%) and the

Chemical test results in vitamin C, followed by Anova lowest 2.93 obtained in treatment D (immersion in sugar
statistical test for each treatment with six repeated solution concentration 70%). Value taste test showed
experiments showed no effect among the treatments on the significant differences among treatments, treatment A with
characteristics of candied dried tomatoes (Table 2). a value of 3.98 was significantly different from treatment B
Vitamin C is classified as soluble in water. Vitamin C and treatment C value of 3.55 and treatment D value of
can be shaped as L-ascorbic acid and L-dehydro ascorbic 3.18 with a value of 2.93.
acid; both have activity as vitamin C (Winarno 1997). Rasa including the important factor of a food product in
Ascorbic acid is easily oxidized in a reversible become L- addition to color and flavor, these flavors can be derived
dehydro ascorbic acid. Dehydro ascorbic acid is chemically from properties of the materials used or when the
very unstable and can undergo further change to acid L- processing is another ingredient that is added, so that the
diketoglukonat who do not have a more active vitamin C original sense can be reduced or increased depending on
(Miller 1992). the compound supporters, such as the addition of sugar can
Levels of vitamin C that was determined using the provide a sweet taste in food products including
iodometric iodine (I2) as penitar vitamin C in the example confectionery tomato itself.
is a strong reductant will be oxidized by I2 in an Candied dried tomatoes in treatment A (soaking sugar
atmosphere of acid and iodide ion reduces to I2. The concentration 40%) are the most preferred product the
indicator used is the kanji with a blue end point and not lost panelists, this is possible because the beautiful or unique
for 10 seconds and then calculated how many mL titration flavor of tomatoes still feels fresh and it's not too sweet,
of I2 is used as the basis for calculating vitamin C there is a tendency that the higher the concentration of the
(Slowinski and Wolsey 2008). sugar tested, then beautiful tomato flavor is replaced by the
The highest vitamin C content in dried candied less because of the sweetness of sugar, so that the panelists
tomatoes amounted to 31.15 mg/100 g of material obtained liked it less and gave a low value. To give a distinctive
in treatment A (soaking in sugar solution concentration flavor can be added to synthetic or artificial flavors,
40%) and the lowest was 27.62 mg/100 g of material although the results do not like the taste of the original.
obtained in treatment D (immersion in sugar solution
concentration 70%). Vitamin C content among the Color
treatments showed significant differences, treatment A with Organoleptic test results to the color of the panelists,
the content of vitamin C 31.15 mg/100gram significantly followed by Anova statistical test for each treatment with
different materials with treatment B 30.11 mg/100 g and six replications, not all treatments showed no significant
28.86 mg/100 g treatment C and treatment materials D 27 , effect on the characteristics of candied dried tomatoes
62 mg/100 g of material. The higher concentration of sugar (Table 2). Color is one determinant of quality of food
solution is attempted, the lower its vitamin C content products in addition to the nutritional value itself. The
(Table 2). The loss of vitamin C is believed due to a change visual assessment of color usually comes first, because the
in the structure of fruit tissue, where the higher the sugar color is a view that can attract consumers so that there are
solution is added then lead to more water molecules to many terms of the color of love. In addition, color can be
move (diffuse) out of the material and water to dissolve the used as an indicator of freshness or maturity (Winarno
vitamin C, vitamin C and ultimately reduced materials (Hui 1992).
et al. 2006). The highest values organoleptic test results of color in
The content of vitamin C and other vitamins in food or dry candied tomatoes at 3.98 obtained in treatment A
food ingredients, including dried tomatoes in the candied (soaking in sugar solution concentration 40%) and the
are very much needed by the body, because the vitamin lowest 3.73 obtained in treatment D (immersion in sugar
serves as regulator and protector of the body from disease solution concentration 70%). Color test value among the
and can launch your metabolism. treatments does not all show significant differences.
Treatment A with a value of 3.98 was significantly
Organoleptic different from treatment B value of 3.85 but treatment C
Flavor and treatment D value of 3.75 with a value of 3.73 was not
The organoleptic test the panelists to think that significantly different.
continued with Anova statistical test for each treatment A treatment based on test results of the panelists
with six replicates an effect among the treatments on the favorite level is the most color of the preferred candied
characteristics of candied dried tomatoes (Table 2). dried tomatoes. Red color is thought the still beautiful
Organoleptic test of the flavor is intended to determine the because of immersion in a solution of sugar which is not
extent of consumer acceptance of a food product. This taste too high so as not to damage the tomato flesh tissue in
test conducted by a number of panelists (15 people trained which the pigments or dyes contained therein. There is a
panelists) in which each panelist gives value to the candied tendency of higher concentrations of sugar, then red with
dried tomato flavor, the total value of flavor from the dark red and even black due to the caramelization so
panelists will determine the quality or acceptance of unpopular with the panelists.
products tested.
The highest values organoleptic test results to the taste
of candied dried tomatoes for 3.98 obtained in treatment A

60 2 (2): 55-61, July 2010

Aroma The highest value of the texture of the dried candied

The organoleptic test of the scent of the panelists, tomatoes at 4.03 which means the texture is more tender
followed by Anova statistical test for each treatment with than the material or other candied dried tomatoes obtained
six replications, not all treatments showed no significant in treatment A (soaking in sugar solution concentration
effect on the characteristics of candied dried tomatoes 40%), and the lowest is 2.68, which means harder texture
(Table 2). The highest values organoleptic test results compared with the material or other candied dried tomatoes
against the candied dried tomato aroma of 3.89 obtained in obtained in treatment D (immersion in sugar solution
treatment A (soaking in sugar solution concentration 40%) concentration 70%). Value of material texture test showed
and the lowest 3.38 obtained in treatment D (immersion in significant differences among treatments, treatment A with
sugar solution concentration 70%). Color test value among a value of 4.03 was significantly different from treatment B
the treatments does not all show significant differences, value of 3.81 as well as with treatment C and treatment
treatment A with a value of 3.89 was not significantly value of 2.98 D with a value of 2.68 was significantly
different from treatment B value of 3.79 but treatment C different.
and treatment D value of 3.62 with a value of 3.38 was According Apandi (1994), that the network changes,
significantly different. especially in the cell wall and the progressive dissolution of
Based on the appraisal of the panelists on the aroma and pectin substances can occur because of the enzyme activity
after anova was statistically tested treatment A and that causes changes in texture in fruits and vegetables.
treatment B was not significantly different, this is possible Texture with a lower value means the texture of material
because of differences in sugar concentration among the harder than the other sample and vice versa texture with a
treatments are not so high, so the typical tomato aroma that higher value means the texture is more tender than the
is still felt in treatment A (soaking in a solution sugar other samples, this is caused due to a variety of treatments
concentration 40%) still the same typical tomato flavor in of soaking in sugar solution different.
treatment B (soaking in sugar larurtan konseantrasi 50%). With the drying of water in the evaporated material, but
The real difference between perlakuaan B to C (soaking instead of sugar that is in suspended cells, presumably the
in sugar larurtan konseantrasi 60%) and treatment C to D higher the concentration of sugar solution is attempted, the
(immersion in sugar solution konseantrasi 70%) this is due more sugar molecules that enter and the more sugar is
to the high concentration of sugar into the tomato tissue retained inside the cells of tomato fruit, causing the texture
resulting in water molecules within cells more tomatoes out of harder, so does that happen in treatment A (soaking in
(diffuse) that allegedly participated soluble tomato aroma. sugar solution concentration 40%) produces a more tender
Also the smell is a volatile compound, so that in conditions texture than treatment B, C and D that produce harder
of immersion in the solution and drying of high sugar loss texture. The existence of a solution of sugar in the material
smells more and more possibilities. with the lowest sugar concentration of 40% dissolved
Treatment A candied dried tomatoes (soaked in sugar solids will cause the harder material (Purnomo 1995).
concentration 40%) and treatment B (immersion in 50%
sugar concentration), is candied dried tomato aroma most
preferably where the panelists, it is believed that soaking in CONCLUSION
a low-sugar solution is not too damaging aroma tomato so
beautiful aroma of fresh tomatoes still smells. Soaking in a solution of sugar concentration of 40%,
50%, 60% and 70% aaffects on moisture content, ash
Texture material content, vitamin C, the results of organoleptic test taste,
Texture is a trait or a physical condition and flavor, color and texture (the level of hardness and
morphology of agricultural products which includes the tenderness materials). Immersion in 40% sugar solution
level of hardness, tenderness, flexibility, elasticity, produced candied dried tomatoes with the best
roughness and smoothness of materials. Texture has to do characteristics. Taste sweet enough, the typical tomato
with maturity level of the material itself (the fruit), in flavor is still felt, the aroma is not lost and the color is not
which fruits are low or level of maturity of crude has a broken, where the sense of (3.98), aroma (3.89) and color
higher level of hardness compared with fruits that are ripe (3.98).
texture is more soft or mushy (Baedowi 1980). Texture in
terms of the level of hardness and tenderness materials
related to the amount of water content, where the number REFERENCES
of high water content in a material of agricultural products
will be more tender texture than the low water content Adiyoga W, Suherman R, Soetiarso TA, Jaya B, Udiarto BK, Rosliani R,
(Winarno 1990). Mussadad D. 2004. Profile of tomatoes commodity. PAATP
Department of Agriculture. [Indonesia]
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