CEEG323 Lec5 31aug2017-2

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Reservoir considerations

The following data are required to use 3D reservoir and

fracture propagation models to evaluate the formation, design
the fracture treatment, and forecast production rates and
ultimate recovery:
Gross pay thickness (Conventional Logs)

Net pay thickness (Imaging Logs)

Permeability (Cores and NMR Log)

Porosity (Cores, Conventional and NMR Log)

Water saturation (Conventional Logs)

Pressure (Sonic Log)

In-situ stress (Dipole Sonic Log)

Youngs modulus (Dipole Sonic Log)

Formation Evaluation &
To properly complete, fracture treat, and produce a tight
reservoir, each layer of the pay zone and the formations above
and below the pay zone must be thoroughly evaluated. The
most important properties that must be known are pay zone
thickness, lithology, porosity, water saturation, permeability,
pressure, in-situ stress, and Youngs modulus. All these are
affected by Depth, Rock Composition, Pore type, Pore Size
distribution, Pore throat type and distribution.
The raw data that Logs
are used to The first well is
estimate values for Well tests usually a Pilot well
these important normally vertical
Drilling records
parameters come 2
Production from offset wells
Drilling and Completion
Most important concern is drilling a Gauge hole (Vertical or
Horizontal or Multilateral) as that affects Formation Evaluation
capabilities, Completion and Stimulation effectiveness.
Formation damage and drilling speed should be a secondary
concern. Some wells are drilled underbalanced to increase the
bit penetration rate or to minimize mud filtrate invasion
The completion strategy and stimulation strategy required for a
tight reservoir very much depends on the number of layers of
net pay and the overall economic assessment of the reservoir.
In almost every case, a well in a tight reservoir is not economic
to produce unless the optimum fracture treatment is both
designed and pumped into the formation.
Horizontal Drilling
The combination of horizontal wells and hydraulic fracturing,
have been key to unlocking unconventional gas reserves in the
US and elsewhere
The purpose of drilling a horizontal well is to increase the
contact between the reservoir and the wellbore, which leads to
a greater production rate than traditional vertical drilling
Using horizontal drilling techniques, companies can now drill a
number of wells in different directions from one well pad, which
is much more efficient than having numerous well pads set up
to extract oil. This decreases the surface disturbance and saves
money with the reduced costs of well pad setups, replacements
and maintenance costs
Typical Horizontal Well
Wells are drilled
vertically to a
depth (typically
1000m to
3000m below
the surface
depending on
location) above
the tight
The well is then kicked off (turned) at an increasing angle until it runs parallel
within the reservoir. Once horizontal, the well is drilled to a selected length 5
which can extend upto 3-4km. This portion of well is called the horizontal leg.
Multilateral wells (ML) comprise more than 1 wellbore drilled
from and connected to a single main bore
In mid 1990s, multilateral wells proliferated worldwide as
innovative drilling and completion technologies made
construction of laterals less costly and less technically
They come in various shapes and terminology

Important Wireline Logs
Besides the standard Logs like Quad Combo, the following logs
provide additional Petro-physical evaluation in unconventional
Spontaneous Potential (SP)

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)

Dipole Sonic

Imaging Resistivity
Density Triple
Geochemical Quad
Spectral Gamma Ray
Spontaneous Potential (SP)
Caliper 7
Spontaneous Potential
A Voltage measurement between a down-hole
Electrode and a Surface Electrode (also called a
SP Voltage was discovered by accident when a
Logging Engineer running an Electrical Log Tool
was pulling out the Tool (without any Tool Power
applied) and forgot to STOP the Log recording
SP Voltage is an extremely SMALL voltage and
develops in Open Hole with Water based Muds
only (due to differences in concentration of Ions
between Drilling Mud and Formation Water)

Across the tight reservoir, the current flowing in the mud is

constant, so the potential gradient is uniform. 8

This unique SP signature is indicative of a Tight Reservoir

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Conventional Neutron and Density Medical NMR

porosity logs, are affected by Shale

and Rock Minerology.
NMR sees only Fluids (Hydrogen)
NMR porosities are not affected by
Rock Lithology, Shale or
Relaxation time T2 gives other
petrophysical parameters of Tight
reservoir such as permeability,
capillary pressure, distribution of Bone is Dark, NOT seen by NMR
pore sizes and hydrocarbon
What is T1 and T2?
After protons are aligned with the
static magnetic field, they are said
to be polarized. Polarization
doesnt occur immediately but
rather grows with a time constant,
which is the Longitudinal
Relaxation time, T1
Amplitude (p.u.)


Transverse Relaxation time T2 is

defined as the Time Constant for
10 the rate of decay of magnetization
following a CPMG sequence

10 s
300 100 ms
Measurement Time (ms)
400 10 ms 10
500 1 ms Wait Time
Data Processing Inversion
Time Domain T2 Domain
Spin-echo data Inversion T2 Spectrum

Incremental Porosity [pu]

n 12.0
S pori . e -t/T2i
Amplitude (pu)

25 i=1 10
15 5.0
10 5 3.0

5 2.0

0 0.5 0.5
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0
1 10 100 1000 10000
t T2 [ms]

Water-saturated rock: rT2 = V/S

T2i are pre-selected: 11
T2i = .5 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, ...

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