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Processteknikens grunder (PTG)

Introduction to Process Engineering


4. Heat exchangers;
Steam, steam processes

Ron Zevenhoven
bo Akademi University
Thermal and flow engineering / Vrme- och strmningsteknik
tel. 3223 ; [email protected]

bo Akademi University | Thermal and Flow Engineering | 20500 Turku | Finland 1/74

4.1 Heat exchangers

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Heat exchangers: General /1

In a heat exchanger heat is
transferred from one (hotter)
material or material flow to
another (cooler) one.
In most applications operated
under steady-state
conditions, for heat exchange
between fluid flows.
External walls are well A shell-and-plate heat exchanger;
insulated to avoid heat losses widely used in power plants, oil
refineries and chemical process plants.
to the environment (except for
most air cooling systems)



Heat exchangers: General /2

Also batch heat exchangers are
widely used.

Phase transitions are possible,

for example in evaporators or
condensors (and some
applications involving solids).
A plate-and-frame heat exchanger;
also widely used in food-processing
Typical every-day-life examples: industry.
Cooking equipment
Car radiator
Air conditioning systems picture:

Heat exchangers: Geometries /1

Schematics for
(a) counterflow,
(b) parallel flow,
(c) crossflow,
(d) 1 shell and 2
tube passes, and
(e) 2 shell and 4
tube passes.

pictures: KJ05


Heat exchangers: Geometries /2

Temperature distributions
of fluid in
(a) counterflow,
(b) parallel flow, and
(c) 1 shell pass and 2 tubes

Schematic of mixed and unmixed pictures: KJ05

flow heat exchangers:
(a) One fluid mixed, one fluid
unmixed, (b) both fluids unmixed.

Heat exchangers: Geometries /3

distribution in a
counter-flow heat

Note: the exit

temperature TC,o
of the cold stream
can be higher than
the exit
temperature TH,o
of the hot stream!
picture: KJ05

Heat exchangers: energy balance

Heat exchanger
schematic with
open system
boundary around
both streams.
Picture: SEHB06
If energy losses to the environment are avoided, the energy balance for
both the cold and the hot stream are, (noting that no work is done,)
using enthalpy h to include pV-effects (flow work), Q = H
. . . .
Qcold = Hcold = - Hhot = - Qhot
. . . .
Hcold = mcold (hcold,out- hcold,in) = mhot (hhot,in- hhot,out) = - Hhot

Often (modest temperature differences) it can be simplified to

. .
mcold cp,cold(Tcold,out- Tcold,in) = mhot cp,hot (Thot,in- Thot,out)
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Overall heat transfer coefficient

The heat transfer process* may
be described by a simple
Q = U AT for temperature
diffence T (C), heat
exchange area A (m2) and
overall heat transfer
coefficient U (W/(m2K)
(sv: vrmegenomgngskoefficient)
U is a combination of several
heat transfer resistances Resistances contributing to the
overall heat transfer coefficient U
* see also Chapter 5 pictures: KJ05

Heat exchanger analysis /1


The LMTD method

Heat exchanger performance

depends on how much heat
exchange area A (in m2) is
needed to. transfer a certain
heat rate Q (J/s = W)
For a small section dx of the
tube (with diameter
. D), the
heat transfer Q equals
Q = U (TH-TC) dA, with
dA = D dx for this geometry and
overall heat transfer coefficient U
(TH-TC) may vary!
picture: KJ05
Heat exchanger analysis /2

The LMTD method

With average temperature difference <T> = <TH -TC> for the heat
exchanger length, the heat rate can be expressed as
Q = <U >A<T>
If it can be assumed that U constant, a linearisation may be used, with
T1 = (TH,i-TC,o) at position 1 and T2 = (TH,o-TC,i) at position 2:

TH TC T T( x ) T " " T
U T T dA


this integrates to
U A T2 T1 U A T
Q lm
T2 with lm short for
ln logarithmic mean

Heat exchanger analysis /3

The LMTD method

For a single-pass counter-flow heat

exchanger the design
value UA follows from UA = Q / Tlm
However, in process engineering practice most heat
exchangers are NOT of this type, having several shell
passes and tube passes.
For these designs .a correction factor F is applied, using
the heat balance Q = <U > A F Tlm in the analysis
given above
. for a single-pass counter-flow heat exchanger:
U A = Q / (F Tlm )
The F correction factor is found from design
graphs: see for example next slide
For an economically feasible design F > 0.75
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pictures: T06
Heat exchanger analysis /4
The LMTD method:
F correction factor

F correction factors for several heat exchanger types:

Left: Shell-and-tube with one shell pass and any multiple of two tube passes (two,
four, etc. tubes passes)
Right: Shell-and-tube with two shell passes and any multiple of four tube passes
(four, eight, etc. tube passes).


Example: LMTD method

A 1 shell pass, 2 tube pass heat
exchanger is operated with hot fluid
in/out temperatures T1 = 182C,
T2 = 99C and cold fluid (inside the
tubes) in/out temperatures t1 = 10C
and t2 = 115 C t1
Calculate Tlm and the F correction
4.2 Evaporators and condensers

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Condensors are used to liquify vapors; the condensation heat
(or latent heat) is absorbed by a coolant (often water)

Usually plate-and-shell condensors are used (plate-and-

frame units may show vapor leakage), with four main types:
1. Horizontal / condensation on the outside of the tubes
2. Vertical / condensation on the outside of the tubes
3. Horizontal / condensation on the inside of the tubes
4. Vertical / condensation on the inside of the tubes

Most used is 1.; for condensing a high pressure or

temperature or corrosive vapor type 4. is used.
(Types 2. and 3. are more typically used in evaporators.)

Also used are contact condensors where coolant and vapor

are mixed and leave the condenser as a single stream.

Evaporators are used to concentrate a solution of
a non-volatile solute and a volatile solvent (in
most cases the solvent is water).
One application is to produce a slurry of crystals
in a saturated mother liquid.
Another very important application is as reboiler
for partial evaporation of distillation column
bottom liquid

Most common are (low pressure) steam-heated

vertical-tube evaporators, with the boiling liquid
inside the tubes under a moderate vacuum. The
boiling liquid may run upwards or downwards.

To reduce equipment size, often a drum is added

for vapor / liquid separation. pictures: TUD86

4.3 Heat exchanger efficiency;

effectiveness; remarks on selection

bo Akademi University | Thermal and Flow Engineering | 20500 Turku | Finland 18/74
Heat exchanger efficiency vS91
A simple steady-state Thermodynamic analysis
heat transfer process; Energy balance
heat is transported from Q
medium 1 to medium 2
Entropy balance
by conduction through a
material that separates
S gen
them. T T
Temperature T1 > T2 Q
.T T
S gen Q
This shows that Sgen is
large for large temperature
differences (T1-T2) and low
T = T1 T = T2
temperatures T1 and T2
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Heat exchanger effective performance /1

Heat exhanger efficiency (2nd Law) analysis shows that the
temperature difference between the flows (or with the flow, for
only on medium flow) should be as small as possible (but too
small T requires much surface A!).

This shows that counter-current heat exchangers perform

much better than co-current heat exchangers.

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Heat exchanger effective performance /2

Ideally, the flows aquire each others temperature: the
exergy losses will then be zero. For this, the heat capacity
rates cp for the hot (H) and cold (C) streams should be
equal: CcpC = HcpH.

This is anyhow a requirement for a high effectiveness of

the heat exchanger, which depends on the ratio (CcpC) /

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Heat exchanger effectiveness /1

The effectiveness of a given heat exchanger can be defined as
(for cold stream C and hot stream H)

where C T C T
Q max
with heat capacity rates C C m
C c pC and CH m
H c pH

comparing the actual heat transfer with the maximum

possible for the given geometry and material flows.
Defining the minimum and maximum heat capacity rates Cmin
and Cmax as

Cmin min{m
C c pC , m
H c pH } and Cmax max{m
C c pC , m
H c pH }

and since T is largest for small C = cp (see next slide)

Q max Cmin (TH,in - TC,in )

Heat exchanger effectiveness /2

The maximum possible temperature change in any of the
fluid flows would be (TH,in TC,in):

picture: T06


Heat exchanger effectiveness /3

The -NTU method relates the effectiveness to the
number of transfer units NTU of the heat transfer process
and the ratio of the heat capacity rates C*, defined as:
U A Cmin
NTU and C*
Cmin Cmax

A transfer unit ~ distance L of the heat exchanger tubings

where TC(x+L) = TH(x) along axis x.
(Total heat exchange surface A DLNTU for round tubes.)
For an existing heat exchanger the geometry, flows and
specific heats of the flows give the effectiveness.
Relations that give =f(NTU, Cmin, geometry etc.) can be
found in tables, or diagrams can be used; see :

ness /4
Top: parallel flow
left) and counter
flow (right) single
tube HEs
Bottom: one (left)
and many (right)
(2,4,6,...) shell-
passes and multiple
of 2 tube passes
pictures: T06


Heat exchanger effectiveness /5a

table: KJ05

Common equations for effectiveness and NTU


Heat exchanger effectiveness /5b

table: KJ05

Common equations for effectiveness and NTU


Heat exchanger effectiveness /6

Comparison of effectiveness for counterflow, crossflow,
multipass, and parallel flow heat exchangers (for C* = 1.0).
This comparison
shows that a counter- flow
HE always has
the highest
effectiveness while a
parallel flow HE
always gives the lowest

picture: KJO5
Heat exchanger selection
The heat effects of phase transitions (boiling/condensing)
can be quite large and for a pure substance take place at a
constant temperature

The choice for a certain design is based on 3 things:

The value U A; for a given value for the overall heat transfer
coefficient U, the heat exchange area A determines the diameter d,
length L and number n of tubes needed
The pressure drop of the flows through the device (which means
an energy penalty)
The economics of material costs, footprint, heat losses, .....

Note that fouling has an effect not only on U but also on

operation and maintenance costs
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4.4 Power production*

* Often by mistake referred

to as energy production

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Power (+ heat) production /1
Combustion of fuel (or Nuclear reaction in nuclear
waste) in a furnace reactor steam production
production of steam in a production of electricity in a
boiler production of steam turbine + generator
electricity in a steam turbine + Combustion (oxidation) of
generator fuel in a fuel cell direct
Combustion of fuel in an conversion of chemical energy
engine production of into electricity
electricity in a steam turbine +
generator OR motion of a
Combustion of fuel in a gas
turbine production of
electricity in generator

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Power (+ heat) production /2

Kinetic energy in wind
production of electricity in a
wind power generator
Kinetic energy in tides and
strong water currents
production of electricity in a
wave or tide power generator
Using height differences in
(large) rivers or between
lakes in a hydropower
station production of
electricity in a turbine +
Solar radiation energy
conversion into heat ( hot
water) and/or electricity using
a photovoltaic convertor

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Heat exchangers in a condensing
power plant
Steam Flue gas
sv: nga sv: rkgas

Furnace Boiler Superheater Economiser Air preheater

sv: ugn sv: ngpanna sv: verhettare sv: ekonomiser sv: luftfrvrmare

Ambient air
Fuel Boiler water sv: uteluft
sv: brnsle sv: pannvatten

Picture after S96

p. 30 (note correction!)

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A typical condensing power plant

Simplified Rankine power cycle

Schematic of a Rankine power cycle

Liquid-vapor dome for water / steam

to be discussed in next section pictures: KJ05
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Example: power plant cooling process
A power plant is cooled
using river water.
Calculate the required
mass flow rate m of the
cooling water.
specific heat river water c
= 4.19 kJ/kgK

Picture: SEHB06
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4.5 Steam properties; Steam processes

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Properties of pure substances /1

Solid, liquid and vapour states

in a p,V,T surface
pictures: KJ05


Properties of pure substances /2

p,V,T diagram, p,T

diagram and p,V diagram
of a substance that
expands on freezing,
such as water

critical point
+374.15C, 22.12 MPa
Triple point
+0.01C, 0.6112 kPa
pictures: KJ05

Properties of pure substances /3

Condensation of a gas at constant pressure
for this pressure

p = constant

pictures: after KJ05

When cooled to low enough temperatures, gases condense into liquids.

In the cooling process above, liquid droplets start to form at point C
where a saturated (sv: mttad) vapour exists. Further cooling along
CDE gives a two-phase mixture (droplets in gas) until at point E a
saturated liquid is obtained.


Properties of pure substances /4

Condensation of a gas at constant pressure

for this pressure

(compressed) liquid

At higher pressures, saturation occurs

at higher temperatures (C versus C)
and smaller specific volumes (i.e. higher

pictures: after KJ05


Properties of pure substances /5

Condensation of a gas at constant pressure

picture: KJ05

Connecting, for different pressures, the saturation points for the gas (C,
C, C,....) gives the saturated vapour line; similarly the saturation
points for the liquid (E, E, E, ...) gives the saturated liquid line.
These lines come together at the critical point, on what is called the
liquid-vapour dome (sv: kupol)


Properties of pure substances /6

Condensation of a gas

The liquid-vapoir dome in a

T,V or p,V diagram

The critical isobar

pictures: KJ05

Properties of pure substances /7

Condensation of a gas : mixture quality

Under the liquid-vapour

dome, a two-phase
mixture exists;
the quality, 0x, of this
mixture is defined as the
mass fraction vapor in the x=0

mixture: m
gas mV KJ05
mgas mliquid m V mL
(with " f" from german " flssig" )
mg m f
Note that x is a thermodynamic property, like p,T,v, u, h, s


Properties of pure substances /7

Condensation of a gas : mixture quality

Under the liquid-vapour

dome, a two-phase
(liquid-vapour) picture:
mixture exists; KJ05
the quality x, 0 x 1,
of this mixture is defined
as the mass fraction vapor x=0

in the mixture: mgas mV

mgas mliquid m V mL
(with " f" from german " flssig" )
mg m f

Note that x is a thermodynamic property, like p,T,v, u, h, s


Properties of pure substances /8

Condensation of a gas : mixture quality

mgas mV
mgas mliquid m V mL
x (with " f" from german " flssig" )
mg m f
With specific volume v = V/m (m3/kg)
(= 1/density !) this gives for x:
Vtotal V V
v ; v L L ; v V V and Vtotal VL VV
m total mL mV
mL mV
v m total v L mL v V m V v vL vV
m total m total
v vL v vL
v ( x ) v L x v V or x
v V vL v LV
v vf v vf
or with other notation v ( x ) v f x v g or x
vg vf v fg


Properties of pure substances /9

For a system with total mass m with internal energy u =
U/m, enthalpy h = H/m, entropy s = S/m the value for the
mixture in the two phase region can be calculated the
same way:
u = (1-x) uL + x uv or u = (1-x) uf + x ug
h = (1-x) hL + x hv or h = (1-x) hf + x hg
s = (1-x) sL + x sv or s = (1-x) sf + x sg
mg v vL u uL h hL s sL
m f mg v V v L u V uL h V hL s V sL
v vf u uf h hf s sf
or alternativ ely : x
v g v f ug u f hg h f s g s f

Water/steam saturation points

Saturation curves for

water/steam can be
approximated within 1 %
error in pressure p (kPa)
and temperature T(C) using
(source: S96):
11.78 (T(C) 99.64)
p sat (kPa ) 100 exp
(T(C) 230)
Tsat (C) 230
16.3852 ln p (kPa )
Table: B98

Steam tables: saturation pressure

22 MPa
see also:
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Steam tables: saturation temperature

see also:
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Example: quality of a two-phase mixture

A two-phase mixture of steam
and water at 7 bar occupies a
volume of 0.2 m3, with mass 20
kg. Calculate the quality, and
estimate temperature. picture: KJ05

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Steam tables: data superheated

60 MPa
see also:
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Example: heating water at constant pressure

Two kg of saturated
liquid water at 50 kPa
are heated at constant
pressure, adding 5876
kJ of heat. Calculate
the final temperature.
k pictures: KJ05

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Example: Isothermal compression of steam
Thirty-one (31) kg of (superheated)
steam in a piston-cylinder assembly are
compressed slowly (i.e. reversibly) and
isothermally at 500C from 100 kPa to
300 kPa. Making use of entropy data,
calculate the heat transfer Q. picture: KJ05

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4.6 Water/steam p,T; p,h diagrams;

T,s and h,s diagrams

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Water/steam p,T diagram /1

p,T: not

Density of water and steam source: S96, Fig. 3.5


Water/steam p,T diagram /2

p,T: not

Specific enthalpy and entropy of water and steam

enthalphy h=0 kJ/kg for liquid water at 0C source: S96, Fig. 3.6
Water/steam h,p diagram
p, h:



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Water/steam h,s diagram

h, s
(like T,s):



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Example: h,p diagrams
If 1 kg/s steam at
330C, 50 bar is
led through a
throttling valve
(sv: strypventil) in
which pressure is
reduced to 5 bar,
what will be the
final temperature ?

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Example: p,T diagrams

If 1 kg/s steam at
330C, 50 bar is
led through a
throttling valve (sv:
strypventil) in which
pressure is
reduced to 5 bar,
what will be the
final temperature ?

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Example: h,p diagrams
How much
turbine power can
be obtained if 50
kg/s steam at
530C and 90 bar
expands against
7.2 bar. Compare
this with the heat
release from this
steam if it would
condense at 7.2

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Example: p,T diagrams

How much turbine
power can be
obtained if 50 kg/s
steam at 530C and
90 bar expands
against 7.2 bar.
Compare this with
the heat release
from this steam if it
would condense at
7.2 bar.

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Example: h,s diagrams
How much turbine
power can be
obtained if 50 kg/s
steam at 530C
and 90 bar
expands against 7.2
bar. Compare this
with the heat
release from this
steam if it would
condense at 7.2

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Pictures: SEHB06

T,s diagram
and h,s
for water/steam
4.7 Combustion; Fuels

See also courses


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Combustion processes
Combustion or burning is a Two types of combustion
complex sequence of chemical cases can be distinguished:
reactions between a fuel and an Constant pressure
oxidant accompanied by the combustion, in furnaces and
production of heat or both heat boilers
and light in the form of either a Constant volume
glow or flames. combustion, in internal
Since not every oxidation combustion engines
process results in the
production of heat (for example,
corrosion), the term
combustion can only be applied
to exothermic processes that
occur at a rate fast enough to
produce heat. (Source:
Picture: T06
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Enthalpy of combustion
Methane oxidation in air: CH4 + 2(O2 +3.76 N2) CO2 + 2H2O + 23.76 N2

Note: the water product can be as steam (gas)

or as liquid water; the enthalpy difference is 44 Enthalpy of reaction
J/mol = hvaporisation, H2O. This has an effect on the
calculated heat of combustion, or heating value !!!
Therefore lower heating value (LHV) is defined
for H2O(gas) product, or higher heating value Pictures: T06
(HHV) for H2O(liquid) product. For example, for
methane, LHV = 802 kg/mol, HHV = 890 kg/mol.


Fuels /1
Important properties of
fuels are:
calorific heating value
air demand (kg air / kg fuel)
moisture and ash-forming matter
combustible volatiles and char
content and the ratio of these
(fuel ratio)
availability and costs, and
stability of these
pollution-producing species
CO2 / kWh power or CO2 / km
for vehicles

Fuels /2 some typical solid fuel data

C H N O S Cl Mois- Vola- Char Ash LHV HHV Stoichio-
* * * * * * ture tiles ** ** *** *** metric
** ** air need
Polish coal 71 4.3 1.2 11 1.3 0.07 3 35 51 11 27.4 29.3 10.0

Illinois coal 61 4.1 1.2 13 3.6 0.04 6 37 41 16 23.5 25.3 9.4

Petroleum coke 89 3.1 1.7 1.2 4.0 0 2 10 88 <1 33.7 35.0 11.1

Finnish peat 54 5.9 1.1 34 0.15 0 9 70 17 4 21.1 23.7 8.2

Wood birch 48 6.0 0.13 46 0.03 0 5 88 7 <1 16.9 19.5 5.3

Wood pine 49 6.0 0.17 44 0.06 0 5 85 10 0.5 17.9 20.4 5.6

Solid recovered fuel 48 7.0 0.84 24 0.12 1.0 20 60 8 12 19.1 22.2 8.6
(from waste)
Sewage sludge 25 4.1 3.4 19 1.2 0.06 68 10 7 15 10.0 11.8 6.5

Meat & bone meal 42 5.8 7.5 16 0.38 0.2 7 61 6 26 16.2 18.8 7.4

Packaging waste 49 6.5 0.94 29 0.32 1.12 1 73 3 13 20.8 23.7 7.7

PVC 40 5.1 0 1 0 53.8 0 93 7 0 19.8 22.0 6.2

*%-wt dry; ** %-wt as received; *** MJ/kg; **** kg dry air / kg dry fuel


Adiabatic flame temperature /1

Important information on fuel quality is found from the so-called
adiabatic flame temperature, which for a constant pressure
process is the maximum temperature that can be reached
No heat losses from the system all reaction enthalpy is used to
raise the temperature of the product mixture
Based on the enthalpy of reactants
Hreactants at the initial temperature Tinit,
the adiabatic reaction temperature Tad
for the products is defined as
Hproducts(Tad) = Hreactants(Tinit)

i (Hi c p,idT)products i (Hi c p,idT)reactants


@ T Tr, adiabatic Picture T06

Adiabatic flame temperature /2
The adiabatic temperature In constant volume
occurs at stochiometric combustion the adiabatic
conditions; excess air will reaction temperature Tad for
lower the temperature the products is defined by
internal energy U
At high temperatures Uproducts(Tad) = Ureactants(Tinit)
dissociation becomes
important, and relations for
product equilibrium
composition must be included;
for example
N2 2N, H2O H2 + O2
(ignoring these gives errors of
hundreds of degrees)

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A94: P.W. Atkins The 2nd Law, Scientific American Books (1994)
BR98: G.L. Borman, K.W. Ragland Combustion Engineering McGraw-Hill (1998)
CB98: Y.A. engel, M.A. Boles Thermodynamics. An Engineering Approach, McGraw-Hill (1998)
KJ05: D. Kaminski, M. Jensen Introduction to Thermal and Fluids Engineering, Wiley
L96: Lervik, P. Vrmetekniska tabeller, 3rd ed, bo Akademi University (1996)
SEHB06: P.S. Schmidt, O. Ezekoye, J. R. Howell D. Baker Thermodynamics: An Integrated Learning
System (Text plus Web) Wiley (2006)
T06: S.R. Turns Thermal Fluid Sciences, Cambridge Univ. Press (2006)
TUD86: Apparaten voor de procesindustrie / Apparaten voor warmteoverdracht, (ST42/i20) Delft
University of Technology (1986) (in Dutch)
S96: G. hman, H. Saxn Vrmeteknikens grunder, bo Akademi University (1996) (in Swedish)
Steam tables: pressure table
for example:
Steam tables: temperature table
for example:
Steam tables: superheated vapour table
for example:
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Appendix: case slide 51 h,p diagram



= 12 MJ

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Appendix: case slide 51 h,s diagram



= 12 MJ

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