Department of Road 2010-13
Department of Road 2010-13
Department of Road 2010-13
Business Plan
Department of Roads
(FY 2067/68 2069/70)
Prepared under;
ADB TA 7158-NEP:
Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results
Poverty Monitoring Division, National Planning Commission
June 2010
Indicative Contents by TA Team
1. Development context and Background
4. Key objectives and Expected outcomes - Quantitative Targets (three years perspective)
(for the business plan period) - linked to TYIP-II
6. Core programs to achieve the objectives and quantitative targets (review of ongoing
programs and prioritization)
7. Institutional development
Annex - I: Core Program Activities for Business Plan Period (FY 2010/11 to FY 2012/13)
Annex - II: Budget for Business Plan Period (FY 2010/11 to FY 2012/13)
Annex - III: Results Framework of DOR Impact and Outcome Level
Annex - IV: Results Framework of DOR Output Level
Annex V: Readiness Assessment Analysis and Spider Maps
Annex VI: Organizational Structure of DOR
Annex VII: Human Resource - Allocation and Deputation
1. The over-arching goal of the Three Years Interim Plan is to improve the living
standards of Nepal's population and significantly reduce poverty incidence through
an integrated strategy of faster and equitable growth, human resource and
infrastructure development, social and economic integration of disadvantaged
communities and reducing regional imbalance. It specifically accords high priority to
the road sector for its visible role and contribution to the socio-economic
development, social integration and service delivery as well as governance
functions of the country. Accordingly, due emphasis was accorded to gradually
connecting neighboring India and China through different north-south road corridors
and developing the East-West Highway to the level of an Asian Highway,
construction and upgradation works for roads connecting district headquarters,
remote areas, east-west Mid-Hill & Postal (Hulaki) and north-south Terai roads.
2. The approach paper of the proposed TYIP II appropriately intends to give continuity
to the past efforts in the road sector, and recognizes that expected development
and standards in the road and transport sector has not been realized. It is noted
that by the end of FY 2065/66 a total of 19,447 km of strategic roads including
6,245 km of blacktop, 4,336 km of gravel and 8,866 km of earthen roads have been
constructed so far. Similarly, 1,313 nos. of bridges are in place and 71 district
headquarters are connected to the strategic road network. In order to administer
and manage the development of roads, roads are classified into Strategic Road
Network (SRN) and Local Road Network (LRN). SRN comprises of National
Highways, Feeder Roads and strategically important urban links and its
responsibility lies with DoR. LRN comprises of District, Urban and Village Road
Networks and its responsibility lies with respective District Development
Committees / Municipalities / Village Development Committees under the
coordination of Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural
Roads (DOLIDAR). In addition, 22,000 km roads have been identified as village
roads which are mostly seasonal and include short non-through roads linking single
villages to roads of a higher class.
3. The business plan should be viewed as a forward looking document, which would
be updated annually as a part of the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF)
process. This would enable adjustments/revisions to be made in sector/sub-sector
strategies, policies, programs and core activities on the basis of implementation
experience and any changes in priorities. This business plan, based on the
performance evaluation of TYIP-I (2007-2010) and covering the plan period of
TYIP-II (2010-2013), seeks to present clearly and concisely the Government's
(DOR) vision for road sector, the goals and outcomes it seeks to achieve, and the
strategies, policies and key programs/activities which will be adopted to achieve
these outcomes.
4. The business plan begins with the Government's vision for the road sector. It then
outlines the key targets of the TYIP, reviews implementation performance in the last
2 years, and evaluates the likelihood of achieving the targets in the next TYIPII
period. Drawing on the lessons learned from recent experience, the TYIP-I policies
6. The vision of the Road Sector is: Managing roads for national integration and
socio-economic development for the people of Nepal.
The vision for the development of Strategic Road Network is: To provide
sustainable and efficient road service by managing main arteries of the road
network; provide links to rural roads, and increase connectivity in potential
touristic, hydropower and natural resources development areas and along
international trade routes.
9. The Sector Wide Road Program in the form of 10-year Priority Investment Plan
(2007-2017) has been approved and is being implemented. The feasibility studies
for eight identified north to south road corridors are being undertaken, and at the
same time construction and upgradation works in a substantial portion of these
roads have already been completed under the pre-text of different programs such
as the one connecting various district headquarters.
12. The TYIP-I targets and expected outcomes, the most recent achievements in the
first two years of the Plan and the causes for performace gap during the TYIP plan
period are presented in Table 1 below.
14. Thus, in the context of the TYIP II, the major challenges can be outlined as to the
need to (i) develop urban roads and highways in commensuration to increased
road traffic, (ii) attract private sector investment in the development of roads
(introduction of BOT etc.) (iii) inadequate budget allocation for national level
prioritized road projects, (iv) investments for manage and preserve the existing
road assets in an effective manner, and (iv) implementation of road safety and
sustainable road development concept.
15. Opportunities
Gradual improvements in the performance of the DoR (operationalization of
MfDR etc.).
16. Some of the recent implementation experience and lesson learnt has been
elaborated in the ensuing paragraph as below;
ii. Expanding the Strategic Road Network. The road network in Nepal has
increased from 7000 km in 1990 to 16000 km in 2003. GoN has targeted to
link additional 10 District Head Quarters to road network by 10th plan period.
SRN includes the main highway and feeder roads,
For comparison with other countries, China currently invests about 4 to 5% of its GDP on expa7nding and
maintaining its transport system, while Korea, during its development stage, used to spend about 5.2% of its
GDP. Brazils spends about 2.4% of its GDP, and Bangladesh spends about 2.5% of its GDP. Most OECD
countries, with mature transport network, invest about 3% of their GDP on maintaining their transport assets.
Road building group
** Community based organization
vii. Urban Transport: Urban Transport is one of the neglected sub-sector due to
fragmented responsibilities (DoR and Local Governments) and weak fiscal and
implementation capacities of local bodies. The main problem in urban transport
is traffic congestion and constrained transport infrastructures. With rapid
urbanization, the problem is expected to become more complex in coming
viii. Institutional Reforms and strengthening: The responsibilities in road sector are
shared between five entities, with overall GoN coordination and oversight
exercised by the National Planning Commission (NPC). These entities are the
Ministry of Physical Planning & Works (MPPW), the Department of Roads
(DOR), the Ministry of Local Development (MOLD), the Department of Local
Infrastructure Development & Agriculture Roads (DOLIDAR), Municipalities,
individual District Development Committees (DDC) and Village Development
Committees (VDC). The former two entities are responsible for national road
network; the Department of Roads has been entrusted with responsibility of
SRN. The latter three entities share various responsibilities in the
development and maintenance of district-level roads. These entities are
affected by varying capacity, weaknesses, structural and organizational
constraints and are in need of strengthening. Cost effectiveness in planning,
timely decisions and quality of works are major concerns. The central level
supporting units are virtually non functional except for routine works. In
addition, the prevailing environment within the country has demanded changes
in planning and implementation approach towards comprehensive. However,
the concerned agencies are not yet ready for.
ix. Although the DOR has made considerable progress in key aspects of its
technical and managerial capacity building plans, the department however
continues to be reliant on significant donor support to discharge its primary
responsibilities. The department is lagging behind in extending the application
of internationally accepted practices, processes and technology on a more
sector-wide basis. Its HQ-based policy, monitoring and support units are
inadequately resourced for their ascribed functions and are understaffed. Such
institutional realities demand drastic modernization of DoR into a modern and
effective road management agency while Dolidar and local bodies for wider
road network development in rural areas.
/fli6o cfly{s;fdflhs Plss/0f, k|fb]lzs ;Gt'ng / k|fb]lzs ljsf;df of]ubfg k'Ug] u/L
oftfoft ;~hfn lj:tf/ ug]{ .
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sfnf]kq] :t/df ;8s :t/f]Gglt eO{ cfjfudg ;xh x'g]5 .
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!$& j6f k'n lgdf{0f ePsf] x'g]5 .
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;Def/ ePsf] x'g]5 .
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S No Outcomes/Results Target Remarks
1 Road construction Program for 3 District HQs connected Humla(Simikot)
and upgradation construction of will be
Programme for roads connecting connected from
connecting District DHQs. Tibetean
Headquarters border.
Program for 3 District HQ connecting Roads will be
strengthening and strengthened and 25 roads will be upgraded
upgrading of to blacktop standard
roads connecting
2 Road Construction Kechana-Ilam- Phidim-Taplejung (83 Km) will be upgraded.
and upgradation Phidim-Taplejung- 123Km track road will be started.
Programme for Olangchunggola.
north south trade Rani-Itahari-Hile- Chainpur-Khandbari (44Km) upgraded.
and transit roads -Sankhuwasabha- 90Km track started.
Janakpur- Janakpur-Dhalkebar(25Km) and Tamakoshi-
Dolakha- Manthali(55Km) upgraded. 32Km track road
Lamabagar-China started
Birgunj- Fast track road(77Km) started
Track Kathmandu-
Birgunj- Galchhi-Trishuli-Syaphrubesi Road(89Km)
Pathlaiya-Kolphu- upgraded. Syaphrubesi-Rasuwagadhi
Trishuli-Dhunche- (16Km) constructed.
Sunauli-Mirmi- 100Km Jomsom-Ghotang track road started.
1. k|fb]lzs tyf lhNnf ;b/d'sfd hf]8\g] u/L oftfoft kx"Fr / ;'ljwf lj:tf/ ug]{ .
2. s[lif, pBf]u, hnljB't, ko{6g, lzIff tyf :jf:Yo ;]jfdf kxF'r a9fO{ /f]huf/L clej[l4 x'g]
u/L oftfoft lj:tf/ ug]{ .
3. ;jf/L ;fwgsf] rfk cg'?k ;8ssf] ljsf; tyf lj:tf/ ug]{ .
4. ;8s oftfoftsf cltl/Qm cGo dfWodx?sf] ;DefJotf cWoogsf cfwf/df lj:tf/ ug]{ .
5. oftfoft k"j{wf/ ljsf;df lghL;fj{hlgs ;fem]bf/L k|j4{g ug]{ .
6. lgld{t ;8s tyf k'nx?sf] lgoldt dd{t ;'wf/ tyf Joj:yfkgnfO{ yk k|efjsf/L
agfpg] .
7. lbuf], ;'/lIft / e/kbf]{ oftfoft ;~hfnsf] ljsf; ug]{ .
!=! ;8s ;~hfn;+u ghf]l8Psf x'Dnf nufot afFsL lhNnf ;b/d'sfddf /fli6o ;8s ;~hfn
k'ofOg]5 .
!=@ lhNnf ;b/d'sfd hf]8\g] tyf cGo ;fdl/s dxTjsf ;8s ;~hfnnfO{ qmdfut ?kdf
aif}{el/ rNg ;Sg] u/L :t/f]Gglt ul/g]5 .
!=# x'nfsL ;8ssf] :t/f]Gglt ul/g'sf ;fy} ljleGg ;LdfjtL{ Jofkf/ s]Gb| / k|d'v gfsfx?nfO{
nf]sdfu{;+u hf]8\g] u/L ;LdfjtL{ Jofkfl/s dxTjsf s]Gb|x?;+u ;d]t ;8s ;Dks{ sfod
ug]{ u/L pQ/ blIf0f ;8sx?sf] lgdf{0f tyf :t/f]Gglt ul/g]5 .
!=$ dWokxf8L nf]sdfu{ / kmf:6 6ofs lgdf{0f sfo{nfO{ cufl8 a9fpg'sf ;fy} ;xfos dfu{ tyf
lhNnf ;8sx?sf] lgdf{0f, lj:tf/ tyf :t/f]Gglt ul/g]5 .
@=! ;DkGg x'g nfu]sf / /f]huf/L l;h{gf ug]{ ;8sx?nfO{ k|fyldstf lbg'sf ;fy} :yfgLo
k|ljlwsf] k|of]unfO{ a9fjf lbOg]5 .
@=@ dxTjk"0f{ hnljB't, l;+rfO{, ko{6g tyf pBf]unfO{ ;xof]u k'ofpg] / s[lif, lzIff tyf
:jf:Yodf kx"Fr clej[l4 ug{] ;8sx?sf] lgdf{0f tyf :t/f]Gglt ul/g]5 .
#=! nf]sdfu{ tyf zx/L ;8sx?sf] ;jf/L rfk cg';f/sf] Ifdtf lj:tf/ ug{sf] nflu ;8s rf}8f
ug]{, rf}af6f] ;'wf/, nfO{cf]e/, e"ldut tyf j}slNks dfu{ lgdf{0f h:tf sfo{x? ul/g]5 .
&=% /fli6o k|fyldstf k|fKt ;8s lgdf{0fdf ax'aifL{o 7]Ssf Joj:yfkg u/L lgdf{0f k|lqmofnfO{
cufl8 a9fOg]5 .
&=^ lbuf] tyf lskmfotL ;+/rgfx?sf] ljsf;sf nflu cfjZos b:tfj]hx? tof/ ug{ g]k]sg,
g]kfn u'0f:t/sf] ;'b[9Ls/0fsf ;fy} cGo cfjZos gofF sfo{ ug{ ;+/rgfx?sf] :yfkgf
ul/g]5 .
&=& ;8s lgdf{0f k|lqmofdf On]S6f]lgs 7]Ssf k|0ffnLnfO{ kl/:s[t u/L sfof{Gjog ul/g]5 .
&=* ;fdl/s dxTj afx]ssf :yfgLo ;8sx?sf] ;~rfng tyf dd{t ;Def/sf] lhDdf :yfgLo
lgsfox?nfO{ lbg'sf ;fy} ;8s 3gTjsf] cfwf/df df}h'bf hgzlQm, d]lzg cf}hf/, sfof{no,
cfjf; ejg ;d]t ;DalGwt lgsfonfO{ x:tfGt/0f ul/g]5 .
&=( ;a} lgsfoaf6 lgld{t ;8s tYofnfO{ /fli6o k|0ffnLdf cfj4 u/L ef}uf]lns ;8s tYof
Joj:yfkg k|0ffnLsf] :yfkgf Pj+ ;~rfng ul/g]5 .
&=( ;8s ;~hfnsf] :t/ ljefhgsf] Joj:yfnfO{ k|efjsf/L agfOg]5 .
&=!) ;8s k"jf{wf/ tyf cGo oftfoft ljsf;;+u ;DalGwt P]g / lgodfjnLdf cfjZos ;'wf/
ul/g]5 .
ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results
&=!! ;8s lgdf{0f ubf{ ;8s ;txsf] jiff{tsf] kfgLnfO{ e"ldut hn Recharge ug{ k|of]u
ul/g]5 .
During the TYIP period, the existing unsealed roads that already provide access to sixteen DHQs,
will be upgraded and sealed through the following programs.
Under the Asian Development Bank funded Road Network Development Project (RNDP)-
Fourth Road Improvement, the district HQs of Sankhuwasabha will be connected.
Under the World Bank funded Road Sector Development Project, the roads connecting the
district HQs of Bajhang, Kalikot, Darchula (upto Gokuleshwor), Baitadi and Dailekh (total five)
will be sealed.
Under the assistance of the Government of India, the roads connecting the district HQs of
Khotang, Salyan, Rolpa, Bajura, Achham, Pyuthan and Rautahat as well as the alternate route
to Dailekh (total eight) will be upgraded.
From the own source fund of the GoN, the roads connecting the district HQs of Myagdi and
Jajarkot will be upgraded.
7. Nepalgunj-Surkhet-Jumla-Simikot-Hilsa (436km)
The track between Simikot to Hilsa is being opened by the army and the local body. Moreover, the
Surkhet-Jumla road will be extended up to Gamgadhi (Mugu). Appropriate measures will be
initiated to develop this corridor along side the Karnali River from the confluence of Tila and
Karnali rivers all the way up to Simikot.
Under this program, road safety, encroachment control and border security, distribution of
compensation, traffic and road safety measures, procurement of mechanical equipment and repair
maintenance activities have been included.
The project will be regularly monitored at different levels and the feedback so received will be
used for improving the projects.
Required resources will be mobilized for developing the Regional Road Directorate as the
permanent monitoring entity.
Technical Auditing will be undertaken for some of the projects so as to monitor the
implementation status at each stage of project execution.
The economic and physical indicators related to impact and progress of the projects as well as
their source of information will be defined to facilitate effective monitoring and evaluation.
In addition to monitoring of the physical progress, arrangements will be made to gradually
adopt the implementation process monitoring as well.
On site monitoring on a quarterly basis will be done for large projects of national importance.
Arrangements will be made for monitoring the district level projects through the local bodies.
17. In order to achieve the TYIP II targets through the effective implementation of the
business plan, a number of challenges will need to be addressed:
As noted in paragraph 9 above, there is a need to ensure that all the stakeholders
have a clear and common understanding of the Governments policy and strategy
shifts in the sector. This will assist in implementation of the policy and strategy as
unproductive debates will be avoided and, more importantly, the processing of
legal documents/agreements, for example, would be smoother and quicker. Thus,
effective communication campaigns on what the reforms are, why are they
needed etc. should be carried out to make all stakeholders aware of the
policy/strategy shifts and the need to implement them.
To meet the TYIP targets there is a need to scale up service delivery. Further, the
different modalities for channelling of funds currently in place should be
recognized. It should be understood that through effective sector monitoring over
the TYIP period, the Government would have a strong basis to decide the
suitability and preparedness of the sector to adopt a sector wide approach.
Major Projects Business Plan Actions for Business Plan Actions for Business Plan Actions for Re
Program FY 2010/11 FY 2011/12 FY 2012/13 ma
s rks
Description of Roads & Total Str PM BT GR Erth Brg Str PM BT GR Erth Brg Str PM BT GR Erth Brg
Sections Length eng (No) eng (No eng (No
in in ) in )
for Nagma-Gamgadhi 88 12 13 9
g DHQs. Jajarkot-Dunai(Dolpa) 144 30 35 37
1. New North South Lok Marg
Road (Karnali: Hilsa - Simikot
Constructi Section) 88 14 15 14
on Total
56 63 60
Program 14 road sections under Road
for Improvement Project(RIP) 596 19 198 0 89 0 95
g DHQs. 2 roads with periodic
2. Road maintenance under Road
Upgradati Sector Development Project I 110 0 28 0 0 0 0
on 6 roads with periodic
maintenance under Road
Sector Development Project
II 444 5 18 20 233 11 157
3 roads under Sub-regional
Transport Logistic Facilitation
Project 133 0 0 0 39 0 94
6 roads under Road
Connectivity Project I 318 50 234 18 0 0 0
Total 1601 74 478 38 361 11 346
Road B P Koirala Lokmarg
Constructi (Banepa-Sindhuli-Bardibas) 160 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0
on and
Mahakali Lokjmarg
(Darchula-Tinker Section) 90 0 0 0 25 30 0 0 0 15 35 30 0 0 0 40 30 15 0
Table 5: Results Matrix for the Business Plan Period (FY 2010/11 -2012/13)
Impact Level
Results Strategies Indicators Means of Verification Risk and Assumptions
Objectives Measure of Progress Assumption made from
( Ultimate benefit against Impact Outcome to Impact . Risk that
for the target impact will not be achieved
Outcome Level
Results Main Working Policy Indicators Baseline Targets Means of Risk and Assumptions
Outcome Measure of Assumption made from
( Short term to Progress Outcome to Impact . Risk that
medium term against impact will not achieved
change in Outcome
Output Level
Results Programs/Activities Indicators Baseline Targets Means of Risk and Assumptions
Outputs (Product Measure of Assumptions made from
and Services progress activities to outputs. Risks that
tangible and against output outputs may not be produced
intangible delivered
or provided)