Department of Road 2010-13

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Government of Nepal

Ministry of Physical Planning and Works

Business Plan
Department of Roads
(FY 2067/68 2069/70)


Prepared under;
ADB TA 7158-NEP:
Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results
Poverty Monitoring Division, National Planning Commission

June 2010
Indicative Contents by TA Team
1. Development context and Background

2. Sectors vision and goals, objectives and priorities

3. Major problems, challenges and opportunities (performance gaps and readiness

analysis)- Lessons Learnt

4. Key objectives and Expected outcomes - Quantitative Targets (three years perspective)
(for the business plan period) - linked to TYIP-II

5. Strategies and Policies - linked to TYIP-II

6. Core programs to achieve the objectives and quantitative targets (review of ongoing
programs and prioritization)

7. Institutional development

8. Monitoring and Evaluation

9. Critical factors for successful implementation

Annex - I: Core Program Activities for Business Plan Period (FY 2010/11 to FY 2012/13)
Annex - II: Budget for Business Plan Period (FY 2010/11 to FY 2012/13)
Annex - III: Results Framework of DOR Impact and Outcome Level
Annex - IV: Results Framework of DOR Output Level
Annex V: Readiness Assessment Analysis and Spider Maps
Annex VI: Organizational Structure of DOR
Annex VII: Human Resource - Allocation and Deputation

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

Business Plan for Department of Roads

I. Development Context and Background

1. The over-arching goal of the Three Years Interim Plan is to improve the living
standards of Nepal's population and significantly reduce poverty incidence through
an integrated strategy of faster and equitable growth, human resource and
infrastructure development, social and economic integration of disadvantaged
communities and reducing regional imbalance. It specifically accords high priority to
the road sector for its visible role and contribution to the socio-economic
development, social integration and service delivery as well as governance
functions of the country. Accordingly, due emphasis was accorded to gradually
connecting neighboring India and China through different north-south road corridors
and developing the East-West Highway to the level of an Asian Highway,
construction and upgradation works for roads connecting district headquarters,
remote areas, east-west Mid-Hill & Postal (Hulaki) and north-south Terai roads.

2. The approach paper of the proposed TYIP II appropriately intends to give continuity
to the past efforts in the road sector, and recognizes that expected development
and standards in the road and transport sector has not been realized. It is noted
that by the end of FY 2065/66 a total of 19,447 km of strategic roads including
6,245 km of blacktop, 4,336 km of gravel and 8,866 km of earthen roads have been
constructed so far. Similarly, 1,313 nos. of bridges are in place and 71 district
headquarters are connected to the strategic road network. In order to administer
and manage the development of roads, roads are classified into Strategic Road
Network (SRN) and Local Road Network (LRN). SRN comprises of National
Highways, Feeder Roads and strategically important urban links and its
responsibility lies with DoR. LRN comprises of District, Urban and Village Road
Networks and its responsibility lies with respective District Development
Committees / Municipalities / Village Development Committees under the
coordination of Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural
Roads (DOLIDAR). In addition, 22,000 km roads have been identified as village
roads which are mostly seasonal and include short non-through roads linking single
villages to roads of a higher class.

3. The business plan should be viewed as a forward looking document, which would
be updated annually as a part of the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF)
process. This would enable adjustments/revisions to be made in sector/sub-sector
strategies, policies, programs and core activities on the basis of implementation
experience and any changes in priorities. This business plan, based on the
performance evaluation of TYIP-I (2007-2010) and covering the plan period of
TYIP-II (2010-2013), seeks to present clearly and concisely the Government's
(DOR) vision for road sector, the goals and outcomes it seeks to achieve, and the
strategies, policies and key programs/activities which will be adopted to achieve
these outcomes.

4. The business plan begins with the Government's vision for the road sector. It then
outlines the key targets of the TYIP, reviews implementation performance in the last
2 years, and evaluates the likelihood of achieving the targets in the next TYIPII
period. Drawing on the lessons learned from recent experience, the TYIP-I policies

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

and strategies are reviewed and sharpened to incorporate changes, including
amendments to the legal framework, which are necessary for ensuring that the Plan
outcomes are achieved. The core business activities, resource requirements for
them, as well as identified funding gaps for the next three years are discussed in
the next two sections. The last two sections discuss the modalities for monitoring
progress and the key challenges, which need to be addressed for effectively
implementing the business plan.

II. Sectors vision and goals, objectives and priorities


5. The overall goal of road sector is to reduce poverty through socio-economic

development by providing equitable, safe and affordable public road infrastructures.
This is to be achieved through building and managing road network within the
country in least cost and efficient manner.

6. The vision of the Road Sector is: Managing roads for national integration and
socio-economic development for the people of Nepal.

The vision for the development of Strategic Road Network is: To provide
sustainable and efficient road service by managing main arteries of the road
network; provide links to rural roads, and increase connectivity in potential
touristic, hydropower and natural resources development areas and along
international trade routes.

The mission of strategic road development is to contribute towards the

betterment of living conditions of the people through effective, efficient, safe and
reliable road connectivity.

7. Objectives: The objectives of the road sector (DOR) are:

To maintain road network effectively and efficiently (Asset Preservation)
To provide access to all district headquarters to strengthen social, economic and
administration linkages
To improve existing access to district headquarters for safe, reliable and cost
effective travel
To develop roads to supplement poverty reduction, program and to improve
accessibility to mid-hills and terai.
To develop and expand the existing Strategic Roads Network (SRN) to facilitate
effective and efficient movement of goods and services and to foster economic
To develop and adopt cost effective measures by initiating innovativeness in
road pavement and bridge design
To develop roads to support other infrastructure development and to link areas
of significance social and economic importance; and
To encourage private sector participation in the development maintenance and
management of roads.

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

8. The 20 year Master Plan for the SRN (2002 2022), envisages the following
outcomes by 2022:
Motorable access to all 75 District Headquarters in the country with Bituminous
sealed road to almost all District HQ;
Doubling of the length of the present Strategic Road Network with a target road
density of 15 km per 10,000 populations;
Ensuring more than 95 percent of SRN in a good/fair condition;
Substantially reducing the walking distance from 13 days to 3 days in extreme
cases to reach the motor-head in High Himalayas & Mountains; and reducing
walking distance of 4 hours to reach motor-head in Hills and 2 hours in Terai;
Establishment and functioning of Autonomous Road Agency to manage central
road network with increased level of user's involvement;
Establishment and functioning of monitoring system for an effective and efficient
service delivery through an independent annual user's satisfaction survey; and
Substantial reduction in the rate of accidents.

9. The Sector Wide Road Program in the form of 10-year Priority Investment Plan
(2007-2017) has been approved and is being implemented. The feasibility studies
for eight identified north to south road corridors are being undertaken, and at the
same time construction and upgradation works in a substantial portion of these
roads have already been completed under the pre-text of different programs such
as the one connecting various district headquarters.

Long Term Objectives and Priorities

10. In the context of achieving the overstretching national objective of reducing the
regional imbalance and social inequality, the long-term vision of the road sector is
to develop a safe, reliable and environment friendly national transport network, so
as to:
Provide easy access to agriculture, industrial and other production and service
Promote trade between the neighboring countries.
Provide support to the development of other social and economic

11. Following specific measures have been conceptualized to meet the

aforementioned goals:
In accordance with the Sector Wide Road Program (2007-2017), develop a
minimum 31,000 km. of road network including 9,740 km. of Strategic Road
Network (SRN) and 6,000 km. of Local Road Network (LRN), which will
provide access to the population living within 4 hrs. in hills and 2 hrs. in the
Terai, from the road head.
Develop the identified eight trade and transit corridors between neighboring
India and China.
Develop a transparent and decentralized management system by enhancing
the capacity from central to local level entities for prompt construction and
maintenance of the roads.
Develop and operate safe roads by suitable road safety and traffic
management activities including raising public awareness on such activities.

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

Develop feasible, alternative, transparent infrastructures like railways,
ropeways and waterways

III. Major problems, challenges and opportunities (performance gaps and

readiness analysis)- Lessons Learnt - Recent Implementation Experience and
Lessons Learned

12. The TYIP-I targets and expected outcomes, the most recent achievements in the
first two years of the Plan and the causes for performace gap during the TYIP plan
period are presented in Table 1 below.

Table 1: Performance Gap Analysis

(For FY 2064/065 and 2065/066)
S Outcomes/ Major Perform.
Target Achivemnt Causes for Gap
No Results Program Gap
1 Twelve Program for 12 District 6 District 6 District 1. Remotness/Difficult Terrain
district HQs construction of HQs HQs HQs yet to 2. Alignment dispute
is connected roads connected connected be 3. Budget Costraint
to the road connecting connected 4. DOR capacity
network DHQs. 5 Ambitious Programme
Program for 16 District Only one 15 Roads 1. Delay in Loan and Grant
the upgrading HQ District HQ yet to be Agreements
of roads connecting connecting completed 2. Budget constraint
connecting Roads Road 3. Capacity of local
DHQs. upgraded Completed. Contracting Industry
Others are in (Contractors/Consultants)
various 4. DOR Capacity
stages of 5.Bund/Strike by local political
upgrading. parties 6. Shortage
of Experienced Technical
Manpower in the Country
2 Connectivity Galchhi- 84 Km Road 20% 80% yet to 1. Delay inland acquisition;
to China and Trishuli- upgraded complete be dispute in land acquisition.
India is Syaprubesi completed 2. Public demand for double
enhanced Road Project. lane road.
and the 3. Local Bund/Strike
operational Tanakpur Link 14 Km Road Yet not 14 Km 1. Delay in Grant Agreement
efficiency of Road Upgrading started Road
ICDs is Construction complete Upgrading
improved Project
Projects 1. 1.Bhairahawa 1. 25% 1. Delay in Loan agreement
under Sub- Bhairahawa- -Parasi-EWH: remaining 2. Land acquisition Problem
regional Parasi- 75% 2. 15% 3. Local Bund/Strike
Transportation Bhumahi(29K complete. 2. remaining 4. Demand for donation by
Facilitation m) and Birgunj 3. 10% local political parties
Project Birgunj Bypass: 85% remaining
Bypass(10.3 complete
Km) Roads 3. ICD : 90%
completed complete
2. ICD at
Mahakali 90Km Road 3Km track 87 Km 1.Land acquisition and
Highway opened resettlement Problem at
(Darchula- Khalanga Bazar. 2.
Tinkar section) Difficulties to transport heavy
Project Equipments

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

S Outcomes/ Major Perform.
Target Achivemnt Causes for Gap
No Results Program Gap
3 Transport Feasibility Feasibility Complete No gap The opening of earthen track
service to Study of the Study initiated through Nepal Army
Kathmandu Kathmandu completed
valley and Terai Fast
other parts of Track.
the country is B. P. Koirala 160 Km Road 97 Km BT; 1. Delay in bilateral
expanded Road (Sindhuli Construction 26Km Gravel; agreement 2. Local
and Bardibas) 37Km Track Bund/Strike
improved. Project
Kathmandu Improvement Several road
Valley Urban of high sections such
Road volume traffic as
Development roads within Solteemod-
Program KTM Valley. Kalanki-
corridor were
4 Accessibility Terai Road 850 Km of IEE for16 Costructio Agreement between GoN and
to the Terai Improvement Road Roads under n work yet GoI yet not finalised.
and dense Project upgraded Ist Phase not started
settlements complete.
in the hills as Upgradation RSDP : 278 RSDP: 125 RSDP: 1. Due to late implementation
well as works under Km Otta Seal Km OS ; 80 153 Km contracts under RSDP and
administrativ RSDP and RCSP : 358 Km Gr; 73 OS RCSP are still ongoing.
e, RCP Km BT Km Er RCSP: 2. Land acquisition Problem
commercial RCSP: 358 Km (People's demand for higher
and industrial Started in FY BT value of land and houses)
centers is 065/66 3. No outlet for side drain due
improved and to cultivated land along the
facilitated. road alignment.
4. RSDP Contracts will be
completed by FY 066/67 and
RCSP contracts by 067/68.
Upgradation All roads 13 Km 1. Slow progress by the
works under 310Km completed contractor 2.
RNDP Fourth Upgrading; except Frequent local and Nepal
Road 81Km new Basantapur- Bund/Strike
Improvement construction; Mudhe
280Km Section(13K
Performance m)
d based
Repair, Annual target
Maintenance of Repair and
and Maintenance
Improvement of completed
Arniko Highway
5 Accessibility Mid-Hill 53 Km new 80 Km track Upgrading
to the Highway construction opened remained.
transport Project and 60 Km
service for upgrading

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

S Outcomes/ Major Perform.
Target Achivemnt Causes for Gap
No Results Program Gap
the people of Road Er: 475 Km Er: 545 Km Er: No 1. Frequent Nepal Bund,
remote areas construction Gr: 254 Km Gr: 240 Km gap Terai Bund 2.
improved and under central BT: 53 Km BT: 48 Km Gr: 14 Km Scarcity of construction
east-west level sequential BT: 5 Km Materials 3. Load
transport list shedding
facility 4. Lack of coordination with
extended in road users' committees
the mid-hills. Bridge 104 bridges 40 bridges 64 1. Insufficient budget
Construction will be completed Bridges allocation
Program constructed 2. Delay in detailed Design
and soil investigation
3. Delay in procurement of
6 Through the Regular 7220 Km 7220Km No gap
preservation Repair and SRN will be maintained
of road Maintenance maintained
assets, there Program
is an Periodic 630 Km Road 389.5 Km 240.5 Km 1. Late procurement 2.
increase in Maintenance will be Road Delayed mobilisation by the
safe and Program resealed resealed contractors
reliable Emergency, 7220 Km 7220 Km No gap
transport Major and SRN will be
facilities. Special Repair maintained
Source: DOR; 2009/10

13. Some of the key constraints faced included the following:

Ineffective management of road asset due to budget constraints.
Non-implementation of road safety concepts.
Implementation of non-prioritized projects due to political interference.
Institutional strengthening of the DoR and other related entities not effective as
Ineffective implementation of arrangement for devolution of responsibility to the
local bodies for the construction and maintenance of local level roads.
Lack of a conducive environment to attract private investment in the road
Ineffective M&E by the regional wings due to inadequate resources, facilities
and lack of management infrastructure.

14. Thus, in the context of the TYIP II, the major challenges can be outlined as to the
need to (i) develop urban roads and highways in commensuration to increased
road traffic, (ii) attract private sector investment in the development of roads
(introduction of BOT etc.) (iii) inadequate budget allocation for national level
prioritized road projects, (iv) investments for manage and preserve the existing
road assets in an effective manner, and (iv) implementation of road safety and
sustainable road development concept.

15. Opportunities
Gradual improvements in the performance of the DoR (operationalization of
MfDR etc.).

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

Gradual improvements in the resource base and management of the Roads
Capacity enhancement of the local contractors and the consulting
Improvement in the awareness of road related stakeholders.
Improvement in the peoples' participation.
Improved opportunities for resource mobilization and donors' assistance in
road construction and maintenance.
Improved involvement of the private sector in road maintenance (PBMC

16. Some of the recent implementation experience and lesson learnt has been
elaborated in the ensuing paragraph as below;

i. Priority for maintenance: GoN has established an autonomous Roads Board

and Road Fund to provide stable funding for road maintenance from user fees.
Roads Board has generated about one third of the resources required to fulfill
the resource requirement for the maintenance of the Strategic Road Network1
(SRN) in Nepal. The Board is facing managerial problems on not being able to
make appointment of necessary staff due to low salary structure, autonomy for
adopting MPPW official process for Board decisions and delivering
responsibilities of MOLD/DOLIDAR in technical backstopping for planning and
managing rural road maintenance by the local ebodies and their timely
monitoring and reporting. Considering the cost of rehabilitation, which is about
five times the maintenance cost, Roads board needs to develop efficient and
effective planning as well as funds releasing mechanism.

ii. Expanding the Strategic Road Network. The road network in Nepal has
increased from 7000 km in 1990 to 16000 km in 2003. GoN has targeted to
link additional 10 District Head Quarters to road network by 10th plan period.

Year Highway Feeder Road

1995 2831 1679

1998 2905 1826

2002 3029 1832

Source: NRS 1995,1998,2002

iii. Increasing and Prioritizing Investment Nepalese investment in road sector is

far less than what is necessary. In order to facilitate the 6.3% GDP growth
anticipated in the Tenth Plan, it is necessary to invest about 2% its GDP (about
US$115 million a year) on expanding its road network to remove transport
impediments for its economic growth, and another 1% of its GDP (about
US$30 million a year) on maintaining existing assets.2 In sum, it is necessary
to invest about 2.5% of its GDP (about US$145 million a year) in expanding

SRN includes the main highway and feeder roads,

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

and maintaining road assets3. These estimates are substantially higher than
the current expenditure in the road sector, where GoN in 2003 spent about
US$30 million for new investment and US$25 million for maintenance and

iv. Promote private sector participation (PSP) in road development. Experience in

other countries suggests that the private sector is unlikely to deliver road
sector projects without substantial government involvement in the form of
enabling legislation and regulations, proper institutional arrangements,
provision of land, environmental and social protection, and possibly financial
guarantees and/or some measure of co-financing.

v. Road development with support of road users. In some of the road

construction projects practice of mobilizing road users in form of RBG* and
CBOs** has already been started, such as in the projects supported by WB
and DFID (Surkhet- Jumla Road Project, Hile Bhojpur Road Project). Such
concept of road construction is expected improve income level of the people
living in the influence area by generating additional employment opportunities
in local level. The constraints and limitation in such practice are the technical
competence as well as the managerial capability of the local involved. This
demands introduction of awareness as well as training program to the local
RBG and CBOs to enhance their skill, capacity and managerial capability.
However, the efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of the running projects
are yet to be observed.

vi. Rural Roads and Decentralization. According to existing decentralization

framework, the concerned districts are responsible for administering and
financing of rural roads (comprising district roads, village roads, and agriculture
roads). Substantial lengths of new rural roads have been constructed in recent
years mobilizing communities without any quality assurance and no record
maintained on the length and condition of these roads4. Many donors (DFID,
ADB, SDC, GTZ, WFP, and USAID) are supporting rural roads construction
and managed by the local bodies (some districts) in a projectized approach.
The lack of a clear strategy towards developing sector wide rural transport to
provide minimum equitable motorable access in the country has led more
unbalanced developments and less effective investments. In addition, HMGN
has been providing resources to local bodies for the development of rural
roads. However, efficient and effective monitoring mechanism is yet to be
developed towards achieving the targeted outputs. Further, MLD/DOLIDAR is
undertaking rural road development activities in form of agricultural roads and
food for work program. In FY 2004, GoN announced LID policy with an
objective to enhance social service and economic opportunities through
mobilizing resources among the local people. The LID policy aims to devolve
all infrastructures through concerned local agencies. The new policy also
explains that all the agricultural and local roads will be categorized as rural

For comparison with other countries, China currently invests about 4 to 5% of its GDP on expa7nding and
maintaining its transport system, while Korea, during its development stage, used to spend about 5.2% of its
GDP. Brazils spends about 2.4% of its GDP, and Bangladesh spends about 2.5% of its GDP. Most OECD
countries, with mature transport network, invest about 3% of their GDP on maintaining their transport assets.
Road building group
** Community based organization

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

roads. Accordingly, MLD/DOLIDAR has developed a rural transport sector
strategy with a policy to develop all weather motorable access in the rural area
within 4 hours walking distance in hill and 2 hours walking distance in the
Terai. In this regard every district shall prepare District Transport Master Plan
(DTMP) through participatory process to identify and prioritize inter-district
rural roads to provide all weather access as envisaged by LID policy. A long
term Rural Transport Plan up to 2017 (end of 12th Five Year Plan) will be
developed under this plan.

vii. Urban Transport: Urban Transport is one of the neglected sub-sector due to
fragmented responsibilities (DoR and Local Governments) and weak fiscal and
implementation capacities of local bodies. The main problem in urban transport
is traffic congestion and constrained transport infrastructures. With rapid
urbanization, the problem is expected to become more complex in coming

viii. Institutional Reforms and strengthening: The responsibilities in road sector are
shared between five entities, with overall GoN coordination and oversight
exercised by the National Planning Commission (NPC). These entities are the
Ministry of Physical Planning & Works (MPPW), the Department of Roads
(DOR), the Ministry of Local Development (MOLD), the Department of Local
Infrastructure Development & Agriculture Roads (DOLIDAR), Municipalities,
individual District Development Committees (DDC) and Village Development
Committees (VDC). The former two entities are responsible for national road
network; the Department of Roads has been entrusted with responsibility of
SRN. The latter three entities share various responsibilities in the
development and maintenance of district-level roads. These entities are
affected by varying capacity, weaknesses, structural and organizational
constraints and are in need of strengthening. Cost effectiveness in planning,
timely decisions and quality of works are major concerns. The central level
supporting units are virtually non functional except for routine works. In
addition, the prevailing environment within the country has demanded changes
in planning and implementation approach towards comprehensive. However,
the concerned agencies are not yet ready for.
ix. Although the DOR has made considerable progress in key aspects of its
technical and managerial capacity building plans, the department however
continues to be reliant on significant donor support to discharge its primary
responsibilities. The department is lagging behind in extending the application
of internationally accepted practices, processes and technology on a more
sector-wide basis. Its HQ-based policy, monitoring and support units are
inadequately resourced for their ascribed functions and are understaffed. Such
institutional realities demand drastic modernization of DoR into a modern and
effective road management agency while Dolidar and local bodies for wider
road network development in rural areas.

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

IV Key objectives and Expected outcomes - Quantitative Targets ( three years
perspective) (for the business plan period) - linked to TYIP-II

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Table 2: Target Outcomes/Results for TYIP II and Business Plan Period

S No Outcomes/Results Target Remarks
1 Road construction Program for 3 District HQs connected Humla(Simikot)
and upgradation construction of will be
Programme for roads connecting connected from
connecting District DHQs. Tibetean
Headquarters border.
Program for 3 District HQ connecting Roads will be
strengthening and strengthened and 25 roads will be upgraded
upgrading of to blacktop standard
roads connecting
2 Road Construction Kechana-Ilam- Phidim-Taplejung (83 Km) will be upgraded.
and upgradation Phidim-Taplejung- 123Km track road will be started.
Programme for Olangchunggola.
north south trade Rani-Itahari-Hile- Chainpur-Khandbari (44Km) upgraded.
and transit roads -Sankhuwasabha- 90Km track started.
Janakpur- Janakpur-Dhalkebar(25Km) and Tamakoshi-
Dolakha- Manthali(55Km) upgraded. 32Km track road
Lamabagar-China started
Birgunj- Fast track road(77Km) started
Track Kathmandu-
Birgunj- Galchhi-Trishuli-Syaphrubesi Road(89Km)
Pathlaiya-Kolphu- upgraded. Syaphrubesi-Rasuwagadhi
Trishuli-Dhunche- (16Km) constructed.
Sunauli-Mirmi- 100Km Jomsom-Ghotang track road started.

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

S No Outcomes/Results Target Remarks
Nepalgunj- Rakam-Hilsa-Simikot track road started.
Bramhadev- Gokuleswor-Darchula road upgraded. 90Km
Jogbudha- Darchula-Tinker section track road started.
3 Mid Hill Road Programme for 350 Km track road completed.
Construction the construction of
1774 Km mid hill
road from Chiyo
District) to
Jhulaghat (Baitadi
4 Kathmandu valley Road network Kalanki-Nagdhunga Road widened.
Road Extension. strengthening, Ringroad(Gulf course)-Bagmati Road
upgradation, constructed. Construction
construction and of Bagmati Corridor Road and Ring Road
maintenance Track managemnt and extension continued.
continued. Four lane road extension from Kathmandu to
Bhaktapur completed.
Kathmandu Improvement of high volume traffic roads
Valley Urban within KTM Valley.
5 Programme for Stategic Road Out of 9400Km SRN remaining earth and Under IDA,
upgradation and Network (SRN) gravel roads upgardation continued. ADB and
Strengthening upgraded and Government of
improved. India financing.
Upgradation Dharan-Chatara-Gaighat-Katari-Sindhuli Nepal
including Bazar-Hetauda; Naradmuni Thulung Marg; Government
improvement Kanti Lokpath; 11Kilo Chhipetar- financing
vertical and Bhaluswanra-Warpak Roads upgradation
horizontal curve continued.
of some Roads
Upgradation and Upgradation and extension of access roads
extension of to important tourist places, agriculture and
Important roads. Industrial markets will be included in
Regional Road Programme.
Upgradation and 1200Km Postal road upgradation and Government of
maintenance of maintenace started. India financing
Postal Roads
6 New Road Programme for Road construction and maintenance will be
Construction and construction and continued on following roads: Gaighat-
Improvement maintenance of Diktel Chepang
roads for Marg(Bhandara-Lothar-Malekhu
extension of road Benighat-Aarughat-Larkebhanjyang
access Saljhundi-Sandhikhark-Dhorpatan
Sahid Marg (Tila-Ghartigaon-Thawang-
Rukumkot) Seti
Lokmarg (Tikapur-Lode-Chainpur-Taklakot)
7 Programme for the 161 nos of bridges 90 bridges along Important Lokmarg and
constructions of constructed Feeder Roads 39

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

S No Outcomes/Results Target Remarks
Bridges bridges along Postal Roads
Koshi Bridge at Chatara
Sunkoshi Bridge
30 nos Bailey Bridges
8 Study, Research Strengthening of Institutional strengthening of DOR for
and Investigations existing units and feasibility study, Detailed Design of Roads
Branches and and Bridges, Geo-environmental Study
Establishment of Establishment of Bridge Branch
New units Establishment of Asset Management,
Contract Management and Quality Control
Establishment of Research and Development

V. Strategies, Policies and Actions to Achieve Key Objectives/Targets

1. k|fb]lzs tyf lhNnf ;b/d'sfd hf]8\g] u/L oftfoft kx"Fr / ;'ljwf lj:tf/ ug]{ .
2. s[lif, pBf]u, hnljB't, ko{6g, lzIff tyf :jf:Yo ;]jfdf kxF'r a9fO{ /f]huf/L clej[l4 x'g]
u/L oftfoft lj:tf/ ug]{ .
3. ;jf/L ;fwgsf] rfk cg'?k ;8ssf] ljsf; tyf lj:tf/ ug]{ .
4. ;8s oftfoftsf cltl/Qm cGo dfWodx?sf] ;DefJotf cWoogsf cfwf/df lj:tf/ ug]{ .
5. oftfoft k"j{wf/ ljsf;df lghL;fj{hlgs ;fem]bf/L k|j4{g ug]{ .
6. lgld{t ;8s tyf k'nx?sf] lgoldt dd{t ;'wf/ tyf Joj:yfkgnfO{ yk k|efjsf/L
agfpg] .
7. lbuf], ;'/lIft / e/kbf]{ oftfoft ;~hfnsf] ljsf; ug]{ .

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k'ofOg]5 .
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aif}{el/ rNg ;Sg] u/L :t/f]Gglt ul/g]5 .
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ug]{ u/L pQ/ blIf0f ;8sx?sf] lgdf{0f tyf :t/f]Gglt ul/g]5 .
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lhNnf ;8sx?sf] lgdf{0f, lj:tf/ tyf :t/f]Gglt ul/g]5 .
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k|ljlwsf] k|of]unfO{ a9fjf lbOg]5 .
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ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

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a9fOg]5 .
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%=@ ;fdl/s dxTjsf 7'nf ;8s nufot cGo oftfoft ;~hfn ljsf;sf nflu nufgL of]hgf
tof/ ul/g]5 .
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;~hfn;+u ;DalGwt lgsfox?, :yfgLo lgdf{0f Joj;foLx? tyf k/fdz{bftfx?sf] Ifdtf
clej[l4 ul/g]5 .
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;+efjgf jf/] cWoog ul/g]5 .
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&=@ ;8s lgdf{0f ubf{ jftfj/0f ;+/If0f x'g] u/L :yfgLo lgdf{0f ;fdfu|L tyf lzksf] k|of]u
ul/g]5 .
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Wofg lbOg]5 .
&=$ ;8s lgdf{0fnfO{ lbuf], ;'/lIft tyf lskmfotL agfpg cfjZos OlGhlgol/ b:tfj]h (Code
& Specifiaction) x?sf] pTkfbg tyf k|of]u ul/g]5 .

&=% /fli6o k|fyldstf k|fKt ;8s lgdf{0fdf ax'aifL{o 7]Ssf Joj:yfkg u/L lgdf{0f k|lqmofnfO{
cufl8 a9fOg]5 .
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g]kfn u'0f:t/sf] ;'b[9Ls/0fsf ;fy} cGo cfjZos gofF sfo{ ug{ ;+/rgfx?sf] :yfkgf
ul/g]5 .
&=& ;8s lgdf{0f k|lqmofdf On]S6f]lgs 7]Ssf k|0ffnLnfO{ kl/:s[t u/L sfof{Gjog ul/g]5 .
&=* ;fdl/s dxTj afx]ssf :yfgLo ;8sx?sf] ;~rfng tyf dd{t ;Def/sf] lhDdf :yfgLo
lgsfox?nfO{ lbg'sf ;fy} ;8s 3gTjsf] cfwf/df df}h'bf hgzlQm, d]lzg cf}hf/, sfof{no,
cfjf; ejg ;d]t ;DalGwt lgsfonfO{ x:tfGt/0f ul/g]5 .
&=( ;a} lgsfoaf6 lgld{t ;8s tYofnfO{ /fli6o k|0ffnLdf cfj4 u/L ef}uf]lns ;8s tYof
Joj:yfkg k|0ffnLsf] :yfkgf Pj+ ;~rfng ul/g]5 .
&=( ;8s ;~hfnsf] :t/ ljefhgsf] Joj:yfnfO{ k|efjsf/L agfOg]5 .
&=!) ;8s k"jf{wf/ tyf cGo oftfoft ljsf;;+u ;DalGwt P]g / lgodfjnLdf cfjZos ;'wf/
ul/g]5 .
ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results
&=!! ;8s lgdf{0f ubf{ ;8s ;txsf] jiff{tsf] kfgLnfO{ e"ldut hn Recharge ug{ k|of]u
ul/g]5 .

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

VI. Core programs to achieve the objectives and quantitative targets (review of
ongoing programs and prioritization)

Roads Connecting District Headquarters

Out of twelve not yet connected district headquarters (DHQs), eleven DHQs of districts namely
Bhojpur, Sankhuwasabha Solukhumbu, Khotang, Mustang, Manang, Jajarkot Bajura, Bajhang,
Mugu, and Dolpa will be connected with the national road network. Simikot, the DHQ of Humla will
be connected by road from the Tibet site.

During the TYIP period, the existing unsealed roads that already provide access to sixteen DHQs,
will be upgraded and sealed through the following programs.
Under the Asian Development Bank funded Road Network Development Project (RNDP)-
Fourth Road Improvement, the district HQs of Sankhuwasabha will be connected.
Under the World Bank funded Road Sector Development Project, the roads connecting the
district HQs of Bajhang, Kalikot, Darchula (upto Gokuleshwor), Baitadi and Dailekh (total five)
will be sealed.
Under the assistance of the Government of India, the roads connecting the district HQs of
Khotang, Salyan, Rolpa, Bajura, Achham, Pyuthan and Rautahat as well as the alternate route
to Dailekh (total eight) will be upgraded.
From the own source fund of the GoN, the roads connecting the district HQs of Myagdi and
Jajarkot will be upgraded.

North South Trade and Transit Corridor

With the assumption that the trade and transit corridors between India and China through
Nepalese territory will directly benefit Nepal, eight different road corridors have been identified and
are being implemented.

1. Kechana-Ilam-Fidim-Taplegunj-Olangchungola (430 km)

The Mechi Highway is currently in operation up to Taplejung, out of which 83 Km. of road section
will be upgraded under the Road Connectivity Project. The feasibility study of the section between
Taplejung to Olanchungola will be completed during the TYIP period.

2. Rani-Itahair-Hile-Sankhuwasabha-Kimathanka (419 km)

The district HQs of Sankhuwasabha will be connected within the TYIP period. The feasibility study
of the section between Sankhuwasabha to Kimathanka has been recently completed.

3. Janakpur-Dolakha-Lamabagar-Chinese Border (295 KM)

The improvement/upgrading works for the Janakpur-Dhalkebar portion will be completed within the
TYIP period and the on-going construction works between Sindhuli Bazaar and Khurkot will be
continued. The construction of Khurkot to Manthali section and Dolakha to Singati section is being
undertaken at the local level.

4. Birgunj-Jitpur-Pathalaiya-Fast Track Road to Kathmandu - Dolalghat-Miteri Sandhu (292

With the construction of the Kathmandu-Terai Fast Track, the total length of this corridor could be
reduced. The feasibility of the Fast Track is at the completion stage.

5. Birgunj (ICD) - Jitpur-Pathalaiya (MRM) - Kathmandu (Kolfu) Trishuli Dhunchhe

Syaprubesi - Rasuwagadhi (265 km)
The upgradation works of the road section between Birgunj (ICD) to Parwanipur will be executed
under the ADB assisted Sub Regional Transport Connectivity Project. Similarly, upgrading works
for the section Galchhi-Trishuli-Syaprubesi will be executed under the Road Connectivity Project.
Along side, the construction of road between Syaprubesi to Rasuwagadhi (upto the Chinese
border) is targeted for completion within the TYIP period under the assistance from the Chinese
government. This corridor has a high potential to be developed as the major trade and transit route
between China and India.

6. Sunauli-Mirmi-Phalebas-Jomsom-Korala (467 km)

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

The construction of the road section between Banglung-Myagdi-Jomsom has already been
mentioned under the pretext of roads connecting the district HQs. The ongoing feasibility study for
this corridor will be continued.

7. Nepalgunj-Surkhet-Jumla-Simikot-Hilsa (436km)
The track between Simikot to Hilsa is being opened by the army and the local body. Moreover, the
Surkhet-Jumla road will be extended up to Gamgadhi (Mugu). Appropriate measures will be
initiated to develop this corridor along side the Karnali River from the confluence of Tila and
Karnali rivers all the way up to Simikot.

8. Brahmdeomandi-Jogbudha-Satbanjh-Darchula Tinkerpas (415 km)

After the completion of the Mahendranagar-Tanakpur link road within the TYIP period, the East
West Highway will be connected to the network of the Asian Highway. The construction of the
Jogbudha-Satbanjhha (Darchula) section has been proposed for completion as part of this
corridor. Besides, the upgrading of the Baitadi-Satbanjhha-Gokuleshwor road section will be
implemented under RSDP.

Kathmandu Valley Road Extension

In order to streamline the transport management problem at locations characterized by heavy
traffic pressure in the Kathmandu valley, strengthening of the road network has become a necessity. In this
regard, the widened portion of the Soltimode to Kalanki road section will be blacktopped and the Kalanki-
Nagdhunga road section will be widened. With the purpose of reducing traffic pressure at the Kalanki
Chowk, Kalanki Bypass will be constructed. Similarly, to reduce traffic pressure at Chahawil Chowk, a
bypass linking ring road (near Golf course) to Bagmati River will be constructed. Under the Kathmandu
Valley Urban Road Programs, the ongoing construction works in the Balkhu Tilganga Manohara section of
the Bagmati Corridor and Ohm Hospital - Bijuli Bazaar section of the Dhobikhola corridor will be continued.
The widening of the Kathmandu-Bhaktapur road section to four lanes will be completed.

Upgradation of the Terai and other Roads of Strategic Importance

Within this program, basically unsealed portion of the total 7220 kms of the existing roads of
strategic importance will gradually continue to be upgraded with the assistance of World Bank, Asian
Development Bank and the Government of India, as well as from the own source fund of the GoN.
Similarly, around 850 km length of the Hulaki (Postal) Road will be upgraded under GoI assistance.
Besides, north-south links and other roads of strategic importance will be upgraded and strengthened.
The Terai Road Improvement Program comprises of 1500 km of existing earth or gravel roads,
including over 500 km of the Postal (Hulaki) Road under GoI funding. Based on the MoU signed between
the GoN and GoI, prioritized implementation of east-west Postal Road and north-south links between MRM
and Indian border points, had to be taken up in several phases. In the first phase, that overshadows the
TYIP period, a list of 17 north-south links across Jhapa to Kailali districts totaling 523 km and three
stretches of Postal Road in Kailali, Parsa and Mahottari districts, totaling 172 km, has been proposed to be

Mid Hills Road

The Mid-Hills Road Corridor Development Program seeks to gradually link the missing portion of
1774 km Mid-Hills Highway extending from Chyangthapu in the Panchthar district (Indian border point) in
the east to Jhulalghat (Baitadi district) in the west. Presently, 688 km remains to be linked, out of which
budget has been provisioned in the TYIP for 53 km earthen and 60 km graveled road from the own source

Other Road Construction Improvement and Bridge Construction

With the purpose of improving road access, Dharan-Chatara-Gaighat-Katari- Sindhulibazar-
Hetauda link, Gaighat-Diktel, Kanti Rajpath, Karnali Corridor, Sahid Marga (Ghorahi-Thwang Musikot) and
other road links will be constructed and improved. Besides, a total of 104 bridges along the major highways
and feeder roads of the country will be constructed.

Maintenance of Roads and Bridges

Under the Road Asset Management Program, regular and periodic road maintenance activities for
different highways, feeder/secondary roads and bridges will be implemented. Similarly, the on going
activities for making the highways and feeder/secondary roads safe and reliable will be continued.

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

Studies and Investigation
Feasibility studies, detailed investigation, engineering design and geo-environmental studies for
different roads and bridges, including that for the Kathmandu Terai Fast Track and Outer Ring Road, will
be undertaken along with institutional strengthening exercises for the Department of Road. Besides,
feasibility studies for the development of alternative transport e.g. railway, waterway, ropeway etc. will be
carried out.

Under this program, road safety, encroachment control and border security, distribution of
compensation, traffic and road safety measures, procurement of mechanical equipment and repair
maintenance activities have been included.

VII. Institutional Development

Improvement in Implementation System

The required human and other resources will be mobilized for the management and
execution of programs.
Appropriate measures will be undertaken to avoid re-occurrence of problems that
were encountered during the implementation of programs in the past.
With the purpose of improving the implementation aspects, requisite training, seminar
and workshops will continue to be organized for enhancing the capacity of the existing
human resources. Besides, required manuals will continue to develop.
Highway Management Information System (HMIS) will continue to strengthen at all
Implementation Plans will be prepared for timely completion of projects and the
resources will be mobilized accordingly.
The management infrastructure will continue to improve with result focus.
Contractual arrangements will continue to be made for the necessary period in such a
way that prioritized projects are completed within the assigned period and the
annually disbursed budgets. The contracts shall be awarded within the first quarter.
In order to institutionalize the quality control system of construction works, the testing
and regular monitoring system will continue to be developed as per the approved
Quality Assurance Plan.
The internal elements that help create negative influence towards project
implementation will be identified and mitigated. Appropriate measures will be
undertaken to mitigate the negative impacts of external elements as well.
Technical Auditing will continue to develop as an integral component of the project
execution implementation.

VIII. Monitoring and Evaluation Arrangements

The project will be regularly monitored at different levels and the feedback so received will be
used for improving the projects.
Required resources will be mobilized for developing the Regional Road Directorate as the
permanent monitoring entity.
Technical Auditing will be undertaken for some of the projects so as to monitor the
implementation status at each stage of project execution.
The economic and physical indicators related to impact and progress of the projects as well as
their source of information will be defined to facilitate effective monitoring and evaluation.
In addition to monitoring of the physical progress, arrangements will be made to gradually
adopt the implementation process monitoring as well.
On site monitoring on a quarterly basis will be done for large projects of national importance.
Arrangements will be made for monitoring the district level projects through the local bodies.

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

The system of fund disbursement will be adopted in such a way that fund for the proceeding
quarter is released based on performance in the preceding quarter.
Arrangements will be made for regular Independent and Public Auditing of the projects.
Collection of base line data before the commencement of projects will be highly emphasized
and Post Evaluation/Impact Assessment will be done after the completion of projects. The
lessons learnt will be used for the formulation of future projects.

IX. Critical factors for successful implementation

17. In order to achieve the TYIP II targets through the effective implementation of the
business plan, a number of challenges will need to be addressed:

As noted in paragraph 9 above, there is a need to ensure that all the stakeholders
have a clear and common understanding of the Governments policy and strategy
shifts in the sector. This will assist in implementation of the policy and strategy as
unproductive debates will be avoided and, more importantly, the processing of
legal documents/agreements, for example, would be smoother and quicker. Thus,
effective communication campaigns on what the reforms are, why are they
needed etc. should be carried out to make all stakeholders aware of the
policy/strategy shifts and the need to implement them.

To meet the TYIP targets there is a need to scale up service delivery. Further, the
different modalities for channelling of funds currently in place should be
recognized. It should be understood that through effective sector monitoring over
the TYIP period, the Government would have a strong basis to decide the
suitability and preparedness of the sector to adopt a sector wide approach.

Ensuring effective implementation of programs and activities in the present

environment of conflict is another challenge. It is, no doubt, essential to ensure
faster implementation and better outcomes to bring visible progress to conflict-
affected areas, as well as others.

Finally, instituting and making operational an effective Sector Monitoring and

Evaluation System is another challenge. So far the efforts are on the right
direction, however, there is a need for the Government to take full ownership and
demonstrate action oriented commitment to this important activity. An effective
and credible M&E will not only assist the Government in ensuring the best value
for money, as well as donor harmonization. Therefore, it is of utmost urgency that
the sector M&E be implemented with full commitment on a war footing.

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

Annex 1: Core Program Activities for Business Plan Period (FY 2010/11-2012/13)

Major Projects Business Plan Actions for Business Plan Actions for Business Plan Actions for Re
Program FY 2010/11 FY 2011/12 FY 2012/13 ma
s rks
Description of Roads & Total Str PM BT GR Erth Brg Str PM BT GR Erth Brg Str PM BT GR Erth Brg
Sections Length eng (No) eng (No eng (No
in in ) in )
for Nagma-Gamgadhi 88 12 13 9
g DHQs. Jajarkot-Dunai(Dolpa) 144 30 35 37
1. New North South Lok Marg
Road (Karnali: Hilsa - Simikot
Constructi Section) 88 14 15 14
on Total
56 63 60
Program 14 road sections under Road
for Improvement Project(RIP) 596 19 198 0 89 0 95
g DHQs. 2 roads with periodic
2. Road maintenance under Road
Upgradati Sector Development Project I 110 0 28 0 0 0 0
on 6 roads with periodic
maintenance under Road
Sector Development Project
II 444 5 18 20 233 11 157
3 roads under Sub-regional
Transport Logistic Facilitation
Project 133 0 0 0 39 0 94
6 roads under Road
Connectivity Project I 318 50 234 18 0 0 0
Total 1601 74 478 38 361 11 346
Road B P Koirala Lokmarg
Constructi (Banepa-Sindhuli-Bardibas) 160 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0
on and
Mahakali Lokjmarg
(Darchula-Tinker Section) 90 0 0 0 25 30 0 0 0 15 35 30 0 0 0 40 30 15 0

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

Major Projects Business Plan Actions for Business Plan Actions for Business Plan Actions for Re
Program FY 2010/11 FY 2011/12 FY 2012/13 ma
s rks
on Banglung Beni Jomsom 97 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 0
Program Syaphrubesi Rasuwagadhi 16 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
for north-
south Kathmandu-Tarai-Madhesh
trade and Fast Track 77 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 50 37 0 0 0 40 27 0 0
transit 7 North-South Roads along
roads. Karnali, Kaligandaki & Koshi 931 0 0 0 5 75 0 0 0 0 70 70 0 0 0 5 95 110 0
Total 1371 0 0 9 40 135 0 0 0 31 156 137 0 0 0 105 157 125 0
Kathmand Kathmandu Bhaktapur Road 9 6 0
u Valley Extension
Urban Kathmandu Valley Road 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0
Roads Construction and
Repair Improvement
Kathmandu Valley Road 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0
Extension Project
Total 9 6 0 35 0 0 0 0 0 35 0 0 0 0 0 35 0 0 0
Mid Hill Musikot-Burtibang 39 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 0
Road Puspalal Lokmarg (Mid Hill 292 0 0 0 0 55 0 0 0 0 0 94 0 0 0 40 70 0 0
Developm Lokmarg)
Total 331 0 0 0 0 58 0 0 0 0 0 98 0 0 0 40 70 3 0
Program Postal Roads including 1291 0 0 400 0 0 0 0 0 491 0 0 0 0 0 400 0 0 0
for Bridges
upgradati Kanti Lokpath 93 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 10 5 0 0
on of
Naradmuni Thulung Marg 93 0 0 4 10 0 0 0 0 5 10 0 0 0 0 9 12 0 0
and other Ganeshman Singh 20 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 8 0 0
roads of Marg(Thankot-Chitlang)
strategic Ringroad Tokha Jhhor 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0
e in Terai Byas Marg 31 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0
and Hills. Regional Level Roads (34 0 0 0 40 35 0 0 0 0 35 40 0 0 0 0 40 35 0 0

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

Major Projects Business Plan Actions for Business Plan Actions for Business Plan Actions for Re
Program FY 2010/11 FY 2011/12 FY 2012/13 ma
s rks
Dharan Chatara Gaighat 325 0 0 10 8 0 0 0 0 10 8 0 0 0 0 10 10 0 0
Katari Sindhuli Bazar-
Tanakpur Link Road 14 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0
11 Kilo Chhepetar 53 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0
Bhaluswara Warpak
Fikkal Shree Antu Danda 14 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0
6 road sections and P.Direct. 143 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 63 0 0 0 0 0
under Sub-regional Transport
Logistic Facilitation Project
Road Connectivity Project II 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 0
(Pdirect.& Consultancy
Services and road upgrading)
Total 2336 0 0 467 61 0 0 29 0 628 82 0 0 63 0 589 76 0 0
Program Sagarmatha Lokmarg 131 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0
for New (Gaighat- Diktel Section)
Road Central Level (Various 0 0 0 50 75 0 0 0 0 50 75 0 0 0 0 50 75 0
Constructi phase-wise roads)
on and
Extension Seti Lokmarg ( Tikapur- 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 40 0
Gangate Labhdu 0 0 0 8 2 0 0 0 0 8 3 0 0 0 6 3 5 0
Samudratar Galfu Bhanjyang
Saljhundi Sandhikhark 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 7 0
Dhorpatan Road
Chepang Marg (Bhandara- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sahid Marg (Tila Ghartigaon 0 0 0 10 10 0 0 0 0 10 10 0 0 0 0 15 10 0
Thawang Rukumkot)
Benighat Aarughat 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

Major Projects Business Plan Actions for Business Plan Actions for Business Plan Actions for Re
Program FY 2010/11 FY 2011/12 FY 2012/13 ma
s rks
Tallo Dhungeshore 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0
Satkhamba Dullu Pipalkot 33
Gumi -Patihalna Chour 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0
Mirdi Kyakmi Bhimad 59 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0
Putalikhet-Karkineta-Kusma 47 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 0
Other Urban Roads 0 0 0 10 5 0 0 0 0 10 5 0 0 0 0 10 5 0 0
Total 1161 0 0 15 81 124 0 0 0 13 76 136 0 0 0 19 76 149 0
Program Bridge Construction along 12 13 14
for Bridge the Postal Roads
Constructi Sunkoshi Bridge (Road 0 1 0
on Connectivity Project I)
Bridge Construction 30 30 30
Bailey Bridge Construction 10 10 10
Koshi Bridge (Chatara) 0 0 1
(Flood Damaged
Reconstruction Project)
Total 52 54 55
Program Road Sector Development 450 150
for Road Project I Periodic
Strengthe Maintenance
ning and Road Sector Development 1500 200 600 700
Repair Project II Periodic
Maintenan Maintenance
ce Various Roads Maintenance 0 10 10 10
and Construction
Arniko Lokmarg
Maintenance Improvement

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

Major Projects Business Plan Actions for Business Plan Actions for Business Plan Actions for Re
Program FY 2010/11 FY 2011/12 FY 2012/13 ma
s rks
Besisahar-Chame 65
Bridge-culvert Conservation
and Maintenance & Repair
Flood Damaged 39 34 5
Reconstruction Project
Road Boards Strategic 1950 450 700 800
Roads Periodic Maintenance
Road Boards Routine, 0
Recurrent and Emergency
Total 4004 800 10 34 1300 10 5 1500 10
Program Detailed Feasibility Studies
for Study of Roads and Bridges
and Planning, Program, M & E,
Research Geo-environment studies etc.
Machinery Repair &
Miscellane Maintenance
ous Purchase of mechanical
Road Transport Security,
Control of Encroachment and
Border Security
GRAND TOTAL 79 800 1014 216 373 52 67 1300 1078 319 434 54 74 1500 1144 379 337 55

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

Annex II: Budget Allocations for core Business Activities, FY 2010/11-20012/13
(Amount in Rs '000)
FY 2009/10 Allocated FY 2010/11 Proposed Total for FY 2010/11-2012/13 Budget Remarks
Major Core Business Activities/ Recur Capit Total Recur Capit Total Recrnt Capit Total
Programs Projects nt. al nt. al . al
Program for 92,000 48-4-404
connecting Nagma-Gamgadhi 272,000
DHQs. 48-4-405
1. New Road Jajarkot-Dunai(Dolpa) 240,000 816,000
Construction 48-4-411
and, North South Lok Marg (Karnali:
Hilsa - Simikot Section) 120,000 360,000
2. Road
Upgradation Total
452,000 1,448,000
14 road sections under Road 4834
2,685,000 4,961,439 394
mprovement Project(RIP)
2 roads with periodic maintenance
under Road Sector Development 287,235 337,235
Project I
6 roads with periodic maintenance
under Road Sector Development 916,125 6,107,500
Project II
3 roads under Sub-regional 349,263 2,211,999
Transport Logistic Facilitation Project
6 roads under Road Connectivity 4834
1,369,943 2,308,393 559
Project I
5,607,566 15,926,566
Road B P Koirala Lokmarg (Banepa- 4834
Construction Sindhuli-Bardibas) 889,342 2,423,000 202
Mahakali Lokjmarg (Darchula- 4834
Tinker Section) 350,000 1,250,000 205
Program for
Banglung Beni Jomsom 50,000 205,660 484270
trade and
transit roads.
Syaphrubesi Rasuwagadhi 4834
ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results
FY 2009/10 Allocated FY 2010/11 Proposed Total for FY 2010/11-2012/13 Budget Remarks
Major Core Business Activities/ Recur Capit Total Recur Capit Total Recrnt Capit Total
Programs Projects nt. al nt. al . al
421,825 421,825 375
Kathmandu-Tarai-Madhesh Fast 4834
Track 900,000 3,654,641 406
7 North-South Roads along 4834
Karnali, Kaligandaki & Koshi 637,767 2,471,365 411
3,248,934 10,426,491
Kathmandu Kathmandu Bhaktapur Road 4834
Valley Urban Extension 1,042,511 1,554,446 408
Roads Repair Kathmandu Valley Road
and Construction and Improvement 500,000 2,200,000 484500
Program Kathmandu Valley Road Extension 4834
Project 243,953 882,124 503
743,953 3,082,124
Mid Hill Road Musikot-Burtibang 16,500 54,650 484386
Development Puspalal Lokmarg (Mid Hill 4834
Program Lokmarg) 907,008 4,414,226 403
923,508 4,468,876
Program for Postal Roads including Bridges 4834
upgradation 2,002,710 8,000,000 294
of Postal Kanti Lokpath 59,779
(Hulaki) and 232,703 484206
other roads of Naradmuni Thulung Marg (Hile- 63,326
strategic 4834
Leguwaghat-Bhojpur) 235,874 255
importance in
Terai and Ganeshman Singh Marg(Thankot- 6,000 62,050
Hills. Chitlang) 484264
Ringroad Tokha Jhhor 5,500 21,550 484284
Byas Marg 30,000
110,000 484296
Regional Level Roads (34 Nos)

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

FY 2009/10 Allocated FY 2010/11 Proposed Total for FY 2010/11-2012/13 Budget Remarks
Major Core Business Activities/ Recur Capit Total Recur Capit Total Recrnt Capit Total
Programs Projects nt. al nt. al . al
350,000 1,050,000 294
Dharan Chatara Gaighat Katari
Sindhuli Bazar-Hetauda 152,394 597,817 484297
Tanakpur Link Road 50,300 4834
100,930 315
11 Kilo Chhepetar Bhaluswara 52,480
Warpak 166,534 484376
Fikkal Shree Antu Danda Road 25,000 81,100 4834
6 road sections and P.Direct. under
Sub-regional Transport Logistic 401,477 2,542,685
Facilitation Project 484409
Road Connectivity Project II
(Pdirect.& Consultancy Services 505,505 2,969,505
and road upgrading) 4834
3,704,471 16,170,748
Program for Sagarmatha Lokmarg (Gaighat- 54,184 4834
New Road Diktel Section) 178,529 201
Construction Central Level (Various phase-wise
and Extension roads) 1,050,000 3,400,000 484249
Seti Lokmarg ( Tikapur-Lode-
Chainpur-Taklakot) 150,000 750,000 484208
Gangate Labhdu Samudratar Galfu 40,000
Bhanjyang 145,000 484282
Saljhundi Sandhikhark Dhorpatan 35,000 4834
Road 131,300 285
Chepang Marg (Bhandara-Lothar- 80000 4834
Malekhu) 100,000 286
Sahid Marg (Tila Ghartigaon 4834
Thawang Rukumkot) 120,007 422,136 402

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

FY 2009/10 Allocated FY 2010/11 Proposed Total for FY 2010/11-2012/13 Budget Remarks
Major Core Business Activities/ Recur Capit Total Recur Capit Total Recrnt Capit Total
Programs Projects nt. al nt. al . al
Benighat Aarughat Larkebhanjyang 20,725 73,850 4834
Tallo Dhungeshore Satkhamba 10,500 34,000
Dullu Pipalkot Dailekh 484358
Gumi -Patihalna Chour (Surkhet) 10,500 37,000
Mirdi Kyakmi Bhimad 10,000 33,400 484399
Putalikhet-Karkineta-Kusma 20,000 65,000 484400
Other Urban Roads
115,500 392,550 484502
1,636,416 5,762,765
Program for Bridge Construction along the 4834
Bridge Postal Roads 500,000 1,650,000 294
Construction Sunkoshi Bridge (Road 50,000 90,000 4834
Connectivity Project I) 559
Bridge Construction Program
1,352,500 5,539,500 484650
Bailey Bridge Construction
Program 500,000 1,650,000 484650
Koshi Bridge (Chatara)
(Flood Damaged Reconstruction 340,636 964,219
Project) 484682
2,743,136 9,893,719
Program for Rapti Lokmarg (Sallyan-Musikot 20,000 20,000 4834
Road Blacktop) 203
Strengthening Karnali Lokmarg (Surkhet- Jumla) 55,360 55,360 4834
and Repair
Chhinchu Jajarkot 40,000 40,000 4834

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

FY 2009/10 Allocated FY 2010/11 Proposed Total for FY 2010/11-2012/13 Budget Remarks
Major Core Business Activities/ Recur Capit Total Recur Capit Total Recrnt Capit Total
Programs Projects nt. al nt. al . al
Jaya Prithvi Bhadur Singh Marga, 30,000 30,000 4834
Khodpe bajhhang 275
Damak Chisapani 11,000 35,200 484302
Devasthal-KanaiDanda-Chaurjhari 22,500 70,500
Road Sector Development Project I 4834
Periodic Maintenance 200,000 200,000 407
Road Sector Development Project
II Periodic Maintenance 337,500 2,250,000
Various Roads Maintenance and
Construction 1,000,000 3,800,000
Improvement(Emergency) 484555
Arniko Lokmarg Maintenance 16,500 52,800
Improvement Project 484575
132,000 422,400 484579
Bridge-culvert Conservation and
Maintenance & Repair 325,000 1,050,000 484660
Flood Damaged Reconstruction
Project 290,664 308,830 484682
Road Boards Strategic Roads 4834
Periodic Maintenance 900,000 3,800,000 695
Road Boards Routine, Recurrent
and Emergency Maintenance 900,000 3,000,000 4834
4,280,524 15,135,090
Program for Detailed Feasibility Studies of 35,000
Study and Roads and Bridges 111,300 484661

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

FY 2009/10 Allocated FY 2010/11 Proposed Total for FY 2010/11-2012/13 Budget Remarks
Major Core Business Activities/ Recur Capit Total Recur Capit Total Recrnt Capit Total
Programs Projects nt. al nt. al . al
Research Planning, Program, M & E, Geo- 40,000
environment studies etc. 134,100 484681
Total 75,000
Compensation 33,000
Miscellaneous 109,300 484664
Machinery Repair & Maintenance 55,000
185,500 484670
Purchase of mechanical 11,000 73,100
equipments 484671
Road Transport Security, Control of 12,000 44,100
Encroachment and Border Security
111,000 412,000
23,304,508 82,147,779

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

Results Matrix ( with all the essential components )

Table 5: Results Matrix for the Business Plan Period (FY 2010/11 -2012/13)
Impact Level
Results Strategies Indicators Means of Verification Risk and Assumptions
Objectives Measure of Progress Assumption made from
( Ultimate benefit against Impact Outcome to Impact . Risk that
for the target impact will not be achieved

Outcome Level
Results Main Working Policy Indicators Baseline Targets Means of Risk and Assumptions
Outcome Measure of Assumption made from
( Short term to Progress Outcome to Impact . Risk that
medium term against impact will not achieved
change in Outcome

Output Level
Results Programs/Activities Indicators Baseline Targets Means of Risk and Assumptions
Outputs (Product Measure of Assumptions made from
and Services progress activities to outputs. Risks that
tangible and against output outputs may not be produced
intangible delivered
or provided)

ADB TA 7158-NEP: Strengthening Capacity for Managing for Development Results

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