Auto Medical 6

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The FIA Institute has launched a
smartphone app for medical officials P26


A four-year scientific study of the work
at the Silverstone medical centre P38
The nine-times Le Mans winner looks
back on a major accident P34

The FIAs safety team went to the US
Grand Prix for a crunch meeting with
Formula Ones drivers. We reveal all.

P4 The best letters and emails received from readers around the world
Welcome to the latest issue of AUTO+ Medical,
bringing you the latest developments and
research in motor sport medicine. This foreward
will rotate between the members of the editorial
board and I'm delighted to go first.
I'm really excited about the Medicine in Motor
Sport smartphone app, revealed in this issue.
GLOBAL NEWS/ The project has been a long time in the
P6 Drivers to receive anti-doping guidance development phase but thanks to Dr Ian
P7 MSA plans new rules on concussion
Roberts, Formula Ones medical rescue co-
P7 Qatar plays host to high-level medical seminar
P8 Bahrain to Provide Medical Support to Azerbaijan GP ordinator, it has finally been launched. Designed
P9 COTA appoints Dr John Sabra as CMO for motor sport medical personnel working at
P10 ICMS annual congress reveals itinerary events around the world, you can download it
P11 Update on Novel Oral Anticoagulant use in motor sport
right now. This is a living app and a valuable tool
P11 Drivers praise medical team at Bathurst
which will be constantly updated and refined. It
FEATURES/ is there for you and we want your feedback.
Elsewhere in this issue we speak with Prof. Rob
The FIAs safety team was sent to the US Grand Prix for a crunch Seal, President and Medical Director of the
meeting with Formula Ones drivers Canadian Motorsports Response Team and Chief
P18 CMO PROFILE: DR ROB SEAL Medical Officer of the FIA World Rallycross of
Dr Rob Seal on his career, the challenges he faces and how he wants Canada, whose rescue management expertise
to improve motor sport medicine
and knowledge of motor sport make his
interview a worthwhile read.
The FIA Institute has released a mobile app to aid the work of
medical and safety officials at motor sport events around the world Our series of scientific papers continues with a
P28 INSIDE A FORMULA ONE MEDICAL HELICOPTER fascinating study recording the incidents
The medical crew at the Circuit of the Americas explains the reported to the medical centre at the UK
equipment and role of a Formula One medical helicopter Silverstone circuit over a four-year period.
P32 THE ROAD BACK: TOM KRISTENSEN Finally, please look at the results of our survey
The nine-time Le Mans winner shares his thoughts and memories
on concussion, which produced some very
on the 2007 DTM crash that left him with severe concussion
enlightening data. I'm delighted so many of you
SCIENCE/ took the time to participate.
Dr Naomi Deakin and others examine the incidents at I hope you enjoy the latest issue.
the Silverstone circuit's medical centre between 2009 and 2012
Editor: Marc Cutler Dr Paul Trafford
Designer: Cara Furman
We welcome your feedback: [email protected] AUTO+ Medical Editorial Board

2 3

Two of the medical cars at the

2016 Macau Grand Prix (see
letter from Medical Chase
Car driver Srgio Jorge).
Dr Paul Trafford, F3 Medical
Delegate, is in the passenger
seat of the lead car.

In this section, we print the best letters and emails received from readers around the
world. We welcome comments on articles as well as suggestions for future content
or insight into an area of motor sport medicine you feel would be relevant. If you
wish to send in a letter or email, please direct it to: [email protected]

Dear Editor, Dear Editor

I have seen AUTO+ Medical and thought it would The ICMS Board of Directors is always looking for
just be for the doctors, but a lot of it is interesting ways to provide our members with educational
for me. I am the driver of the Medical chase car for information and the FIA Publication AUTO+ Medical
the Macau GP and the articles on the medical cars is a prime example of continuing education in a
have been good for us to see what is used around motor sport medicine format. This international
the world and in different series. journal of motor sport medicine represents the
latest in research, position statements and articles
In Macau we use two medical chase cars, four from the most knowledgeable practitioners around
other medical cars and four extrication vehicles. the globe. Many of the contributors are FIA Medical
We don't have permanent medical cars as our Commission and Advisory Panel Members as well
event is once a year, so it would be good to see the as ICMS Directors and Members.
medical cars that are not full time with a series;
as well as well as finding out if others change the We believe this publication is an up-to-date
brakes and other technical details. Thank you for composite of information beneficial to all providers
making it interesting for all of us involved in safety. of medical and safety services worldwide. This is
why we are happy to share it with our members.
Thank you for providing a subscription link so
Srgio Jorge motor sport medical professionals can easily sign
Medical Chase Car Driver up to receive this important publication.
Macau Grand Prix
John Sabra MD
Editor: Thanks for your comments and suggestions. Chair, Membership Committee
There are many different types of medical cars used International Council of Motorsport Sciences
in events around the world and we will continue to CMO Formula One US Grand Prix
profile them and their unique set ups for each event.
Editor: It is fantastic that ICMS is supporting AUTO+
This will certainly include those that are not used Medical in this way. We'll be reporting from the ICMS
full-time such as at the Macau Grand Prix and many Annual Congress in our next issue, where no doubt there
other events around the world. will be the usual high level of presentations and discussion.

4 5


The UK Motor Sports Association (MSA) is
working to produce new guidelines for
dealing with competitors who suffer
concussion at a motor sport event, which
could include temporarily confiscating
their licences.
High profile motor sport championships,
such as Formula One, test drivers for
symptoms of concussion by using a series
of questions and tasks to assess the state
of their brains. This is known as the
ImPACT test, which must be passed before
a competitor can drive again.
But the ImPACT test is generally
considered to be too expensive and too
complex to be used at national level
events, so the MSA is considering QATAR PLAYS HOST
suspending drivers for a period of three
weeks to allow concussions to clear, before TO HIGH-LEVEL
they are allowed to return to competition.
FIA Institute Medical Consultant Paul MEDICAL SEMINAR
Trafford explained some of the problems
ASNs have in implementing the current
guidelines on concussion in lower-category The latest FIA Institute medical seminar for the Middle
racing. East and North Africa (MENA) region took place at the
He said: Every sport has some Losail International Circuit in Qatar on 7-8 October and
regulations on concussion except motor featured two days of presentations and practical
sport. If youre concussed, youre out for a demonstrations.
period, [so] drivers try hard to convince Delegates at the conference were made up of motor
themselves they are all right. sport medical personnel from around the region who
[If they] go to a different circuit, unless listened to talks given by senior motor sport safety
Formula E is one of the you tell that circuit or someones taken officials. These included Dr Michael Scholz, who
championships that will your licence off you, nobodys got a clue discussed planning and safety protocols at motor sport
take part in the Race True whats happened. events, Jean Duby who spoke about rally safety, and Dr
programme next year Amjad Obeid, who explained accident management
procedures and medical team selection.
The delegates also took part in workshops and

DRIVERS TO RECEIVE ANTI-DOPING GUIDANCE simulations to practice important extrication skills.

These exercises in extrication utilised the FIAs medical
extrication simulators for closed car and open wheel
The FIA will commence deployment of its Race True anti- Silveira Camargo. Ignorance of those rules can lead to racing. On the second day of the event, the simulation
doping educational programme in 2016 and drivers an ineligibility period of up to four years in motor sport work moved onto the track, with an exercise involving a
competing in FIA championships throughout the world and all sports. In spite of this extremely serious risk, car going into barrier and a difficult extrication.
will receive anti-doping group training as part of it. many drivers do not know the anti-doping regulations Nasser Al-Atya, President of Qatar Motor and
The programme will be provided to competitors well. The main reason for this alarming situation is the Motorcycle Federation (QMMF) and FIA Vice President
driving in Formula One, the World Rally Championship, lack of knowledge of anti-doping. for MENA, who opened the event, said: As our delegates
the World Endurance Championship, World RallyCross, The training sessions are responses to results from return home, I ask them not to stop communicating with
the World Touring Car Championship, Formula E and 2014 where 3.6 per cent of the doping tests carried out each other and the FIA, as together we can continue to
European Formula 3. by the FIA led to a positive result. If the programme develop better equipment, medical skills and safety
It is essential for a driver to follow the anti-doping proves to be successful it will be expanded to include practices throughout the motor sport world.
rules, said the FIAs head of medical affairs, Sandra more championships in future years.

6 7


The Bahrain motor sport federation will experts will be invaluable in the further
help the organisers of the inaugural months of planning and preparations The International Liaison
Azerbaijan Grand Prix set up their that lie ahead for Baku City Circuit. The Committee On Resuscitation
medical facilities and safety plans when Bahrain motor sport federation has (ILCOR) has completed its latest
the race joins the Formula One calendar set a world-class standard for sporting five-year periodic review of the
next year. operations and organizational excellence, evidence on resuscitation and
Representatives of the Bahrain and our team fully intends to meet that issued the 2015 Consensus
organisation visited the Baku street standard. on Science and Treatment
circuit last month and agreed to help co- The Baku street circuit, which has been Recommendations (CoSTR)
ordinate the organisation of fire, rescue designed by track architect Hermann documents.
and medical services and facilities, as Tilke, will be 6.05km long and feature Resuscitation groups use
well as help to recruit and select track 20 corners that will run through the this information worldwide
marshals and manage race control. historical part of the city during one to tailor region-specific
Arif Rahimov, chief executive officer of section. The first ever Formula One race resuscitation guidelines. The 2015
Marshals at the recommendations include: a strong
the Baku City Circuit, said: The insights in Azerbaijan is scheduled to take place 2015 Baharain
gained by our team from the Bahraini on 19 June 2016. push to minimise interruptions
Grand Prix
COTA APPOINTS DR JOHN SABRA AS CMO to good quality cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR); the use of
mechanical CPR devices; and
Dr John Sabra has been made the Chief the promotion of the role of
Medical Officer at the Circuit of the end-tidal CO2 (EtCO2) waveform
Americas in Austin, Texas. capnography.
Sabra, who had previously worked Dr Matthew MacPartlin, deputy
as the tracks deputy CMO for the last CMO at Rally Australia and assistant
three seasons, was promoted to his CMO at the Australian Grand Prix,
current role earlier this year. explained why these new guidelines
Speaking to AUTO+Medical at the would be useful to motor sport
recent US Grand Prix, Sabra said: I medical personnel.
just got the role in June of this year. He said: Of particular interest
Its been exciting. I have a military in the motor sport context is the
background, I was in the navy for a formulation of a traumatic cardiac
while on ships with helicopters doing arrest algorithm which reflects
things, and it brings some of that same where much of the current thinking
level of excitement and preparedness. John Sabra, Chief in trauma is at. Now is the time
Sabra, who works for the Seton Medical Officer at the to start thinking about this as it is
Surgical Group, explained that the vast Circuit of the Americas directly relevant to trackside motor
majority of medical procedures at the sport clinical practice.
Austin track were for spectators.
He said: In a study on our inaugural
year in F1 in 2012, we did 580
evaluations for that event and there
were no drivers. Its a well maintained
track with huge run-offs, and of course
the cars are incredibly safe.

Sabra and his team reveal the

equipment in the F1 medical rescue
helicopter at the US Grand Prix on p28

8 9

Safety demonstrations
and discussions will
take place at the 2015 ORAL ANTICOAGULANTS'
ICMS annual congress

Medical personnel working at all motor sport events

should have an understanding of the latest generation
of novel oral anticoagulants (NOACs) and their reversal
agents, according to Dr Matthew MacPartlin, Deputy
CMO at Rally Australia and assistant CMO at the
Australian Grand Prix.
NOACs (anticoagulants for conditions such as atrial
Chaz Mostert
fibrillation and pulmonary venous embolisms) are seen
recovering in
as an improvement on existing anticoagulant drugs as hospital
they are low maintenance and relatively inexpensive.
It is possible that spectators, officials, and even
competitors may be taking these drugs and if they are
involved in an accident then they could bleed more as a
result. So it is important to understand that new drugs DRIVERS PRAISE
are becoming available to counteract their effect. MEDICAL TEAM
MacPartlin said: Alternative antidotes such as pouring
in fresh frozen plasma, vitamin K, pooled platelets, AT BATHURST
cryoprecipitate, factor VIIa and even tranexamic acid
may shorten the bleeding time of the Xa inhibitors
somewhat. But they're expensive, deplete a scarce Australian V8 Supercars driver Chaz Mostert
resource and can be logistically difficult; especially at has praised the medical and safety crews
motor sport events where the storage and waste of who treated him following his enormous
blood products can be very challenging. accident in qualifying for the Bathurst 1000.


"So the emergence of NOAC antidotes such as Mostert, who won the race in 2014,
Idazucizamab and Andexanate alfa could become suffered a broken leg and wrist after he
increasingly relevant for motor sport medical personnel,

crashed on his first qualifying lap, destroyed
especially at events with older competitors who may be his car and damaged a marshals post.
taking these medications. The Ford driver was airlifted to hospital
following the 50g accident and track action
was suspended for the rest of the day as a
The 2015 International Council of Formula One race director and FIA safety After spending nine days in hospital,
Motorsport Sciences (ICMS) Annual delegate, Charlie Whiting, will give a Mostert said: "A big thanks to all the
Congress will take place at the presentation on how to fully prepare for a transfer crews and Orange Hospital for
Performance Racing Industry (PRI) trade race and Dr Paul Trafford will discuss putting up with me, now to chuck some
show in Indianapolis on 9-11 December. knowledge-sharing platforms. shorts and flip flops on and start healing.
Delegates attending the event will listen On the final day of the meeting, the In a separate incident, Aussie Racing Car
to presentations and practical focus will be on racetrack safety driver Damien Flack was also hospitalised in
demonstrations organised by the programmes. During the morning session, a huge crash in the Bathurst support race.
Curriculum Committee: Dr Hugh Scully, Dr safety equipment and training Flacks car flipped 12 times and caught
Rob Seal, Dr Richard Jennings, Dr Steve programmes will be discussed and in the fire in a crash sparked by his brother Adrian.
Olvey and Dr Terry Trammell. afternoon, Dr Rob Seal will lead a Flack was conscious when he arrived at the
On the first day of the event, discussion demonstration of elite safety response medical centre but suffered broken ribs and
will cover several motor sport safety teams. a punctured lung.
innovations developed by the FIA The ICMS is hosting a reception for Aussie Racing Cars category manager
Institute, including the Accident Data congress delegates, in conjunction Brad Ward said: "We are very thankful of
Recorders (ADRs) and the in-ear with the PRI, on the evening of the efforts of the track medical staff and
accelerometer study. Wednesday 9 December at the emergency response teams who assisted
During the second day of the congress, nearby Lucas Oil Stadium. when the incident occurred."

10 11

The FIAs safety team went to the US Grand Prix
for a crunch meeting with Formula Ones drivers.
Both groups were surprised by the outcome.

12 13

The meeting was set weeks in advance. Two of Mekies and Andy Mellor. Mekies, the FIAs drivers I knew that I had to get this research barrier performed extremely well to absorb the
the FIAs leading safety researchers would be Safety Director, has over 15 years experience in front of the drivers, he says. energy of this impact within four metres.
heading to the 2015 US Grand Prix in Austin working in F1 as an engineer and then as It was Wurz who had requested the meeting It was quite an extreme stop, and an
to meet all of the Formula One drivers and Head of Vehicle Performance at Toro Rosso, a few weeks earlier. He put that request outstanding performance from both the car
their team managers to discuss the latest before joining the FIA in 2014. Andy Mellor, straight to the top and FIA President Jean Todt and barriers that allowed the driver to walk
developments in the sport. Then Carlos Sainz research consultant, has spent his entire career was happy to oblige. I am very pleased Jean away from the crash, says Mekies.
had a major crash at the Russian Grand Prix. developing safety, first for road cars and then kindly agreed to send Laurent and Andy to host The numbers are quite mind-blowing, adds
During practice in Sochi, the Toro Rosso for racing. Together they headed to Austin this workshop and share the data, says Wurz. Wurz. [Stopping from] 153kph in four meters
driver suffered a frontal collision at 153kph armed with data. Mekies adds: Jean Todt was absolutely and the driver races the next day. This is really
with the high-speed barrier, which then Alex Wurz, Chairman of the Grand Prix pleased to take this opportunity to further impressive and it is thanks to all the intensive
appeared to ride up and over the car. The F1 Drivers Association, spoke to Mellor soon strengthen the relations with the drivers and work that has been done.
drivers were worried. They had heard reports after Sainzs crash and knew that it was even to have a chance to involve them in these However, one area of concern is that after
(mainly false) about the efficacy of these crash more important to get the facts to the F1 important matters. absorbing the impact, the TecPro barrier
barriers and the general safety of F1. drivers. When I spoke to Andy Mellor about They sat down with the drivers following rebounded off the steel guardrail and landed
But rather than be put off, this made the Carlos accident in Sochi, and when I started to their briefing at the US Grand Prix. Mekies and on top of the car. "This is very important for us
FIA safety team even more determined to understand the matter in more detail whilst Mellor were joined by F1 Race Director Charlie to improve and solve because it gave quite a
set the record straight. Step forward Laurent at the same time hearing the concerns of the Whiting, who is ultimately responsible for few concerns to the rescue team, says Mekies.
safety in the championship. But this was not

just a discussion, it was important to show the
FIA Safety Director drivers the hard data so they could understand IT WAS QUITE AN EXTREME
Laurent Mekies
the science behind the safety.
presents the latest STOP, AND AN OUTSTANDING

developments in
Mekies decided straight away that it would be CAR AND BARRIERS
important to present a range of projects and
not just focus on Sainzs accident. The FIA is
continually researching safety but due to the What was clear from the data and the slow-
sensitive nature of this it is not always possible motion replays of the crash was that the
to communicate the latest developments. But upwards movement of the barrier had nothing
here was an opportunity to do so. to do with the low nose of the car.
We selected four main topics for the drivers, Theres been a lot said about the low-nose
says Mekies. These were the cockpit protection project, says Mekies. The object is to reduce
project; high-speed cameras; the Carlos Sainz the cars tendency to launch when you have a
crash from Sochi; and our future work on track nose-to-wheel contact. From video analysis of
limits, a project that will be starting soon. Sainzs crash, you see signs of the barrier rising
Of course, it was important to set the record but this is at the very end of the impact almost
straight on the Sainz accident. The Spanish once the car has stopped because the car is
driver walked away from a 153kph frontal rebounding from the ArmCo.
collision and Mekies confirmed that it was the "But it is a different situation compared to
highest speed impact this year with a 42G peak. the car submarining under the barrier. It is
Contrary to reports, the high-speed Tecpro a good challenge to take on, how to avoid

14 15

that rebounding barrier, but it also gave us

confidence in the energy absorbing systems
and car components in the crash.


One of the most important safety projects
currently being worked on by the FIA is in
cockpit protection. This is also a project that the
drivers were particularly interested in.
For some time now we have been trying to
bring additional protection to the cars, the main
objective being to avoid large objects making
contact with the cockpit environment and with
the drivers head, says Mekies. We would like
to do that without introducing other concerns,
typically without adding consequences for
extrication, for visibility and so on.
This project is divided into three categories:
helmet protection, lateral protection and the
frontal protection.
The helmet protection programme was
accelerated after Felipe Massas accident in
Budapest in 2009, where a stray 1kg spring
hit him in the head at 250kph. This led to the
development of a zylon panel to reinforce the
An important future project will
area where the visor meets the helmet. look at track limits, finding ways
The lateral protection programme has also to ensure drivers stay within areas
of the track they are supposed to,
gained traction and will lead to an important without affecting their safety.
development for 2016. This involves raising the Below: Mercedes' Halo concept.
cockpit side height of F1 cars by another 20mm

to 150mm and the strengthening of this area is
also going to treble from a 15k newton test to a are being planned with these and other
50k newton test. solutions. FOR SOME TIME NOW WE
The frontal protection programme is This series of tests will include a Halo Concept HAVE BEEN TRYING TO BRING
perhaps the most important but also the most developed by Mercedes. But the difficulty with ADDITIONAL PROTECTION TO

complicated. A number of potential solutions all of these solutions is that whilst offering THE COCKPIT ENVIRONMENT
have been tested over the last few years but increased protection in one area, it could
none have been taken forward. cause other safety issues, such as affecting the
The first test was on a jet fighter-style canopy visibility of the driver.
and then a roll cage type solution called AFP We have several versions of the AFP that we
(Additional Frontal Protection). Further tests will test, says Mekies. The purpose is to see if

16 17

This was track tested for the first time at the US higher curbs on the track and nobody goes
Grand Prix by McLarens Fernando Alonso and over them, but this gives us safety concerns
Red Bulls Daniil Kvyat, with positive results. when the car hits the curbs.
The camera is the final piece in a puzzle that "So as a result, curbs are getting thinner
will ensure the FIA has all the necessary data in and thinner and lower and lower and we
the case of an accident. do eventually get issues with track limit
We have had for a number of years the management.
Accident Data Recorder in the car that records "What we are doing is to try to have a
the cars accelerations and forces, says broad approach at this issue and look at how
Mekies. Last year in F1 we introduced the ear we could combine new curb solutions with
accelerometer which records the accelerations electronic solutions and see if a combination of
on a drivers head in case of a crash. Now we these two things can help.
have another piece of that puzzle with the Whiting has been very much leading the
camera being able to be connected to this to effort so far on this topic and will be working
help us understand the dynamic of the first closely with Mekies. Testing has already begun
point of contact between the drivers helmet on different types of curbs that offer increased
and the environment in the cockpit. resistance without diminishing safety.

THE CLOSER ALL PARTIES Rather than being sceptical or antagonistic, the
COOPERATE THE MORE F1 drivers were interested and appreciative of
the presentation of these safety plans.

I must say that they were extremely
GPDA chairman Alex Wurz discusses AND DEVELOPMENT PROCESS attentive, interested and constructive in the
the drivers' viewpoint with safety
researcher Andy Mellor WILL BECOME debates, which went for more than an hour,
says Mekies. They asked a lot of questions and
were willing to go into a certain level of detail
they deflect the wheel without any integration moment what you are seeing is that the FIA There is clear limitation with TV footage, so it was very positive and a two-way exchange
and visibility difficulties for the driver. is really open and honest, this is a research which offers only 25 frames per second. The where we gathered feedback.
Mekies is fully aware of the difficult task but project. This is showing you what is happening new camera offers 400 frames per second Wurz was delighted with this collaboration.
is determined to make progress in this area. and we learn so much from that. and will help researchers to understand the I am thoroughly impressed by the work
What we are trying to do is first find concepts Mekies would like to see a solution developed dynamics of head and neck movement to help and research of the FIA and FIA Institute
that can do the job and then we will find a way for the 2017 season. But he will not rush with future safety equipment design. experts, he says. But equally impressive is
of dealing with the other matters. As you can through a decision until it is proven through their curiosity and acceptance of the drivers
see we are scanning quite a broad range of testing by both the researchers and the drivers. TRACK LIMITS opinions and inputs. The closer all parties
solutions and trying to learn from each. An important future project will look at track cooperate the more efficient our research and
This is why it is important to get feedback HIGH-SPEED ANALYSIS limits, or finding ways to ensure drivers stay development process will become.
from the drivers. It is certainly appreciated by One project that will be delivered next season on the areas of the track they are supposed to No doubt this is the first of a series of research
Wurz. We have seen solutions that are maybe is the introduction of a miniature high-speed without affecting their safety. meetings involving the drivers to maintain
not pretty, but its function first and then later camera, which will be mounted on the front As Mekies explains: Track limits are easy to the link and feedback in both directions. And
you have to work on style, he says. But at the roll hoop of the car facing the drivers head. enforce from a sporting point of view, you put motor sport will become safer for it.

18 19

President and Medical Director of Canadian Motorsports Response Team;
Chief Medical Officer, FIA World Rallycross of Canada

Dr Rob Seal, a paediatric anaesthetist by day, has been involved in motor sport since
1995 when he volunteered to work at the Canadian Grand Prix in Montreal. Since
then he has gone on to work as the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) at IndyCar races in
Edmonton and is currently the CMO for the Grand Prix de Trois-Rivires, the Canadian
round of the FIA World Rallycross Championship, as well as the Medical Director for the
response team at the F1 Grand Prix.

AUTO+Medical: How and why did you get made spectating more interesting to
involved in motor sport? understand as I learned what drivers do
Rob Seal: Theres a long history of mentally and physically as theyre racing.
anaesthesiologists being involved in motor
sport because of their skills in resuscitating A+M: Did you have any success as a
patients. At the Canadian Grand Prix, one of racing driver?
the physicians, who has always been involved, RS: It was all at a very amateur level and I was
was a friend of mine and in 1995 we were both mainly racing with friends. We didnt do any
on the board of directors for the Canadian competitions, we just spent a lot of days
anaesthesiologist society. lapping tracks and having a few informal races. communications and then everything right down race event goes when youre on track in a race
One evening after a board meeting we were to the medical examiners office. Then within vehicle versus being in race control. There is
talking about motor sports and he told me the A+M: How did you become involved in the each series youve got to establish a relationship also the amount of pre-event work that you
history of his involvement with the Grand Prix IndyCar races that were held at Edmonton? with their communications people. You also have to do if youre the medical director,
and I said Id always loved motor sport and RS: In 2005, Champ Car came to Edmonton; the have to make links within the hospital system, especially at temporary circuits such as in
would love to volunteer. He said hed talk to his race had formerly been at Vancouver before and the chiefs of the hospitals and the chiefs of Edmonton or Montreal. The amount of pre-
colleagues at the Grand Prix du Canada and that, but it was put back on the calendar at the significant departments that you might have planning that goes on is more than if you have
see if I could join them, which I did that season Edmonton. Professor Hugh Scully came in to be to have on alert during the event. a permanent circuit that constantly has
and I started going back year after year. the medical director for that race, but he felt it activities on it all year long.
The first year I was based in the medical was an awkward pain to have a physician from A+M: You went on to become medical The other thing that adds to that complexity is
centre and then in the pitlane before I Toronto being the medical director in another director at the Edmonton IndyCar race? that just like the organisers are building the
eventually worked at every rescue corner on city because as medical director you really need RS: Scully had brought me in as his deputy circuit, youre building all of your rescue
the track. Then in the last decade Ive been to have a lot of links to the local infrastructure. medical director to help make sure that all of the vehicles and equipping them. You need to get
positioned in the pursuit vehicle for all the Hugh and I once counted those links and its on-ground links happened for the Champ Car the medical centre equipped from scratch and
support races. After a few years I thought Id around 41 connections that you might need to races in Edmonton. Then as the series you may not know what you even have for your
like to know more about the other side of the organise the medical aspects of a race event. transitioned to IndyCar in 2008, I became the building until it arrives.
guardrail. I got my racing licence and drove Youve got the emergency medical services, medical director for the five years that we had Things also crop up and need to be fixed, such
Formula Fords and Formula 2000s to view the paramedics, the rescue services, the police IndyCar in the city. It was quite interesting, as as adding a ramp so you can get a stretcher up
racing from the drivers perspective. It actually department, the race series, the promoter, the you get a completely different view of how the and down into the medical centre, or finding

20 21

that the building doesnt have a door wide

CMRT equipment by
enough for a stretcher. There are a lot of the track at the 2014
problems to solve and things to work out. Canadian Grand Prix in

But I really enjoyed both sides. Fortunately

in the Grand Prix de Trois-Rivires in Qubec, EQUIPMENT AND PERSONNEL

where Im currently the chief medical officer, I NEEDED FOR THE RESPONSE
have a really good deputy who is one of the VEHICLES ON RACE CIRCUITS.
local physicians and it might well be that as
she learns more about motor sports, she
takes over and Ill fall into the background.

A+M: On that note, how did you become

the CMO for the Canadian WorldRX event?
RS: The organisers of the Grand Prix de Trois-
Rivires had a gap in their coverage, plus they
had never done an FIA event before.
They wanted somebody who had
experience of being chief medical officer and
they knew Id had eight years of doing it in
Edmonton and the experience in Montreal.
My company, the Canadian Motorsports
Response Team (CMRT), was already doing
the rescue services for the event, so through
the promoter, Dominic Fugere, then went on
to approach me.
I think he is probably the king of promoters
because he actually gets all aspects of the
event very well and hes very supportive.
When you identify what you need in order to A+M: What is your role as the director of the onboard. Were responsible for supplying all of A+M: What are the main differences, from a
provide the kind of safety services that meet response team at the Canadian F1 race? the personnel, other than the physician, who medical safety point of view, between a
the requirements, he and the team he RS: When Im at the Canadian Grand Prix I wear will come from the medical team at the Grand Grand Prix and a WorldRX event?
surrounds himself with really do everything more than one hat. Im on the medical team Prix du Canada, but were pretty tight knit. RS: In a lot of ways they are very similar. But the
they can in their power to make it happen. but Im also the president and medical director A Formula One event is different because we biggest challenge is that in Formula One youre
Theyre sort of the dream promoter, of the rescue company. There is a group of five always end up having to put all of our dealing with open cockpit cars, so if you have to
whereas in Edmonton in eight years we went of us that are business partners in the CMRT equipment into the vehicles provided by the extract the driver you dont have a lot of stuff in
through different promoters year after year. and we formed the company to provide all of promoter and that can change from year to your way. Whereas, when youre dealing with
Some of them were really good and the equipment and personnel that are needed year. Over the course of the last number of Rallycross, you have to extract the driver from a
understood racing and the safety aspect, but for the response vehicles on race circuits. We years the vehicles have been Mercedes and so confined space, so the biggest difference is the
some were more used to doing rock concerts cover the Canadian Grand Prix in Montreal, the we have to gently fit all of our heavy stuff into closed cockpit versus the open cockpit.
and didnt really understand why controlling Edmonton IndyCar and the Grand Prix de Trois- those cars. For the other events we can use skid The types of injuries we would see at the two
where people wandered was important and Rivires and in each of those, the trucks will units that we build a platform on and then slide events are also different. Luckily weve not been
they asked why we needed what we needed. have fire fighters, paramedics and a physician them in and out of pick up trucks. faced with any yet in WorldRX, but the potential

22 23

injury pattern would be different because they so I found that a little bit loose the first time in in my mind. I knew that although I wasnt Often, when we do something over a number
are doing jumps and they also race a lot more Rallycross, but its now much better. involved with dealing with the accident, the of years, well try more than one configuration
closely and bump each other quite a bit. people who were on the frontline were all for the medical facilities. During the first Grand
Whereas in Formula One they tend to try A+M: What has been the biggest challenge people that I knew very well and were close Prix de Trois-Rivires we had a medical centre
and be mindful of each other and contact isnt youve faced as a motor sport doctor? friends. So that was tough. that wasnt quite partitioned correctly and it
quite as much as it is in Rallycross. RS: One of the more difficult things Ive seen wasnt in the optimum position once the
One of the first things that we noticed in the was actually when I wasnt directly involved. It A+M: What has been the biggest challenge paddock filled up with people and with race
inaugural year of Grand Prix de Trois-Rivires, was as a specatator when Dan Wheldon had his that you have had to deal with yourself? traffic. So we had to alter the organisation of
that became somewhat of an issue, was that fatal IndyCar crash. That was hard. I was seated RS: The thing that has struck me the most has the building as it was not optimal and thats a
the people that travel to Rallycross come from with a close motor sport friend, Doug Hill, on been trying to educate promoters about what fun part of the creative element.
a rally type of background. This means they are one side and my daughter on the other. Shes we actually need to provide for medical and The other thing that I find rewarding is going
a little bit more accustomed to being right on an avid racing fan who would always get up safety services. With the CMRT, when we get around and seeing what other people are
the edge of the racing circuit and there was one early with me and come to the track. involved, its not just the medical aspect but doing. Ive never been to a race and not learned
particular corner that was near the paddock It was tough on all of us, but Doug and I had also fire-fighting and cutting cars apart, so we things or not come away without ideas about
and we would have people venturing out onto watched what was happening. Just two laps have to actually impress upon them how much what I could do better and how we do things at
the edge of the track. That really worried me prior to the crash they were starting to race infrastructure you need. CMRT. Often what we put in place at the Grand
greatly and we had a lot of trouble trying to get three wide and we said we didnt like what we Theres also the concern about where you Prix du Canada is influenced by what weve
the message out from race control to get these were seeing. Wed barely got the words out of place those resources and weve had times seen people do in Brazil or at Suzuka. We just
people out of the way. In Formula One the our mouths when the accident happened. Just where weve had to gather other people of pick up great ideas from everybody and use
whole track access is really well regulated and talking about it brings up very visual memories influence from our ASN to meet with a them to make our stuff better.
promoter to say that were going to have to
build a wall differently because we cant put A+M: In what ways would you improve
safety vehicles where theyd like us to put them. motor sport medicine?
This was because they were right in the line of RS: That question ties into my biggest fear as a
where cars could come and crash into them, we chief medical officer. Im always fearful for the
needed help explaining that we had to put safety of the people who volunteer and work at
them in another spot where its actually safe to events. We get nurses, anaesthesiologists,
go ahead and deploy them. emergency physicians, paramedics and they
know their day job but they dont necessarily
A+M: Would you say thats the most know how to be safe in racing environment
rewarding part of your work? until they gain the experience.
RS: I like building things, so whats quite fun A priority for me is therefore the safety
about having an event at a temporary circuit is orientated education of people who come and
that you can actually see the plans come work in the environment. I know that when we
together. That was the case at the temporary prepare for a Formula One event, theres a real
circuit at the Grand Prix de Trois-Rivires and focus on doing the extraction exercises. But I
the temporary airport circuit in Edmonton. would actually like to put more time, or at least
When the circuit is coming together, I often take an equal amount of time, into preparing people
lots of photos and watch it be built, watching and re-familiarising them with how to be safe in
Rob Seal and WorldRX
Permanent Medical Delegate, the fences come up, our safety accesses and a motor sport environment. I see a need for an
Dr Pedro Esteban, at the 2014 the hideouts for the vehicles be put in place, as education programme to do that and a way of
Grand Prix de Trois-Rivires
well as the placement of the medical centre. verifying it.

24 25

Dr Ian Roberts, Formula

Ones medical rescue
co-ordinator, led
the project

The FIA Institute has released a mobile app designed to aid the work of
medical and safety officials at motor sport events around the world

The textbook is dead. At least, that is the view The app is split into several sections.
of Dr Ian Roberts, Formula Ones medical Content can be viewed by theme, topic
rescue co-ordinator, who has led a project to or even by author and there are areas for
develop an app for motor sport medicine. news, videos and bookmarks. The analysis
We wanted something that we could keep and guidelines included in the app cover a
updating more often than a book, he says. It range of topics from advice for dealing with
also had to be fairly user friendly, with a nice injuries sustained in a race environment,
web-based interface. to extrication techniques and guidance on
The result is the Medicine in Motor Sport medical infrastructure at events.
app, which is aimed at providing important Im hoping that the references chapter
information to motor sport medical will be one that people will look at when
personnel in an easily accessible way.
The deliberately simple design of the
app, which launched in October, makes it
easy for users to dip in and out of subjects.
One feature that Roberts believes will be
particularly useful for safety officials is the
inclusion of push notifications.
This means users will be alerted about
the latest research, updates and additional
content. It also means that Roberts and the
editorial team can provide updates regularly.
I can go in and change it and release an
update whenever I need to, he explains.
Part of the enduring appeal of mobile
devices is their compactness and portability,
which means medical personnel can use the The Medicine
app while preparing to work at motor sport in Motor Sport
homepage is
events as well as using it as a reference tool divided into four
while on location. simple themes

26 27

theyre at the trackside, says Roberts. As it That growth is already evident. Medicine in
gets more and more populated there will also Motor Sports latest update adds an article on
be more guidelines. first interventions at a rally event, written by
One of the first chapters, which was Dr Matthew MacPartlin and Jeff Woods. This
included with the app when it was initially new chapter focuses on medical officials who
released, is related to head injuries and are first to arrive on the scene of an accident
concussion, and was written by Dr Stephen at a rally and explains the procedures for
Olvey and Professor Peter Hutchinson. The dealing with driver extrication and the next
article is split into chapters that discuss the steps to allow the event to continue.
background to incidents and management More chapters are also on the way.
of competitors suffering from concussion as Roberts is part of the apps editorial board
well as a summary of recommendations and alongside Dr Jean Duby, Professor Jean-
suggestions for further reading. Charles Piette, Dr Michael Scholz, Dr Alain
For every article, the app has the capability Chantegret and Dr Terry Tramell, who will
to link to a related topic in this case: Head decide on future content. They will encourage
Trauma. Videos of motor sport crashes and medical personnel from around the world

incidents are also included, in a separate
section of the app, to accompany the
chapters and serve as useful illustrations. ITS A BIT OF CLICH BUT WE

The first iteration of the app included just WANTED A LIVING DOCUMENT
ten chapters but Roberts explains that this
was a deliberate decision. What we wanted
AND ITS MEANT TO GROW. Safety officials
extract Carlos
was to launch something that had content for Sainz from his
people to read but wasnt complete, he says. wrecked car at
It was never ever intended to be a complete to contribute. This process will be faster the 2015 Russian
Grand Prix
thing, like a book, because its something than traditional publications because once
thats going to grow. Its a bit of clich but we the editorial board has approved a topic the
wanted a living document and thats what its app does not need to be sent for a series of work together to produce the content before As part of the apps growth, Roberts would
supposed to be, its meant to grow. reviews and assessment processes. the editorial board approves it. The whole like see the reference section grow to include
The editorial board has already chosen idea is that they sort of self-edit and theyre links to international sites and circuits so that
30 topics that it wants the app to feature in working together, Roberts says. They also officials using Medicine in Motor Sport on
the future but Roberts is keen for users to agree to review their work regularly, to keep location can get detailed information about
contribute their own ideas for content. If it up to date, and submit necessary updates." the locations where they are working across
people have suggestions for chapters, then He is keen to point out that the app is not the world and that can then help to inform
we would certainly listen, he says. If its a textbook for medicine, but rather a guide their decision-making. We could have people
something that we havent thought of, then that medics can turn to for advice while from circuits writing about their individual
we will consider it and would try to appoint working at motor sport events: Were trying place of work and someone else can click
an author to write it. to get expert opinion, he explains. What Im on that circuit and get relevant information
In that case, each topic that is suggested absolutely adamant about is that were not for where they are immediately, he says. I
and produced by users will consist of a lead trying to write another textbook of medicine, think thats the beauty of it, it will link in with
author and one, or more, co-authors who will but instead something more relevant to us. everywhere else.

28 29


Emergency evacuation is one of the most high-profile safety
procedures in motor sport. The Circuit of the Americas chief

medical officer, John Sabra, takes us inside the medical helicopter
used at the US Grand Prix, along with the aircrafts chief medical
Supervisor, Patrick Phillips, and its pilot, Joe Lebrecque.

The flight-time to the There are two helipads PROCEDURES: Weve evacuated for other
trauma centre is around at the trauma centre, The helicopter has all- series, but no F1 driver yet.
four or five minutes. Its and this helicopter weather capabilities Weve had several occasions,
a straight flight, 17km here is on the premises and night time flight driver-wise in the Ferrari-Pirelli
from here to the centre, at COTA throughout capability. In extreme Challenge Series, one MotoGP
which is on 51st Street the Grand Prix. If its circumstances, the rider and then evacuations
in Downtown Austin. used for an evacuation helicopter can land with the Red Bull bikes. Weve
then we have a back- on the track, but wed also had spectators suffer
up helicopter from obviously rather not cardiac arrests, but we have
Downtown that disrupt the race. We a very strict division between
immediately flies in do go through those track-care and spectator-care.
to back-fill. If theres a scenarios and if the
2 Obviously we always have the
bigger mass casualty physicians responding helicopter available, so if a
situation, we have four to the scene feel like spectator has a heart attack
more helipad sites theres an immediate and needs to go we just bring
behind Turn 1. need to go to the in the back-up helicopter to
hospital right away cover the trackside if we really
then we can. think its necessary to save
someones life.

30 31



6 Were a single-pilot helicopter. The aircraft is We have a satellite tracking system that
fully capable with Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) sends our position, every thirty seconds,
and has auto-pilot. We are outfitted with the to our communications centre so they are
top-of-the-line electronics, the auto-pilot on a continually tracking us. If something were
helicopter isnt very common. We do not fly IFR, to happen, wherever we stop or land, theyd
by instruments, but we have all the capability be able to dispatch aid to us anywhere
of doing so. We have two GPS systems and a immediately. We are equipped with what
moving map that will show us radar weather we call a glass cockpit. A lot of aircraft only
and will also show us all of our intended heights have analogue gauges, but we have all these
in the area. We also have three different tools to gauges in front of the pilot so I dont have to
show us all of our obstructions in our airspace. look around as its right in front of me.

8 9

We can take two patients, so if two
5 LOADING 6 MONITORS AND people were injured, and we have the
This is a H145, twin- VENTILATORS weight requirements, one stretcher
engine helicopter and its a We have a ReVel folds out and a seat slides forward
really great Air Ambulance ventilator, that does and turns around.
platform. We like it because all the common
its rear loading so the modes of ventilation,
stretcher comes right out and we use a Zoll 8 STORAGE
and that makes it easy, to go X-series monitor Most of our laryngoscope blades
right into the medical centre that does 12 lead (an instrument used to examine
to wait for a patient. While defibrillation and the larynx) are kept in Dr Sabras
we are transferring a patient three invasive lines. compartment. Everything is stored
over, the pilot will have the compactly like that on this aircraft
aircraft running so we can because we use it for so many
load it up and be gone. different things.

32 33

that although the car did absorb some of the

THE ROAD BACK: shock, it could have been fatal.

Nine-time Le Mans winner Tom Kristensen looks back at his accident during the first
A+M: What is the next thing you remember
after the crash?
TK: I was talking to our team doctor and other
people at the medical centre, but at the time I
Kristensen suffered
a double impact after
being hit by two cars
during the accident

DTM race at Hockenheim in 2007 and gives his thoughts on concussion and safety didnt know where I was. I realised that the
cars were still running and the race was going
on, but plenty of minutes had gone by.
AUTO+Medical: What do you remember
about the accident? A+M: Were you then taken to hospital?
Tom Kristensen: I remember everything until TK: Then I got transferred to hospital but the
I was knocked out. I remember going into turn helicopter went with the other driver, as they
two and fighting for fourth position. Then I feared for his back. I was driven on the road to
was given less room than expected and I had the hospital. I think that maybe it would have
to go over the kerb. The car spun and the field been better to have more helicopters, but at
streamed by on the first lap. Then one of the the end of the day I then spent quite a few
cars way down the field hit me at 192kph. I days in the hospital.
was not completely stationary, I was still
spinning a little bit but I was hit around the A+M: What was the diagnosis?
A-pillar [behind the front right wheel]. I just TK: I had severe concussion and whiplash at
remember seeing the car and then it hits me the same time. In a way I had that twice
and I felt like I was passing out. I dont because I had a huge impact and then I was
remember from then on but Ive seen the hit a small amount from another driver. There
on-board camera footage so maybe in my was marginal bleeding from my front and I
mind its a bit of those two things combined. had to rest for a long time. The race was at the
end of April, and after that I went and visited
A+M: How did the safety features on the some good people to get scans and advice.
car work during the accident? Everyone said I needed to rest and be very
xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
TK: That DTM car had quite a strong, stiff and calm. I wanted to be back in the cars but I
On the first lap of the opening DTM race of heavy monocoque and this was very missed three DTM races and my pre-Le Mans
the 2007 season, Tom Kristensen was important because the biggest impact test. Then, the weekend before Le Mans, I
squeezed off the track at the second occurred at the A-pillar. But at the same time I decided to drive a little bit in a go-kart and I
corner and as his car spun around, was hit from behind so I would say the tried to put myself under more and more
Alexandre Premat hit the Danish driver headrest was probably more important than stress in that last week. I felt I was ready but I
with such force that both drivers required the HANS device I was wearing in that one. was still in the aftermath of those exercises
hospital treatment. After the initial impact, But the HANS was very important with the and I had some issues, so it was very difficult.
Kristensen was also hit by another car initial Premat impact because Premat t-boned
before he lost consciousness. He spoke to me and thats where I had the biggest pain A+M: Was there a mental element
AUTO+ Medical about the crash and shared and fracture. The g-forces were quite high - in to overcome?
his thoughts on recovering from concussion. the car it was up to around 80g - which means TK: No, it was physical, it was like when you

34 35

A+M: When did you decide you were ready you have to be very strong and determined
Kristensen impressively
managed to put his to come back? and passionate to get over that. It really is
Audi on pole on his TK: It was later that afternoon that I called that combination of determination and
return to Hockenheim
during the 2007 DTM
[Audi motor sport boss] Dr Wolfgang Ullrich passion that brings you back.
championship and I said, ok. He had given me time and said
there was always space available for when I A+M: What advice do you have for other
decided to return. I had stayed in contact with drivers if they go the same experience?
him all the time as I recovered. Thats very TK: Listen to the doctors and then try to test
important as well, you need to have that yourself with physical activities before you
freedom and support and know they wont put then come back. At the end of the day, only
your job under pressure if you are not coming you can make the final decision, so you have
back right away. I would say that was very to be strong yourself and you have to be
important for my recovery and Im lucky to passionate and determined to do it,
drive for a company like Audi and with a boss otherwise you need to rest a little bit more.
like Dr Ullrich. When you do go back and race you should
I spoke with Dr Ullrich on the phone before not blame anyone but yourself afterwards,
and he agreed to let me fly to England on the thats very important. I was out for less than
Friday before Le Mans to drive the DTM taxi at three months and throughout that time I
the race at Brands Hatch. We did this secretly saw in the press stories and rumours I was
and nobody knew it was me driving. Straight retiring or had a disability. There were all
after that the doctor looked at me again and sorts of stories coming out and that was
then later that afternoon I flew back to difficult, but that has happened with other
Denmark. people who endured much worse situations
The decision for me to return for Le Mans than mine. I was determined not to let an
was taken and on the Monday we had a press accident decide the end of my career.
conference in Copenhagen to announce that I
was coming back and I would attend the race A+M: Is there any advice you have for
at Le Mans with Alan McNish and Rinaldo doctors who are dealing with drivers who
dont feel well after exercise if you have a advice, as that was very important. But when I Capello. It was a good decision and we came are recovering from big accidents?
high-pulse or you are very sensitive to noise. started to do a little bit more exercise I knew I close to winning the race. We lead by almost TK: Doctors always look differently at
All of the elements of your recovery are very couldnt do a lot flat out as I had dizziness four laps when, unfortunately, Capello lost a different people but I would say always ask
important to go through and you have to take when turning around. But I tried to do things rear wheel and was in tears as we didnt win. the driver about the final decision to come
it step-by-step throughout that. But I wanted to test myself and I was asking myself, where I have to say that it was a good decision to back. Look them in the eyes and ask them
to race, and mentally it is important that you am I from where I was before? But from there be back but throughout the rest of the year twice. But when you are a racing driver
do what you want to do, but you have to be you have to be strong and concentrate and go when I returned to the DTM, with all the noise youre a competitive person and the doctors
careful and listen to your body and feel how it on your way, so I went with a friend to do and heat coming from that car, I did struggle have to know how to deal with that. It
has gone after two months of recovering. some indoor karting. I knew the guys place with headaches every evening after driving. I doesnt have to be a racing driver, anyone
and I was driving there alone and I was also had to deal with it but I was very happy to can be competitive, but the doctors really
A+M: Were you listening more to your body doing all sorts of push-ups, running, jumping. I come back and drive again because I think need to ask them, look them in the eyes and
or to the advice of the doctors? did those physical tests and then drove again that helped with some other things. You could make sure that they understand the
TK: In the first two months I listened a lot to to check the laptimes and also driving the definitely say that after an accident like that diagnosis and the process of recovery. But
the doctors and definitely respected that circuit the other way around. one something changed in me, and mentally only the driver can make the final decision.

36 37



Department of Neonatology, Intensive Care Medicine Air Service Training Academy
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh George Eliot Hospital University of Highlands and Islands


A team of British doctors conducted a four-year cross-sectional observational study Silverstone Medical Centre Clinical Neurosciences
of racing incidents at Silverstone Race Circuit, with fascinating results Silverstone Race Circuit University of Cambridge

38 39

Motor sport competitors are consistently This retrospective analysis presents the
exposed to the risk of injury, yet there is little demography of competitive motor sport
research outlining where and why incidents incidents and their management at an
occur, or how injured competitors are international circuit. New location of incident
managed. This study investigates competitive data can inform deployment of medical
incidents at the Silverstone Racing Circuit resources and contribute to improvements in
(Northamptonshire, UK), an international future circuit design. Serious injuries
venue for motor sport racing. (including loss of consciousness) were
relatively rare, with the majority of
METHODS competitors referred back to event.
All data was extracted retrospectively from
the Silverstone Medical Centre patient record INTRODUCTION
forms. The initial study looks at patient status Despite the enduring reputation of motor
for all attenders (20052012). The full study sport as potentially dangerous, competitive
includes competitors from 1 March 2009 31 incidents are infrequent [1]. However when
December 2012, four racing seasons. crashes occur, they have the potential to be
severe, as exemplified by the recent injury The Silverstone
Medical Centre at the
RESULTS and subsequent deaths of Formula One Northamptonshire circuit
Initial study (eight years): N=10,004; with 500 driver, Jules Bianchi, and IndyCar driver, Justin
patients per year attending the on-site Wilson. In contrast to the high profile of
facility. Patient status was predominantly motor sport, only a handful of studies have treatment room, two medical wards, a METHODS
spectator (46%, N=4,673 spectators) or characterised competitive racing incidents. surgical theatre and four resuscitation bays. All data entry was conducted at the
competitor (26%, N=2,578 competitors). However, many official recommendations In addition, there is a burns room and Silverstone Medical Centre between August
Full study (eight years): N=1,079; 694 exist for medical staffing and facility provision imaging facilities x-ray and ultrasound. and December 2012 and extracted
competitors represented at more than 30 at competitive events worldwide. Following an incident on-track, patients are retrospectively from three sources: Medical
events, including four British Grands Prix. The Silverstone circuit is an international assessed and stabilised using pre-hospital Record Forms, ambulance service forms and
Competitor age range was 8-98 years and 96 venue for motor sport racing, hosting Grand and Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Simple Assessment forms. White copies of
per cent were male. Incidents were most Prix events for both cars and motorcycles and principles [2], then transported to the Medical the Medical Record Form were the main
common at the Copse (n=101) or Becketts averages 30 competitive race meetings per Centre for triage, treatment and referral. source (usually kept for storage); Ambulance
corners (n=76). Common reasons for incident year. Medical assistance provided on site The objective of this retrospective cross- service forms were sourced from three local
were loss of control independently or contact (from first aid through to full resuscitation sectional study is to analyse the competitive services; Simple Assessment forms were
with another vehicle, whilst contact with and capability for surgery) is co-ordinated by racing incidents, which have occurred at the introduced in March 2012 and contributed
preventative trackside measures was the Silverstone medical team. The Silverstone circuits of the Silverstone complex over a data for the final nine months of the study.
commonly with a wall or barrier. Medical Centre operates seven days a week recent four-year period.
A total of 11 competitors were unconscious for 355 days a year and is equipped to care In particular, we aimed to investigate where INITIAL STUDY AN OVERVIEW OF ALL
at the scene and competitors spent between for upwards of 100,000 spectators, in these incidents occurred on track and how ATTENDANTS TO THE MEDICAL CENTRE
zero and two hours in the Medical Centre. addition to any competitors involved in racing the competitors were managed, both at The initial study was conducted in August
There were no deaths; 81 per cent of incidents. The Medical Centre is maintained scene and in the Medical Centre. Additionally, 2012, recording patient status, be they
competitors returned to their event and 74 according to Fdration Internationale de we compared the incidents and safety competitor, spectator, or contractor, for all
competitors were hospitalised. lAutomobile (FIA) and Motor Sports management of racing car drivers versus attendants to the Silverstone Medical Centre
Association regulations; equipped with a competitive motor bikers. from 2005 to 2012, inclusive.

40 41

FULL STUDY COMPETITORS ONLY daughter sets utilising competitor in the
Total 492 (71.2%) Total 153 (22.1%)
The data collection period was defined by the patient status field. The remaining non-
BRSCC 102 (20.7%) BSB/SBK 79 (51.6)
introduction of an updated Medical Record competitive racing activity was excluded. In Moto GP 38 (24.8%)
Classic (CSCC) 55 (11.2%)
Form and the end of the most recent total, the medical team assessed 694 BMCRC (Bernsee) 27 (17.6%)
Historic 47 (10%)
calendar year (1 March 2009 31 December competitors, during 762 consultations. 750MC/relay 45 (9.6%) ACU 6 (3.9%)
2012, inclusive). All patient records were MGCC 37 (7.5%) Supermoto 2 (1.3%)
extracted from storage and manually REDUCING BIAS Walter Hayes 27 (5.5%) NG road 1 (0.65%)
assessed for inclusion. Selection criteria Data collection bias was limited by restricting BARC 26 (5.3%) MIXED
included, but were not limited to, patient data collectors to two individuals. Quality BTCC 24 (4.9%) Total 41 (5.9%)
status (competitor) and location of incident control methods prevented input of spurious FIA GTs 20 (4.1%) MSVR 25 (61.0%)

(on track). The final cohort therefore included values into the Excel database. Formula races 19 (3.9%) Races 16 (39.0%)
BGP/F1 17 (3.5%) MOTO-CROSS
all competitors attending the Medical Centre,
Renault (WS) 17 (3.5%) Total 6 (0.87%)
as well as those assessed trackside. RESULTS
LMS 13 (2.6%) Moto-X 6 (100.0%)
All data were anonymised and manually put Initial study all attendants to the
BDC 11 (2.2%)
into an encrypted Microsoft Excel database Medical Centre
Britcar 9 (1.8%)
(Microsoft, Seattle, USA), utilising either a During the eight-year initial study (2005 to VSCC 5 (1.0%)
binary code or numbered key system, where 2012, inclusive) a total of 10,004 patients Mini 5 (1.0%)
up to 144 variables were recorded per were assessed by Medical Centre staff. AMOC 5 (1.0%)
Overall n = 692; data is in the format number
(percentage of total) where total for bold rows is
competitor, encompassing all information Approximately 500 patients attended the Club meet 3 (0.61%) 692 and for all others is the total in the vehicle
recorded for each patient. Each patient was Medical Centre per year, with 200-300 extra BRDC 2 (0.41%) category; accuracy is to one decimal place,
unless value is less one per cent, in which case
allocated a unique four-digit identifier, patients assessed annually during the four- Rally 2 (0.41%)
two decimal places are given; data not included
preserved across the four spread sheets. day British Grand Prix (Figure 1). Patient Ford 1 (0.20%) in the table: NOT event n = 2
The entire cohort was analysed in Microsoft status (n=10,004) was largely spectator (46%,
Excel and the full dataset split into two n=4,673) or competitor (26%, n=2,578)
otherwise contractor (4.5%, n=454), race 35.7 years; range was 90 years (8 98) and
team (3.8%, n=386) or official (3.0%, n=306). the modal 5-year age group was 15-19 years
Initial study results; number of
(15%, n=100). Of note, 10 per cent of
presentations each year to the Full study competitors only competitors were aged less than 18 years at
Silverstone Medical Centre, During the four-year full study (2009 to 2012, the time of incident (n=67).
2005 2012, inclusive.
N = 10,004. Excl = excluding; inclusive), 1,079 patients were assessed by Competitors represented 31 different
BGP = British Grand Prix; Medical Centre staff, of which 64 per cent events or activities, categorised by vehicles
Simples = Simple Assessment
forms Inc = including (n=694) were competitors and all of who were driven into four categories (Table 1): car (22
eligible for analysis. events), motorcycle (6 events), mixed (2
Data are given in the format: field (n = events) and moto-cross (1 event). Competitive
number of competitors for whom data was car events (n=492) contributed 71 per cent,
recorded), data entry (percentage of recorded most commonly BRSCC (21 per cent; n=102),
data, total n). Classic/CSCC (11 per cent; n=55), Historic (10
per cent; n=47) and 750MC/relay (9 per cent;
Competitor demographics n=45). Of note, only 2 per cent of competitors
Competitor gender (n=606) was 96 per cent presented during the four British Grand Prix
male (n=583) and 4 per cent female (n=23). meetings (n=17). Competitive motorcycle
The mean age (n=672) at presentation was events (n=153) represented less than a

42 43

quarter of the total competitors (22 per cent; Competitors presented to the Medical Centre
n=153); most commonly BSB/SBK (52 per Medical management on scene REASON FOR INCIDENT n = 220 throughout the calendar year, producing a
cent; n=79), Moto GP (25 per cent; n=38) and On scene retrieval (n=141) was largely by Lost Control 44 (20%) bi-modal distribution with peaks in both June
BMCRC/Bernsee (18 per cent; n=27). Mixed self-extrication (91%, n=129), otherwise the Contact (competitor/barrier) 41 (19%) and September (Figure 3). Except for October
car or motorcycle events represented only 6 competitor was immediately immobilised Spun 35 (16%)
in 2009, the mode month of presentation was
per cent of the total (n=41), with moto-cross (0.03%; n=4), assisted (0.02%; n=3), scooped June throughout the study period. The vast
Fell 27 (12%)
less than 1 per cent (n=6). (0.01%; n=2) or formally extricated (0.007%; majority of presentations occurred between
Collected spinning vehicle 27 (12%) 9am and 7pm (97%, n=627), with almost
n=1) from the vehicle or debris. Two
Competitor protection competitors (0.01%) suffered extensive Evasive action 13 (5.9%) three quarters of these between 11am and
Helmet use (n=495) was present in 100 per vehicle damage, which affected retrieval. On Weather 10 (4.5%) 5pm (73%, n=489).
cent of competitors. Helmet damage (n=112) scene conscious level (n=273) was normal in Mechanical failure 8 (3.6%)
as assessed by Medical Centre staff was none 97 per cent (n=264). Minutes unconscious Driver error 5 (2.3%)
Monitoring and treatment
(48%, n=54), minor (24%; n=27), severe (8%, (n=11) where recorded was as follows: one- Proxy measures for level of monitoring and
Debris 4 (1.8%)
n=9) or fine (0.02%, n=3). Of note, 16 per two (64%, n=7), two-thee (18%, n=2), greater treatment were the numbers of basic
cent of helmets were not examined (n=19). Wear & tear 3 (1.4%) observations (heart rate, blood pressure,
than five (18%, n=2) or momentary (9%, n=1).
The use of a HANS device (n=369) was either Drifting 2 (0.9%) respiratory rate, oxygen saturations) and the
confirmed (52%; n=193) or refuted (47%; Presentation to the Medical Centre Ambitious move 1 (0.5%) numbers of drugs or fluids prescribed. The
n=173). A few entries stated that a HANS number of basic observations recorded
device was not applicable to the competitor FIGURE 2 (n=693) ranged from none to more than six,
(0.005%; n=2) or only partial in its use Location of incidents at the Grand Prix, National and 21 per cent none (n=146), 55 per cent one
International circuits. Locations identifiable on
(0.003%; n=1). Back protectors (n=330) were (n=382), 13 per cent two (n=87), 6 per cent
circuit n = 460. Contact with trackside preventative
utilised by 36 per cent of competitors (n=120), measures (n=160) was either with a wall (38%, n=61), three (n=39), 3 per cent four (n=20), 2 per
but not by 63 per cent (n=310); protective a barrier (24%, n=39), a tyre wall (15%, n=24) or a cent five (n=11), 1 per cent six (n=7), 0.001 per
gravel trap (12.5%, n=20).
clothing (n=471) was utilised by 97 per cent
(n=458), but not by 0.03 per cent (n=13). FIGURE 3
Incident distribution by
Incident details month. N = 694; date
was not recorded for n
Location of incident (n=628) was on one of = 4. Average indicates
the three main circuits (Grand Prix, National monthly average across
the four-year study
or International) for over three-quarters of period (2009-2012,
competitors (73%, n=460; Figure 2). Of these, inclusive).
the most common location of incident was at
Copse (16%, n=101), followed by Becketts
corner (11%, n=74). Further incidents
occurred on Stowe circuit (n=29) or generic
track locations (n=51) for which the majority
occurred at the flag off/start line (n=25).
The number of vehicles per incident (n
=121) was mainly two (77%, n=93), followed
by multiple (12%, n=14), three (4%, n=5) or
one, four or six (0.1% each). The reason for
each incident (n=220) is listed in Table 2.

44 45


cent more than six (n=1). The number of Comparisons of the above fields are made
Age (years) Total 198 Total 103
drugs prescribed (n=692) ranged from none between 201 car drivers and 103
Age range (years) 13 - 98 85 years 8 - 61 53 years
to nine, 75 per cent none (n=517), 16 per cent motorcyclists (Table 3).
Mode age (years) 18 10 (0.05%) 16 9 (0.09%)
two (n=112), 2.3 per cent three (n=16), 1.2 per Competitors <18yrs 13 (7%) 22 (21.4%)
cent four (n=8), 0.1 per cent five (n=1), 0.1 per DISCUSSION Total 171 Total 90
cent nine (n=1). The number of fluids Context of other literature Gender Male 164 (96.0%) Male 83 (92.2%)
prescribed (n=692) ranged from none to two The strength of public response to Jules Female 7 (4.1%) Female 7 (7.8%)
98 per cent none (n=675), two per cent one Bianchis crash at the Suzuka International Total 694 Total 694
(n=14), 0.4 per cent two (n=3). Time spent in Racing Course highlights the infrequency of BRSCC 29 (14.7%) BSB/SBK 33 (32.0%)
the Medical Centre (n=581) ranged from zero serious incidents in Formula One; the risk Competitive event
750MC/relay 26 (13.1%) Moto GP 16 (15.5%)
minutes to more than two hours (Figure 4). having been quantified in smaller competitive Walter Hayes 14 (7.1%) BRSCC 12 (11.7%)
series as less than 0.2 per cent[3]. However, Classic (CSCC) 13 (6.6%) Classic (CSCC) 10 (9.7%)
Historic 12 (6.1%) BMRCC (Bernsee) 10 (9.7%)
Outcome global research investigating competitive
There were no deaths. Final referral racing incidents and their medical
Total 678 Total 684
destination (n=613) was: back to event (81%, management remains sparse. In fact, only a
Copse 30 (15.2%) Copse/Becketts 12 (11.7%)
n=498), hospital (12%, n=74), home (4.6%, handful of studies have characterised Becketts 24 (12.1%) Abbey 10 (9.7%)
n=28) or advised to see a General Practitioner incidents in the American IndyCar [4-8] and Location of
Abbey 15 (7.6%) Brooklands 6 (5.8%)
(2.1%, n=13); mode of transport (n=34) was NASCAR [9, 10] series, with even fewer Brooklands 13 (6.6%) Club 4 (3.9%)
ambulance (44%; n=15), own (29%, n=10) or European studies published. Of the latter, the Maggots 12 (6.1%) Hangar straight 4 (3.8%)
helicopter (26%, n=9). most relevant either rely on comparatively Farm outside 10 (5.1%) Stowe 3 (2.9%)
small patient numbers [11] or relate only to Total 201 Total 103
Car-motorcycle comparison Two 61 (30.3%) Two 18 (17.5%)
No of vehicles / Multiple 21 (10.5%) One 3 (2.9%)
incident One 4 (2.0%) Three 1 (1.0%)
Time to discharge from Three 3 (1.5%)
Medical Centre. N = 581; Six 1 (0.5%)
data not included in the
Total 180 Total 73
figure: 0 minutes = 47.
5 10 51 (28.3%) 5 10 10 (13.7%)
Time to discharge, 10 15 35 (19.4%) 10 15 10 (13.7%)
from Medical
Centre (minutes) 15 21 (11.7%) <0 9 (12.3%)
20 25 13 (7.2%) 15 7 (9.6%)
15 - 20 11 (6.1%) 30 - 35 7 (9.6%)
Deaths 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Total 180 Total 83
Event/work 157 (79.3%) Event/work 53 (51.5%)
Hospital 15 (7.6%) Hospital 20 (19.4%)
Home 7 (3.5%) Home 7 (6.8%)
GP 1 (0.5%) GP 3 (2.9%)

Car versus motorcycle comparison
n = 694; data not included in the table: NOT event n = 2; for event key,
please see Table 1. All percentages are rounded to one decimal place, unless
the value is less that one per cent, where accuracy is to two decimal places

46 47

Silverstone hosts both car events where a harness is exempt. An
and motorbike races on THE PUBLIC AND additional avenue explored in this current
its three main circuits.
study is the provision of trackside safety
HEIGHTENED SAFETY IN MOTOR measures, encompassing speed and impact
reducing mechanisms, such as gravel traps

and Armco barriers, respectively.
PREVIOUSLY BEEN PUBLISHED During the four-year study period there
EXPLICITLY IN RECENT YEARS were no fatalities during any competitive
racing activity and serious injuries (including
loss of consciousness) were relatively rare,
medical resources, instead focusing on with the majority of competitors being
competitor assessment [16], anticipatory referred back to their event.
planning for mass casualties [17] and
assistance intervention procedures [18]. The DRIVER/MOTORCYCLIST COMPARISON
data presented in the current study describes Despite the fact that motor sport
quantity at the Silverstone Medical Centre, encompasses a diverse range of vehicles
producing invaluable annual presentation separated into an almost innumerable
figures which can assist in prediction of number of classes, the majority of previously
medical staffing requirements and the published research focuses on only a single
proposition of expanding resources on site, vehicle type; largely cars [11] or motorcycles
the introduction of a chicane [3]. In contrast, as well as informing development of similar [13, 21], which restricts conclusions to only a
regional [3] or national circuits [12]. the current study collates detailed location of facilities at newer circuits. subset of the competitive activity occurring at
Additionally, there is a relative paucity of incident data to a resolution of corner entry race circuits. Indeed to our knowledge, prior
research evaluating injuries during and exit, over a variety of different COMPETITOR SAFETY to this study only a single publication has
competitive driving activity at racing circuits competitive racing events. This information The public and regulatory demand for attempted to characterise incidents involving
within Great Britain and Ireland [12, 13]. This has already been utilised to inform the heightened safety in motor sport is perpetual, more than one type of vehicle [12]. In
retrospective four year study therefore is the deployment of medical resources on track and has previously been published explicitly, contrast, the current study illustrates that
largest of its kind to date, describing the and will be an invaluable contribution to even in recent years [19]. At competitor level, data collection can encompass a variety of
medical management of almost seven further improvements in circuit design. helmet use is mandatory for all competitive different competitive vehicle types, thus
hundred competitors assessed during four racing events, regardless of vehicle, with providing a larger and more globally
racing seasons and incorporating data from MEDICAL CENTRE ASSESSMENT incidents in recent years resulting in applicable platform for further analysis.
both national and international race events at Medical provision at competitive motorsport extension of this regulation to mechanics in
the UKs leading motor sport circuit. events is mandatory, with the majority of the pit lane. Furthermore, additional LIMITATIONS
circuits coordinating care from permanent protective measures, such as the HANS Firstly, this is a retrospective observational
LOCATION OF INCIDENT on site medical centres. Despite this device (developed in the mid-1980s, but at study, which carries unavoidable
Previously, the on-track location of incident extensive coverage, surprisingly few the time of the study not compulsory for UK methodological flaws. Secondly, the primary
for competitive racing events has been over- published studies have explored this national events) are now routinely employed role of the Medical Centre documentation is
looked in published studies. Indeed, the most necessary provision [14, 15]. Indeed, the main by car drivers. Such protective measures are the record of clinically relevant information,
relevant paper neglects to publish the specific focus of the published literature centres upon constantly evolving to further enhance thus perhaps resulting in a degree of
locations, instead focusing on the pattern of circuits hosting Formula One events; in competitor safety, as exemplified by the new information bias, possibly exemplified by
competitor injuries despite investigating neither of these three studies was there integrated iHANS device [20], yet there poor capture of severely ill competitors due
changes in incident characteristics following investigation of the provision of on-site remains a stark contract to some historic to a focus on provision of life-saving care.

48 49

Thirdly, variation in the nature of the data CONCLUSION platform for future prospective research, both Competing interests: Professor Peter J Hutchinson is Chief Medical
Officer for the British Grand Prix at Silverstone. Dr Ian Roberts is
recorded, resulting in small numbers of In summary, race circuit medical centres are at Silverstone and other circuits worldwide. Formula 1 Medical Rescue Co-ordinator for the FIA.

data recorded in some fields, may at a unique vantage point to analyse the Funding: PJ Hutchinson is supported by a NIHR Research Professorship
and the Cambridge NIHR BRC.
misrepresent the overall dataset. Fourthly, medical management of competitors ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Contributorship: PJH was the study instigator. ND and DF were
the inability to retrospectively establish the following racing incidents. The authors would like to thank all of the data collectors for the initial and full studies and analysed all data
presented. AC facilitated extraction of patient record forms. ND wrote
track configurations utilised by each race This study, albeit a retrospective analysis, volunteers at the Silverstone Medical Centre the final report, which was reviewed prior to publication by IR, AC, DF
and PJH.
may have resulted in artificial inflation of presents the demography of competitive for their continued hard work and enthusiasm
Ethical approval: This retrospective observational study extracted
location of incident data for track locations racing incidents at an international circuit, and also the race teams, support staff and anonymised data from patient record forms at Silverstone Medical
commonly utilised. Finally, the lack of off- supplemented by an in-depth analysis of the marshals who operate year-round, without Centre, upon which data was routinely recorded for patient
management purposes. Therefore, there was no requirement for
site follow-up prevents conclusions being incidents, as well as investigation of whom there would be no racing to provide ethical approval.

made regarding competitor morbidity competitor and trackside preventative safety cover. The authors would also like to thank Data sharing: Additional unpublished data is available from the
corresponding author who can be contacted by email
and mortality. measures. This novel study provides a Silverstone for their continued support. ([email protected]).

Chesser TJ, Norton SA, Nolan JP et Emerg Med 2004;44(4):S127. 12. Chapman MA, Oni J. Motor racing Emergency medical services in mass
al. What are the requirements for 7.  Weaver CS, Sloan BK, Brizendine EJ et accidents at Brands Hatch, 1988/9. Br J gatherings: the experience of the
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2.  American College of Surgeons. http:// crashes. Med Sci Sports Exerc racing injuries on track and road 23. 2006;38(2):2469. circuits in Ireland. Br J Sports Med 18. Cornaggia G, Pontecorvo C, Pusineri C
html Date accessed 22/12/2014. 8.  Steele AG. Emergency medical care 1986;20(4):1578. et al. [Assistance intervention procedure
3. Leonard L, Lim A, Chesser TJS et al. for open wheel racing events at 14. Delir Haghighi P, Burstein F, Zaslavsky in circuit races. Our experience at the
Does changing the configuration of a Indianapolis Raceway Park. Ann Emerg A et al. Development and evaluation of motor-racing track of Monza during
motor racing circuit make it safer? Br J Med 1994;24(2):2648. ontology for intelligent decision support the athletic seasons of 1990 and 1991].
Sports Med 2005 M;39(3):15961. 9.  Somers JT, Granderson B, Melvin JW in medical emergency management for Minerva Anestesiol 1991;57(12):16913.
4.  Melvin JW, Bock H, Anderson K et al. et al. Development of head injury mass gatherings. Decis Support Syst 19. Lippi G, Salvagno GL, Franchini M et al.
Development and field performance assessment reference values based on 2013;54(2):1192204. Changes in technical regulations and
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50 51

Last issue we conducted a survey on concussion in motor sport.
It produced some interesting results which were presented to
the FIA Medical Commission in November, prompting a request
for further investigation by an expert group. AUTO+ MEDICAL
Overall Responses
163 completed surveys (80% medical officials, 20% competitors) Dr Paul Trafford
31 Countries represented (Chairman)

Medical Responses Dr Robert Seal

90% of medical staff had seen a competitor with concussion (Medical Director,
50% had seen 6 or more competitors with concussion Canadian Motorsports
65% found it difficult to assess a competitor for concussion and Response Team)
99% would like some guidance
40% had used some assessment tool, mostly SCAT, but many Dr Matthew
commented on the need for something specific for motor sport MacPartlin
36% had some guidelines about when a concussed competitor (Assistant Chief Medical
should be hospitalized, although not motor sport specific Officer, Australian GP)
30% had withdrawn a competitors licence, however 90% felt a
competitor with concussion should have their licence withdrawn Dr Pedro Esteban
Over 99% felt there should be some guidelines about this (FIA Medical Delegate,
World Rallycross
Competitor Responses Championship)
45% had suffered a concussive episode in motor sport but only
half had discussed this with a doctor Dr Jean Duby
28% had withdrawn voluntarily from competition after (FIA Medical Delegate,
concussion World Rally
Only 2 competitors had their licence withdrawn by a doctor Championship)
70% did not feel completely normal when they attempted to
return to competitive motor sport Dr Kelvin Chew
76% would like to know more about concussion (Chief Medical Officer,
45% had experienced some of the symptoms associated with Singapore GP)
concussion following an accident; dizziness, headache and
confusion being the top three Dr Jean-Charles Piette
Only 36% of those with symptoms had sought medical advice (FIA Medical Delegate,
Formula One)


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