Stage 1 Design Package: Engineering Foundations - Principles and Communication 100
Stage 1 Design Package: Engineering Foundations - Principles and Communication 100
Stage 1 Design Package: Engineering Foundations - Principles and Communication 100
1. Yventh Tey ( Designer)
2. Millicent Rosette Chung Wan Yi ( Designer)
3. Gilles Earl anak Spencer ( Contractor)
4. Ng Kai Xin ( Contractor)
5. Hariharan A/L Pushpanathan ( Contractor)
Stage 1 Design Package Master Builders
Table of Contents
1.0 Company Information 3
1.1 Company Contact Details 4
2.0 Drawings 5
2.1Isometric View (No.01) 6
2.2Top view (No. 02) 7
2.3Bottom View (No.03) 8
2.4Front View (No.04) 9
2.5Back View (No.05) 10
2.6Side View (No.06) 11
2.7Exploded View (No.07) 12
2.8 Tyre View (No.08) 13
3.0 Specifications 14
3.1 Introduction 15
3.2 Dimension Summary 15
3.3 Materials Specification 15
3.3.1 Dimension, Purposes, Quantity and Price for Materials 15
3.4 Tools Specification 16
3.4.1 Methods of Using Tools 16
3.5 Construction Procedure 17
3.5.1 Car Base/ Chassis 17
3.5.2 Wheels and Axels 17
3.5.3 Carry Load and Holder 17
3.5.4 Cushion For Egg 17
Stage 1 Design Package Master Builders
Stage 1 Design Package Master Builders
Rosette Chung Designer 0138511225 [email protected]
Wan Yi
Gilles Earl
Contractor 0146987511 [email protected]
anak Spencer
Hariharan A/L
Contractor 0176594270 [email protected]
Stage 1 Design Package Master Builders
Stage 1: Design Package Master Builders
Stage 1 Design Package Master Builders
Stage 1 Design Package Master Builders
Stage 1 Design Package Master Builders
Stage 1 Design Package Master Builders
Stage 1: Design Package Master Builders
Stage 1 Design Package Master Builders
3.1 Introduction
Specification of the prototype which specify all measurement, material and tutorial.
Contractors able to view this to be more understandable of the ideas of the designer inn
detailed in order for the prototype to be complete, success and achieve the designer criteria.
Stage 1 Design Package Master Builders
Hand drills : Use your hand to hold the trigger and other hand to hold at the front of the
hand drill. This is for to make your drilling center and steady while stable.
Hot Glue gun: Turn on the switch. Wait for the tip of the gun to heat up around 3 to 5
minutes. Do not use the hot glue gun too long around 10 minutes. Turn off after use.
Stage 1 Design Package Master Builders
Stage 1 Design Package Master Builders
Stage 1 Design Package Master Builders
4.1 Introduction
This document consists the criteria that will be used by the designers to evaluate the
potential of each companies tendering for the manufacture of Master Builders design. The
group that most successfully satisfies the criteria will be the winning tenderer. The winning
tenderer will be responsible for the manufacturing of our groups design.
Stage 1 Design Package Master Builders
Criteria Turns up late Turns up late Turns up late Turns up late On time to
to all the to of to of to of every
meetings. meetings. meetings. meetings. meetings.
Emails are Emails are Emails sent Emails sent Reply our
written in written in are brief and are brief and emails or
non-formal non-formal to the point. to the point. messages
way. way. professionally
without using
any short
form words.
Emails sent
are brief and
to the point.
Responding to our email or messages in a professional manner will leave a good first
2) Time management:
Criteria Finishes the Finishes the Finishes the Finishes the Finishes the
vehicle after vehicle a day vehicle 2 days vehicle 3 days vehicle 5 days
the deadline. before the before the before the before the
deadline. deadline. deadline. deadline.
Fails to
construct the Finishes the Finishes the Finishes the Finishes the
project vehicle in vehicle in vehicle in vehicle in
accordingly to good good good good
the design. condition condition condition condition
accordingly to accordingly to accordingly to accordingly to
the design. the design. the design. the design.
Being able to finish the vehicle before the deadline shows that you are effective and
have productivity.
Stage 1 Design Package Master Builders
3) Experience:
By showing us the evidences of each of the above experiences and skills required,
you prove to us that you are capable of constructing our design with a minimal risk
of injuring yourself and those around you.
4) Communication:
Mark 0 5 10 15 20
By replying to our emails and messages on time shows that our concerns and needs
can be attended at any time.
Stage 1 Design Package Master Builders
By showing understanding of our design, you prove to us that you are capable of not only
constructing our design to a high standard but are also capable of overcoming any issues or
problems you come across during construction. The questions we will ask you may include
the following:
Q1: How can you improve our design in terms of safety measurements and
Q2: Estimated cost to build this project.
Q3: What is the timeline to finish this project?
Stage 1 Design Package Master Builders
Stage 1 Design Package Master Builders
5.1 Introduction
Risk management plan is a plan estimating the risks, hazards, the severity and steps that can
be made to prevent the risks and hazards that will appear in different stages of a project. This
plan is prepared by contractors to minimize the percentage of possible risks to happen and
ensure the entire project goes smoothly.
This risk management plan has included risks and steps to prevent in design stage,
construction stage and testing stage.
Stage 1 Design Package Master Builders
Hands may Sawdust Unlikely Minor Low Use a sand Some sawdust
be hurt by paper to get might still
sawdust rid of remain there
sawdust on
the car
Stage 1 Design Package Master Builders
Stage 1: Design Package Master Builders
Task Name Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14
Stage 2: Tendering
Online Peer Assesment
Team Action Plan
Arrange meeting with designers to clarify
questions of design package
Final unit Reflection
Stage 1: Design Package Master Builders
Stage 1: Design Package Master Builders
Client Brief
Problem Statement
Your client, EMPACT, has approached you to design a prototype Mars Lander/Rover, for an
upcoming bid to be a part of an international space exploration consortium. The final lander/rover
design will carry one human astronaut and an equipment payload. You have been approached to
provide an innovative solution to the final deployment stage of a lander and, therefore, you must
design, construct and test a small scaled vehicle that is capable of deployment and withstanding a
vertical drop. The client brief is outlined in Sections 2.1 through to 2.3 below. The client can be
contacted through a discussion board on blackboard, though remember that although the client
aims to respond to any communication within two (2) working days, this may not always be
Due to the nature of the project, the final design will be required to carry a human and a payload of
equipment (together making the cargo). This has been scaled down to require the prototype to
carry a 70-gram uncooked egg (representing the human astronaut) and a payload, in the form of
600ml water bottle. Both the egg and water bottle must be loaded onto the top of the prototype
vehicle, with no complex assembly required (i.e. closing a box flap is acceptable, screwing a panel is
not). The condition of the cargo must be easy to assess without directly accessing the prototype
vehicle (i.e. visual inspection from ~1m distant).
Stage 1 Design Package Master Builders
There must be at least two axles on the prototype, and the wheels (or tracks) must allow the
prototype to move down a slope of 30 degrees minimum without additional propulsion.
Recycled materials may be used in lieu of purchased materials at the construction stage, and this
may result in a higher performance level (Appendix A). The actual cost is calculated by considering
the cost incurred by the contractors (e.g. if a pack of 4 items is bought for $1, but only one is used,
the actual cost is still $1). Recycled materials can be accounted for with a cost equivalent to 50% of
the spreadsheet cost.