Recycling (PVC) Teknologi Polimer
Recycling (PVC) Teknologi Polimer
Recycling (PVC) Teknologi Polimer
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: More than any other material, plastic is likely the commodity that has changed and characterized every-
Received 31 March 2016 day life in the last 60 years. Although fairly young, the petrochemical industry has grown rapidly and
Received in revised form 3 August 2016 moved to a variety of products and applications that has become one of the biggest industries world-
Accepted 8 August 2016
wide. Notwithstanding such a presence in the modern society, plastics have been little analyzed from a
Available online 11 August 2016
material ow analysis perspective; low recycling rates and a strong reliance on primary material inputs
give plastic greatest potentials for closing material loops. With this aim, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) stocks
and ows in Europe are investigated historically to 2012. By volume, PVC is one the major thermoplas-
Industrial ecology tics used today and its employment in applications having relative long lifespans such as building and
Polymer recycling construction implies accumulation in anthropogenic reservoir as future sources of secondary material.
Material ow analysis The results show that about two thirds of the cumulative apparent consumption of PVC are still in use,
Building and construction reaching about 270 kg/capita at current levels. The remaining one third that came out of use has been
Urban mining mostly landlled, with only a minor fraction being recycled. Flow analysis shows that signicant margins
for improving material and energy recovery at end-of-life do exist for PVC if the recycling challenge is
timely and properly addressed in the coming years. Design for recycling, ban on plastic landlling, and
recycling targets with a focus on the recycled content in new products are keys for ensuring resource
efciency and the creation of an adequate recycling infrastructure across Europe.
2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0921-3449/ 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L. Ciacci et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 123 (2017) 108116 109
price boosted its use and diffusion. This resin was rst polymerized ized for the use of DINP and DIDP in current consumer applications
during the second half of the XIX century and since its mass- (ECHA, 2010a,b). Consequently to EU regulations and health con-
produced manufacturing (circa 1920s) (PlasticsEurope, 2016), PVC cerns, plasticizers derived from adipic acid, therephtalates, and
has constituted a synthetic substitute for natural rubber. During phthalate-free additives have increased their economic importance
the World War II, PVC production increased strongly thanks to and their employment in new PVC formulation.
water resistant features and non-ammable electrical properties. Material Flow Analysis (MFA) has been applied extensively to
Better quality of PVC compared to caoutchouc was also exploited characterize anthropogenic material cycles. Major interest has been
in the music industry for reducing the thickness of vinyl discs (or oriented to metals due to their wide use in the society and mar-
simply known as vinyls) and allowed the long-playing recording, ket value. Dynamic and standard MFA studies quantied in-use
which decreased the rotation speed from 78 to 331/3 revolutions per stock for most base metals, specialty metals, and rare earths with
minute. In fact, PVC is still used today for vinyls with no substitute different scope (Chen and Graedel, 2012; Ciacci et al., 2013; Du
thanks to high quality for music records and relative low cost. More and Graedel, 2011; Glser et al., 2013; Izard and Mller, 2010;
recently, the range of applications has become wider consequently Kral et al., 2014; Liu et al., 2011; Meylan and Reck, 2016; Pauliuk
to novel manufacturing routes that have increased its durability et al., 2013). Additional studies focused on materials other than
and made PVC an essential material for building and construction. metals including construction minerals and biomass (Hashimoto
In addition, in light of criticality issues due to potential supply risk et al., 2007; Krausmann et al., 2009). Notwithstanding their exten-
and restriction, PVC has been identied has a primary substitute sive presence in the contemporary society, low recycling rates,
with good performance for replacing copper in plumbing (Graedel and the related environmental implications, plastics, and partic-
et al., 2015b). ularly PVC, have been little investigated from an MFA perspective.
Due to its rigidity at normal temperature, PVC cannot be used Tukker et al. (1996) performed a detailed substance ow analy-
alone, but it is always mixed with additives including plasticiz- sis for PVC and related emissions in Sweden (Tukker et al., 1996);
ers, heat stabilizers, llers, pigments, lubricants, and other agents the results were later employed to estimate outows of PVC waste
to enable PVC manufacturing and to improve its physical and as function of delaying mechanism of stock in the same country
mechanical properties. Rigid, unplasticized PVC has a total addi- (Kleijn et al., 2000). Patel et al. (1998) analyzed plastics streams in
tives content less than 10% on weight (Fischer et al., 2014), but Germany and estimated resulting long-term production, consump-
much higher concentrations can be found in exible PVC prod- tion, and waste generation patterns (Patel et al., 1998); Nakamura
ucts (Stringer et al., 2000; Whiteld and Associates, 2008). Intrinsic et al. (2009) applied input-output tables for characterizing Japanese
PVC instability is due to its subjection to heat, which causes self- PVC industry and provided a summary of MFA studies on plastics
accelerating dehydrochlorination reactions. Inorganic and organic to 2000 (Nakamura et al., 2009). A dynamic MFA was applied to
salts of metals as calcium, zinc, lead, and tin have been historically quantify the U.S. polyethylene terephthalate cycle by (Kuczenski
used as stabilizers for heat and UV-light degradation or for prevent- and Geyer, 2010); Zhou et al. (2013) analyzed the Chinese indus-
ing oxidation at air. Due to harmful effects related with potential trial metabolism of PVC and provided insights for future waste
release of toxic metals and their accumulation in the human body, generation (Zhou et al., 2013). Bogucka et al. (2008) applied MFA
the EU has phased out the use of cadmium stabilizers in PVC man- to support multi-resin waste management in Poland and Austria
ufacturing. A voluntary commitment, named Vynil 2010, by the (Bogucka et al., 2008); similarly, Van Eygen et al. (2015) proposed
European Stabiliser Producers Association and the European Plas- an in-depth analysis of plastics ows and stocks in Austria for 2010
tics Converters Association aimed at replacing lead stabilizer used (Van Eygen et al., 2015). Bellstedt (2015) determined PVC stock
in PVC by 2015 (PVCplus, 2012). Bans to toxic metals have increased in civil infrastructure in Amsterdam as case study to support the
attention to stabilizers containing calcium and zinc and to novel development of a circular economy (Bellstedt, 2015).
metal-free systems. In this work, MFA is applied to quantify European ows and
Concerns have been raised also on the use of additives to stocks of PVC historically to 2012. We expect the results provide sig-
increase plasticity to PVC products. The most common plasticiz- nicant insights for the European PVC industry, including estimates
ers are standard phthalates (i.e., esters of phthalic anhydride with of potentials for PVC recycling and performance indicators such as
C8 C10 alcohols, representing more than 85% of world plasticizers recovery rate, end-of-life recycling rate, and annual additions to
production), of which 90% is annually used in PVC manufacturing stock. On a broader perspective, the results will contribute to the
(EVCM, 2016). The greatest concern related to the use of phtha- international Industrial Ecology community by enlarging the num-
lates is due to endocrine modulation and alleged disruption to ber of material cycles investigated and increasing the knowledge
the human health, particularly to toxic effect to reproduction and about the metabolism of modern society.
fertility. The EU has limited the use of short-chained and low
molecular weight phthalates such as bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate
(DEHP), dibutyl phthalate (DBP), diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP), and 2. Methodology
benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP), as substance or as constituents of
preparations, at concentrations of greater than 0.1% by mass of the MFA applies the mass conservation to balance for inows and
plasticized material and banned their use in toys and baby arti- outows from each stage of a materials life cycle. Similarly to met-
cles (Directive 2005/84/EC); such a restriction has been recently als, the life cycle of PVC can be divided into four main phases,
extended to all electrical and electronic equipment (Commission including production, manufacturing and processing into nished
Delegated Directive (EU) 2015/863). The replacement of DEHP, DBP, goods, use, and waste management. A major distinction with met-
DIBP, and BBP with other plasticizers will be likely enhanced by als (with the exception of those having anthropogenic origin, e.g.,
the inclusion of the four phthalates within the REACH regulation as technetium) is that plastics are produced articially. Thus, system
substances of very high concern (ECHA, 2016). boundaries for the anthropogenic PVC cycle are set to include ows
High molecular weight and long-chained phthalates (e.g., and process dealing with a dened and uniform composition of
diisononyl phthalate (DINP), diisodecyl phthalate (DIDP), and di- this material. In other words, system boundaries begin with resin
(n-octyl) phthalate (DNOP)) may be used at limited concentrations PVC production and end with end-of-life treatment of PVC waste.
in toys and baby articles which children do not place in their mouths Material ows to incineration, waste to energy plants, or to landi-
(Directive 2005/84/EC). The European Chemicals Agencys risk l are not disaggregated further as PVC undergoes processes that
assessment indicated that no unacceptable risk has been character- change the chemical structure of the material of interest. The scope
110 L. Ciacci et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 123 (2017) 108116
of the study is Europe, according to the EU-27 denition at 2012. trimmings and off-cuts: thanks to cleanness and quality of PVC,
As the analysis is carried out backwards fairly before the EU was these ows are generally recycled internally at high recycling rates
established, the countries belonging to the EU-27 are consistently (Sevenster, 2016). Post-consumer waste is the largest source of sec-
investigated back to 1960. All ows are expressed in resin content; ondary PVC and it is generated when products are discarded at the
additives commonly supplemented to PVC are not included in the end of their life. In these products, PVC is often dispersed in low con-
analysis. centrations and requires large efforts to remove pollutants before
PVC is produced from vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) that is, in further processing. In some cases, PVC products remain uncollected
turn, industrially prepared by two main reactions: thermal cracking and are never recovered, with water pipes left underground being
of 1,2-dichloroethane, which is the most important industrial route an example.
of VCM production (Fischer et al., 2014; Dreher et al., 2014), and To estimate the amount of PVC waste and products containing
hydrochlorination of acetylene. Building blocks of VCM are chlo- PVC discarded at end-of-life a top-down approach is used (Harper
rine (57%), obtained by electrolysis from a solution of brine, and et al., 2006). This approach considers the annual ows into use by
ethylene (43%) that is mainly produced from crude oil rening end-use and applies lifespan distribution models to estimate when
and further cracking steps. The following polymerization of VCM a given product in use reaches obsolescence and enters the waste
to PVC can follow three different processes: suspension, which management stage. The annual difference between the amount into
provides more than 80% of world PVC, emulsion (12%), and mass use and the amount out of use represents the net-addition (or net-
(or bulk process, 5%). Generally, PVC production plants can vary subtraction) to the urban reservoirs or in-use stock. Performing the
from stand-alone PVC plants to fully integrated plants, with various calculation for each year of investigation provides a measure of
intermediate levels of integration. Common reaction yields of VCM the magnitude of PVC accumulated in use and available for future
polymerization in the suspension process are 9798%; the unre- recovery and recycling. Average lifespan and standard deviation
acted monomer is recovered by stripping and, after a liquefying assumed in the study are reported in Table S3 in Supplementary
step, reused in later polymerizations (Fischer et al., 2014). information.
Manufacturing and processing stages focus on the creation of When discarded, PVC waste and PVC-containing end-of-life
semi-nished (or semis) products and nished products, respec- products can undergo different fate depending on the waste man-
tively. Various manufacturing processes are used, e.g. extrusion, agement system. Generally, separate collection systems do exist for
calendering, injection molding, and other manufacturing processes. specic type of waste such as packaging waste and waste electrical
Outows from these processes have been grouped into ve macro- and electronic equipment (WEEE), but a univocal correspondence
categories including pipes and ttings, tubes and proles, lms between end-use sectors and major waste categories is not always
and sheets, wires and cables, and other semis goods. Data on PVC clear to determine. Each waste category is modeled distinguish-
resin demand in Western Europe from 1960 to 2012 have been ing between collection for recovery (which may include either
obtained from PlasticsEurope statistics (Sevenster, 2016). Histori- material recycling or energy recovery) and collection for disposal
cal rst-uses shares have been used to compute annual PVC inows through landlling or incineration (PlasticsEurope, 2013). End-of-
to manufacturing processes (see Table S1 in Supplementary infor- life collection rates, recovery rates for each waste category, and
mation). information on the European municipal waste management by
In some cases, semis products can be used standing alone (e.g., treatment method were derived from Eurostat statistics (2015a,b,c)
pipes and ttings); in some other, they are incorporated into com- and expert elicitation (Sevenster, 2016).
plex products such as cars and electronics (e.g., wires and cables).
A clear distinction between either ways of use is not always possi-
ble, although each semis category can be linked to major end-use 3. Results & discussion
sector. For instance, tubes, proles, pipes, and ttings are mostly
used in building and construction as much as window frames from 3.1. PVC ow analysis
extrusion, and decorative laminating lms and sheets (e.g., ooring,
door protection, roong sheets) from calendering. Other PVC prod- Fig. 1 displays the cumulative European life cycle of PVC from
ucts nd application in packaging and containers. Piping and ducts 1960 to 2012. PVC production has increased constantly over time
are used for power and telecommunications; insulation cables and until 2008, when the worldwide nancial crisis has likely slowed
sheathing are employed for power supplies, appliances, and auto- down the European demand; the production quantity in 2012 was
motive. The transportation industry uses PVC also for underbody comparable to middle 1980s levels (Fig. 2). Despite a decrease in
coating and interior decoration. Blood and urine bags, surgical the domestic production, import and export of PVC polymers and
gloves, and transfusion tubing are examples of PVC uses in the co-polymers keep increasing almost linearly. Flow analysis shows
medical sector. Home and leisure products include footwear, tents, that Europe is historically a net-exporter of unwrought PVC forms
garden hoses, inatables, toys, tablecloths, and similar goods. Mar- (15 Tg), (Fig. 2; for more detail see Fig. S2a in Supplementary infor-
ket shares distribution is derived from PlasticsEurope (Sevenster, mation).
2016) data and VEC statistics (VEC, 2016), (see Fig. S1 in Supple- Total PVC production has input mainly extrusion and calen-
mentary information). dering manufacturing processes. Injection molding products has
The United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN slightly increased over time but still remain marginal in terms of
COMTRADE, 2016) was used to quantify net-exports of semi- magnitude of ows. A feature as a net-exporter characterizes trade
nished and nished products containing PVC, according to the ows of European PVC semis too (Fig. 2; for more detail see Fig.
1996 Harmonized System. About seventy commodity codes have S2b in Supplementary information). In rst approximation, mass
been selected and mass-based PVC percent ranges have been contents of PVC in traded ows are assumed constant over time:
applied to compute trade ows in terms of PVC content (see Table despite changes cannot be excluded, this assumption has marginal
S2 in Supplementary information). effects as net-traded ows are not signicant compared to domestic
PVC polymers and co-polymers are produced generally from production and consumption ows.
primary input. PVC from secondary sources is recycled in the pro- About two thirds of PVC input has supplied rigid PVC man-
cessing stage where PVC products are manufactured. Pre-consumer ufacturing. Film and sheets production was the larger rst-use
and post-consumer wastes are two main sources of secondary sector, before proles and pipes production increased in recent
PVC. Pre-consumer waste results from production and processing years. The majority of these semi-nished and nished products
L. Ciacci et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 123 (2017) 108116 111
Fig. 1. Aggregate model for the European PVC cycle (19602012); values are in Tg. VCM: vinyl chloride monomer; S-PVC: suspension PVC; E-PVC: emulsion PVC; B-PVC:
bulk PVC.
Fig. 2. Annual PVC ow into use and net-import of PVC polymer and co-polymer forms, semi-nished goods, and nished goods. Negative values represent net-export.
nd application in the building and construction sector. Building cle manufacturing is expected to increase in the coming years in
and construction include also a considerable fraction of wires and response to reduce greenhouse gas emissions during vehicles use
cables for insulating, of which the remaining part is accounted in (GHK/BIOIS, 2006; Passarini et al., 2012). As for semis products,
electrical and electronic equipment. Packaging is the second largest net-traded ows of nished products are less relevant in mag-
end-use market of PVC: despite a decrease in PVC bottle production nitude compared to the domestic production. However, between
over time, this sector demands annually more than 400 Gg PVC in the end of 1990s and the beginning of 2000s, European import of
Europe. The remaining PVC supplies home and leisure products, PVC-containing goods has surpassed exports and the import rate
medical equipment, and the transportation sector. Particularly, is increasing faster: in 2012, total import of nished goods has
the employment of polymers and similar light materials in vehi-
112 L. Ciacci et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 123 (2017) 108116
relative long lifespan distribution, which give this ow the great- To put the results of this analysis in perspective, the size of
est impact under sensitivity analysis. Civil engineering appears PVC in-use stock is discussed in light of the current European pro-
hence a major driver for PVC demand and accumulation as much duction of the main building blocks for PVC. In 2012, ethylene
as for several materials in use including construction minerals and production was around 19 Mt/year in Europe, of which about 14%
metals (Hashimoto et al., 2007; Krausmann et al., 2009). Minor was demanded for ethylene dichloride that is the starting mate-
but respectable PVC reservoirs are embedded in home and leisure rial for VCM production (Petrochemicals Europe, 2015). In the
(5 Tg), transportation (3 Tg), and electrical and electronic goods same year, the European chlorine production was 12.4 Mt/year,
(2 Tg). mainly obtained through the membrane process (Eurochlor, 2015).
Comparing the results of this study with previous in-use stock The model estimates about 140 Mt PVC accumulated in anthro-
estimates for various plastics it emerges good consistency and pogenic reservoirs, which is more than 20 years of domestic
reliability of the model created. Based on estimates in (Tukker ethylene dichloride production and about 6 times the European
et al., 1996), per-capita stock of PVC in Sweden in 1995 amounted chlorine production at current levels. This theoretical projection
at about 230 kg/capita. Previous projections for stocks of plastic gives the measure of the potential amount of PVC available for recy-
in the German economy were between 100 and 150 Tg for 2012 cling. However, as ow analysis has shown, signicant margins for
(Patel et al., 1998), which is more than 1500 kg plastic/capita. improving material and energy recovery at end-of-life do exist for
Germany demands alone about one fourth of EU demand of plastics that resin. Thus, the challenge for the future is how to turn that
(PlasticsEurope, 2015): assuming that 1.5 t plastic/capita is repre- potential into effective recovery and recycling.
sentative for Europe, and comparing it to per-capita PVC in-use Collection and separation is a prerequisite for enabling recovery
stock for 2012, it results that PVC constitutes roughly 17% of the and recycling. Contamination is a great barrier for plastic recy-
total anthropogenic reservoirs of plastics in the region. Bogucka cling and the presence of different polymers in the ow to be
et al. (2008) estimated around 12 Mt of plastic accumulated in in- recycled may limit recovery process efciency. The development
use stock in Austria to 2004, which is about 1460 kg plastic/capita. of sorting techniques for separating mixed plastic to single poly-
Kuczenski and Geyer (2010) applied standard MFA to PET in the US, mer streams is attracting growing interest. Among most suited
however, as that material is mostly used in disposable applications, separation methods are froth otation, near-infrared spectroscopy,
the authors evaluated only marginal addition to anthropogenic magnetic density separation, optical separation techniques, and X-
reservoirs. ray detection (Hopewell et al., 2009; Luciani et al., 2015; Wang et al.,
With respect to many materials that are used by human society 2015).
since ages, PVC and other plastics are relatively young; however, Prevention and minimization of waste are priorities for the EU
the material intensity that characterizes modern society has taken (Directive 2008/98/EC). Polymer labeling can play an important
PVC in-use stock to increase remarkably. In the last ve years or role in public engagement and information, helping consumers to
so, accumulation rate of PVC in stock, either in absolute terms and individuate PVC components and discard them through proper col-
per-capita values, has slowed down and inection appears to occur. lection schemes. However, similar initiatives cannot solve alone
However, the intensity of PVC stock per economic activity (Fig. 6), barriers that limit PVC recycling.
similarly to other materials pattern (Ciacci et al., 2014; Liu and With this regard, a combination of different responsibilities can
Mller, 2013; Mller et al., 2010), shows correlation with the level be summed up. Beside consumer responsibility and education, a
of development and industrialization of European countries, and strong momentum to recycling may derive from industry through a
saturation of per-capita PVC in-use stock, if any, appears still far to systematic adoption of Industrial Ecology practices such as Ecode-
come. sign, Design for Recycling, and life cycle assessment procedures
L. Ciacci et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 123 (2017) 108116 115
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