Chamber's Journal January 06 PDF
Chamber's Journal January 06 PDF
Chamber's Journal January 06 PDF
CA Bhavesh Vora
The prudential norms directions were issued IV. Accounting year to be followed
by RBI u/s 45JA of the Reserve Bank of India
Act, 1934. The directions issued in 2007 vide V. Concentration of credit/investments
Notification No. DNBS.192/ DG (VL)-2007
and DNBS.193/ DG (VL)-2007 dated February VI. Other Compliance Aspects
III. Disclosure in the balance sheet Maturity pattern of assets and liabilities."
The directions specify certain disclosure The formats for the above disclosures are also
requirements in the balance sheet. Disclosure of speciied by RBI.
provisions created without netting them from
the income or against the value of assets. The IV. Accounting Year to be followed
provisions shall be distinctly indicated under Every non-banking financial company shall
separate heads of account as (i) Provisions for prepare its balance sheet and profit and loss
bad and doubtful debts; and (ii) Provisions for account as on March 31 every year. Prior
depreciation in investments. Provisions shall not approval of RBI is needed, before approaching
be appropriated from the general provisions and Registrar of Companies, if the company wants
loss reserves held. Provisions shall be debited to extend the date as per provisions of the
to the profit and loss account. The excess of Companies Act, 1956. In case extension is
provisions, if any, held under the heads general granted, the company has to file proforma
provisions and loss reserves may be written balance sheet and the statutory returns
back without making adjustment against the pertaining to March 31.
The balance sheet needs to be inalised within a
Every non-banking financial company shall period of three months from the date to which
append a schedule to its balance sheet and give it pertains.
the particulars as set out in format provided in
the prudential norms. V. Concentration of credit/
The following disclosure requirements are investment
applicable only to systemically important (Asset Systemically important non-deposit taking non-
Size more than ` 100 crores) non-deposit taking banking inancial company cannot invest and/
non-banking inancial company - or lend to a single borrower/investee or single
Capital to Risk Assets Ratio (CRAR) group of borrowers/investee beyond speciied
Exposure to real estate sector, both direct limits laid down by RBI. The limits are given as
and indirect; and a percentage of its owned funds.
Provided that the ceiling on the investment December 30 of that year. Such certiicate shall
in shares of another company shall not be also indicate the asset / income pattern of the
applicable to a systemically important non- non-banking financial company for making
deposit taking non-banking inancial company in it eligible for classification as Asset Finance
respect of investment in the equity capital of an Company, Investment Company or Loan
insurance company up to the extent speciically Company.
permitted, in writing, by the Reserve Bank of
India. (b) Information in regard to change of
Asset Finance Company may in exceptional address, directors, auditors, etc. to be
circumstances, exceed the above ceilings submitted
on credit / investment concentration to a Communicate within one month from the
single party or a single group of parties by 5 per occurrence of any change in the postal address,
cent of its owned fund, with the approval of its telephone number/s and fax number/s of the
Board. registered/corporate office, the names and
residential addresses of the directors of the
Any systemically important non-deposit taking company, the names and the oficial designations
non-banking financial company not accessing of its principal officers, the names and office
public funds, either directly or indirectly, and address of the auditors of the company, and the
not issuing guarantees (which may require specimen signatures of the oficers authorised to
access to public funds when the guarantees sign on behalf of the company
devolve) may make an application to the
Bank for an appropriate alteration in the above (c) loans against non-banking financial
limits. companys own shares prohibited
Explanation : "Public funds" for the purpose of No non-banking financial company shall lend
the proviso shall include funds raised either against its own shares.
directly or indirectly through public deposits,
Commercial Papers, debentures, inter-corporate (d) loans against security of single product -
deposits and bank inance. Gold jewellery
NBFCs cannot lend against collateral of gold
The NBFCs also need to formulate policy in jewellery in excess of 60 per cent of its value and
respect of exposures to a single party / a single all NBFCs shall disclose in their balance sheet
group of parties. the percentage of such loans (gold loans) to their
total assets.
VI. Other Compliances NBFCs cannot grant any advance against bullion
(a) Submission of a certiicate from Statutory / primary gold and gold coins. NBFCs primarily
auditor to the Bank engaged in lending against gold jewellery (such
Every non-banking financial company shall loans comprising 50 percent or more of their
submit a Certiicate from its Statutory Auditor inancial assets) shall maintain a minimum Tier
that it is engaged in the business of non-banking l capital of 12 per cent by April 1, 2014.
financial institution along with the asset /
income pattern, requiring it to hold a Certiicate (e) NBFCs not to be partners in partnership
of Registration under Section 45-IA of the RBI irms
Act. The same needs to be submitted within No NBFC shall contribute to the capital of a
one month from the date of finalisation of the partnership firm or become a partner of such
balance sheet and in any case not later than irm.
(f) Demand or call loans less than fifteen per cent of its aggregate risk
In case the NBFC provides Demand Loan or weighted assets on balance sheet and of risk
call loans (a type of loan where both the parties adjusted value of off-balance sheet items.
are free to call back or pay back loan as per
their will, subject to agreement of the loan The total of Tier II capital, at any point of time,
and minimum notice period decided in the shall not exceed one hundred per cent of Tier I
agreement) Board of Directors need to Frame capital.
policy for granting call/demand loans and Calculation of Tier I, Tier II and Risk weighted
implement the policy to stipulate various aspects assets has been specified in the regulations,
as specified in the prudential norms such as Risk Weights for various on balance sheet
Rate of Interest, Cutoff date for review of the items and off balance sheet items also have been
loans, period of the loan, reasons if no interest is speciied.
stipulated or when moratorium is granted.
(g) Constitution of audit Committee by non- The Reserve Bank of India may, if it considers it
banking inancial companies necessary for avoiding any hardship or for any
NBFC with assets of ` 50 crore and above as per other just and suficient reason, grant extension
its last audited balance sheet shall constitute an of time to comply with or exempt any non-
Audit Committee, consisting of not less than banking financial company or class of non-
three members of its Board of Directors. banking inancial companies, from all or any of
Audit Committee as required under Section the provisions of these directions either generally
292A of the Companies Act, 1956 shall be the or for any specified period, subject to such
Audit Committee for the purposes of this conditions as the Reserve Bank of India may
paragraph and it will have same powers, impose.
functions and duties as laid down in section As mentioned in the opening part of this article
292A of the Companies Act, 1956. that RBI has proposed substantial changes
in regulations pertaining to aspects such as
(h) Requirement as to capital adequacy `registration conditions, continuity, disclosure
Every systemically important NBFC shall requirements and functioning of NBFCs, one will
maintain minimum capital ratio consisting of have to apply the relevant part of the guidelines
Tier I and Tier II capital which shall not be once enacted.