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A Munitorum Armoured Container Cache consists of: (1) Armoured Container, (4) Supply
Crates(Ammunition Dump), and (3) Promethium Barrels (Fuel Drums). All parts of the Cache must be placed wholly
within 12 of each other on the Battlefield.


A model behind a Fuel Drum from the point of view of the firing unit receives the benefit of cover. Each time a
model uses this cover save and makes an unmodified roll of a 6, immediately roll another D6. If the result of the roll is a 1,
the Fuel Drum suffers a minor explosion and the model's unit suffers one Mortal Wound.

Models without the VEHICLE keyword that are within 2 of a fuel drum and armed with a HAND FLAMER,
FLAMER, or HEAVY FLAMER may double the range of the named weapon.

A model behind an Ammunition Dump from the point of view of the firing model receives the benefit of cover.
Any model within 2 of an Ammunition Dump may re-roll failed hit rolls of 1 in the shooting phase.

The Armoured Container provides the benefit of cover to models who are obscured at least 50% by it from the
point of view of the firing model. It can be shot at and attacked in close combat. Do not make hit rolls in the Fight phase,
all close combat attacks hit successfully. Use the following profile:
T:7 W:6 SV:3+

An Armoured Container can be equipped with up to two Storm Bolters. One model without the VEHICLE
keyword that is in base contact with the Armoured Container may fire all of its Storm Bolters instead of using its normal
weapons. These attacks follow the model's normal rules for shooting, though range is measured from the Armoured
Container and not the firing model.

The first time a unit without the VEHICLE keyword moves or deploys into base contact with an Armoured
Container, roll a D6 and consult the following table to discover its contents.

1. XENOS CREATURE- For Each unit within 6 of the Container, roll a D6. The unit receives this many STR:4
AP:-1 hits from the Xenos Creature hidden in the Container.
2. NOTHING OF NOTE- The Container is full of repair parts for equipment you do not possess.
3. UPLIFTING PRIMERS- All units with keyword IMPERIRUM receive +1 Leadership while within 6 of the
4. ARCHEOTECH AMMUNITION- Models armed with Assault and Rapid Fire weapons may add 1 to the
Strength of their weapons when within 6 of the Container.
5. SHIELD GENERATOR- All models wholly within 6 of the Container receive a 4+ Invulnerable Save vs
shooting attacks.
6. ORBITAL COMMS ARRAY- The player who opens the Container may immediately call down an Orbital
Bombardment anywhere on the battlefield. This attack must be used immediately and can only be used once, using
the following profile:
Choose a point on the battlefield and roll a D6 for every unit within D6 of that point. Subtract 1 from the
result if the unit being rolled for is a Character. On a 4+, the unit being rolled for suffers D3 Mortal Wounds.

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