Historical Figures of The Church Lesson Plan

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Grady Bryant Assignment 2 11540786

Syllabus Unit & Lesson Title & Lesson Number: Lesson duration: 60 Minutes Stage: 4 Class: HIS2 (20 Students)
History Depth Study: The Western and Islamic World. Year: 8
Topic 4b. Medieval Europe (590 1500).
Lesson 3 Historical figures of the Medieval Church

Overall Inquiry Question (for sequence of four lessons): What power and influence did the Catholic Church have on Medieval Europe?
Specific Inquiry Question (for this lesson): Who were the historical figures that cultivated the rise of the Catholic Church during Medieval Europe?
Lesson Objectives & Rationale Syllabus Outcomes: Syllabus Content:
Describes and assesses the motives and The dominance of the Catholic Church (ACDSEH052)
For students to gain an understanding actions of past individuals and groups in Students:
of the historical figures of the Catholic Identify ways in which the Catholic Church
Church throughout Medieval Europe. the context of past societies HT4-3 influenced life in Medieval Europe.

For students to gain an insight into Locates, selects and organises

the historical figures that helped
information from sources to develop an
shape the Catholic Church in
Medieval Europe. historical inquiry HT4-8

Prior Knowledge & Skills Risk Assessment: Lesson Resources:

Note-taking of specific ideas from videos and Wi-Fi needs to be working Laptops
written information. Students laptop use must be monitored Worksheets
Laptops must be charged White Board
Students have some prior knowledge of key Projector screen needs to be working Projector
figures as they were addressed on previous
lesson worksheet (Appendix 1.5).

Student Learning Time Teaching Content & Learning Experiences Teaching Class Assessment
Indicators Guide Strategies & Organisation Strategies
Quality Teaching

Grady Bryant Assignment 2 11540786

Introduction (Engagement)

Visual Stimuli Charlemagne video.

Observation of
Students will be Whole Class
Teacher will play a short video based on the note-taking.
able to identify 10 Direct instruction. working
historical figure Charlemagne and the influence he
Minutes individually.
had on the Catholic Church in Medieval Europe. Listening to
Please take notes on any points that you find responses.
interesting when viewing the video, as you will be
answering questions on historical figures such as
Charlemagne following this video. Briefly discuss
ideas from the video.

Body (Exploration/Transformation/Presentation)

Inquiry Based Research Task Appendix 1.7

Students will be Students will work individually on the worksheet Deep knowledge. Observation of
able to use inquiry 20 25 (Appendix 1.7), using laptops to source information student work
skills to find Minutes about the historical figures. Whole Class by roaming
information that is Direct students to websites such as the ABC working around the
suitable for Splash Moments in time interactive website used Inquiry-based individually. classroom.
answering in previous lesson, to find information regarding learning.
questions regarding the questions.
the historical figures Instruct students to find additional information from
on the worksheet different sources in order to fully answer the
(Appendix 1.7). questions.

Writing Exercise.

Using the information and knowledge that we Direct instruction.

Students will use 20 have gained in the last 3 lessons please write a
their depth of Minutes paragraph answering the question. What power

Grady Bryant Assignment 2 11540786

knowledge from the and influence did the Catholic Church have on Higher-order Testing overall
past 3 lessons to Medieval Europe? thinking. depth of
answer the focus Have the question written on the whiteboard and knowledge.
question. define key terms as a class. Eg Power, influence.
Brainstorm Trying to make
students utilise
thinking in order
to answer the
focus question.
Observation of
Conclusion (Presentation/Reflection)
student work
5 10 Co-operative Class will work in by roaming
Students will be Minutes With a partner share your response to the Learning. pairs. around the
question. Then write down any interesting points classroom
your partner may have written that you had not listening to
thought of. discussions.

Grady Bryant Assignment 2 11540786

Appendix 1.7
Charlemagne Henry VIII

Lived from _______ until _______

Lived from _______ until _______

What was Charlemagne known for? What was Henry VIII known for?

What impact did Pope Urban II have on the Catholic What impact did Henry VIII have on Medieval society?

How did this effect Medieval society? What impact did Henry VIII have on the Catholic Church?

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