MEET310 - Refrigeration System - Research Paper

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The document discusses the history and various types of refrigeration systems such as natural, mechanical, vapor-compression, vapor-absorption, air-standard, multi-stage refrigeration systems.

The document discusses vapor-compression, vapor-absorption, air-standard, multi-stage refrigeration systems.

The main components of a vapor-compression refrigeration system are compressor, condenser, expansion device and evaporator.

De La Salle University-Dasmarias

College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology

Engineering Department

Basic Mechanical Engineering


Group #1:
BEATO, Christian Jade
COLLAO, Louise Ann
REYES, Christian Josh

Engr. Alfredo G. Hicaro

- Professor -


Title Page 1

Introduction ... 4

History .. 4

Natural Refrigeration ..... 4

Use of Natural Ice .. 4
Evaporative Cooling . 5
Cooling by Salt Solutions .. 6

Artificial or Mechanical Refrigeration 6

Refrigeration Systems . 10

Basic Refrigeration System .. 11

Advanced Refrigeration System ... 11

Refrigerant ... 12
History ... 12
Classification .. 12

Basic Refrigeration Systems .. 13

Vapor-Compression Refrigeration System .. 13

Components .. 14
Working Principle .. 15
Application ............... 15
Advantages and Disadvantages 16

Vapor-Absorption Refrigeration System .. 16

Components .. 18
Working Principle .. 19
Application . 19
Advantages and Disadvantages 20

Air-Standard Refrigeration System 21

Advanced Refrigeration Systems ... 22

Multi-Stage Refrigeration Systems . 22

Liquefaction of Gases .. 23
Steam Jet Refrigeration System . 23
Thermoelectric Refrigeration System ... 25
Thermo-acoustic Refrigeration System 25

Metal Hydride Refrigeration Systems 26
Solar Refrigeration System 27
Magnetic Refrigeration .... 28
Supermarket Refrigeration .. 28
Direct Expansion System . 29
Distributed System . 30
Secondary Loop System . 31
Vortex Tube Refrigeration System .. 31

Maintenance and Troubleshooting . 32

Maintenance ... 32

Troubleshooting Checklist for Refrigeration Systems 33

Troubleshooting Checklist for Refrigeration Systems .. 33
Troubleshooting for Industrial Refrigeration Systems ... 35
Electrical Troubleshooting Testing Controls and Paths ... 39

References . 41

From private homes, public buildings to different commercial and manufacturing
establishments and transportation services, refrigeration have become a vital part in
their construction. Especially in todays increasing demands of different types of
services, the use of refrigeration is essential in achieving each of our needs. Food
preservation or transportation, liquefaction of different gases, reduction of moisture
content in compressed air purification, maintaining desired temperature in different
industrial facilities; these are only one of the few functions that refrigeration has made
available in todays society.

Refrigeration is the process of cooling or removing heat from matter which may
be a solid, a liquid, or a gas thus lowering its temperature. Or it is the process of
removing heat from a low-level temperature medium and transferring this heat to a
higher level temperature medium. Cooling is involved in refrigeration but they are not
exactly the same. Cooling can be spontaneous and the final temperature may or may
not be lower than its surroundings. Whereas the refrigeration is not spontaneous and the
end temperature should always be lower than the environment. One example of
cooling is that of a Hot Cup of Coffee wherein if left for a while, its temperature
decreases and lower compared to its surroundings. Refrigeration on the other hand
can be easily explained by adding portions of ice in a glass of water which lowers its
temperature and below that of its surroundings.

There are a number of ways of lowering temperatures that have been used and
developed. But all these stemmed down due to humanitys need for food and comfort,
dating back from one of the earliest civilization of mankind. The development of
refrigeration can be broadly divided into two categories; the Age of Natural
Refrigeration and that of Artificial Refrigeration. The former began during pre-historic
times until the beginning of the 19th Century while the latter began during the 19th
Century until today.

2.1 Natural Refrigeration

As the name suggests, Natural Refrigeration are those refrigeration achieved

through natural means.

2.1.1 Use of Natural Ice

The most common method under this category is the use of natural ice that are
obtained by gathering ice in colder regions, harvesting it during winter and through

nocturnal cooling. The use of ice to refrigerate and thus preserve food goes back to
prehistoric times. Through the ages, the seasonal harvesting of snow and ice was a
regular practice of most of the ancient cultures.

A Chinese collection of lyrics from this time period known as the Shijing, describes
religious ceremonies for filling and emptying ice cellars. The Jews may have also been
gathering ice as according to the Book of Proverbs which was interpreted by Historians
used the ice to cool their beverages, not to preserve food. Other ancient cultures such
as the Greeks and the Romans dug large snow pits insulated with grass, chaff, or
branches of trees as cold storage or they harvest the ice directly from the nearby
mountains. The Persians, on the other hand, stored ice in a pit called a Yakhchal and
may have been the first group of people to use cold storage to preserve food.

Huge mound called Yakhchals, or ice pits in Ancient Persia that is used to
store away the ice for summers, meat, dairy products or other food items

Getting ice blocks from the Polar Regions was also once a flourishing business in
olden times. The Nocturnal Cooling on other hand is where ice is made by keeping a
thin layer of water in a shallow earthen tray, and then exposing the tray to the night sky.
The water loses heat by radiation to the stratosphere and by early morning, the water in
the tray freezes to ice. It was popular in India but still has limitations in its production.

2.1.2 Evaporative Cooling

Another method under Natural Refrigeration is the Evaporative Cooling. For

centuries, people have known that the evaporation of water produces a cooling effect
without even knowing why such a phenomenon occurs. At least as early as the 2nd
Century, evaporation was used in Egypt to chill jars of water, and it was employed in
Ancient India to make ice.

Ancient Egyptian Fresco Paintings illustrating
slaves fanning large, porous clay jars filled with water.

The water permeates through the pores of the jar to its outer surface where it
evaporates to the surrounding, absorbing its latent heat in part from the vessel, which
cools the water. The same principle applies with human perspiration which cools the
human body by releasing sweat and dissipating their metabolic heat. But this method is
only effective in a dry climate and wouldnt work in a climate that is humid.

2.1.3 Cooling by Salt Solutions

In the 16th century, the discovery of refrigeration by using certain chemicals was
one of the first steps toward artificial means of refrigeration. Certain salts, such as
sodium nitrate, sodium thiosulfate, and sodium sulfite, when added to water, lowered
the waters temperature. These substances absorbs the heat and reduces the
temperature of the solution due to endothermic process. In Italy, such a solution was
used to chill wine and cakes.

With the methods listed under the Natural Refrigeration, each of their application
has their own limitations. They depend on the local condition and are uncertain due to
their weather dependence. It is also difficult to produce a large amount of refrigeration.
Lastly, they are not available to everybody. Hence, people tried producing refrigeration
through artificial or mechanical means.

2.2 Artificial or Mechanical Refrigeration

The first attempts to produce refrigeration mechanically depended on the

cooling effects of the evaporation of water. In 1755, William Cullen, a Scottish Physician
and Professor of Chemistry and Medicine at the University of Edinburgh at that time,
obtained sufficiently low temperatures enough to produce a small quantity of ice in his
laboratory. The following year, he gave the first documented public demonstration of
artificial refrigeration. He used a pump to create a partial vacuum in a container of

diethyl ether thus lowering its boiling pint and making it boil. That reaction absorbed
heat from the surroundings and lead to a production of small amount of ice. However,
the process was not yet practical and could be not used commercially, but it paved
the way for the further development of artificial refrigeration.

Illustration of the Artificial Refrigeration developed by William Cullen in 1755.

Since Cullen, many engineers and scientists have created a number of

inventions for clarifying the main principles of mechanical refrigeration. In the year 1758,
Benjamin Franklin and John Hadley, Professor of Chemistry at Cambridge University at
that time, conducted an experiment to study the principle of evaporation as a means
to rapidly cool an object. They confirmed that evaporation of highly volatile liquids such
as alcohol and ether, could be used to drive down the temperature of an object past
the freezing point of water using the bulb of a mercury thermometer as their object and
with a bellows used to speed up the process of evaporation.

After more than a half century, American Inventor Oliver Evans designed but
never built a refrigeration system based on the vapor-compression refrigeration cycle
rather than chemical solutions or volatile liquids such as ethyl ether in 1805. This left him
with the title of Grandfather of Refrigeration. But in 1820, Michael Faraday, an English
Scientist, developed an ammonia and other gases that can be liquefied by using high
pressures and low temperatures that paved the way for the further development of
other refrigeration systems in the future. The theoretical background required for
mechanical refrigeration was provided by Rumford and Davy, who had explained the
nature of heat, and by Kelvin, Joule, and Rankine, who were continuing the work
begun by Sadi Carnot in formulating the Science of Thermodynamics. Carnot also
described the mathematical operating principle of a refrigeration as a heat engine in

In 1834, Jacobs Perkins, an American residing in England, used Evans design as

basis to construct the first working vapor-compression refrigeration system by
evaporating a volatile fluid, using Faradays own liquid ammonia, under reduced

pressure. However, it only produced a small quantity of ice and was commercially
possible. But this still earned Jacob Perkins the title of Father of the Refrigerator.

First ever Vapor-Compression Machine developed by Jacob Perkins in 1834.

John Gorrie, an American Doctor, also built a similar machine to Evans design in
1842. He designed the first system for refrigerating water to produce ice and also
conceived the idea of using this system to cool the air for comfort in homes and
especially for the purpose of cooling down patients with yellow fever in a Florida
Hospital during that time. His system compressed air, then partially cooled the hot
compressed air with water before allowing it to expand. This led to the cooling of the air
to a temperature low enough to freeze water and produce ice. This earned him the title
of Father of Air Conditioning and Mechanical Refrigeration. On the other hand,
Alexander Twining began experiment with vapor-compression refrigeration using ether
in 1848, initiating the first commercial refrigeration in the United States by 1856. He
established an ice production plant using this system in Cleveland, Ohio, and could
produce close to a ton per day.

In 1860, a French Engineer, Ferdinand P.

Edmond Carre, invented the first gas-absorption
refrigeration system using gaseous ammonia dissolved
in water which is referred to as aqua ammonia.
Despite its limitations, it represented significant
progress. His apparatus had a hand pump and could
freeze a small amount of water in a few minutes. Due
to the toxicity of ammonia, such systems were not
developed for use in homes, but were used to
Schematic of Dr. John Gorrie's 1841 manufacture ice for sale. It was widely used in Paris for
mechanical ice machine. a while, but still has its disadvantages.

Ferdinand Carr's ice-making device

Carl von Linde, an Engineer specializing in steam locomotives and Professor of

Engineering at the Technological University of Munich in Germany, began researching
refrigeration in the 1860s and 1870s in response to the demands of brewers for a
technology to improve the production of lager. He then invented a portable
compressor refrigeration machine using methyl ether in 1873, which then led to the
development of the ammonia-compression machine in 1876. Linde also developed
new methods for liquefying large amounts of air.

In the following years, Lindes model

became very popular and was considered
excellent in its mechanical details. The use of
ammonia in the compression refrigerating
machines was a significant step forward. In
addition to its thermodynamic advantage, the
pressures it required were easy to produce, and
smaller machines can be made.

In 1866, Thaddeus Sobieski Constantine

Lowe or also known as Professor T. S. C. Lowe,
developed refrigerating equipment that used
carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide compression
machines became important, because of the
gas harmlessness in installations where safety
was the primary concern, although they were
not used extensively until the 1890s. Between
1880 and 1890, ammonia-compression
installations became more common. By 1890, The refrigerator invented
by Carl Von Linde in 1876.
mechanical refrigeration had proved to be both
practical and economical for the food refrigeration industry wherein Albert T. Marshall
patented the first mechanical refrigerator in the United State in the year 1899.

Steady technical progress in the field of mechanical refrigeration marked the

years after end of the 19th Century. Revolutionary changes were not the rule, but many
improvements were made, in several countries, in the design and construction of

refrigerating units, as well as in their basic components, compressors, condensers, and
evaporators. The popularity of commercial refrigeration also grew in which by the
beginning of the 20th Century, nearly all breweries had a refrigerator. The meatpacking
industry followed. By the 1920s, refrigerators were considered essential in homes and
nearly all homes in the United States have one.

A report from the 1937 issue of Modern Mechanix that features the
technological advances to refrigeration in the 20th Century.


As what was stated before, the main purpose of a refrigeration system is to
extract heat from a lower-temperature heat source, substance, or cooling medium and
transferring it to a higher-temperature heat sink. It maintains the temperature of the
heat source below that of its surroundings while transferring the extracted heat, and
any required energy input, to a heat sink, atmospheric air, or surface water by means of
an external work. The principle behind this is based on the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
which states that heat does not flow from a low temperature body to a high
temperature body without the help of an external work. This external work is produced
by different components like compressor, condenser, etc. The machine, which works
under this principle and consists of the different components mentioned, is called a
Refrigerator. Thus, a Refrigeration System is a combination of components and
equipment connected in a sequential order to produce the refrigeration effect.

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In the present, different kinds of refrigeration system have been developed
giving each of their own advantages and disadvantages. They can be categorized

- Basic Refrigeration Systems

- Advanced Refrigeration Systems

3.1 Basic Refrigeration System

Basic Refrigeration Systems or also known as Cyclic Refrigeration Systems applies

the principle stated by the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. They are simple and extensively
used in most of the refrigeration needs encountered in practice like Household
refrigerators, small coolers, and air-conditioning systems. This system is classified into:

- Air-Standard Refrigeration System

- Vapor Cycle Refrigeration System

Under the Vapor Cycle, it can then be further classified into:

- Vapor-Compression Refrigeration System

- Vapor-Absorption Refrigeration System

3.2 Advanced Refrigeration System

For other refrigeration applications, the Cyclic Refrigeration System may not be
suitable and more advanced and innovative refrigeration systems may have to be
used. Other motivations include the search for improved performance and efficiency
as well as requirements to achieve very low temperatures. This needs can then be met
by using Advanced Refrigeration Systems. These are the systems that falls under this
category together with other special systems:

- Multistage Refrigeration System

- Liquefaction of Gases
- Steam Jet Refrigeration System
- Thermoelectric Refrigeration System
- Thermo-acoustic Refrigeration System
- Metal Hydride Refrigeration System
- Solar Refrigeration System
- Magnetic Refrigeration System
- Supermarket Refrigeration System
- Vortex Tube System

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3.3 Refrigerant
The refrigerant is the primary working fluid used for
absorbing and transmitting heat in a refrigeration system.
It absorbs heat at a low temperature and pressure and
releases heat at a higher temperature and pressure. Most
refrigerants undergo phase changes during heat
absorption (evaporation) and heat releasing

3.3.1 History

The first designers of refrigeration machines, Jacob Perkins in 1834, and others
later in the 19th century, used ethyl ether as the first commercial refrigerant. However, it
was dangerous and requires an excessive compressor volume. Other and more
appropriate refrigerants, for example, ammonia, carbon dioxide, ethyl chloride,
isobutane, methyl chloride, methylene chloride, and sulfur dioxide, were soon
introduced, including air. Three of these refrigerants became very popular, that is,
ammonia and sulfur dioxide for refrigerators and other small units and carbon dioxide
preferably for ships refrigeration.

In the early 1930s, the introduction of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) was

revolutionary as compared with the natural substances as refrigerants in refrigeration
and air-conditioning systems. The main arguments put forward in their favor were
complete safety and harmlessness to the environment but were proved wrong. Many
accidents have occurred and it was evident that CFCs and related compounds
contribute tremendously to the destruction of the stratospheric ozone layer and to the
greenhouse effect. The effect of fossil fuel use in minimizing global climate change is
less compared to that of the CFCs. Therefore, more than a decade ago, CFCs were
banned worldwide despite the fact that CFCs were among the most useful chemical
substances ever developed.

3.3.2 Classification


The Halocarbons contain one or more of the three halogens (chlorine, fluorine, or
bromine) and are widely used in refrigeration and air-conditioning systems as
refrigerants. These are more commonly known by their trade names, such as Freon,
Arcton, Genetron, Isotron, and Uron.

In this group, the halocarbons, consisting of chlorine, fluorine, and carbon, were
the most commonly used refrigerants (so-called chlorofluorocarbons, CFCs). Their use
rapidly decreased, because of their environmental impact. In the past decade CFC
phase-out in refrigeration became a primary political issue as well, making it even more

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Hydrocarbons (HC) are the compounds that mainly consist of carbon and
hydrogen. HCs include methane, ethane, propane, cyclopropane, butane, and
cyclopentane. Although HCs are highly flammable, they may offer advantages as
alternative refrigerants because they are inexpensive to produce and have zero ozone
depletion potential, very low global warming potential, and low toxicity. There are
several types of HC families such as the Hydro-bromofluorocarbons, Hydro-
chlorofluorocarbons, Hydro-fluorocarbons, Methyl Bromide, and Methyl Chloroform.

Inorganic Compounds

In spite of the early invention of many inorganic compounds, today they are still
used in many refrigeration, air conditioning, and heat pump applications as
refrigerants. Some examples are ammonia, water, air, carbon dioxide, and sulfur
dioxide. Ammonia has received the greatest attention for practical applications
among these compounds, even today.

Azeotropic Mixtures

An Azeotropic Refrigerant Mixture consists of two substances having different

properties but behaving as a single substance. The two substances cannot be
separated by distillation. The most common azeotropic refrigerant is R-502, which
contains 48.8% Hydro-chlorofluorocarbon and 51.2% Chloropentafluoroethane. Its
efficiency is higher than that of Hydro-chlorofluorocarbon and its lesser toxicity provides
an opportunity to use this refrigerant in household refrigeration systems and the food
refrigeration industry.

Nonazeotropic Mixtures

Nonazeotropic Mixture, or also known recently as Zeotropic Mixtures or Blends, is

a fluid consisting of multiple components of different volatiles that change composition
during evaporation or condensation when used in refrigeration cycles. They are great
for energy improvement and saving, capacity control, and adaptation of hardware
components regarding their capacity and applications limits.


4.1 Vapor-Compression Refrigeration System

This type of refrigeration system is the commonly used system in domestic

refrigerators. Its refrigerant vapor alternatively undergoes a change of phase from
vapor to liquid and vice versa during a cycle. There are five basic components required
in a Vapor-Compression refrigeration system. These components are:

- Compressor
- Condenser

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- Evaporator
- Expansion Valve

4.1.1 Components


In a refrigeration cycle, the purpose of the

compressor is to pump the low-temperature, low-
pressure refrigerant vapor from the evaporator via the
suction line, thus enabling the refrigerant to move
throughout the system. This makes the compressor as
the heart of the refrigeration system. Once drawn, the
refrigerant vapor goes through a process of
compression which will increase the pressure together
with its temperature, following the Ideal Gas Law.
Additionally, an external motor is used to drive the compressor.


The purpose of the condenser is to remove heat from the

high-pressure, high-temperature refrigerant vapor that came
from the compressor and into the outside environment. It is
made up of coil of tubes, usually copper, and usually has fans
mounted above the unit that will draw air through the
condenser coils. The refrigerant vapor within the condenser is
then cooled within the coils to the point where it becomes a
liquid refrigerant, whilst retaining some heat.

Expansion Valve

Within the refrigeration system, just before the

evaporator, the expansion valve is located at the end of the
liquid line. The high-pressure, high-temperature liquid refrigerant
reaches the expansion valve, having come from the end of the
condenser coils. The valve then reduces the pressure of the
refrigerant as it passes through its opening, which is located
inside the valve. With the reduction of its pressure, the
temperature of the refrigerant also decreases to a level below
the surrounding air.

This is also called as the throttle valve which is mainly

used control the flow rate and to reduce the pressure of the
refrigerant, thus lowering its temperature further in the process.

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Evaporator, made up of coils of tube, usually

copper, and kept in the space where cooling is required,
absorbs heat into the system. This is due to the cooling of
the refrigerant liquid that is boiling at a lower temperature
than that of the substance, which results to their heat
being absorbed. The refrigerant is able to boil at low-
temperature due to the reduction of its pressure at the
Expansion Valve. As it nears the end of the evaporator
coils, the liquid refrigerant turns into vapor and is drawn by
the compressor unit through the suction line.

4.1.2 Working Principle

The refrigerant vapor, which is at low

pressure and low temperature is pumped into
the compressor. It will then undergo a process
of compression that will produce a high-
pressure, high-temperature refrigerant vapor.
This vapor is then pumped through the
condenser which transforms into liquid due to
condensation. The high-pressure refrigerant
liquid that was produced will pass through
the expansion valve. With this, the pressure
and temperature of the refrigerant liquid will
drop and partly evaporates. It will also allow
the refrigerant fluid to flow into the
evaporator at a controlled rate. As it passes
through the evaporator, the partly liquid and
vapor refrigerant undergoes evaporation due Side-view of a Refrigerator showing the process of a
to the latent heat of vaporization of the basic Vapor-Compression Refrigeration System
material being absorbed. The material, body or
substance is then cooled in the evaporator. As the refrigerant absorbs this hear and
nears the end of the evaporator coils, it converts into a low-pressure vapor. Then the
low-pressure refrigerant vapor is pumped into the compressor and the cycle is
repeated. This continuous process will lead to the cooling of the material inside a
Vapor-Compression Refrigeration System.

4.1.3 Application

The Vapor-Compression Refrigeration System is the most widely used method of

refrigeration system for buildings, automobiles and residential units. Many types of

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Industrial Plants also use this kind of system, albeit in a larger scale. Here are the list of its
different applications:

- Domestic and Commercial Refrigeration

- Food Processing and Cold Storage
- Industrial Refrigeration (Chemical Processing, Building Heating or Cooling)
- Transportation Refrigeration (preservation of goods during transportation)
- Electronic Cooling (Computers and Servers)

Vapor-Compression Refrigeration Unit Vapor-Compression Refrigeration Unit

4.1.4 Advantages and Disadvantages


- Relatively Inexpensive
- Easy refilling of the refrigerant
- High Coefficient of Performance
- Low Heat rejection
- Flexible Range of Temperatures


- More wear, tear and noise due to the moving parts in the compressor
- Performance is adversely affected during partial load
- Liquid traces in the suction line may damage the compressor
- Difficulty in controlling the operational capacity

4.2 Vapor-Absorption Refrigeration System

Since the compressor in the vapor compression refrigeration system consumes a

lot of energy, the Vapor-Absorption Refrigeration System has been developed to avoid
this. It is a process by which the refrigeration effect is produced through the use of two

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fluids and some quantity of heat input, rather than electrical input as in the more
familiar vapor-compression system. Hence this system is also called as Heat-Operated or
Thermal-Energy Driven Systems. A secondary fluid (absorbent) is used to circulate and
absorb the primary fluid (refrigerant), which is vaporized in the evaporator. The success
of the absorption process depends on the selection of an appropriate combination of
refrigerant and absorbent. The most widely used refrigerant and absorbent
combinations in ARSs have been ammonia-water and lithium bromide-water.
Ammonia-water is used for cooling and low-temperature freezing applications.

It has also been commercialized and are widely used in various refrigeration
applications. And since these systems run on low-grade thermal energy, they are
preferred when low-grade energy such as waste heat or solar energy is available.

The Vapor-Absorption Refrigeration System has the following components:

- Generator
- Condenser
- Expansion Valve
- Evaporator
- Absorber

Two examples of Diffusion-Type Absorption Refrigerators

(showing its back)

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4.2.1 Components


The generator receives the strong solution of a

refrigerant (ammonia) and absorbent (water) mixture
from the absorber and is heated by an external source of
heat. Due to heating, the temperature of the solution
increases. The aqua-ammonia solution gets separated
into a high-pressure ammonia vapor and weak ammonia
solution which contains mostly water.


Similar with the Vapor-Compression, its condenser

is also made up of coil of tubes that are usually copper
which is used to condense the high-pressure, high- Diffusion Absorption Refrigeration System
temperature refrigerant vapor (ammonia vapor) and Red Mark: Generator
convert it into liquid. This is done by means of circulating Blue Mark: Absorber
cool water around the coils.

Expansion Valve

Also called as the throttle valve and with almost the same function as that of
Vapor-Compression, the expansion valve expands the liquid refrigerant (ammonia) and
converts it into a low-pressure, low-temperature refrigerant liquid. The refrigerant also
consists some vapor.


Otherwise known as Cold Chamber, the Evaporator is where the low-pressure,

low-temperature refrigerant (ammonia) absorbs heat from the materials which is to be
cooled. The refrigerant will in turn undergo a process of evaporation where it converts
back to its vapor form. The Evaporator is also made up of numerous coils that are
usually copper.


Sort of a vessel, the Absorber consists of the received low-pressure refrigerant

vapor from the evaporator and the weak refrigerant-absorbent (ammonia-water)
solution from the generator. As the refrigerant vapor (ammonia) enters the absorber, it
is absorbed by the absorbent (water) that resides within the weak solution coming from
the generator. This is due to the decreased pressure inside the absorber that results in
an increased flow of the refrigerant and absorption capacity of the absorbent. This will
result in a strong solution of refrigerant-absorbent (ammonia-water or aqua-ammonia).

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4.2.2 Working Principle

The working fluid or refrigerant in Vapor-Absorption Refrigeration System is

normally ammonia while its absorbent is always water. Consider using ammonia and
water, the ammonia vapor and water are mixed to form a strong solution of aqua-
ammonia in the absorber which is then pumped into the generator. Due to the external
heat exerted by the generator to the solution, the ammonia vapor gets separated to
the solution and evaporated at high-pressure, high-temperature and leaves behind the
weak aqua-ammonia solution, which mostly contains water.

The high-pressure, high-temperature ammonia vapor produced by the

generator undergoes condensation as it flows through the condenser, cooled by water,
and converts to liquid, which is at high-pressure. This high-pressure ammonia liquid
expands as it passes through the expansion valve or throttling valve and becomes a
low-pressure, low-temperature ammonia which is mostly liquid and a little bit of vapor.

Low-pressure, low-temperature Ammonia, consisting of liquid and bit of vapor,

then passes through the evaporator where it absorbs the heat from the material which
is to be cooled. As such, the evaporator is where the cooling of the materials take
place. Because of the heat absorbed by the ammonia, it gets evaporated and
becomes a low-pressure ammonia vapor. This ammonia vapor is then sent into the
absorber where it will be mixed to the weak aqua-ammonia solution (mostly water)
coming from the generator, thus repeating the cycle.

4.2.3 Application

The concept of Vapor-Absorption Refrigeration developed well before the

advent of electrically driven refrigerators. In the last decades, the availability of cheap

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electricity has made Vapor-Absorption Systems less popular. But recently, there has
been increasing interest in the industrial and domestic use of the this system for meeting
cooling and air conditioning demands as alternatives, because of a trend in the world
for rational utilization of energy sources, protection of the natural environment, and
prevention of ozone depletion, as well as reduction of pollution. There are a number of
applications in various industries where Vapor-Absorption Refrigeration Systems are
employed, including the following:

- Food Industry (meat, dairy, vegetables, freezing and storage, fish, freeze drying)
- Chemical and Petrochemical Industry (liquefying of gases, separation processes)
- Cogeneration Units in combination with production of Heat and Cold (Tri-
Generation Plants)
- Leisure Sector (Skating Rinks)
- Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC)
- Cold Storage (non-food)

(a) An Absorption Refrigeration System installed in a Meat Factory in Spain

(b) An Absorption Refrigeration System installed in a refinery in Germany
(c) An Absorption Refrigeration System installed in a margarine factory in The Netherlands

4.2.4 Advantages and Disadvantages


- As there are few moving parts in the system, the operation is essentially quiet and
subject to low level of wear and tear
- Pump consumes less energy
- Maintenance Cost is low due to the absence of moving parts
- Long Service Life
- Efficient and Economic use of low-grade Energy sources (solar, waste,
geothermal energy)
- Doesnt produce Greenhouse Effect

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- Automatic operation for controlling the capacity is easy
- No cycling losses during on-off operations
- Meeting the viable load easily and efficiently
- Liquid traces of the refrigerant present in the piping at the exit of the evaporator
constitutes no danger


- Difficulty in refilling the refrigerant

- Set-up is larger as it contains three more components
- Initial-Cost is High
- Corrosive in Nature
- Low Coefficient of Performance due to low pressure
- High heat rejection is required (water coolant)

4.3 Air-Standard Refrigeration System

Also known as the Reverse Brayton Cycle, Gas Cycle Refrigeration System or
Dense Air Machine, the Air-Standard Refrigeration System is accomplished through a
non-condensing gas (air) cycle rather than a refrigerant vapor cycle. The throttling
valve used for the expansion process in a vapor-compression refrigeration cycle is
usually replaced by an expansion engine (expander). The external work required for the
refrigeration effect is provided by the gas refrigerant. These systems are of great interest
in applications where the weight of the refrigerating unit must be kept to a minimum
(aircraft cabin cooling).

Basic Air-Standard Refrigeration Cycle

21 | P a g e
This system has four main components:

- Compressor that raises the pressure of the refrigerant from its lowest to its highest
- Energy Output Heat Exchanger where the high temperature of the refrigerant is
- Expander which reduces the pressure and temperature of the refrigerant
- Energy Input Heat Exchanger that raises the temperature of the refrigerant at a
constant pressure

Because of its lower efficiency and larger bulk, Air-Standard Refrigeration

Systems are not often used in terrestrial cooling devices. However, this system is very
common when double purpose is to be met. This is so in the case of air conditioning,
when the air can be both the refrigerating and the air-conditioning medium which is
needed in aircraft cooling system. Such units also serve the purpose of pressurizing the


5.1 Multi-Stage Refrigeration Systems

Multi-stage Refrigeration Systems are where ultra-low temperatures are required,

but cannot be obtained economically through the use of a single-stage system. This is
due to the fact that the compression ratios are too large to attain the temperatures
required to evaporate and condense the vapor. There are three types of such systems:
Cascade, Multi-Compression and Multi-Evaporator Systems.

The Multistage System uses two or more compressors connected in series in the
same refrigeration system. The refrigerant becomes a denser vapor while it passes
through each compressor. In this system, the evaporator installed within the
refrigeration system and the ice-making unit, as the source of low temperature, absorbs
heat. Heat is released by the condenser a t the high-pressure side.

Process Flow Diagram of a Multi-stage Commercial Condensing Units

Vapor-Compression refrigeration cycle Multi-Stage Energy Controlling System

22 | P a g e
Multi-stage Systems are also used in applications requiring refrigeration at
different temperatures. For example, in a dairy plant where different temperature may
be required for making ice cream and for chilling milk. In such cases it may be
advantageous to use a multi-evaporator system with the low and high temperature

5.2 Liquefaction of Gases

Liquefaction of Gases is one of the

application of Cryogenics Engineering which is
associated with low temperatures, usually defined to
be below 173 Kelvins. Being a special case of Gas
Refrigeration, this is a process of refrigerating a gas
to a temperature below its critical temperature so
that liquid can be formed at some suitable pressure,
also below the critical pressure.

In this process, the gas is first compressed to

an elevated pressure in an ambient-temperature
compressor. This high-pressure gas is passed through
a countercurrent heat exchanger to a throttling
valve or expansion engine. Upon expanding to the
lower pressure, cooling may take place, and some
Schematic for a simple Liquefaction Cycle
liquid may be formed. The cool, low-pressure gas
returns to the compressor inlet to repeat the cycle. The purpose of the countercurrent
heat exchanger is to warm the low-pressure gas prior to recompression, and
simultaneously to cool the high-pressure gas to the lowest temperature possible prior to
expansion. Both refrigerators and liquefiers operate on this same basic principle.

An important distinction between refrigerators and liquefiers is that in a

continuous refrigeration process, there is no accumulation of refrigerant in any part of
the system. This contrasts with a gas-liquefying system, where liquid accumulates and is
withdrawn. In a refrigerator, the warm and cool gas flows are equal in the heat
exchanger. This results in balanced flow condition.

5.3 Steam Jet Refrigeration System

In Steam Jet Refrigeration Systems, water can be used as the refrigerant. Like air,
it is perfectly safe. These systems were applied successfully to refrigeration in the early
years of this century. At low temperatures the saturation pressures are low and the
specific volumes are high. The temperatures that can be attained using water as a
refrigerant are not low enough for most refrigeration applications but are in the range
which may satisfy air-conditioning, cooling, chilling requirements, or some processing in
chemical industries. The main advantages of this system are the utilization of mostly low-
grade energy and relatively small amounts of shaft work.

23 | P a g e
Krtings Steam Jet Refrigeration System in China

Steam Jet Refrigeration Systems use steam ejectors to reduce the pressure in a
tank containing the return water from a chilled water system. The steam jet ejector
utilizes the energy of a fast-moving jet of steam to capture the flash tank vapor and to
compress it. Flashing a portion of the water in the tank reduces the liquid temperature.

Steam Jet Refrigeration System

The figure above presents a schematic arrangement of a steam jet refrigeration

system for water cooling. In the system shown, high-pressure steam expands while
flowing through the nozzle 1. The expansion causes a drop in pressure and an enormous
increase in velocity. Owing to the high velocity, flash vapor from the tank 2 is drawn into
the swiftly moving steam and the mixture enters the diffuser 3. The velocity is gradually
reduced in the diffuser but the pressure of the steam at the condenser 4 is increased
several times more than that at the entrance of the diffuser.

With enough pressure value, the mixture of high-pressure steam and the flash
vapor may be liquefied in the condenser. The latent heat of condensation is transferred
to the condenser water. The condensate 5 is pumped back to the boiler, from which it
may again be vaporized at a high pressure. The evaporation of a relatively small
amount of water in the flash tank reduces the temperature of the main body of water.
The cooled water is then pumped as the refrigeration carrier to the cooling-load heat

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5.4 Thermoelectric Refrigeration System

This type of system is used to move heat from one area to another by the use of
electrical energy. The electrical energy, rather than the refrigerant, serves as a carrier.
The essential use of this systems has been in portable refrigerators, water coolers,
cooling of scientific apparatus used in space exploration, and in aircraft. The main
advantage of this system is that there are no moving parts. Therefore, the system is
compact, quiet, and needs little service.

Thermoelectric System is based on the Peltier Effect, discovered in 1834, by which

DC current applied across two dissimilar materials causes a temperature differential.
The Peltier effect is one of the three thermoelectric effects, the other two being known
as the Seebeck Effect and Thomson Effect. Whereas the last two effects act on a single
conductor, the Peltier effect is a typical junction phenomenon.

Thermoelectric Peltier Refrigeration

Cooling Cooler Fan System Cross-sectional view of a typical Thermoelectric Cooler

This system can be used to heat and to cool, depending on the direction of the
current. In an application requiring both heating and cooling, the design should focus
on the cooling mode. Using a thermoelectric in the heating mode is very efficient
because all the internal heating and the load from the cold side is pumped to the hot
side. This reduces the power needed to achieve the desired heating.

5.5 Thermo-acoustic Refrigeration System

Thermo-acoustic Refrigeration is
considered a developing technology,
attaining cooling without the need for
refrigerants. The basic mechanism is very
simple and efficient. A loudspeaker
creates sound in a hollow tube which is
filled with an ordinary gas. In fact,
thermos-acoustic Refrigeration utilizes A Thermo-acoustic Refrigerator
high-density sound waves to transfer

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heat due to the thermos-acoustic effect (acoustic energy). Therefore, the working fluid
in this system is acoustically driven gas. The process itself utilizes standing acoustic waves
in an enclosed cavity to generate the mechanical compression and expansion of the
working fluid needed for the cooling cycle. The technique has the potential for high-
efficiency operation without the need for cooling liquids or mechanical moving parts.
These factors make the concept amenable to miniaturization to chip-scale dimensions
for thermal management of electronic components.

Schematic Diagram of a Thermo-acoustic Refrigeration System

Although thermos-acoustic refrigerators have not been commercialized yet and

are considered to be still at a developmental stage, it is known that they can be used
for any kind of cooling. In their early commercial stages, they will probably be limited to
niche applications such as in military systems which are required to operate in closed
environments and food merchandizing where toxicity is an important issue. As global
environmental mandates and legislations/amendments become essential, one can
expect the scope of thermos-acoustic applications to expand both domestically and in
emerging markets.

5.6 Metal Hydride Refrigeration Systems

Metal Hydride Refrigeration System uses hydrogen absorbing alloys for cold
storage at low temperatures, below -30 degrees centigrade.

Illustration of Metal Hydride Refrigeration System principle

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The MH system can be made as compact in size as a conventional vapor
compression refrigeration system. The system can be incorporated easily, therefore, into
automatic vending machines and display cabinets for frozen foods. In addition, the
system is safe since hydrogen is absorbed and stored in metal hydride alloys. This is a
very safe as well as clean and environmentally friendly, chlorofluorocarbons-free
refrigeration system. Hydrogen is sealed in gas-tight cylinders, and, being far lighter than
air, rapidly diffuses into the atmosphere in the accidental event of its leakage. Thus, the
danger of explosion caused by hydrogen is minimal.

5.7 Solar Refrigeration System

The developing worldwide shortage of petroleum emphasizes the need for

alternative energy sources which are both inexpensive and clean. During the last few
decades, an increasing effort based on research and development has been
concentrated on the utilization of renewable energy sources. Among these sources,
solar energy for refrigeration applications is very popular because it is direct and easy
to use, renewable, and continuous, maintains the same quality, is safe and free, and is
environmentally friendly.

Solar Refrigerator Schematic Diagram of a Solar Refrigeration System

Solar Refrigeration System runs on energy directly provided by sun, and may
include photovoltaic or solar thermal energy. Depending on its type of solar power
source, it can be used in different refrigeration systems such as the vapor-compression
system, absorption cycle system, jet ejector system, air-standard cycle stem, or
thermoelectric system.

Solar-powered mechanical cooling, of whatever type, is presently in the

developmental phase. The technology is ready, but cost factors stand in the way of
vigorous marketing programs. At present, active solar cooling is not in a reasonably
competitive position with respect to conventional cooling systems. But once it is
developed fully, they can be used in off-the-grid locations where electrical power is not
available. They can also keep medical supplies at proper temperatures when residing

27 | P a g e
in remote locations.

5.8 Magnetic Refrigeration

Magnetic refrigeration is a cooling technology based on the magneto-caloric

effect. This technique can be used to attain extremely low temperatures as well as the
ranges used in common refrigerators, depending on the design of the system. The
magneto-caloric effect is a magneto-thermodynamic phenomenon in which a
reversible change in temperature of a suitable material is caused by exposing the
material to a changing magnetic field.

The MagCool Prototype Refrigerator that uses Schematic representation of a Magnetic

Magnetic Refrigeration System Refrigeration cycle that transports heat from the
heat load to the ambient.

In the magnetic refrigeration cycle, initially randomly oriented magnetic

moments are aligned by a magnetic field, resulting in heating of the magnetic material.
This heat is removed from the material to the ambient temperature by heat transfer. On
removing the field, the magnetic moments randomize, which leads to cooling of the
material below ambient temperature. Heat from the system to be cooled can then be
extracted using a heat-transfer medium. Depending on the operating temperature, the
heat-transfer medium may be water (with antifreeze) or air, and for very low
temperatures, helium.

Magnetic refrigeration is an environmentally friendly cooling technology. It does

not use ozone depleting chemicals, hazardous chemicals, or greenhouse gases.
Another key difference between vapor cycle refrigerators and magnetic refrigerators is
the amount of energy loss incurred during the refrigeration cycle. This higher energy
efficiency will also result in a reduced CO2 release.

5.9 Supermarket Refrigeration

An important application of refrigeration is supermarket refrigeration. Nearly all

supermarkets today use ozone-depleting Hydro-chlorofluorocarbons refrigerant, usually
R-22, or a blend consisting entirely or primarily of Hydro-chlorofluorocarbons which are

28 | P a g e
greenhouse gases. Most supermarkets use direct expansion refrigeration systems. Two
of the most common advanced refrigeration technologies for supermarkets are
distributed system and secondary loop system.

Direct Expansion System

Supermarket Refrigeration Systems have traditionally been Direct Expansion

System. In this system, the compressors are mounted together and share suction and
discharge refrigeration lines that run throughout the store, feeding refrigerant to the
cases and coolers. The compressors are located in a separate machine room, either at
the back of the store or on its roof, to reduce noise and prevent customer access, while
the condensers are usually air-cooled and hence are placed outside to reject heat.
These multiple compressor racks operate at various suction pressures to support display
cases operating at different temperatures.

Schematic of a Direct Expansion System

As shown in the figure above, the hot refrigerant gas from the compressors is
cooled and condensed as it flows into the condenser. The liquid refrigerant is collected
in the receiver and distributed to the cases and coolers by the liquid manifold. The
refrigerant is expanded turning a fraction of liquid into vapor before flowing into the
evaporator. After cycling through the cases, the refrigerant returns to the suction
manifold and the compressors. Supermarkets tend to have one direct expansion system
for low-temperature refrigeration (ice cream, frozen foods, etc.) and one or two
direct expansion systems for medium-temperature refrigeration (meat, prepared
foods, dairy, refrigerated drinks, etc.)

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Distributed System

Unlike the traditional direct expansion refrigeration systems, which have a central
refrigeration room containing multiple compressor racks, distributed systems use multiple
smaller rooftop units that connect to cases and coolers, using considerably less piping.
The compressors in a distributed system are located near the display cases they serve,
for instance, on the roof above the cases, behind a nearby wall, or even on top of or
next to the case in the sales area. Thus, distributed systems typically use a smaller
refrigerant charge than direct expansion systems and hence have decreased total

Schematic of a Distributed System

As shown in figure above, the refrigerant is compressed in multiple parallel

compressors and the superheated refrigerant gas is cooled and condensed in a water-
cooled condenser. The refrigerant is then expanded before entering the evaporator. It
absorbs heat from the cooled products before returning to the compressors as a vapor.
The water that is heated by the condensing refrigerant in the condenser is sent to an
evaporative cooler. It is cooled and pumped back to the condenser to repeat the

30 | P a g e
Secondary Loop System

Having seen a recent increase in its introduction to retail food equipment,

Secondary Loop Systems use a much smaller refrigerant charge than traditional Direct
Expansion Refrigeration Systems, and hence have significantly decreased total
refrigerant emissions. In this system, two liquids are used. The first is a cold fluid, often a
brine solution, which is pumped throughout the store to remove heat from the display
equipment. The second is a refrigerant used to cool the cold fluid that travels around
the equipment.

Schematic of a Secondary Loop System

In the above figure, the refrigerant is compressed in parallel compressors and the
superheated refrigerant gas is cooled and condensed in a remote condenser. The
liquid refrigerant is then collected in the receiver, expanded in a throttling device, and
evaporated by absorbing heat from a cold fluid. The cooled brine is distributed in the
sales area, which is to be refrigerated, absorbing heat from the products before
returning to the evaporator to repeat the process.

6.10 Vortex Tube Refrigeration System

Being one of the non-conventional type refrigerating systems, the Vortex Tube,
also known as the Ranque-Hilsch Vortex Tube, is a mechanical device that separates a
compressed gas into hot and cold streams. Its components consists of nozzle,
Schematic Diagram of a Vortex Tube

31 | P a g e
diaphragm, valve, hot-air side, cold-air side. It is usually used for cooling workers in the
mines and also for spot-cooling of electronic components.

Schematic Diagram of a Vortex Tube Refrigeration System

Vortex Tubes

The compressed air passes through the nozzle as shown in the figure above
which expands and increases in velocity due to the particular shape of the nozzle. A
vortex flow, while restricted by the valve, is created in the chamber and the air travels
in a spiral-like motion along the periphery of the hot side. When a higher pressure is
made near the valve than the atmospheric pressure due to partly closing the valve, a
reversed axial flow occurs through the core of the hot side and starts from the high-
pressure region to the low-pressure region. During this process, heat transfer takes place
between the reversed and forward stream. Thus the air stream flowing through the core
gets cooled while the air stream in the forward direction gets heated up. The cold
stream then escapes through the diaphragm hole and into the cold side, while passing
through the hot stream from the opening of the valve. By controlling the how the valve
opens, the quantity of the cold air and its temperature can be modified.


6.1 Maintenance
To keep a Refrigeration System (home-based) operating efficiently and safely,
periodic inspection and cleaning several components once or twice a year is

a. Keep the area at the back of the refrigerator clean, especially the condenser
coils, by using soft bristled brush to dust off dirt.
b. Clean or replace the gasket (rubber door) if needed. The gasket outlines the
door of the refrigerator to seal out warm air. Over time, they wear and no longer
seal the way refrigerators and freezers need to be to operate efficiently.

32 | P a g e
c. Manually defrost when frost has accumulated on the inside walls of the freezer.
With this, there will be more space and make the freezer work more efficiently.

6.2 Troubleshooting Checklist for Refrigeration Systems

Troubleshooting Checklist for Refrigeration Systems

Trouble Possible Cause Corrective Measure

High condensing pressure Air or non-condensable gas in Purge air from condenser
Inlet water warm Increase quantity of condensing
Insufficient water Flowing Increase quantity of water.
through condenser
Condenser tubes clogged or Clean condenser water tubes.
Too much liquid in receiver, Draw off liquid into service
condenser tubes submerged in cylinder.
liquid refrigerant.
Insufficient cooling of air-cooled Check fan operation, cleanliness of
condenser. condenser, and for adequate
source of airflow.
Low condensing pressure Too much water flowing through Reduce quantity of water.
Water too cold. Reduce quantity of water.
Liquid refrigerant flooding back Change expansion valve
from evaporator. adjustment, examine fastening of
thermal bulb.
Leaky discharge valve Remove head, examine valves.
Replace any found defective
High suction pressure. Overfeeding of expansion valve. Regulate expansion valve, check
bulb attachment.
Leaky suction valve. Remove head, examine valves.
Replace any if worn.
Low suction pressure. Restricted liquid line and Pump down, remove, examine and
expansion valve or suction clean screens.
Insufficient refrigerant in system. Check for refrigerant storage.
Too much oil circulating in system Check for too much oil in
circulation. Remove oil.
Improper adjustment of Adjust valve to give more flow.
expansion' valve
Expansion valve power element Replace expansion valve power
dead or weak. element.

33 | P a g e
Low refrigerant charge. Locate and repair leaks. Charge
Compressor short cycles on Thermal expansion valve not Adjust, repair, or replace thermal
low-pressure control feeding properly. expansion valve.
1. Dirty strainers. 1. Clean strainers.
2. Moisture frozen in orifice or 2. Remove moisture or dire (Use
orifice lugged with dirt. system dehydrator).
3. Power element dead or weak. 3. Replace power element.
Compressor short cycles on Water flow through evaporators Remove restriction. Check water
low pressure control restricted or stopped. Evaporator flow. Clean coils or tubes.
(continued) coils plugged, dirty, or clogged
with frost.
Defective low-pressure control Repair or replace low-pressure
switch. control switch.
Compressor runs continuously Shortage of refrigerant Repair leak and recharge system

Leaking discharge valves. Replace discharged valves.

Compressor short cycles on Insufficient water flowing Determine if water has been
high-pressure control switch through condenser, clogged turned off. Check for scaled or
condenser. fouled condenser.
Defective high-pressure control Repair or replace high-pressure
switch. control switch.
Compressor short cycles on Insufficient water flowing Determine if water has been
high-pressure control switch through condenser, clogged turned off. Check for scaled or
condenser. fouled condenser.
Defective high-pressure control Repair or replace high-pressure
switch. control switch.
Compressor will not run Seized Compressor. Repair or Replace compressor.

Cut-in point of low-pressure Set L.P. control Switch to cut-in at

control switch too high. correct pressure.
High-pressure control switch does Check discharge pressure and reset
not cut-in. H.P. control switch.
1. Defective switch. 1. Repair or replace switch.
2. Electric power cut-off 2. Check power supply.
3. Service or disconnect switch 3. Close switches.
open. 4. Test fuses and renew if
4. Fuses blown. necessary.
5. Overload relays tripped. 5. Reset relays and find cause of
6. Low voltage. overload.
7. Electrical motor in trouble. 6. Check voltage (should be within
8. Trouble in starting switch or 10 percent of nameplate rating).
control circuit. 7. Repair or replace motor.
9. Compressor motor stopped by 8. Close switch manually to test
oil-pressure differential switch. power supply. If OK check control

34 | P a g e
circuit including temperature and
pressure controls.
9. Check oil levels in crankcase.
Check oil pressure.
Sudden loss of oil from Liquid refrigerant slugging back to Adjust or replace expansion valve.
crankcase. compressor crankcase.
Capacity reduction system Hand-operating stem of capacity Set hand-operating stem to
fails control valve not turning to automatic.
automatic position.
Compressor continues to Pressure-regulating valve not Adjust or repair pressure-
operate at full or partial load. opening. regulating valve.
Capacity reduction system Broken or leaking oil tube Repair leak.
fails to load cylinders. between pump and power
Compressor continues to Pressure regulating valve not Adjust or repair pressure regulating
operate unloaded. closing. valve.

Troubleshooting Industrial Refrigeration

Trouble Possible Cause Remedy

Computer will not start No power to motor Check power to and from fuses; replace
fuses if necessary check starter contacts,
connections, overloads, and timer (if part
winding start). Reset or repair as
necessary. Check power at motor
terminals. Repair wiring, if damaged.

Control circuit is open Safety switches are holding circuit open.

Check high pressure, oil failure, and low-
pressure switches. Also check Thermostat
is satisfied. Check control circuit fuses if
blown; replace. Check wiring for open
Motor "hums" but does not Low voltage to motor Check incoming power for correct voltage.
start Call power company or inspect/repair
power wiring. Check at motor terminals.
Repair or replace as necessary

Motor shorted Check at motor terminals. Repair or

replace as necessary
Single-phase failure in the Check power wiring circuit for component
three-phase power supply or fuse failure.
Compressor is seized due Removed belts or coupling. Manually turn
to damage or liquid crankshaft to check compressor.

35 | P a g e
Compressor is not Check unloaded system
Compressor starts but motor Compressor has liquid or Check compressor crankcase temperature.
cycles off on overloads oil in cylinders Throttle suction stop valve on compressor
to clear cylinders and act to prevent
recurrence of liquid accumulation.
Suction pressure is too Unload compressor when starting. Use
high internal unloaders if present. Install
external bypass unloader.
Motor control Motor control located in hot ambient. Low
voltage. Motor overloads may be
defective or weak. Check motor control
relay. Adjust circuit breaker setting to full
load amps.

Bearing are "tight" Check motor and compressor bearings for

temperature. Lubricate motor bearings.
Motor is running on Check power lines, fuses, starter, motor,
single-phase power etc., to determine where open circuit has
Compressor starts but short Low refrigerant charge Check and add if necessary.
cycles automatically
Driers plugged or statured Replace cores.
with moisture
Refrigerant feed control is Repair or replace
No load To prevent short cycling, if objectionable,
install pump-down circuit, anti-recycle
timer or false load system.
Unit is too large for load Reduce compressor speed.
Install false load system.
Suction strainer blocked Check and clean or replace as necessary.
or restricted
Motor is noisy or erratic Motor bearing failure or Check and repair as needed.
welding failure
If electric starter, check Adjust as necessary
calibration on control
Compressor runs continuously Load is too high Speed up compressor or add compressor
but does not keep up with the capacity.
load Reduce load.
Refrigerant metering Check and repair liquid feed problems.
device is underfeeding, Check discharge pressure and increase if
causing compressor to run low.

36 | P a g e
at too low a suction
Faulty control circuit, may Check and repair.
be low pressure control or
capacity controls
Compressor may have Check compressor for condition of parts.
broken valve plates. This condition can usually be detected by
checking compressor discharge
Thermostat control is Check temperatures of product or space
defective and keeps unit and compare with thermostat control.
running Replace or
readjust thermostat.
Defrost system on Check and repair as needed.
evaporator not working
Suction bags in strainers Clean or remove.
are dirty and restrict gas
Hot gas bypass or false Check and repair or replace.
load valve stuck
Compressor loses excessive High suction superheat Insulate suction lines.
amount of oil causes oil to vaporize Adjust expansion valves to proper
Install liquid injection (suction line
Too low of an operating Raise liquid level in flooded evaporator (R-
level in chiller will keep oil 12 systems only).
in vessel
Oil not returning from Make sure all valves are open
compressor Check float mechanism and clean orifice.
Check and clean return line.
Oil separator is too small. Check selection.
Broken valves cause Repair compressor.
excessive heat in
compressor and
evaporation of oil.
"Slugging" of compressor "Dry up" suction gas to compressor by
with liquid refrigeration repairing evaporator. Refrigerant feed
that causes excessive controls are overfeeding.
foam in the crankcase. Check suction trap level controls. Install a
refrigerant liquid transfer system to return
liquid to high side.
Noisy compressor operation Loose flywheel or coupling Tighten

37 | P a g e
Coupling not properly Check and align if required.
Loose belts. Align and tighten per specs. Check sheave
Poor foundation or Tighten mounting bolts, grout base, or
mounting install heavier foundation.
Check for liquid or oil Eliminate liquid from suction mains.
slugging Check crankcase oil level.
Low evaporator capacity Inadequate refrigerant Clean strainers and driers.
feed to evaporators. Check expansion valve superheat setting.
Check for excessive pressure drop due to
change in elevation, too small of lines
(suction and liquid lines). A heat
exchanger may correct this.
Check expansion valve size.
Expansion valve bulb in a Change piping or bulb location to correct.
Oil in evaporator Warm the evaporator, drain oil, and install
an oil trap to collect oil.
Evaporator surface fouled. Clean.

Discharge pressure too high Air in condenser Purge non-condensibles

Condenser tubes fouled Clean

Water flow in inadequate Check water supply and pump.

Check control valve. Check water
Airflow is restricted Check and clean: Coils. Eliminators.
Liquid refrigerant backed Find source of restriction and clear. If
up in condenser system is overcharged, remove refrigerant
as required. Check to make sure equalize
(vent) line is properly installed and sized.
Spray nozzles on Clean.
condensers plugged
Discharge pressure too low Ambient air is too cold Install fan cycling control system.

Water quantity not being Install or repair water regulating valve.

regulated properly
through condenser
Refrigerant level low Check for liquid seal, add refrigerant if

38 | P a g e
Evap condenser fan and Reset condenser controls.
water switches are
improperly set
Suction pressure too low Light load condition Shut off some compressors. Unload
compressors. Slow down RPM of
compressor. Check process flows.
Short of refrigerant Add if necessary

Evaporators not getting Discharge pressure too low. Increase to

enough refrigerant maintain adequate refrigerant flow. Check
liquid feed lines for adequate refrigerant
supply. Check liquid line driers.
Refrigerant metering Check superheat or liquid level and correct
controls are too small as indicated.
Suction pressure too high Low compressor capacity Check compressors for possible internal
damage. Check system load. Add more
compressor capacity.











39 | P a g e















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