Geschlecht Der Substantive Theorie: Noun Gender Der Mann Die Frau Das Kind

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Geschlecht der Substantive


learning target

Aim of this section is to learn which noun has got which gender.

noun gender
der Mann male
die Frau female
das Kind neuter


There are 3 different genders in German:

mnnlich (male)
weiblich (female)
schlich (neuter)

Each gender is indicated by an article:

der for male nouns
die for female nouns
das for neuter nouns

Which noun has which gender?

The rule is:

There is no rule or only rules with many exceptions.

I want to give some examples to show that there is no logic behind the gender in German. Let's have a look at
the three words: man, woman and girl.

der Mann (man)-> obviously male

die Frau (woman)-> obviously female

das Mdchen (girl)-> obviously female, but the grammatical gender in German is neuter!

That means the grammatical gender in German has often nothing to do with the biological gender. A second
example is the word ocean in German. We've got three different words to describe it:

der Ozean -> male

die See -> female
das Meer-> neuter

That's why we always learn the article together with the noun. See the article as part of the noun and not as an
extra word.
Nevertheless, I'd like to give you some rules which might help to remember which is the correct gender.

Thomas Hfler 2005 2014 1

Geschlecht der Substantive

DER - male nouns

1. all days, months and seasons are male

der Montag (Monday)

der Mai (May)
der Winter (winter)

2. occupations and nationalities when you referring to a male person are male

der Arzt (male doctor)

der Student (male student)
der Deutsche (male German)

3. names of cars and trains are male

der ICE (fastest train in Germany)

der Mercedes (famous German car)
der VW (famous German car)

4. male people are usually grammatically male

der Mann (man)

der Junge (boy)
der Bruder (brother)

5. most mountains and lakes are male

der Bodensee (famous German lake)

der Mount Everest (famous mountain between Nepal and China)
der Kilimandscharo (famous mountain in Africa)

6. most nouns ending with -ich, -ig, -ling are male

der Honig (honey)

der Teppich (carpet)
der Schdling (pest)

7. most nouns ending with -el,-en, -er are male

der Wagen (car)

der Lffel (spoon)
der Becher (mug)

Thomas Hfler 2005 2014 2

Geschlecht der Substantive

DIE - female nouns

1. all nouns ending with -heit, -keit, -schaft, -tt, -ung are female

die Freundschaft (friendship)

die Freiheit (freedom)
die Wohnung (apartment)

2. all nouns ending with -ik, -ade, -age, -enz, -ette, -ine, -ion, -ur are female

die Musik (music)

die Waage (scale)
die Nation (nation)

3. all cardinal numbers are female

die Eins (one)

die Zwei (two)
die Drei (three)

4. female people are usually grammatically female

die Frau (woman)

die Dame (lady)
die Tochter (daughter)

5. most flowers and trees are female

die Rose (rose)

die Orchidee (ordhid)
die Palme (palm)

6. most nouns ending with -ei, -ie, -ive, itis, isse are female

die Polizei (police)

die Linie (line)
die Initiative (initiative)

7. most nouns ending with -e are female

die Ecke (corner)

die Grenze (border)
die Decke (ceiling)

Thomas Hfler 2005 2014 3

Geschlecht der Substantive

DAS - neuter nouns

1. all nouns ending with -lein, -chen are neuter

das Frulein (miss)

das Mdchen (girl)
das Ktzchen (kitten)

2. all names of hotels, cafs and theaters are neuter

das Hilton (Hilton)

das Gewandhaus (famous German theater)
das Altwerk (pizza restaurant in Nideggen)

3. all colors are neuter

das Blau (blue)

das Rot (red)
das Gelb (yellow)

4. all gerunds (verbs which become nouns) are neuter

das Lesen (reading)

das Schreiben (writing)
das Sehen (seeing)

5. many cities and countries are neuter

das Deutschland (Germany)

das Italien (Italy)
das Kln (Cologne)

6. most nouns ending with -tum, -ment, -um, -ium, -nis are neuter

das Museum (museum)

das Datum (date)
das Verhltnis (relationship)

7. most nouns starting with "Ge" and ending with "e" are neuter

das Gebude (building)

das Gefge (structure)
das Gerede (gossip)

Thomas Hfler 2005 2014 4

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