DTU Mid Sem 2017 Date Sheet

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Shahbad Daulatpur, Bawana Road, Delhi-110042.

Date & Day Seventh Semester Fifth Semester Third Semester First Semester
04.30 PM to 06.00 PM 09 AM to 10.30AM 11.30 AM to 01 PM 02.00 PM to 03.30 PM
23.09.2017 AE AE 401 Design of Automobile AE AE301 Manufacturing Technology AE PE 261 Quantitative Techniques
(Saturday) Components
BT BT 401 Computation Biology I BT BT 301 Immunology and Immuno- BT MC 251 Applied Mathematics
CE CE 401 Design of Concrete Structures CE CE301 Analysis of Determinate CE EC 251 Basic Electronics & Instrumentation
CO CO 401 Artificial Intelligence CO CO301 Software Engineering CO EC 261 Analog Electronics
EC EC 401 Digital Image Processing EC EC301 Digital Communication EC EE 251 Electronic Instrumentation and
EE EE 401 Design of Power Apparatus & EE EE301 Power Electronics EE MC261 Numerical and Engineering
Systems Optimization Methods
EL EL 401 Control Systems II EL EL301 Power Electronics EL MC261 Numerical and Engineering
Optimization Methods
EN EN 401 Environmental System Modelling EN EN301 Waste Water Engineering: EN CE 251 Building Material &
Design and Applications Construction
EP EP 401 Alternate Energy Storage and EP EP301 Semiconductor Devices EP ME 251 Engineering Mechanics
Conversion Devices
IT IT 401 Internet & Web Engineering IT IT301 Theory of Computation IT EC 261 Analog Electronics

MC MC 401 Computer Graphics MC MC301 Operating System MC CS 251 Data Structure

ME ME 401 Mechatronics ME ME301 Fluid Systems ME PE 251 Engineering Materials & Metallurgy

PE PE 401 Computer Integrated PE PE301 Casting Technology PE ME 261 Kinematic and Dynamic of Machines
PT PT 401 Polymers Blends and Composites PT PT301 Heat Transfer PS EC 271 Basic Electronics Engineering

SE SE 401 Software Project SE SE301 Object Oriented Software SE EC 261 Analog Electronics
Management Engineering
25.09.2017 AE AE 402 Production and Operations AE AE303 Fluid Mechanics And Hydraulic AE AE 201 Engineering Mechanics Group-A MA 101 Mathematics- I
(Monday) Management 2 Machines
BT BT 402 Bio Process Technology & BT BT 303 Genetic Engineering BT BT 201 Introduction to Biotechnology Group-B MA 101 Mathematics- I
Downstream Processing
CE CE 402 Transportation CE CE303 Design of RCC structures CE CE 201 Civil Engineering Basics and
Engineering II Applications
CO CO 402 Industrial Organization and CO CO303 Theory of Computation CO CO 201 Data Structures
Managerial Economics
EC EC 402 Digital System Testing and EC EC303 Linear Integrated Circuits EC EC 201 Analog Electronics-I
EE EE 402 Switch Gear & Protection EE EE303 Power Transmission and EE EE 201 Network Analysis and
Distribution Synthesis
EL 4043 Advance Analog EL EL303 Power Transmission and EL EL 201 Circuits and System
Circuit Design Distribution
EL 4044 Restructured Power
Date & Day Seventh Semester Fifth Semester Third Semester First Semester
04.30 PM to 06.00 PM 09 AM to 10.30AM 11.30 AM to 01 PM 02.00 PM to 03.30 PM
23.09.2017 EN EN 402 Waste Water Engineering Design EN EN303 Instrumentation Techniques for EN EN 201 Strength of Materials
and Application Environmental Monitoring
EP EP 402 Mobile and Satellite EP EP303 Electromagnetic Theory, EP EP 201 Introduction to Computing
Communication antennas and Propagation
IT IT 402 Information Security IT IT303 Computer Networks IT IT 201 Data Structures
MC MC 402 Applied Graph Theory MC MC303 Stochastic Processes MC MC 201 Discrete Mathematics
ME ME 402 Machine Design - II ME ME303 Dynamics of Machines ME ME 201 Mechanics of Solids
PE PE 402 Optimization Techniques PE PE303 Production Planning& Control PE PE 201 Engineering Materials & Metallurgy

PT PT 402 Plant Engineering & Process PT PT303 Polymer Processing PS PT 201 Principles of Polymerization
Economics Techniques
SE SE 402 Industrial Organization & SE SE303 Algorithm Design & Analysis SE SE 201 Data Structures
Managerial Economics
26.09.2017 Slot A courses ( 09.00 AM to 10.30 AM) AE AE 203 Thermodynamics Group A AP 101 Physics I
(Tuesday) AE311 Tyre Technology BT BT 203 Biochemistry Group B AP 101 Physics I
BT325 Cell Biology CE CE 203 Engineering Mechanics
CE307 Advanced Geo-Technical Engineering CO CO 203 Object Oriented Programming

EC313 Microprocessors and EC EC 203 Digital Design-I

EE315 Digital Control and State Variable EE EE 203 Electronic Devices and Circuits
EP305 Atomic and Molecular EL EL 203 Electronic Devices and Circuits
IT 307 Pattern Recognition EN EN 203 Engineering & Environmental
IT 321 Malware Analysis EP EP203 Mathematical Physics
MC305 Operation Research IT IT 203 Object Oriented Programming
ME305 Design of Machine Elements MC MC 203 Mathematics-III

PE307 Finite Element Method ME ME 203 Thermal Engineering-I

PT315 Packaging Technology PE PE 203 Thermal Engineering-I
SE307 Computer Graphics PS PT 203 Elements of Chemical Engineering

SE321 Artificial Intelligence SE SE 203 Object Oriented Programming

Slot C courses ( 04.30 PM to 06.00 PM)

AE309 Operations Research
CE319 Application of GeoInformatics
Remote Sensing and GIS
CO305 Information Theory & Coding
CO313 Computer Graphics
EC311 Algorithm Analysis and Design
EL315 Digital Control & State Variable
EN311 Climate Change & CDM
Date & Day Seventh Semester Fifth Semester Third Semester First Semester
04.30 PM to 06.00 PM 09 AM to 10.30AM 11.30 AM to 01 PM 02.00 PM to 03.30 PM
23.09.2017 EP309 Quantum Information and Computing

PT321 Biosensor Technology

27.09.2017 Slot B courses ( 09.00 AM to 10.30 AM) AE AE 205 Manufacturing Machines Group A AC 101 Chemistry
(Wednesday) AE307 Combustion Generated Pollution BT BT 205 Biochemical Engineering Principles Group B EE 101 Basic Electrical
CE317 Solid Waste Management CE CE 205 Fluid Mechanics
and Air Pollution Control
CO313 Computer Graphics CO CO 205 Discrete Structures
EC311 Algorithm Analysis and Design EC EC 205 Signals & Systems
EE317 Renewable Energy Systems EE EE 205 Electromechanical Energy Conversion
and Transformer
EL311 Renewable Energy Systems EL EL 205 Electromechanical Energy Conversion
and Transformer
EN305 Soil Pollution & Remediation EN EN 205 Environmental Chemistry &
EP307 Biophysics EP EP 205 Classical and Quantum Mechanics

IT 307 Pattern Recognition IT IT 205 Discrete Structures

IT 321 Malware Analysis MC MC 205 Probability & Statistics
MC315 Modern Algebra ME ME 205 Machine Drawing and Solid Modeling

ME307 Manufacturing Technology-II PE PE 205 Manufacturing Machines

PE315 Mechatronics PS PT 205 Chemical Engineering
SE SE 205 Web Technology

Slot D courses ( 04.30 PM to 06.00 PM)

AE317 Power Units and Transmission
EC323 Control Systems
EE305 Signals and Systems
EE309 Special Electrical Machines
EE315 Digital Control and State Variable
EP311 Computer Networking
SE307 Computer Graphics
28.09.2017 AE AE 4039 Fuel Cells CO357 Operating System AE AE 207 Engineering Analysis and Design Group A ME 101 Basic Mechanical
(Thursday) Engineering
BT BT 403 Current Topics in Biotechnology CO361 Database Management System BT BT 207 Engineering Analysis and Design Group B CO 101 Programming
CE CE 403 Construction Technology & EC353 Computer Vision CE CE 207 Engineering Analysis and Design
CO CO 4035 Real Time System EE355 Instrumentation Systems CO CO 207 Modeling and Simulation

EC 4037 Satellite Communication EN353 Occupational Health & Safety EC EC 207 Network Analysis and Synthesis
Date & Day Seventh Semester Fifth Semester Third Semester First Semester
04.30 PM to 06.00 PM 09 AM to 10.30AM 11.30 AM to 01 PM 02.00 PM to 03.30 PM
23.09.2017 EC 4038 Optical communication EP351 Physics of Engineering EE EE 207 Engineering Analysis and Design
EE EE 4032 SCADA and Energy Management HM351 Econometrics EL EL 207 Engineering Analysis and Design
EL EL 4034 HVDC Transmission System IT353 Data Structures & Algorithms EN EN 207 Engineering Analysis and Design

EN EN 403 Industrial Waste Management IT357 Internet & Web Programming EP EP 207 Digital Electronics

EP 4031 Nano Science and Technology IT359 Java Programming IT IT 207 Modeling and Simulation

EP 4033 Introduction to Automation & ME351 Power Plant Engineering MC MC 207 Differential Equations and
Motion Control Applications
IT IT 4037 Simulation & Modelling ME359 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning ME ME 207 Engineering Analysis and Design

MC MC 403 Fuzzy set & Fuzzy Logic PE353 Supply Chain Management PE PE 207 Modeling and Simulation
ME 4031 Finite Element Method PE361 Total Quality Management PT PT 207 Engineering Analysis and Design
ME 4033 Non Convential Energy Sources PT361 High Performance Polymers SE SE 207 Modeling and Simulation

PE PE 4032 Reliability Engineering

PT PT 4033 Chemical Toxicology
SE SE 4034 Mobile computing
29.09.2017 AE AE 4042 Operations Research AE HU301 Technical Communication AE MG 201 Fundamentals of Management Group A HU 101 Communication
(Friday) Skills
BT BT 4044 Biosensor BT HU303 Professional Ethics and BT HU 201 Engineering Economics Group B EN 101 Introduction to
Human Values Environmental Science

CE CE 4047 Geotechnical Earthquake CE HU301 Technical Communication CE MG 201 Fundamentals of Management

CO CO 4044 Neural Network and CO HU303 Professional Ethics and CO HU 201 Engineering Economics
Fuzzy Logic Human Values
EC EC 4042 Computer Vision EC HU303 Professional Ethics and EC HU 201 Engineering Economics
Human Values
EE 4043 Advance Alalog Circuit EE HU303 Professional Ethics and EE HU 201 Engineering Economics
Design Human Values

EE EE 4044 Restructured Power EL HU303 Professional Ethics and EL HU 201 Engineering Economics
Systems Human Values
EE 4048 Non conventional EN HU303 Professional Ethics and EN HU 201 Engineering Economics
Energy Systems Human Values
EL EL 402 Non Conventional Energy EP HU301 Technical Communication EP MG 201 Fundamentals of Management
EN EN 404 Environmental Planning & IT HU303 Professional Ethics and IT HU 201 Engineering Economics
Management Human Values
EP EP 4041 Computer Networking MC HU301 Technical Communication MC MG 201 Fundamentals of Management
IT IT 4046 Intrusion Detection and ME HU301 Technical Communication ME MG 201 Fundamentals of Management
Information Warfare
Date & Day Seventh Semester Fifth Semester Third Semester First Semester
04.30 PM to 06.00 PM 09 AM to 10.30AM 11.30 AM to 01 PM 02.00 PM to 03.30 PM
23.09.2017 MC MC 4041 Mathematical Economics and PE HU301 Technical Communication PE MG 201 Fundamentals of Management
ME 4042 Automobile Engineering PS HU301 Technical Communication PS MG 201 Fundamentals of Management
ME 4044 CIM SE HU303 Professional Ethics and SE HU 201 Engineering Economics
PE PE 4042 Project Management Human Values
PT PT 4041 Biosensor Technology
SE SE 4042 Soft Computing

Dated :12.09.2017

(Kamal Pathak)
Controller of Examinations

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