Signature of The Controversy

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Signature of

Responses to critics of signature in the cEll




Responses to Critics of
Signature in the Cell

D a v i d K l i n g h o f f e r , Ed i t o r

D i sc o v e r y I n s t i t u t e P r e ss  S e a t t l e   2 0 1 0
Copyright Notice
© 2010 by Discovery Institute. All Rights Reserved.

Publisher Information
Discovery Institute Press:
First digital edition, May 2010.
Introduction 5
I. On Not Reading Stephen Meyer’s Signature in the Cell 8
1. On Not Reading Signature in the Cell: A Response to Francisco Ayala 9
2. When a Book Review Is Not a “Book Review” 19
3. Falk’s Rejoinder to Meyer’s Response to Ayala’s “Essay” on Meyer’s Book 22
4. Lying for Darwin 27
5. Responding to Stephen Fletcher in the Times Literary Supplement 29
6. Responding Again to Stephen Fletcher in the Times Literary Supplement 32
7. Responding to Stephen Fletcher in the Times Literary Supplement on the
RNA World 35
8. Why Are Darwinists Scared to Read Signature in the Cell? 38
9. Every Bit Digital: DNA’s Programming Really Bugs Some ID Critics 41

II. On Reading Stephen Meyer’s Signature in the Cell 43

10. Responding to Darrel Falk’s Review of Signature in the Cell 44
11. Asking Darrel Falk to Pick a Number, Any Number 52
12. Ayala and Falk Miss the Signs in the Genome 54
13. Discovering Signs in the Genome by Thinking Outside the BioLogos Box 59
14. Beginning to Decipher the SINE Signal 64
15. Intelligent Design, Frontloading and Theistic Evolution 70
16. Getting ID Right: Further Thoughts on the Beliefnet Review of Signature
in the Cell 73

III. Attack of the Pygmies 76

17. Signs of Desperation? Early Responses to Signature in the Cell Are
Readily Dismissable 77
18. Get Smart: Stephen Meyer’s Critics Fail to Show Unintelligent Causes
Can Produce Biological Information 83
19. Weather Forecasting as a Counterexample to Complex Specified
Information? Jeffrey Shallit on Signature in the Cell 89
20. Gotcha! On Checking Stephen Meyer’s Spelling & Other Weighty
Criticisms of Signature in the Cell 94

About the Authors 103

David Klinghoffer

ublished in 2009, Stephen Meyer’s Signature in the Cell:
DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design has already been rec-
ognized as establishing one of the strongest pillars underlying the
argument for intelligent design. This massive and massively original work
needs to be read and studied by every thoughtful person who cares about
what is surely the ultimate question facing every human being: Where did
life come from? Charles Darwin himself did not seek to resolve that mystery
but his modern followers believe the problem is well in hand, along Darwin-
ian lines, offering a variety of purely materialist explanations for the origin of
the biological information coded in DNA. Meyer masterfully sweeps aside
all such guesses and assumptions and demonstrates that science points to an
origin of life emanating from somewhere or someone outside nature.
To call Meyer’s book fascinating and important is an understatement.
No less interesting in its way, however, was the critical response and it is with
that the book you are reading now is concerned. For the fact is that despite
its being written about in print and online by numerous friends and foes of
intelligent-design theory, few—if any—of the critics really grappled with the
substance of Meyer’s argument. This is remarkable and telling.
In the pages that follow, which include links to the critics’ own writings,
defenders of Stephen Meyer’s book analyze the hostile response. The chap-
ters here all appeared previously, most on the Discovery Institute’s group blog
site, Evolution News & Views (ENV), on the BioLogos site, or in the jour-
nal Salvo. The book is organized along the following lines. In Part I, Meyer
and his defenders go to work on the horde of Signature-bashers who not only
did not read the book but in most instances did not even take the trouble
to inform themselves about its contents. These latter include even so emi-
nent a biologist as Francisco Ayala of the University of California, Irvine—of
whom, more in a moment. In Part II, Meyer and other friends of ID reply

Signature of Controversy 5
to critics who actually took the time to read Signature in the Cell before at-
tacking it. This turned out to be a relative rarity, for reasons that are worth
pondering. While Parts I and II deal with Signature’s more serious critics, or
anyway those with reputations for seriousness, Part III concentrates on the
crowd of pygmies who populate the furious, often obscene Darwinist blogs.
Admittedly, in editing this volume, it was not always obvious to me
which critics belong under which heading. For example, Jerry Coyne is a
University of Chicago biologist who lately seems to spend most of his time
blogging. Yet he clearly belongs among the ranks of the more distinguished
writers who bashed Meyer’s book without reading it or reading about it. On
the other hand, such an individual as blogger Jeffrey Shallit, mathematician
at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada—not to be confused with
the University of Wallamaloo of Monty Python fame—may object to being
classed as a pygmy. Oh well. Sorry.

R eaders of this book may wonder why the essays and blog posts col-
lected here include many responses to critics who attacked Signature in
the Cell without having read it. Wouldn’t it be more illuminating to engage
solely with those who are at least adequately familiar with what Stephen
Meyer wrote? The truth is, it was necessary both to write and to collect and
publish these defenses because some of the most prominent attacks were pre-
cisely from scientists who did not read the book but felt entitled to comment
anyway. This fact is important because it illustrates the difficulty faced by the
intelligent-design community in seeking to get a fair hearing. Thus, a point
worth repeating, the aforementioned Francisco Ayala critiqued Signature in
the Cell at length despite having virtually no idea what is in it. Let that sink in.
It’s funny, or maybe just sad. A couple of years ago I wrote an article for
Townhall magazine about the suppression of intelligent-design advocates in
university and other academic settings. At the time I was writing it, I sent an
email to several prominent theistic evolutionists and other Darwin defend-
ers, including Dr. Ayala. I asked:
Critics of ID argue that one failing of ID theory, among others,
is that it hasn’t been backed up by research. If you were to imagine a
university-employed scientist who wanted to do such research, would

Signature of Controversy 6
he be completely free to do so? Or, as ID advocates say, would he
more likely be dissuaded by pressure from peers or supervisors?
Ayala replied:
He would be free to do so. I cannot imagine any serious scientist
or academic administrator trying to dissuade anybody else from car-
rying out any well-designed research project (or, in fact, almost any
research project). Our academic freedom to pursue any research we
wish is something precious that we value as much as any other aca-
demic value.
Well, that is just rich. After the experiences of Sternberg, Gonzalez,
Crocker, Marks, Minnich, Dembski, Coppedge—chronicled on ENV and
elsewhere, along with other suppressed scientists yet to be named and still
others too worried about reprisals to let themselves to be identified—we
know Ayala’s statement to be utterly false. When it comes to publicly doubt-
ing Darwin, serious scientists would be justified in feeling intimidated. In
part, the fear of speaking out is maintained by the realization that if you raise
your voice, your view will not merely be criticized. It will be distorted so as to
prejudice public and professional opinion against you.
What we have in the Ayala affair, a genuine scandal, is a telling illustra-
tion of how that works.

Signature of Controversy 7
On Not Reading
Stephen Meyer’s
Signature in the Cell

Signature of Controversy 8
1. On Not Reading Signature
in the Cell: A Response
to Francisco Ayala
Stephen C. Meyer
Dr. Francisco Ayala, professor of biological sciences, ecology and evolution-
ary biology, as well as of logic and the philosophy of science, at the University
of California, Irvine, reviewed Signature in the Cell for the BioLogos Founda-
tion’s website.1 Below is Dr. Meyer’s response. —Editor

o doubt it happens all the time. There must be many
book reviews written by reviewers who have scarcely cracked the
pages of the books they purport to review. But those who decide
to write such blind reviews typically make at least some effort to acquire in-
formation about the book in question so they can describe its content ac-
curately—if for no other reason than to avoid embarrassing themselves. Un-
fortunately, in his review of my book Signature in the Cell (titled ironically,
“On Reading the Cell’s Signature”), eminent evolutionary biologist Francisco
Ayala does not appear to have even made a search for the crib notes online.
Indeed, from reading his review on the BioLogos website it appears that he
did little more than glance at the title page and table of contents—if that. As
a result, his review misrepresents the thesis and topic of the book and even
misstates its title.
The title of my book is not Signature of the Cell as Ayala repeatedly refers
to it, but Signature in the Cell.
The thesis of the book is not that “chance, by itself, cannot account for
the genetic information found in the genomes of organisms” as he claims, but
instead that intelligent design can explain, and does provide the best explana-
tion for (among many contenders, not just chance) the origin of the informa-
tion necessary to produce the first living cell.

Signature of Controversy 9
Further, the topic that the book addresses is not the origin of the ge-
nomes of organisms or the human genome as the balance of Professor Ayala’s
critique seems to imply, but instead the origin of the first life and the mystery
surrounding the origin of the information necessary to produce it.
Ayala begins his review by attempting to trivialize the argument of Sig-
nature in the Cell. But he does so by misrepresenting its thesis. According to
Ayala, “The keystone argument of Signature of the Cell [sic] is that chance, by
itself, cannot account for the genetic information found in the genomes of
organisms.” He notes—as I do in the book—that all evolutionary biologists
already accept that conclusion. He asks: “Why, then, spend chapter after
chapter and hundreds of pages of elegant prose to argue the point?” But, of
course, the book does not spend hundreds of pages arguing that point. In
fact, it spends only 55 pages out of 613 pages explaining why origin-of-life
researchers have—since the 1960s—almost universally come to reject the
chance hypothesis. It does so, not because the central purpose of the book is
to refute the chance hypothesis per se, but for several other reasons intrinsic
to the actual thesis of the book.
Signature in the Cell makes a case for the design hypothesis as the best
explanation for the origin of the biological information necessary to produce
the first living organism. In so doing, it deliberately employs a standard meth-
od of historical scientific reasoning, one that Darwin himself affirmed and
partly pioneered in the Origin of Species. The method, variously described as
the method of multiple competing hypotheses or the method of inferring to
the best explanation, necessarily requires an examination of the main com-
peting hypotheses that scientists have proposed to explain a given event in
the remote past. Following Darwin and his scientific mentor Lyell, historical
scientists have understood that best explanations typically cite causes that
are known from present experience to be capable, indeed uniquely capable, of
producing the effect in question.

I n the process of using the method of multiple competing hypotheses to

develop my case for intelligent design in Signature in the Cell, I do examine
the chance hypothesis for the origin of life, because it is one of the many
competing hypotheses that have been proposed to explain the origin of the

Signature of Controversy 10
first life and the origin of biological information. Naturally, since chance was
one of the first hypotheses proposed to explain the origin of life in the wake
of the discovery of the information-bearing properties of DNA, I critique it
first. Nevertheless, I go on to examine many more recent models for the ori-
gin of biological information including those that rely on physical-chemical
necessity (such as current self-organizational models), and those that rely on
the interplay between chance and necessity (such as the popular RNA world
scenario). My discussion of these models takes over ninety pages and four
chapters. Did Ayala just miss these chapters?
I should add that my critique of the chance hypothesis provides a foun-
dation for assessing some of these more recent chemical evolutionary theo-
ries—theories that Ayala would presumably recognize as contenders among
contemporary evolutionary biologists and which rely on chance in combi-
nation with other processes. For example, in the currently popular RNA
world scenario, self-replicating RNA catalysts are posited to have first arisen
as the result of random interactions between the chemical building blocks
or subunits of RNA. According to advocates of this view, once such self-
replicating RNA molecules had come into existence, then natural selection
would have become a factor in the subsequent process of molecular evolution
necessary to produce the first cell. In Signature in the Cell, however, I show
that the amount of sequence-specific information necessary to produce even
a supposedly simple self-replicating RNA molecule far exceeds what can be
reasonably assumed to have arisen by chance alone. Indeed, my analysis of
the probabilities of producing various information-rich bio-molecules is not
only relevant to showing that “chance, by itself, cannot account for” the origin
of genetic information, but also to showing why theories that invoke chance
in combination with pre-biotic natural selection likewise fail.
In any case, Signature in the Cell does not just make a case against materi-
alistic theories for the origin of the information necessary to produce the first
life, it also makes a positive case for intelligent design by showing that the
activity of conscious and rational agents is the only known cause by which
large amounts of new functional information arise, at least when starting
from purely physical and chemical antecedents.

Signature of Controversy 11
The closest that Ayala comes in his review to recognizing the central
affirmative argument in the book is his rather clumsy attempt to refute the
idea of intelligent design by insisting that the existence of “nonsensical” or
junk sequences in the human genome demonstrates that it did not arise by
intelligent design. As he claims explicitly, “according to Meyer, ID provides
a more satisfactory explanation of the human genome than evolution does.”
Again, I have to wonder whether Professor Ayala even cracked the pages
of the book. My book is not about the origin of the human genome, nor about
human evolution nor even biological evolution generally. It’s about chemical
evolution, the origin of the first life and the genetic information necessary
to produce it. In fact, I explicitly acknowledge in the epilogue that someone
could in principle accept my argument for the intelligent design of the first
life and also accept the standard neo-Darwinian account of how subsequent
forms of life evolved. I don’t hold this “front-end loaded” view of design, but
my book makes no attempt to refute it or standard accounts of biological
evolution. For this reason, it’s hard to see how Ayala’s attempt to defend bio-
logical evolution and refute the particular hypothesis that intelligent design
played a discernable role in the origin of the human genome in any way chal-
lenges the argument of Signature in the Cell.

E ven so, it is worth noting that the argument that Ayala makes against
intelligent design of the human genome based upon on the presence
of “nonsensical” or so-called junk DNA is predicated upon two factually
flawed and out-of-date premises. Ayala suggests that no designer worthy
of the modifier “intelligent” would have allowed the human genome to be
liberally sprinkled with a preponderance of nonsense DNA sequences and
that the presence and apparently random distribution of such sequences is
more adequately explained as a by-product of the trial and error process of
undirected mutation and selection. According to Ayala, the distribution of
a particular sequence (the Alu sequence), which he asserts contains genetic
nonsense, suggests a sloppy, unintelligent editor, not an intelligent designer.
As he argues:
It is as if the editor of Signature of the Cell would have inserted be-
tween every two pages of Meyer’s book, forty additional pages, each

Signature of Controversy 12
containing the same three hundred letters. Likely, Meyer would not
think of his editor as being “intelligent.” Would a function ever be
found for these one million nearly identical Alu sequences? It seems
most unlikely.
Thus, in essence, Ayala claims that (1) a preponderance of nonsense
DNA sequences and (2) the random distribution of these sequences shows
that the human genome could not have been intelligently designed. But both
of the factual claims upon which Ayala bases this argument are wrong.
First, neither the human genome nor the genomes of other organisms
are predominantly populated with junk DNA. As I document in Signature
in the Cell, the non-protein-coding regions of the genomes (of various organ-
isms) that were long thought to be “ junk” or “nonsense” are now known to
perform numerous mission-critical functions. Non-protein-coding DNA is
neither nonsense nor junk. On page 407 of Signature in the Cell, I enumer-
ate ten separate functions that non-protein-coding regions of the genome
are now known to play. (References to peer-reviewed scientific publications
documenting my claims are provided there). Overall, the non-coding regions
of the genome function much like the operating system in a computer in
that they direct and regulate the timing and expression of the other protein-
coding genetic modules.
Further, the Alu sequences that Ayala specifically cites as prime exam-
ples of widely and randomly distributed nonsense sequences in the human
genome are not non-functional or “nonsense.” Short Interspersed Nuclear
Element (SINE) sequences, of which Alu is one member, perform numer-
ous formatting and regulatory functions in the genomes of all organisms in
which they have been found. It is simply factually incorrect for Ayala to claim

I n general, SINEs (and thus Alus) allow genetic information to be re-

trieved in multiple different ways from the same DNA data files depend-
ing on the specific needs of different cell types or tissues (in different species-
specific contexts). In particular, Alu sequences perform many taxon-specific
lower-level genomic formatting functions such as: (1) providing alternative
start sites for promoter modules in gene expression—somewhat like sector-

Signature of Controversy 13
ing on a hard drive (Faulkner et al., 2009; Faulkner and Carninci, 2009); (2)
suppressing or “silencing” RNA transcription (Trujillo et al., 2006); (3) dy-
namically partitioning one gene file from another on the chromosome (Lun-
yak et al., 2007); (4) providing DNA nodes for signal transduction pathways
or binding sites for hormone receptors (Jacobsen et al., 2009; Laperriere
et al., 2004); (5) encoding RNAs that modulate transcription (Allen et al.,
2004; Espinoza et al., 2004; Walters et al., 2009); and (6) encoding or regu-
lating microRNAs (Gu et al., 2009; Lehnert et al., 2009).
In addition to these lower-level genomic formatting functions, SINEs
(including Alus) also perform species-specific higher-level genomic format-
ting functions such as: (1) modulating the chromatin of classes of GC-rich
housekeeping and signal transduction genes (Grover et al., 2003, 2004; Oei
et al., 2004; see also Eller et al., 2007); (2) “bar coding” particular segments
for chromatin looping between promoter and enhancer elements (Ford and
Thanos, 2010); (3) augmenting recombination in sequences where Alus oc-
cur (Witherspoon et al., 2009); and (4) assisting in the formation of three-
dimensional chromosome territories or “compartments” in the nucleus (Ka-
plan et al., 1993; see also Pai and Engelke, 2010).
Moreover, Alu sequences also specify many species-specific RNA codes.
In particular, they provide: (1) signals for alternative RNA splicing (i.e.,
they generate multiple messenger RNAs from the same type of precursor
transcript) (Gal-Mark et al., 2008; Lei and Vorechovsky, 2005; Lev-Maor et
al., 2008) and (2) alternative open-reading frames (exons) (Lev-Maor et al.,
2007; Lin et al., 2008; Schwartz et al., 2009). Alu sequences also (3) specify
the retention of select RNAs in the nucleus to silence expression (Chen et al.,
2008; Walters et al., 2009); (4) regulate the RNA polymerase II machinery
during transcription (Mariner et al., 2008; Yakovchuk et al., 2009; Walters
et al., 2009); and (5) provide sites for Adenine-to-Inosine RNA editing, a
function that is essential for both human development and species-specific
brain development (Walters et al., 2009).

C ontrary to Ayala’s claim, Alu sequences (and other mammalian

SINEs) are not distributed randomly but instead manifest a similar
“bar code” distribution pattern along their chromosomes (Chen and Manu-

Signature of Controversy 14
elidis, 1989; Gibbs et al., 2004; Korenberg and Rykowski, 1988). Rather like
the distribution of the backslashes, semi-colons and spaces involved in the
formatting of software code, the “bar code” distribution of Alu sequences
(and other SINEs) reflects a clear functional logic, not sloppy editing or ran-
dom mutational insertions. For example, Alu sequences are preferentially
located in and around protein-coding genes as befits their role in regulat-
ing gene expression (Tsirigos and Rigoutsos, 2009). They occur mainly in
promoter regions—the start sites for RNA production—and in introns, the
segments that break up the protein-coding stretches. Outside of these areas,
the numbers of Alu sequences sharply decline. Further, we now know that
Alu sequences are directed to (or spliced into) certain preferential hotspots
in the genome by the protein complexes or the “integrative machinery” of
the cell’s information processing system (Levy et al., 2010). This directed
distribution of Alu sequences enhances the semantic and syntactical organi-
zation of human DNA. It appears to have little to do with the occurrence of
random insertional mutations, contrary to the implication of Ayala’s “sloppy
editor” illustration and argument.
Critics repeatedly claim that the theory of intelligent design is based on
religion, not science. But in his response to my book, it is Ayala who relies
on a theological argument and who repeatedly misrepresents the scientific
literature in a vain attempt to support it. The human genome manifests non-
sense sequences and sloppy editing ill-befitting of a deity or any truly intel-
ligent designer, he argues. He also sees other aspects of the natural world that
he thinks are inconsistent with the existence of a Deity. I’ll leave it to theolo-
gians to grapple with Ayala’s arguments about whether backaches in old age
and other forms of generalized human suffering make the existence of God
logically untenable. But on the specific scientific question of the organization
of the human genome, I think the evidence is clear. It is Ayala who has been
sloppy, and not only in his assessment of the human genome, but also, I must
add, in his critique of my book.

Signature of Controversy 15
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Signature of Controversy 17
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Walters, R. D., J. F. Kugel and J. A. Goodrich, “InvAluable junk: the cellular impact and
function of Alu and B2 RNAs,” IUBMB Life 61:8 (2009), pp. 831‐837.
Witherspoon, D. J., W. S. Watkins, Y. Zhang, J. Xing, W. L. Tolpinrud, D. J. Hedges,
M. A. Batzer and L. B. Jorde, “Alu repeats increase local recombination rates,”
BMC Genomics 10:530 (2009).
Yakovchuk, P., J. A. Goodrich and J. F. Kugel, “B2 RNA and Alu RNA repress tran-
scription by disrupting contacts between RNA polymerase II and promoter DNA
within assembled complexes,” Proceedings National Academy of Science USA 106:14
(2009), pp. 5569-5574.

Signature of Controversy 18
2. When a Book Review
Is Not a “Book Review”
David Klinghoffer

s a former book review editor (at National Review), I
take a professional interest in book reviews and all the things that
can go right or wrong with them. I confess, though, I’ve never seen
anything quite like the treatment of Stephen Meyer’s book, Signature in the
Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design, on BioLogos, the curious
website specializing in Christian apologetics for Darwin. The site published
what was clearly, unambiguously written to look like a review by biologist
Francisco Ayala2 that, as Steve Meyer pointed out already, actually gave ev-
ery evidence that Ayala had not read the book. (My colleague Dr. Meyer
thinks Ayala did read the Table of Contents, but on this I must disagree.)
On what did Ayala base his views about Signature? This is a bit of a mys-
tery. BioLogos president Dr. Darrel Falk is unstinting with fulsome praise
for Ayala (“one of Biology’s living legends”). Falk claims he actually asked
Ayala to respond to Falk’s review of Signature. Falk purports that in publish-
ing Ayala’s review, he mistakenly failed to introduce it with the disclaimer
that Ayala was reviewing Falk’s review, not Meyer’s book per se. Yeah, sure.
Falk’s review did not provide Ayala with his absurd misrepresentation of
Meyer’s argument. Instead Ayala gives every impression of having derived
that from his own assessment of the book itself. As Ayala claims,
The keystone argument of Signature of the Cell [sic] is that chance,
by itself, cannot account for the genetic information found in the ge-
nomes of organisms. I agree. And so does every evolutionary scien-
tist, I presume. Why, then, spend chapter after chapter and hundreds
of pages of elegant prose to argue the point?


Signature of Controversy 19
Yet that is certainly not the keystone argument of Signature, and Meyer
in fact spends only 55 pages (out of 613) on it. But that is not really the point
What’s notable is that Falk in his own review,3 whatever its other faults
or merits, never claimed that Signature is all about proving that “chance, by
itself, cannot, account for the genetic information found in genomes.” Falk
doesn’t mention the word “chance.” So where did Ayala get his mistaken no-
tion? All one can say is, not from the book, which he patently didn’t read, and
not from Falk. Indeed, Ayala in his essay does not mention Falk or Falk’s
review. Clearly, Ayala wanted readers to think he was reviewing Signature in
the Cell—or Signature of the Cell as he repeatedly calls it. Thus, for example,
he commends Meyer for his “elegant prose.” The idea that Ayala was merely
acting in good faith on Falk’s assignment of responding to Falk’s review is
hardly believable.
Okay, so far we have a reviewer reviewing a book he did not read and a
book review editor (Falk’s apparent role here) claiming disingenuously that
it was all an innocent mix-up, that the review by the “living legend” was nev-
er intended as a review and was merely presented as one by mistake, even
though it clearly reads like a review or critique or a critical evaluation—call
it what you will.
On top of this, there is Falk’s introduction to Meyer’s response to Ayala.
Here he essentially ambushes Meyer by agreeing to publish his reply to Ay-
ala and then introduces the reply, in italics above it and at some length, in a
blatant and again disingenuous attempt to undercut its credibility. Thus Falk
claims that Meyer originally agreed to limit himself in his response to “Aya-
la’s philosophical and theological arguments.” In Falk’s presentation, Meyer
then stabbed him in the back by going ahead and writing about the science
after all. In reality, in his full response, Meyer writes about philosophy (mul-
tiple competing hypotheses), theology (Ayala’s claims about junk DNA), and
science. The three are inextricably linked.
To be more specific, Meyer’s response does address—as he promised—
Ayala’s main theological argument, namely, the argument that junk DNA


Signature of Controversy 20
shows that the human genome could not have been intelligently designed
by God because it is chalk full of nonsense DNA. To refute Ayala’s theo-
logical argument, Meyer shows it is based upon false scientific claims. But
Falk declined to publish that part of his response until later in the week. Fair
enough, but then why criticize Meyer for acting in bad faith in a preamble
to the first part of his response on Monday knowing full well his response to
Ayala’s theological argument is coming later?

Y ou can only appreciate theistic evolutionists for finally agreeing to en-

gage in dialogue, but arbitrarily limiting what can be said by the other
side—tying one, or both, hands behind their back—is hardly an equitable
way to hold a meaningful exchange of views. Anyone who has read the re-
views in question knows that only a fool would agree to the condition of
totally conceding the scientific facts to Ayala, especially since his theological
argument is based upon false scientific claims. Implicitly accepting Ayala’s
say-so on the science, “living legend” or not, would pull the legs out from
under any philosophical or theological argument that Meyer chose to make.
Steve Meyer, no fool, assures me that he never agreed to such a condition.
Falk is not a fool either, I assume. Neither is Ayala. So what, then, is
wrong with these people?

Signature of Controversy 21
3. Falk’s Rejoinder to
Meyer’s Response to Ayala’s
“Essay” on Meyer’s Book
Jay Richards

’ve followed the back and forth between Francisco Ayala
and Steve Meyer with interest. I happened to have just read Meyer’s
book Signature in the Cell when I first saw Ayala’s commentary/review
on it at the BioLogos Foundation website. My initial response was that Ay-

ala obviously hadn’t read the book, and, as a result, made some embarrassing
mistakes that any reader of the book would recognize.
Darrell Falk at the BioLogos Foundation was apparently responsible for
inviting Ayala to comment on Meyer’s book, and has been drawn into the
He published the first part of Meyer’s response to Ayala, but not with-
out first offering his “background comments” about the debate. (I think Da-
vid Klinghoffer has said what needs to be said about that.) The BioLogos
Foundation is committed to the “science-and-religion dialogue.” In my opin-
ion, however, they have a peculiar way of fostering dialogue.
BioLogos has also “updated” their introduction to Ayala’s “essay”—
which is what they call it—to explain that Ayala wasn’t invited to write a
“formal review” of the book. Fair enough. But whether it’s a “review,” an
“essay,” a “response,” a “commentary,” or just “random thoughts,” Ayala’s is
clearly critiquing Steve Meyer’s book, Signature in the Cell. But his critique
is clearly based on an almost complete ignorance of the book. For instance,
Ayala claims: “The keystone argument of Signature of the Cell is that chance,
by itself, cannot account for the genetic information found in the genomes
of organisms. I agree. And so does every evolutionary scientist, I presume.

Signature of Controversy 22
Why, then, spend chapter after chapter and hundreds of pages of elegant
prose to argue the point?”
No one who even skimmed the book would say something this inac-
curate. The inaccuracy is so blatant that I would think that Falk would be
hoping that the embarrassing incident would soon be forgotten. But instead,
he keeps re-opening the wound with another scratch. Now he’s offered an-
other longish commentary on Ayala’s “essay” on Meyer’s book, “A Rejoinder
to Stephen C. Meyer’s Response to Francisco Ayala.”5 And he promises
that there are more to come.
Although he wisely doesn’t claim that Ayala actually read Meyer’s book,
Falk starts by defending Ayala’s claim about “hundreds of pages”:
Meyer says he only spent 55 pages on the question. By Meyer’s
definition of chance on page 176, and by the fact that Meyer him-
self refers to the competing hypotheses as “chance theories” (see pag-
es 195,196, and 227, for example), I happen to think that Ayala is
right—it is much more than 55 pages. However, this is a side issue to
what I think we should really discuss.
Hmm. So the existence of three references to chance theories in a 508-
page book confirms Ayala point? Hardly. In his statement, Ayala completely
misrepresents Meyer’s thesis. The bit about hundreds of pages merely adds
the patina of precise quantification to his misrepresentation.
Falk then raises two “concerns.” The first, apparently, is that Meyer
treats chance at all:
I began my post-graduate career in genetics over four decades
ago. I have taught courses such as genetics, cell biology and molecular
biology for almost 35 years. I cannot recall any textbook in any course
that ever seriously considered what Dr. Meyer called the “chance
hypothesis.” No one ever needed to do calculations of the sort that
Meyer does in his book. To my recollection it was never seriously
considered. Everyone knew it couldn’t have worked that way.
He then goes on to say that Meyer suggests that theorists have contin-
ued to entertain the chance hypothesis for the origin of life up to the present:


Signature of Controversy 23
Meyer seems to imply (pages 204-213) that scientists were really
engaged by this hypothesis for some period of time beyond a meet-
ing in 1966 when it was first raised. He cites work in the late 1980s
and up to 2007. He seems to imply that the chance hypothesis (pure
chance, from building blocks) had actually engaged origin-of-life re-
searchers throughout this time period.

B ecause of this alleged dismissal of chance on the part of origin-of-life

researchers for the last four decades, Falk can’t imagine whom Meyer
has in mind as readers for his book.
A few responses to these charges:
(1) Prominent figures like Francis Crick and George Wald did enter-
tain chance theories in the 1950s and 1960s. Here’s Wald (quoted in one of
those pesky pages in Signature in the Cell where Meyer talks about chance):
“Time is in fact the hero of the plot.… Given so much time, the impossible
becomes possible, the possible probable, and the probable virtually certain.”
And that’s exactly what Meyer points out in the book.
(2) Pure chance ceased to be a serious contender in the 1960s as Meyer
points out for the reasons that he explains in the book. He is a clear-thinking
philosopher of science, interested in explaining things for the general reader
who lacks detailed background knowledge, and so he lays out the arguments,
the reasons, the probabilities, and the evidence painstakingly.
(3) Meyer simply does not claim that pure chance hypotheses have been
leading contenders in recent decades. In fact, he quite clearly says just the op-
posite. On page 204, which Falk references, Meyer is talking about a confer-
ence in the 1960s. Later he talks about experimental evidence demonstrating
the extreme rarity of functional sequences of amino acids—evidence that
didn’t exist in the 1960s—but which, as he explains, has confirmed the ear-
lier intuitions and judgments about the insufficiency of chance by scientists
in the 1960s who lacked this information.
(4) Chance nevertheless remains an important category of explanation
because it continues to be a component in current theories such as the RNA
world scenario. In fact, many current origin-of-life scenarios combine both
chance and a selective mechanism as recommended by Jacques Monod’s

Signature of Controversy 24
famous book Chance and Necessity. Thus, Meyer’s analysis of the limits of
chance as a plausible explanation (or aspect of an explanation) is highly rel-
evant to assessing many current theories of the origin of life.
(5) To make a clear and complete argument, chance needs to be treated
as one of the logical possibilities. That’s what Meyer does in his book. Why
doesn’t Falk get this simple point? Falk seems to think that because the com-
munity he’s been swimming in hasn’t bothered to reflect carefully on the
full range of logically possible options, therefore it’s problematic that Meyer
would do so.
(6) I’m guessing that Meyer’s ideal reader is the open-minded, logical
person who can follow a good, clear argument, based on public evidence,
and isn’t intimated into mental fogginess because of social pressures not to
discuss the topic of his book. Moreover, since his is a trade-press book, Meyer
doesn’t have the luxury of assuming that every reader will know—as appar-
ently Falk does—why chance is so extraordinarily implausible as a complete
explanation for the origin of life. So he assumes his reader will need to have
that information provided in the text.
(7) That said, I’m still glad that Falk (and apparently Ayala) agree with
Meyer that pure chance is not, these days, a live alternative. Unfortunately,
Falk doesn’t seem to realize that he is agreeing with Meyer on this point.

F alk’s second concern is with Meyer’s central positive claim. He ar-

gues that Meyer never justifies his central claim that “the activity of con-
scious and rational agents is the only known cause by which large amounts of
new functional information arises, at least when starting from purely physi-
cal and chemical antecedents.”
He attempts to refute Meyer’s claim by asserting that the fact of biologi-
cal evolution disproves Meyer’s contention. As he explains:
Virtually all biologists today consider it a fact that all multi-cel-
lular organisms are derived from a single cell. Does not the informa-
tion required to make the vast array of living organisms constitute
Meyer’s definition of “huge?” Doesn’t the process of natural selection,
group selection, genetic drift, and sexual selection fit his criteria of
purely chemical and physical causes? There is nothing more founda-

Signature of Controversy 25
tional to biology than that huge amounts of information has arisen
through physical and chemical antecedents.
Falk cites belief in biological evolution as a counterexample of Meyer’s
claim. But Meyer, in the quote and in his book, is quite obviously talking
about chemical evolution and the origin of life, not the evolution of life after
the first reproducing cell. That’s why he says: “at least when starting from
purely physical and chemical antecedents.” In other words, Meyer, without con-
ceding the point about biological evolution, is arguing here only about the or-
igin of biological information from physics and chemistry—about chemical
evolution—and not about what happens once you have life. And contrary to
what Falk says, Meyer extensively substantiates his claim about the power of,
and the need for, intelligence in producing functional information (at least, if
you are starting from physical and chemical, rather than living, antecedents).
The only way to fully appreciate that, however, is to read the book (especially
Chapters 15 and 16 where he develops his positive case in detail).

T hat said, even if Meyer’s book were about biological evolution, Falk’s
argument would fall short. Falk is confusing sociology with biology.
That most biologists assume that universal common ancestry is a fact isn’t
evidence for said fact. It’s a fact about prominent beliefs within a commu-
nity. And even if universal common ancestry is a fact, it’s not evidence that
all the organisms that evolved from said ancestor did so purely by a process
of chance and (merely physical) necessity without the contributions of intel-
ligence. (Oddly, Falk wants to have it both ways, since he says: “I want to be
quick to add that, as a Christian, I believe that it happened at God’s com-
mand and as the result of God’s presence.”)
In any case, that many biologists believe that selection and random muta-
tion can generate large amounts of new biological information is a sociologi-
cal, not a biological, fact. And frankly, it’s not even a sociological fact. There
are many biologists who doubt it, and get on quite well nonetheless.

Signature of Controversy 26
4. Lying for Darwin
David Klinghoffer

ver the past couple of months at Jerry Coyne’s blog,
Why Evolution Is True, he and Matthew Cobb have written
several blog posts attacking Stephen Meyer’s Signature in the
Cell—by my count, five posts. The most recent by Coyne accuses Meyer of
Meyer does not mean well. He is spreading lies and confusing
people by distorting real science. Is that the unfortunate result of
“meaning well”? Do you think that because somebody is a “Christian
brother,” he’s incapable of lying for Jesus?
Isn’t it strange, though, that for all the persistent attacks on Meyer, in
quite personal terms, Professor Coyne hasn’t dared to actually read Steve’s
book? That’s obvious because Coyne’s throwaway summary of its contents—
Signature “maintains that cells must have been designed by God because
they’re too complex to have evolved”—is an absurd misrepresentation. Even
someone who had only read reviews of the book would know as much. Has
Coyne in fact read the critical review of Signature, by Darrel Falk, on which
he bestows approval? Or Meyer’s detailed response to Falk, which Coyne
dismisses as “more of the same ID pap”? Unless he’s a very poor reader—and
being a professor at the University of Chicago would presumably indicate
otherwise—you do get the strong impression that he’s commenting upon a
bunch of writing by other people without having read it, certainly not with
any care. Maybe he’s too busy playing with his cats that he makes so much
of on his blog. Or maybe he’s sloppy. This is the same Dr. Coyne who earlier
characterized Steve Meyer as a “young-earth creationist,” which of course
he’s not.
But I dunno, attacking someone else for writing something that you
haven’t read or even carefully read about strikes me as just plain old dishon-


Signature of Controversy 27
est. If you add to that Coyne’s braying slurs against Steve Meyer as “lying for
Jesus,” a “lying liar,”7 etc., then to the charge of dishonesty I think you’d have
to add hypocrisy as well.


Signature of Controversy 28
5. Responding to Stephen
Fletcher in the Times
Literary Supplement
Stephen C. Meyer
Signature in the Cell stirred up debate and attracted attention as philosopher
Thomas Nagel’s selection of SITC as one of the Books of the Year brought on
an interesting series of letters. Nagel was attacked (he responded, and he was
attacked again) by a Darwinist who told people to forgo reading SITC and
instead just read Wikipedia.8 Below, Stephen Meyer himself responds in a
letter, of which a shortened version was published in the TLS. Nagel himself
responded with a letter that was published on the same page. —Editor

To the Editor
The Times Literary Supplement
I have been honored by the recent attention my book Signature in the Cell
has received in your letters section following Thomas Nagel’s selection of it
as one of your books of the year for 2009.
Unfortunately, the letters from Stephen Fletcher criticizing Professor
Nagel for his choice give no evidence of Dr. Fletcher having read the book or
any evidence of his comprehending the severity of the central problem facing
chemical evolutionary theories of life’s origin.
In Signature in the Cell, I show that, in the era of modern molecular ge-
netics, explaining the origin of the first life requires—first and foremost—
explaining the origin of the information or digital code present in DNA
and RNA. I also show that various theories of undirected chemical evolu-
tion—including theories of pre-biological natural selection—fail to explain

8. Fletcher’s letters may be accessed here

and_entertainment/the_tls/article6940536.ece; and here http://entertainment.timesonline.

Signature of Controversy 29
the origin of the information necessary to produce the first self-replicating
Yet in his letters to the TLS (2 and 16 December), Stephen Fletcher
rebukes Nagel (and by implication my book) for failing to acknowledge that
“natural selection is a chemical as well as a biological process.” Fletcher fur-
ther asserts that this process accounts for the origin of DNA and (presum-
ably) the genetic information it contains.
Not only does my book address this very proposal at length, but it also
demonstrates why theories of pre-biotic natural selection involving self-repli-
cating RNA catalysts—the version of the idea that Fletcher affirms—fail to
account for the origin of genetic information.
Indeed, either Dr. Fletcher is bluffing or he is himself ignorant of the
many problems that this proposal faces.
First, “ribozyme engineering” experiments have failed to produce RNA
replicators capable of copying more than about 10 percent of their nucleotide
base sequences (Wendy K. Johnston, et al., “RNA-Catalyzed RNA Polym-
erization,” Science 292 (2001): 1319-25). Yet, for natural selection to operate
in an RNA World (in the strictly chemical rather than biological environ-
ment that Fletcher envisions) RNA molecules capable of fully replicating
themselves must exist.
Second, everything we know about RNA catalysts, including those with
partial self-copying capacity, shows that the function of these molecules de-
pends upon the precise arrangement of their information-carrying constitu-
ents (i.e., their nucleotide bases). Functional RNA catalysts arise only once
RNA bases are specifically arranged into information-rich sequences—that
is, function arises after, not before, the information problem has been solved.

or this reason, invoking pre-biotic natural selection in an
RNA World does not solve the problem of the origin of genetic in-
formation; it merely presupposes a solution to the problem in the form
of a hypothetical but necessarily information-rich RNA molecule capable of
copying itself. As Nobel laureate Christian de Duve has noted, postulations
of pre-biotic natural selection typically fail because they “need information

Signature of Controversy 30
which implies they have to presuppose what is to be explained in the first
Third, the capacity for even partial replication of genetic information
in RNA molecules results from the activity of chemists, that is, from the
intelligence of the “ribozyme engineers” who design and select the features of
these (partial) RNA replicators. These experiments not only demonstrate
that even highly limited forms of RNA self-replication depend upon infor-
mation-rich RNA molecules, they inadvertently lend additional support to
the hypothesis that intelligent design is the only known cause by which func-
tional information arises.

Stephen C. Meyer, PhD Cantab

Senior Research Fellow
Discovery Institute

Seattle, Washington, USA

Signature of Controversy 31
6. Responding Again to
Stephen Fletcher in the
Times Literary Supplement
Stephen C. Meyer

After philosopher Thomas Nagel selected  Signature in the Cell  as one of

2009’s best books, the Times Literary Supplement published a vigorous back
and forth in its letters section. The final salvo9 was by Loughborough Univer-
sity chemistry professor Stephen Fletcher. The response below was submitted
by Stephen Meyer to TLS, but the editors chose not to publish it. —Editor

To the Editor

The Times Literary Supplement

I see that Professor Stephen Fletcher has written yet another letter (Feb-
ruary 3, 2010) attempting to refute the thesis of my book Signature in the
Cell. This time he cites two recent experiments in an attempt to show the
plausibility of the RNA world hypothesis as an explanation for the origin of
the first life. He claims these experiments have rendered the case I make for
the theory of intelligent design obsolete. If anything, they have done just the
To support his claim that scientific developments have “overtaken Mey-
er’s book,” Fletcher cites, first, a scientific study by chemists Matthew Pown-
er, Béatrice Gerland and John Sutherland of the University of Manchester
(Nature 459, pp. 239–42). This study does partially address one, though only
one, of the many outstanding difficulties associated with the RNA world
scenario, the most popular current theory of the undirected chemical evolu-

9. Fletcher’s letter may be accessed here:


Signature of Controversy 32
tion of life. Starting with several simple chemical compounds, Powner and
colleagues successfully synthesized a pyrimidine ribonucleotide, one of the
building blocks of the RNA molecule.
Nevertheless, this work does nothing to address the much more acute
problem of explaining how the nucleotide bases in DNA or RNA acquired
their specific information-rich arrangements, which is the central topic of my
book. In effect, the Powner study helps explain the origin of the “letters” in
the genetic text, but not their specific arrangement into functional “words”
or “sentences.”  
Moreover, Powner and colleagues only partially addressed
the problem of generating the constituent building blocks of RNA under
plausible pre-biotic conditions. The problem, ironically, is their own skillful
intervention. To ensure a biologically relevant outcome, they had to inter-
vene—repeatedly and intelligently—in their experiment: first, by selecting
only the right-handed isomers of sugar that life requires; second, by purifying
their reaction products at each step to prevent interfering cross-reactions;
and third, by following a very precise procedure in which they carefully se-
lected the reagents and choreographed the order in which they were intro-
duced into the reaction series. 
Thus, not only does this study not address the
problem of getting nucleotide bases to arrange themselves into functionally
specified sequences, but the extent to which it does succeed in producing
biologically relevant chemical constituents of RNA actually illustrates the
indispensable role of intelligence in generating such chemistry. 
The second
study that Fletcher cites illustrates this problem even more acutely.

T his work, conducted by Tracey Lincoln and Gerald Joyce (Science

323, pp. 229–32), ostensibly establishes the capacity of RNA to self-
replicate, thereby rendering plausible one of the key steps in the RNA world
scenario. Nevertheless, the “self-replicating” RNA molecules that Lincoln
and Joyce construct are not capable of copying a template of genetic informa-
tion from free-standing nucleotides as the protein (polymerase) machinery
does in actual cells. Instead, in Lincoln and Joyce’s experiment, a pre-syn-
thesized specifically sequenced RNA molecule merely catalyzes the forma-
tion of a single chemical bond, thus fusing two other pre-synthesized partial

Signature of Controversy 33
RNA chains. Their version of “self-replication” amounts to nothing more
than joining two sequence-specific pre-made halves together. 

More significantly, Lincoln and Joyce themselves intelligently arranged
the base sequences in these RNA chains. They generated the functionally
specific information that made even this limited form of replication possible.
Thus, as I argue in Signature in the Cell, Lincoln and Joyce’s experiment not
only demonstrates that even limited capacity for RNA self-replication de-
pends upon information-rich RNA molecules, it also lends additional sup-
port to the hypothesis that intelligent design is the only known means by
which functional information arises.

Stephen C. Meyer, PhD Cantab

Senior Research Fellow
Discovery Institute
Seattle, Washington, USA 

Signature of Controversy 34
7. Responding to Stephen
Fletcher in the Times
Literary Supplement
on the RNA World
David Berlinski
To the Editor

The Times Literary Supplement
Having with indignation rejected the assumption that the creation of life
required an intelligent design, Mr. Fletcher has persuaded himself that it has
proceeded instead by means of various chemical scenarios.10
These scenarios all require intelligent intervention. In his animadver-
sions, Mr. Fletcher suggests nothing so much as a man disposed to denounce
alcohol while sipping sherry.
The RNA world to which Mr. Fletcher has pledged his allegiance was
introduced by Carl Woese, Leslie Orgel and Francis Crick in 1967. Mystified
by the appearance in the contemporary cell of a chicken in the form of the
nucleic acids, and an egg in the form of the proteins, Woese, Orgel and Crick
argued that at some time in the past, the chicken was the egg.
This triumph of poultry management received support in 1981, when
both Thomas Cech and Sidney Altman discovered the first of the ribonucleic
enzymes. In 1986, their discoveries moved Walter Gilbert to declare the for-
mer existence of an RNA world. When Harry Noeller discovered that pro-
tein synthesis within the contemporary ribosome is catalyzed by ribosomal

10. Fletcher’s letters may be accessed here

and_entertainment/the_tls/article6940536.ece; and here http://entertainment.timesonline.

Signature of Controversy 35
RNA, the existence of an ancient RNA world appeared “almost certain” to
Leslie Orgel.
And to Mr. Fletcher, I imagine.
If experiments conducted in the here and now are to shed light on the
there and then, they must meet two conditions: They must demonstrate in
the first place the existence of a detailed chemical pathway between RNA
precursors and a form of self-replicating RNA; and they must provide in the
second place a demonstration that the spontaneous appearance of this path-
way is plausible under pre-biotic conditions.
The constituents of RNA are its nitrogenous bases, sugar, and phos-
phate. Until quite recently, no completely satisfactory synthesis of the py-
rimidine nucleotides has been available.
The existence of a synthetic pathway has now been established (Mat-
thew W. Powner et al., “The synthesis of activated pyrimidine ribonucleo-
tides in prebiotically plausible conditions,” Nature 459, pp. 239–242).
Questions of pre-biotic plausibility remain. Can the results of Powner et
al. be reproduced without Powner et al.?
It is a question that Powner raises himself: “My ultimate goal,” he has
remarked, “is to get a living system (RNA) emerging from a one-pot experi-
Let us by all means have that pot, and then we shall see further.
If the steps leading to the appearance of the pyridimines in a pre-biotic
environment are not yet plausible, then neither is the appearance of a self-
replicating form of RNA. Experiments conducted by Tracey Lincoln and
Gerald Joyce at the Scripps Institute have demonstrated the existence of self-
replicating RNA by a process of in vitro evolution. They began with what
they needed and purified what they got until they got what they wanted.
Although an invigorating piece of chemistry, what is missing from their
demonstration is what is missing from Powner’s and that is any clear indica-
tion of pre-biotic plausibility.
I should not wish to leave this discussion without extending the hand of
friendship to every party.

Signature of Controversy 36
Mr. Nagel is correct in remarking that Mr. Fletcher is insufferable. Mr.
Walton is correct in observing that the RNA world is imaginary. And Mr.
Fletcher is correct in finding the hypothesis of intelligent design unaccept-
He should give it up himself and see what happens.

David Berlinski

Signature of Controversy 37
8. Why Are Darwinists
Scared to Read
Signature in the Cell?
David Klinghoffer

t’s somehow cheering to know that while the pompous know-
nothingism of Darwinian atheists in the U.S. is matched by those in
England, so too not only in our country but in theirs the screechy ig-
norance receives its appropriate reply from people with good sense and an
open mind. Some of the latter include atheists who, however, arrived at their
unbelief through honest reflection rather than through the mind-numbing
route of fealty to Darwinist orthodoxy. Such a person is Thomas Nagel, the
distinguished NYU philosopher. He praised Stephen Meyer’s Signature in
the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design in the Times Literary
Supplement as a “book of the year,” concluding with this enviable endorse-
[A] detailed account of the problem of how life came into existence
from lifeless matter—something that had to happen before the pro-
cess of biological evolution could begin.… Meyer is a Christian, but
atheists, and theists who believe God never intervenes in the natural
world, will be instructed by his careful presentation of this fiendishly
difficult problem.
Nagel’s review elicited howls from Darwinists who made no effort to
pretend they had even weighed the 611-page volume in their hand, much
less read a page of it. On his blog, Why Evolution Is True,11 University of
Chicago biologist Jerry Coyne complained that they hadn’t ought to let such
an opinion even appear in the august columns of the TLS:

11. Coyne’s comments may be accessed here: http://whyevolutionistrue.wordpress.

com/2009/12/01/distinguished-philosopher-blurbs-intelligent-design-book/; and here: http://

Signature of Controversy 38
“Detailed account”?? How about “religious speculation”?
Nagel is a respected philosopher who’s made big contributions to
several areas of philosophy, and this is inexplicable, at least to me. I
have already called this to the attention of the TLS, just so they know.
No doubt the editors appreciated his letting them know they had erred
by printing a view not in line with the official catechism. Coyne then ap-
pealed for help. Not having read the book himself, while nevertheless feeling
comfortable dismissing it as “religious speculation,” he pleaded:
Do any of you know of critiques of Meyer’s book written by sci-
entists? I haven’t been able to find any on the Internet, and would
appreciate links.
Coyne was later relieved when a British chemist, Stephen Fletcher, pub-
lished a critical letter to the editor in the TLS associating Meyer’s argument
with a belief in “gods, devils, pixies, fairies” and recommending that readers
learn about chemical evolution by, instead, reading up on it elsewhere from
an unimpeachable source of scientific knowledge:
Readers who wish to know more about this topic are strongly
advised to keep their hard-earned cash in their pockets, forgo Meyer’s
book, and simply read “RNA world” on Wikipedia.
Responding in turn with his own letter to the editor, Nagel seemed to
express doubt whether the chemist had actually read Signature in the Cell
before writing to object to Nagel’s praise:
Fletcher’s statement that “It is hard to imagine a worse book” sug-
gests that he has read it. If he has, he knows that it includes a chapter
on “The RNA World” which describes that hypothesis for the origin
of DNA at least as fully as the Wikipedia article that Fletcher recom-
mends. Meyer discusses this and other proposals about the chemical
precursors of DNA, and argues that they all pose similar problems
about how the process could have got started.
Nagel’s letter appeared beside another from a different British chemist,
John C. Walton at the University of St. Andrews, who presumably did read
the book since he blurbs it on the back cover as a “delightful read.” In his let-
ter, Walton reflects:

Signature of Controversy 39
It is an amusing irony that while castigating students of religion
for believing in the supernatural, [Fletcher] offers in its place an en-
tirely imaginary “RNA world” the only support for which is specula-

A re you noticing a pattern here at all? All the people who hate Mey-
er’s book appear not to have read it. So too we have the complaint of
Darwinian-atheist agitator P. Z. Myers,12 a popular blogger and biologist.
Myers explains that he was unable to read the book, which he slimes as a
“stinker” and as “drivel,” due to his not having received a promised free review
copy! But rest assured. The check is in the mail: “I suppose I’ll have to read
that 600 page pile of slop sometime… maybe in January.”
Dr. Myers teaches at the Morris, Minnesota, satellite campus of the
University of Minnesota, a college well known as the Harvard of Morris,
Minnesota. So you know when he evaluates a book and calls it “slop,” a book
on which he has not laid on eye, that’s a view that carries weight.
In all seriousness, what is this with people having any opinion at all of
a book that, allow me to repeat, they haven’t read and of which, as with Jerry
Coyne, they admit they haven’t so much as read a review? Even a far more
measured writer like Jonathan Derbybshire, reporting for the New States-
man on the Nagel-TLS dustup, concedes, “I haven’t read Myer’s [sic] book,
nor am I competent to assess Fletcher’s contention that Nagel had simply got
the science wrong.” Honesty counts for something, though Derbyshire (not
to be confused with National Review’s John Derbyshire) might have at least
taken the trouble to spell Steve Meyer’s name correctly.
Alas, carelessness and dishonesty are hallmarks of the Darwinian pro-
pagandists. Hordes of whom, by the way, have been trying to overwhelm
Signature’s Amazon page. They post abusive “reviews” making, again, little
pretense of having turned a single page even as they then try to boost their
own phony evaluations by gathering in mobs generated by email lists and
clicking on the Yes button at the question, “Was this review helpful to you?”
Per Amazon’s easily exploited house rules, this has the effect of boosting the
“review” to enhanced prominence. It’s a fraudulent tactic, and sadly typical.


Signature of Controversy 40
9. Every Bit Digital: DNA’s
Programming Really
Bugs Some ID Critics
Casey Luskin

oogle’s corporate motto is “Don’t Be Evil,” but unfortu-
nately, not all who work at the search engine behemoth seem to
practice the slogan. Mark Chu-Carroll, a mathematician and
Google software engineer, called Stephen Meyer’s Signature in the Cell “a re-
hash of the same old s—t,” even though he admitted, “I have not read any
part of Meyer’s book.” Chu-Carroll further decried the “dishonesty” of Mey-
er, whom he called a “bozo” for merely claiming that DNA contains “digital
code” that functions like a “computer.”
It seems that Meyer’s book isn’t the only relevant literature that Chu-
Carroll hasn’t read.
In 2003 renowned biologist Leroy Hood and biotech guru David Ga-
las authored a review article in the world’s leading scientific journal, Nature,
titled, “The Digital Code of DNA.” The article explained, “A remarkable fea-
ture of the structure is that DNA can accommodate almost any sequence of
base pairs—any combination of the bases adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine
(G) and thymine (T)—and, hence any digital message or information.” MIT
Professor of Mechanical Engineering Seth Lloyd (no friend of ID) likewise
eloquently explains why DNA has a “digital” nature:
It’s been known since the structure of DNA was elucidated that
DNA is very digital. There are four possible base pairs per site, two
bits per site, three and a half billion sites, seven billion bits of infor-
mation in the human DNA. There’s a very recognizable digital code
of the kind that electrical engineers rediscovered in the 1950s that
maps the codes for sequences of DNA onto expressions of proteins.

Signature of Controversy 41
DNA’s computer-like attributes have also been noted by leading think-
ers. Software mogul Bill Gates said, “Human DNA is like a computer
program but far, far more advanced than any software we’ve ever created.”
Francis Collins—who headed the Human Genome project and is a noted
proponent of Darwinism, describes DNA as a “digital code,” and observes
that “DNA is something like the hard drive on your computer” that contains
“programming.” Even Richard Dawkins has observed that “the machine code
of the genes is uncannily computer-like. Apart from differences in jargon, the
pages of a molecular biology journal might be interchanged with those of a
computer engineering journal.”

B ut what is the computer code doing? It turns out that it’s program-
ming nothing less than nanotechnology—micromolecular machines
inside the cell. In the words of Bruce Alberts, former president of the U.S.
National Academy of Sciences, “The entire cell can be viewed as a factory
that contains an elaborate network of interlocking assembly lines, each of
which is composed of a set of large protein machines.”
For Chu-Carroll to ignore the many leading evolutionary scientists and
thinkers who have compared the cell to computers or machines, and instead
to accuse Meyer of “dishonesty” is, well, a low form of argument that the
Google motto probably prevents us from naming. But where in our experi-
ence do digital code, computer programming, and factories filled with ma-
chines come from? Chu-Carroll knows the answer, which is probably why he
doesn’t like Meyer’s argument.

Signature of Controversy 42
On Reading Stephen
Meyer’s Signature
in the Cell

Signature of Controversy 43
10. Responding to
Darrel Falk’s Review of
Signature in the Cell
Stephen C. Meyer
Dr. Darrel Falk, biology professor at Point Loma Nazarene University, re-
viewed Signature in the Cell for the BioLogos Foundation’s blog, “Science & the
Sacred.”13 Below is Dr. Meyer’s response. —Editor

n 1985 I attended a conference that brought a fascinating
problem in origin-of-life biology to my attention—the problem of ex-
plaining how the information necessary to produce the first living cell
arose. At the time, I was working as a geophysicist doing digital signal pro-
cessing, a form of information analysis and technology. A year later, I en-
rolled in graduate school at the University of Cambridge, where I eventually
completed a PhD in the philosophy of science after doing interdisciplinary
research on the scientific and methodological issues in origin-of-life biology.
In the ensuing years, I continued to study the problem of the origin of life and
have authored peer-reviewed and peer-edited scientific articles on the topic of
biological origins, as well as co-authoring a peer-reviewed biology textbook.
Last year, after having researched the subject for more than two decades, I
published Signature in the Cell, which provides an extensive evaluation of
the principal competing theories of the origin of biological information and
the related question of the origin of life. Since its completion, the book has
been endorsed by prominent scientists including Philip Skell, a member of
the National Academy of Sciences; Scott Turner, an evolutionary biologist
at the State University of New York; and Professor Norman Nevin, one of
Britain’s leading geneticists.


Signature of Controversy 44
Nevertheless, in his recent review on the BioLogos website, Professor
Darrel Falk characterizes me as merely a well-meaning, but ultimately un-
qualified, philosopher and religious believer who lacks the scientific exper-
tise to evaluate origin-of-life research and who, in any case, has overlooked
the promise of recent pre-biotic simulation experiments. On the basis of two
such experiments, Falk suggests I have jumped prematurely to the conclu-
sion that pre-biotic chemistry cannot account for the origin of life. Yet nei-
ther of the scientific experiments he cites provides evidence that refutes the
argument of my book or solves the central mystery that it addresses. Indeed,
both experiments actually reinforce—if inadvertently—the main argument
of Signature in the Cell. 

The central argument of my book is that intelligent design—the activity
of a conscious and rational deliberative agent—best explains the origin of the
information necessary to produce the first living cell. I argue this because of
two things that we know from our uniform and repeated experience, which
following Charles Darwin I take to be the basis of all scientific reasoning
about the past. First, intelligent agents have demonstrated the capacity to
produce large amounts of functionally specified information (especially in
a digital form). Second, no undirected chemical process has demonstrated
this power. Hence, intelligent design provides the best—most causally ad-
equate—explanation for the origin of the information necessary to produce
the first life from simpler non-living chemicals. In other words, intelligent
design is the only explanation that cites a cause known to have the capacity
to produce the key effect in question.
Nowhere in his review does Falk refute this claim or provide another
explanation for the origin of biological information. In order to do so, Falk
would need to show that some undirected material cause has demonstrated
the power to produce functional biological information apart from the guid-
ance or activity of a designing mind. Neither Falk, nor anyone working in
origin-of-life biology, has succeeded in doing this. Thus, Falk opts instead
to make a mainly personal and procedural argument against my book by
dismissing me as unqualified and insisting that it is “premature” to draw any
negative conclusions about the adequacy of undirected chemical processes.

Signature of Controversy 45
T o support his claim that I rushed to judgment, Falk first cites a sci-
entific study published last spring after my book was in press. The pa-
per, authored by University of Manchester chemist John Sutherland and two
colleagues, does partially address one of the many outstanding difficulties
associated with the RNA world, the most popular current theory about the
origin of the first life.
Starting with a 3-carbon sugar (D-gylceraldehyde), and another mol-
ecule called 2-aminooxazole, Sutherland successfully synthesized a 5-car-
bon sugar in association with a base and a phosphate group. In other words,
he produced a ribonucleotide. The scientific press justifiably heralded this
as a breakthrough in pre-biotic chemistry because previously chemists had
thought (as I noted in my book) that the conditions under which ribose and
bases could be synthesized were starkly incompatible with each other.
Nevertheless, Sutherland’s work does not refute the central argument of
my book, nor does it support the claim that it is premature to conclude that
only intelligent agents have demonstrated the power to produce functionally
specified information. If anything, it illustrates the reverse. 

In Chapter 14 of my book I describe and critique the RNA world sce-
nario. There I describe five major problems associated with the theory.
Sutherland’s work only partially addresses the first and least severe of these
difficulties: the problem of generating the constituent building blocks or
monomers in plausible pre-biotic conditions. It does not address the more
severe problem of explaining how the bases in nucleic acids (either DNA
or RNA) acquired their specific information-rich arrangements. In other
words, Sutherland’s experiment helps explain the origin of the “letters” in
the genetic text, but not their specific arrangement into functional “words”
or “sentences.”
Even so, Sutherland’s work lacks pre-biotic plausibility and does so in
three ways that actually underscore my argument.
First, Sutherland chose to begin his reaction with only the right-handed
isomer of the 3-carbon sugars he needed to initiate his reaction sequence.
Why? Because he knew that otherwise the likely result would have had little
biological significance. Had Sutherland chosen to use a far more plausible

Signature of Controversy 46
racemic mixture of both right- and left-handed sugar isomers, his reaction
would have generated undesirable mixtures of stereoisomers—mixtures that
would seriously complicate any subsequent biologically relevant polymeriza-
tion. Thus, he himself solved the so-called chirality problem in origin-of-life
chemistry by intelligently selecting a single enantiomer, i.e., only the right-
handed sugars that life itself requires. Yet there is no demonstrated source
for such non-racemic mixture of sugars in any plausible pre-biotic environ-
Second, the reaction that Sutherland used to produce ribonucleotides
involved numerous separate chemical steps. At each intermediate stage in
his multi-step reaction sequence, Sutherland himself intervened to purify
the chemical by-products of the previous step by removing undesirable side
products. In so doing, he prevented—by his own will, intellect and experi-
mental technique—the occurrence of interfering cross-reactions, the scourge
of the pre-biotic chemist.
Third, in order to produce the desired chemical product—ribonucleo-
tides—Sutherland followed a very precise “recipe” or procedure in which he
carefully selected the reagents and choreographed the order in which they
were introduced into the reaction series, just as he also selected which side
products to be removed and when. Such recipes, and the actions of chemists
who follow them, represent what the late Hungarian physical chemist Mi-
chael Polanyi called “profoundly informative intervention[s].” Information is
being added to the chemical system as the result of the deliberative actions—
the intelligent design—of the chemist himself.

I n sum, not only did Sutherland’s experiment not address the more fun-
damental problem of getting the nucleotide bases to arrange themselves
into functionally specified sequences; the extent to which it did succeed in
producing more life-friendly chemical constituents actually illustrates the
indispensable role of intelligence in generating such chemistry.
The second experiment that Falk cites to refute my book illustrates this
problem even more acutely. This experiment is reported in a scientific paper
by Tracey Lincoln and Gerald Joyce ostensibly establishing the capacity of
RNA to self-replicate, thereby rendering plausible one of the key steps in the

Signature of Controversy 47
RNA world hypothesis. Falk incorrectly intimates that I did not discuss this
experiment in my book. In fact, I do on page 537.
In any case, it is Falk who draws exactly the wrong conclusion from this
paper. The central problem facing origin-of-life researchers is neither the
synthesis of pre-biotic building blocks (which Sutherland’s work addresses)
or even the synthesis of a self-replicating RNA molecule (the plausibility of
which Joyce and Tracey’s work seeks to establish, albeit unsuccessfully: see
below). Instead, the fundamental problem is getting the chemical building
blocks to arrange themselves into the large information-bearing molecules
(whether DNA or RNA). As I show in Signature in the Cell, even the ex-
tremely limited capacity for RNA self-replication that has been demon-
strated depends critically on the specificity of the arrangement of nucleotide
bases—that is, upon pre-existing sequence-specific information.
The Lincoln and Joyce experiment that Falk describes approvingly does
not solve this problem, at least not apart from the intelligence of Lincoln
and Joyce. In the first place, the “self-replicating” RNA molecules that they
construct are not capable of copying a template of genetic information from
free-standing chemical subunits as the polymerase machinery does in actual
cells. Instead, in Lincoln and Joyce’s experiment, a pre-synthesized specifically
sequenced RNA molecule merely catalyzes the formation of a single chemical
bond, thus fusing two other pre-synthesized partial RNA chains. In other
words, their version of “self-replication” amounts to nothing more than join-
ing two sequence specific pre-made halves together. More significantly, Lin-
coln and Joyce themselves intelligently arranged the matching base sequences
in these RNA chains. They did the work of replication. They generated the
functionally specific information that made even this limited form of replica-
tion possible.
The Lincoln and Joyce experiment actually confirms three related claims
that I make in Signature in the Cell. First, it demonstrates that even the capac-
ity for modest partial self-replication in RNA itself depends upon sequence
specific (i.e., information-rich) base sequences in these molecules. Second,
it shows that even the capacity for partial replication of genetic information
in RNA molecules results from the activity of chemists, that is, from the

Signature of Controversy 48
intelligence of the “ribozyme engineers” who design and select the features
of these (partial) RNA replicators. Third, pre-biotic simulation experiments
themselves confirm what we know from ordinary experience, namely, that
intelligent design is the only known means by which functionally specified
information arises.

F or nearly sixty years origin-of-life researchers have attempted to use

pre-biotic simulation experiments to find a plausible pathway by which
life might have arisen from simpler non-living chemicals, thereby providing
support for chemical evolutionary theory. While these experiments have
occasionally yielded interesting insights about the conditions under which
certain reactions will or won’t produce the various small molecule constitu-
ents of larger bio-macromolecules, they have shed no light on how the in-
formation in these larger macromolecules (particularly in DNA and RNA)
could have arisen. Nor should this be surprising in light of what we have long
known about the chemical structures of DNA and RNA. As I show in Sig-
nature in the Cell, the chemical structures of DNA and RNA allow them to
store information precisely because chemical affinities between their smaller
molecular subunits do not determine the specific arrangements of the bases
in the DNA and RNA molecules. Instead, the same type of chemical bond
(an N-glycosidic bond) forms between the backbone and each one of the four
bases, allowing any one of the bases to attach at any site along the backbone,
in turn allowing an innumerable variety of different sequences. This chemi-
cal indeterminacy is precisely what permits DNA and RNA to function as
information carriers. It also dooms attempts to account for the origin of the
information—the precise sequencing of the bases—in these molecules as the
result of deterministic chemical interactions.
Nevertheless, for Professor Falk, drawing any negative conclusions about
the adequacy of purely undirected chemical processes or —worse—making
an inference to intelligent design, is inherently premature. Indeed, for him
such thinking constitutes giving up on science or making “an argument from
ignorance.” But this betrays a misunderstanding of both science and the basis
of the design argument that I am making.

Signature of Controversy 49
Scientific investigations not only tell us what nature does, they also fre-
quently tell us what nature doesn’t do. The conservation laws in thermody-
namics, for example, proscribe certain outcomes. The first law tells us that
energy is never created or destroyed. The second tells us that the entropy of a
closed system will never decrease over time. Moreover, because these laws are
based upon our uniform and repeated experience, we have great confidence
in them. That is why physicists don’t, for example, still consider research on
perpetual motion machines to be worth investigating or funding.
In the same way, we now have a wealth of experience showing that what
I call specified or functional information (especially if encoded in digital form)
does not arise from purely physical or chemical antecedents. Indeed, the ri-
bozyme engineering and pre-biotic simulation experiments that Professor
Falk commends to my attention actually lend additional inductive support
to this generalization. On the other hand, we do know of a cause—a type of
cause—that has demonstrated the power to produce functionally specified
information. That cause is intelligence or conscious rational deliberation. As
the pioneering information theorist Henry Quastler once observed, “The
creation of information is habitually associated with conscious activity.” And,
of course, he was right. Whenever we find information—whether embedded
in a radio signal, carved in a stone monument, written in a book or etched
on a magnetic disc—and we trace it back to its source, invariably we come
to mind, not merely a material process. Thus, the discovery of functionally
specified, digitally encoded information along the spine of DNA provides
compelling positive evidence of the activity of a prior designing intelligence.
This conclusion is not based upon what we don’t know. It is based upon what
we do know from our uniform experience about the cause and effect structure
of the world—specifically, what we know about what does, and does not,
have the power to produce large amounts of specified information.

T hat Professor Falk rejects this knowledge as knowledge, and the

case for design based on it, reflects his own commitment to finding
a solution to the origin of life problem within a strictly materialistic frame-
work. Indeed, he and his colleagues at BioLogos have made clear that they
accept the principle of methodological naturalism, the idea that scientists,

Signature of Controversy 50
to be scientists, must limit themselves to positing only materialistic explana-
tions for all phenomena. Of course, it is their right to accept this intellectual
limitation on theorizing if they wish. But it needs to be noted that the prin-
ciple of methodological naturalism is an arbitrary philosophical assumption,
not a principle that can be established or justified by scientific observation
itself. Others of us, having long ago seen the pattern in pre-biotic simulation
experiments, to say nothing of the clear testimony of thousands of years of
human experience, have decided to move on. We see in the information-rich
structure of life a clear indicator of intelligent activity and have begun to in-
vestigate living systems accordingly. If, by Professor Falk’s definition, that
makes us philosophers rather than scientists, then so be it. But I suspect that
the shoe is now, instead, firmly on the other foot.

Signature of Controversy 51
11. Asking Darrel Falk to
Pick a Number, Any Number
Richard Sternberg

have long questioned the assumption that most genomic
DNA sequences are “nonsensical” or “ junk.” And given the data that
have emerged over the past seven or so years, a functionalist view of the
genome has robust empirical support. It is for this reason that I think many
of the arguments presented by the BioLogos Foundation are “wrong on many
counts,” to borrow a phrase from Darrel Falk.
Here is an example. While reading the “critique” of Steve Meyer’s
book, Signature in the Cell, by Francisco Ayala,14 a number struck me that I
know to be incorrect. The integer that I am referring to is “25,000” and it is
claimed to be the known tally of genes in our chromosomes:
The human genome includes about 25,000 genes and lots of oth-
er (mostly short) switch sequences…
Now, the problem with such a statement is this: While there are ~25,000
protein-coding genes in our DNA, the number of RNA-coding genes is pre-
dicted to be much higher, >450,000.15 Some of the latter range in length
from being quite short—only 20 or so genetic letters—to being millions
of letters long. Since 2004 we have learned that over 90 percent of our
DNA is transcribed into RNA sequences at some developmental stage, in
different cell and tissue types. (Our brain cells are unusually rich in these
non-translated RNAs.) These RNAs are then processed into regulatory
and structural sequences of all sizes.16
15. Rederstorff, M., S. H. Bernhart, A. Tanzer, M. Zywicki, K. Perfler, M. Lukasser, I. L.
Hofacker and A. Hüttenhofer (in press), “RNPomics: Defining the ncRNA transcriptome by
cDNA library generation from ribonucleo-protein particles,” Nucleic Acids Research (2010).
16. Amaral, P. P., M.E. Dinger, T. R. Mercer and J. S. Mattick, “The eukaryotic genome as an
RNA machine,” Science 319:5871 (2008), pp. 1787-1789; Dinger, M. E., P. P. Amaral, T. R.
Mercer and J. S. Mattick, “Pervasive transcription of the eukaryotic genome: functional indices
and conceptual implications,” Briefings in Functional Genomics and Proteomics 8:6 (2009), pp.

Signature of Controversy 52
It could of course be argued, as it has been, that most of these RNA
transcripts are themselves junk. But a host of them are packaged into com-
plexes with different proteins.
So the true number of genes in our DNA is probably >450,000 +
25,000 = >475,000. What is more, these >450,000 genes cover more than
88.5 percent of our 3 billion genetic letters. That’s right—most, if not close
to all, of our chromosomal DNA consists of different types of genes that
have only recently been discovered.
How do these facts square with this comment made by Falk?17
but this still doesn’t negate the fact that almost certainly much, if not
most, of the DNA plays no role, and in many cases can be harmful.

W ell, it all depends on how he is using the words “much” and

“most.” I really don’t know. So I have a question for him: Exactly
what fraction of the transcribed 88.5 percent of our DNA are you willing to
say “plays no role” or can be harmful? All I am asking for is a prediction, such
as “90 percent of these DNA letters is superfluous” (“or 79.5 percent of the
RNAs are nonsensical”). Since he also said “almost certainly” in the above
statement, he must have a figure in mind. So I say pick a number, any num-
ber.… But to be a good sport, I’ll show my prediction: All of the expressed
88.5 percent of our DNA has diverse roles in our development.

407-423; Mercer, T. R., I. A. Qureshi, S. Gokhan, M. E. Dinger, G. Li, J. S. Mattick and M.

F. Mehler, “Long noncoding RNAs in neuronal-glial fate specification and oligodendrocyte
lineage maturation,” BMC Neuroscience 11:1 (2010), p. 14.

Signature of Controversy 53
12. Ayala and Falk Miss
the Signs in the Genome
Richard Sternberg

n his recent response to Stephen Meyer’s Signature in the
Cell, Francisco Ayala claimed that repetitive portions of our DNA
called “Alu” sequences are “nonsensical.” Ayala wrote: “Would a func-
tion ever be found for these one million nearly identical Alu sequences? It
seems most unlikely.” In his response to Ayala, Meyer showed that Ayala is
factually wrong about this. According to recent technical papers in genom-
ics, Alu sequences perform multiple functions.
In a rejoinder to Meyer, Darrel Falk defended Ayala and claimed al-
though “a number of functional regions have been discovered within Alu
sequences,” there “is no question that many Alu sequences really have no
function.” 18
In my previous chapter, I showed that the vast majority of the genome
is transcribed, either into protein-coding genes or into regulatory RNAs.
The technical literature—some of which I cited in that blog—reports that
the genome is an RNA-coding machine. Clearly, most DNA really does have
In this and subsequent posts, I will provide other sorts of evidence that
so-called “ junk DNA” is not junk at all, but functional.
We have all seen a variant of the plot in a movie. A strange signal ap-
pears—in one film it is a recurrent wireless telegraph code that is transmitted
from San Diego after a global nuclear holocaust (On the Beach); in another
it is radio transmissions from deep space (Contact); in still another it is crop
circles (Signs). In the first movie, the signal turns out to be due to a Coca-Cola
bottle: Wind blowing on a window shade next to the bottle results in the

18. Ayala and Falk’s comments may be accessed here:

cells-signature/; and here:

Signature of Controversy 54
latter being occasionally nudged, which sometimes leads to a telegraph key
being tapped by the very same. But in the second movie, the signals received
turn out to contain a complex set of encrypted data with an intricate math-
ematical pattern—they are the specifications for building a device that can
travel through space-time wormholes, sent from a friendly alien civilization.
So also are the crop circles in the third film messages from an extraterrestrial
race, except that the designs portend an attack on humanity.
Now, the reason we are drawn in by such stories is obvious: The signals
have serious implications for the characters. It could mean the survival of
mankind after a thermonuclear war; it could mean that there are other sen-
tient beings in the universe. That is why we would quickly lose interest in
the plot if, say, in every scene where a scientist appeared before an important
governmental group and said, “The outer space signal contains over sixty
thousand, multidimensional pages of complex architectural plans,” she were
countered with, “This is exactly the predicted outcome of billions of years of
cosmic evolution—you see, random interstellar events lead to just this kind
of complex specified information…we are not impressed.” We would want
our money back.

M y purpose in bringing up this subject is that I have a mysterious

genomic signal for you to see—which I will show you in the next
chapter. We detected it some time ago and it has aroused the interest of some
genomicists, but you will find no mention of it in books such as Francis Col-
lins’s The Language of God—which is peculiar. But I have another aim in
mind, too, in broaching this possible chromosomal code: A key first indica-
tor of functionality is a distinctly non-random pattern. The persistence of a
distinct signal in different contexts often suggests functional constraints are
operative—that is why genomicists look for them. And since I want to focus
on the global functions of such Short Interspersed Nuclear Elements (SINEs)
as human Alus and their mouse and rat counterparts, their far-from-random
placement cannot be elided. In fact, I will argue that it is a critical part of the
genome story that the folks at BioLogos aren’t telling you.
To prepare for the mysterious genomic signal, though, I want to draw
your attention to this figure:

Signature of Controversy 55
Reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Nature figure 9d, Genome sequence of the
Brown Norway rat yields insights into mammalian evolution. Nature 428: 493-521), copyright 2004.

What you are seeing are the relative densities of Long Interspersed Nu-
clear Element (LINE) L1s and SINEs along 110,000,000 DNA letters of
rat chromosome 10.19 (From Fig. 9d of reference 1.) The x-axis represents
the sequence of letters in DNA and the blue line indicates where SINEs
occur—what Ayala calls “obnoxious sequences” that are supposedly due to
“degenerative biological processes that are not the result of ID.” The red line
indicates where LINE sequences occur.
By the way, Francis Collins is a principal author of the Nature paper
where these results are published.
Both LINEs and SINEs are types of mobile DNA, namely, retrotranspo-
sons, and together they can comprise around half of the mammalian genome.
As should be clear from the figure, LINEs tend to peak in abundance where
SINEs taper off and vice versa (see the blue boxes). We have known about
this pattern since the late 1980s, so it is no surprise to someone who has
been following the subject. What should be surprising to anyone, however,
is that the same machinery is responsible for the movement of both types of
retrotransposon. A complete L1 element encodes the proteins necessary to
“reverse transcribe” an RNA copy of itself back into DNA, and to insert the
generated duplicate into some chromosomal site. SINEs, by way of contrast,
rely on the L1-specified proteins for all their copying and pasting routines.

19. Rat Genome Sequencing Project Consortium, “Genome sequence of the Brown Norway
rat yields insights into mammalian evolution,” Nature 428 (2004), pp. 493-521.

Signature of Controversy 56
This compartmentalization of LINEs and SINEs along the mammalian
chromosome can also be detected by using molecular probes for L1 or Alu(-
like) sequences:20

F or junkety-junk elements that can make up 50 percent of a mam-

mal’s mostly junkety-junk genome, the rule seems to be: Location, loca-
tion, location.
Interestingly, this higher-order pattern cannot be detected when small
sections of DNA are examined. It only becomes evident when stretches
that are millions of nucleotides long are studied.
This banding pattern has been known for decades—but for some rea-
son it is rarely (if ever) discussed by “ junk DNA” advocates. The bands on
the chromosome arms fall into two general categories:
• R bands: DNA compartments that are enriched with the genetic let-
ters G and C, have a high concentration of protein-coding genes,
a preponderance of Alu or Alu-like repetitive elements (e.g., mouse
B1s), and replicate early in the DNA synthesis phase of the cell cycle.
• G bands: DNA compartments that are enriched with the genetic
letters A and T, have a low concentration of protein-coding genes,
a high density of the L1 retrotransposon, and replicate late in the
DNA synthesis phase of the cell cycle.

20. Chen, T. L. and L. Manuelidis, “SINEs and LINEs cluster in distinct DNA fragments
of Giemsa band size,” Chromosoma 98 (1989), pp. 309-316; 
Korenberg, J. R. and M. C.
Rykowski, “Human genome organization: Alu, lines, and the molecular structure of metaphase
chromosome bands,” Cell 53:3 (1988), pp. 391-400;
Costantini, M., O. Clay, C. Federico, S.
Saccone, F. Auletta and G. Bernardi, “Human chromosomal bands: nested structure, high-
definition map and molecular basis,” Chromosoma 116 (2007), pp. 29-40.

Signature of Controversy 57
There are other strong functional correlations, too, such as the distribu-
tion of types of chromatin and how the genome is packaged in the nucleus.
But I’m getting way ahead of myself.

N ow some questions. Which DNA regions of the mammalian ge-

nome are enriched in the codes for the most essential functions? Pre-
cisely where you find Alus and Alu-like sequences (the dark blue bands on the
chromosome). Which sections of the mammalian genome have the highest
rates of transcription? Precisely where you find Alus and Alu-like sequences.
Where do you find the strongest organizational correlations between any
two mammalian genomes? Precisely where you find Alus and Alu-like sequenc-
Aren’t these correlations a bit strange for genomes that supposedly
consist mostly of junk and are constantly being corrupted by “degenerative
processes”? Why do such “obnoxious sequences” have any kind of conserved
higher-order “bar code” pattern? These facts of mammalian chromosome
biology have been known for years, if not decades. But, alas, no mention of
them is to be found in the literature that wants to emphasize the unintel-
ligent design of our genome. To make up for this lack, then, I am going to
discuss such facts in more detail after I show you the mystery signal in the
next chapter.

Signature of Controversy 58
13. Discovering Signs in
the Genome by Thinking
Outside the BioLogos Box
Richard Sternberg

aving promised that I would show you a mysterious ge-
nomic signal, I shall now fulfill that promise. The previous chap-
ter was devoted to describing the linear distribution of LINEs
and SINEs along mammalian chromosomal DNA. We saw that L1 ret-
rotransposons tend to be densest in the regions where Alus and Alu-like ele-
ments are the least common and vice versa. I included the following figure
from an article co-authored by Francis Collins that showed this compart-
mentalization of LINEs and SINEs along over a hundred million genetic
letters of rat chromosome 10:

Reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Nature figure 9d, Genome sequence of the
Brown Norway rat yields insights into mammalian evolution. Nature 428: 493-521), copyright 2004.

The blue line indicates the distribution of SINEs along a 110-million

base pair interval of rat chromosome 10.
Intriguing as this non-random distribution of repetitive elements may
be, it gets even more interesting when one realizes that SINEs are specific
to taxonomic groups. Each primate genome has distinct subfamilies of the
Alu sequence. The mouse genome, on the other hand, has no Alus but it does
have three unique SINE families called B1, B2, and B4. While mouse B1

Signature of Controversy 59
shares some sequence similarity with Alu, it has no relationship to the B2
or B4 elements; the latter two are also unrelated to each other. What then
about the rat SINEs along chromosome 10, which were depicted as a blue
line? Well, the genome of the rat has one main SINE family called ID, for
the “Identifier” sequence. The ID elements have nothing in common at the
DNA sequence level with the mouse B1s, B2s, or B4s, and they are wholly
dissimilar to Alus.
So we have three different mammal genomes (primate, mouse, and rat)
and three different sets of SINEs. But since I showed you rat chromosome
10 yesterday, let’s just focus on the two rodent genomes.
Now, the mouse and rat are estimated to have diverged 22 million years
ago. During that interval, individual SINEs have been coming and going and
going and coming, in and out of chromosomes. This ongoing insertion/de-
letion of these retrotransposons is precisely the “degenerative process” that
Francisco Ayala referred to when mentioning Alus.
For the 22 million years that have occurred since the mouse and rat lin-
eages went their separate ways, both genomes have been subjected to hun-
dreds of thousands—if not millions—of separate SINE insertion events.
Putting on our “ junk DNA” thinking caps, let’s try to predict what the out-
comes of such long-term mutational bombardments would be vis-à-vis the
linear distributions of SINEs along a chromosome. To do this, let’s connect
these two statements:
1) “… almost certainly much, if not most, of the DNA plays no role…”
2) “Perhaps one could attribute the obnoxious presence of the Alu se-
quences to degenerative biological processes…”
Or to restate, we have “much, if not most” rodent DNA that is not func-
tional having being subjected to extensive degenerative events over the course
of twenty-two million years. The only difference that we must keep in mind
is that the “obnoxious” elements that were involved in this example of decay
in the mouse genome are B1s, B2s, and B4s; whereas the destructive force in
the rat genome in this case was primarily the ID elements.

O kay. What do we expect in general from degenerating processes

that have no functional consequences? Let’s do a thought experiment.

Signature of Controversy 60
Consider the surfaces of two moons that were once part of the same plan-
etary body 22 million years ago. Since their separation, both have been sub-
jected to independent collisions with asteroids, meteorites, and other pieces
of space debris. Question: Would you expect the scar patterns on both to be
different or identical? (It may seem like a silly question, but bear with me.)
Replace now the word “moons” with the “mouse and rat genomes” and
“asteroids and meteorites and other pieces of space debris” with SINEs, and
you will see what I am asking. So I’ll rephrase my question. What should we
expect regarding the linear distribution of independent SINE impacts along
mouse and rat chromosomes?
A. Completely independent patterns—like meteorite impact sites on
B. A few overlapping patterns, due to chance; or
C. Nearly identical patterns.

And the mystery signal is…

Reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Nature (figure 9c, Genome sequence of the
Brown Norway rat yields insights into mammalian evolution. Nature 428: 493-521), copyright 2004.

This is a second figure from the article co-authored by Francis Collins

(from Fig. 9c of Ref. 1). The scale on the x-axis is the same as that of the pre-
vious graph—it is the same 110,000,000 genetic letters of rat chromosome
10. The scale on the y-axis is different, with the red line in this figure corre-
sponding to the distribution of rat-specific SINEs in the rat genome (i.e., ID
sequences). The green line in this figure, however, corresponds to the pattern
of B1s, B2s, and B4s in the mouse genome.
Was it what you expected from a degenerative process? Why?
At this point the theistic evolutionist might say—Silly Rick: Common
descent explains this pattern!
Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Signature of Controversy 61
Let me repeat—each graph denotes only lineage-specific mutational inser-
The mutational signal from mouse B1s, B2s, and B4s is equivalent to the
mutational signal of rat IDs.
It almost looks as if, say, the rat graph was copied, slightly redrawn, la-
beled “mouse,” and then pasted above the previous line. (Of course, it wasn’t.)
How strange that two independently acting degenerative processes—affect-
ing mostly “ junk DNA”— would lead to the same higher-order pattern.

I t’s a bizarre pattern. And this correlation occurs throughout both ge-
The Rat Genome Consortium—and thus Francis Collins—apparently
thought it worthy to devote a whole section to the phenomenon. Titled “Co-
Localization of SINEs in Rat and Mouse,” the section states:
Despite the different fates of SINE families, the number of
SINEs inserted after speciation in each lineage is remarkably similar:
~300,000 copies… Figure 9c displays the lineage-specific SINE den-
sities on rat chromosome 10 and in the mouse orthologous blocks,
showing a stronger correlation than any other feature. The cause of the
unusual distribution patterns of SINEs, accumulating in gene-rich regions
where other interspersed repeats are scarce, is apparently a conserved
feature, independent of the primary sequence of the SINE and effective
over regions smaller than isochors [emphasis added].
The potential signal in these two genomes, then, should be obvious. If
not, I will belabor the point:
• The strongest correlation between mouse and rat genomes is SINE
linear patterning.
• Though these SINE families have no sequence similarities, their
placements are conserved.
• And they are concentrated in protein-coding genes.
Am I suggesting that extraterrestrials were fiddling with rodent DNA?
No. Am I implying that we are seeing the “language of God” in rodent-script?
I haven’t the foggiest notion. What I am saying is that we know a lot about
the genome that is being glossed over in the popular works that the theistic

Signature of Controversy 62
evolutionists write. I am also saying that instead of finding nothing but dis-
order along our chromosomes, we are finding instead a high degree of order.
Is this an anomaly? No. As I’ll discuss in the next chapter, we see a sim-
ilar pattern when we compare the linear positioning of human Alus with
mouse SINEs. Is there an explanation? Yes. But to discover it, you have to
think outside the BioLogos box.

Signature of Controversy 63
14. Beginning to Decipher
the SINE Signal
Richard Sternberg

emember the analogy of the two moons I used earlier to
discuss the distribution of SINEs in the mouse and rat genomes?
Well, I am going to use it again today, but only for a moment.
Suppose you are keenly interested in the topography of one of the
moons, named Y6-9. Suppose also that the books you first select to read on
the topic are popular works, written by “experts” who are “living legends.” As
you read through the works, you find paragraphs here and there about how
utterly decrepit Y6-9 is, and how this space body exemplifies eons of random
events. The authors argue that we already knew all there was to know about
that moon back in 1859, and that the evidence demonstrates either that God
doesn’t exist or that the deity left the cosmos to itself after the Big Bang.
You find, however, that these books almost totally ignore the findings
of the billion-dollar missions sent to the surface of Y6-9 since the 1960s.
Indeed, there is next to nothing in them about Y6-9’s actual geology.
So you contact the LunarLogos Foundation, a Christian group that pro-
motes such books. You tell them that you have a few specific questions about
the Y6-9 mission findings. The response you get is that because you are a lay-
man, you would not be able to comprehend the details. Besides, the Lunar-
Logos folks say, the mainstream experts have spoken authoritatively about
the subject and that should be enough for you. As a consolation, though,
they send you a CD that has songs that are sung by one of their founding
Somewhat disgruntled, you decide to spend a day at a university library.
You ask a librarian for maps of Y6-9 and technical journals that discuss
its features. An hour or so later, with stacks of data before you, something
catches your eye—something never mentioned in any of the books you’ve

Signature of Controversy 64
read. Sitting in a Y6-9 crater is a large monolith. High resolution photos
reveal it to be rectangular in shape, with a polished surface, and composed
of some dense black material. This must be a mistake, you think. So you
look at other craters on Y6-9 and many of them also contain the same kind
of monolith. You discern their overall distribution to be non-random—and
the monoliths themselves are highly non-random. Then, after consulting the
literature, you learn: The existence of such objects has been known for over
two decades. In fact, one of the experts at LunarLogos wrote about them in
the technical reports of the Y6-9 probe missions.
Now, more than disgruntled, you decide to write about what you have
learned, citing the relevant literature in case someone might want to read
about this topic himself. After posting what you write on the Internet, Lu-
narLogos posts their reply. Their response reads something like this:
Okay. Sure. There are obnoxious monoliths littering Y6-9… ev-
erybody knows this. In fact, there are about a million of them. But
they got there because of degenerative cosmic processes. While many
of the structures Mr. X mentioned are suggestive of some possibly
unknown cause that we have never denied, it is almost certain that
much, if not most, of the Y6-9 surface is without any remarkable
features. Besides, why would God put them there? They are simply
We have one more thing to say. We don’t appreciate how disre-
spectful Mr. X has been to our team of experts. Although Mr. X is a
PhD planetary scientist, he is not as qualified to write on this subject
as scientists approved by LunarLogos. So we ask him, for the sake of
having meaningful dialogue: Please stop writing about this subject.
A LunarLogos sympathizer writes on another blog:
We think you’re a nice guy, but your arguments are insane.
What would you think?

T hen someone unaffiliated with LunarLogos brings something to

your attention. He shows you a map of the sister moon of Y6-9, called
Q7-10. You are aware that Y6-9 and Q7-10 went their separate ways after a
cosmic collision 22 million years ago. But something strange catches your
eye. Q7-10 has polished black monoliths, too, except that they are pyramids

Signature of Controversy 65
instead of rectangles. That’s not the weirdest thing, though. The weirdest
thing is that the geographical distribution of the monoliths on Y6-9 very nearly
matches the geographical distribution of the monoliths on Q7-10.
Now what would you think?
The almost one-to-one correspondence of mouse-specific and rat-specific
SINE insertion events along homologous regions of the two genomes is al-
most as remarkable as the matching geographical distributions of the mono-
liths in the analogy of the two moons. Remember the graph (from Figure 9c
of Ref. 1):

Reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Nature (figure 9c, Genome sequence of the
Brown Norway rat yields insights into mammalian evolution. Nature 428: 493-521), copyright 2004.

We have two genomes that went their separate ways 22 million years
ago. We have two lineages that have been subjected to different historical
events. Yet, when we compare the chromosome locations of mouse B1s/B2s/
B4s with those of rat IDs, they look almost the same. Where the ID SINEs
rise in density, so do the B1s/B2s/B4s SINEs; where the ID SINE levels
decrease, so also do the B1s/B2s/B4s SINE levels. Independent mutational
events have generated equivalent genomic patterns. How can we causally ac-
count for this striking pattern?
In the paper written by Francis Collins and his colleagues, under the
heading “Co-Localization of Sines in Rat and Mouse,” we read:
The cause of the unusual distribution patterns of SINEs… is ap-
parently a conserved feature, independent of the primary sequence of
the SINE...” [emphasis added].
Let’s unpack this part of the sentence. We have:
1. A cause of some sort.
2. A cause that is conserved between the mouse and rat.
3. A cause that is independent of SINE primary DNA sequences.

Signature of Controversy 66
That’s all very well and good, but the specific cause is never mentioned.
Where, then, can we find it?
Experts such as John Avise, Francisco Ayala, Francis Collins, and Darrel
Falk tell us that we must think like Darwinians before we can begin to make
sense of the data, since nothing else is scientific, or indeed even reasonable.
So let’s play along and think like Darwinians, limiting ourselves to what Col-
lins and his colleagues have authoritatively provided. Recall that they are:
• Chance mutations continually degrade genomes that are largely junk
• SINEs are for the most part nonsensical junk
• Natural selection is the sole creative force in evolution
• Except when genetic drift (neutral evolution) is also a factor.
We can call this conceptual scheme the “BioLogos box.”
We’ll start, then, with chance mutations. We know that the enzymes
encoded by the L1 retrotransposon copy and paste SINEs into mammali-
an genomes. So perhaps this is the causative agent that acts independently
of primary DNA sequence? And since L1 is present in all mammalian ge-
nomes, we may just be on the trail of the “conserved cause.”
But wait. L1 also mobilizes itself. This is a problem, for when we com-
pare LINE and SINE distributions along chromosomes, it is clear that in
the regions where the former is abundant the latter is not, and vice versa.
Remember the graph (from Figure 9d of Ref. 1):

Reprinted by permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd: Nature figure 9d, Genome sequence of the
Brown Norway rat yields insights into mammalian evolution. Nature 428: 493-521), copyright 2004.

But we have no plausible mechanistic explanation for why the mouse

L1 machinery would have pasted B1s/B2s/B4s—over 22 million years, no
less—into the same general locations and at much the same densities, as the
rat L1 machinery pasted ID elements over the same period of time.

Signature of Controversy 67
N ot to fear. We still have to consider that worker of miracles, natural
selection. This mechanism eliminates harmful features while preserv-
ing those that enhance survival. So let’s construct a hypothesis: Mouse and
rat SINE distributions reflect the differential removal of these DNA repeats
from regions where their presence would be harmful. In other words, we pre-
dict that sequences where mouse B1s/B2s/B4s and rat IDs peak in density
are segments of the genome that are largely junk; conversely, in the sections
where these SINEs taper off, functional coding regions are to be found.
Does this hypothesis point in the right causal direction? I don’t think
so. Here is why. Remember the statement made by Falk in defense of Ayala
contra Meyer:21
He [Ayala] does say that on average there are about 40 copies of
Alu sequences between every two genes, but this is simply a fact.
Well, both Falk and Ayala are correct—and that is the problem with the
selection hypothesis. Protein-coding genes make up only ~1.5 percent of the
mammalian genome. Where do the peaks of B1s/B2s/B4s and IDs occur
along the mouse and rat chromosomes, respectively? In and around the ~1.5
percent of the genome that is protein-coding. Remember the following state-
ment in the sentence of the Nature paper quoted above:
The cause of the unusual distribution patterns of SINEs, ac-
cumulating in gene-rich regions where other interspersed repeats are
scarce, is apparently a conserved feature, independent of the primary
sequence of the SINE... [emphasis added].
Whatever the mystery cause is, it plucked out the species-specific SINEs
from the junkety-junk LINE regions, and piled them high around the
“25,000 genes” of the mouse and rat. Or it directed the SINEs to rain down
on the gene-rich regions and in much lesser amounts elsewhere. This contra-
dicts our selection hypothesis, unless the SINEs are doing something important
in and around those protein-coding regions. But since so much ink has been
spilled arguing that nothing of the sort is the case—these are junk elements,
even harmful—we must turn to some other factor.


Signature of Controversy 68
R eaching into the BioLogos box, we now pull out “genetic drift.”
Neutral evolution means that a mutation—regardless of whether it is
beneficial, neutral, or negative—can become fixed or lost in a lineage solely by
chance. With respect to a SINE insertion, its persistence in a lineage would
have to be a genetic coin toss: If heads, the SINE stays in a site; if tails, it is
lost. So for a pure neutralist model to account for the graphs we have seen,
~300,000 random mutation events in the mouse have to match, somehow,
the ~300,000 random mutation events in the rat.
What are the odds of that?
Like the imaginary scientist trying to make sense of the far-from-ran-
dom lunar evidence that LunarLogos glossed over, I think we have to look
elsewhere for the mystery cause of equivalent SINE patterns in the mouse
and rat genomes. But where? A technical term was used in the sentence that
I quoted above that you may have missed. I will highlight it for you:
The cause of the unusual distribution patterns of SINEs, accu-
mulating in gene-rich regions where other interspersed repeats are
scarce, is apparently a conserved feature, independent of the primary
sequence of the SINE and effective over regions smaller than iso-
Ever heard of “isochores”? Well, they are to DNA sequence organization
along a chromosome what mountains and valleys are to a continent. Imagine
buying a book about the geographical features of Africa and not finding a
single word about Mount Kilimanjaro or the Great Rift Valley.
Imagine finding instead a lot of musings about what God couldn’t or
wouldn’t have done with Africa. What would you think about such a book?
Well, turn to the index of Francis Collins’s The Language of God, or John
Avise’s Inside the Human Genome: A Case for Non-Intelligent Design, and look
for “isochore.” You won’t find it.
Isochores might provide a clue to cause of the mystery signal, but the
cause—whatever it may be—is outside the BioLogos box.

Signature of Controversy 69
15. Intelligent Design,
Frontloading and
Theistic Evolution
Jay Richards

t Scott McKnight’s blog at Beliefnet, an anonymous sci-
entist has started a review thread22 on Steve Meyer’s book. Sig-
nature in the Cell. While the blogger (“RJS”) says she ultimately
disagrees with Meyer’s argument, it’s clear that she takes Meyer’s argument
seriously and is trying to do her best to present the argument accurately.
This is much more than can be said for the many hysterical and misinformed
“critiques” of Meyer’s argument that are now floating around the Internet.
Anyone who’s actually read the book will know that most of these critiques
are cliches that Meyer addresses in detail in the book, suggesting that the
critics don’t even know the argument they are criticizing.
A civil review like this is welcomed, and I look forward to reading the
In her first installment, RJS suggests that there’s a promising “third way”
that Meyer doesn’t address in the book:
It seems to me that there is a middle ground between the insis-
tence that chance, happenstance, and law (the laws of physics) suf-
fice to explain all and the suggestion that biology—life—can only
be explained with reference to a creative mind. Alister McGrath (A
Fine-Tuned Universe) and Simon Conway Morris (Life’s Solution) pro-
vide some insight into this middle ground. The fabric of the universe
makes life possible and inevitable—not a highly contingent accident.
Thinking scientifically we look for the causally connected series of
events that resulted in the present reality—as part of God’s method
in creation.


Signature of Controversy 70
I’m familiar with McGrath and Conway Morris’s views, and they have
some merit; but I don’t think they offer an alternative that Meyer fails to ad-
dress. Smoothing for inconsistencies in their proposals, their idea is basically
that God hardwired or “frontloaded” everything “in the beginning” as it were
to give rise to complex life somewhere, while allowing for a lot of “freedom”
and variation within the cosmos. (So they’re not hard determinists.)

F irst, taken seriously, this is quite obviously a theistic form of design

that simply tries to locate all the designing activity at the beginning—in
the cosmic fine-tuning and initial conditions. The design does real work, and
there’s no reason that the effects of that design would not be empirically de-
tectable (as long as we have an open-minded, nonpositivist view of science).
As a simple analogy, think of frontloading this way. If I shoot a gun at a
target and hit it, I’ve intentionally aimed the bullet at the beginning, even
though the bullet’s trajectory follows the rules of gravity, momentum, etc. In
God’s case, of course, he would also establish the law-like rules and superin-
tend them. All I can do when I shoot a gun is take them into account.

Second, some frontloading and fine-tuning is not only compatible with
but necessary for Steve’s argument. But I think the argument that every-
thing can be explained this way doesn’t capture the details of Steve’s argu-
ment about information at the origin of life. The frontloading scenario tries
to turn necessary conditions for life into sufficient conditions. Though Steve
doesn’t say this, if he’s right, it’s not at all obvious that this frontloading sce-
nario is so much as possible. The only thing God would have to hardwire
information at the beginning would be initial conditions, some proto-matter
and the repetitive, law-like forces that govern the matter. But we can see the
effects of both those initial conditions and the law-like regularities playing
out in the material world now. They constitute the background to the infor-
mation in biological systems—that is, the necessary but nowhere nearly suf-
ficient background—the contrast medium for the information. What would
it mean to tweak the expressions of gravity and electromagnetism so that
they would give rise to the information-processing in cells and body plans of
vertebrates? I think this explanation has plausibility only in proportion to
the haziness of one’s conception of specified information.

Signature of Controversy 71
Third, even if it’s possible for God to frontload things in this way, it hard-
ly follows that this is a better explanation than the one Steve proposes, which
is (at least implicitly) (1) that matter shows degrees of freedom inconsistent
with such complete frontloading and (2) that intelligence plays an active and
detectable role within cosmic history, and probably is not limited in the way
proposed (or suggested) by Conway Morris and others. What we’re inter-
ested in is the best explanation for life’s features in the real world, one that
takes account of the known causal powers of the world as we see it.

Signature of Controversy 72
16. Getting ID Right:
Further Thoughts on
the Beliefnet Review of
Signature in the Cell
Jay Richards

he second, third, and fourth installments of the review
of Steve Meyer’s book Signature in the Cell are up over at Beliefnet.23
(I responded to the first installment in the preceding chapter.)
Although this series appears on Scot McKnight’s Jesus Creed blog,
they’re written by anonymous blogger “RJS.” I’m guessing that RJS is a sci-
entist, or is in a sensitive academic position, and doesn’t want to risk banish-
ment for saying reasonable things about an ID argument. If so, that tells us
something of the social pressures against writing publicly about this issue.
The second installment didn’t really review Meyer’s book, but rather
used Meyer’s analysis of evidence in the historical sciences as a point of de-
parture for reflecting on the differences in historicity between Noah’s flood
and Jesus’s resurrection. She has some interesting thoughts on this, but since
it’s not germane to Meyer’s argument, I’ll just respond to her third install-
ment here, and her fourth and later installments separately.
I should say that this review is better than 95 percent of online reviews
of Meyer’s book, so it’s worth reading. Not only does she grapple with the
details, she’s actually read the book before reviewing it. What a thought!
Unfortunately, she still mischaracterizes ID, and she still relies on the
Darwinian doctrinal defaults so characteristic of this debate.
23. RJS’s three later review installments may be accessed here:
jesuscreed/2010/01/signature-in-the-cell-2---hist.html; here:
jesuscreed/2010/01/signature-in-the-cell-3---hist.html; and here:

Signature of Controversy 73
First, she makes it appear that ID is concerned only with the biological
sciences, which is not the case. It’s just that biology is by far the most contro-
versial area for saying design-friendly things (due to the deeply ideological
character of modern neo-Darwinism), so it draws the most fire.
Second, though I’m glad she distinguishes the negative case against, say,
neo-Darwinism, from the positive case for intelligent design, she puts the
point a bit pejoratively as “the attempt to undermine all of evolutionary biol-
ogy.” When dealing with the negative side of the argument, the focus among
ID folks in biology is not “all of evolutionary biology,” but rather the Darwin-
ian selection-mutation mechanism, materialistic chemical origin-of-life sce-
narios, and inaccurate claims concerning universal common ancestry. And
IDers widely recognize that it’s the first two claims, and not the third, that
are central to the argument.

B ut there is an issue in this vicinity that RJS misses: if you’re allowed

to consider ID, then many arguments for (universal) common ancestry
are ambiguous, and seem to count equally in favor of common design and
common descent. ID folks generally understand this and are willing to talk
about it publicly, while those seized with the Darwinian vision usually find it
almost impossible to imagine the evidence for common descent counting for
anything else. RJS does this almost reflexively, citing just this sort of ambigu-
ous evidence from Darrell Falk and Francis Collins for this conclusion:
These three lines of evidence, and perhaps there are others, make
the general theory of evolution clearly the inference to best explana-
tion. There is no real doubt left. While we do not yet understand the
whole process, the general scenario is as close to proven as anything
ever is or can be in history or biology. Arguments against the broad
brush history of evolution fall into the same general category as ar-
guments that Napoleon never existed (an example Meyer uses in his
book when discussing IBE), that Jesus was married, or that the Ho-
locaust never happened.
These sorts of doctrinal statements are nearly universal in this debate,
and should always set off your baloney detector. This one doesn’t even pass the
smell test. “The broad brush history of evolution” is hopelessly ambiguous.
Are we talking about history, change over time, cosmic evolution, universal

Signature of Controversy 74
common ancestry, or all of the above plus the mutation-selection mechanism
and other putative mechanisms that are often referred to vaguely but sel-
dom do any real work in creating adaptive complexity? We’re not told. And
whatever it encompasses, it surely involves all sorts of different claims and
inferences about deep history. As a result, even if it were precisely defined,
it would still be qualitatively different from discrete events in very recent,
recorded human history. Alas, such comparing of apples and orangutans is
common in the evolution debate, and serves no helpful function.

T he reviewer’s concern here does seem to be of the “helpful ad-

vice” variety: ID would have more credibility if it would drop all the
snake-handling stuff: “I think that the ID movement damages its credibil-
ity (destroys might be a better word) by fighting a battle against the general
evolutionary theory.” But that’s the reviewer’s misleading characterization of
ID, based in part on her apparent confusion about the differing status of
different historical events. I am surprised that RJS makes this mistake, since
her second installment was an excursus on the intrinsic differences in the
historicity of Noah’s flood and Jesus’ resurrection. Thus she can draw careful
distinctions. And yet, when we move to evolutionary theory, this capacity for
nuance reverts to default invocations about the impeccable evidential creden-
tials of some ill-defined evolutionary scenario.
What this suggests to me is that there’s something about the logical and
rhetorical character of the “general evolutionary scenario” that makes it very
hard for those enamored of it to keep separate issues separate.

Signature of Controversy 75
Attack of the Pygmies

Signature of Controversy 76
17. Signs of Desperation?
Early Responses to
Signature in the Cell Are
Readily Dismissable
Casey Luskin

f the strength of an argument is reflected in the feebleness
of the rebuttals it receives, then Stephen Meyer’s manifesto, Signature
in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design, might be a rare
rhetorical gem.
In six hundred pages, Meyer takes apart many of the leading material-
istic theories for the origin and evolution of life with an unrelenting barrage
of logic and evidence, yet also with respect for his opponents. As Heather
Zeiger aptly commented in the journal Salvo, “The value of his book is not
merely in its conclusion that intelligence best explains the source of the DNA
code; it is in the process Meyer uses to bring us to this conclusion. The reader
sees the scientific process firsthand.”
But have Meyer’s critics responded with such grace and rhetorical punch?
After debating Stephen Meyer on the Michael Medved radio program
last November, science journalist Chris Mooney apparently felt he couldn’t
find sufficient ammo to rebut the Cambridge-trained philosopher of science.
Thus, Mooney subsequently posted a piece on his Discover Magazine blog,
titled “Time to Refute Stephen Meyer?”, in which he lamented that “Meyer’s
book is clearly drawing a lot of attention and is scarcely being refuted so far
as I can see.”24


Signature of Controversy 77
Mooney was correct that Meyer’s book was garnered much interest—
though not from critics. In November 2009, an endorsement from the lead-
ing political philosopher (and atheist) Thomas Nagel led to its being named
one of the “Books of the Year” by the prestigious Times Literary Supplement
in London. The following month, Meyer was named “Daniel of the Year” by
World Magazine for the “courage” and “perseverance” that led to Signature in
the Cell.
Around this time, the anti-ID community on Internet decided they
could not afford to continue ignoring Meyer’s book, and critical reviews be-
gan trickling in. In the spirit of respectful scholarly debate, I will assess some
of the counter-arguments and give five friendly tips to critics of Stephen

F irst, know the man you’re attacking. University of Chicago evolution-

ary biologist Jerry Coyne tried to dismiss Meyer as a young-earth cre-
ationist and had to retract his claim.25 Had Coyne read Meyer’s book, he
would have learned that Meyer’s views about the age of the earth were no
secret. Not only does Signature in the Cell adopt the mainstream geologi-
cal time scale, but as long ago as the 2005 Kansas science hearings, Meyer
plainly stated, “I think the earth is 4.6 billion years old. . . . That’s both my
personal and my professional opinion.”
A second tip for critics of Signature in the Cell is to read the book before re-
viewing it. In December 2009, biology professor P.Z. Myers directed readers
of his heavily trafficked blog to a call for negative reviews of Signature—while
simultaneously declaring, “I suppose I’ll have to read that 600-page pile of
slop sometime . . . maybe in January.”
Seeing that their leader was publicly attacking a book he hadn’t read,
P.Z.’s fans felt justified in doing the same. saw a sudden spike
in short, negative one-star reviews of Signature in the Cell that had little to do
with any of the arguments in the book.


Signature of Controversy 78
The smear campaign, however, did not have its intended effect. By the
end of 2009, Signature in the Cell was fast becoming one of the bestselling
science books of the year on Amazon.
A third mistake—particularly common among critics who didn’t heed
my second tip—is to cast Meyer’s argument for design as a mere negative
critique of evolution. Instead, try to stay positive.
For example, P. Z. Myers caricatured the book by stating, “I know what
is in this book—’ooooh, it’s so complex, it must have been . . . designed!’”
Had P. Z. read the book, he would have discovered a rigorous positive case
for design based upon finding in nature the precise type of information that,
in our experience, comes from intelligence.
“What humans recognize as information certainly originates from
thought—from conscious or intelligent human activity,” writes Meyer in the
opening chapter of his book. “Our experience of the world shows that what
we recognize as information invariably reflects the prior activity of conscious
and intelligent persons.” Later in Signature, Meyer elaborates on the precise
type of information that reliably indicates the prior action of an intelligent
Experience shows that large amounts of specified complexity
or information (especially codes and languages) invariably originate
from an intelligent source—from a mind or personal agent. . . . So the
discovery of the specified digital information in the DNA molecule
provides strong grounds for inferring that intelligence played a role
in the origin of DNA. Indeed, whenever we find specified informa-
tion and we know the causal story of how that information arose, we
always find that it arose from an intelligent source.
Chris Mooney must also have skipped over Meyer’s carefully laid out,
positive argument for design (which is hard to miss, since it is woven through
the entire book). Mooney claims that Meyer merely “throws up his hands,
and says, it’s so improbable, God must have done it.”
With this gross misrepresentation of Meyer’s argument, Mooney fol-
lows the same approach he took in The Republican War on Science, in which
he claimed that a peer-reviewed scientific paper authored by Meyer was
“lacking” a “positive case for the necessity of ID.” But in that paper, Meyer

Signature of Controversy 79
had argued that “design theorists are not positing an arbitrary explanatory
element unmotivated by a consideration of the evidence” but instead are
“positing an entity possessing precisely the attributes and causal powers that
the phenomenon in question requires as a condition of its production and

F ew critics of ID seem capable of following my fourth tip: Remain civ-

il—or at least make some minimal attempt at civility. Unsurprisingly, P.
Z. Myers leads the charge in violating this ground rule of discourse, calling
Signature in the Cell “Discovery Institute Bulldung,” and proclaiming that
“Stephen Meyer lies.”26
While readers of P. Z.’s blog generally cheer on his every invective, read-
ers of Jerry Coyne’s blog respond a little differently. After Coyne called Mey-
er a “Discovery Institute creationist and lying liar,” one of Coyne’s readers
commented, “Meyer seems like a lot of things—including smart—but I don’t
think he is a deliberate liar. He appears to be a nice guy who differs with you
about some things. Attributing malign motives to others only serves to de-
monize them and make dialogue more difficult.” Coyne did not reply.
While these anecdotes are revealing, an informal survey by Tom Gilson,
who runs the popular blog, actually tried to quantify
the level of civility and open-mindedness among various reviewers. His find-
ings were striking. Among the negative, one-star reviewers of Signature in the
Cell, Gilson found that “more than nine-tenths said something to the effect
that the question is settled, there’s no need to pursue it anymore. Many of
them were more colorful than that: The question is settled, and attempts to keep
pursuing it are just lies from the ‘Dishonesty Institute.’”
But Gilson found that “those who rated the book highly had more open
minds to the issue: only 20 percent of that group made statements to the ef-
fect that ‘the question is now settled.’” This seems to counter James Madison
University mathematics professor and “new atheist” Jason Rosenhouse, who
asserted when reviewing Signature in the Cell, “Phony claims of certainty are
far more typical of religion than they are of atheism.”


Signature of Controversy 80
A fifth common mistake made by critics of Signature in the Cell is to
attempt theological rather than scientific rebuttals. Much better to stick to
the science. Francisco Ayala, an eminent evolutionary biologist and former
Catholic priest, who once served as president of the American Association
for the Advancement of Science, critiqued Signature in the Cell on the website
of the BioLogos Foundation.
Ayala proclaimed that ID is tantamount to “blasphemy” because it
implies that God is responsible for “design defects,” such as tsunamis, back
aches, misaligned teeth, and complications encountered during childbirth.
Ayala’s argument for Darwinism is almost entirely theological: “people of
faith would do better to attribute the mishaps caused by defective genomes
to the vagaries of natural selection and other processes of biological evolu-
tion, rather than to God’s design.”27
One could flippantly note that orthodontists and chiropractors may in
fact rejoice over such “design defects,” but a serious response to Ayala can be
made just as succinctly. Jay Richards did so in Salvo (“Can ID Explain the
Origin of Evil?”). “‘Bad designs’ and ‘evil designs’ are still designs; neither of
these arguments refutes ID,” he pointed out. “The problem of evil isn’t an
argument against ID. An argument for intelligent design is just that. Ques-
tions about evil and about the nature of the designer are separate questions.”
Meyer corroborates this point in Signature in the Cell, writing, “Though the
designing agent responsible for life may well have been an omnipotent deity,
the theory of intelligent design does not claim to be able to determine that.”

A yala’s readers at BioLogos wasted little time in spotting these fal-

lacies. “Dr. Ayala appears to be one of the many reviewers who have
not read Dr. Meyer’s book,” wrote the first commentator on the review. “If he
has read it, he has not explained why he chose not to address any of the main
arguments Meyer makes in the book.” The reader went on to say that Ayala
does “not seem to understand Intelligent Design” because he goes “on and on
about ‘bad design’ in nature, without showing any awareness of the responses
to such arguments that design proponents have made for many years.” The
commenter concluded, “This does not further the debate.”


Signature of Controversy 81
The BioLogos Foundation itself is a theistic evolution advocacy group
founded by Francis Collins, which prompts the question: Should religious
persons trust the theology of ID critics like Ayala on topics like God, natural
evil, and design? In a 2008 interview, the New York Times reported that Dr.
Ayala wouldn’t say whether or not he remained a religious believer, because,
in Ayala’s words, “I don’t want to be tagged . . . by one side or the other.” Thus,
Ayala represents perhaps the most eminent proponent of the view that ID
is bad theology—and apparently is endorsed by the theistic evolutionists at
BioLogos as a spokesman in the debate—yet he categorically refuses to say
publicly whether he is a religious believer or not.
Not only that, but he missed the mark by miles when responding to
The public rebuttals of Signature in the Cell may be inadequate, but does
this mean that materialists will never explain the origin of information in
the cell? Not at all. In scientific debates, one must always remain open to fu-
ture discoveries. But the showing thus far does mean that intelligent design
deserves serious scientific consideration—not abrasive quips, dismissals, and
refusals to engage Meyer’s arguments.
Undoubtedly, more reviews of Meyer’s book are forthcoming. Nonethe-
less, as one reviewer on Amazon put it well: “If materialists continue to fail
to answer Meyer’s arguments, or even to seriously engage them, then the tip-
ping point in the debate over design in biology is close at hand.”

Signature of Controversy 82
18. Get Smart: Stephen
Meyer’s Critics Fail to
Show Unintelligent
Causes Can Produce
Biological Information
Casey Luskin

n the preceding chapter, the final tip I gave to reviewers of
Stephen Meyer’s Signature in the Cell was “stick to the science.” While
many reviewers unashamedly boasted of not having read the book (or
wrote rebuttals so far askew from Meyer’s argument that one could not help
but question whether they had), a few critics have published serious scientific
responses. This chapter will assess some critics who—though not always re-
fraining from personal attacks and misrepresentations—at least attempted
scientific rebuttals to Meyer sufficient to warrant response.
“Two things struck me as I read [Signature],” wrote University of Wa-
terloo mathematician Jeffrey Shallit in response to Meyer in January 2010.
“First, its essential dishonesty, and second, Meyer’s significant misunder-
standings of information theory.”28
Setting aside the gratuitous invective, Shallit’s main objection is that
Meyer defines information as “specified complexity,” rather than Shan-
non information or Kolmogorov complexity, the terms which he elsewhere
claims are the “accepted senses of the word as used by information theorists.”
Shallit is so opposed to the ideas advocated by ID proponents that he even
refuses to use Meyer’s term, “specified complexity,” instead calling it “cre-
ationist information.”

Signature of Controversy 83
But in Signature in the Cell, Meyer spends pages explaining why Shannon
information in fact is not a useful measure of functional biological informa-
tion. Meyer first asks us to consider two sequences of characters:
String A: “Four score and seven years ago”
String B: “nenen ytawoi jll sn mekhdx nnx”
Since “both of these sequences have an equal number of characters,” ex-
plains Meyer, “both sequences have an equal amount of information as mea-
sured by Shannon’s theory.” The logic is simple but devastating: “one of these
sequences communicates something while the other does not,” and there-
fore “Shannon’s theory cannot distinguish functional or message-bearing
sequences from random or useless ones.”
When measuring the related concept of Komolgorov information, the
problem is even worse. Komolgorov complexity can be thought of this way:
What is the minimum length of a computer program needed to generate a
string? The more commands necessary, the greater the Kolmogorov com-
plexity. Yet under Kolmogorov complexity, a stretch of completely function-
less junk DNA that has been utterly garbled by random, neutral mutations
might have more Kolmogorov complexity than a functional gene of the same
sequence length.
To understand why, consider the two sequences above. Since many of
the characters in the first string could be predicted using the grammatical
rules of English, it actually has less Kolmogorov complexity than String B,
which is randomized. Yet clearly String A conveys far more meaningful in-
formation than String B.
For obvious reasons, neither Shannon nor Kolmogorov information
are useful metrics of functional biological information; a useful measure
of biological information must take into account the function specified by
the information. And despite Shallit’s vitriolic assertions to the contrary,
he seems unaware that Meyer’s use of the term “specified complexity” (also
called “complex and specified information,” or CSI) is supported by eminent
scientists who are by no means “creationists.”

I n a 1973 book cited by Meyer, The Origins of Life: Molecules and Natural
Selection, leading origin-of-life theorist Leslie Orgel—a staunch materi-

Signature of Controversy 84
alist—described “specified complexity” as a hallmark of the information in
living organisms:
[L]iving organisms are distinguished by their specified complexity.
Crystals are usually taken as the prototypes of simple, well-specified
structures, because they consist of a very large number of identical
molecules packed together in a uniform way. Lumps of granite or ran-
dom mixtures of polymers are examples of structures which are com-
plex but not specified. The crystals fail to qualify as living because
they lack complexity; the mixtures of polymers fail to qualify because
they lack specificity.29
When responding to Meyer’s recommendation that we measure biologi-
cal information in terms of the specification necessary to perform some func-
tion, Shallit asserts, “This is pure gibberish. Information scientists do not
speak about ‘specified information’ or ‘functional information.’”
Again, Shallit must be unaware that leading scientists have used those
very terms while simultaneously arguing that classical information theory is
not useful for measuring biological information.
In 2003, Nobel Prize-winning origin-of-life researcher Jack Szostak
wrote a review article in Nature lamenting that the problem with “classical
information theory” is that it “does not consider the meaning of a message”
and instead defines information “as simply that required to specify, store or
transmit the string.”30 According to Szostak, “a new measure of informa-
tion—functional information—is required” in order to take account of the
ability of a given protein sequence to perform a given function.
Some theorists are heeding Szostak’s call for better definitions of func-
tional biological information. A 2007 paper in the journal Theoretical Biology
and Medical Modelling found that some measures of biological complexity
are not “sufficient to describe the functional complexity observed in living
organisms” and instead recommended measuring biological information
through functional sequence complexity (FSC):
FSC includes the dimension of functionality. Szostak argued
that neither Shannon’s original measure of uncertainty nor the mea-
29. Orgel, Leslie E., The Origins of Life: Molecules and Natural Selection (Chapman & Hall,
1973), p. 189.
30. Szostak, Jack W., “Molecular messages,” Nature 423:689 (2003).

Signature of Controversy 85
sure of algorithmic complexity are sufficient. Shannon’s classical in-
formation theory does not consider the meaning, or function, of a
message. Algorithmic complexity fails to account for the observation
that “different molecular structures may be functionally equivalent.”
For this reason, Szostak suggested that a new measure of informa-
tion—functional information—is required.31
In 2007 Szostak co-published a paper in Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, with Carnegie Institution origin-of-life theorist Robert
Hazen and other scientists, furthering these arguments. Attacking those like
Shallit who insist on measuring biological complexity using the outmoded
tools of classical information theory, the authors wrote, “A complexity metric
is of little utility unless its conceptual framework and predictive power result
in a deeper understanding of the behavior of complex systems.” Thus they
“propose to measure the complexity of a system in terms of functional infor-
mation, the information required to encode a specific function.”32
Clearly Meyer’s arguments have a strong precedent in the scientific lit-
erature. Shannon information and other metrics used by classical informa-
tion theory are insufficient for use by many biologists because they fail to
take into account the complexity needed to produce a biological function.
Whether the metric is called “functional information,” FSC, or CSI, scien-
tists are finding better ways of measuring biological complexity than Shan-
non information.
Some critics, however, were far more civil than Shallit. Point Loma Naz-
arene University biology professor Darrell Falk accused Meyer of hindering
the progress of science by reaching “premature conclusions based on his un-
successful attempt to move from philosophy into genetics, biochemistry and
molecular biology.”
Falk cited two papers to justify his argument. The first was published
just before the release of Signature in the Cell, which purportedly showed, ac-

31. Durston, Kirk K., David K. Y. Chiu, David L. Abel and Jack T. Trevors, “Measuring the
functional sequence complexity of proteins,” Theoretical Biology and Medical Modeling 4:47
(2007) (internal citations removed).
32. Hazen, Robert M., Patrick L. Griffin, James M. Carothers and Jack W. Szostak, “Func-
tional information and the emergence of biocomplexity,” Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, USA, 104 (2007), pp. 8574–8581.

Signature of Controversy 86
cording to Falk, “a very feasible way” that two RNA nucleobases “could have
been produced through natural processes.”

H owever, some eminent origin of life theorists disagree. When com-

menting on this research last May, Robert Shapiro, professor emeri-
tus of chemistry at New York University, stated, “The chances that blind,
undirected, inanimate chemistry would go out of its way in multiple steps
and use of reagents in just the right sequence to form RNA is highly un-
likely.” The research, said Shapiro, “definitely does not meet my criteria for a
plausible pathway to the RNA world” because one of the “assumed starting
materials is quickly destroyed by other chemicals and its appearance in pure
form on the early earth ‘could be considered a fantasy.’”33
Commenting for Nature, Shapiro further argued, “The flaw is in the
logic—that this experimental control by researchers in a modern laboratory
could have been available on the early Earth.” Though Shapiro wouldn’t put
it this way, the problem is that producing these nucleobases requires intel-
ligent design. As a pro-ID chemist commented to me privately about this
research, “The work was very carefully done. The problem is that it was very
carefully done.”
Falk also argued that Meyer’s position was refuted in a paper by Gerald
Joyce, who produced a self-replicating RNA molecule in the laboratory. Ap-
parently Falk was unaware that Meyer publicly responded to both of these
research papers before his book was released.
“The central problem facing [origin of life research] is not the synthesis
of pre-biotic building blocks or even discovering an environment in which
life might have plausibly arisen—difficult as these problems have proven to
be,” wrote Meyer in June of 2009 on Discovery Institute’s blog, Evolution
News & Views. “Instead, the fundamental problem is getting the chemi-
cal building blocks to arrange themselves into the large information-bearing
molecules (such as DNA and RNA) that direct the show in living cells.”

33. Wade, Nicholas, “Chemist Shows How RNA Can Be the Starting Point for Life,” New
York Times (May 14, 2009).

Signature of Controversy 87
M eyer’s rebuttal charged that this “information sequence” prob-
lem is unsolved by Joyce’s replicating RNA molecules, which required
intelligent engineering to properly order their information content:
[S]ignificantly, Joyce intelligently arranged the matching base se-
quences in these RNA chains. Thus as my forthcoming book, Signa-
ture in the Cell, shows, Joyce’s experiments not only demonstrate that
self-replication itself depends upon information-rich molecules, but
they also confirm that intelligent design is the only known means by
which information arises.
The fundamental thesis of Meyer’s paper—that the ordered informa-
tion in DNA requires an intelligent cause—remains untouched by Joyce’s
innovative, though ultimately inadequate research. Unless materialists can
demonstrate that unguided, unintelligent material causes can generate new
complex and specified information in biology, Meyer’s thesis is going to stand
strong for a long time.

Signature of Controversy 88
19. Weather Forecasting
as a Counterexample
to Complex Specified
Information? Jeffrey Shallit
on Signature in the Cell
Paul Nelson

or over a decade, mathematician Jeffrey Shallit has been
an outspoken critic of intelligent design. Recently, in a series of blog
posts, he has attacked Stephen Meyer’s book Signature in the Cell for
what he sees as a variety of shortcomings.34 Some of Shallit’s criticisms merit
careful attention.
Other criticisms, however, are fluffy confections, failing to achieve even
the slightness of what Hume called “mere cavils and sophisms.” Let’s look at
one such bonbon of sophistry: Shallit’s claim that weather forecasting repre-
sents a devastating counterexample to SITC’s argument that complex speci-
fied information is, universally in human experience, produced by a mind or
Shallit writes:
Even if we accept Meyer’s informal definition of information
with all its flaws, his claims about information are simply wrong. For
example, he repeats the following bogus claim over and over:
p. 16: “What humans recognize as information certainly origi-
nates from thought—from conscious or intelligent human activity...
Our experience of the world shows that what we recognize as infor-
34. Shallit’s blog posts may be accessed here:
meyers-bogus-information-theory.html; and here:

Signature of Controversy 89
mation invariably reflects the prior activity of conscious and intel-
ligent persons.” [...]
I have a simple counterexample to all these claims: weather pre-
diction. Meteorologists collect huge amounts of data from the natural
world: temperature, pressure, wind speed, wind direction, etc., and
process this data to produce accurate weather forecasts. So the infor-
mation they collect is “specified” (in that it tells us whether to bring
an umbrella in the morning), and clearly hundreds, if not thousands,
of these bits of information are needed to make an accurate predic-
tion. But these bits of information do not come from a mind—unless
Meyer wants to claim that some intelligent being (let’s say Zeus) is
controlling the weather. Perhaps intelligent design creationism is just
Greek polytheism in disguise!
Poor Zeus: stand-in deity for yet another counterexample. And he only
gets union scale.
To see what’s wrong with this putative counterexample, begin by asking
yourself if you know—without peeking online at a weather page, or looking
at a barometer—what the atmospheric (barometric) pressure happens to be
in your immediate neighborhood, right now.
Any guesses? Well, how about the temperature, or the wind speed and
direction? Again, no peeking allowed. Give yourself a moment or two to
write down the correct values. Okay, stop.
The fact is, unless you cheated, you don’t know the relevant measure-
ments for your immediate surroundings (nor do I, as I write this, for my
neighborhood). So what would we need to obtain those data?
Measuring instruments, such as (a) a barometer, (b) a thermometer, (c)
a wind speed indicator (an anemometer), (d) a wind direction indicator, and
so on. So let’s suppose we have these instruments, and we retrieve data from
all of them.

C an we now predict tomorrow’s weather? Do we have, as Shallit ar-

gues, complex specified information?
No. We have a few data points. To create an accurate weather predic-
tion, we’re going to need data retrieved from hundreds or thousands of in-

Signature of Controversy 90
struments, distributed or coordinated across a wide geographic area, and
taken over a range of time intervals.
We’re going to need something more, however, without which all those
measurements will tell us nothing. We need an analytical model—an algo-
rithm—and a computer to run that model.
Shallit glides over this essential step in how data become predictions
with his innocent, almost blushingly naïve verb, “process”:
Meteorologists collect huge amounts of data from the natural
world: temperature, pressure, wind speed, wind direction, etc., and
process this data to produce accurate weather forecasts [emphasis
Now, “process” can mean many things. What “process” manifestly does
not mean in the case of weather forecasting, however, is the mechanical
transmission of thousands of bits of data directly from measuring instru-
ments to end-users. That would look like this:


700 PM PDT SUN MAY 09 2010


EVERETT MOSUNNY 58 43 57 VRB7 29.85F
MCCHORD AFB MOSUNNY 65 37 35 W12G22 29.83F
PUYALLUP FAIR 66 32 28 CALM 29.86F

Or this:
Time RHum Temp Direct Speed Gust Rain Radiation Pres
(%) (F) (knot) (knot) (inch) (Watts m-2) (mbar)

00:00:29 16 66 213 5 6 0.00 479.17 1010.9

00:01:29 16 66 210 5 5 0.00 475.03 1010.9
00:02:29 16 66 234 4 4 0.00 473.25 1010.9
00:03:29 16 66 260 4 5 0.00 472.38 1010.9

And we’d be none the wiser. There is a reason we don’t receive our weath-
er predictions this way: raw data aren’t predictions at all. Collecting measure-

Signature of Controversy 91
ments from instruments, and mechanically transmitting those data, without
any interpretation or analysis, does not (indeed, cannot) make any specified
To be sure, there is complexity aplenty in the data, but, as SITC explains,
that complexity is unspecified. Unspecified complexity is what natural causes
produce. And thus, because that “information” lacks specification, it is use-
less (by itself) for yielding genuine predictions. No specificity; no forecast.
By contrast, in real weather forecasting, data only become complex spec-
ified information—that is, genuine predictions—by passing through an in-
telligently designed algorithm: a computer model, in most instances. But the
measurements themselves don’t give us the model. They can’t.
Metrologists construct models, using their minds (their analytical in-
telligence). The useful, complex specified information that emerges from a
computer model comes to us via the action of intelligent agents, and not oth-
erwise. The true “process” therefore looks like this:

S hallit would succeed if he could show how raw meteorological data

yield testable weather forecasts, without those data ever passing through
the analytical filter of an intelligently designed model or algorithm.

Signature of Controversy 92
Good luck with that.
One final point. In other writings, Shallit has indicated his hostility to
the notion of human agency.35 In light of this, it’s perhaps not surprising that
Shallit reduces the creative intellectual activity of meteorologists, who can
improve their predictions by designing better and more powerful algorithms,
to the bland and seemingly agency-free verb, “process.”
But unpacking that verb shows clearly that intelligent causation is actu-
ally indispensable, whether Shallit sees it or not.
Support your local meteorologist.


Signature of Controversy 93
20. Gotcha! On Checking
Stephen Meyer’s Spelling &
Other Weighty Criticisms
of Signature in the Cell
Casey Luskin
What would you get if you crossed a snarky pro-evolution blog like Pan-
da’s Thumb with a passionate defender of theistic evolution? You might get
the critique of Stephen Meyer’s book Signature in the Cell (SITC) written by
biology professor Steve Matheson of Calvin College. On his personal blog,36
Matheson has been reviewing SITC chapter by chapter, mixing frequent
personal attacks on Meyer with exposés of occasional typos and the pos-
sible discovery of one minor error. That is not a bad track record for Meyer,
considering that at the writing of this response, Matheson has reviewed
nearly half the book.
Matheson is noteworthy because he at least gives every indication that
he’s reading Signature in the Cell before attacking its author. It would have
been preferable for Matheson to have read the book entirely before render-
ing judgment. But when it comes to many other critics of Signature in the
Cell on the internet, this is progress.
Unfortunately, Matheson feels it necessary not just to critique SITC
but to smear it as “not a serious work of scholarship,” not “serious science,”
“awfully bloated,” potentially “a joke,” “disingenuous,” “sad,” “pathetic,” and
“fluffy and vacuous, simplistic at best and not infrequently wrong or mis-
leading.” In case you didn’t get the point, Matheson accuses Meyer of “some
combination of ignorance, sloth, and duplicity,” using tactics that require

36. All posts taken from Steve Matheon’s blog, “Quintessence of Dust,” at http://sfmatheson.

Signature of Controversy 94
“layers of dishonesty” that is “sufficient to justify a charge of deliberate dis-
So what, in his eyes, is so bad about the book?
Of Meyer’s chapter 1, Matheson opens by saying the title (“DNA,
Darwin, and the Appearance of Design”) is “a poor start,” followed by a
“sloppy” and “fluffy chapter.” Matheson tries to dismiss Meyer’s argument
as one of “incredulity,” writing: “To establish the kind of design claim
that Meyer wants to make, one must do more—much, much more—than
merely pointing to current scientific ignorance or (worse) confessing per-
sonal incredulity in the face of proposed scientific explanation.”
This is a rhetorical trick: SITC spends pages giving scientific and logi-
cal rebuttal to various theories for the origin of life and life’s information,
but Matheson re-labels and dismisses this lengthy argument as merely
showing Meyer’s “incredulity.” Perhaps incredulity is warranted if years of
investigation show a paradigm is incapable of explaining the data. Since when is
it a scientific sin to point out that a particular class of models does not account
for our observations?
Matheson contends that “what one must do is show that the non-de-
sign alternative (whatever it is) is unable to provide the expected explana-
tion.” He ignores the fact that this is a major part of what Meyer does
throughout the book.
If you’re beginning to suspect that Matheson is determined to find
fault with Meyer’s book regardless of the facts, then you’re on to some-
thing. Matheson goes on to accuse Meyer of making an “embellishment”
that is “pathetic.” What’s Meyer’s offense? Meyer said that The Philosophi-
cal Library (which published the groundbreaking ID book The Mystery
of Life’s Origin) is “a prominent New York publisher of scientific mono-
graphs.” Matheson claims that visiting the website of The Philosophical
Library refuted Meyer’s claim, but a glance at the website in fact shows
they’ve published books from Nobel Prize winners in Chemistry, Physiol-
ogy or Medicine, and Physics, including various titles by Albert Einstein.37
Meyer’s claim doesn’t seem like an “embellishment” at all.

37. See

Signature of Controversy 95
B ut we need to step back for a moment: Why are we even talking about
this? It’s part of Matheson rhetorical strategy, cribbed from the Panda’s-
Thumb playbook: He wants readers to feel that Meyer can’t be trusted, so he
tries to smear him. Yet it’s Matheson’s charges and accusations that disinte-
grate on even the most cursory inspection.
Matheson begins his review of chapter 2 by praising Meyer but soon
thereafter says he is “disgusted” by what he calls “a return to rhetorical tac-
tics” of chapter 1. Why the sudden fury? It’s because Meyer says the follow-
ing: “The problem of the origin of life had at last been solved. Or at least so
it seemed, until scientists began to reflect more deeply on the other great
discovery of 1953.” Matheson explains his disgust:
That last sentence suggests that “scientists” share Meyer’s seeming
awe before “the DNA enigma.” And I don’t believe that at all.
Perhaps Matheson wishes to believe that no “scientists” doubt the abil-
ity of material causes to produce the information in DNA. But that doesn’t
mean that these scientists—many of whom are cited throughout SITC—
don’t exist.
Throughout his blog posts on SITC, Dr. Matheson shows what a good
copy editor he would make. (For other people’s writing, anyway; his own
blog isn’t devoid of typos.) Thus on page 66 of SITC, there’s one instance
where Meyer writes “virus” when he should have written “bacteria.” Mathe-
son is ready to pounce. Everywhere else in the passage (including over ten
instances) Meyer correctly writes “bacteria,” so it’s pretty obvious this is just
a typo. Normally reviewers would ignore trivial mistakes like this, especially
since, once again, Meyer correctly wrote “bacteria” everywhere else in the
passage. But Matheson jumps at the opportunity to underline Meyer’s sup-
posed incompetence, proclaiming:
But this biologist finds the error more significant, and I suspect others
would agree. The difference, I think, is that I can’t imagine mistaking
a virus for a bacterium; it’s like mistaking a pencil for a sequoia.
Matheson must really be desperate to find fault with SITC. There’s no
indication that Meyer doesn’t know the difference between a bacterium and

Signature of Controversy 96
a virus. It’s a typo that even a biologist could make (unless Matheson believes
biologists are inerrant when typing about the subject of biology).
In Chapters 4 and 5, Matheson thinks he finds multiple mistakes which
he calls “embarrassing,” “devastating,” even implying “dishonesty.” But close
analysis shows he only finds one potential error —a minor one that in no way
affects Meyer’s overall argument.
Matheson faults Meyer’s description of an experiment where Meyer
wrote that mice died due to “proteins that were toxic” (p. 104), when in real-
ity DNA transferred into the bacteria produced an enzyme that gave the
bacteria a polysaccharide coating. This didn’t itself kill the mice, but rather
prevented the mouse immune system from being able to detect and destroy
the bacteria.
While Meyer could have made that point clearer, it was ultimately toxic
proteins from the bacteria that killed the mice—most likely pneumolysin.38
So it’s not clear that Meyer was actually in error, although he could have
clarified that the transferred DNA didn’t produce the toxic protein but
rather merely enabled bacteria to evade the mouse immune system. But the
mice still died, just as Meyer says, due to “proteins that were toxic.”
Matheson goes on to obsess about another typo: Meyer’s misspelling
of “spliceosome” as “splicesome” on one page of his book (the term is spelled
correctly on two other pages). How this typo undercuts Meyer’s credibil-
ity is anybody’s guess, especially since PubMed reveals well over a dozen
papers with the “splicesome” spelling in various science journals.39 For that
matter, if perfect copy-editing is to be the test of scientific rigor, Matheson
himself should watch out: There are typos on his own blog (in one instance

38. See J. B. Rubins et al., “Distinct roles for pneumolysin’s cytotoxic and complement activities
in the pathogenesis of pneumococcal pneumonia,” American Journal of Respiratory and Criti-
cal Care Medicine, Vol. 153(4):1339-1346 (April, 1996) or Pneumolysin entry at: http://www.
39. For some examples, see M. Hieda et al., “Nuclear Import of the U1A Splicesome Protein
Is Mediated by Importin α/β and Ran in Living Mammalian Cells,” The Journal of Biological
Chemistry, Vol. 276:16824-16832 (2001); Kristy B. Lidie & Frances M. Van Dolah, “Spliced
Leader RNA-Mediated trans-Splicing in a Dinoflagellate, Karenia brevis,” Journal of Eukaryot-
ic Microbiology, Vol. 54(5):427-435 (2007); Leo Lester, Andrew Meade, and Mark Pagel, “The
slow road to the eukaryotic genome,” BioEssays, Vol. 28(1):57-64 (2005).

Signature of Controversy 97
he forgot to insert an “o” into the name of Dr. Russell “Dolittle,” much as
Meyer forgot an “o” in “spliceosome”).

M atheson also faults Meyer for claiming that RNA splicing is ac-
complished using not just the spliceosome but also exonucleases and
endonucleases. Matheson writes that Meyer is wrong because the spliceo-
some “is not known to include either exonucleases or endonucleases.” But
Matheson didn’t read Meyer correctly. Meyer doesn’t say the spliceosome
contains exonucleases or endonucleases. He just says that, along with the
spliceosome, they are involved in the process of correctly identifying and ex-
cising introns. And in fact, there’s evidence that both endonucleases40 and
exonucleases41 can be involved in the splicing process.
Since Matheson is so fastidious about scientific accuracy when it
comes to the spliceosome, one should point out his own overstated claim
that the spliceosome “is made mostly of RNA.” According to a 2009 paper
in PNAS, “[t]he spliceosome is a massive assembly of 5 RNAs and many
proteins”42 —another paper suggests “300 distinct proteins”!43 So it seems
the spliceosome is certainly made of RNA, but is not necessarily “made
mostly of RNA.”
Arguably Matheson’s most vitriolic attacks on Meyer’s book come dur-
ing his discussion of “ junk DNA,” a discussion that is out of date.
In SITC Meyer writes that “the original DNA text in eukaryotic organ-
isms has long sections of text called ‘introns’ that do not (typically) encode
proteins. Although these introns were once thought to be nonfunctional
‘ junk DNA,’ they are now known to play many important functional roles
in the cell.” (p. 125) For making this argument, Matheson accuses Meyer
of “some combination of ignorance, sloth, and duplicity” and “layers of dis-
honesty,” alleging “This is the discredited creationist ‘ junk DNA’ ploy.”
40. See Song Xue, Kate Calvin, Hong Li, “RNA Recognition and Cleavage by a Splicing
Endonuclease,” Science, Vol. 312(5775):906-910 (May 12, 2006).
41. See Jonathan P Staley and John L Woolford Jr, “Assembly of ribosomes and spliceosomes:
complex ribonucleoprotein machines,” Current Opinion in Cell Biology, Vol. 21(1):109–118
(February, 2009).
42. Samuel E. Butcher, “The spliceosome as ribozyme hypothesis takes a second step,” Proceed-
ings of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 106(30):12211–12212 (July 28, 2009).
43. Timothy W. Nilsen, “The spliceosome: the most complex macromolecular machine in the
cell?,” BioEssays, Vol. 25:1147–1149 (2003).

Signature of Controversy 98
Discredited? In 2003 Scientific American addressed a striking rebuke
to those who claim introns are genetic junk: “The failure to recognize the
importance of introns ‘may well go down as one of the biggest mistakes in
the history of molecular biology.’”44
Matheson’s retort is that functions have been uncovered for only a
“handful” of introns. But recent data shows evidence of mass functionality.
An April 1, 2010, article in Nature reported that “Biology’s new glimpse at
a universe of non-coding DNA—what used to be called ‘ junk’ DNA—has
been fascinating and befuddling. Researchers from… ENCODE showed
that in a selected portion of the genome containing just a few per cent of
protein-coding sequence, between 74% and 93% of DNA was transcribed
into RNA.”45 A variety of papers indicate that huge portions of DNA is
being transcribed, hinting at function. 46 Indeed, introns can affect gene
expression even when they’re not transcribed. 47 If Matheson ever finishes
reading SITC, he’ll find a long list of functions discovered for non-coding
DNA, citing over 45 papers from the mainstream scientific literature (p.
407). Even the journal Science stated that the “ junk DNA” mindset has “re-

44. Wayt T. Gibbs, “The Unseen Genome: Gems among the Junk,” Scientific American (Nov.,
45. Erika Check Hayden, “Life Is Complicated,” Nature, Vol. 464:664-667 (April 1, 2010).
46. See John S. Mattick & Igor V. Makunin, “Non-coding RNA,” Human Molecular Genet-
ics, Vol. 15: R17–R29 (2006); Shao-Yao Ying, Donald C. Chang & Shi-Lung Lin, “MicroR-
NA (miRNA): Overview of the RNA Genes that Modulate Gene Function,” Molecular Bio-
technology, Vol. 38:257-268 (2008); Marcel E. Dinger, Paulo P. Amaral, Timothy R. Mercer
& John S. Mattick, “Pervasive transcription of the eukaryotic genome: functional indices and
conceptual implications,” Briefings in Functional Genomics and Proteomics, Vol. 8: 407-423
(2009); Aristotelis Tsirigos & Isidore Rigoutsos, “Alu and B1 Repeats Have Been Selectively
Retained in the Upstream and Intronic Regions of Genes of Specific Functional Classes,” Vol.
5(12):e1000610 (December 2009); Rodrigo Louro, Anna S. Smirnova & Sergio Verjovski-Al-
meida, “Long intronic noncoding RNA transcription: Expression noise or expression choice?,
Genomics, Vol. 93: 291-298 (2009); Noam Shomron & Carmit Levy, “MicroRNA-Biogenesis
and Pre-mRNA Splicing Crosstalk,” Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, Vol. 2009:
594678 (2009).
47. Ian A. Swinburne & Pamela A. Silver, “Intron Delays and Transcriptional Timing during
Development,” Developmental Cell, Vol. 14: 324­-330 (2008).

Signature of Controversy 99
pelled mainstream researchers from studying noncoding DNA,”48 refuting
Matheson’s claims to the contrary elsewhere. 49
Are all these scientists part of a nefarious plot to promote, as Mathe-
son calls it, a “discredited creationist ‘ junk DNA’ ploy”?

A rriving at Meyer’s chapter 8, Matheson actually concedes that it is

“pretty good,” but objects that “a designer can put chance occurrences
to very good use,” thus an event occurring due to chance does not negate
design. He gives the example of a designer using a chance-based coin toss
to determine some decision. However, rather than negating the distinction
between chance and design, this example highlights it.
Consider a coin toss before a football game to determine who kicks
off. Here, an intelligent referee will deliberately use an undirected chance-
based event—but that’s precisely because the referee desires an event where
he has no control over the outcome. The referee’s decision to flip a coin
doesn’t mean the referee is now directing the outcome of the coin toss.
The outcome of the coin toss is still undirected, the result of chance. The
distinction between chance and design still stands.
Matheson’s discussion of chapters 9 and 10 begins with another te-
dious parade of slurs: He claims the chapters “advance a straw man so
idiotic that I wonder whether Meyer will be able to reclaim any signifi-
cant intellectual integrity in the chapters that follow.” He charges Meyer
with having “purely propagandistic aims,” which “do serious damage to the
book’s credibility and to the author’s reputation.”
What disreputable blunder did Meyer make this time? Turns out
Meyer’s crime is observing that some theorists attributed the origin of life
to “chance,” a hypothesis Matheson doubts was ever actually put forth. You
read that right.

48. See Wojciech Makalowski, “Not Junk After All,” Science, Vol. 300(5623) (May 23, 2003)
(emphasis added).
49. See
about.html. For a further rebuttal to Matheson, see also Cornelius Hunter’s blog, “Stephen
Matheson: Talking Trash About Junk DNA,” at
stephen-matheson-taking-trash-about.html (October 3, 2009). (Matheson responds to Hunter
merely by calling him “a poorly-equipped ID demagogue.” See http://sfmatheson.blogspot.
com/2009/12/resurrection.html )

Signature of Controversy 100

Of course Meyer cites multiple authorities from the origin of life re-
search community—giants such as Francis Crick or George Wald (see p.
195)—advancing the hypothesis that life arose by “chance” or “accident.”
But this isn’t enough to convince Matheson. I’m sure that theorist David
Deamer’s suggestion that “genetic information more or less came out of
nowhere by chance assemblages of short polymers”50 wouldn’t convince
Matheson either. How about the more charitable reader?
Had Meyer stopped SITC at chapter 10 then perhaps Matheson could
say Meyer advocates a “straw man.” But these chapters are by no means
Meyer’s entire argument. Meyer’s rhetorical structure is to first assess the
“chance” hypothesis—but he fully acknowledges that there are more so-
phisticated theories to be dealt with later in the book which use various
combinations of chance and law, including natural selection. Meyer thus
writes at the close of chapter 10:
Some theorists, notably those proposing an initial “RNA world,”
have sought to retain a role for chance by suggesting that natural se-
lection might have played a key role in the origin of life, even before
the origin of a fully functioning cell. They propose combining chance
with natural selection (or other lawlike processes) as a way of explain-
ing how the first cell arose. In doing so, they argue that random pro-
cesses would have had to produce much less biological information
by chance alone. Once a self-replicating molecule or a small system of
molecules had arisen, natural selection would “kick in” to help pro-
duce the additional necessary information. In Chapter 14, I evaluate
theories that have adopted this strategy. (pp. 227-228)
Meyer by no means leaves his readers hanging with the impression that
materialists must believe an entire living cell appeared all-at-once by “chance,”
directly negating Matheson’s criticism.
Matheson opens his review of chapters 9 and 10 by defining “straw man,”
claiming that this is what Meyer puts forth. Like a judge who issues a ver-
dict after only reviewing half the evidence, Matheson is prematurely accus-
ing Meyer of misrepresenting origin of life thinking. What’s ironic is that

50. David Deamer, quoted in Susan Mazur, The Altenberg 16: An Expose of the Evolution
Industry, p. 180 (Scoop Media, 2009).

Signature of Controversy 101

by accusing Meyer of creating a straw man and ignoring SITC’s much more
comprehensive argument, it’s Matheson who is promoting the straw man.
Is this really the best critique possible from someone who is actually
reading SITC?

Signature of Controversy 102

About the Authors
David Berlinski
David Berlinski is a senior fellow in the Discovery Institute’s Center for
Science & Culture. He is the author of numerous books, including The Dev-
il’s Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions (Crown Forum), Infinite
Ascent: A Short History of Mathematics (Modern Library), The Secrets of
the Vaulted Sky (Harcourt), The Advent of the Algorithm (Harcourt Brace),
Newton’s Gift (Free Press), and A Tour of the Calculus (Pantheon). Berlinski
received his PhD in philosophy from Princeton University and was later a
postdoctoral fellow in mathematics and molecular biology at Columbia Uni-
versity. He lives in Paris.

David Klinghoffer
David Klinghoffer is a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute and the
author of The Lord Will Gather Me In: My Journey to Orthodox Judaism
(Free Press), Why the Jews Rejected Jesus: The Turning Point in Western His-
tory (Doubleday), The Discovery of God: Abraham and the Birth of Monothe-
ism (Doubleday), and other books. He writes the Kingdom of Priests blog
for Beliefnet. He is a former literary editor of National Review.

Casey Luskin
Casey Luskin is an attorney with graduate degrees in both science and
law. He earned his BS and MS in Earth Sciences from the University of
California, San Diego. In his role at Discovery Institute, Luskin works as
Program Officer in Public Policy and Legal Affairs, helping educators and
policymakers nationwide to teaching evolution accurately. Luskin has pub-
lished in both law and science journals, including Journal of Church and State;
Montana Law Review; Geochemistry, Geophysics, and Geosystems; Hamline
Law Review; Liberty University Law Review; University of St. Thomas Journal
of Law and Public Policy; and Progress in Complexity, Information, and Design.

Signature of Controversy 103

Stephen C. Meyer
Stephen C. Meyer is director of the Discovery Institute’s Center for Sci-
ence and Culture and a founder both of the intelligent design movement and
of the Center for Science & Culture, intelligent design’s primary intellectual
and scientific headquarters. Dr. Meyer is a Cambridge University-trained
philosopher of science, the author of peer-reviewed publications in technical,
scientific, philosophical and other books and journals. His signal contribu-
tion to ID theory is given most fully in Signature in the Cell: DNA and the
Evidence for Intelligent Design, published by HarperOne in June 2009. For
more information on the book, and more about Dr. Meyer’s views on intel-
ligent design, visit his website at

Paul A. Nelson
Paul A. Nelson received his PhD from the University of Chicago in phi-
losophy. He is a philosopher of biology, specializing in evo-devo and devel-
opmental biology. He has published articles in such journals as Biology &
Philosophy, Zygon, Rhetoric and Public Affairs, and Touchstone, and chapters
in the anthologies Mere Creation, Signs of Intelligence, and Intelligent Design
Creationism and Its Critics.

Jay Richards
Jay Richards is a senior fellow of the Discovery Institute and a contribut-
ing editor of The American at the American Enterprise Institute. In recent
years he has been a visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation, and a research
fellow and director of Acton Media at the Acton Institute. His most recent
book is Money, Greed, and God: Why Capitalism Is the Solution and Not the
Problem (HarperOne). Richards is also executive producer of several docu-
mentaries, including The Call of the Entrepreneur, The Birth of Freedom, and
Effective Stewardship (Acton Media and Zondervan).

Richard Sternberg
Richard Sternberg is a research collaborator at the Smithsonian Institu-
tion’s National Museum of Natural History. He joined Biologic Institute as
a principal investigator in 2007. With expertise in evolutionary biology and
bioinformatics, he studies the organization of genomic information and how

Signature of Controversy 104

it relates to organismal form. Holding PhDs in molecular evolution and in
systems science, he has been a staff scientist at the National Center for Bio-
technology Information and a research associate at the National Museum of
Natural History, where he served as editor of the Proceedings of the Biological
Society of Washington.

Signature of Controversy 105

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