Américas 1500

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Amricas 1500 / Sordo Madaleno Arquitectos

17:00 - 4 May, 2017

Translated by Danae Santibaez

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Amricas 1500 / Sordo Madaleno Arquitectos

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+ 26

Sordo Madaleno Arquitectos


Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mxico

Founder Architect

Javier Sordo Madaleno Bringas

Architecture Leader

Javier Sordo Madaleno de Haro

Project Leader

Boris Pena


57970.0 m2

Project Year



Rafael Gamo

Saint Gobain, Schindler, Constructa

Project Manager

Andrs Harfuch

Production Manager

Cndido Hernndez

Design Team

Juan Marn de la Plaza, Miguel Baranda, Abraham Graca, Luis. A Cabello

Engineering Coordination

Marcos Hernndez

Engineering Team

ADC Soluciones Integrales para la Construccin

Construction Coordination

ADC Soluciones Integrales para la Construccin

Media & Marketing

Rosalba Rojas, Maria Luisa Guzmn

Interior Design

Sordo Madaleno Arquitectos

Interior Director

Nadia Borrs, Enrique Ralph

Interior Team

Fernanda Patio
Hotel Interior Design

Estudio AoMA

Structural Engineering

Luis Bozzo Estructuras y Proyectos

Structural Supervision

Alba Proyectos

Electrical Engineering

Fortuis Electromecnica S.A. de C.V.

Air Conditioning Engineering

ICC Aire Acondicionado S.A. de C.V.

Systems & Special Engineering

Teleintra S.A. de C.V.

Hydrosanitary Engineering

Construcciones y Proyectos Hidrulicos y Sanitarios S.A. de C.V.

Lighting Consultant

Sistemas y Soluciones en Eficiencia Energtica S.A. de C.V.

Audio & Video Consultant

Teleintra S.A. de C.V.

Landscape Consultant

Plantica S.A. de C.V.

Security Consultant
Bravo Centinelas


Constructora Anteus


LEED Plata

Less Specs

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From the architect. This mixed-use project for offices and a hotel is located in the heart of the
city of Guadalajara. Its formal, emphatic, and unified volumetrics express its iconic nature.

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Rafael Gamo
The formal concept arises from the mixed-use character it will acquire, consisting of four
stacked geometric volumes. Two of these are slightly offset, and exactly aligned on the rear
face. These gestures of displacement are designed to interrupt the robustness of the building
and express an elegant sense of movement. The lowest volume houses the hotel, and the three
volumes above it are allocated to office use by three different corporations, each occupying
one volume in its entirety.

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As a response to its urban context, adjacent to one of the citys most significant urban
highways, Americas Ave., the building presents a faade resembling a double skin,
enveloping it for its protection.

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Rafael Gamo
The solar gain the building will receive on three of its four sides was one of the most
significant design challenges. For this reason, the faces respond to this need with recessed
aluminum framing, in the style of a curtain wall, specifically designed at the correct angle to
create shadows and avoid excessive solar gain. On top of this, the building uses double
glazing offering a high degree of solar protection. The purity and repetition of the lines of the
faade grant it unique and timeless qualities that enhance its iconic character. As a result, it is
the first building of this type in the west of the country to receive LEED certification.

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Rafael Gamo
The ground floor is conceived as a plaza, a large public space, providing access and transit
for the buildings various uses.

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Rafael Gamo

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Ground Floor Plan

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Rafael Gamo
A triple elevator core facilitates the operation of the hotel, offices, parking lot, and services.
The vehicular and pedestrian entrances are set in a large plaza with textures and vegetation
giving pedestrians priority over cars. The dominant textures used in the floor surface are
natural limestone, which continues the geometry of the faade across the ground, with
randomly-placed areas of paving.

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Rafael Gamo
Torre Amricas 1500 is the first stage of development of a whole complex. This first stage is
located on a site measuring 4,116 m, with a built area of 29,461 m distributed over 26 floors
from the ground floor to the last office level, below the heliport. There are 7 basement levels
covering a total of 28,509 m. The structural design is based on post-tensioned concrete
slabs and a central circulation core.
150 North Riverside / Goettsch Partners

of Goettsch Partners
+ 12
Goettsch Partners
150 N Riverside Plaza, Chicago, IL 60606, United States
Architects in Charge
Jim Goettsch, Joachim Schuessler, Erik Harris
136.0 m2
Project Year
Viracon, Contrarian Metal Resources, Euroglas
Structural Engineer
Magnusson Klemencic Associates
MEP/FP Consultant
Cosentini Associates
Landscap Architect
Wolff Landscape
Lighting Designer
One Lux
Vertical Transportation Consultant
Jenkins & Huntington
LEED consultant
Goby LEED consultant
of Goettsch Partners
From the architect. The sliver of land today known as 150 North Riverside sat vacant for
decades. Wedged between the Chicago River to the east, active Amtrak rail lines to the west,
and Lake and Randolph street viaducts to the north and south, the lot is only 85 feet across at
its widest point. Prior to the projects completion, developers, for decades, believed it was
impossible to build on a site with such constrictive features. Despite this long-held belief,
client-developer Riverside Investment & Development saw an opportunity to purchase the
parcel and structure a unique acquisition of two adjacent parcels of largely air rights above
the rail lines. This combined three-parcel site allowed the design team to create a 54-story
office tower directly on the riverfront, in conjunction with a surrounding public park and

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Courtesy of Goettsch Partners

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Courtesy of Goettsch Partners
Utilizing a core-supported structure, the design features a small building footprint that opens
the ground plane and allows for a dramatic, light-filled lobby while supporting efficient,
column-free office floors above. Taking cues from the river, vertical mullions undulate along
the buildings east and west facades to help activate the exterior. The north and south faces
divide into three vertical planes that accentuate the slenderness of the tower, with the center
plane recessed to create additional corner offices. The largely open nature of the base offers
the majority of the two-acre sitemore than 75%as a landscaped public park with
pedestrian pathways overlooking the river. Building amenity spaces include a restaurant, bar,
fitness center and conference centerall with water views.

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The 1.5 million-square-foot building is designed to achieve LEED Gold certification,
including a number of sustainable elements designed to maximize energy efficiency and
provide ample natural light and open spaces on the interior. The project also features an
extensive green roof system, covering the entire structure.

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WT Morumbi / aflalo/gasperini arquitetos

Leonardo Finotti

+ 16
aflalo/gasperini arquitetos
Av. das Naes Unidas - Vila Gertrudes, So Paulo - SP, 04730-090,Brazil
Architects in Charge
Roberto Aflalo Filho, Felipe Aflalo Herman, Jos Luiz Lemos, Grazzieli Gomes Rocha
178.0 m2
Project Year
Leonardo Finotti , Ana Mello, Roberto Aflalo
Mario Tavares Moura Filho, Evangelina Lopes Nunes Galvo, Giuliana Torre, Gabriela Santos
Godinho, Marisa Terashima, Glaucia Hokama, Marcela Ferraz, Flavio Faggion, Marcelo Nagai,
Raquel Rodorigo, Gabriel Braga, Bruno Vargas
Marcio Orsi
WTorre Engenharia
Inovatec Consultores
Frames/ Glass/ Facade
Crescncio Petrucci Consultoria
Sustentax Engenharia de Sustentabilidade
Metal Structure
Grupo Medabil
Eletric + Hydraulic
Interativa Engenharia
Air conditioning
Teknika Projetos e Consultoria Ltda
Damasco Penna Engenharia Geotcnica
Wind Tunnel Consulting
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Concrete Structure
vila Engenharia
Landscape Design
Soma Arquitetos
ingrone Iluminao

From the architect. Two identical towers but in inverted positions, connected on the ground
floor and on four standard upper floors by bridge-like structures between the towers thus
characterizing a single building.
Dari sang arsitek. Dua menara identik namun dalam posisi terbalik, terhubung di lantai dasar dan di empat lantai
atas standar oleh struktur seperti jembatan antara menara sehingga mencirikan sebuah bangunan tunggal.

The buildings east-west placement along its major axis favors the more extensive facades
with minimal heat gain, pointing the smaller facades towards the sunrise and sunset.
Bangunan-bangunan di sebelah timur-barat yang ditempatkan di sepanjang poros utamanya lebih condong ke
fasad yang lebih luas dengan sedikit kenaikan panas, menunjuk fasad lebih kecil ke arah matahari terbit dan

Site Plan

Each tower has an independent access and two sets of elevators which thus define both
lobbies. The standard floors have the layout of the vertical circulation nucleus in the center of
the plan, freeing up the areas at the floors periphery and openings.

Setiap menara memiliki akses independen dan dua set lift yang dengan demikian menentukan lobi keduanya.
Lantai standar memiliki tata letak inti sirkulasi vertikal di tengah rencananya, membebaskan daerah di pinggiran
dan bukaan lantai.

On the ground floor there is also a theater and restaurant, accessed through the atrium
between the towers.
Di lantai dasar ada juga teater dan restoran, diakses melalui atrium antar menara.

Leonardo Finotti

The facades covering is mainly glass, laid in two different tones with the intention of
highlighting the volumetric elements.

Bagian depan fasad terutama kaca, diletakkan dalam dua nada yang berbeda
dengan maksud menyoroti elemen volumetrik ..
The balconies protruding from the facades punctuate both the inside and external sides of the
Balkon yang menonjol dari fasad menekankan sisi dalam dan luar bangunan.
Maslak No.1 Office Tower / EAA - Emre Arolat

Thomas Mayer
EAA - Emre Arolat Architecture
Istanbul, stanbul, Turkey
Architect in Charge
Emre Arolat
31850.0 m2
Project Year
Thomas Mayer
Jotun, Otis, Schco
Alsar Maslak Real Estate
Structural Projects
Altneller Engineering
Mechanical Projects
Tanrover Engineering
Electrical Projects
Aykar Engineering
Fire Safety Consultant
Abdurrahman Klc
Facade Engineering Consultant
CWG (Salih Sekban)
Security Consultant
Sustainability Consultant (fort he LEED certificate)
EAA - Arsitektur Emre Arolat
Istanbul, stanbul, Turki
Arsitek dalam biaya
Emre Arolat
31850,0 m2
Tahun Proyek
Thomas Mayer
Jotun, Otis, Schco
Alsar Maslak Real Estate
Proyek Struktural
Rekayasa Altneller
Proyek Mekanik
Teknik Tanrover
Proyek Listrik
Aykar Engineering
Konsultan Keselamatan Kebakaran
Abdurrahman Klc
Facade Engineering Consultant
CWG (Salih Sekban)
Konsultan Keamanan
Konsultan Keberlanjutan (fort dia LEED certificate)
Thomas Mayer

From the architect. The project for the office building to be situated on the Mecidiyekoy-
Maslak axis, where Turkeys foreign capital takes its most visible form, was conditioned by
the tension between density of its environ and the tightness of the project site. It was the
clients wish that the building would be a prestigious building, just like all the other
surrounding buildings which only meant to be prominent, having been developed with no
certain rule, plan or order.
Dari sang arsitek. Proyek untuk gedung perkantoran ditempatkan di sumbu Mecidiyekoy-Maslak, di mana
ibukota asing Turki mengambil bentuknya yang paling terlihat, dikondisikan oleh ketegangan antara kerapatan
lingkungannya dan kekencangan lokasi proyek. Itu adalah keinginan klien bahwa bangunan itu akan menjadi
bangunan bergengsi, sama seperti bangunan sekitarnya lainnya yang hanya dimaksudkan untuk menonjol, telah
dikembangkan tanpa aturan, rencana atau perintah tertentu.

Thomas Mayer

Apart from the other projects along the Buyukdere Avenue, which is the main business
district of Istanbul, Maslak No.1 Office Tower was designed to enrich the quality of the
typical office space by vertical gardens. In order to accomplish that, a rational office block
which was planned over a 8.25 x 8.25 m grid, enveloped with a free formed glazing system
was designed. The envelope, acting as a secondary facade in south and west direction is
detached from the building up to 17 meters, let vertical gardens in 20 meters high. The
space in-between two facades was considered as a buffer zone both for the acoustical and the
climatic sense. The simple reinforced concrete office building with a basic, operable
aluminum framing and glazing system helped in ease of construction and decrease in
budget compared to similar investments, being free of direct wind load and sun rays.
The envelope in steel structure, while creating the climatic control, provides the building
with the prestige, identity and peculiarity through the crowd of alike structures that is a part
of the clients brief.
Terlepas dari proyek lain di sepanjang Buyukdere Avenue, yang merupakan kawasan bisnis utama Istanbul,
Menara Kantor Maslak No.1 dirancang untuk memperkaya kualitas ruang perkantoran khas dengan taman
vertikal. Untuk mencapai itu, blok kantor rasional yang direncanakan di atas grid 8,25 x 8,25 m, diselimuti
dengan sistem kaca berbentuk bebas dirancang. Amplop tersebut, yang bertindak sebagai fasad sekunder di arah
selatan dan barat terlepas dari bangunan hingga 17 meter, biarkan kebun vertikal setinggi 20 meter. Ruang di
antara dua fasad dianggap sebagai zona penyangga baik untuk akustik dan khayalannya. Gedung perkantoran
beton bertulang sederhana dengan sistem framing aluminium dan kaca dasar yang dapat dioperasikan membantu
dalam kemudahan konstruksi dan penurunan anggaran dibandingkan dengan investasi serupa, bebas dari beban
angin dan sinar matahari langsung. Amplop dalam struktur baja, sekaligus menciptakan kontrol iklim, memberi
bangunan itu dengan prestise, identitas dan kekhasan melalui kerumunan struktur serupa yang merupakan
bagian dari brief klien.

Thomas Mayer

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Ground Plan

Thomas Mayer

The curvilinear plan of the facade formed by the 150 x 200 cm rectangular modules was
designed regarding the perception from the highway. These glass panels are arranged in the
texture of fish-scale letting air flow through and they have a translucent film layer over it.
The opacity of the film layer diverse, up to the orientation of the curvilinear facade; on
southern facade a less transparent pattern was chosen; however in north, almost a transparent
film was used which are designed according to environmental control issues.

Rencana lengkung fasad yang dibentuk oleh modul persegi panjang berukuran 150 x 200 cm dirancang
mengenai persepsi dari jalan raya. Panel kaca ini disusun dalam tekstur skala ikan yang membiarkan aliran
udara masuk dan lapisan film tembus di atasnya. Keterbukaan lapisan film beragam, sampai ke orientasi fasad
lengkung; Pada fasad selatan pola yang kurang transparan dipilih; Namun di utara, hampir sebuah film
transparan digunakan yang dirancang sesuai dengan isu-isu pengendalian lingkungan. .

The office buildings at this district are planned and are being managed as private gated
communities, independently secured and controlled. No free access or passage is allowed
even at the communal ground levels, that prevents any possible interaction with the street and
neighboring alike complexes. As a matter of creating porosity on the urban level, a
considerable part of the ground floor, together with the buffer zone and the outside terrace at
Maslak No:1 Tower is kept except the secured, private areas of the building, that welcomes
public freely with a hope that future developments or refurbishments at the region may carry
on this attitude to empower the urban life throughout the district.

Gedung perkantoran di kabupaten ini direncanakan dan dikelola sebagai komunitas berpagar swasta, diamankan
dan dikendalikan secara independen. Tidak ada akses atau jalur bebas yang diperbolehkan bahkan di tingkat
tanah komunal, yang mencegah kemungkinan interaksi dengan kompleks jalanan dan tetangga. Sebagai masalah
menciptakan porositas di tingkat perkotaan, sebagian besar lantai dasar, bersama dengan zona penyangga dan
teras luar di Maslak No: 1 Tower dijaga kecuali area aman dan pribadi dari bangunan tersebut, yang menyambut
publik dengan bebas. dengan harapan bahwa perkembangan atau pembaharuan masa depan di wilayah ini dapat
membawa sikap ini untuk memberdayakan kehidupan kota di seluruh distrik.

Concept Project presented at the beginning of 2009 was developed with all parties and local
authorities until 2012. As opposed to many other projects in Turkey, the construction started
then with all documents ready and completed in 2014 through a well-organized and
controlled process.

Proyek Konsep yang dipresentasikan pada awal tahun 2009 dikembangkan dengan semua pihak dan pemerintah
daerah sampai tahun 2012. Berbeda dengan banyak proyek lain di Turki, pembangunan dimulai kemudian
dengan semua dokumen siap dan selesai pada tahun 2014 melalui proses yang terorganisasi dengan baik dan


Sustainability Statement
Maslak No.1 is certified with LEED Gold and is considered among the high-qualified and
highly-demanded office buildings of the district, in spite of notably simple choice of
materials compared to the counterparts in the market, inhabiting national and international
significant companies such as Deloitte as the main tenant.

Maslak No.1 disertifikasi dengan LEED Gold dan dianggap sebagai salah satu gedung perkantoran yang
berkualifikasi tinggi dan sangat diminati di kabupaten ini, walaupun pilihan bahannya sederhana dibandingkan
dengan rekan-rekan di pasar, yang menghuni perusahaan penting nasional dan internasional seperti sebagai
Deloitte sebagai penyewa utama ..


Main volumetric composition of the project depends on a simple reinforced concrete office
block and a porous envelope that controls the general climate of the building. While letting
air flow through the glass panels arranged as fish-scale, the envelope filters direct effects of
the climate. The in-between buffer zone, provided the design of the office framing dependent
on most simplest parameters technically; low wind loads and least amount of uv control. The
envelope also provided acoustic comfort, made natural ventilation possible at suitable seasons
by operable windows which also decreases the sense of working in a plaza effect on
employees. The existence and density of the dots on the film coating on these glass panels are
designed parametrically according to the movement of the sun in order to decrease solar gain
and to provide shade control while at the same time letting panoramas at eye level.

Komposisi volumetrik utama proyek bergantung pada blok kantor beton sederhana dan sebuah amplop berpori
yang mengendalikan iklim umum bangunan. Sementara membiarkan aliran udara melalui panel kaca disusun
sebagai skala ikan, amplop menyaring efek langsung dari iklim. Di antara zona penyangga, asalkan perancangan
framing kantor bergantung pada parameter paling sederhana secara teknis; beban angin rendah dan paling
sedikit kendali uv. Amplop ini juga menyediakan kenyamanan akustik, membuat ventilasi alami memungkinkan
pada musim yang sesuai dengan jendela yang dapat dioperasikan yang juga mengurangi rasa bekerja dalam efek
plaza pada karyawan. Adanya dan kepadatan titik pada lapisan film pada panel kaca ini dirancang secara
parametrik sesuai dengan pergerakan matahari untuk mengurangi keuntungan matahari dan untuk memberi
kontrol naungan sementara pada saat yang sama membiarkan panorama di tingkat mata.

Thomas Mayer

General office planning strategy takes into account the issues of flexibility and adaptability,
designed in the scope of shell and core design. The carpark levels, lobby space and
circulation core together with minimum amount of common restrooms were completed with
simple finishes of optimum budgets. Large amount of exposed concrete and use of partial
suspended ceiling elements, together with a simple local stone on the floor are the main
materials used. The rest of the office floors were finished as a simple naked grid structure, to
be equipped with raised floor and dry wall structures. Concrete surfaces were finished in a
quality that once again encourages the tenant to keep it as exposed or with partial ceiling

Strategi perencanaan perkantoran umum memperhitungkan masalah fleksibilitas

dan kemampuan beradaptasi, yang dirancang dalam lingkup desain shell dan inti.
Tingkat carpark, ruang lobi dan sirkulasi inti bersama dengan toilet dengan jumlah
minimum dilengkapi dengan anggaran optimal yang sederhana. Sejumlah besar
beton terbuka dan penggunaan elemen atap tersuspensi parsial, bersama dengan
batu lokal sederhana di lantai adalah bahan utama yang digunakan. Sisa lantai
kantor selesai sebagai struktur grid telanjang sederhana, dilengkapi dengan lantai
yang terangkat dan struktur dinding kering. Permukaan beton selesai dalam kualitas
yang sekali lagi mendorong penyewa agar tetap terpapar atau dengan elemen
plafon parsial.

The building has maximum energy efficient design based on the latest technology in building
materials, illumination and mechanical systems. The 3D Variable Refrigerant Volume
(VRV) system and heat recoverable HVAC Units help it to reach high efficiency level,
aiming to reach an energy saving level of 40% compared to buildings with similar features.
The building is equipped with maximum cooling / heating and story based control with three
tube VRV system and reinforced fresh air with recycling fresh air units. Regenerative
elevators produce their own electricity, water efficient appliances and fixtures are installed,
energy saving is provided by the use of LED and T5 lighting fixtures,

Bangunan ini memiliki desain hemat energi maksimal berdasarkan teknologi terkini dalam bahan bangunan,
penerangan dan sistem mekanis. Sistem 3D Variable Refrigerant Volume (VRV) dan unit HVAC yang dapat
dipulihkan dengan panas membantu mencapai tingkat efisiensi tinggi, yang bertujuan mencapai tingkat
penghematan energi sebesar 40% dibandingkan bangunan dengan fitur serupa. Bangunan ini dilengkapi dengan
pendinginan / pemanasan dan kontrol berbasis cerita maksimal dengan tiga sistem tabung VRV dan udara segar
yang diperkuat dengan daur ulang unit udara segar. Lift regeneratif menghasilkan listrik mereka sendiri,
peralatan dan perlengkapan hemat air terpasang, penghematan energi disediakan dengan menggunakan
perlengkapan pencahayaan LED dan T5,
Thomas Mayer

The location of the site had benefits of highway access for material supply during
construction as well as its close proximity to public transport; bus and metro that are a few
minutes walk away. Finally, the project tries to create an urban porosity on the ground level,
as described in the project description text, as opposed to the rest of the district that would
behave as seeds for a future consideration of urban access and communal use throughout the
Lokasi situs memiliki manfaat akses jalan raya untuk pasokan material selama konstruksi dan juga dekat dengan
transportasi umum; bus dan metro yang beberapa menit berjalan kaki. Akhirnya, proyek ini mencoba
menciptakan porositas perkotaan di permukaan tanah, seperti yang dijelaskan dalam teks deskripsi proyek, yang
bertentangan dengan wilayah kabupaten lainnya yang akan berperilaku sebagai benih untuk pertimbangan masa
depan tentang akses perkotaan dan penggunaan komunal di seluruh wilayah sekitar.

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