To Err Is Human A Case Study of Error Prevention in Process Isolations
To Err Is Human A Case Study of Error Prevention in Process Isolations
To Err Is Human A Case Study of Error Prevention in Process Isolations
This case study describes how practical human error analysis and prevention methods were applied
to a series of errors which occurred during process isolations and de-isolations on an offshore
oil and gas platform. The errors were uncovered during routine isolation audits. One of the
errors involved a supervisor who was regarded as a most trustworthy, competent and reliable
team member.
By undertaking a careful and detailed analysis of the incident, and the surrounding circum-
stances, it was possible to identify several factors which shaped this persons performance on
that day, and explain how and why the error occurred.
It is sometimes said that to influence human error you cant change the human condition, but
you can change the conditions under which humans work.
In this case, quantitative human reliability analysis confirmed that changing conditions and
systems of work would reduce the probability of error. Such changes were made, and this resulted
in a 66% reduction in the number of isolation errors, and also a reduction in the potential severity of
the remaining errors.
In response to such concerns, the first author conducted a HUMAN ERROR IN MAINTENANCE AND
series of projects that developed, piloted and implemented ISOLATIONS
a set of Human Factors Analysis Tools to aid investigators Error during maintenance is arguably inevitable, as main-
to better understand the human factors that influenced tenance is largely a human activity. Although it is never
peoples performance during incidents, and implement possible to totally eliminate human error, it is possible,
corrective actions designed to influence safe behaviour in through good maintenance management and an understand-
the future. (Lardner, 2006) These tools, known as HFAT, ing of the issues which affect error, to move towards this
have now been in use for five years in a wide variety of goal and to control the likelihood of error.
SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO. 155 Hazards XXI # 2009 IChemE
The publication Improving Maintenance: a guide to discovered in 1982 by BP. Oil was found 4,000 metres
reducing human error (Health and Safety Executive, 2000) beneath the seabed in a water depth of 100 metres.
includes a relevant example involving an isolation Production from Miller field started in June 1992 and
plateau production was from late 1992 to 1997 at rates of up
An electrician suffered severe burns while to 150,000 barrels of oil and 255 million standard cubic feet
repairing a faulty 415-volt motor, which was of gas per day. Miller produced some 345 million barrels of
live. Staff believed it had been isolated oil during its lifetime.
because the motor had been mechanically- The Miller field reached the end of its economic oil &
positioned for repair during the previous gas-producing life in 2007 when Cessation of Production
shift. However, there was poor communication approval was received from the UK government. Prep-
across shifts and staff were unclear about who arations are currently underway to decommission the
was responsible for isolating equipment. Miller platform but the oil and gas pipelines will be
This publication advises that in general, it is not preserved for future opportunities.
possible to eliminate these (maintenance) errors through
instruction or training. The best approach to controlling
these errors is through design, by eliminating the opportunity THE SERIES OF INCIDENTS
for making them e.g. through interlock guards, and ensuring The BP Miller platform, like many others, conducts regular
that components can only be fitted in the correct manner. audits to ensure isolations have been designed, applied or
Where this is not practicable, the plant or equipment should removed correctly. The Miller management team noticed a
be designed, or arrangements put in place, to allow errors trend indicating that occasionally isolations had not been
to be detected and corrected before any adverse conse- correctly implemented or removed.
quences occur, e.g. by giving feedback of the results of an These incidents had been investigated and reviewed
action or through post-maintenance testing. by the platform management team, who felt that a more
Revised HSE guidance on the safe isolation of plant in-depth human factors analysis was required. The first
and equipment (Health and Safety Executive, 2006) included author who co-designed HFAT, and the second author
an increased appreciation of the importance of human who had recently completed an HFAT training course
factors in safe isolations. HSE analysis confirmed that jointly conducted the analysis.
where incidents occur, the root causes often include human Five incidents were analysed. The following initial
failures. The error/violation distinction is made (page 5) observations were made:
and a range of suggestions made on how to minimise error.
. Three of the five incidents involved human error, and
two involved violations of permit-to-work and isolation
ABOUT BP MILLER . One isolation incident involved a very experienced elec-
The Miller oil and gas field is located 270 km NE of trical supervisor, and was a classic maintenance error,
Aberdeen in UKCS Blocks 16/7b and 16/8b and was identical to another which occurred elsewhere in BP.
SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO. 155 Hazards XXI # 2009 IChemE
This incident is the subject of this case study. The basic example checking whether electrical equipment is dead,
facts were that the supervisor was performing a or the presence of an Operations Technician during a break
complex, multi-point electrical isolation on a gas of containment. It was unclear whether this type of check
turbine, and applied part of the isolation to the correct on isolation integrity was feasible for all types of isolations.
isolation point on the wrong, identical, adjacent Those involved in implementing isolations were
turbine. When this person became aware of the error, asked what, according to their opinion or experience,
he immediately offered to resign, so horrified was he increased the likelihood of isolation errors occurring.
about this significant error. Their replies included:
. Three of the incidents were detected during isolation
. Interruptions during isolations or de-isolations, caused
audits, a technician spotted one, and the fifth was
by periods of high activity, responding to urgent loud-
detected when a platform shutdown was triggered as a
speaker announcements, and being called away to deal
result of the incorrect isolation.
with breakdowns
An initial human factors review identified a number . Pressure to get the job done quickly, for example to re-
of performance-shaping factors, which can increase the like- start the plant
lihood of errors, including being distracted during iso- . During a complex de-isolation, lack of an experienced
lations, high workload, and lack of an independent check. colleague to double-check
Interviews were conducted with a range of platform . Insufficient knowledge amongst recently recruited
personnel involved in isolations. It became apparent that it process technicians
was rare for an independent second person to check that . Being preoccupied by welfare and morale issues
an isolation made by an Isolating Authority had been cor- . Having to supervise inexperienced staff whilst simul-
rectly applied. Two exceptions were described: taneously performing isolations
. Unclear or missing equipment labels, leading to iso-
. Mechanical isolations, where it was described as stan- lations being applied to wrong equipment
dard practice, and often specified on the work permit, to . Not assessing competence of Isolating Authorities under
have the Area Technician present, which could serve as field conditions, which therefore does not assess
a check on the correct application of the isolation. A peoples ability to isolate with the actual pressures of
pre-job site visit can also help to ensure mechanical iso- the job in place
lations are applied to the correct equipment. Perhaps sig- . Fatigue after mid-trip changeover
nificantly, none of the five incidents reviewed involved
All of the above are recognized performance-shaping
mechanical isolations. It was unclear whether it was an
factors, which can increase the likelihood of human error.
explicit task of the Area Technician to check the
correct application of the isolation, and whether they
would possess the necessary competence to do so.
. High-voltage electrical isolations, where a second ERROR TYPE, AND PERFORMANCE-
experienced technician is usually present to check the SHAPING FACTORS
isolation is correctly applied. As previously explained, the isolation incident featured in
this case study involved a very experienced electrical super-
In practice, for valve isolations and other electrical visor, and was a classic maintenance error. This incident is
isolations, the main form of verification built into permit- the subject of this case study. The basic facts are that the
to-work and isolation procedures occurs after the Isolating supervisor was performing a complex, multi-point electrical
Authority enters into the permit-to-work IT system that isolation on a gas turbine, and applied part of the isolation to
they have isolated each of the isolation points. The Area the correct isolation point on the wrong, identical, adjacent
Authority then verifies the isolation, but in fact this pro- turbine.
cedural step is not a verification, but simply confirmation HFAT classifies errors as being one of four types of
that the Isolating Authority has indicated on the permit-to- human failure:
work IT system that they believe they have correctly per-
. Failure of Perception e.g. sight, hearing, leading to
formed the isolation.
an inaccurate understanding of events
It was agreed by all interviewed that the permit-to-
. Failure of Memory no recall, or inaccurate recall of
work and isolation process, when strictly adhered to, did
not provide an independent check on whether all types of
. Failure of Decision-Making where perception and
isolation or de-isolation have been correctly implemented.
memory are accurate, but a wrong judgement, decision
The existing process relied heavily on the flawed assump-
or plan is nevertheless made
tion that competent people will not make mistakes. It is
. Action error where a person does or says something
possible that a pre-job isolation audit could detect an iso-
unintended or incorrect, which is not due to a failure
lation error, but such audits are infrequent.
of perception, memory or decision-making
It was explained that, with some types of isolation, an
independent check on whether an isolation has been Using HFAT, this error was classified as an Action
correctly implemented does occur before work starts for error caused by confusing similar items of equipment. In
SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO. 155 Hazards XXI # 2009 IChemE
other words, the right action (an isolation step) was applied HUMAN RELIABILITY ANALYSIS
to the wrong object (the wrong turbine). The underlying Engineers are familiar with the calculation of reliability data
cause of the action error was distraction, and this persons for plant and equipment. Such calculations can be used to
performance was also adversely shaped by high workload. inform reliable plant design, and introduce redundancy
Skilled and experienced people are particularly prone to when critical components are likely to fail. Similar human
action errors when doing familiar tasks, especially when reliability assessment techniques have been developed by
interrupted mid-task. This can lead to resuming the task human factors professionals, and are based on the following
on the wrong piece of equipment. assumptions:
When an incident occurs, it is common industry prac-
tice to ask those involved to write their own statement of . Human performance is fallible: even competent and
events, in their own words. This can lead to an sketchy or experienced people make errors
incomplete understanding of events, as the person writing . The more complex the task, the higher the probability of
the statement has little or no guidance on what to include or failure
exclude, and what aspects of events are likely to be relevant. . Human performance is shaped by surrounding events
Research indicates that a cognitive interview is likely to aid and known performance-shaping factors, which
maximum recall of events by witnesses. (Kohnken, 1995) increase the likelihood of error
During a cognitive re-interview with the experienced Given that human error will happen, safety-critical
Electrical Supervisor, who was personally involved in an systems must be designed to minimize error, and help
isolation error, some additional facts emerged which were detect and recover from remaining errors that occur.
not contained in his initial written statement. During that Using data from studies of actual work performance,
week he was covering the work of two people, as his simulations and controlled experiments, the probability of
usual experienced colleague was on sick leave. He was error during different generic types of tasks can be esti-
also supervising and coaching a less-experienced colleague. mated, and the effect of common performance-shaping
So, at the time of the isolation error, he was lacking the inde- factors calculated. (Williams, 1988)
pendent check he would normally have had via his experi- The isolation task and key performance-shaping
enced colleague, and was arguably distracted from his factors were subjected to human reliability analysis to
main isolation task by the secondary coaching/supervision help (a) develop evidence-based recommendations and (b)
task. He was then interrupted and distracted by being support the business case for their implementation.
called away to deal with an urgent matter mid-task, and Tables 1 to 3 below illustrates the probability of
lacked his normal colleague who would have continued human failure when (1) performing a task of a similar
and finished the task despite the interruption.
In hindsight, the task he was called away to attend to
Table 1. Probability of human failure during isolation task
was not so urgent that it would not have waited until
the isolation was completed, but he did not know this at Task Probability of failure
the time. At the first loudspeaker announcement, which he
wisely ignored, he was part-way through the high voltage Task of similar nature to process 3 in 1000
part of the isolation. This loudspeaker message said isolation, with some self-checking
simply to contact control room. A short time later, as he fin-
ished the high voltage part of the isolation, he heard a
second loudspeaker announcement to urgently contact Table 2. Probability of human failure during isolation task,
the control room, without any explanation why. He then without independent checking of output
broke off from the incomplete isolation, and went to find
out what was so urgent. He found catering staff standing Task Probability of failure
by the open door of the freezer, saying the temperature
was rising and food might spoil. He was frustrated that Above, plus little or no independent 9 in 1000
hed been called away to deal with a task that would have checking of outputa
waited a while longer, especially as door was lying open a
This tripling of error rate is consistent with other UK research which
allowing the temperature to rise. He fixed the freezer has shown that hospital pharmacies without an independent check on
problem, then went back to complete the isolation. No pharmacist dispensing have an error rate three times higher than
doubt his frustration did not put him in a great frame of those departments with a second independent check on all work.
mind for error-free performance1, (Keil Centre, 2006).
Given this additional evidence, it is understandable Table 3. Probability of human failure during isolation task,
why the error occurred in these circumstances. without independent checking of output, under time pressure
SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO. 155 Hazards XXI # 2009 IChemE
nature to a multi-point electrical or process isolation, (2) Self-checking routines2 involve going back through
how that probability changes when no independent checking the isolation once complete, and physically checking each
exists, and (3) how the probability further increases when step in the isolation has been correctly applied to the right
time pressure exists. equipment. If interrupted during an isolation, the isolation
The probabilities above can be compared to Miller should be checked from the beginning, to ensure a step is
data that indicated that approximately 138 process isolations not missed out or incorrectly applied.
were conducted between 15 July 2006 and 25 August 2006,
and 3 process isolation incidents involving human error were
detected. This yields a conservative actual error rate of 22 in EDUCATING PERSONNEL ON HUMAN ERROR,
1000. This rate is considered conservative, as it does not AND PERFORMANCE-SHAPING FACTORS
account for errors that occurred and were not detected at Educate the workforce, starting with managers and supervi-
all, and errors that occurred but were detected and corrected sors, paying particular attention to the inevitability of human
at the time by the person performing the isolation. error, and identifying performance-shaping factors.
Encourage the reporting of human error near-misses, and
potential sources of error. Encourage personnel to stop
IMPLEMENTATION OF RECOMMENDATIONS work when performance-shaping factors are adversely affec-
Using the guidance contained in the HFAT worksheets, a ting personnel performing safety-critical tasks.
series of recommendations were made to (a) prevent &
reduce such errors occurring (b) detect them at an early
stage and (c) educate platform management and others on EFFECTS OF IMPLEMENTING
the nature of error, and how conditions at work can influence RECOMMENDATIONS
human reliability. The types of recommendation are shown After these recommendations had been implemented, the
below. rate of error detected during isolation audits was monitored.
Platform management were able to determine that the iso-
lation error rate had reduced by 66%, and that the remaining
REDUCING ISOLATION ERROR RATE errors were of lower potential severity.
Eliminate the performance-shaping factors that influence During a visit to the Miller platform, Health and
the isolation task, particularly those isolations considered Safety Executive inspectors stated they were impressed
safety-critical. This includes: with the human factors effort to reduce to isolation inci-
dents, and BPs efforts to promote this within their own
. Removing distractions that affect those conducting iso- organisation. They were keen for BP to also promote this
lations, particularly those that involve interrupting iso- work outside their own organisation. The work was seen
lations mid-task. This was achieved by ensuring that as consistent with the Health and Safety Executives gui-
requests for unplanned work went via their supervisor, dance on the safe isolation of plant and equipment (Health
who is in a position to prioritise, and minimise interrup- and Safety Executive, 2006).
tions and distractions during safety-critical work
. Removing time pressure to complete isolations
. Ensuring items of equipment are clearly-labelled DISCUSSION
. Ensuring the availability of people to conduct isolations There is a perception amongst some managers and engineers
who have had their competence assessed on-the-job that with good training and processes, errors are unlikely to
. Providing more than one competent person to execute occur which is not the case. This paper has demonstrated
and check complex, multi-point isolations. why human error occurs, often involving the most competent
and experienced personnel, how to analyse this, and put in
place measures to prevent, detect and aid recovery from error.
Despite this, it is puzzling why some organisations
Despite taking action to reduce the error rate, some residual
are reluctant to tackle human error, thus hindering the
errors will nevertheless occur. It is important to ensure that
development of a learning culture, and missing important
reliable means are in place to detect these errors at an early
implications for personal and process safety.
stage, and recover from the error.
The first author has proposed a model that may help to
There appeared to be two opportunities to do so (1)
illustrate some of the reasons why this happens.
during or immediately after an isolation or de-isolation
In a basic safety culture, it is likely that many people,
has been applied and before the isolation has been approved
including management, are breaking the rules and health
by the Area Authority, using self-checking and an indepen-
dent check by a second person, or (2) before the work starts, 2
Despite being intuitively worthwhile, evidence on the actual effective-
by independent checking of the isolations integrity by the ness of self-checking is limited. Self-checking appears to be less effec-
work party. tive for routine tasks, and more effective for high-risk non-routine tasks,
It was recommended that such a system of checks where people are not operating in automatic thought mode. Providing
be developed, with a focus on isolations with high conse- external prompts for checking (e.g. via pre-job briefings, stop points in
quences of failure. procedures) is also likely to be helpful.
SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO. 155 Hazards XXI # 2009 IChemE
This case study has demonstrated that, when the wrong com-
bination of circumstances coincides, error can occur even
when the most competent and experienced personnel are
involved. Nevertheless, practical steps can be taken to
understand, anticipate, prevent and reduce error, and miti-
gate its effects.
To do this successfully it is important to distinguish
between unsafe acts that are intentional (violations) and
unintentional (errors), and also address any other factors
that are influencing human performance.
Figure 2. Safety culture level vs. unsafe behaviour
The proposed model in Figure 2 suggests that this is
much more difficult to achieve in an immature safety
and safety law. In other words, violations are frequent. As
culture. An appropriate place to start is by educating man-
initial efforts are made to address rule violation, the absolute
agers and health and safety professionals of the likely
numbers reduce as safety culture improves.
benefits of a deeper understanding of how to reduce error
Due to the focus on rule violation, three unintended
and influence behaviour.
consequences occur
1. It is not noticed that many of the unsafe behaviours con-
tributing to incidents are actually unintentional errors,
Energy Institute (2008). Guidance on investigating and analys-
which often require different solutions to violations
ing human and organisational factors aspects of incidents
2. As a result of not implementing appropriate error
and accidents Energy Institute, London, UK.
solutions, similar incidents recur
Health and Safety Executive (1999). Reducing Error and Influ-
3. Blame and discipline become associated with all types
encing Behaviour (Second Edition) HSE Books.
of unsafe behaviour, and are therefore applied inappro-
Health and Safety Executive (2000). Improving Maintenance:
priately to unintentional errors.
a guide to reducing human error UK: HSE Books ISBN 0
As levels of safety culture continue to improve, the 7176 1818 8.
proportion of unsafe acts which are violations reduces, Health and Safety Executive (2006). Safe isolation of plant and
Awareness of underlying errors increases, as they form a equipment HSG 253 UK : HSE Books.
larger proportion of unsafe acts. Recognition of the need Health and Safety Executive (2009).
for appropriate error analysis techniques and solutions also humanfactors/majorhazard/index.htm
increases. What would previously have been regarded as Keil Centre (2002). Strategies to Promote Safe Behaviour as
violations are reclassified as errors, and recurring incidents Part of a Health and Safety Management System. CRR
are tackled more effectively. 430/2002, HSE Books: Norwich UK.
When a safety culture is well-established, violations Keil Centre (2006). Investigation of the links between psycho-
are uncommon, and most unsafe acts are the result of unin- logical ill-health, stress and safety. RR 488, HSE Books:
tentional errors. Norwich UK.
Although this model is intuitively appealing, what data Kohnken, G (1995). Interviewing Adults in Handbook of
is available to support it? The first author has trained many Psychology in Legal Contexts, Chapter 3.4, p. 216 233
people in use of HFAT, which helps the investigator to accu- Edited by Bull, R and Carson, D. John Wiley and Sons.
rately distinguish between errors and violations. In three such Lardner, R (2009). Unpublished confidential company data.
process industry organisations, whose safety culture level is Lardner, R and Scaife, R (2006). Helping engineers to analyse and
known to vary between levels 3 and 4, an approximate influence the human factors in accidents at work in Process
50%/50% violations/error ratio was found. (Lardner, 2009). Safety and Environmental Protection, 84(B3): 179 18.
In contrast, data from UK air traffic control (Scaife, NATS (2009).
2008) indicates that 98% of unsafe behaviours in their Scaife, R (2008). Personal communication.
domain are errors, with the remaining 2% being situational Williams, J.C. (1988). A human factors data-base to influence
or exceptional violations. UK air traffic control is regarded safety and reliability in Proceedings of the Safety and
as having a very well-established safety culture (NATS, Reliability Symposium 88, 19-20 October 1988, Elsevier
2009). Applied Science, pp. 223 240.