From Molecules To The New Medicine

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From "Molecules" to "New Medicine

The book: Molecules of Emotion and Summary of the New
Medicine by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer.

From: 8/14/2009
I just finished reading Molecules of Emotion. I had some
resistance reading the epilogue on the (so called) Aids virus[2] as
I'm not willing to assume a belief in a virus and especially in the
way it was introduced in this book.

Now I have started reading the foreword of Summary of the New

Medicine by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer (whos destiny is clearly one
of Mastery!).

This work was presented to the University of Tubingen as a

Lecture thesis in 1981 and completed in 2000.

The foreword ends with: "This summary of my thesis is to make

the process of nosological understanding clear and to explain the
biological meaning of so-called diseases."

Imagine that! "The biological meaning of so-called diseases"! I

imagine that most all of us could agree that Western Medicine has
never offered any of us a "biological meaning" for any of the
diseases that any of us have ever incurred. (Then again what
does the term "biological meaning" actually mean?) Those of us
who were raised under the influence of Western Medicine grew
up believing in germs (and all kinds of "bugs" and the like) that
could suddenly attack us if we didn't protect ourselves (including
getting all our shots). However, that system of beliefs began to
slowly change as the more traditional medicine options were
becoming more popular. Now Western Medicine has begun to
incorporate some of the alternative and complementary

medicine" and indications are this will continue and become more
pronounced - possibly transforming our local hospitals!

I think the time is ripe for at least the holistic health practitioners to
consider this new medicine paradigm and that they will find it is in
harmony with their practice.

Learn more about this new medicine:

September 12, 2017 -

"It must have something to do with the patients psyche if

someone falls seriously ill only after having been told to be HIV-


[1] Dr. med. Mag. theol. Ryke Geerd Hamer:

[2] See above post of September 12, 2017.

[3] "This congress calls itself a congress for 'alternative medicine'.

I affectionately call it alter-naive medicine, because by nature any
alternative medicine can only exist as long as an understanding of
the true contexts and meanings is suppressed. However,
generally speaking, one refers to an 'alternative medical therapy'.
Let me say a few words about this. As you will see in a moment,
so-called diseases as we have understood them until now do not
exist. Rather, they are Meaningful Special Biological Programs of
Nature. And they do not have to be treated with 'therapy', but

must be left to run their course because they always have a

biological purpose.

The crux of our thinking lies in the fact that, for 1500 years now, in
Europe we have practiced a medicine of symptoms. Everything
has diligently and religiously been categorized as 'benign' or
'malignant': Cancer is malignant, so are microbes, so is fever or
fatigue; and all supposedly so-called 'symptoms of disease' were
malignant and had to be eradicated like a sinful action.

Since nobody knew anything and nobody knew of any causal

therapy, approximately 1000 different therapies existed. But
whenever Mother Nature had finished her work of healing
despite our erroneous attempts at pseudo-therapeutic intervention
then we were quick to praise the outcome as our own 'success'.
How wise we thought we were just like the sorcerers

Before I introduce you to the New Medicine, or rather, the German

New Medicine let me take a few moments to explain the name: I
changed the name from New Medicine into German New
Medicine purely for the reason that currently some 15 different
alternative therapeutic approaches also call themselves New
Medicine because the name cannot be protected. I had to find a
new one. And I decided to call it the German New Medicine
because it was discovered in Germany, the nation of thinkers and
poets, of musicians, inventors and explorers, and because the
German language is the mother of almost all European
languages. The result of this is that, apart from being charged
with sectarianism, I am now unfortunately also accused of anti-
Semitism. ..."[1]


Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, Summary of the New Medicine,

Molecules of Emotion, New Medicine paradigm, learning german
new medicine, HIV-positive, patients psyche, Five Biological
Laws of the New Medicine, First International Congress on
Complementary and Alternative Medical Cancer Treatment[3]

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