LATOURETTE 1917 - History of The Early Relations Between United States and China, 1784-1844

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lNCORl'ORATED A. D. 1799

YOLUME 22, PAGES 1- 209 AUGUST, 1917

The History of Early Relations


The U nited States and China






19 17

Foreword 5
Introduction 7
Chapter l. The Period of Beginnings, 1784-1790 IO

Chapter II. The Period of Expansion and of War, 1791-

1814 27
Chapter III. From the Close of the War of 1812 to the
butbreak of the Opium Troubles, 1815-1834 53
Chapter IV. From the Close of the War of 1812 to
the Outbreak of the Opium Troubles, 1815-1838
( continued).
The Beginnings of American Missions to the Chinese . 85
Chapter V. The Period of ~he Opium Troubles and of
the First British-Chinese War, culminating in the
Treaties of N anking and Whanghia, 1839-1844 . l IO

Bibliography 145-200
l. Bibliographies 145
2. Official Documents and Reports of Societies 146
3. Manuscripts, Logs, Ship Accounts, Bills of Lading,
and kindred documents 154
4. Journals, Diaries, Contemporary Descr_iptions, Cor-
respondence, and N arratives of Voyages 160
5. Contemporary Pamphlets, Sermons, Lectures, Dis-
cussions, and Treaties . 175
6. Newspapers and Periodicals 179
7. Secondary Authorities 183_
Index . 201

The author wishes to make grateful acknowledgment of the

courtesy of the many individuals and institutions whose helpful-
ness and courtesy have made this study possible. Especially is
he under obligations to Professor Clive Day of Yale University,
the Connecticut Academy, the Yale Library, the John Carter
Brown Library, the Essex Institute, the Salem and N ew York
Customs Houses, the Lenox Library and the great collection of
which it now forms a part, the New York Public Library, the
N ew Haven Colony Historical Society, the Rhode Island His-
torical Society, the New York Historical Society, the Boston
Athenaeum and the Boston Public Library, the Harvard Library,
the Library of Congress and the State Department, the American
Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions and the Ameri-
can Baptist Missionary Union, now the Baptist Missionary
Society. Above all the author wishes to record his indebtedness
to Professor Frederick Wells Williams of Yale University,
under whose direction the study was originally made, in whose
ample library much of the work was done, and to whose constant
interest and kindly criticism are due much of whatever value
these pages may have.

The intercourse of western nations with China falls into two

periods, the dividing line between which is the discovery of the
sea route to India in the fifteenth century. In the first period
come the vaguely known trade with the Roman Empire, the
burst of commerce and papal missions made possible by the
Mongol conquests of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries,
and the slight revival of indirect communication under Tamerlane
and his successors. 1 The second period begins with the coming
of the Portuguese in the early sixteenth century. 2 In the first
period intercourse was largely by the overland rute across the
high table land of Central Asia. In the second, except in the case
of Russia, it has been almost entirely by sea.
The second period is in turn separated into two natural divi-
sions by the first British-Chinese war and the treaties of 1842-4.
Before these years all W esterners were regarded by the Chinese
as troublesome barbarians. They were looked upon as tributary
peoples, uncivilized, no,t to be considered as equals. They were
confined to limited quarters in the suburbs of one port, Canton,
and to Macao, which Portugal had leased from the Empire.
They were ruled by the most stringe_nt of regulations, but were
viewed with such contempt that officials would deal with them
only . through a non-official commercial monopoly, the co-hong.
In spite of handicaps, however, the commerce and missions
of two countries, the United States and England, steadily grew,
and when Chinese isolation and self-satisfaction finally became
unbearable, the first British-Chinese war broke out and resulted
in treaties which granted revolutionary concessions. With these
treaties, China entered the family of nations, and theoretically
at least, recognized western countries as her equals. Foreigners
were allowed residence in five ports, were released from the old

Henry Yule, Cathay and the Way Thither, being a collection of
Medieval notices of China translated and edited by Colonel Henry Yule,
with a preliminary essay on the intercourse between China and the
Western Nations previous to the discovery of the Cape Route. London,
1866. This is the best single work on the period.
S. Wells Williams, A History of China. New York, r9or. pp. 75-uo.
8 Kenneth S. Latourette,

cumbersome regulations, and were placed under their own laws

and a more equitable system of port rules and duties. China
still had a long road to travel before reaching a full appreciation
of. other powers and entering fully into mode life. Wars,
rebellions, and outbreaks were to mark the mile posts. But in
1842-1844 she put her feet in the way, and the years since that
date are rightly thought of as being spent in advancing toward
the goal then first dimly seen.
It is the purpose of the following chapters to trace the part
of the United States in the first division of the second period,
i. e., the years before 1844. This will lead us to show how
trade with China began, to trace its expansion, its changes, and
its influence, to find the beginnings of American missionary effort
for the Chinese and to see its early growth, and finally to con-
sider the immediate effects of the first British-Chinese war and
the British treaty on both commerce and missions, and to give
the story of the first American treaty witji the empire. As we
proceed we shall find that there are well marked chronological
divisions in our subject. The first includes the opening of the
trade and its first f ew years. The second begins with the sudden
expansion of commerce caused by the European wars and the
discovery of new sources of furs, sandal wood, and beche de rner,
and doses with the commercial stagnation of the Second W ar
with Great Britain. The third begins with the conclusion of
peace in 1814, and ends with the beginning of the opium troubles.
The fourth and last begins with the opium troubles of 1839,
includes the first British-Chinese war, ap.d ends with the treaty
of Whanghia, in 1844.
Practically all the known available material on the subj ect
has been examined. Manuscript correspondence of persons
intimately connected with the events narrated, especially that of
the consuls at Canton, preserved in the State Department in Wash-
ington, and that of the missionaries of the American Board and
the Baptist Board, preserved in the archives of these two societies,
forms a considerable and important source of information.
Manuscript logs, largely those preserv"ed in the Essex Institute
and belonging to Salem ships, and those of the firm of Brown and
Ives of Providence, deposited in the John Carter Brown Library
of American History, are also important. Published journals,
correspondence, and especially narratives of voyages are also
Early Relations between the United States and China. 9

indispensable. A surprising number of these, most of them long

out of print, are to be found in nearly all of our large libraries.
A few periodicals are very useful. One especially, the Chinese
Repository, is an invaluable source. There are numerous biog-
raphies and memoirs, largely of missionaries, which cover this
period, and a number of secondary authorities can be found
which add useful information. Congressional documents and
other government papers are of use, especially in tracing the
negotiations which resulted in the Treaty of Whanghia.


American commerce with China was the result of influences
reaching back over an extensive period. At the very discovery
of the New World a connection had existed with the Celestial
Empire, for it was to :find Cathay and the Indies that Columbus
sailed westward, and it was partly the belief in a N orthwest
Passage through the continent to the same countries which led
the European explorers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
to nose their way along the eastern coast of N orth America.
Still later the English colonists became acquainted with China
through the- East India Company. Their tea carne in the Com-
pany's ships from Canton by way of Great Britain. Since i718,
ginseng, the drug which formed a large part of the cargoes of
the :first China ships, had been known to be native to North
America,1 and it is probable that the East India Company had
shipped sorne of it to Canton. 2 The Company may, too, have
had sorne of its Indiamen built in the colonies.3
A ] esuit, ] oseph Francis Lafitare, in 1718 published his "Mmoire
prsent a S. A. R. Mgr. le duc d'Orlans, rgent du royaume de France,
concernant la prcieuse plante du ginseng, decuverte en Canada." Pars,
1718. Reuben G. Thwaites, "] esuit Relations and Allied Documents,"
Cleveland, c. 1900, 66: 333 (Notes) ; 71 : 347. See also Justin Winsor,
"N arrative and Critica! History of America.'' Boston and N ew York.
c. 1886. 4: 289, 298.
William Speer, The Oldest and the N ewest mpire, China and the
United States, Hartford, 1870, p. 410, says that the East India Company
used it as a return cargo to save exports of specie, and speaks of "Agents
sent to N ew England, who induced Indians to search for this medicinal
root by rewards of money, whiskey, trinkets, and tobacco." Hamilton,
in his Itinerarium of 1744 (Hamilton's Itinerarium, Albert Bushnell Hart,
ed., St. Louis, 1907, p. 4), speaks of having a "curiosity to see a thing
[ginseng] which had been so famous.'' David MacPherson, Annals of
Commerce, London, 1805, 3: 572 gives among the articles exported in 1770
from the American colonies-which he regards as including N ewfound-
land, Bahama, and Bermuda-74,6o4 lbs. of ginseng valued at iI243.8s.
One was built in Danvers, Mass., in 1755, but was never used. ]. W.
Hanson, History of the Town of Danvers, from its early settlement to
the year 1848. Danvers,_ 1848. George Henry Preble, Notes on Early
Ship-building in Massachusetts, communicated to the New England H is-
torical and Genealogical Register, 1871, p. 17.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 11

Another infiuence leading to American commerce with China

was the development of shipping in the colonies. The West
Indian trade, the fisheries, and a commerce with Portugal and
the Mediterranean, 4 had been important means of support to the
Northern Colonies, and had raised up a hardy race of sailors
and small merchant firms. 5 The spirit of adventure needed . in
the initiation of long voyages to China had received cultivation
from piracy. For instance, in the last years of the seventeenth
century the waters north of Madagascar were infested with a
band of marauders who fitted out their ships, obtained their sup-
plies, and often spent their ill-gotten gains . in E.hode Island,
Massachusetts, N ew York, and the Carolinas. 6 A letter of 16961
said of them, "All the ships that are now out are from New
England, except Tew from New York, and Want from Caro-
lina."8 The privateering of the Revolution had an even greater
infiuence. Craft bearing letters of marque from the colonies
swarmed the seas. Large fortunes were accumulated, a surplus
shipping, too large for the coasting trade, was built, a knowledge
of distant seas was acquired, and an adventurous spirit was

Charles E. Trow, Old Shipmasters of Salem, New York and London,
1905. p. 48.
Log books in the Essex Institute, Salem, for this period, show some-
thing of the extent of the trade. See also G. F. Chever, Sorne Remarks
on the Commerce o Salem, from 1626 to 1740, with a sketch of Philip
English, a merchant in Salem from about 1670 to about 1733-1734. Hist.
Cols. of Essex Instit. 1 : 67.
Gertrude Selwyn Kimball, The East India Trade of Providence,
Providence, 1896, p. 3, quotes the Governor of New York from the N . Y.
Col. Docs. Vol. 4, p. 306, to the effect, that "I find that those Pirates that
have given the greatest disturbance in the East Indies and the Red Sea,
have either been fitted from New York or Rhode Island, and manned
from New York." See also Paullin, Diplomatic Negotiations of American
Naval Officers. Baltimore, 1912, pp. 154-156.
T. South to the Lord Justices of Ireland, from Dublin, Aug. 15, 1696.
Calendar o State Papers, Colonial Series, America and W est Indies.
May 15, 1696--0ct. 31, 1697. J. W. Fortescue, ed., London, 1904.
A letter to the East India Company from Bombay, !bid. 1697-8, p. 363,
says of the same band, "There is a nest o rogues in the Isle of St. Mary's
[near Madagascar] . . . . where they are frequently supplied .
by ships from N ew York, N ew England, and the W est Indies.''
12 K enneth S . Latourette,

stimulated in sailors and merchants. 9 With the end of the war

these were forced to seek other outlets.
Still another. influence was the Joss of the trade with the British
West Indies. Before the Revolution the colonies ha<ilp of course,
been included in the British colonial system. They had sent
their provisions and lumber to the West Indies, had received in
payment credit on England, and with this credit had secured the
necessary old-world manufactures and ~upplies. Independence,
by placing them outside the colonial system, made it necessary
far them to Jook elsewhere for the investment of their cornmercial
capital, and far the means of paying the bills owed by them to
British merchants and manufacturers. As Phineas Bond wrote
at the time1 : "In the restricted state of American trade it is
natural for men of enterprise to engage in such speculations as
are open to them, and which afford a prospect of profit.''
But _independence and withdrawal from the colonial system,
while shutting the <loor of the West Indies, had opened that to
Asia and the East Indies. For nearly a century the East India
Company had held a monopoly on the British trade in the entire
hemisphere from the Cape of Good Hope eastward to the Straits
of Magellan.11 After the treaty of peace, this, of course, ceased
to be binding on the new nation, and it would have been strange

Trow, Old Shipmasters of Salem, pp. xx-xxiv. Charles S. Osgood

and H. M. B~tchelder, Historical Sketch o Salem, 1626-1879, Salem,
1879, p. 137. H . W. S. Cleveland, Voyages o a Merchant Navigator o
the Days that are past. Compiled from the J ournals and Letters o the
Late Richard J . Cleveland, New York, 1886, p. 6. Horace S . Lyman,
History o Oregon: The Growth o an American State, 4v, N ew York,
1903, 2: 87, says that Captain John Kendrick o the "Columbia" had
commanded a privateer. The log books o sorne o the privateers exist
in the Essex Institute in Salem.
Letter to Lord Carmarthen, July 2, 1787. Letters o Phineas Bond,
British Consul at Philadelphia, to the Foreign Office o Great Britain,
1787, 1788, 1789. Edited by the Historical Manuscripts Committee o the
American Historical Association. In Annual ,Rep. o Am. Hist. Ass'n.
for 1896. Vol. I, pp. 513-659. p. 540.
u Great Britain, The Statutes at Large, London, 1763 et seq. 3 :738;
9 and IO Wil. III (1698) c. 44, sec. 81, give this grant, and place as a
penalty, forfeiture of ship and cargo.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 13

indeed if advantage had not been taken of the opportunity thus

In.the light of these causes we are not surprised to :find in the
United States widespread movements in 1783 and the years imme-
diately following to take advantage of the China trade. In 1783
Salem and Boston began to agitate the matter,18 and Boston
merchants had already planned a voyage. In l 784 such a venture
seems to hay e been planned in Connecticut, and was def eated only
because the ai.nount of state aid asked was larger than the sturdy
yeomen would grant.14 In 1784 a Boston vessel got as far as
the Cape of Good Hope, and returned with a cargo of fresh
teas purchased there from the British. 15
It was in this same year, 1784, that an American ship :first
reached China. In the latter part of November, 1783, Robert
Morris wrote to Jay, "I am sending sorne ships to China in order
to encourage others in the adventurous pursuits of commerce." 16
This probably ref erred to the "Empress of China," J ohn Green,
Master.17 Robert Morris and Daniel Parker and Company of
N ew York j oined in fitting her out, 18 and engaged as super cargo

Fitzsimmons, in a speech on the tariff, Apr. 16, 1789, describes the
situation quite exactly. Thomas Hart Benton, Abridgment of the
Debates of Congress from 1769 to 1856, 1857-1861. N ew York. 1842.
Joseph B. Felt, Annals of Salem. 2 v. Salem. 1845-9. 2 : 285, 29I.
HWilliam B. Weeden, Economic and Social History of New England,
1620-1789. 2 v. Boston and N ew York. 18go. 2: 821. He quotes from
the Connecticut Archives, a manuscript collection at Hartford.
This was advertised for sale in July, 1784. Hamilton Andrews Hill,
The Trade and Commerce of Boston, 1630 to 1890, in Justin Winsor,
Memorial History of Boston, Boston. 1881. 4 : 203.
Nov. 27, 1783. The Correspondence and Public Papers of John Jay,
edited by Henry P. Johnston. New York and London. 1891. 3: 97. See
also Ellis Paxson Oberholtzer, Robert Morris, Patriot and Financier,
1903, p. 222, and William Graham Sumner, The Financier and Finances
of the American Revolution. 2 v. N ew York 1892. 2: 162.
This seems to have been universally believed at the time, and no one
has ever questioned it. There seems to be no evidence which would lead
one to doubt it.
The Journals of Major Samuel Shaw, the first American Consul at
Canton, edited, with a life of the author, by J osiah Quincy, Boston, 1847,
give a full account of this voyage, and are reliable, since the author was
the supercargo of the ship and wrote from his journals kept on the trip.
The account of the voyage, unless otherwise indicated, is taken from him.
14 K enneth S. Latourette,

Samuel Shaw, a man of sorne education, who had seen honorable

service as an officer in the Continental army.19 The main part
of the cargo was ginseng. The ship sailed February 22, 1784,
protected by a sea letter granted by Congress.2 0 She stopped
at the Cape Verde Islands for water and repairs, rounded the
Cape of Good Hope, and then steered a straight course for the
Straits of Sunda. 21 Here she met a French ship and in com-
pany with her proceeded to China, anchoring at Whampoa, the
harbar of Canton, August 28th. The Chinese after a little
trouble learned to distinguish. the Americans from the English,
calling them " the N ew People." 22 The representa ti ves of the
various European nations welcomed them, and even the English
were friendly and seemed anxious to forget the recent war. With
the assistance of more experienced traders, specially the French,
the Americans threaded their way saf ely through the unaccus-
tomed maze of the Canton trade regulations, disposed of their
ginscng and merchandise to advantage, and purchased a cargo
of teas and China goods of various kinds. Returning, "The

He was successively adjutant, captain, brigade major of artillery,
and, finally, aide de camp to General Knox. Quincy's life of Shaw is
good. Delano says of Shaw, "He was a man of fine talents and con-
siderable cultivation.'' Amasa Delano, Narrative of Voyages and Travels
in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Boston, 1818. p. 21.
"'The Journals of the United States in Congress assembled [Confedera-
tion], Philadelphia, 10 : 47. Similar letters were frequently
granted' later. For instance, to the "Canton,'' March 22, 1785 ( 10: 97)
and Jan. 2, 1786 (II: 14); to the "Hope," Jan. 26, 1786 (II: 17); to
the "Columbia" and "Lady Washington," Sept. 24, 1787 (12: 144, 145);
and to the "General Washington," Oct. 25, 1787 (12: 217).
Most accounts o the voyage are taken from Shaw's Journal, but
garbled ones are given in Robert Waln, Jr., Life of Robert Morris, in
John Sanderson, Biography of the Signers o the Declaration of Inde-
pendence, Philadelphia, 1823, p. 368, which is quoted by Sumner, Financier
and Finances o the American Revolution, 2: 162. It calls the ship " The
Empress" and says that it was the first attempt to make an out of season
passage to China by going around the south cape of New Holland. A
cursory ex amination o Shaw's Journals will show that Waln was correct
only in the year o the voyage, both the name o the ship and the course
being wrong. He may have confused it w ith the voyage of the "Alliance."
For the first year, to avoid extra presents demanded of nations
opening trade, the Americans were reported to the Hoppo, or customs
collector, as E nglish.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 15

Einpress of China" sailed in company with sorne Dutch ships

for a distance, touched at the Cap>e of Good Hope, and arrived
safely in New York May roth, i785. The final profit of the
voyage was estimated at $30,727, or about twenty-five per cent.
on the capital invested. 23
The news of this successful voyage created much interest and
added incentive to the plans which were already proj ected. Shaw
reported the result of the voyage to Jay, the Minister of Foreign
Affairs, and received soon afterward by order of Congress a reply
telling of that body's "peculiar satisfaction in the successful
issue of this first effort of the citizens of America to establish
a direct trade with China." 24 Long accounts of the voyage were
published in the N ew York papers and copied in the different
commercial cities.25 In Boston, plans were soon under way for
building and fitting out a ship f or the East India trade2 6 in which
"any citizen who wished to become interested" might purchase a
share for $300. Robert Morris, satisfied with the result of bis
first venture, continued bis investments.27 He bought from Shaw
and Randall a cargo of teas which they had shipped home in the
"Pallas," and talked of engaging the two for another voyage. 2 8

ll3 Another brief summary of the voyage is in John Austin Stevens,

Progress of New York in a Century, i776-1876. New York, 1876. p. 45 .

' Shaw's Journals, Appendix, p. 337, gives Shaw's letter ( May 19, 1785)

and Jay's reply (June 23, 1785) . The report of the committee is in the
Continental Congress Reports of Committees (Ms. in Library of Con-
gress) . lt was read J une 9, i785. It is also mentioned in the J ournal
labeled Reports of Coms. (Ms. in Library of Congress) .
A column and a quarter was given to it in the Providence Gazette,
May 28, i785.
Hill, Trade and Commerce o Boston, p. 81, quotes from the Indepen-
dent Chronicle for J une 23, 1785, to that effect.
Robert Morris to Jay, May 19, 1785. Jay's Corres. and Public Papers,
3: 143.
Shaw's J ournals, p. 218. Morris may have sent the "Empress" a
second time. A letter to which there is no author nor name o person
addressed, but with the date New York, Nov. 3, 1786, in Letters Written
to the British Government by agents from America, labeled America and
England, 1783-1791, Ms. transcripts in Lenox Library, mentions the
"Empress o China" as having arrived June 6, 1786, from Canton ater
a voyage o thirteen months. This leaves such a short time for her to
unload, load, and clear from New York after her :first voyage that it seems
more likely that the date is wrong. It should probably be 1785.
16 Kenneth S. Latourette,

In 1787 he helped to send out the "Alliance," Thomas Reid,

master, on a voyage which attracted much attention at the time,
both because of the size of the ship and because of the course
followed. 29 An old frigate, she was much larger~an the ordi-
nary American Indiaman. She left Philadelphia June, 1787, and
returned September 19, 1788, with a cargo said to have been
worth half a million dollars. She has been popularly reported to
have sailed with no chart but a map of the world, without letting
go her anchor ropes from the time she lef t Philadelphia until
she reached Canton, and to have been the first American ship to
go to China by way of the south cape of Australia! Her
return temporarily saved Robert Morris from bankruptcy. 3 1
Still other voyages were ,u ndertaken. Stewart Deane, an old
privateersman, after consulting with Captain Green of the
"Empress of China," sailed for Canton in the latter part of
December, 1785, in a sloop of eighty-four tons. So small was
the vessel that when it reached China it was mistaken for a
tender to a larger ship. 32 Shaw went out again from New York
in February, 1786, as supercargo of the ship "Hope," James
Magee, master, and carried with him a commission from Con-
gress as Consul at Canton. This office was rather an empty
honor; the occupant was not "entitled to receive any salary,
fees , or emolurnents," but merely hoisted a flag, <lid a little
routine business, and was looked upon by the Chinese as a head

For accounts and mention of this voyage see Letters of Phineas Bond,
Oct. 2, 1788, p. 578. Waln, Life of Robert Morris in Sanderson, Biog-
raphy of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, Philadelphia,
1823, 5: 368. (He was copied with slight changes by Oberholtzer, Robert
Morris, p. 224.) Parliamentary Papers, 1821, 7 : 122; C. Dixon, Voyage
Round the World. More particularly to the Northwest Coast of America.
London, 1789. p. 298; Freeman Hunt, The Library of Commerce, Prac.:.
tical, Historical, and Theoretical. N ew York, 1845. 1 : n8; Abraham
Ritter, Philadelphia and her Merchants as constituted Fifty to Seventy
years ago. Philadelphia, 1860.
so Her course is certain.
Sumner, Financier and Firiances of the Am. Rev., 2: 227. He quotes
for his authority a letter of one of the English agents in the United
States to Lord Dorchester, 1788, given in Canadian Archives, 1890. 104.
2 Timothy Pitkin, A Statistical View of the Cmmerce o the United
Sta tes of America. N ew Haven, 1835. .p. 245.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 17

merchant. It was the first American Consulate beyond the Cape

of Good Hope, however, and was the only one in China until
after 1844.
On the return passage of her first voyage the "Empress of
China" had found the "Grand Turk'' of Salem at the Cape
of Good Hope, evidence that the enterprising merchants of the
witch town were already looking toward the East. It was this
sarne vessel which Elias H. Derby, a rnerchant who had rnade a
large fortune in privateering during the Revolution, sent to
Canton a f ew rnonths later, the first Salem ship to visit that
port.34 Providence, too, was caught by the China fever. Her
rnerchants, cut off from the W est Indies, had been looking far
fresh fields far investment, and the news of the profits to be rnade
in the Canton trade soon roused them. J ohn Brown, a W est
Indies merchant, and the senior partner of Brown and Francis,
was the first to make the ventare. His ship, the "General Wash-
ington,'' Captain Dennison, sailed Decernber 27, 1787, stopping
first at Pondicherry and Madras,35 and going thence to Canton. 36
Returning she reached America July 4, 1789. Although the
venture was not as profitable as had been hoped, it was the

Shaw's Journals, pp. 218-222. Shaw held the office until 1794 His
successors were Samuel Snow (Quincy's Life of Shaw, p. 125), Edward
Carrington, B. C. Wilcocks, Richard R. Thompson, J ohn H . Grosvenor,
P. W. Snow, Paul S. Forbes (Consular letters, Canton). There were
frequent gaps, often of years, when the office was occupied by a vice
consul or a consular agent.
She sailed from Salem J anuary 3, 1786. Robert S. Rantoul, the Port
of Salem, in Hist'l Cols. of the Essex Instit., 10 : 55. Paullin, Diplomatic
Negotiations of American Naval Officers, p. l6I.
This course was probably taken because of the influence of an Eng-
lishman who had spent seven years in India and who went along on
the voyage. He is mentioned in a letter of J ohn Brown to his brother,
August, 1787. Moses Brown Papers, 6: u, quoted in Miss Kimball's notes.
The log book of the "General Washington'' is in the Brown arid I ves
Papers, in the J ohn Carter Brown Library of American History in
Providence, and is above the average manuscript log for fullness of detail.
William B. W eeden, Early Oriental Commerce in Providence, in Mass.
Hist'l Soc. Proceedings, 3d Series, 1 :236-278, Boston, 1908, pp. 236-240,
tells of it, and Gertrude Selwyn Kimball, The East India Trade of Provi-
dence, Providence, 1896, p. 4, gives an account of it. Shaw's J ournals,
p. 318, tells of the return voyage.
TRANS. CoNN. AcAn., Vol. XXII 2 1917
Kenneth S. Latourette,

beginning of a series of voyages from Providence which con

tinued for many years.
The Canton trade thus started had become firmly established
by the year 1790. Merely running over such na~ of the ships
engaged in it as have come clown to us gives us sorne idea of
its extent. There were the " Asia," Captain Barry, and the
"Canton," Captain Truxton, whose voyages were not very suc-
cessful,37 the "Jenny," Captain Thompson, 8 8 and the brig
"Eleonora," Captain Metcalf, 39 both of N ew York, at Can ton in
1788 ; the "Massachusetts" of Boston, a large Indiaman built
for Samuel Shaw in 1789, said to have been the largest ship
built up to that time in America, sold to the Danish East India
~ompany at Canton on its first voyage 40 ; and the "Astrea" of
Salem, James Magee, master, and Thomas H. Perkins, super-
The American trade wi th China was from the first compelled
to fit into the Canton commercial system. This latter was so
peculiar, and yet so vital in all early relations with China that a
somewhat detailed description of it is essential to a full appre-
ciation of the succeeding sixty years of American intercourse
with the Middle Kingdom.
What first impressed the traveller in Canton was that com-
merce was carried on "under circumstances peculiar to itself;
it [ was] secured by no commercial treaties, [ and] regulated
by no stipulated rules." 42 Freed from all treaty restrictions and
diplomatic interf eren ce, the organization formed was the result
of a curious combination of Chinese contempt for foreigners,
of fear of their naval prowess, of desir~ for their trade, and of
official greed and corruption. Until modern times the Middle
Kingdom had been largely shut off from the rest of the world
by the vast mountain system on her west and by the sea on her

- Shaw's Journals, pp. 295-296.
Ibid., p. 297.
Delano, Voyages, pp. 21-25.
"Journal of Brig "Astrea" to China. Ms. in Essex Institute, Salem.
e Edmund Roberts, Embassy to the Eastern Courts of Cochin-China,
Siam, and Muscat, in the U. S. Sloop of War Peacock . . . . during
the years 1832, 3, 4. New York, 1837, p. 126.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 19

east. Her people had not come into intimate contact with their
equals in civilization until the nineteenth century. Their foreign
relations had been almost exclusively with tri bes of inferior cul-
ture, a culture which at its best was a crude copy of a Chinese
Although conquered at times, the sons of Han had always
assimilated their victors. The entire course of their history had
bred a profound contempt for all foreigners, and had led them
to apply to the latter the term "barbaran." It is not surprising;
therefore, that early modern relations with the Occident were
hampered by the conviction that foreigners were mercenary, inter-
ested only in trade, and beneath the contempt of the Chinese
gentry and literati; that the China trade was necessary to their
very existence43 ; that they did not have the ability to learn to
read or to speak Chinese; and that all embassies sent to Peking
carne merely to bear tribute. 44 This contempt was mingled with
an undercurrent of annoyance. The Manchus were not a naval
power; they were, in fact, utterly impotent on the sea, 45 and after
the piratical acts of many of the early European adventurers,
especially of the Portuguese, they f elt it wise to limit western
merchants to as f ew ports as possible and to police them care-
fully while there, "lest they come and make trouble." Only the
strong commercial interests of the Chinese prevented the entire
prohibition of trade.
The Chinese offi.cials were lovers of money, and where trade
was once permitted their greed led to the imposition of as many
duties and exactions as possihle, and to a venality so great that
by j udicious bribery these same duties could be evaded and many
port regulations disregarded with impunity.

An anonymous memorial to the Emperor said: "Inqtiiries have served
to show that the foreigners, if deprived for severa! days of the tea and
rhubarb of China, are affiicted with dimness of sight and constipation of
the bowels, to such a degree that life is endangered." The Chinese
Repository, Canton, 1822-185r. 7: 31r.
E. J. Eitel, Europe in China, The History of Hongkong from the
beginning to the year 1882, London and Hongkong, 1895, p. 12, gives a
good summary of the feeling as a whole. See too Chinese Repository,
passim, for official edicts on the China trade.
This their trouble with Koxinga in Formosa had shown them long
befo re.
20 K enneth S. Latourette,

When the "Ernpress of China" had reached Canton, trade

had been strictly confi.ned to that port for nearly a generation.
The Portuguese colony at Macao, at the rnouth of the Pearl
River, and the factories at Canton were the o~ spots where
residence was perrnitted. 46 The existing regulations had sorne of
thern been in force since 1720, sorne since 1760.47 The central
institution was the "co-hong," through which all trading was
done, and through which the governrnent cornrnunicated with
the foreigners. This body dated frorn an imperial edict of 1720
which substituted it for a single "Emperor's Merchant." 48 It
had been dissolved in 1771 only to be reinstated in 1782, and was
in f ull working order when the fi.rst American arrived. This
Hong Sheung or Yeung Hong Sheung ("Foreign Associated
Merchants") known more cornrnonly by the pidgin-English cor-
ruption, "Co-hong," 49 was a loose monopoly established by the
imperial governrnent expressly for the control of the foreign
trade at Canton. It was cornposed of a varying number of
"hong rnerchants.'' Theoretically thirteen in number, they were
usually fewer, and sornetirnes dwindled to six.5 Far from being
a stock cornpany, each rnerchant <lid business independently of
the others, enjoyed his own profits, and, legally at least, bore
his own losses. They acted together rnerely for the control of
foreigners and the enforcement of trade regulations. There
later grew up a mutual responsibility for debts, but this seems not
to have been an integral part of the systern, and was sanctioned
only by special arrangement after each new failure. 61 With true
There had been a little trade at Ningpo in 1755 but soon after that
an imperial edict restricted all foreign commerce to Canton. Williams,
History of China, p. 96.
William C. Hunter, The Fan Kwae in Canton befare Treaty Days,
1825-1844, pp. 28, 34. Eitel, Eur. in China, p. 5.
Hunter, Fan Kwae in Canton, pp. 28, 34; Eitel, Eur. in China, p. 8.
Samuel W ells Williams, Establishment of American trade at Can ton,

in China Review, 5 : 152-164, p. 155.

Memorial to Emperor, Sept., 1837, Ch. Rep., 6: 292-296. John Francis
Davis, China, 2 v., London, 1857, l :98.
1 C. Toogood Downing, The Stranger in China, or the Fan Qui's visit
to the Celestial Empire in 1836-7. 2 v., Philad-elphia, 1838, 2 : 123-133.
In 1830 an attempt was made to abolish it entirely which succeeded for
at least a few years. Responsibility was renewed in 1838 in a special
case. Davis, China, l : 127-128.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 2 r

Chinese astuteness, however, these debts of bankrupt hongs

when guaranteed were paid by a special tax on the trade. 5 2
The theory of the hong organization was that although the
barbarians were not worthy of. direct communication with gov-
ernment offi.cials they were a troublesome set, and needed clase
attention and restraint. To the co-hong, then, was given the
complete control of all foreigners, their persons, their property,
their servants, and their trade, and in return it was held respon-
sible for their actions. The monopoly relaxed as time went on,
and a large body of "outside merchants" grew up, each of
whom, although legally allowed to furnish only those things
needed for the personal use of the foreigners, paid sorne hong
merchant for the privilege of unrestricted trade. 53 A position
on the co-hong was purchased from the government, frequently
at a high price; but the place was not in every respect an enviable
one. The unfortunate merchant was subject to heavy assess-
ments and offi.cial "squeezes" and at any time might be held
responsible to the extent of his lif e for chance disorders among
foreigners. He could not retire from his position without spe-
cial permission, a favor which at least must be purchased and
might be entirely refused. 54 The commercial character of mem-
bers of the co-hong seems, on the whole, to have been high, and
although bankruptcies were fairly frequent, testimonies from
Americans and others to the honesty of the body are quite
numerous. Howqua, for example, the most famous of those )
engaged in the American trade, bore an unimpeachable name for
honesty and philanthropy. The system was in general an effective .
way of handling the trade as long as it was limited to Canton
and before goven;iment relations began. 55 When the treaties

Chinese Rep., 6: 292-296.
Hunter, Fan Kwae in Canton, p. 35. Also evidence of Abel Coffin,
Mar. 20, 1830, quoted in J ohn Phipps. A Practica! Treatise on the China
and Eastern Trade. Calcutta, 1835, p. 310.
Hunter, Fan Kwae in Canton, p. 36. Downing, The Stranger in
China, 2 : 123-133. .
"I never saw in this country such a high average of fair dealing as
there." Letters and Recollections of John Murray Forbes. Boston and
New York, 1899, 1 : 86. Hunter, Fan Kwae at Canton, p. 97, pays a high
tribute to the system and to the honesty of the merchants.
22 K enneth S. Latourette,

which followed the first British-Chinese war were signed, it had

outlived its usefulness and rightly carne to an end.
The co-hong was the central point in the commercial organiza-
tion, but there were, in addition, many regulati09s which grew
up as custom or which were formally enacted from time to time.
When a ship arrived at the mouth of the Pearl River, a pilot
took it in charge and brought it to Macao. Here an official
permit was secured which permitted it to go to Whampoa, and
a licensed pilot was taken on board. This latter, with the aid
of the assistant pilot, brought the ship past the Bocea Tigris,
or mouth of the river, and the first and second bars, and up
to Whampoa. This anchorage, twelve miles below Canten, was
as far as foreign ships could go, and here they were unloaded
and loaded.156 Befare trade could be opened, however, the ship
had to be secured by one of the hong merchants, who guaranteed
its good behavior and the payment of its duties, and through
whom in return most of its sales and purchases were usually
made. It had also to obtain a comprador to furnish it supplies,
and a linguist who for a percentage of the duties, transacted all ,.
the business with the custom house and with the various gov-
ernment officials. Then the vessel had to be measured by the
deputies of the H oppo, or superintendent of customs, the ship's
extra tackle, overhall rigging, stores, and repair casks, rnust be
put in a building or banksall on the shore,57 a declaration made
that no opium was on board, anda permit (chop) obtained Qr
unloading the cargo. During the unloading and the loading,
which was done by means of chop. or licensed boats running

John Robert Morrison, A Chinese Commercial Guide, Consisting of a
Collection of Details respecting Foreign Trade in China, Canton, 1834.
Captain Benjamin Hodges in 1789 paid $15 for the pilot to Maca:o, $40 for
the pilot from Whampoa through the mouth of the river. Journal and Log
of the Brig William and Henry from Salem, Mass., to Canton, Isle of
France, and Salem. 1788-1790. Benjamin Hodges, Master. MS. T he
pilot expenses of the "Ann and Hope" in 1801 were; expenses at Macao,
$9.25, for pilot inwards, $44, for boat at Macao, $4, for boats to tow ships
over the second bar and boats stationed there, $14, for pilot outward,
$56, for the attendance of six boats at the second bar, $6, fo r cumshaw
(fee) to pilot outward, $2. Disbursements [of "Ann and Hope"] while
on their voyage to London and Canton, Christopher Bentley, Master. MS.
This custom fell into disuse in later years.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 23

between Canton and Whampoa, the ship was watched by customs

officials to prevent smuggling. Just before she sailed, a grand
chop, or permission to leave, had to be obtained from the Hoppo.s
The duties and port charges were often heavy, and were for
the most part uncertain and determined by custom. No table
can be given, for no definite one was ever established, or at
least, made known to foreigners. 59 There w ere bot}J. import and
export duties, the former paid by the foreigner, the latter by the
native merchant. In addition there were measurement duties,
varying with the size of the ship,60 a cumshaw tax, which was
originally the sum of a number of extra-legal fees and percentages
given to different officials, and was later transformed into a
regular sum paid to the imperial custom house, 61 and pilots',
linguists', ahd compradors' fees. 6 2 The last four were the same
for all ships, and in 1832-3 amounted to $2,573 per ship.63 The
measurement and cumshaw taxes were remitted on ships import-
ing rice. 64
Various restrictions were placed on trade. No ships were
admitted without a cargo of sorne sort aside from specie. 65 The
importation of opium, the exportation of bullion except by spe-
cial permit, and of large amounts of rice, 6 6 and any exportation
of sycee, or of metallic manufactures, were forbidden. Salt peter
could be imported only for the government.6 7 No vessels of
war could pass beyond the Bocea Ti gris, nor could they . even
anchor off the coast, unless they carne as convoys. Smuggling,

The facts in this paragraph are to- be found in W. W. W ood, Sketches
of China with Illustrations from Original Drawings, Philadelphia, 1830,
pp. 213-217, Morrison, Chinese Commercial guide, pp. 9-18, Roberts,
Embassy to Eastern Courts, p. 126, Shaw, Journals, pp. 173-178, Hunter,
Fan Kwae at Canton, p. 51, and the East India Trader's Complete Guide,
London, 1825, p. 453. William Milburn, Oriental Commerce.
Consular Letters, Canton, III.

In 1832-3 it was $650 to $3000. Roberts, Embassy to En. Courts, p. 126.

Morrison, Chinese Commercial Guide, p. 18.
Roberts, Embassy to Eastern Courts, p. 126.
!bid., p. 126, and Evidence of Abel Coffin, Parl. Papers, 1830, 5 : 122.
Snow to Secretary of State, Jan. 24, 1801, Consular Letters, Canton, I.
Morrison, Chinese Com'l Guide, p. 18.
Morrison, Chinese Com'l Guide, p. 18.
24 Kenneth S. Latourette,

of course, was prohibited, and to prevent it, vessels were ordered

to come immediately to Whampoa and not to linger around the
coast. 68
In addition to the regulations which had to do J'l'imarily with
shipping, another series concerned the foreign residents of China.
Here the Chinese attitude towards the barbarians was even more
clearly manif ~sted. They were to be held at arms' length, to be
segregated and closely watched, and to be tolerated only as long
as was necessary. Unsupported and unprotected by their home
governments or by treaty rights, the foreigners depended for
safety and justice entirely on the self-interest of the Chinese.
No foreigner was allowed within the city wall of Canton, but
was compelled to confine his ramblings to the suburbs, and his
residence to the little plot of ground assigned to the foreign
factories, or hongs. These buildings were rented from the hong
merchants, and were situated on a plot of ground in the suburbs
which extended a quarter of a mile along the north bank of
the river. 69 Before them was a square, fenced off from the
streets until the fire of 1822. The factories were thirteen in
number, and were described by Cleveland70 in 1798 as "hand-
some houses built in the European style, on the margin of the
river. They were generally of two stories, the lower
being used as warehouses. They were whitewashed, and with
their . respective national flags displayed on a high staff above
them, made a very pretty appearance." Between the factories

Hunter, Fan Kwae in Canton, p. 28.
"" Jacob Abbot, China and the English, New York, 1835, pp. 64-94, gives
a vivid, although not very accurate, description, claiming to be that of an
eye witness. Fitch W. Taylor, Flag Ship, or a Voyage Around the World
in the U. S. Frigate Columbia, 2 v., New York, 1840, 2 :170; W. S. W.
Ruschenberger, A Voyage Around the World, Philadelphia, 1838, pp.
94 ff. ; Richard J. Cleveland, A N arrative of V oyages and Commercial
Enterprises, 2 v., Cambridge, Mass., 1842, 1: 46, 47; J . W. Reynolds,
Voyage of the United States Frigate Potomac, during the circumnaviga-
tion of the Globe in the years 1831, 1832, 1833, and 1834, N ew York, 1835,
p. 336 et sqq.; Shaw's J ournals, pp. 178-184, 345; Hunter, Bits of Old
China, pp. 12-15; all contain descriptions of the factories by eye witnesses.
Ch. Rep. 14 : 347, has a map, but the best are in Hunter, Fan Kwae in
Canton, p. 25, and Morse, Internat. Rel. of Chin. Empire, p. 70.
Cleveland, Voyages, 1 : 46, 47.
Early Relations between the United Stat and China. 25

ran the narrow lanes known as Old China Street, N ew China

Street, and Hog Lane, and behind them, Thirteen Factory Street,
where were situated native shops to entice sailors when off duty.
Originally the foreigner was allowed to use even the limited
area on which the factories were situated only during the trading
season, and was required to spend the other months in the r
P~_?._g~_se _c~L_~t M<!:cao. 71 No women were allowed in the
factories, and any attempt to bring them there was the signal for
trouble. 72 The number of servants was limited. All communica-
tions with the officials were required to be in the form of
"respectful petitions," and to be made, not directly, but through
the hong merchants. Riding on the river for pleasure was for-
bidden, and no one could visit the neighboring suburbs except on
special days of the month. Linguists and compradors were
employed as for the ships, and each foreigner had his good
behavior "secured" to the magistrates by sorne hong merchant.
In short, the "barbarians" were there by permission, a permission
granted only by the "infinite compassion of the Son of Heaven.''
As strict as these regulations seem, however, most of them
were seldom enforced. Official corruptio~ was well known, and
tact and judicious bribery could secure immunity from all but
the form of most of the rules. In time many others f ell into
disuse. In later years smuggling became extensive. Vessels
anchored at Lintin outside the Bocea Tigris, loaded and unloaded
by means of small boats and receiving ships, and avoided not
only the port charges, but often sorne of the duties. 73 The
foreigners stayed in the factories throughout the year; they could
walk about the suburbs with impunity, and present petitions
directly to the magistrates. The missionaries experienced but
little serious interf erence in the study of the language, both
written and spoken. 74 There were occasional spasms of reform
Hunter, Fan Kwae at Canton, p. 80, speaks of the rule as still partly
in force after 1830. It was broken as early as 1804 by Snow. Williams,
Estab. of Am. Trade at Can ton, p. 155. See also Shaw, J ournals, pp.
Gideon Nye, The Morning of My Life in China, Canton, 1873, p. 9;
Eitel, Eur. in China, p. 19 ; and Delano, Voyages, p. 540, tell Q futile
attempts to avoid the rule.
William C. Hunter, Bits of Old China, London, 1885, pp. 1, 2 .
n Ibid., pp. 1, 2, and Hunter, Fan Kwae at Can ton, p. 6o.
26 '
Kenneth S. Latourette,

and renewed strictness it is true, as, for example, in 1834, when

an edict of the governor placed new limitations on the number
of servants,75 and in 1839, when sorne new regulations were
enacted.7,6 But always the lapse of a few month9Saw the reins
again loosened and business pursuing its former easy way.

Nye, Morning of My Life in China, p. 73.
Ch. Rep., 8 :77-82.


In the first flush of success Americans had f elt that their trade
with Canton was destined t expand indefinitely. It soon became
apparent, however, that a limit would speedily be reached. The
chief article of importation from China was tea, and its con-
sumption in America was lirnited. Restrictions placed on its
importation to Europe and the West Indies were practically
prohibitive, and any extensive attempts to evade them were not
to be thought of.1
Moreover, there was great difficulty in getting commo<lities
with which to purchase cargoes in Canton. Through the cen-
turies, Europeans had gone to China as to the rest of the East
in quest of its teas and silks, while but few Western products
could be found for which there was a return demand. The
balance of trade had been met by heavy shipments of specie, a
drain which had long been a cause of concern. Not until after
1825 or 1832 when China had cultivated her appetite for opium
was the current of silver stemmed.
From the very first the Americans had faced this difficulty.
F or a time they had hoped that in ginseng they had found a
product which would supply the need, 2 but before ..long it became
apparent that the demand for the root was limited, and that
specie must be exported 'e xtensively to make up the deficit. 3

Letters of Phineas Bond, p. 545, September 2, 1787.
Shaw's Journals, pp. 229-236, 301, sqq.
The following table, taken from Pitkin, Stat. View (1835 ed.) p. 303,
and taken by him from the Register of the Treas., Washington (except
for 1826-1832 which are from a Canton paper) show the proportion of
specie exported to Canton from 1805 on.
1805 $2,902,000 $2,653,818 1819 $7.414,000 $ 200,000 $2,603,151
1806 4,176,000 l,150,358 1820 6,297,000 1,888,ooo
1807 2,895,000 982,362 1821 2,995,000 2,397,795
1808 3,032,000 908,090 1822 5,125,000 3,067,795
1809 70,000 409,850 1823 6,292,840 2,046,549
1810 4,723,000 1,020,600 1824 4,096,000 2,364,000
Kenneth S . Latourette,

Now, spec1e was of all commodities the one which the United
States could least spare .at that time. They had no silver or
gold mines of importance. What coin carne into the country was
lar gely smuggled in from the Spanish colonies an was greatly
needed to pay European bills. Specie was consequently hard to
obtain for such luxuries as China goods, and when secured, much
popular irritation was felt at its use for such a purpose. 4
Unless these conditions could be changed, American trade with
Cantan would be extremely limited. Indeed, by 1790, it had
already been overdone and had ceased to be as profitable as .at
the beginning. 5
At about this time, however, two widely separated groups of
events partially removed both of these hindrances and gave
Chinese-American commerce an mpetus which resulted in its
rapid expansion. One, the European wars following the French
Revolution, was still a few years off, the other, the opening of
new sources of supply of goods for the China market, had just
18II $2,330,000 $ 568,800 1825 $6,524,500 $2,437,525
1812 l,875,000 l,257,810 1826 5,725,200 2,056,101
1813 616,000 837,000 1827 1,841,168 $ 400,000 2,032,449
1814-15 451,000 1828 2,640,300 300,000 2,454,617
1816 1,922,000 605,000 1829 740,900 657,000 2,667,770
1817 4,545,000 l,055,600 1830 l ,123,644 423,656 2,793,982
1818 5,601,000 l,475,828 . 1831 183,655 1,168,500 2,871,321
1832 2,480,871 667,252 2,383,684
1833 682,519 4,772,516 2,907,936
The continued existence of this feeling is shown by a clipping from a
Providence paper. In its issue of September 14, 1793, the U nited States
Chronicle of that city attempted to mollify public opinion by telling of
"fifty or sixty thousand dollars in specie," part of the proceeds of the
" President Washington" and her cargo which had been sold at Calcutta
in 1792, being deposited in the bank by Brown and Francis, "this sum
being more specie than they had ever shipped to the Indies, although for
six years past considerably eng~ged in the trade. It is expected it will
operate in the minds of thinking people to do away with a prejudice
against the trade, and convince them t hat it is our duty to encourage it,
as being much more advantageous. than for us to continue retailers of
India goods for European merchants."
Osgood and Batchelder, Salem, p. 138, say that the Salem-China trade
seems to have been abandoned from 1790 to 1798.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 29

The effect of the first of these on American commerce is too

well known to require detailed treatment here. The United
States were made the common carriers of Europe. The care-
fully erected trade barriers which had threatened to crush their
commercial life were obliterated almost in a <lay. Large por-
tions of the Continent and of the W est Indies were thrown open
to their goods. The result on the trade with China was to give
a wider market for tea, and to provide specie and other com-
modities needed for cargoes to Canton. Between r8or and r8r I
from a fourth to a half of each year's imports of tea were re-ex-
ported from the United States. The embargo year of 1808 fell
rriuch below this average, but the following year made up for
the deficit, since by drawing on the accumulated stocks Americans
actually exported more tea than they imported.6 In addition they
took many cargoes directly from China to Europe without
The second group of events was of far less immediate impor-
tance in dollars and cents, 7 but in picturesqueness, in geo-
graphical and political results, and in territorial extent, it is of
great interest. Moreover, it belonged .so peculiarly to the China
trade and had such important results that it demands a somewhat
detailed treatment.
The dearth of specie impelled American merchants to seek
sorne acceptable but less expensive substitute for the Cantan
market. Ginseng was wanted in only limited amounts, and the
United States seemed for a time to have no other native product
which would attract the Chinese fancy. Within a few years,
however, there was found a demand for furs, for sandal wood,
and for various products of the South Seas, and with this demand
carne the discovery and development of fresh sources of supply
of these articles. The search for these classes of merchandise
gave rise to important branches of the Canton trade which we
must now describe.
The fur trade rose to meet a longstanding demand. Chinese
houses were unheated, and warm dress was required to counter-

Pitkin, Stat. View, ed. 1835, pp. 246-247.

The importation of for s to Cantan, for instance, was never more than
fifteen per cent of our total imports into that port.
K enneth S . Latourette,

act the cold of winter. Woolens were scarcely ever used, and
to provide the needed warmth the poor resorted to heavily padded
clothes and the better classes to garments lined with fur. 8 When
the "Empress of China" first reached Canton, sow f urs carne
through the Russians, and sorne from Europe and America
_through European traders. 9 The Americans were not long in
learning of the demand,1 and within a few years had opened
up three sources of supply: the N orthwest Coast of America,
where various pelts, chiefiy those from the sea otter, were
obtained by barter from the Indians; the Falkland Islands, the
islands off the W est coast of South America, and the South Seas,
where the fur seal was found; and the interior of N orth America,
where the great fur-trading companies collected the pelts and
shipped them from eastern ports, principally N ew York.
Of these sources, the first to acquire importance was the
N orthwest Coast of America. The pioneers were Russians, but
for sorne reason they were slow to take advantage of their
knowledge, and the secret did not penetrate to the rest of
Europe.11 A generation or so later, Captain Cook's sailors
picked up sorne sea otter skins while on the Northwest Coast and
on reaching Canton were surprised to have them sell for a sum
which seemed fabulous. J ohn Ledyard, an American who had
been with the expedition, returned to the United States fired
with the idea of taking advantage of the discovery. He
approached Robert Morris and merchants in Boston, in N ew
London, and in N ew York, but he failed to attain his obj ect.

Chinese Rep., 3 : 557.
Ibid., and Speer, Oldest and N ewest Empire, p. 412.
George Bancroft said in describing the fur trade on the Northwest
Coast : "At the time when the people of N ew England were the most
ready to devote themselves to navigation, the prohibitory laws of
many . . . . nations of Europe fettered commerce so much that they
found the whole earth not too large for their activity." Letter to C. C.
Perkins, Jan. 4, 1879, in C. C. Perkins, Memoir of James P erkins. In
Proceedings of the Mass. Hist'l Society, l : 353-368, p. 359.
In 1742 Berjng's shipwrecked roen killed the sea otter for food,
carried about a thousand skins to Asia, and were given a la_rge sum
for th em by Chinese merchants. A. C. Laut, Vikings of the Pacific.
N ew York, 1905, p. 62. Hubert Howe Bancroft, History of the N orth-
west Coast, 2 v., San Francisco, 1884, l : 345.
Early Relations between the United States and ehina. 3I

He turned to Europe, and at Paris tried to enlist J ohn Paul

Jones, but failed when just on the point of success. He tried
to cross Russia, perhaps intending to reach the N orthwest Coast
by that route, but failed again, and a ter returning lost his life
in an expedition up the Nile. 1 2
What J ohn Ledyard had known, but by his too optimistic spirit
had failed to induce people to believe, carne unmistakably to the
world in 1784 with the publication o Cook's Journals. The
immediate effect o these was a great interest in the prospective
trade. As Irving put it, "It was as if a new gold coast had been
discovered. Individuals from various countries dashed into this
lucrative traffic." 13 The first voyage was by the English, in
April, 1785. The following year they and the Austrians and
French were engaged in the trade.14 The first voyage from the
United States was not made until 1787. A company in Boston,1 5
said to have originated in the house of Charles Bulfinch, in
Bowdoin Square,1 6 from discussions o Captain Cook's voyages,

J ared Sparks, Travels and Adventures of J ohn Ledyard, London,
1834, p. 175 et sqq. Milet Murrans. A Voyage Round the World in the
. years 1785, 1786, 1787, 1788, by J . F. G. de La Perouse, 3 v., Lond6n, 1798.
2: 287. There are other secondary accounts in Hill, Trade and Commerce
of Boston, p. 82, and James Morton Callahan, American Relations in the
Pacific and the Far East, 1784-1900, Baltimore, 1901. There seem to be
no contemporary sources for this information, but the facts seem fairly
well established.
Washington Irving, Astoria, or Anecdotes of our Enterprise Beyond
the Rocky Mountains. 2 v., Philadelphia, 1836. 1 : 32.
u G. Dixon, Voyage Round the World. More Particularly to the
Northwest Coast of America. London, 1789, pp. x vii-x ix , 315. J ohn
Meares, Voyages Made in the' Years 1788 and 1789 from China to the
Northwest Coast of America. London, 1791, passim. Edward S. Meaney,
Vancouver's Discovery of Puget Sound. New York, 1907, p. 26.
Joseph Barrell, Samuel Brown, Charles Bulfinch, John Derby, Crowel
Hatch, and John M. Pintard. Letter of Charles Bulfinch to William
Cushing, December l, 1816. In Bureau of Rolls and Library, Department
of Sta te, Washington.
Bulfinch, Oreg. and Eldorado, p. 1. H e should know, as he was
related to the Charles Bulfinch of the company. Bancroft, Hist. of
N. W. Coast , 1 : 185, thinks tl:iere . is no evidence of their having any
knowledge of the operations of the English tra:ders and that they got their
ideas from Cook and Ledyard. Robert Greenhow, A History of Oregon
32 K enneth S. Latourette,

sent out two vessels, the "Columbia," Captain Kendrick, and the
"Lady Washington," Captain Gray. They were instructed to
stay on the coast two seasons, or longer if they thought best, and
to send the sloop to Canten at the end of each se415on with part
of the skins collected.17 The "Lady Washington" reached the
Northwest Coast in the summer of 1788 after touching at various
points on the coast, and at N ootka found the English Captains
Meares and Douglas. Here on September twenty-second the
"Columbia" joined her, and here the two ships passed the winter.
The spring and summer of 1789 were spent in trading along the
coast, and at the close of the season all the furs were put on
board the "Columbia,'' which then proceeded under Gray to
Cantan, sold its skins, took on a cargo of China goods, and
returned to Boston by way of the Cape of Good Hope, arriving
August, 1790, the first American vessel to circumnavigate the
globe. 1 8 The adventurers were received with great ovations,19
and although the profits <lid not come up to expectations, 20 the
"Columbia" was again sent out. On this second voyage she
made the discovery of the river that bears her name, 21 an event
the full significance of which did not become apparent until the rise
of the Oregon question in the next sentury. Captain Kendrick
had meanwhile made two trips to China, in 178922 and in 1791 or .

and California and the other Territories on the Northwest Coast of North
America, Boston, 1844, p. 179, seems to think there was sorne causal
connection between this and the earlier King George's Sound Company
of London ( the one which sent out Portlock and Dixon), but presents no
evidence to substantiate it.
Letter of Instruction of J oseph Barrell to the expedition, MS. in the
Bureau of Rolls and Library, Department of State. It ended with the
admonition, "We depend you will suffer insult and injury from none
without showing that spirit which ever becomes a free and independent
Bancroft, Hist. of N. W . Coast, 1: 185-209, gives an account of the
voyage. Up to June 14, 1789, he follows the diary of Robert Haswell,
the best source for the voyage that he was able to find. (p. 186.)
Meany, Vancouver's Discovery of Puget Sound, p. 34.
Letter of Charles Bulfinch to William Cushing, D ec. 1 , 1816.
This was in May, 1792. Bancroft, Hist. of N. W. Coast, .1: 260. He
cites her manuscript log for this date.
Ibid., 1 : 209.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 33

1792. 23 His was a visionary disposition as was shown m his

purchase of lands from the Indians. 24 His career was ended sorne
time later on the Hawaiian Islands by accidental death. 25
About a month after the first return of the "Columbia" to
America, Joseph Ingraham, her former mate, 26 left Boston as
master of the brigantine "Hope."27 He was partly financed by
the young Thomas H. Perkins, who had learned of the trade
from the "Columbia" while at Cantan in January of that year. 28
On his way out he touched at the Marquesas Islands, and a f ew
days later sighted five islands which he <lid not find on his charts,

A letter from him dated Macao, March 28, 1792, Consular Letters,
Canton, I, shows that he was there at that date, and he probably arrived
in the latter part of 1791, or very early in 1792.
Bancroft, N. W. Coast, l: 253. He cites Hall J . Kelley, Disc. of
N. W. Coast, where the deeds are copied.
u Delano, Voyages, pp. 399, 400, says that he was killed accidentally by
a salute fired in his honor by an English commander. Foster, American
Diplomacy in the Orient, Boston and N ew York, 1904, p. 99, says that
he died in 1793, possibly copying from Robert Greenhow, A History of
Oregon and California and the other Territories on the N orthwest Coast
of America, Boston, 1844, p. 228, where the same statement is made.
Bancroft shows that this date is probably false (Hist. of N. W. Coast,
I : 297) placing it in 1796, a conjecture given color by the fact that Van-
couver found the "Washington" at Nootka Sept. 2, 1794 (George
Vancouver. A Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean and
Round the World. 3 vols. London, 1798. 3: 300.) His death was
probably late in 1795 or very early in 1796, as on May 28, 179, J ohn
Howell wrote from Manila in regard to settling up his estate. (MS.
letter in State Dept., Washington.) This letter, which shows his estate
$17,717 in debt to Howell, and his own report of March, 1792, which
shows him $10,000 in debt, bear out what has been said about his visionary
natu re.
Joseph Ingraham, Journal o the Voyage of the Brigantine Hope,
from Boston to the North West Coast of America. 1790-1792. MS. in
Library of Congress. Bancroft, Hist. of N . W. Coast, I: 252, says that
he was mate of the "Lady Washington." Either Bancroft is in error,
or Ingraham was mate on the latter vessel at an earlier date.
zr He sailed Sept. 16, 1790. Ingraham, Voyage cif Hope, Greenhow,
pp. 226-228, and Callahan, p. 18; the last two of whom take their accounts
from the manuscript journal, are where the accounts for the voyage are
found. The first is to be preferred as a source.
Cary (son-in-law of Perkins) m N. Eng. Hist. and Gen. Reg.,
ro: 201-211.
34 K enneth S . Latourette,

and which he named and claimed for the United States. 29 He

traded along the Northwest Coast during the summer, and sailed
for Canton in the fall, arriving in November, 1791, during a
temporary prohibition which the Chinese had laid ;,n American
ships. 3 0 In the spring of 1792, after sorne trouble over an
attempted evasion of the prohibition, he returned to the N orth-
west Coast, and in the autumn , went to the Hawaiian Islands,
where in N ovember the j ournal of his voyage ends.
The years following l 789 showed great growth in the Ameri-
can Northwest Coast trade. In October, 1790, there arrived in
China the brig "Eleonora," Ca).3tain Metcalf, and the schooner
"Polly," Captain Douglas., from the N orthwest Coast, both
American, 1 but of these we know little. In October, 1791, the
"Margaret" left Boston with James Magee, a part owner of the
"Hope," 2 as master. On her arrival on the coast (in the spring
of 1792) she found twenty-eigh~ other ships there, of which six
were American. For ten years, the number of American ships
engaged in the trade continued to increase, until in 1801, the
banner year, there were at least fourteen on the coast. 33 The

Ibid., and Ingraham, Disc. of sorne Ids. in S. Pacific, Mass. Hist. Soc.
Cols., 2 :20-24. Sorne of these same islands were renamed and new ones
were discovered by ] oseph Roberts in the ship "J efferson" early in 1793
Disc. and Dese. of Marquesas, Mass. Hist. Soc. Cols., 4 : 241.
C. P. Claret Fleurier, Voyage Autour du Monde pendant les Annees
1790, 1791 et 1792, Paris, 6 vols., an. vi., 2: 368, mentions the same
suspension of the fur trade.
1 Providence Gazette, Jan. u , 1791, which cites Allen's New London
Marine List, June 8, 1791.
Ingraham, Voyage of Hope. The facts of the voyage are from the
log of the "Margaret." MS. copy in Essex Institute, Salem. The inspira-
tion of the voyage carne from the "Columbia," which he had found at
Canton in 1789 or 90. N. Eng. Hist. and Gen. Reg., IO: 201-211.
W illiam Tufts, Account of V essels in the Sea Otter Fur Trade on
the N orthwest Coast ( which seems to be correct as far as it goes). Witl
the addition of all such omissions as have been detected this shows two
vessels on the Coast in 1788, one in 1789, two in 1790, five in 1791, seven
in 1792, four in 1793, two in 1796, four in 1797, eight in 1799, six in 1800,
fourteen in 1801, nine in 1802, seven in 1803, in 1804, six in 1805, five
in 1806, in 1807, three in 1808. The list is probably very incomplete,
for in 1816 William Sturgis wrote that he had been on the Coast with
seventeen American ships. He does not say in what year he was there.
Letter to Charles Morris, Aug. 22, 1816.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 35

normal voyage was to leave the United States in the .summer or

early fall, and to arrive on the Northwest Coast in the spring.
The vessels would then trade with the Indians from inlet to inlet
along the fjord-broken coast, getting skins, preferably those of
the rare sea-otter, in exchange for trinkets, knives, fire arms,
blankets, cotton and woolen cloths, and other similar wares. 34
In the fall they would go to Canton, or if they had not yet
obtained a cargo they would winter at the Hawaiian Islands and
trade a second and even a third season on the Coast before going
to China. Once there they would exchange their cargoes for
teas and other goods, and return to the United States by way of
the Cape of Good Hope. The voyages were, as a rule, very
lucrative. The original outlay for the cargo was small, the furs
for which it was exchanged sold at Cantan at a large gain, and
the teas and goods which the proceeds purchased brought
another gain in the United States or Europe, thus giving three
chances for profit. The voyages were full of risk and required
experience, and the trade fell into the hands of a few large firms,
the Perkins, the Lambs, Dorr and Sons, the Cooledges, the
Lymans, the Sturgis family, all of Boston, D'Wolf of Bristol,
and a few others. The merchants of Philadelphia, New York,
and Providence, were for the most part not engaged in it.35
Small traders occasionally ventured out but the dangers from
shipwreck, and especially from the natives, were great, and only
a firm with several ships could survive the losses incident to such
accidents. 36

Bill of lading of the "Louisa" to the N. W. Coast, Oct. 5, 1826.
. Tufts' account of vessels in the sea otter trade gives the names
of these firms. William Sturgis, The N orthwest Fur Trade, in Hunt's
Merchant Magazine, 14 :532-537, gives the facts about the other ports.
He was himself connected with the trade.
Numerous examples of these accidents can be cited. The "Columbia"
suffered the loss of three men from the Indians in 1791 (Extracts from
the log of the ship "Margaret," commanded by Captain James Magee.
Voyage to the North West Coast, 1791-1792. Copy MS. in Essex Insti-
tute. This may be the incident of which Fleurier heard when in Canton
in November, 1791. Voyage Autour du Monde. 2: 377). Vancouver
found in Hawaii a survivor of the "Fair American," an American
schooner manned by the younger Metcalf, that had been captured and
had had its crew murdered by the natives in retaliation for punishment
infticted by the elder Metcalf for the murder of sorne of his men (Van-
Kenneth S. Latourette,

About 1802 the trade to the N orthwest Coast took on a new

phase, trading and sealing voyages along the California coast.
This was due partly to the increasing difficulty of obtaining skins
by barter with the northern Indians, and partly to iwwly dis-
cover~d sources of furs. In 1802 the "Lelia Byrd,'' Cleveland,
master, coasted along California, trading for furs with the
Spanish settlements. 37 In 1803 the "Alexander," Brown, master,
and in 1804 the "Hazard"3 8 and the "Lelia Byrd" under Shaler,
Cleveland's partner, 3 9 did the same. It was largely illegal trade
and ships engaged in it were in danger of capture and confisca-
tion.40 In l8o3 the "O'Cain" of New York obtained Indian
hunters from the Russians at Sitka and went south, hunting on
shares.41 In 1805 John D'Wolf, master of the "June,'' finding
barter uns~ccessful, determined to go to California, but sold his
ship to the Russians before carrying out his plan. 42 In 1806

couver, Voyage, 2 :135). In 1803 the ship "Boston,'' J ohn Salter, Master,
was attacked by the natives at N ootka Sound . in revenge for a fancied
insult, his vessel was captured, and all but two of the crew were
murdered. (The Adventures o John Jewett, on)y survivor of the crew
of the ship Boston, during a captivity o nearly three y ears among the
Indians of Nootka Sound in Vancouver Island. Ed. by Robert Brown.
London, 1896. Secondary accounts are in Bancroft, Hist. of N. W. Coast,
1 : 312, and in Meany, Vancouver's Discovery of Puget Sound, pp. 39-43.)
In 1803 and 1804 the "Atahualpa'' of Boston, Adams master, lost sorne
men by an Indian attack (page 171 of Shaler [ ?] Journal of a Voyage
Between China and the Northwestern Coast of America, made in 1804.
In the American Register or General Repository, vol. 3 (1808) pp. 137-175).
Cleveland, Voyages of a Merchant Navigator, and Cleveland, Voyages,
l : 155-249
ss Herbert Howe Bancroft, History of California, 7 v., San Francisco,
1884-1890. 2: 15.
Shaler, Voyage between China and the N orthwest Coas t.
"The Mercury" was captured and condemned in 1813, Bancroft, Hist.
of Cali., 2: 268. He quotes Mercury, Expediente de investigacion sabre
Captura de la fragata American "Mercurio" 1813, MS. Severa! other
ships were similarly treated in 1816. Ibid., 2: 275.
., Bancrot, Hist. o N. W. Coast, 1 : 319. He quotes -Boston on the
N. W. Coast, MS., pp. II-12.
<2 John D'Wolf, A Voyage to the North Pacific and a Journey through

Siberia more than half a century ago, Cambridge, 1861 ; and Patterson,
Narra tive o f Adventures and Sufferings, are accounts o f the same voyage
by two men who were on it.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 37

the "O'Cain" returned, again obtained Indians from the Rus-

sians, and left for the California coast.43 In 18ro and 18II at
least four vessels were there on the same mission 44 under Russian
The relations between the Americans and Russians on the
N orthwest Coast were not confined to the California sealing
voyages. In 1807 the Russians chartered an American vessel,
the "Eclipse," to carry supplies from China to their settlements
in Kamchatka and the Northwest Coast, a step made necessary
by the Chinese rule which forbade the Czar's ships to come to
Canton. 45 Part of the extensive plan of Astor was to supply
the American settlements of the Czar with goods in exchange for
furs. 46 More important, however, were the diplomatic troubles
which arose.
In 18o8 Cont Romanzoff, Russian Minister of Foreign
Affairs and of Commerce, complained to the American charg
d'affaires that American ships on the N orthwest Coast, instead
of trading with the Russian settlements, were carrying on a
clandestine barter in fire arms with the natives to the danger
of his majesty's subjects. Beyond a formal acknowledgment
the Americans seem to have paid no attention to the note47 and
the matter was dropped for a time.. In January, 18ro, Daschkoff,
the Russian charg in Washington, took up the question again and
proposed that the United States should order its citizens to con-
fine their trade to the Russian factories and prohibit their carry-
ing on any barter with the natives. The American Government,

Ibid. D'Wolf calls it "Okain" and Patterson calls it "Oca in," but
there is no reasonable doubt of its identity.
.. Bancroft, Hist. of Calif., 2: 93. He cites Albatross, Log Book "of
Voyage to N . W. Coast in 18o9-18I2, kept by William Gale, as authority.
Some of the vessels were under the Winships .
.. Archibald Campbell, A Voyage Round the World from 1806 to 1812.
N ew York, 1817. The ship mentioned in Erasmus Doolittle, Sketches
by a Traveller, Boston, 1830, in about 1809 or 1810 fraded provisions to
the Russians for skins.
Am. Fur Trade, Hunt's Mere. Mag., 3: 197-8. It is interesting to
note that much the same thing was done for severa! years after 1815
for the British Northwest Fur Company by J. and T . H. Perkins of
Boston to evade the monopoly of the East India Company. Reports of
Committees, No. 43, 2 Sess., 24 Cong.
American State Papers, Foreign Relations, Washington, 1858. 5: 455
Kenneth S. Latourette,

however, evaded the question by asking the Russians to specify

a definite line of demarcation, a step which the latter were not
prepared to take. 4 8 On May 5th, the Secretary o State, in a
note to Daschkoff, expressed his unwillingness tM come to an
agreement unless such a line were agreed upon. Even then a
prohibition by the United States, said he, would be needless,
for i the Indian tribes were under Russian jurisdiction the
United States would surrender her merchants to the "penalties
incurred by those who carry on a contraband trade in a foreign
j urisdiction," and if they were independent, Russia could not
prevent foreign trade with them unless it were in time of war
and in contraband articles. 49 The negotiations thus closed at
Washington, were reopened by Romanzoff at St. Petersburg,
August 28th. He proposed to John Quincy Adams, the United
States minister, that American ships be given the privilege o
carrying furs from Russian posts on the Northwest Coast, and
that in return the United States should agree not to furnish
fire arms to the natives. When Adams asked for the boundaries
which the Russians claimed, Romanzoff said that their charts
showed that the entire coast as far south as the mouth o the
Columbia River belonged to them. Adams seemed to eel that
behind the plea for humanity there was an attempt to win an
acknowledgment of the Russian daim for territory and courte-
ously declined the offer. He reminded the minister that there
was no real reciprocity in the proposed arrangement, as the
Americans already had free access to the proffered trade, and
that a prohibition could not be enforced on a coast which pos-
sessed neither ports nor custom houses. 5 0 After this reply,
made early in October, 1810, the matter was dropped for eleven
ye ar s.
Closely allied to the, N orthwest Coast trade were the fur-seal-
ing voyages. They owed their origin to the same motives, the
obtaining o pelts for the China market. They were quite dis-
tinct, however, being undertaken by different firms, and different
towns. They went out from New London, New Haven, Stoning-

<&Note of April 24, 1810. Ibid.

Am. State Papers, Foreign Relations, 5: 455.
" Am. State Papers, For. Rel., 5: 455. Adams, Diary, 2: 151, 178. See
a secondary account in Winsor, Narrative and Crit. Hist., 7: 510.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 39

ton, N ew York, Philadelphia, Salem, and occasionally from

Boston. They had for their obj ect seal skins, not sea otter skins :
they obtained them not by barter but by killing the seals them-
selves: and they were mostly in the Southern, not the N orthern
Hemisphere. The usual plan of the voyages was to spend one
or two seasons sealing at the Falklands, Massafuero, or at sorne
of the islands where seals were plentiful; then to proceed to
Canton, to exchange their furs for China goods and then to
return home by way of the Cape of Good Hope. One vessel
often made several voyages, leaving part of its crew on the seal
islands to collect skins until it should return.
These voyages had their origin almost simultaneously with
those of the Northwest Coast. About 1785 or 1786 the ship
"States,'' owned by Lady Hadley, was sent out on an experi-
mental voyage. Thirteen thousand skins were taken, brought to
N ew York, and shipped to Calcutta and Can ton in the brig
"Eleonora,'' about the time that Kendrick and Gray first lef t
Boston. 5 1 In 1790, acting on the information obtained from
this voyage, Elijah Austin of New Haven fitted out two vessels
and sent them to the Falklands and South Georgia. One of
these proceeded to Cantan with its skins and returned by way
of the Cape of Good Hope af ter a three years' absence. 52 In
1792, Magee obtained eleven thousand seal skins at St. Ambrose,
and found sealing well established on the Falkland Islands.
In March, 1793, Delano met at Cantan the "Eliza," of N ew
York, William R. Stewart, Master. She had come from Massa-
fuero and had a cargo of thirty-eight thousand skins. 53 In
February, 1793, the Macartney Mission found on the Island of
Amsterdam a number of men who had been left there to collect
skins while their vessel, a ship fitted out at the Isle of France
and owned by Americans and French, should go to the North-

The Diary of Mr. Ebenezer Townsend, Jr., the supercargo of the
sealing ship "N eptune" on her voyage to the South Pacific and Canton ;
in papers of New Haven Colony Hist'l Society, vol. 4, New Haven, 1888.
pp. 1-IIS. p. 3. Shaw, Journals, pp. 295-6, rnentions her as in Macao
early in 1788.
Townsend, Diary, p. 3, et sqq.
These sold for only $16,000, a very low price.
Kenneth S. Latourette,

west Coast of America. 54 By 18o4 the American sealers were

causing trouble to the British in Australia, three having been
there within a year. 55 These rather disconnected instances show
the early origin and the broad scope of the sealing voJllges.
The sealing industry, like the trade to the Northwest Coas~,
had a rapid growth and decline. Morrell estimated that from
the Island of Massafuero alone three and a half million fur seals
were taken and sold at Canton between 1793 and 18o7.56 Delano,
writing after the commerce had declined, said that he had been
at that same island when fourteen ships were sealing there. 57
The culmination of the industry was reached shortly after 1800.
It was self-destructive. No attempt could be made to protect
the seals, and a f ew years saw their almost complete destruc-
tion on islands where they had formerly been the most numer-
ous.58 To hasten the decline, competition had overstocked the
Cantan market and had brought the price below the profit point.
By the opening of the War of 1812, the trade had nearly run its
course. 59
George Staunton, An Authentic Account o an Ernbassy frorn the
King o Great Britain to the Emperor o China. 2 v. London, 1798.
I: 207. It is interesting to note that in 1802 sorne rnen were let for the
sarne purpose by one of Perkins' ships on St. Paul, a neighboring island.
J ournal o Voyage from Salem to Sumatra and Manila in the ship
"Active," George Nichols, master. 1801-1802. MS. in Essex Inst.
Louis Becke and Walter J effery, The Americans in the South Seas.
London, 1901, p. 237. Governor King o N ew South Wales wrote that
"this is the third American vessel that has within the last twelve months
been in the Straits and among the islands, procuring sea! skins and oils
for the China rnarket."
Benjarnin Morrell, A Narrative of Four Voyages t9 the South Seas,
etc., frorn the year 1822-183r. New York, 1832. p. 130.
1 Delano, Voyages, p. 306.
Doolittle, Sketches, p. 13. About 1809 or 1810 he found seals almost
extinct on Massafuero. Charles W. Barnard, A Narrative of the Suffei::-
ngs and Adventures of Captain Charles W. Barnard in a Voyage round
the World during the years 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815, and 1816, New York,
1829, pp. l98-2or. No seals were there in 1814, and the island was
deserted. Barnard, however, had found sorne at the Falkland Islands
sorne two years befare. Ibid., p. 12.
The last sealing voyage from New Haven, October 25th, 1815, et
seq., was a failure. Thomas Rutherford T rowbridge, History o f the
Ancient Maritirne Interests of New Haven, New Haven, 1882, p. 78.
In 1828 we find as one reason urged for the sending out o an exploring
Early Relations between the United States and China. 41

The third branch of the fur trade, that with its source in the
interior of North America, cannot be as fully described as can
the other two. Accurate statistics are wanting as to what pro-

expe.d ition to the South Seas the discovery of new sources of supply
for a trade that had formerly been so profitable. J . N. Reynolds,
Address on the Subject of a Surveying and Exploring Expedition to the
Pacific Ocean and the Sonth Seas, N ew York, 1836.
The sealing voyages differed from those to the N orthwest Coast in
not being in the hands of a few large firms and in not sailing from a
single port. They were sent out from Salem, Boston, Stonington,
Hartford, New London, New Haven, New York, and Philadelphia, and
as a rule were financed by quite a number of persons, each of whom
invested a relatively small sum. N ew Haven entered the trade in 1790,
but the best-known voyage from the port was that of the " N eptune" in
1796 to 1799, a venture owned by a number of persons in New Haven
and Hartfor.d . It brought to its owners what in those days was a large
profit (Townsend, Diary. Another account in Trowbridge, Hist. of
Ancient Maritime Interests of New Haven, says that Townsend, the
chief owner, made $100,000 and his son, the supercargo, $50,ouo) , and
its success led to quite a number of other voyages in which persons
"from Hartford, Wethersfield, Middletown, East Haddam, Farmington,
Derby, Litchfield, Milford, Branford, Stratford, Providence, and N ew
London, were interested. (Trowbridge, Ancient Maritime Interests of
New Haven, p. 76.) What was true of New Haven was probably true
of the source of the capital for many other voyages.
Rough experiences and dangers were common in the trade. The rival
ships' companies on the sealing islands must often have quarreled. (In
1802 there were 200 men on Massafuero, about 170 of whom beionged
to no ship. A Concise Extract from the Sea Journal of William Moulton
written on board the Onico, in a voyage from the Port of N ew London
in Connecticut to Staten Land in the South Seas, etc. Utica, 1804, p. 98.)
There were dangers, too, from the Spanish authorities, for sealing on His
Catholic Majesty's islands was contraband; and vessels sometimes even
tried smuggling into South American ports. (A journal of a Voyage
from Salem to Massafuero to Canton and back to Salem on
board the ship "Concord," Obed Myer, master, 1799-1802, MS. in
Essex Institute, tells how the Spanish carried off to Valparaiso sorne
of the men who were on the island. In 1803 Root was imprisoned for a
term at Conception. Sorne time later a Spanish frigate ordered all sealers
to leave the island in four months or be treated as prisoners of war.
Pp. 156, 164 of Joel Root. Narrative of a Sealing and Trading Voyage
in the Ship Huron from New Haven around the World. 1802-1806. In
New Haven Hist'l Soc. Papers, Vol. 5, pp. 149-17r. In November, 1805,
Delano took on board five Americans belonging to Root who had been
imprisoned by the Spanish for living on Spanish territory. Delano,
42 Kenneth S. Latourette,

portion of the skins obtained through it were used at home, what

sent to Europe, and what to Canton. Unlike the other two, it
did not have its origin in the desire to supply the China market,
and the Canton trade had but a minor part in it. At times,
however, it was important, and it probably had fewer fl.uctuatio~s
than either of the other two branches.
The treaty of 1795 with England by allowing for the first
time direct shipment of furs from Canada to the United States
is said to have increased our consignments of inland furs to
Canton. 60 It is probable that John Jacob Astor laid part of the
foundation of his fortune by shipping his furs to China. 61 It
is certain that his Astoria scheme had the China trade as its
central point. The object of this famous project was to estab-
lish a depot on the N orthwest Coast to which f rs could be taken
overland from inland trading posts, and from which trading
voyages could be sent along the coast. Annual vessels were to
be sent around Cape Horn to bring supplies to the depot, to
collect the furs gathered there, take them to Canton, and to return
around Africa with a cargo of teas, silks, and other China.
goods. 62 The enterprise was a total failure. The depot was
founded, but the "Tonquin," the first supply ship sent out, carne
to grief with the natives 63 ; Astor's partners sold out to the

Voyages, p. 509.) There was danger from shipwreck and danger from
lawless mutineers and still more from lawless natives. (As in the case
o the "Nautilus'' which attempted to go to the Northwest Coast about
1797. The ship was driven back, refitted in Kamchatka, w'ent to the Sand-
wich Islands, thence to Otaheite with the hope o going to Massafuero,
but was driven back again by storms and finally had to go to N ew South
W ales. William Smith, J ournal o a V oyage in the Missionary Ship
Duff . . . . l796-18o2. New York, 1813, pp. 110-124.)
Bancroft, Hist. of N. W. Coast, l: 521.
Ibid., and W alter Barrett, The Old Merchants of N ew York City,
N ew York, 1870, l : 417, seem to imply this, and James Parton, Life of
J ohn J acob Astor, N ew York, 1865, p. 49, distinctly says this, stating
that he sent his first ship there about 1800.
Letter of J. J. Astor to J. Q. Adams, Jan. 4, 1823, in Greenhow, Hist.
of Oreg. and Calif., p. 439. See also on this Astoria project, Irving,
Astoria, Bancroft, Hist. of N. W. Coast, 1 : 512 ff., and 2: 136 ff., and Am.
Fur Trade, in Hunt's Mere. Mag., 3: 197-198.
"" Edmund Fanning, Voyages to the South Seas, Indian and Pacific
Oceans, etc., etc., N ew York, 1838, pp. 137-151.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 43

British Northwest Fur Company, the fort was captured by the

British, the "Beaver," sent out next after the "Tonquin,'' was
forced to lie idle in Cantan through the War of 1812, and the
~hale magnificent project went to pieces with great loss to its
The development of fresh sources of furs was only one of the
attempts to find a substitute far specie which were made in the
years following 1790. Identical in motive with th.e fur trade
was a long series of voyages to the South Seas which had as
their object the securing of sandal wood, beche de . mer and
various other products qf those regions. 64
The first of these articles to play a part in the American-China
commerce was sandal wood. Just how and when the trade in it
started is uncertain. There is a story unsupported by other evi-
dence, and almost certainly unauthentic, that one of Astor's
early ships found it on the Hawaiian Islands, took it aboard far
firewood, and on reaching Cantan was surprised to learn its
value. 65 Delano says that as early as 1790 sorne of it was
brought to Cantan from the Sandwich Islands, but that not
being the valuable variety it was sold at a loss. 66 The first
certain date is March ro, 1792, when Vancouver found on one
of the Hawaiian Islands sorne men whom Kendrick had left

'Beche de mer, a kind of sea slug found on the shallow reefs in

tropical seas, when cleaned and cur ed is much esteemed by the Chinese
as food. (Descriptions of it are in William G. Dix, Wreck of the Glide,
with recollections of the Fij is and of Wallis Island. N ew York and
London. 1848. pp. 1-30.) Sandal wood is an aromatic wood from a
small tree which grows in the tropics and sub-tropics, and is used exten-
sively in China for cabinet work and for incense. (Chines e Rep., 2 : 469.)
Other articles from the South Seas were brought in minor quantities,
such as tortoise shell, edible birds' nests, mother of pearl, .and sharks'
fitis. (Fanning, Voyages to the S. Seas, p. 155 Ruschenberger, Voyage
round the World, p. 242.)
~ Barrett, Old Merchants in New York City, 1: 421. He says that the
trade was kept secret for seventeen years, while we have evidence of
others being engaged in it as early as 1792.
Delano, Voyages, 399. This statement was made in 1801 and he says
that he saw it brought there, so that the story seems authentic. He may
refer to Kendrick's venture, but in this case he would be off a year in
his reckoning.
44 K enneth S . Latourette,

to gather the wood. Kendrick was to return m 1793 and take

the cargo to Canton. 67 From these various accounts it seems
certain that the first Amrican vessels to bring sandal wood to
Canten were those engaged in the fur trade, and 4iftat it was
discovered by them while stopping, as was their custom, at the
Hawaiian Islands.
After the discovery of the wood on the Hawaiian Group, trade
in it quickly developed. William H. Davis and Jonathan Winship
of Boston began shipping it about 1793;68 and later obtained
exclusive privileges in it. 69 As the knowledge of its value
spread, it was discovered on the Fiji Islands and various groups
in the South Seas. As in the Hawaiian Islands, it was intimately
connected with the 'fur trade and was taken to Canton by ships
sent out primarily far sealing. In 18o4 the brig "Union'' of
N ew York, failing to obtain a cargo of skins, went under Eng-
lish contract to the Fijis 70 far sandal wood, and although the
captain and sorne of the men were murdered by the natives, 71 the
ship seems to have completed its cargo and gane to Canton. 72
In I8o6 those interested in the "Union" sent out a second ship,
the "Hope," Captain Reuben Brumley, this tiine especially for
the wood. On the vessel's arrival at the Fijis a contract was
made with a chief far the collection of a cargo ; the natives
brought the wood down from the mountains and piled it on the
beach ready far loading, and receiving in return trinkets of
various kinds. When the "Hope" left, the chief promised to
collect a second cargo to be ready in eighteen months, and the
agreement was given the force of a monopoly by placing a taboo
on the sale of wood to other ships in the meantime. The "Ton-

"'Vancouver, Voyages, l : 172, 173 Another account is in Greenhow,

Hist. of Oreg. and Calif., p. 228.
Delano, Voyages, p. 399.
Niles, Weekly Register, Baltimore, l8II et sqq. Americans at Sea,
18: 418.
Edmund Fanning, Voyages Round the World, p. 314.
Smith, Journal of Missy. Ship Duff, p. lSI.
Four years before this the American ship "Duke," Captain Melon,
had been captured by the natives and the crew murdered, but no record
is given as to why she was there and we can only guess that it may have
been for sandal wood. Ibid., p. 149
' The journal of the first voyage is given in Fanning, Voyages to the
South Seas, pp. 12-69.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 45

quin" sailed from New York under the same captain June 15,
1808, having obtained special exemption from the embargo then
existing in the United States, and found that the contract made
with the "Hope" had been scrupulously observed. Earlier in
the same year another American ship had been at the islands on
the same mission and had been wrecked, for one of the sur-
vivors was picked ,up by the "Tonquin" and taken to Canton. 74
In May, 1810, the brig "Active" sailed from Salem for the Fiji
Islands,75 the first of a long series of similar voyages from that
port. 76 The most prosperous years of the South Sea trade were
after the War of 1812. It was then that beche de mer began to
form a part of the cargoes, and the supply of sandal wood was
not badly depleted before 1820. The two decades af ter I 790,
however, saw its beginning and the marking out of the main
lines for its development.
In addition to trips to the Northwest Coast of America and
to the South Seas, the Cantan ships took other roundabout
routes, many of them opened by the European wars. A map of
their voyages would make a network over most of the known
globe. The customary route from America was to touch at the
Cape Verde Islands, to round the Cape of Good Hope, and then
either to keep east until just south of the Straits of Sunda, or
to go north to Mauritius, which the French were making a great
entrepot for Oriental shipping, and thence to the Straits of Sunda
and Canton. 77 But this customary route was varied in many
ways. The ships often touched at Bombay and Calcutta, at
Batavia, at Manila, or went round "New Holland,"
at times at Botany Bay. Again, sorne vessels would stop at
Amsterdam, at Hamburg, at St. Petersburg, or at Leghorn,
either carrying freight there on their return voyage, or touching

H The survivor was Patterson. He gives a narrative of it in A Narra-

tive of Adventures and Sufferings of Samuel Patterson, Experienced in
the Pacific Ocean, etc., Palmer, 1817, pp. 80 et seq.
William Leavitt, Materials for the Hist. of Ship Bldg. in Salem, Hist.

Cols. of Essex Instit., 7: 2rr, also Osgood and Batchelder, Salem, pp.
169 et seq.
77 Delano, Voyages, pp. 200-2n, and passim.
Cleveland, Voyages of a
Merchant N avigator, p. 34.
Kenneth S. Latourette,

on their way home to unload cargoes of teas and to take on

freight for America. 7 8
The opportunities afforded by the European wars and by the
fur and sandal wood trades would .never have beeiefully seized
had it not been for the efficiency and daring of the American
merchant marine. When at Canton shortly after 1800, 79 Krusen-
stern remarked in wonder that the American vessels were " so
admirably constructed that they sail betttr than many ships of
war, [and] the captains of sorne of them at
Canton . . . . have made the voyage from thence to Amer'ica
and back again in ten months." The ships were small, few
being of five hundred tons burden. The "Eliza," in which
Sturgis first went to the N orthwest Coast, was one hundred
thirty-six tons, 80 and sorne of Cleveland's voyages were made in
vessels of less than fifty tons. 81
The efficiency of the ships lay largely in the ability of the
men who manned them. The American crews were smaller than

Typical examples of these are as follows: The "John J ay" of
Providence, 1794-5, touched at :aomb_ay to try to get a cargo of cotton
for Canton. Kimball, E. India Trade of Providence, pp. 14-17. In
1797-8 the same ship touched at Batavia on its way out, and at Ham-
burg and St. Petersburg and Lisbon on its way back; and in 18oo it was
instructed to round N ew Holland and touch at Botany Bay. Weeden,
Early Oriental Commerce in Providence, pp. 242-253. There are manu-
script logs preserved of the voyage of the ship "Perseverance" of Salero,
N athaniel Hawthorne ( father of the author) master, to Batavia, Manila,
C~nton, and return in 1796-8; of the ship "Ann and Hope" of Provi-
dence, Benjamn Page, master, which rounded New Holland in 1799-
1800; of the "Indus" to Canton in 1802-3, touching at Batavia on the
way back; of the ship "Derby" of Salem, Dudley S. Pickman, master,
in 1804-5, to Leghorn and Can ton and return; of the ship "Eliza" of
Salero, William Richardson, master, in 1805-7, to the Isle of France, Port
Jackson (New Holland), Norfolk Island, New Zealand, Canton, and
return ; of the "Hunter" of Salem, 1809-10, to Sumatra and Canton.
In Weeden, Early Oriental Commerce in Providence, pp. 261-266, men-
tion is made of the voyage of the ship "Arthur'' of Providence, Septem-
ber 26, 1807, to June 3, 1809, to Ro Janeiro, Cape Town, Isle of France,
Canton and Providence.
Krusenstern, Voyage round the. World, 2: 332, 331.

8ll Loring, Memoir of Wm. Sturg is, in Proc. of Mass. Hist. Soc.,
7 : 420-433.
1 Cleveland's Voyages.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 47

those on English or European vessels, but were more orderly

and intelligent. 82 They were for the most part American born
and from good New England stock. 83 Boys from the best
families would go to sea, and at a very early age would become
commanders of ships. William Sturgis, for example, began his
sailor's carer at the age of sixteen. At seventeen he was chief
mate, and at twenty he was master of a ship in the N orthwest
Coast Trade. The attraction was not the wages, for those were
not high, 84 but was partly the chance for a career, for befare the
days of New England factories no greater opportunities were
open to the young men of business ambition than the sea and
commerce, and partly the pri vil e ge granted to the crews of many
of the ships, especially those to the N orthwest Coast, of trading
on their ,p rvate accounts. 85 The China trade is an illustration
of what the American genius, to-day spending itself in manu-
factures and interna! transportation and development, can
accomplish when diverted to the sea.

Evidence of J. Drummond, Parl. Papers, 1821, 7: 210. Evidence of
Joshua Bates, Parl. Papers, 1830, 6: 365-38o.
There were sorne exceptions to this rule. Log Book of the "Ann and
Hope," beginning Sept. 22, 1825, MS. in John Carter Brown Library.
In 1825 she got sorne seamen at Amsterdam, nine of whom had foreign
names. Journal of a voyage in the ship Herald from Salem to Rotter-
dam, Canton, and return, in 1804-1805, MS. in Essex Institute, says
that sorne foreigners had to be shipped. On the "Margaret" in 1791-2
on the Northwest Coast, all but five of the twenty-four were Americans.
Log of "Margaret," 1791-2. MS.
s. The account of the ship "John Jay" in 1798, MS. in John Carter
Brown Library, shows that the wages of a seaman were $15 a month,
of the steward and cabin cook $16, of the cook $15, of the boatswain
$24', of the cabin boy $6, of the carpenter $23, of the third officer $16,
of the second officer $25, of the fir~t officer $JO, of the master $16 a
month and four tons trading privilege. Forbes, Personal Reminiscences,
p. 91, gives one captain's salary as $so a month.
es Parl. Papers, 1821, p. 210,, vol. 7, evidence of Drummond. A letter
of George Bancroft to . C. C. Perkins, Jan. 4, 1879, says, "Young men
carne from the best families in near and even remote country towns, and
entered the service before the mast with a prospect of promotion. The
permission given the sailor to take out a little venture of his own was
usually rewarded with more lucrative results." C. C. Perkins, Memoir of
James Perkins, p. 359.
See also Parl. Papers, 1821, 7 : 217, evidence of Roberts. Thomas R.
K enneth S. Latourette,

The result of the European wars and the opening of new

avenues of trade and an efficient merchant marine, was a
phenomenal growth in American commerce with China. In l78g
Shaw mentions four American vessels at Canton86 ; . _ the season
of l84-5 there were thirty-four, in that of 1805-6 there were
forty-two, and in that of 1809-10 there were thirty-seven. The
imports to Canton in these last three seasons were $3,555,818,
$5,127,000, and $5,715,000 respectively.87 Although the total
commerce of the United States had more than quadrupled in a
decade anda half,88 that with China had nearly kept pace with it,
averaging each year four and per cent of the whole.89
This great prosperity, however, was not unmixed with dan-
gers. The China seas were very stormy, and although no cases
of actual shipwreck are on record, occasional typhoons wrought
havoc, especially as the Americans, unlike the earlier Euro-
peans, persisted in coming at all seasons of the year. 90 Greater
were the dangers from men. Since Europeans have known them,
the Far Eastern waters have been periodically infested with
pirates, and in the decade from 1800 to l8IO an unusually power-
ful band preyed along the shores of Kwantung Province, and
centered around the Bocea Tigris. They were under one head,
and in l8IO, when finally reduced by the imperial authorities,
they were said to have six hundred junks of from eighty to
three hundred tons burden each. 91 At first not daring to molest
European ships,n 2 in the later years of their power they became

Trowbridge, Grandfather's Voyage around the World in the Ship Betsey,

1799-1801, N ew Haven, 1895, tells of a lad eighteen years old having such
Shaw's Journals, p. 297.
ff7 Sen. Docs. No. 31, 19th Cong., l Sess.
American State Papers, Commerce and Navigation, Washington, 1832.
l : 927, 928. Exports from the United Sta tes, 1791-92, $20,753,098; 18o6-7,
the banner year, $1.08,343,150.
Sil This was true at least from 1805 to 1810.
Fanning, Voyages to South Seas, p. 93, tells of such a storm m 18o7
or l8o8.
John Francis Davis, China. 2 v., London, 1857, I : 68-71.
J as. Gilchrist, J ournal of a V oyage from Cape Verde Islands to
Can ton, said, in J uly, l8o8, that the pira tes were growing in numbers and
would attack a foreign ship if it were in shoal water.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 49

bolder, so much so that vessels found it safe to go from Macao

to Whampoa only in fleets of four or five. 93 Several attacks by
them are recorded. An entry of a ship's journal, Macao, Sep-
tember 17, 1809,9 4 says that an American brig had been captured
a short time before and that several others had been attacked.
In the same year the "Atahualpa" of Boston was attacked twice,
first 95 in Macao Roads and then 9 6 while going up the river with
four other American ships. 97
More dangerous than the ladrones, however, were the French
and British privateers and men of war. In 1794, an American
ship sailed from Canton under the protection of the returning
Macartney embassy from f ear of French privateers in the Straits
of Sunda. 9 8 In 1800 Samuel Snow, the consul at Canton, officially
warned American ships of danger from them in the same local-
ity.99 In the same year .the ship "Ann and Hope" of Provi-
dence was attacked by a Frenchman and drove him off only
after a three quarters of an hour's fight. 1 00
The French, however, gave less trouble than the English.
Here as elsewhere in these years, British claims to the right of
search were annoying American commerce. Canton was visited
by more American ships than any other port in the Orient, and
was hence a convenient place to search them for "deserten3."
The United States could send no ship of war to interfere,101 and

Journal of the "Hunter" from Salem to Canton and Return, 1808-9,
September. 17, 1809.
Hunter, Bits of Old China, p. 157.
Charles G. Loring, Memoir of Wm. Sturgis, in Proc. of Mass. Hist.
Soc., 1863-1864, Boston, 1864, 7: 420-433.
As late as 1817 there is the record of an attack by pirates on the ship
"Wabash" of Baltimore, although the worst nest must have been rooted
out sorne time befor~. Wilcocks to Secy. of Stat~, Sept. 22, 1817.
Consular Letters, Canton, l.
The journal of Mr. Samuel Holmes . . during his attend-
ance . on Lord Macartney's Embassy to China and Tartary,
1792-3. London, 1798. p. 198.
W eeden, Early Or. Trade of Prov., p. 253.
George C. Mason, Reminiscences of Newport, Newport, 1884, p. 152,
Aug. 17, 1800.
The "Essex" carne out in 1800 to ward off French privateers, but
1 1

got only as far as the Straits of Sunda. Preble, First Cruise of the
TRANS. CoNN. A cAD., Vol. XXII 4 1917
50 Kenneth S. Latourette,

Carrington, the consul, could only remonstrate with the British

officers and protest to the Chinese authorities. In December,
1804, his demand on the commander of the "Caroline" for the
release of sorne seamen was met with a cool requ~ that it be
made through the lords of the admiralty. 12 In October, 1805,
he and the other American merchants attempted to petition the
provincial governor to stop the impressments, claiming that they
were violations of neutrality. 103 Carrington felt .sure, however,
that the petition would be of no avail,1 4 and so it proved, for the
hong merchants, knowing that they would be held responsible
for the correction of the evils, refused to transmit the com-
plaint.105 Cut off from any assistance from home and from any
hope of interference by the Chinese, Carrington again turned to
the British commanders, and attempted to accomplish by corre-
spondence what he had no power to aUain by force. In 1806 he
carried on an exchange of notes with the commander of the
"Phaeton," in the course of which the latter announced his inten-
tion of preventing any American ship from sailing without first
overhauling it, and finally threatened to prohibit them aU from
setting to sea. 106 The patience of the Americans became strained
to,the breaking point by this and similar incidents, and the consul
wrote the Secretary of State in April, 18o7: " If these outrages
are continued, I am extremely apprehensive they will be attended
with serious consequences, as it is the detennination of the c.ap-
tains of the American vessels to repel by force any attempt in
the future to impress their seamen when w ithin this empire."101
The clasl1 carne in August, 18o7. On the third the American
schooner "Topaz" of Baltimore, William Nicol, master,
anchored in Macao Roads af ter a voyage of contraband trade

U. S. Frigate Essex, 1799-1800. Histl. Cols. of Essex Instit., Vol. rn,

part 3, pp: 34 et sqq.
Letter of Carrington to Sec. of State, Consular Letters, Canton, I.
Consular Letters, Canton, l.
Ibid., and Carrington to Madison, Nov. 25, 1805. Ex. Doc. 71, 2 Sess.,
26 Cong., p. 3.
m Ibid., p. 4, and Carrington to Sec. of State, Nov., 1806, Consular
Letters, Canton, I.
' Consular Letters, Canton, I, and Delano, Voyages, p. 530.
' Ex. Doc. 71, 2 Sess., 26 Cong., p. 5.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 51

along the western coast of South America.108 Captain Kempton

of H. M. S. "Diana" examined her papers and searched her
for deserters. While he was doing so, sorne disaffected members
of the crew told him that the "Topaz" was a pirate. Captain
Nicol fea red trouble and obtained permission from the governor
of Macao to anchor his vessel under the guns of the Portuguese
fort and to put his treasure on land for safe keeping. While
the schooner was under way moving to her new position, the
English approached again, but were refused permission to come
aboard until the vessel should come to anchor. They answered
by boarding her by force. In the ensuing fight Captain Nicol
was killed, eight of his men were wounded, and the vessel itself
was captured and sent to Calcutta. This act aroused the Ameri-
can shipmasters at Cantan, and for a time a local war seemed
imminent. Commodore Pellew of the English squadron was
reported to have threatened to come to Whampoa and capture
every American ship there. The American ships, eleven in num-
ber, organized themselves into a fleet, appointed a commodore and
vice-commodore, and prepared for war. The trouble dragged
on into N ovember, when Captain Fanning, if we can believe his
story, brought the parties together through his personal acquaint-
ance with the British commodore, and averted further blood-
shed.109 In 1809, however, the "Phaeton" was again impressing
American seamen in Canton and was attempting to search
American merchantmen.11
The War of 1812 was a distinct break in the trade between the
United States and China. Here, as in other branches of com-
merce, f ear of capture by the British kept American ships at
home. The total commerce of the three seasons from 1812 to
1815 was barely half. of that of the year before the war, and

Felix Renouard de Sainte Croix, Voyage Commercial et Politique
aux Indes Orientales . . . . a la chine . . . pendant les annes
1803-1807, 3 v. Paris, 1810, 3: 130, in a letter written from China, Nov.
17, 1807, tells of this affair, and his story receives corroboration and
additions from Fanning, Voyages to S. Seas, 99-n3. Both are by men
who were either in China at the time or a few months later.
Fanning, Voyages to S. Seas, pp. 99-IIJ.
J. B. Eames, The English in China. London~ 1909. p. 136.
Kenneth S. Latourette,

less than a third of that for the season of 1809-10.111 In the

Canton factories the merchants of the two nations lived together
amicably enough,112 but at the mouth of the river conflicts fre-
quently took place. In 1814 H. M. S. "Doris" blakaded the
American shipping, made severa! captures, and on one occasion
chased a vessel up to Whampoa and captured her in defiance of
Chinese neutrality. The Americans at Whampoa armed their
boats and captured her, and the Chinese, aroused at last, took
measures to punish the aggressors,113 saying that if the two
nations had any "petty qaurrels" they should " go to their own
counti-y to settle them." 114
The struggle was not all one-sided, however. American
privateers cruised off the mouth of the river, taking prizes and
bringing them in for condemnation, 115 although they did not
equal in number those taken by the British.116 American ships,
moreover, occasionally avoided the dangers and brought home
cargoes which sold at war prices and netted their owners large
profits.11 7 From December 20, 1812, to May, 1813, fifteen
American ships were brought to Canton and condemned. 118

Sen. Doc. 31, l Sess., 19 Cong. Total exports and imports from the
United States to Canton, 1812-3, 1813-4, 1814-5 $J,096,500, for 18u-2,
$5 1903,810, for 1809-ro, $11,459,600.
Doolittle, Sketches, p. 41, says, "They lived together as brothers.''
He himself was there during the war.
Davis, China, ~ : 78-80.
Auber, China, pp. 242 ff., Wheeler, The Foreigner in China, p. 68.
It is interesting to note that the differences between the Chinese and the
English arising as a result of this incident, led to important concessions
by the former, and ultimately to the sending of the Amherst Embassy by
the latter. Williams, History of China, pp. 105, ro6.
The "Rambler," Captain George Lapham, in 18!4, the "Jacob Jones"
of Boston in 1815, are two American privateers mentioned by the American
consul. Consular Letters, Canton, I.
Niles Register, 7: 128, Oct. 29, 1814, tells of a N ew York vessel
which had arrived at N ewport from Canton with a cargo worth nearly
half a million dollars. Parton, Life of Astor, p. 58, says that during the
War o 1812 all of J ohn J. Astor's ships from Can ton arrived safely
when tea had nearly doubled in price. This statement, however, is not
strictly reliable.
Consular Letters, Canton, I.


PIUM TROUBLES, 1815-1838.

The effect of the Treaty of Ghent on American commerce with

China was quickly f elt. The high prices of tea and silk caused
by the war stimulated the natural increase due to the resumption
of trade, and for the first f ew years man y new firms went into
the business, and both the United States and the Continent were
flooded with teas, nankeens, and silks. The first season showed
a decided increase, the second nearly equaled the largest one
before the war, and the three succeeding ones all greatly sur-
passed it.1 A new era had dawned on the Canton-American
ommerce. From about 1790 to the outbreak of the war, the
J ontrolling factors had been the European wars and the fur and
the South Sea trade. These, as we saw in the last chapter, had
been largely responsible for the phenomenal expansion of those
years. The beginning of 1815 found the first of these factors a
thing of the past, and the others disappearing. The N apoleonic
wars had ceased, and the United States was no longer the
neutral carrier of the world. The f ur trade had nearly reached
its end. The sandal wood trade was past its zenith, and only in
one minor phase, the beche de mer trade, was there any future
to those extensive Pacific voyages which had played such an
important part before the war. There were new conditions, how-
ever, which led to the rapid growth of the Canton. trade. In the
old-world struggle, trade barriers had been broken clown and
teas carried in American bottoms still had a market in Europe.
The Americans were, too, a more numerous people than in 1790,
and wealthier, and there was a growing home marke~ for China
goods. They had more commercial capital, and more specie,

Sen. Ex. Doc. 31, 1 Sess., 19 Cong. In 1815-16, imports from Canton
were $2,527,500, and exports to Canton were $4,220,000; in 1816-17,
they were $5,6o9,600, and $5,703,000 respectively; in 1817-18, $7,076,828
and $6,777,000 respectively; in 1818-19, $9,867,208 and $9,057,000, respec-
tively; in 181.9-20, $8,185,800 and $8,173,107 respectively. The largest year
before the war was 1809-10 when the corresponding figures were $5,744,-
600 and $5,715,000.
54 K enneth S . Latourette,

and did not stand in such need of furs and sandal wood as a
substitute for silver as in 1790. Hence, in spite of the removal
of the principal causes of previous prosperity, the years between
1814 and 1834 were, on the whole, successful ones fothe Canton
trade. For the most part they were quiet and lacked the fever
and the romance of the two decades befare 1812. Several events
are important enough, however, to be chronicled in sorne detail-
the end of the fur and the South Sea trade, the Terranova affal.r,
a change in the American organization of the trade resulting in
its concentration in a few large ports and in the hands of a few
large firms, changes in the composition of exports and imports,
the effect of American trade on the British East India Company,
the full development of the communi_ty li~e.. at Can ton, the grow-
ing interest of the United States Government in the China com-
merce, and the beginnings of American Christian missions to the
The banner years of the N orthwest fur trade had been those
immediately befare 1808. After this date, in spite of the newer
field opened in California, a decline began. 2 The fundamental
weakness was not the trouble with England, although the trade
did not recover from the blow given it by the War of 1812, but
the difficulty of obtaining skins. This was due partly to Russian
competition and aggression, partly to the growing difficulty of
barter with the Indians, and partly, possibly, to the approaching
extinction of the sea otter. In 1816, Wiliiam Sturgis, a man
who had been intimately connected with the trade, said: "The
settlements of the Russians and English (particularly the former)

The best index o this decline 1s the importa-tion o sea otter and
seal skins, the principal pelts, to Canton. Seal skins carne mostly from
another branch of the fur trade.
Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1818
Sea Otter Skins . . . . I 1 ,003 17.445 14,251 7,944 II,893
Seal Skins . . . . . . . . . 183,000 140,297 261,000 100,000 34,000
Yea r . .. ... . . ... . . . . 1811 1812 1813 1814-15 1816 1817
Sea Otter Skins .. . . 9,200 II,593 8,222 6,200 4,300 3,5e
Seal Skins . ... . . .. . 45,000 173,000 109,000 59,000 109,000 27,ee"
Year ........ . ..... . 1818 1819 1821 1822
Sea Otter Skins ... . 4,177 4,714 3,575 3,507
Seal Skins .... . ... . 47,290 91,500 13,887 Ill,924
Early Relations between the United States and China. 55

have proved highly injurious to the American trade." 3 A little

over a year later, Thomas H. Perkins, one of the principal China
merchants wrote: . . . . "The N orthwest Coast trade . . . .
is nearly extinct. . . . As the Russians employed the Kodiack
Indians to take the sea otter, the cost of them is very little, as
the hunters have very little more than a miserable support for
their labor in the chase-we cannot therefore compete with such
opponents. The Indians who formerly visited the sea
shores to trade with our ships have no longer any inducement to
come to the coast, their former occupation being taken away by
the enterprise of the Russians and those employed under their
direction." 4 Mr. Perkins had made the picture a little too dark,
but in the main he was right. Although there were three or four
vessels on the coast when he wrote,& and although as late as 1826
we find a trading ship starting for the coast,6 the trade had passed
its palmiest days, and had ceased to be an important factor in
the commerce with Canton. 7
Although the N orthwest Coast fur trade had practically ceased,
its most important diplomatic and political results carne after
1820. N egotiations with Russia had, as we have seen, been
dropped for a time in 1810. In September, 1821, the emperor
astonished the world by issuing a ukase declaring the N orth
Pacific from Behring's Straits to latitude fifty-one degrees north,
a mar~ clausum to all whaling, sealing, and fishing. Adams
. strenuously obj ected and negotiations followed. The r esult of

William Sturgis to Charles Morris, Aug. 22, 1816, MS.

T . H. Perkins to Charles Bulfinch, Boston, Dec. 21, 1817, MS. See
too on this same subj ect, Cleveland, Voyages, l : iv, where much the
same view is held.
Perkins to Bulfinch, Dec. 21, 1817. MS.
J ournal of the Voyage of the ship "Louisa" from Boston to the N orth-
west Coast of America, Canton and Boston, William Martn, Master,
1826-9. MS. in Essex Institute.
Furs from inland America continued to be shipped to Canton, how-
ever, long after the war. Those of the British Northwest Fur Company
wePe often sent to the Canton market by way oi N ew York and Phila-
delphia ( Reports o f _Cgms., p. 43, 2 Ses s., 24 Cong.), and sorne continued
to be taken directly from the United States to China. (Cong. Globe, l
Sess., 28 Cong., App., p. 226, gives a table showing the fur trade from
1821 to 1840. The direct trade varied from $r42,399 in 1821 to $561 in
1840, and $2,368 in 1840, averaging about $60,000 a year.)
Kenneth S. Latourette,

these was an agreement signed April l7th, 1824, which fixed the
southern boundary of Russian possessions at the parallel 54 4o'
north, and which forbade to Americans the sale of firearms, but
allowed them rights of fishing in bays and coast~not occupied
by Russian establishments. 8 A futile attempt of the Baron de
Tuyl to reopen the question the following summer ended the
incident and American vessels continued to come to Sitka at
the rate of from two to four a year. 9
The Americans had lost for a time all title to the territory
north of 54" 40', but the question of the ownership of the Oregon
country was not yet settled, and in its settlement the Northwest
Coast fur trade played an important part. It was through this
trade that Americans had first come to know the region, and
such claims as the discovery of the Columbia River and the
settlement at Astoria arose directly through it. Moreover, one
of the chief reasons urged for the occupation of Oregon was the
acquisition of a Pacific portas a base for the China trade. Floyd,
the early champion of the Oregon question, in his report of
1821 to the House, urged that "the Columbia [is] in a com-
mercial point of view, a position of the utmost importance. The
fisheries on the coast, its open sea, and its position in regard to
China, which offers the best market for the vast quantity of
furs taken in these regions, . . . seems to demand immediate
attention." 1 In the debate of December 17th, 1822, his relative
emphasis upon the China trade was still stronger. "Th~ settle-
ment of Oregon . . is to open a mine of wealth to the
shipping interests surpassing the hopes even of
avarice itself. It consists principally of things which will pur-
chase the manufactures and products of China at a better profit
than gold and silver; and if that attention is bestowed upon the
country to which its value and position entitle it, it will yield a
profit, producing more wealth to the nation than all the ship-

Eugene Schuyler, American Diplomacy and the Furtherance of Com-
merce, N ew York, 1886, pp. 292-299.
Frederic Lutke, Voyage autour du Monde, execute par ordre de sa
Majeste L'Empereur Nicolas . . . . dans les annees 1826, 1827, 1828,
et 1829 par Frederic Lutke, etc., Traduit par F. Boye. 2 v. Pars,
1835. 1 : 131.
Reports of Coms. 45, 2 Sess., 16 Cong.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 57

mnts which have ever in any one year been made to Canton
from the United States. . . . Were this trade cherished . . . .
we could purchase the whole supplies of the United States in
the Canton market without carrying one dollar out of the coun-
try."11 He went on to describe the value of the trade, and argued
that the grain fields of the Columbia valley could ultimately
supply the market of China. The importance of Oregon in the
Canton trade was, too, the argument used by the other supporters
of Oregon occupation. Baylies and Tucker used it. 1 2 Colden
of N ew York prophesied that within twenty or fif ty years the
nearest route to further Asia would be by way of rivers, canals,
and portages to Oregon, and thence across the Pacific. 13
In December, 1824, Floyd was again agtating the question,
backing his cause by the same arguments.H His bll passed the
House, only to be tabled in the Senate, but four years later he
renewed the struggle, urging the old reasons. 1 5 He was defeated
and the question was dropped in Congress for ten years. \Vhen
at last it carne up again the advantages of Oregon in the Canton
market, although still used incidentally, 1 6 were no longer the
prominertt arguments.
It can safely be said, however, that the Oregon Country was
preserved to the United States because of the importance it
was felt to have in the Canton commerce, and because of the
claims to it which the early fur trade had established.
The sandal wood trade <lid not decline as early as the fur trade
or the sealing voyages. In 1817 Kotzebue found it still in full
progress on the Hawaiian Islands.17 The native government

Floyd of Va., Speech, Dec. 17, 1822. Annals of Congress, 17 Cong.,
2 Sess., p. 398.
Annals of Cong., 17 Cong., 2 Sess., Dec. 18, 1822, pp. 418, 423.
Ibid., pp. 583-586. Jan. 13, 1823.
Register of Debates, I : 18-22.
lZ Ibid., 5: 149.
Woodbury of N ew Hampshire urged these advantages. Congressional
Globe, j Sess., 27 Cong., App., p. 93. Hunt foresaw the time when O regon
woul"d command the China trade and a railroad j oin the N orthwest Coast
to N ew York. Hunt's Mere. Mag., 12: 80.
Otto von Kotzebue, Voyage of Discovery in the South S eas, and to
Behring's Straits in Search of a Northwest Passage . . . in the
years 1815, 1816, 1817, 1818, etc., London, 1821, l : 189-192.
Kenneth S. Latourette,

had obtained control of the sources of the wood and payment

was made by the Americans in goods, specie, and in one instance,
a ship. In 1825 or 1826, Kotzebue estimated the annual export
of sandal wood at $300,000 a year,1 8 but this is e11tessive, as the
largest single year's ( 1822) importation to Canton on American
ships was $268,220. 19
The trade, however, was a wasteful one, and consequently
short lived. Sandal wood had disappeared from the Hawaiian
Islands by about 1830. On the Fijis it was exhausted by about
the same time. 20 Discovered on the Marquesas Group in l8ro,
it was practically all exported in seven years. 21 The importa-
tions to Cantan which in 1822 had amounted to 26,822 peculs22
worth $268,220, had by 1833 declined to the sum of $8,935.
As sandal wood disappeared, a new product, beche de mer,
was discovered in many of the same localities, and the voyages
to the South Seas continued for a number of years longer. They
carne to be largely in the hands of Salem sea captains23 and year
after year ships went out from the old witch town, hired natives
to gather the animal, built huts for cleaning and curing it, sold
it at Manila24 to Chinese epicures a.t from ten to twenty cents
a pound, 25 and brought home cargoes from the Philippines or

Otto von Kotzebue, A N ew Voyage round the World, m the years
1823, 1824, 1825, 1826. 2 v. London. 1830. 2: 191-192.
Pitkin, Stat. View, ed. 1835, p. 304.
Charles Wilkes, in N arrative of the United States Exploring Expedi-
tion during the years 1838-1842, 5 v., Philadelphia, 1845, 3: 202, writing
of it in 1840 says, "It has for many years past been exhausted." Dix,
Wreck of Glide, pp. 30-36, in 1820 said, "Its scarcity hardly repays the
labor of searching for it."
M. Camille de Roquefeuil, A Voyage round the World between the
years 1816-1819. London, 1823, p. 3. He visited the islands in 1817 and
makes this statement.
Parl. Papers, 1830, No. I, App. 4, pp. 722-723.
Thomas W illiams and James Calvert, missionaries to the Fij is, in a
work published in London, 1856, said that the traffic on the island in
sandal wood, tortoise shell, and beche de mer "has been and still is
chiefly in the hands of Americans from the port of Salem." Osgood and
Batchelder, Salem, p. 170.
"This was to avoid the port charges in China. Journal of the Ship
$15 to $25 a pecul (1337'J lbs.) . Wilkes, U. S. Exploring Expedition,
Early Relations between the United States and China.. 59

China. In 1837 the "Clay," William Driver, master, made a

voyage, selling her cargo in Manila. 26 She was wrecked on her
trip back to the Islands. 27 Records of voyages are. extant for
the "Peru," 1830-1833,2 for the "Emerald," 1833-1836,2 for
the "Charles Daggett," 1832,30 for the "Pallas," 1832-1834,
for the "Eliza," 1833-1835 13 1 and for the "Mermaid," r836-
1839.2 In 1834 the East India Marine Society of Salem said
that fourteen ships from that port had been or were engaged in
the trade. 33 Thus for ten years or more (1827 to 1837) there
was an extensive South Sea trade from the little New England
The South Sea trade was a dangerous one, as the stories of
frequent shipwrecks and of troubles with the natives, show. It
appealed as a rule to men of adventurous disposition, and not
to large firms. Benjamin Morrell of New York, who was typical
of his class, made at least four trips to the South Seas, dis-
covering new islands, alternately trading and fighting with the
natives, and returning each time to Manila with his cargo of
beche de mer, tortoise shell, and pearls. 3 4 Such names on the

3: 218-222. This also gives a long description of the way in which it

was cured.
J ournal of the ship "Clay" in a Voyage from Salem to the Fiji
Islands and Manila . . . . 1827-1829. MS. in Essex Institute.
zi Dix, Wreck of the Glide, also J ournal of a Voyage of the ship Glide

to the South Pacific Ocean, Henry Archer, Jr., master, 1829-1830. MS.
in Essex Institute.
Journal of a Voyage on Board the Barque Peru from Lintin to the
Fijis, etc., MS. in Essex Institute.
!!9 Voyage of the ship "Emerald" to the . Fijis, Tahiti, and Manila,
1833-1836. MS. in Essex Institute.
Felt, Annals of. Salem, 2: 559. Charles Erskine, Twenty Years before
the Mast, Boston, 1890, p. 153
1 MS. J ournals of the "Pallas'' and the "Eliza" in Essex Institute.
" Journal of a Voyage from Salem to New Zealand, the Society, Fegee,

Frien<lly, and other Islands in the Pacific, and home by way of Manila
and China, in the Brig "Mermaid," . 1836-1839. MS. in Essex
Memorial of E . India Marine Society in Reynolds, Address, pp.
' The accounts of these voyages are by participants. Morrell, V oyages.
Abby Jane Morrell, N arrative of a Voyage to the Ethiopic and South
Atlantic Ocean, Chinese Sea, N orth and South Pacific Ocean, in the years
60 Kenneth S. Latourette,

map as Fanning's Island and Sandal Wood Bay bear witness to

the existence and pioneer nature of the early American trade
in those far away regions.
After the second war with Great Britain the lif1tof the Ameri-
cans at Canton was without unusual excitement until the Terra-
nova affair, in September and October, 182r. This gave rise
to the only cessation of American trade previous to tl).e opium
troubles, and illustrates well the position of the foreigner in
China prior to the treaties of 1842-4. Three fundamental facts
explain it: the complete lack of diploma tic intercourse and
treaties between foreign nations and China, and hence of a
mutually recognized mean-s of adj usting international difficulties;
the firm conviction of the natives that foreigners were of an
inferior barbarous race which must be governed with a firm
hand; and the policy of western governments, especially of the
United States, of keeping entirely aloof from the Chinese gov-
ernment and of granting no powers other than commercial to the
consul. These three conditions made all intercourse uncertain.
The system was admirable as long as all was harmonious, but
the moment that difficlties arose it broke clown. The Terra-
nova trouble began in the latter part of September, 182r. While
near the "Emily," Captain Cowpland, of Baltimore, a woman
fell from a boat and was drowned. It is probable that her death
was accidental, but the Chinese authorities at once accused
Terranova, an Italian sailor on the ship, of having killed her by
dropping a fruit jai- on her head,35 and demanded his surrender.
Cowpland, although putting Terranova in irons, refused to sur-
render him. The Americans organized a committee of five resi-

1829, 1830, 1831, etc., New York, 1833, and Thomas Jefferson Jacobs,
Scenes, Incidents, and Adventures in the Pacific Ocean . . . . <luring
the Cruise of the clipper "Margaret Oakley" under Captain Benjamin
Morrell, N ew York, 1844. T he first voyage was in 1828, the second in
1829, the third in 1830, and the fourth in 1834. The records of the last
are given by J acobs.
George Thomas Staunton, in Miscellaneous Notices Relating to China,

etc., London, 1822-1850, pp. 409-432, denies that there was a Chinese law
requiring a life for a life in case of accident, and says that even in case of
punishment, a death penalty was not necessarily inflicted. He assigns
the Chinese severity in the Terranova affair to the desire to "inspire
foreigners with awe.''
Early Relations between the United States and China. 61

dent merchants, five supercargoes, and five masters of ships to

~onduct the case, and Cowpland placed himself under their
direction. 3 6 Wilcocks, the American consul, f elt that his authority
did not permit him either to try the case himself, or to deliver
the prisoner to the native authorities, and so confined himself to
cooperation with the committee. The latter met the hong
merchants and af ter sorne discussion it was agreed to hold the
trial in the American factory with Morrison, the English mis-
sionary, as interpreter, and Wilcocks present to take notes. The
viceroy, however, wished the place changed to the "Emily,"
and this was done. There next broke out a sharp discussion
over the form of the trial. The officials objected to Morrison
being present3 7 and refused to give Wilcocks a seat. Both
finally were absent. On October 6th, the trial took place on board
the "Emily" in the presence of a Chinese magistrate and the
hong merchants. From the American standpoint it was mere
mockery. The magistrate carne convinced of the Italian's guilt;
he cut off the latter's attempt at explanation, refused to consider
any evidence but that which was against the prisoner, and finally
demanded that the prisoner be given up. This the Americans
refused to do, although they said that they would offer no
resistance if the authorities were to take him off by force.
Resistance, indeed, was useless, as all firearms had been taken
away and the ship surrounded by a throng of Chinese. The
magistrate, however, was unwilling to take the prisoner in this
way, and after sorne discussion withdrew.
The day fol1owing the trial every pressure was brought to bear
to obtain Terranova's surrender. An embargo was laid on all
American trade. The "Emily's" linguist and fiador were
imprisoned, and threatened with death in case of armed resist-
ance by the Americans. The committee, however, refused to
g~ve up the prisoner, although still promising to make no

The facts of the Terra nova case here given, unless otherwise stated,
are procured from the lengthy reports of the proceedings sent to the
Secretary of State by the Consul, Wilcocks, contained in Consular Letters,
Canton, I.
Execution of an American at Canton ; North American R eview,
40 : 58 : 68. It says that the obj ection to Morrison was on the ground
that he was British, and the officials did not wish to get into trouble
with more than one nation.
Kenneth S . Latourette,

resistance should the Chinese come and take him by force,

"placing a firm reliance in the Government of the United States
for a redress of our grievances upon proper presentation of
the facts." After repeated conferences betweentthe committee
and the cohong, and after repeated assurances that the Americans
would offer no resistance, 3 8 on October 23d,3 9 the hong merchants
went to the "Emily" in force and took off Terranova as a
prisoner of state. The Italian once in their hands, the Chinese
acted promptly. October 26th he was tried before local magis-
trates behind closed doors, all foreigners being carefully
excluded. He was quickly condemned and strangled, and his
body was returned to the "Emily." American trade was at once
reopened, since, said the viceroy in his edict, "the said chief
[Wilcocks] has on the whole behaved respectfully and sub-
missively ." The edict closed in a grandiloquent way which
illustrates the Chinese attitude throughout the entire proceedings:
"The Celestial Empire's kindness and favor and tenderness to
the weak are rich in an infinite degree. But the nation's aspect
sternly commands respect, and cannot because people are foreign
sailors, extend clemency to them. Let the Hong merchants
e?Cplain luminously this official mandate, and persuade and induce
the said foreigners, all of them, to know it, and to be thereby
filled with reverence, and awe; that each may insure the safety
of his own person and family, and not bring himself into
sorrow ." 4 0
The Americans have been criticised for making no f urther
resistance, and the United States Government for taking no action
to obtain satisfaction. The merchants and sea captains at Canton
could not have assumed a firmer attitude, however, without
grave danger to themselves, the certainty of bloodshed, and the
possibility of war, and the consul could not have done more
without exceeding his authority. It may be said further, both

The cohong knew that further bloodshed would mean more trouble
for them.
The account in the North American Review says Oct. 25th, but
Wilcocks' date is to be preferred.
Consular Letters, Canton, I. Other accounts of the affair may be
found in Staunton, Notices Relating to China, pp. 409-432, Davis, China,
I : 90, 91, and in Foster, Am. Dipl. in the Orient, pp. 40, 4i.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 63

for the United States Government and for the American mer-
chants, that until a treaty should specify otherwise, those who
traded in China were under obligation to hold themselves amen-
able to its laws. It is to be regretted, however, that the inevitable
issue between the Middle Kingdom and the Occident, free inter-
course between the two on a basis of mutual equality, could not
have been forced by the United States at this time, and over a
test case of this nature, rather than by England nineteen years
later over the opium traffic.
The years following the War of 1812, were, as we have seen,
rnarked by the rapid recovery and growth of the Canten-Ameri-
can cornmerce. A reaction, however, was inevitable. Over-
optirnistic rnerchants imported too largely on credit, to-o many
inexperienced men were drawn into the trade,41 the rnarket
becarne overstocked, and cornmercial failures followed.42 There
was a slight increase in trade irnrnediately after 1819, 43 perhaps
because of the general depression, but the real crisis carne in
1826. After that year, in sharp contrast to the previous pros-
perity, there was a sudden cessation in the importations of
Chinese goods to Providence, apparently attended with serious
losses. 44 Thomas H . Srnith, one of the rnost prorninent tea
rnerchants of N ew York, became insolvent, carrying rnany smaller
fi.rms with him, 45 and Tholpson, a prominent merchant of
Philadelphia, who was associated with Srnith, went into a dis-
graceful bankruptcy, owing the government a large sum for
duties. 46 Imports and exports to and frorn China fell off a third,
and did not recover until 1833.

Testimony of Joshua Bates of Baring Bros., before the Select Com.
on the E. India Co., Par!. Papers 1630, 5 : 218. He _had been connected
with the American trade with China for hyenty years.
Ibid., 6: 365-380.
The figures are in Pitkin Stat. View ( ed. 1835), p. 303, and in first
report of the Com. on E. India Co. Affairs, Par!. Papers, 1830, 5: 2 0 .
The losses fell especially on Edward Carrington and Co., and the
smaller dealers associated with them. N one entered again as extensively
into the trade. May 18, 1827, is the last entry of a China ship until
July 5, l83I. Providence Custom House, Impost Book, 1827, and Ibid.,
"D," p. 16. Mss. in Rhode Island Historical Society.
~ Barrett, Old Merchants of N. Y. City, p. 87.
e Ibid.
Kenneth S. Latourette,

The most marked permanent effect of this crisis was to basten

the change which was taking place in the United States in the
commercial machinery of the Canton commerce. Up to the
War of 1812 the commerce had been in the handw:if a compara-
tively large nmber of firms and individual investors, small for
the most part, and scattered among nearly all the seaports of
the N orth Atlantic states. Beginning about the time of the war,
trade began to decline in the smaller ports, New Haven, Stoning-
ton and N orwich, and later Providence and Salem, and to be
confined to the larger cities, New York, Boston, and Philadelphia,
where it was concentrated in the hands of large firms. The
change can be best seen by sketching the history of the participa-
tion of each of these ports in the China trade, taking them in their
geographical order.
Salem, the northernmost port of importance, began its con-
nection with China in January, 1786, when the "Grand Turk,"
belonging to Elias Hasket Derby, sailed for Canton.47 In 1790
four ships were entered from Canton. 48 The trade then seems
to have been abandoned for several years, and we do not find
that another China ship arrived until 1798.49 For several years
af ter this the trade was on the in crease. It suffered somewhat in
the troublous times preceding and during the War of 1812, and
shared the rapid growth after the war. After 1820, however,
it fell off permanently and was thereafter continued only inter-
mittently. In all, from 1790 on, thirty-five cargoes are entered
in the Salem custom house as being from Canton, and five more
which are entered from other ports on the Canton trade route
contained tea.50 Af ter all that has been popularly reported
about the importance of Salem in the China trade these figures

Rantoul, The Port of Salem, Histl. Cols. of the Essex Instit., 10: 55.
<a Digest of Duties of the Salem Custom House, 1789-1852. MS. in
Salem Custom House.
4lJ Ibid.
By years the figures are as follows from the opening of the United

States Custom House in Salem : 1790, 4; 1798, l ; 1800, l ; 1802, 2;

1803, l ; 1804, l ; 1807, l ; 18o8, 1 ; 1810, 2; 1812, I ; 1817, 1 ; 1818, 3;
1819, 3; 1820, 2; 1825, 2; 1826, 1 ; 1829, 2; 1830, 1 ; 1831, I ; 1832, 1 ;
1834, 1; 1836, 1; 1841, 1. Total, 35. All but two of the voyages from
1829 on were made by one ship, the "Sumatra." Digest of Duties, Salem
Custom House.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 65

are surprisingly small, especially when we remember that there

were often entered in one year at Canton more than forty
American ships. 51
The first great Salem merchant in the China trade was Elias
Hasket Derby. He made a fortune in privatee"ring during the
Revolution 52 and entered the Far Eastern trale soon after the
treaty of peace. Most of the Salem ships at Cantan before 1800
were his. 53 The most prominent merchant of Salem after the
second war with Great Britain was Joseph Peabody. He began
his career in one of De~by's privateers during the Revolution, 54
and retired from the sea in 1791 to become a merchant trader.
His vessels made seventeen voyages to Canton. 54 With possibly
one exception all the Salem-China voyages after 1826 were under
hirrt. 55
The origin of the Boston-China commerce was closely con-
nected with that of Salem. Thomas Handasyd Perkins went out
as a supercargo in the "Astrea," one of Derby's ships, in 1789
and 1790.56 While at Cantan he met the "Columbia," just

Gl Sen. Docs., No. 31, 1 Sess., 19th Cong.

George Atkinson Ward, Joseph Peabody, in Freeman Hunt's Lives
of American Merchants, N ew York, 1856, p. 372.
G Trow, Old Shipmasters of Salem, p. 45. Trow says that at the time
of his death Derby was the richest man in the United States. See also
on Derby, Cleveland, Voyages, 1 : 1, W eeden, Ec. and Soc. Hist. of
N ....Eng., p. 822.
G< Ward, J oseph Peabody, in Hunt's Lives of Am. Merchants, p. 380.
Digest of Duties, Salem Custom House, 1789-185r. Impost Book
No. 8, Salem Custom House. The first gives the list of voyages, the
second shows that in the "Leander" in 1826, and the "Sumatra," 1830,
the principal part of the duties was paid by Peabody, and as all voyages
but one, that made by the "Eclipse" in 1832, were made by these two
ships, the inference that J oseph Peabody was the principal investor
seems a fair one. On Peabody see also Osgood and Batchelder, Salem,
p. 134, and Trow, Old Shipmasters of Salem, p. 45. William Gray,
later of Boston, was in the Salem-China trade for a time. Edward
Gray, William Gray of Salem, Merchant, Boston and N ew York, 1914. .
Ge Abbreviations of a J ournal of the ship "Astrea," MS. in Essex
Institute, and Thomas G. Cary, Memoir of Thos. H . Perkins, in Hunt's
Lives of Am. Merchants, pp. 33-IOI. See also N. Eng. Hist'l and Gen!.
Register, 1: 201-2II, for a review of it. Cary was a son-in-law of P erkins,
and this memoir should be authoritative.
TRANS. CoNN . AcAD., Vol. XXII 5 1917
66 Kenneth S. Latourette,

arrived from its first voyage to the Northwest Coast, arid learned
of the great possibilities of the fur trade. On his return he sent
out the "Hope," Ingraham, master, and later, the "Margaret"
under James Magee, a former captain of the "Astrea." In
1792 he formed with his brother the partnership of James and
Thomas H. Perkins, which in 1838, when dissolved, was the most
prominent of the American-_Chinese firms. At first they were
engaged only in the N orthwest Coast fur trade, but in 1798 they
began sending ships directly to Canton, and finally entirely
confined themselves to this. 57 A branch house was established
at Canton and another at Manila. 58 More or less closely allied
with James and Thomas Perkins by blood or business relations
were Samuel Cabot, the Lambs, John P. Cushing, Thomas T.,
John M ., and Robert B. Forbes, James P. Sturgis,59 and the firm
of Bryant and Sturgis,60 part of whom were in China and part
in the United States. Into the hands of these houses went most
of Boston's share in the China trade, and they furnish the best
example of the semi-monopoly which characterized the China
trade during this period. The nephews and cousins of the mem-:-
bers of the firm were trained in counting houses or on the ships
to take up the business as the older men laid it down. Other
Boston firms there were, such as the Lymans-great rivals of
the Perkins61- Dorr and Sons, J. Coolidge, Bass, J. Gray,
Thomas Parish, and Hoy and Thorn, 62 but unfortunately there
exist no easily accessible materials for their history. The
destruction of the early papers of the Boston Custom House,
too, prevents a sketch of the port's trade as a whole. From what
little survives of the original records, it can be saf ely asserted
that with the years, the relative importance of Boston in the
China trade increased, and that the Perkins family and its allied

Letter of Perkins to Bulfinch, Dec. 21, 1817. Ms.
Robert B. Forbes, Personal Reminiscences, Boston, 1878, p. 88. See
also "on the history of P erkins and Co., in addition to the authorities
mentioned thus far, C. C. Perkins, Memoir of James Perkins, and Letters
and Recollections of J. M. Forbes.
Forbes, Personal Reminiscences, pp. 39-64, and passim.
!bid., p. 131.
1 T. L. V. Wilson, Aristocracy of Boston, Boston, 1848, p. 26.
2 Tufts' Acct. of Vessels in Sea Otter and N. W. Trade.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 67

fi.rms became more and more prominent. The troublous times

of 1826, while wrecking other houses, seem to have affected
them but little.
Of the Rhode Island cities only one can boast of a large trade.
At least two voyages seem to have been made from N ewport to
China, 6 3 and a few were fitted out by the D'Wolfs of Bristol for
the Northwest Coast trade, 64 but Providence had the lion's share.
Beginning with the "General Washington" in 1789, 65 sixty-eight
voyages from Canton terminated there, nearly twice as many as
at Salem. 66 The number increased to 1803, and then with the -
exception of 1810 gradually decreased to 1812. After the war
there was a sudden increase again, with a decline in 1820, a
second rise in 1822, andan entire break from 1827 to 1831 caused
by the failures of 1826. From this break the trade never fully
recovered. A f ew more voyages were undertaken by a single
firm, but even these carne to an end in 1841, and as in the case
of Salem the China trade passed into the hands of larger ports
and larger firms.6 7

By the "Semiramis,'' Mason, Reminiscences of Newport, pp. 149, 153.
Tufts' Acct. of Vess.els in the Sea Otter and N. W . Trade.

Log book of the "General Washington," 1787-1790. MS. in John
Carter Brown Library. She went out in 1787.
They are as follows by years: 1789, 1; 1791, l; 1793, 3; 1795, 2;
1796, l ; 1797, 1; 1798, 2; 1799, l; 1800, 3; 1801, 1; 1802, 2; 1803, 6;
1804, 2; 1805, 3; 1806, 2; 1808, l; 1809, 1; 1810, 4; 1811, l; 1812, 1;
1816, 2; 1817, 2; 1818, 2; 1819, 5; 1820, 1; 1822, 3; 1823, 3; 1824, 1;
1825, 1; 1826, 2; 1827, 1; 1831, 1; 1832, 1; 1833, l; 1835, 1 ; 1838, 1;
1841 1; Total, 68. The years not mentioned had no voyages. Providence

Custom House Impost Books.

' The main Providence firms were Brown and Ives, organized in 1795
(Weeden, Early Oriental Trade of Providence, p. 240), and its prede-
cessors, Brown, Benson, and Ives, and Brown and Francis. It was Brown
and Francis who sent out the "General Washington" on its first voyage ;
Brown and Ives sent ships intermittently through the years, imported the
largest single cargoes which carne to the port from Can ton; appeared
among the consignees in nearly half of the voyages, and had a part in
the ship "Hanover," in 1838, the next to the last o the Providence-Canton
voyages. (Providence Custom House Impost Books, passim.) The
other firms in the trade, mostly dating from before 1800, were J ohn Corlis,
Clark and Nightingale, John I. Clark, Edward K. Thompson, Benjamin
Hoppin and Son (or T. C. Hoppin), and Edward Carrington and Com-
pany. Of these, Edward Carrington and Company was the most impor-
68 K enneth S. Latourette,

In the little ports along the Connecticut coast there were no

large firms, but only a short-lived activity in sealing. Stoning-
ton, Hartford, New London, and New Haven, each had their
small share. The activity was large for a time, b91: it was only
in sealing, an adventurous, self-destructive trade, and was neces-
sarily of relatively short duration. It had practically ceased
before the War of 1812.
It was from New York that the American trade with China
was first begun, and that city continued to be one of the three
chief ports interested. To a certain point the course of trade
seems to have been much the same as in Salem and Providence-
an increase to about 18o5 and 1806, a decrease to the war, and
an increase immediately after it. Unlike Salem and Providence,
however, an increase rather than a decrease followed the depres-
sion of 1826.68 As in Boston, we find a few prominent firms,
but unlike Boston, no single one predominated through the entire
period. John Jacob Astor was early in the trade, and kept it
up after the war. 69 A story which unfortunately is not well
authenticated ascribes the foundation of his great fortune to
his early success in the trade. 70 Oliver Wolcott and Company .and

tant. It almost monopolized the trade for a few years after the war, but
suffered heavily from the depression in 1826, and only entered again after
sorne years, and then as a minor investor. (For further information on
the part of Providence in the China trade, see W eeden, Early Oriental
Trade of Providence, Kimball, East India Trade of Providence, and the
files of die Providence newspapers, especially the Providence Gazette.
The Brown and Ives papers are in the custody of the John Carter Brown
Library in Providence, and contain a great mass of manuscript material,
of which the log books are the most easily accessible.)
es See Letters and Clearance Books of the New York Custom House,
Mss. in N ew York Custom House, passim. These are incorn~lete, but for
the years they cover, they show the following numbers of vessels clearing:
1799, 4; 1800, 7; 1801, 2; 1802, 7; 1805, 8; 1806, 9; 1807, 2; 1809, 7;
1818, 3; 1819, 3; 1829, 5; 1830, 5; 1831, 4; 1832, none; 1836, 5; 1844, 11;
Total for sixteen years, 82.
' Barrett, Old Meres. of N. Y. City, 1: 417-42i. Astor is there said
to have told the story as that of the begiiming of his fortune, but I
find no corroborative evidence. James Parton, Life of J ohn J acob
Astor, New York, 1865, p. 49, says that he sent out his first ship about
1800, and that he continued the commerce for twenty-seven years, "gen-
erally with profit and occasionally with splendid and bewildering success."
Early Relations between the United States and China. 69

H. Fanning also engaged in it in these early years. 71 But it was

not until after the war that great firms began to domnate the
trade. Of these Thomas H. Smith had the most meteoric course.
Entering in the period of expansion which followed the treaty
of peace, he was soon exporting on a large scale. 72 He went
into the business too extensively, however, and failed in 1827,
owing the custom house three million dollars. 73 Another firm,
more stable, noted for its non-importation of opium and its
friendliness to m1ss10naries, was Olyphant and Company.
D. W. C. Olyphant, its head, had gone out to Canton in 182074
and again in 1826 as the agent of Thomas H. Srnith, and when
in 1827 the latter failed, he returned to New York and organized
the firm which bore his name. 75
Turning to Philadelphia, we come to the southernmost of the
three ports which controlled the China trade in these later years.
Robert Morris had had a share in the "Empress of China" and
had later sent out several vessels of his own, including the famous
"Alliance." In l8o6 thirteen ships arrived from Canton, 76 and
in 1839 and 1840, seven different vessels were employed in the
trade. 77 Sorne of the principal firms were Eyre and Massey
( 1803-1845), one of whose ships made eight round trips to
China, 78 Charles Wharton, 79 Jones and Clark,80 John Clement

The first manuscript mention I find is o the ship "Severn" which he

sent out in ] an., 1802, j oining sorne other merchants in the investment.
See Letter Books, N. Y. Custom House.
See Letter Books o N. Y. Custom House, and Store Book o Oliver
Wolcott and Co., Ms. in N ew York Historical Society's Library, pp. 162,
167, 83, 84, 24, 59, 32.
$1,3u,057.22 in 1824 and nearly $1,740,000 in 1825. Sen. Doc. 31, l
Sess., 19 Col'l.g. He had seven ships regularly employed. Hunter, Fan
Kwae at Canton, p. I. He went out on one of these ships in the employ
o Smith.
Barrett, Old Meres. of N . Y. City, p. 33.
Mrs. Robert Morrison, Memoirs of the Life and Labors of Robert
Morrison, 2 v., London, 1839, 2: 86.
Hunter, Fan Kwae at Canton, p. 15.
Adam Seybert, Statistical Annals, Philadelphia, 1818, p. 55, from the
Custom House Records.
Consular Letters, Canton, III. The figures for other cities were,
.Providence, 1, New York, IO, Boston, 12, Salem, 4, Baltimore, 2 .
Abraham Ritter, Philadelphia and Her Merchants, as Constituted
70 K enneth S. Latourette,

Stacker, 81 Archer, Jones, Oakford and Company,8 2 and John

McCrea, who was even more of a speculator than Thomas H.
Smith, 83 and Stephen Girard who in 1791 built several ships for
the China trade. 84 The China trade of the ci1' successfully
survived the depression of 1826.
Baltimore was never as actively engaged in the trade as were
the more northern ports, and although she began early, the first
ship from Canton arriving August 9, 1785, her commerce with
China did not flourish as did that of her more advantageously
situated rivals. 85 No other southern port seems to have entered
the trade with any earnestness.6
From this brief and necessarily incomplete review of the
participation of each of these ports in the commerce with China,
the genera~ tendency to centralization is apparent and a more
minute study would show it more clearly. The crisis of 1826
only hastened a process which had begun severa! years befare
and which continued until about 1840.
The years between 1815 and 1839 saw a development in the
art of ship-building. The famous "clippers" were born in the
trade with China. The "Ann McKinn" of Baltimore was built
in 1832 for the China trade. The "Akbar" was built in 1839
for John M. Forbes and made the trip from New York to Cantan
in the record time of one hundred and nine days. After 1839,

Fifty to Seventy Years Ago. Philadelphia, 1860, p. 6o. This statement is

made on the authority o Charles Massey o that firm.
Ibid., p. 18!.
8-0 Ibid., p. 195

1 Ibid., p. 199
Sen. Doc. 31, l Sess., 19 Cong.
as Barrett, Old Meres. of N. Y. City, pp. 45 and 97. Unfortunately
there is not enough information to give a more connected sketch of
Philadelphia's trade with China.
' Paullin, Diplom. Neg. of Am. Nav. Officers, p. 165.
B. Mayer, Histl. Sketch of Baltimore in F. A. Richardson and
W. A. Bennett, Baltimore Past and Present, with Biographical Sketches
o its Representative Men. Baltimore, 1871, pp. 53, 63.
One ship seems to have been sent from Charleston to the East Indies,
but it is not certain that it touched at Canton. David Ramsay, The
history of South Carolina from its first settlement in 1670 to the year
1808. 2 v. Charleston, 1809, 2 : 239. One ship went from N orfolk, Va.,
in 1786. Paullin, Diplom. Neg. of Am. Nav. Officers, p. 162.
Early Relations between the United States and China. . 71

but before 1844, a number of swift boats of comparatively light

tonnage were built for carrying opium. They were owned by
J. M. Forbes and Russell and Company and soon controlled the
opium trade. So, although clipper ships did not attain their
supremacy until after 1844, their lines first began to be worked
out in the thirties. 87
The period between 1815 and 1839 was marked by changes in
imports and exports to and from China no less noticeable than
those in the commercial organization. No generalization can
saf ely be made: one must rather take up the principal articles
Of the American imports to China the most important was
specie. 88 Until bills of exchange began to take its place, it
formed half and even three-fourths of the total, amounting in
one instance to nearly seven and one-half millions of dollars. 89
The drain was heavy but necessary. American merchants found
it profitable to import teas, even when paying far them with so
expensive a commodity. In sorne years it was in such demand
that a premium had to be offered .in the United States to obtain
enough for a cargo. 90 Most of it was in the form of Spanish
milled dollars obtained from the Spanish West Indies, South
America, Portugal, 91 and Gibraltar. 92 So accustomed to these
dollars did the Chinese merchants become that when those of the
new South American states began to come in, they were received
only at an excessive discount. 9 3 About 1827 bills of exchange
on England began to take the place of specie. 94 The large

A. H. Clark. The Clipper Ship Era, New York and London. 1911.
pp. 58-60.
For tables see footnote 3 on page 469.
In 1819 the imports of specie to Canton amounted to $7,414,000.
Pitkin, Stat. View, ed. 1835, p. 303.
The Columbian Centinel, Boston, on Feb. 13, 1802, and Oct. 20, 1802,
contained advertisements offering a {lremium on Spa~ish dollars for
ships about to sail to Canton.
Weeden, Early Oriental Commerce of Providence, pp. 274-276.
Letters and Recollections of J. M. Forbes, l: 70.
It required a special edict of the Hoppo to reduce this discount to a
just one. The Canton Register, Canton, 1827 et sqq. Vol. 8 : 91835.
No. 10.
See tables footnote 3, page 469.
72 Kenneth S. Latourette,

importation of opium by the British turned the balance of trade

against China and made it cheaper to buy exchange than to ship
silver, and the days of the latter's prominence as an export were end. 95 In 1833 specie amounted to only one-~venth of the
sum of the bills on England, and merchandise to less than
Another article of importation to China, new in this period,
was cotton. It is true that America purchased nankeens at
Cantan, but later the increased quality and cheapness of the
coarser cottons of the Occident won for them a market in the
East. About half of that imported in American ships was
from the United States, the rest being from England. 96 For
American raw cotton there was little demand, since the Indian
product was cheaper. 97
Sorne imports to China need only the briefest mention. Quick-
silver began to be brought in about 1816. It varied greatly in
amount, running in value all the way from $747,600 in 1819 to
$17,971 in 1833. 98 Rice was imported from Batavia and Manila
during these years in increasing quantities99 because the cumshaw
tax was not charged by the Chinese on vessels which brought
it. 10 Copper was brought from South America, sorne years to

~ This is the reason given by Mr. Sturgis, a famous China merchant,
in a lecture reported in Niles Register, 68: 343, Aug. 2, 1845. See also
A. J. Sargent, Anglo-Chinese Commerce and Diplomacy (Mainly in the
Nineteenth Century). Oxford, 1907, p. 56. Rosea Ballou Morse, The
Trade and Administration of the Chinese Empire, New York, etc., 1908,
p. 330, takes C1 somewhat different view.
Ex. Doc. 35, 3 Sess., 27 Cong.
Niles Register, Jan. 20, 1844, 65: 332-333, quotes from the New Orleans
Bee to that effect. Tables in Chinese Rep. 16 :47, show no imports of
raw cotton before 1843. The first cargo seems to have been brought from
N ew Orleans in the "Delhi" in 1843. J ournal of a Voyage in the ship
Delhi from New York to New Orleans, New Orleans to Canton, etc.,
in 1843-4. MS. in Essex lnstitute.
Pitkin, Stat. View, ed. 1835, pp. 300, 304. See, too, Phipps, China
and E-uropean Trade, p. 313, and Sen. Doc. 31, 1 Sess., 19 Cong., "G."
The value was $866,367 in 1836-7. Ch. Rep., 6: 284-286.
loo Reports of Select. Com. on E. India Co., Parl. Papers, 1830, 5: 122,

Evidence of Abe] Coffin. In 1833-4 this was $3II ,315 (Murray, Hist. and
Dese. Acct. of China 3 :74), but two years before it was only $21,342.
Phipps, China and Eastern Trade, p. 313.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 73

the value of more than $300,000. Lead was brought in ingots

from Gibraltar and elsewhere to the value of about half that of
copper.1 0 1 A very little steel was brought in from England and
Sweden. 102 The importation of opium by Americans was always
much less than that by the English, and most of it was the
inferior kind obtained in Turkey. Figures are difficult to obtain
for it; since it was a contraband article, but it seems to have
been first regularly imported about 1816. One year, 1831-2, it was
brought in to the value of more than two million dollars 1 3 but
this seems to have been its high-water mark. In few years did it
approach that amount. Ginseng still continued to be shipped
from America, but rarely to the value of $200,000. 1 4 Rattans,
pepper, nutmegs, tin-from the Straits Settlements-cochineal,
eleves, and coral, are ali articles which appear with more or less
regularity in the list of minor imports, 105 but none of them were
of great importance. It is hard to tell just when their importa-
tion began.
One last group of American imports to China, British manu-
factures, needs more than passing mention, partly because of its
value, 106 partly because it illustrates American enterprise, but

Ch. Rep., 2 : 463. Letters and Recollections of J. M. Forbes, r : 70.
1 2
Q Chinese Repos., 2: 471.
Phipps, China and Eastern Trade, p. 313.
m Pitkin, Stat. View., ed. 1835, p . 49.
Phipps, China and Eastern Trade, p. 313, and Chinese Rep. 6: 284-286.
Parl. Papers, 1820, 5: 183. Testimony of Charles Everett, an Ameri-
can Commission Merchant. He gave as the arnounts shipped in this way
through him, for 1818, 1,809 lbs. sterling, for 1819, 26,448 lbs. sterling,
for 1820, 139,639 lbs. sterling, 1821, 190,190 lbs. sterling, 1822, 28,468 lbs.
sterling, 1823, 67,048 lbs. sterling, 1824, 125,681 lbs. sterling, 1825, 7,408
lbs. sterling, 1826, 168,354 lbs. sterling, 1827, 45,696 lbs. sterling, 1828,
51,481 lbs. sterling. Joshua Bates, Ibid., 6: 365, testified that one firm
(probably Perkins and Company) had exported in 1826, 120,000 lbs.
sterling, in 1827, 82,000 lbs. sterling, in 1828, 98,000 lbs. sterling, in 1829,
147,000 lbs. ste.rling. The East India Company estimated the amount
for 1823 as 107,531 lbs. sterling, o which 32,614 lbs. sterling were in
cottons, and 73,083 lbs. sterling were woolens. Ibid., pp. 724-727. Parl.
Papers, 1833, E. India Co. Papers relating to trade with India and China,
from S. Cabell, Accountant General of E. India Co., give the figure
for 1829-30 as $u,122,066, for 1830-1 as $781,429, for 1831-2 as $637,822,
and of the E. India Co. for these years, as $2,675,371, $2,818,766, and
$2,956,209 r espectively.
74 Kenneth S. Latourette,

chiefl.y because of its effect upon the East India Company. The
importation of these goods began shortly after the War of 1812,
possibly in 1818.107 An absence of discriminating port charges
and duties, except a small one of two per cent i!IP London,18 the
fact that the American merchant while charging the same price
in China bought in England a quality of goods slightly inferior
to those of the East India Company, and the exclusion of all
English free traders from the market gave a rapid growth to
the trade. This was very disquieting for the English. They
had long watched American trade with China with growing
uneasiness and at its very beginning Phineas Bond and the other
British agents in the United States had kept the ministry
informed of its progress. At first the attitude of English
observers was one o security or indifference. Lord Sheffield,
in his " Observations on the Commerce of the American States,"
published first in 1783, entirely ignored the possibility of a direct
trade with China, and a London paper of March 16, 1785, said
that the Americans had "given up all thought o China
trade." 1 9 By 1813, however, English opponents of the East
India Company were beginning to point to the rapid growth o
the American-Cantan commerce, to contrast it with the slow
increase o the British trade under the monopoly, and to use it
as an argument fo.r making the English commerce with Canton
free.U In 1819, Assey pointed out in a pamphlet " the insecurity
of the present trade . from Great Britain and British India to
China i timely measures o precaution be not taken to meet the
progress of the Americans in China." 111 So strong was the
outcry on this score by the opponents o the monopoly112 that a

' 1
Charles Everett says that he was the first to ship English manu-
factures in this way, and that he began in 1818. Ibid., Papers, 1830, 6 : 361.
ios Testimony of Joshua Bates, Ibid., 6: 365-38o. Lindsey, History of
Merchant Shipping and Ancient Commerce. London, 1876, pp. IOS, rn6.
Hill, Trade and Commerce of Boston, p. 81.
"Additional Considerations upon the China Trade," written in 1813,
in defense of the East India Company, tries to answer this argument.
Staunton, Notices Relating to China , p. 178.
Charles A ssey, on the Trade to China and the Indian Archipelago,
etc., in the Pamphleteer, Vol. 4, London, 1819, p. 516.
Staunton, N otices Relating to China, p. 299, publishing part of a letter
Early Relations between the United States and China. 75

large proportion of the time of the House of Lords' Committee

on the Foreign Trade which in 1820 and 1821 investigated the
East India Company was spent in gathering information on
American commerce with China. The evidence showed the
Americans to be so successful with unrestricted trade that the
committee reported favorably on a similar plan for Great
Britain. 113 In 1829 and 1830 the discussion again carne up in
Parliament, and again the American trade was the chief argu-
ment. By this time the growth of American shipments of
British woolens had long been noticeable. It galled British
pride to see the Yankees come to England and carry British
manufactures to Canton. The East India Company tried in vain
to prevent it,114 and the independent merchant raged at being
compelled to see Americans accumulate fortunes from pro.fits
which he f elt belonged to him. In public meetings, 115 in the
press,116 and on the floor of Parliament,117 American trade was

answering a memorial of British ship-owners which had instanced the

American commerce with China in favor of free trade.
Parl. Papers, 1821, 7: 5.
,,. Wood, Sketches of China, p. 64, says (in 1827-8), "The extensive
importation of British goods in American vessels had been materially
detrimental to the Company's trade in China, and as they found it
impracticable to prevent the exportation frorn England by Americans,
they resolved to thwart them by using their infiuence to affect their sales
in Canton."
Proceedings of a Public Meeting of the India and China Trade,
Liverpool, 1829. The meeting was a protest against the East India
Company's monopoly of the China trade, and frequent mention was made
of the American trade.
An article in the Edinburgh Review, Jan., 1831, 52: 281-322, against
the , East India Company's monopoly attracted much attention. It cited
the success of the American trade as an argument; an argument which
John Slade, Notices on the British Trade to the Port of Canton, etc.,
London, 1830, p. 32, and British Relations with the Chinese Empire, ca.
1832, both attempt to refute.
Huskisson, in speeches May 12 and 14, 1829 (Hansard's D ebates, 2
Series, Vol. 21, pp. 1296 and 1365) , and Whitmore, May 14, 1829 (Ibid.,
p. 1349). The latter said, "The Americans fmd no difficulty in carrying
on their free trade with China, supplying not only the United States, but
all the world except Great Britain with Chinese produce, and importing
even British manufactures into Canton."
76 Kenneth S. Latourette,

cited as a reason for ending the monopoly. The result was the
defeat of the company.118 Contrary to English expectations,
however, this shipment in American vessels did not cease with
the end of t he monopoly, but continued to 183 ~ at least119 and
possibly longer.
From a consideration of the imports to China in American
ships we naturally turn to the exports. Of these tea was pre-
eminent. Choosing representative years, in 1822, 6,639,434 lbs.
were imported into the United States, in 1828, 7,707,427
lbs.,1 2 121 in 1832, 9,9o6,606 lbs., in 1837, 16,581,467 lbs., in
1840, 19,333,597 lbs.122 In value the proportion of tea to the
total American imports from China during these years was for
1822, 36% , for 1828, 45 %, for 1832, 52%, for 1837, 65%, far
1840, 81 % .123 It can readily be seen from these figures that in
the years following 1814 the relative proportion of teas to other
Chinese imports constantly increased. 124 During these later
years, in fact, our Cantan commerce was mostly for the purpose
of obtaining them. The teas thus imported carne from nearly
all of the southeastern provinces and from sorne of the central
provinces of China.125 The many bewildering grades known to
trade were all subdivisions of the two main kinds, black and
green, grown on different varieties of the same species of shrub. 126
Black teas, the cheapest, included such grades as Souchong,

Hugh Murray, et alii, An Historical and Descriptive Account of
China. 3 v., Edinburgh, 1836. 3: 50.
Peter N. Snow, American Consul at Canton, wrote Feb. 15, 1836,
that it still continued. Consular Letters, Canton, II. The statistics for
1836-7 in the Chinese Repository, 6: 284-6, also show it to have been still
The figures befare 1816 were, for 1790, 3,047,252 lbs., for 1794,
2,460,914 lbs., for 1800, 3,797,634 lbs., for 1805, 5,119,441 lbs., for 1810,
7,839,457 lbs. Pitkin, Stat. View, ed. 1835, pp. 246, 247.
Pitkin, Sta t. View of U. S., ed. 1835, pp. 246, 247,. 301.
Chinese Repos., 9 : 191.
Ex. Doc. 35, 27 Cong., 3 Sess., p. 10.
m This proportional increase was largely due to the decline m the
importation of silks and cottons. Commerce of the U . S. with China,
Hunt's Mere. Mag., I I : 55.
L'lG These were Fuhkien, Nganhui, Kiangsu, Kwantung, Hunan, Hupeh,

Honan, and Szechuen. Ch. R ep., 8: 135-148.

l2'l Ibid.
Early Relations between the United States and China. ' 77

Orange, Bohea, Congo, Campoi, and Pekoe. Of these Bohea

and Souchong were the main ones purchased by Americans.
Of the green teas, Hyson, Hyson-skin, Y oung Hyson, and Gun-
powder were the main kinds.127 In the years immediately after
l 784, Bohea, the cheapest grade, was chief in American cargoes.
Later, Souchong, a better black tea, began to predominate, and
after 1800 the proportion of the still higher grades, green teas,
especially Hyson, Y oung Hyson, and Hyson Skin, began to
increase, until by 1810 green and black teas were imported in
nearly equal amounts. 128 By 1837 the greeJl teas were four-
fifths or more of the total amount.129 This steadily increasing
demand in the United States for better grades of teas clearly
indicates a growing discrimination of taste and an increasing
ability to buy.
The exportation of teas from China in American ships, how-
ever, was not to supply the home market alone. There was a
large shipment of teas to other countries, both directly from
China and by reexportation from the United States. During the
European Wars the proportion reexported had been large, usually
a third of the year's imports.130 After the War of 1812 the pro-
portion declined to a fourth or even a tenth, largely because such
teas as were taken to foreign countries in American ships could
more easily be brought directly from China.1 3 1 Sorne were taken
to Russia,1 32 sorne to France,133 sorne to Gibraltar ,134 sorne to
Brazil,13 5 but more to Holland and to the German ports, prin-
cipally Hamburg. 1 36 The American tea trade in Holland fell off

Murray, Histl. and Descriptive Acct. of China, 3: 52.
Consular Letters, Canton, I (estima tes by the American Consul),
and Impost Books of the Providence Custom House, passim, are the best
authorities. The amounts are also shown by the tables in Pitkin, Stat.
View, ed. 1816, p. 209.
Ch. Rep., 9: 191.
Pitkin, Stat. View, ed. 1836, pp. 246-247.
m Ibid.
Pitkin, Stat. View, ed. 1816, p. 195.
lSJI Parl. Papers, 1821, 7 : 381-382. Table prepared by Trumbull Eros.
and Co., of imports to Marseilles. See British Relations with Chinese
Empire, p. 28, for French Atlantic Ports.
British Relations with Chinese Empire, p. 28.
m Ibid.
The amounts in 1826, rather a banner year, were, Holland, 230,137
78 K enneth S. Latourette,

in la ter years, as the N etherlands finally began te import for

themselves.137 Canada got her teas largely from the United
States, in spite of the higher import duties in the latter country,1 38

Spanish dollars, Gibraltar, 235,474, Hanse Towns and Germany, 337,331,

France on the Atlantic, 209,252, the Brazils, 180,164, all others, 216,336.
Ibid. The "Brookline" carne to Hamburgh with teas in 1834. Ms.
log of "Brookline." Parl. Papers, 1821, 7: 84, Evidence of Robert
Report of Select Com. on E. India Co., Parl. Papers, 1830, 5: xix-xx.
This is perhaps a .good place to sketch in a footnote the history of the
United States tariff on China goods to 1844. Various individual states
had levied a tariff on tea before the adoption of the Constitution (South
Carolina's tariff is given in the Providence Gazette, May 29, 1784. Penn-
sylvania's tariff is mentioned by Fitzsimmons in a speech on the tariff,
Apr. 18, 1789, Benton's Abridg., 1: 42) and in 1789 in the first tariff
passed by Congress, it was one of the luxuries which had had an i"mpost
duty put on it, a duty, however, which discriminated sharply in favor
of American ships and of voyages made directly from China. (The
Public Statutes at Large of the United States of America, 1 : 25. The
debates are in Benton, Abridgement, 1 : 42, 41.) There was sorne opposi-
tion to the heavy discrimination, and in the tariff of 1790 this was made
less pronounced, duties on teas brought in American ships being raised
to be more nearly equal to those brought in foreign vessels. (U. S.
Statutes at Large, 1: 180.) The reduced protection led to a larger influx
of teas from Europe and to much dissatisfaction among the merchants
engaged in the China trade. (Report of Hamilton on trade with India
and China, Feb. IO, 1791, American State Papers, Finance, 1 : 107.
Petition of Philadelphia merchants, Feb, 24, 1792, Annals of Congress,
2d Cong., p. 427. Petition of Boston Merchants, June 7, 1797, Annals of
Cong., 5th Cong., Vol. 1, p. 25r.) The next year, 1791, the policy was
adopted of allowing the payment of duties on teas to be postponed by
a bonding process, a plan which thirty-five years later was to prove so
disastrous in the case of Thomas H. Smith and others. (U. S. Stat.
at Large, 1 : 219, 1 : 627-704, 168.) No other general schedule was adopted
until 1816, but in the mean time a few changes had been made. J anuary
29th, 1795, a specific rate was made for gunpowder, imperial, and gomee
teas. (U. S. Stat. at Large.) March 3d, 1797, an additional duty was
levied to pay the foreign debt (U. S . Stat. at Large, 1 :503) ; March
24th, 1804, an additional duty of two and a half per cent ad valorem was
imposed to help defray the expenses of the war against Tripoli and the
Barbary powers (Ibid., 2: 291) , an act which was continued from time
to time until 1813 (Ibid., 2 :391, 456, su, 555, 614, 675) ; and a slight
change was made, also in 1804, on duties on cassia, gunpowder, mace,
and nutmegs. (Ibid., 2: 299.) In 1812, as a war measure to raise
revenue, all duties were increased one hundred per cent with an additio11al
Early Relations between the United States and China. 79

and continued to do so until 1825, when the East India Com-

pany was permitted to ship tea directly to the Dominion. 1 39
Tea was the most important American export from Cantan,
but there were others which were prominent for many years.
Chinese silk was always exported, generally in a manufactured
form. In the fif teen years after 1820 it was of great importance,
several times amounting to more than one-third of the total
imports to the United States fror. China. 140 Later, however,

ten per cent on goods not imported in vessels belonging to citizens of

the United States, the increase to cease with the conclusion of peace.
(Ibid., 2: 768.) The tariff of 1816, the first general one since 1790, raised
the duties on China goods over those of the earlier year from twenty to
forty per cent, still preserving a discrimination in favor of those brought
in American bottoms directly from Cantan. The protective tariff wave
affected the duties on these goods, and in 1824, for the first time, an
import tax of twenty-five per cent ad valorem was placed on cotton and
silk manufactures from beyond the Cape of Good Hope. Two excep-
tions, however, were made in favor of the China merchants ; the pro-
visions of the law were not to apply until J anuary 1st, 1825, and nankeens
were not included in the rule which considered the mnimum cost as
thirty cents a yard. (Ibid., 4: 25.) The "Tariff of Abominations" (May
19, 1826) affected the China trade merely in the one item of an addi-
tional five per cent ad valorem on ali silks from beyond the Cape of
Good Hope. (U. S. Statutes at Large, 4: 270.) In 1830 the .duties on
teas were reduced materially (Ibid., 4 : 404), and the tariff of 1832 for
the first time entirely exempted from duty teas brought in American
vessels directly from East Asia, and reduced the duty on most of the
other China goods. At the same time the law permitting the deposit of
teas under bond was repealed, bringing to an end a system which had
been begun forty years before. (Ibid., 4: 583.) The tariff of 1841 still
exempted from duty tea brought by American ships from China, although
levying one on other China goods (Ibid., 5: 463), but with a brief reviva!
of higher tariff legislation in the act of 1842, a thirty per cent ad valorem
duty was placed on China ware, a specific duty on cassia, mace, and ginger,
and a twenty per cent ad valorem duty on all unenumerated goods, an
increase which must have included teas and silks. A ten per cent addi-
tional duty was placed on ali goods imported from the East. (Ibid.,
5: 548.) The tendency of the long discrimination in favor of American
ships was to keep the China trade in the hands of American shippers, a
protection, however, which was scarcely needed, ' so efficient was the
merchant marine.
Report of Select Com. on E. India Co., Par!. Papers, 1830, 5: xix-xx,
and Sen. Doc., 1 Sess., 19 Cong., No. 31.
Tables in Pitkin, Stat. View, 1835, p. 301. Ex. Doc. 35, 3 Sess., 37
Cong., p. 10.
80 K enneth S. Latourette,

owing possibly to changing fashions, it declined, until in 1841 it

was scarcely eight per cent of the whole.141 Somewhat similar
were the :otton cloths or nankeens. Although bearing the name
of N anking, they were manufactured in many 4ither parts of
China. They were white, blue, or brown, and "in point of
strength, durability, and essential cheapness" were not surpassed
by any of the cotton fabrics of Europe or England. 142 In point
of value they never exceeded fourteen per cent of the total
American imports from Cantan, and for the most part were
much less. Like silk, they suffered a great decline befare 1839,
sinking from $452,873 in 1829143 to $2,363 in 1840.14 4
Other articles o.f importance were cassia, a substitute for
cinnamon, which seldom amounted to more than $100,000 a year
in value, 144 china ware, used often as ballast, but in later years
driven out of the American market by European porcelain,145
a little sugar, principally in the form of sugar candy,146 and
numbers of minar articles such as fire screens, firecrackers,
camphor, rhubarb, and fans.
Like teas, these other articles were brought in American ships
not only to the United States, but also to many other parts of
the world. Silks, said to have been manufactured by the
Chinese in imitation of French goods, were exported to South
America:1 47 N ankeens were al so taken there, and quite an
extensive trade was carried on with that continent, contraband
during the earlier years, legal after the independence of the
South American republics.148 Various other China goods were,
Ex. Doc. 35, 3 Sess., 17 Cong., p. 10, and Lecture of Sturgis, Niles
Register, 68 :343.
" Murray, Histl. and Dese. Acct. of China, 3 : 56. Ch. Rep., 2 : 465.
rn Pitkin, Stat. View, ed. 1835, p. 30I.
,,. Ex. Doc. 35, 27 Cong., 3 Sess., p. JO.
u G Ibid., and Hunt's Mere. Mag., 3: 469, Ch. Rep., 2: 455-456.

" Ch. Rep., 2: 47x.

Voyage autour du Monde, Execut pendant les annes 1836 et 1837
sur la Corvette La Bonite. Relation du Voyage par A. De La Salle. 3 v.,
Paris, 1852. 3 : 238.
Weeden, Oriental Trade of Providence, p. 263, mentions the "Arthur"
as attempting to take nankeens to Montevideo and Rio Janeiro in 1809:
Forbes, Personal Reminiscences, pp. 98-r u, mentions smuggling on the
west coast of South America in 1825, and runnirig the blockade into
Buenos Ayres in 1827.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 81

of course, taken to the countries where tea was imported,

although not to so large an extent. 149
During the years following the War of 1812 the pecliar com-
munity lif e which grew up at Canton under Chinese regulations
took on its completed form. Americans had long since won their
place among the foreign merchants and were second in infiuence
and impor~ance only to the English. The American factory was
one of the best in the thirteen,1 50 but business had outgrown it
and had overfiowed into other hongs. The American firms were
mostly commission houses, of ten closely allied to firms in the
United States, but organized separately and under different names.
Of the one hundred and thirty-three foreign residents at Can-
ton,' Macao, and Lintin, in 1832, twenty were Americans,1 5 1 and
by 1841 the number had increased to thirty-seven.1 52 Of these
American firms, the earliest was Shaw and Randall, and the most
famous were Milner and Bull, Talbot, Olyphant and Company, 153
Samuel Russell and Company ( 1818-1823)-which was suc-
ceeded by Russell and Company ( 1823-1824) 1 54-Russell,
Sturgis, and Company ( ? -December 31, 1839),1 55 P . W .

H~ Parl. Papers, 1821, 7: 381, 382, give an account of nankeens brought

into Marseilles in 1817 and 1818, and Parl. Papers, 1833, E. India Co.
Papers, relating to trade with India and China, p. 14, give the exports
from Canton in American vessels destined for other places than the
United States.
'In 1838 the chaplain of the frigate "Columbia'' described it as "an
extensive building, three stories high, fronting the grounds on the river,
and extending back for sorne three or four hundred feet, with an open
passage way or narrow court running through its center from the front
to the back walls. The b.uilding is divided into three compartments. . . .
Within this range of walls are the store rooms, and rooms occupied by
the comprador, coolies, and other servants attached to the hong, com-
prising the . . . ground floor, and the second story affording fine
drawing rooms and chambers, both spacious and airy; two requisites for
comfort in this climate. The top of the building is crowned by a
turret . . . . from which an extensive view is had." Taylor, Flagship,
2: 170. See as well a description in Paullin, Diplomatic Negotiations of
American Naval Officers, pp. 171-173.
m Roberts, Embassy to Ern. Courts., p. 130.
Chinese Rep., ro: 58-60.
1 08
Griffis, America in the East, p. 7r.
m Hunter, Fan Kwae in Canton, pp. 156, 157
Canton Press, Jan. 25, 1840.
TRANs. CoNN. AcAD., Vo1. XXII 6 r917
Kenneth S. Latourette,

Snow,156 J. P. Sturgis,1 57 and Wetmore and Company. 158 The

names of these firms remained the same from year to year but
their composition changed. 159 As a rule they were made up of
specialists, men who had come out to China in 4arly life and
had learned the business from the bottom up. 160 Although the
American trade was not a government monopoly, it became
almost a natural one, for the experience required made it difficult
for a new firm to succeed unless closely allied to sorne older one.
As was natural in such a compact group of foreigners there
was much community life. In 1836 the Cantan General Chamber
of Commerce was formed to secure united action in protecting
the interests of foreign trade. 161 Various missionary and
philanthropic associations were organized. N ewspapers were
started; the "Cantan Register" was begun in 1827 by sorne
Englishmen, with Mr. Wood, a young Philadelphian, as editor;
"The Chinese Courier and Canton Gazette," an American enter-
prise, published its first number July 28, 1831, but created opposi-
tion by its independent position on British questions and <lid not
live long; and "The Cantan Press" was started in 1835.162
Social activities, too, were not neglected. In 1837 the "Cantan
Regatta Club" was formed, much to the mystification of the
practical-minded hong merchants.1 63 There is occasional men-
tion of formal dinners in which national lines were forgotten .1 64
Most of the social lif e, however, was at Macao. There the

Chinese Rep., S : 431.
m He arrived in 1809 and was in business in China for twenty-five years.
Bits of Old China, Hunter, pp. 1S7-16I.
Chinese Repository, S: 431.
uo Hunter, Fan Kwae at Cantan, pp. 1S6, 1S7, gives the history of Russell
and Company, which shows this statement to be true. Also see Cantan
Press, Jan. 2s, 1840, and Cantan Register, Jan. 3, 1831.
See as an exainple, sketch by Hunter of his own life there from
1824 to 1842 in his Fan K wae at Canton, p. I.
Anglo-Chinese Kalendar for 1838, Cantan, 1838. Eitel, Eur. in China,
p. 67, and Chinese Rep., 6: 44-47. The Chamber of Commerce comprised
representatives from all foreign nationalities doing business in Canton.
1 2
" See Bibliography.
"" Hunter, Bits of Old China, p. 276.

'' Nye, Morning of My Life in China, p. SS, mentions a farewell dinner in

1838 to Mr. J ardine, at which one hundred British and American merchants
were present. Ch. Rep., II : 1, mentions a somewhat similar dinner in 1832.
Early Relations between. the United States and China. 83

Chinese restrictions were somewhat relaxed, and the greater

leisure of out-of-season months gave more time for recreation.
The little peninsula was a bit of the West, a Portuguese colony,
and during the winter months it would have been difficult to
discover a gayer society anywhere short of Europe. 165
On the part of the United States Government the years fol-
lowing the War of 1812 were ones of gradually increasing inter-
est in China. We have seen that it was one of the factors of the
Oregon agitation in Congress. In addition to this, in March,
1822, the House committee on commerce took occasion in its
report to notice the importance of the American trade in China:
"It is inferior to that of no nation, Great Britain excepted." 166
In November, 1819, the frigate "Congress," the first of the
United States navy to visit the port, anchored off Lintin. She
was tolerated by the Chinese as a convoy to merchant ships, but
was ordered "not to linger about on the coast" after the mer-
chantmen had sailed. 167 She stayed on, however, with two
absences of sorne months, until early in 182i. The Chinese
after sorne protest allowed her to take on supplies. 167 In 1830
the "Vincennes,'J the first American ship to circumnavigate the
gfobe, called at Macao. Early in 1832 the frigate "Potomac"
visited Cantan after having punished the natives at Quallah
Battoo in Sumatra for the plunder of the ship "Friendship" of
Salem the year before. The consul was ordered to "compel
her to set sail and to return to her own country." 168 In 1832 the
expedition of Edmund Roberts, composed of the ship "Peacock"

~ Occasional reerences to this society occur in various narratives, and
the journal o a Salero girl who spent four years there ( 1823-1833) gives
us an intimate picture o this gay Occidental lie in its Oriental setting:
My Mother's Journal, A Young Lady's Diary o Five Years Spent in
Manila, Macao, and the Cape of Good Hope, from 1829-1834, Katherine
Hillard, editor, Boston, 1900. See also on Macao, Letters and Recollec-
tions of J. M. Forbes, l: 82, and for a description o the place, Missionary
Herald (article by S. W. Williams) , 35: 52-55, Milburn, Oriental Com-
merce, p. 451, Shaw's Journals, pp. 236-241, La Perouse, Voyages,
2 : 280-285.
Am. State Papers, Commerce and Navigation, 2: 637.
Niles, Register, 19: 74. Paullin, Diplomatic Negotiations of American
Naval Officers, pp. 168-18r.
Reynolds, Voyage of the Potomac, pp. 343-344, Ch. Rep., l l : 9, ro.
Kenneth S. Latourette,

and the schooner "Boxer," was sent out by the United States
to secure treaties with eastern powers, and to protect the interests
of American seamen. Its immediate cause was the "Friendship"
affair, but it visited Manila, Canton, Cochin C!Wia, Siam, and
Muscat, and secured treaties with the last two. It touched at
Canton in November, 1832, but of course could not get into
communication with the government, and was ordered to leave
at the earliest possible moment. 169 Four years later Roberts
returned to the Far East in the "Peacock" to exchange ratifica~
tions. Again the expedition touched at Macao. It was watched
closely by cruisers and was ordered to leave as soon as its sick
were well. 170 In the interval between Roberts' two visits the
"Vincennes" had again been there and had met with the usual
peremptory order to leave.171 The Roberts embassy was a sign
of an awakening interest on the part of the government. Jack-
son himself mentioned the China and East India trade in his
annual message of December, r83r. 112 Under the same vigorous
administration an exploring expedition was sent out to the South
Seas under Commodore Wilkes, with . the revival of the beche
de mer, sandal wood, and sealing voyages prominent among its
objects. 1 73

'"" Roberts, Embassy to Eastern Courts, passim, Ch. Rep., l l : rr ; Jan-

uary, 1842. Secondary accounts are in Foster, Am. Dip. in the Orient,
pp. 45-55, and Callaban, Am. Relations in the Pacific, II: 48.
" Ruschenberger, Voyage Round the World, p. 374. Ch. Rep., 5: 228.
Sept., 1836.
Can ton Register, 9: 9. ( 1836.) The Hoppo's order was dated Jan.
9, 1836.
James D. Richardson, A Compilation of the Messages and Papers
o the Presidents, 1789-1897, Washington, 1900. 2: 551.
m It was first planned for 1827 and 1828 (Fanning, Voyages to the
South Seas, p. 172) , but it was given up by the new administration, and
was not authorized until 1836. (Fanning sent in memorials to Conaress 0
in the latter part o 1833. Fanning, Voyages to the Soutb Seas, pp. 152-
167. Reynolds, Address.) It sailed in 1838 ater more delay, and was
gone until 1842. (Wilkes, Narrative o U. S . Exploring Exped. during
the years 1838-1842, gives the account. Callaban is in error in saying
tbat it was from 1839 to 1841. Callaban, Am. Relations in tbe Pacific,
p. II.)


PIUM TROUBLES, r8r5-r838 ( Continued).

In their origin American missions were singularly distinct

from American commerce. In Portuguese, in Spanish, and in
French intercourse with non-Christian lands the trader and the
missionary have usually gone together. The same has been true
in British and in Dutch enterprises, although to a more limited
extent. Christian missions have either begun simultaneously with
commerce, conquest, or exploration, or have been directed to
those countries to which these had pointed the way, as in the
Americas, in India, in the Philippines, and in the Dutch Indies.
In the early decades of missions from the United States, how-
ever, no such relationship obtained. Americans had abundant
commerce with non-Christian lands, but their earliest foreign
missions were not directed to those peoples with whom they had
the largest trade.
This anomalous situation was due to the causes which brought
about the American foreign missionary enterprise. One is
impressed with the fact that in the United States missions arose
largely because of the stimulus of Great Britain's example. The
last decade of the eighteenth century saw in England a great
awakening of missionary interest. The English Baptist Mis-
sionary Society was formed in r792, the London Missionary
Society in 1795, the Scotch Missionary Society in 1796, and the
Church Missionary Society in r8oo.1 The effect of this move-
ment was quickly felt in America. Worcester says: "After the
London Missionary Society was formed in 1795, the appeals of
Christians in England had an electrical effect upon our churches.
Missi.onary publications awakened an interest which in our
present circumstances it is difficult to appreciate." 2 When in
1797 the General Association of Connecticut talked of organiz-

The Christian Observer, 40: 309.
S. M. Worcester, Orig in of American Foreign Missions, p. 8, in H. W.
Pierson, American Missionary Memorial, N ew York, 1853.
86 Kenneth S. Latoitrette,

ing a m1ss10nary society it said in its public appeal: "Among

the numerous inducements to attempt this important object . . . .
we mention the uncommon success God has been graciously
pleased to grant to late undertakings of this et:ind in Great
Britain and the United States." The formation of the Philadel-
phia Bible Society in 1808 was due to its founders "contem-
plating with unf eigned pleasure the extensiye good doing by
such a society in Great Britain." 4 The American Bible Society
was so closely allied with the British and Foreign Bible Society
that the latter's annual reports included for a time accounts of
the work of the former.
The first American missionary societies did their work on the
frontiers and among the Indians, and although foreign work was
among the objects of one of them, the Massachusetts Missionary
Society,5 it was not undertaken until the formation of the Ameri-
can Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, in 18ro.
This organization, it is true, was the direct outgrowth of the
missionary purpose of a little band of students which existed
first in Williams College and later in Andover Theological
Seminary, and whose request to be sent out to the foreign field
led to the formation of a society for that purpose 6 ; but here
again British example prepared the way. Missionary papers had
been full of the work of the English societies,7 and English mis-
sionaries had corresponded with American church leaders. 8 The

Address of the General Association of Connecticut to the District

Association on the subject of a Missionary Society, etc., Norwich, 1797.
i The Panoplist and Missionary Magazine, Boston, 1809-1817. N. S.,
l: 377 (1809) . (For 1818, 1819, and 1820 this paper was called The
Panoplist and Missionary Herald; beginning with 1820 it was called the
Missionary Herald.)
This society was formed in 1799, and had at once come into fellow-
ship with the London Missionary Society. W orcester, Orig in of Am.
For. Missions, p. 9.
Worcester, Origin of Am. For. Missions, pp. 15-22. Panoplist, and
Missny. Mag., N. S., 5: 228.
Annual Report of the Director of the N. Y. Missny. Soc., 1804, speaks
of the work of the London Missionary Society. In the Panoplist, N. S.,
2: 568-571, May, 1810, some letters from William Carey from India were
published, and in the same, 3: 277, sorne news from Otaheite were given.
Letters from William Carey to Rev. Miller, N. Y., Nov. 30, 1809.
Panoplist and Missny. Mag., 2: 568-571.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 87

first plan of the American Board was to work in conjunction

with the London Missionary Society, and in l8II Adoniram
Judson was sent to England to see if the latter organization
would give fmancial support, to arrange the relations between
the societies, and to obtain information about prospective fields
and missionary preparation and administration. The English
Society was cordial, but f elt that mutual independence was pref-
erable, and the Americans later carne to the same conclusion. 9
The American Board's first missionaries, Rice, Nott, Hall, Jud-
son, and Newell, were drawn closely to their English brethren
in India, and its first large stations were there. The American
Baptist Board of Foreign Missions, formed in 1814, and the
Episcopal and the Methodist societies, formed in 1820, were
influenced by the example of the earlier organization, and if not
daughters were at least granddaughters of the English societies.10
In view of this early relationship between English and Ameri-
can missionary enterprises it was but natural that the first
American missionary efforts among the Chinese should be largely
a result of British infiuence, and only incidentally of American
commercial relations. The first Protestant worker resident in
China, Robert Morrison, was a representative of the London
Missionary Society. He arrived in Canton in September, 1807.11
In 1812 he was joined by Rev. William Milne of the same society,
who later settled at Malacca and was instrumental in found,ing

Original letters and a nearly contemporary account are in the Panoplist
and Missny. Mag., N. S., 4: 178-185.
It must not be thought, however, that British example was the only
cause of American missions. It was the immediate one, but it found a
ground ready for its seed. Much the same forces acted as in England.
Americans had ceased to turn .their eyes inward and had begun to have
a world view. Trade had an indirect effect by bringing a knowledge of
the peoples of distant lands, and the quckened relgious lfe produced by
the W esleyan and kindred movements of the eighteenth century had
prepared the churches for action.
Memoir of Morrison, r : 91 et sqq. Samuel W ells Williams, The
Middle Kingdom, N ew York, 1904, 2: 316-322. See too Carl Friedrch
August Gtzlaff, Geschchte des Chnesischen Reiches, von den altesten
Zeiten bis auf den Frieden von Nanking, Karl Friedrch Newmann.
editor, p. 785.
88 K enneth S. Latourette,

the Anglo-Chinese College in that place.12 By 1828 he ha4

finished his translation of the Old and N ew Testaments13 and had
made his first convert, Leang Afa. Rev. W. H. Medhurst and
Samuel Dyer had joined him, the former worki~ in Batavia14
and the latter at the Straits Settlements.
From the very start Morrison was closely connected with the
United States. Because of the unfriendliness of the East India
Company he sailed from New York on an American ship, and
was given a Jetter of introduction by Madison, then Secretary
of State, to Carrington, the United States Consul at Canton. 15
On bis arrival in China he lived for ayear in the American hong
with the N ew York firm of Milner and Bull.1 6 Frequent news
of Morrison and other workers among the Chinese appeared in
the American missionary publications17 and American contribu-
tions helped to publish the Serampore translation of the Bible. 18
In 1824 the American Tract Society called attention in its report
to Milne's need of tracts for distribution among the Chinese. 19
In 1820, Morrison was elected, "by ballot to be corresponding
member" of the American Board,2 and in 1821 the American
Bible Society presented him with a Bible in admiration of his
services. 21 As time went on, Morrison and Milne became eager
to have the American churches join in the enterprise22 and to
have either America or England seh.d out a chaplain for the
sea;nen at Whampoa. 23 These views became known in the
United States and found a ready response. The Missionary

Robert Philip, The Life and Opinions of the Rev. William Milne, D.D.,
Missionary to China, Philadelphia, 1840. Williams, Mid. King., 2: 318-322.
The New Testament was completed in 1813 and the Old Testament in
1819. Philip, Life and Opinions of Milne. Foster, Christian Progress
in China, pp. 40-45.
"William Dean, The China Mission, New York, 1859, p. 85.
Morrison, Memoir, l: 91, 129, 131.
Ibid., p. 153. Williams, Mid. King., 2: 318-322.
Panoplist, 3: 381, 421, N. S., 3: 372; II: 37, 549; 17: 265; 19: 158;
20: 56; 21: 56.
Panoplist and Missny. Mag., N. S., 5: 168.
Proceedings of the first Ten Years of the American Tract Society,
Boston, 1824, p. 143
Memoirs of Morrison, 2: 83.
Memoirs of Morrison, 2: n6.
Philip, Life and Opinions of Milne, p. 128.
Extract from Milne's Retrospect of the first ten years of the Protestant
Early Relations between the United States and China. 89

Berald in October, ~828, in speaking of Morrison said: "N

sufficient reason exists why he should not be strengthened by
other laborers or why the churches of this country sbould not
send them." 24 The American Seaman's Friend Society, in its
report of 1829 called attention to "the three thousand American
and English seamen who annually visit the port of Canton,
China," and "determined to occupy Canton a~ soon as a suitable
person presents himself for the service." 25 The initial step was
taken by D. VV. C. Olyphant, an American Canton merchant,
who had become acquainted with Morrison sorne years before, 26
and who was so deeply interested in missionary proj ects that his
rooms in Canton had come to be known as "Zion's Corner." 27
He offered to give free passage and a year's residence to any
missionary whom the American Board should send. 2 8 As a
result both the American Seaman's Friend Society and the Ameri-
can Board bestirred themselves and each succeeded in finding
a man. The two, Rev. David Abeel and Rev. Elijah C. Bridg-
man, were sent out in October, 1829, and arrived at Canton in
February, 1830. 29 The former, a minister of the Dutch Reformed
Church, was to serve one year as chaplain of the American Sea-
man's Friend Society, and was then to enter the service of the
American Board and to examine the Eastern waters for the
best localities for missionary work. Bridgman went out directly
under the American Board, and was to devote his time to Can-
ton.30 This dual plan had been suggested two years before by
several Americans in Canton31 and was now carried out.

Mission to China, in Missny. Herald, 17: 265. Abeel and Bridgman were
sent out as a direct result of Morrison's wish. 2d Annual Report ( 1830)
of American Seaman's Friend Society, N ew York.
Missny. Herald, 24 : 330 (Oct., 1828).
First Annal Rep. (1829) Am. Seaman's Friend Soc., p. 17.
Memoirs of Morrison, 2: 86.
Hunter, Bits of Old China, p . 166.
Abeel, Journal, pp. 31-32. Foster, Am. Dipl. in O rient, p. 137, foot-

note, is in error in saying: "U pon his [Olyphant's] invitation the first
Protesta:nt missionary, Robert Morrison, of England was brought to
China," but he is fairly correct in his other points.
Abeel, J ournal, pp. 31-33. Bridgman, Life of Bridgman, pp. l-37.
Williamson, Memoir of beel, pp. 49-67.
' First Annual Report of American Seaman's Friend Soc., May, 1830,
p. 36.
K enneth S. Latourette,

In the work thus begun by the American churches there were

two factors which determined the line of approach and the
method of work. In the first place, the Chinese Empire was
practically closed to all but the most limited mi~onary work.
The Roman Catholics held their own, but with the greatest diffi-
culty, chiefly because they had gained a foothold in China in more
favorable days. The Protestants were confined to Macao and
to the little spot in Canton accessible to foreigners. Even here
imperial edicts threatened with strangulation any one who
should attempt to propagate Christianity, and the work had to be
carried on with more or less secrecy. 3 2 Work was largely con-
fined to language study and to translation. A few years later it
was found possible to distribute printed matter along the coast
to sorne extent, but even by this means no large numbers could
he effectively reached until China should b~ opened.
A second factor was the pre'sence outside the Empire of large
numbers of Chinese colonists. In Siam, in the Malay Pennsula,
and in the Archipelago, large settlements of Chinese existed
which were easily accessible to missionary infiuence. Here was
an opportunity to learn the language, to print books, to found
schools, and to do preliminary work until the Empire might be
opened, and here also was the chance to do an extensive work
among a Chinese population both for their own sakes and in the
hope that sorne of them might be converted and return to China
to spread the faith.
These two factors early divided American Protestant missions
tb the Chinese into two branches, those in Canton and those to
colonists outside the empire. The first branch must again be
subdivided into missions inaugurated from America and those
started by foreign residents of Can ton. W e have already seen
the beginning of the missions inaugurated from America and
centering at Canton, and it remains to trace them clown to the
outbreak of the opium troubles. Bridgman and Abeel arrived
in China in February, 1830. They took up their residence,
according to Mr. Olyphant's agreement, with Talbot, his repre-
sentative.33 Morrison, who had done so much to bring about
Chinese Repository, 6 : 53, gives the new edict of 1821 against
Talbot was also American Consul. David Abeel, J ournal of a Resi-
Early Relations between the United States and China. 91

their coming, gave them every assistance. Abeel took up bis

duties as chaplain both to the American residents and the foreign
seamen, in Cantan, and was kept too busy for language study
or for work among the natives. 34 He preached in the large room
of the factory where he resided, and when occasion offered, on
the ships in the harbor at Whampoa. 35 In December he closed
his year's work and left for Batavi:a on a tour of investigation
for the American Board. Bridgman spent the year mostly in
language study, but he found time for teaching a few boys,
and for preaching and correspondence. By the end of the year
he 4ad also prepared sorne Scripture lessons in Chinese. 36
Most _of 1831 passed without event. Bridgman and his little
school spent the summer at Macao. 37 A press was sent out in the
latter part of the year by Olyphant's church in New York, 38 and
on its arrival and at the suggestion of Morrison and others,
Bridgman determined to start a periodical. 39 This, the Chinese
Repository, was as its title suggests, begun for the spread among
foreigners of information concerning China, its laws, customs,

dence in China and the Nejghboring Countries, New York, 1836, pp. 61-74.
Correspondence of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign
Missions, Mss. in their Library in Boston. Letter of Bridgman to Jer'h
Evarts, Mar. 5, 1830. The date on the letter is Feb. 5, but other docu-
ments prove this to have been a slip of the pen.
' Abeel, Residence in China, p. ros.
Ibid., pp. 105-106, and 3d Annual R.ep. of Am. Seaman's Friend
Soc., p. 3.
Correspondence of the A. B. C. F. M., in China, Nos. 21, 35, 37, 4r.
(Letters and J ournal of Bridgman.) Abeel, Residence in China, p. l5I.
The Life and Labors o Elijah Coleman Bridgman, edited by Eliza J.
Gillett Bridgman with an introductory note by Asa D. Smith. N ew
york, 1864, pp. 43-57.
Corres. of A. B. C. F. M., China, 1831-7, No. 44. Bridgman to
Evarts, June 13, l83r.
Morrison had wished a press sent out with the American mission in
the first place. Letter from him in Missny. Herald, 26 : 366. Frederick
Wells Williams, The Life and Letters o Samuel Wells Williams, LL.D.,
Missionary, Diplomatist, Sinologue, New York, 1889. Letter o Wil-
liams, p. 78. The pre~s arrived in December, 1831, and the type carne
months later. Corres. of A. B. C. F. M., China, Nos. 53, 60, letters o
Bridgman, Dec. 30, 1831, and Apr. 18, 1832.
Corres. of A. B. C. F.- M., China, No. 60, and Bridgman, Life and
Letters of Bridgman, p. 74.
92 Kenneth S . Latourette,

history, and current events, and concerning miss10ns to the

Chinese. It was put in a form designed to make it of interest
to the reader not primarily concerned with religious matters. 40
It was begun in May, 1832, 41 and for the first ye~ or two was
the source of much anxiety to Bridgman. He feared that the
American Board would not approve of it42 and that it would not
be a financia! success. It was undertaken for the first year by
the Christian Union of Canton, a local organization, but Bridg-
man wrote in April, 1833, that it could not "be carried forward
without consideraqle expense and against many difficulties." 43
Later, probably in January or February, 1834, Olyphant carne to
the rescue, guaranteeing the expense and furnishing a building
which housed the magazine for over forty years. 44
The same year in which the Repository was begun saw the
arrival at Canton of a successor to Abeel, Rev. Edwin Stevens.45
He reached China in J une, the first of those Y ale graduates who
were later to have so large a part in missions to China. He con-
tinued his work for four and a half years, the last nine months
being in the service of the American Board. He died January
5, 1837, while on a trip to Borneo. 46 The chaplaincy to the sea-
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - --

.. It continued to be published long after 1844, and is one of the best

sources for the history of the foreign relations of China throughout this
period. Bridgman remained its editor until 1851. Bridgman, Life and
Letters of Bridgman, p. 74.
Corres. of A. B. C. F. M., China, 1831-7, Bridgman to Anderson,
Jan. 19, 1833, "! am very anxious to know what you think of the
Repository. Shall it go on ?"
!bid., No. 73.
.. Corres. A. B. C. F. M., China, 1831-7, No. 89, Bridgman to Anderson,
Feb. 4, 1838. The letter told of Olyphant's offer, and concluded : "The
expense of the first volume will be something to him,-perhaps and per-
haps not,-but for the second we hope there will be no charge, for a little
extra work we intend that the office shall pay for itself." S. W. Wil-
liams was not quite exact when he wrote that "when the Chinese Reposi-
tory was commenced he [Olyphant] offered to bear the loss or its pub-
lication, if it proved a failure." (Williams, Life and Letters of S. Wells
Williams, p. 78.) The guarantee, although including the first volume in
its scope, was not made until later.
" Ch. Rep., 1 : 243.
Alexander Wylie, Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the Chinese,
Early Relations between the United States and China. 93

men left vacant by him was never filled. Rev. J. W. Newton

accepted the place, but seems not to have taken up the work, 47
and the American Seaman's Friend Society, which had joined
in beginning the American Mission to China, disappeared from
the field. 48
In 1833, perhaps partly in response to an appeal which Morri-
son and Bridgman had made in 1832,49 two more men arrived,
Samuel Wells Williams, and Rev. Ira Tracy. Williams carne
to take charge of the press, and Tracy as an additional missionary.
They sailed from the United States in 1833 on one of Olyphant's
ships, the "Morrison,'' and arrived in China in October. 50
Tracy left Cantan soon afterward to be stationed at Singapore.
In 1834 the growing mission at Cantan received a serious
check. Leang-Afa, the first Chinese convert, together with a
fellow disciple, had been distributing many Christian books in
and around Canton. 51 In that year Lord N apier, the first British
superintendent of trade, reached Cantan, and trouble arase which
resulted in the Chinese stopping the English trade. N apier,
failing to make an impression on the governor, issued a printed
proclamation to the Chinese people-an indiscreet act for a
diplomatist-in which he stated his case. This angered the
authorities and search was made for the natives who had helped
to publish the appeal. The mission's printing office was raided,
Leang-Afa and severa! other Chinese were seized, and although
released later, felt it best to leave the city for a time. 52 The dis-
orders had already frightened away Bridgman's Chinese teacher
and pupils,53 and this added trouble, together with the death of

Giving a list of their Publications and Obituary notices of the Deceased.

Shanghai, 1867, p. 84, and Ch. Rep., S: 513.
9th Annual Rep., Am. Seaman's Friend Soc.
Up to 1844, as their annual reports show, they had obtained no
successor to Stevens who actually reached the field.
Corres. of A. B. C. F. M., China, 1831-7, Sept. 4, 1832.
:.o Williams, Life and Letters of S. W . Williams, p. 49, Corres. of
A. B. C. F. M., China, 1831-7, No. 78, Bridgman to Anderson, Oct. 22, 1833.
Missny. Herald, 30: 192; 31 : 70.
Williams, Mid. King., 2: 328, and Joseph Tracy, History of the
American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, Worcester,
1840, p. 246.
Corres. of A. B. C. F. M., China, 1831-7, No. 10, Bridgman to Ander-
son, Aug. 12, 1834.
94 K enneth S. Latourette;

Morrison, cast a gloom over the scanty force and retarded its
work. 54
While the after swells of this squall were dying down, there
arrived still another reenforcement, Peter Pat:er, the first
medical missionary to China. Bridgman had f elt the lack of
such a man for sorne time. 55 Morrison and T. R. Cooledge had
each begun dispensing medicines in 1827, 56 but something more
was needed, and to supply it, the American Board sent out
Parker. 57 He sailed June 3 58 in one of Olyphant's ships and
reached Canton October 26th.59 It was early decided that he
should go to Singapore to learn the language, and af ter a year
there he returned to Can ton. Here, N ovember 4, 1835, he opened
an Ophthalmic Hospital. 60 The suspicions of the Chinese were
soon disarmed, and after the first year, Howqua, the chief hong
merchant, gave him a building rent free. 61
Five days before this hospital was opened, Stevens returned
from a remarkable voyage with Medhurst along the coast of
China. In the closed condition of the Chinese Empire it was
possible to do little more than to distribute printed matter and
to trust to it for the work of evangelization. From June, 1831,
to May, 1832, Gtzlaff, a German missionary, had made three

"'Ibid., No. 102, Oct. 31, 1834, Bridgman to Anderson.

Corres. of A. B. C. F. M., China, 1831-7, No. 83, Bridgman to Ander-
son, Dec. 26, 1833. He desires that Tracy's place at Canton be occupied
imniediately by an able physician. ". . . . all of us are anxious that
such a man should be here.''
Williams, Mid. King., 2: 333.
"' Stevens, Life of Parker, pp. 5-99.
Parker was a N ew Englander by birth, and had been educated at
Amherst and Yale, taking his A.B. at the latter institution in 1831, and
later completing a medica! and theological course there. While a senior
in college he had decided to enter the mission field and had become a
warm friend of Stevens .. In 1834 he was ordained. Wylie, Memorial
of Prot. Missionaries.
Ibid. and Corres. of A. B. C. F. M., China, 1831-7, No. 173. Parker
to Anderson, Oct. 30, 1834.
George B. Stevens, The Life, Letters, and Journals of the Rev. and
Hon. Peter Parker, M.D., etc., Boston and Chicago, 1896, pp. 106-119.
A. P. Stokes, in Memorials of Eminent Yale Men. New Haven, 1914.
Williams, Mid. King., 2: 333-7.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 95

voyages along the coast, selling and distributing religious and

scientific works. 62 .Much criticism, however, was raised in sorne
quarters by the fact that at least one of these voyages had been
in connection with the opium traffic. 63 Still there was felt to
be a larger opporfnity here, and the missionary world was
stirred to action by the German's reports. In the summer of
1835, Medhurst, who had been working arnong the Chinese in
Batavia, carne to Can ton at the request of Morrison ( through
the London Missionary Society) to undertake a similar voyage.
Through the agency of Olyphant and Company, he succeeded in
obtaining the American brig "Huron," Thomas Winsor, master, 64
and took Edwin Stevens with him. They left August 26th,
and by October 31st had visited the provinces of Shantung and
Fphkien, whose dialects Medhurst could speak, and the port
of Shanghai. In Shantung they were able to travel overland
sorne distance, meeting with only occasional resistance; but at
Shanghai they were rudely received and were followed clown the
coast by war junks. 65 The effect of the voyage was to show that
settled mission work was still impossible in the Empire, but an
increased knowledge of the natives was gained, and sorne indi-
cations were found that the opening of China would not be long
The year 1836 was a quiet one for the rnissionaries of the
American Board. Bridgman was busy assisting Medhurst and
J. R. Morrison in a revision of Morrison's translation of the

2 Williams, Mid. King., 2: 328-329. Carl Friedrich August Gtzlaff,

The Journal of Two Voyages along the coast of China in 1831 and
1832, etc., N ew York, 1833. The fact that these were published in Eng-
lish and in N ew York shows the interest with which they were followed
in the United States.
Corres. of A. B. C. F. M., China, 1831-7, No. 205, Stevens to Anderson,
Mar. 6, 1834.
W. H. Medhurst, China: Its State and Prospects with especial
Reference to the Spread of the Gospel, etc., London, 1838, pp. 365-367, and
Ch. Rep., 4: 308-335. This publishes part of the journal kept by Stevens
during the voyage.
Ch. Rep., 4 : 308-335. See other accounts, not, however, with the value
of this one, in Williams, Mid. King., 2: 329-330, and Foster, Christian
Progress in China, p. 139
K enneth S. Latourette,

Bible.66 The chapel formerly occupied by the factory of the

East India Company was obtained and the congregations
increased somewhat. 67 Williams, whom they feared would be
transf erred to Singapore, still stayed on, busy vtiith his press. 68
Language study and printing were quietly pursued, but no dis-
turbances or new enterprises marked the year.
The ye~.r was made noteworthy, however, by the entrance of
the American Baptist Board upon the Cantan work. The pos-
sibilities of missions for the Chinese were becoming increasingly
attractive to American churches. The Presbyterian and Dutch
Reformed bodies, which had thus far acted with the American
Board, were beginning to talk of independent action. 69 In April
and May, 1836, the Missionary Lyceum of Wesleyan University,
at Middletown, Connecticut, brought strongly to the attention of
the Methodist Missionary Society the needs of China, and pre-
liminary steps were taken to raise money for a mission there. 70
The first organization to take definite action, however, to join
the American Board in its work was the Baptist Society. This
had sent out its first missionary to the Chinese, Rev. William
Dean, in 1834, 71 but he had settled in Bangkok. Its first mis-
sionaries to China proper, Rev. J. Lewis Shuck and his wife,
Henrietta Hall Shuck, arrived there September, 1836. 72 Mr. and
Mrs. Shuck were Virginians and introduced a new element into
the rather conservative northern missionary body at Cantan.
They left Boston, September 122d, 1835,73 stopped for a time at

Bridgman, Life of Bridgman, p. 100.
Corres. of A. B. C. F. M., China, 1831-7, No. 123, Bridgman to Ander-
son, Jan. 29, 1836.
!bid., No. 11, April 3, 1835, Williams and Bridgman to Anderson,
and No. 13, Sept. 8, 1836, the Mission to Anderson.
!bid., Letter of Abeel to Anderson, July 23, 1835, told of the difficulties
on this score.
Missions and Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
by J. M. Red, revised and extended by J. T. Gracey. 3 v., New York,
c. 1895. 1 : 4II; 412. The project for a mission to China rested until
after 1844.
Dean, China Mission, p. 95.
J. B. Jeter, Memoir of Mrs. Henrietta Shuck, The First American
Female Missionary to China, Boston, 1846, p. 221.
Ibid., p. 40.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 97

Singapore, 74 and settled at Macao, where they began their work.

Shuck baptized his first convert, Ah. Loo, February l , 1837,
numerically. a larger showing than Bridgman had had in the
first five years of his missionary career, but the step proved hasty,
as the fellow apostatized within eighteen months. 7 5 Life in
China proved to be rather trying to Mr. and Mrs. Shuck. Rela-
tions with the other missions were not always cordial, the older
workers being inclined to look upon these younger ones as unduly
insistent on denominational differences, and perhaps superficial
in their methods 76 ; living expenses were high and salaries
inadequate-$750 for the married missionary as contrasted with
the $1,000 which the American Board found it necessary to pay
its unmarried men. The restless Shuck attempted to get to
Hainan by native boat to see if it could be opened to missionary
enterprise only to be forced to return without having reached
the island. 77
As an independent worker affiliated with this Baptist mission,
there arrived in 1837, Rev. Issacher J. Roberts, a man of great
religious zeal, but of unbalanced optimism. He was born in
Tennessee in 180278 and obtained an imperfect education in the
Furman Theo1ogical Institution of South Carolina. He began
his preaching career in 1825, and worked in the South as pastor
and as agent of the American Colonization Society and of the
Sunday School Union. 79 He thought for a time of going to
Liberia as a missionary. A year or two later he organized the

H Baptist Missny. Mag., 17: 174, Extracts from Shuck's J ournal.

Jeter, Memoir of Mrs. Shuck, pp. 103, 121.
In Corres. of the A. B. C. F. M., Foreign Vol., p. 37, is a letter of
Anderson to the China Mission, Mar. 13, 1838, in reply to a letter of
Parker. who was somewhat irritated, trying to smooth things over.
In the correspondence of the American Baptist Missionary Union, Mss.,
in their rooms in Boston, there is a letter from Shuck, Jan. 14, 1842, telling
how he had immersed an American ship-master, T. Rogers, a former
Presbyterian, and of the consequent displeasure of the "pedo-baptists."
Letter of Shuck to Secy. P eck, Feb. 21, 1837, in Corres. of A. B. M. U.
W ylie, Memorials of Prot. Missionaries, p. 94. Hei-vey, The Story
of Baptist Missions, p. 512.
Corres. of A. B. M. U., Roberts to Bolles, July 5, 1834. Wylie says
that he was ordained in 1833, but he may have been licensed before this
year. Wylie, Mem. of Prot. Missionaries, p. 93.
TRANS. CoNN. AcAD., Vol. XXII 7 1917
Kenneth S. Latourette,

"Roberts Fund and China Mission Society" and turned over to it

his property, his hope being that it would attract additional aid
as the years went by. 80 Under this society he sailed from ho~e,
in 1837,81 and on his arrival at Macao took ui- his residence
with Shuck. He worked in Macao for several years, preaching
for a time to a colony of lepers. 82
In addition to the arrival of Roberts the year 1837 was
marked by one other incident of importance, the visit of the
"Morrison" to J apan. This voyage, significant in history as
one of the early attempts to open that empire, was an American
undertaking from Canton, entirely pacific and largely philan-
thropic in its motive. Its primary purpose was to return to their
homes seven shipwrecked J apanese. Three of these had been
driven across the Pacific, wrecked on the Northwest Coast of
America and sent by the Hudson Bay Gompany via London to
Canton; and the other four were rescued from a wreck near
Manila. 83 In July, 1837, Olyphant and Company, who had taken
care of them for sorne time, dispatched the "Morrison" to
return them to Japan. With the ship went C. \V. King, Parker,
\i\Tilliams, and Gtzlaff. 84 The party stopped at the Lew Chew
Islands, where they were well received, and instead of going to
N agasaki, the only J apanese port where any foreign trade was
allowed, sailed directly for Y edo Bay. Here they anchored
for three days, holding sorne communication with the J apanese,
but were fired on at the end of that time and withdrew. They
went next to Kagoshima Bay, and were at first fairly well
received, but later they were again fired on, and left without
landing their refugees. They reached China, August 29th, their
primary aim unattained. Through these same refugees, how-
ever, sorne acquaintance with the language of their country was
obtained by Williams, who later (in 1853 and 1854) acted as

so Corres. of A. B. M. U ., Circular letter o Roberts to the Society,

Feb. 18, l84i. See also, Wylie, Memorials, etc., p. 94, Hervey, Baptist
Miss., p. 512.
Corres. of lf.. B. M. U., Roberts to Bolles, Jan. 25, 1837.
Hervey, The Story of Baptist Missions, p. 513.
Ch. Rep., 6: 209-229, 353-380, narrative of S. W. Williams.
s They took with them an assortment o articles of trade for use in
case it should be found possible to open commercial relations.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 99

interpreter tQ the Perry expedition, and sorne foreign books were

translated in to J apanese and printed. 85
The year intervening between this expedition and the outbreak
of the opium troubles was one of quiet growth. The Ophthalmic
Hospital continued its work with increasing success.86 Bridg-
man had seen the completion of the revision of the Scriptures
in 1836 87 and was working on various pieces of translation and
composition, among .them a Chinese history of the United States, ,,....-
a Chrestomathy and Tonic Dictionary, and the ever-present
Chinese Repository. 88 Preaching services were conducted for
foreigners, distribution of books and tracts went on among
the Chinese, and small schools for boys were still continuing. 89
Abeel was back for part of the time, and in 1839 Mr. and Mrs.
S. R. Brown carne out as reenforcements.
Closely connected with the work of the missionaries sent from
the United States and Great Britain were a number of societies
organized in China by the foreign residents. Under the stimulus
of the compact community life and of the missionaries and a
f ew earnestly religious merchants the decade preceding the
opium troubles saw a number of these begun. Although formed
and carried on partly by the British and partly by the Ameri-
cans, they obtained most of their men from the United States.
The first society was the "Christian Union at Canton.'' It was
organized in the latter part of 1830 by Robert and John Morrison,
Abeel, King (a nephew of Olyphant), a Moravian surgeon on an
East India Company's ship, a young British midshipman, and
Bridgman. 90 As the latter wrote : it "was fornied to give more

Four accounts of this voyage by men who shared in it are by C. W.
King, in the first volume of the Claims of J apan and Malaysia upon
Christendom, Exhibited in Notes of Voyages made .in 1837, 2 v., New
York, 1839,_by S. W ells Williams in the Chinese Rep., 6: 209-229, in a
letter by him to Anderson in Williams, Life and Letters of S . W . Wil-
liams, pp. 94-98, and in Stevens, Life of Parker, p. 141 et sqq. Among
the other accounts are brief ones in Callaban, Am. Rel. in the Pacific,
p. 74, and Foster, Am. Dip. in Orient, pp. 137-140.
See reports in Ch. R ep., 4: 461-473 and passim.
ff1 Williams, Mid. King., 2 : 363-364.
Missny. H erald, 34: 17, 339, 349.
Ibid., 35 : 212-214.
Corres. of the A. B. C. F. M., China, 1831-7, No. 37, Bridgman to
Evarts, Jan. 27, l83r.
100 Kenneth S. Latourette,

wisdorn and strength to our efforts and better security to our

friends abroad. It will not interfere with individual and prvate
conduct; while it will give counsel and support to all, and have
general supervision of the severa! obj ects of Chstian benevo-
lence which may come within its reach. It has commenced a
depository and library. . . . It has or will soon open a corre-
spondence with the severa! missionary stations between the
capes."91 It published "Chinese Scripture Lessons for Schools"92
and guaranteed the expenses of the Chinese Repository for the
first year. 98 After the Repository was guaranteed by Olyphant
the Christian Union seems to have ended its specific usefulness,
and to have lost it-.elf in the societies forrned later for more
specialized activities.
A second organization was that for the "Diffusion of Useful
Knowledge in China,'' formed in December, 1834. Its purpose
was '~to prepare and publish, in a cheap form, plain and easy
treatises in the Chinese language on such branches of useful
knowledge as are suited to the existing state and condition of
the Chinese Ernpire." 94 In four years it had issued almanacs,
and a "collectioi:i of elementary and useful inforrnation used. by
the young and by rnen of imperfect education," which inclutled
sorne rnodified Aesop's Fables, a universal history, and a history
of England. A description of the United States and a history
of the J ews were about to come out, and other works were in
preparation. 95 It was a larger organization than the Chrstian
Union, but as in time its work carne to be done by other agencies
it was allowed to lapse.

Corres. of the A. B. C. F. M., China, 1831-7, No. 37, Bridgman to
Evarts, Jan. 27, 1831. See also, Tracy, History of the Am. Bd., p. 201.
Corres. of A. B. C. F. M., China, l83r-7.
See Bridgman to Anderson, April S, 1833, Corres. of A. B. C. F. M.,
China, r83r-7, No. 73. Tracy says that if the work had been unsuccess-
ful, but a fourth part of the expense would have fallen on the American
Board, which implies that the Christian Union guaranteed only three-
fourths of the expenses (Hist. of Am. Bd., p. 224), but he <loes not quote
his authority. 1 am inclined to think that Tracy may be right, and that
Bridgman's statement was merely a general one.
Williams, Mid. King., 2: 340.
n Fourth Annual Report of the Society, Nov. 21, 1838, Ch. Rep.,
7: 399-410.
Early Relations 'between the United States and China. 101

Next in order of age was the Morrison Education Society.

Robert Morrison's life had made a deep impression upon the
fareigners in Canton, and they f elt that sorne permanent memorial
should be raised to him. In January, 1835, a paper suggesting
the farmation of a society was circulated and by February 24th,
twenty-two signatures of English and Americans and $4,860
had been obtained. A provisional committee of six was then
appoirrted, two of whom were Americans. The organization's
obj ect was to establish and support schools in China to teach
the natives the English language, western learning, and Chris-
tianity. Youths of either sex might be taken, the ages preferred
being six, eight, and ten years; pupils might be sent to Malacca,
India, Europe, or America far a finishing course. It was to be
directed .by five trustees, resident in China, but tutors and teachers
were to be obtained from Europe and the United States.00 In
the first two y'ears of the society's existence, instruction was
given to five or six boys, and sorne aid to Mrs. Gtzlaff; who
had gathered a few children around her in Macao. 97 Applica-
tion was early made to the British and Foreign School Society
far aid and counsel, 9 8 and attempts .were made to get teachers
in England and America. In the latter country Professors
Silliman, Goodrich, and Gibbs, all of Y ale-whose halls had
already furnished China with Parker and Stevens-were
appointed a committee to secure an appointee, and after two
unsuccessful attempts, 99 Rev. Samuel R. Brown, a Yale grad-
uate of the class of 1832, was selected.1 0 0 He reached China
February 23, 1839, and at once took a few children into his
home. With occasional interruptions caused by war and a trip

Proceedings relative to the Formation of the Morrison Education
Society, Ch. Rep., 5: 373. See too, Williams, Mid. King., 2 : 341-345.
First Annual Rep., Sept. 27, 1837. Ch. Rep., 6: 229, and second
annual report, October, 1838, Ch. Rep., 7: 301-310. Yung Wing, My Life
in China and America, N ew York, 1909.
Chinese Rep., 5 : 378.
Second Annual Report of Morrison Educ. Soc., Oct., 1838, Ch. Rep.,
7: 301-310.
' Third Annual Rep. of same, Sept. 29, 1841, Ch. Rep., IO: 564-587.
See too, Trumbull, Old Time Student Volunteers, p. r 14, and Ch. Rep.,
7: 550. Griffis, A Maker of the New Orient, is a Biography of Brown.
102 Kenneth S. Latourette,

to Singapore, the school was held continuously for . a number of

years. 1 1
A fourth society formed by the foreign residents in China had
its origin in Parker's medical work. He reache~hina in 1834
and opened the Ophthalmic Hospital in 1835. In October, 1836,
Parker, Cooledge ( an English merchant) , and Bridgman, f eeling
that the time had come for further action, issued a painphlet
suggesting that a society be formed to aid in the medical work. 102
Nearly a year and a half later, in February, 1838, the "Medical
Missionary Society in China" was formed. Its object was to
"encourage gentlemen of the medical profession to come and
practice gratuitously among the Chinese, by affording the usual
aid of hospitals, medicine, and attendants: but . . . . the sup-
port or remuneration of su ch medical gentleman [ was] . . . .
not at present within its contemplation."103 The Ophthalmic
Hospital was at once taken over, 104 and thanks to the generosity
of Howqua and the efforts of Olyphant, was put on a secure
basis and in a permanent home. 105 Because of the impossibility
of caring for all who would have applied, treatment was largely,
although not exclusively, confined to eye diseases. Even with
these limitations, the wards were crowded, and many patients
had to be turned away. 10 6 In April, 1838, at the society's request,
Parker opened a hospital at Macao. At first it met with much
suspicion,1 7 but this gradually disappeared and in 1839, Dr. Wil-
liam Lockhart, of the London Missionary Society, was appointed
to devote his entire time to it.108 Dr. William B. Diver, an
Ch. Rep., 10: 582; l l: 337.
Proposition for the Formation o a Medica! Missionary Society in
China, Ch. Rep., S: 371. See too, Stevens, Life o Parker, p. 134
Formation o the Medica! Missionary Society in China, Feb. 21, 1838,
Ch. Rep., 7 : 32-44.
' Ibid., and Williams, Mid. King., 2: 333-337. Lockhart, Med. Missny.
in China, p. 124.
'' Lockhart, Med. Missny. in China, p. 174 See description of the
hospital in Downing, The Stranger in China, 2: II-14.
Report of Ophthalmic Hospital at Canton, Jan. r to J une 30, 1838,
showed l,025 patients admitted during the six months. Ch. Rep., 7: 92-95.
l<n First Rep. of the Med. M"issny. Soc.'s Hospital at Macao, J uly 5-
0ct. 1, 1838, Ch. Rep., 7: 4n-419.
ios Ch. Rep., 7 : 551.
Early R elations between the United States and China. 103

American, and an Englishman, Dr. Benjamin Hobson, were

accepted by the society in the same year. 109
One more society needs to be noted, the Seaman's Friencl
Association in China. Like the others, it was formed by the
coterie of British and American merchants and missionaries
who lived at Cantan. It was organized January 3, 1839, for the
promotion of the welfare of all foreign seamen in Chinese
waters. 11 For a time it <lid goocl work, making an examination
of the conditions of the crews on board American and British
ships, and holding sorne religious services. 111 The approach of
war, howev~r, seems to have interrupted its operations and we
hear no more of it.
The second great branch of early Protestant missions to the
Chinese, was, as we have noted, that outside the Empire. Three
purposes actuated missionary work there. The 1arge i;umbers
of Chinese were an extensive field in themselves. Then there
was the hope that sorne might be reached who would carry back
to China the Christian message. And there was the opportunity
far the study of the language and the establishment of presses
and schools until the time when the Empire should be opened.
In the main, three large groups of Chinese colonists were easily
accessible to missionaries. There was one in Java, centering
at Batavia, where for the time being the Dutch government was
tolerant. In the Straits Settlements, Malacca and Singapore,
there was another, also under European control. A t Bangkok
there was still a third, under native rule it is true, but open to
foreign commerce and residence. There were other groups in
Borneo, in the Philippines, and in Indo-China, but they were all
far one reason or another either almost or entirely inaccessible.
At the beginning of American missionary effort, these facts
were not clearly recognized. The conditions of the Far Eastern
Islands and Southern Asia from a missionary standpoint were
not fully known, and it was felt advisable to send sorne one to

Ch. Rep., IO: 448-453. William Lockhart, The Medical Missionary
in China, A Narrative of Twenty Years' Experience, London, 1861,' p. 127.
Ch. Rep., 7 : 477-484.
m Quarterly Report of Seaman's Friend Assn. in China, July, 1839,
Ch. R ep., 8: 120-12 1.
104 Kenneth S. Latourette,

gather first-hand knowledge of the situation. This was the work

that Abeel took up for the American Board af ter his term of
service at Canten as seaman's chaplain. He left China late in
i830 and visited Batavia, Singapore, and Bangkotlt In January,
i832, he returned to Singapore, and then made a second visit to
Bangkok, distributing books and tracts among the Chinese junks.
He returned to Singapore in November, i832, and took the
place of Burn, the English chaplain, only to be compelled by
failing health to go to America. 112
A f ew years later another voyage was undertaken, this time
by Talbot, Olyphant and Company, and on a larger scale. In
i836 they had purchased the brig "Himaleh" for the purpose
of aiding missionaries in distributing books along the China coast,
but no one familiar with that- work could be obtained, and the
vessel was sent instead to the Malay Archipelago, Stevens andan
agent of the British and Foreign Bible Society, G. Tradescant
Lay, accompanying her. The venture was not very successful,
as Stevens died on the trip and the burden of _the work was
thrown on Captain Frazer, a man poorly fitted to assume it.113
Before this last voyage had begun, permanent American mis-
sions had been located at all three of the great centers of emigrant
population. The. earliest Protestant missionary effort for the
Chinese of Singapore was in 1819, when an Englishman, Mr.
Milton, founded the work. 114 The fi.rst American missionary
stationed there was Rev. Ira Tracy. He left New York in June,
i833, with S. W. Williams, landing with him at Canton. In
July, 1834, he removed to Singapore and worked there until his
death, 184r.115 Dr. Peter Parker, soon after his arrival in the
East, spent severa! months in the same city in learning the
language. Incidentally he conducted a dispensary there, and
when in August, 1835, he returned to Canten, he left this and

Abeel, Journal, p. 318. Dean, China Mission, pp. 176-192; G. R.
Williamson, Memoir o David Abeel, D.D., Late Missionary to China.
New York, 1848, pp. 100-rr9.
Notices . . . . o the Indian Arch., G. T . Lay, Ch. Rep., 6: 305
et sqq. Williams, Mid. King., 2: 330-33r. G. T. Lay, the second volume
o "The Claims o Japan and Malaysia on Christendom."
m Medhurst, China, p. 327.
Wylie, Memorials o Prot. Missionaries, p. 79.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 105

two -schools to Tracy. In the following October the latter

baptized the first Chinese convert made by the American Board.116 .

Missionary supporters in America were at this time very

strongly in favor of the distribution of Christian literature, and
this sentiment was to be the controlling one in Chinese missions
for the next few years.117 The missionaries fell in with the plan:
a press was started by Tracy at Singapore, and Parker wrote
home for money, equipment, and men.11 8 The American Board
responded to the demand, and in May and J une, 1833, wrote to
Bridgman urging the early foundation of. a printing establish-
ment somewhere in the south-east of Asia. 119 In March, 1836,
Bridgman was able to announce that a full printing establishment
at Singapore had been purchased, consisted of two presses, of
fonts of English, Arabic, Bugis, and Siamese type, arid of other
necessary. equipment. 12 From this press various works were
issued in Chinese, as well as in these other languages.
Additions carne to the Singapore mission. In December, 1836,
Matthew B. Hope, Rev. Joseph H. Travelli, and Stephen Tracy
arrived 121 ; in 1837 Rev. J. T. Dickinson122 ; and in 1838 Dr.
Dyer Ball and Rev. George W. Wood, all of the American
Board. 123 William J. Pohlman of the same society, who was
first stationed in Borneo, carne later. 1 2 4 In 1838 the Presbyterian
Board sent out two men. 125 By 1840 Singapore was the most
important Protestant mission station among the Chinese.
The second great accessible group of colonists from the Middle
Kingdom, that in Siam, centered at Bangkok, a city whose popu-
lation was half or two-thirds Chinese. 126 In 1829 or 1830.Tomlin

m Tracy, Hist. of Am. Bd., p. 258.

Missny. Herald, 36 : 208.
Corres. of A. B. C. F. M., China, 1831-7, No. 190. Parker to Ander-
son, Feb. 19, 1835.
Corres. of A. B. C. F . M., China, 1831-7.
Ibid., No. 8, Bridgman to Board, Mar. l, 1836.
Tracy, Hist. of the Am. Bd., pp. 270 et sqq.
Ch. Rep., 16: 12-13.
Ibid., and Dean, The China Mission, p. 196, Wylie, Mem. of Prot.
Missions, p. 107.
Dean, The China Mission, p. 357.
Ch. Rep., 16: 12-13.
Malcolm estimated the Chinese population at 60,000 and that of
the city at 100,000. William Gammell, A History of American Baptist
106 K enneth S. Latourette,

and Gtzlaff, neither of them Americans, visited Bangkok and

called attention to its strategic position. 127 In the summer of
1831 Abeel and Tomlin spent several months there,1 2 8 and Abeel
was there again in 1832.1 20 The first residnt mi9ionary was an
American Baptist from Burmah, Rev. John Taylor Jones, who
set out for Siam in 1831 1 30 but was delayed at Singapore and
did not reach Bangkok until March, 1833. 1 31 He began work
promptly and in the same year baptized four Chinese and opened
a school for boys.132 In June, 1833, Rev. Stephen Johnson and
Rev. Robinson left the United States under the American Board
and reached Bangkok in 1834 af ter stopping for a time at
Batavia and Singapore. The former spent his time among the
Chinese, the latter among the Siamese. 133 Rev. William Dean
and his wife sailed from America in July, 1834, under the Baptist
Board. 1 34 Dean was detained for a time at Singapore, where his
wife died, and where he hnself had a narrow escape from death
at the hands of ~orne Malay pirates. 135 He reached Bangkok
about the middle of 1835. Near this same time, Dr. Bradley of
the American Board arrived in the city and began medical prac-
tice among the Chinese and Siamese, principally the latter. 136
The work of the American Board continued with J ohnson in

Missions in Asia, Europe, and North America. Boston, 1849, p. 188.

Ruschenberger estimated the Chinese population at 400,000; Voyage
Round the World, pp. 310-314.
Missny. Herald, 26: 216.
J. Tomlin, Missionary Journals and Letters Written during Eleven
Years Residence and Travel Amongst the Chinese, Siamese, J avanese,
Khassis, and other Eastern N ations. London, 1844, pp. 306 et sqq.
Williamson, Memor of D . Abeel, p. 104-II4.
H. Clay Trumbull, Old Time Student Volunteers, My Memories of
Missionaries, New York, 1902, p. 85.
Gammell, Hist. of Am. Bap. Missions, p. 187.
Ibid. The month that he arrived, a treaty was signed between Siam
and the United States which gave greater securty to American resdents
in the country.
Wylie, Memorials of Prot. Missionaries, p. 80.
Dean, China Mission, p. 233. Gammell, Hst. of Am. Bap. l\lissions,
p. 190, says September, 1834, but Dean is, of course, to be preferred.
Dean, China Mission, pp. 233, 97.
He was molested somewhat by the government. Tracy, Hist. of Am.
Bd., p. 257.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 107

charge of the Chinese side of it, and with the assistance of

Benham and Peet, who were sent ot in 1839.137 Emphasis was
laid upon preaching, distribution of tracts, and education, with
sorne assistance in medicine given by Bradley. 138 The Baptist
Mission, in addition to Dean, had Rev. Alanson Reed, who
reached the city in July, 1836, only to die of dysentery August
29th, 1837139 ; and Rev. J osiah Goddard, who arrived in Octo-
ber, 1840.14 In December, 1835, Dean baptized three converts
and organized a church, probably the first Protestant church far
Chinese. 141 In July, 1838, three members were added by bap-
tism,142 and in October, 1839, another group of three. 143 Sorne
of the early converts fell away, 144 but these last seem to have
remained steadfast, and by 1841 the church had increased its
Chinese membership to thirteen.14 5 A dispensary was opened, of
course, 146 and that other useful accompaniment of a mission sta-
tion, a school. 147 It was the day of small things ; in 1839 the
school numbered only thirteen, and Sunday congregations
averaged from but twenty to fifty. 148 Those in charge were
hopeful, however, and regarded their work merely as preparatory
to a larger labor in China when that empire should be opened.
The third accessible group of Chinese colonists, that center-
ing around Batavia, had long been under the control of the
Dutch and was in 1816 returned to their charge after the retro-
cession of Java by England, but what missionary work the Dutch
had done seems to have had no influence upon American efforts.
As elsewhere, the English were the pioneers. In 181 7 Medhurst

m Benham was drowned soon after his arrival. Dean, China Mis-
sion, p. 94.
Annual Rep. of the A. B. C. F. M., 1839, Missny. H erald, 35 : IO.
Dean, China Mission, p. 359.
!bid., p. 279, and Gammell, Hist. of Am. Bap. Missions, p. 193
w Dean, China Missions, p. l 15.
""'Annual Rep. of Bap. Missny. Soc., June, 1839. The Baptist Mis-
sionary Magazine, Boston, 1821 et sqq., 19: 143-4.
!bid., J une, 1840, Bap. Missny. Mag., 20: 143.
J ournal of Dean, Bap. Missny. Mag., 18: 30.
uG !bid. for June, 1841, Bap. Missny. Mag., 21 : 189.

ua Dean's J ournal, May 25, 1835, Bap. Missny. Mag., 16: 45.
ut Annual Rep. of Bap. General Convention, April, 1839. Bap. Missny.
Mag., 19: 143. .
Bapt. Missny. Mag., 19: 143; 16: 193.
108 K enneth S. Latourette,

and Slater of the London Missionary Society began work. The

former was there for many years, and his work and example
greatly stimulated American interest. Abeel visited Batavia in
1831 while making his survey for the AmericaBoard.149 He
was welcomed by Medhurst, but his advances to the Dutch
churches on behalf of the American Dutch Reformed Congre-
gations did not meet with hearty response. 150 The first resident
American missionaries were sent out in 1833 by the American
Board. Here, as in Bangkok, there were two races to be reached,
and of this first band of workers one, Rev. Samuel Munson, was
directed to specialize on the Chinese, while the other, Rev. Henry
Lyman, was to give his time to the Malays. 151 They sailed June
10, 1833, with J ohnson and Robinson, the men who were to open
the mission of the American Board at Bangkok.152 They were
instructed to make a short stay in Batavia, and were then to
explore the neighboring archipelago for places open to Christian
teachers. 153 Their work lasted but a brief time, for while explor-
ing in Sumatra they were both killed by the hostile Battaks. 154
Undiscouraged by the loss 1 the American Board sent out two
additional men, Rev. Elihu Doty, a minister of the Dutch
Reformed Church, and Rev. Elbert N evius, in 1836, and Rev.
William J. Pohlman in 1837.155 About 1838 the Dutch govern-
ment, heretofore indifferent, began a more exclusive policy, for-
bidding missionary residence anywhere in its possessions except
in Borneo. 156 The mission was forced to move there, but did not
prosper in its new home, and when at last China was opened,
Doty and Pohlman were glad to go to Amoy. 157
Williamson, Memoir of Abeel, p. 84.
Francis Warriner, Cruise of the United States Frigate Potomoc
Round the World during the Years 1831-1834. New York, 1835, pp.
Missny. Herald, 31 :17, Jan., 1835.
2 2
G Wylie, Memorial of Prot. Missionaries, p. 80.
William Thompson, Memoirs of the Rev. Samuel Munson and the
Rev. Henry Lyman, etc., N ew Y rk, 1839.
m !bid.
Wylie, Memorial, pp. 97, 99.
Annual Reports of the A. B. C. F. M., Jan. 1839, and Jan. 1840, in
Missny. Herald, 35: II and 36: II.
m Ch. Rep., 16: 12-13. In addition, there were in this Borneo Mission
Jacob Ennis, William Youngblood, Frederick B. Thompson, and Miss
Early Relations between the United States and China. 109

Another American missionary society, "The Domestic and

Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church
in the United States," established a station in Batavia. In May,
1834, it determined to begin work in China as soon as the proper
man presented himself. In July, Rev. Henry Lockwood was
appointed, and in March, 1835, Rev. Francis R. Hanson. The
two sailed in a few months and arrived at Canton October 29th,
1835. Here they found the field of labor so limited that they
soon removed to Singap ore to learn the language, and after a
few months spent there, they went to Batavia. 1 5 8 Here they
planned to learn the language, to prepare and distribute tracts,
and to establish schools and a dispensary, 159 the usual missionary
program of the time. Both, however, had but a short term of
service. Hanson retired in 1837 because of poor health, 1 60 and
Lockwood in 1838 for the same reason. 161 The mission thus
imperilled was saved by Rev. William J ones Boone, M.D., after-
ward -Bishop Boone. He arrived at Batavia in October, 1837,
and worked there until 1840, seemingly escaping the restrictions
of the Dutch government. In the latter year, however, when
affairs in the Chinese Empire were approaching a crisis, he
brought his work in Java to an end and went to Macao. 162

A. C. Condit, but they do not seem to have been especially for the
Chinese. Annual Report of the A. B. C. F . M., Jan., 1839, Missny.
Herald, 35: 11.
William Cutter, Missionary Efforts of the Protestant Episcopal
Church in the United States. In History of American Missions to the
Heathen, Worcester, 1840, p. 590. Letter of Lockwood, Oct., 1836, in
Spirit of Missions, 4: 267 (Aug., 1839). Letter of Boone, Nov. 15, 1837,
Spirit of Missions, 3 : 210.
1 9
G Letter of Lockwood and Hanson, Oct., 1836, The Spirit of Missions,

New York, 1837, 2: 219, July, 1837.

Spirit of Missions, 3 : 66. Wylie, Mem. of Prot. Miss., p. 88.
Spirit of Missions, 4: 596, letter of Boone, Apr. 3, 1839.
Spirit of Missions, 7: 310.
1 2


The last important set of incidents in the history of Ameri-
can intercourse with China before 1845 cluster around the first
British-Chinese war. With the close of the East India Com-
pany's rgime in Canton and the appointment of Lord Napier
as superintendent of British trade, a series of conflicts began with
the Chinese authorities which finally culminated in hostilities and
in the treaties of 1842 and 1844. Although the struggle was
---- between the British and Chinese alone, the interests of all Chris-
tian peoples were deeply involved, and the events of the next few
years must be recited in sorne detail wherever American rights
were at stake.
The beginning of the trouble dates back a few years before
1839. Lord Napier reached Macao July 15, 1834, to fill the
office which at the close of the monopoly of the East India Com-
pany had been created for the supervisi.on of British trade.
Almost immediately after his arrival he became involved in mis-
understandings with the Chinese officials, and as a result the
governor suspended the English trade, September 2, 1834.1 This
practically stopped American commerce as well2 ; American
merchants were detained at Whampoa 3 and business was at a
standstill. Lord N apier soon withdrew from Can ton, however,
and the restrictions were removed.
The four succeeding years were ones of comparative quiet,
but it was felt that a crisis was approaching, and 1:h;i.t the Son of
Heaven could no longer be permitted to hold himslf aloof from
Western intercourse. He must be brought to treat with fairness
the stranger within his gates, and to hold direct intercourse with
him. The inevitable conflict was precipitated by ~e opium
question. The importation of this drug had been illegal since
1796,"' but for fifty years it had been smuggled into the empire

Willams, Hist. of China, p. 12r.
Davis, China, I : n9.
Canton Register, September 23, 1834.
Foster, Am. Dip. in Orient, pp. 64-73. The real effectiveness of the
Early Relations between the United States and China. 111

in ever increasing quantities. 5 A large receiving station for it

had grown up at Lintin, near Cantan. It was smuggled in at
various places along the coast, and a large traffic in it centered
at Cantan with the more or less open connivance of the Chinese
officials. Most of the drug carne from India, and through British
channels, but there were few American firms at Cantan who had ~
not traded in it from time to time, and sorne had imported it-
extensively.6 As early as 1821 the American consul was served
by the hong merchants with a request that all trade in opium
cease,7 and the Terranova affair had been complicated by the
fact that the "Emily" carried the drug. In the season of 1824-5,
opium to the value of $133,000 was imported in American ships, 8
and in that of 1836-7, $z75,92r. 0 N either of these sums is lar ge,
however, compared with the total of American imports for these
years-$6,567,969, and $3 1678,696, respectively.10 It is of inter-
est, moreover, that in Cantan itself the chief foreign opponents
of the traffic, aside from the missionaries, were to be found in
the American firm of Olyphant and Company. They drew down
on themselves a storm of criticism by taking a stand against
it. 11 About 1836 the rapid growth of the trade began to con-

prohibition dates from a second edict in 1800. Morse, Trade and Admin.
of Chinese Empire, p. 329.
The amounts were: 4,000 chests, 1790; 17,000 chests, 1830; 35,000
chests, 1838. Foster, Am. Dip. in Orient, pp. 64-75. See too, Murray,
Histl. and Descriptive Acct. of China, 3: 90.
In 1830, one cargo, probably belonging to Thos. H. Perkins and Co.,
mostly opium, amounted to 160,000 pounds sterling. Testimony of Joshua
Bates, Par!. Papers, 1830, 6 : 365.
Hong Merchants to Wilcocks, Nov. 12, r82i. Consular Letters,
Canton, L
a Sen. Doc. 31, I Sess., 19 Cong. "C."
Chin. Rep., 6: 284-6.
For the most part, the Americans imported the inferior Turkey
opium. In 1830-7, they imported of Benares opium, 5 chests, valued at
$3,415, and of Turkey opium, 446 peculs, valued at $272,506. Ch. R ep.,
6: 284-286.
They published a letter in the Canton Register, Aug. 21, 1838, against
the traffic, and were severely scored editorially in the same paper as a
result. Aug. 28, 1838. Four years later Commodore Kearney warned
opium ships against using the American flag. Sen. Doc. 139, l Sess.,
29 Cong., p. 14.
112 Kenneth S. Latourette,

cern deeply the imperial govemment, both because of the drain

of specie it was causing and of the disastrous effect of the drug
habit upon the Chinese people. Attempts to enforce the law
became more frequent and finafly resulted in det.e"mined action.
Early in December, I836, sorne opium was seized while being
landed and trade was suspended. The coolies who were handling
the drug declared that it carne from the American ship "Thomas
Perkins,'' Talbot, consignee, and that they had been sent by Innes,
a British merchant. The governor-general ordered the co-hong
to expel Talbot and Innes. Talbot replied that the vessel had
brought nothing but rice, and when Innes confirmed this state-
ment, the case against the former was dropped, and the latter left
the city. In the meantime the authorities determined to make an
example of a convicted native opium dealer. They first attempted
to execute him at the foot of the American fl.agstaff, but the
foreigners forcibly interfered, and the punishment was carried
out in another street. As a result of the incident, the American
consul struck his,1 2 and wrote to the Secretary of State: "I
have on deliberation, resolved not to set . . . . [it] . . . .
again until the receipt of orders froin you to that effect, or
circumstances should make it proper to do so."13
More important events were to follow. Late in I838 the
emperor appointed Lin Tse-s special commissioner with the
task of stamping out the entire opium traffic. Lin reached
Canton March IO, I839, and at once took drastic measures to
carry out his instructions. His plan was nothing less than to
destroy all the opium then in stock, and to induce the foreigners
to give bonds to cease to import it. To compel the delivery of
the opium, Lin caused all the foreign trade to be stopped (March
I9), and the foreign merchants in Can ton to be held in their
factories as hostages, to be deprived of all servants, and to be
shut off from all communication with their shipping and the
outside 'world. 14 The imprisonment lasted from March 24th fo

Ch. R epos., 7: 437-456 gives a full account of this trouble.
Consular Letters, Canton, II.
"W. C. Hunter, J ournal of Occurrences during Cessation of Trade at
Canton. Ms. in the Boston Athenaeum. Gideon Nye, Peking the Goal,
Canton, 1873, p. 14. Letter of S. W . Williams, Apr. 3, 1839, Life and
Letters of S. W . Williams, p. u4.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 113

May 5th, i839, when the opium had been given up. Of the
surrendered drug i,540 chests belonged to Americans,1 5 but the
American consul declared them to be merely held in charge for
British subj ects, and they were surrendered to Captain Elliot,
the British superintendent of trade. 16
While the foreigners were still confined to their hongs, Com-
missioner Lin attempted (April 5t h) to get them to give
bond to introduce no more of the drug. The co-hong tried to
induce the American consul, Mr. Wetmore, and Mr. King, to
sign such a paper on behalf of the United States. But the
penalties were heavy-death for all on board a ship bringing the
drug, and personp.l responsibility of the guarantors for all smug-
gling, the evidence of two coolies being sufficient to condemn-
and the request was very naturally refused. Snow objected
that it would call down on him the "severest censure and pun-
ishment from his superiors," 17 but gladly agreed to the request
that he solicit his government to allow no more opium ships to
come. 18 The controversy dragged on for severa! months.
Finally on July third a number of American merchants and ship-
masters signed the bond in a milder form. 19
The English refused to give the bond, and on May 21st, Elliot
warned all British subj ects to leave Canton. They <lid so, going
to Macao, and when the Chinese troubled them there, to Hong-
kong. The Americans now carried on not only their own, but

Foster, Am. Dip. in Orient, pp. 64-73.
Consular Letters, Canton, II, Mar. 28, 1839, Snow to Lin.
Snow to Secy. of State, Apr. 19, 1839. Consular Letters, Canton, II.
On April 27th, Commodore Read anchored off Macao with the United
States frigate "Columbia," and May 21st, the "J ohn Adams,'' the other
member of the East India squadron, arrived. (J. Sidney Henshaw,
Around the World, N ew York, 1840, 2: 192, says the "Columbia" arrived
Apr. 28, but William Me.acharo Murrell, Cruise of the Frigate Columbia
around the World, etc., Boston, 1840, says April 27. This latter date
is probably correct.) Their presence gave the Americans confidence
( Snow to Sec. of State, May 13, 1839, Consular Letters, Canton, III),
and they remained on the coast until August sixth, in spite o a protest
from the Hoppo. (Murrell, p. 148. Henshaw, p. 294.) See also Paullin,
Diplom. Negot. of Am. Nav. Officers, p. 188.
Snow to Sec. of State, Apr. 19, 1839, Consular Letters, Canton, II.
J ohn Slade, N arrative of the Late Proceedings and Events in China.
China, 1839, p. 124.
TRANS. CoNN. AcAn., Vol. XXII 8 1917
114 K nneth S. Latourette,

the British trade, transhipping British goods from the anchorage

at Hongkong and Tongku Bay in the Canton estuary. Exorbi-
tant freights were often charged, and sorne ill will was naturall:y_
felt by the English, who had either to pay the 4'um asked or to
abstain entirely from trade. 20
The succeeding months were precarious ones for commerce.
September r rth the British declared a blockade, but withdrew it
after five days. 21 A little later the Chinese became alarmed at
the growing transhipments from the British "country ships"
from India, the chief source of the drug, and October 14th an
edict was issued threatening confiscation for all such acts.22
October 26th another edict commanded the Americans to give a
secortd bond to bring no opium, 23 an act precipitated by an Ameri-
can purchase of sorne of the vessels formerly used as receiving
ships for the drug. The consul protested vigorusly against the
edict since it ordered him to examine each American ship as it
entered, and to certify that its products were not English. He
suggested that in its place a bond be given by each captain that
he had none of the forbidden drug on board. 24 Such a bond was
given in December of that year.25 ,
In the meantime hostilities were pending between Great
Britain and China. The British commanders threatened a
blockade. They ordered one in J anuary, 1840, but it was not
effective, owing perhaps to the protests of the American consu12 e
and to the ineffective British force. Although official notifica-
tion of the blockade was not given by Great Britain to the
United States until November 19th,27 commerce had become so
dangerous by J une that the American merchants had left C\n-
ton. 28 Snow himself left in August, putting Warren Delano, Jr.,
in charge of his office. 29 During actual hostilities American

Slade, Narrative of Late Proceedings and Events in China, p. rr7.
Niles Register, 57: 418.
Consular Letters, Canton, III.
Ch. Rep., 8 : 433.
Comm'r and viceroy, order, Dec. 29, 1839, Consular Letters, Canton, II.
Ch. Rep., 8: 453, 462, 463. ] an., 1840.
Snow to Smith, Jan. 13, 1840, Cons. Letters, Canton, III.
Lord Palmerston to Stevenson, Nov. 19, 1840. Ms. in State Dep.
Snow to Sec. of State, June 10, 1840, Cons. Letters, Cantan, III.
Ch. Rep., 9: 328.
Early Relations between the United States and China. l 15

trade was for the most part stagnant. Sorne was still carried
on, for the British agreed to make reprisals on none but Chinese
vessels, unless caught in attempting to run the blockade, but
many of the merchants had l~ft China, and by the fall of 1840
imports of Chinese goods to the United States had fallen off
over one half. 1
When the Chinese authorities took stringent measures to
abolish the opium traffic, missionaries as well as merchants suf-
fered. They were detained .in the factories along with the
others, their Chinese teachers left Hiem, the distribution of books
ceased,3 2 and Parker's hospital was closed.33 To add to their
troubles, the American financia} stringency of 1837 and 1839
seemed for a time to make retrenchments necessary. 3 4 But the
work did not entirely cease. As Americans the missionaries
were looked upon favorably by the Chinese, and were allowed
to remain in Canton and Macao af ter the English had been com-
pelled to leave. 35 Lin, the Chinese commissioner, was favorable
to the medical work, 36 and patients continued to come to Parker
unmolested by the government. An assistant to Parker, Dr.
William B. Diver was sent out in May, 1839, 3 7 and arrived
September 23, 1839. Williams continued his studies in Chinese
and Japanese, and his printing, and Bridgman with his assistance
Lord Palmerston to Stevenson, June 25, 1840. Ex. Doc., 34, 2 Sess.,
26 Cong.
' Exports from the U. S . to China. Imports from China to the U. S.
for the year ending Sept. 30.
1839 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,533,601 $3,678,509
1840 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,009,966 6,640,829
1841 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l ,200,816 3,095,388
1842 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,444,397 4,934,645
843 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,418,858 4,385,566
J. Smith Homans, An Historical and Statistical Account of the Foreign
Commerce of the United States, New York, 1857, p. 18!.
Missny. Herald, 35: 463, letter from Williams, May 17, 1839.
Ibid., 36: 81, letter from China Mission, July 14, 1839.
Corres. of A. B. C. F. M., Foreign, 2: 263, Anderson to the China
Mission, Nov. 16, 1839.
Missny. Herald, 36 : 107, letter of Parker, Sept. 6, 1839.
Missny. Herald, 36: 74, letter of Parker, July 24, _1839, and 36: 81 ,
letter of mission, J uly 14, 1839.
Ibid., 35: 365. Corres. of A. B. C. F. M., Foreign, Vol. 2, p. 43,
Anderson to China Mission, Feb. 15, 1839, and p. 92, same to same.
116 Kenneth S. Latourette,

completed the Chrestomathy.3 8 . Mrs. Shuck opened a charity

school in Macao which proved very populr 3 9 and which even
attracted the favorable comment of a critica! observer. 40 When
actual hostilities began, however, work in Cantonopped.
During the . two years of war American commerce and mis-
sions were so interrupted as to be of little relative importance.
In only two incidents, the attack on the boat of the "Morrison"
and the visit of Commodore Kearney, is attention drawn to the
Americans. The first of these took place May 22d, 1841. The
English had retaken the factories in March, a truce had been
agreed upon, and trade had been reopened. But soon afterward
the arrival of a new governor and the "rebel-quelling general"
Yih Shan 41 seemed to presage trouble, and on May 21 st Captain
Elliot, the British superintendent, advised the foreigners to leave
the city. Practically all did so at once, but a small party of
American merchants, among them Mr. Cooledge, relying on an
edict of the acting prefect of Cantan which assured all neutral
foreign merchants of safety, stayed over night. 42 The next
morning, in attempting to get away, Cooledge was captured and
taken befare the magistrate. He found there the crw of a
boat o the ship "Morrison," which, although it had had a chop
or pass, had been fired on by the Chinese. One of the party, the
hoy Sherry, had been killed, sorne of the others had been wounded,
and all were made prisoners. The entire party was kept in
confinement for about two days, when the hong m~rchants
released them and took them to the factories, where they left
them to be rescued by the English. 4 3 In the spring of 1842,
Commodore Kearney, of the U . S. East India squadron, arrived
in China, and at once brought the matter to the attention of the
native officials. He refused to treat through the hong merchants,
as former American officers had been compelled to do, but sent
his demands for indemnity directly to the provincial government.
Quite a correspondence followed, in which the governor expiained
Ibid., and Missny. Herald, 36 : 81, letter from mission, July 14, 1839.
an Corres. of A. B. M. U., letter of Mrs. Shuck to J. Peck, Mar. 14, 1839.
Henshaw, Around the World, 2: 2 31.

i l Williams, Hist. of China, p . 169.

Ch. Rep., IO : 293-295, May, 1841.
'3 Letter . of Cooledge and Account of Morss, Ch. Rep., 10: 416-420,

July, 1841.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 117

that the boat's crew had not hoisted the American flag, that it
had been released as soon as the error was discovered,44 that no
mention had been made at the time of the death of Sherry, and
that it had been impossible to give protection while hostilities
were in progress. Kearney admitted the difficulty of finding
the offenders at that late hour and waived his claims for punish-
ment, but he demanded $7,8oo for damages. This sum was
promptly paid by the. hong merchants, who offered to give Miller
an additional $2,200 if he would acknowledge full satisfaction for
his injuries. Olyphant and Company, who were the chief suf-
ferers, were not entirely pleased with Kearney's arrangement.
They took the money, however, and Kearney used their accept-
ance of it to restrain them from further action. The affair, so
far as the claims for damages was concerned, was closed August
19th of that year, when Miller gave a receipt in full for his
This visit of the East India squadron under Commodore
Kearney was a remarkable illustration of the change which the
war had brought about in the attitude of Chinese officials towards
foreigners. The squadron had come to protect the interests of
American citizens and to obtain redress for any injuries they
had suffered.4 5 To do this more effectively the frigate "Con-
stellation" went up the river to Whampoa, the first American
ship of war to invade these inner waters. 46 This intrusion, which
four years before would not have been tolerated, met with only
the mildest protest, and communications were opened, not through
the hong merchants, as had always been the custom, but directly
with the governor. Moreover, a Chinese admira! visited the
"Constellation," a most unprecedented action, and inspected it
carefully.47 Severa! other officers later followed his example. 48
Only one incident marred the visit. A boat's crew, while making
soundings preliminary to moving the frigate upstream, was

"The correspondence is all in Sen. Doc., 139, 29 Cong., 1 Sess.

"' Kearney to Sec. of Navy, Apr. I, 1842. Sen. Doc. 139, 29 Cong.,
I Sess.
a Chinese Rep., I I : 329-325.
" Chines e Rep., I 1 : 320-335.
Kearney to Sec. of Navy, May 19, 1842. Sen. Doc. 139, 1 Sess.,
29 Cong.
II8 K enneth S . Latourette,

fired on by the Chinese. 49 When Consul Delano, however,, asked

for an explanation he was assured that no harm was meant, and
that the shots had been fired only after the boat had been
repeatedly warned off and when it was feared t1-t: it was there
with sorne sinister purpose and under a borrowed fiag. 5 Kearney
took a strong stand on the opium question, and soon after his
arrival asked the vice consul at Canton to make known to the
Americans and Chinese a letter of his, announcing that the
United States would not sanction "the smuggling of opium on
this coast under the American flag in violation of the laws of
China." 5 1 With this and bis other relations with the Chinese
officials as a favorable preliminary he attempted to obtain for
the Americans the advantages given to the British by the treaty
of N anking, and to prepare the way for a treaty between his
nation and China. On October 8th, 1842, he wrote to Ke
[Kiying), the governor, saying that he had heard that an imperial
commissioner was to arrive soon to arrange commercial matters
with the English, and asking Ke to endeavor to obtain for Ameri-
can merchants an equal footing with those of the most favored
nation. A week later Ke replied that the Americans had "been
better satisfied with their trade than any other nation .
[ and] . respectively observant of the laws, and that it
should not be permitted that they . should come to have merely a
dry stick." 52 While waiting for the imperial commissioners to
arrive, Ke.arney went to Manila, 53 but in January, 1843, he was
back again, and in March resumed the correspondence. The
death of the imperial commissioner delayed matters and unt\l a
successor should arrive Kearney had to be content with treat-
ing with the governor. Ke at first seemed to think that the entire
question of the relations of . the United Sta tes and China could
be settled by a simple agreement between the commodore and the
commissioner, and when Kearney told him that it was a treaty
he wished, and that the United States would have to send a

o Ch. Rep., II : 329-335.

Sen. Doc. 139, 29 Cong., l Sess., p . 11. Niles Reg., 63: 19 (Sept. 10,
1842) says on the authority of the Canton Register that ample apology
was given to Kearney.
Gl The letter is given in Ch. Rep., l I : 239. April, 1842.
Sen. Doc. 139, 29 Cong., l Sess., p. 21.
"" Ibid., p. 24.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 119

special "high officer" to negotiate it, Ke tried to dissuade him.

Had not the two nations always been at peace? What need was
there then of a formal compact? As to opening the other four
ports to American commerce, he could not presume to decide
that but must wait until the commissioner arrived. He f elt cer-
tain, however, that the new trade regulations for Canton would
apply equally to all nations.54 With this answer Kearney had
to be content. He had already arranged with the governor for
the payment of losses sustained by the Americans in the Cantan
riots of December 7th, 1842,55 and after a parting warning to
bis countrymen not to ship from port to port in opium vessels, 56
and after taking away the papers of the "Ariel" for trading in
the drug under the American flag,6 7 he left the coast. 58
In the meantime the war had ended. The English-Chinese
treaty, which had been signed at Nanking in August, 1842, had
made revolutionary changes in the intercourse between the two
nations. A new era had dawn~d. The co-hong had been abol-
ished, a regular tariff and port regulations had been established,
and four new ports had been opened. The American treaty was
not obtained until nearly two years later, but for all purposes of
commerce and missions the privileges granted by that of Nanking
were as open to the Americans and all other nations as to the
British. It is a remarkable testimony to the efficiency of the
old method of trade, however, in supplying to the full the
demands of the United States for Chinese goods, that in spite
of the greater freedom under the new order, American commerce
with China took no sudden rise, but recovered and kept on in
the natural growth it had had before the war. 5 9 No such r evolu-

M Ibid., p. 35.
Sen. Doc. 139, 29 Cong., 1 Sess., pp. 24-29. The correspondence lastcd
from January to March, 1843.
Ibid., p. 37.
Sen. Doc. 139, 29 Cong., l Sess., p. 38.
See too, Niles Register, 65: 100, which contains a letter from Canton
published in the Boston Advertiser, describing the last few months of
Kearney's visit. See also Paullin, Diplom. Negot. of Am. Naval Officers,
pp. 109-201.
Exports from the U. S. to China. Exports from China to U. S.
Year ending Sept. 30:
1840 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,009,966 $6,640,829
1850 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,605,217 6,593,462
1 1
120 K enneth S. Latourette,

tionary effects were experienced in the amount of trade as were

f elt in the method of conducting it or in missionary operations
and diplomatic relations.
The effects of the treaty of N anking on mission9were revolu-
tionary. The interest aroused through the missionary world by
the war had been far greater than that in the commercial world,
and when the progress of events made it certai.n that sorne of
the old restrictions would be withdrawn the greatest enthusiasm
followed. Boone, of the Episcopal board, wrote in J une, 1841 :
"There is but one single barrier to the establishment of . . . .
missions among these millions . . . . [ of] heathen and that
barrier of a political nature, which may be removed in a day,
and which will probably break down upon the demise of sorne
rnonarch, perhaps of the present, if indeed the English do not
throw open to our residence before the current year is past, cities
whose inhabitants will outnumber all the inhabitants of our
Atlantic cities put together." 6 0 Bridgman wrote three weeks
later : "Full toleration [of Christianity] will come sooner or
later." 61
With the expectation of an open China carne the determination
to throw in reenforcements. Those who had worked among the
Chinese colonists prepared to transfer their operations to the
Empire. Missionaries followed hard on the heels f the British
arrny and entered the ports almost as soon as they were captured.
Boone and Abeel moved to Amoy in February, 1842. 6 2 In
February and March of that year Shuck and Roberts established
a Baptist mission on the Island of Hongkong, began to build
chapels, and organized a churcp.63 In 1841 Ball moved from
Singapore to Macao, and in 1843 to Hongkong. 64 With the sign-
ing of the treaty between China and Great Britain, August 29,
1842, the .forrner enthusiasrn was intensified. Shuck wrote his

J. D. D eBow, Statistical View of the United States . . . being a

compendium of the seventh census. W ashington, 1854, p. 188.
Spirit of Missions, 6: 366.
Missny. Herald, 38: 101 , letter of Bridgman, Macao, J uly 1, 1841.
See also letters of Parker and Bridgman in Ibid., 37 : 43.
Spirit of Missions, 7 : 310. Williams, Mid. King., 2: 338.
Baptist Missny. Mag., 23 : 21. Niles Register, 65: 68, Sept. 30, 1843.
Dean, The China Mission, p. 196.
Early Relations between the United States and China. i 21

board September r4, 184265 : "J am now permitted to convey to

you the glorious intelligence that peace is declared between Great
Britain and China, and this land of heathenized infidelity has at
last been thrown open!!!" Parker, newly returned from
America, wrote in N ovember of that year of the less haughty
attitude of the people, and that there was "abundant evidence
that a new era" had arrived. 66
In America also, where the events of the war had been fol-
lowed with close attention, it was felt that the time had come
for an advance movement. Parker spent the two years of
hostilities in the United States, lecturing widely, and organizing
branch associations in the principal cities to help in the medica!
work. 67 Other returned missionaries added inspiration; news
in the secular and religious j ournals aroused interest; and the
demands for reenforcements which carne from the representatives
on the field found a ready response. Roberts, who had become
a regular missionary 6 8 of the Baptist Board, Dean, and Shuck
urged their board to send three additional missionary families 69
and later increased their request to one for each of the treaty
ports. 70 The American Board missionaries asked for six men
for Amoy, and four or five for the other ports.7 1 In response
to these and other calls, Walter M. Lowrie of the Presbyterian

Correspondence of the A. B. M. U.
Missny. Herald, 39: 257.
Stevens, Life of Parker, p. 188 et sqq. See too, Papers Relative to
hospitals in China, Boston, 1841, which contain an appeal for Parker's
work by a committee of the Boston Medical Assocaton.
When the opening of the five ports seemed imminent, Roberts wrote
to his society, urgng that they ether incorporate and plan to send out
more missonaries, or else become auxiliary to the Baptist G~neral Con-
venton. (Corres. of A. B. M . U ., Roberts to Roberts Fund Society, Feb.
18, 1841.) The latter plan was adopted, perhaps before his letter reached
hs constituents, and he became a regular missonary of the Baptist Board.
(Ibd., Roberts to Baptist Board, Aprl 19, 1841.) Later, in a period which
does not h ere concern us, he played a rather questionable part in the
T 'ai Ping Rebellion, his sanguine temperament leading him for a time
to put too high an estim'!te on the religious nature of the movement.
July 4, 1842, Corres. of A. B. M . U.
Missny. Mag., 23: 315.
July 31, 1843, Missny. Herald, 40 : 32.
122 Kenneth S. Latourette,

Board and W. H. Cummings lef.t America in 184212 ; in 1843

Daniel J. Macgowan of the American Board carne out; and in
1844 there were nine recruits, 73 more than had come to China
from all the Protestant world before 1824. 74 Bo(itJle spent part
of 1843 and 1844 in the United States rousing interest in the
Episcopal churches, and in 1845 returned to China as missionary
bishop, with three ordained men and three unmarried women.75
The benevolent societies formed in Canton changed much with
the altered conditions. Soon after the treaty of N anking the
Morrison Education Society moved its school to Hongkong. It
prospered for a time, but in 1849 carne to an end. 76 The Medical
Missionary Society in China had a more successful history.
Immediately on the close of the war it opened a hospital in
Chusan, reopened those in Macao and Canton, and assisted work
in Shanghai and Amoy. It won the hearty favor of the Chinese,
especially of the officials, and one branch of it still exists. 77
The treaty between China and the United States had but little
effect on the missionary enterprise. Toleration, although not
included in the text, had been practically assured by the treaty
of Nanking. The American and the French treaties each secured
a few more rights, but the British document is the real dividing
point between the old and the new eras, between an entirely closed
empire and a partially open one, between hostility and partial
During the occurrence of these events in China, the American
people were developing a new interest in the Middle Kingdom.
Their knowledge of it had been gradually increasing for the

Memoirs of the Rev. Walter M. Lowrie, Missionary to China, edited
by his Father. New York, 1850. Cummings went out under no society,
although he bore a letter of warm recommendation from the American
Board to its missionaries. Corres. of A. B. C.. F. M., Foreign, Vol. 4,
p. 244. Anderson to China Mission, Dec. 22 1 l84r.
Ch. Rep., 16: 12, 13.
Spirit of Missions, 9: 334, 502; ro: 28. See too, Ibid., 8 : II4, 142.
Annual report of Morrison Educ. Soc. for year ending Oct. l, 1843.
Ch. Rep., 12: 617-630. Williams, Mid. King., 2 : 341-345.
Reports of Med. Missny. Soc. in China for 1840-1, Ch. Rep., ro: 448-
453, and for 1841-2. Ch. Rep., 12: r9r. Ch. Rep., 13: 369-377. McLavol-
Early Relations between the United States and China. 1 23

past fifty or sixty years, but at best was still imperfect. China
was a separate world, and was r egarded as the embodiment of
ali that was remote. 78 Sorne few facts did sift in frorn time to
time, and a general notion had gradually been obtained of the
empire, its extent, its government, and its people. Books on it
were occasionally published in the United States, as, for instance,
an edition of Barrows, "Travels in China," 79 and the work of
Lay, another Englishman, on "The Chinese as They Are." 80
De Ponceau had published a dissertation. on the nature and char-
acter of the Chinese system of writing, 81 and Niles Register
contained from time to time items of news from the country.
In addition to these printed sources of information, a f ew Chinese
had come to the United States. In 1800 James Magee brought
one over to learn the English language. 8 2 In 1845, Atit, a
Cantonese who had resided in Boston for eight years, became
a citizen o( the United States.83 In 1819 another Chinese had
lived in Boston for two or three years 84 and still another had
been partially educated in this country. 85 Chinese were still so' )
few and so much of a curiosity, however, that in 1834 a girl in
native costume had been imported for purposes of exhibition,86
and things Chinese were still so little known that a rnuseum of

le, Voyage en Chine, Pars; 1853, p. 356. Lockhart, Med. Missny. in

China, p. 144.
Providence Gazette and Country J ournal, Oct. 17, 1789, in comment-
ing on the salaries of Congressional officers while Rhode Island was still
outside the Union, said: "Till this state shall adopt their government
[of the United States] as well may we cavil at the salary annexed to the
office o the chief mandarn at Pekin."
John Barrows, Travels in China, Philadelphia, 1803. Van Bram,
Voyage de l'embasade de la Compagnie de Indies Orientales vers
l'empereur de la Chine dans les annes 1794 et 1795, etc., was first pub-
lished in Philaclelphia in 1797-98, 2 vols. The American Oriental Society
was formed in 1842. Journ., l : 11. .,.
G. Tradescent Lay, The Chinese as They Are, Albany, N. Y., 1843.
Peter S. A. DuPonceau, Dissertation o'n the Nature and Character
o the Chinese System of W riting, in Trans. of the Histl. and Literary
Com. of the Am. Phil. Soc., Philadelphia, 1838.
Providence Gazette, Aug. 2, 1800.
ea Niles Reg., 67: 384, Feb. 15, 1845.
Panoplist and Missny. Mag., 15: 448. Oct., 1819.
ss Abeel, Residence in China, p. 106.
Niles Register, 47: 134.
124 Kenneth S. Latourette,

curiosities brought from the empire as a business venture

attracted wide attention. 87
During these years of gradually increasing knowledge, the
opinion of China had been largely one of respect ltld admiratiof?..
This other world, with its ancient civilization, almost as remate
from ordinary American life as the planet Mars, inspired some-
thing of awe and even of envy. In the salutatory of the first vol-
ume of the American Philosophical Society the hope had been
expressed that America would in the fulness of time come to
possess much likeness to China in wealth, industry, and resources,
far "could we be so fartunate as to introduce the industry of
' the Chinese, their arts of living, and improvements in hus-
bandry America might become in time as populous
as China." 88 Jefferson had held up her non-intercourse with
foreign nations as ideal, 89 and as late as 1840, admiration far the
nation had been expressed in a prominent magazine : "The
industry and ingenuity of the Chinese in all that relates to the
conveniences of lif e are remarkable: the origin among them of
several arts of comparati vely recent date in Europe, is lost in the
night of time." 90 \Vith the Opium War, however, a sudden
revulsion of feeling took place, and from being respected and
admired, China's utter collapse before the British arms and her
unwillingness to receive western intercourse and ideals led to a
f eeling of contempt. There was a failure to recognize the true
import of her history and her real progress, and contrasting their
old ideas of her greatness with their sudden discovery of her
weakness, the impression spread through America and Europe,
that China was decadent, dying, fallen greatly from her glorious
With the so-called Opium War there began in America a new

' Niles Reg., 55: 391, Feb. 16, 1839, mentions it as being in Philadelphia,

and N athan Dunn, Descriptive Catalogue of the Ch inese Collection at

Philadelphia, Philadelphia, 1839, shows a fairly complete exhibit of the
manners, dress, costumes, and lie of the Chinese.
Oberholtzer, Robert Morris, p. 223.
Thos. J efferson to Hogendorp, Oct. 13, 1785. Writings of Thornas
Jefferson, Andrew A. Lipscomb, ed. in chie, Washington, 1904, 5: 183.
" Hunt's Mere. Mag., 2: 82.
Letters o Cushing in Sen. Doc. 58 and 67, 28 Cong., 2 Sess., passirn.
These are an illustration o this feeling o contempt.
Early Relations between the U nited States and China. 12 s
interest in the affairs of the Celestial Kingdom. The war would
have attracted attention in any case, since it so deeply concerned
American trade and missions, and bade fair to open the country
more fully to both, 92 but the added moral question raised by the
intimate relations of the opium trade to the struggle called forth
much additional discussion. On the whole there was a strong
feeling that an unjust attempt was being made to force a poison-
ous drug on an unwilling nation. John Quincy Adams was clear-
visioned enough to see that there was a deeper question, the right
of China to deny commerce to other nations, and in November,
1841, expressed his views before the Massachusetts Historical
Society.93 The lecture aroused a storm of protest and was so
unpopular that the N orth American Review refused to publish
it. The thought of crowding the deadly opium on another nation,
and even of forcing her to accept any trade she <lid not want,
antagonized the independent American spirit. Hunt's Merchanl)
Magazine94 carne out strongly with the statement that "we can /
imagine no more glaring violation of the law of nations than~
the successful attempt which has been made to cram clown her
[ China's] throat by force, an article which she has deliberately
refused to receive. Undoubtedly the bearing of the Chines
government was preposterous, and the aspect of Chinese insti-
tutions, to a stranger, ludicrous in the extreme; but we cannot
discover in what way the conceit and ignorance of the Chinese
authorities can be considered sufficient to justify the summary
remedies which have been adopted." John W. Edmonds, in a lec-
ture delivered before the N ewburgh Lyceum, asked indignantly, .
"To what code of either natural or national law are we to be
referred for a principie that would justify the permanent intru-
sion of a foreign agent upon our domicile, either national or ,indi-
vidual, against our will, and in defiance to our repugnance to ali
intercourse ?" 9 5 Y et in this indignation there was mixed a
curiously inconsistent enthusiasm over the prospect of an open

Niles Reg., Vol. 57 et sqq., passim, is an example of the way news
of the war was published.
The paper is given in Ch. Rep., I I :274-289.
~ Hunt's Merchant Mag., 8: 205, Mar., 1843.
John W. Edmonds, Origin and Progress of the War Between England
and China, New York, 184r.
126 K enneth S. Latourette,

China and the opportunities it would offer. While deploring the

means, A mericans exulted in the end. 9 6
Throughout the war the government kept in close touch with
the situation, alive to the opportunities it mig!ft afford to the
United States. January 7, 1840, a set of resolutions passed the
House requesting the P resident to communicate information
respecting American trade and American citizens in China, espe-
cially as affected by the threatened hostilities.0 7 The President
sent in the required information February 25th. 98 The resolu-
tions were taken by sorne as an indication that the United States
intended to join Great Britain in the war, but Cushing, who had
originated them, and Pickens, .chairman of the House committee
on foreign affairs, both disclaimed any such intention. 9 9 A sec-
ond resolution in December of the same year secured further
information about the war and the blockade of Chinese ports. 100
The minister to England, Edward Everett, kept the government
supplied with such news as he could collect. He did not share the
popular expectation of a sudden expansion of trade as a result
of the war, but believed that as then organized it amply supplied
the demand. 1 0 1 He felt sure, however, that whatever advantage
accrued to England as a_ result of the treaty of N anking must
sooner or later be shared with the other powers. 102
With the progress of the war there carne the conviction that
the United States must put its .t rade with China on a firmer
basis, that she must have there a diplomatic representative as
well as a consul, and obtain treaty recognition of her rights. It
had long been f elt that the consul should be given more authority
.~- and be made independent of prvate trade. Early in the history
\ of the trade a petition had been sent in by sorne of the Canton
\ merchants asking that a "more efficient consular establishment"
be organized with a consul having a salary of three thousand

~ The article in Hunt's Magazine quoted above admirably illustrates
this contradiction.
Cong. Globe, I Sess., 26 Cong., p. 172.
va Ex. Doc. II9, 1 Sess., 26 Cong., pp. 1-85.
Cong. Globe, 1 Sess., 2d Cong., p . 275. . Mar. 16, 1840.
E x. Doc. 34, 2 Sess., 2 6 Cong.
1 1
Edward Everett to D. W ebster, Nov. 29, 1842. An earlier letter on
the war was that of May 6, 1842. M ss. in State Department, W ashington.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 127

dollars ayear, andan experienced physician and surgeon. 1 03 The

weakness of the old system had been clearly shown during the
Terranova affair, when the consul's powers proved so inadequate.__
During the troubles which followed the end of the East India
Company's rgime, it was felt that sorne action must soon be
taken, especially since Grosvenor, the incumbent of the office,
was absent so much of the time. An American merchant in
Canton wrote the government in April, 1834, urging that a consul
be on the ground with extensive powers, and that a naval force
be sent to watch developments. In September he wrote again,
predicting hostilities between China and Great Britain, and urg-
ing more specifi.cally that the United States send a representative
to the East to <leal directly with the authorities, to insure treat-
ment as favorable as that accorded to England. 1 0 4 In June, 1837,
the Chinese Repository published an article proposing a consular
establishmPnt for Eastern Asia with a consul-general at Canton,
and men under him at various Eastern trade centers, all with
adequate salaries. 1 5
After hostilities had begun the needs of the situation were seen
to include more than a mere change in the consular establish-
ment. It was felt by all persons acquainted with conditions
that the United States must obtain for herself those underlying
privileges for which the war was being waged-larger freedom
of residence and of trade, greater security for the persons of
foreigners, and a mutual agreement as to tariff and port r egula-
tions, all based on direct intercourse between officials of the two
nations and on a treaty whose fundamental principle should be
mutual equality. Pressure was brought to bear on the govern-
ment from various sources, urging action to this end. E ven
before the war had begun, on April 23d, 1839, Gideon Nye
memoralized Congress, submitting "the expediency of appointing
a minister to the court of Peking, empowered to establish equit-
able relations, whereby his right of residence at the seat of

' Consular Letters, Canton, l. It has no date, but its early nature is
shown by the letters with which it is bound, and by the fact that it is
signed by Perkins and Company, l. S. Wilcocks, Philip Ammidon, J ohn
Hart, Andrew Mather, William F. Magee, etc.
Consular Letters, Canton, l. April 20, 1834. . Ibid., II, Sept. 23, 1834.
''Ch. Rep., 6: 69-82. (J une, 1837.)
Kenneth S. Latourette,

government would be secured as a preliminary."106 This, said

he, was the only means of obtaining a final settlement of the
question. In the same year, Henshaw, who was at Cantan with
Commodore Read, f elt that the time was opportu~ for a diplo-
matic mission and lar ge concessions, 107 and about the same time
Peter Parker, whose medical services had won him favor with
the Chinese, memoralized Lin, the imperial commissioner, urging
that a treaty was the only final solution of the difficulties with
western powers. 108 In 1840 a number of American citizens at
Cantan asked Congress to act with Great Britain, France, and
L-Holland in putting matters on a safe basis. They suggested as a
proper method a direct appeal to the emperor for permission for
a minister to reside at Peking, and for a fixed tariff duty, a sys-
tem of bonding warehouses with regulations for trans-shipment
of goods, the liberty of trading at additional ports in China, com-
pensation for losses in the legal trade during the recent troubles
with a guarantee against their recurrence, and punishment of
British and American offenders only on proved guilt and by no
greater penalty than in the home country. 109 In the same year
-~ (0 a memorial from those merchants of Bastan and Salem who were
) interested in the trade suggested that the tim for sending an
1 envoy had not yet come, but that a naval force should be sent

- ) to China sufficient to protect American interests. u These

various recommendations all agreed that the time was either
present or near at hand when the United States would have to
send out an envoy to treat directly with the imperial government
and arrange for trade on a more secure and a more equitable
The government was naturally slow in yielding to this agita-

Nye, Peking the Goal, p. 80.
Henshaw, Around the World, 2: 294.
ios "What then is the cause of the present evil between China and the
other countries? Misapprehension of each other's designs and character
on the part of these nations. What is the remedy? Two words express
it, 'Honorable Treaty.' Such a treaty exists between ali friendly nations.''
Stevens, Life of Parker, p. 170.
Ex. Doc. 40, 26 Cong., I Sess. The s~me is in Canton Press, J une 13,

1840. (Vol. 5, No. 37.)

uo Ex. Doc. 170, 26 Cong., l Sess. Presented April 9, 1840, and referred
to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 129

tion, and felt that war with China must if possible be avoided,
especially since the past friendliness of Americans, or as the
proud Chinese would have put it, their obedience, had created
such a favorable impression. On the other hand, when the
administration carne to understand the situatioti., it became con-
vinced that when England should have finished the war America
must do what she could to obtain by peaceful means a j ust
share of its results. In December, 1840, John Quincy Adams
proposed resolutions in Congress asking the President to com-
municate information about the past and present relations of the
United States and China, but the motion to adopt them was lost.11 1
The following month Peter Parker carne to Washington and saw
President Van Buren and Secretary of State Forsyth, but admin-
istrations were just changing, and he was referred to Webster,
the incoming Secretary of State, and to others of the new rgime.
W ebster received him court:,eously and asked him to put his views
in wntmg. Parker did so, urging the sending -of a "minister
plenipotentiary direct and without delay to the court of Taou
Kwang." 112 In March, after the new administration had come
in, Parker saw Adams and asked him whether he would under-
take the mission if it were instituted. Hawes and Cushing of the
Committee of Foreign Affairs had asked Adams the same ques-
tion, but he had given an evasive answer. He records in his
faithful diary that he thought the time for such an action had
not yet arrived, and that considering the then existing relations
between the United States and Great Britain, Parker's suggestion
that the former offer her me<liation was impractica:ble.113 In
September Parker saw the President and W ebster and found
that Tyler had as yet taken no action because he had been in

Cong. Globe, 26 Cong., 2 Sess., p. 24, Dec. 15 and 16, 1840.
Stevens, Life of Parker, pp. 184-188. He urged it on the grounds
that the war had unsettled American affairs, that an A.merican minister
might act as a mediator between the Chinese and the English, that there
was a strong desire in China for foreign trade, that the Chinese merely
wished for a pacification by which they would not "lose face,'' that
if not soon attended tQ they might close up like J apan, and that the
American nation was mo re acceptable to the Chinese than any other.
Memoirs of John Quincy Adams, Comprising Portions of Bis Diary
from 1795-1848, edited by Charles Francis Adams. Philadelphia, 1876.
IO: 444-445. Mar. 15, 1841.
TRANS. CoNN. AcAn., Vol. XXII 9
130 K enneth S. Latourette,

the Senate when an act was passed forbidding the President to

do more than recommend a new mission, and be cause he f eared
the possible disgr:ace of having an ambassador rejected. 114
Opposition did not discourage the missionary, rwwever, and in
June, 1842, he again saw Adams and again asked him if he
would accept the position of envoy if one should be appointed.
Adams answered that he might consider it, but that he still
believed it better to send a commissioner with full powers to act
rather than an envoy.115
The news of the Treaty of N anking roused the administration
to decision. It f elt that the time had at last come when the
United States could begin negotiations in safety, and when it
must do so if it were to obtain advantages equal to those of Great
Britain. Consequently, December 31st, 1842, the President sent
a message to Congress stating his views, . and advising that a
commissioner be appointed to " reside in China to exercise a
watchful care over the concern of American citizens,
empowered to hold intercourse with the local authorities, and
ready, under instructions from his government, should such
instructions become necessary to address himself to
the high functionaries of the Empire, and through them to the
Emperor himself ." The message expressed the view which
Adams had held, that an amb_assador should not yet be appointed,
since an official would have to be accredited to the sovereign
and would very probably be rejected. 116 Webster seems to have
been the moving spirit in the step, as it was he who wrote the
message.11 7 The document was referred to the Committee on

Stevens, Life of Parker, p. 220. He quotes Parker's Journal for
September 16, 1842.
llG Adams, Diary, 11: 166. June 2, 1842. At this point, Parker ceased
his efforts and returned to China. Just how much influence his work
had on the origin and conduct of the mission cannot be stated with
certainty. However, he had married a relative of W ebster, and had
enjoyed quite a little popularity, and it seems probable that he was an
influential factor in preparing the way for future action.
Ex. Doc. 35, 27 Cong., 3 Sess.
The Works of Daniel W ebster, Boston, 1856, 6: 463. The message
is given there with a footnote attributing it to him, and the work was
compiled under his direction.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 131

Foreign Affairs, and by them to Adams.11 8 The report of the

committee was read J anuary 24th, 1843, and recommended an
appropriation of forty thousand dollars with which to open up
diplomatic intercourse with China. It did not specify the exact
way in which the sum should be used, except that it should be
accounted for by the President in the manner prescribed by the
Act of July 1st, 1790.11 9 The amount proposed was a large one.
It had been fixed at Webster's suggestion, his opinion being that
it should be large enough to provide a salary equal to that of a
minister to a European country. 120 There was rnuch opposition
to the size of the appropriation. 121 It passed the House, however,
February 21st, by a vote of 96 to 59 with a slight arnendrnent
suggested by W ebster through Adarns.122 The bill was reported
favorably in the Senate without amendment, but sorne of the oppo-
nents of the administration thought that they saw in it a deep laid
plot to give too much power to the President. Benton especially
was virulent in his opposition. To his rnind it withdrew the
accounting of money from the Secretary of the Treasury, appro-
priated it for an unnecessary mission, and gave the President a
chance to appoint sorne of his henchmen to a pleasant trip to the
Orient without the consent of the Senate. Finally on March 3d,
the last day of the session, the bill passed the upper house with
amendment,s providing that no agent should be appointed under it
without the consent of the Senate, and that no one person
employed under. it should be-given more than $9,000 exclusive of
Niles Register, 63: 378, Feb. II, 1863, gives the report. The Act of
July 1, 1790, is in Statutes at Lar~e, 1: 128.
Adams, Diary, 11 : 290.
Webster to J. Q. Adams, Jan. 9, 1843, C. H. Van Tyne [editor],
The Letters . of Daniel W ebster, from documents owned principally by
the New Hampshire Historical Society, New York, 1902, p. 285. Curiously
Adams' diary seems to be in error here. An entry on the same day
(Jan. 9), p. 290, says that he called on Webster to find the amount that
the latter had wished, and that W ebster told him that he thought $4,000
enough for the mission, and a consul salaried at $3,000. The error may
be a typographical one, or due to forgetfulness on Adams' part.
Cong. Globe, 27 Cong., 3 Sess., pp. 323-325.
Adams, Diary, II: 305, Jan. 31, 1843. Other amendments to substi-
tute for the mission a commercial agency and an appropriation of $10,000,
and to limit the salary of the commissioner to $6,ooo, that of the minister
to Turkey, were rejected. Cong. Globe, 27 Cong., 3 Sess., p. 325.
132 Kenneth S. Latourette,

outfit. The House concurred in the amendments and the bill was
quickly signed by the President. 123
The mission was first offered to Edward Everett, who was
then minister to Great Britain, his nomination havi~ been hurried
to the Senate the last hour of the session. W ebster urged him
to accept it. The newspaper report was that the Secretary of
State wanted the London post for himself, as he was soon to
resign from the cabinet, but he wrote to Everett mentioning the
rumor and emphatically denying it, saying that in the present
state of affairs he had not the slightest wish to go to England.
Sorne have thought that the denial was only apparent, not real,
and have cited as evidence Webs.ter's pending resignation and
the conversation with Adams in which he asked him to write
Everett urging an acceptance. 1 24 Everett, however, refused the

Thomas Hart Benton, Thirty Years' View, or a History of the
American Government for Thirty Years from 1820 to 1850. 2 v., New
York, 1856, 2: 510-512: Benton was very much opposed to the act, and
gives the impression that it was railroaded through. While adhering,
except in one instance, to the facts as to dates, his account is misleading.
The one error in date is where he says that the bill was taken up in
the House ten days before the close of the session. It was passed there
Feb. 21. Cong. Globe, 3 Sess., 27 Cong., pp. 323-325. The law as passed
is in Statutes at Large, 5 : 624.
' Those taking the position that W ebster wished the English position
are James Schouler, History of the United States of America under the
Constitution, Vol. 4, 1831-1841, Washington, 1889, p. 436, Lyon G. Tyler,
The Letters and Times of the Tylers, 2 v., Richmond, 1885, 2 : 263, who
quotes Adams' Diary and the letter in Curtis, Life of W ebster; and
Foster, Am. Dip. in Orient, pp. 77-79, who quotes no one. George Ticknor
Curts, Life of Daniel Webster, N ew York, 1870, 2: 178, takes the opposite
The documents in the case are as follows :
W ebster to Everett, Mar. 10, 1843. ". . . . You see it said in the
newspapers that the object in nominating you to China is to make way
for your humble servant to go to London. I will tell you the whole
truth about this without reserve.
I believe the President thinks that there might be sorne advantage
from an undertaking by me to settle remaining difficulties with England.
I suppose this led him to entertain the idea, now abandoned (a t least
for the present) of an extra mission; but in this present state of things,
I have no wish to go t o England-not the slightest. To succeed you in
England for the mere purpose of carrying for a year or two the general
business of the mission is what I could not think of. I do not mean only
Early Relations between the United States and China. 133

place and it was then offered to Caleb Cushing. Although not

certainly proved by any document, it seems probable that this
nomination ~as a partial reward to Cushing for his faithful
service to Tyler, a service which had cost him his seat in Con-
gress and the refusal of the Senate to confirm his appointment
to a cabinet position.125

that I would not be the occasion of transferring you elsewhere for any
such purpose, but I mean that, if the place were vacant, I would not
accept an appointment to fill it, unless I knew that something might be
done beyond the ordinary routine or duties. At present I see little or
no prospect of accomplishing any great obj ect.
Embarrassed as the administration is here, and difficult as are the
questions with which it has to <leal, I find my hopes of success faint.
Besides, I do not know who is to fill this place ( which I suppose I shall
soon vacate) and therefore cannot anticipate the instructions which I
might receive. The President is most anxious to signalize his adminis-
tration by an adjustment of the remaining difficulties with England, and
by the making of a beneficia! commercial arrangement. If, for any
purpose, a negotiation could be carried on here, I would give the Presi-
dent all the aid in my power, whether in or out of office, in carrying it
forward. But, w ithout seeing clearly how I was to get through, and
arrive at a satisfactory result, I could not consent to cross the water.
I wish you, therefore, to feel that, as far as I am concerned, your
appointment to China had not its origin in any degree in a desire that
your present place should be vacated. If it were vacant now, o r should
be vacated by you, there is not one chance in a thousand that I should
fill it." Curtis, Life of W ebster, 2: i78.
Adams, Diary, Mar. 13, 1843 (II: 337), says that he (Adams) visited
W ebster. ". . . . I said I had been mu ch gratified with the appoint-
ment of Edward Everett as the Minister to China, deeming the mission
of transcendent importance, and deeming him by his character and attain-
ments peculiarly well suited for it. Mr. Webster seemed much delighted,
and my rei:narks appeared to be quite unexpected. He immediately said
he would be greatly obliged to me if I would write as much to Edward
Everett himself; which I said I would do with pleasure. He asked me
to send the letter to him to-morrow, when the dispatches would be made
up to go by the Great Western next Thursday."
Williams, Life and Letters of Williams, p. 126, footnote, thinks this
was true. The a priori evidence seems very strong. Benton, with his
strongly partisan viewpoint, saw in the whole plan a conspiracy. Cushing
had been on the committee which reported the bill, and in the House
which passed it, and although his term as a member of Congress h ad
expired, in Benton's eyes he was morally if not legally bound by the
constitution not to accept the position. Moreover, he was a man whom
134 K enneth S. Latourette,

Preparations for the expedition were at once made. It was

determined to make as ample and impressive a showing as pos-
sible. Cushing, the head, even if chosen for political reasons,
was a man of unquestioned ability, and as a relatie of the John
Perkins Cushing who had been engaged in the Cantan trade126
may have had a previous personal knowledge and interest in the
empire. The congressional appropriation was ample and \Vebster
promised more funds if needed.127 A squadron composed of the
frigate "Brandywine," the sloop-of-war "St. Louis," and the
steam frigate "Missouri," under Commodore Parker, was com-
missioned to carry the party, and in addition to Cushing and to
Fletcher Webster, the Secretary, a number of young men were
encouraged to go at their own expense to add the dignity of
numbers. 128 As was wise in a work of which the home govern-
ment could know so little, Cushing was given the fullest of
powers. He had two commissions, one appointing him commis-
sioner, in which capacity he was authorized to treat with the
governors of provinces and cities, or with other local authorities
of China, and the other appointing him envoy extraordinary and
minister plenipotentiary, which he was to use in case he reached
the Emperor's court at Peking. He was given full power to
sign a treaty, and in his letter of irtstructions he was directed to
obtain the entry of American ships into the ports opened to Great
Britain on the same terms as those enjoyed by that power.
While assuring the Chinese of the peaceful nature of the exped-

the Senate would probably have rejected, and as he was appointed after
that body had adjourned, and sent off befare they could meet to act on
the nomination, Benton thought that the law had again been v iolated.
The President had a right to appoint during an interim of the Senate
only to a vacancy in an unexpired term. (Benton, Thirty Years' View,
2: 514.) Benton, however, was prejudiced, too much so to be fair. The
administration's first choice had undoubtedly been Everett, he had been
confirmed by the Senate, and bis refusal to accept left the office vacant.
Technically, it was an unexpired term to be filled by appointment, and if
the pressing opportunity were to be seized a man to be secured, and
the mission sail befare Congress could meet again.
They were third cousins. Lemuel Cushing, Genealogy of the Cushing
Family. Montreal, 1877, pp. 46, 37, 70, 74, 24. Rev. Caleb Cushing was the
great-great-grandfather of them both.
Webster to Everett, Mar. ro, 1834; Curtis, Life of W ebster, 2: 178.
W ebster to Cushing, May 8, 1843, Sen. Doc. 138, 28 Cong., 2 Sess.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 135

tion, he was to preserve the dignity of the United States Gov-

ernment, and to assert always that he was no tribute-bearer. If
possible, he was to reach Peking. To that end he was given a
letter from the President to the Emperor, which he was to deliver
in person, or to send by a proper messenger if assurances were
given of a friendly reply signed by the monarch himself. The
question of kotow was left to his own judgment: "Ali pains
should be taken to avoid the giving of offense, or the wounding
of the nation's pride; but at the same. time you will be careful"-
so the instructions ran-"to do nothing wh.ich may seem even to
the Chinese themselves, to imply any inf eriority on the part of
your government " And last of all, he was to insist
on the principie of the most favored nation treatment. 120 Both
the letter of instructions and that of the President to the Emperor
were the work of Webster. 130 The former was a dignified,
succinct statement, showing the best of judgment, if here and
there an ignorance of China, but the latter reads much like a
missive to sorne barbaran prince, and echoes that same feeling of
superiority which later characterized Cushing's communica-
The mission was looked upon rather critically by many Ameri-
cans as a Tyler undertaking, and sorne doubt was expressed as
to its success. Benton, of course, had rothing good to say of
it.132 Niles found fault with the display and pomp and preferred
"such a demonstration of republican simplicity as our first of
American ministers, Benjamn Franklin had the
intrepidity to make at the most scrupulous court of aristocrats
in Europe,'' m preference to the "unavailing mummery of

Sen. Doc. 138, 28 Cong., 2 Sess. W ebster to Cushing, May 8, 1843.
Foster, Am. Dip. in Orient, p. 81, thinks that the letter of the
President to the Emperor, because of its inferior quality, was written
by Tyler or Webster's successor, Upshur, who countersigned it; but it
is given in W ebster's works, ed. 1856, 6: 477; with. a footnote attributing
it to him. W ebster had evidently made something of a study of the
situation. He wrote to the merchants in the China trade, asking for
suggestions in regard to the mission, April, 1843. Letters and Recollec-
tions of J. M. Forbes, I : 115.
Sen. Doc. 138, 28 Cong., 2 Sess., Tyler to Empr. of China, July 12, 1843.
Benton, Thirty Years' View, 2: 515.
Kenneth S. Latourette,

courtly style." 13 3 He later gave space to a letter from a merchant

in Canton criticizing the objects of the mission. 134 The treasurer
of the American Oriental Society was very sceptical as to its
success in reaching Peking, and, seemingly, of t!e probability
of a treaty. 135
Cushing left the United States in the summer of 1843, in
the "Missouri." The plan was for him to go to Egypt, thence
overland across the Isthmus of Suez, and by sea to Bombay,
where he was to meet the squadron. At Gibraltar, however, the
"Missouri" caught and burned, and Cushing went on by
British conveyance to Bombay. Here he was taken on board the
"Brandywine" and completed bis voyage to Canton. 136
In the meantime, on September 22d, 1843, Paul S. Forbes,
recently appointed United States consul at Canton, had reported
his arrival to the Imperial Commissioner, and in doing so,
apprised the latter of Cushing's coming. He told of the special
commission from the United States and asked the best route to
pursue to Peking. Kiying replied advising against the proposed
trip to the capital, saying wiili characteristic suavity that it was
too long for a party which had already come so far and that
their business could just as well be conducted at Canton. 1 3 7
Cushing arrived at Macao February 24th, 1844, and on the
27th sent a tactful letter to the acting viceroy of the provinces of
Kwangtung and Kwangsi. He announced his mission, saying
that he was on his way to Peking to deliver a letter to the Emperor,
and had stopped for a few weeks at Macao until the " Brandy-
wine" should have taken on provisions and prepared to continue
to the mouth of the Peiho, and that he wished to take this oppor-
tunity to inquire after the health of his majesty. Ching, the
acting viceroy, replied on March l9th, saying that the inquiry
after the Emperor's health showed "respectful obedience and
politeness exceeding to be praised,'' but strongly urged Cushing
not to think of going to Peking, since the Emperor must first be
N iles Register, 64: 308, J uly 15, 1843.
Ibid., 67: 36, Sept. 21, 1844.
m Greenough, China, in Journ. of Am. Oriental Soc., 1: 143-161, Boston,
1849. (Paper presented to the Society in 1844.)
Ben ton, Thirty Years' View, 2: 515, is very bitter again~t the entire

Consular Letters, Canton, III.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 137

memorialized, and since even a merchant ship had never been

there. Then, too, said the viceroy, there would be no interpreter
at the capital, and no commissioner with power to make a treaty.
The English had not carried on their negotiations at Peking, an
imperial edict had already been issued .( af ter F orbes' warning)
ordering Cushing to be stopped, and af ter all, a treaty was not
at all necessary. 138 This began a correspondence between the
two in which the American hastened the appointment of a com-
missioner by threatening to go to Peking. March 23d, Cushing
replied to Ching's first letter, refusing to discuss the matter of a
treaty with any but an imperial commissioner, and still insisting
on going north, although expressing his willingness to go by
land. 139 Ching replied that the latter was impossible, 140 and that
a reply from Peking might be expected in about three months. 141
Sorne four days later Cushing again expressed his intention of
going north, saying that if the court had wanted him to stay
at Canton it would have forwarded the viceroy instructions for
his reception, and reminding him that a refusal to receive
embassies of friendly states was considered among western
nations a j ust cause for war. 142 This, and the proposal that the
f'Brandywine" come up the river to \N'hampoa and fire a salute,
brought a reply from Ching af ter the short interval of three
days, still protesting that a treaty was unnecessary, since trade
had been carried on so long and so successfully without one,
and informing Cushing that the law of the land did not permit
ships of war in the river, nor to fire salutes, "although it is all
very peaceful and done with the best intentions."143 Ching com-
plained, too, that Forbes had opened a letter sent by the former
through him to Cushing. Two days later he sent another letter,
explaining the non-appointment of an Imperial commissioner by
the ignorance of the gdvernment as to when Cushing would
arrive. 1 H Cushing in a reply explained that Forbes had opened

Sen. Doc: 67, 28 Cong., 2 Sess., p. 2.
Sen. Doc. 87, 28 Cong.,
81) 2 Sess., p. 5.
uo lbid., p. 7, April 1st.
lbid., p. 10, April 4th.
u Ibid., p. 12.
Sen. Doc. 67, 28 Cong., 2 Sess:, pp. 13, 16.
Ibid., p. 20.
K enneth S. Laiourette,

the letter by mistake, 145 and that if the acting viceroy had sent
it directly to his house the accident would not have happened.
He _then lectured Ching on the use of salutes. "China," said he,
"will find it very difficult to remain at peace with an' of the great
states of the W est, so long as her provincial governors are pro-
hibited either to give or to receive manif estations of that peace
in the exchange of ordinary courtesies of national intercourse."
On M ay 9th, Cushing wrote saying that he would wait a little
longer before going N orth, to allow ample time to hear from
Peking, and reminded Ching that "foreign ambassadors repre-
sent the sovereignty of their nation. Any disrespect shown to
them is disrespect to their nation. . . . Causelessly to molest
them is a national injury of the gravest manner." He also said
that the delay would cause dissatisfaction in the United States.146
However, the American was secretly not anxious to go to Peking.
He preferred to negotiate at Canton rather than to jeopardize
the success of his mission by going to Tien Tsin or Peking. 147
Cushing's insistence on going to the capital and his growing
impatience finally had its desired effect. Kiying, the newly
appointed viceroy of Kwangtung and Kwangsi, was made
Imperial High Commissioner and was given full powers.148
Cushing with a parting note to the acting viceroy expressing his
satisfaction at Kiying's appointment, but reasserting his intention
of ultimately going north, prepared to meet the commissioner.
He later f elt that the months of waiting had been well spent.
His correspondence with Ching had settled the question of the
necessity of a treaty, and had given him the chance to "say all
the harsh things which needed to be said and to speak to the
Chinese government with extreme frankness in a
degree which would have been inconvenient . . . . m 1mme-
diate correspondence with" the commissioner. 149 Kiying made
'" Ibid., p. 17, Apr. 22, 1844.
" While this discussion was going on, there was sorne minor disturbance
over the weather vane on the new American flagstaff in Canton, which
the Chinese thought brought ill-luck; but it was removed as soon as the
objection was raised, and the trouble ceased. Ch. Rep., 13: 227.
ur Cushing to Upshur, May 27, 1844, and the same to Calhoun, July 15,
1844, Sen. Doc. 67, 28 Cong., 2 Sess., pp. 31, 58.
Ibid., p. 28.
uo Cushing to Sec. of State, Ibid., p. 40. (July 9, 1844.)
Early Relatians between the United States and China. 139

his public entry May 3oth, 150 and negotiations were at once
opened. The relations between the two commissioners were on
the whole very pleasant. The first two letters from the Chinese
had in the address the name of the United States one line below
that of the Chinese government, an expression of inferiority,
but when Cushing returned them, tactfully considering the offense
the "result of clerical inadvertance," they were promptly cor-
rected.151 On July 17th, Kiying crossed the boundary to the
Portuguese colony of Macao, and took up his residence in a
temple in the village of Whanghia, or Wang Hiya. The next
day he visited the fleet, and on the following day (J une 19th),
the Americans returned the call. That same evening three
Chinese officers attending the commissioner met vVebster, Bridg-
man, and Peter Parker, Cushing's secretaries, and arranged the
-:ourse of the negotiations. 152 On the 2rst, Cushing-presented a
pro jet for a treaty, basing it, as he said, on five principles153 : that
the United States were to treat with China on a basis of friend-
ship and peace; that they <lid not desire any perfect reciprocity,
but since their ports were all open to the ships of all nations and
there were no export duties, and since the Chinese had opened
only five ports and had an export tariff, they would acquiesce in
the view of the subject which it had pleased the Emperor to
adopt; that any difference between the American pro jet and the
British treaty was due to the fact that Great Britain had posses-
sion of Hongkong, and the United States neither possessed nor
desired such a concession; nd that in drawing up the pro jet
the interests of both sides had been borne in mind. The Chinese
and American secretaries met for several days, sometimes in
Cushing's house in Macao, sometimes at Whanghia, and discussed
and modified this pro jet until both principals were satisfied.
Within the first week after their meeting, Kiying told Cushing
that if he insisted on going to Peking negotiations must be broken
off. Cushing yielded with a show of reluctance, stipulating a

Chinese Rep., 13 : 335.


Cushing to Sec. of State, Sen. Doc. 67, 28 Cong., 2 Sess., p. 34. (J une
13, 1844.)
1 2
Cushing to Sec. of State, July 8, 1844, Sen. Doc. 67, 28 Cong., 2

Sess., p. 38.
m Cushing to Kiying, J une 21, 1844, Ibid., p. 41.
Kenneth S. Latourette,

condition which the other was most willing to grant, that if min-
isters of western nations were thereafter received at the capital
an American envoy would also be welcomed.154 Cushing asked
and obtained, however, permission to send thrdfgh the Com-
missioner the President's letter to the Emperor. 155 Negotiations
proceeded without further incident, and on J uly 3d the treaty
was finished and signed. The next <lay Cushing issued a letter
to the American merchants announcing the treaty and on July 5th
Kiying returned to Canton.
The document so obtained was a credit to Cushing and
remained the standard for settling difficulties between Chinese
and foreigners until the treaties of 1860.156 In general it pro-
vided for the it:hings stipulated by the English treaty.157 Ameri-
cans could reside for the purposes of comrnerce in the five ports
of Canton, Amoy, Foochow, Ningpo, and Shanghai; a definite
tariff was to be promulgated and annexed to the treaty; consuls
were to be allowed to reside in the open cities and communicate
with Chinese officials on equal terms; the old co-hong was to be
abolished; no prohibitions were to be placed on trade in these
ports; and the most-favored-nation clause was inserted. The
British treaty contained sorne clauses which the American docu..:
ment <lid not have; the cession of Hongkong, indemnity of debts
due British merchants by members of the co-hong, the r~lease of
prisoners of war, and the gradual evacuation of Chinese ports.
On the other hand, the American treaty was a much longer and
more carefully drawn instrument, and was superior to it in a num-
ber of important points. Cushing enumerated sixteen of these in a
letter to John Nelson, written on July 5th, 1844.1 58 (1) The
tariff was amended in favor of Ame'r ican articles, such as gin-
seng, contraband articles, and maitters of government monopoly,
and could be changed only by mutual agreement: ( 2) By the

Cushing to Sec. of State, J uly 8, 1844, Sen. Doc. 67, 28 Cong., 2
Sess., p. 38.
u The official reply to this letter was sent the following December in
due form, approving the treaty. Niles Reg., 68: 253. June 28, 1845.
Williams, Middle Kingdom, 2: 267.
The English treaty is in Lewis H ertslet, A Complete Collection of the
Treaties and Recip roca! .Regulations at Present Subsisting between Great
Britain and Foreign Powers, etc., London, 1845, 6: 221-225. The Ameri-
can T reaty is in U. S. Statutes at Large, 8 : 592-605.
1 08
Sen. Doc. 67, 28 Cong., 2 Sess., p. 77.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 141

English treaty, the consuls were made responsible for the pay-
ment of duties, but in the American treaty this was avoided by
stipulating tha.t these should be paid in cash. (3) A new pro-
vision was made allowing goods to be shipped from one port
to another without paying double duty. (4) To secure the dignity
of consuls the privilege was given to them of complaining to.
the superior officers of any disrespectful treatment. ( 5) Duties
were to be paid only as the cargo was landed, and a ship remain-
ing for forty-eight hours without breaking bulk was free from
tonnage and other duties. (6) Citizens of the United States
were to have accommodations in all five ports, and the privilege
of renting sites for houses and places of business, hospitals,
churches, and cemeteries. 159 (7) It was permitted to foreigners,
contrary to the former Chinese law, to hire persons to teach
them the language, and to buy any kind of book. ( 8) A prin- (.
ciple of more than ordinary importance was that of exterri- 1

toriality, one of the distinct contributions of the treaty to the ~

diplomacy of the Far East. In the letter to Calhoun, September
29th, 1844, Cushing traced the reasons which led him to introduce
it. 160 He showed how to his mind, it had originated in the Italian
settlements in the Levant, and had been the rule in semi-barbarous
and Mohammedan states. The states of Christendom "acknowl-
edge the authority of certain maxims and usages, received among '
them by common consent, and called the law of nations,
but which is in fact, only the international law of Christen-
dom. . . . [They] have a common origin; a common religion,
a common intellectuality," allowing free residence and travel in
each other's domains to citizens of the other, "and they hold a
regular and systematic intercourse as governments. All
these facts impart to the states of Christendom many of the
qualities of one confederate republic." China, not beca use she
was inferior in civilization, but because she was not of the family
of Christendom, was neither recognizd nor could be treated
according to this law, and so the citizens of European powers
should not be made subj ect to her laws. The Chinese had been
partly prepared for the step by the Portuguese jurisdiction at

The last three ;were added as a special favor to Peter Parker.
Stevens, Life of Parker, p. 234.
In House Ex. Doc. 69, 28 Cong., 2 Sess., and in Sen. Doc. 58, 28
Cong., 2 Sess.
Kenneth S. Latourette,

Macao, and by' the control of foreigners at Cantan over their

mutual relations, but whatever the pi.-ecedents or whatever the
argument by which Cushing got at it, he obtained the first formal
recognitibn in China of the principle in the fort19in which it is
now so important.161 (9) The citizens of the United States were
placed under the protection of the Chinese government, and the
latter agreed to defend them from insult and inj ury. ( IO) Ves-
sels of the United States could go and come freely between the
ports of China, with full respect for the neutrality of their
flag, provided, of course, that the latter should not protect
hostile troops, or be used fraudulently on the enemy's vessels.
( r r) Provision was made for the relief of vessels and their
crews when stranded or wrecked on the coast of China. ( 12)
A somewhat more elabora.t e provision than that in the British
treaty was made for communication on mutually equal terms
between officers, and between officers and citizens of the United
S tates and China. ( r 3) No presents were to be demanded of
either governor by the other. ( 14) Ships of war, contrary to
the old usage, were to be courteously received in the ports of the
Empire. ( r 5) Provisions were made for communication betweeri
the United States and the court of China such as had been
obtained by none befare but Russia, it being stipulated that such
should be made through certain specified Chinese officials.162
( r6) Finally, in sharp contrast to the British treaty, which did
not so much as mention the opium question, the treaty of
\i\Thanghia provided that any American citizen engaging in the
opium or other contraband trade, should be dealt with by the
Chinese government without countenance or protection from
the United States, and pledged the latter to take steps to keep
her flag from being used by the subjects of other nations to cover
illegal trade.

1 1
This clause brought as its result the necessity for an adequate consular
staff in China, a necessity which was to be met later. Sen. Doc. 58, 28
Cong., 2 Sess. Cushing to Calhoun, Oct. 1, 1844. Also in House Ex.
Doc. 69, 28 Cong., 2 S~ss. A precedent for exterritoriality occurred as
early as 1687 when a Chinese official suggested that an English sailor who
had committed depredations on Chinese property, be punished by bis
fellow tountrymen. Eames, The English in China, London, 1909, p. 40.
Sen. Doc. 67, 28 Cong., 2 Sess., p. 54, gives the further negotiations
in regard to this on J uly 13th to 28th inclusive, in which Kiying vainly
tried to get this point modified.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 143

In addition to these points enumerated by Cushing may be

mentioned the privilege of hiring servants; the careful regula-
tion of port charges; the provision for standard weights and
measures; the non-responsibility of either government for debts
due by its subjects to those of the other; the careful provision
against fraud; the apprehension and delivery of deserters and
mutineers by the Chinese government; and the provision for the
revision of the treaty af.ter twelve years. Most of the points of
the treaty covered questions which had long been sources of
dispute and irritation, and show the thoroughness with which
Cushing had studied the situation.
On the whole the treaty was a very creditable piece of work.
As Curts said,163 "The selection of Caleb Cushing as the first
diplomatic representative of the country was most fortunate and
wise. Looking over the correspondence conducted by him with
the Chinese officials in the light of after years of experience in
dealing with those personages, one can not but feel impressed
with the keen insight into their strange character and
motives. He was firm in maintaining the dignity and
power of the United States."
While negotiations were still in progress an occasion arose .
for testing the exterritoriality clause. On June 15th sorne Ameri-
cans fired in self-defense on a Chinese mob which was troubling
the factories, and one of the assailants, Sue Anam, was killed.
Ching, the acting viceroy, asked the consul to deliver the man
who hadfired the shot, but Forbes refused and Cushing instructed
him to stand by his position, insisting that American citizens in
-China should be responsible only to their own government. There
was a short correspondence between Kiying and Cushing, the
former asking that the man be given up, and the latter refusing,
reviving as a counter claim .t he death of Sherry. The matter was
dropped for a time but late in J uly Kiying again took it up.
Cushing still held that the shooting was in self-defense, for a
committee of American residents in Canton had so decided it,
and the complaint was fi.nally dropped. The outcome of the inci-
dent was in sharp contrast to that of the Terranova affair, and
was a fortunate precedent. 164
William Eleroy Curtis, The United States and Foreign Powers.
Meadville, Pa., 1892, p. 256.
m The documents are all in Sen. Doc. 67, 28 Cong., 2 Sess., pp. 63-67,
73, 95, 96.
144 K enneth S. Latourette,

While in China, Cushing arranged sorne other matters; new

regulations for the foreigners in Canton,1 65 and the removal of
a shipyard which sorne Americans had started near Hongkong
contrary to the treaty. 166 He finally left in t4le U. S. Brig
"Ferry," going to San Blas, Mexico, and thence home. The
treaty was approved by the Senate without opposition,16 7 and
ratifications were exchanged at Canton with much solemnity
December 31st, 1845, by Commodore Biddle.168
With the signing of the Treaty of Whanghia American inter-
course with China had fully entered a new era. The old life had
passed away. The lordly co-hong, the factories with their
peculiar rules of life, the strict supervision exercised over the
"barbarians," Chinese jurisdiction over foreigners, and the
restricted, almost furtive mi'ssionary work, had disappeared, and
instead were treaty recognition, freedom of residence, of com-
merce, and of missionary work, liberty from personal responsi-
bility to Chinese courts, and direct official intercourse on the
basis of equality. It is true that the struggle between China and
the W est had only j ust begun. Ignorance and the f eeling of
lofty superiority were still scarcely shaken. The spirit of con-
tempt, fear, and greed which had created the old rgime still
existed with nearly all its old force, and no lasting change could
be effected until it should disappear. The treaty of Whanghia;
\' however, marks a transition, the end of the preparatory period,
'l and the beginning of recognized official relations between the
United States and China.
Ibid., p. 87.
Ibid., p. 80.
Message o President transmitting it to the Senate, Jan. 22, 1845,
Sen. Doc. 58, 28 Cong., 2 Sess. The expenses o the mission had exceeded
the appropriation by about $4,000. President's Message, Sen. Doc. 17,
29 Cong., 1 Sess.
Co rdier, Hist. Re!. Ch. avec Puis. O ccid., p. 98. Ch. Rep., 14: 590.
Biddle had taken it in the stead o the special commissioner who had been
appointed fo r that purpose. The la tter's health had compelled his return
before reaching China. Annual Message o Polk, Dec. 2, 1845, Richard-
son, M ess. and Paper s o the Pres., 4: 40I.

In the bibliography given below the attempt has been made to

give practically all the sources and secondary works important
for the subject covered in the preceding pages. All the main libra-
ries and accessible collections of N ew York, N ew Haven, W ash-
ington, Providence, Boston, and Salem, and to a certain extent,
Philadelphia, have been carefully examined. There may remain
sorne manuscript collections in Philadelphia and Baltimore which
would be of value, and there are undoubtedly valuable pr ivate
collection of papers, such as the personal papers of Elias H.
Derby, which for one reason or another have been inaccessible
or unknown 'to the author. It is not likely that any further dis-
coveries of material will greatly alter the conclusions reached,
however, except perhaps to expand the paragraphs on the history~
of the merchant houses of N ew York, Philadelphia, and Balti-
In enumerating the sources and authorities used the attempt
has been made in most cases to indicate briefiy the contents of
the book: or document, as far as concerns the subj ect in hand, and
in sorne cases to state as well as can be done in a sentence, its
value and reliability. No elaborate critica! notes have been
atternpted, as they would have made the biblio.graphy too bulky.
In all cases the present location of the manuscript is given,
and in sorne cases, of the printed books. Most of the printed
sources and authorities are in the Yale University Library, the
Day (Missionary) Library of the Yale Divinity School, and
Prof. Frederick W ells Williarns' private collection. With a few
exceptions it may be understood that unless the location of a
book is given, it will be found in one of these places.

There is no printed bibliography which is at all complete. The
following .contain very brief book lists for this period:
Bibliotheca Snica, Dictionaire Bibliographique des Ouvrages
Relatifs l'Empire Chinois. 4 v., 2d ed., Pars, 1904-1908.
Pages 2510-2519. Relations des Etrangers avec les Chinois. X.
TRANs. CoNN. AcAD., Vol. XXII 10 1917
Kenneth S. Latourette,

Etats-Unis. This, although meager, is the fullest printed bibliog-

raphy of the subj ect.
Bibliography of Printed Books on China, mostlp in English and
French. Chinese Rep., 18: 402-444. This is old, contains no
references to manuscript material, and covers our subject only
Manual of American History, Diplomacy, and Government, for
Class use. Cambridge, 1908.
Page 139 contains a brief bibliography of the negotiations lead-
ing to the treaty of Whanghia.
Historical Sketch of the Progress of Discovery, Navigation,
and Commerce from the Earliest Records to the beginning of the
Nineteenth Century. Edinburgh and London, I824.
At the end are bibliographical notices of sorne of the voyages
of the time.


FoRElGN MissroNs, BosToN, 1812-I845.
There are in the preceding pages no footnote ref erences to
these reports, as their summary was printed each year in the
Panoplist and Missionary Herald, and it is more convenient to
ref er to them there.
SocrnTY, lNsTITUTED IN BosToN, 18I4. (Boston) I824.
See those from 1833 to 1844 inclusive (published in Boston),
for information about the part that this society had in missions
to China.
Abridgment of the Debates of Congress from I789 to 1856.
New York, I857-186r.
Thirty Years' View, or a History of the American Government
for Thirty years from 1820 to 1850. 2 v., N ew York, I856.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 147

This work, in 2: 5ro-522, tells of the Chinese mission. It is

highly colored by Benton's prejudices, which were strongly anti-
America and England, l783-179r. (Back Title.).
Two volumes of manuscript transcripts in the Lenox Library,
with the catalogue title of "America and England." They were
to furnish intelligence of the current events in America from
1783 to 1791, and were written to the British Government by
P. Bond, Sir George Yonge, and others, showing the stat of
the country under the Confederation. The collection throws
light on the beginning of American commerce with China.
Calendar of S~ate Papers, Colonial Series, America and the
W est Indies, preserved in the public record office.
Oct. 27, 1697-Dec. 31, 1698" ed. by Hon. J. W. Fortescue.
London, 1905.
May 15, 1696-0ct. 31, 1697, ed. by Hon. J. W. Fortescue.
London, 1904.
These two volumes contain references to American pirates in
eastern waters during these years.
Parliamentary Papers, l82r. Vol. 7, pp. l-42r.
Reports from Committees. Brought from the Lords' Report
(Relative to the trade with the East Indies and China) from the
Select Committee of the House of Lords, appointed to inquire
into the means of extending and securing the Foreign Trade of
the Country . . together with the Minutes of Evidence
taken in Sessions 1820 and 1821, befare the said committee,
Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed, May 7, l82r.
This is of value because of the exhaustive evidence taken from
persons well acquainted with the trade, and covering the
American as well as the British commerce.
Parliamentary Papers, 1830. Volumes 5 and 6.
Reports of Committees, East India Company's Affairs. Ses-
sion Feb. 5-July 23, 1830.
This is of value for the same reasons as the preceding. In the
Library of Congress.
K enneth S. Latourette,

Parliamentary Papers, 1833. Relating to India and China, and
the Finances of India. Return to an order of the Honourable
House of Commons dated 3 April, 1833, for Cowtinuation to the
latest period to which they can be made up, of all accounts
relating to the trade of India and China, etc. In the Boston
Public Library.
Parliamentary Papers, 1833. East India Charter Corre-
Pages 13, 14, 15, give sorne statistics on American trade made
up by Thomas S. Cabell, accountant general of the E. I. Co.,
probably from the Company's statistics. In the Boston Public
The Parliamentary Debates, forming a continuation of the
work entitled "The Parliamentary History of England," pub-
lished under the superintendence of T. C. Hansard.
2d Series, 1820 et sqq. 3d Series, 1830 et sqq.
These contain tlie debates on the East India Company's Charter
and so give much information concerning the impression which
American trade with China made in Great Britain.
The Statutes at Large. London, 1763 et sqq.
The collection is used here for the charter of the East India
Trade with India and China, Communicated to the House of
Representatives, February IO, 1791. American State Papers,
Finance, 1 : 107.
A complete collection of the Treaties and Reciproca! Regula-
tions at Present Subsisting between Great Britain and Foreign
Powers, etc. London, 1845.
Vol. 6, pp. 221-2 25, contains the Treaty of Nanking, Aug., 1842.
NEw YoRK CusToM HousE.
Sea Letter Books of the N ew York Custom House. In the
N ew York Custom House.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 149

After March II, I799, they gave the names of all vessels
clearing for foreign ports. The dates covered by the books are
June, I798-Apr. I2, I8oo; Apr. I2, I8oo-Nov. 6, I802; Oct. I,
I8o4-July 29, I8og; Jan. 2, I8I8-0ct. I, I8I9; I829-I83I;
I832; I836; Apr. I, I844-Mar. 3I, I847.
See especially those published in New York, I836-I84r.
The references to China, as a rule a summary of the year's
operations there, are for I836, p. 94; for I838, pp. 76, 77 ; Or
I839, pp. 83-86; for I840, pp. 57-60; for I84I, pp. 58-59.
Impost Books of the Providence Custom House.
Books A, B, C, I827, and D, are in the Rhode Island Historical
Society. Copies of A and B are in the Custom House. It is
possible through these, which cover all the years between I79
and I844, to determine the names, consignees, and the duties
paid by all the ships which entered this port from China during
this period.
Impost Books of the Salem Custom House. In the Salem Cus-
tom House. These give information concerning Salem's trade
with China.
Digest of the Duties of the Salem Custom House. In the
Salem Custom House. Book I, I789-I85I, is a more convenient
summary for our purpose than the impost books.
See especially the first six teen of these, published annually,
New York, I829-1844. They give information about the chap-
laincy for sailors at Cantan.
The J esuit Relations and Allied Documents. Travels and
Explorations of the Jesuit Missionaries in New France, I6ro-
I79r. Cleveland, c. Igoo.
This is used here for notices regarding the discovery of ginseng
in Canada by the J esuits.
K ennth S. Latourette,

American State Papers. Foreign Relations. Washington,
1858. This is of use for the correspondence with Russia over
the N orthwest Coast, given on 5 : 456.
American State Papers. Documents Legislative and Executive
of the Congress of the United States.
Commerce and N avigation, l : 599; 2: 63. Washington, 1832.
_;-;" The quotations refer to trade statistics of the Chinese commerce.
Manuscript in the Bureau of Manuscripts and Archives, State
Department, Washington, D. C.
Vol. I, March, 1792, to August, 1834. Vol. II, Sept., 1834, to
Apr., 1839. Vol. III, May, 1839 to 1849..
This collection of letters, chiefly reports of the consul at Canton
to the State Departfnent, is one of the most valuable manuscript
sources for the entire subj ect of the early relations between the
United States and China.
The Congressional Globe. Washington, 1833 to 1873.
This contains the debates on the mission to China.
See especially, 26 Cong., 2 Sess., p. 24; 26 Cong., l Sess., pp.
172, 275; 3d Sess., 27 Cong., pp. 323-325; app. p. 93; 28th
Cong., l Sess., p. 226.
The Papers of the Continental Congress. Mss. in Manuscript
Department of the Library of Congress. See the following on
the beginning of American trade with Canton. Reports of Com-
mittees, Vol. 5, pp. 9, 43. List of Letters, (No. 185) from Nov.
5, 1781, p. 127.
The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United
States with an Appendix Containing Important State Papers and
Public Documents and all the Laws of Public Nature with a
Copious Index. Back Title, Annals of the Congress' of the
United States. Washington, 1855.
This is useful for the debates on the Oregon question. It
covers 1789-1824.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 15 1

Statistical View of the United States. . . . Being a Com-
pendium of the Seventh Census, by J. D. DeBow. Washington,
Page 188 gives a brief summary of the United States' trade ~-
with China from 1790 on.
Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States of America,
from the Signing of the Definite Treaty of Peace, Sept. ro, 1783,
to the Adoption of the Constitution, Mar. 4, 1789. Washington,
This is used for the letters of Samuel Shaw contained in vol.,.?"'."' .3
All of these letters are in the appendix of Shaw's Journals as well.
Executive Document No. 119, l Sess., . 26 Cong. A message
of the President, Feb. 25, 1840, in respont>e to resolutions of
Feb. 7, 1840, transmitting information about the condi.tion of
American citizens in China.
Executive Document No. 34, 26th Congress, 2d Session.
Documents giving information about the American Commerce
with China conveyed by the President's message of December
29, 1840, asked for by the Resolutions of December 23d, 1840.
Executive Document No. 71, 2 Sess., 26 Congress.
This contains papers relating to the Terranova Affair.
Executive Document No. 35, 3 S ess., 27 Cong.
This is the message of the President, Dec. 30, 1842, about
China and the Sandwich Islands.
Executive Document No. 40, l Sess., 26 Cong.
This is a memorial of R. B. Forbes and others asking for a
commercia:l agent for China with power to negotiate a commercial
treaty with China, M ay 25, 1839.
Executive Document No. 170, l Sess., 26 Cong.
This is a memorial of Thomas H . Perkins and others urging
Kenneth S . Latourette,

that an armed force be sent to the China seas to protect American

interests there, and that an envoy be sent to China. April, 1840.
Executive Document No. 69, 2 Sess., 26 Cong.
This contains an abstract of the Treaty of Whanghia, and sorne
of Cushing's correspondence.
Executive Document No. 57, 1 Sess., 26 Cong.
This is a memorial of Edmund Fanning asking for an explor-
ing expedition for the South Seas.
Executive Document No. 71, 2 Sess., 26 Cong.
This is a document of 83 pages containing a summary of the
dispatches from the consuls at Canton from Nov., 18o5, to June
22, 1840. They seem for the most part to be extracts from the
Consular Letters, Canton ( see above).
Journal of the United States in Congress Assembled. Phila-
delphia, - - .
These J ournals of the Continental Congress throw light on
early congressional action in regard to the China trade.
Reports of Committees, No. 43, 2 Sess., 24th Cong.
Reports of Committees, No. 45, 2d Session, 16th Congress.
This is Floyd's report on the Oregon question.
Register of Debates in Congress. Washington, 1825 et sqq.
_1 ( 1824-1825) :u-12; 5( 1828-1829) :125-153, 192-195, giv.e the
debates on the occupancy of the Columbia River, bringing in
ref erences to the China trade.
James D. Richardson, A Compilation of the Messages and
Papers of the Presidents, 1789-1897. Washington, 1900.
Senate Document No. 138, 2d Session, 28th Congress.
This gives copies of the instructions to the Commissioner to
China (Cushing), and of the President's letter to the Emperor.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 153

Senate Document No. 58, 2d Session, 28th Congress.
This contains an abstract of the treaty between the United
States and China and sorne of the correspondence of Cushing.
Senate Document No. 17, l Session, 29th Congress.
This is a summary of the expenses of the Cushing expedition.
Senate Document No. 139, lst Session, 29th Congress.
This contains. all the correspondence between the commanders
of the East India Squadron and foreign powers, and of the
United States agents abroad, during the years 1842 and 1843,
relating to trade and the other interests of the government,
called for by the resolution of the Senate, Feb. 25, 1845.
Senate Document No. 67, 2d Session, 28th Congress.
This contains the correspondence of Cushing in regard to the
treaty with China, 1844.
J ohn H. Haswell, Treaties and Conventions Concluded between
the United States of America and other Powers since July 4,
1776. Washington, l88g.
Senate Document No. 47, 2 Sess., 48 Cong.
The text of the treaty of Whanghia is on pages 145-159.
Senate Documertt No. 31, lst Session, l9th Congress.
This contains various statistics in regard to the Cantan trade.
Senate Document No. 306, 3d Session, 25th Congress. This
is a General Statement .of the goods, wares, and merchandise of
Foreign Countries imported into the United States for the year
ending September 30, 1838.
State Papers, 1823-4, Vol. 4, Number 73. Report of the
Secretary of the Treasury of the Commerce and N avigation of
the United States for the year ending September 30, 1823.
Washington, 1824.
The Public Statutes at Large of the United States of America.
154 K enneth S. Latourette,

This is used for the copies it contains of the tariff and other
laws in regard to China and the China trade, and contains as well
the Treaty of Whanghia.


ACTIVE. ( Sip.)
J ournal of a Voyage from Salem to Sumatra and Mahila, in'
the Ship Active, George Nichols, Master, .kepf by George Nichols
for the use of the East India Marine Society. 1801-1803. Ms.
in J ournals, Vol. 2, in Essex Institute, Salem, Mass., pp. 55-135.
ANN AND HOPE. ( Ship.)
Lo-g Book of the Ann and Hope, Benjamn Page, Master,
1798-1800. Ms. in Brawn and Ives Papers, John Carter Brown
Library, Providence.
A NN AND HOPE. (Ship.)
Log Book of the Ann and Hope, Wilber Kelley, Master, 1818,
1819. Ms. in ibid.
Log Book of the Ann and Hope, James Edell, Master, begin-
ning Sept. 22, 1825. Ms. in ibid.

ANN AND HOPE. ( Ship.)

Log Book of the Ann and Hope, Wilber Kelley, Master, 1817-
1818. Ms. in ibid.
ANN AND HOPE. ( Ship.)
Log Book of the Ship Ann and Hope, Martin Page, Master,
May 30, 1823-June 28, 1824. Ms. in ibid.
ANN AND HOPE. ( Ship.)
Disbursements while on three voyages to London and Canton,
Christopher Bently, Master. ( r8or.)
In the Brown and I ves Papers, in the J ohn Carter Brown
Library, Providence. The book itemizes the various expenses
connected with a voyage to China.
ARTHUR. (Ship.)
Sales Book.
In the Brown and Ives Papers, John Carter Brown Library,
Providence. This shows the disposition of the goods imported in
the ship Arthur from Canton, Apr. 19, 1804.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 155

ASIA. ( Ship.)
Log Book of the Ship Asia, John Ormsbee, Master, July 25,
I8I6-circa July I, I8I8. Ms. in ibid.
ASIA. ( Ship.)
Log Book of the Ship Asia, John H. Ormsbee, Master, June
29, 18I8-circa June 30, I8I9. Ms. in ibid.
AsTREA. ( Ship.)
Abbreviations of a Journal of the Ship Astrea from China to
Java Head on the Island of Java. One of the terminal dates is
Jan. 24, I79 ( ?).
Ms. in the log book of the Brig Three Sisters, Benjamn Webb,
Master, 1788-1789. In Essex Institute.
Log Book of the Ship Brookline, kept by C. H. Allen, first
officer, I833-I834. Ms. in Essex Institute.
S. C. Phillips, Owner.
Journal of a V oyage of the Ship Brookline from Hamburgh
to Batavia, Manila, China, Manila, and New York, in I834-36.
George Pierce, Master. Kept by Charles H . Allen, first officer.
Ms. in Essex Institute.
CARAVAN. (Brig.)
J ournal of a V oyage from the Cape Verde Islands to Canton in
the Brig Caravan, James Gilchrist, Master, kept by James
Gilchrist, 18o7-1808.
Ms. in East India Marine Society's Journals, 6: 397-446. In
Essex Institute.
CLAY. (Ship.)
Journal of the Ship Clay, in a voyage from Salem to the Fiji
Islands and Manila, Captain William R. Driver, 1827-1829.
Ms. in Essex Institute.
Log Book of the Ship Columbia, Captain Ro. Gray, in her
Voyage from Boston to the N orth W est Coast of America, from
Sept. 28, 1790, to Feb. 20, 1792. Ms. in Department of State,
Washington, D. C. In the Bureau of Rolls and Library.
CoNcoRD. (Ship.)
A J ournal of a V oyage from Salem to Massafuero m the
Kenneth' S. Latourette,

South Pacific Ocean and from thence to Canton and back to

Salem, on board the Ship Concord, Obed Wyer, Master, under-
taken in the year 1799, and ending July 17, 1802. Kept by
N athaniel Appleton. Ms. in Essex Institute.
CoNSUL. (Brig.)
J ournal of a V oyage from N ew York to the South Pacific in
the Brig Consul, kept by I. N. Chapman, 1834-1835.
A voyage for beche de mer, and other South Sea products.
She went to Manila with her cargo instead of to Cantan.
Ms. in Essex Institute.
DELHI. (Ship.)
Journal of a Voyage in the Ship Delhi from New York to
N ew Orleans, N ew Orleans to Canton, and Cantan to N ew York,
in 1843-1844.
Ms. in Essex Institute.
DERBY. ( Ship.)
J ournal of a V oyage from Leghorn to Canton and Back to
Boston in the Ship Derby, Thomas West, Master. Kept by
Dudley S. Pickman, 1804-1806. In East India Marine Society's
Journals, 5 : 133-196.
Ms. in Essex Institute.
ELIZA. ( Ship.)
Journal of a Voyage of the Ship Eliza from Salem to New
Zealand, Canton, and return. William Richardson, Master, 1805-
Ms. in Essex Institute.
ELIZA. ( Ship.)
Journal of a Voyage from Salem to New Zealand, Fijees,
Manila, and return, in the Ship Eliza, Joseph Winn, Jr., Com-
mander. May 28, 1833-May 5, 1834. Kept by John D. Winn.
Ms. in Essex Institute.
EMERALD. ( Ship.)
Voyage of the Ship Emerald to the FeeJees, Tahiti, and Manila,
Nov. 4, 1833-March 25, 1836. Kept by George W. Cheever.
Ms. in Essex Institute.
FRANClS. ( Ship. )
J ournal of a Voyage of the Ship Francis from Salem to Leg-
horn, Batavia, Manila, China, and Salem. 1818- 1820.
Ms. in Essex Institute.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 157

GANGES. (Brig.)
Account of. Sales of Sundries per Brig Ganges, l8IO.
Bill of Lading far Brig Ganges, signed by N athaniel Ingersoll,
Salem, Sept. 2, 1809.
Mss. in Essex Institute.
Log Book of the General VVashington, December 27, 1787-
0ctober 5, 1790.
Along with this is a fragmentary journal of the same voyage,
covering May 8, 1788 to June 17, 1789.
Both manuscripts are in the Brown and I ves Papers, in the
J ohn Carter Brown Library
GLIDE. ( Ship.)
Jo11rnal of a Voyage of the Ship Glide to the South Pacific
Ocean. Henry Archer Jr., Master. l82g--1830. Ms. in Essex
HAMlLTON. (Ship.)
Journal of a Voyage of the Ship Hamilton from Bastan to the
North VVest Coast of America and Canton, l8og-18rr, 1815.
Captain Lemuel Porter. The author was possibly VVilliam
Ms. in Essex Institute.
HERALD. (Ship.)
J ournal of a Voyage in the Ship Herald from Salem to Rot-
terdam, Canton, and Return, by Zachariah F. Silsbee (Master
and Super-Cargo) in l8o4-18o5. Ms. in Essex Institute.
HuNTER. (Ship.)
Journal of a V oyage from Salem to Sumatra and Canton and
return, l8og-18ro, in the Ship Hunter. Ms. in Essex Institute.
lNDUS. ( Ship.)
Remarks on a Voyage from Boston to Cantan by Charles
Frederick VValdo, in the Ship Indus, 1802-1803. Ms. in Essex
Institute. This is a private J ournal kept by a common seaman.
lNDUS. ( Ship.)
Bill of Lading and other papers of goods on board ship Indus,
Richard VVheatland, Master, Boston, March 5, l8o2.
These are in the Dr. Henry VVheatland Manuscripts, in the
Essex Institute, Salem, Vol. 5, p. 24.
K enneth S. Latourette,

INDUS. ( Ship.)
A J ournal for the above voyage, incomplete. Kept by Captain
Richard Wheatland. Ms. in Essex Institute.
}OHN }AY. (Ship.)
Account Book of the Ship John Jay in 1798.

In the Brown and I ves Papers, in the J ohn Carter Brown
Library. It gives the wages of the crew.
LOUISA. ( Ship.)
Bill of Lading of Ship Louisa to N orthwest Coast of America,
dated Oct. 5, 1826. William Martain, Master, to William Mar-
tain. In Essex Institute: (It is a loose leaf in the Log of the
LomsA. (Ship.)
J ournal of a Voyage of the Ship Louisa from Boston to the
N orth W est Coast of America, Canton, and Boston, William
Martain, Master, 182~1829. Ms. in Essex Institute.
MARGARET. ( Ship.)
Extracts from the Log of the Ship Margaret, Commanded by
Captain James Magee. Voyage to the North West Coast, 1791-
17g2. Typewritten copy in Essex Institute. Original owned by
R . H . Derby, N ew York.
MERMAID. (Brig.)
J ournal of a Voyage from Salem to N ew Zealand, the Society,
Fegee, Friendly, and other Islands in the Pacific, and home by
way of Manilla, and China, in the Brig Mermaid, J. H. Eagleston,
Master. Oct., 1836-Apr., 1839.
With this is a journal of a cruise among the Fegee Islands in
the Schooner Jane, in the employ of the Mermaid by G. N.
Cheever, first officer of the brig. Unfinished.
The second part was written many years af ter the first, and
is probably less accurate.
Mss. in Essex Institute.
MIDAS. (Ship.)
Journal of a Voyage from Salem to Canton and back, in the
Ship Midas. She left Boston Sept. 13, 1818, and returning _
arrived in Boston Sept. 8, 1819. Ms. in Essex Institute.
MoNROE. (Brig.)
Journal of a Voyage of the Brig Monroe from Boston to Africa
Early Relations between the United States and China. 159

[Goree] to River Gambia, and to China, 1825. Samuel V ent,

Commander. Kept by George W. Williams. Ms. in Essex
PALLAS. (Barque.)
Journal of a V oyage of the Barque Pallas from Salem to the
Pacific Ocean, 1832-1834. Ms. in Essex Institute.
Log Book of the Ship Perseverance in a Voyage to Batavia,
Manilla, and Canton, and return, in 1796--1797, Nathaniel
Hathorne, Master. Ms. in Essex Institute.
PERU. (Barque.) ,
J ournal of a V oyage on Board the Barque Peru from Lintin
to the Fijee Islands, then to Manila, 1832-1833. J. H . Eagleston,
Master. Ms. in Essex Institute .
.SAPPHIRE. ( Ship.)
Journal of a Voyage of the Ship Sapphire from New York to
Chili, Hawaii, China, Manila, and return. 1834-1835. Captain
J. W. Chever. Ms. in Essex Institute.
WlLLlAM. (Ship.)
Two Bills of Lading, signed by N. Emery, Jr., Mar. 25, 1809,
and an Invoice of Merchandise shipped by him and Augustine
Heard on Board the ship William, Noah Emery, Jr., Master,
Nov. 25, 1809. In the Dr. Henry Wheatland Papers, Vol. 5, pp.
9, 10, in the Essex Institute.
Journal and Log of the Brig William and Henry from Salem,
Mass., to Canton, Isle of France, and Salem, 1788-1790. Benja-
min Hodges, Master. Ms. in Essex Institute.
J ournal of a V oyage from Boston to Batavia, Cantan, Manila,
Canton, Batavia, Saurarang, Batavia, Isle of France, and St.
Helena, and the United States, begun April 16, 1836, ended Dec.
17, 1837. Commanded and kept by Charles H . Williams.
Ms. in Essex Institute .
Store Book of Oliver Wolcott and Company, N umber I. For
ca. l8o5. In the N ew York Histl. Society's Library. They <lid
sorne business with Can ton for themselves and other N ew Y ork
160 Kenneth S. Latourette,



Journal of a Residence in China and the N ei:Tiboring Coun-
tries, with a Preliminary Essay on the Commencement and
Progress of Missions in the World. New York, I836. (Ist Ed.,
New York, I834.)
This is the personal narrative, kept day by day, of the man
who shares with Bridgman the honor of being the first American
missionary to China.
Memoirs of John Quincy Adams, Comprising Portions of His
Diary ~rom I795 to I848, edited by Charles Francis Adams.
Philadelphia, I876.
This is a source for the negotiations with Russia over the
Northwest Coast, and for the preliminaries of the Cushing mis-
sion to China.
4: 392 et sqq., New York, Oct., I846.
This is of use here for the current impressions of China.
Mss. in their rooms in Boston.
Special use has been made of the files containing the letters to
and from Mrs. and Mr. Shuck, and l. J. Roberts.
Mss. in their Library in Boston, Mass.
See especially the files marked Foreign, vols. r, 2, and 3, which
contain the letters of the Board and of its secretaries, to the
missionaries, and the two volumes marked "Correspondence
from the Field," "China, r83I-1837,'' and "China, 1838:-1844."
The letters are numbered according to their order in the files.
A N arrative of the Sufferings and Adventures of Captain
Charles W. Barnard in a Voyage Round the World during the
years, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815, and 1816. New York, 1829.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 161

This is first hand information of the fur-sealing industry at a

time when it had nearly disappeared.
BARRows, JoHN.
Travels in China. Philadelphia, 1805.
This is given here to show that sufficient interest m China
existed in America to justify an American edition of these
N arrative of a Voyage to the Pacific and Bering's Strait to
cooperate with the Polar Expedition performed in His Majesty's
Ship Blossom under the command of Captain F. W . Beechey,
R. N., in the years 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828. 2 Vols. London, 1831.
Letters of Phineas Bond, British Consul at Philadelphia, to the
Foreign Office of Great Britain, 1787, 1788, 1789. Edited by
the Historical Manuscripts Commission of the American His-
torical Association. In Annual Report of the American Historical
Association for 1896. Vol. I, pp. 513-659.
These letters give sorne information about the beginnings of
the American commerce with China, and show w}:iat opinions a
well-informed British subject held in regard to it.
Voyage Round the World from 1806 to 1812. New York, 1817.
A Narrative of Voyages and Commercial Enterprises. 2 v.
Cambridge, Mass., 1842. 2d ed., with additions, Cambridge, 1844.
Cleveland was a merchant adventurer who sailed in many seas.
His voyages from Canton to the west coast of the Americas are
of especial interest to us.
N arrative of V oyages and Travels, in the N orthern and
Southern Hemispheres : Comprising Three Voyages Round the
World: together with a Voyage of Survey and Discovery, in the
Pacific Ocean and Oriental Islands. Boston, 1818.
Delano was largely concerned with various branches of the
fur trade centering at Canton. The book is a compilation of
j ournals kept on the voyages and is very detailed.
TRANS. CoNN. AcAn., Vol. XXII II 1917
162 K enneth S. Latourette,

A Voyage to the N orth Pacific and a J ourney through Siberia
more than Half a Century Ago. Cambridge, Mass., 1861.
The N arrative of a V oyage from Bristol to the ~rthwest Coast
for furs. D'Wolf, the captain, sold his vessel to the Russians,
and part of the crew went to Cantan. He himself went overland
to European Russia. The book seems to have been written from
a journal kept on the voyage. It is to be found in the Public
Library, New York City.
Wreck of the Glide, with Recollections of t~e Fijis and of
Wallis Island. New York and London, 1848.
This deals with the South Sea trade. The Glide was owned
by Peabody, and sailed from S~lem, May 22, 1829. The book
was begun by James Oliver, of whose adventures it is a narrative,
and was written by him from memory in Hawaii in 1832, shortly
after the events recorded, the dates being supplied partly from
the Glide's log book, and partly from the manuscripts of his
companions. After Oliver's death his brother made additions
from the manuscripts of shipmates.
D1xoN, G.
Voyage Round the World, More particularly to the N orth
West Coast of America. London, q89.
This is the account of an early British voyage to the North-
west Coast.
DooLlTTLE, ERAsMus. ( ?)
Sketches by a Traveller. Boston, 1830.
These are letters which originally appeared in the N ew Eng-
land Galaxy and Boston Courier. They describe a voyage to the
Northwest Coast of America made probably during the War of
1812. No author's name is given, but there are sorne similar
sketches in the same volume written by Erasmus Doolittle, and
it is quite possible that he is the author of the anonymous ones.
The copy in the Essex Institute has Silas Pinckney Holbrook
entered in pencil as author, but the authority is not given.
DowNING, C. Toocoon.
The Stranger in China, or the Fan Qui's Visit to the Celestial
Empire in 1836-7. 2 Vols., Philadelphia, 1838.
This is a description of Canton, Whampoa, and Macao, by an
Early Relations between the United States and China. 163

eye-witness, an Englishman. It is also in Waldie's Select Circu-

lating Library, Philadelphia, Part II., pp. 287-366.
Views of the East, comprising India, Canton, and the Shores of
the Red Sea, with Historical and Descriptive Illustrations. Lon-
don, 1833.
This is of interest for its drawings, ah.out half a dozen of which
are of Chinese scenes. They were made from life in 1822, 1823,
and 1824.
Twenty Y ears Before the Mast, With the More Thrilling
Scenes and Incidents while circumnavigating the Globe under
the Command of the late Admira! Charles Wilkes, 1836-1842.
Boston, 1890.
These are the recollections of a man who had been on the
voyage. They tell among other things of the massacre of the
crew of the Charles Daggett of Salem on the Fiji Islands. (p.
153) They are not very reliable.
EvERETT, EDWARD. (U. S. Minister to Great Britain.)
Letter to Daniel Webster, May 6, 1842.
Same to Same, Nov. 29, 1842. Both are in manuscript in the
Bureau of Indices and Archives, State Department, Washington,
These are two letters bearig on the first Chino-British War.
Voyages to the South Seas, Indian and Pacific Oceans, China
Sea, North West Coast, Feejee Islands, South Shetlands, etc.,
etc. New York, 1838.
This .is a collection of voyages, largely taken from Fanning's
own journals. It covers the years from John Paul Jones and the
Serapis to 1837-8. It is largely of value here for three sketches
of voyages to the South Seas for sandalwood, etc., and for its
memorials to Congress.
Voyages Round the World, with selected sketches of Voyages
to the South Seas, N orth and South Pacific Oceans, China, etc.,
performed under the Command and Agency of the Author.
Information Relating to Important Discoveries between the
Years 1792-1832. New York, 1833.
K enneth S. Latourette,

This is larger than the preceding, and contains a different set

of material. It is a narrative of great value for the South Sea
Voyage autour du Monde pendant les annes 1790, 1791, et
1792, par Etienne Marchand, prcd d'une Introduction His-
torique, auquel on a j oint des recherches sur les terres australes
de Drake et un examen critique du voyage de Rogeneen. Paris,
an. vi, ( of the Republic). 6 Vols. N ew Ed. 4 Vol. Pars, l84r.
This is compiled from the j ournals of Captain Chanal and
those of a surgeon who attended ihe vessel. It was a French
expedition to the N orthwest Coast.
FoRBES, - - .
Personal Memoranda. In Massachusetts Historical Society,
Proceedings, Vol. 7, p. 410.
Letters and Recollections of John Murray Forbes. (Edited
by his daughter Sarah Forbes Hughes.) Boston and New York,
Volume I, chapters 3, 4, and 5, are a good collection of first-
hand material concerning the Perkins firm in Canton.
Personal Reminiscences. Boston, 1878.
These are by one who was engaged in the trade.
Narrative of a Voyage to the Northwest Coast of America,
in the Years 181 l, 1812, 1813, and 1814, or the First American
Settlement on the Pacific. New York, 1854.
The author was a young French Canadian who went out under
Astor in the "Tonquin" iw 181 r. There is an earlier French
edition. ln the Lenox Library, New York.
The Journal of Two Voyages Along the Coast of China in 1831
and 1832, the first in a Chinese Junk, the second in the British
Ship Lord Amherst, etc. N ew York, 1833.
This is an account by one of the members of the party.
~amilton's Itinerarium, Being a Narrative of a Journey from
Early Relations between the United States and China. 165

Annapolis, Maryland, through Delaware, Pennsylvania, N ew

York, N ew Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts,
and New Bampshire, from May to September, r744. Ed. by
Albert Bushnell Hart. St. Louis, r907.
This is used here for its mention of the value of ginseng in
colonial times, pp. 4, 7.
Around the World, A Narrative of a Voyage in the East India
Squadron under Commodore George C. Read. N ew York, r840.
This is by a participant. Vol. 2: r75-294, tells of the stay of
the squadron in China.
The Journal of Mr. Samuel Holmes during his
attendance as one of the guard on Lord Macartney's Embassy
to China and Tartary, r792-3. London, r798.
This is useful here for its mention of an American ship which
returned part way with the expedition for protection from French
In Harvard Library.
Journal of Occurrenc~s at Canton during the Cessation of
Trade at Canton, r839. Manuscript in the Boston Athenaeum.
This is an interesting first-hand account of these trying days.
Bits of Old China. London, r885.
This is a collection of descriptive sketches of Canton and of ,,.,.~
the factory life there, written in an entertaining way by one who
knew conditions intimately.
The Fan Kwae at Canton befare Treaty Days, r825-r844.
London, r882.
This is descriptive, and is much like the preceding.
An Account of a recent discovery of Seven Islands, in the
South Pacific Ocean by J oseph Ingraham1 citizen of Boston,
and Commander of the brigantine Hope, of 70 tons burthen; and
of and from this port, bouud to the N orth W est Coast of America,
by perm1ss10n of the owners, copied from the J ournal of said
166 Kenneth S. Latourette,

Ingraham, and communicated to the Publick, by the Historical

In the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society,
1793, 2: 20-24.
J ournal of the Voyage of the Brigantine "Hope'' from Boston
to the North-West Coast of America, 1790-1792. By Joseph
Ingraham, Captain of the "Hope" and formerly mate of the
"Columbia." In the department of Manuscripts of the Library
of Congress.
This is unfinished. It is a manuscript account of one of the
early American voyages to the Northwest Coast.
Scenes, Incidents, and Adventures in the Pacific Ocean or the
Isl.ands of the Australian Seas, during the Cruise of the clipper
Margaret, Oakley under Captain Benjamin Morrell. New York,
This is of use for the beche de mer trade. It was written from
a journal kept on the trip, and is by a man of sorne education,
with a better literary style than most narratives of its kind.
}AY, }OHN.
The Correspondence and Public Papers of John Jay, ' edited
by Henry P. Johnson. (Putnams) New York and London, 189r.
This shows Robert Morris' part in the voyage of the "Empress
of China." See especially, Vol. 3, pp. 97, 143 Writings of
Thomas J efferson. Andrew A. Lipscomb, editor-in-chief.
Washington, 1904.
These give Jefferson's opinion of China on 5: 183.

The Adventures of John Jewitt, only survivor of the Crew of

the Ship Boston, during a captivity of nearly three years among
the Indians of N ootka Sound in Vancouver Island. Ed. by
Robert Brown. London, 1896.
Several earlier editions of this work carne out. In the His-
torical Magazine, 4: 91, Timothy Dwight says that his uncle,
Richard Alsop, wrote it for Jewitt from the latter's narrative.
This was hard to use, as J ewitt was not very intelligent.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 167


In the Bureau of Rolls and Library, Department of State,
Washington. These also concern the N orthwest Coast trade in
general. I temized, the most useful are:
( l) John Howell to Joseph Barrell, Manila, May 28, 1796.
(2) J. Barrell to John Kendrick, letter of instructions. No
(3) John Howell to Joseph Barrell, Macao, Dec. 23, 1796.
(4) William Sturgis to Charles Morris, Boston, Aug., 1816.
(5) T . H. Perkins to Charles Bulfinch, Boston, Dec. 21 , 1817.
(6) Charles Bunfinch to W . Cushing, Dec. l, 1816. (A
printed letter.)
KlNG, c. w ., AND LAY, G. T.
The Claims of Japan and Malaysia upon Christendom E xhib-
ited in Notes of Voyages Made in 1837 from Can ton in the Ship
Morrison and Brig Himmaleh under Direction of the Owners.
2 Vols., New York, 1839.
Vol. I, the voyages of the Morrison, is by C. W. King, and
Vol. 2, the voyage of the Himmaleh, is by G. Tradescent Lay.
Both are men who participated in the events they describe.
Voyage of discovery in the South Sea, and to Behring's
Straits, in Search of a N orth East Passage, Undertaken in the
years 1815, 1816, 1817, 1818, in the Ship Rurick. London, 182!.
In Phillips' N ew Voyages.
This mentions the American N orthwest Fur Trade.
A N ew Voyage Round the World in the Years 1823, 1824,
1825, and 1826. 2 v., London, 1830.
This mentions the American sandalwood trade in the Hawaiian
Voyage Round the World in the Y ears 1803, 1804, 1805, 1806.
By Order of_ His Imperial Majesty Alexander the First, on
Board the Ships N adeshda and Neva, under the command of
Captain A. J. Krusenstern of the Imperial Navy. Translated
froni the German by Richard Belgrave Hoppner. London, 1813.
168 K enneth S. Latourette,

This is an account of a Russian expedition to the Northwest

Coast of Aierica, and throws light on the American trade there
and at Canton.
Voyage autour du Monde par les Mers de l'Inde et de Chine
excut sur la corvette de l'etat La Favorite pendant les annes
1830, 1831, et 1832, sous les commandent de M. Laplace. 4 Vols.
Pars, 1833.
Vol. 2 contains references to the American trade in China.
Voyage in Chine. Pars, 1853.
This was written by a member of the party which obtained the
first French treaty with China, and is used for its rnention of
Parker's work.
Voyage autour du Monde enterpris par ordre du Government
sur la Corvette la Coquille, par P . Lesson. Bruxelles, 1839.
This is used for the author's opinion of the work of the London
Missionary Society.
The Chinese as They Are. Albany, _N . Y., 1843.
The fact that there was an American edition of this English
work is an illustration of the interest in China felt in the United
Low (M1ss).
My Mother's Journal, a Young Lady's Diary of Five Years
Spent in Manila, Macao, and the Cape of Good Hope, from
1829-1834. Katherine Hillard, Editor. Boston, 1900.
This diary by Miss Low gives a picture of the social life of the
Americans and Europeans at Macao.
In the Essex Institute.
Memoirs of the Rev. Walter M . Lowrie, Missionary to China.
Edited by his Father. New York, 1850.
Lowrie reached China so late that most of his work les beyond
our period.
Voyage autour du Monte excut par ordre de sa Majest
Early Relations between the United States and China. 169

L'Empereur Nicolas ler sur la Corvette Le Suiavius dans les

annes 1826, 1827, 1828, et 1829 par Frdric Lutk, captaine
de vaisseau, aide-de-camp de s. m. l'empereur, commandant de
l'expdition. Traduit par F. Boy. 2 v., Pars, 1835.
Vol. l, Chap. 5, mentions the American fur trade on the
Northwest Coast. In the Boston Athenaeum.
Observations on the Islands of Juan Fernandez, Massafuero,
and St. Ambrose, in the South Pacific Ocean, and the Coast of
Chile in South America. Extracted from the Journal of Mr.
Bernard Magee, first officer of the Ship J efferson, in her late
voyage round the globe. In Collections of the Mass. Histl. Soc.,
1795, 4: 247-260. Boston, 1795
This is useful because of the first-hand information it gives
concerning the fur sealing trade.
An Account of the Discovery of a Group of Islands in the
N orth Pacific Ocean, by Captain James Magee, in the Ship
Margaret, of Boston, in his run from Can ton toward the N orth
W est Coast of America. Extracted from his log book.
In collections of the Mass. Histl. Soc., 1795, 4: 26!-262. Bos-
ton, 1795.
This is a brief account of the discovery of what Magee named
"Margaret's Islands."
McLEoD, }oHN.
Voyage of His Majesty's Ship Alceste to China, Corea, and
the Island of Lewchew with an account of her Shipwreck. Lon-
don, 1819.
See especially the reference on p. 195 to the American consul
at Canton.
Travels in South Eastern Asia, embracing Hindustan, Malaya,
Siam, and China, and notices of N umerous Missionary Stations
and a full account of the Burman Empire. (Preface, 1853.)
These travels are too late to be of much use for our period.
Vancouver's Discovery of Puget Sound. New York, 1907.
170 K enneth S. Latourette,

This consists largely of Vancouver's Journal, with long

critical and explanatory notes. It is chiefly valuable for these
V oyages made in the Y ears l 788 and l 789 from China to the
N orth West Coast of America with an introductory narrative
of a voyage performed in 1786 from Bengal, etc. London, l79L
This shows the early British trade to the Northwest Coast.
Only brief mention is made of the American trade there.
A Voyage Round the World in the Years 1785, 1786, .1787,
1788, by J. F. G. de La Prouse. 3 v. (Trans. from the French.)
London, 1798.
Sorne mention of American trade is to be found in these
A Narrative of Four Voyages to the South Seas, North and
South Pacific Ocean, Chinese Sea, Ethiopic and Southern Atlantic
Ocean, Indian and Antarctic Ocean. From the Y ear 1822-183!.
New York, 1832.
This was apparently compiled from a journal. It contains
valuable accounts of the South Sea trade, esp~cially that in
beche de m er.
Narrative of. a Voyage to the Ethiop~c and South Atlantic
Ocean, Chinese Sea, N orth and South Pacific Ocean in the Y ears
1829, 1830, l83I. By Abby Jane Morrell who accompanied her
husband, Capt. Benjamn Morrell, Jr., of the schooner Antarctic.
N ew York, 1833.
This is valuable as a side light on part of Morrell's narrative.
A Concise Extract from the Sea J ournal of William Moulton
written on board the Onico, in a voyage from the Port of New
London in Connecticut to Staten Land in the South Seas : . . .
in the years 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, 1804. Utica, 1804.
This gives the common sailor's side of the fur sealing trade.
Cruise of the Frigate Columbia Around the World under the
Early Relations between the United States and China. r 7r

Command of Commodore George C. Read in 1838, 1839, 1840.

Boston, 1840.
This is a narrative by one who was on the expedition, and is a
readable description, but has no great literary merit.
In the Astor Library.
N YE, GrnEoN.
The Morning of My Life in China, Comprising an outline of
the History of Foreign Intercourse from the Last Y ear of the
Regime of the Honourable East India Company, 1833, to the
imprisonment of the Foreign Community in 1839. Canton, 1873.
This is a lecture by an American before the Canton Community,
Jan. 31, 1873.

Narrative of the Adventures and Sufferings of Samuel Pat-

terson, experienced in the Pacific Ocean, and many other parts
of the world, with an Account of the Feegee and Sandwich
Islands. Palmer, May l , 1817.
This was compiled from Patterson's papers and verbal accounts,
by Ezekiel Terry, as an act of charity. It gives a common sea-
man's side of the sealing and fur trades.
Voyage comrnercial et Politique aux Indes Orientales, aux
Iles Philippines, a la Chine, avec des nations sur la Cochin Chine
, et le Tonquin, Pendant les annes 1803-1807. 3 v., Pars, l 8IO.
The third volume gives an account of the affair of the Topaz
and the Diana. In Harvard Library.
Voyage of the United States Frigate Potomoc under the com-
mand of Comrnodore John Downes during the Circumnavigation
of the Globe in the years 1831, 1832, 1833, and 1834, etc. N ew
York, 1835.
This was compiled from the j ournals of R . Pinkham, S. Gordon,
and Cornrnodore Downes, who were on the cruise, and from
verbal accounts of sorne of the crew. The author joined the
expedition only twenty weeks before its close.
Ro:s.E;RTs, EDMUND .
. Embassy to the Eastern Courts of Cochin-China, Siam, and
K enneth S. Latourette,

Muscat, in the U. S. Sloop of War Peacock, David Geisenger,

Cornmander, during the years 1832, 3, 4. New York, 1837.
This expedition touched at Macao.
RooT, ]oEL.
Narrative of a Seal.i ng and Trading Voyage in the Ship Huron,
from New Haven around the World, Sept., 1802, to Oct., 1806.
Read by Thomas R. Trowbridge, Nov. 26, 1888. In N ew Haven
Historical Society Papers, Vol. 5, pp. l49-17r.
This is an account of one of the fur sealing voyages which
centered at Canton, and is by a participant.
A Voyage Round the World between the Years 1816-18~9.
London, 1823: In Vol. 9 of Richq.rd Phillips and Co., New
Voyages and Travels.
This is an account of a French voyage to the South Seas and
the Northwest Coast, written by the commander of the expedi-
tion. It throws sorne light on American trade.
In the Astor Library.
A Voyage Round the World, including an Embassy to Muscat
and Siam, in 1835, 1836, and 1837. Philadelphia, 1838.
This is a narrative, rewritten from the author's own journals,
of the expedition to exchange the ratification of the treaties with
Siam and M uscat negotiated on Roberts' first voyage.
Voyage autour du Monde, Excut pendant les annes 1836
et 1837 sur la Corvette La Bonite. , Relation du Voyage, par
A. de La Salle. 3 Vols. Pars, 1852.
Journal ~f a Voyage between China and the North Western
Coast of America, made in 1804.
In the American Register or General Repository of History,
Politics, and Science, Vol. 3 (18o8), pp. 137-~75.

The Journals of Major Samuel Shaw, the first American Con-

sul at Canton. Boston, 1847. Edited, with a life of the author,
by Joseph Quinc'y.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 173

This is the best source far the beginnings of American trade

at Canton..
N arrative of the Late Proceedings and Events in China.
China, 1839.
This man, the editor of the Cantan Register, is anti-Chinese
and anti-American in his attitude. In this work he gives most
of the official documents of all important foreign affairs in
China from 1837 to the close of 1839.
Journal of a Voyage in the Missionary Ship Duff, to the Pacific
Ocean in the Years 1796, 7, 8, 9, 1800, l, 2, etc. Comprehending
Authentic and Circumstantial .N arratives of the disasters which
attended the fi.rst effort of the London Missionary Society. New
York, 1813.
This is of use for its mention of American ships in the South
An Authentic Account of an Embassy from the King of Great
Britain to the Emperor of China . . . . taken chiefly from
the papers of his excellency the Earl of Macartney. 2 v., Lon-
don, 1798.
On l : 207, this account mentions sorne American sealers found
on the Island of Amsterdam.
Flag Ship, or a Voyage Around the World, in the United States
Frigate Columbia, Attended by Her Consort, the Sloop of War,
John Adams. New York, 1840.
This is by the chaplain of the squadron.
ToMLlN, J.
Missionary Journals and Letters Written during Eleven Years'
Residence and Travels amongst the Chinese, Siamese, J avanese,
Khassis, and Other Eastern N ations. London, 1844.
This tells, among other things, of Tomlin's trip with Abeel to
Bangkok in 183i.
The Diary of Mr. Ebenezer Townsend, Jr., the Supercargo of
the Sealing Ship "Neptune" on her voyage to the South Pacific
and Canten, with a preface by Thomas R. Trowbridge.
174 K enneth S. Latourette,

In the Papers of the N ew Haven Colony Historical Society,

Vol. 4 ( New Haven, 1888), pp. l-II5.
This is a first-hand account of one of the fur-sealing voyages.
The L etters and Times of the Tylers. Richmond, 1885.
This is of use here for Webster's part in securing Everett's
appointment. The author believes that Webster wanted Everett's
A V oyage of Discovery to the N orth Pacific Ocean and Round
the World, in which the Coast" of N orth W est America has been
carefully examined and accurately surveyed, undertaken by His
Majesty's Command, Principally with a view to Ascertain the
existence of. any navigable communication between the North
Pacific and N orth Atlantic Oceans, and performed in the years
1790,_1791, 1792, 1793, 1794, and 1795, in the Discovery sloop
of war, and armed tender Chatham under the command of
Captain George Vancouver. 3 vols. London, 1798.
This was published after the death of Vancouver by his brother.
It is valuable here for the information it gives concerning the
early American trade to th;e N orth West Coast.
Cruise of the United States Frigate Potomoc Round the World
during the years 1831-1834. New York, 1835.
This is an account by one of the members of the crew.
The Works of Daniel Webster, Boston, 1856.
These were probably compiled under the direction of Webster
himself, and are especially useful in settling the authorship of
certain messages and letters.
The Letters of Daniel Webster, from Documents owned prin-
cipally by the New Hampshire Historical Society. New York,
1902. Edited by C. H. Van Tyne.
Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition during
the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842. 5 Vols., Philadelphia,
Early Relations between the United States and China. J 75

Sorne scattering mention of the earlier American South Sea

trade which centered at Canton is to be found in this book.
V\TooD, W. W.
Sketches of China with Illustrations from Original Drawings.
Philadelphia, 1830.
This contains a description of Cantan as it was about 1830, and
. sorne pictures of scenes in or around there, made at the time.
The Narrative of Captain David Woodward and Four Sea-
men, who lost their ship while in a boat at sea and surrendered
themselves up to the Malays in the Island of Celebes. 2d ed.,
London, 1805.
This is in the nature of a jcurnal, written by Woodward, a
native of Boston, Mass.
Recollections of China Prior to 1840. In China Branch of
Royal Asiatic Society's J ournal, 8: 2-2r. ( 1874.) It was read
befare the society Jan. 13, 1873.




Remarks on British Relations and Intercourse with China.
London, 1834.
I have not examined the book, but have seen merely the -review
of it in the Chinese Repository, 3 : 4o6.
British Relations with the Chinese Empire in 1832. Compara-
tive statement of the English and American Trade with India and
Canton. London, 1832.
This is a pamphlet dedicated to the House of Lords, and is one
of those issued at the time of the controversy over the East
India Company's monopoly of the China trade. It is in favor
of the Company, and so tries to minimize the success of the
American-Chinese commerce.
In the Library of the Essex Institute.
On the Trade to China and the Indian Archipelago with
Kenneth S. Latourette,

observations on the insecurity of the British Interests in that

Quarter. In Pamphleteer, Vol. 14, London, 1819, pp. 516-543.
(In the Bastan Athenaeum.)
Assey had been secretary to the British Gov(Wtlment in Java,
and this article shows the anxiety he had come to feel over the
progress of American trade in the Far East.
BooNE, W1LLIAM J. (M.D.).
Address in Behalf of the China Mission by the Rev. William
J. Boone, M.D., Missionary of the. Protestant Episcopal Church
of the United States of America to China. N ew York, 1837.
In Boston Public Library.
(DuNN, NATHAN, proprietor.)
A Descriptive Catalogue of the Chinese Collection in Phila-
delphia, with Miscellaneous Remarks upon the Manners, Customs,
Trade, and Government of the Celestial Empire. Philadelphia,
In the Lenox Library, N. Y.
This shows the nature of this collection, brought to America
for commercial purposes.
Dissertation on the N ature and Character of the Chinese Sys-
tem of Writing. In the Transactions of the Historical and
Literary Committee of the American Philosophical Society.
Philadelphia, 1838. This helps to show the extent of American
knowledge of China at the outbreak of the opium tioubles.
Origin and Progress of the W ar between England and China.
A lecture delivered before the Newburgh Lyceum, Dec. II, 184I.
This illustrates American sentiment on the first Chinese-
British vVar.
In Lenox Library.
Remarks on China and the China Trade. Boston, 1844.
In the Essex Institute.
Christian Progress in China. Gleanings from the Writings
and Speeches of Many W orkers. London, 1889.
This is largely a collection of documen'ts, but the editing is
Early Relations between the United States and China. 177

faulty, as Mr. Foster changed his material occasionally, omitting

sentences, correcting grammatical blunders, etc.
An Address of the General Association of Connecticut to the
District Associations on the Subject of A Missionary Society,
together with summaries and extracts from the late European
publications on Missions to the Heathen. Norwich, 1797
This is useful in tracing the beginnings of missionary enter-
prise in tli.e United States.
China, Its Population, Trade, and the Prospect of a Treaty.
In Journal of the American Oriental Society, l : 143-16!. Bos-
ton, 1849.
A Sermon Delivered before the N ew York Missionary Society
at their Annual Meeting, April 3, 1804 . . . . to which are
added an appendix, the Annual Report of the Directors, and other
papers relating to American Missions. N ew York, l 804.
Used for the beginnings of American Foreign Missions.
China: Its State and Prospects with especial Reference to the
Spread of the Gospel, Containing Allusions to the Antiquity,
Extent, Population, Civilization, Literature, and Religion of the
Chinese. London, 1838.
This is used for the first-hand experiences it narrates.
Although by an Englishman, it contains mention of the
A Chinese Commercial Guide, Consisting of a Collection of
Details Respecting Foreign Trade in China. Canton, 1834.
The Rationale of the China Question. Macao, 1857.
The chief interest of this for us is the reprint it contains of a
letter of Mr. Nye to the N ew York Express, J une 5, 1840, giving
an account of what had happened prior to the first war with
Great Britain.
Peking the Goal-The Sole Hope of Peace, Comprising an
TRANS. CoNN. AcAD., Vol. XXII 12
178 K enneth S. Latourette,

Inquiry into the Origin and the Pretension of Universal

Supremacy by China, and into the Causes of the First War, with
Incidents of the Imprisonment of the Foreign Community and
of the First Campaign of Canton, I841. Cantdllt, I873.
This is by a participant, but was delivered as a lecture many
years after the events narrated took place.
In the Harvard Library.
Chinese Account of the Opium War. Shanghai, I888.
This is a translation and condensation of a work by Wei
Yan, and shows the Chinese attitude toward the Americans. In
Essex Institute.
Pamphlet, pp. 47. Liverpool, I829. ( ?)
This gives the speeches of those opposed to the East India
Company's monopoly o the Canton frade, and shows how the
American trade was cited as an instance of success under free
In the Harvard Library.
Add.ress on the Subject of a Surveying and Exploring Expe-
dition to the Pacific Ocean and the South Seas Delivered in the
Hall of Representatives on the Evening of April 3, I836, by J. N.
Reynolds, with Correspondence and Documents. New York,
' I836.
Observations on the Commerce of the American States. N ew
Edition, London, I784.
This gives sorne facts about the importation into America from
Great Britain o China goods just before the beginning of the
trade between the United States and Canton.
N otices on the British Trade to the Port of Can ton, with sorne
. translations of Chinese Official Papers relative to that trade. By
John Slade, late of Canton. London, I830.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 179

This argues for the monopoly of the East India Company, and
hence tends to minimize the importance of the American trade.
In Essex Institute.
Miscellaneous N otices Relating to China, and our Commercial
Intercourse with that Country, including a f ew translations from
the Chinese Language. (2d ed., enlarged in 1822, and accom-
panied in 1850 by observations on the events which have affected
our Chinese Commerce during that interval.) London, 1822-50.
This is favorable to the East India Company, and hence inclined
to minimize the importance of American trade.
Speech on the Tariff in the House of Representatives April l
and 2, 1824. In Taussig, State Papers and Speeches on the
Tariff. New York, 1892.
WrNES, E. C.
A Peep at China in Mr. Dunn's Chinese Collections with
Miscellaneous Notices Relative to the Institutions and Customs
of the Chinese and our Commercial Intercourse with Them.
Philadelphia, 1839.
In Harvard Library.
This is largely a description of Dunn's Collection, and shows
again the curiosity in the United States about China.
A Sermon delivered at the Tabernacle in Salem, -Feb. 6, 1812,
on occasion of the Ordination of the Rev. Messrs. S~muel N ewell,
A.M., Adoniram Judson, A.M., Samuel Nott, A.M., Gordon
Hall, A.M., and Luther Rice, A.M., Missionaries to the Heathen
in Asia, under the qirection of the Board of Commissioners for
Foreign Missions . to which is added the charge by
Samuel Spring, D .D., and the Right Hand of Fellowship by
Samuel Worcester, D .D . Stockbridge, r8r 2.


AERA 1835 . .
Canton, China, 1834.
In Harvard Library.
180 Kenneth S. Latourette,


In Boston Public Library.
These are useful for our purpose because of their list of the
foreign residents in Canton, and sorne miscellan~us information.
Boston, I82I, et sqq.
These files contain such first-hand information as letters from
the field, journals of missionaries, etc.
Canton, China, I835 et sqq. In the Y ale Library are volumes
2, 3, and 4, and in the Astor Library are volumes 5 and part of 6.
A f ew scattering numbers are found in with the Consular Letters,
Canton. Edited by Edmund Moller. Published in Macao after
July I, I839.
This was British in its sympathies. It ceased issue in March,
Canton, China, I827 et sqq. In the Yale Library are volumes
3, 7, 8, 9, ro, II, I2, and in the Astor Library is volume 4. There
are a few numbers bound in with the Consular Letters, Canton.
This ended its existence June 20, I843, in Hongkong, with vo1.
I6 as "the Hongkong late Cantan Register," which continued
until I859. Like the Press, it British.
This sheet was edited by an American, a son of the Philadelphia
actor, Wm. B. Wood, and was opposed to the East India Com-
pany's monopoly at Canton. It endured from July, I83I , to
Sept., I833. The numbers from July 28, I83I, to April 5, I832,
are in the Boston Athenaeum.
Volumes I to 20, May, I832, to I85r. For the origin of this
periodical see above p. 107. It is indispensable for the years
which it covers.
The Beginnings of Missions in Great Britain. 40: 309.
Boston, Mass., I79I- I83r.
Early Relations between the Un.i ted States and China. 181

This is of use for an occasional mention of the commerce

between Boston and Canton.
January, I83I, Vol. 52, pp. 28I-322.
Article I. Reports from the Minutes of Evidence taken befare
the Select Committee of the. House of Lords and Commons, on
the affairs of the East India Company, London, I830.
The article is a commentary on these reports, making much of
the American trade, and is hostile to the Company. It created
a stir.
(rr: 54. New York, July, 1844.) Commerce of the United
States with China.
(3: 465. New York, December, 1840.) Commerce of China.
This was not written by a direct observer, but it was compiled
from various sources which appear to have been reliable.
8: 205 et sqq. March, 1843. China and the Chinese Peace.
This is a contemporary's view of the subject.
(2: 82.)
Chinese Manufactures.
(4 : 468.)'
First American Trade with China.
Chronology of Events in China.
This is an excellent chronology for 183I et sqq.
(40:56-68. Jan., 1835.)
Execution of an Italian at Cantan.
1. London Quarterly Review for Jan., 1834, Art. vii, on Free
Trade with China.
2. The Chinese Repository for Jan., 1834, Printed at Can ton.
In addition to these sources, the author of the article gets
182 Kenneth .S. Latourette,

sorne infarmation from a friend in Baltimore. This is a narrative

of the Terranova affair.
Baltimore, 18n et sqq. (to r849).
This contains a large number of references to China and the
China trade.
Boston. New Series, 1809-1817. For 1818, 1819, and 1820,
it is called The Panoplist and Missionary Herald and beginning
with 1820, it is called the Missionary Herald.
This is the magazine of the American Board of Commissioners
far Foreign Missions, and contains much first-hand infarmation,
such as letters from the field, summaries of annual reports,
extracts from missionary j ournals, etc.
Complete files are in the Rhode Island Historical Society.
There are occasional ref eren ces to the China trade.
7: 137. Richmond, 184I.
China and the Chinese.
This is a review of Davis's "The Empire of China and Its
Edited for the Board of Missions of the Protestant Episcopal
Church in the United States of America. Burlington, N. J.,
1836, N ew York, 1837 et sqq.
See especially the volumes far the years 1836-1844. It is of
value for the Episcopal Board missions in much the same way
that the Missionary Herald is for those of the American Board.
The N orthwest Fur Trade.
This was a lecture given before the Mercantile Library Asso-
ciation of Boston, and is condensed from the original manuscript
by Elliott Cowdin, in Hunt'.s Merchant Magazine, 14: 532-539.
Sturgis had been to fhe N orthwest Coast on fur trading voyages.
Establishment of American Trade at Cantan. In China
Review, 5: 152-164.
This is mainly a review of the journals of Samuel Shaw.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 183

China and the English, or the Character and Manners of the
Chinese as Illustrated in the History of their Intercourse with
Foreigners. N ew York, 1835.
This is a popular work written for Abbott's Fireside Series.
Its sources are the writings of Marshman, Morrison, Staunton,
Barrow, Auber, Milne, and others, for the most part reliable
Memorial V olumes of the First Fifty Y ears of the American
Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Boston, 1861.
China. An Outline of Its Government, Laws, and Policy :
and of the British and Foreign Embassies, to, and Intercourse
with That Empire. London, 1834.
This is qy the Secretary of the Court of the Directors of the
British East India Company, a man who h<l:d easy access to first-
hand information. The work resembles a chronicle.
History of California. 7 vols. San Francisco, 1884-1890.
This is of value for the Northwest Coast fur trade, and espe-
cially for its voluminous references to and qtiotations from rare
History of the N orthwest Coast. 2 vols. San Francisco, 1884.
This is useful for the same reasons as Bancroft's History of
The Old Merchants of N ew York City. N ew York, 1870.
This was written by a man who had an intimate knowledge of
much of the lif e which he depicted, and contains information
which cannot be obtained elsewhere.. It is anecdotal, uncritical,
and must be used with the most extreme care.
In New York Historical" Society's Library.
The Americans in the South Seas. London, 190!.
In the volume marked The Tapu of Banderah, pp. 245-258.
Kenneth S . Latourette,

This seems to be based on reliable sources, although it is written

in a popular style.
In Bastan Athenaeum.
The Life and Labors of Elijah Coleman Bridgman, edited by
Eliza J. Gillett Bridgman with an introductory note by Asa D.
Smith, D.D. New York, 1864.
This is largely made up of extracts from Bridgman's prvate
journal or diary and his correspondence, and so is very valuable.
New Forces in Old China. New York (Revell and Co.), 1904.
This is of use here because of its brief sketch of Christian
missions to China befare 18o7.
Oregon and Eldorado, or Romance of the Rivers. Boston,
This gives sorne account of the N orthwest Trade, ancI-- as the
author was closely related to the Bulfinch who helped to send
out the Columbia and the Washington, it should be fairly reliable
far these early years.
American Relations in the Pacific and the Far East, 1784-1900.
In Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political
Science. Baltimore, 190!.
This is disappointing, placing undue emphasis on certain minar
incidents, and not at all exhausting the subject. The author is
not always accurate. See above, last faotnote on Chapter III.
Sketch of Thomas H. Perkins. Vol. lo: 201-210. In New
England Historical and Genealogical Register, Boston.
Sorne Remarks on the Commerce of Salem from 1726 to 1740,
with a sketch of Philip English, a merchant in Salem from about
1670 to about 1733-1734. In Hisforical Collections of the Essex
Institute, Vol. l, p. 67.
This helps to show the pre-Revolutionary preparation of Salem
far a distant commerce, such as that to China.
Early Relations between the United States and China. i85

The Clipper Ship Era . 1843-1869. New York and
London, l9II.
V oyages of a Merchant N avigator of the Days that are Past.
Compiled from the Journals and Letters of the Late Richard J.
Cleveland. New York, 1886.
This is an interesting supplement to R. ] .. Cleveland's works.
It was written by his son, who adds new material and makes the
voyages more readable. As he made extensive use of his father's
journals and other reliable sources, the book is quite trustworthy.
In the Boston Athenaeum.
The Crater ; or Vulcan's Peak. A Tale of the Pacific. New
York, 1856.
This book, although fiction, shows a knowledge of the China
trade. Sorne rderences, especially those on pp. 17, 19, 20, and
35, are true to the general historical facts of the trade.
Histoire des Relations de la Chine avec Les Puissances Occi-
dentales, 1860-1890. 3 Vols. Pars, 1901.
Only a very little space is devoted to the years discussed in this
Life of Daniel Webster. New York, 1870.
Pages 2: 172-180 give an account of Webster's share in the
Cushing mission. Curts believes that W ebster was not trying
to get the London mission by inducing Everett to accept the China
The United States and Foreign Powers. Meadville, Pa., 1892.
This is one of the volumes of the Chautauqua Reading Circle
Pages 250-257 give an account of the treaty of Whanghia, but
are of only mediocre value.
The Genealogy of the Cushi_n g Family. Montreal, 1877.
K enneth S . Latourette,

In the Harvard Library. This is used to show the relationship

of Caleb Cushing to the Cushing engaged in the China Trade.
Missionary Efforts of the Protestant Episcopal (jhurch in the
United States. In "History of American Missions to the
Heathen," pp. 563 et sqq. Worcester, 1840.
DAv1s, (Srn) JoHN FRANc1s.
China: A General Description of that Empire, and Its
Inhabitants, with the History of Foreign Intercourse down to
the Events which Produced the Dissolution of 1857. 2 vols.
London, 1857. (New edition.)
The first half of the first volume is given to an historical
sketch, and occasional mention is made of the Americans.
It was written by an Englishman who had a long, intimate
knowledge of many of the events of which he spoke, and so
becomes a valuable source for many events after 1816.
The China Mission, Embracing a History of the Various Mis-
sions of all Denominations among the Chinese. N ew York, 1859.
This is of value chiefly for its large number of biographical
sketches of missionaries, many of whom the author knew per-
The English in China . . . from the Year 1600 to the
Year 1843. London, 1909.
ElTEL, E. J.
Europe in China. The History of Hongkong from the begin-
ning to the year 1882. London and Hongkong, 1895.
This is of use here chiefly for diplomacy and politics.
Annals of Salem. 2 vols. Salem, 1845-1849.
This is of service in determining Salem's part in the Canton
American Diplomacy in the Orient. Boston and ~ew York,
This. work deals mostly with diplomacy, and with the years
after 1844. It is, however, a good summary of the commercial
Early Relations between the United States and China. 187

history, and since it is carefully done and use$ good sources,

such as the Consular letters from Canton, it is quite reliable. It
is probably the best work previously in print that covers our
period. Its chief fault is its brevity.
A History of American Baptist Missions in Asia, Africa,
Europe, and N orth America. Boston, 1849.
This was prepared at the request of the American Baptist
Missionary Union.
GRAY, w. H.
A History of Oregon, 1792-1849. Portland, San Francisco,
and N ew York, 1870.
This is not always reliable. It is of use for the N orthwest
Coast Fur Trade.
William Gray of Salem, Merchant. A Biographical Sketch.
Boston and N ew York, 1914.
A History of Oregon and California and the Other Territories
on the N orth W est Coast of N orth America, Accompanied by a
Geographical View and Map of Those Countries, and a N umber
of Documents as Proofs and Illustrations of the His(ory. Bos-
ton, 1844.
Thi; is used here for the N orthwest Coast Fur Trade.
America in the East, A Glance at Our History, Prospects,
Problems, and Duties in the Pacific Ocean. N ew York, 1890.
This touches very briefly on the period befare 1844, but it is
fairly good. It lacks footnote references to the authorities used,
A Maker of the N ew Orient. Samuel R. Brown, Pioneer
Educator in China, America, and Japan. The Story of His Lif e
and Work. F. H. Revell, New York, etc., 1902.
Gtzlaff's Geschichte des Chinesischen Reiches, von den
altesten Zeite, bis auf den Frieden von N anking. Stuttgart und
Tbingen, Karl Friedrich Neumann, Editor .

188 K enneth S . Latourette,

There is an English translation of Gtzlaff, published in two

volumes in N ew York, I834.
History of the Town of Danvers, from its Earl-Settlement to
the Year 1848. Danvers, I848.
Pp. 94, rr l, contain notices of a ship that was built there for
the East India Company for the East India trade, in I775
The Story of Baptist Missions in Foreign Lands from the Time
of Carey to the Present Time, with an Introduction by Rev.
A. H. Burlingame. St. Louis, 1885.
This work is not very exact and must be used w ith care.

The Trade and Commerce of Boston, 1630 to I890. Boston,
In State House Library, Boston.
Hill's information about the China trade is apparently derived
largely from contemporary newspapers. The book is useful for
Boston's part in the trade with Canton. An article by the same
man, containing much the same material, but more condensed,
is in Justin Winsor's Memorial History of Boston, Boston, I88r.
4: I94-234.
" HoMANs, J. SMlTH.
An Historical and Statistical Account of the Foreign" Com-
merce of .the United States. New York, I857.
A f ew statisti~s of the Canton trade are on pp. 180, I8r.
In Boston Athenaeum.
Boston, 1841.
These are simply papers telling of the work there and making
an appeal for support. ~
In Boston Public Library.
Lives of American Merchants. New York, I856.
The ones useful here are: Thomas Handasyd Perkins, by
Thomas G. Cary, and Joseph Peabody, by George Atkinson vVard.
The Library of Commerce, Practica!, Theoretical, and His-

Early Relations between the United States and China. 189

torical. New York, 1845. Vol. 1, Article I. Sketch of the

Commercial Intercourse of the World with China. Pp. n8-120
of this are a brief summary af the American trade with Cantan,
but are not very goad.
In Bastan Public Library.
China and the Powers. Chapters in the History of Chinese
Intercaurse with Western N ations . . Bastan, 1902.
Pages 40-45 give a brief rsum af American relations befare
1844, but nothing new is brought out.
In Essex Institute.
Astaria, or Anecdotes of an Enterprise Beyond the Racky
Mountains. 2 vals. Philadelphia, 1836.
This is the fullest and most widely known history of Astor's
}ETER, J. B.
Memoir of Mrs. Henrietta Shuck, the First American Female
Missionary to China. Boston, 1846.
This is more of a eulogy than a critical biography.
The East India Trade of Providence. Providence, 1896.
N umber 6 in the Papers from the Historical Seminar of
Brown University, edited by J. Franklin Jamesan.
Miss Kimball makes an extensive use of the newspapers of the
times, and of various local manuscript sources.
L., H. E.
On the Trade of the United Staites of North America with
China. In Analectic Magazine, N av., 1819, pp. 359-366.
This is a brief sketch, rather overdrawn, compiled from con-
versations with various persons engaged in the trade.
The American Fur Trade. In Hunt's Merchant Magazine,.
Sept., 1840, 3: 185.
This is a readable magazine sketch, but has no great historical
LAUT, A . c.
Vikings of the Pacific. The Adventures of the Explorers who
K enneth S. Latourette,

Carne from the W est, Eastward. Behring the Dane; the Outlaw
Hunters of Russia; Benyowsky the Polish Pirate; Cook, and
Vancouver, the English N avigators; Gray of Boston, the Dis-
coverer of the Columbia; Drake; Ledyard, an~oth~r Soldiers
of Fortune' on the West Coast of America. New York, 1905.
Sorne good sources have been used quite extensively, and the
results have been written up in an attractive style.
Materials for the History of Ship-Building in Salem.
In Historical Collections of the Essex Institute, 7: 207.
History of Merchant Shipping and Ancient Commerce. 4 v.
London, 1876.
An Historical Sketch of the Portuguese Settlements in China,
and -of the Roman Catholic Church and Mission in China.
A Supplementary Chapter Descriptive of the City of Canton.
Boston, 1836. .
The Supplementary Chapter is the one of use to us here.
The Medical Missionary in China. A Narrative of Twenty
Y ears' Experience. 2d ed. London, 1861.
Lockhart gives sorne information about the history of medical
missions before 1844, but devotes most of his space to a later
Memoir of Hon. William Sturgis.
In Proceedings of the Mass. Historical Soc., 1863-1864.
Boston, 1864.
Pp. 420-473.
This is a eulogy and a character sketch, and is not very valuable
for our purpose.
History of Oregon. The Growth of an American State. N ew
York, 1903. 4 vols.
This is useful for its bearing on the Northwest Coast fur
trade. See especially Vol. 2, Chaps. 3, 4, 9 1 10, 1I.
A Dictionary, Practical, Theoretical, and Historical of Com-
Early Relations between the United States and China. 191

merce and Commercial N avigation. Philadelphia, 1847. Edited

by Henry V ethake.
The section which deals with the China trade is Vol. I, pp.
293-3 1I.
It is largely a summary of other sources, and is mostly con-
cerned with the British trade.
MAcG1LLlVRAY, D. (Editor).
A Century of Protestant Missions in China, l8o7-1907.
Being ;the Centenary Conference Historical Volume. Shanghai,
This contains sorne little information on this period, but
nothing new.
Annals of Commerce. London, 1805.
Reminiscences of N ewport. N ewport, 1884.
This is a series of papers first published in the Providence
Journal and the N ew York Evening Post. It contains one or
two notices, probably culled from newspaper files, of China ships
which touched at the port.
In Harvard Library.
The Discovery and Description of the Islands Called the
Marquesas in the South Pacific Ocean. With a further account
of the seven adjacent islands, discovered first by Captain Joseph
Ingraham, and since by Captain J osiah Roberts. Compiled from
Dalrymple's Collection of Discoveries. Cooke's Second Voyage,
and the J ournals and Log Book of the Ship Jefferson of Boston.
In Collections of the Mass. Hist'l Soc. for 1795 4: 238-246.
Boston, 1795
No author is given, but the article is signed, "The Above
Minutes are agreeable to my observations. J osiah Roberts, and
to mine, Bernard Magee.'' Boston, Nov. 6, 1795
Oriental Commerce, or the East India Trader's Complete
Guide. London, 1825.
This was originally compiled by William Milburn of the East
India Company. A digest of his papers was made later and new
material added by Thomas Thornton. -
1 g2 K enneth S. Latourette,

For our purposes, see XXVII, China, pp. 450-5u.

A Digest of International Law. Washington, 1906.
Section 797 ( 5: 416-421) tells of the treaty of 7'hanghia.
Memoirs of the Life and Labours of Robert Morrison, D.D.
compiled by His Widow, with Critical notices of his Chines,
W orks by Samuel Kidd. London, 1839.
This is the standard life of Morrison.
The Trade and Administration of the Chinese Empire. N ev
, York, Bombay, and Calcutta, 1908.
A brief summary of American trade to 1844 is on p. 274. Thi
general regulations of the trade at Canton before 1842 are wel
summarized on pp. 275-284. The ,author seems to refer, how
ever, to Cooper's "Crater" as history, whereas it is the pures
fiction. (p. 283.)
MoRsE, HosEA BALLou.
The International Relations of the Chinese Empire. Thi
Period of Conflict, 1834-1860. London, 1910.
The most exhaustive history of the beginnings of foreign trad,
and diplomatic intercourse with China that has been written.
An Historical and Descriptive Account of China.
3 Vals. (2d ed.) Edinburgh, 1836.
The part of this work of use to us is the chapter on commerc~
3: 49-96. No authorities are given for the statistics, but the:
seem to be quite reliable.
The Opium Question and the Northern Campaigns
clown to the Treaty of N anking. Can ton, 1875.
A Century of American Commerce with China.
An Extract from the work is given in the Journal of the Chin
Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 20: 290-291, where it j
_referred to as a "forthcoming work." The book, however, <loe
not seem to have been published.
Early RelCJtion.s between the United States and China. l93


Robert Morris, Patrot and Financier. N ew York, 1903,
Reference is made on pp. 222-224 to Morris 1 part in the open-
ing of the China trade.
Historical Sketch of Salem, 626-1879. Salem, 1879.
This is of value for Salem's part in the Canton tracle. Much
of it is from unpublishecl material, and hence is very useful.
Ships ancl Sailors of Old Salern. N ew York, 1909.
Lif e of J ohn J acob Astor, to Which is Appenclecl a Copy of his
Last Will. New York, 1865.
This contains a number of incidents concerning Astor's share
in the Cantan tracle. It was written in a popular style and must
be used wi th care.
Diplomatic Negotiations of American Naval Officers, 1778-
1883. Baltimore, 1912.
History of the Baptist General Convention, prepared under
the superintendence of Solomon Peck, Foreign Secretary of the
Board. Worcester, 1840.
In the volume entitled "History of American Missions to the
Memoir of James Perkins.
In Proceedings of the Mass. Hist'l Society, I : 363-368.
This is by a son, but for our purposes <loes not contain much
that is new.
The Life and Opinions of the Rev. William Milne, D.D., Mis-
sionary to China. Philadelphia, 1840.
This is compiled largely from letters. and original documents.
It is the life of an English missionary, but gives sorne information
on American missions to the Chinese.
P1nPPS, }OH N.
A Practica! Treatise on the China and Eastern Trade, Com-
TRANS. CoNN. AcAD., Vol. XXII 13
.E.enneth. S. Latour.e.tte,

pnsmg the Commerce of Great Britain and India, particularly

Ben gal and Singapore with . China and the Eastern Islands.
Calcutta, 1835.
Such information as this contains on the Ame,9can trade with
China is largely obt.ained from the evidences printed in the
Parliamentary Paper.s. In Boston Public Library.
PrnRSON, H. VV. (Editor).
American Missionary Memorial, including Biographical and
Historical Sketch es. N ew York, -1853.
The Sketches in this of use here are: Origin of American
Foreign Missions, by Rev. S . M. Worcester, D.D.; and David
Abeel, by Rev. T. E. Vermilye.
Statistical View of the Commerce of the United States of
America. Hartford, 1816.
This is a very useful work, and as a rule er:nploys excellent
sources. See especially pp. 208-2II, 166-207. In Boston
A later edition of this,' New Haven, 1835, contains sorne more
recent material. It omits, however, sorne statistics contained in
the earlier edition. Both are of service.
Notes on Early Ship-Building in Massachusetts.
Communicated to New England Historical and Genealogical
Register, 187r.
In Boston Public Library.
This tells of the building of an East Indiaman in America in
The First Cruise of the United States Frigate Essex.
In Historical Collections of the Essex Institute, JO: 34 et sqq.
The Port of Salem.
In Historical Collections of the Essex Institute, JO: 52 et sqq.
Missions and Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, by J. M. Red, revised and extended by J. T. Gracey,
D.D. 3 vals. New York, c. 1895.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 195


Baltimore Past and Present, with Biographical Sketches of its
Representative Men. Baltimore, 187I.
This contains an Historical Sketch of the city by H. Mayer, a
former president of the Maryland Historical Society, and it is
this which is of use here.
Philadelphia and Her Merchants as Constituted Fif ty to
Seventy Y ears ago. Philadelphia, l86o.
This contains quite a mass of material useful far Philadel-
phia's share in the China trade. It is drawn largely from the
memory of the author and of his acquaintances, and must be used
with care. In the Astor Library.
Memoir of Robert Bennett Forbes.
In Mass. Hist'l Society's Proceedings, 2d series, 6: 197-202.
This seems to be drawn largely from Forbes' published works.
Anglo-Chinese Commerce and Diplomacy. (Mainly in the
Nineteenth Century.) Oxford, 1907.
This contains occasional mentan of early American trade --~
with China. See especially pp. 18, 19, 29, 30, 4I.
History of the United States of America under the Constitu-
tion. Volume IV, 1831-184!. Washington, 1889.
This gives on pages 436, 437, an account of Cushing's appoint-
ment, unfavorable to \,Vebster.
American Diplomacy and the Furtherance of Commerce. New
York, 1886.
There is a summary of the diplomacy over the Russian advanees
on the Northwest Coast on pages 292-305:-
In the Boston Athenaeum.
Statistical Annals : Embracing Views of the Population, Com-
merce, N avigation, Fisheries, Public Lands, Post Office Estab-
lishment, Revenues, Mint of the United States of
America, founded on Official Documents. Philadelphia, 1818.
TRANS. CoNN. A.cAo., Vol. XXII 14 1917
K enneth S. Latourette,

This covers March 4, 1789, to April 20, 1818, and contains

sorne material which is not to be found in print elsewhere.
Travels and Adventures of John Ledyard,41Comprising his
voyage with Captain Cook's third and last expedition, his jourriey
on foot 1300 miles round the Gulf of Bothnia to St. Petersburg,
his adventures and residence in Siberia, and his exploring missior
to A frica. London, 1834. (Earliest ed., Cambridge, 1828.)
This throws light on Ledyard's share in beginning the North-
west Coast Fur Trade.
The Oldest and the N ewest Empire. China and the United
States. Hartford, Conn., 1870.
The author had been a missionary to China and to the Chinese
in California. Pages 410-420 cover the period of this mono-
graph. He seldom quotes authorities, although one could wish
that he had done so, especially for his statement about the
beginnings of American trade to Cantan.
In the Library of Columbia University.
The Life, Letters, and ] ournals of the ReY. and Hon. Peter
Parker, M .D., Missionary, Phy"sician, and Diplomatist, the Father
of Medical Missions and Founder of the Ophthalmic Hospital
in Canton. Boston and Chicago, c. 1896.
This contains many quotations from Parker's letters and
Progress of New York in a Century, 1776-1876. An address
deliYered before the N ew York Historical Society, Dec. 7, 1875.
New York, 1876.
He only briefly mentions the China trade of N ew York.
In N ew York Historical Society's Library.
The Financier and the Finances of the American Revolution.
2vals. N ew York, 1892. '
See references on 2: 163, 27.7, far. Morris' connection with the
Canton trade.
Early Relations between the United States and China. 197

T:HoMscrn, (REv.) W1LLIAM.

Memoirs of the Rev. Samuel Munson, and the Rev. Henry
Lyman, Late Missionaries to the Indian Archipelago with the
Jo~rnal of their Exploring Tour. New York, 1839.
This is valuable chiefly for its use of good contemporary
History of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign
Missions. Worce.s ter, 1840.
In a volume, "Hislory of American Missions to the Heathen,''
He has used quite extensively a number of sources, which he
The Old Shipmasters of Salem. N ew York and London, 1905.
This is used for Salem's share in the China Commerce.
History of the Ancient Mari time lnterests of N ew Haven.
New Haven, 1882.
Chapter vii is on the maritime enterprise of N ew Haven in the
South Seas.
(This is also in New Haven Colony Hist'l Soc. Papers, Vol.
3: 85-204.)
Grandfather's Voyage around the World in the Ship "Betsey."
1799-1801. New Haven, 1895.
The author, says, "In 1853, four years after the death of my
grandfather, my father carefully and patiently related the voyage
to me. I wrote it clown word for word in a book which I have
carefully preserved." This book was made up from the account
thus written. It was another of the fur sealing voyages. There
is a summary of the same voyage in "The Trowbridge Family,
or Descendants of Thomas Trowbridge,'' by F. W. Chapman.
New Haven, 1872, pp. 69-72.
Old Time Student Volunteers. My Memories of Missionaries
N ew York, 1902.
Kenneth S. Latourette,

This is composed of brief biographies of early missionaries

with occasional reminiscences.
Account of the Vessels Engaged in the Sea-~her Fur Trade

on the N orthwest Coast Prior to r8o8.

In James G. S:wan, The N orthwest Coast, or Three Y ears~
Residence in Washington Territory. N ew York, 1857. Pp.
This was compiled from his own memoranda and from notes
furnished by Captain Sturgis. It is valuable as a list, although
an incomplete one, of the trading voyages to the N orthwest
Coas t.
Description Statistique, Historique et Politique des Etats-Unis
de l'Amrique Septentrionale depuis l'poque des premiers tab-
lishemens j usqu'a nos j ours. Traduite sur celle d'angleterre.
5 vols. Pars, 1820.
5: 595, 596, 597, gives a brief statement of the American tea
trade with China.
Economic and Social History of New England, 1620-1789.
2 vals. Boston and N ew York, 1890. 2: 820-828, gives sorne
information about the beginnings of the Canton Trade, -much of
it from very good sources, and sorne from rare manuscripts.
Early Oriental Commerce in Providence.
In Mass. Hist'l Soc. Proceedings, 3d Series, l : 236-278. Bos-
ton, 1908.
This is a rather ill-digested collection of notes from various
sources, lar gely the Brown and I ves papers in the J ohn Carter
Brown Library.
The Foreigner in China. With introduction by Prof. W. C.
Sawyer. Chicago, l88r.
This is written in a poplar style, showing no great research;
':lnd has only one or two pages on the period cv~red by this
Early Relations between the United States and China. 199


The Life and Letters of Samuel Wells Williams, LL.D., Mis-
sionary, Diplomatist, Sinologue. N ew York, 1889.
This is written largely from letters and other good sources,
and by a son.
A History of China, being the Historical Chapters from the
"Middle Kingdom." New York City, 190I.
This is especially complete on European intei:course with China.
The Middle Kingdom. A Survey of the Geography, Govern-
ment, Literature, Social Lif e, Arts, and History of the Chinese
Empire and Its Inhabitants. 2 vols. New York, 1883 (Reim-
pression, 1904).
Although rather old, this is still a standard ref erence book on
It covers too broad a field to go much into detail, but what it
gives is good, especially on missions, and on diplomatic history,
much of which the author knew as a participant.
Memoir of Rev. David Abeel, D.D., Late Missionary to China.
New York, 1848.
This was written more for edification than history, but it is
valuable because it contains large extracts from Abeel's journals
of earlier and of later dates than those published under his own
(WlLSON, T. L. V.) ( ?)
The Aristocracy of Boston, Who they are, and what they are,
being a History of the Business and Business Men of Boston for
the Last Forty Y ears. By One who knows Them. Boston, 1848.
This is a collection of short reminiscent accounts. It must be
used with care.
W1NsoR, JusTlN, (Editor).
Narrative and Critica! History of America. Boston and New
York, c. 1888.
An article by James B. Angell gives on 7: 5 IO an account of
the negotiations with Russia over the N orthwest Coast.
200 K enneth S. Latourette,

Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the Chinese Giving a
List of their Publications and Obituary N atices of the Deceased.
Shanghai, 1867.
This contains fairly good brief biographies of most of the
Cathay and the W_a y Thither, being a Collection of Medieval
N otices of China, translated and edited by Colonel Henry Yule,
with a preliminary essay on the intercourse between China and
the Western N ations Previous to the discovery of the Cape Route.
London, Hakluyt Society, 1866.
This is the best single work on medieval intercourse between
China and Europe. It is used here to give information for a
brief sketch of Western intercourse with China prior to the
coming of the Americans.
Abeel, David, 89, 90, 92, 99, 104, Astoria, 42, 56.
106, 108, 160, 173, 194, 199 "Astrea", 18, 65, l 55.
"Active", 40, 45, 154. "Atahualpa'', 36.
Adams, J ohn Quincy, 38, 55, 125, Austin, Elij ah, 39.
129, 130, 131. Australia, 14, 16, 40, 45, 46.
Ah Loo, 97. Austrians, 31.
"Akbar", 70.
"Alceste", 169. Ball, Dyer, 105.
"Alexander", 36. Ball, J. D., 120.
Allen, Charles H., 155 Baltimore, 50, 60, ?
"Alliance", 14, 16. Bangkok, g6, 103, 104, 105, 106,
American Baptist Board of For- 173.
eign Missions, 87, g6, 106, 160, Banksall, 22.
187, 188, 193 Ba.ptist Missionary Society, 8.
American Bible Society, 86, 88. Barnard, Charles, 160.
American Board of Commission- Barrell, J oseph, 31, 167.
ers for Foreign Missions, 8, 86, Barry, Captain, 18.
89, 92, 94, 105, 106, 122, 146, 160, Bass, 66.
182, 183, 197. Batavia, 45, 46, 72, 88, 91, 95, 103,
American Oriental Society, 136. 104, 107, 108, 156, 159.
American Philosophical Society, Battaks, 108.
124. Baylies, 57.
American Seaman's Friend Soci- "Beaver", 43.
ety, 89, 93, 149. beche de mer, 8, 43, 53, 58-60, l5.
American Tract Society, 88, 146. Beechey, F . W., 161.
Amoy, 120, 140. Benham, 107.
Amsterdam, 45. Bentley, Christopher, 154
Amsterdam, Island of, 39. Benton, Thomas H., 131, 133, 146.
Andover Theological Seminary, Bering, 30.
86. "Betsey", 197
Anglo-Chinese College at Ma- Biddle, Commodore, 144.
lacca, 88. Bills of exchange, 7r.
"Ann and Hope", 22, 46, 47, 49, Bird's nests, edible, 43.
154. Blockade of Canton by British,
"Ann McKinn", 70. II4:;
Appleton, Nathaniel, 156. "Blossom", l6r.
Archer, Henry, Jr., 157. Bocea Tigris, 22, 23, 25, 48.
Archer, J ones, Oakford and Com- Bombay, 45, 46.
pany, 70. Bond, Phineas, 12, 74, 16!.
Ariel, n9. Boone, William J., 109, 120, 122,
"Arthur", 46, 154. 176.
"Asia", 18, 155. Borneo, 92, 105.
Astor, John Jacob, 37, 42, 43, 52, Boston, 13, 15, 18, 30, 31, 34, 35,
68, 189, 193 41, 64, 156-158, 188.
202 lndex.

"Boston", 36, 166. Carey, William, 86.

Botany Bay, 45, 46. Carolinas, 11.
"Boxer'', 84. "Caroline'', 50.
Bradley, 106. Carrington, Ed~ard, 50, 88.
"Brandywine", 134, 136. Cary, Thomas ~. 188.
Brazil, 77. Cassia, 80.
Bridgman, Elijah C., 89, 90, 91, Celebes, 175.
93, 99, 105, 115, 120, 139. Chapman, L N ., 156.
Bristol, 35, 67. "Charles Daggett", 59, 163.
British and Foreign Bible Society, Charleston, 70.
86, 104. Cheever, G. N., 158.
British Manufacturers, 73. Cheever, George W., 156.
British N orthwest Fur Company, Cheever, J. W., 159.
37, 43. Chile, 159, 169.
"Brookline", 155. China ware, 80.
Brown, J ohn, 17. Chinese Courier and Canton Ga-
Brown, Samuel, 31. zette, 180.
Brown, Samuel R., 99, 101, 187. Chinese in the United States, 123.
Brown and Francis, 17, 28. Chinese Repository, 9, 91, 100,
Brown and Ives, 8. 127, 146, 180.
Brumley, Reuben, 44. Ching, 136, 137, 138.
Bryant and Sturgis, 66. Chop, 22.
Bulfinch, Charles, 31. Chrestomathy, 99, II6.
Christian Union of Canton, 92,
Cabot, Samuel, 66. 99.
Calcutta, 28, 39, 45, 51. Church Missjonary Society, 85.
California, trading and sealing Chusan, 12~.
voyages to, 36. Clark, John I., 67.
Campbell; Archibald, 161. Clark and Nightingale, 67.
Canton, 10, 14, 18, 33-35, 39, 46, "Clay", 59, 155.
66, 122, 140. Cleveland, Richard J., 24, 36, 46,
"Canton'', 14, 17, 18. 16!, 185.
Canton-American trade, decline Clipper ships, 70.
in 1826, 63. Co-hong, 20, 62, 82, 119, 140.
Canton commercial system before Colden, 57.
1842, 18, 26. "Columbia'', 12, 14, 22, 23, 65, 155,
Canton, community lie in, 82. 166, 173.
Canton General Chamber of Com- Columbia River, 38, 56, 152.
merce, 82. Columbus and China, 10.
Canton, growth o trade with, Comprador, 22.
1789-1810, 48. Conception, 41.
"Canton Press", 82, 180. "Concord'', 155
Canton Regat~a Club, 82. "Congress'', 83.
"Canton Register", 82, 180. Connecticut, 13.
Cape o Good Hope, 13, 14, 17, Connecticut, General Association
32, 35,-39, 45. of, 85, 177.
Cape Verde Islands, 14, 45, 155 "Constellation", I 17.
"Caravan", 155 "Consul", 156.
Index. 203

Consulate at Canton, American, "Duke", 4;4

16. Dunn, Nathan, 176, 179.
Cook, Captain, 30, 31. Dutch Reformed Church, 89, 96.
Cooledge, T. R., 35, 94, I02, II6. Duties, Chinese customs, 23.
Coolidge, J., 66. Dyer, Samuel, 88.
Copper, 72.
"Coquille", 168. Eagleston, J. H., 158, 159.
Corlis, John, 67. East India Company, British, IO,
Cotton, 72, 76. 12, 54, 88, 96, 110, 127, 147, 148,
Cowpland, 60. 171, 178, 179, 181; effect of
Cummings, W. H., 122. American trade upon, 74-76.
Cushing, Caleb, 126, 129, 133-144, East India Company, Danish, 18.
152, 153. "Eclipse", 37, 65.
Cushing, John P., 66, 134. Edell, James, 154
Edmonds, J ohn W ., 125.
Edward Carrington and Company,
Daniel Parker and Company, 13.
Danvers, lO.
"Eleonora", 18, 34, 39.
Daschkoff, 37, 38.
"Eliza'', 39, 46, 59, 156.
Davis, William H., 44.
Elliot, Captain, l 13, 116.
Dean, William, g6, rn6, 121.
"Emerald", 59, 156.
Deane, Stewart, 16.
Emery; N., Jr., 159.
Delano, Amasa, 39, 40, 161, "Emily", 60, 61, 111.
Delano, Warren, Jr., u4, 118.
Emperor's merchant, 20.
"Delhi", 72, 156.
"Empress of China'', 13-17, 30,
Dennison, Captain, 17.
"Derby", 46, 156.
England, 73.
Derby, Elias H., 17, 64, 65, 145. English, 14; trade with N orth-
Derby, John, 31. west Coast, 31.
D'Wolf, John, 35, 36, 67, 162. English Baptist Missionar"y Soci-
"Diana'', SI. ety, 85.
Dickinson, J. T., I05. English, Philip, 184.
Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
Episcopal Board. See Domestic
in China, Society, IOO. and Foreign Missionary Soci-
Diver, W. B., rn2, 115. ety of the Protestant Episcopal
Dix, W. G., 162. Church in the U . S. A.
Dixon, G., 162. Erskine, Charles, 163.
Domestic and Foreign Missionary "Essex", 194
Society of the Protestant Epis- Essex Institute, 8.
copal Church in the U . S. A., Everett, Edward, 126, 132.
87, I09, 149. Exterritoriality, 141.
Doolittle, Erasmus, 162. Eyre and Massey, 69.
"Doris'', 52.
Dorr and Sons, 35, 66. Factories at Canton, 20, 24.
Doty, Elihu, rn8. Factory, American, at Canton, 81.
Douglas, 32, 34. "Fair American", 35.
Downes, J ohn, 171. Falkland Islands, 30, 39.
Driver, William, 59, 155 Fanning, Edmund, 51, 152, 163.
"Duff", 173. Fanning, H., 69.
204 Index.
Fanning's Island, 60. Hatch, Crowell, 31.
Fiji Islands, 44, 58, 155, 156, 158, Hathorne, N athaniel, 46, 159.
162, 163, 171. Hawaii, 34, 35, 42-44, 57, 151, 159,
Floyd, 56, 152. 171.
Foochow, 140. "Hazard", 36.
Forbes, John M., 66, 70, 71, 164. Heard, Augustine, 159
Forbes, Paul S., 136, 137. Henshaw, 128.
Forbes, Robert B., 66, 164, 195. "Herald", 157.
Forbes, Thomas T., 66. "Himaleh", 104.
France, 14, 77. Hobson, Benjamn, 103.
Franchereu, Gabriel, 164. Hodges, Benjamin, 22, 159.
"Francis", 156. Holland, 77.
Frazer, Captain, 104. Hong merchants. See co-hong.
Friendly Islands, 158. Hongkong, 113, 114, 120, 122, 139,
"Friendship", 83. 186.
Fuhkien, 95. Hong Sheung. See co-hong.
Fur-sealing in the South Seas, "Hope", 14, 16, 33, 44, 45, 66, 105,
38-43. 166.
Fur trade, 8, 29-43, 53. Hoppin, Benjamn and Son, 67.
Hoppo, 14, 22.
Gambia River, 159. Howell, John, 167.
"Ganges", 157. Howqua, 21, 102.
"General Washington'', 14, 17, 67, Hoy and Thorn, 66.
157. Hudson Bay Company, 98:
Gibraltar, 71, 73, 77. "Hunter", 46, 157.
Gilchrist, James, 155. Hunter, W. C., 165.
Ginseng, 10, 14, 27, 29, 73. Hunt's Merchant Magazine, 125.
Girard, Stephen, 70. "Huron", 95, 172.
"Glide", 59, 157, 162.
Goddard, Josiah, 107. Impressment of American sailors
Gordon, S., 171. by British, 49-51.
"Grand Turk", 17, 64. India, 7.
Gray, J., 66. "Indus", 46, 157.
Gray, Robert, 155. Ingersoll, Nathaniel, 157.
Green, J ohn, 13, 16. Ingraham, J oseph, 33, 66, 165, 191.
Grosvenor, consul at Canton, 127. Innes, 112.
Gtzlaff, K. F . A., 94, 98, 106, 164, Irving, Washington, 31.
187. Isle of France, 39, 45, 159.
Gtzlaff, Mrs., 101.
Jackson, Andrew, 84.
Hadley, Lady, 39. "Jacob Jones", 52.
Hainan, 97. Jacobs, T. J ., 166.
Hall, 87. "Jane", 158.
Hamburg, 45, 46, 77, 155. J apan and J apanese, 98, u5.
"Hamilton", 157. J ardine, 82.
"Hanover", 67. Java, 155.
Hanson, F. R., 109. Jay, John, 13, 15.
Hartford, 41, 68. "Jefferson", 34, 169.
lndex. 205

J efferson, Thomas, 124. Livingston, J ohn H., 177.

"Jenny", 18. Lockhart, William, 102.
J ewitt, J ohn, 166. Lockwood, Henry, 109,
"John Adams", 173. London, 154
J ohn Carter Brown Library o London Missionary Society, 85,
American History, 8. 95, 102, 108, 173
"John Jay'', 45, 46, 158. "Lord Amherst", 164.
J ohnson, Stephen, 106, 108. "Louisa", 35, 158.
J ones and Clark, 69. Lowrie, Walter M., 121.
Jones, John Paul, 31. Lutke, F ., 168.
Jones, John T., lo6, Lyman, Henry, 35, 108, 197
Juan Fernandez, 169. Lymans, 66.
Judson, Adoniram, 87.
"June", 36. Macao, 7, 20, 22, 25, 49, 50, 81, 82,
Kagoshima, 98. 91, 97, 98, 101, II3, 115, 122, 136,
Kamchatka, 37, 42.
Ke, u8, 119, 136-140, 143 Macartney Mission, 39, 165, 173
Macgowan, Daniel ]., 122.
Kearney, Commodore, u6, u7,
II8. McRea, J ohn, 70.
Madagascar, lI.
Kelley, Wilbur, 154
Kempton, Captain, sr. Madras, 17.
Magee, Bernard, 169.
Kendrick, J ohn, 12, 32, 43, 167.
Magee, James, 16, 18, 34, 39, 66,
King, C. W ., 98, 99, n3.
King George's Sound Company, 158, 169.
32. Malacca, 87, 101.
Kiying. See Ke. Malay Pennsula, 90.
Kodiack Indians, 55. Manchus, 19.
Kotow, question o, 135 Manila, 45, 58, 59, 66, 72, 118, 154-
Kotzebue, 57. 156, '159, 168.
Krusenstern, A. J. von, 46, 167. Marchand, Etienne, 164.
"Margaret", 34, 47, 158, 169.
"Lady Washington", 14, 32, 33. "Margaret Oakley", 60, 166.
'La Favorite", 168. Marquesas Islands, 33, 58, 191.
Lamb, 35, 66. Martain, William, 157, 158.
Laplace, M., 168. "Massachusetts", 18.
Lay, G. T ., 104. Massachusetts, 1 I.
Lead, 73. Massachusetts Missiona ry Soci-
"Leander", 65. ety, 86.
Leang Afa, 88, 93. Massafuero, 39-42, 155.
Ledyard, John, 30, 190, 196. Mauritius. See Isle of France.
Leghorn, 45, 46, 156. Meares, J ohn, 32, 170.
"Lelia Byrd", 36. Medhurst, W . H ., 88, 94, 95, 107,
Lepers, 98. 177.
Lew Chew Islands, 98. Medical Missionary Society in
Lin Tse-s, 112, 113, 115, 128. China, 102, 122.
Linguist, 2 2. M editerranean, II.
Lintin, 25, 81, 83, 84, 111, 159. Melon, 44.
Lisbon, 46. "Mercury", 36.
206 Index.

"Mermaid", 59, 158. N ew Zealand, 46, 156, 158.

Metcalf, Captain, 18, 34, 35. . Nichls, George, 40, 154.
Methodist Missionary Society, 87, Nicol, William, 50.
96. Niles Registeri.J23, 135.
Miller, n7. Ningpo, 20, 14~
Milne, William, 87, 88, 193. N ootka Sound, 32, 33, 34
Milner and Bull, 81, 88. Norfolk Island, 46.
Missionary Herald, 88. N orthwest Coast, 158, 164, 167,
Missions, origin of in America, 172, 184.
85. Northwest Coast fur trade, 29,
Missions, after first Chinese-Brit- 54, 55, 195, 198.
ish war, 120. Norwich, 64
"Missouri", 134, 136. Nott, 87.
Mongol conquests, 7. Nutmegs, 73.
"Monroe", 158. Nye, Gideon, 127.
Morrell, Benjamn, 59, 166.
Morris, Charles, 167. O'Cain, 36.
Morris, Robert, 13, 15, 16, 30, 69, Officials, Chinese, communication
193. of foreigners with, 25.
"Morrison'', 93, 98, u6. Old China Street, 25.
Morrison, J. R., 95, 177. Oliver W olcott and Company, 68,
Morrison, Robert, 6r, 87, 88, 90, 159.
94, 95, 99, 101 , 192 Olyphant, D. W. C., 6g, 89, 90, ~2,
Morrison Education Society, 101, 95, 102.
122. Olyphant and Company, 69, 81,
Moulton, William, 170. 95, 98, 104, n7.
Munson, Samuel, lo8, 197 Ophthalmic Hospital, 94, 99, 102.
Opium, 23, 27, 72, 73, 95, 111- n4,
N agasaki, 98. n8, n9, 192.
N ankeens, 53, So. Oregon, 32, 56, 57, 152, 187.
Nanking, treaty of, 119, 120, 126, Ormsbee, John, 155.
130. "Outside merchants'', 21.
Napier, Lord, 93, no.
"Nautilus'', 42. Page, Benjamn, 46, 154
"Neptune", 39, 41, 173- Page, Martn, 154
Nevius, Elbert, 1o8. "Pallas", 15, 59, 159.
Newell, 87. Panoplist and Missionary Maga-
N ew China Street, 25. zine, 182.
New Haven, 38, 39, 64, 68, 197. Parish, Thomas, 66.
New London, 30, 38, 41, 68. Parker, Commodore, 134.
New Orleans, 156. Parker, Peter, 94, 97, 98, 102, 104,
Newport, 67, 191. IIS, 121, 128, 129, 139, 188, 196.
Newton, J. W., 93. Patterson, Samuel, 171.
New York, 11, 13, 15, 18, 30, 35, Peabody, ] oseph, 65, 188.
39, 40, 41, 44, 64, 68, 155, 156. "Peacock'', 83, 84
N ew York Custom House, 148. Pearl River, 20, 22.
New York Missionary Society, Pearls, 59.
177. Peet, 107.

Peking, 136. Roberts, Issacher J., 97, 120, 121.

Pellew, Commodore, 51. Roberts, J oseph, 34.
Pepper, 73. Roberts, J osiah, 191.
Perkins, James, 193 Robinson, 106, 108.
Perkins, James and Thomas H., Rogers, T., 97.
37, 66. Roman Catholic Missions in
Perkins, Thomas H., 18, 33, SS, China, 90, 190.
65, 151, 184, 188. Romanzoff, 37, 38.
"Perseverance", 46, 159. Root, Joel, 41, 172.
"Peru", 59, 159. Rotterdam, 157.
"Phaeton", 50, 51. Russetl and Company, 71.
Philadelphia, 16, 35, 39, 41, 64, Russell, Sturgis and Company, 81.
86. Russia and Russians, 30, 36, 37,
Pickman, Dudley S., 46. 54, 77.
Pilots' fees, 23. Russian-American N egotiations
Pinkham, R., 171. over N orthwest Coast, 37, 38,
Pintard, John M., 31. 55, 56.
Pirates, 11, 48.
Pohlman, W. J., 105, 108. St. Ambrose, 39, 169.
"Polly'', 34. St. Helena, 159.
Pondicherry, 17. "St. Louis", 134.
Porter, Lemuel, 157. St. Paul Island, 40.
Portugal, 7, 11, 19, 51, 71, 85. St. Petersburg, 45, 46.
"Potomac", 83, 171, 174. Salem, 11, 13, 17; 39, 41, 46, 58,
"President Washington", 28. 59, 64, 65, 154-158, 184, 186, 190,
Presbyterian Board, 105, 121. 193, 194. 197.
Presbyterian Church, 96. Salem Custom House, 149.
Privateers, II, 17, 49. Salt peter, 23.
Providence, II, 17, 35, 46, 64, 67, Salter, J ohn, 36.
198. Samuel Russell and Company, Sr.
Providence Custom House, 149. Sandalwood, 8, 43, 53, 57, 58.
Sandalwood Bay, 60.
Quallah Battoo, 83.
Sandwich Islands. See Hawaii.
Quicksilver, 72.
"Sapphire", 159.
"Rambler", 52. Saurarang, 159
Randall, 15. Scotch Missionary Society, 85.
Rattans, 73. Seaman's Friend Association of
Read, Commodore George C., 128, China, 103.
165. Sea Otter, 30.
Reed, Alanson, 107. "Semiramis", 67.
Red, Thomas, 16. Serampore, translation of the
Revolution, American, 12. Bible, 88.
Rhode !stand, 11. Shaler, 36.
Rice, 23, 72, 87. Shanghai, 95, 140.
Richardson, William, 46, 156. Shantung, 95.
Roberts, Edmund, 83, 84. Sharks' fins, 43.
Roberts Fund and China Mission Shaw and Randall, 81.
Society, 98, Shaw, Samuel, 14, 15, 16, 18, 151.
208 Index.

Sherry, n6, 117, 143. Thompson o Philadelphia, 63.

Shuck, Henrietta Hall, 96, II6, Thompson, Edward K.; 67.
189. "Three Sisters'', '.I 55.
Shuck, J. Lewis, 96, 97, 98. T ien Tsin, 138.
Siam, 90, 105, 106. Tin, 73.
Silk, 27, 53, 76, 79. Tomlin, 105.
Silsbee, Z. F., 157. Tongku, u4. ..
Singapore, 94, 96, 97, 103, 104, 105. "Tonquin'', 42, 43, 44, 45, 164.
Sitka, 36. "Topaz", 50, 51.
Slade, J ohn, 173 Tortoise shell, 43, 58.
Slater, 108. Townsend, Ebenezer, Jr., 39, 173.
Smith, Thomas H ., 63, 69. Tracy, Ira, 93, 104, io5.
Smuggling into China, 23. Tracy, Stephen, 105.
Snow, P. W ., 25, Sr, n3, .114. Travelli, J. H., 105.
Snow, Samuel, 49. Truxton, Captain, 18.
Society Islands, 158. Tucker, 57.
South America, 30, 71, 72. Tuyl, Baron de, 56.
South Georgia, 39. Tyler, President, 129, 130, 133,
South Seas, 30, 43-45, 152, 178, 134, 135, 140.
South Shetland Islands, 163. "Union", 44.
Specie, 23, 27, 28, 71. United States., first ship from to
Spirit o Missions, 182. China, 13.
Stacker, John C., 70. United States, growing knowl-
"States", 39. edge o China, 122-127.
Stevens, Edwin, 92, 94, 95, 101, United States, interest of govern-
104. ment in China, 83.
Stewart, William R., 39. Upshur, 135.
Stonington, 38, 42, 64, 68.
Sturgis, James P., 66, 82. VanBuren, Martn, 129.
Sturgis, William, 34, 47, 167, 182, Vancouver, 43, 174.
190. V ent, Samuel, 159.
Sue Anam, 143. "Vincennes", 83.
"Sumatra", 65.
Sumatra, 46, 108, 154, 157. W ages, on ships, 47.
Sunda, Sttaits of, 14, 45. Waldo, C. F., 157.
Sweden, 73. Wallis Island, 162.
War, first Chinese-British, 7, 8,
Tahiti, l 56. 22, 110-120, 124-127, 130.
Talbot, 81, 90, n2. War of 1812, 4J, 45, sr.
Tariff, United States on China War, opium. See War, first
goods, 78, 79. Chinese-British.
Tea, 13, 27, 29, 53, 76-79. War, second Chinese-British, 8.
Terranova Aff~ir, 54, 60-63, 111, Warriner, Francis,' 174.
127, 143, 151, r8r. W ars; N apoleonic, 28, 29.
Thirteen Factory Street, 25. "Washington", 33
"Thomas Perkins", 112. Webb, Benjamih, 155.
Thompson, Captain, 18.
W ebster, Daniel, 129. 130-133, 135.

Webster, Fletcher, 134, 139. Williams, George W., 159

Wesleyan University, 96. Williams, S. W ., 93, 98, 104, 105,
West, Thomas, 156. II5, 175, 199
W est lndies and W est Indian Winn, John D., 156.
trade, 11, 12, 17, 29, 71. Winn, Joseph, Jr., 156.
Wetmore, 113. Winship, J onathan, 44.
Wet.m ore and Company, 82. Winsor, Thomas, 95.
Whampoa, 14, 22, 24, 49, 51, 52, W olcott. See Oliver Wolcott and
88, 91, 110, 117, 137. Company.
Whanghia, treaty of, 8, 139-144, Wood, 82.
152-154, 192. W ood, G. W., 105.
Wharton, Charles, 69. W oods, Leonard, 179
Wheatland, Richard, 157, 15R Woodward, David, 175-
Wilcocks, 61. Wyer, Obed, 156.
Wilkes, Charles, 84, 163, 174
"William", 15Q Yale, 92, 101.
"William and Henry", 22, 159. Y edo Bay, 98.
Williams, C. H., 159. Yih Shan, 116.
Williams, F. W., 145


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