Sample Affidavit of Heirship
Sample Affidavit of Heirship
Sample Affidavit of Heirship
1. ______________________ ___________________
2. ______________________ ___________________
3. ______________________ ___________________
4. ______________________ ___________________
3. As evidence of our legal relation to the deceased, photocopies of our birth certificates are
herein attached; and
4. We are executing this affidavit in good faith to attest to truth that there is no other heir or
heirs except for the above-named heirs of the said deceased spouses and for whatever legal
purpose it may serve.
____________________ ____________________
Affiant Affiant
SSS ID No. _____________
SSS ID No. _____________
____________________ Affiant
Affiant SSS ID No. _____________
SSS ID No. _____________