Ijeee Simulink Model
Ijeee Simulink Model
Ijeee Simulink Model
A considerable amount of wind energy is produced due to the pressure difference created by the moving vehicles
on the highways. This wind energy can be utilized for the generation of electrical energy with the help of
vertical axis wind turbines. This project aims to extract this energy in the most efficient manner. Vertical
axis wind turbine can be installed on the median of the roads so that the wind from both sides of the median will
act tangentially in opposite direction on both sides of the turbine thereby increasing effective wind speed acting
on the turbine. This wind flow will depend on the velocity of the vehicle, size of the vehicle and intensity of the
traffic. So a detailed survey has to be done for studying these distributions. Based on the studies made an
optimal wind turbine design has to be made. The wind power harnessed through this technique can be used for
street lighting, traffic signal lighting, toll gates etc.
In todays life the demand on electricity is much higher than that of its production. One of the biggest issues ever
since men realized is that natural resources are going to be finished one day and a replacement is to be found.
Apart from that fossil fuels play a major role in pollution, global warming and greenhouse gas. In order to
overcome such problems incorporation of more renewable energy sources such as sunlight, wind and biomass is
essential in the current century. Energy is very much essential for development of any nation. The global demand
for energy is increasing in a rapid rate due to rapid rise in population and industrialization, while the energy
sources are depleting in a very fast manner. Currently, more than 68 percent of electrical energy is produced by
thermal power plants where fossil fuels such as coal, diesel etc. are used. As we realize that fossil fuels are going
to be exhausted, were trying to develop other means of power generation.
Wind energy is considered the fastest growing source of clean energy. However, it is limited by its variable
nature. Highways can provide a considerable amount of wind to drive a turbine due to high vehicle traffic. Due to
the pressure difference in the air adjoining the vehicle wind will be generated [1]. This project aims to extract this
energy in the most efficient manner. Small vertical axis wind turbines can be installed in these areas to extract this
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power. The wind turbines will be placed on the road dividers so that wind flow from both sides of the highway
will be acting tangentially in opposite directions on both sides of the turbine [2]. These types of turbines can be
installed on express highways and other high speed traffic areas to generate electricity. Ideally, the turbine can be
used globally as an unlimited power source for street lights and other public amenities. Also this system can be
connected to the grid to supply the increased power demand.
Nowadays, the vehicle density is increasing by a very fast rate and because of the development in road
transportation facilities such as the development of express highways and national highways, where vehicles
move in immense speed, large amount of wind energy will be generated by the moving vehicles on these
Optimum design of the turbine is very important in the development of this project. Design of the vertical axis
turbine for the highway wind power generation is explained in the following sections.
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From the readings taken, it was found that average wind speed available on highway median is around 6 m/s.
Also, it is found that wind speed is higher during the night time. From the readings taken from the highways, it
was noticed that wind speed is varying with respect to the height from the ground and maximum wind speed is
obtained between 1 metre and 2 metres from the ground level.
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Vertical axis wind turbines are of generally two types- drag machines and lift machines. Drag machines move
slower than the wind, have low efficiency and are self-starting, while in case of lift machines blade speeds are
greater than the wind speed and are more favourable from an energy production view point but they are not self-
starting [3]. Wind energy generated by moving vehicles may not be continuous as there may be idle time with no
vehicle traffic and the turbine may need to stop and start frequently. Therefore, self-starting property is one of the
very crucial parameter in case of highway wind turbines.
Two or three blades are the standard but four blades were chosen because it resolves a few issues with vibrations,
noise and starting. Also, when four blades are used, atleast one blade will be always in direct contact with the
wind [4].
To maximise power extraction, the use of cambered or angled blades is beneficial because such profiles will
significantly increase the performance in the upwind where most of the power is produced. Thicker aerofoils are
desirable in gusty conditions because turbines operating at lower tip speed ratios will experience smaller
fluctuations in during the gusts and the drop in CP is also reduced
Helically twisting the blades have been shown to produce smoother torque output that can increase the life of the
mechanical components of the VAWT [5] Also, helically twisted turbine yields a steady power output and a
higher mean CP.
From the readings taken from the highways, it was noticed that maximum wind speed is obtained between 1
metre and 2 metres from the ground level. Therefore, the height of the turbine is decided as 1 m. Also, since the
median width is 1 metre, the diameter of the turbine is taken as 0.8 m.
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E = W = Fs
v u
2 2
a (2)
Substituting (2) in (1), we get mv
The power P in the wind is given by the rate of change of kinetic energy
dE 1 dm
dt 2 dt
Mass flow rate is given by
= Av
P Av
The actual mechanical power Pw extracted by the rotor blades in watts is the difference between the
upstream and the downstream wind powers
P A v (vu vd )
2 2
A (vu vd )
From the mass flow rate, Av (4)
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1 (vu vd )
Pw A (vu vd )
2 2
Substituting (4) in (3), we get
2 2
1 vu vd 2
Pw A (vu vd ) (vu vd )
2 2 2
2 2 2
vu vd
3 2 2 3
1 vu vd vu vd
Pw A
2 2 2 2 2
1 vd
vd vd
Pw A vu 1
2 3
2 2
vu vu vu
Pw A vu C p
1 vd
2 3
vd vd
Where, coefficient of performance C p 1 2
2 vu vu vu
Here, a three phase PMSG of ratings 100 VA, 24 V, 200 rpm is used for conversion of electrical energy into
mechanical energy.
A Simulink model [8] with permanent magnet synchronous generator and uncontrolled bridge rectifier was
developed for the proposed system, which is shown in fig. 3. The wind turbine model was realized using the
generic equation of Cp developed by Heier, which is given below:
A variable wind speed block is created to obtain time varying wind output as per the wind readings obtained from
the survey on highway. The block-set gives variable amplitude signal as its output. This variable wind is given as
the input to the wind turbine block-set which is coupled to the permanent magnet synchronous generator. Output
of the generator is rectified using an uncontrolled bridge rectifier. The variable wind input applied to the turbine
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is shown in fig. 4. The three phase AC output of the permanent magnet synchronous generator and the rectified
output voltage of the uncontrolled bridge rectifier are shown in fig. 5 and fig. 6.
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Since the wind speed is fluctuating, the mechanical torque generated by the turbine will also be fluctuating. The
turbine shaft is coupled to the rotor of the generator. Because of the fluctuating torque input of the generator the
rotational speed of the generator will be varying thus the output voltage of the generator will also be fluctuating
rapidly. Here only an uncontrolled bridge rectifier is used at the output of the generator. But in order to keep the
output voltage constant for battery charging, a closed loop converter should be used.
The proposed model of helical vertical axis wind mill will be a good source of renewable energy on highways.
The wind energy generated by the moving vehicles on highways can be utilized to generate electrical energy
which can be stored in a battery and used for purposes like street lighting, traffic signals, road studs etc. This
design concept is meant to be sustainable and environmentally friendly. If these types of turbines can be installed
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on long high speed express highways like golden quadrilateral, a considerable amount of electrical energy can be
generated, which can solve the issue of energy crisis to a large extend.
Density of air (kg/m3)
A Frontal sweep area of turbine (m2)
u Upwind velocity (m/s)
d Downwind velocity (m/s)
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[8] R. Alejandro, L. Alvaro, G. Vazquez, D. Aguilar and G. Azevedo, Modeling of a Variable Wind Speed
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