Homework 2 Heat Transfer

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Universidad de La Serena

Facultad de Ingeniera
Departamento de Ingeniera Mecnica
Transferencia de Calor

Heat Conduction Example

Homework No. 2



September 6, 2017

The steady state heat diffusion in a two-dimensional flat plate with two materials and mixed
boundary conditions was studied. The problem is solved using the finite volume method in
two open source programs, CONDUCT and SIMPLE2D. A study of the mesh effect was
carried out. The results given by the programs were quite different but with a similar
behavior, it could be due to the entry of the boundary conditions.

1.Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 3
2.Physical Situation ................................................................................................................ 3
2.1. Steady Conduction with Mixed Boundary Conditions ................................................ 3
3.Mathematical Model ............................................................................................................ 4
4.Metodology.......................................................................................................................... 4
5. Computational Implementation .......................................................................................... 5
6.Results ................................................................................................................................. 5
7. Results Analysis and Discussion ........................................................................................ 7
8.Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 7
9.References ........................................................................................................................... 7

1.Introduction Due to the difficult presented in the

There are three basic mechanism of heat problem it couldnt be solved in finite
transfer, conduction, convection and difference method, in this case was only
radiation. Conduction is the transfer of solved with FVM in CONDUCT and
energy from the more energetic particles SIMPLE.
of a substance to the adjacent, less
The obtained results agree with the results
energetic ones as a result of interactions
proposed by Patankar [2], but using the
between the particles. Convection is the
SIMPLE method the values of the
mode of heat transfer between a solid
isotherms are quite different with respect
surface and the adjacent liquid or gas that
to the values given by CONDUCT.
is in motion, and it involves the
Despite the above, the behavior describe in
combined effects of conduction and fluid
the profiles temperature are very similar
motion. Radiation is the energy
for both results.
emitted by matter in the form of
electromagnetic waves. All modes of heat
transfer require the existence of a 2.Physical Situation
temperature difference, and all modes are
from the high-temperature medium to a 2.1. Steady Conduction with Mixed
lower-temperature one [1]. Boundary Conditions
The physical layout for the 2D steady state
Many engineering problems involves heat heat diffusion in a flat plate with two
conduction, like dwelling thermal materials, variable properties and mixed
isolation, heat loss in heat exchangers, heat boundary conditions is shown in the figure
transfer from finned surfaces, heat 1. The plate has a x-length of 1 and a
treatment, etc. Therefore, is important to height equal to 0.5, with a 0.3x0.25 section
have a very good understanding of this of another material set in the right upper
heat transfer mechanism, its governing corner. The parameters are dimensionless
equations and the different kinds of because are only reference for the
boundary conditions that could be involve understanding of this fairly complex
in this sort of problems. situation [2].
In this case we will analyze the heat
conduction in 2-D domains, a very general
problem that involve different kind of
boundary conditions at the same time,
which is illustrated in Pantakars book
Computation of Conduction and Duct
Flow Heat Transfer [2].

The first problem is solved using the finite

volume method (FVM) in the open source
Figure 1. Flat plane with two materials.
program CONDUCT [2] and SIMPLE.

Where 1 , 2 are the sources terms; 1 , 2 Where 1 is for the unshaded area and 2
are the thermal conductivity in the is for the shaded area as can be seen in
respectively areas. figure 1.

1 = 100 , 2 = 20 , = 5 are We can see the mixed boundary conditions

temperatures, is the heat transfer present in the problem 1, Dirichlet (4 ,5),
coefficient and = 800 is a constant Neumann (7,8) and Robin (6).
heat flux.

3.Mathematical Model The partial differential equation that
The steady state 2D heat conduction in a govern this present problem, with the
flat plate with variable properties and boundary conditions previously shown
internal heat source is governed by a were solved numerically using the finite
diffusion equation, the heat equation, a volume method in the CONDUCT
partial differential equation which is non- program [2] and with the same method in
linear and non-homogeneous: another open source code SIMPLE 2D.

This method discretizes the continuous

( ) + ( ) + () = 0 (1)
domain in control volumes as shown in
figure 2, and integrates with respect each
The problem has the following properties
independent variable the PDE in every
and boundary conditions respectively:
control volume.
1 = 1000 4 105 3
(2) (9)
2 = 0

1 = 5 2 = 1 + 0.01 (3)
(0, ) = 100 ; 0 0.5 (4)

(, 0.5) = 20 ; 0.7 1 (5)

(1, )
= [(1, ) 5] (6)

Where = 1 < 0.25 and

= 2 > 0.25 (12)

= 800 ; 0 1 (7)

(, 1) In (9) we have the 2D steady state

1 = 0 ; 0 0.7 (8)
diffusion equation. After the integration
we have the balance of generation of the

quantity and the fluxes through its cell positioned in the discontinuity, therefore,
faces (10). To reach an equation in terms the mesh used were the following:
of we linear interpolate the gradients in
the faces and get (12). Rearranging its
10x6 20x12
equation, we have the general discretized
20x12 40x12
equation: Table 1. Numbers of control volumes.

(13) The coefficients of the transport equation

as next:
In this case of heat diffusion we have that
= = .

This generate a system of equation which
is solved by TDMA.

Figure 3. 10x6 uniform grid.

Figure 2. A part of the two-dimensional staggered


5. Computational Figure 4. 20x12 uniform grid.

Implementation In the SIMPLE algorithm it was used a

As it was said the problem were solved sub-relaxation coefficient = 0.8.
using two open source programs
CONDUCT and SIMPLE. The post-
processing of the data was realized in
First, the problem was calculated in
Tecplot and the graphics were made in
CONDUCT using the grid that is indicated
in the book (10x6), then the resolution was
Due to the discontinuity in the material of duplicated to see the effect of it in the
the flat plate, it was necessary that the results.
faces of the control volumes were

10X6 20X12 20X12 40X24

Table 2. Resume of results obtained in CONDUCT and SIMPLE.


Discontinuities in the material affect in

7. Results Analysis and great part the distribution of temperature.
As we can see at first sight in the 9.References
temperature contours in table 2 the effect [1] Y. A. Engel y A. J. Ghajar,
of the resolution in the used grid, for a big Transferencia de calor y masa:
mesh the contours are more smooth, due to fundamentos y aplicaciones. Mxico,
the post-processor has more data for D.F.: McGraw-Hill Interamericana,
interpolate the values of the temperature. 2011.
[2] Suhas V. Patankar, Computation of
In all temperature profiles shown it can be Conduction and Duct Flow Heat
seen the effect of the discontinuity in the Transfer. CRC Press LLC, 1991.
material, it produces a break in the
behavior of the temperature and make it
decrease faster in the respective

The results given by SIMPLE are different

from those given by CONDUCT, although
it can be seen a quite similar behavior in
the temperatures profiles and the contours.
Those different results may be produced
by a wrong entry of the boundary
conditions, that is fairly probably due the
complex present in those. A good idea
could be implement the easy way to
introduce boundary condition, that
CONDUCT have, in SIMPLE to ease the
entry of it in this more general problem

The CONDUCT program is very useful
because it can work with very complex
boundary conditions in a simple way.

The convective heat flux boundary

condition makes that the problem cant be
solve with a direct method.

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