Oil & Gas Academy Petroleum Schools Brochure
Oil & Gas Academy Petroleum Schools Brochure
Oil & Gas Academy Petroleum Schools Brochure
Training Courses
Nigeria U.K. South Africa
Anambra/Abakaliki Petroleum Systems Field Seminar 5
(Sequence) Stratigraphy & Sedimentation 6
Clastic Reservoir Characterisation 7
Development Geology 8
Structural Geology 9
Operations Geology 10
Basic Geochemistry for Explorationists 11
Petroleum Geochemistry 12
Production (Reservoir) Geochemistry 13
Hydrocarbon Charge Modeling 14
Cross-Training Courses
Applied Geostatistics 26
Reserves Assessment and Management 27
Petroleum Resource Volume Management 28
Petroleum Economics and Business Management
Introduction to E&P Management Strategy 29
Petroleum Economics & Decision Analysis 30
Strategic Management and Organizational Learning in E&P 31
Exploration Prospect Appraisal & Economics 32
About Oil & Gas Academy
Oil & Gas Academy is a training services provider and
research organization. Operating from the UK and Nigeria
and co-ordinated by Prof. C. M. Ekweozor, her vision is to
make world-class post-graduate continuing education
facility locally available for human capacity building in both
the upstream and downstream sectors of the industry. This
is to be partly achieved by presentation of well-designed
and high quality short-term courses to enhance productivity
and professionalism. Longer term developments include
driving, from the private sector, functional and qualitative
central analytical laboratories, library and publication units
to service the industry and bridge the gap arising from the
perceived inadequacies of the tertiary educational system.
Oil & Gas Academy is in partnership with Exploration and Production Training
Services (EPTS) of the Netherlands (www.epts.org), an international consortium
of highly experienced trainers who themselves were formerly technical gurus in
different E&P and service companies around the world. The faculty also includes
several outstanding Nigerian geoscientists/engineers, now retired but desirous
to transfer their knowledge to the next generation of petroleum professionals. In
the past, such persons often retired, at best, into other businesses that were
completely unrelated to their career specializations, thus robbing the nation of
their invaluable abilities, acquired at great cost from both local and overseas
training as well as on-the-job. Part of the mission of the Oil & Gas Academy is to
harvest this scarce human resource and motivate them to work in concert with
other ex-technical/management experts from around the world to teach and
mentor Nigeria's upcoming generation of E&P personnel.
Our courses are deliberately structured to make them also suitable for
academics (post-graduate students/lecturers) that may wish to add value to their
educational curricula/training or get exposed to recent advances in their
specialties. We go out of our way to solicit for sponsorship from E&P companies
and other funding agencies for such academics as our modest contribution to the
enhancement of local training in oil and gas technology.
Our standard courses are usually run in groups, also called 'Petroleum Schools'
which are scheduled for different times of the year. In 2008, petroleum schools
will be run in Nigeria, South Africa and the United Kingdom. Details such as
venue, course fees, etc will be published later in our website and can also be
obtained from our offices on request.
C.M. Ekweozor PhD, fnape
President, Oil & Gas Academy
[email protected]
Oil & Gas Academy (Nigeria)
42 Mini-Ezekwu Street Oil & Gas Academy (UK)
Eliada Layout, Rumuogba 133 Blackburn Street
P.O. Box 6056 Salford M60 1WP
Port Harcourt 500001, Nigeria P. O. Box 4164, United Kingdom
Tel.: +234 (0) 8033132187 Tel.: +44 (0) 1618323832
Fax: +234 (0) 84461527 Fax: +44 (0) 1618323832
E-mail: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Introduction to the E&P Business
Business Context:
New and administrative staff in the oil & gas business, or staff in
organizations working with the oil industry, often have insufficient
understanding of the "upstream" part of the business. This course
provides a full overview of exploration for hydrocarbons, field
development and operations, processing and transportation of oil and
gas. The history of the business, project economics and global and
political issues are also discussed.
Introduction to Natural Gas and Energy
Anambra/Abakaliki Petroleum Systems Field Seminar
By: Prof. C.M. Ekweozor & Prof. C.S. Nwajide, 5 days
Business Context: - A combination of classroom teaching and geological field
trip offers the most effective strategy for studying the hydrocarbon potentials of
a basin. A field trip to the Anambra Basin and the outcropping Abakaliki and
Niger Delta Basins shall demonstrate present-day physiographic settings,
sedimentological processes and products as well as exposures of hydrocarbon
source and reservoir rock analogues within the Cretaceous-Tertiary clastic
successions. Detailed study of charge systems and the reservoir architecture
allows accurate visualization of static and dynamic models of reservoir and
petroleum systems. Additionally, opportunities will arise for weighing drilling
options, production challenges and HSE issues.
Target Audience: Exploration, production, and management personnel of
private and public companies, including geologists, geochemists,
geophysicists, petrophysicists and HSE staff. The course is also suitable for
students, lecturers and researchers on Nigerian sedimentary basins.
Course Content: - The seminar shall be in two parts: 2-day classroom teaching and 3-
day field work to cover:
Classroom Teaching
* Overview of clastic sedimentary facies, including sedimentary structures
* Environments of deposition
* Sedimentary basins of Nigeria
* Origin of the Anambra Basin and its relationship with the Niger Delta Basin
* History of Hydrocarbon Prospecting in the Anambra Basin
* Hydrocarbon Charge Systems
* Temperature History & Hydrocarbon Kitchen
* Petroleum System Models
* Pre-field briefing: - Field procedure and Community/HSE matters
Field Trip
* The Nkisi/Niger confluence north of Onitsha showing point bar,
mou th bar & braid bar overlying Paleogene bedrock composed of
conglomerates and sandstones with Liesegang contortions.
* 18 km ENE of Onitsha featuring road cut exposure of Niger Delta
facies consisting of ca. 25 m thick succession of tidal, lagoonal and
fluvial deposits and producible heteroliths.
* Within and outside Enugu metropolis exposing a series of road cuts &
river sections, coal beds, seat earths, ancient rooting, and soft-
sediment deformation structures and growth faults (yes, growth
* Scarp slope location in Lokpaukwu/Leru exposing the base of the
Anambra Basin and demonstrating a succession of key sequence
stratigraphic surfaces and intervals.
* Locations at Lokpanta/Onoli-Awgu/Ndeaboh areas for exposures of
the carbonaceous Lokpanta unit of the Eze-Aku Group and the
proposed type locality.
* The rolling country from Lokpanta to Ugwueme to view
topographically imposing cuestiform features, folded/plunging facies
of the Abakaliki basin and oil-soaked rocks/seepages.
The course fee covers tuition, teas/coffees, field-work and the course book
containing field guide/lectures only. Attendees are to make their own
accommodation and other transportation arrangements.
(Sequence) Stratigraphy and Sedimentation
By: Dr. W.J.E. van de Graaff, 5 days
Business context:
A good understanding of how depositional processes control the distribution of
clastic reservoir and non-reservoir rocks in the subsurface is of fundamental
importance to sound EP decision-making. This applies throughout a field's life
cycle, all the way from the exploration phase, through appraisal, field
development and finally field abandonment.
Who should attend:
Petroleum geoscientists. Petroleum engineers and members of integrated
asset teams, who are responsible for defining and evaluating subsurface
geological risks and uncertainties. The course targets EP professionals in the
initial phase of their career.
Course content:
Clastic depositional systems
* Fluviatile systems & reservoir characteristics of fluviatile deposits
* alluvial fans
* braided rivers
* meandering rivers
* distributary rivers
* Deltaic systems & reservoir characteristics of deltaic deposits
* river-dominated deltas
* wave-dominated deltas
* tide-dominated deltas
* Non-deltaic coastal systems & reservoir characteristics of coastal
* beach / barrier-bars
* shelf sands
* Deepwater systems & reservoir characteristics of turbidite
* Deepwater depositional processes
* feeder channel deposits
* fan deposits
* basin-plain deposits
* sea-floor topography as a control on deepwater sedimentation
Sequence Stratigraphy
* Fundamental concepts & terminology
* Controls on sea level changes
* Fluviatile, deltaic and turbidite systems in a sequence stratigraphic
Fundamentals of clastic reservoir architecture and subsurface fluid
Learning methods and tools:
The course uses a combination of lectures and paper exercises. The
exercises are mostly built around correlation problems to highlight the
importance of using sound sedimentological and stratigraphic concepts for
building fit-for-purpose subsurface models.
Clastic Reservoir Characterization
By: Dr. E. Uitentuis, 5 days
Business Context:
The main objective of a development team is to identify the scales of
heterogeneity that will most likely affect the distribution of non-recovered
mobile oil in their subsurface reservoirs. The clastic depositional environment
is particularly complex, and many factors may cause a lower than expected
recovery. Outcrops, cores, borehole images, logs, production tests, and
reservoir level seismic can help provide detailed information about the
architecture, the fluid flow behavior and the heterogeneities in a reservoir. This
course aims at: i) understanding the sedimentological parameters defining
reservoir architecture, ii) the use of tools to predict subsurface reservoir
architecture and iii) the impact of heterogeneities on reservoir performance at
different scales.
Development Geology
By: P. E. M. Haalebos, 5 days
Business context:
A profitable development of an oil or gas field starts with a good
understanding of the subsurface. The development then continues with
integrated field management in which geology plays an essential role. In
this course the "development life cycle" from the gathering of geological
data, the interpretation thereof, the preparation of geological models and
the quantification of subsurface uncertainty are discussed. Attention is
given to impact on field operations and on field management during its
entire cycle. An additional two-day field excursion is optional.
Structural Geology
By: Dr. D. Nieuwland, 5 days
Business context:
In structural or partly structural traps, the very structures that form the trap may
also be responsible for less desirable reservoir properties such as
compartmentalization or water breakthrough. Oil or gas recovery from
reservoirs may therefore be much affected by the structural nature of the field.
The structural geology course provides the necessary skills to deal with
complex structural geometries, with the kinematics of fault and fracture
systems, with reservoir compartmentalization and reservoir and trap integrity.
Operation Geology
Basic Geochemistry for Explorationists (Basic)
By: Prof. C.M. Ekweozor, 5 days
Business Context:
Correct assessment, prediction and correlation of source rocks and associated
hydrocarbons of a given petroleum system make it easier to discover new oil
and gas accumulations faster and at relatively lower costs. Although addressing
principally the role of the geochemist as a competent member of basin analysis
or prospect generation team, the course also gives insights on how applications
of geochemical inputs add value to reservoir development and production
strategies. Interesting case histories from several sedimentary basins convey
insight into tremendous utility of geochemical methods.
Course Content:
* Overview of Formation, Expulsion, Migration,
Accumulation & Alteration of Petroleum in the subsurface
* The Petroleum System Approach
* Evaluation of Organic Geochemical Analytical Data from rocks and oil
* Construction of Geochemical Logs
* Hydrocarbon-Generative Windows
* Biomarker Technology
* Rock/Oil, Oil/Oil & Rock/Rock Correlations
* Gas Geochemistry
* Production Geochemistry (only highlights)
Petroleum Geochemistry
By: Dr. W. Visser/Prof. C.M. Ekweozor, 5 days
Business context:
The prediction of fluid type (oil or gas) and volumes generated in the
basin, or present in un-drilled traps, relies on the understanding of
charge systems. Geochemistry can provide key data to build a
reliable charge model. In a producing oil-field, geochemical methods
can help to understand and predict for example production allocation
in co-mingled production wells, compartmentalization of the field by
faults, down-hole corrosion of production strings, etc. Therefore,
geochemistry helps to optimize reservoir models and field
development strategies.
Production Geochemistry
* Production geochemistry fundamentals
* Production allocation without PLT
* Recognizing down-hole corrosion
* Recognizing compartmentalization
Production (Reservoir) Geochemistry
By: Dr. W. Visser/Prof. C. M. Ekweozor, 5 days
Business context:
Geochemical methods can help to optimise field development plans, and
solve problems related to production of oil and gas fields.
Production allocation to separate stacked reservoirs produced via a co-
mingled production string can be done cost-effectively by geochemical
methods, without the need for production logging (PLT). In
compartmentalised fields the different compartments can be distinguished
based on compositional difference between the fluids (mainly oil) in the
compartments, next to e.g. pressure difference or production behaviour.
These differences often are very subtle, requiring detailed geochemical
Hydrocarbon Charge Modeling
By: Dr. W.Visser, 5 days
Business context:
The quantified prediction of hydrocarbon charge is a key ingredient in the
prospectivity analysis of basins and prospects. Simulation models allow the
quantified prediction of fluid type (oil or gas) and volumes in un-drilled traps.
The outcome of hydrocarbon charge models are used in prospectivity ranking
of basins, plays and prospects.
Basic Geophysics & Seismic Interpretation
Business context:
A profitable development of an oil or gas field starts with a good understanding
of the subsurface, for which geophysical techniques are widely used. During
this course an overview is given of the geophysical methods deployed in the oil
industry, with emphasis on the seismic reflection technique. Aspects of seismic
data acquisition and processing will be discussed. The main focus is on
seismic interpretation, 2D as well as 3D, instructed by extensive exercises.
Seismic Data Processing (Basic)
By: Dr. P. Gerritsma, 5days
Business Context:
During the last decade seismic has become the key tool to exploration and
development success. With the advance of computer technology, processing
has increasingly helped to acquire a competitive edge. There are various ways
to acquire seismic data and a variety of objectives for which the data can be
used. Hence there is no standard procedure in seismic data processing. There
is also a drive to extract more and more from the data and therefore scope for
reprocessing. This course gives an overview of the steps that are common in
seismic data processing and discusses for each step the variety of alternative
implementations together with their inherent assumptions and strengths and
weaknesses. This course should enable participants to assess the impact of
different processing methods with respect to the stated objectives.
*· Static corrections
*· Velocity analysis
*· Deconvolution: stochastic and deterministic
*· Signal-to-noise enhancement techniques
*· Multiple elimination
*· Stacking processes
*· Dmo (dip move-out)
*· Migration: time and depth
*· Velocity modeling.
Learning, methods and tools:
At the end of the course the participants will have obtained a thorough
understanding and appreciation of the many alternative processing
approaches that are commonly applied. They can act as processing
geophysicist and/or liaise with the seismic processing contractor; they will be
able to assess the implications of each particular processing route.
The course includes theory, exercises and examples from both synthetic and
real data; a handout that covers all course material will be made available.
Seismic Stratigraphy
By: Dr. W. Visser, 5 days
Business context:
Seismic data contain a wealth of geological information: structural and
stratigraphic. Seismic stratigraphy is an interpretation methodology that
focuses on the stratigraphic interpretation of reflection seismic data. As
such it is complementary to the structural interpretation methodology.
Seismic stratigraphy merges information from reflection seismic data
with concepts of sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy to predict
lithology distribution in a basin or area. Prediction of reservoir, seal, and
source rock distribution away from well control, is greatly enhanced by
the application of seismo-stratigraphic tools.
Applied Petrophysics (Basic)
By: Dr. Peter Belts 5 days
Business Context:
In the E&P business, integrated petroleum engineering studies and field
development plans are management tools, which are used to maximise
economic recovery of hydrocarbons. Petrophysical engineers fulfil a key role in
analysing and interpreting subsurface reservoir data, which form the basis for
reservoir models. Understanding the methods used in petrophysical analysis,
and the related uncertainty of the results and hence the derived models is
essential knowledge for all E&P technical staff.
Applied Petrophysics (Advanced)
By: Ir. J. van Baaren, 5 days
Business context:
In the E&P business, integrated petroleum engineering studies and field
development plans are management tools which are used to maximise
economic recovery of hydrocarbons. Petrophysical engineers fulfil a key
role in analyzing and interpreting subsurface reservoir data, which form
the basis for reservoir models. E&P technical staff and team leaders
involved in integrated studies require more than general skills in
petrophysical interpretation techniques to produce quality input to
development plans.
Business Context:
In the E&P business, integrated petroleum engineering studies and field
development plans are management tools which are used to maximise
economic production of hydrocarbons. Reservoir engineers fulfil a key role in
handling, analysing and interpreting subsurface and production data at all
stages of field development. In this course fundamental concepts and a broad
spectrum of modern practical reservoir engineering methods are addressed.
Extensive use is made of practical and actual field problems to illustrate
relevant subjects.
Reservoir Engineering (Advanced)
By: Drs. A. J. J. Drenth, 5 days
Business Context:
In the business of exploration and production of oil and gas fields,
integrated petroleum engineering studies and field development plans
are management tools which are used to maximise economic
production of hydrocarbons. Reservoir engineers fulfill a key role in
handling, analysing and interpreting subsurface and production data at
all stages of field development. In this course the key tools of modern
practical reservoir engineering methods are discussed, explained and
Who should attend:
Reservoir engineers with a few years practical experience. Petroleum
engineers that require more than general knowledge of reservoir
Content of the program:
1. Geology and reservoir development.
2. Fluid sampling, logging, well testing.
3. PVT & fluid sampling, constant volume depletion, const.
composition expansion, differential liberation.
4. Stochastic and deterministic modelling. Reservoir flow systems.
5. Capillary pressures, surface tension, wettability, Darcy's Law,
pseudo relative permeability, movable oil, mobility ratio.
6. Application and effect of the above reservoir properties in
reservoir simulation.
7. Production forecasts and decline curve analysis.
8. Viscosity and viscous fingering. Determination of critical flow
9. Theory and practice of oil and gas well testing and pressure
analysis techniques.
10. Well inflow equations for stabilized flow conditions, steady and
semi steady state, examples.
11. Immiscible, incompressible and the Buckley Leverett 1D
displacement theory, application to water flooding.
12. Determination of fractional flow curves and oil recovery.
13. Secondary recovery, new techniques & advances.
Learning, methods and tools:
At the end of the course participants will be able to understand and
apply reservoir engineering methods and tools. They will have the skills
for petroleum reserves estimation, material balance calculations, short
and long term development planning, and assessment of development
uncertainties. Practical experience will be obtained in planning and
evaluation of oil and gas well tests, reservoir modelling and enhanced
recovery methods.
Enhanced Oil Recovery
By: Dr. A.S. de Vries, 5 days
Business context:
As exploration and development of oil fields is moving into more and
more difficult areas like deep water and inhospitable environments,
enhanced oil recovery methods are becoming competitive. Before
embarking on large comparative studies of all possible EOR methods, it
is useful to screen those methods and identify those that are
In this course fundamental concepts and simple 1-D Buckley-Leverett
methods for screening EOR methods are addressed.
Production Technology (Basic)
By: E. Dijkhuis, 5 days
Business context:
An essential part of any field development project or well test is the design
and installation of a well completion. A good design allows efficient and safe
production from reservoir to surface during a long time. In that sense
potential well problems should be catered for, e.g. vertical lift at increasing
water-cuts or decreasing reservoir pressures, sand production and
corrosion by reservoir fluids. In addition a large variety of operational well
interventions should be allowed for: BHP surveys, stimulation, removal of
deposits, well control by safety valve or killing and wire-line/coiled tubing
operations in general.
Production Technology (Advanced)
By: Ir. E. Dijkhuis, 5 days
Business context:
An essential part of any field development or well test is the design and
installation of a well completion. A good design allows efficient and safe
production from reservoir to surface during a long time. In that sense
potential well problems should be catered for, e.g. vertical lift at
increasing watercuts or decreasing reservoir pressures, sand
production and corrosion by reservoir fluids. A large variety of
operational well interventions should be allowed for: BHP surveys,
stimulation, removal of deposits, well control by safety valve or killing
and wire-line/coiled tubing operations in general. The analysis of well
and reservoir performances needs to be integrated to arrive at the best
drilling, recompletion and repair decisions.
At the end of the course the participants should be able to propose a well
design, define the selection parameters for completion components and
prepare well completion or production operations programs.
During the course data gathering, data interpretation and production
planning are highlighted. Special attention is given to integrated field
operations in order to achieve a balanced reservoir- - wells - surface
facilities interplay aiming to assure an efficient reservoir drainage,
optimum well performance and efficient separation of gas, oil and water.
Fundamentals of the Drilling Precess
By: Herman van Elst, 5 days
Business context:
This course focuses on providing new personnel and personnel who are
not directly involved in the drilling operation with a general knowledge of
the drilling process and its equipment. The course covers all aspects of
drilling, including drilling units design, drilling equipment, well design and
well related problems. The objective is to educate participants in drilling
and create awareness in the process.
Course contents.
! Introduction to drilling.
! Drilling unit design, off and on-shore.
! Conventional, mechanised units. New equipment.
! Drilling process. Drilling. Completion. Abandonment.
! Management. Responsibilities. Planning.
! Well design, well planning.
! Safety. Drilling risks. Training.
! Onshore and offshore equipment.
! Down-hole equipment.
! Blow out prevention, equipment and defences.
! Critical operations. Problem solving.
! Project feasibility.
! Drilling costs.
! Contract structures.
! Real problem cases / causes.
A multitude of short exercises to enhance understanding are part of the
Applied Geostatistics
By: Dr. B. T. Wells, 5 days
Business context:
An appreciation of what geostatistics can achieve is now essential in nearly all
important aspects of exploration and production: gridding and contouring for
making maps, upscaling for reservoir simulation and basin modelling, as well as
the analysis of spatially referenced data of all kinds. Without needing to know the
details of the algorithms and the mathematics behind them, being able to
choose the most appropriate techniques and apply them correctly is
fundamental to best practice throughout E&P.
Who should attend:
Petroleum geologists and other geoscientists preparing data for use in reservoir
simulators; engineers involved with exploration and development of oil and gas
reservoirs; anyone wishing to gain the best insight into and obtain the most value
from their geo-spatial data.
Content of the program:
* What is geostatistics, and how does it change our appreciation of familiar
tasks and tools?
* How geostatistics aids in understanding trends in spatial data-sets:
* Classical multivariate statistics
Conditional distributions
* Direct simulations
* Variogram analysis
* Modelling anisotropy
* Understanding the effects of scale:
* Heterogeneity and discontinuity
* Data scale versus modelling scale
Upscaling for efficient modelling
* Allowing for spatial trends in gridding & contouring:
Honouring data or minimising errors
* Using kriging to make better maps
* Making use of new data:
* Bayesian and geo- statistics;
* History matching
* Sequential / Indicator simulation
* Quantifying uncertainty:
How geostatistics includes methods for uncertainty qualification
Using Monte Carlo and other stochastic simulations
The course aims to provide knowledge of how to apply the various tools known
as geostatistics, using both readily available software and more specialist
Learning, methods and tools:
The emphasis is on practical application and understanding of context over a
consideration of the mathematics. The course includes using software for
worked exercises, which give a practical introduction to what is available as well
as providing useful tools to take back to the workplace.
Reserves Assessment and Management
By Peter E. M. Haalebos, 4 days
Business context:
Petroleum resources represent a significant part of the Upstream assets of an oil
company and form the basis for its current and future activities. For governments, the
resource base is extremely important for the national energy supply and demand plan and
their revenues.
Reserves are important to different people for different purposes. Internally the resource
base is being used for the opportunity portfolio and for estimating future cash flows.
Externally reserves are related to the growth potential and future health of an enterprise
and are of prime interests to shareholders, potential investors or other financial
This requires proper rules , a common vocabulary and trust to communicate.
The above demands knowledge, skills and a common language with well defined
definitions and classifications as a prerequisite for the communication between the
different parties.
Who should attend:
The course will be of value to all those in E&P who are dealing with reserves and who are involved
in reserves estimation and for those who want to understand the essence of the Upstream Oil &
Gas business.
The objectives of the course are to:
* Understand the resource volume estimation process
* Understand the reservoir parameters effecting the HC's initially in place.
* Understand the International Petroleum Resource classification system and reserves
* understand the difference between deterministic and probabilistic reserves estimation.
* understand the importance of reserves reporting.
* understand the financial implications.
* understand the importance of Reserves Management and Governance.
Content of the programme:
* Introduction to Petroleum Resource- Volume Management.
* Resource Volume estimation
* Reservoir parameters
* Reserves definitions
* Petroleum Resource Classification-System
* Deterministic and probabilistic estimation
* Volumetric and Performance based reserves estimation
* Opportunity evaluation
* Reserves reporting
* Financial implications
* Petroleum Resource Management & Governance
Petroleum Resources Volume Management
By: Peter E.M. Haalebos Msc.,
Business context:
Petroleum resources represent a significant part of the Upstream assets of an oil
company and form the basis for its current and future activities. For governments the
resource base is extremely important for the national energy supply and demand plan
and their revenues. Reserves are important to different people for different purposes.
Internally the resource base is being used for the opportunity portfolio and for
estimating future cash flows. Externally reserves are related to the growth potential
and future health of an enterprise and are of prime interests to shareholders, potential
investors or other financial organizations. This requires proper rules , a common
vocabulary and trust to communicate.
The above demands knowledge, skills and a common language with well defined
definitions and classifications as a prerequisite for the communication between the
different parties.
Business context:
Exploration and Production is one of the main pillars of the Petroleum Industry.
It is also known as the Upstream Business. Major changes in the last 15 years
have necessitated significant shifts in the business strategies to optimize
profitability and maintain growth.
Focus is presently on a variety of very risky global opportunities, costs reduction
and efforts to access substantial proven undeveloped reserves.
HC Resource Volumes are important to the portfolio of investment
opportunities, the growth potential and future health of an enterprise . For
governments it is paramount for their national energy supply, demand and
Fundamentals of Petroleum Economics & Decision Analysis
for Engineers & Geoscientists
By Omowumi O. Iledare Ph.D.
Seminar Contents
! Economics perspectives on petroleum resources,
reserves and production
! Global petroleum supply and pricing understanding the
structure and key players
! Elements and determinants of international oil and gas
investment decisions
! The global oil and gas industry dynamics: challenges and
opportunities under risk and uncertainty
! Contemporary issues and problems underlying global
petroleum business performance.
Strategic Management and Organization Learning in E&P
By: Drs. P.E.M. Haalebos, Drs. E.D. van Riessen, 5 days
Business context:
Exploration and Production (E&P) is one of the main pillars of the Petroleum
Industry. It is also known as the Upstream Business. Major changes in the Oil and
Gas business environment in the last 15 years have necessitated significant shifts
in the business strategies to obtain growth. Focus is presently on a wide variety of
very risky global opportunities (requiring large investments), pressure to reduce
costs, efforts to obtain access to additional substantial proven undeveloped
reserves and the creation of new organizational structures.
This requires the presence of necessary knowledge and skills at all levels in the
organization, and well managed learning to deliver what has been committed and
to get the organization in shape for tomorrow.
Course content:
* The position of prospect appraisal within the organization
and in the context of the E&P decision process.
* How to define uncertainties, standard presentation of risks,
and the use of expectation curves.
* From intuitive to formal approaches: application of the latest
concepts and technology in prospect appraisal.
* Quantitative models in geology.
* Quantification of world-wide exploration experience.
* Principles of Bayesian statistics, and its application in
prospect appraisal.
* Choice of an appraisal model depending on the type of
target, and on the available information.
* Interpretation and use of results of a probabilistic estimate.
Interaction with petroleum engineering and economics.
Accounting for economic cut-off values in the presentation of
the appraisal results.
* Testing validity of a system: comparison of prediction and
drilling results.
* Use of economic yardsticks such as: Expected Monetary
Value, Investment Efficiency and Value of Information.
Interdependencies amongst prospect in the context of
planning an exploration campaign.
HSE Management in Operations
By: Ing. J. Kalff, 5 days
Business context:
HSE Management in Operations is required in many areas not only as part of
Corporate Objectives but also to meet the standards set by the legislators. HSE
critical installations require a specific HSE case to demonstrate that all
significant risks are managed. In general the EP Companies will have to give
assurance to the legislator that: hazards associated with the asset and its
operation have been fully identified and are properly managed, the assets being
operated have been designed and are being operated to meet known HSE
criteria, the methods employed to manage risks have been systematically
identified and controls and verification processes have been applied, the
quality of the methods are being continually assessed and improved by a
systematic programme of performance monitoring, audit and review.
This course will address these requirements in detail to give the participants a
good understanding of all the HSE issues in the Operational domain.
Environmental Waste Management Workshop
Business context:
Concern for environmental protection is essential for modern E&P operations.
Usually only one person of a company can attend specialist
conferences/courses abroad, while quite a few people who are really involved
can not make it. Therefore this on-site workshop has been developed.
Waste is not only the material disposed of or emitted, but also comprises
product losses; inventory excess; lost time and the cost of handling and
disposal. Waste is also opportunities lost by not looking at the life cycle of
materials and equipment and any downtime or expenditure resulting from not
applying best HSE management practices.
Waste Management is not simply identifying effluents and wastes (in strict
sense) and then dealing with it; it is an operational management process
including Master Planning; dealing with the waste is only a single action.
Key decisions of the waste management process are: Inventorisation;
Characterization; Segregation; Prevention; Minimization; Treatment; Disposal.
HSE/Q Management Systems are needed to integrate waste management into
line operations.
The course content and duration of the workshop can be tailored on request
depending on level of awareness and data available.
Integrated Field Management
Business context:
All professionals involved in the appraisal and development of oil and gas
reservoirs should be aware that optimisation of economic recovery of
hydrocarbons requires careful management of the subsurface asset. This
optimisation process should start at the time of discovery of the oil &/or gas
resource. Comparing actual performance against plan is key to the
successful development of an oil or gas field. Without monitoring of
reservoir and well performance it is impossible to recognise the need for
corrective action, or to identify opportunities for increased recovery.
Reservoir monitoring and data gathering should be carefully planned taking
into account key reservoir uncertainties that are likely to impact reservoir
performance, the possible impact of new technologies on future
development options and, last but not least, the economic and other
business constraints faced by the Operator.
This course will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the
fundamentals of reservoir management and how reservoir management
can be used as a key business improvement tool.
Course content:
! Recovery mechanisms: Primary / Secondary / EOR
! Reservoir Characterisation & Modelling: Data requirements & data
acquisition. Prediction of reservoir performance
! Well bore and surface systems
! Performance monitoring and surveillance: Reservoirs / Wells
! Case histories
! Field development and planning: Operations, New technology, Data
management, Economics, Organisation.
Gas Chromatography Instrument Users, Maintenance &
Applications Workshop
Business Context:
Investment in capital instrumentation is only realized when the
equipment produces consistent and high quality results. No matter how
good the instrumentation this is only possible when the operator has had
comprehensive and detailed training and fully understands the
principles involved. Similarly the on-going cost of supporting the
equipment can be significantly reduced by ensuring that front-line
maintenance is performed at the appropriate stage. This course will
provide a rapid return on investment by producing an analyst who can
work more effectively and productively.
Target Audience:
GC instrument Operators, Laboratory Managers, Academic/Industry
professionals that use GC data.
Course Content:
The course is designed as a combination of theoretical work backed
up with real-life practical exercises. Attendees will be encouraged to
get “hands on” experience in running and maintaining a GC
instrument that will be available at the venue. Areas covered include:
· Principles of Hardware Design and Operation
· Detectors TCD, ECD, MS
· Optimizing the GC
· Running the GC
· Troubleshooting the GC
· Maintaining the GC
· Data Systems Chemstation & Atlas
· Principles of Analytical Data Interpretation
· GC Applications in Industry & Academic Research Oil & Gas,
Pharmaceutical, Food & Drink, Environment, etc.
Independent Consultant: Evaluations of complex clastic and
carbonate formations in the Southern North Sea for
Wintershall Noortdzee BV. The Netherlands.
Field studies and project management: Shell International
Exploration and Production, The Hague, The Netherlands
Project manager and technical consultant for major field
studies for Shell Nigeria, PDO and Shell Venezuela.
Maersk Oil and Gas, Compenhagen, Denmark Seconded to
work in the DUC joint venture based in Compenhagen.
Maersk were pioneers in the use of horizontal wells, which
involved the use of new special logging techniques and
interpretation methods for both open and cased hole
logging situations.
Shell Expro, London, UK played a leading role in the Forties and Fulmar re-
determinatons. The job called for high technical and commercial skills plus the
ability to present a sound technical case in submissions to independent experts.
Technology Development: Shell International Petroleum. Maatschapij, The Haag,
The Netherlands. The thrust of technology development was the dissemination of
methods and practices through the production of manuals and the development of
proprietary software. Project Manager for the development of the LOGIC
(developed in combination with Shell Oil Company) and PAGODA (developed in
combination with Schlumberger) computer systems.
Business Consultant and Account Management: Logica, Rotterdam, The
Netherlands After joining Logica in 1999, took over the position of senior account
manager for Shell Exploration and Production companies in the Netherlands and
other overseas locations. The relationship between Logica and Shell was
strengthened through the development of a global account team as well as the open
exchange of ideas as to how the relationship could be further developed towards a
partnership arrangement.
Business consultancy services included the analysis of several Shell production
forecasting systems in use around the world, to document their functionality and
map this against the user requirements of a new forecasting took it. Subsequently
the analysis was extended to interviews with other oil companies to identify
alternative methods and techniques to those used by Shell companies.
Bert Dijkhuis graduated as mining engineer at
the Delft Technical University. He worked initially
for Esso as process engineer at the refinery in
Rotterdam. Thereafter he joined Shell as well-site
petroleum engineer and as, operations
/production engineer in Nigeria, the Netherlands
and Trinidad. Thereafter he held many different
positions Nigeria, the Netherland, Venezuela and
Brunei, concluding his Shell carrer as Engineering
manager in 1991.Since end 1992 he has been
part-time associated professor at the Petroleum
engineering department of the Technical University Delft; in that time he
has also performed consulting jobs in Sarawak, for Siberia, Lithuania
and Tadjikistan. In addition he is active as workgroup convenor in the
International Standards Organisation (ISO).
Peter.E.M.Haalebos (1946) Graduated in
Geology at Leiden University -The Netherlands.
He joined Shell International Exploration and
Production Company in 1974 and worked as a
Production-Geologist specialist, Petroleum
Engineering manager and ultimately as a
Corporate Planning Manager in the UK, The
Netherlands, Nigeria, Malaysia and Egypt. In
2003 he started his independent consultancy on
business services related to Upstream Oil & Gas
business. As a result of working and living in
different parts of the world he enjoys the challenges of divers cultural
Dick Nieuwland (1950) graduated in geology at
Leiden University and did a PhD at the Research
School of Earth Sciences at the Australian National
University in Canberra. He joined Shell in 1979 and
worked as research geologist in structural geology
in the Shell research lab in Rijswijk, The
Netherlands. He then worked for Shell as
production geologist in Thailand and as chief
geologist in Turkey, thereafter resuming his carrier
as senior research geologist at Shell Research. In this position he was
responsible for technical advice in exploration and production; he
developed and gave in-house workshops and seminars for Shell and
for a number of State Oil Companies. Dick joined the Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam in 1999 where he is in charge of the sandbox modelling. In
1999 he founded NewTec, a consultancy company though which he
continues to be active in the E&P business.
Joseph van Oudenhoven (1942) graduated as
Civil Engineer at the Technical University of Delft.
After a first job with the United Nations he returned
to university and obtained degrees in
environmental sciences at IHE, Delft, and at
Harvard University. He joined Shell in 1973 and
advised Shell companies worldwide about
environmental affairs, especially related to water,
soil and oil spills. Later he became the
environmental coordinator for refineries. He was guest lecturer at IHE
and participated in many activities within CONCAWE (environmental
organisation European oil industry). Whilst working for Shell in Gabon,
he founded the 'Environmental Forum of the Oil industry in Gabon. He
ended his career with Shell in 1998 as head of 'Waste Management
Services and Treatment Technologies'. Since 1999 he is an
independent Environmental Adviser.
Evert Uitentuis (1951) graduated in geology at
Utrecht University in 1976. After a spell in the Dutch
army he joined Shell International Petroleum
Company in 1978. He worked in various functions
(petroleum engineer, production geologist,
petrophysical engineer, unitisations) in Oman, the
Netherlands, UK and Gabon. He completed his
career in Shell in 1999 as sub-surface coordinator
for an HPHT project in London. Evert is currently
active as technical consultant on short assignments for eg. Shell
Nigeria and preparing courses related to all aspects of Development
Arnold de Vries
After a PhD in theoretical physics and a few years
of working at the university of Groningen and of
teaching physics and mathematics at a technical
college, Arnold joined Shell E&P Research in the
department of Recovery Processes. He stayed for
thirty years, punctuated by an operational
assignment in the Middle East. His interests were
EOR processes and of unconventional resources
like oil shales and coalbed methane. He
constructed most of the parts of Shell's in-house reservoir simulator that
deal with EOR processes (thermal like steam and in-situ combustion,
fractured reservoirs, chemical floods). The last five years he consulted
on and screened difficult reservoirs for optimising ultimate recovery.
To make an initial reservation for any course, please complete
the registration form and mail or fax to:
Oil & Gas Academy (Nigeria). Oil & Gas Academy (UK)
42 Mini-Ezekwu Street 133 Blackburn Street
Eliada Layout, Rumuogba Salford M60 1WP
P.O. Box 6056 P.O. Box 4164
Port Harcourt 500001 United Kingdom
Nigeria Tel.: +44 (0) 1618323832
Tel.: +234 (0) 8033132187 Fax: +44 (0) 1618323832
Fax: +234 (0) 84461527 Email: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
1. There are only a limited number of places 2. Course fees cover tuition, course notes,
in each course, so early indication of lunches and teas/coffees. Attendees are
interest, e.g. by completing the expected to make their own
registration form is very important. To accommodation arrangements.
firmly book a place, the respective course
fee shall be paid not later than 4 weeks 3. Payment of fees shall be by bank transfer
before commencement of the course. or through bank draft made payable to:
There shall be no refund of fee in respect Oil & Gas Academy
of reservation cancellation received after
two weeks prior to the respective courses’’ Our bank details will be available to those who
starting date. are interested in remitting funds directly.
Course No./Title:
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