Siebel Interview Questions

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The key takeaways are that there are different types of tables like base tables, extension tables, EIM tables, and intersection tables. The document also discusses data tables, repository tables, and interface tables.

The different types of tables in Siebel are base tables, extension tables, EIM tables, and intersection tables.

The different types of columns in Siebel are data (public), data (private), denormalized, extension, and system columns.

What are different types of Tables?

There are 4 types of tables in siebel

1) Base Table (Ex: s_contact, s_user)

2) Extension table ( Ex: s_contact_x)

3) EIM tables

4) Intersection Tables (Ex: s_org_bu)

There are 3 types of tables

1. Data tables(Organization,Transaction,Seed)
2. Repository tables(Contains object definitions)
3. Interface tables(EIM)

Posted by: Jyoti Dogra

Contact Jyoti Dogra

Base Tables
Extension Tables
EIM Tables
Intersection Tables
Repository Tables

Posted by: Jignasha

Contact Jignasha

Data (Intersection)
Data (Private)
Data (Public)
Database View
Extension (Siebel)
External View
EAI Adapter
Journal (Data)
Journal (Intersection)
Virtual Table

What are the different types of Columns.

Columns: 1.Data (Public), 2.Data (Private), 3.Denormalized, 4.Extension, 5.System

How do you recognise that a particular table (Base table ) can be extended?

If the table property is Private, then we can not extend the table. If it is Pubilc, we can.

What is implied Join. Where do we find it ?

Join between two Tables. Join Object defines The Relationship Between

a Bc and atable.Join allows Bc to get Column from table rather then basetable.

In Mvg Applet we can find the join, It uses Forign key to get the Row.

When do we go for BC level user properties

When we need to set or reset the properties at runtime.

If we have requirement to apply the Business Component (BC) user properties

functionality to all the applets of that particular BC. Then we go for BC level User

How do you import List of Values?

Depends on any Hierarchies, but using EIM_LST_OF_VAL(for EIM load) import parents
first then children, otherwise you will receive failure message

What is the difference between EIM and EAI?

EIM : It is batch mode Integration. When data valume is large then we have to go to EIM

EAI : It is real time Integration. When data valume is small then we have to go to EAI
What is the difference between Join and Link?


(i)It defines M:1 relation between a field in BC to the Column in table.

(ii)Source Field is the Foreign key field in BC while Destination column is the Primary Key
column in Table.


(i)It defines 1:M relation between a field in parent BC to the field in the child BC.

(ii)Source Field is the Primary Key field in Parent BC while Destination Field is the
Foreign Key field in child BC.

How do you set up employees in Siebel?

The Employee is also a USER who must be assigned with a valid position. Since the
Position maps to the Division which in turn maps to a Organistion the Data visibility is
maintained through this position and the Responsibility of the user.

1.Navigate to Administration Users -> Employees

2.Create a new record in appliaction specifying userid,responsibility,position.
3.create this user in Database.
4.Then login to application with this userid.It should be able to login

What are Pre defined Queries?

Pre Defined queries are some thing which helps us to navigate directly to particular screens
or views. it helps in accessing the screens or views in faster manners

PDQ's are queries that are fired when we navigate to a particular view if there is a pdq
defined on any of the applets present in that view.It can be specific to users i.e private or
general i.e. public.It is stored in the user preference file.
It improves the performance by lim iting the amount of data being retrieved in the
particular applet
Posted by: Pushkar

Contact Pushkar

PDQs are set up at the Business Object level.When you set a PDQ at the BO level under
Administration ->Application,it is available to all the views using that BO.It can be made
public and available to all the users or made private.

What is an extension table and how is it related to base table?

Extension table may be 1:1 realation table to the base table or a 1:M
relation to the base table.

1:1 extension table and the base table are logically considered as a single

Par_row_id will be the foriegn key.

what is the link specification

Link spec uses parent type default values & gets the value for the child record

What does Business Component User Mode indicate

Business Component User Mode specifies the Visibility setting for the BC. Like "All",
"Personal", "Manager", "Organisation"

What is All Mode Sort?

This property determines whether or not siebel will override the sort specification and if so
determines the sort that will be applied to the BC for All or Manager's view. The values are

NORMAL --uses BC defined sort specification

True --Overrides the BC osrt and Uses the U1 index
False - Removes all sorting.

When you have Pre Default Value and Post Default value for a Field, which one will be
stored in the Database.

Pre Default Value will be defaulted when new record is created. Post Default Value will be
defaulted if there is no value specified for the field. so, Pre Default Value will be stored in
the Database. harsha: you can add quistions by clicking the hyperlink on the above bar
"Ask Quistion".

Whenever a record gets created Predefault value takes prescedence and get sets, however
suppose if you now blank out that value and step off the record Post default value will be
set on that field.So postdefault value get sets when you actually save the record and field
should be blank

How do you specify a view to be displayed as aggregate view in Siebel 7.7?

when adding view to screen specify the type as aggregate view.But Before that you should
create the parent category.then add this parent category to aggregate view.

Parent category for Aggregate view is not required. If there is a parent category for an
aggregate view, then aggregate view will appears as a link in the view drop-down list in
applet headers, or it will appears as a link in the link bar below screen tabs.

Why do we use Symbolic Strings in Siebel 77?

n Siebel the text that is displayed on the screens and views are stored in the repository and
compiled to an SRF file. This includes the names of every screen, views and fields. When
you display a page the server uses the SRF file to determine which fields to show and what
test (strings) are associated with each fied. This model of keepijng the strings from the view
definition is called symbolic strings.

Reduces the redundancy
Simplifies maintenance because only you have to maintain one string for a given Term
Reduces the localization costs, Time and inconsistences.

this is used to refrence the object with common name across the application.

what is horizontal and vertical in siebel?

Siebel Hrozontal application is general to every industry. where as Vertical is specific to a

industry. such as eAutomobile, eInsurance, eBanking etc.

What is the "Parent Category" property for a Screen View?

This Parent Category specifies the view heading for a bunch of views related. the views
belongs to this Parent Category will be shown as View Tabs below the master applet.

What is the function of SWSE on the Web Server? what is it?

SWSE(Siebel Web Server Extension)'s function is to accept the siebel requests and pass it
on to Gateway server where the server manager decides, to which siebel server component
should this request go.

Receives and parses inbound HTTP requests from Web clients

Creates and manages TCP connections to the Siebel Servers or Load Balancer (if
Routes requests to the appropriate Siebel Server components

Posted by: Vepuri Premkumar

Contact Vepuri Premkumar

Receives and parses inbound HTTP requests from Web clients

Creates and manages TCP connections to the Siebel Servers or Load Balancer (if
Routes requests to the appropriate Siebel Server components

Is it possible to have multiple database servers for one gateway server.?

YES, But it needs multiple enterprise servers, for multiple database. As not more than one
database, could be added to an enterprise server, these inturn could be connected to a
single Gateway Server

When do we go for Dynamic PickList and for Pick Applet?

We go for Dynamic Picklists When we want to update joins( as normally joins are not
updatable). We go for a pick applet when we choose a dynamic picklist. Pickapplets help
you het the whole list applet of the Bc whose field is joined to the parent. Where as in static
picklist you can only choose from predefined values but cant update with any other values.

When do you use Property Sets in Siebel.?

Property Sets are the Hierarchical structures of Variable Names and Values. These
Property Sets can be used in Workflow processes Parameters or for any input or output
Parameters in scripting.
Ex: var input = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();

var output = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();

after this we can store sets of Variables and their values.

When do you use "CanInvoke(False/True)" method in scripting.?

We use it before invoking a method in PreCanInvoke Event and verify a condiation. Based
on the result, we can make the method Invoke =True/False. It is just like validating a
condition before invoking the method.

We use this method to disable or enable a button on the applet

Why do you need Primary in MVG?

A Primary creates a M:1 realtionship b/w the Parent and the Child record.

Thus it increases the performance by allowing a single query using the SQL join to display
both the Parent and the Child records in parent Applet.

Without primaries, each MVG needs a separate query to display a child record in the
parent Applet. With Primary, using a single query,you will be able to diaply both the
parent and the child records.

What is foreign key table in Siebel?

Foreign key table is the property for a column in the table. it specifies for a column from
which table this reference has been came.

What is the difference between Links and Multi Value links?

Link is used for Master Detail View of two BCs. where as MVL is used to view the child
records using MVG. MVL uses Link to get the records from the child BC.

What is Siebel Admin Mode View? How to Create this?

Admin Mode property set to TRUE in View object definition.

Admin Mode view overrides the property of Business component. This view allow the user
to do update,insert,delete etc. which may not be available in other view of same BC.
Because admin mode view overrides the No update, No insert ,No delete BC property. used
for administration purpose
What is the use of the indirect multivalue link and how do you configure it?

use of indirect MVL.

consider there are 3 bus comps. in that say there is no relation ship between the 1st and 2nd
bus comp and there is relation ship between 2nd and 3 rd bus comp. but some fields are
necessary from the 2nd bus comp. it will be fetched through the relationship from 1st and
3rd bus comp. this is called indirect MVL.

Whats the difference between siebel 7.5 and 7.8? if we upgarde the application to 7.8 from
7.5 what are the areas we need to give importance from QA(Testing) point of view?

Various Areas are -->

1. Workflows to be activated

2. All server components ( including repeating component)

3. All Interfaces

4. Third party software integration ( Humming Bird, ChartWork Server, IBM-LDAP,

Actuate etc)

5. Actuate reports

6. Copy/Reprice Quote Functionality

7. Assignment Manager

These are the major area I believe.

How to call external webpage from siebel application?

This can be done through scripting..

For an example:

In preinvoke method for a button click,

will open a webpage for a given url in URLNAME variabl

What is applet toggle how many types are there?

Applet toggle identifies one or more alternate applets to use in displaying the data of a
business component.They are 2 types static and dynamic

What is detailed category in configuration,and its use?

In an application, we see a page tab let say Account. Below that we have let say My/My
Teams/All Accounts. Each has a form applet showing account name, address etc. Related to
this we have several tabs like account address, account profile?clicking on which show us
accounts detail in that specific area.

So the Account is Aggregate category. My /my teams/all is Aggregate View?These tabs

which will show details of Account is Detail Category. So any child object of a aggregate
category showing details of an entity is Aggregate category.

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